Friday April 13th 2012

Washington Leads The World Into Lawlessness
Special Note - A quote...."The US government pretends to live under the rule of law, to respect human rights, and to provide freedom and democracy to citizens. Washington’s pretense and the stark reality are diametrically opposed. -- US government officials routinely criticize other governments for being undemocratic and for violating human rights. Yet, no other country except Israel sends bombs, missiles, and drones into sovereign countries to murder civilian populations. The torture prisons of Abu Gahraib, Guantanamo, and CIA secret rendition sites are the contributions of the Bush/Obama regimes to human rights.  -- Washington violates the human rights of its own citizens. Washington has suspended the civil liberties guaranteed in the US Constitution and declared its intention to detain US citizens indefinitely without due process of law.  President Obama has announced that he, at his discretion, can murder US citizens whom he regards as a threat to the US." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts - also posted at ICH & PrisonPlanet

The "War On Terror" is Corrupting all it Touches
It's the "War OF Terror" -- the "War On Terror" is a total fake and was completely staged from day one.  The massive and accelerating decent into tyranny this nation is undergoing is a direct result of its government and its people, adamantly refusing to conduct a through investigation of 9/11, or arrest, try, convict and hang those who were involved, including those in the foreign nation state most responsible for facilitating 9/11, the state of Israel.  Until this nation has the courage, and the fortitude to conduct another investigation, carried out by those citizens who've already done the most to expose this government's endless lies regarding 9/11, things will only get worse. - mpg - quote and video shown below.....

"There is one thing that defines everyone over the course of these early years of this new century. That thing is the 9/11 attack. Everyone in government and every field of endeavor the world over is defined by their position on this event. It is not necessary to know the truth. It is only necessary to know the extent of the lies in order to define any leader in any position anywhere in the world. By what they have said and by what they have not said, one can accurately judge who is an enemy of the people’s of the world. One can accurately determine who is a tool of the psychopaths or one of them." -- *9/11 Is The Litmus Test* - & Video / AltVid  - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Vote all you want: The flight plan doesn’t change
Graphic - (click to view) -- A quote...."Vote all you want, the flight plan does not change no matter who wins.  We got us a big election coming up and of course the country is dividing itself right down the middle at least in some areas. For most of us out here this coming election means nothing.  The usual arguments over whether we are flying headlong into socialism or, if we are in fact in the throws of fascism seem to have lost their appeal.  Most have realized that whether socialism or fascism the end result is the same; a ruling class and the rest of us servants.  It just depends on which sales pitch appeals to you. For most of us, we have had it with the snake oil politicians and their ever changing sales pitch’s."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Everyone and his dog now knows Israel is the problem
Special Note - A quote...."Can’t say I’m crazy about the German Nobel laureate’s poetry. Much is lost in translation, of course. But the sentiment expressed in ‘What Must Be Said’ is spot-on. -- And now that the dust has settled we can marvel at how the avalanche of outraged squawks and screeches sent the needle clean off the Richter Scale of Zionist paranoia."

1933: Zionists sign a deal with Hitler - The Transfer Agreement
Video - (YuTb - 9min51sec - Jul 11, 2009) - Source:  MDJarv -- A quote...."Newscast about the launch of the controversial book about Nazi-Zionist collaboration. Admission that boycott of Jewish stores was for only one day, April 1, 1933!" - Related:  "The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine" - [BkFndr] - [AddAll] - links added

The Moral Failure of Israel's Right to See the Truth in Gunter Grass' Words
A quote...."Israel’s supposed ‘left’ newspaper had a piece published today by their resident right wing scholar, Avi Shavit. For years he has written critical articles about Israel’s zionist left, I imagine thinking of himself as an expert for simply sharing office space with a handful of them….."

DOJ Confirms Previously-Denied File Said to Implicate US Officials in Nuclear Espionage by Erik Larson
A quote...."The January 20, 2008 report by the Sunday Times, FBI denies file exposing nuclear secrets theft, briefly summarized Edmonds’ allegations about the file in this way: “She says the FBI was investigating a Turkish and Israeli-run network that paid high-ranking American officials to steal nuclear weapons secrets. These were then sold on the international black market to countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.” According to an article by former CIA Officer Philip Giraldi, the file name 203A-WF-210023 indicates it’s an “FBI Washington Field Office, Counterintelligence Division, Turkish Unit File.”

Israel-linked assassination network dismantled, Iranian media says
A quote...."10 Apr 2012 Iran's official news agency says the country's intelligence department has dismantled an Israeli-linked assassination and sabotage network. The Tuesday report by Irna says several "mercenaries" were arrested in different parts of the country and that large quantities of weaponry and telecommunications equipment were seized."

4.9 Million A Day For Israel while Americans starve
A quote...."No one can say the U.S. hasn’t been generous towards Israel since it was founded in 1948. -  Over a period of 64 years (including the 2013 budget request), the U.S. has given Israel more than $115 billion in military and foreign aid, which averages out to about $4.9 million a day."

Baird lobbied hard against Palestinian bid for statehood
A quote...."Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird personally took to the phones last year to try to swing countries to oppose Palestinian efforts to be recognized as a state by the United Nations, according to newly released documents that for the first time reveal in detail how intensely Canada worked behind the scenes to block the statehood resolution." - a comment shown below....

"Congratulations, Canada; you are just like the United States now. Your government has been subverted by Israel!" -- *Michael Rivero*
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

The Guantanamo war crimes tribunal is worse than a Bush-era horror show
A quote...."His case is effectively a dry run for the "trial of the century" involving Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others accused of plotting the September 11 attacks. In all the cases, the US government is seeking the death penalty. The question that hangs heavy over these war crimes tribunals – or Military Commissions as they are properly known – is whether they can ever really by construed as free and fair. Is it really credible that a man who was kept in black CIA prisons for nearly four years and repeatedly subjected to inhumane and degrading punishments – as the US government admits Al Nashiri was – can get a fair hearing from a trial jury comprised of hand-picked US army officers?" - also posted at ICH - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||  - Regarding these cases, see the quote shown below.....

A word to the wise for all those in the US military participating in these "interrogations" and "trials", if ANY of the evidence being withheld or altered indicates US government complicity with 9/11, or would support or imply in any way such a suspicion....all personnel who have cooperated in withholding or altering such evidence would automatically become an accessory after the fact in the murder of three thousand Americans.

More importantly, tainting such evidence, creating any evidence, suborning perjury or extracting false confessions from prisoners even if it DOES NOT DIRECTLY INVOLVE U.S. government or administration official’s complicity regarding 9/11...IN AND OF ITSELF could be legally construed as obstruction of justice and possibly make someone an accessory after the fact regarding 9/11 if it prevents the identification of the true perpetrators or the facts involved.

This is true whether or not one was committing these acts under the orders of higher officials. -- It's especially true if these higher officials are implicated in any way with the events of 9/11. -- *The Convenient Silence of Guantanamo Bay - 05-31-08 - mpg*

Obama’s Guantanamo “war court” in session - You ObamaTrolls out there happy yet? - mpg
A quote...."Behind the razor wire-topped fences of the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba, the proceedings of the so-called “war court” have fully resumed under the new management of the Obama administration."

Wrongfully convicted Texas trio exonerated in 1994 robbery
From The WTF File - A quote...."Three men convicted of purse snatching -- one of whom was sentenced to 99 years in prison -- were exonerated Friday in Dallas. They are the latest examples of men who have been wrongly convicted of crimes in Texas."

The Banksters steal, directly and indirectly depending on who's doing the calculations, anywhere from fifteen to twenty trillion dollars, and except for a few that can be counted on one hand, NONE of them have gone to jail so far.  Yet this guy gets ninety nine years for being wrongly accused of stealing a purse.  So-called justice in this country has become utterly random, capricious and even macabre for the "little guy", while it doesn't even apply to the parasites. - mpg

Uncompromising Photos Expose Juvenile Detention in America
A quote...."… The U.S. locks up children at more than six times the rate of all other developed nations. -- The over 60,000 average daily juvenile lockups, a figure estimated by the Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF), are also disproportionately young people of color." - bold by website editor

Sheriffs Bushwhacked
A quote...."Sheriff Jeff Christopher of Sussex County, Delaware, when he was elected to the office in 2010, thought he was handpicked by the people to represent them as the highest-ranking law officer in the county. Instead, he has found himself in the middle of a fight for the future of American law enforcement as a result of a nationwide effort to abolish the sheriff’s office altogether."

Goodbye Reddit – Your Totalitarian Censorship Is Out Of Control
Censorship Alert - A quote...."Reddit has engaged of a campaign of totalitarian political censorship and is clearly government controlled information gatekeeper so it is time to say Goodbye. -- After being a member for nearly two years, I have been banned from posting from my favorite reddit forum /r/conspiracy so goodbye Reddit. -- By now the widespread reports of political censorship on Reddit makes it pretty clear that Reddit has been infiltrated by government gatekeepers."

The man the State Dept. wants silenced
Censorship Alert - A quote...."The State Department cleared Mr. Van Buren’s book by default because State exceeded its own 30-day deadline by nearly a year. Now the State Department is retaliating against him viciously for his book by taking adverse personnel actions — ostensibly based on not seeking pre-publication review for his blogs and live media appearances, done on his personal time — which are being used as a pretext to punish him for his book. -- Even more disturbingly, the State Department admits that it is actively monitoring Mr. Van Buren’s blogs, Tweets and Facebook updates that he posts during his private time on his personal home computer." - a comment shown below....

"It appears that attempting to tell the truth about governmental misdeeds has, in, fact, become "thought crime" here in the USA. -- George Orwell was just a little off on his timing, but not on the ugly geopolitical realities in this country, in his book, "1984"." -- *Michael Rivero*

Kids Say Fresno Cops Tasered & Drowned Dad
Unbelievable - THIS it what comes from a sick and twisted government openly advocating torture.  They did this in front of his kids!! - mpg -- A quote..."FRESNO, California – Fresno police drowned a man by Tasering and hogtying him, then sticking a garden hose “onto (his) face and mouth” when he pleaded for water, the man’s two children claim in Federal Court. -- The two minor children, I.R. and H.R., claim that in the summer of 2011 Fresno police restrained their father, Raul Rosas, at a friend’s house while responding to a domestic disturbance call." - Source: CourtHouseNews

Torture – Mainstream and Legal in America
Related Article - A quote...."Once clandestine, torture has gone mainstream. It is now routinely used — from the interrogation of detainees in the war on manufactured terror to police routinely using “pain compliance” techniques on school children."

Torture Whistleblower Charged With Espionage - You ObamaTrolls out there happy yet? - mpg
Related Article - A quote...."A former CIA officer has been arraigned on a 5 count indictment and faces 45 years for leaking the identities of CIA torture operatives to the torture victims. -- The Obama administration continues it war against whistleblowers this time handing out a 5 count indictment to a former CIA officer who revealed the identities of CIA officers who tortured prisoners in Guantanamo Bay Cuba." - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

The Founding Fathers on the Second Amendment
Some selected quotes.....

"I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them." -- *George Mason*, Co-author of the Second Amendment during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves." -- *Richard Henry Lee*, writing in Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republic, Letter XVIII, May, 1788.

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." -- *George Washington*, First President of the United States

CHALLENGING AMERICA'S PLUTOCRACY: The Power of Individual Voters to Transform Their Government
Special Note - A quote...."All Americans, irrespective of social class, religion or political party, are being cynically manipulated by an unaccountable plutocracy which turns one against the other. Once they come to realize this, they will find the courage and the ability to reverse the power structure and to transform their government into one which is concerned about their welfare and that of their families."

Just don't vote for the Demo/Repubs folks, it's that simple.  If you go down to the polls, and vote for a Demo/Repub AGAIN, you'll get exactly what you deserve. - mpg

An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic
A quote...."These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority; as we shall now see."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Somali Style! (E274)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Apr 12, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert debt fondue and Central Banks. They also talk about Somalia's stable shilling and the lesson it holds for Europe. In the second half of the show Max talks to professor and economist, Constantin Gurdgiev about the new book of essays he's edited - What if Ireland defaults? They discuss the good cop, bad cop routine by the Troika in Ireland and what lessons can be drawn from the Russian default of the late 90's."

United States looses credit rating collapse of the dollar imminent - (Not if the Banksters keep attacking the EU)
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 13min12sec - Apr 12, 2012) - Source:  UNDERDOGTAHOE -- A quote...."(Youtube) – The United States has had its credit rating lowered twice in less than a year. The end of the petro dollar and the monetizing of the U.S. debt are quickly leading to hyperinflation. Western media remains silent… "

Deja 2011 All Over Again
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."From the first day of 2012 we predicted, and have done so until we were blue in the face, that 2012 would be a carbon copy of 2011... and thus 2010. Unfortunately when setting the screenplay, the central planners of the world really don't have that much imagination and recycling scripts is the best they can do. And while this forecast will not be glaringly obvious until the debt ceiling fiasco is repeated at almost the same time in 2012 as it was in 2011, we are happy that more and more people are starting to, as quite often happens, see things our way. We present David Rosenberg who summarizes why 2012 is Deja 2011 all over again."

Why The Market Is Praying The Fed Does Not Plug Its Heavy Flow
Charts - (click till enlarged) - A quote...."As we have recently pointed out (here), the exponential level of global central bank one-upmanship has created a level of dependency in capital markets never seen so obviously before. Critically, though, it is not the sheer scale of the balance sheet (or STOCK of assets) that is good enough anymore - equity market performance is all about the marginal change in that stock (FLOW). Nowhere is this "It's The Flow Stupid" better highlighted than in the chart below showing the periods of central bank balance sheet expansion coinciding almost perfectly with the largest surges in equity market performance."
Charting the Housing Market
Multiple Charts -- A quote...."I asked frequent contributor Chartist Friend from Pittsburgh to apply his technical insights to the housing market. His charts and observations are illuminating...."

"I've looked at the charts a little further, and the pattern that emerges is this: fatal collapse - attempt at resuscitation - imminent reading of the last rites....." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Friday Fun With Financial Fatalism
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 2min45sec - May 26, 2010) - Source:  compelled2283 -- Blast from the past, previously posted but still on point and still hilarious. - mpg -- A quote...."It seemed appropriate, given Europe is hitting the wall again in its vicious cycle of self-financed self-hypnotizing recovery-less recovery, to present the 'World Collapse Explained In 3 Minutes' that so mockingly relates the real state of absurdity we face in today's financial markets."

Spain CDS Surges Just Shy Of Record As Spanish Bank ECB Borrowings Go Parabolic

A quote...."On Easter Friday we presented the parabolic egg that Italy laid in March in the form of Italian bank borrowings from the ECB, which had surged by a record €75 billion to €270 billion from €195 in one month. Of course, since the US market was closed and everyone was preoccupied with the ugly NFP report, nobody paid much attention. Today, however, everyone is paying attention as Italy's counterpart in the unsalvageable periphery - Spain, just posted its monthly consolidated Eurosystem borrowings update for March. And if last week's Italian data was the Easter egg, today's parabola is the Friday the 13th funny...."

Britain back in recession?
A quote...."The likelihood that Britain has slipped into double-dip recession for the first time since the mid-1970s has just increased sharply. -- Chris Crowe from Barclays Capital said the construction data for the first three months are the worst since the freezing winter and snow storms of early 1963. The figures have been so dire that they are probably enough to cause the whole economy to contract in Q1, following the 0.3pc fall in Q4 of last year."
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News....

Once Again DC Picks Wall Street Over Main Street
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min04sec - Apr 13, 2012) - Source:  TheAlyonaShow -- A quote..."Washington D.C politicians continue to indulge in their sadistic culture of putting Wall Street and corporate interests over those of main street."
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More On The International Situation....

Scott Horton Interviews Pepe Escobar
Must Listen Audio - (FlshPlyr10 - 41min54sec - April 11, 2012) - Related:  DwnldMp3 -- A quote...."Globetrotting journalist Pepe Escobar discusses his recent articles at the Asia Times; why the whole world is a mess except for South America; the Iran to Pakistan (and possibly China) pipeline, abhorred by the US, that could be operational in 2014; how Iran sanctions allow Russia’s Gazprom to continue dominating the European energy market; US strategists coming up short in the global “great game;” Syria’s strategic importance to Russia’s navy and NATO’s plans for Mediterranean supremacy; AFRICOM’s reconquest of Africa; and a possible Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon pipeline."
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Syria: Another "Humanitarian War" Based on Lies & Deceit
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 13min28sec - Apr 10, 2012) - Source:  csinterventionism -- A quote...."The Paris-based Centre for the Study of Interventionism (CSI) and Julien Teil, director of "Lies behind the "Humanitarian War" in Libya: There is no evidence!" has recently released a short documentary exposing how a cartel of Western nations and their Arab proxies are purposefully creating chaos inside targeted nations and then using it as a pretext to invade, topple governments, and replace them with preselected client regimes, and in effect threatening the very concept of national sovereignty."

Syria truce holds despite clashes between rebels and govt.
A quote...."A fragile ceasefire brokered by UN-Arab league envoy to Syria Kofi Annan still holds despite clashes between armed rebels and government forces near the Turkish border and in other parts of the country, Press TV reports."

Ceasefire in Syria: Assad, rebels hold fire as deadline arrives
RTVideo - Alt - (YuTb - 4min22sec - Apr 12, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."A ceasefire has been in place in Syria for several hours already, with no reports of major violence received so far. But mutual distrust and the rebels' refusal to guarantee the end of hostilities, means there's no concrete guarantee either side will avoid firing the first shot."

