Friday June 6th 2014

An Empire Without a Military Strategy for a Military Strategy Without an Empire
A quote...."Not surprisingly, the President recalled that he kept his promise to repatriate US troops deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq, and to eliminate Osama bin Laden. But what he portrayed as a supposedly laudatory assessment is not one: the GIs returned exhausted from Afghanistan and have fled Iraq before being expelled by the popular resistance. The exorbitant cost of these expeditions, over 1,000 billion, [actually it's more like three to six trillion dollars, with more being hidden by the Fed's constant printing. - mpg] has prevented the Pentagon from maintaining its arsenal. About the death of bin Laden, it is naught but a fairy tale: Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with the attacks of September 11th and died of illness and was buried in December 2001, as has well certified the British MI6. [2] -- One can only admire the US ability to continue this narration of an imaginary reality, however contradicted by solid evidence, and to always be echoed by the Atlanticist media." - Topix ||  Osama bin Back From the Dead™  ||

Why Are Russia, China and Iran Paramount Enemies For US Ruling Elite?
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Does it not seem strange that with the Cold War long over, the Paramount Enemies of the United States remain Russia and China? That is not a bad question to ponder with Vladimir Putin’s visit with Xi Jinping in Beijing. -- And there is no doubt that Russia and China hold this pariah status in the eyes of the US imperial elite. In the last months we have watched the US try to push Russia East and tear it apart. At the same time Obama traversed East Asia trying to stitch together an anti-China military and economic alliance in the Western Pacific with Japan as the linchpin. In fact it is striking that the US has allied itself with neo-Nazism in Ukraine and Japanese militarism on the other side of Asia."

Obama in Europe on ‘Russian Bogeyman’ Tour
A quote...."With typical American hubris, US President Barack Obama came to Europe this week – yet again – with the rhetoric and demeanour of a knight in shining armour. The self-proclaimed "indispensable nation" was again indulging its own sense of vanity and delusion, telling others how lucky they are to have American protection."

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Global Inequality Between Nations & Bretton Woods

Global Inequality: The Hard facts
A quote....."According to a study of 43,060 transnational corporations drawn from a sample of 30 million done by researchers in Zurich, 40 percent of the global economy is controlled by 147 strongly connected transnational corporations–three-quarters of which are financial institutions. Having a disproportionate share of global wealth in the hands of a few has not always been the case and the inequality gap between countries used to be much narrower. -- “200 years ago, rich countries were only 3 times richer than poor countries. By the end of colonialism in the 1960s, they were 35 times richer. Today, they’re about 80 times richer,” "
This huge increase in worldwide inequality reflects the MASSIVE transfer of wealth by the use of a fiat-script from everyone else in the world, to those who own and print it. Those in the Bretton Woods "club" get their cut in accordance to their historical participation.  US-NRE first, managed by Israel of course, Britain next, ditto, the rest of the Anglo-Sphere, followed by a few minor partners such as France and Germany, along with facilitating countries (the "petro" part of the petro-script system) such as the Parasitical Gulf State Regimes. 

By the way, a lot of people have tried to determine precisely when the Soviet Union "lost" the cold war.  Some pick the seventies when the petro-dollar was established, or the eighties when they were lured into Afghanistan, some say when the Berlin wall came tumbling down, or when they actually, completely, finally, imploded. --  All wrong. -- The Soviet Union lost the cold war the very day the Bretton Woods system was established in 1944. From that point forward, it  NEVER, EVER, had a chance. Not that the Soviet Union was ever going to succeed under the tyrannical, murderous, yoke of Euro-Kazarian imposed Bolshevik Communism. 

It wasn't designed to of course, it was all just part of the Banksters' "Great Game", their highly profitable arrangements of "constructive instability", "dynamic tension", "creative destruction", or "play action". 

If it wasn't for the Russians stupid, stubbornness, the Soviet Union would have collapsed a long time before it finally did.  It appears Russians do indeed have a great capacity for needless suffering. - For more on this issue see the definition shown below.....

Bolshevik Communism - Def.  A Long-Term Frame & False Consciousness imposed on the expanding Russian Empire and its people in 1917 by Kazarians at the behest of the British Rothschilds et all, to destroy Russia's society, the Russian Empire, and most importantly, Russia's Central State Bank, and end the threat Russia posed to the Kazarian's brand new Federal Reserve Syndicate they had recently established in the United States four years earlier in 1913.  A country which they had also slated to take over Britain's imperial assets. This would actually be facilitated by removing Russia from WWI (which was done) and allowing Germany and Britain to bankrupt each other.  The Kazarian Banksters would, as a consequence, make even more money from the interest bearing Bankster debts created for both countries and through their machinations, (as part of the "Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle"), start WWII to pull the US-NRE out of the Great Depression and establish their Bankster fiat script as the new world's "reserve" currency.  --  Remember "all wars [since 1850] are Bankster wars" (credit Michael Rivero).  The goal is to put all entities, especially nation-states, deeply into debt to the Banksters.
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The Purchase Of Our Republic
A quote...."The massive consolidation of wealth, combined with the removal of any limits on money in campaigns, has allowed for the purchase of our government. - Today I am publishing a comprehensive and important guest essay, The Purchase of Our Republic, by longtime correspondent Y. Falkson. -  Americans know that something is wrong, deeply wrong. They see signs of the problem everywhere: income inequality, growing concentration and power of mega corporations, political donations/corruption, the absence of jobs with decent salaries, the explosion of the US prison population, healthcare costs, student loan debt, homelessness, etc. etc." - Source:  OfTwoMinds

Whatever Became Of Morality?
A quote...."The 12-year old girls’ attempt to murder their friend does offer insight into why the American population, including the “christian” churches, has been mute for the entirety of the 21st century while the US government and its military have murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of people in 7 countries that have been destroyed in whole or part, entirely on the basis of Washington’s lies. There is scant sign of any American remorse over these extraordinary crimes against humanity."

The Moral Cost of American Exceptionalism
Quotes of the Day....."Congress – seems to never know what the CIA and other intelligence agencies are doing. Like the Romans, they no longer talk of the republic or liberty. And like the Romans, the American people, or most of them anyway, don’t seem to care. … Like the Romans, we no longer have a citizen army but professional legions, and whether they wear jackboots or not, some federal officers seem to regard Americans with about the same compassion as the Praetorian Guard had for the plebes. -- As in Rome, the air is full of suspicion, intrigues and conspiracies, real or imagined, and the air reeks of greed and opportunism. As those on the Tiber, the rulers on the Potomac have grown suspicious of the people, don’t trust them and, in some cases fear them. And, as in Rome, they grovel in luxury while taking 40 cents on the dollar out of the sweat of working people to pay for corn and circuses to keep the mob satisfied.” -- *Charley Reese* -- (1937-2013) American syndicated columnist
"To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget. ” -- *Arundhati Roy*
Working the Dark Side
A quote...."Ten years later, a 6,300-page Senate Intelligence Committee report on the U.S. detention and “enhanced interrogation” program is due to be released, or partially released, at some point in the near future — pending declassification, i.e., censorship, of its findings by the White House and even the CIA itself. -- McClatchy DC, to which portions of the still-secret report were leaked, recently reported: “The investigation determined that the program produced very little intelligence of value and that the CIA misled the Bush White House, the Congress and the public about the effectiveness of the interrogation techniques, committee members have said.” -- In other words, the pain and degradation we inflicted on detainees — including waterboarding, sleep deprivation, extreme stress positions, wall-slamming and so much more (“working the dark side,” as Dick Cheney infamously put it) — yielded little or no information we were actually able to use. We tortured, we strip-mined, these men and women for nothing."

“False Flag Terrorism” to Sustain America’s “Humanitarian” Agenda
A quote...."In late May 2014, President Obama rolled out his foreign policy initiatives at West Point and said nothing new. Every lie he uttered is just a retread cover for the same old, same old disastrous foreign policy the US has engaged in since the cold war began shortly after World War II. The fact is Washington has been regularly practicing this same modus operandi for over sixty years."

Criminal Wrongdoing and the CIA
A quote...."Too often “the law” is nothing more than prejudice embedded in jargon. -- So the Obama administration, in its attempt to hammer another national security leaker, is directly challenging the right of journalists to protect confidential sources. Administration lawyers, arguing this week before the Supreme Court — which rejected New York Times reporter James Risen’s appeal of a Circuit Court decision that could require him to testify in the case against a former CIA officer — asserted, according to the Times, that “reporters have no privilege to refuse to provide direct evidence of criminal wrongdoing by confidential sources.”"

Mass Murderers Brazenly Hold Conference, Discuss Tools of Trade
No doubt Hillary will be in attendance.  You don't even need a weapons system with her. - mpg -- A quote...."A unique conference is planned in Charlottesville, Va., featuring the latest technologies for the practice of large-scale killing. The Daily Progress tells us that, "to allow participants to speak more freely about potentially sensitive topics, the conference is closed to the media and open only to registered participants." -- Well I should think so! Registered participants? How does one get registered for such a thing? -- "From a local perspective, this industry is really growing in Charlottesville," says one expert, speaking with great objectivity, as if this growth were a matter of complete moral indifference."

Hillary Clinton and the Weaponization of the State Department
A quote...."On May 23, 2012, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went to the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC) trade show in Tampa, Florida to share her vision of “smart power” and to explain the State Department’s crucial role in extending the reach and efficacy of America’s growing “international counterterrorism network.”" - Source:  NewsVandal

Hillary Clinton: Warmonger For The Bankster Elite
Contains BtSVideo - Alt - (BtSYuTb - 5min19sec -  Jun 3, 2014) - Source:  BreakingTheSet - Related websites: BTSFcBk - BTSTwttr - RussiaToday - A quote...."Unfortunately, it takes the media mouthpiece of the Russian government to tell the truth about Hillary Clinton and the War Party. - You’ll never get the truth from the U.S. government’s media mouthpiece who self-righteously and disingenuously claim they are independent and “fair and balanced” (cue laugh track). -- Hillary is preferable because the elite are keen on making sure all criticism and political activism is either marginalized or written off as hatred and thus not only dismissible, but worthy of a violent response by government. Criticism of Hillary will be deemed sexist the same way serious criticism of Obama is now considered racist." - also posted at GlobalRsrch
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine....

Debuking The Russian Myths Coming From The Alternative and Mainstream Media
Must Read - A quote...."I am getting sick and tired of some in the Alternative media sending the wrong narrative about Russia and the Ukrainian crisis. The accounts I am hearing from people who live in eastern and western Ukraine have a different point of view.  I am getting annoyed hearing the war drums from some in the alternative media. They’re sounding more like the main stream media. - First I do not buy what the main stream is saying. I do not read them much nor waste my time. I do not give them any attention either. because this gives them a false credibility they do not deserve. I hear them bad mouth Russia and Putin saying this crisis is making Russia a police state. Well Russia is not the aggressor in all this. They are acting in defense of their borders and the safety of their people."

Western Ukraine, Lviv Oblast. Parents are blocking the military base.
Must View AMVideo - Note:  You must click on the <CC> button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen before you hit the play button, if you want to see the English sub-titles. - mpg -- (AMYuTb - 3miin59sec - Jun 4, 2014) - Source:  Anti-Maidan -- A quote...."Yavorivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast. Parents an relatives are blocking the exists from a military base where their kids and husbands were taken to be drafted for war in East Ukraine."

Who is actually disestablishing Ukraine?
Must View CTRTVideo - Alt - (CTRTYuTb - 23min22sec - Jun 6, 2014) - Source:  CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."Is Ukraine a battlefield or the prize for Washington? Obama claims Russia uses "dark tactics" in Ukraine, but who is actually destabilising the country? CrossTalking with Patrick Smith, Daniel Faraci and Patrick Young.

Ukraine combat SITREP update by "Juan"
Tactical Report - June 5th 2014 -- The first five....
  1. Красный Лиман Krasni Liman was taken by Ukraine Army and national guard 04 June 2014.
  2. Replacement Mi24 attack helicopters have arrived in Ukraine as replacements for the Ukraine Army losses in Donbas. Confirmed.
  3. Strong bombardments Slavyansk City and outlying towns and villages commenced 05:00 local time 05.06.2014. Civilian casualties unknown.
  4. National guard/right sector entered Railroad Hospital Krasni Liman and shot dead 37 wounded Donbas Army soldiers and civilians and at least 1 hospital worker. Confirmed.
  5. Air and artillery bombardments Krasni Liman cause strong civilian casualties 04.06.2014.
Ukraine combat SITREP update by "Juan"
Tactical Report - June 6th 2014 -- The first five....
  1. Commo around Slavyansk is busy with reports of much movement of Nats forces.
  2. Semenovka is under continuous bombardment since 07:00 06.06.2014. Vast areas are destroyed. Grad missiles are used but not in salvo. 15.2 cm howitzers and 12.2 cm mortars plus heavy field guns and tank cannon.
  3. Lugansk City proper is under air attack 18:05 06.06.2014. At least 2 Su25 aircraft attacked living areas. Casualties unknown.
  4. Nats An 30b surveillance aircraft shot down 06.06.2014 18:45 local time. First 2 vids.
  5. Slavyansk water supply system hit by Nats arty. Water supply to most of city cut off.
Audio recording proves casualties in Lugansk air raid had been planned
War Crime Confirmed - A quote...."An audio recording that has appeared on the Internet, indirectly proves that the pilot, who bombed Lugansk and killed eight civilians knew what he was doing. The recording indicates that the deaths were not accidental." - The pilot must be identified and prosecuted. - mpg

Kiev [Bankster Junta] does not allow evacuation of pregnant women and children from Slavyansk
A quote...."Battles near Slavyansk continue. The Ukrainian [Bankster Junta's] troops shelled a hospital in the town of Krasny Liman, where wounded fighters of self-defense forces were staying. At least 24 people  were killed, the speaker of the parliament of the People's Republic of Donetsk, Denis Pushilin said. "

NATO troops and bases not welcome in Slovakia and Czech Republic - Hip Hip Hooray!!
More illegal NGO activities, Bankster attacks on the currency, eco-hit-men & jackals, mercenaries, possible false flag attacks, and other aggressive activities to occur against Slovakia & Czech Republic in 5....4....3....2....mpg

"No idea" why Psaki disappeared - Churkin -- This has NOT been confirmed yet. - mpg
Has A Wicked Witch Fallen Off Her Broomstick?? - Maybe she want and got a conscience?  That can be really deadly for some people. - mpg - UPDATE: - Psaki has denied everything and is not -- repeat not --  resigning. - mpg

Russia not to get involved in senseless confrontations with West
A quote...."Many analysts have been stressing that the Americans are out to prevent the unification of potentials of Russia and the US guided by the tasks of preserving their own global leadership,” Russian FM ."

US launched murderous coup in Ukraine: Gordon Duff
A quote...."The United States launched an “armed murderous coup” in Ukraine that ousted President Viktor Yanukovych months ago, a political commentator says. - Gordon Duff, a senior editor at Veterans Today, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Thursday." - Source:  PressTV

For more on these issues see articles shown below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran & Others

Who is Ambassador Robert Stephen Ford? The Architect of US Sponsored Terrorism in Syria
Must Read - A quote...."In recent developments, the Western media is portraying former US Ambassador to Syria Robert Stephen Ford as a “moderate”, committed to supporting a so-called “moderate mainstream opposition rebels”. Ford is now upheld as a outspoken critic of US foreign policy,  tacitly blaming the US State Department for gross mismanagement..."

Syria: Elections Are a Battle Won, But the War Goes On
Must Read - A quote...."June 5, 2014 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - It is hard for even the West to deny that the recent election was a huge success for the government in Damascus, stamping out the illusion of a divided Syria. The country is mired in protracted conflict not because of a "popular uprising," but because of a premeditated proxy war organized by the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia (and involving other NATO-GCC members) as early as 2007 - this confirmed in Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh's 2007 New Yorker report titled, "The Redirection." -- The proxy war is admittedly lost - but it would be a mistake to say the West has completely lost. Their goal was indeed, ideally, to overthrow the government of Syria. By failing to do so and in the process exposing their insidious methods, the West has lost immense credibility and momentum they will never recover. However, their secondary objective was destroying Syria and leaving it in a weakened, diminished state - denying Iran, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and most importantly, Russia a strong regional ally. This, for now, the West has absolutely succeeded in accomplishing."

Syrian Girl On Morbidity and on Starting A Blog - Syrian Girl
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 6min59sec - Jun 4, 2014) - Source:  108Morris108 - Guest Websites:  Syrian Girl Partisan - BlgSpt - SGP Blogspot dot AU

Even After Syrians Make The Peace - Jihadists Will Continue - Syrian Girl
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 6min26sec - Jun 3, 2014) - Source:  108Morris108 - Guest Websites:  Syrian Girl Partisan - BlgSpt - SGP Blogspot dot AU

The Difference Between Fake Democracy and Genuine Democratic Approval
Voter Graphic - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Thanks to the american brothers and sisters for their sharing patriotic support against the media conspiracy, and we sincerely wish they will soon be able to free themselves from their own tyrants."

Syria's election shows depth of support for Assad
AP Eats Crow. - Gawd dang it must have been hard for them. - mpg -- A quote...."DAMASCUS: For all the serious flaws in Syria's election, it underscored the considerable support that President Bashar Assad still enjoys from the population, including many in the majority Sunni Muslim community."

Syrian army retakes town near capital
A quote...."The Syrian army has regained the control of a key town near the capital Damascus. - The official SANA news agency quoted military officials as saying on Thursday that the army recaptured the town of al-Thawra in al-Kiswah district, which is located in Damascus countryside. - The army also reportedly destroyed a large cache of weapons." - Source:  PressTV

‘Syria militants’ backers to lose power’
A quote...."President Bashar al-Assad says the clout of supporters of terrorists operating inside Syria is in decline. - The Syrian president said on Thursday that in the wake of the June 3 presidential election, Western sponsors of terrorists will lose their power. - Assad made the remarks in the capital, Damascus, during a meeting with Iranian parliamentary delegation that had been invited to monitor the presidential election." - Source:  PressTV

Syrian Army Captures Al-Qaeda Commander in Women's Dress
Actually they caught him in complete drag. (check out the photos) You think Obama gave him lessons? Turn him lose on Castro street and they'd love him, literraly. Welcome to the New Unholy Roman Empire, where everyone is becoming "open minded". - mpg -- A quote..."TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian army troops on Tuesday arrested the commander of a notorious Al-Qaeda group in Syria, Ahrar Al-Sham, as he was trying to escape in women's dress. - The army units captured the Ahrar Al-Sham commander after his forces were defeated in fierce clashes, Sham News reported. - Ahrar Al-Sham is an offshoot of the Islamic Front and it operates in Taftaz and Jebel Al-Zawiya regions and in Aleppo, Saraqeb and Ariha cities."

Children among 15 civilians summarily killed in northern Syria
Amerika's tax dollars at work. Obama must be so happy. - mpg -- A quote...."Amnesty International has obtained details of a horrific raid in which 15 civilians, including seven children, were summarily killed on 29 May in a village in northern Syria raising fears of further attacks against residents in the area. -  The killings in the village of al-Tleiliye in al Hassake governorate are believed to have been carried out by members of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)." - For more articles on these issues see below....
166 Killed, 101 Wounded Across Iraq As Militants Attack Mosul
Another wonderful day in Iraq. - mpg -- A quote...."Insurgents attempted to take over Mosul from the west, but the government was able to take back most of the city. At least 166 people were killed and 101 more were wounded there and across Iraq. There were foreign nationals among the dead insurgents. " - Source:  AntiWar

Fighting between militias intensifies in Libya
A quote...."Three weeks before a general election set for June 25, Libya is at the point of disintegration. Militias supporting rival interim prime ministers are battling it out for control of Libya’s energy resources in the east of the country and its huge currency reserves based on oil and gas. - There is the very real possibility of a military coup and civil war in a country already devastated by the NATO-led war to overthrow Col. Muammar Gaddafi, followed by three years of infighting among hundreds of rival militias." - Source:  WSWS

Supreme Court of Libya says election of prime minister illegal
A quote...."MOSCOW, June 5 (RAPSI) – Libya’s Supreme Court said on Thursday the election of Ahmed Maiteeq as prime minister was illegal, Reuters reported, citing court officials. - Maiteeq’s lawyers immediately filed an appeal against the ruling, which was broadcast on television."

Libya's intelligence chief resigns, report cites 'dismay' over power struggle roiling nation
A quote...."TRIPOLI, Libya - Libya's intelligence chief resigned on Thursday amid an intensifying power struggle between the Islamist-dominated parliament and a rival, interim government."

Nigeria: hundreds of people feared dead in 'massive' Boko Haram raids
A quote...."Hundreds of people may have been killed in a suspected Boko Haram attack on four villages in northeast Nigeria, a local lawmaker and residents said on Thursday."

