San Francisco, CA.
e-mail <deleted>

13th mailing 08-29-05

No responses received except for one, a one liner. The rest were auto-replies and one echo-back.  None sent besides this mailing number 13.  If you’ve received anything else it wasn’t from me.

Since I wrote my last letter I was sure the ‘mainstream media’ of this country, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, NPR, PBS etc. would bow to the inevitable and recognize the futility of ignoring the barrage of facts out there on the web detailing this government’s murderous crimes.  Motivated and encouraged by the enormous amount of excellent information available they would begin to investigate our nation’s leaders and what they have done to this country.

I was wrong.

I no longer find it remarkable that the U.S.’s ‘mainstream media’ still adamantly refuse to investigate the real motives behind 911. Perhaps they consider 911 a fait a’compli and therefore not worth their attention.  Perhaps they feel the deaths of those 3,500 Americans should only serve our elite’s pious exhortations of obedience to lay down our lives for an endless series of causes that have already proven to be untrue. Perhaps the U.S. media really don’t care about their reputations.  Perhaps it’s just a matter of a paycheck to them.

What I do find remarkable however, and to be quite honest, unbelievably absurd is their lack of coverage regarding our governments continued and on-going malfeasance in the “war on terror”.

Given the overwhelming evidence, the thousands of letters, e-mails, blogs and foreign newspaper articles generated every day uncovering this administration’s lies one would think sheer embarrassment or perhaps a residual sense of morality would have impelled these “institutions of the forth estate” to do their duty.  As has been the case for far to long however they have shown obedience only to their corporate obligations rather then the people, their readers and the citizens of this country, whom they are supposed to serve.

It’s almost as if they still don’t realize there’s something out there called the world wide web, that people can actually get on it, and use it to discover the truth.

Using a few of the articles I’ve collected and an old 33k dial-up modem I obtained the following web sites in less then 90 minutes.  Think of what you could do with a high-speed line and a few hours.

NOTE : I have no connection with any of the sites listed below, nor do they with me. Simply consider them as annotations supporting what I’ve written and an encouragement for you to do your own research.

Specific Articles

Main Web Sites

If you are a regular viewer or reader of the ‘mainstream media’ and discover it’s the first time you’ve read about these issues, ask yourself why?

The U.S. media’s lack of coverage regarding our government’s past and current crimes is of course an important issue. It is a moral imperative to bring all the people to justice in the U.S. who helped facilitate 911, those wonderful, brilliant individuals who ‘somehow’ so ‘fortuitously’ pre-positioned themselves to make money off of it, the ones who exploited it as a reason de’ettra to launch a war on the rest of the world.

 However I am well aware that tens of millions of my fellow citizens along with the ‘mainstream’ US media would consider this belief to be a personal failing. That at best it’s simply an eccentricity for someone to feel this way, at worst it’s a sign of insanity.

But ALL of you, EVERYONE OF YOU should ask yourself this question.  Would the US’s media warn us of upcoming terrorist ‘events’?

Obviously our media would report information of an impending attack to the ‘proper’ authorities, whoever they would be.  But would our media tell us if these authorities took any action

Like our authorities, our ‘mainstream’ media has so far shown a complete and utter inability to ‘follow the money’ especially when it might lead to any of the powerful or wealthy in our society or even to foreign countries like Saudi Arabia. Would our media expose issues, evidence, preparations, unauthorized FBI, CIA or NSA leaks, or warnings, of another attack to help prevent one; if by so doing they endangered the profits of, or would cause embarrassment to, the powerful few. Or would they remain silent as they have for the last four years and let another ‘event’ take place?

And if such an ‘event’ were to happen again would our ‘mainstream” media try to salvage what little remains of their credibility as the New York Times tried to do when it printed it’s mea culpa.  An insipid apology of how they were “fooled” by our leader’s lies and falsehoods in the run-up to the Iraq war?

Or would any of them even bother?

By their silence, most of our ‘mainstream’ media have become the enablers, abettors, and facilitators of the absolute evil that has corrupted this nation.  They are as much to blame for this evil as the current administration they so obviously support.

So ask yourself this question. Given what’s gone on for the last four years, what’s more important to our wealthy elites and the media empires they operate; their money; or your lives?

Every time you buy a ‘mainstream’ newspaper, every time you listen to a ‘mainstream’ broadcast, every time you speak to a ‘mainstream’ reporter, never forget that question.

Never ever forget.

So in an effort to provide a little more clarity about what’s to happen over the next four years, I decided to conduct a second interview with Mr. Reficul.  Enjoy.


It was midday, the hottest it had ever been in Arizona. The sun was blazing down out of the clear blue sky, not an animal was stirring in the midday heat, not a mouse or a rabbit, not even a bird. Nothing moved in the baking hot emptiness but me, and I was cold with fear, for I was about to meet the man America had chosen to follow, the real power behind the throne of the American Empire. Mr Nellaf Legna Reficul

I stared up at Mr Reficul’s airy perched on a massive red rock formation three hundred feet above me as I considered whether to meet him. After summoning up what little courage I had left, I got back into my car and proceeded up the twisty hairpin single lane road that led to the back of the immense structure Mr. Reficul called home.

Mr. Reficul greeted me at the door to his foyer as impeccably dressed and immaculately groomed as when we last met and welcomed me courteously across the threshold into his home.

He seemed even more immeasurably pleased with himself then he had during my first interview with him. As we had during that prior meeting we retired to his immense living room with its stunningly glorious panorama of the Arizona desert, the city of Phoenix and the distant mountains beyond to conduct our second interview.

He began by offering some refreshments, which as I had before, I politely declined. I could never explain to myself why I refused to take advantage of his hospitality except for a feeling of unease that always overcame me when I thought to do so.

I started with a general question. “Well Mr Reficul you must be pleased with the outcome of the most recent election?”

“Oh I’m delighted” He replied, “I always knew the American people would vote for their best interests, they always have in the past with only a few notable exceptions.”

“So you’re happy with the war in Iraq, with the way this administration is currently managing this country’s affairs?” I replied.

“Of course” he said as he beamed at me with pride and satisfaction, “my friends in Texas have done everything I’ve asked of them, my oil profits are way up, the shares of the defense and oil companies I own have sky rocketed, I’m making more money hand over fist then I’ve ever made before, as I told you I would when we last met, “ he paused, with an expression of anticipation, “and there’s so much more to come.”

“I was a little disappointed of course” he continued with a look of concern, “when they started talking about this ‘freedom and democracy’ business, but after a little coaching Bush went right back to the game plan, followed the script, and emphasized the ‘war on terror’.  I mean really,” he said with disgust, “what would have happened to my arms business for the next ten years if we didn’t have a continuous ‘war on terror’? How could we maintain control of the U.S. population without a reason for renewing the Patriot Act? By the way,” he said with a gleam in his eye, and a knowing smirk” how did you like the London bombings, the way they occurred two weeks prior to the Patriot Act renewal and three weeks before the British Security Act renewal. Now wasn’t that ‘fortuitous’?”

I looked at him in disbelief. “Mr. Reficul you don’t mean to tell me….” “Nothing” he interrupted me abruptly, while giving me a warning glance, “absolutely nothing” he said again as he leaned forward to get my attention, and said sternly. “Remember this word of advice for your future plans kid, never ever do anything directly, always use intermediaries, preferably with as many intervening layers, third parties, cut-outs, patsies, etc you can possibly have. Always preserve ‘plausible deniability’ and never ever tell anyone what actually occurred. But you can hint.” He finished with a sly wink and a smile as he leaned back in his chair. “Just like my friend Dick did when he said before the last elections, ‘if you don’t vote Republican there will be another terrorist attack.”

Stunned for a brief moment I paused to collect myself and asked, “So what’s going to happen to Iraq now?”

“War,” he said as he smiled savagely, “continuous, beautiful, profitable, delicious, endless war. So far everyone is doing what they’re supposed to do, the Saudis are supplying the foreign resistance in Iraq to keep ‘the pot bubbling’ and help divide any national resistance movements as I told you they would at our last meeting,” he looked at me, I nodded my head in assent. “We do have the problem of that stupid Moqtada al-Sadr running around saying he wants a nationalist not a federalist government. We can’t have that; it could lead to a national resistance movement. Who would have figured a Shi’ite helping to hold Iraq together with the Sunnis,” Mr Reficul wondered bemusedly, “but you don’t have to worry about him, something ‘fortuitous’ will happen to him.”

“Admittedly all this ‘bubbling’ is causing a shortfall in oil production from Iraq but that’s why we and our Saudi friends are getting such high prices for our products, not to mention the enormous profits we’re reaping from our mutual interests in our various defense contractors”

With an upraised eyebrow, he asked, changing the subject abruptly, “have you ever heard about Corcoran prison?”

I’ve heard about it, there was some sort of scandal there if I recall,” I replied, “why do you ask?”

“Because it’s an excellent example of our strategy in Iraq, the Middle East, in fact,” he paused for a moment, “our strategy throughout the entire world. Always, always, always ‘divide an conquer’” He stated, with complete firmness. “The scandal in Corcoran was caused because of those stupid bleeding heart liberals. The whole thing was blown all out of proportion.  All that happened was the guards wanted to have a little playtime with the prisoners, teach them what low life’s and garbage they really were. Understand of course they weren’t able to have as much fun as some of the guards did in Abu Ghraib, making snuff movies and all, but they still had a good time.”

“You see after a few years in our prison system, … how should I put this…” he paused while he reflected on what to say, “after being subject to the lovely environment we created, the prisoners would become ‘improvised’ in body, mind and spirit.  We would break them you see. Our methods of control could be less refined, made to be more ‘simple’ so to speak. It was at this point that the guards would have a little fun. They would take a prisoner from one gang put him in a courtyard with another from a rival gang and encourage them to fight to the death. If they didn’t fight, the guards would simply shoot them. It would remind me of the glorious days of the Roman coliseum” he finished wistfully.

“But can you believe for simply having a little relaxation time” Mr. Reficul said with a frown of disapproval,” some of these guards were actually arrested?  How silly can you get?  It goes to show how many bleeding hearts we have in this country. Luckily the juries that were selected acquitted almost every one of the guards exactly as they did for the jailers in charge of Abu Ghairab. Now we get to use these same wonderful techniques on an entire country.”

“We play Sunnis against Kurds, Kurds against Shi’ites, Shi’ites against Sunni. Anybody gets out of line and misbehaves we kill them. They don’t do what we tell them to do we kill them. All the while we keep playing one group against another while our solders remain in their fortified bases.  After awhile everyone becomes real cooperative.”

“Ah” Mr. Reficul said with a contemplative expression, ”you should have seen some of the videos from Abu Ghairab, what was done to some of those young men before they finally died was sublime.”

“The Moslems are so easy to ‘play’,” he continued sighing contentedly while gazing at the distant desert mountains, “We’ll divide the whole middle east eventually by playing the Sunni countries off against the Shi’ite.  That’ll make everything run predictably and smoothly for the Saudis and us for the next ten years, and provide another pretext to attack Iran.  After that war is over we’ll just pick up the remaining pieces.”

“Think about it, we’ve been planning this thing of ours for almost two decades. It’s been so easy to play off these religious fanatics against each other, and not just theirs either.” He said, as he turned to look at me “I mean twenty years ago when the Bush family got together with the Saudis we in the U.S. started, centralizing, organizing and financing the Christian Right. While at the same time the Saudis started training, financing, organizing and centralizing the extremist Wahabbisits in their country and the Middle East.  They get their fanatics to support their policies; we get ours to support ours; everyone’s happy” he finished contentedly.

Needless to say everyone will assert it’s all just a coincidence, just a ‘fortuitous circumstance’, just an accident of chance that Bush Senior, head of the CIA twenty years ago developed this ‘special’ relationship with the Saudis for which he and his family’s members are now receiving their enormous and justly earned rewards, along with me of course.” Mr. Reficul paused, and looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. “I just love America, just imagine the American Christians helping me, of all people, by sacrificing their own sons and daughters to make me fabulously wealthy and allowing me to enjoy such delicious treats as those videos from Abu Gharib, there really is justice in the world after all, let me tell you.”

