Thursday September 15th 2011

The American Dream
Video - From the History File - Jan 2, 2011 - Alt - (previously posted) - (YuTb - 29min55sec - 01/02/11) - Source:  westiesworld4u -- A quote...."The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day? THE AMERICAN DREAM takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today. You will be challenged to investigate some very entrenched and powerful institutions in this nation, and hopefully encouraged to help get our nation back on track."

Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude
Special Note - (This article is for Michael Rivero - mpg) -- A quote...."At the end of November 1918, Adolf Hitler returned to Munich and then proceeded to a military camp in Traunstein in south-eastern Bavaria. When the camp was disbanded in April 1919, he went back to Munich, which was still being ruled by a Soviet republic founded by a Polish Jew Kurt Eisner (real name Salamon Kosmanowsky). -- At the beginning of May, a few days after the communist revolution had been terminated on May 1, 1919 by the Bavarian Freikorps, Hitler was summoned as a member of the 2nd Infantry Regiment to attend a course on political instruction. The purpose of this course of lectures was to provide the soldiers with a background of politics, which would enable them to monitor the many revolutionary and political movements present in Munich at that time."

The Banks From Hell Are Bankrupting Western Civilization
A quote...."As we head into the fall of 2011, the economic and political collapse of every nation in the West is happening exactly according to plan. The fate of the West is being determined in the shadows of history by the banks from hell that run America and the European Union." - also posted at DProgram

“During Great Inflations, Societies Turn On Themselves” And [Per]secute Minorities … And We’ve Got A LOT Of Hidden Inflation - Special Note - Charts - Videos - A quote...."Inflation Is A Tax -- The father of the theory that government stimulus is the way to fight severe downturns – John Maynard Keynes – famously said about inflation...."

"By this means government may secretly and unobserved, confiscate the wealth of the people, and not one man in a million will detect the theft."

"Fed chairman Ben Bernanke also admits that inflation is a tax on the American people...." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

The TRUTH About Who Really Owns All Of America's Debt
A quote...."According to this article, the Social Security trust fund is the largest single holder of US debt. The US Government has borrowed the money you spent your life putting in and now the government cannot pay it back. So they are going to stiff you on that debt, because the government thinks you won't do anything about it, and they can pretend they are not already in default on their obligations."

The Death of Democracy: Globalist Endgame Now in Play for All To See
Special Note - (This article is for Alex Jones - mpg) -- A quote...."Economic governance: direct rule of the people (as opposed to the indirect rule by proxy which we currently have in America) by the unelected, unaccountable bankers, hedge fund managers, and financial institutions like the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the EU."

“The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” attributed to David Rockefeller, Bilderberg Group meeting, 1991"

"Whether the above quote is accurate or not with regard to who originally made it, it is certainly accurate with regard to what has been happening across the world since the Reagan Revolution (which Ron Paul recently mentioned favorably in his last Tea Party debate) began. The term “economic governance” is now being used quite freely in public by elected officials and financial gurus alike with reverence."

The Fasco-Communist Police State of America
A Comparison - A quote...."Woe to the average American. The US Government has taken all the worst parts of every heinous government system and combined them all into one viral new strain."

Bush's Toronto appearance cancelled - Hip Hip Hooray!! - A small, but thrilling victory! - mpg
A quote...."14 Sep 2011 Next week's appearance by former U.S. president [sic] George W. Bush at an event hosted by a local evangelical Christian university has been cancelled. The decision came Wednesday, the same day three former students launched a petition urging the university to cancel the speech. On Tuesday, a class valedictorian and professor publicly spoke out against the appearance following the resignation of another staff member. Bush was scheduled to speak Sept. 20 to about 150 people at an invitation-only breakfast hosted by Tyndale University College and Seminary, home to about 1,400 students at two campuses in Toronto's north end."

Barack Obama's AttackWatch Comedy Show
2012 Election Cycle -- A quote...."Following in the footsteps of his predecessor, George W. Bush, the Obama administration is becoming more and more clownish with each passing day. Of course, with the circus that is known as American elections, clownishness often goes unnoticed as it blends in with the rest of the show. However, there has recently emerged another expression of the child-like personality cult that American political candidates (at least those for President) now engender, and it simply cannot go without comment."

Crisis is Here …. – Charlie McGrath
CMcGVideo - Alt - (CMcGYuTb - 5min23sec - Sep 14, 2011) -- Source:  crabbydogtrix

Keiser Report: Debt Carpet Bombing (E184)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min52sec - Sep 15, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote...."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss a tweet describing them as the Eldridge and Kathleen Cleaver of the financial war. With that in mind, they look at the modern equivalents to the carpet bombing, Agent Orange and Saigon prostitutes of the Vietnam war and observe that Christine Lagarde has 'loved Arab Spring nations a long time.' In the second half of the show Max talks to Zeus Yiamouyiannis of about the debt jubilee and Crash JP Morgan, Buy Silver."

Broadcasting LIVE on - September 15 2011
MRVideo - Alt - Note:  goto 6min30sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Sept, 15th 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective....

September 11 and "The Years of Shame": Media Lies versus "Moral Conscience" - Stuck Pigs (and Presstitutes) Squeal -- Special Note - A quote...."Krugman does display at times a moral conscience. He did so on September 11 in his New York Times column, “The Years of Shame.” Krugman wrote that 9/11 was hijacked by “fake heros” who used the event “to justify an unrelated war the neocons wanted to fight” and that “our professional pundits” lent their support to the misuse of the event. -- The stuck pigs, of course, squealed loudly. The war criminal, Donald Rumsfeld, publicly cancelled his New York Times subscription, and the complicit presstitutes in Washington’s wars of aggression jumped on Krugman with spikes and hatchets."

Apathy, Ignorance And Passive Indifference Are Worse Than Government Corruption And Organized Evil
A quote...."In 1946, French writer Albert Camus wrote, "the mind is always a step behind reality. History races ahead while the mind meditates." That statement was never more true than on the morning of September 11, 2001. -- It seemed like history took off on a rocket ship with only the traitorous oligarchy on board, while the majority of humanity was left stranded on battlefield Earth without the knowledge that impending catastrophes laid ahead."

9/11 Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts - Updated
Database - Contains Multiple Videos & Photos

Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry Into 9/11 – and Former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee – Calls for a New 9/11 Investigation -- A quote...."The Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 and former Head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, previously stated that an FBI informant had hosted and rented a room to two hijackers in 2000 and that, when the Inquiry sought to interview the informant, the FBI refused outright, and then hid him in an unknown location, and that a high-level FBI official stated these blocking maneuvers were undertaken under orders from the White House (confirmed here)."

9/11 - The Toronto Hearings - 09/11/11 - 11:06AM.flv
Video - (YuTb - 1hr2min28sec - Sep 11, 2011) - Source:  WhatsReallyGoingOnUS -- A quote...."September 11, 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the events in New York and Washington that have played a dramatic role in modern history. These events have provided a pretext for a War on Terror that has replaced the Cold War as a global conflict framework within which military invasions and occupations have taken place, as well as violations of international law and human rights and a widespread assault on the civil rights crucial to democracies. Global military spending, which began a rapid downswing after the end of the Cold War, has, with the help of the official account of the 9/11 attacks, risen to Cold War levels and continues to rise."

The Still Developing Story of the Recently Issued CIA Threats to 9/11 Press For Truth Producers Nowosielski & Duffy
-- A quote...."Last week we brokethe story of the CIA issued legal threats against producers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy on their discovery of the identities of the two key CIA analysts who executed the Tenet-Black-Blee cover-up in the case of two key 9/11 hijackers."
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The Assault On Libya....

Tawargha – the final solution
A quote...."The final chapter is now being written for Tawargha, as reported by Sam Dagher of the Wall Street Journal -- Mahmoud Jibril, the NTC prime minister, rubber-stamped the wiping of the town off the map at the Misrata town hall: -- “Regarding Tawergha, my own viewpoint is that nobody has the right to interfere in this matter except the people of Misrata.” - also posted at AlethoNews

Walter Fauntroy, feared dead in Libya, returns home – Guess who he saw doing the killing
A quote...."Former U.S. Congressman Walter Fauntroy, who recently returned from a self-sanctioned peace mission to Libya, said he went into hiding for about a month in Libya after witnessing horrifying events in Libya’s bloody civil war – a war that Fauntroy claims is backed by European forces." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Nigerian politicians urge government to de-recognize Libyan rebels
A quote...."The Nigerian African Renaissance Party (ARP) on Tuesday urged the Federal Government (FG) to withdraw its recognition for the Libyan rebels' National Transitional Council (NTC). -- ARP National Chairman, Alhaji Yahaya Ndu, told the News Agency of Nigeria that it was improper to recognize a group whose aim is to murder Nigerian citizens."

The United Nations is Dead
A quote...."Let it be known world wide that in view of the clear breach of United Nations Resolution 1973 by NATO allied countries, who are bombing and killing Libya civilians instead of protecting them as was their stated mission and the fact that the United Nations has not met to prevent the clear violation of this resolution despite the war crimes being committed by NATO, that the United Nations should no longer to be viewed as a creditable organisation. The United Nations no longer stands for the principal for which it came into existence!"

Sarkozy &Cameron in Tripoli: Scramble for Libya['s oil] is on - They snuck in & departed as quickly as possible
A quote...."The hasty departure from Tripoli suggested that neither NATO nor its Libyan clients are confident about security in the capital under conditions in which battles are still raging for control of the coastal city of Sirte and Bani Walid, about 90 miles southeast of the capital. -- Undoubtedly even more troubling for Cameron’s and Sarkozy’s security details is growing evidence that the NTC’s control of Tripoli is tenuous at best. Islamist elements leading militias patrolling the capital’s streets have denounced the NTC leadership, calling for its resignation."
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More On The International Situation....

'We want Syria & Iran': US in-your-face revolution plans
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 9min39sec - Sep 14, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Washington has strongly backed the Libyan opposition since a revolutionary wave engulfed the state. It's now equally enthusiastic in its support AGAINST Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad. But the concern is whether America's decision to take sides could backfire on its closest Middle East ally - Israel. RT's Gayane Chichakyan looks at the possible repercussions of U.S. policy."

Libyan blood money, MidEast movers & Kosovo chaos: UN Envoy to RT
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 12min29sec - Sep 15, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."A failure to properly implement UN resolution 1973 aimed at protecting civilians in Libya crystallized into a full-scale civil war and foreign invasion, argues Russia's UN ambassador, Vitaly Churkin. He says only the UN can break the stalemate."

Times poll finds a souring mood among [US] troops
A quote...."Slightly less than half of readers said the U.S. is “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to succeed in Afghanistan. The figure is lower among troops who have deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, the survey shows."

Official: US dollars ending up in [Afghan] insurgents' hands - As they have for the LAST THIRTY YEARS!!!
A quote...."It's clear to us some of that money is going to the insurgency.' 15 Sep 2011 U.S. government money spent on contracts in Afghanistan is ending up in the hands of Taliban insurgents that American troops have been fighting for nearly a decade, and it is unlikely the flow can be shut off completely, a senior Pentagon official [Army Brig. Gen. Stephen Townsend] said Thursday. The Associated Press reported in August that a special U.S. task force estimated that $360 million in U.S. contracting dollars have been lost to the Taliban, criminals and power brokers with ties to both. [The taxpayer-backed Afghan insurgents' stimulus never *once* met an opposition GOP vote or Obusha veto! Only tax dollars for US crumbling bridges can't get a dime! --LRP]"

15 NATO tankers torched in Afghanistan - Guess the truckers didn't pay the Taliban's "road tax". - mpg
A quote...."Taliban militants have attacked 15 NATO supply vehicles transporting fuel destined for US-led forces and set them on fire in Afghanistan's western province of Farah, Press TV reports." - also posted at WarInIraq

British soldier killed in Afghanistan
A quote...."A British soldier serving in the US-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has been shot dead while on foot patrol in southern Afghanistan." - also posted at WarInIraq

Syria may buy more Russian air defense systems
A quote...."Syria has shown interest in buying a whole range of advanced Russian air defense systems, a source in the Russian defense industry told RIA Novosti on Monday." - also posted at WarInIraq

Jordanian protesters demand closing of US Embassy
A quote...."AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Demonstrators have demanded the closing of the U.S. Embassy in Jordan over Wikileaks cables suggesting covert U.S. plans to turn Jordan into a home for Palestinians."

Iran Successfully Test-Fires Anti-Radar Smart Missiles
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Senior Iranian Air Force commanders announced on Thursday that the country has successfully test-fired a home-made anti-radar smart missile, capable of destroying even mobile targets with 100 percent precision."

Commander: Iranian Air Force's New Radars to Come Online Soon
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) Brigadier General Hassan Shahsafi announced that the country's new radar systems and equipment will launch operation soon in future."

Russia to deploy S-400 air defense systems in joint drills with Belarus
A quote...."Russia will deploy advanced S-400 air defense systems during joint military exercises with Belarus in September, a spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry said."

AFRICOM Commander Requests More Special Operations Forces
A quote...."American military presence in Africa is increasing and expanding in scope, using dormant terror threats to justify empire."

Greek workers plunged into social misery
A quote...."With Greece verging on a default of its debt of around €330 billion, and facing a forced exit from the eurozone, the PASOK government of Prime Minister George Papandreou is escalating its austerity programme against an already pauperised population."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Petro dollar? Think again. [The] US went to war for ISRAEL, and they dont give a [expletive deleted] about the dollar or Americans. -- RDVideo - (Note:  Adult Language) - Alt - (RDYuTb - 8min07sec - Sep 15, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense -- A quote...."The Euro didn't even exist when the Neocons started calling for war with Iraq. And the lies didn't change either. The US was already getting the oil in the oil for food program at nickle rates."

