Tuesday February 25th, 2025
Extra!! Extra!!
Read All About IT!!
Another "Jewish
9/11" & Holohoax - In EVERY Sense of the Term....
First the jews got away with The
Holohoax Psyop and Extortion Racket, then they
got away with the 9/11 False Flag, now they've COMBINED
the two methods into the.....
“Al-Aqsa Flood” Operation Rita Katz
Styled Hoax & False Flag.
Violent ACTUAL murder, with brilliant Edward Bernays
Propaganda Techniques!!
Another Outstanding Oscar Winning Production Brought to you by
the Jews!!
- Will Donald Trump continue to abase himself to his jewish
- Will the World continue to believe the jewish lies and let
themselves be fooled for the THIRD TIME?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of the very people who have
attacked him using their all powerful Juden-Pressen, and the
entire JEWdicial system?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of the very people who
MURDERED JFK & RFK to get the bomb & also attacked the
USS Liberty?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of those who carried out 9/11??
- Will the people in what's left of Amerika continue to grovel
to the jews, while gratefully accepting their Cultural /
Societal Transformation, Mass Immigration, & White Erasure
Programs: The jews' weaponized, Cultural Marxist,
Anti-White, Mass-Invasion/Migration, CRT, and LGBTQOPedo
Global-Homo SodomPlex, TransPlex, and PedoPlex Frankfurt
School ideologies, along with the jews' endless
extortion racket, false blood-libel, and foundational
Anti-White myth known as (the
Holohoax), and their other Anti-White myth that Ethnic
Europeans established the Jews' North Atlantic Slave Trading
- Will the White Ethnic European peoples in Amerika, EVER
get off their collective knees and fight back??
Gathered together, and
posted below, are two days worth of articles and videos from
....to elucidate these
issues, answer these questions, and bring you the TRUTH about
what the jews have done to ALL of us!!
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Hamas Says ‘No
New Talks’ Until [The Jews] Respects Gaza Ceasefire Terms
Oh My GAWD!! - Hamas Expects the Jews To Actually OBEY The
Ceasefire Rules!! -- A quote...."Hamas has said that it will
not hold any further ceasefire talks until [the jews] commit
to the agreement and releases the Palestinian prisoners who were
supposed to be let out over the weekend - “The resistance will not
engage in any new negotiations unless the occupation abides by the
agreement and implements the first stage requirements. The failure
to implement the humanitarian protocol and the postponement of the
release of the seventh batch of prisoners is evidence of the
occupation’s intentions to disrupt the agreement and its lack of
seriousness in continuing it,” said Hamas spokesman Abdul Latif
al-Qanou on 24 February - “[This] failure to implement all the
provisions of the first stage will not serve moving forward towards
completing the release of the remaining [jewish] prisoners,”
he added."
FYI: Oh the awfulness of these
Palestinians!! Don't they know that jews are "Special",
Chosen", "Exceptional", and "Indispensable"?? That they're
not subject to agreements or promises? That everything is
"factually and morally relative" for them"? That the
commonly excepted measures of "proportionality",
"dis-proportionality", and equal measure do NOT apply to
How could these Palestinians be so obtuse, so idiotic, so
dense... so downright RUDE, as to EVER expect a
jew to obey the terms of any agreement they've signed? Such
terms being interpreted any way the jews wish to interpret them?
As is their right!!
How could they be so gauche, provincial, and peasant-like, to
expect jews to conform to their primitive, childish concepts
like facts, evidence, consistency, proportionality, or
reciprocity (C.P.R.)?? The so-called "West" certainly doesn't
expect jews to conform to such out-dated, archaic rules!
Don't the Palestinians know that jews can just call you a name
like "terrorist" or Nazi" or "Anti-whaaaateverrrr", and can
murder you, or destroy your life on a whim because of it?
Or much more often get their craven, boot-licking,
golomized-shabbbos lackeys in their judeo-Nord-Am or
Nord-Atlantic colonies to kill you for them?
Gee-whiz, the absolute nerve of some people!! They really
haven't got the message yet, that's pretty obvious - mpg - see
links posted below on this issue.....
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[The Jews'
Nord-Am Colonial Head Proconsul] House Backs [Their] Decision to
Delay Release of Palestinian Prisoners -- War Crime Gaza -
Treaty Violation - A quote...."The White House said on Sunday
that it supports [the jews'] decision to delay the release
of 600 Palestinian prisoners, Reuters has reported. The Trump
administration cited the “barbaric treatment” of [jewish]
hostages by the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas -
Delaying the prisoner release is an “appropriate response” to the
Palestinian movement’s treatment of the hostages, a statement from
National Security Council spokesman Brian Hughes claimed."
Gaza: [Jews]
Targeting Municipal Workers in Violation of Ceasefire
War Crime Gaza - Treaty Violation - Photo - (click to view)
- Related Article - A quote...."The [jewish] occupation [forces]
continues to violate the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip by
opening fire on the municipality crews working south of the city,
Mayor of Rafah, Ahmed Al-Sufi, has said according to the Palestinian
Information Centre - Early yesterday, Rafah municipality crews were
directly targeted and came under heavy [jewish] gunfire as
they were removing rubble and clearing roads in the Al-Salam
neighbourhood south of the city - Al-Sufi stressed that the
municipality crews are doing their humanitarian work, while racing
against time to remove rubble and open streets to facilitate
people’s movement."
Details of [the Jews] Massacre of 90 Civilians From Juha Family in
War Crime Gaza Aftermath - Another Massacre Revealed -
A quote...."A Euro-Med Monitor investigation has revealed shocking
details of the [jewish forces'] massacre of 90 Palestinian
civilians from the Juha family in Gaza during its 15-month-long
genocidal war - [Jewish occupation extermination forces]
attacked the Juha family’s home in the eastern parts of Gaza City
shortly after the first truce ended in early December 2023 without
warning or military necessity, killing about 90 civilians –
including 71 women and children – and injured dozens more, the
Euro-Med Monitor reported on Monday."
Over 160 Gaza
health Workers Remain Trapped in [Jewish] Torture Camps: Report
War Crime Gaza Aftermath - Still Torturing Medical Personal
- A quote...."At least 160 healthcare workers from Gaza,
including more than 20 doctors, are believed to still be inside [jewish]
detention facilities where torture and rape are routine, The
Guardian reported on 25 February - According to Healthcare Workers
Watch (HWW), a Palestinian medical NGO, 162 medical staff remain in
[jewish] detention, including some of Gaza’s most senior
physicians, while 24 others remain missing after being abducted by [jewish]
forces from hospitals during the war. Another 179 were previously
detained but have been released."
Occupation] Defense Ministry Demands Deportation Of 20
Jerusalemite Families
Occupation Crime - You Aren't A "Citizen" - A quote...."The [jewish
department of war, assassination, and terrorism], on Sunday,
demanded the deportation of twenty Indigenous Jerusalemite
Palestinian families from the city and the revocation of their ID
card or “[judeo-enclave] citizenship,” (if they have
citizenship), Maan News
Agency said - In November 2024, the [judeo-enclave's]
Knesset approved a bill that mandates the “expulsion of family
members of individuals who carry out attacks against [judeo-enclave]
targets” if they had prior knowledge of the operation or glorified
and supported the attacks after its execution."
Efforts to
Displace Palestinians Are in Action in the West Bank,
[Judeo-Enclave] Media Reports
Occupation Crime - Plans For Ethnic Cleansing Proceed - A
quote...."The [jewish] occupation forces have forced about
9,000 Palestinians to flee from the Nur Shams refugee camp in
Tulkarm, north of the occupied West Bank, since the beginning of the
aggression against it, and completely destroyed its infrastructure,
Quds Press has reported."
BBC Pulls
Documentary From iPlayer Because it Told the Truth About [The
Jewish Occupation]
War Crime Facilitation - Censorship - A quote...."The BBC has
explained it had no choice but to pull its documentary Gaza: How to
Survive a Warzone from iPlayer because it told the truth about [the
jews]. At a time when counter-terrorism police are tirelessly
clamping down on social media users, the last thing we need is the
BBC amplifying the facts - The Gaza documentary came under scathing
criticism from supporters of [ethnic-cleansing extermination]
because it showed the true scale of the destruction in Gaza. Even
worse, it humanised the conflict by telling the stories of four
children - [Ethnic-cleansing extermination]
supporters could not point to any factual inaccuracy in the
documentary, but they do not like one of the children involved
and feel his suffering should be dismissed. They say the children
have been “manipulated by terrorists” into thinking its bad that [the
jews] blew up their neighbourhood and killed their friends and
family - [Extermination] supporters say they don’t like one
of the documentary’s cameramen and feel the incriminating evidence
he filmed should be disregarded. The BBC would have sent its own
cameramen into Gaza, however, the last thing [the jews] want
is for you to see what [they have] done." - bold by website
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FYI: To the other 206 countries in the
world, and ALL of their peoples, if any of this makes you
angry, please BOYCOTT
the JewSA, the JewK, and the jewish occupation enclaves! That's
BOTH of them! The one in Palestine, and the one recently
established in the Ukrainian Territories. Please BOYCOTT all jewish institutions
and businesses world-wide!!
BOTH these exterminationist projects were
conceived, planned, managed, and carried out by the JEWS,
with the full backing of their JewSA and JewK colonies.
All four entities, the Judeo-Quad
Squad, (The JewSA, JewK, Judeo-Enclave, and
Judeo-Lviv Regime) must be boycotted.
1) Do not buy anything from, invest
in, or do business with anyone, from the JewSA, JewK, or the
judeo-occupied Ukrainian or Palestinian territories.
2) If you must sell to anyone from these four
judeo-golemized occupied territories, add 10%, 20%, 30%, or
whatever the market will bare, and call it the Palestinian /
DPR-LPR Tax. Donate the proceeds to the Palestinians and
those Russian / Ukrainians resisting jewish tyranny, to
let them know you care.
3) Also, if you can, please give as much you can to the
Peoples of Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq. To
whomever, or whatever groups you believe would be the most
effective, at alleviating the misery caused by the JewSA,
JewK, and the jews occupying Palestine.
4) Finally purchase as much as you can,
from countries that are actually fighting for the
"Multi-Polar" world order. That would be Russia,
China, Iran, North Korea, and the Peoples of
the front-line states. Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and
Iraq. Also keep in mind new resistance states,
such as Hungary and Slovakia -- Secondary suppliers
should be those who support the Multi-Polar order. The
C.I.S states, the BRICS, and other non-aligned
countries. This would also include occupied
Germany and Japan on a limited contingent, compassionate
basis. (We must pity them, and never forget, what the
JewSA & JewK did to them.) - At least till they get
their collective heads straight and install new
governments - mpg
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More Tales From The
Trans-Nationalist, Judeo-(Wahhabist)** Judeo-Anglo Empire,
& Its "Friends" -- Directly Cooperating With, and
Helping Judeo-(Wahhabist)** Terrorists World Wide....
**Currently in Reconsideration Pending The
Saudi-Iran Accord - 03-10-2023 - It may take up to a year to see
if Saudi Arabia and the GCC states will stop supporting Wahhabist
Terrorism - We Shall See....
FYI: Reconsideration Complete - 03-10-2024 - Saudi
Arabia and the GCC states have NOT demonstrated
that they are halting their support for the Jews PNAC Plans
for the Middle East, nor the jews' plans to destroy the
Palestinians, nor their indifference to the jews' plans to destroy
the White Ethnic European Homelands / Nation States in
Europe. The Saudis and GCC states have partially scaled back
their support for ISIS Wahhabism, but they continue to support the
jews' in occupied Palestine in all their endeavors.
Including their PNAC
Protocols, along with the complete destruction of the
Palestinian people, and the destruction of the Houthis in
Yemen. If the "Families" heading these Arab "states"
renounce the IMEC project,
and proceed with more decisive actions to oppose the jewish
criminal ethnic cleansing occupation in Palestine, and halt all
their offensive actions against the Houthis in Yemen - This
conclusion will be reconsidered.... again. - mpg
FYI: December 6th, 2024 - It should be
noted that in regards to the current Syrian crisis, it appears
that the Saudis and GCC States have played a very limited
role. It appears it was Erdogan and Turkey, with
assists from the Jewish occupation in Palestine, and of course
their Judoe-Nord AM & Judeo-Nord-Atlantic colonies, (the
"usual suspects"), that have planned and carried out the current
crisis in Syria - mpg,
FYI: December 11th, 2024 -
It appears the Saudi's and GCC State's role in the Syrian
Government's collapse may have been MUCH more then advertised -
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Latest [JewSA]
Strike Killed Brother of Syrian [Regime] Minister
al CIA'da Plinking - A quote...."Posted February 23, 2025
at 4:47 pm ET - The US has continued carrying out airstrikes
against Syria’s Idlib Governorate’s Harem District, near the Tel
al-Karama refugee camp this weekend, targeting and killing Wasim
Tahsin Bayraqdar, who they described as a “senior
leadership facilitator” for the al-Qaeda-linked Hurras al-Din
- It is the third US drone strike against Idlib since President
Trump took office last month, and all three reportedly targeted and
killed Hurras al-Din leaders. This is particularly noteworthy
since Hurras al-Din
announced it was dissolving in late January, before any of
these attacks."
FYI: Admittedly Trump turned on
al-CIA-da, ISIS, Deash, HTS, et. al. in his first year, during
his first term in office. The Biden regime ignored them --
mostly -- and let the Saudi and GCC Crime families, and of
course Turkey's Erdogan continue to sponsor them.
Now that Syria's government has finally disintegrated, after
more then a decade of relentless attacks, it appears Trump is
going to clean up the remnants of the JewSA's, JewK's, and
judeo-enclave's, terrorist proxies and assorted head-choppers,
and replace them with a combination of more malleable
'terrorist-lite' pseudo-gangs,
and Kurdish separatists on behalf of the judeo-enclave - mpg
UAE Plans to
Invest $40 Billion in Italy
The UAE IMEC Project's Alternative Terminus Funding??? - A
quote...."Posted February 24, 2025 at 6:49 pm - The United
Arab Emirates announced on Monday that it will inject investments
worth $40 billion into Italy amid continued growth of bilateral
trade, Anadolu Agency reports - The announcement was made during a
meeting between Emirati President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al
Nahyan and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in Rome, as part of
a state visit to Italy, according to the Emirati state news agency
WAM - Sheikh Mohammed said non-oil trade between the UAE and Italy
reached $14.1 billion during 2024, marking an increase of 21.2%
compared to 2023."
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo
Empire... SARS-CoV-2 / COVID19 - Health Alerts / Health
Warnings... And Bio-Warfare Implications....
The Kendrick
Covid Enquiry (As I humbly call it)
41] Must Read - A
quote...."I do not think that anyone can write about Covid without
first recognising that the facts, may not actually be ‘the facts.’ -
My trust in medical research has been gradually draining away for
the past forty years or so. I am uncertain how much remains. I do
not have a handy ACME ‘trustometer’ to slap on my forehead, but I
sense my levels are certainly below fifty per cent – and falling. I
shall let you know when they reach zero - There was certainly a
rapid drop during Covid. Accelerated by the emergence of ‘fact
checkers.’ If a group of people could be more ironically named, then
I would love to hear of them. The idea that someone can be an
officially verified ‘checker of the facts’ is so inimical to science
that they should have been laughed out of existence the moment they
appeared. Sadly not. Soviet Union anyone?" - Source: Dr. Malcolm
COVID Vaccines
Linked to 113% Higher Risk of Underactive Thyroid
41] A quote...."People who
received COVID-19 mRNA vaccines had a 113% higher risk of
hypothyroidism and a 16% greater risk of hyperthyroidism, according
to a study published in The Journal of
Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism - The six co-authors
of the study — four from institutions in Taiwan, one from China and
one from the U.S. — performed a retrospective cohort study to
compare the risk of thyroid dysfunction among a “large cohort” of
people who received COVID-19 shots and among the unvaccinated -
According to the study, reports on long-term thyroid dysfunction
following COVID-19
vaccination were limited. “Understanding the risk of subacute
thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism in vaccinated
individuals is crucial for post-vaccination monitoring,” the study
noted." - Source: TheDefender
Bird Flu Is a
Rerun of the Covid Playbook
41 & 1/2] A
quote...."Bird flu can be very confusing. This is true because, as
is so often the case with our government, those who claim to be
trying to solve the problem – our so-called “public health” and
“pandemic preparedness” “experts” – are actually the ones who
created the problem. What is worse, they are actively seeking to
perpetuate it - In this brief article, my goal is to explain what is
happening with H5N1 Bird flu in the clearest, most fundamental
terms. I hope to make it so clear that all our elected officials can
understand what is going on, and therefore can take action to stop
it." - Source: Brownstone
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo
International Law to the "Rules-Based International Order"
Must Listen GlenDVideo - (GlenD - 13min58sec - Feb 24th,
2025) -- Source - Glen Diesen: Glenn Diesen SubStack - GlennDi @ Odysee - GlennDi @ Telegram - GlennDi @ Twitter(X) - GlennDi @ VK - GlennDi @
Russia-GlobAffairs -- A quote....."I recently presented at the
“Stop the Wars - Strengthen International Law” conference,
discussing the transition from international law to the more
ambiguous concept of a “rules-based international order”. The
“rules-based international order” is presented as international law
plus humanitarian law, while ignoring that this introduced
contradictory principles. So who decides which rules apply in terms
of, for example, territorial integrity versus self-determination?
While international law is based on the principle of sovereign
equality, the “rules-based international order” is based on
sovereign inequality. The “rules-based international order” does not
contain specific rules, it is not internationally accepted, and it
does not deliver order." - NOTE: This website
editor will not post YouTube links on this website. However,
if it's germane to issues on this website, this website editor
will post links to websites that have YouTube links. See
note posted at the very top of this web page / article stack - mpg
Trump’s Snub of Zelensky Greatly Complicates Argentina’s President
[Jewish Familiar Wannabe] Milei’s Already Precarious Situation
-- A quote...."Amid the political upheaval caused by the
cryptocurrency scandal, Argentinian President Javier Milei remained
silent on the criticism leveled at Volodymyr Zelensky by Donald
Trump despite always supporting the [ethnic-cleansing Lviv
regime's jewish head crime boss]. With this, the
self-described liberal-libertarian Argentine leader is exposed by
his contradictions - Milei is engulfed in scandal, popularly known
as “cryptogate,” after lawyers filed a fraud lawsuit against him in
an Argentine court following the rapid rise and collapse of $LIBRA
after investors — most of them reportedly from Argentina and the
United States — had poured about $100 million into the
cryptocurrency but lost most of their money."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the
Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia, C.I.S. States,
& The Balkans.... Disarming The Lviv Regime
Operation Launched Feb 24th, 2022 - Ongoing.....
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Analysis Of The
Judeo-Anglo-Controlled Media & N.G.O.'s Propaganda....
Scott Perry Revealed That USAID Funds Terrorists. Is it News?
Must Read - A quote...."In August 2021, when Washington’s
20-year-old occupation of Afghanistan was coming crumbling down, an
alleged bomb attack occurred on withdrawing American soldiers,
killing 13 of them and tens of Afghan Civilians. The attack was
hurriedly pinned on the hitherto barely known branch of Islamic
State-Khorasan (ISIS-K) largely by the western media, and not
through the group claiming responsibility. Later, the pentagon
launched an attack on members of the said group, which reportedly
killed 13 people including an aid worker and 9 children. The western
media expressed outrage about the Biden Administration’s killing of
the reported aid worker. What if the victim belonged to ISIS-K and
this group was a US proxy funded through the USAID?"
" Interestingly, rescuers reported that the victim’s
body was not found, without which no one can confirm who the
victim was. Since only Washington seemed to know ISIS-K members,
what if its operatives are recruited as aid workers, and some are
trained as terrorists for activation when needed. Notably, it has
been a common practice for captured or killed mercenaries to be
reported as medics, making it possible that terrorists can also be
reported as humanitarian aid workers. Suggesting links between aid
groups and terrorists could have appeared offensive in 2021, but
not after the recent revelation by Scott Perry (US Congressman,
R-PA), that the USAID funds terrorists including the Taliban*"
More, But Its Legacy Continues To Do Damage In Hungary
A quote...."Several groups in Hungary that have connections to
either George Soros
or the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID) are behind a
demonstration against the country’s judiciary that is scheduled for
Saturday. This is according to an investigation by the Hungarian
news portal Magyar Nemzet
- The Trump administration has already announced a freeze on funding
and a massive reduction in USAID’s staffing to much fanfare. As a
result of this publicity, USAID has come under fire from governments
around the world – and Hungary’s government in particular – for
having attempted to promote liberal causes abroad. USAID has been
particularly active in supporting LGBTQ movements in other
countries. Remix recently published a brief summary
of USAID’s history."
Same Playbook Different Actors
Keeping it All in the Judeo-Anglo Sphere's Family - A
quote...."Donald Trump tweeted “Looks
like billions of dollars have been stolen at USAID and other
agencies much of it going to the fake news media as a payoff for
creating good stories about the Democrats”. Revelations about
corruption in the USAID beg questions about the integrity of
Australia’s aid programs - There are long-standing questions dating
back to the Clinton days and before the Rudd ALP Government -The
Clintons are estimated to be worth between $120 million and $240 million having
been in debt by $16 million when Bill left office in January 2001.
According to the newsagency, Associated
Press, 85 private sector stakeholders, which is more than half
of the non-government people who met with Hillary Clinton while she
was secretary of state, gave money — either personally or through
companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. This amounted to
$156 million. In addition, Clinton met with representatives of at
least 16 foreign governments that donated as much as $170 million to
the Clinton charity. Australia was among these governments." - Source:
Is It Foreign
Aid or Covert Action?
A quote...."There has been considerable controversy surrounding the
Trump administration decision to cutback on government agencies that
are ostensibly committed to charitable, educational and other nation
building activities both overseas and in the United States. This
spending, amounting to scores of billions of dollars, has helped
produce budget deficits that ballooned in the twenty-first century,
largely due to the surge in overseas activity that occurred after
the [arranged] trauma of 9/11 when Jewish Supremacists
decided the [judeo-Nord-Am colony] should serve as [the
jews' shabbos-golems] in the Middle East to enable the Jewish
state’s expansion under the cover of making it “safe.” As the [JewK]
is now verging on bankruptcy due to its unsustainable debts, the
second incarnation of the Trump Administration has focused on
cutting budgets in areas that it considers to be enemy occupied,
often meaning “woke” or institutionally allied to the Democrats.
Social programs as well as the bloated defense department spending
were considered to be suitable targets so starting during the first
week in February, the White House brought down
the hammer when it went after a number of government agencies,
inter alia calling for huge cuts in Pentagon spending and the
complete elimination of the Education Department."
"The White House also shut down the United States Agency
for International Development (USAID), firing nearly
all of its 10,000 employees, reportedly leaving only
little more than 600 employees
in place to assist in the shutting down or downsizing of
facilities in the US and in foreign countries. Also, about 800
awards and contracts that are administered through USAID were
reportedly being canceled. There have reportedly been some
judicial delays in the firings due to the complexity of removing
thousands of employees and families from overseas
offices and housing, though the pause is likely to be only
USAID Exported
CIA Balkan Terror to Haiti
A quote...."On December 19th, James Foley, US ambassador to Haiti
2003 - 2005, published an explosive op-ed
in rabidly anti-Communist Miami Times. He lamented how the country
had become a “ticking time bomb”, with hundreds of thousands of
refugees threatening to emigrate Stateside, “mounting gang
violence”, withdrawal of “humanitarian relief organizations” due to
“threats”, and “criminal” entities “on the verge” of capturing
Port-au-Prince entirely. His remedy was simple - direct US
“intervention” to secure control locally, and reassert Washington’s
“primacy in the hemisphere.”"
Administration Moves to Expose and Dismantle USAID Amid
Accusations of Widespread Corruption
A quote...."The Trump administration, through a newly formed
Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), has launched a scathing review
of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The revelations have sparked a heated debate over the agency's role,
transparency and effectiveness, leading to calls for its abolition -
Established by former President John F. Kennedy in 1961, USAID was
originally tasked with providing support to developing countries.
However, over the decades, the agency has been accused of becoming a
tool for domestic political agendas and covert operations, leading
to widespread waste, fraud and abuse."
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Geopolitical Analysis.....
Three Years
of a Cruel and Destructive NATO Proxy War in [Lviv Occupied]
Ukraine [Territories]
Must Read - A quote...."The end of February marks three years
since the start of Russia’s special military operation in [Lviv
occupied] Ukraine and 11 years since the ‘Euromaidan’ coup of
February 2014. The coup was the main cause of the current military
conflict - The war in the now-former eastern territories of [the]
Ukraine [territories] could have been avoided had two
successive presidencies in [the Lviv regime] (Petro
Poroshenko, 2014-2019 and Volodomyr Zelensky since 2019) complied
with the Minsk 2 peace agreement of February 2015. Minsk 2 (text
here), was agreed by [the Lviv regime] and the pro-autonomy
forces in the Donbass region on February 12, 2015. France, Germany,
and Russia co-signed the agreement as guarantors. The agreement was
unanimously endorsed by no less than the UN Security Council on
February 17, 2015."
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BREAKING - SITREP - War Crimes.....
Russia Punishes
[Lviv Regime] Scum For Crimes In Kursk Region
BREAKING - Posted 22.02.2025 - A quote...."This
is another group of [Lviv regime] war criminals. They were
sentenced on February 19, 2025 to long prison terms for war crimes
committed in the Suja district in the Russian Kursk region. The
Russian Investigative Committee collected evidence confirming that
these [Lviv regime] servicemen committed numerous crimes
against the Russian civilian population. Earlier, on February 13,
Russian court convicted 4 more [Lviv regime] servicemen,
sentencing them to similar prison terms."
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Russia Won
Battle For Ulakly: Pocket Of [Lviv Regime] Resistance Destroyed
BREAKING - Posted 23.02.2025 - A quote...."The
Russian Army continues offensive operations on the Donbass
frontlines, achieving victories in different directions. LINK
One of their most rapid offensives is ongoing west of Kurakhovo - On
February 23rd, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
officially confirmed the full control of the villages of Ulakly and
Novoandreevka in the DPR."
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Overview: Russians Took Control Of Almost Dozen Villages In A Day
SITREP - Posted 23.02.2025 - A quote...."The
frontlines in [the Lviv regime's occupied territories] seem
stable [yet] inflamed by positional battles, but the Russian
army increases pressure on the remaining lines of [the Lviv
regime's] defense. Steadily advancing, Russian forces are
achieving one victory after another. Over the past day alone,
Russian forces took control of several villages in all directions -
On February 21, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
officially confirmed the full control of the villages of Novoselka
and Novoocheretovatoe on the southern Donbass frontlines."
Overview: Another Hotel With Advisers From NATO Destroyed In
[Lviv's Occupied Territories]
SITREP - Posted 23.02.2025 - A quote...."The war in [Lviv's
occupied territories] is yet to approach its end, and the
warring sides continue exchanging massive strikes in the rear
regions. The Russian military is still holding the upper hand,
pounding [Lviv regime's] rear infrastructure every night,
while repelling most of [the Lviv regime's] drone strikes -
On the night of February 23rd, the Armed Forces of [the Lviv
ethnic-cleansing regime] attempted another wave of strikes in
the Russian rear regions. According to the Ministry of Defense of
the Russian Federation, in total 20 [Lviv regime] UAVs were
destroyed by air defense forces during the night, 10 more [Lviv
regime] drones were destroyed in the morning. [Lviv
regime] UAVs targeted the rear regions of Oryol, Lipetsk,
Tula, Voronezh, some of them were intercepted in the border Belgorod
and Kursk regions. No local sources reported any damage as a result
of the attack.
Russia Revealed
Number Of Targets Destroyed By Iskander Strikes In [Lviv's
Occupied Territories]
SITREP - Posted 22.02.2025 - A quote...."The Ministry
of Defense of the Russian Federation reported the number of targets
struck by Russian Iskander-M tactical missile system. During the
Special Military Operation in [Lviv's occupied territories],
more than 1,400 targets were hit with the Iskander-M systems."
Fires Across
[Lviv's Occupied Territories]: Russian Forces Launched 11 Group
Strikes In A Week
SITREP - Posted 21.02.2025 - A quote...."The Armed
Forces of the Russian Federation continue devastating strikes on [the
Lviv regime's] rear infrastructure every night. The Ministry
of Defense of the Russian Federation claimed that Russian forces
launched 11 group strikes with high-precision long-range air, land
and sea-based weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles from February 15 to
February 21. The strikes targeted [the Lviv regime's] gas,
energy and port infrastructure facilities, as well as energy
substations that ensure the operation of the military-industrial
complex across the country."
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Key Articles & General
[Lviv Regime's
Ethnic-Cleansing] Conflict Provoked [& Supported] by NATO
expansion: Trump Adviser Exposes Western Role in Escalating
Tensions -- A quote...."The ongoing conflict in [the]
Ukraine [territories], often portrayed as a unilateral act
of Russian aggression, is far more
complex than Western narratives suggest, according to Steve
Witkoff, a senior adviser to former U.S. President Donald Trump. In
a recent interview with CNN, Witkoff revealed that the war was
"provoked" by Western promises to bring [the Lviv regime's
occupied] Ukraine [territories] into NATO, a move
Moscow viewed as an existential threat. This explosive admission
challenges the mainstream narrative and raises critical questions
about the role of U.S. and NATO policies in escalating tensions.
With peace talks stalled and billions in military aid flowing into [the
Lviv ethnic-cleansing regime], the world must confront
the uncomfortable truth: the path to peace lies not in further
escalation but in honest negotiation and a reevaluation of NATO’s
eastward expansion."