The only problem I have is some of the Christians are talking to much,” he said irritably.  “We’ve already begun the buildup in South America and are getting set to go after Venezuela as I said we would,” he paused and looked at me, I nodded my head a second time in assent  “Yet we’ve got loud mouths like Pat Robertson running around spilling the beans. Who the heck does he think he is saying we’re going to assassinate the Venezuelan president Chavez? Of course we’re going to, but now he’s made it truly difficult.” He finished with a look of anger. “Guys like that deserve what happened to Gary Webb, the jerk who worked for the San Jose Mercury news and spilled the beans on the CIA’s program to use drug money to help support the contra’s. He truly got what he deserved,” Mr. Reficul finished with a satisfied look.
 “But what about the people of Iraq and the rest of the Middle East, what about the U.S. military,” I stuttered inanely.

Mr. Reficul looked at me as if he had just bit into something sour; I guess he’d finally gotten impatient with my naiveté. “Look kid,” he said disdainfully” I invited you here because I thought you were smart, I thought you wanted to be a ‘player’, to teach you how the world works and here you are thinking like an idiot and asking stupid questions. I’m beginning to believe I’ve wasted my time.”

I tried to look abashed while I came up with a clever response, and felt relieved as I thought of one. Looking concerned I stated. “Well it’s not that I care about the casualties Mr. Reficul, or the people who are dying it’s just that your plans could be endangered be the growing anti-war movement and the low opinion polls Bush is receiving because of the carnage.”

“Ha Ha Ha” Mr. Reficul leaned back in his chair laughing so hard I thought he was going to fall over. “The anti-war movement,” he said with contempt,” those wimps, those dummies, you’ve got to be kidding me. They and the opinion polls are just crud, you know what Bush’s approval ratings were right after 911?” he asked sharply.

I shook my head no.

“90%, that’s what they were” he replied, “and they’ll be the same again after the next terrorist incident, which let me assure you will be a big one.  After that we will,” he said the next with a particularly venomous expression,” get rid of all those ‘peace-niks’ permanently.”

I asked with a measure of foreboding “How do you know we’ll have another ‘big one’?”

“Because this country need’s to be motivated to go after Iran.” He said curtly.

“And when will this country be ‘motivated’?” I inquired worriedly.

“Before the election next year,” he replied assuredly, “the economy will be heading into a recession by then as the housing market slows down and we’ll be able to afford the extra cost of a war by dropping the interest rates. If not by then it’ll happen prior to the next presidential election three years from now. After all, we’ve run this scenario practically every ten years.”

“We have?” I asked with surprise.

“Sure” Mr. Reficul replied with relish, “You yourself pointed out how our ambassador to Iraq practically invited Saddam into Kuwait in ’92 right? Exactly when the economy was having a little trouble, not so?”

“Yes” I said hesitantly.

“That was a great little war, we made a ton of money on that one too, it was a little short but you can’t have everything” he said happily, “and around ’82 good ol’Ronnie did a number on our ‘friend’ Noriaga after the poor little guy helped us out so much running drugs for Iran-Contra, hee-hee, betch’a Noriaga didn’t see that one coming” He chortled, “along with our invasion of Granada, our weapons build-up in Europe and the US troops we put into Lebanon, we made a lot of money from our defense contractors during those days.”

“Yeah I remember those incidents,” I agreed with dawning understanding.

“We would have started a nice war during the early ‘70’s but those pesky peace-niks and their bleeding heart congressman got in our way, all because the US lost a lousy 57,000 guys in Vietnam, hells bells what a bunch of cowardly weaklings!  That’s why we had to take over the U.S.’s mass media market during the ‘80’s and ‘90’s and came up with the concept of the “imbedded”, hee-hee,” he chuckled, “I should say ‘in-bed-with’ reporters for the Iraq war.  We had to make sure nothing like that ever happened again. And of course for those that weren’t ‘in-bed’ with us in Iraq, let me say with some satisfaction they personally experienced an unusually high rate of attrition, and still do to this very day.” He said with a smirk.

“Then of course we started Vietnam around ‘62, now there was a magnificent, beautiful war,” he waxed nostalgically” We made so much money off our defense contractors during Vietnam it would shock you and we managed to stretch it out for ten glorious years despite the fact we couldn’t control the media.  I really liked that war.” He said looking wistfully at the panorama of the desert, ”It was a near thing though, that schmuck Kennedy was having second thoughts early on about the wisdom of the war tell my Texas boys showed him a little Texas hospitality.”

“Johnson was much more compatible with our goals” Mr. Reficul continued, “he complied with our wishes regarding the war, but he was so stupid about everything else, imagine, he actually tried to fund the war while giving money to poor people at the same time. For hell’s sake what a stupid idea, he should have done the smart thing like Bush did, fund the war while giving the tax dollars to us, the wealthiest 1% who have done so much for this country.  If Johnson had done that, we might have selected him for reelection.”

I sat stunned by the simplicity of Mr. Reficul’s revelations, realizing that there wasn’t a possibility in the world the US’s media didn’t know about this all along.  It was way to obvious.

So I asked Mr. Reficul “what’s to happen to America now”

“Profits for us of course, for the 1% who own this country. As for the 9% that help us run it, as long as they’re useful and productive we’ll give them a few crumbs, as for the rest, the other 90%,” he paused, “well if they obey us most will be allowed to live and maybe raise a family, if they’re good and well behaved that is”.

“You understand of course,” as he looked at me with an icy expression,” this country is mine now. It belongs to ME now. The people in this country worship money as their god and the wealthy of this country have very generously,” he paused again choosing his words carefully, and then continued, “contracted to give me everything that they are; or will ever be, even their children, even after death.  And I always collect what is due me,” he said with satisfaction, “ I always collect what I’m owed.”

“So” he said as he looked at me with interest, “Do you want to join our select little group?  You’d be one of the elites you know, one of the powerful able to obtain your heart’s desire and rise above the law, to fulfill your darkest fantasies, to be accountable to no one, or subject to any moral restraint.  You’d have a compliant press at your beck and call, to admire and forgive all of your errors no matter how egregious or obvious.  All you’d have to do is sign this little piece of paper just like all the others have done” as he said this he pulled a document out of his breast pocket and held it out to me.

I paused for a very long time while I considered his offer. During which Mr. Reficul looked at me expectantly. While he waited I remained frozen, unable to stretch forth my hand to take the contract, as I looked directly into his red tinted eyes I said, very politely “Mr. Reficul I thank you very much for your advice and insight, but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline your generous offer. I’m simply not made of the same cloth as you and your compatriots are. Although I wish you the best of luck Mr. Reficul, and I mean that, I really do. After all this country deserves someone like you to handle it’s affairs and I know you’ll continue to do so.”

“But” I continued with great sincerity, “Since this country has shown such a fervent desire to please you. Wouldn’t it be better to concentrate your efforts here, rather then abroad?  Couldn’t you leave Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America to their own devices?  After all so many people in this country admire you and model their behavior after yours.  So many here have already contracted with you.”

Mr. Reficul appeared for the briefest of moments to become insanely enraged, as he did so I experienced a sudden horrible sense of vertigo, then, as his expression swiftly changed to one of fatherly disapproval I just as suddenly regained my balance. He composed himself and with a calm but steely voice said. “You’re making a grave mistake my son, if your not with us you’re against us, and you know what happens to those who are against us don’t you?  As for your ridiculous suggestion to limit my wonderful influence solely to this country, why should I? It’s precisely because so many of the people in the rest of the world haven’t yet experienced the benefits of contracting with me that I need,” and when Mr. Reficul said the word need, a voracious predatory expression suffused his features, “to spread my beneficence throughout their lands.”

He then turned and looked at me with disgust and disappointment, “you’re fool to refuse such an offer and like many before you who’ve made such a grievous error, you’ll pay for your foolishness,” and with that Mr. Reficul stood up and stated coldly, “I would like you to leave now”

As he accompanied me to the entrance of his house he remained utterly silent.  With my legs trembling from fear I followed him across the gleaming black marble tiles of the floor toward the great bronze doors that marked the threshold between his domain and that of the world outside.

For a moment I thought they wouldn’t open, as they did a sense of relief flooded through me as I suddenly realized the narrowness of my escape. Practically leaping across the threshold into the blinding light, I turned to see Mr. Reficul staring at me balefully and with a hint of regret.  He didn’t cross the threshold with me or offer to shake my hand goodbye, perhaps because he knew I would refuse.  Mr. Reficul continued to look me as, without a touch from him, the great bronze doors swung shut to close before me with a hollow boom.

As I headed back toward my car I knew he was right.  This country belonged to HIM now.  There would be no redemption, no undoing of the awful evil this country was responsible for.  The millions of lives shattered and destroyed, the hundreds of thousands killed and maimed.

As I got into my broiling hot car all I could hear in the baking silence was Mr. Reficul laughing faintly in the distance. He sounded very pleased with himself.

End. MPG


12th mailing 06-06-05
al-Zarqawi, Al Qaeda the Media and the U.S.

As usual no replies received, none sent besides this mailing number 12.  If you’ve received anything else, it wasn’t from me.

Before I sat down to watch one of my favorite movies the other day, I saw two of our local “news” i.e. “fanciful infotainment” stations spewing the same identical doggerel about al-Zarqawi and Al Queda and literally gushing on and on about how the US was “saving” the poor Iraqi people from this evil monster.

If you’re seeing the same garbage on your TV just keep in mind the articles listed below and Mr. Reficul’s quote included in mailing number 10 from my first conversation with him, “our true friends the Saudis will continue to supply funds and resources to my agent provocateurs be they Al Queda or some new incarnation. They'll provoke more incidents to keep the pot bubbling [in Iraq].  Iran will be next, maybe the states in the Caspian basin, maybe Nigeria, perhaps Venezuela.  I'll have to come up with new groups for those countries.”

Articles #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5 detail how the Bush administration didn’t go after al-Zarqawi when it had SEVERAL chances to do so, this was done under direct orders from Bush himself. Please note that this failure was remarkably under reported by our news media.  Gee…… I wonder why?

Article #6 outlines how convenient this all was for the Bush administration’s policies. Note it also mentions how Rumsfeld backed off saying al-Zarqawi and al Qaeda were connected to each other after George Tennent head of the CIA issued a report saying there wasn’t any connection.  Didn’t Mr. Tennent also issue several other critical reports such as “a lack of WMD” a “pessimistic outlook on the war in Iraq”, etc., was later fired, the CIA purged, and he and his agency become the fall guy for the U.S.’s  “intelligence failures”? I wonder why? Hmmm.. it must be one of those “fortuitous circumstances” right?

Articles #7 and #8 both point out how al-Zarqawi and his band of merry men, the “Tawhid” were; and basically still are, a group completely separate and apart from Al Qaeda. The articles cover how al-Zarqawi was in Afghanistan where he presumably received some CIA support. How he hates the Shias and believes they are apostates. How he would serve as a perfectly good U.S. foil to “divide”, a unified Iraqi resistance by his continuous attacks against the Shias and thereby enable the U.S. to “conquer” all three ethnic groups in Iraq.  This is just another “fortuitous circumstance” of course, along with how our press keeps saying Al Qaeda when they really mean to say the Tawhid, Gee…… I can’t figure that one out.  Must be some sort of TV dubbing or voice over effect………… you think?

Article #9 even suggests that U.S. forces had captured al-Zarqawi AND THAN LET HIM GO.

What can I tell you; another terrorist with admittedly tenuous connections to the CIA (this time) one of whom we take every opportunity not to attack, one of whom we may even have actually captured and than let go. A person who the press has enlarged into this “BIG BAD MONSTER OUT TO GET US” a person who probably obtains his support from the Saudis (unconfirmed as of yet, I’m still researching) but is definitely a Sunni who believes that the Shias are apostates. A person who is incorrectly described as an “Al Qaeda terrorist” which the press, shuddering with fear, eyes bulging in terror states “may attack us at any time”.
Gee he sounds exactly like that “other” guy …. What was his name … Osama something, right?

Everyone should be grateful however that unlike Osama, the bin Ladens and the Saudis, al-Zarqawi doesn’t have a twenty to thirty year history of embarrassing connections between himself and the Texas Cabal and Bush family.

Wow I just realized what a.. dare I say it again; I just can’t help myself.. what a “fortuitous circumstance” that is.

Think about it. The U.S. government has already made preparations for a draft. This administration has cleared the decks by purging the C.I.A, the one organization that issued reports critical of their plans and the only one capable of standing in their way.  Rhumsfeld has now taken the reigns of power at the Pentagon. The economy may go into the tank under the increasing load of debt caused by this administration’s policies.