Protecting Americans? President Obama's Shameful Silence in the Face of Israel's Murder of a Young American
A quote...."Among the many shameful and cowardly things that President Barack Obama has and has not done, few can rival his complete unwillingness to express outrage at the Israeli military’s murder of a young American teen executed at close range during the Israeli Defense (sic) Force assault on the Turkish-flagged aid ship the Mavi Marmara in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea back on May 31, 2010." - also posted at Uruknet

Top media ethics expert: [New York] Times’ Ethan Bronner is in ‘very dicey ethical territory’
NYT Presstitute Exposed -- A quote...."The Times has been warned before about Bronner. When the Electronic Intifada reported that Bronner's son had joined the Israeli army, then-Public Editor Clark Hoyt recommended that Bronner be reassigned. As with his son's army service, Bronner did not appear to have disclosed to the Times his relationship with Lone Star Communications." -- The NYT is owned by the Ochs-Sulzberger family.  They're Jewish and fully support Israel and the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium in ALL of it's endeavors, including the PNAC Protocols. - mpg

Gilad Atzmon: Israeli War Criminals Are Welcome Here
Special Note - A quote...."Earlier today Britain amended its universal jurisdiction law to the extent that Israeli war criminals can now enter the Kingdom without risk of arrest. British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould shamelessly called Israeli war criminal Tzipi Livni, against whom an arrest warrant was issued in 2009, and told her that the Queen has signed the amendment “to ensure that the UK’s justice system can no longer be abused for political reasons.” -- Ignoramus ambassador Gould should know that putting a war criminal behind bars is not a political matter, but an ethical necessity. -- However, the amendment of the law is just another symptom of the Zion-ification of UK legal system and culture." - bold by website editor

The Queen [Magna-Carta Destroyer & New Zio-Lackey] Has Lost Her Royal Marbels [& Her Dignity]
Related Article - A quote...."Britain changes law that enabled war crime charges against Israelis [and other war criminals.  In other words, they put in a specific EXCEPTION for Israeli war-criminals.]
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Implications of Palestinian Statehood
Geo-Political Prediction - (And what this website editor has been thinking ever since the near-term possibility of Palestinian State-hood first surfaced. - mpg) -- A quote...."Previous articles discussed likely Palestinian statehood and full UN membership if proper procedures are followed. -- They also suggested Palestinian President [he really isn't] Mahmoud Abbas will belie his supportive rhetoric by betrayal at the 11th hour. -- When the General Assembly meets later in September, we’ll know which Abbas shows up – a leader representing his people or an Israeli collaborationist like so often before. Smart money says the latter." - bold by website editor

Israeli forces demolish homes, barn in Jordan Valley
A quote...."TUBAS (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces raided al-Aqaba village in the West Bank Jordan Valley on Thursday, destroying two houses and a barn. -- Soldiers imposed a cordon around the area and denied the media access, a Ma'an correspondent said. -- President of the village council Sami Sadek appealed for human rights organizations to intervene to stop Israeli aggression against Palestinians."

Settlers [Envious Homeless Jewish Vandals] Set Fire to Palestinian Cars in Nablus Area
A quote...."NABLUS, September 15, 2011 (WAFA) – [Envious, homeless] Jewish [vandals] settlers set fire on Thursday to three Palestinian vehicles in Beit Furik, a town southeast of Nablus, said local officials."

Local committee: Israel issues 5 demolition orders in Hebron village
A quote...."HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces on Wednesday evening handed five demolition orders to Palestinians from Khallet al-Hajjar village, south Hebron, a local community organizer said." - also posted at Uruknet

PCHR Condemns Israeli Escalation against Fishermen in the Gaza Strip
A quote...."The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns ongoing Israeli attacks targeting Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip, and expresses grave concern regarding the escalation of these attacks in recent days" - also posted at AlethoNews

Palestinian Bedouins threatened with ethnic cleansing
A quote...."The Israeli government has adopted a new plan to "resettle" the Bedouin residents of unrecognised villages in the Negev Desert into larger recognised settlements.  This plan will affect tens of thousands of Bedouins in the Negev.  Dressed up as a solution to the problem of unrecognised Bedouin villages, this plan in fact is a blueprint for ethnic cleansing and the destruction of the Bedouin way of life."  - also posted at Uruknet

Israel does not want a Palestinian state. Period.
A quote...."On Wednesday, a coalition of Israeli peace organizations published a list of 50 reasons for Israel to support a Palestinian state. Assuming that you only accept five of them, isn't that enough? What exactly is the alternative, now that the heavens are closing in around us? "
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

SEC Admits Documents From Preliminary Investigations On Big Banks, Bernie Madoff Likely Tossed
Special Note - A quote...."WASHINGTON — The Securities and Exchange Commission has acknowledged that some documents from preliminary investigations of major banks and convicted swindler Bernard Madoff likely were destroyed under a former agency policy."

Did Fannie Just Bailout Bank Of America?
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 6min53sec - Sep 14, 2011) - Source:  TheAlyonaShow - Producer: RTAmerica -- A quote...."Fannie Mae may have bailed out Bank of America to the tune of almost half a billion dollars this month. We say 'may have', because the details of a recent deal that was made are scarce, but suspicious. But this should make you as the taxpayer curious, since the bailed-out more than once Fannie Mae is essentially now government owned. So your money went into this deal. Reason Foundation's Anthony Randazzo explains." -- Related Article:  ||  Bank Of America's Backdoor Bailout - Dumping Mortgage Trash Onto Taxpayers Via Fannie Mae - Aug 11, 2011 at 7:00 PM  ||

BofA Told to Pay Fired Countrywide Whistleblower $930,000
A quote...."Sept. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Bank of America Corp. must pay $930,000 to an employee who uncovered fraud at Countrywide Financial Corp. and was fired in violation of whistleblower protections, the U.S. Department of Labor said."

Banks Took $6B in Reinsurance Kickbacks, Investigators Say - Put a zero after that figure for the truth. - mpg
A quote...."Many of the country's largest banks received $6 billion in kickbacks from mortgage insurers over the course of a decade, according to a previously undisclosed investigation by the Inspector General of the Department of Housing and Urban Development."

The Real Housewives of Wall Street
A Blast From the Past - April 12, 2011 9:55 AM ET - A quote...."America has two national budgets, one official, one unofficial. The official budget is public record and hotly debated: Money comes in as taxes and goes out as jet fighters, DEA agents, wheat subsidies and Medicare, plus pensions and bennies for that great untamed socialist menace called a unionized public-sector workforce that Republicans are always complaining about. According to popular legend, we're broke and in so much debt that 40 years from now our granddaughters will still be hooking on weekends to pay the medical bills of this year's retirees from the IRS, the SEC and the Department of Energy."

The "Perception Management" Economy
Special Note - Quote of the Day...."The Status Quo in Euroland can set all the agendas it wants and announce all the rescues it wants, but none of that propaganda will reduce the crushing debts by a single euro. Sand castles are no match for the tides of reality."

UBS and the alegged Rogue Trader-Summary
A quote...."Much has been written on the UBS Rogue Trader theme today. We will hear more on this story in during the coming days. One thing is for sure. To blow up, if that even is true, 2 Bln USD is quite hard to accomplish. One needs to have some rather big positions. Those kind of positions are almost impossible to accumulate in the Equities Market. Below is a good recap of some of the stories today."

'Economic growth can't pay off EU debt'
Contains Video - A quote...."The European Commission has warned that economic growth in the eurozone will come to a standstill in the second half of 2011 due to the EU debt crisis and the turmoil in financial markets."

Kyle Bass With David Faber - 'Greece Will Default And It's Going To Be Ugly For Europe, Germany And The U.S.' (17 Bailouts For 17 Euro Nations) - MSNBCVideo - Alt - (MSNBCVid - 10min55sec - Sep. 14, 2011 ) -- A quote...."Restructuring is the only one way out of this debt mess, and "restructuring means default." Kyle Bass, managing partner of Hayman Capital, told CNBC Wednesday."

Dylan Ratigan - Destined For Another Disaster
MSNBCVideo - Alt - (MSNBCVid - 6min32sec - Sep. 14, 2011 ) -- A quote...."Dylan Ratigan on the Lehman Anniversary - Excellent short clip from yesterday's show. - The New York Times’ Larry McDonald and panel talk about the three-year anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the likelihood of a new and greater financial collapse. "

China, Not just Not buying Euro Bonds, They Are Selling This [expletive deleted] As Fast As They Can
Geo-Political Note - (Note:  Adult Language) -- A quote...."China is not just not buying Euroland bonds; China is actually selling Euroland Bonds. The Italians are desperately and I mean desperately trying to assure the Chinese that their investments in Libya are safe. I’m thinking China really doesn’t give a [expletive deleted]. In EVERY world conflict you DO NOT want to be on the Italian side, certainly this conflict is no different. "
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More On The Economic Situation....

Mortgage default warnings surged in August
A quote...."LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Banks have stepped up their actions against homeowners who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments, setting the stage for a fresh wave of foreclosures. -- The number of U.S. homes that received an initial default notice -- the first step in the foreclosure process -- jumped 33 percent in August from July, foreclosure listing firm RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday."

Flood of Foreclosures Heading to Housing Market
A quote...."New foreclosure starts rose sharply in August, signaling a slew of foreclosed properties will be dumped on the already bloated housing market in early 2012. -- "Notices of Default," the first stage of the foreclosure process, rose 33 percent month-to-month, according to a new report from RealtyTrac."

10 USA Housing Markets That Will Collapse [Even More] This Year
By The Numbers & Stats. -- A quote...."The United States real estate market collapse is not over by a long shot. We are experiencing the most unusual financial times in modern US history. If you think it can’t get worse…keep reading."

College Bubble Update: Default Rates on Student Loans Soar to 15%
Chart - A quote...."In 2010, as the buzz of economic recovery swept over the nation, we were warning of the unemployment crisis and how it would affect college graduates who were told that once out of college they’d be quickly absorbed into the job market where they’d make all of their wildest financial dreams come true." - also posted at LewRockwell
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Some of today's economic numbers from MarketWatch....

Jobless claims jump to highest since June -- First-time filings for unemployment compensation rise to 428,000
A quote...."(MarketWatch) — The number of applications for unemployment benefits rose last week to the highest level in nearly two months, government data showed Thursday, providing more evidence of the difficulty jobless Americans face in finding work."

U.S. consumer prices jump 0.4% in August -- ‘Core’ rate of inflation hits highest 12-month level since late 2008
A quote...."(MarketWatch) — Americans paid more money for a broad range of goods and services last month, including gas, food, clothing and shelter, and the higher costs ate into their inflation-adjusted income."

New York manufacturing activity dips again
A quote...."(MarketWatch) — Manufacturing activity in the New York region weakened again in September, according to data released Thursday, raising fresh concern over the strength of the factory sector in the third quarter."

Foreclosure filings jump 7% in August from July
A quote...."(MarketWatch) — The number of default notices mailed to homeowners who were late on their mortgages soared in August to a nine-month high — the largest month-to-month increase in four years — and that helped push the rate of overall foreclosure filings higher last month, according to data released by RealtyTrac Inc. on Thursday. "

Current-account deficit [$118 Billion] narrows in second quarter [by $1.6 billion] - (i.e. no change)
A quote...."(MarketWatch) -- The U.S. current-account deficit fell to $118 billion in the second quarter, or 3.1% of GDP, from first-quarter levels of $119.6 billion, or 3.2% of GDP" - (And this is considered "good news" - mpg)

Industrial output up 0.2% in August
A quote...."(MarketWatch) — Industrial production rose modestly in August, the Federal Reserve reported Thursday."

Negative Philly Fed index worse than forecast
A quote...."(MarketWatch) -- The Philadelphia Fed said its manufacturing index was -17.5 in September, the third negative reading in four months. Economists polled by MarketWatch had anticipated a -13.4 reading for September after a -30.7 disaster in August. Earlier, the New York Fed said its Empire State manufacturing index fell to -8.8 in September from -7.7 in August."

False Flag Warning - How did the stock "market" respond?  The DOW up 186.5, NASDAQ up 34.52, and the S&P up 20.43. Again vividly demonstrating, despite what the mass-media has repeatedly stated on many prior occasions, that the day's economic news has no real relationship whatsoever with the stock "market's" performance that day.

According to theory, (see topix shown below), the stock market's artificial ramp-up, coupled with the continued deterioration in the real economy projected forward into 2012, along with present geo-political trends, would indicate there's a very strong chance of a false-flag event being carried out in the next 30 to 90 days. Therefore the dichotomy between the stock "market's" performance and the real economy is being classified -- for now -- as a "False Flag Warning".  - mpg
-- Topix  ||  The Ten Year Cycle, Traitors, Inflection-Points & The Osama Hoax - 05-13-11 - mpg  ||
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Economy 09-15-11 - A DProgram Round-Up
A round-up of todays business news from DProgram. - mpg

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Sep 15, 2011 at 10:13 AM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Wednesday September 14th 2011

Did Wages Top Out with Domestic Oil?
Must Read / View -- Multiple Charts - Quote of the Day...."The "solution," financialization and globalization, have incentivized corruption, speculation and mal-investment on a grand scale, and unleashed a destructive host of unintended consequences. Now we are trapped in a fiscal box that's been in the making for 40 years: households' real poverty is being masked by massive Federal transfers, funded by borrowing on a massive scale, and our "cheap" energy depends on an unsustainably costly global security machine and a "dollar hegemony" that may well strengthen as the euro dissolves, but which is still an unstable bargain for oil exporters. Paper for oil. Trickery and perception management are not solutions." - bold by website editor - Topix ||  The Ten Year Economic / War Cycle ||

Who Rules America?
A quote...."In the broadest and deepest sense, understanding how the US political system functions, the decisions of war and peace are taken, who gets what, how and why, requires that we address the question of ‘Who rules America?’ In tackling the question of ‘ruling’ one needs to clarify a great deal of misunderstandings, particularly the confusion between those who make governmental decisions and the socio-economic institutional parameters which define the interests to be served...." - Source:  JamesPetras

SAT reading scores fall to lowest level on record
Many commentators have stated for years that the parasites who run this government are deliberately "dumbing down" Amerika....Obviously they've succeeded. - mpg -- A quote...."(09-14) 12:18 PDT , (AP) -- SAT reading scores for the high school class of 2011 were the lowest on record, and combined reading and math scores fell to their lowest point since 1995. -- The College Board, which released the scores Wednesday, said the results reflect the record size and diversity of the pool of test-takers. As more students aim for college and take the exam, it tends to drag down average scores."

