Tuesday September 29th 2015

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Monday September 28th 2015

VA Senator Dick Black discusses ISIS, Syria, and Assad with Sean Stone

Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 18min36sec - Sep 25, 2015) - Source:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT  - A quote..."In this web exclusive, Sean Stone sits down with Virginia state Senator Dick Black to talk about the ongoing crisis in Syria, and what policies the US and other world powers should adopt to return the region to peace and stability."

Tick Tick Tick
Must Read - Quote of the Day -- A quote...."Did Charlie Rose look like a f*cking idiot last night on 60-Minutes, or what, asking Vladimir Putin how he could know for sure that the US was behind the 2014 Ukraine coup against President Viktor Yanukovych? Maybe the idiots are the 60-Minutes producers and fluffers who are supposed to prep Charlie’s questions. Putin seemed startled and amused by this one on Ukraine: how could he know for sure? - Well, gosh, because Ukraine was virtually a province of Russia in one form or another for hundreds of years, and Russia has a potent intelligence service (formerly called the KGB) that had assets and connections threaded through Ukrainian society like the rhizomorphs of the fungus Armillaria solidipes through a conifer forest. Gosh, Charlie, it’s like asking Obama whether the NSA might know what’s going on in Texas. - And so there is Vladimir Putin, a former KGB officer, having to spell it out for the American clodhopper super-journalist. “We have thousands of contacts with them. We know who and where, and when they met with someone, and who worked with those who ousted Yanukovych, how they were supported, how much they were paid, how they were trained, where, in which country, and who those instructors were. We know everything.”"

Papal Blessing for Washington’s Global Terrorism - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
Must Read - A quote...."September 27, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "SCF"-   Roman Catholic Pope Francis was hailed for his courage in challenging the United States Congress on a range of "leftwing" issues. The pontiff can take some credit for raising issues of social justice, reducing poverty and homelessness, averting deleterious environmental impacts, and calling for more humane immigration policies. But there was a flagrant omission in his address to the American lawmakers, as there was in his earlier audience with President Barack Obama. Where was his forthright condemnation of Washington’s rampant war-making and sponsorship of global terrorism?"

Speaking Lies to Power - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."September 28, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  The Pope gave a speech to a joint session of the US congress.  It is worth examining the lies of commission and the lies of omission.  I will not comment on his statements that are contrary to the NAP – or even violations to the US Constitution; this post will already be long enough without having to comment on virtually every line of the speech.  For clarification, the Pope’s words will be in italics."

Putin to UN: Export of So-Called Democratic Revolutions Continues Globally
A quote...."The export of the so-called democratic revolutions continues, as the international community fails to learn from mistakes, which have already been made, Russian President Vladimir Putin said addressing the UNGA. - He cited the example of the revolutions in the Middle East, when people wished for change, “but how did that turn out?” - He said that instead of triumph of democracy “we have violence and social disaster,” where no one cares about human rights, including the right to life."

US, Israel supreme source of difficulty in world: Ex-US Senate candidate
A quote...."Despite US President Barack Obama’s forceful defense of diplomacy at the United Nations, the United States and its allies have been the main source of violent conflicts around the world, a former US Senate candidate says."

The Power of False Narrative
A quote...."In this age of pervasive media, the primary method of social control is through the creation of narratives delivered to the public through newspapers, TV, radio, computers, cell phones and any other gadget that can convey information. This reality has given rise to an obsession among the power elite to control as much of this messaging as possible."

US Does Not Even Hide Preparations For Military Confrontation with Russia
A quote...."'Stop NATO' blog editor Rick Rosoff said in September 2010 that the Pentagon was using the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) as a training ground for both the war in Afghanistan and other future wars, an article posted on Global Research said. The deployment of US and NATO forces near Russian borders violates the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe from 1991 that prohibits certain categories of conventional military equipment in Europe, the publication said. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland were used to prepare for a potential confrontation with Russia, A number of large-scale military exercises were conducted, thus marking preparations for third world war. At the same time, US and European officials consistently lie about Russia's non-existent aggression in Ukraine, as well as about the deployment of troops and military aircraft in Syria."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States...

Russia and Putin, the Nonexistent Threat - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."September 27, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  Russia is fast becoming our latest bogyman with neocons, war hawks, and a complicit corporate media, all beating the preliminary war drums, rapidly convincing a duped public that the Russian threat is real. The record shows the Russian threat is nonsense, but the record also shows there is a threat, not from Russia, but from the US."

Dutch website says it will trigger referendum on EU-Ukraine ties
A quote...."AMSTERDAM, Sept 26 (Reuters) - A Dutch website said on Sunday it had garnered enough signatures to force the Netherlands to hold a non-binding referendum on the EU's association agreement with Ukraine, in a move meant to signal popular dissatisfaction with Dutch European policy."

Finnish human rights activist calls for launching criminal case over DPR shellings

A quote...."STOCKHOLM, September 27. /TASS/. Famous human rights activist Johan Backman has called on the Finnish authorities to open a criminal case against Ukraine on charges of violating ceasefire regime in Donbass and attempt on the life of Finnish volunteers fighting on the side of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR)."

A ban on the transit of Russian aircrafts will finish off the Ukrainian economy
A quote...."[Google Translate] - A quote...."On the loss of tens of millions of dollars in state airports in Ukrainian - Russian airlines bring them the lion's share of the profits. Only the "Aeroflot" 35 times per week flying to Kiev and back 21 times - in Odessa and 14 - in Kharkov. In "Transaero" - 23 flights a week to Kiev. 70% of passengers - citizens of Ukraine. They fly in Russia, not only to earn money, to friends and family, but also for transplant to other flights, because the Moscow air hub - one of the largest in Europe. - "Cessation of flights between Russia and Ukraine would be another act of madness, but, unfortunately, based on the experience of the last 20 months, we can not deny it's crazy to deny the hypothetical possibility," - said a spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov."

Blockade of Crimea Turning Into Disaster for Ukrainian Farmers
A quote...."Entering its second week on Sunday, the Ukrainian food blockade of Crimea has 'borne fruit', forcing Ukrainian farmers dependent on the Crimean market to sell their goods for a pittance, destroying what remains." - For more on the attempted PNAC Protocol destruction of Ukraine/Russia, see links posted below.....
Nearly 50,000 people protesting against government in Moldova
A quote...."CHISINAU, September 27. /TASS/. Moldova’s opposition Socialist Party and Our Party have gathered nearly 50,000 supporters for a demonstration in Chisinau demanding resignation of the country’s government and snap presidential and parliamentary elections, Socialist Party leader Igor Dodon told TASS on Sunday."

Armenia-Azeri "Frozen Conflict" Re-Ignites
Was Victoria Nuland there handing out more cookies? - mpg - A quote...."September 24 and on the night of September 25, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces violated the ceasefire along the border more than 260 times, along Armenian positions. There are dead and wounded among the civilian population."

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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

ISIS Is Not ‘Blowback’ From Western Foreign Policy; They ARE Western Foreign Policy
Must Read - Great Graphic - (click here to enlarge) -- A quote...."Notice that ISIS are sworn enemies of Syria, Hizbu’llah, and Iran. This in itself gives a most obvious clue as to the identity of the group’s benefactors. - A prevalent liberal cliché is the “blowback” theory – the theory that ISIS terror attacks, and indeed the group’s very existence, are somehow in retaliation to US/Western/”Israeli” foreign policy actions. - This is a disingenuous theory that is disseminated in order to keep the empire’s citizens on side. Crucially, it distracts from a key truth. - Western and “Israeli” intelligence has historically effected deep infiltration of ‘jihadist’ terror cells throughout the Arab world and the West; these groups are used literally as footsoldiers (see Afghanistan throughout the 1980s) to achieve Western and “Israeli” military and strategic objectives. The “blowback” theory distracts from this key fact.""

Number Of Foreign Fighters in Syria Has Doubled in Past Year - report
ISIS Gambit - Red Dawn (The Original) For Syria -- A quote...."The figures cited by the New York Times show that the international efforts aimed at tackling the jihadist threat have largely failed to stop the flow of new foreign fighters seeking to join terror groups in Syria and Iraq."

Putin Slams ‘Illegal’ US Support For Militants in Syria
ISIS Gambit - Putin Still Disagreeing -- A quote...."Russian President Vladimir Putin has denounced US support for militants in Syria as illegal and ineffective. - “In my opinion, provision of military support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter,” he told US media on Sunday ahead of a meeting with President Barack Obama." - Source:  PressTV

Hezbollah: We Are Happy Russia Is Helping Syria, US Failed With ISIS
ISIS Gambit - Hezbollah Still Disagreeing -- A quote...."Hezbollah (a Shi’a Islamist militant group and political party based in Lebanon) who has currently been pre-occupied with protecting Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and Syria in general said Friday it welcomes Russia and their military buildup.  They added that the US campaign agains ISIS was a failure that “forced Moscow’s hand”."

Syria Turns The Corner [For Now] - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
ISIS Gambit - They'll Just Send In More Terrorists - A quote...."September 27, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - From Elijah J. Magnier's latest report...."
"The deployment of forces from Iran, Russia and Hezbollah along with the Syrian Army aims to recover key and strategic cities and areas under the control of al-Qaeda and ISIS in the first place. Damascus gave Hezbollah 75 tank to become part of this organized- irregular organization. It is the first Hezbollah armored brigade composed of new T-72 and T-55 tanks to support the group’ Special Forces on the ground."

"The source ended: “The direct Russian intervention and involvement in the Syrian war was decided after Turkey’s violation of the undeclared red lines by giving facilities and supporting al-Qaida and its allies to enter Syria into Kessab and later to Idlib provoking the Russian bear who believed that national interests are threatened. The lost of Idlib upset the battle balance in all of Syria. Russia and Iran informed Turkey that such a support will have serious consequences and that Iran and Russia’s national security have been put in jeopardy. After having seen the reaction on the ground and the direct intervention of Russia and Iran, Turkish President’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that Assad could be part of the future of Syria. It is a kind of late apology for the strategic mistake that needs to be rectified now. Turkey’s wrong move in Idlib led even the United States and Europe very close to chanting: Long Live President Assad.”" - Source:  MoonOfAlamba
At Least Three Israeli Airstrikes Hit Syrian Army on Golan Heights
ISIS Gambit - "Syria Turns A Corner"....Israel Strikes Syria -- A quote...."Israel has launched at least three airstrikes against positions of the Syrian army on the Golan Heights. - The UK-based so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Sunday that the strikes hit a town in Syria’s southwestern province of Quneitra on the Syrian side of the plateau, near the border with the Israeli-occupied part of the strategic region."

Western Propaganda Machine Kicks Into Overdrive As UK Brands Assad "A Butcher", France Bombs Syria In "Self Defense" - ISIS Gambit - Liar Liar Pants On Fire - A quote...."Got that? ISIS Gambit - More Lies From The Lie Factories - Paris needs to bomb Syria in "self defense" because clearly, a ragtag group of militants who only exist because they're still a useful tool in Washington's geopolitical calculus, pose a very real threat to the territorial integrity of France, one of the most influential nations on the face of the earth. - Obviously, that is absurd to the point that it's almost not worth mentioning were it not for the fact that France's involvement comes as Britain is also set to step up its own "anti-ISIS" air raids in Syria. - In short, both France and Britain are ramping up their involvement in Syria's civil war just as Russia, Iran, and China are set to bolster the Assad regime."

A True Holocaust that the World Will Deny: Syrian Foreign Minister Blasts Syria War Lies at Geneva II
ISIS Gambit - The Lies That Kill....Millions - A quote...."The West publicly claims to be fighting terrorism, whilst in fact it is covertly nourishing it. Anyone who cannot see this truth is either ignorantly blind or wilfully so in order to finish what they have begun."

Syria Crisis: Russia Puts Troops on the Ground in the Fight Against Isis - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
ISIS Gambit - The Russians Have Arrived - A quote...."September 28, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "The Independent "- Uniformed Russian soldiers are now guarding checkpoints on roads around three military bases on the Syrian Mediterranean coast as Moscow plans its first attacks on the enemies of President Bashar al-Assad. - Russian drones – more than half flown by Russian ground controllers inside Syria – are now flying regularly over Palmyra, which may be the first Islamist target to be attacked, according to Syrian military sources. The Syrian army is reporting a vastly improved intelligence capability around the old Roman city, captured by Isis in May and used as an execution yard for civilians and captured government soldiers. Drones are being flown at night over the Isis-controlled deserts of eastern Syria." - For more articles on the attempted PNAC Protocol destruction of Syria, see links posted below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others...

Iraq’s PM Abadi facing “mutiny” from within Shi’ite camp: source
This Isn't A Good Sign - A quote...."London, Asharq Al-Awsat—Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi is facing a “mutiny” from within Shi’ite circles in the country over his recent crackdown on government corruption, an informed source said on Saturday. - Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat via telephone, the source—a high-level Shi’ite politician who requested anonymity—said that “moves, though unofficial, are being made in secret” against Abadi in response to recent reforms he enacted in August. - “The struggle is within the Shi’ite camp, among its different political and religious lines, and is a struggle for influence, power, and money,” the source said. - Abadi, a moderate Shi’ite Islamist who has sought reconciliation between both Sunnis and Shi’ites, has struggled to build a broad political support-base for substantive reforms he has promised since becoming PM in September 2014."

Daesh [a version of ISIS] executes ten attempted deserters in Iraq
A quote...."Daesh has reportedly executed nearly a dozen of its own members in Iraq’s embattled western province of Anbar after the latter sought to break away from the terrorist outfit." - For more on the PNAC Protocol destruction of Iraq, see links posted below.....
Taliban Captures Major North Afghan City of Kunduz - Interior Ministry: Defenses in City 'Collapsed'....
Geo-Political Red Alert - A quote...."During their annual Spring Offensive, the Taliban set its sights on northern parts of Afghanistan, particularly centering on the Kunduz Province. The fighting continued throughout spring and summer, with Taliban forces seizing several districts. Today, they captured the city of Kunduz itself."
Taliban free hundreds of fighters from jail in north
A quote..."Taliban insurgents broke into the main prison in Afghanistan's northern city of Kunduz on Monday, freeing hundreds of fellow Islamist fighters hours after militants captured much of the city, two security officials said."
ISIS Sees Major Growth in Afghanistan, Now Recruiting in 25 Provinces
ISIS Gambit - Spreading In Afghanistan?? - A quote...."Early reports of ISIS trying to establish an affiliate in Afghanistan were mostly downplayed by the US and other Western powers, who believed the group to be little more than a handful of disaffected Taliban commanders trying to get international attention. That the rare ISIS activity was all fighting against Taliban rivals seemed to support that."

Murder, Mayhem and Rape in Afghanistan: Made in the U.S.A.
A quote...."The Kite Runner,” Khaled Hosseini’s 2003 novel, featured a pivotal and highly controversial scene in which one of the young male protagonists is raped by an older youth. That harrowing section of the best-selling book highlighted the rampant sexual abuse of children in Afghanistan. Now, a revelation—even more horrifying—has implicated real-life U.S. soldiers serving in that country. The New York Times on Sunday reported how troops have been instructed to condone the routine rape of Afghan children by our warlord allies. The story is a cringe-inducing example of how corrupt our war in Afghanistan has been."
‘10 Dead’ in Benghazi Clashes Between Libya Army, Jihadists
A quote...."Seven jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group and three soldiers of Libya’s recognised government died in weekend clashes in the eastern city of Benghazi, military and medical sources said Sunday."

Militant Group Publishes Global Hitlist of Bloggers, Activists and Writers
Radical Sunni Saudi Sponsored Wahhabism Spreads - A quote...."An Islamic militant group in Bangladesh has issued a hitlist of secular bloggers, writers and activists around the world, saying they will be killed if its demands are not met. - The list will raise fears that Islamic militant violence within the unstable south Asian country could take on an international dimension."

The Collapse of Saudi Arabia is Inevitable
We Can Only Hope & Pray -- A quote..."September 28, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "MEE"-  On Tuesday 22 September, Middle East Eye broke the story of a senior member of the Saudi royal family calling for a “change” in leadership to fend off the kingdom’s collapse. - In a letter circulated among Saudi princes, its author, a grandson of the late King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, blamed incumbent King Salman for creating unprecedented problems that endangered the monarchy’s continued survival."
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More on the Attempted PNAC Protocol Destruction of Yemen.....

Saudi Warplanes Kill 70 in Attack on Wedding Party
Another Wedding Party!! - (The Saudis Learn From The Best) -- A quote..."Adding to the enormous death toll of the Saudi war against Yemen, Saudi warplanes today attacked a wedding party near the port city of Mocha, killing the groom and a huge number of civilians, with at least 70 confirmed dead in the latest reports from medical officials."
Saudi Helicopters Attack North Yemen Village, Killing 30 Civilians
A quote..."Saudi attack helicopters poured into the northern Yemeni village of Bani Zela today, just a few miles off the Saudi border in the Hajjah Province, opening fire on fleeing civilians and leaving at least 30 dead. Many others were wounded, and with no medical resources in blockaded North Yemen, the toll is expected to rise."

Saudi warplanes kill seven Yemenis, including four children
A quote...."At least seven people have been killed in a new wave of Saudi airborne aggression against war-torn Yemen, as Riyadh’s unabated bombardment of residential areas keeps taking lives of civilians throughout the impoverished country." - For more on the PNAC Protocol destruction of Yemen, see links posted below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims -  The Refugees.....

UN says world waited too long to act on refugee crisis."Unfortunately only when the poor enter the halls of the rich, do the rich notice that the poor exist" -- A quote...."The United Nations high commissioner for refugees said on Saturday the world waited far too long to respond to the refugee crisis sparked by the wars in Syria and elsewhere, though rich countries now appear to understand the scale of the problem." - For more on Europe's PNAC Protocol supporting, self-inflicted, refugee crisis, see links posted below......
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Holocaust: Breaking The Spell
Must View WotWVideo - (WotWYuTb - 28min10sec - Sep 27, 2015) - Source:  WotW@YuTb - WindowsOnTheWorld -- A quote...."New show every Sunda 9pm GMT. Author Nick Kollerstrom discusses his new book "Breaking the Spell" dealing with The Holocaust narrative. Nick was sacked from his job as a science historian for researching the use of Zyklon B, an insecticide used in de lousing chambers in the German concentration camps. This was alleged to have been used in homicidal gas chambers. The work of chemist Germar Rudolph and the trial of Ernst Zundel are useful references for this interview."  - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  || - Some comments regarding the video, posted below......
"I dont know how long they can hold up that orwellian holocaust b.s., more and more laws are getting past in the countries worldwide just to keep the people silent and put them into jails as if they are terrorists. I have no doubts that most of the people in the world believe in that hoax, I mean most don't even care to do research on the matter, they just watch Schindlers List on tv and suddenly they know everything about the holocaust xd." -- *horror11*

">> "I put up an article on a revisionist website and put my name on it and that subsequently got me kicked out of university and ended my career" << - Nick Kollerstrom. This is all the evidence you need to prove that not only do Jews have incredible power (although they make up about 0.5% of the UK population) but that the holocaust is a lie, as being sacked for questioning history (as that's what historians do) proves they're hiding something. Think about it?" -- "They won't allow a factual, historical debate on the holocaust because the official narrative would be utterly destroyed. This is why they imprison people because they want to send a clear message out that this must not be revised.-- *Darkest Star*
Powerful Israeli Lobby Summons Jeremy Corbyn in Further Subversion of British Democracy
ZOG Deception Alert - A quote...."Labour Friends of Israel, a pro-“Israel” political advocacy group, has invited Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to speak at its annual reception [1] in Brighton on Tuesday. The power of the “Israeli” lobby in Whitehall [2] is not news to those with a keen eye on British politics. That being said, for any British voter this should raise eyebrows at the very least.  - Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) is a Jewish lobby group [3] which...."
“promotes a negotiated two state solution for two peoples; with Israel safe, secure and recognised within its borders; living alongside a democratic, independent Palestinian state”
"The above synopsis, garbed in liberal, peaceful and noble language, gives LFI (and “Israel”) an innocuous image to the layperson. - Typical of Zionist rhetorical trickery, this false appraisal is fraudulent for a number of reasons." - Source:  EmpireStrikesBlack

All in the Family: David Cameron’s Jewish Roots and the Coreligionists Who Brought Him to Power
ZOG Alert - A Traitor Amongst Them - Previously posted, posted again as a reminder....A quote...."While speaking to a 500-strong group of Jewish lobbyists in London in 2007, UK Prime Minister David Cameron declared,(1)I am a Zionist“. He went on to add, “I’m not just a good friend of Israel but I am, as you put it, good for Jews.” - These comments can easily be explained merely as fawning attempts to placate and appease the Jewish lobby – a necessary step for any who wish to assume high office. One has to ask the question though: why does ‘Anglican’ David Cameron conceal his own Jewish identity?" - bold by website editor

German Justice Minister
ZOG Alert - A quote....""It doesn't matter that we, because of historical reasons, have a stricter interpretation of freedom of speech than the United States does. - Berlin's Justice Minister Heiko Maas, described as 'a leader of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD),' recently chided Facebook corporation for allowing so-called 'holocaust denial' posts on the social media site. He then gave some interesting comments about Germany's strict speech laws, comparing them to laws in the U.S. and justifying Germany's speech laws under the guise of 'historical reasons.'"