If there were another attack on U.S. soil, our current government would be able to pass an enabling decree much harsher then the Patriot Act, invoke the draft, blame any economic difficulties caused by their policies and mismanagement on the attack, and invade more countries,.. like Iran for instance.

Such an attack and subsequent invasion of Iran would strengthen the Saudis position and power in the Gulf, Bush’s position and power in the U.S. and of course would put the last remaining gulf state not under Bush’s control firmly in his hands.

Wow, now wouldn’t that be fortuitous?

As I’ve said in prior personal letters I’ve written more then two years ago, ”isn’t it interesting to see two such families who derive their wealth from the oil industry arrive at such a sympathetic understanding?”

By the way there are many, many, many other articles detailing this administration’s mendacity on these issues.
#1  Media Matters – the radio factor – Media largely silent on WSJ report – 11-15-2004
#2  Slate magazine – Why Bush let Iraq’s top terrorist walk – Daniel Benjamin – 10-29-2004
#3  Z – Know the Facts – Get the Source – Bush Failed to Attack Zarqawi  – From the Wall Street Journal – by Scott J Paltrow – 10-25-2004 – Page A-3
#4  Lycos Tripod – Bush Failed to Attack Zarqawi – From the Wall Street Journal – By Scott J Paltrow – 10-25-2004 – Page A-3
#5  NSNBC TV – Avoiding Attacking suspected terrorist master mind –
By Jim Miklaszewski – 03-02-2004
#6  Brush Tail Graphics – Is al-Zarqawi a false flag operator – Nick Possum – 07-01-2004
#7  CBS news – from the Weekly Standard – Who is Abu Musab al Zarqawi –
Written by Robert S Leiken & Steven Brook 05-18-2004
Published on Wednesday, March 3, 2004 by Knight-Ridder
Doubts Cast on Efforts to Link Saddam, al-Qaida
by Warren P. Strobel, Jonathan S. Landay and John Walcott
#9  Global Conspiricies dot Com – Saudi Suicide Bomber Claims Zarqawi was Captured, Then Released – by Alisha Ryu – 01-24-2005

End. MPG


11th mailing dated 04-12-2005 & 05-08-2005

As usual nothing received, nothing sent. So if you’ve received anything besides these mailings it wasn’t from me.

As you may have noted I’m mailing the complete document, what can I say.  I was advised not to set up a web site, so I’ve sent everything again.

Oh look here’s a quote from a factoid in the May 16th 2005 copy of the Nation.

“Despite the refusal of the Shah to rule out the possibility of Iran's developing nuclear weapons, the Ford Administration in 1975 approved the sale of up to eight nuclear reactors with fuel to Iran and, in 1976, approved the sale of lasers believed to be capable of enriching uranium. The Washington Post reported that an initially hesitant President Ford was assured by his advisors that Iran was interested only in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Ford's Defense Secretary [at the time] was Donald Rumsfeld, his Chief of Staff was Dick Cheney and his man in charge of nonproliferation efforts at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency was Paul Wolfowitz.”

Well, well, well, what do you know, I’m really surprised. No, no really I am, it’s the same darn people we keep hearing about, wow what a coincidence, they just keep turning up over, and over, and over again. It’s funny how our mainstream “press” doesn’t report these things.  These are the same guys who helped sell weapons to Iraq and then took the U.S. to war because they claimed Iraq still had them.

Isn’t that like killing both your parents and than throwing yourself on the mercy of the court because you’re an orphan?  

Hey you think they’ll take us to war against Iran too, for the same reasons?  Nah, can’t be, it just has to be one of those “fortuitous” circumstances right?

By the way guess what, in the last couple of weeks the commission charged with investigating 9/11 and finding out who funded the terrorists and facilitated their entry into the U.S. decided not to continue their investigation. Wow, what a surprise.  Just exactly what I said they would do in my 7th mailing dated 08-29-2004.  Geez I’m shocked, really I am.  Who would believe they would ignore the deaths of 3,500 Americans just because the election was over.  I guess they’re just like the U.S. press.  Think of that, all these amazing ‘fortuitous’ circumstances happening all at the same time.

So to make up for the lack of investigative prowess by the American press I decided to write this letter and conduct another interview with Mrs. Middle America.  Enjoy.

A Second Conversation with Mrs. Middle America

Filled with trepidation but with resolute determination I made my decision to return and conduct another interview with Mrs. Middle America.  With great difficulty I forced myself to go back to that nightmarish neighborhood of perfectly manicured lawns, perfectly maintained homes and perfectly dressed people.  Knowing what these people have done, knowing they believed and practiced the awful things Mr. Reficul said were good for this country.  I did it because I just had to know if anything had changed since I last interviewed Mrs. Middle America six months ago.

Not sure of my reception I first gave Mrs. Middle America a call to see how I would be received.  She sounded pleasantly surprised to hear from me again and agreed to another interview.

I arrived late that afternoon. After entering her home we exchanged the usual pleasantries, made ourselves comfortable on her living room chairs while we both sipped some tea and I proceeded to get my notes ready for the interview.

I began genially "Well Mrs. America what do you think about our recent Presidential election. And what's been happening to this nation for the last six months?"

"Oh things are fantastic", she cooed while her eyes sparkled brightly, "everything's going really well, we now have a great and glorious mandate to do all the wonderful things we have to do for this country and the rest of the world."

"Such as get those evil rotten terrorists" I asked?

"What do you mean?" she replied with a blank and vacuous look on her face.

"Well," …. I paused trying to collect my thoughts and said. "In my last interview you stated  'we had to protect ourselves from those evil terrorists, to go get them, all of them'.

"I did?" she replied with another blank look.

"Sure" I said feeling somewhat confused by her lack of recollection, so I showed her my notes.

"Oh no, no, no… of course that isn't what I meant, not at all.  You just misunderstood me," she stated in what she hoped was a reassuring tone of voice.  "What we're going to do is bring 'freedom and democracy' to the world, that's what I really meant."

"I see," I said looking utterly stunned. And stated tonelessly "So our reasons for what we've done, and will do, have changed," I paused for a very long moment, "again?"

"Of course they have my dear, to reflect the new global realities, that's what our wonderful and glorious president said in his inauguration speech." She replied with a radiant smile.

"I see," I repeated again feeling like a fool, "Let us both cover some of our nation's prior historical events so I can get this straight. Back before Bush Jr.'s dad, Bush Sr., served in his term of office, Bush Sr., his corporate pals, and his friends who were later appointed to his cabinet, sold Saddam weapons, including some of those 'awful' weapons of mass destruction'. Later when Bush Sr., actually served his term of office, his ambassador to Iraq in a conversation with Saddam, practically invited Saddam to invade Kuwait. Am I to understand that It's your contention the U.S. government did all of these things to promote 'freedom and democracy', is that right?'

"Yes of course that's the reason" She responded "So Bush Sr. and his cabinet made a little money, I already told you I don't care if they did. As regards to what our ambassador said, I never read anything about her 'inviting' Iraq to invade Kuwait. What does it matter anyway"?

"It matters because it's true" I replied "And you're right, you probably didn't read about it because the story was barely covered by our major newspapers, for some inexplicable reason they only carried it for a couple of weeks. Here's what's on the public record however. When asked about her conversation with Saddam in a congressional hearing she lied under oath and falsely stated the conversation had never occurred. Later when confronted with the secretly recorded tape Saddam had kept of their conversation she finally admitted she had told Saddam, 'the U.S. would have no opinion about the matter' when Saddam informed her of his intentions to invade.  This from the very ambassador who represented Bush Sr. and members of Bush's own cabinet who had 'befriended' Saddam, The very men who had encouraged and facilitated many of the companies who supplied Saddam with his weapons. Saddam trusted her statement, his relationship with Bush Sr. and Bush's corporate pals….. And acted accordingly."

"I really don't see the point of discussing this. If our newspapers didn't cover the story it obviously wasn't very important, now was it?" She replied while looking at me expectantly.

"200,000 people and hundreds of Americans died in Gulf War One," I stated flatly, while staring coldly at her.

"And your point is?" she replied with an impatient look?

"My point is," I said biting off each of my words, "Do you still contend we did this to promote 'freedom and democracy'"

"Of course we did." she replied with a questioning look, "it's obvious you just don't understand what we're trying to do."

Taking a moment to compose myself while looking at my notes I retorted "Bush Sr. also deliberately encouraged the Kurds and Shiites to rise against Saddam, after Gulf War One. Citing your 'freedom and democracy' all the while. He then refused to support them in their efforts to obtain their true freedom and democracy allowing Saddam to slaughter them wholesale. A policy I might add that helped to weaken all three ethnic groups in Iraq both militarily and politically while simultaneously exacerbating internal divisions and ethnic tensions. Such an outcome would of course 'fortuitously' support a strategy of 'divide and conquer' if the U.S. should 'coincidently' decide to occupy Iraq at some future date. Did we also do this to promote 'freedom and democracy'?"

"And again I tell you of course we did, you're simply not getting the point, besides its all just ancient history anyway, why are you asking me questions about Bush Sr. and his policies. I thought we were going to discuss our current president, his son" She replied with some irritation.

"Well" I responded "I thought these historical events might have some baring on our current situation, that they might actually be related to each other, especially considering the fact that many of the same people who served in Bush Sr.'s cabinet, are now the very same people who are serving in Bush Jr.'s cabinet. Did you ever consider that Mrs. America, that these events might actually be connected in some way?"

"But all these things you're talking about happened years ago." she said with a look of utter and profound perplexity, how could they possibly be connected?

Looking at her incredulously I queried, "So anything that happened" I paused "'years ago' I paused again, "has no relation to what happens now. Is that right?

"Exactly", now you're getting it" she replied, "It's never a good idea to look into the past, especially if it's unpleasant.  Why dig up all that old stuff anyway? All you do is cause unhappiness."

I responded "So when this current administration stated that Saddam was connected to 9/11 and it turned out that statement wasn't true at all, it didn't matter because it happened years ago, is that right?"

"Exactly" she replied enthusiastically.

"And when they said Iraq and Saddam were connected to Al Quada and it turned out that statement wasn't true either, it didn't matter because it happened years ago. That's also correct?" I asked.

"Exactly, …..right again, now you're getting it" she replied appearing to be very excited.

I responded. "And when they said Iraq was sponsoring terrorism and it turned out that wasn't true also, it was OK because it happened years ago right?"

"Perfectly correct, I think you're finally understanding me now" She replied.

"And when they said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that also turned out not to be true, it was just fine because they said it….. years ago,… that right?" I asked in disbelief.

"I think you are finally beginning to understand how it works now, you're becoming one of us" she replied," regarding me fondly as if I'd been newly converted to her chosen faith."

Feeling like I'd entered the twilight zone I finally asked," and if a year from now it turns out that all the terrible things we've done, including the invasion of Iraq, and the slaughter of it's people were done not for 'freedom and democracy', but for some new hitherto undiscovered 'reason', would that be OK to?

"Of course it would be, now you've finally got it." She exclaimed appearing to be so excited she was practically bouncing up and down in her chair.

Staring at her, utterly appalled I replied softly "Mrs. America those were just campaign slogans, do you understand that during the last twenty years while we played these ethnic groups and countries against each another, all the while making money selling them weapons to kill one another, millions of people have died, many quite terribly"

"Oh don't' be such a cry baby. It doesn't matter anyway" she crowed, grabbing my arm in her excitement, practically jumping off her chair while staring at me intently, "we did it to give them 'freedom and democracy'."

Trying not to cringe and jerk my arm away from her grasp, I gently removed her hand and asked, "so, using your own words we are now going to 'kill, maim and torture millions and millions of other people, especially the one's with lots of oil' not to 'protect ourselves from those evil terrorists', but to 'bring the people in these countries freedom and democracy', is that right Mrs. America. In your opinion 'we're actually helping them when we bomb and kill them.' Is that correct?"

"Exactly, you finally understand what we're really trying to do."

Looking sadly at Mrs. America I asked softly "Mrs. America… do you know what a lie is?"

"Of course I do, why are you asking me such a silly question. A lie is when you don't tell the truth." She replied.

I responded patiently "I'm asking this silly question because you've already agreed that all the prior 'reasons' or 'truths' were wrong.

"There weren't 'wrong' she said, and paused while she concentrated, "they were true at the time" she paused again, with a painfully thoughtful expression." And now they're not true." She finished looking at me brightly and with great cheer." She hesitated and regarded me searchingly. "You understand now don't you?"