Nigeria: 200 Feared Killed As Boko Haram in Military Uniforms Attack Borno Villages
A quote...."At least 200 villagers may have died in Borno State after gunmen believed to be members of the extremist Boko Haram sect, but dressed in military uniforms attacked villages in Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno State, government officials and eyewitnesses have said."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Understanding Israel’s Corrosive Influence on Western Democracy
Must Read - A quote...."People in the West often elect governments who turn around to do things voters did not want done, and they realize they being lied to by their governments and corporate press, but they pretty much feel helpless to remedy the situation. London saw the largest peace march in history just before Tony Blair secretly threw in his lot with the criminals who hit Iraq with the equivalent in deaths and destruction of a thermonuclear bomb on a large city. Special interests increasingly dominate the interests of government because they increasingly pay its campaign costs and extend other important favors. Citizens in many places feel the meaning of casting a ballot has been diminished as they watch their governments ignore extreme injustice, hear their governments make demands and threats over matters which do not warrant threats, see themselves become ensnared in wars and violence they never wanted, and generally feel their governments are concerned with matters of little concern to them. That, if it needs to be said, is not what democracy is about. And where do we see governments making reforms to remedy the situation threatening democracy? Almost nowhere." - also posted at Intifada

The Pathetic Panorama Savile Whitewash
ZOG & ZOC Alert - Must Read - A quote...."The pathetic Panorama documentary about Jimmy Savile has just aired. - You’d be hard pushed to find a bigger pile of tripe if you tried. - The so-called expose was just a predictable mish-mash of voices claiming nobody knew anything about the child-rapist Savile, with yet others refusing to comment for legal reasons. - Of course, putting the BBC in charge of a documentary about one of it’s own, is akin to the Pope investigating paedophiles in the Vatican. - It’s bound to be a whitewash. - For all those viewers who want to know the real truth about the BBC Savile cover-up, here are just some of the facts that Panorama conveniently forgot to mention...." - The first five....
  1. Savile was a murderous, mass-rapist and also a VIP pimp, procuring children for the Establishment for decades.
  2. He was an integral part of a huge pedophile network linked to Royalty, government, Intel and many other agencies.
  3. His close links to Prince Charles and sly Israeli spy agency Mossad, made him untouchable.
  4. Every director at the BBC knew full well about his sordid activities.
  5. Crimewatch presenter Jill Dando was about to blow the lid on the pedo-ring but Savile soon shut her up with a bullet to the head.....
FYI:  The BBC has been totally compromised for a very long time.  It is an organization completely riddled with pedophiles along with those who covered up their hideous misdeeds.  Much of this incriminating, abhorrent, behavior has been ferreted out, filed away, and later used for blackmail by Israel's Mossad through operations such as Rupert Murdoch's "phone hacking scandal", their monitoring of the US communications grid since the early 1990s, and their complete monitoring of everything sent over world's communications nets since 2001.  Not to mention the fact the BBC's top management is full of Kazarian Zionists. - mpg
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Dred Scott For Everyone In Israel
(And For "Jews" Everywhere)

Ah Palestine: a non-existing land without people for a non-existing people
A Very Bad Precedent -- This website editor on numerous occasions has stated, vociferously, forcefully, and clearly, that there is no such thing as the state of Israel!!  The Euro-Kazarain court in Palestine has now, finally, agreed.....
"The Israeli [Euro-Kazarain] Supreme court [in Palestine] has recently ruled that there is no such thing as an “Israeli” recognized by the legal system of the State of Israel [Euro-Kazarian Criminal Consortium]. You can be classified as a Jew, an Arab, a Druze, a foreign visitor, but nobody is an “Israeli.”"
If you have no Israeli citizens, you CANNOT have an Israeli state....period!! - To repeat again.....
They're NOT a state! They refuse to set their borders, won't establish a constitution, refuse to recognize their collective responsibilities as a "state", (they even hate the concept of "the nation state"), they refuse to abide by international law, they constantly attack their neighbors, are constantly engaged in war crimes, they have set-up one of the most vicious systems of apartheid ever seen on this planet, way worse than South Africa's ever was, they deport or even sterilize honest to God real Semitic Jews that are too brown or black in color, and most importantly, they are occupying SOMEBODY ELSE'S LAND! -- *How Could Something That Doesn't Even Exist, Be Under Existential Threat? - 05-10-13 - mpg*
Now they don't even recognize the concept of a "citizen" of a nation state.  This decision by the Euro-Kazarains in Palestine will establish a precedent they are one day going to deeply, deeply, regret.

This decision differs from the massively hypocritical, immoral, and unconstitutional United States Supreme Court's Dred Scott vs Sanford decision, only in that it can also be applied to every member of the Euro-Kazarian community, in Palestine, or according to their own laws, those living abroad.

In other words they are "Jews" only, and not "citizens" matter where they live.   - mpg

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Yet Another Writer Has Admitted Faking Her Holocaust Memoir
Holocaust™ - Revealed -- A quote...."This week, a Massachusetts court ordered Misha Defonseca, author of the fraudulent memoir Misha: A Memoir of the Holocaust Years, to repay her publisher some $22 million. The news made headlines because of the staggering amount of money involved: The author and her publisher had been embroiled in a series of court battles over royalties for years (though it seems unlikely that even a successful and widely translated book like Misha could possibly have brought in millions)." - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

[Belgian] Jews demand more state funding, "Shoah" indoctrination & "hate speech" legislation
FF#6 - Update - A quote...."It should be perfectly clear to anyone paying attention to current affairs and politics that the organized Jewish community is the most cohesive and effective organized political lobbying force in Western politics today. In the United States, for example, the organized Jewish community and its various political lobbies - AIPAC, the American Jewish Congress, the Anti-Defamation League, etc. - essentially control the United States government, the electoral process, and both major political parties, dictating or heavily influencing and shaping both domestic and foreign policy. A similar situation prevails in Europe and the United Kingdom, perhaps only to a less blatant extent. -- Following major, extremely tragic events, whether real or manufactured in the media (see here and here), the organized Jewish community is often ready to immediately begin lobbying the government to enact legislation and policies that advance their own unique ethnic interests. In many cases, criminal elements and factions controlling or influencing the government, intelligence services, and mass media provoke or outright stage events in order to justify their own insidious agenda. 9/11, for instance, was a major false flag-style operation involving extensive media deception, which was used to initiate, justify, and advance a number of pre-planned, tyrannical, and frankly un-American agendas formulated by the organized Jewish community, namely the fraudulent "Global War on Terror" and the "Homeland Security" paradigm of American national security policy and domestic law enforcement."

Australia to stop referring to East Jerusalem as 'occupied'
ZOG Alert - A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- PLO official Hanan Ashrawi on Thursday strongly criticized an announcement by the Australian government that it is to stop referring to East Jerusalem as occupied territory."

Houston stadium security detains soccer fan for waving Palestinian flag as ‘racial slur’
ZOG Alert - A quote...."Last Sunday, Palestinian-American Buthayna Hammad attended a soccer match at BBVA Compass Stadium, Houston’s downtown 22,000-seat soccer-specific stadium, home to the Houston Dynamo. About 15 minutes after the game started Hammad was approached by the head of Compass Stadium’s security Nathan Buchanan. Soon she encountered a total of eight security officials, four from stadium security and the other four, Houston police officers."

Israel Begins Arrest Campaign Against Popular Resistance Activists
A quote...."Yesterday, at 4:30 am, Popular Resistance activist Mahmoud Zwahre was again arrested by the Israeli army, at his house in Al Ma’asara, just southwest of Bethlehem. - An attempt to arrest Zwahre was made previously during the weekly Friday protest in the village. This week, on Wednesday, a large group of Israeli soldiers raided Zwahre’s home, just before dawn." - Source:  IMEMC

Chutzpah Epitomized -- They Erased Our Land But Kept Our Recipes
A quote...."This is the latest example of blatant cultural appropriation of indigenous Palestinian and regional culture to add to a long list that already includes falafel, hummus, olive oil, maftoul (“Israeli couscous”) and other staples that are frequently misrepresented and promoted as Israeli, while erasing or denying their connection to the country’s indigenous people and culture."

BDS lays the basis for a true peace process
A quote...."The recent collapse of the “Kerry Plan” to revive the two-state solution has once again exposed the peace process as a cynical travesty devoid of justice. -- Recycled in various permutations for over two decades, the U.S. sponsored two-state solution has had a consistent purpose: force Palestinians to formally accept an apartheid “Jewish state” on more than three-quarters of historic Palestine and—at best—an Israeli-controlled Palestinian Bantusan on what’s left."
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

Gazprom signs agreements to switch from dollars to euros
A quote...."Nine of ten consumers had agreed to switch to euros, may be later contracts will be switch to rubles, the oil company's head Alexander Dyukov says." - bold by website editor

Russia, North Korea to Launch Ruble Transactions
A quote...."VLADIVOSTOK, June 5 (RIA Novosti) – Russia and North Korea are preparing to launch bilateral transactions in the Russian ruble this month to boost trade turnover between the two nations to $1 billion by 2020, Russia’s Far East Development Minister said Thursday."

Russia Quits G8
A quote...."Russia has given up on the so called group of seven plus Russia, the G8.  Vladimir Putin has decided that membership does not have its privileges. - “Such a format does not exist for now,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a local radio station in Moscow on Thursday." - Source:  Forbes

Russia, China to Further Develop BRICS, Group Makes Notable Progress – Russian Official
A quote...."BEIJING, June 6 (RIA Novosti) - Russia and China are continuing to work closely to strengthen the BRICS economic bloc, which has made notable progress in many aspects in the last year, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev said in Beijing."

Dhaka [Bangladesh], Beijing to seal the deal on deep-sea port
What do you do with a bunch of useless, soon to be worthless, Fed script notes (dollars)?  Spend them to make new friends of course!! - mpg -- A quote...."Bangladesh has long been negotiating the mega-project and invited all interested countries to submit their proposals and three countries – the Netherlands, United Arab Emirates and China – showed interest, said the official. - “They made presentations before the high-powered committee headed by the principal secretary where foreign and shipping secretaries are also members,” he said. - After evaluation, the committee found that the Chinese proposal was the best, he added." - Source:  DhakaTribune

China bids to build 2nd Bolivian satellite
A quote...."China has officially bid to build an exploration satellite for Bolivia, officials said on Friday. - The Bolivian Space Agency (ABE) said Thursday confirmed received a bid from China to build the satellite, which would be Bolivia’s second satellite."

Khamenei: American invasion not likely because of Iraq and Afghanistan failures
A quote...."Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday at a ceremony marking the 25th anniversary of Grand Ayatollah Khomeini’s death that an American attack is not likely because of the failures in Iraq and Afghanistan and instead seeks coups and colored revolutions. - Military action is not currently a priority for the US because of its losses in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, said Khamenei." - One commentator disagreed....
"Memo to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei; sir, were I a betting woman, I would not bet against this at this time. - IF what you are saying is absolutely true, why is the US trying so desperately to destabilize Syria, where President Al-Assad won very handily in what observers characterized as a free and fair election? - As you are well aware, the P5 +1 talks with Iran on its nuclear program have gotten bogged down on the issue of centrifuges, and the talks may well not reach a fruitful conclusion before the deadline of 20 July of this year. - In order to get approval to extend these talks, President Obama will have to go to Congress. - But sir, there I one thing I would bet you:  every member of AIPAC is going to be all over Congressional Representatives, and pressuring them in every conceivable way NOT to let the talks continue. - And you understand just how intensely powerful this lobby is here in the US." -- *Michael Rivero*
A Nation of Cowards Fears Freeing Taliban POWs
A quote...."Back during World War II -- a bitterly fought, bloody conflict that lasted seven years (four years for the US) -- many German prisoners of war were held in camps in the US. Others held by US forces, French forces and British forces were held in camps in Britain and France. While many of these prisoners died of disease and even starvation or a combination of the two, most were released fairly quickly after the war ended, unless they were suspected of war crimes, in which case they were held for more questioning and investigation. By the end of 1948, virtually all remaining German prisoners captured by the US, British and French had been released and repatriated to Germany. (The fate for German POWs in the Soviet Union was much worse, largely because of German brutality on the Eastern Front during the war there.)"

Relative of Americans Killed by Drone Strikes: No Justice in U.S. Courts
A quote...."Having lost faith in the ability of U.S. courts to provide justice and accountability for their relatives' deaths, the family members of three U.S. citizens killed by drone strikes in Yemen in 2011 have decided not to appeal a court decision dismissing their lawsuit challenging the killings."

US Seeks Redactions in Drone Strike Memo Ruling
A quote...."The U.S. government, citing possible “exceptionally grave harm to national security,” told a federal appeals court it wants to give the public less information about its legal justification for using drones to kill Americans suspected of terrorism overseas."

Pakistani High Court Orders Police to Investigate CIA Drone Strikes
Well....they'll go investigate, come back, and state the already completely obvious...."99% of the people being murdered have no connection whatsoever with any insurgency group". Then what? - mpg

DU Contamination of Europe: Why the EU resists US warmongering in the Ukraine
Scientific Abstract - A quote...."Did the use of uranium weapons in Gulr War II result in contamination of Europe? -- Evidence from the measurements of the Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, Berkshire, UK...."

Major terrorism trial could be held in secret for first time in UK legal history
The Brits are learning from their AIPAC/Israeli dominated North Amerikan cousins, how to destroy their own justice system, and soon thereafter, their own rapidly declining system of democracy. It was the Brits that originally outlawed "Star Chambers".  Now they're throwing it all away for some Israeli inspired hasbara and the Israeli's false flags of 9/11 & 7/7.  It's a total disgrace. - mpg

Opposition leader to face trial over demos in Venezuela
A quote...."A Venezuelan opposition leader has been ordered to stand trial on charges of instigating violence at an anti-government demonstration, prosecutors said Thursday."

Torture in Northern Ireland sanctioned by minister
A quote...."London (AFP) - Torture methods used during internment of Irish nationalists at the height of the Northern Irish Troubles were sanctioned by the British government minister, an Irish television documentary claimed Wednesday."

Flight 370 families start whistle-blower fund
A quote...."BEIJING - Relatives of passengers on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 are launching a crowd-funding campaign to raise a $3 million reward for a whistle-blower to expose key information about the vanished jetliner, the partner of a missing passenger told USA TODAY."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

German ‘NSA-proof’ private server raises $1mn crowdfunding in 89 minutes - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Viva La Germany!! -- A quote...."Developers of secure server Protonet asked for some $136,000 on a local crowdfunding website – and were rewarded with $1 million in an hour and a half. The record campaign, one year after Snowden’s NSA leaks, ended with more than $2 million raised."

Internet users cannot be sued for browsing the web, ECJ rules - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Internet users who visit a website are safe from the threat of a copyright lawsuit, thanks to a landmark case which concluded in the European court of justice on Thursday. -- The court ruled that browsing and viewing articles online doesn't require authorisation from the copyright holder, settling a row between the PRCA, the industry body for Britain's PR industry, and the Newspaper Licensing Authority (NLA), which had raged for five years. The fight began in a copyright tribunal between media monitoring firm Meltwater and the NLA."

FBI provided Anonymous with targets, new leaks show
Anonymous Exposed! - (Another "limited hang-out", agent provocateur orgainization blown. - mpg) -- A quote...."Leaked documents pertaining to the case against an American computer hacker currently serving a 10-year prison sentence have exposed discrepancies concerning the government's prosecution and raise further questions about the role of a federal informant."

Judge Orders NSA To Stop Destroying Evidence — For The Third Time
A quote...."A federal judge has ordered the government to stop destroying National Security Agency surveillance records that could be used to challenge the legality of its spying programs in court. - U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White’s ruling came at the request of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is in the midst of a case challenging NSA’s ability to surveil foreign citizen’s U.S.-based email and social media accounts."

John Oliver’s Net Neutrality Rant Crashes FCC Website
LpTVideo - Alt - (LpTVYuTb - 3min51sec - Jun 4, 2014) - Source:  TheLipTV -- A quote...."John Oliver’s rant over Net Neutrality crashed the FCC’s website after Oliver urged viewers to leave comments about Net Neutrality revisions on the FCC’s comments page leading thousands to take action. The FCC responded on Twitter saying that their servers were down due to technical difficulties over heavy traffic. We look at John Oliver’s call to action, in this Lip News clip with Lissette Padilla and Gabriel Mizrahi." - For more on these issues see articles shown below....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

The Propaganda Preparation of 9/11. Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden are Elaborate “Legends”
Must Read - A quote...."....while I was a bit taken at how quickly – and confidently – the fingers were pointing only hours after the 9/11 bombings, I was positively shaken by the first red flag that popped up. His name was John O’Neill – or more precisely, he is the seam that shows. Dated September 12, in a Washington Post article by Vernon Loeb, it was revealed that O’Neill, who died in his capacity as head of security for the World Trade Center, was also formerly the New York FBI Counterterror chief responsible for the investigation into Osama bin Laden. That could perhaps be written off as one of those freak synchronicities. There were the other items – reported quite blandly, in that “there’s nothing to see here, folks” tone – that gave me that sinking feeling. Apparently, O’Neill had a falling-out with the Ambassador to Yemen over his investigative style and was banned from returning there. But then there was that other nugget that I had trouble digesting – that O’Neill had resigned from a thirty-year career in the FBI “under a cloud” over an incident in Tampa – and then left to take up the security position at the WTC (only two weeks before!).

Paul Craig Roberts: WTC 7 Now A Proven Case Of Controlled Demolition
A quote...."Professor Daniele Ganser’s guest article on false flag attacks and his lecture on 9/11 will rescue you from the web of official lies spun by the government and presstitute media. -- The latest research establishes that World Trade Center Building 7 was destroyed by controlled demolition. The press release below will suffice to inform you of the latest developments." - Topix||  9/11-WTC7  ||

Baltimore Imposes Daytime Curfew On Adolescents
They're ALL Prisoners Now - (Or we could just call it pre-prisoner training.  You know, like pre-school training, but for new, soon to be incarcerated, slave prisoners. - mpg) -- A quote...."In addition to making it illegal for children to be outside their homes after 9:00 PM, the city of Baltimore, Maryland, will impose what amounts to a public school curfew between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is expected to sign new legislation."

CA cop fatally shoots 18-year-old special needs girl after family calls for medical help
A quote...."A California family says that a call to 911 to get medical assistance for an 18-year-old family member with special needs ended in tragedy when police showed up instead and killed her."

Cops In Texas Seize Millions By "Policing for Profit"
A quote...."Texas law enforcement are continuing to enrich themselves using a little-known legal doctrine known as civil forfeiture, according to a new series of investigative reports. Under civil forfeiture, property can be forfeited even if its owner has never been charged with a crime."

The Mindset Responsible for Turning SWAT Teams into Death Squads
A quote...."How many children, old people, and law-abiding citizens have to be injured, terrorized or killed before we call a halt to the growing rash of police violence that is wracking the country? How many family pets have to be gunned down in cold blood by marauding SWAT teams before we declare such tactics off limits? And how many communities have to be transformed into military outposts, complete with heavily armed police, military tanks, and “safety” checkpoints before we draw that line in the sand that says “not in our town”?" - also posted at ActivistPost

Gun homicides down dramatically, Americans unaware
A quote...."It seems there is something in the news every day about gun violence. The recent mass shooting in Isla Vista, California, a movie theater riddled with bullets in Colorado, children and teachers gunned down at school in Connecticut, and the list goes on. While you may be seeing more and more shooting, the fact is, overall gun homicide rates have dropped dramatically over the past two decades, according to a recent study."

Manslaughter claim in deaths of 800 children in Galway Home
A quote...."An Irish politician has called what happened with the deaths of 800 children at a religious-run unmarried mothers home in Tuam in Galway between 1925 and 1961 “manslaughter.” -- Hildegarde Naughton, a Fine Gael Senator from Galway, claimed in the Irish Senate that what had occurred at the mothers and babies home was in fact criminal. -- The shocking revelation that 796 babies died and were buried in an unmarked grave in a septic tank in the mother and baby home in Tuam, County Galway continues to reverberate. -- Calls for a full historical inquiry have now reached the higher echelons of the church. -- Archbishop of Tuam Michael Neary said the order of the Bon Secours sisters needed to address the issue, stating the archdiocese had nothing to do with the home when it was open."

Nuns Ordered To Co-Operate With Baby ‘Mass Grave’ Inquiry
Related Article - A quote...."THE Catholic Church in Ireland today warned the order of religious sisters that ran a children’s home where a mass grave was found that it must co-operate with any inquiry. - Thousands of bones belonging to as many as 796 children were found in a disused sewage cistern on the site of a County Galway “mother-and-baby home” in 1975." - Source:  MorningStar

Feds claim Cliven Bundy owes more money than all other ranchers combined
The ability to tax & fine is the ability to destroy. - mpg -- A quote...."Cliven Bundy isn’t the only cattle rancher in United States, but his bill with the federal government might make you think as much. The embattled states’ rights activist reportedly owes the feds more than all other ranchers combined."

Game of Thrones Gets the Nastiness of Politics and War Right
Entertaining - A quote...."All of the dirty DC dealings in Netflix’s House of Cards arguably make it the most cynical of the current crop of highly-acclaimed and talked over television shows. However, the epic Game of Thrones – in spite of its fantastical elements – paints an even more brutal picture of the vile nature of politics, and the ruinous nature of wars with even the noblest stated intentions."

Alasdair MacLeod – Governments Are Worthless And Becoming More So By The Day
FSNAudio - Alt - (FSNMp3 - June 4th, 2014) - Source:  FinancialSurvivalNetwork -- A quote...."It looks like the debt slaves are getting quite restless. Guess they’re getting tired of having what little wealth remains constantly confiscated. They’re not impressed with having GDP adjusted upward with illicit activities like drugs, prostitution and gambling. They’re looking for a real solution and they know that they’re not getting it from the EU. The question is where will they find it?"

