Sunday Sept 5th, 2021

More Tales From The Judeo-Wahhabist, Judeo-Anglo Empire, & Its "Friends" -- Directly Cooperating With, and Helping Judeo-Wahhabist Terrorists World Wide....

US Government Spent $334 Million To Destabilize Lebanon In 2019
Another Color Revolution FAIL - (The Lebanese really can't afford a "color revolution". Not with the jews right next door eager to pounce on their entire country - mpg) -- A quote...."Posted Sep 4th, 2021- A new report by Arab news outlet Al-Khanadeq has confirmed what many have suspected: the October 17th movement was an attempt to destabilize the Lebanese government - The protest group suddenly appeared on the scene in 2019, when they took to the streets demanding the government disarm Hezbollah, one of [the jewish occupation's] most powerful foes in the region, and replace the carefully designed sectarian balance of the state with liberal "technocracy." They remain active, launching sporadic riots that are openly supported by US figures as diverse as neo-conservative former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and US Senator Bernie Sanders." - also posted at AlethoNews

World Must Hold US to Account For Supporting Daesh, New Terrorism: President Raeisi
If Wishes Were Fishes.... (We'd all have our omega-3 fatty acids) - A quote...."Posted Sunday, 05 September 2021 4:49 PM - Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi says the world must hold the United States to account for supporting terrorism fomented by the Daesh Takfiri group and other new forms of this ominous phenomenon - Raeisi made the remarks in a Sunday phone call with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, during which he welcomed expansion of Tehran-Paris relations in all areas, particularly economy and trade."

Iranian Lifeline for Lebanon--MES EP.121
MOVideo - (MOYuTb - 34min50sec - Posted Aug 24th, 2021) - Source: Marwa Osman -- A quote...."A ship for oil derivatives is headed to Lebanon from Iran, but its arrival in Lebanon will go beyond improving the conditions of the Lebanese. It will be the first ship to ever break the fuel blockade and will establish a new deterrence equation at sea this time. Lebanon's enemies are aware of its urgent need for energy. They stand behind a large part of its crisis, whether through sieges and sanctions, or through obstruction and obstacles to solutions, by proxy. The Lebanese crisis is no longer tolerable or bearable. When hospitals in Lebanon stop working due to the loss of electricity, and the lives of the Lebanese are at risk, and when a number of them die while in queues in front of gas stations, and when bakeries operate at minimum capacity, intervention to help becomes a national duty, even a moral imperative. This is exactly what Hezbollah did. To discuss this issue with us from Beirut is Laith Marouf political commentator and Senior media consultant."

Baghdad Summit Mirrors Iraq’s Concern Of An Afghanistan Fate--MES EP.122
MOVideo - (MOYuTb - 26min05sec - Posted Sep 1, 2021) - Source: Marwa Osman -- A quote...."Iraq hosted a regional summit on Saturday supposedly aimed at easing tensions in the Middle East while emphasizing the Arab country’s new role as a mediator. Heads of state attending included Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, King Abdullah II of Jordan, Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and French President Emmanuel Macron. Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia sent their foreign ministers while Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates sent their heads of government. The summit was held against the impact of the re-emergence of Daesh, which was defeated in Iraq in 2017 and in Syria in 2018, at the hands of the Iraqi resistance with direct support from martyr Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, while the major transformational events in Afghanistan are center stage. To discuss this issue with us from Berut is Dr. Mohsen Salih, political commentator and Academic."

Planned Deal With Saudi Company Breaches Iraq’s Security, Says Senior Leader
A quote...."Posted Sunday, 05 September 2021 8:39 AM - A top Iraqi leader has denounced as “unacceptable" a recent decision by the Interior Ministry to turn over control of traffic data and security information about cars and their owners to a Saudi company - Hadi al-Ameri, the head of the Fatah (Conquest) Alliance in Iraq’s Parliament, said a planned deal to this effect poses a threat to the security of the country, Lebanon's Arabic-language al-Ahed news website reported on Saturday."

Bahrain’s Ambassador to [the Jewish Supremacist] Occupation Congratulates Jews on Hebrew New Year
A quote...."Posted Sep 5, 2021 11:15 PM - MANAMA, Sept. 05 (YPA) – Khaled Al-Jalahama, Bahrain’s first ambassador to [the judeo-supremacist] occupation has congratulated Jews in the occupation entity on the occasion of the Hebrew New Year - “I congratulate Jews in Bahrain, [the jews occupying Palestine] and around the world [occupying their perspective colonies] on the occasion of the Hebrew New Year, Hebrew New Year, Rosh Hashanah. I wish you in this new year that peace and prosperity will prevail for our peoples. Shana Tova (means happy new year),” he said." - sightly edited to reflect actual realities - mpg
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo Empire... SARS-CoV-2 / COVID19 - Health Alerts / Health Warnings... And Bio-Warfare Implications....

[The Judeo-Enclave] Starts Preparing for 4th Compulsory Vaccine Dose
41]  Already?!? - A quote...."Anti-Empire Editor’s Note: I thought vaccines were a one-and-done thing, maybe a booster 10 or 15 years down the line. If you’re getting one every six months is that still a “vaccine”? At this rate they’ll be adding the vaccine to your salt and breakfast cereal - BTW, how many double-blinded clinical trials on the effectiveness and safety of a 4-shot “vaccine” regimen are there? I’ll wait. The is mandating the injections, making the vaccine passport conditional on them, in a way that even the manufacturer did not envisage. “Trust the science!” as they say." - Source: TofJE

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Cent for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins
41]  Health Alert - Interactive Map - Updated Totals - Useful at-a-glance world-wide COVID-19 totals - Permanently copied and pinned at this location for each of the every-other-day postings. - mpg

World Meter COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
41]  Health Alert - Charts & Graphs - Updated Totals - Useful at-a-glance world-wide COVID-19 totals - Permanently copied and pinned at this location for each of the every-other-day postings. - May take awhile to load - mpg
FYI: *Assume SARS-CoV2 & Symptoms Covid19

FYI: **At this point, a lot of the increase in "positive cases" is (or was) due to the increasing amount of tests. What is MUCH more important however, than the rise in "positive cases" (and that itself is questionable considering the reliability of the various testing kits. For which we STILL have no reliable data-base which compares these kits, their methods and outcomes) is the amounts of hospitalizations and deaths - mpg

FYI: *** So far, in every nation, the RATIO of infections, versus hospitalizations and deaths is much higher by orders of magnitude. Demonstrating it's the vast number of young and healthy now being infected (assuming these tests are accurate) that weren't previously infected. Also better management of COVID-19 symptoms resulting in less fatalities. - mpg

FYI: **** Statistically significant. However, they're still extremely small numbers, unless of course.... you're one of them - mpg
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo Empire....

Here’s What Russia Did While the United States Spent a Trillion Dollars in Afghanistan
A Thoughtful, & VERY Pointed, Must Read - A quote...."Our defeat in Afghanistan came at a steep price that we will be paying for years. While we can take some comfort that fewer than three thousand of our military personnel were killed in action, the families of those Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force casualties know that there is no amount of cash that can heal their grief. Then there are the thousands who suffered debilitating wounds, both physical and mental. They are still paying the price - But there is another cost to this country that we may never be able to recoup–what would America look like if we spent the Trillion dollars that were poured down the Afghanistan rat hole on infrastructure, education and health care?"

The Completion Of The Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Nothing To Celebrate
Must Read - Contains Audio - Alt/Aud - A quote...."The US has officially announced the completion of its military withdrawal from Afghanistan, minus of course the CIA ops which will continue in that country and the bombs that will likely continue to rain down in the name of fighting terrorism - There are a lot of warmongers rending their garments over the termination of a decades-long military occupation which accomplished nothing besides making war profiteers wealthy and killing hundreds of thousands of people. Almost as ridiculous are the countless pundits and politicians hailing this as some kind of major accomplishment that Americans should be proud of - Pride, praise and celebration are not the appropriate emotional response to the day. The appropriate response to a decades-overdue withdrawal from a war that should never have happened in the first place is rage. Unmitigated rage at an unforgivable atrocity which amassed a mountain of corpses for no legitimate reason, from which the region will probably not recover in our lifetime. Unmitigated rage at those responsible for starting and maintaining this horror all this time."

Why U.S. Plans For Revenge In Afghanistan May Not Succeed
The Petty, Vengeful, Vindictive, Colonial Judeo-Empire - Must Read - A quote...."The U.S. does not want piece in Afghanistan. There are two reasons for that - The first is vengefulness - That an alleged superpower gets kicked out of a country by some local guerilla is too hard to accept. That the rush to the exit has happened in a rather humiliating way, even when caused by U.S. incompetence and not by the Taliban, only reinforces that - The vengefulness could already be seen in last days of the U.S. occupation. The U.S. forces leaving Kabul not only destroyed military equipment but also the civilian part of the airport."

Questions With New Reports That US Forces Gunned Down Civilians After Kabul Blast
Contains Audio - Alt/Aud - A quote...."A new BBC report shows eyewitnesses at the scene of the deadly Kabul airport explosion on Thursday saying that a significant number of the 170 Afghans killed in the attack actually died from gunfire by the US-led alliance in the chaos following the blast - “Many we spoke to, including eyewitnesses, said significant numbers of those killed were shot dead by US forces in the panic after the blast,” the BBC’s Secunder Kermani said on Twitter."

Warmongers Keep Raging About The Phrase ‘Ending The Forever Wars’ And We Should Laugh At Them
Contains Audio - Alt/Aud - A quote...."In the wake of the Afghanistan withdrawal influential promoters of western militarism have been absolutely fuming about the popular idea of ending the forever wars, and their tantrums are not even trying to disguise it as something else. They’re literally using that phrase, “ending the forever wars”, and then saying it’s a bad thing - I mean, what a bizarre hill to die on. War is the very worst thing in the world, and forever is the very worst amount of time they could go on for, yet they’re openly condemning the “doctrine of ending the forever wars”. How warped does your sense of reality have to be to even think this is a view anyone who isn’t paid by defense contractors could possibly be sympathetic to?"

It's Not As It Seems: How to Spot Atrocity Propaganda
VJREVideo - (VJREVar - 12min46sec - Sep 4th, 2021) - Source: Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - One commentator stated...."White people have an Achilles heel. We are a very trusting race, because for most of history we were surrounded by other. trustworthy White folk. Trust becomes a weakness in a multi-cultural society, for many other tribes are NOT trustworthy and have no respect for truth." -- *TheAdmiral888*

Top US Generals Lined Their Pockets Off Afghanistan War
A quote...."The top generals who commanded American forces in Afghanistan have amassed fortunes from their postings there despite their disastrous conduct in the occupied country - Eight American generals leading foreign forces in Afghanistan, including United States Army General Stanley McChrystal, who sought and supervised the 2009 American troop surge, went on to serve on more than 20 corporate boards, according to US media - In an article titled, “Corporate boards, consulting, speaking fees: How US generals thrived after Afghanistan,” published by Stars and Stripes, the publication reveals how top generals amassed clout despite the failure of the American offensive in Afghanistan." - Source: PressTV

Afghanistan Central Bank Board Member Urges Biden, IMF to Release Funds
A quote...."(Reuters) - A senior board member of Afghanistan's central bank is urging the U.S. Treasury and the International Monetary Fund to take steps to provide the Taliban-led government limited access to the country's reserves or risk economic disaster."
Video: US Economic War on Cuba Continues, Even after War in Afghanistan Ends
RNNVideo - Alt/Vid - (RNNYuTb - 28min17sec - Sep 1, 2021) - Source: TheRealNewsNttwork -- A quote...."As the 20-year war in Afghanistan officially came to an end, President Joe Biden justified US military withdrawal in an address to the nation on Aug. 31: “This decision about Afghanistan is not just about Afghanistan. It’s about ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries.” While these remarks suggest a potential reckoning with the longstanding US policy of imperialist intervention around the world, increased US sanctions on Cuba demonstrate that such intervention persists in the form of economic warfare. From the dire strain US sanctions have put on the Cuban economy to the corporate media frenzy that exploited protests in Cuba this summer as a justification for interventionist “regime change,” it is clear that efforts by the US to “remake other countries” are not ending any time soon."

Patriotic Snitch: Bob Hawke as US Informant
A quote...."Larrikin is a word often, and inaccurately used, in Australian political lingo. Australia’s longest serving Labor Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, was known as one such figure. He was praised as the great communicator and healer between the forces of labour and capital, enjoyed imbibing, his sports and varied female company. He could also be vain and ruthless."
"In June, a rather unremarkable revelation was made that Hawke had been something of an errand boy for the US imperium, a spiller of the beans and something of what Australians would call a “dobber”. Cameron Coventry, in an article published that month, makes much of embassy and diplomatic cables covering the late Hawke between 1973 and 1979. “During this time, he divulged information [to the US] about the Whitlam government (1972-75), the Fraser government (1975-83), Labor, and the labour movement.” What is less than flattering for the Australian establishment is that snitching and informing on colleagues and their various circles was more than an errant pastime: it was entrenched practise."
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A Daily Analysis Of The Judeo-Anglo-Controlled Media & N.G.O.'s....

CNN's Report About Detention of Afghan Top Officials by Taliban Rejected
CNN Busted - A quote...."Mr. Karzai and his family live in their home in Kabul and there is no problem such as detention or house arrest," Karim Khoram, an aide to the former president, told FNA on Thursday - Khoram stressed that Abdullah and Karzai have been in contact with Taliban leaders and the international community and negotiations continue - Meantime, an official close to Abdullah strongly denied the detention of the former peace negotiator as well."
Fact Check: No, Taliban Did Not Hang an Interpreter From a US Helicopter
MSM Completely & Totally BUSTED!! - Posted on this website Sep 1st, 2021 - Posted again so we can all keep track of the judeo spew complex's lies - mpg - A quote...."Yesterday, a video that took social media by storm showed a US helicopter flying over Kandahar with a person hanging below from a rope. The video wasn’t just shared widely on platforms like Twitter, it was also picked up and reported by several media houses - Some reports also suggested that the human made to hang from the US Black Hawk helicopter was a US interpreter - However, new information and zoomed in versions of the viral clip have now surfaced which show the man moving and waving to people below. The man is also harnessed to the helicopter instead of being made to hang by a rope." - See related article.... "NY Post, Ted Cruz, Dan Crenshaw Fall for Fake Story That Taliban Hanged Afghan Translator From Flying Black Hawk (2 Pics)"
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia, C.I.S. States, & The Balkans....

Reports Navalny Was Funded by Foreign Embassies to Russia Confirmed -Foreign Ministry
Anyone Actually Surprised?? - A quote...."MOSCOW, September 4. /TASS/ --The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman pointed out that employees of the embassies of Canada, France, Spain and other NATO members also took part in this "little merry-go-round" - "The information that blogger Alexey Navalny was sponsored by foreign embassies to Russia has been confirmed, as most of these donations went through the US and German diplomatic missions, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel on Saturday - "I have read the information that among those who sponsored Navalny’s projects were dozens of employees of foreign embassies to Russia. I decided to find out whether it was a fake. It happened not to be a fake and everything was confirmed. The scheme is as follows: foreign embassies to Russia used to hire Russian nationals and pay them money which they later transferred to corresponding agencies. Guess which embassies most donations went through. That’s right. Through the diplomatic missions of the United States and Germany," the diplomat wrote."

Blood Samples Taken in Skripals' Poisoning Case Could Have Been Manipulated, MoD reveals
32] Where.... Exactly.... Are the Skripals Again??? - A quote...."UK Defense Ministry documents have revealed that the blood samples taken in the poisoning case involving the Russian political dissident, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia, might have been manipulated, so that they would test positive for Novichok - According to the newly released documents, the blood samples, which were taken as the main evidence for the investigation into the alleged poisoning of Skripals in Salisbury on 4th March 2018, lacked a clear time line of collection."
FYI: No documented "chain of custody". Along with ZERO supporting evidence! Something that happens repeatedly with these sorts of allegations, and false flags - mpg
[Judeo-Controlled Anglo-]West Seeks to Destroy Serbian Orthodox Church Just as Russian Church
Truth Be Told - A quote...."BELGRADE, September 5. /TASS/. Western forces are trying to destroy the Serbian Orthodox Church in the former Yugoslavia as well as the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine and some other countries, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the Prva TV on Sunday."

Andreichenko: A Group of Countries is Trying to Replace the International Law With Invented Rules
A quote...."MINSK, 6 September (BelTA) - A group of influential countries is trying to substitute the international law with the rules they invented, Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Vladimir Andreichenko said in his video address to the participants of the in-person part of the 5th World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, BelTA learned from the press service of the lower house of parliament. "

Armenian Serviceman Killed by Azeri Sniper in Border Attack
A quote...."A new month begins in Armenia with the loss of yet another Armenian serviceman killed this week along the country’s militarized border with Azerbaijan - On the morning of September 1 along Armenia’s border with Nakhichevan, Armenia’s Ministry of Defense announced that 39-year-old Junior Sergeant Gegham Sahakyan was fatally wounded by Azeri sniper fire in the region of Ararat near the village of Yeraskh. In a tweet, Armenia’s MoD has condemned the military and political leadership of Azerbaijan for their role in the unprovoked attack."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

Syrian Army Responds to Deadly Attacks by Terrorists Holed Up in Dara’a
A quote...."On Monday, terrorists targeted residential neighborhoods and army checkpoints in Dara’a, killing four soldiers and injuring 15 others, Syria’s official SANA news agency reported, adding that a child and her mother were also wounded - The militants, the report said, used rockets, mortar shells, machine guns and snipers in their raids."

Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham Arrested Journalists After Accusing Them Of Spying For US, SDF, Russia & Damascus

The JSA's Journalistic Accrediters - A quote...."On September 4, al-Qaeda-linked Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the de-facto ruler of the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib, arrested two brothers, Bashar and Mohamad al-Sheikh, who work as activists and journalists for the SY+ agency - A large force of the terrorist group arrested the two brothers after raiding their house in the al-Anadolu camp near the town of Kafr Lusin on the border with Turkey."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others...

ISIS Cells Killed 12 Iraqi Policemen During Hit-And-Run Attack In Kirkuk (Video)
A quote...."Late on September 4, 12 officer of the Iraqi Federal Police were killed and three others were injured in a hit-and-run attack in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk. The attack was reportedly carried out by ISIS - The attack targeted a position of the 2nd Regiments of the Police’s 19th Brigade in the town of Tell Satyh in the al-Rashad district - The police were not able to send reinforcements on time because the road leading to Tell Satyh was booby-trapped by ISIS cells. Furthermore, the Iraqi Air Force didn’t provide the police force with close support."

ISIS Terrorists Equipped With More Modern Weapons: PMU cmdr.
A quote...."An Iraq Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) or Hashd al-Shabi commander in Kirkuk province said the ISIL terrorists have been equipped with new and advanced weapons - He told the Shafaq News website that the terrorists had become more dangerous as compared to the previous years and had acquired new and powerful sniper rifles and semi-heavy machine guns in the southwest of Kirkuk, and that the security situation in the south-west of the village of Kirkuk was unstable."

Yemen: 16 Drones, Ballistic Missiles Used to Hit Targets Deep Inside Saudi Arabia
A quote...."The Yemeni Armed Forces have used 16 drones and ballistic missiles to hit targets deep inside Saudi Arabia in their latest operation, the spokesman for the country's armed forces has announced."

Yemeni Deterrence Balance Operations Represent Painful Military Strikes [for the] Enemy
A quote...."SANAA, Sept. 04 (YPA) – Seven deterrence operations that have been carried out by the Yemeni armed forces on the most importance of the Saudi military and economic targets since the beginning of the war on Yemen in 2015 - In a report published by Yemen Press Agency, these operations have led to Saudi military and economic effects, as well as painful psychological impacts and defeat that the coalition forces suffer from."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion...

And The Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing Of White Europeans Worldwide....

Mass Stabbing in New Zealand by Islamic Radical Inspired by ISIS
A quote...."So this guy was constantly monitored by the police, and still he went out and stabbed a bunch of people anyway - How can’t you trust the government? You must be a right wing white supremacist."
New Zealand ISIS Knifeman STILL Can't be Unmasked
A quote...."Judge imposes gagging order so that jihadist's family can seek suppression ruling as Jacinda Ardern faces mounting questions over country's anti-terror laws that let known Islamist roam free."

New Zealand Prime Minister Responds to Islamist Terror Attack by Worrying About “Backlash” Against Muslims -- A quote...."New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern responded to an Islamist terror attack at a supermarket in Auckland by expressing concern about a “backlash” against Muslims - Because that’s obviously the main concern here - Six people were wounded, leaving three in critical condition, after an Islamic extremist inspired by ISIS went on a stabbing rampage at a supermarket in Auckland."
Over 80% of Culprits Responsible For Looting After German Floods Were Foreign Migrants
A quote...."An investigation into the identity of criminal looters who exploited the chaos following the devastating floods in Germany has found that over 80 per cent of the culprits were migrants of non-German origin."

Up to 500,000 Britons Are Addicted to Opioid Painkillers Like Codeine... so Why can you STILL Buy Them Over the Counter at Boots? -- Is THAT YOU Sacklers??? - A quote...."Doctors are still dishing out millions of NHS prescriptions for powerful opioid painkillers – five years after stark warnings that Britain was heading for a US-style addiction crisis - Numbers taking high-strength pills such as codeine, tramadol and oxycodone increased during lockdown, according to the latest data, while the death toll in England and Wales from the potent pills has almost doubled over the past decade to 700 a year."

Get Ready For More Central American Migrant Caravans
A quote...."Now that Joe Biden has transported some 100,000 unvetted Afghani "refugees" to the U.S., the Central American migrant caravans are back, too - According to Reuters....."
"TAPACHULA, Mexico (Reuters) - A migrant caravan of around 400 people, including many children, set off from the southern Mexican city of Tapachula for the United States on Saturday, just a couple of days after security and migration officials dispersed another large group."
"As in the past, the photo show the migrants waving the flags of the ountries they are deperate not to be sent back to - And accordding to other reports, the migrants are coming as a group to protest the slow U.S. asylum process."
FYI:  Instead of constantly encouraging these "migrant caravans" to wend their way up through Central America, why not simply.... BUILD THE WALL!!  
[Wales] Govt Admits Christians Could be Charged Over 'Transgender' Offenses
A quote..."A government action plan in Wales for its LGBT agenda now has admitted that it could involve the prosecution of Christians - Christian Concern is reporting that the Welsh government's impact assessment for its pro-transgender campaign had conceded it could hurt people."

Economic War To Begin In U.S. As Portland Calls To Impose Sanctions Against Texas
Boycott Portland!! - A quote...."The controversial Texas law, that bans abortions as early as six weeks is now in effect. It was signed into law back in May by Gov. Greg Abbott. It was widely criticized not only by women’s rights advocates, abortion activists and abortion providers, but also by other states’ officials. Thus, the Portland City Council is going to consider to adopt an emergency resolution next week that will be aimed to ban goods and services from Texas, because of the new abortion law there. The council will take up the emergency resolution on September 8."

Judge Rules Planned Parenthood Clinics Are Exempt From New Texas Abortion Law
A quote...."Grants restraining order against pro-life group so they can't report women as part of 'vigilante system' - Abortion providers and pro-choice supporters have secured a minor victory in Texas after a state judge banned an anti-abortion group from suing Planned Parenthood under the new Texas law."

Gay Rights Exhibit is Removed From Missouri State Museum After Four Days - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote....."[It was removed] following complaints from state senator who claimed it was 'pushing an agenda' - An exhibit about the history of gay rights has been removed from the Missouri State Capitol after just four days, following complaints from a Republican state lawmaker's staffer who claimed it was 'pushing the LGBT agenda'."
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The George Floyd Psyop & The Judeo-Created & Planned National Anti-White Frenzy....
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More Tales From the Judeo-Sphere....
PERMANENT NOTE: Disingenuous, inaccurate, and false or misleading terms such as antisemitism, apartheid, zionism, holocaust, israel, military, army, defense, government, state, authority, settlers, settlements, confiscated, seized, borders, etc. will be removed from all articles in this section and replaced with the correct language, and terms (in brackets & italics), to reflect standard common-use definitions, accepted legal norms, and actual on the ground realities - mpg
UN: July Recorded the Second-Highest Number of [Jewish] Demolitions of Palestinian Structures This Year
A quote...."The month of July recorded the second-highest number of [jewish] demolitions of Palestinian-owned structures so far this year after [jewish regime apparatchiks] demolished, forced people to demolish, or seized 126 structures across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) n the occupied Palestinian territory."

JOF Kill Palestinian Man Near Ramallah
A quote...."A Palestinian was shot dead by [jewish occupation] forces at the western entrance of the village of Beit Ur al-Tahta, west of the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, local sources said - [The armed, jewish forces under color of uniform] shot Ra’ed Jadallah, 39, left him to bleed until he died, according to the sources."

[Local Jewish Occupation Enforcers] Arrest Activist For Raising Palestinian Flag
A quote...."srael police arrested Muhammed Abu al-Hummus, Palestinian activist, during the weekly protest in Sheikh Jarrah in Occupied Jerusalem on Friday - According to eyewitness, the occupation police arrested Abul al-Hummus for raising the Palestinian flag during the weekly march of Sheikh Jarrah on Friday - The activist was released after few hours’ detention and on a 5,000 Shekels bail and ordered not to enter Sheikh Jarrah for two weeks."

The Occupation Forces Arrest 14 Palestinians, Including Children, in the West Bank
A quote..."[Jewish] occupation forces arrested fourteen Palestinians, including five children, in separate areas of the West Bank - "Ma'an News Agency '' reported that the occupation forces stormed the towns of Anin in Jenin, Sa'ir in Hebron, its gardens in Bethlehem, and Al-Jalazun refugee camp in Ramallah, and arrested fourteen Palestinians, including five children - The occupation forces arrested two Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem last night."

Gaza Recovers Three Dead Bodies From Commercial Tunnels
Egypt Gassed Palestinians To Death, With The Jews Approval? - A quote...."On Thursday, three Palestinians died as the Egyptian military pumped toxic gas into a commercial tunnel, sources reported - The General Federation of Palestine Trade Unions mourned the three workers who died inside one of the border tunnels between the Gaza Strip and Egypt."

Displaced by [Jewish] Aggression, Families Angry at UN Response
A quote...."At the beginning of July, Nisreen al-Awour, 40, and her 15 children were informed they had to leave a school run by the UN in the Jabaliya refugee camp - Nisreen had been displaced during [jewish] aggression on Gaza in May, when her house – in the Sudaniya area of northwestern Gaza – suffered massive damage in one of [jewish regime's] bombing raids that month."

Two Gaza Fishermen Missing After Sailing in the Southern Gaza Shore
A quote...."Two Palestinian fishermen have been reported missing this morning after going yesterday into the sea on the southern Gaza shore, according to Gaza fishermen - Zakaria Bakr told journalists that contact with the two fishermen was cut off and that a search is underway for them, expressing the belief that they may be abducted by [jewish operated gunboats], which regularly harasses and attacks Gaza fishermen when they are sailing in the sea across the Gaza shores."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O....