I replied very slowly "So anything the administration says is 'true' is 'true' at the time they say it and because they say it, especially if our mass media uncritically and continually repeat it over and over again. Even if it is contradicted by all the current facts and is later proven to be utterly untrue. Is that correct?"

"Absolutely correct" she replied with a satisfied look.

"Mrs. America" I said patiently "that is not the meaning of truth"

"Oh fiddlesticks" she said with great exasperation "I thought you were beginning to understand me."

"Well let me try to understand you better by asking a few more questions. Would you sacrifice your sons and daughters for this 'truth' whatever it may be at the time," I asked softly.

"Yes" She replied.

"And you would agree that the U.S. can kill and maim and torture millions of people throughout the world on the basis of whatever  'truth' your 'truth' currently happens to be." I asked softly again.

"Yes", she sighed happily "so you do understand after all".

"And it doesn't matter that your 'freedom and democracy', your new 'truth' is already fraying at the edges. That we have established 14 military bases in Iraq and it looks like we’ll occupy Iraq for the next 10 years. That the Shiites who comprise 65% of the population, 'somehow', remarkably received only 48% of the vote in the recent Iraqi elections, coincidently right below the 50% margin needed to take control of the government. What the San Francisco Chronicle might have been referring to in a prior article as 'controlled democracy'.  What you are saying essentially Mrs. America is occupation is freedom and tallying the votes the way you want them to go is democracy, is that correct, this is your 'truth'."

"Of course it is." She replied with utter aplomb, "truth is whatever our wonderful president decides it's to be and if he has to change it every six months then that's what he'll have to do."

I reply very softly, “Mrs. America I’ve read an article recently outlining Pentagon plans to establish a series of ‘terrorist’ groups in Iraq, ostensibly to be used to combat and infiltrate other terrorist groups.  These groups would be semi-automanous, and probably unaccountable to any legal authorities or body of international law.  Like the ‘death squads’ which caused so much untold agony for Central America’s people these groups could be used, and given history’s tendency to repeat itself probably will be used, to coerce the local population; for the selected assassination of political undesirables; and as agent provocateurs to deliberately inflame religious or ethnic tensions when and if the need should arise. [hh] Is this a policy compatible with your ‘freedom and democracy?’

“Of course it is,” she said smiling. “You have to understand everything we’re doing is for the Iraqi people’s own good, we’re only there just to help them, and they’re just going to have to understand this and trust us.”

As I stared at the happily beaming Mrs. Middle America, I realized nothing would stop her, that the killing and deaths would go on and on and on to satisfy whatever glorious visions her 'wonderful president' would lay out for her.  No amount of death and destruction was too much. Nothing would ever jar her out of her self-satisfied reverie even if the price were to be paid for by her own flesh and blood.

Utterly shocked by what I had heard I got ready to leave.  Mrs. America happily accompanied me to the door, and appeared to be blissfully unaware of the effect her views had had on me. She cordially said goodbye, perhaps thinking I was one 'of them' now.

But of course I wasn't. I knew there was no place in this country for me, no place to hide anymore 'they' were everywhere and would do anything and say anything to get what they want.  But this isn't the true horror; the horror is that they would smile at you and say they were helping you, even while they killed you. That's the true horror.

End. MPG


10TH MAILING 10-17-2004

Well nothing received and nothing sent except this mailing #9. If of course you've received anything else it wasn't from me.

This is the last full transmission, I promise.  However considering the inflammatory nature of 'my conversation' I've decided to include the rest of the document.

By the way for those who are interested here's a small sampling of various web sites among dozens I've visited.  I'll have a lot more as links when I set up my own web site.  Enjoy.,12956,1036687,00.html


Think about it,
The U.S. created Al Qeada through it's proxies.
The U.S created the Mujahadeen which led directly to the creation of the Taliban.
The U.S "played" the Mujahadeen against the Soviets leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
The U.S supported Osama bin Laden directly and through it's proxies
The U.S 'somehow' 'fortuitously' allowed our 'friend' turned 'enemy' Osama to attack the U.S. killing thousands.
The U.S supported Saddam and he became our's, leading to untold repression and the deaths of tens of thousands.
The U.S sold him weapons of mass destruction.
The U.S 'played' Iraq against Iran and encouraged Saddam to use the weapons we gave him to kill millions.
The U.S supported and created the Shah of Iran leading to untold repression and the deaths of thousands.
The U.S traded weapons with Iran so we could support the Contras killing thousands in the process.
The U.S 'played' Iraq against Quwait which killed hundreds of thousands.
The U.S weakened Iraq with the first Gulf war which killed hundreds of thousands more
The U.S. weakened Iraq further when it encouraged the Shiites and Kurds to rebel against Saddam, then stood by while they were ruthlessly slaughtered. [gg]
The U.S weakened Iraq even further with the sanctions which killed additional hundreds of thousands more.

After our 'friend' turned 'enemy' Afghanistan was weakened sufficiently we invaded it and conquered it.     
After our 'friend' turned 'enemy' Iraq was weakened sufficiently we invaded it and we will conquer it.
After our 'friend' turned 'enemy' Iran has been weakened sufficiently we will invade it and we will conquer it.
Killing hundreds of thousands, possibly millions more.
This is what we did, and will do, to only THREE of all the countries out there in the world.
Isn't the United States a great country to do 'business' with?
Isn't the United States a great country to be 'friends' with?
There is a fable of a mythical creature, it goes by several names, many of which you shouldn't say aloud.  If you make a deal with this creature it'll grant you your wish.  This creature thrives on death and destruction, it grows more powerful as those it tempts with it's offers meet their downfall.  This creature is well known to be the "master of lies".  It convinces it's victims that it's doing them a favor, that somehow if the victim doesn't succumb to it's charms there's "something wrong" with the victim.  It is the master trickster "playing" with people and nations as if they were toys.
If you want gold or weapons or a chance to achieve power it'll give you what you want....... Always for a price of course..... Always for a price. But if you are tempted by this creature's offer and you take what it gives you will be utterly destroyed and consumed, you will have been 'played' and so will all of your people, your tribe, and your nation.
I met Mr Nellaf Legna Reficul at his home located in the outskirts of Phoenix Arizona Mr. Reficul's home was a huge modern cement and glass structure inset into the top of a massive red rock formation with an almost 360 degree view overlooking Phoenix's central valley and the distant mountains hundreds of miles away.
Unlike Mrs. Middle America I didn't know much about Mr. Reficul, nor was I able to dig up much about his past life except that in all my contacts regarding him people said he was the most influential man in America.
Despite Mrs. America's dire warnings I was determined to conduct more interviews regarding what has happened to the United States in the last few years. I had heard many terrible things about Mr. Reficul but when he came to the door he was an effervescent, charming and extremely likeable gentleman.  His appearance was quite impeccable, a tall silver haired, quite distinguished looking man who dressed as if he'd just stepped out of the boardroom of a major corporation.
He immediately put me at my ease and invited me to enter his enormous living room.  It was huge, bigger then most houses, with an acre of plate glass windows standing approximately twenty feet high. The windows swept around the room and looked out over the magnificent panorama of the Arizona desert.  The walls were faced with textured rough gray granite and the floors were inlaid jet black polished marble slabs with dark ruby red veins of some mineral running through them.  High overhead was the gray cement ceiling of the structure.
Scattered across the expanse of floor were numerous comfortable looking sofas and chairs arranged in modular sections and invariably made of black leather. I sat down on one of the couches with a view of the distant mountains while Mr. Reficul took a chair next to me.
Reaching for a bowl sitting on the coffee table in front of us, which for some reason I hadn't noticed before, he said in a deep honeyed melifluious voice "would you like some black grapes to refresh yourself?" anxious to start I declined his offer. "How about some wine?" he rejoined reaching for two huge crystal goblets of blood red wine sitting in plain view on the table, and which again I hadn't noticed before.  "Oh, no thanks." I said as I rubbed my eyes tiredly thinking I should have gotten more sleep. After taking a satisfying sip from his goblet, he said,  "To bad, it's a great vintage."

Opening my notebook I inquired as I had with Mrs. Middle America, "it's been quite an eventful three years hasn't it Mr. Reficul?"  "It certainly has," he stated with obvious satisfaction.

"The reason I decided to interview you Mr. Reficul", I began "is because I've received conflicting information regarding the events leading up to 9/11 and it's aftermath. I've been told that you are one of the most influential men in the United States, that your influence is growing every day, and that your opinions have been excepted by more and more of this countries citizens over the last couple of decades. Because of this I felt you might be able to shed some light on what has happened recently in this country." "Why thank you for your compliments, It'll be my pleasure to help clarify things for you." He replied sincerely.

"To start with how and why do you think 9/11 happened and why do you think we invaded Iraq?" I queried.  "Money, oil and power" was his short clipped response. Startled by his curt answer I said "But when I interviewed Mrs. America" I replied, "she said it was because of the terrible events of 9/11, she said "they" did it, that 'we had to get all of them' She said she 'trusted' the president to 'do the right thing and attack all of them', an endless laundry list of countries which in some cases appear to have less of a connection with the terrorists than the men in the president's own cabinet. The president keeps giving all sorts of different reasons for what the U.S. is doing. They change each and every day he said: 'they hate us' that 'it's their religion' but the people who fund 'them' Al Qedea happen to be our 'friends' the Saudis.  Whereas our former 'friends' the Iraqis whom the presidents buddies sold WMD to are now our 'enemies'.  The president said the Iraqis had WMD, were connected with Al Qadea and 9/11 but they weren't. Finally to top it all off, it looks like we're going to invade our former 'friend' turned 'enemy' turned 'friend' now finally our 'enemy' again Iran.  I'm terribly confused, what in the heck is going on?"

Mr.. Reficul looked at me like I was a driveling idiot, which I could tell was almost painful for him since he was such a polished and polite host.  "Look I like you kid," he said as he leaned forward to get my attention, "but you have to know it's all about making money don't you? Didn't you ask about the money in your previous interviews?' "Yeah I did." I replied, "I asked Mrs. America and she told me not to ask, in fact she warned me not to, but I can't believe it's the only reason for why these terrible events have occurred.  I don’t think it’s possible, someone would have reported it in the press. Someone would have tracked down where the money came from. Surely the liberal media like the New York Times, Washington Post, PBS or NPR would have said something?"

Mr. Reficul sighed, looked at me charitably as if I were a lost cause and stated, "when the Supreme Court said money was equal to free speech, when Rumsfield stated the main difference between a terrorist who could be tortured or mutilated and a soldier who had to be treated with respect was the fact the soldier got paid, when the families of the 9/11 victims were immediately offered huge sums of money right after 9/11, based on the 'projected net worth of the victim' not to sue, and hopefully not to investigate the causes of 9/11.....  to essentially look the other way..... Where were you, weren't you listening?  Weren't you paying attention? Money is absolutely everything in this society."
"But that's not the way it's supposed to work here." I replied with a look of doubt.  "Of course it's the way it works here." Said Mr. Reficul "I can tell you with utter assurance it's the way it's worked every where in every country throughout history, you don't actually believe that religion, or philosophy, or ideology or morality or politics or for hell's sake people's feelings have anything to do with how this country is run do you? Don't tell me you actually think your vote counts, do you?"  "Well I did until recently." I said hesitantly.  "Good there's a possibility you're beginning to finally learn something." Said Mr. Reficul with satisfaction.
Getting a little angry I retorted "and you're happy with this, you like this tidy little arrangement, you don't think the liberal press is going to do something about this?"  "As a matter of fact I'm quite delighted with the way things are currently arranged," he said as he chuckled. He paused and looked at me quizzically, "you still don't get it do you," he said with a red gleam in his eye, "you think there is any difference between the 'liberal' press and the 'conservative' press.  You think in regards to making money off the dead and dying out there in the world there would be any change if you selected Kerry or Bush.  You think anyone in this country would take on both the oil and the defense industries at the same time.  Industries which comprises nearly a quarter of our economy. If you think so you are sadly mistaken."
Shaken I looked at Mr. Reficul and said, "you know some people call you the master of lies, why should I believe anything you say." He gazed at me with a frank and calculating expression and said calmly "because you know that what I say is true, you yourself know of the great gaping hole in the coverage of 9/11. Many people have already pointed out how the 'investigators' he said this with a sneer, 'have refused to follow the money. You yourself have read the articles written by those obnoxious little busy bodies detailing my wonderful plans to conquer the rich oilfields of the middle east, none of which I might add has been reported by the mainstream U.S. press, either the 'liberal'," he said this with another sneer,  "or the 'conservative' press.

