Wednesday January 11th 2017

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

The Gatekeepers: The Rebranding of the Anti-Syria ‘Left’
Must Read - A quote...."To recap: Since 2011 researchers and activists have worked tirelessly to investigate and share the facts of the Syrian conflict.  For people taking a serious interest in the conflict, the concept of the ‘civil war’ has been long debunked – instead the war has been seen for what it is, a proxy war initiated and fuelled from without, both camouflaged and justified through an extraordinary propaganda campaign . Unsentimental people with no personal interest in Syria now discount the unproven charges against Assad out of hand – after all, why would you believe some lies, and not others? -- In the meantime the likes of Rania Khalek, Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton have facilitated the war on Syria by using whatever platforms available to them, whether it be published articles, videos or social media. They have furthered the agenda of NATO and its allies by relentlessly vilifying the president of Syria, the Syrian armed forces and the Russian forces, and promoted the bogus concepts of ‘popular revolution’ and a democratic opposition."

ISIS, Al-Qaeda And The U.S. Airforce Wage War On Syria's Public Utilities
Must Read - A quote...."There is a campaign underway to destroy Syria's public utilities. Al-Qaeda, ISIS and the U.S. airforce are involved. Their action is coordinated. -- That is an outrageous statement? No such coordination would ever happen?  Consider: -- The idea of the Islamic State was "born" in the U.S. military prison camp Bucca in Iraq. Many of its future leader were interned there and had time and space to develop their philosophy and to plan their future operations."

When The Blood Is A Lie
Must Read - A quote...."On December 26 the UK Independent revealed that five people had been arrested in Egypt for faking footage of civilian suffering in east Aleppo. The Indy commented...."
"Five people in Port Said allegedly making fake videos purporting to show the wreckage of air strikes in the Syrian city of Aleppo have been arrested, the Egyptian Interior Ministry has said. -- The videographer, his assistants and the parents of two children who appear in the footage were detained after police managed to trail the would-be camera crew to a building site awaiting demolition, a statement on Monday said. -- The team reportedly admitted they had planned to distribute their work on social media, pretending it showed scenes of the injured and destruction in Aleppo, the embattled northern Syrian city which has just fallen back under government control after four years of fighting between the regime and Sunni rebels."
Obama The War Criminal Butcherer of Women and Children
Must Read - A quote...."There is no doubt that US President Barak Obama is a war criminal as are his military and intelligence officials and most of the House and Senate. -- Obama is the first president to keep the US at war for the entirety of his eight-year regime. During 2016 alone the US dropped 26,171 bombs on wedding parties, funerals, kid’s soccer games, hospitals, schools, people in their homes and walking their streets, and farmers tilling their fields in seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan." - bold/underline by website editor

Obama’s Deplorable Last Hurrah
The Mulatto Manlet:  The TRULY Deplorable - A quote...." On Tuesday evening, Obama delivered his self-styled farewell address - as demagogic and duplicitous as all his others. -- A separate article discussed what he left unexplained - the enormous harm he inflicted on humanity at home and abroad throughout his tenure. -- His farewell address included a recitation of democratic rights he abhors - “among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” freedoms he spent eight years destroying at home and abroad. -- “(S)triv(ing) together (for) a common good, a greater good” was polar opposite his ruthless agenda - raping, destroying and pillaging one country after another, responsible for millions of casualties on his watch."

Obama Stutters And Stammers Accusations Against Russia During His Final Push For War
Chicago's Bonobo Butt-Boy's Last "Trick" For His Zio-Banksters -- A quote...."As Obama’s days as U.S. President draw to a close, both the Obama administration and the mainstream corporate media are attempting to provoke a greater conflict with nuclear-armed Russia on the basis of something that never actually happened; at least on the basis of something that they have yet to prove has actually happened. Still, the hype and hysteria being piped from the halls of the White House, intelligence community, and the mouthpiece of the establishment, the corporate media, is incessant. According to the media and the President, the Russians hacked the DNC (never mind the fact that the DNC was acting inappropriately and rigging the elections themselves) and put American democracy at risk."

The U.S. [Zio-Banksters Bonobo Butt-Boy] Dropped an Average of 3 Bombs per Hour Last Year
The "Peace Prize Prez" -- A quote...."(ANTIMEDIA) According to an estimate recently released by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), in 2016 alone, the Obama administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs in seven different countries. -- As even the most pro-administration publications have noted, that amounts to 72 bombs per day – three bombs per hour – every day for the entire year. Unfortunately, this didn’t classify as “violence” worthy of criticism by Meryl Streep and her colleagues in Hollywood."

America’s Russian Dybbuk
A quote...."From ancient Hebrew folklore, the dybbuk is a demonic spirit that inhabits a person’s body and soul in order to get what it wants. American foreign policy is endlessly driven to search and destroy imaginary demons: Noriega, Milosevic, Saddam, Ho, Tojo, Nasser, Gaddafi, Lumumba, Castro, Osama, Yanukovych, and a host of others in its hit parade. Obama wouldn’t be fulfilling his duty as warmonger-in-chief if he didn’t submit at least one new person to the pantheon of evil nogoodniks. He found his dybbuk in Vladimir Putin." - Source:  CounterPunch (link unavailable)

"Syria and the United States: We Now Know"
A quote...."Somehow, it has not sunk into the general consciousness of US public opinion that the Obama administration has supported or is supporting directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, the forces of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State in Syria (ISIL, ISIS or Daesh) in order to overthrow the government of President Bashar al Assad in Damascus. This should not be surprising because most Americans do not believe that the US government could be on the wrong side of any conflict. The Mainstream Media (MSM), both print and broadcast, serve as purveyors of this general idea. Call it «fake news» or propaganda, it works well on US public opinion."

US-EU Supported Terrorists Contaminate Syria’s Water Reservoirs: Complicity of “White Helmets”
Humanitarian Water Poisoners - A quote...."Just before Christmas 2016, NATO’s Syrian rebels threw thousands of tonnes of diesel into Damascus’ water reservoirs before blowing up the wells to divert the water into nearby rivers, which immediately flooded. The result of this war crime is that the 5 million civilians of Damascus have been without water since then." - Source:  WeSaveSyria

EXCLUSIVE: ‘President’ Raed Saleh’s Terrorist Connections within White Helmet Leadership
Humanitarian Head Choppers - A quote....“Every single one of us has taken an oath to save lives regardless of political, sectarian or religious affiliation! We are neutral, impartial and humanitarian.” ~ Raed Saleh -- Noble words from Saleh, leader of the White Helmets, as he accepted the prestigious Right Livelihood Award on behalf of his NATO allied and Gulf state multi-million-dollar funded ‘humanitarian’ NGO. -- See my the open letter to offcials at the Right Livelihood organisation here: White Helmets Campaign for War NOT Peace – Retract RLA & Nobel Peace Prize Nominations"

George Clooney Comes Out In Support of ISIS-Al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization The White Helmets, Calls Them “Heroes” - War Criminal George Clooney:  Humanitarian ISIS Supporter -- A quote...."The Duran has reported extensively on the real identity of The White Helmets, and we would suggest George Clooney seriously examine the overwhelming amount of evidence that exposes The White Helmets as the Al Qaeda-ISIS terrorists fakes that they are..."
George Clooney’s Personal Jihad to Promote Al Qaeda’s Civil Defence in Syria
George Clooney Joins The Jihadists - Related Article -- A quote...."The latest recruit to the NATO state funded and promoted, fraudulent White Helmets, Nusra Front civil defence in Syria, fan club,  is no other than Nescafe’s finest, George Clooney. The celebrity “revolution”-in-Syria-fetishists had already swooped in their droves upon the Nobel Peace prize nomination for the White Helmets putting their considerable, A-listed, celebrity status behind the terrorist support group’s bid for a Nobel Peace prize."
UK admits selling 500 cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia
A quote...."The United Kingdom exported 500 cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia in the 1980s which the country used in its war on Yemen, an official report shows. - “The UK delivered 500 BL755 cluster munitions under a government-to-government agreement signed in 1986. The final delivery was made in 1989,” reads a letter by Defense Secretary Michael Fallon to Conservative MP Philip Hollobone."
[UK] Foreign Office took weeks to correct false claims about Saudi war in Yemen, emails show
A quote...." The British Foreign Office has been accused of breaking official ministerial rules by taking weeks to correct false claims it had assessed Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen for any breaches of international humanitarian law (IHL). - Ministers were told that four statements made in response to parliamentary questions had misled Parliament on whether the UK had made proper assessments of the Yemen war."

UK supporting Saudi genocide in Yemen: Scholar
A quote...."The UK government’s arms deals with Saudi Arabia, which is carrying out a ‘genocide’ in Yemen, shows London’s tendency to support totalitarian regimes around the world, says a British scholar."

UK tried to distort facts on Saudi cluster bombs purchase: Analyst
A quote...."The British Foreign Office is under scrutiny after it was revealed that it broke the UK ministerial codes over the Saudi use of British-made weapons in Yemen. The United Kingdom delivered 500 cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia in the 1980s which were used in its war on Yemen."
US Puppet Ban Ki-moon Finally Leaves the UN – After Gutting it from the Inside
A quote...."History shows how the United States has staged dozens of violent coups worldwide since the end of WWII. Here the CIA will simply install its own compliant puppet leader in order to better streamline US interests with those of the target nation. This practice was not only confined to nation states, however, as we can see with the out-going UN Secretary General."

US Deep State [Empire] in Deep Trouble
A quote..."US ruling power is in deep trouble because there are growing signs that the mass of citizens are no longer beholden to the supposed authority residing in Washington. - Once the legitimacy of would-be authorities begins to collapse in the eyes of the people, then profound political change is in the offing, as history shows us through countless empires that came and went – often ignominiously."
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media:   The False "Hacking" Claim....

US Government Tries and Fails to Play Media Critic on RT
Must Read - A quote...."It’s unclear why the DNI, with a budget of $53 billion, couldn’t borrow an intern from the Atlantic Council or the Institute of Modern Russia or the Foreign Policy Research Institute or the dozens of other think tanks dedicated to hand-wringing over the Russian “information war” to update a crucial section of its hugely consequential report. -- A sizable chunk of the report that was supposed to silence skeptics of the government’s claims of Russian involvement in  political hacking, then, was an Intro to Marketing-style powerpoint on a modestly funded foreign cable channel. One rarely gets to watch the US government officially engage in media criticism, and the exercise is a useful window into official thinking. -- In the report’s worldview, any and all criticism of the social fabric of the United states is seen as sinister propaganda. Seemingly hard-to-deny problems like Wall Street greed and civil liberties abuse get the dismissive “alleged” treatment...." - Source & Donation Request:  FAIR

Washington Invented Hacking and Interfering in Elections - Weaponized hacking all began with Stuxnet
A quote...."Is the United States the victim of an unprovoked cyber and media attack by Russia and China or are the chickens coming home to roost after Washington’s own promotion of such activity worldwide? On Thursday Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asserted to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that while no foreign government had been able to interfere with actual voting machines, “U.S. agencies are more confident than ever that Russia interfered in America’s recent presidential election. And he called the former Cold War foe an ‘existential threat’ to the nation.” Pressed by Senator John McCain whether the “attack” constituted an “act of war,” Clapper demurred, saying that it would be a “very heavy policy call” to say so. He also said that he could not judge if the election outcome had been changed due to the claimed outside interference." - Source:  UNZReview

State Department Says Presenting Evidence Of Russian Hacking Would Be “Irresponsible”
Perrrrfect Title - A quote...."One recurring lament throughout the theatrically dramatic campaign involving reports and emotional appeals by US intelligence agencies such as the CIA (whose primary function is the creation of disinformation) to ordinary Americans, that Russia had "hacked the US presidential election" is that for all the bluster and "conviction", there has been zero evidence."

According To U.S. Spy Agency’s The Russians Did Interfere In The Election Campaign, And We’re Not Gonna Tell Cause It’s A Secret ! (Video) -- A quote...."I mean, does the US Have no shame anymore ! This is like playground talk with little kids . The government and it’s Spy agency’s have brought nothing but embarrassment to it’s own citizens and nation. America has become the laughing stock of the world ! US intelligence agencies are not able to reveal evidence of their claims that Russia interfered in US elections because it’s a secret, according to spokesman for the US State Department, John Kirby."

How Russia’s RT Became the Target of CIA, FBI and NSA’s Anticlimactic ‘Big Reveal’
A quote...."Almost every major western news outlet splashed this story. But it was probably the New York Times’ report which was the most amusing. America’s “paper of record” hailed the DNI’s homework as “damning and surprisingly detailed.” Then a few paragraphs later admitted the analysis contained no actual evidence." - Source:  RT

Diplomat Slams As 'Rubbish' Reports Accusing Moscow of Trying to Influence US Election
A quote...."MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Western media’s reports on Russia’s alleged attempts to influence the US presidential election are crazy rubbish, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said."

China demands an explanation for the NSA’s PRISM program in response to U.S. allegations of state-sponsored hacking. - A quote...."While the United States continues to throw accusations at Russia for state-sponsored hacking that U.S. officials claim were aimed at interfering with the 2016 presidential election, Russia has so far responded to the accusations with outright mockery of the claims."

Sweden [Now] Claims Sputnik to Influence Elections, Presents Evidence-Free Report
Sweden:  Monkey See, Monkey Do - (Oh....You've GOT TO BE KIDDING!! - mpg) -- A quote...."For decades, Russia has been the convenient boogeyman Western politicians use every time there is a slim chance something will go "wrong." Sweden has recently joined the US-conducted chorus of nations which claim the Russian media could influence the fate of elections in other countries." - This is getting ridiculous folks!! - mpg

Watch How Casually False Claims are Published: New York Times and Nicholas Lemann Edition
A quote...."Like most people, I’ve long known that factual falsehoods are routinely published in major media outlets. But as I’ve pointed out before, nothing makes you internalize just how often it really happens, how completely their editorial standards so often fail, like being personally involved in a story that receives substantial media coverage. I cannot count how many times I’ve read or heard claims from major media outlets about the Snowden story that I knew, from first-hand knowledge, were a total fabrication."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

Russian MPs ‘Bewildered’ By latest US Enlargement of Magnitsky Act
A quote...."Russian State Duma deputies have blasted the US expansion of the ‘Magnitsky’ sanctions as a step aimed at complicating the future work of Donald Trump’s administration, adding that no recent developments could justify the step. -- State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin called the move “a hysteric fit of the departing Obama administration.” He noted that, along with the widely reported allegations of Russian hackers’ meddling in the US presidential elections, it could be an attempt to shift the blame for the Democrats’ defeat in a bid to explain the loss to unhappy sponsors."

Red War Warning

FLASHBACK - BBC Caught Red Handed Hoaxing Russian T-72?s Invading! They Were Junk Tanks Bought By Ukraine for Propaganda! -- False Flag Warning --  A quote...."A couple of weeks ago, Ukraine bought some old T-72?s from Hungary at the scrap price of about $8,500 dollars each which is their value as scrap metal. Ukraine does not use the T-72, it uses the later t-80 and t-84. But Russia still uses the T-72. It seems that the only purpose that Ukraine bought these junk tanks for is to create a false flag or for more lies from the fake news that Russia is invading!"
"Is Obama going to use these Hungarian T-72s, repainted in Russian markings, to stage another "Gleiwitz Incident"; making a fake invasion by Russia to launch WW3 for real?" -- *Michael Rivero* - (red card excepted)
U.S. Tanks and Troops at Russia’s Border: German Politicians up in Arms Over US-NATO Buildup Directed against Russia - A quote...."A quote...."“It does not help us if tanks will be going up and down on both sides of the border,” Brandenburg’s leader and SPD party member, Dietmar Woidke, told RBB. “I hope everyone will keep calm.” - “I believe that despite all the difficulties, we should seek dialogue with Russia,” he added on Thursday, warning that relations with Moscow could worsen even further. - Germany’s ruling CDU party called Woidke’s standpoint “strange,” with parliamentary faction leader Ingo Senftleben saying the operation “takes place within the framework of the contractual arrangements of NATO and at the explicit request of Poland.” - Source:  RT

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Tell-All from behind Ukrainian Lines - Part 1: [Euro-Kharzarian] Poroshenko's Blood Money
Must Read - A quote...." I am a resident of Kharkov, the first capital of Soviet Ukraine. Although this city has lost the status of the political capital of Ukraine, it is still considered the scientific and industrial capital of the country. Kharkov was founded and settled in the 17th century and belonged to the Russian (Muscovite) Tsars."
Tell-All from behind Ukrainian Lines - Part 2: Kiev's Wasted Cannon Fodder
Must Read - Related Article - A quote..."In December 2016, by way of work affairs, for a lengthy period of time I was in close contact with a large group of servicemen, sergeants and soldiers, from the Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone, as the punitive operation against the Donbass republics is called in Ukraine."
DPR Military Tribunal Sentences Ukrainian [Kiev Regime] Spy to 11 Years – State Security Ministry
A quote...."The DPR military tribunal found Ukrainian citizen Oleg Chulga guilty of espionage for Kiev forces and sentenced him to 11 years, reported the press service of the Republic’s State Security Ministry (MGB) on Tuesday."

Coup in Kiev: Government in Exile to Ukraine? - TV Report
A quote...."The former head of the Ukrainian government, and now, the chairman of the Committee of Salvation of Ukraine, Nikolay Azarov, said that the Moscow’s court decision is of great importance, and it will allow appealing to the international court. In addition, the politician believes it possible to create a government in exile. However, for this purpose conditions in Ukraine itself should mature."

Six Ukrainian servicemen desert army in two days – Basurin
A quote...."Four Ukrainian servicemen deserted the army in the past 24 hours, the DPR Operational Command deputy commander Eduard Basurin told on Tuesday."

Littlehirosima: New Year in Pervomaysk
A quote...."Pervomaysk, a frontline city in LPR, has just held its New Year’s tree ceremonies and all the kids received presents!) - My wonderful Zhenya and Lena delivered presents  - [collected thanks to our efforts and your donations] - to Pervomaysk. - (The city is one of the worst-hit by this terrible war. - On the photo below, shell fragments are gathered under the Lenin monument. People used to bring them to this spot, but stopped doing it by now.)"

Dr. Liza’s Humanitarian Organization to Continue Its Mission
A quote...."Donetsk, Jan 9 – DAN. International humanitarian organization Spravedlivaya Pomoshch (Fair Aid) will continue its work, inspired by its late leader Elizaveta Glinka. - “We are definitely going on with our mission that was a part of Doctor Liza’s life. We have already finalized the list of children who are to receive treatment in Moscow,” the representative of the Spravedlivaya Pomoshch in Donetsk Tatiana Svetlichnaya told DAN."
On the 1000th day of the war in Donetsk, Ukraine [Kiev Regime] kidnaps civilians
A quote..."Sunday, Jan. 8 marked the thousandth day of the Donbass War, and the Ukrainian Army found nothing better to do to mark this sinister anniversary than to kidnap about 20 civilians in the village of Kurakhovo by night, and bring them in handcuffs to the front, near the town of Maryinka. An ignoble war crime committed by the 10th Ukrainian Armed Forces Mountain Assault Brigade (FAU) and the Alfa unit of the Ukrainian Security Services (SBU)."

Dutch Court Blocks Truth-Telling on MH17’s Downing
08]   MH-17 - A quote...." America’s Machiavellian long arm reaches virtually everywhere - likely involved in assuring a Dutch court blocked data on MH17’s downing gathered by independent journalists, wanting it kept suppressed to prevent exposing the fraudulent official findings. -- The incident was a classic false flag. Russia had nothing to do with it. Nor were Donbass freedom fighters involved. -- Washington and Kiev had motive and opportunity. They had everything to gain. They bear responsibility for the heinous act." - Topix ||  Kiev's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17 ||

Trump and MH17: Just One Step Too Far?
08]   MH-17 - A quote...."The propaganda campaign by the NATO war alliance against Russia has several components. The newest elements are the surreal allegations being made by the Obama regime, suffering a fit of apoplexy over the victory of Donald Trump in the American elections, that Russia interfered in the elections, that President-elect Trump is a Russian agent, and that Russia is conducting a war against American “democracy.” The other components are that Russia invaded Ukraine and Crimea, massacres civilians in Syria, threatens hybrid war operations in the Baltic, threatens the German elections, threatens European “democracy” in general and is about to invade Europe. Each component is as egregious and absurd as the rest but one of the most vicious of these absurdities is the campaign directed against Russia concerning the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 over east Ukraine on 17 July, 2014." - Topix ||  Kiev's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17 ||

Detaining Journalists: Europe bans truth about MH17 - TV Report
08]   MH-17 - A quote...."Two and a half years ago, Ukrainian antiaircraft missiles brought down a Boeing 777 above Donbass. Many foreign citizens, who are fed up with recently announced fetched outcome of the investigation, are attempting to still know the truth. But Europe is not ready for the truth. Dutch police arrested two journalists who conducted an independent investigation at the crash site of the Malaysian Boeing." - Topix ||  Kiev's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17 ||

Dutch journalist: MH17 plane fragments can still be found at Donetsk crash site
08]   MH-17 - A quote...."A lot of plane fragments and possibly human remains can still be found at the site of the MH17 crash in Ukraine’s Donbass, Dutch journalist Stefan Beck said on Tuesday after he visited the region. Visiting the crash site was not the main aim of the trip he made together with another journalist, Michel Spekkers, the journalist wrote in his blog. Statements was reported by TASS News." - Topix ||  Kiev's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17 ||
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Boiling Point: Transcarpathia threatens Kiev [Regime] with 'Donbass scenario'
A quote...."Over the past year, the regional councils of a number of regions of Ukraine (Poltava and Ivano-Frankivsk) have adopted laws demanding that President Poroshenko empower regions’ rights. Kiev has regarded these as manifestations of separatism. Now the baton has been taken by social organizations not only in Lvov, but also Transcarpathia. Indeed, it appears that Transcarpathis is gradually regaining the status of the main “separatist region” in Western Ukraine."

Disgusting And Horrific As Albanian Scum Protesters Attack Serbian Pilgrimage On Christmas Eve With Stones !
A quote...."Serbs driven out of their homes in the town of Djakovica in Kosovo, who came back for the Serbian Orthodox Christmas Eve, have once again come under attack. - The bravest and the most persevering, the displaced persons who were today in Djakovica, will emerge even braver and more persevering, and will never give up on their intention to one day return to their homes in their Djakovica,”. - “Let that perseverance be the only, and I am certain, the most powerful ‘weapon’ in the fight to secure the return,” !!"
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Al-Masdar Podcast 15 – Carla Ortiz, Voice of Syria, & Stories From the Front Line
Must Listen AMNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (AMNMp3 - 38min26sec - Jan 9th, 2017) - Source:  Al-Masdar News - Al-Masdar PodCasts -- A quote...."Carla Ortiz is a Bolivian actress and filmmaker who spent 8 months in Syria working on her upcoming film titled "Voice of Syria", which will be released later this year and will show Carla's interactions with the people of Syria through her various expeditions through the country. - In this interview, Carla shares stories from her travels through Syria, answers questions regarding her own observations versus media coverage, and discusses the 'human duty' that each of us face in regards to the Syrian conflict. - You can follow Carla on Facebook here or on her Twitter here."

Grand Mufti Of Syria Dismantles Lie That Syrian Crisis Is Driven By Religious Strife
Special Note - A quote...."While most Americans are force fed propaganda and misinformation about virtually every country outside their own borders (including the country in which they live) Syria has been a particular target of the corporate press. In fact, so much propaganda and lies have been spread regarding Syria and the crisis unfolding there that the average person glued to Fake News outlets like CNN, FOX, and MSNBC could scarcely recite one fact about the country correctly."

The Media Is Lying to Everyone About What Obama Has Done in Syria
Corp Media:  Covering-Up For A Mass-Murderer -- A quote...."(ANTIMEDIA) It’s time to put to rest the notion and myth perpetuated by the corporate media that Barack Obama had a “hands off” approach to the Syrian conflict. According to a Council on Foreign Relations estimate, Obama dropped over 26,000 bombs in 2016 — almost half of which fell in Syrian territory. -- Last year, 12,192 bombs were dropped in Syria by Obama. Iraq came in a close second place with 12,095 bombs. Altogether, the peace prize-winning president dropped at least 26,171 bombs in seven countries throughout the last year." - bold by website editor

RealNews Journalist Ben Swann Needs Support: Crowdfunding "U.S. Knew It Was Creating ISIS" Episode
Action Alert - Ben Swan Donation Request -- A quote...."Our readers probably know about Ben Swann. He's the host of "Reality Check" on CBS News. Swann has also established his own independent, crowdfunded Truth In Media Project at [& Swann@YuTb] So far he and his team have produced 16 episodes, and more are in the works. He just announced his next project on Facebook...."
"Please support our new crowdfunding effort! We are going to create a full half hour documentary to explain not only HOW the U.S., Saudis, Israel, Jordan and Qatar created ISIS but WHY they did so in an effort to overthrow Assad in Syria as well as the effort now underway to end the U.S. funding of terror organizations. We are raising funds via Paystand so please consider donating. Just 5000 people at $10 each will get us the funding we need. Please click here to contribute and SHARE!"
Syria: Genocide with a Smile
A quote...."I have two related reasons to play Scrooge and to encourage everyone else to do the same. The British government, which uses DEC as a fig leaf for its crimes, sells Saudi Arabia the bombs that are reducing Yemeni to penury. If the British stopped selling the Saudis bombs to murder people, DEC would go out of business. It is as simple as that. Unless they oppose their government’s arms deals, DEC are collaborators in murdering Yemeni. It is as simple as that. -- The UNHCR case is even simpler. Because the Saudi regime, which is directly responsible for the mass murders in Yemen, chairs the UNHCR, that body can have no credibility and, like DEC, must be held to account for complicity in Saudi Arabia’s war crimes, as well as its own....."

The army discovers chemical substances of a Saudi source in Old City of Aleppo
Saudi Parasites Busted? - A quote...."The reporter added that the chemical substances included sulfur and chlorine and raw materials for plastic granules, noting that the chemical substances were used by the terrorists in manufacturing explosives for the purpose of targeting residential areas in Aleppo."
Kazakhstan Confirms Readiness to Host Syria Peace Talks
A quote...."ASTANA, January 11. /TASS/. Kazakhstan confirms its readiness to host the talks on the Syrian settlement in Astana, the country’s Foreign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov said during the open debate in the UN Security Council on Tuesday."

Ash Carter: Russia Does Nothing Against ISIS. Russian Minister: He Must Mean the US
A quote...."Two days ago US Defense Secretary Ash Carter complained US is left to fight ISIS alone as Russia is not doing anything against it...."
"They haven't done anything against ISIS. Virtually zero." -- "They came in they said they were going to fight ISIL and they said they were going to help end the civil war in Syria. They haven't done either of these things." -- "As a consequence of course, we’re fighting ISIL ourselves."
Yesterday Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu suggested Carter must have the two countries mixed up...."
"Yesterday I listened to a speech by one of my foreign counterparts in a faraway country." -- "He said that Russia’s contribution to the struggle against terrorism in Syria and in the region was equal to zero." -- "I might have subscribed to what he said in a sense only if a) that counterpart of mine had not picked the wrong country; and b) had been more accurate in his comments."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Turkey to Iraq: No troop withdrawal until Mosul Op ends
A quote...."Turkey is not planning an immediate withdrawal of its troops from the camp, the prime ministers of both countries stressed in a joint statement that Iraqi sensitivities regarding sovereignty will be respected, Iraqi Alsumaria News reported."
5 Emirati diplomats slain in south Afghanistan bomb attack
A quote...."The United Arab Emirates (UAE) says five of its diplomats have lost their lives in the massive bomb explosion that ripped through a guesthouse in the troubled southern Afghan city of Kandahar."

Libyan general Khalifa Haftar visits Russian aircraft carrier
A quote...."Libyan strongman welcomed aboard the Admiral Kuznetsov in Mediterranean, speaks via video link with Russian defence minister."

Eight Schoolchildren Killed in Saudi-Led Coalition Strike in Yemen - Reports
A quote...."At least eight pupils were killed when a Saudi-led coalition's airstrike hit an elementary school in the Nehm district just northeast of Yemen's Sanaa, Yemen News Agency reported Tuesday."

UN Says Yemen War Claims Lives of 1,400 Children
Photo - (click to view) - Amerika's Tax Dollars At Work - A quote...."Nearly 1,400 children have been killed, hundreds more injured and many schools closed by the war in Yemen, the UN children’s fund said on Wednesday. - “Attacks on civilian areas continue to kill and injure scores of children in Yemen,” said UNICEF’s representative in Yemen, Meritxell Relano. - “Instead of learning, children are witnessing death, war and destruction,” she added, warning that the actual casualty toll was likely to be much higher than the verified figures."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere...

Britain’s Most Undesirable Immigrant: Why Was Shai Masot Given a Visa? 36
ZOG Alert - (Britain) -- A quote...."Astonishingly, the Israeli Embassy’s Senior Political Officer Shai Masot, implicated in a plot against the Deputy Foreign Minister, was not on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s Diplomatic List, the Bible for the status of accredited diplomats. This opens up a number of extremely important questions. Who was he, what was his visa status and why was he resident in the UK? It is very plain that the work he was doing as “Senior Political Officer” would equate normally to senior diplomatic rank."

Israeli Embassy Backing Campaign to Topple Britain’s Pro-Palestine Student Leader – report
ZOG Alert - (Britain) -- A quote...."Israeli authorities collaborated with student campaigners in an attempt to topple the president of the UK’s National Union of Students (NUS), Malia Bouattia, undercover filming suggests. - Al Jazeera reports the Israeli embassy in Britain and the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) have sponsored attempts to influence student politics, manipulate NUS elections, and even bring down the current president. - NUS vice president Richard Brooks is seen in footage telling an undercover reporter he is the one helping to organize Bouattia’s opponents." - Source:  RT

Obama Belatedly Says No to Israel
ZOG Alert - (US-NRE) -- A quote...."For the first time in his eight-year presidency, Barack Obama said no to Israel. When the Security Council voted to condemn Israel for building illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories, the Obama administration abstained, allowing the resolution to pass." - bold/underline by website editor - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Netanyahu Invents New Way to Persecute Palestinians
A quote...." In the week ending January 4, Israeli forces conducted 74 lawless incursions into Palestinian communities (over 10 daily), abducted 67 defenseless civilians, including 10 children. - One woman was shot three times with live fire, then arrested on fabricated charges - political, not legitimate reasons. - Vicious persecution continues daily. Expect worse ahead after Sunday’s security cabinet meeting."

Israeli Forces Destroy Water Pipeline Serving Bedouin Villages in Northern West Bank
A quote...."TUBAS (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadists] destroyed a pipeline supplying water to four Bedouin communities in the northern Jordan Valley, a Palestinian official said on Tuesday morning. - Muataz Bisharat, who monitors settlement-related activities in the Jordan Valley, told Ma'an that bulldozers under Israeli military [Euro-Kharzarian militia forces] protection destroyed part of an 11-kilometer water pipeline supplying the villages of al-Ras al-Ahmar, al-Hadidiya, Khirbet Makhul, and Khirbet Humsa."

