Wednesday February 28th 2007

Condi’s Cudgel Made to Look like an Olive Branch
Remember all that over-hyped media bombast about the US talking "to" Iran and Syria?  You should, it happened just last night.  Hyped by our fawning boot licking sycophantic presstituting mass media it turns out like every other single utterance ever spewed forth by the Bush administration, it was simply not true.  The whole charade didn't even last twenty four hours.  - mpg

America's Empty Threat of an Aid Cut-Off to Pakistan
A quote...."White House denials that President Bush sent Vice President Dick Cheney to Pakistan to convey a "tough message" to General Musharraf - to curb the militants in the tribal areas or face an aid cut - stands belied by a Foreign Office statement issued after Mr. Cheney's meeting with Pakistan's leader on Monday.  -  At her weekly press briefing, the Foreign Office spokesperson maintained that there was no threat of a cut in assistance. But when she added that Pakistan alone would decide what steps to take to counter militancy and that it would not accept "dictation" from outside, it was obvious that the meeting failed to bring about a common approach to tackling the problem."

More B.S. from the Bullsh-ts. - mpg
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Pakistan makes a deal with the Taliban
A quote...."KARACHI - The Pakistani establishment has made a deal with the Taliban through a leading Taliban commander that will extend Islamabad's influence into southwestern Afghanistan and significantly strengthen the resistance in its push to capture Kabul. "

And...."Al-Qaeda does not fit into any plans involving Pakistan, but mutual respect between the al-Qaeda leadership and the Taliban still exists. All the same, there is tension over their ideological differences, and al-Qaeda sources believe it is just a matter of time before the sides part physically as well."

When will the Pakies get it right, they've got it all backwards!  They're supporting indigenous tribesman who are trying to push out what they see as "foreign occupation forces" while ignoring al Qaeda.   The Pakies policy is completely wrongheaded; by supporting the Pushtan based Taliban the Pakies are making it more difficult for US based oil interests to drive into the Caspian Basin to get all of that lovely oil, while at the same time such a policy also threatens Unocal’s control of the Caspian Pipeline.

On the other hand  Bush & Co. need a resurgent al Qaeda and more attacks against innocent civilians to help create an atmosphere of fear for their continued policies of Pax Americana abroad, police state terror at home, and "constructive instability" throughout the entire Middle East - not to mention it would sure help in the upcoming elections.

Don't the Pakies get it? - mpg
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How the war on terror made the world a more terrifying place
A quote...."New figures show dramatic rise in terror attacks worldwide since the invasion of Iraq"

Iraq's Superbombs: Home Made?
A quote...."Where are Iraq's superbombs coming from, really?  The Pentagon is claiming -- again -- the the Iranian government supplied the deadly "explosively formed penetrators" (EFPs).   But the more you study these devices -- which use an explosive charge to a convert disc-shaped metal 'lens' into a high-velocity slug capable of smashing through thick armor at an extended range –- the more likely they seem to be home-made in Iraq."

See also....The Smoking Gun?: Photographic Evidence
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The Anguish of the Overlords: Bush Brother Stands Up for Saudi Royals
A quote...."When he's not globetrotting with rightwing bagman and arms-dealing cult godling Sun Myung Moon, or being served with free prostitutes while bagging Red Army cash and insider fixings in China, little presidential brother Neil Bush can often be found in the balmy climes of Saudi Arabia, soaking up the largess of Bush Family business partners like the royal Sauds and the wealthy bin Ladens -- and peddling his latest business wheeze, a boondoggle aimed at wringing money from public education systems dependent on government favor to survive."

Hillary’s Calculations Add Up to War
A quote...."Let’s face it: No matter how much many of us who oppose the war in Iraq would also love to elect a female president, Hillary Clinton is not a peace candidate. She is an unrepentant hawk, à la Joe Lieberman. She believed invading Iraq was a good idea, all available evidence to the contrary, and she has, once again, made it clear that she still does."
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U.S. says will not extradite CIA agents to Italy
A quote...."A Milan judge earlier this month ordered 26 Americans, most of them thought to be CIA agents, to stand trial with Italian spies for kidnapping a Muslim cleric and flying him to Egypt, where he says he was tortured.  -  "We've not got an extradition request from Italy ... If we got an extradition request from Italy, we would not extradite U.S. officials to Italy," State Department Legal Adviser John Bellinger told a news briefing."

However it'll be no more Venice, Florence, Pompeii or Rome for you guys.....hopefully forever. - mpg

See also.....Fun & Torture - It's a Pleasure.
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REPORT: Undervote Rate Plummets 85% in New Mexico's Native American Precincts
A quote...."Undervote Rate Plummets 85% after Statewide Switch from Touch-Screen Voting to Paper Ballots -  Comparison of Voting Data from 2004 to 2006 Shows Hispanic Undervote Plunged 69% as the 'Civil Rights' Case for DREs Continues to Fall Apart"

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Take the Money and Run
A quote...."Some observers apparently thought that the rumor of an impending capital gains tax was enough to end the party.  -  I tend to attribute the crash to reports of an impending government crackdown against illegal bank loans i.e. bank loans taken out for ostensibly for business and capital construction purchases but diverted to stock market speculation."

Military Press Crackdown Extends Further Than Walter Reed
A quote...."NEW YORK A report today that soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center are being told not to speak with the press is apparently just the latest move in a recent effort to tighten restrictions on journalists' access to many military facilities, according to the president of Military Reporters and Editors."

The Daily Show on Laura Bush’s Media Excuse
Good gallows humor. - mpg

Tuesday February 27th 2007

US's Iraq oil grab is a done deal
Must Read - A quote...."....only now is the mission really accomplished. More than half a trillion dollars spent and perhaps half a million Iraqis killed have come down to this."

"On Monday, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's cabinet in Baghdad approved the draft of the new Iraqi oil law. The government regards it as "a major national project". The key point of the law is that Iraq's immense oil wealth (115 billion barrels of proven reserves, third in the world after Saudi Arabia and Iran) will be under the iron rule of a fuzzy "Federal Oil and Gas Council" boasting "a panel of oil experts from inside and outside Iraq". That is, nothing less than predominantly US Big Oil executives."

"The law represents no less than institutionalized raping and pillaging of Iraq's oil wealth. It represents the death knell of nationalized (from 1972 to 1975) Iraqi resources, now replaced by production sharing agreements (PSAs) - which translate into savage privatization and monster profit rates of up to 75% for (basically US) Big Oil. Sixty-five of Iraq's roughly 80 oilfields already known will be offered for Big Oil to exploit."

See also....The PSA's
See also....Vultures circle overhead to feast off Iraq’s carrion
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US Speaker Pelosi backs new Iraq war authorization
A quote...."WASHINGTON, Feb 26 (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Monday she supports legislation to redefine U.S. troops' mission in Iraq away from combat and focus it on training Iraqi soldiers and thwarting terrorism, an idea that is circulating among Senate Democrats."

All you really need to know about Prissy Pelosi's Policy is what's in the title of the article...."Pelosi backs new Iraq war authorization",  Just who do they think they're kidding, it's not NEW at all - just think about it.

Focusing US troops on "training Iraqi soldiers and thwarting terrorism" is simply repackaging EXACTLY the same policy formulation contained in the statement "as they stand up, we'll stand down".

There's not an iota of difference between Pelosi's statement and Bush's.

You guys should just give it a rest and wrap your tiny pin heads around this concept, it's the Iraqis’oil, it belongs to them, it does NOT belong to you or your rich buddies no matter how many people you order to be killed for it. -  mpg
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After This Fiasco, How Can We Trust Anything They Told Us About 9/11?
A quote...."The fiasco of a BBC journalist reporting in advance that Building 7 had collapsed as it loomed large behind her strikes at the very root of how the media were complicit in acting as facilitators for the official myth that was manufactured on 9/11."

See also........Another Smoking Gun? Now CNN Jumps the Gun: On 911 CNN Announced WTC 7
 "Has Either Collapsed or is Collapsing" Over an Hour Before it Fell
See also........Israel To Bush Via The BBC And CNN: 'Attack Iran - Or Else'
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The Bush administration’s new strategy of setting the Middle East aflame
A quote...."A lengthy article in this week’s New Yorker magazine by veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh provides further evidence that the Bush administration has not only set course for war against Iran, but has over the past few months embarked on a reckless and incendiary strategy that has the potential to unleash sectarian Sunni-Shia conflicts throughout the Middle East."

Alleged intel fixer Chalabi to assume new role as part of 'surge'
A quote...."Ahmed Chalabi, the former deputy prime minister of Iraq who has come under suspicion for his pre-war involvement in supplying questionable intelligence supporting the invasion, has assumed a new role within the Iraqi government, according to a report in today’s Wall Street Journal."

The Human Cockroach is back. - mpg
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Pakistan’s Suicide Note to Dick Cheney
It will be real interesting to see what happens when various ticked off false flag operatives like "al Qaeda" members, tired of being used as proxies, stop jumping through the hoops of their financial masters and instead of bombing innocent civilians, start going after those who sponsored them. - mpg

Not ONE Member of the Bush Extended Family Has Served in Iraq! Not One! Take a Look.
A quote...."Yet, not one -- not one -- of any of Bush's children or his nieces and nephews have volunteered for service in any branch of the military or volunteered to serve in any capacity in Iraq. Not one of them has felt the cause was noble enough to put his or her life on the line."
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Evidence against Muslim charity appears fabricated
A quote...."When the Bush administration shut down the nation's largest Muslim charity five years ago, officials of the Dallas-based foundation denied allegations it was linked to terrorists and insisted that a number of accusations were fabricated by the government.  -  Now, attorneys for the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development say the government's own documents provide evidence of that claim."

Gee, you’re kidding.  It would have even been LEGAL if Florida's idea of passing their new law to secretly falsify public court records had been adopted on a national basis.  And don't kid yourselves folks, it's just the sort of thing the Bushists would love to do, no doubt they're contemplating such a law right now while you’re reading this very post. - mpg
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The Political Profiling of Elected Democratic Officials:
A quote...."Data indicate that the offices of the U.S. Atttorneys across the nation investigate seven (7) times as many Democratic officials as they investigate Republican officials, a number that exceeds even the racial profiling of African Americans in traffic stops."

Collision Course With Iran
Interesting quote...."Also in 2003, the United States refused to join France, Britain and Germany (the EU-3) in a diplomatic effort to curb Iran's nuclear program."

Of course not, they were saving Iran.....for later. - mpg
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Israel to ask U.S. for more military aid
A quote...."Israel will ask the U.S. government to significantly increase its military assistance to the country as part of a new multi-year aid agreement.  -  A high-level Israeli economic delegation led by Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer and Finance Ministry Director General Yarom Ariav will meet with an American team in Washington this week.  -   The present package, which ends this year, covers $2.4 billion in annual military aid."

