A Conversation with Mrs.Middle America
Eighth mailing 09-21-2004

As usual, no replies received from anybody.  Again if you received any from me they're not mine.

As promised of course I checked on Google to see if there are any connections between the Saudis, the Chechens and the ongoing slaughter in the Sudan.  I only got about 10,000 articles on the first couple of searches, so I won't bother to tell you what you already know.  Not that anybody in this country seems to care.

Secretary Powell is of course making bleating noises about the slaughter in the Sudan, but we know that's just for show since the money comes from Bush's "friends" the Saudis. Doesn't Powell have any more pride left? What do they do over there in the white house? Give him drugs or something? First his ridiculous show at the U.N. regarding Iraq, now this.

To make all of you happy this is the last full transmission of my entire document.  I don't want to clog up your e-mail or web sites. From now on you'll only get the addendums and since I'll be establishing my own web site, probably not even those.

What follows is an addendum you'll really like.  It's in the format of a fictitious satirical interview.  I think it's pretty biting, I hope you enjoy it.


This interview took place in a finely maintained split-level home, with a well-mowed lawn in the front, a two-car garage on the side of the house and a spacious backyard. In the backyard you'll find an above ground pool, plenty of additional green lawn and a vegetable garden. The house is located in a well to do suburb of the Midwest.

Mrs. Middle America is a middle aged, plump, apple cheeked, Caucasian woman who is a member of the PTA, the local country club, attends her local church regularly, and likes to garden. She has three children, two girls and a boy in their teenage years. Mrs. Middle America voted for the Republican ticket in the last election and intends to do so again.

I'm speaking with Mrs. Middle America to get a sense of where our country is heading and what she thinks about what's happened during the last three years.

"Well Mrs. America it's been quite an eventful three years hasn't it?" I start out jovially as I open my notebook.

"It certainly has," she says, leaning forward and looking at me eagerly.

"I'd like to start with the terrible events that occurred on 9/11. I understand that you agree with the current administration that this is the sole act of a group of terrorists called Al Qeada?" I say inquiringly.

"Yes that's right that's what the TV and newspapers say. I mean they're talking about it every single day, terrorist this, terrorist that, yellow alerts, orange alerts, gosh" she says breathlessly "it near frightens me to death."

"Who do you think is responsible for Al Qeada?" I query.

"What do you mean?" She says with a perplexed look on her face.

"I mean who do you think supports Al Qeada, who created them, trained them, who still gives them money, who allowed them entry into the U.S.?" Was my response.

"What do you mean, why is that important?" she says with a look of increasing perplexity on her face. "I mean they're the enemy, we have to get them, all of them, every single one, our President says so and I believe our President." Saying the last with a look of utter certainty.

"Get all of whom?" I ask with a look of concern.

"Why Al Qeada, the Iraqis, the Iranians... all of them of course" she responds with what could only be described as a blank look on her face.

"Uh.... Well, Uh I mean .... Uh...didn't you just say that it was Al Qeada that were the terrorists?" I blurt, starting to get a little flustered.

"Of course, them too." She replies.

I sigh and say "Would it surprise you to learn that that the CIA and the 9/11 commission have stated respectively that there is no connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda or Iraq and the events of 9/11?"

"I think I might have remembered hearing something about that ... maybe." She says. "But anyway Iraq had those awful weapons of mass destruction."

I looked at her with what could only be described as a stony look on my face; I couldn't help myself, and stated. "You do know that they found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and it appears they've had none for several years before the war?"  

"Yes, but I just read they had intentions of building those weapons." She replies with a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes.

"I see." I say, and pause "Let's go back to my original question before we got sidetracked here, would it surprise you to learn that it's been Saudi Arabia and the United States, who supported and trained Al Qeada when they were fighting in Afghanistan. That Saudi Arabia continues to support them today and that 15 out of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens?"

"That couldn't be." She stated unequivocally. "The president says that the Saudis are our friends so you must be wrong sir." She added with a touch of anger in her voice.

"You know of course," I responded, "that the Bush administration and their advisors have been intertwined with the Saudi and the Bin Laden families personally and financially for the last twenty to thirty years?"

"So what does that have to do with anything? Are you one of those liberal types, always jealous of someone trying to make a little money?" she says snappishly. "These are wealthy and great men and deserve our respect."

"Why because they have money?" I ask?

"Exactly, God wouldn't have let them have all that money if they didn't deserve it." She says with an expression of what could almost be described as rapture.

"But don't you think all that money and the personal relationships these guys have, might have influenced their decisions regarding U.S. security arrangements before 9/11 and they're decision to invade Iraq. After all, several billion dollars has been transferred from the Saudi and bin Laden families to accounts controlled by the Bush family alone, not to mention all the other members of the Bush administration, and this is only what we know of publicly?"

"Are you impugning our president's reputation? How dare you, he's a great man, everyone says so, he's on the news and on the TV every single day, everyone thinks he's the greatest. In this time of war everyone should get behind the president." She says with a tone of real anger in her voice.

"Yes but he's the one who started the war in the first place." I said with a note of desperation. "There were seven investigations into Pearl Harbor, we've only had one so far regarding 9/11 in three years, and that would be the "9/11 commission" itself. They've already publicly stated they won't even look into who supported the terrorists or who facilitated their entry into the U.S. until after the elections. Don't you find that a bit suspicious?"

"Sir", she said, leaning back in her chair and eying me with a cold glint in her eye, "I have no idea were you are going with this. I am sure everything's been investigated already, we know who our enemies are, it's who our President says they are..... Besides this wasn't Pearl Harbor"

"Yeah.... Right, a lot more civilians died this time." I retorted sarcastically.