US, NATO HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS. Syrian ‘Opposition’: West-controlled Proxy Paramilitary’
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."NATO has blood on their hands, The United States has blood on their hands. Why? Because they have supported an armed insurgency from the onset in March 2011. It is known and documented that this so-called opposition is, in fact, a proxy paramilitary formation, which is supported by the Western military alliance.” -- *Michael Chossudovsky*, Director of the Center for Research on Globalization, in an interview he gave RussiaToday.

Terrorist Infiltration Attempt from Turkey to Syria Thwarted
A quote...."The armed terrorist groups' escalation continued, as Major Moussa Tamer al-Youssef was martyred at the hands of two terrorists in al-Masafi neighborhood in Hama."

Russian warships heading for Syria: Russian military source
A quote...."A high-ranking source in the Russian defense ministry says several Russian warships are on their way to the Mediterranean Sea to guard Syrian coasts for the foreseeable future."

Syria: The Illusion Of Renewed Big Protests
A quote...."Syria saw some protests today but from the videos that were posted by "activists" none amounted to more than two to three hundred protesters. This were certainly not the big turnout the expatriate revolutionaries had called and hoped for. There were also a few clashes between the government forces and militants but I saw no report of anything serious. So far the ceasefire seems to mostly hold."

Amnesty International Propaganda Targets Russia & Syria
Propaganda Alert - (Amnesty International....of all organizations.  How utterly disappointing - mpg) -- A quote...."The Amnesty International "infographic" titled, "Shocking Facts About Who’s Arming Human Rights Abusers," portraying Russia's arming of Syria as "fueling the most bloodshed" is not "shocking" at all when one realizes the disingenuous human rights advocacy organization is run by US State Department officials and is funded by convicted criminal George Soros' Open Society Institute (annual report page 8 - PDF) as well as the UK Department for International Development (page 8 - PDF), the European Commission, and other corporate-funded foundations. The "infographic," in this context, clearly becomes a case of shameless, politically motivated propaganda using the Amnesty International "brand" to give it the legitimacy its increasingly distrusted sponsors lack."
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Lawmaker to West: Close Iran nuclear case
A quote...."An Iranian lawmaker says it is time for the West to close Iran’s nuclear case as no non-civilian diversion has ever been found in the Islamic Republic’s nuclear energy program." - Source:  PressTV

Translation:  Stop this ridiculous childish farce, no one believes the US-NRE or its friends any longer. Nor their incredibly obvious and repeated attempts at rank, unmitigated, appalling stupid, propaganda.  The US-NRE has already destroyed what little was left of its reputation, along with any remaining effectiveness of the NPT.  It's time to stop now, and stop wasting everyone's time. - mpg -- Topix ||  How About An Honest NPT? - 11-11-10 - mpg  ||

The Irrationality of the Case against Iran’s Nuclear Program -- "The Stupidest Idea I Ever Heard"
Related Article - A quote...."April 12, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --- President Obama has informed the Iranians they have one “last chance” to avoid attack. They must suspend higher uranium enrichment, close down the Fordow enrichment facility, and “surrender” their stockpile of uranium enriched to 20 per cent purity. Iranian officials respond matter-of-factly that such demands are “irrational.” (Some Israeli officials, eager to build the case for attack, are reportedlydelighted with the Iranian response.)"

Chinese supertankers boost Iran crude fleet ahead of oil embargo
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 3min53sec - Apr 13, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."China is set to help Iran counter the EU oil embargo that's due to come into force in July. Beijing will deliver the first of 12 huge crude carriers to Iran next month to expand its tanker fleet, as many firms refuse to transport Iranian oil due to western sanctions."

Exclusive: Iran ships "off radar" as Tehran conceals oil sales
A quote...."(Reuters) - Iran is concealing the destination of its oil sales by disabling tracking systems aboard its tanker fleet, making it difficult to assess how much crude Tehran is exporting as it seeks to counter Western sanctions aimed at cutting its oil revenues."

Turkey to continue buying gas from Iran
A quote...."Turkey will continue buying natural gas from Iran, the Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Taner Yildiz, said in Ankara yesterday, according to the Iranian Press TV English-language television channel."
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Parliament redefines relations with US
Geo-Political Note - A quote...."ISLAMABAD: After over three weeks of hectic and behind-the-scenes efforts, a joint sitting of parliament on Thursday finally succeeded in approving the recommendations of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) on new rules of engagement with the US, while leaving the resumption of crucial NATO supplies issue vague.  --  The revised recommendations of PCNS presented in the joint session by the committee chairman, Senator Mian Raza Rabbani, laid emphasis on respect for the country’s national sovereignty when it declared that sovereignty of Pakistan shall not be compromised and relationship with the US should be based on mutual respect for sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each other."

US Refuses Plea to End Drone Attacks in Pakistan
A quote...."Yesterday, the Pakistani government presented the US with a list of immediate demands, including a total end to CIA drone bombing and that “no overt or covert operations inside Pakistan shall be permitted”. The demand would have been in exchange for a reopening of NATO supply lines through the country."

US Attempting to Trigger Color Revolution in Pakistan
Must Read - Geo-Political Note - A quote...."Carving up Pakistan by fomenting separatist movements along Pakistan's western border has been on the US geopolitical drawing board for years. As reported in December 2011's, "The Coming War With Pakistan:"

"In a 2006 report by the corporate-financier funded think tank Carnegie Endowment for International Peace titled, “Pakistan: The Resurgence of Baluch Nationalism,” violence starting as early as 2004-2005 is described. According to the report, 20% of Pakistan’s mineral and energy resources reside in the sparsely populated province. On page 4 of the report, the prospect of using the Baluchi rebels against both Islamabad and Tehran is proposed. In Seymour Hersh’s 2008 article, “Preparing the Battlefield,” US support of Baluchi groups operating against Tehran is reported as already a reality. As already mentioned, in Brookings Institution’s “Which Path to Persia? - PDF” the subject of arming and sending Baluchi insurgents against Tehran is also discussed at great depth." - also posted at PrisonPlanet
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Two protesters killed in anti-US rally
Winning Afghan "hearts and minds" the ONLY way the US-NRE knows how. - mpg -- A quote...."Two people have been killed in clashes between Afghan security forces and protesters, demonstrating against the killing of a school teacher by US-led forces, in the northern province of Faryab, Press TV reports."

WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE ARAB SPRING? Revolution vs. Counterrevolution
Geo-Political Note - It vanished like a desert mirage. - mpg -- Quote of the Day....(in bold) -- Within the first few months of 2011, the U.S. and its allies lost three loyal “friends”: Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, Zine el-Abbidine Ben Ali in Tunisia and Saad Hariri in Lebanon. While Mubarak and Ali were driven out of power by widespread popular uprisings, Hariri was ousted by the parliament. -- Inspired by these liberating developments, pro-democracy rebellions against autocratic rulers (and their Western backers) soon spread to other countries such as Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. -- As these revolutionary developments tended to politically benefit the “axis of resistance” (consisting of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas) in the Middle East, the US-Israeli“axis of aggression”and their client states in the region mounted an all-out counterrevolutionary offensive."

Bahraini forces attack mourners near Manama
A quote...."Saudi-backed Bahraini forces have clashed with anti-government protesters after the funeral of a slain journalist outside Manama. -- The clashes broke out on Friday after Bahraini security forces attacked a gathering of thousands of people who had attended the funeral of journalist Ahmed Ismail al-Samadi."

First New Concentration Camps in Europe Set to Sprout on Greek Soil
A quote...."As if the current circumstances of austerity-riven Greece were not bad enough already, it seems that the country is set to have a dozen or so concentration camps dotted around the country. -- In language that might have been lifted straight from the Nazi lexicon, these establishments will be known as ‘closed-hospitality’ centers. -- The incarcerates will be undocumented – meaning unwanted – refugees flooding in from North Africa, particularly the once prosperous and richest country in the Maghreb belt, namely Libya." - bold/underline by website editor - Well....the Libyans are now going to get another taste of Neo-Liberal "free-dumb & da'mockery" or, to put it another way, what the Neo-Liberals did to their county, they're now going to do to them....personally.  - mpg

RT reporter - enemy of Estonia?!
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min33sec - Apr 13, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Estonia's intelligence has been laboring hard all year long; now a sizable part of its annual report features "the Russian threat." The threat is varied and cunning, and one of its many faces is RT -- and its correspondent Aleksey Yaroshevsky."

North Korean rocket disintegrates after launch
A quote...."13 Apr 2012 North Korea has launched a satellite carrier that appears to have disintegrated in the air soon after blastoff and fallen into the ocean, South Korean and Japanese authorities say. South Korea's Defense Ministry said the 30-meter-long (100-foot-long) Unha-3 (Galaxy-3) rocket was launched at 07:39 a.m. local time on Friday (2239 GMT on Thursday) from the Tongchang-ri launch site on the Yellow Sea coast in the country's northwest, Xinhua reported. However, the projectile broke into multiple pieces soon after the launch and fell into the ocean."

A foothold in SADC
A quote...."Windhoek - Washington’s “hunt” for Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebel group, is a sideshow masking America’s intention to fulfill a long-held dream to gain a foothold in the DRC’s minerals sector. -- An analysis of America’s Africa policy shows that it is premised on an axis of three strategic interests: securing minerals, off-setting Chinese economic and political influence, and moving its African Command (AFRICOM) from Stuttgart in Germany to the continent."

Dempsey: DOD pushing more forces into South America
After the Middle East comes Africa, after Africa comes South America. -- Hope everyone's paying attention. -- mpg -- A quote...."The U.S. military is pushing more troops into Colombia to assist in that country's war with insurgent groups and narcotraffickers, the Pentagon's top military officer said Friday. " - also posted at AlethoNews

Summit of Americas opens in Colombia
A quote...."The Summit of the Americas kicks off in Cartagena, Colombia, on Saturday in an event that will be attended by 33 heads of state as well as prominent businessmen and politicians."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Voices from the Occupation: Settler/soldier violence/detention of 16-year-old
A quote...."On 10 March 2012, a 16-year-old boy from Hebron is attacked by an Israeli border policeman and then detained at Kiryat Arba’s police station after his family’s mule cart is stolen by settlers. -- “I live in the old city of Hebron, about 100 metres from the Ibrahimi Mosque [burial site of Abraham],” says 16-year-old Izat. “There is an Israeli checkpoint about 30 metres from us, and the settlers who live in the settlement of Kiryat Arba use the street in front of our house to go to the shrine.”" - Source:  D4CI

IDF admits barring Palestinians' access to own fields
A quote...."The state has confirmed that, acting without a court order, the army has barred Palestinian villagers from freely accessing their farmland for two years. The admission was made in the state's response to a High Court petition filed last year by Beit Furik residents."

Report on Israeli Violations in Occupied City of Jerusalem
A quote...."Most of the Palestinian neighbourhoods in the Occupied City of Jerusalem were targeted by Israeli attacks during March, 2012. The attacks included violations of their right to adequate housing, by demolishing some residences and threatening others."

Gaza family awaits new home, 9 years after demolition by Israel
A quote...."Raed Abu al-Zomar, now a 32-year-old father of four, was uprooted from his home when Israel demolished it in 2003. Located in Rafah, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, the two-story home was where Abu al-Zomar, his parents and his eight siblings lived. -- At that time, the Israeli military had already knocked down and bulldozed the houses of approximately 1,500 other families along the Gaza-Egypt border during the second intifada."

Airlines Cancel Tickets Of Dozens Of Flytilla Activists
A quote...."The Guardian newspaper reported that the British Jet2 airlines canceled tickets of three British peace activists who intended to fly to Palestine this Sunday as part of the solidarity campaign “Welcome To Palestine”. Dozens of tickets were also cancelled by Lufthansa and other airlines."

Israeli Troops Attack a Number of West Bank Communities and Search Homes
A quote...."Israeli forces invaded on Thursday at dawn the town of Tayasser, near the northern West Bank city of Tubas. Troops searched homes and handed over orders to two men from the town requiring them to present themselves for questioning."
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The On-Going Fukushima Meltdown Disaster....

Asahi: Cesium at 172 times gov’t limit in tea near Sendai — Will not cause health problems ‘soon’ after being consumed, says radiation professor — 1,100 already sold - Despite those consumers who unwittingly bought some of this merchandise, if the Japanese government continues to knowingly allow the sale of dangerously contaminated products, ALL of Japan's exports will be threatened and NO ONE will trust the word of the Japanese government on the safety of any product being exported.  THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS FOR THE JAPANESE ECONOMY!!  Once a reputation is destroyed, by careless actions such as these, it can take years, even decades, to recover. - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster & The Monsanto Monster....

Just One of Monsanto's Crimes, Or Why We Can't Trust the EPA
Contains Videos - TheNitroPlant - OccupyEPA -- A quote...."2,4-D and the dioxin pollution it creates are too dangerous to allow, period, but in the hands of bad actors like Monsanto and Dow Chemical the dangers increase exponentially. What's the Environmental Protection Agency doing? Helping coverup the chemical companies' crimes!" - also posted at BLN

Japan TV: Temperature in spent fuel pool at No. 4 “much higher than the normal level” “May be boiling” (VIDEO)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min55sec - Apr 13, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – ‘Worst-case scenario: Fukushima fuel pool with plutonium catches fire’ -- Engineers at Japan’s struggling Fukushima nuclear plant have resumed efforts to remove built-up radioactive water. It comes after a powerful aftershock forced crews to flee the area. On Tuesday Japan raised the nuclear alert around the facility to the maximum level of seven. This puts the crisis on a par with the Chernobyl disaster. The decision was based on new data showing more radiation had leaked from the damaged plant than previously thought. But officials say that the upgrade does not mean the situation has become more critical. Meanwhile, attempts to restore cooling systems at the reactors appear to be no closer to success. Nuclear engineer, Arnold Gundersen, believes the Japanese government has downplayed the extent of the disaster…"

Thursday April 12th 2012

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday April 11th 2012

The West's Descent Into Madness Began On September 11
Special Note - A quote...."The stigma of madness is used with great effect by the mass corporate media. People who look deeper into the roots of the conflicts of the Middle East and use their knowledge to counter the popular Western perceptions are painted with the same "crazy conspiracy theory" brush. -- The men of the East are rarely humanized. Only the men of the West are immortalized as heroic and noble. The Eastern man is demonized by the West because the West is perpetually at war with the East--Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Iranians, Arabs, Pakistanis, Afghans."

The Afghan Syndrome - Vietnam Has Left Town, Say Hello to the New Syndrome on the Block
Special Note - A quote...."Take off your hat. Taps is playing. Almost four decades late, the Vietnam War and its post-war spawn, the Vietnam Syndrome, are finally heading for their American grave.  It may qualify as the longest attempted burial in history.  Last words -- both eulogies and curses -- have been offered too many times to mention, and yet no American administration found the silver bullet that would put that war away for keeps."
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The Method Deux

Experts sound alarm: Looters tear up Syria archeological treasures
Special Note - The deliberately engineered death of Syria's culture has now started. --  By their actions you shall know them.  --  As they did to Iraq, and Libya, they now intend to do to Syria and eventually Iran.

It has always been Israel's and its crazed, parasitized, psychotic, North American colony's, long term plans (as specified in the PNAC Protocols) to destroy ALL of Israel's economic and geo-political competitors in the region....

It is what they do, it is ALL they do.  It is what they have always meant by their "thirty years war" their "long war" and they have many more years, many more wars, and many more countries to go until they're satisfied. - mpg - Topix ||  The Method - 05-07-07 - mpg  || - related articles shown below.....
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Bogus 'Ceasefire' in Syria as Washington Prepares War Pretext
A quote...."The imperialist struggle to remove Assad is for once not primarily based on the desire for control of natural resources within the nation ruled by the west's latest demon. Its aim is to remove the only regional government sympathetic to Iran, which is being targeted by hugely provocative economic sanctions ahead of an international conference on its nuclear programme."

Debunking Anti-Iran Propaganda: The Myth of the "New Holocaust"
Anti-Iran Propaganda Exposed - A quote...."In a pattern of propaganda now well-established in the mainstream media, fear-mongering against Iran is reaching an all-time peak. A case in point includes ongoing accusations that Iran is in violation of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, despite statements to the contrary from U.S. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta as well as a number of American intelligence officials[1]."