Bush Executive Order Will Make It Harder to Protect the Public
A quote..."President Bush last month issued revisions to an executive order that further centralizes regulatory power within the White House budget office. His actions, nearly unnoticed at the time, set in motion changes that could further delay or hinder public health, safety, environmental, and civil rights protections."

There goes King George again, grabbing more pow-.......Oh so sorry, many pardons, please don't initiate any draconian enforcement actions, let's start from the beginning and rephrase that shall we?.....His Imperial Majesty Emperor George The Omniscient One and Master of All He Surveys deigns to take on more responsibility for us wee little peasants who should be eternally grateful for his additional guidance and gracious magnanimity.

Is that better?  You're not going to attack another country or nuke anybody are you George?  You sure you’re OK?  You want your little rubber ducky now? – mpg
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Bush Administration FOIA Report Card Hits New Low
This is all so predictable...not to shock anyone out there but the Bush administration, despite their public pronouncements, is actually getting more secretive.  - mpg

Prodi's Contradictions:
Round Two : A quote...."The real question is whether, in  the generally predicted round two of the Prodi center-left  government, he will remain an actor, or will he actually become the big boss before Italy unravels? Can he start behaving like a premier?"

9/11 "Hijackers" Trained on U.S. Military Bases
A quote...."In original reports (i.e., not simply going off the reports of other news agencies) by Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Associated Press, and Gannett News Service, the below accused 9/11 hijackers have been named as having trained at U.S. military bases:"

The US, the world's hedge fund
A quote...."There are some strange facts about the asset and trade positions of the US economy in the globalizing economy. The United States runs massive and growing trade deficits, is borrowing at a clip that would arouse the suspicions of a casino pit boss, and has been selling its assets to anyone who will buy. In the past 24 months, the US balance on goods and services comes in just shy of negative-$1.5 trillion. Across the same period, the US has sunk further into debt to the rest of the world."

US mortgage crisis goes into meltdown
This is serious, if deficits finally do matter as apposed to Cheney's famous quote "deficits don't matter”, than the US economy could be in for a rough ride.  The Fed. will of course pump even more money into the economy but at some point their policy of easy money will become counter productive. - mpg
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Greenspan Warns of Likely U.S. Recession
A quote...."Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned Monday that the American economy might slip into recession by year's end.  -  He said the U.S. economy has been expanding since 2001 and that there are signs the current economic cycle is coming to an end

WOW !  What a coincidence, just in time for a nice little war with Iran.  What do you think the chances of that happening are?  Now all we need is another "fortuitous event" and the MIOC elites have it made ! - mpg

See also....The Scourge of the Wealthy - Deflation / The Balm of the Wealthy - War 09-30-06
See also....Mr Reficul Conversation Num. Two mailing  #13 08-29-05.
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Monday February 26th 2007

Cindy Sheehan, George Will, and Loving Your Enemies
A quote...."Peace activist and gold star mother Cindy Sheehan and spokesman for a war-based oligarchy George Will both published columns this weekend arguing that non-Americans are human beings. Sheehan's column was written in response to an Associated Press article that provided evidence that Americans disagree with this claim. Will's column, meanwhile, adds to this evidence by demonstrating a failure to understand the very point he's arguing for."

Hersh: U.S. Funds Being Secretly Funneled To Violent Al Qaeda-Linked Groups
A quote...."New Yorker columnist Sy Hersh says the “single most explosive” element of his latest article involves an effort by the Bush administration to stem the growth of Shiite influence in the Middle East (specifically the Iranian government and Hezbollah in Lebanon) by funding violent Sunni groups."

"Hersh says the U.S. has been “pumping money, a great deal of money, without congressional authority, without any congressional oversight” for covert operations in the Middle East where it wants to “stop the Shiite spread or the Shiite influence.” Hersh says these funds have ended up in the hands of “three Sunni jihadist groups” who are “connected to al Qaeda” but “want to take on Hezbollah.”

See also....The Redirection
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Bush, Blair, and the Terrorism Shell Game. - Deceit, Scams, and Coercion in the formulation of “Synthetic Terrorism”
A quote...."February 20, 2007 -- “Synthetic Terrorism” is the result of deceitful acts on the part of the Bush administration that later turned criminal, treasonous, and potentially resulting in the most serious crime against humanity since the Holocaust.  -  “Is it high treason or just a simple case of dereliction of duty?” detailed the potential crimes of the Bush administration but there is also ample evidence in the public domain implicating U.S. allies; some of whom could be considered active collaborators in the deceptions."

U.N. calls U.S. data on Iran's nuclear aims unreliable
A quote..."Since 2002, pretty much all the intelligence that's come to us has proved to be wrong," a senior diplomat at the IAEA said. Another official here described the agency's intelligence stream as "very cold now" because "so little panned out."

The Smoking Gun?: Photographic Evidence
"Evidence" of Iran's "sophisticated" bomb making materials "found" in decide. - mpg

Balanced stand on Middle East is political suicide, says Carter
A quote...."Hinting Israel is not interested in fair peace, former US president says any member of Congress taking balanced stand on conflict risks 'political suicide'"

China’s economic rise destabilises world capitalism  &  Part II
A quote...."The debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan have demonstrated that brute force cannot reverse the historic decline of US imperialism. At the same time, the capitalist nation-state system is organically incapable of peacefully resolving the problem of who is going to be the dominant power, either regionally or internationally."
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Oil Grab in Iraq
A quote...."While debate rages in the United States about the military in Iraq, an equally important decision is being made inside of Iraq--the future of Iraq’s oil. A new Iraqi law proposes to open the country’s currently nationalized oil system to foreign corporate control. But emblematic of the flawed promotion of “democracy” by the Bush administration, this new law is news to most Iraqi politicians."

See also........New Iraq Oil Law To Open Iraq's Oil Reserves to Western Companies
 Amy Goodman interviews Raed Jarrar & Antonia Juhasz
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Detained but not deterred U.S. Army veteran endured harsh treatment in 18-month ordeal
A quote...." Mejia, 33, whose mother and 5-year-old daughter are U.S. citizens, was detained two years ago in Miami after immigration agents at the airport discovered his criminal record. In 2001, Mejia had pleaded guilty to an assault charge for his part in a fight outside of a bar in Norwalk and received a one-year suspended sentence."

A US Vet. got into a bar fight (wow, what a shocker) and got a one year suspended sentence.  Five years later while returning from a trip he took to get his mom some medical care, he was "detained" not arrested, not held on suspicion, not convicted....just "detained" and placed  in various hell holes throughout the US. for eighteen months without a trial or lawyer or any appeal.

Does this sound FAMILIAR TO ANYONE? He had to get a legal rights organization and a congressional representative to plead his case before they would release him. - mpg

See also....Twenty Nine Acts to Restore Americans' Rights 11-10-06
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And Most Americans Don't Know  -  An Iron Curtain is Descending
A quote....""Why are you travelling so often to Canada?" the tough U.S. border guard barked. I was on Amtrak, going from New York to Montreal, as I'd done dozen of times before over several decades. This was my first experience (summer 2006) of the increasingly standard and intrusive "U.S. Exit Interviews" on trains crossing the border."

"France Must Withdraw from NATO"
Interview with Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, French candidate for president

US Israel Lobby Targets Lebanon's Jihad al-Bina
A quote...."Come to think of it, wasn't it just a matter of time before the Bush administration would get around to declaring the Lebanese registered construction company, Jihad al-Bina, yet another "terrorist organization"? It finally did put Jihad al-Bina on the list this week.  -  Still smarting from Israel's defeat in the July war, the White House and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as well as their friends in the US Congress have been busy tightening the screws on Iran and the Lebanese Resistance."

 Robert Fisk: 27 July 1880. A date Mr Blair should look up
A quote...." Those sending British troops to Afghanistan should learn the lessons of the Battle of Maiwand  -  O ut of the frying pan, into the historical fire. If only our leaders read history. In 1915, the British swept up from Basra, believing that the Iraqis would reward them with flowers and love, only to find themselves surrounded at Kut al-Amara, cut down by Turkish shellfire and cholera. Now we are reinforcing Nato in that tomb of the British Army, Afghanistan."

$82 For E-Voting Secrets
A quote...."Five Sequoia electronic voting machines sold at online auction? $82. A chance for a researcher to dissect the embedded software that the company refused to make public? Priceless  -  For a mere $82 a computer scientist and electronic voting critic managed to purchase five $5,000 Sequoia electronic voting machines over the internet last month from a government auction site. And now he’s taking them apart."

Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump
Our political and financial leaders at play.  It's really funny and to be totally honest, for those who are not completely secure, it's a tad disturbing. - mpg

Sunday February 25th 2007

The Redirection
Must Read - Basically outlines the United States intentions to divide the Sunnis against the Shia with the help of the Saudi Royals, along with fragmenting and destabilizing Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon and the Palestinians in its continuing effort to promote "constructive instability".  This is all strictly according to the PNAC protocols.

One aspect of the PNAC plan is to “discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our [the US's] leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role".  In this case one should substitute ANY nation state.  Especially one like Iran which has a functioning democracy, national or regional aspirations, moderate industrialization, some military capability and of course is sitting astride the worlds oil reserves, Iraq with the second highest proven reserves on one side and the Caspian Oil Basin on the other.

In other words as long as Iran remains a functioning, coherent, nationalistic, democratic state, it threatens US domination of the Middle East region and must be destroyed. – mpg
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Where Were You That Summer of 2001?
Somehow we're dropping the ball on al Qaeda again???

We're not "somehow" dropping the ball, this Administration is 1) Much more concerned with the PSA's in Iraq then a bunch of has been CIA assets  2) Almost all the funding direct or indirect for al Qaeda comes from the US or its "allies" Pakistan and the Saudi Royals (ignoring the billions given during the eighties and early nineties to the Mujahideen, the US is still supplying logistical support to Pakistan's ISI which gives it's money to the Taliban which Qaeda, along with of course Bush's allies the Saudi Royals ) 3) It's demonstrably within the Neocon's interest to maintain a "threat" against the US for all the usual well known reasons and  4) assuming "al Qaeda" exists as a centralized organization and not just as a loose group of like minded agent provocateurs and assuming they can still be "managed" (i.e. funds and resources delivered to them by their benefactors with "instructions")  an attack is hardly likely unless it would support the continuation of the "Great Game".