The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse
Must Read - Multiple Great Charts - A quote...."Imagine being at a party celebrating the vast wealth generated in the last ten months in stocks, cryptocurrencies, real estate and just about every other asset class. The lights flicker briefly but the host assures the crowd the generator powering the party is working perfectly - Being a skeptic, you slip out on the excuse of bringing in more champagne and pay a visit to the generator room. To your horror, you find the entire arrangement held together with duct tape and rotted 2X4s, the electrical panel is an acrid-smelling mess of haphazard frayed wire and the generator is over-heated and vibrating off its foundation bolts. Whatever governor the engine once had is gone, it clearly won't last the night - The party is the U.S. economy, and the generator room is the Federal Reserve, its proxies and the U.S. Treasury, all running to failure. What we're experiencing in real time is the illusion of stability and the inevitability of collapse. I've prepared a few charts to illuminate this reality graphically."
FYI: Just keep in mind, the (((Fed))) can fabricate INFINITE fiat-debt-tokens, and most likely, especially if their brethren supports their efforts, can keep kicking the can down the road, much longer than YOU can remain solvent, if you bet against them. - It's your money, sort-of, and it's your call - mpg
Economic Collapse Not Caused by COVID and Won’t Improve with Vaccines
FINALLY!! -- THANK YOU!! -- It's ALL Part of the Judeo-Ten Year Economic Warfare Cycle!! -- A quote...."For major owners of capital, the “COVID Pandemic” has been a perfect pretext and scapegoat for an obsolete economy failing due to its own intrinsic logic and dynamics. COVID has been a convenient and timely cover for the ongoing global economic decline that started well before the “COVID Pandemic.” It is much easier to blame the failure of the economic system on extenuating circumstances or external factors like a virus rather than the internal operation of the anachronistic economic system itself. This is especially true given the never-ending series of virus variants that keep appearing. In other words, deep economic problems will persist and worsen in the coming months and years."
"It is well-known that the capitalist economic system goes through endless crises, “booms and busts,” recessions, “corrections,” and depressions. Stability, security, harmony, peace, and prosperity for all are absent under such an outmoded system. It is impossible for such an economic system to develop in a balanced way where all sectors operate in a mutually conditioning manner and are not distorted all the time. Advanced commodity production means there is no unity in production and consumption, no conscious organization of the economy for the benefit of society and its members. Modern nation-building is not possible under such conditions."
Well, that's all true, but these instabilities and distortions would be immensely ameliorated by an actual (1) Well Regulated (2) Non-Captured, Impartial, and Fair (3) Capitalist (4) Free Market. NONE OF WHICH this nation, nor the entire Anglo-Sphere possesses at the present time. It began it's decline ever since the jews and the Rothschilds took over England during Napoleonic Wars, accelerated massively after the jews Currency-Sphere Empire was transferred from England to the JSA in 1913, and after the two arranged, or at least machinated World Wars, and totally died after Bretton Woods in 1944. The systems' flailings, and the jews attempts to prop it up, such as Nixon's removing the JSA off the gold standard and the establishment of the Petro-Dollar, not to mention the TOTAL destruction of ANY nation that opposes the (((Fed's))) fiat-debt-tokens, are finally coming to their bitter end - mpg
"The notion that capital-centered politicians and policy makers can or will fix things is irrational. No major problems have been solved in decades. Every day there are new reports on how numerous conditions are deteriorating at home and abroad. Unemployment, under-employment, debt, poverty, and inequality are pervasive under capitalism."- For more on this issue, see the links posted below.....
On The Breeding Of Money - by Gordog
Must Read - A quote...."Some continue to delude themselves about the so-called US economy, which is nothing but a house of cards---and this meaningless, completely fabricated 'metric' of GDP. In real terms, China's economy is already bigger by half then the US. And that is being charitable - Let us review some basic facts about how NUMBERS actually work. This is known as MATHEMATICS - Take for instance the Ponzi Scheme. This is an ingenious bilking scam where a group of investors is promised a guaranteed rate of return. Since there is no PRODUCTIVE business of any kind that can generate any return, the only way to pay those initial investors is to draw in more investors over the next term, usually a year. The incoming investors are likewise paid their return by the next crop of investors, etc. Now it is obvious just from this description that the amount of new investors has to INCREASE each year, in order for this to stay afloat - The mathematical underpinning of this scheme is exponential growth. This is a mathematical function where the growth of something is a function of the EXPONENT of TIME."

Treasure, Self-Delusion and Groupthink
A quote...."The permanence of wealth vs the impermanence of treasure may be a very apt metaphor for today’s society. The US Fed recently released a paper – buried among the press releases about calming taper fees at Jackson Hole – agreeing with the data that shows QE, Monetary Experimentation, and Ultra-Low interest rates have made the rich much richer by inflating the value of their financial assets, while the rest of us are poorer. Income inequality is rising across the whole Occidental economy."
"Here in the UK, the big political noise today is about the imminent end of a £20 social welfare benefit called Universal Credit. It was “uplifted” by £20 per week at the start of the pandemic to help the least well-off in society cope. It will end next month – cutting the incomes of over 5 million social benefit claimants by over £1000 per annum."

"It’s not just feckless workshy nerdowells that will be impacted, but working families, small businesspeople who didn’t qualify for furlough or pandemic support loans, and it will hit millions of kids for whom £20 per week is the difference between eating breakfast or not. For 10% of the UK population £20 per week is a big, massive issue. To them it is genuine critical wealth – the means to survive or tumble into impossible debt."
World Food Prices Jump In August To Near Decade High
A quote...."Central banks and mainstream media continue to peddle the notion that soaring food inflation is temporary and the average Joe and Jane should not worry about it. But in a new report via the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), global food prices are on the rise, once again, and back to near-decade highs."

NHS Demands A £10BILLION Annual Cash Boost
To Be Wasted on PC Initiatives & More Corruption?  Or Spent Effectively For Britain's Indigenous People? - A quote...."Health bosses warn waiting lists could spiral to 13million and take seven years to clear without extra funding - NHS waiting lists could hit 13million and take seven years to clear without an extra £10billion of funding per year, health bosses warn - Patients face being 'condemned to further pain and delays to treatment' if ministers fail to recognise the 'seismic' impact Covid has had on services, it is claimed."
FYI: The UK's NHS was deliberately destroyed by forty years of cut-backs and malicious, deliberate, sabotage. The NHS worked way too effectively as a National, Socialist, Institution for White Ethnic European well-being - It kept too many White Ethnic European People alive and healthy - That could not be allowed, or tolerated - mpg
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Over 100 Organizations Issue Call For Arms Embargo on [the Jewish Occupation Regime] - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The attacks on unarmed Palestinians by [jewish] occupying forces from earlier this year clearly show that military exports enable [jews] to facilitate and maintain [their ethnic cleansing] regime - Under Article 6(3) of the Arms Trade Treaty, states parties must not authorize any transfer of conventional arms if they have knowledge at the time of authorization that arms or items would be used in the commission of genocide, crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva conventions of 1949, attacks directed against civilian objects or civilians protected as such, or other war crimes as defined by international agreements to which they are a Party. "

Video: “There Should Be Music in all Our Lives”
TEIVideo - Alt/Vid - (TEIYuTb - 5min26sec - Sep 2, 2021) - Source: TheElctronicIntifida -- A quote...."Rawan al-Jorf never imagined developing a strong bond with the oud - When the 22-year-old first joined the Edward Said National Conservatory of Music in Gaza City, she wanted to learn how to play the piano. But she had no luck with registration - She then opted for the oud, a traditional Middle Eastern stringed instrument similar to the lute - “I had trouble because I am left-handed and playing is done with the right hand. That was constraining,” al-Jorf told The Electronic Intifada."

6 Palestinian Prisoners Escape [Judeo-Supremacist] Prison “Gilboa” Through Tunnel
A quote...."WEST BANK, Sept. 06 (YPA) – Six Palestinian prisoners managed to escape from escaped from [the jewish run] Gilboa Prison in the West Bank overnight, Media sources reported early Monday - According to [the jdueo-enclave's] Channel 13, the Palestinian prisoners are suspected of managing to escape from prison through a tunnel." - Related article....."Six Palestinian Prisoners Escape [Jewish] Prison Through Tunnel : Palestinians Celebrate"

The People of Al-Hajar Al-Aswad Start Filling out the Forms For Their Return
A quote...."Damascus Countryside Governorate announced that, starting from today, it will start receiving requests from the people of Al-Hajar Al-Aswad related to filling out forms for their return to the city so that they can begin rehabilitating and renovating their homes after obtaining the necessary approvals from the relevant authorities."

Amman to Host a Meeting of Petroleum and Energy Ministers From Syria, Egypt, Lebanon next Wednesday
Full quote...."Amman, SANA- The Jordanian capital, Amman will host a meeting of petroleum and energy ministers from Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan next Wednesday - The Jordan News Agency, Petra said that the meeting is being held at the invitation of the Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Hala Zawati to discuss means of cooperation to transmit the Egyptian gas to Lebanon via Jordan and Syria - On Saturday, Syria agreed Lebanon’s request to help in transmitting gas from Egypt and electricity from Jordan via Syrian territories during Syrian-Lebanese talks session held in Damascus."

Lebanon to Import Gas from Egypt and Electricity from Jordan via Syria
A quote...."Lebanon will be importing its needs of gas and electric power from Egypt and Jordan respectively via Syria after a Lebanese top delegate obtained Syria’s approval during their visit to Damascus, the highest Lebanese ministerial delegation to visit Syria in more than 10 years."

Crimea’s Status Cannot be Issue on Agenda of Putin-Zelensky Meeting - Kremlin
A quote...."MOSCOW, September 5. /TASS/. Crimea’s status cannot an issue on the agenda of a meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian leaders, so there is no progress in preparing the Putin-Zelensky summit, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with Rossiya 1 TV channel."

Russian Team Wins 2021 International Army Games - Russian Defense Ministry
A quote...."KUBINKA /near Moscow/, September 4. /TASS/. A closing ceremony of the 2021 International Army Games was held in Patriot Park outside Moscow on Saturday, with the Russian service members being the winners, the Russian Defense Ministry said."

Russia Intends to Sign Contract With India For Production of AK-203 Soon
A quote...."VLADIVOSTOK, September 4. /TASS/. Russia intends to sign agreement with India for the licensed production of 7.62 mm Kalashnikov AK-203 assault rifles in the country in the near future, press secretary of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation Valeria Reshetnikova announced at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF-2021)."

Russia Ready to Supply China with New Su-35 Fighters if There is Interest
A quote...."VLADIVOSTOK, September 4. /TASS/. Russia is ready to partner with China in the supply of Sukhoi Su-35 multipurpose combat aircraft, Director of the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation Dmitry Shugaev told reporters at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF-2021)."

Russia Blocks VPN Providers in Ongoing Internet Crackdown
A quote...."Russia has blocked access to six VPN services which authorities say allow access to illegal online content in violation of Russian law - The country’s communications regulator Roskomnadzor said Friday it had blocked access to some of the world’s largest VPN providers, including Nord VPN and Express VPN, following an investigation."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

9/11 Hijackers Had Support From Saudi Agent Network Inside the US, Ex-FBI Agent Claims
9/11 - A quote...."This upcoming Saturday will mark the 20th anniversary of the 11 September 2001 terror attacks – the deadliest acts of terrorism in US history and the catalyst for America’s two-decade long ‘War on Terror’, including the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq - At least two of the 19 who hijacked jet aircraft and flew them into buildings on 11 September 2001 received assistance from a US-based Saudi support network, former FBI agent Danny Gonzalez has alleged." - FYI: For more links on this issue, see.... Reficultnias's 9/11 Central

Welcome To Hegemonic Decline — It Ain't Pretty
A quote..."Maybe this isn’t the Afghanistan-related content that my largely-American audience is most eager to consume, but having been in London for the past two weeks and followed the coverage of the Afghanistan withdrawal here, I can’t help but be grimly fascinated by the steady stream of overwrought fury bellowing from UK political and media elites. It’s worth paying attention to as an American, even if you don’t have any particular reason to care about what goes on in the UK. Because what’s most grimly fascinating is that a furor which has dominated UK political debate for weeks arose not due to any decision taken by UK policy-makers, but rather due to a unilateral policy decision taken by Joe Biden. And yet, debate in the UK proceeds with hardly any acknowledgement of the willfully subservient military arrangement its elected officials have acceded to for decades. Instead, UK politicians and pundits lash out at Biden like he’s their own de facto chief executive or something; few seem aware of how fundamentally strange this is - Put another way, the UK has been embroiled in its own miniature version of a recriminatory frenzy ever since the Taliban seized Kabul." - Source: MichaelTracey
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The US-NRE's "Jewish" Controlled Domestic Politics & The Biden / Harris Coup Regime, New Roman Empire Style...

Top FBI Official in Charge of Crimes Against Children, Arrested for Sex Crimes Against Children
A quote...."Tallahassee, FL — Before he was arrested, FBI Supervisory Special Agent David Harris, 51, was tasked with investigating crimes against children, including child sexual abuse material, otherwise known as child pornography. Now, many are wondering if he possibly sought out this position of power to further exploit children as he was charged with multiple crimes against children, including indecency with a child, crimes against nature and sexual battery - Davis, who lived in Prairieville, Louisiana, was arrested over the summer on sexual assault and other charges relating to a number of victims dating as far back as 2016. Now, he has been charged with more crimes involving children." - Source: TheFreeThoughtProject
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Third Rail #213: No Troon Scotsman
Must Listen 3rdRailAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - Alt/RSS - Note: Contains non-PC language and concepts - (3rdRailSprkr - 2hrs20sec - Sept 4th, 2021) - Source: 3rdRail @ TRS - 3rdRail @ RSS - Related Links: Buy Borzoi's Book - National Justice Party - The Mannerbund - Race Borz - Handa Telegram - Dissident-Mag - National-Justice - The American Sun - National Justice Party - Antelope Hill Publishing - Amerikaner - Will 2 Rise - Rawaga - A quote...."Apache, Dark Enlightenment and Spectre talk about faux patriot tough guy journalists, the importance of bro networks, how ZOG is hiding the GDP for the c-c-c-collapse, a pretty nuanced conversation about the Texas abortion law and what it means in the bigger picture, the gayops in Lebanon and Afghanistan, the untransing of the Wi Spa predator and more -- Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing"

Don’t Fink Me Bro: FTN’s Ultimate Finkelthink Deep-Dive
Must Listen FTNAudio - Astounding, Horrifying, Exposé of the Jewish "Symphony" of Manipulation!! -- Alt/FTN-Mp3 - Alt/FTN-RSS - (FTNVar - 5hrs42min28sec - Aug 28th, 2021) - Source: Fash The Nation @ RTS - FTN/RSS - FTN-Podcasts @ Libsyn - FTN @ Bitchute - FTN's Store -- Related Websites: Dissident Mag - Dissident Mag / RSS - Referenced Publisher: Antelope Hill Publishing -- A quote...."If you've ever wanted the collection of ground-breaking FTN Finkelthink deep-dives in one place, we've got you covered. Beginning with revealing the so-called "Russian" collusion of the 2016 presidential election as distinctly [judeo-enclave regime] in origin, Jazz and James take you down a series of rabbit holes that explain the concept of Finkelthink and how it facilitates the artificial dichotomy of "democratic" politics in White countries around the world that many attribute to a broken system. This political dichotomy, or "kosher sandwich", has been constructed as a means of blunting White political ambitions by pitting intentionally divided conservative and liberal factions against each other while promoting Jewish hegemonic interests; White genocide above all else. Have a brother, uncle, or friend stuck in the dead-end paradigm of America's two-party system? This is for you."
FYI: In regards to FTN's criticism of Putin, it should be noted Russia would not even EXIST if it wasn't for his efforts. It's true others certainly would have defended Russia's borders against NATO's incursions, the jews' successful coup and occupation of Ukraine, and their unsuccessful coup in Belarus (which Putin played a major role in defeating), and of course Putin's steadfast role in helping Syria fight off the hordes of JSA, Saudi, and Jewish sponsored Wahhabist Jihadists terrorists. It's doubtful however many could have done it without starting a war, or isolating Russia even further. It's also true of course, Putin does have long-lasting relationships with some very rich, corrupt, jews (yes, that's redundant). But his relationships are MINUSCULE compared to ANY member of the jewish colonial administration, and congress, currently inhabiting, or should one say... occupying, Washing DC. Known as Knesset North. Finally, to actually give credit where credit is due, here's Putin's report cards, replicated in full for your edification - mpg
Some Don’t Remember How Much Putin Has Done for Russia
Another Putin Report Card - A quote...."There are people in Russia who don’t remember how much Putin has done for Russia...."
In addition, Putin.... 20 Years With Putin: Achievements
Putin's Previous Report Card.... Reposted - Just a necessary reminder. BTW: What has YOUR elected leader done for YOU lately? - mpg


GDP (PPP) (billions of dollars)
GDP (billions of rubles)
Infant mortality
Birth rate
Life expectancy (years)
Tourists from foreign countries (millions)
Air traffic volume (millions)
Bridges longer than 1500 meters
Number of cars per 1000 people
Number of abortions (thousands)
Number of poor (millions)
Average salary (rubles)
Average pension (rubles)
Unemployment (%)
Inflation (%)
Arms exports (billions of dollars)
Grain collections (millions of tonnes)
Sugar production (millions of tonnes)



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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto / Bayer Monster...

Study Finds Recently Banned, Common Insecticide Promotes Obesity Development, and Related Illnesses
A quote...."(Beyond Pesticides, September 2, 2021) A McMaster University (Canada) study demonstrates exposure to the recently banned, commonly used insecticide chlorpyrifos promotes obesity development, even at low doses. Obesity generally occurs following a caloric imbalance between food intake, absorption, and energy expenditure. Although various factors can promote obesity, researchers suggest environmental toxicants like chlorpyrifos play a role in obesity development through protein/enzyme suppression."

Tap Water Near Hundreds of US Military Bases and Thousands of Industry Areas CONTAMINATED with “Forever Chemicals,” warn experts -- A quote...." (Natural News) Groundwater near at least six military sites in the Great Lakes region contains high levels of toxic yet widely used “forever chemicals.” - The Environmental Working Group (EWG) reported that perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have contaminated water in the Great Lakes. PFAS are a risk to people who eat fish caught within the polluted waters."

Impressive Herbs with Antiviral Activity – Medicinal Plants That Can Save Your Life! (Native Americans And Many Other Cultures, Used Natural) -- A quote...."The world we live in is full of synthetic chemicals, most of which are toxic. They are encountered from our food to all the objects we touch. No wonder the explosion of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) cases. But if you think that contamination is something occurring outdoor, you’re awfully wrong. The “technology toxins” stalk inside your house, and the situation is nastier than you could imagine. The insidious aspect is that these toxins poison you most of the time, including while you are sleeping."

DIY Straw Bale Gardening-An Easy Way To Grow Plant no Weeding & Harvest After the Harvest
A quote...."Straw Bale Gardening is a simply different type of container gardening. These straw bales (not hay bales) are a great place to plant vegetables. The straw is an easy, loose place for the plants to spread out their roots. Once the straw inside the bale begins to decompose, the straw becomes “conditioned” and ready to plant. The step by step process of conditioning creates an extraordinarily productive, warm, moist and nutrient rich rooting environment for young seedlings."

Five Healthiest Late Summer Produce Picks
A quote...."Summer is not yet over. These fresh fruits and vegetables are in season in late summer, offering big bursts of flavor and optimum nutrition. Take a peek into our late-summer produce list for a taste of the outstanding health benefits before the season ends."

8 Fast-Growing Veggies You Can Harvest In One Month
A quote...."Maybe you have more space for a garden than you had before. Or perhaps you now have more time to spend tending a garden. Or maybe, during these uncertain times, you want to know what plants deliver the most food in the least amount of time."

13 Tools You Need for Campfire Cooking
A quote...."When our family goes camping, we love to cook over a campfire. It’s the gathering place all day, so it’s natural for us to cook meals over the campfire. If you want to give it a try, make sure you have the right tools for campfire cooking - Cooking over an open fire is a fun experience for the family. Kids and adults enjoy making dinner over a fire then making some delicious s’mores or campfire cones – those are the best! Below you’ll find everything you need to make a delicious meal over a campfire."
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Technological Tid-Bits....

New Thermal Energy Storage Technology Uses Sand as Medium
A quote...."Called Economic Long-Duration Electricity Storage by Using Low-Cost Thermal Energy Storage and High-Efficiency Power Cycle (ENDURING), it uses electricity from surplus solar or wind to heat silica sand. Particles are fed through electric resistive heating elements to heat them to 1,200 degrees Celsius, and then gravity-feed them into insulated concrete silos for thermal energy storage."
Saturday Sept 4th, 2021

No posts - mpg

Friday Sept 3rd, 2021

More Tales From The Judeo-Wahhabist, Judeo-Anglo Empire, & Its "Friends" -- Directly Cooperating With, and Helping Judeo-Wahhabist Terrorists World Wide....

Christians, Stop Supporting Wars That Harm Your Christian Brethren
Please Name The Jew - (See below....) -- A quote...."Western and American Christians are often led to support wars purported to be for America’s [colonial judeo-master's] strategic interests and American peace, safety, and freedom, not realizing that these wars often involve funding, supporting, arming, and excusing regional forces that mean persecution and death for other Christians - Washington [under orders of its colonial judeo-masters] has long engaged in a strategy of allying with radical Islamists and local criminal elements to the detriment of Christians in the region. Washington has supported radical Islamic jihadists and local criminal elements at the expense of Christians in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and other places in the Middle East for several years - It seems like the only time the political-military-media complex cares about the persecution and death of Christians is when it can be utilized to continue Washington’s secular military empire abroad." - Article edited to reflect actual realities - mpg
FYI: A note to everyone. When analyzing any event or writing any article regarding the jewish crime syndicate, please name the Jews involved. Please identify their affiliations, prior associations, and relevant connections. Place the Jews involved, and all their machinations into CONTEXT - mpg
[The Jewish Enclave] Bombs Damascus From Over Beirut to Support Daraa ISIS Terrorists
ISIS's Air Force Strikes - (Judeo-Squadron) - Maps & Video -- A quote...."Posted September 3, 2021 - [The jewish crime syndicate's enclave occupying Palestine] carried out a new aggression against the Syrian capital Damascus in the [dead] of the night, this comes as ISIS terrorists in Daraa Balad breach the latest agreement which was supposed to be concluded yesterday Thursday, September 2, 2021."

Syrian Air Defense Downs 21 Out of 24 Missiles Fired by [The Judeo-Regime's Attack] Jets
ISIS's Air Force Strikes - (Judeo-Squadron) - Related Article -- A quote...."Posted 3 Sep, 16:27 - MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/. Twenty-one out of twenty-four missiles fired by [jewish regime's] fighter jets at targets in Syria were downed by Syria’s air-defense forces, Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, said on Friday - "At about 01:30 on September 3, four [of the regime's] F-15 tactical fighter jets fired 24 guided missiles at targets on Syrian territory from Lebanon’s airspace," he said. "Russian-made Buk-M2E and Pantsyr-S systems on duty in the Syrian air defense units downed 21 missiles."

Coalition Holds 4 Oil Ships [Attempting to Offload Their Cargo in Yemen]
A quote...."Posted Sep 4, 2021 12:58 AM - SANAA, Sept. 04 (YPA) – The Saudi-led coalition navy has been still holding 4 ships loaded with oil derivatives, including two ships carrying cooking gas, for more than 8 months - The Yemeni oil company affirmed in a new statement that among the seized ships, there are two ships carrying the cooking gas."

Chairwoman of [the UN] Security Council: People Are Starving in Yemen
A quote...."Posted Sep 2, 2021 9:33 PM - SANAA, Sept. 02 (YPA) – Chairwoman of the Security Council in September, Ireland’s ambassador to the United Nations, Geraldine Byrne Nason, said that the international community is tired of the continuing war in Yemen - In press statements published on Thursday, Nason said, “There are major obstacles that prevented a ceasefire agreement in Yemen, despite the efforts made by former United Nations envoy Martin Griffiths.”
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo Empire... SARS-CoV-2 / COVID19 - Health Alerts / Health Warnings... And Bio-Warfare Implications....

US COVID-19 Origins Tracing Report Not Scientifically Credible, Continuing Such an Effort Will be in Vain: Chinese embassy - 41] A quote...."China expressed firm opposition and strong condemnation of a "COVID-19 Origins-Tracing" summary report released by the US intelligence, which is not scientifically credible, but serves as political manipulation, presuming guilt and shifting the blame onto others, the Chinese Embassy in the US said in a statement on Friday."

The Russian Covid Vaccines
41] Health Alert - mRNA Vaccines, Vectored Vaccines, Protein Sequence Vaccines, and Traditional Vaccines - A quote...."There are four Russian Vaccines. None use the experimental mRNA technology - There is Sputnik V, Sputnik Lite (the first of the 2 Sputnik V injections), EpiVacCorona, and CopyVac - The first two are vector vaccines based on two strains of live human adenoviruses. DNA virus vector technology is used to introduce genetic information into the cells, similar to the Oxford vaccine. Experts I consulted expect these vaccines to have similar adverse events as the Oxford vaccine - The third vaccine uses short protein sequences and no genetic information - The fourth vaccine is traditional or classic vaccine technology using inactivated virus - The last two would be much safer than the mRNA “vaccines.”"
FYI: WOW! Four different types! Didn't know about the "Vectored" Vaccines, or the ones just using "Protein Sequences". A year and a half into this arranged pandemic, and this website editor is just now finding out about two additional ways of designing and producing a vaccine? How embarrassing! Apologies to everyone. Wonder how many other types there are out there? -- What would REALLY be nice, and what this website editor has been harping on for at least a year, is if SOMEBODY knowledgeable, and competent, could create a database comparing all these testing kits, and all these vaccines to each other. How they're manufactured, who makes them, how they compare to each other, what's their reliability, their efficaciousness and so on and so forth. Where's Consumer Reports when you need them! Someone.... Anyone... PLEEZE!! - mpg
Vaccine-Induced Covid Variants
41] The Pharmaceutical Industry's "Variant" on the "Self-Licking Ice Cream Cone" - A quote...."The More the Scarier, the Better to Force Your Acceptance of a Tyrannical Form of Social Control - Universal vaccination to control a viral pathogen during a pandemic assures the emergence of mutant viral strains that evade vaccine-induced immunity. It works like this: the antibodies induced by the vaccine kill the dominant viral strain, which makes the infected person an ideal host for the multiplication and spread of mutant virus particles resistant to the vaccine-induced antibodies - So what is almost every national government doing during the Covid pandemic? They are seeking to force the vaccine on every member of the human race, including infants and pregnant women - And what do we see as a result? Variants that have achieved immune escape, which is to say resistance to the antibodies induced by the vaccine, the latest such variant being called Mu, for mutant - But not to worry: Big Pharma will produce booster shots, engineered to deal with the scariest variant - But what happens as the variants multiply?"

MSM Admits "Vaccine" Only Stops Symptoms & Not Even That Well Anymore
41] Health Alert - A quote..."The “vaccine” that isn’t a vaccine is being shown to be less effective each day. Previously, even though the gene therapy shot wouldn’t stop infection or transmission, the ruling class and their lapdogs in the mainstream media said it would prevent symptoms that land people in the hospital. Now, even that “efficacy” is diminishing."

