Saturday Feb 16th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Friday Feb 15th 2013

Obama's Failed State
Quote of the Day...." February 14, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Obama's State of the Union address didn't surprise. It reflected rogue leadership. It was beginning-to-end demagogic boilerplate. -- Defending the indefensible took center stage. Rhetoric substituted for progressive policies. Bombast assured business as usual. -- Priorities include waging war on humanity, force-fed austerity, ignoring public needs, institutionalizing a repressive police state apparatus, and cracking down hard on non-believers. --  Doing so assures growing despotism, lawlessness, poverty, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, and deprivation." - Source:  SteveLendman

Drones, Kill Lists and Machiavelli
A quote....."February 14, 2013 "NY Times" --  Do the United States and its people really want to tell those of us who live in the rest of the world that our lives are not of the same value as yours? That President Obama can sign off on a decision to kill us with less worry about judicial scrutiny than if the target is an American? Would your Supreme Court really want to tell humankind that we, like the slave Dred Scott in the 19th century, are not as human as you are? I cannot believe it." --*Desmond M. Tutu* -- Well, with many apologies to Bishop Tutu, the parasites in this country, and also regretfully most of its population, don't really care what the rest of the world thinks of this country's global murder sprees....they -- JUST -- DON'T -- CARE. - mpg

Dresden bombing, Britain’s forgotten war crime of WWII
A quote...."While Britain claims to be an advocate of human rights in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and many other countries around the world, British history itself is corroborating evidence that Britain, the greatest human rights preacher has also been the most flagrant human rights offender. - More than 500,000 German civilians and refugees, mostly women and children, were slaughtered by Britain’s saturation bombing in 1945, one of the worst massacres of all time. - Over 700,000 phosphorus bombs were dropped on 1.2 million defenseless inhabitants of German city Dresden under Britain’s then Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s order, which not only reduced one of the greatest centers of northern Europe to flaming ruins, but also led to one of the worst war crimes of the Second World War." - Source:  PressTV
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An Open Public Call For Genocide

Expert: Combat Terrorism With “Highly Drastic” Population Control
In The Believe It or Not Category - Genocidal Terrorist Alert -- A quote...."In a Foreign Policy article titled “Mali’s 2.5 Percent Problem“, political writer and former Chatham House fellow Roger Howard calls for “new and highly drastic” population control measures in Mali to reduce the “terrorist threat”."
This is an open, public, call for genocide.  Simply unbelievable.  The African nations, The OAU, the GCC and the Non-Alligned Movement better nip this in the bud or the countries that comprise the Anglo-Sphere -- with the whole-hearted encouragement of Israel -- will began deploying bio-warfare weapons throughout Africa and the Middle East to reduce the "surplus" population.

This paper by Roger Howard should be considered as a genocidal terrorist threat against humanity, specifically against the civilian populations of Africa and the Middle East.

Officials of the government of the United States of America have publicly stated they're conducting a "long war" against "terror".  It should be argued that such a specific policy pronouncement for the implementation of bio-genocide to support these "war" policies on behalf of the United States is legally actionable under current War Crimes laws, the Geneva Conventions, the Nuremberg Conventions and treaties against genocide. - mpg - see related articles shown below.....
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How Neocons Messed Up the Mideast
Graphic - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Newly available documents reveal how Ronald Reagan’s neocon aides cleared the way for Israeli arm sales to Iran in 1981, shortly after Iran freed 52 U.S. hostages whose captivity doomed Jimmy Carter’s reelection. The move also planted the seeds of the Iran-Contra scandal, reports Robert Parry."

Italy Imprisons Military Intelligence Chief for Helping CIA Kidnap Egyptian Cleric - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Unable to imprison the Americans behind the kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric, Italy has successfully jailed five Italians who took part in the 2003 controversy, including the government’s former military intelligence chief." - also posted at AlethoNews -'s a start. - mpg - Topix ||  Fun & Torture - It's a Pleasure  ||
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Argentina FM to Israel: we won’t kidnap or bomb Iran suspects - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Compare Argentina's response regarding Israel's arrogant diktats, to the obscenely craven, crawling, obsequious, boot-licking, butt-kissing, behavior, shamelessly, unapologetically and publicly exhibited by our so-called "representatives" during the Hagel inquisition.  Of course Argentina should now prepare for a large scale attack against their banking system by the Banksters. - mpg -- A quote..."Argentina’s top diplomat slammed Israel Wednesday for interfering in its judicial process over the deadly 1994 bombing of a Jewish charities building in Buenos Aires." - Source: al-Akhbar

Rahm Emanuel Toying With 2016 Presidential Run, Sources Say
It appears Israel has decided it's time to have one of their Proconsuls openly run their North American Colony.  Heck, it would be a lot more honest than their usual AIPAC/Israeli Consortium back-door electoral sleaziness, bribes (a.k.a. campaign contributions), media lies, electoral fraud, and other shenanigans.  And who knows, unlike previous elections for many candidates (Ron Paul comes to mind) a vote for Rahm would actually be counted during the election.  In fact, any vote for Rahm will probably be counted more than dozen times. - mpg

Why is Tax Cheat [Jacob Joseph] Jack Lew a Nominee for Treasury Sec – Wasn’t Geithner Nightmare Enough?
ZOG Alert - A quote...."Here we go again. Another Mafia style accountant nominee to run America’s financial affairs. Jack Lew was an investor in a Citigroup fund located in the Cayman Islands while working at Citigroup from 2006-2008. Yes, he has listed all losses and gains with the IRS. Apparently, he is Tefloned making him look legit. If so, then why did he invest there? The fund he invested in could just as easily be invested in the States right? So here we are again, not being told all of the facts. Basically hiding information that if known by the masses this clown wouldn’t have an ice cubes chance in hell of being elected. Or would he?" - For more on Jacob Joseph "Jack" Lew see the references and articles shown below....
Arch-Zionist gets top BBC strategy job
ZOG Alert - A quote...."The incoming director-general of the BBC, Tony Hall, has put a notorious Zionist apologist, James Purnell, in charge of strategy at the corporation."

Israel: Gaza Airstrikes Violated Laws of War
A quote...."February 14, 2013 "Human Rights Watch" -- (Jerusalem) – At least 18 Israeli airstrikes during the fighting in Gaza in November 2012 were in apparent violation of the laws of war, Human Rights Watch said today after a detailed investigation into the attacks. These airstrikes killed at least 43 Palestinian civilians, including 12 children."

Disappearing Prisoners: Official Israeli Policy
A quote...." Israel is a rogue terror state. It's a serial abuser. It spurns rule of law principles. It mocks democratic values. -- It tolerates no criticism. It targets anyone challenging its authority. It does so against anyone considered threatening. Jews are as vulnerable as Muslims. -- Disappearing prisoners is one of many Israeli high crimes. They're longstanding, shocking, and monstrous."

Western Media and Israel: The Definition of Insanity
A quote...."Western media is obsessed with presenting a positive spin on everything related to Israel, while trivializing good and accentuating negative news on Palestine. - It’s admirably free in many aspects, but when it comes to discussing Israel the Western media loses its spark. Disingenuous news spin and Israeli pampering are doing peace a great disservice." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More on the Attempt to Destroy the Second Amendment......

GOA Exposes Massive Gun-grab Scheme In Senate
A quote...."It’s time to talk strategy — that of the anti-gunners, and of ours, as well. -- Within the next three weeks, we expect Senator Patrick Leahy’s Senate Judiciary Committee will move a national gun registry bill to the Senate floor."

Your actions are the actions of a rogue organization supporting tyranny
A quote...."Yesterday, we reported that Olympic Arms drew a line in the sand, refusing to do business with any state or law enforcement employees in New York until they reverse their recent gun control measures. - Now, Olympic Arms has drawn another line in the sand...."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

 'America Doesn't Torture'—It Kills
A quote...." February 14, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - If the president can order the killing of American citizens abroad should he decide they are involved with Al Qaeda, can he assassinate suspected Al Qaeda–connected US citizens in London or Berlin? What about a suspect’s teenage son, a junior in a Canadian boarding school? If he can drop hellfire missiles on a house in northwestern Pakistan because he believes a terrorist cell is meeting inside, could he blow up a motel in Florida where supposed terrorists are staying and chalk up any dead vacationers as “collateral damage”?"

FAA takes major step in expanding drone use in America
A quote...."US President Barack Obama has approved legislation that is expected to immediately accelerate the use of domestic surveillance drones within the United States. - On Thursday, Pres. Obama signed the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, a bill that the Federal Aviation Administration’s AnneMarie Ternay describes as containing requirements for integrating unmanned aircraft systems and vehicles such as drones into the national airspace starting immediately."

Who Tells Us What To Think? Is The Mainstream Media The Matrix?
A quote...."Do you believe that you really think for yourself? Did you come up with your attitudes, opinions and beliefs on your own, or are they continually being shaped and molded by someone else? Could it be possible that you and everyone around you is actually hooked into a real life version of "the matrix" that is constantly defining your reality for you?"