Contradicts Trump on ‘NATO Troops in [Lviv's Occupied] Ukraine
NOT..... Happening!! - A quote...."The Kremlin has
contradicted a claim by US President Donald Trump that Russia would
“accept” the placement of troops from NATO countries in [the
Lviv regime's occupied] Ukraine [territories] under a
possible peace deal - When pressed by journalists on Monday about
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s opinion on the possibility of
Western troops deploying to Ukraine, Trump said “He will accept
that. I have asked him that question.”
Working Class Will Never Fight Starmer’s War For [The Judeo-Lviv
Ethnic-Cleansing Regime]
You Would Think So! - A quote...."Following the Munich
Security Conference last week, European Union leaders appeared
shell-shocked by US Vice President J.D. Vance’s scathing attack on
Europe - He criticized the continent for multiple reasons, including
the lack of free speech, arrests of European citizens for
inflammatory social media posts, insufficient commitment to
security, and destabilization due to both legal and illegal
migration. Although Vance seemed to address Western European
politicians and officials, it is likely he was speaking over their
heads, directly to the public. His words resonated with widespread
discontent about politics and politicians across the region,
aligning with the prevailing sense of unfairness felt by many
ordinary citizens." - Source: RT
Putin Says Not
Opposed to Europeans’ Involvement in [Lviv Regime] Talks
A quote...."Russian President Vladimir Putin says he is not opposed
to Europeans’ involvement in talks to end the war in [the]
Ukraine [territories] - In a televised interview on Monday,
Putin welcomed the Europeans to the talks, adding that other
countries also have the right to take part - "I see nothing wrong
with this", Putin said, when asked what he thought of European
countries insisting on a role in talks on [Lviv's occupation]
- "Well, probably no one can demand anything here. Especially not
from Russia," he added."
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Articles List.....
Alternative Channels @
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
Trump Ready
to be DONE with Zelensky and Europe As He Admits Russia is
Winning the War
Must View RBVideo - Alt/RB-Rumble
- RB/Alt-Odysee - RB/Alt-OldBitchute - RB/Alt-NewBitchute - Alt/RB-Substack
- (RBVideo - 38min57sec -Feb 25th, 2025) - Source - Mark
Sleboda: - TRP/MrkS @
Telegram - TRP/MrkS @
Twitter - TRP/MrkS @
Substack - Producer Websites - Rachel Blevins:
RB @ Rumble - RB @ Odysee - RB @
OldBitchute - RB @
NewBitchute - RB @ SubStack
- RB @ Telegram - RB @ TikTok - A
quote...."On the third anniversary of the war in [the]
Ukraine [territories], Trump is making it clear that he is
ready to be done with Zelensky—referring to him as a “dictator”—AND
that he’s ready to be done dealing with the NATO members who spent
months trying to “Trump Proof” the alliance."
Bullhorns: Kabuki Theater?
Must Listen CTRTAudio - Alt/RTCT-Mp3
- Alt/RTCT-Rumble
- Alt/RTCT-Odysee
- Alt/RTCT-Bitchute - (CTRTVar - 27min30sec - Feb 24th, 2025) - Source
- Peter Lavelle: Cross Talk @ RT - RT @ Rumble - RT @ Odysee - RT @ Bitchute
- RTShows - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica
-- A quote...."Trump’s Ukraine [territories] peace
initiative – is it real and what is next? Is the US-Europe rift for
real or is it merely kabuki theater? Are these serious policies or
Trump’s personal preferences? -- CrossTalking with George Szamuely
and Mark Sleboda."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
More On The Weaponization,
Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee
And The Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing Of White Europeans
Radicalised – ABC’s Documentary on Australia’s Nationalists
Must View MCVideo - ABC's Lies -
Absolutely Outstanding!! - Alt/MC-Odysee
- Alt/MC-Rumble
- Alt/MC-OldBitchute
- Alt/MC-NewBitchute
- (MCVar - 1hr44min24sec - Feb 23rd, 2025) -- Source - PA
Media Website: PAMedia.UK
-- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark
Collett: MC @ Bitchute
- MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s
Book: The Fall of
Western Man -- A quote...."I watch and review Radicalised –
ABC Australia’s documentary on the National Socialist Network. The
documentary will receive a full analysis, including discussion of
why was it made, who will benefit from the production and what dirty
tricks were employed during the presentation and editing."
is NOT Inevitable
Must View MCVideo - Just The
Facts Please!! - Absolutely Outstanding!! - Alt/MC-Odysee
- Alt/MC-Rumble
- Alt/MC-OldBitchute
- Alt/MC-NewBitchute
- (MCVar - 1hr41min31sec - Feb 21st, 2025) -- Source - PA
Media Website: PAMedia.UK
-- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark
Collett: MC @ Bitchute
- MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s
Book: The Fall of
Western Man -- A quote...."Find out the true demographic,
economic and political reality that faces Britain and how these
realities mean that the inevitability is not remigration, but in
fact a White British minority – which will come about sooner than
‘experts’ have predicted."
Deportations Are A CON
Must View MCVideo - Labour's
Lies - Alt/MC-Odysee
- Alt/MC-Rumble
- Alt/MC-OldBitchute
- Alt/MC-NewBitchute
- (MCVar - 8min26sec - Feb 14th, 2025) -- Source - PA
Media Website: PAMedia.UK
-- Host's & PA Officer's Websites - Mark
Collett: MC @ Bitchute
- MC @ Odysee - MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s
Book: The Fall of
Western Man -- A quote...."Labour have boasted of deporting
19,000 illegal migrants since they came to power in July 2024. This
figure and images of deportation flights have been widely
circulated. This video takes an in-depth look at these figures, puts
them into context with current migration numbers and exposes this
Labour policy as nothing more than a publicity stunt designed to
send the public back to sleep!"
Armstrong: “Let Us Prepare For The End Of Democracies”
Must Read - A quote...."Economist Martin Armstrong speaks
again with SouthFront. In the interview he gave, Armstrong offers
some insights into the main issues on the geopolitical and economic
agenda. Armstrong’s reflections are based on the interpretative
model of economic cycles, the Socrates model. The analysis of
economic cycles – according to the model developed by Armstrong –
indicates a collapse of Western political systems (the end of
democracies) in the coming years. The target set by the economist is
2032, but day after day, citizens of Western communities will be
faced with a growing squeeze on subjective and economic
freedom. Each evaluation factor is directly linked to the
model. The crisis of Western democracies is a historical forecast
resulting from the exponential growth of state public debts (which
will never be repaid). Looking at what is happening to the markets,
Armstrong explains that the value of Gold will continue to grow
(precisely due to the weakening of Western economies)."
Holocaust: Where Jews Lead, Muslims Follow
Must Read - Graphics - (Graphic#1)
- (Graphic#2)
- (Graphic#3)
- A quote...."Bradford University doesn’t mention two inconvenient
facts: that Jews in Britain support [the jewish armed forces']
massacre-machine; and that Muslims are now the chief anti-Semites in
Britain. Like the rest of our current political and academic elite,
the university wants to pretend that Jews and Muslims are united in
powerless victimhood, both groups suffering from the cruel and
irrational hate of the White majority. The current elite are very
anxious to stop thought-crime against Jews and Muslims, but have no
concern whatsoever about stopping flesh-crime against Whites -
Bradford University supplies another perfect example of that,
because it does nothing to address horrific misogyny and patriarchy
on its own doorstep. Like the town of Rotherham, the city of
Bradford is in Yorkshire. The Muslim rape-gangs that made Rotherham
infamous around the world have done much worse in Bradford. After
all, Bradford is a much bigger place and has many more Muslims. The
Labour party has controlled both Bradford and Rotherham for decades,
collaborating with the rape-gangs and betraying the White
working-class whom the party was founded to defend."
Austria Set to
Form New Establishment Government, Right-Wing
[Normative, Family Oriented, Pro-Austrian] FPÖ Will be Excluded
-- Title Corrected - A quote...."After talks broke down
between the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) and the Austrian People’s
Party (ÖVP), a new deal is likely to be struck between the ÖVP, the
left-wing SPÖ and the liberal Neos party, which have reportedly
agreed upon the distribution of ministries - Details are still being
discussed but the most important ministries have reportedly been
distributed, with some ÖVP ministers remaining in their positions -
The party leaders, Christian Stocker (ÖVP), Andreas Babler (SPÖ),
and Beate Meinl-Reisinger (Neos) announced their intention to form a
new government after meeting with Austrian President Alexander Van
der Bellen in Hofburg, with Van der Bellen describing negotiations
as already being at an advanced stage."
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Dark Night
for Germany: Elections Will Change Little, and Nothing For the
"Despite the Establishment’s Historic Losses, it Will Still Form
a Coalition and Lead the Country Deeper into Despair" - (Well
done RT!! - mpg) - Must Read - A quote...."For anyone
following German politics, it may be counterintuitive, but things
can get even worse - It is true: The “traffic light” coalition that
imploded last November has left behind a stunning,
all-along-the-line record of political, economic, and moral failure.
Including but not limited to blindly and self-destructively
supporting America’s proxy war against Russia in [the]
Ukraine [territories], deindustrializing
the German economy, and leading German society
in siding with [the
jews], while the latter is committing
genocide – according to both Human Rights
Watch and Amnesty
International – against the Palestinians and going on a
rampage among its neighbors - Hard to beat for awfulness, you may
well think. And yet after the German election results are in, there
are good reasons to be pessimistic, even if it is true that the
parties that made up the “traffic light”
coalition of doom had their richly deserved comeuppance."
Condemned to Betray Their Voters in the Next Coalition of
Failure, as Germans Continue to Abandon the Cartel Parties in
Droves -- Voting For More Of The Same.... To Sink Into
The Abyss - Charts - (click
chart1) - (click
chart2) - A quote..."The federal elections in
Germany are over, and the preliminary count is in. The CDU/CSU
have narrowly avoided the Kenyapocalypse, as the Bündnis Sahra
Wagenknecht failed to meet the 5% hurdle for representation in the
Bundestag by a mere 13,435 votes. In consequence, the Social
Democrats and the Union parties together will command a thin but
workable parliamentary majority of 328 seats. In all likelihood,
we will have a black-red government under CDU Chancellor Friedrich
Merz – a not-so-grand coalition of the kind we grew used to under
Angela Merkel."
Results Of
Germany’s Election Expected To Change Very Little As Country
Ditto!! - A quote...."Little will change….new government
will likely escalate [Lviv Regime]-Russia conflict as CDU
pledges to supply Taurus cruise missiles to [the Lviv ethnic
cleansing regime] - The parties that currently make up the
German federal government are the SPD (Social Democratic Party of
Germany) the Greens and the FDP (Free Democratic Party. This
current government failed a vote of no-confidence late last year
and so early elections had to be called - Due to leftist-green
policies, Germany has been plagued by 2 years of recession, high
inflation, energy supply bottlenecks, de-industrialization, mass
immigration from warring countries, skyrocketing crime, thus
making this leftist government the most unpopular since World War
Elections: 14,000 Votes Could’ve Changed History
The "Establishment" Won Again.... By A Hair - A
quote...."After all the song and dance, anger and demonstrations,
the terror attacks and mass immigration, the election result was
incredibly good for the German establishment when all is said and
done. With just 14,000 votes, the election result could have been
radically different - German democracy only applies if a party
scores 5 percent of the vote, and if they fail to achieve that,
millions of votes can be flushed down the drain and those voters
get no representation at all. While most countries have some kind
of voter hurdle in Europe, Germany’s is exceptionally high - The
Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) came incredibly close to wielding
power, scoring 4.972 percent of the vote. In all of Germany, they
were short 14,000 votes - The result means that the composition of
parliament is vastly different than it would have been if the
party was included. Now, the Christian Democrats (CDU) and the
Social Democrats (SPD) can form the status quo coalition without a
third party."
FYI: WOW!! Somehow , as has
happened ENDLESSLY for the last decade, with the
thinnest of margins, by some sort of miracle, by the tiniest
amount, and by just what they needed, the "establishment"
parties won again!! What do you think of the odds of THAT
Let's not also forget the "annulment" for absolutely no reason
of the election in Romania. How somehow the Moldovans in
Russia weren't allowed to vote in the Moldovan election, while
those living in the West were, and the "pro-Western" candidate
won. And could we ever forget the recent French elections,
were it appeared Macron was finally going to be
given the boot, but at the very last minute, the other
establishment parties engaged in some sort of switch-a-roo, and
Marie LePen's party, which received the most votes of any of the
parties, somehow got awarded only the third most seats. No
wonder they call it Da'mockery - It's a joke on the
shabbos-goy-peasents who participate - mpg
New German
Law Mandates Energy Consumption Cuts
The Planned Deindustrialization of Germany.... Continues -
A quote...."We have just escaped the Climate and Nature Bill by
the skin of the teeth, but it seems the Germans have not been so
lucky - Benny Peiser sent me an essay (translated) by Robert von
Loewenstern, which tells about a new law, the “Energy Efficiency
Act”, which was passed in 2023. He writes....."The crucial
sentences can be found in Paragraph 4 : “The aim of this law is to
reduce Germany’s final energy consumption by at least 26.5 percent
by 2030 compared to 2008, to a final energy consumption of 1,867
terawatt hours.” For the period thereafter, it is planned to
“reduce Germany’s final energy consumption by 45 percent by 2045
compared to 2008.”" - Topix || The "Jewish"
Morgenthau, Kaufmann, Hooton, and Kuffner Plans ||
Germany Is
Turning Into An Unlivable Tyranny
A quote...."When I first moved to Germany in 1990, the country,
rich in culture and life, was a great place to live. Optimism was
high in the wake of reunification and the collapse of the Iron
Curtain - But my oh my how things have deteriorated. The leftists
have not only taken over the country, but also even the once
conservative CDU party - First came the idiotic green movement and
climate hysteria starting in the 1990s, followed by the election
of stealth communist Angela Merkel in 2005, who let the country be
flooded uncontrollably by immigrants from warring countries in
2015 - Then came the Corona pandemic and all the censorship,
government and media lies and restrictions on freedom and basic
rights. Dissidents were jailed and/or persecuted."
Hitler's Rise to Fame Why Germans First Supported Him
(1919-1922) - Mp4
Must View ZoomR Video - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox aprox 15 mins -
Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive
(other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @
SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A
quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian,
saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down."
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‘You Can Go For
A Walk Here and Not Be Afraid Of Being Stabbed’ — Young German
Compares Hungary To His Homeland -- A quote...."Hungary’s Mandiner news
portal gave a rundown on German Marvin Billmann, who spoke to
Hit Radio
about why he moved to Hungary - Marvin and his brother felt they had
to leave Germany in 2022, which their parents were not happy about
at first; however, it was also revealed that one of his grandfathers
is actually Hungarian - He says one of the most important reasons he
chose Hungary was because the security here is much better than in
Germany. “It’s quite Western, but not too much like Germany,” he
noted, adding that a major plus is that “Orbán doesn’t let in as
many people as Germany.” - Billmann, who frequently posts to his
TikTok account about Hungary, believes that there are not many
people in Germany who would still support the politicians they did
four years ago because they saw where their policies led."
Behind Algerian’s Stabbing Spree in France – Macron
A quote...."At least one person has been killed and two others
injured after an Algerian man went on a stabbing spree at a market
in the French city of Mulhouse on Saturday afternoon, according to
local media - The events took place during a demonstration in
support of Congo, where a security perimeter was set up, Le Figaro
Calls For
French Interior Minister To ‘Act or Resign’ After Latest Islamist
Terror Attack Leaves One Dead and Several Police Officers Injured
-- A quote...."The leader of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella,
has called for the resignation of French Interior Minister Bruno
Retailleau following a deadly Islamist terror attack in Mulhouse on
Saturday. The attack, carried out by a 37-year-old Algerian national
with a known history of radicalization, resulted in one fatality and
left multiple police officers injured - According to authorities,
the suspect, who was on France’s radicalization prevention watchlist
(FSPRT), launched a knife attack near a demonstration in support of
the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is in the midst of an
insurgency by the March 23 Movement (M23) rebel movement - The
assailant fatally stabbed a 69-year-old Portuguese citizen, Lino
Sousa Loureiro, who had attempted to intervene. Additionally, two
municipal police officers sustained serious injuries — one was
stabbed in the carotid artery and the other in the throat — while
three others were also wounded."
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(White) Women Are Lonely And Unhappy
Must Listen RIRVideo - Alt/RIR-OldBitchute
- Alt/RIR-NewBitChute
- RIR/Alt-Audio - Alt/RIR-Odysee
- Alt/RIR-VK
- RIR/Alt-Rumble
- Alt/RIR-GabTV
- Alt/RIR-Twitter(X)
- Alt/RIR-Telegram -
Alt/RIR-UnCnsrdTelegram - (RIRVar - 9min3sec - Feb 25th, 2025) - Source
- Henrik Palmgren & Lana Lokteff: Red Ice RSS Feeds - RedIce @ Old/BitChute - RedIce @ New/BitChute - RI @ Lbry - RI @ Odysee - RI @ VK - RI @ Rumble - RI @ Telegram - RI @ GabTV - RI @ Truvo - RI @ DLive - RI @ Parler - RI @ Flote - RI @ NewTube - RI @ LinkTree - RedIceTV - Red Ice Creations - Red Ice Members -- A quote...."Another poll
shows that liberal women are the unhappiest. Why?"
The Cultural
Production of Market Values
A quote...."This is a post about the cultural production of “market
values” - the selling of a civilisational suicide pill as a panacea
- Moral values are a common way to describe valuing behaviour, life,
the lives of others - We hear a lot about “the market will decide”
and “market values” - but nothing about what values these actually
are - That is because the market has no values. Instead, it talks in
numbers - and attaches a price - Market values are marketed as
“conservative” or as the centrist, sensible consensus - As I will
argue here, this is a defence not only of the globalist model, but
is the real basis of the real class war we inhabit, and whose ruined
battlefield has replaced our ravaged nations - The class war is
between the parasite class and everyone else - Their most effective
weapon is the sale of market values. This is a pact with the Devil,
secured by the manufactured consent of a people conditioned by a
century of propaganda to believe that losing everything is a win."
Memetic Monday:
I’m Lucky To’ve Met You & Memetic Monday:
Wednesday Edition: I’m Still Here
Memes pre-selected to match with this website's various topics
- mpg - (Graphic#1)
- (Graphic#2)
- (Graphic#3)
- (Graphic#4)
- (Graphic#5)
- (Graphic#6)
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- (Graphic#8)
- (Graphic#9)
- (Graphic#10)
- (Graphic#11)
- (Graphic#12)
- (Graphic#13)
- (Graphic#14)
- (Graphic#15)
- (Graphic#16)
-- The Funnies - (Graphic#17)
- (Graphic#18)
- (Graphic#19)
- (Graphic#20)
- (Graphic#21)
- (Graphic#22)
Trump Fires Top
General Who Supported Black Lives Matter
A quote...."US President Donald Trump has fired the Chairman of the
joint Chiefs of Staff, General Charles Brown, the second black
commander ever to occupy the post. Brown publicly supported the
Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement back in 2020 - Since assuming
office in January, Trump has axed a number of the Biden
administration’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs
across the federal government and in the military. The Republican
also officially decreed that only two genders, male and female, will
be recognized by the US government."
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More Tales From the
PERMANENT NOTE: Disingenuous, inaccurate,
and false or misleading terms such as antisemitism, apartheid,
zionism, holocaust, israel, military, army, defense, government,
state, authority, settlers, settlements, confiscated, seized,
borders, etc. will be removed from all articles in this section
and replaced with the correct language, and terms (in brackets
& italics), to reflect standard common-use definitions,
accepted legal norms, and actual on the ground realities - mpg
The Rise and
Fall of [Judeo-Supremacism] in Scotland, Part 1
Must Read - A quote...."[Judeo-Supremacism] in
Scotland has historically been widespread, backed by wealthy
families, and continues to influence politics and institutions
despite a declining Jewish population and the closure of many [judeo-supremacist]
organizations - For now, this article looks at the historical
pattern of involvement and organisation of Zionist groups throughout
the country. I trace how this has changed over the course of
the one hundred and thirty-five years since the creation of the
first Scottish Zionist group. I also highlight the importance
of the reproduction of Zionist ideas and activities via Zionist
family networks if the Zionist movement is to have any future.
The data do show, however, the Zionist movement has entered a period
of decline which it is desperately trying to mitigate."
Gaza Fisherman:
[The Jews] Targeted Our Boats So We Use A Surfboard
A quote...."Every morning, Fisherman Khalid Habib prepares the bait
he uses to draw fish into the iron cage he submerges in Gaza’s
waters to catch fish. As a result of [the jews' mass ethnic
cleansing campaign of] bombing Gaza, most fishing nets have
been destroyed and Palestinians have been forced to devise
alternative fishing methods - For Khalid this means making a little
dough, which he then flavours with oil from a sardine can before
submerging it in the water to begin his long day of fishing to try
to earn a living."
[Illegal Jewish
Migrants] Attack Shepherd, Livestock In Bethlehem
A quote...."On Monday evening, illegal paramilitary [jewish
migrants] attacked a Palestinian shepherd and his livestock in
the wilderness of Kisan village, east of Bethlehem in the occupied
West Bank - Ahmad Ghazal, the secretary of the Fateh movement in
Bethlehem, stated that the colonizers, riding four-wheelers, invaded
the village’s wilderness and attacked the shepherd, Ahmad Nassar
Rashaida, and his livestock - Ghazal added that the colonizers
threatened to kill Rashaida if he returned to the area, which is
part of his village."
Occupation Forces] Abducts Five Palestinians in Nablus and Jenin
A quote...."On Monday evening, [jewish forces] abducted five
Palestinians, including a woman and two siblings, in Nablus and
Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank - Media
sources reported that undercover soldiers infiltrated the Tunis
Street area, west of Nablus, before storming a shop and abducting
its owner, Dia’ Sha’ballo."
Occupation Forces] Injure Many Palestinians Near Bethlehem
A quote...."On Monday evening, [jewish forces] injured
many Palestinians in the town of Al-Khader, south of Bethlehem, in
the occupied West Bank - Media sources reported that several
military jeeps invaded the town, particularly targeting the areas of
Al-Bawwaba, the Big Mosque, Jerusalem-Hebron Road, as well as the
Saifi and Dar Mahmoud neighborhoods."
Occupation Forces] Abducts A Palestinian, Assaults His Son, In
A quote...."Earlier Monday, [jewish] forces abducted a
Palestinian, assaulted him son and confiscated his car in Sa’ir
town, northeast of Hebron in the occupied West Bank’s southern part
- Media sources said several [jewish occupation] jeeps
invaded the town before the soldiers stormed and ransacked homes -
They added that the soldiers abducted a former political prisoner,
Jihad Omar Jaradat, and assaulted his son, before confiscating his
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More International Tales From a
Declining JOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy &
Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the
Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O....
The Problem
With Money Isn't Money
Must Read - A quote...."The Problem With Money is that it's
complicated - To many minds, the solution to our core economic
problems is to return to sound money via either the gold standard,
in which gold backs all currency, or by substituting bitcoin for
gold, i.e. bitcoin becomes the coin of the realm - I have often held
that if we don't change the way money is created and distributed,
we've changed nothing - But money is complicated, and this
introduces the koan of this post's title: The Problem With Money
Isn't Money. The human mind prefers simplicity over complexity, and
so we tend to seek simple solutions to complex problems. Sometimes
simple solutions do work with almost magical efficacy, but other
times they generate new problems that we didn't foresee, problems
that complicate our simple solution - As David Graeber explained in
his book Debt: The First 5,000 Years, the
problem with money isn't what's declared the coin of the realm, it's
all the forms of money that aren't coins and currency, i.e. credit
a.k.a. debt, which as Graeber documents, has been "money" since
commerce began. "
The Federal
Reserve Cartel: The Solution - Part V of a Five-Part Series
A quote...."Thomas Jefferson opined of the Rothschild-led Eight
Families central banking cartel which came to control the United
States, “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental
opinion of the day, but a series of oppressions begun at a
distinguished period, unalterable through every change of ministers,
too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to
slavery” - Two centuries and a few decades later this same cabal of
trillionaire money changers – mysteriously immune from their own
calls for “broad sacrifice” – utilizes the debt lever to ring
concessions from the people of Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal,
Italy and now the United States - In their never-ending quest to
subjugate the planet, the bankers’ IMF enforcer – chronic harasser
of Third World governments – has turned its sites on the developed
world. To further advance their dizzying concentration of economic
power, the whining banksters take a giant wrecking ball to the
global middle class as they prepare to eat their young."
The Answer To
1913 Is 2025: 3 Charts That Show Why The Income Tax, The IRS And
The Federal Reserve Should All Be Abolished -- Quote of
the Day....."Most Americans don’t know that for much of U.S.
history there was no federal income tax and there was no central
bank. But now everyone assumes that we must have a federal
income tax and a central bank in order to have a functioning
society. Today, there are just a handful of nations that do
not have an income tax, and more than 99 percent of the entire
population of the globe lives in a country that has a central
bank. Of course the two work hand in hand. A central
bank creates a spiral of borrowing that is meant to be unbreakable,
and an income tax is necessary to service payments on that debt
spiral. It is not a coincidence that a federal income tax and
the Federal Reserve were both established in 1913. Since that
time, we have piled up the biggest mountain of debt in the history
of the world, and that is precisely the outcome that the system was
designed to produce."
Is the Trump
Honeymoon Over on Wall Street? All Stock Gains Since the
Inauguration Gone in Two Days
A quote...."As a business owner in the United States for almost 30
years now, I have no choice but to study the U.S. economy and
understand market trends, because they impact my ecommerce retail
business - We have survived the dot-com bust of the early 2000s, the
housing crisis in 2007-2008, and COVID - But apparently most of the
“journalists” in the corporate financial news networks have never
run a business or had to balance their books to maintain a profit,
or make business decisions to reflect economic realities, because
the economic news since Trump came back to office has been nothing
short of euphoric, pretending that the Golden Years of prosperity
awaited us in Trump 2.0."
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FYI: This is ALL happening
because the JSA, the EU, and their assorted
judeo-shabbos-goyum-famliar lackeys have, for the last fifty
years (when the JSA came off the gold standard), been spending
(i.e. fabricating fiat-debt-tokens) WAY beyond
the carrying capacity of their collective economies (i.e.
the ability to produce REAL goods and services to support or
even match such profligate fiat-fabrication.)
Most of it, if not ALL of it, on behalf of Collective
Jewry's plans for....
- Total Geo-Political Control: (Tens
of Trillions for their P.N.A.C. Protocols, endless wars, and
support of their geopolitical occupation pustules in both
Palestine & Ukraine)
- Cultural / Sociatal Transformation, Mass Immigration,
& White Erasure Programs: (Tens of
Trillions to impose the jews' weaponized, Cultural
/ Sociatal Transformation, Mass Immigration, & White
Erasure Programs)
- A World-Wide Control Grid: (Tens of
Trillions to establish their FAATMAN
judeo-control grid group of companies - (Facebook
(a.k.a. Meta), Alphabet (Google/YouTube), Amazon,
Tesla (Starlink, Space X, Twitter, Musk a
founder of PayPal), Microsoft, Apple, &
Almost all of which programs destroyed the productive
capacities of the affected, or should one say, afflicted
Full stop -- End of story -- First posted Oct 10th, 2022
- Posted again for your edification - mpg
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More International Tales From a
Declining JOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building /
Strengthening....of the Opposition....
For the 236th
Time: [Jewish Apparatchiks] Demolish Al-Arakib Village in the
A quote...."On Monday morning, the [jewish apparatchiks]
demolished the tents of Al-Arakib Village in the Negev for the 236th
time. The “unrecognized and threatened village,” faces ongoing
displacement, destruction and eviction - The first demolition by [jewish
apparatchiks] occurred on July 27, 2010. The previous
demolition took place on October 13 of last year."
Made in China 2025 (MIC25)
Absolute Must Read - A quote...."I have written about the
western misconceptions about Chinese economy and innovation
capacity. And how such confused perception of realities will
eventually lead it to a disastrous confrontation with China [click on link]
- [click on link]
- As discredited frauds like Gordan Chang and Peter Zaihan continue
to have an eager audience in the west, a vicious cycle of
self-delusion and disinformation gets reinforced and amplified into
what I call a “demeritocracy” in the west – essentially, stupidity
and derangement become the norm, and one must be more stupid and
crazy than the next guy to get ahead in the echo chambers in
national security, economics, academia and media - A perfect case
study is how the west has mis-judged the Made in China 2025 project,
a ten-year plan launched by the Chinese government in 2015 to
promote innovation, enhance technological self-reliance, and move up
the manufacturing value chain - An industrial policy is not
particularly remarkable in itself, as nations, even capitalist ones,
do some level of central planning and develop grand strategies such
as Germany’s Industry 4.0 - What is interesting is the western
reactions to China’s initiative and how it reflects its poor
understanding and perennial underestimation of Chinese capacity." -
Source: Hua’s Substack
Why America Is
Worried About China’s New Canal in Cambodia
A quote...."Cambodia is building a new canal projected which is
designed to bypass Vietnam’s crucially important Mekong Delta, with
China underwriting the construction. Not far from the new canal’s
exit point lies a key Chinese naval base, a fact which has both
Vietnam and America extremely worried about the geostrategic
implications of this new development - By breaking of ground on the
Funan Techo Canal project, Cambodia hopes to transform the country’s
economic fortunes by addressing a key economic vulnerability, and
reduce Cambodia’s shipping reliance on its neighbour Vietnam.
Cambodia’s government estimates the strategic infrastructure project
will cost roughly $2 billion, nearly 4% of Cambodia’s annual GDP.
