Saturday March 30th 2013

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Friday March 29th 2013

The Whole Damn Camel: Rethinking Dissent

Must Read - A quote....."America’s hard-right turn (or reversion) to militarism abroad and Hobbesianism at home is not solely the result of the Left’s egregious failures; far from it. It’s a brew made up of many poisons. And yes, failure can be honorable at times. But there is nothing honorable about what happened to “progressives” in Campaign 2012.  After years of consciousness-raising – unmasking atrocities, tracking corruption, decoding propaganda, speaking truth to power, etc. – where did the Prof-Left end up in November? Supporting a lawless, cynical, corporate-coddling warmonger who has taken the tropes of imperial sway to their logical conclusion, their final solution: the arbitrary, unchecked power of life and death, not only over the grubby barbaroi but even over his own subjects. As the scripture saith, our professional progs strained at a gnat – but swallowed the whole damn camel."

US news media has devolved to ‘carnival act’
Must Read Interview - A quote...."The celebrity trolls who currently reign on commercial television, who bill themselves as liberal or conservative, read from the same corporate script. They spin the same court gossip. They ignore what the corporate state wants ignored. They champion what the corporate state wants championed. They do not challenge or acknowledge the structures of corporate power.” -- *Chris Hedges* - Source:  RT
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Syrian Conflict: The Price of Defying the West
Must Read - A quote...."March 28, 2013 (LD) - Haaretz has recently published an exceptionally revealing article, confirming that the Brooking Institution's "Which Path to Persia?" report - a plan for the undermining and destruction of Iran - had indeed been set in motion, and that the current Syrian conflict is a direct result of Syria and Iran defying the West and disrupting what was to be a coup de grâce delivered to Tehran. -- The article is titled, "Assad’s Israeli friend," appears at first to be a ham-handed attempt to portray Syrian President Bashar Al Assad as somehow allied with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Instead, it actually reveals that Israel had attempted to execute verbatim, the strategies prescribed in the Brookings Institution's "Which Path to Persia?" report, where Israel was to lure Syria away from Iran ahead of a US-Israeli strike and subsequent war with Tehran. -- Syria obviously did not fall into the trap, and as a result, has been plunged into a destructive, spiteful war of proxy aggression by the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and their regional allies." - also posted at ActivistPost & PressTV & PoorRichardsBlog

US Training Rebels in Jordan: Get the Story Straight
Must Read - A quote...."US media are now reporting what everyone else has known for some time: American special forces are helping train Syrian rebels on Jordanian territory, despite the fact that radical jihadists have infiltrated the Syrian rebels and could turn on Jordan’s monarchy the minute the dust settles in Syria. -- This special forces cooperation has been going on for almost a year, even according to US military sources who are suddenly keen to make this public via the Associated Press. "

WARNING: "Final" Psy-Op Vs. Syria Begins
Psy-Op Warning - A quote...."March 29, 2013 (LD)  - Out of time, out of legitimacy, and out of options, the West is attempting once again to prop up its faltering terrorist proxies with another psychological operation aimed at breaking the will of the Syrian people, despite the West's multiplying tactical and political shortcomings. It began with a suspicious CBS News/AP report titled, "AP: "Master plan" underway to help Syria rebels take Damascus with U.S.-approved airlifts of heavy weapons," which claims to divulge a "covert" plan by the West to flood Syria's northern and southern borders with increased weapons and fighters for a "final" push to take the capital. The article would claim...."

The Arab League's Historic Mistake
Must Read - A quote...."March 29, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"Pravda" - So, the Arab League openly takes a page out of NATO's book and proposes to break international law by taking sides in an internal conflict in a sovereign state, Syria. The Arab League leaders probably do not notice it in their haste to lick the boots of the western masters who have always kicked their people, but we do. -- The Arab League is supposed to protect the interests of the Arab people, and how telling that it has turned against Syria, one of its founding member states in 1945. Starting out as an organization which desired to "draw closer the relations between member States and co-ordinate collaboration between them, to safeguard their independence and sovereignty, and to consider in a general way the affairs and interests of the Arab countries" the Arab League today is NATO's Gulf Cooperation Council." - Source:  Pravda

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The 12th Anniversary of American Cowardice
Must Read - A quote...." our post-9/11 world, there are so many other anniversaries from hell whose silver linings don’t get noticed.  Take this April.  It will be the ninth anniversary of the widespread release of the now infamous photos of torture, abuse, and humiliation from Abu Ghraib.  In case you’ve forgotten, that was Saddam Hussein’s old prison where the U.S. military taught the fallen Iraqi dictator a trick or two about the destruction of human beings.  Shouldn’t there be an anniversary of some note there?  I mean, how many cultures have turned dog collars (and the dogs that go with them), thumbs-up signs over dead bodies, and a mockery of the crucified Christ into screensavers?"

Man and Humanity in Search of Peace and New Future
A quote...."March 28, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  “The hell of human suffering, evil and oppression is paved with good intentions. The men who have most injured and oppressed humanity, who have most deeply sinned against it, were according to their standards and their conscience good men; what was bad in them, what wrought moral evil and cruelty, treason to truth and progress, was not at all in their intentions, in their purpose, in their personal character, but in their opinions.” - (Robert Briffault. The Making of Humanity, London, 1918)"
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Was the Real Purpose of the Iraq War to Restrict Oil … So As to Raise Oil Prices?
Must Read Concept Alert - A quote...."U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, 4 Star General John Abizaid, Fed boss Alan Greenspan, President George W. Bush, Senator John McCain, Sarah Palin, Bush speechwriter David Frum, key war architect John Bolton,  and a high-level National Security Council officer all say that the Iraq war was about oil. -- Documents from Britain show the same thing. -- But BBC and Guardian investigative reporter Greg Palast – a New York Times bestselling author - argues today that source documents he obtained through cloak-and-dagger methods prove that the war was actually focused on keeping Saddam’s oil off of the market … so as to keep oil prices high...." -- For more on this concept see quotes and articles/essays shown below.....
"As part of Kissinger’s plot to profit from the opportunity [the 1973 oil shook], the U.S. Treasury had established a secret accord with the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, SAMA, according to which a substantial portion of the outflow of Saudi petrodollars resulting from the crisis were to be invested in financing U.S. government deficits. SAMA investments went into the banks of London and New York. As Engdahl summarises, “... while Kissinger’s 1973 oil shock had a devastating impact on world industrial growth, it had an enormous benefit for certain established interests – the major New York and London banks, and the Seven Sisters oil multinationals of the United States and Britain.”120"  -- *Petrodollars*
"2)  They make enormous profits from the debts caused by these wars they create, the coercive relationships they establish over the colonies they conquer -- the "currency spheres" wherein they force their new colonies to use their script -- and their relationships with their domestic  Military Industry Complex  -  3)  The ONLY thing sustaining the Federal Reserves Notes ever since the US-NRE went off the gold standard in 1973 is the US-NRE's military and the fact that Oil from the Gulf Monarchies can ONLY be bought using these notes. Also known as the "Petro-Dollar"" -- *Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - (And WHO actually OWNS it) - 03-21-13 - mpg*

"This Trinity of Evil [The US-NRE, Israel & the Saudi Royals] probably began to see how a mutually beneficial Faustian bargain could be struck as early as the 1970s.  After the US-NRE went off the gold standard and it's currency was about to become worthless, after Israel proved its military powers during the 1973 war, the Saudi Royals realized they would have to make some sort of accommodation.  And so they agreed to recycle their petro-dollars through the US-NRE's and Britain's banks probably for a guarantee that they would not be attacked by Israel. -- bold by the website editor -- *One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg*

"Now why you looking at me like that for?  This is just a hypothetical ....that means if God forbid something awful should happen discussion.... got it? -- That's right little Princy, you think about it.  Now don't you’all go and get huffy on us..... Why’d you think we'ez been supporting our fellow Christian Rightists and you'all been supporting them there Wahhabists these last twenty years......just for the fun of it? -- So you looky here, we'ez going to make this real simple.  If somehow an unfortunate event should happen, if by some horrible circumstance we in the U.S. should be attacked, I regret to inform you by sheer coincidence we'all would make gobs and gobs'ol money.  Your oil prices will go smack dab through the roof and stay there for years, your investments and our investments in the good'ol U.S. defense and oil business will hop higher then a bird shot rabbit, heck and tarnation as a bonus we'll even pull our troops out of your country and put them in Iraq.  Hell what more could you ask for!?....It'll even make Osama happy!" - bold by website editor - *The CONversation - 09-04-06 - mpg*
Iraqi oil: Once seen as U.S. boon, now it’s mostly China’s
Related Article - As LONG AS CHINA USES FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, they won't be attacked.  If Iraq, or the other Gulf States start excepting the Yaun, China will be attacked IMMEDIATELY.  Remember folks, those little bits and pieces of paper are NOT the property of the US Government, they belong to the foreign owned, private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve.  Got it? - mpg -- A quote..... "WASHINGTON — Ten years after the United States invaded and occupied Iraq, the country’s oil industry is poised to boom and make the troubled nation the No.2 oil exporter in the world. But the nation that’s moving to take advantage of Iraq’s riches isn’t the United States. It’s China."
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Iraq, Afghan wars will cost US up to $6 trillion, Harvard study says
A quote...."The US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will cost American taxpayers $4 trillion to $6 trillion in the long run, according to a new study by the Harvard University."

Congress Is Making It Easier To Go To War with Iran
- Naturally. All per Israel's PNAC Protocols. - mpg
A quote...."March 29, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"Orgon Live" - Last week marked one decade since the invasion of Iraq, a time for sober reflection. Do we understand the folly of wars of choice, or could we make the same mistake? A bill moving in the Senate that makes war with Iran more likely reveals that Congress may not have learned the lessons of Iraq." - Source:  OreganLive
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

9/11:Israel Did It
Must Review Database - A quote...."When an event occurs that that fundamentally changes the dynamics of global geopolitics, there is one question above all others whose answer will most assuredly point to its perpetrators. That question is "Cui bono?". If those so indicted are in addition found to have had both motive and means then, as they say in the US, it's pretty much a slam-dunk. -- And so it is with the events of 9/11. -- Discounting the 'Official narrative' as the absurdity it so clearly is, there are just two organisations on the entire planet with the expertise, assets, access and political protection necessary to have both executed 9/11 and effected its cover-up to date (ie the means). Both are Intelligence Agencies - the CIA and Israel's Mossad - but only one had a compelling motive - Mossad. That motive dovetailed perfectly with the Neocon PNAC agenda, with it's explicitly stated need for "...a catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor" [1] in order to mobilise US public opinion for already planned wars, the effects of which would be to destroy Israel's enemies. -- This article marshals evidence for the proposition that "Israel did it"."

Meet The Real 9/11 Terrorists
Must Review Database - A quote...."What is a Zionist?  Zionists are political extremists who claim that Jews are God’s "chosen race of people" and that they have a God given right to the "promised land" of Israel. There are two categories of modern Jews - the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkenazi Jews. The ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews were not Jews at all. In fact, they had never even set foot in Israel. They were mint masters, royal treasurers, tax collectors, and money lenders who "converted" to Judaism in the 7th century under Khazaria's King Bulan for commercial advantage. -- The vast majority of modern Jews are "converted" Ashkenazi Jews. Their ancestry can be traced back to Khazaria in Eastern Europe. They ARE NOT Semitic, they have no true genetic or Jewish ethnic identity and they have no inherant entitlement to the land of Israel by right of descent. The word "anti-semitic" is used as a weapon (devised by the Anti-Defamation League) to attack all who oppose or question their fraudulent power and authority. The only true Semitic Jews living in Israel today are Sephardim Jews who are the true descendants of the original twelve tribes of Israel. They are dark skinned with Arab racial features and they are treated like second class citizens in Israel."

The 9/11 Delusion: Israel’s False Flag, Jingoism And Inhumanity
Must Read - From the History File - September 20th, 2011 - A quote...."What is ironic, nay, what is the glimmering pinnacle of irony, is that the object of your worship, your deity, that supremacist dragon that refers to itself as the ‘Jewish state,’ which you vehemently and hopelessly believe represents ‘the only true friend that America possesses in the Middle East,’ is the very reason that you are so disturbingly and disgracefully jingoistic. The Zionist creature occupying Palestine is the very reason why your ignorance has reached levels as radioactive as the streets of Baghdad, Basra and Fallujah after your army invaded and hammered Iraq with depleted uranium in March 2003. The usurping regime of ‘Israel’ is the culprit behind the September 11th carnage and it is its international media monopoly that is responsible for manipulating your thought patterns into the warped way that you currently think. -- Sorry. Jet fuel did not liquify steel. Jetliners did not turn skyscrapers into dust. Flight 93 didn’t ‘crash’ in Shanksville. And no, Flight 77 didn’t disintegrate into nothing upon hitting the Pentagon. The ‘hijackers’ were patsies run by Zionist intelligence and entertained on the yacht of ‘Israeli’ lobbyist and Zionist extremist Jack Abramoff less than a week before 9/11. Osama Bin Laden? Nothing to do with the events that day, and he vehemently denied any involvement two days after the mass murder of 2,973 innocent Americans...." - Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ||

A Factual Appraisal Of The 'Holocaust' - By The Red Cross
For The Record - (previously posted) -- A quote...."There is one survey of the Jewish question in Europe during World War Two and the conditions of Germany's concentration camps which is almost unique in its honesty and objectivity, the three-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on its Activities during the Second World War, Geneva, 1948. --  This comprehensive account from an entirely neutral source incorporated and expanded the findings of two previous works: Documents sur l'activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 (Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneva, 1947)." - Topix ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

Top Ten Reasons Why Israel Actually IS a Legitimate State

None of which will be cited by the Kazarians of Israel. - mpg

Six Injured, Reporter Kidnapped, By The Army In Jerusalem
Israeli Press Repression -- A quote...."Jerusalem March 29, 2013; Palestinian medical sources reported that six Palestinians, including an elderly man, have been injured, and one reporter has been kidnapped, after Israeli soldiers attacked Muslim worshipers who tried to enter the Al-Aqsa mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, to participate on Friday prayers."