Los Angeles On High Alert As LAPD Back On Regular Duty
Satire - A quote...."LOS ANGELES—Los Angeles residents are reportedly on edge today following reports that hundreds of armed and extremely dangerous Los Angeles Police Department officers are resuming regular patrolling duties after the conclusion of Tuesday’s manhunt for rogue ex-cop Christopher Dorner. “I mean, just knowing they’re out there is terrifying—how can I feel safe when these maniacs are on the loose in my neighborhood?” said a visibly rattled Ashley Stillson, 38...." - also posted at FromTheTrenches

"Constitution Free Zone" My Ass!  Get A Life You DHS Control Freaks And Leave Us Alone!
A quote...."Where is it in the Constitution that anywhere that a 100 miles into the USA, the Constitution does not apply.  The Department of Homeland Security has said the Constitution does not apply in these places? Who gave them the authority. It looks like the took Sept 11, 2001 way too far. Even though Sept 11 is a false flag attack."

Why The Elite Would Lose a Civil War
A quote...."Despite the fact that the banking elite wants to generate riots and stir social disorder in order to collapse the U.S. economy so they can buy up real assets on the cheap, if such chaos was to spill over into a full blown civil war, the consequences for the technocrats would be disastrous."

Rand Paul puts hold on Brennan nomination - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Sen. Rand Paul will hold up the confirmation of John Brennan until the would-be CIA director sheds light on the extent of the administration’s controversial policies on drone use." - Source: WaPo

Michael Rivero on Justin TV - Feb 15 2012 - Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3.0hrs - 30min each - Feb 15th, 2013) - (Note: If you click on any part it will auto-play the successor parts. - mpg) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Horsemeat Burger vs Dutch Sandwich (E406)
Must View RTVideo - A hilarious bout of banter with Stacy Herbert and a good analytical discussion with David Graeber. -- (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Feb 14, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the honkey infestation causing an inflationary vortex and the Dutch sandwich being the financial equivalent of a horsemeat burger. And how the FSAs - the Financial Services Authority and the Food Standards Agency - operate with a similar cover up mentality. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to anthropologist, David Graeber, author of Debt: The First 5000 Years, about the dollar, a war backed currency, being displaced by gold and about who killed Aaron Swartz and why."

The Fed a private family is controlling the markets, keeping interest rates at ZERO and bailing out Europe? Where did they get the money -- Special Note -- A quote...."I’m sick and tired of hearing about everything that the Fed is buying. The Fed is buying treasuries, the fed is buying mortgage backed securities, the fed is bailing out the banks of Europe, the Fed is keeping interest rates at 0, the fed is, the fed, is, the fed, is!!!!!! -- Everyone is watching the FED, why the hell don’t they use names. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank, has no reserves, and is not, I repeat not federal. -- Somehow magically the ability to create money out of thin air without ever having the responsibility to ever pay it back is bestowed upon a select few ultra secretive people." - See related charts shown below.....

Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve
A quote...."Chart 1 reveals the linear connection between the Rothschilds and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses...." -- "Chart 2 The J. Henry Schroder Banking Company chart encompasses the entire history of the twentieth century...." -- "Chart 3 The David Rockefeller chart shows the link between the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,Standard Oil of Indiana,General Motors and Allied Chemical Corportion (Eugene Meyer family) and Equitable Life (J. P. Morgan)." - also posted at Reficultnias

Revolving Door at SEC is in a Whirl as Hundreds Hired by Industry they Regulated
A quote...."Charged with regulating Wall Street, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has become a launching pad for former agency employees—by the hundreds—to become part of the industry they once oversaw." - Source:  AllGov

SEC Seeks Stock Exchange Only For The Rich
In The Believe It Or Not Category -- A quote...."WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — A panel that advises the Securities and Exchange Commission on Friday recommended an exclusive exchange be created for micro and small-capitalization public companies that would only be available for high net-worth investors." - Source:  MarketWatch -- You mean the ones that will get all those no-bid, sweet-heart-deal, government contracts?  Hey, all you folks out there, just to let you know (in case you didn't already) they're rubbing your faces in it. - mpg

Obama Administration Asks Banks to Regulate Their Own Foreclosure Abuses - Naturally....mpg
A quote...."Having bungled the so-called independent review of foreclosure mistakes, the Obama administration has now decided that the best way to help homeowners is to have the banks—which were responsible for the foreclosure errors—examine the case files and decide how best to fix the situation." - also posted at AlethoNews

Stop That Banker Thief!

Central Banks Buy The Most Gold Since 1964
Gold Alert - A quote...."Central banks' move from net sellers of gold, to net buyers that we have seen in recent years, has continued apace.  The official central bank purchases across the world are now at their highest level for almost half a century."

Euro-Land Banks In Trouble
A quote...."A recent study by Ernst & Young has revealed that euro-land banks in the aggregate now hold € 918 billion ($1.23 trn.) in non-performing loans (7.6% of all loans outstanding). E&Y sees about 15.5% of all loans in Spain and 10.2% of all loans in Italy as likely to be in NPL status (this exceeds the most recent official numbers somewhat)." - Source:  Acting-Man blog

Greek Youth Unemployment Tops 60%
A quote...."Optimism it seems is all that matters (or is all that is allowed) as we are battered by dismal data left, right, and center. Of course, a reflection on the markets tells any 'smart' person that it all must get better - or why would stocks or sovereigns, or EURUSD be where it is? However, the 6 out of 10 15-24 year olds in Greece (61.7% to be exact) would beg to differ with that view of the world (as their economy grinds to a halt) - and with Spain reaching new highs at 55.6% (as well as the Euro-zone over 24%), all the bureaucratic lip-service in the world won't stop the revolt that is coming we fear."

Iceland rises further into investment grade status
Iceland should probably be double AA, but the ratings agencies are still angry with Iceland because they actually dared to jail their Banksters. - mpg --  A quote...."Iceland's rehabilitation after several years as a pariah in the global financial markets gathered pace last night after ratings agency Fitch said the island nation's debts had moved further into investment grade status. - Fitch said Iceland's debts had been upgraded to BBB – from the lowest rung of the investment grade category, BBB- – after a strong recovery from the financial crisis. - Reykjavik's meteoric recovery comes after its 300,000 residents were told they would be locked out of the world's financial markets for decades after they refused to rescue a group of bankrupt banks in 2008."
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More On The International Situation....

Absolute Lawlessness: Libyan “Democracy” Two Years After NATO Air War
A quote...."NATO air strikes threw the once prospering country by African standards back into the Middle Ages, and still worse, they plunged it into a civil war. The West used military force to install an obedient yet unpopular regime unable to deal with the religious and tribal feud that is tearing the country apart. Libyan oil and gas – that was the main target of NATO’s military intervention…” - Source: VoiceOfRussia

UN declares humanitarian disaster in Mali as violence grip tightens
More camel-humpers whining about their children being blown to bloody bits or incinerated in bomb attacks. Gee-whiz, you'd think the towel heads would have gotten a grip on reality by now!  Mali is the tenth, eleventh, or twelfth country to be invaded in the last ten years in order to supposedly "help" the indigenous locals.  If the US-NRE's population didn't give a single droplet of sh-t about their country murdering a million Iraqi civilians while displacing five million more from their homes based on a bunch of obvious lies THEY KNEW were lies at the you honestly think they would give even a single, momentary, thought, if a paltry, insignificant, ten thousand or fifty thousand, or one hundred thousand people in Mali get murdered?  HECK NO!!  They've got much more important things in their lives to be concerned with, like sports, who to have sex with this weekend, what's the latest show on TV, (the more violent and sexy the better), what to buy tomorrow at their big box store, etc. You know, the really important stuff.... mpg

Russian nuclear bombers circle Guam
A quote...."Two Russian nuclear-armed bombers circled the western Pacific island of Guam this week in the latest sign of Moscow’s growing strategic assertiveness toward the United States. - The Russian Tu-95 Bear-H strategic bombers were equipped with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles and were followed by U.S. jets as they circumnavigated Guam on Feb. 12 local time—hours before President Barack Obama’s state of the union address."

Another Regional War in the Wings
A quote...."Two decades ago the newly independent states of Armenia and Azerbaijan fought a bitter war over this remote area of mountains and valleys. Armenia won the war, but nobody has achieved peace. A fragile ceasefire signed in 1994 remains the only tangible achievement of diplomacy." - Source:  TNI

Ecuador’s Financial Reforms Help Explain Why Voters Likely to Re-Elect Correa
A quote...."On Sunday Ecuadorians will head to the polls to vote for a president and vice president, members of the National Assembly, mayors, and other elected officials. As we’ve done ahead of other elections in Latin America, CEPR has published a report offering some economic context to help understand the choices that voters are likely to make." - Source:  CEPRAmericasBlog


Skyfall: Hundreds injured as meteorite wreaks havoc in Russia's Urals
RTVideo - (YuTb - 7min09sec - Feb 15, 2013)  - Source:  RussiaToday

20-Hiroshimas-Strong: Meteorite blast devastates Russia's Urals
RTVideo - (YuTb - 6min19sec - Feb 16, 2013)  - Source:  RussiaToday
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

2 injured by Israeli fire in north Gaza
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- Two young Palestinian men were injured by Israeli fire in the northern Gaza Strip on Thursday, medics said."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (07.- 13 February 2013)
Every week of the year.....non-stop. What would you do if just six million, non-Semitic, Kazarians were doing this to you community. - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Scientists support Séralini: Introduction
A quote...."Following the publication of Séralini’s 2012 study on the health effects of GM NK603 maize and Roundup,1 the editor of the journal that published the paper was bombarded with letters from GM proponents demanding that the paper be retracted. - Many of those driving the retraction campaign have been exposed as having links to GM companies and as having vested interests in the public acceptance of GM technology. These links went largely undisclosed in media articles and even in the published letters to the journal, Food and Chemical Toxicology.2 3."

