Saturday April 6th 2013

Tyranny Of The Reasonable: Popular Complacency In An Era Of Economic Exploitation And Perpetual War -- Must Read - A quote...."April 05, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Throughout the course of human affairs, scheming elitists -- let's call them the Plundering Class -- have devoted their days conceiving strategies and executing agendas that serve to enrich the fortunes of a ruthless few (namely themselves) by an exploitation of the harried and hapless multitudes. They scheme, hire silver tongued flacks and muster soldiers to do their biding, while, all too often, the rest of us squander the fleeting days of our finite lives in their service. They plot while we hope. They hoard the bounty of the world while we hoard resentments (generally misplaced upon those equally as power-bereft as we are)."
“The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.” -- *Ernest Hemingway*
"Yet we vulnerable nobodies are free to lie the truth, while self-impressed schemers merely lie. We can live artfully, while they have enclosed themselves in prisons of artifice. -- They wage wars of choice to gain power, acquire plunder, and leave a wasteland of rubble and ashes in their wake...."

Critical Thinking Gone Missing
A quote...."April 05, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  In 2008 Rick Shenkman, the Editor-in-Chief of the History News Network, published a book entitled "Just How Stupid Are We? Facing the Truth about the American Voter" (Basic Books). In it he demonstrated, among other things, that most Americans were: (1) ignorant about major international events, (2) knew little about how their own government runs and who runs it, (3) were nonetheless willing to accept government positions and policies even though a moderate amount of critical thought suggested they were bad for the country, and (4) were readily swayed by stereotyping, simplistic solutions, irrational fears, and public relations babble. " -- Sort'a hard to overcome....ain't it. - mpg

It Was Nice Knowing You, America
A quote...."How did this culture of death and disability take over? -- Could one possibly attribute the great change to a deterioration of principle? And its replacement with a sheer intent to conquer, sell, consume, profit, gorge, and cheat no matter what the outcome? -- Given the fact that more and more Americans don’t even know what a principle is, it’s obvious that a deterioration has occurred."
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Syria FSA rebel lies and propaganda EXPOSED! #1
Video - (Caution: Grim photos) - (It's like they're not even trying anymore, the one from Gaza was famous and plastered all over the world. You'd think they'd use photos that hadn't had so much exposure. - mpg) - (YuTb - 3min46sec - Jan 2, 2013) - Source: RoseOfDamascus1 - A quote..."Not for shock purposes, just for documenting FSA mercenaries war crimes in Syria against the Syrian people...."

Syria in ruins: Photos capture shocking devastation caused to war-torn country
Photo Gallery - Your tax dollars at work folks, gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling of a job well done doesn't it? - mpg -- A quote...." Photos capture shocking devastation caused to war-torn country."

Saudi Arabia backs push to carve out liberated southern Syria  - The Saudi Royals Admit It!! - mpg
PROOF!! -- The Saudi Royals, now openly and publicly admit they support the goals and objectives of Israel's PNAC Protocols!  Wow, didn't think they'd just declare they've been working for, and with, Israel for the last thirty years!  That sort of cavalier disclosure could be hazardous for that entire families longevity. - mpg -- A quote..."Saudi Arabia is backing a push by Syrian opposition rebels to carve out a "liberated" area in southern Syria, opening a key route of attack on Damascus." - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||
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Beyond Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence
RNVideo - Alt - (YuTb - 56min49sec - Jan 15, 2011) - Source:  Servant2All -- A quote...."Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. made the comment that the U.S. government [was/is] "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today". This was in context to a speech delivered on April 4, 1967 at Riverside Church in New York City - exactly one year before his untimely death. 2013-04-05 14:08:45"
"Perhaps a more tragic recognition of reality took place when it became clear to me that the war was doing far more than devastating the hopes of the poor at home. It was sending their sons and their brothers and their husbands to fight and to die in extraordinarily high proportions relative to the rest of the population. We were taking the black young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in southwest Georgia and East Harlem. And so we have been repeatedly faced with the cruel irony of watching Negro and white boys on TV screens as they kill and die together for a nation that has been unable to seat them together in the same schools. And so we watch them in brutal solidarity burning the huts of a poor village, but we realize that they would hardly live on the same block in Chicago. I could not be silent in the face of such cruel manipulation of the poor." -- *Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. *
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True Costs of Iraq War Whitewashed by Fuzzy Maths
By The (TRUE) Numbers -- A quote...."April 05, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"The National" - 'So many', wrote TS Eliot, reflecting on the waste land left by the First World War. "I had not thought death had undone so many." - This notion is unlikely to cross the minds of those surveying the devastation left by the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The most frequently quoted fatality figure - about 115,000 Iraqis killed - is shocking. But compared to major conflicts of the past century, it is a relatively modest toll. The 1916 battle of the Somme alone killed three times as many. More than that were killed by a single atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima during the Second World War." - Source:  TheNational - Topix ||  US Fake Intel / Propaganda - Iraq's Death Toll  ||

Freedom Rider: Hidden War Crimes in Iraq
A quote...."The United States leaves an indelible impression on the peoples that come in contact with it: in the case of Iraqis, a legacy of death by bombs, bullets, incineration, starvation, disease and genetic damage. The U.S. didn’t event war crimes, but its global reach and high tech style of killing makes America unique in the annals of inhumanity."
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Price of NATO Invasion of Afghanistan: Over Million Heroin Deaths
A quote...."Over one million people have died from Afghan heroin in the world since 2001 and the NATO operation against drug production in Afghanistan is ineffective, Russian Federal Drug Control Service Chief Viktor Ivanov said. -- "Since the 2000s, since the beginning of the Enduring Freedom operation in 2001, over one million people have died from Afghan heroin in the world, moreover, over one trillion U.S. dollars is invested in the international organized crime of selling heroin," Ivanov said at a news conference in Moscow on Wednesday. -- "Unfortunately, any unbiased observer is forced to conclude the sad fact that the international community failed to changed the drug production situation for the better after the colossal increase of heroin production in Afghanistan, over 40 times, amid the Enduring Freedom operation in 2001," Ivanov said."  Topix || US Support - Drug Trade ||
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Cover-Up: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair (Full Version)
Must View Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr12min23sec - Apr 23, 2011) - Source:  ATX78733 -- A quote...."The shadow government of assassins, arms dealers, drug smugglers, former CIA operatives and top US military personnel who were running foreign policy unaccountable to the public, revealing the Reagan/Bush administration’s plan to use FEMA to institute martial law and ultimately suspend the Constitution. Strikingly relevant to current events."

911: Understanding The Nature of Covert Operations
Related Ry2SVideo - Alt - (Ry2SYuTb - 6min18sec - Apr 5, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related: Ry2S@TruTube - Related:  Ry2S@Vimeo - Related: Rys2senseAntiNeocons -- A quote...."911 the Danger of Camps. Don't slogan it, don't make it into a meme, don't try to toss out some one liner and walk way, have a conversation, if you can't then hand a person a DVD a real DVD not some ooga-booga BS from Jonestown or goose change." - Related videos cited above shown below....
New WikiLeaks cable reveals US embassy strategy to destabilize Chavez government
A quote..."In a secret US cable published online by WikiLeaks, former ambassador to Venezuela, William Brownfield, outlines a comprehensive plan to infiltrate and destabilize former President Hugo Chavez' government."

Crimes against Humanity in Guatemala: How the CIA and the Pentagon Supported the Military Dictatorship
A quote...."In Guatemala the trial of Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt and his military intelligence chief, José Mauricio Rodríguez Sánchez, proceeds with testimonies of surviving Mayan victims1 ; a soldier has given testimony implicating the current President of Guatemala, Otto Pérez Molina, a major at the time, in crimes of the Ixil area under his responsibility.2 The trial can be followed online at"

Google, beyond the CIA: Insurgency and espionage factory
A quote...."Intercepted emails expose Google as an intelligence contractor openly involved in aiding terror organizations throughout Africa, Asia and the world, working well outside any official oversight and authority, far beyond even the CIA’s wildest abuses."
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More On The North Korean Situation.....

Washington’s “Playbook” on Provoking North Korea
A quote...."April 05, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - In an April 3 Wall Street Journal article, “U.S. dials back on Korean show of force,” reporters Adam Entous and Julian E. Barnes revealed that the White House approved a detailed plan, called ‘the playbook,’ to ratchet up tension with North Korea during the Pentagon’s war games with South Korea."

Is THIS the Real Reason Obama’s Confronting North Korea? - Dollar Hegemony??
Geo-Political Analysis - (A good point, Michael Rivero's been making the same point for a number of months - mpg) -- A quote...."JERUSALEM – Is the Obama administration’s military build up in the Pacific part of the president’s so-called pivot-toward-Asia strategy, a move that could demonstrate the biggest shift in world power since World War II? -- Specifically, is Washington using the North Korean nuclear standoff as an excuse to shift massive military might to Asia just as China and other powers seek to create a new economic order that would rival the Western-dominated World Bank and International Monetary Fund?"

Russian bomber conducts practice strikes on U.S. missile defenses in Asia
Related Article - A quote...."A Russian bomber recently carried out simulated cruise missile attacks on U.S. missile defenses in Asia, raising new questions about Moscow’s goal in future U.S.-Russian defense talks. -- According to U.S. officials, a Russian Tu-22M Backfire bomber on Feb. 26 simulated firing air-launched cruise missiles at an Aegis ship deployed near Japan as part of U.S. missile defenses."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Five good reasons [for North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un] not to nuke Washington, DC
A quote...."If you came here and promised to nuke Washington, you wouldn’t just be elected in a landslide. You’d be anointed Supreme Leader here too, by popular acclaim. -- There are, however, compelling reasons not to nuke Washington, DC. After spending all day and most of the night trying to think of some, I came up with the following list...."
1) There are quite a few dogs, cats, rats, cockroaches, trees, shrubs, and other innocent animals and plants that live there.
2) If Washington were scrubbed from the face of the earth, Americans would no longer have a focus for their hatred, and the nation would become disunited and fractious.
3) Ditto for the world.
4) If you give the orders to “nuke Washington,” your missile might accidentally be delivered to Washington state, which has really beautiful mountains and rivers and stuff.
5) If Washington DC gets nuked, and all its freemasonic symbols are obliterated, the damn freemasons will just move their world capital to Jerusalem, bulldoze the al-Aqsa mosque, put up a temple for sacrificing red heifers, and rebuild DuPont Circle, the Washington’s Dick Monument, Congress, the White House, AIPAC, the whole nine yards…so the whole thing will turn out to have been pointless.
"Then again, what difference does it make if they move America’s capital to Israel – the whole place has been owned by the Israelis for years anyway."

Institutionalized Barbarism: Official Israeli Policy
A quote...." A previous article discussed Arafat Jaradat. Shin Bet interrogators killed him. They tortured him to death. Independent autopsy results proved it. - Israeli doctors were complicit. They collude in prison torture. They violate medical ethics doing so. It requires relieving pain and suffering. It's not about inflicting it. - The Lancet explained. It's a leading peer-reviewed medical journal. It's one of the world's best known. It dates from 1823. - It publishes original research. On March 9, it headlined "Israeli doctors accused of collusion in torture." - The Israeli Medical Association (IMA) denied involvement. It lied saying so."

IOA Renews Administrative Detention of University Lecturer
A quote...."NABLUS, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) renewed on Wednesday the administrative detention, without trial or charge, of Dr. Mahmoud Ghazzal, a Hamas leader and a lecturer at the Najah university." - How utterly Totalitarian and Communistic of them.

Israeli military court sentences cartoonist to five months in jail
A quote...."JENIN — The Israeli military court in Salem, north of Jenin, has sentenced Palestinian cartoonist Mohammed Sabana to five months imprisonment on the charge of contacting “hostile parties”. - Family members told the PIC reporter on Saturday that the court passed the sentence on Friday and charged Sabana with making such contacts during his visit to Jordan." - Source:  PIC - utterly Totalitarian and Communistic of them.

Israeli Anthrax Developer Resigns
A quote...."Dr. Avigdor Shafferman, Director of the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) since 1995, resigned on April 4, 2013."

Teachers’ Union of Ireland endorses academic boycott of Israel in unanimous vote - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."At its Annual Congress on Thursday 4th April 2013, the Teachers’  Union of Ireland (TUI) became the first academic union in Europe to  endorse the Palestinian call for an academic boycott of Israel.  The motion, which refers to Israel as an “apartheid state”, calls for  “all members to cease all cultural and academic collaboration with  Israel, including the exchange of scientists, students and academic  personalities, as well as all cooperation in research programmes” was  passed by a unanimous vote during today’s morning session."

Israel a 'Monster'? 'Current govt most racist in history'
RTVideo - (Good Interview) - (RTYuTb - 13min30sec - Apr 6, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."RT interviews Palestinian MP and leader of Palestinian peace initiative Mustafa Barghouti."

Prosecute groups that support Israeli crimes
A quote...."The world of Jewish politics is so back to front and upside down that, when it comes to Israel, bad is good and wrong is right. -- That is the sad fact of which we need to remind Israel flag wavers, such as failed US politician Katrina Lantos Swett, who from time to time rear their heads to bleat “anti-Semitism” and decry the “deligitimization of Israel”, which they blame for allegedly rising anti-Jewish sentiment."

You'd Think They'd Learn

Roger Waters' New York Gig Scrapped Over Israel Comments
A quote...."Roger Waters' upcoming appearance at a Jewish cultural mecca in New York City has been cancelled following outrage from officials at a leading religious group. -- The Pink Floyd star was scheduled to sit for an interview at the Theresa L Kaufmann Concert Hall at the end of the month. The show was rescheduled to June and now it has been scrapped altogether, according to an online ticket link to the event. -- The news comes just weeks after Waters urged his fellow musicians to boycott Israel in protest of ongoing hostilities with Palestinians. -- He told Electronic Intifada a boycott, similar to the one implemented against South Africa during apartheid, is the "way to go"."
That's fine.  It's a free country.  He courageously and legitimately calls for a boycott of Israel along with much of its Kazarian population for their steadfast and gleeful support of, ethnic cleansing, home invasion, land theft, apartheid laws, endless lies, vicious racism, numerous acts of murder and horrendous, well documented, war crimes, and New York's finest Israeli supporting Kazarian community....boycotts him??

It is after all, a free country.

But is this the way the six to seven million Kazarians who live in this country, and whose entire community appears highly confused as to which nation they're actually citizens of, REALLY want to go?

Israel and Israelis FIRST no matter what they do, no matter how illegal their acts are, especially if what they do is only done to non-Kazarians, or US citizens, even if its murder, and everyone else along with their laws, lives, property, money and traditions can go to hell?

Maybe people should boycott all Kazarian owned businesses and every single Kazarian unless they certify, under oath, and publicly proclaim under said oath, that they do not and will not support Israel's illegal policies or practices in any way, shape, or form, now or in the future? 

Like this website editor says, it's a free country.
There are many roads that can be followed, many ways a people can go.

This is a road that's been traveled MANY times before by various Kazarian communities in many countries throughout history.  They arrogantly always think the trip will end matter how many times it ends badly.  In some cases....very badly.

You'd think they'd learn. - mpg
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The Attack On the Second Amendment Continues.....

The ATF Wants ‘Massive’ Online Database to Find Out Who Your Friends Are
A quote...."The ATF doesn’t just want a huge database to reveal everything about you with a few keywords. It wants one that can find out who you know. And it won’t even try to friend you on Facebook first." - Source: Wired

Why nearly all state gun control laws being passed today will soon be null and void - Hip Hip Hooray!! 
A quote...."NaturalNews) Gun control zealots currently think they are winning. Connecticut has just passed a wildly unconstitutional new gun control law, and it was preceded by New York's similarly-outrageous assault on private gun ownership liberties. Colorado, Maryland and California are all either working on gun control bills or have already passed various measures that are blatantly illegal in America. - What gun grabbers do not yet realize is that there are three powerful reasons why their gun control laws will soon be null and void...." - Source:  NaturalNews

Pastors Call for Resurrecting The Black Regiment
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 1hr12min29sec - Apr 5, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Most Christian pastors today appear to have little in common with the preachers of yesteryear. For example, many modern clerics would probably be surprised to learn of the active role colonial preachers had in America's fight for independence. It is no hyperbole to say that had it not been for the activism of America's pulpits, our independence would never have been won and this nation would not even exist."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Court Documents Confirm 'Batman Shooter' was on Zoloft

AJVideo - Hat Tip To Michael Rivero - (He's been on this issue from day one. - mpg) - (AJYuTb - 14min38sec - Apr 6, 2013) - Source: TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote....."Newly released court documents confirm that 'Batman' shooter James Holmes was taking the anti-depressant drug Zoloft before he conducted his massacre in an Aurora theater last July, underscoring yet again the prevalent yet underreported connection between psychotropic drugs and mass shootings."

Feds Identify 300,000 Americans as Terrorists
Tsk, Tsk.  Goes to show you how stupid they are.  They're off be three digits, if they made it 300 million their job would be done and everybody would be a suspect.  Well....just give them time, it'll happen eventually. - mpg -- A quote...."Do you hate paying taxes? Are you fighting foreclosure? Do you feel like no one should be allowed to commit violence against you and don't always blindly follow the commands of the authorities? Do you film encounters with police or believe gold makes better currency than Federal Reserve Notes? Well you might be part of a domestic terrorism movement and not even know it. -- On Friday, the Los Angeles Times posted an article attempting to define a domestic terrorist movement consisting of as many as 300,000 Americans. Some are even labeled as non-violent "paper terrorists"."