Israel admits: Just 0.7% of West Bank allocated to Palestinians
Uh, this will make it rather difficult (an understatement if there ever was one) to implement the "Two State Solution"- mpg -- A quote...."In documents released on Thursday to the High Court of Justice, the Israeli government has admitted what Palestinians have been saying for decades: that the Israeli government has taken over 99.3% of the West Bank, allocating most of the land to illegal Israeli ‘Jewish only’ settlements." - Source:  IMEMC&Agencies

United Against Zionist Control of Media and Influence in Governments
A quote...."When compared to the US, we in Australia are relatively free from the influences that have been allowed to make Zionist political control so powerful in your country.  But using the very same methods the Zionists found to be successful in your country, these influences are now emerging here.  Unfortunately, like Americans, Australians are trusting but generally apathetic about anything but the football scores, the very environment that Zionists use to spread their parasitic influence."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

24 Hard Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked
For The Record -- A quote...."9/11 has been one of the biggest events in recent history that sparked a mass awakening across the world. There has been much debate as to how it happened, who is responsible and why. To this day about 1/3 of americans do not believe the official story. In other areas of the world as much as 90% of the country does not believe the official story." - Source:  CollctvEvoltn

Underwear bomber' was working for the CIA
From the History File - Tuesday 8 May 2012 - Just a reminder -- A quote...."A would-be "underwear bomber" involved in a plot to attack a US-based jet was in fact working as an undercover informer with Saudi intelligence and the CIA, it has emerged. - The revelation is the latest twist in an increasingly bizarre story about the disruption of an apparent attempt by al-Qaida to strike at a high-profile American target using a sophisticated device hidden in the clothing of an attacker." - Topix ||  US-False Flag Ops - Detroit's Lap Bomber  ||

'Phoenix Jihadist's' Dad Claims Son Worked in Syria For CIA
Don't they ALL?!?! - mpg -- A quote...."As US Army veteran Eric Harroun awaits trial in Virginia for allegedly fighting alongside al-Qaeda supporters, the man’s father claims he was working for the CIA and was reporting back to the agency from Syria."

The 2008 Mumbai Terrorist Attack - Anomolies As Usual - Morris

M108Video - (M108YuTb - 4min40sec - Mar 29, 2013) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."In 2008, isn't it strange how some of the attackers had been staying at the Chabad Lubavitch house in Mumbai? -- I forgot to say, all the hostages when released from the Taj hotel, were not interrogated or questioned, they just walked away (The witnesses) ....." - Topix ||  Just Give it a Rest OK!! - 11-27-09 - mpg  ||

Court Rejects Challenges to Gitmo Trial Secrecy - And the 9/11 cover-up....continues.
A quote...."The appeals court overseeing the military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay has rejected, at least for now, an effort by media organizations and the American Civil Liberties Union to challenge an order governing secrecy in one of the terrorism courts." - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

First Female Head of CIA’s Clandestine Service Signed Off on Destruction of Torture Tapes

Destruction of  9/11 Evidence Becoming Clearer -- Some quotes...."One week before John Brennan assumed office as CIA director, a woman was put in charge of the CIA’s clandestine service. It was the first time in the history of the agency that a female officer was running the agency. But, according to the Washington Post, the officer was one of two CIA officers, who signed off on the destruction of torture tapes in 2005." --- & it gets worse...."In August 2011, US District Court Judge Alvin Hellerstein decided not to hold the CIA in contempt for disobeying a court order and destroying the tapes.   He actually said, “I don’t think a citation of contempt will add to anything.” This granted the CIA the power to not only continue to withhold evidence that should be available to the public but also created a standard where the CIA could do anything it wants regardless of what a court demands or requests." - bold/underline by website editor
FYI:  Alvin Hellerstein is a Kazarian Israeli mole who played a DECISIVE role in covering-up Israel's direct involvement in 9/11. See article list shown below. - mpg
Guantanamo Guards Denying Water to Hunger Strikers to Thwart Protest, say Lawyers
Many of these people are actually innocent, not to mention EVERYTHING that's been done to these prisoners violates the Geneva Conventions AND was designed to cover-up who really carried out 9/ anybody in this country cares. - mpg -- A quote...."Prisoners on hunger strike in Guantanamo Bay are now being denied water among other abuses as prison guards attempt to force them off the strike, the prisoners’ lawyers said Wednesday." - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Hunger Strike, Day 52—‘Not a Word from Chuck Hagel’
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min25sec - Mar 29, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Against all odds, the Guantanamo hunger strike goes on. The US continues its brutal treatment of the human beings held prisoner there. And get this—apparently US officials, when holding press conferences in Washington, have now adopted a policy of not calling on RT reporters whom they know are likely to ask questions about what’s going on at the torture camp. I’m not sure how else you can take the rather striking information relayed in the video above. On Thursday RT Washington correspondent Gayane Chichakyan attended a press conference conducted by Chuck Hagel, who since his appointment as secretary of state has become little more than a string of Zionist silly putty."

“Conspiracy Theories” and Media Coverage of the Sandy Hook School Massacre: In Search of the Last Liberal Intellectual -- Quote of the Day...."In the wake of the Sandy Hook School shooting public incredulity with the official version of events led to numerous speculations on what really happened. In short order corporate media marshaled pundits to disparage such alternative interpretations as “conspiracy theories” and the work of deranged and even malevolent Sandy Hook “truthers.” -- The now-prevalent phenomenon where only the narratives authorized by law enforcement and government authorities are worthy of serious consideration suggests the unmistakable extent to which public discourse has declined. In such an ideational system journalists and academics are expected to either fall silent or perform the rearguard action of deflecting criticism from the state." - bold by website editor

Biden and Big Sis: Banning Guns & Hoarding Ammo
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 17min39sec - Mar 29, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."This is just the beginning. We believe that weapons of war have no place on our streets," Biden said."

Obama and Biden Campaigning to Disarm Americans
Related Article - A quote...."Vice President Joe Biden warned Wednesday that the upcoming Senate vote was only the beginning of their gun control fight, a fight that concerns many who believe it may actually be aimed at eventually disarming millions of law-abiding citizens."

US Army Captain: DHS Prepping for War on Americans, Must Be Disarmed
Related Article - The US Army's reply to DHS's statement "We will absorb you", "you" being the Army. - This could actually get quite exciting.  This website editor backs the Army, for constitutional reasons....also, they'll make the DHS into a grease-spot in about five minutes.  - mpg -- A quote...."The following is United States Army Captain Terry M. Hestilow's (retired) full letter to his Texas Senator John Cornyn regarding the Department of Homeland Security's arms race, especially since they have no authority to wage war on Americans or anyone else. Hestilow, who posted the letter on Facebook, says DHS must surrender their weapons immediately to the Department of Defense."

Texas State Troopers who conducted roadside body cavity searches indicted on criminal charges
Hip Hip Hooray!! - It appears you actually CAN go too far in this country. - mpg -- A quote...."Increasingly, Texas is one of a handful of states that are becoming known as bastions of liberty in a nation increasingly dominated by Federalists and authoritarians – men and women appointed in positions of bureaucratic power who operate without fear of reprisal from on high in Washington, D.C. -- So it’s not surprising that one of the most recent examples of what justice is supposed to look like occurred in the Lone Star State, where freedom remains in vogue as long as you obey the constitutional rules governing society." - Source:  NaturalNews

The Pattern of Government Abuse Will Cause a Confrontation We Must Avoid.
Special Note - A quote...."Back in 1775 leading up to fight on Lexington and Concord. The colonist have tolerated the abuse of power by King George III. The British Monarch has ignored the Magna Carta which was the declaration of rights that restrained the kings authority over the people. Like most governments when the bankers and debt are involved. Oppression and abuses follow. -- Back in 1824 when Mexico was given their independence from Spain. The Mexican government sold bonds to European investors and Bankers. Mexico was in debt with little money in the treasury to keep the government functioning. The Mexican Government’s Constitutional government was overthrown by a military coup. General Santa Anna became a dictator. He raised taxes so high. All of Mexico was in revolt against the Mexican despot. This was the cause of the Texas war for independence. -- Now we are here today. The US Government is more tyrannical than the dictators and tyrants we fought to be free from. When the 56  delegates signed the Declaration of Independence. We already been fighting the British since April 19, 1775. These men pleaded with the king in the most humblest terms to stop the oppression. The Crown responded with more abuse and usurpation of power...."

The two sides of the US economic “recovery”
A quote...."News this past week focused attention on two economic indices in the US: record numbers of people on food stamps and a new high for the Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index. Their juxtaposition speaks to the reality of the economic “recovery,” whose most basic feature is a widening of the social divide in America."

Obama, Republicans plot sweeping attack on Medicare
A quote...."Behind closed doors, the White House and congressional Republicans are discussing a deal that would impose devastating cuts on the Medicare system and threaten tens of millions of working people."

Interview 636 – Charlie McGrath on the Left/Right Paradigm

CRAudio - (AdbFlshPlyr - 25min58sec - Mar 28, 2013) - Related:  DwnLdAudioMp3 - Source: CorbettReport - Website:  CRYuTb - Webiste:  CRBlpTV - Website:  crabbydogtrix - Website:  WideAwakeNews -- A quote...."Charlie McGrath of joins us today to discuss the left/right political paradigm. We talk about how this political divide-and-conquer tactic has been used to keep like-minded people apart for generations and what we can do to help break down the barriers to new ways of thinking that we all erect around our political ideologies."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV - Mar 29th 2012
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3.0hrs - 30min each -  Mar 29th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Plunderball – New Euro Banking Game

RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Mar 28, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the PLUNDERBALL games in Europe and how the United Kingdom turned from Aspiration Nation to Asphyxiation Nation. They also talk about the 'mega-caust' of the financial markets in which those who worried about their gold being confiscated have now lost their bank deposits instead! In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Mitch Feierstein about the implications to all bank depositors of the confiscation of some funds in Cyprus."

Buy-and-hold is still dead
A quote...."Several years ago, I wrote a book titled "Buy and Hold is Dead." When I first introduced this to my publisher, Wiley, they balked at the idea. It was early 2007, everything looked fabulous in the economy, real-estate prices were increasing, the stock market was increasing, and very few people were warning about the turmoil that was set to come; no one wanted to hear it then."

Preparing for Inflationary Times
A quote...."All this money printing, massive debt, and reckless deficit spending – and we have 2% inflation? I'm beginning to believe that either the deflationists are right, or the Fed's interventions are working." – Anonymous Casey Research reader - The CPI, in our view, does not accurately measure inflation, which accounts for some of the discrepancy our reader is pointing out. However, the proper definition of inflation is "an increase in the quantity of money," which we've had in spades. We've not experienced the concomitant increase in prices, which is what we're addressing in this article."

Cashing In At $4 Million: Lanny Breuer Goes Home After A Job Badly Done
A quote...."After inexplicably failing to bring any prosecutions of Wall Street executives who crashed the economy in his alleged job heading the criminal division at the Justice Department, Lanny Breuer is returning to his old firm Covington & Burling, where he will defend the same large corporations he worked so hard to protect at the DOJ. He will reportedly make $4 million in his first year in a vice-chairmanship created especially for him at the huge corporate firm, which, now that he’s effortlessly glided through the ever-lucrative public-to- private-sector revolving door, he hopes to help ”move forward in dynamic and important ways.” " - also posted at FromTheTrenches

SPOOF: Lanny Breuer On Wall Street Fraud
Related Video - Alt - Oh, this was fun! Sort'a like watching "What's Up Tiger Lilly" - mpg -  (YuTb - 1min55sec - Jan 29, 2013) - Source:  JF -- A quote...."Lanny Breuer appearing on the PBS production of The Untouchables"

Obama’s ‘change’: 1% get 81% income gains then tax-shelter $21-$32 trillion
By The Numbers - And For The Record -- A quote...."Pulitzer Prize-winning tax journalist David Kay Johnston reports IRS tax data since Mr. Obama’s 2009 inauguration shows “change” for 90% of Americans: they lost income. The 1% increased income; taking 81% of gains (the top 1% of the 1% took 39% of this total). -- This follows a pattern that between 1980 and 2005, the 1% also took over 80% of all income gains. -- Since 1966, inflation-adjusted annual income for the bottom 90% of Americans increased just $59, while the 1% increased income average by $625,000, and the 1% of the 1% increased average incomes by $18,700,000 per year."

Spot The Housing Recovery
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The housing recovery was described by one muppet on CNBC yesterday as 'parabolic' so we decided to go in search of this mystical anecdotal surge that is so often heard on the airwaves of the preachers. It turns out, the recovery (if that's what you want to call it) is not so much. Just as in Europe, it seems if we repeat the same lie (or hope) often enough, it may just come true. So it is in the US. Headlines crow of YoY gains and ad hoc surges (Vegas and Silicon Valley) but if you dig down just an inch or two into the real data, the housing 'recovery' is the little train that isn't."

US Savings Rate Near Record Low, Per Capita Disposable Income Almost Back To December 2006 Level
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."There was some good news for headline scanning algos this morning, when both personal incomes and spending came in modestly higher than expected, with incomes rising 1.1% compared to an estimated 0.8% increase, while spending was up 0.7%, also higher than the 0.6% expected. But while the superficial headline grab did indicate a modestly better climate for both spending and incomes, it was a look under the cover once again that revealed the full extent of the pain that US consumers continue to find themselves in, over 5 years since the start of the second great depression." - Source:  ZeroHedge

The US economy limps along on a shallow upward trend....for now.
Ready. Set. Fraud.  The rule of law is dead in Europe
A quote...."A significant part of pre-production for Bailout 2 has been researching potential talking heads to explain schemes and frauds that parasite bankers use to steal money from the rest of us (i.e., the productive economy) with a special focus on Europe, where Max Keiser will be cut loose on camera amid the financial ruination. (We know: it's an ambitious project.)"

