Saturday February 22nd 2014

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts On Gold And Gangster Capitalism
Must View F&LVideo - (Absolutely Outstanding!!) - Alt - From the History File - Jun 3rd, 2013 - (F&LYuTb - 40min21sec - Posted again on 02/19/14) - Source:  Finance&Lib@YuTb  - Related Websites:  GoldMoneyCom - PaulCraigRoberts - PCR@YuTb -- A quote...."Andy Duncan has the pleasure to interview former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. - Andy gets straight to it and asks Dr. Roberts about his view on a manipulated price of gold. Dr. Roberts elaborates on how he sees what has occurred since early April, whom was behind it and the reasons why. - Dr. Roberts sees inherent problems with the US dollar system and expresses grave concerns about the systematic fragility due to excess money printing around the world."

Invasions of the Mind Snatchers
Must Read - A quote...."Many empires have risen and fallen over the course of recorded history. All were created by force. Yet all have tried to legitimize that force, by passing laws and seeking to establish some sort of order that would outlive their military supremacy. Some have been more successful at this than others. The Atlantic Empire, on the other hand, is the only example in history of an imperial enterprise destroying its own laws, undermining its own legitimacy in pursuit of power." - Source:  RPI

The $64 Trillion Dollar Question – Whatever Happened to Democracy in America?
Must Read - Quote of the Day...."What is the state of the union? -- The empire, though led by bumblers, is still functioning, thanks mainly to a military that continues to hang on, along with the merchants of death it supports. -- Thanks to Edward Snowden, we know too that our intelligence agencies are thriving, along with their counterparts in the UK and its former white dominions, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. -- With the help of compliant telecommunications giants and internet moguls, the work these denizens of the dark side do has metastasized throughout the body politic – to such an extent that our formerly robust private sphere is now all but gone. -- It is remarkable how little indignation this arouses. -- On the other hand, the state of our domestic politics is on every good citizen’s mind. Nothing worth doing is getting done. The government has become dysfunctional. --
Inasmuch as paralysis at home is so widely bemoaned, and since it is key to the rest, it is well to reflect on the phenomenon and to examine its causes. -- How did it come about? -- Republicans blame Democrats – Barack Obama, most of all. This explanation is plainly ludicrous. Ideologically, Democrats today are what Republicans used to be. But like the liberals of old, they make a virtue of spinelessness. They call it “pragmatism.” -- Indeed, it would be hard to imagine anyone in public life more inclined to compromise away everything he claims to stand for than Barack Obama. The man is pathologically “bipartisan.” -- And, on this, his party stands behind him...." - bold by website editor
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine....

Sleepwalking Again  - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Must Read - A quote...."February 23, 2014 "Information Clearing House -  On the 100th Anniversary of World War 1, the Western powers are again sleepwalking into destructive conflict. Hegemonic ambition has Washington interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine, but developments seem to be moving beyond Washington’s control. -- Regime change in Ukraine for a mere $5 billion dollars would be a bargain compared to the massive sums squandered in Iraq ($3,000 billion), Afghanistan ($3,000 billion), Somalia, and Libya, or the money Washington is wasting murdering people with drones in Pakistan and Yemen, or the money Washington has spent supporting al Qaeda in Syria, or the massive sums Washington has wasted surrounding Iran with 40 military bases and several fleets in the Persian Gulf in an effort to terrorize Iran into submission. -- So far, in Washington’s attempt at regime change in Ukraine large numbers of Americans are not being killed and maimed. Only Ukrainians are dying, all the better for Washington as the deaths are blamed on the Ukrainian government that the US has targeted for overthrow. -- The problem with Washington’s plot to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine and install its minions is twofold: The chosen US puppets have lost control of the protests to armed radical elements with historical links to nazism, and Russia regards an EU/NATO takeover of Ukraine as a strategic threat to Russian independence." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

The US Is Pushing Ukraine Towards Civil War

Must Read - A quote...."Almost all American sources show little real. in-depth, historical understanding of Ukraine and Russia. - In simplest terms, the Ukraine today is pretty much split down the middle, very pro-Russian on the Eastern side of Kiev, the Russian side, and very pro-independence and pro-Polish and Pro-Western on the Western side of Kiev. - A large minority of the people in the East are originally from Russia, intermarried, speak Russian and Ukrainian, etc. - In the West many are Polish-Ukrainian, etc. - There are large sub-cultures within these two sides with ancient roots. - Ukraine is vastly important to Russia economically and Russia to Ukraine.  Ukraine is a great bread basket. Russia supplies the energy to Ukraine. - The U.S. Empire is fighting globally to fend off the rising tides against itself, Putin is fighting more culturally and economically to try to rebuild the Russian Empire [Nation-State mpg] after the Soviet Implosion."

Ukraine’s Crisis, Not Ours - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Must Read - A quote...."February 22, 2014 "Information Clearing House -- By Patrick J. Buchanan - Richard Engel of NBC, reporting from Maidan Square in Kiev, described what he witnessed as the Feb. 19 truce collapsed. -- Police began to back away from their positions in the square, said Engel. And the protesters attacked. Gunfire was exchanged and the death toll, believed to be in the dozens, is not known. -- In short, the reality in Kiev is more complex than the black-and-white cartoon of Vladimir Putin vs. the freedom fighters drawn by our resident Russophobic elite. Perspective is in order. -- First, though portrayed as a tyrannical thug, Viktor Yanukovych won the presidency of Ukraine in 2010 in what international observers called a free and fair election. He may not be Marcus Aurelius, but his remains the legitimate government. -- Second, high among the reasons Yanukovych chose Russia’s offer to join its custom union over the EU is that Putin put a better deal on the table. -- Moscow put up $15 billion in loans and cut-rate oil and gas. The EU offered some piddling loans and credits, plus a demand for reforms in the Ukrainian economy monitored by the IMF, but no commitment to full membership in the EU. -- As for the “protesters” who came to Maidan Square in November, not all came simply to protest." - See also....Will Mobocracy Triumph in Ukraine? -  February 4, 2014

The Truth About the Ukraine – A US Coup?
Must View MYXVideo - Alt - (MYXYuTb - 33min08sec - Feb 22, 2014) - Source:  StefanMolyneux -- A quote...."What is going on in the Ukraine? Just another hapless herd of tax cattle being paid, poked and punished by the USA and USSR in yet another round of superpower hell-chess brinksmanship."

Ukraine: The Brown (Shirt) Revolution - Prof Francis Boyle - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Must Read - Contains Audio - A quote...."February 22, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "VOR" -  It is a fact that since 9-11-2001, the US Government has been in the business of destroying countries and using NATO as it principle instrument. That was stated more than a decade ago by then US Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and later by General Wesley Clark. The Pentagon drew up a list of 7 states that were to be destroyed: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Syria and they have systematically proceeded to destroy all of the Countries on the list. The strategy in Ukraine is the same, US/NATO/EU are promoting the destabilization and the breakup of Ukraine in order to achieve the NATO goal of moving into Ukrainian territory closer to Russia. Harvard Professor Francis Boyle, a US based Russian expert who was invited to the Soviet Union to lecture spoke on these issues and more in an interview with the Voice of Russia."

US spent $5 billion to destabilize Ukraine
A quote...."The protests in the western Ukraine are organized by the CIA, the US State Department, and by Washington- and EU-financed Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that work in conjunction with the CIA and State Department. The purpose of the protests is to overturn the decision by the independent government of Ukraine not to join the EU."

What the EU Did....Set A Precedent

US government inadvertently comes clean on its Ukraine agenda
A quote...."For nearly three months, the American and European governments have been playing a frustratingly devious game of piously pretending to support "the people of Ukraine" in their bid for attaining EU integration and democracy. The charade has been frustrating because there is abundant evidence to show that both Washington and Brussels are engaging in regime change by subterfuge, but all the while the West maintains that it is simply acting as an honest broker to resolve a regional political crisis. -- Now, thanks to Nuland’s foul-mouthed indiscretion, the speculation is over. Washington is in the business of orchestrating a coup d’état – just as many Ukrainian and Russian politicians have been claiming all along but couldn’t quite pin down as fact."
It should be noted that trying to violently destroy a legitimately elected government, at the behest of foreign powers who have planned, financed and coordinated such a "revolution", and to publicly declare and announce your reasons for doing so is to subject the people of your nation to the will of foreign Euro-Kazarian owned banks, their currency, and their economic union, is an act of treason.  Period.  For more on that see the definition shown below from the essay  -- *The Rules of Force - 09-28-12 - mpg*.....
It should also be noted that a precedent was set in Ukraine....and in Europe.  The hypocrisy was devastating.  The EU, as a group of nations, as a combined entity and under the auspices of the US-NRE / AIPAC / Israeli Consortium, secretly, and than openly, planned, financed and coordinated an attack on a sovereign, legitimately elected government in an attempt to topple it on behalf of their financial interests. -- Nobody in Europe seemed to care. Guess the complete shits in Europe just didn't learn very much from WWI and WWII did they?

This precedent is UNFORGIVABLE.  It cannot be UNDONE.  It WILL be used by other European nations in the future and many others throughout the world.  This website editor actually thought Europeans were smart....turns out they're stupid.  What a shame.

This website editor used to support the EU as a concept, a concept with problems, but one, despite the bail-out of their own banksters and the crushing of some of their members sovereignty, such as Greece's, Italy's and Spain's, still had some promise.

Not anymore.  Not ever again.  They're just a bunch of gang-banging, terrorist supporting, war mongers for the Banksters, no different than the US-NRE / Israeli / Saudi combo.

The peoples of Spain, Greece and Italy, for the sake of their children's future should get out of the EU now, while they still can - mpg

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Revolutions -- Generally attacks by citizens against their government should follow this declaration....
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...."

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...."
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Ukraine Protests Carefully Orchestrated
A quote...."The recent protests in Ukraine have the stench of a foreign-orchestrated attempt to destabilize the government of Viktor Yanukovych after he walked away from signing an EU Association Agreement that would have driven a deep wedge between Russia and Ukraine. Glamor-star boxer-turned political guru, Vitaly Klitschko, has been meeting with the US State Department and is close to Angela Merkel’s CDU political machine in Germany."

Scoundrel Media War on Ukraine
A quote...." Ukraine is being attacked. Kiev resembles a war zone. Obama bears full responsibility for months of conflict. What's ongoing was planned long before violence erupted. - Washington wants all independent governments toppled. Ukraine is the most important former Soviet republic. At stake is its national sovereignty. Its future is up for grabs. - It's low-hanging fruit. It's geopolitically important. America wants it plundered for profit. So do EU partners. They want it at Russia's expense. - Business as usual defines Western policy. Obama warned Ukraine. He threatened "consequences if people step over the line."

CIA Agent Captured in Ukraine Helping Protesters
A quote...."20 Feb 2014 A CIA agent has allegedly been captured in the Ukraine, as shown in the video. The Special Activities Division (SAD) is a division in the United States Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) National Clandestine Service (NCS), responsible for covert operations known as "special activities". Within SAD there are two separate groups, SAD/SOG for tactical paramilitary operations and SAD/PAG for covert political action. Special Operations Group (SOG) is the department within SAD responsible for operations that include the collection of intelligence in hostile countries and regions, and all high threat military or intelligence operations with which the U.S. government does not wish to be overtly associated. As such, members of the unit (called Paramilitary Operations Officers and Specialized Skills Officers) normally do not carry any objects or clothing (i.e., military uniforms) that would associate them with the US government." - Source: B4It'sNews

Why Does Ukraine Seem So Much Like Syria?
A quote...."In Ukraine, US-backed rebels seize weapons from a military depot and begin firing on police — killing at least ten. The rebel groups occupy and torch government buildings, trade union headquarters, the central post office, and political party headquarters. They occupy local government facilities in other cities and physically attack local authorities. Their goal is to overthrow the elected government." - Source:  RPI
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What Ukraine Can Expect If They Join The EU - A Bitter Harvest

Ukraine’s Leader Flees the Capital; Elections Are Called
This article, which gleefully and gloatingly celebrates the "victory" of the Euro-Kazarian PNAC arranged "rebellion" in the Ukraine is from the New York Times. 

The Times is owned by the Jewish, Ochs-Sulzberger family, who've been card-carrying, war-mongering, fellow travelers of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and their thirst for endless wars and genocides since their criminal Euro-Kazarian enterprise was established by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. 

This is the very same paper which massively lied about Iraq, including falsely blaming Iraq for the Anthrax attacks, they published numerous, totally fraudulent articles stating Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and almost single handedly led this nation into war.

That war also ended with a celebration, in Baghdad's Firdos Square, remember that contrived celebration, remember "mission accomplished", yet twelve years later here's a recent article about the "success" in Iraq posted just a few days ago -- 142 Killed, 163 Wounded in Iraq Attacks, Clashes -- Over a million dead, five million displaced from their homes, and this horrific violence continues to this day.

Than there's the 2011 "mission to protect" operation in Libya, also supported by the NYT's Ochs-Sulzberger family and their paper's numerous lies about the Gaddafi administration.  Another unjust, illegal war, and also one where the Libyan "rebels" celebrated -- Libya celebrates the death of Gaddafi – in pictures  Yet to this day, after literally bombing that nation with the equivalent of half a million strike sorties, if it had occurred in the US, the Libyan nation still lies completely shattered, with almost no oil production, riven by assassinations, attempted coups, ethnic cleansing, and constant warfare between various tribal and Jihadist factions.

So here's what the Ukrainians can expect from their very own AIPAC/Israeli - PNAC sponsored "rebellion" if they "succeed", and join with the EU. 

This is assuming Russia just stands on the sidelines neither supporting, nor opposing their submission to the EU, but protecting their own financial interests. It also assumes Ukraine's neighbors will not take the opportunity to break off pieces of the nation. Finally it assumes the bulk of the Ukrainian population will just stand idly by to be turned into another Greece, lose their homes, jobs and starve, and not be tempted to co-join with Russia and split Ukraine into two.

The chances of which are all highly problematical.

It also assumes the EU's Banksters can successfully print their way out of their current self-inflicted financial difficulties.  If all four assumptions come true, than Ukrainians can expect the following....

In other words, Ukraine and its people, are to be "harvested".

If Ukrainians try to protest or later back out of their "deal", using actual peaceful protests and not an arranged coup, they'll be gunned down like dogs in the streets, by the thousands, and not a single country in the "West", nor presstituting shills like the New York Times, will give a damn.

If the EU's Euro-Kazarian Banksters cannot succeed in printing their way out of their current financial hole and the EU continues to collapse, Ukraine's decision to join at this time will be considered by later historians as one of the most monumental, disastrous, geo-political, blunders in world history.

What will happen to Ukraine under such circumstances would be impossible to predict, but it would be horrendous, and Ukraine as a geo-political unit would not survive such a calamity.

Everyone is now informed in advance that these predicted outcomes will be noted and pointed out as the years progress, and the tragic consequences of this misadventure continue to increase. 

Also please note, there will be no sympathy offered by this website editor to any of those who participated in this affair. - mpg

 - For more on this issue see articles shown below.....
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Syria....

Ukraine’s Future is Tied Up With Syria’s – and Vladimir Putin is Crucial to Both - ICH - Click Here
Must Read - A quote...."February 22, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "The Independent" -  No one in the Middle East will be studying Ukraine’s violent tragedy with more fascination – and deeper concern – than President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. -- He won’t care a fig about Obama’s critics – who are already chastising the US President for giving Vladimir Putin the green light to support the Ukrainian President by flunking his threat to bomb Damascus last year – nor will Assad care very much about the future political career of Viktor Yanukovych, whom he happens to know well. -- He will instead be dwelling upon the remarkable similarities between Yanukovych’s besieged government and his own Syrian regime, which is still battling an armed struggle against insurgents. The parallels are by no means exact, as Assad’s enemies claim them to be when they suggest that he and Yanukovych are “blood brothers”. But they are close enough to persuade the Syrian President and his Talleyrand – the Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem – to study the degree of support Putin gives to his ally in Kiev." - Source:  TheIndependent

Meeting Behind Closed Doors Exposed
Erdoğan's Terrorist Support - EXPOSED! - A quote...."A number of photos were leaked on Friday in a Turkish daily, and document meetings attended by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Yasin al-Qadi -- a Saudi Arabian businessman who is on the US Treasury Department's “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” list -- and the Turkish intelligence chief Hakan Fidan. -- The photos published by daily Karşı were reportedly leaked from a corruption investigation which has been stalled since Dec. 25, 2013 by officials appointed by the government. The meetings featured in the photos allegedly took place on April 14, 2012, when, according to a Cabinet decision, al-Qadi was forbidden to enter Turkey, and before the UN had removed his name from its list of supporters of the terrorist al-Qaeda network. Karşı reports that the meeting took place in the Haliç Congress Center in İstanbul."

Syrians across the Country Say No to Terrorism and Foreign Interference
A quote...."We invite GR readers to review the video and images below and make up their own mind as to what is happening in Syria. - There is a mass movement across the country against foreign interference.  This mass movement is not being reported by the Western media. - The Syrian population does not support the “freedom fighters” recruited and trained in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey."

Warning: Saudi Mayhem Ahead - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Special Note - A quote...."February 22, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "Asia Times" --  Move over, Peter O' Toole. It's Charles of Arabia time. Prince Charles switched to Lawrence mode when he went schmoozing and dancing in Riyadh this past Tuesday with the natives. And just like clockwork, the next day BAE Systems - Europe's number one weapons peddler - announced that the UK and the House of Saud had agreed on "new pricing" for an extremely juicy deal; 72 Eurofighter Typhoon jets." - Source:  AsiaTimes

Covert Militarism and the “Lebanonization Strategy”
A quote...."Current developments both inside and outside of Syria have shown that the primary sponsors of the extremist-dominated insurgency – namely, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel and Turkey – aren’t quite ready to throw in the towel.
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Lebanon & Libya....& Others

The stillbirth of the new Libya
A quote...."Britain’s Guardian newspaper has an excellent editorial on the unfolding crisis in Libya – or perhaps it would be more accurate to describe it as the unravelling of Libya as a state."

Obama Order: Libya an ‘Extraordinary Threat’ to US Foreign Policy
A quote...."President Obama’s “state of national emergency” related to Libya has been extended yet another year today, with the latest executive order declaring Libya still poses an “extraordinary threat” to US foreign policy interests."

Al-Nusra Front claims attack on checkpoint in Lebanon's Hermel
A quote...."Updated at 10:05 pm: Al-Nusra Front's Lebanese branch claimed a suicide bombing at an army checkpoint in northeast Lebanon, which killed at least three. - A medical official who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity said two soldiers and a civilian were killed in the latest attack, and that 16 others, five of them soldiers, were wounded."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Alison Weir on US & Israel's 'Special Relationship'
Must Listen Video - (YuTb - 1hr40min - Feb 20, 2014) - Source:  WeCannotBeSilent -- A quote...."Our guest on this 02/17/14 edition of We Cannot Be Silent with Phil Restino and Larry Pinkney live on Wolf Spirit Radio is Alison Weir, founder of 'If Americans Knew', current president of the Council for the National Interest, and an organizer of the upcoming National Summit to Reassess The U.S. - Israel "Special Relationship" being held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on Friday March 7, 2014 from 8am to 5pm. For more info, see and/or download the flyer at PDF"

Event Announcement - Washington, DC - March 7, 2014 8AM-5PM at the National Press Club

Without direction from Israel, there is a leadership vacuum in Washington
ZOG Alert - Awwwww, ain't that so sad?  Our poor widdle representitutes actually become lost and confused without the constant, unstinting, motherly direction of their AIPAC/Israeli masters! -- Poor widdle things, they're actually just like widdle sheep. -- Psychotic, cannibalistic, blood-sucking, rabies-infected, murderously fanged, frothing, slavering & drooling....widdle sheep. - mpg

Threatening and Torturing Palestinian Patients to Become Spies For Israel
A quote...."Fadi al-Qatshan is one of the latest casualties of a war taking place in Gaza’s shadows, as Israel seeks ever more desperate ways to recruit collaborators while Hamas, the Islamic movement ruling Gaza, enforces tough counter-measures."

Organization: Over 200 Palestinians in administrative detention
You know.....where you're not charged with anything, you can't get bail, you can't see the evidence against you (Habeas Corpus), can't call your lawyer and they frankly don't care whether you're innocent or guilty but they'll keep you in a dank, crowded cell for years because.....they can.  -- You know....just like the new police state regime that the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium imposed on Amerika after their planned 9/11 "catalyzing event". - mpg

The Israeli ‘watergate’ scandal: The facts about Palestinian water
A quote...."Israel has adopted a drip-feed approach to providing the Palestinians with water instead of letting them control their own natural resource."

The Problem is Israel, its Supporters, and the War Industry, Not Iran
A quote...."The investigative reporter and author Gareth Porter has recently published a book entitled A Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare. An impressively written and researched work, it is also frightening in its implications. For if Porter’s allegations are accurate, it is not Iran that the American people should fear – it is their own politicians, bureaucrats and an “ally” named Israel."

Dr. Katherine Albrecht on 'Israeli Phone Snoops'
A quote...."Dr. Katherine Albrecht, author of SPYCHIPS and well-known privacy advocate, has issued five new videos to her mailing list. The first one is regarding 'Israeli Phone Snoops.' - Albrecht, a Christian libertarian and breast cancer survivor who hosts a two hour daily radio show and serves as an executive at, begins "Ivestigators use spyware to remotely eavesdrop on the cell phone conversations of their targets. It sounds like a sci-fi thriller but it actually happened, in Israel. Here's the story that puts the spook in spooky...." - Topix ||  Israel's Net Control  ||

Germany to assist Israelis in states where they have no embassy
Germany is now a Junior member of the "Trinity of Evil" - It now consists of three junior members, Britain and France being the other two. - mpg -- A quote...."In other news, Israelis are flocking to Berlin and abandoning life in Israel. -- Germany is to offer Israeli citizens consular assistance in states such as Indonesia or Malaysia where Israel has no official diplomatic representation, under a new deal to be signed by Angela Merkel when she visits Jerusalem next week."