Jobs? “46 Million Americans are Living Below the Poverty Line... Only Israel, Chile and Mexico Have Higher Poverty Ratios” - A quote...."Israel!! What the @#%k are they doing with all the money they loot from the rest of the world?" -- *Michael Rivero* -- They create jobs for the Jews ONLY....the Arabs and Palestinian citizens in Israel are to made into slaves. - mpg

The Great American Economic Lie
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The idea that the economy has grown at roughly 5% since 1980 is a lie.   In reality the economic growth of the U.S. has been declining rapidly over the past 30 years supported only by a massive push into deficit spending." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Prison Planet TV With Alex Jones - Sept 14th 2011
AJVideo - AlfredAdask(1/3) - AlfredAdask(2/3) - AlfredAdask(3/3) - OrangeInfowarsHat - ScottHalfmann9/11 - EssenceOfTyrannyByStealth(1/3) - EssenceOfTyrannyByStealth(2/3) - EssenceOfTyrannyByStealth(3/3) - CIARoleInDrugs - MoreSlavesThanEver - Facebook'sPre-Crime - SolarFlares&Nukes(1/2) - SolarFlares&Nukes(2/2) -- (AJYuTb - 5/15min - Sept 14th 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- Edited quote...."Alex welcomes to the show Alfred Adask, the publisher of the AntiShyster News Magazine. Adask is the founder of one of the largest legal reform organizations, Citizens for Legal Reform. - Alex describes The Hunter Orange Infowars Hat for sale at infowars, it stands out in the field and around town. - Alex talks to 9/11 activist who got arrested at ground zero for talking about the 9/11 cover-up. - Alex breaks down how the police state system is now moving forward in it's final assault on america, but by different means. - Alex covers the CIA and their role in the drug trade - Alex discusses how Americans are becoming slaves - Alex covers face-book's pre-crime scanner technology - Forget about the 2012 Mayan calendar, comet Elenin or the Rapture. The real threat to human civilization is far more mundane, and it's right in front of our noses."

Gerald Celente on Russia Today – September 9th, 2011
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min26sec - Sep 14, 2011) - Source:  GeraldCelenteChannel - Producer:  RussiaToday

Broadcasting LIVE on - September 14 2011
MRVideo - Note:  goto 6min30sec into the broadcast - mpg - (JustInTV - 2hrs - Sept, 14th 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues. - mpg
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9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective....

Governments Have Always Lied
Contains Video - MR:GovernmentsLie(1/2) - MR:GovernmentsLie(2/2) --  A quote...."Lets get one thing straight. The attack of 9/11 was NOT a unique attack. -- As I write this (on September 12, 2011) we have just celebrated the 10th anniversary of the 9-11. -- It is now 10 years later and we are still fighting over who did 9-11 and how we cannot find the perpetrators who committed 9-11. -- The fact is that the the US government LIED to us and to the world. The US government lied us into these wars - just like they have lied us into most other wars. The government continues to lie to us every day."

Episode 199 – 35 Reasons to Question 9/11
Must Listen Audio & Must View 35 Videos - (2hr34min44sec) - Note:  Much of the audio is a compilation of the videos.  Since there are many references in the videos to pictures, charts and graphs, it may become necessary to also view the videos - mpg -- A quote...."Those who believe that they have been told the truth about 9/11 often believe so because of their ignorance of of the official story. The establishment and the media love to portray the government’s version of 9/11 as a coherent, monolithic and universally accepted body of documented facts, but nothing could be further from the truth. The information that contradicts the official story is sometimes contradictory and often convoluted, but we will never arrive at the truth and achieve justice for the victims of 9/11 if we don’t begin the process of asking the tough questions about the official story…and demanding answers." - ||  PlayInNewWindow  ||  Download  ||  Limited Bandwith  || High Quality  ||

The Evil Eye of Empire Turned Inward Against America On 9/11
A quote...."I don't like writing another article about 9/11 truth, but I can't help myself. This is venting for me. It doesn't matter how much I think about the 9/11 lie, the feeling of sickness and anger at the real terrorists won't go away until true justice is done. I'm sre everyone who knows the official story is a lie feels the same way as I do. -- Alone we are depressed and anxious, but together we are strong enough to destroy the 9/11 lie and put an end to the evil war on terror. We must always remember that the 9/11 tragedy was used to give birth to a million little tragedies in Iraq, Afghanistan and across the Middle East."

Q and A with Christopher Bollyn
Special Note - A quote..."One man is responsible for most of our knowledge of the zionist connection to 9/11. That man is Christopher Bollyn, a pre-eminent investigative journalist. He wrote his first essay questioning the events of 9/11 on September 18th, 2001, just one week after the attacks. -- Bollyn wrote about the Israeli Mossad agents arrested on 9/11, and how they were being held by the FBI. He wrote about Michael Chertoff, Richard Perle, and the other zionist jews who were secretly in control of the Bush administration. After meeting Stephen Jones, he helped publicize evidence for the use of thermite in the controlled demolition of all three World Trade Center Towers."

9/11 Truth: Jewish Ex-Marine SPEAKS OUT on Israeli Involvement
PRSTVideo - Alt - (PRSTVYuTb - 24min12sec - Sep 4, 2011) - Source:  theTRUTHprincess - Producer:  PressTVYuTb - A quote...."(PressTV) – Video Israel DOES NOT want you to see and the U.S. Mainstream Media WON’T SHOW YOU. -- 2011 Interview of Alan Sabrosky regarding 9/11 truth. – September 4th, 2011."

Alan Sabrosky Pt1 of 7 100% Sure Israel - Rogue US Gov.did 9/11
Video - From the History File - Mar 29, 2010 - AS(1/7) - AS(2/7) - AS(3/7) - AS(4/7) - AS(5/7) - AS(6/7) - AS(7/7) - (YuTb - 5/15min - 03/29/10) - Source:  o1OpTiMuS1o -- A quote...."Bio - Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. He is listed in WHO'S WHO IN THE EAST (23rd ed.). A Marine Corps Vietnam veteran and a 1986 graduate of the U.S. Army War College, Dr. Sabrosky's teaching and research appointments have included the United States Military Academy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Middlebury College and Catholic University; while in government service, he held concurrent adjunct professorships at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)."

9/11 and Americans' Remarkable Incapacity for Self-reflection
A quote...."When Lois Griffin gets elected mayor of Quahog by pandering to the stupidest and most meaningless references to 9/11, audiences roar. But when that same scenario is replayed over and over again in a largely successful attempt to separate people from their intellect, their conscience and their instinct for self-preservation, no one apparently even knows what's happening. Never Forget! Shriek the flag-wavers and cheerleaders of empire, as if such a thing were even possible." - also posted at ScoopNZ - Related Videos:

||  Family Guy - Undecided Voters - (YuTb - 1min39sec - Sep 10, 2008) - Source:  huluDotCom  ||
||  George W. Bush Saves A Baby - (YuTb - 3min18sec - Oct 10, 2006) - Source:  matthewmattmatt  ||
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Jefferies Describes The Endgame: Europe Is Finished
A quote...."The most scathing report describing in exquisite detail the coming financial apocalypse in Europe comes not from some fringe blogger or soundbite striving politician, but from perpetual bulge bracket wannabe, Jefferies and specifically its chief market strategist David Zervos. "The bottom line is that it looks like a Lehman like event is about to be unleashed on Europe WITHOUT an effective TARP like structure fully in place. Now maybe, just maybe, they can do what the US did and build one on the fly - wiping out a few institutions and then using an expanded EFSF/Eurobond structure to prevent systemic collapse. But politically that is increasingly feeling like a long shot." - also posted at StratRisks & BusinessInsider

Shadow Banking Contagion Approaches As European Banks Sign Private Repo Agreements With US Counterparts -- Special Note - A quote...."In what is probably the riskiest escalation of the second credit crisis to date, IFR has released information that was until now speculated, but not confirmed, namely that European banks not only continue to make a mockery out of LiEbor by posting whatever rates they deem appropriate (for the simple reason they don't use interbank funding), while in the meantime going directly to US banks, using shadow, and hence completely unregulated conduits, in the form of private repo arrangements with "at least three of the five biggest US banks."

Fed Swap Line Tapped Again - Eurobank Funding Concerns Surge After Two Banks Borrow Dollars From ECB
A quote...."About a month ago, European USD funding concerns came to the fore with a bang after one bank had borrowed $500 million dollars from the ECB in a 7 day operation, indicating that, as had been documented before and after courtesy of a rise in Libor that has yet to see a down day in the last 40...."

Eurozone debt crisis could rip E.U. apart: officials
A quote...."The eurozone debt crisis now threatening banks could destroy six decades of post-war European integration, top EU officials warned on Wednesday. -- The dire warning that post World War II Europe risks disaster came shortly after Moody’s credit rating agency downgraded two French banks and as financial markets increasingly calculate the domino damage if Greece defaults."

The Trouble With French Banks
A quote...."We can no longer borrow dollars. U.S. money-market funds are not lending to us anymore," a bank executive for BNP Paribas, who declines to be named, told me last week. "Since we don't have access to dollars anymore, we're creating a market in euros. This is a first. . . . We hope it will work, otherwise the downward spiral will be hell. We will no longer be trusted at all and no one will lend to us anymore."

Is Greece the Catalyst to Global Default?
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 10min53sec - Sep 12, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."Greece is on the brink of defaulting on its loans. Many are thinking the country’s economy could trigger a chain of events that will lead to a global economic crisis. Holders of Greek bonds have the most to lose if Greece can’t pay what it owes. Is the US going to feel the effects of the Greek economy? Edward Harrison, founder of Credit Writedowns, tells us what the consequences could be and how it will affect the US."
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The Assault On Libya....

What Really Happened in Libya?
Must View GRVideo - Alt - (GRTuTb - 38min20sec - Sep 13, 2011) - Source:  GlobalResearchTV -- A quote...."This week GRTV talks to Mahdi Nazemroaya, a research associate of the Center for Research in Globalization who spent two months in Libya before escaping after the rebel siege of Tripoli. We discuss what really happened in Libya, including the war crimes perpetrated by NATO in support of the rebels, and how the media helped to enable those war crimes by covering up for the perpetrators." - Topix ||  Mr Reficul's Conversation - Number Two - Mailing #13   08-29-05  ||  The Method - 05-07-07 - mpg  ||  Africa - the Next Target - 02-28-08 - mpg  ||

Mahdi - Algerian TNC formed - Israelis were present in Libya
M108Video - Alt - (M108YuTb - 9min24sec - Sep 7, 2011) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."Look at when Mahdi lost his internet connection.... he was at his office in Montreal, Canada at the Centre for Research on Globalization."

'Gaddafi in Libya, planning battle'
A quote...."The spokesman for Libyan former regime says that the country's fugitive former ruler Muammar Gaddafi is still in Libya organizing forces to fight a long battle with fighters."

Gaddafi's surprise attack, on September 13th
A quote...."Russian site gives a report, concerning the war in Libya. There are Russians and other foreign citizens some with military experience, in Libya who are offering solidarity with the African nation which has faced many massacres, and non-stop bombing by the US-European "NATO" alliance."

Chavez offers unwavering support for Moammar Gadhafi
A quote...."When Moammar Gadhafi made his first and only visit to South America in 2009, President Hugo Chavez praised his longtime friend as "the liberator of Libya," talked politics inside his Bedouin tent and presented him with Venezuela's highest award."
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More On The International Situation....

U.S. officials concede Taliban PR victory in Kabul - (a'la 1968 Tet)
A quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan — American officials Wednesday blamed the bold attack on the U.S. Embassy on a Pakistan-based group allied with the Taliban, acknowledging that the assault brought a propaganda victory for the insurgents even as they played down its military significance."

Greeks Vow to Rebel Against New 'Monster Tax'
A quote...."The Greek government's new real estate tax, a desperate bid to meet its budget goals and secure fresh foreign aid, will hit the population hard. Greeks have almost their entire wealth invested in property -- and are more worried about the tax than about the prospect of a national insolvency or leaving the euro."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestinian elected representatives are still detained by Israel
Who needs elections, or constitutions, or borders, or international law....Israel doesn't. - mpg -- A quote...."The Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners' and Detainees' Affairs in Gaza has revealed that the Israeli authorities are continuing to detain 20 elected members of the Palestinian Legislative Council. Seventeen of the MPs are being held under so-called Administrative Detention without charge or any other legitimate reason." - also posted at AlethoNews

Gaza Children in Israeli Hospital After Drone Attack
RNVideo - Alt - (RNYuTb - 6min49sec - Sep 13, 2011) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote...."A month after recent escalation between Israel and Gaza two Palestinian children in critical condition in an Israeli hospital -- A month after the recent escalation between Israel and Gaza following a terror attack on Southern Israel by unidentified assailants dozens remain wounded. Two Gazan children, hit by a drone missile, were transferred to an Israeli hospital alongside their fathers. The Real News' Lia Tarachansky spoke with Muhammad Zaza, 14, who survived the attack but sustained significant burns and wounds and his father Ataf in Kaplan hospital in Rehovot. "
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More On The Economic Situation....

More Similarities To 2007/8 Quant Crash
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."The point is that the factors were ex-post derived to be the main drivers of huge underperformance are once again heavily over-exposed in current portfolios - i.e. factors that have in the past caused chaos when their own volatility day-to-day causes a portfolio to be slowly but surely demolished are once again at work here and we humbly suspect that this is what is hurting not just Goldman but many of their brethren in the PhD-ridden fields of quant fund management."

U.S. Retail Sales Stall on Lack of Job Growth
A quote...."Retail sales in the U.S. unexpectedly stagnated in August as a lack of employment and limited income growth restrained demand, highlighting the risk the economy will stall. -- The unchanged reading followed a 0.3 percent gain for July that was smaller than previously estimated, Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington. Prices paid by producers were also unchanged in August, according to the Labor Department, while so-called core costs that exclude food and fuel rose less than forecast."

Producer Inflation Declines Just In Time For Op Twist; Retail Sales Dive As US Consumers Withdraw
Deflation Alert - A quote...."Nothing good on the US economic front as usual. After all, this is fact and data driven, not based on headline and rumors (even though the BLS does enjoy fudging the data to an extent to make a Chinaman blush). PPI came at 0.0%, in line with expectations, but PPI ex food and energy increased just 0.1%, missing expectations of 0.2%, down from July's 0.4%...."

UK unemployment increases to 2.51m
A quote...."The number of jobless British people has risen by 80,000 in the three months to July, reaching 2.51 million, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) reveals."