Some Jews and Zionists Are Using Exaggerated Hysteria to Destroy Free Speech on UC Campuses
ZOC Alert - A quote...."There is something very disturbing going on with the University of California school systems that is more serious than over-inflated allegations of anti-Semitism and hate crimes on college campuses in California, and that is special interest bully pulpit attempt by some Jews to get regulations passed that outlaw any kind of speech that that basically rejects the Zionist project in Israel as a Jewish State. This is a very serious attack on free speech in one of America’s college systems. Trying to broaden the definition of anti-Semitism as “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination and denying Israel the right to exist” is clearly political blackmail. For several years now various Jewish right-wing organizations and individuals have been waging a political battle against criticism of Israel and Zionism and now it is focusing more and more on American campuses. See video: BDS Grows Across College Campuses."

Students and Regents Demand University of California Adopt Unconstitutional Policy
ZOC Alert - A quote...."Yesterday, the University of California Board of Regents held an open meeting allowing students, faculty, members of the UC community, and other interested parties to share their thoughts on UC’s proposed Statement of Principles Against Intolerance. - The statement came about after the UC Regents decided not to adopt the U.S. State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism. Free speech advocates pointed out that a public university’s adoption of this definition as policy would raise serious First Amendment concerns and chill protected speech, including criticism of Israel’s government." - Source:  Ftdnt4IndRghts

US Support For Israel Stokes Terrorism Worldwide, Rouhani Says
A quote...."Problems plaguing the Middle East, from Cairo to Kabul and Aden to Aleppo, are ultimately the product of American policy and its support for an "inhumane" Israel, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told the United Nations on Monday."

New report documents how Israel keeps Palestinians off a third of West Bank land
A quote...."Around a third of the entire West Bank is closed to Palestinians as Israeli military zones, according to a new report. - “Walled Garden – Declaration of Closed Areas in the West Bank” is published by Israeli non-profit NGO Kerem Navot, and authored by long-time activist and settlements monitor Dror Etkes."

Double Standards, One Rule For All – Except Palestinians
A quote...."Nabi Saleh, occupied Palestine – On the 28th of August, Mahmoud Tamimi was arrested in Nabi Saleh during the weekly non violent demonstration. Every Friday, just after the prayer, the residents demonstrate against the expansion of the illegal settlement of Halamish which has continuously confiscated Palestinian land as well as the only water source of the village: ‘Ain al-Qaws." - Source:  ISM

Israeli Court Renews Detention of Palestinian Detainee For 6th Time
Without Trial, Without Habeas Corpus - A quote...."RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- An Israeli court renewed the administrative prison-term of the Palestinian detainee Mahmoud Hamdi Shabaneh, from al-Khalil, for the sixth time without charge or trial, a human rights center reported Saturday. - The Palestinian Prisoners Center for Studies said in a press statement the Israeli occupation authorities renewed the administrative remand of 44-year-old Shabaneh for four months."

Israel Will Never Hand Over Parts of the West Bank, Says Deputy FM Hotovely
A quote...."Handing over parts of the West Bank to the Palestinians is not "even on the list of options we’re offering the Palestinians,” Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely said in an interview on Sunday. - While professing to support the creation of a Palestinian state in principle, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu never said evacuating the West Bank was an option, Hotovely averred. The interview with her was published on the Times of Israel."

In Gaza No Figures Can Express The Sorrow
Must Read - A quote...."I don’t know if pain can destroy or fortify, I only know that pain changes everything. I also know that the recollection of such suffering shall remain, has to remain in my memory. At the beginning of the Israeli aggression, the first days of last July, I had promised myself not to forget the names of the children that were killed, those who I photographed horrified in the nightmare’s morgues in Gaza under fire."

Gaza, a constant slaughter: Testimonies of a genocidal aggression
A quote...."It only depends on us that this mother’s cry of pain does not drown in the silence. - “My paralyzed daughter was murdered by Israeli soldiers and I couldn’t save her” she told us, looking at us with clear eyes veiled with tears of pain, the other of a paraplegic girl, just 18 years old, massacred in her wheelchair by Zionist occupation forces during the ground invasion in Khuzaa, in southern Gaza Strip."

Testimony of Khuzaa’s Massacre
A quote...."One year after Israel’s attacks in the Gaza Strip, the massacre in Khuzaa is vividly remembered by one of its inhabitants. - Dr Mohammed Qudaih lived with his family in Khuzaa, in the southern Gaza Strip, less than a kilometre away from the Israeli fence, the military turrets, and from the Palestinian land occupied in 1948."

Palestinian fishing boat destroyed by Israeli navy off Gaza shore
A quote...."KHAN YOUNIS, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation navy afternoon Saturday destroyed a Palestinian fishing boat docked within the authorized nautical miles off Khan Younis shores, in southern Gaza."

Israeli police shoot at worshipers, facilitate settlers [squatter] access
A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces on early Sunday morning have come down heavily on the unarmed Muslim sit-inners at the holy al-Aqsa Mosque, resorting to excessive force to expel them and smooth break-ins by Israeli fanatics."

Soldiers [Euro-Kazarian Goons In Uniform] Invade Al-Aqsa Mosque, Many Palestinians Injured
A quote...."Dozens of Israeli soldiers, [goons & thugs in uniform] police officers and undercover [syndicate]  forces, invaded on Monday morning, the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, fired gas bombs and concussion grenades causing many injuries, before forcibly removing the worshipers, and surrounded dozens in the Al-Qibli Mosque - Eyewitnesses said around 150 [Euro-Kazarian]  soldiers [goons] and officers [thugs] invaded the holy site, and started forcing the Palestinians out by firing gas bombs, concussion grenades, rubber-coated steel bullets, and several live rounds. - The soldiers [goons] also assaulted many Palestinians with clubs and batons." - Source:  IMEMC

Wounded Child Detainee Could Lose His Leg
A quote...."The Palestinian Detainees Committee has reported, Sunday, that detained wounded child, ‘Issa ‘Adnan Adbul-Mo’ty, 13 years of age, currently hospitalized at the Hadassah Israeli medical center in Jerusalem, could lose his leg."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Nazarbayev Proposed To Relocate the UN [to] Asia
A quote..."[Google Translate] - Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his address to the UN General Assembly in New York, proposed to move the headquarters of the United Nations in Asia. -- Nazarbayev reminded why the UN headquarters located in New York. "This was due to the fact that while the increased role of the Western Hemisphere in international affairs. The center of the world has moved from the old world to the new. From Europe to a new point of global growth - the United States, New York", - he said. -- By the same token, according to Nazarbayev, now we need to turn towards Asia. "In the XXI century the center of development is shifting to Asia - the largest continent in the world, home to 2/3 of the world population, concentrated vast resources. Powerful breakthrough marked a new reality in global processes. It is important to use this historic opportunity to give new impetus to relations between states, taking into account this process. Therefore, I suggest to consider the transfer of the UN headquarters in Asia ""

China ready to join international fight against terrorism — foreign ministry
A quote...."China is ready to join the international fight against any forms of terrorism, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei told a regular news conference while commenting on information in some media about Chinese warships near Syria being ready to take part in a mission against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization. - However, the spokesman could not confirm information about Chinese warships near the Syrian coast being ready to patrol the region. "As for the situation you are asking about," he told the reporter who asked the question, "I do not have that information."

US On The Ropes: China To Join Russian Military In Syria While Iraq Strikes Intel Deal With Moscow, Tehran
A quote...."Last Thursday, we asked if China was set to join Russia and Iran in support of the Assad regime in Syria. - Our interest was piqued when the pro-Assad Al-Masdar (citing an unnamed SAA “senior officer”), said Chinese “personnel and aerial assets” are set to arrive within weeks. To the uninitiated, this may seem to have come out of left field, so to speak. However, anyone who has followed the conflict and who knows a bit about the global balance of power is aware that Beijing has for some time expressed its support for Damascus, most notably by voting with Russia to veto a Security Council resolution that would have seen the conflict in Syria referred to the Hague."

Russia, Cuba, Emirates consider making big transport hub in Cuba
A quote...."The countries consider a large-scale trilateral project, featuring Russia, Cuba and the United Arab Emirates, on organisation of a big transport hub, which will include modernisation of the Mariel sea port and construction of a modern international airport and a cargo terminal on the basis of an aerodrome in San Antonio de lost Banos".

Iran to buy Russian aerospace equipment and planes worth $21bln
A quote...."Tehran will pay $21 billion for satellite equipment and Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ-100) passenger aircraft from Russia, an Iranian official told Sputnik news agency."

Russia To Buy *Used* Mistral Helicopter Carriers From Egypt
A quote...."New cars are often offered at high fixed list prices set by the manufacturer. A trick car dealers use to circumvent such fixed list prices and to sell more cars is to "sell" the new car for a day or two to some strawmen. These cars are marketed as "demonstrator" or per-registrated cars. The "used car" is handed back to the dealer who sells it to the originally intended buyer for a price lower than the manufacturer's list price."

Egypt To Buy 50 Ka-52 Helicopter From Russia
A quote...."Russia and Egypt have reportedly signed a deal for the 50 Ka-52 helicopters possibly meant to be stationed on the Mistral carrier. - "An agreement on the supplies of fifty Ka-52 helicopters has been signed," Tass quoted an unnamed source as saying Thursday. "If the Egyptian side finds it necessary, the sea-based version of the helicopters will be supplied." - The helicopters were meant for the Russian Mistral carriers. Paris refused to deliver the two mistral carriers after US and allied European countries imposed sanctions against Moscow in regard to Ukraine conflicts. France had to pay US $1.3 billion in compensation for the cancellation."

Unilateral restrictive measures must be stopped, Cuban embargo lifted – Lavrov
A quote...."The practice of imposing unilateral coercive measures, taken by one state to force a change in the policy of another, violates the UN Charter and must be stopped, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a UN summit on sustainable development, adding that the Cuba embargo needs to end." - Source:  RT

Anti-war protesters in Germany slam US drone strikes
A quote...."Hundreds of anti-war protesters have staged a rally against the US military presence in Germany, voicing opposition to Washington’s use of killer drones around the world."

The Rally in Prague With Slogans About Exit of the Czech Republic From NATO
A quote...."Today in the center of Prague, about a hundred protesters gathered. They demanded the release of the Czech Republic to NATO. - The organizer of the meeting was made ​​public committee "No bases!", Which became known about 10 years ago, their protests against the establishment of a US military radar base in the Czech Republic, according to RIA Novosti reported citing local media. - Participants of the rally were holding placards, "Get out of NATO", "Ukraine in NATO = War in Europe" and others."

Catalan 'Secessionists' Set To Win Election Amid Record Turnout
A quote...."In short, elections in Catalonia on Sunday were a proxy for an independence referendum. - The outcome is critical for several reasons, not the least of which are i) Spain’s debt-to-GDP ratio could spike to 125% in an independence scenario, ii) Catalonia would likely be forced out of the euro in the event they secede, iii) the impact on social stability is decisively unclear, iv) Catalonia accounts for nearly a fifth of Spanish GDP."

Secessionists Just Won a Crucial Election in Northern Spain - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Ever since the global financial crisis of 2008, a secessionist movement has been picking up speed in the Catalonia region of Spain. This is due to the fact that Catalonia happens to be the most prosperous state in Spain, and many of their residents are tired of paying more taxes than their countrymen, while receiving less in return. In addition, Catalonia has its own unique history, language and culture that has been suppressed by the Spanish government in the past."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

Mexican representative for the vulnerable suggests homeless should be culled with lethal injections
A quote...."A Mexican councillor has caused outrage after suggesting that homeless people should be culled by lethal injection.

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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Debacle, Inc. - How Henry Kissinger Helped Create Our “Proliferated” World
A quote...."September 28, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "TomDispatch"- The only person Henry Kissinger flattered more than President Richard Nixon was Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran. In the early 1970s, the Shah, sitting atop an enormous reserve of increasingly expensive oil and a key figure in Nixon and Kissinger’s move into the Middle East, wanted to be dealt with as a serious person. He expected his country to be treated with the same respect Washington showed other key Cold War allies like West Germany and Great Britain. As Nixon’s national security adviser and, after 1973, secretary of state, Kissinger’s job was to pump up the Shah, to make him feel like he truly was the “king of kings.”" - Source:  TomDispatch

The Decline of Democracy and Capitalism in Britain Advances
A quote...."Britain is not a democracy any more. The Government is now bowing down to a few extremely powerful organisations that funds their very existence. - Extremism is also coming from within. The military has just affirmed its intentions by stating that the wrong selection by popular citizen vote will mean tanks rolling down the streets of London. Referring to Jeremy Corbyn, a senior British army general declared; “Put a maverick in charge of the country’s security – the Army just wouldn’t stand for it and would use whatever means possible, fair or foul, to prevent that.” This unnamed general, who, threatening mutiny of Britain’s armed forces has not been identified by one colleague, politician or newspaper mogul who printed the story and has not been arrested by the authorities for an act of treason. Clearly, they must all concur."

Abe's Japan - Fascist and Falling - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."September 27, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "teleSur"-  How fast can a country deteriorate? How promptly can it lose its culture, its soul? - Japan was my home for many years. I was running there from countless war zones, to get some rest, to enjoy beautiful nature and its ancient, deep culture. - I learned all about its legends and fairytales, I knew its creeks and peaks, villages lost in time. - I came here to think and to write, on board those marvelous high-speed trains, Shinkansens. - But in just a few years, things have gone to the dogs: first slowly, gradually, and then more and more rapidly." - Source:  TeleSUR

Ayotzinapa Vive: Families Demand Truth, Justice and an End to the Drug War - ICH Donation Rq [Click Here]
A quote...."September 27, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  September 26 marks one year since the forcible disappearance of 43 student-teachers from the Escuela Normal Rural (rural teachers’ college) Raúl Isidro Burgos de Ayotzinapa, and the murder of six community members. The normalistas’ case has come to symbolize all of Mexico’s disappeared, the corruption of Mexico’s political institutions, and the carnage wrought by the war on drugs."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Posting Xenophobic Views Online in Germany Could Cost You Your Job & Child - Report
A quote...." Individuals who choose to share radical or xenophobic views on social media risk not only losing their jobs in Germany, but their children as well, local media reports. Posting an unorthodox opinion on Facebook could be enough to get the ball rolling. - It's not clear how “radical” opinions will be defined. But simply by expressing discontent with Syrian refugees living nearby or making threats toward asylum-seekers parents may accidentally push things too far, Die Welt reported, citing the Deutsche Anwaltauskunft information portal of the German Lawyers' Association."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Why Saudi Ties to 9/11 Mean U.S. Ties to 9/11
Must Read - A quote...."Media interest in Saudi Arabian connections to the crimes of 9/11 has centered on calls for the release of the 28 missing pages from the Joint Congressional Inquiry’s report. However, those calls focus on the question of hijacker financing and omit the most interesting links between the 9/11 attacks and Saudi Arabia—links that implicate powerful people in the United States. Here are twenty examples." - also posted at AlethoNews - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Bush & Blair Manipulated 9/11 To Invade Afghanistan Says Jeremy Corbyn
Blair did, Bush went MUCH further, treasonously further. - mpg -- A quote...."Jeremy Corbyn claimed that the 9/11 attacks were manipulated by the West to enable them to go to war in Afghanistan. - In a number of pieces written 12 years ago by the now labour leader, he seemed to endorse what some call the ‘New World Order conspiracy theory’. - He criticised Tony Blair and George W Bush for using the September 11 attacks in New York to go to war saying that Osama bin Laden was made to look responsible in order to facilitate their aims." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

More From the WRH 9/11 Datafiles
Rumors Persist That The CIA Helps Export Opium From Afghanistan
A quote...."Despite billions spent to eradicate opium crops in Afghanistan, the crop is more popular than ever there, leading many to wonder whether some U.S. forces may actually be encouraging its growth and the heroin it later becomes. - In July, the Centers for Disease Control warned of record-breaking numbers of heroin deaths in the United States. “Heroin use more than doubled among young adults ages 18–25 in the past decade,” the CDC reported. - In the same month, it was reported that opium production is stronger than ever in Afghanistan, which now produces 90 percent of the world’s supply of the plant that’s refined to create heroin." - also posted at ZeroHedge - Topix ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

More Reports Of Debtors Prisons Surface In Louisiana And New Hampshire
A quote...."In New Orleans, a class action lawsuit was brought this month by five people charging the government with levying fines and court fees against poor residents without first assessing their ability to pay. According to Courthouse News, “An estimated 104,900 people, or more than a quarter of the population, [live] below the poverty line” in New Orleans. Half of all adult black men in the city are unemployed and receive no unemployment compensation. - In one case, officers in tactical gear allegedly stormed a family’s home to collect court debt:" - Source:  MintPressNews

Cops Frame Innocent Man, Take His Children, Award him 1 Dollar for Destroying his Life
A quote...."The abuse inflicted upon Boise resident Brian J. McNelis by the Ada County Sheriff’s Office is infuriatingly commonplace in post-constitutional America. The legal vindication he won last May, following a five-year legal ordeal, was very much out of the ordinary. Following a four-day federal civil trial in which McNelis represented himself, a jury ruled that former Ada County Sheriff’s Deputy Stephen Craig had perjured himself in order to obtain the warrant that led to a January 6, 2010 raid on McNelis’s home. - On the basis of alleged evidence that was never properly booked by the Sheriff’s Office or proven to exist, McNelis was arrested and charged with drug trafficking."

Cop Caught On Film Electrocuting Captured Suspect In The Back
A quote...."An incident in Fairfax County, Virginia is stirring up a long awaited ire. Perhaps due to years of programming, apathy can be a typical response to police beating or hurting suspects unless it becomes too garish. But as more cell phone footage rises to the surface it becomes harder for police to obscure events with their provided perceptions and reports. - “Stop resisting!” is a favorite line of officers pinning down arrestees. But what happens when they are calm and comply? - Unfortunately – sometimes it is this…"

Police Question Woman For Wearing A Protest T-Shirt As When Walked Past The 9/11 Memorial
A quote...."As Miru Kim walked past the 9/11 memorial, NYPD cops pointed to her shirt and asked her about the message on it! - "He asked me what my shirt said," she recalled. "I told him it was an old T-shirt from a protest group. That got him going even more, and I had to explain that it was from an anti-Iraq War group from a long time ago. Like, 10 years ago." - The officer asked for Kim's apartment number and phone number, then asked for her ID, which she says she didn't have on her person. She proceeded to give him "all of my information," including her name and cellphone number."

The Decline And Fall Of American Political Debate.

A quote....""We can no longer have political debates in America because we don’t even agree on what’s real."

Hillary Clinton’s Incomplete Timeline On Her Personal E-Mail Account
Hideous Hillary:  It's Not The Crime.....It's The Cover-Up -- A quote...."A number of readers have asked the Fact Checker to explore Clinton’s stated timeline about her dealings with the State Department about her private e-mail system. New questions have arisen in light of The Washington Post’s report that the State Department confirmed that the triggering event to seek Clinton’s e-mails was the congressional investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attacks that left four Americans dead."

Yes, Hillary Clinton Broke The Law
Hideous Hillary:  Without A Qualm -- A quote...."According to the law, there are five elements that must be met for a violation of the statute, and they can all be found in section (a) of the statute: “(1) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, (2) by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, (3) knowingly removes such documents or materials (4) without authority and (5) with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location [shall be guilty of this offense].”

Carly Fiorina defends Bush-era torture tactics
Killer Klown Carly:  She Just LOVES Torture - A quote...."US Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has defended the torture and spying tactics that were used by the administration of former President George W. Bush during the so-called war on terror."