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV May 5th, 2014 - RBN Donation Dr - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs- June 5th, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues. - Quotable quote....
"Boko Haram is the biggest Nigerian scam there is." -- *Michael Rivero*
Webster G. Tarpley on The Jeff Rense Program
WTAudio - (WTAdbFlshPlyr - 45min - June 4, 2014) - Source:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - WT@YuTb - Related Websites:  Rense@YuTb - Rense -- A quote.... "New Research Shows That Story of Iranian Nuclear Bomb Program Was Always a Fraud, Concocted to Give the CIA an Excuse for Existing; 2007 National Intelligence Estimate Was Correct in Finding No Such Bomb Program Existed" - GET MY EBOOK TOO Separation of Business and State"

Ryan Dawson interviews Dr Hamdy El-Rayes - Ry's Fund Raiser - Indiegogo
Ry2SAudio - (ANCRptFlshPlyr - aprox1hr - Created on June 5, 2014) - Related Sites:  Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - A quote...."In this interview Dr Hamdy El-Rayes talks about economic inequality and bilderberg and other plutocratic think tanks." - GET MY EBOOK TOO Separation of Business and State"

Russia And North Korea To Launch Ruble Transactions Which Bypasses The Euro/US Dollar- Episode 383
X22Video - (X22YuTb - 36min48sec -  Jun 5, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."Italy's jobless rate increased once again, these European countries are not recovering. EU warns Greece that they are very concerned as the tax collector resigns. Layoffs surged to 45% in the month of May. BRICS nations are now making their move to control the reserve currency. North Korea and Russia agree to trade in the ruble and bypass the euro and US dollar. The US and EU might impose sanctions on Russia in all sectors, the Russia officials are now removing their money out of the western banks. US and NATO are now bringing in more military assets into the Black Sea. The US says the Syrian elections are meaningless."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV May 6th, 2014 - RBN Donation Dr - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs- June 6th, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Companies Dumping The Dollar For Renminbi As The Trading Currency Of Choice - Episode 384
X22Video - (X22YuTb - 45min10sec -  Jun 6, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."The unemployment stays steady at 6.3%. Most of the jobs added are low paying jobs. These jobs are replacing the high paying jobs. US corporations are starting to dump the dollar and they are now using the renminbi for trading. Renminbi payments have increased 327% all over the world. States are now starting to dump common core. Donetsk is now calling for aid to help those who have been struck down by Ukrainian forces. France is having trouble proving Assad used chlorine chemical weapons on his own people so they are getting help from the US. The US is now going to provide lethal and non-lethal aid to the paid mercenaries. They are now training the paid mercenaries for specific missions. Be prepared for and event to occur soon."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Nomi Prins: All The Presidents’ Bankers
Must Listen WS4MSVideo - Alt - (WS4MSYuTb - 49min52sec - Jun 4, 2014) - Source:  WallStForMainSt - Guest Website: NomiPrins -- A quote.... "Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had speaker, investigative journalist, author and former managing director of Bear Stearns and Goldman Sachs, Nomi Prins  back on for another interview to talk about her newest book, "All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power" [BkFndr] - [AddAll-HC]*." - *links added - For more on the issues discussed in this video, see the definition shown below....
Parasitic Calculus - Def. -- A system of simple, practicable, predictive rules by which many, if not most, Parasites live their lives by.  They consist of the following operative conditions whenever the Parasites experience difficulties or try to increase their power or control.....
The ZIRP Economy Unmasked, Part 1: Zero Growth In Private Labor Hours Since 1998
Multiple Charts - Analysis -- A quote...."Every now and again the apparatchiks who dutifully tend Washington’s statistical sausage factories accidently let loose a damning picture of what actually goes on inside. In that vein the BLS has just published the equivalent of a smoking gun. Namely,  a study showing that in 2013—the year of 32% stock returns—the business sector of the US economy generated no more labor hours than it did way back in Bill Clinton’s blue dress period (1998) yet purportedly produced 42% more output in real terms...." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Challenger Job Cuts Soar 45%; Most Layoffs Since Feb 2013
A quote...."....the actual number of layoffs, around 53,000, was the highest since February 2013." - On the other hand....

US Finally Recovers All Jobs Lost Since 2007 While People Not In Labor Force Increase By 12.8 Million
US May Jobs Report - Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."There was good news in today's NFP report: at 138,463K jobs reported by the establishment survey, the US economy has finally not only recovered the prior cyclical high of 138,365K, but surpassed it by 98K. Congratulations. - And now the bad news. As the next chart shows, that virtually every job gaines since the trough of the depression has been matched by at least one person dropping out of the labor force. In fact, since December 2007, the total number of jobs is virtually unchanged, while the number of people not in the labor force has increased by an unprecedented 12.8 million from 79.2 million to a record 92 million. Recovery?"

What Quality Jobs? Over Half Of May Payroll Growth Is In Education, Leisure And Temp Help Jobs
US May Jobs Report - Charts - (click till they're enlarged) -- A quote...."If there was some hope that in April the trend of the US adding low-quality (as in low-paying) jobs may finally be coming to an end, this came to a quick end in May, when more than half of the 217K jobs added were in the lowest paying sectors. Specifically...."
[US] Food Prices Are [Still] Climbing
A quote...."DES MOINES, Iowa — Prices for ribs, chops, hams and other pork products in the grocery store are expected to climb as much as 15 percent this summer as supplies are slashed by a new swine virus that’s sweeping the country. - That’s tough news for consumers, also facing rapidly rising prices for beef. The disease hits just as pork producers are recovering from high corn prices."

Consumer Credit Has Fifth Biggest Monthly Jump In History; Revolving Credit Soars By Most Since Nov 2007
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote..."A month ago we pointed out that with April US consumer savings plunging to levels not seen since Lehman, the only place where the tapped out consumer could find some purchasing power is by maxing out their credit cards. This is precisely what happened: moments ago the Fed released its April consumer credit report and it was a doozy: expected to print at $15.00 billion, down from a pre-revision $17.5 billion, the April total instead exploded to a whopping $26.85 billion."

NIRP Has Arrived: Europe Officially Enters The "Monetary Twilight Zone"
NIRP Alert - A new threshold in the Banksters' never-ending war on "savers" has been breached. - mpg -- A quote...."Goodbye ZIRP, hello NIRP. Today's decision by the ECB to officially lower the deposit facility rate to negative (as in you pay the bank to hold your deposits) is shocking, but not surprising: we previewed just this outcome precisely two years ago in "Europe's "Monetary Twilight Zone" Neutron Bomb: NIRP"

ECB Negative Interest Rates Equal Financial Suicide
Related F4LVideo - Alt - (F4LYuTb - 6min55sec - May 28, 2014) - Source:  Fabian4Liberty

Keiser Report: Towers of Toxic Debt (E610)
MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min44sec - Jun 5, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - MaxOnTwitter - StacyOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss fraud moving from pushing crack under the bridge to pushing paper through the government while investors live on the virtual free range where they are financially sheared, not slaughtered. In the second half, Max interviews the writer, Alex Oates, and director, Dominic Shaw, of Silk Road, The Play. They discuss drug dealing 2.0, the next generation; bitcoin; Geordies; the Edinburgh Festival and crowdfunding art"

This New Libor 'Scandal' Will Cause A Terrifying Financial Crisis
A quote...."Two years ago, a major scandal rocked the world after it was revealed that big international banks had long been manipulating the Libor interest rates to fraudulently boost their profits. As outrageous as the Libor rate-fixing scandal was, it pales in comparison to another Libor “scandal” that is occurring at this very moment, but has received virtually none of the attention that it rightfully deserves. The ultimate fallout of this much larger, little-known Libor “scandal” will be nothing less than an international financial crisis."

Not even a bull market can interest people in stocks
Market Concept Alert - Here's why...." As I wrote here late last year, surveys showed a steep decline in the percentage of Americans who said they owned stocks or stock mutual funds. [That's because they don't have the money to invest, i.e. they're part of the 99% - mpg] - But there are big structural changes as well, Lam told me. - First is the alternative asset revolution, pioneered by David Swensen at Yale University and Jack Meyer at Harvard. - University endowments and other asset managers have drastically reduced their holdings in traditional stocks and bonds, investing instead in such formerly exotic asset classes as private equity, hedge funds and timber land. - According to the study, the market capitalization of assets other than stocks, government bonds and investment-grade corporate credits (for example, real estate, high-yield bonds and inflation-linked securities) rose to 15.6% of total global invested assets in 2012 from 6.2% in 1990." - bold by website editor
It's obvious that all those uber-wealthy parasites out there NOT personally connected to the Banksters can't stand having their investments in a "market" subject to the Banksters' constant quixotic whims.  So they're trying desperately to find more stable, higher yielding alternatives, while hedging, or protecting -- as best they can -- their investments from being impacted by the Banksters' endless malevolent machinations and manipulations.  Good luck with that.  Obviously they don't get much sympathy from this website editor. - mpg
"We Have Nothing To Fear But The Lack Of Fear Itself"
Mrkt Tech Note - Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."It's a record!" No not the S&P 500 - the total and utter lack of fear in the marketplace... Adding up Bearish AAII professionals, those who believe a Correction is coming, and the VIX; we have never (ever) been more complacent about stocks. Seems like the Fed's communications policy (about complacency being a concern) is not working..." - This is what's called "a contrarian indicator". - mpg

No More Risk: VIX Plunges Below 11 For The First Time In Years
VIX - Update - Related Article -- A quote..."While the Fed's presidents are scratching their heads at the quandary that consolidated cross-asset volatility continues to tumble to never before seen levels, the NY Fed's trading desk, clearly rushing to get to the Hamptons, just sold enough VIX futs to push VIX not only 6% lower for the day, but to the lowest print since 2011. Next up: single digit VIX and the disappearance of all risk."
This website editor is still sticking to the call made on April 11, 2014 that this year would not be a positive year for the "markets" no matter what Yellon does. - mpg
Top 8 Reasons To Be Nervous About Stocks At These Levels
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."As if we didn’t already have enough to worry about: Here's this week's list of the Top-8 reasons why traders should be a little nervous about stocks at these levels."

Even The Record Stock-Market Bullishness Is Fake
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."It’s part of the daily routine by now: the S&P 500 index rose to another all-time high. We’ve been confronted with this miracle for a long time. The last correction when the index dropped over 10% was, well, if anyone can even remember, in 2011. And it shows. -- Every single bearish call on the S&P 500 has been punished with a rally, followed by ridicule. Realism got to be very expensive for those hapless daredevils. Financial advisors lost clients over mentioning the possibility that the market could someday head south. To save their own skin, they did what it took: an all-time record 62.2% are bullish, up from 58.3% a week earlier, above the exuberance line of 55% for the fifth week in a row, above the prior record of 62.0% set in October 2007. Which wasn’t, it turned out, the ideal time to be bullish." - bold by website editor

US Foreign Wealth Confiscation Begins Under the Code Names FinCen, FATCA and FBAR
A quote...."We have been reporting on how the US government is using very nefarious and egregious methods on tracking its own citizens' financial information, fining them and even instituting the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) as a form of subterfuge capital controls which is closing off international banking to Americans (as we reported yesterday in Mexico)."

Abenomics' Legacy: Japan's Greatest "Misery" In 33 Years
Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."Back in early 2013, in article after article, we warned that Abenomics would be an epic disaster. Actually we take that back: we said it would be an epic disaster for most of Japan's citizens. A select very few, just like in the US, would benefit greatly from the unprecedented asset reflation to follow the massive currency devaluation that the prime minister had just launched."
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More On The World's International Situation....

The World Cup Exposes Brazil’s Injustices
A quote...."On June 12th the World Cup kicks off in Brazil; the country has been beset by protest in the run up to the tournament. -- Last year up to a million people demonstrated across Brazil: protesting the vast expense of the World Cup, calling for better public services and an end to corruption. On June 3rd, the police were accused of heavy handedness as protestors gathered outside the World Cup Stadium in Goiania, during a friendly football match between Brazil and Panama. The demonstrators condemn the 15 billion dollars spent on the tournament which could have gone towards social services and improving living standards for the poor of Brazil. It’s the latest in a long line of demonstrations."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Russians [would] Prefer Organic Products [even IF there were] Cheaper GMO Counterparts - Survey
Russia MUST outlaw all GMO use anywhere in their entire food chain.....period! - mpg -- A quote...."Seventy-four percent of those surveyed said they would rather choose organic products over GMOs, even if genetically modified groceries are cheaper. Seventy-six percent of respondents said they prefer organic products to their more visually appealing GMO counterparts, while 78% percent said they would buy organic food even knowing that GMOs have a longer shelf-life." - bold/underline by website editor

World needs UN GMO watchdog – Russia
A quote...."Russian lawmakers advocate creation of an international UN agency not only to strictly control the turnover of GMO products worldwide, but with a top priority mission to scrutinize how consuming GMO foods would affect human health in the long run. - Aggressive distribution of GMO worldwide is raising huge concerns for human health, said Russian Federation Council speaker Valentina Matvienko."

China protects its massive Army from GMOs
A quote...."Worldwide sentiment is shifting against Monsanto and GMO food crops. And China is making major moves."

Monsanto, Syngenta, Pioneer et al.: Through Political Cooptation and Corruption, the GMO Biotech Sector is “Kicking Open the Door to Europe” -- A quote...."The proposal to hand back some decision powers to member states of the European Union regarding GMO approvals is currently being discussed (1). It will be voted on by member states on 12 June. According to Corporate Europe Observatory, biotech firms regard it as an opportunity to break the stalemate and finally get their GM crops growing in Europe’s fields. The proposal has the biotech lobby’s fingerprints all over it (2)."

Monarch butterfly decline linked to spread of GM crops
A quote...."The main cause of the monarch butterfly's decline is the loss of milkweed — its food — in its U.S. breeding grounds, a new study has found. That all but confirms that the spread of genetically modified crops is indirectly killing the monarch."

Even trace amounts of mercury cause infertility, brain impairment in songbirds
A quote...."(NaturalNews) The health effects of mercury exposure have been further expounded by a new study recently published in the journal PLoS ONE. Researchers from the College of William and Mary (CWM) in Virginia found that songbirds exposed to sub-lethal and even trace amounts of mercury left over from industrial manufacturing suffered reproductive problems, brain abnormalities, and immune suppression, among other damage."

Truvia sweetener a powerful pesticide; scientists shocked as fruit flies die in less than a week from eating GMO-derived erythritol - Sweet Poison -- A quote...."(NaturalNews) Truvia sweetener is made from about 99.5% erythritol (a sugar alcohol), and 0.5% rebiana, an extract from the stevia plant (but not at all the same thing as stevia). A shocking new study published in the journal PLOS ONE (1) has found that Truvia, an alternative sweetener manufactured by food giant Cargill, is a potent insecticide that kills fruit flies which consume it."

Soda May Have More Fructose than Labels Reveal
A quote...."Soda consumers may be getting a much higher dose of the harmful sugar fructose than they have been led to believe, according to a new study by the Childhood Obesity Research Center (CORC) at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC), part of Keck Medicine of USC."

Chinese Root Beats Methotrexate For Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief
A quote..."Once again natural medicine beats a pharmaceutical drug. - In a randomized trial, a traditional Chinese herbal medicine was significantly more effective than methotrexate for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.[i]  The study was published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases."

Fukushima Disaster Still A Global Nightmare
A quote...."The corporate media silence on Fukushima has been deafening even though the melted-down nuclear power plant’s seaborne radiation is now washing up on American beaches. - Ever more radioactive water continues to pour into the Pacific."

Thursday June 5th 2014

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday June 4th 2014

Power and the Global Ruling Class. Who Rules the World? - The End of Democracy as We Know It
Must Read - A quote...."This paper starts with summarizing the major theoretical elements in the definition of a global ruling class. It then examines how neoconservatives in the US took power and used regime change to create chaos in other regions. A strategy of tension is used to press the population into conformity. But the real revolution is to what extent factual politics escape any attempt to democratic control. Three case studies show how far the Deep State already goes. Democracy is on the brink of survival."

Back to the Dark Ages of Feudalism
Must Read - A quote...."History never repeats itself, but from time to time, consciously or not, some influential men attempt to force us into the monstrosity of their imaginary time machines to try to reverse decades, and in the case of feudalism, almost a millenium of social progress. The mid-20th century brought the years of collective psychosis of Adolf Hitler’s “thousand year Reich,” and more recently what can be viewed as the United States of America’s imperialist manifesto or so-called “Project for the New American Century”, concocted in 1997 but still in effect today under the current administration, with the self-proclaimed objective to “promote American global leadership” resolutely and by military force, if necessary. -- Montesquieu and his colleagues of the mid-18th century, such as Voltaire, Diderot and Rousseau of the Age of  Enlightenment, denounced feudalism as being a system exclusively dominated by aristocrats who possess all financial, political and social power."

Coup d’État in Disguise: Washington’s New World Order “Democratization” Template
Must Read - A quote...."The U.S. government and allied forces’ year-end installation of Victor Yushchenko as President of Ukraine have completed the field-testing of the “Post Modern Coup”. Employing and fine-tuning the same sophisticated techniques used in Serbia in 2000 and Georgia in 2003 (and unsuccessfully in Belarus in 2001), it is widely expected that the United States will attempt to apply the same methods throughout the former Soviet Union. -- “We have to confront those forces that are committed to reproduce a Georgian or Ukrainian scenario,” Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev stated on December 26, the day of the coup, “we’ll not allow the import of Rose [Georgian] and Orange [Ukrainian] revolutions in our country.” One day later, the Kazakh government launched a criminal case against the Soros Foundation for tax evasion, one of the coups’ financiers. And last spring, Uzbek President Islam Karimov accused Soros of overseeing the revolution in Georgia, and condemning his efforts to “fool and brainwash” young intelligentsia in his own country, banned the group. The same networks are also increasingly active in South America, Africa, and Asia. Top targets include Venezuela, Mozambique, and Iran, among others."

The Only Standards Are Double Standards
Must Read - A quote...."Sometimes in dealing with the U.S. government and its compliant mainstream media, I’m left with the feeling that if it weren’t for double standards, there would be no standards at all. From President Barack Obama to the editors at the Washington Post and the New York Times, it’s obvious that what’s good for the goose is not good for the gander. -- An election in an embattled country is valid and even inspiring if it turns out the way Official Washington wants, as in Ukraine last month; otherwise it’s a sham and illegitimate, as in Syria this month. President Barack Obama and President-elect Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine talk after statements to the press following their bilateral meeting at the Warsaw Marriott Hotel in Warsaw, Poland, June 4, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) -- Similarly, people have an inalienable right of self-determination if it’s Kosovo or South Sudan, but not if it’s Crimea or the Donbass region of Ukraine. Those referenda for separation from Ukraine must have been “rigged” though there is no evidence they were. Everything is seen through the eye of the beholder and the beholders in Official Washington are deeply biased."

Are You Ready For Nuclear War? - PCR's Quarterly Donation Request - CLICK HERE
Must Read - A quote...."The reason Washington gave for the ABM base in Poland is to protect Europe from Iranian ICBMs. Washington and every European government knows that Iran has no ICBMs and that Iran has not indicated any intent to attack Europe. -- No government believes Washington’s reasons. Every government realizes that Washington’s reasons are feeble attempts to hide the fact that it is creating the capability on the ground to win a nuclear war. -- The Russian government understands that the change in US war doctrine and the US ABM bases on its borders are directed at Russia and are indications that Washington plans a first strike with nuclear weapons on Russia. -- China has also understood that Washington has similar intentions toward China. As I reported several months ago, in response to Washington’s threat China called the world’s attention to China’s ability to destroy the US should Washington initiate such a conflict." - also posted at ICH

Al-Qaeda: NATO’s “stateless army”
Must Read - A quote...."With the demise of American “land power” in Europe and the Middle East, the globalist agenda of NATO has fallen upon a collection of irregular forces, led by, strangely enough, a series of “Al Qaeda franchise” groups. -- Whether randomly hired jihadists accepting Saudi “coin” for terror and mayhem against the Syrian people or one of a dozen groups, infiltrating kill teams into Iran from Azerbaijan, Balochistan or Afghanistan, riding the sands of Anbar to spread terror across Iraq or kidnapping girls in Nigeria, the real face behind this and many other faces of world terrorism is NATO."

What Obama Told Us At West Point - PCR's Quarterly Donation Request - CLICK HERE
Must Read - A quote...."At West Point Obama told us, to the applause of West Point cadets, that “American exceptionalism” is a doctrine that justifies whatever Washington does. If Washington violates domestic and international law by torturing “detainees” or violates the Nuremberg standard by invading countries that have undertaken no hostile action against the US or its allies, “exceptionalism” is the priest’s blessing that absolves Washington’s sins against law and international norms. Washington’s crimes are transformed into Washington’s affirmation of the rule of law....." - also posted at ICH

Madness, I Tell You - Saber Rattling at West Point
Must Read - A quote...."June 03, 2014 "ICH" - On May 28, President Barack Obama delivered his most belligerent and menacing speech to date at the US Military Academy at West Point. Aside from the lofty rhetoric we’ve come to expect in every Obama presentation, the president’s commencement address was a defiant restating of the Bush Doctrine of unilateral intervention, executive authority and endless warfare. The speech contained no new initiatives or surprises, but emphasized Obama’s unwavering support for the policies which have plunged large parts of the Middle East, Africa, and Eurasia into civil conflict, economic collapse and war. Obama defended US aggression on the grounds of “American exceptionalism”, the dubious idea that Americans are special and cannot be held to the same standards as others. The theory implies that Washington’s relentless war-mongering and killing of civilians cannot be prosecuted under international law because the US is a law unto itself."

Obama's Europe Doctrine: Too Much Stupid, Not Enough Serious
A quote...."Because Barack the First simply cannot be in the same room with Vladimir Putin – as he would have no teleprompter to guide him – French President Francois Hollande must host two dinners in a row on Thursday. This was essentially leaked to American media by one of Obama’s foreign policy advisers, the astounding mediocrity Ben Rhodes."

Return of the living (neo-con) dead
A quote...."Amid much hysteria, the notion has been widely peddled in the United States that President Obama's "new" foreign policy doctrine, announced last week at West Point, rejects neo-cons and neo-liberals and is, essentially, post-imperialist and a demonstration of realpolitik."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine....

Putin to French media: Russian troops in Ukraine? Got any proof?
Must View RTVideo - Outstanding Interview!! - (RTYuTb - 31min08sec - Jun 4, 2014) - Source:  RT -- If you want to know how to handle a tough, aggressive, interview, while being appropriately cool, calm, rational, suave, sophisticated, serious, factual, accurate, truthful, humorous, and above all....smooth and in control, watch this video. 

This website editor has been deeply impressed for years with Putin's geo-political decision making, but his interviews just keep getting better and better.  They're very impressive.  Of course he makes every single AIPAC/Israeli Consortium Colonial lackey, currently running around this nation, drooling, gibbering, screeching, and endlessly spewing tired, utterly dead, completely meaningless, Neo-Roman mantras on our national spew outlets, look like ignorant, violent, psychotic apes by comparison.

While we're comparing, in Obama's ENTIRE term in office, has anyone ever seen him undergo an interview this frank, factual or aggressive?  The answer of course is no, and you'll NEVER see him undergo one in the future either.