6 injured after Israeli settlers [Jewish thugs] attack high school near Nablus
A quote...."NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Six Palestinians were injured in clashes after Israeli settlers [Jewish thugs] attacked a high school south of Nablus on Thursday, according to a Palestinian Authority official."

Settlers [Jealous Jewish landless squatters] prevent [hard-working] farmers from reaching land near Bethlehem

A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- [Jealous landless] Israeli settlers [Jewish squatters] prevented Palestinian farmers from planting their lands east of Bethlehem on Friday morning. "

13 injured as Israeli forces open fire on Gaza border
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Thirteen people were injured after Israeli forces opened fire on Palestinian demonstrators east of Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday."
Is the EU going to start threatening Israel?  After all, they've been shooting demonstrators, in many cases with live ammo, for over sixty years!! - mpg
Zim Shipping: Evidence they Knew 9/11 Was Coming
9/11 - A quote...."Zim American-Israeli Shipping (“Zim”) was the predecessor company of the present Zim Integrated Shipping Services and was 49 percent owned by the Israeli government on 9/11. In 2004, the Israeli government sold their interest to the Israeli Ofer Brothers Group, which then became the sole owner of the company.1 On 9/11, Zim’s headquarters’ was in Haifa, Israel, and it had worldwide regional offices in Hong Kong, Hamburg, Germany, and Manhattan, New York/Norfolk, Virginia.2"

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Democrat, CA) defends NSA & need to spy on everyone
ZIO-Hag Alert - The Euro-Kazarian, AIPAC/Israeli whore, Dianne Feinstein defends Israel's "right", through their NSA general contractor relationships, and intelligence sharing arrangements, to continue to spy on Amerikans for industrial espionage, financial theft, and most importantly, to obtain blackmail material so they can continue their political, judicial and media domination of this country. (colony) - mpg - Topix ||  Israel's Net Control  ||
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Six Shadowy Companies that Secretly Run the Internet
Web Tech Note - Graphic - (click to enlarge) - A quote..."An insight into the shadowy, yet powerful companies who have a big influence on the way the World Wide Web works."

A Secret Court Making Secret Laws? That's No Democracy
A quote...."Last December, well before the Ed Snowden leaks revealed some information about the FISA court (FISC) and its rulings, we had already noted that the court itself was almost certainly unconstitutional. More recently, we talked about how the fact that all the court's judges are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court means that the court has turned into a rubber stamp made in the image of some of the most "law and order"-minded Chief Justices from the past few decades. Ezra Klein has since expanded on that to discuss the oddity of how current Chief Justice John Roberts is basically the Chief Justice of the Surveillance State, answerable to absolutely no one: "You have exclusive, unaccountable, lifetime power to shape the surveillance state."

Docs Reveal NSA & GCHQ Efforts to Destroy Assange & Track Wikileaks Supporters - ICH - Click Here
RNNVideo - Alt - (RNNYUTb - 11min23sec - Feb 20, 2014) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote.... "Documents show the US engaged in major attacks against journalists, publishers, and whistleblowers, as a UK court upholds the legality of David Miranda's detention at Heathrow airport." - For more on thses issues see artilces shown below.....
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

Empire vs. Peace, Freedom, Morality, and Prosperity - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Must Read - A quote...."February 22, 2014 "Information Clearing House -  The justification that U.S. officials use for their assassination of people overseas, including American citizens, is that the people they’re killing are bent on killing U.S. forces. Thus, the justification is sort of a modified self-defense concept—they’re trying to kill us and so we’re assassinating them before they have a chance to kill us. - Most mainstream commentators have come to passively accept this justification for the U.S. assassination program. You can especially see this when they comment on people killed who are considered “collateral damage.” They refer to those people as innocent civilians and to the targeted people as terrorists or insurgents. The notion is that the assassins were simply targeting the “bad guys” and, unfortunately, struck some innocent people in the process. - But the fact is that people over there are trying to kill U.S. forces because U.S. forces are over there. They’re over there occupying Afghanistan. They’re rearming Iraq, after destroying the country and killing countless people. They have military bases over there. They are supporting brutal dictators. They are bombing people. They are shooting people. They are assassinating people."

Most Venezuelans have a blind spot on their own country according to James Bloodworth
A quote...."James Bloodworth, when he isn’t applauding Obama’s murderous drone attacks on Pakistan, occasionally takes time out to complain about leftists supporting the Venezuelan government. He claims that Venezuela has become a “nightmare” and that, despite elections that he appears to acknowledge are clean and transparent, Venezuelans are, nevertheless, “living under tyranny” because of the government’s “unwillingness to tolerate dissent”."

Venezuelan Govt Sends Army to Combat “Grave” Opposition Disorder near Colombian Border - ICH - Clk Here
"Near Colombian border?"  Colombia is Amerika's bestest (and only) fascist, military, drug exporting, Bankster supporting (with hundreds of billions of drug dollars) US military equipment importing (those three are related, just think of it as the narcodollar trade.  Like the petrodollar, only more lucrative) South of the border.  Now Amerika's "enemy" is experiencing "opposition disorder" near this border.  It's just gotta be another "one ol'dem dare coincidences".  (roll the eyes, make appropriate retching noises) - mpg

Protest Coverage in Haiti and Venezuela Reveals U.S. Media Hypocrisy
A quote...."The media coverage of the events unfolding in Venezuela provides a troubling example of how the imperial ambitions of the United States can magnify crises—especially when contrasted with the current political situation in Haiti." - Source:  NACLA

How the US Toppled One of the Most Popular Govts in Latin America - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
A quote...."February 22, 2014 "Information Clearing House - In Damming the Flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment, Peter Hallward meticulously explains how, on February 29 of 2004, the U.S. managed to "topple one of the most popular governments in Latin America but it managed to topple it in a manner that wasn't widely criticized or even recognized as a coup at all."  Imperial powers do not reinvent the wheel when it comes to undermining democracy in poor countries.  Hallward identifies valuable lessons for people who wish to limit the damage that powerful countries inflict on the weak."

Kerry's laughable remarks in Beijing
A quote...."US Secretary of State John Kerry delivered remarks both laughable and frightening after meeting with Chinese officials in Beijing on Friday. - Regarding China's maritime territory disputes with its Asian neighbors, Kerry asked that China implement “a calmer, more rule-of-law based, less confrontational regime.” - The Chinese leaders doubtless laughed behind the curtains at this comment. For the US state, which has unilaterally attacked and occupied two other nations which never attacked it in the past 10 years, is the last state on Earth to advise anyone on a 'calmer, rule-of-law based' way to resolve international disputes."

China will “teach Africa to fish”, says President Xi

A quote...."President Xi Jinping said on Thursday that China, which has long been accused of using Africa as a source of natural resources and a market for its goods, will aim to make the continent more self-reliant. -- China will pay more attention to African countries’ needs and “teach them how to fish instead of giving them fishes directly,” to help them realize independent and sustainable development, Xi noted."

US expands military net over Africa, checking China’s influence
A quote...."Over the last decade, America has quietly expanded its military presence throughout Africa in an attempt to counter Chinese and other emerging nations’ influence, while consolidating control over critical strategic resources and trade routes." - Source:  RT
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Is the President a Dictator? - Why the unconscionable silence?
Special Note -- A quote...."February 22, 2014 "Information Clearing House -The political philosopher Edmund Burke once remarked that all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good folks to do nothing. A glaring example of the impending triumph of a constitutional evil that could be stopped by folks who have been largely silent is the tyranny coming from the White House. And the folks who can stop this and are doing nothing about it are our elected representatives in Congress."

NSA’s Fake War On Terror
A quote...."A New America Foundation report suggests it. More on this below. -- NSA spying is longstanding. It’s ongoing abroad and at home. It has nothing to do with national security. It’s unrelated to uncovering terrorist plots. -- Homegrown ones virtually don’t exist. Alleged ones are hatched. They’re fake. Claiming dozens were foiled in time is false. -- They’re Big Lies. Previous articles discussed dozens of innocent victims. They included...."
"At issue is generating fear. Washington’s fake war on terror needs public support. FBI operatives are involved." - Topix ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  ||

FBI “Terror Plot” Claims Continue to Unravel
A quote...."It’s no secret that FBI employees excel at foiling plots of their own creation, which is why it’s important for any thinking person to question whatever “official” line is touted as fact, not just point out the dubious use of resources but to help to clear those unjustly targeted." - Topix ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  ||

Badged Serial Killers: The Growing Murder Culture of Cops
A quote...."This essay was first published to on February 19th, 2014 by Bill Buppert. It is the second in a five-part series that investigates the growing death culture of the American cop and the predator prey relationship between badged thugs in the pay of the King and the following victim classes among the Helotry that is America."

CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Desperately Needs Your Help
Action Alert - Political Prisoner Alert - A quote...."As many readers know, I’m a pen pal with CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou, who is serving time in the federal pen at Loretto, Pennsylvania. I’ve not heard from him in a while and was wondering why since I sent him a Valentine card and also two paperback books, which I know he enjoys having."

Judge Tosses Muslim Spying Suit Against NYPD, Blames Reporters
A quote...."A federal judge in Newark has thrown out a lawsuit against the New York Police Department for spying on New Jersey Muslims, saying if anyone was at fault, it was the Associated Press for telling people about it."

Where Have All the Lobbyists Gone?
Graphic - A quote...."On paper, the influence-peddling business is drying up. But lobbying money is flooding Washington, DC like never before. What’s going on?"

Universities in FCC Newsroom Probe Have Close Ties to Soros, Got $1.8M in Funding
A quote...."The FCC may have suspended its invasion into American newsrooms, but the controversial "Critical Information Needs" study also has George Soros' fingerprints all over it."

How Do You Like Being a Veteran and Obama Saying You Are Not “Stable” Enough For Firearms?
A quote...."There is NO question why Obama wants veterans disarmed, but he must think we are too stupid to see it. With events like Operation American Spring being organized by former military to oust HIM from power, even though that is “supposed” to be a peaceful protest, Obama does NOT want those with the knowledge of military command anywhere NEAR having an opportunity to lead a revolt."

Climate Scientists Explain Why Global Warming Theory is False
A quote...."As I pointed out earlier this week Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have ramping up the global warming noise machine. Both insist that the “science is settled.” Kerry went so far as to toss insults at anyone who disagreed saying those who disagreed were part of the “Flat Earth Society.” He went on to say “we should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists” and “extreme ideologues to compete with scientific facts.” But if you look at the facts objectively it’s Kerry and Obama who are relying on shoddy science and behaving like extreme ideologues."

Maintaining the American Underclass
A quote...."American history has been the history of inequality, initially racial in character, and with that irreducible flooring, and as industrialization took hold, then economic—a class-structured society with little impetus, save on the ideological level, to democratization. The idea of a minimum wage did not break surface as legislation until well into the New Deal, and even then, conspicuous for its omissions and lack of application. The cheapening of labor has been the foundation of American progress, both in industry and agriculture, with the tenant and the sharecropper the rural equivalent of the factory laborer, both native and immigrant."

BREAKING: FCC Stonewalls Investigation Into Government Newsroom Hijacking
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 14min32sec - Feb 21, 2014) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex Jones and David Knight discuss the FCC's plan to install newsroom monitors/censors into communities across the country under the guise of helping women and minorities. The FCC plans to also look at newspapers, an area where they have zero control and over site. On Thursday, David Knight called the FCC representative listed on press release with some open questions about the project. He declined to answer any questions and sent him to a voicemail for the public office of media operations. Trying to get the government to answer some simple questions is like to trying to sign up for Obamacare."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  Feb 21st, 2014 - RBN Donation Drive - To Donate - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - Feb 21st 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Still Broken Five Years Later - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
A quote..."February 22, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "Counterpunch" - Ask your average guy-on-the-street ‘what caused the financial crisis’, and you’ll either get a blank stare followed by a shrug of the shoulders or a brusque, three-word answer: “The housing bubble”. Even people who follow the news closely are usually sketchy on the details. They might add something about subprime mortgages or Lehman Brothers, but not much more than that. Very few people seem to know that the crisis began in a shadowy part of the financial system called repo, which is short for repurchase agreement.  In 2008, repo was ground zero, the epicenter of the meltdown. That’s where the bank run took place that froze the credit markets and sent the financial system into freefall. Unfortunately, nothing has been done to fix the problems in repo, which means that we’re just as vulnerable today as we were five years ago when Lehman imploded and all hell broke loose." - Source:  CounterPunch

Peter Schiff On WhatsApp And The "Dysfunctional And Distorted Economy"
A quote...."Two pieces of business news announced this week provide a convenient frame through which to view our dysfunctional and distorted economy. The first (which has attracted tremendous attention), is Facebook's blockbuster $19 billion acquisition of instant messaging provider WhatsApp. The second (which few have noticed) is the horrific earnings report issued by Texas-based retail chain Conn's. While these two developments don't seem to have much in common, together they shed some very unflattering light on where we stand economically. --  Given the size and extravagance of the Facebook deal, it may go down as one of those transactions that define an era (think AOL and Time Warner). Facebook paid $19 billion for a company with just 55 employees, little name recognition, negligible revenues, and little prospects to earn much in the future. For the same money the company could have bought American Airlines and Dunkin' Donuts, and still have had $2 billion left over for R&D. Alternatively they could have used the money to lock in more than $1 billion in annual revenue through an acquisition of any one of the numerous large cap oil producing partnerships. Instead they chose a company that is in the business of giving away a valuable service for free. Come again?"

Bundesbank Must Intervene To Reassure German Gold Will Come Back
The gold held by the NY Fed is gone, it's that simple. - mpg - Related Article - A quote...."Has the German gold gone, at least the part vaulted by the US Fed? What is the reason that Germany’s gold repatriation goes ten times slower than initially planned (after one year), see here? Why was a new repatriation planning set up (after one year)? -- These questions have intrigued many gold observers, to the extent that the interest was sparked even outside the precious metals community. Recently, the German newspaper Handelsblatt released an article in which they openly express their doubts if Germany’s gold is still available. That speculation came after a new release that Germany’s first year of repatriation brought back much less gold than initially intended."

China Plans Massive 1,500 Tonne Gold Storage Vault In Qianhai
Charts - Related Article - A quote...."The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society is prepared to spend at least HK$ 1 billion to set up a gold vaulting warehouse in mainland China that will be able to store a massive 1,500 tonnes of gold. - President Haywood Cheung Tak-hay told the South China Morning Post of the development. Society members, who include all gold jewellery makers and jewellery and bullion retailers in Hong Kong, support the planned project in Qianhai."

Feds Withhold Water To California Farmers For First Time In 54 Years
Inflation Alert - (US food....) - A quote...."The US Bureau of Reclamation released its first outlook of the year and finds insufficient stock is available in California to release irrigation water for farmers. This is the first time in the 54 year history of the State Water Project. "If it's not there, it's just not there,"...." - Source:  ZeroHedge

The Banker Purge Continues: Global Banking System is Now Operating at DEFCON1
Must View SKVideo - (SKYuTb - 12min12min - Feb 18, 2014) - Source:  smartknowledgeu -- A quote...."The global banking system has entered DEFCON1 and is in self-preservation mode as banker deaths continue to surge. We explore why we can sadly expect the number of banker deaths to intensify over the coming months as well as additional curious facts about the death of JPMorgan banker Gabriel Magee brought to light recently by his parents."

12 Banker Suicides Linked to JP Morgan Investigation for Forex Manipulation

AMTVideo - (AMTVYuTb - 17min04sec - Feb 21, 2014) - Source:  AMTV -- A quote...."In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV explains the link between 12 banker suicides and JP Morgan Chase."

RBS suspends FX trader, bringing total to three
A quote...."(Reuters) - Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS.L) has suspended a senior currency trader in London, bringing to three the number of traders suspended by the bank since a global investigation into allegations of rigging reference exchange rates was launched last year."

OECD chief economist set to be Italian finance minister
Keeping it in the "club". - mpg -- A quote...."The chief economist at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Pier Carlo Padoan, is set to be named Italy's finance minister, an OECD source told AFP Friday. - The source said an official announcement was imminent from Italy, where prime minister designate Matteo Renzi is soon to unveil his new cabinet."

Switzerland: EU freezes research and student exchange funds
The attack on Switzerland picks up pace. - mpg -- A quote...."In a tit-for-tat retaliation, the European Union has frozen research grants for Swiss universities worth hundreds of millions of euros and suspended the involvement of Switzerland in the Erasmus student exchange programme." - Source:  TheLocal

Job losses sweep through Australian economy
A quote...."Unemployment data released last week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics found joblessness has reached a ten-year high. The official unemployment rate hit 6 percent in January, higher than the level of joblessness recorded at any point in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crash. Last month saw another 7,100 full time jobs destroyed, with the only job growth recorded in part-time positions, up 3,400."
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More On The World's International Situation....

Syria brokering local cease-fires as U.S.-backed talks falter
A quote...."BEIRUT — As U.S.-backed peace talks crumble, the Syrian government has forged ahead with brokering small-scale cease-fires in the suburbs of the capital in an attempt to show that it is capable of reconciliation without outside interference."

Security Council unanimously approves Syria aid access resolution
A quote...."UNITED NATIONS: The U.N. Security Council achieved rare unity to act on Syria's civil war on Saturday when Russia and China supported adoption of a resolution to boost aid access in Syria that threatens to take "further steps" in the case of non-compliance."

Syrian troops capture areas along Israeli Golan Heights
A quote...."BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian government forces captured Saturday two rebel-held areas on the edge of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights after days of intense fighting near a decades-old cease-fire line between Syria and Israel, state TV said."

Lavrov: Russia to Speed up Arms Delivery to Iraq
A quote...."Russia and Iraq have agreed to speed up the delivery of Russian arms to the oil-rich Arab country, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday."

Iraqi forces retake town seized by gunmen, 48 killed
A quote...."BAGHDAD, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) -- Iraqi security forces retook control of a town in Iraq's province of Salahudin, which had been seized by gunmen about a week ago, an army commander said Friday, adding 48 gunmen were killed and 37 others arrested."

Iraq announces 72-hour truce in Fallujah
A quote...."Iraq's defence ministry has announced a 72-hour halt to military operations in the city of Fallujah, which has been held by anti-government fighters since January. - Saturday's announcement raises the possibility of a negotiated end to the crisis, during which gunmen also seized parts of Anbar provincial capital Ramadi, west of Fallujah."

Medics: 2 protesters shot dead in Yemen

A quote...."SANAA, Yemen (AP) — Medical officials in Yemen say two protesters were shot dead and more than 20 were wounded when security forces dispersed a demonstration in the southern port city of Aden."

How did 37 prisoners come to die at Cairo prison Abu Zaabal?
A quote...."Last August, outside Abu Zaabal, 37 prisoners trapped in the back of a van were allegedly gassed to death having been held for six hours in temperatures close to 40C. Patrick Kingsley talks to the survivors and, for the first time, reveals their side of the story"

Russia to Strengthen Mediterranean Force with ‘Stealth’ Subs

A quote..."TEHRAN (FNA)- The combat capability of Russia’s naval task force in the Mediterranean will increase significantly following the first deliveries of Varshavyanka-class submarines to the Black Sea Fleet in 2015, Navy Commander Adm. Viktor Chirkov said."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Confirmed: DNA From Genetically Modified Crops Are Transferred Into Humans Who Eat Them
Health Warning - A quote...."In a new study published in the peer reviewed Public Library of Science (PLOS), researchers emphasize that there is sufficient evidence that meal-derived DNA fragments carry complete genes that can enter into the human circulation system through an unknown mechanism."

New Study Shows Glaring Differences Between GMO and Non-GMO Foods
Health Warning - A quote...."New studies conducted by scientists independent of the biotech industry are showing glaring differences between genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their non-GMO counterparts. - These findings contrast the principle of “Substantial Equivalence,” which has facilitated the approval of GMOs with virtually no protection for public health or the environment, reports the Permaculture Research Institute. - The substantial equivalence concept, introduced in 1993 by the Organisation for Economic Development (an international economic and trade organization, not a health body), states that if a new food is found to be mostly equal to an already existing food product it can be treated the same way as the existing product in respect to safety." - bold by website editor

6248 Permanent Injuries and 144 Deaths Following Gardasil HPV Vaccine: Coincidence or Scandal?
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."As of November 2013 there have been 31,741 adverse effects, including 6248 permanent injuries and 144 deaths recorded following Gardasil vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies which make the vaccine, as well as the Department of Health and Human Services which holds patents and earns profits from the vaccine, say that they are all a coincidence. The mainstream media is even worse: they are in denial that these events are even happening."

Friday February 21st 2014

No posts. - mpg

Thursday February 20th 2014

A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine....

Sinister Illusions: Masking Tragedy in Ukraine - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Must Read - A quote...."February 20, 2014 "Information Clearing House -  It is no secret that Barack Obama is one of the supreme illusionists of modern times. The disconnect between his words and his deeds is so profound as to be almost sublime, far surpassing the crude obfuscations of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Their projections of unreality were more transparent, and in any case were merely designed to put a little lipstick on the pig of policies they were openly pushing. For example, they openly wanted to conquer Iraq and expand the militarist state, they openly wanted to redistribute national wealth to the elite, so they just gussied up this unhidden agenda with some fantasies about WMD and the occult magic of "tax cuts," whereby enriching the rich and degrading all notion of the common good would somehow create a utopia of prosperity (for deserving white folk, at least). -- There was a disconnect between their rhetoric and reality, to be sure, but it was easily seen through (except, of course, by the highly-paid credulous cretins of our national media). Indeed, the Bushists seemed unconcerned by how threadbare their lies were; they delivered their lines like bored performers at the end of a long stage run, not caring whether they were believed or not -- just as long as they got to do what they wanted. -- But Obama has taken all this to another level." - Source:  CounterPunch - Originator:  ChrisFloyd

Celente: America's overt actions destabilizing Ukraine as never before
Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 3min34sec - Feb 20, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."At least 75 people have died in the street violence, as the broken truce between the government and the opposition has turned the Ukrainian capital into bloody turmoil. Gerald Celente, trends forecaster and publisher of The Trends Journal, joins RT to discuss this issue."

The Truth About The Ukraine Crisis
Must View PPLVideo - Alt - (PPLYuTb - 12min16sec - Feb 19, 2014) - Source:  PrisonPlanetLive -- A quote...."Washington is engaged in a dangerous act of regime change that could spark a new cold war."