However, part of China’s financial contribution still remains in
doubt, and this region will also soon become an area of focus for
the United States." - Source: 21stCentWire
The Arctic: The
Next ‘Great Game.’ The Northern Sea Route, China’s Polar Silk Road
A quote...."The Arctic is now identified as important in a potential
superpower conflict. According to Deccan Herald, with summer sea ice
shrinking by 12.2% a decade, this region is not only strategic from
an economic, rare-earth minerals, and maritime-trade route
perspective, but also a war-fighting perspective. "
Auto-Giant Cites Billion Dollar Renault Re-Entry Price Tag
Stick - It - To - Them!! - Every Single One Of Them! - A
qutoe...."Renault will have to compensate Russian carmaker AVTOVAZ
up to $1.3 billion if it wishes to re-acquire its former business
and re-enter the market, having previously quit the country, CEO
Maxim Sokolov said on Tuesday - In 2022, AVTOVAZ purchased Renault’s
share in the joint enterprise for a symbolic sum of 1 ruble with an
option to return within six years - Renault joined other foreign
corporations that succumbed to international pressure and left
Russia in the wake of the escalation of the [Lviv ethnic
cleansing regime's instigated] conflict in February 2022." - Source:
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More International Tales From a
Declining JOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts /
Destruction / and Decay....of the Judeo-Anglo JewSA &
JewK Empire....
I Asked
ChatGPT About 911 and Here Are the Q&As
9/11 - Absolute Must Read - ChatGPT is Scary!! - A
quote...."Two historical events have mesmerized me since 2017 – JFK
assassination and 911 attacks. I have read numerous books, visited
hundreds of websites, and watched untold numbers of videos on Rumble
and YouTube -- I have read two dozen books on 911 alone from David
Ray Griffin, Kevin Ryan, Webster Griffin Tarpley, Mark Gaffney,
Chris Bollyn, Thierry Meyssan, Eric Hufschmid, Dr. Judy Wood, Andrew
Johnson, Philip Marshall, Jim Marrs, William Veale, Francis Richard
Conolly, Jim Garrity, Laurent Guyenot, Paul Landis, Michel
Chossudovsky, Ian Henshall, James Fetzer, Kevin Barrett, Victor
Thorn, and more -- I find it incredibly challenging to synthesize
this content and draw conclusions succinctly against the official
cover story and mainstream media disinformation. Until of course,
the emergence of ChatGPT AI assistant -- I experimented with some
straightforward questions and here is the output from ChatGPT. There
are a million other questions one could ask but I thought the
following 5 questions give a taste (no edits with any of the text so
bear with the length of the answers) (disclaimer: all mistakes are
ChatGPT’s, not the author’s)." - Source: HuaBinSubstack
- also posted at Reficultnias
& AlethoNews
- See article, commentary and links posted below.
Previously posted, posted again for your edification....
Were the 9/11
Aircraft Electronically Hijacked and Remotely Controlled? - Yes!!
For The Historical Record - Previously posted, posted
again for your edification - A quote...."According to the
global grassroots organization 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers website
(https://911pilots.org/), there were no Muslim hijackers at the
controls of the 9/11 aircraft.....
Well.... that's a slight exaggeration. There were
definitely 19 patsies, some of whom were Muslim. They were
probably told they were engaging in an Entebbe styled hijacking,
where their planes would be remotely flown to an airport, the
hostages taken off, and then the planes were to be blown up (to
hide their remote control equipment).
Similar to where the planes used in the Dawson
Field Hijackings were blown up. In that case as
a statement. (Oddly enough, only three
were blown up, and one was successfully liberated.
Sort of like the buildings on 9/11, where three were hit with
planes, and one was not)
At which point they'd trade the hostages from the hijacked
planes, in exchange for their political demands being met,
(which were probably designed to be minor, so they wouldn't
be politically embarassing) and then the hijackers would
be flown out of the country on another plane.
At least that's probably the 'plausible' plan the jews sketched
out for their American accomplices in the US Government. A
nice staged false-flag that was most likely intended to be used
to finally finish off Iraq's Saddam Hussein. Their nation-state
authoritarian nemesis. Unfinished business that Bush One left on
the table after Gulf War One.
Unfinished business that truly irked the jews to no end.
Business that would finally be finished by a false flag which
would be massively more successful then their prior failed
attempt to do the same almost ten years earlier. When the
jews arranged the 1993 WTC
No doubt many of the traitors in the US Government were
surprised when the
planes were actually remoted directly into their targets,
(except flight 93, which had to be shot down, or remoted into
the ground, when the passengers gained control. It
wouldn't do to have a plane full of remote control gear, and
surprised patsies appear on the news).
Surprised because the jews' actual plan, as it turned out, was MUCH
more ambitious.
The destruction of "Seven countries in Five years".
Without doubt the hijackers themselves were even more
surprised as WTC1, WTC2 and the Pentagon loomed up in front of
52 story
high WTC7 was an embarrassing failure and had to be
obviously demolished in it's own footprint like WTC1 & WTC2,
(the jews really learned from their failure in 1993, and
had made absolutely sure this time it was going to be a successfull
series of controlled demolitions), but in the case of
WTC7, sans the cover of an impacting airplane,
when Flight 93 failed to show up for its final "shock opera"
of 9/11. Demonstrating that false-flags don't always go off as
By then of course it was too late to do anything. Thousands of
American officials were now deeply and traitorously implicated
in helping to carry out
9/11. They were now left with no choice but to
follow through, and carry out the jews' PNAC
Which they've done assiduously to this very day.... mpg
"....but that these aircraft were electronically hijacked and
remotely controlled through employment of a system called the
uninterruptible autopilot that enables a remote source to take
complete control of the aircraft autopilot and flight management
computer and remotely guide it to its target destination. Once
engaged, the pilots cannot disconnect this system - According to the
9/11 Commission, the alleged hijackers had never flown the
sophisticated B-757 and B-767 aircraft in their lives but were
mainly trained in light, single engine Cessna 172s and the like."
9/11 Memorial Sections by Year
How the CIA
Gave Birth to the Modern Drug Trade in the Americas
For The Historical Record - A quote...."Anonymous officials
informed major US outlets this week about the CIA’s ‘benevolent’ new
role: flying MQ-9 Reaper drones over Mexico to spy on drug cartels.
What’s wrong with this picture? - The carefully placed reports,
released within 24
hours of one another,
come in the wake of the State Department’s designation of eight
major Latin American drug traffickers as “global
terrorist organizations.” - Unfortunately for the CIA, anyone
with even a cursory knowledge of its activities knows that the
agency has been more of an ally, rather than an enemy, to the drug
pushers bringing violence and death to American communities." - Source:
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More on the All Seeing (Know
Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the
How The Courts
Broke the Internet: The Misinterpretation of Section 230 and the
Need for Judicial Correction
A quote...."Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) of
1996, often hailed as the "Magna Carta of the internet," was
intended to protect free speech by shielding online platforms from
liability for user-generated content. However, courts have
misinterpreted this law, turning it into a tool that Big
Tech uses to silence dissent, eliminate competition and
control the flow of information. This article explores how the
courts' misapplication of Section 230 has broken the internet and
proposes a path to restoration."
EU’s “Democracy
Shield” Faces Backlash Over Sovereignty Concerns, Double
Standards, and Proposed Intelligence Agency -- A quote...."The
EU’s “Democracy Shield,” is presented as a way to strengthen
information integrity online, especially in the context of elections
– but which opponents believe is another way for the bloc’s
bureaucracy to tighten the screws on tech giants, speech-wise – is
facing vocal opposition in the European Parliament (EP) - The
initiative’s first monthly meeting heard criticism in particular
from MEPs that come from conservative and sovereignty parties, who
wanted to know what exactly qualifies as “foreign interference in
elections” – and why the double standard in the way social media
content is treated compared to legacy, corporate media." - Source:
Wales Becomes
First UK Testbed for Citywide AI-Powered Facial Recognition
A quote...."Wales is that part of the UK the authorities have picked
as the testbed for the first citywide deployment of what some
consider to currently be the most radical form of mass biometric
surveillance in public places – “AI”-powered live facial recognition
- What is likely to be the reason behind the “trial,” privacy
campaigners are warning, is the eventual permanent deployment of
this type of biometric surveillance throughout the country."
FTC Launches
Probe Into Big Tech Censorship Under Chairman Andrew Ferguson
A quote...."The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) under the leadership
of chairman Andrew Ferguson
has launched its own probe into Big Tech’s censorship of Americans.
This is the initial step, a Request for Information (RFI), that
could lead to a full investigation - The announcement on the FTC website
said the goal of the public inquiry is to “better understand” the
ways tech companies behind social networks ban users or “degrade”
their access based on speech or affiliations."
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The JewSA's Jewish Controlled
Domestic Politics & The Trump-Administration --
Judeo-Nord-Am Colonial Style....
Maine Secretary
of State’s Office Pressured Social Media to Censor Election Posts,
FOAA Emails Reveal
A quote...."The Big Government-Big Tech censorship collusion over
the last four years has at this point been well documented,
regarding a number of federal entities and third parties involved -
Now reports based on responses to state-level freedom of information
legislation in Maine show that “small government” was very much
participating in efforts to pressure social media to censor speech."
Trump Fires
Joint Chiefs Chairman, Navy Head in DOD Leadership Purge
A quote...."President Donald Trump on Friday evening fired Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Chief of Naval
Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti and Air Force Vice Chief of Staff
Gen. Jim Slife - Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said in a statement
that Trump plans to nominate retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Dan Caine,
who joined the venture capital firm Shield Capital in January, as
the nation’s next chairman of the Joint Chiefs - “General Caine
embodies the warfighter ethos and is exactly the leader we need to
meet the moment,” Hegseth said. “I look forward to working with
him.” - No replacements for Franchetti — the first woman to serve as
a service chief — or Slife were announced. Hegseth said he is
requesting nominations to fill their roles."
Student Loan
Borrowers Crushed by Appeals Court Ruling, Credit Scores Plunge
A quote...."The New York Post reports Biden’s $475B
student debt cancellation plan blocked as federal appeals
court issues final decision - A federal appeals court delivered a
crushing blow Tuesday to a more than $475 billion student debt
cancellation program begun by former President Joe Biden, ordering
the underlying regulation be blocked in its entirety - The Eighth US
Circuit Court of Appeals had partially
blocked the loan forgiveness effort last year — but a
three-judge panel at the St. Louis-based court issued a final
judgment to a lower court prohibiting any part of the initiative
from taking effect."
The Associated
Press Sues Trump Officials Over Ban From White House Events
A quote...."The Associated Press is suing three Trump
administration officials over its blocking of AP reporters
from access to the Oval Office and Air Force One, citing the First
Amendment - The lawsuit was filed in District Court in Washington
Friday. It names as defendants White House
deputy chief of staff Taylor Budowich, White House press secretary
Karoline Leavitt and White House chief of staff Susie Wiles - The
White House has barred the outlet from covering President Trump’s
actions in the Oval Office, traveling with the president on Air
Force One and other events over its decision to not refer to the
Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America, as decreed by Mr. Trump."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....
Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 02.24.25
Must Listen NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 -
(NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Feb 24th, 2025) - Source:
Patrick Slattery: RBN - RBN Shows -
RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @
NBR -- Guest's Websites - Jeremy from Kentucky:
RBN - RBN Shows -
RBN Donate - Jeremy from
Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from
Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- A quote...."Mark Collett joins the
show: What do the German election results mean? Are Europeans waking
up in time?"
Who’s Running
DOGE? German Elections, EU Chaos, [Livi Regime] Uncertainty - FF
Must Listen RIRVideo - Alt/RIR-OldBitchute
- Alt/RIR-NewBitChute
- RIR/Alt-Audio
- Alt/RIR-Odysee
- Alt/RIR-VK
- RIR/Alt-Rumble
- Alt/RIR-GabTV
- Alt/RIR-Twitter(X)
- Alt/RIR-Telegram - Alt/RIR-UnCnsrdTelegram -
(RIRVar - 2hrs17min59sec - Feb 21st, 2025) - Source - Henrik
Palmgren & Lana Lokteff: Red Ice RSS Feeds - RedIce @ Old/BitChute - RedIce @ New/BitChute - RI @ Lbry - RI @ Odysee - RI @ VK - RI @ Rumble - RI @ Telegram - RI @ GabTV - RI @ Truvo - RI @ DLive - RI @ Parler - RI @ Flote - RI @ NewTube - RI @ LinkTree - RedIceTV - Red Ice Creations - Red Ice Members -- A quote...."Monika
Schaefer joins Henrik and Lana to discuss some of the latest news
out of Europe and America."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster,
Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto / Bayer
New GMOs:
Blocking Minority Holds Firm in EU Test Vote
A quote...." After months of deadlock on the new GMOs deregulation
file, a test vote by EU attachés on 21 February confirmed a
continued blocking minority,[1] despite multiple compromise attempts
by the Polish EU presidency on the controversial patent issue.
Friends of the Earth Europe welcomes this opposition and urges more
Member States to reject the deregulation proposal."
Federal Court
Rules Health Canada Approval of Mad Dog Glyphosate Weedkiller as
A quote...."Environmental and health groups are celebrating a recent
ruling from the Federal Court that found Health Canada’s 2022
decision to approve the glyphosate-based herbicide Mad Dog Plus was
unreasonable. In their legal challenge, the groups argued that the
federal regulatory agency failed to conduct a rigorous, up to date
scientific assessment of glyphosate before renewing the product,
despite new evidence of potential harms to human health and the
environment. Glyphosate is the most heavily used herbicide in Canada
and the primary chemical in many products, including Roundup."
It’s Time for
200 Million Americans To End Their Western Medicine Real-Life
Nightmares and Switch to Evidence-Based Natural Medicine -- "Science-Based
Nutrition" - A quote...."The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, has
been researching the science behind clean food and clean medicine
for over a decade in his food forensics
lab he created from scratch and manages with his expert team.
Using high tech equipment that measures contamination particles down
to the parts per million, he weeds out toxic ingredients and
contaminants in food, vitamins, supplements, superfoods, and herbal
medicine - Superfoods are the most
nutrient-dense foods on planet earth, packed with
micro-and-macro nutrients that not only boost immunity, but prevent
diseases and disorders across the board. This is backed by science
and research published in medical journals, despite fake news, fake
science, and Big Pharma censoring it all and telling us otherwise
for the past century - Finally, we have a President and RFK Jr. to
deconstruct the corrupt FDA, CDC, USDA and HHS, and reconstruct them
to support natural medicine and preventative medicine so Americans,
including all children, have the resources and knowledge to live
healthy lives and fuel longevity naturally."
A Combination
of Supplements and Exercise May Slow Biological Aging
A quote...."Approximately one-fourth
of people in the United States age 65 and older are in only fair or
poor health. While we can’t change our chronological age, various
lifestyle practices can slow biological aging and delay the onset of
chronic disease and frailty - Biological age refers to the health of
the cells and tissues, which is dependent upon an array of genetic
and environmental factors - A new clinical trial
found that omega-3 fatty acid supplements have a small slowing
effect on biological aging. Additional slowing occurs when these
supplements are combined with vitamin D supplements and home
This Homemade
Natural Cough Syrup Recipe Helps Remove Phlegm From The Lungs
A quote...."If you’ve ever reached for an over-the-counter cough
syrup only to feel groggy, wired, or worse—no relief at all—you’re
not alone. Conventional cough syrups are often loaded with
artificial colors, high-fructose corn syrup, and synthetic drugs
that do little more than suppress your symptoms. But here’s the
thing: your body isn’t making you cough to annoy you—it’s trying to
clear out mucus, irritants, and pathogens."
Top 5 Plants
The First Pioneers Used For Pain Relief
A quote...."The Pioneers’ Reliance on Natural Remedies -- Pioneers
lived in a time when doctors were scarce, and pharmacies were
nonexistent. They had to be resourceful, using what was available in
their environment. Plants became their medicine cabinet, offering
solutions for everything from infections to chronic pain. These
remedies were not only practical but also essential for survival in
the wilderness -- Indigenous peoples had been using plants for
medicinal purposes long before European settlers arrived. They
shared their knowledge with pioneers, teaching them which plants
could heal, soothe, or relieve pain. This exchange of information
was crucial for the settlers’ survival and became the foundation of
pioneer herbal medicine."
Juice: A Game-Changer in Cardiovascular Health--Reversing 75% of
Smoking-Induced Heart Damage -- A quote...."A groundbreaking
study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology titled "Cigarette
Smoking-Induced Cardiac
Hypertrophy, Vascular Inflammation,
and Injury Are Attenuated by Antioxidant Supplementation in an
Animal Model"[3] has unveiled a staggering 75% reversal of cigarette
smoking-induced cardiac hypertrophy through daily pomegranate juice
consumption - This is not just another health claim--it is a
profound revelation in cardiovascular medicine, demonstrating that a
simple dietary intervention could counteract one of the most harmful
effects of smoking on the heart."
Gut-Healing Superpower: The Newly Discovered Key to Beating
Digestive Disorders
A quote...."A groundbreaking study from the University of Toronto
has unveiled a surprising reason why ginger is such a powerful
remedy for digestive issues. Scientists have identified a natural
compound in ginger, furanodienone (FDN), that interacts with a key
regulator of gut health, the pregnane X receptor (PXR) (a cellular
sensor that controls inflammation and detoxification). This
discovery helps explain why ginger has been a trusted natural remedy
for centuries and provides a scientific foundation for its use in
conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), leaky gut, and
colitis. The findings also add to GreenMedInfo's extensive database
of ginger's
benefits in over 290 conditions, dozens of which are related
to inflammation and digestive health."
Black Plum: A
Nutrient-Packed Superfood With Timeless Appeal
A quote...."The black plum (Vitex doniana) is a lesser-known yet
remarkable fruit that has been cherished for centuries in
traditional medicine and culinary practices - Often referred to by
its common names, such as African black plum, wild plum or simply
Vitex, this fruit is a powerhouse of
nutrients and phytonutrients, making it a true superfood -
With its deep purple-black hue, oblong shape and sweet-tart flavor,
the black plum is as visually striking as it is beneficial for
The Majesty Of
The Eggplant: A Nutritional Powerhouse With Ancient Roots
A quote...."Among the vibrant array of vegetables found in farmer’s
markets and grocery stores, the eggplant (Solanum melongena) stands out as a versatile and nutritious gem
- Often referred to by various names such as aubergine, brinjal or
melongene, this member of the nightshade family has a rich history
and a diverse range of culinary uses - Beyond its aesthetic appeal,
the eggplant is a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants that can
contribute significantly to your overall health and well-being."
Kumquat: The
Tiny Citrus Powerhouse With Big Health Benefits
A quote...."The kumquat (Citrus japonica), a diminutive yet vibrant
citrus fruit, has been captivating taste buds
and nourishing bodies for centuries. Often overlooked in favor
of its larger citrus cousins like oranges and lemons, the kumquat is
a nutritional gem that deserves a spotlight - Known by various names
such as “golden orange,” “dwarf orange,” or “cumquat,” this fruit is
as versatile as it is flavorful - With its unique combination of
sweet and tart, the kumquat is not only a culinary delight but also
a potent source of health-promoting compounds."
21 Duck
Predators to Watch Out For
A quote...."For anyone who keeps poultry, a fact of life that you
have to accept going forward is the fact that all kinds of birds,
including ducks, have lots and lots of predators. Predators can
strike from ground level or from the air and, because ducks are
aquatic, also from beneath the surface of the water."
Introduction to
Backyard Farming
A quote...."When many of us think of a homestead,
we imagine acres and acres of property filled with orchards,
gardens, barns, sheds, coops, and pens for livestock from chickens
to pigs. That’s actually a pretty good description. But many people
don’t have the luxury of several acres. Most of us have backyards
and front yards measured in footage rather than acres - But that
doesn’t mean we can’t pursue a homesteading lifestyle. That’s
because homesteading is more of a state of mind rather than acres of
property. You can pursue a homesteading lifestyle in your backyard
with some basic decisions about behaviors and ideas."
18 Ways to
Attract Bees to Your Garden
A quote...."The bee population in the U.S. is in peril. According to
the Pollinator Partnership, the U.S. has lost more than half of its
managed honeybee colonies over the past decade - Although the
reasons for this sharp decline are not fully understood, scientists
believe contributing factors include increased exposure to
pesticides, parasites, diseases, habitat loss, and a reduction of
plant diversity - A significantly reduced bee population is a
problem for all of us because our food supply depends on bees. In
fact, more than 150 crops grown in this country rely on pollinators.
On the list of pollinator-dependent crops are apples, blueberries,
almonds, melons, citrus fruits, pears, pumpkins, and plums.
Pollinators also help plants that feed livestock and plants that
produce fiber, such as cotton.
FYI: Personally, this website editor
thinks pollen from GMO plants should be checked to see if it's
toxic for bees. It should be easy to determine
statistically. More colonies should die off if they're
harvesting pollen from agricultural areas, or crops, that more
traditionally use GMO plants - Especially the GMO engineered
plants, self-producing their own pesticide - mpg
10 Easy-to-Grow
Veggies That Even Newbies Can’t Mess Up
A quote...."If you're a new gardener, or even a seasoned master of
the edible landscape, there are many things you can do and specific
vegetables you can grow to make your gardening
experience easier. It's not so much what you're growing that will
make the most difference, but how you are growing it - With that in
mind, let's explore the how of growing first by looking at some of
the biggest challenges and their solutions for new and long-time
gardeners: weeds, water,
nutrition, and pests. Then we'll get into some of the easier to grow
vegetables that can help you overcome these challenges."
How to Cook a
Meal Over a Campfire
A quote...."Cooking over a campfire is an age-old tradition that
captures the essence of outdoor adventures. The smell of the fire,
the crackling of the logs, and the shared camaraderie as everyone
gathers around the blaze make for a truly rewarding experience - But
as much fun as it is, it's also a responsibility. Respect for nature
and an understanding of how to manage a fire responsibly is
fundamental to preserving the great outdoors for future generations
to enjoy - In this article, you'll learn not only how to cook
delectable dishes over a campfire but also the principles of
responsible fire management. You'll understand the importance of
leaving no trace behind, ensuring your fire is completely
extinguished, and why you should never leave a fire unattended."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
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More On The Judeo-Banksters Global
Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax / Carbon Currency / Scam....
The European
Commission Faces Its Biggest Scandal in 20 Years
A quote...."Recent reports from the “Brussels Morning” newspaper
said that the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf had uncovered findings
that are now shaking the entire European Union. They discovered that
the European
Commission had been financing non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) lobbying for the policies of former EU Commissioner
Frans Timmermans and influencing politicians to push through his
“Green Deal.” It has now come to light that the EU commission gave
€1 billion of public funds to green NGOs and lobbyists to promote
the policies of the EU Commission."
How the Green
Energy Narrative Confuses Things
A quote...."There is a powerful but misleading narrative supporting
a green energy transition. A follow up piece will look more broadly
at the general narrative supporting a transition to net zero.
This prequel will provide some detail on a few components of
the energy narrative and how this misleading narrative was
established. The green energy narrative works somewhat like a
magician’s patter, overemphasizing many things of irrelevance and
distracting the audience from the important things going on.
Misdirection ensures small truths are misinterpreted and magnified,
leading to completely unrealistic hopes and expectations."
The World Is
Not Going to Reach Net Zero by 2050
A quote...."In 1968, the movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” depicted that
in 2001, we’d have crewed spacecraft that can venture to Jupiter and
supercomputers with artificial general intelligence. These
predictions didn’t come true. In 1982, “Blade Runner” showcased a
dystopic 2019 Earth with flying cars, advanced holographic
technologies, and AI replicants nearly indistinguishable from
humans. Those forecasts missed the mark. Seven years later, “Back to
the Future, Part II” envisioned a 2015 America with hoverboards,
flying cars, food rehydrators, and cold fusion power generators
fueled by trash. Sadly none of these innovations have arrived."
BP Faces
“Existential Crisis” After Ruinous Attempt to Go Green
A quote...."BP’s green pivot has backfired spectacularly, hammering
profits and leaving the company vulnerable to a hedge fund siege,
writes Jonathan Leake in the Telegraph. Here’s an excerpt....
"Addressing journalists and executives at the Royal Lancaster Hotel
overlooking Hyde Park, Bernard Looney, BP’s new Chief Executive,
urged them to “reimagine” his company as a champion of green power -
By 2030, BP would have cut oil and gas production by 40%, he
pledged, with the lost fossil fuel income replaced by wind farms,
solar parks and biofuels made from plants - He said: “BP has been an
international oil company for over a century… Now we are pivoting to
become an integrated energy company." - also posted at....WhatsUpWithThat
BP To Abandon
Green Targets
A quote...."BP (BP.L) will
this week abandon plans to radically increase green energy
generation and instead ramp up
oil production, according to reports - The British energy
giant will ditch its plan to increase renewable generation 20-fold
by 2030, Reuters
reported - The move is expected to be announced at an investor
meeting on Wednesday and comes after Murray Auchincloss, the BP
chief executive, promised a “fundamental
reset” of the company’s strategy - BP is expected to refocus
on its lucrative fossil fuels business as it turns away from green
Ford CEO
Trashes Large EVs Saying the Problems Are "Unresolvable"
A quote...."Large electric vehicles like pickup trucks and SUVs
aren’t exactly flying off showroom floors. When the CEO of one of
the big three says vehicles like his halo electric truck have some
“unresolvable” problems, that’s what we call raw honesty. According
to InsideEVs, Ford CEO Jim Farley made an ominous statement on the
company’s fourth-quarter earnings call."
Embattled EV
maker Nikola files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
A quote...."DETROIT — Nikola Corp
— an auto startup that was once a favorite of Wall Street analysts
and retail investors — filed for bankruptcy protection after failing
to secure a buyer or raise additional funds to maintain operations -
Nikola said Wednesday that it plans to pursue an auction and sale
process of its assets, pending court approval. The company said it
has approximately $47 million in cash to fund its bankruptcy
activities, implement the sale process and exit Chapter 11." - See
related article...."From $30
billion to bust: Electric truck maker Nikola files for Bankruptcy"
Moss Landing
Battery Plant Ignites Again: Health and Environmental Concerns
A quote...."A fire that broke out at the Vistra Battery Facility in
Moss Landing, California, on Tuesday evening has once again raised
alarm bells among residents and environmental advocates. This latest
incident, occurring just weeks after a major blaze in January, has
prompted local officials to issue precautionary health advisories,
stressing the potential for air quality issues."
Debunking the
2023 hike in the Social Cost of Carbon
A quote...."I have a new paper
out in the journal Nature Scientific Reports in which I re-examine
some empirical work regarding agricultural yield changes under
CO2-induced climate warming. An influential 2017 study had argued
that warming would cause large losses in agricultural outputs on a
global scale, and this played a large role in an upward revision to
the Biden Administration’s Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) estimate,
which drives regulatory decision in US climate rulemaking. I show
that a lot of data had been left out of the statistical modeling,
and once it is included there was no evidence of yield losses even
out to 5 C warming."
Seagreen Paid
£65m To Switch Off Last Year
A quote...."One of Britain’s biggest wind farms was handed £65m to
slash its output by nearly three quarters last year, amid warnings
that the country’s “staggeringly inefficient” power grid is pushing
up household bills - The Seagreen offshore wind farm in the North Sea – the largest of
its kind in Scotland – had its output curtailed for 71pc of the time
it was due to operate in 2024, grid data show."
Stop These
Things’ Weekly Round Up: 25 February 2025
A quote...."Wind and solar sit at the heart of the net-zero CO2
emissions scam which, thanks to Donald J Trump, is in its terminal
phase. Indeed, the climate cult and its beneficiaries are in more
trouble the Ned Kelly and his bushranger brothers at Glenrowan -
Kicking off this week’s roundup, Robert Bryce provides a delightful
summary of the American wind industry’s mounting woes, where its
onshore industry is following the offshore industry, which is
already in full-scale collapse."
Fact-Check January 2025 Edition
A quote...."Per the relatively unmanipulated NASA satellite data,
January 2025 is estimated to have witnessed a substantial drop of
0.34°C from last January with respect to the made-up metric of
“average global temperature.” This is despite that atmospheric
carbon dioxide increased from about 422 parts per million (ppm) in
January 2024 to 426 parts per million in January 2025. That 4 ppm
increase in carbon dioxide is worth about 78 billion tons of
emissions. Therefore, 78 billion more tons of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere resulted in a January that was 0.34°C cooler than the
previous January. February is typically the coldest average month in
the Northern Hemisphere. January 2025 was cooler than February 2016
and about the same as January 2016 and February 1998, hundreds of
billions of tons of CO2 and a decade of “warming,” ago."
Wrong, The
Guardian, There Are No Identifiable “Climate Tipping Points”
A quote...."A recent article posted by The Guardian discusses
funding given to UK research groups in an effort to track potential
“climate tipping points” so forecasts can be made to warn about
upcoming catastrophes. The premise that we are approaching dangerous
and unprecedented climate tipping points is unsupported by history
or present data. The planet has been through periods of massive
change many times in the past. There is no evidence that there is a
magic temperature at which positive feedbacks will spiral out of
control, and none of the myriad conditions some researchers have
pointed to as dangerous indicate a threat of ”tipping” over some
imagined edge." - also posted at WhatsUpWithThat
EPA To Drop CO2
Endangerment Finding
A quote...."The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) is about to bury the unscientific idea
that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. Dropping this “endangerment
finding” represents the beginning of the end for the great global
warming hoax - Under President Barack Obama, the agency
in 2009 declared the molecule that enables plants to grow and humans
to breathe an enemy of the planetary thermostat. This decree vested
the EPA with
authority to regulate CO2 as if it were a nasty substance equivalent
to black soot, lead, radon or asbestos."
EU Wildfire
Trends 2024
Chart - (click to view)
- A quote...."Wildfire activity in southern Europe was below average
last year, according to the latest data from the EU. The trend is
clearly downwards since 1980, contrary to the disinformation spewed
by the establishment media - The BBC’s Matt McGrath, for instance,
recently claimed that a warmer world increased the
chances of devastating wildfires occurring, while the
Guardian’s Damien Carrington also falsely stated that “globally,
scientists agree that climate change
is increasing the global risk of wildfires starting and
New Study:
Ocean Warming Is Supposed To Increase Water Vapor – But It’s Been
Declining Since 2008
A quote...."A 2024 study published in PNAS again confirmed climate
models fail to simulate what happens in the real world with regard
to fundamental climate change variables like water vapor, Earth’s
most significant greenhouse gas (due to its alleged warmth-enhancing
“feedback” capacity) - Per state-of-the-art climate models, specific
humidity (SH) should increase as a consequence of CO2-induced global
warming. But 40 years of observations (1980-) show no increasing SH
trend over arid/semi-arid regions."