RBS and Lloyds have overstated their capital
They just make it up as they go along folks.  All the big banks in the US and Europe are insolvent by any standard bookkeeping criteria you choose to employ, and have been since 2007.  Yet, it doesn't matter. They keep changing the rules, hiding liabilities in various financial vehicles, and printing like mad. They also keep taking out HUGE bonuses at our expense, indirect or direct as they may be. - mpg -- A quote..."The Financial Policy Committee (FPC) of the Bank of England has identified that UK banks have overstated their capital by £52bn after examining their balance sheets."

Portugal’s 2012 Budget Deficit Widened to 6.4% of GDP, INE Says
A quote...."Portugal’s budget deficit last year widened to 6.4 percent of gross domestic product from 4.4 percent in 2011, according to the Lisbon-based National Statistics Institute."

Italy 2013 GDP may fall by more than expected - ISTAT
A quote...."ROME (Reuters) - Italy's economy may contract by more than the 1.3 percent forecast by the government, Enrico Giovannini, the head of national statistics institute ISTAT, said on Thursday. -- This month Mario Monti's outgoing government cut its outlook for gross domestic product to a 1.3 percent fall from -0.2 percent envisaged previously...."

German Unemployment Unexpectedly Rises Amid Euro Crisis
You know, this is the sort of headline that just ticks this website editor off.  The ENTIRE periphery of Europe, which used to absorb much of Germany's exports, is IMPLODING and has been for the last three years, while an on-going Banking CRISIS of which Cypress is just the most recent example, continues to get worse and spread across the continent, and Bloomberg's staff, in their infinite wisdom, produces a headline that states "German unemployment 'unexpectedly' rises amid Euro crisis".  What the heck....did they actually expect it to FALL?? - mpg

[British] Benefit cuts: Monday will be the day that defines this government - The "Gilded Age" returns. - mpg
A quote...."Not many know what is about to happen on Monday: neither those about to be knocked down nor those sailing too high above them to notice. But historians will see it as the day that defines the Cameron government. An avalanche of benefit cuts will hit the same households over and over, with no official assessment of how far this £18bn reduction will send those who are already poor into beggary."

French President Hollande pledges austerity, war in prime time TV interview
- The "Napoleonic Age" returns.
A quote...."In an hour-long France2 television interview last night, French President François Hollande sought to outline his policies amid rising popular anger with his government. - Hollande’s interview aimed to reassure the ruling class that his Socialist Party (PS) government would continue with its wars and social cuts in defiance of public opinion." - bold by website editor - Welcome to Amerika's style of government....mpg

After Cyprus, [EVEN] more austerity in Greece
A quote...."The European Union’s financial looting of Cyprus marks a qualitative turn in the brutal austerity measures being rolled out across the continent. - The EU’s €10 billion bank bailout is tied to the destruction of the island’s banking sector in the interests of the most powerful sections of finance capital."

Political crisis in Bulgaria continues
A quote...."The Bulgarian interim government headed by Marin Raykov is in deep political crisis, as anti-government protests continue. Government leaders are currently trying to form an alliance with the trade unions and petty-bourgeois forces to control the situation."

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More on the Great Cypress Bank Robbery -- Attempt.....

Cyprus Crisis - The Fuse Has Been Lit
Video - (YuTb - 6min02sec - Mar 29, 2013) - Source:  murphoto -- A quote...."In 2008 our economy collapsed. Since that time, the central bankers have been propping up the system to keep the game going. All indications are that we are running out of time. Like an elephant on stilts, it's only a matter of time till it loses it's balance and comes tumbling down. The question is when."

Confiscation Scheme Planned for US and UK Depositors
A quote...."March 28, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  Confiscating the customer deposits in Cyprus banks, it seems, was not a one-off, desperate idea of a few Eurozone “troika” officials scrambling to salvage their balance sheets. A joint paper by the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England dated December 10, 2012, shows that these plans have been long in the making; that they originated with the G20 Financial Stability Board in Basel, Switzerland (discussed earlier here); and that the result will be to deliver clear title to the banks of depositor funds."
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Where Oh Where in the World....Did All That Gold Go????
(Only the NY Fed, London's "City" and Tel Aviv's Banksters know for sure.....)

Is the Fed Lying About Its Gold? - Mark Thornton - WHAT GOLD? They don't have any gold! - mpg
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 23min18sec - Mar 8, 2013) - Source:  LewRckwlYuTb - Related:  LewRockewell - Related:  MrkThrtnArchv@LwRckwl -- A quote...."Mark Thornton talks to Lew Rockwell about monetary tsunamis."
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More On The International Situation....

Syria: 'up to 100' British Muslims fighting in war
A quote...."Up to 100 British Muslims are fighting in Syria’s civil war amid fears some could return home to carry out terrorist attacks, senior intelligence chiefs disclosed yesterday."

US Army veteran charged with fighting with al-Qaida in Syria, using weapon of mass destruction
A quote...."ALEXANDRIA, Va. - A U.S. Army veteran, who boasted on Facebook of his military adventures with Syrian rebels, was charged Thursday with firing rocket propelled grenades as part of an attack led by an al-Qaida group against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. -- Eric Harroun, 30, of Phoenix, was charged in U.S. District Court in Alexandria with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction — specifically, a rocket propelled grenade launcher — outside the U.S."

Mortar shells hit Damascus University, kill 15 students
A quote...."At least 15 students have been killed in Syria after foreign-sponsored militants targeted the Damascus University with mortar shells, Press TV reports."

Insurgents control large parts of Daraa: Syria MP
A quote...."A Syrian MP from the southern province of Daraa bordering Jordan on Thursday painted a bleak picture of the situation there, saying that insurgents have seized part of the main highway to Damascus. - "Syria is no longer going through a crisis. It is plunged in total war. Terrorism has spread in Syria and so has chaos. This is reality, and all Syrians know it," Walid al-Zohbi told parliament in a session broadcast live on state television. - "This is also happening in all towns and villages in Daraa province, which is torn from east to west after the army withdrew from many positions," he said."

Giving Syrian opposition seats at Arab League is ‘illegal, indefensible’ – Moscow
A quote...."The Arab League’s move to hand the Syrian opposition the country's official seat at a summit in Doha and the decision to give military backing to the rebels are both against international law, Moscow has said."

IDF Builds Field Hospital for Syrians in Golan Heights
A quote...."The IDF has built a military field hospital in the Golan Heights, according to international media reports."

Israel sends more medics to border with Syria
A quote...."JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's military says it's beefing up medical teams along the border with Syria following several cases of wounded Syrians crossing the frontier to seek medical assistance."
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Afghan villagers flee their homes, blame US drones
A quote...."KHALIS FAMILY VILLAGE, Afghanistan (AP) — Barely able to walk even with a cane, Ghulam Rasool says he padlocked his front door, handed over the keys and his three cows to a neighbor and fled his mountain home in the middle of the night to escape relentless airstrikes from U.S. drones targeting militants in this remote corner of Afghanistan."

Young Afghan stabs US soldier to death in eastern Afghanistan
A quote...."Local officials in Afghanistan say a young Afghan man has stabbed an American soldier to death in the eastern province of Nangarhar, Press TV reports."
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String of attacks kills at least 23 in Iraq
al-CIA'da & Saudi Royals Strike Again - A quote...."BAGHDAD (AP) — A series of car bombings in Iraq struck five Shiite mosques as worshippers were emerging from Friday prayers, killing at least 23 people, officials said."

Three British activists raped by militia in Libya
A quote...."Three female British activists of Pakistani origin were raped by Libyan pro-government militiamen in the eastern city of Benghazi, after joining an aid convoy bound for Gaza to break an Israeli blockade, officials from several countries confirmed on Friday."

Bahraini court refuses to drop charges against two medics
A quote...."A Bahraini court has refused to drop the charges against two medical personnel over their participation in protest rallies against the ruling Al Khalifa regime."
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Ahmadinejad inaugurates world's tallest dam project in Lorestan
[click here for gogl photos] -- A quote...."Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has inaugurated a major construction project to build the world’s tallest double-curved concrete arch dam in Iran’s western Lorestan Province."

PressTV: Look out! The ‘BRIIICS’ are coming!
A quote...."The importance of the BRICS summit cannot be overestimated partly because it represents new countries beginning to take power and partly because it heralds a new world coming into being.” -- Yes, BRIIICS, with three “I”s. That’s because to the countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (which have just held a summit in Durban, South Africa) will soon be added Iran and Indonesia. -- Iran is a stalwart moral and political leader. It stands up against Zionism. It has huge natural resources. It is making extraordinary technological progress. It will soon be a BRIIICS member."

IP gas pipeline project beneficial to India: Indian minister
A quote..."India has expressed willingness to join Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project, saying New Delhi is holding talks with the Islamic Republic and the US to discuss anti-Iran sanctions in relation to the project. -- Indian Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister M. Veerappa Moily described the multi-billion-dollar project as “beneficial” to New Delhi, saying that is why India is discussing the issue with Tehran and Washington."
India has a case of the stupids.  It sounds like they want the US-NRE to approve the project.  Since the US-NRE is demonstrably and categorically a colony of Israel, and the Federal Reserve private banking CARTEL wants Iran to use their notes, which Iran isn't going to do, India will NEVER receive such approval. They're simply being unrealistic. India has got to grow up, get rid of their Amero-phile politicians, realize that almost all high-level Amerikans are Israeli bought-and-paid-for zombies, and chart an independent foreign policy for the benefit of the Indian people.  - mpg
Iran to build first small oil refinery in Golestan Province
A quote...."Head of Iran’s Oil Products Exporters Union says the Islamic Republic is planning to build its first small oil refinery in the northeastern province of Golestan." -- (click to view map)
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Who's "Provocative Action"?
Article & Quote List - A list of "provocative actions". - mpg - also posted at ICH

War Scare in Korea – A Manufactured Crisis

A quote...."March 29, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - The United States and the two feuding Koreas could blunder into a real war unless both Pyongyang and Washington cease provoking one another. - Last week, two nuclear-capable US B-2 stealth bombers flew non-stop from America to South Korea, and then home. These ‘invisible’ aircraft can carry the GBU-43/B MOAB 13,600kg bomb that is said to be able to blast through 70 meters of reinforced concrete, putting North Korea’s underground nuclear facilities and its leadership’s command bunkers under dire threat."
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BRICS: New Geopolitical Model and Russia’s Foreign Policy Priority
A quote....."Another annual BRICS summit wrapped up on March 27 in South Africa. A cycle of top level events taking place by turns in the member states capitals is over. This time it was of special importance for Russia. In early February Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the new Foreign Policy Concept, which states that BRICS is a key long-term vector of Russia’s foreign policy and reveals the strategy for BRICS cooperation. At the summit Putin came up with a proposal to work out a common concept of international strategy for BRICS development, the idea welcomed by other participants…"

Russia warns [advises] against military activity near North Korea
A quote...."MOSCOW: Russia said on Friday that heightened military activity near North Korea was slipping into a "vicious cycle" that could get out of control, implicitly criticizing US bomber flights that followed threats from Pyongyang. -- Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov suggested that North Korea should also cool down, calling on "all sides not to flex their military muscle" and avoid the danger of a belligerent response. -- "We are concerned that alongside the adequate, collective reaction of the UN Security Council, unilateral action is being taken around North Korea that is increasing military activity," foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said."

Russian Authorities Raid (CIA front) Human Rights Watch Offices in Moscow
A quote...."MOSCOW: Russian authorities searched the Moscow offices of New-York based Human Rights Watch yesterday as they stepped up raids against pro-democracy groups despite growing EU concern. -- HRW’s Europe and Central Asia department head Rachel Denber said three representatives from the prosecutor’s office and a tax official had begun what they called “an unplanned inspection” of the Moscow office."

Hatch opens: Russia’s Soyuz delivers crew to ISS in record time
A quote...."Several hours after a successful docking, the hatch of the Soyuz opened and the three men on board the historic flight successfully entered the International Space Station, making the journey in world-record time. -- Russian cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin, Pavel Vinogradov and NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy have arrived  at the station in just six hours compared to the usual two-day voyage, after they launched at 16:43 EDT from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. -- The journey, equivalent to four orbits of Earth, has been recently tested by  three unmanned cargo spacecraft flights before clearing Soyuz for a the short-cut journey."

Trans-Siberian Railway: Spanning the length of Russia
A quote...."The Trans-Siberian Railway is featured in the “Guinness Book of Records”for three categories: total length, number of stations, and construction time. At the beginning of the 20th century, the railway line provided a reliable transport service that linked the European and Asian parts of Russia."
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Honduran Police State Repression
A quote...."On June 28, 2009, Obama colluded with Honduran fascists. With US approval and support, they ousted Honduras’ democratically elected president. - Manuel Zelaya was arrested at home. Security forces confronted him at gunpoint. - Junta rule replaced him. Porfirio (Pepe) Lobo Sosa heads Honduras’ government. It’s illegitimate. - State terror is policy. The infamous CIA-created Battalion 316 was reactivated. In the 1980s, death squads disappeared, tortured, and murdered regime opponents." - also posted at SteveLendman

Privatization and Land Grabbing in Spain
A quote...."The land is a source of wealth for a few, here and on the other side of the planet. In the Spanish State, the housing boom has left a legacy of ruinous urban development, airports (almost) without airplanes, ghost towns, huge, obsolete infrastructure projects… And in the global South, the desire to profit from the land has driven off peasants and indigenous peoples, and imposed monocultures for export, large infrastructures for the exclusive benefit of capital and the plundering of their natural resources." - Source: 

The Long Planned Unraveling of Africa Continues.....