US-Stoked Violence Rocks Ukraine
Must Read - A quote...."Washington bears full responsibility for three months of street protest violence. At issue is toppling Ukraine's democratically elected government. More on this below."

US and EU Are Paying Ukrainian Rioters and Protesters — Paul Craig Roberts
Must Read - A quote...."A number of confirmations have come in from readers that Washington is fueling the violent protests in Ukraine with our taxpayer dollars. Washington has no money for food stamps or to prevent home foreclosures, but it has plenty of money with which to subvert Ukraine."

15 terrifying images show that Kiev is a real warzone
Must View Photos - A quote...."Dressed in camouflage and toting firearms, the radicals have high-jacked peaceful protests in the Ukrainian capital. They represent the far-right wing of the Ukrainian opposition and have a leadership of their own. These young people, the majority of which have come to the Ukrainian capital from western regions of the country, follow the ultra-right ideology of nationalistic organizations such as Fatherland, UNA-UNSO and the Right Sector."

American and Israeli Zionists Behind Civil Unrest In The Ukraine
Must Read - A quote...."For the past several months we have seen all sorts of political turmoil hit the Ukraine including violent protests which have left many people injured or dead.  A former member of the Soviet Union and a Russian border country, the Ukraine has become a primary target of Zionist aggression. "

Ukraine Region Declares Independence Sending Dollar Bonds To Record Low; Russian Ruble Tumbles To 5 Year Low - Must Read - Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Still, to expect president Yanukovich (or Putin) to just sit there and let the country be torn apart by secessionists is naive.....
NO IT'S NOT!!  "Russia" & "Putin" do not, and should not, intervene directly! -- However, Russia & Putin could send sufficient quantities of arms to those Ukrainians who choose to defend themselves from the Euro-Kazarians Banksters, to allow them to do so effectively.  He knows that, but would prefer to avoid the carnage that would ensue by supporting -- for now -- the legitimately elected government of Ukraine and asking for restraint from the ZOG controlled governments in the "West" -- However, after watching what happened to Libya and Syria he must know, in his bones, in his heart, that such an appeal to reasonableness will be met with scorn and will fail.  But for the sake of humanity, and history, and for the must be made. In the meantime to those Ukrainians who don't want to have their communities torn-apart and utterly destroyed, as in Libya and Syria....arm up NOW!!  Form self-defense units NOW!!  - mpg
....As Reuters reportrs, Yanukovich accused pro-European opposition leaders on Wednesday of trying to seize power by force after at least 26 people died in the worst violence since the former Soviet republic gained independence. European Union leaders said they were urgently preparing targeted sanctions against those responsible for a crackdown on protesters who have been occupying central Kiev for almost three months since Yanukovich spurned a far-reaching trade deal with the EU and accepted a $15-billion Russian bailout. -- Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman insisted the Kremlin was sticking to a policy of not intervening in Ukraine, although his point man has called for action to crush the protests." - Source:  ZeroHedge - For more on this issue see the reposted article and comment shown below.....
Russia asks EU to condemn violence in Ukraine
A quote...."Why are there no voices condemning those who seize government buildings, attack the police and adopt racist and anti-Semitic slogans? Why do European leaders actually encourage such actions, when they would quickly move to punish them at home?” Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday." - Pick One....
Clashes in Ukraine signal escalation of US-EU intervention - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Must Read - A quote...."Violent clashes between police and protesters yesterday in Kiev mark an escalation of the campaign by the pro-Western opposition to oust Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. The opposition, backed by the United States and German governments, aims to install a far-right regime committed to integrating Ukraine within the European Union and implementing its demands for austerity measures." - Source:  WSWS

Proxy Conflict With Russia: Ukraine Descends Into Open Warfare - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here    
A quote...."February 19, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "Stop Nato" - BAGHDAD: Moscow is concerned by how the West has been trying to impact on the situation in Ukraine, and also notes that the situation in this country is being misrepresented, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said."
  1. Western news media coverage of Ukraine perverted: Russian foreign minister
  2. “The West makes no comment on throwing of cocktail bombs or seizing of buildings”: Russian foreign minister says U.S. responsible for armed extremists in Ukraine
  3. Speaker of the Crimean parliament: Well-train and well-armed contingent of 5,000 foreign mercenaries active in Kiev
  4. Russian Foreign Ministry blames extremist gunmen for Ukrainian violence
  5. Russia demands Ukrainian opposition halt violence
  6. In consultation with Western patrons, Ukrainian insurgents engage in delaying tactics in order to accumulate arms: Presidential administration
  7. Ukrainian Interior Ministry: Rioters employing specialized ammunition
  8. Conflict with Moldova and Romania pending? Transdniester now effectively blockaded
  9. British foreign secretary: “Violence against peaceful protestors is unacceptable and the Ukrainian gov should be held accountable”
  10. Weimar Triangle meets Maidan Triumvirate: French, German, Polish foreign ministers meet with Tyagnybok, Klitschko, Yatseniuk
  11. As the foreign ministers cancel scheduled meeting with Ukrainian president
  12. French foreign minister orders new elections in Ukraine
  13. United States bans visa issuance to 20 senior Ukrainian government officials
  14. Mob moves to attack presidential administration building
US, EU are ‘neck deep’ in plan to see pro-Western regime change in Ukraine
A quote...."The United States and NATO and the EU are together using their combined forces to signal to these demonstrators that 'We are with you,'" he said. The EU, NATO leadership and the Obama administration "are neck deep now in a plan to carry out regime change in this extremely important part of Europe, trying to integrate a former Soviet republic into the EU and, of course, into NATO ultimately." - In the cheerleading for protesters coming from Washington, Becker believes the US is fomenting discontent to further its reach into Russia's backyard."

Ukraine Violence: Soros Hooligans Beat Cops
Contains Video - Alt - (PPLYuTb - 12min16sec - Feb 19, 2014) - Source:  PrisonPlanetLive - A quote...."EU Commission boss Jose Manuel Barroso said today his fellow globalist apparatchiks believe now is the time to impose sanctions on the government of Ukraine. - “We… expect that targeted measures against those responsible for violence and use of excessive force can be agreed by our member states as a matter of urgency, as proposed by the high representative/vice president (top EU diplomat Catherine Ashton),” Barroso said in a statement."

Riot Porn (Again): Ukraine Version
A quote...."I've been trying to get other things done tonight and not watch the live webcam of the riots, (at the bottom of this post) but it's hard to stop watching's like someone took a GoPro camera and lowered it through the gates of Hell. In other words, that dystopian future that you saw in "Mad Max" when you were's heeeeere, or over there, in Kiev, anyway." - Source:  PhilyDailyNws

Ukraine crisis: European Union is not a happy paradise
A quote...."“Ukraine’s division is fatal for it,” writes a German journalist Andrea Seibel in Der Welt weekly, adding that Ukraine’s nationalist West is seeking freedom with the European Union, while Ukraine’s East wants to tie its fate with Russia. And of course, Russia for Andrea Seibel is a symbol of being not free. So far, the attitude of the vast majority of the European and American media is equally one-sided: West is good and East is bad." - Source: VOA

Is Ukraine Drifting Toward Civil War And Great Power Confrontation?

A quote...."People ask for solutions, but no solutions are possible in a disinformed world. Populations almost everywhere are dissatisfied, but few have any comprehension of the real situation. Before there can be solutions, people must know the truth about the problems. For those few inclined to be messengers, it is largely a thankless task." - For more on this issue see articles and videos shown below....
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Syria....

US, Arab allies meet to further back militants [al-CIA'da / Takfiri / ISIL / al-Nusra / Wahhabist / Terrorists] in Syria
A quote...."Western and Arab spy chiefs gathered for a meeting in Washington last week to discuss providing more advanced weapons and special training to the militants, The Washington Post reported in an article on Wednesday." - Source:  PressTV

Syria’s Chemical Weapons Destruction
A quote...."On September 12, 2013, Syria’s President al-Assad committed to surrender Syria’s chemical weapons, with the caveats that the United States must stop threatening his country and supplying weapons to the terrorists. He has been as good as his word. The same cannot be said for the US and its boot licking allies." - bold by website editor

Protect Syria: Will Samantha Power's words fool us again?
A quote...."After several hours of closed-door Security Council Consultations at the United Nations on Thursday, February 13, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power came out in front of the press to do what she does best."

Foreign Jihadists from 50 Countries Fighting in Syria
Contains Video - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- There is tremendous concern for extremists who are attracted to Syria, engage in combat, get training and now they want back to their countries and conduct more terrorist acts."

The Final Damascus Saga & The Assassination of Dr. Bashar Al Assad
A quote...."A former diplomat from a GCC country claimed in a short chat that his country’s officials have received confirmed information from sources in the United States administration that the assassination of the Syrian president Dr. Bashar Al Assad is a matter of days only, after which the whole Syrian crisis will find its way to resolving, the US style."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Lebanon & Libya....& Others

Powerful Bombings Rock Bir Hassan, South Beirut
The Trinity of Evil's al-CIA'da / Takfiri / ISIL / al-Nusra / Wahhabist / terrorists strike Lebanon -- A quote...."Two terrorist blasts hit southern Beirut on Wednesday near the Kuwait embassy in Bir Hassan, leaving dozens of martyrs and injured. - Security sources confirm that the bombings were suicide attacks adding that they coincided and that they were targeting the cultural center of the Iranian embassy in Beirut. - The Al-Manar correspondent reported that the first explosion took place near Gondoline sweets which lies in the building of the Iranian cultural center." - Source al-Manar

Beirut orphanage latest victim to suicide bombings
Related Article - A quote...."The twin suicide bombings yesterday in Bir Hassan, south of Beirut, were rightfully described as “an attack on the Islamic orphanage.” In fact, the two blasts shook the neighborhood surrounding al-Majad Center, part of the Social Welfare Institutions, where about 100 children were playing outside and 150 others were attending classes. All 250 children were at the building when two suicide bombers blew themselves up."

A car bomb's journey between Syria and Lebanon
A quote...."Two terrorist bombings, carbon copies from last November's twin bombing of the Iranian embassy in Beirut, shook Lebanon on Wednesday, leaving behind ten martyrs and more than a hundred wounded. Interior Minister Nouhad al-Machnouk came to the fore and called for the closing of "the death crossings" between Lebanon and Syria."

The Libyan Bedlam: General Hifter, the CIA and the Unfinished Coup
A quote...."On Friday, Feb 14, 92 prisoners escaped from their prison in the Libyan town of Zliten. 19 of them were eventually recaptured, two of whom were wounded in clashes with the guards. It was just another daily episode highlighting the utter chaos which has engulfed Libya since the overthrow of Muammar Ghaddafi in 2011." - Source:  PalestinianChronicle - also posted at CounterPunch

Libya: Three Years Later
A quote...."After three years of a “democratic transition”, forcefully imposed on Libya by Washington and NATO, the situation in the country remains very miserable."

After Ukraine, Barrosu came after Switzerland
Switzerland next??  Well, they're NOT controlled by Zio-Banksters, soooooo.....IT MAKES SENSE!  Yes!  Switzerland WILL be next, after Syria and Iran!! - mpg
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Of Dracula and Zionism
Must Read - A quote...." cannot strike a deal with Dracula and still remain safe. For Dracula to live, you have to die. As long as you live, he will try to bludgeon you to death. If Dracula happens to keep you alive, rest assured that it is for his own benefit, not yours. -- The connection between Dracula and Zionism is quite striking. Zionism does not care whether you give your sons and daughters to die in the Middle East. -- If the Zionists have to literally turn America into “the United States of Paranoia”[1] or “the greatest threat to world peace”[2] in order for their nefarious dream come true, they will. If they have to use the IRS in order to attack groups that they do not like, they will.[3] -- If they have to turn America into a country where the government can kill its own citizens without a trial, they will.[4] If they have to use the NSA to slaughter civilians in the Middle East,[5] they will. If they have to use Syria as a pretext to share more blood,[6] you can bet on that...."

Cost of Israel to the US
A quote...."Our uniquely massive support for Israel has cost trillions of dollars and multitudes of lives. It has diminished our moral standing in the world, lessened our domestic freedoms, and exposed us to unnecessary and growing peril. - The majority of Americans – as well as our diplomatic and military experts – oppose this unique relationship. Yet, the lobby for Israel continues to foment policies that are disastrous for our nation and tragic for the region. - If we are to have Middle East policies that serve the national interest, that represent the highest values of our founders and our citizens, and that work to sustain a nation of honor, decency, security, and prosperity, then it is essential that all Americans become active and informed. Below are the facts...."

Jew Spying and Crimes Committed Against Americans
A quote...."“I have made myself a rule. Whenever I hear a person speak in the name of ‘Jewish values’ or ‘as a Jew’, I immediately seek cover. I suggest you do the same." -- *Gilad Atzmon*, Israeli-born Jewish writer, author, musician and blogger, September 14, 2012. -- "This is only a partial list, as the entire list would be enough to fill a book, since these 'Talmud Terrorists' have never stopped attacking or looting, pillaging and plundering their 'ally,' the USA, which it treats like an always open ATM, with no limits on the amount of cash taken and an open around-the-clock arms bazaar, with Israel picking the most advanced and deadly weapons to add to its arsenal, again, courtesy of the American taxpayers."

Confessed 9/11 terrorist Silverstein “helps NYC shine”
A quote...."President of the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY) Steve Spinola is a huge fan – and an admitted friend and associate – of confessed 9/11 terrorist Larry Silverstein. In a Real Estate Weekly puff piece published yesterday, Spinola puts the spin-ola on Silverstein’s meteoric rise to fame as the man who admitted to “pulling” or demolishing World Trade Center 7 - and, by implication, the Twin Towers as well."

US Mulls Bill Punishing Israel Boycotters
ZOG Warning - UTTERLY & COMPLETELY unconstitutional, but it shows the depths to which these AIPCA/Israeli Consortium bought and paid for ZIO-Whores, who are laughingly called "our" representatives, are willing to go.  Simply DISGUSTING! - mpg

House reps want Netanyahu to address Congress
ZOG Alert - (Ohhh, it just NEVER ends. - mpg) -- A quote...."Nearly 100 reps sign letter asking leadership to invite Israeli premier to address Congress to 'send a clear message of U.S. support to Israel.'"

Israeli court allows settlers to keep stolen land, refuses Palestinian petition
Euro-Kazarian "Justice" -- A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli supreme court in occupied Jerusalem declined a petition filed by a Palestinian family from Al-Khalil city about their ownership of a 300-dunum land taken by force by Jewish settlers."

The right of return is for individuals to decide, not for Abbas to concede
A quote...."Yet again, we hear that President Mahmoud Abbas has more or less conceded the lawful right for Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland. Last year he told Israelis that although he would like to visit his birthplace in Safed, which is now in Israel, he did not expect to live there. Now he has told a group of Israelis visiting Ramallah that he has no wish to “drown the Jewish character” of Israel with returning refugees. This is an astonishing thing for him to say because its implications are so serious." -  Source:  MEMO

The Do Nothing Peace Machine
A quote...."In 2010 I edited The Plight of the Palestinians: a Long History of Destruction, a collection of articles by world renowned writers who unveil the genocide taking place in Palestine by the occupying power in this “advanced” civilization of 2014, a slow water torture of constant humiliation, destruction and death as the world watches and nothing is done to bring justice to the people of Palestine."

Geopolitiks: Eva Bartlett of InGaza on Human Rights in Palestine
MMAudio - (30min41sec -  Feb 19, 2014) - Source:  MMArchives -- A quote....""Eva Bartlett follows in the footsteps of Rachel Corrie." As she continues her US speaking tour about human rights in Palestine, activist and journalist Eva Bartlett joins us for the second episode of Geopolitiks to talk about her years spent volunteering in Gaza documenting the various angles of life under siege, from the "peace" talks to Israeli war crimes and much more."

Peres to bestow Israel's highest civilian honor on Merkel
Merkel Becomes A ZIO-Whore - Ohhhh Merkel, say it ain't so!! - mpg - A quote...."President to award German chancellor the Presidential Medal of Distinction for her unwavering commitment to Israel."

BDS, this is your big chance….
BDS Action Alert - A quote...."The BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement is gathering pace nicely. It now needs to shift up a gear and widen its scope. Important elections are looming again – the European elections in a few months and the UK general election next year. Membership of Friends of Israel is said to be a stepping stone to high office in government. It is also a pathway to being successfully selected as a parliamentary candidate in the first place. Many hopefuls are  ‘groomed’ on the conveyor-belt through Tel Aviv’s propaganda cesspit long before becoming MPs. Agent William Hague, our beloved Foreign Secretary, was a member of Conservative Friends of Israel while a schoolboy and probably still in short trousers."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Authoritarian Regimes (Like the U.S. and Britain) Treat Reporters Like Terrorists
A quote...."It is widely known that authoritarian regimes use “anti-terror” laws to crack down on journalism. - But this extreme tactic is becoming more and more common.  The Committee to Protect Journalists reported a year ago that terrorism laws are being misused worldwide to crush journalism...."

On the UK’s Equating of Journalism With Terrorism - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
A quote...."February 19, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "The Intercept" -  As my colleague Ryan Devereaux reports, a lower UK court this morning, as long expected, upheld the legality of the nine-hour detention of my partner, David Miranda, at Heathrow Airport last August, even as it acknowledged that the detention was “an indirect interference with press freedom”. For good measure, the court also refused permission to appeal (though permission can still be granted by the appellate court). David was detained and interrogated under the Terrorism Act of 2000." - Source:  TheIntercept

The Security State Crushes Ever Tighter - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Related Article - A quote...."February 19, 2014 "Information Clearing House - The disgraceful judges of Britain’s High Court – who have gone along with torture, extraordinary rendition, every single argument for mass surveillance and hiding information from the public, and even secret courts – have ruled that it was lawful for the Home Office to detain David Miranda, a journalist as information he was carrying might in some undefined way, and if communicated to them, aid “terrorists”."

Merkel, Hollande to discuss European communication network avoiding [Israel's] U.S.[colony]
A quote...."(Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday she would talk to French President Francois Hollande about building up a European communication network to avoid emails and other data passing through the United States."

Iran preparing internal version of Internet
Related Article - A quote...."WASHINGTON — The Iranian government, determined to limit Western influence and defend itself against cyberattacks, appears to have laid the technical foundations for a national online network that would be detached from the Internet and permit tighter control over the flow of information. -- The concept of a self-contained network has been reverberating within Iran for almost a decade and has often been treated with skepticism, given the significant investment in infrastructure and security that would be required. But Iranian officials and outside experts say that development of the network has accelerated following cyberattacks aimed at the country’s nuclear program." - For more on this issue see articles shown below.....
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

The Federal Reserve Is [Deliberately] Causing Global Revolutions
Must View F4LVideo - Alt - (F4LYuTb - 8min58sec - Feb 19, 2014) - Source: Fabian4Liberty - Interesting, funny, and supports the thesis this website editor has been pushing that these emerging market "currency collapses" ARE NOT NATURAL.  They are in fact, contrived by the Fed as part of an agenda, and we all know who the Fed is. - mpg

It Is Zionism Conquering Ukraine and Venezuela - Morris
Must View Related M108Video - (M108YuTb - 5min58sec - Feb 20, 2014) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote..."Creating shortages was the way that opposition to Morsi was created. I wonder if Russia is being placated with Egyptian and Algerian lucrative contracts - not that i think that will work."

How the Pentagon Covers Up the Truth About Its War Atrocities
A quote...."It’s 2053 — 20 years since you needed a computer, tablet, or smart phone to go online. At least, that’s true in the developed world: you know, China, India, Brazil, and even some parts of the United States. Cybernetic eye implants allow you to see everything with a digital overlay. And once facial recognition software was linked to high-speed records searches, you had the lowdown on every person standing around you. Of course, in polite society you still introduce yourself as if you don’t instantly know another person’s net worth, arrest record, and Amazooglebook search history. (Yes, the fading old-tech firms Amazon, Google, and Facebook merged in 2033.) You also get a tax break these days if you log into one of the government’s immersive propaganda portals. (Nope, “propaganda” doesn’t have negative connotations anymore.) So you choose the Iraq War 50th Anniversary Commemoration Experience and take a stroll through the virtual interactive timeline."

HRW urges US probe of deadly wedding drone attack
A quote...."Human Rights Watch has called on the United States to investigate a fatal drone strike on a wedding ceremony in Yemen in December."

Obama’s Afghan War Has Failed
A quote...."On 19 February 2014, two polls were issued by Gallup, one showing opinion among Afghans, and the other showing opinion among Americans, and both make clear that the opinion in both countries is that President Obama’s policies in Afghanistan have failed. The U.S. poll also shows that Americans additionally believe that President George W. Bush’s policies in Afghanistan failed, so Gallup shows no clear distinction between the two U.S. Presidents on this matter."

Karzai will not sign security deal: NATO
A quote...."The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) says Afghan President Hamid Karzai will likely leave the signing of a security pact with the US to his successor."

Top 10 Recipients of U.S. Aid Practice Torture
A quote...."The top ten recipients of U.S. foreign assistance this year all practice torture and are responsible for major human rights abuses, according to Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other leading human rights organisations."

Decades After Internment, Japanese-Americans Warn of What’s Still Possible - ICH Donation Dr - Click Here
A quote...." February 19, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "Al Jazeera" - Japanese-Americans are holding a Day of Remembrance this week for community elders who were unlawfully locked in internment camps during World War II. But for many people — including U.S. judicial authorities — the specter of the camps is hardly a thing of the past."

The F-35 Fighter Program: America Going Down in Flames
A quote...."This past weekend, CBS 60 Minutes did a segment on the F-35 fighter program. The basic facts are these: the program is seven years behind schedule and $163 billion over budget. Yes, you read that right: Not $163 million, but $163 billion. The lead contractor, Lockheed Martin, is essentially unapologetic about the delays and cost overruns. Why should they be? The general in charge of the F-35 acquisition program said we’re going to buy thousands of the plane over the next two decades. Talk about rewarding failure!" - Related article....Journalism Fail: All the Sources in Stealth Jet Story Are PAID to Praise the Plane

The End of the New ICBM
The choice was to spend money on Israel's PNAC Protocols, or US Defense.  Well....they DO own the banks, so that choice was obvious. - mpg -- A quote...." Last week, at a conference full of advocates for modernizing the United States’ nuclear triad, something big happened: the idea of developing a new, nuclear-armed, ground-based long-range missile fell off the table. - The nuclear triad — missiles, bombers and submarines that can deliver nuclear weapons — is under fire from all sides, as that force needs upgrading right when there is little budget or public appetite to do so."