By the way, check out Putin's Cheshire Cat grin he's sporting at the end of the interview.  He knows he swept the floor with these guys.  It's a real joy to watch an intelligent, patriotic, factually honest person defend his historically accurate, morally grounded, point of view on behalf of his people, and his nation. - mpg

How & Why the US Has Re-Started the Cold War (The Backstory that Precipitated Ukraines Civil War)
Must Read - Charts - A quote...."When the Cold War ended, in 1990, Russia was in a very weak position, no real threat at all (except for nuclear weapons, but the nuclear rivalry had been greatly reduced via arms-control agreements). Communism was proven to have failed as an economic system, and this failure of communism had left a former U.S.S.R. that was decayed and unproductive. The Russian people were in misery....." - also posted at OpEdNews

Ukraine is Mere Square on the Chessboard
Must Read - A quote...."The Ukrainian civil war driven by the junta of the Kiev thugs and supported with arms and money by Washington, NATO and the European puppets, continues killing their country-men and women in the eastern Donbass area.  The Kiev army and death squads are accompanied by hundreds of Academi (former Blackwater) mercenaries and CIA advisers, mainly to make sure that the Kiev troops will not defect but execute their marching orders, namely fighting and killing their brothers and sisters, lest they risk being shot as traitors. - To be sure, the Kiev criminal army does not take prisoners; they kill them on the spot. - Not to mention the hundred Ukrainians killed by the infamous Maidan snipers – by now known to be  US paid mercenaries, just a day before the illegal coup d’état of 22 February 2014, that brought to power the current neo-Nazi government." - also posted at ICH

Making Sense of Obama's Billion Dollar Hammer
Must Read - A quote...."June 03, 2014 "ICH" - "Vineyard Of The Saker" - Untermenschen. That is what we are in the eyes of The West. Untermenschen. Subhumans. - I have watched the unfolding coup d'etat in Ukraine from it's very beginning in late November 2013 in Kiev. I have watched a steady stream of western dignitaries and politicians parade through Maidan Square in Kiev, each and every one of them publicly and vocally expressing their open support of the coup d'etat. I find it appalling that the sitting ambassador of the United States of America to the Sovereign Country of Ukraine, Geoffrey R. Pyatt, actively and publicly supported a violent coup d'etat against the sitting and legally elected government of Ukraine and to this day actively and publicly expresses open support for the illegal coup d'etat installed government in Kiev." - Source:  VineyardOfTheSaker

CrossTalk: Orwellian Jen Psaki
Must View CTRTVideo - Alt - Good Geo-Political Analysis!! - (CTRTYuTb - 23min19sec - Jun 4, 2014) - Source:  CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."Is Ukraine being destroyed by the West's mainstream media? How does Europe refer to democracy in terms of the current situation in this country? Is the West interested in 'European values' for Ukraine? Or is the US just improving its 'crisis management' skills there? And what should we expect from the meeting in Normandy? CrossTalking with Diana Johnstone, Eric Draitser and Uli Brueckner."

Obama Visits Warsaw: US President to Execute Ukraine Sentenced to Death
A quote...." The US President is on his European trip. The itinerary includes Poland, Belgium and France. Ukraine is in focus of the agenda. The US facilitated the armed coup staged in Kiev and welcomed nationalists coming to power. Actually it has handed down a death sentence to Ukraine. The administration does its best to strengthen the position of the new Ukrainian government. Obama has not even waited till the inauguration and met Poroshenko while on a visit to Warsaw. -- He was meeting the President-elect while the Ukrainian aviation delivered bomb strikes against populated areas in the east of the country. Talking to his Ukrainian counterpart Obama said, "I’m excited about the opportunities....."

Obama backs state terror against eastern Ukraine
A quote...."Meeting with Ukraine’s billionaire President-Elect Petro Poroshenko in Warsaw Wednesday, President Barack Obama declared his full backing for the regime’s so-called “anti-terrorism operation” in eastern Ukraine and promised new military supplies and training to carry out what is rapidly developing into a bloodbath."

Devastation: Ukraine army shells hit another hospital
A quote...."The village of Krasny Liman near Slavyansk in the Donetsk region was heavily shelled by the Ukrainian army during Kiev’s military operation Tuesday. Residents were killed and injured as shells hit a hospital, school and train station, locals told RT."

Two Ukraine [Coup Junta] Helicopters Shot Down: Watch As Gunship Engages Eastern Militia In Intense Fighting
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Earlier today, we read reports out of Russian Itar-Tass stating that east Ukraine militia had shot down a Ukraine [coup Junta] gunship and a Su-25 fighter jet, as well as four APC. We were waiting for an official confirmation from Ukraine as the level of propaganda on both sides is somewhat tricky to filter. We got at least partial proof moments ago from Ukraine's military spokesman Seleznyov, who said via Bloomberg...."

Ukraine crisis: Rebels take bases in Luhansk region
A quote...."Separatist rebels have taken two Ukrainian military bases in the eastern region of Luhansk as fighting continues near the rebel-held town of Sloviansk."

Break-up of Ukraine continues: Odessa declares independence
A quote...."Residents of the Odessa region of Ukraine are trying to join the Donetsk and Lugansk announcing the creation of the People's Republic of Odessa. Anti-Maidan activists of the region declared the establishment of the republic and urged residents to block traffic, website says."

US Ukraine Policy Reaching Dead End
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The world attention is focused on the prowess of the resistance fighters who effectively beat off the attacks of chasteners and mercenaries against the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics. It gets US Ukraine policy plans stymied. The Odessa massacre and the following crimes committed by Kiev-based regime in Donbass inspired the people of Ukraine's eastern regions in their resolve to fight back. It's not a group of activists opposing the interim government but rather a movement supported by the majority of population. The United States has lost moral ground to call them separatists. It would not be an exaggeration to say this is an emergency situation that needs re-assessment of approaches."

‘US wants to make Ukraine anti-Russian state’ – senior Russian MP
ZOG Alert -- A quote...."The head of the lower house Foreign Relations Committee believes Ukrainian President-elect Petro Poroshenko [a dual-Israeli Euro-Kazarian Oligarch & Bankster] tends to work on instructions from Washington [which receives it's instructions from Israel], and these concentrate on making Ukraine an anti-Russian state. - “I get the impression that Poroshenko is completely oriented toward the United States, that the European Union is a second priority project for him. He connects his political ambitions mostly with Washington,” [which is completely ruled by the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium] MP Aleksey Pushkov said in an interview with the mass circulation daily Izvestia."

Ukraine:  Zionist America's New Jewish Colony -- by Lasha Darkmoon
ZOG Alert - A quote...."Both the new president and prime minister of Ukraine have now been “outed” as Jews — and this in a country where most people, including the Right Sector fascists, happen to nourish a deep-seated hatred of Jews. This is surely a recipe for disaster. -- These four politicians have two things in Common: (1) They all wield tremendous influence in the new Jew-controlled Ukraine. (2) They are ALL Jews. Far right, Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Arsiniy Yatsenuk, a Jew (see below); next to him, American Secretary of State John Kerry, who recently discovered his “Jewish roots“; left of Kerry, Ukraine’s recently elected President, Petro Poroshenko, another Jew (see below); far left, Vitali Klitschko, Jewish boxer politician whose father served in the Bolshevik “Red” army."

- For more articles on this issue see below....
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More on Syria's Defiance of the PNAC Protocols -- Syria's Presidential Election....

The Real Farce - Media Distortions on the Syrian Elections
Must Read - US-NRE Presstitutes BUSTED! -- A quote...."US Secretary of State Kerry has pronounced the Syrian election to be a “farce”.   As if on cue,   National Public Radio, Associated Press, ABC  and other western media have presented stories which support that claim.   A closer look reveals the media has been exaggerating, distorting and lying about the Syrian elections. - Following are a few examples  from the past few days...."

Voting extended in Syria election by five hours
A quote...."Voting has been extended in Syria’s presidential election by five hours because of high voter turnout. - Tuesday’s voting has been extended until midnight (2100 GMT), allowing more Syrians to take part in the election that would determine the country’s next leader." - bold by website editor

Forming coalition government with opposition in Syria after polls possible
A quote...."It is possible that a coalition government with the opposition may be formed in Syria after presidential elections, presidential special envoy for the Middle East and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said on Tuesday."

Assad Wins Syrian Elections, Kerry Enraged
Must Read - A quote...."In what should surprise no one who is familiar with the Syrian political situation, President Bashar Al-Assad has been re-elected in a landslide victory on Wednesday, June 4th, 2014. - Assad won with 88.7% of the vote, securing a third term in office and seven more years as president of Syria. - Jihad Lahan, Speaker of the Syrian Parliament, announced the results earlier, also stating that Hassan Al-Nouri won 4.3% and Maher Hajjar took 3.2% of the vote. - Syria's Supreme Constitutional Court deemed the voter turnout to be 73.42 percent. - After the announcement of the election results, Damascus erupted with joy and celebration as well as pro-Assad chants. Meanwhile, in Beruit, U.S. Secretary of State and Skull and Bones member John Kerry [Kohn], erupted in fits of rage and tired propaganda talking points." - bold by website editor

Elections in Syria: The People Say No to Foreign Intervention - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Must Read - A quote...."After three years of a war financed, armed and manned by the U.S. and its allies, the Syrian people cast ballots wherever it was possible. The U.S. position is that Syria’s vote is illegitimate because of the conflict, but Ukraine’s elections are legitimate despite that country’s armed conflict. It is clear that the U.S. objective in Syria “is more death, more war and more chaos.”" - also posted at ICH

Bashar Assad wins presidential election in Syria - By A Landslide!!
A quote...."A total of 88.7% of voters (10.2 million people) voted for Assad, the speaker of the Syrian parliament said."

Observers find Syrian polls valid - Syrian Vote Process Validated!!
A quote...."DAMASCUS, June 04. /ITAR-TASS/. Observers at the presidential elections in Syria are unanimous that the expression of people's will was valid and the polls passed in a democratic and positive atmosphere. - On Wednesday morning, observers met for a roundtable meeting at Dama Rose Hotel to give their assessment to presidential elections. Observers include members of parliaments from Russia, Iran, Brazil, Venezuela, North Korea, Tajikistan, the Philippines, Uganda, as well as representatives of Canada, the United States, Ireland, Pakistan, Malaysia and Bahrain." - bold by website editor

Celebratory gunfire as Assad wins election by ‘landslide’ - Syrians Celebrate!!
A quote....."Celebratory gunfire rang out in Syria and Lebanon Wednesday after President Bashar Assad was declared the winner of Tuesday’s presidential election in a landslide, capturing 88.7 percent of the vote. - Speaker Jihad Lahham, who made the announcement on live television, said Assad’s two challengers, Hassan Nouri and Maher Hajjar, won 4.3 percent and 3.2 percent, respectively."

'Syrians defeated US in election' - Syrians Celebrate!!
Photo - (click to view) -- A quote...."The Syrian people’s massive turnout in the country’s presidential election rendered the US anti-Damascus moves ineffective, says a top Iranian lawmaker." - Source:  PressTV

Bashar Assad Pronounced Syria President for New 7-Year Term - Winner Officially Announced!!
A quote...."Speaker of the Syrian parliament Mohammad Lahham announced that Bashar Al-Assad won the post of the Republic's Presidency for a new 7-year term, garnering a landslide majority of 10.319.723 votes, 88.7% of the total number of voters."

Half of the World Stands by Assad - World Expresses Its Solidarity!!
A quote...."International politics is not governed by principles. It is a set of interests that meet or contradict. And such interests can be typically applied in Syria. - For, the sympathy or hate which some feel for the Syrian regime remain useless feelings. And the most important thing is the international balance of powers."

World Media Acknowledge Massive Turnout in Syria's Presidential Election
- Western Media Eats Crow!!
A quote...." The Associated Press said, "Waving photos of President Bashar Assad and dancing with flags, tens of thousands of Syrians pledged renewed allegiance to President Bashar Assad as they voted Tuesday." - The news agency also reported that "some stamped their ballots with blood after pricking their fingers with pins" in a symbolic act of allegiance and patriotism. "Others chose to vote in full sight of other voters and television cameras, rather than go behind a partition for privacy.""

Peace in the Aftermath of Syria’s Elections? Washington’s Option ~ Continuation of the “Civil War”
Must View RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 6min12sec - Jun 4, 2014) - Source: GlobalResearchTV - Producer: RT@YuTb - Related Websites: Global Rsrch - GRNH - GR'sArticleList -- A quote...."We discuss the outcome of the Elections with Michel Chossudovsky, he’s director at the Center for Research on Globalization."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran & Others

Interview 898 – Libya Update with James and JoAnne Moriarty and Furaj Muftah
Must Listen CRAudio - (CRMedPlyr - 1hr/plus - June 5, 2014) - Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Guest Website:  Libyan War The Truth - A quote...."As Libya continues to deteriorate, the US-backed General Khalifa Belqasim Haftar is fighting the extremist Islamists in the country even as the US continues to fund, equip and support them. Amidst the chaos and destabilization, the Libyan tribes are speaking out and condemning the actions and statements of the US and US Ambassador to Libya Deborah Jones…but the west, for the most part, isn’t listening. Today we are joined once again by James and JoAnne Moriarty of and Warfallah tribal spokesman Faraj Muftah for the latest on the ground in Libya."

Bombings strike busy areas in Iraq, killing 25
al-CIA'da & Saudi Parasites Strike Again -- A quote...."BAGHDAD — Bombings tore through busy areas in the Iraqi capital and cities to the north and south on Wednesday, killing at least 25 people, officials said."

Libyan renegade general vows 'strong response' after assassination attempt
A quote...."BENGHAZI, Libya - Libyan renegade general Khalifa Haftar said on Wednesday he had been briefly treated in hospital after suffering minor injuries in an assassination attempt."

Gunmen kill Red Cross official in Libya, fire grenade at PM's office
A quote...."(Reuters) - Gunmen in Libya shot dead a Swiss national working for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), fired a grenade at the prime minister's office and tried to kill a renegade general in a series of attacks on Wednesday."

Nigeria accuses its own Army of aiding and abetting Boko Haram (+video)
False Flag Alert?? - A quote...."Ten generals are under arrest for aiding the extremist group that abducted more than 200 girls in April, causing a global outcry. In Abuja, meanwhile, a ban on protests over the kidnapping was reversed."
One wonders who those generals were working for?  Maybe they should be water-boarded to find out? Perhaps a 183 times each? -- Obviously if Americans are identified as being involved in such a heinous act of "terrorism", no matter how tenuous such accusations may be, they'll ALL have to be arrested and promptly executed, or failing that, targeted with a drone attack.  No need for trials of course. After all, isn't that the way it's supposed to work according to our President?? - mpg
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Ryan Dawson interviews David Cole - Ry's Fund Raiser - Indiegogo
Must Listen Ry2SAudio - Please donate, we need Ryan Dawson to do his investigations full time - mpg - (ANCRptFlPlyr - aprox1hr - Created on June 02, 2014) - Related Sites:  Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - A quote...."David Cole talks about Michael Shemer's backstabbing culminating with Shermer trying to ban Cole's new book Republican Party Animal" - Get David's book! Republican Party Animals - GET MY EBOOK TOO Separation of Business and State"

Israel critic targeted by JDL in Canada
Contains PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 5min35sec - Jun 2, 2014) - Source:  G1492 - Producer:  PressTV - PRSTV@YuTb - PressTVProg - LiveLk -- A quote...."Since 2010, I have been Press TV’s Canadian correspondent based in Calgary, Alberta. I have been forced by the actions and statements of Canada’s ruling neoconservatives to hone in on the role Zionists and the organized Jewish community play in Canadian society."

Israeli gunboats open fire at Palestinian fishermen
A quote...."GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli navy gunboats opened fire at Palestinian fishermen and their boats off the coast of Gaza city on Tuesday morning. - Media outlets quoted a fisherman as saying that the gunboats opened fire at the fishermen off Sudaniya coast to the north west of Gaza city while fishing within the six nautical miles allowed area of fishing."

Netanyahu is Running Out of Excuses
A quote...."June 04, 2014 "ICH" -  The formation of a new unity government between Fatah and Hamas, although strongly resisted by the Israeli government leadership, may offer some hope for eventually leading to renewed peace talks between the Palestinian Authority and Israel’s government. For Mr. Netanyahu to resist this union is a futile exercise that may contribute to Israel’s international isolation."

Kerry [John Kohn] We [He means the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium] do not recognize government of Palestine
ZOG Alert - A quote...."BEIRUT: Speaking in Beirut Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry [Kohn] said that the U.S. does not recognize the new unity government of Palestine, as that would imply it recognized the Palestinian state. - "We do not recognize the government of Palestine - that would mean we recognize a state," he said."
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

The "Soft Power" Strategy - The Geopolitics of the Eurasian Economic Union
Must Read - A quote...."The deal signed last week by Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan to create a Eurasian Economic Union is yet another countermeasure against US and European attempts to isolate Russia. By moving towards closer economic cooperation, Russia hopes to build, piecemeal if necessary, a common Eurasian economic space that will ultimately rival the US and Europe in terms of economic influence. -- However, the ultimate goal of this sort of cooperation goes far beyond just economic power. Rather, Russia is the key facilitator of a series of multilateral arrangements created in the last fifteen years that Putin (and much of the world) hopes will ultimately move the world towards a multipolar global order. While this is undoubtedly on the agenda for Russia and its ally Belarus, Kazakhstan is a complicated partner as it is deeply involved with the West in terms of business, investment, education, and a number of other critical areas." - also posted at GlobalResearch

Moscow, Beijing prepare for 2nd major gas deal
A quote...."Even as the G7 leaders snubbed Russia over a summit meet in Brussels, Moscow is preparing for a second major gas contract with ally China, close on the heels of the landmark 30-year gas deal signed recently."

China Leads From The Shadows
A quote...."While the West tries to preserve the power and the glory of another time, the people with the plans and the determination to reshape the world are in Beijing and Moscow. - It has been a gradual, cautious journey from obscurity to the second most important currency in the world. The Chinese yuan achieved that standing at the end of 2013."

U.S. Sway in Asia Is Imperiled as China Challenges Alliances
A quote..."SINGAPORE — The Obama administration’s three-year-old plan to shift its foreign policy focus to Asia was supposed to shore up interests in a critical region, push new free trade pacts and re-establish United States influence as a balance to a growing China, after a decade of inattention."

China and Russia to establish joint rating agency - About Time!!
A quote...."No more Fitch, Moody’s, or Standard & Poor’s for Russia and China, as they have agreed to establish a rating agency on joint projects, and later, international services, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said Tuesday. - “The establishment of an independent rating system is being discussed. Many countries would like to have more objectivity in the assessment of rating agencies,” Siluanov said. - “There will be a Russian-Chinese rating agency, which will use the same tools and criteria for assessing countries and regional investments that existing rating agencies use,” the minister said."

UK Chilcot Inquiry: cover-up continues over war against Iraq
A quote...."The most critical documents regarding the preparation and instigation of the illegal war against Iraq will never be seen by the Chilcot Inquiry. The Inquiry was authorised by the previous Labour government, fully five years ago. It is now 11 years since the invasion of Iraq."

War Criminal Tony Blair Sidesteps Call For Iraq Note Release
Related Article - A quote...."TONY BLAIR ducked calls yesterday for him to sanction the release of his exchanges with former US president George Bush in the run-up to the Iraq war. - The tight-lipped former prime minister said questions about the Chilcot inquiry were “for another day” as he was grilled by reporters after a speech on Europe."

EU [instructed by the US-NRE] demands that Bulgaria [cut it's economic throat and] suspend South Stream works
A quote...."The European Commission has demanded that the Bulgarian government freeze laying the Russia-led South Stream pipeline until this Gazprom’s project meets European legislation, the Bulgarian national television company reported late on Monday, citing Chantal Hughes, spokeswoman for European Commissioner."

Australia May Be Complicit In Killing Its Own Citizens And Many Others
A quote...." June 03, 2014 "ICH" - "SMH" - Would you be comfortable if Australian security personnel were enabling the killing of Australian citizens who had not been charged with crimes, who had not faced a trial and who were in a country that Australia was not at war with? - These are the questions at the heart of a long overdue debate, because Australian security personnel are reportedly doing exactly that."

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro claims US plot to assassinate him
Of course!  So?  Is this actually a surprise??  If you have large quantities of oil and natural gas, and you refuse to participate in the Euro-Kazarain Israeli/US-NRE Petro-Fed-Fiat-Script, and your entire &$#*@ country, will be targeted for destruction.  Don't believe that, go get a Ouija board and ask Saddam or Gaddafi. - mpg

Ryan Dawson interviews Thomas Mountain - Ry's Fund Raiser - Indiegogo
Ry2SAudio - Please donate, we need Ryan Dawson to do his investigations full time - mpg - (ANCRptFlPlyr - aprox1hr - Created on June 02, 2014) - Related Sites:  Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - A quote...."Thomas Mountain gives the backdrop on the looting of Nigeria, how the military, IMF and Western vultures have been even more destructive than Boko Haram."- GET MY EBOOK TOO Separation of Business and State"

Here’s What 60 Minutes Didn’t Tell You About the F-35
A quote...."The millions of viewers who tuned into 60 MinutesSunday may have gotten the impression that, despite being billions over budget and almost a decade behind schedule, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is ultimately necessary to maintain U.S. air superiority. That’s an unsurprising conclusion, given that all of the individuals interviewed in the story work either for the federal government or for Lockheed Martin, the primary contractor for the F-35. 60 Minutes’ producers broke a basic lesson of Journalism 101 when they failed to interview anyone who would tell the other side of the F-35 story. -- Fortunately, a new video from Brave New Films does just that. The Jet that Ate the Pentagon, released along with a new website, explains how the F-35 became a $1.5 trillion burden on American taxpayers. Winslow Wheeler, the director of the Straus Military Reform Project at the Project On Government Oversight, is featured in the video. He answered a few of our questions about how and why the F-35 program got so out of control."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Top NSA Veterans Expose Shocking History of Illegal Spying
Must View BtSVideo - Alt - (BtSYuTb - 26min47sec -  Jun 4, 2014) - Source:  BreakingTheSet - Related websites: BTSFcBk - BTSTwttr - RussiaToday - A quote...."On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin features an exclusive wide-ranging interview with Top NSA whistleblowers Bill Binney, NSA Technical Director (1965 - 2001) & Kirk Wiebe, Senior NSA Analyst (1975 -- 2001). The panel discusses the history behind the NSA's illegal spying both domestically and abroad, as well as their experience as witnesses to the agency's transformation into an unconstitutional surveillance apparatus following the events of 9/11 and the FBI's determination to crack down on their dissent."