Occasionally of course people do lose control of their creations with unintended consequences. - mpg
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Iraqis are People, too
A quote...."After spending two heart wrenching hours listening to two Iraqi gentlemen, one an educator, one a scientist, giving agonizing testimony about what is really going on in Iraq (outside the Green Zone), in Istanbul, I returned to my nearby hotel room and read something from the AP that tore my heart apart even further."

US generals ‘will quit’ if Bush orders Iran attack
A quote...."SOME of America’s most senior military commanders are prepared to resign if the White House orders a military strike against Iran, according to highly placed defence and intelligence sources.  -  Tension in the Gulf region has raised fears that an attack on Iran is becoming increasingly likely before President George Bush leaves office. The Sunday Times has learnt that up to five generals and admirals are willing to resign rather than approve what they consider would be a reckless attack."

US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran
A quote...."America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme.  -  In a move that reflects Washington's growing concern with the failure of diplomatic initiatives, CIA officials are understood to be helping opposition militias among the numerous ethnic minority groups clustered in Iran's border regions.  -  The operations are controversial because they involve dealing with movements that resort to terrorist methods in pursuit of their grievances against the Iranian regime."

Iran kills 17 rebels close to Turkey border
Related article - A quote...."Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards on Saturday have killed 17 rebels described as opponents of the Islamic republic in clashes in a remote area close to the Turkish border.  -  The state-run IRNA agency said the clashes took place after Revolutionary Guards ground forces descended on the northwestern area 17 kilometres (10 miles) from the Turkish border, in pursuit of the rebels."

It Can Happen Here
A quote...."Can it happen here? Is it happening here already? That depends, as a recent president might have said, on what the meaning of "it" is.  -  To Sinclair Lewis, who sardonically titled his 1935 dystopian novel "It Can't Happen Here," "it" plainly meant an American version of the totalitarian dictatorships that had seized power in Germany and Italy. Married at the time to the pioneering reporter Dorothy Thompson, who had been expelled from Berlin by the Nazis a year earlier and quickly became one of America's most outspoken critics of fascism, Lewis was acutely aware of the domestic and foreign threats to American freedom. So often did he and Thompson discuss the crisis in Europe and the implications of Europe's fate for the Depression-wracked United States that, according to his biographer, Mark Schorer, Lewis referred to the entire topic somewhat contemptuously as "it."

See also....  Twenty Nine Acts to Restore Americans' Rights 11-10-06 - NOTE : as of 02-25-07 The DemoRepubs have still not implemented any of the Twenty Nine Acts to restore the civil and political rights taken away from this nation's citizens during these last six years by the thugs in the Bush Administration.  The Demo part of the DemoRepub party are completely bought and paid for political hacks, without a shred of human decency or moral courage. - mpg
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Saturday February 24th 2007

US intelligence on Iran does not stand up, say Vienna sources
A quote...."Much of the intelligence on Iran's nuclear facilities provided to UN inspectors by American spy agencies has turned out to be unfounded, according to diplomatic sources in Vienna.  -  The claims, reminiscent of the intelligence fiasco surrounding the Iraq war, coincided with a sharp increase in international tension as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that Iran was defying a UN security council ultimatum to freeze its nuclear programme."

US General in Iraq Says Not Many al-Qaeda Fighters: 'Make no mistake, this is a homegrown Sunni insurgency'
A quote...."Less than two percent of the nearly 3,000 people detained across northern Iraq in the past six months were foreigners, Generals Mixon, commander of U.S. forces in northern Iraq, said."

See also....Al-Qaeda in Iraq...Really?  - [PDB editorial]
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US Forces Storm Newspaper Office  -  Second Raid in Less than 72 Hours on the Iraqi Press
A quote...."In the second raid on an Iraqi press building in less than 72 hours, US forces stormed the offices of the newspaper al-Da`wa today, located in the Wazariyah area of Baghdad.  -  Al-Da’wa is associated with the Islamic Da`wa Party, the Shi`a party whose deputy leader is the Iraqi PM Nuri Maliki."

Ummmmm.....more of that delicious American "freedom and democracy"  - Yummy. - mpg
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The myth of Muslim support for terror
A quote...."WASHINGTON - Those who think that Muslim countries and pro-terrorist attitudes go hand-in-hand might be shocked by new polling research: Americans are more approving of terrorist attacks against civilians than any major Muslim country except for Nigeria." *

"The survey, conducted in December 2006 by the University of Maryland's prestigious Program on International Public Attitudes, shows that only 46 percent of Americans think that "bombing and other attacks intentionally aimed at civilians" are "never justified," while 24 percent believe these attacks are "often or sometimes justified."  -  * bolded by website author

Hope none of you out there are surprised by this. - mpg
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Americans Underestimate Iraqi Death Toll
A quote...."Among those [Americans] polled for the AP survey, however, the median estimate of Iraqi deaths was 9,890. * The median is the point at which half the estimates were higher and half lower."

"Christopher Gelpi, a Duke University political scientist who tracks public opinion on war casualties, said a better understanding of the Iraqi death toll probably wouldn't change already negative public attitudes toward the war much. People in democracies generally don't shy away from inflicting civilian casualties, he said, and they may be even more tolerant of them in situations such as Iraq, where many of the civilian deaths are caused by other Iraqis." - * bolded by website author.

There's not much one can say about there? - mpg

See also....New study says US war has killed 655,000 Iraqis
See also....Tomgram: Noam Chomsky on War Crimes in Iraq
See also....US support Death Sqds
See also....US Faced with a Mammoth Iraq Refugee Crisis
See also....Effects of Sanctions [ some quotes from former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright ]
See also....Iraqi Sanctions: Without Medicine And Supplies, The Children Die
See also....Nobody wants to know WHO killed half a million Iraqi children!
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The Najaf Massacre: Annotated
A quote....As the fables about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction and clandestine ties with al-Qaida began to unravel following the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, the flagship of U.S. news reporting, The New York Times, took itself to task for its failure to challenge its news sources. “Information that was controversial then, and seems questionable now, was insufficiently qualified or allowed to stand unchallenged,” the Times  wrote in May 2004. “Articles based on dire claims about Iraq trended to get prominent display, while follow-up articles that called the original ones into question were sometimes buried. In some cases, there was no follow-up at all.”

"And yet a little more than two-and-a-half years later, the same newspaper highlighted a story about a Jan. 28 “battle” near the holy city of Najaf that is filled with the same sloppy reporting, inadequate research, and just plain disinformation that characterized the Times's pre-war coverage of Iraq."
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Blaming the Iraqis for the Iraq Disaster
A quote...."As President Bush continues his Nixonesque policy of “exiting” Iraq by escalation and intimidation, both Republican and Democratic politicians are also imitating the Vietnam-era rhetoric of blaming the citizens of the chaotic country and their neighbors for the mess."

Army's Iraq War Objector [First Lt. Ehren Watada] Charged Again
It doesn't matter if the retrial violates double jeopardy, it doesn't matter if the have to shop for judges, put pressure on the ones they find, blackmail them if necessary.  It doesn't matter how many lies the military has to tell, it doesn't matter how many laws they have to break "to get him".  This government, especially the thugs that now run it, can not afford to have one of the "cannon fodder" openly defy them, it violates all their rules.

They will stoop to any level, try every trick, and tell any lie to make an example of Watada

You can be absolutely sure First Lt. Ehren Watada knew this when he made his decision and took his stand. - mpg
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Justice Department Fires 8th U.S. Attorney
A quote...."An eighth U.S. attorney announced her resignation yesterday, the latest in a wave of forced departures of federal prosecutors who have clashed with the Justice Department over the death penalty and other issues.  -  Margaret Chiara, the 63-year-old U.S. attorney in Grand Rapids, Mich., told her staff that she was leaving her post after more than five years, officials said. Sources familiar with the case confirmed that she was among a larger group of prosecutors who were first asked to resign Dec. 7."

What the New York Times doesn’t say about the court ruling on habeas corpus
A quote...."The New York Times on Thursday published an editorial on this week’s appeals court ruling upholding the Military Commissions Act, which strips Guantánamo prisoners of their habeas corpus rights. The commentary, entitled “American Liberty at the Precipice,” is a model of half-truths and evasions."

"Typical of this leading organ of present-day American liberalism, the editorial denounces the ruling and the law it upholds while saying nothing about the complicity of the Democrats and ignoring the social reality underlying the assault on democratic rights."
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Canada's High Court Strikes Down Indefinite Detention
A quote...."    Ottawa - One of Canada's most contentious anti-terrorism provisions was struck down Friday by the Supreme Court, which declared it unconstitutional to detain foreign terror suspects indefinitely while the courts review their deportation orders."

"The 9-0 ruling was a blow to the government's anti-terrorism regulations. Five Arab Muslim men have been held for years under the "security certificate" program, which the Justice Department had insisted is a key tool in the fight against global terrorism and essential to Canada's security."

Look folks real bad they're not in America.  But don't you Canadians worry, as soon as we take over your country, along with your tar sands, we'll bring you the benefits of our new interpretation of constitutional law (i.e. you really don't need any) – mpg
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Impeachment: Breaking the Dam in Olympia, Washington
A quote...."If the state of Washington ends up passing a joint legislative resolution next month calling on the US House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Bush and Vice President Cheney, it will because 900 people who crammed into Olympia’s Center for the Performing Arts last Tuesday evening, and countless others across the state, pushed them into it."

The Clintons' Real Trouble with Truth
A quote...."Hollywood mogul David Geffen touched a raw nerve with Hillary Clinton when he told New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd that “everybody in politics lies, but they [the Clintons] do it with such ease, it’s troubling.”
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Friday February 23rd 2007

Saudis' cutbacks raise oil concerns
A quote...."Official Saudi explanations for production cuts cite the recent dips in global prices, arguing that a little shrinkage in supply will help stabilize the market. So when demand accelerates this summer, a little boost to Saudi production would keep prices from soaring.  -  But what if the Saudis cut back because they had no choice?  -  "It's going to be a different world if Saudi Arabian production is going into decline," said economist James Hamilton of the University of California, San Diego. "If that is the world we are in, we really need to be making plans."

It sure would be.  One has to admire the Bush Neocons, to go invade, deliberately shatter and attempt to occupy a country with the second highest proven reserves just as the Saudis are potentially running out of oil would be remarkably "fortuitous" for them. Maybe they had promised the Saudi Royals a cut, or cooperation with their pricing schemes. Maybe they even told them they'd let the Iraqi Sunnis run the show, not that religion really makes a difference to the Saudi Royals, it's just that they wouldn't trust the Shias with Iran hovering nearby

If the Saudis really are running out of oil (unlikely) it would sure make them pretty stupid to believe the Neocons, but then "Royals" throughout history have a stellar record of being abysmally stupid. - mpg

See also....The CONversation 09-04-06
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Foreign devils in the Iranian mountains
Oh the games the Neocons play, with people, tribes and nations.  Check out this wonderful quote.....