Guantanamo Hunger Strike: U.S. Says More Prisoners Join In Protest
A quote...."MIAMI -- A U.S. military spokesman says there's been a small increase in the number of Guantanamo Bay prisoners taking part in a hunger strike to protest their confinement at the U.S. base in Cuba."

UN: Gitmo Detention Regime ‘Clear Breach of International Law’
A quote...."The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Friday urged all branches of the United States Government to work together to close the Guantanamo detention centre, saying “the continuing indefinite incarceration of many of the detainees amounts to arbitrary detention and is in clear breach of international law.”"

It’s Official: Obama Proposed to Cut Social Security:
A quote...." April 05, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Mark this day. For the first time in history, a Democratic president has officially proposed to cut the Democratic Party’s signature New Deal program, Social Security: --    "President Obama next week will take the political risk of formally proposing cuts to Social Security and Medicare in his annual budget in an effort to demonstrate his willingness to compromise with Republicans and revive prospects for a long-term deficit-reduction deal, administration officials say."

Obama Destroys The New Deal - Anyone who's surprised by this is an absolute idiot. - mpg
Related Article - A quote...."Most of those who voted for Obama will be quite disappointed with his attempts to pass the Republicans at their right. But they have no reason to be disappointed. This is exactly what he had announced in several of his speeches before the election: cuts to Social Security, cuts to medicare/aid and higher regressive taxes. Here they come...."

Destroying the Economy and the Democrats - Ahhh....the Demos were destroyed a very long ago. - mpg
A quote...."April 06, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"The American Prospect" -  Job creation slowed to just 88,000 in March, signaling a sluggish economy. And President Obama, with unerring timing, picked this moment to put out an authorized leak that he is willing to put Social Security and Medicare on the block as part of a grand budget bargain that will only slow the economy further." - Source:  AmericanProspect

Pope Francis vows to grapple with sex abuse - Is that a pun?? - A little late now isn't it??  - mpg
A quote...."Pope Francis on Friday urged Vatican disciplinarians to act "with determination" against sexual abuse committed by members of the Catholic clergy, the Holy See said in a statement...." -- Oh yeah, that'll do it, "he made a statement".  Never thought this website editor would say it, but maybe they should bring back the inquisition, the real one. Of course considering what's already happened to the "Clergy" in the Catholic Church, everyone would probably enjoy themselves too much.- mpg

How Corporations Destroyed American Democracy - Chris Hedges
Must View Video - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 1hr5min06sec - Jul 30, 2010) - Source:  PHubb -- A quote..."How Corporations Destroyed American Democracy - Chris Hedges. Filmed at Socialism 2010 in Chicago by Paul Hubbard."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  Apr 5th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3.0hrs - 30min each -   Apr 5th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The Assault On Gold — Paul Craig Roberts
Must Read - A quote...."For Americans, financial and economic Armageddon might be close at hand. The evidence for this conclusion is the concerted effort by the Federal Reserve and its dependent financial institutions to scare people away from gold and silver by driving down their prices. -- When gold prices hit $1,917.50 an ounce on August 23, 2011, a gain of more than $500 an ounce in less than 8 months, capping a rise over a decade from $272 at the end of December 2000, the Federal Reserve panicked. With the US dollar losing value so rapidly compared to the world standard for money, the Federal Reserve’s policy of printing $1 trillion annually in order to support the impaired balance sheets of banks and to finance the federal deficit was placed in danger. Who could believe the dollar’s exchange rate in relation to other currencies when the dollar was collapsing in value in relation to gold and silver." - also posted at PoorRichBlg & ICH

Keiser Report: Financial Narcissism (E428)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Apr 6th, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss concern trolling the gold market and George Osborne threatening the working class with a cut in the minimum wage. They wonder aloud whether or not it was too much debt or too much working class income that caused the UK and global economies to collapse. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Simon Rose of about the 'Nicosian beheading' of UK savings that has been confiscated through quantitative easing by the Bank of England."

Public Banking: What Better Time Than Now
A quote...."Money power in private hands games the system. It does so destructively. Controlling money, credit and debt for private enrichment assures speculation, booms, busts, inflation, deflation, instability, crisis, recessions and depressions." - Source:  SteveLendman - also posted at Veteran'sToday

US Macro Data Plunges Most In 10 Months
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The last two weeks have not been pretty for the 'it's different this time' crowd. Day after day has brough miss after miss in macro-economic data for the US; from PMIs to NFPs, no matter how hard you try, there is not even enough for an 'anecdotal' strategist to pin his BTFD thesis on. Quantitatively, the US macro surprise index has seen its biggest 10-day drop in 10 months, completely reversing all the 'seasonally-adjusted' difference from the 2011 'Deja-Vu' market and macro behavior. So with the first pillar of bullishness (macro data is 'supportive'), it is up to earnings (but but but profitability is at highs) to hold up the market - good luck with that."

These Charts Better Not Reflect The True State Of The US Economy
Charts - (click till they're enlarged) -- A quote...."Lately, when it comes to obtaining an accurate sense of the true state of the US economy, it is as difficult if not more than analyzing the openly-manipulated Chinese data. On one hand, the Fed-juiced market, which has lost its discounting powers, no longer reflects the current or future economic (or corporate) fundamentals, on the other, massive seasonal aberrations, whether purposeful or accidental, have made a mockery of any data series, be it jobs, manufacturing, retail sales, or housing. On the other, the administration - still stuck in the worst economic "recovery" since the Great Depression - is desperate to telegraph an improving economy, most evident in the months leading up to the presidential election, which makes taking any data at face value problematic and naive at best....."

People Not In Labor Force Soar By 663,000 To 90 Million, Labor Force Participation Rate At 1979 Levels
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Things just keep getting worse for the American worker, and by implication US economy, where as we have shown many times before, it pays just as well to sit back and collect disability and various welfare and entitlement checks, than to work .The best manifestation of this: the number of people not in the labor force which in March soared by a massive 663,000 to a record 90 million Americans who are no longer even looking for work. This was the biggest monthly increase in people dropping out of the labor force since January 2012, when the BLS did its census recast of the labor numbers. And even worse, the labor force participation rate plunged from an already abysmal 63.5% to 63.3% - the lowest since 1979!"

[UK's] Minimum wage could be frozen or cut if it starts to cost jobs or damage economy, Government suggests
That vast sucking feeling of the EU's debt spiral is apparently making itself felt in Britain. - mpg -- A quote...."The minimum wage for millions of people could have to be capped or frozen in future if it risks damaging jobs or the economy, the Government has said."

Europeans slammed by austerity measures now enraged by political corruption

A quote...."A wave of corrosive political scandals at a time of economic woe is exacerbating the outrage of European citizens, who are channelling resentment into street protests or at the polls. -- Italy, Spain and Greece have all been hit by fraud or graft cases allegedly involving the top brass. France joined the ranks of scandal-hit nations this week after its former budget minister was charged with tax fraud."

Britons to stage new strike on April 15
A quote...."British civil servants have announced a fresh one-week walkout to protest the government’s attack on their pay, jobs and terms and conditions, local media reported."

Report: Authorities Seize $50 Million In Gold From Private Owner: “Nearly A Ton”
Contains Video - A quote...."The following report from Italy highlights the growing trend in government confiscations of precious metals, investment assets, and critical resources. -- When one obviously panicked family looking to get out of harms way before contagion spreads and financial Armageddon takes hold attempted to cross into Switzerland, customs agents on the border found much more than they expected."
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More on the Great Cypress Bank Robbery -- Attempt.....and its aftermath....

Grand Theft Bank: Cyprus and the 80% solution
A quote...."After two attempts at securing a bailout deal in March that pushed Cyprus to the brink of exiting the euro, the country faces major obstacles. To secure the aid, it agreed to wind down its second-largest lender, Cyprus Popular Bank PCL, and radically restructure the largest, Bank of Cyprus PCL."

Cypriots enraged by impacts of European bailout deal
A quote...."People in Cyprus have begun to feel the real impacts of a European bailout loan amid increasing discontent with an unpopular government deal and strict capital controls in the country. "
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More On The International Situation....

Arab League Commits Institutional Suicide -- [Or] How to Carjack a Country – Arab Style

Special Note - A quote...."I watched in utter amazement last week as the so-called Arab League endorsed the external overthrow of a member state, which involves not only other member states funding of arms smuggling, but also supporting terrorism against the Syrian people. -- Bashar al-Assad does not have a clean record there himself. But it was one the Arab League had no problem with previously. So why the change of policy now when both the League and the West have supported tyrannical regimes for decades, including themselves?"

Moscow Slams UN ‘Maneuvering’ on Syria Chemical Attack Probe
Russia's upset that the Gulf Monarchies and the US-NRE are shopping around for a good liar like they did for the IAEA.  What else do they expect? - mpg -- A quote...."MOSCOW, April 6 (RIA Novosti) – Moscow believes the United Nations is disrupting an investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria under pressure of “certain states,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday."

30 killed in suicide bombing at Iraq political rally

al-CIA'da & Saudi Royals Strike Again....Maybe - (The person targeted was Muthana al-Jourani, who survived, he's a Sunni candidate for office, as such, he and his supporters would be an unusual target for al-CIA'da terrorists.  Assuming it wasn't a mistake, it's possible he might be against the US-NRE's / al-CIA'da's and / Saudi Royals' policies for Iraq.  Couldn't find any bio or info on him though. - mpg) -- A quote...."The bomber blew himself up as Muthana al-Jourani, a Sunni Muslim candidate campaigning for provincial elections due April 20, was hosting a lunch for his supporters. Al-Jourani survived. -- Elections will be held in 12 of Iraq's 18 provinces. The Sunni-dominated province of Anbar is one of six provinces where ballots will not be cast because of security concerns, the authorities say."

Iraqi Kurdistan sells first crude via Turkey
A quote...."The first cargo of Iraqi Kurdistan's crude oil has been sold on the international market, industry sources said, as the autonomous northern region ramps up trade the central government views as illegal. - The crude pumped from Genel Energy's Taq Taq oilfield was trucked over Iraq's northern border with Turkey and sold via tender for loading in April."

US pilot killed in F-16 fighter jet crash in Afghanistan
A quote...." 04 Apr 2013 A U.S. military pilot was killed when his F-16 fighter jet crashed while on a night flight over mountainous terrain in Afghanistan, officials said Thursday. There was no indication of enemy fire in the area at the time of the Wednesday's crash, in the east of the country. "While the cause of the crash is under investigation, initial reporting indicates there was no insurgent activity in the area at the time of the crash," an official with the U.S.-led international coalition, ISAF, said in a statement."

Six Americans killed in Afghanistan as top US general arrives
A quote...."Six Americans and an Afghan doctor were killed in attacks on Saturday in southern and eastern Afghanistan as the US military's top officer began a weekend visit to the country, officials said. -- In the south, three US service members, two US civilians and the doctor were killed when a suicide bomber detonated a car full of explosives just as a convoy with the international military coalition drove past another convoy of vehicles carrying the governor of Zabul province. Another American civilian was killed in an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan, the US military said in a statement."

Kerry confirms US diplomat killed in Afghan attack
A quote...."US Secretary of State John Kerry has confirmed that a US foreign service officer has been killed in southern Afghanistan."

Iran, P5+1 Talks End Without a Deal
The US-NRE (Israel's North American Colony) was TOTALLY to blame, as expected. The US-NRE acts like a child!!  Just SAY IT!!  --  "Iran is to stop ALL nuclear enrichment technology forever in exchange for absolutely NOTHING!!" --  Instead they wasted everybody's time pretending they were serious about these "negotiations", futzed around for a week, and fooled no-one. Everyine knows the US-NRE and its politicians are Israels bitches and that these demands and privarications are at the express orders of Israel's government.  Talk about being immature!!  Talk about looking like idiots!! - mpg -- A quote...."The P5+1 offer was simply for Iran to mothball much of its civilian nuclear program in return for a very trivial relaxation of sanctions, with a vague implication that more sanctions relief could happen at some point in the future." - For more on this issue see....."How About An Honest NPT? - 11-11-10 - mpg"

Iran’s biggest refinery to begin operations by year’s end
A quote...."The first phase of Iran's biggest refinery will come on stream by the end of current Iranian calendar year (March 20, 2014), Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi said on Friday."

Petrochemical Exports Hit $10bln
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- 51 petrochemical plants of the country produced 37.3 million tons of petrochemicals in the first 11 months of the last Iranian calendar year (March 21 to February 20, 2012), of which 14.5 million tons, worth more than 10 billion dollars, were exported."

Iran's president to visit Nigeria, Ghana, Benin
A quote...."Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is scheduled to pay a farewell visit to three African countries, Nigeria, Ghana and Benin later this month."

At least 5 killed, 8 injured as Copts and Muslims clash outside Cairo

A quote...."Fight reportedly broke out after Christian children drew upside down crosses on walls of an Islamic institution in Khosoos."

FM: France to Keep Troops in Mali ‘Permanently’
- Anyone who's surprised by this is an absolute idiot. - mpg
A quote...."In January, French officials promised to turn Mali into a “terror-free” and flourishing democracy, and bragged that they figured the war would take “only a few weeks.” As the war escalated, they quickly changed it to a promise to have much of the force withdrawn by year’s end."

Russian Military Inspectors to Fly Over Romania, Hungary
A quote...."MOSCOW, April 7 (RIA Novosti) - Russian military inspectors will make surveillance flights over the territories of Romania and Hungary under the international Open Skies Treaty within a period starting Sunday, the Russian Defense Ministry has reported."

Rosneft eyes Asia expansion, LNG liberalisation
A quote...."Besides seeking Asian partners to jointly develop the country's northern shelf, oil-giant Rosneft is eager to enlist foreign support in its on-going battle with Gazprom for the liberalisation of Russian LNG exports."

Guatemalan President Accused of Involvement in Civil War Atrocities
A quote...."April 06, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  A former soldier has implicated the Guatemalan president, Otto Pérez Molina, in civil war atrocities during the trial of the former US-backed military strongman Efraín Ríos Montt, proceedings that have heard witnesses recount a litany of horrors. -- Hugo Reyes, a soldier who was a mechanic in an engineering brigade in the area where atrocities were carried out, told the court that Pérez Molina, then an army major, ordered soldiers to burn and pillage during Guatemala's dirty war with leftist guerrillas in the 1980s."

Study finds Haiti aid largely went to US groups
A quote...."PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) -- A new report on American aid to Haiti in the wake of that country's devastating earthquake finds much of the money went to U.S.-based companies and organizations."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

The Library of Juma Al Majid
A quote...."By Ralph Nader | April 5, 2013 -- DUBAI, UAE – As we walked through the historical collections of books, manuscripts, periodicals, and rare reference materials at the Juma Al-Majid Center for Culture and Heritage in the growing Arab metropolis of Dubai (with the world’s second busiest airport), I kept thinking of a recent book written by my sister, Laura Nader, who teaches anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley. A nuanced writing titled Culture and Dignity: Dialogues Between the Middle East and the West (Wiley-Blackwell), it differentiates between the stereotype and reality of East-West relations and how damaging and costly such filters have been since the Crusades." - Source:  TheNaderPage

In Their Shoes
A quote...."IT STARTED from the first moment. The President of the United States came to Ramallah. He visited the Mukata'a, the "compound" which serves as the office of the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas. One cannot enter the Mukata'a without noticing the grave of Yasser Arafat, just a few paces from the entrance. It is quite impossible to ignore this landmark while passing it. However, Obama succeeded in doing just that.It was like spitting in the face of the entire Palestinian people. Imagine a foreign dignitary coming to France and not laying a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Or coming to Israel and not visiting Yad Vashem. It is more than insulting. It is stupid." - Source:  OpEdNews

IOF soldiers open machinegun fire at Palestinian farmers
A quote...."KHAN YOUNIS, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened machinegun fire at Palestinian farmers and their farms to the east of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip, on Saturday morning."

Thousands attend funerals for Palestinians killed by Israeli forces
A quote...."Thousands of Palestinians have attended mass funerals for two Palestinian teenagers killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank, as well as a Palestinian activist who died in an Israeli prison."

Jewish Settlers [Arsonists] Set Ablaze an MP’s Field
A quote..."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Jewish settlers [arsonists] set on fire a field owned by MP Khalil Ruba’ee and his two brothers to the east of Yatta town, Al-Khalil province. - The PIC reporter said that dozens of settlers [criminal Jew arsonists] attacked the field in Al-Hamra area that is adjacent to their settlement [squatter camp] of Maun." - This is why the Palestinians need a 2nd amendment themselves!  Generally when people try to burn you're allowed to shoot them. - mpg

Four Palestinians, Including A child, Kidnapped In West Bank
A quote...."Saturday April 6, 2013; Israeli soldiers kidnapped three Palestinians, including a 10-year-old child, in Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, and one Palestinian in the West Bank city of Bethlehem."

Dozens Injured In East Jerusalem Clashes
A quote...."Jerusalem - Saturday April 6, 2013; Palestinian medical sources reported that dozens of Palestinians have been injured by rubber-coated metal bullets and due to the effects of teargas inhalation during clashes with Israeli soldiers in Abu Dis town, east of occupied East Jerusalem."