You yourself have pointed out there were seven investigations into the events leading up to Pearl Harbor but only one so far of 9/11, and that one occurred only at the insistence of those few families of the 9/11 victims, that to my great irritation, could not be bought off. Luckily for me the entire membership of the 9/11 commission happens to consist of friends of mine who own shares in the very companies constructing the Caspian oil pipeline in Afghanistan and holding lucrative contracts in Iraq. They of course produced a report that looked at everything but the money. And people out there call me the 'master of lies'." He said the last with a look of disgust. "I'm just a small businessman trying to make some deals."
Completely shaken I reply "But Mr. & Mrs. Middle America will find out......." He interrupted harshly and stated "and if they did, so what....  If Bush got up today and tearfully stated "9/11 had to be arranged to give Americans a chance to sacrifice their lives for the greater economic good of this country", you don't think most Americans would stand up and applaud him.  They would you know, many of them already know what's happened and not only do they not care, many of them approve. Why do you think there hasn't been any serious investigations to date about the events leading up to 9/11?" he asked.
"Sure 9/11 was a slightly larger event then we planned initially" he continued softly, looking thoughtful "but as you've pointed out you can't make an empire with out breaking a few lives now can we?  Think of the numbers; 3,500 heroes for 30 trillion dollars in potential oil reserves and an empire stretching to the Caspian Sea. It's the best caus'beli this country has had since 'Remember the Main'. The cost was peanuts. It's a brilliant move.

Consider the opportunities, an unknown faceless enemy that can, in most cases, do just a small amount of damage but generate large amounts of fear. One that in the future I'll finance better so the money will be harder to trace. Such agent provocateurs will provide an endless need for political repression and more importantly total secrecy. And the groups you create can be tailored to any caus'celib or job that needs to be done. The size of 9/11 has worked in our favor and it's all turned out for the best in the end." He said the last with an extremely satisfied look.
"So what will happen with Iraq?" I ask with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. "It will be consumed of course" he stated matter of factly, "probably destroyed, if they continue to develop a national resistance movement we'll just have to kill the lot of them, level their cities establish more Abu Gariabs. Did you like that by the way?" He asked as he paused to look at me slyly. "That was my own personal touch, to use Saddam's former torture center as a not to subtle way of intimidating the locals. Yes we'll have to kill many more of them," he said resuming brusquely. "If however they remain tribal and we can continue to divide and conquer them we'll have a chance to be less destructive. Either way I'll make enormous amounts of money in defense contracts and my companies will suck the Iraqis dry of their oil."
"What about U.S. casualties." I inquired forebodingly.  "There'll be lots of them" he stated flatly with a complete lack of concern "however by the time I'm done using the five conglomerates who now control 90% of the U.S.'s media market your Mr. and Mrs. America will gladly sacrifice their sons and daughters for my cause so they can continue to live the life style they've become so accustomed too, and of course, so I can continue to live mine"  
"What about the other Arab and Moslem countries?"  "What about them" he said as he looked at me coldly, so coldly a chill went right up my spine and I got goose bumps.  "A people that run around in turbans spouting religious slogans thinking their "God" can protect them. A bunch of tribal societies, you think they would have learned something from what we did to the American Indians. No they're easy to deal with.  I must tell you this whole situation has given me enormous satisfaction.  You have no idea what it's like to 'play' simple tribal societies against one another as I've done, to destroy them from within and without. They're easy, and you know what the best part is, after you do them, and conquer them, you can convince some of them to be grateful to you. It's extremely gratifying."
"So where do we go from here?" I asked completely subdued.  "We make more money," he replied "our true friends the Saudis will continue to supply funds and resources to my agent provocateurs be they Al Queada or some new incarnation. They'll provoke more incidents to keep the pot bubbling.  Iran will be next, maybe the states in the Caspian basin, maybe Nigeria, perhaps Venezuela.  I'll have to come up with new groups for those countries. What do you think." He said as he looked at me inquiringly. "Commies for Venezuela, but what should I call the group for Nigeria?" "I don't really know." Was all I could mumble.  "It doesn't matter" he said looking off into the distance over the Arizona desert, "like Bush is so fond of saying whichever leader it happens to be at the time, we'll just say 'he was a bad guy' and we'll go destroy him and replace him with somebody more amenable to our goals."
"Even if we created him like we did with Saddam?" I interjected. He looked at me with a slightly surprised look "especially if we created him. They're the easiest to get too, once they start doing business with you, you get to control them and manipulate them.  It's the one's that can't be bought or won't do business with you that present the most problems. "
"And the elections in this country?" I ask. "Whoever's selected will toe the line," he said quietly. "I just wish I had picked someone better then Bush.  Him and his idiot friends have made a mess of things.  They've made everything so obvious to the rest of the world that I had to spend extraordinary amounts of my own money stroking the press, buying people off, not to mention what I had to offer the other countries in the rest of the world to keep quite.  I thought Chaney would handle things better than this. I'm really very disappointed with him."
"How much more destruction will this cause, how many more deaths?" I inquired completely worn out and depressed. "It depends, if I get what I want not to much," he said looking directly at me with a strange calmness. "Maybe a million dead maybe less. You must understand although I enjoy playing with people and nations, which some weaklings disapprove of, what I do will make this a better world for everyone.  It's their resistance to my wishes that inevitably leads to their destruction.  It's their partial cooperation that I can't abide. If they would only give me what is rightfully mine when I ask for it, none of these unpleasant things would have to happen.  It's their fault you see, they bring it upon themselves, they deserve what's going to be done to them."  
"I see," I said tiredly, with a sense of utter dismay at what I've heard "speaking of giving in I believe I've got enough material to go on. I really appreciate your agreeing to meet with me to express your views, but it's getting late and I've got to go.
"Certainly" he said looking a little disappointed as he got up to accompany me to the door. "You really must understand all I want is a little sympathy for my position and a little more respect" "Oh I understand" I said quickly "and I'm very sympathetic and respectful.  It must be quite hard for you to manage this country's affairs with some of the resistance you've been getting lately. I'll be sure Mr. Reficul to let the entire world know of your views.”
"Thank you" he said sincerely, "that's all I could ask of you."

As he opened the door to his front patio, which looked out over the vast desert, a blast of super heated air entered his foyer.  As he reached for my hand to give me a handshake I avoided it as gracefully as I could and waved goodbye to him. As I turned to go, I heard the massive bronze doors of his home thud shut behind me.

Standing there, stunned by the awful truth I gazed out over the hundreds of miles of stark bleak emptiness south of his home, now colored blood red by the setting sun. As I stood in the aching silence with no sound but the sighing of the hot wind playing with my hair I came to realize in my heart that Mr. Reficul had won. He was right, this really is the way it's always been, and I knew as I stood there that I would never ever believe again in the lies I had been taught as a child.

Frank Capra was dead, there never ever was a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, It's a Wonderful Life never really existed.  I was the deluded one, the crazy one, the one who believed in childish fantasies, the one everyone else knew was insane.

The ones who obeyed Mr. Reficul who believed in Mr. Reficul, who did what he told them to do, they were the sane ones, the smart ones, the 'players'.
End. MPG


Eighth mailing 09-21-2004

As usual, no replies received from anybody.  Again if you received any from me they're not mine.

As promised of course I checked on Google to see if there are any connections between the Saudis, the Chechens and the ongoing slaughter in the Sudan.  I only got about 10,000 articles on the first couple of searches, so I won't bother to tell you what you already know.  Not that anybody in this country seems to care.

Secretary Powell is of course making bleating noises about the slaughter in the Sudan, but we know that's just for show since the money comes from Bush's "friends" the Saudis. Doesn't Powell have any more pride left? What do they do over there in the white house? Give him drugs or something? First his ridicules show at the U.N. regarding Iraq, now this.

To make all of you happy this is the last full transmission of my entire document.  I don't want to clog up your e-mail or web sites. From now on you'll only get the addendums and since I'll be establishing my own web site, probably not even those.

What follows is an addendum you'll really like.  It's in the format of a fictitious satirical interview.  I think it's pretty biting, I hope you enjoy it.


This interview took place in a finely maintained split-level home, with a well-mowed lawn in the front, a two-car garage on the side of the house and a spacious backyard. In the backyard you'll find an above ground pool, plenty of additional green lawn and a vegetable garden. The house is located in a well to do suburb of the Midwest.

Mrs. Middle America is a middle aged, plump, apple cheeked, Caucasian woman who is a member of the PTA, the local country club, attends her local church regularly, and likes to garden. She has three children, two girls and a boy in their teenage years. Mrs. Middle America voted for the Republican ticket in the last election and intends to do so again.

I'm speaking with Mrs. Middle America to get a sense of where our country is heading and what she thinks about what's happened during the last three years.

"Well Mrs. America it's been quite an eventful three years hasn't it?" I start out jovially as I open my notebook.

"It certainly has," she says, leaning forward and looking at me eagerly.

"I'd like to start with the terrible events that occurred on 9/11. I understand that you agree with the current administration that this is the sole act of a group of terrorists called Al Qeada?" I say inquiringly.

"Yes that's right that's what the TV and newspapers say. I mean they're talking about it every single day, terrorist this, terrorist that, yellow alerts, orange alerts, gosh" she says breathlessly "it near frightens me to death."

"Who do you think is responsible for Al Qeada?" I query.

"What do you mean?" She says with a perplexed look on her face.

"I mean who do you think supports Al Qeada, who created them, trained them, who still gives them money, who allowed them entry into the U.S.?" Was my response.

"What do you mean, why is that important?" she says with a look of increasing perplexity on her face. "I mean they're the enemy, we have to get them, all of them, every single one, our President says so and I believe our President." Saying the last with a look of utter certainty.

"Get all of whom?" I ask with a look of concern.

"Why Al Qeada, the Iraqis, the Iranians... all of them of course" she responds with what could only be described as a blank look on her face.

"Uh.... Well, Uh I mean .... Uh...didn't you just say that it was Al Qeada that were the terrorists?" I blurt, starting to get a little flustered.

"Of course, them too." She replies.

I sigh and say "Would it surprise you to learn that that the CIA and the 9/11 commission have stated respectively that there is no connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda or Iraq and the events of 9/11?"

"I think I might have remembered hearing something about that ... maybe." She says. "But anyway Iraq had those awful weapons of mass destruction."

I looked at her with what could only be described as a stony look on my face; I couldn't help myself, and stated. "You do know that they found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and it appears they've had none for several years before the war?"  

"Yes, but I just read they had intentions of building those weapons." She replies with a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes.

"I see." I say, and pause "Let's go back to my original question before we got sidetracked here, would it surprise you to learn that it's been Saudi Arabia and the United States, who supported and trained Al Qeada when they were fighting in Afghanistan. That Saudi Arabia continues to support them today and that 15 out of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens?"

"That couldn't be." She stated unequivocally. "The president says that the Saudis are our friends so you must be wrong sir." She added with a touch of anger in her voice.

"You know of course," I responded, "that the Bush administration and their advisors have been intertwined with the Saudi and the Bin Laden families personally and financially for the last twenty to thirty years?"

"So what does that have to do with anything? Are you one of those liberal types, always jealous of someone trying to make a little money?" she says snappishly. "These are wealthy and great men and deserve our respect."

"Why because they have money?" I ask?

"Exactly, God wouldn't have let them have all that money if they didn't deserve it." She says with an expression of what could almost be described as rapture.

"But don't you think all that money and the personal relationships these guys have, might have influenced their decisions regarding U.S. security arrangements before 9/11 and they're decision to invade Iraq. After all, several billion dollars has been transferred from the Saudi and bin Laden families to accounts controlled by the Bush family alone, not to mention all the other members of the Bush administration, and this is only what we know of publicly?"

"Are you impugning our president's reputation? How dare you, he's a great man, everyone says so, he's on the news and on the TV every single day, everyone thinks he's the greatest. In this time of war everyone should get behind the president." She says with a tone of real anger in her voice.