5,000 Years of History Shows that Mass Spying Is Always Aimed at Crushing Dissent
A quote...."Spying has been around since the dawn of civilization. - Keith Laidler – a PhD anthropologist, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a past member of the Scientific Exploration Society – explains...."
"Spying and surveillance are at least as old as civilization itself."
"University of Tennessee history professor Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius agrees...."
"Espionage and intelligence have been around since human beings first began organizing themselves into distinct societies, cities, states, nations, and civilizations."
"Unfortunately, spying hasn’t been limited to defense against external enemies. As documented below, tyrants have long spied on their own people in order to maintain power and control … and crush dissent."

There's A Huge New Snowden Leak — And No One Knows Where It Came From [UPDATED]
A quote...."On Tuesday, news site The Register published a story containing explosive "above top secret" information about Britain's surveillance programs, including details of a "clandestine British base tapping undersea cables in the Middle East." Reporter Duncan Campbell, who wrote the story, said it was based on documents "leaked by fugitive NSA sysadmin Edward Snowden" that other news outlets had declined to publish."

Revealed:  GCHQ's Beyond Top Secret - Middle Eastern Internet Spy Base
Related Article - A quote...."Exclusive Above-top-secret details of Britain’s covert surveillance programme - including the location of a clandestine British base tapping undersea cables in the Middle East - have so far remained secret, despite being leaked by fugitive NSA sysadmin Edward Snowden. Government pressure has meant that some media organisations, despite being in possession of these facts, have declined to reveal them. Today, however, the Register publishes them in full."

The FCC Comments Site Might Be Broken, But You Can Still E-Mail
Action Alert - A quote...."As we mentioned this morning, Last Week Tonight host John Oliver made a hilariously profane, impassioned plea for Americans to just give a damn and do something about the FCC’s pending net neutrality (aka “cable company f*ckery”) rules. It seems his call didn’t fall on deaf ears, as the FCC’s commenting system appears to be completely overwhelmed and inaccessible to most people. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still e-mail the Commission."

Polish NGO to Obama: Mass Surveillance is Not Freedom
A quote...."On June 4, 2014, one day before the anniversary of the Snowden revelations, Poland celebrates 25 years since the fall of an authoritarian regime. On this occasion, President Obama is visiting Poland and meeting with many heads of states—including officials who were affected by the mass surveillance scandal carried out by the NSA. The United States and Poland have a long tradition of official visits between their leaders." - Source:  ElectronicFrontierFoundation

The Top 5 Claims That Defenders of the NSA Have to Stop Making to Remain Credible
A quote...."Over the past year, as the Snowden revelations have rolled out, the government and its apologists have developed a set of talking points about mass spying that the public has now heard over and over again. From the President, to Hilary Clinton to Rep. Mike Rogers, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and many others, the arguments are often eerily similar." - Source:  ElectronicFrontierFoundation

NSA accused of destroying evidence showing it spied on ordinary Americans
Cover-Up Exposed - A quote...."The National Security Agency hasn’t exactly stopped spying on Americans en masse just yet, but a new court filing accuses the NSA of unlawfully destroying the evidence it collected against United States citizens for years." - For more articles on these issues see below....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Press Release: World Trade Center Bldg. 7’s Controlled Demolition: 9/11 Consensus Panel Releases New Evidence from Witness Testimonies and Architectural Drawings - Special Note - For The Record -- A quote...."June 2, 2014 – The 24-member 9/11 Consensus Panel – which includes physicists, chemists, engineers, commercial pilots, attorneys and lawyers – today announced three new studies confirming the controlled demolition of World Trade Center 7. - The studies scientifically refute the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) claim that, for the first time in history, fire caused the sudden and complete collapse of a large, fire-protected, steel-framed building on 9/11."

Larry Silverstein, WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition

Let’s Not Forget Duane Andrews and SAIC
A quote...."Both before and after 9/11, one private company had a greater impact on counterterrorism programs in the Unites States than any other. That company, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), also profited more from the events of 9/11 than any other. Its chief operating officer (COO), Duane Andrews, was a man who had expertise-level knowledge of the vulnerabilities that were exploited on 9/11. He also just happened to be a long-time, close colleague of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld."

War Crimes and 9/11: Why Dick and Don Are Suspects
A quote...."Richard Clarke, the former counterterrorism official, has recently come out suggesting that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld should be brought up on war crimes. Unfortunately, media outlets reporting this story have failed to examine Clarke’s long relationship to Cheney and Rumsfeld and his record of having prevented the capture of Osama bin Laden. These omissions highlight that, although Cheney and Rumsfeld undoubtedly are guilty of post-9/11 war crimes, suspicions that they helped create the pretext for those crimes go unreported." - also posted at Washington'sBlog & BLN

Government Treated Peaceful Boycott As Terrorism
A quote...."The Partnership for Civil Justice (a public interest legal organization which the Washington Post called “the constitutional sheriffs for a new protest generation”) reported this week that the Obama administration treated a peaceful boycott as a terrorist threat...."

UNM responds to faculty member's arrest
A quote...."Protestors in Mayor Richard Berry's office Monday led to 13 arrests. A dozen of those were for criminal trespass, but one was for battery on an officer. The suspect, David Correia, is an assistant professor who has become a well-known face at events protesting police violence."

'The Last Rancher' - Documentary (Trailer)
Action Alert - A quote...."An independent feature length Documentary is being made about what is happening in America, at Bundy ranch and what has happened to so many other ranchers. - Of course creating such a film is not cheap and they are asking for a little help from you/us. If you donate $25 you will get a DVD of the film, if you donate $100 you will be listed in the film credits."

Police violence and the American gulag
A quote...."Recent weeks have seen a proliferation of violent and often fatal attacks by police in cities and towns across the United States. -- * Last week, an Atlanta SWAT team critically wounded a one-year-old toddler by throwing a flash grenade into a house in an early morning no-knock raid to serve an arrest warrant. The toddler remains in a medically induced coma and is fighting for his life. Such no-knock warrants are becoming increasingly common. Police carried out 50,000 such raids in 2005, up from 3,000 in 1981, and the American Civil Liberties Union estimates that between 70,000 and 80,000 no-knock raids [presently] occur each year in the US." - bold by website editor

Five Police Officers Beat Innocent, Unarmed Father to Death in Front of His Family
Related Article - A quote...."When Nair Rodrigues got into an altercation with her 19-year-old daughter outside the Moore Warren Theater in the early hours of February 15 and slapped her,  a bystander reported the event to police.  But when officers showed up, they beat on Nair’s husband Luis until he lost consciousness and died." - For more on the US-NRE's out'a'control uniformed thugs see below....
Black Lobbyists, Black Legislators Leverage Their “Brands” For Banksters, Military Contractors, Corporate Interests - Special Note - A quote...."When black politics emanated from the streets, not the suites, it was a force against imperial war, for full employment, better housing and public education. But now, black politics is a hollowed out brand, an empty signifier deployed by black lobbyists and congresscreatures to cover whatever their corporate donors want, while the black political class ceaselessly celebrates the civil rights era to renew its own legitimacy."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV May 3rd, 2014 - RBN Donation Dr - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs- June 3rd, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.
"Every human being is a unique individual. Any attempt to replace the personal conscience by a collective conscience does violence to the individual and is the first step toward totalitarianism. -- *Hermann Hesse* - Author (1877-1962) -- Quote of the day from WRH
Warning: Two Weeks To Prepare For A Possible Cyber Attack On Bank Accounts - Episode 381
X22Video - (X22YuTb - 42min53sec -  Jun 3, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."US factory order beat expectations but when you remove defense orders factory orders declined. Many clients in the big financial institutions are now shorting treasuries. It seems Senators are becoming very wealthy in government, half are millionaires. Russia and China are making deals with each other, they are creating a combined credit rating agency. The US government/central bankers are beefing up military assets throughout Europe. Syrian elections are now in favor of Assad and the US government/central bankers are working on a plan to strike into Syria. Holder is now creating a home grown terrorist force to go after American citizens, it begins, this lists are distributed and the forces are being created. We have 2 weeks before a major cyber attack hits which will in turn take your private information, your bank funds and bring the economy to its knees. Be prepared for a false flag."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV May 4th, 2014 - RBN Donation Dr - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs- June 4th, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

U.S. Boosting Military Assets In Europe To Counter Russia - Episode 382
X22Video - (X22YuTb - 43min43sec -  Jun 4, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."Cyprus GDP declines and unemployment skyrockets from last year. ADP job report missed expectations, lowest since January. Half of Americans cannot afford their homes. Most American's believe that the American dream is over, they do not see how their children will be able to make ends meet. Brazil is building a nuclear sub to protect its oil interest off the coast. NATO and the US are now beefing up military assets in Europe to counter to Russia. More advanced weapons are going to be strategically placed throughout Europe. Assad has one the election in Syria and now he is pressed with the task of proving he is not hiding chemical weapons."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Bond Bubble Burst (E609)
Must View MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min45sec - Jun 3, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - MaxOnTwitter - StacyOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss investors picking up nickels in front of steamrollers as both stocks and bonds soar. In the second half, Max interviews Ian Fraser, author of "Shredded: Inside RBS, The Bank That Broke Britain", [BkFndr]* They discuss how the bank rigged Libor (and could go bust because of the fines and the ongoing criminal investigations), mispricing assets (with a little help from compliant regulators and complicit auditors) and kneecapping companies out of spite (just because)." - *links added - bold by website editor

The Destroyer of Fake "Recoveries": Unintended Consequences
A quote...." A correspondent recently summarized why unintended consequences eventually destroy all politically expedient strategies that temporarily prop up a systemically unsustainable Status Quo...."
"Unintended consequences almost always equal or exceed the benefits of whatever your temporary gains were in a complex system. We see this over and over again, in all sorts of different complex systems."
"In other words, all the "kick the can down the road" strategies being deployed across the globe by central states and banks will inevitably backfire because central planning fixes always trigger systemic consequences that were unintended by the planners, who are fixated on minimizing the political pain of powerful constituencies, not understanding or repairing the real problems." - Source: OfTwoMinds
Keep in mind folks, many, if not most of these "unintended consequences" were actually intended.  The Fed's goal is to enrich the 1/10th of 1%.  That's it.  Period. -- The term "unintended consequences" is dangerously similar to the "stupid, accidental or coincidence" theory of history. -- mpg -- For more on that see....Coincidence Theory of History - (aka  The Accident Theory of History) - Def.
Is The Fed's Gold Ponzi Scheme About To Pop?
A quote...."The US Dollar could crash at a finger snap under at least one circumstance: if the gold holdings at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (NY Fed) are revealed to be missing. An event last week made that circumstance edge a bit closer. Austria wants to audit the 150 tons of gold it stores in the UK (some sources say 280 tons.) According to Austrian Trend magazine, “there is a rising disbelief among Austrians about the existence of the gold." -- If the bullion is not there, then a flood of audit demands could reveal empty vaults around the world. But particularly in one place. A disproportionate percentage of the world's gold reserve is in the vault of the NY Fed. Or, at least, the physical gold is said to be there. A recent delivery of repatriated gold to Germany is reason for skepticism."
When the German Bundesbank asked for Germany's gold and were refused, asked for an audit of their gold and were refused, and finally, after prodding from the German parliament, got the Fed to agree to ship them a measly 300 tons of gold over seven years, yet in the first year they only received five tons, the jig was totally up. -- The gold isn't there....period!!!  --  Whatever gold the Fed is finally forced to reveal, assuming it's not gold plated tungsten bars, will have just been received from some other bank, or, is the gold they recently stole from Libya and Ukraine.  The whole thing is a scam and nothing backs the private, foreign owned, Fed's fiat script except the US-NRE's cannon-fodder. - mpg
Russian Roulette – Derivative Style
A quote...."Note: I have no insider knowledge regarding derivatives, so I am merely speculating. But I think we can assume the following...." - The first three points....
Bears Tap Out: Assets At Bearish Funds Hit Record Low
Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Back in March we asked "what happens when this chart goes to zero" with regard the exuberant lack of bears in the AAII survey. The last 3 months have seen that sentiment morph into actual positioning as institutional investors have been net sellers of US equities since April leaving assets in bear funds at record lows." - This is what's called "a contrarian indicator". - mpg

Clients Are The Most Net Short Treasuries Since 2006, JPMorgan Warns
Mrkt Tech Note - Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."institutional clients have not been this short Treasuries since 2006. As JPMorgan's Client Survey exposes, as of the end of last week, active clients were adding to shorts... " - This is what's called "a contrarian indicator". - mpg

The Average Russell 2000 Stock Is Down 22% From Its Highs
Mrkt Tech Note - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."It’s hard to "fully commit" to this rally given "corroded internals," warns FBN Securities technical analyst JC O’Hara in note. As we previously noted, new highs are extremely negatively divergent from the index strength, as are market money flows, but what has O'Hara "very disturbed" is the fact that the average Russell 2000 stock is over 22% below its 52-week highs."

Is This The Top? First Quarter Corporate Profits Tumble Most Since Lehman
Mrkt Tech Note - Multiple Charts - (click to enlarge) - (3 selected) -- A quote...."As SocGen's Albert Edwards conveniently points out, during the excitement of the downward revision of Q1 US GDP from +0.1% to -1.0% investors seem not to have noticed a $213bn, 10% annualized slump in the US Bureau of Economic Analysis's (BEA) favored measure of whole economy profits...."

It’s Coming: “We Are Seeing a Very Material Slow-down Across the Economy”
A quote...."Remember back in early 2008 when the Presidential election was in full swing and the majority of financial and political pundits were hailing the booming American economy, record home ownership and never ending growth? - By the end of the year everyone had changed their tune and the United States of America was, as former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said, “on the brink” of an unprecedented collapse."

The US Housing Market’s Darkening Data
A quote...."When looking at residential real estate, we often tend to focus almost solely on recent price movements in assessing the health of the housing market at any point in time. But as both homeowners and income-earners in the larger economy, of which the housing market is an important component, to really understand what’s going on, we need clarity into the larger cycle driving those price movements."

US economy contracts as tens of thousands are laid off
A quote...."In recent days, several reports have surfaced that paint a grim picture of the United States economy. They provide details on how US gross domestic product (GDP), wage growth and consumer spending either stagnated or declined during the first quarter of 2014. This economic downturn corresponds with an increasing number of layoffs, which exceeded 14,000 in May alone."

The American Dream Is Out of Reach
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."For all the talk about a recovery, pundits, especially those who peddle expensive newsletters, continue to forget one key distinction of the New Normal: there are those for whom the recovery has never been stronger, well under 10% of the population, i.e., the already wealthy whose net worth is allocated in financial assets. And then there is everyone else, that vast majority of Americans, who not only have not benefited by the Fed’s relentless balance sheet expansion and accompanying asset reflation but whose incomes just posted the first decline in real terms since 2012."

Half The Country Makes Less Than $27,520 A Year And 15 Other Signs The Middle Class Is Dying
A quote...."....of course $27,520 a year will not allow you to live "the American Dream" in this day and age.  After taxes, that breaks down to a good bit less than $2,000 a month.  You can't realistically pay a mortgage, make a car payment, afford health insurance and provide food, clothing and everything else your family needs for that much money.  That is one of the reasons why both parents are working in most families today....." - also posted at RINF

1 in 5 Children Live in Poverty in USA
A quote...."One in five children under age 18, or 21.3%, are living in poverty in the United States, according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau. -  In 2012, there were 15,437,000 children under 18 years old, or 21.3%, who were classified in the “below poverty” threshold, according to the Census."

For The First Time Ever, More Than Half The Members Of Congress Are Millionaires
Related Article - A quote...."Wealthy members of Congress are living the high life at taxpayer expense, while most of the rest of the country continues to suffer through one of the worst economic periods in our lifetimes.  According to an analysis conducted by the Center for Responsive Politics earlier this year, more than half of the members of Congress are millionaires.  This is the first time that this has ever happened in U.S. history." - Source:  EOTAD

European Sub-zero Deposit Rates Imminent As Eurozone Inflation Tumbles To March 2009 Levels
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."If Mario Draghi was waiting for the latest Eurozone inflation data to cement his decision to unleash negative deposit rates, if not more, in the Eurozone, he got it earlier today when Eurostat reported that May inflation tumbled to 0.5% - matching the cycle lows and the lowest since March 2009 - down from April's 0.7%, below the 0.6% expected, and less than half the ECB's target."

Italy's jobless rate hits 13.6 percent in Q1
A quote...."Italy’s unemployment rate hit 13.6 percent in the first three months of this year - 0.8 percent higher than in the same period in 2013 - while youth unemployment reached 46 percent, the national statistics agency Istat said on Tuesday."

Spanish King Juan Carlos abdicates amid growing unpopularity of the monarchy [amidst Bankster imposed "austerity"] -- Banksters RULE, Monarchs are just figureheads, politicians are ass-kissing lackeys, everybody else....peasants, peons, serfs, cannon-fodder, and sooner than most will think possible....slaves. - mpg

Japan Base Wages Decline 23 Months In A Row
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Proving once again that you can't print your way to general economic prosperity, Abenomics took another shot to the chest last night as Japan's base wages failed to rise month-over-month for the 24th month in a row (the longest streak in history). "

Renminbi use surges in home of US dollar
Fed Fiat Script Alert - A quote...."It is the monetary equivalent of what Chairman Mao called “bombarding the headquarters”. China’s renminbi is rapidly displacing the US dollar as a trading currency not only in Asia and Europe but now also in the US home market. - The value of renminbi payments between the US and the rest of the world rose by 327 per cent in April this year from the same month a year ago (see chart) as more US corporations switched to using the Chinese currency to pay for imports from China, according to data from SWIFT, the international currency settlement firm."
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More On The World's International Situation....

Assad Wins Syrian Election With 88.7% of Vote
A quote...."TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Bashar al-Assad has won a landslide victory in the Syrian presidential poll with 88.7 percent of the vote, securing another seven-year term."

Syrian army makes new gains
A quote...."Syrian armed forces have made new advances against the foreign-backed militants near the capital, Damascus, around the key town of Mleha. - Army units took over control of northern and eastern portions of Mleha on Wednesday following a day-long clash with militants."

Farzana Parveen stoning shames Pakistan
Special Note - A quote...."Farzana Parveen was just 25 years old born alone and died alone. The autopsy will show she did not die by natural causes but was stoned to death. She did not commit any crime except incurring the dislike of her own parents and family members by her decision to marry Mohammad Iqbal. They viewed it a matter of honor and conspired to kill Farzana." - A reason for the 2nd amendment and the FUNDAMENTAL human right for self-defense. - mpg

Pakistani Military Attacks Afghan Kunar Province With Rockets, Helicopters
A quote...."Local officials of eastern Kunar province reported that Pakistani military forces had fired more than 97 rockets into Dangam and Shegal districts of the province. The assault marks just the most recent of a series of violent Pakistani territorial infringmenets that have caused death and destruction in a number of eastern provinces over the past week."

Iran, Sudan Discuss Expansion of Ties
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's newly appointed Ambassador to Sudan Shabib Jurijari and Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Karti explored new avenues for enhancing all-out ties. - In a meeting on Tuesday, the two sides emphasized the need for the relevant officials in the two countries to utilize each and every capacity and potential to enhance cooperation."

Egypt: Two students disappear after being tortured in police camp
A quote...."Two Egyptian university students have disappeared since Sunday after being abducted by police and tortured in a central security camp in Zagazig, spokesman of a student group said." - Source:  MEMO

China Sends 4 More Fighter Jets To Oil Rig Area As Vietnam Threatens Legal Action
A quote...."A number of Vietnamese officials have now threatened to bring legal action against China over their territorial dispute in the South China Sea; but it does not seem to be having any impact on China’s efforts to defend and sustain their presence. As Bloomberg reports, a total of five Chinese fighter jets have now been deployed to the area of exploration in disputed waters off the coast of Vietnam today...." - Source:  ZeroHedge

Thailand's junta warns over “Hunger Games” salute
- Means it's working! Wow! - mpg
MGVideo - Alt - (MGYuTb - 5min11sec - Jun 3, 2014) - Source:  MaryGreeley
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Canada Defeats Monsanto Seed Imperialism! - Hip Hip Hooray!!
DB7Video - (DB7YuTb - 2min - Jun 1, 2014) - Source:  DAHBOO77 -- Grassroots activism against transgenic encroachment has paid off in Canada, where licenses for genetically modified (GM) alfalfa have been put on hold, according to new reports. Massive protests in Montreal, Levis, Quebec City, Toronto and as many as 35 other towns and cities across Canada caused U.S.-based Monsanto and Forage Genetics International, the company responsible for creating GM alfalfa using Monsanto’s technology, to have the issuance of their growing licenses delayed in accordance with the will of the people."

2,4-D soy: waging war on peasants
A quote...."Global attempts by Dow AgroSciences to gain approval for new genetically-modified soybean varieties resistant to the herbicide 2,4-D have become particularly aggressive in recent months. Simultaneous applications have been filed in several of the countries where genetically engineered crops (GE or transgenic crops or GMOs) were introduced in the 1990s."