10 Palestinian Homes Demolished in Israeli City, Prompting Mayor to Resign
A quote..."QALANSAWE (Ma'an) -- Israeli authorities [Euro-Kharzarian militia leaders] demolished 10 homes belonging to Palestinian citizens of Israel [Palestine] in the city of Qalansawe in central Israel [Palestine] on Tuesday morning, prompting a defeated mayor to resign after Israeli authorities [Euro-Kharzarian militia leaders] refused for decades to approve the city’s master plan. - Local sources told Ma’an the devastating demolition campaign sparked clashes between Israeli police [Euro-Kharzarian goons] and residents."

Israeli Soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian Militia Members] Execute Young Palestinian Man In His Home Near Tubas
A quote...."Updated: According to investigations by the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), and the mother’s testimony, Fawziyah Mahmoud Khamis Salhi (67) said to PCHR’s fieldworker that at approximately 02:00 on the above mentioned day, Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian militia] forces moved into al-Far’ah refugee camp, south of Tubas."

At least 25 Palestinians seized during Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist Militia] raids
A quote...."At least 25 Palestinians, including a number of minors, have been detained during a series of Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist militia] raids throughout the occupied territories."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

New World Order Pushing Cashless Agenda in India and Around the World
Modi's War on Cash -- A quote...."The cashless agenda has taken a giant leap forward worldwide in the last 2 months, mainly due to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Modi took the bold, detested and despised step of banning the 2 highest denomination notes in India (the 500 and 1000 rupee notes, worth around US$7.50 and $15 respectively). This wiped out around 80% of the value of circulating cash widely used by many segments of society for trade. His reason was to cut down on the black money circulating in India upon which tax is not paid. However, from the broader perspective of the worldwide New World Order (NWO) conspiracy, converting the entire world economy to solely digital transactions is not just about extracting more tax revenue from the ruled populations; it’s about knowledge and power. It’s about surveillance on an extraordinary scale. The cashless agenda is about acquiring the capacity to monitor literally every single financial transaction that takes place on the planet."

Protests In Mexico Push Country To Brink Of Revolution And Nobody's Talking About It
Revolution? - A quote...."Long-simmering social tensions in Mexico are threatening to boil over as failing neoliberal reforms to the country’s formerly nationalized gas sector are compounded by open corruption, stagnant standards of living, and rampant inflation." - Source:  AntiMediaOrg
Mass Protests Against Mexico Gas Price Hikes Enter Second Week
Related Article - A quote...."Tens of thousands of Mexicans have filled the streets in cities across the country over the past week to protest a double-digit spike in fuel prices that came into affect on Jan. 1 and is set to raise the cost of basic food staples like tortillas by up to 20 percent. "
'Czexit' Looms As Traders Bet On Czech Republic Breaking Euro-Peg
Czexit? - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Having kept an upper limit on the koruna in a bid to control inflation over the last three years, the central bank has been forced to buy up foreign currency at a faster pace to keep the regime steady. The koruna has been kept at around CZK27 against the euro since 2013, but policymakers have warned they are likely to scrap the regime at some point this year."

Venezuela’s GDP Plummeted 23 Percent, While Inflation Reached 830 Percent
A quote...."Gross Domestic Product plummeted in Venezuela in 2016, while inflation broke historic records, according to the country’s Central Bank. - Economic figures for the year were presented at a Venezuela Central Bank meeting this Tuesday, January 10, which were reportedly catastrophic. - GDP fell 23 percent in 2016, which far surpasses estimates made by investment banks that stood between 12 and 15 percent. Experts mainly attribute this to a decline in imports and the productivity of oil and manufacturing."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Hungary Plans To Crackdown On All Soros-Funded NGOs - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Soros Ejected!! - A quote...."The European Union member will use "all the tools at its disposal" to "sweep out" NGOs funded by the Hungarian-born financier, which "serve global capitalists and back political correctness over national governments," Szilard Nemeth, a vice president of the ruling Fidesz party, told reporters on Tuesday. No one answered the phone at the Open Society Institute in Budapest when Bloomberg News called outside business hours."
Hungary Cracks-Down on all Soros Funded NGOs
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."Extraordinary information has come to light that perhaps, goes some way to explaining the vicious EU and corporate media backlash against Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, for his “nationalist” policies regarding the influx of refugees from various nations that have been targeted by the predatory interventionist alliance of the US, EU, UK, Turkey, Gulf States, Israel, Canada, Australia, Jordan and other smaller players. "

Hungary Cracks-Down on all Soros Funded NGOs
Related Article - A quote...."Extraordinary information has come to light that perhaps, goes some way to explaining the vicious EU and corporate media backlash against Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, for his “nationalist” policies regarding the influx of refugees from various nations that have been targeted by the predatory interventionist alliance of the US, EU, UK, Turkey, Gulf States, Israel, Canada, Australia, Jordan and other smaller players." - Source:  21stCentWire
Marie Le Pen has a HUGE lead over opponents in France! - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Front National leader Marine Le Pen has taken a sizeable lead over Nicolas Sarkozy in a new French presidential election poll. - The far-right leader had 29 per cent of the vote when pitted against Les Républicains’ former president, who was eight points behind, and held a 15-point lead over the Parti de Gauche’s Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the poll released by Ipsos."

72 countries to attend Middle East summit in Paris, France says
A quote...."Representatives from dozens of countries will attend an upcoming conference on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in Paris as France struggles to restore a stalled peace process in the Middle East."

Vietnam eyes increased cooperation with Russian regions
A quote...."Hanoi is seeking to expand cooperation with Russian regions, Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang said at a meeting with Prime Minister of Russia’s republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Mardanov on Jan. 10."

Putin praises global rankings for evaluating Russian universities 'more objectively'
A quote...."MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Global rankings have begun to evaluate Russian universities more objectively, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Moscow State University head Viktor Sadovnichy."

Russian Scientists Obtain Unique Material to Make Combat Vehicles Invisible
A quote...."A team of researchers at Moscow's National University of Science and Technology (NUST MISIS) have come up with a unique metamaterial which can make combat vehicles invisible, the authoritative scientific journal Physical Review wrote."

S-400 air defense systems regiment to assume combat duty in Northern Fleet
A quote...."SEVEROMORSK, January 10. /TASS/. A new regiment of S-400 Triumf (NATO reporting name: SA-21 Growler) surface-to-air missile systems will assume combat duty in the Northern Fleet’s Air Force and Air Defense Army this year, Fleet spokesman Captain 1st Rank Vadim Serga said on Tuesday."

Iran takes delivery of 1st Airbus plane after nuclear deal implementation
A quote...."Iran has received the first plane purchased from the European giant aircraft maker Airbus following a landmark nuclear deal reached between Tehran and the six world powers. "

North Korea has enough plutonium for 10 nuclear bombs: South Korea
A quote...."South Korea says the North has acquired as much as 50 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium, enough to manufacture 10 nuclear bombs. - In its 2016 defense white paper, the South Korean Ministry of National Defense estimated that North Korea had developed the aforementioned amount of plutonium as of the end of 2016."

Xi to become first Chinese president to attend WEF
A quote...."Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the World Economic Forum in Davos next week – the first ever such endeavor for a Chinese head of state – as part of an official visit to Switzerland."

Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega Takes Office for 3rd Consecutive Term
A quote...."The 71-year-old Ortega and his running mate Murillo won 72.5 percent of the vote in the general elections in November, with the second-place candidate trailing far behind at only 14.2 percent."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Dark Shadows: Iran-Contra, Secret Wars & Covert Operations, Part 1
Extensive Historical Analysis - Must Read -- A quote...."Dear Reader: As journalism chases the perceived diminishing attention span by making everything shorter and shorter, we’re going to head in the opposite direction on occasion – go really deep and thorough on something historical and still of interest. Here’s one such case: a remarkable look at Iran-Contra, a still somewhat-mysterious big scandal of 30 years ago that tells us much about the Deep State, the Military-Industrial complex and America’s will to empire that provides context to so much happening today."
"This is the first of a three-part series exploring Iran-Contra and its implications. Part I describes the Reagan Administration’s secret wars and illegal arms deals exposed in the scandal. Part II explains how the constitutional and legal crisis unfolded but backfired politically in the Bush and Clinton years. Part III will survey the era of global insecurity we have entered in the second Bush and Obama Administrations and the role key members of the incoming Trump team played in creating it by immunizing themselves from the consequences of past criminality."

"The author, Doug Vaughan, spent years as an investigative journalist covering the Central/South American horrors of the 1970s and 80s. In this series, he draws a throughline from that troubling time to the present cast of characters taking their places in a new administration. It provides background to Donald Trump’s decision to ignore many veterans of the George W. Bush administration while reaching back to those who served Bush’s father and Ronald Reagan, and the pernicious influence of Dick Cheney." -- *Russ Baker*, Editor in Chief
The Crimes of SEAL Team 6
A quote...."Officially known as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, SEAL Team 6 is today the most celebrated of the U.S. military’s special mission units. But hidden behind the heroic narratives is a darker, more troubling story of “revenge ops,” unjustified killings, mutilations, and other atrocities — a pattern of criminal violence that emerged soon after the Afghan war began and was tolerated and covered up by the command’s leadership."

Guantanamo Bay turns 15: A look back at the notorious ‘torture camp’
A quote...."Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp opened its cells to terrorist suspects 15 years ago, on January 11, 2002. Torture, unlawful detention, and hunger strikes have marred the US detention facility ever since." - Source: RT -- Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

US Adds 7 Officials, 2 Entities to North Korean Sanctions List
A quote...."WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The United States has introduced sanctions against seven North Korean officials and two government agencies, the US Department of the Treasury stated on Wednesday."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Stuxnet, Fukushima and the Inevitable Cyber Apocalypse
Must Read - A quote...."In the classic apocalyptic film "Terminator", future planet earth is under siege by sentient man-made robots of war seeking to terminate the human race. Autonomous machines created by human beings to destroy human beings. Maximum dystopian, and scary enough as fiction, however, the military industrial complex and the deep state are bringing us ever closer each year to this dark future. -- Case in point, the Stuxnet computer worm, developed as a joint U.S-Israeli-British cyber weapon, it is set of malicious computer code which infects a ubiquitous model of programmable logic controllers (PLC’s), commonly used around the world in power plants and factories to mechanically control industrial hardware. PLC’s can tell a fan when to turn on and off, how much of a chemical to add to a product, or for how long to operate an industrial mixer or cooling system. They are the direct link between the cybernetic and the physical world. -- Stuxnet was originally designed to seek out and to attack such hardware in Iran’s Natanz nuclear fuel enrichment facility in order to disable centrifuges, thereby disrupting Iran’s capacity to produce nuclear weapons, which it did so successfully in 2010." - Topix ||  Was Stuxnet Designed to Cause A Melt-Down On Que - 03-23-11 - mpg  ||

Ministry of Truth: Facebook Launches ‘Journalism Project’ to ‘Improve Media’
Oppose 1984 -- Support The Independent Web!! - A quote...."Facebook has launched its so-called ‘Journalism Project’ as a way for the social media giant to further bolster its position as a news media organization and promote what it determines to be real news."

Get Rid of Social Network Surveillance
Oppose 1984 -- "Just Say No"!! -- A quote...."As a baby boomer, I didn’t grow up with Facebook and other social networking sites. While I do use them – mainly to keep up with younger members of my family – I’m keenly aware of their potential to invade privacy."
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

The VERY Dangerous, Dirty, Political Game...Continues....

Dear Self-Proclaimed "Progressives": as Apologists for the Neocon-Neoliberal Empire, You Are as Evil as the Empire You've Enabled -- Must Read - A quote...." Dear Self-Proclaimed "Progressive": I love you, man, but it has become necessary to intervene in your self-destruction. Your ideological blinders and apologies for the Establishment's Neocon-Neoliberal Empire are not just destroying your credibility, they're destroying the nation and everywhere the Empire intervenes." - also posted at Patriot'sRising
"While you squandered your political capital defending zero-cost causes like "safe spaces on college campuses," the Empire was busy killing, maiming and making refugees of women and children in Syria. President Obama and his Neocon crew (former Secretary Hillary Clinton included) aren't fools; they rely on drones and proxy armies to do their dirty work."

"Neoliberalism is the Establishment's core ideology, and by supporting Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, you furthered, defended and rationalized the Empire's neoliberal expansion and exploitation. Neoliberalism's Big Lie is transforming everything into a market makes everyone richer."
The Disgusting Embrace of Witch-Hunting McCarthyism by 'Liberals’
Neoliberalcons:  Hypocrites One & All --  A quote...."So-called «liberals» and "progressives", who once derided those on the political right who accused their ideological forbearers of kowtowing to the «Reds» and «Soviets» during the era of Senator Joseph McCarthy, have dusted off McCarthy’s playbook and are using the very same tactics against Donald Trump and his supporters. The modern-day McCarthyites, mostly neo-conservative Republicans and Hillary Clinton Democrats, are hitting the airwaves, print media, and the Internet hard with accusations of Russian links by Trump and his advisers while haphazardly throwing around lists of alleged "Russian agents"."

Alt-Left: The statist’s Patriot movement
A Warning - October Revolution? - A quote...."One of the ripples that has emanated outward from the brick known as Trump after it was thrown into the swamp this past November deserves far more attention than it is currently receiving. The left has found itself with a lot of young and angry bodies, bereft of the Cinton political machine and the biggest names in the party well into their AARP memberships. With the recent political stunt of Calexit people opening an embassy in Moscow, the human terrain is ripe for an unofficial quasi-government to exist under the Trump administration. Already there exists a growing patriot-esque movement among the liberals that mirrors the antifa movement in Germany. Most of us have seen the call to arms of a few prominent liberals and numerous unhinged Millennials. While many of them appear laughable at first glance, the motive, and soon the means and opportunity will be there for them to adopt an October Revolution mindset."

Obama Refers To Himself 75 Times In Farewell Address
Bonobo Butt-Boy's Malevolent Homosexual Narcissism.... On Full Display - A quote...."President Obama referred to himself 75 times in his farewell address Tuesday night, according to a review of his prepared remarks by The Daily Caller."

Arizona's John McCain Funded by George Soros since 2001
That Explains A Lot! - A quote...."In 2001, McCain set-up the Alexandria, Va.-based "Reform Institute" as a way to hide money received from Geoge Soros' "Open Society Institute" and Teresa Heinz Kerry's Tides Foundation and several other prominent non-profit organizations. - McCain used the institute to promote his political agenda and provide compensation to key campaign operatives between elections."

18 Major Scandals in Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency
One Big Continuous Scandal - A quote...."Obama and his mouthpieces have embarked on a bizarre scheme to hypnotize America into forgetting the many scandals of his presidency."

Trump NEVER Mocked Reporter’s Disability – CNN Anchor Exposes Media’s Fake News
CNN Busted -- A quote...."Despite the corporate media lies, Trump NEVER mocked a reporter for his disabilities, the claim is completely fabricated.  Trump didn’t even know who the reporter was...."

Trump's Frustration With Press, Intelligence Community Explodes
Trump (& Everyone Else) Appears To Have Had Enough - A quote...."Trump’s fury over the reports reached a boiling point about 50 minutes into the hour long press conference, when he compared the leaks to something you would expect to see in “Nazi Germany” — an attack he’d previously made on Twitter. -- “It’s all fake news, it’s phony stuff, it didn’t happen and it was gotten by opponents of ours and many of the other people, a group of opponents that got together, sick people,” Trump said. “It should never have been released and it’s a disgrace. I think it’s an absolute disgrace.”"

The Corp Media's VERY Dangerous, Dirty, Utterly Fake Trump Dossier....

The Only Hookers in This Story Are The Cheap, Lazy Journalists Who Ran With Fake Trump Sleaze....
That's Why They're Called "Presstitutes" - (Credit Paul Craig Roberts) -- A quote...."It’s bulls**t. - President-elect Donald Trump didn’t pay prostitutes to urinate on his bed in the presidential suite at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Moscow, three years ago. - Neither did Trump do this to deliberately defile a bed that had been used by Barack and Michelle Obama. - And nor did Vladimir Putin secretly videotape the whole thing to use as blackmail against Trump at a later date. - It’s all complete baloney."

Is US Intel Report on Trump Blackmail the Start of a Neocon Coup?
Nope!!  It's The End.  It's Their Last Gasp - A quote...."When I first read the document my intention was to debunk it sentence by sentence.  However, I don’t have the time for that and, frankly, there is no need for it.  I will just provide you here with enough simple straightforward evidence that this is a fake.  Here are just a few elements of proof...." - Source:  VineyardOfTheSacker - also posted at GlobalRsrch
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The Trump Dossier, Its PNAC Promoters, & The Kiev Regime Connection....

Identity Of "Former Intelligence Officer" Who Prepared The Trump Dossier, Has Been Revealed
The Trump "Dossier" & Its Disreputable Promoters -- A quote..."While we learned earlier that John McCain was responsible for handing over the 35-page "dossier" of compromising, if arguably fake, revelations about Trump's connections to Russia over to the FBI, the identity of the actual creator, who was said to be an ex-British intelligence service, remained a mystery. -- No longer. -- Courtesy of the WSJ, we now know his name: the former MI-6 officer, now working for a private security-and-investigations firm "who produced the dossier of unverified allegations about President-elect Donald Trump’s activities and connections in Russia" is Christopher Steele, a director of London-based Orbis Business Intelligence.... and before readers google him, beware, there is a male gay porn star with the same name, who may or may not be into "golden showers." - bold by website editor
The Deep State Versus Donald Trump - New Smears And The Ukrainian Connection
The Trump "Dossier" & The "Kiev Regime Connection" -- Related Article - A quote...."The deep state campaign against Trump opened new grounds today with the publication of completely fake and thereby unverifiable anonymous assertions which include the smear that Trump had some fun in a Moscow hotel and that Russian secret services is using that to manipulate him. - Like many smears against Trump via proxies of the Clinton presidential campaign these new ones seem to originate from Ukraine related sources and Ukrainian "nationalist" (aka fascist) putsch supporters. [Not really!  In actuality almost every oligarch who heads Ukraine is a trans-national, Israeli affiliated, PNAC supporting, Russian hating, Euro-Kharzarian.  That's a fact!] " - bold by website editor - also posted at GlobalRsrch - For more on this issue, see comment and article shown below.....
New False Claims Of "Russian Hacks" = Old Ukrainian Malware Found
Hacking Scam Busted Again - A quote...."All recent claims of "Russian hacking" are either outright false or are based on "evidence" that only shows run-of-the-mill attacks by some anonymous basement hacker. - The year 2016 saw the person elected U.S. president who Jeff Bezos' propaganda rag, the Washington Post, hated most. To celebrate the end of this very bad year its writers and editors decided to put more egg on their faces. - It first published the piece promoted on the left and some three hours later the fundamentally "corrected" one on the right." - Posted January 1st 2017's the Kiev regime's software!  Who's running Ukraine again??  Who....??
Euro-Kharzarian, trans-nationalist, Zio-terrorists that's who!  ---  They HATE all Ukrainian/Russians!  Monsters such as Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan, Arseniy Petrovych (Yat the Rat) Yatsenyuk, and billionaire oligarchs....  Yulia Volodymyrivna "nuke all Russians" TymoshenkoPetro Oleksiyovych (Porky the Pig) Poroshenko, Igor Kolomoisky, Penny Pritzker, George "Baron the Gross Harkonnen" Soros, (Five billion invested in Ukraine's bonds? Ten billion?) and the Fed, along with its affiliated foreign Euro-Kazarian owners banking institutions, and corporations.  ---  They know perfectly well what they intend to do in Ukraine and they fully support it  ---  To carry out ANOTHER Holodomor Massacre of the Christian Ukrainian/Russian people who live there, just as they did in the 1930's - mpg
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US Intel Agencies Try to Strong-Arm Trump into War With Russia
A quote...."Powerful elites are using the credibility of the US Intelligence agencies to demonize Russia and prepare the country for war. This is the real meaning of the “Russia hacking” story which, as yet, has not produced any hard evidence of Russian complicity."

Report: FBI Sought FISA Court Warrant to Surveil Trump Campaign Officials
A quote...."A new report released today features both the FBI seeking to launch a surveillance operation against an active US presidential campaign, and the ultra-rare case of the FISA courts actually turning down an FBI request to conduct surveillance against somebody."

Senators plan to sabotage Donald Trump by passing Russian sanctions
A quote...."As US Senators try to box Donald Trump in by passing sanctions law against Russia, Russian government says it will not let issue stand in the way of better relations between Russia and the US."

Trump’s Opponents Are Trying to Cripple Him by Playing “Russian Card”
A quote..."Departing presidents tend to fade from public consciousness surprisingly quickly once they leave office. Most at least have the good grace to assume a low profile on their way out to give their successors room to launch."

Peskov: Russia has no compromising info on Trump or Clinton, report is 'total bluff'
A quote...."Moscow says documents alleging that Russia has compromising information on Donald Trump are a fabrication and a "total bluff." Russia has never gathered information of this kind on either the US president-elect, or his former rival, Hillary Clinton. "

The Real Purpose of the U.S. Government’s Report on Alleged Hacking by Russia
A quote...."Some thoughts on “Russia’s Influence Campaign Targeting the 2016 US Presidential Election,” the newly released declassified report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence....."
  1. The primary purpose of the declassified report, which offers no evidence to support its assertions that Russia hacked the U.S. presidential election campaign, is to discredit Donald Trump.

  2. The second task of the report is to bolster the McCarthyist smear campaign against independent media....

  3. The third task of the report is to justify the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization beyond Germany, a violation of the promise Ronald Reagan made to the Soviet Union’s Mikhail Gorbachev after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

  4. The final task of the report is to give the Democratic Party plausible cover for the catastrophic election defeat it suffered.
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Donald Trump:  The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly.....

Tillerson says U.S. needs 'open and frank dialogue with Russia'
(The Possibly Good) - A quote...."Washington needs an "open and frank dialogue" with Moscow, Rex Tillerson, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee to head the State Department, said testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. To Chair Trump’s Commission on Vaccine Safety
(The Good) - A quote...."President-elect Donald J. Trump asked to meet with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at Trump Tower in Manhattan to discuss issues surrounding “vaccines and immunizations.”

Secretary of State pick Tillerson expressed interest in Iran deals in 2016
(The Good) - A quote...."Rex Tillerson is Donald Trump's pick for Secretary of State. While Tillerson was CEO of ExxonMobil, new reports show the company made business deals with countries who were under U.S. sanctions at the time."

Pyongyang Hopes Trump to Abandon 'Anachronistic' Hostile Policy Toward N Korea
(The Good) - A quote...."MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Pyongyang expects the next US presidential administration to abandon Washington's aggressive policy toward North Korea, the country’s Ambassador to Russia Kim Hyun Joong said on Wednesday."

Draining the Pharma Swamp
(The Very Good) - A quote...."Donald Trump announces plan to hammer Big Pharma’s monopoly profits by requiring competitive bidding for government drug purchase contracts."

Trump needs to use anti-monopoly laws and break up the big corporations that control main stream media
(A Good Suggestion) - A quote...."As a lot of you know, Clinton passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which according to the 2003 edition of “A People’s History of the United States,” by Howard Zinn, “enabled the handful of corporations dominating the airwaves to expand their power further. Mergers enabled tighter control of information…”"

Five American Diplomats Trump Can Reset Détente With
(Another Good Suggestion) - A quote...."News president-elect Donald Trump ordered all politically appointed ambassadors to leave their overseas posts by Inauguration Day made a stir last week. The outgoing administration and disgruntled Democrats waved their arms great big, and called “foul” over a completely normal edict. Underneath though, many in the world watch and wait to see if a destructive US State Department is revamped by Trump. Here’s a hopeful look at how the new president can reassure much of the world."

Trump Nominee for Attorney General Defends Right-Wing, Anti-Democratic Agenda
(The Bad) - A quote...."Sessions declared his backing for keeping open the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay and for the panoply of anti-democratic measures undertaken by the Bush and Obama administrations in the name of the “war on terror:” the Patriot Act, mass surveillance of the Internet and telecommunications, drone-missile assassinations and the like. -- Asked about the detention of American citizens indefinitely without a trial, if the government asserts that the individual is linked to a foreign terrorist organization, Sessions said there had to be a habeas corpus proceeding to review evidence, but left open the possibility that this review could be through a military tribunal or other expedited procedure, rather than through a court proceeding where the defendant’s constitutional rights were observed." - Source:  WSWS
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

When Fear Comes
A quote...."“Before societies fall, just such a stratum of wise, thinking people emerges, people who are that and nothing more,” Solzhenitsyn writes of those who see what is coming. “And how they were laughed at! How they were mocked! As though they stuck in the craw of people whose deeds and actions were single-minded and narrow-minded. And the only nickname they were christened with was ‘rot.’ Because these people were a flower that bloomed too soon and breathed too delicate a fragrance. And so they were mowed down.”
“These people,” he goes on, “were particularly helpless in their personal lives; they could neither bend with the wind, nor pretend, nor get by; every word declared an opinion, a passion, a protest. And it was just such people the mowing machine cut down, just such people the chaff-cutter shredded.”

"When I returned to the newsroom at The New York Times after being booed off a commencement stage in 2003 for denouncing the invasion of Iraq, reporters and editors lowered their heads or turned away when I was nearby. They did not want to be touched by the same career-killing contagion. They wanted to protect their status at the institution. Retreat into rabbit holes is the most common attempt at self-protection. "
Land Of The Free? Michigan Man Issued Parking Ticket In His Own Driveway
A quote...."The state of Michigan is not exactly known for its balmy weather this time of year. - And residents reasonably do what they have to do to cope with often extreme winter temperatures. - Last Thursday a man named Taylor Trupiano of Roseville, Michigan did what a lot of people do in cold climates. - He walked out of his house, started his car, turned on the heat, and went back inside for a few minutes while his engine and vehicle interior warmed up. - According to Mr. Trupiano, he was only inside for about 7 or 8 minutes. - But by the time he came back to his car, there was already a parking ticket on his windshield– with a fine totaling $128."

Woman Jailed for 4 Months For Building An Addition For Her Sick Mom In Her Own Backyard
A quote...."Augusta, GA — Nothing dismantles the notion of Land of the Free quite like the government kidnapping and caging you for building an addition to your home on your own property. Amy McKinnon is learning the hard way after she was thrown in jail this month for building an addition for her sick mother without going through the proper extortion channels of the state."

"The Golden Globes"
A quote...."1,280 people attended the Golden Globes. 27,000,000 Americans are unemployed or underemployed. 220,041,000 Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. You tell me who lives in a bubble and who lives in reality."

Senate Debating New Hampshire Permitless Carry… HERE WE GO AGAIN?!
2nd Amendment Affirmation - A quote...."We’ve got Maine to the right of us and Vermont to the left… Stuck in the middle with ingrained New Hampshire politics. We know we can do it. Maine has done it. Vermont has ALWAYS done it. Why not us?"

Three More States Mull Laws Preventing Cross-Dressing Boys From Using Girls’ Showers, Locker Rooms
Hip Hip Hooray!! - A quote...."Legislators in three states — Texas, Virginia and Kentucky — will consider bills similar to North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” which requires people in government-owned buildings to use bathrooms aligning with the actualy genitalia they currently possess."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Sen. Jeff Sessions: Libertarian Or Authoritarian?
RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 21min - Jan 9, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."Tomorrow the Senate will take up Donald Trump's nominee for Attorney General, Sen. Jeff Sessions. Should libertarians cheer or be worried about an AG Sessions?"

Patrick and Hesher: ‘CIA loses the plot, and RT is beating CNN’
21stCWAudio -- Alt/Spkr - (21stCWSprkr - 22min07sec - January 11, 2017) - Source:  21st Century Wire - SunWire@Sprkr - AltCrntRadio -- A quote...."RUSSIA HACK? Still no evidence here, nor is there any “intelligence” here either. This latest crisis of confidence in Washington DC is not going away just because DNI head James Clapper says the “Russians did it,” or because Wolf Blitzer is bullying his guests into agreeing with the assessment of the CIA, FBI, DIA and the rest of the alphabet soup politicized operatives living off the fat of land. SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen is joined by Hesher from ACR’s Boiler Room to break down this story, and also reveal why RT is beating CNN in battle for ratings (as well as hearts and minds) worldwide."

The Elite’s [Parasites] Next Phase Is Coming In A Few Days To Stop The Inauguration – Episode 1174
X22Audio - Ep1174/Mp3 - Ep1174/YuTb-a - Ep1174/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 33min20sec - Jan 10, 2017) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote...."Job openings and the pace of hiring has now tapered off. Walmart will be cutting hundreds of jobs. Cadillac is now trying to subscription service to help its sales. Wholesale sales send everything back into recessionary levels. AIIB Chief says the door is open for the US to join. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

In 2017 Trump will be Presiding Over a Bankruptcy-Bill Holter
GHVideo - BillHolter@USAWD - (GHYuTb - 30min26sec - Jan 7, 2016) -- Source:  GH@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Website:  JSMineSet -- A quote..."What will the end of 2017 look like? Financial writer Bill Holter says, “I don’t think it will even resemble what today looks like. I think you may see the financial system come down, and it may be by the end of the year that the system is coming back up or coming back on line. We are going to have a bank holiday. We are going to have to have some sort of reset. The reset will include a bank holiday. Your ATM won’t work. Your credit cards won’t work. Distribution is going to fail. It’s all about credit.  -- Everything financial and everything economic relies on credit. I believe that we are going to have a credit crisis this year where credit becomes very scarce or actually dries up completely. In that scenario, it is not good. You are talking about distribution breaking down and people going hungry, riots, martial law, cross default from country to country to country to country, bank to bank to bank and broker to broker to broker. Everything runs and lives on credit, and without credit, it’s almost like caveman days.” -- Holter also says, “If you ask the question, does the average American believe we’re broke, I think deep down, and in the back of their minds, they think we’re broke. We’re living this lifestyle, and they think this lifestyle is not going to change. When the lifestyle does change, and it’s forced to be changed, that’s a gigantic truth bomb.” -- Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Bill Holter of"

Tuukka - Suomen Sisu: Finnish Resistance to Globalism
RIRVideo - (RIRYuTb - 49min01sec - Jan 11, 2017) - Source:  RedIceRadio@YuTb - RedIceTV - RedIceCreations -- A quote..."Tuukka is a university student and member of Suomen Sisu, a Finnish nationalist organization. - We begin by discussing the recent 612 demonstration that took place in Helsinki. Scheduled on December 6, Finland’s day of independence, the event drew thousands of patriots and a sizable amount of Leftists as well. We discuss the ongoing efforts from the Left to redefine what it means to be Finnish, and the motivations that lie behind these efforts. This leads to a discussion on the history of non-White immigration to Finland. We’ll learn how the collapse of the Soviet Union was led to Somalis entering Finland, and how this country’s demographic plight differs from that of Sweden. The first hour concludes with a reflection on how Finland changed over the course of 2016."