39 Palestinians Injured By Army Fire In Hebron

A quote...."Friday April 5, 2013, Palestinian medical sources in Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank reported that 39 Palestinians have been injured by rubber-coated metal bullets fired at Palestinian protesters in Hebron, and that dozens of residents have been treated for the effects of teargas inhalation."

Weekly demonstration in Kufr Qaddum violently suppressed by Israeli forces
A quote...."After Friday prayers, the villagers of Kufr Qaddum and international activists attempted to access the main road in Kufr Qaddum, blocked by the Israeli Army for 13 years. They were met by armed Israeli soldiers and tear gas, with many suffering the effects of the gas."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Tepco has emergency press conference about [another] new, highly radioactive leak at Fukushima Daiichi
A quote...."Kyodo News, April 6, 2013: Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Friday that contaminated water may have leaked into soil from an underground reservoir tank at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. A radioactive substance has been detected in water accumulated between soil around the tank and the outer layer of a waterproof sheet covering the tank. The tank is covered by three layers of waterproof sheets. According to TEPCO and the Nuclear Regulation Authority, around 6,000 becquerels of radiation per cubic centimeter was logged in the water on Friday. [...]"

Fukushima: Massive Leaks Continuing On a Daily Basis … For Years On End
A quote...."A quick calculation shows that Chernobyl released around ten thousand times more radioactive cesium each day during the reactor fire. But the Chernobyl fire only lasted 10 days … and the Fukushima release has been ongoing for more than 2 years so far. -- Indeed, Fukushima has already spewed much more radioactive cesium and iodine 131 than Chernobyl. The amount of radioactive cesium released by Fukushima was some 20-30 times higher than initially admitted. -- Fukushima also pumped out huge amounts of radioactive iodine 129 – which has a half-life of 15.7 million years. Fukushima has also dumped up to 900 trillion becquerels of radioactive strontium-90 – which is a powerful internal emitter which mimics calcium and collects in our bones – into the ocean."

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Transmits from Livestock to Humans

A quote...."Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (NY-25), the only microbiologist in Congress, reacted to a new study that conclusively identified transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from livestock to humans. Currently, MRSA kills more Americans each year than HIV/AIDS. -- The groundbreaking study was conducted by genetics researchers who analyzed the genomes of MRSA bacteria from patients and their farm animals, and found the samples to be genetically identical...."

How To Keep Your Home Garden Monsanto-Free
Action Alert - A quote...."Should you choose to create your own fruit or vegetable garden in your backyard or on your windowsill, how can you keep Monsanto from reaching its grubby fingers into your home? The corporate behemoth has gained control of 40% of the U.S. vegetable seed market by buying up smaller companies, and now owns the rights to the names themselves of many kinds of seeds. Thus these tips from Healthy Home Economist...."

Friday April 5th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Thursday April 4th 2013

The Road to World War 3 - It was ALWAYS about the currency!! - mpg
Must View Video - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 13min48sec - Sept 11, 2012) - Source:  StormCloudsGathering -- A quote...."We are on a road that leads straight to the World War 3, but in order to see that and to fully understand what is at stake you have to look at the big picture and connect the dots. This video examines the history of the dollar, its relation to oil, and the real motives behind the wars of the past two decades." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - (And WHO actually OWNS it) - 03-21-13 - mpg  ||

Whistleblower Brings 9/11 Truth to The UK
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 19min50sec -  Apr 3, 2013) - Source: TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."On February 25, in the small town of Horsham in the United Kingdom, there will be a rare and potentially groundbreaking opportunity for the 9/11 truth movement. Three hours of detailed 9/11 evidence is to be presented and considered in a court of law where the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) will be challenged over the inaccurate and biased manner in which it has portrayed the events and evidence of 9/11."

Chechnya High Rise Burns For 29 Hours With No Collapse, WTC 7? - Click to View Video
A quote...."On April 3rd Chechnya’s tallest building, a luxury hotel, caught fire and burned for 29 hours before finally being put out. The building is completely destroyed; however, it did not collapse. This raises many questions as to how World Trade Center 7 could have collapsed on 9/11 with only small fires on a couple of floors." - Topix ||  9/11-WTC7  ||  This Country is a Joke!! - 11-28-11 - mpg  ||

Hotel Completely Engulfed by Fire in Chechnya Fails to Collapse Into It’s Footprint [At Free-Fall Speed !!]

Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Flames have enveloped all floors of the highest building in the North Caucasus, southern Russia. All people have managed to leave the building. The Grozny-city complex in the Chechen Republic includes luxury apartments and a 5-star hotel. - The local emergency service said the call about the fire on between the 4th and 5th floors was received at around 18:00 PM local time (14:00 GMT). - According to witnesses’ pictures that immediately started to appear on Twitter, all stories of the building are covered with flames."
Oh My Gawd!!  It's a miracle, EVERYONE knows small office fires bring down all steel framed structures into their own footprints at free-fall speeds!!  It's the twenty-fifth miracle of this type in just the last twelve years!!  Who would'av thunk it possible!! - mpg
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More On The Syrian Situation....

Syrian Girl: Fatwa Permitting Rape of Syrian Women
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 25min58sec - Apr 4, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Website: SGP/YuTb - Website:  SGP/BlgSpt -- A quote...."Another Islamic cleric has gone public to announce a fatwa that permits US-backed FSA rebels to rape non-Sunni women in Syria as part of a "sexual jihad" that has seen girls as young as 14 transported into the country to service the needs of anti-Assad militants."
All of Hagee's Hordes must be ecstatic!!!  Now their Syrian buddies can rape Christian women under a religious mandate!  Incredible!!  All of this to fulfill Israel's PNAC Protocols - mpg  - see related articles, essays and maps shown below.....
CAUGHT: Obama Sending Syrian Al Qaeda Navy SEALS Sniper Rifles
Contains Videos - A quote...."Excerpted from Bare Naked Islam: FSA jihadist rebels are now using the most advanced sniper rifle available today. The AS-50 is used by the Navy SEALS and will penetrate steel and concrete from an extremely long range."

Syria Conflict Drawing Hundreds of Jihadists From Europe, Says Report
A quote...."Hundreds of Europeans have travelled to Syria since the start of the civil war to fight against the country's president, Bashar al-Assad, the most comprehensive study of European foreign fighters to date has found."

Syrian Christians Getting Attacked by Hardline Wahhabi Terrorists in their Ancient Homeland
Video - Another victory for Hagee's Hordes!!  -- More dead Christians, Hagee and his Zio-Worshipers must be delighted and thrilled that soon, very soon, if their government gets its way, there won't be a single Christian left alive in Syria. - mpg -- (YuTb - 1min58sec - Apr 2, 2013) - Source:  Eretz Zen -- A quote...."Syrian Christians have lived in their homeland Syria for at least the last two millennia. However, with the Western-backed plan to overthrow the current Syrian government and the regional and global support being given to the Syrian opposition, including foreign hardline Jihadists who adopt Saudi Arabia's ultra-conservative Takfiri version of Sunni Islam, this reality is changing. Many Syrian Christians feel that they are not welcome in their own country anymore as they are constantly under the threat of being killed for simply belonging to another faith group."

Syria in Danger of Replicating Christian Exodus in Iraq

A quote...."The World Evangelical Alliance's human rights ambassador has warned that Christians are being "chased from their homes" in Syria. - Dr Thomas Schirrmacher warned of a mass exodus of Christians from Syria similar to that experienced in Iraq following the 2003 US-led invasion."

Aleppo the Story of Unending Pain, Eyewitnesses Accounts from Sheik Maqsoud
A quote...."This is what is being done to Syrians with the influx of weapons and funds from the democratic and the humanitarian west."
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The Long History of Lies about Iran
Must Read - A quote...."There was a flood of articles and analyses on the tenth anniversary of invasion of Iraq on March 19, most of which focused on the lies, exaggerations, and half-truths that the War Party told the American people and the world in the run up to the war. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq have died as a result of the lies. Tens of thousands of people have also died as a result of the NATO aggression against Libya, as well as the war in Syria that is backed by the United States and its allies in that region, namely, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey, with the carnage still continuing with no end in sight. -- If the lies about Iraq have taught us anything, it is that we must pay due attention to the massive campaign of disinformation and lies that has been waged against Iran for over three decades, in order to “justify” a war with that nation." - also posted at ICH

BRICS Summit draws clear red lines on Syria, Iran
A quote...."At the heart of the Summit’s agenda lies the BRICS’ determination to anchor any emerging global order in “multilateralism” – whether by demanding permanent seats within the UN Security Council, forging alternative economic constructs that will shift the balance of power their way, or proactively influencing outcomes in global conflict zones."

After Iraq, Climbing Out of the Moral Abyss
A quote...."April 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"FPIF" - The only message our children will take away from the war in Iraq is that if you repeat a boldfaced lie enough, it will someday become accepted truth. And as a corollary, saving face is much more important than admitting a mistake, no matter how destructive the outcome."

From Afghanistan to Syria: Women’s Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA - posted at GlobalRsrch
A quote...."Women’s rights are increasingly heralded as a useful propaganda device to further imperial designs. -- Western heads of state, UN officials and military spokespersons will invariably praise the humanitarian dimension of the October 2001 US-NATO led invasion of Afghanistan, which allegedly was to fight religious fundamentalists, help little girls go to school, liberate women subjected to the yoke of the Taliban. -- The logic of such a humanitarian dimension of the Afghan war is questionable. Lest we forget, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were supported from the very outset of the Soviet-Afghan war by the US, as part of a CIA led covert operation." -- shouldn't let the easily available FACTS get in the way of really STUPID propaganda. - mpg

Global Paradox: Peace Not Wars
A quote...."April 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - The Western warriors with small wisdom and big thinking are looking for an escape route from the facts of life. “Lies of the Iraq War” would simply reaffirm, not change human perceptions and forcefully depict on screen how cruel they are, like the Russian Ivan the Terrible who roasted innocent people and burnt alive citizens to entertain the psycho pathetic mindset."

The South also rises
A quote...."What's graphically obvious is that the Global South has had enough - from the ravages of casino turbo-capitalism to NATO playing Robocop from North Africa to Southwest Asia, not to mention Eurasia being encircled by that Dr Strangelove chimera - a missile shield. -- The Global South remains fraught with absurdities; one just has to think of the oil and gas GCC petro-monarchies - those paragons of "democracy" - now configured as an annex to NATO. Few developments lately have been so appalling as the Arab League licking their NATO master's boots, breaking international law to install dodgy Syrian "rebels" in the chair of a sovereign state, one of its very own founding members."
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More On The North Korean Situation.....

Kim Jong Un Is Not Crazy
Geo-Political Note -- A quote...."There is a larger game at work here that probably centers on the difficult-to-read domestic politics of North Korea. It is by no means assured that Kim Jong Un has fully consolidated his authority. By ramping up rhetoric, but exercising restraint with respect to actual military actions, the regime can count on the fact that the United States and South Korea are not going to take the first step either. -- The result is that North Korea's exercises and threats of retaliation have been successful in deterring attack, even though none was coming. The regime can claim some sort of victory in staring down American threats in its two big political meetings this week, the timing of which suggest that some of the rhetoric has been driven by domestic politics." - see comment shown below....

"The wild card in all this is the US' goal of war with China, to remove the Gold Yuan as a threat to the dollar. Kim Jung Un is seriously underestimating how much the US wants this war and what covert false-flag steps they might carry out to get it." -- *Michael Rivero* - bold by website editor
And who was the little birdie that whispered in the "Dear Leader's" ear that NOW was the perfect time to consolidate his domestic control by tweaking the nose of the US-NRE?  One can only wonder who such a little birdie really works for? 

It should be made perfectly clear that if millions of South Koreans and
millions of North Koreans and a few thousand "dumb stupid animals" (Amerikan servicemen) should die horrible, agonizing, deaths in this arranged conflict, the Amerikan people will be affected the exact same way they were when half a million children in Iraq died from the US-NRE's imposed sanctions, or when over a million Iraqis died from the US-NRE's second invasion....

....they won't be affected in the slightest, and they'll do absolutely nothing about it, except to leer a little, drool a little, lick their collective lips, munch some more pork-rinds, drink some more beer, blink their mean, piggy, little eyes, and gleefully say....
"we got them dirty, yellow, slope-eyed, commie-monkey-bastards" and than go back to watching whatever prurient garbage they were watching on their TVs....

....with a great deal of personal satisfaction. 

And that'll be that. - mpg
NYT’s Lopsided Coverage of the Korean Conflict
War Monger Alert - (NYT as usual -- What's not so usual is this doesn't involve Israel or her PNAC Protocols, which may require some cogitation as to why the NYT wants to inflame the situation in Korea. - mpg) -- A quote...."It should go without saying that all sides of any conflict should refrain from provocations. And when nuclear weapons are involved this rule becomes even more important. But judging from the decades-long conflict in the Korean Peninsula between North Korea and South Korea/U.S., it’s difficult to find this balanced view at The New York Times. In the more than one dozen NYT articles published in the last couple of months which were reviewed to analyze news coverage of the conflict the bias and disparity in language is quite revealing, though predictable (to this day readers will not find a NYT journalist who referred to America’s invasion of South Vietnam in 1963 as an “invasion”)." - also posted at AlethoNews

US Protection Racket Root of Korea Conflict
A quote...."April 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"PTV" - The best way to understand the seemingly reckless, recurring threat of nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula is this: the East Asian region is being run like a Mafia protection racket. And the criminal Mafia is the US."

Playing the North Korea Card
A quote...."For decades, North Korea’s wanted normalized relations with Washington. It’s been repeatedly rebuffed. Promises made were broken. America needs enemies. - North Korea’s straight from central casting, [which is THEIR fault]. Media scoundrels take full advantage....." - Naturally...mpg

Israel's Secret War Against North Korea!
Related Article - (Yes, but WHY?? - mpg) -- A quote...."Israel and North Korea, despite being on opposite ends of the Asian continent, are bitter enemies? North Korea does not recognize Israel, and has condemned its treatment of the displaced Palestinians."
Yes, but so do the two-faced, forked-tonged Saudi Royals, and they're Israel's best friends (under the table).  It has to be something that involves Israel's control over the "West's" financial system.....or perhaps (much less likely) Israel's prior illegal nuclear deals with North Korea's government? - mpg
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Rrole of the Israel Lobby in the Growth of “Christian Zionism”
A quote...."While some individuals, both Jewish and Christian, have talked about a Jewish “return” to Palestine throughout past centuries, today’s version of Christian Zionism was largely invented in the 19th century; adherents of political Zionism, a movement to create a Jewish state, were a major factor in how and why it grew." - Source: AlisonWeir - also posted at ICH

Meet the Biggest Mass Murderer of the 20th Century...
A quote...."'ve probably never heard of this rat bastard, since he's a Jew, but his name is Genrikh Yagoda and he was personally responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million Russians."

Another Middle East War is Round the Corner
A quote...."Israel has recently intensified air force flights over Lebanon. It gives rise to suspicions it may preparing for sizable offensive air operations against Hezbollah or Syria, or both, as Islamists advance into southern Syria close to the occupied zone in the Golan Heights. Israel is concerned that the situation could enable jihadists in Syria or Hezbollah in Lebanon to acquire weapons from the Syrian government inventory, whether chemical or conventional. The Jan. 30 airstrike was a message that Israel is watching closely and ready to deliver a blow."

When 'Anti-Semite' Becomes A Badge of Honour
A quote...."In years gone by, an anti-Semite was a person that hated Jews. Today it has taken on a new meaning, an anti-Semite is a person that is hated by zionists. Their list is long and is documented on their hateful Websites and grows daily as more people awaken to the fact that zionism is evil. Their publications give us front page coverage."

The Memos and Minutes that Confirm Israel's Nuclear Stockpile
A quote...."This is the secret memo by South Africa's military chief of staff, General RF Armstrong, asking for nukes on the Jericho missiles. It has been revealed before, but its context was not understood. We now know the memo was the direct result of a meeting between PW Botha and Shimon Peres, and the basis of Botha's demand for nukes. This memo was uncovered by Peter Liberman and published in the Nonproliferation Review."

BEX ALERT - Iran said advancing ‘at murderous pace,’ could have bomb by July
Israeli Hasbara Exposed - A quote...."Bibi is becoming desperate. No doubt his next ploy will be to claim Iran will have the bomb by Friday lunchtime." -- *Tom Sullivan*

Just Another Israeli Secret Service Interrogation

A quote...."I was fortunate this week. I had a quick and easy crossing from Jordan back into Israel. No delays, no questions, no invasive body searches and no lengthy rummaging through my luggage."

Palestinians Shot Dead by Israeli Fire in West Bank

A quote...."Two Palestinian teenagers have been shot and killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Tulkarm after clashes between soldiers and youths."

Funeral Procession for Two Young Boys Killed by the Israeli Army in ‘Anabta
Related Article - A quote...."Naji was shot in the back, indicating he was running away from the soldiers, which accords with reports taken from witnesses."

