Saturday September 14th 2013

More on the Recent US-NRE / Saudi Parasitic Family / Israeli / (FSA al-CIA'da) CW False Flag Attack against Syria's Civilians - With Presstituting Accessories....

Red War Warning Issuance....08-23-13 -- Red False Flag Warning Issuance....09-06-13

All Websites Please Monitor to Identify Possible Times & Targets
Due to all the articles posted on this website since 08-23-13 (shown below), the "war warning" issued, and basically in effect since 08-02-13, has been upgraded to a "red war warning" as of 08-23-13 -- The "false flag warning" issued, and also basically in effect since 08-02-13, due to many of the articles shown below, has been raised to a "red false flag warning" as of 09-06-13 - Obviously one "false-flag" has already occurred in Syria, the gas attack.  And it appears as of 09-03-13, Israel attempted  a second false flag when it launched an unannounced "missile test", a blatant attempt to provoke Syria into thinking the US was mounting a surprise attack and hoping, no doubt, to provoke Syria into a retaliatory response. -- They failed, this time. -- However the possibility that another major false-flag attack against "Western" targets to justify additional military adventures and also further the establishment of a police state in the US-NRE and other Anglo-Sphere countries is still extremely high.
False Flag Count So Far
>>>          2              <<<
Current False Flag Status >>>  Red Warning  <<<
Current War Status >>>  Red Warning  <<< is STRONGLY recommended that those security and intelligence service personnel still loyal to their nation's peoples, constitutions, and the rule of law, pay close attention to any and ALL activity being conducted by Israeli the US-NRE, the Gulf States and/or British terror support networks with particular emphasis on what any Israeli consulates, embassies, or commercial companies -- ESPECIALLY ANY Israeli companies involved with the securities  industry -- is doing over the next month or two. - mpg
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A Short History Of The War On Syria - 2006-2014

Must Read - A quote...."In 2006 the U.S. was at war in Iraq. Some of the enemy forces it very much struggled to fight against were coming in through Syria. The same year Israel lost a war against Hizbullah. Its armored forces were ambushed whenever they tried to push deeper into Lebanon while Hizbullah managed to continuously fire rockets against Israeli army position and cities. Hizbullah receives supply for its missile force from Syria and from Iran through Syria. Its long-term plans to attack Iran and to thereby keep supremacy in the Middle East depend on severing Hizbullah's supply routes. The sectarian Sunni Gulf countries, mainly Saudi Arabia, saw their Sunni brethren defeat in Iraq and a Shia government, supported by Iran, taking over the country. All these countries had reason to fight Syria. There were also economic reasons to subvert an independent Syria. A gas pipeline from Qatar to Turkey was competing with one from Iran to Syria. Large finds of natural gas in the coastal waters of Israel and Lebanon make such finds in Syrian waters quite plausible."

President al-Assad’s speech to Rossiya 24 TV channel
Interview - A quote...."Damascus, (SANA), September 13, 2013 – President Bashar al-Assad gave a speech to Rossiya 24 TV channel. Following is the full text of the speech.
Interviewer: Why did Syria agree to the Russian initiative which proposes handing over its chemical weapons to the international community? Why so rapidly?

President al-Assad: Over 10 years ago, Syria presented the UN with a proposal for a WMD-Free Middle East; this was because the region is turbulent and has been immersed in wars for decades. Thus removing unconventional weapons would be rational in order to enhance stability, at that particular time the U.S hindered the proposal.
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More on the Recent US-NRE / Saudi Parasitic Family / Israeli / (FSA al-CIA'da) CW False Flag Attack against Syria's Civilians - With Presstituting Accessories....

Help Kickstart World War III!
Must View 2ndCNVideo - Alt - ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL! - (2ndCNYuTb - 3min45sec - Sep 9, 2013) - TheSecondCityNetwork --  Had this website editor rolling on the ground in stitches from laughing so hard. - mpg -- A quote...."President Obama needs your help starting World War III! Find out how you can help!"

WWIII Pre-Game Show
Must View JCVideo - ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL! - (JCYuTb - 5min19sec - Sep 10, 2013) - Source: JoyCamp -- A quote...."WWIII is on the horizon and your friends at JoyCamp have the scoop on what we can expect to go down."

Continuity of Agenda: Syria Catastrophe Engineered Under Bush, Executed Verbatim Under Obama
Must Read - A quote...."September 13, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - Tens of thousands of deaths, devastated cities, and the scattering of terrified Syrian minorities add up to a catastrophe that has unfolded in Syria over the last 2 years. International organizations including the UN call it the worst humanitarian catastrophe of the 21st century, and despite this, have put little effort into tracking down the actual genesis of the conflict, the key players perpetuating the violence, and in prescribing the obvious solutions to this conflict. With a recent initiative by Russia and Syria blunting the West's pro-war drive, Western propagandists have attempted to reassert their crumbling narrative regarding the conflict, past, present, and future." - also posted at BLN

Syria, Prepare Yourself for Rape!posted at ICH - Exactly how the evil ones think!! - mpg
A quote...."September 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House - Syria is next! She is already marked, cornered, psychologically ravished, and now petrified. She is tied, exposed, and told to expect the worst. She is where we tried to get her for years, where our regime has wanted her to be. -- Well, actually, not yet, she is not there yet, but almost. She is still not on her knees, and that is what irritates our rulers endlessly! They like us all to be on our knees, paying for invented ‘sins’, for ‘disobedience’, for our desire to be what we really are. -- For years she has been harassed, and beaten. Now there are no doubts that soon, very soon, she will be violated, in [broad] daylight, in front of the entire world, in front of television cameras, with no mercy and with attackers gluing cold and righteous expressions on their faces. -- Her rape will be turned into entertainment, it will be orchestrated as a warning to all those who are still determined to follow their own and at least partially independent path." - bold by website editor

Syria Deal Needs to Face Down US Terror - posted at ICH
Must Read - A quote...." September 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House - Russia’s diplomatic efforts to avert a potential international conflagration over Syria are to be lauded. But it would be preferable if Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and others in Moscow refrained from referring to US officials as “our American partners.” -- Washington is not a “partner” or “colleague” to anyone who is serious about upholding international law and peace. Its behavior is that of an outlaw state that needs to be faced down, not pandered to. -- Ironically, Washington says that the world needs to take a tough stance towards President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, otherwise other alleged tyrants will be emboldened. The truth is that the world needs to take a tough stand on Washington to curb its predatory aggression that seems to know no bounds." - bold by website editor
True, but....Putin and other leaders do have to be "diplomatic" otherwise the six Kazarian controlled corporate conglomerates which currently own ninety percent of the US-NRE's infotainment complex, will paint them as unstable, strident, insulting and unwilling to "compromise".  In other words, unsuitable partners on the international stage.

On the other hand Putin could have his own 1963 "Cuba" moment, and direct his ambassador at the UN to present all the proof, (and there's lots already publicly available, who knows what's secretly available) that ties the Obama regime, and the Gulf Parasitic Families, directly with the FSA/al-CIA'da/al-Nustra foreign supported terrorists and their most recent false flag gas attack.

A presentation that would prove the most recent attack was designed to murder women and children, thus constituting a crime against humanity, was a coldly planned, deliberate false flag provocation, created to justify another war of aggression (another war crime) and that Obama and his minions were involved from the very beginning and should all be arrested, tried in the International Court of Justice, hopefully convicted, and punished accordingly.

Which come to think about it might not be very "diplomatic" either....but it sure would be satisfying. - mpg

Head of Syrian Rebels Calls for Terrorist Attacks On America
A quote...."We knew that the Syrian rebels are mainly Al Qaeda, and that the U.S. has been supporting these terrorists for years. -- And we knew that rank-and-file Syrian rebels have...."
"But even we were shocked to learn that the head of the Syrian rebels is also the global boss of Al Qaeda … and that he is calling for fresh terrorist attacks on America."

US [Obama Regime] Lied About Syria Chemical Attack Death Toll
Obama - BUSTED! - A quote...."One of the most precise and dramatic details cited by the Obama administration as proof that Syrian forces used chemical weapons in an August 21 attack was the death toll, which an official U.S. government assessment put at 1,429 people, including 426 children."

U.S. Military Confirms Rebels Had Sarin
Obama - BUSTED! - Again -- A quote...."September 12, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "WND" - As part of the Obama administration’s repeated insistence – though without offering proof – that the recent sarin gas attack near Damascus was the work of the Assad regime, the administration has downplayed or denied the possibility that al-Qaida-linked Syrian rebels could produce deadly chemical weapons. -- However, in a classified document just obtained by WND, the U.S. military confirms that sarin was confiscated earlier this year from members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the most influential of the rebel Islamists fighting in Syria."

How the Western services fabricated the ’’chemical attack’’ of Ghouta
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 11min57sec -  Sep 9, 2013) - Source:  Mathimde Florent -- A quote...."Thierry Meyssan analyses the contradictions and incoherences made by the US, British and French secret services about the so-called chemical massacre of Ghouta - Thierry Meyssan : The Western secret services are 100% sure of things that aren’t logical....."
  1. They think that combat gases can [differentiate] between men and women.
  2. They observed while the concoction of combat gas was being made, but did not intervene to avoid it’s usage. On the other hand, they stepped forward to suggest punishing the ones who used it.
  3. They explain that the children were killed on the 21st of August, while the video is dated from before that, and these children come from families that support the Syrian regime and Bashar el-Assad’s government.
  4. They assure they possess telephone call recordings. But they are not the ones who made those telephone interceptions.
  5. And, finally, the ’’red line’’ affair. According to the joint committee of the British Intelligence service, Jon Day, Syria would have supposedly used combat gas 14 times in the past. But this was never confirmed. Why 14 times before ? Because it is the number of times the US government had use of chemical weapons in Iraq, in 2003-2004. And, of course, it would only be the 15th time of use that would lead the punishment exerted by the great powers.
'Syrian rebels [foreign Wahhabist terrorist mercenaries] have no chance to win without intervention'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min23sec - Sep 14, 2013) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Russia and the US have agreed on proposals to remove and destroy Syria's chemical weapons arsenal. It's hoped it could also give some impetus to the stalled attempts to find a peaceful end to the vicious civil conflict. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Secretary of State John Kerry outlined a six-point plan under which Damascus would hand over its chemical stockpiles. Richard Becker, anti-war activist with the international ANSWER coalition, joins RT to discuss the Russia-US agreement on ridding Syria of chemical weapons."

A Right to Chemical Weapons? | Think Tank
BtSVideo - Disarmament Equals National Death?? -- An Analysis, a History, and a Prediction - (BtSYuTb - 8min35sec - Sep 12, 2013) - Source:  BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related: BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday - Related:  SGPYuTbRelated:  SGPFaceBook - Related:  SGPTwitter -
A quote...."Abby Martin speaks to Mimi al-Laham 'Syrian Girl Partisan' about Obama's recent speech on Syria, Putin's Op-ed in the New York Times, and the dangers of arming rebels linked to al Qaeda." -- For more on this issue click here -- SGP is even being picked up by FARS now....Syrian Activist Sees Giving Up Chemical Weapons as Strategic Mistake

Preempting The Next Round of Lies Against Syria
A quote...."Relying entirely on the momentum of its massive media networks and their ability to "will" reality into any shape they please, headlines such as "United Nations' Syria chemical weapons report "overwhelming," shamelessly attempt to link two out of context statements by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon regarding the Syria government's "crimes against humanity" and the confirmed use of chemical weapons in Damascus Syria, to place in the mind of readers assigned blame for the attacks. -- In reality, the UN inspectors that were stampeded out of Damascus in the middle of their work, fearing an impending unilateral US military attack, were only attempting to determine how victims in eastern Damascus died, not who killed them. Independent assessments of who was responsible for the attack have not been carried out. The best the US has been able to do is suggest terrorists operating in Syria were incapable of such an attack, leaving only the Syrian government as a possible suspect." - also posted at BLN

US-Russia reach landmark deal on destruction of Syria chemical weapons arsenal
A quote...."Russia and the United States reached a deal on a framework that will see the destruction or removal of Syria’s chemical weapons by mid- 2014. Under the plan, the Assad government has one week to hand over an inventory of its chemical weapons arsenal."

US Retreats, UN Syria Resolution Won’t Include Military Option
PLEASE!!  It's NOT a retreat!  You can't retreat from something that never existed!!  If the resolution had included ANY "military provision" of ANY sort, it wouldn't matter what the conditions were, the bombs would be dropping within days!!  Just look at what happened to Libya!!  --  Such a provision would have been COMPLETELY self-defeating, a non-starter from the very start, a simple green-light go-ahead to start bombing.  EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! Russia, China, Iran and Syria would have had to have been completely brain-dead to agree to any such provision, or even bother listening to anyone trying to discuss such a provision.  --  Ignore what the stupid, lying, sacks-of-[expletive deleted] war-whoring presstitutes might have hinted at on the mass-garbage-media in the United States.  There was no such negotiation or provision, hint of such a negotiation or provision, or even the mention of such a negotiation or provision before, during or after the meeting had taken place!!  Not even Kerry would have been that stupid....maybe - mpg
Additional recent articles regarding the US-NRE's & Israel's False Flag Gas Attack Against Syria....
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

No More War for Israel? - The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla
Must Read - A quote...."The past ten days have seen what could be the start of an historic turning point away from endless war in the Middle East. Public opinion in the United States, in harmony with the majority of people in the world, has clearly rejected U.S. military intervention in Syria. -- But for this turn away from war to be complete and lasting, greater awareness is needed of the forces that have been pushing the United States into these wars, and will surely continue to do so until they are clearly and openly rejected." - also posted at AlethoNews & CounterPunch

Israel’s Use of False Flags in Global Terrorism
A quote...."Those who believe that Israel is behind the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria—hiding behind a “false flag” designed to implicate the Syrian government—have very good reason to believe in such a scenario."

Defeating AIPAC Starts with Syria - posted at ICH
Special Note - A quote...." September 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House - In the second century B.C., Cato the Elder, a Roman Senator, would end every speech he made with the admonition "Delenda Est Carthago," meaning that the city of Carthage, Rome’s perennial rival, must be destroyed. Among other claims, the Romans accused the Carthaginians of engaging in human sacrifice to their god Ba’al Hammon, something that one might describe as the "red line" of that era as Greco-Roman culture abhorred the practice and condemned those who engaged in it. Even though Rome dominated the Mediterranean and Carthage was in decline, Cato believed that one day the ancient resentments would again rise to the surface and a resurgent Carthage would discover a new Hannibal and take revenge. In other words, the survival of Carthage was seen as a threat to the continued existence of the Roman Republic. Cato’s argument was convincing enough to many Romans that it resulted in the Third Punic War in which Carthage was indeed destroyed. -- I mention Rome and Carthage to illustrate the fact that there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to making compelling arguments about what today might be termed national security. There is in today’s world no Carthage to serve as a counterpoint to America’s new Rome, but in a nation where corruption enabled by the art of lobbying has become so refined that interest groups are able to dominate the political discourse the real enemy is internal." - bold by website editor
They're Almost There, It's Almost Within Their Grasp.

The author above stated "There is in today’s world no Carthage to serve as a counterpoint to America’s new Rome." That is not true, Russia is the New "Carthage" to Israel's "New Rome" (Their North Amerikan colony). 

Russia's destruction, which was started when the Kazarians cruelly took over that country, and imposed a murderous reign of
Bolshevik Communism in 1917, helping to murder (directly or indirectly) almost thirty million Russian citizens, is almost complete.

They need just one or two more false flags to initiate a war between the Kazarian's now looted, dessicated, morally bereft, spiritually deformed, culturally degenerate and economically devastated North American Colony, and the now rising Russia and China power nexus.
Two countries which thirty years ago were finally able to break free of their terrible enscrollment, their curse of Kazarian Bolshevik inspired communism.

All the Kazarians need now is just one or two additional well timed false flags to stand triumphant over the entire Middle East
in conjunction with the Gulf parasitic families  and finally establish their own, vicious, racist, mini-empire.

Just a couple of more incidents or events to finally complete the extermination of the Palestinian people, and drive the remnants of that impoverished, horrendously oppressed, population into the sea, never to be seen again.

The Kazarian parasites are scheming constantly, their plans are almost fulfilled, their
Zio-whore minions are terribly frustrated and enraged that their masters can't feast on more blood and death. 

You can see their barely contained anger on the mass-media outlets, the gleam in their vicious, narrow, pig-like eyes, the spittle on their tightly, angrily compressed lips. They can't wait for the wars to begin.

They'll never stop, not now, not when they're this close, not when it's almost within their grasp.  They've been very, very patient for over a hundred and fifty years, but they have reached the end of that tether, they can't contain themselves any longer, their hunger for more dead and dying is beyond their parasitic endurance.

They can almost taste it. - mpg

America's Ridiculous Position on Syria - posted at ICH
ZOC - War Whore - Presstitute - Alert - A quote...."September 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  I read that an American Senator, Bob Menendez, wanted “to vomit” when he was supplied with a copy of Vladimir Putin’s New York Times’ op-ed piece about Syria. -- Well, I’m sure it wasn’t just a matter of Sen. Menendez’s delicate stomach: there have been many times in the past I wanted to vomit over something in The New York Times. -- It is, after all, an impossibly pretentious, often-dishonest publication faithfully serving America’s military-industrial-intelligence complex, one which never fails to support America’s countless wars, insurgencies, dirty tricks, and coups – all this while publicly flattering itself as a rigorous source of journalism and even a newspaper “of record.” Many regard The Times as simply the most worn-out key of that thunderous public-relations instrument an ex-Agency official once called his “mighty Wurlitzer.” Only in the antediluvian political atmosphere of America could The Times manage to have something of a reputation for being “liberal.”" - bold by website editor
FYI:   The New York Slime is an AIPAC/Israeli Consortium propaganda shill.  The Slime is owned by the Jewish, (Kazarian), Ochs-Sulzberger family, who've been card-carrying, war-mongering, fellow traveling supporters of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and their thirst for endless wars and genocides, and endless American blood and treasure to spend on them, along with Israel's dreams for a mini-empire, since that criminal Kazarian enterprise was established by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. If you're stupid enough to pay good money for this "toilet-paper of record", you support propaganda that will impoverish you, deliberately misinform you, and get many Americans, and a whole bunch of other completely innocent people....horribly killed. - mpg
The Jew War Mongers Among Us
A quote...."In the 9.13.13 edition of the KC Star, on the "OPINION" page, there were three columnists, all American Jews, Kristof, Gershon and Freidman. All war mongering for more death and destruction in the ME to be visited on another enemy of Israel, Syria. -- To show you how desperate the Jew war mongers are to get Americans involved in another ME 'War for Wall Street and Israel,' I went back to the 'Star' to get the link to an article that I had commented on Friday morning only to see that my comment and another left by a gentleman who was also against bombing Syria had been 'wiped off the face of the Earth.' -- More Jew mischief, the kind that gets millions killed and country's destroyed, all to serve the Jew."
Just keep in mind folks, the term "Jew" implies those who receive that moniker, believe in, or practice, that ancient religion, that it has something to do with their behavior, that they're Semitic, possibly Sephardic, that their forebears once lived in the Middle East, and that they're trying to establish a "nation state" there  -- NONE OF WHICH IS TRUE -- They are in fact, a recently established Kazarian Criminal Consortium and act as such. - mpg
Testimonies Prove Israel Tortures Palestinian Children
A quote...."On August 22, B’Tselem headlined “Abuse and torture in interrogations of dozens of Palestinian minors in the Israel Police Etzion Facility.” - More on that below. Previous articles discussed torturing, abusing, and otherwise mistreating Palestinian children young as 10. Sometimes younger. In July, Israel arrested and terrorized a five-year old boy. - Family members are threatened not to intervene. They’re beaten if they try. Children are violently abused. - They’re blindfolded, shackled and beaten. They’re threatened with much worse. Sexual threats and abuse are common. So are electro-shocks and much more. - Nothing’s too outrageous to employ. Children are interrogated without counsel. They’re treated like adults. They face wrongful charges. It doesn’t matter."
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More Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

The American Regime's Credibility is in Free Fall
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 11min01sec - Sep 13, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."The American regime's credibility is in free fall. People are sick of the lies, the corruption, the wars, the murders being carried out by the American regime. This is what the awakening looks like...."
The Empire Blinks: The Countdown to a US-led Attack on Syria
Must Read - A quote...."The GWOT and lies about weapons of mass destruction (WMD) led to the toppling and seizure of Iraq and beyond, to the continuous military provocations and the CIA-led “regime changes” in Libya and Egypt. Syria and Iran have been systematically destabilized. - But even as this murderous agenda rolls ahead with no end in sight, it fails. - Central Asia and the Middle East have been sent into chaos, nation after nation gutted, but the Empire is no closer to its goal of a petro-economic salvation or lasting geo-strategic control. -- Desperate military violence and brute force do not change the fact that the days of easily recoverable oil and gas are over, and with it capitalism as usual. The world economy shows no sign of lasting recovery, and severe internal stress. The US government is bankrupt, financially as well as morally, while the disillusionment of the American populace grows. - The Empire flounders in the violent trap it has created for itself." - also posted at RINF

Blaming the Victims: U.S. Ambassador to Honduras Doubles Down Regarding Ahuas Shootings
A quote...."Earlier this week, U.S. Ambassador to Honduras Lisa Kubiske gave a talk at the Institute of the Americas in San Diego. During the Q and A, audience member Aaron Montenegro asked her about the May 11, 2012 DEA-related shooting incident in Ahuas, in Honduras’ Mosquitia region in which four local, unarmed villagers were killed and several others wounded. (As Americas Blog readers know, CEPR has co-authored two in-depth reports on the incident with Rights Action, based on evidence and interviews with survivors, witnesses, and various U.S. and Honduran officials; and on a review of official investigations.  And we have blogged about ongoing developments regarding the case as well.)" - also posted at AlethoNews

WHO Refuses to Publish Report on Cancers and Birth Defects in Iraq Caused by Depleted Uranium Ammunition
A quote...."The World Health Organisation (WHO)  has categorically refused in defiance of its own mandate to share evidence uncovered in Iraq that US military use of Depleted Uranium and other weapons have not only killed many civilians, but continue to result in the birth of deformed babies." - Source:  GlobalRsrch

‘Welcome to the total surveillance world’
A quote...."The world is becoming a total surveillance Orwellian world, due to the activities of intelligence agencies, according to Iranian political analyst Hamid Golpira. -- Golpira made the remarks during an interview with Press TV on Saturday, September 14, on a news segment on the reports that the United States™ National Security Agency has established a listening post in the Austrian capital Vienna. -- Reports say the post is able to tap up to 70 percent of telecommunications in Vienna, which became the spying capital of the world during the Cold War. -- Golpira said that probably one of the main goals of the NSA spying is to gather metadata."
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The Greatest Betrayal in History, The 9/11 False Flag Attack - Twelfth Anniversary....