Thursday Feb 14th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday Feb 13th 2013

Afghan History Suppressed: Part I: Islamists, Heroin and the CIA
A quote...."The Wall Street Journal reported awhile back that the Syrian government had reversed a ban on women teachers wearing Islamic face coverings in the classroom. The concession to Western-backed Islamist protestors was instructive, since the secular socialist Assad government is clearly in the crosshairs of City of London bankers attempting to redraw the political map of the Middle East. As in Libya and Afghanistan, the banksters are counting on fundamentalists to carry out their counter-revolutionary agenda."

Hypocrisy: US Arms Al Qaeda in Syria, Mass-Slaughters Civilians in Afghanistan
A quote...."February 13, 2013 (LD) - AFP has reported that a recent NATO airstrike in Afghanistan has killed over 10 civilians in an all-too-familiar headline glossed over by the Western media in an exercise of both depravity and hypocrisy. RT's article, "NATO airstrike kills 10 Afghan civilians, mostly women and children - officials," notes in particular that up to 11,864 civilians were killed in Afghanistan between 2007 and 2011, and that civilian deaths before 2007 were not even tracked by the UN." - also posted at BLN

The War in Mali and AFRICOM’s Agenda: Target China
A quote...."Mali at first glance seems a most unlikely place for the NATO powers, led by a neo-colonialist French government of Socialist President Francois Hollande (and quietly backed to the hilt by the Obama Administration), to launch what is being called by some a new Thirty Years’ War Against Terrorism."

France Sets Sight on “African Dream”
A quote...."US and somewhat its ally’s practical footsteps in Iraq and proximity have restrained any further adventurism in Middle East for the time being. Though the war in Afghanistan had again given the edge to the ISAF/ NATO for Central Asia, the resistance from Taliban and a determined Russia has stopped them short of making practical inroads, with Moscow truly casting its shadow over the Caspian for the time being. - This makes way for the African Dream which we see now unfolding at a greater pace than was the case a few years back."

February 15 Ten Years Later
A quote...."On February 15, 2003, the world protested a long-announced pending war of aggression by the United States against Iraq.  The protest was the largest in world history, and we haven't topped it since.  It persuaded many nations of the world and the United Nations to oppose the war.  It built an international movement that went on to limit, reduce, and prevent wars, including thus far a fullscale war on Iran, as well as to educate a new generation about the evils of war.  This movement helped to delegitimize warmaking, a process still not complete."

Dictatorship is Government Unconstrained by Law - Obama’s Expanding Kill List
A quote...."February 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  We are now witnessing the expansion of Obama’s Kill List. The list began under the Bush regime as a rationale for murdering suspect citizens of countries with which the US was not at war. The Obama regime expanded the scope of the list to include the execution, without due process of law, of US citizens accused, without evidence presented in court, of association with terrorism." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

The Pentagon's Budget Crunch: No Dissenting Views
A quote...."We've noted many times that when it comes to corporate media coverage of the so-called budget "sequester"–the immediate cuts to military and social spending set to hit in a matter of weeks–what matters most is what will happen to the military.  The Washington Post had a whole piece (2/13/13) devoted to yet another round of complaints from military leaders–without a single comment from anyone who might take the view that cutting military spending would not be such a disaster." - Source:  AlethoNews

Italy’s ex-spy chief sentenced to 10 years in jail over CIA case - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."PanARMENIAN.Net - Italy's former military intelligence chief was sentenced to 10 years in jail on Tuesday, February 12 for his role in the kidnapping of an Egyptian Muslim cleric in an operation organized by the United States, Reuters said. - An American former CIA station chief was this month sentenced in absentia to seven years in jail after imam Abu Omar was snatched from a Milan street in 2003 and flown to Egypt for interrogation during the United States' "war on terror"." - Topix ||  Fun & Torture - It's a Pleasure  ||

Gaddafi – The Truth About Libya (Full Version)
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr26sec - Feb 10, 2013) - Source:  ROPatriot -- A quote...."Truth about Gaddafi's regime. Was it as bad as the Zionist media presented? Was it staged the Zionists to seize a state whose economy was controlled by them? What international law were respected in the NATO operation? Who are these rebels? Who gave them weapons? I wonder what world state provides $ 50,000 for a married couple fresh out of Gaddafi's Libya? I wonder what state the world had international debt 0 and bank interest prohibited by law?" - Topix....
Freedom of Information Takes Another Hit in the United States
A quote...."The US government doesn’t like Iran. I get that. It claims, on pretty dubious grounds, that Iran might be planning, at some point down the road, to take some of the uranium it is processing into nuclear fuel to a higher level of purity and make it into an atomic bomb. - Because of that possibility, which Iran denies, and for which there is no hard evidence, the US has been tightening an embargo against Iran, blocking countries from buying Iranian oil, blocking banks from doing business with Iran, blocking Iranian banks from doing business with the US, and blocking certain products from being exported to Iran." - Topix ||  Alternate Press TV Sites  ||

Iran Drops Bomb on Hollywood
Hollywood Exposed - A quote...."Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been ferociously attacked by the American motion picture industry. The attacks have grown more vehement in recent years. -- Iran’s response: Drop a “truth bomb” in retaliation. -- The multi-megaton truth bomb – the third Hollywoodism Conference at the Fajr Film Festival – brought together fifty authors, scholars, political figures and filmmakers to oppose and expose Hollywood’s war on Islam in general, and the Islamic Republic in particular."

British Courts to Decide U.S. Drones Do Murder?
A quote...."February 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - With the Obama administration insistently refusing to release its legal, constitutional authorizations for drone assassinations in Pakistan and other countries, a lawsuit in Britain is causing mounting anxiety among intelligence agents there and in other countries who have aided the CIA."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Traitors in US Congress setting the pace again
A quote...."The answer depends on whether it is or is not in America’s own best interests to go on supporting unconditionally an Israel that defies international law and UN Security Council resolutions, steals more and more Arab land and water as it continues its colonization and ethnic cleansing by stealth of the occupied West Bank, and has no interest in peace on terms the Palestinians could accept."

US Republicans [Israel's Colonial Administrators] block senate confirmation vote for Pentagon nominee
A quote...."Republicans [Israel's colonial administrators] in the US Senate [for Israel's North American Colony] have forced the legislature’s leaders to delay a confirmation vote for President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Pentagon, throwing his approval into doubt."

The Anne Frank Diary Fraud
A quote...."The Diary Of Anne Frank was first published in 1952 and immediately became a bestseller. It has been republished in paperback, 40 printings. It is impossible to estimate how many people have been touched and aroused by the movie production. -- Why has the trial involving the father of Anne Frank, bearing directly on the authenticity of this book, never been "officially reported"? In royalties alone, Otto Frank has profited richly from the sale of this book, purporting to depict the tragic life of his daughter. But is it fact, or is it fiction? Is it truth or is it propaganda? Or is it a combination of all of these? And to what degree does it wrongfully appeal to the emotions through a misrepresentation as to its origin?"

Argentine president hints Jewish community leader linked to ‘foreign espionage agency’
A quote...."Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner publicly attacked the head of Buenos Aires’ Jewish community, hinting he was in contact with a “foreign espionage agency that knows of a new terror attack planned against Argentina.”"

Half Israel’s Palestinian child prisoners are held illegally outside West Bank in G4S-equipped prisons
A quote..."Israel is detaining 195 Palestinian children from the West Bank, more than half of them outside of the occupied territory in violation of international law, according to recent Israeli figures."

Pillaging of Gaza Antiquities An Archaeological Tragedy
A quote...."Moshe Dayan is the former Israeli defense minister who, using the strength of the Israeli army, pillaged countless artifacts — dating from the Ottoman era to the time before Christ — from Gaza, in an effort to erase Palestinian history."

Mossad gets their man: Australian Prisoner X commits ‘suicide’ in Israeli prison
A quote...."Threatening an all out diplomatic storm between Australia and Israel, the details surrounding the death in 2010 in a prison in Israel of the now famous, Prisoner X are just now starting to come out, sending the Israeli Government into panic mode and even causing them to ban the reporting of information about the case."

The Brain-Dead Zone of Zionism
A quote...."A simple fact that Tel Aviv has had to recently grasp is that attacking Iran, if it ever dares to, will be met with the kind of response that would make the action totally futile for Israel. Further the unforeseen ramifications of such an attempt in the Middle East region may be that Saudi Arabia will just be called Arabia afterwards."
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More on the Attempt to Destroy the Second Amendment......

Petite guerre
A quote...."Oh, Please. A bunch of hicks with deer rifles could never take on the government.” – every leftist beta-male, ever"  --  "History is a fascinating subject not because of dates and events but because of the personalities and causes that drive them. - At the moment, I’m almost halfway through Fischer’s Washington’s Crossing, at a point after the Continental Army had won battles at Trenton and Princeton through brilliant leadership, and then went into winter quarters, as Washington was busy with the business of politicking, provisioning, and recruiting for the upcoming campaign season. What my history books in high school never taught was the petite guerre that was waged on Washington’s behalf in late winter on his behalf by Jersey militiamen. - Yes, those damned, troublesome militiamen...."