Complaint Filed at ICC Over NATO Allies’ Complicity in US Drone Strikes - Hip Hip Hooray!!   
A quote...."Drone victims are today lodging a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) accusing NATO member states of war crimes over their role in facilitating the US’ covert drone programme in Pakistan."

NHK officials' wrong remarks on history prompt mounting criticism in Japan
The rapid re-militarization of Japan under the auspices and prodding of the US-NRE's parasites, hit a speed-bump. - mpg -- A quote..."TOKYO, Feb. 19 (Xinhua) -- Provocative statements by Katsuto Momii, the head of Japan's public broadcaster NHK, and its board member Naoki Hyakuta on Japan's invasion history have been widely criticized in Japan."
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Rulers’ Ideas Rule
Special Note - A quote...."I can’t remember where exactly, but I stumbled across this apothegm of Karl Marx...."
“In every era, the ideas of the rulers are the ruling ideas.”
"Striving for even more brevity, I truncated it to rulers’ ideas rule. -- Contrarians of the world should unite to identify and challenge these ruling ideas. When they serve only the needs of the powerful, we should be prepared to mark them as dangerous and most likely as undemocratic. And we should work to change them. -- What are some of today’s ruling ideas? I challenge you to come up with some. But on this Friday morning, here are ten that I see as ruling our lives...."

US Press Freedom Threatened
A quote...." First Amendment rights matter most. Without them all other freedoms are at risk. Post-9/11 policies threaten them. - Bush waged war against them. Obama escalated it. He promised transparency, accountability and reform. He called whistleblowing "acts of courage and patriotism." He said one thing. He did another. - Press freedoms are endangered. An October Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) report discussed Obama and the press."

American Stasi Police State Staring Us In The Face
Gulag State -- A quote...."American taxpayers have built an entire city in Virginia so that the Pentagon, can practice occupying American cities and putting down protests by US citizens. - This fake city is the training ground for the doctrine outlined in a leaked US Army document that describes how soldiers are to be trained to put down domestic disturbances and process prisoners through detainment camps where prisoners will be re-educated to appreciate US policies. In situations of “extreme necessity” the training embraces deadly force:...."

OBAMA’S FCC: The Ministry of Propaganda
Propaganda State - A quote...."The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has hatched a plan to put government monitors in news rooms to investigate "the process by which stories are selected". Published reports are already sounding the alarm. The stated purpose of this intimidation investigation is "to assess whether government action is needed to ensure that the information needs of all Americans are being met, including women and minorities." Uh oh."

US Jailing People For Being Poor
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min25sec - Feb 18, 2014) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."The US Supreme Court deemed it unconstitutional to throw someone in jail for not being able to pay court fees or fines without asking them if they can afford it first, but still, courts across the country continue to imprison poor people for not paying fines. Then, even worse, those fines grow with interest rate, as the people behind bars have no way to make any money to pay down fines."

NSA Agent Charged with Beating his 3-year-old Son to Death Only Months After Adopted him from South Korea
A quote...."A veteran and high-ranking NSA agent brutally beat his adopted 3-year-old son from South Korea to death, Maryland police said Tuesday."

Video: National School Safety Expert: Sandy Hook shooting was a fraud
AFPVideo - Alt - (AFPYuTb - 43min37sec - Feb 13, 2014) - Source:  AmericanFreePress -- A quote.... "Wolfgang Halbig has the perfect combination of expertise to evaluate what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School:
"His conclusion after ten months of motivated investigation....“In my professional opinion, [Sandy Hook was] a scripted event... in planning for maybe two, two and a half years.”"

Sandy Hook Investigator Stonewalled and Threatened
Related AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 26min30sec - Feb 20, 2014) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel

Sandy Hook Has Been Demolished
Destruction of Evidence -- A quote...."The photograph above, likely taken in mid-December, shows the remains of the Sandy Hook Elementary School crime scene, where all evidence has now been destroyed."

Fort Hood Tears Down Site Of 2009 Massacre

Destruction of Evidence -- A quote...."A Texas Army post has razed the building where a former psychiatrist carried out one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history, with plans to put up trees and a memorial in its place."

White House: No more information about drone killings will be released to public
Obama's Stonewall & Cover-Up -- A quote..."White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters Thursday that the Obama administration will not be releasing any more information about the controversial use of drones to kill American citizens."

SecState Clinton Before, During and After Benghazi
Benghazigate - (Another stonewall & cover-up) -- A quote...."The below report in pdf format was compiled by a group of special ops veterans and former intelligence officers known as Opsecteam. The report is published by Frank Gaffney's Family Security Matters. The below report paints a damning picture of Hillary Clinton in the time before the Benghazi mission attack...."

IT NEVER ENDS: Obama Administration Withholds Key Benghazi Emails
Benghazigate - (Another stonewall & cover-up) -- A quote...."I’ll give you one guess who was just caught withholding evidence from Benghazi (again)? Who do you think? The Four Star Admiral who will not let it rest that Obama conspired with the enemy to have Chris Stevens killed OOOOOORRRR…. the guy who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and would not know the truth if it bit him?"

Whistleblower Fired After Voicing Safety Concerns at Nuclear Site
A quote...."The person responsible for overseeing the cleanup of the former nuclear weapons site in Hanford, Washington—the most contaminated in the United States—was fired on Tuesday after blowing the whistle on the dangerous conditions at the facility." - SourceCommonDreams

Nun sentenced to years in prison for nuclear site "sabotage" - she splashed red paint on the outside walls
A quote...."Feb. 18, 2014: A U.S. judge sentenced an 84-year-old nun, Sister Megan Rice, on Tuesday to 35 months in prison for breaking into a Tennessee defense facility['s perimeter enclosure] where enriched uranium for nuclear bombs is stored."

Fourth Georgia hospital closes due to Obamacare payment cuts
Obama(no)care - A quote...."The fourth Georgia hospital in two years is closing its doors due to severe financial difficulties caused by Obamacare’s payment cuts for emergency services."

Seattle Children’s Hospital Sues Obamacare For Denying Kids Coverage
Obama(no)care - A quote...."Seniors and people with cancer and other serious illnesses aren’t the only ones suffering the consequences of Obama’s version of “health care.” Now children are having to go without adequate care due to the disastrous health care law."

Missouri Senate Votes to Nullify Federal Gun Control 23-10 - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."A Missouri bill which seeks to nullify virtually every federal gun control measure on the books, “whether past, present or future,” passed the Senate Thursday. SB613 would ban the state from enforcing virtually all federal gun control measures, and includes criminal charges for federal agents attempting to violate the right to keep and bear arms in Missouri."

New Report Exposes America’s Highest Paid Government Workers
A quote...."The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) released a new report today, “EXPOSED: America’s Highest Paid Government Workers-PDF.” - The report shows that, contrary to misinformation spread by some politicians and pundits, America’s highest paid “government” workers are not your local teachers, nurses, or sanitation workers. Rather, they are corporate executives who sign lucrative contracts to take over public services and then pay themselves and other executives eye-popping salaries."

91% of Republicans – and 93% of Democrats – Think We Have Too Much Inequality
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."A Gallup poll last month found that 54% of all Republicans think we have too much inequality. - A recent poll by leading behavioral scientist Dan Ariely of Duke University found that, in the abstract, 91% of Republicans favored Swedish levels of inequality instead of higher American levels … and the results for Democrats were virtually identical at 93%...." - Source:  WashBlog

Unite & Conquer: Fighting Back Against the Oligarchy  - BFP Subscribe / Donation Drive - CLICK HERE
CRVideo -  (CRYuTb - 15min15sec - Feb 19, 2014) - Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettReport - A quote...."In the tech field, the open source revolution is reimagining the way people collaborate, share knowledge, and produce innovations. From 3D printing and the sharing of the digital blueprints for the design of all manner of household objects under creative commons licenses to the creation of downloadable roadworthy car chassis to the sharing of designs and ideas for farming technologies in the open agriculture revolution, people are finding all sorts of new ways to come together regardless of political or philosophical or racial or class distinction to create vibrant, alternative communities of like-minded people interested in finding solutions to humanity's problems."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  Feb 20th, 2014 - RBN Donation Drive - To Donate - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - Feb 20th 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  Feb 19th, 2014  - RBN Donation Drive - To Donate - CLICK HERE
Must Listen MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - Feb 19th 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Trickle Down Economics & The Rise of the New Sociopathic Class
Must Read - A quote...."The idea behind trickle-down economics was that the wealthy were job creators, and that by reducing taxes on the affluent, more jobs would be created, resulting in prosperity for all. Trickle-down economics was christened with an official name, supply side economics, and sold to the American people with a slogan; a rising tide lifts all boats.  However, you can’t put lipstick on a pig: the system is called capitalism and it is killing people and the environment. -- We now know trickle-down economics was a lie, a fraudulent scheme to redistribute money from the many to a few, and a theft of the nation’s wealth. Rather than  a rising tide, thirty plus years of trickle-down economics has brought us the loss of tens of millions of jobs through outsourcing, the devastation of entire cities, the financial collapse of 2008 and an ever widening income disparity and inequality between the so called job creators and the other 99% of the population."

Banks Are Obsolete: The Entire Parasitic Sector Can Be Eliminated
Chart - (click to enlarge) - Good title.  It rolls nicely off the tongue...."eliminated"! - mpg -- A quote...."Technology has leapfrogged the banking sector, rendering it as obsolete as buggy whips. So why are we devoting 9% of our economy to an obsolete parasite?" - also posted at ZeroHedge - Why indeed? - mpg

Keiser Report: How to Steal Money in the Future & Benefit Today (E565)
MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min44sec -  Feb 20, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - MaxOnTwitter - StacyOnTwitter - A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the last contagion in London, where even if an investor lives 200 fricking years, he'll never discover the vampire squid's true nature. They also cover the spate of banker suicides and the wholesale merger of high finance with heavy industry. In the second half, Max interviews a Green Party member of the Greater London Authority, Jenny Jones about Boris Johnson, the Bankers' Mayor."

Interview with Scott Stafne, Attorney in Washington State that Won the Huge Ruling against MERS & BofA
SQAVideo - Alt - (SQAYuTb - 20min02sec - Feb 19, 2014) - Source: Sherrie QuestioningAll -- A quote.... "Attorney Scott Stafne Spoke with me about the Huge ruling he won against MERS, Bank of America and Recontrust in Washington State. -- He speaks about the case and what it could mean for other homeowners who have been foreclosed on by MERS, BANA, Recontrust in non-judicial foreclosure states. -- The judge voided the foreclosure from 2009 completely. Mr. Stafne has more litigation pending for the case. -- If you have been foreclosed on in the past years by a MERS bank, please contact an attorney and sue them! - The more people do this and Win, the banks will have to STOP the fraud!" - bold by website editor

[US] Mortgage Applications Plunge Further - Near 19 Year Lows

Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The past 5 weeks have seen mortgage applications crumble a further 16% - their biggest such drop in 14 months as the index for home purchase applications hovers close to its lowest level since 1995. Non-seasonally-adjusted, this is the worst start to a year in over a decade. Must be the weather?"

Hot [US Housing] Markets Gone Cold
Related Article - A quote...."Higher rates, higher prices and weak fundamentals have sent home sales crashing in last year’s hottest markets casting doubt on the sustainability of housing recovery. - In the San Francisco Bay Area, home “sales plunged to a six-year low”…. while prices dropped 4.3 percent from a month earlier. (Los Angeles Times) Additionally, sales of new and existing homes and condos fell to their “lowest level for the month since 2008″, the peak of the financial crisis. - Similarly, Dataquick announced that “January was the worst month for home sales in nearly 3-years for Southern California.” Here’s more...."

[US] Philly Fed Plunges To 1 Year Low; Misses By Most Since Aug 2011
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Philly Fed printed -6.3, missing expectations of +8.0 by the most since Aug 2011 (and dropping most since then)." - However....US PMI Explodes To Highs - Go figure....mpg

Caterpillar Global Retail Sales Decline For 14th Consecutive Month
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote..."While the stock of Caterpillar may be discounting some improvement in global industrial demand, the current situation as reflected by the company's latest monthly retail sales update is hardly as optimistic...."

Bank of America CEO gets $14 million for 2013
Banksters Win Again - A quote...."Bank of America Corp. boosted Chief Executive Brian Moynihan 's salary and bonus 17% to $14 million for 2013, rewarding its top executive for a year in which the bank posted its strongest annual profit since 2007."

Baby Boomers Pensions Owed by U.S. May Result in Economic Tidal Wave if U.S. refuses to pay
A quote...."After 45 years of collecting premiums for their pension plans, which the government refers to as “Social Security,” Baby Boomers become aware that while normally with contracts for future obligations of this kind the issuer is required by law to accumulate money into a fund to make sure that there will be enough available when future payments become due, the federal government did not abide by those laws. The funds exist on paper only."

Here Is How High Frequency Trading Hurts Everyone
Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."The market value of a stock quote continues to plummet. As Nanex shows so graphically below, it's taking more quotes to get the same amount of trading done in today's stock market, meaning that everyone has to process more information than ever before, yet actual trading continues to stagnate." - Source:  Nanex

Hundreds of thousands evicted in Spain since 2008 crash
A quote...."The brutal consequences of evictions being carried in Spain by the banks in collaboration with the courts and police was evidenced once again recently when Antonio Argobia, a chronically ill and disabled 54-year-old, was thrown out of his home in the working class neighbourhood of Lavapiés in Madrid." - Source: WSWS

Beppe Grillo declares 'war' as Berlusconi backs Renzi
A quote...."Five Star Movement leader Beppe Grillo has lashed out at Matteo Renzi, saying the prime minister designate is "not credible" and declaring a political "war" against the country's prospective new leader."

EU: Corruption costing bloc $162 billion annually
A quote...."BRUSSELS (AP) -- Corruption affects all member countries of the European Union and costs the bloc's economies around 120 billion euros ($162.19 billion) a year, an official EU report published Monday said. --
European Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom, who presided over the first official EU-wide study on corruption, said the estimated amount lost annually due to padded government contracts, covert political financing, bribes to secure health care and other corrupt practices would be enough to fund the European Union's yearly operating budget."

Japanese Trade Deficit Explodes To Record - No J-Curve Miracle In Sight
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."With exports up 9% but imports up a massive 25% YoY, Japan's Trade balance pushed to its largest deficit on record." - Yes.....but....the US-NRE has run massive trade deficits since the 1980s. - mpg

Asia Imports Huge 80% Of Swiss Gold And Silver Exports In January
Gold Alert - A quote...."More data overnight confirms that gold is flowing from west to east and from the western banking system into strong store of wealth hands in Asia. This includes Asian investors and store of wealth buyers and indeed Asian central banks including the People’s Bank of China. - Asia accounted for more than 80% of Swiss gold and silver bullion coin and bar exports in January, the Swiss Federal Customs Administration said today in an e-mailed report covered by Bloomberg."

China Starts To Make A Power Move Against The U.S. Dollar
Gold / Dollar Alert - A quote...."In order for our current level of debt-fueled prosperity to continue, the rest of the world must continue to use our dollars to trade with one another and must continue to buy our debt at ridiculously low interest rates.  Of course the number one foreign nation that we depend on to participate in our system is China.  China accounts for more global trade than anyone else on the planet (including the United States), and most of that trade is conducted in U.S. dollars."
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More On The World's International Situation....

Great Britain’s 100 year war on the Arab world
Geo-Political Analysis - A quote...."In the first decade of this century, amidst the flames of the “War on Terror” which had engulfed Afghanistan and Iraq, the late president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, made a private visit to London to meet Ken Livingstone, the mayor. Two days earlier British Prime Minister Tony Blair had lectured and rebuked Chavez and Bolivian President Evo Morales on the need to use the resources of his oil rich country “responsibly.”"

Syrian Army Takes Back Military Zone in Daraa
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian military troops made major advances in Daraa countryside in the Southern parts of the country and took back a strategic military zone in the region."

Western-backed Syrian rebel commanders reject leader's sacking
A quote...."Regional unit commanders of the main Western-backed Syrian rebel faction have rebuffed the dismissal this week of their chief by the group's foreign-based command council and pledged to keep fighting under his command."

Rifts Deepen; Syria Rebel Leaders Say Idris Removal was a ‘Coup’
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The already tense relations between Syrian opposition fractions became more fragile with sacking of Salim Idris, former head of the main foreign-backed militant group, the so-called Free Syrian Army."

Syrian Christian Militias Ally With Kurds in Northeast
A quote...."Across most of the nation, Syrian Christians have tried to stay out of the civil war, and have been clobbered repeatedly by Islamist rebel factions who accuse them of being pro-Assad. Many have fled the country, and one of the world’s oldest Christian communities seems on the brink of destruction."

Gulf, Russia agree to disagree on Syrian conflict
A quote...."KUWAIT CITY - Gulf Arab states and Russia expressed "different" views on the three-year conflict in Syria at a strategic dialogue in Kuwait City on Wednesday, both sides said."
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Bounties:  Fine In Principal, Terrible In Practice

Iraq’s new weapon against jihadists: Bounties of up to $25,000
Bounties Offered - A quote...."BAGHDAD - Iraq, struggling to curb its worst violence in years, is offering bounties of up to $25,000 for killing or capturing a foreign jihadist fighter, state television reported Thursday. - The defence ministry is offering 20 million dinars ($16,666/12,165 euros) to anyone who "kills a foreign terrorist from ISIL (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and Al-Qaeda" and 30 million dinars to anyone who captures "a terrorist from among them," it reported." - bold/underline by website editor
In principle, it sounds like a really good idea, in practice, it's a complete invitation for murder and mayhem on a mass scale.  Without extremely strict controls, it will inevitably result in the deliberate murder of mostly innocent peopleAfter all, innocent civilians are a lot easier to kill than well armed, well trained, Jihadists....just ask the Amerikans about that.

For an example of just how such a program can get completely out of control all one has to do is look at what happened in Columbia.  Towards the end of their program, military units (much less a bunch of privateers), the only ones allowed to participate in the program, were rounding up hundreds of completely innocent indigents and poor peasants and executing them for the money. 

Also, in a completely chaotic place like Iraq, it could very well be the Jihadists being sought who wind up collecting the rewards....for murdering those who sought them.  No doubt totally hilarious from their point of view, but probably not what those who came up with this proposal had in mind.

In a program of offering rewards where a specific individual is not identified by some sort of public, judicial, process and a wanted poster is issued, it would be best to register all the "bounty hunters", heavily monitor their activities, and have them turn in reports of what happened for each person captured.

Dead "Jihadists" should only be excepted if they were killed in a publicly witnessed, or documented fire-fight. In fact, considering just how cheap and reliable video recording technology is, perhaps all "bounty hunters" should be forced to wear such equipment when performing their "duties". - mpg
Deadly mortar attacks rock crowded area south of Baghdad
A quote...."HILLA - Five mortar rounds struck the Mussayib area south of Baghdad on Thursday, killing 17 people, police and a doctor said."
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Iran Nuclear Talks Resume in Vienna
A quote...."On November 24, 2013, Iran and P5 + 1 countries agreed on Joint Plan of Action (JPA) terms. A previous article said hold the cheers. It asked if it matters."

Keep Iran missile program out of nuclear talks: Russia
A quote...."Russia says the nuclear talks between Iran the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany should not include the Islamic Republic’s missile program. "
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France and Germany to send brigade to Mali
A quote...."France and Germany will send parts of a joint military brigade to Mali in its first military deployment to Africa, following a meeting between the two countries defence chiefs." - Source:  TheLocal

Gazprom Captures Largest-Ever Share of European Gas Market

A quote...."Russian energy giant Gazprom provided a record share of 29.9% of gas supplies to the European and Turkish markets in 2013. - Gazprom broke a record set in 2011 of 150 billion cubic meters of gas, or a share of 27%, according to reports of Interfax, as cited by" - Source:  Noninvite

China [Plans] To Spend $330 Billion On Cleaning Up Polluted Water
A quote...."The Chinese government plans to spend 2 trillion yuan ($330 billion) on new technology and public campaigns over the coming years to tackle its water pollution problem and create more usable drinking water sources, according to a report by the China Securities Journal this week, citing the Ministry of Environmental Protection." - Source: EconomyWatch

Britain Harasses Human Rights Lawyer
A quote...."Britain, America and Israel are likeminded. They’re rogue states. They’re axis of evil partners.- They operate ruthlessly. They mock democratic values. They trash rule of law principles. They tolerate no one challenging their lawlessness. - They vilify them. They imprison some. They do so to threaten others. Most often they harass. They do it no-holds-barred." - Source:  SteveLendman

South Sudan rivals in 'blatant violation' of truce
A quote...."WASHINGTON - The United States Wednesday denounced a "blatant" violation of the South Sudan ceasefire deal negotiated in January after weeks of bloodshed which left thousands dead."

Who’s behind new atrocities in South Sudan?
A quote...."JUBA - South Sudan's army and rebels traded accusations Thursday over new atrocities reported to have been committed during heavy fighting over the key oil hub of Malakal."

Islamists attack Nigerian general's house, 1 soldier killed
A quote...."MAIDUGURI, Feb 19 (Reuters) - Islamist group Boko Haram attacked the house of an army general in northeast Nigeria's Borno state overnight, killing one of the soldiers guarding it, police said on Wednesday."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Gaza Strip: Attacks in the border areas and their consequences
A quote..."Following disengagement from the Gaza Strip in September 2005, Israel unilaterally and illegally established a so-called “buffer zone”, an area prohibited to Palestinians along the land and sea borders of the Gaza Strip. The precise area designated by Israel as a “buffer zone” is not clear and this Israeli policy is typically enforced with live fire. The establishment of the ‘buffer zone’ is illegal under both Israeli and international law."