"The [Iranian] commentary pointed a finger at Pakistan's training the Taliban and providing them with "logistical and political support". It highlighted that US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who visited Islamabad recently, chose to sidestep the issue and instead bonded with President General Pervez Musharraf. This is because Washington's priority - that the "new cold war" objective of NATO is to establish a long-term presence in the region - can be realized only with Musharraf's cooperation."

So the US is AGAIN going to ignore the ISI's support of the Taliban and therefore their inevitable support for guess who... that's got Qaeda.

To all you Bushists supporters out there, you are all in deep, deep, denial.
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Italian prime minister resigns after losing foreign policy vote
A quote...."Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi tendered his resignation Wednesday night after losing a Senate vote on his center-left coalition government’s foreign policy. The collapse of the nine-month-old Unione government came amidst growing popular opposition to its right-wing policies, both domestic and foreign."

"Just four days before the Senate vote and Prodi’s subsequent resignation, more than 100,000 demonstrated in the northern Italian city of Vincenza to protest Prodi’s support for the expansion of a US military base there and plans to increase the deployment of Italian troops as part of the NATO-led occupation of Afghanistan. Demonstrators also denounced the war in Iraq and demanded that the government end its collaboration with the Bush administration’s militarist policies."

Hey look!  Here's something you don't see every day, a government that actually listened to their people.

The Prodi government, sensitive to their peoples dismay over Italy's involvement with the "coalition of the unwilling" decided to go ahead and hold a vote on the issue, and get this folks, they actually said they'd resign if they lost the vote.  But it gets EVEN better, they held the vote freely and fairly and when they lost, they honored their promise and actually resigned !!

Can you believe it folks?  Obviously it's difficult to imagine but it really did happen!  A government listened to their people's discontent, made a promise to hold a free and fair election on the issue, agreed to resign upon an unfavorable outcome, and honored their commitment.

Now that's something to read about and applaud, because to tell you the truth will NEVER see that happen here in this country.....not in your lifetime.....not ever. – mpg
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From Little Rock to Baghdad
From a "white man's perspective" - or - "heck we did it to the Indians and the blacks.....who's to say we can't do it all over again to the towel heads"? - mpg

Reasons to Doubt the Official Story about the 9/11 Attacks
While you read this article keep in mind the examples covered represent just a miniscule fraction of the evidence and information publicly available, which if presented in a court of law would get many "normal" people convicted for complicity or criminal conspiracy. - mpg

Paramilitary Scandal Takes Colombian Elite by Surprise
A quote...."BOGOTA, Colombia -- Col. Hernán Mejía was among Colombia's most decorated officers, a young, strapping warrior with five medals for valor on his chest and a reputation for being a relentless adversary of the Marxist guerrillas who operated in the dusty hamlets of northeast Colombia.  -  But after disclosures that have astonished many Colombians, Mejía has been removed from his post, and the attorney general's office is investigating him for having worked with right-wing paramilitary groups to kill peasant farmers and guerrilla sympathizers. The allegations, announced by Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos in January, mark the first time the military has turned over one of its own to civilian prosecutors on suspicion of collaborating with the death squads."

Obviously he got so arrogant he thought he could stiff his buddies in the government, he probably didn't give them their "fair share" of the drugs and money he murdered for.  What a sap, you've always got to turn over a portion of the "booty and bling" you kill for to keep the greasy greedy wheels of commerce going.  If you don't, at best you'll be shown the worst you'll be shown the ditch. – mpg
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Tribune Co. Revenue, Circulation, Take Big Hit
A quote...."NEW YORK Tribune Company today reported its summary of revenues and newspaper advertising volume for January (ending February 4). It said consolidated revenues for the period were $442 million, down 5.0% from last year's $465 million, due to a slide in publishing revenues."

You guys in the faux-press really might consider some racy and shocking articles regarding something you almost never the truth - you know, "follow the money", that sort of stuff?  Or you can just go bankrupt, it's your choice of course. - mpg
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U.N. Human Rights Expert Faults Israel
A quote...." GENEVA - An independent report commissioned by the United Nations compares Israel's actions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to apartheid in South Africa  charges that have drawn angry rebukes from Israel."

See also....Palestine Peace Not Apartheid (Hardcover)
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Bearing False Witness: A New Tool for Authoritarians
More on the "Florida bill [that] would make it legal to falsify court records"

Thursday February 22nd 2007

Prosecutors seek OK to create phony files
Must Read - A quote...."Florida's prosecutors are floating a proposal to the Legislature to give them the power to secretly falsify public court records -- with a judge's approval -- for undercover law enforcement purposes."

Next time you get arrested or convicted, you can say they made it all up and not only will it be will be legal. No doubt as soon as Cheney hears about this, you'll see a bill in congress to allow the Feds' to do the same thing.

First it was faux-democracy, than it was the faux-press, now we've got faux-justice.  Ain't America grand? - mpg
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Washington's $8 Billion Shadow
Must Read - A quote...."There isn't a politically correct way to put it, but this is what needs to be said: 9/11 was a personal tragedy for thousands of families and a national tragedy for all of America, but it was very, very good for SAIC. In the aftermath of the attacks, the Bush administration launched its Global War on Terror, whose chief consequence has been to channel money by the tens of billions into companies promising they could do something—anything—to help. SAIC was ready. Four years earlier, anticipating the next big source of government revenue, SAIC had established the Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis. According to SAIC, the purpose of the new unit was to take "a comprehensive view of terrorist threats, including the full range of weapons of mass destruction, more traditional high explosives, and cyber-threats to the national infrastructure." In October of 2006 the company told would-be investors flatly that the war on terror would continue to be a lucrative growth industry."
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Will New Media Save Democracy?
A quote...."In the course of 40 interviews with political bloggers, online video producers, and members of The Daily Show online community, a research project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, we see two significantly different models of democracy envisioned by new media participants."

"In short: Democracy as mega-mart, vs. democracy as town hall".
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Iraqi Journalists to Protest US Raid
A quote...."The Iraqi Journalists union called on for a sit-in in front of its headquarters on Wednesday, to protest a raid on its offices by American forces and the arresting of ten guards, and the confiscation their weapons."

Who knows, without their guards or weapons they just might be visited by one of those "Iraqi" death squads;  if that were to happen the US military would no doubt say "it was simply one of those coincidences".  No doubt. - mpg
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Lithuania to follow Danes out of Iraq
A quote...."VILNIUS (Reuters) - Lithuania is planning to pull its 53 troops out of Iraq following British and Danish troop withdrawal decisions, the defense minister said on Wednesday."

Denmark to join Britain in cutting Iraq troops-gov't
Related article - A quote...."COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen will announce on Wednesday that his country will join Britain in withdrawing some of its troops from Iraq, an official in Denmark's Foreign Ministry said."

Schieffer Slams White House On Iraq: Bush ‘Even More Isolated,’ Coalition ‘Coming Apart’
Related artilce - A quote...."Last night on CBS, chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer was sharply critical of the Bush administration’s attempt to spin Britain’s Iraq drawdown as a sign that conditions are improving."

Why is Blair pulling Iraq troops out?
Related article - WAR WARNING - A quote...."One theory doing the rounds in journalistic circles is a far more worrying scenario. What if the real reason that British troops are being brought out of Iraq was because UK military and government leaders know of plans by the US to bomb Tehran (or its nuclear research stations)." one wants to be anywhere near Iran when the ball drops, except the American cannon fodder, who also don't want to be there but they've got no choice in the matter. - mpg
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Going Nowhere Fast
A quote...."We are in the ditch in the Middle East. As bad as you think it is watching TV, it's worse. It's not just Iraq but the whole pattern of America's dealings with the Arab world. People aren't just angry at America -- they've been that way to varying degrees since I first came here 27 years ago. What's worse is that they're giving up on us -- on our ability to make good decisions, to solve problems, to play the role of honest broker."

Repeating History
A quote...."No exit strategy; violent resistance by the occupied nation's citizens; opposition to the war in the United States; international anger at the U.S. because of the war; the American economy being decimated by the war; escalating casualties; presidential refusal to recognize mistakes: all of these statements apply to the Iraq war today as much as they did to the Vietnam War forty years ago."

Half of Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza malnourished
What was that movie?  It was about this city in Poland, people were starving in the ghetto was called Schindler something or other....wasn't it? - mpg
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New Iraq Oil Law To Open Iraq's Oil Reserves to Western Companies
Interview - Amy Goodman interviews Raed Jarrar & Antonia Juhasz - A quote...."The Iraqi blogger Raed Jarrar has obtained a copy of the proposed oil law and has just translated it into English. He discusses the new law with Antonia Juhasz, author of "The Bush Agenda: Invading the World One Economy at a Time.” [includes rush transcript]"

Oily Truth Emerges in Iraq
Related article - A quote...."Throughout nearly four years of the daily mayhem and carnage in Iraq, President Bush and his aides in the White House have scoffed at even the slightest suggestion that the U.S. military occupation has anything to do with oil."

See also....We'll Make Them an Offer They Can't Refuse 09-06-06
See also....The PSA's
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Masterminds of 9-11- Impeach Them!
A quote...."As I work for impeachment, I wonder what it would take to get people angry enough to put it on the table. I keep coming back to 9-11, the basis for the "war on terror". The "war on terror" is in turn is the rationale for Afghanistan, Iraq, fascism, the looting of the Treasury, and many other ills. 9-11 was Bush's "trifecta" as he put it, the triple crown that would make him emperor."
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George Monbiot’s Sour 9/11 Grapes
A quote...."It stinks of desperation. George Monbiot, inveterate leftist of the foundation financed environmentalist persuasion, has once again taken a swing at the “conspiracy idiots” who believe government is capable of mass murder, including the reflexive murder of its own subjects."

Web author's note: Noam Chomsky has signed a petition written by the 9/11 “Jersey” widows calling for the release of classified documents relating to the 9/11 attacks.

Sour 9/11 Grapes

There's allot of strange articles on the web lately regarding the 9/11 “conspiracy movement” saying it might "harm" the "left" in this country.   That’s a pretty silly statement to make.  What will harm the "left" in this country, along with the right, the center and everyone else, will be any attempt not to investigate what really happened on 9/11.  It's not funny any more.