Mossad Link To 1st WTC  Bombing Raises Eyebrows
A quote...."Here are the facts about the Mossad connection to the first attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) revealed by investigative reporter Robert I. Friedman in the Aug. 3, 1993 article in The Village Voice, an independent left-wing New York weekly that has occasionally dared to raise criticisms of Israel."
The Truth About 9/11: The Aftermath – Stefan Molyneux
FDVideo - (FDYuTb - 13min45sec - Sep 12, 2013) - Source:  Stefan Molyneux -- A quote...."(FreeDomain) – Stefan Molyneux discusses the twelve year anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks and examines the absurdity of the United States president supporting Al-Qaeda to overthrow the president of Syria. It’s time to take a stand now."

Marvin Bush, Stratesec, and 9/11: The Straight Facts
WC911Video - (WC911YuTb - 11min02sec - Dec 14, 2012) - Source:  WarCrime911 -- A quote...."Special Thanks to Kevin Ryan for helping me put this together. In the age of information ignorance is a choice."

Why The NIST Report on WTC 7 is Unscientific and False
WC911Video - (WC911YuTb - 8min22sec - Dec 4, 2012) - Source:  WarCrime911 -- A quote...."Please review and fact check the information in this video with the information in the NIST Report:"
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

NSA gets data from Germany’s domestic security agency - reports
A quote...."Germany’ Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution regularly hands over classified data to the NSA, media report. The revelation comes as Edward Snowden’s leaks show that Germany’s foreign spy agencies share troves of data with the US and UK." - Source:  RT

FISA records document “daily violations” by government spy agencies
A quote...."FISA court records declassified Tuesday show that government spy agencies systematically violated court orders in order to conduct illegal spying on Americans, while lying in court as to the extent of their activities. Previously secret rulings show that the Obama administration was found to be committing “daily violations” of court orders related to its spying activities."

NSA and Israel – Ryan Dawson
Must View Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 7min16sec - Sep 4, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:   Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons - A quote...."Is anyone surprised?" - For more on this issue, see the previously posted articles and comments shown below.....
It has been revealed recently that the US government and the NSA share nearly all data with the Israeli government  -- ZOG Alert - A quote...."It has been revealed that the US and Israeli governments have what they call a ‘memorandum of understanding’, allowing the transfer of ‘raw intelligence data’[1] directly to the Israeli government, without first sifting through it at all. -- The US government gave the Israeli government massive amounts of data, likely to contain Americans’ emails, and even phone conversations. -- Not only is the US and NSA spying on every American citizen, and people of other countries, but Israel has access to the data, and many other governments, and whoever really controls those governments." - bold by website editor  -- Topix  ||  Israel's Net Control  ||

Treason: Israel Gets Tons of Top Secret Unedited Data from U.S. Government, Officials and Citizens
ZOG Alert - A quote...."The Guardian newspaper has published a top secret document provided by whistle-blower Edward Snowden, that reveals the US National Security Agency (NSA) shares “raw intelligence data” with Israel, without first removing information about US citizens. -- The document that Snowden provided is a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the NSA and its Israeli counterpart the Israeli Sigint National Unit (ISNU) “pertaining to the protection of US persons.” -- The MOU discloses that Israel receives raw signal intelligence (“raw Sigint”) from the US which includes unevaluated and unminimized transcripts, gists, facsimiles, and voice and Digital Network Intelligence metadata and content."  -- Topix  ||  Israel's Net Control  ||
To all the peoples in the United States.  -- You ever wonder folks why your politicians seem so beholden to the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium?  You every wonder why they seem so fearful of them?  Ever wonder why they pilgrimage to Tel Aviv whenever they're seeking to run for office?  Why more than a fifth go to Israel on all expense paid vacations, paid for by the Israeli government, every two years?  Why the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium seems to get its way EVERY SINGLE TIME!! - Now you know WHY!! - mpg
NSA Shares Raw Intelligence Including Americans' Data With Israel
ZOG Alert - (Related Article) -- A quote...."The National Security Agency routinely shares raw intelligence data with Israel without first sifting it to remove information about US citizens, a top-secret document provided to the Guardian by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals...."
To all the peoples in the other 190 countries throughout the world.  --  You remember all those business deals you tried to negotiate, but for some strange reason your Israeli competitors always won the contract?  You remember all those bank loans you needed to complete your deals that somehow always seem to "fall through" at the last minute?  You remember how your politicians just kept voting for completely insane provisions to help Israeli interests and Kazarian businesses in your country while constantly hurting yours?  You remember how all those mass-media outlets in your country always seem to spout Israeli propaganda, or be owned by Kazarian interests? Every wonder why Kazarians SEEM so LUCKY in their business dealings? -- Now you know WHY!! - mpg  -- Topix  ||  Israel's Net Control  ||
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More on the Domestic Situation....

California Police Shoot Injured Animals at the Range
How much you want to bet it isn't just "injured" animals they take to the shooting range?  Here we go again, Neo-Roman values on display.  The "Culture of Cruelty" in action (credit Gerald Celente). - mpg

SB 374: Assault Weapons Ban Passes, California Legislature Sends Bill to Governors Desk
Now that this "assault" weapons ban is in place, one can only wonder how soon it'll be till these wonderful, kindly, and civilized policemen will be taking your kids to their shooting range for target practice, or at least threatening to do so if you don't "comply" with their "demands".  Whatever they may be, whenever they  may occur.  Assuming of course they don't just just Tazer you or shoot you to death on the day you encounter them, and you foolishly don't give them your instant, grateful, genuflecting, obsequious, obedience. - mpg

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  Sep 13th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  Sep 13th, 2013) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the US-NRE al-CIA'da/FSA Saudi Parasite false-flag chemical attack on Syria, the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Obama's Credibility Takes Huge Dive After Syrian Backlash
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 29min27sec - Sep 13, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."The media is drumbeating for the war just as before Iraq. And they don't want to hear that the evidence is very very flimsy. They don't want to hear that people within the CIA -- senior people, with great access to this information -- assure us, the veterans, that there's no conclusive evidence that Assad ordered those chemical incidents on August 21. They don't want to hear that. They want to process beyond that and just deal with what we must do. Now, you don't assume those things -- you need proof of them."

DoomCast 7
DCVideo - (DCYuTb - 1hr40min45sec - Sep 12, 2013) - Source: C-McGrath@YuTb - Related:  WideAwakeNews - Related:  DougOwen@Sprkr - Related:  DoomCast@Twtr - Related:  Blacklisted News - Related:  BLNPodCasts - A quote...."In this extended Episode Charlie McGrath and Doug Owen discuss recent events in the Syrian Crisis and the global economy, with the backdrop of the 12th anniversary of the 9/11. We look at the 9/11 attacks and how they precipitated the erosion of privacy, individual freedom, financial security, and brought about a domestic police state here in America."

Putin Exposes Goutha Atrocity as False Flag Provocation by Rebels
WTAudio - (WTFlshPlyr - 30min - Sept 4, 2013) - Source:  WebsterTarpley - Related:  DnLdMp3 - Related:  WTRadio -- A quote...."[Putin] warns of their [the Wahhabist terrorists] next false flag against Israel; Credico tax Wall Street vote stuns machine pols; Russian fleets of 1863 to be remembered at National Press Club, Tuesday Sept. 24, 7PM"

I Told You So From 2008 - Regarding Barack Obama, Israel, and the fine art of prediction. - mpg
Must View Ry2SVideo - (For the wryness of it all) - From the History File - aprox Nov/Dec 2008 - (Ry2SYuTb - 7min16sec - posted Sep 11, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:   Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons - A quote...."Obama is a liar the same as Bush" - See definitions shown below.....
Prediction - Def. The rock bottom test of any paradigm, construct, model or theory. An absolute necessity when describing a system of control, a criminal organization and its structure, or a causal chain of events.

Proof - Def.  Sufficient verifiable evidence in an argument, theory, or paradigm for the truth of a proposition or conclusion.  Note:  Accurate prediction (i.e. the truth of your proposition or conclusion) provides further evidence that a particular argument, theory or paradigm supports your proof and that your proof is correct.
Ry and Ken Sonola on Syria and media
Ry2SVideo - Disarmament Equals National Death?? -- An Analysis, a History, and a Prediction - (Ry2SYuTb - 17min52sec - Sep 11, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:   Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons -- For more on this issue click here

Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War
GRVideo - Alt - (GRYuTb - 14min16sec - Jan 2, 2012) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV - Related:  Global Research - Website:  CRYuTb - Website:  CorbettReport - Webiste:  CRBlpTV -- A quote...."This GRTV production by James Corbett was first released in January 2012. In the light of the recent media disinformation campaign in relation to Syria, we bring this carefully researched video-documentary report to the attention of GR readers."

OUTRAGE!! Journalists Now Tool of Dictatorship #n3
Must View CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 4min18sec - Sep 13, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  WideAwakeNews
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Deja Fraud (E497)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Sep 14, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - Related:  StacyOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, report from the heart of hedge fund land in Stamford and Darien, Connecticut, where they discuss the deja fraud of highly leveraged markets five years after Lehman collapsed and the nonsense job economy in which highly trained engineers spend their working lives dividing one simple mortgage into thousands of pieces of complex derivatives like piles of stinky fried fish. In the second half, Max interviews Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, who compares the Fed relationship to the BRICS nations to that of a drunk driver who runs down pedestrians and then blames the pedestrians for being in the way." - bold by website editor

As the Fantasy Dies: “Panic Will Ensue”
A quote...."The US government may have funded studies and propaganda material which says that people will not panic, loot or go hungry in the midst of a crisis, but the fact of the matter is that history has shown otherwise. -- It’s often the case that, despite countless warnings from those considered to be fringe lunatics, the vast majority of the populace is blindsided by horrific, paradigm-altering events. The signs are almost always there, but people simply refuse to believe it can happen to them. ”It” always happens somewhere else, and we get to watch it play out on television from the comfort of our living rooms."

UK economic “recovery” based on property bubble and rising inequality
A quote...."The announcement that UK unemployment had dipped by just 0.1 percentage point has been seized on by the Conservative-led government to back its austerity measures. - The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that unemployment fell by 24,000 to 2.49 million in the three months to July, a rate of 7.7 percent."
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More On The International Situation....

Turkish prosecutor indicts six Jihadists for alleged attempts to acquire chemicals with intent to produce sarin
A quote...."The Turkish Republican Prosecutor in Adana has issued a 132-page indictment, alleging that six members of the al-Qaeda-aligned al-Nusra Front and Ahrar ash-Sham – one Syrian and five Turks – tried to acquire chemicals with the intent to produce the chemical weapon sarin. The Turkish newspaper Radikal reports that the suspects were under surveillance by Turkish police after they received information that the al-Nusra members tried to acquire two government-regulated military-grade chemical substances. 11 people were arrested in their safe house in the city of Adana in southeastern Turkey on May 23, 2013, after they had acquired some of the chemicals."

57 Iraqis Killed, 78 Wounded As Bombers Move East into Diyala province
AL-CIA'da & Saudi Parasitic Family Strike Again -- A quote...."Bombers returned to Diyala province where they attacked mosques in the Adhaim and Qara Tapa areas. More bombings and clashes took place elsewhere. At least 57 were killed and 78 more were wounded."

Libya Losing $130 Million Per Day From Oil Protests
A quote...."Libya’s prime minister Ali Zeidan has promised to act “in a timely manner” to break up protests at several large export terminals and oil fields across the country, after he claimed on Wednesday that the strikes had been costing nearly $130 million a day in lost oil revenue over the past month"

UK ex-minister denounces west for acting selectively towards Egypt
A quote..."A UK’s former minister and Labour Party politician has deplored western hegemony’s response to events in Egypt and its selective stance towards democracy in the country. "

Space Station’s Orbit to Be Raised Ahead of Crew Arrival
A quote...."MOSCOW, September 15 (RIA Novosti) – The orbit of the International Space Station (ISS) will be raised on Sunday by nearly one kilometer to ensure safe docking of a Russian spacecraft with new crew members, a spokesman for the Russian space agency said."

[IOF] Army Orders Jordan Valley Families to leave their Homes
A quote...."AL-MALEH, JORDAN VALLEY, September 14, 2013 (WAFA) – The Israeli military authorities Saturday informed several Bedouin families living in the northern Jordan Valley to leave their homes and move elsewhere because the army wants to carry out military exercises in that area, according to a local official."
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

[IOF] Soldiers Attack A Mentally-Challenged Woman In Hebron
A quote...."Friday evening [September 13, 2013] A number of Israeli soldiers violently attacked a mentally challenged Palestinian woman in Beit Ummar town, near the southern West Bank city of Hebron."

Report: “5200 Palestinians, Including 220 Children, Imprisoned By Israel
A quote...."The Census Department of the Palestinian Ministry of Detainees issued a report on Palestinian political prisoners held by Israel, revealing that Israeli soldiers kidnapped 2436 Palestinians since the beginning of this year, and that the number of detainees currently held by Israel is 5200."

20 years after Oslo, statistics show greater occupation and oppression
Which was the whole POINT of Oslo!! - mpg -- A quote...."As today marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Peace Accords between the Israeli occupation and a group of Palestinians, pro-justice rights activists have assembled some statistics about the on the ground developments since the signing of the agreement up until today."

Palestinian youth assert right of return with direct action
A quote...."During the summer of 2013 a new grassroots movement burst onto the scene and announced itself as a major development in the long struggle for the right of return for Palestinian refugees."

Israeli occupation leaves psychological not just physical scars
That's the idea, beat up them little kiddies REAL bad, perhaps even do bad THINGS to them, so they pee in their pants when they see you coming.  Israeli/Kazarian philosphy in action. - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

48 - 55% TOXIC Mercury in "Silver Fillings" Causing Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Central Nervous System Disorders - A quote...."Mercury amalgam dental fillings, commonly referred to as 'Silver' dental fillings, contain between 48 & 55 % mercury. -- While the American Dental Association originally denied that mercury from these fillings leaked vapor, which is absorbed into the bodies of persons having this dental filling material, in recent years, facing numerous studies to the contrary, have had to concede, that 'silver fillings', do leak mercury vapor, one of the most toxic substances known to man. -- The metallic mercury used by dentists to manufacture dental amalgam is shipped as a hazardous material to the dental office. When amalgams are removed, for whatever reason, they are treated as hazardous waste and are required to be disposed of in accordance with federal OSHA regulations and it is inconceivable that the mouth could be considered a safe storage container for this toxic material."

See Who Voted For/Against "Monsanto GMO Protection Act" in New Spending Bill
A quote...."WASHINGTON -- House Republicans will include an extension of the so-called Monsanto Protection Act in the spending bill designed to avert a government shutdown, according to text of the legislation released Wednesday by House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers (R-Ky.). -- The Monsanto measure was originally enacted into law in March by being slipped into the previous spending resolution, which is now set to expire."

Monsanto’s GM alfalfa contaminates Washington crops
A quote...."An eastern Washington field has been contaminated with Roundup Ready alfalfa, the state Ag Department confirmed on Friday. The farmer reports he did not plant it, nor wants it. -- Of course we knew this was going to happen. Alfalfa seeds are only 2mm in size and can spread for miles on the wind alone. The Oregon crew who sabotaged the GM beet fields in June didn’t go far enough."

Statins Fry Your Brain and Scramble Your Memory Like an Egg
A quote...."“But statin drugs don’t do that.” -- This was the answer Dr. Duane Graveline, MD, former NASA astronaut, heard repeatedly from doctors and pharmacists as he began to question whether Lipitor — a drug he now titles “Thief of Memory” — was the underlying cause of the transient global amnesia he experienced while taking the drug."

City Keeps Farmers' Market Shut Down on Technicalities
A quote...."In June, we reported on a David and Goliath fight between a longstanding farmers' market in Mount Jackson, Virginia and the city. It was a nonsensical decision on the city council's part to require the market operators to cough up $15-20,000 to pave a lot that had been used successfully on gravel for years. For the sake of "aesthetics." (Note: city councils are hurting their own economies for the sake of cookie-cutter appearances) It was literally 'Pave or Get Out.'"

Friday September 13th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Thursday September 12th 2013

More on the Recent US-NRE / Saudi Parasitic Family / Israeli / (FSA al-CIA'da) CW False Flag Attack against Syria's Civilians - With Presstituting Accessories....

Red War Warning Issuance....08-23-13 -- Red False Flag Warning Issuance....09-06-13

All Websites Please Monitor to Identify Possible Times & Targets
Due to all the articles posted on this website since 08-23-13 (shown below), the "war warning" issued, and basically in effect since 08-02-13, has been upgraded to a "red war warning" as of 08-23-13 -- The "false flag warning" issued, and also basically in effect since 08-02-13, due to many of the articles shown below, has been raised to a "red false flag warning" as of 09-06-13 - Obviously one "false-flag" has already occurred in Syria, the gas attack.  And it appears as of 09-03-13, Israel attempted  a second false flag when it launched an unannounced "missile test", a blatant attempt to provoke Syria into thinking the US was mounting a surprise attack and hoping, no doubt, to provoke Syria into a retaliatory response. -- They failed, this time. -- However the possibility that another major false-flag attack against "Western" targets to justify additional military adventures and also further the establishment of a police state in the US-NRE and other Anglo-Sphere countries is still extremely high.
False Flag Count So Far
>>>          2              <<<
Current False Flag Status >>>  Red Warning  <<<
Current War Status >>>  Red Warning  <<< is STRONGLY recommended that those security and intelligence service personnel still loyal to their nation's peoples, constitutions, and the rule of law, pay close attention to any and ALL activity being conducted by Israeli the US-NRE, the Gulf States and/or British terror support networks with particular emphasis on what any Israeli consulates, embassies, or commercial companies -- ESPECIALLY ANY Israeli companies involved with the securities  industry -- is doing over the next month or two. - mpg
The Next Event: Destruction on a Massive Scale
Red False Flag Warning - Special Note - A quote...."To the untrained eye, it would appear that the masses are waking up. People are becoming more informed. Local news stations are talking more about what used to be called “conspiracy theories”. Our opposition to further war in the Middle East has been noted and a crisis in Syria has been temporarily averted. The United States public seems to have achieved a small victory, right? -- To the trained eye, this is called diminishing returns. The old tactics used to deceive and manipulate the emotions of the public have become less effective over time. Does this mean that we are winning the fight, or that something more sinister is on the way?" - also posted at RINF
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Vladimir Putin Addresses America In NYT Op-Ed; Calls For Caution In Syria, Denounces "American Exceptionalism" -- Quote of the Day...."Recent events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders. It is important to do so at a time of insufficient communication between our societies. -- Relations between us have passed through different stages. We stood against each other during the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together. The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again. -- The United Nations’ founders understood that decisions affecting war and peace should happen only by consensus, and with America’s consent the veto by Security Council permanent members was enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The profound wisdom of this has underpinned the stability of international relations for decades. -- No one wants the United Nations to suffer the fate of the League of Nations, which collapsed because it lacked real leverage. This is possible if influential countries bypass the United Nations and take military action without Security Council authorization." -- *Vladimir Putin*

Assad Lays Down His Conditions: "US Must Stop Aiding Terrorists", Israel Disposing Of WMDs; Accuses Saudi, Qatar And Turkey - WOW!! - A quote...."It was only a matter of time before Syria's Assad, emboldened by Obama's recent backtracking and confident he has all the leverage and momentum, started laying down his own conditions. And here they are, as per RIA and Interfax citing an interview with Assad to air in its entirety later today on Rossia 24 TV...."
Assad's statements are utterly true, completely logical, thoroughly demonstrable, eminently fair, and there's absolutely ZERO chance of a single one of these suggestions EVER being implemented by the parasites in charge of this demented, vicious, psychotic, completely ZOG controlled declining empire of mayhem and murder. -- Syrian Girl Partisan will be happy though. -  mpg
Charlie Rose: Media Straight Man for Bashar el-Assad By Cameron Salisbury
Video - Special Note - Full/Interview - 8minSelectedSynopsis -  (YuTb - 57/8min - Sep 9, 2013) - Source:  mikenagoya -- A quote...."On Monday night, September 9, 2013, media personality Charlie Rose sat down with Syria’s leader Bashar el-Assad for an interview that lasted the better part of an hour. It was a remarkable conversation but not for the reasons that Charlie Rose is being treated like a conquering hero at CBS. The person who deserves the high-fives is Syria’s president. -- Bashar el-Assad learned from his past encounters with the American media’s selective tampering and this time had only one requirement: no editing before broadcast. Rose got the sit-down after guaranteeing that the interview would be broadcast intact, unadulterated by biased editing. -- And then an unedited Charlie Rose proceeded to turn himself into a perfect foil for the Syrian, showing himself as rabid as any other media puppet while allowing Assad to appear a principled and composed statesman." - Source: DandelionSalad - text also posted at OpEdInfo - bold by website editor

The Rigged Poker Hand That Obama Lost
Special Note - (This is a great read, highly entertaining. - mpg) -- A quote...."Obama has the dealer in his pocket for the heads-up poker match with Assad. The dealer slips Obama an Ace from the bottom of the deck. While some witnessed the slight of hand, others said it was an authentic deal. - Obama's sitting on Big Slick, holding a King of course and his secret Ace, while Assad is dealt a lousy 2-7 off suit, widely considered the worst starting hand in hold 'em. - With the hole cards dealt both players hold them close to the vest. Obama makes the first bet "All in!" he says, seemingly throwing caution to the wind but really knowing all along that the game is rigged...."