LaRue Tactical to restrict law enforcement sales in response to gun control laws - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."LaRue Tactical has issued a statement on their Facebook page describing their new policy, that they will limit what products are available to state and local law enforcement to what is legal to own for all other citizens. This is a direct response to many proposed state and local laws."

65.4 Million Gun Purchases Since Obama Took Office, 91% More Than Bush's First-Term Total
A quote...."According to data compiled by the FBI, the number of Americans purchasing guns has skyrocketed since Obama was elected."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Echoes of Dealey Plaza: The JFK Assassination
A quote...." I hope others continue to study the evidence and call for answers. In my quest for the truth about that day in Dallas, I was asked many times, "Why?" and "Who cares?" My answer was, and remains, because we need to find out who committed this heinous act and bring them to justice. Otherwise, the culprits will have gotten away with one of the most-brazen crimes in history.  --  Even if those responsible have passed on, their names need to be recorded in the annuals of infamy.  --  Hopefully, we haven't sunk so low as to think it doesn't matter.  --  It does."

The Secret Team, The Circus, Gladio, Henchmen of The New World Order and the Long War
A quote...."There are a great many organizations which appear to front for the powers that be.  The Masons, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral commission even Boy Scouts could fundamentally be pushed into this section.  Each secretly carrying out the directives of the puppet masters. But in saying that we need to think about what this really means. - At its most root these organizations serve a fairly straight forward purpose.  Many are secret societies, some are service organizations, and others are policy engines.  But each fits into the puzzle and I believe passively enact the will of the other, that other being the control system itself...."

New Report Says Brennan’s ‘Black Ops’ In Libya Caused Benghazigate, Stevens Death
A quote...."In their book which is due to be release tomorrow entitled, Benghazi: The Definitive Report, authors Jack Murphy (Army Green Beret) and co-author Brandon Webb (Navy SEAL and friend of Glen Doherty who died in the Benghazi siege) also revealed that ‘Drone-Master J’, John O. Brennan - President Barack Obama’s current CIA Director nominee who was the President’s own deputy NSA advisor at the time, had been authorizing covert ‘unilateral operations outside of the traditional command structure’, using the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) across Libya and North Africa. It is Brennan’s black ops that are said to have prompted retaliation inside Libya that led to the September 11 Benghazi compound siege that killed four Americans, including ‘Ambassador’ Chris Stevens and three other Americans."

Esquire Portrait of bin Laden's Death Fails to Convince
Cover-up attempt:  FAIL - A quote...."Dominant Social Theme: Bin Laden is dead. -- Free-Market Analysis: This article attempts to provide us with a blow-by-blow description of Osama bin Laden's death by putting the killing within the context of the "shooter's" life. - The article is purportedly about the injustices being heaped upon the killer of the world's most famous terrorist. He has injuries, can't move his neck much and is facing a good deal of difficulty in paying his bills, as he can't find a job to replace his regular service salary of about US$60,000 a year." -- Topix ||  Osama bin Back From the Dead™  ||

At least 20 CIA black-site prisoners still missing - That's because they're dead. They were tortured to death.
A quote...."Investigative journalists studying the CIA’s infamous black-site shadow prisons say that at least 20 detainees once held in the secret torture cells are currently unaccounted for."

ATF Whistleblower Fired in Denny’s Parking Lot For Exposing Corruption
A quote...."Special Agent Vince Cefalu has worked for the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms for more than 25 years. On top of successfully placing dozens of hard criminals behind bars throughout his career, Cefalu has received promotions and consistently positive evaluations. When he started raising his voice about ATF corruption and illegal wiretapping in 2005, things changed...."

Released FBI documents reveal plans to assassinate Occupy Wall Street Leaders With Snipers
Bankster Assassination Plans -- A quote...."Jason Leopold, an investigative journalist for Truth-Out, has obtained FBI documents - through the Freedom of Information Act - relating to Occupy Wall Street. Most of the pages in the documents are redacted, and show concerns of cyber threats against the financial sector. However, there are questions of assassination plots against Occupy activists in Houston, Texas. Because the documents have redactions, it is not clear who or what group was planning the assassinations."

Dianne Feinstein’s shocking lies about the number of civilians killed by U.S. drone program
A quote...."Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat and chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, brazenly lied about the number of civilians killed by the U.S.’s so-called “targeted killing” (or “targeted force” as she put it) program during her remarks at the beginning of the confirmation hearings of John Brennan." - bold by website editor

Drone Strikes: Murder is Illegal - Paul Craig Roberts
USAWDVideo - Alt - (USAWDYuTb - 16min58sec - Feb 10, 2013) - Source:  GregHunter -- A quote...." When it comes to recent revelations about the extensive use of drones to kill terrorists, both foreign and domestic, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, "It's not just unconstitutional, murder is illegal." When it comes to drone strikes on U.S. citizens suspected of terror, everyone should be concerned. Roberts says, "Now the principle is if the government says you are guilty, you are—period. No evidence is needed for your termination." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts."

Drone warfare and the Constitution
A quote...."Even some liberal activists now warn: Barack Obama puts our freedom at risk with his drone warfare program. It amounts to declaring war against a person, and summarily executing him, without trial. Vesting that kind of authority only in the President or his subordinates, breaks faith with both the letter and the spirit of the Constitution." - also posted at FromTheTrenches

Escalation: Obama to Spend $50 Million on Mali War
A quote...."Starting with providing transport planes for French combat forces, the US continues to get sucked ever deeper into the Mali invasion, with an announcement that President Obama has set aside an additional $50 million to pay for the US involvement in the war."

As CISPA Debate Rages Again, Obama Already Using Its Powers
CISPA - Back From The Dead - A quote...."It was recently announced that the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, will once again be coming for a vote in the United States Congress. Lawmakers cited increased threats from hackers and cyber espionage as the motivation for its reintroduction. - This version of CISPA is reportedly identical to last year's version that easily passed in the House by a count of 248 to 168. Congressman Jared Polis (D-Colo), who voted against the measure, said the law "would waive every single privacy law ever enacted in the name of cybersecurity.""

IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family
A quote...."(Washington) -- In a final regulation issued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service said that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family of five will cost $20,000 for the year.  In the new final rules published Wednesday, IRS set in law the rules for implementing the penalty Americans must pay if they fail to obey Obamacare's mandate to buy insurance."

Show This To Anyone That Believes That “Things Are Getting Better” In America
A quote...."By almost every economic and financial measure, the U.S. economy has been steadily declining for many years.  But most Americans are so tied into “the matrix” that they can only understand the cheerful propaganda that is endlessly being spoon-fed to them by the mainstream media."

Should Americans Emigrate or Defect?
A quote...."Anyone planning to permanently leave the US should give deep thought to whether they are emigrating or defecting."

Struggling Caribbean islands selling citizenship
Related Article - A quote...."KINGSTON, JAMAICA: Hadi Mezawi has never set foot on the Caribbean island of Dominica, has never seen its rainforests or black-sand beaches. But he's one of its newest citizens."

What does a police state look like?
A quote...."What does a police state really look like in practice in America? Is it the cartoonish dystopia of sci-fi books? Is it like 1998′s “The Siege,” which predicted a wholesale instatement of martial law? Or in the age of the drone-wielding police department, is it something more mundane and subtle yet nonetheless pernicious? From this city in the middle of Middle America, it looks like the latter."

A Call to Arms
A quote...."The Constitution was written by the representatives of the people to create a government that would protect the God given rights of the people, The authors of the Constitution knew that the government would need to be restrained or it would eventually enslave the people that it was created to protect, From the very beginning there were those in high places that sought to use the power of the  government to gain unrighteous dominion over the masses. These conspiring men knew that if they could persuade Congress to write laws that would benefit themselves at the expense of their constituents, they could use the government to control the lives, liberty and property of the people."

Top Eco Advisers Forecast War and Unrest - posted at WashBlog - One Time – First-Ever – Fundraiser
A quote...."Trillions of dollars of debts will be restructured and millions of financially prudent savers will lose large percentages of their real purchasing power at exactly the wrong time in their lives. Again, the world will not end, but the social fabric of the profligate nations will be stretched and in some cases torn. Sadly, looking back through economic history, all too often war is the manifestation of simple economic entropy played to its logical conclusion. We believe that war is an inevitable consequence of the current global economic situation." -- *Kyle Bass*

McGrath: ALERT ~ More Faux Terror
CMcGVideo - Alt - (CMcGYuTb - 5min33sec - Feb 11, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix  - Topix ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  ||

W.A.N. Radio 2-12-13 hr1 with Eric of the Lovely family
CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 38min56sec - Feb 12, 2013) - Source: crabbydogtrix

Gerald Celente - American Scene Radio - February 11, 2013
GCVideo - (GCYuTb - 28min14sec - Feb 14, 2013) - Source:  gcelente -- A quote...."This is parts 1 and 2 of Gerald's talk on the latest economic trends coming for the US."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV - Feb 13 2012 - Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3.0hrs - 30min each - Feb 13th, 2013) - (Note: If you click on any part it will auto-play the successor parts. - mpg) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The Money Masters ~ Full Movie
Video - (Just a reminder, previously posted) - (YuTb - 3hrs29min21sec - Aug 2, 2011) - Source:  BliuNineleven -- A quote...."The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole...Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's money..." THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today."