The [Israeli] Soldiers Answered His Screams With Laughter and Then Shot More Bullets”
A quote...."When my Dad, Mom, and Ibrahim were injured, I stood there, unable to do anything, though I am the oldest of my siblings. I cannot forget what happened and I feel so much pain whenever I remember that I did not try to help. The idea that my help might have done something, in some way or another, to rescue my brother never leaves my mind, and it causes my stomach to ache. Maybe if I had tried to pull Ibrahim away from the Israeli crossfire, he would still be alive.”"

Air France Fined for Kicking Pro-Palestinian Activist off Israel-Bound Flight - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."A court in France fined Air France 10,000 euros ($12,800) on Thursday for ordering a pro-Palestinian activist to disembark from a Tel Aviv bound flight because she was a non-Jew, AFP reported. " - bold by website editor
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The Attack On the Second Amendment Continues.....

WANTED -- For Crimes Against America
Action Alert - A quote...."When lawmakers vote for unconstitutional gun restrictions, their names should be added to a list of arrest targets. Rather than a list of gun owners, what we really need is a list of all the criminal lawmakers who vote to destroy the Bill of Rights and strip citizens of their freedoms. Such lists should be publicly displayed for all to see."

The Gun Rush Is On In Connecticut
A quote...."Many citizens of Connecticut have been laying in arms, ammunition and magazines since right after the Sandy Hook shooting, already predicting the gutless, emotional lemming-like responses of their legislators. They’re now snatching up what is left on store shelves before these cowards violate their oaths of office and pass laws that are a direct assault on the Constitution...." - Source:  BobOwens

Navy Veteran Has Guns Confiscated Without Warrant After Forced Psychological Evaluation
A quote..."A Navy Veteran who was honorably discharged from the military has had his 2nd Amendment rights suspended and his guns confiscated after a forced psychological evaluation and subsequent wellness check that lead police to illegally search his house and conduct an interrogation."

Demonization of Returning Veterans Explode
Related AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 49min32sec - Apr 4, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex scrutinizes the creeping collapse of world economies happening by design as the media openly announces global banker governance. He'll also break down the outrageous assaults on the Second Amendment, and the various distractions geared to keep the public in dazed pacification"

Veteran Kidnapped, Guns Taken by Govt Psych Ward Police
Related AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 46min22sec - Apr 3, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."A US Navy veteran had his guns confiscated by police following a forced "psychiatric evaluation" in another example of how the Veterans Administration is accelerating a purge of armed ex-servicemembers in accordance with a federal government demonization campaign that has labeled vets domestic terrorists."

15 yr old Girl Defending the Constitution Leaves Anti-Gun Politicians Speechless

Video - Alt - (YuTb - 3min08sec - Mar 25, 2013) - Source:  James Madison - For more articles on this issue see below.....
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

The Conspiracy to Kill MLK: Not a Theory But a Fact
A quote...."April 04, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  Should the United States government be allowed to assassinate its own citizens? That question was in the air briefly not long ago. April 4 is an excellent day to revive it:   On April 4, 1968, the government was part of a successful conspiracy to assassinate the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - That’s not just some wing-nut conspiracy theory. It’s not a theory at all. It is a fact, according to our legal system."

How the Government Killed Martin Luther King, Jr.
Related Article - A quote...."Before scoffing at this headline, you should know that in 1999, in Memphis, Tennessee, more than three decades after MLK’s death, a jury found local, state, and federal government agencies guilty of conspiring to assassinate the Nobel Peace Prize winner and civil rights leader. -- The same media you would expect to cover such a monumental decision was absent at the trial, because those news organizations were part of that conspiracy." - bold by website editor - also posted at RSN & PoorRichBlg

Prisoners of the War on Terror
A quote...."Hundreds of prisoners of the US War of  Terror languish in prisons around the world, in Guantanamo and on the US mainland.  Some have been there as long as 12 years   some have sentences that extend beyond the span of their life; many have never been charged with a crime and more than half the prisoners who remain in Guantanamo have had their original charges dropped or have served their full sentence, but are barred by US law from being repatriated to their homeland, therefore can not be released.  Even the few prisoners in Guantanamo who are considered ‘high value’ are mostly charged with thought crimes, plans that were never carried out in any significant detail.  In many cases, the leads that initially brought them to the attention of the FBI or CIA have proved to be inaccurate." - also posted at AlethoNews - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Sign The Worldwide Petition Obama's Nobel Peace Prize
Action Alert -- A quote...."The Nobel Peace Prize that President Obama received 40 months ago has emerged as the most appalling Orwellian award of this century. No....war is not peace."

Obama Executive Orders Nationalizing Energy, Food, Water, Everything Else
Dictatorship / False-Flag / War - Alert -- A quote...."One of the most frightening Obama edicts to come down the pike is Executive Order 13603 on “National Defense Resources Preparedness,” issued a little over a year ago, on March 16, 2012. This executive order is frightening because of its sweeping scope, explicitly declaring that the president and his designated Cabinet and agency heads have authority to commandeer and control."

Reflections on the Tyranny Approaching
A quote...."I remember back in 2001 when the nation witnessed the shocking events that took place that fateful September 11. I was in Hawaii at the time, and the day before the 11th, which was the last of a four day holiday weekend, my family and I had enjoyed the last day of freedom as we have known it." - Source:  SvAmrcFnd

Enemies of the Warfare State: Government Spying on Peaceful Political Dissidents
A quote...."The nationwide surveillance system has become the contemporary version of J. Edgar Hoover’s Gestapo-style FBI, watching, subverting, and harassing political dissenters in an extra-legal environment that disregards the First Amendment. -- The DHS has used the inflated powers granted to it post-9/11 to expand the definition of “domestic terrorist” to anyone who disagrees with the government and acts on it."

Jail[ed] for Breathing While Brown in Texas
A quote...."April 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"CN" - WACO, Texas (CN) - A Texas sheriff threw two Latino men into jail for 39 days "with no charges, no hearing, and no probable cause" and seized the $14,000 they had saved up to buy a new car, the men claim in Federal Court."

French Demonstrators Protest Against Gay Marriage Bill - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Opponents of the government’s plan to legalize gay marriage thronged near the Senate on Thursday, waving flags that bore the words “Jobs, not gay marriage,” while trucks belonging to riot police encircled them." - For more on this subject see essays shown below....
Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  Apr 4th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3.0hrs - 30min each -   Apr 4th, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  Apr 3rd, 2013
Must Listen MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3.0hrs - 30min each -   Apr 3rd, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Crime-Generated Cash (E427)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Apr 4th, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss an entire population living beyond thanks to an economy benefiting from crime. They also talk about capital flight, banksters exempt from RICO and bitcoin destroying the state. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to the original silver guru, David Morgan of about the latest in silver, Crash JPM and silver standards in Utah."

The Money-Changers
Quote of the Day...."History records that the Money-changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” -- *James Madison*, a founding father & US president -- FYI:  This is a partial transcript of Gerald Celente's April 1st 2013 video interview with Greg Hunter posted April 2nd on this website (see below) - Gerald Celente -, Greg Hunter - April 1, 2013 - vid - (GCYuTb - 18min37sec - Apr 2, 2013)

Inflation is the Fed's 100 year legacy
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 40sec - Jan 17, 2013) - Source:  selfownership1 -- A quote...."Behold the chart that, in a more just and sane world, would force Bernanke and Krugman to retire and drive the Fed out of business.  Consumer prices are now 30 times higher than when the Fed was created in 1913."
Marc Faber: 'Because Of Inflation The Majority People Are Much Worse Off Than Five Or Ten Years Ago"
GMVideo - Alt - (GMYuTb - 25min19sec -  Apr 3, 2013) - Source:  GoldMoneyNews - Website: MarcFaber/GBD - A quote...."Episode 119: Alasdair talks to Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom ( Report. Marc discusses his 40 years of experience in capital markets and the lessons he has learned. -- He looks at the underlying nature of the American economy and details the problems arising since 2007. Money printing -- along with the insidious effects of underreported inflation...."

Inequality – Both Economic and In Access to Liberty And Justice – Skyrockets to Historic Levels
Charts - Graphs - A quote...."AP reports that the U.S. is seeing the highest spike in poverty since the 1960s, and notes....According to a report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service late last year, “U.S. income distribution appears to be among the most unequal of all major industrialized countries and the United States appears to be among the nations experiencing the greatest increases in measures of income.” -- Inequality has grown steadily worse...."

U.S. Sees Highest Poverty Spike Since the 1960s, Leaving 50 Million Americans Poor.....
And this is BEFORE any REAL austerity measures.....just you wait. - mpg -- A quote...."The number of Americans living in poverty has spiked to levels not seen since the mid 1960s, classing 20 per cent of the country’s children as poor."

21 Statistics About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Everyone Should Know
A quote...."If the economy is getting better, then why does poverty in America continue to grow so rapidly?  Yes, the stock market has been hitting all-time highs recently, but also the number of Americans living in poverty has now reached a level not seen since the 1960s.  Yes, corporate profits are at levels never seen before, but so is the number of Americans on food stamps.  Yes, housing prices have started to rebound a little bit (especially in wealthy areas), but there are also more than a million public school students in America that are homeless.  That is the first time that has ever happened in U.S. history." - also posted at InvestmentWatch

A Tipping Point In The Financial System
A quote...."March and April 2013 may go down in history as the tipping point for the western financial system. - We have already seen...."
Ex-Goldman Sachs trader faces fraud charge - Hip Hip Hooray!!
The Squid Looses a Sucker! - (Only ten thousand more to go....mpg) -- A quote...."Soros has withdrawn several hundred million from Ackman’s Pershing Square - Investigators from Germany’s central bank are scheduled to fly to New York next week as part of an inquiry into allegations that misvaluing credit derivatives allowed Deutsche to hide up to $12bn in losses, helping it avoid a government bailout. - Looks like the cabal are trying to start a war with North Korea now to derail their impending removal." - Source:  AmericaMilitia

Obama picks Goldman Sachs exec for ambassador to Canada
The Squid Gains an Ambassador - (Proconsul? - mpg) -- A quote...."U.S. President Barack Obama has selected a partner at the investment firm of Goldman Sachs in Chicago to be the new U.S. ambassador to Canada, CBC News has learned."

Largest Dutch Bank Defaults on Physical Gold Deliveries to Customers
Gold Alert - Financial Alert - A quote...."Last week, a rubicon was crossed in the precious metals market as one of the largest banks in Europe defaulted on their gold contracts, and informed their customers there was no physical gold available for delivery. - ABN AMRO, the largest Dutch bank in the Eurozone, issued a letter to their gold contract customers of failure of delivery, and instead will pay account holders in a paper currency equivalent to the current spot value of the metal." - bold by website editor

Fred Goodwin and 3 Other Directors at RBS Served With £4bn Lawsuit By Shareholders - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Fred Goodwin and his former entourage at Royal Bank of Scotland have been served with a £4bn lawsuit by shareholders. -- Herbert Smith – the law firm representing both the bank and former directors, including Goodwin – received court papers marking the beginning of a civil suit today."

Shame of Bank That Paid £170million a Year in Bonuses: Barclays Staff 'lost all sense of humility' Says Report
Peanuts!!  Wall Street's Banksters hand out two, three, even ten BILLION dollars a year PER FIRM!! - A quote...."Arrogant investment bankers at Barclays thought they were immune from the ‘ordinary rules’ of society, a withering independent report concluded yesterday. - The scandal-hit lender has been accused of fostering a ‘winning at all costs’ culture and deserting its values in the relentless pursuit of growth. - Huge bonuses lavished on investment bankers helped some ‘lose all sense of proportion and humility’, the report said."

EU In No Hurry to Combat Corruption
Of course not!  If they did, they're ENTIRE banking system would collapse. - mpg -- A quote..."The European Union is not in a hurry to adopt effective measures to combat corruption. According to European newspapers, EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom is unable to complete a relevant report. Cecilia Malmstrom hopes that it will serve as a basis for drafting and adopting effective measures to combat the European evil."

More Damage: Euro Tumbles as Reserve Currency
A quote...."Developing World: Euro Loses Attraction as Reserve Currency ... Countries in the developing world are drastically reducing their euro holdings as economic instability in Europe leads them elsewhere to stock their currency reserves. Euro holdings are at their lowest level in a decade, according to the International Monetary Fund. When the euro was first launched on Jan. 1, 1999, there were hopes in Europe that it might soon rival the US dollar as the world's premier reserve currency. And initially, it seemed that dream was not unrealistic, as countries around the world began filling their coffers with the European common currency. ... [Now] countries are beginning to look elsewhere for their reserve currency needs --and have spent the last year and a half shedding euros. − Der Spiegel."

European Crisis That’s Far Bigger Than Cyprus Or Italy – French, Irish, Spanish German March PMI All Came In Worse Than Expected -- Charts - A quote...."’s a summary of some themes we saw across countries. There was really terrible news on the output, new orders, and employment front...."
German Economic Output 'at Near Stagnation'
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Germany's economy slowed to "near stagnation" last month, while France's recorded its biggest contraction for four years, according to a closely watched survey."

UK construction shrinks for 3rd month in March
A quote...."Britain’s construction output index has contracted in March for the third month in a row, assessments by a major British economic firm shows."

Britain's [Government] debt mountain reaches £1.39TRILLION, equivalent to 90% of the entire economy
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Britain’s [government] debt mountain has topped £1.387trillion, and is now the equivalent of 90 per cent of the entire economy [The US-NRE's is somewhere around 110%-115% Gov Debt/GDP - mpg]. - The grim milestone was passed at the end of 2012, new figures from the Office for National Statistics revealed today. - It lays bare the dire state of the nation’s finances in the wake of the 2007 financial crash, which has seen government debt double in just five years...." - FYI:  Guess Which Country Has [A Total] Debt Of Nearly 1000% Of GDP... - That was in 2011, by now they're probably well North of 1,200% total debt/GDP.  The UK should be given a rating of (CCC) !!  - mpg

97% Of Spanish Social Security Pension Fund In Domestic Bonds
A quote...."In January, we discussed the stunning fact that Spain's social security pension fund was 90% allocated to Spanish sovereign debt. The latest data shows that this farcical epic reach-around has become even more ridiculous as, according to Bloomberg BusinessWeek, the fund's holdings are now 97% weighted to sovereign bonds."

Bank of Japan to Pump $1.4 Trillion Into Economy in Unprecedented Stimulus
A Raise To The Bernanke? -- A quote...."The Bank of Japan unleashed the world’s most intense burst of monetary stimulus on Thursday, promising to inject about $1.4 trillion into the economy in less than two years, a radical gamble that sent the yen reeling and bond yields to record lows." - Source: Reuters

Is It Beginning? Biggest JGB Price Collapse In Over 10 Years Triggers TSE Circuit Breakers
The Reply? - Attack On Japan's Bonds? - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote..."Just over 4 hours ago we discussed the stunning collapse in 10Y Japanese bond yields. Since then - things have taken a very dramatic turn for the worse for bonds. 10Y JGB yields have exploded higher. The move from 32bps to 65bps triggered circuit breakers on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in JGB Futures trading as JGB prices plunged by their largest amount since September 2002. We can only imagine there is liquidations galore occurring given the massive outsize moves we are seeing in Japanese bonds, stocks, FX, swaps, and CDS. Did the BoJ just lose control?"

More on the Great Cypress Bank Robbery -- Attempt.....and its aftermath....

What WIll You Do When They Take All Your Money? -- (Hint: They already have.)
A quote...."Prior to last week's disturbing bureaucratic bank robbery stories from Cyprus, then New Zealand, then Canada — being piled on top of endless stories about drones, endless purchases of hollow point ammunition, and endless statements out of Washington always meaning exactly the opposite of what they say — I was feeling pretty sure that the real purpose of Washington's farcical rhetoric clearly foreshadowed its next immoral invasion of yet another unsuspecting country — only this time it would be this one! Land of the unfree and home of the kosher ripoff artists. -- After all, everyone's the enemy of the U.S. government, even those who do their dirty work, dimwitted dupes scheduled for elimination once they've fulfilled their fraudulent functions. -- But after the blatant robbery of its own people by the government of Cyprus to fatten the spending habits of these criminal international banks — and the revelation that first New Zealand and later Canada already had these same plans in the works BEFORE the European Union-controlled banks forced Cyprus to rob their own depositors — I'm no longer pretty sure about it — I'm certain."

Why Asset Confiscation and Worse are Real Possibilities
A quote...."Rahm Emanuel, said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before,” and that could include asset confiscation. -- With the financial crisis in Europe and Greece, the rejection of the dollar by Australia and China, and the bankruptcy of a number of American cities, a financial crisis is on the horizon that will most likely be deeper and more extensive than the one in 2008. -- In order to remedy a financial crisis, the president could call for asset confiscation or at least asset limitation." - Source:  GodfartherPolitics

West infers Putin sunk Cyprus while ignoring Obama sunk the world
A quote...."With the world focused on the collapse of the Cyprus banking system and the seizing of depositor’s funds, an unprecedented move by western financial institutions, the demonization of Russia and President Putin by the West and its agents has once again taken off in full swing. This is necessary to hide the fact the West is in fact robbing Russian businessmen and Russian depositors of money that they in fact have no right to."