"Yes but he's the one who started the war in the first place." I said with a note of desperation. "There were seven investigations into Pearl Harbor, we've only had one so far regarding 9/11 in three years, and that would be the "9/11 commission" itself. They've already publicly stated they won't even look into who supported the terrorists or who facilitated their entry into the U.S. until after the elections. Don't you find that a bit suspicious?"

"Sir", she said, leaning back in her chair and eying me with a cold glint in her eye, "I have no idea were you are going with this. I am sure everything's been investigated already, we know who our enemies are, it's who our President says they are..... Besides this wasn't Pearl Harbor"

"Yeah.... Right, a lot more civilians died this time." I retorted sarcastically.

"Sir" she says making motions to get up and leave, "if you continue to talk to me about what happened before 9/11 or anything to do with our beloved President I will have to stop this conversation."

"OK. OK" I said, trying to mollify her anger.  "Lets talk about Iraq then. You state that they're our enemy, correct?  Even though they didn't posses any WMD, weren't connected to Al Qeada and had nothing to do with 9/11, Right?"

"Yes of course they're our enemy, that's because our President say's so. He said they were thinking about getting those awful weapons and that later on they might attack us at some point in the future." She stated resolutely. "He also said they could possibly support other terrorists in the future."

"So anyone or any nation that the President says might be "thinking" of getting those awful weapons can be attacked by us, is that right" I ask incredulously.

"Of course." She replies a matter-of-factly.

"Even thought funding for most of the terrorists came from, and continues to come from the Saudis."

"Maybe you didn't hear me," She said irritably, "the President says the Saudis are our friends, and we have to believe the President."

Pressing the issue relentlessly I stated "You understand of course even the most cursory search on the web brings up thousands of articles about Saudi support not only for Al Qeada of course, but for the Chechen terrorists who massacred those school children in Besan Russia and the "government forces" who are killing millions of non-Moslems in the Sudan."

With a note of real irritation in her voice she stated "Please stop harping on this issue, I've already said what I have to say and I don't want to talk about it anymore."

OK... But I said, still pressing "Those children massacred in Russia made a terrible backdrop to the RNC convention and offered mute testimony to the administration's positions didn't they.  All those broken and bleeding little bodies?  All those terrified parents?"

"Yes it was terrible," she sighed, her eyes starting to moisten as she regarded me with a slightly shocked expression. "But it goes to show we have to rely on our President to protect us from those terrorists."

"It's timing was quite remarkable wasn't it" I said dryly.

"Yes, God was sending us a message that we have to destroy all those evil terrorists out there." She replied with her lower lip trembling.

"Yes well I suppose someone was sending a message..... Um, and of course, just as with those 'awful weapons', you believe that "terrorists" are anyone, or any country, whom the President says is a terrorist is that right?" I probe ruthlessly.

"Absolutely" she says with utter conviction, looking at me with a hint of suspicion in her eyes. "That's what I've already told you."

"Ok" I say, "Let's turn back to Iraq again, would it surprise you to learn that Saddam Hussian was helped into power by our own CIA, and that the Bush administration and it's advisors, the one's who took us to war against Iraq, were the very people who sold large quantities of weapons to Iraq, including those 'awful weapons' of mass destruction."

"So what." she stated petulantly "Are you sure you're not one of those liberals? So the president and his men made a little money, why are you always harping on these things"?

"Because" I said a little testily "Don't you think it's hypocritical for the Bush administration to create these monsters all over the world, supply them with weapons which are used against their own populations and in wars we encourage, making money all the while. Then when there's not enough money left, when these countries who did business with us lie broken, exhausted and financially bankrupt, we turn around and make war on them using as an excuse, terrorist "incidents" caused by the administration's own "friends" like the Saudis to make even more money for the administration and their rich "friends?"

"What is it with you and this money thing?" she stated, looking at me owlishly.

"It's not the money, it's the hundreds of thousands of Iranian, Iraqi and U.S. dead that I'm concerned about!" I almost shouted, on the verge of completely losing my temper.

"Sir if you can't be civil I'll have to ask you to leave." She said primly. "These people have to die because they're terrorists, it's a regrettable but necessary thing we have to do to protect ourselves."

"But they're not the terrorists. The money for the terrorists, the training, the religion, and the people themselves comes from the Saudis." I retorted, at this point looking and sounding totally distressed.

"There, there my dear." She says as she leans forward and pats my hand sympathetically. "What is it with you and this obsession about money and the Saudis. Just trust the President he'll do the right thing."

"Even if it means the death of millions of Iranians or Kazacstanies or Venezuelans or whomever." I said with a plaintive note in my voice while looking at her beseechingly.

"That's right dear, now you understand." She said as she looked benignly upon my face. "Even if we have to kill and torture and maim millions and millions of other people in other countries, especially the ones that have lots of oil, we'll just be doing it to protect ourselves against those evil terrorists."

"Ok" trembling as I put away my notebook.  "I guess were all done here and I'll be going now," I mumble, looking totally dismayed.

"Oh don't go just yet." she requested with a look of motherly concern on her face. "Would you like some tea or coffee"?

"Oh no." I said, trying to look nonchalant and getting ready to leave as quickly as possible.

"It's really important, you see I'm quite concerned about your safety." She consoled with a worried look on her face. "It's your attitude that concerns me, all these questions you keep asking, especially the one's about money.  People are starting to say things like you might be a terrorist yourself.  I wouldn't want anything to happen to you so it's really for the best that you leave well enough alone."

"I see," Was all I could reply as I headed rapidly toward the door.

As she runs to open it for me she smiles, "You know I really enjoyed this conversation, but remember no more of these little shenanigans," she says as she reaches up and tweaks my cheek. "You be a good little boy or you too could wind up in Abu Gairab prison, and you know what happens to little boys there don't you?"

Swallowing convulsively as I back away from Mrs. America I said as convincingly as I could "Sure I won't do any more investigations or any more interviews like this ma'am, I assure you."  

As I was running down the street, staring at all the perfectly manicured lawns and all the perfectly dressed people and all the perfectly maintained homes, I realized a new century was dawning in America and was determined I would have to find some place to hide, and soon.

To all the rest of the people in the world that have done us no harm, I apologize for what Mrs. America is going to do to you.  I'm really, really sorry.

End. MPG


Seventh mailing Date : 08-29-04

Author's Note :

This letter was written before the terrible events that took place in Besan Russia. I cannot express enough my sorrow for the Russian people, and my disgust and anger at the Chechen terrorists. It is well known that the Saudis support the "government" forces in the Sudan who have killed hundreds of thousands of Africans who refused to have Islam imposed upon them. It's why, despite Powell's supposed "pleas" nothing has been done so far. I will have to investigate to see just how much funding the Chechens also get from the Saudis. 09-05-2004 MPG

Date: 08-29-2004

I still have not received any responses, so I've given up and deleted my e-mail address from my letters. If you've received any replies besides the six mailings I've already sent, they're not mine. Either something is seriously wrong with my e-mail service, or you have received a lot of letters regarding the same issues I've written about and you can't, won't, or don't want to reply.

If the second reason is true, why have there been so few reports about these issues? The press is finally getting better at digging up the truth. Many articles have now appeared regarding Haliburton's malfeasance and the profit motive that drove this nation to war. There have also been several excellent articles proving it was official policies from the likes of Rumsfield that contributed to the Abu Gairab prison scandal.

But so far the U.S. press has had very little to say about the relationships between Al Qaeda, the Saudis, the bin Ladens, the Bushes and the Texas Cabal before 9/11. More specifically how these relationships contributed to the tragedy. Why? It's been almost three years since 9/11 occurred. One would think the members of the press have had a sufficient amount of time to do their investigations. Why the delay? What is wrong with the press? Is their reluctance to report on these issues due to their fear of retribution? Or do they think the issues are too complicated?

If it is the later perhaps I can help simplify them. Means plus motive plus opportunity equals the crime.

(the means); An easily denied agent provocateur funded by your rich friends.

(the motive); Hundreds of billions in oil money and the chance to create an empire stretching from Iraq through to the Caspian sea encompassing Iran and the several newly "freed" soviet oil rich states in the Caspian basin, ala Rudyard Kipling's "The Man Who Would be King"[ff]

(the opportunity) The dozens or hundreds of meetings the Bush's, Texas Cabal, Saudis and bin Ladens had together.

(the crime) 9/11.

I am not a policeman; I don't work for the NSA, FBI or CIA; I am not a reporter; I am not an investigator. What I fail to understand is why NO ONE, and I mean absolutely NO ONE WHO IS; is doing their job. Not even the most basic rudimentary investigative techniques have been used so far to apprehend the additional conspirators. The most fundamental of which would be to "follow the money", finding out who funded the 9/11 terrorists, who profited from their actions, and who facilitated their entry into the U.S.

Why did the 9/11 commission put off looking into these issues until "after the elections" Am I to conclude by their decision that the Bushes and the Texas Cabal will investigate themselves if they are reelected? Or their rich friends? I hardly think so!

We have already witnessed the tapes of the obscene abuse at Abu Gairab, and we have listened to Enron executives laughing over how they "{expletive} the grandmothers in California". Considering these revelations one would have to also assume there are tapes out there of the hundreds of meetings the Texas Cabal, Bushes, Saudis and the bin Ladens have had over the last ten years regarding their plans for the middle east. These tapes will eventually be made public, they always are.

If something is not done soon however the entire world will know that it is not just this administration, or the Republicans, or even elements within the U.S. government, who are involved in this cover-up, which they already suspect, but that the American people are also complicit in avoiding the hard truths about what has been done in their name, to profit the powerful few.

It has already been reported that the current administration is constructing a pipeline from the oil rich Caspian basin through Afghanistan to the Gulf. Also documents were released Friday 08-27-04 which outlined the current administrations plans for "regime change in Iran". As with Iraq it appears they've had these plans for over a decade or more. Also as with Iraq these plans were kept hidden and secret. Wouldn't it have been nice of them to tell us, before they ran for office; before they got into office; what they had in mind for this country and the rest of the world? If they had given an honest answer about upcoming events like 9/11, what would they have said? Perhaps "you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs".... Or an empire? Tell that to the families of the 9/11 victims. Or the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Iranians killed over the years.

Is it really all about the money? If so, how many more 9/11's must we endure? How many more Najifs? How many more Americans and Iraqis must die? How many more dictators must we put into power? How many more countries must be destroyed in the process. When is enough, enough? Will we continue to reward "our friends" the Saudis for supporting terrorists and "our friends" the Pakistanies for selling nuclear weapons technology to anyone willing to buy. Now that Pakistan has sold nuclear technology to Iran, "somehow without our knowledge" will a nuclear weapon be "fortuitously" used on U.S. soil, so that the U.S. will be "induced" to invade Iran? Will Kazakhstan be invaded next, Turkmenistan, or how about that "commie state" Venezuela? What excuse will the rich and powerful come up with next?

To invoke the name of a favorite Republican villain; our current leaders are not like "Willie Horton". No they certainly are not. Willie Horton didn't have wealthy friends who "arranged" for the murder of members of his own family. Willie Horton didn't provide cover for his wealthy friends allowing them to escape scrutiny or prosecution. Willie Horton didn't falsely accuse his neighbor’s next door of these murders so he could go rob and kill them. Willie Horton didn't coldly and methodically plan these events for more then a decade. No; that takes a very special group of people to do something like that.

Sixth Mailing 08-07-04

Well, I have still not received any replies, comments or insults from anyone since my first e-mail 05-24-2004. If you have received any replies, comments or insults purportedly from me, or using my e-mail address {deleted}[ee] or name, I didn't send them.

Regarding all the literature on 9/11 that I've been reading to date, no attempt is being made by anyone to answer simple and basic questions about the connections between Saudi Arabia, Al Qaeda, the bin Ladens, the Bush's, and the Texas Cabal. What did these people know before 9/11 and when did they know it especially in regards to who told what to whom.

Simple questions such as who ordered the bin Ladens and Saudis evacuated from the U.S. days after 9/11 and more importantly why? Who were those big short sellers of airline stocks on the Pacific stock exchange before 9/11 and who did the transactions? What happened in the meetings these guys have had together for the last twenty years? Does anyone have any tapes? etc. etc.

What the heck do you newspaper guys do all day? Sit in your chairs and twiddle your collective thumbs?

Let me suggest some terms you can use in your research and reporting.