Banks Not Going Broke, They Are Broke-Rick Rule
GHVideo - RickRule@USAWD - (GHYuTb - 24min20sec - Jan 10, 2016) -- Source:  GH@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Website:  SprottCom - SprottGlobalCom -- A quote...."Rick Rule is an expert on investing in all sorts of natural resources, and that includes gold and silver. He thinks it won’t take a “catastrophic event” to move prices higher in precious metals.  Rule explains, “You remember the decade of the 1970’s?  The shocks to the financial system were severe but survivable.  The gold price went from $35 per ounce to $850 per ounce.. . . As you can see, I am not a young guy.  I was a finance major, and the way I learned accounting, it’s not like the banks are going to go broke, the banks are broke. . . . It isn’t a question of ongoing bank solvency.  It’s a question of real bank solvency and how long people will believe in the system. . . . If the major players had to face a liquidity squeeze, even the level of magnitude they faced in 2008, I suspect the fiscal tools available are constrained enough now that they would be unsuccessful in containing a broad liquidity base contagion.”"

CrossTalk: Let Trump Be Trump?
CTRTVideo - CT/LetTrumpBTrump@RT - CT/LetTrumpBTrump/Mp4 - (CTRTYuTb - 24min54sec - Jan 11, 2017) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Donald Trump may be a historic figure, but that does not mean he is easy to understand or anticipate. One thing is for sure – he has a unique style and form of communication. Could he redefine the presidency? - CrossTalking with Michael Patrick Flanagan, Hank Sheinkopf, and Ed Martin."

The Deep State Got Caught Peddling Fake News To Discredit Trump Before His Inauguration – Episode 1175
X22Audio - Ep1175/Mp3 - Ep1175/YuTb-a - Ep1175/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 31min04sec - Jan 11, 2017) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote...."The Dow is approaching 20,000 points, Gold is moving closer to 1200. Boeing will be laying off more employees, sales are down and orders are down. Obama keeps the real estate bubble inflated before he leaves office. Spain's banks are in trouble, we are now seeing German, Italian and Spanish banks in real trouble. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Confirmation: Tillerson's Turn In The Hot Seat
Must Listen RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 19min22sec - Jan 10, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."Trump's choice for Secretary of State, former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, is expected to be grilled in tomorrow's Senate confirmation hearing. Will his lack of government experience or his business dealings with Russia trip him up?"

Asia Enters The Post Obama Era
Must Listen - New!! - BFP-NBVideo - (China Watch) -- (BFP-NBYuTb - 22min22sec - Jan 11, 2017) - Source:  Newsbud Videos - NewsbudCom - NewsBudDonations - BFP Spot Light - BoilingFrogsPost - A quote...."In this first episode of China Watch Peter Lee looks at two key geopolitical developments: the realignment of forces across Asia as Syria winds down and the focus shifts to Central Asian and Uyghur militancy; and the emergence of the North Korean nuclear program as the key security issue in East Asia. It's a time of transition, uncertainty, and questions as to how the United States under Donald Trump will handle the challenges handed to him by the outgoing Obama administration."

Terror In Berlin & Other NWO Tricks -- Ole Dammegard
Must Listen SgtRepVideo - (SgtRptYuTb - 1hr7min58sec - Jan 9, 2017) - Source:  SGTReport -- A quote...."Researcher Ole Dammegard returns to SGT report to discuss a few of the latest terror attacks, and he raises some startling questions. Support Ole's work, visit his website to buy books and donate."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

WTF Chart Of The Day: VIX At Pre-Crisis Lows, Uncertainty At All-Time Highs
Go Figure? - Chart - (click each to enlarge) -- A quote...."Recently, we have highlighted a number of divergent trends between ‘soft’ data and ‘hard’ data in both Europe and the US. For the most part, improving survey responses remain unconfirmed by the quantifiable information currently available. The surge in the economic policy uncertainty index is no exception."

Obama Slashes Mortgage Insurance Premiums For Subprime Borrowers With Just 10 Days Left In Office

Blowing Bubbles - (Obama is really good at blowing bubbles, blowing stuff-up, and blow-jobs - mpg) - A quote...."What do you do when a quick rise in mortgage rates suddenly threatens to tame home buying demand from subprime borrowers who, despite the lessons from the past, are still purchasing homes, en masse, with only 3.5% down payments and just enough monthly cash flow to cover mortgage payments?"

[US] Job Openings, Hires, Quits And Layoffs All Rebounded In November
Charts - (click each to enlarge them) -- A quote...."While too backward looking to be actionable (it reflects the labor situation with a 2 month delay), today's JOLTs report showed little in terms of changes for "Janet Yellen's favorite labor market indicator": the number of job openings was little changed at 5.522 million, below the 5.555 million expectation, but above a downward revised 5.451 million (from 5.534 million)."

Boeing: Three More Waves of Layoffs in 2017, as Orders Collapse to 7-Year Low. Shares Near All-Time High
A quote...."This is not the way to start your workday… to find this email from your boss in your inbox...."
“As we enter 2017, our plan calls for us to reduce our Engineering staff. I realize some of this news is unpleasant. But I wanted to respect your right to know what is occurring this year.” - But that’s what happened on Tuesday at Boeing."
What’s Going on with the Banks? Citi Cuts Goldman to “Sell,” after Goldman Cut Citi to “Neutral”
The Theives Fall-Out Amonst Themselves - A quote...."Citigroup hit back at Goldman Sachs, after Goldman Sachs had slammed Citigroup in September. Citi analyst Keith Horowitz, in a note to clients, downgraded Goldman from the already dismal “hold” to a rare “sell” rating, citing Goldman’s valuation. He said Goldman would need an additional $4 billion in full-year revenues above current estimates – which, according to Reuters, are pegged at $32.3 billion – to get to a return on equity (ROE) that would justify the valuation."

Commodities Bust Crushes Incomes, House Prices, & Rents in Western Australia
A quote...."Perth, the capital of the state of Western Australia (WA), “hitched itself to the largest mining investment boom since the mid-19th century gold rushes, and in the excitement, forgot or refused to diversify its economy. Believing the mining boom could end as suddenly as it did was considered outlandish. It delivered immense wealth and income to the government, business, and household sectors,” so a new report published by LF Economics’ co-founders Lindsay David and Philip Soos. But now the reverse is taking place, and more recent property investors “are losing wealth and income by the day.”

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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

North American Bumble Bee Officially Added to Endangered Species List
"Mission Accomplished" -- *Monsanto spokes-thing* -- A quote...."Like a ticking time bomb, each year we see more devastation to the world’s bee colonies. Originally called colony collapse disorder, the cause of a decline in bees is now widely attributed to the use and overuse of agrochemicals, specifically neonicotinoids, a family of pesticides used in many parts of the world as one of many mass-produced chemicals developed to be less toxic to mammals and birds."

Prestigious Karolinska Institute Forces EMF Researcher To Retire — A Call To Action
A quote...."One of the most respected electromagnetic frequency researchers in the world, Professor Olle Johansson, is being forced to retire from the Karolinska Institute apparently because Dr. Johansson’s research proves non-thermal adverse health effects from EMFs/RFs from microwave technology, things like Wi-Fi and AMI Smart Meters."

The Continuing Decline of McDonald’s
A quote...."Long-time Corbett Reporteers might recall my 2015 video, “Celebrate! McDonald’s is Dying!” where I detailed the many, many woes the fast “food” giant was dealing with at the time, including:
Since then, McCancer’s has been undergoing a sweeping “restructuring” that has seen many layers of lipstick slapped on their factory-farmed pig. This restructuring includes not only cosmetic changes (“All-day breakfasts and new value menus for everyone!”) but behind-the-scenes efforts to trim $500 million from the company’s operating expenses, including buyouts and layoffs at company headquarters and the re-franchising of 4,000 corporate “restaurants.”

Are the EPA's Emergency Radiation Limits a Cover for Fukushima Fumbles?
A quote...."The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is poised to issue guidelines that would set radiation limits for drinking water during the "intermediate period" after the releases from a radioactive emergency, such as an accident at a nuclear power plant, have been brought under control. The emergency limits would allow the public to be exposed to radiation levels hundreds and even thousands of times higher than typically allowed by federal law."

Tuesday January 10th 2016

No posts - mpg

Monday January 9th 2016

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

America’s Shameful Double Standard
Must Read - A quote...."In the West, America is a master at controlling news and manipulating the masses into believing what the government wants them to believe. We saw this happen from the 1950s to the present day when it propped up and supported murderous dictators in Central and South America, the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam War, two wars in Iraq, a continued war in Afghanistan and miscellaneous, black-ops wars, murders and assassinations against anyone who dares to speak out against the American Establishment or stand in their way."

US Aristocracy [aka Euro-Kharzarian Crime Syndicate....Mostly] Panics That Maybe Trump Is Serious
Must Read - A quote...."On January 2nd, the U.S. Republican Party’s Wall Street Journal headlined "Tensions Within GOP Rise Over How to Handle Russia", and reported that the policy toward Russia by the incoming Republican President Donald Trump is being opposed not only by Democrats in the U.S. Congress, but also by some Republicans, and perhaps even by enough Republicans to jeopardize confirmation of his nominee for U.S. Secretary of State, as well as some nominees for other crucial diplomatic and military positions." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

SYRIA: Sultan Erdogan’s Secret Weapon, Elite Squads of Chinese Uyghur Mercenaries
Must Read - A quote...."Turkey’s President Erdogan used his mercenary Army to fight against the Syrian government military forces for the purpose of regime change.  This military project of regime change in Syria was devised, supported and established by the United States of America, who is a close ally of Turkey, and fellow NATO member. " - Source:  GlobalResearch

Crowdfunding Terrorism Through Halal Certifications
Must Read - A quote...."Although it is well known that the Wahhabist governments, royal families, and top businesses of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain directly finance jihadist terrorists in Syria, Iraq, and countries around the world, many consumers are unaware that percentages of their purchases of Muslim «halal» (imam-certified) food products eventually end up in the hands of jihadist organizations. Halal refers to any food product that can be eaten by observant Muslims. Anything other than halal is «haram» and prohibited for Muslims. Haram includes pork, blood, or meat from approved animals but which have been strangled or slaughtered with blunt knives."

Eliot Higgins of Bellingcat, Who is He?  Everything You Need to Know
A PNAC / ZIO-Whore Exposed - Must Read - (Eliot Higgins) -- A quote...."Excerpts from this excellent debunk of one of the most prolific propaganda peddlers, churning out questionable literature for the NATO state “regime change” foreign policy experts -- In 2016, I’ll be returning to my country of the UK, and there’s a man I’d certainly like to meet for an interview. While I was working on the scene from the war in Donbass, Eliot Higgins, of Bellingcat, was the man sitting on a sofa taking, and manipulating, YouTube videos (including my own) of Donbass, MH17, Syria, using them to disseminate misinformation, lies, to the world."

ISIS: Not by Terrorism Alone
Must Read - A quote...."The global growth and survival of ISIS, in the face of opposition by governments, armies, intelligence agencies and police forces from nearly a hundred countries, requires analysis. We understand ‘ISIS’ as the organized, militant, violent Salafist movement sometimes funded by the royal family of Saudi Arabia. -- Those generally opposed to ISIS, in many cases, have pursued a dual and contradictory approach. For example, the United States has, at different times and places, opposed or supported ‘ISIS’."
British Collusion With Sectarian Violence: Britain, Saudi Arabia & Afghanistan (Part 3)
Related Article - A quote...."The oppressive, sectarian and violent nature of the Saudi state and its foreign policy is increasingly coming under the spotlight, even in mainstream Western media. - Yet the reality is not, as it is so often portrayed, that ‘civilized’ Britain is somehow sullying itself by ‘supporting’ the Saudi rogues. On the contrary, the Saudis are merely implementing a barbaric policy made in the West." - Source:  RT

There have been a dozen Islamic terrorist attacks in the United States
Related Article -- A quote...."[The attacks occurred] under Obama and the Federal Intelligence agencies had contact with the attackers prior to ALL of them. -- Here’s a list I’ve complied, let me know if I’ve missed any...." - bold by website editor

Taxpayers in Denmark Are Outraged
Related Article - A quote..."Over 36 welfare recipients who have collected $93,760 in unemployment benefits while fighting for ISIS in Syria."
DOD Spent $18,152,000,000+ on 283 Individual Contracts in December 2016
The War Machine Keeps Spending - A quote...."The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form. - The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $18,152,000,000 on 283 individual contracts during December 2016.  This amount does not include 37 Foreign Military Sales transactions worth $3,861,304,000."

Ron Paul Sums Up Nobel-Peace-Prize-Winning President Obama In One Short Sentence
The "Peace Prize Prez" - Quote of the Day...."Sounds about right for a president who bombed 7 nations and became the first in U.S. history to be at war every single day of his eight year administration."

‘UK Has Blueprints For Partitioning Mideast’
Yes..... They're Called The Oded Yinon / PNAC Protocols -- A quote...."Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has in his latest remarks warned of Britain’s plots against Iran and the entire Middle East, including schemes to partition regional countries. Press TV has asked two experts to share their opinion with us on the UK’s for the Middle East. -- Ibrahim Mousawi, a political commentator from Beirut, said Britain in particular, and the West in general, is trying to partition countries in the Middle East and North Africa to prepare them for imperialistic systems." - Source:  PressTV

Will Obama’s ‘Good War’ in Afghanistan Continue?
Yes.... Ditto -- A quote...."Last week, as the mainstream media continued to obsess over the CIA’s evidence-free claim that the Russians hacked the presidential election, President Obama quietly sent 300 US Marines back into Afghanistan’s Helmand Province. This is the first time in three years that the US military has been sent into that conflict zone, and it represents a final failure of Obama’s Afghanistan policy. The outgoing president promised that by the end of his second term, the US military would only be present in small numbers and only on embassy duty. But more than 8,000 US troops will remain in Afghanistan as he leaves office." - Source:  RonPaulInst

German Government Plans “Defence Centre [Lie Factory] Against Misinformation [Truth]”
ZOG Alert - Pity How Far Germany Has Fallen - A quote...."For weeks, the German and international public sphere has been bombarded with a campaign against so-called “fake news.” If one believes leading politicians and journalists, then the cause of the loss of trust in establishment parties and the media are false reports on social networks and their manipulation by the Russian intelligence agencies. As Der Spiegel reported, referring to an internal paper of the Federal Interior Ministry, the government now wants to establish a “Defence Centre against Misinformation”—a type of censorship and propaganda agency."

NATO Report Blames Russia for Populism Worldwide
Hysterical! - Putin Should Claim Credit From Now On!!! - A quote...."A new report from NATO is following a narrative trend which began in the US and has since spread across Western Europe, accusing Russia of being to blame for the rise of populism worldwide, as an effort to undermine NATO and the European Union. -- This report blames Russia for the election of Donald Trump in November, as well as last summer’s Brexit vote, in which Britain decided to withdraw from the European Union. It goes on to blame them for growing anti-EU movements in several other union nations, and for improving polling numbers in Germany and France for Euroskeptic parties."
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media:  The False "Hacking" Claim....

Russian Spies Behind Every Christmas Tree
Must Read - A quote...."The main stream propaganda media has been on an anti-Putin, anti-Russian propaganda binge for years, and the Guardian is one of the leaders of the pack. - One has to wonder if it has anything to do with the Guardian’s shady dealings with George Soros’ secretive Open Society Foundation. Soros makes a fortune from U.S. sponsored regime changes and financial disasters. A regime change in Russia could make him Billions of dollars."

Intelligence Report On Russian Election Influence Is A Flop
Must Read - A quote...."Yesterday the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, the CIA, the NSA and the FBI released a report about alleged Russian hacking of the Democratic National Council and on Russian influence operation on the U.S. presidential election. The report failed to convince anyone. It is indeed a public relation disaster for the Intelligence Community. - John Harwood covers "the economy and national politics for CNBC and the New York Times." More then 100,000 people follow him on Twitter. He is known as Hillary Clinton supporter and chummy with John Podesta who ran Clinton's election campaign."

Bullhorns: Blaming RT (CrossTalk)
Must Listen CTRTVideo - CT/BlamingRT@RT - CT/BlamingRT/Mp4 - (CTRTYuTb - 24min44sec - Jan 9, 2017) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."The much anticipated report on Russia’s alleged hacking of the U.S. election is out – and it is underwhelming. Nothing new was revealed or proven, but this hasn’t quelled accusations. - CrossTalking with Dmitry Babich, Mark Sleboda, and Alexander Mercouris."

'Stirring Up Trouble': US Intelligence Has No Proof of Anything - Ron Paul on 'Russian Hacking'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 2min16sec -  Dec 29, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica - Guest Website:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst -- A quote...."The US intelligence community has released the unclassified findings of its investigation into what it says was Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, hours after President-elect Donald Trump received a briefing on the probe. - The ODNI devoted seven pages to RT and its influence on the election “by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences." The report claimed "Russian media made increasingly favorable comments about President-elect Trump as the 2016 US general and primary election campaigns progressed while consistently offering negative coverage of Secretary Clinton.” - During a press conference Monday, WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange criticized the recent ODNI report describing it as "quite embarrassing to the reputations of the US intelligence services.""

On Russian Hacking, The Only Narrative That Matters Is Truth
A quote...."Excuse me for wanting to point out the obvious, but sometimes the obvious gets very lost in the web of narratives spun by the master narrator inside the White House. Forgive me, but are we not losing the idea that the only narrative that really matters is that all of the information “LEAKED” was obtained through a simple fishing e-mail sent to John Podesta. See their own words here..." - Source:  RussiaInsider

The Intell Community’s Report Is Lost In The “Wilderness Of Mirrors” – A Mystery That Contains No Evidence.
A quote...."In the world of the US Intelligence Community, puzzles and mysteries are two different things. Puzzles can be solved by finding the pieces and connecting them together in their right places. However, in mysteries there is no puzzle…no map, and may never be solved. For those who work in Intelligence, it is easy to get lost in the “wilderness of mirrors.” In my opinion that is what the Intelligence Community has done with this latest Report on their Russian obsession. Clearly they have no pieces to solve the puzzle nor a map to follow, but the FBI should know this as they work with evidence that can solve the puzzle."

Allegations Against Russia Less Credible Every Day
A quote...."The U.S. government has now generated numerous news stories and released multiple "reports" aimed at persuading us that Vladimir Putin is to blame for Donald Trump becoming president. U.S. media has dutifully informed us that the case has been made. What has been made is the case for writing your own news coverage. The "reports" from the "intelligence community" are no lengthier than the New York Times and Washington Post articles about them. Why not just read the reports and cut out the middle-person?"
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

An Open Letter to the CIA from the Head of RT, Margarita Simonyan
This....Is Funny - A quote...."Dear CIA, You get a total "F" for this thing you wrote. - You don’t cover the subject in enough detail, some sources are un-named, and those you do name are either out of date, or simply untrue.  The whole thing reads like something a schoolboy would write for a homework assignment. - At my KGB high school, you would have been flogged with a birch switch for this kind of incompetence, which, incidentally, is rather painful. - I’m going to have to step in here and give you a little friendly mentoring as you work to correct your mistakes.  Let’s start with a few basic facts.  These facts are indisputable and heavily documented. - Your assignment is to write out each fact legibly three times in neat handwriting with no mistakes, and not using an eraser. - After the holidays the teacher himself will grade your work!"

Peskov on US hacking hysteria: "Russia is seriously tired of amateur American witch hunts"
A quote...." The Russian president’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, has stated that the report prepared by the CIA, NSA, and FBI contains unsubstantiated accusations of an “amateur level.” Peskov remarked that such “witch hunts” have happened more than once in American history. -- “We know that they will later be replaced by more sober experts, more sober approaches, but we are still focused on dialogue and not such emotional seizures,” Peskov added. However, Peskov stressed that Moscow is already “seriously tired” of these accusations."

The Geopolitical Dawn of Eurasia

BFP-NBVideo - (The Russian Newspaper Monitor) -- (BFP-NBYuTb - 30min57sec - Jan 8, 2017) - Source:  Newsbud Videos - NewsbudCom - NewsBudDonations - BFP Spot Light - BoilingFrogsPost -A quote...."In the fourteenth edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the articles from three Russian newspapers: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Izvestia, and Parlamentskaya Gazeta. He evaluates the correctness of predictions and prophecies made about 2016, the Russian military’s rebuke of the CIA, the preparation for the Syrian peace talks in Astana, Putin’s 2016 international travel itinerary, and the significance of the rising pro-Russian political forces in Eastern Europe for the stability and economic well-being of the region."

The Utter Stupidity of the New Cold War
Putin Refuses To Bend The Knee To The Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Consortium - A quote...."It seems so strange, twenty-seven years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, to be living through a new Cold War with (as it happens, capitalist) Russia. - The Russian president is attacked by the U.S. political class and media as they never attacked Soviet leaders; he is personally vilified as a corrupt, venal dictator, who arrests or assassinates political opponents and dissident journalists, and is hell-bent on the restoration of the USSR." - Source:  DissidentVoice
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Red War Warning

Why Did the Famous Trouble-Stirrer John McCain Spend His Holidays Touring Frozen Conflicts on Russia's Borders? - Photo of War Criminals - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Most people want to spend the New Year's eve with their families. John McCain spent it holed up in a forward combat outpost with Ukrainian marines on the frontlines against Ukraine's pro-Russian rebels. On the New Year he then traveled to Georgia where he preached about the need to "stand up to Vladimir Putin". Before Ukraine McCain was visiting the Baltic states where NATO has been steadily increasing its troop presence citing a Russian threat."

McCain’s Largely Unreported Treachery Against the US
A quote...."Arizona’s recently re-elected Republican senator John McCain, along with his faithful «drama queen» accomplice South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, recently met with a contingent of Ukrainian troops at a «forward combat zone» in Shyrokyne in eastern Ukraine and publicly questioned president-elect Donald Trump’s plans to defrost America’s chilly relations with Russia. For McCain, his return to his personal war front in Ukraine came three years after he stood with Ukrainian neo-Nazis and fascists on Kiev’s Maidan Square calling for the ouster of president Viktor Yanukovych." - Source:  StratCultFndtn
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'From Anti-Maidan Protests to Donbass War – Journey of a Model Becoming A War Correspondent'
Contains Must View DONiVideo Interview - Alt/YuTb - (DONiYuYb - 21min43sec - Jan 6, 2017) - Source:  DONi DIPC -- A quote...."Katya Katerina is a war correspondent in Donetsk People's Republic. She works today as the Head of the News Front agency in DPR, and correspondent she has been since beginning of the war in Donbass. Katya has also been part of our DONi News Team for a long time."

1,000 Days of Ukrainian Armed Operations Against Donbass People
Contains Video - Alt/YuTb - A quote...."It’s the day of sorrow on Donbass today: 1,000 days since so-called Ukrainian anti-terroristic operation had begun. On April 6, 2014 by acting president, speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Aleksandr Turchinov, the corresponding decree was signed."

Former PM Says Ukrainian Government in Exile Could Be Formed
A Good Idea - A quote...."MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. Former Ukrainian Prime Minister, Nikolai Azarov, has said that the Committee for the Salvation of Ukraine he heads will apply to international courts after the ruling by a Moscow court, which has recognized the 2014 events in Ukraine as a coup."

Ukrainian [Kiev Regime] ‘Maidan’ Comes Up Empty-Handed
A quote...."[Porky the Pig] Petro Poroshenko will not attend the traditional “Ukrainian lunch” in Davos, Switzerland, although this is the main event on behalf of Kiev at the World Economic Forum, which will take place on January 17-20 of this year. The lunch is sponsored by Victor Pinchuk’s foundation. Every winter the leading figures of Ukraine have been sure to make their appearance here. Why is Poroshenko now going into “denial”?"

Ukraine [Kiev Regime] Dumped Civilians On Front Lines
A quote...."Ukrainian security forces forcibly evacuated a group of residents of the occupied city Kurakhovo in the area near the front, to accuse the military of the DPR of civilian deaths. This was stated by deputy commander of the operational command of the DPR, Eduard Basurin. "Our intelligence revealed the preparation of a provocation from the Ukrainian security officials with possible victims among the civilian population in the city district of Marinka. In particular, more than 20 civilians from the captured city Kurakhovo were forcefully taken by "Ural"and transported by car to the frontline, in the area of ??Marinka ", he said...."
Dutch Journalists Ordered to Shut Their Mouths on MH17 Disaster
08]  The MH-17 Cover-up Continues - Must Read -- A quote...."The police of the Netherlands detained two Dutch journalists Stephen Beck and Michel Spekkers in Amsterdam, upon their return from the Donbas. The police confiscated all the materials that the journalists collected in the south-east of Ukraine. -- The journalists visited the Donbass to examine the crash site of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing that crashed over the region on July 17, 2014. According to the journalists, they found fragments of the liner on the crash site, even though all the fragments of the airplane were supposed to be collected long ago. The police of the Netherlands confiscated all the fragments of the aircraft that the journalists had with them, along with all the video materials from the Donbas, including interviews with eyewitnesses of the disaster." - Source:  PravdaReport - Topix ||  Kiev's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17 ||
Dutch Journalist Michel Spekkers, and MH17 Confiscation in Netherlands, my Statement
08]  MH-17 - Related Article - A quote...."Dutch journalist Michel Spekkers (pictured) has just returned to the Netherlands, after a week of working in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. Upon his return into Schiphol airport, after having been contacted initially by, as I understand, the MH17 investigation team, after having tweeted about having removed items from the crash site, he was questioned by Dutch police, and all the MH17 items, plus equipment pertaining to his work – camera equipment, cards, even phone, was seized – against his will, naturally." - Topix ||  Kiev's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17 ||

Dutch Court Blocks Access to Data Gathered by Independent Journalists in Donbass
08]  MH-17 - Related Article - A quote...."The Dutch Journalists Union intervened, and several hours after the equipment had been confiscated, the court banned access to the data, according to one of the journalists" - Topix ||  Kiev's Arranged Shoot-Down of MH-17 ||
In Defiance To NATO And Bosnian Government , Serbs From Bosnia, Republika Srpska Celebrate Republika Srpska Day, Goodbye Bosnia And Herzegovina (VIDEO/PHOTOS) -- A quote...."(VIDEO) Celebrations in the Bosnian Serb entity Republika Srpska saw a ratcheting up of independence rhetoric as well as high-level spats over the participation of members of the country’s armed forces. - A thousand police officers were stationed to protect the Banja Luka parade, while RS officials hosted visits by allies such as French far-right party the National Front."

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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

The Liberation of Aleppo: Vanessa Beeley Speaks to Serena Ghoukah of Syria TV
Must View STVideoRC/YuTb - (STVYuTb - 29min09sec - Jan 5, 2017) - Source:  SyriaTVChannels7 - Guest Website:   Vanessa Beeley Donation Request  The Wall Will Fall -- Vanessa Beeley discusses her visit to Aleppo with Syria TV - mpg

Boulevard Voltaire Has Interview With Assad; He Answers in English
Contains Video - A quote...."In this interview, the Syrian president talks about the liberation of Aleppo, the war that has been undermining Syria for more than five years, reconstruction and the lack of relations with France. He also evokes the promises of François Fillon. A necessary, exciting interview...."

Assad Still Stands, As Obama Prepares to Leave Office - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."When the US President made his first explicit call for the removal of Bashar al-Assad from power in August 2011, who would have thought that the Syrian leader would have outlasted Barack Obama in office. Even for the most optimistic supporter of the territorial integrity of the Syrian state, there must have been moments when they felt that the US/NATO war machine would topple Assad and completely Balkanize the Syrian state (I know I did). And yet here we are, more than five years later, watching Obama conclude his shambolic reign with a final frenzy of anti-Russian attacks, as Assad still stands in Damascus." - Source:  NEO

Iran: No Place for Terrorist Groups in Syria Talks - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian foreign ministry underlined Tehran, Moscow and Ankara's efforts to find a roadmap to resolve the crisis in Syria, and announced that the terrorist groups are not welcomed in the Syrian peace talks."

President al-Assad: France’s policy on Syria is disconnected from reality of war and has helped inflame situation
A quote...."Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad said on Sunday France’s current policy is disconnected from the reality of the war in Syria, stressing that this policy has helped inflame the situation through the support provided to the terrorist organizations, which have turned into a threat not only to the peoples of the region, but to the peoples of the Western countries as well."

Palmyra: Long Convoy of ISIL's Vehicles Targeted in Russian, Syrian Air Raids
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian and Russian warplanes carried out joint combat flights over a long convoy of ISIL's military vehicles West of the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur), inflicting major casualties on the terrorists and destroying a number of their vehicles."

Intensified Infighting Reported among Terrorists in Idlib, Commander Killed in Bomb Blast
Murderers Fallout - A quote...."The sources said that after the army capture of Eastern Aleppo, infighting between Fatah al-Sham and other terrorist groups have been on the rise in the recent weeks. Fatah al-Sham is about to establish an Islamic State in Idlib city, a move strongly rejected by other terrorist groups, pushing the city and its countryside into intensified scene of clashes and terror attacks. Fatah al-Sham seized 25 members of other terrorist groups in the town of Khan al-Sabal in Southern Idlib, turning the town into a battlefield on Saturday."
Syrian Army Is Close To Full Liberation Of Wadi Barada Area Near Damascus  - SF $ Rq - [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/Yutb - (SFYuTb - 1min18sec - Jan 9, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."Last weekend, the Syrian government and militant groups operating in the Wadi Barada area reached a reconciliation agreement. The agreement was brokered by a delegation of Russian officers."

SWR – Jan 9, 2017: Heavy Fighting Continues Despite Ceasefire - SF $ Rq - [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/Yutb - (SFYuTb - 13min41sec - Jan 9, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."The Syrian army has repelled a major Jabhat Fatah al-Sham-led attack in eastern Hama. Last night, Jabhat Fatah al-Sham and its allies advanced near the villages of Ramlieh, Khunayfis and Sultanieh, engaging Syrian army units in an intense fighting in the area. However, army troops, backed up by warplanes and artillery units, foiled the attack and kept their positions in the area. The situation remains tense."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Ankara: Cyber Attack from Washington Caused Blackout
Turkey Blames US-NRE For Cyber Hack? - (My the times are a'changing - mpg) -- A quote...."Turkish Energy Minister Berat Albayrak announced that his ministry had experienced a cyber attack from the United States that led to frequent blackouts in the country. The recent power outages across the country, has led to an increase in complaints from residents of Istanbul and nearby cities, Turkish Minute reported. Albayrak, which is the son-in-law of President Erdogan, has tweeted last week on his official account on “Twitter”, that has made serious warnings about the status quo, but his tweets faced ridicule by users."