Forex Flash: Capital flight abounds in Eurozone – UBS
A quote...." (Barcelona) - According to Research Analyst Gareth Berry at UBS, "We expect that the theme of capital flight out of the Eurozone will continue to run for some time in the wake of the Cyprus bailout." The immediate focus, of course, is on deposit flight but capital controls will be expected to do their job for now. Of course, the images of bank runs and deposit flight are powerful, but we expect capital flight in the form of investment outflows is even more pernicious."
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More On The International Situation....

U.S. “Human Rights” Wars: Arms Control as a Weapon
A quote...."At the core of the treaty is a ban on arms exports to countries that are under U.N. embargoes, or that are accused of promoting genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. But such language is only a tool of war in the hands of the U.S. The cold fact is that, since the establishment of the United Nations to this very day, the United States and its allies, clients and proxies have been the worst perpetrators of crimes against humanity. From Vietnam to East Timor to Guatemala to Iraq to Somalia and to Congo, the U.S. has caused the deaths of well over ten million people over the past 60 years." - also posted at AlethoNews & ICH
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Syria rebel fighters not ready to give up power after war
A quote...."Rebels on the ground say they, not expatriates or educated opposition outsiders, deserve leadership roles in a civilian government for post-conflict Syria."

U.S., Jordan boost training of Syria opposition fighters: report
A quote...."American and Jordanian efforts to train Syrian opposition fighters have stepped up, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday, following reports that the training has been focused on anti-tank weaponry."

Jihadists are heading to Syria from Tunisia
A quote...."Tunisian jihadists are flocking to Syria to fight alongside Islamist forces to topple the Damascus regime, just as they did in Iraq after the 2003 U.S. invasion." - Source:  UPI

Iraqi al-Qaeda terrorists help Syria militants: Iraqi intelligence officials
A quote...."The al-Qaeda terrorists in Iraq have been increasingly cooperating with the foreign-backed militants in Syria over the past few months, Iraqi intelligence officials say."

Russian War Games Send a Strong Message Against NATO Intervention in Syria?
A quote...."April 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"RT" -  Is there a connection between events in Syria (maybe even US tension with North Korea) and Russia’s impromptu Black Sea war games that started on March 28, 2013? -- While on his way from Durban in South Africa, where the BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa —announced they were forming a new development bank to challenge the IMF and World Bank, Russia’s Vladimir Putin gave the go ahead for unscheduled war games in the Black Sea. By themselves the games mean little, but in a global context they mean a lot." - Source:  RT

Arab League lacks legitimacy, says Syrian President Assad
A quote...." Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said the Arab League ‘lacks legitimacy’ as it gave Syria’s seat to the Western-backed opposition coalition. - “The Arab League lacks legitimacy. It’s a league that represents the Arab states, not the Arab people, so it can’t grant or retract legitimacy,” Assad said in an interview with the Turkish media published on the Syrian presidency’s Facebook page on Thursday."
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Nuclear energy program is Iran’s legal right: Soltanieh
A quote...."Iran's Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ali Asghar Soltanieh says the country’s nuclear energy program is a legal right and a national issue with a bright future ahead." -- Apparently Iran is still hung up on that "treaty" thing. - For more on this issue see....."How About An Honest NPT? - 11-11-10 - mpg"

Russia expects progress in Iranian nuclear talk - Hah! Russia is going to be severely disappointed. - mpg
A quote...."Russia believes a long-term settlement towards the Iranian nuclear issue should be based on the recognition of Iran’s “unconditional right to develop its civilian nuclear program,” Morgulov said." - Source:  Xinhua - And Israel will tell its colonial administrators in its North American Colony (once known as the USA) to say no. - mpg

US-led airstrike kills six in Afghanistan
A quote...."Six people, including four Afghan policemen and two civilians, have been killed in an airstrike carried out by US-led forces in Afghanistan’s eastern province of Ghazni, Press TV reports."

Taliban militants set 10 US military vehicles ablaze in Afghanistan
A quote...."Taliban militants claim to have torched about a dozen NATO supply trucks and oil tankers parked inside the US military’s Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan's northern province of Parwan, Press TV reports."

New Zealand withdraws its troops from Afghanistan, grants Afghan interpreters residency
A quote...."BAMIYAN, Afghanistan — New Zealand has withdrawn its small contingent of troops from Afghanistan."

Kidnappers target Christians in Egyptian province

A quote...."MATAI, Egypt (AP) — Ezzat Kromer's resistance to his kidnappers did not last long. One of the masked gunmen fired a round between his feet as he sat behind the wheel of his car and said with chilling calm, "The next one will go into your heart.""

Chinese tanker loads Iranian crude for first time since EU ban
A quote...."A Chinese supertanker loaded crude from Iran’s largest export terminal in late March, for the first time since Europe enforced sanctions on Iranian oil shipment insurers in July 2012. -- According to shipping data and a Chinese industry official, the Yuan Yang Hu supertanker, able to haul 2 million barrels of crude, docked at Kharg Island on March 20-21 and is currently en route to China. -- The vessel is owned by Dalian Ocean, a subsidiary of state shipping giant China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO)." - Source:  PressTV

Russia's 2012 arms exports up 12 percent despite Libya losses
A quote...."MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's weapons exports rose 12 percent in 2012 to a record $15.2 billion, President Vladimir Putin said in remarks broadcast on Wednesday, despite losing billions of dollars in deals with Libya after the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011."

Argentina vs. the Vultures: What You Need to Know
A quote...."Just ahead of the midnight deadline set out by the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals’ three-judge panel, Argentina’s government submitted a letter (view document here) describing how it would go about paying holders of defaulted bonds. The payments would be for creditors who refused to take part in two previous debt exchanges, including the so-called “vulture fund” plaintiffs in this ongoing case, NML Capital, Ltd. V. Republic of Argentina." - also posted at AlethoNews

Records Sought on Alleged Death Squad Leader
A quote...."MANHATTAN (CN) - New York Times reporter Julia Preston sued the Department of Justice for records on retired Salvadoran Gen. Carlos Eugenio Vides Casanova, who led the National Guard and Defense Ministry while death squads murdered tens of thousands of people. He has been denied relief from removal from Residents of the village Sabastiya near Nablus have confirmed that the pipe which pumps raw sewage onto their land from nearby illegal settlement Shave Shomron has been shut off. The raw sewage poisoned both olive and apricot trees belonging to the village.

The right of return is a core issue for Palestinians; let’s realize it
A quote...."This weekend a group of area students including myself will be hosting a groundbreaking conference at Boston University addressing the complex realities of the implementation of the Palestinian refugees’ Right of Return. The goal of this conference is to shape a new narrative that is focused on how to bring about return from a practical standpoint."

Why do survivors of massacre by Israeli soldier face imprisonment?
A quote...."Seven Palestinian men in Shefa Amr, a city in the Galilee region of present-day Israel, are anxiously awaiting the verdict of a protracted court case. The men have been put on trial over the 2005 killing of an Israeli soldier who had carried out a massacre. Despite ample evidence that the killing was an act of self-defense, the seven men fear they will be convicted of murder."

Murder By Neglect? 'Palestinians suffer in Israeli jails from medical apathy'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 6min54sec - Apr 4, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."The West Bank city of Hebron has been flooded with thousands of those coming to attend the funeral of a former Palestinian Security officer, who died while in Israeli custody. His death has triggered a wave of riots and clashes...."

Clashes continue in Hebron for third day

A quote...."HEBRON (Ma’an) – For the third consecutive day, young Palestinians in Hebron in the southern West Bank continued to clash with Israeli troops Thursday protesting the death of cancer prisoner Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh in Israeli custody."

Fayyad Condemns Israeli Usage of Live Bullets against Protesters
A quote...."RAMALLAH, April 4, 2013 (WAFA) – Prime Minister Salam Fayyad Thursday strongly condemned the Israeli soldiers’ usage of live bullets against peaceful demonstrators, which resulted in the killing of two 17 years old Palestinians."

Israel to Demolish Wells, Uproot Trees in Hebron
A quote...."Hebron, April 4, 2013 (WAFA) – Israeli military Thursday handed a Palestinian from Hebron a notice to demolish two water wells and uproot trees in his land, said local sources."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Organic rice farmer in India yields over 22 tons of crop on only two acres, proving the fraud of GMOs and Big Ag
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Despite all the claims made by industry-funded hacks that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and other industrial agricultural methods are necessary for the future of humanity, it is the traditional growing methods that continue to shine through as the real sustainers of life. As reported by Gaia Health, Indian rice farmers using traditional, organic growing methods are achieving yields far higher than farmers using more modern methods."

Top ten ways humanity is being murdered in the name of 'evidence-based science' (#1 GMOs)

A quote...."(NaturalNews) Of all the threats to humanity today, none is more destructive than modern-day "evidence-based science." And by the word "science," I don't mean the humble pursuit of knowledge using genuine scientific methods. What I mean is the dogmatic, corporate-driven brand of distorted science based on falsified evidence, bribery of gatekeepers and corruption of government regulators." - also posted at FromTheTrenches & PrisonPlanet

EPA: Expect More Radiation in Rainwater
A quote...."The Environmental Protection Agency yesterday reported finding elevated levels of iodine-131, a product of nuclear fission, in rainwater in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. The levels exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL) permitted in drinking water, but EPA continues to assure the public there is no need for alarm...." - Source:  Forbes

Wednesday April 3rd 2013

No posts. - mpg

Tuesday April 2nd 2013

The Treason of the Intellectuals
Must Read - A quote...."The rewriting of history by the power elite was painfully evident as the nation marked the 10th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War. Some claimed they had opposed the war when they had not. Others among “Bush’s useful idiots” argued that they had merely acted in good faith on the information available; if they had known then what they know now, they assured us, they would have acted differently. This, of course, is false. The war boosters, especially the “liberal hawks”  ---  who included Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Al Franken and John Kerry, along with academics, writers and journalists such as Bill Keller, Michael Ignatieff, Nicholas Kristof, David Remnick, Fareed Zakaria, Michael Walzer, Paul Berman, Thomas Friedman, George Packer, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Kanan Makiya and the late Christopher Hitchens—did what they always have done: engage in acts of self-preservation. To oppose the war would have been a career killer. And they knew it." - also posted at ICH

A Decade Of Lies, But Who Punishes The Media?
Must Read - A quote...."It has been ten years since Iraq was invaded by the coalition forces led by the United States of America. The Bush administration, upon whose insistence the invasion took place, spread lies upon lies in order to justify the "shock and awe". Fabricated stories included a relationship between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaida, the presence of weapons of mass destruction and a host of other unsubstantiated "facts". When it was clear that the weapons of mass destruction could not be found, the rhetoric changed to regime change and taking freedom and democracy to the people of Iraq. -- Ten years later, the key architects of the war such as George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz are still received as elder statesmen and women rather than facing justice for the crimes they have caused to be committed. However, that is not the problem. The issue is that the lies which led to hundreds of thousands of deaths in Iraq continue to be repeated."

Lawless: An Oddly Exceptional Empire
Must Read - A quote...."Many empires have risen and fallen over the course of recorded history. All were created by force. Yet all have tried to legitimize that force, by passing laws and seeking to establish some sort of order that  would outlive their military supremacy. Some have been more successful at this than others; by way of example, the legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte’s legal code is still alive today, in much of Europe and its former colonies, though the little Corsican’s empire was decisively defeated nearly two centuries ago. -- The Atlantic Empire, on the other hand,  is the only example in history of an imperial enterprise destroying its own laws, undermining its own  legitimacy in pursuit of power."

A Once Great Nation
A quote...."A lawless government breeds a lawless public. -- I don't know when the apple turns, it has for me already. I feel bound by no laws the federal government has passed through its sham of a legislature. I regard them as laws passed in commission of a fraud. To whatever extent I obey a federal law it is within my understanding of rightful liberty." - also posted at FromTheTrenches

“Liberating Iraqis”, Limb by Limb, Life by Life, Home by Home, Gene by Gene
A quote...."In these days of the tenth anniversary of the illegal invasion and near destruction of Iraq, answers are owed not alone for the dead, but to the cancer stricken, the deformed, to their parents, their siblings and all Iraqis. They were left with a land poisoned by depleted uranium in 1991, the burden ever building over twelve more years of (illegal) US and UK bombings, then the enormity of 2003."

Camp Nama: British Personnel Reveal Horrors of Secret US Base in Baghdad
A quote...."April 02, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"Guardian" -  British soldiers and airmen who helped to operate a secretive US detention facility in Baghdad that was at the centre of some of the most serious human rights abuses to occur in Iraq after the invasion have, for the first time, spoken about abuses they witnessed there."

British staff disclose US abuses in secret jail in Iraq

A quote...."The British forces who were present at a secret US prison in Baghdad have unveiled new details regarding some of the most shocking human rights abuses to occur in Iraq during the US invasion of the country in the facility."

Terror in Central Asia: NATO’s Great Game
GRVideo - (GRYuTb - 14min10sec - Mar 14, 2013) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV - Related: Trnscpt&LnksWebsite: CRYuTb - Website:  CorbettReport - Webiste:  CRBlpTV -- A quote...."In this age of manufactured terror, one of the most vital regions on the global chessboard is also an area that few in the West know anything about: Central Asia. This geostrategic and resource-rich area on the doorstep of China and Russia finds itself in the middle of an all out terror campaign. But, as key national intelligence whistleblowers are pointing out, these terrorists are working hand-in-glove with NATO. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV."

Violating Own Laws, US Backs Alleged Death Squads in Honduras
A quote...."US support for Honduran security forces has skyrocketed since the military coup took place there in 2009. Washington’s own commando-style troops have been working closely with Honduran police in training and weapons procurement, even as reports of extra-judicial killings, disappearances and other human rights abuses have increased."

CIA Torture, Murder and Illegal Detention in Uruguay
PRSTVideo - Part-1 - Part-2 - (PRSYuTb - 23/25min - Mar 30, 2013) - Source:  PressTVdocumentaries -- A quote...."Via conducting interviews with previous Uruguayan politicians, the documentary deals with the illegal detention, torture, and killing of Uruguayans by the CIA during the Cold War."

Depleted Uranium
A quote...."April 02, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"" -  Under the title ‘Fallujah’s children’s ‘genetic damage’ that old war horse ‘literally’ of the BBC’s foreign propaganda service, John Simpson, manages not to mention the phrase ‘depleted uranium’ when allegedly reporting on the alarming rise in birth defects that include cancer, leukaemia and a horrific rise in child mortality since the US demolished the city of Fallujah in 2004. And it’s not until right at the end of the piece that the US attack on Fallujah is even mentioned, let alone depleted uranium!" - Source:  WilliamBowels

America's War on North Korea
A quote...."On July 27, 1953, the Korean War ended. An uneasy armistice persists. The heavily fortified 2.5 mile Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) separates North and South. Occasional incidents occur." - Source:  SteveLendman

US escalates military tensions over North Korean nuclear program

A quote...."Washington is continuing to escalate military tensions in the global crisis triggered by the US confrontation with North Korea over its nuclear program. All of the region’s major powers are carrying out military exercises amid rising fears of a war fueled by the US “pivot to Asia,” aimed at containing China, North Korea’s main ally and protector."

Ways to watch Press TV
A quote...."Following a move by the Europeans satellite provider Eutelsat SA to take Press TV off the air in a flagrant violation of freedom of speech, Press TV viewers can continue to watch the news channel via the following satellites or by visiting the following websites...."
Optus D2
152 E   12706   22500
3/4  V
Intelsat 20
68.5 E   12562    26657
2/3   H
Intelsat 902
62 E    11555    27500
3/4   V
NSS 12 (Encryption)
57 E    11605    45000
4/5   H
Badr 5
26 E    11881    27500
5/6   H
Badr 5
26 E    12303    27500
3/4   H
Badr 4
26 E    12054    27500
3/4   V
Eutelsat hotbird 13B
13 E    12015    27500
3/4   H
Eutelsat 7west A
7.3 W    11823    27500
5/6   V
Galaxy 19
97 W    12028    21991
3/4   H
IntelSat 10
47.5E    12602    27500
3/4   V
Paksat 1R
38E    4060    23000
5/6   H

For more on this issue see.....Alternate Press TV Sites

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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Father Charles E. Coughlin warns of the war propagandists, their system of fin control & their evil "blood business"
Quote of the Day...."On April 9, 1939, Catholic priest Father Charles E. Coughlin broadcast his Easter Sunday message via his weekly radio program, to the people of the United States. As a preface to his Easter message, Fr. Coughlin warned his listeners of an impending world war involving Europe (World War II, which started in short order just as he had predicted). During the months prior to this Easter Sunday message, Fr. Coughlin had broadcast what was characterized as a very controversial series of thirteen weeks of hour-long radio programs, in which Fr. Coughlin refuted false claims of anti-semitism against him, and educated the public about the athiestic Jews funding and promoting communism worldwide. He also condemned the system of the private federal reserve, banks whose monetary policies are enslaving the people. He mentioned the Rothschilds specificlly, and insisted that the American people must heed the founding fathers edict of limited government refraining from foreign entanglements. He railed against the "war propagandists", "their own system of finance", and their "blood business"." - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||

George Soros and the Rothschilds Connection

A quote...."Soros speculates on the world's financial markets via his secret off-shore company, "Quantum Fund NV", a private "investment fund" that handles a portfolio of 4 to 7 Billion US$ for several "clients". The Quantum Fund is registered in the tax haven of the Netherland Antilles in the Caribbean. In order to evade control of his financial activities by the U.S. administration not a single U.S. citizen sits on the board of Quantum. It's directors are a curious mixture of Swiss and Italian financiers...Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London "City", in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American establishment would stay concealed."