Monday February 24th, 2025
No posts - mpg
Sunday February 23rd, 2025
Extra!! Extra!!
Read All About IT!!
Another "Jewish
9/11" & Holohoax - In EVERY Sense of the Term....
First the jews got away with The
Holohoax Psyop and Extortion Racket, then they
got away with the 9/11 False Flag, now they've COMBINED
the two methods into the.....
“Al-Aqsa Flood” Operation Rita Katz
Styled Hoax & False Flag.
Violent ACTUAL murder, with brilliant Edward Bernays
Propaganda Techniques!!
Another Outstanding Oscar Winning Production Brought to you by
the Jews!!
- Will Donald Trump continue to abase himself to his jewish
- Will the World continue to believe the jewish lies and let
themselves be fooled for the THIRD TIME?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of the very people who have
attacked him using their all powerful Juden-Pressen, and the
entire JEWdicial system?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of the very people who
MURDERED JFK & RFK to get the bomb & also attacked the
USS Liberty?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of those who carried out 9/11??
- Will the people in what's left of Amerika continue to grovel
to the jews, while gratefully accepting their Cultural /
Societal Transformation, Mass Immigration, & White Erasure
Programs: The jews' weaponized, Cultural Marxist,
Anti-White, Mass-Invasion/Migration, CRT, and LGBTQOPedo
Global-Homo SodomPlex, TransPlex, and PedoPlex Frankfurt
School ideologies, along with the jews' endless
extortion racket, false blood-libel, and foundational
Anti-White myth known as (the
Holohoax), and their other Anti-White myth that Ethnic
Europeans established the Jews' North Atlantic Slave Trading
- Will the White Ethnic European peoples in Amerika, EVER
get off their collective knees and fight back??
Gathered together, and
posted below, are two days worth of articles and videos from
....to elucidate these
issues, answer these questions, and bring you the TRUTH about
what the jews have done to ALL of us!!
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ==
[The Jews]
And [Their] Apologists Weaponize Sympathy In Order To Facilitate
Absolute Must Read - Key Conceptual
Analysis - (How To Effectively Control Goyum
Cattle / Sheeple) -A quote...."Activist and author Yves Engler
has been jailed by
Montreal police for criticizing media figure Dahlia Kurtz and
her support for [jewish] atrocities in Gaza, after Kurtz said
Engler’s comments made her feel “afraid for my safety” - After
Engler wrote about the charges against him, he reported
that he was subsequently charged for “harassing the police” by
drawing public attention to his case - It’s fascinating how everyone
who supports [the jews] always collapses into playing the
victim at the earliest opportunity—even western police forces tasked
with persecuting [the judeo-extermination occupation enclave's]
critics. [Jews and their occupation enclave squatting in
Palestine] model this victim-LARPing behavior, and its entire
goon squad follows its example -- But what’s interesting is that
being perceived as the victim has no value in and of itself — what
has value is sympathy. It is sympathy that [the judeo-enclave's]
supporters are after. Playing the victim is just a means toward that
"If you’ve ever known anybody with a personality
disorder that inclines them toward manipulative behavior, you may
have noticed that one of the main things they manipulate in people
is their sympathy. They do everything they can to draw as much
sympathy toward themselves while working to kill off any sympathy
that people might have toward their perceived enemies. They’ll
sacrifice almost any piece on their psychosocial chessboard in
order to control a bit more of the sympathy among the people in
their life -- They do this because sympathy is a fundamental
primer for narrative control. If you sympathize with someone, you
are much more likely believe the things they say and trust their
narratives about what’s going on. If you lack sympathy for
someone, then anything they say is going to be viewed with much
more skepticism."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
Trump's Crocodile Tears -- All Just Another Set-Up
Africa’s Expropriation Act: Between Hypocrisy & Reality
Must Read - "The Hypocrisy" - A quote...."If we try to avoid
the not-so-unrealistic assumptions, that the great focus on South
Africa from the US, emanates from multiple policies and sovereign
choices of the Cape country, such as being the last letter in the
initials BRICS, daring to call out [the jews' ethnic cleansing
exterminationist] attack on Gaza at the ICJ, or building good
relations with Iran - Or the farce of Mr. Trump condemning “land
expropriation”, while he announces that the US would expropriate the
land of the Palestinians in Gaza. Or, the Trump/Musk duplicity,
whose immigration policies are very exclusionary, turned abruptly
welcoming to South African white Boers to immigrate and take refuge
in the United States, to which the White South Africans themselves
did not respond favorably - All that aside, we can proceed to the
rational analysis of the reasoning behind the South African
Expropriation Act."
FYI: Obviously this website editor
completely condemns the South African blacks and their
current repressive regime, illegally expropriating White
property. Or otherwise discriminating against Whites
simply because they're Whites.
Obviously the Whites are a "multi-cultural" discordant note in
the mono-ethnicity the blacks now want to create in South
Africa. But Whites NEVER said they wanted a multicultural
South Africa, blacks did when they took over the country.
They promised they would create a wonderful multi-cultural
Everyone living equally in harmony without bias or
discrimination. Naturally they lied. Although that's
slightly unfair. We should say they naturally intended to
do what all human groups do. To achieve power, for their
own ethnic group, to live with their own ethnic group, in
wanted to implement Apartheid , essentially
"multiculturalism" with defined borders. They would
be perfectly satisfied, in fact DELIGHTED to have their
OWN South African homeland (Bantustan) on the basis of their
prior Apartheid policies, applied to them!!
They don't receive ANY support from ANYONE or ANYWHERE else in
the world!! - They never have, and they don't need to - They
are willing to build their own societies with their own
Unlike one malevolent tribe now squatting in the Middle East who
have parasitically extracted TRILLIONS from Whites in other
countries they've colonized for their endless wars across that
blasted region. While extracting at least fifteen to
twenty billion a year to murder the legal
inhabitants of the country they're squatting in, and also
support the lavish, luxurious life-styles they've become so
accustomed to.
A group that sided and supported the complete
disenfranchisement of Whites in South Africa while
coordinating their efforts to dis-empower Whites with their
other brethren in all the other countries they have
established themselves. Specifically their control of
their mass-media spewage outlets, and captured politicians.
A group that claims a particular so-called "religion" as
their mantle, but are in fact a highly in-group preferenced,
hideously ethnocentric out-group loathing, gathering of
psychotic cretins. Who are highly destructive to all those
around them.
A group that receives MASSIVE, continuous, trans-national
political and legal support from their other ethnic brethren
colonies across the world, in addition to what they extract from
the White countries the reside in. A group who believes it
is their absolute RIGHT to move wherever they want to, whenever
they want to!!
Whereas White South Africans do not posses any
homeland to move to!!
Unlike all the other non-African immigrants who have moved to
South Africa from Asia or Middle Eastern countries.
Whites LIVE in South Africa. They are the Blood and
Soil of South Africa. They have been building South Africa, and
being born in South Africa, and dying in South Africa, since
they first arrived there..... in the year of 1652!!!
Whereas 99% of the blacks YOU see currently living in
South Africa are immigrants who came to that country AFTER
the Whites had arrived. Most of them in the last hundred
and fifty years. They also have homelands they
could return to!
If you didn't know that, ask yourself why? Everyone should
really think about it -- If you're a White Ethnic European, you
should also be really concerned about it. Maybe even
terrified by it. Because that nasty vicious little ethnic group
currently massacring people in the Middle East, wants to make
you next.
The fact Trump, cynically and maliciously used the
concern of ethnically oriented White Europeans regarding
what's going to happen to their brethren Whites in South
Africa -- A people he really doesn't give a sh*t about -- To
put pressure on the current South African regime on behalf
of Trump's overlords in the jewish extermination
occupation. For the South African regime's temerity in
filing suit against an actual mass extermination event,
should tell you all you need to know about Trump's
And when the blacks in South Africa use
Trump's back-handed chastisement, to carry out their own plans
for the Whites in South Africa, citing his support for the murder
of 60,000 Palestinians to make way for "beach front property",
as his son-in-law stated. Or a "riviera of the Middle East" as
Trump stated. No doubt everyone will say.... "It was all just
a coincidence". - mpg
========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========== ========= ===
The Liberal
Establishment is Finally Criticizing Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza Now
That They Can Blame Trump
War Crime Facilitation - Suppression / Self-Censorship /
Utter Hypocrisy - A quote...."A week after the long-awaited
ceasefire between Hamas and [the jews] brought a rare moment
of quiet skies for Palestinians, President Donald Trump announced
his plan to “clean out”
Gaza, proposing to relocate its remaining population to neighboring
countries like Jordan and Egypt. He has since reiterated this
stance, claiming that the U.S. aims to “take over” Gaza, in order to
rebuild and develop the area into a “riviera of the Middle East”. Is
it, one may ask, truly a Trump presidency without the permanent
furrowing of one’s brow?" - Source: MondoWeissNet
Intifada Director’s Violent Arrest and MI6 Infiltration Into
‘Neutral’ Switzerland
War Crime Facilitation - Suppression / Repression / Intimidation
/ Censorship / Assault - A quote...."On January 25th,
prominent Palestinian-American journalist and activist Ali Abunimah,
co-founder of the Electronic Intifada website, was violently
arrested by undercover operatives in Switzerland, en route to
a speaking event - He proceeded to spend three days and two nights
in jail completely cut off from the outside world, during which he
was interrogated by local defense ministry intelligence apparatchiks
without access to a lawyer or even being informed why he was being
imprisoned - Abunimah was then deported in the manner of a
dangerous, violent criminal." - Source: PressTV
[Jewish] Occupation Forces
Continue Violations of Ceasefire Agreement in Gaza
War Crime Gaza - The Killing Goes On - Treaty Violation -- A
quote...."GAZA, Feb. 23 (YPA) – A Palestinian was killed on Sunday
by the occupation forces’ bullets east of the Gaza Strip while
inspecting his agricultural land, which resulted in other injuries -
In Rafah, the [jewish] occupation forces targeted a jeep of
aid security personnel, which led to the jeep overturning and
killing one person and injuring four - The Rafah Municipality
indicated that its crews were exposed to gunfire during humanitarian
work to remove rubble and open roads, which caused damage to
equipment without causing any injuries."
Occupation] Forces Kill a Palestinian in Gaza
War Crime Gaza - Murdering A Man in Gaza City - Treaty Violation
- Photo - (click to view)
- A quote...."[Jewish] forces shot and killed a Palestinian
young man, on Thursday afternoon, in Gaza City in the northern part
of the Gaza Strip - WAFA correspondent reported that occupation
soldier killed the young man, Mohammad Iyad Samir Obaid, 23, while
he was checking his home in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood of Gaza
GAZA: [The
Jews] Violate Ceasefire, Kills a Palestinian Woman in Rafah
War Crime Gaza - Murdering A Woman In Rafah - Treaty
Violation - Photo - (click to view)
- A quote...."In another clear violation of the ceasefire agreement,
[jewish] forces killed a Palestinian woman, on Friday, near
Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip - Media sources said that
occupation forces opened fire towards citizens, shooting and killing
Hanaa Tawfiq Suleiman Al-Ghouti in the Al-Junaina neighborhood of
Rafah city, in the southern Gaza Strip."
[Jewish] Forces
Shoot 2 Palestinian Children in the Back, Killing Them – Ceasefire
Day 32
War Crime Gaza - Still Murdering Children - Treaty
Violation - Photo - (click to view)
- A quote..."In the West
Bank, two Palestinian children, aged 12 and 13, were killed by
[jewish forces'] gunfire in two separate incidents on Friday,
one in Hebron and one in Jenin - [Jewish] forces
also killed a Palestinian woman, on Friday, near Rafah city in
the southern Gaza Strip - 38,495 children
in Gaza have lost one or both parents due to the genocide,
according to Gaza’s government media office."
[Jewish Forces]
Forces Kill a Palestinian Child
Occupation Crime Jenin - Still Murdering Children - Photo
- (click to view)
- A quote...."Israeli forces killed a Palestinian child, on Friday,
during its ongoing aggression against the northern West Bank city of
Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp - The Palestinian Health Ministry
announced that the child, Rimas Omar Al-Amouri (13 years old), was
killed after Israeli forces shot her in the abdomen with live
ammunition - Media sources said that soldiers opened fire towards
citizens in the Al-Jabriyat neighborhood of Jenin city, shooting and
critically wounding the girl. She was rushed to the Jenin
Governmental Hospital, where she succumbed to her injuries."
Army Kills a
Palestinian Child in Hebron
Occupation Crime Hebron - Still Murdering
Children - Photo - (click to view)
- A quote...."On Friday, Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian child
in the southern West Bank city of Hebron, just hours after a young
girl was killed in Jenin city, in the northern West Bank - Media
sources said that occupation forces opened fired towards citizens in
the Jabal Jawhar area of Hebron city, shooting 13-year-old Ayman Nassar
Al-Haimouni in the chest with live ammunition - The
Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that its ambulance crews
transported the wounded child to the Muhammad Ali Al-Muhtaseb
Hospital, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries."
Occupation Forces] Kills Another Palestinian in Gaza
War Crime Gaza - Still Killing Palestinians - Photo
- (click to view)
- A quote..."On Sunday evening, [jewish forces] killed a
Palestinian on his land east of Gaza City by firing a live round at
him - Medical sources confirmed that a [jewish occupation force]
sharpshooter killed the Palestinian while he was inspecting his land
near Sha’af Street, east of Gaza City - The attack is part of
numerous and repeated [jewish] violations against
Palestinians despite the mediated ceasefire agreement reached on
January 19, 2025."
Death Toll in
Gaza Climbs to 48,339
War Crime Aftermath Gaza - Jewish
Ritual Murder of 48,339 Palestinians - A
quote...."During the past 24 hours, hospitals in the Gaza Strip
received the bodies of 10 martyrs who were reported missing during
the war - According to Gaza’s health ministry on Sunday, the remains
of these martyrs were recovered from the rubble of destroyed homes -
The new casualties increased the death toll from the [jew's
ethnic-cleansing exterminationist] war on Gaza, which started
on October 7, 2023, to 48,339 martyrs, the health ministry stated."
Occupation Forces] Prepares For 'Extended' West Bank Stay Amid
Massive Displacement of Palestinians
Occupation Crime - West Bank Ethnic Cleansing - A
quote...."The [jewish head apparatchik] of [the
enclave's occupation] affairs has ordered [forces] to
stay in the occupied West Bank refugee camps for the next year as
the regime steps up raids across the occupied Palestinian
territories - In a statement released on Sunday, Israel Katz said he
had ordered military forces to expand offensives in the Palestinian
refugee camps in the northern West Bank to dismantle Palestinians'
infrastructure." - See related article....."[Jewish forces]
occupies 3 camps in West Bank: Katz"
[Jewish Forces]
Shoots A Palestinian In Nablus
Occupation Crime - Sport Shooting Palestinians.... in Nablus
- A quote...."On Sunday evening, [jewish forces] invaded
Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, and shot a
Palestinian - Several [jewish occupation] vehicles invaded
the western area of the city and closed streets, leading to protests
- The soldiers fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets,
and gas bombs before storming and ransacking a shop.
Tel Aviv Bus
Bombings: False flag or Netanyahu’s Luck?
Empty Buses? Given The Jews Extensive Record?
After The Hannibal Directive of Oct 7th? (As
in they couldn't kill any more of their own.... again! Hence....
the empty buses - mpg) What Are The Chances? - A
quote...."At 8:30 PM on Thursday night, a [judeo-enclave based]
firefighting department said that
“a report was received about a bus explosion in a bus parking lot”
on Ha’amal Street in Bat Yam, southern Tel Aviv. Later reports
suggested that a passenger had notified the bus driver that a
suspicious package had been left inside the vehicle, triggering an
emergency evacuation, after which an explosive device detonated the
backside of the bus." - Source: TheCradle
[The Jews]
Delay Release of Palestinian Prisoners After Hamas Handed Over
Treaty Violation - One of Hundreds - A quote...."[The jews
occupying Palestine have] reportedly postponed the release of
hundreds of Palestinian abductees, who were set to be released under
a ceasefire deal with Hamas -Benjamin Netanyahu of [the
judeo-enclave] has reportedly decided to delay the release of
the seventh group of Palestinian prisoners after Hamas handed over
six [jewish] captives on Saturday - According to reports,
Netanyahu will hold consultations on Saturday night "based on the
goal of returning all of our hostages - the living and the dead." -
See related article.... "[The jews]
delays release of 600 Palestinian prisoners at the last minute –
Ceasefire Day 33"
Airstrikes Hit Southern Lebanon
Ditto! - A quote...."[Jewish] warplanes launched a
series of airstrikes across southern Lebanon on Sunday morning,
striking the outskirts of Al-Qlayleh and Ansar, as well as the area
between Jannata, Barish, and Maaroub, Al Mayadeen's correspondent
reported - Another strike targeted the riverside area between
Hallousiyeh and Zrariyeh - The latest escalation follows a [jewish]
air raid on Saturday night that hit the town of Qusaya in eastern
Lebanon’s Bekaa region."
Resuming Life
in the Ruins of Gaza
War Crime Gaza Aftermath - Most Personal - Photo - (click to view)
- A quote...."Mustafa al-Ashqar has a simple explanation for why he
and his family have returned to the Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza
City: “We missed our home and we were exhausted from living in
tents.” - Al-Ashqar, 47, fled Shujaiya in December 2023, along with
his wife and five children - They went to al-Tuffah, another area in
Gaza City. The family somehow survived despite how they had to go
without food for long periods, drink unsafe water and how al-Tuffah
was itself besieged by the [jewish occupation's forces]."
Breaking Into
My Home in Gaza City
War Crime Gaza Aftermath - Most Poignant - Photo - (click to view)
- A quote...."The night before the ceasefire was announced, I
couldn’t sleep. I was so excited I could barely close my eyes - We
all knew the ceasefire was coming; in the month prior, December
2024, the media had been filled with reports stating as much. And I
knew that as soon as the ceasefire was announced I would head back
home to northern Gaza - I’d been living in a tent in Deir al-Balah,
central Gaza, since 13 October 2023. My family and I were forced to
leave our home in Gaza City – an apartment on the sixth floor of
al-Wihda Tower in the Nasr neighborhood – due to constant and deadly
[jewish] attacks."
[The Jews]
Prevents Palestine Prisoners’ Families From Travelling to Egypt to
Welcome Them
Petty & Spiteful - A quote...."[Jewish occupation
enclave apparatchiks] are preventing the wife of the
longest-serving Palestinian prisoner, Nael Barghouti,
and the family of prisoner Khalil Abu Al-Rub from travelling to
Egypt to welcome their relatives, who are scheduled to be released
on Saturday, according to reports by the Prisoners’ Media Office on
Friday - The office revealed in a statement: “The occupation
intelligence is preventing the wife of the longest-serving
Palestinian prisoner, Nael Barghouti (Abu Al-Nour), from travelling,
as she was heading to Egypt to greet her husband who will be
released tomorrow in the Al-Aqsa Flood
deal.” - Source: MEMO
Occupation Forces] Ministry Demands Deportation Of 20 Jerusalemite
Vicious & Vindictive - A quote...."The [jewish
department of war, assassination, and mass murder], on Sunday,
demanded the deportation of twenty Indigenous Jerusalemite
Palestinian families from the city and the revocation of their ID
card or “[judeo-enclave] citizenships,” (if they have
citizenship), Maan News
Agency said - In November 2024, the [jewish regime's]
Knesset approved a bill that mandates the “expulsion of family
members of individuals who carry out attacks against [jewish]
targets” if they had prior knowledge of the operation or glorified
and supported the attacks after its execution."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ==
FYI: To the other 206 countries in the
world, and ALL of their peoples, if any of this makes you
angry, please BOYCOTT
the JewSA, the JewK, and the jewish occupation enclaves! That's
BOTH of them! The one in Palestine, and the one recently
established in the Ukrainian Territories. Please BOYCOTT all jewish institutions
and businesses world-wide!!
BOTH these exterminationist projects were
conceived, planned, managed, and carried out by the JEWS,
with the full backing of their JewSA and JewK colonies.
All four entities, the Judeo-Quad
Squad, (The JewSA, JewK, Judeo-Enclave, and
Judeo-Lviv Regime) must be boycotted.
1) Do not buy anything from, invest
in, or do business with anyone, from the JewSA, JewK, or the
judeo-occupied Ukrainian or Palestinian territories.
2) If you must sell to anyone from these four
judeo-golemized occupied territories, add 10%, 20%, 30%, or
whatever the market will bare, and call it the Palestinian /
DPR-LPR Tax. Donate the proceeds to the Palestinians and
those Russian / Ukrainians resisting jewish tyranny, to
let them know you care.
3) Also, if you can, please give as much you can to the
Peoples of Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq. To
whomever, or whatever groups you believe would be the most
effective, at alleviating the misery caused by the JewSA,
JewK, and the jews occupying Palestine.
4) Finally purchase as much as you can,
from countries that are actually fighting for the
"Multi-Polar" world order. That would be Russia,
China, Iran, North Korea, and the Peoples of
the front-line states. Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and
Iraq. Also keep in mind new resistance states,
such as Hungary and Slovakia -- Secondary suppliers
should be those who support the Multi-Polar order. The
C.I.S states, the BRICS, and other non-aligned
countries. This would also include occupied
Germany and Japan on a limited contingent, compassionate
basis. (We must pity them, and never forget, what the
JewSA & JewK did to them.) - At least till they get
their collective heads straight and install new
governments - mpg
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ==
Last Speech
A quote...."On the occasion of the funeral of former Hezbollah
Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his successor, Sayed
Hashem Safi al-Dine—assassinated immediately after his
appointment—held on February 23 in Beirut, we present, as a tribute,
the final speech of the man who is and will likely remain, for his
achievements, ethics, and credibility, the greatest Arab leader in
modern history - Despite the decapitation of the Party of God and
the devastation of Lebanon, the [judeo-enclave] was held in
check by the Lebanese Resistance and was ultimately forced to
request a ceasefire. His Eminence’s promise, stated below, was
fulfilled: [Illegal, feral, violent, jewish migrants] were
unable to return to the northern settlements before the ceasefire in
Gaza—and most have yet to return." - Articles regarding his
funeral will be posted with Tuesday's February 25th, 2025
article collection - mpg
Good Treatment
of [Jewish] Prisoners by the Palestinians Dismantles
[Judeo-Supremacist] Propaganda
A quote...."Recently, an image that captured global attention
revealed a [jewish] prisoner of war kissing the forehead of
Hamas members during a prisoner exchange in Gaza. This gesture,
filled with humanity and tenderness, is an example of how even in
the most extreme circumstances of war, special moments can break the
barriers of hatred and dehumanization. The symbolic act reflects a
broader phenomenon experienced by several [jewish]
prisoners, including women, who, after being freed, expressed their
gratitude for the respectful and humane treatment they received from
the Palestinians while in captivity." - Source: StratCultFndtn
Trump's Ethnic
Cleansing Plan Draws Palestinian Supporters to Seoul Rally
A quote...."Supporters of Palestinians from across South Korea have
held a rally in Seoul on a United Day of Action to protest US
President Donald Trump's Gaza plan and [the jews'] effort to
displace Palestinians amid ongoing attacks. Participants, including
Palestinians abroad, questioned [the jews'] commitment to
the ceasefire."
Hamas: No
Negotiations with [the Jewish Occupation] until Palestinian
Prisoners are Released
A quote...."Mahmoud Mardawi, a senior official in the Palestinian
Resistance Movement Hamas, stated on Sunday that the movement will
not engage in any talks with [the jews] through mediators
regarding any steps until the Palestinian prisoners agreed to be
released on Saturday are freed - In a statement published on
Telegram, Mardawi added that there will be no discussions with the
enemy through mediators on any steps before the release of the
agreed-upon Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the [jewish]
prisoners and bodies released on Saturday."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ==
More Tales From The
Trans-Nationalist, Judeo-(Wahhabist)** Judeo-Anglo Empire,
& Its "Friends" -- Directly Cooperating With, and
Helping Judeo-(Wahhabist)** Terrorists World Wide....
**Currently in Reconsideration Pending The
Saudi-Iran Accord - 03-10-2023 - It may take up to a year to see
if Saudi Arabia and the GCC states will stop supporting Wahhabist
Terrorism - We Shall See....
FYI: Reconsideration Complete - 03-10-2024 - Saudi
Arabia and the GCC states have NOT demonstrated
that they are halting their support for the Jews PNAC Plans
for the Middle East, nor the jews' plans to destroy the
Palestinians, nor their indifference to the jews' plans to destroy
the White Ethnic European Homelands / Nation States in
Europe. The Saudis and GCC states have partially scaled back
their support for ISIS Wahhabism, but they continue to support the
jews' in occupied Palestine in all their endeavors.
Including their PNAC
Protocols, along with the complete destruction of the
Palestinian people, and the destruction of the Houthis in
Yemen. If the "Families" heading these Arab "states"
renounce the IMEC project,
and proceed with more decisive actions to oppose the jewish
criminal ethnic cleansing occupation in Palestine, and halt all
their offensive actions against the Houthis in Yemen - This
conclusion will be reconsidered.... again. - mpg
FYI: December 6th, 2024 - It should be
noted that in regards to the current Syrian crisis, it appears
that the Saudis and GCC States have played a very limited
role. It appears it was Erdogan and Turkey, with
assists from the Jewish occupation in Palestine, and of course
their Judoe-Nord AM & Judeo-Nord-Atlantic colonies, (the
"usual suspects"), that have planned and carried out the current
crisis in Syria - mpg,
FYI: December 11th, 2024 -
It appears the Saudi's and GCC State's role in the Syrian
Government's collapse may have been MUCH more then advertised -
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
Netanyahu: [The
Jewish Regime] Won't Allow Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Forces in Southern
Once Friends, Now Shown The Door - Mor'ol Dat Saudi, GCC
Crime Families, and Turkish.... Operation Bak-Stab.... "Winning"
- (Can we stand the strain of all this 'winning'?? - mpg) --
A quote...."[The jewish ethnic cleansing regime's head crime
member] Benjamin Netanyahu has said that his regime will not
tolerate the presence of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) nor any other
forces affiliated with the Arab country's new rulers in southern
Syria - Netanyahu said at a military graduation ceremony on Sunday
that [the jews] will keep [their] positions there as
a “defensive measure” and for as long as is necessary."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
A little back-logged at the moment.
Unable to Complete Today's Article List. The remainder of
Sunday's article list will be combined and posted with Tuesday's
February 25th 2025 article list - mpg
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
Saturday February 22nd, 2025
No posts - mpg
Friday February 21st, 2025
Extra!! Extra!!
Read All About IT!!
Another "Jewish
9/11" & Holohoax - In EVERY Sense of the Term....
First the jews got away with The
Holohoax Psyop and Extortion Racket, then they
got away with the 9/11 False Flag, now they've COMBINED
the two methods into the.....
“Al-Aqsa Flood” Operation Rita Katz
Styled Hoax & False Flag.
Violent ACTUAL murder, with brilliant Edward Bernays
Propaganda Techniques!!
Another Outstanding Oscar Winning Production Brought to you by
the Jews!!
- Will Donald Trump continue to abase himself to his jewish
- Will the World continue to believe the jewish lies and let
themselves be fooled for the THIRD TIME?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of the very people who have
attacked him using their all powerful Juden-Pressen, and the
entire JEWdicial system?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of the very people who
MURDERED JFK & RFK to get the bomb & also attacked the
USS Liberty?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of those who carried out 9/11??
- Will the people in what's left of Amerika continue to grovel
to the jews, while gratefully accepting their Cultural /
Societal Transformation, Mass Immigration, & White Erasure
Programs: The jews' weaponized, Cultural Marxist,
Anti-White, Mass-Invasion/Migration, CRT, and LGBTQOPedo
Global-Homo SodomPlex, TransPlex, and PedoPlex Frankfurt
School ideologies, along with the jews' endless
extortion racket, false blood-libel, and foundational
Anti-White myth known as (the
Holohoax), and their other Anti-White myth that Ethnic
Europeans established the Jews' North Atlantic Slave Trading
- Will the White Ethnic European peoples in Amerika, EVER
get off their collective knees and fight back??
Gathered together, and
posted below, are two days worth of articles and videos from
....to elucidate these
issues, answer these questions, and bring you the TRUTH about
what the jews have done to ALL of us!!
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ==
Dissent Against 7 October Narrative, [The Jews] Take [Another,
Harder] Turn Towards Authoritarianism - [Ever
More Judeo-Supremacist Hasbara Narratives] -- Must
Read - Title Corrected - (BTW: Hasbara Narratives
are what simpleton normie goyum naively call Lies or Un-Truths -
mpg) -- A quote...."[The jews occupying Palestine have]
passed a new bill which criminalises the questioning of the official
narrative regarding 7 October 2023. The law, passed without
opposition, bars non-[judeo-enclave members] from entering or
residing in the [enclave] if they or the organisations they
represent deny the 7 October attack, question the Holocaust, or
support the prosecution at international courts of [judeo-enclave]
security personnel for war crimes. It also expands a controversial
2017 amendment that prohibited visas for individuals associated with
groups supporting the peaceful Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
(BDS) movement."