Chemical Deal in Syria Could Become Just Another Lever for Western Regime Change
Disarmament Equals National Death?? - An Analysis, a History, and a Prediction. - mpg -- A quote...."The scales seem to have tipped once again over the Syria crisis, this time weighing on the side of a possible diplomatic solution, instead of imminent US military strikes on the Arab country that many fear the White House is determined on pushing."

US exploits Russian proposal of talks to prepare new pretext for Syria war
Disarmament Equals National Death?? - An Analysis, a History, and a Prediction. - mpg -- A quote...."US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are due to meet today in Geneva for talks over Moscow’s plan for Syria to give up its chemical weapons. Even before the two sit down, however, the Obama administration has already made clear that the US intends to exploit the negotiations to provide a new pretext for its planned military onslaught on Syria."

Syria: The Axis Of Resistance Must Do More
Special Note - Nice Summation -- A quote...."The first propaganda wave to get U.S. citizen support for regime change in Syria was based on the usual nonsense of "democracy" and "freedom". It took too long because domestic support for the Syrian government was much bigger than anticipated and the Syrian state would not fold. After a while real news reports about the Syrian opposition leaked out and it became obvious that the Syrian government was fighting a bunch of criminals and Jihadis. The U.S. military and U.S. citizens balked against fighting on those folks' side."
"A new campaign was needed and the false-flag "chemical weapon" attack in a Damascus suburb was created to launch it. That campaign failed too. First in the British parliament and then in the U.S. congress. The plan was too obvious and the claim of evidence soon tuned out to be empty. Obama had driven himself into a corner. His credibility was at stake and he would probably have launched an open war on Syria even without congressional support. - Putin came to his rescue, Obama blinked and the campaign folded."

"A third campaign is now being build, this time over the Syrian-Russian offer to get rid of Syria's chemical weapons. Obama and some Senators are trying to build a new regime change base by declaring any purported delay of hick-up Syria's voluntary disarmament a casus belli. - This campaign is likely to also fail. Russia and China will not agree to any UN resolution that opens even the smallest possibility to be abused for a case against Syria." - bold by webiste editor
Western Rationality
Special Note - A quote..."[If] you liked the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the Vietnam War, the Kuwaiti incubators and the first Gulf War, the Racak massacre and the war in Kosovo, Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and the second Gulf War and the threats to Benghazi and the Libyan war? You will just love the gassing of civilians in Ghouta and the bombing of Syria...." - also posted at WarInIraq

Former French Foreign Minister: Anglo-French Operations Against Assad “Prepared, Preconceived And Planned”
A quote...."Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas recently told syrian news outlet SANA that plans to topple the Syrian Assad-government were in the making prior to the outbreak of the “crisis” that has now spiraled into an all-out civil war. -- Dumas, speaking on the Syrian situation, stated that prior to the outbreak of sectarian conflict within Syria, he was approached by two individuals at a party in London, asking the former French Foreign Minister “if he would like to participate in preparations for an attack on Syria to topple the government in it”, Dumas told SANA on July 1...."

Al Qaeda In Syria Had Sarin Before August Attack
FSA / al-Nustra / al-CIA'da & Their CW Weapons -- A quote...."In a classified document just obtained by WND, the U.S. military confirms that sarin was confiscated earlier this year from members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the most influential of the rebel Islamists fighting in Syria. -- The document says sarin from al-Qaida in Iraq made its way into Turkey and that while some was seized, more could have been used in an attack last March on civilians and Syrian military soldiers in Aleppo. -- The document, classified Secret/Noforn – “Not for foreign distribution” – came from the U.S. intelligence community’s National Ground Intelligence Center, or NGIC, and was made available to WND Tuesday. -- It revealed that AQI had produced a “bench-scale” form of sarin in Iraq and then transferred it to Turkey." - Source:  GrgWashBlog

Syrian militants and Israel get to keep [their] WMDs
Great Title - The Wahhabist terrorist foreign mercenaries get to keep their US, Israeli & Saudi supplied chemical weapons, but the legitimate government trying to defend themselves and their citizens from their attacks is supposed to give up theirs?!?!  You CAN'T get more ridiculous than that!! -  mpg -- A quote...."Our Intelligence community has also taken a big hit here, not only among the people but fellow retired professionals. America’s teaming up with the Saudi and Qatari funded terror brigades does not go down well with them. They see no real national security issue to justify this outrage."

Israelis Flying Aid to Syrian Rebels [Foreign Wahhabist Terrorists] Under the Cover of Humanitarianism
Zio-Terrorist Support Alert - A quote...."On September 7, The Economist’s “Pomegranate” blog on the Middle East reported Israeli “consternation” over President Obama’s “seeming lack of resolve” to bomb Syria. After noting the help that Israel’s army has been giving to the Syrian rebels, the piece ended with an account of the seemingly ordinary Israelis providing humanitarian aid to their neighbors...."

West [WILLFULLY!!] Blind to Lessons of Libya
Second Quote of the Day...."Gone from Libya are the representatives of the big oil giants, who were assured the removal of Muammar Qadaffi would give them control of Libya’s oil. The reality now is that Libya produces little oil. The country is divided into warring fiefdoms, many of them run by heavily armed militias who hate the West. It has a central government with little to no power. In essence, Libya, since NATO intervention in 2011, has become a miserable state that exports terrorism instead of oil." - See definition shown below....
Willful Blindness - Def.   (aka   Ignorance of Law, Willful Ignorance, or Contrived Ignorance) is a term used when an individual, group or entity seeks to avoid civil or criminal liability for a wrongful act or plan by intentionally attempting to put themselves in a position where they will supposedly be unaware, or ignorant, of facts that would render them criminally liable. -- It is a prosecutable offense and has been ruled as such by many courts.
UN Human Rights Council Declare Syrian CW Attack Evidence Falsified
Obama - BUSTED! - A quote...."On Monday, September 9, 2013, Syrian leaders and international experts submitted evidence to the 24th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.[1] -- Iranian News agency, which operates in the United States, said in their article, ‘UN rights council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake: Russia’, “The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a Tuesday statement that international experts as well as Syrian public and religious leaders presented their evidence to the 24th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on September 9. It also said evidence provided by numerous witnesses confirms that militants fighting against the Syrian government used chemical weapons in the Damascus suburb of western Ghouta last month.”

Obama Offers No Evidence Assad was Behind Poison Gas Attack in Damascus
Obama - BUSTED!....again -- A quote...."In what NPR called “perhaps President Obama’s last best chance” to make his case for launching a war against Syria, the president tellingly didn’t make a single effort to present hard, compelling evidence to prove that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad had been behind the alleged Sarin Aug. 21 attack on residents of a suburb of Damascus. - In fact, he presented not one piece of evidence at all." - also posted at AlethoNews - Because he's a craven, crawling, disgusting, lying, Zio-whore. The Israelis didn't just take some clay to create their Obama-Golem, they went to their most fetid, most vile, most odoriferous latrines to make him!!  - mpg

Identification of the dead children in Ghouta
Obama - BUSTED!....for the third time -- A quote...."Following the broadcasting of the images of the massacre in Ghouta, distributed by the Free Syrian Army and relayed by US and French services, Alawite families from Latakia have filed a complaint for murder. - Some of these videos were filmed and posted on Youtube before the events they picture [1]. - They show children suffocating from a chemical intoxication that can’t possibly be sarin gas (the latter provokes yellow drool, not white drool). - The children do not correspond to a sample of the population: they are all almost of the same age and have light hair. They are not accompanied by their grieving families. - They are in fact children who were abducted by jihadists two weeks before in Alawite villages in the surroundings of Latakia, 200km away from Ghouta." - Source:  WarInIraq
Obviously anybody in this country involved in helping to carry out this incident and murder these children has to be arrested, tried, and if convicted, well....death is way to easy.  This website editor leaves it up to the reader's imagination to decide what horrible punishment should be inflicted, slowly, on any US citizen caught facilitating this false flag. - mpg
Obama’s Humiliating Defeat [For Now]
Third Quote of the Day...."When presidents fail, it is a public spectacle. In his rush into unprovoked war against Syria, President Obama overplayed his hand. Shortly before he appeared on television on Wednesday, “Obama’s handlers advised him that his political position was, for the time being, untenable.” But he’ll soon be back on the warpath, meaner and more aggressive than ever." - bold by website editor - also posted at AlethoNews

12 Alawites killed by jihadists in Syria's Homs
Soon to be 1.2 MILLION Alawites if Obama has his way! - [Along with millions of Christians, Kurds, Jews (real ones) and many others] - mpg -- A quote..."Twelve civilians from Syria's Alawite minority, to which President Bashar al-Assad belongs, have been killed by jihadist fighters in the central province of Homs, a Syrian NGO said Wednesday. - Fighters from the Al-Nusra Front and another rebel group attacked three Alawite villages near the city of Homs Tuesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said."

[US] Troops oppose strikes on Syria by 3-1 margin
The cannon fodder speak up.  We ALL know how much input they have.  We ALL remember what Kazarian life time AIPAC/Israeli Consortium member, Henry Kissenger said about the US's armed forces. If you don't know, just type in his name and the phrase "dumb animals." - mpg

71* Christian Churches in Egypt Attacked, Looted and Burned
71 Churches!!  All on behalf of Israel's PNAC Protocols!!  Hagee's Hordes must be in a frothing frenzy of delight!!  If they had actually burned some Christians alive, Hagee's Hordes would have passed out from sheer ecstasy!! -- mpg - Topix ||  Hagee's Hordes  ||

After more than 10 years of hardship, Iraqi Christian calls it quits on Iraq
Another "success" for Hagee's Hordes and Israel's PNAC Protocols!! - They must be so happy!! - mpg -- A quote...."Fatin Yousef outlasted the US invasion and civil war, but threats and kidnappings finally drove her out of Iraq. Only one of her 60 relatives remains there." - bold by website editor - Topix ||  Hagee's Hordes  ||

RT live report: Syrian Army battles [foreign Wahhabist] Jihadists in ancient Christian village
Oh phooey!  Hagee's Hordes must be really upset about this!  Assad's forces managed to free a Christian village from the Hordes' fellow travelers, the Saudi Parasitic Family and Israel and drive out their psychotic, goulish, head-chopping Wahhabist terrorists. Hagee's Hordes must be gnashing their teeth in rage right about now. - mpg -- A quote...."Sporadic fighting continues after Syrian government troops have regained control of the village of Maaloula, a center of Christianity in the region. RT’s correspondent reports from the village, amid the shooting and fighter jets overhead." - Topix ||  Hagee's Hordes  ||

Frontline: Dramatic report as Syria Army battles jihadists in ancient Christian village
Related RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min37sec - Sep 12, 2013) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."The Syrian army is battling small groups of rebels who remain in the ancient Christian village of Maaloula. Opposition fighters linked to Al-Qaeda have been in control of the area for almost a week - reportedly looting religious sites and forcing residents to convert to Islam at gunpoint. RT's Maria Finoshina made it to the village following reports that government troops have re-captured it - but found pockets of resistance remain."

Additional recent articles regarding the US-NRE's & Israel's False Flag Gas Attack Against Syria....
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Jewish Supremacists Try to Deflect Attention away from Their Demands for New War
A quote...."Jewish Supremacists, faced with unprecedented exposure of their attempts at behind-the-scenes attempts to manipulate the goy into fighting yet another war on behalf of Israel, have launched a desperate rearguard action to try and convince observers that they are not really behind the demands for war."

Video: 7/7 London Bombings – Ludicrous Diversion
Contains Videos - A quote...."The police have, from the onset of their investigation, chosen to withold from the public almost every bit of evidence they claim to have and have provably lied about several aspects of the London Bombings. The mainstream news has wilfully spread false, unsubstantiated and unverifiable information, while choosing to completely ignore the numerous inconsistencies and discrepancies in the official story. The government has finally, after a year, presented us with their official narrative concerning the event. Within hours it was shown to contain numerous errors, a fact since admitted by the Home Secretary John Reid. They have continuously rejected calls for a full, independent public inquiry. Tony Blair himself described such an inquiry as a ludicrous diversion. What dont they want us to find out?"

International Jewish Lobby Gets UN to Blackball Speaker
A quote...."Free speech “will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.” These immortal words of Thomas Jefferson have guided the true spirit of Americans—but our enemies fear the truth. They love the Big Lie. They will embrace any error, no matter how irrational—so long as reason is suppressed."

Internet Encyclopedia Helps Brainwash Millions of Minds
ZOE Alert  - Censorship Warning - A quote...."In a series of damning emails exchanged with this writer, the predominant Internet-based website, Wikipedia admitted they subjectively censor material they deem to be controversial, in reference to the September 11, 2001 attacks, although their censoring is not limited to 9-11." - bold by website editor - Topix  ||  ZOE - Def.  ||

Israel stockpiled chemical weapons decades ago – CIA document
Are they going to be made to give up their chemical, biological and nuclear weapons? - mpg -- A quote.... "Israel is believed to have secretly built up its own stockpile of chemical and biological weapons decades ago, reports Foreign Policy, citing a recently unearthed CIA document. - American surveillance satellites uncovered in 1982 “a probable CW [chemical weapon] nerve agent production facility and a storage facility… at the Dimona Sensitive Storage Area in the Negev Desert,” states the secret 1983 CIA intelligence estimate obtained by Foreign Policy (FP). “Other CW production is believed to exist within a well-developed Israeli chemical industry,” the document adds." - Source:  RT

Israeli government closes case of killing of unarmed protester; cites ‘lack of evidence’ - How about the body?
A quote...."Four and a half years have passed since the killing of Bassem Abu Rahmeh by a tear gas canister fired at him directly from a short range. The death was documented by three video angles, but the Israeli state announced Monday it is closing the case citing lack of evidence -- Military Advocate General (MAG) Maj. Gen. Danny Efroni decided to close the case file in the investigation of the circumstances of the killing of Bil’in resident Bassem Abu Rahmeh, citing lack of evidence. The MAG made this decision in late July, and it was recently conveyed to the Israeli High Court of Justice as part of an updating statement by the Office of the State Attorney in a petition filed by Subhiya Abu Rahmeh, Bassem’s mother, together with Bil’in Village Council and Israeli human rights organizations B’Tselem and Yesh Din." - Source B'Tselem
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More Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

Are The Real Enemies In Syria Or Washington?
Must Read - A quote...."The definition of what makes an “enemy” may vary from person to person. But I would say that, generally, an enemy is one who has an active ability to do irreparable harm to you or your essential values. He is motivated by destruction, the destruction of all that you hold dear. He is capable and unrelenting. He is a legitimate threat. He will not compromise. He will not waver. He will do anything to wound you. He will not stop. He is possessed. -- Americans have spent the better part of a century being told who their enemies are with very little explanation or substantiation. We have blindly rallied around our patriotic prerogative without knowing the root cause of the conflict or the nature of the target we are told to annihilate. We have been suckered into war after war, conjured by international interests in order to lure us into accepting greater centralization and concentrated globalism. As a culture, I’m sorry to say, we have been used. We are a tool of unmitigated doom. We are the loaded gun in the hand of the devil. - This paradigm has done irreparable harm to our standing in the eyes of the peoples of the world. But until recently, it has done very little harm to us as a society. We have allowed ourselves to be used like a bloody club, but we have not yet felt the true pain or the true cost. We have been insulated from consequence. However, this comfortable situation is quickly coming to an end."

Libya's Destruction - Based On "Exceptionalism", Lies And Propaganda
A quote...."In an op-ed in the New York Times the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin warns the people of the United States against further interventions...."
"It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America’s long-term interest? I doubt it. Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan “you’re either with us or against us.”"
"Putin especially mentions Libya which he describes as now "divided into tribes and clans."
Libya today is worse than that. It has moved on into lawlessness and ruin. Only yesterday, a year after a U.S. ambassador was killed in Bengazi, the foreign ministry building there was attacked with a large bomb. The biggest concern for the "west" is of course the spice from Libya, which is no longer flowing."

Putin Steps Into World Leadership Role — Paul Craig Roberts
Special Note - A quote...."Putin’s article in the September 11 New York Times has the stuck pigs squealing. The squealing stuck pigs are just who you thought they would be–all those whose agendas and profits would be furthered by an attack on Syria by the obama Stasi regime. -- Included among the squealing stuck pigs are Human Rights Watch bloggers who seem to be financed out of the CIA’s back pocket. -- Does any institution remain that has not been corrupted by Washington’s money?"
Correction:  It's not "Washington's money" it's the privately owned (mostly by various foreign Kazarian families), for profit, predatory, so-called "Federal" Reserve's SCRIPT that's corrupting this nation.  Remember, "The First Law of Fiat Money & Leverage" - Def.  Any cohesive group that can print their own money and force others to accept it will ALWAYS be able to beat anyone and everyone who can't. They will" - mpg
Gassing Syrians - All the Cool Kids are doing it
A quote...."It's said that the first casualty of war is the truth. The fact is, the truth never raises its head above ground in most international affairs, least of all in war. -- So right now we have the United States (and others) claiming - without much more than a gut feeling - that the government of Syria has used toxic gas, probably sarin, on its own people. There isn't too much doubt about the occurrence of the event (although there are some who claim it never happened at all), but no conclusive indication of who was behind it, assuming it did take place. If, as the Syrian government claims, the rebels did it, guess who would have given them the poisons? [Hint: ... oh never mind, you know exactly who would have given them.] Bear in mind these are the same United States that ..."
"... so it is worth paying attention to them. Not because of their moral authority, of which they are entirely bereft, but because of their vast experience. It's safe to say they are horrified at the clumsiness of the poison gas events in Syria and are looking at them with a critical and professional eye."

Does US Comply with International Bio-Weapons Ban?
A quote...."While the issue of Syrian chemical weapons stockpile is hitting the world media headlines, little attention is paid on the problem of US compliance with its international obligations related to weapons of mass destruction."

Obama Regime Checkmated or Merely Stalled?
A quote...."The 24/7 mendacity and mainstream pounding of the lie concerning Assad’s use of chemical weapons is status quo. If only some television pundit would shout, "There’s no real proof that Assad used the chemical weapons. It was the rebels. Florida Congressman Alan Grayson publicly questioned this. As did the Russians, a German newspaper account and the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. And, hasn’t it been proven ad nauseum that the United States of America is the world's biggest user of chemical weapons? And let’s add GMOs and Chemtrails to this mix, shall we?"

From Hiroshima to Syria, the enemy whose name we dare not speak By John Pilger
A quote...."On my wall is the front page of Daily Express of September 5, 1945 and the words: “I write this as a warning to the world.” So began Wilfred Burchett’s report from Hiroshima. It was the scoop of the century. For his lone, perilous journey that defied the US occupation authorities, Burchett was pilloried, not least by his embedded colleagues. He warned that an act of premeditated mass murder on an epic scale had launched a new era of terror."

'Expect everything’: A new pretext to justify bombing Syria?
A quote...."While the Obama administration pays lip service to the Russian solution, there is no reason to believe that Washington will take its finger off the trigger."

National Security Archive: Kissinger and Chile:  The Declassified Record on Regime Change
A quote...."Kissinger pressed Nixon to overthrow the democratically elected Allende government because his “‘model’ effect can be insidious,” documents show -- On 40th anniversary of coup, Archive posts top ten documents on Kissinger’s role in undermining democracy, supporting military dictatorship in Chile. -- Kissinger overruled aides on military regime’s human rights atrocities; told Pinochet in 1976: “We want to help, not undermine you. You did a great service to the West in overthrowing Allende.”

The Other September 11: ‘The Battle of Chile’, Patricio Guzmán’s classic documentary
Video - Part/1 - Part/2 - Part/3 - (YuTb - 1hr30min each - Sep 11, 2013) - Source:  Links-IJSR -- A quote...."Patricio Guzmán’s classic documentary, The Battle of Chile. Uploaded on the 40th anniversary of US-backed General Augusto Pinochet’s bloody coup against the socialist government of Salvador Allende — the other “September 11″."

Obama’s foreign policy just as bad or worse than Bush’s – poll
A quote...."Nearly two-thirds of Americans say President Barack Obama’s handling of foreign policy is either equal to or worse than that of predecessor George W. Bush, a new poll reveals. -- The results of a recent Reason-Rupe poll published on Tuesday this week suggest that a majority of Americans — 64 percent — consider the current commander-in-chief’s job performance with regards to international affairs to be no better than Pres. Bush, who kick-started wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq during his eight years in the White House." - Source:  RT
WOW!!  --  Guess it's time to switch a RepubDemo back into office to begin the disabusement process all over again.  Who knows....this one might last for only four more years of endless, relentless, mayhem and murder, grinding economic impoverishment and additional constitution destroying enslavement to the Banksters - instead of the usual eight - before the Amerikan people "wake-up" - (Some more?) - (Again?) - and switch (i.e. have "selected" on their behalf) a DemoRepub back into office to begin the process....all -- over -- again. - mpg.