Monsanto Slammed for ‘Fraudulent’ EU Patent on Non-GMO Tomatoes
A quote...."Representatives of the international coalition No Patents on Seeds! from France, Germany and Spain have filed an opposition against a European patent held by Monsanto on conventionally bred tomatoes (EP1812575). The patent claims tomatoes with a natural resistance to a fungal disease called botrytis. The original tomatoes used for this patent came from the international gene bank in Gatersleben, Germany. It was already known that these plants had the desired resistance and they were simply crossed with other tomato plants. Monsanto then produced a cleverly worded patent in order to create the impression that genetic engineering had been used to produce the tomatoes and to make it look ‘inventive’."

Natural News tests flu vaccine for heavy metals, finds 25,000 times higher mercury level than EPA limit for water
A quote...."Mercury tests conducted on vaccines at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab have revealed a shockingly high level of toxic mercury in an influenza vaccine (flu shot) made by GlaxoSmithKline (lot #9H2GX)"

New US coal dust standards leave thousands of miners at risk for black lung
A quote...."Late last month, the Obama administration unveiled new respirable dust standards for the United States’ coal mines which will continue to expose thousands of miners to unsafe levels of coal and rock dust. The new guidelines reduce overall coal dust exposure limits from 2.0 to 1.5 milligrams per cubic meter of air and close certain loopholes in how sampling is performed and compliance is determined." - Source:  WSWS

Newsflash? -- Fukushima Is Still a Disaster
A quote...."The corporate media silence on Fukushima has been deafening even though the melted-down nuclear power plant’s seaborne radiation is now washing up on American beaches. - Ever more radioactive water continues to pour into the Pacific." - also posted at TruthDig
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Technological Tid-Bits....

Funny Looking Tower Generates 600% More Electrical Energy Than Traditional Wind Turbines
A quote...."The Sheerwind wind turbine promises to produce 6 times the electrical power than traditional wind turbines. - This funny looking wind tower acts like a funnel, directing the wind from any angle, down through a tube to a ground based turbine generator. The funneling of the wind through a narrow passage effectively creates a “jet effect” increasing the velocity of the wind, while lowering the pressure. This is called the Venturi Effect. This speeds up the wind turbine mounted inside the narrowest portion and generates electricity."

Alexander Graham Bell Made a Wireless Phone That Ran on Sunshine
A quote...."On June 3, 1880, just four years after he patented the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell was talking wirelessly, sending his words over 213 meters on a mirror and a sunbeam on top of the Franklin School in Washington, DC. Bell called it his most important invention and named it the “photophone.”"

Tuesday June 3rd 2014

No posts. - mpg

Monday June 2nd 2014

The Truthseeker: US plans 'first strike' on Russia (E40)

Must View TSVideo - (TSYuTb - 10min43sec - Jun 1, 2014) - Source:  RT - Related Website: RTTruthSeeker -- A quote...."Star Wars tested for Eastern Europe; US space weapons "unofficial declaration of war"; "soft assassinations" planned for last weekend's EU election winners. - Seek truth from facts with Gladio, NATO's Dagger at the Heart of Europe author and former European MP Richard Cottrell; Stop NATO newslist's Rick Rozoff; and Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space." – World Crisis Radio
Must Listen WTAudio - (WTAdbFlshPlyr - 1hr15min - May 31, 2014) - Source:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb - A quote...."NATO Puppet Poroshenko Escalates War on Ukraine Civilians; Sisi Promises Egypt 1 Million Homes; Snowden “Still Working for US Government”; Wreckage of Color Revolutions Threatens World Peace"

Voters Give EU The Thumbs Down - The Geneva Business Insider
Must Listen CRVideo - (CRYuTb - 34min31sec - Jun 1, 2014) - Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Guest Website:  GenevaBusinessInsiderBlog -- A quote...."This month on The Geneva Business Insider, James Corbett and David L. Smith cover the recent EU parliamentary elections and the rise of the Euroskeptics as a political force. We also discuss the Scottish independence movement, the rising mainstream awareness of gold price manipulation, and an ominous meeting of globalists in London on "fairer capitalism."

CrossTalk: Brussels vs. the People
Must Listen CTRTVideo - Alt - (CTRTYuTb - 23min51sec - Jun 2, 2014) - Source:  CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."What is the reaction to the results of the elections? Is it a protest to punish the establishment? And is the EU project clearly failing? CrossTalking with Robert Oulds, Andrew Lilico and John Laughland."

Following presidential elections, UAE and Saudi Arabia to provide Egypt with extra $20bn
One can only guess what promises Sisi made to the parasitical families on the Arabian Peninsula to get these loans. - mpg -- A quote...."According to the source, the package will include deposits in the central bank to support the Egyptian pound, which has lately suffered a drop against the US dollar. It will also include low-interest loans; investments in water and sanitation projects; schools; the financing of projects for low-income citizens and the poor; the establishment of a Saudi-funded residential city in El Alamein; financing the creation of silos for storing grain; fulfilling Egypt's petroleum products needs; particularly gas and diesel; and encouraging investors from both countries to pump huge investments into Egypt to revive its economy."
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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine....

Le Pen on Ukraine crisis: US pursuing own interests, not those of EU
A quote...."The EU is responsible for the developments in Ukraine, French right-wing leader Marine Le Pen said in an interview, stressing the bloc should have its own opinion on global events and not slavishly follow the America’s lead. - “The EU added fuel to the fire by offering the partnership to the country where half of the population is looking to the East,” Le Pen told Der Spiegel newspaper. - Le Pen said she supports federalization in crisis-torn Ukraine, where the coup-appointed government has launched a massive military operation in the country’s eastern regions. The offensive has already claimed dozens of lives, both among the militias and local civilians. Schools, a kindergarten and hospitals in several cities have come under fire."

EU vote: Freight train of opposition
A quote...."While EU leaders and their Washington sympathizers marginalize, rationalize, and excuse away Sunday’s historic European Union parliamentary election results, they deliberately avoid the greater point of concern. The people are coming. - French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, called the sudden increase in new opposition Members of the European Parliament ( MEP) an, “earthquake.” He, too, missed the correct metaphore. This staggering election result is a freight train. More passengers are climbing aboard daily. Destination: Capital City." - Source:  PressTV

Battling for Ukraine’s Soul
A quote...."Eastern Ukrainian freedom fighters aren’t quitting. They reject Kiev putschists. - They deplore fascist governance. They want fundamental democratic rights everyone deserves. - So do Maidan activists. Nonviolent ones. Thousands. On Sunday, they convened a People’s Veche (assembly). - The first in two months. In Kiev’s Independence Square. Thousands participated. To decide whether to continue tent city activism. - “We are not going to go away,” they said. They’re watching president-elect Poroshenko. They’ll give him a month to deliver on promises made."

Kiev junta continues killing civilians on Children’s Day
A quote...."The western backed junta in Kiev has announced that it will launch a massive offensive against the populations of eastern Ukraine to "clear the regions of opposition". The unprecedented war against the civilian population began with an aerial attack on apartment blocks, schools, hospitals and air strikes using cluster bombs on the administration building in Lugansk."

Ukraine's Freedom party insists on introducing martial law in south-east
A quote...."The Nationalist Freedom Party requires the introduction of martial law in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the leader of party Oleh Tyahnybok said in the Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada." -- Yep.  Ukraine's "National Freedom Party" wants martial law.  Looks like they've learned a lot from their Amerikan/Israeli masters in naming things their exact opposite. - mpg
- For more articles on this issue see below....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran & Others

Is Washington Planning a Terrorist Operation against Syria on the Day of the Elections?
False Flag Red Warning - A quote...."With security heightened throughout Syria, the country is preparing for Tuesday’s elections. -- At this juncture, the crucial issue for Syria is whether a covert intelligence operation is in the making? Is the US planning to unleash a major terrorist operation on the day of the elections?. -- Is Washington and its allies planning upon disrupting Syria’s elections scheduled for June 3  as part of a new program of destabilization involving the influx of weapons and death squads?"

Ex-pat Syrians flock to vote in Lebanon -- while the West forbids them
A quote...."Roughly three kilometres north of Beirut's Syrian embassy in Baabda, Syrians crammed in one of an endless stream of buses, exited and continued on foot. The masses opted to walk the remaining few kilometres rather than sit in a traffic jam generated by the tens of thousands flocking to vote."

A Middle East Tragedy: Obama’s Syria Policy Disaster
A quote...."For over three years, the United States has sought to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by supporting an Al Qaeda-infused opposition that Washington either knew or should have known would fail. Yet, in his commencement address at West Point on Wednesday, President Obama promised the American people and the rest of the world more of the same."

“They want to start a religious war; we want to extinguish it” – Mufti of Syria
A quote...."Leading figures in Syria such as the Mufti of Syria who lost his own son to a terrorist attack, want to extinguish the fires of hatred. The overwhelming majority of Syrians agree, isolating the foreign-backed mercenaries inside and outside Syria. - Most news accounts of Syria paint a desolate, sectarian picture of the country where people in areas secured by the Syrian army are miserable and where people, above all, want to see President Bashar al-Asad gone. During my visit, I found the exact opposite. In particular, I found widespread, and usually ardent, support for the president." - Source:  CrescentInternational

Syrian rebel rocket fire kills 50 in Aleppo: monitoring group
A quote...."(Reuters) - Syrian rebel rocket fire on government-controlled areas of Aleppo killed 50 people over the weekend, a monitoring group said on Monday, the eve of an election in which rebels have warned they will step up attacks on state targets."

Syrian diplomat: expat voter turnout over 95%
A quote...."Syria's deputy foreign minister Faissal Al-Mikdad has said that expatriate voter turnout in 43 embassies exceeded 95% of eligible voters. - In a statement quoted by the Syrian news agency (SNA) after submitting the results to the higher elections committee, Al-Mikdad said that "the high turnout" indicates Syrians' "faith in the political path of their country." - For more on the Syrian people's lawful, legitimate, internationally monitored election, and their brave stance against the US-NRE/Israel/Saudi Consortium see below......
Why General Haftar is not Colonel Gaddafi
A quote...."The name of man who claims to be on a mission to drive out "Islamists and terrorists" from Libya, was mentioned as early as February 22, 2011 - only five days after the start of the NATO-led rebellion against the Jamahiriya - as the possible leader of "post-Gaddafi Libya". And not without reason."

At least 20 killed, dozens wounded in clashes in Libya's Benghazi - medics
A quote...."(Reuters) - At least 20 people were killed and almost 70 wounded when the Libyan army and forces of a renegade general fought Islamist militants in the eastern city of Benghazi on Monday, medical sources said."

Jordan tells citizens to leave Libya “as soon as possible”
A quote...."Jordan’s Foreign Ministry has become the latest country to tell its citizens to leave the Libya as soon as possible and not to travel to it because of the deteriorating security situation."

Half of Yemen on the verge of starvation - "Mission Accomplished!!"
A quote...."Nearly half of Yemen’s population is going hungry, the UN’s food agency warned Friday, saying it was scaling up its aid to the impoverished country. -- More than 10 million of Yemen’s some 25 million inhabitants are either severely food insecure — meaning they require food assistance because they cannot find enough food for themselves — or teetering on the edge, the World Food Program said."

Amano hails Iran compliance with IAEA measures

A quote...."VIENNA - UN atomic watchdog chief Yukiya Amano welcomed Iran's compliance with measures to lift suspicions about its nuclear programme on Monday, but cautioned that some doubt remained."

IAEA: Iran Implemented All Measures to Monitor Its Nuclear Program
Related Article - A quote..."The U.N. nuclear watchdog chief praised Iran on Monday for showing increased openness about its nuclear program, asserting that it implemented all related measures as planned. "
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

9/11 & Israeli Apartheid, The Kiss of Death for World Zionism
Special Note - A quote...."South African Apartheid was exposed and dispensed with after many years of struggle and major divestitures of corporate and institutional investments from anything related to South Africa. - The world literally turned against the Government of South Africa and its Apartheid, eventually causing its collapse. - The same thing is now happening to Israel over the Apartheid for the Palestinians it now holds captive in the world’s largest open air prison camp."

Did the Jews Lose Europe?
Related Article - A quote...."Following the surge of right wing parties in Europe’s Parliamentary election, Forward, the once-progressive Jewish outlet asks, “Have the Jews Lost Europe?” The tone of this question implies that until just a few days ago, at least some Jews believed that Europe was, in part, a ‘Jewish property.’ Such views were not baseless; Jewish Lobbies have dominated British and French policies by means of aggressive  lobbying (CFI, LFI, CRIF etc’). -- Following the European poll, Dave Rich, deputy director of the ultra Right Wing Jewish para-military Community Security Trust, is concerned. He detects a growing resentment of Jewish politics in Europe. His article in the Forward openly examines whether Jews have lost their grip on the European continent. " - Source:  GiladAtzmon

Israel gags famous nuclear whistleblower invited to speak at human rights conference
ZOG Alert - A quote...."A decade after his release from prison for leaking information on Israel’s nuclear weapon program, Mordechai Vanunu has been denied permission to attend a human rights conference in London."

Power And Punishment Replaces Hebrew As Israel's Official Language
A quote...."....the entire approach to Israel must be changed. As long as it does not pay the price of the occupation and its citizens go unpunished, they will have no reason to end it, or even to deal with it. The occupation is deep inside the Israeli closet. There is no one to out it, the overwhelming majority want it to remain inside. For this reason, only punitive measures will remind us of its existence. Yes, I mean boycotts and sanctions, which are greatly preferable to bloodshed. -- This is the truth, even if it’s bitter. America and Europe have kowtowed to Israel enough. Unfortunately, to no effect. From now on, the world must speak a different language and perhaps it will be understood. After all, Israel has proved, more than once, that the language of power and punishment is its main language."

Israel denies Gaza unity government ministers entrance to West Bank
Israeli Da'Mockery In Action -- A quote...."Israel has denied three future Palestinian Authority ministers from the Gaza Strip entry to the West Bank ahead of the unveiling of a new unity government, public radio said on Sunday. - The head of Israel’s military administration in the Palestinian territories, Major General Yoav Mordechai, had informed the Palestinians that the three would not be permitted to cross from Gaza to the West Bank, the radio said. - Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday that the line-up of a unity government would be announced Monday, following a delay over who would head the foreign ministry." - Source:  al-Akhbar

Israeli Occupation Forces Kill Two Palestinians, Kidnap 370 In May
A quote..."In its monthly report on Israeli violations, the Ahrar Center for Detainees’ Studies and Human Rights has reported that Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinians in May, and kidnapped 370. - The Center said that the army shot and killed Nadim Nuwwara, 17, and Mohammad Abu Thaher, 20, near the Ofer Israeli military roadblock, near the central West Bank city of Ramallah. The two were killed on May 15, during Nakba Day protests." - Source:  IMEMC

US Congressmen vow to work to keep Jerusalem undivided
A quote...."Congressmen from the bipartisan Congressional Israel Allies Caucus vowed this week to work to keep Jerusalem united as Israel's undivided capital. - Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-CO) pledged "with no waivers and no caveats" to do everything in his power to ensure Jerusalem remains undivided. - "The United States was the first nation to recognize Israel’s sovereignty a mere 11 minutes after the new state was formed in 1948," Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) said on Thursday."
These colonial ass-kissing lackeys of Israel should save everybody the bother, simply resign, renounce their US citizenship, and deport themselves and their misbegotten progeny to that geo-political pustule of degradation and misery rotting by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.  Right now they have the choice to do so.  But in the future, for this sort of disgraceful, obsequious and public act of allegiance to a foreign power while in office, they may not. One can only hope that day comes sooner rather than later. - mpg
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

“False Flag Terrorism” to Sustain America’s “Humanitarian” Agenda
A quote...."In late May 2014, President Obama rolled out his foreign policy initiatives at West Point and said nothing new. Every lie he uttered is just a retread cover for the same old, same old disastrous foreign policy the US has engaged in since the cold war began shortly after World War II. The fact is Washington has been regularly practicing this same modus operandi for over sixty years." - also posted at ICH

Up to 800 killed in Iraq in May, two-thirds of them civilians
A quote...."Almost 800 people were reported to have been killed in Iraqi violence last month, two-thirds of the victims being civilians. Meanwhile, monitoring groups put the figure at over 1,000 deaths among the civil population alone."

Second Informant Surfaces in ICE’s Mayan Jaguar Cocaine-Plane Op
A quote...."The secrecy cloaking a corporate jet with a CIA-linked tail number that crash landed in Mexico in the fall of 2007 with a nearly four-ton load of cocaine onboard continues to unravel, one string at a time."

Russia to take necessary measures if NATO military potential comes closer to its borders - envoy
A quote...."NATO was and is a leading military organization in the European-Atlantic region - that is why, while developing cooperation with it in spheres of common interest, Russia paid special attention to ensuring appropriate defense levels amid any scenarios, Russia's Permanent Representative to NATO Alexander Grushko told Interfax."

‘Taken under control’: GPS sites in Russia can’t be used now for ‘military purposes’
A quote...."Russia has “taken under control” the operation of 11 American GPS sites and ensured they cannot be used for military purposes, as Washington and Moscow show no progress in negotiations on setting up Russian GLONASS stations on US territory. - May 31 was the last day when Russia and the US could have reached a deal on the issue." - Source:  RT

Washington Wants Maduro Dead
A quote...." He's Venezuela's democratically elected president. It doesn't matter. Washington's dirty war continues. - It's done so since Chavez's December 1998 election. He became president in February 1999. He served until his March 5, 2013 death. - He survived Washington's April 2002 coup attempt. A 64-day 2002 - 03 general strike and oil management lockout."

Venezuelan Government Exposes Plot to Assassinate President Maduro, Opposition Rejects Charges
A quote...."San Francisco, May 30th 2014. ( On Wednesday, Venezuelan authorities publicized correspondences between opposition leaders and U.S. diplomats which, they say, constitute a plan to assassinate president Nicolas Maduro and overthrow his administration."

El Salvador: Salvador Sanchez sworn in as president
A quote...."Former left-wing rebel leader Salvador Sanchez Ceren has been sworn in as president of El Salvador. - Mr Sanchez, 69, of the FMLN party, becomes the first former guerrilla to lead the Central American country following his March victory. - In his inauguration speech, he promised to fight corruption and violence, and to govern "for everybody"."

British Government Coverup and Whitewash of Iraq War Crimes: The Chilcot Inquiry
A quote...."Amidst howls of “whitewash” from media commentators and interested observers of all political hues, it seems the findings of the Chilcot Inquiry in to the Iraq war are finally to be published by the end of this year."

Charge Blair with contempt of Parliament - only then will we know if he lied over Iraq
A quote...."The embers of one war can spark the flames of another. - There can be no doubt that the 2003 Iraq War and the insurgency that followed has been an important contributor to the civil war devastating Syria - a reason, if another was needed, to forensically examine Tony Blair’s actions of more than a decade ago. - Democratic politics make great demands on a Prime Minister in time of war. - However, there is nothing more corrosive to their reputation than the accusation that they have lied to the House of Commons – as Anthony Eden did over the Suez Crisis in 1956. - Blair is increasingly believed to have done the same over Iraq. The former Prime Minister denies it, of course, and remains unashamedly active on the political stage."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Cisco purchase of CIA-funded company may fuel distrust abroad
A quote...."The CIA's non-profit venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel, has been pumping millions of dollars into technology startups since its launch in 2000, meaning it's not the least bit unusual for major vendors to have acquired and assimilated one of these CIA-nurtured seedlings."
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Uncle Sam Says
Graphic - Another great graphic brought to you by Michael Rivero at WRH

A Simple, Reliable Process of Profit / Tribute Extraction

Social Security Threatens To Close All Field Offices
A quote...."There’s a reason Social Security is the most popular of all government programs. - But that will change if the Social Security Administration’s “Vision 2025” comes to pass. Bureaucrats are mulling closure of most of SSA’s more than 1,000 community field offices in the U.S., where 43 million people sought services last year." - One commentator stated.....
"There seems to be a motto in Congress. If it is good for the people, destroy it or diminish it to the point of non-functionality; if it is good for the money junkies, make sure it stays intact, and perpetuates itself." -- *Michael Rivero*
If you think about it, that's the EXACT same policy the US-NRE (aka Israel's Bankster owned North Amerikan Colony)  implements when it invades other countries.  Keep the ports, oil infrastructure, mines, etc. intact, create a private central bank, steal all their gold, but for everything else....the museums, water works, hospitals, schools, parks, public infrastructure and the cities themselves....level them.

It's a simple, tried and true, Euro-Kazarain formula folks.  They've used it for over one hundred and fifty years if not longer. Lever up your military forces (or those of your Bankster controlled colony) using a fiat-currency, which costs absolutely nothing to them, use this military leverage, purchased with the savings of future generations, to than break-apart the targeted asset/country.  Destroy anything not in your control and/or that can be used by the people to maintain their independence and livelihoods. Put the population deeply into Bankster debt.  Than lever-up your military again claiming these people's assets and future outputs as your own, target another country, and begin the cycle all over. It's just a large scale, more murderous version of what is known as a "leveraged buyout".

For companies:   You borrow or print bonds, a form
of leverage, or lie. You target "undervalued" corporations.  Companies which produce real goods and services, pay their workers real wages, have fully funded pension plans and/or medical plans, and invest their profits back into the company, hence, they have a "low share value". 

You engage in financial warfare against them, spread false rumors, try to cut off their credit, blackmail or bribe their officers, disrupt their supply chains, engage in sabotage, conduct espionage, and stage "wild-cat" strikes if you can.

When the target is sufficiently weakened you attack.  You buy-out their stock, break-up the company, destroy their pension and medical plans, fire masses of workers, terrorize the remainder with the same, you increase their hours, reduce their wages, hire sadistic managers to work them to death (aka "cost cutting").  You raid the company's assets for pennies on the dollar, pay back your bondholders or loan originators if you have to, else stiff them if you can, than count your profits
and move on to another target.

For countries:  You borrow, print bonds and/or currency, a form
of leverage, or lie.  You target "unprofitable" countries.  Countries or governments that are not giving you a sufficient cut of the profits because they're "independent" or, they're returning an insufficient amount of the profits.  Countries which produce real goods and services, pay their workers real wages, have fully funded national retirement and/or medical plans, and invest their profits back into the country. Hence they have a low return on investment, or, worse, won't let you invest. 