Horror in Israel: 30,000 Mossad spies exposed
A quote...."Last week, the hacker organization “Anonymous,” symbolized by the famous “Guy Fawkes” mask, hacked Israel’s Mossad."

Peru: scandal over Israeli security contractor
A quote...."Peru’s Congress has opened a high-profile investigation into a contract with Israeli security firm Global CST, entered into by the previous government of Álan García, an audit by the Comptroller General of the Republic found irregularities in the deal. The probe concluded that the Peruvian state had lost $16 million when the firm failed to fulfil terms of its contract with the Armed Forces Joint Command. A congressional oversight commission has questioned three former cabinet members in the scandal—ex-housing minister Hernán Garrido, and ex-defense ministers Ántero Flores Aráoz and Rafael Rey—as well as ex-Joint Command chief Gen. Francisco Contreras. Special anti-corruption prosecutor Julio Arbizu has called on García himself to testify before what is being called the Mega-Commission, and for the attorney general’s office, or Fiscalía, to investigate the former president." - Source:  WW4Report

If You Know An Arab Don't Even Try Entering Israel
A quote...."Do you know any Arabs in London?’ Israeli airport authorities grill British photojournalist before kicking him out...."

Apartheid Israel's Palestinian Genocide
A quote...."March 31, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -  Coinciding with the formerly pagan celebration of New Life, at Easter time the Christian world pauses to consider the Passion of Christ and the story of His crucifixion and resurrection. Mainstream media will cover this major annual religious event but will largely ignore a crucial message of the Passion story – our critical obligation to bear witness and speak out against evil.  I endlessly repeat a key message for the people of the  endlessly war-making but internally peaceful and democratic nations of US Alliance:  “Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity”.  12 million people have died from violence or war-imposed deprivation since 1990 in the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims but the Western mainstream media and most of the citizenry of the West look the other way from the suffering of Palestinians, of Muslims and indeed of all Third Worlders under US hegemony."

Israel’s soldiers detained 90 children last month
A quote...."GAZA, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) rounded up 330 Palestinians in the past month of March including 90 children, a human rights group said on Monday. -- The Palestine prisoners center for studies said in its monthly report that the detainees were taken in 295 incursions in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip."

Eight Palestinian schoolgirls wounded in settlers[cowardly Jewish vagrant thugs] attack on school bus
A quote...."NABLUS, (PIC)-- Eight Palestinian school pupils were injured when Jewish settlers [vagrant thugs] attacked their school buses on their return from a trip near Nablus city on Sunday evening. -- Ghassan Daghlas, an activist monitoring settlement [Jewish squatter camp] activity north of the West Bank, said that a group of settlers [cowardly Jewish vagrant thugs] ambushed two school buses near Yitzhar crossing, south of Nablus"

Settlers [More sick and twisted Jewish vagrant thugs] Attack A Child In Jerusalem
A quote...."Monday April 1, 2013, The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan, in occupied East Jerusalem, reported that a group of settlers [Jewish squatter camp vagrants] attacked a Palestinian child in Ash-Sharaf neighborhood as he was heading to school, causing various injuries that required hospitalization."

Israel launched airstrike in Gaza, first such attack since truce in November
A quote...."Israel launched an airstrike on the Palestinian Gaza Strip on Tuesday, the first such attack since a truce ended an eight-day cross-border war in November, Hamas, the Islamist movement that controls the territory, said."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Incredible Inconsistencies and Bizarre Coincidences of the 9/11 Fairy Tale
A quote...."Before attempting to identify “nine hundred and eleven reasons why 9/11 was an inside job”, I would like to briefly mention my own “where-were-you-on-9/11-moment” since it has a lot to do with my reasons for rejecting the official version of events that fateful day." - also posted at ThePeoplesVoice

The FBI's Bomb Factory - Agency of Fear
A quote...."Almost nothing about this scenario was true. The cell phone wasn’t connected to the toggle switch. The detonation cords weren’t wired to an explosive device. The blue drums weren’t filled with diesel-saturated fertilizer, but harmless grass seed. Mohamed wasn’t a member of al Qaeda. Of Somali origin, he was a troubled college dropout from Beaverton, Oregon, home of Nike. Youssef wasn’t a member of al Qaeda. Hussein was not one of al Qaeda’s top bomb makers. Youssef and Hussein were not really arrested and neither was charged with being part of a terrorist plot. Youssef and Hussein were both federal agents. -- The bomb plot itself was not an al Qaeda idea. It was hatched by the FBI. Young Mohamed Mohamud did not seek out the bomb plotters; they found him and seduced the young man into joining their conspiracy." - Topix ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  ||

130 Guantanamo prisoners on hunger strike
A quote...."Now more than 100 detainees at the United States’ infamous Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba are staging a hunger strike to protest disrespect of the Qur’an and confiscation of personal items."

Judge Rejects Obama Admin Argument that Declassifying Guantánamo Case Documents is Too Much Work
Hip Hip Hooray!! - A quote...."The Obama administration has been ordered by a federal judge to declassify the government’s file on a former detainee after officials tried to claim that doing so would require too much work."

Department of Homeland Security [Stealing] Can Seize Gold, Silver, Guns in Safety Deposit Boxes
A quote...."According to in-house memos now circulating, the DHS has issued orders to banks across America which announce to them that “under the Patriot Act” the DHS has the absolute right to seize, without any warrant whatsoever, any and all customer bank accounts, to make “periodic and unannounced” visits to any bank to open and inspect the contents of “selected safe deposit boxes.”

Obamacare Already Starts Collapsing Into Medical-Industry Feeding Frenzy
A quote...."Part of the Obama Administration’s promise to the American people regarding Obamacare was that the enormous waste in America’s medical expenses would be reduced. The reversal of that promise has already begun, with the Administration’s announcement on April 1st, that is will increase instead of (as had been promised) decrease, taxpayer subsidies to private health insurance companies."

Michael Rivero on Justin TV -  Apr 1st, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3.0hrs - 30min each -   Apr 1st, 2013) -- Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg

Gerald Celente -, Greg Hunter - April 1, 2013
Must View GCVideo - (GCYuTb - 18min37sec - Apr 2, 2013) - Source:  gcelente - Website:  TheTrendsJournal - Website: GregHunter - A quote..."The United States is provoking North Korea. They keep putting more and more sanctions on them. It's economic warfare. And the Cyprus banking crisis is coming to America."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Bye Bye Banksters – Hello BRIC
Must Read - Contains Videos  -- A quote...."There’s a New kid on the block and his name is BRIC.  Not Rick, but BRIC (1). -- Yes, it looks like it could be a permanent good-bye to the City of London Bankster’s worldwide web-of-debt, a system using the hijacked US Petro Dollar as the world’s exchange medium. -- The demise of this system has been long predicted and BRIC is just one of many new trade systems now arising all over the world which directly oppose it." - also posted at FromTheTrenches

The Five BRICS Nations Account For 42% of World Population And Nearly All of Current Growth In The Global Economy Push For A New World Bank And Ditch US Dollar
- Charts - Article List -- A quote...."A month ago we pointed out that as a result of Australia’s unprecedented reliance on China as a target export market, accounting for nearly 30% of all Australian exports (with the flipside being just as true, as Australia now is the fifth-biggest source of Chinese imports), the two countries may as well be joined at the hip."

Weimar vs USA: The Fall Of The Second Empire Of Debt
Contains Video - Alt - (YuTb - 6min42sec - Mar 21, 2013) - Source:  visionvictory -- A quote...."While being distracted by the developments of this insolvent European sovereign or that, coupled with increasingly prevalent episodes of deposit confiscation, is all the rage these days, the fundamental problems summarized by these three simple words, too much debt, remain. And as has been explained over and over, while confiscation of wealth merely shuffles the various dollar (and euro) signs on the table with the spoils going to the wealthiest, there is no resolution of the underlying problems plaguing a world that has tens of trillions of excess debt."

So Much For The Stability Of The Centrally-Banked "Fiat" Era
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."According to some economist PhDs, the end of the gold standard era marked by the arrival of the Federal Reserve one century ago ushered in the era of stability, prosperity and virtually unlimited growth (just ignore the two world wars and millions of casualties immediately following). While that is an amusing way of describing a financial system that is now daily on the brink of a financial apocalypse courtesy of a few good central banks propping up a $1 quadrillion house of derivatives cards, whose collapse would mean an immediate "game over", and where (rapidly evaporating) confidence in a failing status quo, must be preserved at all costs, the question of post-Fed induced stability is an interesting one, especially when measured in terms of intangible value (in this case the most basic of indicators - the Dow Jones), compared to thousands of years of a real tangible, store of wealth: gold."

Debt-Slavery for Dummies
Related Charts - A quote...."Everything the Fed does ultimately leads to less economic activity, less savings and more debt resulting in poverty for Americans, not prosperity.  Debt is not prosperity. Debt is poverty and economic slavery. -- Why are you working harder but getting poorer? -- Let us analyze the effectiveness of the Fed’s only policy tool of printing money since the onset of the great financial crisis in 2008 by looking at...." - also posted at ZeroHedge
Tom Hoenig: "This System Distorts The Market And Turns Appropriate Risk-Taking Into Recklessness"
A quote...."It is, indeed, time to return to ~ a renormalized system, but unfortunately this will never happen until the grand systemic reboot finally takes place, this time wiping out the central banks who have doubled down in going all in on preserving the failed status quo. Then, and only then, can things be back to normal. Until then, the best anyone can do, is to allow them to reach their terminal unwind as rapidly as possible." - bold by website editor

Casino economics: How the S&P 500 endured two 50 percent dips in the 2000s & sent the middle class packing
A quote...."It took the S&P 500 about 13 years to get back to where it was in 2000.  Of course the power of inflation has taken an even deeper toll on this trend.  The stock market is largely a spectacle for most average Americans.  It is a dramatic sideshow like going to the track and betting on horses.  The reality is, most Americans do not own any sizeable amount of stocks.  1 out of 3 Americans have no savings and about half of Americans are one paycheck away from being on food stamps.  By the way, 47 million Americans are still on food stamps in this recovery.  The stock market over the last few decades has operated like a casino swinging from one bubble to another.  After every subsequent bust, middle class households have seen a chunk of their standard of living diminish."

Three Macro Monetary Morphine Charts - Or how the "Markets" are disconnected from reality. - mpg
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote..."Presented with little comment but it would appear that it is not just the American investing public that believes in miracles as the Japanese and European equity markets are now fully disconnected from dismal macro reality..."

David Stockman: Ben Bernanke Is The Most Dangerous Man In US History
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 6min32 - Apr 1, 2013) -  Source:  selfownership1

Madoff Contacts Congress: 'JPM Was Complicit In My Crime
Contains Video - A quote...."JPM knew all about my Ponzi. -- Madoff sends info on Ponzi-complicit banks to Congress. -- Start watching at 55 seconds.  Bernie keeps banging the drum, this time with a letter from prison sent to Marketwatch editors, after already reaching out to CNBC and Fox Biz in the past 60 days."

5 of 10 Top Economies in the World Drop the Dollar
A quote...."The U.S Dollar is quickly losing its status as the world reserve currency. Five of the top ten economies in the world, plus a few others, no longer use the dollar as an intermediary currency for trade. This trend poses a huge risk to the dollar and the United States along with it." - also posted at BLN

David Stockman: We've Been Lied To, Robbed, And Misled
A quote...."Then, when the Fed’s fire hoses started spraying an elephant soup of liquidity injections in every direction and its balance sheet grew by $1.3 trillion in just thirteen weeks compared to $850 billion during its first ninety-four years, I became convinced that the Fed was flying by the seat of its pants, making it up as it went along. It was evident that its aim was to stop the hissy fit on Wall Street and that the thread of a Great Depression 2.0 was just a cover story for a panicked spree of money printing that exceeded any other episode in recorded human history." -- *David Stockman*, The Great Deformation

Fed Lies On The Record To Protect Bank Of America, Pulls Testimony
A quote...."It has gotten so bad that the Fed was last week caught lying under testimony, forcing the Fed to take back testimony in a parallel lawsuit between AIG and BofA, which has also involved the New York Fed, as a indirect guardian of BAC's cash hoard."

State auditor: California's net worth at negative $127.2 billion
A quote...."Were California's state government a business, it would be a candidate for insolvency with a negative net worth of $127.2 billion, according to an annual financial report issued by State Auditor Elaine Howle and the Bureau of State Audits."

Bank of England to become one of world's most powerful central banks - Naturally....mpg
A quote..."Breakup of Financial Services Authorities puts Bank in charge of regulation and crisis avoidance in biggest shakeup since 1997."

Slovenia cuts growth forecast as bail-out fears grow
A quote...."Fears that Slovenia will become the next eurozone nation to need a bail-out have been fuelled by a sharp cut to the country’s growth forecasts by the government’s economic institute."

Eurozone unemployment hits all-time high: 19 million out of work
A quote...."Eurozone unemployment levels have hit 12 percent – the highest in the history of eurozone record-keeping, since the currency was launched in 1999."

And the Band Plays On Eurozone in Crisis
A quote...."Things are bad in the European Union (EU). Just how bad you ask? They are so bad that the unelected fonctionnaires in Brussels are finally being forced to say so. In a communiqué dated March 26th, 2013, the European Commission (EC), the civil service arm of the EU, pulled no punches. It reads like a laundry list of pain and suffering...."

Global Economic Slowdown Accelerates Again
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."It would appear that between the historical revisions of over-optimistic initial prints in macro data in the last few months and the reality of the weakness in Europe; the global economy is in Slowdown. Goldman's Swirlogram has now seen its Global Leading Indicator in the 'slowdown' phase for two months as momentum fades rapidly and seven of the ten major factors in the index declining with Global (Aggregate) PMI, and Global New Orders-less-Inventories worsening."

Oil Tanker Market In "State Of Panic" As Charter Rates Plunge, Cargoes Rejected
A quote...."While everyone knows about the epic oversupply of dry bulk containerships as a result of the pre-bubble surge in charter rates (and subsequent collapse), which sent many shipping companies to an early bankruptcy or outright liquidation and also resulted in very depressed shipping rates for the last several years as the supply overhang continues to be cleared out of the system (coupled with still depressed end-demand for "dry" commodities) , few may be aware that in the past several months the same fate has befallen the oil-tanker industry."
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More on the Great Cypress Bank Robbery -- Attempt.....

Cyprian MP calls for economic independence from EU - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Cyprus has no other way out of the crisis than to free itself from the conditions that the “three” of its creditors are imposing upon it, the head of Cyprus’s parliament Yiannakis Omirou believes."

'Troika to consume Cyprus to expel Russian money & influence'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min12sec - Mar 31, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Saving Cyprus from financial collapse is coming with a hefty price tag, and not only for high-level depositors. The long-anticipated re-opening of banks came with unprecedented restrictions, with daily withdrawals limited to 300 euros per day. There's been no time frame given for the capital controls, only promises the measures would be reviewed daily. -- Depositors in Cyprus' biggest bank will loose around 60 per cent of their savings over 100 thousand euros - that's despite earlier signs they'd take a smaller hit of 30 to 40 per cent...."

For Cyprus, The Pain Is Only Just Starting
A quote...."If the suffering, yet docile, Cypriot serfs thought deposit confiscation would be the end of their problems under the European feudal system, they are about to be shocked. Because as part of their banking sector bailout, the country is set to get a "loan" from the Troika, a loan which comes with a Memorandum of Understanding, aka a "blueprint for austerity", with dictates terms for government revenue increases and spending cuts (of the variety that nearly caused America's leader to blow a gasket when he was describing the untold devastation that would result if the rate of acceleration in US budget spending dared to be slowed down even by a tiny bit)." - bold by website editor
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More On The International Situation....

Sanctions and Austerity: The Globalists’ Twin Weapons of Mass Destruction
Must Read - A quote...." The world’s global bankers and purveyors of new world order dictates are relying on two weapons of mass destruction to achieve their ends: the increasingly-antiquated weapon of sanctions and the supranational financial organization-driven weapon of mandatory austerity. -- For those nations that have refused to allow their economic futures to be decided by unelected bankers and international bureaucrats on far-away shores, sanctions continue to be the chosen method to force assimilation by the recalcitrant. These nations include Iran, Cuba, North Korea, and, to a somewhat lesser extent, Syria and Sudan… After Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi was ousted and assassinated by NATO-financed Islamist guerrillas, Libya is now a member of the «club», along with post-Saddam Hussein Iraq."

Syria: Democracy vs. Foreign Invasion. Who is Bashar Al Assad?
A quote...."Bashar al-Assad has been systematically demonized by the mainstream and so-called alternative media who claim that he is a brutal dictator. -- Actually Bashar is a reformer who has done much to further the causes of democracy and freedom. It is the “opposition” and their foreign supporters which represent the most repressive elements of the former ruling party in Syria."

Gunmen torch NATO withdrawal trucks in Pakistan
A quote...."Gunmen in Pakistan on Monday set ablaze five trucks carrying NATO equipment out of Afghanistan as the international military alliance winds down its combat mission there, officials said. -- Four masked gunmen on two motorbikes opened fire at the vehicles, forcing them to stop and then doused them in petrol to set them on fire in the southwestern province Baluchistan."