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Cent for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins
41] Health Alert - Interactive Map - Updated Totals - Useful at-a-glance world-wide COVID-19 totals - Permanently copied and pinned at this location for each of the every-other-day postings. - mpg

World Meter COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
41] Health Alert - Charts & Graphs - Updated Totals - Useful at-a-glance world-wide COVID-19 totals - Permanently copied and pinned at this location for each of the every-other-day postings. - May take awhile to load - mpg
FYI: *Assume SARS-CoV2 & Symptoms Covid19

FYI: **At this point, a lot of the increase in "positive cases" is (or was) due to the increasing amount of tests. What is MUCH more important however, than the rise in "positive cases" (and that itself is questionable considering the reliability of the various testing kits. For which we STILL have no reliable data-base which compares these kits, their methods and outcomes) is the amounts of hospitalizations and deaths - mpg

FYI: *** So far, in every nation, the RATIO of infections, versus hospitalizations and deaths is much higher by orders of magnitude. Demonstrating it's the vast number of young and healthy now being infected (assuming these tests are accurate) that weren't previously infected. Also better management of COVID-19 symptoms resulting in less fatalities. - mpg

FYI: **** Statistically significant. However, they're still extremely small numbers, unless of course.... you're one of them - mpg
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo Empire....

Why Afghans Have A RIGHT To HATE The West
Must View MCAudio - (MCBitChute - 8min38sec - Sep 3rd, 2021) -- Source - Mark Collett: MC @ Bitchute - MC @ YuTb - MC @ DLive - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book: The Fall of Western Man -- A quote...."With almost 165,000 Afghans dead and no doubt hundreds of thousands more left wounded or displaced it’s might seem obvious that Afghans would hate the West. But with hundreds of thousands of Afghans now headed to Europe, what risk do they pose to our people?"

How Elite US Institutions Created Afghanistan’s Neoliberal President Ashraf Ghani....
...."Who Stole $169 Million From His Country".... As He Escaped - A quote...."No individual is more emblematic of the corruption, criminality, and moral rot at the heart of the 20-year US occupation of Afghanistan than President Ashraf Ghani - As the Taliban took over his country this August, advancing with the momentum of a bowling ball rolling down a steep hill, seizing many major cities without firing a single bullet, Ghani fled in disgrace - The US-backed puppet leader allegedly made his escape with $169 million that he stole from the public coffers. Ghani reportedly crammed the cash into four cars and a helicopter, before flying to the United Arab Emirates, which granted him asylum on supposed “humanitarian” grounds."

Out of Afghan Frying Pan & Into Ukrainian Fire?
A quote...."America’s empire builders have another pawn to fuel their apocalyptic chess game - In a new op-ed in the Washington Post, McFaul makes it clear he sees Volodymyr Zelensky’s meeting with President Joe Biden as in need of a loud battle cry, appealing to the American government and the public to rally behind Ukraine’s calls for support. But, as is customary in the Stanford professor’s output, Kiev is really just an excuse, almost reduced to a mere pretext - In reality, McFaul has a much larger (and very old) ax to grind, namely with Russia (and Belarus and China thrown in, too, for good measure). In his best Cold War-reenactor fashion, the former – and somewhat hapless and gaffe-prone – diplomat wants us to believe in three main things: dominos, good “sons of b**ches,” and strategic silence."

West Continues Imposing Standards on Other Countries Despite Afghan Lessons, says Putin
A quote...."VLADIVOSTOK, September 3. /TASS/. The West continues the policy of imposing standards on other countries, despite the Afghan lessons, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) on Friday - "Is this an end to some hegemony of the West? What is the matter? The matter is that these lessons, and these lessons do exist, should be correctly understood to make changes to real policy. They say about Afghanistan: we got into there and made a lot of mistakes. However, they continue doing the same in relation to other countries. What do sanctions mean? This is the continuation of the same policy of imposing their standards," Putin said."

Moscow is Not Interested in Disintegration of Afghanistan — Putin
But The Jews Certainly Are.... Chaos Is A Ladder of Opportunity To Them - (No matter how many tens of millions of Goyum suffer agonizing deaths - mpg) -- A quote...."VLADIVOSTOK, September 3. /TASS/. Russia is not interested in the disintegration of Afghanistan, because otherwise "there will be no one to talk to about the situation in the country," Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday." - "Russia is not interested in the disintegration of Afghanistan. If this happens, then there will be nobody to talk to. And if this is so, it is worth realizing that the sooner the Taliban join, so to say, the family of civilized peoples, the easier it will be to make contact with it, to influence it somehow, to ask some questions and, if not demand, then to let it know that within the framework of civilized relations civilized rules must be observed," Putin said at the plenary meeting of the Eastern Economic Forum."

As Afghan War Ends, [The JSA's Knesset North] Approves $24bn Bump for Pentagon Budget
A quote...."Just after the US military’s [the jews' Golems] wasteful Afghanistan mission came to a close, House legislators marked almost $24 billion in extra defense spending supposedly needed to maintain America’s competitive edge against Russia and China."

Taliban Take Full Control Over Panjshir Province
Geopolitical Alert - A quote...."KABUL, Sept. 04 (YPA) – Taliban deputy spokesman Bilal Karimi on Friday declared full control of northern Afghanistan’s Panjshir province - “Panjshir is under the control of the Islamic Emirate,” Karimi said - A source at Kabul police headquarters told media that Afghanistan’s Panjshir province was under Taliban control - The source said: “Banjshir fell, the gunmen arrested the resistance and its soldiers, and Amrullah Saleh and Ahmed Massoud fled.”"

Taliban Took Control Over Panjshir – SF Sources
Related Article - A quote...."Today afternoon, various sources reported that the Taliban fighters had advanced and took control over the main part of the Afghanistan’s Panjshir region. After that, some media reported, citing sources in the Taliban movement, that Panjshir had fallen into the Taliban’s hands. For their part, the leaders of resistance declared that all attacks were successfully repulsed."
Report: Washington's 20 Years of Wars [OF] Terror Cost $8 Trillion, 929,000 Lives
The Banksters Butcher's Bill - A quote...."There has been no single US government estimate for the total costs of the post-9/11 wars," the study points out, explaining the significance of the project, which was launched about 10 years ago to find out how much Washington's wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria cost the US, RIA Novosti reported - The report highlights that instead of a comprehensive picture, different government agencies used to provide partial estimates of what has been spent over the years." - Topix || A History Of Mayhem & Murder ||

Czech MP: Washington's Interference in the Affairs of Others Has Caused the Deaths of Millions
Correction: Tens of Millions! - A quote...."Prague (ST): Member of the Czech House of Representatives, Pavel Jelinek, affirmed that the US interventions in the affairs of other countries have caused tragedies to their children, calling for respect for the sovereignty of those countries and non-interference in their affairs." - Topix || A History Of Mayhem & Murder ||
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A Daily Analysis Of The Judeo-Anglo-Controlled Media & N.G.O.'s....

Want Regime Change with Plausible Deniability? Call Creative Associates International
A quote...."After organizing coups, overthrowing democratically-elected heads of state, and arming death squads all around the world in the 1960s and 1970s, it was clear that the CIA had an image problem. The Reagan administration, therefore, began constructing a network of outsourced private organizations that would do the dirty work of the U.S. empire, shielding the U.S. government from the prying eyes of investigators and journalists."

On Propaganda and Failed Narratives: New Understanding of Afghanistan is a Must
A quote...."For twenty years, two dominant narratives have shaped our view of the illegal US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, and neither one of these narratives would readily accept the use of such terms as ‘illegal’, ‘invasion’ and ‘occupation.’"
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia, C.I.S. States, & The Balkans....

[The Judeo-Run Kiev Regime's] Drive to Join US-led NATO Bloc ~ Presents Serious Security Risks – Kremlin
A quote...."The Kremlin has warned that the publicly stated aspiration of [the judeo-run Kiev regime] to join the American-led NATO military bloc poses a danger to Russia, which is completely opposed to the build-up of Western armed forces near its borders - Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed on Thursday that Washington is encouraging Kiev to continue its attempts to join both the Cold War-era analogue to the long-disbanded Warsaw Pact and the European Union – measures which he said would put the two Western organizations directly on Kiev’s long border with Russia."

Some 250 Militants Eliminated in Caucasus Over Five Years - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/. The united grouping of forces in the North Caucasus eliminated 250 militants with the assistance of Russia’s National Guard in 2016-2021, the National Guard press office reported on Friday - "In 2016-2021, the united grouping of forces (troops) conducted over 4,000 special operations on the territory of the North Caucasian region of the Russian Federation in 2016-2021 and eliminated 250 militants, uncovered and destroyed 29 outlawed armed gangs’ training bases, 193 militants’ camps, and 517 arms caches," the statement says."

[The Judeo-Run] Kiev [Regime] Disrespected Moscow’s Initiative on OSCE Observer Group on Border
A quote...."MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/. Ukraine and Western countries did not show the relevant level of respect to deploying a group of OSCE observers at the Russian initiative on the Gukovo and Donetsk checkpoints located on the Russian-Ukrainian border, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said in a statement issued on Friday after this group stopped operating."

Kiev [Regime's] Deadlocking Minsk Talks - DPR foreign minister says
A quote...."Donetsk, Sep 2 – DAN. The Ukrainian leadership’s reluctance to hold direct dialogue with the Donbass Republics is deadlocking the talks over a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Donbass, Donetsk People’s Republic representative at the Minsk talks, DPR Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova said on Thursday."

Pasechnik: [Judeo-Crime Mbr] Zelensky and Biden Meeting Proves Kiev's Unwillingness to Fulfill Minsk-2
A quote...."The outcome of the meeting of Ukrainian and US presidents Vladimir Zelensky and Joe Biden confirm Kiev's unwillingness to fulfill the Minsk Agreements, said LPR Head Leonid Pasechnik - The meeting took place on September 1 in Washington. A joint statement was issued afterwards stipulating the continuation of cooperation in the military sphere."

Pushilin Announces Regular Checks of DPR Forces’ Readiness For Crises
A quote...."Donetsk, Sep 2 – DAN. Donetsk People’s Republic Head Denis Pushilin has initiated regular check of the readiness of civil defense governing bodies and forces in connection with the growing aggression on the part of [the judeo-run Kiev regime]."

[The Judeo-Run] Kiev [Regime's] Forces Violate Ceasefire 13 Times in a Week - [LPR]
A quote...."[Kiev regime mercenary] forces violated the ceasefire 13 times over the past week, said People’s Militia speaker Ivan Philiponenko - “Thirteen violations have been recorded over the past week,” he said - The members of Ukrainian armed forces opened fire on Zolotoye-5, Kalinovo, Kalinovo-Borschevatoye, Zhelobok, and Golubovskoye - The members of the Contact Group have announced ceasefire more than 20 times since the autumn of 2014. Kiev [regime mercenary] forces regularly violated the truce opening fire with large calibre artillery, mortars and tank guns, which were to have been withdrawn in accordance with the Minsk agreements."

[The Judeo-Run Kiev Regime's Mercenaries] Shell DPR 16 Times in a Week
Full quote...."Donetsk, Sep 3– DAN. [Kiev regime forces] violated the ceasefire 16 times over the past week, said DPR People’s Militia deputy chief-of-staff Eduard Basurin - “[Kiev regime mercenaries] violated the ceasefire 16 times over the past week using 122 mm artillery, 120 mm, 82 mm mortars, IFV-2, grenade launchers, and small arms,” he said - The enemy targeted nine townships - Three civilians sustained injuries, two of them minors - Twelve households and a power line were damaged.*ot"
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

Russian Airstrikes Hit Militant Stronghold, Rocket Launch Site In Greater Idlib (Video) - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The Russian Aerospace Forces continue to hammer militants’ positions in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib - Late on September 2, Russian warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on militants’ positions in the outskirts of the town of Kabani in the northern Lattakia countryside. The town is an infamous stronghold of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the de-facto ruler of Greater Idlib, and several other terrorist groups - On September 3, a new wave of Russian airstrikes destroyed a rocket launch site of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army, a close ally of HTS, near the town of Kansafra in the southern countryside of Idlib."

Biden Forces Occupying Syrian Conoco Gas Field Bombed with Rockets
A quote...."Biden forces illegally occupying Syria’s largest gas field came under attack by rockets in the evening of Tuesday, 31 August 2021, this is not the first time - Local sources told the Syrian news agency SANA that the US military base in the Conoco Gas field in the northeastern Deir Ezzor countryside was attacked with at least 2 rockets, reports about casualties among the oil and gas thieves are suppressed by the occupiers."

Russian, Syria Military Ensure Security of UN Humanitarian Convoy to Idlib
A quote...."MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/. Russian and Syrian servicemen helped deliver UN humanitarian aid to the Idlib de-escalation zone, Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, said on Friday" - "A UN convoy delivered more than 150 tonnes of humanitarian aid to the Idlib de-escalation zone via the Miznaz checkpoint in the Aleppo governorate," he said, adding that Syrian servicemen and security officers in cooperation with the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties ensured security of the UN humanitarian convoy."

Militants in Daraa Hand Over Weapons to Syrian Army
A quote...."According to a report by SANA, settlement operations has been going on this week and militants have continued to hand over their weapons in al-Mahata police station (al-Saraya) in Daraa city, as part of the government’s efforts to reach a peaceful solution that provides for ending the concerning situation in the city and expelling the militants."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others...

Libya and the Neighboring Countries Agree..and Turkey will not Withdraw
A quote...."Erdogan will not accept a new defeat in his last stronghold in North Africa, after losing the (Muslim) Brotherhood in Egypt, and finally “Al-Nahda” in Tunisia, the two important neighbors of Libya."

Video: Yemeni Army Launches Offensive on Saudi Military Positions in Jizan
A quote...."JIZAN, Sept. 04 (YPA) – Military media of the Yemeni army released on Friday a video showing the army carried out an attack against military sites of Saudi forces and mercenaries in front of Qais mount of Jizan border province."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion...

And The Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing Of White Europeans Worldwide....

Scotland's Teachers Urged to Take 'White Privilege' Test in a Bid to 'Decolonise' Schools
A quote...."According to Scotland’s Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville, it was vital to embed “anti-racism into the ethos and practice” of the country’s education system - Teachers in Scotland were invited to take “white privilege” tests as a part of the government’s larger efforts to “decolonise” the school curriculum, according to the Times, which cited a new anti-racism framework for educators released Thursday - As such, new guidance developed by the Scottish Government’s executive agency Education Scotland, purports to promote “race equality and anti-racist education” in schools."

Most People on Germany’s Islamist Watchlist Hold German or Dual Citizenship
A quote...."More than a half of the hundreds of individuals on Germany’s Islamic extremist watchlist are the country’s own citizens, a report says, citing government data - The data came from the government’s response to an inquiry by the right-wing anti-immigration party Alternative for Germany (AfD) - Out of 330 individuals listed as threats on the basis of “religious ideology” as of July 1, 186 were either exclusively German nationals or held a second citizenship in addition to the German one."

Germany Will Take 70,000 Afghan Refugees
A quote...."For whatever reason, the kosher conservative media and politicians decided to claim that one of the problems with the Afghan surrender was that Joe Biden didn’t bring in enough refugees. Since Afghan people have extended families, 70,000 is the minimal estimation. Good luck Germany, you used to be a nice country."

Afghan Migrants Gang Rape Autistic Woman In Sweden And Gov’t REFUSES To Deport Them
A quote...."A mentally disabled woman was violently and repeatedly raped by a gang of Afghan migrants in Sweden, but the Swedish government refuses to deport them - FriaTider reports that the 24-year-old victim lived in a special accommodation facility in Upplands Väsby for disabled people - “Lisa has autism and a cognitive impairment which means that she is intellectually at the level of a small child. She has difficulty following conversations, has a limited perception of time and has difficulty maintaining her hygiene. According to staff who help her, she is very naive, can not say no and believes well in everyone.”

FOIA Request Reveals Biden Regime Lost Track of 1 in 3 Unaccompanied Migrant Children Released In US
"Negligence Raises Child Trafficking Concerns" - A quote...."Thousands of unaccompanied children who illegally crossed the border are now unaccounted for after being carelessly released by the Biden regime to poorly vetted sponsors - According to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by Axios, the federal government has inexplicably lost contact with around 5,000 out of almost 15,000 children who were released into the interior of the US between January and May."
FYI: Instead of allowing the importation of tens of thousands of "unaccompanied migrant children" for potential sexual abuse, why not simply.... BUILD THE WALL!
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Thousands March in Pro-Family, Anti-LGBT Festival Celebrating Trad Marriage - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Must View OCVideo - Alt/Vid - (OCYuTb - 2min33sec - Aug 30, 2021) - Source: Orthodox Church - A quote...."In Odessa, Ukraine, on August 28th, on the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 3,000 believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) marched in support of traditional family values - According to the UOC Information Center with reference to the official website of the Odessa diocese, the march was held with the blessing of Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail within the framework of the #GoodUnites project."

[US] Teacher Removed After Students Pledge Allegiance to Pride Flag - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Kristin Pitzen, the California schoolteacher who posted video to social media of herself instructing students to say the pledge of allegiance to a Progress Pride flag, has been removed from her classroom pending the outcome of an ongoing investigation by the Newport Mesa Unified School District."

Christian Homeschooling Becoming Popular in Russia...Finally
Just A Reminder - Originally Posted March 2019 - A quote...."Since Russia has so swiftly become the world’s official bulwark of conservative values, it is quite surprising that it has systematically lagged behind in one obvious realm: Homeschooling - For most Russians, homeschooling has always been enveloped in a fantastical aura, something associated mainly with special needs and/or with Amish-like Protestant groups in America." - Source: RussianFaith

On Some Obvious Norms of Family Life
A quote...."The longer I serve, the more often I come across some strange, either ignorance or misunderstanding, of some obvious and self-evident norms of family life. Therefore, like it or not, I have to return to what has already been said and once again talk about the obvious. Although is it really obvious? There are many simple truths in family life, but there are always those for whom even the obvious things become discoveries. Therefore, I think it would be useful to dwell on some obvious (but not to everyone) noticeable things." - Source: Pravmir

Strict Texas Abortion Law Goes Into Effect After Supreme Court Refuses To Rule On Emergency Stay
A quote...."A Texas law, which could effectively ban most abortions after 6 weeks, when a fetal heartbeat can be detected, went into effect on Wednesday morning, after both the Supreme Court and a lower federal court of appeals refused to rule on a demand from Texas abortion providers to stay the law pending further litigation."

Unknown Ancient Humans Made Elephant Bone Tools To Carve Meat 400,000 Years Ago in a Way Not Thought Possible -- A quote...."An unknown group of ancient humans living about 400,000 years ago made 'impressive tools' out of elephant bones in unexpected ways, archeologists claim - A collection of elephant bones were excavated between 1979 and 1991 at a site in Italy known as Castel di Guido, situated near modern day Rome, and have since been re-analysed by a team from the University of Colorado in Boulder."

'Lost Ancient Capital City' is Discovered in France
A quote...."Celtic treasure including extravagant jewellery, weapons and chariot parts are found at 3,000-year-old Bronze Age hillfor - A Bronze Age hillfort in France may represent a lost Celtic capital city, archaeologists said after finding treasures there including jewellery, weapons and chariot parts - The priceless trove was unearthed near Gannat in France's Allier department, some 80 miles northwest of Lyon, by experts from the University of Toulouse–Jean Jaurès."

Legend of King Arthur Revealed
A quote...."Experts decode seven pages of a 700-year-old manuscript - one of the earliest of its kind - telling the story of Camelot, including a romance between Merlin the Magician and the enchantress Viviane - The fragments of parchment were discovered in 2019 in a library in Bristol - They had been recycled into the bindings of four volumes of French philosophy - Experts from Bristol and Durham have revealed damaged sections of the text."

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Letting People Self-Identify Gender in a Census is Another Step Towards Erasing Women Completely
A quote...."In a move designed to appease the trans lobby, Scotland’s census will allow people to record what gender they identify as. Not only does this defy biology and make the census pointless, it’s a major blow for women’s rights - Since 1801, the UK has carried out a census of its population once every decade. To most people, it’s just another task to complete: a few questions to answer, some boxes to tick, job done. Almost every country on Earth holds a census – the compiling and counting has become integral to our understanding of what makes a nation and who is a citizen."

The Complications From Sex Reassignment Surgery Are Horrific – But in Today’s Trans-Activist World, We Can’t Talk About This -- A quote...."A culture of silence and fear stops people learning what really can happen when you undergo ‘sex change’ operations. The trans lobby tries to portray it as easy and straightforward – yet it’s anything but... There is an unspoken price being paid for the fashionable transgender theories of our day. There are unseen victims, invisible, though in plain sight. They are hidden because their supporters believe too blindly, and their detractors write them off, and their misery is facilitated by a lack of open discussion and a censorship of the facts." - also posted at AlethoNews

Toddler Affirmed as ‘Transgender’ After Allegedly Trying to Mutilate Himself
So Now They'll Do It For Him?? The "West" is SICK!! - A quote...."(LifeSiteNews) – It has become the norm now to survey the news and discover some new paradigm-smashing development on the gender front. I’ve covered many of those stories in this space; last week the CDC rolled out a long list of woke terminology that is needed to replace a battery of other words. “Mother,” of course, has to go. In fact, when Senator James Lankford grilled Biden administration health secretary Xavier Becerra about why the phrase “birthing person” needed to replace “mother,” he froze and stumbled through his answer."

The Biological Male Who Exposed Himself To Children At LA’s Wi Spa Has Been OUTED As A Criminal Registered Sex Offender -- ANYONE Surprised?!? - (Weren't the jewish controlled mass spewage outlets,  and Antifa defending this creep?? Causing quite a ruckus to do so?!? - mpg) -- A quote...."Back in late June a mother went viral for berating an employee of a Los Angeles spa because a ‘transgender female,’ also known as a biological male, had displayed his genitals in front of small children. Because the suspect claimed to be ‘transgender’, the man working at the spa’s front desk protected him, and trans-activists and celebrities showed their support."

California Bill Would Require Large Retailers to Have a Gender Neutral Display Area For Toys, Childcare Products -- A quote...."The state of California could eventually start requiring large retail department stores to have a gender neutral display section that contains some of the toys and childcare items available for purchase - The bill would force retailers with a certain number of employees to have a gender neutral area to display "a reasonable selection" of such products "regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys."
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The George Floyd Psyop & The Judeo-Created & Planned National Anti-White Frenzy....

The Preface to The Year America Died
Quote of the Day..... A quote...."Will future historians look back at 2020 and proclaim it the year America died? Maybe. But that’s for future historians to decide. My thesis is different. For me, and for many other patriotic white Americans, 2020 definitely felt like the year America died- Yes, the corpse of America is still shambling around on the world stage. In this respect, the presidency of senile Joe Biden and the speakership of taxidermized ghoul Nancy Pelosi are perfect symbolism. But the spirit of America has fled. Something different, something alien is animating America’s corpse - White Nationalists, of course, have known this for a long time. But now millions of patriotic Americans know it too. They see it. They are also looking for explanations and alternatives. This is a wonderful opportunity for our movement."

Exoneration of Ashli Babbit’s Killer Shows America’s True Racial Hierarchy
A quote...."On August 20th it was announced that the Capitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbit dead on January 6th had been formally exonerated by the Department of Justice and the Capitol Police after an “internal probe” found no evidence of wrongdoing in the shooting - On August 25th the identity of the officer, Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, was revealed in a press release by Terry Roberts, a lawyer for the Babbit family. In an interview with the conservative website Zenger News Roberts argued that Byrd being Black played a part in the government protecting him and refusing to release his identity for so many months....."
“A White cop kills a Black individual? Their name is out there within a day. It’s all public. And look, a police officer is a public official. There should not be any exception for this.”
Georgia: Republican A.G.Indicts Prosecutor For Not Charging White Men Who Shot Black Criminal In Self-Defense Fast Enough -- Peerrrrfect Title - A quote...."Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, a Republican who worked on Donald Trump's failed 2020 campaign, has made a move that puts "woke" criminal justice crusaders to shame - Today his office announced that it would be charging former Glynn County head prosecutor Jackie Johnson with Obstruction and Hindering a Law Enforcement Officer and Violation of Oath of Public Officer, a felony that is punished by up to five years in prison, for recusing herself from the Ahmaud Arbery case and "failing to treat Ahmaud Arbery and his family fairly and with dignity..." -- Gregory McMichael and his son Travis, both white, stand accused of murdering black career criminal Ahmaud Arbery. In video taken during the incident, the McMichaels had information pointing to Arbery engaging in a rash of robberies in their town, including of a man dying from cancer, and attempted a citizen's arrest. When they confronted Arbery. the running black man is then shown on film getting the jump on Travis McMichael, and trying to wrestle his firearm away while punching him. Arbery was shot during the struggle."

Judge Blocks ‘Jogger’ Armaud Arbery’s History of Attempting Robberies From Being Presented as Evidence in Murder Trial -- The JEWdicial Racket In Action - A quote...."A Georgia circuit court judge has determined that Armaud Arbery’s history of posing as a jogger in order to commit robberies will not be allowed to be presented at his murder trial - Judge Timothy Walmsley said that the “just a jogger” libel created by the fake news media and Black Lives Matter hoaxsters must be protected because presentation of the facts might “lead the jury to believe that although Arbery did not apparently commit any felony that day, he may pose future dangerousness in that he would eventually commit more alleged crimes, and therefore, the Defendants’ actions were somehow justified.”

The 1619 Project Exposed: How Marxists Are Dividing America and Rewriting History
A quote...."The 1619 Project” was written in 2019 by leftist activist Nicole Hannah Jones and claimed to present the “real” year America was founded, with the first arrival of African slaves to Jamestown, Virginia - However, Grabar points out that the claim that the United States “was built on the backs of slaves in terms of wealth and power is wrong,” and that a truth-based look at history proves it."

'The Largest Confederate Monument in the South is Coming Down'
A quote...."Virginia's Supreme Court rules that Robert E Lee statue in Richmond can be toppled - The Supreme Court of Virginia ruled Thursday that the state can take down a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that has towered over the state's capital for more than a century but became widely seen as a symbol of racial injustice."

Phoenix: Teachers Who Refuse To Teach [Anti-White] CRT Will Be Paid LESS Than Those Who Do
Since When Is A Teacher's Salary Based On Teaching Judeo-Marx-Len Frankfurt School Indoctrination? - A quote...."A Phoenix school district is incentivizing teachers to implement Social-Emotional Learning and ‘culturally responsive pedagogy’ in their classrooms - Teachers will not receive their bonuses if they refuse to participate - Social-Emotional Learning is just a fancy term for racial indoctrination or [Anti-White] CRT.