War Profiteer
Special prosecutor
Criminal conspiracy.
Accessory after the fact
Obstruction of justice
White wash
Subornation of perjury
Dereliction of duty
Refusal to obey an unlawful order
Crimes against humanity
War Criminal

I'll give you an example of how to use one of these terms. When the Abu Gairab prison scandal first broke I read an article in the San Francisco Chronicle describing some of the events that happened there as "forced copulation".... That isn't funny, if you think it's funny or have any trouble with the above terms please e-mail me so we can discuss it. In case you didn't know it, the correct term is rape. Many, many other articles have similar problems with their concepts, terms or statements... as do many of our government and corporate officials. Please consult the above list if you have any trouble.

To help you keep track of when I sent my letter and to whom I sent it to, I've also attached a spreadsheet at the end of this e-mail.

Fifth Mailing 07-23-2004

A note to everyone who gets this letter; since 05-26-2004 I have received no replies; none at all. Considering the veracity and accurateness of what I've written, keeping in mind it was sent before Fahrenheit 9/11, I would have expected at least a couple of replies. Also please note "Losing One's Faith 9/11 & Iraq" is the only document (besides one other unrelated document) [aa] I have ever sent out. If you get any others let me make it clear they are not from me.

Since 07-01-2004 the following events have occurred.

The 9/11 commission has reaffirmed their original conclusion that Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with the tragedy of 9/11.

The Saudis have now offered amnesty to their Al Qaeda brethren.

CBS did an interview where it was stated that the entire bin Laden family "hates the United States"

I just recently learned that several months ago the bin Ladens announced their intentions to build the world's tallest building in one of the gulf states. Isn't it ironic that their "disowned" son Osama takes down the world trade center and using this 'incident' as an excuse, the U.S. starts a war with Iraq which will supply the bin Ladens with U.S. tax dollars from their investments in the Carlyle group and other defense contractors reaping enormous profits from the war, which the bin Ladens will in turn use to build their own symbol of power in the Arab world. All of this activity being 'facilitated' by the Bush administration, now how 'fortuitous' is that?

On one of the networks MSNBC or Fox, it was reported that the Bush administration is, one; going to "suspend the electoral process" in the event of a terrorist attack, and two; plans to merge the FBI and CIA into a combined organization under one "intelligence czar". Wow... if there is another attack by Al Qaeda.... Remember the people supported by the Saudis and bin Ladens for the last twenty years... the people who are friends of the Bush's and the Texas Cabal... if that happens the Bush administration et al will become dictators of the U.S. Considering what I've repeatedly sent you how "fortuitous" would that be.?

My question to the U.S. news organizations is, do you support the constitution of the United States? Are you actually going to let this happen?

Fourth mailing 07-01-2004

Since 06-20-2004 the Supreme Court has ruled that the public has no right to find out what Chaney's "energy task force" was up to; Gee...... you're kidding, so we have no right to know what was perhaps a discussion, before 9/11, of invading a country with the world's second largest proven reserves {bb} and how to divvy up it's resources. Gee that would be embarrassing.

Third mailing 06-20-2004

Since I sent my prior two e-mails the 9/11 commission has remarkably decided to state that there is no connection between Saddam's former regime and the tragedy of 9/11. Gee...... you're kidding, were did these officials get their courage from? Of course their conclusions were immediately disputed by the current administration. Are you guys in the press going to find out who in the administration owned what stocks in which companies before 9/11? And who in the administration was talking to whom in Saudi Arabia before 9/11? Are you going to follow the money, or does that scare you guys too much?

Second mailing 06-01-2004

Please note since I sent my first e-mail less then a week ago two additional items have appeared in the press. One: Chaney has now been found to have "sheparded" all the Halliburton contracts for Iraq through the DOD's procurement process. And two: the 'terrorists' involved in the seizure of those foreign hostages in Saudi Arabia have now 'escaped' except for one who 'somehow' wound up in a coma and therefore can't testify or be questioned. Considering what I've written below, don't you guys find this faintly ridiculous? May I ask what are you doing about it all? Where's all the oil money from Iraq going? What members of the administration own stock in these companies?

It is getting close to the point where one could accuse many members of the press of a dereliction of duty.


San Francisco, CA.
Losing One's Faith 9/11 &  Iraq
First mailing sent 05-26-2004

I have respectfully sent this letter, more of a treatise or manifesto actually, in the hope that one person, just one, will be encouraged to investigate the motives of those in power who took this nation to war. Not the facts, not how it happened, for that is already out there for all to see, but why it happened. I am a terrible writer and this is only the second letter I've sent to anyone besides friends and family, never the less I feel obligated to say something about the horror that is being done in the name of this country.

I realize it's to long and it probably doesn't meet your standards for publication, however I do hope it will start some of you thinking. No acknowledgement needed for publication or distribution. Share it with those who would be interested.

If you wish a street address or phone number please e-mail me with your request.

Losing One's Faith : 9/11 & Iraq 05-24-2004

Faith Betrayed : by M. P. G.

For many years I was a believer, I believed in America, I believed the evil things this country did in the past were always done by a small selfish minority and that the vast majority of it's citizens always tried to do the right thing. That over time, truth would win out, justice would prevail, right would triumph over might, your vote would count, and the 'Big Lie' could not succeed in our society with it's "free press" and constitutional checks and balances.

In less then three years everyone one of these beliefs has been shattered and I no longer hold such childish illusions. The evil that our nation is committing is assuredly being done in the name of the majority of its people, the 'Big Lie' has won out over truth, justice has not been done, might triumphed over right, and our votes certainly didn't count. It is quite obvious to me that a majority of my fellow Americans would rather believe in comfortable and convenient fictions then face horrible truths. This self-deception, the ability to delude oneself through half truths or it's hand maiden 'plausible deniability', the ability to self-select your own ignorance, in light of recent events appears to be the main constituents of America's governance and foreign policy.

What has occurred during these three years is evil pure and simple. What the United States is committing is the rape of a country for its oil using the remarkably well-timed tragedy of 9/11 as its justification. Lets us be quite clear about this. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. (101) Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction for many years prior to this invasion. (102)(103)(104) Iraq and Saddam's regime never had a relationship with Al Qaeda. (105)(106) But there ARE people who did and many of them have yet to be brought to account.

The Three Players:

Elements in the current administration had been planning the invasion of Iraq since the first Gulf war in 1992. the Bushes, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Pearl, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and others whom we'll refer to as the Texas Cabal.(107)(108) Some of these men represented firms who sold Saddam weapons before the first Gulf war. One of them in particular, Rumsfeld represented a firm that sold Saddam biological weapons of mass destruction, (109) George Bush Sr. himself enabled Saddam to obtain biological and chemical weapons prior to the first gulf war (110) Perhaps it's why these 'gentleman' were so convinced Saddam still had these weapons. The Texas Cabal for the last 10 years has had and continues to have investments in companies which are currently reaping enormous profits from the war and will do so in it's aftermath, well known names such as, Halliburton, Kellog Brown & Root, Blackwater, etc.(111)

. "The Saudi sheiks have been Wahhabis since they intermarried with the Family of a puritanical Muslim scholar, Mohammed ibn Abd al-Wahhab, in 1774. Supported first by Britain and later by the United States, the Saudis captured the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina, easily gaining control of the entire Arabian peninsula." (112) The Saudis continue to support Whabbisim, the xenophobic anti-western offshoot of Islam that provides the religious foundation for most of the Sunni terrorists organizations in the Middle East, including Al Qaeda. The Saudis also support and maintain the Madrassas, schools where Whabbisin is taught and were many terrorists are recruited, supported and trained.

Many parties including the C.I.A., the Saudis, of course, Pakistan and others had financed Al Qaeda when it was fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. "In 1989, bin Laden established al Qaeda (the Base) in Afghanistan to organize extremist Wahhabis and disperse their networks throughout the country".(112) Later after moving back to Saudi Arabia, and then leaving for the Sudan after King Faud allowed in American troops to fight Saddam in the first Gulf war, Osama lambasted the royal family for allowing the infidels to occupy the holy land. Through a series of never ending and proliferating "charities" established and supported by banks and business connected to the Saudi, bin Laden, and Bush families and members of the Texas Cabal, Osama continued to receive much of his funding during the eighties and early nineties. (112)(113) Today he still continues to receive much of his funding from the Saudis.

The Facts & Bill of Particulars :

It has been reported by many that the Bushes, Cheney, the Texas Cabal, the Saudis and the bin Ladens have interlocking financial, business, banking and close personal relationships and have had them for the last twenty to thirty years as typified by companies such as BCCI, the Carlyle group etc. (110)(113)(111)(120)(115)(116)(117)

Before 9/11 when the administration first assumed office they immediately eliminated any laws that would have provided oversight into their activities. They got rid of the special prosecutor act, weakened the freedom of information act, refused to join or abide by the U.N. court regarding crimes against humanity, changed the federal statues to reclassify almost all federal documents top secret (118), took any FOIA request regarding their meetings, such as Cheney's energy task force all the way to the Supreme Court to block these requests. etc. etc.(119)

Prior to 9/11 the Bush administration prevented the FBI from investigating the Saudis and bin Ladens, deliberately "spiking investigations"(120) or "telling them to back off"(121) in their inquires regarding several known terrorists of the bin Laden clan. Also prior to 9/11 the Bush Administration deliberately undermined and under funded anti-terrorism efforts within the U.S. despite repeated warnings of possible Al Qaeda attacks (122)(123). These warnings came from many officials and sources who had determined Al Qaeda was the "imminent threat" but their pleas were continuously ignored.(124), whereas Bush in his push for war prior to 9/11 claimed Iraq was the "imminent threat" a claim which at the time was refuted by George Tenent, director of the CIA [cc](125). Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill told 60 Minutes that regime change in Iraq was the main topic at the very first meeting of Bush's National Security Council - a full eight months before 9/11. O'Neill said, "It was all about finding a way to do it". That was the tone of it. The president saying 'Go find me a way to do this'"(107) And this testimony was later confirmed to ABC news by another official who attended the same meeting.(126)

On April 30 2001 the Bush Administration specifically removed Osama bin Laden from the U.S's annual terrorism report, reports that in prior years had prominently featured Osama bin Laden as one of the leading terrorists. (127) The Bush Administration, unlike it's predecessor, also somehow failed to use the predator surveillance program to its full effectiveness in tracking down Osama bim Laden in Afghanistan, they did not use it at all for the first eight months of the administration, and when they did, they did not deploy the armed predator until after 9/11. This inaction was supposedly due to internal debates. (128) In the months prior to 9/11 the Bush administration also curtailed a Justice Department program to monitor Al Qaeda activity in the U.S. called "Catchers Mitt" (129)

Prior to 9/11 in 2001, John Ashcroft overruled FBI directors Louis Freeh's attempt to make terrorism a U.S. priority. In a speech Mr. Freeh was to give before FBI special agents a participant stated that "Ashcroft didn't want to hear about it" when Freeh told Ashcroft those were his intentions. (130) Ashcroft reduced anti-terrorism funding in the year before 9/11 by 23% in his first month in office (131) This is the same John Ashcroft who two months prior to 9/11 began traveling by privately leased aircraft at the U.S.'s expense, and refused to fly on the commercial airlines. (132) In the week after 9/11 Bush allowed members of the bin Laden and Saudi families to leave the U.S. without being questioned by the FBI, thereby severely crippling any chance to investigate who was supporting Al Qaeda and what connections there were between Al Qaeda and elements or groups within the U.S. (133) That days after 9/11 the Bush administration had already made the decision to invade Iraq(119) "using the terrorist attacks as justification [for the invasion] despite having [any] proof that Iraq had any connection to Al Qaeda or 9/11" (134)

That the very people who would reap profits from this invasion like Mr. Perle (116) , when approached with peace feelers from Saddam's representatives not surprisingly didn't meet with them (135) That on Feb. 6, 2002 the CIA told the White House there was "no evidence" that Iraq has engaged in terrorist operations in nearly a decade and that the agency was convinced that Saddam had not provided any WMD to Al Qaeda or other related groups.(136) That after 9/11 the bush Administration did every thing they could to ignore Osama bin Laden and Afghanistan in their eagerness to go after Iraq. (137) even including diverting critical resources in the hunt for Osama bin Laden from U.S. forces based in Afghanistan (137) That after our invasion a lengthy search, which cost over 300 million dollars by over 1,200 WMD specialists in Iraq yielded nothing. (102) After the invasion of Iraq was complete the White house selected it's own people to investigate why their were "intelligence failures" regarding Iraq's alleged WMD. Unusually in this case all the commission [dd] members were exempted from the standard background checks designed to avoid conflicts of interest. (138) Bush "negotiated" a session of less then one hour of testimony in front of the 9/11 commission and would only appear if Vice President Cheney accompanied him to the meeting.