Keiser Report: Debt Junkie Nation (E405)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Feb 12, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the money printing cargo cults leading to a post-industrial nation of debt addicts, who have forgotten what real wealth is. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Sandeep Jaitly about debt, inflation, currency kamikazes and Austrian economics."

The Richest 1 Percent Have Captured 121 Percent Of Income Gains During The Recovery
A quote...."Last year, economist Emmanuel Saez estimated that the richest 1 percent of the U.S. captured a whopping 93 percent of the income gains in 2010, as the U.S. was emerging from the Great Recession. Saez is now back with updated numbers from 2011, and they make the picture look even grimmer...."

CHART OF THE DAY: Fed's Balance Sheet Hits NEW RECORD $3 Trillion
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The Fed’s asset holdings in the week ended Jan. 23 increased to $3.013 trillion from $2.965 trillion a week earlier, the central bank said in a weekly report released Thursday.  The Fed’s holdings of U.S. Treasury securities rose to $1.697 trillion Wednesday from $1.689 trillion a week earlier.  The central bank’s holdings of mortgage-backed securities rose to $983.17 billion, from $947.61 billion a week ago."

The Real Reason the Economy Is Broken (and Will Stay That Way)
A quote...."We are far enough and deep enough into the most heroic monetary and fiscal efforts ever undertaken to finally ask, why aren't these measures working? -- Or at least we should be.  Oddly, many in DC, on Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve continue to steadfastly refuse to include anything in their approaches and frameworks other than "more of the same." -- So we are treated to an endless parade of news items that seek to convince us that a bottom is in and that we've 'turned the corner' – often on the flimsy basis that in the past things have always gotten better by now." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Food Stamp Rolls in America Now Surpass the Population of Spain
A quote...."Since taking office in 2009, food stamp rolls under President Barack Obama have risen to more than 47 million people in America, exceeding the population of Spain."

RED ALERT: The Gold Police Have Arrived!
A quote...."Gold-buying businesses will now be required to photograph and fingerprint sellers as well as photograph the items that are being sold to the dealer." - In other words, citizens who sell gold will be considered criminals until they demonstrate otherwise."

Currency Wars nearing a full Blown Breakout
A quote...."The world can expect a full Blown breakout of the so-called Currency Wars soon enough. Japanese currency – the Yen & the nations monetary policy have become the focus of the global Currency tensions ahead of a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bankers later this week in Moscow." - Source: CommodityTradeMantra

Europe is Fixed? Just Like Wall Street Was “Fixed” in May 2008, How’d That Turn Out?
A quote...." May 2008 alone, executives at Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Lehman Brothers, and Merrill Lynch all stated that the worst was over for financials.  That’s right, in just one month executives at ALL of these firms issued proclamations that everything was just dandy for the banks. -  The market took about five months to realize the truth, at which point these firms imploded taking the market with them. -  I bring this up because we’re seeing this same game played out on a much larger scale in Europe today. "
Europe Is Not "Fixed": Two Charts
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The Eurozone is not a debt crisis that is "fixed," it is a debt crisis waiting to implode. - The happy-talk that the Eurozone debt crisis has been resolved is ubiquitous. But when did ubiquitous happy-talk make it correct? Since the crisis is about debt--too much of it, and too much of it cannot and will not be paid back--then perhaps it would be prudent to look at two charts of eurozone credit, courtesy of the insightful chart-based website Market Daily Briefing." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Explaining The WTI-Brent Spread Divergence
Special Economic Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Something totally bizarre has happened in the last three years. Oil in America has become much, much cheaper than oil in Europe. Oil in America is now almost $30 cheaper than oil in Europe."
This is the second MAJOR economic oddity in favor of the US-NRE's economy versus that of the EU's economy.  For three years the Euro has been artificially propped up with dire consequences for the peripheral nations of the EU and more recently, if the news is accurate, the EU's core nations France and Germany.  Now it appears, as the article above points out, the EU has ALSO suffered for the last three years a distinct disadvantage in oil prices versus the US-NRE.  This cannot possibly be an "accident", a "coincidence", or "market" driven in any way.  It appears the New Roman Empire is somehow making its vassal states pay for its economic and imperial warfare profligacy.  Exactly how, or who, is maintaining these disparities in currency exchange rates and oil prices remains a mystery. Hopefully for the EU and its peoples, the mechanism will be discovered soon. For more on this sort of issue see the articles shown below. - mpg
Real earnings are back to 2003 levels and millions of [British] families will 'NEVER see their finances recover from the economic downturn' - A quote...."Average earnings are now back to where they were 10 years ago as British workers continue to suffer from a toxic combination of pay freezes and rising costs of living, official data showed today. - Real earnings peaked in 2009, with the average wage at £12.25 per hour, but since then pay increases have been outstripped by inflation, knocking the average back down to where it was in 2003 at £11.21 per hour, the Office for National Statistics said."

Soaring prices and stagnant growth: Grim outlook for UK economy as Bank of England warns inflation to top 3% by summer - A quote...."High inflation combined with stagnant economic growth mean households will soon suffer an even tighter squeeze on their budgets, the Bank of England warned today. -- Presenting the Bank's Inflation Report, Governor Sir Mervyn King blamed soaring utility bills and university tuition fees for price pressures but said he was prepared to tolerate 'stubbornly high' inflation in order to safeguard the UK's economic recovery."

[British] Banks lured up to a quarter of savers into risking their nest eggs on the stockmarket
A quote...."As many as one in four savers could have been lured by banks into gambling their life savings in risky stockmarket investments, it emerged yesterday. - An investigation by the City watchdog has revealed how vulnerable customers were convinced by greedy salesmen to take big risks with cash they had put by as a nest egg."

Spanish apathy turns to anger at corruption 'epidemic'
A quote...."There is fury in Spain after accusations that politicians have been lining their pockets while ordinary people are making painful sacrifices in the name of austerity."

Greek Economy Grinds To A Halt As New Construction Implodes By 66.6%
A quote...."Some time ago we used to joke that the Greek economy, and by implication society, is literally falling apart due to its sacrifice at the altar of preserving the European, and thus global, status quo. It is no longer a joke, and the latest confirmation of the absolute halt in the Greek economy, which is now way beyond the liqudity trap and is now in a liquidity (and everything else) tiger cage is data on Greece Construction activity which according to data released on Tuesday by the Hellenic Statistical Authority is in complete freefall." - Source: ZeroHedge

France may miss 2013 deficit target: Foreign Minister
A quote...."French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius says that France was unlikely to meet its target of reducing the public deficit to 3.0 percent of economic output this year."

Peugeot suffers mass losses over West sanctions on Iran
Contains Video - A quote...."Europe’s second largest automaker, PSA Peugeot Citroën, has posted the largest annual revenue loss in its history, partly caused by the West’s sanctions against Iran, Press TV reports."

Japan Refuses To Exit Triple-Dip Recession As Q4 GDP Disappoints Expectations Of A Positive Print
Posted here to let everyone know...A)  Japan's government will continue its futile attempts to stimulate its economy by devaluing the Yen and....B)  This data-set set will obviously negatively affect Japan's ability to participate in the Anglo-Euro credit markets any time soon. - mpg -- A quote...."Despite so much pent up hope that Japan would post a 0.4% annualized growth (and a 0.1% rise Q/Q) in its Q4 GDP, finally exiting that pesky triple dip recession it has been stuck in for the past five years, moments ago the Cabinet Office reported that contrary to optimistic expectations, in the 4th quarter the economy again contracted for the third straight quarter, this time by 0.4% annualized, and 0.1% on a Q/Q basis. This was driven by a whopping 14% SAAR implosion in exports, which should not come as a surprise to those who have been tracking the ongoing destruction of Japan's trade balance (and current account surplus)."
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More On The International Situation....

Revolution Betrayed: Corrupt rebel leaders confiscate Syria dream of freedom
A quote...."February 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - "The real revolution in Syria is over, we have been betrayed," laments a bitter Abu Mahmoud, a respected rebel leader, accusing fellow commanders of marring a "beautiful" revolt through corruption. - "Our beautiful revolution has been confiscated by thieves and corruptors," Abu Mahmoud says...."

Syrian rebels loot artifacts to raise money for fight against Assad
A quote...."The rebels, struggling to finance their effort, have joined an emerging trade in illicitly acquired Syrian artifacts and antiquities, selling off the country’s past as the war for its future intensifies."

After Muslim rebels seize two priests in Aleppo, there are fears for their life
A quote...."An Armenian Catholic priest, Fr Michael, and an Orthodox clergyman were abducted last Sunday in Aleppo's Christian neighbourhood. Sources speak to AsiaNews about barbarous murders carried out my Islamic extremists. A car bomb explodes at the Turkish-Syrian border crossing of Cilvegozu."