We've had a group of "players" who for the last twenty years have lied about every single subject or topic they have publicly spoken on, the WMDs in Iraq (yellow cake, aluminum tubes, pilotless drones, bio-weapons labs, mushroom clouds, etc.). Iraq's connection to al-Qaeda.  Saddam's connection to 9/11. Their plans for conquest in the Middle East (oil maps, energy task force, who attended the meeting, etc.) and of course all the intelligance breifings they received prior to 9/11.  (I forgot, I can't remember, Bush testifying in front of the 9/11 commision sitting on Cheney's lap for one hour having receivied the Commission's blessing NOT to testify under oath, Bush being FORCED to create the 9/11 commision by the 9/11 families, Bush taking one year to do so, etc,)

Many documents discovered show they were planning the invasion of Iraq prior to 9/11, as well as trying to create incidents and provocations with Iraq (Downing Street memo, Paul O'Neill, flying US U-2s painted in UN colors, etc) 

More importantly it has already been well documented by thousands of sources, public statements, documents and articles that those currently in this adminstration are connected with or have promoted policies going back as far as 1992 which called for and predicted everything that has happened so far.  (Defense Guidance Plan, PNAC, "a pearl harbor style event", "full spectrum dominance", Leo Strauss, etc.)

These were the very same people had the decision making capabilities and were in charge of US contacts with many of the parties connected to 9/11.  They were also the  very same people who had and in some cases continue to have deep financial, personal, and political relationships with the organizations and groups involved with 9/11 (the Saudi Royal and bin Laden families, Pakistan’s ISI, The Taliban, etc.)

And of course they and the people who contribute to their political campaigns have received enormous sums of money from these events....all triggered by the horrific tragedy of 9/11 (Halliburton, Blackwater, KBR the Oil companies, the PSAs, the Defense companies, no bid contracts, etc.)

And last but not least, the people in this administration have demonstrably been able to use 9/11 to strip political power from the citizenry and other institutions of this country and concentrate it in their own hands.

These are the following facts AND ARE A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD: These "people".....

Have planned for an event like 9/11.
Stated they needed an event like 9/11.
Predicted an event like 9/11.
Have arranged and discussed false flag events like 9/11.
Would have had their political power enormously increased by an event like 9/11.
Would have had their personal fortunes immeasurably increased from the consequences of  9/11.
Had deep long lasting relationships with organizations and groups connected with those who carried out 9/11.
Were in charge of the security procedures and organizations to prevent an event like 9/11.
Were in charge of the organizations and selected the personal who investigated 9/11.
Were in charge of the security procedures and organizations responsible for going after those who carried out 9/11.
Had their political power enormously increased by 9/11.
Had their personal fortunes immeasurably increased from the consequences of  9/11.
Have as a matter of public record lied about everything prior to and after 9/11.

But according to those critical of the 9/11 skeptics - we're supposed to believe the "people" in this administration and "their silly conspiricy theory"

end - mpg
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Full Movie: 1984 Starring John Hurt - Google 1 hr 50 min


Wednesday February 21st 2007

China's strategic Southeast Asian embrace
A quote...."BANGKOK - If all goes to plan, China will for the first time ever in July host joint military exercises with troops from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the strongest indication yet that Beijing's recent economic charm offensive toward the region is starting to pay real strategic dividends."

Oh my!  This doesn't look good.  One has to wonder if the Bush-Neocon policy of unilateralism and unrestrained force (that's a polite way of stating US policies under the Bush regime have made this country into the world's biggest thug) is paying unintended dividends for of all countries - China.

Guess the US's "mass media" will just have to keep bashing Putin for pointing all of this out - mpg
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The Model for Iraq was Ireland, 1692, Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules
A quote...."Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh's revelations that the Israeli government is encouraging Kurdish separatism in Iraq, Iran, and Syria should ring a bell for anyone who has followed the long history of English imperial ambitions.  -  It is no surprise that the Israelis should be using the tactic of "divide and conquer," the cornerstone policy of an empire that dominated virtually every continent on the globe save South America. The Jewish population of British-controlled Palestine was, after all, victim to exactly the same kind of ethnic manipulation that the Israeli government is presently attempting in Northern Iraq."
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Iraq Labor vs. ExxonMobil, BP and Shell
A quote...."According to British media, the US and UK governments are on track to achieve a March victory in Iraq. This victory will not be publicized nor will it mean an end to the occupation.  -  Written by Bush and Blair's big oil business partners who serve as the leaders' advisors on foreign policy, the new Iraq hydrocarbon law opens the door for international investors, led by BP, Exxon and Shell, to siphon off 75 percent of Iraq oil wealth for 30 years. This unique economic model is called a "Production Sharing Agreement." But is a 75/25 split, with bloated oil companies taking 75 percent of the country's wealth and leaving just 25 percent for the devastated Iraqis, a sharing agreement or an armed robbery?"

See also....The PSA's
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US appeals court upholds denial of habeas corpus rights to Guantánamo detainees
A quote...."On the right of habeas corpus, the US Constitution states, “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.” Judge Randolph argues that this provision does not apply to non-citizens outside of US territory, and holds that Guantánamo Bay technically belongs to Cuba, * not the United States. According to Randolph, none of the prisoners at Guantánamo Bay have a constitutional right to habeas corpus, and therefore Congress did not act unconstitutionally in depriving them access to US courts."  -  italics added - mpg

This is an example of the sick, white is black, up is down, reasoning in our country.  If Guantánamo Bay really "belongs" to the Cubans than their "ownership" would usually imply they have a say in not having "Abu Ghraib West" and a bunch of torturing thugs on "their" territory.

But like most of the concepts which now emanate from the neither regions of what passes for the judicial system in this country, ownership along with everything else we use to value is just a complete fiction.  Like Bush stated in an acrimonious argument one day regarding his torture policies - “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

Oh but it gets better.

"In the course of his ruling, Randolph makes a significant statement suggesting that habeas corpus could be denied to anyone, including citizens, so long as they are not detained within the United States."

So if you're kidnapped dear fellow citizen and taken to a far away land, you can be held indefinitely, tortured till you "confess", have such "evidence" used against you in a kangaroo court, all of this without the right to a lawyer, habeas corpus or the refuge of the US constitution......oh and they can even execute you too. - mpg

See also....New Pentagon detainee manual could lead to executions based on 'hearsay evidence'
See also....Patriot, loyalist or worse yet in assault of liberty
See also....Still No Habeas Rights for You
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The Second Great Depression - posted at ICH
Perhaps....then again perhaps not.  The wealthy elites (the 236 Gang, Bush Cabal, Neocons, et al) are very good at timing their ten year cycle of creative destruction and starting their wars when needed, or if the cycle has been abbreviated by their wonton profligacy, starting them earlier.  Just think....Iran – mpg

"Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas" spreads in Caribbean
A quote...."Antiguan Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer has hailed the signing of a trade agreement with Venezuela as a significant historical milestone in relations between the Caribbean and Latin America.  -  He along with the Prime Ministers of Dominica and St. Vincent on the weekend signed onto the Alba, a new free trade agreement from Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.  -  It is called the ALBA, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas to the free trade agreement proposed by President Hugo Chavez."

Tony Snow and White House Reporters Slam The ‘Hateful,’ ‘Polarized’ Blogosphere
There goes our “mass media" again, acting sillier than usual.  They refuse to do their jobs and now they're whining about the fact nobody believes anything they have to say anymore.  Gee guys, get a grip, why don't you try to be reporters for a change instead of a bunch of stenographers?  - mpg

Tuesday February 20th 2007

The Imperial System: Hierarchy, Networks and Clients - The Case of Somalia - posted at ICH
Must Read
- A quote...."02/18/07 "ICH" -- -- The imperial system is much more complex than what is commonly referred to as the “US Empire”. The US Empire, with its vast network of financial investments, military bases, multi-national corporations and client states, is the single most important component of the global imperial system (1). Nevertheless, it is overly simplistic to overlook the complex hierarchies, networks, follower states and clients that define the contemporary imperial system (2). To understand empire and imperialism today requires us to look at the complex and changing system of imperial stratification."

More "al-Qaeda" Nonsense From The Bush Gang
A quote...."Last Friday, the Iraqi puppet government announced that the new "al-Qaeda leader in Iraq" had been wounded by the Iraqi puppet police. Unfortunately, the alleged wager of holy war managed to limp away, thus ensuring his future usefulness to the US government in the continued propagation of their fantasy tale about US troops fighting a "war on Islamic terrorism".

NRCC: Let's Not "Rush to Judgment"
Some quotes...."As Josh noted, the National Republican Congressional Committee has released a statement to CNN about the $15,000 in contributions it got from Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari, the man indicted last week for financing terrorists in Afghanistan:"

"We are extremely concerned and disturbed by these charges but we need to be careful not to rush to judgment as the judicial process moves forward."

"Lax though that may seem, it's a more serious response than the NRCC's reaction to the last member of their Business Advisory Council to be indicted for terrorist related charges, Yasith Chhun, the head of the Cambodian Freedom Fighters."

See the difference? Give to the Republican Party like Abdul Tawala Ali Alishtari and Yasith Chhun did, and you don't have to worry about all those pesky little inconveniences like being rendered, tortured or murdered by the US's paid thugs.  This would explain why the Saudi Royals and bin Ladens were given so much consideration by Bush & Co. and the 9/11 commission.

On the other had try to protect your wife and kids while Bush & Co attempt a "takeover" of your country's natural resources, or be completely innocent but in the "wrong place at the wrong time", and you'll most likely spend the next five years being tortured at Gitmo.

Welcome to the new America, it's not a democracy, or oligarchy or even a plutocracy…it's actually a thugocracy. – mpg
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Mercenaries are in the Military to Stay: Get Used to It!
A quote...." The Washington Post recently reported that there are some 100,000 contractors in Iraq alone, including 25,000 private security contractors.  -  This exceeds the number of all coalition forces combined, and is only 40,000 less than the number of U.S. troops in Iraq. It is a virtual army of largely unregulated individuals working on behalf of U.S. national interests. From strategic weapons systems as the B-2 stealth bomber and Global Hawk to running ROTC programs, the military has been colonized by corporations."

See also........To Restore Democracy : First Abolish Corporate Personhood
Essentially what we've done is substitute our government with its "laws", "three branches of government", a "constitution", "electoral system" and "bill of rights" for a structure of corporate governance....that has NONE of the restraints just enumerated to protect the population from the unchecked greed and avarice of this Nation's elites. - mpg

And now of course the Corporations have their own standing armies.  Sure they're under the semi-control of the governments who've hired them....for now.  No doubt you'll read some story in the future about how Exxon-Mobil, hired Blackwater to take care of a "little problem" they had with some pipelines in the Niger bad about those three villages though.