Israeli forces kill Palestinian in the Gaza Strip and wound 17 Others, including 4 children, in 2 ~ shooting incidents
A quote...."On Thursday 13 February 2014, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian aggregate collector and wounded another, east of al-Zaitoun neighborhood, east of Gaza City. In an excessive use of force Israeli forces opened fire at a group of aggregate collectors. In a separate incident, Israeli forces wounded 16 civilians, including four children, when the soldiers opened fire at dozens of civilians organizing a demonstration on Friday, 14 February 2014, east of Jabalia, in the northern Gaza Strip."

6 injured after Israeli settlers attack high school near Nablus
A quote...."NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Six Palestinians were injured in clashes after Israeli settlers attacked a high school south of Nablus on Thursday, according to a Palestinian Authority official."

Navy Opens Fire At Fishing Boats, Security Center
A quote...."[Thursday at Dawn, February 20, 2014] Israeli navy boats fired rounds of live ammunition at Palestinian fishing boats in Gaza territorial waters, targeting a Palestinian security base close to the Palestinian-Egyptian border."

Twelve Palestinians Kidnapped In The West Bank
A quote...."[Wednesday, February 19, 2014] Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Thursday at dawn, seven Palestinians in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, three in the southern part and, also on Wednesday evening, two Palestinians near Jenin."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (06 - 12 February 2014)
THIS is what the ISRAELI people, NOT their government, have done to another they have had advantage over every single day for the last sixty years without respite or pause.  This is just one week's total! -- Would you trust any group of people that remorselessly, relentlessly, sadistically, without a qualm, or a twinge of conscience, did these things to another every single day for OVER SIXTY YEARS?  Would you do "business" with them?  Would you want to associate with them? Just think about what they would do to YOU and YOUR family if they got control over your community!! - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

An Untested Chemical – Which Increases Lead Exposure and CRIME – Is Used in Over 90% of Fluoridated U.S. Water Supplies - Red Health Warning - Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."Studies by the U.S. government, Harvard University and many other prestigious organizations show that fluoride in water may reduce intelligence and cause other health problems. - Moreover, the type of fluoride used in 90% of U.S. fluoridated water supplies has never been tested for safety."

Kraft removes sorbic acid preservative from some 'Singles' products, replaces it with GMOs and an unnamed, proprietary stabilizer - Health Warning - A quote...."(NaturalNews) In the wake of announcements made by both General Mills and Post about the removal of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from some of their products, at least one major processed food manufacturer has oddly decided to take the opposite approach. Kraft Foods recently announced that it will phase out the use of the chemical preservative sorbic acid in some of its "Singles" products, only to replace it with a GMO-derived antifungal agent in combination with an unnamed, proprietary stabilizing compound."

Despite Majority Opposition, GMO Corn Gets Green Light in Europe
Must be "more ol'dat dare Amerikan style Free-dumb & Da'mockery in action." - mpg -- A quote...."Corporations, backed by influential lobbyists and western governments, dealt major blows this month against activists who are fighting to limit the cultivation of genetically modified organisms(GMOs)."

Forcing GM Crops on Europe
Related Article - A quote...."Over the past few weeks, two EU commissioners have been sounding markedly different notes about genetically modified (GM) crops."

Despite EU approval, Hungary vows fight on GMO corn - Hip Hip Hooray!! 
A quote...."Hungary’s government will take all necessary measures to prevent the cultivation in Hungary of Pioneer’s 1507 genetically modified maize, the Rural Development Ministry vowed today. This will mark the latest battle in Hungary’s longstanding fight against GMO crop production."

France continues to push ban on genetically modified corn due to environmental risks - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."PARIS (Reuters) – France published a decree on Monday to prevent the planting of genetically modified maize as a stop-gap measure, while the government works on changes to domestic and European laws to ensure a longer-term ban."

FDA To Remove Many Side Effects Listed In Drug Ads
ABCVideo - Alt - (ABCYuTb - 1min32sec - Feb 18, 2014) - Source:  SO1 - Of COURSE the FDA says it's to "help" us.  Yes....that dreaded word. - mpg

The World Bank and the Politics of Environmental Destruction
A quote...."A powerful new book by environmental campaigner Bruce Rich, titled “Foreclosing the Future”, pulls together a mountain of evidence to document how World Bank projects and development finance over the last two decades have continued to cause major local and global environmental damage and inflict harm on communities in borrower countries. Problems with large scale corruption in Bank lending and procurement are also exposed in the book, which charts the evolution of the Bank’s environmental and social policies and assesses the effectiveness of internal Bank reforms intended to “mainstream” environmental and social issues, tackle corruption and reduce poverty."

Wednesday February 19th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Tuesday February 18th 2014

Old Testament Armed Forces
Must Read - A quote...."The connection between America’s wars in the Middle East—and its wars more generally—with the more fundamentalist forms of Christianity in the United States is striking. Opinion polls suggest that the more religiously conservative one is, the more one will support overseas wars or even what many might describe as war crimes. Fully 60 percent of self-described evangelicals supported torturing suspected terrorists in 2009, for example. That is somewhat puzzling, as Christianity is, if anything, a religion of peace that only reluctantly embraced a “just war” concept that was deliberately and cautiously evolved to permit Christians—under very limited circumstances of imminent threat—to fight to defend themselves." - Source:  TheAmericanConservative

USA – The Organizer of International Terror. Part 1
Must Read - Quote of the Day...."The question of “Who is the main fighter against international terrorism?” may seem naive to a person who believes that President Obama tells the truth in his speeches. Judging by the declarations, regularly thrown out by the Washington Administration from its bowels, there is no force in the world, but the United States, that is capable of confronting terror. And, in principle, this is true. If the White House stops financing and arming terrorists around the world, the international political life will be as peaceful as in a boarding house for the elderly." - Topix ||  US Support of Terror  ||

Israel and Saudi Arabia’s Priorities in Syria. Covert Militarism and the “Lebanonization Strategy”
Must Read - A quote...."Current developments both inside and outside of Syria have shown that the primary sponsors of the extremist-dominated insurgency – namely, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel and Turkey – aren’t quite ready to throw in the towel." - also posted at RINF - also posted at IranianCom-- The "Trinity of Evil" + France + UK (Junior members) continue the PNAC Protocols - mpg
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On the Syrian Situation....

US stonewalled Syrian peace talks to threaten military option
Interview - A quote...."Press TV:  Looking at this situation where basically nothing concrete has come out of this latest round of talks. What do you think it’s going to take to actually bring these two sides back to the table in order to get some concrete results for the Syrian people?

Dean:  That’s very simple. The [so-called] Syrian National Council is obviously not doing anything that’s not closely coordinated with the US and they’re still sticking to Assad and the Syrian regime that you have to surrender first before we will sit down and talk to you.

What Happened in Maan, the Two Massacres
Amerika's  tax dollars at work folks. - mpg -- A quote...."The scene wasn’t strange for Firas, he’s seen worse. His memory goes back to the day his mother and sisters were slaughtered a year ago.
“We got used to our blood being spilled by the infidels after the shouts of ‘Allah Akbar’. What happened recently is the second attack, drowned by the silence of those who act as the protectors of justice and human rights.”
He sighs and continues,
“The first time the Takfiris attacked was on 24/12/2012. There was a wedding and they took the chance to enter some vacant homes. They attacked three days later killing tens of civilians amid media silence.”
British jihadists terrorists in Syria are now going back to their sweet UK home ~ (4 stories+1video)
OH NO!  That can't be true!  We were all told REPEATEDLY by every single talking head in the "West",  for years, that these are just "peaceful" demonstrators and we were also told REPEATEDLY, that none of them were foreigners, so all these articles must be wrong. - mpg

Hundreds of British jihadis returning from fight in Syria spark terror alert after police and MI5 thwart Mumbai-style attack on London - Related Article - Again it can't be true.  We were REPEATEDLY told by many publications like this one that no such thing such as foreign Jihadist terrorists ever existed in Syria and that such statements were simply propaganda from the Syrian government. We were in fact REPEATEDLY told it was simply a bunch of "peaceful" demonstrators that apposed Assad.  So no matter what happens in the future, no matter how many acts of so called "terrorism" occur, no matter how awful they may appear to be, no matter how many of them are attributed to these so-called "returning Jihadists", just remember its ALL figments of the press's imagination.  Just remember that. - mpg

CNN’s Fakes: Hala Gorani, CNN news anchor, falsifies photos and news for feeding the “humanitarian war propaganda" -- CNN's Hala Gorani - BUSTED!! -- A quote..."An image claimed by the CNN journalists Hala Gorani to be of a Syrian child discovered alone near the Jordanian borders while his leg was cut and bandaged with plastic bags, was found to be a part of different image where the family of the kid are seen walking ahead of him and his leg is fine."

Where are The Syrian Rebels ….If There Were Any
Related Article - A quote...."A statistic released under the title: ‘List of Foreign Deaths in Fight Against Syrian Army’ on 03 January 2014 shows an estimate of the composition of the so called ‘Syrian Rebels’. The attached image counts the first 20 countries the ‘Syrian Rebels’ came from out of the 87 others."

US to use Jordan as base for potential military intervention in Syrian
A quote...."The United States is planning to use the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan as a base for a potential military intervention in Syria to topple Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and his regime, Western diplomatic sources claimed." - Source:  MEMO

ISIL Fighters Behead Four Syrian Kurds - US-NRE's allies in action folks, with your tax dollars! - mpg
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Activists reported that members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have beheaded four young Kurdish men under the pretext of supporting the rebel forces of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the al-Akrad Front, and for backing PKK members."

Syrians hold demo in support of army
A quote...."Thousands of Syrians have taken to the streets in support of President Bashar al-Assad and the army, which is battling a foreign-sponsored insurgency. - The demonstration was held on Tuesday in the city of Hasakah in northeastern Syria where the participants condemned acts of terrorism against the Arab nation."

Rockets strike Golan Heights after Israel PM visit as Bibi talks tough on Iran
Israeli False-Flag - (Israel's al-CIA'da / Takfiri / ISIL / al-Nusra / Wahhabist / pseudo-gangs perform their usual agents provocateur task - mpg) - A quote...."Two rockets fired from war-torn Syria struck the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights Tuesday shortly after a secret visit to the area by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the army said."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Jewish Extremists Ruined Russia, Says Politician from Putin’s Party
For The Record - A quote...."A local politician from the party of Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Jewish extremists of destroying Russia, according to an article in the Times of Israel. - The accusation by Oleg Bolychev, a legislator from the ruling United Russia party at the regional parliament in Kaliningrad, was made in the parliament on February 6, according to the Regnum news agency. - During a debate, Bolychev called his detractors “Jews, mired in opposition,” adding: “You destroyed our country in 1917 and you destroyed our country in 1991.” - The Russian Jewish Congress condemned the lawmaker, saying it was indignant over the statement and calling on authorities to investigate it."

AIPAC Congressional Sockpuppets are a National Security Threat
ZIO-Traitors - A quote...."An American columnist says House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is very close to the Israel lobby in order to put more pressure on lawmakers on Iran sanctions legislation. -- “Eric Cantor has been very close to the Israeli lobby in Congress,” managing editor at Veterans Today Jim W. Dean told Press TV on Tuesday. -- “By very close what we mean is they can actually hand certain congressmen statements that they want them to read and they will absolutely do it,” he added."

George P. Bush's Right-Hand Man is a Holocaust-Obsesssed AIPAC Zionist
ZIO-Traitor -- A quote...."George Prescott Bush, son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and grandson of pervert George H. W. Bush, is currently running for Texas Land Commissioner and making major political maneuvers. The National Co-Chairmain for Bush's 'Maverick Pac' is Jay S. Zeidman. Zeidman served in the G.W. Bush Administration as the 'Liaison to the Jewish Community' and coordinated Dick Cheney's speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference. Jay is also a Board Member of the Houston Holocaust Museum. Zeidman's father Fred is an ardent Zionist, political insider & ADL Chairman who served under G.W. Bush as chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Museum."

‘NY Times’ and ‘LA Times’ run op-eds by an AIPAC board member without telling readers
ZOC Alert - (NYT & LATimes as usual.....) - A quote...."Both pieces are by Seth M. Siegel– a founder of Beanstalk, a brand-licensing agency, and of Sixpoint Partners, an investment bank, the NY Times says. The LA Times also mentions Beanstalk, and says Siegel is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. - Neither the LA Times nor the NY Times tells you that Siegel serves on the national board of AIPAC, the leading Israel lobby organization...."

US [Euro-Kazarian] media war against Russia looks cartoonish
A quote..."Western media go on rampage in their anti-Russian campaign that uses the terminology of the Cold War, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov wrote in his article. An expert from the U.S. agrees with him, urging Obama to reach a new level of partnership with Russia. Media wars against Russia look cartoonish."

Jewish Supremacists Reveal Internet Censorship Efforts
A quote...."Desperate attempts by Jewish Supremacists to censor the Internet because of the danger it poses to their conspiracy have been revealed in a special inquiry held before the Israeli parliament." - Topix ||  Israel's Net Control  ||

New Publication by Main Presbyterian Church in US Calls Zionism “Jewish Supremacism”
A quote...."In a major breakthrough in the worldwide struggle against Zionist extremism, the largest Presbyterian church in the United States, the PC(USA), has issued a formal statement calling Zionism “Jewish Supremacism” — a term first coined and made popular by Dr. David Duke."

Israel Is Losing the Fight Against BDS - Hip Hip Hooray!! - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Action Alert - Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."February 18 2014 "Information Clearing House - "The Electronic Intifada " - - From 24 February this year, through the month of March, campuses and organizations all over the world, including in Brazil, Europe and across North America will be marking the tenth annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW). - IAW, an international series of events, has become a major focal point to rally support and build up organizing for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel. - The tenth IAW comes at a time when the BDS movement has seen unprecedented growth and attention from world media as well as from Israel and the governments and institutions complicit with its ongoing crimes against Palestinians." - Source:  ElectronicIntifada

Egypt charges 2 'Mossad agents' with spying for Israel
A quote...."Egypt's public prosecutor on Tuesday charged two men it said were Israeli intelligence agents and two Egyptians with conspiring in Israel's interests, according to a statement from the prosecutor's office."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Media Blacks Out New Snowden Interview The Government Doesn’t Want You to See
Video - Alt - (LvLk - 30min28sec - Jan-27-2014) - Source: DailyPaul -- A quote...."This past Sunday evening former NSA contractor Edward Snowden sat down for an interview with German television network ARD. The interview has been intentionally blocked from the US public, with virtually no major broadcast news outlets covering this story. In addition, the video has been taken down almost immediately every time it’s posted on YouTube."

[Kafka Would Be Proud of Clapper]
A quote...."The very same disclosure that turned Edward Snowden into a “traitor” and was going to do so much “harm” to American security is something James Clapper says he should have done in the first place." - Source:  WashBlog

Snowden Docs Reveal Covert Surveillance & Pressure Tactics Aimed at WikiLeaks and Its Supporters - @ ICH
A quote...."February 18 2014 "Information Clearing House - "First Look" -  Top-secret documents from the National Security Agency and its British counterpart reveal for the first time how the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom targeted WikiLeaks and other activist groups with tactics ranging from covert surveillance to prosecution." - Source:  FirstLook

US intelligence compromised with Israel: Analyst
A quote...."A political analyst says Germany’s recent decision to take counter-espionage measures could set a precedent for other countries, stressing all American intelligence is now compromised with Israel." - bold by website editor - It certainly is!! - mpg - Topix ||  Israel's Net Control  || - for more articles on this issue see below.....
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

Cold War CIA Coup Templates Back in Business around the World
Must Read - A quote...." The greatest collection of status quo enthusiasts can be found at Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia. As nations around the world attempt to distance themselves from Washington’s financial, military, and political grip, the CIA is reaching into its past playbook to deal with wayward governments. -- After helping to foment a political rebellion in Ukraine against the democratically-elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych, Washington’s propaganda apparatus, which is centered on the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and George Soros’s Open Society Institute (OSI), has focused on Venezuela."

Former US soldier jailed for Iraq atrocities commits suicide
Special Note - A quote...."LOS ANGELES - A former American soldier jailed for raping an Iraqi teenager and executing the girl and her family in 2006 has died in an apparent suicide in prison, a spokesman said. - Steven Dale Green, convicted in 2009 over one of the most chilling crimes involving US troops in Iraq, died Saturday in Tucson, Arizona. - Guards discovered the 28-year-old "unresponsive" in his cell last Thursday, during regular rounds, John Stahley, a spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Prisons, said in a statement released Tuesday." - Chris Floyd wrote the best piece ever about this incident, it's well worth reading again.....
Home Free: American Power in [Yusufiyah]
A quote...." Did you see her and want her so bad, that young, forbidden fruit? Did she once smile nervously at the checkpoint, and you thought it was just for you? Did you come oaltn strong the next time around, flash a little money maybe, or lay a syrupy line on her that you got from a phrasebook? What did she do – recoil? Look away? Look disgusted? Look blank? What did she do to bring on the big hurt from a big, tough man like you? -- So you planned it all out. You cased the house, you reconnoitred. You got your buddies in on it – or were they in from the start, did they make a play too, were they too turned away by this haughty Arab bitch, this piece of trash from a shitheap town in a shitheap country filled with nothing but lazy, lying, murdering towelheads? Somebody like that thinks they're too good to give it up to you? You liberated her goddamned country, for Christ's sake, and now she won't even put out? That dog won't hunt. Hell no. You and your pals had to teach her a lesson. You had the power, you had the guns, you were Americans; who was going to stop you?....."
Afghan President Believes the U.S. Is Actually Behind Taliban-Style Strikes
Sure....the Taliban can be rented occasionally.  Can't be bought though, while they're conducting a few favors for  Amerika's parasites, they'll also continue to attack the international forces in Afghanistan, and to them, there's absolutely no contradiction whatsoever. - mpg

Russia and the Middle East: the process of “concentration” has ended
A quote...."International analysts have started paying increasingly more attention to the role of modern Russia in the Middle East in recent years. The title of this article brings to mind the words of Prince Alexander Gorchakov (1798-1883), an outstanding Russian diplomat, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Alexander II, who said shortly after Russia’s disastrous Crimean War (1853-1856): “La Russie ne boude pas – elle se recueille” – “Russia is concentrating”. He made it clear that Russia was not surrendering its right to have a voice in international affairs, but was just gathering its strength for the future. Indeed, at that time, Russian diplomacy rejected the articles of the Treaty of Paris on the neutralization of the Black Sea, which were derogatory to Russia’s dignity, and despite the protests of Britain, the great powers had to recognize Russia’s right to have its navy in the Black Sea. -- The current situation in the Middle East involuntarily brings to mind those years."

Iran’s Khamenei says nuclear talks will ‘lead nowhere’ - think! - mpg
Yes....that's exactly the result the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and their colonial lackeys want.  Now.... a word to the wise.  Iran should arm up, create tens of thousands of bolt holes nationwide, make absolutely every command & control and/or military asset completely mobile, and move them constantly.  Invest in anti-aircraft & anti-missile systems that can shoot anything down, invest in drones of all types, invest in good encryption using only indigenously manufactured equipment and software, change all their codes and introduce new techniques at the start of any hostilities, and most importantly, develop a highly accurate, long-range, hypersonic cruise missile that can carry a one ton warhead (they should be incrediably  inexpensive to build, one thousandth the price of a regular cruise missile if you use a ramjet/scramjet design, $500 to $1,000 a pop) .....and build a hundred thousand of them!  Iran should stop all their cheap "victory" talk, and all their stupid "bring it on" rhetoric, and pray really... really.... hard.  If Iran does all that, they might -- just might -- survive the next couple of years as a viable independent Bankster-free  nation-state. - mpg - Source:  al-Akhbar

The Pentagon Makes History the First Casualty
A quote...."Call me human.  It turns out that I’m no better at predicting the future than the rest of humanity.  If as a species we were any good at it, right now I would undoubtedly be zipping through the gloriously spired skies over my hometown, New York City, my jet pack strapped to my back, just as I was promised by those imagining the future in my youth.  I’ve been an editor in the book business for almost four decades and I still wouldn’t put a buck at decent odds on my predictions about which books will make it.  When it came to Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam, whose focus is American war crimes in Vietnam, I spent years assuring its author, Nick Turse, that in the America we both knew, the odds were it would promptly fall into the abyss where unnoticed books go to die.  Mind you, I never had a second’s doubt that it would be a great book — but a great, ignored book was my best guess.  --  Of course, as most readers of TomDispatch hit the New York Times bestseller list."

Imperial Hypocrite: The Inside Story of How the U.S. Gave Its Blessing to Egypt's Brutal Coup Regime
A quote...."February 18, 2014  |   On a sunny August day last year, President Barack Obama took a break from vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard to deliver a rebuke to the Egyptian military. The armed forces had deposed the country’s first elected president, who was backed by the Muslim Brotherhood, in a coup in July 2013. The dark clouds that had been gathering in the weeks since the coup in the Arab world’s most populous country got darker on Aug. 14, 2013, when the Egyptian military ordered the clearing of a Muslim Brotherhood protest camp in Cairo and slaughtered hundreds of largely unarmed people."

US Support for Regime Change in Venezuela is a Mistake - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
A quote...." February 18 2014 "Information Clearing House - "The Guardian" -  When is it considered legitimate to try and overthrow a democratically-elected government? In Washington, the answer has always been simple: when the US government says it is. Not surprisingly, that's not the way Latin American governments generally see it." - Source:  TheGuardian

Constructing "Venezuela" Protests: a Photo Gallery (fixed)
Must View - "Protest Photos" - BUSTED!! - A quote...."polarized politics of Venezuela are again in the news as demonstrations by pro- (see above) and anti-government forces are taking place, with, at this point, four deaths: a government supporter; an opposition demonstrator; a police officer; and one of uncertain provenance. But the foreign press is portraying these as evidence of bloody government repression. - Not to go over old ground, at least too much, but this manufactured crisis is a re-run." - Source:  Venezulaanalysis
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More on the Domestic Situation....