NATO created death squads to unseat Assad: Analyst
A quote...." An analyst tells Press TV that NATO has established death squads in Syria in line with its plots aimed at removing President Bashar al-Assad. - “...These death squads have been created with the help of NATO and with the help of the [Persian] Gulf monarchies inside Syria,” Webster Griffin Tarpley said in an interview with Press TV on Wednesday. - He went on to say that NATO favors any attempt which could result in unseating Assad."

Russian state arms dealer to continue defense systems to Syria
A quote...."MOSCOW: Russia said Wednesday it was delivering military hardware and light weapons to the governments of Syria and Mali as it expands sales and maintains its footing in some of the world’s deadliest conflicts." - Source:  CNA
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As Obama touts end of Afghan war, US strike kills 10 civilians
A quote...."A US airstrike in eastern Afghanistan Wednesday killed 10 civilians, including five children. The deadly attack came just hours after the State of the Union speech in which President Barack Obama falsely claimed that the more than decade-long US war and occupation in Afghanistan “will be over” by the end of next year."

Hundreds of UK drones 'missing' in Iraq and Afghanistan
Weapons Tech Note - A quote...."Britain has lost 447 of its military drones in Iraq and Afghanistan. The aircraft have crashed, broken down or gone missing during operations, adding to international outrage over civilian deaths and debate over the safety of their use in Britain." - bold by website editor - One wonders what the US stats are? - mpg

Khamenei plays hardball with Obama
A quote.....".... Khamenei genuinely sees that Iran is on the "right side of history" as regards the regional upheaval in the Middle East, whereas the US's regional strategies are getting nowhere. In sum, whereas the US propaganda is that the Iran sanctions are "biting" and the regime is in Iran feels besieged, it is in actuality a bizarre situation of Washington believing its own propaganda while the ground realities are vastly different." - also posted at ICH

Ayatollah Khamenei To President Obama: Prove You Have Goodwill Then We Will Negotiate
Related Article - A quote...."The Obama administration said it wants to have direct talks with the Islamic Republic of Iran. But it is offering to sit down and talk with Iran while simultaneously it is imposing illegal sanctions on Iran, killing its scientists, waging cyber warfare against it, demonizing it, funding terrorist groups, and politically supporting the terrorist cult MEK. - It is safe to say that the White House's current approach vis–à–vis Iran is insane. There is no other word for it. - No one in their right mind can take the Obama administration seriously. Someone who is hitting you and insulting you from one side of his mouth while it is demanding to talk with you from the other side of his mouth is not mentally sound."

China warns US over anti-Iran sanctions
A quote...."China has warned that the US sanctions recently imposed against certain Chinese companies and individuals over their alleged trading with Iran will harm Beijing’s relations with Washington, urging the US to “correct its mistaken policy.”"

North Korea successfully conducted [its] third underground nuclear test
A quote...."The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) said on Tuesday it has successfully conducted the third underground nuclear test, according to the official KCNA news agency."

North Korea nuclear test: Pyongyang threatens 'stronger response'
A quote...."North Korea has warned it will follow up the nuclear test it carried out on Tuesday with "stronger" actions unless the US ends its hostility towards the regime."

China Will Not Help To "Punish" North Korea
A quote...."February 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  This "news analysis" on North Korea's latest nuke test in the New York Times is rather a lightly disguised threat to China. Starve North Korea or we will disable your strategic nuclear deterrence." - Source:  MoonOfAlabama

Putin bans officials from having foreign bank accounts and owning foreign stock
A quote...."President Vladimir Putin has submitted a bill that would ban Russian Cabinet members and other senior officials from having foreign bank accounts and owning foreign stock, the Kremlin said Tuesday. - The proposal also applies to the officials' wives and underage children. - The Kremlin said that the measure is aimed at "ensuring national security, establishing order in lobbyist activities, increasing investment in the national economy and raising efficiency of anti-corruption efforts." - Source:  AP

Canada police abused, raped native women, Human Rights Watch says
A quote...."Human Rights Watch has accused Canada's federal police of intimidating and even sexually assaulting aboriginal women and girls in the province of British Columbia. "
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestinians’ Life in the Shadow of the Barrier Wall
A quote...."Qalqilya’s location only fifteen miles from the Mediterranean and its proximity to Israel’s narrow ‘waist’ has been a liability. In 1967 Israeli-Arab war, seventy percent of the Qalqilya town was destroyed by Israel’s tanks and air-force bombardment as an attempt to cleanse the city. The Israeli military rounded thousands of its residents and bussed them to the border with Jordan. The Israeli occupation authorities confiscated Qalqilya’s land as they did everywhere jn the occupied lands, built Jews-only settlements, imposed quotas on the town’s existing water wells and restricted drilling for agricultural use. At the same time, drilling of underground water for the Jewish settlements has been limitless. Nineteen settlements have been built in Qalqilya district cultivated farmland today. And in 2003, the town people were horrified when the Israeli military revealed that their town would be encircled by the barrier wall." - also posted at AlethoNews

Israeli forces arrest Hamas-affiliates across West Bank
A quote...."BETHLEHEM – Israeli forces launched multiple arrest raids overnight Monday against Hamas affiliates in the West Bank, Hamas sources and locals said. - Hamas leader Rafat Jamil Nasif, 45, was detained in Tulkarem in an arrest raid on his home, sources in the Islamist movement said. Nasif’s family were forced to stand outside in the cold while sniffer dogs searched his home." - Source:  Ma'an

Israeli forces kidnap 10 Palestinians in East al-Quds
A quote...."Israeli forces have abducted ten Palestinians during an invasion of a village in East al-Quds (Jerusalem). - Local sources said the Israeli soldiers broke into several homes across Beit Doqqo village, northwest of East al-Quds, kidnapping ten Palestinians late on Wednesday."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Bill Gates Dodges Questions on Why He Owns 500,000 Shares of Monsanto
One of the most evil companies in the whole world. - mpg -- A quote...."Bill Gates is primarily known as the multi-billionaire who Microsoft, the company behind the most popular computer operating system known as Windows. With this massive wealth, he has retired from leading Microsoft and now instead focuses his money and time on furthering genetically modified technology, geoengineering, experimental vaccinations, and preaching about how Monsanto is the answer to world hunger." - Source:  NaturalSociety

The GMO Lie Threatens Life on Earth Yet Some Resist
A quote...."In 62 United States counties, citizens have the right to know if their food has been genetically altered, and more communities throughout the US (in some 37 states) are continuing to fight against unlabeled GM foods. The American population continues to learn of the harm GM is doing to our farmlands, to our bodies, and to the Earth’s biodiversity. Yet, Monsanto and other Bio Tech companies continue to submit new GM crops for approval with the USDA and the FDA, including the “Botox” GMO apple and GM’ed salmon."

Harvest of Hypocrisy: Farmers Being Blamed for GMO Crop Failures
A quote...."Of all the GMO controversies around the world, the saga of Bt cotton in India continues to be one of the most interesting and important. In the latest chapter, reported by the Business Standard, cotton yields have dropped to a 5-year low, setting off a fascinating round of finger pointing."

HPV, tetanus vaccines causes deadly new autoimmune disease known as antiphospholipid syndrome
A quote...."(NaturalNews) One of the latest technologies being employed in the production of new vaccines involves the use of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), a type of pathogenic bacteria that mimics the phospholipids naturally found in the human body, as customizable vaccine adjuvants. But vaccines that utilize this untested technology, which include vaccines for tetanus, human papillomavirus (HPV), and influenza, are now being linked to causing a potentially deadly autoimmune disease known as antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)."

The 7 Most Prescribed Drugs In The World And Their Natural Counterparts
A quote...."We don’t have to live in a medicated world, but we certainly choose to. The crux of the matter is that we refuse to proactively think about prevention because we reactively commit to treating the symptoms of underlying health problems. This is the allopathic model. We want the quick fix so we can continue our poor lifestyle and dietary habits. It doesn’t have to have to be this way, but it is...."

5 Foods That Kill Cancer And Help The Body Destroy Tumours Without Any Drugs
A quote...."Certain proteins within our immune system hold the precise instructions needed to destroy cancerous tumours. In a healthy body, this inherent ability is always present and always effective without the use of drugs. However, these proteins can be rendered ineffective if cells experience uncontrolled growth though damage or mutations to DNA or if toxins through food and chemical pollution override the immune system’s natural function. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University have finally helped identify and support previous evidence which demonstrated how foods suppresses tumour development during immune surveillance, the immune system‘s process of patrolling the body for cancer cells."