How a
Well-Connected [So-Called Judeo-Enclave Mbr] Legal Expert
Influenced the UN Investigation Into [The False Accusation of]
Sexual Violence on October 7 -- More Lies From The
Judeo-Hasbara Lie Factory - Must Read - A quote...."On
October 8, 2023, a day after Hamas’s attacks on southern [parts
of he judeo-enclave in Palestine], [a jewish
judeo-enclave] legal scholar and women’s rights advocate Ruth
Halperin-Kaddari called in a favor from her longtime friend and
former colleague, United Nations Special Representative Pramila
Patten. Halperin-Kaddari, who in 2018 was ranked as one of the
world’s hundred most influential people in gender equality policy,
conveyed her conviction that Hamas had orchestrated mass, systematic
sexual assaults the previous day, urging that [the
judeo-enclave] needed UN recognition of these allegations." -
Source DropSiteNews
FYI: What the jews did regarding
their completely false and fraudulent Holohoax
'Narrative', they're now doing for their completely false
and fraudulent October 7th
Narrative - Are We Learning Yet!!
Jewish Man Attacks [Jewish] Woman With Axe, Mistaking Her For a
The Jews Feel Empowered Now - (Let's hope they keep
getting it wrong) - A quote...."A [jewish] man
attacked an [jewish] woman with an axe in Jerusalem on
Wednesday, mistakenly believing she was Christian, Anadolu reported
yesterday, citing [the judeo-enclave's] Channel 13 -
According to the media reports, police suspect that the attack,
which took place in Jerusalem’s Old City, was motivated by “hatred
of Christians” - Eyewitnesses told the channel that the suspect
shouted “Christian” at the victim before violently attacking her
inside her home, leaving her with severe injuries - The suspect then
fled the scene." - Source: MEMO
[The Jews] Move
to Seize Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem's Properties After
Saddling Them With Bogus Tax Debt -- Ditto!! - A
quote...."The [jews are] ramping up [their 2,000 year]
War on Christianity by moving to seize the properties of the
Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem after saddling them with a bogus
tax debt."
[The Jews intentions] To
Prolong First Phase Before Resuming Conflict in Gaza
War Crime Gaza Planned..... Again - Full quote...."OCCUPIED
QUDS, Feb. 21 (YPA) – A [judeo-enclave] political source has
revealed that Benjamin Netanyahu’s government plans to extend the
first phase of the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip, aiming to
resume fighting and re-escalate military operations after the end of
the first phase of the ongoing deal with Hamas - The source pointed
out that Netanyahu’s government is intending to extend the first
phase for up to two weeks, aiming to release the largest possible
number of [jewish] prisoners, especially those who are still
alive, even if the price is the release of additional Palestinian
prisoners - The source also added that [the jews] intend to
end the deal and launch a large-scale attack on the Gaza Strip,
which he describes as “unprecedented” in the region."
[The Jews Are] Still At War On Three Fronts - Of
The Eretz Judeo-Enclave Must Ever Expand - A quote...."[The
jews] continue to launch strikes against Syria, Lebanon and
the Gaza Strip, despite the fall of the regime on the first front
and the ceasefire agreements on the two others - On February 9, a
series of [jewish] strikes targeted the Khalkhalah Air Base
in the southern Syrian governorate of al-Suwayda without causing any
casualties - On the same day, another wave of [jewish]
strikes hit Houmine, Aazze and Kafroue the southern Lebanese
governorate of Nabatiyeh. An additional strike targeted the Quld
al-Sab’a crossing in the eastern Beqaa Valley. No casualties were
reported - The JEOF said that the strikes hit several targets,
including a tunnel between Lebanon and Syria used by Hezbollah to
smuggle weapons - Additionally, the military said that it targeted
several Hezbollah sites which included weapons and rocket launchers
that “posed an immediate threat,” to [the jews]."
‘Bibas Family
Treated Humanely, Killed by Jewish Army’: Palestinian Commander
Says of Hostages
War Crime - Killing Their Own - A quote...."Palestinian
resistance factions have provided safe shelter to [jewish]
hostage Shiri Bibas and her children and treated them humanely, but
their [own extermination occupation forces] killed them, a
Palestinian commander said on Thursday, Anadolu reports - Hamas
handed over the bodies of Shiri, her two children; Ariel and Kfir,
and Oded Lifshitz in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis on
Thursday under a ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement with [the
jews] - The Palestinian group said the four captives were
killed in indiscriminate [jewish] bombardment during [the
judeo-enclave regime's ethnic-cleansing] war in Gaza."
[Jewish] Forces
Kill Palestinian Woman in Southern Gaza in Another Ceasefire
War Crime - Ceasefire Violation - A quote...."A Palestinian
woman was fatally shot by [jewish] forces in the al-Jenena
neighborhood, east of Rafah in southern Gaza as the occupying
regime, emboldened by its Western supporters, continues to violate
the ceasefire with Hamas - Local sources confirmed that Hanaa
al-Ghouti was killed when [jewish forces] opened live fire
on civilians in the area, WAFA News Agency reported on Friday - In
addition to the shooting, [jewish occupation] vehicles
reportedly fired machine guns toward the east and northeast of the
al-Bureij refugee camp and east of Gaza City’s Shujaiya
Hamas: Ceasefire Talks Stall as
Netanyahu Refuses to Negotiate for Captives’ Release
War Crime - Stalling Peace, For More Ethnic Cleansing - A
quote...."The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has accused [the
judeo-ethnic-cleansing enclave's head crime boss] Benjamin
Netanyahu of procrastinating on negotiations for the second phase of
the ceasefire deal in Gaza - According to Hamas spokesman Abdul
Latif Al-Qanou, the “second phase negotiations have not practically
begun, and we are ready to engage in them as stipulated in the
agreement.” Al-Qanou stressed that Hamas remains “committed to the
ceasefire agreement as long as the [jewish] occupation is
committed to it.”
Al-Thawabteh: Over 350 [Jewish]
Violations of Ceasefire Deal Have Been Recorded
War Crime Gaza - Ceasefire..... With
350 Violations - (Is a "Ceasefire" a "Ceasefire"
with 350 violations in 30 days?? It is if you believe in the
jews "factual and morally relativity"!! - mpg) -- A
quote...."GAZA, Feb. 21 (YPA) – The head of the government media
office in Gaza announced that over 350 violations of the January 15
ceasefire agreement by [jewish] occupation forces have been
recorded - In a statement, Ismail al-Thawabteh said: “The [jewish]
occupation has violated the ceasefire agreement more than 350
times since it was signed, clearly demonstrating its continued
breach of commitments and its defiance of the international
community.” - Since the ceasefire was signed, the [jewish
regime's occupation forces have] killed and wounded dozens of
Palestinians through air strikes, including those carried out by
fighter jets and drones, as well as direct shootings or drone
strikes, he added."
Gaza Struggles
Under [The Jews] REFUSAL To Abide By Agreement – Ceasefire Day 29
War Crime Gaza - Ceasefire.... 29
Days of Continuous Violations - Photo - (click to view)
- A quote...."[The jews
have] permitted two bulldozers, bearing Qatari and
Egyptian flags, to enter Gaza on Tuesday, Al Jazeera reports - This
marks the first instance of heavy machinery reaching the devastated
enclave since the mid-January ceasefire between [the jews]
and Hamas - However, [the jews have] faced mounting
criticism for obstructing essential reconstruction efforts by
preventing the entry of vehicles needed to clear debris and
restricting access to 60,000 mobile homes and 200,000 tents."
- At least
132 Palestinians have been killed by [jewish
occupation] forces since the ceasefire in Gaza, including
26 who succumbed to earlier wounds. More than 900 people were
injured, according to Palestinian security sources.
- A
Palestinian woman in Gaza died of her wounds Tuesday
morning, having received serious injuries during the [jews'
ethnic-cleansing extermination campaign].
- On Monday
evening in the West Bank, the Palestinian Health Ministry
announced that a15-year-old boy had died from wounds he
sustained on February 1st, when occupation forces bombed the
town of Qabatiya, south of Jenin.
- Lebanon’s
Civil Defense has recovered 23 bodies from southern towns
following the withdrawal of [jewish] forces.
[Jewish Occupation] Forces Shoot Palestinian Citizens, Woman Dies
of Previous Wounds
War Crime Gaza - Ceasefire Sport-Shooting Murders - A
quote...."[Jewish occupation] forces shot three Palestinians,
east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, while a woman succumbed to
wounds she sustained during the [jewish] offensive in Gaza -
WAFA correspondent reported that the woman, Salima Abu Shaaban,
succumbed to wounds she sustained during [the jews'] 15
month long offensive - He added that over the past 24 hours, the
bodies of six Palestinians were recovered from under the rubble of
bombed buildings, while 13 citizens arrived at different hospitals
in the Gaza Strip."
FYI: Ceasefire sport-shooting murders
-- They're a lot less in number than ethnic cleansing murders,
but they're still two or three shootings a day. This is
ONLY allowed for jews.
Ceasefires for other people (goyum) are required to be ACTUAL
(reality based, factual, real-world, observable) ceasfires,
where you don't shoot anybody.
But jews, as we all know are "Special", "Chosen", and
"Exceptional", and can interpret "Ceasefires" anyway they
want!! Jews are also really nifty, and "Indispensable" for
ethnic cleansings. They're the world's top specialists!!
Having done excellent work in Russia after 1917, the borderlands
territories of Russia in the 1930's, Germany through their
proxies the JewSA and JewK before, during, and especially
after WWI and WWII. Where they murdered millions
after they had already surrendered.
And of course lets not forget the outstanding, wonderful, job
they've done in Palestine ever since 1948, and even before that
dreadful year when they carried out a campaign of ruthless
What they've falsely and maliciously projected onto many others,
like the Germans, they absolutely EXCEL at doing to others
themselves!! - mpg
[The Jews Have]
Made 90% of Rafah’s Buildings Uninhabitable – Ceasefire Day 3
War Crime "Mission Accomplished" - A quote...."Rafah Mayor
Ahmed al-Sufi condemned [the jews'] destruction of the
southern Gaza city, stating that occupation forces had leveled six
entire neighborhoods and were blocking residents from returning home
- According to Sufi, 70 percent of Rafah has been destroyed, with 90
percent of its buildings rendered uninhabitable."
Occupation Forces] Continues Offensive, Destruction, In Tulkarem
For The 25th Day
Occupation Crime West Bank - Mass Civilian Destruction
- A quote...."The ongoing [jewish] offensive on Tulkarem
and its refugee camps, in the occupied West Bank’s northwestern
part, has now reached its 25th consecutive day, with the Nur Shams
refugee camp facing its 12th day of siege. The military escalation
includes increased reinforcements and the destruction and burning of
Occupation Forces] Kills Three Palestinians In Tubas
Occupation Crime West Bank - Sport Shooting Palestinians... in
Tubas - A quote...."On Wednesday, [jewish forces]
invaded the Al-Far’a refugee camp in the northeastern West Bank,
surrounded a home, and killed three young men - Media sources
reported that several armored military vehicles invaded the Al-Far’a
refugee camp and surrounded the home of Yousef Tayeh, leading to an
exchange of fire before the army bombed the home - The sources added
that the army killed the three Palestinians inside the bombarded
home, took their corpses, and stated that the army used
shoulder-fired missiles in the bombing."
Including A Child, Army Kills Two Palestinians In Rafah
Occupation Crime West Bank - Sport Shooting Palestinians... in
Rafah - A quote...."On Wednesday, [jewish forces]
killed two Palestinians, including a child, and injured several
Palestinians in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip’s southmost part - On
Wednesday morning, medical sources have confirmed that the [jewish
forces] killed a child, Mohammad Abu Zakkar, 16, in the
eastern area of Rafah - They added that the child was killed by a
live round fired by a [jewish armed forces'] sharpshooter,
and that the [sharpshooter] fired many live rounds at
several parts of Rafah, wounding at least five Palestinians."
Occupation] Forces Shoot a Palestinian Woman, Abduct a Child and a
Young Man, in Jenin
Occupation Crime West Bank - Sport Shooting Palestinians... in
Jenin - A quote...."On Wednesday, [jewish] forces shot
a Palestinian woman and abducted two citizens, including a child,
during the ongoing [jewish] siege and aggression against the
northern West Bank city of Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp, for 30
consecutive days - The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said
that its ambulance crews transported a 50-year-old woman to the
hospital, after occupation [forces] shot her in the chest
with live ammunition, at the western entrance to the Jenin refugee
Spain Remains
'Major Transit Port' For Arms Shipments to [the Jewish Crimes
Syndicate's Geopolitical Pustule in Palestine] -- War
Crime Complicity - Shipping Weapons For Extermination - Shame On Spain!! - A
quote...."Thousands of weapon shipments have been arriving in Tel
Aviv via Spain for over 16 months, despite a ban on arms exports
imposed by Madrid last year - Media reports citing an investigation
said that over 60,000 weapon parts had been transported to [the
judeo-extermination enclave] via Zaragoza airport in northern
Spain since the start of the [jews' Nord-Am colony]–[judeo-enclave
regime's, ethnic cleansing extermination] of Palestinians in
October 2023 - The shipments had continued unimpeded despite a ban
on arms exports to [the jewish regime] imposed by Madrid
four months ago."
Video: Yves
Engler Arrested for Criticizing [The Jewihs Occupation Regime] –
Speaks to Media Before Detention
War Crime Facilitation - Suppression / Repression / Intimidation
/ Censorship - A quote..."On Thursday morning, as scheduled,
author and activist Yves Engler was arrested by the Montreal police
for his social media posts criticizing [the jews'] actions
in Gaza - Before turning himself in to Montreal Police at 980 Guy
Street, Engler addressed the media, denouncing the politically
motivated charges against him and the broader crackdown on those
speaking out against [jewish] violence - Surrounded by
supporters, Engler reaffirmed his commitment to freedom of
expression and criticized the Montreal police’s collaboration with
anti-Palestinian figures. He highlighted the absurdity of the new
charges, which claim he harassed the police simply by writing about
the accusations already brought against him - This arrest follows a
campaign led by anti-Palestinian media personality Dahlia Kurtz, who
lobbied for Engler to be charged after he called out her pro-[jewish
occupation] rhetoric. Over 2,500 people have emailed the
Montreal police, demanding they drop the charges."
Arrest of
Electronic Intifada Journalist Exposes Deep [Judeo-Supremacist]
Footprints in Switzerland
War Crime Facilitation - Suppression / Repression / Intimidation
/ Censorship - A quote..."Ali Abunimah, the director of the
Electronic Intifada, an independent pro-Palestine news website, was
recently arrested in Switzerland and later deported
- One man was identified as the proximate cause – the Zurich
security minister, Mario Fehr. It was also revealed
that Fehr is a fanatical [judeo-supremacist] - As the
Grayzone website reported at
a “rally in solidarity with [the jews occupying Palestine]”
on Oct. 10, 2023, Fehr openly stated that “the fate of [judeo-enclave]
and its inhabitants is close to my heart.” - He also stated that the
Gaza-based resistance movement Hamas and the Islamic Republic of
Iran have always called for the “destruction of [the jewish
occupation] and the Jews.” - Source: PressTV
Police Angry At
My Writing About Ridiculous Charges, So Add More
War Crime Facilitation - Suppression / Repression / Intimidation
/ Censorship - A quote..."You can’t make this up. Initially
the Montreal police accused me of harassing an anti-Palestinian
media personality because I posted about [the jews' ethnic
cleansing campaign in Palestine]. Now they are charging me for
harassing the police for writing about the charges levelled against
me - At 9:30 AM tomorrow the Montreal police are set to arrest me.
Today an officer told me they will detain me overnight or until I’m
brought before a judge." - Source: YvesEnglerCom
BBC Blasted For
Pulling Documentary on Gaza Children After [The Jewish] Lobby
War Crime Facilitation - Censorship - A quote...."The BBC has
faced significant criticism after removing a documentary about
Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip from its iPlayer platform -
The documentary,
titled, “Gaza: How To
Survive A Warzone,” came under intense scrutiny after it was
revealed that one of the featured children, 13-year-old Abdullah
Alyazouri, was the son of Dr. Ayman Alyazouri, a deputy minister in
the government in the coastal territory - The territory is ruled by
the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, which has historically
defended it in the face of deadly [jewish] atrocities,
including the regime’s recent 15-month-plus-long war of genocide
that has claimed the lives of more than 48,300 Palestinians, mostly
women and minors." - Source: PressTV
Enclave] Bias in [JewK] Newsrooms Revealed
War Crime Facilitation - Censorship - A quote...."Journalists
working at Britain’s most prestigious newspapers and TV channels
have expressed concern at pro-[jewish occupation] bias inside
their organisations. Speaking exclusively to Declassified, half a
dozen current and former staff at the BBC, Sky, ITN, the
Guardian and The Times have disclosed the extent of
anti-Palestinian prejudice in their newsrooms - All of the
journalists requested anonymity for fear of professional reprisals.
Despite working for a range of outlets from across the political
spectrum, they painted a consistent picture of the obstacles faced
by reporters who want to humanise Palestinians or scrutinise [the
jewish occupation's] narratives." - bold by website editor
Poised To Take
Over TikTok, Oracle Is Accused Of Clamping Down On Pro-Palestine
War Crime Facilitation - Censorship - A quote...."Larry
Elison has been at Donald Trump’s side since he took
office last month. The man Trump referred to as “one of the most
serious players in the world” was front row at the inauguration, and
then watched as the president signed an executive order on
artificial intelligence — a major business interest for tech giant
Oracle." - bold by website editor - Source: TheIntercept
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
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FYI: To the other 206 countries in the
world, and ALL of their peoples, if any of this makes you
angry, please BOYCOTT
the JewSA, the JewK, and the jewish occupation enclaves! That's
BOTH of them! The one in Palestine, and the one recently
established in the Ukrainian Territories. Please BOYCOTT all jewish institutions
and businesses world-wide!!
BOTH these exterminationist projects were
conceived, planned, managed, and carried out by the JEWS,
with the full backing of their JewSA and JewK colonies.
All four entities, the Judeo-Quad
Squad, (The JewSA, JewK, Judeo-Enclave, and
Judeo-Lviv Regime) must be boycotted.
1) Do not buy anything from, invest
in, or do business with anyone, from the JewSA, JewK, or the
judeo-occupied Ukrainian or Palestinian territories.
2) If you must sell to anyone from these four
judeo-golemized occupied territories, add 10%, 20%, 30%, or
whatever the market will bare, and call it the Palestinian /
DPR-LPR Tax. Donate the proceeds to the Palestinians and
those Russian / Ukrainians resisting jewish tyranny, to
let them know you care.
3) Also, if you can, please give as much you can to the
Peoples of Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq. To
whomever, or whatever groups you believe would be the most
effective, at alleviating the misery caused by the JewSA,
JewK, and the jews occupying Palestine.
4) Finally purchase as much as you can,
from countries that are actually fighting for the
"Multi-Polar" world order. That would be Russia,
China, Iran, North Korea, and the Peoples of
the front-line states. Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and
Iraq. Also keep in mind new resistance states,
such as Hungary and Slovakia -- Secondary suppliers
should be those who support the Multi-Polar order. The
C.I.S states, the BRICS, and other non-aligned
countries. This would also include occupied
Germany and Japan on a limited contingent, compassionate
basis. (We must pity them, and never forget, what the
JewSA & JewK did to them.) - At least till they get
their collective heads straight and install new
governments - mpg
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ==
Irish Leaders
to Boycott White House Event Over Trump’s Gaza Plot
A quote...."Leaders of Sinn Fein, Ireland’s largest opposition
party, have announced that they will not attend the White House's
annual St. Patrick’s Day event in protest to the proposed American
plan to ethnically cleanse the Gaza strip - The party's senior
members, such as party leader Mary Lou McDonald and Northern Irish
First Minister Michelle O’Neill, have announced that they will
boycott the March 17 event."
FYI: This website editor has a lot of
issues with Sein Fein. But will take this as a win - mpg
Al-Qassam Brigades Decide to
Release Six Jewish] Prisoners on Saturday
A quote...."GAZA, Feb. 21 (YPA) – Al-Qassam Brigades’ spokesman, Abu
Obeida, announced today, Friday, that the Brigades decided to
release six [jewish] prisoners tomorrow, Saturday, as part
of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” prisoner exchange deal - Abu Obeida explained
in a statement that the prisoners who would be released are Elia
Maimon, Yitzhak Cohen, Omar Shem Tov, Omer Finkert, Tal Shoham,
Avera Mengistu, and Hisham al-Sayed."
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More Tales From The
Trans-Nationalist, Judeo-(Wahhabist)** Judeo-Anglo Empire,
& Its "Friends" -- Directly Cooperating With, and
Helping Judeo-(Wahhabist)** Terrorists World Wide....
**Currently in Reconsideration Pending The
Saudi-Iran Accord - 03-10-2023 - It may take up to a year to see
if Saudi Arabia and the GCC states will stop supporting Wahhabist
Terrorism - We Shall See....
FYI: Reconsideration Complete - 03-10-2024 - Saudi
Arabia and the GCC states have NOT demonstrated
that they are halting their support for the Jews PNAC Plans
for the Middle East, nor the jews' plans to destroy the
Palestinians, nor their indifference to the jews' plans to destroy
the White Ethnic European Homelands / Nation States in
Europe. The Saudis and GCC states have partially scaled back
their support for ISIS Wahhabism, but they continue to support the
jews' in occupied Palestine in all their endeavors.
Including their PNAC
Protocols, along with the complete destruction of the
Palestinian people, and the destruction of the Houthis in
Yemen. If the "Families" heading these Arab "states"
renounce the IMEC project,
and proceed with more decisive actions to oppose the jewish
criminal ethnic cleansing occupation in Palestine, and halt all
their offensive actions against the Houthis in Yemen - This
conclusion will be reconsidered.... again. - mpg
FYI: December 6th, 2024 - It should be
noted that in regards to the current Syrian crisis, it appears
that the Saudis and GCC States have played a very limited
role. It appears it was Erdogan and Turkey, with
assists from the Jewish occupation in Palestine, and of course
their Judoe-Nord AM & Judeo-Nord-Atlantic colonies, (the
"usual suspects"), that have planned and carried out the current
crisis in Syria - mpg,
FYI: December 11th, 2024 -
It appears the Saudi's and GCC State's role in the Syrian
Government's collapse may have been MUCH more then advertised -
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
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Covert Crusade:
Washington’s $600m Digital War on Iran
A quote...."Posted February 21, 2025 - Earlier this month,
The Cradle exposed how
in 2023, the US State Department’s shadowy Near East Regional
Democracy (NERD) fund earmarked $55 million to stoke unrest in Iran
during the following year’s elections - This was part of a wider [judeo-Nord-Am
colony] campaign of interference designed to disrupt and
destabilize the Islamic Republic. As that investigation noted,
details on where this money goes – and who benefits – are strictly
confidential as a matter of policy. Still, there are clues in the
public domain pointing to at least some recipients." - Source:
70 Christians
Beheaded in Church: What We Know
A quote...."Posted Feb 20, 2025 at 1:54 PM EST - Seventy
decapitated bodies have been discovered in a church in the war-torn
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), according to Open Doors, which
supports persecuted Christians around the world - An Islamist group
linked to Islamic State called the AFD are feared to have beheaded
the victims with machetes - Newsweek has contacted the United Nations
Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC, via email, for
US Piles
Pressure on Iraq to Resume Kurdish Oil Exports
A qutoe...."Posted Feb 22, 2025, 8:07 AM - [The jews'
Nord-AM top colonial coordinator] Donald Trump's
administration is piling pressure on Iraq to allow Kurdish oil
exports to restart or face sanctions alongside Iran, eight sources
with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters - Iraq's oil
minister made a surprise announcement on Monday that exports from
Kurdistan would resume next week. That would mark the end of a
nearly two-year dispute that has cut flows of more than 300,000
barrels per day (bpd) of Kurdish oil via Turkey to global markets."
Foreign Intelligence Officers
Arrive in Yemen’s Socotra Island
A qutoe...."Posted Feb 22, 2025 12:38 AM - SOCOTRA, Feb. 22
(YPA) – UAE-backed factions were deployed heavily near Hadibu
Airport, the main center of the Yemeni Socotra Archipelago, on
Friday ahead of the arrival of Emirati and foreign officers - The
road leading to the UAE forces headquarters also witnessed military
checkpoints reinforced to secure their passage, while the motives
for the visit were not known."
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo
Empire... SARS-CoV-2 / COVID19 - Health Alerts / Health
Warnings... And Bio-Warfare Implications....
Yale Study
Confirms What We Knew For Five Years: COVID-19 Vaccines Linked
to Immune Dysfunction, Reactivated Viruses -- 41] Must Read - A
quote...."In a stunning revelation that validates what many have
warned about for years, Yale University scientists have uncovered
alarming evidence linking mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to a host of
debilitating health conditions. Dubbed “post-vaccination syndrome”
(PVS), this newly identified condition includes symptoms such as
brain fog, tinnitus, dizziness, and exercise intolerance. Even more
disturbingly, the study reveals that these vaccines may cause
“distinct biological changes,” including immune system depletion,
persistent spike protein production, and the reactivation of dormant
viruses like Epstein-Barr. The findings raise serious questions
about the safety and long-term consequences of these experimental
Post-Vaccine Brain Fog, Immune Dysfunction Linked to Spike Protein
That Can Persist in Body for Years
41] A quote...."Yale
University researchers detected the spike protein from the COVID-19
vaccine in the blood of at least one person 709 days after
vaccination — a significantly longer time than previously
measured - The research team also found that many people thought to
be experiencing long COVID may instead be suffering from
post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) caused by the spike protein
from the COVID-19 vaccines -
PVS symptoms, similar to those of long COVID,
commonly include brain fog, dizziness and tinnitus - Study
participants who were never infected with the virus but who had PVS
had “significantly higher” levels of spike protein circulating in
their blood — with the protein detected between 26-709 days after
they received a COVID-19 vaccine - The study, co-authored by a team
of scientists led by three Yale University researchers and published
Tuesday on the medRxiv preprint server, also found that those who
were vaccinated experienced autoimmune
disorders, immune system exhaustion and other biological
changes following vaccination"
The End of
College Vaccine Mandates
41] A quote...."With one
stroke of his pen, President Trump accomplished what we have been
fighting for over the last 4 years – an end to college and
university Covid-19 vaccine mandates. He signed an executive order
to halt federal funding to all schools, including colleges and
universities, that still impose Covid-19 vaccine mandates on
students. While there are only 15 colleges and universities left
mandating these shots, the magnitude of his message to higher
education leaders should not be underestimated." - Source:
New Study:
Vitamin D Protects Against COVID-19 mRNA Injection-Induced
41] Health Alert -
A quote...."These data support the hypothesis that vitamin D plays a
crucial role in mitigating mRNA vaccine-related myocarditis by
modulating proinflammatory cytokine milieu and subsequent
unfavorable NK cell activation, laying a groundwork for preventive
and treatment strategies."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo
Ben Norton
Joins Tonight Feb 19th 9pm Eastern 6pm Pacific!
Must Listen DHaiVideo -- Alt/DHai-Rumble
- (DHaiVar - 2hrs2min46sec - Feb 19th, 2025) - Source - Danny
Haiphong: DHai @ Rumble
- DHai @ SubStack
- DHai @ LinkTree - DHai @ Telegram - DHai @
InstaGram - DHai @ TikTok
- Support: DHai @ Patreon - DHai @ BuyMeACoffee - A
quote...."We talk the Truth About Trump's [Borderlans a.k.a.
'Ukraine'] Peace Offensive and debate whether it's a trap for
Russia, China & the multipolar world as we review what's
transpired amid rapidly changing global conditions - Geopolitical
analyst and journalist BEN NORTON joins to break down the US-Russia
Summit in Riyadh and its massive implications for the geopolitical
and economic landscape worldwide. Is Trump setting a trap for
Russia? Or is normalization efforts by Trump a genuine attempt to
end a war that has shaken the world order to its core to the
detriment of the US. Find Out in this must-watch stream."
Pepe Escobar
(11am Eastern Feb 17th!)
Must Listen DHaiVideo - Alt/DHai-Rumble
- (DHaiVar - 1hr14min11sec - Feb 17th, 2025) - Source - Danny
Haiphong: DHai's Website
- DHai @ Rumble - DHai @ SubStack - DHai @ LinkTree - DHai @ Telegram - DHai @
InstaGram - DHai @ TikTok
- Support: DHai @ Patreon - DHai @ BuyMeACoffee -- A
quote...."Geopolitical analyst and journalist Pepe Escobar joins to
discuss the chaos unleashed by the Trump administration as Russia-US
talks kick off, Europe gets sidelined, and BRICS gears up as Trump's
declared war on the multipolar alliance begins."
INTEL Roundtable w/ Johnson & McGovern:
Weekly Wrap
Must Listen JdgNAPVideo - Alt/JdgNAP-Mp3
- (JdgNAPVar - 37min24sec - Feb 21st, 2025) - Source - Judge
Napolitano: JdgNAP's
Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble
- JdgNAP @
AmPodcasts - JdgNap/AmPodcasts-Mp3Files
- JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X)
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
Is It Foreign
Aid or Covert Action?
A quote...."There has been considerable controversy surrounding the
Trump administration decision to cutback on government agencies that
are ostensibly committed to charitable, educational and other nation
building activities both overseas and in the United States. This
spending, amounting to scores of billions of dollars, has helped
produce budget deficits that ballooned in the twenty-first century,
largely due to the surge in overseas activity that occurred after
the trauma of 9/11 when the United States decided that it had to
serve as policeman for the rest of the world to make itself safe. As
the US is now verging on bankruptcy due to its unsustainable debts,
the second incarnation of the Trump Administration has focused on
cutting budgets in areas that it considers to be enemy occupied,
often meaning “woke” or institutionally allied to the Democrats.
Social programs as well as the bloated defense department spending
were considered to be suitable targets so starting during the first
week in February, the White House brought down
the hammer when it went after a number of government agencies,
inter alia calling for huge cuts in Pentagon spending and the
complete elimination of the Education Department." - Source:
Nearly a Third
of Canadians View US as ‘Enemy’: Poll
A quote...."A recent poll has shown that 27% of Canadians see the
United States as an enemy country while only 30% still see their
southern neighbor as an "ally" - The poll, conducted by the Canadian
analytics company Leger, shows the effects of the deteriorating
relations between US and Canada on Canadian public opinion after US
president Donald Trump assumed office."