Blacks TWICE As Likely As Whites To Commit "Hate Crimes," But Regime Media Won't Tell You (And FBI Suppresses Details) -- A quote...."An article in yesterday’s Washington Post warns that hate crimes are one the rise - The number of hate crimes in the United States rose in 2020 to the highest level in 12 years, propelled by increasing assaults targeting Black and Asian victims, the FBI reported Monday - In all, the federal agency tallied 7,759 hate crimes last year, a tumultuous 12 months marked by a global pandemic, a divisive presidential election and upheaval in the economy - Hate crimes rise to highest level in 12 years amid increasing attacks on Black and Asian people, FBI says, by David Nakamura, August 30, 2021 - Note the “divisive presidential election.”
FYI: It should be noted, when reviewing...."Interracial Violent Crime Incidents 2018 Augmented", that Black on White Crime is about FORTY TIMES HIGHER than White on Black crime -- (547,948 BonW / 59,778 WonB) = 9.17 (60.1 WPop / 13.4 BPop) = 4.49 (9.17) * (4.49) = 41.733 Times Higher. How much of this can REALLY be considered Black "hate crime" is anyone's guess. But it's at least an order of magnitude higher than so-called White "hate crime" - mpg
FYI: Keep in mind White Ethnic Europeans are a SMALL MINORITY of the World's population. Casually estimated at between 8% to 10% (Alt @ Reficultnias) of the World's total population, and declining rapidly. The question that MUST be asked, is why must the rest of the World's Majority population be allowed to invade Europe and places like America, and the former English colonies, to replace the populations there, as part of a jewish promulgated "Diversity" campaign?? - mpg
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More Tales From the Judeo-Sphere....
PERMANENT NOTE: Disingenuous, inaccurate, and false or misleading terms such as antisemitism, apartheid, zionism, holocaust, israel, military, army, defense, government, state, authority, settlers, settlements, confiscated, seized, borders, etc. will be removed from all articles in this section and replaced with the correct language, and terms (in brackets & italics), to reflect standard common-use definitions, accepted legal norms, and actual on the ground realities - mpg
Opioid Crisis Settled? US Judge Grants Sackler Family IMMUNITY in $4.5bn Bankruptcy Deal for OxyContin Maker Purdue Pharma -- The JEWdicial Racket In Action! - A quote...."Purdue Pharma, the maker of the powerful opioid OxyContin, will be dissolved after a federal judge approved a $4.5 billion settlement deal with the firm’s owners, who will be granted immunity from future lawsuits in exchange - Judge Robert Drain of the US Bankruptcy Court in White Plains, New York authorized the settlement on Wednesday, forcing the Sackler family – which owns Purdue – to shell out more than $4 billion and dissolve the company after a flurry of lawsuits linked to OxyContin and its role in America’s opioid crisis - “This is a bitter result,” Drain said of the deal, which released the Sacklers from future liability in opioid-related civil cases. The judge noted that Purdue’s products had contributed to a “massive public health crisis” that’s led to hundreds of thousands of overdose deaths and a wave of addiction, and voiced frustration that large amounts of the Sacklers’ family fortune is stored in offshore accounts."
Jewish Media Figures Celebrate White Decline in Latest Census
Just A Reminder - Posted August 26, 2021 - Related Article - A quote...."According to the 2020 census figures released by the US government, Whites in America have declined in their percentage representation among the population, but also in absolute numbers. Whites have been shrinking as a percentage of the population of the US since the 1960s, but the latest census marks the first time in history that the absolute number of White people in the country has been reduced - Jewish political and media figures can barely contain their glee at these numbers - Perhaps the most overtly ghoulish mainstream commentary came from Washington Post opinion blogger Jennifer Rubin, who exclaimed on twitter that the results were “fabulous news” while warning that Whites must be locked out of any future political power."

The [Jewish] Frankfurt School and [Jewish] Critical Theory
A quote...."The Frankfurt School, known more appropriately as Critical Theory, is a philosophical and sociological movement spread across many universities around the world. It was originally located at the Institute for Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung), an attached institute at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. The Institute was founded in 1923 thanks to a donation by Felix Weil with the aim of developing Marxist studies in Germany. After 1933, the Nazis forced its closure, and the Institute was moved to the United States where it found hospitality at Columbia University in New York City."

The Architects of Western Decline A Study on the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism
Related FalloutVideo - Alt/BtCht@ExpTheAgnd - Alt/YuTb@VirtPolx - Previously posted, posted again for your edification - (FalloutBitChute - 28min29sec - Jul 25th, 2021) - Source: Fallout11 - Alt/Sources: ExposeTheAgenda @ BitChute - VertigoPolitix Archive V2 @ YuTb -- One commentator stat, from the Alt/YuTb...."Excellent breakdown of the history of Marxism in America, Critical Theory, and the threat we as Americans are currently facing. We are at the pivot-point now, and Western Civilization will go 1 way, or the other." --*CSC* - Topix || The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 01-19-18 - mpg ||
FYI: Regarding The Frankfurt School, Cultural Marxism, and its proponents and adherents. Columbia University, is where the Meme-Pathogen, Anti-Family, Anti-White Ethnic European, Degenerative Mind-Disease was fermented and than inculcated into the America consciousness. It's founders and financiers starting in Germany in the 1930's, and later its promoters at the Columbia School in NYC, were as follows: Carl Grünberg, Felix Weil, Antonio Gramsci, Georg Lukács, Saul Alinsky, Herbert Marcuse, Eric Fromm, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkeimer, and Wilhelm Reich. Later you had Friedrich Pollock, Otto Kirchheimer, Leo Löwenthal, and Franz Leopold Neumann - Almost every single one of them a Jew -- Even later, like weak echos, you had its third generation. Composed mostly of Black adherents; W.E.B. DuBois, Paul Robeson, Stanley Levison (MLK's top advisor), Barack Obama, Jeremiah Wright (Barack Obama's advisor), Frank Marshall Davis, Hillery Clinton, Angela Davis, et. al. - See additional links posted below..... Took about thirty minutes to assemble these links from just one search engine. Think of what YOU could do given a couple of days research!! - mpg
Alleged President Biden Renews Agreement on [Jewish Regime's] Secret Nuclear Weapons Program
Second Quote of the Day...."We murdered people for supposedly giving the bomb to the Soviets. [The jewish crime syndicate's regime occupying Palestine]  got a few trillion dollars in aid money for stealing the designs and building their own nuclear bomb - What should have happened is turning that garbage pit on the edge of the Mediterranean into a beautiful sheet of glass. Ever wonder why “they” end up owning everything? - Well, that would be billions of dollars in US aid money being laundered back into the US, so they can buy real estate, businesses, stocks, bonds, etc - They control the printing of dollars and where it goes. Where it goes is buying up everything other people own - [The jewish occupation regime] has received trillions of dollars in aid. Is it any wonder that since that aid program has started, just about everything of value has ended up in a dual citizen’s hands."

Jewish Chronicle’s Libel Payouts Were a Small Price to Pay For Smearing Corbyn and the Left
A quote...."The Jewish Chronicle, a weekly newspaper that was saved from liquidation last year by a consortium led by a former senior adviser to Theresa May, has been exposed as having a quite astonishing record of journalistic failings - Over the past three years, the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), the misnamed and feeble “press regulator” created by the billionaire-owned corporate media, has found the paper to have breached its code of practice on at least 28 occasions. The weekly has also lost, or been forced to settle, at least four libel cases over the same period." - Topix || Corbyn Cannot, & Should Not, Be Trusted - 06-11-17 - mpg ||

It’s Time To Reassess Our Relationship With [The Jewish Occupation of Palestine]
A quote...."In April 1996, [the jewish occupation regime's] artillery shells rained down on a United Nations compound where hundreds of civilians were taking refuge. As the shells exploded and the building collapsed, 106 civilians died and another 116 were injured - The attack, now known as the Qana Massacre, was part of a larger [jewish] offensive known as Operation Grapes of Wrath, a 16-day campaign of aggression in southern Lebanon."

[Jewish] Gunfire Kills at Least 1 Palestinian, Wounds 5 during Protests in Gaza
A quote...."Clashes erupted on Thursday, when crowds of Palestinian protesters burnt tires in at least five locations alongside the border - [Jewish occupation] forces deployed tear gas over the fence to disperse the demonstrators, and also used live fire - A 26-year-old man was shot dead near the city of Jabalia north of Gaza City, according to Palestinian health officials, who also said that five other people were injured in the gunfire. A 15-year-old protester is in serious condition."

[Jewish Occupation Forces] Arrest Seven Palestinian Journalists near Hebron
A quote...."Seven Palestinian journalists were arrested by [jewish] occupation forces on Friday while covering nonviolent protests south of Hebron (Al-Khalil) - The journalists said they were being arrested for being in a ‘closed military zone’ however the military’s rules allow them to be in such areas, Haaretz reports. Palestinians were protesting plans to expropriate their lands by [the jewish occupation].

[Jewish] Occupation Forces Arrest 3 Palestinians in the West Bank
A quote...."Occupied Jerusalem (ST): Today [jewish] occupation forces arrested today three Palestinians in the West Bank - Wafa news agency reported that the occupation forces stormed the towns of Aqaba in Tubas, Beit Fajjar and Husan in Bethlehem and arrested three Palestinians - Yesterday, the occupation forces arrested four Palestinians in the West Bank - K.Q."

[Jewish] Crimes Against Palestinians in August 2021
A quote...."OCUUPIED AL-QUDS, (ST)_[Jewish] occupation forces killed 9 Palestinians and wounded 180 others and arrested 207 in August 2021, according to WAFA News Agency - In its monthly report on the [jewish] occupation’s violations against the Palestinian people and holy shrines, the agency made it clear that 7 Palestinians including a boy were martyred by the occupation’s bullets in the West Bank."

[Jewish] Occupation Gunboats Fire at Palestinian Fishermen in Gaza Strip
A quote...."GAZA, Sept.04 (YPA) – [Jewish] occupation gunboats on Saturday morning, opened fire with heavy machine guns at Palestinian fishermen’s boats off the coast of the Gaza Strip, Palestinian media reported - Palestine Today reported that sporadic gunfire was heard from all areas of Gaza City, while no casualties were reported among the fishermen."

[The Jewish Occupation] Arrests Four Palestinian Children in First Week Back at School
A quote...."[The jewish armed wing of the judeo-occupation regime] arrested four Palestinian children in the early hours of Wednesday from their homes in the occupied city of Bethlehem in the southern West Bank - The four children, Yousef Jamal al-Harimi, 15, Adam Ayyad, 15, Mansour Saleh Faraj, 16, and Issa Muhammad Zarina, 17, are all students at al-Mahd School in Bethlehem - Manar al-Harimi, sister of Yousef, described scenes of fear and anxiety when [the heavily armed jews under color of uniform] raided the house at 3:00am."

[Jealous, Feral, Illegal, Jewish, Migrants] Destroy Crops, Stone House and Vehicles in Burin Village
A quote...."A horde of extremist [jealous, feral, illegal, jewish migrants] on Thursday attacked a Palestinian house and damaged two vehicles in Burin village, south of Nablus in the occupied Jerusalem - Local official Ghassan Daghlas said that [jews] from the illegal [squatter encampment] of Yitzhar hurled stones at the house of Umm Ayman Sufan in the village, causing damage to some of its windows."

Palestinian Child Injured in Hit-and-Run by Jewish [Illegal Migrant]
A quote...." Jewish [illegal migrant] driving at high speed ran over a Palestinian child student on Thursday morning and injured him on a road in al-Husain area, east of al-Khalil City in the occupied West Bank."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O....

7.5 Million People Are Projected to Lose Their [US] Unemployment Benefits on September 6th
A quote...."Around 7.5 million people are poised to lose *all federal unemployment benefits* in a week. They’re going to $0 in jobless aid as delta cases + hospitalizations surge - The looming UI cliff is 3x larger than previous biggest one in 2013, so it’s not really close "

Facing Inflation Threat, German Investors Loading Up On Gold
A quote...."While most American investors have faith that the Federal Reserve can and will successfully tighten monetary policy to fight inflation — or have simply bought into the “transitory” inflation narrative — Germans are loading up on gold as a hedge against growing inflationary pressures."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Biden's Forces Secretly Withdrawing from the Oil Fields Northeast of Syria - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Biden's forces illegally deployed in Syria stealing Syrian oil, wheat, barley, cotton, and the food and future of Syrian children have evacuated 3 of its positions in the northeast of the country, Al Alam TV reported on the 2nd of September - The report based on ‘private military sources’ identified the three oil fields left by the Biden forces as Al Omar oil field, the largest in Syria and is located in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside, in addition to Tal Baidar, and Qasrak in Qamishli, Al-Hasakah province northeast of Syria."

Highest-level Lebanese Govt. Delegation in First Official Syria Visit in 10 years
A quote...."A delegation from the caretaker Lebanese government is due to visit Damascus in the highest level visit in years to discuss plans to import natural gas through war-torn Syria’s territory and ease a power crisis in Lebanon."

Taliban Greenlight Construction of Trans-Afghan Gas Pipeline
A quote...."The Taliban have confirmed their willingness to build the TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India) gas pipeline which would export Turkmen gas for the development of Central Asia - This project had been developed by Argentinian oil magnate Carlos Bulgheroni (Bridas) with the Turkmen government in the 1990s. It was to be financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). But it entered into competition with a project sponsored by California-based UNOCAL. After an agreement between the two companies was reached, negotiations between the United States and the Taliban took place in Berlin in violation of the travel ban issued by the UN Security Council against the Taliban. It was the failure of these talks in the summer of 2001 that sparked the US war against Afghanistan (and not the attacks of September 11, 2001).

Iran FM Stresses Implementing Strategic Partnership Agreement With China
A quote...."In his phone call which was made on Friday, Amirabdollahian reiterated strategic relations between Iran and China and traditional friendship between the two nations - He lauded China for supporting Iran membership in Shanghai Cooperation Organization - He termed the US' unilateralism as a threat to international peace and stability and emphasized Iran’s policy with regard to opposing intervention of some powers in the internal affairs of other countries namely China."

Emerging Asia and Russia Lead Emerging Markets Through Global Reopening
A quote...."Emerging Markets (EM) hedge funds, led by funds investing in India, Russia, China, and the Middle East, extended strong gains through mid-year 2021 as EM hedge fund capital eclipsed another record, with performance again topping gains in EM regional equity markets and complemented by volatile cryptocurrencies. "

Taliban Says China Will Be Afghanistan’s ‘Most Important Partner’
A quote...."Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in an interview published on Thursday that China will be Afghanistan’s “most important partner” as the new Taliban-led government is seeking infrastructure investments - “China is our most important partner and represents a fundamental and extraordinary opportunity for us, because it is ready to invest and rebuild our country,” Mujahid told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica - Mujahid said there are “rich copper mines in the country, which, thanks to the Chinese, can be put back into operation and modernized. In addition, China is our pass to markets all over the world.”"

Taliban to ‘Actively Support’ Belt and Road Plan of ‘Trustworthy Friend’ China
A quote...."Afghanistan will continue to participate in China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the Taliban have said, expressing hopes to rely on Beijing’s investment and support to rebuild the war-ravaged country while promising to protect Chinese interests there - The pledge from Abdul Salam Hanafi, deputy director of the Taliban’s office in Doha, Qatar, came as China aimed to consolidate relations with the Afghan regime led by the Islamic militant group, despite many uncertainties."

Hunan's First China-Europe Freight Train for Free Trade Leaves for Russia
A quote...."Hunan's first China-Europe freight train for free trade left Changsha, capital of Hunan, and will arrive in Minsk via northeast China's Manzhouli Port about 17 days later - The freight train, with 100 containers in total, carries 710 tons of cargo valued at $4.38 million, including communications equipment, machinery, appliances, food and daily necessities from free trade corporations like SANY, Zoomlion and other companies qualified for export through market procurement."

China-Africa Trade Hits Record High of $139.1 Billion From January to July: MOFCOM
A quote...."The China-Africa trade volume was $139.1 billion from January to July this year, an increase of 40.5 percent, the highest level, Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said on Friday - In particular, the imports from Africa have increased by 46.3 percent, reaching $59.3 billion, and imports of agricultural products such as rubber, cotton, and coffee have doubled over the same period last year, vice minister Qian Keming said."

India Set to Receive First Shipment of Russian S-400 Missile System by 2021 End
A quote...."In a big boost for the capabilities and abilities of the Indian armed forces to secure the national security interests, Russia will soon begin the delivery of the surface-to-air missile defence system S-400 to India, reports Livemint - Sharing the development, Vyacheslav Dzirkaln, the deputy chief executive of Russian air and defence major Almaz-Antey said, "I can confirm that we will deliver [the S-400 system to India] by the end of 2021 in accordance with the schedule and contractual obligations of the Russian side."

India-Russia Defence Trade Worth $15 Billion in Three Years
A quote...."In the last three years, since 2018, the defence trade between India and Russia was $15 billion because of some big ticket defence deals, said Victor Kladov, Head of International Cooperation and Regional Policy of Rostec state corporation."

Another [Foreign Intell-Sponsored] Radical HK Group Disbands; More to Follow But ‘Cannot Evade Legal Liabilities’ -- A quote...."Another anti-China group in Hong Kong, Civic Passion, disbanded on Friday, after its chairman was removed from the Legislative Council (LegCo) more than a week ago, following the disbandment of HK's largest opposition alliance Civil Human Rights Front and Hong Kong teachers' union last month."

Major Deal on Developing Russia’s Big Northern Sea Route Sealed at Eastern Economic Forum
A quote...."A broad agreement aimed at providing stable growth of exports, cabotage and transit traffic along Russia’s Arctic sea route has been signed at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok on Friday - Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom and the Ministry for Development of the Far East and the Arctic agreed to closely cooperate on projects aimed at developing the transport artery stretching along Russia’s Arctic coast."

Putin Talks of Afghan Disaster, Plans for Future at Eastern Economic Forum
A quote...."VLADIVOSTOK, September 3. /TASS/. Despite developments in Afghanistan, the West is reluctant to stop imposing its standards on other countries, and developed countries aren’t providing enough assistance to others in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) on Friday - TASS has put together the most important and striking statements from the president’s address."

Russia Ready to Root Out Terrorism on its Soil and Globally, vows upper house speaker
A quote...."MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/. Russian society is united in the war against terrorism and is ready to stamp out its manifestations both on its own territory and in any part of the globe, Speaker of the Federation Council (the upper house of Russia’s parliament) Valentina Matviyenko said on Friday."

Russia Sees No Obstacles to Providing S-400 Systems to Belarus, official says
A quote...."VLADIVOSTOK, September 3. /TASS/. There are no obstacles to providing Russia’s S-400 air defense systems to Belarus, Director of Russia’s Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation Dmitry Shugayev told reporters on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) on Friday - "Belarus is our strategic partner, we live in the Union State. Since the S-400 system is particularly intended for export, it would be logical, other things being equal, to respond to Belarus’ demand for such systems. I don’t see any obstacles or restrictions to that," Shugayev pointed out."

Putin Visits Angara Launching Site Being Constructed at Vostochny Cosmodrome
A quote...."VOSTOCHNY COSMODROME, September 3. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin Vladimir Putin examined the progress of the second construction batch of the Vostochny Cosmodrome Friday. The head of state arrived to the Amur Region Friday evening after participating in the Eastern Economic Forum - Putin examined the command center and the launching site for Angara rockets."

Putin Doesn’t Have Online Accounts & Thinks There Are Better Uses of His Time Than Posting on Twitter or Facebook -- A quote...."Russia’s President Vladimir Putin isn’t active online because he doesn’t have enough time to post, scroll and click, the Kremlin has revealed, saying he has rejected the idea of having an aide manage public profiles on his behalf." - Source: RT

Belarus' Agricultural Export to China Up 1.5 Times in H1 2021
A quote...."MINSK, 3 September (BelTA) – In January-June 2021 the export of Belarusian agricultural products to China increased by 1.5 times in comparison with H1 2020 and reached $156 million. The figures were mentioned as Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Ivan Krupko met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to China Yuri Senko, the ministry's press service told BelTA."

Russian Folk Wedding Rituals Are Wonderful, Complex, and Exotic
Relax Time - Read - A quote...."The process of matchmaking started with the unexpected arrival of the prospective groom with his entire family at the bride’s house. It was a chance for both young people to see each other and to be seen. But there’s a symbolic moment here as well. The matchmaking was the point of no return, the point at which the bride and groom entered the ritual space of the preparation for the wedding."

Russia’s 10 Most Beautiful Monasteries: Winter View
Relax Time - Great Photos - A quote...."If you’re not afraid of the Russian winter, here are 10 reasons to visit the country in December and admire the view."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Assassination of Robert Kennedy
The Jews Murdered JFK For The Bomb, and RFK Because He Was Going To Expose Them -- A quote...."New evidence implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia as plotters in elaborate “hit” plan to prevent RFK from ever reaching White House -- In a 2018 interview with The Washington Post, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said that he traveled to meet with Sirhan at the Richard J. Donovan Correctional facility in San Diego County, and, after a relatively lengthy conversation, believed that Sirhan did not kill his father and that a second gunman was involved - Kennedy Jr.’s view is shared by his sister, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, and by Paul Schrade, regional director of the United Auto Workers (UAW) and one of Bobby’s closest advisers, who was shot the night that he was killed."

While Covid Ravages the Elderly, So Do Our Courts — An Update
A quote...."Amy Sallas survived an apparent stroke. She survived Covid and survived being forcibly taken from her home by the Cook County Public Guardian and survived the heartbreak of being forcibly isolated from her husband of over 50 years. She has survived the ravaging of her assets, reportedly in the realm of $8 million dollars–by the Cook County Guardian, as well. In addition, she survived a questionable surgery ordered by the Cook County Guardian which rendered the formerly ambulatory woman into a wheelchair - But will she survive Judge Shauna Boliker?"

House and Senate Armed Services Committees Vote To Make Women Register for the Draft
Women's Lib! -- Hey Baby, Be All You Can Be! - A quote...."On September 1st the House Armed Services Committee joined the Senate Armed Services Committee in voting 35-24 to expand registration for a possible military draft to include young women as well as young men - Following this House committee vote and an earlier Senate committee vote in July (before Congress’s summer vacation), the versions of the annual "must-pass" National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to be considered later this fall in both the House and Senate will include provisions requiring women to register for the draft within 30 days of their 18th birthday and report to the Selective Service System each time they change their address until their 26th birthday, as young men have been required to do since 1980."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web....

Australia: New Law Allows Feds to Hack and Control Online Accounts of Political Dissidents Without a Warrant
A quote...."The Australian parliament has recently passed one of the most egregious attacks on privacy rights and civil liberties in the world - The Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2021 was rapidly snuck through with little debate or fanfare in a 24 hour window. The piece of legislation has the support of both the Liberal and Labour parties."

BigTech Showing it is Part of the Great Reset Against the People
A quote...."We are getting reports from Australia that Google, YouTube, Fakebook, Instagram, and even Telegram has blocked the truckers communications in Australia. What they are doing in Australia to deny the public the fundamental right to rise up in protest against their government demonstrates that these companies are clearly against the people." - Source: ArmstrongEconomics

Want to See Just How Bad Google Chrome is? Try This Simple Trick!
A quote...."My love/hate relationship with Google Chrome shifted into a hate/hate relationship a few months ago when I decided it was time to ditch the browser - Since the split, I've been using a combination of Firefox and Brave. They're both very capable browsers that do what I think every good browser should do -- let you browse the web without getting in the way."

Twitter’s ‘Safety Mode’ is Just a New Way to Silence Opponents to the Tech Giant’s Woke Social Justice Agenda
A quote...."Ever keen to be seen doing more about online abuse among its users, Twitter has decided to nobble free speech with a novelty ‘Safety Mode’ button, which might reduce offence. Exactly what ‘offence’ means is up to the tech giant - Something about Twitter has long irritated me, not so much the platform itself but the smug self-righteousness of a bunch of tech nerds adopting the moral high ground over the inalienable right to free speech."

Delays Aren’t Good Enough—Apple Must Abandon Its Surveillance Plans
A quote...."Apple announced today that it would “take additional time over the coming months to collect input and make improvements” to a program that will weaken privacy and security on iPhones and other products. EFF is pleased Apple is now listening to the concerns of customers, researchers, civil liberties organizations, human rights activists, LGBTQ people, youth representatives, and other groups, about the dangers posed by its phone scanning tools. But the company must go further than just listening, and drop its plans to put a backdoor into its encryption entirely..."

Amazon Could Soon REMOVE Sites Using its Cloud Service That Post Content Violating its Policies
"Concerns Tech Firms Will 'Censor the Internet" -- A quote...."Amazon plans to be more proactive about removing websites and services from its cloud computing platform AWS, which is used by the likes of Netflix, Fox, and ITV - A new team of experts will monitor and remove websites and services in violation of its terms of service, including those promoting violence - This is a move that is likely to renew the debate about how much power large technology companies should have to restrict free speech."

Amazon Says it Will Delete Even More Websites That Aren’t Breaking The Law
A quote...."Much of the internet unfortunately relies on Amazon Web Services and it now wants to do more to police online speech and content - Amazon plans to more actively remove more content that violates its cloud services “policies.” Traditionally, internet infrastructure providers, such as Amazon’s cloud service, have remained politically neutral until the last few years."
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The US-NRE's "Jewish" Controlled Domestic Politics & The Biden / Harris Coup Regime, New Roman Empire Style...

[Jewish Crime Mbr] George Soros Vows To Fight To Save Gavin Newsom From Recall
A quote...."George Soros, the billionaire far-left globalist, has vowed to prevent Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom from being recalled by hook or by crook - Soros has pumped in another $500,000 to Newsom’s campaign to thwart the recall in California, bringing his total contribution to $1 million."

Texas Considering Audit Of 2020 Election
A quote...."The Texas legislature is trying to get Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to approve election integrity for a special session, but they only have until Sept. 6 to get him to sign it. One America’s Christina Bobb has more on that effort." - Topix || Nov 5th 2020 Pres Election Steal ||

More Individuals and Counties are Calling for a Forensic Audit in Wisconsin

A quote...."More and more counties, groups, and individuals are pushing for a forensic audit in Wisconsin. The pressure is on the Speaker of the House, Robin Vos, to finally do something and get a real audit in the works." - Topix || Nov 5th 2020 Pres Election Steal ||

‘Go Straight To Hell’: Texas Repub Blasts BOTH Parties After Amendment to DRAFT WOMEN is Adopted
A quote...."While Democrats and some Republicans celebrated the “historic” inclusion of women in the US military draft, Congressman Chip Roy (R-Texas) went on a rant against both parties for this – and other policies over the years - The Selective Service system currently requires men aged 18-25 to register for the draft. An amendment that would extend this to women as well was adopted in a 35-24 vote by the House Armed Services Committee on Thursday, as part of the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the bill funding the military."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

The Absolute State Of Britain #119: Expressing Illegal Opinions
TASOBAudio - Alt/RSS@Libsyn - (Contains quantities of non-PC terms, concepts, and ethnic epithets) - (TASOBSprker - 1hr48min48sec - Sep 3rd, 2021) - Source: TASOB @ RTS - TASOB @ Libsyn - TASOB @ Odysee - TASOB @ Telegram - A quote...."Yuro, Ruffian and Charlie discuss illegal opinions."