Rand Paul Finally Confronted About Israel At Live Event, Tells Questioner "Not Right Now" As He answers Everyone Elses Questions
Ridiculous Rand:  Israel's Zio-Whore Ducks The Question -- A quote...."Senator Rand Paul's presidential campaign is considered a mere footnote in the dustbin of political history at this point, but this is noteworthy anyway. Paul was giving a live speech at a campaign event recently discussing ISIS, and said "Don't fund our enemies." - At that point, Chris Perkins from AuthenticEnlightenment.com, who was video-recording Paul loudly chimed in, asking "What about Israel?" Paul completely ignored the questioner, but after the speech Perkins quietly waited his turn while Paul engaged in conversation and answered questions from many, many people. Finally, when his turn arrived, Perkins approached Paul very politely and asked "Can I ask you a question?"

Interview 1094 – James Corbett on Truther Talk Radio
CRAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (CRMedPlyr - 58min02sec - Sept 29th, 2015) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Producer Website: TrutherTalkRadio -- A quote...."James Corbett joins April and Virstyne on Truther Talk Radio to discuss the founding of The Corbett Report, the latest at Fukushima, the nature of money, the Federal Reserve conspiracy, the solution to the “sovereign” debt crises, the global warming fraud and much more."

Putin Tells The World The US Pushes Regime Change Around The World – Episode 777
X22Audio - Ep777/Mp3 - Ep777/YuTb-a - Ep777/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 46min57sec - Sept 24, 2015) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - A quote...."China continually purchasing gold. White House new spending site not transparent. Germany begins censoring Facebook. UK bringing more military trainers to Ukraine. US supplying Ukraine with border detection systems. Putin putting together a global coalition to fight the IS. Putin outed the US and explains to the world that the US pushes regime change in the middle east and elsewhere. US pushing war, with war propaganda from WWII. - All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Nomi Prins-Federal Reserve Transition to Destruction
Must Listen GHVideo - (GHYuTb - 26min51sec - Sep 27, 2015) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Website:  Nomi Prins -- A quote...."Former top Wall Street banker Nomi Prins says we are headed for a calamity and the “Fed put themselves in a catch 22” situation with a very bad policies to bailout the banks. Prins points out, “Now, you have this heightened volatility. Now, you have this heightened negativity. There is only so much of an amount you can inflate asset bubbles before they destruct, and that’s what we are seeing now in the rising volatility in the last six months, this transition to destruction.” - Book mentioned during the interview, Nomi Prins - "All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power" - [BkFndr] - [AddAll-HC] - [AddAll-PB]

Negative interest rates and QE4 is coming
A quote...."As Gross points out...."
“If companies can borrow close to zero, why wouldn’t they invest the proceeds in the real economy? The evidence of recent years is that they have not, instead they have plowed trillions into the financial economy as they buy back their own stock with a seemingly safe tax advantaged arbitrage.”
"Simply put, the gains we have seen in recent years on Wall Street are not reflective of what’s actually happening on Main Street."\

QE Infinity Calls Continue: "QE4 Will Be Their Next Move"
A quote...."To be sure, the idea of “QE infinity” has been around for quite some time. - Once it became clear that the globalization of unconventional monetary policy had, for all intents and purposes, served to elevate central bank stimulus above economic variables and common sense in the eyes of market participants, it began to look as though withdrawing that stimulus might well prove to be impossible without triggering an outright meltdown in capital markets. - Still, the assumption was that eventually, trillions in global QE and seven years of ZIRP would conspire to resuscitate global demand and trade at which point the central banks of the world would ever so gradually begin to roll back stimulus. - Only that’s not what happened."

The Average American Worker Earns Less Today Than 40 Years Ago
A quote...."Because most everything we buy gets more expensive over time, we have to earn more money each year just to maintain our existing standard of living. When we're not given raises that keep up with this rate of inflation, we're effectively suffering a pay cut."

9.4 Million More Americans Below Poverty Line Than Pre-Crisis
A quote...."Despite the Fed continuing to kick this down the road, they continue to claim that we are in the middle of an ongoing recovery. There’s just one problem with that: things are getting worse than pre-crisis levels for millions of the poorest Americans.."

UBS Is About To Blow The Cover On A Massive Gold-Rigging Scandal
A quote...."With countless settlements documenting the rigging of every single asset class, it was only a matter of time before the regulators - some 10 years behind the curve as usual - finally cracked down on gold manipulation as well, even though as we have shown in the past, central banks in general and the Fed in particular are among the biggest gold manipulators."

Swiss Authorities Probe 7 Banks For Suspected Metals Price Fixing
Related Article - A quote...."Swiss competition authorities said Monday they were investigating UBS, HSBC, Deutsche Bank and four other major banks for suspected price fixing in the trade of precious metals like gold and silver. - The Swiss Competition Commission (COMCO) said it was looking into whether seven banks had colluded to manipulate prices in the precious metals market. - The watchdog said in a statement that it had "opened an investigation against two Swiss banks, UBS and Julius Baer, as well as against the foreign financial institutions Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Barclays, Morgan Stanley and Mitsui.""

Did The PBOC Covertly Buy 1,747 Tonnes Of Gold In London?
A quote...."China. This started to change on 18 September 2013 when I published my first analysis on the structure of the Chinese gold market with the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) at its core; a topic that since then has been discussed by researchers at investment banks, in the blogosphere and in the mainstream media. The Western gold space has learned a great deal about the Chinese gold market and global gold flows, though we’re always left with loose ends. For example, the issue regarding PBOC gold purchases; how much gold do they truly have and where was it bought? Does the PBOC buy 400-ounce Good Delivery (GD) bars in London and covertly transports these gold bars to its gold vaults in China mainland, or are the Good Delivery gold bars shipped to Switzerland, refined into 1 Kg 9999 gold bars, sent forward to the Chinese mainland where they’re required to be sold through the SGE gold exchange and from where they can be bought (in clear sight) by the PBOC."

Kingdom in Crisis: Saudi Arabia Pulls up to $70 Billion from Global Markets
The "Great Unwind" Is Accelerating - A quote...."Saudi Arabia pulled as much as $70 billion from global markets as it tries to cut its budget deficit after a sustained slump in oil prices and the country's ongoing offensive in Yemen, according to financial services market intelligence company Insight Discovery."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster...

Ginger: 10,000x Stronger Than Chemo (Taxol) In Cancer Research Model
A quote...."A new study reveals ginger contains a pungent compound that could be up to 10,000 times more effective than conventional chemotherapy in targeting the cancer stem cells at the root of cancer malignancy. - A new study published in PLoS reveals a pungent component within ginger known as 6-shogaol is superior to conventional chemotherapy in targeting the root cause of breast cancer malignancy: namely, the breast cancer stem cells."

The drug industry wants us to think Martin Shkreli is a rogue CEO. He isn’t.
A quote...." Three millennia ago in ancient Greece, a plant called autumn crocus was used to treat gout. A pill form of the active ingredient, colchicine, has been used to treat the illness in the United States since the 19th century. - But six years ago, a clinical trial showed the drug's safety and efficacy and URL Pharma was granted the exclusive marketing rights for a drug that had previously sold for 9 cents a tablet. The price shot up to $4.85 -- a more than 5,000 percent increase."

The majority of U.S. doctors say the profession is in decline and don't recommend their children go into medicine
A quote...."If someone told you not to go into their field of work, you’d be wise to listen. If that advice came from your doctor, you might be foolish not to take it. While it’s the dream of countless parents that their child become a doctor, the reality is that the majority of physicians wouldn’t recommend medicine as a career to their own children or other young people."

A Quarter of Fish Sold at Markets Contain Man-made Debris
A quote...."Roughly a quarter of the fish sampled from fish markets in California and Indonesia contained man-made debris — plastic or fibrous material — in their guts, according to a study from the University of California, Davis, and Hasanuddin University in Indonesia. - The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, is one of the first to directly link plastic and man-made debris to the fish on consumers’ dinner plates..."

Mutations found in sea life along US West Coast
A quote...."Deformed spines, brains, hearts, eyes reported by officials — Malformations include extra brain lobes, hunchbacks, parts of face missing, unusual limbs."

Sunday September 27th 2015

No posts - mpg

Saturday September 26th 2015

Know World War II, Avoid World War III
Must Read - A quote..."September 27, 2015 (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - An Asian state aggressively expanding its military, bullying its neighbors, illegally fortifying islands, and bent on regional, then global domination - sound familiar? Are you thinking it's China 2015? No, it is Japan 1937-1944. -- So shockingly similar is American propaganda regarding Japan during World War II to the propaganda being leveled against Beijing today that it seems almost intentional. Or perhaps those on Wall Street and Washington think so little of the general public's ability to discern fact from fiction, they see no reason to revise the script and are going ahead with a remake faithful to the original with only a few minor casting twists."

No Brains In Washington – Paul Craig Roberts
Must Read - A quote...."Washington’s IQ follows the Fed’s interest rate — it is negative. Washington is a black hole into which all sanity is sucked out of government deliberations. -  Washington’s failures are everywhere visible. We can see the failures in Washington’s wars and in Washington’s approach to China and Russia. -  The visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping, was scheduled for the week-end following the Pope’s visit to Washington. Was this Washington’s way of demoting China’s status by having its president play second fiddle to the Pope? The President of China is here for week-end news coverage? Why didn’t Obama just tell him to go to hell? -  Washington’s cyber incompetence and inability to maintain cyber security is being blamed on China. The day before Xi Jinping’s arrival in Washington, the White House press secretary warmed up President Jinping’s visit by announcing that Obama might threaten China with financial sanctions. -  And not to miss an opportunity to threaten or insult the President of China, the US Secretary of Commerce fired off a warning that the Obama regime was too unhappy with China’s business practices for the Chinese president to expect a smooth meeting in Washington." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts - also posted at ZeroHedge & CounterPunch

Obama’s Flak Demeans Putin’s Posture - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."September 25, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Consortiumnews"- The article on Friday was co-written by Michael R. Gordon, the Times’ neoconservative national security correspondent who helped promote the Iraq War by peddling a bogus story in 2002 (co-written with Judith Miller) about Iraq obtaining aluminum tubes for nuclear centrifuges – though it turned out the tubes were unsuitable for that purpose. Miller later left the Times but Gordon is still there, pushing for evermore “regime changes.” - Source:  ConsortiumNews

Putin’s Way: Frontline propaganda garbage, dressed as brave journalism
A quote...."Putin’s Way is not so much a documentary as a propaganda piece intended to justify Washington’s confrontation with Russia and make the case for regime-change in Moscow, if necessary by military means. Proponents of the anti-Putin campaign among intellectuals and in the government and media are no doubt delighted by the combination of half-truths, omissions and hypocritical expressions of moral indignation that characterize the film. But the viewer genuinely seeking to understand the origins and character of the oligarchy ruling Russia will find little insight."

The Sneering at China’s President Xi
A quote..."In mainstream U.S. media, it’s always a “safe play” for pundits to sneer at foreign leaders and countries that interfere with American hegemony, thus guiding the public toward unnecessary hostilities, a phenomenon now playing out in the treatment of China and President Xi, writes Dan Steinbok."

Operation Ridicule: the Character Assassination of Jeremy Corbyn
A quote.....With just over a week passing since Jeremy Corbyn won one of the greatest against the odds political victories, you might be forgiven for expecting at least a couple of days of begrudging praise, particularly from those who wrote his campaign off so early in the race. Instead, the much beloved political commentariat immediately pointed out that Corbyn’s honeymoon, that they had no intention of letting happen, could be the shortest ever. Corbyn was barely allocated time to look in the mirror and look upon the scale of what he had accomplished before the insults came riding in, First Class."

“They Have A Cave Troll…”
The Garbagian:  Trolldom Personified - A quote...."In the ongoing war for human consciousness that is the Guardian’s CiF, accusations of state-sponsored trolldom and of multiple identities operated by a single individual are the currency of debate. In fairness it must be said both sides indulge, though the majority of such accusations do stem from one side – viz those who like to claim that anyone expressing doubts about western/NATO policies must be in the pay of the Kremlin. And indeed this more than slightly paranoid POV seems to be shared by the Guardian moderators themselves. - Enjoy the delicious irony then, in the fact one of the few pieces of hard evidence showing just such multiple IDs in operation belongs to two accounts run by avidly, if not aggressively, pro-western identities."

Nailing the Daily Telegraph's Russophobia
A quote...."Every now and again I buy an actual paper copy of your newspaper, The Telegraph, usually for the Sudoku. But buried deep inside yesterday's print edition (on page 14), I found this Orwellian headline: “Russia raises tension as US upgrades nuclear arsenal in Europe”. - Bizarrely unworthy of front page news, although you'd think it might be… after all, your readers would want to know when the Americans pile more weapons into Europe, since those of us living here will be the ones on the receiving end of retaliatory strikes. - And then there's that nagging cognitive dissonance again between your headline and your content: although it's the US that's increasing its nuclear arsenal in Germany, it's Russia that's raising the tensions… odd, to say the least. How is Russia raising the tension, a reader might plausibly ask? Ah… Russia's thinking of counter-measures to restore the strategic balance on its own borders."

Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for Russian Foreign Ministry, grades Nuland's paper
A quote...."Head of the Information Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry wrote a "critical review" on the "Yalta speech" of the assistant US Secretary of State...." -- "In Kiev, there was a conference "Yalta European Strategy". Already amazing. Yalta is in the Russian Crimea, and the "Yalta" conference was held in the Ukrainian capital. Well and good -- you couldn't miss that one!. But at this Yalta conference came the assistant US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland. Yes, the same one that passed out the cookies. But now, considered a shadow ruler of Ukraine, she points out to the Kiev authorities what to do. This time, Nuland said in a public speech...."
"There should be no tolerance for those oligarchs who do not pay taxes. There must be zero tolerance for bribery and corruption, to those who would use violence for political ends."
"And these words of the grande dame of the State Department could not be overlooked. Just think, Americans don't like it when their loans to Ukraine get stolen. And anti-oligarchic Maidan brought the very olibarchs to power, and corruption in the country has become even greater. Some of us have grown weary of this talk. But, let Nuland drone on ..."

Canada Falls Flat on the World Stage - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."September 25, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "The Star"-  Middle East and Europe have focused attention on Canadian foreign policy and on this country’s decade-long record of diplomatic and multilateral underperformance. - While unusual for an electoral campaign, such scrutiny is long overdue. - The inventor of peacekeeping, long-standing proponent of North-South relations, and determined promoter of sustainable development — once universally welcomed as an honest broker, helpful fixer and provider of good offices and innovative ideas — is today regarded as an obstruction to progress, a country with little to bring to the table." - Source:  TheStar

U.S. Art of War: Nuclear Weapons Legal
A quote...."In a lengthy new manual on war released over the summer, the Pentagon has officially authorized the use of nuclear weapons, toxic depleted uranium (DU), lasers and remote-controlled drones as “lawful weapons”—a disturbing move that has legal authorities in an uproar."

"Why is America Full of So Many Violent, Self-Important Pricks?"
A quote...."Hardly a day goes by that some 'exceptional' violence loving sadistic prick in DC doesn't make some kind of threat to another nation, at the same time beating his or her chest and strutting about like a 'Jake' turkey in heat. - The latest is President Teleprompter barking at China, warning them to stay out of the South CHINA Sea and to not have ambitions on smaller nations in that region that border on the South CHINA Sea. Where in the hell does that piss-poor excuse for a leader get his advice from, a Cracker Jack box? - When the Chinese Navy starts patrolling in and around Galveston, Texas or Tampa Bay, let us know. Till then 'Obongo,' SHUT THE [expletive deleted]-UP. - P.S. China, just 'find' some ancient text that says some G-d gave you dominion over the South China Sea millennia ago and the American Bible Thumpers will be all over the area, demanding that the USA support anything China does in that area, after all, China has the right to defend itself, no?"

Christian Zionist Army Going To Fight US Wars For Israel
A quote...."It should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that the USA has a war based economy, as evidenced by the size of its military/industrial complex and the serial wars it instigates.  Overwhelming support for these wars, particularly those in the Middle East to protect Israel, comes from millions of American Christian Zionists.  Here’s an idea whose time has come…"

How the anti-war movement can stop the UK government bombing Syria
Action Alert - A quote..."WE HAVE the biggest opportunity since the start of the Iraq war to make a real change in foreign policy. The aggressive, interventionist policy that has done so much damage is now at the heart of a great contest in British society. - syria_bomb_not_bomb_460Jeremy Corbyn is facing a massive onslaught from all sections of the establishment. No one can envy him this experience, and the prime question is how we defend him from these attacks and build support for the policies that got him elected as Labour party leader with such a huge majority." - Source:  StopTheWarCoalition

Live from New York, it’s ‘Putin the Great’ - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...." September 25, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "RT "-  It’s the ultimate geopolitical cliffhanger of the season: will US President Barack Obama finally decide to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, either this Friday or during the UN General Assembly next week in New York? - Russia’s game changer in Syria – not only weapons delivery but also the prospect of actual intervention by the Russian Air Force – has left the Beltway reeling." - Source:  RT
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States...

Putin: Does Anyone Even Listen To Us? - Certainly not the paid for Presstitutes! - mpg
Must View Video - Alt - (YuTb - 5min57sec - Sep 23, 2015) - Source:  InessaS -- A quote....""We are not invading anyone?" - "Why are you threatening us?" - Putin answers questions from a UK journalist in relation to his intentions of getting along with the US. The treaty that he refers to in the conversation is the The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty or ABMT). The United States withdrew in 2002." -- "Putin answers questions from a UK journalist in relation to his intentions of getting along with the US. The treaty that he refers to in the conversation is the The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty or ABMT) between the United States and the Soviet Union on the limitation of the anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems used in defending areas against ballistic missile-delivered nuclear weapons. The United States withdrew in 2002." - mpg - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]

Ukraine: The buckle of US encirclement of Russia
Must Read - A quote...."The war in the Ukraine goes on, seemingly with no end in sight. It is not just a civil war, by the way, but a proxy war of aggression waged by the United States and its European and Anglo-Saxon satellites against the Russian Federation. Why the US government should pursue such a dangerous policy may be a mystery to some people, and so it is good to remember the origins of the present war. - In 1990 promises were made to the Soviet government that the NATO alliance would not seek to expand eastward into the power vacuum left by the USSR as it withdrew from Eastern Europe. The US denies it made such commitments, but the weight of evidence suggests that Washington did indeed break promises made to Soviet leader Michail Gorbachev." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

NATO Insists Kiev Implements Minsk Agreement
NATO (i.e. the EU) Is Getting Tired -- A quote...."New sounds are being heard at NATO: for the first time, NATO criticizes not the arch-enemy Russia, but the Government in Kiev, which is funded by the EU, telling them to adhere to the Minsk agreements. - Whether Kiev can be trusted to adhere to anything, is another question: The country’s extreme right have imposed a blockade of Crimea [contrary to Minsk] — without the government obstructing them at all."  - Source:  GermanEconomicNews

Fired Ukrainian talk show host promises to tell all on Russian TV
A quote..."Ukrainian TV host Savik Shuster, the creator of the most popular Ukrainian political talk show "Shuster Live", which was taken down from the Ukrainian TV channels last week, offered the Russian TV channels to broadcast his program, reports "Ukrainian news". - "I have a constructive offer for my Russian colleagues. Let us have an hour a week. Just one hour. And we'll tell you all about Ukraine", - he said, commenting on the previously aired story of the Russian "Channel One" on taking down the talk show and the freedom of speech in Ukraine."

[Porky the Pig] Poroshenko's Hunger Games: How the 'Crimea plan' is Backfiring
A quote...."Petro Poroshenko is either confused himself or he wants to confuse his overseas "curators". Anyway, he explained the goal of the Crimea’s trade blockade in such an intricate way that any hopes in the good judgment and common sense of the head of "independent" Ukraine, alas, are gone. According to Poroshenko, tons of food are rotting on the border with the Crimea the purpose of which is to bring the peninsula back under the sovereignty of Ukraine. That is, at first, by using bombs and shells the Kiev authorities tried to make Ukraine attractive for the residents of Donbas. Now, the Maidan regime beckons the Crimean by means of hunger... What kind of policy is that? How can people want to return to the country, whose authorities are dreaming of starving them to death or killing them?"

Can we negotiate with fascists?
A quote...."How can we come to terms with fascists?! Some of them we will conditionally call "formalists," for whom it is important that everything is "in accordance with democratic norms and procedures" and "freedom of speech" is observed. The fact that they are totally divorced from reality uttering delusional gibberish is of no concern to them. Just like the fact that Hitler came to power democratically. The second type we will call "symbolists" for whom it is important that above their towns a rag of certain strictly defined colors is hanging or that everyone wears certain (archaic) clothes, or has the same hairstyle. For them it is a guarantee of happiness. When something is at odds with their ideas about the ideal, they experience deep frustration. We will refer to the third group as "consumers" who are interested only in the assortment and variety of sausages in the stores (and in their refrigerator too, although, quite often, it is paradoxically of secondary importance)."