How Israel terrorized Iraqi Jews into leaving Iraq
From the History File - Sat, 2008-10-18 - Related Article -- A quote...."It was the last day of  Passover, April 1950. In Baghdad, the Jews had spent it strolling along the banks of the Tigris in celebration of the Sea Song. This was an old custom of the oldest Jewish community in the world; the 130,000 Jews of Iraq attributed their origins to Nebuchadnezzar, the destruction of the First Temple and the Babylonian exile. A good 50,000 of them thronged the esplanade. By nine o'clock in the evening the crowds were thinning out. But on Abu Nawwas street young Jewish intellectuals were still gathered in the Dar al-Beida coffee-shop."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Mitt and Bibi [& The AIPAC?Israeli Consortium] Joined at the Hip
A quote...."One of the more outrageous articles to appear recently describes how likely Republican Party presidential nominee Mitt Romney and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu enjoy a close personal relationship based on their simultaneous employment at the Boston Consulting Group in 1976. The article also explains how that relationship has continued, with Netanyahu briefing Romney on the subject of Iran before the March Super Tuesday primaries. Earlier, in December, Romney criticized Newt Gingrich over a comment about Palestinians, asserting that “Before I made a statement of that nature, I’d get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say ‘Would it help if I say this? What would you like me to do?’” - bold by website editor - also posted at AlethoNews - If he's selected for office by the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium he won't even be president of the US, he'll be Netanyahu's colonial administrator in North America.  THIS -- IS -- RIDICULOUS! - mpg

Un-Free Speech From Canada--Criticizing Israel is Anti-Semitic

Canada is rapidly becoming another Israeli colony. - mpg -- A quote...."Dear Canada:   I did try to warn you. -- Shame you didn't listen. Now Israel has your government, and will have your money and your children's lives to spend on their wars." -- *Michael Rivero*

The EyeOpener- A Brief History of Israeli Spying on America
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 4min26sec - Apr 11, 2012) -- Source:  corbettreport -- A quote...."The knowledge that Israeli-connected companies and intelligence agents have been involved in detailed and elaborate spying operations in the US is of course nothing new. The phenomenon has been painstakingly documented over the years by numerous journalists and sources. Indeed, the documented cases of Israeli spying on their supposed ally — the self-same American government that is supplying them with $3 billion in grants each year — are nearly too numerous to document. -- This is our EyeOpener Report by James Corbett, presenting a brief history of Israeli spying on the US which spans a number of decades and into the heart of the most sensitive data and material in the American government, the lack of action by the US Congress, and the absence of real reportage by the US media when it comes to this consistent and ongoing betrayal."

German author Grass likens Israeli travel ban to Stasi
A quote...."BERLIN1 (Reuters) -- Nobel Prize-winning German author Guenter Grass, embroiled in a war of words with Israel, has likened its decision to prevent him from entering the country to a similar ban once imposed on him by the leader of East Germany's dreaded Stasi secret police."

Israel Declares War on Gunter Grass
A quote...."Grass touched the right nerves. He deserves praise, not condemnation. Nonetheless, he's vilified for discussing Israel's open secret. It's nuclear armed and dangerous. -- Iran's also threatened. Millions of lives are at risk. Grass explained. Denunciation followed. -- In America and Israel, whistleblowers are criminalized. Moreover, distinguished figures like Grass are maligned and declared persona non grata."
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A Golden Opportunity!!

Nobel academy rejects Israeli demand to revoke poet's award
A quote...."The Swedish Academy in charge of selecting laureates for the Nobel Prize in Literature has rejected a call by an Israeli writers group to revoke the award of German Nobelist Gunter Grass." - Source:  PressTV

Unbelievable!!  The only time the Nobel academy actually even considers "revoking" one of their prizes is when a bunch of murderous Jewish criminals, numbering just under seven million, and squatting by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea on another people's lands, get miffed when a scholarly, meticulous, observer of human nature poetically decries their slow-motion ethnic cleansing and relentless war mongering against those who own those unethical! 

Meanwhile a morally bereft, mindless, murderous, tele-prompter reading mechanical device which passes itself off as  a human being, a device the Nobel Committee to their ever lasting shame and regret fecklessly handed the "peace prize" to, is currently running around the world starting a new war every six months and murdering innocent men, women and children with craven, zestful, zeal on behalf of these very self-same criminals by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea!!

This sort of brazen chutzpa, this insulting, insufferable, contemptible, arrogant display of hubris by the the Jewish Criminal Enterprise should not go unanswered!  There must be a public repudiation for this sort of egregious behavior! There must be a penalty for being this unspeakably, willfully and relentlessly obnoxious! 

The Nobel Committee members should use this incident as a golden opportunity to finally clean their thoroughly sullied reputations, restore some of the dignity they, and their organization used to have, and remove the dark stain of hypocrisy that now infects every prize ever given by the Committee, by revoking the "peace prize" they mistakenly gave to Israel's, cravenly obsequious step'n'fetchen, "war device". 

A soulless automaton, an android, who has been wantonly and methodically inflicting mayhem and murder, ever since he received his "prize" on the innocent people of the international community, and who is currently planning to inflict even more.

It is the opportune time for the Nobel Committee to -- finally -- take a stand for principal and not politics! - mpg
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Justice for Rachel Corrie Delayed
Quote of the Day...."On March 16, 2003, an Israeli bulldozer driver murdered Rachel in cold blood. -- Trying to stop a Rafah refugee camp home demolition, eye witnesses said she climbed atop the giant Caterpillar tractor, spoke to the driver, climbed down, knelt 10 - 20 meters in front in clear view, and blocked its path with her body. -- With activists screaming for it to stop, the soldier-operator deliberately crushed her to death. To be sure, he ran over her twice."

Lieberman-McCain Strike Again
A quote...."According to Foreign Policy’s Josh Rogin, Sens. John McCain and Joe Lieberman are “on a surprise trip” to the Turkish-Syrian border to meet with leaders of the Free Syria Army. Rehashing the rhetoric that led the United States into wars in Kosovo, Iraq and Libya, the deadly duo proclaimed:...."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Former CNN reporter Gregg Hunter takes on 9/11
A quote...."I keep coming back to one question in the 9/11 conspiracy story: How did two jets knock down three New York City skyscrapers?  The jets only hit two buildings, and that is a fact.  I have posted a video from the group “” on the site.  (Click here to see Building 7 implode.) It clearly shows Building 7 of the World Trade Center imploding straight down, as if it was a controlled demolition.  I am not an expert, but it sure looks like that to me.  I, also, ran across this video from that summarizes the entire 9/11 conspiracy in less than 5 minutes. It was done on the 9/11 ten year anniversary.  I found it very well done and factually spot on...." - A little late to the party, but everyone is always welcome anytime. - mpg

9/11 GATE - WTC Controlled Demolition Eyewitness
Video - (YuTb - 4min06sec - Mar 23, 2012) - Source:  wearechangenj -- A quote...."On 4/11/11 WeAreChange New Jersey launched OPERATION: Expose 911GATE in order to make clear once and for all what really took place on September 11, 2001--a bloody coup d'état. Debunkers and deniers of 9/11 truth have been whining for years to see conclusive proof of a criminal cover-up of 9/11, pointing to an inside job...well, HERE IT IS! 5TB (5000 Gigabytes) of previously unreleased material. Amateur footage and even public news reports were censored and covered up for ten years. If you are a 9/11 debunker, a 9/11 truther, on the fence, a member of the press, a government official police officer, firefighter, or just a regular citizen looking into this information for the very first time, this is the perfect video series for you!"
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Are We Too Late to Stop the Police State?
Must Read - Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."What have things come down to when a mainstream democrat, reluctant “Obamacare” supporter tells you the guy he has voted for and, worst of all, may suggest voting for again, has lost his friggin’ mind? -- When Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act, apologizing for the sections that ended our constitution, civil trials, all human rights in America, I suspected something was going on I didn’t see.  How could Obama do this?  How could he break so many promises?"

Are the Black Panthers and the White Supremacy Groups on the Same Federal Payroll? - Yes! - mpg
A quote...."We have to see out of this Treyvon Martin saga what the real agenda is. Who is behind the scenes escalating the issue trying to start a race war? Finally yet importantly, who benefits in the end? When it is all over? I can tell you neither black people nor white people will gain from this crisis. There will be no winners and we all lose. The only people who will win are the Authoritarians justifying a bigger police state lording over us all. That will be the government's excuse to grab more power."

Going Global: Internet Censorship Bill AKA CISPA Cybersecurity Bill
CISPA - RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 8min06sec - Apr 11, 2012) - Source:  alexhiggins732 -- A quote...."The latest push by US lawmakers to pass Internet censorship legislation comes in the form of a cybersecurity bill that is going global. - Lawmakers in America have been trying to pass Internet legislation that could infringe on Americans privacy. The Stop Online Piracy Act SOPS was short-lived after multiple websites protested with blackouts to show how the legislation could affect peoples Internet experience."

Obama Impeachment 2012
2012 Election Cycle - AJVideo - Alt - (AJYuTb - 9m58s - Apr 11, 2012) - Source:  - TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."We can only win by launching Impeach Obama 2012. Whether or not we fully impeach him, we are committed to rebuking these unconstitutional and criminal power grabs and are determined to take the case to the court of public opinion." - for more on this issue see comment shown below.....

Obama probably will not be impeached. This is most likely an election stunt.

On the other hand some from the Repub half (and even some from the Demo half) of the Imperial Demo-Repub Party, although completely in agreement with endless wars across the planet and the murdering of millions of innocents, especially if it's done on behalf of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium, take deep exception to having their authority to carry out mass-genocide to steal other people's resources flouted, or more importantly....publicly belittled.

It causes their bribes....'scuse this website editor....their campaign contributions, from the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium, the Bankster Complex and the Military Industrial Complex to decline.

So there is a slight chance Obama might be sanctioned with a fig-leaf of a bill, for Leon Panetta's public [and truthful] effrontery. - mpg - posted 03-12-12

Obama Impeachment 2012 with Film Director Sean Stone

Related AJVideo - Alt - (AJYuTb - 39min49sec - Apr 11, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Film director, producer, actor and writer Sean Stone has thrown his weight behind a resolution introduced in the House last month by North Carolina Republican Walter Jones. Resolution 107 states that should the president use offensive military force without the authorization of Congress that such an act would be “an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor.”"

Michael Rivero Broadcasting on Justin TV - April 11 2012
MRVideo - (JustinTV - 2hrs - April 11th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The Fall of the Dollar - The Death of a Fiat Currency
Video - Part-1 & Part-2 - (YuTb - 60/45min - Mar 19, 2011) - Source:  FuGiG -- A quote...."This is an excellent documentary about the origins of the Federal Reserve, the shift to a global economy, and the death of the U.S. dollar. It contains interviews with David Icke, G. Edward Griffin, Paul Craig Roberts, Alex Jones, and others."

What Will the U.S. Do When It’s Number Two?
A quote...."In just four years, the United States will fall behind China as the world’s largest economic engine. The problem is, what the U.S. cannot achieve by economic or diplomatic means, it will attempt to accomplish by military force. America will not graciously accept decline. “It is a crisis, not of an ordinary nation state that happens to be an economic giant, but of a global system: imperialism.”

US Posts Biggest March Budget Deficit In History, Or How The ???? Chart Became The ????+? Chart
Chart - (click till enlarged) -- A quote...."Following the all time record high February budget deficit of $232 billion, the US March budget deficit number is in, and in addition to being bigger than expected, coming at $198.2 billion on expectations of "only" $196 billion, the government outlay in the past month also is the largest March deficit on record. This brings the total deficit in fiscal 2012 to $779 billion, which is to be expected for a country gripped in total political chaos and which is unable to either raise revenues or lower spending."

Regulators Build Too-Big-to-Fail Empire
A quote...."Dominant Social Theme: These Too-Big-Fail corporations and financial firms must be supported by the government and by the people's taxes."

"Free-Market Analysis: It used to be in the US that you were on your own, at least when it came to building a business. If it succeeded, great – if not, then ... too bad."

Peter Schiff - Why is Bernanke Lying Again?
PSVideo - Alt#1 - Alt#2 - (YuTb - 11min58sec - Apr 9, 2012) - Source:  PeterSchiffBlog

Jim Rogers - "An Inflationary Holocaust is Coming!"
Video - (FlshPlyr10 - 6min50sec - 04-11-12)

Bernanke's Right Hand Dove, Janet Yellen, Hints At ZIRP Through Late 2015
Why don't they just say "forever"?  Of course it means that Bernie has to print and buy more US bonds (monetize the debt) during QE3, QE4, QE5 etc. to keep the interest rates at zero - mpg -- A quote...."Which, by the way, is to be expected: since ZIRP can never expire, it will always be rolled to T+3 years, as the short end will never be allowed to rise, until the Fed has enough FRNs in circulation to absorb the surge in rates without crushing the principal...."

Are We Heading for Another 2008?
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."We all know that central banks and governments have been actively intervening in markets since the 2007 subprime mortgage meltdown destabilized the leveraged-debt-dependent global economy. We also know that unprecedented intervention is now the de facto institutionalized policy of central banks and governments. In some cases, the financial authorities have explicitly stated their intention to “stabilize markets” (translation: reinflate credit-driven speculative bubbles) by whatever means are necessary, while in others the interventions are performed by proxies so the policy remains implicit." - also posted at AlexanderHiggins

Biggest Weekly Stock Outflow Of '12 Proves Retail Is No Longer Dumb Money; & Nobody Listens To Goldman
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."For the 7th consecutive week retail investors not only refuse to chase the bouncing ball, but to listen to former titans of finance, such as Goldman Sachs who on March 21 told everyone to get out of bonds and into stocks...."

How Much LTRO Dry Powder Is There, And Why Spain Is Again The Wildcard
A quote...."Now that every morning the US market is once again in full on European debt issuance stress mode, it makes sense to see just when the real stress will hit the tape, or in other words, how long until the LTRO money fully runs out. Remember that the latest contraption in the European ponzi, the LTRO, took worthless collateral from European banks, and flooded them with fresh money good cash so they could use this cash to buy their own sovereign debt, and specifically to prefund the hundreds of billions in 2012 issuance net of debt maturities. So how does the math work out? Deutsche Bank summarizes the unpleasant picture."

Global Systemic Risk Is Rising Rapidly Again
Charts - (click till enlarged) -- A quote...."The risk of the 30 most systemically important financial institutions (SIFI) in the world has risen over 30% in the last three weeks as the effects of LTRO fade and encumbrance becomes the new reality. This less-manipulated, government-bank-reacharound-driven bond-market sense of reality has retraced almost 40% of its improvement from its peak last November...." - also posted at AlexanderHiggins
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"Occupy Wall Street" & Other "Occupy" News....

"Necessary Force"
A quote...."I always thought police were nothing but good and were there to protect people,” testifies Elizabeth Polak, a registered nurse from Phoenix. Her view of the State’s enforcement caste changed dramatically as a result of what she witnessed in Denver on the evening of March 25, 2008."

Occupy Wall Street revival?
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 7min16sec - Apr 11, 2012) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."The Occupy Wall Street movement has vowed to amp up its presence this spring. According to reports, approximately 100,000 activists will be assisted by difference organizations to become better more effective protesters. The series of training sessions is believed to revive the movement. J.A. Myerson, investigative journalist, joins us for the latest on OWS."
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More On The International Situation....

Surrender now or we'll bomb you later
Must Read - A quote...."Former United States president George W Bush issued an ultimatum to Saddam Hussein before bombing and invading Iraq. -- Nine years later, US President Barack Obama has issued an ultimatum to the leadership in Tehran before ... setting optimal conditions for an "all options on the table" exercise." -- Obama has made an offer to Tehran to "negotiate" its nuclear program - ahead of long-delayed talks between the "Iran Six" (P5+1 - the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - the US, the United Kingdom, China, Russia and France - plus Germany) and Iran scheduled for Istanbul on Saturday. -- For starters, it's not an offer; it's a list of demands - even before any negotiation takes place. And these "near term" concessions are packaged - according to the president's own rhetoric - as a "last chance". -- In modern times, this used to be known as an ultimatum. In the post-everything era, it passes for "international diplomacy". "

Iran bans imports from 100 European companies
A quote...."Iran reportedly plans to ban imports from European companies as part of its countersanctions against the European Union (EU)."

Iran halts oil flow to Germany one day after Spain
A quote...."Iran has cut oil exports to Germany one day after halting crude sales to Spain as part of its countersanctions against the European Union (EU). -- Tehran has already stopped oil exports to France, Britain, and Greece and is now considering halting crude sales to Italy." - Source:  PressTV
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Media Scoundrels Promote War
Special Note - A quote...."Syria is target one, then Iran. The road to Tehran runs through Damascus. Western-backed insurgents can't match Assad's security forces. -- In 2011, Libyan killer gangs had air force support. Without NATO, they'd have been routed. -- Expect stepped up intervention in Syria. All signs suggest it. The April 10 deadline came and went. Assad began pulling back. Insurgent violence continues. He's obligated to confront it. Responsible leaders can do no less. Their people depend on it. If governments won't protect them, who will?"

'US would stick two fingers up to UN if in Assad shoes' - In the US it's one finger. - mpg
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min51sec - Apr 11, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Peace envoy Kofi Annan says he's received assurances from the Syrian government that it will respect the UN brokered ceasefire with rebels, which is due to begin in less than 24 hours. The key negotiator remains optimistic about the deal, as some Western countries again unleashed a barrage of criticism on the regime for its alleged failure to stick to commitments. However, Turkey is now accused of assisting Syrian rebels, says Patrick Henningsen, regional expert at the 21st Century Wire website."

'Syria a pawn in game to hold back China, Russia & Iran'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min01sec - Apr 11, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Syria is nothing but a pawn in a global geopolitical game, set to be sacrificed in order to curb the expansion of China, Russia and Iran, political analyst Jamal Wakim tells RT."

George Soros Targets Syria
A quote...."Soros’ Open Society Foundations pretend to be liberal. Their claimed mission is to “work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens.” -- In fact, Soros, like other corporate predators, doesn’t tolerate democratic values. He’s no populist. He supports everything that smells money. He’s involved in grabbing all he can."