Owners of now-defunct Morningland Dairy speak out against rogue police state that illegally destroyed their family farm -- A quote...."In the greatly unsettling aftermath of the complete and total destruction of Missouri-based Morningland Dairy by the corrupt Missouri Milk Board, farm owners Joe and Denise Dixon have been able to share the sordid details of their harrowing experience mostly with the alternative media and select others who have not been hopelessly brainwashed by the system. And in the process, they have also had the unique opportunity to share with the world, first hand, what ruthless and unrelenting tyranny truly looks like." - Source: NaturalNews

Tuesday Feb 12th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Monday Feb 11th 2013

“Beware The Consequences of Pre-Emptive War”
A quote...."Last year more US troops died by suicide than died in combat in Afghanistan. More than 20 percent of military personnel deployed to combat will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some 32 percent of US soldiers reported depression after deployments. More than 20 percent of active-duty military are on potentially dangerous psychotropic drugs; many are on multiple types. Violent crime among active duty military members increased 31 percent between 2006-2011. - The statistics, compiled by the military last year, are as telling as they are disturbing...."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Americans to be Executed after Receiving Due Process of the Dictator
The Israelification of America - Quote of the Day...."Nothing could be more disturbing than finding a group of Israeli-Americans sitting around a table on a mainstream broadcast discussing our government’s authority or lack thereof to order the assassinations of American nationals.  For some reason these Zionists can find nothing wrong with the insurgent government’s assertion than an American’s rights can be arbitrarily removed at the whim of the proper authority." - We are ALL Palestinians now! - mpg

Yet Another Estimate of When Iran Will Have the Bomb - Oh fer Gawd's sake, here we go again.....mpg
Israeli BS Exposed - Timeline - A quote...."McClatchy reports that Israel now believes Iran will not be able to produce a nuclear weapon until 2015 or 2016.  That is progress of a sort; Netanyahu had previously been claiming that Iran would have the bomb no later than late summer 2013 — around six months from now.  But Israel is still insisting that Iran is only two or three years away from nuclear capability, so I think it is useful to recall and update the timeline I mentioned early last year of breathless Israeli and Western claims about Iran’s nuclear program:" - also posted at AlethoNews

Un-Aaired Saturday Night Live Sketch Spoofs The Chuck Hagel Hearings
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 6min12sec - Feb 10, 2013) - Source:  Arjuna1901 -- A quote...."In the sketch, Republican senators fight over who is the most pro-Israel -- A Saturday Night Live sketch, performed in this week’s dress rehearsal but cut from the final show, spoofed the confirmation hearings for Chuck Hagel as a series of one-ups by Republican senators trying to prove who loves Israel the most. ”Let me pose to you a hypothetical,” said the John McCain in the sketch. What if Benjamin Netanyahu calls and “he says to you, it is vital to Israel’s security, that you go on national television that night and perform oral sex on a donkey.” -- “Would you do that for Israel?” McCain asks.
How was it possible the Senate didn't ask Chuck Hagel the question posed in this skit. It certainly wouldn't have been beneath their so-called "dignity", nor demonstrate their rank, craven, obsequious, traitorous, behavior on behalf of Israel any more than their disgusting antics have already demonstrated during Hagel's actual hearing. - mpg
Witnesses: Settlers [faux-Jewish Kazarian Criminal Vagrants] vandalize Hebron community center
Petty, vindictive, nasty, vicious, gnawing, biting, little Orcs.....that's what Israelis really are. - mpg -- A quote...."HEBRON (Ma’an) -- A group of Israeli settlers [faux-Jewish Kazarian criminal vagrants] on Sunday evening vandalized a Palestinian community center in Hebron, witnesses said. - The assailants uprooted trees and flowers from the backyard of the Challenge and Steadfastness Center, which is run by a local group known as Youth Against Settlements."

Israel Setting Stage for More Attacks on Syria
A quote...."It’s been almost two weeks since Israel launched attacks on several targets inside Syria, with the Obama Administration later revealed to have not only “green-lit” the Israeli attack but to have authorized yet more attacks in the future."

14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans
A quote...."It is ironic that in the era of 24-hour cable news networks and “reality” programming, the news-to-fluff ratio and overall veracity of information has declined precipitously. Take the fact Americans now spend on average about  50 hours a week using various forms of media, while at the same time cultural literacy levels hover just above the gutter. Not only does mainstream media now tolerate gross misrepresentations of fact and history by public figures (highlighted most recently by Sarah Palin’s ludicrous depiction of Paul Revere’s ride), but many media actually legitimize these displays. Pause for a moment and ask yourself what it means that the world’s largest, most profitable and most popular news channel passes off as fact every whim, impulse and outrageously incompetent analysis of its so-called reporters. How did we get here?"

Watch: BDS campaigner Omar Barghouti lecture and conversation with Amy Goodman in Santa Fe
Contains Videos - A quote...."On 1 February 2013, Omar Barghouti, a founder of the Palestinian movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel, spoke in Santa Fe sponsored by the Lannan Foundation as part of its In Pursuit of Cultural Freedom series. - This was followed by a conversation between Barghouti and Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman. - The video above is the conversation between Barghouti and Goodman (35 minutes), and the video below is of Barghouti’s lecture (55 minutes)."
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More on the Attempt to Destroy the Second Amendment......

Armed Citizens Force Officials to Back Down - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."A group of 160 citizens, many if not most of whom were armed, confronted government officials Tuesday who had attempted to have a wounded Army veteran kicked out of a meeting due to the fact that he carried a gun. The veteran has a state license for concealed carry, which means that he was carrying the gun to the meeting within the boundaries of the law."

NJ Shotgun Ban! Ammo Ban! Magazine Grabs! – Gun Owners Mobilize Now!
Action Alert - A quote...."Trenton, NJ --( Keep flooding legislators with calls, faxes, and emails And then come pack the Committee hearing room on Wednesday!"

Deroy Murdock: Control government's guns
A quote....."As Washington politicians aim to restrict the Second Amendment, they should look in the mirror. The time is now to control government’s guns. Overarmed federal officials increasingly employ military tactics as a first resort in routine law enforcement. From food-safety cases to mundane financial matters, battle-ready public employees are turning America into the United States of SWAT."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

9/11 Conspiracy Author Phillip Marshall & His 2 Kids Found Dead in CA
While you read this article just think of Gary Webb, who supposedly committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head....twice. - mpg  -- A quote...."Phillip Marshall, a former airplane pilot and author whose works included the 2003 novel “Lakefront Airport,”  - “False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post-911 World (08)” and “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror,” a 2012 publication in which he theorized it wasn’t al-Qaida but U.S. and Saudi government officials who orchestrated the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the United States, was found dead along with his two children in their Murphrys-area home in California. Reports indicate all 3 died of gunshot wounds."

Proof that 9/11 flight 93 did not crash at Shanksville
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 4min09sec - Sep 7, 2007) - Source:  SJF -- A quote...."Wreckage from Flight 93 was spread over 8 miles of countryside, proving that Flight 93 was destroyed in mid-air. The most likely explanation is that the flight crew had regained control of the aircraft and had they landed successfully, the facts on the plane itself would have conflicted with the official story of Arab Muslim hijackers, so they had to be shot down." - *MichaelRivero* -- Topix  ||  9/11-NORAD  || -- See also....Flight 93 - article list

Elm guest house: Home Office was warned by top Tory 30 years ago of VIP paedophile ring
For The Record - (more on the Anglo-Sphere's "leadership" and the decay of society) -- A quote...."Together they raise concerns that a cover-up – perhaps orchestrated by MI5 or Scotland Yard’s Special Branch – may have protected senior figures mentioned in the dossier. -- Mr Watson has now tabled a Parliamentary question asking Home Secretary Theresa May to track down the Dickens dossier and make it available to MPs. -- Mr Dickens, who died in 1995 aged 63, spent years collecting his evidence. The colourful MP was convinced he had solid proof of a VIP paedophile network with links to Parliament, Buckingham Palace and other areas of public life. -- It is believed he handed at least two dossiers to the Government."

PsyWar – The Real Battlefield is the Mind (Full Version)
Video - Alt - (AdobFlshPlyr - 1hr38min33sec - July 17th, 2012) -- A quote...."2010 – This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the “elitist theory of democracy” and the relationship between war, propaganda and class."

Homeland Sec Approves Seizure of Cell Phones and Laptops within 100 Miles of Border; Report Remains Secret
Israelification Alert - You know what these "border zones" remind this website editor of....of the "border zones" next to every single wall and fence in Israel.  We're ALL becoming Palestinians now. - mpg -- A quote.... "Americans have no Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures if they happen to be within 100 miles of the border, according to the “Executive Summary” of a still-secret report by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). As the ACLU-created map above shows, nearly 2/3 of Americans (197 million people)—including the entire populations of Florida, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, DC, and Michigan—live in this “Constitution free” zone, as do the residents of the nation’s five most populous cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and Philadelphia." - Source: AllGov

FBI ‘Stops’ Yet Another Of Its Own Terrorist Threats
A quote...."Well, there they go again. We’ve talked a bunch about how the FBI has gotten really good at stopping its own terrorist plots and they’ve gone and done it again. Right here in the San Francisco Bay Area, the FBI has gleefully announced how they’ve stopped an attempt to bomb a Bank of America building in Oakland. The details are familiar: random guy with no actual connection to terrorists, and no actual way to build a connection with terrorists, is taken in by an FBI undercover agent who works with him to build a “bomb” that was never a bomb. In other words, there was no plot. There was no bomb. There was just a bunch of undercover agents playing dressup, and one Joe Schmo who thought it was all real. Maybe next time, the FBI can turn it into a reality TV show on Spike. Ralph Garmin as… a fake terrorist. I’d watch it." - Source:  TechDirt - Topix ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  ||

The Great Imposition - The Forced Involuntary Servitude of America
A quote...."Like a covert inquisition without the obvious torture and murder of the Spanish Inquisition, an Evil Plague has descended on America that is transforming it from a Representative Republic based on Freedom and Liberty to an open air Prison Camp. - There is ongoing major asset stripping of the hard earned income of the American people by offshore based Banksters with the assistance of the USG and corruption is now occurring at every level. - USG tyranny is knocking on everyone’s front door."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV - Feb 11 2012 - Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV - Part V - Part VI
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3.0hrs - 30min each - Feb 11th, 2013) - (Note: If you click on any part it will auto-play the successor parts. - mpg) -- Funding & Donation Drive for RBN - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

A Nation of Deadbeat Bankers and Politicians.
A quote...."We have deadbeat Bankers and Politicians. We have deadbeat bankers because they want it all by fraud and deceit. They want the American people pay for their derivative debt. The Bankers threatened congress with Martial law unless the 750 billion TARP bailout was passed which actually is a blank check where the bankers have stolen 43 trillion from the US treasury since 2008 and signed on the taxpayers onto this massive derivative debt that is impossible to pay off because there is more money owed then is in circulation. What does it tell us about the sad state of affairs we are in and those in power? We are ruled by deadbeats."