Brigitte Macron
Thought to be Emanuel’s Biological Father
A quote...."US journalist Candace Owens has claimed that Brigitte
Macron, the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, “is in fact a
man.” Owens shared an investigation on her podcast this week,
insisting she would stake her “entire professional reputation” on
Brigitte Macron being transgender - Brigitte Macron, born Brigitte
Marie-Claude Trogneux in 1953, is a former literature teacher and
has been married to Emmanuel Macron since 2007. They are said to
have met when Macron was 15 and she was teaching at Lycée la
Providence in Amiens. Brigitte Macron is 24 years older than her
husband - In her latest episode of ‘Becoming Brigitte’ released on
Monday, Owens spoke to French journalist Xavier Poussard, who claims
to have obtained a photo supposedly proving that the French first
lady used to be a man."
Milei [The Jews' South American Oligarch] Gives Musk ‘Chainsaw for
Bureaucracy’ (VIDEO)
A quote...."Argentine President Javier Milei has given Elon Musk a
chainsaw as a symbolic gesture reflecting their shared commitment to
cutting government bureaucracy and public spending - Musk, a close
ally of US President Donald Trump tasked with slashing federal
government spending, appeared at the Conservative Political Action
Conference (CPAC) outside Washington on Thursday, waving the
chainsaw above his head."
One For All And
All Against One
A quote...."Former State Minister of Artsakh, billionaire and
philanthropist Ruben Vardanyan, who headed the government of the
unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh from November 2022 to
February 2023, has begun a hunger strike to protest what he calls a
“judicial farce.”"
France Pulls
Out From Sole Military Base in Ivory Coast
A quote...."France has pulled out from its sole military base in
Ivory Coast, ending decades of its military presence in the West
African nation - France’s Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu and
Ivorian Defense Minister Tene Birahima Ouattara on Thursday
formalized the handover by signing a document after the Ivorian flag
was raised at the 230-hectare (570-acre) Port-Bouet military camp."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the
Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia, C.I.S. States,
& The Balkans.... Disarming The Lviv Regime
Operation Launched Feb 24th, 2022 - Ongoing.....
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Analysis Of The
Judeo-Anglo-Controlled Media & N.G.O.'s Propaganda....
Defunding Regime-Change NGOs
Must Listen GlenDVideo - (GlenD - 32min14sec - Feb 19th,
2024) -- Source - Glen Diesen: Glenn Diesen SubStack - GlennDi @ Odysee - GlennDi @ Telegram - GlennDi @ Twitter(X) - GlennDi @ VK - GlennDi @
Russia-GlobAffairs -- A quote....."For the longest time, USAID
and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) have been funding
foreign NGOs to influence local populations through media propaganda
and the presence of a civil society consensus. Donald Trump just
pulled the plug by defunding USAID and even going after the NED.
This is unprecedented in modern history that a state dismantles its
own cognitive warfare apparatus. What happened? - Trump is tearing
it down because it was weaponized against him - Of course it is
productive that Trump abolishes USAID, including NED, [AMEN!!
- this website editor is very grateful!! - mpg] which
functioned as US regime change tools under Obama and Biden, and
whose task was to convince an ignorant US and European population
that the destruction of Libya, Syria and the support to the coup [of
the jews' golemized, faux-]neo-nazis in [the city of Kiev]
was completely fine." - NOTE: This website editor
will not post YouTube links on this website. However, if
it's germane to issues on this website, this website editor will
post links to websites that have YouTube links. See note
posted at the very top of this web page / article stack - mpg
President Slams USAID for Inciting Regime Change, Demands
Journalist Say How Much Money His Outlet Received -- A
quote...."Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić told “Epilogue” viewers
on TV Insider that U.S. President Donald Trump directly mentioned
Serbia as a place where USAID wanted a regime change, reports Blic -
“Someone was only waiting for additional tragedies, meanwhile
preparing different types of scenarios for some new riots and for
some new attacks on the state. And that is nothing new, and it can
be seen through the words of President Donald Trump. Donald Trump
directly mentioned Serbia yesterday, the president of the United
States of America directly mentioned Serbia as a place where they
wanted a political change of government. Those who received American
money to overthrow the government,” said Vučić in the Epilogue show
on TV Insider." - Source: RemixNews
Judge Gives
Go-Ahead for the Trump Administration to Gut USAID's Workforce
A quote...."A federal judge on Friday paved the way for the Trump
administration to move forward with plans to remove thousands of U.S. Agency for
International Development workers from their jobs - U.S.
District Judge Carl Nichols denied a request from labor groups to
issue a preliminary injunction after the Trump administration said
thousands of USAID employees would be placed on administrative leave
and ordered agency personnel abroad to return to the U.S. within 30
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
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Geopolitical Analysis.....
Hold The
Applause For Trump, The “Peacemaker.”
Must Read - A quote...."There is history worth
remembering as Trump is lauded in certain circles on the so-called
“right” and “left” as a peacemaker with Russia over the US/NATO
proxy war against Russia via [the Borderlands a.k.a.]
Ukraine -- President Richard Nixon, who ran as the peace candidate
in 1968 with a “secret plan” for peace in Vietnam that was actually
a plan for more war, visited China in February 1972 in a move to
exploit the Soviet-China split, and yet the US war against Vietnam
went on until April 30, 1975 when the U.S. was driven out of Vietnam
-- I think extreme caution is advised when it comes to Trump’s plans
to end the U.S. proxy war against Russia, which, following the
Nixon-Kissinger script, seems to be aimed at splitting the
Russian-Chinese partnership now threatening U.S. world domination."
Anyone Who
Wants The [Lviv Regime's] Ukraine War To Continue Is A Monster
Absolute Must Read - Spot-On!
- A quote...."Everyone from Rachel Maddow
to Bernie Sanders is
freaking out about the Trump
administration’s moves toward ending the [Lviv
ethnic-cleansing occupation regime's] war in [the]
Ukraine [Borderlands territories]. David Hogg, now the vice
chair of the DNC, said on Twitter
that “If we abandon [the Lviv ethnic-cleansing regime] —
Poland is next. You know what’s going to be a lot more expensive
than finishing this war and forcing Putin out of [Lviv's
occupied] Ukraine [territories]? A third world war and
a second Marshall plan.” -- "These histrionics are as depraved as
they are ridiculous. Obviously the [Lviv regime's] war in [the]
Ukraine [territories] needs to end. Polls say [Former]
Ukrainians themselves want the war to end. If you want [former]
Ukrainians to keep dying in this war against the will of the [former]
Ukrainians themselves while you sit safe at home eating snacks and
posting on the internet, you’re a monster." -- But saying this
really doesn’t go far enough. We should all be raging at everyone
who pushed things to this point, especially at the leaders of the
Western empire we live under. These psychopaths knowingly
provoked an unwinnable war
of unfathomable horror by first backing a
regime change operation in 2014 and then amassing a proxy military
threat on Russia’s border in ways the [JewSA] would never
permit on its own border, then refusing off-ramp after
off-ramp both before and after Russia
invaded. Everyone who paved the way to this nightmare belongs
in a cage." - also posted at ConsortiumNewsCom
Some Sins
Will Not Wash Away
Must Read - Chart - (click to view)
- A quote...."I disagree strongly with those who seek to exonerate
the Trump 45 administration of culpability for the war in [the
Lviv regime's occupied Borderlands (a.k.a. Ukraine) territories]
- I submit it is indisputable that the trend line of US/NATO
preparations of the... "#Mother Of All Proxy Armies" in [the
Lviv regime's occupied territories] began to go parabolic
during the 2017-2021 period - Sure, the US/NATO had not yet provided
the AFU with artillery, armor, or air defense systems — but the AFU
didn’t NEED that kind of stuff at the time. They had, by far, the
largest and most potent army and air defense array in Europe
(ex-Russia) - They were provided with and trained on the use of
US/NATO ATGMs (Javelin / NLAW). And it is obvious, in retrospect,
that select AFU contingents were already being trained in the use of
systems such as the American M-777 howitzer and HIMARS MLRS, both of
which were introduced on the battlefield within about 90 days of the
beginning of major warfare." - Source: Imetatronink
Secret Terror
Blueprints For US NSC to ‘Help [The Judeo-Run Lviv
Ethnic-Cleansing Occupation Regime] Resist’ Exposed -- Must
Read - A quote...."Newly-leaked documents reveal a crew of
military academics pitching the US National Security Council a
series of extreme strategies for [the Lviv regime], from
IED’s inspired by Iraqi insurgents to sabotaging Russia’s
infrastructure to propaganda “from ISIS’ playbook.” - Conceived
under the auspices of the UK’s University of St. Andrews, the plans
were outsourced through third parties to ensure “plausible
deniability.” - Explosive leaked documents reviewed by The Grayzone
show how a shady transatlantic collective of academics and
military-intelligence operatives conceived schemes which would lead
to the US “helping [the Lviv regime] resist,” to “prolong”
the proxy war “by virtually any means short of American and NATO
forces deploying to [Lviv's occupied territories in the
Borderlands (a.k.a. Ukraine)] or attacking Russia.” - also
posted at SOTTNet
By Drones,
Mines And Missiles - The British Naval War Against Russia In
[The Lviv Regime's Occupied] Ukraine [Territories] - Moon of
Alabama Donation Request - [Click Here]
-- Must Read - A quote...."Since at least 2014 The United
Kingdom has been a major participant in NATO's proxy war against
Russia. During the hot phase of the war it has directed a drone and
missile campaign in the Black Sea. It is likely responsible for
current attacks against Russia related sea transport. It is
developing new naval drones for further assaults on Russia - Britain
had initiated and run massive public relation campaigns blaming
Russia for various outrages which, in fact, never had happened.
Consider the Skripal
Affair, the MI6's Steele dossier
used to launch Russiagate
and other operations launched through the anti-Russian Integrity
Initiative run by the UK government's Institute of
Statecraft - It was the Brits who, during the war in [Lviv's
occupied] Ukraine [territories], directed the
Black Sea Attack Network (BSAN) to push the Russian fleet out
of Sevastopol in Crimea. British Storm Shadow missile were fired
against various ships. Directed by British signal
intelligence seagoing drones, made in Britain, attacked
Russian transports as well as the Kerch Bridge."
The Daily
Nationalist: Kievan Nightmare - DN 022025
Must Listen TONAudio - On The
Jewish Disaster Inflicted on the Borderlands ('Ukraine')
- Alt/Aud - Graphic
- (click to view)
- (TDNMp3 - 43min58sec - Feb 20th, 2025) - Source: TheOrthodoxNationalist
- RadioAlbion -- Please
help Sven in prison!! - Article
Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail (Not available
08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) - How to Give to Sven - This
is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:
(Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) -- Host's
Website -- Host's Website - Dr. Matthew Raphael
Johnson - The Orthodox
Nationalist @ Radio Albion - MRJ's Orthodox
@ Wordpress - MRJ's Rus
Journal Org - Please Donate!! - MRJ's Donation Request @
Patreon - Please Purchase! MRJ's Merch
-- A quote...."Today's Daily Nationalist deals with more evidence of
the [Lviv regime's] breakdown. Zelensky is clearly unstable
and is lashing out at anyone he believes is a threat, including his
closest allies. Trump's election sent him over the edge."
The Orthodox
Nationalist: The Icon of the Black Void - TON 021925
Must Listen TONAudio - On The
Jewish Persecution of the Orthodox Church - Especially in the
Borderlands ('Ukraine') - Alt/Aud - Graphic
- (click to view)
- (TDNMp3 - 1hr3min54sec - Feb 12th, 2025) - Source: TheOrthodoxNationalist
- RadioAlbion -- Please
help Sven in prison!! - Article
Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail (Not available
08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) - How to Give to Sven - This
is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:
(Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) -- Host's
Website -- Host's Website - Dr. Matthew Raphael
Johnson - The Orthodox
Nationalist @ Radio Albion - MRJ's Orthodox
@ Wordpress - MRJ's Rus
Journal Org - Please Donate!! - MRJ's Donation Request @
Patreon - Please Purchase! MRJ's Merch
-- A quote...."A quote...."In 2023, during a meeting with the Pope,
Vladimir Zelensky handed him an “icon” of the Virgin Mary with a
black void where the Savior should have been. This pseudo-icon is
the symbol for Jewish rule over non-Jewish societies in general, and
the rule of Zelensky's clan over [the Borderlands, a.k.a. the]
Ukraine [territories] since at least 2019. This broadcast
delves deeper into the persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church in
[Lviv's occupied] Ukraine and its connection to its Jewish
ruling class." - See links posted below.....
Zelensky -
The [Jewish Judeo-Enclave Occupation Member] Who Destroyed [The
Territory Formally Known as] Ukraine -- Must Read
- A quote...."[The jews' Nord-Am colonial top administrator]
Trump and [the Lviv ethnic-cleansing regime's top colonial
administrator, jewish crime member] Volodymyr Zelensky have
become embroiled in a war of words a day after the Russia-US meeting
in Riyadh focusing on [the jewish occupaiton of the Borderlands
territories, formally known as Ukraine] -- Trump slammed [the
judeo-enclave] passport holder Zelensky over his refusal
to hold elections, saying he’s down to ‘4% approval’ and that [Lviv's
occupied] Ukraine [territories] looks like a ‘massive
demolition site’ under his leadership. He’s not wrong. Here’s why --
"Didn’t Make Peace: Zelensky did not make good on his promise
to end the war in the Donbas". This was the single biggest reason he
was elected in the spring of 2019 -- Declaring verbal but fake
support for the Minsk Agreements in October 2019, Zelensky triggered
large-scale street protests led by [jewish created and golemized
faux-]nationalist thugs threatening to oust him. He quickly
backed down, never returning to the issue again."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
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Russian Army
Deals Massive Blow to [Lviv Regime's] Air Force
BREAKING - Posted 15:02 19.02.2025 - A
quote...."MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian air defences shot down a
[Lviv regime] MiG-29, 2 JDAMs, four US-made HIMARS rockets and
123 drones, Defence Ministry said on Wednesday - Russia's Tsentr
(Center) group of forces has eliminated up to 290 [Lviv regime]
military personnel over the past 24 hours, the Russian MoD stated."
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Stakes Get
Higher: Russian Missiles Destroy [The Lviv Regime's] Gas
SITREP - Posted 20.02.2025 - A quote...."On the
night of February 20th, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
launched another devastating wave of strikes on [the Lviv
regime's] rear infrastructure. The massive attack targeted [the
Lviv regime's] gas production and processing facilities,
energy infrastructure and military targets all around the country -
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation officially
confirmed the strikes. This was a combined attack with air-, sea-
and land-based missiles, as well as kamikaze drones of various
types. According to the Russian military, the goal of the attack has
been achieved."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
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Key Articles & General
Media: [Jewish Crime Mbr] Zelensky Should’ve Taken up Orbán’s
Offer for Help Ending the War Before Trump Started Calling Him a
‘Dictator -- A quote...."[The Lviv regime's top war crime
member] Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly rejected Prime
Minister Viktor Orbán’s help in brokering a ceasefire or mediating
with the new American leadership. However, as Donald Trump now calls
Zelensky a “dictator” and demands he step down and hold elections,
it looks more and more like Zelensky should’ve taken up Orban’s
offer, writes Hungarian news outlet Magyar Nemzet
- Only strong allies can be mediators, the [Lviv's jewish head
crime boss] stated in July - “Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has
no influence over Vladimir Putin, and [the Lviv regime] does
not need his mediation in its relations with the [JewSA],”
Zelensky said in a speech delivered in December at a session of the
All-[Lviv Regime Knesset] of Local and Regional [Administrators]."
[Jewish Crime
Mbr] ‘Zelensky Killed an American Journalist’ – As Potential Peace
Deal for [the Borderlands (Formally Ukraine)] Looms -- "Musk
and Trump Target Zelensky in War of Words" - A quote..."[The
Lviv ethnic-cleansing regime's head jewish war criminal]
Volodymyr Zelensky is facing calls to hold elections as he attempts
to dig himself into a war neither the [JewSA, currently under
the Trump administration] nor Russia want to pursue. The
leader of wartorn [Lviv's occupied Borderlands territories]
has long been called out for refusing to hold elections, with
critics citing other countries who had no issue sticking to
democratic norms even during a war - Now, Trump has labeled Zelensky
a “dictator” while Musk is accusing Zelensky of murdering an
American journalist. In short, relations between the [JewSA]
and [the regime occupying the Borderlands] just underwent a
cataclysmic split, with Zelensky potentially facing calls for
justice for his potential role in the murder of the American
journalist Gonzalo Lira."
Trump Allies
Believe [Jewish Crime Mbr] Zelensky Should Leave [the] Ukraine
[Borderlands Territories] ‘Immediately’ – media -- Strong
Hint Given.... A quote...."Vladimir Zelensky should
leave [the] Ukraine [territories] “immediately”
and move to France so as not to impede peace talks with Russia, a
source close to US President Donald Trump has said, according to the
New York Post. The outlet reported that frustration with Zelensky is
growing in the White House." - bold by website editor
Regime] Ties Falling Apart – Former diplomat
A quote...."The relationship between the US and [and the Lviv
ethnic-cleansing occupation regime] is now undergoing
“total destruction,” with [jewish war crime member] Vladimir
Zelensky trying to fight President Donald Trump on behalf of
America’s ‘Deep State’, Andrey Telizhenko, former 3rd Secretary at
the [the Lviv regime's] Embassy in the US, told RT. The
‘Deep State’ itself, however, appears to be falling apart as well,
he warned."
[The Jew's
Nord-Atlantic Colony's] Leaders Propose Military Draft and War
with Russia: A Recipe for Catastrophe -- The JewK, Wants
Another War In Europe - Haven't They Done This Before??? - A
quote...."In a dramatic and controversial move that harks back to
the Cold War era, [the jews' Nord-Atlantic colony's]
officials have proposed a military draft to prepare for a potential
conflict with Russia. The suggestion, made by high-ranking
government figure Anthony Lee, includes incentives such as free
university education and mortgage assistance to entice young men to
join the military. Critics, including American political commentator
Mike Adams, have lambasted the plan, deeming it both impractical and
potentially disastrous. "
Ambassador Says Brits Tried to Make Him Defect
Related Article? - (Just think about it - mpg) - A
quote...."Russia’s envoy to the UK has claimed that members of the
British media told him he should defect to the UK. The mainstream
media and the establishment in London are stubbornly pursuing
confrontation with Moscow despite the change in narrative by its key
ally, the US, he added."
Brazil’s Lula
Refused To Sell Germany Weapons ‘To Kill Russians’
Thank You!! To Lulu and Brazil! - A quote...."Brazilian
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva rejected an approach by German
Chancellor Olaf Scholz to purchase arms for [the Lviv regime].
The Brazilian head of stage stressed he wouldn’t sell weapons “to
kill Russians” or anyone else - Speaking to reporters on Wednesday
at a joint media conference with the Portuguese Prime Minister Luís
Montenegro, Lula reiterated Brazil's neutral stance in the ongoing
conflict between [Lviv] and Moscow."
Trawlers, Not Sabotage, Behind Most Undersea Cable Damage: UN
Another "Blame Russia" Lie Exposed - A quote...."Much has
been written about suspected
sabotage of undersea cables in the Baltic Sea, but the UN says
fishing trawlers are causing the most damage by far, rather than
spies - Western officials have accused Russian vessels of sabotaging
undersea communications and power cables in several high-profile
incidents in the Baltic Sea in recent months - European leaders and
experts [falsely] suspect acts of “hybrid warfare” against
Western countries supporting [the Lviv ethnic-cleansing
occupation regime], and are calling for increased maritime
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More On The Weaponization,
Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee
And The Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing Of White Europeans
Socialism 45: The Rise of Byzantium and the Illyrian
Must Listen GregCAudio - From The Historical Record -
Note: Odysee Audio plays well on older
systems - Also Note: Normally they charge $5.00,
but they also offer free episodes. So if you want more free
episodes, consider giving generously - mpg - Alt-PodBeam
- (GregCOdysee - 2hrs43min20sec - Feb 17th, 2025) - Source
- Gregg Conte: GreggConte Podcast @ Odysee
- GregC @ Podbeam
- GregC @
Bitchute - A quote...."Between AD 270 and the late 500s, the
Roman Empire declined and fell to Germanic invaders, while a new,
Byzantine Empire arose in the East - At least, that's what it looks
like. But states and peoples are different things. Sometimes a
founding people dies, but its state lives on. That is what happened
in Rome in the 3rd century. The original Roman people lost power to
a new, hungry race of frontier-fighters: the so-called Illyrian
"Contrary to the common opinion, the Illyrian-Danubian
emperors weren't the outcome of increasing "diversity" or
"tolerance" of the Roman State. They were a new, as-yet-unnamed
people, who--abandoned by the central government--took matters
into their own hands - From Aurelian "the Restorer of the World"
to Diocletian, Constantine the Great, Theodosius I and Justinian,
these "Illyrians" built a state-within-a-state, kept the Roman
Empire alive for two centuries, and carved out a new empire from
its ruins. They restructured army, shook up the administration,
and oversaw the most radical religious reform in European history.
Theirs is the real history of the "late Roman" and "early
Byzantine" empires - Only amidst the chaos of the Persian and
Islamic invasions of the early 600s did the 300-year-old Illyrian
regime succumb... when they were finally overthrown by a new breed
of Cappadocian and Armenian officers - Join Gregory Conte for this
myth-destroying lecture, as we examine the real meaning of Rome's
last centuries; and the beginning of the 1000-year "Byzantine"
Hitler s
Revolution How Germany went from Poverty to Prosperity 1936-1937
- mp4
Must View ZoomR Video - (ZoomRMp4 - Aprox 1hr -
Site-Add-Dat 12/3/23) - Zoomr @ Archive
(other media available) - ZoomR @ Patreon - ZoomR @ Telegram - ZoomR @
SubscribeStar - ZoomR @ BuyMeACofee - A
quote...."Archive of the YouTube history channel Zoomer Historian,
saving his videos in the event that his channel gets taken down."
While Germany
Faces Terror Attacks and Economic Woes, One German Green MEP
Touts His Work to Destroy Hungary -- The JewSA &
JewK German Occupation Regime's Judeo-Priorities.... Made
Abundantly Plain - A quote...."Earlier this month, German
Green MEP Daniel Freund, who has made a name for himself by
obsessively attacking Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán, took to X over
the U.S. President Trump’s cancellation of foreign aid - “In Oct
2024 I spoke with @USAID at their DC HQ. They told me they were
funding rule of law, anticorruption and pro-democracy programs in
Hungary with several million dollars per year,” Freund posted,
adding, “With this money gone for NGOs, guess who’s gonna
Government Plans to Fly in Thousands of Migrants After the
Election at Taxpayers’ Expense
Ditto!! - A quote...."Afghans will be flown in right after
the election by the thousands and land in Berlin, Leipzig, and
Hannover in taxpayer-funded charter flights - The Afghans were
supposed to actually have been flown in before the election, but
after the terror attacks carried out by Afghans in Aschaffenburg
against a daycare group and against the Verdi demonstration in
Munich, the government decided to push the flights back until
after the vote. Now, a total of 3,500 Afghans will arrive a week
after the election takes place - The news was announced by the
Foreign Ministry led by Green Party politician Annalena Baerbock,
who said this was due to logistical reasons. However, the NGOs
have accused the government of caving to public pressure due to
the terror attacks and pressure from the right - The migrants have
already been transported to Pakistan, where they are safe.
Accommodation and other support for the migrants is expected to
reach into the millions of euros in costs." - bold by website
Germany’s New
Migration Policy: Dumping Asylum Seekers on Poland Sparks
Double Ditto!! - A quote...."In a move that has sparked
both domestic and international controversy, Germany has signed an
agreement to offload migrants to Poland, marking a significant
shift in the country's approach to illegal immigration. The deal,
signed by German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser and Brandenburg
Interior Minister Katrin Lange, aims to expedite the return of
asylum seekers under the Dublin Regulation. The new policy has
raised concerns about its implications for both Germany and
Poland, as well as the broader European migration debate. "
Lawyer Fined €3,000 for Criticizing German Government, Has Gun
License Revoked and Complaint Filed with Bar Association --
Triple Ditto!! - A quote...."The debate over free speech in
Germany has taken a new turn following the case of Markus Roscher,
a 61-year-old lawyer from Braunschweig, who was fined €3,000 for
criticizing the government’s heating law - Roscher described Vice
Chancellor Robert Habeck, Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and Foreign
Minister Annalena Baerbock as “malicious failures” in a post on X
back in 2021. He was subsequently issued a penalty notice under
the controversial Paragraph 188 of the German Criminal Code, which
criminalized defamation against individuals engaged in public
political life."
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People Are
Britain and Europe's Top Export
A quote...."We often talk about a country’s assets fuelling
prosperity; its industrial might, economic know-how; mineral
deposits, its pivotal trading position; and its technology - Sadly,
any country’s greatest asset is nowhere to be seen on the list; its
people. Without its peoples, Europe would be a forested wilderness
from Donegal to the Urals - All too often we take for granted the
fruits of man’s inspiration, ingenuity and labour yet our lives are
constantly enriched by man’s creativity in turning wilderness into
life-giving nations. "
Jordan Peterson
Saves The World
A quote...."In this post I explain what I gathered from attending
Jordan Peterson’s 2025 ARC conference, and suggest at the end what
we may build in place of its vision of the future for our
civilisation - It is a long and serious treatment of the philosophy
and economics of the ARC movement, whose stated purpose is to answer
the civilisational question we face at the present moment - Arriving
at the Arc Conference was like strolling through a Ballardian
parable: the London Excel centre is a corridor of shuttered neon lit
concessions, desolate like a recently abandoned planet - Arc, say
the signs, bright as a Scientologist promise - What I found at the
end of this yellow-bricked road was a vision of the future in a
vast, light industrial shed. Thanks to the efforts of the
neoliberals, we all feel at home in these functional boxes these
days - I wandered into the hall below, and then made my way into the
adjacent auditorium for the opening speech, which like most
PowerPoint presentations was an outrageous, if highly animated,
theft of my precious time."
Regime Change
is Coming to Europe
A quote...."Leaders of Europe's repressive liberal regimes are
gnashing their teeth in rage over Vance's speech at Munich. They
know their time is coming to a end - Last Friday, speaking in an
unprecedented and severe manner before the Munich Security
Conference, Vice President JD Vance publicly chastised the
leadership of Europe over its repression against opposition
conservative forces and those who embrace traditional values - For
years, most European elites have openly backed President Trump’s
enemies at home who sought to destroy him — trying to jail and even
assassinate him. They failed and now they have to deal with an angry
vindictive Trump. That’s why Vance made it clear to the Europeans
that “a new sheriff is in town” - Vance wanted to send a message –
Since you European elites backed the Democrats in their bid to jail
and destroy Trump, you’ll now pay a heavy price. In essence, “regime
change” is on the agenda. Sweeping political changes are coming to
Europe this year."
Five North
Africans Wanted For Stabbing of Italian Teen in Milan
A qutoe...."Authorities in Milan are searching for five North
African males suspected of stabbing a 16-year-old boy and leaving
him for dead in the Italian city - The Italian teenager was accosted
by the migrant gang around 9 p.m. on Thursday evening outside the
Merlata Bloom shopping center in the western suburbs of the city -
The gang surrounded the teen and the girl he was with before
assaulting him and stabbing him multiple times in an attempt to
steal his wallet, cell phone, and scooter - Emergency responders
arrived quickly, treating the victim for wounds to his head, back,
and hand before transporting him to Niguarda Hospital where he
remains in a serious condition - Authorities from the General
Prevention Office of the Milan Police Headquarters are working to
reconstruct the sequence of events and identify the attackers."
Update: Once Safe and Charming, Sweden is Now More Dangerous Than
A quote...."The globalists have peddled a lot of lies. Off the top
of our heads is the climate change hoax and COVID sham. But one of
the deadliest and life-altering of all their fraudulent initiatives
is the “Diversity Is Our Strength” scam - Turns out, diversity isn’t
just a bad idea—it’s downright deadly. It’s a nuclear bomb to
tradition, stability, and any culture that isn’t based on Islam."
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The Rebel
Campus Boosters Rising Up Against Wokeness on Campus - Hip
Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."In the plummy world of alumni relations, where
distinguished graduates are awarded honorary degrees and major
donors are fêted at the president’s mansion, it is virtually unheard
of for former students to set up shop as a political counterweight
to the university, challenging its modes of governance and
day-to-day operations - Alarmed by academia’s dominant ideological
ethos of social justice activism – particularly the holy trinity of
race, sex, and gender – more than two
dozen dissident groups have emerged seeking to rebalance the
culture at leading public and private universities across the
country, including Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, UCLA,
Williams, the University of North Carolina and the University of
Trump’s Kennedy
Center Cancels Pride Concert That Would Have Featured Gay Men’s
Chorus of Washington
Hip Hip Hooray!! -- A quote...."The Kennedy Center
canceled a concert planned for May 21 that was to feature the Gay
Men’s Chorus of Washington, DC, performing alongside the National
Symphony Orchestra. The two groups were planning to collaborate on a
piece called “A Peacock Among Pigeons,” with GMCW serving as the
orchestra’s guest chorus. No explanation was given."
Department of
Health and Human Services Updates Definitions of Female, Male
That Title Is Utterly Wrong!! The HHS, After Decades of
INSANITY -- FINALLY, Recognizes Unalterable Biological Reality!!
- A quote..."The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on
Feb. 19 issued new guidance updating its official definitions of
terms such as sex, female, and male as part of President Donald
Trump’s efforts to restore “the concept of biological truth” in the
federal government - It is one of the first actions taken by Health
and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. following his
confirmation last week."