Refugees of Libyan War Protest at World Social Forum

 A quote....."TUNIS, Mar 31 2013 (IPS) - “We need a solution. The U.N. has created the problem, and they should do their work and fix it,” says Bright, a young Nigerian stuck in the Choucha refugee camp in Tunisia, a few kilometres from the Libyan border."

Adviser to Libyan PM seized in Tripoli: source
A quote...."(Reuters) - An adviser to Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan was grabbed from his car by unknown assailants on the outskirts of Tripoli on Sunday evening, a government source said."

Hamas reelects Khaled Meshaal as political leader: Official
A quote...."Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has reelected Khaled Meshaal for a new term as political bureau chief of the movement, a senior party official has said."

Iran Abandons Chinese Help, to Build World’s Highest Hydroelectric Plant Alone

A quote...."Iran, pummeled by years of international sanctions, has had two energy goals. -- First, to preserve its dwindling international hydrocarbon market share, increasingly battered by years of U.S. and UN sanctions designed to slow down and halt its civilian nuclear energy program, which Washington and Tel Aviv have long insisted masks a covert program to develop a nuclear weapons program. -- The second, much less reported in the foreign press, is to diversify its indigenous energy infrastructure, so as to preserve its hydrocarbon assets for the long term. -- In pursuit of the latter goal, Iran is ramping up its hydroelectric program. -- Iran currently has 23 operational hydropower plants, with a combined electricity generating capacity of 8.2 gigawatts, 14 percent of the nation’s total generating capacity of 58.5 gigawatts. A further 4.8 gigawatts of capacity is under construction, with 12.7 gigawatts of hydro capacity either undergoing feasibility study or in the early design stages." - Source: OilPrice

Iran And The Danger of One's "Own Reality"
A quote...."There is a concept of "strategic messaging" used to let the public know how it is supposed to think about this or that policy or country. There are problems with such messaging. It often exaggerates or even invents "facts" and thereby turns into propaganda lies. It also creates an echo chamber where the strategic messengers over time comes to believe their own bullsh-tting."

The Economist's failed assault on Gazprom

A quote...."Whenever the Russian gas giant does something remarkable, like approaching the final of a decade long process of negotiation to export natural gas in China, it is a safe bet that the Western press will try to prove that Gazprom is headed for disaster. The most recent attack on Gazprom came from the ever russophobic journalists of The Economist."

Prosecutors Say Start Inspections of New Russian NGOs
A quote...."VORONEZH, April 3 (RIA Novosti) - Prosecutors in the central Russian Voronezh Region have started inspections of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) as part of an anti-extremism drive, the regional prosecutor’s office has reported."

Demand for Russian helicopters growing
A quote...."The demand for Russian helicopters is growing in the world.  Within the framework of the earlier signed contract with Russia for the purchase of arms, Iraq said that it would like to increase the number of “Night Hunter” Mi-28N helicopters to 40. Peru will buy another 24 Mi-171 helicopters from Russia."

Haiti’s Human Rights Abuses and its Silent War on Journalists
A quote...."Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News - The United Nations Human Rights monitor Michel Forst sent a letter to the Haitian Press criticizing the Haitian government of Michel Martelly for its illegal arrests of citizen’s, its influence on the judicial system and for threatening journalists.  Recently, the Associated Press reported “In an open letter that was sent to the Haitian press and obtained by The Associated Press on Thursday, Michel Forst criticized the government for the continuation of arbitrary and illegal arrests, its interference in the justice system and for threatening journalists."

Venezuela's acting president leads latest poll before election
A quote...."CARACAS, April 1 (Xinhua) -- With the presidential election less than two weeks away, Venezuelan Acting President Nicolas Maduro led opposition leader Henrique Capriles by 20 percent in latest polls." - also posted at AlethoNews
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Activist dares imagine a one-state solution
A quote...."The snow that fell on the West Bank village of Urif on January 10 was the heaviest in years, enticing delighted children out of their homes. - But snow was not the only thing to descend on the village that morning. - As the children threw snowballs, dozens of Israeli settlers came down from the hilltop settlement of Yizhar, brandishing guns, stones and even a sword. - What happened next was witnessed by Maltese activist Andre Callus, 26, who was in the Nablus region with the International Solidarity Movement, a non-violent group “committed to resisting the Israeli apartheid in Palestine”."

[IOF] Army Attacks Palestinians Protesters In Jerusalem
A quote...."Israeli soldiers, attacked on Tuesday, a nonviolent protest that was held in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem, and claimed that the protest was held without a permit from the Police in the occupied city."

40 Injured In Clashes With The [IOF] Army In Hebron

A quote...."Palestinian medical sources in Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, reported that at least 40 Palestinians have been injured during clashes with Israeli soldiers who attacked Palestinians protesting the death of detainee Maisara Abu Hamdiyya."

Palestinian Detainee Dies In Israeli Hospital
A quote...."Palestinian Minister of Detainees, Issa Qaraqe’, stated that Palestinian detainee Maisara Abu Hamdiyya, 64, died at the Intensive Care Unit at the Soroka Israeli hospital on Tuesday morning suffering from an advanced stage of cancer resulting of medical negligence in Israeli prisons."

Land in village of Qusin used as garbage dump by settlers [Jewish vagrants]
A quote...."On Wednesday March 27 at 15:00 the village of Qusin organized a tour of a nearby quarry that is regularly used as a garbage dump. The residents of Qusin invited the Minister of the Environment, IWPS and the International Solidarity Movement to inspect the amount of Israeli trash that has accumulated in the recent weeks."

Settler [Homeless Jewish thug] attacks ISM activists
A quote..."An ISM activist and her sister were attacked today on Shuhada street, Hebron, by the infamous settler Anat Cohen. The incident is the last in a long line of violent acts committed by Cohen. It was believed to be motivated by the fact the ISM activist was wearing a headscarf, as Palestinian access to Shuhada Street has not been permitted since 1994."

“I risk my life when I go fishing, but what choice do I have?”
A quote...."Mahmoud Mohammed Jarboa (52) is a fisherman from Beach Camp, Gaza City, and a father of ten children, seven sons and three daughters. Mahmoud relies on the income he and his sons make from fishing to support 21 dependents. For many years, Mahmoud has suffered from the restrictions placed on access to the Palestinian territorial waters off the coast of the Gaza Strip."

“I really hope these crops can reach their harvest”
A quote...."We were very happy when we heard about the ceasefire and couldn’t wait to start sowing our farm lands again,” says Majid Wahdan (52) while sitting down under a tree in a plot of farmland in Beit Hanoun. --  Wahdan, a farmer and father of four daughters and three sons, had been living in north east of Beit Hanoun for 35 years when, in 2003, his family’s three storey house and farming land, located approximately 400 meters from the border with Israel, were bulldozed...."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Oregon set to ban GM salmon and mandate GMO labeling - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."All across the country, people are rising up and demanding that the foods they eat be properly identified and honestly labeled. And the constituency of the state of Oregon is no exception, where a trio of legislative bills recently introduced would require that all genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) be properly labeled, as well as prohibit the import and sale of GM salmon, the first transgenic animal to ever be preliminarily approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for human consumption." - Source:  NaturalNews

WHO Suspends Vaccine After 26 Children Die in the Developing World
A quote...."According to reports, at least 26 children have died and many more have been seriously injured after they were given the 5 in 1 vaccine, Quinvaxem. [1] Newspapers have reported that all of the victims suffered adverse reactions including fevers, vomiting and the appearance of bruises all over their bodies. [2]"

Study: 28% Increase In Thyroid Problems In Babies Born After Fukushima in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington -- A quote...."Infants are much more vulnerable to radiation than adults. And see this. -- However, radiation safety standards are set based on the assumption that everyone in the world is a healthy man in his 20s - PDF. -- Now, a medical doctor (Janette D. Sherman, M. D.) and epidemiologist (Joseph Mangano) have released a study showing a 28% increase in thyroid problems in babies born in Hawaii and America’s West Coast after the Fukushima nuclear accident."

Monday April 1st 2013

No posts. - mpg

Sunday March 31st 2013

Iraqi Ex-Spy: 'US Manipulated Public Opinion Before Iraq War'
Must View RTVideo - Excellent interview. -- Good nuts & bolts analysis from an Iraqi intelligence officer, his perspective on the Iraq war and what he thinks the Iraq administration knew or thought they knew at the time.  He sounds totally legit. - mpg - (RTYuTb - 14min31sec - Mar 31, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Related: Transcript -- A quote...."The US used every possibility to prove that Iraq was reluctant to cooperate in the war against terror, while it wasn't, argues Salim Khalaf al-Jumayli, a former Iraqi intelligence officer, who made the revelation to RT"

World Must Unite Against US-Saudi-Israeli Proxy War in Syria

Must Read - A quote...."March 30, 2013 (LD) - Since 2007, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have been documented as conspiring to overthrow the Syrian government by way of sectarian extremists, including groups "sympathetic to Al Qaeda," and in particular, the militant, sectarian Muslim Brotherhood. While the West has attempted to portray the full-scale conflict beginning in Syria in 2011 as first, a "pro-democracy uprising," to now a "sectarian conflict," recent atrocities carried out by US-Saudi-Israeli proxies have shifted the assault to include Sunni Muslims unable or unwilling to participate in the destruction of the Syrian state...."

False Flag Attacks in Syria Pin Atrocities on Assad and Justify "Red Line" Engagement
A quote...."Only days after the chemical weapons attack inside Syria, the Israeli, US, and NATO governments are doing everything in their power to not only push the idea that the “red line” of the Obama administration has been crossed, but also to maintain the fragile public relations narrative that the attack was launched by the Assad government. Fortunately for everyone involved - except for, perhaps, the death squads wreaking havoc on Syrian soil - such a dual approach is proving very difficult. -- This is because the chemical attack was not the work of the Assad regime but of the death squads who have been killing and maiming innocent people for close to two years."

Militants behead Muslim cleric in Syria
Another day, another beheading.  Amerika's tax dollars at work. - mpg -- A quote..." A Muslim cleric has been brutally beheaded in Syria’s northern city of Aleppo by foreign-backed militants, who are already notorious for their atrocities. - The militants reportedly decapitated Sheikh Hasan Saif al-Deen before dragging his lifeless body on the streets. - They also hung the sheikh’s head atop the minaret of the mosque where he used to preach. - Local media blamed the gruesome assassination on al-Qaeda-linked group, al-Nusra Front." - (a.k.a al-CIA'da)

Syria and the Chemical Weapons Hoax
Must View GFVideo - (GFYuTb - 16min02sec - Mar 31, 2013) - - Source: CorbettReport - Website:  CRYuTb - Webiste:  CRBlpTV - Webiste:  RealityReport-w/GaryFranchi/BlipTV - Website: RealityReport/YuTb -- A quote...."James Corbett of joins Gary Franchi of WHDT9 on the Next News Network to discuss recent reports of chemical weapons attacks in Syria. They also talk about the new so-called Syrian Prime Minister-in-exile, the possibility of war in the region, and the implications of the government-media nexus."

Ex-CNN Reporter: I Received Orders to Manipulate News to Demonize Syria and Iran  
A quote....."PRAGUE, (SANA)- Ex-CNN reporter Amber Lyon revealed that during her work for the channel she received orders to send false news and exclude some others which the US administration did not favor with the aim to create a public opinion in favor of launching an aggression on Iran and Syria. -- Lyon was quoted by the Slovak main news website as saying that the mainstream US media outlets intentionally work to create a propaganda against Iran to garner public opinion's support for a military invasion against it."

CIA-Mossad agents assassinate thousands of Iraqi scholars: Report
A quote...."A report reveals that thousands of Iraqi scholars have been assassinated by Israel’s Mossad spy agency in collaboration with CIA agents since the occupation of Iraq."

Nothing New Under the Sun, Especially With Leviathan
Book Review - Quote of the Day...."It’s become a truism that America is following the road to depravity, dictatorship, and brutality that ancient Rome paved. As the Feds sped down that path in 2001 with their War on Terror, a Canadian writer perused Edward Gibbon’s "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". Gibbon was "a rich and rewarding read," Morgan Wade tells us in his Author’s Note for "The Last Stoic" - [BkFndr] - [AddAll-PB]* "But what struck me most, in passages describing how the ancient ‘golden age’ had passed from prosperity and relative peace to decay and continual war, is how closely the trajectory of the contemporary American empire mirrors that of the Roman empire."" - *links added

Are There Limitations to Jewish Power? Syria May Provide the Answer
A quote...."Israel and America are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Syria (the “kitchen sink” in this case being nuclear weapons), yet still the government there remains standing. I have the feeling that should the West fail in its attempts to topple Bashar Assad, a good portion of the world is going to draw a very relevant lesson from it all—that there are limitations to Jewish power. Perhaps this is what accounts for some of the “desperation” Cartalucci writes about in the following article."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Financial Wars: Attack is the Best Form of Defence
Must Read - (posted here, in this section, for obvious reasons - mpg) -- A quote...." The history of financial wars is in no way shorter than the history of conventional wars. However, although many have understood the power of money to subordinate nations, using it as a full-fledged alternative to the use of ordinary weapons began just a century ago. American bankers played a decisive role in the process, initially subordinating themselves to the USA through the creation of the Federal Reserve System (FRS), and then encroaching upon the rest of the world by succeeding in getting approval of the Bretton-Woods Agreements on the dollar as a means of settling international payments. An equally important outcome of these agreements was the creation of the International Monetary Fund, controlled by the FRS. --  As with conventional wars, the aim of financial wars is either the subordination of the state as a whole, or the establishment of partial control over it. The only difference is that with financial wars, physical control over territories is far from obligatory, although in terms of degrees of disruptiveness, financial wars are no less formidable than conventional ones." -- For more on this issue see essays shown below....
Israel and 9-11 and 7/7 and .... - Morris
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 4min35sec - Mar 31, 2013) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."Security companies throughout the world seem to be Israeli run. They controlled the Airports on 911. They ran the companies with cameras on 77 (in London) on both the London underground and the Busses, separate Israeli run companies had no video available of the alleged bombers. And at Fukushima an Israeli security company installed the cameras. - Who is managing a people to believe they are superior? I try and answer that."

The Closing of the Jewish Mind
Special Note - A quote...."In order to understand anti-Jewish reactions and subversive ideology, neoconservatives, as we said in a previous article, need to “psychoanalyze” themselves and understand the deep issues that we are facing here. The vast majority of the world does not hate Jews as people! The vast majority of the world does not like criminal activity which Jewish revolutionaries have forced upon the West. Those subversive activities have come and gone and have taken different forms. We no longer have Bolshevism, but we are stuck with the neoconservative movement, which has given us a six-trillion dollar war. -- Neoconservatives, if they want to be serious, need to understand this. If the neoconservatives are interested in the truth, then they must take at least some responsibility for the mess they have unleashed upon Western culture at large and upon the Middle East in particular."

The Real News: Shutting Down Critique of Israel on Campus
- The closing of free speech. - mpg
RNVideo - Alt - (RNVideo - 15min36sec -  Mar 30, 2013) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote...."Michael Ratner: Regulations against hate speech used to close down criticism of Israeli occupation. -- "And the question I've asked myself over time is how do we change a policy in the United States if the people who want to push for change in the United States can't engage in free speech on that policy." -- *Michael Ratner*

A Case Study of BBC Newsnight Reporting of Israel/Palestine

Israel's Spin Unspun -- A quote...."There is little doubt that we are being manipulated. For example, the Glasgow University Media Group (GUMG) - in a study of BBC and ITV news bulletins - found that the Israeli perspective was used to structure news reports (see *Philo and Berry, 2011). There was also very little context given of the history of how the occupation developed and how it has been prosecuted by the Israelis. Reporters tended to use 'loaded' vocabulary, so only Palestinians were described as 'militants' or 'gunmen'. In addition, the USA was unrealistically presented as being even-handed and trying to broker a fair peace. Many or perhaps all of these findings also appear to apply to Newsnight. -- This article is based on research I carried out for my MA dissertation (the full text of which is available online). Here I’m going to analyse one Newsnight report on Israel/Palestine using a method called Critical Discourse Analysis."

Obama’s loyalty speech
A quote...." Obama’s visit to Israel and Jordan has brought joy to no one but the Israelis. The US president practically swore an oath of fealty to Israel, speaking not just as a friend and faithful ally, not as a head of state, but as a humble subordinate. -- He waxed lyrical on Israel as a land of dreams, then advised the Palestinians to ignore the settlements being built on their land and issued stern warnings to Syria, Iran and Hizbullah. -- So eager was Obama to court the Israelis that he suddenly started calling Netanyahu — the very man who supported his rival, Mitt Romney, in the elections — “Bibi”."  -- Gawd-dang, how utterly disgusting!  Israel's North Amerikan colony has a craven, fawning, obsequious, house-boy, as it's colonial administrator. - mpg

Bloomberg’s PAC Buys Elections
A quote...."“Bloomberg is trying to buy this election,” said Former Rep. Debbie Halvorson with regard to the 2013 Illinois Congressional race. -- Halvorson was referring to Bloomberg’s super PAC, “Independence USA,” that spent $2 million on advertising (and doubtless countless bribes) to oppose Halvorson’s pro-gun stance in the election to replace Jesse Jackson, Jr."