So you engage in financial warfare against them, spread false rumors, try to cut off their credit, blackmail or bribe their officials, disrupt their supply chains, engage in sabotage,
conduct espionage, and stage "spontaneous" street demonstrations if you can. If they fail to comply with your demands, you continue your campaigns of propaganda and financial assault.

When the target is sufficiently weakened you launch a military attack.  You kill or maim millions you constantly terrorize the rest with the same, you support fratricidal sectarianism (Middle East) or political and ethnic factionalism (Ukraine) and/or continuously bomb them them with random terrorist drone strikes (Yemen, Pakistan). You break-up the targeted country, steal their gold,
destroy anything, such as their retirement, medical, educational or other such systems, or for that matter their agricultural or fishing industries, that could allow the population to avoid your Bankster imposed fiat-currency regime.

You than fire masses of workers, terrorize the remainder with the same, you increase their hours, reduce their wages, and hire sadistic politicians or impose vicious dictators to work them to death (aka "austerity") - You
raid the country's assets for pennies on the dollar,
pay back your bondholders or loan originators if you have to, else stiff them if you can, than count your profits and move on to another target

A simple, reliable process of profit / tribute extraction for companies.....or countries. -
US Uniformed Thugs -- Completely Out'A'Control.....
The Democrats’ New Fake Populism
A quote...."It would have been hilarious were it not so nauseating. One could only watch the recent “New Populism” conference with pity-induced discomfort, as stale Democratic politicians did their awkward best to adjust themselves to the fad of “populism.” -- A boring litany of Democratic politicians — or those closely associated — gave bland speeches that aroused little enthusiasm among a very friendly audience of Washington D.C. politicos. It felt like an amateur recital in front of family and friends, in the hopes that practicing populism with an audience would better prepare them for the real thing." - Source:  Worker'sAction

Guess who employs the most illegal immigrants
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 2min58sec - May 30, 2014) -- Source:  RT America -- A quote...."A new report by the New York Times reveals that the US government is using illegal immigrants detained in detention centers as cheap labor. Sometimes they pay them $1 a day, sometimes not at all. The work is only supposed to benefit the detention centers, but meanwhile immigrants are being used to package meals for prisoners at other jails. Detractors are calling it a hypocritical, unlawful practice that bends many rules on the book. The Resident discusses." - Which is why, if they're made legal, they wouldn't be working for $1 a day. - mpg

NJ diocese: We’re not liable, because molesting boys not part of priest’s official duties
What is WRONG with the Catholic Church?!? - mpg -- A quote...."Lawyers claim the Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey, should not be held liable for sexual abuse allegedly committed by a priest because he wasn’t officially “on duty” when he molested a teenage boy."
How does that famous phrase go, you know....the one about lawyers and clerics? - mpg
Mass 'septic tank grave' containing the skeletons of 800 babies at site of Irish home for unmarried mothers
The "Church" has a lot to answer for. - mpg -- A quote..."Newly unearthed reports show that they suffered malnutrition and neglect, which caused the deaths of many, while others died of measles, convulsions, TB, gastroenteritis and pneumonia." - bold by website editor

Americans Are Scrambling For Cash And Taking Loans Out On Their Homes, A Repeat Of 2007-2008.
X22Video - Alt - (X22YuTb - 41min03sec -  Jun 1, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."IMF is set to give Greece another round of bailout money. This will not help Greece it will make it worse. Spain’s long term unemployment will rise 500%. Americans are scrambling for cash and taking loans out on their homes, a repeat of 2007-2008. NSA reported to be collecting millions of images each day for the facial recognition database, plus the NSA is ready to create the next generation bio-metric database. China’s and Russia’s hyper-sonic missiles are a direct threat to the U.S., congress just approved a 70 million dollar budget to develop these types of weapons by 2015. There is now an assault ship off the coast of Libya, the US has put up warnings that all American should leave, Jordan and the Philippines are now orders their people to leave. Be prepared for a military strike."

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV May 2nd, 2014 - RBN Donation Dr - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs- June 2nd, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

"We've Lost Our Govt" - Banking CABAL in Charge | Jim Willie
Must Listen F&LVideo - Alt - Outstanding, thought-provoking, analysis!! - (F&LYuTb - 24min21sec - May 29, 2014) - Source:  FinanceAndLiberty -- A quote...."IN THIS INTERVIEW...."
Top US CEOs make 330 times more than average employees – study
A quote...."The average employee in the US will have to work 331 years to earn the annual salary of an average Fortune 500 CEO, according to the AFL-CIO’s 2013 Executive Paywatch."

Usa Inc – Exposing The Thieves Who Stole Our Government
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 9min - Feb 3, 2014) - Source:  relocalization -- A quote...."Understanding the reality of our government is essential for everyone to "realize, know, and understand". At the moment the American people do not have a legitimate government. As Rep Traficant said in 1993, it is "de facto"

Paul Volcker Proposes A New Bretton Woods System To Prevent "Frequent, Destructive" Financial Crises
A quote...." was Volcker himself who, on May 21 at the annual meeting of the Bretton Woods Committee, said that "by now I think we can agree that the absence of an official, rules-based cooperatively managed, monetary system has not been a great success. In fact, international financial crises seem at least as frequent and more destructive in impeding economic stability and growth." We can, indeed, agree. -- However, we certainly disagree with Volcker's proposal for a solution to this far more brittle monetary system: a new Bretton Woods." - bold/underline by website editor - Amen! We do NOT need another Bretton Woods - mpg

Whatever The ECB Does This Week, It Won't "Deliver A Significant Impulse To The Real Economy"
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."However, as SocGen predicts, which is rather aggressive in its assumptions expecting a negative deposit rate of -0.1%, a targeted LTRO to "boost lending to the private sector", and a "signal" of €300 billion in asset purchases, the bulk of this new-found liquidity will almost exclusively go to boost capital markets, and the wealth effect. As for the broader economy? "We do not expect the 5 June measures to deliver a significant impulse to the real economy." - bold by website editor - In other words, more printed fiat-script for the 1/10th of 1%, and more impoverishment for the rest. - mpg

How Inflation Helps Keep the Rich Up and the Poor Down
A quote...."The production of money in a free society is a matter of free association. Everybody from the miners to the owners of the mines, to the minters, and up to the customers who buy the minted coins — all benefit from the production of money. None of them violates the property rights of anybody else, because everybody is free to enter the mining and minting business, and nobody is obliged to buy the product. - Things are completely different once we turn to money production in interventionist regimes, which have prevailed in the West for the better part of the past 150 years." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Still Think the Fed Isn’t Fueling Inflation? Check Out This Chart

Chart - (click to view) -- A quote...."Just as we can’t eat iPods, we can’t subsist on official reassurances that the Fed and inflation are both benign. - There is a great divergence between the conventional financial media and the public who goes to the supermarket: the financial media swallows whole the official artifice that inflation is near-zero while J.Q. Public sees his/her grocery costs, health insurance, etc. rising by leaps and bounds. - Many observers finger the Federal Reserve as the villain in the inflation story: it’s all well and good to conjure up a few trillion dollars to pass out to your banker buddies, but there are always costs, recognized or not, to every action, and the Fed’s credit creation and numerous quantitative easing operations have greatly expanded money supply." - Source:  OfTwoMinds

Two-Thirds Of Global PMIs Decline In May, Velocity Of Money Reaches All Time Low. Crash Dead Ahead!
Charts - (click to view) -- A quote...."The velocity of money (also called velocity of circulation of money and, much earlier, currency) is the frequency at which one unit of currency is used to purchase domestically-produced goods and services within a given time period.[3] In other words, it is the number of times one dollar is spent to buy goods and services per unit of time.[3] If the velocity of money is increasing, then more transactions are occurring between individuals in an economy.[3] Although once thought to be constant,[citation needed] it is now understood that the velocity of money changes over time and is influenced by a variety of factors.[4]"

The Velocity Of Money In The U.S. Falls To An All-Time Record Low
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."....the velocity of M2 has fallen to an all-time record low.  This is a very powerful indicator that we have entered a deflationary era...." - At least for the "little people" - mpg

[US] Homeowners Under 35 Lowest Since 1982
A quote...."The Millennial generation is great at many things: texting, social media, selfies. But buying a home? Not so much. -  Just 36% of Americans under the age of 35 own a home, according to the Census Bureau. That’s down from 42% in 2007 and the lowest level since 1982, when the agency began tracking homeownership by age."

Detroit's creditors want entire art museum collection to be auctioned
A quote...."Creditors in Detroit’s municipal bankruptcy have engineered a new appraisal aimed at putting the Detroit Institute of Arts' entire collection in play as a possible chip to maximize the amount the city will be obligated to ante up for debt repayment."

One year on: [British] Bedroom tax forces households into debt
A quote...."Since the Bedroom Tax was introduced in 2013, residents on welfare are now struggling to survive. Fearful of eviction, many have to borrow money to pay their rent and are forced to cut back on necessities such as heating and food. - According to lawmakers, it was introduced a means to reduce overcrowding by encouraging claimants to move into smaller accommodation and free-up housing for larger families."

RBS could fail due to ‘£100bn black hole’ - with British taxpayers in line to lose their entire £45bn stake
A quote...."British taxpayers risk losing their entire £45bn stake in Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) which is in grave danger of failing within 10 years, according to an explosive new book. - A new study of the disgraced bank, which brought the UK to the brink of financial ruin, reveals RBS still has a £100bn “black hole” in its finances due to “five broad areas of alleged criminality and wrongdoing”."

Brave hearts: Scottish independence requires leap of faith
A quote...."The official 16-week campaign in the lead-up to the referendum on Scottish independence on September 18 has begun. It is the most momentous election in British electoral history."

Catalan leader defends independence stance
A quote...."Jordi Pujol is campaigning for outright independence for Catalonia in a marked change of philosophy after decades suggesting the region should remain a part of Spain. He said Catalonia faces a choice be "a loss of influence or independence.""

UK announces Yuan clearing Bank in London
A quote...."The UK government has agreed to establish a yuan-clearing bank in London that would “act as a signal for London’s growing yuan activities”"
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More On The World's International Situation....

Syrian Army Advances in Aleppo Southern Countryside, Kills Scores of Terrorists
A quote...."The Syrian army regained on Monday its control over several towns in Aleppo southern countryside, preventing the militant groups from blocking Khanaser-Aleppo highway, according to Al-Manar reporter. - The Syrian military also continued its campaign against the terrorist groups in Damascus, Daraa, and Idleb, inflicting upon them heavy losses."

Bahrain opposition to boycott election unless political deal reached
A quote...."Manama: Bahrain’s opposition parties have said they will boycott parliamentary elections due to take place this year unless the government guarantees the vote will reflect “the will of the people”, a statement from the opposition said on Saturday."

7 Soldiers among Several Dead as Yemen Army, Huthis Clash

A quote...."Seven soldiers and several other people were killed Monday in clashes between the Yemeni army and the Huthis close to the capital, tribal and medical sources said."

Thailand's Army Deploys Thousands Of Troops Against Protesters
A quote...."BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand's ruling junta deployed thousands of security forces on the streets of Bangkok on Sunday to thwart another round of small-scale protests denouncing last month's military coup. Hundreds of demonstrators came out and several were detained, but there was no violence. - Fears over possible unrest, however, prompted a major downtown shopping mall to close and authorities temporarily shut down several subway and elevated train stations near where protests could have materialized."

FARC, Colombia to resume peace talks
A quote...."The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and Colombia’s government have agreed to resume peace talks. - A FARC delegation source told reporters that the peace talks will continue on Tuesday for about two days, instead of the 11 days that the former rounds have usually lasted, even though the country's presidential election has placed the process in doubt."

Blast targets football fans in Nigeria, at least 14 killed
A quote...."At least 14 have been killed and 12 others injured in an explosion at a television viewing center for football in Mubi, northeast Nigeria, according to police and military. - "So far we have 14 dead while 12 are injured, some of them critically," police spokesman for Adamawa state, Usman Abubakar, told Reuters."

Gunmen kill several in Nigeria church attack
A quote...."At least nine people die as gunmen open fire on a church service in the Gwoza hills of northeast Nigeria."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israeli forces carry out cross-border raids in southern Gaza
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli military vehicles carried out two separate cross-border military incursions into the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday morning, witnesses told Ma'an. - The first incursion occurred east of Rafah as five bulldozers escorted by military vehicles leveled fields belonging to local Palestinians about 200 meters from the border fence inside the Gaza Strip."

Israeli forces detain 8 Palestinians in Nablus-area village
A quote...."NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces stormed the northern West Bank village of Asira al-Qibliya south of Nablus before dawn Sunday and detained eight young men."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (22 - 28 May 2014)
A quote...."THIS is what the ISRAELI people, NOT their government, have done to another they have had advantage over every single day for the last sixty years without respite or pause.  This is just one week's total! -- Would you trust any group of people that remorselessly, relentlessly, sadistically, without a qualm, or a twinge of conscience, did these things to another every single day for OVER SIXTY YEARS?  Would you do "business" with them?  Would you want to associate with them? Just think about what they would do to YOU and YOUR family if they got control over your community!! - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

New Study Shows Why Roundup Herbicide (Glyphosate) Should Be Banned
A quote...."A growing body of research indicates that Roundup herbicide and its metabolite, AMPA, are vastly more toxic than the public is being told. Activist sentiment aside, the scientific research itself increasingly points to banning this herbicide as the only logical solution."

Dangerous Pesticides Are Showing Up More and More in Our Urine and Breast Milk
A quote...."June 1, 2014  |   In early April, the shocking news that breast milk carries many times the allowable amount of glyphosate, also called Roundup, came out on the web. Glyphosate is a poison that defoliates plants, but back in the late 1990s, farmers began planting soybeans that resisted the chemical, bouncing back from a dowse of Glyphosate like they had just enjoyed a spring rain, while the weeds around them died. The Frankenstein soybeans were followed by releases of genetically modified corn, cotton, canola and sugar beets. Now, many crops carry the gene. -- As a result, according to the release, scientists found glyphosate at “760 to 1600 times higher than the European Drinking Water Directive allows for individual pesticides.” These levels are less than allowable levels set by America’s Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA has been led to believe that glyphosate exits the body and does not accumulate. How could they think that?"

Medical insanity: Over 10,000 American toddlers now on mind-altering medications for ADHD
A quote...."The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) expressed alarm upon realizing that at least 10,000 toddlers aged two to three years are medicated for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) nationwide."

SNAFUkushima: Updating Meltdowns, Still FUBAR and Deteriorating
A quote...."There’s not much new to say about Fukushima. It remains an out of control disaster with as yet unmeasurable dimensions that continue to expand. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say that everything new about Fukushima is just the same-old same-old getting worse at an uneven and unpredictable rate. Either way, it’s not good and, while it’s worse in degree, it’s not yet apparently worse in kind, so that’s one reason you don’t hear that much about it in the news these days." - Source:  ReaderSupportedNews

Sunday June 1st 2014

No posts. - mpg

Saturday May 31st 2014

Manufacturing Crisis Irresponsibly
Must Read - A quote...." It's longstanding US policy. Enemies are invented when none exist. War on terror duplicity continues. - It's fake. It creates fear. It's used to justify the unjustifiable. It's to advance America's imperium. One country after another is ravaged and destroyed. - Ukraine is in the eye of the storm. So is Syria. Iran's turn awaits. Washington wants its sovereign independence eliminated. - It wants pro-Western stooge governance replacing it. Iran's nuclear program is peaceful."

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A PNAC Protocol Victim - On the Destruction of Ukraine....

Ukraine/Russia - Attacked By Murder Inc

CrossTalk: Bleeding Ukraine (ft. Graham Phillips)
Must View CTRTVideo - (CTRTYuTb - 23min59sec - May 30, 2014 - Source:  CrossTalk - RT -- A quote...."Why does the West stay indifferent to the mass killing in eastern Ukraine? Who are the people of the East? Has the revolution spent itself? And why is Nuland taking a victory lap when it comes to Ukraine? CrossTalking with Graham Phillips, David Speedie and John Robles."
Before everybody gets carried away about this Ukrainian versus Russian meme, or describing the illegally selected, Bankster imposed Junta in Kiev as a "government", let's make this perfectly clear. 

From the viewpoint of anyone who isn't Slavic, Ukrainians and Russians are for all practicable purposes, one and the same.  Historically, Russia was born in Ukraine, one could just as easily, and perhaps more accurately state that Russians are actually Ukrainians, than one could say the reverse.

They are brothers and sisters being ruthlessly played against each other by "Murder Inc"

A bunch of Euro-Kazarian, dual-Israeli-citizens, who have unleashed the PNAC Protocols, essentially ANOTHER "Jewish" inspired Holodomor massacre, upon the Ukrainian people, as they have already done throughout the Middle East in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

These hideous, blood-sucking, leeches, enjoy playing peoples off against each other, splitting them apart, to profit like demons from all the human misery, pain, death and carnage that ensues from their already publicly stated plans of mayhem and murder.

War crimes that are being carried out at the initiation of Victoria Nuland, her husband Robert Kagan, Geoffrey Pyatt, and two former Banksters who go by the names of  Arseniy Petrovych Yatsenyuk, and Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko. -- Euro-Kazarian dual-Israeli-citizens one and all.

There is no "Right Sector".  There are no "Fascists", not really. They're just a bunch of murderous clowns who get to dress up in pseudo-nazi regalia.  Victoria Nuland didn't spend five billion dollars on "democracy promotion", she spent it on creating the equivalent of al-CIA'da in Ukraine.  A violent amoral group of paid thugs, many of whom are foreign mercenaries, to create dynamic tension and as with al-CIA'da in Syria, to act as shock troops to destabilize the government. 

They're simply a wholly owned subsidiary of "Murder Inc" one which will be used to distract everyone from the real agenda, a leveraged break-apart of Ukraine to crack it open for the IMF, ECB and other Banksters  for permanent Bankster occupation, while creating sufficient friction between Russia and the EU to destroy their growing economic integration. After these pseudo-nazies have served their purpose, they'll be eliminated.

The Ukrainian/Russian people have to simply say "NO" to this sick game and their sick plans. They have to say "We will NOT be played for the amusement, or profit, of a foreign people, of a criminal consortium that squats by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea". 

"Nor will we will allow a group of foreign trained fascists to be "played" against us.  We know it's just about forcing us to use someone else's worthless fiat-script. We know it's all about imposing a foreign Bankster regime to impoverish us and our children's, children, and WE will not allow it to occur."

Once that's done, once that is understood, the arrests, speedy trials, convictions, and executions of those responsible for this blatant obvious conspiracy to tear apart another in along list of countries can quickly begin.

Then this 150 year old Bankster tradition of divide, conquer, "play-action till everyone's exhausted from the murderous strain", than pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar and "remold the society policies" can finally be halted.

Or at least suffer a significant set-back. - mpg
For more on Euro-Kazarains' specific hatred for Ukrainians (i.e. Russians) see below....
'You fascists! What are you doing to us?' Ukrainians despair as Kiev shells East
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min21sec - May 29, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Eastern Ukraine has woken up to airstrikes and shelling - as the army resumes what it calls an anti-terrorist operation. It is focused on Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Fighting is reported in and around the two cities, with smoke rising from industrial and residential areas."

RAW: Slavyansk children's hospital after Ukrainian army artillery attack
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 1min19sec - May 30, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."A local children's hospital came under fire as Kiev's troops renewed the shelling of Slavyansk on Friday morning."

Russia: Ukraine breaches 4th Geneva Convention
PRSTVideo - (PRSTVYuTb - 2min57sec - May 30, 2014) - Source: 1atheo -- A quote...."Russia has accused Ukraine of violating the Fourth Geneva Convention on protecting civilians in wartime by killing peaceful citizens amid Kiev's military operation against pro-Russia activists."

Video: Kiev protesters remain on Maidan despite Klitschko's demand to leave
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 1min11sec - May 29, 2014) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Protesters continue to camp out on Maidan Square despite newly appointed Kiev mayor Vitali Klitschko demanding the protesters go home. Barricades and photographs fill the square while protesters continue to sleep in tents."

Who was Maidan snipers’ mastermind?
The Maidan Square Sniper Slaughter - (The cover-up unravels, but they keep trying. - mpg) -- A quote...."The probe into the Maidan “snipers problem” – by the new Ukrainian government underwritten by it – continues. On May 13, the fascinating interim findings were partly revealed, at a press conference called by parliamentary investigation head Gennady Moskal. Bullet forensics exonerated the previously blamed Berkut security force. Something in the findings also placed the unidentified shooters somewhere – unspecified – among “the ranks of the protesters.” It could even have been the EuroMaidan militants, he admitted, but MP Moskal thought infiltrators from the government’s security service SBU made more sense." - Topix ||  A Litmus Test - Terrorist Supporters - 04-05-14 - mpg  ||

Mercenary Extremists in Eastern Ukraine
A quote..." On May 29, Itar Tass headlined "About 300 Ukrainian mercenaries from Syria fighting in south-eastern Ukraine - source." - Most "are from western regions of Ukraine, a source in the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces says." More on this below. - A previous article explained the following: - Bild am Sonntag is Germany's largest Sunday circulation broadsheet. It reported Academi operatives near Slavyansk."

Ukarine: New “President” Pays Fighters [aka Mercenaries] 16 Times Average Salary
A quote...."“In order to improve motivation” (yes, these are the exact words) and in accordance with oligarch Poroshenko’s election promise, Mikhail Koval, the junta’s minister of defense announced that the Kiev regime is increasing the pay for its fighters who see the antifascist and pro-Russian population as “terrorists” to 20,000 hrivnyi a month, which corresponds to some $1,700, which, for Ukraine, is like golden (though bloody) rain. Average salaries are about $100 or so a month, and conscripted soldiers were paid half of that."