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9/11 - 2013 - A Special Memorial Section - Culled From Today's Postings Across The Web

Interview 747 – James Corbett Talks 9/11 Truth on The Power Hour
Must Listen CRAudio - (CRYuTb - 40min - Sep 11, 2013) - Source:  CRYuTb - Website:  CorbettReport - Webiste:  CRBlpTV -- A quote...."James joins Joyce Riley of The Power Hour to discuss the 9/11 anniversary, the ridiculous nature of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, and what we really do know about what happened that day. We also take calls and answer listener questions about 9/11 truth."

911 - Echoes of Darkness [Mini-documentary]
Must View SCGVideo - (SCGYuTb -  16min51sec - Sep 11, 2013) - Source:  StormCloudsGathering - Related:  SCGFcBk - Related:  SCGTwtr -- A quote...."The powers that be shredded the constitution and took you into a series of wars that have left countless civilians dead based on this event. You owe it to your children and grand children to take another look at it."

Interview 748 – James Corbett on the Psychopolitics of 9/11
CRAudio - (CRYuTb - 40min - Sep 12, 2013) - Source:  CRYuTb - Website:  CorbettReport - Webiste:  CRBlpTV -- A quote...."On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by the host of The Corbett Report, James Corbett. James and Guillermo discuss the 9/11 Truth Movement, pitfalls and successes—its past, present, and future. - We discuss the political, sociological and psychological effects of 9/11, to what extent these effects linger 12 years later, the importance of focusing research efforts into specific questions of “who” and “why” rather than quibbling over “how,” and the potential avenues available to take and seek real answers and accountability."

9/11 CNN Reports World Trade Center Tower 7 Collapse Before it Happens
Video - (YuTb - 1min59sec -  Aug 15, 2011) - Source:  ProdigalSon888 -- A quote...."Over an hour before the WTC 7 demolition at approximately 4:13 pm on September 11th, 2001 Aaron Brown reports - "Building 7, in the WTC complex, is on fire and has either collapsed, or is collapsing..."

WTC7 in Freefall: No Longer Controversial
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 9min34sec - Feb 12, 2010) - Source:  DavidChandler911 -- A quote...."This video tracks the motion of the NW corner of Building 7 of the World Trade Center on 9/11 2001. The building was in freefall for a period of ~2.5 seconds. This means it was falling through itself for over 100 feet with zero resistance, an impossibility in any natural scenario. This period of freefall is solid evidence that explosives had to be used to bring the building down. In the final draft for public comment (August 2008) NIST denied that WTC7 fell at freefall. In the final report in Nov 2008 they reversed themselves and admitted freefall, but denied its obvious significance."

FLASHBACK - The Day Before 9/11: 'Missing' Trillions From The Pentagon
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 3min10sec - May 24, 2007) - Source:  KK -- A quote...."Do you know what happened, just 1 DAY BEFORE 911 WTC attacks! Only one day before!"

9-11: An Israeli Operation From Start to Finish...
Video - (YuTb - 1hr18min04sec - Apr 7, 2013) - Source:  ravenise004 -- A quote...."Mark Dankof interviews Dr. Robert Sungenis in discussing what has been deemed by pro-Israel warmongers as the 'crime of the century'. The material in the video is based on Sungenis' comprehensive review of Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World. " - For references cited with this video see....9/11 - Who Really Benefited From It!! - (You KNOW Who!)

911 Clues Everyone Missed
Video - (YuTb - 9min41sec - Feb 12, 2007) - Source:  antiklaus -- A quote...."A very interesting look at 'eyewitnesses' on 9/11."
9/11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA - US Consulate Whistleblower
Multi-Video Links

Imagine the MSM letting a Muslim owner of the WTC who was friends with Saddam Hussein get away with a story like this? - Video - Alt - (YuTb - 2min56sec - Jun 2, 2011) - Source:  wearechangenj -- A quote...."I'll let you fill in the caption on this one."

The FBI took a powder: Things you never knew about 9/11
A quote...."If the Bush Administration lied to justify waging a war against Iraq, what truths still lie buried beneath the official explanation for what happened on September 11 2001? -- Before discussion about 9/11 was squeezed—in a pincer movement worthy of Hitler’s Panzer divisions—between the so-called “official story” and the subsequent campaign of disinformation that gave conspiracy a bad name, there were some promising avenues of investigation where definitive answers might still be possible. -- Here are a few that remain at the top of my list. There are many others."

False-flag meme goes viral on 9/11 anniversary
A quote...."On the 12th anniversary of 9/11, everyone is talking about false-flag operations. - Pat Buchanan, a leading American conservative, says that the Syria chemical weapons incident “reeks of a false flag operation.” Buchanan says he cannot believe that Syrian President Assad would be so stupid as to order a chemical strike with no military purpose except to invite the US to bomb his country." - Source:  PressTV

Legal Scholars Question Government’s 9/11 Testimony
A quote...."Legal experts say that the government destroyed evidence, concocted fake evidence and  obstructed justice in connection with the 9/11 investigation. -- Lawyers know that “conspiracies” are alleged every day by prosecutors and by plaintiffs in civil suits. They know that – just as with allegations of trespass, or defamation, or any other claim of wrongdoing – conspiracy allegations often fall apart under investigation, but that many – even big ones – turn out to be true. -- The best lawyers value the Constitution and the rule of law, are able to examine evidence and to spot cover-ups or inconsistencies in the evidence and bias in witnesses or decision-makers, and are good at weighing conflicting evidence. It is therefore interesting to note that numerous high-level legal scholarsquestion the government’s official story about 9/11...."

AFP PODCAST: 9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks
A quote...."In the first ever interview of its kind, AMERICAN FREE PRESS speaks with the police officer responsible for arresting the “Dancing Israelis” on September 11, 2001, who were caught filming and celebrating while the World Trade Center burned and people died."

'9/11 was an inside job' says Italian member of parliament on floor of house
A quote...."Paolo Bernini speaking in parliament on 11th September. Screenshot. Repubblica TV/Camera dei Deputati - An Italian MP has described the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in which around 3,000 people were killed, as “an inside job” and slammed the official version of events as a “conspiracy”. - Bernini, an MP for the Five Star Movement (M5S) was speaking in parliament on Thursday, the 12th anniversary of the attacks. - He said that the official version of the event has been “proved wrong from every point of view”. - “It’s clearly false and by now, the world has realized.”"

9/11 References From WRH ....
The 11th Anniversary of 9/11 ~ Paul Craig Roberts
From the History File - September 11, 2012 - A quote...."In order to understand the improbability of the government’s explanation of 9/11, it is not necessary to know anything about what force or forces brought down the three World Trade Center buildings, what hit the Pentagon or caused the explosion, the flying skills or lack thereof of the alleged hijackers, whether the airliner crashed in Pennsylvania or was shot down, whether cell phone calls made at the altitudes could be received, or any other debated aspect of the controversy. - You only have to know two things...."
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

Another Reason The NSA Needs To Go: It's Been Doing What It Explicitly Was Told Not To Do
A quote...."One of the key things that people quickly realized after last week's revelation about the NSA putting backdoors into encryption, was that this was exactly what the federal government had tried to do with the Clipper Chip back in the 90s, and after a public debate, it was rejected. The battle over the Clipper Chip was one of the key legal/tech battles of the 1990s." - also posted at AlethoNews

Brazilian lawmakers plan Russia visit to meet Snowden on NSA spying
A quote...."Brazilian legislators plan to visit Russia in a bid to meet with American whistleblower and ex-employee of the National Security Agency (NSA) Edward Snowden over NSA’s massive spying efforts against Brazil. "

It has been revealed recently that the US government and the NSA share nearly all data with the Israeli government.
ZOG Alert - A quote...."It has been revealed that the US and Israeli governments have what they call a ‘memorandum of understanding’, allowing the transfer of ‘raw intelligence data’[1] directly to the Israeli government, without first sifting through it at all. -- The US government gave the Israeli government massive amounts of data, likely to contain Americans’ emails, and even phone conversations. -- Not only is the US and NSA spying on every American citizen, and people of other countries, but Israel has access to the data, and many other governments, and whoever really controls those governments." - bold by website editor

Treason: Israel Gets Tons of Top Secret Unedited Data from U.S. Government, Officials and Citizens
ZOG Alert - A quote...."The Guardian newspaper has published a top secret document provided by whistle-blower Edward Snowden, that reveals the US National Security Agency (NSA) shares “raw intelligence data” with Israel, without first removing information about US citizens. -- The document that Snowden provided is a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the NSA and its Israeli counterpart the Israeli Sigint National Unit (ISNU) “pertaining to the protection of US persons.” -- The MOU discloses that Israel receives raw signal intelligence (“raw Sigint”) from the US which includes unevaluated and unminimized transcripts, gists, facsimiles, and voice and Digital Network Intelligence metadata and content."
To all the peoples in the United States.  -- You ever wonder folks why your politicians seem so beholden to the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium?  You every wonder why they seem so fearful of them?  Ever wonder why they pilgrimage to Tel Aviv whenever they're seeking to run for office?  Why more than a fifth go to Israel on all expense paid vacations, paid for by the Israeli government, every two years?  Why the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium seems to get its way EVERY SINGLE TIME!! - Now you know WHY!! - mpg
NSA Shares Raw Intelligence Including Americans' Data With Israel
ZOG Alert - (Related Article) -- A quote...."The National Security Agency routinely shares raw intelligence data with Israel without first sifting it to remove information about US citizens, a top-secret document provided to the Guardian by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals...."
To all the peoples in the other 190 countries throughout the world.  --  You remember all those business deals you tried to negotiate, but for some strange reason your Israeli competitors always won the contract?  You remember all those bank loans you needed to complete your deals that somehow always seem to "fall through" at the last minute?  You remember how your politicians just kept voting for completely insane provisions to help Israeli interests and Kazarian businesses in your country while constantly hurting yours?  You remember how all those mass-media outlets in your country always seem to spout Israeli propaganda, or be owned by Kazarian interests? Every wonder why Kazarians SEEM so LUCKY in their business dealings? -- Now you know WHY!! - mpg  -- Topix  ||  Israel's Net Control  ||
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Widow of FBI Murdered Ibragim Todashev Tells All
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 34min14sec - Sep 12, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - A quote...."Alex welcomes to the broadcast vis Skype Reni Todashev, wife of Ibragim Todashev, the man shot in the head by the FBI while interrogating him for his relationship with the oldest suspected Boston bomber Tamerland Tsarnaev." - Topix ||  Boston Bombing - The FBI's Blatant Murder of Ibragim Todashev  ||  The Nation's Privy Cleaners - 04-26-10 - mpg  ||

U.S. Officials Protect Mexican Drug Lords
A quote...."In late July, a group of retired United States Border Patrol agents, writing on behalf of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO), released a public letter warning the American people that violent Mexican drug cartels are operating all across the U.S., building networks, recruiting assets, and cementing their dominance over the lucrative, and socially destructive, drug trade." - Topix ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

No jail time for pastor convicted of raping boys to ‘cure’ homosexuality
A PERFECT example, in so many ways and on so many levels, of what this "society" has become!  -- Up is down, black is white, war is peace, ignorance is strength, marriage is "defined" to be it's EXACT opposite, as between those of the same sex, more debt cures....debt, more homosexuality "cures"....homosexuality, and other equally ludicrous assertions by this nation's decadent, perverted, cultural and political mavens along with its moronic chattering class. -- NO responsibility, NO rationality, NO common sense, NO decency whatsoever, and most importantly....NO justice!! - mpg

Richard Dawkins Defends Pedophiles by Evoking Moral Relativism
Oh look, another sterling example of "Kazarian" philosophy in action, what joy, what happiness, what bliss. - mpg -- A quote...."In a recent magazine interview Richard Dawkins used an argument of moral relativism to defend pedophiles, even pedophiles that he himself was victimized by in his youth." -- One guesses "if you can't beat them join them" is his motto? Or is this an example of the Stockholm syndrome? - mpg

2 Colo. lawmakers ousted in gun control recalls - Hip Hip Hooray!! - OK, maybe voting DOES work! - mpg
A quote...."DENVER (AP) — Two Democratic state lawmakers who backed tighter gun laws in the aftermath of mass shootings have been kicked out of office in a recall election promoted by both grassroots activists and the National Rifle Association. - Senate President John Morse lost by just 343 votes Tuesday in a swing district in the Republican stronghold of Colorado Springs but Sen. Angela Giron lost by a bigger margin in a largely blue-collar district that favors Democrats. - The NRA said the election sent a clear message to lawmakers that they should protect gun rights and be accountable to their constituents, not to "anti-gun billionaires" — a swipe against New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who supported Giron and Morse."

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  Sep 11th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  Sep 11th, 2013) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the US-NRE al-CIA'da/FSA Saudi Parasite false-flag chemical attack on Syria, the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Webster G. Tarpley on The Jeff Rense Program - Sept 4, 2013
WTAudio - (WTFlshPlyr - 30min - Sept 4, 2013) - Source:  WebsterTarpley - Related:  DnLdMp3 - Related:  WTRadio - Related: JRenseYuTb - Related:  Rense - A quote...."Stimson, Lovett, Harrison, Bundy, Harriman, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., and Now Kerry: The Skull & Bones Death Cult and the Genesis of US National Catastrophes."

Lew Rockwell: The Empire is Beginning to Crumble
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 34min11sec - Sep 12, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Related:  Lew Rockwell - Related: LRPodCasts -- A quote...."Ron Paul's former congressional chief of staff and author Lew Rockwell joins the show to discuss these latest revelations on the Syrian civil war."

Truth vs The "Official" Story
AJVideo - (Alex may not be totally spot-on regarding power relationships and following the money, but on "channeling" the evil ones on an intuitive basis, knowing what their dark twisted desires and Satanic motivations are while vividly describing them, there's none better. - mpg) - (AJYuTb - 11min49sec - Sep 12, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel  -- A quote...."Truth in relating to the attitudes of America toward the World at large and the dangers if we continue on the road of huberous."

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  Sep 12th, 2013
Must Listen MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  Sep 12th, 2013) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the US-NRE al-CIA'da/FSA Saudi Parasite false-flag chemical attack on Syria, the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Modern Day Financial Repression and Disinformation:
Must Read - A quote...."America in the last couple of decades has undergone a massive reformation when it comes to the financial system.  The ability to convert everything and anything into a tradable security has been the biggest goal of Wall Street and has captured our entire economy like a starving grizzly bear chowing down on Alaskan salmon.  Even once stale real estate, once thought of as the cornerstone of wealth for most Americans is now a volatile and speculative commodity where large hedge funds dive in and out like bombers for quick profits.  The end result is that more Americans are finding it harder to keep up while most of the wealth aggregates in fewer and fewer hands."

Keiser Report: America's Curse (E496)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Sep 12, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - Related:  StacyOnTwitter -- A quote...."Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss America's curse: dollar printing or JP Morgan? They also examine the truth about the fact that despite a mere $4 extra to manufacture a smartphone in America rather than in China, production will remain overseas. In the second half, Max travels upriver to interview Turd Ferguson of outside JP Morgan's Park Avenue headquarters. Turd reports that JPMorgan has 'cornered' the Comex gold market and also comments on the bank's silver short and their 'rogue' commodities desk, reportedly being investigated by the FBI for obstruction of justice."
Quotable quote....regarding the JPMorgan trader who stayed at his desk in one of the WTC towers on 9/11 to continue his trades, and who did not survive his own greed and love of money, Max commented...."He died with his puts on.", indeed he did. - mpg
US income inequality soars to highest levels on record
Banksters Win Again - A quote...."Three years into the Obama administration’s economic “recovery,” the richest sections of the US population now concentrate in their hands a greater portion of the national income than at any point in nearly a century. -- Between 2009 and 2012, total US income grew by 6 percent, according to an updated study by economists Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty. However, 95 percent of this growth went to the top 1 percent. For the bulk of the population, real incomes have fallen sharply. - bold underline by website editor - See related article shown below....
Top 1% Take Biggest Income Slice On Record!!
Banksters Win Again -- A quote...."The gulf between the richest 1% of the USA and the rest of the country got to its widest level in history last year. -- The top 1% of earners in the U.S. pulled in 19.3% of total household income in 2012, which is their biggest slice of total income in more than 100 years, according to a an analysis by economists at the University of California, Berkeley and the Paris School of Economics at Oxford University. -- The richest Americans haven't claimed this large of a slice of total wealth since 1927, when the group claimed 18.7%. The analysis is based on data from Internal Revenue Service data." - bold/underline by website editor - posted  09-10-13
This is a complete list of Wall Street CEOs prosecuted for their role in the financial crisis
Banksters Win Again - A quote...."
  1. No one.
  2. LOL.
  3. Wall Street’s lawyers are amazing.
  4. Etc. Etc.
"It’s not that federal government tried to prosecute a bunch of them but lost the cases. There were no serious efforts at criminal prosecutions at all. -- Which isn’t to say nobody is in jail. There have been prosecutions of various mortgage brokers and other small fish who lied or encouraged clients to lie on their applications for a home loan. The crisis exposed some outright fraudsters who are now in the slammer, such as Bernie Madoff and Allen Stanford. And, yes, major banks have been working through billions of dollars in civil settlements for shady behavior in the runup to the crisis." - Source:  WaPo - This is posted at WaPo??  How did that happen?  Guess one of their editor's let this one slip by. - mpg

Peter Schiff: Choosing between Fed candidates is like choosing how you want to be executed
Title of the Day - (And a quotable quote) -- A quote...."It doesn’t matter who takes over as the next chair of the Federal Reserve because the central bank isn’t going to slow its monthly asset purchases. - “It’s like choosing how you want to be executed,” said Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital in an animated address ahead of an investment banking conference held by his firm in Manhattan Tuesday."

They Denied That We Were In A Depression In 1933 And They Are Doing It Again In 2013
A quote...."The more things change, the more things stay the same.  The Great Depression actually started in 1929, but as you will see below, as late as 1933 the Associated Press was still pumping out lots of news stories with optimistic economic headlines and many Americans still did not believe that we were actually in a depression.  And of course we are experiencing a very similar thing today.  The United States is in the worst financial shape that it has ever been in, our economic infrastructure is being systematically gutted, and poverty is absolutely exploding."

[US] Employment: Trending Down
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...." Charts and data provided by longtime correspondent B.C. reflect what many know from first-hand experience: employment is trending down. The growth rate of employment is declining over time, as positive growth weakens and recessionary declines deepen. -- Though the 3-year average annual change has improved to near-zero, the 5-year (i.e. longer-term trendline) is still solidly negative."

France To Miss Deficit Target, Finance Minister Says
A quote...."French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici says Paris will miss the deficit target it agreed with the European Union for 2013, reducing the government’s growth forecast for 2014."
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More On The International Situation....

Syrian Army Destroys Al-Nusra’s Military Base in Reef Lattakia
A quote...." The army units attacked the Al-Nusra Front’s gathering centers and positions in Reyhania village in Reef Lattakia destroying their military base. -- The Syrian troops also raided and destroyed several concentration points of Al-Nusra terrorists in Marj Khukheh village of Salmi region in Reef Lattakia. More than 20 terrorists were killed during the army operations in Marj Khukheh."

Russia’s Vladimir Putin Orders Missile Defense Shipment to Iran
A quote...."September 11, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "Washington Times" - The Washington Times --- Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his government on Wednesday to send five high-tech surface-to-air missile defense systems to Iran, a move intended in part to put a stop to Tehran’s $4 billion lawsuit over a contract dispute. - The shipment includes five S300VM Antey-2500 missile systems, United Press International reported. - Iran’s ambassador to Russia, Seyed Mahmoud Reza Sajadi, welcomed the announcement and said his country now will drop its lawsuit, which stems from a 2007 agreement. Then, Russia promised to give the country five missile defense systems that were modified versions of the S300 types. After Russia reneged, Iran sued."

Suicide bombs hit Egypt military in Sinai, kill 9
A quote...."The bombings in the town of Rafah on the border with the Gaza Strip appear to be a deadly response by insurgents to a military crackdown on their north Sinai hideouts that has reportedly left over three dozen dead. -- Suicide attacks are a new element in the wave of political violence triggered initially by the ouster of Egypt’s Islamist president Mohamed Morsi on July 3, and intensified by a violent crackdown on his supporters’ protest camps. They suggest that Al Qaeda-inspired groups may be developing a new capability to strike at security and other targets, both in Sinai and elsewhere in Egypt."

Blast strikes Benghazi 1 year after US consulate bombing
A quote...."A bomb explosion has caused serious damage to the Foreign Ministry building in the Libyan city of Benghazi. It comes on the anniversary of the attack on the US consulate in that city which killed the ambassador and three aides."

Iraqi Oil is Not in American Hands
A quote...."The main players among foreign concerns taking control of Iraqi mineral resources are Asian companies. Given their enormous human resources and the growing economies of these countries, there is nothing surprising in the fact that they are taking on a lot of Iraqi projects. Russian and other European participants of previous tenders also managed to regain their place in the sun and start implementing major projects in Iraq."

Russia Orbits 3 Telecoms Satellites – Defense Ministry
A quote...."PLESETSK, September 12 (RIA Novosti) – Russia has orbited three communications satellites, a Defense Ministry spokesman said Thursday. - “The Rokot carrier rocket, launched today at 03:23 a.m. Moscow Time [23:23 GMT Wednesday] from the Plesetsk state space launch site, successfully put three Gonets-M communications satellites into the final orbit in due time,” Col. Alexei Zolotukhin said."

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: China’s NATO?
A quote...."On Friday leaders of Central Asian nations will meet at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. China arguably wields the most power of the countries involved, and the propaganda mills in Beijing are pumping out content hailing the importance of the upcoming meeting. In the end, though, what does it really mean for the Middle Kingdom?"