Tuesday September 13th 2011

Prepare To Be Assaulted: This Government Is Out of Control!
A quote...."Lew Rockwell recently outlined what he calls the five republics of the United States. As he correctly points out in my opinion, the fifth republic began on September 11, 2001. While I agree, I think that this will also be the final republic. -- I say this not because I am a pessimistic person, but because I think this country, at least as we have known it, is finished. The times ahead I fear will be much more dangerous than most believe, and in fact, worse than most can imagine. -- To look at any timeline of atrocious government behavior since 9/11, one can easily see the path we’re following. It is a path that leads directly to disaster. Not the type of so-called disaster that government warns us about daily, but a real disaster resulting in the complete loss of liberty. "

Record Number of Americans, Or 46.3 Million, Lived In Poverty Last Year; 49.9 Million Without Health Insurance
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The US Census Bureau has released its annual Income (not so much), Poverty (much) and Health Insurance Coverage report for 2010. The full thing is below but the highlights are as follows: i) Real median household income in the United States in 2010 was $49,445, a 2.3 percent decline from the 2009 median. ii) The nation's official poverty rate in 2010 was 15.1 percent, up from 14.3 percent in 2009 ? the third consecutive annual increase in the poverty rate.  There were 46.2 million people in poverty in 2010, up from 43.6 million in 2009 ? the fourth consecutive annual increase and the largest number in the 52 years for which poverty estimates have been published; and iii) " - Source:  ZeroHedge

Median Male Worker Makes Less Now Than 43 Years Ago
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- Way to go people, just keep supporting the Banksters, the multiple, illegal wars, and the Demo/Repubs, and MOST of you will soon be out of house and home for a very long time to come. - mpg -- A quote...."While the fact that a record number of Americans are living in poverty should not surprise anyone at this point, what should surprise many is that according to Table P-5 of the Census report of (Lack of) Income, the median male is now worse on a gross, inflation adjusted basis, than he was in... 1968!"

Facebook Commissar Warns Infowars Reporter About Political Posts
Web Subversion Alert - A quote...." reporter Darrin McBreen was instructed by the “Facebook Team” to not voice his political opinion on the popular social networking site. -- “Be careful making about making political statements on facebook,” McBreen was told in an email, “facebook is about building relationships not a platform for your political viewpoint. Don’t antagonize your base. Be careful and congnizat (sic) of what you are preaching.”" - also posted at ActivistPost

9/11/11 - 7 Reasons To Brace For Impact
General False Flag Alert - A quote...."Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's not looking good for this 10th anniversary of 9/11. All the indicators are there to tell us they need a massive distraction and excuse to take this idiotic war on terror to horrific new levels and even more Orwellian internal controls and crackdowns." - also posted at AlethoNews

Keiser Report: Confidence Game (E183)
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 25min51sec - Sep 13, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  Max Keiser TV -- A quote...."This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss psyops in the gold market, Tony Blair's con job in Libya and Jamie Dimon's 'patriotic' bailout in America. In the second half of the show Max talks to Nick Verbitsky, director of "Confidence Game," a film that explores the last week in the life of investment bank Bear Stearns."

Prison Planet TV With Alex Jones - Sept 12th 2011
AJVideos - RebrandingWOT - KopsRKooKoo - NewFFsComing(1/2) - NewFFsComing(2/2) -
9/11LockOut - 9/11LockDwn - CultOfLoonitics(1/2) - CultOfLoonitics(2/2) - GettingOffTheNWOGrid - PolStateNews - Don'tWait - (AJYuTb - 5/15min - Sept 12th 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- Edited Quote...."Alex breaks down the governments latest stance on "the war on terror" and how their now re-branding it to go after white Americans! - Alex goes on a short rant about how coo coo the terrorist drill are going on across the country. - Alex talks with author and political historian Webster Tarpley about the aftermath of NATO's attack on Libya and the spreading debt crisis in Europe as French banks face credit rating downgrade and austerity riots erupt in Greece. - Luke Rudkowski reports on the huge lockdown at the 10th anniversary of 9/11 over this past weekend, and how this police state action will only fuel the 9/11 movement even more in the coming years. - Alex talks about the 9/11 lockdown and lockout - Alex describes the cult of loonies - How to get off the NWO grid - Just a little video I put together for 9/11, but YouTube was blocking the audio world wide. Dave."

Prison Planet TV With Alex Jones - Sept 13th 2011
AJVideos - NATOTroopsBeheadLibyans - GulagUSSA - HowTheFedScamedU(1/2) - HowTheFedScammedU(2/2) - AmericanDream - PaulCraigRoberts(1/2) - PaulCraigRoberts(2/2) - FraternityOfEternity - CallInSegment - Your'reCattle2THEM(1/2) - You'reCattle2THEM(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 5/15min - Sept 13th 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- Edited Quote....Alex covers a "Former Congressman: 'I Saw NATO Troops Behead Libyans' - The growing gulag - Alex Jones endorses new film exposing the secret banking system and how "the Fed scammed you". - Paul Craig Roberts discusses how a "Greece style bondage is coming" for YOU! - Alex talks about being on the side of good and having fulfillment by help others, and not being apart of the establishment of hell and destruction. - Alex takes calls from frustrated activist who don't always get through to the sheeple. - Alex welcomes to the show Alfred Adask, the publisher of the AntiShyster News Magazine. Adask is the founder of one of the largest legal reform organizations, Citizens for Legal Reform."
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9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective....

Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake
Must Read - A quote...."Many years ago I read a fascinating discussion of the “tactics of mistake.” This essentially entailed using a target’s prejudices and preconceptions to mislead them as to the origin and intent of the attack, entrapping them in a tactical situation that later worked to the attacker’s strategic advantage."

"This is what unfolded in the 9/11 attacks that led us into the matrix of wars and conflicts, present (Afghanistan and Iraq), planned (Iran and Syria) and projected (Jordan and Egypt), that benefit Israel and no other country — although I concede that many private contractors and politicians are doing very well for themselves out of the death and misery of others."

"I am also absolutely certain as a strategic analyst that 9/11 itself, from which all else flows, was a classic Mossad-orchestrated operation. But Mossad did not do it alone. They needed local help within America (and perhaps elsewhere) and they had it, principally from some alumni of PNAC (the misnamed Project for a New American Century) and their affiliates within and outside of the US Government (USG), who in the 9/11 attacks got the “catalytic event” they needed and craved to take the US to war on Israel’s behalf, only eight months after coming into office." - also posted at AlethoNews

Man Arrested at Ground Zero for Demanding Truth
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 5min38sec - Sep 11, 2011) - Source:  blastatruth -- A quote...."A brave member of the 9/11 Truth Movement faced a crowd by himself and was immediately sacked by police officers. Clearly, the crowd's reaction to the simple statement "When will we be allowed to know the truth about 9/11" indicates the deep state of denial and cognitive dissonance still present within the brainwashed masses."

Bob Tuskin Confronts 9/11 Inquiry co-Chair Senator Bob Graham 9/11/11
BTVideo - (BTYuTb - 2min53sec - Sep 13, 2011) - Source:  NotForSale2NWO  -- A quote...."The Bob Tuskin Radio Show Is Live Monday Through Friday 8 to 10pm EST at BobTuskin dot Com"

CIA Threatens 9/11 Researchers After Discovery Of Cover Up Details
More on the CIA's obstruction of justice and terrorist support. - mpg -- A quote...."The CIA has issued legal threats against two film producers who have discovered intimate details of a cover up regarding the intelligence agency and two of the purported 9/11 hijackers." - bold by website editor

Podcast Show #55 – The Boiling Frogs Presents Ray Nowosielski & John Duffy
Audio - A quote...."(BoilingFrogsPost) – Filmmakers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy join us to discuss their extensive research, interviews and findings which have resulted in the unmasking of three former top CIA officials- George Tenet, Cofer Black and Richard Blee- and their role in withholding intelligence on two key 9/11 hijackers and subsequent cover-ups. Duffy and Nowosielski provide us with a detailed account of their new interview with former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke and his allegations against the CIA officials- Tenet, Black and Blee – accusing them of knowingly withholding intelligence from the White House, the FBI, Immigration and the State and Defense Departments. They discuss two key CIA analysts who were instrumental in this cover up, a joint statement issued by the three accused CIA officials in response to Clarke’s allegations, and more! "

Senator Mike Gravel On The Bob Tuskin Radio Show - 9/11 Terror Attacks!
BTVideo - (BTYuTb - 8min30sec - Sep 12, 2011) - Source:  NotForSale2NWO -- A quote...."All this week The Bob Tuskin Radio Show is during over 30 interviews on the false flag terror attack that took place on 9/11/2001."

Lloyd’s Sues Members of Saudi Royal Family for Funding Al-Qaeda in 9/11 Attacks
Special Geo-Political Note - How could they do such a thing?!?!  The Saudi Royals are the US-NRE's "friends"!  Didn't George Bush himself say that AFTER 9/11? Didn't the 9/11 commission redact 28 pages of the 9/11 whitewash report on behalf of the Saudi Royals? Didn't the FBI help fly over a 180 members of the Saudi Royal and bin Laden families out of the country THE DAY AFTER 9/11?  Guess the US-NRE will have to go bomb Great Britain now....huh? - mpg -- A quote...."Leaders of Saudi Arabia are being sued by Lloyd’s insurance for playing a key role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. --  Lloyd’s has paid more than $215 million in claims filed by families of those killed in the attacks, and wants Saudi leaders to reimburse the company."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Tim Geithner Tells Germany It Has To Sacrifice More Taxpayer Money To Protect The Status Quo
A quote...."Tim Geithner, in his third third annual pilgrimage to Europe, the first two of which concluded with one after another more discredited stress tests (because in Mark-To-Unicorn America they worked sooooo well), has a slightly different message to the locals on how to run their failed monetary union."

Greek Default Looms, Eurozone At Death’s Door
A quote...."Counterpunch     September 12, 2011 -- “After almost two years of fighting to contain the region’s debt crisis and providing the biggest share of three European bailouts, Chancellor Angela Merkel is laying the ground for what markets say is almost a sure thing: a Greek default.”

Protests Rage Amid An Imminent Default by Greece
A quote...."The protests this year seem likely to be much bigger than in any past year, but the situation in Greece is very difficult, so there are more: Police Official. "

20 Signs Of Imminent Financial Collapse In Europe
A quote...."Are we on the verge of a massive financial collapse in Europe?  Rumors of an imminent default by Greece are flying around all over the place and Greek government officials are openly admitting that they are running out of money.  Without more bailout funds it is absolutely certain that Greece will soon default on their debts."

Wen Jiabao Says China Willing To Extend Help To Europe... For A Price
A quote...."Granted, nothing new here, and it simply means that China will be happy to buy European assets at firesale prices and invest in 20%+ IRR projects, but the algos, which have not yet seen this news, are expected to kneejerk higher, regardless of how short the latest intervention halflife will be (recall that China already has sizable investment in Greece, Portugal, the EFSF and the EUR). Call it what it is - doubling down, all over again. That said, the bailout for Europe will not come free, and once that realization hits the market, this may have a completely opposite reaction that the one intended..."

The Chinese aren't stupid!  If the EU's member country's leaders had shown the slightest bit of interest in curbing the Banksters, forcing them to disclose their fantasy assets, than forcing them into re-organization, while being serious in extending a helping hand to the EU's peripheral member states....China might have been serious in helping out.  But why the HECK would they take a HUGE financial risk bailing out France's and Britain's Banksters, just so France and Britain can go murder tens of thousands (soon to be hundreds of thousands) of Libyans, all in an effort to kick China out of Libya and take over Libya's oil?  NOBODY's THAT STUPID!!!  - Topix ||  A Quadruple Whammy - 12-16-10 - mpg  ||
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The Assault On Libya....

How Al Qaeda men came to power in Libya, by Thierry Meyssan of VoltaireNet
Special Geo-Political Note - A quote...."In the 80s, the CIA instigated Awatha al-Zuwawi to create an agency in Libya to recruit mercenaries for the jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan. As from 1986, recruits were trained in the Salman al-Farisi Libyan camp in Pakistan, under the authority of anti-Communist billionaire Osama bin Laden. -- When bin Laden moved to Sudan, the Libyan jihadists followed him there, and regrouped in a compound of their own. In 1994, Osama bin Laden dispatched Libyan jihadists back to their country to kill Muammar Gaddafi and reverse the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. -- On 18 October 1995, the group reassembled under the label of Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG). During the three years that followed, the LIFG attempted to assassinate Muammar Gaddafi on four occasions and to establish a guerrilla [base] in the Southern mountainous region...."

That's right everybody, all those stupid, moronic pieces of human excrement that are in the US-NRE's military, DHS, FBI and CIA....almost everybody currently in uniform....have constantly supported al-CIA'da and others of their ilk for over thirty years and continue to do so to this very day!  What a bunch of lying, low-life, sacks of human garbage they all are, each and every single one.

If you're in the military-insecurity-death complex and don't like the fact that you're a cowardly piece of terrorist supporting crap, ask yourself what have you done to either.... 1) Expose and call for the prosecution of ALL those in uniform who support these programs of terrorism - or - 2)  Why haven't you quit? -- Right! - mpg

Disappeared: Thousands of Libyan Blacks Turn Up Missing in Rebel Offensives - Entire City Depopulated, Declared 'Closed Military Area' -- Ethnic Cleansing / Possible Genocide - Alert - To eliminate an entire population from a country is ethnic cleansing, to do so by murdering them is genocide.  Another proud day for our people in uniform! - mpg -- A quote...."Before the Libyan Civil War, Tawarga was an agricultural city of some 10,000, mostly black people, with an economy centering around palm trees and date production. Today, it is entirely empty, and declared a “closed military area” by the rebels."

Head of Libyan Rebel Government to Cheering Crowds “Islamic sharia law would be “main source” of legislation”
OH MY!  It just NEVER ends does it?.  No person in uniform, in this country, has the right to EVER state that they're "fighting terrorism"  EVER AGAIN!! - mpg -- A quote...."(The Globe and Mail) –The chairman of Libya’s transitional government gave his first public address in Tripoli on Monday, exhorting thousands of cheering Libyans in the central square to support a democratic system that honours Islam, respects the rule of law and repudiates the personality cult of Moammar Gadhafi."

Former Congressman: ‘I Saw NATO Troops Behead Libyans’
Yep, the few, the proud, the pieces of pig excrement have gone an'done it again, they've utterly destroyed another country FOR NO GOOD REASON WHAT-SO-EVER! - mpg --  A quote...."Former U.S. Congressman Walter Fauntroy, who recently returned from a self-sanctioned peace mission to Libya, said he went into hiding for about a month in Libya after witnessing horrifying events in Libya's bloody civil war -- a war that Fauntroy claims is backed by European forces."