"Sir" she says making motions to get up and leave, "if you continue to talk to me about what happened before 9/11 or anything to do with our beloved President I will have to stop this conversation."

"OK. OK" I said, trying to mollify her anger.  "Lets talk about Iraq then. You state that they're our enemy, correct?  Even though they didn't posses any WMD, weren't connected to Al Qeada and had nothing to do with 9/11, Right?"

"Yes of course they're our enemy, that's because our President say's so. He said they were thinking about getting those awful weapons and that later on they might attack us at some point in the future." She stated resolutely. "He also said they could possibly support other terrorists in the future."

"So anyone or any nation that the President says might be "thinking" of getting those awful weapons can be attacked by us, is that right" I ask incredulously.

"Of course." She replies a matter-of-factly.

"Even thought funding for most of the terrorists came from, and continues to come from the Saudis."

"Maybe you didn't hear me," She said irritably, "the President says the Saudis are our friends, and we have to believe the President."

Pressing the issue relentlessly I stated "You understand of course even the most cursory search on the web brings up thousands of articles about Saudi support not only for Al Qeada of course, but for the Chechen terrorists who massacred those school children in Besan Russia and the "government forces" who are killing millions of non-Moslems in the Sudan."

With a note of real irritation in her voice she stated "Please stop harping on this issue, I've already said what I have to say and I don't want to talk about it anymore."

OK... But I said, still pressing "Those children massacred in Russia made a terrible backdrop to the RNC convention and offered mute testimony to the administration's positions didn't they.  All those broken and bleeding little bodies?  All those terrified parents?"

"Yes it was terrible," she sighed, her eyes starting to moisten as she regarded me with a slightly shocked expression. "But it goes to show we have to rely on our President to protect us from those terrorists."

"It's timing was quite remarkable wasn't it" I said dryly.

"Yes, God was sending us a message that we have to destroy all those evil terrorists out there." She replied with her lower lip trembling.

"Yes well I suppose someone was sending a message..... Um, and of course, just as with those 'awful weapons', you believe that "terrorists" are anyone, or any country, whom the President says is a terrorist is that right?" I probe ruthlessly.

"Absolutely" she says with utter conviction, looking at me with a hint of suspicion in her eyes. "That's what I've already told you."

"Ok" I say, "Let's turn back to Iraq again, would it surprise you to learn that Saddam Hussian was helped into power by our own CIA, and that the Bush administration and it's advisors, the one's who took us to war against Iraq, were the very people who sold large quantities of weapons to Iraq, including those 'awful weapons' of mass destruction."

"So what." she stated petulantly "Are you sure you're not one of those liberals? So the president and his men made a little money, why are you always harping on these things"?

"Because" I said a little testily "Don't you think it's hypocritical for the Bush administration to create these monsters all over the world, supply them with weapons which are used against their own populations and in wars we encourage, making money all the while. Then when there's not enough money left, when these countries who did business with us lie broken, exhausted and financially bankrupt, we turn around and make war on them using as an excuse, terrorist "incidents" caused by the administration's own "friends" like the Saudis to make even more money for the administration and their rich "friends?"

"What is it with you and this money thing?" she stated, looking at me owlishly.

"It's not the money, it's the hundreds of thousands of Iranian, Iraqi and U.S. dead that I'm concerned about!" I almost shouted, on the verge of completely losing my temper.

"Sir if you can't be civil I'll have to ask you to leave." She said primly. "These people have to die because they're terrorists, it's a regrettable but necessary thing we have to do to protect ourselves."

"But they're not the terrorists. The money for the terrorists, the training, the religion, and the people themselves comes from the Saudis." I retorted, at this point looking and sounding totally distressed.

"There, there my dear." She says as she leans forward and pats my hand sympathetically. "What is it with you and this obsession about money and the Saudis. Just trust the President he'll do the right thing."

"Even if it means the death of millions of Iranians or Kazacstanies or Venezuelans or whomever." I said with a plaintive note in my voice while looking at her beseechingly.

"That's right dear, now you understand." She said as she looked benignly upon my face. "Even if we have to kill and torture and maim millions and millions of other people in other countries, especially the ones that have lots of oil, we'll just be doing it to protect ourselves against those evil terrorists."

"Ok" trembling as I put away my notebook.  "I guess were all done here and I'll be going now," I mumble, looking totally dismayed.

"Oh don't go just yet." she requested with a look of motherly concern on her face. "Would you like some tea or coffee"?

"Oh no." I said, trying to look nonchalant and getting ready to leave as quickly as possible.

"It's really important, you see I'm quite concerned about your safety." She consoled with a worried look on her face. "It's your attitude that concerns me, all these questions you keep asking, especially the one's about money.  People are starting to say things like you might be a terrorist yourself.  I wouldn't want anything to happen to you so it's really for the best that you leave well enough alone."

"I see," Was all I could reply as I headed rapidly toward the door.

As she runs to open it for me she smiles, "You know I really enjoyed this conversation, but remember no more of these little shenanigans," she says as she reaches up and tweaks my cheek. "You be a good little boy or you too could wind up in Abu Gairab prison, and you know what happens to little boys there don't you?"

Swallowing convulsively as I back away from Mrs. America I said as convincingly as I could "Sure I won't do any more investigations or any more interviews like this ma'am, I assure you."  

As I was running down the street, staring at all the perfectly manicured lawns and all the perfectly dressed people and all the perfectly maintained homes, I realized a new century was dawning in America and was determined I would have to find some place to hide, and soon.

To all the rest of the people in the world that have done us no harm, I apologize for what Mrs. America is going to do to you.  I'm really, really sorry.