What's going on at the Turkish-Syrian border? Turkey Sheltering Free Syrian Army (FSA)
A quote...."The voice over says, "This is the Syria-Turkey border, and this is an operation of the Free Syrian Army [FSA] ... The Gate [that would be the Syrian side of the border, housing the Gate checkpoint] is going to be seized." -- What this means is that Turkey is sheltering the FSA right on the border, only a few meters - and not kilometers - away from Syrian territory. Way beyond hosting a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) command and control center in Iskenderun for months now - a fact already reported by Asia Times Online - Turkey has now advanced right to the border, enabling a back-and-forth by heavily weaponized guerrillas/mercenaries to attack a sovereign state." - also posted at GlobalRsrch & ICH

Erdogan Lost His Marbles
A quote...."The local Turkish governor confirmed this...."

"Kilis Gov. Yusuf Odabaş said the injuries were caused by bullets from clashes on the other side of the border, which erupted when opposition groups attempted to seize control of the border crossing from regime forces. Turkish security forces in no way intervened or used arms, he said. Twenty-one Syrians wounded in the clashes managed to cross into Turkey through a mine-ridden stretch of land. Three died in hospital and another two in critical condition have been transferred to a hospital in the adjacent province of Gaziantep, Odabaş said."

"If Erdogan really believes that 28 NATO countries will agree against all evidence to his version of the story and involve article 5 he has really lost his marbles."

Syrian conflict provoked by US - expert
A quote...."Interview with Vyacheslav Matuzov – Russian veteran diplomat and President of the Russian Society for the Promotion of Friendship and Business Ties with Arab Countries."

Al-Moallem: Terrorism Escalated Despite Withdrawal of Army Units from Some Provinces
A quote...."MOSCOW, (SANA) - Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem affirmed on Tuesday that the Syrian government has withdrawn army units from some provinces, yet terrorism activities escalated and spread to other areas, noting that Syria's didn't ask Annan for written guarantees from armed groups and countries sponsoring them, but rather merely asked him to relay the results of his calls with them."

Shock and Awe: See what the Syrian terrorists are doing
A quote...."Below are graphic images, in the form of films, of atrocities carried out by the western-backed Syrian terrorists. For all those who have aided, financed or supported this filth against the Syrian government, I would urge you to watch these movies from beginning to end and then reconsider very carefully what you have started."
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Afghan endgame has Pakistan shuddering
Geo-Political Note - A quote...."The war in Afghanistan has been stalemated for several years now and eyes are turning to a negotiated settlement. In recent weeks, talks between the United States and the Taliban have come and gone, but they will almost assuredly return. -- As welcome as these bilateral talks are, they all but ignore the vital interests of regional actors such as Russia, China, India, Iran and perhaps most importantly, Pakistan. All of them will let their interests be known, directly or indirectly, cleverly or clumsily."

Broke Afghans Will Cut Their Military — And Obama’s War Plan
A quote...."First the U.S. and its allies super-sized Afghanistan’s Army and police to fight the Taliban. Then they decided that those Afghan troops were their exit strategy. Now they’ve got sticker shock for how much the huge Afghan security sector will cost after they turn over combat duties in 2014 — so the Afghans announced that they’ll cut their own forces, even while they’ll be the only ones fighting the insurgency. -- This is nothing short of removing a cornerstone of the Obama administration’s entire Afghanistan strategy. It’s an unforced error, costing over $10 billion, and completely foreseeable."

US troops kill [Another] Afghan civilian in Kandahar: Afghan officials
A quote...."American troops have killed a civilian in Afghanistan’s southern province of Kandahar, Press TV reports, citing statements by Afghan officials."

Explosion in southern Afghanistan kills US-led soldier

A quote...."A US-led foreign soldier has been killed in Afghanistan following the explosion of a roadside bomb in the volatile south of the country."
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Libya: So It Was All About Oil After All!
A quote...."It becomes clear that the invasion of Libya was all about oil as France and Italian oil companies battle with British and US companies over the spoils of war. -- RT – Last year NATO countries bombed Libya, demanding “democracy” in the country. But now it’s clear it was all about oil and it’s not like the Americans and Brits are going to be democratic about it, and share those spoils equally with France and Italy."

Ex-rebels attack Libya NTC headquarters
A quote...."TRIPOLI - Libyan ex-fighters furious over a decision to halt a cash rewards scheme opened fire on Tuesday against the headquarters of the interim government, but no injuries were reported, sources said."

Pakistani court may ban extension plan for US embassy in Islamabad
A quote...."Pakistan’s Supreme Court has received a petition to prohibit an extension plan for the US embassy in Islamabad over risks of espionage and security concerns, Press TV reports."

Another Bahraini killed by poisonous tear gas
A quote...."Another Bahraini has died due to asphyxia after inhaling poisonous tear gas fired by Saudi-backed regime forces as Manama’s brutal crackdown on protests continue. -- The victim, identified as Abdul Rasoul Hassan Ismail, died after inhaling toxic gas fired on his house in the village of Karbabad last week." - Source:  PressTV

2 US Marines killed, 2 injured in Morocco - The US-NRE has marines in Morocco? - mpg
A quote...."RABAT, Morocco (AP) — Two U.S. Marines were killed and two severely injured in the crash of a hybrid aircraft in Morocco on Wednesday, officials said. -- The Marines were taking part in joint U.S.-Moroccan military excercises located in the south of the country based in Agadir, said U.S. Embassy spokesman Rodney Ford in Rabat, who gave the toll."

Russia and India combat terrorism together
A quote...."The seventh meeting of the India-Russia Joint Working Group (JWG) on Combating International Terrorism was held on April 11 in New Delhi."

Colombia: Obama’s Bloodiest Betrayal?
A quote...."All in all, 30 unionists were killed in Colombia last year. The National Labor School (ENS) reports that 4 have already been killed this year, and other trade union movements have reported additional murders (e.g., Justice for Colombia has reported 6). Such killings have made Colombia, where around 3,000 unionists have been killed since 1986, the most dangerous country in the world to be a trade unionist, and if the assassination rate this year continues as it has thus far, Colombia will most certainly retain this notorious distinction."

Nigeria DM: Looted Libyan Weapons Found in Nigeria
A quote...."Comments from Nigerian Defense Minister Olusola Obada confirmed today that weapons looted from Libya at the end of the NATO-sponsored civil war have found their way into Nigeria, and that Boko Haram is likely to be in possession of many of them."

Moody’s Cuts Japan’s Government Credit Rating From Aa2 to Aa3, Yets Says Outlook Stable
A quote...."Moody’s Investors Service today lowered the Government of Japan’s rating to Aa3 from Aa2, concluding the rating review that began on May 31. The outlook is stable."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Amira Hass explains why Israel’s U.S. model of ethnic cleansing failed, and why ‘Jewish regime’ will ‘crumble’
Special Note - A quote...."It is very common these days to hear supporters of Israel seek to justify ethnic cleansing by saying that You did it-- you Americans. Amira Hass has a fabulous piece up at Haaretz that takes on this model head on. She exposes the Israeli desire to defeat the Palestinian people, as the U.S. defeated the Native Americans, and then only have to deal with the "remnant" (a reference to Eastern European Jewry after the Holocaust). And she explains why this is not possible, and why we are now in the endgame of "the Jewish regime" because Israel did not want a two-state solution."

Palestinian woman seriously injured in settlers’ [Jewish thugs' vicious] attack
A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- A Palestinian woman was hospitalized with serious injuries in her head after a group of Jewish settlers [homeless thugs] attacked her near Yatta village, south of Al-Khalil. -- An eyewitness said that 40-year-old Samiha Nawaja was attacked by a group of masked Jewish settlers [thugs] from the nearby settlement [homeless encampment] of Susiya."

Three Palestinian farmers wounded in Jewish settlers [Homeless Vagrants] attack
A quote...."NABLUS, (PIC)-- Three Palestinian farmers from Aqraba village, near Nablus, were wounded on Thursday morning after Jewish settlers [homeless vagrants] attacked them. -- Hamza Dairiya, a member of the committee in defense of Aqraba land, said that a group of settlers [Jewish homeless vagrants] attacked the farmers while returning home with sheep heads and cows."

Netanyahu is using Oslo Accords to annex more West Bank land
A quote...."Israel's political and security establishment, as well as the legal system, view Area C - spreading over 60 percent of the West Bank - as an integral part of the country."

Israeli troops blockade Palestinian town near Jerusalem
A quote...."Beginning Sunday evening and continuing through Wednesday, Israeli soldiers set up a blockade around the town of Al-Ram, east of Jerusalem, preventing vehicles from entering or leaving the town."

Israeli Border Police violently attack Palestinians and Int’ls in Hebron
A quote...."Israeli Border Police officers attacked a group of Palestinians and Internationals who participated in the 7th International Bil’in Conference on the Palestinian Popular Struggle this afternoon. The incident took place during a tour of the Old City of Hebron. Eight Palestinians and four internationals were arrested and at least three people were injured by the blows they suffered at the hands of police. One Italian woman suffered an injury to her shoulder that required hospitalization."

Qadum Children: "You Arrested Our Fathers, So We Lead the Demonstration Today"
Contains Videos - NabiSaleh - Ni'lin -- A quote...."After Israeli army nightly incursion into Kufr Qadum accompanied by massive arrest of villagers , the children of the village have come out in protest with a message to the occupying army and the world: "You Arrested Our Fathers, So We Lead the Demonstration Today". The weekly demonstration has again been brutally suppressed by the army, who blacked all entrances to the village, took hold of a home, made use of the "Skunk", and fired the usual dose of teargas and shock rounds."

‘What do you want from a 5 year old girl? She threatens your state?’: Israel raids a house in Nabi Saleh
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Palestinian woman confronts Israeli thugs that entered her home in the middle of the night to interrogate her family wanted to wake up her 5 year old daughter. Palestinian woman wins. Bittersweet. -- Choice quotes...."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster & The Monsanto Monster....

Baked goods sold in USA contain potassium bromate, a carcinogen banned in Europe but allowed in the US due to chemical loophole - A quote...."Much of the flour sold in the United States has been treated with potassium bromate, which causes the flour to bulk up, strengthens the dough, and makes bread rise more rapidly. This decreases the time needed for baking (thereby reducing costs) and also allows the use of low quality flour that might otherwise be unsuitable for baking. There’s only one problem with this: Potassium bromate causes cancer."

Monsanto sued for poisoning farmers
A quote...."A lawsuit filed this week claims that the Monsanto corporation, "motivated by a desire for unwarranted economic gain,” knowingly poisoned farmers that were pressured to use the company’s chemicals."

Explosive: Monsanto 'Knowingly Poisoned Workers' Causing Devastating Birth Defects
A quote...."In a developing news piece just unleashed by a courthouse news wire, Monsanto is being brought to court by dozens of  Argentinean tobacco farmers who say that the biotech giant knowingly poisoned them with herbicides and pesticides and subsequently caused "devastating birth defects" in their children."

Tuesday April 10th 2012

Perverts in Power: The Torture-Lovers Who Rule Us
Special Note - A quote...."The ordeal of Fatima Bouchar, detailed by Ian Cobain in the Guardian, exemplifies the vile essence of the 'Terror War' being conducted by United States and its abject satellite, Great Britain, against large swathes of the world's population (including, increasingly, their own people). It is a case of brutal torture against an innocent, defenseless pregnant woman, whose only "crime" was to be married to a man who belonged to an organization which had long been supported by the US and UK -- until the geopolitics of oil made the group expendable. It is a tale of cowardice and cruelty, of hypocrisy and corruption, of deliberate atrocity that exacerbates the extremism it purports to combat. It is the emblem of an evil system ordered, countenanced, championed and protected at the very highest levels of the two governments -- a system that is very much still in operation today." - also posted at PrisonPlanet

The Transnational Financial Parasites: Make-Believe Gods Of A Global Insane Asylum
A quote...."The mid-fifties were characterized by theories and feelings that a revolution in social thinking was overdue. Apparently, however, no one could work up enough of a head of steam to get things moving. But the theoretical concepts were there. For example, I am thinking of one fine psychological writer in particular, the late Robert Lindner. He was the author of Prescription for Rebellion which almost made the mark, though I suspect the time was not yet ripe for the emergence of a movement to devise widespread change of patterns of thought and behavior. Attention needs to be redirected to it, however, because there are some saving principles enunciated there." - also posted at BLN

One Complicated Mess of Trouble
LRAudio - (AudioMp3 - 18min48sec - April 10, 2012) - Source: LewRockwellShow - Related:  DwnldAudio -- A quote...."Eric Margolis talks with Lew Rockwell about imperial meddling in Syria, Libya, Iran, Israel, Gaza, Afghanistan, China and Africa."

Bush Trained MEK Terrorists On US Soil – Still Happening?
Contains Videos - USTrainedMEK? - IsraelBehindAssassinations? -- A quote...."An investigative report reveals that the MEK, or Mujahedin-e Khalq, was trained right here on US Soil at Department of Energy’s Nevada National Security Site. - Lingering questions now remain if Peoples Mujahedin is still being trained in the as a parade of US politicians are now acting as parrots for lobbyists in an attempt to get the group removed from the US list of officially recognized terrorist groups." - Some related articles posted below.....
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

ADL Condemns School Trip For Not Having Lies Or Hatred In Its Itinerary
A quote...."The Anti-Defamation League‘s Abe Foxman is annoyed that a group of seventeen high school students and six faculty members from New York City’s prestigious Friends Seminary recently visited Israel and Palestine (which he terms the “West Bank region”), but didn’t spend nearly enough time being force-fed ADL-approved hasbara."

Israelis use Muslim cemetery as a car park
A quote...."The old Muslim cemetery in Ashkelon has been turned into a car park by the Israeli municipality. Reports in the Hebrew media have revealed that the facility provides parking spaces for a new commercial market built nearby. -- One resident told Maariv newspaper that the municipality had been informed about this abuse of the cemetery, and a complaint has been filed, "but nothing has been done about it"."

Why No Sympathy for the Palestinians? - The Disgusting Attacks on Gunter Grass
A quote...."The German writer Gunter Grass (The Tin Drum) had already predicted the response to his poem in SdZ. There is no reason to be surprised, but there is every reason to be disgusted. Within Germany both the elite and a layer of the population by their words and actions appear to have accepted the disgraceful Goldhagen thesis whereby all German were guilty for the crimes of the Third Reich. This thesis has now been developed further: all Germans are guilty for eternity for the crimes of the Third Reich."

Stop the war mongers! Defend Günter Grass!
A quote...."The political poem by the 84-year-old writer Günter Grass warning against Israel’s war policy, published simultaneously by a number of European and international newspapers last week, has unleashed an unprecedented witch-hunt by the media and leading political figures."

Verdict in Corrie Lawsuit Postponed
A quote...."The announcement of a verdict in the civil lawsuit against the State of Israel for the killing of peace activist Rachel Corrie, which was scheduled for late April, has been postponed due to delays in the filing of closing arguments. A new verdict date has not yet been scheduled by the court, but is likely to be months away."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

CIA wins fight to keep [British] MPs in dark on [US] rendition - And the cover-up continues....mpg
A quote...."11 Apr 2012 American intelligence agencies including the CIA and the FBI have won a court ruling allowing them to withhold evidence from British MPs about suspected UK involvement in "extraordinary rendition" – the secret arrests and alleged torture of terror suspects. A judge in Washington DC granted permission for key US intelligence bodies, including the highly sensitive National Security Agency, to exploit a loophole in US freedom of information legislation which bars the release of documentation to any body representing a foreign government."

The Secret Service and the 9/11 Stand Down – Kevin Ryan on GRTV
GRTVideo - Alt - (GRTVYuTb - 13min39sec - Apr 9, 2012)  - Source:  corbettreportRelated Article:  Secret Service Failures on 9/11 -- A quote...."(GRTV) – Kevin Ryan, a former site manager for Environmental Health Laboratories and a whistleblower on Underwriters’ Laboratories involvement in the discredited NIST report on the WTC destruction, joins us to discuss his latest article on the anomalous actions of the secret service on 911, and what it tells us about possible government foreknowledge of the attacks."

Obama's Backdoor "Cybersecurity" Wiretap Bill Threatens Political and Private Rights
A quote...."SPYING ON AMERICANS:   Under the guise of "cybersecurity," the new all-purpose bogeyman to increase the secret state's already-formidable reach, the Obama administration and their congressional allies are crafting legislation that will open new backdoors for even more intrusive government surveillance: portals into our lives that will never be shut." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

What Is ObamaCare? – Paul Craig Roberts
Special Note - A quote...."It is extraordinary that “liberals,” “progressives,” “Democrats,” whatever they are, are defending a “health program” that uses public monies to pay private insurance companies and that raises the cost of health care." - also posted at GlobalRsrch & ICH - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts - Topix ||  Double Indemnity - 12-21-09 - mpg  ||

19 Things That The Talking Heads On Television Are Being Strangely Silent About
A quote...."Critical thinking is a skill that is in short supply in America today, and most Americans seem content to let their televisions do their thinking for them.  Sadly, the pretty people on television do not spend a lot of time talking about the things that are truly important.  Instead, they love to talk about the latest celebrity scandal and they love to divide people into groups and get them fighting with one another.  In this day and age, it is absolutely critical that we all learn to think for ourselves."