Rebel Attacks and NATO Bombings Continue, as Libyan Civilians Flee
A quote...."NATO warplanes continued to bomb pro-Gadhafi strongholds in Libya, as a military offensive by rebel forces struggled to battle the loyalist remnants and take control of the cities."

Sharp splits emerging among Libya's new leaders
A quote...."TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Sharp splits are already emerging in the ranks of Libya's new rulers between Islamic conservatives and more secular figures competing for power even as the leadership begins to settle in Tripoli and start creating a post-Moammar Gadhafi government." - Source:  AntiWar

Pro-Gaddafi forces kill 17 at Libya oil refinery
A quote...."RAS LANUF, Libya (Reuters) – Muammar Gaddafi loyalists killed 17 guards outside an oil refinery on Monday in an apparent attempt to disrupt a drive by Libya's new rulers to seize the ousted ruler's last bastions and revive the oil-based economy."
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More On The International Situation....

Massive CIA cover-up: 'US hushes blatant human rights violations'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 11min17sec - Sep 13, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."RT's Tesa Arcilla talks to Council of Europe's Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg."

Afghanistan: Rein in Abusive Militias and Afghan Local Police
More "ol'dat dare free-dumb & da'mockery" Amerikan style - mpg -- A quote...."(Kabul) – Militias and some units of the new US-backed Afghan Local Police are committing serious human rights abuses, but the government is not providing proper oversight or holding them accountable, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Afghan government and the US should sever ties with irregular armed groups and take immediate steps to create properly trained and vetted security forces that are held accountable for their actions." - bold by website editor

US-trained and Financed Afghan Local Police Killed and Raped Civilians
Related Article - Spreading the blessings of Amerika all over the Middle East, what a beacon we've become to the world. - mpg -- A quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan — Local police forces trained and financed by the United States have killed and raped civilians, stolen land and carried out other abuses against the Afghan villagers they are charged with protecting, according to a report released on Monday by Human Rights Watch." - bold by website editor.  And let's not forget all those C-130s leaving Afghanistan on a weekly basis, bound for Europe, loaded with Amerikan grown and financed, Grade-A, Afghan heroin!!  All thanks to our "heros for heroin" in uniform!!  Way to go!! - mpg - Topix ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

'Common Afghans support Taliban attacks on US'
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min02sec - Sep 14, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday -- GEE! (roll the eyes) one wonders why (heavy sarcasm) - mpg -- A quote...."A series of coordinated attacks in Afghanistan's capital Kabul left at least seven people dead and 17 wounded, and resulted in a 19-hour long gunfight. Militants targeted the American embassy and NATO forces headquarters, before several suicide bombers hit police stations elsewhere in the city."

77 Americans wounded in Afghan truck bombing
A quote...."A powerful Taliban truck bomb that wounded 77 American soldiers and killed five Afghans outside a combat outpost served as a reminder on Sunday that 10 years after the Sept. 11 attacks, nearly 100,000 U.S. troops are still fighting a war that shows no signs of slowing down."

Rockets fired at US embassy in Afghan capital
A quote...."KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Insurgents fired rockets and assault rifles in the direction of the U.S. Embassy, NATO headquarters and other official buildings Tuesday as gunfire and explosions rocked the heart of the Afghan capital. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack."

US embassy and NATO headquarters in Kabul under fire
Related Article - A quote...."A coordinated series of attacks by Taliban fighters in Kabul yesterday has again highlighted the tenuous nature of the US-led military occupation of Afghanistan and of Washington’s plans to hand responsibility for security to its Afghan client regime by 2014."

Turkey Threatens To Send Troops Into Northern Iraq
A quote...."Turkish Foreign Ministry undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioğlu has been meeting with Iraqi officials in Baghdad and Arbil to discuss a possible ground action against Kurdistan Workers Party (P.K.K.) bases in northern Iraq. Although Turkey has conducted artillery and air strikes for weeks, Ankara now seeks Baghdad’s permission to escalate operations."

‘Operation Fast and Furious’ Coverup Not Unique
The Fast & Furious File -- Oh my!  30,000 guns transferred to the cartels in Mexico, cocaine allowed to come into this country from Mexico, one bank.....ONE BANK....Wachovia, laundered over $378 BILLION DOLLARS in drug money!  Gee whiz, the pieces of crap in uniform in this country must be soooooooo proud of themselves! - mpg -- A quote...."Documents obtained exclusively by Fox News Channel suggest a third gun linked to “Operation Fast and Furious” was found at the scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder, according to the network’s exclusive report Friday. Further, those documents appear to contradict earlier assertions by federal agencies that police found only two weapons tied to the federal government’s now infamous gun interdiction scandal, and network sources say emails support their contention that the FBI concealed evidence to protect a confidential informant. But is this a unique occurrence? One man says, “No.”"

Gun store owner had misgivings about ATF sting
The Fast and Furious File - A quote...."When federal agents with Operation Fast and Furious told Andre Howard to sell weapons to illegal purchasers, he complied, but he feared someone would get hurt. Then a border agent was shot." -- Along with HUNDREDS (perhaps thousands) of innocent Mexican civilians, but who cares about them right?  They're just brown people!  Wow, ain't it grand to see hundreds of billions of dollars worth of support this country is willing to offer support its drug cartels.  Way to go everybody over at the ATF!!  Nice job all around!! - mpg

Sheikh Salah To Sue UK Over Arrest, Deportation Order
A quote...."Sheikh Raed Salah, head of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement, decided after consulting his team of layers, to file a lawsuit against the British Authorities for arresting him, and issuing a deportation order against him."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

PSYWAR: The Fake Fall Of Tripoli And The Zionist Dragon’s Butchery Across Palestine II
Zio-War -- A quote...."The year is 1982. It was a tumultuous year for the Zionist dragon. It had invaded South Lebanon again, nine years after starting the Lebanese Civil War with its cruel assassination of three Palestinian Resistance leaders including beloved poet Kamal Nasir; the death squad was led by future Israeli Prime Minister and war criminal, Ehud Barak (56). And, in a decision coated in the deepest bitterness, it had to dismantle Yamit, an illegal extremist settlement in the occupied, resource-rich peninsula known as Sinai, effectively ending its 15-year occupation of the Egyptian territory. However, from the very moment that the Zionist dragon made this choice, it immediately set forth a plan to reclaim Sinai, for within the twisted framework of Zionist thought, this piece of Egyptian soil was part of ‘Greater Israel,’ the Zionist plan from the get-go; a Talmudic empire that would stretch across parts of Egypt, specifically those resting upon the Nile, all of Jordan, a large piece of Saudi Arabia, all of Kuwait, all of Lebanon, all of Syria, a massive part of Turkey up to Lake Van, all of Cyprus, and large chunks of Iraq (57)."

Greenwald: "Watching the U.S. Government refuse even to pretend to care that Israel killed one of its unarmed citizens was one of the most glaring episodes yet -- A quote...."Relations between Israel and Turkey have become increasingly strained ever since Israel attacked the Mavi Marmara last year, shot and killed 9 people aboard (8 Turkish citizens and 1 American teenager), and then steadfastly refused to apologized.  That's because normal, healthy governments get angry when foreign armies shoot and kill their unarmed citizens for no good reason:"
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Broken wrists and arrests by Israeli military as farmers cultivate Beit Ummar
A quote...."Supporting Palestinian farmers in Beit Ummar, international activists joined the weekly Saturday activities–clearing the land for cultivation despite the harrassment of Israeli military and illegal settlers, which resulted in the injury of a Palestinian man and the arrest of a British national, Jude Wells." - also posted at AlethoNews

Israel Plans to Demolish School, Houses in Hebron Area
A quote...."HEBRON, September 14, 2011 (WAFA) – The Israeli military authorities informed a number of Palestinians that it plans to demolish their houses and a local school in Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, Wednesday said security sources."

Israel demolishes West Bank water infrastructure
A quote...."TUBAS (Ma'an) -- Israeli soldiers on Tuesday demolished water infrastructure in the northern West Bank, locals and Palestinian Authority security officials said." - also posted at Uruknet
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants....

Massive New Radiation Releases Possible from Fukushima … Especially If Melted Core Materials Hit Water Alert - A quote...."As I’ve noted for 6 months, the Japanese and U.S. governments have continually under-reported the severity of the nuclear crisis at Fukushima."
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More On The Economic Situation....

Economist: 46 out of 50 US States are Insolvent
A quote...."During a presentation today at the Adam Smith Institute, economist Kevin Dowd,  a visiting professor at the Pensions Institute, Cass Business School in London, told his audience...."
10 Year Auction Prices At Record Low Yield, As Direct Bidders Plunge
Deflation Alert - A quote...."The only notable thing about today's $21 billion 9-year 11-month reopening was the yield which at 2.00% was the lowest ever."

The Daily Bail Round-Up - Sep 13, 2011 at 12:02 PM
A round-up of todays business news from the Daily Bail. - mpg

Monday September 12th 2011

9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective....

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory – James Corbett
Must View JCVideo - Alt - (JCYuTb - Sep 11, 2011) - Source:  corbettreport -- HYSTERICAL ....Because it's true, short, and to the point.  One of the best five minute exposés on 9/11 you'll ever see. - mpg

Censored again on 911 my film gets removed -- "IT'S ON!" - *Ryan Dawson*
Web Censored Alert -- RDVideo - Alt - (Note:  Adult Langauge, RD's really angry!) -- (YuTb - 11min08sec - Sep 12, 2011) - Source:  Rys2sense -- A quote...."Film was deleted on 911, and we all know it was for the political content it is the same film the ADL had a problem with just a week ago. The BBC copyright issue it claims is the infamous clip of WTC7 falling being reported falling when it was still there its in thousands of other videos." -- *Ryan Dawson*, Submitted by dawson on Mon, 09/12/2011 - 15:23 @ WhatReallyHappened -- Related Videos:  AntiNeocons & WarByDeception (Dir's Cut - Jul 3, 2011) -- For more on this issue [CLICK HERE] to see the comments, and the classic version of "War By Deception" (Dec 27, 2010)  posted below....

Alternative Video Hosting Sites
YouTube Alternatives Sites 
List of vidhosts - wikipedia 
Video Sites Top 50
Video Hosting

Boiling Frogs Breaking News: CIA Goes After Producers Nowosielski & Duffy
Censorship Alert - A quote...."On Thursday, September 8, 2011, the CIA issued legal threats against producers Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy on their discovery of the identities of the two key CIA analysts who executed the Tenet-Black-Blee cover-up in the case of two key 9/11 hijackers. The analysts were referred to only by first names initially, but were going to be fully named in a follow up segment." - also posted at TheIntelHub -- Related Video:  9/11 Press For Truth - Victims' Families Tell the Story the Media Won't - (GoogleVid - 1hr24min21sec - 4 years ago)

Rudi Dekkers drops some bombshell 9/11 revelations on the tenth anniversary of the attacks
A quote...."Rudi Dekkers, the owner of Huffman Aviation, the flight school where alleged 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi trained at, dropped some bombshell revelations on the September 11, 2011 episode of Erskine Overnight, in speaking about his new book, Guilty by Association. -- He said he never saw Atta and al-Shehhi ever pray when they were at his flight school, and that the voice purported to be Atta’s from the alleged cockpit voice recorder didn’t sound at all like Atta’s to him."

Breaking Apart the Official 9/11 Coincidence Theory
Audio - (2hr21min57sec - 9 months ago) -- A quote...."(MediaRoots) – [You can] fast forward to 28:00 minutes to skip the to the breakdown of 9/11 -- This is a special 2 hour 20 minute episode of Media Roots Radio about the events of 9/11. In this edition, Abby and Robbie Martin introduce how their political awakenings were prompted by 9/11, and break apart the official government and corporate media narrative of the 9/11 attacks by discussing the foreknowledge, government complicity, and gross inconsistencies regarding every aspect of the events. The show then delves into the aftermath: the psychological manipulation of the American psyche and the significance that this event continues to have in our nation and world." - Source:  MediaRoots

Michael Rivero Government Lies Presentation 9/11/11 Part 1  &  Part II
MRVideo - GovLies&9/11(1of2) - GovLies&9/11(2of2) - (YuTb - 12/15min - Sep 12, 2011) - Source:  FurleyVision

9-11 Vendetta ,Past, Present & Future...
Video - (This one's fun, especially for those who've seen "V for Vendetta" - mpg) -- (YuTb - 7min15sec - Sep 6, 2006) - Source:  somuchforfreemedia -- A quote...."Is this what the Future holds?"

How the world changed after 9/11
Event Report - A report on the "How The World Changed After 9/11" event held in New York City on 9/11/11 -- A quote...."What I heard, from speaker after speaker, was a heartfelt desire to turn away from the path of destruction, militarism and lies that America has been set upon after 9/11."

Alex Marks The 10th Anniversary of 9/11: Sunday Edition 1/6
AJVideo - AJ&9/11(1of6) - AJ&9/11(2of6) - AJ&9/11(3of6) - AJ&9/11(4of6) - AJ&9/11(5of6) - AJ&9/11(6of6) - (AJYuTb - 10/15min - Sep 12, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."On the Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex marks the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. He looks back at the attacks that led to the destruction of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and provided a pretext for the global elite to impose a high-tech police and surveillance state as they wage wars of conquest around the world. Alex also looks to an uncertain future as the truth movement grows and the financial elite fight both propaganda and psyop wars against the resistance."

9/11 Index of What Really Happened
Article List - What Really Happened's database of 9/11, scroll down, click on the links at the left for each section and sub-section....mpg

MR Interview with Former US Senator Mike Gravel
Audio Interview - A quote...."MEDIA ROOTS- Mike Gravel is a former United States Senator from Alaska and a former candidate in the 2008 presidential election. As Senator, Gravel became nationally known for his attempts to end the draft during the Vietnam War and for putting the Pentagon Papers into the public record in 1971. He is an advocate of direct democracy and the National Initiative. In 2006, Gravel began a US presidential run  promote those ideas."