Bodies found in Central African capital
A quote...."The Red Cross in the Central African Republic has announced that it has "found 78 bodies" in the streets of the capital Bangui since it was seized last weekend by the Seleka rebel coalition. - "Since Saturday til today, our volunteers have found 78 bodies that were taken to the morgues.... We ask the population to come to these sanitary institutions to identify the bodies with a view to taking them away for burial," Red Cross official Albert Yomba Eyamo told the AFP news agency on Friday."

French troops to stay in Mali through end of 2013

A quote...."French President Francois Hollande says the country’s troops will stay in Mali to fight extremists at least through the end of this year. - France’s leadership had pledged to pull out quickly after launching a military operation in the West African country in January. French-led forces quickly pushed al-Qaida-linked fighters out of Malian cities."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....
On Land Day; Palestinians Plant 200 Olive Saplings In Al-Khader - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Marking the 37th Anniversary of the Palestinian Land Day, Palestinians in Al-Khader town, near the West Bank Palestinian city of Bethlehem, planted 200 Olive saplings amidst ongoing settler attacks against Palestinian orchards and lands in the area."

Settlers [Jealous Jewish vagrants] uproot [vandalize] olive trees south of Bethlehem
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- [Jealous Jewish] Israeli settlers [vagrants] uprooted hundreds of olive trees and saplings in al-Khader village south of Bethlehem early Thursday morning, activists said."

Palestinians Mark Land Day
A quote...."37 years have passed since Israel illegally decided to steal, and stole, thousands of Dunams of Palestinian lands, especially in the Galilee in 1976, and the Palestinians in historic Palestine declared a massive strike to protest the illegal Israeli decision before Israeli tanks rolled into Arab villages, reoccupying them, and killing six Palestinians in addition to injuring dozens of Palestinians."

Haneyya: The Palestinians will never waive their land
A quote...."GAZA, (PIC)-- Palestinian premier Ismail Haneyya reiterated on the occasion of the land day that the Palestinian people would never give up or compromise on their land, stressing that the land is the core of the conflict with the Israeli occupation."

Israel to grab thousands of dunums north of Dead Sea
A quote...."NAZARETH, (PIC)-- Haaretz newspaper revealed Israeli moves to seize 140,000 dunums of Palestinian land north of the Dead Sea and register it as a state land. -- According to the newspaper on Friday, the Israeli government intends to make these dunums of land under the authority of its army, while the Israeli civil administration rejected the objections filed by the owners of this land against this annexation."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (21- 27 March 2013)
Every week of the year....non-stop. - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Mike Adams Breaks Down The Monsanto Worshipping Act
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 41min13sec - Mar 29, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex also talks with Mike Adams, the editor-in-chief of Natural News, about the "Monsanto Protection Act" covertly inserted into an Agricultural Appropriations Bill signed by Obama on Tuesday. -- (NaturalNews) The internet has erupted into a fury over Obama's signing of the so-called "Monsanto Protection Act," a rider to a federal appropriations bill that hands Monsanto the power to nullify the decisions of federal courts. If the courts decide that a genetically engineered crop is dangerous to the public or the environment, it can no longer order Monsanto (or any other company) to stop planting the crops. Instead, the law mandates the Secretary of Agriculture to issue permits and deregulation orders that allow the "continued cultivation, commercialization and other specifically enumerated activities" even if a crop is deemed to be causing a plague or unleashing dangerous genetic pollution."

Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act Into Law After Promising GMO Labeling in 2007
Obama the Betrayer - A quote...."President Obama has signed into law the notorious Monsanto Protection Act legislation hidden inside of the Continuing Resolution spending bill, which protects Monsanto and its genetically modified creations from federal courts."

Obama Signature On Monsanto Protection Act Ignites Massive Activism
A quote...."Obama’s social media profiles are being blown up with thousands of enraged activists and concerned citizens who are demanding answers. - Thanks to the alternative news covering every angle of the Protection Act and the absurd fact that Monsanto actually wrote the rider itself, people have now come to fully understand just how deep the corruption goes when it comes to Monsanto’s Big Food monopoly. And it doesn’t exempt the President." - Source:  NaturalSociety

Monsanto Protection Act: Dangerous, Blatant Crony Capitalism
Related AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 4min35sec - Mar 29, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."It should come as no surprise to many of you to find out that Monsanto actually authored the wording of its own Monsanto Protection Act hidden in the recently passed and signed Continuing Resolution spending bill. How could a major corporation write its own laws and regulations, you ask?"

Sen. Roy [Monsanto's Grinch] Blunt & Congressional Judas

The Grinch who helped steal our safe food supply away from us.  Just look at his picture! - (click to view) -- mpg -- A quote...."One has to wonder how Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri benefited by sliding in that nasty little rider that putsMonsanto above the law?  Not unlike Judas Iscariot, Blunt used his position to betray those who trusted him, but it appears that the senator got more than 30 pieces of silver."

NYT Editors Ignore GMO Health Dangers - Which can only mean Monsanto is owned by Kazarians - mpg
A quote...." It doesn't surprise. Times policy is irresponsible. It's unprincipled. It's reprehensible. It's longstanding. It supports wealth, power and privilege. -- \It endorses what demands condemnation. It ignores GMO dangers. Doing so betrays its readers. More on that below."

Thursday March 28th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday March 27th 2013

War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Iraq
Must Read - A quote...."This month marks the tenth anniversary of the U.S. attack on Iraq, one of the most egregious expressions of naked power and imperial ambition since the Second World War. The attack defied both an outraged world opinion — expressed by global mass demonstrations  — and the United Nations charter. It also marked a change from the previous veiled decorum of supposed adherence to international law that defined post-war international relations.  The Bush administration, armed with the ultimate expression of the arrogance of U.S. exceptionalism – legislation passed by the U.S. Congress – unleashed a murderous assault on the people of Iraq dubbed “Operation Shock and Awe.” -- Ten years later, the awesome consequences of that criminal assault are clear. More than a trillion dollars spent, [possibly seven trillion dollars] almost five thousand American lives lost, [possibly more than that] more than 32,000 Americans wounded, [possibly more than that] estimates of a million dead Iraqis and almost five million displaced, [click here] an epidemic of Iraqi birth defects from “depleted” uranium, daily bombings, devastated public services and the dismemberment of the country.  --  Yet, ten years later, no one, not one government official, has been held accountable." - also posted at ICH

Pundits [Not on Israel's Payroll] Start To See The Syrian Danger
Must Read - A quote...."U.S. pressure on Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to stop the weapon and personal flow to Syria would be the first step towards a solution. The alternative is indeed handeling Syria to AlQaida. That is not in anyone's interest. Why is it so difficult for Washington to understand this?"
Because "Washington" is owned by Israel and Israel is a CRIME SYNDICATE!!! -- NOT a "nation-state".  They DON'T LIKE nation-states, nation states get in the way of their various criminal activities.  They have to take over their governments, which involves a tremendous amount of tedious spying, black-mailing and bribing. -- Israel especially doesn't like nation-states in the Middle East which are not part of their currency-sphere, the petro-dollar.  They can't be easily bribed (ie they cost to much) or blackmailed (their security services are usually to robust) and as "independent" nation-states they will prevent the continued expansion of their Kazarian mini-empire. So.....Syria, like ALL the others - must - be - destroyed.  Period. - mpg
Obama [Israel's Boy] Unleashes Dogs of War in Syria - (ie receives his marching orders)
A quote...."March 26, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  The smoke screen given to the United States President Barack Obama’s visit to Israel has lifted. But then, no one really bought the thesis that it was a mere kiss-and-make-up visit aimed at improving Obama’s personal chemistry with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that prompted the US president to jet down to the Middle East in a rare overseas trip."

Washington [Israel's North American Colonial Capital] Escalates War on Syria
A quote...."Ousting Assad was planned years ago. At issue is replacing him with a pro-Western puppet. After two years of conflict, he hangs on resiliently. - Whether he’ll survive is uncertain. Syria’s military is strong and supportive. Free Syrian Army and US-recruited death squads are weak by comparison. - Reports suggest direct US intervention appears likely. NATO commander Admiral James Stavridis said he’s ready to act if asked. Saying it suggests planned escalation."

New scandal threatens Obama, Hillary - The couple that slays together, can hang together - mpg
A quote...."(WND) – Has the White House been misleading the public by repeatedly denying it was coordinating arms shipments to the rebels in Syria, insurgents known to consist in large part of al-Qaida and other jihadist groups? - Other top U.S. officials and former officials, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, have implied in congressional testimony that they didn’t know about any U.S. involvement in procuring weapons for the rebels. - Now, a starkly different picture is emerging, one that threatens the longstanding White House narrative that claims the Obama administration has only supplied nonlethal aid to the rebels." - Source:  WND

Syria's Shiites offer different picture of war
A quote...."AL QASR, Lebanon — Each evening, Ali Jamal and other men in this border town grab their Kalashnikov assault rifles, jump on their motorbikes and ride across the irrigation canal into Syria to protect their homes. -- The enemies are Sunni rebel "terrorists," he says, who target Jamal and his neighbors because they are Shiite Muslims. -- "Imagine, these people used to be our neighbors," said the 40-year-old farmer, perplexed by the transformation. "Now they want to kidnap and kill us." - also posted at ICH

Tunisian Terrorists Are Now Confirmed Members of Syrian Death Squads
A quote...."In yet another blow to the fragile and the entirely fabricated narrative pushed by the United States, NATO, and the Anglo-American powers, a recent broadcast of a Tunisian television program features firsthand accounts demonstrating that the Syrian “rebels” are actually nothing more than religious fanatics, mercenaries, and foreign fighters."

World War: Jihadists from over 30 countries fight in Syria - And when they go BACK!?!? - mpg
A quote...."Since the beginning of the so-called Syrian revolution it became obvious that there are Western jihadists fighting in the Middle-Eastern country in an attempt to overthrow the Assad government. - Despite increasing media reports on foreign fighters in Syria, Western politicians and judicial authorities apparently didn't consider it necessary to proactively take action against potential jihadists."

Partitioning Syria at the Doha Summit
Geo-Political Alert - A quote...."In Beirut, the Lebanese will see the battle fought with new tools once MP Walid Jumblatt makes a final decision on where he stands. - If he decides to back a nominee for the premiership in collaboration with the March 14 coalition, we will be set for a confrontation that goes beyond what the Lebanese experienced between June 2006 and June 2008." - also posted at AlethoNews

Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after Muslim Brotherhood protest
Hagee's Hordes must be dancing in the streets, soon there won't be a single Christian left in Egypt....alive. They're no doubt incredibly proud they've played such an instrumental role in furthering Israel's PNAC Protocols and helping the Saudi Monarchy (and the CIA) spread violent, virulent, Wahhabist, Jihadism across the entire Middle East, destroying several secular governments along the way. - mpg -- A quote...."Islamic hard-liners stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo, turning it into torture chamber for Christians who had been demonstrating against the ruling Muslim Brotherhood in the latest case of violent persecution that experts fear will only get worse."

Outsiders are killing Syrian People, destroying Churches and mosques - Christian Bishop
Oh Hagee's Hordes must be going WILD, ecstatic beyond human endurance, drooling all over themselves....torture....murder....churches being destroyed.  They must be so proud of themselves and their constant, relentless, mindless, support for Israel's Strategy for the 1980's. - mpg - A quote...."His forefathers were Orthodox Christians long before Islam came to this land. We are talking in the Maronite Cathedral in the Old City of Damascus.On October 21, 2012, a car bomb exploded here in the Christian neighbourhood near Bab Tuma gate, killing 13 people. The explosion happened during the UN and Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi's visit to Syria. Just like during Obama's visit to the Middle East a suicide bomber killed a prominent Sunni preacher Mohammad al-Buti and his students at the Eman Mosque on March 21.The Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch was created two thousand years ago, and is the largest and the most ancient Christian church in the East."

The Media Didn't Fail on Iraq; Iraq Just Showed We Have a Failed Media
Title of the Day -- A quote...."You know what, Paul Farhi? Skeptics are aware that it was possible to "connect the dots," because they did so, in real time–citing the same exceptional journalists whom you now cite to prove that the media as a whole were doing their job. -- But the real job of the media is not to sprinkle 1 percent truth amidst 99 percent bullshit, so that diligent researchers can search it out like Easter eggs. The job of the media is to present information so that when when its audience consumes it in the usual manner, that audience can get some sense of what reality is like. By this basic standard, the corporate media failed." - Source:  FAIR

Rockefellers, Crown Cocaine & Haitian Slavery
A quote...."With 2,100 people dead from cholera since the devastating January 2010 Haitian earthquake and another 650,000 expected to contract the disease within the next six months, the last thing Haiti needed was another rigged election.  But the nation’s role as wage floor for multinational corporations, combined with its geographic importance to the CIA-orchestrated Columbian cocaine trade, made the November 28th 2010 election fraud which provoked fiery protests all too predictable."