Turkey Assumes USA Staged Istanbul Night Club Attack
Turkey Blames US-NRE For Night Club Attack? - (My the times are really a'changing - mpg) -- A quote...."Turkish newspaper Yeni Akit tweeted a photo collage of outgoing US President Obama as the Istanbul terrorist, on which Obama does bear a striking resemblance to the Istanbul shooter. The caption to the picture said: "Clearest photo of the murderer"... In an interview with Sputnik, authoritative security expert Jevad Galiyashevich noted that the US administration of Barack Obama was violating the laws of its own country, while President Obama was arming terrorists instead of fighting with them. The terrorist attack at a night club in Istanbul came as an obvious attempt to avenge Turkish President Erdogan for his rapprochement with Russia. The Americans put their terrorist dogs on Erdogan to humiliate him and put pressure on Turkey to make the country step away from its plans to regulate the crisis in Syria, the expert added."

Iraq's Military Troops Reach Tigris River in Mosul
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iraq's counterterrorism forces advanced further inside the center of the city of Mosul and managed to reach the Eastern bank of the Tigris River on Sunday for the first time, a military spokesman said."
Centcom Data: US Airstrikes Rose 40% in Afghanistan in 2016
The "Forever War" - A quote...."While a lot of the focus of America’s endless parade of air wars centers on Iraq and Syria, the 15+ year long war in Afghanistan is continuing apace, with the latest Centcom data showing US airstrikes in the country up 40% over the previous year."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

German oped on how Political Correctness is aiding terror and killing Germany
Video  - Alt/YuTb - (YuTb - 1min58sec - Jan 7, 2017) - Source:  VladTepesblog -- A quote...."This is a short, strong, punchy oped from German TV. Watch, learn, spread.- The speaker is Claus Strunz, a German journalist born in 1966 in Münchberg/Oberfranken. He is the moderator of the Satellite 1"
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere...

How Many British MPs Are Working For Israel?
ZOG Alert - Here's What ACTUAL "Meddling" Looks Like Folks - Must Read - A quote...."Al Jazeera is to be congratulated on an undercover investigation exposing something most of us could probably have guessed: that some Israeli embassy staff in the UK – let’s not pussy around, Mossad agents – are working with senior political activists and politicians in the Conservative and Labour parties to subvert their own parties from within, and skew British foreign policy so that it benefits Israeli, rather than British, interests. -- One cannot really blame Israel for doing this. Most states promote their interests as best they can. But one can and should expose and shame the British politicians who are collaborating with Israel in further harming Britain’s representative democracy." - Source:  AlethoNews
Why Has Israeli Spy Shai Masot Not Been Expelled?
ZOG Confirmation - Related Article - A quote...."There is no starker proof of the golden chains in which Israel has entangled the British political class, than the incredible fact that “diplomat” Shai Masot has not been expelled for secretly conspiring to influence British politics by attacking Britain’s Deputy Foreign Minister, suggesting that he might be brought down by “a little scandal”. It is incredible by any normal standards of diplomatic behaviour that immediate action was not taken against Masot for actions which when revealed any professional diplomat would normally expect to result in being “PNG’d” – declared persona non grata." - bold by website editor

SNP Calls For UK To Expel Israeli Official
Anti-ZOG Attempt - (Which will fail, as usual) - Related Article - A quote...."The UK government should immediately remove Israeli Embassy official Shia Masot from the country after he was filmed discussing how to “take down” a senior government minister, the Scottish National Party said today." - Source:  MEMO

Labour Calls For Investigation Into Israeli Diplomat’s Plot Against MPs
Ditto - (Which will go nowhere as usual.  Just like all those pedophile investigations, and for the EXACT same reasons - mpg) -- A quote...."Britain’s opposition Labour Party has called for an investigation into an “extremely disturbing” plot by an Israeli diplomat against pro-Palestinian MPs. - The party’s foreign affairs spokeswoman, Emily Thornberry, slammed Tel Aviv Sunday after release of a video, in which an Israeli embassy official is heard plotting to “take down” some of UK lawmakers." - Source:  PressTV

Israel Apology After Plot Against UK Politicians [Was Exposed]
Fake Apology - Related Article - A quote...."The Israeli embassy has apologised to UK deputy foreign secretary Sir Alan Duncan for comments made by one of its staff members on plans "to take [him] down" due to his criticism of Israel's settlement activity in the occupied West Bank."
Israel Mulls Law Granting Immunity to Killer Soldiers
Instead Of Just Ignoring Their Numerous Murders - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Reports said Israel plans to draw up a draft law granting regime forces immunity from prosecution after the trial of an Israeli soldier for shooting dead an already-wounded Palestinian."

Israeli Oppression and Human Rights Violations against Palestinians in 2016
By The REAL Numbers - A quote...."In the month of December 2016 Staat van Beleg could list 726 human rights violations (and 186 reports/analyses). The highest number we could document so far since the start of Staat van Beleg in July 2015." - Source:  StaatVanBeleg

Israeli Forces [Zio-Jihadist Militias] Detain 5 Relatives of Palestinian Killed Carrying Out Deadly Truck Attack [Against Militia Members] -- Collective Punishment - A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces raided homes in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir on Sunday and detained at least five relatives of Fadi Ahmad Hamdan al-Qunbar, a Palestinian who was killed earlier in the day after carrying out a deadly vehicular attack."
Netanyahu Falsely Claims Jerusalem Terror Attacker Affiliated with ISIS
So....Netanyahu Who Supports ISIS....Attacked His Own Militia??? - (It just keeps getting weirder and weirder! - mpg) -- A quote...."Benjamin Netanyahu today claimed that the Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem who plowed a truck into a group of Israeli soldiers, was affiliated with Isis. Netanyahu offered no proof of the Isis claim and it should not be given any credit. He appears to seek to link Palestinian terror attacks with attacks in Europe by those inspired by ISIS. Such linkage would, he believes, inspire sympathy for Israel in the world community and link it to the general revulsion that the West feels towards such attacks."
Avigail Abarbanel: I Boycott Israeli Products and Ask Everyone I Know to Do the Same
BDS Action Alert - A quote....."TEHRAN (FNA)- The plight of the Palestinian people under the military occupation is so painful that even sometimes the citizens of Israel recount it in heartrending terms. -- Avigail Abarbanel is an Israeli-born psychotherapist who migrated to Australia in 1991. She renounced her Israeli citizenship in protest at the Israeli mistreatment of the Palestinian people."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

“How Wall Street Bankers Committed Massive Fraud in Puerto Rico and Stayed out of Jail”
RTVideo  - Alt/YuTb - (RTYuTb - 11min44sec - Jan 8, 2017) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Mike Papantonio exposes Santander Bank for defrauding investors in Puerto Rico through a massive municipal bond scheme and speaks with attorney, Peter Mougey, about how Santander was able to pull off this scam and why no one was sent to prison as a result."

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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

The Geopolitics of South Central Asia and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
A quote...."The US has aligned India to itself in pursuit of its “pivot” to the Asia Pacific and its compulsive drive to manage the rise of China. Its ingress into India is direct, emphatic and in line with its stated policy objectives in the region. This portends deep economic, political and strategic connotations for the  region. India has readily mustered to the US call and has ventured into the South China Sea imbroglio too, ostensibly to prove its credentials as a “strategic partner” of the US. The US “pivot” to the Asia Pacific and India’s role in it is however now subject to President-elect Trump’s review of it. The possible    fate of the Trans Pacific Partnership may be an indicator of things to come!"

Turkey To Replace Google, Gmail With Domestic Providers 'Aligned With Local Culture, Values'
It Appears Turkey Is Unhappy With The US-NRE's Constant Interference - A quote...." Turkey’s Communication Minister Ahmet Arslan on Friday said a local search engine and email service that compatible with national culture and values would soon replace Google and Gmail. -- Speaking in an interview before the weekend, Arslan said Turkey needs to store user data within the country and ensure that communications can be fully analyzed domestically."

Foreign Investors See Ruble as 'One of the Best Bets' in 2017
SPTNKAudio - Alt/YuTb - (SPTNKSndCld - 8min31sec - Jan 9, 2017) - Source:  RadioSputnik - Sputnik - Sputnik@YuTb -- A quote...."The Russian national currency has been strongly performing since the beginning of the year. During the first 10 days of January, the US dollar dropped below 60 rubles/$1. Thus, the ruble reached a record high for the past two years. Experts predict that in the coming months the Russian currency may strengthen to 55-57 rubles/$1."

China Slams US Hacking Accusation As "Groundless Smear Campaign", Demands Wash Explain Its Own Spying
A quote...."While Russia continues to mostly mock and ridicule, and generally take in good humor, the constant allegations by the Obama administration that it "hacked the election", without actually hacking the election - as in actually rigging or changing the votes - but merely exposing the corruption of the DNC and the cronyism of the Clinton Family Foundation, even if so far the highly confident US "intelligence agencies" have yet to demonstrate a shred of proof substantiating such allegations, China's reaction to a similar accusation has demonstrated far less sense of humor."

Chinese Military Reclaims the Miyako Strait
A quote...."On December 25, a Chinese aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, used the Strait of Miyako as a passage way out of the East China Sea into the Pacific Ocean, accompanied by five other Chinese Navy surface ships. The strait separates the eponymous island from Okinawa, the largest island of the Ryukyu archipelago, which is generally known to belong to Japan."

Pakistan fires its first submarine-launched nuclear missile and boasts it now has a 'credible second strike capability'
A quote...."Pakistan has test-fired its first submarine-launched cruise missile, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and the country's military says it gives them a credible second strike capability. - The missile was fired from an underwater mobile platform and hit its target with precise accuracy, said Pakistan's military spokesman. - He confirmed the missile, with a range of 280 miles, could carry a nuclear warhead."

Iran to Expand Military Spending, Develop Missiles
A quote...."Iranian lawmakers approved plans on Monday to expand military spending to five percent of the budget, including developing the country's long-range missile program which U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to halt. - The vote is a boost to Iran's military establishment – the regular army, the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and defense ministry - which was allocated almost 2 percent of the 2015-16 budget."

Arab Analyst Underlines Riyadh's All-Out Failure, Iran's Increased Power in Region
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Abdel Bari Atwan, the editor-in-chief of Rai al-Youm newspaper, stressed that 2016 was a bad year for Saudi Arabia and generally all members of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) but it brought chance and success to Iran."

Russian Ideas About the Best Way to Run a Business Go Back Further Than You Think
A quote...."Good corporate governance, and the nuances attached to this simple business concept have been increasingly codified worldwide since the 1970’s. Few recognize the tremendous strides achieved in Russia this past decade in establishing remarkably high implemented standards."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

One-China Policy Not A Capricious Request
Must Read - Official Chinese Warning - A quote...."State-run Chinese tabloid Global Times* warned U.S. President-elect Donald Trump that China would "take revenge" if he reneged on the one-China policy, only hours after Taiwan's president made a controversial stopover in Houston. - Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen met senior U.S. Republican lawmakers during her stopover in Houston on Sunday en route to Central America, where she will visit Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador. Tsai will stop in San Francisco on Jan. 13, her way back to Taiwan. - China had asked the United States not to allow Tsai to enter or have formal government meetings under the one China policy. - Beijing considers self-governing Taiwan a renegade province ineligible for state-to-state relations. The subject is a sensitive one for China." - *link added

Sunday Screening:  ‘The CIA Overthrew Hundreds of Governments Since WWII’
Contains Video - Alt/YuTb - (YuTb - 2hr2min24sec - Jan 19, 2012) - Source:  ProCnst#1Chnl - A quote...."Much has been made by US mainstream media, President Obama and the “intelligence community” – about what they claim was “Russian interference” in the recent US election cycle. Despite the fact that there is still no actual evidence to support the White House and the CIA’s official conspiracy theory, the rhetoric continues unabated."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Former Naval Chief Says 9/11 Should Be Taught In Schools
9/11 - Attack On The Web Continues - A quote...."A former military leader wants schools to start teaching children about major terrorist attacks to avoid leaving them susceptible to online conspiracy theories. - Sound more like indoctrination than education…we can’t have children being taught anything that isn’t the ‘official version’ of the truth now can we?" - Source:  YourNewsWire

Are Social Media's "Ads For Eyeballs" Valuations About To Be Eviscerated?
Told'Ya! - All Made Up Of Virtual Nonsense - A quote...."There’s a peculiar tone emanating from the social media space. It’s a little hard to hear, but if you listen closely, it’s there none the less. That sound is the sudden gasp of realization that the most dominating reasoning and defense that encompassed the entire social media space may in fact being laid-to-waste right before their screens. That horror?" - Source:  Mark St.Cyr - Topix ||  Social Media - "We Create YOUR Reality" - 10-20-16 - mpg  ||

Anything You Say Around Your Smart Devices Can and Will Be Used Against You in Court
"My Fridge Informed On Me?" - (Are you kidding?) -- A quote...."Are your smart devices spying on you for the State? In this video, Vin Armani discusses the danger of prosecutors being able to confiscate the entire voice history on your smart devices, like the popular Amazon Echo, to find wrongdoing."
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

The VERY Dangerous, Dirty, Political Game...Continues....

Confessions Of A Fake News Reporter
A quote...."I write for those so-called “fake news” websites. You know the ones: the 200 odd deplorable websites, the ones Hillary, the Pope and Michael Moore have attacked as threatening to destroy World Peace, Democracy, Facebook and the Mainstream Media (MSM)." - Source:  StrikeTheRoot

Obama’s Latest Move Raises Disturbing Questions About The Future Of Elections
A quote...."(RINF) – The ruling establishment has responded to Donald Trump’s election by laying the groundwork to federalize, and thus control, future elections. Read Tyler Durden’s report. -- The federal government does not have the constitutional authority to administer elections, only to set the date. The Obama regime’s designation of elections as “critical infrastructure” seems to have no function other than to put in place a way to prevent voters from overthrowing an entrenched establishment, as the establishment fears the voters did when they elected Trump president."

This is An [Attempted] Coup:  The Homeland Security Takeover Of US Elections
A quote...."On Friday, the traditional day of the week for quietly releasing big news that will hopefully be ignored by the public—and also obscured by the Fort Lauderdale Airport shooting—the chief of Homeland Security announced that his office will be taking over US elections. - If you can’t see the coup in progress, you need to keep looking until the message comes through. - Read carefully—ABC News reports. My comments are in brackets...."
Trump Must Expose Obama’s Abuses of Power
A quote...."President-elect Donald Trump will face pervasive doubts about his legitimacy from the day he takes office.  Trump’s opponents will assert that he is governing in unprecedented and reckless ways.   The best response to that charge is to open the books to reveal how the Obama administration stretched its power far beyond what most Americans realized."
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Donald Trump:  The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly.....

CIA Liars, Torturers, Murderers: CIA Worse Than Useless
(The Very Good) -- A quote...."Trump’s tweets and comments are having a good effect already. An ex-CIA director warns Trump’s Comments Will Lead to ‘Wave’ of Resignations...." - Hip Hip Hooray!!  
"Former CIA acting director Michael Morell said President-elect Donald Trump’s rhetoric will undermine the agency by causing a “wave of resignations” and affecting its ability to work with foreign intelligence services. --     “First, expect a wave of resignations. Attrition at the C.I.A., which has been remarkably low since Sept. 11, 2001, will skyrocket,” Morell wrote in a New York Times op-ed published Friday."
Steven Mnuchin Donated To One Democrat In 2016 – The Woman Who Declined To Prosecute His Bank
(The Bad) - A quote...."Wednesday’s post, Donald Trump Has an Enormous and Very Dangerous Wall Street Blind Spot, highlighted the fact that the bank run by Trump’s Treasury Secretary nominee, Steven Mnuchin, was given a pass by California attorney general Kamala Harris, despite the discovery of over a thousand legal violations. Kamala Harris has since been (s)elected to the U.S. Senate."

Donald Trump’s Pick for Spy Chief Took Hard Line on Snowden, Guantanamo, and Torture

(The Bad) - A quote...."Colleagues of former Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., describe the septuagenarian as competent and congenial — the “Mister Rogers” of Republicans, as Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., said — but his positions on issues including NSA surveillance, Edward Snowden, torture, and Guantanamo Bay are bound to spark arguments with civil libertarians as Congress debates his nomination today by President-elect Donald Trump to succeed James Clapper as director of national intelligence."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Political Prisoners Remain Behind Bars as Obama’s Term Nears End
A quote...."As we enter the last full week of Barack Obama’s eight year tenure as President of the United States of America, dozens of political prisoners still sit in cages across the nation’s prisons, rotting away as Obama consciously chooses not to exercise the power to simply free them with the stroke of a pen. Many activists for Puerto Rican independence, Native American and African American rights, and other causes were targeted by the political police’s illegal COINTELPRO program and convicted in sham trials. Now elderly, some in poor health, they may effectively be facing death sentences unless Obama’s decides within the next two weeks to grant their appeals for clemency." - Source:  AmericanHeraldTrib

George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress
A quote...."George HW Bush is a known evil pedophile, who ran a Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s known as “Operation Brownstone and Operation Brownstar”, and later to become known as “The Finders or The Franklin Coverup”. U.S. Vice President George HW Bush would sneak children over to Senator Barney Frank’s condo, known as a “Brownstone” to their famous cocktail parties, where U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senators — some willing and some unwilling participants — got a taste of the “Voodoo Drug” in their drink."

The Colors of Justice: A Tale of Three Dissidents
The Uppity Negro -- A quote...."On April 4th, 1968, a single bullet forever silenced the man J. Edgar Hoover called “the most dangerous Negro in America”.  A patsy named James Earl Ray would die in prison for the dirty deed, only to be exonerated after his death.  Martin Luther King’s family, disbelieving the official U.S. Government song and dance, hired a friend and attorney named Bill Pepper to investigate and confirm their doubts.  More than two decades of research and questioning, begun in 1977, culminated in a 1999 verdict from a Memphis jury.  After listening to 70 witnesses testify under oath, the jury deliberated less than an one hour, finding that a man named Loyd Jowers conspired with elements of the FBI, CIA, US Military, Memphis Police, and organized crime in the execution and elimination of Reverend King."

Fort Lauderdale Shooter Known to FBI, Worked for Security, Amid Backdrop of Mass Drills
"Another American Known Wolf?" -- A quote...."Another shocking active-shooter incident rocks America. This time, according to Florida’s Broward County Sheriff’s Department, thirteen people were shot, including five dead, after an apparent shooting rampage took place at Fort Lauderdale’s Hollywood International Airport yesterday."
Cops Accused of Killing Man for Not Showing ID
A quote...."DOTHAN, Ala. (CN) – An Alabama man was shot to death by a police officer after refusing to show his driver’s license while dropping off a stray dog at the local animal shelter, his estate claims in a federal lawsuit."

Pet Deer Named After Bambi Character Shot Dead in Front of US Family in Their Driveway
A quote...." A family are inconsolable after a wildlife warden came onto their land and shot their pet deer five times.
A warden, flanked by two colleagues, entered the Mcgaugheys’ Kansas farm and killed the deer, called Faline, apparently just 10 minutes after handing them a warning notice stating the animal was an illegal pet."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Sunday View: Israeli Lobby In UK, DNC Email Hacking, Airport Shooting & More
Must Listen RASVideo - (RASYuTb - 56min05sec - Jan 8, 2017) - Source:  TheRichieAllenShow - Related Website:  David Ike Headlines - A quote...."Richie reviews the Sunday newspapers and among other stories, takes an in-depth look at the Israeli lobby in the UK, after it emerged that the Israeli embassy is colluding with British civil servants, to get rid of senior government ministers, who oppose Israel's policy of illegal settlements in the West Bank. And much more."

Sunday Wire EP #168 - ‘Hacking the World’ with Patrick Henningsen, guest Steven Sahiounie
Must Listen 21stSunWAudio -- Alt/SndCld - (21stSunWSndCld - 3hrs16min28sec - January 8, 2017) - Source:  21st Century Wire - SunWire@Sprkr - AltCrntRadio - A quote...."This week's edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is a very special LIVE broadcasting connecting North America and Europe this week, as host Patrick Henningsen covers the top stories in the US and internationally. In the first hour, we'll look at the Fort Lauderdale 'ISIS voices' attack, and also the post-comical farce that is the US Intelligence Report of the 'Russian Hack' and Obama last minute power grab - handing over control of US election systems to the DHS. We'll also go on the ground in Syria to connect with Syrian-American investigative writer Steven Sahiounie to discuss his latest story on NATO-backed death squads in Syria. In the third hour we'll talk to a few SUNDAY WIRE and ACR regulars including Hesher and Spore about Trump's chances in light of this week's US intelligence debacle."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Why Don't the U.S. Dollar and Bitcoin Drop to Their Tangible Value, i.e. Zero?
A quote...."It frustrates many observers that the U.S. dollar stubbornly refuses to drop to its intrinsic value, i.e. zero. This peculiar resistance melts away once we understand that state-issued currency ("money") is ultimately a claim on the issuing nation’s wealth and capacity to generate wealth, and on the state’s ability to collect taxes from the residents and enterprises that are generating the wealth. -- In other words, the value of state-issued currencies is not based on a tangible commodity such as gold but on the wealth generation capacity of the nation and the state’s power to skim that wealth as taxes, which can then be used to pay state debts."

Evictions by Wall-Street Mega-Landlords Soar, Financialization of Rents Cause “Housing Instability”: Atlanta Fed
A quote...."The housing collapse during the Financial Crisis keeps on giving. On Friday, Invitation Homes, a creature of private-equity firm Blackstone, and largest landlord of single-family rental homes in the US, filed with the SEC to raise up to $1.5 billion in an IPO. Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, BofA Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, and RBC Capital Markets are the joint bookrunners and get to cash in on the fees."

New Year Opens with Wave of Layoffs in the US
A quote...."In the latest blow to retailers, hundreds of women’s clothing stores, operated by Ohio-based chain The Limited, shut their doors over the weekend at shopping malls across the United States. The company, which has 235 stores nationwide and 4,000 employees, quietly began layoffs in December before shuttering its stores on Sunday." - Source:  WSWS

"Unequivocally Bad?" Gas Prices Soar Over 20% YoY - Most Since 2011
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."In December 2014, as gas prices had plunged over 20% YoY, Janet Yellen proclaimed "from the standpoint of the U.S... the decline we've seen in oil prices is likely to be, on net, a positive," and that narrative of slumping gas prices being "unequivocally good" for Americans was spewed everywhere across linear-thinking mainstream media. So we wonder, with gas prices up 22% year-over, the fastest spike since 2011, is that "unequivocally bad" for America?"
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Circle Of Poison: US [Companies] Export [US] Banned Pesticides To Developing World
A quote...."U.S. pesticide companies including Monsanto and Du Pont are exposed in a new documentary exporting pesticides banned in the United States to the developing world, sending the dangerous message that American lives are more valuable that those in less affluent countries."

Splenda Suppresses Thyroid Function and Promotes Weight Gain
A quote..."A concerning new study published in the European Journal of Nutrition entitled, “Type of sweet flavour carrier affects thyroid axis activity in male rats,” is the first study of its kind to evaluate the effects of Splenda (Sucralose) on mammalian thyroid function and metabolism. Their findings reveal that sucralose has endocrine disruptive properties on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis (HPA axis), resulting in thyroid hormone suppression, increased appetite, and weight gain."

Stomach Acid Suppressing Meds Causing Infections and Serious Health Problems
A quote...."Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are a group of medications whose primary action is a to reduce gastric acid production. Prilosec, prevacid, and nexium are popular PPIs which help constitute a large percentage of the most prescribed medications in the world. In a population-based study from Scotland, PPIs were linked with an increased risk of intestinal infections with C. difficile and Campylobacter bacteria, which can cause considerable illness. The study adds to a growing body of evidence that the health consequences of PPI-based drugs are causing far more damage to the human body than previously published in medical literature."

The Amish, Who Don’t Get Vaccinated, Rarely Get Autism, Cancer, or Heart Disease – Coincidence?
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Do not talk about whether vaccines work or not, or whether or not they cause autism, unless you’re ready for a very heated debate. Although the link between vaccines and autism is nothing new, to even speak of it can get you labeled as an “anti-vaxxer” or a health fanatic of sorts by the sheeple (brainwashed masses) that believe every vaccine the CDC recommends not only works, but is 100% safe and 100% effective 100% of the time. Even if some vaccines work some of the time, are they worth the health risk? That is the ultimate question, because one statistic you may not know is that children who receive mercury-containing vaccinations (listed as thimerosal usually) are 27 times more likely to develop autism than those who don’t get those jabs. That comes from a recent study based on the CDC’s own data. Still want to keep it a hush-hush topic?"

Ebola & Zika Went Away Without Vaccines, Yet Big Pharma Still Rakes in Billions
A quote...."In this video, Vin Armani exposes how the Ebola and Zika virus “crises” were used to spur billions in vaccine development. Now that the vaccines are finally coming online, they’re no longer needed, but Congress will likely fund a stockpile of them for good measure. Hyped pandemics appear to be a new excuse for more corporate welfare for Big Pharma."
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More On The Banksters Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax / Carbon Currency / Scam....

Beware Anti-“Pseudo-Science” Agitation
A quote...."I was asked to write this short article to be published in the January newsletter of the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship (SAFS). A longer version of the article, with references, will be published in a 2017 SAFS conference proceeding. -- If we accept an operational definition of “pseudo-science” as whatever any critic of so-called “pseudo-science” probably means, then vehement criticisms of the said “pseudo-sciences” are generally made for one of four reasons...."
  1. To invalidate unworthy ideas, as part of the normal course of science itself — a classic example is the 1989 case of “cold fusion” and its fallout, in the field of condensed matter physics and chemistry
  2. To celebrate and maintain the middle-class belief that modern society is based on scientific knowledge; to fight against idolatry in the realm of ideas; to participate in improving public discourse and consciousness
  3. To provide false legitimacy for problematic areas of establishment science that survive owing to systemic financial and professional interests — the preeminent example being establishment medicine (see below)
  4. To attack a legitimate criticism of a dominant scientific position (collateral attack by appeal to authority or “consensus”, using denigration)
"Thus, the full array of motives for engaging in the sport of “pseudo-science” bashing spans a spectrum from good scientific practice to ordinary social behaviour in structured society to support for organized fraud to outright base competition that is incompatible with the science ideal. Here, I outline the last three reasons, as follows. A longer version of this article, with references, will be published elsewhere." - Source:  ActivistTeacher

Sunday January 8th 2016

No posts - mpg

Saturday January 7th 2016

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

As We Move Into 2017: The Cracks in the Empire are Here… How will the U.S. Empire Dissolve?

Must Read - A quote...."The indicators, the cracks, in the Empire are there for all to see – the Americans and other Westerners will be the last and remain in denial for some time until the discrepancy between the self-image and the reality, the self-delusion, has grown too big. Like East Germany or Russia at in the early 1980s. - The rest of the world, the non-West sees some of these cracks quite clearly - Some indicators of Empire dissolution...." - The first ten....
Is Merkel Planning to Continue EU Anti-Russian Line Despite Trump?
Of Course! - Angela Merkel Is A Zio-Whore traitor to the German People - When told to start a war with Russia by her Zio-Masters in Tel Aviv, she'll do so.  Without a qualm or twinge of conscience.  Just as she gave three trillion in Euros of the German workers hard earned savings to the ECB Banksters, and helped to shove millions of Wahhabist Muslims into Germany.  She intends to utterly destroy the country -- as a country -- as a nation-state -- as part of the Euro-Kharzarians' New World Order.  That's her job.  It's why they recruited her.  It's that simple.  It's that predictable - mpg - Source:  The Duran

Very Powerful People in the U.S. Government Want War – This is Their Sales Pitch
A quote...."From the post: Who Benefits from War with Russia?"
"The rising hysteria about Russia is best understood as fulfilling two needs for Official Washington: the Military Industrial Complex’s transitioning from the “war on terror” to a more lucrative “new cold war” – and blunting the threat that a President Trump poses to the neoconservative/liberal-interventionist foreign-policy establishment."
In Obama’s Final Year, US Dropped 26,171 Bombs Around the World
The "Peace Prize Prez" - What A Deadly, Horrible, Joke On Mankind - A quote...."Statistics reveal that Washington dropped more bombs in 2016 than it did the previous year. The US dropped 26,171 bombs in seven countries, a little over 3,000 more than were dropped in 2015."

Leaked Tapes Reveal John Kerry Admission That U.S. Was Pulling For ISIS In Syria, Russia Fighting Terror
Poor John Kohn....Caught Telling The Truth - A quote...."A WikiLeaks release of John Kerry’s statements has yet again blown the lid off the public claims of the U.S. government, Obama administration, and the corporate mainstream media in regards to ISIS and the war in Syria. The tapes of a conversation between John Kerry and the so-called “Syrian Opposition” at the Dutch Mission of the United Nations on September 22 were released on Wednesday. While mainstream media either refused to report on the leaks at all or eliminated the most incriminating parts of the tapes, Kerry openly states that the United States sat idly by while ISIS grew and grew in order to force Bashar al-Assad to “negotiate.”...

White Helmets Stand In Solidarity With al-Qaeda – Hold Citizens Hostage In Damascus With No Water – Still Worthy Of A Peace Prize? - Another Potential "Peace Prize Winner" -- A quote..."Only a short time after the terrorist support group known as the White Helmets, thoroughly exposed and discredited by the alternative media, were nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, the true nature of the organization is on display yet again. This time, the water crisis in Damascus represents the fake humanitarian organization’s time to shine."

How We Were Misled About Syria: The Role of Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Bearing False Witness - A quote...."I have unbounded admiration for the doctors who volunteer for the invaluable and often dangerous work of Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF). The question concerns MSF’s policy of ‘bearing witness’. MSF will speak out – even against governments – when it thinks a humanitarian situation could and should be dealt with differently by those it holds responsible.[1] It has done so in Syria. But if none of MSF’s international doctors have been on the ground in Syria’s war zones since 2015,[2] how can MSF claim to bear witness for what is happening there?" - Source:  TimHayward
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media:  Its Lies & Propaganda....

The Entire World is “Fake News”
Must Read - A quote...."Imperialist demagogues, as well as religious fanatics, are known to live in their grotesque realities. They erect huge sand castles, invent mascots, and bombard the public relentlessly with self-promoting messages. - Those who refuse to listen and believe, those who dare to doubt and resist, are sidelined, starved to death, humiliated or simply liquidated. - Western religions and European/North American brutal colonialist practices are intertwined culturally. Hand in hand, for centuries, they have been destroying our Planet, from corner to corner, on all continents and even on the high seas." - Source:  NEO

Freedom Rider: Obama’s Propaganda Gift to Trump
Must Read - A quote...."Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign the corporate media, Democratic Party operatives and the pundit class all proclaimed that Donald Trump is a fascist. The fascistic nature of our political, law enforcement and economic systems were conveniently omitted from these warnings, but assertions of Trump’s untrustworthiness were repeatedly endlessly. If that characterization has any validity at all then Barack Obama’s establishment of a de facto Propaganda Department is a terrible blow to democracy. -- On December 23, 2016 Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a federal law that is passed every year. NDAA authorizes defense appropriations but it is also used as a Trojan horse to hide attacks on civil liberties. In 2011 the NDAA authorized indefinite detention of anyone deemed a terrorism suspect. Tucked inside this year’s NDAA was the passage of the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act which establishes the little known or discussed Global Engagement Center."