Bulgaria won’t push for Hezbollah blacklisting
A quote...."[Ugly Truth Editor's Note] -- Gee, wonder if the Bulgarian government found out that–like the 1994 bombing of the Jewish Community Center in Argentina–that it was not Hezbollah that perpetrated this act of terrorism, but rather Israel in yet another of her false flag attacks?"

Spanish party dismisses Holocaust remembrance as ‘Israeli propaganda’
A quote...."The speakers of the leftist AGE party and the nationalist BNG party in the parliament of Galicia — an autonomous region in northern Spain — vetoed a draft resolution commemorating the victims of the Holocaust, preventing it from going to a vote, according to the Federation of Jewish Communities (FCJE) in Spain." - Topix ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

A Day After in Palestine: the Rights of a People
A quote...."On 30 March 1976 Palestinians held a general strike to protest against the recently announced intention of the Israeli forces to further snuff out Arab viability in the Galilee region.  The Israeli government intended to expropriate 5000 acres of land in order to build Jewish-only settlements.  The government conceded that 1625 of those acres belonged to its Arab citizens and claimed that an additional 2000 were owned by the “Israeli Land Authority.”  The Palestinian people knew there was a fundamental and ethical flaw in what has continued to be known as the “Judeaization of the Galilee.”  Even the Israeli High Court would soon highlight the illegality of such political land-grabs."

Israel Denies Thousands of Palestinian Christians Entry to Holy Sites on Palm Sunday
A quote...."Member of the Palestine Liberation Organization's Executive Committee Hanan Ashrawi, On the holy occasion of Palm Sunday and beginning of the Holy Week in Jerusalem, spoke of her outrage at the increasing denial of entry to Jerusalem for Palestinian Christians, saying "there should not even be a question of needing permits to visit one's own city." -- In a press release, Ashrawi said that early reports indicate that Palestinian Christian communities from the northern West Bank had to cancel their Palm Sunday celebrations in Jerusalem due to a lack of Israeli-issued permits." - Source: PNN
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

9/11: Illegitimacy of US government
Must Read - A quote...."....on September 11th, 2001, the most famous “building collapses” in history somehow caused the bodies of more than 1,000 victims to magically disappear. Not even a shred of skin, a fragment of fingernail, or a shard of bone from any of these bodies was ever recovered, despite meticulous “sifting and bucketing” efforts. -- But that’s not the only mystery. Hardly anything was left of the 1,634 WTC occupants who did not completely vanish. Most of the human remains discovered and DNA-identified were in the form of tiny, shredded pieces, not intact bodies. -- What happened to the nearly 3,000 human bodies that were annihilated during the ten-second disappearances of the 110-story Towers? Answer: The same thing that happened to the office furniture, filing cabinets, telephones, computers, and other contents of the Towers. Virtually no remains of these objects were ever recovered, either. They - like the human bodies - were somehow transformed into a mixture of tiny shards and sub-100-micron dust, which floated out to sea and slowly settled into the Atlantic. As one of the sifters-and-bucketers remarked, the biggest piece of office furniture recovered from Ground Zero was a tiny fragment of a telephone keypad." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

DHS Solicits For More Various Caliber Ammunition
Civil Repression Alert - DHS is STILL arming up folks, despite all the controversy.  That is NOT a good sign. - mpg -- A quote...."Ammunition is in short supply. The demand has increased dramatically which takes its toll on the market. However, the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t seem to be affected by the demand at all. In fact, it’s got over $37 million of tax payer money to spend on brass and lead for fiscal year 2013 and it’s soliciting again for nearly 90,000 round in various calibers. This is in addition to their own claims of having more than 260 million rounds of ammunition back in November 2012." - Source:  FreedomOutpost

Pat Robertson On DHS Arms Build-Up: “Who Are They Going to Shoot, Us?”
Related Video - Alt - (YuTb - 45sec - March 29, 2013) - Source:  RWWBlog -- A quote...."Televangelist Pat Robertson has become the latest prominent conservative to question why the Department of Homeland Security is engaged in an apparent arms build-up, asking if the 1.6 billion bullets purchased by the federal agency will be used against the American people. - Speaking on his CBN broadcast yesterday, Robertson characterized the DHS ammo purchase and its acquisition of armored vehicles as “like something out of science fiction: long trains of full or armored vehicles, personnel carriers with armor.” - “What are they for, the Army going into battle against the enemy?” asked Robertson. “They’re used by Homeland Security against us!” - Robertson then quoted Ronald Reagan, “The most fearful statement in the English language is ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’.” - “Imagine what Homeland Security is doing, it’s just awful,” he continued. “We’re going to talk about how much ammunition they’re stockpiling. Who are they going to shoot? Us?”"

Obama Signs Executive Order to Bolster Gun Registry
Related Article - A quote...."President Obama has not just been speaking in front of cameras with victims of gun violence staged behind him, he's also been busy bypassing Congress by signing executive orders and other actions on gun control."

Gerald Celente: Cyprus, The Canary in The Mine
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 35min58sec - Mar 30, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex talks with economic trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente to discuss the looting of Cypriot bank accounts, and what the future holds for Italy, which may be the next nation to be similarly plundered by the EU and IMF."

Money, Society and Government - A Round Table Discussion
CRVideo - (CRYuTb - 2hrs2min15sec - Mar 26, 2013) - Source:  CRYuTb - Webiste:  CRBlpTV - Website: CorbettReport - Website:  StormCloudsGathering  -- A quote...."James Corbett joins StormCloudsGathering, GroundedBeing, and Charlie McGrath for a roundtable discussion on money, economy, geopolitics, society and governance on SCGLive."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Only A Fool Would Rationalize The Notion That The USA Is Immune To A Financial Crisis, As Has Occurred Throughout History To Many Successful Nations And Empires. - Multiple Articles - Charts - A quote....."Most, if not all of financial crisis were the result of government mismanagement. No nation in recorded history has abused their currency as we have and not suffered severe consequences. It is human nature to think “it will never happen to you.”
The Federal Reserve System Is A Massive Wealth Redistribution Scheme
(previously posted) - A quote...."I think that it is easiest to think of the Fed as a “middle man” between the U.S. government and the global elite.  It was designed by the international bankers for the benefit of the international bankers.  The entire goal of the Federal Reserve system is to make the ultra-wealthy even wealthier. -- The Fed is a privately-owned banking cartel that has a monopoly over money creation in the United States.  Nobody else, including the U.S. government, can print money.  So those that claim that “the U.S. government can print money” are just dead wrong." - Source:  TheTruthWins

Sorry, Mates, Strictly Business: Australia Wants To Cut Out US Dollar In Trade With China
It appears Australians are tired of having their hard-earned wealth diminished by the foreign families who run the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve. - mpg -- A quote...."Eliminating the dollar in trade will be the focus of Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s trip to Beijing next week. Trade with China, Australia’s primary trading partner, totaled $120 billion in the last fiscal year. China buys nearly one-third of Australian exports. -- "The value of such a deal would be substantial for exporters to China, especially those that import a lot from China, like mining companies, as it would remove business constraints including exchange-rate risks and transaction costs," said Australia’s former ambassador to China, Geoff Raby, according to the Australian." - Source:  IBT

Keiser Report: Ponzi Lottery – Episode 425
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Mar 30, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the previously successful UK economy which who has become addicted to gambling and spending fortunes on spread betting and so has turned to operating ponzi schemes in order to keep the appearance of economic activity. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to former Scotland Yard fraud squad detective, Rowan Bosworth-Davies of about the evidence he gave to the Parliamentary Committee on Banking Standards that went missing and how it is that the British banking system is remarkably similar to an organized crime racket."

Banks Win Again As Judge Tosses Antitrust Claims In Libor Lawsuit
A quote...."With all the recent chatter about an overhaul and dismantling of Too Big To Fail banks (spoiler alert: it will never happen, but it will take a lot of theater before that is made quite clear) many can be excused for believing the balance of power has shifted away from the megabanks (and their tens of trillions in over the counter derivative "weapons of mass financial destruction" so ably facilitating the Stockholm Syndrome of global mutual assured destruction with each passing day) and in the favor of the people, represented by the legislative (the same people who are multi-millionaires mostly courtesy of endless financial lobbying) and the judicial. -- Last night we got a quick reminder that absolutely nothing has changed in the true lay of the land...."

Do not use Safety Deposit Boxes
Financial Warning -- Grand Theft - DHS - (Dept of Homland Stealing!) -- A quote...."According to in-house memos now circulating, the DHS has issued orders to banks across America which announce to them that “under the Patriot Act” the DHS has the absolute right to seize, without any warrant whatsoever, any and all customer bank accounts, to make “periodic and unannounced” visits to any bank to open and inspect the contents of “selected safe deposit boxes.”  --  Further, the DHS “shall, at the discretion of the agent supervising the search, remove, photograph or seize as evidence” any of the following items “bar gold, gold coins, firearms of any kind unless manufactured prior to 1878, documents such as passports or foreign bank account records, pornography or any material that, in the opinion of the agent, shall be deemed of to be of a contraband nature.”" - bold by website editor

FDIC and BOE paper: One Controlling Entity for U.S./U.K. Financials. Plan for continuity of banks/money from "top down" and taking depositors money  -- A quote...."This is one of those government papers from the FDIC website, where you read it and are able to see what they have planned. - The FDIC and the Bank of England put the plan together.  It is basically a One (New) World Order for financials and banking.  It even says the saving would be from the 'Top Down' in the paper."

How The British Banking Industry Became An Organized Crime Enterprise
With a great deal of effort, bribery, team-spirit, a can-do-attitude and a complete absence of any morality or financial responsibility. - mpg -- A quote...."I know it. You know it. We all know it. It’s the elephant in the room that the subservient cowards in the mainstream media are too afraid to mention; the banking industry is run and controlled by criminals. - Among the growing mountain of evidence that has been gathered over the decades to prove this accusation, a former Scotland Yard Fraud Squad detective has now spoken out. - Speaking on BCFM radio, Rowan Boswell-Davies revealed to host Tony Gosling the depth of criminal activity within the banking industry and the lengths that the government will go to, to conceal the evidence."

Slovenian bailout 'is inevitable': Second tiny EU state caught in fallout from Cyprus banks crisis
A quote...."The Cyprus bailout crisis could lead to yet another country’s banks being put in peril.

Europe's Last Green Shoot Is Wilting
A quote...."Germany, it seems, has had enough with its taxpayers implicitly bearing the burden of the rest of Europe's profligacy as the final solution chosen for Cyprus clearly shows (especially in light of pending German elections). But with all that 'stabilitee' based on one nation's shoulders, the following chart suggests Europe's Atlas is about to shrug. For the last six months, non-German Europe has seen its economies collapse with PMI New Orders pushing new lows now - after some brief episode of hope at the start of the year. Germany, in the meantime has been surging back as expectations of recovery have led sentiment higher and hopes for a European green shoot renaissance. That is until recently. In the last month, Germany's economic momentum has faltered; the green shoots are wilting; and combining real economic weakness with the Europe-wide deposit outflows (hurting the 'financial' economy), Europe is back in the crosshairs."

European Austerity Costing Lives - And it's going to cost a lot more. - mpg
A quote...."As the euro crisis wears on, the tough austerity measures implemented in ailing member states are resulting in serious health issues, a study revealed on Wednesday. Mental illness, suicide rates and epidemics are on the rise, while access to care has dwindled."

Spanish and Italian banks may need a[nother] bailout soon
A quote...."In the aftermath of the banking crisis in Cyprus, the world’s attention is gripped by the problems experienced by the Italian and Spanish banking systems. Bad loans, combined with capital flight from the eurozone, can negatively affect the financial situation of the Italian and Spanish banks."
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More on the Great Cypress Bank Robbery -- Attempt.....

It's robbery!' New Cyprus bombshell as Britons are told they may lose EVERYTHING over £85k

Financial Alert - UPDATE - (It Got WORSE!!) -- A quote...."British expats in Cyprus face a near-total wipe-out of any deposits over £85,000 as the full nightmare  of the stricken island’s EU bailout became clear yesterday."
In Cyprus, The Economic Misery Is Just Beginning To Sink In
A quote...."The deal has been struck, and now, Cypriots say, the betrayal is sinking in. Nick Squires reports on how the islanders are goin to need the luck of the gods to avoid plunging off an economic cliff. -- As she counts another day's paltry takings and frets about how to pay the rent, Dimitra Charilaou knows she is a tiny cog in the machine that drives Cyprus's once thriving economy."
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More On The International Situation....

A "NATO Mandate" For War [In Syria] Would Be Illegal
A quote...."There can be no legal NATO mandate for using force. NATO is not an organization that can wage war if some committee decides to do so. Unless a NATO member is illegally attacked NATO has exactly zero legal authority to fight a war. While a case can certainly be made that Turkey is attacking Syria by harboring, training and supplying illegitimate forces that fight the Syrian state, no case can be made that Turkey is attacked by Syria. -- Asides from the natural right of self-defense there is only one other source that could legitimize a war. That is, and only under certain circumstances, the UN Security Council."

India to create multi-million-dollar fund to insure Iran crude imports
A quote...."India is set to create a multi-million-dollar Energy Insurance Pool (EIP) fund as part of efforts to support local insurers giving coverage to refiners processing Iranian crude oil."

Turkey trade with Iran to resume despite the US [AIPAC/Israeli] sanctions
A quote...."Recent data shows that Turkey resumed gold exports to Iran despite the US sanctions against Tehran. It seems that Ankara is willing to take political risks in order to continue its gold-for-gas trading with Iran."

US forces leave Afghan province

A quote...."US special forces handed security control over the troubled Wardak province to the Afghan military on Saturday, ending a weeks-long dispute over abuse allegations that prompted Afghan President Hamid Karzai to order all American forces out of the area. - The Afghan president had angrily insisted that US forces leave the province over the alleged torture, kidnapping and summary execution of militant suspects there...."

Afghan forces uncovered major bomb plot on water dam
A quote...."Afghan officials say its security forces have foiled a major explosion plot on a water dam located in the western province of Herat."

Female Bahraini Doctor ‘Severely’ Tortured in Jail
Contains Video - A quote...."A female Bahraini doctor says the Al Khalifa regime forces have ‘severely’ tortured her and several other doctors, who treated injured anti-regime protesters, in order to extract false confessions. -- “We were forced to sign false confession blindly without reading them and these confessions were taken or extracted by severe torture and I mean by severe torture physical and psychological torture,” Dr. Fatima Haji said in a recent interview with Russia Today."

China And Russia Conduct ‘Surprise’ Military Exercises
A quote...." THE FLEXING of military muscles has spread beyond North Korea, with both Russia and China demonstrating their might to nervous neighbours. -- China held a `surprise' naval exercise in the disputed South China Sea earlier this week as Russia put on a show of its resurgent military strength in the Black Sea." - also posted at FromTheTrenches

United Russia to Gorbachev: we lost country after previous perestroika
A quote...."The leadership of United Russia does not share the opinion of former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev about the need to resume perestroika. - "Mikhail Gorbachev already initiated  one perestroika. As a  result we lost the country," secretary of the General Council of United  Russia Sergei Neverov  told  the  press on  Sunday  commenting  on  Gorbachev's Saturday statement. - He also  disagreed  with  Gorbachev's evaluations  of  the  current policy pursued in Russia. - "It is precisely this policy that helped us to preserve the  state, tackle the problem of  poverty and stop the  crime world from coming  to power - the consequences for Russia of the policy pursued by Gorbachev," Neverov said."

Russia upgrades six MiG-29 planes for India, 63 to be upgraded in India
A quote...." Six Indian MiGF-29 fighter planes have been upgraded in Russia and the remaining 63 will be upgraded in India, an official from the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG said at the aerospace exhibition LIMA 2013 on Saturday, March 30. - He said the modernisation is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, six planes were flown to Russia, accompanied by an Indian project team, which will then teach specialists in India."

US to keep Vilifying Caracas even with Chavez Dead
Until they agree to turn over their entire economy to the Federal Reserve, Israel's North Amerikan Colony will keep vilifying Caracas.  It's just business Bankster style. - mpg -- A quote...."On the day that it was announced Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez had died from an unidentified cancer, two US diplomats were expelled as persona non grata from Caracas for trying to organize some type of coup and conspiracy against Venezuela. Not trying to attract any more negative attention, the Obama Administration would calmly wait until March 9, a day after Chávez’s state funeral, to retaliate by expelling two Venezuelan diplomats."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

80-year-old attacked by settlers [a gang of Jewish vagrants] may need surgery
A quote...."TULKAREM (Ma'an) -- An 80-year-old Palestinian farmer who was attacked Friday by Israeli settlers [a gang of Jewish vagrants] is still in hospital and may need surgery, medics said Sunday."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Petition to get GMOs out of girl scout cookies goes viral - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."(NaturalNews) – For more than 100 years, the profits generated by their sale have helped make it possible for young girls all across the country to develop valuable life skills and make their communities better places. But today’s Girl Scout cookies are loaded with health-destroying ingredients like genetically-modified (GM) beet sugar, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), and transgenic soy derivatives, and one young girl scout from California has had enough." - Source:  NaturalNews