9,000 hidden victims of war: Shock rise in mental health trauma in [British] troops returning from Afghanistan
A quote...."This shouldn't be so surprising, particularly when people deploy in country, and it doesn't take them very [long] to realize, with absolute clarity, that they are on the wrong side of history in these battles in Afghanistan and formerly, Iraq. -- And let us remember, please, WHY we are in Afghanistan. At the beginning of the Bush Administration, they were negotiating the price of pipeline routes through Afghanistan with the Taliban, but thought the price being asked by the Taliban was "too high"." -- *Michael Rivero*

Michael Rivero Broadcasting on Justin TV - April 10 2012
MRVideo - (JustinTV - 2hrs - April 10th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

Exposing Collapse Agenda
CMcGVideo - Alt - (CMcGYuTb - 4min34sec - Apr 9, 2012) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related: WideAwakeNews
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Return of the Silver Liberation Army (E273) - Max is off the hook!! - mpg
Gold / Silver Alert - Must View RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Apr 10, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss the return of the Silver Liberation Army as JP Morgan's Blythe Masters claims the bank does not manipulate silver prices. They also discuss JP Morgan's 'London whale' breaking the credit default swap (CDS) index market with massive prop position. In the second half of the show Max talks to author, Pierre Jovanovic, about Blythe Masters role at JP Morgan and the similarities between the world today and France of the 18th century on the eve of revolution."

GATA’s Bill Murphy Sees Non-Stop Government Gold/Silver Manipulation
Gold / Silver Alert - A quote...."Bill Murphy has been fighting the good battle for 13 years. His organization GATA has been David fighting the Goliath of the Fed, the Bullion Banks, the US Government, and many other foreign interests as well. -- Bill categorically states there hasn’t been a free-market in gold and silver for decades, and he’s got the evidence to back it up."

Schiff’s feed ‘lost’ after accusing Fed of conspiring with White House - [Peter Schiff Gets Censored!!]
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."During his appearance on Fox Business on 4/9/12, when speaking of  how the Federal Reserve lied about the housing bubble before it burst and how it’s lying now about inflation numbers, Euro Pacific Capital CEO Peter Schiff’s feed was lost shortly after he accused the Fed of being deceptive in order to postpone the economic pain of Americans until after the election."

Houston – We Have A Major Problem, In Switzerland
Financial Alert - A quote...."Looks [like a] financial [expletive deleted] storm is brewing Europe as such a massive amount of money floods into safe haven of  the GOLD Swiss franc that the 2 year yield turned NEGATIVE!" - also posted at ZeroHedge

The Return Of [US] Economic Weakness
Charts - (click  till  enlarge) -- A quote...."Here is a number for you: 70%  That is roughly how many economic reports have missed their mark in the last month.  Why is this important?  Believe it or not - It has a lot to do with the weather.   We have written many times recently about the weather related effects skewing the seasonal adjustment figures in everything from the leading indicators and retail sales to employment numbers.  Now those weather related boosts are beginning to run in reverse as weather patterns return to normal and realign with the seasonal adjustments." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Exhibit A: The Market Has Become A Centrally-Planned, Liquidity-Addicted, Temperamental Abortion
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."We will have much more to say about the impact of central planning on price (lack of) discovery and general market manipulation shortly, courtesy of the just released latest must read report by our friends over at Artemis Capital Management, we wanted to show our readers Exhibit A of what everyone has intuitively known for years, yet been unable to put it to paper. Until today. Below is Exhibit A that courtesy of global, relentless central-planning, the market is now nothing more than a liquidity-addicted abortion, whose future discounting capabilities have been utterly destroyed, which no longer reflects  any economic fundamentals, and which is merely a fake construct in the Eye of the Benholder."

What a Mess! - An Economic Quagmire
A quote...."What does it mean? -- It means that Sonny and Susie are moving back in with Mom and Pop while Dad trundles off to Wal-Mart for a day of greeting shoppers and fetching candy wrappers in the parking lot. Such is the American Dream after 15-years of easy money pump-priming and low interest Ponzinomics. Housing prices have plunged 35 percent while the average retirement package is down roughly 40 percent. Baby Boomers face a future that is more uncertain and fraught than anytime in the last century. Thanks, Maestro. -- Meanwhile, in the Eurozone, the news is equally bleak...."

Chart Of "The US Recovery": Third Time Is The Charm, Or Head And Shoulders Time?
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The following chart from Bank of America captures the past three years of American "recovery" quite starkly: the US economy, as measured by the ISM  has so far not double but triple dipped, and the result would have been far more pronounced had the Fed not stepped in after each of the prior two local maxima and injected trillions into the economy. Following peaks in mid 2010 and early 2011, we are "there" again - how long until the Fed has to jump in? And would it have already done so if it wasn't an election year? Which brings us to our question: third time is the charm? Or head and shoulders?"

Span to ECB: Inflate or Die
A quote...."In the late 15th century, the gods look down from the heavens above and smiled upon Spain.  With the capture of the Emirate of Granada in 1492, Spain completed the Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula…ending the last remnant of a 781-year presence of Islamic rule.  That same year, in a voyage funded by Queen Isabella, Christopher Columbus discovered the new world. -- Soon after, Spain emerged as the first world power."
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More On The International Situation....

Iran halts Spain oil export, mulls supply cut to Germany, Italy
A quote...."Tehran has cut oil supply to Spain after halting crude export to Greece as part of its countersanctions against the European Union (EU), mulling oil supply cuts to Germany and Italy now, Press TV reports. -- Informed sources who asked not to be named, confirmed on Tuesday that the measure is part of Iran’s countersanctions in response to the EU’s earlier sanctions against the country’s oil and financial sectors." - Source:  PressTV

Minister: Iran's Crude Exports Hit $60bln despite Sanctions
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qassemi announced that despite the international and unilateral sanctions against the country's oil sector, Iran's annual crude exports have reached $60bln"

[Iran] Oil Minister: Construction of 70 Petrochemical Projects Underway in Iran
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qassemi announced that 70 petrochemical projects are under construction in different parts of the country."

Germany throws weight behind Iran’s nuclear energy program
A quote...."German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has underlined Iran's right to develop its nuclear energy program as a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)."

AEOI Chief: Iran Triples Separation Capacity of [Uranium Enrichment] Centrifuge Machines
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Fereidoun Abbasi announced that the country's experts have managed to triple the separation capacity of its centrifuge machines, and have installed a 164-set cascade of the new machines in the country's nuclear enrichment facilities."

Iran says it has busted Israeli terrorist network operating in its borders
A quote...."Iran’s Intelligence Ministry announced Tuesday that after months of operations it had uncovered a large Israeli sabotage and terror network operating within its borders."

A Conspiracy Against The Shia Crescent?
A quote...."How the Iraqi vice president travel plays into the current conspiracy that tries to destroy the Syrian state is yet unknown, but the coalition involved seems to be the same and that lets me believe that this issue is part of a larger plan against several countries in the Middle East. -- The Sunni Iraqi vice president Tariq al-Hashemi's bodyguards allegedly ran death squads in Baghdad killing Shia pilgrims. An arrest warrant was put up for him but he fled to the mostly independent Kurdish north of Iraq where the Shia led government of Iraq can not assert its rule. -- First he seemed to be set to stay there but a few days ago he suddenly started to travel...."

Russia Plans to Flatten Georgia if Israel Attacks Iran
Geo-Political Alert - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Russia is building up forces in the Caucasus region, preparing to protect its interests in case Israel attacks Iran with the help of the United States, the western media said."

Russia Is Massing Troops On Iran's Northern Border And Waiting For A Western Attack
Geo-Political Alert - A quote...."WASHINGTON – The Russian military anticipates that an attack will occur on Iran by the summer and has developed an action plan to move Russian troops through neighboring Georgia to stage in Armenia, which borders on the Islamic republic, according to informed Russian sources. -- Russian Security Council head Viktor Ozerov said that Russian General Military Headquarters has prepared an action plan in the event of an attack on Iran."
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NYT Insults Intelligence in Latest Syrian Op-Ed
Presstitute Alert - ( always....) -- A quote...."April 10, 2012 - In New York Times' (NYT) latest, anonymous editorial, they berate the Syrian government for not making good on Kofi Annan's alleged "peace deal," openly admitted by US policy think-tanks as a rouse to buy time for a floundering NATO proxy force and to be used as leverage to justify a partial invasion by NATO-member Turkey into northern Syria." - also posted at PrisonPlanet & DProgram

State Department Hits New Low of Cynical Hypocrisy as Victoria Nuland Blames Syrian Government for the Violence Unleashed by NATO Death Squads - PRSTVideo - AltYuTb - AltPrsTV - (PRSTVYuTb - April 10, 2012) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNewsRelated:  DwnldVideo - Related:  DwnldAudio -- A quote...."Kofi Annan’s assessment of Syria is a ploy which puts blame solely on the government, but discounts foreign destabilization of the country, says a prominent political analyst."

Syrian rebels ‘using Turkish refugee camps as base’
A quote...."The Syrian army’s pursuit of rebels across the Turkish border has shed light on claims of rebel groups using refugee camps as safe havens. Reports suggest the Free Syrian Army could be treating them as springboards to launch incursions into Syria. - RT correspondent Sara Firth interviewed an anonymous source on the Syrian-Turkish border following the incident, who said that members of the Free Syrian Army were operating in the border region." - a comment shown below....

"We told you this was coming, and what the outcome would be here:  bases established right on the Syrian/Turkish border enabling armed mercenaries to wreak ever more havoc in Syria." -- *Michael Rivero*

Turkey talks tough as Syrian violence boils over border
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min45sec - Apr 10, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Turkey says it's considering a tough response following skirmishes between Syrian forces and rebels across its border. Peace envoy Kofi Annan is now in Turkey visiting camps of refugees who fled for safety. And Syria's foreign minister has been visiting Moscow to discuss the realities of implementing a UN peace plan as the deadline passes. RT's Peter Oliver and Sara Firth report."

UN-AL envoy's Syria initiative futile from beginning: Analyst
Contains Video - A quote...."UN-Arab League envoy to Syria Kofi Annan’s proposed six-point plan to settle the Syrian unrest was “born dead” as the West wanted it to be a failure, an analyst tells Press TV. "

No Interest in Peace: U.S. Dismisses Syria’s Demand for Written Guarantees From Armed Rebels
A quote...."Bashar al-Assad, Syrian President, asked over the weekend for written guarantees from the armed rebel groups assuring that they would lay down their arms and cease fire. -- Unsurprisingly, Victoria Nuland, spokesperson for the United States State Department, rejected the wholly rational demand, claiming that it was just another attempt by the Syrian government to buy time. This is yet another example of the United States fueling the conflict in Syria." - bold by website editor

SYRIA’S "ROGUE ISLAMIST OPPOSITION": US-NATO’s New Lie in its Bid for Regime Change
A quote...."The Western propaganda offensive against Syria looks like tripping over itself in the rush to cover up the increasingly threadbare lies and deception that the mainstream media have been shamelessly churning out over the past year. -- In the latest innovation, the Western corporate media are trying to tell us that a “rising tide” of rogue Islamic extremists is “sullying” the honourable armed opposition groups who are fighting the good fight for democracy in Syria."

The Coming U.S. and NATO Occupation of Northern Syria: Iraq Redux
A quote...."There is one thing certain about U.S. Pentagon strategy: it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks. And using an old trick from Operation Desert Storm, establishing a humanitarian, NATO-protected no-fly salient in northern Iraq’s Kurdish area, appears to be the same strategy envisioned for northern Syria. There is much in common between the U.S.-led NATO planning for a northern Syria occupation zone and the no-fly zone established in 1992 for Iraq."
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Millions Forced To Flee Homes In Pakistan
PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 2min45sec - Apr 9, 2012) - Source:  alexhiggins732 -- A quote...."(PressTV) – Millions of people have been displaced from their homes in northwest Pakistan due to War on Terror military operations including 250,000 since this January."

Pakistani Lawyer Representing Victims of Drone Strikes Prevented From Speaking in U.S.
A quote...."April 9, 2012 — Pakistani lawyer Shahzad Akbar has been invited to speak at an International Drone Summit in Washington DC on April 28, but the U.S. government is failing to grant him a visa."

No decision yet on Nato supply: FM Khar
A quote...."ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said on Tuesday that no decision had so far been made regarding the restoration of the Nato supply route."

US Quietly Plans to Betray Afghan Pact on Night Raids
A quote...."Washington has relinquished control and final say over special operations night raids in Afghanistan to the Kabul government, but U.S. officials are quietly planning to ignore the agreement’s binding clauses."

Bahrain: The Key to Saudi-Qatari Servitude
A quote...."April 11, 2012 - "It is quite clear then that Saudi and Qatari support for the US-engineered "Arab Spring" is born not out of altruism or fellowship, but out of fear for their own survival, with unrest already being triggered and encouraged by the West in at least Saudi Arabia, and with Bahrain resigned to a slow burn, briefly fanned by the West at junctures such as these, where a great amount of support is required against Syria to overcome recent setbacks. It is difficult to sympathize with either Qatar or Saudi Arabia, who have committed as much in the betrayal of their neighbors on behalf of Wall Street and London as they have against their own people. One wonders if amidst their spectacular betrayal of their Arab brothers, whether or not they realize they are next when [IF] Syria and Iran falls." - Related Article:  The Black Bull Died Today

Bahraini prisoner in very critical condition: Danish PM
A quote...."A jailed activist who has been on hunger strike in a Bahrain prison for the last two months is now in a very critical condition, Denmark's prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt said on Tuesday."

Death toll in Yemeni clashes rises to 127
A quote...."SANAA, Yemen (AP) — Yemeni army officials say heavy clashes overnight between the military and al-Qaeda-linked militants in the south have killed 63 people, bringing the two-day death toll in the fighting to 127."

Russia’s Demographic Situation Improves – Putin
A quote...."Russia has edged away from the brink of a potentially irreversibe and catastrophic demographic crisis, Prime Minister and President-elect Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday."

Putin Praises Post-Soviet Integration
A quote...."Russian President-elect Vladimir Putin hailed on Wednesday the creation of a common economic space between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan as the biggest geopolitical event for the region since the collapse of the Soviet Union."

Russia to Join World’s Top Five Economies in Three Years – Putin
A quote...."Russia will join the group of the world’s five largest economies in the next three years, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday."

BRICS challenges the [old] world order
A quote...."The sight of the BRICS has been an eyesore for the developed countries ever since its inception. The sense of irritability has now given way to disquiet bordering on hostility. There is a compelling urgency that BRICS is assuming habitation and a name."

Bo Xilai's wife Gu Kailai arrested for Neil Heywood's murder
From the Odd File - A quote...."Heywood, 41, a British businessman based in Beijing, was found dead last November in a hotel room in Chongqing, the city ruled over by Mr Bo and his wife. -- On Tuesday, the Chinese government said a fresh investigation into his death is under way, and that the existing evidence strongly points to Gu Kailai, Mr Bo's 53-year-old second wife, and Zhang Xiaojun, "an orderly at Bo's home"."

North Korea begins fueling satellite-bearing rocket
A quote...."North Korea says it has begun injecting fuel into a long-range rocket set to launch a satellite into the orbit between 12-16 April."
West launches barrage of hot air
A quote...."SEOUL - North Korea's determination to fire a long-range missile sometime between Wednesday and next Monday is leaving the United States and its allies in the humiliating position of issuing rhetorical threats with no real chance of carrying them out."

Nigeria: Fertile Ground for Balkanization
A quote...."While the Sahel security crisis continues to deteriorate following Tuareg rebels’ declaration of an independent state in Mali’s troubled northern territory [1], recent events in Nigeria indicate a potential for increased regional instability. Boko Haram, a Salafist organization seeking to overthrow the secular administration of Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, has recently killed 38 civilians in a suicide car bomb targeting nearby churches holding Easter services in the northern city of Kaduna [2]." - Topix ||  An African Base of Operations for More Terror - (By Their Actions We Shall Know Them) - 10-26-11 - mpg  ||

POVERTY IN OIL RICH NIGERIA: The Ruling Elites Wage Class War on Public Education
A quote...."Despite all the crocodile tears shed by Nigeria’s ruling elites about the country’s abysmal reading culture and declining education standards, the glaring fact is that they have overseen the demise of public education."

Significance of Cuban Oil Industry Highlighted at UPADI Meeting
A quote...."Havana, Apr 10 (Prensa Latina) The emerging oil industry is already an important factor in Cuba's economy, said expert of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, Manuel Marrero."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Welcome to Palestine 2012 campaign launched in Bethlehem
A quote...."Over 1,200 international visitors are expected to arrive to Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv to participate in the Welcome to Palestine 2012 campaign on Sunday April 15, said Dr. Abdelfattah Abu Srour, a spokesperson of the campaign stated on Monday."

Day of the Child: Houses overturned, 20 arrested by “American style” Israeli military
A quote...."April 5th marked a day to celebrate the children of Palestine. This year the Israeli military decided to contribute to the special day of the children of Kufr Qaddoum by invading the village and kidnapping 20 fathers and brothers. Boys and men were taken from their homes in a series of overly aggressive and destructive raids."

[IOF] Soldiers Abduct Three Residents Near Hebron
A quote...."Israeli soldiers invaded, on Tuesday at dawn, the town of Yatta, near the southern West Bank city of Hebron, broke into and searched several homes, and abducted three residents."