Reality Check: Pres.Obama Signs New Law To Allow U.S. Gov. to Fund Propaganda For U.S. Citizens
RCVideoRC/YuTb - (RCYuTb - 3min53sec - Jan 5, 2017) - Source:  RC-BenSwan@YuTb - BenSwan - RC@Fox19

The Coup Against Truth — Paul Craig Roberts
A quote...."Jon Rappoport’s mocking of the US presstitutes is superb:  “Vladimir Putin is the secret president of the United States. -- “Yep. That’s it. The US is now the USSR. It’s all over. Trump is a Communist who took orders from Putin. Trump is a Red. That was his game all along. He’s a billionaire Commie.” - Ridicule is effective, and nothing deserves ridicule more than the Washington Post, New York, Times, CNN, and the rest of the presstitutes who pretend to be real..."

Putin's Brutal Sappers Are Vandalizing Aleppo With 'Clear of Mines' Graffiti!
A quote...."[Per the corp spew outlets....]  Harrowing pictures, utter devastation, haunting images, Russian tanks driving through streets littered with rubble, Russian soldiers making their mark on the ruble with mysterios cyrilic graffiti. Desperate Syrian women and barefoot children, among dogs picking through the wreckage of buildings. Rows of weaponry mysteriously lined on the ground and huge explosions shaking the earth!" --- "Oh my, this is horrible! What disaster has befallen this long-suffering city now?!...."
"[Per reality....]  It turns out Aleppo has been invaded by an army of Russian sappers combing the city for mines. The hearts & minds operation (PR stunt, psy ops, whatever...) has Russian military engineers sharing their canteen food with civilians, leading specially trained dogs looking for explosives, handling and collecting dangerous unexploded ordnance and disposing of it in controled exposions. In areas which they have cleared they leave a graffiti saying "MIN NET" or "clear of mines"."
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media:  The "Fake News" Scandal....

More Fake News: Russia Targets US Power Grid
Must View BFPVideo - (BFPYuTb - 14min51sec - Jan 6, 2017) - Source:  Newsbud Videos - NewsbudCom - NewsBudDonations - BFP Spot Light - BoilingFrogsPost -- A quote...."On this edition of The Geopolitical Report, we examine how the establishment media attempted to manipulate a story about suspected malware found on a Vermont utility company computer. The story prompted The Washington Post and the establishment media to claim Russia is targeting the power grid in the United States, a dubious assertion on the heels of the CIA and FBI declaring Russia hacked the 2016 election. We take a look malware attacks and the number one producer of malicious software and cyber weapons — the National Security Agency."

Washington Post Deceives Public & Profits From Fake News
A quote...."The Washington Post has been caught lying and deceiving the public twice in the last few weeks pushing the unfounded mainstream media meme that Russia invaded the U.S. electric grid and another claiming that Russia is behind the explosion of so-called ‘fake news.’"

Warning: Anti-Russia Fake News Below
A quote...." Virtually all corporate owned or supported broadsheets, magazines, other published material and electronic news reek of anti-Russia fake news - Americans carpet-bombed with it daily. - You’d think by now the vast majority would know they’re being lied to. Yet no matter how often they were fooled before, they’re largely easy marks to be deceived again." - Source:  SteveLendman

The Governor of Vermont Is An Idiot — Paul Craig Roberts
A quote...."Apparently, the CIA not only owns the US and European media, university faculties, the US Congress, the heads of state of the US Empire, many pseudo-fake leftwing and progressive Internet sites, but also the governors of the US states. -- How can it happen that the citizens of Vermont are so incapable that they elected a mindless moron as governor? Governor Peter Shumlin, a Democrat, called on federal officials “to conduct a full and complerte investigation” of Russia’s alleged hacking of Vermont’s electric grid system “and undertake that this never happens again.” -- Of course, it never happened at all, as has been confirmed by US intelligence services. But this did not prevent the moronic governor from denouncing Russia for something that not only was Russia not responsible for but which we now know for certain never happened."

CrossTalk: Targeting Russia
CTRTVideo - CT/TargetingRussia@RT - CT/TargetingRussia/Mp4 - (CTRTYuTb - 24min41sec - Jan 6, 2017) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Allegations and even more allegations: weeks after Donald Trump won the presidency the outgoing administration and some in the intelligence community, and of course the mainstream media accuse Russia of hacking the election – but where is the evidence? - CrossTalking with Don DeBar, Scott Rickard, and Joe Lauria."

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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media:  The False "Hacking" Claim....

The Trump “Intelligence” Briefing Has No Proof At All: Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections UPDATE 4  -- Must Read - Quote of the Day -- A quote...."ROBERT STEELE: I was expecting better from the US IC.I expected fabricated evidence that would be superficially compelling, I did not expect a complete cop-out totally off the mark — out of 14 pages only 1 page in the aggregate focuses on covert cyber, the other 13 pages focus on overt media."
"This report boils down to a summary of one of the more successful national Information Operations (IO) programs centered on Russia Today (RT) and the use of social media to do what the US quaintly calls “Public Diplomacy.” This is a dishonest politically-motivated report that would cause me, if I had the power to do so, to retire everyone associated with this disinformation — this is a form of lying to the president and lying to the public."

"It is significant that this report is not from all seventeen agencies and not from the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). I have the impression everyone else has washed their hands on this one."
A Case Study in the Creation of False News
Must Read - A quote...."For many weeks we have witnessed the extraordinary attack by the CIA and its assets in Congress and the media on Donald Trump’s election. In an unprecedented effort to delegitimize Trump’s election as the product of Russian interference in the election, the CIA, media, senators and representatives have consistently made wild accusations for which they have no evidence. The CIA’s message to Trump is clear: Get in line with our agenda, or we are going to mess you over. -- It is clear that the CIA is warring against Trump. But the CIA’s media assets have turned the facts on their head and are blaming Trump for having a negative view of the CIA." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

New Intelligence Report Adds No Evidence Of "Russian Hacking" (Updated)
Must Read - A quote...."UPDATE: Up to today there is no public evidence that Russia hacked the Democratic National Council and/or released DNC material to Wikileaks. After today's new intelligence report (pdf) there is still no such evidence. (One third of the report is dedicated to criticize the Russian government's TV outlet Russia Today for criticizing Hillary Clinton. The RT viewer numbers claimed in the report are evidently false from 2012 and thereby completely irrelevant.) There are rather wild assertions and a lot of conjecture but zero facts that could be accepted as proof." -- Title should have been....."New Intelligence Report Adds No Evidence Of "Intelligence"" - mpg

US intelligence Report On Clinton Leaks Provides NO Evidence of Russian Involvement
Must Read - Scared Of RT - (They should be, RT tells the truth, and as everyone knows, the truth hurts. - mpg) -- A quote...."The latest US intelligence report into Russian involvement in the US election fails to provide evidence of Russian involvement in the Clinton leaks but focuses obsessively on RT."
"The U.S. intelligence report on Russia Hacking didn’t need such a long title – They could have just called it: “We Really Don’t Like RT.”" -- Related Article - A quote...."Almost every major western news outlet splashed this story. But it was probably the New York Times’ report which was the most amusing. America’s “paper of record” hailed the DNI’s homework as “damning and surprisingly detailed.” Then a few paragraphs later admitted the analysis contained no actual evidence."

Here’s Why The US Elite Fear RT
Related Article - A quote...."RT has given a voice to patriotic Americans who have been isolated from events in their own political system due to an establishment that relied on mainstream media to shut them up."
Intelligence Report On Russian Election Influence Is A Flop
A quote...."Yesterday the U.S. Director of National Intelligence, the CIA, the NSA and the FBI released a report about alleged Russian hacking of the Democratic National Council and on Russian influence operation on the U.S. presidential election. The report failed to convince anyone. It is indeed a public relation disaster for the Intelligence Community."

US Report Still Lacks Proof on Russia ‘Hack’
A quote...."Repeating an accusation over and over again is not evidence that the accused is guilty, no matter how much “confidence” the accuser asserts about the conclusion. Nor is it evidence just to suggest that someone has a motive for doing something. Many conspiracy theories are built on the notion of “cui bono” – who benefits – without following up the supposed motive with facts." - Source:  ConsortiumNews

Fiasco Senate Hearing on Nonexistent Russian Hacking
A quote...."Thursday’s Senate hearing on phony accusations of Russian hacking trotted out the usual suspects - DNI head James Clapper, NSA director admiral Mike Rogers and defense undersecretary for intelligence Marcel Rogers."

Former CIA and NSA Officials Just Joined Forces & Debunked the Russian “Hack” Conspiracy Thoery
A quote...."In an op-ed for the Baltimore Sun, two former, high-ranking intelligence officials tore apart the Obama administration’s vocal and as-yet unproven claim The Russians interfered with the U.S. election — and hacked systems of the Democratic establishment — to ensure a Donald Trump win."

US Intel Chief Cites Phantom Evidence on ‘Russian Hacking’

A quote...."The new, and apparently seminal report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on putative Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election has finally been released, providing a 25-page glimpse into the thinking that underpins an allegation which remains the sum total of US electoral politics in recent months."

Americans Start to See Through Obama CIA (Etc.) Lies Against Russia
A quote...."I post here a normal, terrific, news-report from ‘Tyler Durden’ at zerohedge, but I add the link to its source (i.e., to John Harwood’s tweet) and its poll-results as of the present moment..."
CIA Training Handbook: How to Fake Intelligence Plus Case Study on Faking Russians Hacking US Election
How To Fake It Tell You Break It!! - (Countries, peoples, politicians, or a person's principals, it's all the same to the CIA! - mpg) -- A quote...."t is sometimes necessary to fabricate intelligence — to lie to our customer — in order to achieve a necessary strategic effect. There are two general justifications for this form of covert influence operation:"
  1. When we are pretty sure it is the truth and cannot prove it
  2. When we know it is a lie but it is a lie that serves our internal ends
"Customers are used to receiving written reports from us — and occasionally videos. Rather than attempt to forge documents or sound recordings, the easiest way to fake intelligence is to simply write it up as if we had the human or signal or imagery source reporting in hand. The customer is naive and assumes that we always tell the truth."

Purge the CIA
The ONLY Solution - A quote...."Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified at a hearing on “Russian interference” in the election that there’s a difference between “skepticism” of the intelligence community’s assessment and “disparagement” of said community. While stopping short of asking for a “safe space,” this admitted liar used the opportunity to cry on the shoulders of Donald Trump’s assembled enemies: “We’re not perfect,” he burbled, but hey everybody makes mistakes."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

The War against the Truth, When the Lie Becomes the Truth. Is Obama Preparing War Against Russia?
A quote...."At the end of Obama’s presidency, Fiction has become Fact. - A world of fantasy permeates the mainstream media. - The Lie has become the Truth. - “Fake New” has become “Real News”. - And “Real News” by the independent online media is now tagged as Russian propaganda. - What we are dealing with is a War against the Truth. - Concepts are turned upside down. - Political insanity prevails. We are at a dangerous crossroads in our history  The dangers of global warfare are routinely obfuscated by media disinformation. - According to National Intelligence Director James Clapper Russia’s alleged hacking constitutes an “Existential Threat” against America. - Senator McCain considers it an “An Act of War”"

2016: A Year of Russian Bear-Baiting
A quote...."Lock up your daughters! Batten down the hatches! The Russians are coming! ‘New Hitler’ Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine, is threatening the Baltics, and is behind Brexit and the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election! -- When he’s not bombing hospitals for fun, propping up the ‘evil Assad,’ hacking into Democratic Party emails, or ordering the doping of Russian athletes, the sinister Russian President is orchestrating hooligan attacks on England football fans at the European Football Championships! -- Does the blighter ever take a break from acts of villainy? -- Well, that was the news in brief for 2016, as brought to you by ‘liberal’ and neocon media outlets in the West."

US and Ukraine plunge headlong into madness, ready to take the world with them
A quote...."With less than two weeks till Trump's inauguration, the Obama administration continues its dangerous provocations against Russia. After the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats on false pretenses, after the fake news about Russian piracy of an American electricity supplier, now via NATO, the US is looking for ways to poke the Russian bear in Eastern Europe."

Anti-Russian Sanctions Annihilated 400,000 Jobs in Europe
A quote...."As a result of the EU sanctions against Russia, 400,000 jobs were destroyed in the EU-27 (excluding Croatia). This is reported by the daily Die Standard, which in turn refers to a study by the Austrian Institute for Economic Research (Wifo)."

Kill Em All As [Euro-Kharzarian, Trans-National, PNAC Participant &]Coup Leader Poroshenko of Ukraine Calls the Children of Donbass the "Antichrist"! - Which is darkly amusing, "Porky the Pig" being "Jewish" and all - mpg -- A quote...."07.01.2017 ~ Total Madness , and this supported by the Obama regime and fascist warmonger Senator McCain ! Kill the children of Donbass !! The Coup Leader of Ukraine, Poroshenko, addressed to the citizens of the country with his annual "Christmas speech", in which he called to pray for the "Nazi ATO warriors" who are killing the residents of Donbass, thus, according to Poroshenko, saving the country."

With A Reckless Push....
A quote...."U.S. regime officials sending Ukraine Junta toy soldiers to their death and indiscriminate bombing of civilians areas of Donetsk Republic ordered by [ISIS spokesman] McCaine !"
SDSM outraged: Financial Police is investigating 22 Soros funded NGOs
A quote....""According to information we have, on the initiative of the current director of the Security and Counter-Intelligence Bureau Vladimir Atanasovski, who was the former head of the FInancial Investigation Bureau, the Anticorruption Commission initiated investigations of 22 NGO groups. Additionally, 42 individuals, open critics of Nikola Gruevski and supporters of the opposition, are under investigation. We say that the time of politicians like Gruevski is over and there will be institutions that operate solely in the interest of the citizens", Shilegov said. -- VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski blamed the Soros funded network of monopolizing the work of the civil society sector and said that its activities have been completely politicized in favor of SDSM. Darko Kostovski from VMRO-DPMNE responded to Shilegov's press conference to say that it is only further proof of the coordination that exists between SDSM and FOSIM."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

The Real News from Syria
Must View UKCVideo - Alt/YuTb - (UKCYuTb - 50min23sec - Jan 5, 2017) - Source:  UKColmnNwsVids - UK Colmn News -- Websites: Vanessa Beeley Donation Request  The Wall Will Fall - A quote..."Mike Robinson and Vanessa Beeley discuss the latest news from Syria, including a critique of continuing mainstream media coverage, witness testimony from Aleppo and the disruption of water supplied to five million people in Damascus."

The Revolutionary Distemper in Syria That Wasn’t ~ Stephen Gowans
Must Read - A quote...."Apparently, the US Left has yet to figure out that Washington doesn’t try to overthrow neoliberals. If Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were a devotee of the Washington Consensus–as Counterpunch’s Eric Draitser seems to believe–the United States government wouldn’t have been calling since 2003 for Assad to step down. Nor would it be overseeing the Islamist guerilla war against his government; it would be protecting him."

Syrian War Report – January 6, 2017: ISIS Suffers Major Casualties Across Syria - SF $ Rq - [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/Yutb - (SFYuTb - 3min41sec - Jan 6, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."120 ISIS members have been killed and 10 units of military hardware destroyed, by the Syrian army in the recent clashes near the Tyas Airbase west of Palmyra, according to pro-government sources. The main clashes took place near the village of Sharifah where ISIS continued attempts to pressure government forces in order to cut off supply lines to the Tyas Airbase. - Earlier in January, reports appeared that ISIS units are withdrawing from the area of the Tyas Airbase. Now, it’s clear that this move was a maneuver aimed to regroup and prepare for further offensive operations."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Another car bombing hits Baghdad’s Sadr City
A quote...."Another car bomb explosion has hit Sadr City of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, leaving at least 12 people dead and some 50 more wounded. - On Sunday, a bomber detonated an explosives-laden vehicle at the entrance of a vegetable market in the Jamila neighborhood of Sadr City on Sunday, Iraq’s al-Sumariah television network reported."

US Withdrawal, the Only Hope For Peace in Afghanistan: Scholar
An Exaggeration - But....At Least The US-NRE Won't Be Murdering Any More Afghans - A quote...."The best case scenario for peace in Afghanistan is US withdrawal of forces from the country and multilateral negotiations between main stakeholders to establish a national unity government, according to Professor Dennis Etler, an American political analyst who has a decades-long interest in international affairs. -- Etler, a professor of Anthropology at Cabrillo College in Aptos, California, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Saturday while commenting on a US military announcement which says the Pentagon will deploy a new task force of approximately 300 Marines to Afghanistan’s restive Helmand Province, marking the return to a region where hundreds of troops were killed in fierce combat." - Source:  PressTV

US Marines Again Deploying Into Afghanistan’s Helmand Province
Hopes Dashed - A quote..."Over two years after the Obama Administration announced a “draw-down” in which US Marines were withdrawn from the Helmand Province of southern Afghanistan, Marines are headed back in, the latest reaction to growing Taliban gains there and elsewhere in the country."

6 Saudi Forces Killed in Yemeni Attack on Najran
A quote...."According to al-Masirah television, the Yemeni Army, backed by fighters from the allied Popular Committees, hit a headquarters controlling joint military operations, located in al-Khadhra, near Yemen’s northern borders on Friday."

Houthi forces capture key Saudi military base in Jizan
A quote...."BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) - The Houthi forces stormed another important Saudi base in the Jizan Region on Thursday, killing and wounding many enemy combatants en route to capturing this military installation. - The Houthi fighters began the attack on Thursday by storming the Al-Malzouz Base in the Jizan after spending several days surveying the area."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

Too Simple A Concept??

Czech Government Fears Muslim "Super-Holocaust", Urges Citizens To Shoot Them Yourselves
A quote...."On the heels of Czech President Milos Zeman's warnings of a possible "super-Holocaust" carried out by Muslim terrorists, urging citizens to arm themselves, WaPo reports the country's interior ministry is pushing a constitutional change that would let citizens use guns against terrorists if police are delayed or unable to make their way to the scene of an attack."
Perhaps they shouldn't have participated in all this deliberately arranged forced migration to destroy Europe -- as part of the New World Order / PNAC Protocols -- in the first place??

You know, where you spend billions of dollars a year for the last thirty years supporting every single Wahhabist terrorist organization across the length and breadth of the Middle East & North Africa

Where you than bomb the absolute, complete, crap out of half a dozen of what used to be perfectly good nation-states for the last fifteen years to destroy their mostly secular governments.

After which, you as Europeans, publicly open your borders during the last three years to allow millions of these now highly radicalized, pissed-off, Muslim immigrant / refugees, running away from all of this carefully organized mayhem & murder to freely enter your country.

You know.... stuff like that

They gave it a really nifty name too.  They called it, "The Clash of Civilizations".

Perhaps they should stop supporting the Euro-Kharzarians' PNAC Protocols now?

It's just a suggestion....

Or is that just too simple a concept for these people to grasp....still??  - mpg

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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere...
Alex Zionist Jones Woodshed IV Prayer for Netanyahu - R.D.'s $$ Rq - [Patreon]
Alex Jones:  Zio-Whore Extraordinaire - Ry2SVideo - Alt/YuTb - (Ry2SYutb - 30min52sec - Jan 6, 2017) - Source:  - Ry2S@YuTb - Ry2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeoconsRy2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - Patreon - NOW ON VK!! - [] - A quote....."Melon Head ~ got up on air, and said a prayer for Benjamin Netanyahu"

Paul Joseph Watson EXPOSED
ZWVideo - (ZWYuTb - 2min21sec - Aug 5, 2016) - Source:  ZionistWatch -- A quote...."Paul Joseph Watson loses all credibility after exposing himself in this interview. InfoWars? More like InfoWhores. -- As always please share or re-upload this video, thanks."

Stefan Molyneux EXPOSED
ZWVideo - (ZWYuTb - 4min49sec - Aug 13, 2016) - Source:  ZionistWatch -- A quote...."Stefan Molyneux exposed as a Crypto. Please share or re-upload." - For comments regarding "Israel", see links posted below.....
The Zionist Matrix of Power
ZWVideo - (ZWYuTb - 15min01sec - Sep 6, 2016) - Source:  ZionistWatch -- A quote...."From David Duke, perhaps the best Anti-Zionist video on this website."

US Intelligence Community is Infiltrated, Biased: Analyst
ZOG Alert - (US Intell) -- A quote...."The United States intelligence community is replete with “biased” elements and cannot be trusted to report on Russia’s hacking against the 2016 presidential election, an analyst says."

Israeli Diplomat Filmed Talking About ‘Taking Down’ Pro-Palestinian UK MPs
ZOG Alert - (Britain) -- A quote...."A senior Israeli embassy official in London has been caught on camera saying he plotted to “take down” British MPs sympathetic to Palestine, including Foreign Office Minister Sir Alan Duncan."

Following 8 Months House Arrest, Palestinian Woman Sentenced to Prison for 'Incitement'
She Said True Things About The Occupation - (Don't care?? Is that right? Well it's coming here folks.  As in many other countries already, you'll go to prison when you say true things about the "Chosen People". Than you'll care.  By that time of course, it'll be too late - mpg) -- A quote...."JERUSALEM (Ma’an) -- After eight months under house arrest, 48 year-old Sahar al-Natsheh is getting ready to spend three months in Israeli prison. - Al-Natsheh was detained on March 21, 2016 near the Bab al-Hutta Gate (Gate of Remission) of the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City."

Harassment and Attacks Against Activist Who Filmed Hebron Shooting Continues
They Filmed True Things About The Occupation - (Don't care?? Is that right? Well it's coming here folks.  As in many other countries already, you'll go to prison when you film true things about the "Chosen People". Than you'll care.  By that time of course, it'll be too late - mpg) -- A quote...."HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Israeli settlers attempted to break into the Hebron home of activist Imad Abu Shamsiyya and threw stones at the house Saturday evening, as he has continued to be the target of death threats and harassment after he filmed an Israeli soldier shoot a Palestinian to death last year."

Aren't These People The Most Wonderful In The World?

[Euro-Kharzarian, Trans-Nationalist] Bill Gates Quietly Funding Effort to Develop Thousands of New Vaccines That Conveniently ‘Might’ Become Pandemics - A quote...."(NaturalNews) Bill and Melinda Gates, via their Gates Foundation, have donated billions of dollars to fund new vaccines—medicines that, in fact, have caused great harm to a great number of people. But with about a million viruses in existence that we still know nothing about, it’s likely that the Gates Foundation and other globalists will pour more resources into developing new vaccines that will work to reduce the population."
Of course it'll be just an "accident", just an "unfortunate chain of circumstances", if the outcome of all this research should result in a horrible, devastating, worldwide pandemic.

However, and not to alarm any of you readers out there, or make you nervous, or anything like that.  You should go check out the race specific bio-weapons section of the Project for the New American Century, while keeping in mind as you read it, that almost every founding member of PNAC is a "special", "chosen", or "exceptional" member of the Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Consortium

Again though!  Don't worry, be happy, and remain calm!

Just keep repeating to yourselves "it was all a terrible accident" if such a tragic event should happen, and it turned out that the "chosen" somehow possessed a cure, they just, somehow, very unfortunately, couldn't distribute in time to the rest of the world's population to stop the pandemic.

It should ease your agonizing passing, and that of your family members, to know that at least the "chosen"  survived the pandemic.

Sniffle.....sob!  Aren't these people the most wonderful in the world?

They're exactly like the Bankers, whose self-sacrifice is legendary!  Spending all their time printing all that money and giving it all to themselves, ALL so you selfish, lazy, ungrateful, peons could feel better about the economy!!

They got fabulously wealthy, while ninety percent of you got poorer.  But, very importantly, you got the gracious privileged to admire them with their newly accrued wealth!

Sniffle.....sob!  Aren't they the best!!  They called that wonderful heroic effort of theirs, "The Wealth Effect"

Now that that's been said.... don't you feel so much better?

Don't you feel reassured?  - mpg

US House Shamelessly Grovels to Israel… AGAIN
Disgusted Yet? - A quote...."Yesterday, January 5, the US House put on a shameful display of groveling to Israel, a display even more noxious than their usual butt-kissing of the world’s #1 terror state, Israel, voting to pass HR 11."
"The House measure, which is non-binding, calls for the UN resolution “to be repealed or fundamentally altered so that… it is no longer one-sided and anti-Israel” and allows all final status issues toward a two-state solution to be resolved through direct bilateral negotiation. -- It also demands that the United States ensures that no action be taken at the Paris Conference on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict scheduled for January 15, that would impose an agreement on the two sides."
"One after another House poodle scurried to the podium and swore their love and allegiance to Israel. The ass-kissing was on an industrial scale, all due to the UN asking Israel to stop stealing Palestinian land. One, Dana Rohrabacher from California, was so incensed that the UN dare to ask Israel to obey international law and some treaties that he must of went to the ER afterwards, to get his lips set into a cast."

Chilean MPs to Demand UK Apology for Balfour Declaration
The Phrase "When Hell Freezes Over" Comes To Mind -- A quote...."SANTIAGO – A number of pro-Palestinian Chilean MPs are preparing for an international campaign starting from the Chilean capital, Santiago that calls on the United Kingdom to apologize to the Palestinian people for the Balfour Declaration, which paved the way for the establishment of Israel on the land of Palestine in 1948." - Source:  PIC

Archbishop was “Icon of Resistance” to Palestinians
A quote...."A Greek Melkite archbishop, described as an “icon” of the Palestinian liberation struggle, has died in Rome at the age of 94. - Hilarion Capucci, who was appointed the Patriarchal Vicar of Jerusalem in 1965, was arrested by Israel nine years later and jailed for arms smuggling. - Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas was among those praising him for “defending the rights of the Palestinian people”."

Portland Halts Investment in Caterpillar - Hip Hip Horoay!!
BDS Update - A quote...."The city of Portland, Oregon, has voted to temporarily halt its investments in all corporate securities after a broad coalition of activists urged the city to drop financial relationships with companies involved in human rights violations."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

Tony Blair Pours £10 Million Into His Crusade Against ‘Populism’
A quote...."Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has announced he will pour almost £10 million ($12 million) of his riches into his new non-profit organization set up to combat “populism.” - Last month, the former prime minister said he was setting up the Tony Blair Institute (TBI) “after the political earthquakes in the UK with Brexit and with the American election.”"

4 Killed, 700 Arrested In Mexico Protests Following Neoliberal Reforms
A quote...."(REPORT) — Protests over a double-digit hike in gasoline prices in Mexico continue in at least 22 states of the country, officials said on Friday, as they confirmed that the wave of violent lootings and blockades has left three people dead and at least 700 arrested. -- Business leaders estimate that some 1,000 shops and companies have been looted or vandalized this week as others closed over fears of being robbed." - Source:  TeleSUR
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Germans Protest NATO Troop Deployment
A quote...."Scores of people have staged a protest in a northern German port city against the deployment and transport of NATO troops and weapons through the city."

North-South Transport Corridor: Russia is Expanding its Footprint in Asia
A quote...."Development of international transport corridors fosters trade and promotes political convergence of countries. Russia has long been seeking to reinforce its relations with the Middle Eastern, Central and Southeast Asian states. The routes connecting the richest Eurasian states run across the Russian Federation. Russia itself boasts a well-developed network of roads and railways. Being blessed with such a favorable geographic location, Russia can easily claim the role of a major international trade hub."

Austria: Foreign Minister Kurz Wants to Relax Anti-Russian Sanctions
A quote...."The Austrian government wants to achieve a relaxation of the EU sanctions that were imposed on Russia for the Ukraine crisis. The Austrian government will press for this in the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), says its Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz in an interview with Der Speigel."

Philippine Seeks Alliance With Russia
A quote...."With US-Philippines relations continuing to sour under President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration, Duterte has met with the Russian ambassador and suggested that Russia would become a great friend to his nation, saying the Russian Pacific Fleet is welcome to dock in the Philippines “for anything.”

Gazprom sets record for daily export volume to non-CIS countries
A quote...."MOSCOW, January 6. /TASS/. Gazprom has set a new historical record for daily volume of exports to non-CIS countries delivering around 614.6 mln of gas, according to the report of the Russian gas holding."

Moscow to build 15 new metro stations, 30 km of underground ways in 2017
A quote...."The Moscow authorities will open 15 new metro stations for passengers and put into operation no less than 30 kilometers of underground metro ways in 2017, Moscow Deputy Mayor for City Planning and Construction Marat Khusnullin said on Jan. 6."

Don’t Look Now, But Gaddafi’s Political Movement Could Be Making a Comeback in Libya
A quote...."Over the weekend, an Afriqiyah Airways flight bound from the southwest Libyan town of Sebha bound for Libya’s capital Tripoli was hijacked to Malta. The negotiations with the two hijackers ended in three hours. The men – Subah Mussa and Ahmed Ali – surrendered to the Maltese authorities. When they disembarked from the plane, Mussa held up a small green flag – the symbol of Muammar Qaddafi’s Green Movement. He said that Ali and he had conducted the operation to promote their new party – al-Fateh al-Jadid. The name – the new Fateh – is significant because it echoes the name used in Qaddafi’s Libya for the month of September, when he had conducted his popular coup in 1969."

Iran ready to aid Lebanese Army: Senior Iranian MP
A quote...."Senior Iranian lawmaker Alaeddin Boroujerdi said Friday that his country was serious in its offer to arm the Lebanese military."

‘Dock Here Anytime’: Duterte Visits Russian Destroyer, Wants Moscow to be Ally & Protector
A quote...." Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte visited the Russian warship Admiral Tributs, one of two currently docked in Manila. The move is another sign of warming relations amid the Philippines’ spat with decades-long ally, the US. -- Duterte boarded the ship Friday afternoon, where he was welcomed by the Russian Navy and Ambassador Igor Khovaev."

China launches direct weekly train to London stuffed with goods
A quote...."It is expected to take 18 days to reach its final destination of Barking, East London, having travelled more than 7,500 miles across land and through the Channel Tunnel before arriving in Britain."

Pics That Will Make You Book a Christmas Trip to Moscow
Relax Time - Photos - A quote...."Winter holidays are the perfect time to discover the Russian capital. Despite the cold grey skies, Moscow captivates the soul with its dreamy fairy-tale look."

President Putin attends Christmas service at monastery in Veliki Novgorod
A quote...."VELIKI NOVGOROD, January 7. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin is attending an overnight Orthodox Christmas service at the Spassky (St. Savior) Cathedral of the St. George’s Monastery in Veliki Novgorod. The monastery was founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise back in 1030."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Vaccine-derived Polio Spreading in “Polio-free” India
Accident?  Or Deliberate? -- A quote...."On June 17, 2016, the International Business Times (IBT) reported that a strain of the vaccine-derived polio virus has been discovered in Hyderabad, India, and experts have warned that the likelihood of more cases being discovered over the next year is extremely likely."