The Osama Bin Laden Files: No Photos, No Videos. A Real Conspiracy Theory?
Interview - A quote...."It seems strange that the US government does not want to release the picture that will finally prove he is dead because it is “very gruesome” according to CBS News national security correspondent David Martin. You cannot expect me to believe their explanation that the photos are “very gruesome” to show the public. Is it because that the pictures of Osama Bin Laden released in the mainstream media were constantly scrutinized by alternative and worldwide media [and shown to be obvious fakes]?" - Topix ||  Osama bin Back From the Dead™  ||

Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Sues State Dept. For Putting Him on Watch List - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."WASHINGTON – February 18 – The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of U.S. military veteran and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern against John Kerry, in his capacity as the Secretary of State, and against officers at George Washington University."

Policeman who shot and killed a pregnant restauranteur for not serving him milk tea gets the death sentence
No doubt your first thought is...."FINALLY some justice!!" - Nope. - mpg -- A quote...."A former policeman who had been accused of killing a pregnant women at a restaurant in Dafung(??), Pingnan (??) in China was sentenced to death yesterday, reported" - one commentator stated.....
"Here in the US the shooting would be declared "consistent with department policy" and the officer put on paid vacation." -- *Michael Rivero* - Absolutely true! - mpg
Obama Pushes TPP Negotiations Despite Mounting Opposition at Home and Abroad
TPP - A quote...."House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi firmly announced her rejection of the “Fast Track” bill at an event on Wednesday, saying it was “out of the question.” Its passage has become increasingly tenuous since Senate Majority leader Harry Reid came out against it two weeks ago." - also posted at TesteronePit

Obama Admin’s TPP Trade Officials Received Hefty Bonuses From Big Banks
TPP - Related Article - A quote...."Officials tapped by the Obama administration to lead the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations have received multimillion dollar bonuses from CitiGroup and Bank of America, financial disclosures obtained by Republic Report show."

Why is the Obama Administration Putting Government Monitors in Newsrooms?
A quote...."The Obama Administration’s Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is poised to place government monitors in newsrooms across the country in an absurdly draconian attempt to intimidate and control the media. -- Before you dismiss this assertion as utterly preposterous (we all know how that turned out when the Tea Party complained that it was being targeted by the IRS), this bombshell of an accusation comes from an actual FCC Commissioner."

Obama Ordered The Murders Of At Least Three US Citizens In Cold Blood
Contains Video - Alt - (TTVYuTb - 51min56sec - Feb 17, 2014) - Source:  BobbyPowell -- (The beginning ten minutes, along with a few intervening segments contains some heart-wrenching updates on Mr. Powell's wife, and her fight with cancer, for which this website editor TOTALLY blames all the toxic crap in our air, water and food supply.  The interview itself and it's opening cuts contains some adult language. - mpg) -- A quote...."Writing as “Publius” in Federalist Paper #47, James Madison observed that “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” -- On September 30th 2011, Barack Obama assumed the mantle and title of Tyrant when he ordered the deaths of American citizens Anwar al-Alawki and Samir Kahn. Both men were born in the United States, a claim that can not be made by Barack Obama. Despite having had them under surveillance for 8 weeks during which time Navy SEALS or Marine Corps Force Recon could have extracted them (from the “friendly” country of Yemen) and returned them to the US for trial. Snake-eaters live for that kind of mission."

71% Of Obama Voters "Regret" His Re-Election

A quote...."Over 7 in 10 Obama voters, and 55% of Democrats, regret voting for President Obama's reelection in 2012, according to a new Economist/ poll. As The Washington Examiner reports, the poll was conducted to test the media hype about a comeback by 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. While the poll found voters still uninspired by Romney, they are also deeply dissatisfied with Obama (though given the choice of Obama versus Romney, Obama supporters said they would stick with their guy, 79% to 10% for Romney) giving Obama, as The Examiner notes, very early lame duck status before the midterm elections."

Imprisoned CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Threatened with ‘Diesel Therapy,’ Suffers Shakedowns for Talking to Press -- Political Prisoner Alert -- A quote...."The federal correctional institution of Loretto, Pennsylvania, where former CIA officer John Kiriakou is serving a thirty-month jail sentence, appears to be scrambling to find any way they can to stop him from sending letters from prison. He has written another letter that details what seem to be clear acts of retaliation."

Regulation blizzard: [US] Government adds 1,516 pages to the Federal Register
A quote...."Last week Mother Nature shut down Washington’s government offices for a day, but the extreme weather was no match for federal regulators. - Over that time period, 1,516 new pages and 56 additional final regulations were published in the Federal Register, according to the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute."

The Dark Money Man: How Sean Noble Moved the Kochs’ Cash into Politics and Made Millions
A quote...."For a brief, giddy moment, Sean Noble—a little-known former aide to an Arizona congressman—became one of the most important people in American politics. -- Plucked from obscurity by libertarian billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, Noble was tasked with distributing a torrent of political money raised by the Koch network, a complex web of nonprofits nicknamed the Kochtopus, into conservative causes in the 2010 and 2012 elections."

Life Support: Sustaining a Vital Voice of Hope
Author Silber is the FOURTH web-blogger (Michael Rivero, Alex Jones & Charlie McGrath were the others) to get that really nasty and "dreadful flu/bronchitis illness." - He's requesting support - To Donate please CLICK HERE - mpg

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  Feb 17th, 2014  - RBN Donation Drive - To Donate - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - Feb 17th 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Sociopath In, Phychopath Out" - (2/14/14)
GCVideo - (Note:  Appropriate adult language used.) - (GCYuTb - 11min09sec - Filmed Feb 14, 2014) - Source: GrldCelYuTb - Related:  TrendsJournal - A quote...."The beauty of snow on the most historic four corners, Italy's new pretty boy prime minister & there's yet another spill in by god West Virginia! Remember when the "officials" said it was safe to drink the water? Think again!"

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV -  Feb 18th, 2014  - RBN Donation Drive - To Donate - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs - Feb 18th 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Global Capitalism Has Written Off The Human Race - PCR  - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Must Read - A quote...."Economic theory teaches that free price and profit movements ensure that capitalism produces the greatest welfare for the greatest number. Losses indicate economic activities where costs exceed the value of production, thus investment in these activities is curtailed. Profits indicate economic activities where the value of output exceeds its cost, thus investment increases. Prices indicate the relative scarcity and value of inputs and outputs, thus serving to organize production most efficiently. -- This theory doesn’t work when the US government socializes cost and privatizes profits as it has been doing with the Federal Reserve’s support of “banks too big to fail” and when a handful of financial institutions have concentrated much economic activity." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

Keiser Report: France's Financial Horror Movie (E564)
MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min44sec - Feb 18, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - MaxOnTwitter - StacyOnTwitter - A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert critique Francois Hollande's B Movie for France. Turning to America for economic advice is a classic trope of the B financial horror movie and the President of France was in Silicon Valley drumming up support for French industry while neglecting to mention the bossnapping trend. They also look at the posh suburbs in London where residents are turning their homes into Fort Knox in order to defend themselves from moped riding ram raiders. In the second half, Max interviews French journalist, Pierre Jovanovic of about the ménage a trois of fraud, the Days of Rage and Francois Hollande as the enemy of the finances of the French people."

Fed Lying About QE, Media Not Paying Attention
A quote...."Month after month since the introduction of QE 3 in late 2012, honest-looking Fed chairman Ben Bernanke told eager reporters and TV economists and other talking heads during the press conference after each FOMC meeting that the money-printing and bond-buying binge in the coming month would expand the Fed’s balance sheet by $85 billion. A fact cited worldwide. - But it was a big lie."

China Sold Second-Largest Amount Ever Of US Treasurys In December: And Guess Who Comes To The Rescue
Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Chinese Treasury holdings plunged by the most in two years, after China offloaded some $48 billion in paper, bringing its total to only $1268.9 billion, down from $1316.7 billion, and back to a level last seen in March 2013!"

Scary Chart Of The Day: Average Foreign Purchases Of US Securities Take Out Lehman Low
Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...." the chart below confirms, when it comes to Long-Term Treasury paper, foreigners were actually buyers of some $18 billion in Treasurys. It is everything else that they sold in the month when the S&P hit its all time high...."

The U.S. Economic death spiral: All the pieces are coming together
A quote...."The Social Security Trust Fund should be solvent and able to continue to pay all benefits (including cost-of-living adjustments each year), except for the fact that although everyone paid into the trust fund with every paycheck and their employers had to match it, Congress stole, pilfered, plundered, and embezzled it all."

[US] Homebuilder Confidence Crashes By Most On Record
Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Surprise! For the 3rd time in the last 20 years, homebuilder sentiment got way ahead of reality... and as the February NAHB data shows, reality is starting to catch up to them."

[US] Student Loans Hit Record $1.08 Trillion; Delinquent Student Debt Rises To All Time High
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."While the bulk of the quantity data contained in the Fed's quarterly Household Debt and Credit Report is known in advance courtesy of the Fed's monthly tracking of household revolving and non-revolving debt, the quality components always provide a welcome insight into the state of the US household."

The Young Subprime Debt-Slave Generation
A quote...."Rising household debt would be a hopeful sign that consumers are once again living beyond their means, that they’re finally spending money they don’t have, that they’re in fact transferring money from the future to the present in their heroic effort to stimulate Wall Street, corporate earnings, and the Fed’s self-esteem, or something. So we jubilate when we see signs of this economic miracle happening once again. We’ve waited for it long enough."

[US] Empire Manufacturing Misses; Plunges Most In 18 Months
Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Winter storms and cold weather dominated much of January and somehow Empire State managed its greatest beat in a year; however, we are sure the weather will be blamed for the biggest miss in 3 months for the data in Feb (printing 4.48 vs expectations of 8.5). New Orders tumbled from 10.98 to -0.21; inventories plunged, and expectations for the average work week and future Capex spend expectations collapsed to their lowest since July 09.The drop from January's exuberance is the largest in 18 months."

Another Fine Mess: Consumer Debt To Income Keeps Falling, But So Does Household Income
Charts Galore - A quote...."The Federal Reserve pinned it’s economic recovery hopes on a simple premise: credit growth leads to rising real GDP by increasing consumption. - The problem is … bank credit growth has slowed to just over 1% (YoY) and the consumer debt to disposable income keeps dropping like a rock. - Here is a chart of Household Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income. It keeps dropping and is already below the lowest level since 1980."

US divorce rate worsening: Census data
It's what happens when the economy hits the skids. - mpg -- A quote...."The number of Americans who divorced their spouses in 2012 increased for the third year in a row to 2.4 million, new data from the US Census Bureau data shows."

5 Signs America’s Super-Rich Are Going Off the Deep End
The Filthy "Rich" - A quote...."February 17, 2014  |   Is it us, or have America’s ultrawealthy been sounding increasingly unhinged lately? Despite the fact that the wealth of the 1 percent jumped 31 percent from 2009 to 2012 while the other 99 percent of America saw a gain of only 0.4 percent, the rich are very upset, and they need to tell us about it. Maybe it’s all the talk about income inequality that’s gotten them so stirred up. Whatever it is, here are five signs that the zillionaires seem to be losing it."

One-Percent Jokes and Plutocrats in Drag: What I Saw When I Crashed a Wall Street Secret Society
The Filthy "Rich" - Related Article - A quote...."Recently, our nation’s financial chieftains have been feeling a little unloved. Venture capitalists are comparing the persecution of the rich to the plight of Jews at Kristallnacht, Wall Street titans are saying that they’re sick of being beaten up, and this week, a billionaire investor, Wilbur Ross, proclaimed that “the 1 percent is being picked on for political reasons.” -- Ross's statement seemed particularly odd, because two years ago, I met Ross at an event that might single-handedly explain why the rest of the country still hates financial tycoons – the annual black-tie induction ceremony of a secret Wall Street fraternity called Kappa Beta Phi."

Euro Debt Spells Danger for Dollar
A quote...."Since the Bretton Woods system was established after World War II, the American dollar has been the backbone of international finance. But with American power on the wane and the United States economy in peril, even America’s closest neighbors are looking for dollar alternatives, evidenced by a recent sharp upsurge in euro-denominated debt from developing countries, particularly Mexico. -- As of mid-December, $55.3B worth of euro-denominated debt had been issued in 2013, up 34% from 2012, including major issues from Mexican companies like Petróleos Mexicanos, better known as Pemex, which sold more than $2B in bonds for the Europeans in November."

Does The Trail Of Dead Bankers Lead Somewhere?
Bankster Death Watch - A quote...."What are we to make of this sudden rash of banker suicides?  Does this trail of dead bankers lead somewhere?  Or could it be just a coincidence that so many bankers have died in such close proximity?  I will be perfectly honest and admit that I do not know what is going on.  But there are some common themes that seem to link at least some of these deaths together.  First of all, most of these men were in good health and in their prime working years.  Secondly, most of these “suicides” seem to have come out of nowhere and were a total surprise to their families.  Thirdly, three of the dead bankers worked for JP Morgan.  Fourthly, several of these individuals were either involved in foreign exchange trading or the trading of derivatives in some way.  So when “a foreign exchange trader” jumped to his death from the top of JP Morgan’s Hong Kong headquarters this morning, that definitely raised my eyebrows.  These dead bankers are starting to pile up, and something definitely stinks about this whole thing."

Bankers Dropping Like Flies
Related CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 3min25sec - Feb 18, 2014) - Related Websites: CMcGrath@YuTb - WideAwakeNews

What Lies Beneath the Bodies of Dead Bankers?
Related AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 13min49sec - Feb 19, 2014) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote... "Doug Hagmann on Exposing what lies beneath the bodies of dead bankers and what lies ahead for us."

8th international banker to die in a month jumps off building in China
#8 And Counting - Related Article - A quote...."A man who jumped from the JP Morgan building in Hong Kong this week becomes the 8th banker to die mysteriously this month."

As Bank Deaths Continue to Shock, Documents Reveal JPMorgan Has Been Patenting Death Derivatives
Related Article - A quote...."The probability of two vibrant young men in their 30s who are employed by the same global bank but separated by an ocean dying within six days of each other is remote. And few companies are in as good a position to understand just how remote as is JPMorgan: since 2010, it has received four patents on quantifying longevity risks and structuring wagers via death derivatives."

The Death Of 8 World Bankers Is Mysteriously Sinister
Contains Related Videos - Alt/Vid1 & Alt/Vid2

Former Barclays bankers charged over Libor allegations
A quote...."The three men are the first former or existing Barclays staff named in criminal proceedings linked to interest rate fixing allegations "

Spanish Bad Loans Hit Record; Surge Most In A Year
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."With Spanish sovereign bond yields hitting record lows - marginally above those of the US - one might be surprised to learn that unemployment is at record highs, suicide rates are at record highs, youth joblessness is at record highs, and now, to top it all off, Spanish bad loans are at record highs once again (at 13.6% of all loans)."

Desperate business owners march on Rome
A quote...."An estimated 60,000 Italians protested in central Rome on Tuesday, calling for greater action to save the millions of small- and medium-sized businesses which employ almost half the country's workforce."
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More On The World's International Situation....

Fierce clashes in Kiev as new wave of unrest grips Ukraine
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 2min19sec - Feb 18, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Rioters and police in central Kiev are exchanging smoke and stun grenades, as a fresh wave of violence is gripping the Ukrainian capital. While the rioters have no clear demands, the opposition keeps pushing for the president's resignation."

Kiev Warzone: New deadly wave of violence rages in Ukraine
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 10min52sec - Feb 19, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Rioters and police in central Kiev are exchanging smoke and stun grenades, as a fresh wave of violence is gripping the Ukrainian capital. While the rioters have no clear demands, the opposition keeps pushing for the president's resignation. RT's Alexey Yaroshevsky reports."

Ukraine police charge protesters after nation's bloodiest day
A quote...."(Reuters) - Ukrainian riot police charged protesters occupying a central Kiev square early on Wednesday after the bloodiest day since the former Soviet republic, caught in a geopolitical struggle between Russia and the West, won its independence."

Fresh riots in Kiev, violent clashes, tires burn downtown
Videos - Photos - A quote...."Ukrainian rioters are reigniting street clashes with police in the capital Kiev, with opposition MPs attempting to paralyze the work of the parliament. Protesters are stoning police, with law enforcement responding with tear gas and stun grenades."

Fatalities reach 25 in Kiev riots
A quote...."Fatalities reached 25 people in a standoff between rioters and law enforcers in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev, the press service of the country’s Health Ministry reported on Wednesday."

Russia to buy $2 billion worth of Ukrainian eurobonds this week
A quote...."(Reuters) - Russia will buy $2 billion of Ukrainian eurobonds this week, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Monday, in a move that may bolster Ukraine's president and the country's struggling currency."
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Syrian Army Tightens Grip on Yabroud, Regains Control over Several Areas
A quote...."The Syrian army tightened on Monday the grip on the city of Yabroud, which is considered the last foothold of the militant groups at the Lebanese borders, according to AFP.Syrian Army - Fierce clashes erupted Monday between the Syrian army and Nusra militants at Yabroud’s borders, AFP quoted the opposing UK-based Syrian observatory."

Militants in Rif Dimashq surrender to Syrian army: Photos
A quote...."Militants in the Rif Dimashq Governorate in the southwestern part of the country have surrendered themselves to government forces to put an end to a painful period during which the armed terrorist groups wreaked havoc in region."

CNN Exclusive: Syrian town left scarred by opposition group ISIS' brutal rule
A quote...."Addana, Syria (CNN) -- From the moment we cross the Turkish border into Syria, evidence of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria's draconian and brutal rule lingers."

Syrian army continues Aleppo offensive
A quote...."The Syrian army continues its offensive against foreign-backed militants in the city of Aleppo, making more advances in the area, Press TV reports. - On Tuesday, Syrian troops regained full control of the village of Sheikh Najjar and the strategic Ghali Hill on the outskirts of Aleppo."
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Two killed in Beirut blast
A quote..."BEIRUT - At least two people were killed on Wednesday in a blast in the southern suburbs of Beirut near an Iranian cultural centre, a security source said."

Bombers Return to Baghdad; 78 Killed, 116 Wounded
A quote...."A bombing spree took place across Baghdad today, leaving dozens dead or injured. Also, a northern city was retaken from the control of militants. At least 76 were killed and 116 were wounded."

142 Killed, 163 Wounded in Iraq Attacks, Clashes - Update 
A quote...."Bombers again struck Baghdad, but they also hit south of the capital in the Hilla area. Meanwhile fighting continued in Anbar and Salah ad Din provinces. In political news, Moqtada al-Sadr came out of retirement, and a U.S. soldier convicted of heinous acts in Iraq was found dead in prison. Overall, at least 142 people were killed and 163 more were wounded."

Armed militias threaten to overthrow Libya assembly within hours - Another sterling M2P "success story."
A quote...."TRIPOLI - Libya's interim assembly said it was facing an impending "coup" Tuesday after ex-rebel militias gave it a five-hour deadline to hand over power. - The potential crisis comes exactly three years after the start of the Arab Spring uprising that toppled dictator Moamer Gathafi but left Libya with a weak central government that has struggled to impose order on former rebel brigades turned militias."

UAE, Egypt plotting [another] coup in Libya, say Libyan RoR rebels - After all, this would be number two.
A quote...."The Libyan “Revolutionaries Operations Room” (ROR) said that it acquired “documented information” regarding plots by the UAE and Egyptian military-led authorities to meddle in Libyan affairs and to abort the Libyan revolution." - Source: WB

Iran urges Pakistan to improve security
A quote...."Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called on Pakistan to counter terrorism and extremism in the country to improve the security alongside its border with Iran."

Russia rejects US sanctions against Iran
A quote...."Russia has dismissed the expansion of US “unilateral and illegitimate” sanctions against Iran, Press TV reports. - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told reporters at the Iranian Embassy in Moscow on Monday that the sanctions have no legal ground and are baseless. - “US unilateral sections are illegitimate and have no legal basis,” Ryabkov said."

11 killed in southern Yemen clashes
A quote...."The death toll of deadly clashes between Yemeni army forces and separatists in the southern province of Ad Dali' rose to 11, military and local sources said. - Six army personnel, including an officer, and five militants were killed that erupted near a government complex in Sanah district, the source said."

Anti-regime demos held across Bahrain
A quote...."Bahraini protesters have held anti-government demonstrations across the country, despite an ongoing crackdown by regime forces."

Latvia’s human rights activists prepare for referendum on Russian issue
A quote...."A bill, which will be presented for the national voting, will unite most corrections aimed to improve the legal positions of Russian people in Latvia. The suggested corrections include restoration of the state educational system in the Russian language and recognition of Orthodox holidays as public holidays/days off along with their Catholic analogues. Besides, languages of street signs and other information plates in regions where national minorities live should be chosen as demanded there."

Russian-Serbian humanitarian center sends relief cargo to storm-hit Slovenia
A quote...."A Russian-Serbian humanitarian center has sent relief aid to neighboring Slovenia, Alexander Drobyshevsky, the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations spokesperson said on Monday."

The great tunnel of China? Beijing’s plan to build world’s longest underwater passage will cost more than $40B
A quote...."China is planning another engineering marvel: the world’s longest tunnel – built under the sea. - Planned to be more than twice the length of the Channel Tunnel that connects the U.K. and France, China’s latest mega project is not short of ambition. - The 123-kilometre tunnel will run between the northern city of Dalian and Yantai, on the east coast." - Source:  NatlPost

Accusations against US tech firm “well-founded”-China
A quote...."US mobile chip maker Qualcomm Inc. is facing an antitrust probe in China, authorities said on Wednesday. - China’s top economic planning body has said the US firm is being investigated for overcharging and abusing its market position."

Bangkok riots kill four people as anti-government protesters clash with police in gun and grenade battle
A quote...."More were injured as cops tried to clear government buildings occupied since last year by demonstrators calling for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to step down."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Over One Million Voices to European Parliament: Stop Water Privatization
A quote...."Nearly 1.7 million Europeans symbolically brought their voices to Brussels on Monday to say “water is a human right,” not a commodity to be privatized."