"That order stated, in part, that the Trump
administration “will defend women’s rights and protect freedom
of conscience by using clear and accurate language and policies
that recognize women are biologically female, and men are
biologically male.”" - bold by website editor
Legislature Overrides Gov. Laura Kelly’s Veto of Bill Protect Kids
From Gender Mutilation
A quote...."TOPEKA, Kansas (LifeSiteNews) – Kansas Republicans voted
this week to override Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto of a bill
to ban gender “transition” procedures on minors, ensuring the
protection will take effect despite her objections - As LifeSiteNews
previously reported,
the Help Not Harm Act, which prohibits transgender drugs and
surgeries on children, allows for civil lawsuits against medical
professionals who commit the procedures and prohibits state funding
of them as well. Kelly was expected to veto and went on to do so."
Utah Bill Would
Ban Planned Parenthood From Providing Sex ed in Public Schools
A quote...."(Live Action) — Lawmakers in the Utah House Education
Committee advanced a bill
February 13 that would prohibit abortion businesses like Planned
Parenthood from providing sex education in public schools - HB233 would
prohibit “an entity employee, representative, or affiliate that
performs elective abortions” from delivering instruction on “all
health or health-related topics in a school that receives state
Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Fight Back Against Unconstitutional
Compelled Speech Law
A quote...."Pro-life pregnancy centers in Delaware are taking the
state to court over a controversial law that forces them to post
disclaimers about their services. The law, Senate Bill 300, mandates
that these centers declare they are not licensed medical facilities
and lack state-licensed medical providers on-site - Critics argue
the law unfairly targets pro-life organizations while exempting
abortion providers, effectively silencing those who advocate for
life-affirming alternatives. With the law set to take effect in
March, the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA)
and Delaware-based A Door of Hope have filed a federal lawsuit,
claiming the measure violates the First Amendment."
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More International Tales From a
Declining JOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy &
Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the
Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O...
Ron Paul: Audit
the Federal Reserve, Pentagon & USAID
GlenDVideo - (GlenD - 30min3sec - Feb 19th, 2024) -- Source
- Glen Diesen: Glenn Diesen SubStack - GlennDi @ Odysee - GlennDi @ Telegram - GlennDi @ Twitter(X) - GlennDi @ VK - GlennDi @
Russia-GlobAffairs -- A quote....."I had the great pleasure of
speaking with Dr. Ron Paul, a former US Senator and presidential
candidate. Ron Paul has been the leading voice calling for auditing
and ending the Federal Reserve to restore fiscal discipline and end
the forever wars. Elon Musk commented that it would be a great idea
if Ron Paul would take over the Federal Reserve to finally audit it.
As a libertarian, Ron Paul is very supportive of the defunding of
USAID and fake “NGOs”, while he is also in favour of auditing the
Pentagon and the Federal Reserve." - NOTE: This
website editor will not post YouTube links on this website.
However, if it's germane to issues on this website, this website
editor will post links to websites that have YouTube links.
See note posted at the very top of this web page / article stack -
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FYI: This is ALL happening
because the JSA, the EU, and their assorted
judeo-shabbos-goyum-famliar lackeys have, for the last fifty
years (when the JSA came off the gold standard), been spending
(i.e. fabricating fiat-debt-tokens) WAY beyond
the carrying capacity of their collective economies (i.e.
the ability to produce REAL goods and services to support or
even match such profligate fiat-fabrication.)
Most of it, if not ALL of it, on behalf of Collective
Jewry's plans for....
- Total Geo-Political Control: (Tens
of Trillions for their P.N.A.C. Protocols, endless wars, and
support of their geopolitical occupation pustules in both
Palestine & Ukraine)
- Cultural / Sociatal Transformation, Mass Immigration,
& White Erasure Programs: (Tens of
Trillions to impose the jews' weaponized, Cultural
/ Sociatal Transformation, Mass Immigration, & White
Erasure Programs)
- A World-Wide Control Grid: (Tens of
Trillions to establish their FAATMAN
judeo-control grid group of companies - (Facebook
(a.k.a. Meta), Alphabet (Google/YouTube), Amazon,
Tesla (Starlink, Space X, Twitter, Musk a
founder of PayPal), Microsoft, Apple, &
Almost all of which programs destroyed the productive
capacities of the affected, or should one say, afflicted
Full stop -- End of story -- First posted Oct 10th, 2022
- Posted again for your edification - mpg
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More International Tales From a
Declining JOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building /
Strengthening....of the Opposition....
Gaza’s Poets
Never Stopped Writing
A quote...."Poet Basil Abu al-Sheikh leaned forward in his chair,
toward a crowd of about 50 people, to recite his poem. It was late
December and we had gathered in this camp west of Deir al-Balah, in
central Gaza, to listen to the works of those poets present."
Qatari Emir
Arrives in Tehran For Deeper Cooperation Talks
A quote...."Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani has arrived
in Tehran on an official visit for talks with Iranian officials -
Sheikh Tamim is leading a high-ranking delegation and his talks with
top Iranian officials will cover mutual cooperation as well as
regional and international developments, including the situation in
the Gaza Strip."
Iran-China Oil
Flows Surge As Traders Circumvent US Sanctions
A quote...." TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Oil shipments from Iran to China have
significantly increased this month, as traders overcame logistical
challenges stemming from tighter US restrictions, enabling a backlog
of cargoes to reach the world’s largest crude importer - Iranian
crude oil exports to China rebounded in February, reaching an
estimated 1.74 million barrels per day, according to preliminary
data from intelligence firm Kpler Ltd. This marks an 86% increase
from January’s daily rate and the highest level since October."
IRGC Ground
Force Unveils New Indigenous Smart Missiles, Drones During Major
A quote...."Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground
Force has unveiled a series of domestically-developed smart missiles
and combat drones in the course of an ongoing large-scale and
specialized operational readiness exercise in the country’s
southwestern province of Khuzestan."
‘No Legal
Prohibition’ On Sale of Shahed Drone: Iran’s UN Mission
A quote...."Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations has
stressed that there is “no legal prohibition” on the sale of the
country’s Shahed drone to other countries after some US reports
alleged it was used by Russia in its [SMO to prevent ethnic
cleansing in the Borderlands, a.k.a. the] Ukraine [territories]
- “The Shahed drone is among the world’s most advanced unmanned
aerial vehicles, possessing exceptional reconnaissance,
surveillance, and operational capabilities while maintaining an
extremely cost-effective price,” the mission said in a post on X on
Pezeshkian Tours Eurasia Expo 2025 in Tehran
A quote...."The event, which aims to bolster trade and economic
cooperation among Eurasian countries and beyond, features
participation from over 100 Iranian companies and business
delegations from Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and
Iran Targets $10b in Annual Trade With EAEU: Minster
A qutoe...." Iran plans to increase annual trade with the Eurasian
Economic Union (EAEU) to $10 billion, the country's official says -
Iran's Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade, Mohammad Atabak made
the remarks in Tehran on Friday - The total volume of trade between
Iran and the member states of the EAEU stands at $3.6 billion, he
Indian Army to
Receive 20K More AK-203 Rifles by March 2025
a quote...."Last year, the Indo-Russian Rifles Private Limited
(IRRPL), supplied 35,000 AK-203 rifles to the Indian Army from its
plant in Amethi, Uttar Pradesh - The Indo-Russian joint venture firm
is set to supply 20,000 additional AK-203 rifles to the Indian Army
by March 2025, in a major boost to the military's firepower, the
company's CEO and managing director, Major General Sudhir Kumar
Sharma, told Sputnik India on Wednesday."
BRICS Economies to Surpass Half
of Global GDP
A quote...."Russia says BRICS nations will surpass half of global
economic output in 10-15 years, signaling a shift in power that
could challenge Western dominance - The BRICS nations are rapidly
emerging as dominant players in the global economy, with their
collective GDP expected to surpass half of the world’s economic
output within the next 10 to 15 years - This projection was
highlighted by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak, who,
in an interview with Rossiya-24, underscored the growing influence
of the BRICS bloc."
Africa: Economic Potential of
BRICS Partner States – Algeria, Nigeria and Uganda
A quote...."After the historic 16th BRICS summit held in October
2024, three African States Algeria, Nigeria and Uganda, among others
in Europe (Belarus and Turkey), Asia and Latin America, recognizably
became BRICS+ partner states. In total, thirteen countries received
BRICS partner status, according to declaration reports by Russian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs."
Rousseff Offers Uruguay NDB
Financing Opportunities
a quote...."Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, who now
chairs the BRICS' New Development Bank (NDB) said after meeting with
Uruguay's President-elect Yamandú Orsi at the latter's transition
headquarters that the South American country was “best positioned”
to access financing at lower rates for digital, social
infrastructure, and education developments."
Russia, ASEAN
Forge Comprehensive Five-Year Cooperation Plan: Deputy FM
A quote...."JAKARTA (Sputnik) - Russia and the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are working on a comprehensive plan
for the main areas of cooperation for the next five years, Russian
Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko told Sputnik."
Phased Antenna Array. (ROFAR): New Russian High Tech “Keeps NATO
on Its Toes”
A quote...."As the unity of the political West hangs in the balance,
Western Europe is in panic mode, fearing the future of NATO’s
Neo-Nazi project in former Ukraine. To that end, the endemically
(and pathologically) Russophobic United Kingdom is mulling the
possibility of sending its fighter jets to “patrol the skies of
free, democratic and sovereign Ukraine”. Obviously, this idea only
makes the Kremlin lose its breath laughing - This comes years after
even British military experts warned that the VKS is effectively
impossible to defeat. Interestingly, we’re hearing a bit more reason
from the French who are saying their fighter jets wouldn’t last
three days against the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS). It should be
noted that the report focuses on the “Rafale”, the most capable
combat aircraft in the French military which is an entire generation
ahead of the “Mirage” 2000-5 recently delivered to [Lviv]."
Russia Develops Titan Drone
Jamming System Based on Artificial Intelligence
A quote...."MOSCOW, February 21. /TASS/. The first drone jamming
system Titan based on artificial intelligence has been developed in
Russia and will be tested in late February. The system is equipped
with a laser module with an operating range of 3 km, the press
office of the United Russia Party said on Friday - "United Russia
Central Executive Committee Head Alexander Sidyakin presented
Russia’s first drone jamming system Titan based on AI to United
Russia Party Chairman Dmitry Medvedev. As of now, it has already
been upgraded not only with a physical impact complex but also with
a laser module with an operational range of 3 km. This is one of the
patented innovations of the Center of Unmanned Systems and
Technologies. The tests will run in late February, after which the
Russian army will use the system in the area of the special military
operation," the press office said in a statement."
Oreshnik Missile Warheads
Withstand Heat Equal to Sun’s [Surface] Temperature — Putin
A quote...."MOSCOW, February 21. /TASS/. Warheads mounted on
Russia’s Oreshnik intermediate-range hypersonic ballistic missiles
withstand heat equal to the temperature on the Sun’s surface,
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday - "The entire world
talks about the Oreshnik. And what are the materials? The
temperature on these warheads corresponds to the temperature of the
Sun, the temperature on the Sun’s surface," [that's about
10,000F, 5,500C - mpg] Putin said at a plenary session
of the Forum of Future Technologies."
Russia’s Forpost Drone Can Drop
Loitering Munitions
A quote...."ABU DHABI, February 20. /TASS/. The medium-range Forpost
drone displayed for the first time at the IDEX international arms
show can receive the function of dropping loitering munitions,
Spokeswoman of the Ural Civil Aviation Plant Yekaterina Zgirovskaya
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
More on the All Seeing (Know
Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the
Apple Pulls UK
Citizens’ Privacy Protections After the UK is the First Country to
Demand a Backdoor into Your Private Data -- A quote...."Apple
has effectively told the UK government to get lost when it comes to
inserting a worldwide surveillance backdoor into its iCloud
encryption. Instead of playing along with Britain’s ever-expanding
digital police state, the tech giant has chosen to pull its most
secure data protection feature — Advanced Data
Protection (ADP) — for users in the UK. Because nothing says
“we respect your privacy” like stripping away the very feature
designed to protect it -- The whole mess started when the British
government, wielding the notoriously invasive Investigatory
Powers Act (a law that might as well be named the “We Own Your
Data Act”), demanded
that Apple sabotage its own encryption. The UK’s authorities wanted
a golden key to every citizen’s iCloud storage, under the guise of
“public safety.” But here’s the wider issue: the directive wouldn’t
only affect Brits — it would have compromised Apple’s encryption
system worldwide."
Election “Misinformation” Censorship Law Delayed Amid Opposition
A quote...."A 2022 law designed to combat election-related
“misinformation” and “disinformation” in Ireland has been put on
hold following objections from Brussels and major technology firms.
The legislation, which aimed to grant the state new powers to
regulate online content, now requires amendments to align with EU
rules, leaving its future uncertain ahead of upcoming elections."
Rumble and
Truth Social Take on Pro-Censorship Brazilian Judge in Major
A quote...."Video streaming platform Rumble and Trump Media &
Technology Group, the parent company of Truth Social, have filed a
lawsuit against controversial Brazilian Supreme Court Justice
Alexandre de Moraes, accusing him of unconstitutional censorship
that violates US law - The lawsuit, filed in the US District Court
for the Middle District of Florida, claims that Moraes has engaged
in “ultra vires” (beyond his legal authority) actions to silence
political dissent and force American companies to comply with
extraterritorial gag orders."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
The JewSA's Jewish Controlled
Domestic Politics & The Trump-Administration --
Judeo-Nord-Am Colonial Style....
DOGE Is What
Happens When Trust In Government Hits Zero
Must Read - A quote...."Multiple people over the last week or
two have asked me - as a Trump voter in this last election - what I
think about President Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency
(DOGE) having access to all types of critical government systems,
including those at the Treasury and the Social Security
Administration. Most recently, I talked about it last night on a
podcast with George Gammon - The way I, and people on both sides of
the political aisle, feel about DOGE is mostly irrelevant. Like most
Americans, I’m sitting by and watching them gain access to and
burrow through critical government infrastructure under the guise of
looking for waste, fraud, and abuse. Like I do with my thoughts when
I’m meditating, I’m just watching for the time being. I’m observing
without judgment."
"And yes, I do feel a bit conflicted. Part of me knows
that sending teenagers named “Big Balls” deep into these
government databases to try and unearth fraud isn’t a thoughtful
or nuanced way to deal with the situation. But the other part of
me can’t help but throw my hands up in the air and exclaim,
“That’s what we get.” - Remember, the “adults” were supposedly
already in charge over the last four years and, to me, it’s
inconceivable how things could possibly get any worse from our
country’s fiscal management standpoint.
The “adults” ran up the debt at record speed. The “adults” opened
our border and welcomed illegal immigrants, allowing many of the
them to collect government benefits paid for by taxpayers. The
“adults” lied to us and told us Joe Biden was mentally fit for
office. The “adults” pushed censorship in media and on social
media - I’m a big believer in people, places, and things reaping
what they sow, and after all this “adulting”, maybe “Big Balls” is
exactly what we deserve."
Tens of
Millions of DEAD FOLKS Voted For Demented Biden in 2020 as the
Most CORRUPT ELECTION in U.S. History Comes to Light, Finally
-- A quote...."Patrick Bet-David, a businessman turned podcaster,
has emerged as a force in conservative political commentary thanks
to a massive, growing audience on YouTube across two networks, PBD Podcast
and Valuetainment. During a year that independent media took
precedent over traditional (fake news) press as the central
information ecosystem for a presidential election, for the first
time in U.S. history, independent truth news and its influencers,
like Bet-David, played a key role. Patrick Bet-David’s YouTube
shows garner over 8 million subscribers, cranking out viral
interviews and commentary, typically of the pro-Trump variety." - Topix
|| Nov 5th 2020
Pres Election Steal ||
‘Deep State’
Critic Confirmed as FBI Director
A quote...."The US Senate voted 51 to 49 to confirm Kash Patel, a
staunch supporter of President Donald Trump, to serve as the next
FBI director. Republicans Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski joined
with Democrats in opposition to his candidacy."
Federal Judge
Allows Trump Admin to Continue Layoffs of Federal Workers
A quote...."WASHINGTON—A federal judge on Feb. 20 declined to block,
for now, downsizing efforts by President Donald Trump’s
administration, including mass firings and buyout programs -
“Federal district judges are duty-bound to decide legal issues based
on even-handed application of law and precedent—no matter the
identity of the litigants or, regrettably at times, the consequences
of their rulings for average people,” Judge Christopher Cooper wrote
in his ruling."
IRS Fires 6,000
Employees as Trump Administration Targets Government Waste
A quote...."The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has dismissed
approximately 6,000 probationary employees under the direction of
President Trump’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). The
layoffs, which began last week, target workers hired during the
Biden administration’s massive IRS expansion, which aimed to add
87,000 new employees by 2031. While critics argue the cuts could
disrupt tax season, the Trump administration insists the move is
necessary to ensure taxpayer dollars are spent wisely - The IRS
layoffs are part of a broader effort by DOGE, in coordination with
the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of
Personnel Management (OPM), to reduce federal spending and eliminate
inefficiencies. Most of the dismissed employees worked in customer
service, IT, and tax dispute resolution roles, while those deemed
essential to the agency’s core functions remain unaffected."
CIA Plans
Largest Mass Firing in Nearly 50 Years: New York Times
A quote...."This could be one of the largest mass terminations in
the agency's history, reports The New
York Times - This potential purge aligns with the agency's
efforts to adhere to the intent of President Trump's executive
order, which prohibits diversity-focused programs within the federal
Kash Patel
Orders 1,500 FBI Agents and Staff Out of the Building on Day One
A quote...."FBI Director Kash Patel followed up a fiery introductory
speech on Friday (Kash Patel Brings the Fire As He's Sworn in As FBI
Director— 'There WILL Be
Accountability' – RedState) with equally fiery action. He
ordered 1,500 staff and agents to be transferred from its
Washington, DC, headquarters to various locations across the nation.
Some 1,000 agents and staff will be reassigned to cities the Trump
administration has designated higher crime locations where they can
fight crime rather than engage in political shenanigans. Another 500
staff will be reassigned to Huntsville, Alabama, which
is the DC equivalent of exile to Siberia."
Trump to
Dismantle USPS Board and Put Agency Under Umbrella of Executive
A quote...."Trump, who has already made several changes to the
federal bureaucracy via executive order, is expected to issue an
order firing the governing board for the Postal Service and moving
the service under the control of the Commerce Department, according
to a report from
the Washington Post."
US Pull Out Of
IPCC Meeting
A quote...."With the US already pulling out of the Paris Agreement,
we can expect to see a continuing rollback from international
climate diplomacy, along with the money that goes with it."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
Today's Videos & Podcasts....
Again…Will a Holohoax Trigger a REAL GENOCIDE! (FFWN with J.
Michael Springmann)
KevBarVideo -- Alt/KevBar-Rumble
- Alt/KevBar-OldBitchute
- Alt/KevBar-NewBitchute
-- (KevBarVar - 58min03sec - Feb 15th, 2025) - Source Websites
- Kevin Barrett: KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble
- KevBar @
OldBitChute - KevBar @
NewBitChute - KevBar @
Substack - KevBar @
HereseyCentral - KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -
KevBar @ Twitter(X)
National Bugle
Radio with Patrick Slattery 02.17.25
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 -
(NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Feb 17th, 2025) - Source:
Patrick Slattery: RBN - RBN Shows -
RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @
NBR -- Guest's Websites - Jeremy from Kentucky:
RBN - RBN Shows -
RBN Donate - Jeremy from
Kentucky @ RBN - Jeremy from
Kentucky @ GoFundMe -- Special Guest's Websites - Mark
Collett: MC @ Bitchute
- MC @
OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee
- MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s
Book: The Fall of
Western Man - A quote..."Mark Collett joins the show;
Starmer”s phony deportation scheme, also the upcoming Trump-Putin
meeting in Saudi Arabia."
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
"The Art of Making the Deal"
Parish of the
Patriots: Trying to Decide - PP 021825
ParPatAudio - Alt/Aud - Graphic
- (click to view)
- Note: Grandpa Dan's Gospel of Christ begins at the
38min mark - (TDNMp3 - 1hr5min5sec - Feb 18th, 2025) - Source:
Parish of the
Patriots - RadioAlbion
-- Please help Sven in prison!! - Article
Supporting Sven - Sending Sven E-Mail (Not available
08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) - How to Give to Sven -
This is the newest mailing address for Sven Longshanks - Address:
(Not available 08-10-24 due to Sven's relocation) -- Host's
Website - GrandPaDan
-- A quote...."Along with other topics, Grandpa Dan
discusses the ins and outs of decision making. When should you ask
for advice? From whom should you ask for it? When should you give
advice to others? How should you handle things if you make a poor
decision? - In the Christian specific segment this week, a listener
asks for input concerning sabbath days. Looking back we often find
that the questions we struggle with are the same questions that
other believers struggled with all the way back to the founding of
the church. GPD also discusses the importance of not losing sight of
what God wants from us."
Must Read Conceptual
Transcript: (slightly edited for clarity -
Start: 6m38s - End: 11m53s) -- A Question from
GPD "With Trump back in office things appear to be moving in a
positive direction. Do you think this represents a genuine turning
point, or is it just a temporary rebound, and the western world
will continue its slow decline"? -- And that's from Peter, thank
you very much Peter.
What we're seeing, cause' I mean like Mr. T [my other
listener's letter] talking about.... "the Con-Man Trump", and then
Peter talking about, you know... "it looks like some things are
turning around"....[As] I said back before the election, what
we're seeing is Trump.... "making a deal".
What I'm just simply observing is what he GOT out of the
deal. Now it's obvious he promised basically Greater [judeo-enclave].
That the Palestinians are [now] under the bus. He's basically
promised [the judeo-enclave] that they're going to get to
expand, and he's gonna rubber-stamp that! That's an obvious!
And that's not exactly a surprise. Lot's of people... that's
nothing new, a lot of people are pointing that out.
Obviously he was ALLOWED to be elected. We know the
elections are rigged, he was allowed to be elected. And a
big... huge.... part of that, was expansion. You know, the
greater [judeo-enclave] project. This latest talk
he's been doing about.... "oh we're going to own the Gaza strip",
and all of the rest of it....
So, that's what he's offering to THEM. But then you have
people that focus on that, and they don't ask the question,
"What's he getting in return"? You know.... like it's a
one-sided deal! And he's not making a one-sided deal. So I
look at these positive developments as Peter is pointing to, and
I'm just interested in seeing what kind of deal he made. We KNOW
they're expanding [the] greater [judeo-enclave]. But
what are we getting in exchange.?
Because you look at a lot of the stuff he's doing, and if this was
in his first term, there would be.... I mean the media is whining
now... but that's ALL they're doing, is their whining.
[If he was doing this] in his first term, there would be like end
of the world apocalyptic melt-downs, over some of this stuff.he's
doing [now], and yet it's pretty muted. The responses are
pretty muted.
Again... of course there's some liberal media whining about
it. But you notice that there's not this hysterical
over-the-top, reaction, why is that?? Because... THAT'S PART OF
THE DEAL! You see this is what he negotiated on his
side. We're not gonna know, until we just kind of watch it
play out.
When I see these things come out, like some of this... "government
corruption" they're turning up, or the fact he's obviously
planning to wind down the Ukraine stuff, or whatever... these
[are] positive developments. This is stuff he negotiated in,
he's giving away things over here.
Now there may be some other things he's given away that aren't
going to be positive developments. What we're seeing is....
because we didn't get to GO. We weren't invited to the
negotiations. Again when you keep into context that the
elections are rigged, so he was allowed to win, WELL WHY?
Because he agreed to certain conditions. He agreed to
do certain things when he got into office.
See the FIRST time, he didn't understand all that, and basically
got steam-rolled by the system. The second time, this
time.... because they just did a fraud for 2020, booted him
out, and it didn't matter what he did. And then threatened
him with a bunch of legal action, which has miraculously gone
Now this time it's all different isn't it? Because NOW he
understands. It's a negotiation. All of the lead up to the
election was negotiation. We see some of the things he's
given away. And we're seeing some of the things that he got,
in return.
You see, I put these two listener letters [together],
because I think it highlights, kind of different ends of the
spectrum. No, I don't think the nukes are going to
fall. But no, I don't think it's a "turning point" and
things are going to get better. I think we'll see some
improvements, but the American Empire is doomed.
I mean these things are cyclical in their nature and this is a
crumbling and decaying empire. Now what that's [all] going
to look like in the end I have no idea. I'd be lying if I
told you I did, and there's no point in trying to
guess. But no.... America becoming America from, I
don't know, thirty or forty years ago.... no. There's
no going back." -- *Granpa Dan*
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
FYI: This website editor's
take on Grandpa Dan's thoughts. He's spot-on
But this website editor has doubts about Trump "negotiating"
anything but his own survival. Trump obviously
needed something! What he got was supposedly "Loyal",
"Christian" supporters who just happen to put the
judeo-enclave First, and America Second.
After all, he is a "transactionalist"
What he obviously received as loyal supporters of course, were Hagee's
Heretical, Hell-Spawned, Sabbatean-Frankist, Judeo-Rapturized,
Judeo-Death-Cult-Indoctrinated, Jewvangelicalized,
Jewvangelized, Unchristianized, Dechristianized, Armageddonite
It's not much of a deal, but it's one he'd be eager to take.
It was probably strongly suggested to him that he use the jewish
created death-cultists know as Hagee's Hordes as his minions .
But it wasn't his idea.
It appears
the diaspora jews are giving way to the judeo-enclave jews
-- temporarily -- so that their joint headquarters for
world jewry's goyum control can finally, and firmly be
established in Palestine.
After which, after Trump has done his job, domestic politics in
the jews' Nord-Am colony will revert back to implementing the
jews' weaponized, Cultural Marxist, Anti-White,
Mass-Invasion/Migration, CRT, and LGBTQOPedo Global-Homo
SodomPlex, TransPlex, and PedoPlex Frankfurt
School ideologies.
Along with relentlessly imposing the jews' endless extortion
racket, false blood-libel, and foundational Anti-White,
Anti-European, malicious myth known as (the
Holohoax), and their OTHER Anti-White fraudulent
myth that Ethnic Europeans established the Jews' North Atlantic
Slave Trading System, upon what's left of White Ethnic Europeans
across the world.
While also helping the jews destroy what's left of Europe.
That last objective is becoming increasing clearer every day -
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========
In Plain
Sight with Jeremy from Kentucky, February 18, 2025
Must Listen JFK/IPS@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 -
(IPS @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Feb 18th, 2025) - Source In Plain
Sight - Jeremy From Kentucky: RBN - RBN Shows -
RBN Donate - JFK/InPlainSight
@ RBN - Jeremy from Kentucky @ GoFundMe
-- Guest's Websites - Patrick Slattery: RBN - RBN Shows -
RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @
NBR -- A quote...."Patrick and Jeremy Part 1."
Weekly Review - with Johannes Agenbach - Rumble
Must Listen PWRVideo - Great
Discussion of Current South African Politics! -
Alt/PWR-Odysee - Alt/PWR-Rumble
- Alt/PWR-OldBitchute
- Alt/PWR-NewBitchute
- (MC-PWRVar - 2hrs2min2sec - Feb 19th, 2025) -- Source - PA
Media Website: PAMedia.UK
-- Referenced Video: Sam Melia – The
Trial Explained - Phil Melia’s Speech: Free Sam Melia
Demo – To Contribute to Sam's Support Fund:
GiveSendGo -- Host's
& PA Officer's Websites - Mark Collett:
MC @ Bitchute
- MC @
OldBitchute - MC @ Odysee
- MC @ Rumble - MC @ Entropy - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s
Book: The Fall of
Western Man - A quote...."Episode 301 of Patriotic Weekly
Review with special guest Johannes Agenbach."
What I
Learned About Whites by Assisting Black Activists in Africa
Must Listen HRAudio - Outstanding
Retrospective and Historical Deconstruction of Southern
Africa's Dysfunctional History & Politics -
- Alt/Mp3-Aud
- Graphic - (click to view)
- (HRVar - 1hr44min09sec - Feb 13th, 2025) - Source Websites - Jan
Lamprecht: History
Reviewed Com - History
Reviewed Net - African Crisis
- Please Purchase: White-Shop-Biz
- Please Donate: Send Money
- Get a Free PDF Book: "Did Six Million
Jews really die in WW2?" -- A quote...."This is about the
difference between the struggles of the White Right compared to when
you are among White Liberals. It is a completely different world,
and here are things I learned from that time - This is about the
very early years of my activism when wild things were going down in
Zimbabwe and Whites were under attack and thousands of White farmers
were being driven off the land. There was one group of Black
activists that I dealt with and I saw how Whites interacted with
Episode 15 -
Elon's Gold-Digging Baby Mamma | Transhumanism Imminent?
Must Listen BckLshVideo - Good
Discussion Regarding The Planned / Forced / Deliberate
Break-Down of the Traditional Family Structure!!