Savagery: 9/11’s Legacy of Crime
Quote of the Day...."Never have I been as sickened and ashamed of being an American as yesterday. In more than 6 decades of life, I have seen America ignore mass murder, put vicious dictators in office, sold its history of heroism and sacrifice to a pack of international bankers and thieves. -- America, as almost every American will tell you, is a nation run by a pack of crooks and tyrants who crush a population being pushed into poverty with the help of a censored and controlled press. -- This is one thing almost all Americans agree on, they just blame different people for causing it. I suggest Americans blame themselves." - bold by website editor

A Decade of Denial and Deception
A quote...."9/11 is the biggest event in our life time, and yet here we sit a decade later, and the average American has not put any logical thought into what happened that day. For the most part, Americans were driven by emotional, almost animalistic, herd mentality into multiple wars, loss of liberties and explosive generational debt.  We were driven by the fear of  Mushroom Clouds and Weapons of Mass Destruction that were only found in our minds.  When I look back at how much our world has changed over the past decade since 9/11, it is astounding to me how much death and debt could have been avoided if we just came face to face with reality."

Ray McGovern Confronts Rumsfeld
Video - From the History File - May 5, 2006 - (YuTb - 9min51sec - 05/05/06) - Source:  tonyhall -- A quote...."Ray McGovern confronts Rumsfeld about his lies concerning Iraq." - and shows everybody how it's done. - mpg

The Ides of Something are Upon us
Video - (YuTb - 7min30sec - Sep 12, 2011) - Source:  Snordelhans -- Second Quote of the Day...."t was the time of religious wars. It was a time of materialism and intellectual darkness. It was a time of epidemic moral compromise and the end justifying the means by whatever means. It was a time of the worship of the transitory and the elevation of drunken ignorance over the thirst for truth. Truth was a refugee in flight on a violent night. It was a time of deception and reaction toward the solution of freedom as an intolerable state and a non commercially viable condition. It was a time of precessions and regressions and a confusion of the moment on the doorstep of irrevocable change. It was a hard time to live in unless you were one of the few who made existence hard for everyone else. It was a time of images and symbols that were wielded as weapons upon superficial minds so inclined and submissive in a pornographic sexual exchange that mocked the true surrender of the deeper self to the higher awareness and all things human. It was a time of debasement for the virtues and a celebration of vice because it was a time of political correctness masking the hatred for all that was good and real."

A Decade After 9/11, Police Departments Are Increasingly Militarized
A quote...."New York magazine reported some telling figures last month on how delayed-notice search warrants -- also known as "sneak-and-peek" warrants -- have been used in recent years. Though passed with the PATRIOT Act and justified as a much-needed weapon in the war on terrorism, the sneak-and-peek was used in a terror investigation just 15 times between 2006 and 2009. In drug investigations, however, it was used more than 1,600 times during the same period."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Greek Bank Deposits Decline For 7th Month In A Row: Tax Collectors Celebrate By Striking
A quote...."We now know that the US is an Onion Republic, which leaves open the question: what is Greece... because we are getting very vegetably challenged here. According to the Bank of Greece, household and corporate deposits declined for the 7th month in a row, dropping by €1 billion euros in the July. Since January 2010, total deposits have declined from €233 billion to just €187 billion, or €46 billion, or 20% of the entire deposit base."

European Liquidity Blow Out As Euribor-OIS, USD Libor, And ECB Deposit Usage All Soar To Yearly Highs
Charts - (click till enlarged) -- A quote...."There are only three charts that matter currently for a snapshot of the liquidity pulse in Europe. And unfortunately, it continues to be in V-Fib...."
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The Assault On Libya....

Libya: V Day + 3 Weeks -- Genocide, rebel infighting, failed offensives mark 3 weeks after NATO's "victory" in Libya -- A quote...."Desperate to declare NATO's mission in Libya a victory ahead of the September 19, 2011 deadline on their contrived UN Security Council resolution, already violated in every conceivable manner possible, NATO planes in tandem with NATO special forces obliterated Tripoli ahead of swarms of Libyan rebel troops led by notorious Al Qaeda thug Abdulhakim Hasadi (aka Balhaj.) Three weeks later, NATO's proxy Libyan representative, long-time globalist and servant of the West Mahmoud Gibril Elwarfally, touched down at Tripoli's airport, one of the few enclaves held by rebels in the city, to give the impression that his "National Transitional Council" (NTC) actually controls the capital and therefore the country." -- Also posted at GlobalRsrch

Evidence Grows of Libyan Rebel Regime’s Torture of Prisoners
A quote...."The Americans do it, so we figured it was cool! We watch reruns of '24' to learn how!" -- *Michael Rivero*

U.S. Boots [Officially] on the Ground in Libya, Pentagon Confirms
They were there from the beggining, back in March, perhaps even as early as Jan or Feb. - mpg -- A quote...."Despite repeated assurances from President Obama and military leaders that the U.S. would not send uniformed military personnel into Libya, four U.S. service members arrived on the ground in Tripoli over the weekend."
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More On The International Situation....

Lowkey – Obama Nation (Official Video) – Banned From TV
Music Video - Alt - (YuTb - 3min28sec - Mar 24, 2010) - Source:  Globalfaction -- A quote..."Pre-order the new album here!  Full album 'Soundtruck' To The Struggle'"

Countdown begins for Bushehr N-plant
A quote...."Press TV -Iran will officially launch Bushehr nuclear power plant within hours, ending the countdown for the inauguration of the first atomic plant in the country, Press TV reports."

[Egyptian] NGO demands investigation into deaths of over 100 prisoners in custody
A quote...."The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) sent out a petition on Sunday, demanding that the government form an independent fact-finding commission into what it calls “the violations” against inmates in Egyptian prisons since 25 January, including the apparently deliberate killing over 100 prisoners."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Drop Today, Kill Tomorrow
A quote...."July war 2006, the 33 day war "Israel" launched on Lebanon was a bitter memory in the diary of every Lebanese. "Israel" killed 1,200 civilians, one third were children. -- Thousands of homes were destroyed, 50 schools were shattered not to mention the roads and bridges that turned into rubble." - also posted at AlethoNews

Israeli cabinet announces plan to forcibly displace tens of thousands of indigenous Bedouins
A quote...."In a cabinet meeting on Sunday, the Israeli ministers approved a plan based on the ‘Prawer Report’, which involves the forced removal of 30,000 Arab Bedouin villagers in southern Israel from their homes." - also posted at AlethoNews

Israel approves plan to uproot 30,000 Bedouins
Related Article - A quote...."The approval of the ‘Prawer Plan’ concerning Bedouins in the Negev desert demonstrates that Israel’s principle of divide and rule, which has been perfected in the West Bank and Gaza, also applies to citizens of Israel living inside 1948 boundaries."

Another Look At 'Zionism IS Racism'
A quote...."The Israeli government has objected to the meeting, which will mark the tenth anniversary of the 2001 Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA) on racism, primarily on the grounds that it may single out Israel for criticism for its discriminatory practices against Palestinians."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

See the children’s drawings that terrified the San Francisco Jewish Community Relations Council and the Jewish Federation of the East Bay -- A quote...."To view the rest of the images, visit MECA's Facebook page. Click here to let MOCHA know what you think about their censorship of Palestinian children's voices by sending them a letter. Here's the the Jewish Federation of the East Bay gloating over the cancelled exhibit on Twitter:"

IOF troops shell northern Gaza Strip
A quote...."BEIT LAHIA, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired tank shells at an area north of Beit Lahia to the north of Gaza Strip at dawn Monday in a new military escalation causing damage to cultivated land lots but no casualties."
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More On The Economic Situation....

Duration In Pimco's Total Return Fund Soars To Near Record, Highest Since 2007 In Anticipation Of QE3
A quote...."Bill Gross came, saw, and i) stopped shorting govvies, and ii) doubled down on QE3, after, as he himself said, he did not anticipate how bad the US economy would get. As the just released latest monthly Total Return Fund data indicates, PIMCO now has a substantial net long position in Government Related securities, at $51.5 billion (net of swaps), a more than 100% increase from the $22.1 billion in July (and a far cry from the $9.6 billion short in April)" -- All investors should learn from this example, Bill Gross acknowledged his incorrect call, swallowed his losses and reversed his position. Which is what you're supposed to do, and have the courage to do, if you guess wrong in the markets. He could still be wrong however either way he goes if Bernie continues to run the presses, in fact we could all see the Weimar Republic re-born. But it's beginning to look like the parasites are following the "false-flag, crash the economy, and start the next 'ten year economic / war cycle' option". For more on this issue see the quote shown below....mpg

It is even possible, in fact quite probable if you think about it, that the Osama-Hoax was the trigger event for this next ten year economic / war cycle, the next decadal "inflection-point" and the pre-arranged signal for the uber-parasites to re-adjust their portfolios.  Perhaps they now believe the sheeple have become so dumbed down, so fearful, so "conditioned" and infantalized, that there is no need to stage another mass-killing event.  That something as obviously transparent, and as poorly staged as the Osama-Hoax, was sufficient this time around to be used as a pretext for more police-state repression at home and more wars abroad.

Than again perhaps not, the Osama-Hoax is already falling apart and to do what the uber-parasites really want to do, impose a Bankster run empire on the entire world, it may become necessary to carry out another 9/11.  Judging by all the screaming headlines about retaliation for the faux-assassination of Osama, all the chatter that we should be on our guard, that al-CIA'da has "dozens" of nukes and is going to use them, one couldn't be blamed for speculating the uber-parasites intend to carry out a false-flag event even more destructive than 9/11.  Only time will tell.  ---  It's your money folks and it's your call.  - mpg -- *The Ten Year Cycle, Traitors, Inflection-Points & The Osama Hoax - 05-13-11 - mpg*

And Now For Some Bad Economic News For A Change
Chart - A quote...."The automobile sector will make a smaller contribution to manufacturing output in August, as well as in July, than previously thought. --  According to Wards Autos, the U.S. motor vehicle assembly rate is now projected at 8.737 million units, annualized for August, which would be up 1.9% from July. The previous August estimate had been pegged at 9.36 million units, which reflected a much more stronger increase of 7.3% from July. The reduction in the production run is in response to weakening demand for vehicles given the softening in the economic outlook over recent weeks." -- Source:  Stone McCarthy - For more on this issue see article and comments shown below....

US auto workers face historic struggle
A quote...."On September 14 the four-year labor agreements covering 114,000 US auto workers at GM, Ford and Chrysler expire. Although the companies have raked in more than $7 billion in profits this year, they have made it clear that workers—who have not had a raise since 2003—will see no improvements in wages or working conditions."

And NOW we know why all that auto "channel stuffing" has been going on for the last six months.  Management is gonna lock the workers out and close the plants for a couple of months as part of their negotiating strategy.

It's sort of sick in a way, the Obama administration handed these auto companies tens of billions of tax-payer dollars, some of which were extracted from the tax-paying union members themselves, all so they could cajole the workers into ramping-up production,  make the stats look good for Obama, and stuff the dealer's lots with cars so they could have an inventory cushion to close their plants and crush the unions during their up-coming strike.

They made the workers pay for the "management's" own "strike-fund" , it's hilarious!  It was all probably part of the Bankster's loan "deal" from the very beginning, and these union members voted for Obama, which is even more hilarious! - mpg - posted 09-07-11

As Obama Discusses His Job Creation Plan, Bank Of America Releases Details Of 30,000 Job Cuts
A quote...."The irony; Just as Sgt. Obama had the not so lonely unemployed club band huddled around him to tell America to "PASS THIS BILL", literally that very minute Bank of America released a statement it is sacking 30,000. Because Banana republic is so 2010, we are now officially an Onion republic." -

Sunday September 11th 2011

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9/11 - 2011 - A Special Memorial Section - Culled From Today's Postings Across The Web

War By Deception (9/11, Iraq, PNAC , All Roads Lead To Israel) {Full Film) - (Older Version)
Must View Video - (VodPod - 3hrs3min42sec- Dec 27, 2010) - styles911truth - This video is being re-posted because YouTube, in their infinite wisdom, and in this website editor's opinion, placing their reputation at risk, has decided to block Ryan Dawson's new "director's cut" version of War by Deception, for as YouTube puts it "copy right infringement".  (i.e. the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium told YouTube to block it) - For more on this website editor's position on this issue, see the comment shown below.....

YouTube should be careful about removing videos, although they're a very popular video service, they should keep in mind the technology to post videos is freely available to everyone on the web and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of other video services out there willing to post videos along with over 190 other countries in the world, some of whom are willing to host these sites without prejudice or censure (like Iceland for example).

YouTube's business model is
EASILY copied and depends on the NUMBER of viewers and users and not on how wealthy or how influential they are.  They should also keep in mind there are five million members of the Jewish community in Israel along another six million in the US, but there are approximately 9 BILLION other people on this planet.  

It would be a terrible shame if YouTube developed a reputation for
POLITICAL censorship on behalf of a tiny minority of the world's population and as a result be forced to radically diminish in size because the rest of the world did not trust their service any longer. - mpg

The 9/11 "BIG LIE". When Fiction Becomes Fact - Articles, Docs & Vids on 9/11 from Global Research
Must Read/View Collection - A quote...."In the context of the Commemoration of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, we bring to the attention of our readers a selection of recent articles on  9/11" -- "See also Global Research's 9/11 and War on Terrorism Archive."

9/11/11: Orgy of Deception
Must Read - A quote...."An atrocity such as 9-11 does not require commemoration. It requires justice! -- The murder of more than 3,000 Americans hasn't been avenged. Instead, it has been used to justify war and tyranny."