On Video; [IOF] Soldiers Abuse Elderly Shepherd, Sheep Near Hebron
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."A volunteer with the Israeli Information Center in the Occupied Territories (B’Tselem) documented on film a group of Israeli soldiers abusing a Palestinian shepherd and his sheep, after the soldiers claimed that he refused to remove his herd from the outskirts of Otniel illegal settlement, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron."

Tadamun: IOF soldiers arrested 7 women in March
A quote...."NABLUS, (PIC)-- The international Tadamun foundation for human rights has said that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) had arrested 300 Palestinians over the past month including seven women."

Deir Yassin: The peace that never was
A quote...."Two days ago, we visited Deir Yassin, or to be more specific, what remains of Deir Yassin, with Zochrot, an Israeli organization dedicated to educating the Israeli public about the nakba. The tour was organized in commemoration of the Deir Yassin massacre."

Israel’s Zionist Push Harming Palestinian Education
A quote...."The historical exploitation of the Israeli education system to institutionalize Jewish and Zionist dominance has intensified in recent years. Perhaps the most alarming and telling of these efforts is the amendment passed in March of last year to the Budget Principles Law, popularly known by Palestinians as the “Nakba Law.” The law authorizes the Minister of Finance to cut public funding from any entity that “marks Israel Independence Day or the day of the establishment of the state as a day of mourning.”
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster & The Monsanto Monster....

Peru Passes Monumental Ten Year Ban on Genetically Engineered Foods - Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."In a massive blow to multinational agribiz corporations such as  Monsanto, Bayer, and Dow, Peru has officially passed a law banning genetically modified ingredients anywhere within the country for a full decade before coming up for another review. "

Monday April 9th 2012

Reality Check: U.S. Military Conducting “Information Blackout” In Afghanistan Massacre?
Must View Video - The Massacre in Kandahar Cover-Up Continues.... Alt - (YuTb - 4min10sec - Apr 4, 2012) - Source:  BenSwannRealityCheck -- A quote..."Ben takes a look at the case of Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales and why Bales’ attorney says the military is preventing him from defending his client." - More articles on this issue previously posted on this website shown below....
German protesters slam US polices in Afghanistan, Middle East
Contains Video - A quote...."Tens of thousands of protesters have attended rallies in more than 70 cities across Germany to protest against the US-led war in Afghanistan as well as the proliferation of nuclear arms." - also posted at AlethoNews

Hillary’s Middle East Scare Campaign
One of the "Three B-tches of Mendacity, Mayhem & Murder" opens her mouth and spews more of her murderous hatred all over the rest of the planet. - (The 3B'sOfM3 -- Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice & Samantha Power) - mpg -- A quote...."Does U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton want confrontation and war in the Middle East or dialogue, reconciliation and peace? Her pronouncements and policies during her visit to the region last weekend suggest impatient belligerence. She seems intent on spreading mayhem, to the puzzlement and anxiety of many of the locals, as I discovered on a visit which coincided with hers."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Pastor Hagee’s Million Christians United For Israel
A quote...."…if you believe so strongly that you are willing to underwrite murder and mayhem, you constitute a real danger to world peace. As such you should be preaching your defense before the International Criminal Court rather than spurring on the multitude.” - These people are monsters, they're NOT Christians, they're a bunch of drooling, AIPAC/Israeli, butt-kissing, mindless, unthinking, moronic "Armageddon Cultists".  They've betrayed their own country on behalf of a bunch of NWO Banksters.  They're going to lose their pensions, Social Security, Medicare, their jobs and their homes.  When they start whining and complaining and begging for hand-outs, this website editor asks every true American in this country to SHUN these people.  They brought it on themselves.  More importantly they brought in on us!  Related articles shown below.....mpg
Israeli Military Practicing for Military Occupation of Lebanon
War Alert - A quote...."Though most of the Israeli military’s efforts right now are focused on planning to attack Iran or planning another ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, units of ground troops are also being put through “special training,” according to officials, with an eye toward a military occupation of Lebanon."

Christie on Ahmadinejad: ‘Bring Down the Craziest Man in the World’
You vote for these people folks and all you'll get is more wars for the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium, bigger deficits, and you'll be out of work, out of your homes and out of prospects!!  Don't be a stupid goyum-cow, stop voting for the Demo-Repubs!! - mpg - a comment shown below.....

Translation: [regarding Christie's quote....] "Can I be Vice President? Can I? Huh? Can I? Pretty please? Huh? Please let me be the Vice President!" -- *Michael Rivero*

BBC Israel's Secret Weapon DivX5
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 44min46sec - Sep 25, 2011) - Source:  nosynasser
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Moscow's tallest skyscaper catches completely on fire, but doesn't col lapse on itself
A quote...."Whoops! You need Muslims who date pink haired strippers, snort cocaine, and know how to operate a 747 (with two months training [on cessnas] in order to do this"

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 4min56sec - Apr 8, 2012) - Source:  FederalJacktube6 -- James Corbett's wonderful send-up of 9/11 - mpg - (previously posted)

9/11 as sequel to Iran-Contra: Armitage, Carlucci and friends
A quote...."Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are among the leading suspects in the crimes of September 11, 2001.  Reasons for this include that they were in the most powerful positions in the U.S. that day, that there is evidence they had foreknowledge of the attacks, and that they did not respond effectively.  Other people who were closely associated with Dick and Don should also be investigated if they were in positions to be involved.  Richard Armitage and Frank Carlucci are two such people.  They both played important roles with respect to the events of September 11, 2001 and, prior to that, both had a colorful history of covert operations which intertwined and was aligned with the careers of Dick and Don.  Armitage and Carlucci both also benefited from the War on Terror by way of profits made after the attacks."

Muslims did not attack the U.S. on 9/11
A quote...."Since September 11, 2001, the United States has initiated a number of wars in Muslim countries. These wars, which would be more correctly called massacres, have resulted in the deaths of countless innocent Muslims.  In some cases, attempts have been made to present these aggressions in the guise of humanitarian efforts to promote democracy.  But the limited public support for U.S. military action around the world goes back to the U.S. government claim that Muslims were responsible for 9/11. This claim is untrue and it is past time for people to recognize that fact."
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The True Cause of the Death of David Kelly
A quote...."Dr Kelly was a brilliant man who did his best for his country. We owe it to him and ourselves to discover the true cause of his death."

CISPA: New Internet bill could practically shred the First Amendment
SOPA/PIPA Deux? - A quote...."If ACTA, SOPA and PIPA were not enough to squelch Internet freedom, a new cyber bill could basically delete any remains of our first amendment. -- On November 30, 2011 representatives Michael “Mike” Rogers (R-MI) and C.A. Ruppersberger (D-MD) introduced H.R. 3523: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011, which has 106 co-sponsors."

How The CIA Doped San Franciscans With LSD
(Great photo) - A quote...."It's been over 50 years, but Wayne Ritchie says he can still remember how it felt to be dosed with acid. -- Now in his mid-eighties and living in San Jose, Ritchie may be among the last of the living victims of MK-ULTRA, a Central Intelligence Agency operation that covertly tested lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on unwitting Americans in San Francisco and New York City from 1953 to 1964." - also posted at BLN

Obama White House Still Refusing To Allow Former Staffer To Testify About Fast and Furious Scandal
Fast & Furious - (cover-up continues) -- A quote...."Kevin O’Reilly no longer works at the Obama White House, and yet, that same Obama White House is telling Congressional investigators he will not be allowed to share with them what he knew about the deadly Fast and Furious gunrunning operation that killed American agents and hundreds of Mexican civilians." - also posted at BLN

Obama administration diverts $500M to IRS to implement healthcare reform law
A quote...."The Obama administration is quietly diverting roughly $500 million to the IRS to help implement the president’s healthcare law. - The money is only part of the IRS’s total implementation spending, and it is being provided outside the normal appropriations process. The tax agency is responsible for several key provisions of the new law, including the unpopular individual mandate." - a related quote shown below.....

"Regarding Obama's no-care bill, think of it this way folks, the US-NRE on behalf of the parasitic class is going to force Americans to buy crappy policies from the LOWEST common denominator insurance companies. -- Exactly how are they going to do this? -- Are they going to send their storm troopers to break down people's doors, levy their bank accounts, have the IRS seize their refunds (to do so they’d have to file a substitute purposed insurance tax on them) deny them their drivers licenses and have America’s “security” forces stop them on the streets to check their “papers”??"  --  *Double Indemnity - 12-21-09 - mpg*

The American People Will Be the Final Check on Obamacare and the Dictator’s Unlawful Decrees
Related Article - A quote...."If this President thinks, he can ignore his limitations on his power and get away with it. He is living a life of an illusion and in a delusional state. This narcissistic man in the White House will learn the hard way and the arrogance ignoring the Bill of Rights and Constitution will be his downfall The American people overwhelmingly rejected Obamacare. The majority of the states reject this law. This court battle is not over regardless of the court’s ruling coming in June." - Source: LoneStarWatchdog

US Army Preparing for Martial Law Scenario in US? Civil Disturbance and Mock Riot Drills In Washington
A quote...."For years the alternative media has warned about the US military possibly being used against the American people in a time of economic collapse or any sort of martial law scenario."

Thirteen Ways Government Tracks Us
A quote...."Privacy is eroding fast as technology offers government increasing ways to track and spy on citizens.  The Washington Post reported there are 3,984 federal, state and local organizations working on domestic counterterrorism.  Most collect information on people in the US. Here are thirteen examples of how some of the biggest government agencies and programs track people." - Source:  WaPo

Michael Rivero Broadcasting on Justin TV - April 9 2012
MRVideo - (JustinTV - 2hrs - April 9th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

Debt Crisis = False Flag Attacks and WAR - Note:  New website, added to the "Front Page" - mpg
Video - Alt - (Yutb - 1hr33min32sec - Apr 6, 2012) - Source:  cgreene34 - Related:  GreenWave -- A quote...."In today's radio show, Christopher takes calls live from around the world and interviews Vinny Eastwood in the second hour."

Gerald Celente - "We Do Not Live in a Democracy!"
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 30min44sec - Apr 4, 2012) - Source:  geraldcelente - Related:  TrendsResearch
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

President orders press to shut up on credit rating of the US being lowered
Dictatorship Alert - A quote...."....this report [click here - PDF] continues, the mainstream US news media, including their most  important television networks and major newspapers, dutifully followed the directives of the Obama regime and  failed to uniformly inform the American people of this momentous event."

$5 Trillion [in US] Tax Hike Coming
A quote...."Back in February when the Congress voted to extend the payroll tax “holiday” to the end of the year, the Washington Post was the first to notice the tsunami of tax increases coming next year. But then Lori Montgomery began to add up all the other taxes that will increase on January 1, 2013, and called it “Taxmageddon.”

Goldman Sachs : $44 Trillion In Wall Street Bets
TYTVideo - Alt - (TYTYuTb - 3min33sec - Apr 8, 2012) - Source:  TheYoungTurks -- A quote...."Why is it so difficult use the Freedom Of Information Act to get info from the SEC? How much did Goldman Sachs have in derivatives trades on their books in December 2011? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down on The Young Turks."

Is William Cohan Right That Wall Street "Regulation" Has To First And Foremost Curb Greed?
Related Article - A quote...."Now that the world is covered in at least $707 trillion in assorted unregulated Over the Counter derivatives (as of June 30, the most recent number is easily tens of trillions greater) and with at least one JPMorgan prop|non-prop trader exposed to having a ~ $100 billion notional position in some IG-related index trade, pundits, always eager to score political brownie points, are starting to ruminate over ways to put the half alive/half dead derivative cat back into the box. Unfortunately they are about 20 years too late...." - bold by website editor

Ten Minutes After The Titanic Struck The Iceberg
A quote...."As we all know, the "unsinkable" Titanic suffered a glancing collision with an iceberg on the night of April 14, 1912. Ten minutes after the iceberg had opened six of the ship's 16 watertight compartments, it was not at all apparent that the mighty vessel had been fatally wounded, as there was no evidence of damage topside. Indeed, some eyewitnesses reported that passengers playfully scattered the ice left on the foredeck by the encounter."

Rosenberg Ruminates On Six Roadblocks For Stocks
Mrkt Tech Note - (Caution:  Bernie could declare QE3 at anytime. - mpg) -- A quote...."There is no free-lunch - especially if that lunch is liquidity-fueled - is how Gluskin-Sheff's David Rosenberg reminds us of the reality facing US markets this year and next. As (former Fed governor) Kevin Warsh noted in the WSJ "The 'fiscal cliff' in early 2013 - when government stimulus spending and tax relief are set to fall - is not misfortune. It is the inevitable result of policies that kick the can down the road.""

Calling All Crash Test Dummies: Big Crash Ahead
Mrkt Tech Note - (Caution:  Bernie could declare QE3 at anytime. - mpg) -- A quote...."I know, I know: the stock market will never go down because Ben Bernanke and the other central bankers won't let it. It's funny how the "Bernanke/European Central Bank Put" is ranked alongside gravity as a rule of Nature until markets roll over; then talk shifts from purring adulation of central bankers' godlike powers to panicky calls for another flood of liquidity/free money to "save" the market from the harsh reality of global recession. "

[US] Union Pension Underfunding Time-Bomb Soars By 75% In One Year, Nears $400 Billion
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The shortfall in US labor union pension funds is huge and growing rapidly. The latest data, from 2009, from the PBGC showed that these multi-employer plans were 48% underfunded with $331bn of assets to support $686bn of liabilities - and it has hardly been a good ride for those asset values since then."

The suffocation of unsustainable global debt Total global debt is now over $190 trillion more than 3X global GDP.
Quote of the Day...."The biggest market in the world is the European Union and debt problems are still rippling through the global markets.  It is apparent with the financial crisis that the global markets are tied together by large banks and interconnected trade.  A problem in the largest market should be unsettling and the unemployment rate in the European Union is now at a 15 year high.  The global debt problem was never really solved but papered over with extensions and banking trickery.  The US has dealt with much of the debt issues by suspending major accounting rules and stuffing bad loans into the Federal Reserve like a Christmas stocking.  The European Union is facing some challenges ahead...."

Why Normalcy Has Not Yet Arrived
EU Financial Alert - A quote...."We have been mis-lead first by the short term effects of the LTRO and then by the political commentary that everything had returned to normal. Hard data will show that things now are about as normal as 9/15/08, the day Lehman filed for bankruptcy. Let’s start with our old favorite Greece. Aside from their share of the balance sheet of the ECB, now at four trillion dollars, or $57 billion for Greece, the Greek Central Bank now has its own debt which has reached a staggering $262 billion and represents 65% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product and is up 50% year-over-year. The decline in Greek M-1 hit -16% for 6 months or -32% annualized according to the most recent data while M-3 fell almost -20% or -40% annualized. These numbers, in my opinion, are not just frightening and not just Recessionary but Depressionary and a leading indicator of things to come."

Debt Dominion: Heavy price for Euro membership
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min20sec - Apr 9, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Eurozone unemployment is at its worse since the currency was born and the newest members who have nothing to do with the piling debt are being dragged down too. Estonia's prime minister is finding it increasingly hard to sell the idea of bailing out larger economies to his citizens. Jacob Greaves reports."

Protesters pelt Greek news anchor with eggs and yoghurt live on air
A quote...."Egging has long been a favoured form of messy political protest - but in this case the addition of yoghurt gave the stunt a uniquely Greek flavour. - News anchor Panagiotis Bourchas was left dripping in the stuff after protesters rushed his studio during a live broadcast, bombarding him with volley after volley of food. - Viewers in Greece watched as his show - captured in the video below - ground to a halt as the mob burst in shortly after 9pm on Friday."
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More On The International Situation....

Syrian Peace Deal: UN's Cloak to NATO's Dagger
Special Note - A quote...."From the very beginning, US policy makers admitted that Kofi Annan's "peace mission" to Syria was nothing more than a rouse to preserve NATO's proxy forces from total destruction and create "safe havens" from which to prolong the bloodshed. It was hoped that with established "safe havens" in Syria, protected by Turkish military forces (Turkey has been a NATO member since 1952) violence and pressure verses the Syrian government could be perpetually increased until it finally collapsed and the carving up of Syria could commence." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

BREAKING NEWS, SYRIA: Imperialist Powers Manipulate Syrian "Peace Plan" to Prepare for All Out War
Special Note - A quote...."In recent days, the Western powers have stepped up efforts to foment civil war in Syria and prepare for imperialist intervention in this strategically important country. Media reports indicate increased fighting between Western-backed armed groups and the Syrian army, accompanied by terrorist attacks on government forces and civilians."

Hundreds of armed men surrender to Syrian army in Idlib
A quote...."At least 227 armed men wanted by the Syrian government have surrendered to the army in the northwestern city of Idlib."

Syria War Spills Across Borders into Turkey, Lebanon - That's the idea!! - mpg
A quote...."As Syrian rebel factions continue to lose ground to the military, fighting increasingly spills over to neighboring countries. This puts civilians on both sides of the border in the line of fire, resulting in deaths in both Turkey and Lebanon."

War Against Iran:  The US, Israel and Their Allies Shift the Goal Posts Making War Virtually Inevitable
A quote...."The US, Israel and their allies have now shifted the nuclear goalposts by demanding that Iran dismantle its latest newly-built underground nuclear facilities at Fordo; that they immediately halt enrichment operations, and that they transfer all of their already 20% enriched nuclear material out of Iran."