Or how Bechtel had a little problem with some demonstrators in Peru, who after becoming upset with the ten fold increase in the price charged for water they were forced to purchase from Bechtel, and outraged at the company's attempt to cap the last remaining freely available public spring, began their bad it got so messy after the KBR Mercs started using their heavy weapons.  However they were still able to identify the bodies....most of them anyway.

It's your country folks, that's if any of you can still afford to defend it.  Any of you got your own private army?
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Ahmadinejad Demands ‘Equal Conditions’ for Talks
A quote...."Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday his nation is willing to shut down its nuclear enrichment program in order to hold talks, but first the West must do likewise: “We say how is it that your [nuclear fuel] production facilities work 24 hours a day, but you feel threatened by our newly established complex and we need to shut it down for talks?”

Cheney leaves country in midst of Libby trial
A quote...."In his Washington Post column, Eugene Robinson writes, “If you’ve been following the … Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby perjury trial, I can understand how you might confuse Dick Cheney with Tony Soprano. Cheney’s office is beginning to sound a lot like the Bada Bing, minus the dancers.”

Teen 'sport killings' of homeless on the rise
America's new values.  It will only get worse as the pictures, the thoughts and the very ideas of what America is doing overseas comes back to haunt all of us.  And don't delude yourselves; it won't be just the homeless that suffer. - mpg

Who has Conquered the Middle East Over the Course of World Events
See five thousand years of history in ninety seconds - It's quite instructive, however the animated map only displays "regular" empires, not colonial (except as a European aggregate) or neo-colonial empires. - mpg

Monday February 19th 2007

Mr. President, You're no George Washington.
A quote...."We would certainly never think to compare George W. Bush to George Washington. But this Presidents' Day, George W. Bush himself has demonstrated the ignorance (and arrogance!) of doing just that. In a speech at Mount Vernon today, Bush started off by remarking that Washington was "the first George W."

The Bush Administration Avoids Peace (Again)
A quote...."Even though President Bush has already over-extended our military in his no-win war in Iraq, he now seems determined to start a war with Iran."

911 cover up - Google video 26 min
SJ Productions brand new 911 doc with Michael Meacher, David Sahyler,& Ian Henshall

The American People Must Never Dismiss the Lies that Led to the Iraq War
A quote...."Regardless of how we got into Iraq," Mister Bush's apologists and supporters say, "we have an obligation now, to stay until the 'job is done'." That is a false argument designed to prevent an honest and rational analysis and debate regarding the war. It is like a father saying to his daughter, "Regardless of how you became pregnant, you are now with child and must marry your rapist."

Most say Islam, West battle not inevitable
A quote.... The survey also found that 52 percent of people believe that tensions between Muslims and Westerners are caused by political power and interests, compared to 29 percent who said religion and culture are to blame."

Rageh Inside Iran - Google video 1hr 29min
A quote...."Rageh Omaar embarks on a unique journey inside what he describes as one of the most misunderstood countries in the  ... all » world, looking at the country through the eyes of people rarely heard - ordinary Iranians."

The New Iraqi Oil Law: Leaked
A quote...."This law legalizes PSAs (production sharing agreements) in Iraq. Iraq will be the only country in the middle east with such contracts privatising Iraqi oil and giving foreign companies crazy rates of profit that may reach to more than three fourth of the general revenue. Iraq and Iraqis need every Dinar that comes from oil sales. In addition to the financial aspects of this law, it can be considered the funding tool for splitting Iraq into three states. It undermines the central government and distributes oil revenues directly to the three regions, which sets the foundations for what Iraq's enemies are trying to achieve in terms of establishing three independent states."

See also.....The PSA's
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Murder, Inc.
This had to be posted.  To all the honest, loyal, decent men and woman in the armed forces who try to do "THE RIGHT THING" your mission is a disaster, more importantly your mission is a crime against humanity, your leaders are monsters.  From its inception the PNAC plan was conceived and brought forth into this world as a malignant miscarriage of justice, birthed by the deliberately arranged, coldly calculated slaughter of three thousand Americans. Conceived by the Straussian Neocons, foretold and predicated by the very plans they themselves had drawn up, it ushered forth their perverted, vile and evil "New American Century" of death, destruction and mayhem across the entire world. A plan that has already borne some of the poisonous fruit for which many of you have already payed the price, some of you for the remainder of your days.

All of you must understand this article as well as the heart felt Killers in the Classroom are just the beginning.  It can not be emphasized enough that this is just the start of what is about to come.  There is no end to the indecency, depravity and hell the Bushists will drag all of you into  It must be understood that what happened to the returning vets from Vietnam will be nothing, absolutely nothing, compared to what will happen to all of you.  Of course you don't know yet, you can’t conceive of, nor comprehend, what will happen five years from now as the catastrophe in the Middle East reaches its zenith of horror, terror and destruction.  But you will bare witness, along with the full brunt of all its evil.

Some people in this nation blamed the Vietnam Vets for the war, they felt they did wrong and as such they deserved censure.  That is just a pin prick compared to how all of you will be regarded.  Eventually as the true heart of darkness in Iraq, Afghanistan and soon Iran is revealed to the world, as the videos are released, as the stories are told, you will not be regarded with censure.....instead you will be regarded with horror, revulsion and FEAR.  Make no mistake and mark these words. You have been warned of the consequences of the path you are all now treading, you were all volunteers for this evil. YOU made the choice, it was not forced upon you by a draft, you alone will bear the burden, you alone will live with the consequences - fairly or not - of all the horror that will be exposed when these wars are over and done with.

YOU, not the elites of this nation who so richly deserve it, will be the ones held responsible, a burden you will carry for the rest of your lives. - mpg
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Depleted Uranium: Pernicious Killer Keeps on Killing
A quote....:    Aerosolizing DU involves temperatures between 3,000 and 6,000 degrees centigrade, which turn the oxide into a nano-sized ceramic particle that is insoluble in body fluids. If these nano particles are inhaled, they provide contact radiation and a source of heavy metal poisoning. These high temperatures will also aerosolize other heavy metals in the area such as steel, nickel, aluminum, and iron, which can be inhaled. Nano-sized uranium oxide [along with other metals] is roughly the size of a virus [scientifically: nanometer-sized], invisible, able to penetrate the lung-blood barrier and can be carried throughout the body. Nano particles can reach sensitive targets, including the lymph nodes, spleen, heart, and access to the central nervous system."

US “coerced” India over Iran
A quote...."In a public speech Stephen G. Rademaker, a former US Assistant Secretary of State for Nonproliferation and International Security, boasted in New Delhi last week that the United States “coerced” India into voting against Iran at recent International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meetings and warned that Washington may soon present India with an even starker choice."

U.N. Diplomats Revel, Cautiously, In Bush Administration’s Decline
A quote...."The Bush administration’s popularity and influence have never been lower. And the international diplomatic community couldn’t be more delighted about it."

Scientists sound alarm over melting Antarctic ice sheets
A quote...."The long-term stability of the massive ice sheets of Antarctica, which have the potential to raise sea levels by hundreds of metres, has been called into question with the discovery of fast-moving rivers of water sliding beneath their base."

The new revolutionaries
A quote...."When I launched my blog on February 6, 2005 I never imagined that it would become an obsession of mine or a mini-phenomenon for many people interested in the region. Yet within months of the beginning, it became clear to me that blogging was destined to become an integral part of my life, perhaps for the rest of my life, and a basic pillar of my activities as a dissident and self-declared heretic."

Peace Hopes Fade after US and Israel Agree to Shun New Palestinian Coalition
A quote...."Mr Olmert, who spoke by phone to George Bush on Friday, said that the US and Israel had agreed that the new Palestinian government, to be formed following a rare agreement between rival factions earlier this month, * would not be recognised because it still failed to meet the Quartet's conditions: that it recognise Israel, renounce violence and accept previous peace agreements. "A Palestinian government that won't accept the Quartet conditions won't receive recognition and cooperation," Mr Olmert said yesterday. "The American and Israeli positions are totally identical on this issue."  -  * italics added - mpg

Otherwise known as Condi's "successful" peace mission.  Take special note of the sentence in italics, the definition of "rare agreement" is as follows "despite the best efforts of Israel and the US these bleeping @#$% towel heads wouldn't kill each other off in the civil war we engineered no matter how often we encouraged them to do so or how much ammo we gave them".

See also....Why Bush is Selling Arms to Fatah
See also....More U.S. weapons transferred to Palestinians
See also....Hamas, Fatah engaged in arms race in Gaza
See also....U.S. arms for Fatah
See also....Arms Sales As Alternative To Dialogue

See cartoon below. - mpg
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The elephant in the room
A quote...."Cartoon: Steve Bell on the Middle East peace talks. "

 Sunday February 18th 2007

American Betrayal
Must Read - A quote...." 02/17/07 "ICH" --- - Some people are hopelessly foolish. Some can’t help it entirely (though a little less TV time would certainly go a long way), because they have been purposely trained to be so. They may be excused.  -  But too many others know better. That makes them cowardly and self-serving, and there is no excuse for that. Not when people are dying by the tens of thousands there. Not when the republic is being savaged here."

The Need for a New Security Architecture
Must Read - A quote...."Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the United States as the world's sole superpower, wars, violence and mass killings have proliferated to the extent that the world is now suffering from a condition of near anarchy, and nowhere more so than in the Greater Middle East."

"Much of the problem can be traced to America's unilateralism under the Presidency of George W Bush, in what has been called America's 'unipolar moment.' In simple terms, it means that over the past six years the United States has been able to do what it pleases without restraint - to invade, torture, kill and destroy, ignoring international laws and conventions."
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Killers in the Classroom
Must Read - A quote...." 02/15/07 "ICH  " -- -- During a heated debate in a class I teach on social justice, several US Marines who had done tours in Iraq told me that they had "sacrificed" by “serving” in Iraq so that I could enjoy the freedom to teach in the USA. Parroting their master’s slogan about “fighting over there so we don’t have to fight over here”, these students proudly proclaimed that they terrorized and killed defenseless Iraqis. They intimated that their Arab victims are nothing more to them than collateral damage, incidental to their receipt of some money and an education.

Some might think the views expressed in the article above to be a tad harsh.  However it's been almost five years - by now everyone knows about PNAC and the fifteen year plan to conquer the Middle East's oil.  Everyone knows what really happened on 9/11.  Everyone knows about the cover-up. Everyone knows throughout the entire world about all the lies used to launch these wars of aggression.  Everyone knows which countries are the ones who truly sponsored and continue to sponsor al-Qaeda.  Everyone knows about the relationships that continue to exist between our elites and theirs.