Syria To Be Main Topic At Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit
A quote...."MOSCOW: The settlement of the conflict in Syria will be one of the main topics on the agenda of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit to be held in Bishkek on September 13, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov told reporters on Thursday. -- “One of the main topics on the agenda is the settlement of the conflict in Syria,” he stressed." - Source:  Itar-Tass
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Israel bars entry of Polish humanitarian worker, halts irrigation project
A quote...."srael's Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a decision to bar entry to the Jewish state to a Polish humanitarian worker for having unspecified links to "terrorist elements". - Although Kamil Qandil had a valid visa when he landed at Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv on September 2, he was refused entry by immigration officials and held at the airport as he filed an appeal." - also posted at AlethoNews

Seven Injured By Army Fire In Askar Refugee Camp
A quote...."Palestinian medical sources in Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank, have reported that seven residents have been injured by Israeli army fire after dozens of soldiers invaded the Askar refugee camp, east of the city, and kidnapped several residents."

[IOF] Army Kidnaps Five In Jenin, Demolish Structures
A quote...."[Thursday September 12, 2013] Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded several areas in the northern West bank city of Jenin, kidnapped five Palestinians, and confiscated computers and tractors. Soldiers also demolished a building and structures."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (05- 11 September 2013)
THIS is what the ISRAELI people, NOT their government, have done to another they have had advantage over every single day for the last sixty years without respite or pause.  This is just one week's total! -- Would you trust any group of people that remorselessly, relentlessly, sadistically, without a qualm, or a twinge of conscience, did these things to another every single day for OVER SIXTY YEARS?  Would you do "business" with them?  Would you want to associate with them? Just think about what they would do to YOU and YOUR family if they got control over your community!! - mpg
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto, DuPont pour millions into GMO fight
A quote...."Big money is making a comeback in the GMO-labeling battle, but opponents argue that the food industry’s dollars might not carry as much weight this time around."

Monsanto faces another Supreme Court challenge - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The latest group to challenge Monsanto is heading to the US Supreme Court, this time to seek a covenant not to sue when their crops become genetically contaminated. -- The Organic Growers and Seed Traders Assn., et al. filed their petition for writ of certiorari on Sept. 5, appealing a lower court ruling that determined that Monsanto’s website and court statements promising not to sue rendered OSGATA’s action moot."

22 Medical Studies That Show Vaccines Can Cause Autism
A quote...."Concerns regarding vaccinations continue to increase exponentially in light of all of the information and documentation that has surfaced over the past few years. As a result, corporate media has responded to alternative media, stating that the increase of persons who are choosing to opt out of vaccines and the recommended vaccine schedule is a result of ‘fear mongering.’"

Huge Study Finds 5-fold Increase in ADHD Medication Use in Kids and Teens
A quote...."Use of stimulant medications to treat Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents has increased significantly over the past several years - around the globe. Recently, we reported a staggering increase in the UK for children as young as three. That report included information of U.S. sales of ADHD stimulants more than doubling between 2007 and 2012, from $4 billion to $9 billion."

EPA okays BPA, disses public’s right-to-know
A quote...."Among several “chemicals of concern” recently removed from a list of proposed regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency, Bisphenol A, a neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor that also damages DNA, has been banned in several other nations and in eleven US states."

NHK: Attempts to stop Fukushima contamination flowing into ocean have failed
A quote...."A nuclear expert says radioactive groundwater at the crippled plant in Fukushima is likely still flowing into the sea. - Attempts by [Tepco] to stop the water appear to have had little effect. [...] - Head researcher at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Seiji Takeda, says levels of radioactive tritium in water samples from the wells and the nearby sea suggests the groundwater is to blame."

Fukushima tritium levels spike 15-fold in three days
A quote...."In just three days, readings of tritium in groundwater near the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant have soared more than 15 times, the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant admitted. - Results of recently tested water taken from the well some 20 meters south from a number of storage tanks have showed that levels of tritium have now reached 64,000 becquerels per liter."

Wednesday September 11th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Tuesday September 10th 2013

More on the Recent US-NRE / Saudi Parasitic Family / Israeli / (FSA al-CIA'da) CW False Flag Attack against Syria's Civilians - With Presstituting Accessories....

Red War Warning Issuance....08-23-13 -- Red False Flag Warning Issuance....09-06-13

All Websites Please Monitor to Identify Possible Times & Targets
Due to all the articles posted on this website since 08-23-13 (shown below), the "war warning" issued, and basically in effect since 08-02-13, has been upgraded to a "red war warning" as of 08-23-13 -- The "false flag warning" issued, and also basically in effect since 08-02-13, due to many of the articles shown below, has been raised to a "red false flag warning" as of 09-06-13 - Obviously one "false-flag" has already occurred in Syria, the gas attack.  And it appears as of 09-03-13, Israel attempted  a second false flag when it launched an unannounced "missile test", a blatant attempt to provoke Syria into thinking the US was mounting a surprise attack and hoping, no doubt, to provoke Syria into a retaliatory response. -- They failed, this time. -- However the possibility that another major false-flag attack against "Western" targets to justify additional military adventures and also further the establishment of a police state in the US-NRE and other Anglo-Sphere countries is still extremely high.
False Flag Count So Far
>>>          2              <<<
Current False Flag Status >>>  Red Warning  <<<
Current War Status >>>  Red Warning  <<< is STRONGLY recommended that those security and intelligence service personnel still loyal to their nation's peoples, constitutions, and the rule of law, pay close attention to any and ALL activity being conducted by Israeli the US-NRE, the Gulf States and/or British terror support networks with particular emphasis on what any Israeli consulates, embassies, or commercial companies -- ESPECIALLY ANY Israeli companies involved with the securities  industry -- is doing over the next month or two. - mpg
Exposed: Planned false flag attack on Israel to blame Syria
Red False Flag Warning - Contains RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min30sec - Sep 9, 2013) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."A chemical attack may be launched on Israel by Syrian rebels from government-controlled territories as a “major provocation,” multiple sources told RT. -- The report comes as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov proposed that Syria puts its chemical weapons arsenal under international control for subsequent destruction in order to prevent a possible military strike against the war-torn country."

URGENT: False Flag Involving Israel to Implicate Syria in the Works Says RT
Red False Flag Warning - A quote...."After a stunning geopolitical move by Russia and Syria involving the surrendering of Syria's chemical weapons arsenal, the special interests seeking war have been forced to adjust their rhetoric and timetable around what is now a quickly dissolving casus belli."

Syrian rebels plan chemical attack on Israel from Assad-controlled territories – media
Red False Flag Warning - A quote...."A chemical attack may be launched on Israel by Syrian rebels from government-controlled territories as a “major provocation”, a number of sources have told RT." - Source:  VoiceOfRussia

For more on this issue click here - (09-06-13) & click here - (09-08-13)
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Disarmament Equals National Death?? - An Analysis, a History, and a Prediction.

Chemical Attack on Syria - Who Did It And Why
Must View SGPVideo - Geo-Political Analysis -  - Prediction Alert - (If this analysis is true, and at this point this website editor gives it a one out of three chance that it is, it's horrible!! - mpg) - (SGPYuTb - 3min13sec - Sep 5, 2013) - Source:  SGPYuTbRelated:  SGPFaceBook - Related:  SGPTwitter - A quote...."This is a run down on the chronology and all the evidence leading up to and after the chemical weapons attack in Damascus."

If Syria Disarms Chemical Weapons We Lose The War
Must View Related SGPVideo - Geo-Political Analysis - (SGPYuTb - 3min13sec - Sep 9, 2013) - Source:  SGPYuTbRelated:  SGPFaceBook - Related:  SGPTwitter - A quote...."This is what this war is about! This is what our soldiers bled for. Only so we can give up our strategic defence? - Why should #Syria not demand that #Israel give up its chemical weapons? - From Our Cold Dead Hands!"

Is Assad Being Set Up?
Must View Related AJVideo - Geo-Political Analysis - (AJYuTb -  8min47sec - Sep 10, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Is President Bashar Al-Assad being tricked into creating circumstances that will hand the Obama White House a justification for war, or is the plan for Syria's chemical weapons to be destroyed a geopolitical master stroke that will avert a regional conflict?"

'US neocon fanatics will target Syria no matter what Assad does'
Must View Related RTVideo - Geo-Political Analysis - (RTYuTb -  3min39sec - Sep 10, 2013) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Barack Obama's hard-pressed to avoid repeating the mistakes of his predecessor, who attacked Iraq without UN approval and under what turned out to be a false pretext. Reaction on this, RT is joined by British journalist and broadcaster Neil Clark."
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State Department reveals Hillary Clinton received $500K worth of jewelry from Saudi king
A quote...."Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz gave Hillary Clinton a half-million worth of diamond and ruby jewelry."

Saudi Arabia effectively bans free speech on Internet
A quote...."Saudi Arabia said Monday it will outlaw the dissemination of information on the Internet for the benefit of “terrorist” groups, in line with a decision taken by Gulf Arab monarchies."

US Selling Cluster Bombs Worth $641 million to Saudi Arabia
A quote...."Arms control advocates are decrying a new U.S. Department of Defense announcement that it will be building and selling 1,300 cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia, worth some 641 million dollars."

Saudis, Israel Lobbying U.S. for Attack on Syria
A quote...."The two strongest voices pushing for war with Syria come from two nations that typically prefer to remain in the shadows – Saudi Arabia, who’ve recently negotiated openly with John Kerry to bankroll the proposed bombing campaign, and Israel, via AIPAC, who have launched a high-pressure lobbying campaign to gain support from Congress." - bold by website editor -- Topix  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Gruesome Videos of Barry Sotero's Troops in Syria
Various Videos - (Warning:  Grim) -- A quote...."The coming war will be a banker's war, fought to wipe off the enormous amount of debt incurred by the Federal Reserve providing protection for those 'Too Big to Fail' Wall Street Casinos who, through their greed, arrogance and stupidity, have run up debts over 700 TRILLION by betting on derivatives. -- There's not enough gold in the solar system to pay off that amount, but it could be wiped off the books by ginning up a war in Syria that went nuclear and parts of the USA got obliterated. -- That's what in store for you, Mr. and Mrs. America, a war fought to protect bankers and Israel from their wicked ways." - Topix ||  The PNAC Protocols - A Strategy For Israel in the 1980s  ||  Two Simple Equations - 05-12-13 - mpg  ||  Au Contraire - It's Always Been About the Currency! - 03-21-13 - mpg  ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||  Some Definitions  || Behind Schedule - But Still With Much to Celebrate - 05-06-13 - mpg  ||

Syrian Children Kidnapped By Rebels Identified As Gas Victims By Obama Administration
A quote...." The horrifying pictures of dead children being used by the Obama administration to justify an attack on Syria, with the claim that the Assad regime carried out the chemical attacks that killed those children, while emotionally heartbreaking, do not tell the story of those children and do not tell you the main point the Obama administration is trying to coverup. -- Those children were kidnapped over a week earlier, before they were slaughtered……. by the Obama backed Syrian rebels." -- bold by website editor
Again, to make it clear, every single person involved in this horrendous false flag attack against the Syrian people needs to be arrested, tried, hopefully convicted, and than hung, drawn and quartered. - mpg
Hey, 1% corporate media: Truth now or be War Criminals forever
Full quote...."Hat tip to Global Research and Peter Dyer - US 1% corporate media lies by omission and commission to “cover” obvious US 1% crimes centering in war and money. - The above three links explain, document, and prove these charges in “emperor has no clothes” obviousness. These are among perhaps 100 crucially important issues about which our 1% media continuously lie. - As we approach our endgame to arrest obvious criminals (and here), media lying sacks of spin have an interesting choice...."
  1. Continue to lie in service to psychopaths whose policies annually kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions.
  2. Have a “Scrooge conversion” to reclaim their hearts, communicate Truth, and become game-changing heroes.
"Choice 1 will end with arrests and prosecutions for inciting War Crimes, just as the US prosecuted chief Nazi media propagandist with a sentence of death (and here, here). - Choice 2 will open Truth & Reconciliation: an exchange of truth for no prosecution. - As we’ve offered since 2009, we are willing to speak for Truth & Reconciliation upon the 1%’s networks. - The offer has been made repeatedly and clearly. - Be proud of your choices; they have consequences."

Story of Iran “Rape Threat” Written by Neo-Con Cartoon Character “Reza Kahlili” By Tony Cartalucci
A Zio-Troll Exposed - Anti-Iran Propaganda Busted -- A quote...."Reza Kahlili” is not his real name. Appearing either masked or silhouetted, “Reza Kahlili” is a reoccurring character in the US Neo-Con’s long-running pro-war, anti-Iranian propaganda campaign, stretching all the way back to the Bush administration." - also posted at InvestigationNewImperialism
By the way, Alex Jones spewed this nonsense in several of his recent videos.  It's very perplexing because he utterly trashed the Viagra/Libya/Rape hoax when it first came out. This website editor likes Alex and has been reticent at pointing out how he totally avoids Israel's massive, and ongoing involvement, with every aspect of the thirty year old PNAC enterprise, along with their complete strangle hold over this nation's Banking system, its six mass-media conglomerates, and its entire political system.  However, if he keeps swallowing Israeli Hasbara crap like this, he'll eventually make himself sick. - mpg
The Lamb And The Wolf....
Full Quote...."Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down. "There's my supper," thought he, "if only I can find some excuse to seize it."
Then he called out to the Lamb, "How dare you muddy the water from which I am drinking?"
"No, master," said the Lamb "if the water is muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me."
"Well, then," said the Wolf, "why did you call me bad names this time last year?"
"That cannot be," said the Lamb; "I am only six months old."
"I don't care," snarled the Wolf; "if it was not you it was your father"....

....and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and ate her. But before she died she gasped out...."Any excuse will serve a tyrant."
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The UN Has Had Evidence That Syrian Rebels Have Been Using Chemical Weapons Since May
Obama, the Saudis, Israel & the Presstitutes - BUSTED!! -- A quote...."Did you know that the United Nations has had evidence that the Syrian rebels have been using sarin gas against Syrian government forces since May?  This was reported by Reuters and other major news organizations around the world, but there has been an almost total blackout of this information by the big corporate news outlets in the United States."

Getting to the bottom of the rebels’ chemical weapons use in Syria
A quote...."There is little doubt that Syrian rebels, including the Al Qaeda affiliate, the Jabhat Al Nusra, have been in possession of chemical weapons in Syria and have used these weapons against civilians and Syrian government forces."

'Rebels had motive to carry out chemical weapon attack in Syria'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min32sec - Sep 10, 2013) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."President Assad was not behind a chemical weapon attack last month - the rebels carried it out as a provocation. That's what a letter sent to Barack Obama from former US intelligence and military officials says - citing their own security sources. It was signed by twelve ex-officials. Former US Army Judge Advocate Todd Pierce is one of them and joins RT right now."

France flips on Syria - Russia, China rush Warships
A quote...."September 6, 2013. St. Petersburg. Today at the G20 meeting in Russia, French President Francois Hollande dealt President Obama another embarrassing setback over Syria. Shocking his US ally, Hollande announced that France would not join the US in a military strike and would instead wait until the full UN report is made available. At the same time, Russia and China continue to swarm the Mediterranean Sea with warships in preparation for a war with the US."

France cannot afford military operation in Syria
A quote...."The G20 should be focusing on their flagging economies rather than planning a military operation in Syria they can’t afford, analyst, Alex Korbel, told RT. France, in particular, is at full stretch, with 16 military campaigns abroad and an ailing economy."

Deal Or No Deal: John Kerry’s Historic Diplomatic “Mistake” Proves That Obama Does Not Want Peace
A quote...."When it comes to diplomacy, Russia is playing chess, Syria is playing checkers and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is playing tiddlywinks.  On Monday, Kerry said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could avoid having his country bombed into oblivion by turning over “every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week.”  Of course Kerry just assumed that Assad would never do such a thing, but the Russians immediately pounced on his statement.  Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov quickly announced that Russia would encourage Syria to turn over their chemical weapons to international control in exchange for a guarantee that the U.S. will not attack, and subsequently Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem stated that his government was prepared for “full cooperation with Russia to remove any pretext for aggression.”  Later on Monday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon indicated that he is thinking about asking the UN Security Council to support such a deal. -- Do you know what they call such a move in chess? -- Checkmate."

U.S. Desperately Tries to Justify Syrian War … After Everyone Agrees to a Peaceful Solution
A quote...."White House tries to back out of peace deal -- Earlier today, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al-Moualem all agreed to place Syria’s chemical weapons under international control, so as to avoid war."

US Refutes Russian Deal with Assad – Redirects Purpose of Military Incursion. It’s Regime Change
A quote...."Following up on this morning’s shocking “appeasement” turn of events by Russia and Syria, the White House has promptly fired back in the only way it knows: digging in deeper:"

No Need For UN In Syria's Chemical Weapon Solution
Kerry's Gaffe Analyzed - A quote...."For anyone who closely followed yesterdays events (and the longer term issues) it is clear that the Obama administration had not planned for this development to happen. It was not the result of apt U.S. diplomacy but the result of another Kerry gaffe that Russia used to turn a terse situation into a win for nearly all sides. -- The Russian initiative using Kerry's offhand remark saves Syria from an imminent attack by U.S. forces that would have shifted the battlefield balance towards the foreign supported insurgents and terrorists. It reenforces Assad's international position as the head of the state of Syria. It also saves the Obama administration from a serious defeat in Congress and from an embarrassing unilateral and illegal strike that would have been too big to be seen justified - internationally as well as domestically - and too small to placate the Israeli warmongers and other insurgency supporters."

Kerry Tells Lavrov Chemical Disarmament Demand Was "Rhetorical", Not Meant To Be Proposal
The Kerry Back-Peddle - (As fast as his knobby, crooked, Zio-Zombie legs can get him) - mpg -- A quote...."In a day filled with one another surreal manifestation of the absolute idiocy and stupidity of the US state department, which has now become a proxy of the [AIPAC/Israeli Consortium], Saudi Arabian petroleum and Qatari gas lobby, it only made sense to end on the absolutely lowest note possible...."

Senate delays Syria vote as Obama loses momentum
A quote...."WASHINGTON — President Obama's push for congressional approval for military airstrikes in Syria ran aground Monday, forcing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., to delay a procedural vote as opposition builds among senators in both parties."

UN rights council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake: Russia
A quote...."Russia says the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) has confirmed that the videos and photos purporting to show the victims of a chemical attack near the Syrian capital, Damascus, were fabricated."

Congress Merge: Online Congressional Directory
Action Alert - Contact your member of congress and tell them "never again", "no more lies and no more wars for the Banksters". - mpg

Additional recent articles regarding the US-NRE's & Israel's False Flag Gas Attack Against Syria....
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

SABROSKY : Endgame In The Syrian Crisis
Must Read - A quote...."What was interesting was the rapidity with which the US and many other Western governments accepted without question the complicity of the Syrian government in the attack, even though no one to my knowledge has ever indicated just why that government -- which is finally winning its civil war -- would effectively snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by doing something so self-defeating, for no discernible military or political purpose. -- At least as interesting was the unwillingness of the US and its allies to officially consider the possibility that one or more of the rebel groups (there being no single unified rebel command) might itself have made the attack, simply to precipitate outside intervention and avert defeat. Unlike the Syrian government, which had nothing to gain and everything to lose from such an atrocity, the rebels -- all of them -- had everything to gain and nothing to lose." - also posted at MyCatBird'sSeat

Israel: The Missing Link in the Syrian Puzzle
Must Read - A quote...."By Adrian Salbuchi. As the world holds its breath, wondering when the US and its allies will attack Syria, Western governments and its well-oiled mainstream media seem to be ignoring a key player that has kept strangely quiet during this crisis: Israel. - Today, US power rests heavily on its terrifying military, its industrial-financial complex, and its global media clout.  But that power is fast eroding because, in the age of the Internet, power is increasingly much more about prestige, credibility and trust, an area where the US is falling to pieces."