Guardian’s glowing write-up of neo-nazi Aidar Battalion in stark contrast to its mockery of separatist volunteers
The Garbagian:  Nazi Apologists -- A quote...."Interesting to compare Shaun Walker’s sneering piece in today’s Guardian on the foreign volunteers fighting for the”separatists”, with the grotesque and shameful fan write-up the same newspaper gave the neo-nazi “Women of the Aidar Battalion” back in March.-- That article proved to be a PR disaster for the Guardian, as it features a photo....of a van bearing avowedly and unambiguously nazi symbolism. Within minutes of it appearing the Guardian’s comments section erupted in indignation that this supposedly liberal paper was running a sentimental sympathy piece about a collection of openly Hitler-worshipping racists. The moderators initially tried to stem the tide with extreme censorship,scything down any mention of what the numbers on that van actually meant. But in the end the sheer press of people posting proved too much. The paper conceded defeat, and changed the caption of the offending photo...."

Ukrainian Authorities to Open Criminal Case Against PM [Yat the Rat] Yatsenyuk  - Hip Hip Hooray!!
One trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, carpet-bagger hopefully going down, ten thousand more to go. - mpg -- A quote...."A Ukrainian lawmaker said that a Kiev district court obliged the Prosecutor General's Office to open a criminal case on corruption charges against Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk."

First-Ever East Ukrainian Tank Biathlon Competition Kicks Off
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min20sec - Sep 25, 2015) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT - A quote...."Tank biathlon takes place in Eastern Ukraine. Two teams – from self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk Republics – show off their military skills and experience."

25.09.2015 Ukraine Military Report & US strike carrier map
Must View SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb 4min41sec 09/23/15) - SouthFront
SouthFront Call Volunteers, Bloggers & Media: Don’t succumb to illusions  - S. Front $$ Rq [CLICK HERE]
A Call To Blogging - A quote...."The rise of the Russophobic hysteria, the re-building of Ukraine’s military by US and NATO, the humanitarian crisis in Eastern Ukraine, finally, the emergence of a regime hostile to Russia cannot be described as a geopolitical victory by the Kremlin. - However, a significant part of the local Russian and the international pro-Russian blogosphere has rushed to deny the incontestable facts. - The conviction that the victory will be quick and easy is a dangerous delusion."

Tajikistan’s prosecution agencies claim rebel general was financed from abroad — media
Three Choices - The US-NRE, Saudi-Parasitic Family, or Israel....A quote...."The rebel general, according to the prosecutor general’s office, had organized from 10 to 30 anti-government groups of up involving 300 people in all across the country."

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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

How US Made and Grew ISIS
ISIS Gambit - Bush & Obama:  ISIS's Daddies (Or Mommies. Phrased to take into account Obama's sexual preference, and this empire's embrace of the perverted - mpg) -- A quote...."TThe George W. Bush administration created many of today’s worst geopolitical problems. ISIS is one of them. - Chaos is spreading from the Middle East outward as hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees pour into Europe. Over the last decade millions of Iraqis and Syrians have fled their homes. Western governments are proving far better at assigning blame than finding solutions. - The Republican meme is that every problem, including in the Middle East, is Barack Obama’s fault. Although emphasizing independence and self-reliance for America, they deny responsibility and accountability for their party. According to the GOP, George W. Bush left America and the world secure. The feckless Obama administration allowed the collapse of Iraq and rise of the Islamic State." - Source:  TheNationalInterest

CrossTalk: Saving Syria
ISIS Gambit - Saving Syria....From The Neocons - Must View CTRTVideo - CT/SavingSyria@RT - CT/SavingSyria/Mp4 - CT/SavingSyria/SndCld - (CTRTYuTb - 24min27sec - Sep 25, 2015) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CrossTalk@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT -- A quote...."Again the Russians have thrown Washington a lifeline to rescue Obama from his administration’s catastrophic policies in Syria. After years of demanding forced regime change and watching the rise of the Islamic State, can the official groupthink in Washington finally accept defeat and embrace Putin’s offer? CrossTalking with Sami Ramadani, Abdel Bari Atwan, and Daniel McAdams."

Syria: Who is Responsible for the Massacre?
ISIS Gambit - Assigning Responsibility - A quote...."The extremely unfortunate and violent events in Syria permanently occupy headlines of the world’s media. They are described in the smallest detail in so many analytical reports, that it has become obvious who exactly was responsible for the chaos happening in Syria and in other Arab and European countries. - There is no doubt that the roots of the current crises go back to the barbaric and absolutely unprovoked armed incursion of the USA to Iraq that exasperated the situation in Middle East and brought the region to its sorrowful state. “That is why roots of this crises go back to that war which divided Iraq into confessional grounds and partly affected the situation in Syria, that made it easier to stir up interconfessional strife in Syria,” – declared the legally elected Syrian President Bashar al-Assad."

Stop Deluding Yourself, 'Assad Must Go' Will Remain Unchanged US Policy
ISIS Gambit - PNAC Protocols Are To Remain Unchanged - (i.e. The Euro-Kazarians give the orders, and their orders are "Assad must go" - mpg) - A quote...."The world should stop deluding itself into thinking that the Obama administration will one day lend a sympathetic ear to Russia's offer to settle the Syrian crisis, US author Stephen Lendman noted, adding that Washington wants to carry out regime change in Damascus by any means possible."

Latakia Residents Are Overjoyed To Be Under The Russian 'Wing'
ISIS Gambit - A Real ANTI-ISIS Air Force - (Wow!  People feel better when they know there are planes in the sky that are actually anti-ISIS!  Who would've thunk it?!?! - mpg) -- A quote...."Every morning, between six and seven o'clock, I see a few flying Russian aircraft, and I really do feel better," - said Ahmed, who lives near the international Basil al-Assad airport near Latakia, reports Agence France-Presse."
"They [the Russians - ed.] were our friends, and now they became our brothers - much more than many Arabs," - says Rima, 25-year-old student."

"There is nothing more wonderful than to drink coffee in the morning and smoke hookah on the balcony, listening to the melody of flying Russian aircraft", - the agency quotes the words of the 46-year-old businessman Nafaa living in Sharashir, three kilometers from the airport."
Iran’s ‘Take’ On Russian Build-Up In Syria
ISIS Gambit - Russia To Tread Gingerly -- A quote...."In sum, the commentary point-blank rules out Russian forces in a combat role. Russia may provide air cover for Syrian forces, but the big picture is about strengthening the Syrian military capabilities to destroy on own steam the Islamic State. The commentary hints that Syrian government also doesn’t seek Russian participation in the war. -- The Iranian interpretation runs counter to the story being spread by Israel and right-wing American propagandists that the Russian forces intend to join the war in Syria. The Israeli media even claimed that the Russian intervention in Syria is in active collaboration with the so-called Quds Force of the IRGC. The Israeli disinformation aims to put pressure on the Barack Obama administration not to coordinate with Russia over Syria."

British Think Tank Complains Russia Might Harm al-Qaeda in Syria
ISIS Gambit - It Just Gets More Amusing Every Day - A quote...."A new report from British think tank the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is warning that Russia’s involvement in the Syrian civil war could “help ISIS” in the long run, ironically using the same arguments used against the US when it first started bombing Syria."

US Policy in Syria Leads to 'Chaotic Situation' in Middle East
ISIS Gambit - Stupid Is As Stupid Does - Contains Audio - Alt/SndCld - A quote...."Following the failed US effort to change the balance of power in the ongoing brutal civil war in Syria, training so-called ‘moderate’ anti-governmental rebels, the presence of Russia in the region is essential in stabilizing the situation and bringing the conflict closer to its end, geopolitical analyst Eric Draitser told Radio Sputnik." - also posted at Veteran'sToday - For more on the attempted PNAC Protocol destruction of Syria, see links posted below......
Russian Army starts destroying Islamic State in Syria
ISIS Gambit - Satisfaction -- A quote...."Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery — At long last Russian President Putin has decided to intervene in Syria unilaterally, without arriving at a common strategy with the United States. The Zio-dominated United States has been pursuing a policy of perpetuating civil war in the country that Israel views as the greatest enemy that it shares a border with. - ISIS is fundamentally a creation America, Israel, and the Zio-American client states Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. If America had ever been serious about defeating ISIS, all it had to do was tell Jordan and Turkey to stop the flow of foreign jihadists into Syria and stop sending money and arms to “rebels” making common cause with ISIS by fighting the Assad government. - You can count on a new wave of anti-Putin and anti-Russia propaganda from the Zio media and more saber-rattling from Zio pander bears like Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina. But with any luck, Putin and Assad may be able to get the situation under control in time to save Europe from the tsunami-gration crisis."

Truth In Russian Military Build Up In Syria - Russian Bear
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 11min51sec - Sept 20, 2015) - Source:  108morris108 - Guest Website:  SovietBearRusVids - Morris Donation Request - Click Here - mmorris108@gmail.com - Also [Click Here] for Morris's appeal - A quote...."Russian involvement in Syria - "Angry Ivan" with Ivan Pobeda"
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others...

Russia, Iran, Iraq & Syria setting up ‘joint info center’ to coordinate anti-ISIS operations - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria have agreed to establish a joint information center in Baghdad to coordinate their operations against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS) militants, according to sources. - “The main goal of the center will be gathering, processing and analyzing current information about the situation in the Middle East – primarily for fighting IS,” a military-diplomatic source told Russian news agencies on Saturday. - The information center in the Iraqi capital will be headed by an officer of one of the founding countries on a rotating basis. Rotation will take place every three months. According to the source, Iraq will run the center for the next three months. - Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria may also use the information center to coordinate anti-IS combat plans, the source said, adding that the agreement is a milestone for uniting the region’s countries in the war on terrorism – primarily on Islamic State militants." -- Source:  RT & FortRuss - Carefully coordinated, US intell & logistics supplied terrorist assault, or, "accidental" US-NRE drone strike in five.... four.... three.... two.... one....mpg

U.S. airstrikes kill more than 170 "ISIS militants" in Mosul - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."More than 170 militants of the Islamic State (ISIS) were killed in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul during airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition, activists reported on Thursday." - For more on the PNAC Protocol destruction of Iraq, see links posted below.....
19 Turkish Soldiers, 34 PKK Killed in SE Turkey Attacks
A quote...."The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has issued a statement today claiming that multiple ambush attacks against the Turkish military has left 19 security forces dead, including 16 soldiers and three members of the national police forces."

Report: US to Ditch Afghan Pullout Plan, Leave Thousands of Troops Behind
The 2016 Promise, Recedes Into The Distance - Lying promises of when to leave are like mile markers down the endless highway of death.  Try believing never, you won't be disappointed then. - mpg -- A quote...."The myth of the Afghan War having “ended” a couple of years ago seems to have convinced most people to cut back on coverage of the conflict, but officials are reporting that the likely result of latest deliberations on Afghanistan are for the US to scrap their pullout plans once again, leaving thousands of troops behind through the end of President Obama’s final term in office."

Egyptian police kill nine Muslim Brotherhood members in Cairo raid
A quote...."Egyptian security forces killed nine armed members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in a raid on a Cairo home on Friday, security officials said."

Boko Haram fighters kill at least 15 in Niger village raid: sources
A quote....""There were at least 15 villagers killed, either shot or with their throats slit. Boko Haram also burned down a number of houses and looted shops," one of the sources said."

Tens of Soldiers Killed in Heavy Clashes with Dissident Tribes in Saudi Arabia's Najran

A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Fierce clashes erupted between the Saudi army and opposition forces in the province of Najran in the Southern parts of the Arab country. - Early reports said tens of Saudi troops were killed in clashes with the tribal forces in Najran province, one of the tribal heads said Saturday. - No further detail has been revealed yet. - The tribes of Najran have declared war against the Saudi government since several months ago for the Riyadh government's aggression the Yemeni nation. The Najran's tribes say that Najran is part of Yemen and the Saudi regime has captured it by force."

Saudi airstrikes, fighting in Yemeni city kill 13 people
A quote...."Airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition targeting the country's Shiite rebels as well as fighting on the ground between rebels and pro-government fighters in the southern province of Taiz have killed at least 13 people and wounded dozens, Yemen officials said Friday." - For more on the PNAC Protocol destruction of Yemen, see links posted below.......
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More PNAC Protocol Victims -  The Refugees.....

The [Self-Inflicted] Decline of the Western Ethnic State - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
Must Read - A quote...."September 25, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - If you were transported back to Europe in 1900 and asked educated citizens to describe the ideal political arrangement, what they would outline to you is a homogeneous nation-state: France for the French, Germany for the Germans, Italy for the Italians, and the like. They would note exceptions, but describe them as unstable. For instance, at this time the Austro-Hungarian Empire was, ethnically, a very diverse place, but it was politically restless. Come World War I, ethnic desires for self-rule and independence would help tear this European-centered multinational empire apart. In truth, even those states that fancied themselves ethnically unified were made up of many regional outlooks and dialects, but the friction these caused was usually minor enough to allow the ideal of homogeneity to prevail. The ethnically unified nation-state was almost everyone’s “ideal state.”" - also posted at WkUpF/YrSlmbr

German Town Authorities Force Citizens Out of Homes to Accommodate Refugees
WTF?? - This Is A DELIBERATE Effort To Radicalize Anti-Refugee Sentiment - A quote...."The authorities of Nieheim town in West Germany are forcing tenants out of public housing to make room for refugees, German newspaper Welt reported."
It is difficult to believe this is true because it would make it obvious that a decision has been made to "play" Europe's populations and set them up for a "rightward" political shift.  As they say on Wall Street....."Push them the way they lean".  And if they ain't leaning.....make them lean.  Or another way of thinking about it, this is the parasites' political version of a "Churn & Burn" policy similar to Wall Street's economic "Churn & Burn".  You swing them to the left, than you swing them to the right.  Just think of a chicken, you'll get the idea. - mpg
“European Spirit” and the Manufactured Migrant [Refugee] Crisis
Manufactored From The Beginning & Stupidly Obvious - (It's like they're not even trying to hide the manipulation. - mpg) -- A quote...."It is hard for a better comment on the refugee issue than what Germany recently did. Due to lack of place for refugees, they sent them to the Buchenwald concentration camp, where 70 years ago, the same nation murdered people from the whole Europe. - The European Parliament also supported the recent proposal of the European Commission about dividing 160,000 refugees between Member States. Perhaps, this as well is a reference to the well-known, German tradition of ‘management’ of ‘human resources’. Whether refugees from the lack of places will be transported to other German concentration camps is still a mystery. - However, there is a chance that not all refugees ‘will be sent’ to the camps. In North Rhine-Westphalia, an ‘innovative’ idea emerged to confiscate private homes and settle refugees in them. According to ‘Deutsche Welle’ in Gelsenkirchen, authorities have already called the owners of empty homes to give them at the disposal of immigrants." - bold by website editor - For more on Europe's PNAC supporting self-inflicted & arranged refugee "crisis", see links posted below....
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Paradise Lost Nation
Must Read - A quote...."America is lost, it is a lost nation because it lost it freedom, it gave the most precious gift away for nothing without even realizing it.  Clueless and stupid Americans lumber forward, unable to process what has happened to them since the creation of the Jewish Federal Reserve, Jewish instigated World Wars, and now the Israel engineered 911 terrorist false flag. - America has lost the war to the Jew and has been completely assimilated into the Jewish Borg Mind Hive.  The politicians are either Jews or Jew whores, no one dares question who really did 911, Americans have been completely intellectually and morally, and spiritually defeated by organized Jewish power. - If I lived in Gaza I would question the idea that God is loving or cared about 'every single hair on my head'.  It is obvious that no all powerful deity does anything about the immense suffering on this planet, let alone if my head gets blown off by a bomb made in America and dropped by a Jew pilot who goes home and has a beer.  If there is a God as told about in the Bible, maybe we should consider that he hates us."

In Auschwitz Open Your Eyes And Don't Listen To The Guides (1)
D18DVideo - Note:  English subtitles, must click the >CC< button - (D18DYuTb - 38min59sec - Sep 21, 2015) - Source:  Didi18D - A quote..."Vincent Reynouard explains what to look for when visiting Auschwiz" - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

Alan Yentob 'Branded BBC Journalists Traitors Over Savile Exposé'
BBC - (Brits Buggering Children) - Must Read - A quote...." The BBC’s creative director accused the journalists who exposed the corporation’s cover-up of Jimmy Savile’s crimes of being “traitors”, the former Newsnight investigations head claims. - According to Meirion Jones, Alan Yentob made the alleged comment about him and Liz MacKean to a colleague after they contributed to the Panorama exposé “Savile – What The BBC Knew”. - Mr Jones and Ms MacKean led the 2011 Newsnight investigation into Savile’s sex abuse, which was blocked from broadcast by BBC bosses." - bold by website editor
Alan Yentob is a trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, fellow traveling, BICOM - (Britain Israel Communications & Research Centre) / Israeli Criminal Syndicate member who's become upset (hence the term "traitor") that the Mossad's highly successful fifty year pedophile program of compromising British politicians is coming unglued. - mpg - for more on the issue of Zionist control of British media see links posted below.....
U.S. Doublespeak On Palestine
Must Read - A quote...."As Palestinians continue to endure unspeakable suffering at the hands of Israelis, there are some old bromides that are constantly being hurled at an unsuspecting public by elected U.S. officials, in order to justify U.S. financing of that suffering. Let us look at just a few: - Israel has the right to defend itself. This writer cannot count the number of times this ridiculous statement has been made. Can we all just take a minute to investigate it? Israel, we are told, has the right to use the most advanced weaponry available on the planet, some of it banned by international law, to ‘defend’ itself against an occupied, rock-throwing population. Yes, occasionally Palestinians are able to smuggle in enough supplies to make ‘rockets’ that author Norman Finkelstein, son of Holocaust survivors and an outspoken critic of Israel, refers to as ‘enhanced fireworks’. In the minds of the Israeli-lobby-controlled U.S. government, those fireworks are sufficient to justify the carpet-bombing of homes, mosques, hospitals and schools. Need we mention, again, that bombing these sites is a violation of international law? Oh, and let’s not forget that the U.S. finances it all." - Source:  CounterPunch

Israel after false flag bid to get US into war with Iran if they don’t get a Zio puppet President
Zio-False-Flag Warning - A quote...."Israel would resort to a “false flag incident” to torpedo the recent Iranian nuclear agreement and lure the United States into military action against the Islamic Republic, says a former US Senate candidate. - “If the Israelis wake up in January 2017 and don’t have a person that they want in the White House, who would kill the P5+1 deal, they are very, very creative and doing other things subversively so to kill the deal,” said Mark Dankof. - “I’m chiefly referring to a false flag incident that would be created, that would be falsely blamed on Iran to recreate a renewed hysteria of the United States, where some kind of military action that take place against Iran, ostensibly to resolve this allegedly questionable nuclear deal,” he added."

West Bank shooting 'extrajudicial execution': Amnesty
"The Uppity Bitch Got What She Deserved" - (Not showing her face when demanded to do so by a "Jew"....Of course she deserves being shot ten times and left in the gutter without medical attention for half an hour to bleed to death. How DARE she show such impudence to her overlords! Who the HECK does she think she is? - mpg) - A quote..."Rights group Amnesty International on Friday described this week's shooting death of a young Palestinian woman at a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank as an "extrajudicial execution"."

Guardian: “Israel finally stops taking it easy on Palestine.”
The Garbagian:  Live Fire = Stone Throwing - A quote..."After years of criticism for their soft-heartedness, and hundreds of Israeli casualties from savage stone-throwing-related terrorist attacks, Israel is finally taking a stern line on the Palestinian issue. - This the world The Guardian lives in. Or, at least, pretends to live in...."

Once Again, Israeli Forces Prevent Palestinians’ Freedom Of Religion
A quote...."Hebron, occupied Palestine – Today, Israeli forces stopped, searched and harassed Palestinians on their way to Ibrahimi mosque and in the vicinity on the second day of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha for Friday prayers in Al-Khalil (Hebron)." - Source:  ISM

Nablus Police Chief, 3-Year-Old Daughter Injured By Israeli Fire
A quote...."NABLUS – The chief of police in the Nablus district and his three-year-old daughter were injured after being shot by Israeli forces with rubber-coated bullets on Friday during a raid in the village of Kafr Qaddum in Qalqiliya." - Source:  Ma'an

Israeli soldiers assault AFP team at West Bank demo
A quote...."Two AFP journalists were assaulted Friday by Israeli soldiers who destroyed and seized their equipment in the occupied West Bank after the funeral of a Palestinian killed by the army.