- Alt/BckLsh-Mp3
- Alt/BckLsh-Rumble
- Alt/VJRE-Rumble
- Alt/VJRE-Odysee - Alt/VJRE-OldBitChute
- Alt/VJRE-NewBitChute
- (BckLshVar - 3hrs1min53sec - Feb 20th, 2025) - Source -
The Backlash: BckLsh WebSite - BckLash/Links Page - BckLash @ Rumble - BckLsh/Donate - BckLsh/Donate/BTC
- BakLsh @
Spotify - BckLsh @ Apple
- BckLsh @ Patreon - BckLsh @ SubscribeStar - BckLsh @ StreamLabs - BackLash @ Twitter(X) - Rebecca
Hargraves: RebC @
Twitter(X) - RebC @ Rumble
- Cameron Macgregor: CamMac @
Twitter(X) - Dave Reilly: DavR @ Twiter(X) - DavR @ Rumble - DavR @ Odysee -- Alt-Source
- Vincent James: Vincent James /
Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ Rumble - VJ/RE @ Odysee - VJ/RE @
OldBitChute - VJ/RE @
NewBitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive
- VJ/RE @ Twitter(X) - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch - A
quote...."In this episode, The Backlash takes a deep dive into
Elon Musk’s procreation strategy, the ethics of IVF, the collapse of
the nuclear family, and the consequences of the modern dating
market. Rebecca and the panel explore whether Musk's many baby mamas
represent a new kind of polygamy, what this means for Western
civilization, and whether Ashley St. Clair is just another social
climber or something more sinister. The discussion expands into
gender ideology, cultural transmission, and the ongoing breakdown of
masculinity and fatherhood.Listen on Spotify:"
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
========= ===
Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster,
Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto / Bayer
Poland's Latest
Proposal On New GMOs/NGTs Ignores Farmers' Rights
A quote...."Yesterday, Poland presented a new "improved" proposal to
the Council of the EU on the deregulation of so-called "new" plant
GMOs obtained by new genomic techniques (NGTs). ECVC (European
Coordination Via Campesina) welcomes the importance given to the
issue of patents, which are the main concern of farmers, but says
the solutions proposed by Poland will not be able to solve it."
Joint Letter to
the EU Commission: Pseudo-Science Must Not be an Option for
A quote...."Today, several civil society organisations (CSOs) –
including GMWatch – and industry associations published a joint letter
to the European Commission, demanding that they withdraw their
proposal for deregulation of plants obtained from new genetic
engineering (new genomic techniques, NGTs). They stress that any new
regulation for NGT plants must be based on science and ensure
safety. In this regard, the proposal made by the Commission suffers
from irreparable flaws, since the criteria for speeding up market
access are not science-based, but arbitrary."
Exposure to
Glyphosate Herbicide Adversely Affects Perinatal Health, Study
A quote...."(Beyond Pesticides, February 20, 2024) Researchers at
the University of
Oregon found that the rollout of genetically engineered corn
in the early 2000s, followed by exponential increases in
glyphosate-based herbicides, “caused previously undocumented and
unequal health costs for rural U.S. communities over the last 20
years.” Their results “suggest the introduction of GM [genetically
modified] seeds and glyphosate significantly reduced average
birthweight and gestational length.”"
USDA Has Spent
$1.25 Billion on Mass Culling for H5N1 Bird Flu—With Disastrous
A quote...."According to a recent USDA document titled, Payment of
Indemnity and Compensation for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.....
"As of November 2024, the costs associated with the ongoing [H5N1]
outbreak have exceeded $1.4 billion, including $1.25 billion in
indemnity and compensation payments. Of this, APHIS has spent
approximately $227 million on indemnity payments to premises that
have been infected multiple times with HPAI -- The strikingly large
sum of indemnity payments not only incentivizes farmers to comply
with state-run mass killing of their animals but also represents a
serious misuse of taxpayer money, as mass culling triggers a cascade
of severe downstream consequences. Here are four key reasons why the
mass culling of poultry for H5N1 bird flu must end immediately...."
How Vitamin
Deficiencies Fuel the Severity of Infectious Diseases, From
measles to Pertussis
A quote...."As infectious diseases continue to proliferate and
vaccine failure and injury becomes more widely recognized, many will
begin to recognize the simple reality: we are living in the
POST-VACCINE ERA - In an era where infectious diseases remain a
global health concern, emerging research reveals a critical yet
often overlooked factor in this fight: nutrient
deficiencies. A growing body of evidence suggests that
inadequate levels of essential vitamins can weaken the immune
system, making individuals more susceptible to severe infections.
From mumps and measles to pneumonia and polio, the connection
between specific vitamin deficiencies and disease outcomes is
becoming impossible to ignore. This article explores the science
behind these links, highlighting how proper nutrition could be a key
to reducing the burden of infectious diseases worldwide."
Secretary Curtails US Government Role as Drug Promoter
A quote...."It has been commonplace for so long that most Americans
cannot remember a time before the United States government was out
running public relations campaigns urging Americans to take this or
that vaccine or other pharmaceutical industry product. Now, an early
action by new US Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F.
Kennedy, Jr. suggests this practice may be coming to an end." - Source:
Peace and
Planting Guide for New Gardeners
A quote...."Companion planting takes advantage of the symbiotic
relationship that some plants have with each other when planted in
close proximity. Symbiotic means the plants help each other in
unique ways - This symbiosis could be the way plants help each
other, protect
each other, or provide other benefits like attracting pollinators or
repelling insects or pests like mice and rabbits. It’s all about
taking the time to think about how plants can be planted
strategically for mutual benefit."
1 Plant Every
Survivalist Should Grow
A quote...."If you could only grow one food as part of your
emergency preps, which one would it be? If you ask me, it should
most assuredly be garlic. This tiny little powerhouse of a crop not
only improves the flavor of long-term storage meals, it also boasts
potent medicinal and household uses - Allicin is the compound
contained in garlic that is primarily responsible or its antifungal,
antibacterial and antiviral prowess. The allicin in garlic is
exceptionally helpful in treating oral problems and yeast
Fastest-Growing Foods for Your Survival Garden
A quote...."Gardening
is a hobby for most. If your garden fails, it’s not the end of the
world; you’ll just run down to the grocery store and buy what you
need. But when your garden is the very thing that sustains you and your family,
you want to make sure you have it down -- Garden space can be a
premium, along with
water and the ability to keep your garden from being
annihilated by hungry animals. That means you want to do your best
to maximize space with plants that are easy and fast to grow.
Another thing to consider is just how much nutrition each plant
provides. You need every calorie you can get -- You also need to
consider which plants will give you the biggest bang for your buck.
You want plants that will produce more than a single fruit or
veggie. Think big. Think bushy. You’ll also want plants that will
keep reproducing through the season. This saves you the trouble of
waiting for a seed to sprout and the plant to produce."
Highest-Calorie Crops for Your Survival Garden
A quote...."Right now, most of us live in a world where the fewer
calories a food has,
the better. Should the day ever come when food is in
short supply, though, that trend will reverse - When preparing to
grow a survival garden,
the number of calories a crop offers is an important consideration.
Although veggies like tomatoes and cucumbers are nutritious and easy
to grow, they won't keep you very full during a long-term disaster -
That's why when planning your survival
garden, you also want to include lots of high-calorie crops.
To help you with this, I made a list of 11 of the highest calorie
crops I could think of. Plant these foods, and you can help ensure
that you and your family
stay full when food is in
short supply."
15 Fastest-Growing Fruit Trees
A quote...."Fruit trees are great, but everyone knows they take
forever to produce. It’s true that you won’t get a fruit harvest the
first year you plant a tree, but if you pick one of the
fastest-growing fruit trees for your backyard, you might get to eat
fruit sooner - Aside from planting the right trees, another way to
get fruit earlier is by planting a grafted tree that you purchase
from a nursery rather than starting trees from seeds. If you start a
fruit tree from a seed, it takes much longer to receive a harvest,
and some people argue that growing from seed will produce fruit that
doesn’t taste like the original version - Instead of waiting a
decade to harvest fruit from your trees, try planting one or more of
these fastest-growing fruit trees."
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More On The Judeo-Banksters Global
Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax / Carbon Currency / Scam....
Subsidies Set To Top £12 Billion In 2024
A quote...."Since the scheme started in 2016, the total cost has
amounted to £9.7 billion - Of last year’s £2.4 billion, wind power
made up £2.0 billion, with biomass accounting for most of the rest -
With strike prices for new offshore wind agreed in last year’s AR6
CfD round currently standing at around £84/MWh, it is worth noting
the market price used for calculating subsidies averaged £66/MWh
last year - Meanwhile ROC subsidies continue to climb, with Y/E
March 2024 reaching a new high of £6883 million...."
Discover Renewable Subsidies Make Bills Higher!
A quote...."They’re only nine years too late, but the Telegraph has
just discovered that renewable energy has made electricity bills
higher! - Their latest article has “discovered” a document from 2016
from what was then the Dept of Business and Trade, which
admitted.... “A number of policies have been developed to
increase the share of electricity generated from renewable sources
including the renewables obligation, feed-in tariffs and Contracts
for Difference. The costs of funding these schemes are recovered
through levies on suppliers and ultimately passed on to domestic and
industrial consumers’ bills."
£62 Million
From Taxpayers For Wooden Bottles
A quote...."Britain’s National Wealth
Fund, which is fully owned by the Treasury, on Wednesday
announced a £43.5m investment into Cambridgeshire-based start-up
Pulpex, which makes recyclable water bottles out of wood pulp - The
investment will help finance Pulpex’s plan to build its first ever
manufacturing plant, near Glasgow, which is expected to produce 50m
wooden bottles each year and create 35 jobs in Scotland."
More BBC Wind
A quote...."Once again the BBC are using scary black graphics for
wind speeds, surreptitiously interchanging wind gusts for mean wind
speeds as they peak:
Massive Green Battery Plant Catches On Fire Again Weeks After
Major Toxic Blaze
A quote...."A massive California battery facility that caught fire
and spewed toxic smoke in January caught on fire again Tuesday
night, according to multiple reports -Smoke was reported at the
Vistra Battery Facility in Monterey County around 6:30 p.m. local
time on Tuesday night, prompting local officials to urge residents
to close doors and windows out of an abundance of caution for
possible air quality issues, according to
The San Francisco Chronicle. The same facility was the site of
a massive blaze in
January that kicked a large plume of black smoke over the
surrounding area. Residents reported health problems in the
immediate aftermath of the January fire."
Politico, Climate Change Does Not Threaten the EU’s Survival, But
Climate Policy Does
A quote...."Politico reports on a “landmark” political report from
the German federal intelligence service (BND) that attempts to
assess “the dangers climate change poses to German and European
security over the next 15 years.” The report concludes that “climate
change’s destabilizing effects will drive up migration and food
prices, threatening economic and political upheaval,” and “the
unequal impact of rising temperatures in the EU — with southern
countries hit worse than others — risks tearing the bloc apart.” -
Politico goes on to claim that as global average temperature rises,
“so do the frequency, severity and intensity of flood-triggering
extreme rainfall, deadly heat waves, harvest-destroying droughts and
the conditions that allow wildfires to spread easily.” - These
claims are false, as available data proves."
Throws a Curveball: Second Biggest Month-to-Month Temperature Drop
Since 2009
A quote...."As many readers know, we follow the U.S. Climate
Reference Network (USCRN) closely here, keeping it updated monthly
on the right sidebar along with the UAH global satellite record. I
choose these metrics because I and others have shown the rest of the
surface temperature record to be nothing more than a collection of
warm-biased and unreliable statistically maladjusted garbage data.
Be as upset as you wish, but that’s the facts, jack."
Thursday February 20th, 2025
No posts - mpg
Wednesday February 19th, 2025
Extra!! Extra!!
Read All About IT!!
Another "Jewish
9/11" & Holohoax - In EVERY Sense of the Term....
First the jews got away with The
Holohoax Psyop and Extortion Racket, then they
got away with the 9/11 False Flag, now they've COMBINED
the two methods into the.....
“Al-Aqsa Flood” Operation Rita Katz
Styled Hoax & False Flag.
Violent ACTUAL murder, with brilliant Edward Bernays
Propaganda Techniques!!
Another Outstanding Oscar Winning Production Brought to you by
the Jews!!
- Will Donald Trump continue to abase himself to his jewish
- Will the World continue to believe the jewish lies and let
themselves be fooled for the THIRD TIME?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of the very people who have
attacked him using their all powerful Juden-Pressen, and the
entire JEWdicial system?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of the very people who
MURDERED JFK & RFK to get the bomb & also attacked the
USS Liberty?
- Will Trump continue to grovel to the jews, and help murder
Palestinians and Iranians on behalf of those who carried out 9/11??
- Will the people in what's left of Amerika continue to grovel
to the jews, while gratefully accepting their Cultural /
Societal Transformation, Mass Immigration, & White Erasure
Programs: The jews' weaponized, Cultural Marxist,
Anti-White, Mass-Invasion/Migration, CRT, and LGBTQOPedo
Global-Homo SodomPlex, TransPlex, and PedoPlex Frankfurt
School ideologies, along with the jews' endless
extortion racket, false blood-libel, and foundational
Anti-White myth known as (the
Holohoax), and their other Anti-White myth that Ethnic
Europeans established the Jews' North Atlantic Slave Trading
- Will the White Ethnic European peoples in Amerika, EVER
get off their collective knees and fight back??
Gathered together, and
posted below, are two days worth of articles and videos from
....to elucidate these
issues, answer these questions, and bring you the TRUTH about
what the jews have done to ALL of us!!
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Struggles Under [The Jews'] Refusal to Abide by Agreement –
Ceasefire Day 29
In The Jewish Land Of Unlimited "Factual and Moral Relativity" -
The Truthful Goyum Man Is Dead - Photo - (click
to view) - A quote...." At least 132 Palestinians have been
killed by [jewish] forces since the ceasefire in Gaza,
including 26 who succumbed to earlier wounds. More than 900 people
were injured, according to Palestinian security sources - A
Palestinian woman in Gaza died of her wounds Tuesday morning, having
received serious injuries during the [jew's ethnic cleansing
extermination campaign]."
[The Jews]
Wants Next [Judeo-Nord-Am Colony's] Aid Package to Span 25 Years
Future War Crimes, and Endless Parasitism, For As Far As The Eye
Can See - A quote...."The [jews' Judeo-Enclave] Lobby
wants the next multibillion dollar [JewSA] aid package for
the Jewish [enclave] to "span 25 years, rather than 10" in
order to "insulate the relationship against future [JewSA]
political vagaries and uncertainties." - Extrapolating out the
current commonly cited (yet dramatically understated) funding level
the [JewSA] provides [the jews occupying Palestine with]
$3.8 billion a year [publicly, many billions more under the
table every year in forgiven grants, loans, war suplus for pennies
on the dollar, etc, etc....], that means [the jews]
want the next aid package to be almost $100 billion."
than 7% of Clean Water Levels Available in Gaza, Oxfam Warns
War Crime Long Planned - Epidemics - A quote...."
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – [The jews' deliberate, and malicious]
destruction of critical water and sanitation infrastructure in Gaza
has created a “dangerously critical” situation, with less than seven
percent of pre-war water levels available in the worst-affected
areas, Oxfam reported on Monday - Oxfam revealed that [jewish]
forces have destroyed 1,675 kilometers of water and sanitation
networks in Gaza, severely limiting access to clean water and
increasing the spread of waterborne diseases."
FYI: The jewish occupiers deliberately
targeted water systems from day one!! Wells, pipes,
cisterns, springs, pumping stations, aqueducts, sewage lines,
were all targeted by the jews. While at the same exact
time the jews were targeting every single medical Facility
within Gaza for destruction.
When diseases "break-out", jews and those who help them will
loudly proclaim..... "Of course the Palestinians are diseased,
they're so dirty and unclean" - Jews actually think they're
being clever when they do stuff like this - mpg
Oxfam: [Jewish] Occupation
Has Destroyed 1,650 Kilometers of Water and Sewage Networks in
War Crime Most Despicably Obvious - (As you see.....
mpg) -- A quote...."GAZA, Feb. 19 (YPA) – The British
organization Oxfam said that [the jews' have]
destroyed more than 80% of the water and sewage networks in the
Gaza Strip, leading to catastrophic health conditions -
Klemens Laguarda, the humanitarian coordinator for Oxfam in the Gaza
Strip, said in a statement on Tuesday, “Now that the bombs have
stopped, we are just beginning to realize the magnitude of the
enormous destruction.”" - bld by website editor
Occupation Forces] Kills One, Injures Two in Southern Lebanon:
War Crime Lebanon - Truce Casualties - (Just Like War
Casualties.... only in lesser numbers - mpg) -- A quote...."An
[jewish] airstrike has killed one person and injured two
others in Lebanon’s southern towns of Ayta ash-Shab and Wazzani -
Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) reported on Wednesday that a [jewish]
drone targeted a vehicle in Aita al-Shaab and killed one - This is
the first fatality in the region since the regime withdrew most of
its forces from southern Lebanon on Tuesday."
Extermination Occupation] Forces Attack Lebanese Army Site As
Ceasefire Violations Continue
"Ceasefires Are Only For The Little Goyum People" -- *A
jewish spokes-thug* -- A quote..." TEHRAN (Tasnim) – [Jewish]
forces opened fire on a Lebanese army position in southern Lebanon
on February 19, a day after most [jewish forces] withdrew
from the country while maintaining a presence in five border
locations - “[Judeo-enclave] enemy force consisting of two
Merkava tanks opened fire on the Lebanese army center in the Birket
al-Naqqar area south of the town of Shebaa, without causing any
injuries,” reported Al Manar."
Reality” Leaves Gaza’s Students Fearful For Their Futures
War Crime Dis-Education..... Jewish Style - (Jews call
this "Scholastic Competition". They're so educated don't you
think? - mpg) - A quote...."Salma al-Hindi, 21, is facing an
uncertain future - A mathematics undergraduate, Salma saw her
university, Al-Azhar, destroyed
in November 2023, when [jewish occupation forces]
bombed the campus - Since then, and displaced with her family from
their home in the al-Nasr neighborhood of Gaza City to a tent inside
the grounds of Al-Nasr Pediatric Hospital, al-Hindi has struggled."
Widows Struggle To Care For Their Children Amid Devastation
War Crime Aftermath Most Devastating - A quote...."Kawthar
Shomar, 35, wakes up every morning to stand in a long line west of
the city of Deir al-Balah to get food for her children - As soon as
she finishes feeding them, she prepares to go to a stall in the city
market. There she will spend the day sewing worn-out shoes to earn
money to provide her family with basic needs, including for blankets
to protect against a winter that has already claimed several lives."
My Home, Losing Part of Myself
War Crime Aftermath Most Personal - A quote...."Our home in
Gaza was spacious and beautiful, with three bedrooms, two living
rooms and a kitchen that always smelled like my mom’s cooking. More
than a house, it was a collection of memories, where every corner
told a story - My room was painted in soft pink, filled with warmth
and comfort. It wasn’t just my sanctuary alone – it was shared with
my sisters, Reem and Iman - Our room had three beds, each one
marking the space we grew up in, a place where we laughed, fought,
studied and dreamed. The pink walls and the moonlight that streamed
through the window were my constant companions. From my bed, I could
always see the moon – my favorite sight of the day."
Jenin: 28 Days of
Continuous [Jewish] Siege
Occupation Crime West Bank - A quote...."On Monday, the [jews'
occupation forces will have] besieged and attacked the
northern West Bank city of Jenin, the Jenin refugee camp, and
surrounding towns and villages for 28 consecutive days.
[Judeo-Supremacist] Forces
Kill Three Palestinians Near Tubas
Occupation Crime West Bank - A quote...."WEST BANK, Feb. 20
(YPA) – [Jewish] occupation forces killed, on Wednesday
evening, three Palestinians in al-Far’a refugee camp, south of the
occupied West Bank city of Tubas, the Palestinian News Agency Wafa
reported, citing security sources - According to the sources, the
occupation forces besieged and targeted a house in the refugee camp,
firing missiles and gunfire toward it and killing three
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FYI: To the other 206 countries in the
world, and ALL of their peoples, if any of this makes you
angry, please BOYCOTT
the JewSA, the JewK, and the jewish occupation enclaves! That's
BOTH of them! The one in Palestine, and the one recently
established in the Ukrainian Territories. Please BOYCOTT all jewish institutions
and businesses world-wide!!
BOTH these exterminationist projects were
conceived, planned, managed, and carried out by the JEWS,
with the full backing of their JewSA and JewK colonies.
All four entities, the Judeo-Quad
Squad, (The JewSA, JewK, Judeo-Enclave, and
Judeo-Lviv Regime) must be boycotted.
1) Do not buy anything from, invest
in, or do business with anyone, from the JewSA, JewK, or the
judeo-occupied Ukrainian or Palestinian territories.
2) If you must sell to anyone from these four
judeo-golemized occupied territories, add 10%, 20%, 30%, or
whatever the market will bare, and call it the Palestinian /
DPR-LPR Tax. Donate the proceeds to the Palestinians and
those Russian / Ukrainians resisting jewish tyranny, to
let them know you care.
3) Also, if you can, please give as much you can to the
Peoples of Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq. To
whomever, or whatever groups you believe would be the most
effective, at alleviating the misery caused by the JewSA,
JewK, and the jews occupying Palestine.
4) Finally purchase as much as you can,
from countries that are actually fighting for the
"Multi-Polar" world order. That would be Russia,
China, Iran, North Korea, and the Peoples of
the front-line states. Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, and
Iraq. Also keep in mind new resistance states,
such as Hungary and Slovakia -- Secondary suppliers
should be those who support the Multi-Polar order. The
C.I.S states, the BRICS, and other non-aligned
countries. This would also include occupied
Germany and Japan on a limited contingent, compassionate
basis. (We must pity them, and never forget, what the
JewSA & JewK did to them.) - At least till they get
their collective heads straight and install new
governments - mpg
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Shoots [Judeo-Supremacists] - Both Blame Arabs
Well..... In That Case, They Should Continue Their Good Works!!
- A quote...."The weird [jewish out-group hating] mindset
behind this terrorist attack is fascinating.... A man who was
reportedly hunting Palestinians was arrested over the weekend for
shooting two [jews] on Miami Beach in Florida after
mistaking them for Palestinians, ... The man, identified as
Mordechai Brafman, was detained on Saturday night and faces two
counts of attempted second-degree murder, according to reports ...
According to Brafman’s arrest report, he told police in an
interview, "While I was driving my truck, I saw two Palestinians and
shot and killed both." - Neither of the victims
were killed, and the police said they were visitors from [the
jewish occupation enclave in Palestine]."
Halts Funding for Palestinian Authority (P.A.) Security Forces
A Betrayer of Their Own People, Betrayed by the Great Betrayer
- A quote..."[JewSA} and Palestinian officials say the
administration of [the jews' Nord-Am colony's] Donald Trump has
entirely cut off funding for the security forces of the Palestinian
Authority - The Washington Post quoting sources reported on
Wednesday that the halt was part of a broader freeze on foreign
- "Hasta la vista Baby, thanks for all the dead Palestinians" --
*The JewSA*
- "Being an enemy of the [JewSA] can be dangerous, but
being a friend is fatal” -- *Henry Kissinger*
Judeo-Enclave] Must End Occupation of South Lebanon: President
Aoun Tells US Envoy
A quote...."Lebanon’s President Joseph Aoun urges the [jews'
Nord-Am colony] to press [their jewish trans-national
crime-syndicate's geopolitical exterminationist pustule] to
end its occupation of the country and completely withdraw its forces
from southern Lebanon - Aoun told [the JewSA's] national
security adviser Mike Waltz on Wednesday that it is necessary to end
the occupation in Lebanon’s territory as agreed under a
ceasefire deal involving Hezbollah."
170,000 [Jewish Occupation
Force Mbrs] Register for Mental Health Program
Of Course!! They All Should!! - (And it has nothing
to do with current conflicts, but to do with who.... or WHAT, they
are!! Murderous, cowardly, spiteful, vindictive,
neurotically psychotic, cretinous, demented, depraved, little
goblins!! - mpg) -- A quote..."OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Feb. 20
(YPA) – Tens of thousands of reserve soldiers in the Zionist enemy
army are increasingly seeking psychological treatment after
completing long months of military service, [judeo-enclave]
Enemy media revealed on Wednesday."
[Jewish Occupation Force Members] Flee Amsterdam Over Fears of
Arrest for Gaza [Ethnic-Cleansing] War
Incarcerate Them All - (And make them afraid.... VERY
afriad - mpg) -- A quote...."Two [jewish force mbrs],
who participated in the Tel Aviv regime’s bloody onslaught on Gaza,
have had no option but to flee the Netherlands and return to the
occupied territories after pro-Palestinian groups tracked them down
on social media."
Al-Qassam Brigades Issue
New Statement Regarding Prisoner Exchange Deal
A quote...."GAZA, Feb. 19 (YPA) -The spokesperson for the Martyr Izz
al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Obeida, confirmed this evening, that
the resistance will handover the bodies of the ‘Bibas’ family and
the body of another prisoner on Thursday as part of the prisoner
exchange deal."
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More Tales From The
Trans-Nationalist, Judeo-(Wahhabist)** Judeo-Anglo Empire,
& Its "Friends" -- Directly Cooperating With, and
Helping Judeo-(Wahhabist)** Terrorists World Wide....
**Currently in Reconsideration Pending The
Saudi-Iran Accord - 03-10-2023 - It may take up to a year to see
if Saudi Arabia and the GCC states will stop supporting Wahhabist
Terrorism - We Shall See....
FYI: Reconsideration Complete - 03-10-2024 - Saudi
Arabia and the GCC states have NOT demonstrated
that they are halting their support for the Jews PNAC Plans
for the Middle East, nor the jews' plans to destroy the
Palestinians, nor their indifference to the jews' plans to destroy
the White Ethnic European Homelands / Nation States in
Europe. The Saudis and GCC states have partially scaled back
their support for ISIS Wahhabism, but they continue to support the
jews' in occupied Palestine in all their endeavors.
Including their PNAC
Protocols, along with the complete destruction of the
Palestinian people, and the destruction of the Houthis in
Yemen. If the "Families" heading these Arab "states"
renounce the IMEC project,
and proceed with more decisive actions to oppose the jewish
criminal ethnic cleansing occupation in Palestine, and halt all
their offensive actions against the Houthis in Yemen - This
conclusion will be reconsidered.... again. - mpg
FYI: December 6th, 2024 - It should be
noted that in regards to the current Syrian crisis, it appears
that the Saudis and GCC States have played a very limited
role. It appears it was Erdogan and Turkey, with
assists from the Jewish occupation in Palestine, and of course
their Judoe-Nord AM & Judeo-Nord-Atlantic colonies, (the
"usual suspects"), that have planned and carried out the current
crisis in Syria - mpg,
FYI: December 11th, 2024 -
It appears the Saudi's and GCC State's role in the Syrian
Government's collapse may have been MUCH more then advertised -
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Holiday In Syria Is Meant To Satisfy [Judeo-Supremacism]
Must Read - A quote...."Posted 19.02.2025 - Recently,
for the first time in 13 years, a plane carrying the Emir of Qatar
landed in Damascus to meet with the new dictator of Syria. Sheikh
al-Thani did not hide his joy, calling the former leader of Syrian
al-Qaeda “brother” - There is nothing new in the history of Qatar’s
support for Jabhat Nusra, since Doha has been overseeing the
jihadists since 2012 - At the beginning of the Syrian conflict,
Qatar and Saudi Arabia raced each other for complete control over
the “Syrian opposition”, but after a while the Saudis retreated and
Doha almost completely took control of the already “renewed” Jabhat
"Now the smallest emirate is drawing up its ambitious
plans, where HTS(Tahrir al-Sham) should become a conductor of
their interests. The story with the gas
pipeline, although it has grounds to be “revived”, still
faces problems.
Actually, that is why the leader of HTS declared a dictatorship
for four years, so that during this period all interested parties
could jointly solve the problem with gas for Europe. This moment
explains why all Arab regimes, which for 13 years helped various
insurgents in the fight against the Baath regime, are now
constantly calling for the stabilization of Syria, primarily for
economic reasons."
Forces Are Close To Understanding With New Syrian [Regime] –
A quote...."Posted 19.02.2025 - Kurdish forces controlling
much of northern and eastern Syria with support from the United
States have agreed to join the new Syrian military and to allow the
transitional government to operate in their territories, Al-Arabiya
reported on February 18 - The Saudi-owned news channel said that the
decision was taken during a meeting between the Syrian Democratic
Forces (SDF), its political wing, the Syrian Democratic Council, and
its administrative body, officially known as the Democratic
Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria."
Is Close To Deal On Military Presence In Syria – Report
A quote...."Posted 18.02.2025 - Russia is reportedly nearing
a deal with Syria to maintain a reduced military presence in the
country after the fall of former President Bashar al-Assad’s regime,
Bloomberg reported on February 17, citing sources familiar with the
matter - The agreement would allow Russia to retain some personnel
and equipment in the country, the unnamed sources said without
elaborating - One source indicated that Russia aims to preserve its
existing bases on the Syrian coast, the naval base in Tartus port
and the air base in Khmeimim airport."
Shia Cleric Arrested, Son Attacked in Syria: Reports
A quote...."Posted Wednesday, 19 February 2025 11:19 PM - A
senior Syrian Shia cleric has been arrested and his son subjected to
assault and battery in the Arab country’s southwest as violence
retains its hold on the nation following last year’s foreign-backed
ouster of Syria’s democratically-elected government."
Pro-[Saudi, GCC Crime
Family] Coalition Extremist Elements Set Fire to 600-Year-Old
Mosque in [Yemen's] Taiz
A quote...."Posted Feb 19, 2025 10:48 PM - TAIZ, Feb.
20 (YPA) -Extremist elements affiliated with Islah party loyal to
Saudi-led coalition, set fire to the historic Al-Arif Billah Ahmad
bin Abdullah Al-Hadhrami 600-year-old mosque in the village of
Al-Armah, Jabal Habashi district, Taiz governorate - Local sources
said the extremist elements torched the Mosque after citizens
gathered to celebrate the night on the half of Sha’ban in the mosque
- The incident has drawn outrage and condemnation across Yemen."
Dismantles Multiple [JewSA], [Judeo-Enclave] Spying Networks in
Northern Iran
A quote...."Posted Wednesday, 19 February 2025 10:05 AM -
Intelligence forces with Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps
(IRGC) have dismantled multiple espionage networks linked to the
United States and [the jews'] in the country’s northern
province of Mazandaran." - See related article....."IRGC dismantles [JewSA],
[judeo-enclave] spying networks in northern Iran"
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A little back-logged at the moment.
Unable to Complete Today's Article List. The remainder of
Wednesday's article list will be combined and posted with
Friday's February 21st 2025 article list - mpg
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