Obama lies, Syrians die: What’s wrong with this picture?
Must Read - A quote...."Obama and the Zionist hoards, including Sens. Charles Schumer and Diane Feinstein, are going “all out” to promote the interests of Israel over those of the United States. - Obama is going to make six appearances on television on Monday to further demonstrate his total willingness to betray the Constitution and the American people for his puppet masters. - The situation has never been more clear: It is AIPAC, Israel and the traitors in our midst against the United States of America. If they lose this, then Zionism is dead–and the sooner, the better. No more wars for Israel!" - bold by website editor

Golems That Roam the Halls of Our Congress
ZOG - ZOZ - War Whore - Representitute - Alert -- A quote...."To understand AIPAC’s press statement to the US Congress and the American people, we must understand what is not said: “urges” means “demands”; “protect America’s national security interest” means “protect Israel’s national security interests”; “dissuade”  means “destroy”; “Syrian regime’s further use of unconventional weapons” means “prevent by total destruction Syria’s use of the weapons Israel uses against Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey and the Palestinian people”...." - Topix  ||  ZOG - Def.  ||  ZOZ - Def.  ||  War Whore - Def.  ||  Representitute - Def.  || 

CBS’s Face the Nation: Blatant Pro-Israel Pro-War Bias Revealed
ZOC - War Whore - Presstitute - Alert - A quote...."CBS’s Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer brought together this morning what he characterized as “one of our best panels of analysts ever,” a group of five supposed experts, to discuss President Obama’s plan to launch military action against Syria: the Washington Post‘s Bob Woodward, the Weekly Standard‘s Bill Kristol, the New York Times‘ David Sanger, the Washington Post‘s David Ignatius, and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI)’s Danielle Pletka. Schieffer presented this group as if his audience might expect it to represent a range of views. Nothing could be further from the truth." - also posted at AlethoNews  - Topix  ||  ZOC - Def.  ||  War Whore - Def.  ||  Presstitute - Def.  ||

John McCain Formally Accused of Accepting Bribes From The Rothschilds
ZOZ - War Whore - Representitute - Alert -- A quote...."It has long been known by many in the alternative research community that pretty much every politician in the western world is basically an employee of the ruling class, which is made up of a handful of traditionally powerful families including the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. -- Recently John McCain came under suspicion of “accepting improper contributions” from the Rothschild family during a recent trip to London." - Topix  ||  ZOZ - Def.  ||  War Whore - Def.  ||  Representitute - Def.  || 

Getting Off The Tree
A quote...."As the Jewish Lobby (AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and other Jewish groups) faces its first colossal defeat,  Jewish media outlets and Zionists  commentators are desperate to find a respectful way for AIPAC to ‘get off the tree’." - also posted at AlethoNews

Did Leo Frank Confess?
A quote...."THE CENTURY-OLD “cold case” Mary Phagan murder mystery — the violent rape and murder of teenager Mary Phagan and the subsequent lynching of the convicted killer, Jewish businessman Leo Frank — has now been conclusively solved by scholars using the extensive 1913 official investigation and trial records. In this once-in-a-lifetime event, the publishing, mass media, and academic establishments — who have for decades promoted the conspiracy theory that anti-Semites framed Frank for the crime because he was Jewish — have been proven to be wrong by the statements of Leo Frank himself." - a comment shown below.....
"The Leo Frank case is significant because it was as a result of this case that the Anti-Defamation League was formed, to control public perception of people like Leo Frank." -- *Michael Rivero"
Hitler's JEW Bodyguard Has Died
A quote...."Yes, Adolph was a hater of the Jews, that's for sure, that's why he kept so many so close to him and let over 150,000 German Jews serve in Germany's armed forces during WWII."

Israel blocks vital water disinfection equipment from entering Gaza
A quote...."Israel has blocked the international development organization Oxfam from bringing vital equipment into the Gaza Strip to help make drinking water safe."

More than 1000 Acres of Palestinian Land Allocated to Jewish Settlers
A quote...."An internal Civil Administration document confirms a Haaretz report that the World Zionist Organization has allocated to settlers in the Jordan Valley more than 5,000 dunams (1,235 acres) of private Palestinian land located east of the border fence, namely, between that fence and the actual border with the Kingdom of Jordan."
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More Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

Too Many Years Of Lies: From Mossadeq to 9/11
Must Read - A quote...."September 10, 2013 "Information Clearing House - Washington has been at war for 12 years. According to experts such as Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, these wars have cost Americans approximately $6 trillion, enough to keep Social Security and Medicare sound for years. All there is to show for 12 years of war is fat bank balances for the armament industries and a list of destroyed countries with millions of dead and dislocated people who never lifted a hand against the United States. -- The cost paid by American troops and taxpayers is extreme. Secretary of Veteran Affairs Erik Shinseki reported in November 2009 that “more veterans have committed suicide since 2001 than we have lost on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan.” Many thousands of our troops have suffered amputations and traumatic brain injuries. At the Marine Corps War College Jim Lacey calculated that the annual cost of the Afghan war was $1.5 billion for each al-Qaeda member in Afghanistan. Many US and coalition troops paid with their lives for every one al-Qaeda member killed. On no basis has the war ever made sense." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

Obama, the US Liar-in-Chief
Must Read - A quote...."Forget diplomatic protocol: When a government is outrageously pushing the world into a criminal war based on a crock of lies, that government and its representatives forfeit the customary right to diplomatic niceties. - When truth is being twisted with rhetoric and bombast, then it is incumbent to untwist it with simple words. - Russian President Vladimir Putin is right. The American Secretary of State John Kerry is a barefaced liar. And it’s not just Kerry. President Barack Obama is an even bigger liar, and so is the entire White House administration, including Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey." - Source:  PressTV

SYRIA: Obama War Speech Bombs!
A quote...."Obama misses chance to communicate major Middle East policy that brings core values of our common humanity to the world.  Instead, delivers canned AIPAC-Zio-Bankster drivel before capitulating to reality."

This War Too Is A Lie
A quote...."Some smart people thought, and perhaps some still think, that the 2003-2011 war on Iraq was unique in that it was promoted with the use of blatant lies.  When I'd researched dozens of other wars and failed to find one that wasn't based on a foundation of similar lies, I wrote a book about the most common war lie varieties. I called it War Is A Lie."

Syrian War Aims: Failed State Or West's "Liberalism" - M018 Donations - PayPal
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 10min24sec - Sep 9, 2013) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."We Are Not Being Told What The Syria War Aims Are. In the age of hoax news we have no idea any longer of what is true. But somehow we seem to be inching towards conflict."

Democracy and Confusion For Us Slaves - Also Syria - M018 Donations - PayPal
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 6min31sec - Sep 10, 2013) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."I  am Not witnessing an enlightenment in any public gatherings, quite the reverse...I think it is by design."

October Surprise and the Looming Obamagedon
Quote of the Day -- A quote...."While ”progressives” keep progressing into another war, people with sanity are speaking up against it. Nonpartisan movement against the attack on Syria is gaining momentum with each passing day."

Persuading the Left Intelligentsia on Syria
A quote...."Barack Obama’s fervent drive for yet more war carries a number of important lessons in terms of propaganda and the extent to which the “progressive left” literati can be persuaded to jump on the homicidal bandwagon. - The forces behind Syria’s destabilization have employed an array of public relations maneuvers to sway public sentiment and hone in on the support of key constituencies, including credentialed intellectuals and opinion leaders." - Source:  MemoryHole

The Other Super Power Is Winning
A quote...."It’s not Russia.  It’s not al Qaeda.  It’s not Bashar al-Assad.  The other super power is the people of the world — and the people of, but not by or for, the United States. - The world’s people are protesting.  U.S. citizens abroad are protesting at U.S. embassies.  The British Parliament said no to war for the first time since Yorktown. - The U.S. polls began with single-digit support for attacking Syria, climbed a little with the corporate media onslaught, and then started sinking again as the propaganda push shifted into self-defeating top gear."

Documented Proof of the USA Using Chemical Weapons
Various Videos

US Government Refuses to Compensate Victims of Chemical Weapons in Vietnam
A quote...."As the US government prepares for war in Syria it is important to remember that they themselves used chemical weapons on civilians during the Vietnam war, and have since refused to compensate them."\

Forty Years Since the Chilean Coup of September 11, 1973
A quote...."Today marks the 40th anniversary of one of the most tragic events of the latter half of the 20th century: the September 11, 1973 coup in Chile. The seizure of power by Chile’s fascistic military represented a major defeat of the working class in Latin America and internationally, turning a situation of immense revolutionary potential into a nightmare of killing and repression."
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The Greatest Betrayal in History, The 9/11 False Flag Attack - Twelfth Anniversary....

Iraq and 9/11 In Minutes
Must View Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 5min51sec - Sep 4, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:   Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons - A quote...."The War on Terror is in reality a War on Israel's Enemies." - bold by website editor - Video recommended by Ryan Dawson - 911 and War by Deception - Apr 5, 2013 - (previously posted) - (Ry2SYuTb - 2hrs15min13sec - Sep 4, 2013)

9/11 Truth: Who Is Osama Bin Laden?
A quote...."The article below entitled Who is Osama bin Laden? was drafted twelve years ago on September 11, 2001. - I started writing on the evening of September 11, late into the night, going through piles of research notes, which I had previously collected on the history of Al Qaeda.  It was first  published on the Global Research website on the evening of September 12, 2001. - From the outset, the objective was to use 9/11 as a pretext for launching the first phase of the Middle East War Central Asian war, which consisted in the bombing and occupation of Afghanistan."

The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark
A quote...."The obvious and blatant lies about Assad carrying out a chemical weapon attack on women and children right in front of the UN chemical weapons inspectors on the very day they arrived in Syria has awakened those remaining Americans who still clung to the propaganda that the US Government was good and always tells the truth and the independent media is just a bunch of tin-foil hat wearing kooks who should be shunned by decent people. -- Everywhere I go I see angry people openly angry. They have been made fools of by the government, not just once but over and over again, and now they are ready to look objectively at the evidence of previous government lies. -- Wednesday is the anniversary of 9-11, one of the greatest government hoaxes of all time, and I ask the WRH readers to take the articles I will be posting over the next few days, print them out, and share them with people who are not yet aware of the independent media. The collapse of the Syria deception has opened a breach in the government's wall of lies, and the truth is flooding in." -- *Michael Rivero*

9/11 References From WRH ....
The "Pod People" And The PlaneThat Crashed Into the Pentagon (New material added)
A quote...."As we run up to yet another anniversary of the 9-11 false-flag attacks, the government's controlled assets on the web are once again pushing the "no plane at the Pentagon" hoax as hard as they can, to give the corporate media an easy means to discredit those who question the official story while avoiding the really tough questions like...."

Seismic Evidence Implies Controlled Demolition on 9/11
A quote...."André Rousseau is a Doctor of Geophysics and Geology, a former researcher in the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS), who has published 50 papers on the relationships between the characteristics of progressive mechanical waves and geology."

[Pic] How times have changed
That's what false flags are for, to get people to except things they wouldn't normally except.  Like a massive police state, and endless wars.  However, in what can only be described as the the weirdest, sickest, and strangest twist of all, the parasitic class in the United States has gleefully, blatantly, and have, in everyone's faces, openly supported for almost thirty years, the very "terrorists" who are supposedly carrying out the "terrorism" that the parasites than use to justify their ever growing police state repression, and endless wars abroad!!  --  Now THAT's something peculiar to the United States, possibly a historic exception.  --  Many other governments down through the ages have supported terrorist organizations and false flags to justify their repression and wars, but they usually thought it prudent to keep their support hidden.  How Amerikans let this whole situation get this completely, and pathetically ridiculous, how they could have become so completely irresponsible for their own safety and financial welfare, will be an endless mystery, and possibly even a source of sick amusement, to historians and many others for decades, if not centuries, to come. - mpg

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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

'Success Story': NSA Targeted French Foreign Ministry
A quote..."Espionage by the US on France has already strained relations between the two countries, threatening a trans-Atlantic trade agreement. Now a document seen by SPIEGEL reveals that the NSA also spied on the French Foreign Ministry."

The NSA's next move: silencing university professors?
NSA Thug Alert - A quote...."This actually happened yesterday:  A professor in the computer science department at Johns Hopkins, a leading American university, had written a post on his blog, hosted on the university's servers, focused on his area of expertise, which is cryptography. The post was highly critical of the government, specifically the National Security Agency, whose reckless behavior in attacking online security astonished him.

U.S. tapped into networks of Google, Petrobras, others: report
A quote...."(Reuters) - The U.S. government tapped into computer networks of companies including Google Inc. and Brazilian state-run oil firm Petroleo Brasileiro SA, according to leaked U.S. documents aired by Globo, Brazil's biggest television network."

No economic espionage? NSA docs show US spied on Brazil oil giant Petrobras
A quote...."Despite earlier US assurances that its Department of Defense does not “engage in economic espionage in any domain,” a new report suggests that the intelligence agency NSA spied on Brazilian state-run oil giant Petrobras." - also posted at AlethoNews - The US lied again. Just give up folks, everything they say is a lie, always.  It's that simple. - mpg
This is the PERFECT opportunity for the BRICS + Germany (forget France, they're completely ZOG controlled) to produce reliable, safe, tamper-proof computers and communications equipment.  Without "back-doors" specially engineered spying chips, or other malevolent, possibly even dangerous, hardware/software. -- Overnight each one of these countries could have their own, highly profitable, highly successful, Silicon Valley industrial sites.  Nobody wants to buy, US Surveillance Complex, or Israeli infected or altered equipment, from the US anymore. - mpg
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More on the Domestic Situation....

BENGHAZI FRAUD EXPOSED — It was about a weapons deal
AVNVideo - Alt - (AVNYuTb - 25min55sec - Sep 9, 2013) - Source:  AVNYuTb - Related:  AVNFcBk - Related: AmericasVoiceNow - A quote...."Why no arrests? Why no real investigation? Because the CON-gress and the Traitor in Chief were in it together with the CIA..."

“Highly Redacted” Documents Confirm Michael Hastings Under FBI Investigation
A quote...."Despite the FBI’s denial they were investigating Michael Hastings, newly released “heavily redacted” documents on the journalist prove otherwise. Al-Jazeera and FOIA research specialist, Ryan Shapiro, acquired the documents after Hastings was suspiciously killed when his Mercedes C250 Coupe reportedly crashed into a palm tree traveling 75 mph in Los Angeles last June. -- Just fifteen hours before his death, the 33-year old sent an email to a handful of close friends revealing he believed the FBI was after him for a story he was working on."

Can’t buy groceries? DHS goes on another munitions spree with your money
A quote...."Tomorrow marks Patriots' Day, a day to commemorate the deaths of innocent Americans at the hands of terrorists. - Sadly, Patriots are considered terrorists by this government. So the government stockpiles more and more ammunition. - In the last week alone, nearly 700 million dollars has been allocated for the purchase of firearms and ammunition by a variety of agencies within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)."

People Resisting Corrupt Evil Govt Hits All-Time High
AJVideo - (AJYuTb -  34min - Sep 9, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex welcomes the founder and host of Freedomain Radio, Stefan Molyneux, to discuss the global awakening to tyranny rapidly taking place in large thanks to independent and alternative media sources."

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  Sep 10th, 2013
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  Sep 10th, 2013) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the US-NRE al-CIA'da/FSA Saudi Parasite false-flag chemical attack on Syria, the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues. -- See partial transcript shown below. It sent chills down this website editor's spine.  It was spooky, she's absolutely right. - mpg
Starts at 19min50sec - Red False Flag Warning

Mike:  Joel in Canada, aloha Joel, what's on your mind?

Joel:  I just wanted to point out that even if Obama comes from a position of...."Oh this is a grand step for peace."  That doesn't necessarily mean he's capitulated to the demands of the people.  He could be putting up a blinder simply to make everyone think that he's capitulating, think that he's in a weak position, that he's a peaceful man and than when the false flag happens, "the people" will be angered on his behalf.  As apposed to apposing him in starting a war.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Selling Syria (E495)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Sep 10, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - Related:  StacyOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss 'financial terror,' cluster bombs and protestors without portfolios. They also discuss Standard & Poor's 'blasting' the $5 billion fraud lawsuit against them as retaliation for the rating agency's 2011 decision to strip the United States of its AAA credit rating. In the second half, Max talks to comedian, Lee Camp, about banks and corporate greed monkeys."

3 Infuriating Facts About CEOs 5 Years After the Financial Crisis
Banksters Win Again -- A quote...."Five years ago this week, the investment bank Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. declared bankruptcy and triggered the financial collapse that brought us the Great Recession. Things have turned out quite well for former Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld and four other industry executives whose work contributed substantially to the cycle of subprime lending and financial swindling that caused the crisis. Fuld and his colleagues haven’t just avoided legal repercussions for the crisis. They’re also among the wealthiest people in the country." - Source:  AlterNet

Top 1% Take Biggest Income Slice On Record!!
Banksters Win Again -- A quote...."The gulf between the richest 1% of the USA and the rest of the country got to its widest level in history last year. -- The top 1% of earners in the U.S. pulled in 19.3% of total household income in 2012, which is their biggest slice of total income in more than 100 years, according to a an analysis by economists at the University of California, Berkeley and the Paris School of Economics at Oxford University. -- The richest Americans haven't claimed this large of a slice of total wealth since 1927, when the group claimed 18.7%. The analysis is based on data from Internal Revenue Service data." - bold/underline by website editor

The On-Going Collapse Of The U.S. Treasury Bond Market Is A Disaster In The Making
A quote...."With an endless amount of criminality originating from Washington DC and the on-going rush to war against Syria there is one very critical development that has gone largely unnoticed outside of financial circles. The U.S. Treasury bond market which has been artificially propped up through the Federal Reserve’s bond purchasing policies has really started to unravel over the past few months."

Global Currency Reset In Process:
USAWtchDgVid - (USAWtchDgYuTb - 36min - Sep 8, 2013) - Source:  GregHunter -- A quote...."U.S. ship of state is sinking, the rest of the world Is walking away from US treasuries & dollar, and wants to use a new currency to escape the coming global inflation [in USD]"

The financial crisis cost the U.S. economy $6 trillion to $14 trillion—and possibly twice that
A quote...."The financial crisis cost the U.S. economy $6 trillion to $14 trillion—and possibly twice that—along with untold costs from "special treatment" that too-big-to-fail banks received, according to an explosive new analysis from the Dallas Federal Reserve."

Financial Crisis Alert
A quote...."Half a million people drop off workforce in one month, Bank of America to cut 2100 jobs, shut 16 offices, HP has chopped 22,700 jobs since last year, polled unemployment soars to March 2012 levels!"

United States sets another food stamp record: Households on food stamps at new peak and more Americans live in poverty compared to the entire population of Spain. -- A quote...."The gap between rich and poor in the United States continues to grow in-line with food stamp usage. "

Taxpayer Burden Rises as Big Companies End Retiree Plans
A quote...."America’s biggest employers, from GE to IBM, are increasingly moving retirees to insurance exchanges where they select their own health plans, an historic shift that could push more costs onto U.S. taxpayers."

If Employment Is So Great, Why Are Withholding Taxes Declining?
A quote...."Since unemployment statistics are either suspect or blatantly bogus, we must look for other less manipulated statistics for some modicum of truth. Key statistics of employment, income and production are vital propaganda tools for the status quo, and the temptation to adjust them to manage perceptions is apparently irresistible. - Here in the U.S., unemployment statistics are a travesty of a mockery of a sham..." - Source:  OfTwoMinds

US Equity Trading Volume Hits Fresh 15-Year Low
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- Bernie & his Bankster buddies - market killers. - mpg

6 Russians elected to the board of directors of Cyprus' largest bank
A quote...."NICOSIA, Cyprus - Shareholders of Cyprus' largest bank have elected six Russians to sit on its new, 16-member board of directors. - Tuesday's vote puts more foreign nationals on the board of the Bank of Cyprus than ever before."

China signs currency swap agreement with Hungary
A quote...."The central banks of China and Hungary signed a currency swap agreement with a notional amount of 10 billion yuan ($1.63 billion) in Basel on Monday. - It will strengthen financial cooperation between the two countries and support bilateral trade and investment, said a statement from the People's Bank of China."
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More On The International Situation....

Six rockets hit US Bagram air base in Afghanistan
A quote...."Six rockets have hit the United States' Bagram air base, the largest military base for US troops in Afghanistan, near the capital, Kabul."

Iran Launches Runways for Ultralight Aircraft along Borders
A quote...."We have built runways for ultralight airplanes in some border regions for reconnaissance and intelligence purposes,” Commander of the Iranian Border Guard Units General Hossein Zolfaqari said today, adding, “The power and capabilities of the country’s border guard units are on the increase every day.”"

Hungary signs railway deal with China
A quote...."Hungary’s state-owned railway company MÁV has signed an agreement with China Railway Construction Coproration to receive technological, construction and financing tools for the modernisation of MÁV from the Chinese company. "

Venezuela and ALBA to Send Humanitarian Aid to Syrian Refugees
A quote...."Merida, 10th September 2013 ( – Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro announced that a Bolivarian National Armed Forces plane will soon carry humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees in Beirut, Lebanon. - The initiative came out of a resolution from the political council of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) meeting in Caracas over the weekend. - The plane will bring blankets, medicine, and food."
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

[IOF] Soldiers [Thugs] Kidnap 12 Palestinians In West Bank
A quote...."Sunday at dawn [September 8, 2013] Israeli soldiers [thugs] kidnapped twelve Palestinians, including two children, after breaking into their homes in occupied East Jerusalem, and in the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

Young Palestinian Woman Kidnapped In Hebron
A quote...."Israeli soldiers [thugs] kidnapped, on Sunday evening [September 8, 2013] a young Palestinian woman in Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto to [attempt to] outlaw GMO labeling worldwide through TPP
A quote...."It’s called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), and it’s a secret trade pact being negotiated completely outside of law, with no congressional authority but with the aim of forcing nations around the world to ban GMO labeling, embrace Monsanto’s GMO crops and keep pharmaceutical prices artificially high to enrich the world’s medication monopolists."

The Tipping Point in the Fight Against GMOs: Moms
A quote...."Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are taking over our food supply. Nearly 80 percent of processed foods, including those labeled “natural,” contain GMOs and experts agree that organic foods are not likely entirely organic anymore due to cross-pollination (aka “genetic pollution”) between conventional and organic fields. The facts are sobering. -- Our food system has truly run amok. Our children are increasingly less healthy, generation to generation, than before. And, the problem seems to grow worse and worse every year."
Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys
A quote...."(NaturalNews) If you haven't yet realized the truth about how vaccines contain hidden cancer viruses, prepare yourself to be shocked by the admission you're about to hear. Decades ago, one of the most prominent vaccine scientists in the history of the vaccine industry -- a Merck scientist -- made a recording where he openly admitted that vaccines given to Americans were contaminated with leukemia and cancer viruses."

Ancient Medical Miracle Rediscovered by Modern Science – Laurus Nobilis
Action Alert - A quote...."Laurus Nobilis is an archaic plant species that flourished on the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana. It predates the dinosaurs and all mammalian life on Earth. Laurel is one of a very few species of plant to have survived from from a long forgotten geological age to be there waiting for humankind, and the dawn of civilization."