Sisi destroys thousands of Egyptian homes in anti-Palestinian campaign
A quote...."The destruction has been done on the pretext, never backed up with evidence, that insurgents and weapons have been entering Egypt from Gaza."

Save Gaza – Save the World: A Message to Humanity
Must View TCHVideo - Alt - (TCHYuTb - 7min46sec - Sep 25, 2015) - A quote...."A must see and share powerful statement, as well as poignant challenge to actively respond to the ongoing barbaric war crimes on Gaza that are transpiring in plain view."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Labour Party Backs Jeremy Corbyn against British Air Strikes in the Middle East
A quote..."Just 29 per cent said they wanted the party to support Tory PM David Cameron’s plan to use “hard military force” against Isis in Syria. - Stop the War Coalition chair Lindsey German said it showed most Labour members were “in tune with new leader Jeremy Corbyn.” - She told the Star: “The solution to every problem in the Middle East seems to be bombing, if you listen to the Prime Minister."

TROIKA REPORT: Moscow working to seal its Central Asian backyard
Geo-Political Analysis - Contains Audio - Alt - A quote..."A flurry of Moscow-driven diplomatic activities focused on the Syrian crisis this week has placed Russia at the heart of the so far disconcerted efforts to find a settlement in this part of the Middle East. - Just days after the resumption of the dialogue between the United States and Russia on resolving the conflict in Syria, so far limited to the re-activated direct hot line between the Pentagon and Russia’s Ministry of Defense, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Moscow for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin."

Putin's Damascus Steal: News Analysis - How Russia Got Ahead in the Middle East
Geo-Political Analysis - A quote...."This year, Moscow is celebrating the 45th anniversary of Operation Kavkaz, the Soviet military intervention on behalf of Egypt in the 1969–70 Israeli-Egyptian War of Attrition. The engagement was a key moment in the history of the Cold War. It caught Western intelligence by surprise, and it was the first—and only—time the Soviet military fought the Israeli Defense Forces. Operation Kavkaz saved Russia’s closest ally from regime change and protected Moscow’s strategic assets on Egyptian soil. The Soviet Union’s subsequent activism in the region marked the height of Moscow’s Cold War achievements in the Middle East. - Once more, the Kremlin is increasingly assertive in the Middle East, and once more, it has surprised the West. Emboldened by its perceived success in addressing regional challenges and capitalizing on opportunities, it has gotten closer than ever to its key diplomatic objective: acquiring a regional status on par with Washington’s."

‘Sanction Spiral’: Russian Natural Gas Exports to Europe Soar
Chart - (click to view) - A quote...."....in March, natural gas exports from Russia to Europe began to increase. And by the second quarter, they jumped 58% over the first quarter. In July, the most recent month for which data is available, exports hit 11.9 Bcf/d. Exports via the Ukraine decreased, but exports via the Nord Stream pipeline into Germany soared 55% year-over-year in June and 59% in July to a new record. To heck with any half-forgotten sanctions (2015 exports, brown line)..." - also posted at InvestWtchBlog

Russia’s Oil Companies Are Defying Sanctions and Low Prices
Related Article - A quote...."So far they're outperforming the likes of Royal Dutch Shell, BP, and Exxon Mobil" - "Winning and losing is largely a matter of perspective, and that’s no different in today’s low oil price environment. Still, certain data and metrics can provide a more incorruptible viewpoint on the carnage, or lack thereof. In that regard—and to the surprise of many—count Russia’s oil majors among the current winners. - Ranked according to cash flow, profit margins, and share prices, Russian giants Rosneft and Lukoil as well as smaller producers like Gazprom Neft and Bashneft are outperforming Royal Dutch Shell, BP, and Exxon Mobil." - Source:  OilPriceCom

Russian Defense Ministry starts building second rail line bypassing Ukraine
A quote..."The Russian Railroad Forces have started the construction of a second rail line bypassing the Ukrainian territory, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Gen. of the Army Dmitry Bulgakov said on Sept. 26. - The railroad forces will do earthmoving works and lay culvert pipes in October, he said."

Russia to Impose Retaliatory Sanctions Against Two Ukrainian Airlines
A quote...."Two Ukrainian airlines will fall under Russia's retaliatory measures immediately after Moscow gets the official confirmation of Kiev’s decision to close its airspace to Russian commercial airlines flying to Ukraine, Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov said Saturday."

Putin Wants to Make Russia Visa-Free for BRICS
A quote...."Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the government to develop visa-free travel for short-term visits and transit by foreign tourists from BRICS countries, reported the Kremlin website on Tuesday. The deadline to submit proposals is set for October 30. - The BRICS bloc comprises five developing economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa." - Source: RT

India aims to stir Russian tea pot
A quote...."An Indian delegation comprising 11 major tea producers and three distributors visited Moscow between September 14 and 17 to meet buyers at the World Food Exhibition-2015. It was the ‘tea delegation’s’ second visit this year after a trip in February coinciding with “Prodexpo-2015.”  The earlier visit was to participate in a product expo, while this tour was intended to showcase Indian strengths in this field. Sujit Patra, additional secretary of the Indian Tea Association led this delegation which emphasized India’s strength, particularly in higher-value orthodox (hand-processed) tea over the more usual CTC (crush-tear- curl) tea."

Xi puts forward four-point proposal on global development
A quote...."UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday put forward a four-point proposal on global development. - All countries should enhance their development capacity, the environment for development should be improved, the development partnership between rich and poor countries should be optimized, and coordination mechanism for development should be strengthened, Xi said. - The Chinese president made the proposal when addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit at the UN headquarters in New York." - also posted at StratCultFndtn

Xi announces $2bn South-South Fund to aid poor nations

A quote...."At the UN General Assembly on Saturday, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a $2 billion South-South Cooperation aid fund to help developing countries in their efforts towards sustainable development over the next 15 years. - “China will continue to increase investment in the least developed countries, aiming to increase its total to $12 billion by 2030,” Xi said the UN sustainable development summit in New York."

China Completes Major New Runway in South China Sea
A quote...."Satellite imagery shows that China has completed construction on a main runway on a Fiery Cross Reef in the South China Sea. - The completion of the runway will enable China to accelerate construction of the infrastructure and potentially start air patrols over the Spratly Islands."

China Opens 600-Feet-High Glass-Bottomed Bridge in Canyon That Inspired 'Avatar'
A quote...."China has just opened its first glass-bottomed suspension bridge, and being nearly 600-feet-high and 1,000-feet-long, it definitely isn't for the faint of heart. - The high-altitude, transparent bridge opened this past Thursday in Zhangjiaje Grand Canyon in central China's Hunan province, according to Chinese newspaper, the People's Daily. - The canyon, which is a part of the Shiniuzhai National Geological Park, reportedly inspired the world of James Cameron's "Avatar," the China Daily reported, adding that a sky column similar to one seen in the movie, was renamed "Avatar Hallelujah Mountain" in 2010."

Iranian Army Displays Latest Achievements Saturday
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran Army displayed its latest weaponry and military products and achievements in a ceremony on the occasion of the Sacred Defense Week (the Iraqi imposed 1980-88 war anniversary) here in Tehran on Saturday."

EURASIA BLOG: Is Armenia missing the train to Teheran?
A quote...."With the lifting of sanctions on Iran only a matter of time, Yerevan and Baku are courting Teheran for infrastructure, energy and trade deals. But will destitute Armenia win the contest with its arch-enemy for Iran's favours based on its historically closer ties, or will Azerbaijan beat it to it again, and push Yerevan further into isolation?"

Argentina to Investigate Former Dictatorship’s Economic Ties
A quote...."Argentina’s Parliament approved Wednesday by a wide majority the launch of an investigation into economic complicity by civilians during the country’s last military dictatorship. - The aim of the investigation is to determine how businesses and people participated in the crimes committed by the dictatorship, which disappeared thousands of people. - The bill passed with 170 votes against 14. The main party opposing the bill so far has been the Republican Proposal party (PRO), who’s presidential hopeful Mauricio Macri – currently the Mayor of Buenos Aires – is the leading opposition candidate, trailing behind the government party’s candidate Daniel Scioli." - Source:  TeleSUR

Peace in Sight: Historic Agreement between Colombia and the FARC
A quote...."On Wednesday, September 23, 2015, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC leader Rodrigo Londoño pledged to end the country’s internal conflict by March 26, 2016. - Ever since La Violencia—Colombia’s infamous civil war lasting from 1948 to 1958—the polarization of the country’s political parties and ideological factions has led to an escalation of a deep-seated violence throughout Colombia. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, FARC) was initially formed as an armed peasant movement in 1964 that demanded comprehensive land and social reforms. Since then, the government and right-wing paramilitaries have waged a violent conflict against the FARC in rural Colombia that has resulted in a total of 220,000 deaths and over 5.7 million displacements.[i]" - Source:   CouncilOnHemisphericAffairs

Thousands of pro-independence protesters rally in Barcelona ahead of Catalan elections
A quote...."A massive pro-independence demonstration in Barcelona, Spain drew thousands of people on Friday just two days before parliamentary elections in Catalonia. The Catalan president has promised to break with Spain in “18 months to 2 years” in case of a win."

Splitting Spain? Catalans rally ahead of Sunday regional elections

RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min20sec - Sep 25, 2015) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT - A quote...."The streets of Barcelona, right now, are filled with thousands who've gathered to again call for their region's independence from Madrid's control. It's the last day of campaigning ahead of Sunday's vote which could, in the long run, change the map of Spain. RT's Anastasia Churkina is at the rally."

Iran, Europe Aim to Speed Up Sanctions Relief - Major Deals ~ by Year's End - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."With the P5+1 nuclear deal already in place, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is keen to see the rate of implementation sped up, with Iran rushing to comply with its end of the bargain in hopes of seeing similar acceleration of the sanctions relief from the West."

Iranian-Americans use social media to back nuclear deal - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."As US Congress returns from a summer break to debate the July 14 Iran nuclear accord, the agreement’s critics – led by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) – are investing millions of dollars in ads and lobbying to scuttle the deal."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

Greece - Front of Resistance - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...." September 25, 2015 "Information Clearing House" ---  “It is [….] a triumph of the empire to have the victims elect their executioners.” ---"These are the words of Dimitris Konstantakopoulos this Monday morning, 21 September, the morning after the Greek ‘snap’ elections, when the Greek people re-elected Syriza and their leader Alexis Tsipras, who betrayed them with impunity and on several occasions in the last eight months – yes, when the people of Greece re-elected their hangman with more than 35%, almost the same percentage of votes as on 25 January 2015; not an absolute majority, but a majority all the same that will allow them to form the next government and to call the shots on the already signed-off austerity package – against another debt of 86 billion euros, of which not one euro goes to Greece’s vital social programs – only to the banks, which are bleeding the country to death."

Austerity is Being Used as a Cover-story for Class War Against the Poor, Yanis Varoufakis Says
A quote...."September 25, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "The Independent"-  Austerity and deficit reduction are being used as a cover-story for conducting class war against the poor, an economics professor who served as Greece’s finance minister has said. - Yanis Varoufakis noted simultaneous reductions in taxes on the wealthy and cuts to spending on social security amounted to a redistribution of wealth away from the poor to the rich. - “The problem is that austerity is being used as a narrative to conduct class war,” Mr Varoufakis told the BBC’s Question Time programme." - Source:  TheIndependent

Tory welfare cuts will destroy benefit of new living wage, research shows
A quote..."A record 6.5 million people – almost a quarter of UK workers – will remain trapped on poverty pay next year, despite George Osborne’s 50p-an-hour increase in the national minimum wage, according to research by the Resolution Foundation thinktank."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

It’s The British Establishment That Has A Problem With Democracy - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."September 25, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "The Guardian"-  If there were any doubts that the British establishment has a problem with democracy, the last few days should have put them to rest. First there was the drama of the spurned Tory donor and piggate. Unsurprisingly, Michael Ashcroft’s revelation that the prime minister simulated oral sex with a dead pig as part of a student initiation ceremony has been the centre of attention." - Source:  TheGuardian

UK Guantanamo detainee Shaker Aamer to be released
A quote...."The last British resident being held in Guantanamo Bay is to be returned to the UK, the government has said.: Shaker Aamer, 46, who has been in the military prison in Cuba since 2002, has never been charged or been on trial."

US Must Release Files Proving Innocence of Former Guantanamo Detainee, Say Lawyers
A quote...."Lawyers at human rights NGO Reprieve yesterday filed an emergency motion demanding the US government release information which could exonerate a former Guantanamo detainee facing the possibility of charges in Morocco. - Younous Chekkouri, 47, was transferred to his native Morocco last week. He has been detained ever since and the prosecution in Morocco announced on Wednesday that he is now facing the possibility of charges of ‘attempting to disrupt the internal security of the country.’" - Source:  Reprieve
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

The UN Unveils Plan Pushing For Worldwide Internet Censorship
The UN:  Censorship Central?? - A quote...."The United Nations has disgraced itself immeasurably over the past month or so. -  In case you missed the following stories, I suggest catching up now...."
Fresh off the scene from those two epic embarrassments, the UN now wants to tell governments of the world how to censor the internet. I wish I was kidding. - From the Washington Post...."
"On Thursday, the organization’s Broadband Commission for Digital Development released a damning “world-wide wake-up call” on what it calls “cyber VAWG,” or violence against women and girls. The report concludes that online harassment is “a problem of pandemic proportion” — which, nbd, we’ve all heard before. -- But the United Nations then goes on to propose radical, proactive policy changes for both governments and social networks, effectively projecting a whole new vision for how the Internet could work....."
‘Karma Police’: Illegal GCHQ operation to track ‘every visible user on the internet’
A quote...."New documents shared by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveal GCHQ mass-surveyed “every visible user on the internet,” codenaming the operation Karma Police after a popular song by Radiohead. - The mission was started in 2009, without the agency obtaining legal permission to carry out the operation. Also there was no Parliamentary consultation or public scrutiny, documents published by the Intercept website show. - GCHQ – Government Communications Headquarters – is a UK spy agency responsible for providing intelligence by intercepting communications between people or equipment. The data is handed over to the British government and armed forces. - The recently revealed operation was developed by GCHQ in 2007-08. It aimed to link “every user visible to passive SIGINT with every website they visit, hence providing either (a) a web browsing profile for every visible user on the internet, or (b) a user profile for every visible website on the internet.” - Source:  RT

How the NSA’s Mass Internet Spying Poisons Society
A quote...."A federal district court in Virginia will hear oral argument today in Wikimedia v. NSA, a case challenging one of the government’s most sweeping and intrusive forms of warrantless Internet spying. At issue is the NSA’s “upstream” surveillance, which involves the interception, copying, and searching of Americans’ international Internet communications en masse. Unless you’ve never used the Internet to email a friend abroad, chat with family overseas, or browse a website hosted outside the U.S., you’ve almost certainly been caught in the NSA’s unconstitutional dragnet."

Jeb Bush’s goal is to destroy the Internet and your privacy if he becomes president

Joker Jeb:  The Jokes On You -- A quote...."Do you want to live in a country where Internet Service Providers can slow down and censor your internet traffic at will, where the NSA has vastly more power than it does today and where end-to-end encryption may be illegal? Then Jeb Bush is the Republican presidential contender for you: he has positioned himself as the anti-internet candidate in an election where internet rights have never mattered more."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

US Spies Await Terrorist Attack to Change Public’s Tune About Cyber Privacy
"Await Terrorist Attack???" - That's practically treasonous.  This website editor knows NOBODY in the US's intelligence or defense establishment could POSSIBLY be that stupid!!  This country has had enough 9/11's!! - mpg -- A quote...."As the United States seeks backdoor encryption access, it faces strong pushback in the form of public opinion. But according to some intelligence officials, that perception could change if another terrorist attack were to occur on American soil." - Source:  Sputnik

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner to resign from Congress - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A Zio-Whore Bites The Dust - (One down, tens of thousands more to go....mpg) -- A quote...."The leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, Speaker John Boehner, stunned fellow Republicans on Friday, saying he would resign from Congress at the end of October, stepping down from one of the most powerful jobs in Washington in the face of hardline conservative opposition that threatened an institutional crisis."

Daily Mail: ‘Stench of Death' Around Rand Paul’s Campaign, Warn Republican Insiders
Another Zio-Whore Going Down For The Count?? -- A quote...."Rand Paul could be the next Republican to quit the presidential race, GOP strategists say, if his fortunes don't turn around fast. Paul's campaign has the 'stench of death' around it, one strategist with senior level experience on a presidential campaign said, and another questioned the depth of his war chest."

The War to End Slavery Didn't - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."As documented in Douglas Blackmon's book, "Slavery By Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II", the institution of slavery in the U.S. South largely ended for as long as 20 years in some places upon completion of the U.S. civil war. And then it was back again, in a slightly different form, widespread, controlling, publicly known and accepted -- right up to World War II. In fact, in other forms, it remains today. But it does not remain today in the overpowering form that prevented a civil rights movement for nearly a century. It exists today in ways that we are free to oppose and resist, and we fail to do so only to our own shame."
Alabama Cops Using Draconian Law to Steal Babies and Lock Up their Mothers at Alarming Rate
Related Article - A quote..."Etowah County, AL — A disturbing pattern is emerging out of Alabama that highlights the budding field of authoritarianism as the state ramps up its kidnapping of babies and arresting of mothers — for no reason. - In August of 2014, Casey Shehi gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Despite being born four weeks premature, little James was exceptionally strong. However, the celebration of James’ birth was quickly turned into a nightmare when the state got involved."

CPS Workers Are Now Being Stationed in Our Schools
Related Article - A quote...."Many of you reading this probably remember a time when seeing a school resource officer was a rare occurrence in public schools. It was one of those situations that was mainly reserved for crime ridden inner city schools. But as time went on, more and more police departments started employing officers whose chief responsibility was to watch our kids, even in districts with low crime rates. Now there are nearly 20,000 of these officers nationwide."
Saudi Prince Arrested on Charges of Sexual Assault in US
You just can't do that to your slaves.....'scuse this website editor....your "servants" here in Amerika (at least not yet).  He must have forgotten where he was. - mpg -- A quote..."The 28-year-old Majed Abdulaziz Al Saud was arrested after he tried to force a worker at a Beverly Hills estate to perform oral sex, Los Angles Times reported. - Los Angeles police Officer Drake Madison quoted by local media said Al Saud was arrested but was released on a $300,000 bond the next day.

Watch: Delaware police kill man in wheelchair
A quote...."State investigators in Delaware are looking into the fatal shooting by police of a man in a wheelchair, which was captured in cellphone video footage."

Dashcam footage shows horrifying moment cops drew their guns on husband and his PREGNANT wife after pulling them over as they drove to the hospital to give birth
-- A quote...."Dashcam footage captured the horrifying moment two police officers drew their guns on a husband and wife after pulling them over while they were rushing to the hospital to give birth."
Kentucky Politician Files Lawsuit Claiming a First Amendment Right to Accept Bribes
Title Speaks For Itself - A quote...."It’s a rare and precious moment when a politician does something which perfeclty demonstrates what he or she really thinks about democracy and power. This is one of those times." - Source:  LibertyBlitzkrieg - also posted at WashBlog

The [Bolshevik] Purge of Heroes Begins
The USSA? - George Orwell Would Be Proud - A quote...."With that kumbaya moment at the Capitol in South Carolina, when the Battle Flag of the Confederacy was lowered forever to the cheers and tears of all, a purgation of the detestable relics of evil that permeate American public life began. - City leaders in Memphis plan to dig up the body of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, who is buried in a city park that once bore his name. A statue of the great cavalryman will be removed. “Nathan Bedford Forrest is a symbol of bigotry and racism, and those symbols have no place on public property,” said council chairman Myron Lowery. “What we’re doing here in Memphis is no different from what’s happening across the country.” Myron’s got that right. - Panicky Democrats are terminating their tradition of Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners, as both presidents were slaveholders." - Source:  PatrickBuchanan

Health Insurance Deductibles Double in less than a Decade
Obama(no)care - A quote...." American workers are paying considerably higher deductibles on their health insurance this decade, with some increases doubling in size. - A report from the Kaiser Family Foundation found the yearly average of deductibles for individual plans went from $900 in 2010 to more than $1,300 in 2015. The average deductible for small business employees is higher: $1,800 per year. The foundation said about 20% of all workers are paying deductibles of $2,000 or more—more than double the average cost five years ago."