US Offers to 'Negotiate' if Iran Surrenders;
A quote...."April 09, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --- President Obama has stepped up the rhetoric against Iran with an offer to "negotiate". His offer is no offer at all, it is a demand to surrender. There will be nothing left to "negotiate" if Iran accepts the offer. This is what Obama demands before "negotiation" begins."

US, Israel issue ultimatums to Iran
A quote...."On the eve of international talks, the US and Israel have issued provocative ultimatums to Iran to dismantle key aspects of its nuclear program or face devastating economic sanctions and the prospect of war."

Duff on Press TV – US Ends Night Raids in Afghan Deal
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."The US has made an incredible number of errors and we could pass those errors by simply lying about it…because the American troops were simply lost and broke into the wrong home. That’s happened not dozens of times but hundreds of times.””

N. Korea reveals Unha-3 rocket ready for launch
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 1min26sec - Apr 9, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."North Korea has made an unprecedented move, allowing Western journalists to take photos of an up-to-date ballistic missile due for launch this week to put a weather satellite in orbit. Alarmed Japan and South Korea are preparing to shoot it down. ­The three-stage Unha-3 rocket is going to be launched starting from April 12 to 16 from a new Sohae launch pad in woodland some 50 kilometers from the border with China."

What is behind North Korea’s space plans?
Related Article - A quote...."North Korea intends to launch its first satellite soon. The carrier rocket which will put the satellite into orbit is also North Korean. -- However, all member countries of the UN Security Council, including Russia, are calling on North Korea to refrain from space exploration. The reason is that at present, developing space technologies is closely linked with developing nuclear warheads."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

IOF soldiers arrest 86 Palestinians in one week including 20 children
A quote...."RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested 86 Palestinian citizens in the past week including 20 children and six ex-prisoners, who were held in PA jails."

Fadi Abu Zeitoun, killed as settlers [Jewish gang-bangers]attacked farmers
A quote...."Israeli settlers [Jewish gang-banging thugs cowardly] attacked and chased a group of Palestinian farmers last Thursday, causing a tractor to flip over during the chase, causing the death of the Palestinian driver." - also posted at AlethoNews

Detained journalist Abu Arafa boycotts the Zionist military court
A quote...."AL-KHALIL,(PIC)-- Detained journalist Amir Abdul Halim Abu Arafeh, 28, who is held in administrative detention at the Negev Desert prison, refused to appear before the Zionist military court last Thursday in accordance with the administrative detainees' decision to boycott these courts which try to give legitimacy to administrative detention." - also posted at AlethoNews

Israeli authorities turn Islamic cemetery into car park
A quote...."ASKALAN, (PIC)-- The Israeli municipality of Askalan, south of Palestine occupied in 1948, has turned an Islamic cemetery in the city into a car park, Hebrew press indicated."
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The On-Going Fukushima Meltdown Disaster....

Report: 400+ pages of leaked faxes show Fukushima boss Yoshida aware plants were damaged by quakes, not tsunami… Much more — Translations needed -- A quote...."Via Fukushima Diary: Japanese journalist Kinoshitakota leaked the FAX correspondence between JP gov and Tepco just after 311. [...] Fukushima chief Yoshida was aware that Fukushima plants were damaged by earthquake instead of Tsunami. [...] We need to dig into the heaps of information." - Topix  ||  Was Stuxnet Designed to Cause A Melt-Down On Que - 03-23-11 - mpg  ||

The Top Short-Term Threat to Humanity: The Fuel Pools of Fukushima
A quote...."We noted days after the Japanese earthquake that the biggest threat was from the spent fuel rods in the fuel pool at Fukushima unit number 4, and not from the reactors themselves. See this and this."

Japan is Poisoning Other Countries By Burning Highly-Radioactive Debris
A quote...."Fukushima will start burning radioactive debris containing up to 100,000 becquerels of radioactive cesium per kilogram." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Tons Of Radioactive Fukushima Water Spills Into Pacific Ocean
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."TEPCO believes they have accidentally spilled 12 tons of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant has spilled into the Pacific Ocean." - Source:  HigginsBlog

Fallout Forecast:  Loud Steam Event MI & More 4.09.2012
Video - (YuTb - 3min - Apr 9, 2012) - Source:  ichicax4 -- A quote...."Radiation Fallout Forecast for M-W Canada, US & multiple nuke events."

Radiation News 04-07-12
A DProgram round-up on the day's nuke news. - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster & The Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto Threatens to Sue Vermont if Legislators Pass a Bill Requiring GMO Food to Be Labeled
A quote...."What it really comes down to this: Elected officials are abandoning the public interest and public will in the face of corporate intimidation." - also posted at BLN

Sunday April 8th 2012

No posts. - mpg

Saturday April 7th 2012

Putting Syria Into Some Perspective
A quote...."April 07, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --- The Holy Triumvirate — The United States, NATO, and the European Union -- [Actually it's the "Unholy Trinity" in this website editor's opinion] -- or an approved segment thereof, can usually get what they want. They wanted Saddam Hussein out, and soon he was swinging from a rope. They wanted the Taliban ousted from power, and, using overwhelming force, that was achieved rather quickly. They wanted Moammar Gaddafi's rule to come to an end, and before very long he suffered a horrible death. Jean-Bertrand Aristide was democratically elected, but this black man who didn't know his place was sent into distant exile by the United States and France in 2004. Iraq and Libya were the two most modern, educated and secular states in the Middle East; now all four of these countries could qualify as failed states. -- These are some of the examples from the past decade of how the Holy Triumvirate recognizes no higher power and believes, literally, that they can do whatever they want in the world, to whomever they want, for as long as they want, and call it whatever they want, like "humanitarian intervention". The 19th- and 20th-century colonialist-imperialist mentality is alive and well in the West."

US imperialism
A quote...."Former US Secretary of State and foreign policy pundit Henry Kissinger has claimed in an interview that the US military is now considering plans to occupy seven Gulf states. These states include Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Oman and are home to one of the largest oil reserves in the world. Not only that, he stated that the US has plans to tighten the noose around China and Russia as well. So far as Iran was concerned, he stated that Israel would decimate it by its sheer military strength. From the ashes of the next great war, the US would form the new world order, he warned." - Source:  TheNation  - Check out the comments at BLN - mpg

Dr. King’s 2 minutes to you: ‘Silence is betrayal… speak as one who loves America’
Contains Video - Alt - Full quote...."A year before the US government assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King, he asked Americans to end their silence over an unlawful, treaty-violating, and lie-started war killing millions. -- The month he was assassinated by the US government, Dr. King was to march for their “Occupy DC” movement (the brochure). -- You face similar circumstances today: a criminal war based on lies and in Orwellian treaty violation, and a chance to support our Occupy movement. -- Your unique, powerful, and beautiful self-expression is breaking the relative silence that concealed US War Crimes. Your rejection of silence is breaking Orwellian lies of corporate media. Your support of Occupy will end economic and War Crimes, redirecting trillions for public benefit. -- Your demonstrating love of American ideals is building the brighter future we’re all here to realize."

The Hunger Games as a Metaphor for the Warfare State
A quote...."April 07, 2012 "Information Clearing House" ---  Much has been written about The Hunger Games and many of the underlying libertarian themes in that story. Jeffrey Tucker recently described the similarity between the fictional games and voting. Brent Railey noted just the other day the realities of the black market springing up to provide what the state can’t, or won’t, and the futility in relying on political figures for salvation. A co-worker of mine suggested that another lesson is that when fighting one evil, it’s important not to become just as evil yourself; a lesson from later in the series. In this essay I’d like to draw attention to the allegory of the games and the modern warfare state."

Leaked Video Shows US Contractors Randomly Killing Civilians
Related Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1min31sec - Apr 6, 2012) - Source:  FederalJacktube6 -- A quote...."Employees of the US military contracting group Academi (formerly Xe, Blackwater USA and Blackwater Worldwide) are seen in new leaked video shooting their machine guns at random while driving through the streets of Baghdad, crashing into other cars and even running over a pedestrian without hesitation. - Academi received a $250 million contract by the Obama administration to provide military services in Afghanistan."

College Board silent: US wars, NDAA, ‘non-academic, unsuitable,’ AP Govt topics???
A quote...."This is the first update for those interested in the education of our brightest high school students about US government. The first article I wrote has ~ 50,000 search results; I appreciate the reposts to create public understanding of what is censored from education of US government. - Perhaps what resonates...."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Dem Candidate Calls Another "A ‘Whore’ For AIPAC" During Live Debate - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Contains Video - A quote...."Things got heated during a Democratic primary debate for the U.S. Senate in Connecticut on Thursday when one candidate told another that he was “whore” over his support of a pro-Israel lobbying group. - “I’m appalled that when I talk about the neoconservatives somehow it’s twisted to be some sort of a racist comment,” long-shot candidate Lee Whitnum said in response to U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy. “This is documented fact. The neoconservative role in the taking down of Iraq [with an] unnecessary war is fact. It’s not opinion.” - “I’m dealing with whore here who sells his soul to AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee], who will say anything for the job,” Whitnum explained, pointing towards Murphy and then adding that state Rep. William Tong was “ignorant” for defending him."

NOW you finally have somebody to vote for folks that'll actually make a difference!  Someone who is NOT owned by the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium -- As we head ever deeper into the "Great Recession".  As you lose your Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps and Jobless Benefits.  As you are thrown out of your homes and from you places of work all because of the tens of trillions of dollars spent for Israel's PNAC Protocols and the Bankster Warfare, finally, is something you can do about it!!  -- Vote for Lee Whitnum!  So now there's no more excuses, come this November just get off your fat butts and vote for people like this, instead of people like these (shown below)....

||  A Photographic List of 103 of This Nation's Traitors  ||  Senators - Scribd (HTML) and Congressmen - Scribd (HTML)  ||  81 House Members Enjoy Hiatus In Israel  ||  Congress’ Dirty [Seven] Dozen on AIPAC All-Expense-Paid Israel Junket  ||

United States Police Departments Being Trained By Mossad, Treat Citizens Like Terrorists
ZOG Alert - Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."(PRESS TV)   US police forces train with Israel’s Mossad agents, treating peaceful American protesters like terrorists, an online columnist tells Press TV. Experts say US police are increasing their use of excessive force against protesting students. Earlier this week, US police used pepper spray and heavy-handed tactics against students in California’s Santa Monica College against their college’s tuition policies. A four-year-old girl is among the at least 30 victims. Last November, students at a University of California campus were also pepper sprayed by police. Press TV has conducted an interview with Allen Roland, online columnist, to further discuss the issue."

Raed Salah wins appeal against deportation
ZOG Alert -- A quote...."Sheikh Raed, an Israeli citizen, came to London at the invitation of Middle East Monitor (MEMO) in June last year for a 10-day speaking tour, primarily to speak to parliamentarians at Westminster. His programme was publicised well in advance but attracted no interest from security officials, the UK Border Agency or the Home Office. Two days into the tour, the Home Office claimed that a banning order had been placed on the Sheikh, although neither he nor his representatives in Israel or the UK were given copies, and he was arrested at his hotel in London. Following an initial spell in custody, Sheikh Raed has been living in London under a curfew having opted to stay in Britain to clear his name. He has had to report to a local police station on a daily basis and restrictions were in place to prevent him from speaking in public." - also posted at AlethoNews

German poet Günter Grass says what cowardly politicians and academics dare not
A quote...."There is outrage in Germany. Nobel laureate Günter Grass has once again told the truth about Israel being the greatest threat to world peace. -- Günter Grass, Germany’s most famous living author and the 1999 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, sparked outrage in Germany on 4 April with the publication of a poem, entitled “What must be said,” in which he sharply criticizes Israel’s offensive approach towards Iran."

The Guardian Is Misleading With Its Translation of Grass
A quote...."MoA provided a translation of Günter Grass' poem "What has to be said". The original poem was published in German by Süddeutsche Zeitung. -- Part of Grass' poetry expression is through the use of line breaks and punctuation. I believe it is important to replicate them in a translation even when it may make the text at first a more awkward reading. -- The Guardian has now provided a translation that not only does not stick to the punctuation, verse setting and even tenses of the original but severely distorts the central point of the poem in the fifth stanza."

Defend Günter Grass!
A quote...."On Wednesday, the 84-year-old writer and Nobel literature prizewinner Günter Grass published a poem in which he sharply criticized Israel for its hostile stance towards Iran. His poem, entitled “What must be said,” was published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung."

For News Sake: Sky hacked emails in 'public interest'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 2min55sec - Apr 5, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Britain's 'Sky News' TV network has admitted it authorised journalists to hack into private e-mails on two separate occasions. But the broadcaster, which is part of Rupert Murdoch's media empire, said it's actions were actually in the public interest."

Note: Regarding the video shown above.  The ENTIRE "phone-hacking" scandal was a massive Mossad trolling operation from start to finish to obtain intelligence and more importantly, black-mail material. - It should be noted that Rupert Murdoch is a Jewish, war-mongering, propaganda spewing, card-carrying member, of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium who's been working with Israel and for Israel's interests, for years. - mpg

The Toulouse False-Flag Operation Unravels

Thirty-Two Hours of Fame: How the Strange Story of Mohamed Merah Does Not Add Up
A quote...."The lone avenging angel of death aura surrounding Mohamed Merah is beginning to wear thin, even in the French mainstream media. - It is extremely doubtful if Merah had anything to do with the tragic murders of the Jewish rabbi, his two children and another small girl, as well as the attacks on the off-duty paratroopers with North African and Caribbean backgrounds. - The man who tossed a really big spanner in the works is the retired former director of DCRI (La Direction centrale du renseignement intérieur, the French internal counter-espionage agency)." - Some related articles previously posted on this website....
Regarding the articles shown above, see quote shown below....

One day there will actually be a true, bona fide, terrorist, attack where the perpetrator(s) (usually a lone "nut" gunman) haven't had "years" of prior contacts with the intelligence services, or received funding, or logistical support, or training, or engaged in prior operations with such services, or participated in experiments, or received drug "therapy", or were jailed by, or watched for years by such services, or even actually worked for such services.  --  But it hasn't happened yet! - mpg - posted 03-21-12

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More on the Domestic Situation.....

The Roots of Mass State Surveillance and Police Repression - Insecure in the Security State
Must Read - A quote...."Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr. accidentally activated the button on his medical alert device in the early hours of a November morning. When he cancelled the false alert, the police showed up at his apartment in force along with an officer dressed in SWAT riot gear. Police demanded entry into Chamberlain’s apartment. He opened his apartment door a crack and told the police to leave. They insisted on entering and removed the door by its hinges and shot the unarmed former Marine Corps veteran dead within minutes of their incursion into his home, but not before taunting him for responding with “Semper fi” in answer to police taunts (“Officers, Why Do You Have Your Guns Out?” The New York Times, March 5, 2012). Ironically, Kenneth Chamberlain had spent twenty years as a corrections’ officer. He suffered from a serious heart ailment. For Kenneth Chamberlain’s innocuous mistake of activating his medical alert device, he paid with his life. At least one officer from White Plains was also heard shouting racial epithets prior to the shooting." - also posted at AlethoNews

Issa, Grassley hammer White House for stonewalling on ‘Fast and Furious’ witness
Fast & Furious Fiasco - A quote...."The Obama administration is stonewalling two lawmakers’ requests to interview a former member of the National Security staff in connection with the failed Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking program, according to a March 28 letter obtained by The Daily Caller."

Feeding The Homeless BANNED In Major Cities All Over America
Most likely this is the parasites attempt to prevent group solidarity and sympathy while inducing fear in the general population that this could happen to them. - mpg -- A quote...."What would you do if you came across someone on the street that had not had anything to eat for several days?  Would you give that person some food?  Well, the next time you get that impulse you might want to check if it is still legal to feed the homeless where you live.  Sadly, feeding the homeless has been banned in major cities all over America."

A Surreal Journey into the Heart of the Beast Called the Police State
Book Announcement - A quote...."In this startling new memoir, ["Classified Woman", (] Sibel Edmonds—the most classified woman in U.S. history—takes us on a surreal journey that begins with the secretive FBI and down the dark halls of a feckless Congress to a stonewalling judiciary and finally, to the national security whistleblowers movement she spearheaded. Having lived under Middle East dictatorships, Edmonds knows firsthand what can happen when government is allowed to operate in secret."

9/11 Oddities that the 'Official' Story Can't Explain Away
Contains Videos - BurnVictims - 50ConsecutiveBangs - 9/11InsideJob-FBIagent - A quote...."Nearly 11 years on and the same lies about the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB of 9/11 keep polluting the Zionist MSM. - Only they have slowly and deceitfully switched from 'al CIA Duh' being the BIG bogieman to others, like the Taliban and Iran, they want to destroy to keep Israel and Wall Street happy. - Will America ever wake up from this nightmare are will we keep sleep-walking to the slaughterhouse?"

Debunking The Government's Excuses for the War on Terror and the on Loss of Liberty
A quote...."We can all agree the US government is out of control. They are grabbing power and taking away personal freedoms in the name of keeping us safe. We can look back ever since the September 11th attacks and say without a reasonable doubt. This day was used as an excuse to put us on the road of tyranny. With all the attacks on the Bill of Rights. I do not care if you believe 9-11 was a false flag attack or the President knew about it before it happened. Regardless of what you believe, this is what reason the government used to expand the Police state."