By this time one could be excused for losing patience; the denials by those in our military who continue to pretend they "didn't know" or they had "no idea" are no longer credible.  For those who chose to kill for their wealthy patrons, do not pretend anymore that you are not what you have actually become.  If it was your choice to become a Roman and kill and torture for the New Roman Empire, if it was your choice to sacrifice all the values that those who came before you struggled and died for….than that was your choice.

Do not call upon us to participate in your lie, to drink your poison…for that is too much to ask of anyone.  -  mpg
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Iran - [US] Ready to attack
WAR ALERT - A quote...."American preparations for invading Iran are complete, Dan Plesch reveals. Plus Rageh Omaar's insights from Iran and Andrew Stephen on fears George Bush's administration will blunder into war"

"The Bush administration has made much of sending a second aircraft carrier to the Gulf. But it is a tiny part of the preparations. Post 9/11, the US navy can put six carriers into battle at a month's notice. Two carriers in the region, the USS John C Stennis and the USS Dwight D Eisenhower, could quickly be joined by three more now at sea: USS Ronald Reagan, USS Harry S Truman and USS Theodore Roosevelt, as well as by USS Nimitz. Each carrier force includes hundreds of cruise missiles."

See also....USS 'Stennis' deployed to the GulfUSS Dwight D. Eisenhower Arrives in Persian Gulf & The USS Ronald Reagan deployed in the Persian Gulf

See also....Dwight D. Eisenhower Strike Group - MED 07 Deployment & USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69)
See also... Harry S. Truman Strike Group - MED 08 Deployment & USS Harry S. Truman (CVN-75)
See also....Ronald Reagan Strike Group WESTPAC 06 Deployment & USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76)
See also....John C. Stennis Strike Group - WESTPAC 07 Deployment & USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74)
See also....Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group MED 08 DeploymentUSS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71)
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Rove Said to Have Received 2003 Iranian Proposal
A quote...."WASHINGTON - Karl Rove, then White House deputy chief of staff for President George W. Bush, received a copy of the secret Iranian proposal for negotiations with the United States from former Republican Congressman Bob Ney in early May 2003, according to an Iranian-American scholar who was then on his Congressional staff."

Iraq Gasps and Iran Coughs
A quote...."After bringing Iraq close to destruction, President Bush is trying to rescue his Iraq policy from another: "We had to destroy them to save them" plan."

The White House line that Iraq’s extremists are all backed by Iran is a myth, writes robert fox.  -  posted at BuzzFlash
A quote...."The growth of the official and unofficial Saudi and Jordanian support for the militants is one of the most worrying developments," a senior British officer has told me privately after a visit to Iraq."

No it can't be true....they're our "friends" after all, aren't they.  Didn't "our" press repeatedly state that over and over again ad nauseam.  Didn't they completely ignore Bush & Co flying his Saudi and bin Laden "friends" out of the US right after 9/11.  Didn't they completely ignore the fact that fifteen out of the nineteen hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.  Didn't they completely ignore Bush & Co when they redacted twenty eight pages from the 9/11 Commission’s report regarding financial ties to Saudi Arabia.

So now after all this time - after Bush & Co have devastated the Sunnis of Iraq by viciously playing off the Shias against them, after tens of thousands of bloggers on the web and many of the families who lost their loved ones in 9/11 pleaded and demanded investigations into these issues for years and were completely stone-walled by the US government, after Bush's and the PNAC crowd's little schemes of empire building are about to come crashing down around their ears, now of course a little bit of the truth escapes.

Maybe we should invade Jordan and Saudi Arabia....oh that's right we have to go invade Iran first.

To Jordan and Saudi Arabia - after the US has gotten its regime change (i.e. killed millions of Iranians), you know who'll be next don't you?  See you later guys. - mpg

See also....The Black Bull died today
See also....Remember the Native Americans
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Snow: My Kingdom For A Transcript!
Get this - the feckless, lying, cowardly, Bullsh-ts were so scared about their twice delayed propaganda show regarding Iran’s supposed "arming” of Iraqi insurgents that not only did they prevent any reporters from taping it, not only was everyone involved in this fiasco so pitifully craven that they refused to go on the record.....nope, as ridiculous as it may sound, they even wouldn’t release a transcript of this debacle - to Tony Snow of all people.

It's hilarious, totally and completely hilarious. - mpg
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The Bin Laden-F**kin', Arafat-Murderin' George Bush
A quote...."A few months ago a book called Ariel Sharon: An Intimate Portrait came out. It's by the late Uri Dan, who was Sharon's longtime confidant/bootlicker. It sounds like it's worth skimming, at least for these two excerpts:"

When the 'Surge' Might Have Been Stopped -- Editorial Pages Punted
A quote...."Six weeks ago, when the Iraq escalation might have been deterred, newspapers failed to take a stand. Now many oppose it, when it's way too late."

Just like the DemoRepubs, who for some strange reason allowed certain factions in the Senate to design the vote so sixty senators would be needed to pass that proposed non-binding resolution not to escalate.  It fell short by just four votes.  It must be one of those inexplicable coincidences. - mpg
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Shame on the Washington Post, Again
A quote...."Just days before the perjury/obstruction trial of former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby goes to the jury, the Washington Post’s Outlook section published a bizarre front-page article by right-wing legal expert Victoria Toensing suggesting that the prosecutor and one of the chief victims in the case should be put on trial."

The American "mass-media" is now completely out of control and can no longer restrain itself.  It will only get worse.  As long as their long planned PNAC - 9/11 scam continues to dissolve into the quagmire they've created in the Middle East, the elites who own the “mass media” in this country will continue to become increasingly vicious. - mpg
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'NY Post': Those Who Oppose 'Surge' in Congress Are Guilty of 'Treason'
This from a paper owned by a guy who described US casualties in Iraq as "minute".  Told you so.  As soon as the elites in this country start to lose power they'll become increasingly vicious and feral.

"Global Defence" -  A German Ehren Watada
A quote...."It is generally known that Florian Pfaff, at that time Major in the Bundeswehr, was the only soldier in the German armed forces who was brave enough to oppose orders, the execution of which would have involved knowingly participating in a “crime against international law” (Professor Reinhard Merkel, Hamburg). Subsequently, in April 2003, a disciplinary proceeding was initiated against Florian Pfaff, in which the 1st Chamber of the Military Court North degraded him to captain."

"Both the prosecutor as well as the legal defender went against this decision in the first instance and applied for review to the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig. The defender did so in order to achieve an acquittal, the disciplinary attorney because he sought to have Pfaff discharged from the army for his “complete stubbornness”.

"Fortunately, on 21 June 2005 the 2nd Senate of the Military Court at the Federal Administrative Court repealed the decision issued by the 1st Chamber of the Military Court North. It rejected the Military Disciplinary Attorney’s appeal as baseless and, in an opinion that can be called spectacular, it acquitted Major Florian Pfaff of one of the most serious reproaches that can be raised against a soldier: namely insubordination."
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Future shock: Asia is running out of gas
A quote...."SYDNEY - When crude oil surged past US$70 a barrel in mid-2006, Southeast Asian governments were forced to confront an inconvenient truth that might almost have come from the hand of former US vice president Al Gore: income levels could not be sustained unless new energy sources were found, and quickly.  -  The World Bank has calculated that oil-import dependency trimmed as much as 1% off the region's gross domestic productlast year, as higher production costs eroded export earnings, boosted freight overheads and inflated food prices."

Just think of how much more will be trimmed off their GDPs when Bush & Co. gains complete control of all the Middle East's energy resources.   Now there's a scary thought.  -  mpg
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Bush has already caused enough trouble in the region
A quote...."US President George W. Bush has plainly got Iran in his crosshairs, and the tone of his government's rhetoric is ominously reminiscent of the period before the 2003 invasion of Iraq that has turned out so badly for all concerned."

Britney Shaves Her Head while Neocons Finger Iran on the Cheap
A quote...."Frank Rich, writing for the New York Times, reposted at Raw Story, remarks that watching the neocons 'try to get [their] story straight about Iran’s role in Iraq last week was like watching third-graders try to sidestep blame for misbehaving while the substitute teacher was on a bathroom break. The team that once sold the country smoking guns in the shape of mushroom clouds has completely lost its mojo.'”

To Restore Democracy : First Abolish Corporate Personhood
Essentially what we've done is substitute our government with its "laws", "three branches of government", a "constitution", "electoral system" and "bill of rights" for a structure of corporate governance....that has NONE of the restraints just enumerated to protect the population from the unchecked greed and avarice of this Nation's elites. - mpg

For Neocons, an Attack on Iran Has Been a Six-Year Project
A quote...."The escalation of US military planning on Iran is only the latest chess move in a six-year push within the Bush Administration to attack that country. While Iran was named a part of President George W. Bush's "axis of evil" in 2002, efforts to ignite a confrontation with Iran date back long before the post-9/11 war on terror."

War is a Decision for Congress, Not the American Monarch
A quote...."The motivation for attacking Iran was laid out in 2000 by the PNAC, and as early as 1992 in defense planning guidance -- written for then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney by then-Pentagon staffers I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, World Bank Chief Paul Wolfowitz, and ambassador-nominee to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad."

Gulf Economic Integration A Condition for A Single Currency
Well some Muslims are thinking about establishing the equivalent of a Middle Eastern EU with a common currency.  At present it will be limited to member states of the GCC.  It's a wonderful idea, if the concept could be extended across the Middle East it would help increase that regions stability, encourage all parties to curb their violent tendencies, and contribute to the welfare and happiness of all the peoples throughout the Middle East

There's only one itsy bitsy, teeny weenie, little problem with this idea.  Even if assurances could be given that its implementation would be limited to the “friendly” GCC states, it probably won't happen.  Before the US, Britain and Israel would let any group of Muslim states go off the dollar and set up their own competitive, economic structure such as a common market and currency, they would be willing to eat grass (or sand as the case may be) and nuke every one of their cities, much less bribe their elites and play them off against each other as they’re currently doing in their "Great Game" of constructive instability.

Other than that it's a good start to a great idea. - mpg
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Cheney son-in-law used revolving door to stop chemical security regulations
A quote...." The son-in-law of Vice President Dick Cheney, Philip Perry, has entered and exited the Bush administration twice, and in the process helped shield the chemical industry from upgraded security measures in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, according to an article in the March edition of the Washington Monthly."

"Philip Perry is married to Cheney's daughter Elizabeth, also a former executive branch official. An article by Art Levine in the upcoming Washington Monthly details his work in and out of the Bush administration since 2000, saying, "A flippant critic might say the father-in-law has been prosecuting a war that creates more terrorists abroad, while the son-in-law has been working to ensure they’ll have easy targets at home."
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Suppressed report shows cancer link to GM potatoes
A quote...." Campaigners against genetically modified crops in Britain last are calling for trials of GM potatoes this spring to be halted after releasing more evidence of links with cancers in laboratory rats.  -  UK Greenpeace activists said the findings, obtained from Russian trials after an eight-year court battle with the biotech industry, vindicated research by Dr Arpad Pusztai, whose work was criticised by the Royal Society and the Netherlands State Institute for Quality Control."