NSA head: Clinton server a 'priority' target for foreign agencies
The "Spy Drop Server" Scenario Gets A Boost - (Concept credit, Michael Rivero) -- A quote...."The server would be a “top priority for foreign intelligence services,” Rogers agreed in response to a question from Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.)."

The Real Email Question: Did Hillary Clinton Sell US Secrets?
The "Spy Drop Server" Scenario Gets Another Boost - (Concept credit, Michael Rivero) -- A quote...."While the media is focusing your attention on the shiny object that is her email server, the real story is not being told. The circumstantial evidence indicates that Hillary Clinton, or members of her inner circle with her connivance, purloined highly classified US intelligence and either sold it, traded it, or used it for personal gain. This is not a conspiracy theory and it is not hyperbole. Stick with me for a moment."

Officials Uncover Proof Hillary Clinton Didn’t Turn Over All Work-Related Emails From Her Private Account
Hideous Hillary Caught Lying Again - A quote...."The revelation adds to the growing questions related to the Democratic presidential front-runner’s unusual usage of a private email account and server while in government. - The messages were exchanged with former top Gen. David Petraeus, beginning before Clinton entered office and continuing into her first days on the job. - Officials said they largely pertained to personnel matters and in no way dealt with classified material. But their existence challenges Clinton’s claim that she has handed over the entirety of her work emails from the account."

Global Cooling is Here - Evidence for Predicting Global Cooling for the Next Three Decades
Cooling vs Warming - Multiple Charts - A quote...."Despite no global warming in 10 years and recording setting cold in 2007-2008, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC) and computer modelers who believe that CO2 is the cause of global warming still predict the Earth is in store for catastrophic warming in this century. IPCC computer models have predicted global warming of 1° F per decade and 5-6° C (10-11° F) by 2100 (Fig. 1), which would cause global catastrophe with ramifications for human life, natural habitat, energy and water resources, and food production. All of this is predicated on the assumption that global warming is caused by increasing atmospheric CO2 and that CO2 will continue to rise rapidly." - This article is for Michael Rivero.....

The Economy Is Not Improving, Regional FED Survey Flashes Collapse – Episode 774
X22Audio - Ep774/Mp3 - Ep774/YuTb-a - Ep774/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 49min14sec - Sept 24, 2015) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - A quote...."DHS working a self destruct smart phone. Warning in Malaysia, US and Australia citizens should be on alert for terrorist attacks. US is going to leave and add troops in Afghanistan. US preparing for war with Russia in the Baltic's. Putin has complete knowledge that the U.S. uses the IS as their proxy army and is now pushing to take Assad out. Russia submits UN draft resolution to make ISIS and international terrorist threat, US will not sign on to this. - All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site."

Interview 1093 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
NWNWAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (NWNWYuTb - 15min14sec -  Sep 25, 2015) - Websites:  CR@YuTb - NwWrldNxtWk - CorbettReport - MediaMonarchy -- A quote...."Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news."

Current Economic Collapse News Brief – Episode 776
X22Audio - Ep776/Mp3 - Ep775/YuTb - (X22Mp3 - 49min14sec - Sept 24, 2015) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - A quote...."In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people."

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Occupy Peace Makes History" - (9/21/15)
GCVideo - (Note:  appropriate adult language used) - (GCYuTb - 15min42sec - produced (9/21/15) )  - Source:   TrendsRsrchInst - Related Websites: GrldCelYuTb - TJ@YuTb -- A quote...."The conclusion of the Trends conference and Occupy Peace makes history"!"

TARPLEY.net – World Crisis Radio
WTVideo - Alt/Mp3 -  (WTYuTb - 1hr12min24sec - Saturday, September 26, 2015) - Source:  WebsterTarpleyWTRadio - Webster Tarpley@YuTb - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT - A quote...."Join Tarpley at Tax Wall Street Party’s United Nations Demonstration to Welcome Putin The Peacemaker to America -- 2PM Sunday September 27, 2015 at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, Near UN at East 47 Street Between First & Second Avenues, New York City" -- "Meeting Of Russian President With Obama Must Succeed In Coordinating Action Against ISIS And Cooling Off Kiev Extremists; US Should Lift Economic Sanctions On Russia, Syria, Iran; Merkel Leads Europe In Clamor For End To Syrian Civil War And Refugee Crisis; TWSP Was Key Catalyst In Fall Of Phony Warrior And ISIS Czar Allen; Rumblings Of Military Rule From US Deep State; Reactionary Boehner Ousted By Freedom Caucus Fascists; President Xi’s Elitist State Neo-liberalism Helped Cause China’s Bubble Economy; TWSP Continues Dialogue With Pope Francis On World Economic Recovery, Neo-Malthusianism And Pragmatism."

Abby Martin & Chris Hedges on War, Propaganda & the Enemy Within
EFTSVideo - Alt - (EFTSYuTb - 28min27sec - Sep 26, 2015) - Source: Empire Files - TeleSUR - A quote...."Abby Martin interviews Chris Hedges on American myths, war and revolt. Hedges explains the ‘folly of Empire,’ the dangers posed by right-wing extremism and the urgent need for a new system. - Chris Hedges is a former New York Times journalist and winner of the Pulitzer Prize. He is the author of several books including his most recent, “Wages of Rebellion: the Moral Imperative of Revolt.” He publishes a weekly column on Truthdig.com and is the host of Days of Revolt, airing every Monday night on teleSUR English."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Monetary Nuclear Option meets Fiscal Policy (E815)
Must View MaxRTVideo - E815/AltMp4 - E815@RT - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min15sec - Sep 26, 2015) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT - MaxKeiser@RT - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the nuclear option in monetary meets fiscal policy as QE for the people encouraged by more and more. They are joined by the Keiser Report’s Spanish translator, Alberto Berenguer, who live translates Keiser and gives his insight into the Spanish. In the second half, Max and Stacy interview Liam Halligan of BNE.eu about the ‘People’s Railway,’ Jeremy Corbyn’s economic policies and more."

Markets Gone Mad - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."September 25, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Counterpunch"-  Imagine your doctor put you on a daily dose of oxycontin, phenobarbital and Quaaludes for six years straight. Then he suddenly cancelled your prescription. - Do you think your behavior might become a bit erratic? - This is what’s going on with the stock market. It’s trying to shake off six years of overmedication brought on by the Fed’s zero rates and liquidity injections. - Let me explain: Until recently, stocks had been on a tear that pushed valuations into the stratosphere. Volatility stayed low because Bernanke’s easy money and QE made investors more placid, serene and mellow. They ventured further out on the risk curve and took more chances because they were convinced that the Fed “had their back” and that there was nothing to worry about. - Then things began to fall apart. The Fed ended its asset purchase program and started talking about “normalization”, an opaque term  the Fed uses to avoid the harsher sounding “rate hikes.” This is what began to rouse investors from their drug-induced trance. The era of cheap money was coming to an end. The punch bowl was being taken away." - Source:  CounterPunch

The Bank of England FPC is like the dog that barks but has no bite
A quote...."One of the economic themes of 2015 has been disinflation as we have seen consumer inflation fall across most of the world and sometimes fall into negative territory. Another example of that has been seen this morning as consumer inflation in Tokyo fell to an annual rate of -0.1%. However there have been areas as I have been recording in recent days of asset price inflation (particularly house prices) which has been exacerbated by the loose monetary policy being deployed by the majority of central banks around the world. Of course the falling headline rates of inflation have encouraged even looser monetary policy as we saw from Norway yesterday."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster...

California Vaccine Refusers to Get “Court Order” or “CPS Visit” Under SB277
A quote...."California Senate Bill 277 (SB277) is setting a dangerous precedent by removing medical consent from California school children in 2016. In addition, the bill appears to be in violation of the Nuremberg Codes for informed medical consent."

If a Mainstream Reporter Told the Truth the Pillars of Reality Would Crumble
A quote..."Imagine this. The public is told a new disease is sweeping the world, threatening the global population with suffering and death. Millions and millions of words are spewed, detailing and reinforcing the threat. Every day, official reports are issued, blaring the new numbers of cases. Researchers are rushing to develop an effective vaccine. And then, suddenly, someone discovers there is no epidemic. It doesn’t exist. What would happen?” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)"

Friday September 25th 2015

No posts - mpg

Thursday September 24th 2015

Earth: 248 armed conflicts after WW2; US started 201 (81%), killing 30 million so far. Arrests are when now?
A quote...."People around the world view the US as the greatest threat to peace; voted three times more dangerous than any other country. The data confirm this conclusion...."
  "The categories of crime for armed attacks outside US treaty limits of law are...."
  1. Wars of Aggression (the worst crime a nation can commit),
  2. likely treason for lying to US military, ordering unlawful attack and invasions of foreign lands, and causing thousands of US military deaths. - hat tip: Washington’s Blog and David Swanson
- For more on this issue, see databases shown below..... Ken O'Keefe Going Off On Israel And Wars
Just A Reminder Of What The TRUTH Sounds Like - CTRTYuTb - 7min42sec - Apr 22, 2015) - Source:   Pt1Gard  - Producer Website:  CT@YuTb - CrossTalk@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT -- This is an extract from a video produced by CrossTalk which was previously posted.  Ken O'Keefe is amazing. For more on the PNAC Protocols including Oded Yinon's famous plan to destroy Israel's competitors, and how these plans are being implemented, see essays, weblists, and maps shown below.....
Russia Says Will Respond If US Places New Nukes In Germany
A quote...."The Kremlin says Russia will take countermeasures if the U.S. places new nuclear weapons at a base in Germany. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov's comments, came in response to a report by Germany's ZDF television. The report said that preparation is underway by the U.S. to station B61-12 nuclear bombs at Buechel Air Base in Germany."
US “Not to Deploy” Nuclear Weapons in Germany. Contradictory Report from Washington
UPDATE  - Fri Sept 25th 2015 - 2:33 am PST - Related Article - Washington backs-off under German pressure?  Or was it just a bluff all along? - mpg
Turkish-Uyghur Terror Inc. – America’s Other Al Qaeda
A quote...."Because it relatively poorly understood and under-reported in comparison to other more notorious terrorist groups, the Turkish-Uyghur terror network is perhaps more dangerous and of greater utility to the United States and its allies presently versus their increasingly exposed Al Qaeda legions. - The genesis of modern Turkish-sponsored terrorism, like Al Qaeda, also originates from the Cold War. Part of the wider stay-behind networks known as “Gladios” created by NATO to allegedly fight Soviet forces in the event of a Soviet invasion and occupation of Western Europe, these terrorist groups were instead turned against the population of NATO member states and engaged in violence, terrorism, mass murder, and assassinations. A group of ultra-nationalists known as the “Grey Wolves” would be cultivated for this task within Turkey."

War Hawk Petraeus Comes Out Of Retirement to Recommend Pouring Fuel on Syria's Fire

A quote...."As the Obama administration's policies of regime change and armed intervention in Syria flounder, the retired general who oversaw the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan added his voice to the hawkish chorus calling for even more aggressive bombing and military action as he testified before lawmakers on Tuesday. - Speaking to the Senate Armed Services Committee, David Petraeus called for the U.S. and allies to use their air forces to create a "safe haven" in Syria for "moderate" rebels. Going further, he urged the U.S. to use military force to stop the air-launching of barrel bombs by the Assad regime, while simultaneously increasing attacks on ISIS."

Iran's Parchin Nuclear Myth Begins To Unravel
A quote...."The Parchin stories have continued as if the impossibility of “sanitising” a site that had held nuclear material had not been revealed. - For well over three years, heavy doses of propaganda have created a myth about a purported steel cylinder for testing explosives located on a site at Iran’s Parchin military testing reservation. According to that storyline, Iran was refusing to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to inspect the site while it sought to hide its past nuclear weapons-related work." - Source:  CounterPunch

License to Kill
A quote...."Let’s face it: the United States feels entitled to a license to kill. -- On 23 September, Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the United Nations, insisted that the Russian veto power in the Security Council was endangering its legitimacy. Russia had vetoed four Security Council resolutions on Syria. Understandably, the US rabid dogs of war are straining at the chain to which international law constrains them. How dare Russia oppose US plans for regime change in Syria and impede a further blood bath to achieve it? -- An indefatigable humanitarian warmonger, Power resents Russia’s opposition to a resolution to bomb the hell out of “atrocities” in Syria, without specifying that the main “atrocity” in her government’s eyes is President Assad. -- No, no—it’s her humanitarian concern over the 250,000 Syrian already dead [she means to add more by bombing in their names]; it’s the refugees’ flight she means to stem [by blocking their path with bombs]." - also posted at ICH & GlobalRsrch

“My name is Nobody”: Religious Fanaticism is a Western Tradition - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."September 24, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Dissident Voice"- Amidst all the hand wringing across the political spectrum, commentators of every type decry the deplorable conditions that prevail in the parts of the world that have been under attack by the US, NATO, and the historic colonial powers of Europe: Britain and France. That is to say jointly and severally the wealthiest countries on Earth concentrated in the North Atlantic region of the world. However, the vast majority of the text generated on this subject is truly tiresome. - While nearly everyone is willing to say that the nature of the violence prevailing in the Middle East and various parts of the “Dark Continent” (the ignorance displayed with respect to Africa only verifies that whites still consider Blacks next to worthless), it is conspicuous that no one is willing to face a fundamental fact. Religious fanaticism is essentially a European and Anglo-American tradition." - Source:  DissidentVoice

Human Beings: The Omnicidal Species. There is Nothing They Won’t Kill - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."September 24, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Global Research"-  Human beings comprise an omnicidal species. Apparently there is nothing they won’t kill. Yet some claim to value life and say that all lives matter. But if all lives matter, Palestinian lives matter, Syrian lives matter, Iraqi lives matter, Afghan lives matter, Libyan lives matter. If all lives matter, Osama bin Laden’s life mattered. So did Al Awlaki’s and his fifteen year old son’s. So did Gaddafi’s and the lives of every member of the armed forces who died on a Middle Eastern battlefield, including the Americans who died there. But they are dead now, gone forever, and George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and all the neoconservatives who advocated going to war in Iraq to prevent Saddam Hussein from acquiring nonexistent weapons of mass destruction murdered them as surely as Dr. Palmer murdered Cecil the lion." - Source:  GlobalRsrch

On BBC’s Credibility Seppuku
BBC (Brits Buggering Children) -- A quote...."Nasty, that’s the tone of western media these days, and BBC is the nastiest of all. Type into Google or Yandex the term Vladimir Putin, and you’ll quickly be able to discern this. If the Russian president is not vilified over mythical invasions, or an invisible coup d’etat at the Kremlin, then he’s damned over opening a wine bottle. You read that correctly, Putin’s latest damnable act is sharing a bottle of wine. It’s clear something at BBC has gone utterly and finally wrong. Here’s further evidence the dastardly bias toward Russia and others is a form of self mutilation.
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States...

Russia’s False Hopes — Paul Craig Roberts - PCR's Quarterly Donation Request - [CLICK HERE]
Must Read - A quote...."Russia needs to understand that diplomacy cannot work with Washington and its NATO vassals who do not believe in diplomacy, but rely instead on force. Russia needs to understand that when Washington declares that Russia is an outlaw state that “does not act in accordance with international norms,” Washington means that Russia is not following Washington’s orders. By “international norms,” Washington means Washington’s will. Countries that are not in compliance with Washington’s will are not acting in accordance with “international norms.” - Washington and only Washington determines “international norms.” America is the “exceptional, indispensable” country. No other country has this rank. - A country with an independent foreign policy is a threat to Washington. The neoconservative Wolfowitz Doctrine makes this completely clear. The Wolfowitz Doctrine, the basis of US foreign and military policy, defines as a threat any country with sufficient power to act as a constraint on Washington’s unilateral action. The Wolfowitz Doctrine states unambiguously that any country with sufficient power to block Washington’s purposes in the world is a threat and that “our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of” any such country." - also posted at ICH & WkUpF/YrSlmbr

Critique of Paul Craig Roberts’ Critique of Putin - (More like a quibble - mpg)
Special Note - Related Article - A quote....".....why does Putin keep trying to negotiate with the evil Washington government and why does he not use his enormous military power in Ukraine as Roberts (and, BTW, a lot of Russians) thinks he should? - Simply put, he is buying time, getting his last ducks in a row. (Note that each of Putin’s speeches gets a little bit stronger as he and his Eurasian partners gain strength). - Although Roberts was once assistant secretary of the treasury for economic policy, he does not enter into economics and finance in his analysis, and yet, for Putin, the long term strategy is all about economics and finance. - Here is why I say Putin is buying time. - Russia and China are working feverishly to accomplish at least 2 goals behind the scenes
  1. Establish the RMB as the new world reserve currency.
  2. Set up a parallel SWIFT system of international money transfers, initially between the BRICS countries but later the world.
"Why must the Eurasians do this? - Because even if they are superior to the US militarily, they need to become financially independent to prevent a lot of useless blood shed."

Disgraced ex-Polish FM Looking to Join Saakasvili on the Ukraine Gravy Train (Radoslaw Sikorski)
Another Carpet-Bagging NGO Clown Heads Towards Ukraine - A quote...."Something funny happened to the clown in the laundry. When he went in, the pockets of his pants were empty. When he came out, they were overflowing with money. “What kind of washing detergent do you use here?” he asked. - Not even under the circus big-top, with a troop of elephants trumpeting in the background, does this sound particularly funny. But if you know that the laundry the clown means is a political metaphor (the elephants, too), then the audience will fall out of their seats with laughter. That was what made Bim & Bom (lead, left) , the most famous clowns to perform in Russia between 1890 and 1940, too endearing for the authorities, even the Cheka and Stalin, to stop."

Obama’s Russian Roulette - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...." September 24, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Antiwar"-  I probably know more about Russia than most Americans.  I have had the pleasure of visiting the “evil empire” on many occasions, since I am married to a Russian national.  The effect of the current international sanctions have been a blessing in disguise for me, because my U.S. dollar has more than double the spending power that it used to here.  It is puzzling that I have not been asked, even once, about the current efforts of our Nobel Peace Prize winning and warmongering president and the neocons, warmongers and fossil fuel kings who own him, to destabilize the Ukraine and force a showdown with Russia." - Source:  AntiWar - also posted at GlobalRsrch & WkUpF/YrSlmbr

Around 200 masked men storm Kharkov city hall in Eastern Ukraine
A quote....."At least 200 people wearing camouflage and masks stormed the local administration building in the city of Kharkov, eastern Ukraine, local media said. The perpetrators are alleged to be members of the radical Azov battalion."

Pravy Sektor raids churches and beats up parishioners as churches are violently turned over to Ukrainian Patriarchate - A quote...." A church belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate is now being blockaded by men in masks. Though this is the most recent occurrence, it is not the first time. - Emotions were running high as parishioners tryed to get to their church, which is surrounded by people in camo uniforms with the Pravy Sektor insignia, an extremist organization banned in Russia. This is going on in the village of Ternopil, of the Konstantinovka region. Police - as usual in conflicts involving radicals - are not stopping them. This episode came to a brawl."

UAF - Past the point of critical losses
A quote..."Yesterday my friend and I were discussing various aspects of the war in Ukraine. He asked a rhetorical question: what is the limit of unacceptable losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which would cause a reaction in the Ukrainian society. I replied to him that the critical level of losses for the Ukrainian society had occurred more than a year ago, namely, on 11 July 2014, when near Zelenopolye the units of the 79th and 24th Brigades were destroyed by the precise fire of multiple rocket launchers."

Kiev stops debt payments, faces technical default
A quote...."Ukraine says it will halt paying off its external debt on Wednesday, facing the risk of a technical default. The list of non-payments doesn’t include the $3 billion owed to Russia. The debt to Moscow is due in December which Russia has insisted it wants in full." - For more articles on the attempted PNAC Protocol destruction of Ukraine/Russia, see links posted below.....
Case of Russian Imperial Family Slaying Reopened
Murdered By The Euro-Kazarians' "Murder Inc." -- A quote...."The reexamination of the case of the Russian Imperial Romanov family’s death does not mean reassessment of earlier research and is connected solely with conducting additional investigation on Russian Orthodox Church’s (ROC) request, Russian Investigative Committee (SK) spokesman Vladimir Markin said on Thursday."