Live Webcast 9/11 Toronto Hearings
9/11 - A quote...."The following two links will allow you to view the Hearings live:..."
Money Matters & 9/11: Delving into Darker Truths - From Curious Money Transfers to Even More Curious Informed Trading
9/11 - A quote...."Money matters provide some of most compelling unanswered questions regarding the events of September 11, 2001.   These questions point to possible darker truths, in part because of the incomplete and/or misleading treatments in official investigations to date. Pressing questions remain in at least three issue areas, including money transfers, suspicious activity reporting, and informed securities trading.  In turn, cursory and misleading conclusions among relevant investigatory parties suggest a cover-up consistent with the possibility that the crimes of 9/11 were allowed to happen, or worse." - Topix ||  Insider Trades 9/11  ||

WTC Power-Downs Before 9/11 - WTC Employee Interviews
9/11 - Video - (YuTb - 15min - Oct 27, 2010) - ricthuse  - Related:  The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers Camping With Construction Passes -- Part I & (Part II)

US Govt. Destroyed 9/11 Crime Scene Evidence - 343 Murdered Firefighters Cry [Out For Justice]
9/11 - Video - (YuTb - 11min - May 31, 2010) - ricthuse - Related:  Giuliani Partners Oversaw Destruction of 9/11 Steel

WTC North Tower Exploding, David Chandler,
9/11 - Video - (YuTb - 8min49sec - Dec 17, 2009) - ricthuse

WTC North Tower 1) Downward Acceleration of the North Tower 2) Acceleration +
9/11 - Video - (YuTb - 10min26sec - Mar 20, 2010) - ricthuse

The Free-Fall Acceleration of WTC Building 7, David Chandler,
9/11 - Video - (YuTb - 9min31sec - Dec 17, 2009) - ricthuse

Zero: an investigation into 9/11
9/11 - Video - Alt - (GoogleVid - 1hr44min54sec - 2 years ago/posted 09-11-11) -- A quote...."ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11, has one central thesis - that the official version of the events surrounding the attacks on 9/11 can not be true. This brand new feature documentary from Italian production company Telemaco explores the latest scientific evidence and reveals dramatic new witness testimony, which directly conflicts with the US Government's account."

Regarding "Explosions" at the World Trade Center....various videos
10 Lies Enshrined by H.Res. 391 to "Never Forget" 9/11
9/11 - A quote...."The official version of the events of 9/11 are deemed written in stone according to a new 5-page House Resolution (pdf) which was passed to Never Forget 9/11.  The intention is great, in theory. However, the facts are completely warped." - also posted at BLN

'Bush lied about 9/11 terror attacks'
9/11 - A quote...."Mahathir Mohamad says it is not unthinkable for former US President George W. Bush to lie about who was responsible for the 9/11 terror attacks on the American soil. -- In a post published in his personal blog chedet on Friday, former Malaysian prime minister said that the attacks on the World Trade Center in downtown Manhattan, New York City, and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, could not have been carried out by Muslims. The acts of violence could have rather been the work of other groups. -- The Malaysian politician pointed out that “for some Americans, the deaths of nearly 3,000 people was not the scariest thing about 9/11. It was realizing who carried out the attack: yes, the American Government.”  - bold by website editor

Was President Bush Complicit in 9/11 or 9/11 Coverups?
9/11 - A quote...."Was President George W. Bush complicit in the 9/11 attacks? That’s a question that will not go away on this 10th anniversary of those terrible events. -- If many people continue to wonder about it, perhaps it’s because the Bush regime did not call for a prompt investigation into 9/11 and subsequently obstructed its work. There is a fresh report that some information turned up by the FBI in Florida was held back on direct orders from Mr. Bush. -- To begin with, as Philip Shenon reported in The New York Times of July 9, 2003, “The federal commission investigating the Sept. 11 terror attacks said today that its work was being hampered by the failure of the executive branch agencies, especially the Pentagon and the Justice Department, to respond quickly to requests for documents and testimony.”" - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Israelis said Atta Got Anthrax From Iraq
9/11 - From the History File - Saturday October 27 2001 -- A quote...."Yesterday the German newspaper Bild suggested a more sinister motive for their meetings. The claim, according to Israeli security sources, is that Atta was handed a vacuum flask of anthrax by his Iraqi contact. From Prague, it is believed Atta flew to Newark. From New Jersey, letters laced with anthrax were sent to broadcasters and politicians in New York, Washington and Florida. [/url]" - bold by website editor - Topix ||  Anthrax Attacks - UPDATED & RESTRUCTURED!!  ||

Mohamed Atta's Alleged Prague Connection
9/11 - A quote...."The alleged Prague connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda came through an alleged meeting between September 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta and Iraqi consulate Ahmad Samir al-Ani in April 2001. Czech counterintelligence service claimed that Mohamed Atta al-Sayed, a September 11 hijacker, met with Ahmad Samir al-Ani, the consul at the Iraqi Embassy in Prague, in a cafe in Prague. This claim, sometimes known as the "Prague connection", is generally considered to be false and has been said to be unsubstantiated by the Senate Intelligence Committee in the United States.[1]"

20 Quick facts and unanswered questions about Anthrax and 9/11
9/11 - From the History FilePosted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:42 pm -- A quote...."First, how did Israeli security forces witness a transfer of anthrax between two groups that didn't have it, at a meeting that never even took place? -- Obviously the Israelis were lying and obviously they were trying to blame the anthrax attack on Al Qaeda and then connect them to Iraq. The notes that accompanied the anthrax letters also tried to blame Al Qaeda as they were sent from the same locations as the Hijacker cells shortly after 911 and they read Death to America and Death to Israel thus trying to pass themselves off as Muslim terrorists. How did "Ivins" know where the hijack cells were and how did he get to New Jersey and Florida and remain at work on time in Maryland all at once on his own? Obviously he didn't. Israel knew where the cells were because it was their set up. They mailed it. It seems to me like there was a plan to do this back in 93." - also posted at Reficultnias

How private firms have cashed in on the climate of fear since 9/11
9/11 - A quote...."The past ten years have seen the growth of a national security industrial complex that melds government and business." - Which was EXACTLY the point of carrying out 9/11. - mpg

In the Wake of 9/11: 33 of 50 States Are Actively Spying on Americans - Ditto
9/11 - A quote...."The weekend of the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, has caused many to reflect on the event itself, as well as the decade that we have experienced since.  There have indeed been many casualties to recall.  One of the saddest casualties is the First Amendment to the nation's founding document; it is effectively dead in 33 states according to a  ACLU compilation of incident reports across America.  A targeted program of surveillance and harassment has become fully centered on the population itself." - also posted at BLN

Official: Al Qaeda Terror Threat Looking More Like a ‘Goose Chase’
9/11 - A quote...."(FOXNEWS)   A possible Al Qaeda plot to launch an attack during the 10th anniversary weekend of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks is “looking more and more like a goose chase,” a senior U.S. official told Fox News on Saturday. -- Federal authorities have been questioning all day the credibility of a tip from a previously reliable source that that Al Qaeda had planned to attack Washington or New York, putting though both cities on high alert. -- But authorities have not been able to corroborate any of the information from the source."

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Saturday September 10th 2011

More On The Domestic Situation....

Divide And Conquer: Are The Left And The Right In America About To Go To War With Each Other?
Quote of the Day...."Every single day, America is becoming a little bit more divided.  It is probably not a stretch to say that there could be more political hatred in this country today than at any time since the Civil War.  In fact, there are some very disturbing signs that the very heated war of words between the two major political parties could soon spill over into very real violence in the streets.  Instead of uniting and focusing on our real enemies and on our real problems, the left and the right in America seem ready to go to war with each other.  The mainstream media and those that control both political parties love to play "divide and conquer", and in America today we are taught to pick one political "team" and to absolutely hate those on the other side.  But instead of two real choices, what we really have is a false left/right paradigm.  The reality is that the two political parties are controlled by the same people at the highest levels." - also posted at DProgram

Obama [The Dictator] Has Finally Become Dick Cheney  - All those ObamaTrolls out there must be delighted.
Press Under Threat - A quote...."In Barack Obama's rise to national prominence, when he criticized the Bush Administration for its false claims about WMDs in Iraq, its torture of detainees, and its illegal program of spying on American citizens without warrants, he owed a particular debt of gratitude to a New York Timesnational security reporter. In a series of scoops as impressive as any amassed during the War on Terrorism, James Risen reported in 2004 that the CIA failed to tell President Bush about relatives of Iraqi scientists who swore that the country had abandoned its weapons program; the same year, he was first to reveal that the CIA was waterboarding detainees in Iraq; and in 2005, he broke the Pulitzer Prize winning story about the secret NSA spying program. -- These scoops so embarrassed and angered the Bush Administration that some of its senior members wanted Risen to end up in jail. They never managed to make that happen. But President Obama might."

Obama: Gut Social Security Now, Don't Wait Till The Election - Oh look, more ObamaTroll fodder....
A quote...."Incredible that a Democrat would propose loud and clear that our Social Security system should be gutted starting immediately to get an up-tick, illusory as it may turn out to be, in GDP just before the next election. But President Obama's proposal to cut the employee portion of our payroll taxes in half and also cut payroll-taxes for small businesses will do just that."

Obama’s jobs fraud - It just never ends, ObmaTrolls are the stupidest people on EARTH!!
A quote...."Following his speech before a joint session of Congress Thursday night, President Barack Obama on Friday launched his campaign to marshal public support for his American Jobs Act with a rally in Richmond, Virginia, the first in a series of such events to be held around the country. -- The Richmond event presented the sorry spectacle of working people being mobilized to cheer for measures whose implementation will mean a further deterioration in their conditions of life." - bold by webs

Gerald Celente on Steve’s Crowley American Scene
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 14min29sec - Sep 9, 2011) - Source:  GeraldCelenteChannel

15 Examples Of How “The Little Guy” Is Getting Absolutely Killed In America Today
A quote...."Those without a lot of wealth or a lot of power are getting absolutely killed in America today.  The big corporations, the major financial institutions, the ultra-wealthy and those connected to the top levels of government are absolutely thriving even though the economy overall is in shambles.  Meanwhile, "the little guy" is being abused, harassed, regulated, taxed and mistreated like never before."

Every crazy CIA plot you’ve heard of originated with one man
A quote...."There are stories that have come to light, over the years, that make the Central Intelligence Agency look like a collection of Looney Tunes shorts. The violence, the slapstick, and the over-the-top ridiculousness of the experiments that have been conducted over the years boggle the mind. They came from the (slightly-boggled) mind of one man: Sidney Gottlieb." - also posted at BLN
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9/11, The Crime of the Century....A Tenth Year Anniversary Retrospective

9/11 and the Conquest of Iraq
A quote...."(FIREDOGLAKE)   “It’s a system that lies automatically, at every level from bottom to top – from sergeant to commander in chief – to conceal murder.” -- *Daniel Ellsburg*, Secrets, (Viking, 2002)

“Beneath all the fakes and lies and all the mental aberrations, however deeply hidden or wildly deformed, the truth still breaks through, still glitters, still breathes.” -- *Mihail Sebastian*, Romanian playwright, as quoted by Nickolson Baker, Human Smoke, Simon & Schuster, 2008

"In the movie, Fair Game, about the travails of Valerie Plame, and her outing as a CIA agent by the Bush administration, Sean Penn, in the character of Joe Wilson, Plame’s husband, exhorts a group of students to “Demand the Truth!” Yet, very few of us have demanded to know the truth about 9/11 and the attacks on the World Trade Center. We have been content with the officially sanctioned explanation. Those who are not so content are ridiculed as “conspiracy theorists.”"

Turn off. Tune out. Unplug. Disbelieve
A quote...."And so it begins. -- The compulsory veneration of the seminal event 10 years ago that gave us our national security state will dominate our media and be pounded into our consciousness. In newspapers, on TV and on radio we will be assaulted by endless replays of the World Trade Centre collapse, interviews with survivors or bereaved relatives, stories of pain and suffering, heroic portrayals of rescuers, and moralizing about the need to defend our freedoms." - also posted at AlethoNews

Noam Chomsky Believes 9/11 Lies
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 14min42sec - Mar 2, 2011) - Source:  TheFlexEffect -- A quote...."Noam Chomsky is compromised. -- "High profile people who have acknowledged the ISRAELI MOSSAD involvement in the 9/11 attacks -- I can list several off the top of my head....."

former head of the US Army War College, Dr Alan Sabrosky
former president of Italy, Francesco Cossiga
former MI5 agent, Annie Machon
renowned BBC correspondent Alan Hart
US Marine Ken O'keefe

9/11 Inside Job: Ten Years Later
PPNNVideo - Alt - (PPNNYuTb - 14min44sec - Sep 9, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."In a special report for Infowars Nightly News marking the 10th Anniversary of the September 11 attacks, reporter Aaron Dykes reflects upon some of the biggest smoking guns and unanswered questions of 9/11, as well as the legacy of 9/11 truth, which has gained momentum with the public."

9/11 Tenth Anniversary Week Special – 30 Experts, Researchers, And Opinion Makers On The 9/11 False Flag Terror Attacks  >> To Be Updated <<  A quote...."All this week and into the weekend, The Intel Hub and The Bob Tuskin Radio Show are broadcasting a 9/11 week special. - With over 30 guests speaking on the largest attack in our life time, this special is a must listen for anyone that wants the truth about what happened on September 11, 2011 and beyond. - Be sure to check back regularly as new Youtube videos will be added to this article up until Sunday morning." - bold by website editor
AE911Truth Experts Speak Out  - Full Length Feature
AEVideo - (AEYuTb - 2hr19min03sec - Sep 9, 2011) - CentralFloridaVFP -- A quote...."PURCHASE this DVD:  -- 9/11 TRUTH is the ultimate Anti-War message -- Support the dedicated work of Architect, Richard Gage, AIA, and 1,600 Architects and Engineers. -- Show the DVD to your friends and family so they know the pretext for 2 wars is based on a LIE!"

U.S. Government lies about molten steel found at Ground Zero after 9/11
Video - From the History File - Aug 21, 2010 - Alt - (YuTb - 6min02sec - 08/21/10) -- A quote...."NIST caught lying about pools of molten steel found at the basement of Ground Zero, says no evidence or eye witnesses. This videos shows that NIST officials lied about it and they should be investigated."

What Does “Pull It” Mean?
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."(ActivistPost) – In the below video Larry Silverstein, the owner of world trade center Building 7 discusses the destruction of that structure which collapsed on 9/11/2001. In this now infamous clip, Silverstein states “I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire, and I said, ‘We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.’ And they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse.” "

'Lucky Larry' Silverstein: 'Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.'
A quote...."11 Sep 2010 9/11 was an inside job, six ways to Sunday. 9/11: "Lucky Larry" Silverstein and World Trade Tower 7 Posted by Mike 10 Sep 2006 Videos of Tower 7's collapse show a sudden vertical collapse, reminiscent of a controlled demolition. How could fire damage cause such a collapse in a steel building? Never in history has a steel building collapsed due to fire, let alone in such a quick, symmetrical fashion. During a video interview in the 2002 PBS documentary "America Rebuilds", Larry Silverstein shed some light on the mystery. According to Silverstein: "I remember getting a call from the, uh, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'You know we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is, is pull it.' Uh, and they made that decision to pull and then we watched the building collapse." "Pull" is construction jargon for "demolish", short for "pull down". Silverstein was saying that the fire department demolished Tower 7. [See: CLG 9/11 Exposition Zone.]"