White Identity Politics
Book Review - Must Listen PWRAudio - Alt/RA-Mp3 - (PWRVar - 2hrs2min35sec - Aug 30th, 2021) - Source - Mark Collett: MC @ Bitchute - MC @ DLive - MC @ YuTb - Patriotic Alternative - MC @ Gab - MC @ Minds - M.C.'s Book: The Fall of Western Man - Regular Co-Host - Laura Towler: LT @ BitChute - LT @ GAB - LT @ Odysee - LT's Store - lLT @ Telgm - LT @ WWNA - LT @ SbStr - Special Guest's Website - Greg Johnson's Counter Currents Publishing - A quote...."Aunt Sally, Laura Towler and I are joined by Greg Johnson as we discuss and review White Identity Politics."

Dr Duke & Mark Collett – The Forest of Jewish Domination of Our Society and The Trees of Wars, Mass Immigration, Anti-Whitism, and the Lock Downs -- Must Listen DDAudio - Outstanding Discussion of Jewish Tribal Warfare Against Whites, And The Tricks They Use!! - Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 53min27sec - Aug 31st, 2021) - Source: Rense Archive - David Duke Sites: DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites: Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative - A quote...."Dr. Duke and Mark Collett of UK discussed the big picture of Jewish domination of our society leading to wars, mass immigration, anti-whitism, and coronapocalype, as well as the small picture of what is happening in our communities and what we can do about them - Someone needs to lock Trump in a room and not let him out until he learns from his myriad of mistakes - Have you subscribed to Dr. Duke’s Gab channel? If you haven’t, you really should. Also, he has a telegram channel - Be sure to check out Dr. Duke’s Bitchute and BRAND NEW Odysee acounts. Here are a couple of recent videos: Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Respond to Attack by HBO and John Oliver on David Duke and Tucker Carlson ( ZioMedia Incites massive violence against White people in America ( - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 -- Thank you - Click here and look for the show dated 9-3-21 Our show is aired live at 11 AM Eastern Time (US) & is replayed at 4 PM Eastern Time. Share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto / Bayer Monster...

University Study Validates “Importance of Revamping the U.S. Food System Towards a Focus on Organic Practices” -- A quote...."Concerns about pesticides aren’t going away and rightfully so. Earlier this year, the Beyond Pesticides organization updated their research database and also introduced their new Pesticide Topic Submission Portal. More recently, the organization published highlights of a study that substantiates the economic, environmental, and health benefits of transitioning away from “chemical-intensive” farming..."

Number of People With Dementia Set to Jump 40% to 78 mln by 2030 -WHO
Maybe It's Something They're Eating? - A quote...."More than 55 million people worldwide are living with dementia, a neurological disorder that robs them of their memory and costs the world $1.3 trillion a year, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday - The progressive condition can be caused by stroke, brain injury or Alzheimer's disease. With populations ageing, the number of sufferers is projected to rise to 78 million by 2030 and 139 million by 2050, the WHO said in a report."

Thursday Sept 2nd, 2021

No posts - mpg

Wednesday Sept 1st, 2021

More Tales From The Judeo-Wahhabist, Judeo-Anglo Empire, & Its "Friends" -- Directly Cooperating With, and Helping Judeo-Wahhabist Terrorists World Wide....

The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade

Just A Reminder - Originally Posted 14 June 2005 - Charts & Table - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."What is important to understand is that one of the key strategic objectives of the 2001 war on Afghanistan was to restore the opium trade following the Taliban government’s successful 2000-2001 drug eradication program which led to a 94% collapse in opium production. This program was supported by the United Nations. (For details, see below)" - Topix  ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

American Occupation Forces Bring in 30 Trucks to Support Their Base in South of Hasaka [Syria]
A quote...."Posted Wednesday, 01 September 2021 09:51 - Local sources from the Yarubiyah countryside told SANA reporter that , “the American occupation forces brought 30 trucks, refrigerators and tankers carrying four-wheel drive vehicles through the illegal Al-Waleed crossing from northern Iraq to the Syrian territories, to their occupation base in Al-Shaddadi area in the southern countryside of Al-Hasakah.”"

Pentagon Knew IN ADVANCE Specifics of Kabul Airport Attack at Abbey Gate that Killed 13 Servicemen and Women — Did Nothing -- A quote...."Posted August 30, 2021 at 5:00pm - Now we know - Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Joint Chief’s Chariman Mark Milley, and CentCom Commander General Kenneth McKenzie all knew about the Kabul Airport terrorist bombing hours in advance at the Abbey Gate - The top US Military leaders knew that the Abbey Gate Soldiers were at the greatest risk."

Gantz: US, [Jewish Occupation Regime] Working on ‘Plan B’ if Iran Nuclear Talks Fail
Another Terrorist Threat From The Judeo-Enclave - A quote...."Posted August 30 2021 - [The judeo-enclave's criminal war boss] Benny Gantz said the US and [the jewish occupation regime] are working to develop a “Plan B” for if the indirect negotiations to revive the Iran nuclear [with all sorts of new, onerous, and unacceptable added stipulations to the] deal fails"."

Always Another War: [The Jews' Colony] America and [Their Outpost In Occupied Palestine] Together Against Iran -- Let's Not Forget The Saudis Too! (a.k.a "The Trinity of Evil") - A quote...."Posted August 31, 2021 - Afghanistan is not exactly history quite yet as there still will be a lot final adjustments on the ground as well as the usual Vietnam-syndrome war of words that inevitably follows on yet another American-engineered foreign catastrophe. But the recriminations will go nowhere as there is certainly enough mud to stick on both major political parties that make Washington their home, and neither wants to be embarrassed to such an extent that anyone will actually demand change."

A Saudi Move to Deport Yemeni Professionals En Masse is Likely to Backfire Dramatically
A quote...."Posted August 31st, 2021 - IBB, YEMEN — Yemeni lecturer and professor Mohammed Ali (a pseudonym, by his family’s request) was in a dazed state when he was suddenly told that he was being fired and would longer be allowed to enter the Saudi University at which he taught. Last week, the head of the university in Asir province in southern Saudi Arabia told Ali over the phone that his contract was being cancelled without explanation and that he should leave the Kingdom. “I went home and just curled up in my bed in a fetal position for six hours; I was shocked,” Mohammed said. The Yemeni academic was not alone. “All of my colleagues at the university received notifications from the university that their contracts have been canceled or will not be renewed, without explanation,” he added."

Yemen FM:  [Judeo-Run] IMF Loan to Saudi-Backed Govt. Only Prolongs Aggression
Which is Exactly What It Was Designed To Do - A quote...."Posted Monday, 30 August 2021 5:42 PM - Yemen’s foreign minister has denounced a decision by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to grant a $650-million loan to Yemen’s former Saudi-backed regime, warning that the financial aid only serves to prolong the years-long war on the impoverished country."

British Occupation Seeks to Establish Military Base for [teh Judeo-Enclave] Entity in Mahra [Yemen]
A quote...."Posted Sep 1, 2021 5:49 PM - MAHRAH, Sept. 01 (YPA) – Security sources have revealed on Wednesday news about arrangements for establishing a military base for the [judeo-supremacist] occupation in Mahra province, with British-Emirati support and cover, in a move that reflects the efforts of foreign powers to militarize the eastern regions of Yemen, in order to drain its wealth and strengthen control of maritime navigation."

360 NGOs Weirdly Emerged in Lebanon within One Month after Beirut Port Blast
A quote...."Posted September 1, 2021 - In addition to the political disturbance and the governmental void in Lebanon, foreign powers are trying to add a new element to the confused and confusing scene in the country - Hundreds of non-governmental organizations have recently emerged in a very small country to carry out weird missions in Lebanon. In light of 2019 protests and Beirut Port blast in 2020, those organizations have received huge financial and logistic aids from foreign powers."
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo Empire... SARS-CoV-2 / COVID19 - Health Alerts / Health Warnings... And Bio-Warfare Implications....

U.S. Indifferent to Human Experimentation and Biological and Chemical Weapons
41] Decades Of Biowarfare Research - A quote...."We are embroiled in a pandemic which has collapsed economies, caused death by starvation, and has resulted in severe new restrictions on civil rights in the US and elsewhere. Yet many medical professionals and researchers are questioning the genesis of Covid-19. Was it bioengineered? Was it deliberately released? They’re also questioning the numbers alleged to have died from it, pointing to dictates from the CDC to list deaths not directly caused by the virus as virus-caused deaths.”"

China Suggests COVID-19 Could Have Been Imported Into Wuhan....
41] ....It Was - A quote...."China has been battling against being labeled the country allegedly responsible for the coronavirus pandemic since its onset. The first officially registered cases of COVID-19 were in the Chinese city of Wuhan, but Beijing has repeatedly suggested that the pathogen could have been imported into the country." - Source: Sputnik
FYI: Just a reminder, SARS-CoV2 WAS NOT a powerful bio-weapon. Nor is it the "Flu Bro". It has probably killed eight to twelve times the normal average rate of Flu deaths per year in most countries. But almost all of these deaths were people past their prime working years, and therefore of no interest, and no longer useful, to the judo-plantation owners. The virus WAS however, a carefully constructed, specifically targeted, extremely infectious, terror weapon. Like 9/11, it was NOT designed to kill tens of millions of people, but, coupled with a judeo-mass media campaign of fear, it was designed to terrorize them. To implement the jews new matrix, an attempt which -- as with 9/11 -- was again timed with their Ten Year Economic Warfare Cycle. To impoverish and destabilize the lives of White Ethnic Europeans even further, to install a massive judeo-control grid of "Big Tech" across the entire planet, to massively enrich the jews and their judo-familiars, and to finally implement their LGBTQOPedo Global-Homo GayPlex Frankfurt School Agenda across the world. Specifically in the Anglo-Sphere countries. It was an unqualified, rip-roaring success!!
FYI: The first designed variant of SARS CoV2 Covid-19 wasn't "accidentally" released, except around Fort Detrick mid-2019, and covered up with the "Vapors of Death" story. And it definitely wasn't the Chinese who deliberately released it in China, most likely around the Wuhan lab -- And just to remind everyone.... built by the French, staffed with people and programs having connections and financing from around the world. The US's DoD, Fort Detrick, University of North Carolina & Dr. Fauci at the N.I.H., Dr Peter Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance, Bill Gates, and now even George Soros, Google, Zuckerberg, and even Hunter Biden have been implicated....!! The only thing Chinese about the Wuhan lab.... is that it's in China! - mpg - See links posted below.....
The [Judeo-]Media's Addiction To COVID 'Fear Porn' Is Perpetuating An Ever-Worsening Cycle Of Societal Damage Across The World -- 41] Be Terrified, Be Very Terrified -- A quote...."Over the past year and a half, hysterical media reporting on matters Covid-19 has reduced some people to a fearful state of unquestioning compliance – including a great number of otherwise critically-thinking journalists - With screaming headlines in bold and large font such as, ”Will this nightmare ever end?” and “Mutant virus skyrockets…” and ”Fear grows across the country: VIRUS PANIC,” and ”Coronavirus horror: Social media footage shows infected Wuhan residents 'act like zombies’," it is no wonder many people are in a state of panic - In times when many are suffering mentally and physically under unnecessary and prolonged lockdowns, the incessant fear porn is causing excessive anxiety, which in turn will affect the health & mental well-being of some, if not many."

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Cent for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins
41] Health Alert - Interactive Map - Updated Totals - Useful at-a-glance world-wide COVID-19 totals - Permanently copied and pinned at this location for each of the every-other-day postings. - mpg

World Meter COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
41] Health Alert - Charts & Graphs - Updated Totals - Useful at-a-glance world-wide COVID-19 totals - Permanently copied and pinned at this location for each of the every-other-day postings. - May take awhile to load - mpg
FYI: *Assume SARS-CoV2 & Symptoms Covid19

FYI: **At this point, a lot of the increase in "positive cases" is (or was) due to the increasing amount of tests. What is MUCH more important however, than the rise in "positive cases" (and that itself is questionable considering the reliability of the various testing kits. For which we STILL have no reliable data-base which compares these kits, their methods and outcomes) is the amounts of hospitalizations and deaths - mpg

FYI: *** So far, in every nation, the RATIO of infections, versus hospitalizations and deaths is much higher by orders of magnitude. Demonstrating it's the vast number of young and healthy now being infected (assuming these tests are accurate) that weren't previously infected. Also better management of COVID-19 symptoms resulting in less fatalities. - mpg

FYI: **** Statistically significant. However, they're still extremely small numbers, unless of course.... you're one of them - mpg
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo Empire....

Enduring Terror Forever: From Al-Qaeda to ISIS-K
Must Read - A quote...."Retrospectively, this sounds like news from another galaxy. Before Planet 9/11. Before GWOT (Global War on Terror). Before the Forever Wars. Before the social network era. Before the Russia-China strategic partnership. Before the Dronification of State Violence. Before techno-feudalism." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Why US Negotiations Always Fail
Must Read - A quote...."From Cuba to Korea, from Iran to Russia and Palestine, there is a long history of failed negotiations and wasted time. The negotiations are all different, but a clear pattern establishes the reason why all of them fail - In each case, US negotiations fail because the interlocutor nation cannot trust that the US really wants to change the foundational hostility in the relationship. In each case, the US demands that the other country makes the concessions the US demands without ever offering to make the core concessions the other country desires. So, negotiations never grow beyond minor negotiations over specific issues because the U.S. consistently breaks its promise that those incremental, trust building negotiations will lead to more substantial ones."

Washington’s Blood-Drenched Legacy
Must Read - A quote...."Of around 250 wars throughout the post-WW II period, hegemon USA was involved in over 80% of them —spending countless trillions of dollars smashing nations that threatened no one - In Afghanistan alone over the past 20 years, four US regimes poured trillions of dollars down a black hole of waste, fraud and abuse - The nation’s weapons makers and many other companies profited hugely from mass slaughter and destruction in multiple theaters — the highest of high crimes of war and against humanity, continuing with no end of carnage in prospect." - Topix || A History Of Mayhem & Murder ||

US Global Wars Cost 900k Lives, $8 Trillion Over Two Decades

A quote...."The US so-called war on terror has taken almost one million lives across the globe and cost the country $8 trillion, over the past two decades, says a new report - A report issued by Costs of War Project at Brown University, at end of the disastrous US withdrawal from Afghanistan, estimated 897,000 to 929,000 people have lost their lives as a direct result of war, whether by bombs, bullets or fire, in some 80 countries." - Topix || A History Of Mayhem & Murder ||

Americans Have Long Claimed Afghanistan Helped End ‘Soviet Empire’ – Now it’s Their Turn?
Naaaahh.... With A Judeo-Fed Endlessly Fabricating Trillions Of Fiat-Debt-Tokens a Month, It'll Continue to Slouch Its Way, Murdering Forever... "Wise men in Washington have claimed for years that defeat in Afghanistan is what pushed the Soviet Union to collapse. Now that the US has done much worse, the world is about to see whether their theories hold water - The last US military flight out of the Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) took off on Monday, a minute before the clocks struck midnight in Kabul. The 20-year war had come to an end, and the Taliban lit up the night skies with celebratory gunfire - To hear President Joe Biden tell it, “the largest airlift in US history” was an “unparalleled” success, executed by the US military, diplomats, veterans and volunteers “with unmatched courage, professionalism, and resolve.”

Biden’s Promise to Stop Interfering in Other Countries is a Lie. He’ll Double-Down on the US’s Global Drone Assassination Program -- A quote...."The idea that the US is weaning itself off endless wars and effecting regime changes is – sadly – not true. It will just keep doing it remotely, in continuing violation of international law - US President Joe Biden on Tuesday night announced the end of the longest war in American history, the 20-year long occupation of Afghanistan. Praising his country’s retreat from the so-called ‘graveyard of empires’ just days after a devastating bombing that left 13 US soldiers dead (and scores more Afghans, the majority of which may have been killed by US soldiers), Biden struck a defiant tone against critics"

British Lawyers Mount Bid For War Crimes Inquiry Into Saudi-Led Coalition 'Massacres' in Yemen
A quote...."British lawyers are leading moves for a war crimes inquiry into the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen on behalf of hundreds of victims killed in atrocities in the country - Guernica 37, a London-based human rights chambers, is today submitting evidence to the International Criminal Court (ICC) [which will do nothing except make a little noise] of three alleged war crimes where more than 140 Yemenis including children were killed and in some cases tortured."

NATO’s Obsolescence: Ukraine, Turkey, Brazil and Now Afghanistan
A quote...."We should expect to see the U.S. continue to downsize its commitments outside of the Americas, and we expect to see the U.S. increase its efforts to reintroduce a Monroe Doctrine 2.0 inside the Americas, Joaquin Flores writes - Ukrainian President Zelensky captured headlines once again with his reminder to the Washington Post and to the world that his country will never be a part of NATO. At least this much is what one can only infer from what was actually quite the complaint. The U.S. still won’t grant a membership path to Ukraine despite all it has sacrificed to be in the club. Washington says ‘no’, regardless of the many creative ways Ukraine tilts at windmills."

For the US, India is Little More Than a Pawn to be Deployed Against China – Not a Nation to be Respected on its Own Terms -- A quote...."The US is desperate to recruit allies in its hybrid war against China, and highly covets New Delhi - which has its own issues with Beijing - as a useful partner. So why is Washington so unhelpful and discourteous to its ally? - Friends with benefits - It is often said that the US has no permanent allies – only permanent interests. Allies come and allies go, but US national interest (i.e. global hegemony) remains paramount. All relationships are transactional – an ally is only as good as the geopolitical benefits they bring. The US regime makes friends and enemies based on strategic concerns alone, and with little concern for morality."

The Añez Regime Tried To Assassinate Morales, Mexico Reveals
JSA Was Here - A quote...."The aircraft carrying Evo Morales to Mexico in 2019 was chased by a rocket-propelled grenade while taking off from Cochabamba airport - On Tuesday, Mexican Air Force (FAM) pilot Miguel Hernandez disclosed that a projectile could have been thrown at the aircraft in which he rescued former President Evo Morales after the 2019 coup in Bolivia." - also posted at AlethoNews

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Back to the Future: Talibanistan, Year 2000
Must Read - A quote...."Dear reader: this is very special, a trip down memory lane like no other: back to prehistoric times – the pre-9/11, pre-YouTube, pre-social network world - Welcome to Taliban Afghanistan – Talibanistan – in the Year 2000. This is when photographer Jason Florio and myself slowly crossed it overland from east to west, from the Pakistani border at Torkham to the Iranian border at Islam qillah. As Afghan ONG workers acknowledged, we were the first Westerners to pull this off in years."
"Those were the days. Bill Clinton was enjoying his last stretch at the White House. Osama bin Laden was a discreet guest of Mullah Omar – hitting the front pages only occasionally. There was no hint of 9/11, the invasion of Iraq, the “war on terror”, the perpetual financial crisis, the Russia-China strategic partnership. Globalization ruled, and the US was the undisputed global top dog. The Clinton administration and the Taliban were deep into Pipelineistan territory – arguing over the tortuous, proposed Trans-Afghan gas pipeline."

"We tried everything, but we couldn’t even get a glimpse of Mullah Omar. Osama bin Laden was also nowhere to be seen. But we did experience Talibanistan in action, in close detail - Today is a special day to revisit it. The Forever War in Afghanistan is over; from now on it will be a Hybrid mongrel, against the integration of Afghanistan into the New Silk Roads and Greater Eurasia."
Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End
Must Read - A quote...."Sunday’s news reports that the Biden Administration mistakenly killed nine members of one Afghan family, including six children, in “retaliation” for last week’s suicide attack which killed 13 US service members, is a sad and sick epitaph on the 20 year Afghanistan war - Promising to “get tough” on ISIS, which suddenly re-emerged to take responsibility for the suicide attack, the most expensive military and intelligence apparatus on earth appears to have gotten it wrong. Again."
"Interventionists love to pretend they care about girls and women in Afghanistan, but it is in reality a desperate attempt to continue the 20-year US occupation. If we leave, they say, girls and women will be discriminated against by the Taliban - It’s hard to imagine a discrimination worse than being incinerated by a drone strike, but these “collateral damage” attacks over the past 20 years have killed scores of civilians. Just like on Sunday."
Afghanistan: Same, Same; Again, Again
Must Read - A quote...."Bill Ehrhart arrived in Vietnam in 1967 believing everything. His first indication that all was not as expected came when he wasn’t welcomed the way Allied soldiers had been in 1944. A couple of days later he was shocked to see “detainees”, bound hand and foot, casually tossed off a high vehicle by other Marines. This didn’t seem to be the way to treat people the Americans were there to help said he to his companion who told him to keep his mouth shut “until you know what’s going on around here”. And, he continues in this video, “it went downhill from there”. Every day patrols met “snipers and mines” but he saw hardly any enemy soldiers. He came to realise that the Viet Cong didn’t have to force people to fight the Americans; once a Marine patrol had destroyed its way through a village, they’d have all the recruits they needed:"

Droning Disasters: A US Strike on Kabul
A quote...."At a press briefing on August 30, Army Maj. Gen. William “Hank” Taylor of the Joint Staff tried to make something of yet another messy bungle in the annals of the US military. “We are aware of reports of civilian casualties. We take these reports extremely seriously.” John F. Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, was “not going to get ahead of it. But if we have significant – verifiable information that we did take innocent life here, then we will be transparent about that, too. Nobody wants to see that happen.” Urban also stated that the Pentagon was aware of civilian casualties “following our strike on a vehicle in Kabul today.” - The attack had that sheen of atrocious incompetence (Kirby preferred the term “dynamic”), but that would be a misreading. Killing remotely is, by its nature, inaccurate, though it has a disturbing fan club deluded into thinking otherwise."

'There Was Just A Leg and a Hand Remaining': Neighbours
A quote...."Neighbors and relatives have described the horrific scene where a US drone strike killed seven children and say that the Pentagon's claims about ISIS explosives inside the car made no sense from the blast."

Looser Rules, More Civilian Deaths, a Taliban Takeover: Inside America’s Failed Afghan Drone Campaign
A quote...."An investigation by Connecting Vets reveals how a loosening of the Rules of Engagement in Afghanistan during the Trump administration designed to put pressure on the Taliban resulted in far more civilian casualties. The following article is based on over two dozen interviews with drone pilots, military lawyers, Air Force Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs), as well as journal entries and footage from drones in 2019 obtained by Connecting Vets."

Former Afghan Interpreter Says 'Vast Majority of Afghans' View Taliban as 'Lesser of Two Evils' Compared to the US -- A quote...."An Afghan who served as an interpreter for the US during the war in Afghanistan in a Washington Post op-ed said America's lack of knowledge about the culture of the country contributed heavily to its failures there - "Many Americans have been asking ... how could Afghanistan have collapsed so quickly? As a former combat interpreter who served alongside U.S. and Afghan Special Operations forces, I can tell you part of the answer - one that's been missing from the conversation: culture," wrote Baktash Ahadi, who served U.S. and Afghan special operations troops as a combat interpreter from 2010 to 2012."

Reflections on Events in Afghanistan-11
A quote...."The back-to-back press briefings on August 30 by General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr, commander, US Central Command and Antony Blinken, Secretary of State, on Afghanistan conveys the picture of a superpower badly bruised and embittered but remaining vengeful. This is bad news - Gen. McKenzie said, “Taliban had been very — very pragmatic and very business-like… they were actually very helpful and useful to us as we closed down operations”. But then, Americans wouldn’t even share with the Taliban the exact time of their “tactical exfiltration”. Nor was there any “discussion of turning anything over.”

Western Ineptitude Compounded by Systemic Corruption in Afghanistan Has Laid Waste to its Economy
A quote...."The story of Afghanistan has been front page news for quite some time. The Afghanistan debacle shows how waging a war, occupation and retreat, can destroy a country and that is what the US and NATO partners have done - Where is Afghanistan's economy, where is it going to be headed to next or what's left of it under the Taliban? - The exorbitant US spending in the Afghan war, $2.26 trillion, corruption, waste, unfinished projects and an expense that will continue for quite some time, even after the US, pull out, that's in the form of interest paid on borrowed funds."

Iran's President Slams US Human Rights Abuses in Afghanistan
A quote...."Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi denounced on Wednesday the human rights abuses committed in Afghanistan by the United States during its two-decade occupation, and lambasted the damage to security, stability and peace caused by U.S. presence across the world - "Taking into account the number of women and children who have been killed, injured or maimed in Afghanistan over the years, we will see the extent of the silent catastrophe that has been going on in that country," Raisi said in a cabinet meeting, quoted by the Iranian presidency's official website."

Military Contractor CACI Says Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Hurting Its Profits. It’s Funding a Pro-War Think Tank.
Of Course!! - A quote...."On August 12, the military contractor CACI International Inc. told its investors that the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is hurting its profits. The same contractor is also funding a think tank that is concurrently arguing against the withdrawal. This case is worth examining both because it is routine, and because it highlights the venality of our ?“expert”-military contractor feedback loop, in which private companies use think tanks to rally support for wars they’ll profit from."

Here's Why Russia Abstained From This Week's UNSC Resolution On Afghanistan
Geopolitical Analysis - A quote...."Russia's stance – which was also the one taken by China – was the most pragmatic response to the West ignoring most of its concerns -- Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya pointed to three reasons why his country abstained from this week's UNSC Resolution on Afghanistan. They are as follows...."
"Each of these points deserves to be elaborated upon further so that everyone can better understand the rationale behind Russia's emerging policy towards Afghanistan."

It Was Better For Biden To Hand Kabul To The Taliban Than Cling To It Till The End
Geopolitical Analysis - A quote...."The alternative would have likely seen living conditions drastically deteriorate, food and other types of riots breaking out, ISIS-K attacking plenty more 'soft' targets, and an intense domestic pressure campaign commencing to lobby Biden into at least forcefully breaking the Taliban's blockade before withdrawing - US President Joe Biden did the right thing by allowing the Pentagon to hand over Kabul to the Taliban following former Afghan President Ghani's unexpected departure than to assume full responsibility for the capital's security. The Washington Post reported that it was America's choice to do so since the Taliban allegedly let them decide which of the two should fill the security vacuum there. This was a wise choice despite being unpopular with the American public and signaling to the US' allies that it won't hold out to fight for them until the end."

Will India Impede BRICS & The SCO From Consensually Agreeing On Afghanistan?
Geopolitical Analysis - A quote...."This year's BRICS Summit will be held virtually on 9 September while the SCO one is planned to take place in person in the Tajik capital of Dushanbe from 16-17 September. Both events are expected to focus on Afghanistan, though it remains unclear whether anything tangible will come out of their talks. The Taliban, which is still designated as a terrorist group by Russia despite the country pragmatically engaging with it in the interests of peace and security, are the country's de facto rulers but they aren't formally recognized as such by any government in the world at present. This understandably limits both blocs' cooperation with it. "
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A Daily Analysis Of The Judeo-Anglo-Controlled Media & N.G.O.'s....