Money Laundering, Graft and Corruption: Who is Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko?
A quote...."The outcome of the elections was known in advance – Petro Poroshenko, was declared the winner of the race. The result will further split the country. Many regions refuse to recognize as President this chocolate king who is notorious for pocketing government money. Poroshenko has no chance to stop the bloody conflict even scrupulously carrying out all the orders given by Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt. Besides, the mission of putting an end to the bloodshed has never been set by his US bosses…"

Ukraine’s president-elect Petro Poroshenko revealed as ‘disgraced oligarch’
A quote...."The majority of the negative characteristics were given to Poroshenko by US diplomats between 2006-2009 – the years he served as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada and council chair of the National Bank of Ukraine." - Source:  RT

 - For more on these issues see articles shown below....
The West’s Weaponization of Democracy: Elections Pushed Ahead in Ukraine, Obstructed in Syria, So Mass Murder Can Continue - Good title - A quote...."Early polls began for Syria’s presidential election, as the country begins turning the tide against foreign-backed terrorists and restoring order throughout much of the country. It was impossible for the Western media to cover up tens of thousands of Syrians around the world queuing up in impressive numbers to cast their votes in support of both President Bashar al-Assad and other candidates participating in the election. Despite eagerness to vote, the US, UK, EU, and others have decided to condemn the elections and even go as far as obstructing overseas polling." - Quotable concept.....
"The Weaponization of Democracy"
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, Iran & Others

Historic Syrian Election Brings Multitudes of Voters
A quote...."On the 28th May 2014, expatriated Syrian nationals in numerous countries flocked to Syrian embassies to begin the voting process in a presidential election. With all its potential flaws, perhaps even inherent flaws, this quintessential element of democracy is still the most effective means of finding consensus. As the saying goes, you can’t please all the people all the time. Thus elections provide an opportunity for peaceful compromise. But to work, democracy requires participation." - Source:  FriendsOfLebanon

Why are They Afraid of the Syrian Elections?
A quote..."The Presidential Election in Syria takes place next Tuesday, June 3. With a revised 2012 Constitution, Syria is no longer a one party state and there are multiple candidates for office. Running against Bashar al Asad are former communist and legislator Maher al Hajjar and business person Hassan al Nouri." - Source:  CounterPunch

Fresh militant mortar attacks kill Syrian civilians

A quote...."Fresh attacks by foreign-backed militants in Syria have left at least two civilians dead, including a four-year-old child."

Water Wars: Ankara suspends pumping Euphrates’ water, cutting off the water supply to Syria and Iraq
Erdogan is still continuing to implement the PNAC Protocols on behalf of Israel. - mpg -- A quote...."The Turkish government recently cut off the flow of the Euphrates River, threatening primarily Syria but also Iraq with a major water crisis. Al-Akhbar found out that the water level in Lake Assad has dropped by about six meters, leaving millions of Syrians without drinking water." - Source:  al-Akhbar

Was The Iranian "Threat" Fabricated By Israel And The U.S.? - Of course!
A quote...."May 31 2014 "ICH" - "Haaretz" - -  A narrative is a story that we tell ourselves, and not necessarily what happened in reality. For example, the “Iranian threat” narrative, which has become the common wisdom in Israeli public discourse. A new book by Gareth Porter, an American historian and researcher specializing in U.S. national security, shows how the actual state of the Iranian nuclear program does not match the Iranian threat narrative." - Source:  Haaretz
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The New American Century
Book Announcement - A quote...."The New American Century is a history of neoconservatism and its influence on US Foreign Policy in the Middle East during the first decade of the twenty-first century. -- Written after years of extensive research, New American Century contains over 550 pages, including more than 1200 footnotes and some 120 pages of bibliography. The book has been meticulously researched with every aspect of the history fully supported with primary evidence, much of it from the neoconservatives themselves. -- The book is a must for all those interested in the history of neoconservatism, the recent history of Israel and conflict between the West and Islam in the Middle East during the first ten years of the New American Century."  ---  " Currently available in fully searchable PDF format for just AUD$12-00 via PayPal or direct through the author Damian Lataan. - At the moment the book is not available in hard copy though maybe in the future. - Email:"

Israel’s First US Espionage and Smuggling Network
A quote...."Newly declassified postwar Naval Intelligence files shine new light on a little-known chapter of U.S.-Israel relations. Massive supplies of American WWII military surplus under liquidation by the War Assets Administration were an irresistible target for Israel’s government-in-waiting the Jewish Agency and nascent military the Haganah in the years immediately preceding Israel’s declaration of statehood in 1948. The Jewish Agency was an organization contemplated as a vital actor for achieving that statehood in Theodore Herzl’s original Zionist vision. Explosives, advanced fighter, bomber and transport aircraft, and Jewish veterans culled from a list stolen from the U.S. Chaplain all entered a Jewish Agency pipeline stretching from the US to Mexico, Panama, Italy and Czechoslovakia to Palestine. The stories these newly declassified files tell not only foreshadow the institutionalized immunity of crimes committed in the name of Israel, but major challenges the US would later have to confront beyond displaced Palestinian refugees and simmering conflict – ongoing money laundering into US politics and Israel’s early desire to build nuclear weapons."

Report: Israel Spied On Bill Clinton
A quote...."May 31 2014 "ICH" - "Haaretz" - In Newsweek's most recent report on Israeli espionage on the United States, the magazine claims that Israel listened in on phone calls between former U.S. President Bill Clinton and other leaders during critical stages of the Middle East peace talks in 1999. -- According to the report, which cites British-Israeli political scientist Aharon Bregman's upcoming book "Cursed Victory: A History of Israel and the Occupied Territories," Israeli intelligence eavesdropped on conversations between Clinton and the late Syrian President Hafez al-Assad." - Source:  Haaretz

Israeli Extrajudicial Assassinations
A quote...." They're willful, premeditated cold-blooded murder. They're official Israeli policy. - Killers get impunity. Investigations rarely happen. Occasional ones are whitewashed. In May 2007, former Israeli Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said...."We decided to carry out more physical liquidation operations against (Palestinian) 'terrorists' ""

Nobody to negotiate with in Israel and why
A quote...."Netanyahu’s “minimal set of conditions” require the Palestinians to abandon their struggle for justice and accept crumbs from Zionism’s table."

A Palestinian story of resistance: The Abu Haikal family
A quote...."Hebron, Occupied Palestine – With only a sliver of their land left to protect, having their entire lot of land encircled by Israeli settlements, Faryel and Arwa Abu Haikal climbed over a pile of rubble and boulders and stopped the Israeli bulldozer from shearing further into their property, dumping their dignity into the back of a dump truck, and hauling away their rights. There they stood under the unrelenting sun, staring into the teeth of the approaching bucket excavator, protecting their land from the ever encroaching Israeli settlement enterprise, facing arrest and physical assault – a reality they have faced for decades. Their resilience and steadfastness held off the Israeli Antiquity Authority (I.A.A.) for at least a few hours." - Source:  CPT

Israel’s campaign of intimidation and excessive force
A quote...."During the Nabka Day protests last May 15, two Palestinian youths, Muhammad Abu Thahr, 15, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, were shot in the chest in the town of Beitunia near Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank. Both adolescents died as a result of the injuries they suffered. Although the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) claim that only rubber bullets had been used against those protesting, observers claim that live ammunition was used against the youths."

California student body decides to divest from comp linked to Israel’s occupation of Palestine - Hip Hip Hooray!!
BDS Alert - A quote...."The Student Union Assembly at the University of California, Santa Cruz announced in a press statement on Wednesday that it had successfully passed “a resolution calling for divestment from companies that profit from Israeli human rights violations against Palestinians” as initially proposed by the university’s Committee for Justice in Palestine (CJP)." - Source:  MEMO
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

US Interventionism Has Failed, But…
A quote...." May 31 2014 "ICH" - "" - America's military interventions have clearly failed. The Afghan and Iraq wars have been strategic disasters. And its intervention in Libya has proved counterproductive. The American people are sick and tired of thirteen years of unending wars. And President Obama himself has promised to end wars. -- Yet in his commencement address at West Point delivered on May 28, Obama repeated the threadbare claim that "the United States is and remains the one indispensable nation," and that "America has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world."" - Source:  ChinaOrg

Brave Old (Exceptionalist) World
A quote...."May 31 2014 "ICH" - "RT" - -  “I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being.” So there it is, straight from the lion’s mouth, as in US President Barack Obama. - The rest are details: deadly details, as in the US military remaining “at the core” of the exceptional worldview; the Pentagon reserving for itself “the power to launch unilateral attacks when America’s interests are directly threatened”; eight or nine proxy wars deployed in the immediate future with no end in sight; and the most startling admission – that the “fulcrum” of US foreign policy from now on will be to curb “aggression” by Russia and China. - So going after the dregs of Al-Qaeda, predictably, was always an interregnum kindergarten play; now it’s all about the grown-ups, the dragon and the bear." - Source:  RT

Exceptionalism Without Exceptional Means?
A quote...." May 31 2014 "ICH" - "Moon Of Alabama" - The Obama administration wants to achieve its "pivot to Asia", its plan to counter China's rise, without using military force. That is not going to work. The local countries, who the U.S. wants to use as proxies, fear that without a believable threat by the U.S. to cover their asses with its nukes there will be no restriction of what China can and will do around its block. They are right and will have to adopt." - Source: MoonOfAlabama

The Strategic Alliance Being Overlooked between Russia and China
Analysis - A quote...."The Joint Statement outlines the general philosophy of both countries’ attitudes toward the global problems of our time, pointing to the fundamentally sound and organic, rather than opportunistic, nature of their partnership."

Is a Russia-Japan Natural Gas Pipeline Next?
Of course!  Russia must keep Japan happy and keep them from joining the "Asia Pivot", or re-militarizing, which will not be constructive for anyone in the Asia-Pacific region. - mpg -- A quote...."Following Russia’s historic $400 billion natural gas supply deal with China last week, Japanese lawmakers are looking to revive efforts to tap into Russian natural gas supplies themselves. A Bloomberg report shows that a group of 33 lawmakers in Japan are backing a 1,350 kilometer pipeline that would run between Russia’s Sakhalin Island and Japan’s Ibaraki prefecture, just northeast of Tokyo. The project is estimated to cost $5.9 billion and could yield as much as 20 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year (equivalent to 15 million metric tons of liquefied natural gas). The pipeline would make up 17 percent of Japan’s imports." - bold by website editor - also posted at ZeroHedge

Russia forms ‘epoch-making’ trading bloc with Belarus and Kazakhstan
A quote...."The presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have signed a deal to create a vast trading bloc, hoping that it will challenge the economic might of rival economic zones such as the US, the EU and China. - Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed its “epoch-making significance” as the trio met for the signing of the treaty in the Kazakh capital, Astana."

Economic Union in Heart of Europe
Related Article - A quote...."No matter the presidents avoided direct comments on the political significance of the Astana treaty, it’s clear that this is the event of momentous importance to influence the world politics. The large-scale Russia – China gas treaty also has political significance. It’s a proof that all the talk about Russia being isolated is nothing more than just empty words; the world of business does not understand the language of sanctions."

The ‘dirty secret’ about Obama’s Afghan plan
A quote...."US President Barack Obama recently said Washington will keep “approximately 9,800” troops in Afghanistan for two more years after 2014 but a report says an “invisible army” of US officials and intelligence personnel will remain in the country well in the future." - Source:  PressTV

Covert US Military Training Goes to Africa
A quote...."With everyone’s attention focused on the European elections or President Barack Obama’s speech at West Point or the Ukraine, a story by Eric Schmitt in The New York Times on Tuesday may not have caught your attention. I believe, however, that it provides an insight into some of the major problems of American foreign policy." - Source:  ConsortiumNews
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Pre-Snowden, tech firms and NSA were buddies, emails disclose
A quote...."Top officers in US tech firms and the National Security Agency had cozy a relationship and held regular meetings before Edward Snowden’s leaks exposed both sides to public criticism, disclosed email exchanges indicate."
Everyone of these corporations bent over backwards to betray their customers. If the world's peoples don't want to be spied upon.  If they don't want their financial transactions and strategies to be used by others. If they want to keep their innovative technologies as their own.  If they don't want their most intimate secrets known to others for blackmail....than just DON'T BUY any of these companies'  products or use any of their services.  It really is that simple. - mpg
There's No Doubt The Government Destroyed NSA Spying Evidence
A quote...."The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) told a federal court today that there was no doubt that the government has destroyed years of evidence of NSA spying – the government itself has admitted to it in recent court filings. In a brief filed today in response to this illegal destruction, EFF is asking that the court make an "adverse inference" that the destroyed evidence would show that plaintiffs communications and records were in fact swept up in the mass NSA spying programs." - Source:  EFF - For more on these sorts o f issues see below.....
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Obama Seeks to More Heavily Censor Drone Killing Memo
It's illegal, it's unconstitutional, it's dictatorial, and whatever is in the "memo" is so pathetic it wouldn't even pass the laugh test.  So, naturally, they're just going to keep it secret.  It's completely disgusting that people actually voted for this hack. - mpg

Ohio Replaces Lethal Injection With Humane New Head-Ripping-Off Machine
TOVideo - (TOYuTb - 1min58sec - May 21, 2014) - Source:  TheOnion -- Brought to you by those wonderful folks at the The Onion.  What's disturbing about this video is the thought that some who watch it will be saying to themselves...."Yeah, that's a great idea!" - mpg

Bilderberg 2014: War Criminals, Big Oil and “Too Big to Jail” Banksters Meet in Secrecy
A quote...."While Bilderberg claims its annual conference is “to foster dialogue between Europe and North America”, the Worldwide monetary system as well as the US-NATO global war agenda are slated to be discussed behind closed doors."

Why We Must Oppose Bilderberg
CRVideo - (CRYuTb - 44min52sec - May 30, 2014) - Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt -- A quote...."As the Bilderbergers gather in Denmark to discuss this year's agenda, James Corbett presents "Why We Must Oppose Bilderberg" to the We The People Anti-Bilderberg Conference taking place in Copenhagen. Learn more about the history, aims, and goals of the Bilderberg Group, why they must be opposed, and how best to do it on this special edition of The Corbett Report podcast"

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Justice Dead In America!" - (5/22/14)
GCVideo - (Note:  appropriate adult language used.) - (GCYuTb - 19min58sec - Original release: 5/22/14) - Source:  GrldCelYuTb - TrendsJournal - A quote....""326,000 new jobless claims in the US, China and Russia sign historic $400 billion gas deal & little Timothy Geithner said bailing out the banks was the "moral thing to do". Let them keep robbing you as they ride the gravy train! No need to get angry! "

Michael Rivero on Bambuser TV May 30th, 2014 - RBN Donation Dr - CLICK HERE
MRVideo - (BambuserTV - 3hrs- May 30th, 2014) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids - Related Websites:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - WhatReallyHappened - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Directive Outlines The President To Use Military Force Against Domestic Unrest - Episode 378
X22Video - (X22YuTb - 42min -  May 28, 2014) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Website: X22Report -- A quote...."Japanese retail is in a downward spiral and its not due to weather. Initial jobless claims in the US are near 2007 levels. GDP was revised and shrank by -1%, exclude Obamacare and it fell to -2%. New gun bill being proposed to tell on your friends and relatives if they seem angry or violent. New information about a directive that give the President the authority to use military force on US citizens. US troops in Afghanistan are being replaced by contractors. Moscow and Beijing will use national currency to pay for goods. The propaganda is now being pushed that Iran has been cyber spying and attacking the US, it even mentions the attacks on power grids. Be prepared for a false flag."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Failing Systems; Can't Bust Banksters (E608)
MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min45sec - May 31, 2014) - Related Websites:  RussiaToday - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom - MaxOnTwitter - StacyOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss all systems fail due to too big to jail as the governor of the Bank of England claims jailing banksters won't stop them from committing crimes in the future. Max also tells John Kerry to get his swift boat out. In the second half, Max interviews investment activist, Ronnie Moas, of about the six companies in the S&P500 that he is blacklisting."

The Truman Show US Economy: Real GDP Numbers Show -9% Annualized Drop
Multiple Charts - A quote...."Watching all aspects of the US economy from outside of the propaganda zone sometimes feels like you are watching The Truman Show. -- The Truman Show, for those who haven't seen the 1998 Jim Carrey film, centered around a completely false town.  In the movie everything about the town was fake except for one person, Truman Burbank, who wasn't in on the plot.  In a sense your average person in the US, particularly when it comes to the economy, is akin to Truman.  They have grown up inside this completely false environment and don't even know it is all fake."

Last Year’s QE Boost To [US] Housing Is Already Over And Done
Multiple Charts - A quote...."I often stand in amazement at what passes for conventional wisdom, or more precisely what is being attempted as such. Only one year ago the tendency to view the housing market as the next great growth engine was ubiquitous all across economic commentary. It had “clearly” and “unarguably” turned from a maddening headwind to a comforting tailwind. More than a little backslapping in policy quarters had taken place; victory laps and all that...."

The Theft of Your Retirement Accounts Will Accompany the Seizure of Bank Accounts
A quote...."A couple of readers recently wrote to me and asked me when will the collective theft of our bank accounts commence? I answered, 1913, as that is when the Federal Reserve was created. Today, a dollar purchases 3% of what it did just over a century ago. The 97% went into the pockets of the banksters. The banksters have been working diligently for quite some time to separate you from your money."

Detroit Cuts Off Water To Thousands Unable To Pay Their Bills
A quote...."Thousands of the some 700,000 people who call Detroit home are currently living without access to water after the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department turned off their water because they hadn’t paid their bills."

Here Comes QE In Financial Drag: Draghi's New ABCP Monetization Ploy
A quote...."Yes, the ECB is now energetically trying to revive the a market for asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) - the very kind of “toxic-waste” that allegedly nearly took down the financial system during the panic of September 2008. The ECB would have you believe that getting more “liquidity” into the bank loan market for such things as credit card advances, auto paper and small business loans will somehow cause Europe’s debt-besotted businesses and consumers to start borrowing again  thereby reversing the mild (and constructive) trend toward debt reduction that has caused euro area bank loans to decline by about 3% over the past year. -- What they are really up to, however, is money-printing and snookering the German sound money camp." - Source:  ContraCorner

Europe has an even bigger crisis on its hands than a British exit
A quote...."If Europe's policy elites could not quite believe it before, they must now know beyond much doubt that they have lost Britain. This island is no longer part of the European project in any meaningful sense.
British defenders of the status quo were knouted on Sunday. UKIP won 27.5pc of the vote, or 29pc after adjusting for the negligence - or worse - of the Electoral Commission in allowing a spoiler party with much the same name to sow confusion. Margaret Thatcher's Tory children are scarcely more friendly to the EU enterprise."

Unemployment rising in Germany and France, figures show
A quote...."Number of unemployed people in Germany rose by 24,000, while France's jobless total reached record high of 3.364m. - Unemployment is rising in Europe's two largest economies, with a shock jump in Germany and a new record high in France, according to the latest figures."

IMF board approves $4.6 bln in aid for Greece
A quote...."(Reuters) - Greece is set to receive $4.6 billion from the International Monetary Fund after the institution's board on Friday signed off on the latest review of Greece's rescue package."

'National disaster': Spain sees 500% rise in ‘very long-term unemployment’
A quote...."Over one million people in Spain - the eurozone's fourth largest economy - haven't had a job since 2010, according to a report by Spain's National Statistics Institute. Although this number continues to rise, the government says it's witnessing recovery."

The Rise of the European Right: Reaction to the Neoliberal Right
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."The European parliamentary elections witnessed a major breakthrough for the right-wing parties throughout the region. The rise of the Right runs from the Nordic countries, the United Kingdom, the Baltic and Low countries, France, Central and Eastern Europe to the Mediterranean."
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More On The World's International Situation....

Displaced Syrian children face education crisis in Lebanon
A quote...."Despite they had suffered in their war-torn country, Syrians displaced to Lebanon face another kind of misery represented by the inability of about 400,000 children among them to continue their normal education program."

Egypt’s Illegitimate New President
A quote...."Egypt‘s sham process has no legitimacy. Elections are farcical when held. - General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ran practically unopposed. Hamdeen Sabahi masqueraded as an opponent. He supports junta rule. - On most everything that matters he’s anti-democratic. Anti-populist. Anti-what ordinary Egyptians deserve. - Egyptian elections require more than one candidate. Doing so provides a veneer of legitimacy. It’s fake."

Police and protesters clash across Egypt
A quote..."Egyptian security forces have fired tear gas and birdshot to break up anti-government rallies in several cities across the country."

Thousands rally for Libya ex-general in Tripoli, Benghazi
A quote...."Thousands rallied on Friday in Libya's two main cities to a rogue general who has been pressing an offensive against jihadist militias in the east of the country for two weeks. - The crowds chanted slogans criticising new Prime Minister Ahmed Miitig, whose cabinet is already mired in a political standoff with its predecessor."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

The Occupation Never Sleeps
A quote...."Over seven families in Deir Istiya were rousted from their beds in the early morning today, some to the sounds of banging on their doors, others to fully armed soldiers in their bedrooms. Approximately 200 soldiers entered the village, closing off the main road and conducting raids until from 1:30 till 4:00am. The soldiers entered in various homes, in groups numbering from nine to over fifty, all heavily armed. These families believe that their houses were randomly selected for the raids, which they suspect serve a twofold purpose."

Israeli army arrest and beat two Palestinian men in Hebron
A quote...."Thursday 29-May-2014. At approximately 11pm yesterday evening in al-Khalil (Hebron), ISM activists went to checkpoint 56 where they had been told there was an ongoing incident. Palestinian eyewitnesses gave the following account:"

Palestinian fisherman wounded in Israeli navy shooting, six others kidnapped
A quote...."GAZA, (PIC)-- A Palestinian fisherman was wounded in Israeli navy shooting off the coast of northern Gaza Strip afternoon Friday. -- Dr. Ashraf al-Qudra, the health ministry spokesman, told the PIC reporter that a 22-year-old fisherman was hit with a rubber bullet in his foot while working at sea, describing his condition as moderate."