Secret Courts open in UK within weeks - Star Chambers are now back in fashion in Briton!!
The Fall Of British Justice - (As bad as it may have been, they at least stuck to the appearance of impartial justice with Habeas Corpus and the rules of evidence, not anymore. - mpg) -- A quote...."British rights group Amnesty International and legal charity Reprieve have condemned the ratification of the governments’ secret courts plan in the House of Lords as a “terrible day for British justice”. "
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Russian oligarch resigns from parliament after National Post investigation reveals Israeli citizenship, Canadian assets
A quote...."A Russian oligarch who has maintained high-level influence in Moscow since the close of the Cold War resigned his seat in Russian parliament Tuesday after the National Post revealed he held dual citizenship and had extensive assets in Canada. -- Vitaly Malkin tried for almost 20 years to relocate to Canada, investing millions in Toronto, but had been turned away over alleged ties to organized crime. During his failed immigration process he told Canadian officials he had Israeli citizenship and extensive foreign investments. -- The Post revealed his past on March 5 and the news ignited a storm of controversy in Moscow because Russian law bars lawmakers from holding dual citizenship and owning undeclared foreign investments. -- Mr. Malkin, once listed as one of the world’s wealthiest men, held a seat in the Russian upper house since 2004."

The Holy Land Gets Skunked
A quote...."March 26, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Part I – Something Is Rotten in the State of Israel -- It is said that the devil has about him the smell of fire and brimstone (sulphur). Evil deeds are often described as “most foul.” On the other hand, people who appear, accurately or not, as always innocent are described as “smelling like roses.” There seems, then, to be a long standing, if improbable, association between behavior and smells."

NATO Researchers: Stuxnet Attack on Iran Was Illegal ‘Act of Force’

A quote...."A cyberattack that sabotaged Iran’s uranium enrichment program was an “act of force” and was likely illegal, according to research commissioned by a NATO defense center. - “Acts that kill or injure persons or destroy or damage objects are unambiguously uses of force” and likely violate international law, according to the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare, a study produced by a group of independent legal experts at the request of NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence in Estonia."

Israeli court extends detention of Palestinian journalist
Israeli Press Repression -- A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- The Israeli military court in Ofer on Wednesday extended the remand of Palestinian journalist Musab Abu Shawer until the next trial hearing scheduled on 7/5/2013. -- Fuad Al-Khafsh, the director of Ahrar center for prisoners’ studies and human rights, said that journalist, who is a prisoners’ activist, was arrested from his home on 25/2/2013. -- He said that Musab, who works with Al-Khalil radio station, attended many hearings but they were always adjourned. -- Khafsh said that the Israeli occupation forces arrested four Palestinian journalists in the months of February and March."

Journalists detained in Hebron, two civilians abducted by Israeli troops

Israeli Press Repression -- A quote...."On the afternoon of the 24th March, two Palestinian Al Jazeera journalists arrived into Hebron to interview a Palestinian family living near the illegal Israeli settlement in the area of Tel Rumeida. When they arrived, settlers called the Israeli military and police, who arrived and confiscated the journalists’ ID cards, despite having seen their press credentials."

Obama’s Peace Antics in Israel – Four More Years of This?
A quote...."At the precise moment US President Barack Obama’s Air Force One touched down at Ben Gurion Airport on March 20, persisting illusions quickly began to shatter. And as he walked on the red carpet, showered with accolades and warm embraces of top Israeli government and military officials, a new/old reality began to sink in: Obama was no different than his predecessors. -- He never had been." - bold by website editor - also posted at AlethoNews - Topix ||  No Leadership From Obama. - Oh Contraire! - 12-28-08 - mpg  ||  Israel Pauses (Politely) for the Emperor's Coronation - 01-16-09 - mpg  ||

Corbett Report: The Art of Resistance (Osaka, Japan)
CRVideo - (CRYuTb - 13min32sec - Mar 26, 2013) - Source:  CRYuTb - Website: CRBlipTV
 - Website: Corbett Report - Website:  GiladAtzmon -- A quote...."An Evening With Gilad Atzmon, a short video by James Corbett - We spoke about Jewish power, Zionism, Palestine, the Lobby. Controlled opposition, history & concealment,  Being & Time and more. James was very sharp and presented me with some serious questions.  I hope to meet his again soon. The band was incredible: Eric Wiegmann on drums and Koichi  Hara on bass."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

A Plane Hit The Pentagon
Must View Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 29min06sec - Jan 31, 2012) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons - A quote.... " - [Alt link] to see the film I referred to. The official conspiracy theory from the government was bad enough without crazies making it even worse. There is a reason attention and promotion is given to the most retarded elements of 911 truth. It's a way of poisoning the well." - Topix  || This Country is a Joke!! - 11-28-11 - mpg  ||  9/11-NORAD  ||  Anthrax Attacks  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Osama Bin Laden Death Myth Continues to Crumble as Seal Team Six Speaks Out
A quote...."On May 2nd, 2011 President Barack Obama declared America’s greatest enemy, Osama Bin Laden,  dead after a Seal Team Six raid in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad. Almost immediately signs of deception began to show in the continuous saga to capture the man accused of being responsible for the 9/11 attacks." - Topix ||  Osama bin Back From the Dead™  ||

Who Owns The Media? The 6 Monolithic Corps That Control Almost Everything We Watch, Hear And Read
From the History File - October 4th, 2010 - Just a reminder, previously posted - A quote...."Back in 1983, approximately 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the United States.  Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations.  These corporate behemoths control most of what we watch, hear and read every single day.  They own television networks, cable channels, movie studios, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, music labels and even many of our favorite websites. Sadly, most Americans don't even stop to think about who is feeding them the endless hours of news and entertainment that they constantly ingest. "

Serbu Firearms Refuses to Sell .50 Cal Sniper Rifles to NYPD - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Serbu Firearms, a manufacturer of bolt-action and semi-automatic .50 caliber sniper rifles, is refusing to sell their wares to the NYPD. Their reason, of course, is that owing to unfair gun laws, they will not support law enforcement in New York. - Serbu is one of almost 150 companies that has officially refused to sell to law enforcement in New York following the passage of the SAFE Act, the controversial gun control package that has been met with scorn by gun owners across the nation. - The company posted the NYPD’s inquiry as well as their refusal to their Facebook page, with names omitted."

The Militarizing of Homeland Security against…who? What’s next, Martial Law?
Some quotes...."Why is our government stocking up on massive amounts of Hollow-Point Ammunition?"  -- "The full metal jacket round which is all the military shoots, and is also sold as surplus, is not designed to kill. The Hague and Geneva Conventions prohibit shooting humans with hollow point or expanding ammunition because that type was designed to cause as much trauma as possible." - Source: VotingAmerican

Homeland Security To Military: We Will Absorb You
Even Hitler didn't try this!! - mpg -- A quote...."Homeland Security sees the role of the military as a subset of its own mission. A right wing position paper from a think tank noted how the Army has taken critical steps to broaden its mission to include homeland security tasks. But the thinking was that  the Army needs to redirect its focus and broaden its nission to augmenting its capacity to operate in the "Homeland" and broaden the reach of DHS."

Guantanamo exposes reality of US fascism
A quote...."They are essentially dead men who just happen to breathe. That is the grim assessment of the legal representative for the inmates in the American concentration camp, otherwise known as Guantanamo Bay. " - also posted at ICH

28 Guantanamo Prisoners now on Hunger Strike; 3 in Hospital
A quote...."March 26, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"AP" - MIAMI -- More prisoners have joined a hunger strike at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, officials said Monday, as defence lawyers expressed alarm about one of the most sustained protests at the base in several years." - Source:  AP

Obama’s Crackdown on Whistleblowers
A quote...."(TheNation) – In the annals of national security, the Obama administration will long be remembered for its unprecedented crackdown on whistleblowers. Since 2009, it has employed the World War I–era Espionage Act a record six times to prosecute government officials suspected of leaking classified information. The latest example is John Kiriakou, a former CIA officer serving a thirty-month term in federal prison for publicly identifying an intelligence operative involved in torture. It’s a pattern: the whistleblowers are punished, sometimes severely, while the perpetrators of the crimes they expose remain free." - Source:  TheNation

21 graphs that show America's health-care prices are ludicrous
Graphs - By The Numbers -- A quote...."Every year, the International Federation of Health Plans — a global insurance trade association that includes more than 100 insurers in 25 countries — releases survey data showing the prices that insurers are actually paying for different drugs, devices, and medical services in different countries. And every year, the data is shocking."

Civil Rights Activist: ‘No Comparison’ Between Civil Rights, Gay Rights Movement
Quote of the Day...."The Supreme Court met Tuesday to consider Proposition 8, California’s ban on same-sex marriage. However, the Associated Press reported that the high court could dismiss the case with no ruling at all. - Owens said that as a black man, he cannot change the color of his skin. - “Every morning I wake up, I look in the mirror, and I see a black man, and there is absolutely nothing I can do to change the color of my skin,” he said. - Owens said there is no comparing the gay community’s fight for marriage equality and the black community’s civil rights movement. - “They are not suffering what we suffered, and I sympathize with people who face discrimination. Every person should be treated with dignity and respect, but what they’re going through does not compare to what we went through,” Owens said. - “There is no comparison, and for many years, the African-American family and community have been under assault from all sides – abortion, single family households, poverty and a failing education system,” he added. - Owens said for the gay community to try to change the definition of marriage will be “devastating to all of our families.”
This is the New Roman Empire, the Supreme Court is Neo-Roman to it's core, they will rule AGAINST Proposition 8 whereupon all the little neo-conservatives and all the little neo-liberals will pretend surprise at the Court's "reasonableness" and their willingness to "overcome their inherent conservative philosophy on behalf of the nation".  And you peasants, you peons, you groveling, obsequious, genuflecting, serfs out there will have what little remains of your historic social and cultural structures ground into the dust. - mpg - For more on this issue see the essays shown below.....
The Enemies of Free Humanity
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 48min38sec - Mar 27, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex looks at the response to Jim Carrey's attack on the Second Amendment and covers growing assaults on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He also talks about increasing violence in the Middle East as fanatical Muslims jail, torture, and kill Christians in Egypt, Libya, and Syria under the order out of chaos banner of the so-called "Arab Spring."

Gerald Celente – Nomad Capitalist – March 23rd, 2013
GCVideo - Alt - (GCYuTb - 17min24sec - Mar 24, 2013) - Source:  gcelente - Website:  TheTrendsJournal -- A quote...."(Celente) – Gerald Celente discusses Cyprus, government confiscation in America, and how to take your freedom back. He holds nothing back as he bashes Too Big to Fail, thieving politicians, and more."

W.A.N. 3-26-13 hr1 McGrath and Eric of the Lovely family
Must View CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 5min26sec - Mar 21, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  Wide Awake News -- A quote...."Charlie McGrath hosts Eric of the Lovely family."

“Iran is not the threat, we are.” – American Patriots Rise (video)
Must View KoKVideo - Alt - (KoKYuTb - 15min07sec - Mar 27, 2013) - Source:  KenO'Keefe - Related: Text/KenOKeefe -- A quote...."I renounced my US citizenship and the United States of Hypocrisy refused to acknowledge my right, our right, to self-determination. Alright then, I am thinking now that maybe I just needed to leave for 10 years or so and reflect on things, now that I have, I have made some important conclusions. -- First among them is that it remains an embarrassment, that idiot flag waving Americans have sat by while their Constitution was used like toilet paper and their government became a bought and paid for circus of clowns. -- Second is that due to this despicable state of affairs of failing to pay attention on our watch we Americans have continued to be complicit in mass murder that is truly unparalleled in the modern age. God help us for what we are collectively responsible for. -- Third, our American sons and daughters continue to be used as the meaningless pawns they are and ultimately, aside from those our sons and daughters murder in foreign lands, aside from those we rape and torture, our sons and daughters themselves are the biggest victims of all....."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV - Mar 26th 2012
Must View MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3.0hrs - 30min each -  Mar 26th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The Long Con by the Federal Reserve Amounting to 3.6 percent of the USGDP, or $518 billion, each year since 1913 - PDF -- Must Read -- A quote...."During my twenty years of studying this country's financial system in publishing the Capital & Debt Watch Newsletter, I came across something far more invasive and pernicious than the various pyramiding schemes  such as by Bernie Madoff. I discovered a rather astounding version of the "Long Con." As those know, in a long con, the con artists, in this case the "old bankers," set up a rouse to bleed the victim. In this con, the main rouse was to convince everyone that inflation is a fact of life. In fact, inflation, at about 4% per year, is contrived by the old bankers (contrasted to the new bankers inventing other means of bleeding money  away from folk, such as via derivatives). The con always involves some kind of "front" and since 1913, the front has been the US Federal Reserve. Prior to that, the front was the 1st National Bank of the US and the 2nd National Bank, which Jefferson and Jackson shutdown, respectively, because they saw the bleed of money from ordinary folk...."

Stunning Facts About How the Banking System Really Works … And How It Is Destroying America
Must Read - A quote...."To understand the core problem in America today, we have to look back to the very founding of our country. - The Founding Fathers fought for liberty and justice. But they also fought for a sound economy and freedom from the tyranny of big banks...." - also posted at GlobalResearch
Keiser Report: ‘Yes, No, Maybe’ World Order – Episode 423
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Mar 26, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert the new world order called Yes, No, Maybe in which secret downgrades and confiscation plans are certain only to a few insiders whilst chaos and confusion reigns for the rest of the population. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Leah McGrath Goodman, author of The Asylum: Inside the Rise and Ruin of the Global Oil Market, about the definitive proof that oil markets were manipulated to $100 in 2008 by ConAgra traders and what the US government response was to the information."

This Is What Happens When A Journalist Forces A Banker To Actually Answer A Question
Video - (LLVideo - 5min07sec) --  If you want to watch a Bankster squirm, and a REAL reporter DOING HIS JOB, watch this video - mpg -- A quote...."It's hard not to appreciate how thoroughly Irish journalist Vincent Browne shuts down these banker's multiple attempts to weasel their way out of answering his questions. Don't miss a short speech."