The Devil In The Detail
He Does Get Around - A quote...."As yet another ‘High Noon’ looms over Cyprus, with the usual Western/NATO threats about this being the last chance for a solution, let us consider the rôle of Henry Kissinger, without whom it is highly unlikely that Turkey would have dared to invade and occupy Cyprus in the first place. Before we specify how he procrastinated and slithered to allow Turkey the space it needed to invade, we need some brief background to illustrate his obsession with Cyprus, and his delaying tactics following the Turkish invasion."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

America, Meet Your CIA Venture Capital 'Angel' In-Q-Tel Investing, in Numerous Silicon Valley Start-ups -- Must Read - Extensive Database -- A quote...."Yes, this is your our CIA-Cocaine/Heroin Importing Agency--telling you slaves who is really in charge of your meaningless lives. We at the CIA don't only run the biggest illegal drugs op on the planet, from the Golden Triangle during the Vietnam War to shipping cocaine out of South America from the 1980's on to the present, and back to our fav drug, heroin, which we grow in Afghanistan poppy fields protected by American troops. -- We also invest in the future, and the future is in Silicon Valley, where our investment capital front, In-Q-Tel, has provided laundered money to dozens hundreds of start-ups, some who will succeed, some won't, but we don't care about the money lost to busts, hell, we have access to an unlimited amount of funds, thru our drug and gun running ops and thru our buds at those untouchable Too Big To Fail Wall street Casinos! -- What firms have we invested in? -- Here's the partial list of software companies they've invested in...." - The first ten out of approximately a hundred and forty.....
Governments Shut Down the Internet More Than 50 Times in 2016
A Warning To Everyone - A quote...."Governments around the world shut down the internet more than 50 times in 2016 -- suppressing elections, slowing economies and limiting free speech. - In the worst cases internet shutdowns have been associated with human rights violations, Deji Olukotun, Senior Global Advocacy Manager at digital rights organisation Access Now told IPS. - "What we have found is that internet shutdowns go hand in hand with atrocities" said Olukotun."

Assange: We Published Emails 'To Give The American People True Information' On Power Elites
A quote...."Wikileaks founder Julian Assange told Fox News' Sean Hannity in an exclusive interview that his organization published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman "to give the American people true information about the players that they were going to have to deal with."

SoundCloud “may run out of cash this year” after $52 million loss in 2015
A quote...."SoundCloud posted a net loss of $52 million in 2015 and may “run out of cash” before the end of 2017, Music Business Worldwide reports. - The figures were revealed in a report from co-founder Alexander Ljung, who warned that the company may need to seek additional funding if its subscription service doesn’t perform as hoped. - “The assumption of a successful launch of the new subscription service is the key element of [our] financial projections for the next three years,” Ljung writes. “[This] bears financial risks regarding the operating results and cash flows of the group."
Facebook's Safety Check needs to check itself — here are the feature's 4 big problems
A quote...."Deployed sparingly, Safety Check felt like a hub for solidarity and reassurance amid devastating crises. But now that Facebook has handed over the reins to users, the tool strikes me as yet another ineffective and disingenuous method by which Facebook manipulates its audience. - Here are four major reasons why."
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

The VERY Dangerous, Dirty, Political Game...Continues....

Locating Fascism on the Home Map
Must Read - Quote of the Day -- A quote...."Barack Obama was a savior – of a drowning ruling class. Under his administration, Wall Street rose from near-death to new heights of speculative frenzy, awash in capital brutally extracted from the vanishing assets and past and future earnings of the vast majority of the population, or gifted in the form of trillions in free money at corporate-only Federal Reserve windows. The Big Casino, reduced to a rubble of its own contradictions in 2008, ushered in the New Year just shy of the once-fantastical 20,000 mark.  ---  Analysts credited Donald Trump’s victory for the bankers’ bacchanal, but it was Obama who made the party possible by overseeing the restructuring of the U.S. economy to accommodate and encourage the hyper-consolidation of capital -- another way to describe the deliberate deepening of economic (and political) inequality. Having accomplished the mission assigned him by Wall Street in return for record-breaking contributions to his first campaign, Obama is said to be angling for a hot-money squat in Silicon Valley, the super-rich sector that was most supportive of his presidency. "

Trump’s Neo-Fascism will be Built on Neo-Fascism of Obama and Democrat Party
Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't -- Must Read - A quote...."Late on the evening of December 23, when the attention of the public was fixed on the consumerist excesses of the holiday season, President Obama signed into law the Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Like the other NDAAs that President Obama signed into law during his administration, this one further strengthened the repressive capacities of the state. -- Buried deep in the provisions of the NDAA was language from a bill introduced by Sen. Rob Portman ostensibly to protect the public from the effects of “foreign propaganda.” As previously reported by Black Agenda Report, the bill, originally introduced last March, was passed by the Senate on December 8 as the “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act” and then inserted into the NDAA."

Clinton Foundation Received Millions From Merkel Government
Isn't It Terrible A Foreign Govt Can Buy Our Election?? -- A quote..."Back in September when the travelling press corps asked Hillary Clinton who her favourite world leader was, she was quick to name German Chancellor Angela Merkel as her top choice — for good reasons. As Clinton was praising Mekrel, the German government was busy syphoning millions to the Clintons."
Or does the term "terrible" only apply to truthful, provable, already verified, uncontested criticism of "our" government from all those it doesn't like?? - The utter rank hypocrisy is ASTOUNDING!!

How do people in the United States look in the mirror? They're willing to have their government be OPENLY bought by people like Merkel, who works for the Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Collective, and the Euro-Kharzarians of AIPAC?

To sell their ancestors hard won constitutional heritage for money?!  Truly disgusting!

Without a doubt if the Bonobo butt-boy performed fellatio for Netanyahu for money, in the oval office of the White House, on national TV, an act he no doubt relished in the Bathhouses of Chicago for rich Jewish patrons, Amerikans would wholeheartedly approve. They'd cheer him on.

As long as he did it for money!

What is WRONG with this country!?! - mpg
Unprecedented: CIA Attempting to Undermine President-Elect
A quote...."Although the Central Intelligence Agency has had a long history of undermining presidents-elect and prime ministers-elect in other countries, the United States has never witnessed the intelligence agency so blatantly attempting to politically weaken a U.S. president-elect just a few weeks prior to the inauguration. What the CIA is doing in forcing Donald Trump into shifting from his campaign promise of restoring good relations with Russia to one of outright hostility to Moscow — favored by the CIA, Director of National Intelligence (DNI), and the neo-conservatives within the Republican and Democratic party establishments — is nothing less than an overt threat to American democracy."

Salon: 60 million Americans who voted for Trump are racist, threat to democracy
A quote...."(INTELLIHUB) — Over the last two months liberals in the mainstream media have attempted to figure out why their candidate lost the election despite almost universal anti-Trump sentiment throughout the press. -- Some have pointed to anti-elitist populism while others have written about so-called “white economical anxiety” as the reason tens of millions of Americans ignored the media and voted for Donald Trump."
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Donald Trump:  The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly.....

Trump Orders Ambassadors Out by Inauguration Day
(The Good) - A quote...."President-elect Donald Trump’s team has ordered all politically appointed ambassadors in overseas posts to get out by Inauguration Day, several diplomats were cited saying in a new report published Thursday. Most diplomats interviewed in the New York Times report said it made perfect sense for Obama-appointed diplomats to leave their posts as the president they represent leaves his, but no one could recall an instance when such a strict timeline was used."

Trump Aims To Cut The Neocon Deep State Off At The Knees
(The Good....If True) - A quote...."I have long held that America's Deep State--the unelected National Security State often referred to as the Shadow Government--is not a unified monolith but a deeply divided ecosystem in which the dominant Neocon-Neoliberal Oligarchy is being challenged by elements which view the Neocon-Neoliberal agenda as a threat to national security and the interests of the United States. - I call these anti-Neocon-Neoliberal elements the progressive Deep State."

Treasury Nominee Steve Mnuchin’s Bank Accused of “Widespread Misconduct” in Leaked Memo
(The Bad) - A quote...."ONEWEST BANK, WHICH Donald Trump’s nominee for treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, ran from 2009 to 2015, repeatedly broke California’s foreclosure laws during that period, according to a previously undisclosed 2013 memo from top prosecutors in the state attorney general’s office."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

We Can Only Afford One, So Choose Wisely: Social Security/Medicare, Cartel Cronyism or Inflation (a.k.a. Central Banking) - Must Read - A quote...." Here's the problem with central banks seeking higher inflation: costs go up but wages don't. -- It's easy to quantify the annual cost of Social Security/Medicare, and not so easy to calculate the cost of Cartel Cronyism and Central Bank-created inflation. Cartel cronyism is a hidden tax on the entire economy, as is Central Bank-created inflation. -- That makes it easy for the financial-political Oligarchy to continue their skimming operations, because nobody says Cartel Cronyism cost us $1 trillion last year, and central bank skimming (inflation) cost us another $1 trillion. -- The stark reality is there are limits on what we as a nation can afford in the long term. Borrowing trillions of dollars annually at low rates of interest creates a magical-thinking illusion that we can just tack on another $10 trillion, or what the hay, make it $100 trillion, and get away with it, because we've gotten away with it so far."

How to Make America Great Again with Other People’s Money
Must Read - A quote...."A lot of the sharper-minded commentators have recently started pointing out a problem with Donald Trump’s plan to “make America great again”: lack of funds. The US is bankrupt: sinking ever-further into unrepayable debt, unable to achieve a rate of economic growth that could ever catch up with its growing debt burden. It is in the midst of a giant financial bubble that is propped up by various scams and rackets, from car loans whose term exceeds the useful lifetime of the car, to retirement fund shortfalls caused by effectively negative interest rates, to educational debt that condemns ever more young people to a lifetime of indentured servitude, to the medical racket which is now eating up over 20% of the economy while delivering some of the worst levels of well-being in the entire developed world… Attempts to fix any of these problems would inevitably run into long-standing, intractable political conflicts and contradictions and go nowhere while also bursting the financial bubble and turning the political realm into one very large and angry poop party. Better not even go there!"

Journalism and Pornography - Real Crime is Always Organised
Book Review - A quote...."When I began reading the work of Douglas Valentine about six years ago, I had not read his books, only the articles that the US online journal Counterpunch had published. In fact, I only began reading Counterpunch because of the accident of having been introduced to the two original editors of what was then only a printed newsletter. Later I was even able to publish a few pieces in that journal before its more famous founding editor’s demise. Why do I preface a book review with such personal observations? To that question I will return later."

Murdering the Innocent in Order to Support the Lie — Paul Craig Roberts
A quote...."As my readers know, I reported, factually, on the Boston Marathon alleged bombing case. I interviewed carefully the pro bono attorney, John Remington Graham, who intervened in behalf of the Russian aunt, a lawyer in the Russian Federation, in behalf of the falsely convicted younger Tsarnaev brother, Dzhokhar, the older brother having been murdered by the FBI. Graham conclusively proved that the FBI’s own evidence proved beyond any doubt that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was innocent, which means so was the older brother."

Official: FLL Shooter Told FBI That Gov't Controlled His Mind
A quote...."FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - Esteban Santiago, the accused killer at the crowded baggage claim area of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, told the FBI in November that the government controlled his mind and forced him to watch ISIS videos. -- The 26-year-old former combat engineer was born in New Jersey and raised in Puerto Rico. His brother, Bryan Santiago, lives in Penuela, where they grew up. He told reporters their father died, while his brother was serving overseas in the military."
People Denying the Facebook Live Torture was a Hate Crime are Everything That is Wrong with America
A quote...."By now, you’ve probably seen or heard about the young man in Chicago whose torture was live-streamed on Facebook. I didn’t watch it. I couldn’t. I won’t post it, either, but you can find it here if you feel you should see it. - The basic facts are that 4 young people kidnapped an 18-year-old man with special needs, including schizophrenia and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. - They used Facebook Live to broadcast their torture of the young man."

Michigan man ticketed for warming up car in his own driveway. Chief of Police tells him to "drop dead."
The Sheeple Look Up - A quote...."A Roseville man took to Facebook to insult an officer who gave him a ticket for warming up his car in his own driveway. - "Every person warms up their car," Nick Taylor said. "We live in Michigan!" - Roseville police phones have been lighting up with calls from people who are furious that Taylor was given a ticket for warming up his car." - bold by website editor

How Can Anyone Deny What This California Bill DOES?
It DOES Legalize Child Prostitution! -- A quote...."Starting on January 1, when SB 1322 goes into effect, child prostitution will be legal in the State of California.  THIS IS AN ABHORRENT MOVE BY CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE! It is one that will make doomsday come much sooner than we thought.  This world simply does not have much time left, and I truly mean this.  This last year we have seen EVIL DEEDS dominate the headlines.  We have seen pedophilia spill out of the woodwork, and we have watched in shock as it was covered up by “unknown and powerful forces”, who dominate this world. -- Now these “forces” are carrying their evil activities to the next level.  California has passed Bill SB 1322, which will go into effect January 1, 2017.  I guess Pedophiles in California had a reason to bring in the New Year.  Some are saying the Bill does not legalize child prostitution…sure…lets talk about that."

California Tax Payers Will Foot The Bill For Inmates To Receive Sex Reassignment Surgery
Related Article - A quote...."[1/6/17]  A 57-year-old convicted killer serving a life sentence in California became the first U.S. inmate to receive state-funded sex-reassignment surgery, the prisoner’s attorneys confirmed Friday to The Associated Press. -- California prison officials agreed in August 2015 to pay for the surgery for Shiloh Heavenly Quine, who was convicted of first-degree murder, kidnapping and robbery for ransom and has no possibility of parole."

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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Interview 1242 – James Corbett on Living Outside The Box
CRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (CRMedPlyr - 34min22sec - 01/07/2017) - Guest Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Producer Website: Living Outside the Box -- A quote...."James Corbett joins Lance Bowman of the Living Outside the Box podcast to discuss the outlook for Japan and the world in 2017. We talk about the economic, cultural and societal mindset in Japan and preparedness (or lack thereof) for the changes that are coming across the globe."

We Are In A Recession Now & Hyper Inflation Is Headed Our Way:John Williams
X22SpLghtVideo - (X22SpLghtYuTb - 31min36sec - Jan 7, 2017) - Source:   X22ReportSpotlight - Related Websites: X22Report - X22Rpt@YuTb - Guest WebsitesHarley Schlanger -- A quote..."Today's Guest: John Williams"

Living Outside The Box Episode #2: Trump is the Enemy of the Global Elites
LOBVideo - (LOBYuTb - 47min31sec - Jan 6, 2017) - Source:  Living Outside the Box -- A quote...."This week we are joined by John Jacob Schmidt, host of Radio Free Redoubt and Creator of the Ammron communications network. John gives us his take on Trump's election, his cabinet picks, the pro's the cons. - He tells us where our focus needs to be as individual Americans and patriots around the world. He gives us his insight into the future and what he thinks we need to prepare for."

Secrets Of The Exchange Stabilization Fund - Groundbreaking ESF Documents REVEALED
WAMVideo - (WAMYuTb - 42min01sec - Jan 6, 2017) -  Source:  WAM Videos -- A quote...."Author and economic analyst John Sneisen breaks down the activities of the Exchange Stabilization Fund (The ESF) which manipulates markets and pulls strings throughout the globe, largely in the United States. As John puts it, they're more involved in money trafficking than the CIA. -- This is a group few actually know about, but their importance in global monetary policy cannot be understated. -- An incredibly nefarious entity rigging gold and silver prices while working with the top globalists in the world to manipulate the monetary system through the Federal Reserve and major banks, the Exchange Stabilization Fund has never been broken down the way John has laid out their goals. -- Never before has anyone dissected their structure to this extent and those who've tried have been attacked relentlessly. -- This is the video the ESF doesn't want you to see. -- Take out your pen and paper! Take notes! This may seem mind numbing, but it's filled with about 42 minutes of information you won't want to miss! This comprehensive breakdown will put you ahead of the curve. "
An important story, which is why it's posted.  But it's like he's reading from the phone book, and it's just about as entertaining.  Maybe these guys could join up with somebody like James Corbett, Ron Paul, Gregg Hunter, or Adam at X22, and liven this up with related video segments, interviews, graphs, charts, etc. - mpg
Myth-Busters: Federal Budget Woes
RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 21min50sec - Jan 6, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."Rather than "Drain The Swamp," Congress is set to vote on a budget that will "Drain our Wallets". Ron Paul discusses the nefarious process of coming up with the federal budget, along with the Fed's role in its constant expansion. It also looks like Senator Rand Paul will be the only Republican Senator to vote against the Obamacare repeal. Find out the reason why on today's Myth-Busters!"

UN Arms Treaty Sitting In The Senate As Another Event Coincidentally Occurs – Episode 1171
X22Audio - Ep1171/Mp3 - Ep1171/YuTb-a - Ep1171/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 39min153sec - Jan 6, 2017) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote.... "UK retail sales decline in December this biggest shopping month of the year. Restaurants, stores all showing declining sales and more and more retail businesses are closing. Unemployment rate moved up to 4.7% as more and more are pushed out of the labor market. The entire job numbers are manipulated. Once again the jobs went to health care and part-time jobs. Factory orders plunge, remove defense spending and its a disaster. Fed Williams said get use to GDP below 2%. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Still No Proof of Russia Hacking, Attempt to Delegitimize Trump Win, Audit the Fed
Must Listen GHVideo - GregHunter@USAWD - (GHYuTb - 16min07sec - Jan 5, 2017) -- Source:  GH@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - A quote...."The Senate held hearings with top intelligence chiefs, and there is still no proof that Russia had an influence on the 2016 Presidential Election. Now, the story changes again, and the charge is a third party gave DNC emails to Wiki Leaks.  James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, says they do have evidence.  The problem with Clapper is credibility.  He committed perjury and lied to Congress about NSA spying back in 2013. -- Meanwhile, the founder of Wiki Leaks, Julian Assange, said in a fresh interview that his source was “NOT the Russians.” Assange has made this claim repeatedly, and his group has a pristine record of releasing authentic documents that reveal what is going on behind the scenes in government.  Assange also says, “Obama is trying to say that President-elect Trump is not a legitimate president.”
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Fed's Williams: Get Used to Sub 2% GDP Growth, Meaningless Fiscal Stimulus and Higher Interest Rates
A quote...."In a CNBC interview today with San Fransicko's Fed Williams, we heard several things that have been repeated ad nauseam by the establishment elite...."
  1. Get used to very weak GDP growth -- thanks to lack of investment and productivity.
  2. Trump's fiscal stimulus, although inspirational, won't move the needle all that much.
  3.  We're at full employment, despite the fact that 94% of jobs created under Obama were part time.
  4.  Due to the specter of inflation, rates need to go higher...much higher.
"During Obama's entire term as Divider in Chief, the Federal Reserve doddered him with comfy rates and QE programs. Now that he's all but a bad memory, the policy has shifted, dramatically, in spite of the fact that, economically, nothing has changed. If anything, Trump's policies towards trade with China pose as a significant headwind and may disrupt the globalist apple cart to a very serious degree of magnitude. However, the newly courageous Yellen Fed is taking to their fanatical position of raising borrowing costs for America's $20 trillion debt load, with energetic inspiration."

Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Number Grew 18% Since Obama Took Office in 2009
A Statistic From The...."REAL" - (And not the Matrix) -- A quote...."( - Barack Obama's presidency began with a record number of Americans not in the labor force, and it's ending the same way. - The final jobs report of the Obama presidency, released Friday, shows that the number of Americans not in the labor force has increased by 14,573,000 (18.09 percent) since January 2009, when Obama took office, continuing a long-term trend that began well before Obama was sworn in."

Where The [US] December Jobs Were: Nurses, Waiters, And Waste Cleaners
A quote...."Something remains very broken with the US labor market: while the unemployment rate remains just shy of the lowest print since August 2007, rising fractionally to 4.7%, wage growth for most workers, as reported earlier, rose just 2.5%, far below the 4.0% it was when the unemployment rate last hit 4.7%. "

[US] November Factory Orders Plunge Most Since August 2014 Despite Defense Spike
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Following October's pre-election surge in new factory orders, November saw orders plunge 2.4% MoM (worse than expected) and the biggest drop since Aug 2014. This drop comes despite a 103% MoM rise in defense aircraft orders as non-defense aircraft orders crashed 73.8%. Factory Orders also dipped back into negative territory YoY. - An ugly drop in factory orders in November...."

Retailpocalypse 2017: Hundreds of Stores Will Be Closing
A quote...."After Christmas, all is not calm and bright in the retail world. -- For those who are still under the illusion that our economy is great and prosperity is nigh, you might want to consider the massive loss of jobs that will be forthcoming as stores across the country go into damage control mode to try to stop the hemorrhaging from lackluster holiday sales."

[UK] Retail Sales Edge Lower in December, Price Pressures Spiral - Surveys
A quote...."A spending spree by British shoppers in the week before Christmas failed to prevent sales in December from falling short of the previous year's level, while shop prices are expected to surge in 2017, surveys showed on Friday."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Burning down the seed libraries - How can seed sharing be illegal?
A quote...."Just when you think it can't get any crazier...state governments are shutting down seed libraries for gardeners. - Pennsylvania, Maryland and Iowa are just three of the states that are sending agents to libraries to shut down the growing seed sharing movement. - Donors donate seeds to the library, gardeners check them out and then at the end of the reasons, and return fresh ones for new borrowers next season. - "Not so fast" says the long arm of agriculture law. "You need to follow the regulations as a multi-national seed monopolist like Monsanto.""

The Fukushima Disaster and the Future of Nuclear Power in Japan
A quote...."For more than two decades, the global nuclear industry has attempted to frame the debate on nuclear power within the context of climate change: nuclear power is better than any of the alternatives. So the argument went. Ambitious nuclear expansion plans inthe United States and Japan, two of the largest existing markets, and the growth of nuclear power in China appeared to show—superficially at least—that the technology had a future. At least in terms of political rhetoric and media perception, it appeared to be a winning argument. Then came March 11, 2011. Those most determined to promote nuclear power even cited the Fukushima Daiichi accident as a reason for expanding nuclear power: impacts were low, no one died, radiation levels are not a risk. So claimeda handful of commentators in the international (particularly English-language) media."
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More On The Banksters Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax / Carbon Currency / Scam....

Global Warming – Opps – Ice Age – Hits Europe
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Unfortunately, much of Europe is facing sever cold weather as temperatures plunged below zero with heavy snowfalls. Additionally, this is the worst coastal storms Europe has seen in a decade. Take a look at this chart. You will notice that this last warming cycle that has the lunatics calling this man-made global warming/climate change, was just a small blip. Unfortunately, this was like a minor short-cover rally in market terminology we would call a dead-cat-bounce. So while governments have been touting this as caused by man to justify taxes, we are headed into a sharp (hopefully) mini ice age. Europe will experience much colder weather. I follow our model and moved south to Florida. Everything is lined up for an economic decline in the decades ahead maunder-minimum has historically been the petri-dish-of-political-change."

Georgia Tech Climatologist Chooses 'Career Suicide' to Keep Her 'Scientific Integrity
A quote...."A climatologist at Georgia Institute of Technology resigned from her post because she could no longer navigate the stifling political orthodoxy on climate change. - Former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech Judith Curry announced her resignation in a blog post on Tuesday. While her resignation is technically "a retirement event," and she is "cashing out" to get her pension, Curry explained that "the deeper reasons have to do with my growing disenchantment with universities, the academic field of climate science and scientists.""

Climate Change: The Government’s Best Revenue Stream Since War and Taxes
A quote...."No one knows how to profit from scaring the pants off of people quite like the government. And they don’t even need an actual threat to make it happen. - Take “climate change” and “global warming” for example. - These are both naturally occurring, cyclical events that have been happening since the dawn of the Earth. It’s only recently, though, that governments and their wealthy cronies figured out a way to monetize it with the added bonus of being able to exert even more control over the people of the world."

Cal State Professor Calls For Barring Trump’s Use of Sciences, Other Technologies, Asserts Global Warming Fallacies -- Another Cult Member Steps Forth - A quote...."(INTELLIHUB) — Professor of History at California State University Sacramento and Huff Post contributor Joseph A. Palermo came forth last week with a climate change piece in which he managed to bash President-elect Donald Trump and the Republican leadership before managing to defame himself."

Friday January 6th 2017

No posts - mpg

Thursday January 5th 2017

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

Open Letter to “Human Rights Defenders” on Aleppo
Must Read - A quote...."For decades, the principle on which international law is based, that is, equal sovereignty of States implying non-intervention of one State in the internal affairs of another, has been systematically violated, to the point of being practically forgotten, by champions of the “right of humanitarian intervention”. Recently, a number of such advocates of humanitarian intervention, self-identified as stalwart leftists, have joined the chorus of the Washington war party in reproaching the Obama administration for failure to intervene more in the military efforts to overthrow the government of Syria. In short, they are blaming the Obama administration for not having sufficiently violated international law." - Source:  CounterPunch

Erdogan Claims To Have Evidence, Photos, Video Of U.S. Coalition Support For ISIS-Daesh
Opps!! - (Of course, so do thousands of others.... and much of it is currently on the web - mpg) -- A quote...."Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, December 27, Erdogan stated that “They give support to terrorist groups including Daesh (ISIS).” -- He added that “Now they give support to terrorist groups including Daesh, YPG, PYD. It’s very clear. We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos.” - Source:  ActivistPost

US Report on Civilian Casualties in Iraq & Syria: ‘Figures Plucked Out of Thin Air’
"Plucked Out Of Thin Air" - (Just like the Fed's fiat-debt-note-script) -- A quote...."US officials are trying to massively minimize the real civilian death toll in Iraq and Syria resulting from the American-led coalition’s air strikes, political writer and journalist Dan Glazebrook told RT. -- Combined Joint Task Force-Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) admitted in a report on Monday that the US-led coalition has “unintentionally” killed at least 188 civilians in Syria and Iraq since 2014 when the airstrikes against Islamic State began."

False Witnesses: How Doctors Without Borders Spread al-Qaeda's Propaganda
Doctors w/Out Borders - (a.k.a. Imperial, Zio-Transnational Apologizers for Murderers) -- A quote...."Here is a paradox for you. The exalted humanitarian outfit (and fundraising wonder) Doctors Without Borders (MSF), aside from providing medical services to people in some of the world's worst hellholes, also believes its mission is to speak out against human rights violations that they witness doing so. In keeping with this mission of "bearing witness" the MSF has therefore repeatedly spoken of attacks by the Syrian government on hospitals and civilians, particularly in Eastern Aleppo. Except here is the catch: Since 2015 MSF has had no international staff on the ground in Syria and has no facilities whatsoever in Aleppo."

US-Led Military Coalition Increases Number of Advisers in Iraq: Official
Moar "Advisers" -- A quote...."The US-led military coalition in Iraq has doubled the number of its military personnel in Iraq as parts of the country’s second largest city, Mosul, still remain under the control of Daesh Takfiri terrorists, There are now roughly 450 military advisers, said US Air Force Colonel John Dorrian in Baghdad, while speaking to reporters at the Pentagon."

Building Totalitarianism in Europe – The Last Coup of [Euro-Kharzarian, PNAC'er] Victoria Nuland
A Zio-PNAC'ing War-Whore, Still Walking Around Free - (Why?) - A quote...."Victoria Nuland, the US Assistant Secretary of State, did not spend much time and energy with Christmas and New Year celebrations this year. She has another very urgent and pressing problem to solve, before leaving the State Department, and this is the “Cyprus conflict”. The way she wants to solve this conflict is by transforming a second member of the EU, after Greece, into a protectorate. As the proposed solution for Cyprus is higlhy unstable, powers outside the EU will be provided also with a bomb inside it, that is with the possibillity of provoking a Bosnian-type conflict inside, not outside EU borders." - Source:  DefendDemocracy

Talk Grows in U.S. of Possibility of Military Strikes on North Korea
Of Course - A quote...."Talk is growing in the United States of the possibility of using military strikes to take out North Korea’s nuclear and missile capabilities after the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, threatened he’s close to testing a long-range missile apparently capable of hitting the U.S. -- Kim said in his New Year’s Day address that the communist nation has reached the final stage of preparations to test-launch an intercontinental ballistic missile. The remark was seen as a thinly veiled threat that Pyongyang is close to developing a nuclear-tipped missile capable of striking the continental U.S."
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media:  Its Lies & Propaganda....

2016: How Truth was Destroyed So You’d Buy the Government’s Propaganda
Must Read - A quote...."“We’re an empire now,” Karl Rove nefariously asserted in 2004, “and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality —  judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” -- Rove might have said that 12 years ago, but the words hauntingly describe our situation in 2016 — Oxford Dictionaries, incidentally, named “post-truth” the international word of the year — with facts seemingly relative, truth debatable, and a falsely-premised war on fake news, Orwell must be rolling in his grave." - Source:  FreeThoughtProj

Anti-Russia “Fake News” Campaign Rolled out Across Europe. Moscow Tagged as a Sponsor of ISIS-Daesh
Welcome To Upside-Down World -- A quote...."In the aftermath of the November 8 US presidential election, sections of the Democratic Party, the intelligence services and the media have intensified unsubstantiated pre-election claims that the Russian government hacked into Democratic Party email servers to undermine the campaign of Hillary Clinton. -- The immediate purpose was to distract from the content of the leaked emails, which exposed a conspiracy by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to undermine her challenger in the primaries, Bernie Sanders." - Source:  WSWS
Yep....the one major power that's been going after ISIS et. al, absolutely full-bore, is the one country that those who have supported ISIS et. al. for the last five years, accused of being an ISIS supporter. 

Never mind the tens of thousands of articles and videos complaining about Russia's bombing ISIS during the last fifteen months - This is just sick. - mpg

The Truth About Those Clinton & DNC Leaks
A quote...."(RINF) – Julian Assange, who received the computer-data from what U.S. President Barack Obama alleges was ‘Russian hackers’, had an opportunity, in his 3 January 2017 interview with Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity, to deny the allegation by Craig Murray (a former British Ambassador and longtime friend of Assange) that no Russian or any other hackers were involved passing that information to Wikileaks; and, in reply, Assange declined the invitation to deny it, and he said, in short: Obama and his Administration are flat-out lying about this matter."

Something’s Rotten at CNN
CNN - Corrupt Noxious Network - (Affiliated with that Zio-Witch Rita Katz too!!  My....oh my. - mpg) -- A quote...."CNN and Mossad Asset Rita Katz both use video game “Fallout!” -- They both used video footage from the game. Katz from “Fallout 3” to show us that ‘al CIA Duh’ was going to nuke DC and the huckster Don Lemon–apt name–of CNN using “Fallout 4” footage to show that their LIE about alleged Rooskie hacking of the US election was true, at least in their warped, deluded minds. -- First, the back story on Rita Katz using Fallout 3 back in 2008...." - Topix  ||  Judeo-Christian C/C & US -- Rita Katz  ||

Guardian “Fake News” Story on Julian Assange “Punishment for his Inconvenient Truth-telling”
The Garbagian Lies to Smear A Truthteller - Contains Video - Alt/YuTb -- A quote...."Journalist Glenn Greenwald has accused his former employer, the Guardian, of falsifying the words of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in a report about the interview he gave to La Repubblica. For more on this, Mark Crispin Miller, professor of media studies at NYU, joins RT America’s Ashlee Banks."