Study Reveals “Unavoidable” Danger of HPV Vaccines
A quote...."The study points out, “Along with the introduction of the HPV vaccines, several cases of onset or exacerbations of autoimmune diseases following the vaccine shot have been reported in the literature and pharmacovigilance databases, triggering concerns about its safety.” -- Following an extensive review of the biomedical literature, they listed conditions in which HPV vaccination is most likely linked to the development of autoimmune diseases...."

Mysteriously high number of babies born without brain or skull part in Washington
A quote...."Fatal birth defects that leave babies born without part of their brain or skull have been striking three counties in rural Washington State at a rate at least four times the national average."

Huge Amount of Birth Defects in Washington State
Related Article - A quote...."CDC/U.S. Government says "No reason, just coincidence" This is outrageous - They still won't admit to Fukushima radiation! "

Anonymous U.S. Gov’t Nuclear Expert:
A quote...."Fukushima radiation levels were “astronomical… nothing containing release of radioactivity, it’s an unmitigated, unshielded number” — Monitor detected 100,000 Sv/hr."

Monday February 17th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Sunday February 16th 2014

On the Ukrainian Situation....

The New US-Russia Cold War - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
Must Read - A quote...."February 16 2014 "Information Clearing House - "Asia Times" -  Meet the new (cold) war, same as the old (cold) war. Same same, but different. One day, it's the myriad implications of Washington's "pivoting" to Asia - as in the containment of China. The next day, it's the perennial attempt to box Russia in. Never a dull moment in the New Great Game in Eurasia. - On Russia, the denigration of all things Sochi - attributable to the inherent stupidity of Western corporate media "standards" - was just a subplot of the main show, which always gets personal; the relentless demonization of Russian President Vladimir Putin. [1] - Yet Nulandgate - as in US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria "neo-con" Nuland uttering her famous "F**k the EU" - was way more serious. Not because of the "profanity" (praise the Lord!), but for providing what US Think Tankland hailed as "an indicator of American strategic thinking".  - Source:  AsiaTimes

After Yugoslavia, Ukraine? - ICH Donation Dreive - Click Here
Must Read - A quote...."Public opinion in Western Europe is wrong to regard the Ukrainian crisis as a showdown between Westerners and Russians. In reality, Washington’s goal is not to push the country into the arms of the European Union, but to deprive Russia of its historical partners. To do this, the United States is prepared to ignite a new civil war on the continent." - Source:  VoltaireNet

Ukraine protesters vacate Kyiv city hall after two-month occupation

A quote...."Anti-government demonstrators in Ukraine are evacuating a key Kyiv building that has been at the center of anti-government demonstrations. The protesters had occupied the Kyiv city hall for the past two months."

Ukraine's Klitschko Gives Up German Residency
What???  You didn't know he was Merkel's boy?  You know....the reason for Nuland's "F-ck You" comment to the EU and specifically to Merkel? - Well now you know. - mpg

Ukraine opposition forms parallel government
This is the start of a civil war....period!  The present government was democratically elected.  There is NO WAY that the Russian speaking or affiliated majority of Ukraine's population can trust, or should trust, these foreign sponsored, foreign financed, foreign trained, and unelected, coup conspirators or the regime they intend to impose on the people of Ukraine. The fact they're now forming a "provisional" government means they've already concluded they'd lose a legitimate general election and they intend to take over Ukraine by force.  Best advice to those patriotic Ukrainians who don't wish to live under the yoke of Euro-Kazarian Banksterism for the rest of their lives, those who don't want to be another Greece.....start to arm yourselves....NOW!!  Start to form local self-defense groups....NOW!!  Or you will wind up like Libya or Syria. - mpg
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On the Syrian Situation....

Hunger As A Weapon - How Not to Get Aid into Homs - ICH Donation Drive - Click Here
ZIO-Hag Alert - A quote...."February 16 2014 "Information Clearing House - "Counterpunch" - Al Nebek, Syria. -  When the true authorship of the recent 2/12/14, seemingly designed to fail, UN Security Council Draft Resolution on delivering urgent humanitarian aid into the Old City of Homs and other besieged areas in conflict-torn Syria comes to light, much may become clearer with respect to the cynical politicization of  the continuing civilian suffering. - According to a UN/US Congressional source who actually worked on rounding up Australia, Luxembourg, and Jordan to front for the US and its allies and introduce a UNSC Draft Resolution, not one of the three was happy about the raw and decidedly undiplomatic pressure they received from the office of the Obama administrations recently appointed UN Ambassador, Samantha Power. - When this observer inquired about how such a blatantly political, adversary bashing, poorly drafted, one sided draft resolution could ever see the light of day and actually be submitted for consideration by the UN Security Council, the reply he received was terse: “Ask Samantha.” - Source:  CounterPunch
These ZIO-Hags (Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice & Samantha Powers) are war criminals.  Samantha Powers along with her fellow traitors, on behalf of Israel and its PNAC Protocols was directly responsible for the complete destruction of Libya based on nothing but lies and the spread of Wahhabist terrorism across North Africa.  She now wants to replicate the exact same scenario in Syria.  These people need to be arrested, tried, convicted and than executed for their open, blatant, support of terrorism. - mpg - Topix ||  An African Base of Operations for More Terror - (By Their Actions We Shall Know Them) - 10-26-11 - mpg  ||
[Turkish] Court orders press ban regarding probe into suspicious trucks and buses
A quote...."A court ordered a press ban on the investigation into the trucks, which were allegedly carrying weapons and ammunition [into Syria] -- a search of which was prevented by the intervention of high-level officials. - The court reportedly banned any publication or broadcast on any media outlet of the case until the probe into the controversial trucks and buses is concluded on the grounds that documents in the investigation contain confidential information concerning the state."
No doubt the weapons came straight off of US C-130s, and no doubt this "investigation" will eventually just go away. - mpg
Convicted Criminals Serve as “Freedom Fighters” in Syria: Saudi, Pakistani and Iraqi Prison Inmates Replenish Al Qaeda Ranks -- A quote...."Several hundred prisoners who escaped from carefully guarded prisons in Iraq have recently joined the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as well as the Al Qaeda affiliated rebel force, Jabhat Al Nusra. "

‘Syria nabs 85 foreign intel. officers’
A quote...."Syrian security forces have arrested 85 foreign officers and soldiers, mostly from Saudi intelligence services, in a series of operations against foreign-backed militants in the country, reports say. - “85 Saudi military personnel, most of them intelligence officers, are in Syrian jails,” sources told the Palestinian al-Manar weekly on Sunday."

Syrian Army Regains Control of Strategic Town in Damascus Countryside
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army regained control of a strategic town in Damascus countryside after armed groups deployed in the region surrendered their weapons to the army. -- The army entered the Babila town in Damascus countryside as militant groups handed over their heavy and semi-heavy weapons to the army. -- Also in the past 24 hours, Syria’s permanent representative at the UN Bashar Al-Jafari announced that the Syrian delegation has agreed with the draft of a proposal by the UN-Arab League Special Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi for peace talks in Geneva."

Russia: US and France planning military intervention in Syria
War Alert - A quote...."Russia may call an urgent UN Security Council meeting to "stop the slide towards escalation in Syria", Russian sources told Al-Mayadeen channel. The source revealed that Russia had information that Washington and Paris are currently putting a plan for military intervention in Syria to stop the advance of the Syrian army. "

Disgraceful NYT Op-Eds

ZOC Alert - A quote...." NYT policy is consistent. It's longstanding. It's deplorable. It's opposite of what readers deserve. - All news and opinions Times editors call fit to print aren't fit to read. Editorial policy endorses establishment values. - Truth and full disclosure are prohibited. They're sacrificed on the alter of wealth, power and privilege. Wrong over right is supported. Scoundrels get feature op-ed space. - Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz al Saud is Saudi Arabia's UK ambassador. He's a royal House of Saud member. - He's part of one of the world's most repressive regimes. Last December, Times editors gave him featured op-ed space. - He took full advantage. His notion of peaceful conflict resolution is preventing it. He wants Syria's government forcefully toppled."

Preordained Failure in Geneva
A quote...." Washington manipulated Syrian peace talks deadlock. Obama abhors peace. He wants war. He didn't launch it to quit. - He wants Assad forcibly ousted. Ending conflict defeats his objective. It continues. Two rounds of peace talk pretense accomplished nothing. They ended as expected. - What's next remains to be seen. UN/Arab League Syrian intermediary Lakhdar Brahimi represents Washington." - bold by website editor

US [John Kohn] to Syria regime supporters: Abandon Assad or bear responsibility
ZIO-Whore & ZIO-Thug Alert -- John Kohn, a terrorist supporter of the PNAC Protocols directly threatens the Syrian people with head-chopping, organ eating, mayhem and murder. - mpg -- A quote...."WASHINGTON - US Secretary of State John Kerry Sunday blamed 'obstruction' by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad for the breakdown in talks in Geneva between the sides in Syria's civil conflict."

US escalates Syrian intervention

A quote...."Having failed to advance regime-change in Syria through two rounds of talks in Geneva, the Obama administration is stepping up its funding and arming of Islamist and mercenary militias fighting the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. And once again, Washington is turning toward direct military intervention." - bold by website editor

Israel Supports US plan to Arm Syria Al Qaeda Rebels. Financing Terrorists To Wage the “Global War on Terrorism” - Related Article - A quote...." The president of the Israeli regime has supported the United States plans to provide foreign-backed militants in Syria with weapons. - Washington announced last week that it would send arms to foreign-sponsored terrorists in Syria to oust President Bashar al-Assad from power after more than two years of uncertainty over the unrest in the Arab country."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Understanding Modern Israel:  Why it is Driving the World Towards Madness
Must Read - A quote...."Nothing that Israel does in its affairs would be of quite such great concern to the world were it not for the fact that Israel drags along, willy-nilly, the world's greatest power, much like some impressive-looking but feeble-willed, dazed parent stumbling along behind a screaming toddler demanding yet another goody. The threat of serious wars has grown exponentially in recent decades precisely owing to this fact, and not just wars but wars reflecting neither justice nor principle, the aggressive reordering of other people's affairs by sweeping them into the pit of hell. The so-called war on terror is just part of the fallout of millions of the world's powerless and abused watching helplessly and without hope the embarrassing public spectacle. - The terrible bloody war in Iraq was almost exclusively for Israel's benefit. The Syrian "civil war" is a deliberately-engineered conflict for Israel's benefit. The coup in Egypt, wiping away the sacrifice of thousands of Egyptians in a revolution for democracy and restoring a junta, again reflects Israel's interests in the region. The constant threats and needless hardships imposed upon Iran, a country which has no modern history of aggression and which every intelligence service knows has not been working towards nuclear weapons, reflects yet the same interest."

Scrutinizing the Israeli role in 2001 anthrax attacks
Must Read - Some quotes...."In late September 2001, a couple of weeks after 9/11, the United States was struck with what the Bush regime dubbed a “second wave” of terrorism. Letters laced with deadly anthrax spores arrived in the mailboxes of prominent media figures and two American senators. Five people were killed and 17 others were infected." --- "On various occasions [former US] president George W. Bush and vice president Dick Cheney told reporters that al-Qaeda was likely involved in the lethal mailings. The docile mainstream media unquestioningly repeated this unfounded assertion. -- A stunning piece of disinformation appeared in an Oct. 27, 2001, report in the London Times, alleging that an Iraqi official met with 9/11 patsy Mohamed Atta in the Czech Republic in April 2001. The report went on to suggest that during the rendezvous the Iraqi official gave Atta a flask of anthrax. The origin of this dubious claim was noted in the article: Israeli security sources. --  The chief of Czech foreign intelligence, Frantisek Bublan, later revealed that this supposed meeting never took place and was nothing more than a propaganda invention of interested parties. “Promoting a so-called ‘Prague connection’ between Atta and [the Iraqi official] al-Ani might have been a ploy by U.S. policymakers seeking justifications for a new military action against…Saddam Hussein,” Bublan told the Prague Post. -- When the Iraq/al-Qaeda propaganda narrative fell apart, the FBI targeted two… within the US bio-weapons establishment: scientists Steven Hatfill and Bruce Ivins. The FBI began harassing Hatfill and publicly called him a “person of interest” in the anthrax investigation." - See related articles and databases shown below......
The True World Masters of Slavery
Must View DDVideo - Alt - (Outstanding!) -  (DDYuTb - 17min52sec - Feb 14, 2012) - Source:  1TruPatriot - Related Websites:  DD@YuTb - DavidDuke - A quote...."An incredible documentary that is full of direct quotes from celebrated Jewish historians who have boasted of two thousand years of Jewish domination of the slave trade, including the horrific trade in slaves from Africa to the Americas. A video that will forever change your views of the real masters of the slave trade."

Jewish Greatest Genocidal Criminals -Part I
A quote...."Since the beginning of human history we have witnessed so many genocidal murderers; kings, presidents, military leaders and political clergy, who called for, advocated and perpetrated genocidal crimes against whole nations. A thorough study of those criminals shows clearly that the worst genocidal murderers throughout history were mostly Jews."

9/11 – Echoes of Darkness [Mini-documentary]
SCGVideo - Alt - (previously posted) - (SCGYuTb - 16min50sec - Sep 11, 2013) - SCG@YouTube - StormCloudsGathering -- A quote...."The powers that be shredded the constitution and took you into a series of wars that have left countless civilians dead based on this event. - You owe it to your children and grandchildren to take another look at it." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Aussie TV dares to show the real occupation
Contains Video - Alt/YuTb - Alt/ABC - (YuTb/ABC - 45min29sec - Feb 10, 2014) -- A quote...."I never thought I would see it. A mainstream TV programme, this one made by Australian channel ABC, that shows the occupation in all its inhuman horror. - The 45-minute investigative film concerns the Israeli army’s mistreatment of Palestinian children. Along the way, it provides absolutely devastating evidence that the children’s abuse is not some unfortunate byproduct of the occupation but the cornerstone of Israel’s system of control and its related need to destroy the fabric of Palestinian society."
By the way, a suggestion for those who like to download and upload videos.  Please download this one and upload it to alternative video services.  Videos like this tend to disappear and become "unavailable"....forever, with depressing regularity. - mpg
“Mossad” threat to critics of Israel?
A quote...."European financial institutions are providing a useful barometer of the mood among the 28 EU member states. They have become the unexpected pioneers of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement… Pressure on these various fronts may explain Netanyahu’s hasty convening last weekend of his senior ministers to devise a strategy to counter the boycott trend. Proposals include a $28 million media campaign, legal action against boycotting institutions, and intensified surveillance of overseas activists by the Mossad.” (Emphasis added – JG.)"

Businessman alleges Canada gave Israeli spy new identity

A quote...."MONTREAL -- Passport Canada secretly supplied a new identity and passport to a Mossad agent living in Canada after the Israeli spy participated in the 2010 plot to kill a leader of terrorist group Hamas in a Dubai hotel, a Montreal businessman has alleged."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

New Study: Internet Trolls Are Often Machiavellian Sadists
HAH!  Well that figures. - mpg -- A quote...."In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet "trolls" (who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences, leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of scientific topics."

Merging Cable Giants Is ‘an Affront to the Public Interest’
A quote...."When it comes to media, bigger is not better. And when it comes to the control of the infrastructure of how we communicate now, the trend toward extreme bigness—as illustrated by Comcast’s plan to buy Time Warner Cable and create an unprecedented cable combine—is accelerating at a dangerous pace."

The first congressman to battle the NSA is dead. No-one noticed, no-one cares.
A quote...."Last month, former Congressman Otis Pike died, and no one seemed to notice or care. That’s scary, because Pike led the House’s most intensive and threatening hearings into US intelligence community abuses, far more radical and revealing than the better-known Church Committee’s Senate hearings that took place at the same time. That Pike could die today in total obscurity, during the peak of the Snowden NSA scandal, is, as they say, a “teachable moment” —one probably not lost on today’s already spineless political class."

Germany, France to mastermind European data network – bypassing US
This probably includes NOT buying ANY computer or communications equipment from the US-NRE / Israeli Consortium ever again. - mpg -- A quote...."Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande will review plans to build up a trustworthy data protection network in Europe. The challenge is to avoid data passing through the US after revelations of mass NSA spying in Germany and France. - Merkel has been one of the biggest supporters of greater data protection in Europe since the revelations that the US tapped her phone emerged in a Der Spiegel news report in October, based on information leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden." - ("Hell hath no fury like a woman spied upon." - mpg)

Germany to beef up counter-espionage against US, Western allies – report
(Meant to say "hell really, really, hath no fury like a woman spied upon." - mpg) -- A quote...."Following decades of a heavily subdued program, Germany is planning to resume counter-espionage against both the US and other Western allies in response to ongoing revelations surrounding NSA’s global surveillance practices, Der Spiegel reports." --  For more on these issue see articles shown below.....
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

The world cannot turn a blind eye to America’s drone attacks in Pakistan - ICH Donation Dr - Click Here
A quote...."February 16 2014 "Information Clearing House - "The Independent" - -  Karim Khan is a lucky man. When you’re picked up by 20 armed thugs, some in police uniform – aka the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) – you can be “disappeared” forever. A mass grave in Balochistan, in the south-west of the country, has just been found, filled with the “missing” from previous arrests. But eight days after he was lifted and – by his own testimony, that of his lawyer Shasad Akbar and the marks still visible on his body – tortured, Mr Khan is back at his Pakistani home. His crime: complaining about US drone attacks – American missiles fired by pilotless aircraft – on civilians inside Pakistan in President Obama’s Strangelove-style operation against al-Qa’ida. -- There are, as the cops would say, several facts “pertaining” to Mr Khan’s kidnapping. Firstly, his son Hafiz Zaenullah, his brother Asif Iqbal and another man – a stonemason called Khaliq Dad – were killed by a drone attack on Mr Khan’s home in December 2009. Secondly, he had filed a legal case in Pakistan against the American drone strikes, arguing that they constituted murder under domestic law. And thirdly – perhaps Mr Khan’s most serious crime – he was about to leave for Brussels to address European Union parliamentarians on the dangers of American drone strikes in Pakistan." - Source:  TheIndependent

'Unprecedented Increase In Opium Production'
A quote...." February 16 2014 "Information Clearing House - "Deutsche Welle" - - -- - DW: There is concern in the United States and Europe of a flood of heroin on to their markets - where is that heroin coming from? - Yuri Fedotov: There are different sources of heroin and basically if we take Europe it comes mostly from Afghanistan - which produces almost 80 percent of all opium and heroin in the world - and unfortunately the latest reports of the UNDCP show there is an unprecedented increase both in cultivation and production of opium - especially in cultivation. There is a record figure that has reached 200,000 hectares." - Source:  DeutscheWelle

Committing Nationcide on Behalf of a Faux-Religion

Libyans Mark Third Anniversary of Revolution With Bitterness
A quote...."As Libya prepares to commemorate three years since the uprising that ousted and killed dictator Muammar Gaddafi, the country is haunted by a nightmare of lawlessness that has overshadowed people's dreams of a better life." - Topix ||  US SoT - Al CIA'da In Libya  ||
Generally speaking, when you willingly commit nation-cide, when you deliberately destroy your own nation-state by inviting foreign colonialists to bomb it with over 9,000 strike sorties over six months, and when you do so on behalf of a bunch of vicious medieval parasitical families currently squatting on the Arabian Peninsula and their insanely criminal, anti-Islamic, terrorist, Wahhabist, apostasy, and when you also do so on behalf of Israel's PNAC Protocols which specifically stated -- in detail -- that the concept was to reduce your nation state and your culture (along with many others) to rubble, ALL of which was known and publicly available on the web before these operations began, one could say that the Libyans are...."bitter" about what happened.

But why would you do so?  Wouldn't it be much more accurate say that they're stupid?  How about criminally stupid? How about so criminally stupid none of them deserve a shred of sympathy or a single tear for their plight....ever....again??

The Syrians are courageously fighting against this same identical scourge as you read this post, however many Libyans openly and joyfully embraced it!  Why? Because of a detestable perversion of Islam called Wahhabism. Just like their Israeli cohorts neither Wahhabists nor Israelis believe in the nation-state structure, and look at the results, because of the Libyan Wahhabist's close cooperation with their Israeli brethren and Israel's western colonies (the US-NRE, Britain & France) Libyans don't have one anymore!!

Now they're "bitter"?  Real smart move. - mpg

By the way, to put those 9,618 strikes sorties into perspective, Libya's population is roughly six million, the US-NRE's is roughly 320 million  If it was the US-NRE receiving these "kinetic love bombs", we would have been subjected to 512,960 strike sorties. [320/6=53.33] [53.33*9,618=512,960]. -- That's more than half a million strike sorties. That's a lotta "tuff love" ain't it? - Just an FYI.
China says 11 'terrorists' killed in new Xinjiang unrest
A quote...."(Reuters) - Eleven "terrorists" were killed during an attack in China's far western region of Xinjiang on Friday, state news agency Xinhua said, in the latest violence to hit a part of the country with a large Muslim population." - See related article and comments, previously posted, shown below.....
China Pursues New Central Asian Gas Route
Geo-Political Alert - A quote...."China appears to be buying an expensive insurance policy for natural gas imports from Central Asia with its plans to build a pipeline through Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. - Since 2006, China has invested heavily in developing gas imports from Turkmenistan, opening its Central Asia Gas Pipeline (CAGP) across Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan at the end of 2009. - So far, state-owned China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) has built two strands of the CAGP and plans to complete a third on the 2,000-kilometer (1,242-mile) route to Xinjiang this year." - posted 02-12-14

It's an obvious step for China to take and it would have been criminal of their leadership not to take it. The US-NRE's parasites and their colonial administrators, Israel's Banksters, are COMPLETELY INSANE.  They have made it abundantly clear during the last three decades, both in the PNAC Protocols and with their recent "Asian Pivot" plan that they intend to cut China off from the Middle East's natural resources.  This pipeline is a necessary insurance policy to ensure China continues to get enough energy for its people. As a result of their ingenuity, we can all expect a further eastward expansion of al-CIA'da and further, deliberately induced havoc, in the former Soviet Caspian Basin CIS States. No doubt as you read this, the Pentagon, under Israeli direction has begin the process of cultivating and training future local sabotage units to attack the pipeline, once it's built. - mpg - posted 02-12-14
The Salvadorian Elections and Beijing’s Rising Star in Central America
A quote...."The Salvadorian corruption scandal involving Francisco Flores, who was president of El Salvador from 1999 until 2004, has opened the door for the diplomatic recognition of the People’s Republic of China by the next government in San Salvador, which the FMLN failed to ascertain under the term of President Mauricio Funes. The graft involving Flores has created the appropriate political opportunity for El Salvador’s Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) to formally cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan (formally known as the Republic of China)), if an FMLN president is elected in March 2014."