How SouthFront Changes The World - South Front Donation Request [CLICK HERE]
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 1min02sec - Sep 24, 2015) - Source:  SouthFront@YuTb - A quote...."SouthFront, Analysis & Intelligence is a public analytical project maintained by an independent  team of experts from the four corners of the Earth focusing on international relations issues and crises and working through a number of media platforms with a special emphasis on social networks. We focus on analysis and intelligence of the ongoing crises and the biggest stories from around the world: Ukraine, the war in Middle East, Central Asia issues, protest movements in the Balkans, migration crises, and others. In addition, we provide military operations analysis, the military posture of major world powers, and other important data influencing the growth of tensions between countries and nations. We try to dig out the truth on issues which are barely covered by governments and mainstream media."
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The ISIS Gambit - Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Sibel Edmonds: ISIS Is US
ISIS Gambit - Sibel Edmonds Tells All - Must Listen LRAudio - Alt - (LRPodCast - 39min06sec - August 26, 2015) - Source:  LewRockwell - LRPodCasts - SE@LRCArchives - Guest Websites:  BoilingFrogsPost - SE@JustACitizen - ProbableCauseW/SibelEdmondsLew Rockwell and Sibel Edmonds discuss what's going on in Turkey, Syria and Iraq, along with the Kurds, and of course the US-NRE's support for ISIS and the dozens of other terrorist organizations in the region, their constant "re-branding" and "marketing", along with the many other crimes of empire. - mpg

Syria 'In A State Of Complete War' With Terrorism - Assad - (Full Interview)
ISIS Gambit - Assad Says No - RTVidoe - (RTYuTb - 40min19sec - Sept 15, 2015) - Source:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT -- A quote...."As the Syrian crisis enters its fifth year, tension in the country is still growing. Bashar Assad, the President of Syria, gives an interview to key Russian media, revealing his view on political progress, the Syrian crisis, its allies and its war on terrorism."

Chinese Military Personnel Expected to Arrive in Syria
ISIS Gambit - China Says No - A quote...."The recent arrival of the Russian Marines and Air Force to the Syrian port-city of Tartous has generated a significant amount of interest around the world, as the possibility of Russia’s direct military intervention becomes the focal point of the war on ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham)."

Insurgent group pledges allegiance to al Qaeda's Syria wing
ISIS Gambit - They're Not Syrians -- A quote..."An insurgent group [foreign terrorist mercenaries] fighting in Syria made up of around 1,500 Chechen, Uzbek and Tajik fighters ha[ve] pledged allegiance to al Qaeda's Syria wing Nusra Front, a group monitoring the war said on Wednesday."

The US decision to send weapons to Syria repeats a historical mistake [tactic]
ISIS Gambit - For The Record - A quote...."News Analysis - The CIA has been arming Syrian rebels for years. Nobody should be surprised that the US’s newest effort was revealed an abject failure."

The Obama Two-Step on Syria
ISIS Gambit - The Childish Pretense Continues - A quote...."....facts can be stubborn things, even when the interpretative framework for assessing facts is different. For many of us, the historical record is clear – this war was/is Mr. Obama’s. And what we are witnessing in Syria today is the human and political consequences of his administration’s decision to embrace a policy of regime change in Syria...."
"This notion that Obama was a reluctant warrior who only got involved in Syria recently is a fiction. - From the very beginning of the phony Arab spring actions in Syria, it was not even necessary for former general Wesley Clark to reveal that Syria was on a hit-list of governments slated for subversion to see the reactionary presence of U.S. intelligence agencies in the “rebellion” in Syria."

Syria says would welcome Russian army base in Latakia
ISIS Gambit - To Repeat:  Syria Is Inviting The Russians In -- A quote...""If Russia agrees, Syria would only welcome such a step, because it would be aimed against terrorism on our soil," Interfax is quoting Riad Haddad as saying."

U.S.-Backed Jihadists Falter; Liberation Imminent for Palmyra? - Hip Hip Hooray!!
ISIS Gambit - They're Starting To Lose - A quote...."Over the past week, things haven’t been going as well as they normally do for the Western-backed terrorists who have raped and beheaded their way across Syria for the last four years. Likewise, the Western plot to overthrow Assad and replace him with chaos and a weak jihadist/impotent government over four years ago has gone from a quagmire to the beginnings of a reversal...."

Iran General Dismisses ISIS War Cooperation With ‘Hypocritical’ US
ISIS Gambit - Iran Concludes "Help" From The US Would Be Highly Counter-Productive - Quote of the Day....."Interviewed during Iran’s commemoration of the 1980 invasion of Iran by Saddam Hussein, military chief of staff Maj. Gen. Hassan Firouzabadi dismissed suggestions that the ongoing war against ISIS would require the US and Iran to cooperate. - “You must be dreaming,” Maj. Gen. Firouzabadi said, saying “the Americans are the ones who created ISIS” and that the US involvement in the ISIS war has been ineffectual. Admiral Ali Fadavi, a top Revolutionary Guard commander, echoed these sentiments, saying that the two nations may have common interests in the ongoing war, but that the nature of the two nations meant direct cooperation was impossible." - bold by website editor - The Iranians are learning! - mpg
The Fall of the American Empire: Hooray!
Putin's Anti-ISIS Gambit:  Analysis - A quote...."Vladimir Putin is pulling Assad’s fat from the fire in Syria. At least that’s how it looks to America. He’s sending military assets to Syria and told Assad all he needs to do is just whistle and Russian troops will be on the way. The U.S. government is still wondering what all of this means. The U.S. government doesn’t realize that in the grand scheme of things, it all comes down to knowing culture. Russians play chess. America plays poker. Putin was looking at moves on the board ten years down the road. America was only worried about bluffing its way through the next hand. The United States thought it needed three more queens to make a four-of-a-kind and forgot to guard its own queen on the chess board. Hilariously, it will be Russia to clean up Syria and it’ll probably take two months. Putin walks away with Syria and Iran will be kicking the tires on a neo-Warsaw Pact offer from Russia which will certainly emerge." - also posted at ICH

Endgame: Putin Plans To Strike ISIS With Or Without The U.S.
Putin's Anti-ISIS Gambit:  No More Nonsense!! - A quote...."On Sunday, we noted that Washington’s strategy in Syria has now officially unravelled. - John Kerry, speaking from London following talks with British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, essentially admitted over the weekend that Russia’s move to bolster the Assad regime at Latakia effectively means that the timing of Assad’s exit is now completely indeterminate."

Russia Checks Western Lies on Syria
Putin's Anti-ISIS Gambit:  Check....Check!....Checkmate!! -- A quote...."You have to hand it to Russia. In recent weeks, one move after another by Moscow over the Syrian crisis could be accompanied by the audible word “check”, leaving Washington and its minions grappling with disorientation about how to respond to the Russian moves. - At the heart of the West’s disorientation what is being exposed is its glaring criminal deceptions over Syria." - bold by website editor - also posted at ICH & AlethoNews
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others...

ISIS Leader and another 152 Killed in Iraq
A quote...."The Pentagon reported the death of an Islamic State official. Abu Bakr al-Turkmani, an “administrative emir” was killed in an airstrike in northern Iraq two weeks ago. - At least 152 were killed and 20 were wounded in more recent violence...." - For more on the attempted PNAC Protocol destruction of Iraq, see links posted below.....
Kurdish Ministers Resign in Turkey to Protest Offensive Against PKK
A quote...."Two members of the pro-Kurdish HDP party, Turkey’s EU Affairs Minister Ali Konca and Development Minister Muslum Dogan have tendered their resignations today, in an apparent protest of the government’s military offensive against the Kurdish PKK."

Iraqi Kurds reassert right to export oil to U.S. despite court ruling
A quote...."Kurdistan reasserted its right to export oil independently to the United States and other countries on Tuesday despite a court ruling in favor of the Iraqi federal government, which has sought to block crude sales from the autonomous region."

The Rape of Afghanistan
A quote..."The rape of young boys in Afghanistan by our  “allies” is getting a lot of press attention these days, provoked by the revelation that US military personnel who tried to stop it are being disciplined for interfering. Two US officers apparently beat up one of our pet warlords, who insisted on keeping a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave: this kind of rough justice got one relieved of his command and the other is being forced to retire."

Libyan Prime Minister Again Prevented From Leaving Country
A quote...."The incident comes only five days after soldiers acting on orders from a top commander stopped him boarding a flight to Malta to address a conference organised by the National Oil Corporation."

Rival Libya government urges peace talks freeze
A quote...."TRIPOLI: Authorities in Libya's militia-held capital have called for a freeze in UN-mediated peace talks until the military of the internationally recognized government halts an offensive in the east."

Egypt's Military Is Killing Civilians in Its 'War on Terror'
A quote...."Egypt declared a "war on terror" after the military deposed Egypt's first democratically elected president, the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi, in July 2013."

France sells 2 disputed Mistral warships to Egypt
A quote...."Egypt also purchased 24 advanced fighter jets from France earlier this year for nearly $6 billion, as it sought international help to bomb Islamic State targets."

Kenyan authorities find undeclared weapons on foreign ship
False Flag / Covert Action Alert - A quote...."Kenyan security forces searching a Norwegian ship at Mombasa port discovered undeclared weapons among the consignment of U.N. vehicles, local police and the ship's Norwegian owner said Wednesday. - Rifles and Russian-made rocket-propelled grenades were among a "cache of firearms," Mombasa police chief Francis Wanjohi told a news conference. - Kenya's government is trying to determine whether it was a U.N. agency transporting the weapons and why the arms were not disclosed in the cargo manifest, said Wanjohi."

Burkina Faso president 'back in charge' after coup
A quote...."President Michel Kafando, who was taken hostage during last week's coup, says civilian transitional government restored."

Nigerian Troops Free Hundreds of Women, Children, Arrest Boko Haram Leader - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- An operation by the Nigerian military in the villages of Jangurori and Bulatori rescued 241 women and children from two camps controlled by the Boko Haram terrorist group."

United Nations Farce: Saudi Arabia to Head UN Human Rights Council - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
Head Choppers Behead Human Rights Council....'Scuse this website editor, that comment should actually read....."Head choppers to head (not behead) human rights council".....so very sorry. - mpg -- A quote...."September 24, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Global Research"-  All victims of human rights abuses should be able to look to the Human Rights Council as a forum and a springboard for action. (Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General, 12 March 2007, Opening of the 4th Human Rights Council Session.)" - Source:  GlobalRsrch - also posted at WkUpF/YrSlmbr

Does the Pope Know a Boy Is About to Be Crucified? - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
Not Just Head Choppers.....Crucifiers - A quote...."September 23, 2015 "Information Clearing House" -  Occasionally a particular variety of horror serves to catch people's attention. The boy in the photo at right has been sentenced to be crucified. His crime was participation in a pro-democracy rally. Now he will have done to him what the Pope's religion says was done to Jesus Christ. He won't be smiling blissfully like a Christ on a crucifix either. He will suffer immense pain and torment, and then die. - Who would do this? Why, Saudi Arabia, of course. And who is Saudi Arabia's chief ally, weapons provider, and oil customer? Why, the United States Congress."

10 Reasons to Oppose the Saudi Monarchy
Just 10?! - This Author's Not Trying. - A quote...." Not only is the Saudi regime repressive at home and abroad, but U.S. weapons and U.S. support for the regime make Americans complicit.
During the discussion on the Iran nuclear deal, it has been strange to hear U.S. politicians fiercely condemn Iranian human rights abuses while remaining silent about worse abuses by U.S. ally Saudi Arabia. Not only is the Saudi regime repressive at home and abroad, but U.S. weapons and U.S. support for the regime make Americans complicit. So let’s look at the regime the U.S. government counts as its close friend."

Mecca stampede: At least 717 killed and hundreds injured in crush during hajj
First The Crane Tragedy, Now This.....God's Wrath? - A quote...."At least 805 people have been hurt in a stampede in Saudi Arabia during the pilgrimage in the deadliest incident in 25 years which the health minister blamed on unruly pilgrims."
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More on the Attempted PNAC Protocol Destruction of Yemen.....

Yemen as Laboratory: Why is the West So Silent About This Savage War?
A quote...."What is at stake in Yemen that far more systematic violations of the Geneva Conventions than in any of the recent wars which Western powers have supported in the Arab world (Iraq, Syria, Libya and Gaza) are met with resounding silence?"

25 dead in ISIS attack on mosque in Yemen capital
Saudi's ISIS / al-CIA'da Strike Again - A quote...."SANAA: A suicide bomber struck a mosque in Yemen's rebel-held capital on Thursday in an attack claimed by ISIS targeting Shiites that killed at least 25 people and wounded dozens during holiday prayers." - bold by website editor

At least 20 killed in Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen's Sanaa
A quote...."Two missiles were reportedly fired from the Saudi-led fighter jets destroying four houses in southern Sanaa, killing 20 civilians, mostly women and children"

Six months of strikes kill over 6,000 in Yemen
A quote...."(ARSLAN KHALID)  Saudi Arabia has killed in excess of 6,000 Yemenis as Riyadh’s military aggression against the impoverished Arab country enters its seventh month, says Yemen’s Civil Coalition." - Source:  RegionalPosts -For more on the PNAC Protocol destruction of Yemen, see links posted below.....
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More PNAC Protocol Victims -  The Refugees.....

Human Migration: Escaping War, On the Road with the Refugees
A quote...."EV: Sadly it seems that the ongoing struggle to create a regime change in Syria, as has been the case in many countries in the ME, creates a displacement and this cost is immeasurable.  The displaced families, businesses, etc. pay dearly for such military activities.  These regime changes are hardly “humanitarian” as the non-conservative types often claim. The refugees, or displaced people, are flocking mostly to Germany.  The trek has led them through Serbia, Hungary (where they have been shut out due to capacity), and finally to Germany.  The question remains what has been the reason for such a displacement?  Obviously the “war” in Syria has been the explicit reason and so these people seek safe-haven." - Source:  Sputnik

The U.S. Has a Duty to the ‘Tempest-Tost’ Syrians - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote..."September 23, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Truthdig"-  Many of us are familiar with the Emma Lazarus poem on a plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty...."

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

"These words, written in the late 19th century, depicted the United States as a refuge for people who had crossed the Atlantic seeking a new home and a better life than they experienced in the places they left behind. The current massive humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, which has created a flood of refugees exiting Syria, obliges our country to live up to the welcome promised in that poem."

In Canada, Harper's Conservatives Seem to Have Forgotten a Cherished Tradition about Refugees
A quote...."September 23, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "The Independent"-  Europe’s refugee epic reached as far as the frozen heights of the Rockies yesterday, in a gentle, very Canadian way. At an international economics conference in the grand old town of Banff – snow already dusting the slopes of Mount Rundle far above us – Dr Tom Thompson of Olds College, the largest agricultural school in Alberta, came up to ask me how he might bring Syrian refugees to his university." - Source:  TheIndependent - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]

Video: Profiting Politicians? German journalist claims huge industry behind EU refugee crisis
RTVidoe - Alt - (RTYuTb - 40min19sec - Sept 15, 2015) - Source:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT -- A quote.... Germany is often the preferred destination of refugees seeking to settle in Europe. Renowned German journalist Udo Ulfkotte claims politicians are actually profitting from the ever-growing wave of asylum seekers. Ulfkotte is hiding his location - after allegedly receiving death threats. RT's Peter Oliver has more."

Anjem Choudary and the Glorification of Terror
A quote...."Anjem Choudary is one of this country’s main Islamic trouble-makers. So far as I can tell, he and his wife and their four children live on various forms of state welfare. He uses his time to campaign for a privileged status in England for Islam, if not for the establishment of Islam as the state religion. His view of the legitimacy of violence as a means to this end can be summarised in this quotation from 2005, just after the London Bombings...."
"Look, at the end of the day innocent people—when we say “innocent people” we mean Muslims—as far as non-Muslims are concerned they have not accepted Islam and as far as we are concerned that is a crime against God. [Source: Wikipedia]"
"I now see that Mr Choudary has been arrested, and will soon go on trial for offences under section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000. His specific alleged offence has been to encourage support for the Islamic State, a group that requires no comment."

Malaria deaths skyrocket in South Sudan as people continue to flee fighting
A quote...."Malaria is killing three children each day in an overcrowded camp sheltering civilians in South Sudan, a medical charity said, as people continue to flee fighting despite an August peace deal that has yet to be felt on the ground. - Malaria is "skyrocketing", with 4,000 patients receiving treatment each week - about 4 percent of the population of Bentiu camp, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said in a statement."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt
Must Read - A quote...."Western civilization at the present day is passing through a crisis which is essentially different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies in the past have changed their social institutions or their religious beliefs under the influence of external forces or the slow development of internal growth. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests … Civilization is being uprooted from its foundations in nature and tradition and is being reconstituted in a new organisation which is as artificial and mechanical as a modern factory." -- *Christopher Dawson*, Enquiries into Religion and Culture, p. 259.*
"Most of Satan’s work in the world he takes care to keep hidden. But two small shafts of light have been thrown onto his work for me just recently. The first, a short article in the Association of Catholic Women’s ACW Review; the second, a remark (which at first surprised me) from a priest in Russia who claimed that we now, in the West, live in a Communist society. These shafts of light help, especially, to explain the onslaught of officialdom which in many countries worldwide has so successfully been removing the rights of parents to be the primary educators and protectors of their children."

"The ACW Review examined the corrosive work of the ‘Frankfurt School’ – a group of German-American scholars who developed highly provocative and original perspectives on contemporary society and culture, drawing on Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, and Weber. Not that their idea of a ‘cultural revolution’ was particularly new. ‘Until now’, wrote Joseph, Comte de Maistre (1753-1821) who for fifteen years was a Freemason, ‘nations were killed by conquest, that is by invasion: But here an important question arises; can a nation not die on its own soil, without resettlement or invasion, by allowing the flies of decomposition to corrupt to the very core those original and constituent principles which make it what it is.’"
Idi Amin and His Israeli Enablers
Israel's Homey Cannibal - A quote...."Although Idi Amin’s penchant for Scotland has been glamourized in Hollywood film (1), the incontrovertible role Israel played in the demagogue’s ascent to power has all but been omitted from the annals of history. Like Nelson Mandela, and other African leaders at the forefront of the continent’s de-colonization and liberation movements, Amin received much of his military training in Israel; first as a paratrooper with the IDF, then with Mossad and Israeli Secret Police."

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Is It Worth It?

Israel is a stone's throw away from becoming the Roman Empire
A quote...."On Jewish holidays, we're used-to identifying as the resourceful downtrodden that manage to bring an empire to its knees. This year, as our gazillion-dollar army takes on masked Palestinian teens, we find our role reversed."

Noam Chomsky: Wikileaks Reveals US Ties to Israel's Military Industry
A quote...."Israel plays a major role in repression and aggression"

Netanyahu: Israel Must Become a World Power
A quote...."'No one makes alliances with the weak,' says Prime Minister shortly after meeting Putin."
No they don't, they just take over their countries....

Remember folks, there's just six to seven million "Jews" in Israel with another six to seven million here in the US-NRE.  They, or at least "their community" have controlled the agenda, and much of this society's political discourse and decisions for at least the last fourty years, if not much longer.

Think about it.  Do you disagree?  Really?  Oh....that's right, it's the Military Industrial Complex, Britain's Royalty, the Masons, the Mormons, the Vatican, the Illuminati, the Trilateral commission, or the Bilderberg Group, isn't that right

Or perhaps it's Corporations in general?  Just an amorphous blob of interlocking corporate structures that rule over us?  No one to blame there.  Is that more comforting? But who owns these corporations again??

There are 190 countries in the world and lots of nefarious power centers, however it's known, and publicly acknowledged that Israel and companies that work for Israel, i.e. the Mossad have had the capability to monitor and/or tap every single communication, phone call, e-mail, fax, telex, whatever, that has occurred in the United States and most of the rest of the world for the last thirty years.    

They also, and again it's been publicly acknowledged, completely control the mass-media in this country, along with the media in many other countries.

Not to mention having every single political candidate pilgrimage to Israel to receive Israel's blessing to run for office, or flying one fifth of the entire congress every year for all expense paid vacations to Israel, in which the last such junket every single freshman congressional candidate participated except for three, soon to be ex-congressmen.  Four of nine of the Supreme court justices are "Jewish", twenty five percent of Ivy League students, every Federal Reserve chairman, not to mention authoring twenty to thirty year old plans such as the PNAC Protocols that have been carried out to the letter to this very day....

Yet they comprise only two percent of this nation's population

So, if you feel there's some other cohesive group, or country, that actually controls this nation, you'll have to show how.  How they're more powerful than controlling and monitoring the entire communications network, the entire mass media network, the entire political system, most of the financial system, half the Supreme Court, and who compose one quarter of the students in this nation's most influential top schools.

That's all you have to do. If you can't, you should perhaps reconsider your theories.