The CIA Weaponized the Concepts of “Conspiracy Theories” and “Fake News” to Enslave the Masses
CIA - Completely Idiotic A**holes -- A quote...."Conspiracy theory” is a term that at once strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs."

FBI Didn’t Examine DNC Servers, Russia Wrongfully Accused of Hacking

FBI - F*cking Blind & Incompetent - A quote...."Accusing Russia of US election hacking is a malicious Big Lie. It’s a clear attempt to delegitimize Trump’s election. - It aims undermine him before taking office, along with provocatively pushing for confrontation between the world’s dominant nuclear powers – utter madness, but that’s the mindset of neocon lunatics infesting Washington, forces Trump will have to deal with after taking office." - Source: SteveLendman

New Twist on Fake News Russian Hacking Story
A quote...." All the huffing and puffing and slandering and fear-mongering and lying for months about Russian hacking failed to make the case.  - Not a shred of evidence was presented supporting accusations made. A previous article cited polling data, showing most Americans disbelieve it."

Italy's Grillo Slams Mainstream Media "Manifest Manipulation Of Reality"
A quote....""Fake news" has officially crossed the pond and once again it the mainstream media that is producing more of it (while blaming the alternative media). Beppe Grillo, founder of Italy's Five Star anti-euro movement lashed out at the country's journalists for "manufacturing false news," accusing them of fabricating stories to keep the Five Stars down."

Ten Basic Forms Of Fake News Used By Major Media
(10 Basic Techniques To Be A Corp Presstitute) -- Full quote...The basic purpose of these ten forms is the presentation of a false picture of reality. -- You could find more forms, or divide these ten into sub-categories. -- The ten basic forms are...."
  1. Direct lying about matters of fact.
  2. Leaving out vital information.
  3. Limited hangout. (This is an admission of a crime or a mistake, which only partially reveals the whole truth. The idea is that by admitting a fraction of what really happened and burying the biggest revelations, people will be satisfied and go away, and the story will never be covered again.)
  4. Shutting down the truth after publishing it—includes failing to follow up and investigate a story more deeply.
  5. Not connecting dots between important pieces of data.
  6. Censoring the truth, wherever it is found (or calling it “fake news”).
  7. Using biased “experts” to present slanted or false “facts.”
  8. Repeating a false story many times—this includes the echo-chamber effect, in which a number of outlets “bounce” the false story among themselves.
  9. Claiming a reasonable and true consensus exists, when it doesn’t, when there are many important dissenters, who are shut out from offering their analysis.
  10. Employing a panoply of effects (reputation of the media outlet, voice quality of the anchor, acting skills, dry mechanical language, studio lighting, overlay of electronic transmissions, etc.) to create an impression of elevated authority which is beyond challenge.
"These are all traditional forms and methods."

How Truth Gets Lost
Not Caring About It?? - A quote...."In mainstream, alternative, and social media, truth is difficult to both search out and find. Governments and world leaders already represent the establishment and not the people. Even when the holy books were written, truth was hidden by the rulers in that period and manipulated to their favor and to show their own insights. Now, it is more important than ever to listen to your inner voice and let your conscience speak,  and of course some common sense."

Macrocosmic Thinking: 100+ Websites for Readers Who Are Tired of the Mainstream News & Perspectives from Institutions - Web Resource Database -- A quote...."Listed below is a chance to recover your senses and to stop being complicit in the way the world is organized presently. The Elites are controlling us by confusion and therefore making us dependent on their Institutions.  It's time to break free and have a Macrocosmic understanding of actual narratives that exist.  The only way to understand yourself, your existence, and reality." - also posted at Reficultnias
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Facts Or Fakes: Can We Trust The Washington Post?
Must View RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 22min43sec - Jan 3, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."So the Washington Post is going to lead the fight against fake news? Isn't that like putting the fox in the henhouse? Time and time again of late the WaPo is caught colluding with the US government to create fake news. Is the mainstream media having a nervous breakdown?"
How The Washington Post's Defense Of Its Russian Hacking Story Unraveled Through Web Archiving -- Related Article - A quote...."As the Washington Post’s story of Russian hackers burrowed deep within the US electrical grid, ready to plunge the nation into darkness at the flip of a switch unraveled into the story of a single non-grid-connected laptop with a piece of malware on it, the Post has faced fierce criticism over how it fact checked and verified the details of its story. It turns out that the Post not only did not fact check the story until after it was published live on its website, but in its defense of the story, the Post made a number of false statements about what was written when, which the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine reveals."

Trump Questions ‘Intelligence’ Behind Delayed Briefing on Russian Hacking
Related Article - A quote...."Donald Trump says that a briefing he was due to receive on Russia’s alleged hacking attacks and meddling with US elections was strangely delayed until Friday, causing the President-elect to wonder whether there was enough “intelligence” to “build” such a case. - In a “very strange” turn of events, an intelligence briefing the US President-elect was expecting to receive early this week was delayed, Donald Trump said on Twitter." - Source:  RT

WashPost Is Richly Rewarded for False News About Russia Threat While Public Is Deceived
Related Article - A quote...."In the past six weeks, the Washington Post published two blockbuster stories about the Russian threat that went viral: one on how Russia is behind a massive explosion of “fake news,” the other on how it invaded the U.S. electric grid. Both articles were fundamentally false. Each now bears a humiliating editor’s note grudgingly acknowledging that the core claims of the story were fiction: The first note was posted a full two weeks later to the top of the original article; the other was buried the following day at the bottom."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

Are US Economic Sanctions Against Russia Based on an Obama Lie?
Of Course!! - Must Read - (That's ALL the Bathhouse Bonobo Bankster Butt-boy has ever done....lie. - mpg) -- A quote...."If the March 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia was based upon the overwhelming desire by Crimeans that Crimea become again a part of Russia such as Crimea had been until 1954, instead of upon Russia’s ‘conquest’ of Crimea such as Obama has charged, then the economic sanctions that Obama placed against Russia on the basis of that annexation is on false ground, and has no authentic justification in law or in fact. Also, in that case, NATO's subsequent military buildup against Russia, purportedly to protect NATO against ‘another such conquest by Russia’, would be based upon this same lie: the lie that Crimea’s becoming again a part of Russia was something other than a legitimate carrying-out of any people’s sovereign right, of self-determination of peoples — a right that the West recognizes for Catalonians in Spain, and for Scotch in UK, but not for Crimeans in Ukraine."

Clapper: RT reporting on US Problems Part of ‘Multifaceted’ Russian Campaign To Undermine Elections
Translation:  "Telling the whole world about all the bad things the US-NRE does to everyone, including it's own citizens, may cause the Amerikan voters to actually change their votes." - WOW!!  Clapper is such a genius.... who knew?!?! - mpg - Source:  RT

US Concerns Over “Election Interference” May Backfire
A quote...."While the US has little evidence regarding Russia’s role in leaking what were genuine e-mails revealing very real impropriety among American political circles, nations like China, Malaysia and Thailand have verified evidence that opposition fronts are funded, backed and even directed by US organisations like NED. What has been perhaps preventing these nations from dismantling these foreign-backed networks, has been the illusion of America’s pro-democracy stance. However, with the US now cracking down on whistle-blowers, opposition media and shifting tides amid American politics all based on allegations of “Russian” involvement, what is preventing other states from cracking down on verified US interference in their own internal politics?" - Source:  NEO

Obama and his closing days, as seen from France:   "Obama, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has just 17 days left to start the war" -- A quote...."Obama is ridiculing himself. Not only does it give the sense of being the bad loser (on the side of the Obama-Clinton clan) but, worse, the President, in doing so, puts peace at risk: the remaining three weeks of his mandate would suffice to trigger further escalation insofar as he has major administrations behind him: the State Department, the Pentagon, and the CIA -- all held by hawks who only want to do battle with Russia."

What the %&*# Are US Troops Doing in Lithuania on Russia's Border?
A quote...."The poor helpless Baltic state of Lithuania, languishing under constant terror of Russian invasion, has just received much need reinforcement courtesy of lame-duck Obama's Pentagon. " - One commentator stated..... 
"Don't know about you, but I'm past cutting these "heroes" any slack because the kosher media beats us over the head with how "heroic" they are - same with the Israeli-trained "beasts" in blue. Basically, all of them are simply poorly paid mercenaries tired of flipping burgers for a buck. -- The dual world power of Sewer Nation/"great" Britain's (lol) "leadership" aka Judas Class have one agenda; keeping their Luciferians "serviced" and writing off the cost of knee pads/tissue on their tax returns.... IF they have to file." -- *Paschn*
Red War Warning
Happy New Year Donbass: From Killer John McCain & Co.
Insane Cannibal McCain - A quote...."On New Year’s Eve America’s two most famous warmongers, US Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) visited the troops of Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko in Mariupol overlooking the battle lines with self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s. Then scant minutes after the American dignitary’s departure, the soldiers they promised aid and support to opened fire. Breaking the Minsk imposed truce for the hundredth time, the so-called “UKROPS” began shelling areas of the Donbass."

Pushilin Announced Plans to Memorialize Motorola
A quote...."Members of the Public Movement "Donetsk Republic" are going to commemorate the memory of Colonel Arsen Pavlov and social activist Dr. Elizabeth Glinka. This was reported today by the chairman of the People's Council of the DPR, the head of the executive committee of the movement, Denis Pushilin."
French Police Detain Albanian Gangster Warlord Thug & Former PM Ramush Haradinaj Of Clinton’s Kosovo !
Hip Hip Hooray!! - (Warning:  Contains graphic photos) -- A quote...."French police have detained Kosovo’s former prime minister based on an arrest warrant issued by Serbia the Kosovo foreign ministry said Wednesday. -- Ramush Haradinaj, who is also a former guerrilla fighter, was stopped as he flew in to France from Kosovo’s capital, Pristina, on Wednesday.

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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Syrian Christians in US Thankful for Aleppo Liberation
Oy Vey!! - Hagee's Hordes, and the Trinity of Death, are furious that all those Christians survived their PNAC Plans!! -- A quote...."As you may know from earlier articles of mine (such as here and here), Syrian Christians account for only one half of one percent of all Syrians given asylum in the US--even though the US is a signatory to the UN convention on genocide; and though the US House of Representatives finally forced the Obama Administration to recognize in law that ISIS and al-Qaeda are waging genocide against these Syrian Christians just last year."

US Coalition Spared ISIS Oil Production Facilities in Syria – Russian MoD
US-NRE Spares ISIS's Cash Cow -- A quote...." The US-led international coalition did not bomb oil production facilities captured by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants in Syria, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov has stated. -- “Miraculously, only oil fields, captured by ISIS allowing the militants to earn tens of millions of dollars every month on illegal oil sales and recruit mercenaries from all over the world, did not come under the US bombardment,” Konashenkov said."

West Spins Again to Sabotage Syria Ceasefire
A quote...."Having no shame for telling systematic lies about the strategic battle for Aleppo, the Western mainstream media are at it again – this time concerning renewed violence near the Syrian capital, Damascus."

Long Military Convoy of Terrorists' Vehicles Hit Hard in Syrian Army Attack in Idlib
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian Army troops opened heavy fire at a long military column of ISIL-affiliated Jund al-Aqsa terrorist group in Southern Idlib, killing a number of militants and destroying their vehicles."
Syrian War Report – January 5, 2017: Conflict Is Heading To Its Turning Point - SF $ Rq - [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/Yutb - (SFYuTb - 3min18sec - Jan 5, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."The ceasefire agreement, which came into effect on December 30 and was the first step to negotiations in Astana on the settlement of the Syrian conflict, remained shaky across Syria. The intensity of clashes observed in the provinces of Aleppo, Hama, Daraa and Quneitra was much reduced. Clashes continued in Eastern Ghouta and in Wadi Barada near Damascus."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Erdogan's 180 Degree Turn Is Now Complete...?

Turkish Officials Say American TOWs are Hurting Them Big Time
#1]  US-NRE Gives TOWs to ISIS et al - They Than Use Them On Turkish Forces -- A quote...."It came as a big surprise that Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has recently labeled members of the US-led coalition as promise breakers and supporters of terrorists. According to the Turkish leader, this coalition provides support to various terrorist groups, including ISIS, YPG, PYD and Ankara has the evidence to back up that claim." - Source:  NEO
It really SUCKS to be a former, or current, "ally" of the US-NRE. It's almost like some other group controls the US-NRE's foreign policy.  Wonder who that could be? Just can't possibly imagine....? (super-extreme, over-the-top, ridiculous, sarcasm) - mpg
’Foreign Intelligence Services’ May Be Linked to Istanbul Club Massacre – Turkey’s deputy PM - Oh....oh!!
#2]  Mossad?  CIA?  Why? -- A quote...."The New Year massacre at an Istanbul nightclub was prepared and carried out way too “professionally” to rule out the possibility that the terrorist act was supported by “foreign intelligence services,” Turkey’s deputy PM believes. -- After Turkish authorities established the identity of the New Year's eve attacker, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus, in an interview with the Hurriyet Daily News, has suggested that external intelligence services could be involved in the terrorist act. Thirty nine people were killed and 69 wounded in the attack."
The PROBLEM with all of this is that the CIA....and the Mossad, (mostly through the CIA), HAVE been helping out every single Wahhabist terrorist organization in the Middle East for the last thirty years.

So it would be quite a surprise if the CIA & Mossad weren't connected in some way to this event by their previous ventures with these terrorist organizations, and the murderer who carried out the Istanbul nightclub attack. 

As to who actually put this terrorist up to his murderous assault?  Possibly time will tell.... or not. Most likely not. - mpg

Turkey dumps US air support in Syria, requests for Russian assistance instead
#3]  Erdogan Is Very Unhappy - (Perhaps he finally relizes he's being played by the Trinity of Evil? - mpg) -- A quote...."Two US military officials have said that Turkey has declined US air support for its troops fighting Syria against ISIS, and instead has asked Russia to assume the role instead. - For the last few days, Turkey has been accepting air support from Russia, the NBC News reported on Wednesday. - This is while, the Turks have turned down the US-led coalition’s help, the officials claimed."

Turkey Questions Presence of US-Led Coalition at Incirlik Air Base Amid ‘Confidence Crisis’
#4]  "Why Are You Here Again?" -- A quote...."Turkey’s authorities have questioned the deployment of the US-led coalition’s air forces at the Incirlik air base, citing a “confidence crisis” with the US and inadequate support, providing by the coalition to Turkish ground forces in Syria. -- According to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Turkish troops, deployed in Syria as part of Operation Euphrates Shield, receive very poor aerial support by the US-led coalition."

Turkey’s President Erdogan Accuses U.S. Coalition of Supporting ISIS
#5]  Stating The Obvious - A quote...."Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday accused the U.S.-led coalition fighting in in Iraq and Syria of supporting the Islamic State militant group (ISIS), as well as Syrian Kurds in regions that sit along Turkey’s southern border. - “They were accusing us of supporting Daesh,” he told a press conference in Ankara, using an Arabic acronym for ISIS. - “Now they give support to terrorist groups including Daesh, YPG, PYD. It's very clear. We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos,” he said, referring to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units and the Democratic Union Party, Washington’s Kurdish partners on the ground in Syria."

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Iraqi Forces Make Significant Gains Against ISIS Terrorists In Mosul - SF $ Rq - [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/Yutb - (SFYuTb - 1min21sec - Jan 5, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."Iraqi forces, supported by US-led coalition warplanes, artillery units and military advisers, have made singificant gains against the ISIS terrorist group in the eastern part of the Iraqi city of Mosul. -- According to Iraqi Lieutenant General Talib Shaghati, Iraqi security forces (ISF), led by the Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS), have taken control of about 70 percent of eastern Mosul from the terrorist group. -- Iraqi forces are still need to secure the recently liberated areas in eastern Mosul."

Iraqi Forces Storm 3 Districts in Eastern Mosul, Kill 50 Militants
A quote...."The army’s elite Counter-Terrorism Forces are currently engaged in violent fights with IS militants in the district, saying that the area could be fully recaptured within hours."

5.5mn in Damascus without water as disease outbreak looms, UN warns
A quote...."The United Nations says millions of Damascus residents have been scrambling for clean water for nearly two weeks after supplies from the main source for the Syrian capital were disrupted in the wake of contamination due to militant sabotage."

Bahrainis hold nationwide rallies in support of top Shia cleric
A quote...."Thousands of Bahrainis have marched throughout the kingdom for a second straight day in protest at a push by the ruling Al Khalifa regime to put prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Issa Qassim on trial."

Saudi Arabia Jails and Flogs Workers for Unpaid Wage Protest
Getting The "Royal" Treatment - A quote...."Saudi Arabian media is reporting that 49 foreign construction workers protesting unpaid wages have been sentenced to prison and corporal punishment in the form of lash."

Saudi Arabia's Military Hardware Sustains Heavy Damage in Yemeni Forces' Attacks
Photos - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Yemeni army and popular forces inflicted heavy losses on the military hardware of the kingdom's government troops and their allies."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

Ernst Walter, spokesman for German police union: “DEPORT THEM”
Contains Video - Alt/YuTb - A quote...."Spokesman for the German Police Union, Ernst Walter, makes a clear statement about what should be done with criminal, North-African migrants in Germany in response to criticism that the police engaged in “racial profiling” when stopping mass rape and grope attacks two nights ago in Cologne."

Afghan murderer who BEHEADED woman in Holland allowed into UK without checks and then attacked cops with hammer -- A quote...."A convicted murderer who beheaded a woman in Holland after allegedly watching Taliban videos was allowed into the UK without any checks - where he then attacked two police officers with a hammer. -- Savage Jamshid Piruz found himself free to wander into the UK unchallenged despite having served seven years in Holland for slaughtering his female tenant and hacking her head off."

Russia’s Interior Ministry Wants Better Mechanism of Migrants’ Control
Russia Sees Europe & Says...."Nyet!!" - ("Oh no, not for us!!") -- A quote...."The mechanism of control over migrants’ entry and stay in Russia should be improved, Head of the Russian Interior Ministry’s Main Department for Migration Olga Kirillova told TASS on Thursday. "Foreign citizens may enter and exit the country upon their compulsory compliance with the requirements of the existing legislation. The implementation of the laws on countering illegal migration and migrants’ illegal labor has contributed to the positive development of the migration situation," she said. "At the same time, we need to understand who arrives in our country, from where and with what goals. Due to this, the mechanism of control of foreigners’ entry and stay in Russia should be improved," she added."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere...

Zionist Extremism as Product of the Internal Dynamics of Judaism, Part 4: Toward a “Greater Israel”
On Eretz Israel - A Nightmare For Everyone - [Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3] - Some quotes.... "Given the tendency for Jewish radicals to carry the day, it is worth describing the most radical Zionist fringe as it exists now..." -- ” The flexibility of the ultimate aims of Zionism can also be seen by Ben-Gurion’s comment in 1936 that...."
"The acceptance of partition [of the Palestinian Mandate] does not commit us to renounce Transjordan [i.e., the modern state of Jordan]; one does not demand from anybody to give up his vision. We shall accept a state in the boundaries fixed today. But the boundaries of Zionist aspirations are the concern of the Jewish people and no external factor will be able to limit them.111" - Source:  OccidentalObserver
US Senators Introduce Bill to Move Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
On The Bought & Blackmailed US Congress - A Nightmare For Everyone - A quote...."Three US senators introduced a bill to congress on Wednesday that would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital and move the US embassy there from Tel Aviv, defying international stances on the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict resting on a two-state solution."

US Aid Package to Israel Incentivizes War

That's The Idea! - (The Neoliberalcons / AIPAC / PNAC'ers idea that is. - mpg) -- A quote...."On September 14, 2016, the United States and Israel signed a “memorandum of understanding” (MOU) pledging $38 billion in “security assistance” to Israel over ten years. The agreement replaces a similar MOU signed by the Bush administration. " - Source:  AntiWar

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Clashes Erupt After Israeli Solider Is Convicted Of Manslaughter For Executing Wounded Palestinian Assailant
Much Ado About Nothing - No, not the heinous crime that was committed under The Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Consortium's brutal military occupation, but the "hysteria" surrounding the fact a Euro- Kharzarian, was actually convicted for what he did against a non-Euro-Kharzarian.

It's the once in a decade exception that proves the rule, produced solely for public consumption. It'll be amazing if he gets more than a year in prison.

The article of course is totally silly. The selected ZeroHedge commentary posted below however, is spot-on....
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Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian] leadership encourages soldiers to ‘shoot to kill’ without justification – rights lawyer

A quote...." A Israeli soldier [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist illegal migrant & militia member] who shot and killed an immobilized Palestinian assailant was convicted of manslaughter, but chances are he won’t end up in jail, as many Israeli [Euor-Kharzarian] politicians support the soldier [murderer], experts say. -- A guilty verdict was handed down on Wednesday to a Israeli soldier [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist illegal migrant & militia member] who shot and killed an injured Palestinian attacker. Elor Azaria, 20, a soldier of the Israeli Defense [Euro-Kharzarian militia] Forces (IDF,) shot the injured man, Abdul Fatah al-Sharif, 21, in the West Bank city of Hebron in March 2016."

Gaza Fisherman Missing After Israeli Navy [Zio-Jihadist Pirates] Capsized A Palestinian Fishing Boat
Deliberately Drowned For Fishing - (How ironical....) -- A quote...."Israeli navy [Zio-Jihadist pirate] ships attacked, several Palestinian fishing boats in the Sudaniyya Sea, northwest of Gaza city, on Thursday morning, causing one boat to capsize while a fisherman went missing in the aftermath of the assault." - Source:  IMEMC

Israeli Soldiers [Zio-Jihadist Militias] Open Fire On Senior Palestinian Health Ministry Official
Driving While Palestinian - A quote...."Israeli soldiers [Zio-Jihadist militias] opened fire, on Tuesday at night, at the car of the Palestinian undersecretary of the Health Ministry, while he was traveling from Ramallah to Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank."

Israel [The Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Consortium] Razes Two Apartments in Jerusalem, Displaces Family
A quote...."The Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian] occupation authorities (IOA) on Wednesday demolished two apartments in Beit Hanina town, northeast of Occupied Jerusalem, and failed to carry out a demolition order against a house in Budrus town, northwest of Ramallah in the West Bank."

Israeli Soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist Militias] Demolish 10 Water Wells near Bethlehem
A quote...."Israeli authorities [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist militias], on Wednesday morning, knocked down water wells in Teqou’ village, east of Bethlehem. - Mayor of the town, Tayseer Abu Mufreh, said Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian militia] occupation vehicles demolished ten water wells used by Palestinian farmers, under the pretext of unlicensed construction."

Nael Barghouthi Denied Release, Threatened With Reimposition of Former Life Sentence
A Euro-Kharzarian Wet Dream - (Every non-"Jew" in the world on permanent probation of a life sentence, which can be revoked on a whim. It's much closer than you think folks, just look at the US-NRE if you want to see the future - mpg) -- A quote...."Nael Barghouthi, the longest-held Palestinian prisoner, was denied release in a hearing at Ofer military court on Wednesday, 4 January. An Israeli military committee is currently deciding whether or not to reinstate his previous life sentence, on the basis of secret evidence."

Another Billboard the Mainstream Media Can’t Quite Fathom
Action Update - A quote...."A TV station in North Carolina has published a report on a strange, new billboard that has cropped up in their area that some local residents, at least those who work in the media, are having trouble figuring out. - The billboard in question is similar to the one pictured above. The artwork on it is by the British artist Banksy and depicts Mary and Joseph coming up against Israel’s apartheid wall while attempting to get to Bethlehem. - “It’s only been up for a week and a half, but if you did see it, you might be wondering what the meaning is behind it, just like we did,” says the reporter in a report which can be found here. - The billboard was paid for by If Americans Knew, the organization founded by Alison Weir, who, to the station’s credit, is given airtime in the report." - Source:  FigTrees&Vineyards
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

From Agriculture to Demonetisation: Not ‘Make in India’ but Made in Washington
O.M.G.! -- Modi's War On Cash Made In D.C. - Must Read -- A quote...."A version of the following piece was originally published in June 2016. However, since then, India’s PM Narendra Modi has embarked on a ‘demonetisation’ policy, which saw around 85 percent of India’s bank notes becoming invalid overnight. -- Emerging evidence indicates that demonetisation was not done to curb corruption, ‘black money’ or terrorism, the reasons originally given. That was a smokescreen. Modi was acting on behalf of powerful Wall Street financial interests. Demonetisation has caused massive hardship, inconvenience and chaos. It has affected everyone and has impacted the poor and those who reside in rural areas (i.e. most of the population) significantly. -- Who does Modi (along with other strategically placed figures) serve primarily: ordinary people and the ‘national interest’ or the interests of the US?" - Source:  ColinTodhunter - also posted at RINF
Knew It!! -- The Euro-Kharzarian Banksters either have bribed Modi, or they have something really BAD on him.  India, another member of the BRICS, has been "taken-out", just like Brazil.  Or one should say has taken itself out by self-immolation.  They did this for the Euro-Kharzarian owned Federal Reserve? -- WHY?!?! -- Why are people around the world letting this happen? Why would they do this to themselves? What is WRONG with them!?!? -  mpg
A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington is Behind India’s Brutal Experiment of Abolishing Most Cash
How Could A People Be So Stupid!! - Must Read - Related Article - A quote...."US-President Barack Obama has declared the strategic partnership with India a priority of his foreign policy. China needs to be reined in. In the context of this partnership, the US government’s development agency USAID has negotiated cooperation agreements with the Indian ministry of finance. One of these has the declared goal to push back the use of cash in favor of digital payments in India and globally."

Greece Bans Cash: Tax-Allowance Possible Only Through Payments Via Plastic Money
War on Cash....Gets Worse - (Greece) -- A quote...."Greece is banning the use of cash the soft way. As of 1.1. 2017, taxpayers will be granted tax-allowance and tax deduction only when they have made payments via credit or debit cards. The new guidelines refer to employees, pensioners, farmers but also unemployed. - Accepted expenditure will be...." - Source:  KeepTalkingGreece
[Greek] Fuel and heating oil prices skyrocket after Special Consumption Fee
A quote...."Fuel and heating oil got …fire after the special consumption fee was imposed on 1. January 2017. Unleaded gasoline reached a record price especially on the Greek islands that were not exempted from the Value Added Tax hikes. The price for heating oil was increased by 20 cents."

[Greek] Public Opinion poll: Greeks turn their back to Euro and the Eurozone
A quote...."The Greek public opinion has changed its attitude towards the euro and the eurozone. While in the first years of the bailout agreements the majority of Greeks supported the euro with around 70%, now Greeks have changed their" - If only the Eurozone would do the same, turn it's back on Greece, and leave Greece alone.  But it's not to be.  Instead, it'll be debt slavery to the Banksters....forever - mpg
In Massive Blow To California Unions, A Second Court Rules That Pension Benefits Can Be Reduced
Beneficial Contracts For The "Little People", Like Pensions, Can Be Abrogated At Will - (That includes contracts like Social Security. Which has already been looted under Bill Clinton  -- The reverse of course is also true  --  Detrimental contracts for the "Little People" will be enforced, without mercy, to the letter of the law....and way beyond the law, no matter what  --  It's just the way it is. - mpg) -- A quote...."Back in September, we noted that, in a surprisingly logical decision particularly for a state like California which is typically devoid of all reason, a court upheld the rights of Marin County (and it's taxpayers) to reduce final year salary levels utilized to calculate pension payments.  The ruling was meant to protect taxpayers against "salary spiking," a practice whereby union employees artificially drive up their final year salary, by taking cash vacation payouts or 1x bonus payments for example, in an effort to game the annual pension payment they'll then receive in perpetuity. "

Jon Corzine Settles Over MF Global Collapse: Agrees To Lifetime Ban, $5 Million Fine
Banksters Win Again - A quote...."Three years ago, in February 2013, traders were outraged upon learning that the National Futures Association refused to ban former MF Global chief Jon Corzine from trading with other people’s money, rejecting a motion brought before that body’s board of directors to do so. The decision was a blow to a vocal group within the commodities trading world who - noting that Corzine has not been held accountable by the government for alleged crimes - wanted to see him publicly upbraided by his peers in the market."

Looting, Riots In Mexico Spiral Out Of Control Over 20% Gas Hike; Hundreds Arrested
The Bankster Effect Strikes Mexico - A quote...."Four days after the first sporadic protests emerged in Mexico City, following the infamous "gasolinazo", or mandatory 15%-20% increase in Mexican gas prices which went into effect on January 1, the mood across the country has significantly deteriorated, with hundreds of demonstrators blocking highways, snarling traffic, raiding gas stations, jeopardizing critical supplies, and looting stores as angry but impotent motorists lashed out at the price surge, which is only going to get worse as inflation spikes even more following the record plunge in the Mexican Peso."

New Puerto Rican Governor Declares Fiscal Emergency, Paves Way For Massive Cuts
Puerto Rico To Be Greeecified! - A quote...."Ricardo Rosselló (New Progressive Party, pro-statehood) was sworn in on Monday, January 2 as Puerto Rico’s new governor. Later on that day, during his inaugural address, Roselló declared the island in an economic emergency."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Marine Le Pen Wants France Out Of The Euro, Will Redenominate French Debt In New Currency
Euro-Exit - Hip Hip Hooray!! -- A quote...."French presidential candidate and National Front leader, Marine Le Pen, said she wants to take France out of the euro, reiterating comments made the day before, and - taking a page out of the Yanis Varoufakis Grexit negotiating strategy playbook - added she wants to redenominate French government debt in a new national currency."

You are fired: New Socialist President of Moldova fires pro-NATO Defense Minister
A quote...."The President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, former head of the Socialist Party of Moldova, signed a decree on the resignation of Defense Minister Anatol Salaru, he announced on Facebook. -- "The Minister flirted with NATO, knowing full well that, under the Constitution, Moldova is a neutral state. He was behind the appearance of American military equipment at the Great National Assembly square on Victory Day, which can be qualified not only as a provocation. He openly advocated for the unification of Moldova with Romania, which is also unacceptable. In addition, he fired a solid number of professionals from defense and state security, replacing them with pro-Liberal party supporters of the unionist ideology," - wrote Igor Dodon."

This "Rogue" Oil & Gas Nation Just Set A Slew Of Output Records
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."With 2016 now closed out, we’re getting the first looks at year-end data. And numbers from one nation in the energy space have been particularly eye-catching this week."

As Economy Strengthens Money Floods Into Russia
A quote...."Growing optimism about Russian economy leads to rising capital inflow, strengthening rouble, and award of Europe's Banker of 2016 to Central Bank Chair Nabiullina."