Video - (YuTb - Sep 9, 2011) - Source:  chuckwestband -- A quote...."Look closely again at World Trade Center Seven." - A frame by frame view, with highlights. - mpg

9/11 Official Story is “Bogus” According to Bush Economist
From the History File - UPI, 06/13/05 - A quote...."Former chief economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush’s first term Morgan Reynolds comments that the official story about the collapse of the WTC is “bogus” and that it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7.”

Evidence of Insider Trading before September 11th Re-examined
Chart - Some quotes...."This report addresses evidence of insider trading before September 11th, sometimes referred to by a broader phrase, informed trading.  Insider trading refers to using private knowledge of an anticipated event in order to profit financially by engaging in financial market transactions."  ---  "This report deals with evidence of insider trading only.  It does not deal with speculations.  Nor does it deal with certain open questions about financial issues surrounding September 11th that otherwise deserve investigations...."
Topix - ||  Insider Trades 9/11 - Put Options  - Updated  ||

Israeli Company in Lucky WTC Pullout!
Video - (YuTb - 4min44sec - Sep 5, 2011) - Source:  Snordelhans -- A quote...."Heretic Productions present : A report from 2002 from Chris Bollyn. Israeli Company Mum About Perfect Timing Of WTC Pullout. - Investigators Should Follow The Money Trail!" - Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection - Zim Shipping  - Updated  ||

Israeli owned shipping company moves out of WTC ONE WEEK prior to 9/11
From the History File - Tuesday, July 1, 2008 -- A quote...."That a company moved from one place to another is not news, it happens all the time. -- But for a company partially owned by the state of Israel to move out of the WTC one week before the attacks and forfeit $50,000.00 in broken lease fees is news."  --  "O’Neill’s FBI colleague, Mike Dick, aggressively investigated this Israeli ring before and after 911 . But like O’Neill, he soon found himself removed from his duties on the orders of the then-head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division Michael Chertoff. Dick was very suspicious when Israeli movers quickly moved Zim American Israeli Shipping Company out of its 10,000 square feet of office space on the 17th Floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center." - bold by website editor

Meet the real 9/11 terrorists
A quote...."What is a Zionist?  Zionists are political extremists who claim that Jews are God’s "chosen race of people" and that they have a God given right to the "promised land" of Israel. There are two categories of modern Jews - the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkenazi Jews. The ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews were not Jews at all. In fact, they had never even set foot in Israel. They were mint masters, royal treasurers, tax collectors, and money lenders who "converted" to Judaism in the 7th century under Khazaria's King Bulan for commercial advantage. -- The vast majority of modern Jews are "converted" Ashkenazi Jews. Their ancestry can be traced back to Khazaria in Eastern Europe. They ARE NOT Semitic, they have no true genetic or Jewish ethnic identity and they have no inherant entitlement to the land of Israel by right of descent. The word "anti-semitic" is used as a weapon (devised by the Anti-Defamation League) to attack all who oppose or question their fraudulent power and authority. The only true Semitic Jews living in Israel today are Sephardim Jews who are the true descendants of the original twelve tribes of Israel. They are dark skinned with Arab racial features and they are treated like second class citizens in Israel." -- Essentially they're Russian emigres. - mpg

CIA Told New York Times About 9/11 Warnings, Command Negligence: NY Times Lied
Presstitute Exposed - (The NYT....again) - A quote...."9/11 denialists like to swear smugly that the official 9/11 story must be true, because the government could never keep such an important secret without getting caught. -- Somebody would spill the beans, right? In fact, a number of us tried. Media watchers should savvy up, as the air waves get blitzed this weekend with 9/11 emorials. -- If the corporate media had done its job as a watch dog, the world would have got an earful reliable intelligence sources debunking the official 9/11 story."

Airplanes Have Been Flown By Remote Control Since 1917
A quote...."In 1917, Archibald Low as head of the RFC [Britain's Royal Flying Corps] Experimental Works, was the first person to use radio control successfully on an aircraft." - Topix ||  9/11-NORAD  ||

9/11 10th Anniversary Special - Stephen Lendman On 9/11 "Terror" Attacks
Video - (YuTb - 8min33sec - Sep 7, 2011) - Source:  NotForSale2NWO -- A quote...."All this week The Bob Tuskin Radio Show is during over 30 interviews on the false flag terror attack that took place on 9/11/2001."

9/11 Explosive Evidence - Richard Gage Speaks Out!
PPNNVideo - Alt - (PPNN - 14min27sec - Sep 10, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Just a mere and simple utterance of the word, 9/11, or September 11th, or any other various related terms can stir up a caldron of emotion -- and it runs the entire spectrum. From steadfast defenders of the government's official explanation of what happened on 9/11 to those arguing theories of a deep, dark, evil conspiracy. There is no shortage of passion."

9/11 Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts
A quote...."As we get closer to the 10th Anniversary of the 9-11 false-flag attack, government propagandists are trying as hard as they can to push the no-plane nonsense to the forefront of the 9-11 truth movement, so that the media has a quick and easy means to ridicule and dismiss those who do not accept the official story. -- Even now I am being email bombed by obvious shills insisting I must agree with the no-plane theory. -- Bull biscuits!"

20 Reasons the “Official Account” of 9/11 is Wrong

A quote...."As the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I would observe that our members, building on prior research by earlier students of 9/11, have established more than a dozen disproofs of the official government account, the truth of any one of which is enough to show that the 
government’s account–in one or another of its guises–cannot possibly be correct.


10 Years After September 11th (Video)
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 27min26sec - Sep 10, 2011) - Source:  DEMCAD -- A quote...."Reginald Kaigler's presentation on the aftermath of the the September 11th Attacks. He criticizes of the U.S. government's official story for the September 11th attacks, discusses the inconsistencies, how the U.S. government has used the attacks to suppress civil liberties and start unnecessary wars."

Face Of The Monstrous Lie Of 9/11 Is Dick Cheney
A quote...."The noose is slowly closing around the monstrous lie of 9/11 as well as the unindicted co-conspirators but one name stands above them all and that person is not Osama Bin Laden. That person is Dick Cheney who refused for good reason to be questioned under oath by the 9/11 commission. Dick Cheney’s fingerprints are all over America’s greatest and most treasonous crime and cover up."

Anti-Defamation League: Speaking the truth about 9/11 is anti-Semitic
A quote...."The Anti-Defamation League was not created to protect innocent Jews but the guilty ones! In 1913, Leo Frank, a director of B'nai Brith and owner of a pencil company, was found guilty of the murder of a young employee of that company, Mary Phagan. Frank was convicted based on the testimony of the janitor of the factory, Jim Conley, whom Frank tried to recruit to help clean up the mess. But Governor Slaton, who was also Jewish, commuted the death sentence. Enraged at this travesty of justice, the people of Marietta broke into Leo's prison and lynched him. Following that case, the ADL was formed and launched a campaign to smear all witness and intimidate the media and politicians...."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Criminal Cartel Moves Forward With Printing $500 Billion In Funny Money
A quote...."Thursday, a gang of violent thieves and drug lords decided to counterfeit an additional 500 billion US Dollars in order to prop up their criminal empire.  The move undermines the savings and production of the American economy, while at the same time allowing the gang to retain its stranglehold on the banking sector and drug trade.  The move by the criminal organization to counterfeit the massive amount of money arises as an outgrowth of their various drug and racketeering schemes."

European Liquidity At Worst Level In Years
A quote...."While it is not all too surprising in light of news that Greece may be insolvent in 48 hours, that the ECB is about to commence printing with the abandon of a drunken chairsatan, and that New York has a "credible threat" of another terrorist attack, it is a fact that liquidity across virtually every European vertical is now at its worst levels in years, starting with the EURIBOR-OIS (or interbank/central bank funding spread), which soared by 6 bps to 81.2, or the most since March 2009, the 3M USD LIBOR rising for the 34th day in a row to 0.338% at multi-year highs, and with deposit facility usage at the ECB rising to a new one year high of €172.9 billion, an increase of €7 billion overnight."
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The Assault On Libya....

Gaddafi was loved by his people - Well that's great, nice of him to speak up now. - mpg
Full quote...."Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said Friday that ousted Libyan leader Gaddafi was loved by his people and that the rebellion that toppled him was not a popular uprising. -- "This wasn't a popular uprising," like in other north African countries "where the wind of freedom begins to blow," he told young supporters of his People of Freedom party gathered in Rome. -- "Powerful men decided to give life to a new era by putting out Gaddafi," he said. -- "This wasn't a popular uprising because Gaddafi was loved by his people, as I was able to see when I went to Libya.""

U.S.-NATO robbing Africa at gunpoint
A quote...."Fellow Africans, brothers and sisters of the media, today Africa is facing the most notorious gang of armed robbers in history. Africa is like the house. Libya is like the security door. U.S.-NATO bombing is like the robbers using a concrete block to beat open the door. If they open up Libya with their bombing, it will enable the armed robbers to enter with their weapons pointed at the entire African family." - Topix ||  Africa - the Next Target - 02-28-08 - mpg  ||

Libya, Propaganda and Imperialism
A quote...."September 08, 2011 "Pravda" - -A shot of Libyan hero Muammar al-Gaddafi playing lovingly with his grandchildren on a sofa. An idiotic comment on SKY News, that this seemingly normal behaviour from a grandfather shows just how close the ties of clan can be in this part of the world. The question is, to what extent to westerners actually believe this nonsense? -- Has anyone heard a more ridiculous example of propagandistic imperialism, where common affectionate human and universal values are warped and corrupted by some western pig, who corrupts a loving family scene of Grandpa playing with his grandkids into some kind of a freak show, where "Wow, the monster has feelings" and where "Wow, those clan bonds must be strong". One wonders whether the sickening and slobbering piles of lard sitting at home on their sofas with their newly acquired plasma TV screens are nodding obediently, snorting and cooing and saying "Cor!"" - Source:  Pravda

Libyan Rebels Hound Black Refugees
A quote...."TRIPOLI, Sep 9, 2011 (IPS) - The Libyan revolution has been devastating for 20-year-old Alybe Nally from Nigeria, as it has been for countless others from Africa seen by the rebels as Gaddafi loyalists. "When the rebels took over Tripoli two weeks ago they took my money, my mobile, my passport…All I have is what you see now," he says, pointing to his mismatched pair of sandals."

Russian Report confirms 70-80% of Libya[ns] remains under Gaddafi Control - Probably because they WANT to.
A quote....."Russian Report confirms 70-80% of Libya remains under Jamahiriya control. The Libyan people, gathered in their popular congresses and committees, are the Jamahiriya founded by Muammar Qaddafi, and are the legal de jure and de facto government of Libya. They still control the vast majority of Libya unlike what the Hilary Clinton media and NATO would have you believe."
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More On The International Situation....

It's not the brutality that is 'systematic'. It's the lying about it
A quote...."It was Baha Mousa's dad I will always remember. On an oppressively scorching day in Basra, Daoud Mousa first spoke of his son's death, telling me how the boy's wife had died of cancer just six months earlier, how Baha's children were now orphans, how – not long after the British Army had arrested Baha Mousa and beaten him to death, for that is what happened – a British officer had come to his home and stared at the floor and offered cash by way of saying sorry. -- "What do you think I should do?" Daoud asked me. Get a lawyer, I said. Tell Amnesty and Human Rights Watch. Let me write about it. When I called at the British base at Basra airport, one officer laughed at me. "Call the Ministry of Defence," he said dismissively. He didn't care."

Insurgent attacks in Afghanistan kill 5 more NATO troops
A quote...."KABUL : Five coalition service members were killed as a result of three separate attacks in eastern and southern Afghanistan on Friday, the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said."

Mass protests in Egypt against US-backed military junta
A quote...."Egyptian workers and youth mounted mass protests in cities across Egypt yesterday, after a new wave of strikes swept the country in recent days. In Cairo tens of thousands of protesters gathered in iconic Tahrir Square, one of the epicenters of the Egyptian revolution."

New American Ally in Somalia: ‘Butcher’ Warlord
Special Note - A quote...."If you thought it was bad that Washington is paying a shady French mercenary to do its dirty work in Somalia, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Just wait to you see our latest ally: an admirer of Osama bin Laden with a gory past."

ATF's Fast & Furious: The Next Chapter - Sheriff Richard Mack
AJVideo - SheriffRichardMackonF&F(1/2) - SheriffRichardMackonF&F(2/2) - (AJYuTb - 8/15min - Sep 8, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Can US Congress see beyond the orchestration and opulence in Tel Aviv?
A quote...."Americans are frustrated, angry and disappointed in the political leadership of our country. We are enduring one crisis after another: housing, war, jobs, budget, debt and deficit. We are also shouldering our own personal and professional crises. We are governed by political ideologies that are inflexible, uncompromising and that ignore the long-term well-being of our country. -- Yet, with all of these pressing and unrelenting national challenges, a record 81 House members, about a fifth of the chamber, spent a week in Israel last month, courtesy of a foundation set up by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the largest pro-Israel lobby group in the US." - Source:  TheElectronicIntifada

James Murdoch knew of widespread phone hacking, UK Parliament told
A quote...."At this week’s hearing of the House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, the now-defunct News of the World legal manager Tom Crone told Members of Parliament that News International/News Corp. executive James Murdoch had not told the truth about an e-mail indicating phone hacking at the paper involved more than one reporter."

Retired Professor On Epic Voyage To Honor USS Liberty Dead
A quote...."GAZA: A retired college professor from the US state of Texas who has sailed approximately 8,000 miles to the eastern Mediterranean in an epic voyage, is heading toward his destination — the exact location where Israeli forces tried to sink a US Navy ship in 1967, killing or injuring over 200 American servicemen."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Oakland Museum Shuts Down Palestinian Children’s Exhibit
A quote...."Berkeley, CA— The Museum of Children’s Art in Oakland (MOCHA) has decided to cancel an exhibit of art by Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip. The Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA), which was partnering with MOCHA to present the exhibit, was informed of the decision by the Museum’s board president on Thursday, September 8, 2011. For several months, MECA and the museum had been working together on the exhibit, which is titled “A Child’s View of Gaza.”" - Source:  MECA

Friday September 9th 2011

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