Monday September 9th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Sunday September 8th 2013

More on the Recent US-NRE / Saudi Parasitic Family / Israeli / (FSA al-CIA'da) CW False Flag Attack against Syria's Civilians - With Presstituting Accessories....

Red War Warning Issuance....08-23-13 -- Red False Flag Warning Issuance....09-06-13

All Websites Please Monitor to Identify Possible Times & Targets
Due to all the articles posted on this website since 08-23-13 (shown below), the "war warning" issued, and basically in effect since 08-02-13, has been upgraded to a "red war warning" as of 08-23-13 -- The "false flag warning" issued, and also basically in effect since 08-02-13, because of the two articles shown below, has been raised to a "red false flag warning" as of 09-06-13 - Obviously one "false-flag" has already occurred in Syria, the gas attack.  And it appears as of 09-03-13, Israel attempted  a second false flag when it launched an unannounced "missile test", a blatant attempt to provoke Syria into thinking the US was mounting a surprise attack and hoping, no doubt, to provoke Syria into a retaliatory response. -- They failed, this time. -- However the possibility that another major false-flag attack against "Western" targets to justify additional military adventures and also further the establishment of a police state in the US-NRE and other Anglo-Sphere countries is still extremely high.
False Flag Count So Far
>>>          2              <<<
Current False Flag Status >>>  Red Warning  <<<
Current War Status >>>  Red Warning  <<< is STRONGLY recommended that those security and intelligence service personnel still loyal to their nation's peoples, constitutions, and the rule of law, pay close attention to any and ALL activity being conducted by Israeli the US-NRE, the Gulf States and/or British terror support networks with particular emphasis on what any Israeli consulates, embassies, or commercial companies -- ESPECIALLY ANY Israeli companies involved with the securities  industry -- is doing over the next month or two. - mpg
False Flag Could be Next to Save Obama's Credibility - No. But it will allow him to try to seize power
Must View AJVideo - Red False Flag Warning - (AJYuTb - 37min35sec - Sep 8, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex breaks down the accelerating global awakening which could lead to the fall of the current New World Order power structure. Obama continues to push for war leading up to his upcoming Tuesday speech from the White House, but Americans are pushing back." - Regarding the Georgian attack against South Ossetia in 2008, see....American Selective Attention Deficit Disorder (ASADD) - 08-16-08 - mpg

Obama Confident Americans Will Want to Attack Syria
Red False Flag Warning - A quote...."President Obama, facing the prospect of a huge defeat in Congress driven by public opposition to the war, has announced that he is planning another pro-war speech to the American public on Tuesday, while continuing to heavily lobby Congress and the international community to accept the US attack. -- And with the typical smugness that so far hasn’t cowed the American public into acceptance yet, Obama went on to say that he is “confident” that after the speech the American public will “want” a military strike on Syria." -- One commentator stated.....
"There are one or two possibilities, which are not mutually exclusive here. -- Either President Obama has become dangerously out of touch with the American people, to the point where he has succumbed to his own PR, or he understands that something horrific will happen between now and Tuesday, which will get the American people on board with a strike against Syria. -- I have to tell you that both possibilities raise alarm bells for me, and cause me to think that we may well be headed for a false flag, very quickly, to get things going." -- *Michael Rivero"
For more on this issue click here - (09-06-13).
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Bye, Bye, American Pie: US Intransigence In The Face of a War-Weary World
Must Read - A quote...."It actually shouldn’t be that much of a shock. For the last twelve years at least, Americans have watched their country drift into the shadows of international law abroad and onto the shoals of fascism at home. Inexorably, the weight of imperial overstretch has crippled an economy already on a constant war footing and led to the steady erosion of civil liberties once taken for granted. -- At one point, Democrats cried out in (what turns out to be mock) horror when one of the Bushmen smirked at the Geneva Convention as ‘quaint.’ Outrageous! Squeaked the remnants of an American “Left.” No more. As drones are poised to darken the skies like a plague of locusts, intelligence agencies can read all of our communications even as we write them, and the general criminalization of dissent has accelerated without objection because, after all, the guy doing it has a -D after his name. -- And now, nary a peep from so-called ‘progressives’ in Congress as a Democrat and his lurking, smooth-talking Consigliore use the same lies and fabrications to shove yet another war down our throats, all neatly packaged in Red, White and Blue, the specter of National Security—in short, the same old bullshit we’ve heard before." - Source:  DanielPatrickWelch

The Rule of Zombies: Why Are Obama and Kerry So Desperate to Start a New War?
Must Read - A quote...."What is the real agenda? -- Why is the obama Regime so desperate to commit a war crime despite the warnings delivered to the White House Fool two days ago by the most important countries in the world at the G20 Summit? -- What powerful interest is pushing the White House Fool to act outside of law, outside the will of the American people, outside the warnings of the world community?"

Was Obama Behind the Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack?

Must View WCJVideo - Alt - (ACJYuTb - 3min25sec - Sep 3, 2013) - Source:  WCJournalism

NYC Rally To Stop The War in Syria - Great Speech!!!
Must View Video - Alt - (YuTb - 2min01sec - Sep 7, 2013) - Source:  wearechange

US Journalists and War Crime Guilt
Must Read - A quote...."On Oct. 16, 1946, Julius Streicher was hanged, a historical precedent that should hold considerable interest for American journalists who have written in support of “Operation Iraqi Freedom” – the invasion and occupation of Iraq. -- Streicher was one of a group of 10 Germans executed that day following the judgment of the first Nuremberg Trial – a 40-week trial of 22 of the most prominent Nazis. Each was tried for two or more of the four crimes defined in the Nuremberg Charter: crimes against peace (aggression), war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy." - bold by website editor - also posted at RINF
There's a very fine line here.  However, regarding the recent false flag gas attack against innocent civilians in Syria that was obviously timed for both the UN visit there and to further the United States, Israel and the Saudis ongoing attempts to destabilize the government, and which was obviously coordinated with members of the "Western press" in a prearranged propaganda campaign, there is no fine line, or forgiveness, whatsoever....only hopefully, after justice is done, a rope. - mpg - Topix ||  Presstituting Accessories - 08-21-13 - mpg  ||
Buying The Senate & Selling Fear
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 17min13sec -  Sep 6, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Obama passes his first hurtle toward Congressional approval with the support of Senators who get significantly more from the military industrial complex than those voting no. And to sell war, Lindsey Graham sells fear. But was a false flag the objective?"

435 Tweets to Congress: Impeach Obama for Aiding al Qaeda in Syria
Action Alert - A quote...."Although some have presented 100 potential reasons that Barack Obama could be impeached right now under the Constitution of the United States of America, most recently he has violated Article III, Section 3, Clause 1...."
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."
"While the clause requires two witnesses, the entire nation and the world has witnessed Obama aiding and giving comfort to al Qaeda terrorists in Syria. As reported by Reuters in August, “Obama’s order…broadly permits the CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Assad.”"

The same could be said for all those who support Israel since.....
  1. Israel and its minions in this country, the "Vulcans" the "PNAC'ers" et. al. and all those who took,  and continue to take Israel's money have planned for, fabricated information for, and participated in actions that have led directly to multiple illegal wars of aggression on behalf of the Saudi Parasitic Family and their dozens of various Wahhabist terrorist organizations across the world.
  2. Israel and its minions in this country have directly participated in and facilitated the event which catapulted their PNAC Protocols, the attack of 9/11 itself.
  3. Israel and its minions in this country have planned for, and are directly responsible for, the relentless attack upon the constitution of the United States as part of these plans, which has led to the current government failing to adhere to, or respect, ANY of the rights enumerated in this nation's constitution. - mpg
US Funded Syrian Rebels Gang Raped, Executed 15-Year Old Christian Girl
Another wonderful day for Hagee's Zio-Hordes.  They'll be deliriously happy about this and thoroughly    "excited" and joyful for what happened to this little Christian girl. - mpg -- A quote...."Despite the monopolized corporate media pretending it didn’t happen, the US government’s terrorist allies it funds in Syria  have been caught raping and killing a 15 yr old girl." - Topix ||  Hagee's Hordes  ||

'Visit to Syria Christian village could be one-way ticket as rebels rage'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min33sec - Sep 6, 2013) - Source:  RT -- A WHOLE Christian village to be destroyed on behalf of Israel's PNAC Protocols, Hagee's Hordes must be rapturous with joy!! - More dead Christians for Israel!!  More dead Christians for Hagee's Hordes and their allies in the FSA/al-Nusra/al-CIA'da Front, another great day for ZIO-Worshipers everywhere!! - mpg -- A quote...."Al-Qaeda-linked rebels have attacked a Christian village in Syria - home to one of the world's oldest monasteries. The army has secured much of the township - but residents say radical opposition fighters have seized nearby hills - and are firing indiscriminately at the community." - Topix ||  Hagee's Hordes  ||

Saudi Arabia sent 1239 death row inmates to fight with Al Qaeda in Syria with a full pardon and monthly salary
A quote...."Saudi Arabia has sent death-row inmates from several nations to fight against the Syrian government in exchange for commuting their sentences, the Assyrian International News Agency reports." - Source:  USAToday

'Attack on Syria to change balance in region, not just one regime'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min04sec - Sep 6, 2013) - Source:  RT - A quote...."The Syria issue has come to dominate talks between the world's 20 largest economies. Day one of the summit saw around half the leaders make it clear they do not support America's intervention plans. Washington accuses Damascus of using chemical weapons last month - but the evidence offered so far, has left many unconvinced.."

Syria Attack Was Planned Before Gas Attacks
AJVideo - (YuTb - 24min06sec - Sep 6, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."On The September 5, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, A Special Focus on Syria Roundtable with Author Jerome Corsi."

Gordon Duff Interview with PressTV: Is America about to attack Syria on fabricated evidence?
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Press TV has conducted an interview with Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, about the crisis underway in Syria. This helps to cast new light on the situation."

Saudi Arabia, Qatar 'bribing' US congressmen to approve war on Syria
Action Alert - Traitor Watch -- ANY representatute who takes bribes from Israel, or the Gulf Parasitic Families to spend even more of this nation's blood and treasure to support a bunch of Wahhabist terrorists, for these crime syndicate groups and families' agendas, should be tarred, feathered and run out of DC on a rail!! - mpg

Syria covert op: They had to dump Hillary and bring in Kerry
A quote...."Pushed and prodded by John Kerry-Heinz, the zombie from the Black Lagoon, the European Union has agreed to look carefully at the upcoming UN inspectors’ report on chemical weapons. -- The report will determine whether those weapons were deployed in Syria but NOT BY WHOM. -- Perfect. The EU will learn nothing. -- Kerry-Heinz said the EU has made a “strong statement.” Good boy, John, you can come home now. Don’t want to miss the Skull&Bones alumni meeting at Yale."

Rep. Amash: ‘If Americans Could Read Classified Docs, They’d Be Even More Against Syria Action’
A quote...."Congressman Justin Amash (R-MI) has been a very outspoken opponent of any military intervention in Syria. He has been all over the media warning that we as a nation should not strike Syria, and he has even used social media sites to warn his fellow Congress members that if they vote for military action next week, they might as well clean out their desks because of unprecedented public opposition against it."

Tell John Kerry the world says no to war on Syria
A quote...."US secretary of state John Kerry is touring Europe trying to drum up support for a war on Syria that opinion polls around the world show is opposed by majorities in most countries. Two thirds of Americans say no to war. Close to 75% of people in Britain are opposed, which no doubt was what motivated MPs in parliament to stop David Cameron taking this country into yet another war in the Middle East on the coat-tails of US foreign policy."

France Backs off Support for Syrian Strike - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."France backed away Friday from joining the U.S. in swift military action against Syria, isolating President Obama even more as he threatens limited strikes on the Damascus regime for its alleged use of chemical weapons."

Obama Might Defy Congressional ‘No’ Vote, Attack Syria Anyhow
A quote...."Setting the stage for what may literally be the biggest constitutional crisis in American history, the White House is continuing to insist that President Obama has the “right” to attack Syria whenever he wants, regardless of the circumstances. -- That position was a controversial one when the talk centered around starting a war with Congress in recess. Now, having sought Congressional authorization and facing a defeat in the House, the White House is refusing to rule out attacking Syria over the explicit objections of Congress."

Congress Was Denied the “Secret Details” Regarding the Alleged Chemical Weapons Attack
That's because they don't have any!!  None they can give to Congress anyway!! The only "Secret Details" they DO have would amply and vividly demonstrate that the Obama administration, with the Israeli Government, and the Saudi Parasitic Family carried out the attack against Syria's civilians in collusion with the FSA/Wahhabist/al-CIA'da terrorist mercenaries they've supported for the last three years!! - mpg - Source:  ConsortiumNews  - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Senate Surrenders War Powers Over False Flag Incident
A quote...."While U.S. citizens are calling their representatives to vote against AIPAC pressure and against a war on Syria and Iran the really problematic vote is more likely to happen in the Senate. -- The Obama administration asked the Senate for an Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) in Syria over an alleged chemical weapons attack. That AUMF was already worded incredibly wide and would have allowed the president to wage unlimited war over all the Middle East and beyond. -- But the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which was first to consult over the AUMF, partially made the already wide language of the Obama draft AUMF even wider and worse. It effectively surrenders all war powers to the office of the president." - Source:  MoonOfAlabamba

Additional recent articles regarding the US-NRE's & Israel's False Flag Gas Attack Against Syria....
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

AIPAC Is A Grave Threat To World Peace
A quote...."For the first time in modern history, in the open, the Jewish Lobby together with the Jewish State are pushing for a war that can easily escalate into a global conflict. Yet, I am slightly perplexed, as to whether these warmongers grasp what could be the consequences of such a war: do these Jewish campaigners really want to bear responsibility for the death of many innocent people? Can’t they see that they pressure the American Congress to act against the will of the American people? Are they still concerned with antisemitism, because their acts can bring total disaster on their fellow Jews -- Watching the scale of the Jewish pro war campaign should lead us to consider the possibility that Jewish politics (not just Israeli politics) is a grave threat to world peace."

On Syria, AIPAC, The 800 Pound Gorilla, Risks Looking Like A Chimp!
A quote...."Israel is desperate not only for war but to prove they still control the US Congress even in the face of growing anger from the American voters. Now we are hearing the House vote may be two weeks away, giving AIPAC plenty of time to work/bribe/blackmail members of Congress to launch a war the American people overwhelmingly do not approve of. No doubt they are hoping that over the next two weeks, public outcry over the war will fade away, WHICH IS WHY IT IS VITAL THAT YOU KEEP CALLING YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS EACH AND EVERY DAY AND DEMAND THEY STOP THIS WAR." -- *Michael Rivero*

Syria War: On the Rotten Rope of Zionists
A quote...."While opposition to an unwarranted war against Syria for an alleged use of chemical weapons in the Middle Eastern country is by slow gradations gaining momentum in the world as well as in the United States, some 250 Jewish leaders and the so-called activists affiliated to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) will be reportedly flocking into the halls on Capitol Hill early next week in order to “persuade lawmakers that Congress must adopt the resolution or risk emboldening Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear weapon.”"

The BBC’s Zionism Laid Bare
ZOC Alert - War Presstitute / War Whore Alert - A quote...."The BBC, Britain’s state broadcaster, has gone rogue – more so than the norm for this rather sick behemoth. -- On 31 August we reported that the BBC News website’s Middle East editor, Raffi Berg, had asked his staff to belittle Israel’s aggression on Gaza. Just a day later the corporation over-reached itself once again with its zeal for Zionism and Israel. The extract below, from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, says it all." - Topix  ||  ZOC - Def. ||  Presstitute - Def.  ||  War Whore - Def. ||
FYI:  The BBC has been totally compromised for a very long time.  It is an organization completely riddled with pedophiles along with those who covered up their hideous misdeeds.  Much of this incriminating, abhorrent, behavior has been ferreted out, filed away, and later used for blackmail by Israel's Mossad through operations such as Rupert Murdoch's "phone hacking scandal", their monitoring of the US communications grid since the early 1990s, and their complete monitoring of everything sent over world's communications nets since 2001.  Not to mention the fact the BBC's top management is full of Kazarian Zionists. - mpg
As With Iraq, New York Times Propagates Demonstrable Lies About Syrian WMD
ZOC Alert - War Presstitute / War Whore Alert - A quote...."A headline in the New York Times yesterday stated as fact that “With the World Watching, Syria Amassed Nerve Gas”.  The lead paragraph asserted that “Syria’s top leaders amassed one of the world’s largest stockpiles of chemical weapons with help from the Soviet Union and Iran, as well as Western European suppliers and even a handful of American companies, according to American diplomatic cables and declassified intelligence records.”" - Topix  ||  ZOC - Def. ||  Presstitute - Def.  ||  War Whore - Def. ||
FYI:   The New York Slime is an AIPAC/Israeli Consortium propaganda shill.  The Slime is owned by the Jewish, Ochs-Sulzberger family, who've been card-carrying, war-mongering, fellow travelers of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and their thirst for endless wars and genocides, and endless American blood and treasure to spend on them, along with Israel's dreams for a mini-empire, since that criminal Kazarian enterprise was established by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. If you're stupid enough to pay good money for this "toilet-paper of record", you support propaganda that will impoverish you, deliberately misinform you, and get many Americans, and a whole bunch of other completely innocent people....horribly killed. - mpg
ProPublica Exposed: A Pseudo Alternative with $26 Million Dollars in Secret Mega-Donors Funding
ZOE Alert?? - (Unknown at this time if it really is a ZOE) - A quote...."On September 7, 2013, the daring website, Cryptome, published and publicized the tax reports filed by one of the dime-a-dozen pseudo alternative online publications-ProPublica. The stunning IRS 990 forms filed by this new flashy tax-exempt online news organization expose a secretive operation funded by millions of dollars received from secret entities:" - Source:  BoilingFrogs - also posted at AlethoNews - Topix  ||  ZOE - Def. ||

John Kerry is a Fake - Nah, he's completely Kosher. - mpg
A quote...."Kerry’s paternal grandparents, who had been born Jewish, as “Fritz Kohn” and “Ida Löwe”, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, changed their names to “Frederick and Ida Kerry” in 1900. - At Yale, Kerry became a member of the ‘satanic’ Skull and Bones Society. - Kerry said on October 9, 2002; “I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security.” - During the Libyan civil war, Kerry was one of the first members of Congress to call for the U.S. to impose a no-fly zone in Libya.[119]"

10 Signs The Global Elite Are Losing Control
A quote...."Karma is coming for the elite in a big way. As the Powers That Be head toward a devastating defeat in their war plans for Syria, signs are emerging that their rule over humanity is rapidly diminishing. -- Over the last decade the global elite have been on a mad dash to consolidate power over the world. It's always been their plan like some evil villain in a comic book, but after 9/11 the plan went into overdrive and then turbo charged during the financial crisis of 2008." - bold by website editor
In which Bernie and his Bankster Buddies didn't just "double-down" with the financial futures & fortunes of 315 million Americans, they quintupled down!  All so he and his Bankster Buddies could support the final stages of the PNAC Protocols on behalf of their fellow brethren in Israel and so they could have one last orgy of wealth extraction and looting from the goy-cattle and goy-sheeple who are the actual citizens of this country. - mpg
They don’t want us to know about Israel’s nukes So let’s ask about the rogue state’s chemical weapons
A quote...."UK Foreign Office ministers seem to have great difficulty answering simple questions about Israel’s terror capabilities. It’s as if they don’t want to admit to the awful truth about the violent and lawless regime to which they’ve pledged everlasting support."

Disarm Israel of nuclear weapons – an Israeli breaks a taboo
A quote...."So much energy and propaganda has been invested by Israel and its stooges and pimps around the world regarding the supposed danger posed by Iran’s nuclear programme and the need to bomb Iran that two very obvious options have been ignored – deliberately. -- However, one Israeli academic has plucked up the courage to spell them out: a nuclear-free Middle East – in effect, Israel’s nuclear disarmament, since Israel is the only state in the Middle East bristling with nuclear weapons – and ending the occupation."

‘They Confiscated My Only Source of Livelihood’ - And they're doing it here too. - mpg
A quote...."Khader Merwan Al Seidi (26) is one of Gaza's fishermen and a victim of the repeated military attacks carried out by Israeli forces against fishermen in the Gaza Sea. Khader is the breadwinner for a family of 14 members. He is married with a one-year-old child, and resides with his extended family in a house in Shati refugee camp. The camp, located along the Gaza shore, is home to most of Gaza’s fishermen, for whom the sea is their main source of livelihood. On 13 August 2013, Khader left his home early in the morning, and made his way to Gaza seaport. From there, he sailed west, remaining within the Israeli-imposed limit of 6 nautical miles offshore, to fish for the day. However, Khader was attacked by Israeli naval forces, arrested, and interrogated, and his boat and fishing tools were confiscated. Khader was released 15 hours later." - Source:  PCHR

Dutch company cancels project in occupied Jerusalem - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Boycott, Divest and Sanction the ENTIRE state of Israel!  Because it's the right thing to do, and because it's easy to do. (All you have to do is look at the label and NOT buy their products, now WHAT could be more simple than that?) -- AND -- it's working!!  - mpg -- A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Holland’s largest engineering firm has decided to pull out of a project  planned to be established in the eastern part of the city of Jerusalem." - For more on how to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the state of Israel see the upper-left-corner of the "Front Page" of this website.
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More Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....

The Politics of Cruelty - America’s Descent Into Madness
Must Read - Welcome....peons, peasants....slaves. Welcome, to the New Unholy Roman Empire!! - mpg -- A quote...."America is descending into madness. The stories it now tells are filled with cruelty, deceit, lies, and legitimate all manner of corruption and mayhem.  The mainstream media spins stories that are largely racist, violent, and irresponsible —stories that celebrate power and demonize victims, all the while camouflaging its pedagogical influence under the cheap veneer of entertainment. Unethical grammars of violence now offer the only currency with any enduring value for mediating relationships, addressing problems, and offering instant pleasure. A predatory culture celebrates a narcissistic hyper-individualism that radiates a near sociopathic lack of interest in or compassion and responsibility for others."