Dollar Drops Below 60 to the Ruble on Moscow Exchange, Lowest Since July 31, 2015
A quote...."The US dollar dopped 54 kopecks against the Russian ruble to reach 59.92 rubles per dollar. This is the first time the dollar is worth below 60 rubles since July 31, 2015. The euro dropped 55 kopecks comapered with Wednesday's close to reach 62.81 rubles. The Russian currency is strengthening on higher oil prices. Brent crude futures with February delivery grew 0.34% on the ICE in London to $56.65 per barrel."

Russia’s Northern Fleet to receive six Ka-27M helicopters this year
A quote...."Pilots will undergo training in marine aviation training center, on onshore airfields of the Northern Fleet and on decks of combat ships capable of carrying helicopters."

Ship-based UAVs to be designed for Russian Navy
A quote...."MOSCOW, January 2. /TASS/. Ship-based unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will be designed for the needs of the Russian Navy’s naval aviation, the Russian naval aviation chief, Maj. Gen. Igor Kozhin, said Monday."

Libya Asks Russia to Help in Reconciliation
A quote...."Libya is ready to accept any Russian initiative to establish political dialogue in the country, since Moscow has contacts with each of the parties of the conflict, and has a balanced position on the situation, said Deputy Prime Minister of the national unity government Akhmed Maetig."

China’s imports of Iran’s oil to hit record high
A quote...."Oil market sources say they expect to see China’s imports of crude oil from Iran to surge to a record high in 2017. -- Reuters in a report quoted senior industry and trading sources as saying that Chinese firms were expected to lift between 3 million to 4 million barrels more Iranian oil each quarter in 2017 than last year."

China’s Economy Expected to Grow by 6.5% in 2017 - Forecast
A quote...."SHANGHAI, January 5. /TASS/. China’s economy may grow at a rate of 6.5% in 2017, the Chinese Academy of Sciences said in its forecast on Thursday. - China’s foreign trade may shrink by 5% to $3.53 trillion and its trade surplus is expected to equal $471 billion in 2017 amid the slowing global economy and some depreciation of the Chinese national currency, the report says."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

The History of the CIA -- Review of Douglas Valentine's Book
Book Review - A quote...."After reading numerous articles I went to Douglas Valentine’s website and as I frequently do—even today—I asked him questions about things he had written. This began a conversation that has continued. Of course I could not hope to conduct a serious conversation with someone about their ideas without having read what they had already committed to paper. Hence I began with The Phoenix Program (1990). I then read both of his books on the US government’s drug organisations and was pleased to review them online. When Open Roads, under the direction of Mark Crispin Miller, re-published The Phoenix Program as the first in its e-book series “Forbidden Books”, I had the opportunity to review it as well. In other words although I have only known Douglas Valentine for a few years, I believe I am very well acquainted not only with his writing but I also know what makes it unique in the landscape."

PNIs: Forgotten Pages of Modern History
A quote...."In late 2016, US President-elect Donald Trump made known his stance on a key military program. He assailed cost overruns for the Lockheed Martin-built F-35 Lightning II fighter jet that had spiraled «out of control». The plane is to replace aging fighters used by the Air Force, the Navy and the Marine Corps. The 15-year project has been dogged by problems and costs that have escalated to an estimated $380bn. Mr. Trump vowed to save billions of dollars on military programs once he enters office on January 20." - Source:  SCF

Russian MOD Fires Back at CIA Director: "America Invented The Scorched Earth Tactic"
A quote..."Before accusing Moscow of using the "scorched earth" policy in Syria, the head of the CIA, John Brennan should remember the history of this term, said the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation Igor Konashenkov. He said that such tactics have been used by the United States since 1945, when the U.S. used nuclear weapons in Japan." - bold by website editor
Oh, you can go back MUCH further than that!! -- Try Sherman's march to the sea during the civil war for a reference. - mpg
Britain’s Role in Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide
A quote...."In the hundreds of media articles on the 1994 Rwanda genocide, there is barely a mention of Britain being a permanent member of the UN security council and in any way responsible for what happened. I recounted Britain’s role in my previous book, The Great Deception, so I will not repeat everything here. Since then, however, another book, by Linda Melvern, an investigative journalist, confirms the quite terrible British, and US, role."

German Interior Minister Demands Centralisation of Intelligence Agencies
"Let No Good Crisis Go To Waste" -- A quote...."Two weeks after a terrorist attack on a Christmas market in Berlin, Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière (Christian Democratic Union, CDU) is demanding a fundamental restructuring and centralisation of the security apparatus. The Federal Criminal Agency (BKA) requires strengthening, the various state domestic intelligence agencies must be dismantled in favour of a federally administered organisation and a genuine federal police force must be built, he argued."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

WikiLeaks data reveals close cooperation between German intelligence and NSA
A quote...."The German foreign secret service (BND) has not only delivered data to the US intelligence services on a massive scale, it has also worked directly with the NSA in developing detection software. This has been confirmed by extensive data published by the WikiLeaks platform at the beginning of December. It documents the close cooperation between German and American intelligence agencies and reveals new details."

Privacy Advocates Warn Of Potential Surveillance Through Listening Devices Like Amazon Echo, Google Home
A quote...."Privacy experts are keeping a close watch on the case of a Bentonville, Arkansas, man who was charged with murder after prosecutors obtained a warrant to receive data from his Amazon Echo, a voice-activated device that is always listening and often recording. James Andrew Bates says he’s innocent of the murder of Victor Collins, who was found strangled in Bates’s hot tub. Prosecutors hope to search audio recordings on Bates’s Amazon Echo for clues. So far, lawyers for Amazon have refused to comply with the warrant, but the case has drawn national attention and alarmed civil liberties groups. We speak with Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center."
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

The VERY Dangerous, Dirty, Political Game...Continues....

McCain’s Largely Unreported Treachery Against the US
A quote...."Arizona’s recently re-elected Republican senator John McCain, along with his faithful «drama queen» accomplice South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham, recently met with a contingent of Ukrainian troops at a «forward combat zone» in Shyrokyne in eastern Ukraine and publicly questioned president-elect Donald Trump’s plans to defrost America’s chilly relations with Russia. For McCain, his return to his personal war front in Ukraine came three years after he stood with Ukrainian neo-Nazis and fascists on Kiev’s Maidan Square calling for the ouster of president Viktor Yanukovych."

Anti-Trump Coalition Shows Cracks
And It's NOT For A Good Reason -- Warning! - A quote...."When national Democrats are not blaming Vladimir Putin for Hillary Clinton’s defeat, they’re pointing fingers at anti-war Democrats and Greens who found Clinton’s hawkishness and corporatism unacceptable, notes Nat Parry."
That's right folks, it's all the fault of people who didn't want to start WWIII, or murder millions, possibly even tens of millions more innocent people across the globe.  Next time, the Demo party should remain united..... so it can kill tens of millions more people.

This website editor's advice to the rest of the world....ARM UP NOW !  Don't wait, don't hesitate, get yourself some nukes, and other WMD's any way you can, as soon as you can....

Because the US-NRE is coming for you, and is going to do to you what it already has done to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya Syria, Somalia, Sudan and many, other already shattered nations.

Don't say you weren't warned - mpg

Assange says a 14-year-old could have hacked Democratic emails as he reveals John Podesta’s password was 'password'  - Now that's funny! -- A quote...."Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said a 14-year-old could have hacked into the emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman. - John Podesta's emails were made public by the whistleblowing website and proved to be a hammer blow to the Democrat's election campaign as she lost out to Trump. - In an interview, Assange revealed the campaign chairman's password was 'password' and that he had responded to phishing emails."
Ex-MI6 Chief Warns Electronic Voting Presents Serious Hacking Risk
A quote...."Traditional paper ballots may be a better option than electronic voting systems because the technology could be hacked and ballots altered, the former head of MI6 has warned." - Source:  RT - bold by website editor - Absolutely true - mpg

Day 73 - Where is Eric Bravermnan? Who Killed Monoca Petersen?
GWVideo - (GWYuTb - 16min19sec - Jan 4, 2017) - Source:  George Webb
 - A quote...."Photo Credit - Sibel Edmonds, FBI Whistleblower, Wrote A Classified Woman, now runs newschannel -- FB Group #HRCRatLine -- Due to the very large number of citations and sources, I now publish them with each slide. I try to order New York Times Pulitzers first, then former NYT Pulitzer winners, then New York Times writers. Any other reputable source like WaPo, WaTimes, Tribune, LA Times, Seattle P-I, etc are then list. Then second tier media followed by alternative media. -- Murdered journalist and investigators get a higher ranking than remotely sourced stories through offshore news funnels like SOHR."
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Donald Trump:  The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly.....

Trump Backs Assange on Russian Hacking Claims, Blasts DNC ‘Carelessness’
(The Good) -- A quote..." President-elect Donald Trump has supported WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s assertions that the Russian government was not the source of leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC). -- Trump also blasted the political organization for its “carelessness” around its tech security when responding on Twitter Wednesday to an exclusive Fox interview with Assange."

Trump's About to Wipe the Floor with the CIA - Agency Makes Veiled Threat Against President-elect
(The Good) -- A quote..."I first wrote in mid-December (here and here) about the campaign orchestrated by elements of the US intelligence community to accuse Russia of "hacking the US election" and its likely consequence - that incoming President Trump would deal harshly with the campaign's promoters."

'Audit the Fed' Bill Gets New Push Under Trump
(The Good) -- A quote..."Controversial legislation to subject the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy powers to outside scrutiny is getting new life in Washington."

New McCarthyism Targets Trump
(The Good - And Well Done) - Hat Tip to the Donald -- A quote...."When President Obama expelled Russian diplomats over the hysterical and unproven accusation of Russia “hacking the election,” Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to be drawn into a petty squabble, saying he would delay any response until Donald Trump assumed office. Instead Putin invited American diplomats and their families in Moscow to join the official holiday celebrations in the Kremlin. -- Then came the shock that shook Official Washington: President-elect Trump, in the form of a tweet heard round the world, wrote: “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) – I always knew he was very smart!” -- And just to be sure that everyone saw it, Trump “pinned” the tweet which means it is the first thing seen by viewers of his account. This was a first use of “pinning” for Trump. And to be doubly sure, he posted it on Instagram as well. This was no spontaneous midnight outburst but a very deliberate action taken on Friday noon, Dec. 30, the day after Obama had issued his retaliation order."

Trump Plans Changes for Intelligence Agancies
(The Unknown) -- A quote...."[1/5/17]  At least to some extent, America’s intelligence agencies have sided with the Obama administration in the charge that the Russians interfered in the presidential election — on the side of Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton — and the president-elect is planning to restructure and scale them back, charging that they have become both politicized and bloated."

Will Trump's Trade Policy Bring Jobs Back Home?
RPLRVideo - (The Unknown - But Unlikely) -- (RPLRYuTb - 19min43sec - Jan 4, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."President-elect Trump has already gotten tough with three US manufacturing giants, warning that there will be financial penalties for building plants abroad. Will strong-arming these companies succeed in bringing jobs back home?"

Trump’s Presidency Means ‘Greater Commitment’ to Israel
(The Really Ugly - And Practically Inconceivable, But....See Below....) -- A quote...."The victory of US President-elect Donald Trump at a campaign to control the White House equals “greater commitment” to the racist regime of Israel, says a political commentator."

Grant Smith On Trump's Washington and Israel Lobby
Must Listen JBAudio - Absolutely Outstanding Analysis - (The REALLY Ugly) -- Alt/Mp3 - (JBMp3 - 37min50sec - 2916-11-23) - Source:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - JeffBlankfort - Guest Website:  IRMEP - A quote...."Smith examines likely developments in Israel-US relations under Trump such as more secrecy, no daylight between the two countries, eliminate waiver problems for Israeli visitors; make no attempt to restart a 'peace process' while endorsing expansion of Jewish settlements. That he will ignore the section of Obama's MOU with Israel which will provide Israel with $38 billion in arms over the next decade that would prevent Israel from asking Congress for more money, suggesting that Pres. Trump will raise the annual figure to from $6 billion to $10 billion." - bold by website editor - It's TRULY horrifying!!  The U.S. is a colony!  It's that simple! - mpg
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

7 Signs You’re Not Living in the ‘Land of the Free’
When The Seventh Seal Is Opened.... A quote...."Alternative media followers know that there are numerous citizens sleeping away with their eyes wide open, falsely believing they’re living in the ‘land of the free.’ They still think that their government ‘cares’ for them. - Taking the case of America as an example, many American citizens have no idea about the nature of their Washington D.C Judas-despotic leaders and how they are covertly screwing them all over. How they are nothing more than henchmen for the ruling elite’s corporate/banker oppressive control system. - In reflection of this here are just 7 things to show that you’re not living in the ‘land of the free’ and what needs to be done."

ID Supreme Court Allows Forced DUI Blood Draws When Jdg Does Not Pick Up His Cell Phone In 10min
Related Article - A quote...."Police in Idaho no longer need a warrant to take blood forcibly from a motorist -- as long as a judge does not pick up the phone. The state Supreme Court on Friday upheld the involuntary extraction of blood from Daniel Chernobieff, who had been stopped around 11pm on September 11, 2013 for a routine traffic violation."

Another Look at Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s Death
A quote...."I’m taking another look because I have a new statement about a related case: Melaney Parker, a woman found dead on the railroad tracks in Marfa, Texas, in 2013, after a train hit her. - The same judge who inexplicably decided Scalia needed no autopsy, after he died in Texas, in 2016, came to the same conclusion in the Melaney Parker case. - That Texas judge is Cinderela Guevara."

Thirteen Years Ago My Life Changed Forever
A quote...."Colin Powell, then US Secretary of State and the most credible person in George W. Bush’s cabinet, made the case for war in Iraq on February 5, 2003. - As a young military intelligence officer at the time, watching from a makeshift army base in Kuwait not far from the Iraq border. - Back then I was a true believer, trusting that the government was a force for good “making the world safe for democracy. . .” - But that night it all changed. - Powell told the world unequivocally that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, an assertion that history has proven categorically wrong. - But within the intelligence community, many people knew the appalling truth immediately. - That night it became clear to me that the government was lying and that the whole case for war was being fabricated. - It was crushing, like finding out everything I’d been told throughout my life was total bullshit...."

15 Planned Parenthood & Abortion Clinics Illegally Sold Baby Parts
A quote...."[1/5/17]  The Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives has released their final report detailing their investigation, findings and recommendations related to the underground trade in aborted baby remains for profit and late-term abortion abuses."

California Makes It Illegal For Parents To Make Medical Decisions
Your Children Aren't Yours....They're Theirs -- A quote...."A new Orwellian bill is being proposed in California that will make it illegal for parents to make medical decisions for their own children. - The new SB-18 bill will allow the State to seize children away from their parents and their homes if parents make medical decisions that the State deems not to be in the child’s best interests."

FOX Comedy Features 6yo 'Trans' Boy Wearing Bondage Gag
And Here's What They Intend To Do With Them..... A quote...."A sickening new "comedy" show on FOX features a 6-year-old boy wearing a bondage gag. - The boy, who is apparently transgendered, is seen wearing the gag after burning his tongue licking a hot grill at a Benihana style restaurant in exchange for $1,000 from his older teenage brother. - The FOX show is named "The Mick" and it aired on January 1st, 2017. It was created by Dave Chernin and John Chernin, both sons of top Hollywood executive Peter Chernin. - Other scenes show the boy dressing like a girl and commenting how the dress he's wearing "kind of breezes on my vagina."
Everybody in San Francisco will say "So what?".  Or more likely...."That's a great idea!!" -- For the rest of the nation, and the world, see links posted below.....
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Jeff Blankfort/NewsOp:CIA Fakes News on Russian Hacking
JBAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (JBMp3 - 15min53sec - 2016-12-14) - Source:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - JeffBlankfort -- A quote...."Summary:  Blankfort opens with brief critique of Trump’s cabinet choices then shifts to exposing CIA’s contrived allegations of Russian interference in US presidential election, ignoring fact that it was the Democratic National Committee that did the interfering, sabotaging the Sanders campaign, and he chastises alternative media for going along with mainstream media in accepting it. - He notes that rather than criticizing DNC chair Wasserman Shultz for doing that. Clinton made her honorary chair of her (happily) failed campaign."

Grave Danger Elite Bankers Might Make Trump Fail -- Lior Gantz
GHVideo - LiorGantz@USAWD - (GHYuTb - 33min35sec - Jan 3, 2017) -- Source:  GH@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Website: -- A quote...."Wealth manager Lior Gantz warns of a possible derivative war between top bankers that could bring the global economy down. Gantz contends, “Once somebody begins to change the way they look at derivatives and start using derivatives as a weapon . . . they’re going to fight between each other. These are nasty people that all they care about is what they make in cold hard cash to take home. They really could start a derivative war that would not be beneficial for anyone. It would be more violent than an orchestrated derivative explosion that I really don’t think is possible. The derivative market is so big that it is out of the control of anybody.” -- "Gantz says there are free articles at that you can find under the “Stock Market Wealth” tab on the bottom of the home page.  You can find free up-to-date analysis under the “Special Reports” tab at the top of the page.  You can also get stock tips on “Wealth Stocks,” but you will have to provide an email address to get some of the free info."

Will Trump['s Election Cause The Fed to Deliberately] Crash The Dollar [To Destroy Him]? - Jeff Berwick
Title Fixed - F&LVideo - Alt/YuTb - (F&LYuTb - 21min14sec - Jan 3, 2017) - Source:  Finance&LibertyCom -- A quote.... "Jeff Berwick from Dollar Vigilante joins FinanceAndLiberty with a word of warning. A Trump presidency will bring with it an economic crisis and collapse of the U.S. dollar, Berwick says. -- Is there a way to prevent collapse? Berwick is concerned we are past the point of no return. Regardless of who runs the U.S., an economic crisis is coming, he says. Stay tuned to hear Berwick’s perspective on how gold, silver, and bitcoin may perform in the coming crisis."

Interview 1241 – James Corbett on The Vin Armani Show
CRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (CRFlwPlyr & VASYuTb - 36min22sec - Jan 7/5, 2017) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Guest Website:  Vin Armani Show -- A quote...."Today James appears on The Vin Armani Show to discuss open source intelligence, the neo-neocon push for Cold War 2.0, and how a false dialectic is pushing us toward regional government."

Ian R. Crane: ‘People Are Turning Away from Mainstream Media in Droves'
21stSunWAudio -- Alt/SndCld - (21stSunWSndCld - 1hrs4sec - January 5, 2017) - Source:  21st Century Wire - SunWire@Sprkr - AltCrntRadio - A quote...."Last Sunday, British public speaker and anti-fracking campaigner Ian R. Crane joined us on the Sunday Wire Show to discuss the challenges from 2016 and what we can expect in 2017. -- Ian spoke to us from a field in North Yorkshire on the frontline in the battle to keep Britain “Frack-Free” – speaking about the environmental and social challenges to facing society, but also about the steady collapse of the corporate mainstream media. How did we get here, and where is it all heading?"

Layoffs, Store Closures, Recovering Economy? No, Collapsing Economy – Episode 1170
X22Audio - Ep1170/Mp3 - Ep1170/YuTb-a - Ep1170/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 35min11sec - Jan 5, 2017) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote.... "
Credit card debt is rising in the UK, more families are borrowing at a faster rate. Initial jobless claims hit a 43 year low. ADP reported that only 153k jobs were added. The corporate media is a making a big deal about auto sales being the best ever, a closer look at the numbers and it shows sales have declined. US services economy is losing momentum. More stores are closing in 2017 because of the horrible holiday season, people are not spending. The world debt hit 325% Of World GDP. The central bankers are watching how people reacted in India, people really did complain and taxes increased, prepare for a cash ban here in the US -- All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Can Trump Rein In The CIA?
Must View RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 21min14sec - Jan 5, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."Rumors are buzzing that President-elect Trump plans a big overhaul of the CIA and the intelligence community in general. Will he? Can he? And what might it look like when he's done?"

Joe Lauria Examines Anti-Russian Warmongering
Must Listen JBAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (JBMp3 - 35min55sec - 2016-12-28) - Source:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - JeffBlankfort -- A quote...."Summary:  Veteran United Nations correspondent and a working journalist for more than 30 years, with long stints at the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe. Joe Lauria presents a passionate, informed indictment of the US media and its subservient role in supporting the imperial policies of the US government which are currently directed at bringing down the government of Vladimir Putin in Russia and replacing him with a more malleable, corrupt US puppet as it had in Boris Yeltsin whose failings Lauria describes in detail."  - See referenced article...."Russia-Hack Story, Another Media Failure"

Diana Johnstone views US, Europe, Russia, Syria from Paris!
Must Listen JBAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (JBMp3 - 38min13sec - 2016-12-14) - Source:  JeffBlankfortPodCasts - JeffBlankfort -- A quote...."Summary:  In a wide ranging conversation Jeff Blankfort speaks with Diana Johnstone in Paris that takes in the Western war on Syria in which she points out that its destruction, not regime change, is the goal, with Israel and Saudi Arabia being the beneficiaries; how the press coverage of Syria is more censored than it was in Vietnam; how the situation in Aleppo was described as another Srebrenica from the very beginning. - Johnstone finds the accusations that Russian hacking of the Democrats gave Trump the victory to be laughable and represent the political, cultural and intellectual decline of the US; that the accusations are a desperate act on the part of the warmongers, who were represented by Clinton and who refuse to accept a Trump victory because he is not part of their plans."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Nomi Prins' Political-Financial Road Map For 2017
Must Read - A quote..."As tumultuous as last year was from a global political perspective on the back of a rocky start market-wise, 2017 will be much more so. The central bank subsidization of the financial system (especially in the US and Europe) that began with the Fed invoking zero interest rate policy in 2008, gave way to international distrust of the enabling status quo that unfolded in different ways across the planet. My prognosis is for more destabilization, financially and politically.  In other words, the world's a mess. - Over 2016, I circled the earth to gain insight and share my thoughts on this path from financial crisis to central bank market manipulation to geo-political fall out, while researching my new book, Artisans of Money. (I’m pressing to hand in my manuscript by February 28th – the book should emerge in the Fall.)" - Source:  NomiPrins

Keiser Report: Consumer Confidence (E 1015)
MaxRTVideo -- E1015@RT - E1015/AltMp4 - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min36sec - Jan 5, 2017) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb - RTShows - RT - MaxKeiser@RT - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss consumer confidence for young people collapsing and Max Keiser’s dancing. They also discuss the fact that Americans are now more in debt than at the beginning of the financial crisis, according to the NY Federal Reserve and US Census data. What does this mean for 2017? In the second half, Max interviews Constantin Gurdgiev of to discuss the root of the 2007-1010 financial crisis being back with a vengeance and what Trump should do in response to the next inevitable credit collapse."

Macy's, Kohl's Crash After Reporting Abysmal Holiday Sales; Cut Guidance; Announce Mass Layoffs, Store Closures -- Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Remember when market cheerleaders said that holiday sales were expected to be far stronger than usual, if only as a result of the newly-discovered optimism from the Trump election? Well, at least when it comes to conventional retailers like Kohl's and Macy's... not so much."

Sears Is Closing 150 Stores
A quote...."[1/4/17]  Sears announced a second wave of store closures on Wednesday, bringing the total number of closures slated for early 2017 to 150. -- The company will shut down a total of 108 Kmart stores and 42 Sears stores by April, according to an internal document obtained by Business Insider. -- That represents about 10% of Sears’ store base."

Annual US Auto Sales Fell for First Time since 2009 at GM, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, Toyota, VW, BMW…
A quote...."The media hoopla has been deafening. In December, “new vehicles sales” – defined as the number of new cars, trucks, and SUVs that dealers sold to their customers, including fleets – rose 3.1%. That was stronger than “expected.” And in the media reports, there was euphoria between the lines."

[US] Tech Crash [Difficulties] Coming?
A quote...."A former Snapchat employee alleges that the company has been faking its growth numbers in order to boost its value in an IPO, according to a lawsuit filed in L.A. Superior Court. -- Anthony Pompliano, who was the company’s growth lead, alleges that he was fired after just three weeks with the company because he refused to go along with Snapchat’s plans. -- Pompliano was hired away from a similar job at Facebook, Snapchat’s arch-rival. According to the lawsuit, Pompliano came to understand that he was only hired because Snapchat wished to obtain confidential and proprietary information from Facebook."

How Bad Will the “Bond Massacre [Difficulties]” Get?
A quote...."Worse “than the 1994 ‘Bond Massacre,'” with “sustained double-digit losses on bonds, subpar growth in developed markets, and balance sheet risks for banking systems….” -- The backdrop: after 36 years of bond bull market, the amount of US bonds has ballooned to $47 trillion, up 24% from just ten years ago...."
"Bonds dwarfs the US stock market capitalization ($27 trillion). Bonds are a global phenomenon with even bigger bubbles elsewhere, particularly in NIRP countries, such as those in Europe, and in Japan. That’s why bonds matter. They’re enormous. And the damage they can do to investors is huge."
The term "Crash" and "Massacre" has been outlawed by the Fed.  Titles will be corrected as required - mpg
US Services Economy "Loses Momentum" As Inflationary Pressure Surges
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."While better than expectations, Markit Services PMI dropped to 3-month lows at 53.9 in December as input prices soared at the fastest rate since July 2015 "which could feed through to reduced consumption." ISM Services was flat at 57.2 in December, holding at 14-month highs from November, with employment declining despite rising new orders."

80Bil Euros / Mo Stimulus – Only Thing Holding Up Markets - Besides the prospects of MUCH more
EMVideo - Alt/YuTb - (EMYuTb - 23min27sec - Jan 4, 2017) -- Source:  EconMatters -- A quote...."We discuss the final catalyst for the global asset market crash in this video, it starts and ends with Mario Draghi and the ECB, take away this 80 Billion Euros from hitting developed financial markets each month, and the entire system collapses, the quintessential Ponzi Scheme if ever there was one."

Laurence Fink: The Trillion-Dollar Deadhead
A quote...."Among the current crop of Wall Street financiers, Laurence “Larry” Fink has received the greatest number of awards and plaudits. He is the CEO and Chairman of BlackRock (BR), the world’s largest multinational investment management corporation. By 2016, BR had over $5 trillion dollars under management with over 12,000 employees in 70 offices in 30 countries serving clients in 100 countries." - Source:  JamesPetras

US National Debt Soars by $100 Billion.....In Just 8 Hours
Another $100 Billion - A quote...."According to the latest statement issued yesterday afternoon by the Department of Treasury, the US national debt has reached $19,976,826,951,047.80. -- That’s $19.976 trillion, as of the close of business on Friday December 30, 2016." - Source:  SovereignManCom

What Happens Next?
Just Remember...."EBITDA Doesn't Matter" - (Till it does.  But the timing of THAT particular event will be determined solely by those who can produce fiat-debt-note-script at will - mpg) - Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote..."U.S. stocks have become too costly for mergers and acquisitions, according to Niels C. Jensen, chief investment officer at Absolute Return Partners LLP. "

Global Debt Hits 325% Of World GDP, Rises To Record $217 Trillion
Just Remember...."Debt Doesn't Matter"- (Till it does.  But the timing of THAT particular event will be determined solely by those who can produce fiat-debt-note-script at will - mpg) -- A quote..."While we eagerly await the next installment of the McKinsey study on global releveraging, we noticed that in the latest report from the Institute for International Finance released on Wednesday, total debt as of Q3 2016 once again rose sharply, increasing by $11 trillion in the first 9 months of the year, hitting a new all time high of $217 trillion. As a result, late in 2016, global debt levels are now roughly 325% of the world's gross domestic product."

Memo to Larry Summers: It’s Secular Saturation (Not Stagnation)
A quote...."....while Summers’ “secular stagnation” thesis advances the interests of the “big government community,” individual investors need to consider another scenario. - There is a strong possibility that America is not suffering from a market failure, but rather from an inevitable reaction to a multi-decade binge in system-wide spending, borrowing and progressively easier money. - Predatory central banking enticements, particularly low interest rates, have led governments, businesses and individuals to hire people, buy stuff and invest in things that they don’t need or can’t afford. The economy is thus saturated, the argument goes. - If that is true, it is possible that the US economy has reached a state for which it needs a multi-year (and possibly a multi-decade) period to digest the excesses, put money aside and pay down some of the debts incurred."

[UK] Warning as credit card debt hits a £66.7bn high: Families borrowing growing at the fastest rate for 12 years
A quote...."British families are piling on debt at the fastest rate for nearly 12 years – pushing the amount owed on credit cards to a record high. -- Bank of England figures yesterday showed households borrowed more than £1.9billion in November through credit cards, loans or overdrafts – or nearly £45,000 a minute."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Obama’s New Policy Registration May Very Well Have Ended All Non-GMO Agriculture in the US
Obama:  Pro-GMO All The Way -- A quote...."(NaturalNews) President Obama’s pen has stayed so busy signing executive orders (EO) that it’s surprising it hasn’t yet run dry, and as his days in the Oval Office wind down, he has added another one to his lengthy list of such orders. The recent “Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats” EO is particularly significant in that it may have put a halt to all non-GMO agriculture in the United States."

CDC Exposed:  They Are Hiding Information From The Public They Are Meant To Protect
A quote...."USA Today requested laboratory incident reports from the agency under the Freedom of Information Act. It took nearly two years for the agency to release them to the news outlet, and many of the reports were heavily redacted. The CDC blacked out many details – including the types of viruses and bacteria involved in lab mishaps. Often, entire descriptions of incidents were redacted."

3 Polio Facts That The CDC Wishes You Didn’t Know
A quote...."Many people I talk to agree that the current CDC vaccination schedule is appalling. These same people commonly acknowledge that vaccines for HPV or the flu are ineffective and cause much more harm than "

US Senate report details price-gouging by pharmaceutical companies
A quote...."A recently-released US Senate investigation found that four major pharmaceutical companies operated like hedge funds and followed specific business models to monopolize drugs for rare, life-threatening conditions."
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More On The Banksters Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax / Carbon Currency / Scam....

NOAA Admits: Can’t Predict Hurricane Frequency or Intensification in Warmer Climate
A quote...."That is the bottom line of a study reporting that we can have a lot of hurricanes or intense hurricanes — but not a lot of intense hurricanes. And no one knows what effect (if any) warming might have."

Top 5 Failed ‘Snow Free’ and ‘Ice Free’ Predictions
A quote...."With the U.S. East Coast blanketed in snow once again, it’s hard to imagine that climate scientists and environmentalists predicted years ago that the “end of snow” was nigh and that the Arctic would soon be “ice-free.”

Jerry Brown to Transform California Into a “Climate Change Bubble” Disconnected From Reality
A quote...."(NaturalNews) If it isn’t crystal clear by now that California really, really wants to break off from the rest of the United States and become its own independent country, consider the recent actions of its governor, Jerry Brown, who told The New York Times in an interview that he wants to see the Golden State start handling climate change matters independently of whatever is happening in Washington, D.C."