Fact Check: No, Taliban Did Not Hang an Interpreter From a US Helicopter
Completely & Totally BUSTED!! - Must Read - (Because it's so embarrassing for the judeo-sewage spewing chattering class!! - mpg) - A quote...."Yesterday, a video that took social media by storm showed a US helicopter flying over Kandahar with a person hanging below from a rope. The video wasn’t just shared widely on platforms like Twitter, it was also picked up and reported by several media houses - Some reports also suggested that the human made to hang from the US Black Hawk helicopter was a US interpreter - However, new information and zoomed in versions of the viral clip have now surfaced which show the man moving and waving to people below. The man is also harnessed to the helicopter instead of being made to hang by a rope." - See related article.... "NY Post, Ted Cruz, Dan Crenshaw Fall for Fake Story That Taliban Hanged Afghan Translator From Flying Black Hawk (2 Pics)"

One Year On… Navalny Poison Pulp Fiction – Surprisingly – Provides a Real Conclusion
44]  Must Read - A quote...."The hallmark of a shoddy, pulp fiction story is it quickly fades from memory. It’s a bit like lots of other made-for-fast-consumption experiences: fast-food, trashy news, infotainment, drugs, or indeed propaganda stunts. It’s sold brashly with gaudy packaging but the intended substance is lacking. Hence, in a short period, the experience and memory vanish leaving a disappointing void."
"The alleged poisoning of Russian blogger and political gadfly Alexei Navalny is a case in point. It was one year ago that he dramatically fell ill while on a flight from Siberia. He was rushed to hospital where the Russian doctors stabilized his condition. The medics found nothing extraneous in his body fluids and suggested he was suffering from a medical reaction. Two days later, Navalny was permitted by the Russian government to be flown on a private airplane for treatment in Germany. Within days, the Berlin authorities were claiming he had been poisoned with a Soviet-era nerve agent, Novichok. (After body samples had been analyzed at a Bundeswehr military laboratory!)"

"This was the same nerve poison that was allegedly used by Kremlin assassins against Russian traitor-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in England in March 2018. Remember the Western media kerfuffle over that drama, the diplomatic expulsions and sanctions? Where have all the expressions of concern about that obscure incident gone? Indeed, where are the Skripals now? The British authorities like a conjuror refuse to disclose the whereabouts of the disappeared. The silence is beyond bizarre."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia, C.I.S. States, & The Balkans....

Biden Pledges $60 Million in Military Aid to [the Kiev Regime's Occupation & Wars]
More Murder & Death, Courtesy The JSA - A quote...."The Biden administration has pledged to provide Ukraine with an additional $60 million in military aid ahead of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s first face-to-face meeting with Biden, which is scheduled for Wednesday - The weapons package includes Javelin anti-tank missiles, small arms, ammunition, and first aid kits. Earlier this year, the Pentagon approved a $125 million aid package for Ukraine that included two armed Mark VI patrol boats - Congress approved a total of $275 million in lethal aid for Ukraine for the 2021 fiscal year, so more packages could be approved this year. Since the US-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014, the US has provided Kyiv with over $2 billion in military aid, stoking tensions with Moscow."

Ukraine Should Change Name to ‘Rus-Ukraine’ in Order to Take ‘Brand’ of ‘Russians’ Away From Moscow, Suggests Top Zelensky Advisor -- Haaaa, Haaaa, Haaaa!! - Proving Once Again, The Ukrainians ARE Russians & Vice Versa - A quote...."The heritage of the old Rus civilization belongs to Kiev, not Moscow, and Ukraine should therefore change its name to 'Rus-Ukraine' and reclaim the branding of being Russians, an advisor to President Volodymyr Zelensky has said - Speaking to a journalist on YouTube, Alexey Arestovich, who works as the spokesman for Kiev's delegation to the contact group on Donbass, claimed that Ukrainians are actually the real Russians - The word Rus goes back to the Kievan Rus, a former East Slavic Monarchy that is considered to be the progenitor of the modern states of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This federation of various peoples had its capital in Kiev until it disintegrated in the 13th century."

Kiev [Judeo-Regime] Refuses Talks Over Follow-up on Additional Measures
A quote...."Donetsk, Sep 1 – DAN. Representatives of [the judeo-run Kiev regime] in the Minsk security subgroup refused to discuss a DPR-proposed draft Follow-up on the Additional measures to Strengthen the Ceasefire dated July 22, 2020 - The DPR Mission said that “despite the subject of the meeting was clearly defined by DPR proposals, a new compromise draft of additions in particular, which might have become a step towards the crisis settlement, the Ukrainian side assumed a counter-productive position”."

Peace in Donbass Was Not on Agenda of Biden-Zelenzky Talks – Pushilin
A quote...."Donetsk, Sep 2 – DAN. Not a single hint was made at the prospects for the soonest peaceful settlement in Donbass at the talks between U.S. President Joe Biden and [jewish crime member, and Kiev regime boss] Vladimir Zelensky on Wednesday, Donetsk People’s Republic Head Denis Pushilin said on Thursday."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

Escalation In Greater Idlib: 6-Year-Old Girl Killed In Rocket Attack By Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (Photos, Video)
A quote...."On September 1, a six-year-old girl was killed when al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies shelled the government-held town of Jurin in the northwestern countryside of Hama - The victim, identified as Cyrine Qusaibi, received fetal wounds in her head. At least seven other civilians, including four children aged between three and eight, were injured in the shelling."

Russian Warplanes Bombed Militant Camp On Turkish-Controlled Territory In Syria’s Afrin (Videos)
A quote...."In early hours of August 31, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) hit militant positions in Syria - Russian warplanes targeted the village of al-Iskan in the western Afrin countryside. At least five air strikes were launched on the Faylaq al-Sham’s training camp - The satellite imagery shows that a Turkish military base is located near the destroyed training area - No casualties were reported, only material damage."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others...

Iraq Monthly Roundup: 68 Killed During August
A quote...."During August, at least 68 people were killed, and 110 were wounded. Eight bodies were recovered from a mass grave. These numbers are considerably and fortunately lower than July’s casualty figures - Militant-related violence left 29 dead and 99 wounded. At least 27 civilians, 35 security personnel, and 21 militants were killed in the violence. The wounded consisted of 37 civilians, 58 security personnel, and four militants."

IRGC Smashes Terrorist Team West of Iran
A quote...."The IRGC base in Kurdistan Province said in a statement that its border guards took action against a team of anti-Revolution elements in Sarvabad region on August 26 - A number of the intruding elements have been killed in the operation, the statement added, noting that a considerable amount of ammunition and equipment has also been confiscated."

Hard Day For Saudi-Led Forces: Houthis Launched Several Attacks Both In Yemen And Saudi Arabia
A quote...."In the past 24 hours, the Houthis (Ansar Allah) have carried out several attacks on forces of the Saudi-led Coalition both in Yemen and in southern Saudi Arabia - The most recent attack was reported on August 31, when Saudi air defenses intercepted a ballistic missile launched by the Houthis towards Najran area near the Yemeni border - A day earlier, Houthi drones targeted Abha International Airport located near the cities of Abha and Khamis Mushait, in Asir Province, in southern Saudi Arabia. The Saudi coalition claimed that three drones were intercepted."

Saudi-Led Coalition Launches 39 Airstrikes on Ma’rib Amid Advances by Yemeni Forces
A quote..."The Saudi-led war coalition has launched dozens of air raids on separate areas of Yemen’s Ma’rib Province as the Yemeni armed forces continue to advance against Saudi Arabia’s mercenaries in the embattled area."
More Than 70 Children Kidnapped by Gunmen From School in Northwestern Nigeria
A quote...." At least 73 children have been snatched by unknown gunmen in northwestern Nigeria, according to local authorities. Kidnapping is a common occurrence in the country, with over 1,000 abducted for ransom this year alone - The incident occurred at a secondary school located in the remote village of Kaya, in the state of Zamfara. A manhunt for the kidnappers was quickly launched, however, has yet to yield any results."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion...

And The Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing Of White Europeans Worldwide....

Khan’s London: Five Stabbed During Fight Outside Harrow Train Station
A quote...."Four men and one woman in their teens or twenties have been taken to hospital after a fight broke out in the early hours of Monday morning outside of Harrow station in north London - The incident happened near Harrow and Wealdstone railway station at 4 am on Bank Holiday Monday. Police confirmed that all five people were taken to hospital for treatment after suffering stab injuries - “We were called at 4 am to a large fight in Railway Approach, Harrow. Five people (age late teens or 20s) were taken to hospital with stab injuries."

Seven Afghans Refugees Detained In Germany:
A quote...."Several Afghan refugees that arrived in Germany have been detained by law enforcement officials after some of them presented false paperwork, while others were allegedly previously deported criminals."

Major Russian TV Documentary Film Exposes LGBT Lobby, Moral Decay of West (Video)
Just A Reminder - Contains Video - Originally Posted March 2019 -- A quote...."We've watched the entire film and highly recommend it. It is an eye-opener - This blockbuster, 1 hour documentary, entitled 'Sodom', originally aired on Russian prime-time TV in May of 2015, causing a sensation in Russia at the time - It has never appeared anywhere in English, until now, subtitled or dubbed. This translation is dubbed. It is available exclusively on the Russia Insider Youtube channel."

University of Nottingham Drops Catholic Chaplain Over Pro-Life Views Expressed On Social Media
A quote...."A Catholic priest in the UK has not been accepted as chaplain by a university because of his anti-euthanasia and anti-abortion views expressed on social media - The University of Nottingham found Father David Palmer of the Diocese of Nottingham unfit to perform this duty after he publicly opposed the country’s legislation regulating euthanasia as paving the way for attempts to “kill the vulnerable.”"

Texas Will Become First State to Ban Abortions, Court Allows Heartbeat Law to Go Into Effect Wednesday
A quote...."Texas appears likely to become the first state in America to be allowed to enforce a law banning abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable - In a huge victory for life, on Sunday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals canceled a Monday hearing on a lawsuit to block the law, Newsmax reports - That means, at least for now, the law will go into effect, as planned, on Wednesday – and potentially save more than 100 babies from abortion every single day."

Biden Calls Texas Anti-Abortion Law Unconstitutional, Vows to Fight It
Related Article - A quote...."Unlike previous attempts to ban abortion in some states, the latest law empowers regular citizens, instead of authorities, to sue people involved in abortion in exchange for a reword if the case is won in court. The US Supreme Court has not struck down the legislation as unconstitutional so far - US President Joe Biden has harshly criticised the recently passed anti-abortion Texas Senate Bill 8, calling it unconstitutional. The Democrat POTUS vowed to challenge it and fight for the preservation of abortion rights granted by the landmark Roe v. Wade case."

Homeschooling Reaches Critical Mass - Hip Hip Hooray!!   
A quote...."The number of U.S. kids who are home-schooled has nearly doubled during the pandemic - Why it matters: Some parents have lost faith in traditional schools, others fear exposing their kids to the coronavirus — and the broad exodus could further weaken America's struggling public education system - By the numbers: Nearly 2.6 million kids have switched from traditional school to homeschooling since the pandemic began, according to a new report from the Bellwether Education Partners, commissioned by the Walton Family Foundation."
FYI:  Why would White Ethnic Europeans want to enroll their children in the "public education system" to be indoctrinated with jewish lies and subversion??  Taught to hate themselves and their race?  Or to mutilate their genitalia? Or pervert their natural sexual orientation?  Or that to become a child sex worker is a perfectly good avocation?? - mpg
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The George Floyd Psyop & The Judeo-Created & Planned National Anti-White Frenzy....

NPR Trashes Free Speech. A Brief Response
1st Amendment Subversion - A quote...."The guests for NPR’s just-released On The Media episode about the dangers of free speech included Andrew Marantz, author of an article called, “Free Speech is Killing Us”; P.E. Moskowitz, author of “The Case Against Free Speech”; Susan Benesch, director of the “Dangerous Speech Project”; and Berkeley professor John Powell, whose contribution was to rip John Stuart Mill’s defense of free speech in On Liberty as “wrong.” -- That’s about right for NPR, which for years now has regularly congratulated itself for being a beacon of diversity while expunging every conceivable alternative point of view."

Professors: Whites Should Commit Suicide to ‘Castrate Whiteness’
But.... They ARE!! - The Jewish Sackler Family Helped Quite A Bit!! - (700 to 800 thousand dead and counting.... mpg) -- A quote...."About once a week, we come across a video (watch the video below) that makes us wonder if we’ll ever see a more bizarre video. Then, the next week, we find a video even more bizarre - Today, we’ve stumbled across a video (watch the video below) of a professor discussing racism that was captured before those who first posted it took it offline - And, it’s no wonder they took it offline given that the video is of a professor defending another professor’s argument that “white people should commit suicide as an ethical act” as an “opportunity” to “castrate whiteness.”

Democratic Lawmakers Want the Fed Reserve to Focus on Climate as Well as 'Racial and Economic Justice'
A quote...."Several Democratic lawmakers are calling for President Joe Biden to appoint a new Federal Reserve chair instead of keeping Jerome Powell in the role - Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts envision a central bank...."

Taken to Mount Sinai
Quote of the Day...."It’s hard to imagine a more perfect allegory for the absolute state of the U.S.S.A. Here’s a Jew criminal spewing drivel about the slaves promised by the Talmud and how our mongrel Afghan flophouse perfectly fits the bill, while the desiccated and senile representative of our globalist bodega is apparently demonstrating what Semitic opioids have done to White America. This truly is “the Jewish democratic state” in all its glory. Decades of weakness and delusion reduced us to this and the payment in blood is now coming due. We can only hope the collapse will give us the opportunity to restore what was lost on the other side of the self-inflicted hell we’re about to enter. I heard America was back. Boom boom boom. Out go the lights - Let’s see what’s going on in Chicago...."
Chicago police say six people are dead and at least 49 others have been injured in shootings across the city so far this weekend.
"It’s nice to see some continuity maintained during all this chaos. You can set your watch by the Chiraq tribal warfare."

6,500 Accused NYC Felons Go Scot-Free as DAs Decline to Prosecute
Problem.... A quote...."District attorneys across the Big Apple last year declined to prosecute accused felons at nearly twice the rate of 2019 — letting more than 6,500 suspects off the hook, The Post has learned - Prosecutors dropped all charges in 16.9 percent of the 38,635 felony cases that were closed in New York City during 2020, according to data compiled by the state Division of Criminal Justice Services - The year before, that rate was just 8.7 percent and the average for 2016 to 2019 was an even lower 8 percent, the statistics show."

CDC Director To Restart Gun Research Amid Spate Of Mass Shootings
....Reaction, Black Mass Shootings -- A quote...."For the first time in decades, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will restart research into the gun violence epidemic across the U.S. CDC researchers will be on a mission to collect enough data to enable the agency to create solutions to prevent gun-related deaths, accidental gun deaths, and/or suicides - CDC director Rochelle Walensky spoke with CNN over the weekend and revealed her new plan to research guns and gun-related violence." ...."Solution", Take Guns Away From Law-Abiding Whites

70-Year-Old White Grandmother "Randomly" Murdered by Two Black Males in Chicago
A quote...."At a time businesses across America are having to open later because of how few people are willing to work (instead sitting at home and enjoying free money from the government during this extended COVID-19 shutdown), a white grandmother was waiting in her car for her employer to open the deli where she worked - It was 4:25 a.m., and 70-year-old Yvonne Ruzich was preparing to start her shift when two young blacks approached her car and “randomly” opened fire on her vehicle."
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More Tales From the Judeo-Sphere....
PERMANENT NOTE: Disingenuous, inaccurate, and false or misleading terms such as antisemitism, apartheid, zionism, holocaust, israel, military, army, defense, government, state, authority, settlers, settlements, confiscated, seized, borders, etc. will be removed from all articles in this section and replaced with the correct language, and terms (in brackets & italics), to reflect standard common-use definitions, accepted legal norms, and actual on the ground realities - mpg
American Renaissance and Fred Reed Cuck on the Jewish Question
Total AmRen FAIL! - (Another Cucked, Limited Hang-Out, Exposed) - Must Read -- A quote...."AMERICAN RENAISSANCE recently published a nasty rant by Fred Reed which displays total ignorance of the Jewish Question and a suspicious lack of even the most basic curiosity about the subject - The only reason to bring attention to Reed is the formerly august venue which posted his nonsense. Once upon a time, American Renaissance was a serious print magazine which advertised itself, not without justification, as the premier “race-realist” publication in the United States. Amren has always positioned itself as a proponent of White advocacy and freedom of speech in a nation betrayed by gross dishonesty and cowardice on the subject of race, and to this end Amren used to emblazon its site with the lofty words of Thomas Jefferson: “There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world” — a noble sentiment - Unfortunately Amren has repeatedly displayed dishonesty and cowardice of its own on the subject of the Jewish Question, most recently by publishing Reed’s idiotic rambling on the topic...."

[Judeo-Enclave] Spy, Pardoned by Trump After Decades Evading Extradition For US Trial, Becomes a General
A quote...."Aviem Sella, who the US tried for decades to extradite from [the judeo-enclave occupying Palestine], to stand trial on espionage charges, has been given a symbolic promotion in rank. It was announced days after a meeting between the leaders of the two nations - Sella, 75, was the focus of a big scandal that put a rift between the US and its Middle-Eastern ally back in the 1980s. The [judeo regime's] fighter pilot was taking a sabbatical in the US and, while there, had recruited US Navy intelligence analyst Jonathan Pollard. Pollard abused his access to American secrets to sell them to the [jewish regime] He was ultimately caught and sent to jail."

Biden-Bennett Summit a Meeting of Wishful Thinkers Who Oppose Netanyahu
Told'Ya He'd Be Back - A quote...."US President Joe Biden and [the judeo-enclave's head crime boss] Naftali Bennett's meeting on Friday was full of niceties with the aim of projecting an image of true friendship. But practically speaking, it was the convergence of two narratives of wishful thinking - It was the first meeting between the two newly-elected leaders, who have a 30-year age gap and share very little in common in terms of values, world view, or policies."

[Jewish Occupation Members] Brutally Beat Palestinian Student at Checkpoint in Hebron
A quote...."[Jewish] occupation forces today brutally beat a Palestinian school student in the southern West Bank city of Hebron (Al-Khalil), according to the Palestinian news agency WAFA - Raed Tamimi told WAFA that [the jewish] forces stopped his 14-year-old son, Muntaser, near the Abu al-Rish military checkpoint, west of the Ibrahimi Mosque, as the latter was on his way to his school, searched his school bag and then brutally assaulted him, inflicting bruises in his head."

On [The Jew's] History of Targeting Pregnant Palestinian Women
A quote...."In late August 2021, Palestinian prisoner Anhar Al-Deek, who is nine months pregnant, wrote a moving letter to her family - “What should I do if I give birth far from you? I am tied up, how can I give birth via cesarean section when I am alone in prison?” she asked, then added, “I am exhausted, and I had severe pains in the pelvis and severe pain in my legs due to sleeping on the prison beds. I do not know how I want to sleep on it after my delivery operation.”

[Occupation Force Jews'] Launch Social Media Campaign Demanding Greater Authority to Shoot Palestinians
A quote...."Hundreds of [occupation force jews] started a campaign on social media platforms, demanding greater authority to shoot Palestinians and change the protocols regarding opening fire at Palestinians - The campaign, under the title “Untie Our Hands”, was started after the announcement of the death of the [jewish] sniper Barel Shmueli, injured while he was targeting protesters along the fence separating besieged Gaza from [the rest of occupied Palestine]

Occupied West Bank: [Jewish Occupation Forces] Kill Palestinian in Ramallah
A quote...."A Palestinian father of four was shot dead by [jewish occupation forces] last night at a checkpoint in Beit Ur Al-Tahta, near the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, the Ministry of Health has confirmed - Raed Youssef Jadallah, 39, was gunned down after he went to pick up his son who was returning from work in occupied Jerusalem. His son found him dead after trying to reach him on the phone - Local residents said there were no disturbances or trouble in the area at the time of the shooting. [The jews, under color of uniform, who gunned him down], however, claim to have seen Jadallah lighting a fire on a road near the checkpoint and shot him. However, no evidence of such a fire was found."

After 13 Years In Prison, [Member of the Jewish Occupation] Abduct Palestinian Immediately After His Release
Jews Love To Play With Their Palestinian Prisoners - A quote...."[Judeo-Stasi] officers abducted, on Tuesday morning, a Palestinian political prisoner moments [after] he was released [having just] served a 13-year prison sentence."

[Jewish Occupation] Forces Attack Anti-Blockade Protesters at Gaza Border Fence
A quote...."[Jewish occupation] forces have clashed with the Palestinians protesting in the Gaza Strip against the Tel Aviv regime’s crippling siege on the coastal sliver, injuring dozens of them - The demonstration took place in Rafah Governorate near the border fence separating Gaza from the [jewish]-occupied territories for a fifth straight night on Wednesday."

[Jewish Occupation Forces] Injure Many Palestinians In Gaza
A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces] injured, Wednesday, many Palestinians during a procession on Palestinian lands near the perimeter fence, east of Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip - Media sources said the [armed jews], stationed in their fortified positions and behind dunes across the fence, fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades at the protesters."

[Jewish Occupation Forces] Invade School In Jerusalem, Abduct Principal, Confiscate Computers
A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces] invaded, Wednesday, the Young Muslim Women School in occupied Jerusalem, before abducting the principal, administrative employees, and confiscated computers - The Wadi Hilweh Information Center In Silwan (Silwanic) stated that dozens of [of the occupation's armed jews], [its] border police officers, and internal security agents broke into the school, under the pretext that one of its rooms is used as an office for the Palestinian Education Ministry."

[Jewish Occupation Forces] Demolish Two Homes Under-Construction In Bethlehem
A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces] demolished, on Wednesday morning, two under-construction Palestinian homes in Beit Ta’mar and Harmala villages, east of Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank - Hasan Breijiyya, the head of the Bethlehem office of the Wall & Colonization Resistance Commission, stated that several [judeo-occupation] jeeps, and two bulldozers, invaded the Zawahra neighborhood in the town, and demolished an home under-construction , belonging to Oleyyan Salah Zawahra."

Including One Woman, [Jewish Occupation Forces] Abduct Two Palestinians In Jenin
A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces] abducted, on Wednesday at dawn, two Palestinians, including the wife of a political prisoner, in the Jenin governorate, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank - The Jenin office of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported that the soldiers invaded the al-Fandaqumiya village, southwest of Jenin, searched homes, and abducted a woman, identified as Ghadeer Adnan Qarariya - The PPS added that Ghadeer is the wife of Malek Fashafsha, 20, who was abducted by the [jews under color of uniform] last month and is still imprisoned without charges."

PPS: “[Jewish Occupation Forces] Abduct 18 Palestinians In West Bank”
A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces] abducted, on Tuesday at dawn, eighteen Palestinians from their homes, in several parts of the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported - The PPS office in Tubas, in northeastern West Bank, said the [jews, under color of uniform] invaded Tammoun town, northeast of the city, before storming and ransacking homes, and abducted Aahed Hamad Bani Odah - It added that the invasion led to protests before the [the jews] fired live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs."

WAFA: “[Jewish Occupation] Forces Demolish Livestock Barns in Northern Jordan Valley”
A quote...."TUBAS, Tuesday, August 31, 2021 (WAFA) – [Jewish occupation] forces today demolished three livestock barns in Khirbet Ibziq community, northeast of Tubas in the occupied northern Jordan Valley, according to a local official - Mutaz Bsharat, an official in charge of monitoring [illegal jewish migrant squatter camp] activities in Tubas district, told WAFA that [the jewish] forces raided the community and tore down two 120-square-meter tents used as livestock barns belonging to Muhammad al-Hroub - The forces also demolished another 60-square-meter tent used as a livestock barn belonging to Adel al-Hroub."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O....

[Judeo-Crime Mbr] George Soros’s Dream: To Turn China Into a Neoliberal Grabitization Opportunity
Must Read - A quote...."In a Financial Times op-ed, “Investors in Xi’s China face a rude awakening” (August 30, 2021), George Soros writes that Xi’s “crackdown on private enterprise shows he does not understand the market economy. … Xi Jinping, China’s leader, has collided with economic reality. His crackdown on private enterprise has been a significant drag on the economy.” - Translated out of Orwellian Doublethink, the “crackdown on private enterprise” means cutting back on what the classical economists called rent-seeking and unearned income. As for its supposed “drag on the economy,” Mr. Soros means the economy’s polarization concentrating wealth and income in the hands of the richest One Percent.

The End Of The Gold Standard – Fifty Years Of Monetary Insanity
Charts - (click each to enlarge) -- A quote...."This year marks the fiftieth anniversary since Nixon suspended the convertibility of the US dollar into gold. This began the era of a global fiat money, debt-fueled economy. Since then, crises are more frequent but also shorter and always “solved” by adding more debt and more money printing - The suspension of the gold standard was a catalyst for massive global credit expansion and cemented the position of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, as it de facto substituted gold as the reserve for the main central banks." - Source: MisesInst

Americans Face A Nightmare Scenario: Record High Home Prices, Record High Rents... And OER Is About To Explode -- A quote...."While the Fed keeps touting the "transitory" nature of runaway inflation, millions of Americans will soon be living under a bridge as both house prices and rents are now rising at a record pace (at least until cities start charging a "bridge habitation" tax) - Earlier today we reported that the latest Case Shiller data showed that home prices across the country had soared at the fastest pace on history, surpassing even the epic surge from the housing bubble, after rising at a record 19.1% - Needless to say, at the rate home prices are rising, most American will soon be priced out of owning a home - even with record low mortgage rates - if they haven't been already, which means they will be stuck paying rent for years if not decades to come."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Lebanon-Bound Iranian Fuel Ship Enters Syrian Territorial Waters: Al-Akhbar
A quote...."An Iranian ship carrying fuel for crisis-hit Lebanon has entered Syria’s territorial waters, the Beirut-based al-Akhbar daily reports - The daily reported Thursday that the ship would unload the fuel cargo at a Syrian port, from where it would be transferred to Lebanon via tankers - Informed sources said two other Iranian ships will deliver their fuel to Lebanon through the same mechanism, adding that the fourth vessel will probably depart Iran soon."

US Leaves Three Bases in Syria After Humiliating Afghan Exit, Expected to Leave Iraq Too
A quote...."An informed military source made the announcement to Al-Alam television network on Wednesday - The source identified one of the bases in question as the US military’s most controversial outpost in Syria that is located near the country’s Al-Omar Oilfield in the Eastern province of Deir Ezzur - It said the other two bases were near the Qamishli District in the Hasakah province, situated in Syria’s extreme Northeast."

Taliban Holds Military Parade in Kandahar Showing Off Seized US-Made Weapons
A quote...."A massive column of assorted military vehicles, carrying hundreds of Taliban fighters, rode through Kandahar on Wednesday. The vehicles, seized from the now-defunct Afghan Army, sounded their sirens and had Taliban flags hoisted, footage circulating online shows, RT reported - The parade featured dozens of Humvee up-armored cars of various models, as well as M1117 patrol vehicles."

Taliban Spokesman to Press TV: US Defeat ‘Lesson’ For Invaders, Great Joy For Afghans
A quote...."Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid has told Press TV that the defeat of the United States in Afghanistan was a “lesson” for the invaders, hours after the last American troops left the South Asian country."

China: Crimes by US Military Against Afghans Must Be Investigated
A quote...."Speaking on Wednesday, Spokesman Wang Wenbin was asked to respond to reports that US troops had fired on Afghan civilians following the suicide bombing at Kabul airport last Thursday, RT reported - The incident has claimed nearly 200 lives but reporters have relayed accounts from eyewitnesses who claimed US troops fired at the crowds after the explosion, potentially causing more casualties."