Expect these eight steps from the government’s playbook
A quote...."To anyone paying attention, reality is now painfully obvious. These bankrupt, insolvent governments have just about run out of fingers to plug the dikes. And history shows that, once this happens, governments fall back on a very limited playbook...."
  1. Direct confiscation
  2. Taxes
  3. Inflation
  4. Capital Controls
  5. Wage and Price controls
  6. Wage and Price controls– on STEROIDS
  7. Increased regulation
  8. War and National Emergency
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BRICS Go Over The Wall  - Hip Hip Hooray!! -- About TIME!!
#1)  Must Read - A quote...."March 27, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"Asia Times" - Reports on the premature death of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have been greatly exaggerated. Western corporate media is flooded with such nonsense, perpetrated in this particular case by the head of Morgan Stanley Investment Management. - Reality spells otherwise. The BRICS meet in Durban, South Africa, this Tuesday to, among other steps, create their own credit rating agency, sidelining the dictatorship – or at least “biased agendas”, in New Delhi’s diplomatic take – of the Moody’s/Standard & Poor’s variety. They will also further advance  the idea of the BRICS Development Bank, with a seed capital of US$50 billion (only structural details need to be finalized), helping infrastructure and sustainable development projects. - Crucially, the US and the European Union won’t have stakes in this Bank of the South – a concrete alternative, pushed especially by India and Brazil, to the Western-dominated World Bank and the Bretton Woods system." - also posted at ICH

New BRICS Development Bank Announced
- Hip Hip Hooray!! -- About TIME!!
#2)  Related Article -- A quote...." In September 2006, four original BRIC nations met in New York. On May 16, 2008, Yekaterinburg, Russia hosted a full-scale diplomatic meeting. - In June 2009, Brazil, Russia, India and China again met in Yekaterinburg. - Early steps were taken to end dollar supremacy. Eventual plans may replace it with a global currency or basket of major ones. - In 2010, South Africa joined the BRIC alliance. It was formally invited to do so. The group was renamed BRICS. Annual summits are held."

China, Brazil sign trade, currency deal ahead of BRICS summit - Hip Hip Hooray!! -- About TIME!!
#3)  Related Article -- A quote...."(Reuters) - BRICS members China and Brazil agreed on Tuesday to trade in their own currencies the equivalent of up to $30 billion per year, moving to take almost half of their trade exchanges out of the U.S. dollar zone."

BRICS plan new $50billion bank to rival World Bank and IMF - Hip Hip Hooray!! -- About TIME!!
#4)  Related Article -- A quote...."The ‘big five’ of the developing world will discuss creating their own global World Bank as their 5th annual summit kicks off Tuesday in sunny Durban. - The move is linked to the developing world’s disillusionment with the status quo of world financial institutions. The World Bank and IMF continue to favor US and European presidents over BRICS nations, and in 2010, the US failed to ratify a 2010 agreement which would allow more IMF funds to be allocated to developing nations. - “Not long ago we discussed the formation of a developmental bank… Today we are ready to launch it,” South African President Jacob Zuma said on Monday." - Source: RT

For more regarding the four articles shown above see - Topix  ||  The Three Legs of a Sound International Financial System - A Proposal - 03-15-12 - mpg  ||  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - 03-21-13 - mpg  ||
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Egan-Jones Downgrades UK From AA- To A+
A quote...."Thought you could shut up Egan-Jones? Sure, you could... as a NRSRO: the same worthless designation that is carried by Moodys and S&P. However, that does not prevent them to act, and provide their ratings opinion, as a non-NRSRO. Which is exactly in what capacity the infamous firm, which was targeted by the SEC for daring to downgrade the US (the same reason S&P was sued by the DOJ later), just downgraded the UK from AA- to A+." - bold by website editor

Attempts to form Italian government collapse
A quote...."Italy remains without a government four weeks after the country’s parliamentary elections. Last Friday, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano gave the head of the Democratic Party (PD), Pier Luigi Bersani, a mandate to form a government."

Contrary To Prior Lies, Spanish 2013 Economic Contraction Even Worse Than In 2012
A quote..."The Bank of Spain just sent a stark message. In its annual update of economic forecasts, it estimates Spain's economy will shrink 1.5% in 2013 - that is three times as bad as the official government forecast of -0.5%. As Reuters reports, this is even worse than 2012's 1.4% contraction as the bank notes that, Spaniards "remain immersed in a process of deleveraging...and families have seen a notable shrinking of income.""

Spain sinks deeper into recession: Central Bank
A quote...."Spain’s Central Bank says the country will sink deeper into recession with a high unemployment rate as its economy is set to contract again this year."

French unemployment rate at 16-year high
A quote...."The number of jobless people in France has climbed towards a record high in February for the 22nd month running, and has reached its highest level since 1997."

Banks only beneficiary of EU austerity plans: Analyst - Amen!!
Contains Video - A quote...."A commentator tells Press TV that belt-tightening policies coming out of Brussels and so-called European parliaments are meant to benefit the banks not the people."

After Cyprus, euro zone will slip into depression
A quote...."LONDON (MarketWatch) — A deal was always likely to be done at the last minute in Cyprus. --  The sums of money were too small, and the impact of the country chaotically pulling out of the euro too catastrophic, for the two sides not to be prepared to compromise. Late at night, with a deadline looming, the two sides managed to cobble together a deal. The euro staggers on for another day. -- But the Cyprus debacle will deepen the depression now starting to grip the European economy. This is no longer a financial crisis — it is an economic crisis. And the collapse of Cyprus will make that a whole lot worse."
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More on the Great Cypress Bank Robbery -- Attempt.....

Cyprus bail-out: savers will be raided to save euro in future crises, says eurozone chief
A quote...."Savings accounts in Spain, Italy and other European countries will be raided if needed to preserve Europe's single currency by propping up failing banks, a senior eurozone official has announced."

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Where Oh Where in the World....Did All That Gold Go????
(Only the NY Fed, London's "City" and Tel Aviv's Banksters know for sure.....)

Gold – Do You Believe Central Banks or Bloomberg?
Gold Update - Table -- A quote...."Bloomberg reported recently that Russia is now the world’s biggest gold buyer, its central bank having added 570 tonnes (18.3 million troy ounces) over the past decade. At $1,650/ounce, that’s $30.1 billion worth of gold. - Russia isn’t alone, of course. Central banks as a group have been net buyers for at least two years now. But the 2012 data trickling out shows that the amount of tonnage being added is breaking records. - The following table lists the countries that have added to their gold reserves this year, while the second one tallies those that have been selling. You’ll see how recently each country has reported, along with its percentage increase."

That Physical Gold You Thought You Owned? You Didn't
A quote...."Earlier today, the CFTC issued an order and charges against two Boca Raton companies, (Joseph Glenn Commodities LLC and JGCF LLC, and their owners Scott Newcom and Anthony Pulieri) which accused the abovementioned of engaging in illegal, fraudulent off-exchange financed transactions in precious metals with retail customers, and also ordered them to pay over $1 million in restitution payments. Superficially, it would have been any other run-off-the-mill CFTC wristslap against an entity that is deemed not TBTF, and thus systematically relevant, in the parlance of the DOJ (unlike the Jon Corzines of the world, who are perpetually absolved of all crimes - actual and alleged), if only it wasn't for one small clarification at the end of the body."

Currency Wars: ‘Race to Debase’ spurs central banks’ gold-buying spree
A quote..."Today’s unbacked fiat currencies are at the root of an emerging global monetary problem.  While the talk of “recovery” in recent months now populates headlines, the desperate actions of politicians and central bankers show the contrary." - Source:  BWO
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More On The International Situation....

Jordanian International Air Cargo, the secret airline that’s reportedly flooding Syria with weapons
A quote...."Today’s New York Times uncovers the clandestine effort by the CIA and Arab governments to deliver military aid to rebel fighters in Syria through an airlift involving more than 160 flights of military-style cargo planes owned by Arab governments. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the story is a flat denial from the Jordanian airline that the Times says is shipping tons of Croatian weapons to Syrian rebels."

Syria opposition coalition nonexistent without support: Analyst
Contains Video - A quote...."A political commentator tells Press TV that Syria’s opposition National Coalition will not be able to continue to exist without the financial and political support of the international as well as regional countries."

In Syria, the Rebels Have Begun to Fight Among Themselves
A quote...."The day started like a regular Sunday for Mohammad al-Daher, better known as Abu Azzam, the commander of the rebel Farouq Brigades in the vast swath of eastern Syria called the Jazira, a region that stretches from the Turkish border to the Iraqi frontier and encompasses the three provinces of Raqqa, Hasaka and Deir ez-Zor. He had a series of meetings in the morning in a number of locations in the bustling town of Tal Abyad on Syria’s border with Turkey as well as in the partially destroyed former police station that is the Farouq’s headquarters. And he was going to visit his mother."

Government: Syria Rejects AL Resolutions, Warns against "Playing with Fire"
A quote...."DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The Syrian government dismissed the resolution taken by the Arab League (AL) on March 26, 2013 as it will have serious repercussions on the League's future as well as on the joint Arab action and Arab national security. -- In a statement issued on Wednesday, the government considered the AL resolution as "unprecedented" in the League's history "for it blatantly violates the AL Charter and its statutes and the rules of the joint Arab action.""

BRICS warns against militarising Syria conflict further
A quote...."Durban: The BRICS nations - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - have warned against militarising the conflict in Syria any further and, for the first time, made a strong statement on the humanitarian situation in the country torn by civil war."
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Four children killed in Afghan-coalition operation - police
A quote...."KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan and international special forces staged a night raid in the country's restive east, with police on Wednesday saying five civilians died in the operation, four of them children. - While the defence ministry said there had been no civilian deaths in the overnight operation in Logar province, Reuters television footage taken in the village, Sejewand, showed the bodies of at least three children."

NATO soldier killed in militants attack in eastern Afghanistan
A quote...."A NATO service member was killed following militants attack in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday. - NATO-led International Security Assistance Force following a statement announced, “An International Security Assistance Force service member died following an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan today.”"
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India insists on continuing Iran oil imports
A quote...."India’s Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister M. Veerappa Moily has emphasized that his country will not halt imports of Iranian crude oil, rejecting recent Western news reports to the contrary. -- While noting that unilateral anti-Iran sanctions by the US and the European Union have caused some difficulties for India in terms of insuring Iranian oil shipments, Moily told reporters in New Delhi that his country intends to establish a special fund for insuring oil imports originating from the Islamic Republic, IRNA reported on Tuesday." - Source:  PressTV

Iran LNG company takes legal action against EU over ban
- Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Iran LNG Company (ILC) has filed a lawsuit with an international tribunal against the European Union (EU) for its “unilateral and illogical” ban on Iran’s mainstream producer of liquefied natural gas."

Iran sanctions could force BP to shut down North Sea gas field
A quote...."The British oil giant, British Petroleum (BP), may be forced to close down the Bruce natural gas field in the UK North Sea ahead of schedule as a result of the sanctions imposed against Iran. - Dow Jones reported on Tuesday that without gas from the adjoining Rhum field, of which the National Iranian Oil Company is a joint owner, BP might have to close down the Bruce field."\

BRICS Blasts Western Pressures on Iran, Calls for Talks
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The fifth summit of group of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) lashed out at the US-led West for its hostile and unilateral policies against Iran, and called on the western powers to try talks with Tehran over the latter's nuclear program."

Iran Produces Nano-Radiomedicines to Diagnose Cancerous Tumors
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian researchers produced new nano-radiopharmaceuticals with the ability to accumulate in fibrosarcoma tumor for the timely diagnosis of tumors and to take images from them."
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49,000 killed in Pakistan since 9/11 attacks in US
A quote...."At least 49,000 people, including 15,000 security personnel, have been killed in violence in Pakistan since the 9/11 attacks in the United States, a security report says."
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Lest we forget–Berezovsky financed terrorists by paying ransoms
A quote..."Boris Berezovsky encouraged Chechen warlords Shamil Basayev and Salman Raduyev to kidnap people so that Berezovsky could finance them by paying ransoms, claims Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. - In an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the Chechen leader said he personally witnessed the agreement"

TAP surges ahead of Nabucco-West
Geo-Political / Oil-Gas Note -- A quote...."Among the roles of Gazprom's South Stream pipeline project was that of aborting the European Union-backed Nabucco, merely by threatening to preempt Nabucco's markets along the same route downstream. Conversely, Nabucco's European rival Trans-Adriatic Pipeline project (TAP) can abort Nabucco by preempting the gas supply source upstream."

Maduro Counters Campaign to Discredit Venezuelan Electoral System
A quote...."Mérida, 25th March 2013 ( – The presidential candidate of the Bolivarian Revolution, Nicolas Maduro, yesterday counter-attacked the opposition’s campaign to discredit Venezuela’s electoral system ahead of the 14 April presidential election." - also posted at AlethoNews

Paraguay: Organisations Denounce Human Rights Abuses Before IACHR
A quote...."The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), an autonomous organ of the Organisation of American States (OAS), held a hearing on the “general situation of human rights in Paraguay” in Washington, US, on Friday and various Paraguayan organisations brought grievances to address." - Source:  ArgintinaIndependent

Did the AP Catch State Department Officials Lying to Congress About Honduran Death Squads?
A quote...."Associated Press reporters Alberto Arce and Katherine Corcoran have written a follow up article to Arce’s investigative feature last week on the continuation of death squad activity by the Honduran police. The new article, which appeared in the New York Times and various other media over the weekend, suggests that U.S. State Department officials may have deceived members of Congress in order to illegally fund Honduran police units even though some police – under the command of National Police Director General Juan Carlos “El Tigre” Bonilla – may be involved in death squads." - also posted at AlethoNews

The Long Planned Unraveling of Africa Continues.....