The Coincidences :

It is highly implausible that during the ten years of meetings and contacts together between the Saudis, bin Ladens, Bushes, Cheney and the Texas Cabal, that the future conquest of Iraq, and the disposition of Iraq's hundreds of billions of dollars worth of oil, was never discussed. (108) It is also equally improbable that no one mentioned how the U.S. was to be induced to carry out its role as the invading power, and how this 'inducement' was to be accomplished.

Is it merely coincidental that prior to 9/11 these discussions were held with the Saudis the very people who were providing succor, support and direction for Al Qaeda? Is it coincidental that enormous profits were to be generated for all the parties concerned due to their already mentioned interlinked investments once a war started? And to start this war an 'inducement' was needed? Was it accidental that the investigations into the bin Ladens and Saudis prior to 9/11 were "spiked" and the investigators were told to "back off" by the Bush administration? Is it a random series of events that the elimination of Saddam and the occupation of Iraq has increased Saudi power and security, and the war and it's aftermath have increased Bush's and the Texas Cabal's power and wealth. Are all the facts already mentioned in the proceeding paragraphs just accidents of chance? Is the reason why the Saudis have never been investigated after 9/11 because, as the administration so vehemently states, "they're our friends"? Whose friends are they?

Those Who Forget History .... :

Are we to believe that none of these coincidences have anything to do with 9/11? Much to my surprise many Americans believe they don't (139)(140) Perhaps it's because they have forgotten some of history's lessons?

What was 9/11? Was it the Reichstag Fire, which justified crystal nicht and the start of WW II? The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which justified and initiated the start of the Vietnam War? "That dastardly attack" on the Main..."Remember the Main", which justified the Spanish American War? A war whose fires were stoked by the jingoistic articles of newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst, as in an eerie parallel, the Iraq war has been inflamed by the articles of newspaper tycoon Rupert Murdock. Is all of this just an unfortunate, amazing, completely accidental occurrence of facts and circumstances? Of course it is says the media, it's nothing to worry our little heads about.

Are we the conquistadors, 'bringing salvation to the heathens' while slaughtering, and enslaving them and stealing their gold? No, says the media, we are 'bringing democracy to the unenlightened' while 'pacifying' the population and of course 'using their oil to help in the rebuilding process'.

Are we Cecil Rhodes carving out a personal empire once known as Rhodesia with a private army of well-paid mercenaries using, at the time, the brand new Maxim gun to obliterate the Zulu savages? No, says the media, unlike Mr. Rhodes the Texas Cabal and Cheney will use their 25,000 "contractors", paid with Iraq's own oil at the rate of $30,000 to $40,000 a month to control Iraq's destiny only after U.S. troops, much cheaper because they are paid with U.S. taxpayer dollars, 'suppress' the Arab 'terrorists' with the most modern instruments of power ever seen while of course 'sacrificing' 'for the good of their country' their own lives in the process.

The Shame :

Is there no shame? It is amazing to see how the tragic circumstances and coincidences of 9/11 fit so neatly into the plans of those needing a pretext to go to war with Iraq. For the last ten years in reading about government and corporate corruption in the United States, I note with dismay the small number of whistle blowers that have come forward, and of those a disproportionate number of who are woman. Is this because they aren't part of the 'old boy's network'? Is it perhaps because of those who do come forward, all have suffered the consequences of their honesty and integrity (141). What are we to make of this. Is their any one in this country who is not motivated by greed, or more chillingly, by their fear of retribution? What is our nation becoming?

And what about the media, the 'watch dogs of our nation'? What about them? I can understand the greedy motives of the rich and powerful but the spineless, ineffectual, sycophantic, self-serving useless doggerel being passed off as news these days by the 'forth estate' is a disgrace to our forefathers and all those newsman who have endangered and even lost their lives in the past to report the truth.

And why has the government made it so difficult for the families of the 9/11 victims to investigate the Saudis connections to this tragedy? Who are the people in this country who make these decisions? If you 'arrange for things' to happen, does that mean you are somehow no longer culpable for them, is that how it works here? It's not the way I was brought up or taught.

If I have a rich friend, one who has another friend who carry's a grudge, and that friend commits a crime. A crime enabled by the most fortuitous circumstances over which I have control, a crime which 'happens' to profit me and my rich friend's interests, and I have made and continue to make every effort to protect my rich friend from scrutiny, is the one with the grudge, the one encouraged and supported by my rich friend, the one who shall we say... oooh so easy to manipulate, is he and only he the one to be held to account? Are we that gullible, has anyone ever heard of an 'agent provocateur'? Does the term 'setup' mean anything to anyone? How about the term 'murder for hire'? Heck they were just a bunch of New Yorkers... right? Is that how it works in this country? Is this considered cleverness in America? Or justice? Or morality?

Can this country possibly be that venal or stupid?. My attitudes are much more simplistic, some would even say childish, if 9/11 was 'arranged' to happen than everyone, especially every single Federal employee, who impedes, covers up, delays, runs interference, shreds documents, hides the facts, lies, distorts or twists the evidence in any way, is obstructing justice and should be considered a collaborator and an accessory after the fact in the murder of over 3,500 Americans. After all isn't this what Bush himself said and I quote "Anyone who gives a dollar, or offers support to a terrorist is a terrorist themselves". There are no excuses.

I suggest however, to put to rest these terrible doubts all the current administration would have to do is appoint an impartial independent special prosecutor....... oh I forgot they got rid of the special prosecutor act before 9/11 didn't they, how forgetful of me, how 'fortuitous' for them. Oh well..... drats, I guess it doesn't matter then does it?

The Bitter Harvest :

And so I have lost my faith in America, it is why I've written this letter, I will never agree with this war and the horror that led up to it. To the incestuous relationships between the players involved, Al Qaeda, the Saudis, the administration and the Texas Cabal. I will never agree with this wars continued prosecution and the needless, useless, profane waste of lives it entails.

We have already gone down this road to "win the hearts and minds" of another people in another place and time, it was called Vietnam. At least we embarked on that terrible journey for ideological and geopolitical reasons, but to make the same mistake again, and to do it for the greed and personal power of a few is unconscionable. Any actions we take from now on regarding the Middle East and Iraq are forever tainted and doomed to failure by the corrupt circumstances that led up to this war. We are building a house on a foundation of lies and deceit in a sea of sand amongst a hostile, resentful, occupied people and it will be swept away to our utter ruin. We are 'harvesting fruits from the poisonous tree', and a bitter, bitter harvest it will be.

Footnotes :

(101) The Progress Report January 11, 2004 "National Security" Cheney's latest distortion
(102) The Daily Mis-Lead "Bush's Evidence for War in Iraq Remains Illusory" 10-08-2003
< >
(103) The Daily Mis-Lead "Bush Admits Misleading on WMD" 01-27-2004
< >
(104) The Progress report January 28, 2004 "Intel Warnings Ignored"
(105) The Daily Mis-Lead 01-23-2004 "Cheney Cites Leaked Intelligence on Iraq-Al Qaeda"
< >
(106) The Progress Report 02-22-2004 "Cheney Discredited by His Own Weapons Inspector"
(107) The Daily Mis-Lead 01-12-2004 "Former treasury say War in Iraq was Planned Before 9/11"
< >
(108) By Greg Palast, exerpt from Greg Palast "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" 04-26-2004
@ AlterNet :
(109) CBS 60 minutes 4/25/04
(110) "The Barreling Bushes" L. A. Times by Kevin Phillip
< >
< phillips11jan11,0,1130619.story?coll=la-sunday-commentary >
(111) NYT Columnist: "The Halliburton Shuffle" January 30, 2004 By Bob Herbert
(112) Michelle Mairesse "Ancestral Voices" RCVD 03-24-2004
(113) The Progress Report 4/23/2004 "Saudi Arabia -Under the Influence : The BCCI-Bush-
Saudi- Terrorist Nexus"
(114) The Progress Report March 11, 2004 "The Saudi Connection"
(115) The Progress report January 23, 2004 "Halliburton : Company unfairly maligned
denying his connections".
(116) New Yorker Magazine 03-17-2003 "Lunch with the Chairman : Why was Richard Perle
meeting with Adnan Khashoggi?" by Seymour Hersh
(117) The Daily Mis-Lead 04-21-2004 "Bush Still has Not Explained Ties to Saudi Arabia"
(118) NYT "Secrecy : The Bush Byword" 3/28/03
< en >
(119) "The Fruits of Secrecy" New York Times 11-08-2003
(120) 2004 Newsweek, Inc. by Martin Yant "Enron played key role in events presaging war" RCVD
(121) "FBI and Spy Agents Say Bush Spiked Bin Lauden Probes before 11 September" by Greg
(122) The Progress Report 03-22-2004 "9/11-Warnings Ignored"
(123) The Progress Report 04-12-2004 "FYI, The PDB Doesn't CYA"
(124) The Progress Report 03-25-2004 "9/11-Clark Withstands Scrutiny"
(125) The Daily Mis-Lead "Tenet Exposes Bush's Misleading on WMD"
< >
(126) The Daily Mis-Lead 01-14-04 "Official Confirms Bush Plotting Iraqi Invasion Before 9/11"
< >
(127) Source: CNN, 4/30/01; AP, 6/29/01]
(128) Source: AP, 6/25/03 ex=1049964968&ei=1&en]
(129) Source: Newsweek, 3/21/04]
(130) Source: Newsweek, 5/27/02]
(131) The Progress Report 04-13-2004 "Ashcroft Slashed Counter Terrorism in His First Month In
(132) Source: CBS, 7/26/01]
(133) Source: Salon, 3/11/04; NBC, 9/7/03; Chicago Tribune, 9/19/01]
(134) The Daily Mis-Lead "New Evidence that Bush Pushed Iraq War right after 9/11"
(135) New York Times 11-06-2003 "Diplomacy : Iraq Said to Have Tried to Reach Last-
Minute Deal to Avert War" by James Risen.
< >
(136) The Progress Report 01-28-2004 "CIA warnings ignored"
(137) The Daily Mis-Lead 04-06-2004 "New Evidence Bush Pushed Iraq War Right After 9/11"
< >
(138) NYT Intelligence Panel's Finances Will Stay Private February 15, 2004 By Eric Lichtblau
< >
< ex=1077914846&ei=1&en=3f818ac9d1c589af >
(139) Washington Post Poll: Saddam Hussein and the Sept. 11 Attacks Saturday, September 6, 2003
(140) The Progress Report April 23, 2004 "Americans Still Misled"
(141) New York Times 03-30-2004 Op-Ed "This Isn't America" by Paul Krugman

I owe a debt of gratitude and most of my footnotes to "Truth & Consequences" 04-22-2004 DOC, RTF, PDF The Progress Report @ , The Daily Mislead. and of course many other authors such as Bernard Weiner's "Up, Up B.S. Away" and Michelle Mairesse and her posting at

Revisions :
[aa] added {08-06-04}
[bb] second largest producer changed to second largest proven reserves {08-06-04}
[cc] FBI changed to CIA {06-20-04}
[dd] 9/11 commission changed to commission (it was a separate body) {06-20-04}
[ee] deleted the e-mail address {08-29-04}
[ff] It appears it's not an original idea. If you check out Michelle Mairesse's postings you'll see it's specifically mentioned back in 2002. {08-21-2004}
[gg] How could I forget to include it, I’m sorry {04-04-05}
[hh] How could I forget to mention those facts…I goofed.  I did not mention the author’s name because I’m not sure he desires to be associated with this letter. {05-08-05}
[ii] Brilliant article: predicted everything the Bush administration did, and will do. Just didn’t see it till recently. {05-08-05}
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Al Jazeera 09-21-2004
PBS 09-21-2004
NBC News 09-21-2004
ABC News 05-26-04 08-07-04 08-29-04 09-21-2004
DW Wrold DE 05-26-04 08-07-04 08-29-04 09-21-2004 05-26-04 08-07-04 08-29-04 09-21-2004
Chicago Tribune 05-26-04 08-07-04 09-21-2004 06-01-04 08-07-04 09-21-2004

San Francisco, CA.

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