Iran Successfully Tests New Generation of Mersad Missile System
A quote...."Iran’s Air Defense Force has successfully put to test a new generation of the domestically-manufactured Mersad-16 missile system in the country’s central desert - Speaking on Tuesday, Second Brigadier General Mohammad Youssef Khoshqalb, deputy chief of operations at the Army’s Air Defense Force, said that the system was for the first time put under the control of the integrated air defense network to intercept, identify, engage and destroy designated targets - Mersad-16, he added, enjoys high mobility and is capable of traveling at high speed and low altitudes."

Iran Unveils Long-Range 3D Radar Designed To Detect Stealthy Airborne Targets (Video)
A quote...."On September 1, the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Defense Force (IRIADF) unveiled a state-of-the-art 3D radar system as well as a command-and-control system - The two new systems were presented during a ceremony that was held to celebrate the anniversary of the IRIADF establishment. The ceremony was attended by the force’s commander, Brig. Gen. Alireza Sabahi-Fard - The 3D radar, dubbed “Alborz” after the northern Iranian mountain range, has a maximum detection range of up to 450 kilometers."

Iran Air Defenses Can Hit $900k Cruise Missiles At a Cost of Only $10: Cmdr.
A quote...."A senior Iranian commander has praised the Air Defense Force’s achievements over the past years, saying the country, a pioneer in the technology of directed energy, is today capable of targeting micro air vehicles (MAVs) that violate its airspace."

Divinely Guided Populist Nations & Monetary Reform
"Taliban: Tapi Gas Pipeline is a Priority Project" -- A quote...."Able Danger Editor's note: Somewhere in the murky shadows of corporate intelligence and private intelligence networks deals have been worked out on for when the US was scheduled to leave Afghanistan. When the Biden administration moved into the White House (guided by private corporate intelligence networks) the Taliban prepared for taking over their country. The Taliban have been making regular diplomatic visits to Turkmenistan to secure deals on gas pipelines suggesting they were putting together plans well in advance for when the US would be exiting Afghanistan. Oil, gas and mining to replace drug production (the spoils of war) in Afghanistan now that the US has exited. What does that say after 20 years of US military occupation?"

Vietnam Favors Creation of Free Trade Zone Between ASEAN, EAEU, says minister
A quote...."VLADIVOSTOK, September 2. /TASS/. Vietnam suggests steps be made on reaching an agreement establishing a free trade zone between ASEAN and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Minister of Industry and Trade of the republic Nguyen Hong Dien said at a session of the Eastern Economic Forum on Thursday."

To Counter U.S. Hostility China Moves Towards People Centered Policies
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."In December 2001 China became a member of the World Trade Organization. That opened new markets for China's industry and attracted a lot of foreign investment - The growth in GDP that China has achieved since is breathtaking - This development allowed China to make enormous investments in infrastructure. It also generated the resources necessary to eliminate poverty - It is no coincidence that this development happened while the U.S. was wasting money on wars in the Middle East. As the U.S. is now step by step retreating from those wars to confront China the country needs to prepare itself for the new environment."

China Pledges to Help Rebuild Afghanistan and, While Blaming US for Chaos, Insists it Pays Too
A quote...."The US started the war on Afghanistan and this is the reason for public livelihood and economic difficulty in the nation. The US has to take up responsibility and cannot just leave the chaos behind,” Wang said. “The US has to work with the international community to provide economic and humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, maintain the normal operations of the government, maintain social stability, stop the currency depreciation and inflation, and let Afghanistan go on the path of peace,” he said. “China will support the peaceful reconstruction of Afghanistan on the basis of respecting the wishes and demands of Afghanistan.”

Re-centering Central Asia: China’s “New Great Game” in the old Eurasian Heartland
A quote...."China’s President Xi Jinping’s Central Asian tour in fall 2013 marked Beijing’s unprecedented (re)turn to Central Asia as a lynchpin of the “Silk Road Economic Belt” of the globally ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). China’s BRI positions Central Asia as the crucial nexus for the cross-regional long-distance loops of trade, investment, and infrastructure development. By revisiting the classical geopolitical theory about the original Eurasian Heartland and its contemporary offshoots, we extract some insights for understanding the new China-Central Asia transboundary regional nexus. In a double-pronged empirical analysis of China’s development strategies regarding Central Asia, we examine: (1) the construction of oil and gas pipelines from Central Asia to transmit energy all the way to China’s east coast, and (2) the launch and expansion of the Eurasian Railroad to transport goods from China’s manufacturing bases in both coastal and inland regions to Europe and Central Asia."

China Set to Begin First Trials of Molten Salt Nuclear Reactor Using Thorium Instead of Uranium
A quote...."Scientists in China are about to turn on for the first time an experimental reactor that's believed by some to be the Holy Grail of nuclear energy — safer, cheaper and with less potential for weaponisation - Construction on the thorium-based molten salt reactor was expected to be finished this month with the first tests to begin as early as September, according to a statement from the Gansu provincial government."

Hybrid Rice Trial Sees Major Success

That's A Hybrid.... NOT GMO Fabricated! - A quote...."Renowned agricultural expert Yuan Longping, known as the "father of hybrid rice", died in May at the age of 91, but his legacy lives on, most recently with the successful trial planting of his giant rice variety in Chongqing's Dazu district - One hectare of 2-meter-tall giant rice plants, a hybrid developed through a process of heterosis in which a crossbred hybrid is superior to its parents was hailed as a success in August in Dazu district - The new rice variety seems to thrive despite the area's relatively higher temperatures, which are usually not ideal for the crop - The giant rice plants, grown in Changhong, a village in Dazu's Shiwan township, will be harvested at the end of September and have an estimated yield of 12 metric tons per hectare a significant increase over the 9 metric tons per hectare typically expected with rice. The hybrid plants are twice as tall as standard varieties."

China to use Eastern Economic Forum to Boost Cooperation with Russian Far East, Says Envoy
A quote...."VLADIVOSTOK, September 2. /TASS/. The Chinese authorities plan to use the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) for boosting trade and economic cooperation with Russia’s Far East, China’s Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui said at the Eastern Economic Forum on Thursday."

Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran And Kazakhstan To Hold Joint Naval Exercises In The Caspian Sea
A quote...."Warships from Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Kazakhstan will hold joint naval exercises in the Caspian Sea in early September after the end of the Sea Cup competition, Rear Admiral Sergei Yekimov, head of the Russian delegation, deputy commander of the Caspian Flotilla, told reporters on August 31st."

Russia to Ship Planes, Helicopters and, Possibly, S-400 to Belarus, Lukashenko claims
A quote...."MINSK, September 1. /TASS/. Russia will ship "dozens" of planes, helicopters and air defense systems - possibly, including the S-400 ones - to Belarus shortly, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko told journalists Wednesday."

Russian Energy Ministry Expects Gas Supplies via Nord Stream 2 to Start in 2021 - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."VLADIVOSTOK, September 2. /TASS/. The Russian Energy Ministry expects gas supplies via the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to start by the end of this year, Minister Nikolai Shulginov told a briefing at the Eastern Economic Forum on Thursday - "I think that gas pumping via Nord Stream 2 will start this year," he said - Russia's gas producer Gazprom said earlier that 5.6 bln cubic meters of gas might be delivered via the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline this year."

Russia to Boost Range of Orion-E Reconnaissance/strike Drone With Satellite Link
A quote...."MOSCOW, September 2. /TASS/. The latest Orion-E reconnaissance drone will be capable of operating at a far greater range after it gets satellite communications, Kronshtadt Company CEO Sergei Bogatikov told TASS on Thursday."

CIS States to Hold Integrated Air Defense System Drills in Kazakhstan Next Year
A quote...."ASTRAKHAN, September 1. /TASS/. The CIS member states will hold the Regional Security-2022 joint drills of their integrated air defense system in April next year in Kazakhstan, Deputy Chairman of the Air Defense Coordination Committee under the CIS Defense Ministers’ Council Colonel-General Yuri Grekhov said on Wednesday."

TASS is a Legend of Journalism, Continues to Move With the Times — Russian official
A quote...."MOSCOW, September 1. /TASS/. TASS Russian News Agency has undeniably become a legend of Russian journalism and continues to keep up with the times, Russia’s Deputy Minister of Digital Development Bella Cherkesova said at a state and agency award ceremony held in the TASS headquarters in Moscow to mark the 117th anniversary of TASS on Wednesday."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Killing for the Sake of It: The Grisly Reality of the Failing [Judeo-Run] US Empire
Just A Reminder - Originally Posted April 2015 -- A quote...."The story is the same every time: some nation, due to a confluence of lucky circumstances, becomes powerful — much more powerful than the rest — and, for a time, is dominant. But the lucky circumstances, which often amount to no more than a few advantageous quirks of geology, be it Welsh coal or West Texas oil, in due course come to an end. In the meantime, the erstwhile superpower becomes corrupted by its own power - As the endgame approaches, those still nominally in charge of the collapsing empire resort to all sorts of desperate measures — all except one: they will refuse to ever consider the fact that their imperial superpower is at an end and that they should change their ways accordingly. George Orwell once offered an excellent explanation for this phenomenon: as the imperial end-game approaches, it becomes a matter of imperial self-preservation to breed a special-purpose ruling class — one that is incapable of understanding that the end-game is approaching. Because, you see, if they had an inkling of what’s going on, they wouldn’t take their jobs seriously enough to keep the game going for as long as possible." - Source: ClubOrlov

9/11 Twentieth Anniversary on OffG
9/11 - A quote...."OffG will be marking the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 ‘terror attacks’ in various ways throughout the month of September - Revisiting the evidence will republish some of the key scholarly articles from the past 20 years that exposed the insufficiency of the official story - The core facts are easily forgotten and often shredded, and downgraded either accidentally or not so accidentally. So going back to the 101 is always a good move. And there may be many here, new to skepticism, for whom it will be new and welcome information. "

Ed Asner RIP - Solving the Mystery of WTC Building 7
9/11 - ITMVideo - (ITMBitChute - 14min59sec - Aug 30th, 2021) - Source: InfoThatMatters. - A quote...."⁣This is the original video that YouTube took down, without notice, on or about Feb 20, 2015 - which left the following notice for those who follow one of thousands of locations of the YouTube link out…

The Five Dancing [Jews] Arrested On 9-11
9/11 - A quote...."A Mossad surveillance team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11 - The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards. (1) - Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming "middle-eastern" men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. (2) - "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me" said a witness. (3)"

Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses
9/11 - A quote...."Here's what demolition experts use in steel framed buildings, the linear shaped charge ... It generates around 3,000,000 psi pressure ... at a speed in excess of 27,000 feet per second ... There are over 1000 different types of explosive ... With the use of delays we can control ... where the debris lands ... vibration ... noise level."

The Secret Service at Booker Elementary:The Dog That Did Not Bark
9/11 - A quote...."The Booker Elementary video shows the Secret Service did not rush in to remove the President to a secure location, or at least to the safety of the armored Presidential Limousine. That's their job. That's what they do in the case of a real surprise attack with many unknowns. They don't do anything else - But the Secret Service did nothing. The dog did not bark."
FYI:  For more links on this issue, see.... Reficultnias's 9/11 Central
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The US-NRE's "Jewish" Controlled Domestic Politics & The Biden / Harris Coup Regime, New Roman Empire Style...

Chase Bank Unveils New “Reputation Risk” Campaign, Targeting Loyal Customers For Their Political Beliefs
A quote...."Over the weekend a stunning image made the rounds online. The photo showed a letter from Chase Bank to Lori Flynn, the wife of Gen. Michael Flynn, informing her that her credit cards were being canceled due to the “reputational risk” she created for the company."

Fed-Supported Transgression
A quote...."It’s a story as old as time: A leading figure in a “white supremacist terror” group turned out to be a federal informant. This time it was Atomwaffen. Joshua Caleb Sutter was exposed in court records in a case dealing with an indicted Atomwaffen leader. Federal authorities, without naming Sutter, admitted to paying him over $140,000 since 2003 for his work as a confidential informant. They had paid him over $80,000 since 2018, when he took over leadership of the group."

More Similarities Between the Whitmer Plot and January 6
A quote...."The first defendant to plead guilty in the alleged scheme to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer will spend the next several years in jail. A judge last week sentenced Ty Garbin, 25, to 75 months in prison on one count of “conspiracy to kidnap.” His five co-defendants have pleaded not guilty; their trial is set to begin October 12 - The case made major headlines right before Election Day 2020 as early voting was underway in the crucial swing state. It was useful fodder for Democrats and Joe Biden."

Lawyer Defending 17 Alleged Capitol Breachers Goes Missing
A quote...."John Pierce, the attorney defending 17 clients charged with storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, has gone missing - His missed an Aug. 24 court hearing for one of his clients, and nobody has seen him since - On Wednesday, Pierce's associate told a judge the defense attorney had contracted COVID-19 and was in the hospital on a ventilator. The associate also allegedly told a prosecutor Pierce had been in a car accident - Later on, a different associate told a reporter that Pierce was in the hospital being treated for dehydration and exhaustion - This week, the Justice Department got involved, informing several judges that no one had heard from Pierce in a week and that "multiple" phone lines for his law firm seem to have been disconnected."

Soros-Backed Lawyer Kills Virginia Parents' Recall Effort
A quote...."A Virginia attorney backed by left-wing billionaire George Soros on Friday killed off an effort to recall a Democratic school board member who opposed reopening schools last year, according to a report in the Washington Free Beacon - The Open Fair County Public Schools Coalition, a parents group, earlier this year met the signature requirements to recall Fairfax County school board member Elaine Tholen, saying she neglected her duties as an elected official by refusing to reopen schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic - James Hingeley, a lawyer in Virginia with ties to the Soros-funded Justice and Safety PAC and to Tholen (the target of the action he was brought on to defend), dismissed the action in a court filing Friday."

The Cynical, Despicable ‘Stuttering’ Con Unravels
A quote...."Last week, like the boy in the Hans Christian Andersen fable, Fox News Host Rachel Campos-Duffy had the gumption to say out loud that Emperor Joe was wearing no metaphorical clothes. In addressing the collapse of leadership in Washington, Campos-Duffy asked, “Who are the people responsible for putting someone this incompetent and frankly this, you know, mentally frail in this position?”
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Dr Duke & Andy Hitchcock on the famous Jewish Talmud Quote: The Best of the goyim must be killed – how does it apply to war in Afghanistan & Iraq? -- Must Listen DDAudio - (From Hurricane Ida Ravaged Louisiana) - Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 53min27sec - Aug 31st, 2021) - Source: Rense Archive - David Duke Sites: DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites: Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative - A quote...."Dr. Duke and Andy Hitchcock discuss the Jewish wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. Totally Real President Joseph R. Biden is coming under attack from all directions for “botching” the withdrawal, meaning that he has not repatriated all the anti-terrorism weaponry for use against white people in America. “Conservatives” are now calling him incompetent and insisting on his replacement by Chlamydia Harris, who can much more competently persecute us. They brought up the Talmudic saying attributed to the 2nd Century Jewish sage Shimon bar Yochai: “The best of the heathen (gentile) merits death; the best of serpents should have its head crushed.” Does this prove that Jews are smarter than Conservatives? -- Be sure to check out Dr. Duke’s Bitchute and BRAND NEW Odysee accounts. Here are a couple of recent videos.... Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Respond to Attack by HBO and John Oliver on David Duke and Tucker Carlson ( - ZioMedia Incites massive violence against White people in America ( - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 -- Thank you - Click here and look for the show dated 08-31-21 Our show is aired live at 11 AM Eastern Time (US) & is replayed at 4 PM Eastern Time. Share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line."

Dr Duke & Dr Slattery defend TOTALLY REAL President Joseph R. Biden from these Jews’ Malarkey. Biden and Trump should share Nobel Prize! -- Must Listen DDAudio - (From Hurricane Ida Ravaged Louisiana) - Alt/Mp3 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 53min18sec - Sep 1st, 2021) - Source: Rense Archive - David Duke Sites: DD @ Bitchute - DD @ Odysee - DD@YuTb - DD @ Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - Please Purchase to Support Dr Duke! - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- Related Regular Guest Websites: Patrick Slattery @ YuTb - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio & Don Black Show & Eric Striker @ National Justice & Mark Collett @ YuTb - MC @ Bitchute - MC @ PatrioticAlternative - A quote...."These Jews and their Conservative and Liberal shills are all clamoring for the resignation of TOTALLY REAL President Joseph R. Biden over his heroic decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Some say “well, we needed to withdraw, but this was botched,” with the implication that we should reinvade or start bombing or do something else retarded. Well, if botched means it didn’t go according to plan, then technically it was botched, but from the point of view of the real interests of the American people it has gone much better than planned. It is good that we are not bringing is all the Afghan refugees and “allies.” It is good that we are not bring back the weaponry that could be redeployed in another war or directed against the white supremists that the establishment says are the biggest threat to our values that define us as a people. The few “Americans” being left behind seem to be mainly ethnic Afghans who don’t want to come anyway. Joe Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a president Chlamydia Harris. So join us on the Biden Bus! -- Be sure to check out Dr. Duke’s Bitchute and BRAND NEW Odysee accounts. Here are a couple of recent videos.... Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Respond to Attack by HBO and John Oliver on David Duke and Tucker Carlson ( - ZioMedia Incites massive violence against White people in America ( - Please share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line. Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to.... P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470 -- Thank you - Click here and look for the show dated 09-01-21 Our show is aired live at 11 AM Eastern Time (US) & is replayed at 4 PM Eastern Time. Share this show widely. And please keep us on the air and on-line."

TDS788: Heck Off Small Cappies
Must Listen TDSAudio - Alt/ZnCst-RSS - Alt/MegaNZ-Mp3 - (Note: Contains non-PC terms, epithets, and concepts.) -- (TDSVar - 2hrs33min09sec - Sep 1st, 2021) - Source: TDS - BakUpRSSFeed -- A quote.... "
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto / Bayer Monster...

New Book on Common Synthetic Chemicals’ Role in Asthma, Brain Health, Cancer, Diabetes, Digestion, and More -- A quote...."Toxic synthetic chemicals are difficult if not impossible to completely avoid. In most cases, action taken to protect the public seems too-little-too-late. In June, U.S. Congress members and the EPA finally took action to reduce Americans exposure to “Forever Chemicals”. Earlier this month it was also revealed that the EPA may have been aware for years of a probable link between a toxic ingredient (glyphosate) in Roundup weedkiller and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma - New book, “Silent Winter”, provides more details about how human health has been significantly impacted by exposure to toxic chemicals in our daily lives..."
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More On The Judeo-Banksters Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax / Carbon Currency / Scam....

Fess Up, Washington Post, Actual Data Doesn’t Show Climate Change Made Ida Worse
A quote...."A story in the Washington Post, titled “How climate change helped make Hurricane Ida one of Louisiana’s worst,” with Hurricane Ida as its news hook, asserts human caused climate change is driving more intense hurricanes. This is false. Data show tropical storms and hurricanes are neither more numerous nor more powerful than they have been historically. Not in Louisiana and not anywhere else." - Source: ClimateRealism

Tuesday August 31st, 2021

No posts - mpg

Monday August 30th, 2021

More Tales From The Judeo-Wahhabist, Judeo-Anglo Empire, & Its "Friends" -- Directly Cooperating With, and Helping Judeo-Wahhabist Terrorists World Wide....

"We Now Have The Opportunity to Give the USSR its Own Vietnam War." — Zbigniew Brzezinski
Just A Reminder - For All Those Who Keep Lying - A quote...."Posted August 30th, 2021 - First, let’s begin with this reference to the architect of our empire graveyard inclusion. Mrs. Scarborough's, Meager's old man. Pay attention - Brzezinski: According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the mujahideen began during 1980, that is, after the Soviet army had invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979. But the truth, kept secret up to now, is quite different: it was in fact on July 3, 1979, that President Carter signed the first directive on clandestine aid to opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And on that very day I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my view aid was going to bring about a Soviet military intervention."

How The CIA Used ISIS-K To Keep Its Afghanistan Business
A quote...."Posted August 29, 2021 - The Afghan state's NDS was a CIA proxy agency. During the mid 1990s the intelligence chief of the Northern Alliance, Amrullah Saleh, had been trained by the CIA in the United States. After the U.S. overthrew the Taliban government Saleh became the head of the NDS. The NDS also had extensive relations with India's secret service - While the U.S. pretended to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) consistent reports from various sides alleged that core ISIS personnel were extracted by unmarked U.S. helicopters from Iraq and Syria and transferred to Nangarhar where they reinforced the ISKP militants." - also posted at BLN

ISIS-K Is Just Another Product of CIA Afghan Assassin Network
A quote...."Posted  August 29, 2021 - ISIS-K consists of mercenary “Islamists”, mostly ex-TTP, who have been hired by ISIS in Syria to create the impression of a growing worldwide “Caliphate”. Originally recruited from anti-Shiite/Hazara mass-murderers in Pakistan and Afghanistan, to come to Syria and continue their work there. After being run-out of Pakistan by Pak Zarb-i-Azb military offensive, the TTP, soon to be ISIS-K, were sheltered for several years in Afghanistan by local Pushtuns and the Afghan secret services until they became useful. The Afghan Govt supported a Khorasani offensive against the Afghan Taliban, until they were severely beaten by the Talib and thereafter kept penned-up in and around Nangarhar (Afghan Taliban Keep ISIS Penned-Up In The Wilderness of Nangarhar)"

ISIS-K Cmdr Told CNN The Terrorist Group Was 'Laying Low and Waiting For a Time to Strike' Two WEEKS before Kabul Suicide Bombing -- A quote...."Posted 08-28-2021 - In an interview two weeks before the deadly suicide bombing outside the gates of Kabul airport an ISIS-K commander said the group was biding its time before an attack - A senior ISIS-K commander whose identity was shielded told CNN chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward that the terrorist group was 'laying low and waiting for a time to strike.' "

War Between Taliban, ISIS in Afghanistan Irreconcilable — Russian envoy
A quote...."Posted 28 Aug, 16:19 - MOSCOW, August 28. /TASS/. Russian Ambassador to Afghanistan Dmitry Zhirnov believes that there is an irreconcilable war going on between the Taliban movement (outlawed in Russia) and the ISIS (Islamic State/Daesh) terror group (also outlawed in Russia) in Afghanistan. The envoy believes that the Kabul Airport explosion was a challenge to the Taliban, not the US."

West Openly Used Terrorists [Attempting] to Overthrow Syria’s President, Says Russian FM
A quote...."Posted August, 31, 2021 - 09:31 - TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said while the West had openly used terrorists to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Moscow helped the war-torn country preserve its statehood."

Crimes Have Increased in the Areas Controlled by the US-Backed SDF Militia in Hasakah
A quote...."Posted Monday, 30 August 2021 11:49 - Crime, chaos and disorder have increased in the areas controlled by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia in Hasakah despite the many checkpoints established by this militia in these areas. This situation increases pressure on civilians in the Syrian Al-Jazira region."

Turkey, [The Judeo-Enclave], Islamist Ennahdha Accused of Planning to Shoot Down Tunisian President's Plane
A quote...."Posted 13:00 GMT 28.08.2021 - Earlier, Tunisia’s Ennahda Party called for an investigation after reports emerged that President Kais Saied was targeted for an assassination attempt by Islamist "political groups" - Turkey, [the judeo-enclave] and Tunisia’s Islamist Ennahdha Party have been accused of plotting to assassinate President Kais Saied, according to an investigation published in the Tunisian newspaper al-Anwar. In response, Ennahdha has sued the newspaper. [The judeo-enclave] and Turkish authorities are yet to respond to these allegations - Last week, the country’s media reported that an assassination attempt on the president had been foiled in one of the "coastal" cities. Saied's press office did not officially comment on the reports."

Saudi Coalition Violates Al-Hudaydah Ceasefire 282 Times
A quote...."Posted Aug 31, 2021, 10:19 AM - The latest reports indicate that the Saudi aggressor coalition continues to violate the ceasefire in Al-Hudaydah province on a large scale, Al-Masirah reported - According to the report, Saudi Arabia and its coalition in Yemen continue to violate the ceasefire in Al-Hudaydah province and have not adhered to it in the slightest. In the last 24 hours, the Saudis have violated the Al-Hudaydah ceasefire 282 times."
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo Empire... SARS-CoV-2 / COVID19 - Health Alerts / Health Warnings... And Bio-Warfare Implications....

The Delta Scam
41]  Ratios and Proportions Matter - A quote...."It’s amazing how you can lie with statistics when you don’t provide context and/or leave key information out of your false narrative. As of July 4, the entire covid fear narrative was dying out, with cases crashing to new lows and the Big Pharma vaccine profit machine sputtering. That is when those controlling the media narrative began running the stories about the Indian variant and the imminent tragedy. As cases soared over 350,000 per day, the MSM was predicting bodies piling up in the streets - They failed to give context that India has 1.4 billion people, four times the population of the U.S. On a cases per million basis, India’s surge was still 70% lower than the U.S. peak in January. And then the cases collapsed by 75% in a matter of weeks, with no mass rollout of vaccines. But they did distribute copious amounts of ivermectin. Must just be a coincidence. Everyone knows ivermectin is only for cows and horses, per the “experts” at the FDA."

Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide, Parasite in CoV-19 Vaccines
41]  WOW!  That Doesn't Sound Good - A quote...."What is in the vaccines? With use of electron and other kinds of microscopy, original research by Dr. Robert Young and his team, confirms what the La Quinta Columna researchers found—toxic nanometallic content, including graphene oxide, with cytotoxic and genotoxic effects as well as an identified parasite"

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Cent for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins
41] Health Alert - Interactive Map - Updated Totals - Useful at-a-glance world-wide COVID-19 totals - Permanently copied and pinned at this location for each of the every-other-day postings. - mpg

World Meter COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
41] Health Alert - Charts & Graphs - Updated Totals - Useful at-a-glance world-wide COVID-19 totals - Permanently copied and pinned at this location for each of the every-other-day postings. - May take awhile to load - mpg
FYI: *Assume SARS-CoV2 & Symptoms Covid19

FYI: **At this point, a lot of the increase in "positive cases" is (or was) due to the increasing amount of tests. What is MUCH more important however, than the rise in "positive cases" (and that itself is questionable considering the reliability of the various testing kits. For which we STILL have no reliable data-base which compares these kits, their methods and outcomes) is the amounts of hospitalizations and deaths - mpg

FYI: *** So far, in every nation, the RATIO of infections, versus hospitalizations and deaths is much higher by orders of magnitude. Demonstrating it's the vast number of young and healthy now being infected (assuming these tests are accurate) that weren't previously infected. Also better management of COVID-19 symptoms resulting in less fatalities. - mpg

FYI: **** Statistically significant. However, they're still extremely small numbers, unless of course.... you're one of them - mpg
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More Tales From The Judeo-Anglo Empire....