Dagger’ brigade readies for AFRICOM missions
A quote...."Some 4,000 soldiers of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, out of Fort Riley, Kan., are training for realignment to U.S. Africa Command, expected later this year. - The 2nd BCT, or “Dagger” Brigade as it is known, will be the first brigade to be regionally aligned to U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM. - U.S. Pacific Command has had units regionally align to its area of responsibility with similar training at Fort Irwin earlier this year." - Source:  DVIDS

28 killed in Nigeria village attack
A quote...."JOS, Nigeria - Up to 28 persons were confirmed dead on Tuesday by the police in central north Nigeria's Plateau State following an attack by unknown gunmen in two communities in the state. -- State Commissioner of Police Chris Olakpe told reporters in Jos, the state capital, that a policeman was affected in the incident that took place in Ganawuri District of Riyom Local Government Area of Plateau."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Obama Spurns Palestinian Rights
A quote...." He frankly doesn't give a damn. He spent three days in Israel. He showed one-sided support. He gave Palestinians short shrift. He spent token time in Ramallah. -- He told Israelis "so long as there is a United States of America, Ah-tem lo lah-vahd (You are not alone)." He left no doubt what he means."

Child critically injured after Israeli soldier shot him in head with rubber bullet in Hebron clashes
A quote...."HEBRON (Ma’an) — A 12-year-old is in critical condition after he was injured in clashes with Israeli forces in Hebron, medics said."

IOA closes Ibrahimi mosque for two days
A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) announced that the Ibrahimi mosque in Al-Khalil would be closed before Muslim worshipers for two days starting Wednesday. - Local sources said that the IOA informed the Awkaf department in the city with the decision. - They said that the mosque would be open only for Jews to celebrate Passover."

IOF soldiers arrest five Hamas leaders including MP
A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) nabbed five Hamas leaders in pre-dawn raids on Wednesday in Al-Khalil city including MP Mohammed Jamal Al-Natshe. - Local sources said that IOF soldiers stormed the home of the 55-year-old MP south of Al-Khalil city and searched it and confiscated mobile phones and a computer before taking away the lawmaker."

Solidarity Walk highlights water issues in the Jordan Valley
A quote...."On March 22, over 350 Palestinians and internationals took part in a solidarity walk in the Jordan Valley yesterday. - The walk was organized by the Freedom Theatre, the Jordan Valley Solidarity movement and Thirsting for Justice, and aimed to highlight the problems of water accessibility in Palestinian villages in the Jordan Valley due to the re-direction of water supply to Israeli settlements in the same area."

Israel To Build Settlement Units On Palestinian Lands In Bethlehem
A quote...."The Israeli authorities in the occupied West Bank have issued a military order for the illegal confiscation of Palestinian lands in Khirbit Ed-Deer area, west of Nahhalin village, in the Bethlehem District, in order to build 70 units for Jewish settlers, and public buildings, the Palestine News Network (PNN) had reported."

During Funeral Procession, Army Fires Gas Bombs At School Students In Hebron
A quote...."Hebron, Tuesday March 26 2113, Palestinian medical sources reported that several female school students have been treated for the effects of teargas inhalation after Israeli soldiers fired gas bombs at them as they participated a funeral north of Hebron city, in the southern part of the occupied Palestinian West Bank."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Protesters successfully shut down California Monsanto office - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."21 Mar 2013 A recent two-day protest in Northern California against genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) led to the complete shutdown of a Monsanto corporate office for an entire day, according to reports. On Friday, March 16, 2012, activists affiliated with the 'Global Days of Action to Shut Down Monsanto' began rallying in front of the Davis, Calif., office of Monsanto, where they held up banners, gave speeches, and set up tents in front of the Monsanto building on Fifth Street, which caused the biotech giant to shutter its operations."

Stop the Monsanto Protection Act - Last Chance
A quote...."A rider (Sec. 735) that would prevent courts from halting illegally planted GM crops (sometimes courts find fault with USDA-approved GM fields) was slipped into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill HR 933. It blind-sided an angry populace last week, giving little time to voice complaint before it was to go through the Senate."

Obama Betrays Americans Again…with the Monsanto Protection Act
A quote...."Of course, it’s hard to honestly expect President Barack Obama to do the right thing, but many people held out hope that he would veto the most dangerous food act ever to pass the US Congress.  After all, one of his campaign promises the first time around was to enforce the labeling of GMOs.  His wife has that famous organic garden on the White House lawn.  We can trust the Obamas, right?" - Source:  TheOrgainicPrepper

FDA now forcing supplement companies to censor consumer free speech on the internet
A quote...."(NaturalNews) – The ever-expanding federal autocracy, which is filled with career government bureaucrats who have union-protected tenure and far too little congressional scrutiny, are slowly but steadily eroding every original intent contained in the Bill of Rights." - NaturalNews

Raw Honey: Liquid Gold in Your Pantry

A quote...."(OrganicPrepper) – When selecting foods for your stockpile, the most budget-friendly, space-conscious way to do it is by selecting items that multitask.  This criteria places honey high on your “to-buy list”.  Tess Pennington of Ready Nutrition lists honey as one of the top SHTF sweeteners to store." - Source:  OrganicPepper

Tuesday March 26th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Monday March 25th 2013

Iraq War How and Why Did It Really Start?
Must Listen Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 43min52sec - Mar 20, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons - Related:  Maidhc Ó Cathail - Related:  PassionateAttachment - A quote...."On the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, we look at why the US really when there and in whose interest. Maidhc Ó Cathail explains how Israeli partisans pushed for and created the propaganda and legal pretext for the 2003, invasion of Iraq. Progressive media likes to rant and rave about oil interest and currencies, but when you look at the blame shifters you just find more Israeli partisans. The arguments for oil fall flat vs reality and require a massive amount of rationalization and omission of facts. The Neocons gave us millions of dead bodies, trillions of wasted dollars, an increase in terrorism, and a total disaster in the Middle East. Don't let them shift the blame on to "oil companies" or "capitalism" this was a war for Israel from top to bottom." - Related Article - (previously posted) - On tenth anniversary, Israel partisans behind Iraq War still at large - Also Related Ry's2sense video Newest War by Deception 2013 - Ry2SVideo - AltVimeo - AltYuTb - (Ry2SVimeo & Ry2SYuTb - 2hrs43sec - Jan 20, 2013)
A comment on the "oil" and use of the "petro-dollar".  It's true that the Iraq war wasn't about the oil, per se.  It's also true it would have been vastly cheaper to simply "buy" the oil rather than invade Iraq and it's even true the Euro didn't exist before the plans for Iraq were hatched.  But, the PLANS for the Euro did exist, more importantly the petro-dollar was established in 1973 and after Gulf war one, Saddam was desperately trying to find ANY alternative to the dollar.  That could not be permitted, ever, and his attempts were just another nail in his coffin.  Also use of the "petro-dollar" IS getting Iraq's oil for free, whether bought directly or by somebody else who was forced to sell their valuables for USD's . It's a completely worthless currency, printed up for nothing, and exchanged for tens of trillions in valuable resources.  Finally any threat to the US dollar is a threat to the preeminence of the  Israeli/Kazarian controlled Private Banking Cartel known as the Federal Reserve. - Topix ||  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - 03-21-13 - mpg  ||
A parade of characters and causes led the US to war in Iraq
A quote...."One does not have to subscribe to the Tolstoyan notion of history - an inscrutable force, without agents, predestined and with infinite causes - to accept that a phenomenon as complicated as a war can have multiple causes. Iraq had many. Each of the aforementioned played some part in the calculus of decision makers; but they are not equally significant. Key actors were not driven by the same motives, nor did they reach their decisions simultaneously."

Secret memos expose link between oil firms and invasion of Iraq
A quote...."Plans to exploit Iraq’s oil reserves were discussed by government ministers and the world’s largest oil companies the year before Britain took a leading role in invading Iraq, government documents show." - Topix ||  War Resource 9/11  ||
Keep in mind the oil companies were brought in late to the game only a year or two before the invasion.  That's twenty years after plans to destroy Iraq had already been written. - mpg
West Drops Syria WMD Narrative As Evidence Points to Western-Armed Terrorists
The "West's" Presstitutes BUSTED....Again! -- A quote...."March 24, 2013 (LD) - For the US, UK, France, and its regional partners including Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, nothing would have suited their interests more than if the recent chemical attack reported in Aleppo Syria turned out to be (or could have been portrayed as being) the work of the Syrian government, or even "loose" weapons that had fallen into the hands of Al Qaeda terrorists the West both arms and condemns simultaneously. -- However, a strange silence has fallen across the Western media regarding the chemical attack which Israel had even claimed to have "confirmed."  Now, a recent report published in the London Telegraph by Channel 4 journalist Alex Thomson has produced convincing evidence that implicates the West's terrorist proxies as the perpetrators, and goes far in explaining the otherwise inexplicable silence exhibited by Wall Street and London's propaganda machine. Titled, "Syria chemical weapons: finger pointed at jihadists," - also posted at BLN

Confirmed: US Shipping Weapons to Syria - Al Nusra's "Mystery" Sponsors Revealed
A quote...."March 25, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"LD" - While US President Barack Obama and the Western media lied in concert to the world regarding America's role in supporting terrorists operating in Syria, it is now revealed that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been shipping weapons to Syria via NATO-member Turkey and Jordan since at least early 2012. The New York Times in their article titled, "Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With C.I.A. Aid," admits that:" - Source:  LandDstryRep

US steps up war against Syria after Obama’s “peace” trip to Israel

A quote...."After US President Barack Obama's trip to Israel last week the US and its allies are moving ahead with plans to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and install a pro-Western regime. CIA operations and calls to arm the Syrian opposition are escalating, amid a US diplomatic offensive in the Middle East to isolate Assad, and the collapse of a pro-Syrian government in Lebanon."

Diplomat was banned from talking about Dr David Kelly when giving evidence at Iraq Inquiry
The Kelly Cover-Up - (Continues) -- A quote...."A former British diplomat has revealed he was ‘warned’ by the senior civil servant running the Iraq Inquiry not to mention the late biological weapons expert Dr David Kelly when giving evidence. - Carne Ross, the UK’s Iraq expert  at the UN Security Council between 1998 and 2002, said he was told by the ‘very aggressive’ official that if he discussed Dr Kelly during his testimony, he would be silenced." -- "Silenced"?  Now that's scary considering what happened to Dr. Kelly. - mpg
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Breaking News: Bill Kristol Is Still An Enemy of the Founding Fathers
A quote...."In his article “The GOP of Old,” published just today, Bill Kristol chastised Rand Paul for being wearied of perpetual wars in the Middle East. If you or your family or your friends are against policing virtually every country in the Middle East, you are part of the “rot of war weariness,” says Kristol, and “The task of GOP political leaders is to educate the public about the dangers of the world and to inspire people to rise above their weariness.”[2]"
In other words you must continue to cheerfully sacrifice your children, and your financial well being, and your constitution, to support Israel's endless wars in the Middle East, wars that Israel planned  more than thirty years ago, wars initiated by Israel's false flag called 9/11, and you must do so in perpetuity. - mpg
The Social Cost of Israeli Aid
A quote...."As a result of sequestration budget cuts in America, many important programmes, especially for the poor, will be unfunded. - No cuts for Israel?"

US to Up Military Aid to Israel to $4 Billion - Naturally.  Had enough yet folks? - mpg
Remember, there's only six to seven million "Jewish" Israelis.  Eighty percent or so are actually Caucasoid Kaszarian emigrees most of whom don't have a single droplet of Middle East blood within their veins.  All this trouble, ALL OF IT, on behalf of a criminal syndicate which has caused more death, poverty and destruction, pound for pound, than any other group in the world. - mpg - also posted at AlethoNews

“Castrate them!” “Burn them!” “Bullet in the head!”: Facebook Israelis react to photo of Palestinian kids
A quote...."An image of three Palestinian boys sparked an outpouring of violent and sadistic fantasies after it was reposted to an Israeli Facebook page...."

Israeli court adjourns hearing into case of female captive for the 20th time
Israeli "Justice" -- A quote...."NABLUS, (PIC)-- An Israeli court adjourned on Monday the trial hearing of Palestinian detainee Alaa Al-Juba, 19, for the 20th time running. - Rula, Alaa’s sister, told the Ahrar center for prisoners’ studies and human rights that the adjournment, similar to the past 19 ones, was unjustified. - For his part, Fuad Al-Khafsh, the director of Ahrar center, said that Alaa was suffering psychologically due to the repeated adjournment of her trial hearings."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

9-11 was massive mind control exercise – Dr. Kevin Barret
A quote...."This is part 3 of interview with Dr. Kevin Barret. PART 1, PART 2  --  The events in the United States on 9-11-2001, plunged the entire world into America’s own “War on Terror” paradigm. High level military officers, academics, doctors and professors from almost every field, citizens, scholars, legal specialists, and millions upon millions question what they witnessed before their very eyes, namely the controlled demolitions which took place on 9-11. Slowly as the collective shock of the world’s citizenry wears off and we see how it has been exploited and used by those who took power in the United States, more and more media outlets and individuals are beginning to realize that, yes, something is very, very wrong with 9-11." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

CIA Targeted Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer
A quote...."In 1975, during the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that caused the victim to have an immediate heart attack. This poison could be frozen into the shape of a dart and then fired at high speed from a pistol. The gun was capable of shooting the icy projectile with enough speed that the dart would go right through the clothes of the target and leave just a tiny red mark. Once in the body the poison would melt and be absorbed into the blood and cause a heart attack! The poison was developed to be undetectable by modern autopsy procedures."