Citigroup hasn’t paid taxes in 4 years, got $2.5 trillion from feds
A quote...."Chris has gone on at length about the corporate “welfare queens” on Wall Street and the right (they’re almost always Republican) who took billions in federal bail out money in late 2008 and early 2009, and now turn around and tell the rest of us that we need to tighten our belts by cutting Medicare and Social Security, and increasing the age of eligibility for each program."

How The Fed Is Handing Over Billions In "Profits" To Foreign Banks Each Year
Charts - A quote...."Over the past two weeks we have reported that just like during the spring and summer of 2011, all the cash generated by Fed excess reserves, has gone to foreign banks operating in the US, which according to the Fed, are vastly composed of European financial institutions. In other words, the cash that the Fed is creating out of thin air by monetizing the US deficit, is going solely and exclusively to European banks and a handful of other foreign banks." - Again to repeat: seventy percent of the "Fed's" owners ARE foreign banks! - mpg

UK inequality rises sharply in 15 years - report
A quote...."The UK’s super-rich, the top 1% of earners, now pocket 10 pence in every pound, while the bottom half have seen their share of the nation’s wealth drop in the last 15 years. Middle earners have also seen their earning power stagnate."

Ireland… Get Off Your Knees to the Corrupt EU and Your Traitorous Politicians: Be A Nation Again!
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 6min50sec - May 20, 2011) - Source:  patcondell -- A quote...."Come on, Ireland"

'Lift the Burden': Tens of thousands march against austerity in Ireland (VIDEO)
Contains Video - A quote...."Tens of thousands of people have marched through cities in Ireland in a massive show of anger against severe austerity measures and high costs of living. - The Irish Congress of Trade Unions,which organized the rallies, claimed more than 100,000 people attended, with some 60,000 marching in Dublin. Demonstrators also protested in Cork, Galway, Limerick, Sligo and Waterford."

40 Ways That China Is Beating America
A quote...."China is wiping the floor with the United States on the global economic stage, and most Americans are so clueless that they have absolutely no idea what is happening.  The number one global economic superpower is in an advanced state of decline, and the number two global economic superpower is becoming stronger with each passing day.  Unless something truly dramatic happens, it is only a matter of time before China overtakes America and become the dominant economic force on the planet. "

Putin Turns Black Gold to Bullion as Russia Outbuys World
Gold Alert - A quote...."When Vladimir Putin says the U.S. is endangering the global economy by abusing its dollar monopoly, he’s not just talking. He’s betting on it. -- Not only has Putin made Russia the world’s largest oil producer, he’s also made it the biggest gold buyer. His central bank has added 570 metric tons of the metal in the past decade, a quarter more than runner-up China, according to IMF data compiled by Bloomberg. The added gold is also almost triple the weight of the Statue of Liberty."

Petrogold: Are Russia And China Hoarding Gold Because They Plan To Kill The Petrodollar?
A quote...."Will oil soon be traded in a currency that is thousands of years old?  What would a "gold for oil" system mean for the petrodollar and the U.S. economy?  Are Russia and China hoarding massive amounts of gold because they plan to kill the petrodollar?  Since the 1970s, the U.S. dollar has been the currency that the international community has used to trade oil around the globe.  This has created an overwhelming demand for U.S. dollars and U.S. debt.  But what happens when the rest of the globe starts rejecting the increasingly unstable U.S. dollar and figures out that gold can be used as a currency in international trade?"
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More On The International Situation....

France fighting in Mali rebels it armed in Libya: Russia
A quote...." Moscow, Feb 11:  The rebels France is battling in northern Mali are some of the very same fighters it helped arm in Libya, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said yesterday."

Devastation in Mali Under French Attack - RT
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min56sec - Feb 8, 2013) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."After François Hollande's victorious trip to Timbuktu, the three major cities in northern Mali have been declared "liberated" from rebels - although the Sharia law and Islamic extremism they enforced will not soon be forgotten. - Nevertheless, this victory is a partial one. The militants have merely retreated and fled, and the suffering in this war has been disproportionate to its success."

Christians in Libya fear for safety
A quote...."Tripoli - "Not a day goes by without tombs being vandalised," says Dalmasso Bruno, caretaker of the Italian cemetery in the Libyan capital where Christians fear rising Muslim extremism."

General strike, mass protests shake US-backed Islamist regime in Tunisia
A quote...."Tens of thousands of Tunisians demonstrated Friday to mourn the death of secularist opposition politician Chokri Belaid and demand the removal of the US-backed Islamist government."

Time to Face the Truth about Iran
Special Note - A quote...." is striking to recall President John Kennedy’s warning, proffered just months before the missile crisis, that “the great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the clichés of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” Half a century later, Kennedy’s warning applies all too well to America’s discussion -- it hardly qualifies as a real debate -- about how best to deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran. -- For more than thirty years, American analysts and policy-makers have put forward a series of myths about the Islamic Republic: that it is irrational, illegitimate and vulnerable. In doing so, pundits and politicians have consistently misled the American public and America’s allies about what policies will actually work to advance US interests in the Middle East."

Iran to open world’s largest refining unit despite sanctions: Official
A quote...."Iran's deputy oil minister has announced that despite the illegal US-led sanctions against Tehran, the Islamic Republic will soon inaugurate the world’s largest oil refining unit with the capacity of purifying over 90, 000 barrels of oil per day."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israeli forces demolish Hebron home, water well
A quote...."HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces demolished several structures, including a home, in a Hebron village on Monday, locals said. - Israeli bulldozers arrived in Beit Awwa village and destroyed a residential property, shed and water well in the area, witnesses told Ma'an."

Canaan protest village
A quote...."Today, the South West Popular Committee along with international activists embarked on a new effort to establish a village, Canaan, on Palestinian land in South Hebron Hills. The village’s name was not accidental. We wanted to declare that we are the indigenous people of Palestine. We are the descendants of the Canaanites and our ties to the land can never be broken or taken away. Early last night, various Palestinian activists from a wide array of villages in the South West Bank area along with international activists met in a home to discuss plans for the coming day." - also posted at AlethoNews
Gaza farmers call for boycott of Israeli firms
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Hundreds of farmers marched towards Gaza's border with Israel on Saturday to demand a boycott of Israeli agricultural firms, a local union said."

Historic buildings around Al-Aqsa continue to be demolished
A quote...."For the third day in a row, Israeli bulldozers are demolishing historic arches and facades of Islamic buildings dating back to the Mamluk and Ottoman eras on the north side of Buraq Square. The site lies just 50 metres from the Noble Sanctuary of Al-Aqsa." - also posted at AlethoNews
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Fury at vaccine scandal
A quote...."Up to 200 doctors, nurses, firefighters, prison officers, police officers, forensic scientists and binmen say they have developed serious physical and mental health problems after injections essential for their work over the past 10 years. All have given up their jobs and some are now 60 per cent disabled."

Frankentsteer (Full Version)
Video - Alt - (ViemoVid - 44min43sec - 2 mo ago) - Source:  BullFrogFilms -- A quote...."FRANKENSTEER is a disturbing yet compelling documentary that reveals how the ordinary cow is being transformed into an antibiotic dependent, hormone-laced potential carrier of toxic bacteria, all in the name of cheaper food. - The beef industry, supported by North American government agencies and pharmaceutical companies, has engaged in an on-going experiment to create the perfect food machine to increase speed of production and reduce the cost of manufacture. But there is a price in producing a cheap industrial product."

Russia blocking US meat over additives, West sees protectionism - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Russia's Veterinary and Phyto-Sanitary Surveillance Service (VPSS), Rosselkhoznadzor in Russian, has said it will ban imports of U.S. beef, pork and turkey from this month because U.S. producers failed to agree to demands that their exports be certified free of a feed additive, ractopamine."

Victory! South Carolina upholds freedom of residents to buy, sell raw milk - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."(NaturalNews) We are excited to report that food freedom has won out in South Carolina, where a factory farm front group recently tried, but failed, to stamp out longstanding state laws that recognize the freedom of individuals to buy and sell raw milk throughout the Palmetto State. And all of you, our valued readers, helped make this possible by calling and emailing the South Carolina Farm Bureau (SCFB) in the eleventh hour and urging the group to oppose this attempted assault on an all-natural food product."

Sunday Feb 10th 2013

No posts. - mpg