Nevada joining in opposition to national driver's license
A quote...."CARSON CITY (AP) - Nevada is joining in a revolt against a national driver's license, begun in Maine last month, a key lawmaker said Tuesday."

Texas Republicans are anti-Copernicus - posted at BuzzFlash
You will rarely find denunciations of the "Christian" Right on this web site....but this is scary.

Saturday February 17th 2007

No posts - mpg

Friday February 16th 2007

Chomsky on Iran, Iraq, and the Rest of the World
Must Read - A quote...."Noam Chomsky is a noted linguist, author, and foreign policy expert. On February 9, Michael Shank interviewed him on the latest developments in U.S. policy toward Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and Venezuela. Along the way, Chomsky also commented on climate change, the World Social Forum, and why international relations are run like the mafia."

Is the Bush administration behind the bombings in Iran?
Must Read - A quote...."Two bombings this week in Zahedan in southeastern Iran are the latest in a series of incidents involving armed opposition groups based among the country’s ethnic minorities. The most recent attacks again raise questions about the activities of the US military and CIA inside Iran as the Bush administration intensifies its preparations for war."

Iran arrests bomb suspects, police say U.S. link
A quote...."TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has arrested some 65 men suspected of being behind a deadly bombing that killed members of the elite Revolutionary Guards in a southeastern border province, the student news agency ISNA said on Friday.  -  It quoted the local police chief as saying the suspects had clear links to U.S. and British intelligence services. The claim comes at a time when the United States has accused Iranian groups of involvement in the war in Iraq."

See also....Iran arrests bombing suspects, alleges US, British link - posted at AntiWar
See also....More Bombs Going Off In Iran
See also....Rude awakening for Iran
See also....Stirring the ethnic pot
See alos....Violence and Rebellion in Iranian Balochistan
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US acting like terrorists: ex-premier
A quote...."Peter Dowding says the US has acted like terrorists by "virtually kidnapping" suspects and using the "rendition" process to take them to countries outside the US justice system where they can be tortured."

Please!!!....that's just rendition, torture and murder, that isn't why the US acts like a terrorist.

The US acts like a terrorist because for the last sixty years the US has DIRECTLY SUPPORTED or indirectly financed (through the ISI, Mujahideen, Taliban) organizations such as al-Qaeda and more importantly has stated it will continue to support similar organizations in the future like the MEK and PKK, terror programs like P2OG and the Salvador Option and various "favored" death squads throughout the world.

See also....False Flag Ops
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Neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant
A quote...."A paid FBI informant was the man behind a neo-Nazi march through the streets of Parramore that stirred up anxiety in Orlando's black community and fears of racial unrest that triggered a major police mobilization."

And when you closely examine allot of the bombings and plots around the'll find many of them sponsored by the vary same governments which are using them as an excuse to take away their own peoples' rights - mpg

See also.... The Uses of Fear
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U.S. Warns of Nigeria Militant Plots
A quote...."LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) -- The United States warned Friday that Nigerian militants may be planning to expand their activities beyond the country's restive oil-producing southern regions."

That can only mean the US will now have to "regrettably" occupy Nigeria to protect "our oil".  Of course, maybe the US can also help promote some of that lovely "freedom and democracy" for Nigeria while it's at it.  - mpg
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Money Trumps Peace...Sometimes
A quote...."It is always painful to watch George stumble his way through press conferences. He can’t get through a sentence without at least two-three “uhs,” his eye lids flutter up and down in what my daughter, Carly, calls the “liar’s blink” and just because it is painful that a human like that is ostensibly the leader of the free world. There is always a plethora of things that he says, does, or screws up on to write about but this time what caught my attention happened during the Q & A. George was asked if he thought the economic sanctions on Iran would work because so many European nations trade with that country."

Friend, we're so confused
As you read this understand the author is trying to explain as simply as he possibly can, who America considers to be its “friend" or "enemy" in the Middle East....that's what makes it so delightfully funny. - mpg

Lusting for a New Holocaust
A quote...."My periodic excursions into the pro-war regions of the blogsphere only become more disturbing with time. Just this week, the supposedly libertarian blogger Glenn Reynolds has endorsed the deployment of US death squads intended to target Iranian civilians:"

As Easy As 1, 2, 3
A quote...."The sanguine calm that prevailed among even some of America's more pessimistic observers in the aftermath of the Democrats' November successes has rapidly deteriorated into a mix of alarm and despair as the new year is just beginning.  Hopes that the voters' rebuke would chasten Bush and Cheney were quickly dashed by their arrogant declarations that mere electoral results would never deter them from their mission.  Those who relied on the Democrats to impeach the country's hell bent rulers were brought back to reality when it became clear that Pelosi's pledge wasn't just for pre-election consumption, but was part of the deal struck with the real powers-that-be so that Democrats could enjoy a little time at the lobbyists' money trough."

The 9/11 Solution - The big clue everyone missed - How the key 9/11 myths were implanted
A quote...."YouTube blocked my attempt to publish it this morning (February 14).  Before it was removed, this page received 19,802 visits in four days.  I have read Google's terms of service and in no way does this video violate any of them.  I am the creator of this video and its copyright owner. The video's content is not illegal, obscene, an invasion of anyone's privacy, an incitement to hate or a graphic potrayal of violence."

"Here's an explanation of what Google is preventing you from seeing:"
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Putting a Noose around the News
A quote...."If it seems to you you're getting the same news no matter which channel you watch, you're right, and you can thank newspaper consolidation for that. There are only three or four major newspapers left in this country, The New York Times, The Washington Post, among them; there is only one Reuters, one Associated Press, and now the FCC is investigating claims by Rep. Maurice Hinchey, a New York congressman, that CBS television is "seeking to consolidate newsrooms," (United Press International) thereby introducing the concept of central command to television newsrooms."

Hell-Bent on War
A quote...."The endgame – as far as the neocons are concerned – is the complete "transformation," at gunpoint, of the Middle East into a bastion of liberal democracy. This, at least, is the ostensible rationale, according to the most ideological proponents of the Bush Doctrine. In moments of candor, however, the more flamboyantly belligerent reveal the real spirit and intent of the War Party, e.g., Michael Ledeen's infamous celebration of "creative destruction." Not to mention the so-called Ledeen Doctrine, as related by neocon columnist Jonah Goldberg:

"Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business."

Otherwise known as the US's ten year cycle of "Keynesian military spending" - mpg
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Israel spends 200 times more per capita on Military than Iran
A quote...."Israel spends almost 200 times more per capita on its military machine than Iran's defence spending, comparative military expenditures compiled by the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) revealed."

Actually much of it is really US spending.  -  mpg
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Obama Embraces Israel “Security” Mythology
A quote...."In order to be selected to run as president here in the United States, the field of “hopefuls” must pay homage to Israel, AIPAC, and the “New York money men,” as Wesley Clark has noted. Thus senator Barack Obama recently delivered a speech designed “to remove any doubts that the Democratic Party’s donors and constituents, many of whom are Jewish, may have about his support for Israel,” according to Haaretz."

Italy orders CIA kidnapping trial
A quote...."An Italian judge has ordered 26 US citizens - most of them CIA agents - to stand trial over the kidnap of an Egyptian cleric in Milan in 2003."

See also....Fun & Torture - It's a Pleasure.
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Fortunate Son: The Untold History of George W. Bush
A quote...."If social promotion is a perverse gift to poor and disenfranchised youth, that is, to push them while failing through America's school systems to get them out the door, just imagine what social promotion could do for a poor little rich kid whose father, connected to power and politics like rockets to Apollo's rear, could promote George W. through Andover, Yale and Harvard upwards to the presidency."

Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: Was Israel Tracking the Hijackers Before the 9/11 Attacks?
A quote...."A new article in the newsletter Counterpunch examines unresolved questions over whether Israeli agents were tracking the 9/11 hijackers before September 11th. ABC’s 20/20, The Forward, and have all covered the story. But where’s the follow up? We speak to the author of the article, Christopher Ketcham; Counterpunch editor Alexander Cockburn, and Marc Perelman, the Forward reporter who did one of the first reports on the story in 2002. [includes rush transcript]"

America is Now A Fascist State
A quote...."Personally I feel cheated. I make no money to speak of, I live week to week, I served my nation for almost 21 years in the Army and then when I retire I see it fall to fascism. I will not let this stand as long as I have breath in my body. I will not support a government that has scrapped Habeas Corpus and condoned torture. I will not support a government that spies on its people. I will not support a government that can search a citizen’s home without a warrant. I will not use a government ID card. I want our democracy back. Shame on both political parties for letting this nation become a fascist cesspool. Shame on us for letting it happen"

America is Reaching Critical Mass
A quote...."liberalpro:One thing I am sure about is that we are losing our rights as citizens. It is no longer a subtle secret thing that takes place in the dark. It is happening in the light of day. Police are becoming unstoppable. Beating citizens and using deadly force is becoming more and more common. I blame people’s ignorance. I blame the government. I blame the schools and the teachers. Most of all I blame the teachers. If citizenship and independent thinking were taught to children in the lower grades, we would have adults today that take their responsibilities seriously."

Big brother will be watching you fly
A quote...."London - Tiny cameras the size of a fingernail linked to specialist computers will be used to monitor the behaviour of airline passengers as part of the war on terrorism.  -  Fitted to seat-backs, the cameras will record every twitch or suspicious movement before sending the data to onboard software that will check it against individual passenger profiles."

Wiki can link to controversial documents, judge rules
a quote...."Drugs giant Eli Lilly has failed in its bid to restrict a wiki from linking to documents that could be damaging to its business. The ruling of a New York court said the court could not rule against the internet "in its various manifestations".

Hip, hip hooray!
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Lawmakers Move Against Over-use of Antibiotics on Farms
A quote...."Pressure from critics who fear that disease-causing bacteria are becoming more resistant to drugs has prompted federal lawmakers to introduce a bill that would curb the practice of routinely dosing livestock with antibiotics to promote their growth."

FINALLY !!! - mpg
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Chávez Threatens to Jail Violators of Price Controls
Chavez had best be careful....."free markets" really do work better than state controls OR klepto-crony-capitalism in MOST cases.  Things could rapidly get out of control if he's not careful. - mpg

See also....Beware of Bloated Bureaucracy
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The Difference Between Science & [Some] Religions

TruthDig Cartoons