Ten Years of Torture
A quote...."Ten years ago, on the evening of March 28, 2002, the Bush administration officially embarked on its “high-value detainee” program in the “war on terror” that had been declared in the wake of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, when Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn (more commonly identified as Abu Zubaydah), was captured in a house raid in Faisalabad, Pakistan."

The Lawless Roads: America's Ever-Expanding Torture Matrix
Dictatorship Alert - A quote...."In two brief posts over the past week, Scott Horton at Harper's gives us a harrowing sketch of the entrenchment and ever-spreading expansion of the Torture Matrix that now sits enthroned at the very heart of the American state. This entrenchment and expansion has been carried out -- enthusiastically, energetically, relentlessly -- by the current president of the United States: a progressive Democrat and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize."

Premier Obama Moves on Supreme Court
Dictatorship Alert - A quote...."Now let’s look at what Obama has been up to. -- On December 31, 2011 he signed the National Defense Authorization Act with sections 1021 and 1022, military arrests and indefinite detention without due process of the law. -- On March 8, 2012 he signed Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011, the no-Trespass Bill, paving the way for the military arrests and detention of any who might oppose his regime." - also posted at DProgram

Judge Napolitano: I Think the President Is Dangerously Close to Totalitarianism
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1min42sec - Apr 4, 2012) - Source:  jackohoft -- A quote...."Don't hold back, Judge. FOX News contributor Judge Napolitano told Neil Cavuto today, "I think the president is dangerously close to totalitarianism."

McGrath: “The Control Grid is Being Put Into Place to Handle What They Know Is Coming.”
A quote...."(SHTFPlan) – Charlie McGrath of Wide Awake News offers an insightful and succint breakdown of what’s really going on behind the scenes of government and finance, and says that the people have had enough. The push-back has been growing for quite some time, starting first with Tea Party protests in 2009 and then with widespread Occupy protests in 2011. -- With the system already in the midst of collapse and slowly destabilizing, many have not yet realized what’s happening."

DHS Preparing For Civil War In The US?
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 6min50sec - Apr 7, 2012) - alexhiggins732 -- A quote...."Recent massive ammo purchases by US domestic agencies, Obama’s Executive Order to prepare for martial law and recent anti-protests laws all point to one thing."

No More Rule By Slogans & Brands: Public Confidence In The PR State In DC Is Collapsing - Hip Hip Hooray!
A quote...."The Obama brand is collapsing and nothing can save it. This was inevitable because the Obama brand is all surface and no substance. Barack Obama is a pseudo president of a propaganda state that has committed atrocities against innocent people in America and around the world. Obama's name, image, authority, and charisma were all artificially created by the mind controllers in the mass media. -- As the legendary journalist John Pilger said in April 2009, "No one knew what the new brand actually stood for." Since it stands for nothing, the Obama brand is falling into oblivion. Obama, who was sold as the defender of the rule of law and the rights of the American people, is now being exposed to be a liar and a fraud."

Michael Rivero Broadcasting on Justin TV - April 6 2012
MRVideo - (JustinTV - 2hrs - April 6th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.

Piles of Demonic Disease of Crud!!
AJVideo - Alt (AJYuTb - 1hr1min15sec - Apr 6, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- Alex Jones on a motivational, destroy the new world order, TEAR!! (as only he can do it) If you want to get motivated..... listen in. - mpg
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Film: Inside Job 2011 - (In case you missed it. NOTE: You need high bandwidth, preferably fiber optic)
Video - Alt - (Viemo - 1hr48min39sec - aprox 9/mo ago) - Related Info:  Wiki - Related Interview: Charles Ferguson - (YuTb 1h5m36s 03/04/11) - Related Purchase DVD:  [DVDPrcSrch] - A quote...."'Inside Job’ provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and nearly resulted in a global financial collapse. Through exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, the film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia. It was made on location in the United States, Iceland, England, France, Singapore, and China."

Keiser Report: Anti-Bank Currency (E272)
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Apr 7, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss getting Zhou Tonged and Jamie Dimon-ed in financial markets. They also discuss bucket shop derivatives, a debit card repo scam and a compound of morons and regulatory flatulence. In the second half of the show Max talks to Michel Bauwens of the P2P Foundation about bitcoin in the virtual world and about pseudo abundance and artificial scarcity in the real world."

Obama Authorizes Greater Wall Street Theft
A quote...."On April 5, as expected, Obama signed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (the JOBS Act). --
Again, America's 99% was betrayed. Overwhelming bipartisan House and Senate support backed the measure. The bill does nothing to create jobs. It facilitates greater fraud. America's race to the bottom continues. -- Wall Street's again celebrating, and why not. Only bankers could love this type bill. They had to. They wrote it. It opens greater avenues for grand theft."

JPMorgan Illegally Let Lehman Bros. Count Customers’ Funds As Its Own

A quote...."JPMorgan Chase illegally allowed Lehman Brothers, the investment bank whose 2008 bankruptcy brought the financial system to the brink of collapse, to count customers’ money as its own, according to federal regulators." - Source:  WaPo

19 Signs Of Very Serious Economic Trouble On The Horizon
A quote...."We should enjoy these last fleeing moments of tremendous prosperity for as long as we can, because when they are gone they won’t be coming back.  As I noted the other day, all of this false prosperity in the United States has been financed by the 15 trillion dollar party that we have been enjoying.  We are adding about 150 million dollars to our debt every single hour so that we can continue to enjoy an inflated standard of living.  Unfortunately, nobody in the history of the world has ever been able to keep a debt spiral going indefinitely, and our debt bubble will burst eventually as well."

Unemployment in America: Worst Jobs Report in 5 Months … Thanks to Bad Government Policy
A quote...."Fewer new jobs were created last month than in each of the previous four months, and fell far below expectations." - Source:  GrgWashBlog

Consumer Credit Decelerates Most Since Feb 2011
Charts - (click till enlarged) -- A quote...."With expectations of a $12.0bn rise in Consumer Credit, yet another market 'economic' indicator flashes orange as the Seasonally Adjusted number comes in at $8.735bn - the largest miss from expectations in 6 months. Furthermore, using the Non-Seasonally Adjusted data, this is the largest sequential drop in 12 months (since the Feb 2011 plunge)."

51 Months After The Start Of The Recession, Here Is The Report Card
Charts - (click till enlarged) -- What everyone has to realize is that the financial talking heads and pundits were right.  During the last four years there actually have been "green shoots" in the economy, it's what we've been experiencing!  Welcome to the "new real". - mpg -- A quote....

We Are Nearing the End Game For Central Bank Intervention
Until they decide to double down again, perhaps next year, AFTER they let the economy collapse and than start their long planned war with Iran???  Of course that would mean they're completely off their ten year economic warfare cycle, but since it unexpectedly collapsed two years too early back in 2007, this nation's parasites seem to be having a problem getting their act together. - mpg

Painful Revelations With Mark Grant As We Edge Down The Holmesian Path
A quote...."The way the news is often presented and then digested can be mis-leading. Some event is announced and then there is the commentary on that event and it is burned into your mind as a singular and separate occurrence. This is not the correct way to envision the world. What is critically important is to consider each event as appended and tied to all other notable events so that put together; they may be considered as a whole. [a.k.a. "connecting the dots" or known more prosaically as formulating a "paradigm", "theory" or using the  "scientific method". Paradigms or theories are VERY important because they offer a person a stable template to view the world, incorporate new facts and observations, and MOST importantly, offer testable predictions.  Which is how you correct your paradigm or theory. This method of analysis and world view currently appears to be beyond the capability of ninety-five percent of this nations population.  In fact they don't even bother to try! It appears their "opinions" are automatically downloaded from input devices like TVs and radios.  These opinions NEVER reflect the facts, a stable paradigm of any sort, and worse of all they can change on a daily basis to the exact opposite of the previously held "opinion". - mpg]  This is the correct methodology for astute comprehension and then for making informed decisions. I point out this rather banal fact this morning because many do not do it well so I bring it to your attention."

Bailout Suicide Sparks Calls For A Violent Revolution In Greece
A quote...."The armed revolt predicted in a suicide note by a senior citizen who could no longer afford to live due to the IMF and EU forced banker bailout may be unfolding."

Cut & Furious: Spain 25% jobless to be sacrificed for euro?
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 2min53sec - Apr 7, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Spain is causing a headache to investors, with pressing concerns it may require international aid to help handle its debts. The government is implementing a big austerity programme there, at a time when almost a quarter of the workforce is unemployed, and recession is knocking on the door once again. And as Jacob Greaves reports from Madrid, the way the authorities are dealing with the crisis, is leaving people raging in anger."

The Easter Egg: Italy's Latest Parabolic Curve
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote..."With the world focusing on the latest disinformation from the BLS, one would be forgiven to miss the Bank of Italy's monthly balance sheet aggregates data. A quick perusal thereof reveals that in March, Italian banks saw their ECB support surge from €195 billion to €270 billion, the highest ever, 39% more than in February, and 776% more than greater than a year earlier...."
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More On The International Situation....

“NGO”: The Guise of Innocence
A quote...."In December Egyptian prosecutors and police raided 17 offices of 10 groups identifying themselves as “pro-democracy” NGOs, including four US-based agencies. Forty-three people, including 16 US citizens, have been accused of failing to register with the government and financing the April 6th protest movement with illicit funds in a manner that detracts from the sovereignty of the Egyptian state."
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Ex-Blackwater Mercenaries Training Syrian Insurgency
Must View SGPVideo - Alt - (SGPYuTb - 7min09sec - Apr 6, 2012) - Source: - SyrianGirlPartisan -- A quote...."NATO used it's mercenaries against Libya, they have not had the opportunity to step foot in Syria. But are these security contractor firms being used on the Turkish border to train Syrian insurgents? We take a look at the history and present of such organizations."

No happy end for Syria - expert
A quote...."Yevgeny Satanovsky, President of the Moscow-based Middle East Institute:  The formula is really good. It demonstrates that the Syrian government and president Bashar al-Assad himself personally really want to reach some kind of a compromise with the opposition groups, and for the League of Arab Nation it demonstrates that it does have some influence on the situation in the Arab World in general and in Syria in particular. - But that’s only theory. In practical terms, we have a civil war in Syria, a civil war which cannot be stopped by any agreements, resolutions or anything of the kind."

No-Return: 'US-backed rebels never give up on regime change'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 1min55sec - Apr 7, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Fresh shelling is being reported across Syria, with dozens of alleged fatalities in the past 24 hours alone. Damascus blames the bloodshed on terrorists, funded and armed by Turkey and some of the Gulf states. The UN Security Council wants both sides of the conflict to put a complete ceasefire in place within five days, or face unspecified "further measures"."

Friends of Syria Subvert Peaceful Resolution
A quote...."Washington-backed so-called "Friends" won't tolerate resolving Syrian violence peacefully. How can they when America, rogue NATO partners, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other regional despots incited it, fund it, arm it, and continue it."

3 Lebanese, 6 Syrians Charged with Smuggling Weapons to Syria
A quote...."State commissioner to the military court Judge Saqr Saqr charged on Monday three Lebanese and six Syrians with smuggling weapons to Syria through al-Qaa border town, Lebanese Naharnet website reported Monday."
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Our Men in Iran?
Special Note - A quote...."From the air, the terrain of the Department of Energy’s Nevada National Security Site, with its arid high plains and remote mountain peaks, has the look of northwest Iran. The site, some sixty-five miles northwest of Las Vegas, was once used for nuclear testing, and now includes a counterintelligence training facility and a private airport capable of handling Boeing 737 aircraft. It’s a restricted area, and inhospitable—in certain sections, the curious are warned that the site’s security personnel are authorized to use deadly force, if necessary, against intruders.  --  It was here that the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) conducted training, beginning in 2005, for members of the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, a dissident Iranian opposition group known in the West as the M.E.K." - also posted at ICH & CASMII

Seymour Hersh: US Trains And Facilitates MEK Terror Attacks In Iran
Comment on the article shown above - A quote...."When is a terrorist not a terrorist?  When he’s OUR terrorist. - This just about knocked my socks off!  Sy Hersh, reporting in the New Yorker, one ups Mark Perry and just about everybody else with a story that the Bush administration provided MEK operatives terror training at secret facilities in Nevada starting in 2005...." - also posted at BLN

Clinton's Loose War Talk
One of the "Three B-tches of Mendacity, Mayhem & Murder" opens her maw to spew her murderous filth all over the rest of the planet. - (The 3B'sOfM3 -- Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice & Samantha Power) - mpg -- A quote...."When President Obama spoke before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee some weeks ago, he admonished those who engaged in “loose talk of war” about Iran. [Because he wanted to cool things down before the upcoming elections, that was his ONLY reason to "admonish" anyone. - mpg] Apparently, his secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, didn’t get the memo." - also posted at CASMII
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A dirty deal: Uzbek dictator 'has UK over a barrel'
A quote...."Britain is bargaining with one of the world's most brutal dictators because we need to use his country as a transit route to bring thousands of tons of military equipment home from Afghanistan. -- Senior officials admitted yesterday that Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov had the UK "over a barrel", after his country emerged as the favoured route home when British forces are withdrawn from Afghanistan by 2014."

Pakistan’s president to invite Indian premier
A quote...."Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari is expected to extend an invitation to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during a brief visit to India." - also posted at AlethoNews

AMERICA'S "NEW IRAQ": "Vengeance Beyond the Grave". Killings, Kidnappings, Concentration Camps...
A quote...."In November 2010, Iraq’s former Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz, under the shadow of execution, wrote to his lawyer requesting to be buried in Jordan and to be returned to his homeland: “after Iraq is liberated.” He feared his body would be desecrated - or exhumed by Iraq’s puppet government. -- Respect for anyone, yet alone the dead, has not been an attribute which has shone from “Prime Minister” Nuri al Maliki’s US shoe-in client government."

Corporate Media Silent On Brutal Bahrain Crackdown
A quote...."As the protests in Bahrain face violent brutal crackdowns western politicians and media remains silent raising scrutiny over their denouncement of similar violence in other regions. -- While western politicians trumpet their facade of being promoters of democracy, defenders of freedom, and protectors of human rights ~ when one objectively examines world events as a whole cracks in the story appear and sinister motives are revealed."

Viktor Bout: Victimized by US Injustice
A quote...."On February 17, 2010, the US Justice Department indicted Bout and Richard Ammar Chichakli “for allegedly conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (“IEEPA”) stemming from their efforts to purchase two aircraft from companies located in the United States, in violation of economic sanctions which prohibited such financial transactions.”"

Kidnapped and Imprisoned to Silence Him for Dealings With Bush and Israel Over 9/11
A quote...."Victor Bout, the “Lord of War,” has been sentenced to 25 years in prison, supposedly for trying to sell two FBI agents “missiles” while he was hiding out in Bangkok."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestinian journalist wounded in Israel protest crackdown
A quote...."Palestinian journalist Ahmed Daghlous was hit in the head on Friday by an Israeli tear gas canister during a protest in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, a local source said."

Lethal Hawkademia and BDS
A quote...."'It can never be business as usual. Israeli Universities are an intimate part of the Israeli regime, by active choice. While Palestinians are not able to access universities and schools, Israeli universities produce the research, technology, arguments and leaders for maintaining the occupation. [Ben Gurion University] is no exception. By maintaining links to both the Israeli defence forces and the arms industry, BGU structurally supports and facilitates the Israeli occupation.'" -- *Desmond Tutu* - also posted at AlethoNews

Israeli Forces Arrest Five Palestinians in West Bank
A quote...."WESTBANK, April 8, 2012 (WAFA) – Israeli forces Sunday arrested five Palestinians from the West Bank cities of Hebron and Qalqilia, according to local sources."

WESTBANK, April 8, 2012 (WAFA) – Israeli forces Sunday arrested five Palestinians from the West Bank cities of Hebron and Qalqilia, according to local sources. - - A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) violently quelled a peaceful anti-wall march in Beit Ummar village to the north of Al-Khalil on Saturday wounding a Palestinian child and two foreign activists."

Official statistics reveal that Israel still detains 190 Palestinian children
A quote...."The Bureau of Statistics at the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Prisoners has revealed that the Israeli occupation authorities are still detaining nearly 190 Palestinian children, "in circumstances that are similar to those under which adults are detained, in terms of location, cruelty and inhuman treatment, as well as poor nutrition and health care". In a press statement, the Bureau said the occupation authorities "have never excluded children from their arrest campaigns, whether individual, collective, random or organised"."

Why were undercover Israeli agents creeping inside a Palestinian village?
A quote...."Last week, on 27 March, three brothers were shot in Rammoun village during an “Israeli raid,” and then taken to a Jerusalem hospital. A few days later, one of the brothers, Rashad Shawakha, age 28, died of his wounds."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster & The Monsanto Monster....

Max Gerson Therapy - The Beautiful Truth - Full Length
Video - (YuTb - 1hr31min35sec - May 31, 2011) - Source:  FromDimmuLand -- A quote...."Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year-old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of the farm animals. After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett's father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposed a direct link between diet and a cure for cancer. Fascinated, Garrett embarks in this documentary on a cross-country road trip to investigate The Gerson Therapy. He meets with scientists, doctors and cancer survivors who reveal how it is in the best interest of the multi-billion dollar medical industry to dismiss the notion of alternative and natural cures.'' -- Natural Therapy for Cancer and Other Chronic Disease That really works!"