Basic Statistics for United States Imperialism
Must Read - Database - (WOW, the parasites in this nation have been very, very busy, doing very, very bad things, to a whole bunch of other people, for a very, very long time! Who knew! - mpg ) -- A quote.... "Contents...."
  1. list of interventions for “regime change”
  2. list of air warfare campaigns
  3. list of client states
  4. list of states held by debt-leverage imperialism
  5. list of foreign base hosts
  6. list of murder toll
  7. list of unsavory rightists supported
  8. list of perverted international bodies
  9. list of interventions for opposing liberation
  10. list of interventions pre-1941
  11. list of covert operations
  12. list of front organizations
  13. list of low intensity conflicts
  14. list of proxy wars
  15. list of foreign policy doctrines
  16. list of propaganda campaigns
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
Must Read - Database - A quote...."The following timeline describes just a few of the hundreds of atrocities and crimes committed by the CIA. -- CIA operations follow the same recurring script. First, American business interests abroad are threatened by a popular or democratically elected leader. The people support their leader because he intends to conduct land reform, strengthen unions, redistribute wealth, nationalize foreign-owned industry, and regulate business to protect workers, consumers and the environment. So, on behalf of American business, and often with their help, the CIA mobilizes the opposition. --  First: it identifies right-wing groups within the country (usually the military), and offers them a deal: “We’ll put you in power if you maintain a favorable business climate for us.” --  Second: The Agency then hires, trains and works with them to overthrow the existing government (usually a democracy). It uses every trick in the book: propaganda, stuffed ballot boxes, purchased elections, extortion, blackmail, sexual intrigue, false stories about opponents in the local media, infiltration and disruption of opposing political parties, kidnapping, beating, torture, intimidation, economic sabotage, death squads and even assassination.  -- Third: These efforts culminate in a military coup, which installs a right-wing dictator. The CIA trains the dictator’s security apparatus to crack down on the traditional enemies of big business, using interrogation, torture and murder. The victims are said to be “communists,” but almost always they are just peasants, liberals, moderates, labor union leaders, political opponents and advocates of free speech and democracy. Widespread human rights abuses follow." - bold/ordinals by website editor

Movie Is Finished and Some Syria News
Related Event Announcement - Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 2hrs15min13sec - Sep 4, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:   Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons -- Ryan Dawson has a new movie regarding a history of US covert activities. - mpg

US Covered-Up for Decades the Largest Use of Biological & Chemical Weapons in History
A quote...."There are many reasons why one should oppose the military action against Syria being planned by the Obama administration. But given that the action is being trumpeted as a righteous response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, there is one reason to oppose the U.S. action that carries with it more than the usual amount of painful irony."

'G20 Marks End of Washington's Era of Dominance' - That's why they're going to war, to get it back. - mpg
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min36sec - Sep 7, 2013) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."The US Secretary of State's on a fresh bid to woo European ministers, in a last-minute effort to drum up support for a unilateral strike on Syria. This, after the international chorus of voices against the move grew louder at the G20 summit in St. Petersburg. Even France, which earlier backed unconditional US action, now says it will wait for the results of the UN's probe into the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. Political commentator John Wight joins RT to discuss this issue."

The West Dethroned: Washington is “The Axis of Evil” - Ditto. - mpg
Quote of the Day...."It only took the rest of the world 300 years to catch on to the evil that masquerades as “western civilization,” or perhaps it only took the rise of new powers with the confidence to state the obvious. Anyone doubtful of America’s responsibility for the evil needs to read The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick. -- The “New American Century” proclaimed by the neoconservatives came to an abrupt end on September 6 2013 at the G20 meeting in Russia.  The leaders of most of the world’s peoples told Obama that they do not believe him and that it is a violation of international law if the US government attacks Syria without UN authorization." - also posted at RINF

Obama Prepares to Wage Offensive, First-strike Strategic Nuclear Warfare against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Syria - Related Article - A quote...."....we know now for sure that all the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD)  systems that Obama is currently in the process of deploying in Europe, Asia, and the United States, on land, at  sea and perhaps in Outer Space are designed to provide the United States with a  strategic,  offensive, first strike nuclear war fighting capability against Russia and China and Iran and North Korea and Syria  for starters."

Financial Crisis and Impending War Are Converging As Failed Policies Become Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

A quote...."Currently calls to Congressional offices are reportedly running 540-1 against this war, but what the American people want does not seem to register with teeny alliance between the US, France and Israel—and not the rest of the world—determined to teach Assad a lesson no matter who likes it.  The latest number I saw showed a majority of Americans oppose a military strike." - bold/underline by website editor - Source:  Disinfo
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

NSA, GCHQ Admit That The Public Is The Enemy
A quote...."Yet another point on the latest NSA/GCHQ revelations concerning backdoors into all sorts of commercial encryption tools, buried within the stories is the pretty clear admission that the NSA and GCHQ views the public as the enemy. First, as Marcy Wheeler points out, all of the programs are named after civil war battles in which the same country's own citizens were seen as the enemy: "

Anti-NSA protest held in Germany
A quote...."Thousands of Germans have staged a demonstration in capital Berlin to protest against spying activities by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and other intelligence agencies." - Source:  PressTV

As Tech Companies Create Alibis, Experts Warn NSA Harms Are Irreparable
A quote...."While several major tech companies scrambled this weekend to save face following implications in the latest NSA revelations reported Thursday—which told how the agency has been working hand-in-hand with tech giants to undermine internet security for the purposes of surveillance—several experts sounded the alarm over what they see as the greatest threat to internet privacy in all of the NSA revelations so far." - Source: CommonDreams

NSA Revelations Cast Doubt on the Entire Tech Industry
A quote...."Six years ago, two Microsoft cryptography researchers discovered some weirdness in an obscure cryptography standard authored by the National Security Agency. There was a bug in a government-standard random number generator that could be used to encrypt data...."

Dear NSA, Thanks for Making Us All Insecure
A quote....."Dear stupid, stupid NSA  --  I’ve got to hand it to you: As an agency set up with the task of breaking codes and spying on people, you seem to be doing a pretty sterling job. -- You and your counterparts in the U.K., Australia, Canada, and New Zealand (and possibly elsewhere) are able to monitor most of the communications flowing around the world. You appear to have successfully subverted the American Web services that everyone uses, and you’ve used the value and size of the U.S. market to bring all manner of Internet backbone providers and hardware vendors on-side too. -- Now we also know that you have—in your own words—some capabilities against the encryption in TLS/SSL, HTTPS, SSH, VPNs, VoIP, WEBMAIL, and other network communication technologies. So even if it takes a fair amount of effort (unlike your indiscriminate data-trawling techniques), that’s basic Internet security out the window then. Nicely done...."

GCHQ HUMINT Operation Teams: British Intelligence Placed Undercover Operatives in Tech Companies
A quote...."The National Security Agency (NSA) and its British counterpart the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) have done just about everything in their power to intercept communications in the digital sphere."

Legal loophole: US Offers NO APOLOGIES For Hacking Internet Encryption
"No Apologies"! -- It is now time to BOYCOTT any product from a US-NRE, UK or Israeli company involved in the communications or computer field!!  If not for the  principal and privacy of it all, do it for your own financial well-being and personal safety!! - mpg -- A quote...."The US Director of National Intelligence has issued a statement in response to a report revealing that the National Security Agency, with help from international allies, secretly inserted backdoors into various encryption and internet security services. - Intelligence agencies in the US and United Kingdom have spent millions to bribe technicians – perhaps even planting agents inside telecommunication companies – in a bid to penetrate the encryption used by hundreds of millions of people to protect their privacy online. - The report detailing the intelligence agency’s efforts was published Thursday by The Guardian, and is the latest result of the leaks from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden." - Source:  RT - bold by website editor - See comment shown below....
This is the PERFECT opportunity for the BRICS + Germany (forget France, they're completely ZOG controlled) to produce reliable, safe, tamper-proof computers and communications equipment.  Without "back-doors" specially engineered spying chips, or other malevolent, possibly even dangerous, hardware/software. -- Overnight each one of these countries could have their own, highly profitable, highly successful, Silicon Valley industrial sites.  Nobody wants to buy, US Surveillance Complex, or Israeli infected or altered equipment, from the US anymore. - mpg
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The Greatest Betrayal in History, The 9/11 False Flag Attack - Twelfth Anniversary....

Who Was Really Behind the 9/11 Attacks?
Must View CRVideo - (CRYuTb - 1hr41sec - Sep 6, 2013) - Source:  CRYuTb - Website:  CorbettReport - Webiste:  CRBlpTV -- A quote...."As we approach the 12th anniversary of 9/11, it is time for 9/11 truth to mature as a movement before it stagnates into insignificance. Either the movement will live up to its potential by naming names and identifying suspects in the crime, or it will become another JFK assassination investigation, doomed to spend half a century fighting pointless territorial battles while the real perpetrators walk free. Join us for this 9/11 anniversary edition of The Corbett Report as we ask the question and demand an answer: Who was really behind the attacks?" - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

The Truthseeker: 9/11 and Operation Gladio (E23)
Must View TSVideo - (TSYuTb - 12min59sec - Sep 8, 2013) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."Bigger than Watergate': US 'regular' meetings with Al-Qaeda's leader; documented White House 'false flag terrorism' moving people 'like sheep'; the father of Twin Towers victim tell us why he backs this month's 9/11 campaign on Times Square and around the world; & the protests calendar for September. -- Seek truth from facts with Bob McIlvane, whose son Bobby was killed in the lobby of the North Tower; NATO's Secret Armies author Dr. Daniele Ganser; Elizabeth Woodworth of Consensus911; Journal of 9/11 Studies co-editor Dr. Graeme MacQueen; Dr. Kevin Barrett author of Questioning the War of Terror, civil engineer Jon Cole of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth; and Rachel Maddow of The Rachel Maddow Show." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

911 and War by Deception (April 2013)

Must View Ry2SVideo - From the History File - Apr 5, 2013 - (previously posted) - (Ry2SYuTb - 2hrs15min13sec - Sep 4, 2013) - Source:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:   Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons -- A quote...."The newest version, includes an anthrax time line, more on privateers, and of course 911" - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Interview 744 – Kevin Ryan Exposes “Another 19″ 9/11 Suspects
Must Listen CRAudio - (CRAdbFlsh - 40min - Sep 9, 2013) - Source - Source:  CorbettReport - Related DwnLdMp3 - Website:  CRYuTb - Webiste:  CRBlpTV -- A quote...."9/11 researcher Kevin Ryan of joins us once again to discuss his new must-read book, “Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects.” We discuss some of the individuals and corporations identified in his book and those who have helped to cover up investigations of them, as well as what works like this can accomplish and where the 9/11 truth movement should head from here." - Related articles.....Political Warfare and the 9/11 Commission & New Book Reveals 9/11 Suspects

Implausibility of the Official Theory
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."The official account of the Twin Towers’ destruction was produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and released in September of 2005. Unfortunately, NIST’s report only provided a hypothesis of the events leading up to the initiation of the collapses, or the “collapse initiation sequence.” NIST did not attempt to explain how once the collapses initiated, the upper sections of these 110-story skyscrapers would continue falling downward through the path of greatest resistance. Instead, NIST simply asserted that once each building was destabilized, “global collapse ensued.”"
aka "Making it up as you go along" or the "Miracle theory" of the construction industry. -- One would hope no one would EVER employ these ludicrously uneducated, uninformed and fact-challenged morons in the construction industry or building safety trades, assuming of course they actually believe their own ridiculous  twaddle. -- Of course if they actually don't, they'll have to be arrested, tried, convicted and executed for acting as accessories after the fact and helping to conceal critical evidence on who carried out a terrorist attack on this nation that resulted in the murders of three thousand people. -- mpg - Topix ||  Perverting The Course Of Justice - Def.  ||  Perjury - Def.  ||
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Michael Rivero in the Crosshairs of the IRS, in Toadstool Nation.
Must Read - A quote...."For 20 years, Michael has been bringing it every day. A few years ago he revamped the presentation and color scheme of his site and as time has marched on, What Really Happened has marched on and become one of the major sources for truth seekers and truth tellers. Michael has been responsible for bringing a great many writers and websites to the attention of a wider audience, I'm one of them. -- It's safe to say that Michael is a thorn in the side of the monsters of the moment. In the shadows, of course, are the Central Bankers and various agents of Central Banker Nation (Israel) as well as high ranking Satanists and the representative of international corporations. These make up the bulk of the enemies of humanity. Michael is one of the knights of the roundtable, in our collective oppositions against these bloodthirsty beasts....."

IRS goes after What Really Happened
Related Action Alert - (Related Article) -- A quote...."Well, I guess it was only a matter of time, but the IRS is coming after Claire and I over some back taxes which we simply do not have the money to pay. No doubt they are looking to go after everyone else trying to stop the rush to war with Syria. Our PayPal account has been seized, so don't bother sending in any more donations; send it to RBN. -- We have endured this harassment for many years, but I can no longer remain silent, nor should anyone who is dealing with these issues." -- *Michael Rivero*  -- For donations and to offer help, legal, financial, technical, etc. see comment number six?? - mpg

Obama's Plea for War Crosses Publics 'Red Line'
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 49min14sec -  Sep 8, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Related:  JohnBWells/Cst2Cst - A quote.... "Alex welcomes radio personality and Co-Host of Coast to Coast AM, Mr John B. Wells to the program to help break apart the mainline stories being given to the public in relation to Syria and gas attacks as well as how we can see through the continued subterfuge to get to the truth."

Tainted and Corrupt on Every Front
Must View CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 8min37sec - Aug 14, 2013) - Source:  crabbydogtrix - Related:  WideAwakeNews
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Banksters Banging (E494)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min45sec - Sep 7, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - Related:  StacyOnTwitter -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss an America that has turned into an old hag raping and murdering itself and the currency spikes that are a sign that someone is banging the close. In the second half, Max talks to David L. Smith of the Geneva Business Insider about refining gold in Switzerland in order to satisfy demand in the Far East and a time in which governments and bankers will get their hands on gold by fair means or foul."

Peter Schiff: Jobs Report Confirms QE Isn't The Only Thing Not Working
PSVideo - Alt - (PSYuTb - 22min59sec - Sep 6, 2013) - Source:  SchiffReportYuTb - Related: PSRadio - Related: PS'sBook  Related: PS@FcBk - Related: PS@Twtr -- Topix ||  Accreting Corruption / Lying - Law #3  ||

The Number Of Private Sector Jobs Fell By 278,000 Last Month But The Economy Is Getting Better?
A quote...."Have you heard about the "wonderful" employment numbers that were just released?  Last month, the unemployment rate declined to 7.3 percent.  Somehow this happened even though the percentage of working age Americans with a job actually declined and the number of private sector workers fell by 278,000.  So how did the federal government magically produce a drop in the unemployment rate even though less people have jobs?  Well, they did it by pretending that more than half a million Americans "dropped out of the labor force" last month."
Keep in mind folks, the recent "revision" (fantasy fabrication) to the US's method of calculating GDP, inflation and the "jobs" numbers, the Fed's on-going QE3 program, and the upcoming false-flag excuse to go to war with Syria as you review the three things parasites do when they get into trouble - Shown below....
  1. They lie more -- (false-flags, propaganda, financial fabrication, mark to fantasy, shadow inventory)
  2. They print more -- (a form of lying, leverage, theft and false promise)
  3. They murder more -- (endless wars and outright, blatant, support for terrorism worldwide) - mpg
Record 90,473,000 Not in Labor Force…
A quote...."So that would put the unemployment rate at what %? Post’s Say from 35% to 40%!!! WTF?"

Nearly One-Sixth of [US's] Population On Food Stamps
A quote...."Food-stamp use grew 2.3% in June from a year earlier, with nearly one-sixth of the U.S. population receiving benefits."
This from the WSJ.  Well, the foodstamp program costs about eighty billion a year, which happens to be less than one month's worth of bail-out / financial-welfare money that the Wall Street's TBTF parasites get from the Fed. - Not saying foodstamps are good, not saying they're bad, but it does put the program into perspective, doesn't it? - mpg
Obama and Larry Summers: Laughing All the Way to the Bank
WCJVideo - Alt - (WCJYuTb - 4min39sec - Sep 6, 2013) - Source:  WCJournalism -- A quote...."The men who stole $16 Trillion from America...." -- Actually, after it's all totaled up, you'll be looking North at over one hundred trillion dollars. - mpg

IBM Terminates Company-Sponsored Retiree Health Plan Due To Soaring Costs
A quote...."110,000 current and soon to be eligible retirees working for IBM woke up to an unpleasant surprise this morning, when the WSJ reported that as a result of soaring healthcare costs, the tech bellwether giant will be terminating its company-sponsored health plan and instead giving (soon to be former) beneficiaries a lump sum payment to buy coverage on a health-exchange...."

Exactly As I Warned, "Cyprusization" Goes Mainstream! Ireland On Tap, Next Up For Citizen Fund Confiscation (Again) -- Cyporization Spreads -- A quote...."The "Believe In Germany Bailing The EU" Trade: Go Long Magic Wand Raw Materials & Harry Potter Paraphernalia" wherein I warned of both the risk in Germany as a save all, and the risks posed to European FIRE sector companies (and insurers in particular) as a result of this belief in magic over math. -- Well, now Bloomberg reports that Poland has literally confiscated private pension manager's (read insurance companies) bonds with essentially no compensation, ex., they stole them, as per Bloomgerg - Poland to Cancel Bonds From Pension Funds in System Revamp...."
"Poland will take over and cancel government bonds held by its privately managed pension funds, stopping short of fully “nationalizing” the system as it seeks to curb public debt, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said."
Greeks hold mass anti-austerity protest
A quote...."Greeks protest against the government's austerity measures and the layoff of public workers during a rally in the city of Thessaloniki on September 7, 2013. -- Greeks have taken to the streets in yet another mass anti-austerity demonstration despite the government's talk of improvement in the recession-hit economy. -- Thousands of people, including union workers, rallied in the country's second largest city of Thessaloniki on Saturday to protest against cutbacks and layoff of public workers." - SourcePressTV

Chinese Yuan Enters The Top Ten List Of Most Traded Currencies
A quote...."The renminbi, also known as the yuan, has made its debut on the list of the 10 most actively traded currencies, according to a survey released by the Bank for International Settlements on Thursday." - Source:  ChinaDotOrg
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More On The International Situation....

EU Court Verdict on Iran Sanctions Angers US [Israel's N American Colonial Administration]  Hip Hip Hooray!! 
A quote...."A new EU court ruling that rejected sanctions on a number of Iranian entities has drawn the ire of the United States, prompting Washington to extend its illegal embargoes against more individuals and businesses. -- The EU’s General Court in Luxembourg lifted the bloc’s sanctions against seven Iranian companies on Friday, ruling that there wasn't sufficient evidence to justify the embargoes."

US-led airstrike kills 16 Afghans
A quote...."A US-led airstrike has killed at least 16 Afghans, including eight women and children, in the eastern province of Kunar, officials say." - bold by website editor

Clashes erupt as police fire tear gas at massive Pinochet victims' march in Chile
A quote...."A march honoring Pinochet victims in Santiago, Chile, was disrupted after hooded youths infiltrated some 30,000 of demonstrators, inciting violence. RT’s Spanish crew was caught in the turmoil as police fired tear gas."
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Jewish settlers [thugs] attack, damage Palestinian vehicles
A quote..."NABLUS, (PIC)-- Jewish settlers [thugs] attacked Palestinian vehicles passing along the Nablus-Ramallah road and damaged 25 cars."

IOF Deny Palestinians Access to Ibrahim Mosque, Detain 30 People
A quote...."Zionist forces detained around 30 Palestinians in a refugee camp near Al-Khalil early Saturday a day after Palestinians were prevented from entering the Ibrahim Mosque in order to let illegal settlers living nearby celebrate the Jewish New Year."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

‘Globesity’: US Junk Food Industry Tips Global Scales
Photo - (click to view) -- A quote...."From Mexico to Qatar, obesity rates are soaring to unprecedented levels. The alarming trend is damaging economic performance, as well as the health of millions of consumers worldwide. - Take our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, mix in a generous portion of American fast-food and dubious agricultural practices, add a dash of corporate duplicity and you have a recipe for high obesity rates across the planet."- Source:  RT
Corn sweetener, DON'T eat ANYTHING containing ANY AMOUNT of a product derived from corn, except one made up of actual corn kernels itself and than only if they're non-GMO! - mpg
Do you want to eat GM maggots in your fruit?
A quote...."The reference is GM Watch, Sept. 4, “GM fruit flies to be released—contamination threat.” - The GM company engineering the flies? Oxitec (UK). Oxford University is an investor in Oxitec. Why is that important? - The European Food Safety Authority panel poised to allow the insect release has a serious conflict of interest, because panel scientists work at Oxford University. - You know. Business as usual...."

Radiation Soaked Fish – South Korea Bans Import of Fish From Japan
A quote...."SEOUL — If you haven’t heard the news yet, TEPCO’s Fukushima Nuclear Daiichi Power Plant has been spewing more deadly cancerous radiation into the ocean and atmosphere than ever before. That’s right, the leaks are worse as there is likely no stopping this sucker. Not that any of the governments across the world care. After all, why would they? It follows lockstep with their depopulation plans. -- In fact, the Japanese Government has already lied to its own citizens and the rest of the world numerous times as Unit 3′s MOX fuel alone surpasses the Russian, Chernobyl event 1000 fold."