Manufacturing Justification for the NATO Takeover of Central Asia–Smashing Greater Central Asia
Must Read - A quote...."After ten years of raging warfare in Afghanistan, watching the fight slowly ooze across the invisible Durand Line into Pakistan, we have the right to wonder whether the war is any closer to ending today? It is perfectly reasonable to suspect that if we were allowed to know the truth we would understand that the American government has no plans to end the war in the near future. Trying to make sense of relentless Western news reports on the disaster of the impending American “withdrawal from Afghanistan,” even though other reports reveal that super-bases have been constructed, leaveing most observers completely bewildered about whether the Afgan war is ending or expanding. The only thing that is obvious is that there is to be no “withdrawal” from Afghanistan, at least not from the northern half of the country (SEE: Plan B In Afghanistan).

US Drone Strike in Kabul Kills 9 Family Members, Including 6 Children
Just LEAVE Pleeeeze!!! - A US drone strike in Kabul on Sunday killed nine members of one family, including six children, the brother of one of the victims told a journalist in the city working with CNN - The US claims the strike destroyed a vehicle carrying “multiple suicide bombers” from Afghanistan’s ISIS affiliate, but witnesses said it hit two cars parked at a residential building. “We are not ISIS or Daesh and this was a family home — where my brothers lived with their families,” the brother said." - also posted at AntiWar - See related articles.....
US Forces Panicked, Shot Up Dozens of Civilians After Kabul Blast Witnesses Say
Double Ditto!! - A quote...."Some of the dozens of civilians reportedly killed in a suicide blast outside Kabul’s airport may have been shot by US soldiers amid the chaos caused by the deadly explosion, according to the BBC - Eyewitnesses who survived Thursday’s attack, which claimed at least 95 lives and left 150 people wounded, told the British public broadcaster that not everyone who died that day had been killed by the suicide bomber."

Media Bury Story That US May Have Fired on Crowd at Airport
Of Course!! - A quote...."It appears in the 29th paragraph of a 39-paragraph New York Times story on Saturday about the aftermath of the suicide bombing at Kabul airport this week that killed more than 180 people, including 13 U.S. military personnel - “For the first time, Pentagon officials publicly acknowledged the possibility that some people killed outside the airport on Thursday might have been shot by American service members after the suicide bombing."

I Served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, Twice. Here’s the Truth in Two Sentences

A quote...."What we are seeing in Afghanistan right now shouldn’t shock you. It only seems that way because our institutions are steeped in systematic dishonesty. It doesn’t require a dissertation to explain what you’re seeing. Just two sentences"
  1. For 20 years, politicians, elites and D.C. military leaders lied to us about Afghanistan.
  2. What happened last week was inevitable, and anyone saying differently is still lying to you.
The Never Ending Lies About The War On Afghanistan
A quote...."The U.S. military has lied for 20 years about the war in Afghanistan. Do not expect it to suddenly tell the truth - Thursday's suicide bombing in Kabul and the following panic killed more than 150 civilians (some 30 of whom were British-Afghan), 28 Taliban fighters and 13 U.S. troops - Before the attack happened a Taliban spokesperson had told RT that they had warned the U.S. of an imminent ISPK attack."
Iran’s Leader Blasts Biden as ‘Predatory Wolf’ No Different Than Trump Amid Stalled Nuclear Talks
A quote...."On the campaign trail in 2020 and in his first months in office, Joe Biden promised to return the US to the 2018 Iran nuclear deal and slash sanctions against Tehran in exchange for a commitment by Iran to reduce its uranium stockpiling and enrichment activities. The two sides have held indirect talks on the issue, but these stalled in late June."

JCPOA Talks Must Yield Tangible Results: Iran’s FM
But They Won't - A quote...."TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said the ongoing talks on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), must lead to concrete results for the Iranian nation.  "

Witness in Australia’s SAS War Crime Case Was Relocated After Blast at Her Home
A quote...."A witness in the Brereton Inquiry into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan has had her house targeted in an early morning incident that blew in windows and embedded glass in floors, ceilings and walls - The Defence Force immediately relocated the witness and her family after the incident because of fears for their safety." - Source:  ABC
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia, C.I.S. States, & The Balkans....

Duma's ad hoc Commission Notes Regular Western Attempts at Discrediting Russian Election
A quote...."MOSCOW, August 30. /TASS/. The State Duma's ad hoc commission for investigating foreign interference in Russia's internal affairs regularly exposes attempts by Western agencies at discrediting Russia's election campaign, the commission's chief Vasily Piskaryov said during a round-table discussion at the Public Chamber on Monday."

US Sets Itself Goal to Destroy the Unity of World Orthodox Christianity, Lavrov says
A quote...."VOLGOGRAD, August 30. /TASS/. The Russian Orthodox Church is under tremendous pressure from the United States, which set itself a goal of destroying the unity of world Orthodox Christianity, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday at a meeting with the public and young adults in Volgograd."

Russia Curious Why Europe Keeps Secret of Navalny Case Data — Lavrov
A quote...."ROME, August 27. /TASS/. Russia would like to find out why an overwhelming part of data concerning the so-called case of blogger Alexey Navalny is kept secret by the European counties, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday while speaking at a news conference following talks with his Italian counterpart Luigi di Maio."

West Has Demonstrated its Unreliability as Partner, Says Russian Top Diplomat
A quote...."VOLGOGRAD, August 30. /TASS/. Western nations have demonstrated their unreliability as partners in bilateral cooperation and their ability to break the norms of international law in the interests of their "geopolitical gains," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday."

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[Kiev Regime] Shuts Down Opposition Media - U.S. Ambassador Applauds 'Daring Act', Calls For Support -- Must Read - A quote...."On Wednesday the comedian and president of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will meet with U.S. President Joe Biden in the White House. The invitation to Zelensky was a booby prize handed out after Biden announced that he would not act against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that will soon bring gas from Russia to Germany. The Ukraine is likely to lose money it currently gets for gas transfers through its pipelines from Russia to west Europe - Zelensky is under pressure at home and his country will soon run out of money. He will have an endless list of requests but is likely to get nothing of value - To prepare the scene for Zelensky the former ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, who is by the way wrong on everything Russia, wrote an oped for the Washington Post. It was published on August 23." - Topix ||  What Ukraine Can Expect If They Join The EU - A Bitter Harvest - 02-21-14 - mpg  ||

[The Kiev Regime in] Ukraine Shuts Down Independent Media
Related Article - A quote...."Since the start of this year, the Ukraine has mounted an accelerating campaign to shut down all “pro-Russia” (apostrophes because more often than not they’re not so much explicitly pro-Russian, as merely less anti-Russian and more oppositionist than the mainstream) media. Examples include - This February saw the shutdown of three TV channels (112 Ukraine, NewsOne and ZIK) linked to Viktor Medvedchuk, an opposition leader, in a move that was praised by the US Embassy in Kiev. He is now under house arrest under treason charges based on undisclosed evidence from the security agencies - Popular anti-Maidan blogger Anatoly Shariy was charges with treason and hate speech and now has political asylum in the EU." - Topix ||  What Ukraine Can Expect If They Join The EU - A Bitter Harvest - 02-21-14 - mpg  ||

DPR Urges UN, OSCE, ICRC to Respond to Kiev’s Attacks Resulting in Child Casualties
A quote...."DPR’s Ombudswoman Daria Morozova has called on international organizations to respond to the injury of two children in Horlivka - “Following these crimes, I sent official appeals to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, UNICEF and the International Committee of the Red Cross calling to respond to this incident to prevent similar crimes in the future,” Morozova said in a statement published on her official website."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

Terrorists Increase Assassinations of SAA, Other Law Enforcement, in Syria
A quote...."Terrorists supported by NATO klansmen who occupy the United Nations continue to increase their deadly violence in Daraa, Daraa al Balad, and Hama. As the Syrian Arab Army continue to liberate “every inch” of their homeland from al Qaeda pathogens supported by NATO weapons and NATO media stenographers, the cornered rats have increased their bombings of civilian neighborhoods, and increased their assassinations of soldiers and other members law enforcement."

Terrorists Increase Bombings in Syria; Is False Flag Looming?
A quote...."Terrorists armed and supported by NATO countries, who refused reconciliation with the government, and rejected getting on those air conditioned green bus to join other al Qaeda savages in the temporary haven provided by NATO invader Erdogan, have increased deadly attacks against Daraa al Balad. "
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others...

Taliban to Take Full Control of Kabul Airport on Tuesday — TV
A quote...."MOSCOW, August 30. /TASS/. The Taliban (outlawed in Russia) will completely take control of Kabul airport after the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan on Tuesday, August 31, the Al Jazeera TV channel announced on Monday, citing a source in the movement."

Pakistani Military Opens Fire on Afghan Refugees at Border, Kills 6
A quote...."An unknown number of Pakistani soldiers “opened fire” on an unknown number of Afghan civilians at Torkham on August 27 “when they rushed towards the crossing gate and wanted to enter [the] Pakistani side,” according to Pajhwok Afghan News."

Eleven ISIS Terrorists Were Killed in NW Balochistan
A quote...."The operation was carried out by security and intelligence forces against ISIL-affiliated elements in the Mustung, in the northwest of Balochistan province - The operation claimed the lives of 11 ISIL terrorists, thwarting a plot by the group to launch a large-scale attack in Balochistan, Pakistan the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) of Balochistan announced - According to the spokesperson of CTD, ISIL leader Abdul Hai was among those killed."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion...

And The Deliberate Ethnic Cleansing Of White Europeans Worldwide....

We Must Have An Attitude That There Is No Turning Back
Must Read - A quote...."IT’S ALL IN the spirit. It all comes back to what is above you. It is the spirit, the soul, the essence that makes you who you are. It is the spirit that commands the mind. The mind that commands the body. We may not have all the money or manpower that our opponents have, nor the years of experience and teams of experts from all disciplines that they can summon, but “where there is a will, there is a way” - This battle to save our people from a slow and progressive death relies on a “triumph of the will”. We must have an attitude that there is no turning back. We must have the courage to march together, locked in step into a new world. We know what we are struggling for is right and good. We know what our enemies are fighting for is our complete subjugation and destruction. To be born at such a time when the forces of good clash with evil, the forces of light clash with darkness, how could anyone with honor be confused as to what life they wish to live? The choice between sacrificing for life eternal — that being the life of our people long after we are gone, and the comforts of subjugation should be clear for all to see."

Democrats Demand Reparations and Open Borders for Afghan Migrants
Justifying One Wrong, With Another - A quote...."Sixty-six progressive Democrats are telling President Joe Biden to open the nation’s border to Afghan migrants because the U.S. bears moral responsibility for the wars in Afghanistan - “After decades of disastrous U.S. intervention, one thing is clear: We have a moral responsibility to provide safe harbor and refuge for the Afghan people,” the August 26 letter, which does not set an upper limit on the inflow of Afghan migrants, states."
FYI:  For all those 'Mericans who love bombing and murdering others, this article is for YOU! - mpg
Exclusive: Migrant "Got-Aways" [as Opposed to Captures] Jump to 340K this Year, Says Source
A quote...."The number of migrants crossing the border without being apprehended soared to more than 340,000 migrants so far this Fiscal Year 2021, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection source. This figure represents an estimate of the total number of migrants believed to have escaped into the U.S. interior without capture or apprehension by Border Patrol agents."

Caravan of Nearly 600 Migrants Bound for the United States Clash with Mexican Security Forces
A quote...."Video footage has once again highlighted the ongoing immigration crisis thousands of miles south of the United States border as members of a caravan of migrants clashed with security forces near Mexico's border with Guatemala in their attempt to reach the U.S."
FYI:  Instead of having millions of illegal migrants cross the border without even being apprehended, or fighting their way up through Central America to do the same, why not simply.... BUILD THE WALL!!
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Teacher Instructs Students to Pledge Allegiance to Gay Pride Flag After She Removed American Flag From Classroom Because it Made her 'Uncomfortable' -- A quote...."A California teacher instructed her students to pledge allegiance to a gay pride flag after she removed the American flag from her classroom because it made her uncomfortable, according to a report. The school district has allegedly launched an investigation into the incident."

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker Signs Sex Ed Bill Requiring Kindergartners to Define Gender Identity
The Pritzker Family!?!?! - A quote...."Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) of Illinois signed SB 818 into law last Friday, claiming the new sex ed standards that require kindergartners to learn to define gender identity “will help keep our children safe.” - “Modernizing our sex education standards will help keep our children safe and ensure important lessons like consent and internet safety are taught in classrooms,” Pritzker said in a statement. “By working together, we’ll continue to strengthen our education system and deliver the bright future our kids deserve.” - The new law, which takes effect immediately, requires public schools in the state that offer sex education to align their curriculum with the National Sex Education Standards (NSES), the creation of organizations that advocate for sex ed consistent with abortion rights and LGBTQ inclusion."
FYI: Another Jew who fully supports his tribe's  Anti-White, mass-immigration promoting, Weaponized Cultural Marxism deploying, DIE(Whitey)-versity advocating, Equity (theft) enforcing, CRT, and LGBTQOPedo Global-Homo GayPlex Frankfurt School ideological indoctrinating agenda. - mpg
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The George Floyd Psyop & The Judeo-Created & Planned National Anti-White Frenzy....

Diversity or Standards: You Can’t Have Both
Must Read - A quote...."In America, you can have either diversity or you can have standards. You can’t have both. And since diversity – especially racial diversity – is our number-one goal, it’s standards that have to go. Consider crime - To America’s everlasting shame, the police arrest blacks and Hispanics at high rates. Diversity tells us all groups are equal, and requires equal outcomes, so what’s going on? The theory used to be that the police are racist, but if it really turns out that some groups are breaking the law more often than others, we must ask if the laws are racist."

If You Thought The Classrooms Were Bad, There’s a More Toxic Strain of Critical Race Theory Flowing From US Courtrooms -- A quote...."Critical Race Theory has become the central issue in American politics over the past year, thanks largely to the efforts of commentators like Christopher Rufo and army of grassroots parent activists standing up against the anti-white, anti-American poison being taught in American schools - But Critical Race Theory, or CRT, didn’t originate in America’s primary schools. CRT began as a legal doctrine within America’s law schools — and it is in this capacity that it can still do the most damage - Case in point: A federal judge in Nevada just recently demonstrated the potential of CRT as a legal doctrine in what might be called America’s first entirely CRT-driven constitutional ruling. If allowed to stand, this ruling would enshrine open borders as a permanent feature of American law."

In the Name of Social Justice, America Bar Association Proposes Violating Federal Law to Discriminate Against White Students -- A quote...."The American Bar Association is poised to mandate diversity training and affirmative action at all of its accredited law schools, a move top legal scholars say could jeopardize academic freedom and force schools to violate federal law - The association, which accredits nearly every law school in the United States, is mulling a plan that would require schools to “provide education to law students on bias, cross-cultural competency, and racism,” including a mandatory ethics course instructing students that they have an obligation to fight “racism in the law.” Schools would also be required to “take effective actions” to “diversify” their student bodies—even when doing so risks violating a law that “purports to prohibit consideration of” race or ethnicity."
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More Tales From the Judeo-Sphere....
PERMANENT NOTE: Disingenuous, inaccurate, and false or misleading terms such as antisemitism, apartheid, zionism, holocaust, israel, military, army, defense, government, state, authority, settlers, settlements, confiscated, seized, borders, etc. will be removed from all articles in this section and replaced with the correct language, and terms (in brackets & italics), to reflect standard common-use definitions, accepted legal norms, and actual on the ground realities - mpg
‘Blood for Blood’: On Jenin and [the Jews'] Fear of an Armed Palestinian Rebellion
A quote...."The killing of four young Palestinians by [jewish] occupation [forces] in the Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank, on August 16, is a consequential event, the repercussions of which are sure to be felt in the coming weeks and months - The four Palestinians – Saleh Mohammed Ammar, 19, Raed Ziad Abu Seif, 21, Nour Jarrar, 19, and Amjad Hussainiya, 20 – were either newly born or mere toddlers when the [jewish occupation forces] invaded Jenin in April 2002. The objective, then, based on statements by [jewish] officials and army generals, was to teach Jenin a lesson, one they hoped would be understood by other resisting Palestinian areas throughout the occupied West Bank."

Scores of Palestinians Wounded at Anti-Settlement Rallies in Occupied West Bank
A quote...."Dozens of Palestinians were injured on Friday when [jewish occupation] forces cracked down on anti-[illegal jewish migrant] protests in villages across the occupied West Bank - The Palestine Red Crescent society said on Friday night that it had treated 94 Palestinians for injures following the protests against illegal [jewish migrant outposts] - More than 50 people needed medical attention after choking on tear gas, the medical organisation said, while others were treated for rubber bullet injuries, burns, and falls - It also said that one of its ambulances had been damaged by [jewish] forces, wounding the driver. A photo shared on the organisation's Facebook page showed the vehicle's shattered windows."

[Judeo-Supremacist Occupation Tribunal] Refuses to Release Pregnant Palestinian Detainee
A quote...."RAMALLAH, Aug. 30 (YPA) – Palestinian media reported that an [judeo-regime] occupation [tribunal] refused to release 25-year-old Palestinian detainee Anhar al-Deek despite being about to have children (in her ninth month of pregnancy) - Palestinian Anhar Al-Deek, who is nine months pregnant, has appealed for international intervention to release her from [the jewish regime's] jail so she can have her baby at home."

[Jewish Occupation Forces] Injures Six Palestinians, One Seriously, In Gaza
A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces] injured, on Monday evening, six Palestinians, including one who suffered life-threatening wounds, east of Gaza City and Khan Younis, in the besieged Gaza Strip - The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that the [jewish forces], stationed across the perimeter fence, shot three Palestinians with live fire, and added that one of them suffered serious wounds - The Ministry added that three Palestinians were mildly injured due to the effects of tear gas inhalation and fragments from bullets."

[Jewish Occupation Forces] Injure Many Palestinians Near Nablus
A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces] injured, on Monday evening, many Palestinians in the al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus - Media sources said at least twelve [of the judeo-forces] vehicles invaded the village after the [judeo-forces] isolated it."

[Jewish Occupation Forces] Abducts Three Palestinians In Nablus And Jerusalem
A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces] abducted, on Monday at dawn, three young Palestinian men from Nablus and Jerusalem, in the occupied West Bank - Media sources in Nablus, in northern West Bank, said the soldiers invaded Beita town, south of Nablus, before storming and violently searching homes, causing damage - They added that the [jewish occupation forces] abducted a young man, identified as Jareh Ma’ali, before moving him to a nearby [interrogation and occupation] base."

[Jewish Occupation Forces] Attack A Palestinian Child While Walking To School In Hebron
A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces] attacked and injured, Monday, a Palestinian child while walking to his school in Hebron city, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank - The child’s father, Raed Tamimi, stated that his son, Montaser, 14, while walking to his school, not far from home, when the [jewish forces] stopped him at the Abu ar-Reesh [occupation] roadblock, near the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron."

[Jewish Occupation Forces] Prevents Farmers From Working On Their Lands Near Salfit
A quote...."[The jewish occupation forces compelled], Sunday, many Palestinian farmers to stop rehabilitation work on their agricultural lands near the main road leading to Qarawat Bani Hassan Village, west of Salfit in central West Bank, and tried to [steal] their equipment - Ibrahim ‘Aassi, the head of Qarawat Bani Hassan Village Council, said many Palestinians were working on their lands, and rehabilitating them when the soldiers invaded the area and stopped them."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O....

'Brutal' Police Crackdown on Protesting Farmers in India's Haryana Sparks Outrage
Modi & The Judeo-Banksters Were Here - A quote...."Since November 2020, tens of thousands of farmers have been protesting against three controversial farm laws brought in by the Narendra Modi government - Dramatic footage of Haryana police beating up farmers for blocking the national highway amid the ongoing protests against the trio of agricultural laws has sparked an uproar social media - At least ten people were injured in the police crackdown during the rally at Haryana's Karnal highway on Saturday." - Topix  ||  Modi:  Judeo-Neoliberalcon  ||
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Taliban Vows to Wean Country Off Opium Trade ~ Tells Farmers Poppy Growing is Banned - Hip Hip Hooray!!
WOW!! The CIA and Judeo-Banksters Are Gonna Be Pissed!! - A quote...."After the Taliban takeover, the Islamic group’s spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid vowed to crack down on the production of narcotics, saying “nobody can be involved” in the heroin trade, which has been a key source of funding for the group - Afghanistan’s new rulers, the Taliban, while ostensibly seeking to portray a more moderate image by Western standards has vowed to police poppy cultivation more heavily." - Topix  ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

Taliban Redux: Opportunities and Challenges for China in Afghanistan
A quote...."US withdrawal from Afghanistan has engendered a new reality in the region. Their hasty departure, followed by the Taliban’s rapid takeover of Afghanistan, presents both opportunities and challenges to Eurasia’s regional powers, especially for China."

Blowback: Taliban Target US Intel's Shadow Army
A quote...."The Kabul Airport bombing shows there are shadowy forces in Afghanistan, willing to disrupt a peaceful transition after US troops leave. But what about US intel’s own ‘shadow army,’ amassed over two decades of occupation? Who are they, and what is their agenda? - So we have the CIA Director William Burns deploying in haste to Kabul to solicit an audience with Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar, the new potential ruler of a former satrapy. And he literally begs him to extend a deadline on the evacuation of US assets - The answer is a resounding “no.” After all, the 31 August deadline was established by Washington itself. Extending it would only mean the extension of an already defeated occupation - The ‘Mr. Burns goes to Kabul’ caper is by now part of cemetery of empires folklore. The CIA does not confirm or deny Burns met Mullah Baradar; a Taliban spokesman, delightfully diversionist, said he was “not aware” of such a meeting."

Iran’s New FM Warns Soleimani’s Assassins Must Pay After Trump Brags About ‘Taking Out’ IRGC Leader
A quote...."Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani was killed in a US drone strike alongside Iraqi anti-Daesh (ISIS)* militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in Baghdad on 3 January 2020. The assassination prompted Iran to launch ballistic missiles at US bases in Iraq, and brought Tehran and Washington to the brink of war - The United States government cannot remain unpunished for Qasem Soleimani’s murder, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Iran’s newly appointed foreign minister, has announced."

China Cultivates 2-Meter-High 'Giant Rice' in Chongqing
A quote...."(ECNS) -- Giant rice shoots growing in a field at Changhong Village of Chongqing are expected to yield more than 800 kilograms per mu (667 square meters) this year, according to the Chongqing Branch of National Hybrid Rice Engineering Research and Development Center - In the experimental field, the sorghum-like rice shoots stood at an average height of two meters - Chen Yangpu, deputy director of the center, said that a giant rice plant is usually twice as tall as a conventional one - One rice ear contains about 800 grains. The rice is not only resistant to pests, but also to flooding, salt and alkali. It can also provide shade and shelter for aquatic organism and some mammals."

Despite American Objections, Turkey Has ‘No Hesitations’ About Buying Second Batch of Russian-Made S-400 Missile Systems – Erdogan -- A quote...."President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he has no doubts about Turkey buying another batch of S-400 anti-aircraft systems from Moscow. Earlier, the Russian exporter said a new contract will likely be signed by the end of the year - Speaking to reporters on board his plane as he returned from a visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina on Sunday, Erdogan said defense cooperation with Russia is expanding, with the procurement of S-400 missile systems expected to go smoothly."

Russia Earned Back its International Dignity in Last 20 Years — Lavrov
A quote...."VOLGOGRAD, August 30. /TASS/. Russia has reclaimed its independence and regained its lost dignity on the international arena in the past 20 years, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday - "I would like to reiterate that not everyone likes it when we achieve favorable conditions for our development on the global arena. Back in the 1990s, we were seen as an obedient country that opened up to the West and opened up unprecedentedly in many cases. It was all mistaken for weakness. And the sense that it is not fit for Russia to assume such a submissive third-rate place on the global scale did not come immediately," he said. "In the past 20 years, it seems to me that we regained independence and earned back our dignity. Without this dignity, nothing good will come in an ordinary human life, let alone the fact that you won’t achieve anything internationally."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman JOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and “The Polka-dot File”
The Jews Murdered JFK For The Bomb, and RFK Because He Was Going To Expose Them -- A quote...."There is a vast literature on the [jewish managed and the] CIA-directed assassination of President John Kennedy. Most Americans have long rejected the Warren Commission’s findings and have accepted that there was a conspiracy. There is much less research on the assassination of JFK’s brother, Senator Robert Kennedy, and, if asked, far fewer people would say it was a conspiracy and a cover-up. They may not even know the alleged assassin’s name."

Health Care Costs For America's Veterans Are Skyrocketing: Report
A quote...."A new study projects that cumulative health care costs for U.S. military veterans will reach as much as $2.5 trillion by 2050—a figure that nearly doubles previous forecasts—raising concern about whether the government will take care of its war vets in the coming decades - According to research from Brown University’s Costs of War Project, the total costs of caring for post-9/11 war veterans will reach $2.2 trillion to $2.5 trillion from 2001 to 2050. This includes the amount already paid in medical care and benefits, as well as the projected future costs already “baked” into the system, the Aug. 18 report shows."
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The US-NRE's "Jewish" Controlled Domestic Politics & The Biden / Harris Coup Regime, New Roman Empire Style...

FBI Allegedly Funded White Supremacist Publisher: Court Documents
A quote...."The FBI allegedly paid a publisher of white supremacist literature more than $144,000 over 16-plus years to serve as a confidential informant, according to recent filings in an ongoing domestic extremism case - These allegations were made earlier this month by Kaleb Cole, an accused member of the white supremacist group Atomwaffen. Cole was arrested in February 2020 for allegedly participating in an Atomwaffen intimidation campaign against Jewish people and journalists of color."

Chase Bank Closes Gen Mike Flynn's Credit Card Account Citing 'Reputational Risk
Don't like Flynn, he's a shill too.  But THIS is the way you stick it to the Banksters!  Just Like Flynn! "Reputational Risk", indeed! - mpg -- A quote..."Flynn responded by sharing a story from 2019 titled, "Cargo ship owned by JPMorgan Chase seized by US with 20 tons of cocaine" and a DOJ press release from 2020 titled, "JPMorgan Chase & Co. Agrees To Pay $920 Million in Connection with Schemes to Defraud Precious Metals and U.S. Treasuries Markets.""
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

The Ayatollah's Friday Night Dinner - LIVE! #44: Bleeding Holograms & Homa Tawk
AyatollahVideo - (NOTE:  Contains some adult sexual themes, non-PC terms and content, and copious quantities of adult language) - (AytollahYuTb - 3hrs29mins44sec - Aug 27, 2021) - Source: The Ayatollah @ YuTb - The Ayatollah @ BitChute - The Ayatollah @ DLive - The Ayatollah @ Telegram - A quote...."Jon can't make it for this one and we've only got Homa Tawk for the first 45 minutes or so, but there's plenty to talk about*."

TDS787: Critical Holocaust Theory
Must Listen TDSAudio - Alt/ZnCst-RSS - Alt/MegaNZ-Mp3 - A Wonderful Critical Dissection of Jewish Methods of False Narrative - (Note: Contains non-PC terms, epithets, and concepts.) -- (TDSVar - 3hrs06min41sec - Aug 25th, 2021) - Source: TDS - BakUpRSSFeed -- A quote.... "Start practicing your covid survival stories."
See links posted below.....