Good news over: USAID cancels 'glossy propaganda' plans for Afghanistan aid projects
A quote...."The US Agency for International Development (USAID), which sought to pay photographers for "positive images" of its work in Afghanistan, has cancelled the program. The project, created to combat negative news coverage, collapsed amid charges that the effort amounted to propaganda."

Venezuela Under Attack - ICH Donation Dreive - Click Here
A quote...."February 16 2014 "Information Clearing House - Protests have become relatively commonplace in Venezuela with the population disgruntled over shortages of basic goods such as sugar and toilet paper. " -  This is typical infiltration by US-sponsored NGOs - à la Ukraine, Syria, Arab Spring countries (sic), and many more --- funded for years with billions of dollars - mickey-mouse money - money that is worthless; a debt to the public – and to the international community which holds almost half of the US debt in the form of Treasury Bonds (TB) – that will never-ever be paid back - and therefore the supply of worthless dollars is plentiful and endless."
All true, however it should be noted Venezuela's economy is completely tanking because the present leadership believed its own stupid rhetoric and neglected the decades long attack against their currency and financial system.  The idea should have been socialism for the oil and gas industry, free markets for everything else, and like China, they should have controlled their currency and banking system, they didn't, and they're going to suffer for it. - mpg
Why Occupy Bangkok is Working and Occupy Wall Street Didn't
A quote...."Occupy Wall Street, ideologically speaking, could not have been any more universally appealing. It was the 99% against the 1% (or more accurately - the 99.9% vs. the 0.1%), with the realization that big money had taken over politics and society to the detriment of all, regardless of political affiliation. With such a broadly appealing message, how come the movement fizzled?"
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More on the Domestic Situation....

14 Ways To Feed A Tyranny
Data Base - (US Govt ammo purchases, by dates & amounts....) -- A quote...."There comes a time in a person’s life when they sit back and reflect on the past. Unrequited love, lost opportunities, and personal regrets are reviewed and weighed. Each of us have, or will, go through a period of self examination to see where we are wanting. Sort of a tyranny of regret. For each of us have a sense of objectivity that we will not discuss with others. Our feelings will be subjective, but the objective, quantitative aspects of our lives will stand out."

Republicans: Obama violating Constitution, but little can be done about it - Here's a fifteenth way. - mpg
Neo-Roman Senators - A quote...."Washington Republicans on Sunday restated their argument that President Obama has violated the Constitution by using executive orders to alter the Affordable Care Act, but acknowledged they likely have no recourse or ability to stop another incident."
One day soon.....Obama is going to walk onto the floor of the Unite States Senate and demand his basketball be elected senator. The Senate will proceed to do so with thunderous applause and congratulations all around, the people of this nation will compliment Obama on his common sense and the media's talking heads will fawningly praise his political brilliance. - mpg
US Press Freedom Threatened
A quote...." First Amendment rights matter most. Without them all other freedoms are at risk. Post-9/11 policies threaten them. - Bush waged war against them. Obama escalated it. He promised transparency, accountability and reform. He called whistleblowing "acts of courage and patriotism." He said one thing. He did another."

IRS hearings: ‘This scandal is not over. The lying has not stopped.’
Some quotes...."I want to make three primary points here today,” said Mitchell.  ”First, the IRS scandal is real. It’s not pretend, it’s real.  Number two, the IRS scandal is not just a bone-headed bunch of bureaucrats in some remote office contrary to what the President of the United States told the American People on Sunday.  And, number 3, the IRS scandal is not over.  It is continuing to this day.  And the Department of Justice Investigation is a sham.  It is a nonexistent investigation.” - Her one-sentence summary of the scandal was powerful stuff: “The IRS, at the direction of some political elites in Washington - not in Cincinnati, but Washington – took what had been, for decades, a process of reviewing applications for exempt status that, for 501(c)(4) organizations, could be expected to take three to four weeks, and they converted that process into one that took three to four years, and in some cases is still not over.”  ---  "The media has been helping Obama drag the scandal out until the public loses interest, so perhaps some people have forgotten this whole thing began with the IRS admitting it acted improperly.  Remember that?  Long before Lois Lerner was taking the Fifth to avoid testimony over a situation Barack Obama claims is utterly devoid of corruption, she rose to fame by staging a press conference in which a planted question allowed her to get out in front of a devastating internal agency report."

Smoking Gun Found in I.R.S. Targeting Scandal… GEORGE SOROS! - This is utterly unacceptable - mpg
Related Article - A quote...."Well, I’d say using a George Soros group to sift through applications is about as much of a smoking gun as one could expect to find. How about you? Here is the question now: WHO HIRED THEM? Having a Soros funded company sift through Tea Party applications is like having the local pedophile babysitting your kids.  There is NO WAY that’s going to end well. -- So, I ask again, “Who hired them -- Crickets:  I'm sure no one will remember!"

Woman Faces 7 Years in Prison After Altercation With NYPD At Occupy Protest
A quote...."Occupy participant Cecily McMillan is being prosecuted for felony police assault and may face up to 7 years in prison. In reality, it is the NYPD that should be on trial for their assault on McMillan. The trial has already been delayed because of the credibility of the arresting officer; however, New York City should review the case and drop all charges against McMillan. -- On the Sixth anniversary of Occupy Wall Street Cecily McMillan arrived at midnight to Zuccotti Park to meet some friends and go out to celebrate her birthday. Instead, she would find herself unconscious, in seizures and badly bruised."

Breaking: US Army Trains for Martial Law In US
A quote...."The federal government has been in a big hurry to build a 300 acre city in just 2 years at an expense of $96 million in taxpayer funds in order to train the military “for problems we don’t even know we have yet.” If you’ve been following Infowars, you’ve seen us document over and over again what they’re training for with a detailed American city like this: martial law within this nation."

Lew Rockwell on endemic corruption of US government
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min17sec - Feb 14, 2014) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."Former New Orleans, La. Mayor Ray Nagin was convicted of 20 counts of corruption, while found not guilty on one count. Nagin was the mayor of the Crescent City from 2002 to 2010, shepherding the city through the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and the rebuilding that began immediately after. But during the rebuilding phase, Nagin required kickbacks from people looking to help the battered city. RT's Perianne Boring discusses the case and corruption in America with libertarian author Lew Rockwell, who is also the founder and chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute."

Mysterious Illness Now Infects Alex Jones
AJVideo - Alex got what Michael Rivero probably had. Pray for him and send him your recipes for natural remedies folks. Everybody else out there, be careful. - mpg - (AJYuTb - 4min56sec - Feb 16, 2014) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Mysterious Illness that has claimed several lives including family members of Alex Jones has now infected Alex himself. Please Pray for Alex that he be well again."

Current Economic Collapse News Brief — Feb 15, 2014
Must Listen X22Video - Alt - (X22YuTb - 26min22sec - Feb 15, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people." - Topix  ||  Climate Change Cultists - 02-14-14 - mpg  ||
Regarding the essay "Climate Change Cultists" this website editor takes a relatively neutral position on the theory of "Global Warming".  However, to use a deliberately disingenuous, propagandistic, non-predictive, and utterly meaningless term such as "Climate Change" this website editor takes a very strong position. -- If any author or commentator is so intellectually dishonest that they can't use the predictive term "Global Warming" for their theoretical prognostications, and stand by those prognostications, and instead they cowardly and childishly use the term "Climate Change" even once in their presentation, their article or video will not be posted on this website. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Americans Have Lost Hope As The Economic Collapse Accelerates
X22Video - Alt - (X22YuTb - 36min29sec - Feb 14, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."Cyprus has now back tracked on the capital controls, they now have pushed the removal of capital controls to 2 weeks to 1 year. Europe’s economy is not growing and is the worst since 2009. Industrial production crashed and the FED is blaming it on the weather. Foreclosures are up and financial institutions are secretly going back to sub prime investments. The US participation rate is at a 35 year low and getting worse. The American people do not believe the economy is getting better and they believe they will never be able to have the American dream. Banks are shutting down for a drill this weekend, this could be a potential false flag."

[61] Peter Schiff: "I think we're in a depression"; Roberts, Admati and Whalen talk banking
BBVideo - (BBYuTb -  27min56sec - Feb 14, 2014) - Source:  BoomBust@YuTb - BoomBust@RT - RussiaToday -- A quote...."Our lead story: Comcast is gobbling up its main competitor Time Warner Cable. The $45-billion-dollar deal gives Comcast the potential to completely reinvent the media landscape. By wiping out its major rival, Comcast would have 33 million cable subscribers, and just as many broadband users, giving it huge leeway in setting market prices, negotiating licensing fees, and deciding what shows you can watch. Erin Ade reports."

[59] Anat Admati on banks' need for more capital, better regulation
BBVideo - (BBYuTb -  27min50sec - Feb 12, 2014) - Source:  BoomBust@YuTb - BoomBust@RT - RussiaToday -- A quote...."Today's headline story is on MF Global. In 2010, Jon Corzine, the former governor of New Jersey and ousted head of Goldman Sachs, became CEO of MF Global and promptly revamped the company into a riskier full-service brokerage firm. But his vision came unstuck in October 2011, when Moody's downgraded the $40 billion company to junk status because of large bets MF Global had taken on the bonds of some of Europe's most indebted nations, causing the firm to fail. This week, a federal judge said he will allow a lawsuit seeking to hold Corzine and other MF Global executives responsible for the brokerage's collapse. Erin Ade reports."

'Raising debt limit to trouble Americans'
A quote...."American author Bill Still says that raising the debt ceiling by President Barack Obama will only increase the amount of debts American citizens are now shouldering. - On Saturday, Obama signed a bill, passed by both chambers of Congress, into law to raise the country’s debt ceiling through March 2015, preventing a government default. This will allow the US government to borrow money above the current $17.2 trillion cap for the next 13 months to pay its bills, such as Social Security benefits and federal salaries."

Foreclosure Filings Jump as Investors Eye Exits
Quote of the Day...."It’s too bad Keynes isn’t around today to see how the toxic combo of financial engineering, central bank liquidity and fraud have transformed the world’s biggest economy into a hobbled, crisis-prone invalid that’s unable to grow without giant doses of zero-rate heroin and mega-leverage crack-cocaine. This is exactly what the British economist warned about more than half a century ago in his magnum opus, “The General Theory…”, that you can’t build a vital, prosperous economy on the ripoff, Ponzi scams of Wall Street charlatans, mountebanks and swindlers. It can’t be done. And, yet– here we are again– in the middle of another historic asset-price bubble conceived and engineered by the bubbleheaded crackpots at the Federal Reserve. Go figure?"

Guest Post: The Merger Of State And Commerce
Second Quote of the Day....."Many observers of the US economy have come to the realization there are now few truly free markets left within 21st Century Western capitalism. -- It seems all investments today are controlled to unfair advantage in some large way by the governments and financial firms operating the markets, especially the market in money itself.  The newly-invented powers of the central banks to buy anything, to fund any bailout, can reach into any area of the economy, either to grant large favors or to inflict great pain, typically with the cooperation of the too-big-to-jail banks that own the Federal Reserve and its policies. -- The precious metals market is a good example of the Fed and its henchmen inflicting pain.  The Western paper gold market has been the long-used tool of Leviathan to bludgeon the world’s only true money."

Predator Banks Enter Brave New World of Epic Scams and Public Hasn’t Got a Clue
(aka The end stage process of pure, unfettered,"Total Banksterism" - Def.) -- A quote...."Wall Street is using loopholes in financial legislation to seize control of entire industrial chains. - Wall Street watchers have been concerned for some time about the monopolizing trend among big banks. One of the most alarming developments in recent years is a buying spree in which megabanks have been gobbling up physical assets."

California's New 'Dust Bowl': "It's Gonna Be a Slow, Painful, Agonizing Death" For Farmers
US Inflation Alert - (Food....) -- A quote...."For the state that produces one-third of the nation's fruits and vegetables, the driest spell in 500 years has prompted President Obama to make $100 million in livestock-disaster aid available within 60 days to help the state rebound from what he describes is " going to be a very challenging situation this year... and potentially some time to come." - bold by website editor

"From Self-Reinforcing Speculation To Fragile Instability"
Mrkt Tech Note - Multiple Charts - A quote...."While the only fun-durr-mentals that matter appear to be global central bank liquidity injections (and thus the level of leverage entrusted to the JPY carry trade), the crowd is swayed by truthisms and "common knowledge" memes that recovery is here, that things are improving, that earnings are 'solid', that markets are still cheap, and that historical analogs are different this time. However, with monetary policy at a turning point, we also appear (fundamentally and technically) to be at "the inflection point from self-reinforcing speculation to fragile instability."" - Posted with the reminder that the "Fed" determines all. - mpg

Following the Bodies: “We Are at the Precipice of Something So Big, It Will Shake the Financial World”
On the recent spat of Bankstercides (or murders) - A quote...."I feel that this is one of the most important investigations I’ve ever done. If my findings are correct, each of us might soon experience a severe, if not crippling blow to our personal finances, the confiscation of any wealth some of us have been able to accumulate over our lifetimes, and the end of the financial world as we once knew it.  The evidence to support my findings exists in the trail of dead bodies of financial executives across the globe and a missing Wall Street Journal Reporter who was working at the Dow Jones news room at the time of his disappearance."

‘Goldman Sach-ed’: Could the infamous Vampire Squid be an endangered species?
A quote...."Take a look around Europe these days and you will find a former Goldman Sachs hand on almost every tiller of every treasury. - Famously dubbed “Goldmine Sachs,” then “a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity” by Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi, this firm sits at the heart of world banking mis-regulation and barbarism. Their private empire is well on the way to buying up every democratic institution with the capacity to oppose them."

Varoufakis and Shedlock on Europe’s ‘triumph of wishful thinking over reality’
BBVideo - Alt - (BBYuTb -  27min57sec - Feb 13, 2014) - Source:  BoomBust@YuTb - BoomBust@RT - RussiaToday -- A quote...."Today’s show is about Europe. -- For years, European banks have run operations on much thinner capital requirements than their American counterparts. And with new US financial regulatory rules set to kick in soon, European banks are looking for ways to skirt the new laws. Banks are considering buying their subsidiaries’ debt, selling assets or moving into offshore legal structures outside the US. Erin Ade reports....."

The "Sick Man Of Europe" Is Back - German Economy Barely Grows In 2013

A quote...."Everyone knows that without the German export-driven growth dynamo, the European economy would quickly wither and disappear into nothingness. Which is why today's report that the German economy grew by just 0.4% last year, its worst performance since the global financial crisis in 2009, with strong domestic demand only partially offsetting the continued negative impact of the euro crisis, should be reason for significant concern to all...."

‘Italy suicides rise over econ. woes’
A quote...."A new study in Italy shows that the suicide rate in the European country has increased considerably, with a main cause of the rise being the country’s economic problems, Press TV reports. -- The number of suicides in Italy rose to 149 reported cases in 2013 from 89 in 2012, according to the study by LinkLab, a center of socio-economic research at Link Campus University in Rome."

European Commission seizes frozen Syrian assets

Euro-Theft - Again, this action (if Cypress wasn't enough) VIVIDLY demonstrates that keeping your "money" or any other asset in an Anglo-European Bank is stupid.  They will eventually simply steal it!  (aka "the bail-in") - mpg

Japan GDP Biggest Miss In 18 Months; Slowest Growth Since Before Second Coming Of Abe
Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote..."Get long 'Depends' may be the most befitting headline for tonight's massive macro miss in Japan. For the 3rd quarter in a row, Japanese GDP missed expectations with a meager +1.0% annualized growth (versus a +2.8% expectation), and a tiny 0.3% Q/Q change vs expectations of a 0.7% increase, this is the biggest miss and slowest growth since Abe retook the economic throne...."
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More On The World's International Situation....

Tunisia to resume ties with Syria: FM
A quote...."Tunisian Foreign Minister Mongi Hamdi says his country is preparing for the resumption of diplomatic relations with Syria. - On Sunday, Hamdi said there were serious consultations with Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki to reopen the Tunisian consulate in Syria’s capital Damascus."

Free Syrian Army fires chief of staff
A quote...."The military wing of the Western-backed Syrian opposition says it has dismissed its chief of staff because of the difficulties in the war against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad."

Lavrov: Imposing No-Fly Zone over Syria Violates International Law
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov asserted that imposing a No-Fly zone over Syria by using F-16 jets and Patriot rockets via Jordan violates the International law."

Libyan general declares a coup, but no one listens
A quote...."TRIPOLI – A former chief of Libya’s army called for the country’s parliament and government to be suspended in an unusual video message Friday that many derided as a futile attempt to declare a coup, reflecting the chaos in the North African nation."

Libyan former military chief arrested after ‘calling for coup’
Related Article - A quote...."Protests have taken place in Tripoli’s Martyrs Square, with demonstrators angry at the decision by Libya’s interim parliament to extend the country’s post-revolutionary transition period. - The parliament, known as the General National Congress (GNC), will now have an extra year to organise a fresh constitution and new elections."

Scores of prisoners escape in [another] Libya jailbreak
A quote...."Ninety two prisoners have escaped from a prison in a western town in Libya due to weak security, the latest sign of limited government control in the oil-rich North African country. - Spokesman of the Zliten local council, Hassan bin Sophia, said only four guards were watching 220 criminal and political detainees at the prison on Friday."

Iraq PM tours battlefield city as 22 security personnel killed
A quote...."BAGHDAD: Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki paid a visit on Saturday to the battleground city of Ramadi, where security forces and allied tribesmen have for weeks fought to retake militant-held areas."

Bahrain protest attracts tens of thousands, no clashes
A quote...."Tens of thousands of Bahrainis joined a peaceful demonstration on Saturday to mark the third anniversary of an abortive pro-democracy uprising led by majority Shi'ite Muslims."

Iran nuclear negotiators head to Vienna
A quote...."Iran’s nuclear negotiating team led by Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has headed to the Austrian capital of Vienna for the next round of talks with the Sextet of world powers."

Exclusive: Iran Designs, Builds Drones to Hunt Enemy UAVs
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Air Defense Unit has designed and built drones to fight and hunt enemies' Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with reconnaissance or bombing missions, a top military official announced on Sunday."

Iran Optimizes Hawk Missile Defense Shield
A quote...."Iran has doubled the range of the area covered by the radar systems of its mid-range Hawk air defense missile shield and improved its tracking and targeting capability by 40%, Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli announced on Sunday."

Tens of thousands of Turks stage anti-government protests in Istanbul
A quote...."ISTANBUL, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- Tens of thousands of people staged a mass protest against the Turkish government in Istanbul on Sunday. - The "Justice for Turkey" protest attracted tens of thousands of people who marched on the Asian side of Istanbul."  - Source:  SCF

Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro Reaches Out to Opposition Leaders
A quote...."Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro launched a new plan to combat violent crime, inviting three opposition governors, including two-time presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, to sign on to the strategy."

Venezuela expels 3 US consular officials
A quote...."Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has ordered the expulsion of three US consular officials accusing the United States of supporting Venezuelan opposition to destabilize the country."

France sends new troops as CAR strife deepens
A quote...."France has announced plans to increase its 1,600-strong military deployment in the Central African Republic by sending an additional 400 soldiers, as political and sectarian unrest continues to tear apart the African country."

90 Persons Killed in Another Borno Attack
A quote...."The outlawed Boko Haram sect attacked another Borno village, Izge in Gwoza local government area on Saturday evening and  killed over 90 persons in what also   forcd  hundreds of  others to flee."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Soldiers Kidnap Palestinian Shepherd Near Hebron
A quote...."[Friday, February 14, 2014] Coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlement in Hebron, Rateb Jabour, stated that Israeli soldiers kidnapped a Palestinian shepherd, east of Yatta city. The Palestinian was kidnapped after being attacked by Israeli settlers."

Israeli troops shoot, injure Palestinian girl at flying checkpoint
A quote...."NABLUS – Israeli forces on Saturday opened fire at a vehicle traveling on a main road near an Israeli settlement south of Nablus, injuring a 17-year-old Palestinian girl, security sources said. - Palestinian security sources told Ma’an that Israeli troops operating a flying checkpoint near the illegal settlement of Yitzhar fired at a Palestinian car that allegedly refused to stop at the soldiers’ request." - Source:  Ma'an

First private security firm in Gaza ‘eases burden’ on Hamas forces
A quote..."As hoards of excited fans scramble to reach Arab Idol winner Mohammed Assaf, they are pushed back by a group of tough-looking men in shades - the face of Gaza's first private security firm."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Pollen from GM soybeans threatens Mexico's honey sales
A quote...."(NaturalNews) A large part of Mexico's agricultural export is honey. They are ranked fifth worldwide for exporting the bees' food, but recently Germany rejected a batch of honey from Mexico. Pollen from genetically modified (GM) soybean plants was found in the honey being imported."

'GMO products cause cancer and obesity' - food safety expert
A quote...."Russia is firm: no genetically modified organisms in food production, the head of Russia’s Ministry of Agriculture Nikolay Fyodorov stated at the All-Russian Meeting of Agrarians. GMO-foods controversies between scientists, ecologists and producers have a long history. Russia, which is now going organic, has faced these problems just recently."

Why the Obama Administration Will Not Admit that Fukushima Radiation is Poisoning Americans
A quote...."We all know that the radiation from the stricken Fukushima plant has spread around the globe and is poisoning people worldwide. We all know that the West Coast of the United States is being polluted with radioactive debris and that the oceans, the beaches that border them, and even the air is becoming more polluted by radioactivity as time goes on. -- You have to ask yourself why the government won’t admit this. It’s not like a disaster half a world away is their fault, is it? -- Or is it? Could the United States government have done something to prevent the situation getting to this point? -- Nothing in this article is a state secret, everything is in the public domain, but the information is so disseminated that it appears disconnected.""