The Day That TV News Died
Special Note - A quote...."I am not sure exactly when the death of television news took place. The descent was gradual—a slide into the tawdry, the trivial and the inane, into the charade on cable news channels such as Fox and MSNBC in which hosts hold up corporate political puppets to laud or ridicule, and treat celebrity foibles as legitimate news. But if I had to pick a date when commercial television decided amassing corporate money and providing entertainment were its central mission, when it consciously chose to become a carnival act, it would probably be Feb. 25, 2003, when MSNBC took Phil Donahue off the air because of his opposition to the calls for war in Iraq. -- Donahue and Bill Moyers, the last honest men on national television, were the only two major TV news personalities who presented the viewpoints of those of us who challenged the rush to war in Iraq. General Electric and Microsoft—MSNBC’s founders and defense contractors that went on to make tremendous profits from the war—were not about to tolerate a dissenting voice....." - also posted at ICH

Liberal Agenda for More Gun Control Tied to a Totalitarian Agenda
A quote...."The political agenda regarding foreign policy, stenographed by the lamestream media, is to continue to spend American resources on what is still far too much for Israel’s objectives (such as war with Syria and Iran), and at more great costs to our tax revenues. Certain industries and banker investors found such misadventures, as illegal wars, in the Middle East to be cash cows, equally parasitically bleeding America on the whole; as these goings-on continue to motivate more dismantlement of American Constitutional liberties here at home (in order to get away with their forms of betrayal (treason) to our founding fathers’ American Creed (which is not protecting the Holy Land) and to true interests of the American peoples. We now continue to live within a tyranny of corrupt betrayal. So to ban the personal right to own rapid-fire weapons here in the United States could happen within this significant context of an ever-evolving totalitarian reality that continues to wrap its dangerous tentacles around our quickly dying freedoms. "

Connecticut’s Malloy plotting to ram through “emergency” gun control bill
2nd Amendment Alert - A quote...."Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy and his liberal allies in the state House and Senate are plotting to ram through a restrictive and unconstitutional gun control bill next week using procedural tricks that circumvents the rights of the state’s citizens:"

DHS To Buy 360,000 More Rounds of Hollow Point Ammunition
Related Article - A quote...."While the Department of Homeland Security continues to ignore members of Congress demanding to know why the federal agency is engaged in an apparent arms build-up, the DHS has just announced it plans to purchase another 360,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition to add to the roughly 2 billion bullets already bought over the past year."

Silence of the Homelands: Why is DHS stockpiling guns and ammunition?

A quote...."The Department of Homeland Security has plans to buy enough ammunition to fight the equivalent of a 24-year Iraq War – on US territory – and even US congressmen don’t understand why. - Smack in the middle of the smoking gun-control debate, and despite deep spending cuts across the American heartland, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants to buy 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the next five years."

‘Men Live in Guantanamo Animal Cages, Will Never Get Trials’
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 7min03sec - Mar 24, 2013) - Source:  thetruegrimghost - A quote...." March 25, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"RT" - The Guantanamo Bay hunger strike has entered its 47th day, with no end in sight. According to the prison’s Director of Public Affairs, 26 inmates are refusing food, with eight detainees receiving enteral sustenance. - The situation has alarmed Lt. Col Barry Wingard, a US military attorney who advocates for Guantanamo detainees. - Wingard spoke to RT about the future of Guantanamo Bay’s 166 detainees."

Hundreds of thousands protest against gay marriage in Paris - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Down with the New Roman Empire in ALL its cultural affectations!! - Posted in the "domestic section" for its bearing on the upcoming Supreme Court decision regarding this topic. - mpg -- A quote...."Hundreds of thousands of people protested against gay marriage in France on Sunday. The demonstrators marched along a route leading to the Champs Elysees after police banned them marching on Paris avenue, the Associated Press and BBC reported." - For more on this issue see the essays shown below.....
Boris Berezovsky is dead! Syrian 'rebels' falling apart. Gilad Atzmon in Japan
Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 4min22sec - Mar 25, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons

Michael Rivero on Justin TV - Mar 25th 2012
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3.0hrs - 30min each -  Mar 25th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Thirteen families effectively control the central banks
From the History File -- A quote...."In the mid 1970s, the final phase of System 2000, a "global creditors' unilateral totalitarian plan" was put into effect. A Pentagon official and three other US officials went to the Prime Minister of Nigeria and offered him fifty million dollars in cash to double the price of light crude oil. Nigeria is one of only two countries in the world that produce light crude, which is an extremely pure form of oil whose price sets the standard for all other forms of crude oil. -- Armed with the knowledge that, because of their deal with Nigeria, the price of Mid-east oil was about the skyrocket, the international bankers went to the Arabs and said, "We will send the price of crude oil as high as you want if you will promise to invest some of the money you make in the United States." -- Nigeria doubled the price of light crude, the price of oil from the Mid-east went up and the price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States jumped to $1.20. (My note: In Italy, where I was living at the time, it was costing $1 a LITRE after the oil price was sent through the roof.) Unwittingly, Americans began to finance System 2000 with every tank of gas they bought." - also posted at Reficultnias - Topix ||  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - 03-21-13 - mpg  ||

CORRUPT ACROSS THE GLOBE: How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece Hide It's National Debt
Special Note - A quote...."Goldman Sachs helped the Greek government to mask the true extent of its deficit with the help of a derivatives deal that legally circumvented the EU Maastricht deficit rules. At some point the so-called cross currency swaps will mature, and swell the country's already bloated deficit."

Lloyds paid 20 bankers more than £1 million last year - paper
A quote...."(Reuters) - Lloyds Banking Group (LLOY.L) paid more than 20 of its staff at least one million pounds last year, a move likely to inflame anger among MPs and the public over excessive banker pay, The Sunday Times reported."

Cyprus, And It's Gone (Financial Crisis Mash)
Video Music Mash - (YuTb - 3min06sec - Mar 19, 2013) - Source:  TheTruthuploader - A quote...."And It's Gone, it's all GONE " !!!!! [Gone, Gone, Gone....and it's Gone, Gone, Gone.....]

Growth For Bottom 90 Percent Of Americans Averaged Just $59 Over 4 Decades: Analysis
A quote..."Another day, another mind-blowing fact about the staggering difference between the haves and the have-nots. - Incomes for the bottom 90 percent of Americans only grew by $59 on averagebetween 1966 and 2011 (when you adjust those incomes for inflation), according to an analysis by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston for Tax Analysts. During the same period, the average income for the top 10 percent of Americans rose by $116,071, Johnston found." - Source:  HuffPo

Five Ugly Extremes of Inequality in America -- The Contrasts Will Drop Your Chin to the Floor
A quote...."March 24, 2013  |  The first step is to learn the facts, and then to get angry and to ask ourselves, as progressives and caring human beings, what we can do about the relentless transfer of wealth to a small group of well-positioned Americans." - For more on this issue and WHY the rich are getting so much richer see the articles shown below.....
Citi Destroys The 'Cash-Hoarding-Corporations-Should-Return-It-To-Shareholders' Meme
Important Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."When it comes to popular finance myths, cash hoarding by corporates may be one of the most perpetuated. It's not that the data is wrong; US companies are holding more cash on their balance sheets than at any time in the past, as a report by Moody's this week notes. What's misguided is the narrative, in Citi's view, in particular among equity investors. What they most take issue with is the implication that corporates have lots of cash to return to shareholders. Indeed, there's plenty of data to the contrary that challenges the prevailing notion that corporates are the picture of good health."

More on the Great Cypress Bank Robbery -- Attempt.....

Next Up For Cyprus: Depression
A quote...."From SocGen:  Depression for Cyprus: Our Cypriot GDP forecast entails a drop of just over 20% in real GDP by 2017. This forecast had already factored in much what was agreed, but did not account for the additional uncertainty shock generated by the past week’s appalling political mess. Risks are clearly on the downside and Cyprus will in all likelihood require additional financial assistance further down the road. Accounting for less than 0.3% of euro area GDP, any downward revision to Cyprus will be barely visible on the euro area aggregate." - They STILL haven't learned??  Naw!!  NOBODY is that stupid, in reality they simply don't care.  Banksters first, everybody and everything else last. - mpg - Topix  ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  ||

Cyprus and EU agree draft proposal to rescue banks
A quote...."The proposal, which will now be presented to euro zone finance ministers for discussion, will involve setting up a "good bank" and a "bad bank" and will mean that Popular Bank of Cyprus, known as Laiki, will effectively be shut down. - Deposits below 100,000 euros in Laiki will be transferred to Bank of Cyprus. Deposits above 100,000 euros, which under EU law are not insured, will be frozen and will be used to resolve debt. It remains unclear how large the writedown on those funds will be."

Russian warning - (This has NOT been confirmed)
A quote...."NICOSIA – A web site on Friday claims to have seen an urgent bulletin from the Russian Foreign Ministry sent to its embassies all over the world advising both Russian citizens and companies to begin divesting their assets from Western banking and financial institutions “immediately”. - The site said the Kremlin feared that both the European Union and United States were preparing for the largest theft of private wealth in modern history."

It’s Head for “The Mattress” Time for Savers Worldwide
A quote...."Throughout the colorful history of organized crime in the United States, periodic eruptions of inter-gang Mafia violence have dotted the criminal landscape. When turf wars broke out between competing crime families in major cities such as New York and Chicago, the combatants would conduct their warfare from unsavory redoubts such as abandoned warehouses or low-rent hotels and apartments. In such locations, the soldiers would spend their off hours sleeping on rented mattresses until the internecine conflicts had run their course; hence the expression “going to the mattresses. -- Well, there is another turf war going on, a worldwide one, one that threatens the entire economic and political landscape of the planet. It is between all the hard working savers on the planet and the ever greedy criminal bankers and their cohorts in government." - also posted at FromTheTrenches
Where Oh Where in the World....Did All That Gold Go????
(Only the NY Fed, London's "City" and Tel Aviv's Banksters know for sure.....)

Gold Bank Run Begins? Dutch Bank ABN Amro Halts Physical Gold Delivery!
A quote...."The Cyprus/ Eurozone crisis has just intensified, as Dutch Bank ABN Amro has sent a letter to clients this weekend informing them that they will halt extradition and physical delivery of their clients’ gold holdings effective April 1st! - No worries however, Amro ensures its clients that there is no need to panic or do anything rash (such as remove your phyzz prior to April 1st:"

For more regarding the articles shown above see....
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More On The International Situation....

FSA refuses to recognize Ghassan Hitto as opposition PM
Oh Oh, a little hic-up in the "Axis of Evil's" plan for their proposed pro-consul for Syria. For now....mpg - A quote...."The main militant group operating in Syria, the terrorist Free Syrian Army, has refused to recognize Ghassan Hitto as prime minister of the so-called opposition interim government."

Syrian opposition leader Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib resigns
A quote...."The leader of the opposition Syrian National Coalition (SNC), Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, has resigned. -- Mr Khatib wrote on Facebook that world powers had failed to help the rebels, and he could only improve the situation by working outside of the coalition. -- Analysts say Mr Khatib believed the SNC was too heavily influenced by Islamists and foreign powers like Qatar." - bold by website editor

More Disarray In The Syrian Opposition
A quote...." There is more disarray. As predicted the so called Free Syrian Army has also rejected the premiership of Hitto saying that his nomination was not consensus based. Meanwhile Iraq, Algeria and Lebanon vetoed Qatar's attempt to give the Syrian seat in the Arab League to the exile government. - Qatar's plans to install the Muslim Brotherhood as the new authority in Syria are clearly not welcome."

CIA Orchestrated Syrian Opposition Crumbles
A quote...."The CIA’s man is Ghassan Hitto, the provisional prime minister of a wobbly interim government established by the Syrian opposition National Coalition – a creation of the Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar — in a chaos-wracked and warlord ruled area carved out of Syria by the FSA and the agency’s al-Nusra terrorists who are indistinguishable from al-Qaeda."

Maliki Resists Kerry's Call to Halt Flow of Iranian Arms to Syria
A quote...."March 25, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"LA Times" - BAGHDAD – Secretary of State John Kerry pressed Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki on Sunday to stop Iran from flying arms across Iraqi territory to the beleaguered Syrian regime, but found him unwilling to give ground." - Source:  LATimes
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Australia to shut Afghanistan base by end of 2013
A quote..."Australian Defense Minister Stephen Smith says his country plans to close its main military base in Afghanistan and withdraw most of its troops from the country by the end of the year."

Afghan police base attack kills dozen
A quote..."A dozen people, including five Afghan policemen, have been killed and several others wounded in a militant attack on a police facility in Afghanistan’s eastern city of Jalalabad."

Boris Berezovsky: The Robber Baron Who Tried to Fix Russia His Way
A quote...."After centuries of oppression by a string of autocrats of varying cruelty, the collapse of the Soviet Union gave Russia an unprecedented chance to follow a different path. Unfortunately, that path was charted by Boris Berezovsky. - Some would argue that the power vacuum, political immaturity and a divided society in the wake of the USSR’s implosion made it almost inevitable that a “genius schemer” (as Berezovsky described himself) with no respect for legal formalities would find himself in a position of unchecked power." - Source: RT

Putin sees BRICS as global troubleshooter
A quote..."The interview released today by Russian state news agency Itar-Tass with President Vladimir Putin regarding the forthcoming BRICS summit meeting at Durban (March 26-27) reaffirms the high priority Moscow attaches to the regional grouping. There are no surprises here. BRICS is a Russian initiative."

BRICS leaders to adopt eThekwini Roadmap at SA summit
A quote...."Russian President Vladimir Putin today is due to hold a pourparler with his South African counterpart, Jacob Zuma, ahead of a broader meeting later on Tuesday. The high-profile talks will be followed by signing a package of bilateral agreements and a press conference."

BRICS to set up business council and development bank
A quote...."BRICS nations are set to announce the launch of a business council within the organization that will implement investment projects involving several countries, Russia’s presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said on Monday. BRICS will also host a business forum, bringing together some 900 businessmen. It is also expected that the organization will announce the creation of the BRICS bank of development."
Sunday March 24th 2013

No posts. - mpg