And also realize this, all of this death and destruction during just the last fifteen years alone, a dozen nation states, millions of people murdered, millions of refugees, all of the endless political discourse about "poor widdle Israel" utterly wasting this nation's time and energy, all of the tens of trillions of dollars spent.....ALL OF IT....for them, and their racist, vicious, trans-national, world domineering goals. -- NOT YOURS!!

So ask yourselves this one question.  Is it worth it?  Is Israel worth it?  Are the "Jews" worth it?

If not, what are you going to do about it? - mpg
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Sunday Sermon from the Radical Press Pulpit: The Time Has Come! The Naked Truth About Jews
M2ZVideo - (M2ZYuTb - 57min57sec - May 19, 2015) - Source:  VS -- From a religious point of view - This is an edited compressed version of the film "Marching To Zion" - A quote...."It is time to open your eyes for the truth never told. Great exposure of our time of the Jewish lies that was presented in the new film made by Steven Anderson from Faithful Baptist Church. I had to cut out those parts that in my own opinion are quite complicated to have them here in this film and some questions are inspired by pastor's own view that fleshly Israel doesn't matter anymore. In this he is still blind... But the rest of his work in exposing the Jews is REALLY AMAZING." - For more on this sort of issue, see video, previously posted, shown below....
Christian Zionism: The Tragedy and the Turning (Full Version)
WHTTVideo - Alt/Vimeo - Alt/YuTb#1 - Alt/YuTb#2 - (Previously posted, posted again as a reminder) - (WHTTVimeo/YuTb - 31min - Various Dates) - Var Sources  -- A quote...."We Hold These Truths has released its 2013, 32 minute documentary about Christian Zionism. It is a “must see” to understand why Christian Zionists (Judeo-Christians, Dispensationalists) support war in the Middle East to protect Israel. Find out how Cyrus I. Scofield’s reference Bible was used to promote Christian Zionism throughout evangelical seminaries and into evangelical churches for over a hundred years. For updates on Christian Zionism, visit their website: whtt.org"
STOP the University of California from Banning Criticism of Israel
Euro-Kazarian Censorship - A quote...."We, champions of the First Amendment, urge you to preserve the University of California’s 1960s legacy as a bastion of free speech and robust political debate. - In this spirit, we ask you refrain from adopting a policy statement[1] to censor political speech by threatening to expel or suspend students critical of Israel. - We understand that after student senators at 7 of the 9 University of California campuses passed resolutions calling for the University to divest from corporations profiting off of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, some students campaigned for harsh restrictions on political speech. They demanded you, the Regents, pass a resolution adopting a State Department document defining anti-Semitism as denying Israel’s right to exist – and to expel or suspend students who dared to challenge the establishment of a Jewish homeland on Palestinian territory."

IDF Shoots 18yo Palestinian Woman 10 Times, Lets Her Die in Street (PHOTOS)
OUTRAGEOUS!! - Blatant, Indifferent, Murder - A quote: An 18-year-old Palestinian girl was shot by Israeli troops at a Hebron checkpoint for allegedly refusing to show her purse or face and “trying to attack” a soldier. She died of multiple wounds in a hospital after bleeding in the street for 30 minutes."

Israel Shoots 18yr old Palestinian Woman 10 times, Lets Her Die in Street - Morris
Must View Related M108Video - (M108YuTb - 11min51sec - Sept 20, 2015) - Source:  108morris108 - Morris Emergency Donation Request - Click Here - mmorris108@gmail.com - Also [Click Here] for Morris's appeal

Israeli State Terror in Hebron
Related RTVidoe - (RTYuTb - 4min48sec - Sept 23, 2015) - Source:  RT@YuTb  - RTShows - RT -- A quote...."An 18-year-old Palestinian woman has died after she was shot 10 times by Israeli soldiers at a Hebron checkpoint. She was allegedly trying to attack a soldier and refusing to open her purse or lift her face veil. For more RT is joined by Palestinian activist and politician Mustafa Barghouti."

Israeli Soldiers Watch and Settlers Laugh as Shot Palestinian Girl Bleeds to Death
Related Article - A quote...."The teenager is the second Palestinian to be killed in 24 hours in the occupied West Bank after 21-year-old Dia al-Talameh was killed in the village of Khursa."

Why Israelis Can Burn Palestinians Alive And Get Away With It
A quote...."I was on the balcony of my home. I heard Saad screaming, ‘Help me. They’ve killed me,’” explains Ibrahim Dawabsha in a new short documentary produced by the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq (watch it at the top of this page). - Ibrahim rushed out to find Saad Dawabsha and his wife, Riham, lying on the ground, their bodies on fire. - A masked figure stood near Saad, and another stood near his wife." - also posted at ICH

Israel’s War On Children
Must View TRNVideo - Alt - (TRNYuTb - 25min01sec - Sep 23, 2015) - Source:  TheRealNews@YuTb - Real News Netwrk - A quote...."In this episode of teleSUR's Days of Revolt, Chris Hedges sits down with author and activist Laila el-Haddad to discuss the psychological repression of Gaza's youth by Israeli state violence and occupation." - also posted at ICH

Jewish Settlers [Euro-Kazarian Squatters] Storm Al-Aqsa Mosque With Police Protection
A quote...."Dozens of Jewish settlers [Euro-Kazarian squatters] stormed into Al-Aqsa Mosque on Tuesday morning under Israeli police protection. Officers prevented Palestinian Muslim worshippers from entering the sanctuary. - A mosque guard told Turkey’s Anadolu news agency that the Israeli police allowed the settlers to enter the mosque and have prevented Palestinians under the age of 40 from entering since Monday evening. The guard pointed out that dozens of Muslims were forced to perform the dawn prayers outside the mosque gates"

Israel’s Crippling Blockade: Gaza Electricity Lines Disconnected as Energy Crisis Worsens
A quote...."Two power lines providing electricity to the Gaza Strip were disconnected overnight Tuesday further fueling an ongoing energy crisis in the beleaguered coastal enclave." - Source:  Albawaba

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (10 - 16 Sep. 2015)
A one week total of what the Israelis do to the Palestinians.  Just a week's total.  This has been going on for over sixty years.  What would you do if they were doing this to your community, your family, or you?  Would you chicken out and leave, would you give up and submit, or would you fight? Try thinking about it.  What would YOU actually do in such circumstances?? - mpg
Two-Thirds of Palestinians Support Abbas Departure
A quote...."An opinion poll has suggested that two-thirds of Palestinians believe that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas should resign. They also think that his resignation from the PLO Executive Committee is not “real”. - The Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research released the results of a poll on Monday that it conducted in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip between 17 and 19 September. The results show that the popularity of President Abbas has declined “significantly” in the occupied West Bank and has improved “slightly” in the Gaza Strip. Fatah’s popularity has declined in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip."

Police that protected Westminster pedophile ring for decades denies investigation is a ‘shambles’
A quote...."Scotland Yard has been sharply condemned over its handling of allegations that Tory politicians who were part of the pedophile ring murdered young boys in the 1970s. The damning claims, which sent shockwaves across the nation, were previously made by a key witness known as “Nick.”"
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

The Kind of Society We Want
A quote...."by Jeremy Corbyn - Sisters and brothers, thank you very much for inviting me here today. I must admit it seems to be a very fast journey we are on at the present time and, to me, it is an enormous honour to be invited to address the Trade Union Congress. It only seems a very short time ago that your General Secretary, Frances O’Grady, did me the honour of coming to speak at the nominating meeting in my constituency, Islington North, and now she has invited me here to address the TUC. I am very grateful, Frances, for what you did there and I am delighted to be here today because I am, and always will be, an active trade unionist. That is in my body."

Building the Southern Silk Road
A quote...."On September 22, a seemingly nondescript meeting was held in Tehran, Iran: - The Road Maintenance and Transportation Organisation (RMTO) held its first expert meeting for the Iran-India-Afghanistan Agreement on Transit and International Transportation Cooperation. - Bureaucratic acronyms and legalistic language abounds. - None of this seems – on the surface – to be greatly important. But this agreement is, as Mohammad Javad Atrchian of the RMTO said, “historic”."

Russian Imports Down 39 Percent in 2015
Some quotes...."The value of goods imported by Russia from outside the former Soviet Union tumbled 39 percent in the first eight months of this year compared to the same period in 2014...."  -- "Not all countries suffered equal losses in sales to Russia. Customs data from January-July showed that the European Union — Russia's biggest trading partner — saw the largest drop-off in exports to Russia, with the value of its deliveries falling 45 percent compared to the same period a year before. - The Netherlands, Britain and France — in the top five European exporters to Russia — saw sales to the country cut in half. Germany and Italy saw exports fall around 40 percent, while former Soviet republics Estonia and Lithuania suffered falls of 57.1 percent and 55.5 percent, respectively."

Russia, Japan work on creating ‘green corridor’ to boost trade – ministry
A quote...." Moscow and Tokyo resumed talks aimed at easing customs procedures, as the two countries look for greater economic cooperation, Russia's Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Stanislav Voskresensky has said."

Crimean Prosecutor Poklonskaya Invites Foreigners to Enjoy Peninsula
A quote...."Crimea's Attorney General Natalia Poklonskaya encouraged foreign vacationers to visit local landmarks, in a bid to stimulate the local economy after a series of Western financial sanctions."

Mistral Cancellation Worked out Great for Russia
A quote...."What could have been a costly miss for Russia in the end became...."
Russia seen building up two more military facilities in Syria: Jane's
A quote..."Satellite photos taken in mid-September and obtained by IHS Jane's show Russian forces developing two additional military facilities near Syria's Mediterranean coast, Rob Munks, editor of IHS Jane's Intelligence Review, said on Tuesday. - Munks said the previously undisclosed work was taking place at a weapons storage facility and a military base north of Latakia, suggesting Russia is preparing to place troops at both locations. - Russia has been dramatically increasing its forces at an air base south of Latakia, a stronghold of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, including positioning combat planes and helicopters as well as tanks and accommodation blocks."

Russia Deploys Advanced Air Defense Tor-M2U to Guard Kuril Islands
A quote...."The Kuril Islands in Russia's Sakhalin Region form a volcanic archipelago that stretches approximately 1,300 km northeast from Hokkaido, Japan, to Kamchatka, Russia, separating the Sea of Okhotsk from the North Pacific Ocean."

Indonesia Eyeing Russian Subs
A quote...."BANGKOK, September 21 (TASS) - Indonesia is considering Russia as a potential supplier of new submarines for its naval forces, Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said on Monday upon the end of his meeting with deputies of the national parliament. - The meeting was held behind closed doors. - The new purchases had been endorsed by the president, Ryacudu said, adding a remark that it was much better to buy five new submarines than ten second-hand ones." - Source:  TASS

Pentagon Says Chinese Sub That Can Hit U.S. to Go on Patrol Soon
A quote...."A new Chinese nuclear submarine designed to carry missiles that can hit the U.S. will likely deploy before year’s end, the Pentagon said, adding to Obama administration concerns over China’s muscle-flexing in Asia. - China’s navy is expected this year to conduct the first patrol of its Jin-class nuclear-powered submarine armed with JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles, the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency said in a statement. It declined to give its level of confidence on when the new boat will be deployed or the status of the missile."

China conducts debut launch of Long March-11 carrier rocket
A quote...."BEIJING, September 25. /TASS/. China has successfully conducted debut launch of Long March-11 (Changzheng) carrier rocket, the country’s Central television reported on Friday."

Man Seeks Legal Action Against US, Germany Over Airstrike That Killed Dad - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The son of a camel-herder who was allegedly killed by a United States airstrike in Somalia has launched legal action against the US as well as Germany, claiming the latter "plays an indispensable role in secret drone killings in Somalia."

Garifuna Communities of Honduras Resist Corporate Land Grabs
A quote...."The fate of the Garifuna people of Honduras hangs in the balance as they face a Honduran state that is all too eager to accommodate the neoliberal agenda of U.S. and Canadian investors. The current economic development strategy of the Honduran government, in the aftermath of the 2009 coup against the democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya, has not only benefited the political and economic elite in Honduras, but it has also encouraged the usurpation of some of the territories of indigenous peoples of this Central American nation. The often-violent expropriation of indigenous land threatens the Garifuna’s subsistence."

FARC, Colombia Sign Historic Accord on Justice for Victims
A quote...."In a historic meeting on Wednesday afternoon in Havana, a partial agreement was reached over transitional justice and victims' reparations between Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and FARC head Timochenko."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

The Worst Part Is Central Bankers Know Exactly What They Are Doing
Must Read - Quote of the Day...."The best position for a tyrant or tyrants to be in, at least while consolidating power, is tyranny by proxy. That is to say, the most dangerous tyrants are those the people do not recognize: the tyrants who hide behind scarecrows and puppets and faceless organizations. The worst position for the common citizen to be in is a false sense of security and understanding, operating on the assumption that tyrants do not exist or that potential tyrants are really just greedy fools acting independently from one another. - Sadly, there are a great many people today who hold naïve notions that our sociopolitical dynamic is driven by random chaos, greed and fear. I’m sorry to say that this is simply not so, and anyone who believes such nonsense is doomed to be victimized by the tides of history over and over again...." - also posted at PatriotRising

Great Britain is a centre of “money laundering”
A quote...."As it appears from the report recently published by the Bank of England, half of British banknotes are used for money laundering by criminal structures, or circulate abroad. The British shadow economy covers, primarily, criminal activity which in addition to drug trafficking and prostitution, includes considerable monetary payments for such goods and services as, for example, construction works, which allows avoiding taxes. According to the British publication’s estimates, the shadow economy makes up about 10% of the GDP of Great Britain."

BRICS and the Fiction of “De-Dollarization”
Financial Concept Alert - A quote...."There has been a lot of media hype regarding BRICS. - While the creation of BRICS has significant geopolitical implications, both the AIIB as well as the proposed BRICS Development Bank (NDB) and its Contingency Reserve Arrangement (CRA) are dollar denominated entities. Unless they are coupled with a multi-currency system of trade and credit, they do not threaten dollar hegemony. Quite the opposite, they tend to sustain and extend dollar denominated lending. Moreover, they replicate several features the Bretton Woods framework. - Towards a Multi-Currency Arrangement? - What is significant, however, from a geopolitical standpoint is  that China and Russia are developing a ruble-yuan swap, negotiated between the Russian Central Bank, and the People’s Bank of China...."
If the BRICS nations were stupid enough to establish and structure their "independent" financial systems without the intention of getting rid of the Fed's worthless fiat-script-debt-notes, they deserve everything they're gonna get! - This website editor has no sympathy for the turmoil Brazil is going through right now because that country created much of its debt structure using Fed fiat-script based financial instruments.  The same goes double for Venezuela (which is not a BRICS nation) because they had enormous amounts of oil revenue to fund their various national projects which they just gave to the Banksters.  They shouldn't have had any debt at all! - Just how fucking stupid do you have to be to run a country?-  mpg
Emerging Markets Are Facing a Big Foreign FX Debt Bill
Multiple Charts - Related Article - A quote...."The extent of emerging markets' foreign-currency borrowing binge is laid bare in new number-crunching from CreditSights. - With EM currencies down a collective 15 percent since the start of the year, the cost of repaying debt and loans denominated in foreign currencies, such as the U.S. dollar and the euro for EM countries, is likely to increase."

Petrobras --- A $134 Billion Debt Bomb
Charts - (click to enlarge) - Related Article - A quote...."There is blood on the streets wherever you look in Brazil today, but probably of most interest to the hundreds of US asset managers (the ones managing your mutual funds) is what happens to Petrobras as it remains so widely held. As we noted below, bond prices are collapsing and default risk is soaring, and with the nation’s currency collapsing amid the lower-for-longer oil prices, $90 billion of dollar-denominated debt could soon potentially be too burdensome for the company to repay."

UK: Free School Meals For Infants Set To Be Scrapped
A quote...." George Osborne is poised to snatch free school meals from the mouths of the youngest children in a November spending review - According to Sky News, the government is considering the cut despite its pledge to continue the policy in the 2015 Conservative manifesto."

“By Means Fair or Foul”: the British Army and Jeremy Corbyn
A quote..."Having stirred the soup of British politics sufficiently to make it interesting again, UK Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn finds himself exciting one conservative grouping after another. The pacemakers are refusing to work. Cardiac arrest in some circles, it seems, is imminent. The “security thesis” against him, entailing, for instance, that he would pose a threat to Her Majesty and country, continues to inflate."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Gary Webb’s DARK ALLIANCE Timeline - evolution of an international drug ring with ties to the CIA
A quote...."DARK ALLIANCE is Gary Webb’s investigation of the evolution of an international drug ring with ties to the CIA and the Nicaraguan Contras. A saga that has lasted more than twenty years, the story features convoluted and secretive trails of money and drugs as well as equally twisted relationships between the CIA operatives, the Contras, and crack cocaine distributors. It is all chronicled by Gary Webb in the following timeline." - Topix ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

Secret Document: How the NSA Spied on Iranians in New York
A quote..."The NSA will probably spy on foreign leaders like Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during the UN General Assembly in New York this week, applying a "full court press" that includes intercepting cellphone calls and bugging hotel rooms, former intelligence analysts told NBC News."

Born In The USA: How America Created Iran's Nuclear Program
Just a reminder of where the Iranian nuclear program came from - mpg - A quote...."The Iranian nuclear program has deep roots. In fact, it is four years older than President Obama," says Ali Vaez, the International Crisis Group's senior analyst for Iran. Vaez grew up in Iran, which means the nuclear program is a personal story for him. - "It started in 1957," he says, "and ironically, it is a creation of the United States. The U.S. provided Iran with its first research reactor — a nuclear reactor, a 5-megawatt nuclear reactor that is still functioning and still operational in Tehran."

Canada: How Harper Controls The News

A quote...."Last week, Conservatives invited journalists to a secretive campaign event with Canada's prime minister in North Vancouver."

British Politicians Plot A Charter for Cover-Ups – A Return to Secrecy
A quote..."The Government’s decision to launch a review of the Freedom of Information Act was widely condemned when it was announced back in July as likely to lead to “more secrecy, more mistakes and bad decisions”. It is effectively a review by government officials that provides the excuse to water down current transparency laws to create a charter for cover-ups and sees a return to an era of secrecy." - Source:  TruePublica

The Hidden Side of Sanctions Against North Korea
A quote...."The economy of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has suffered through decades of international sanctions -that were intensified after the two nuclear tests of 2006 and 2009-and the imposition of extended controls over its economy and trade by the UN Security Council (UNSC)."

Japan Seeks Independence Through Subservience To Evil US Ends - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
A quote...."September 23, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Global Times"- Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may enjoy a sense of triumph in having succeeded to push through the country's new military law. Both chambers of Tokyo's parliament have now cleared the legislation expanding Japan's military power, despite widespread public opposition and even scuffles among lawmakers." - Source:  GlobalTimes - also posted at AlethoNews

On Government Lies, Human Bonfires and the Search for Truth in Mexico
A quote...."....history has a way of coming back to bite. A group of five prestigious experts named by the Interamerican Human Rights Commission to investigate the assassinations and disappearances of the students delivered a report Sept. 6 that shattered the government’s version. The 560-page report, presented to a packed audience of families, reporters and supporters, cited numerous flaws, contradictions and omissions in the government investigation and conclusions. - With the expert’s report, the “historic truth” presented by the Peña Nieto administration will be remembered as the historic lie."

Corruption and Its Uses, from Guatemala to Colombia
A quote...."September 24, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "teleSur"-  Ten years after Venezuela stopped cooperating with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in 2005, corruption continues to be the most important tool in U.S. and allied efforts at destabilizing Latin America and the Caribbean. In 2007, Venezuela's then Interior Minister Pedro Carreño declared "the United States with its Drug Enforcement Agency monopolizes drugs shipments like a cartel". Venezuela suspended work with the DEA in 2005 because, Carreño said, "they were making large transfers of drugs using the cover of handovers under surveillance" but did not carry out "arrests of citizens, the dismantling of a single cartel … We were able to determine that we were clearly in the presence of a new cartel." " - Source:  TeleSUR
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

President of China: China has never hacked anyone
Well....at least not the stupid, idiotic, false-flag hacks they're being maliciously accused of.  Besides, they most likely got much of the important intel they needed from Hideous Hillary's e-mail servers, (concept credit, Michael Rivero), which couldn't be characterized as a hack since the door was deliberately left open on the system, and more importantly, they would have had to have paid for the privilege. - mpg

Xi Jinping: China Is Ready To Work Together With US To Build A Peaceful Cyberspace
Related Article - A quote...."China's President Xi Jinping kicked off his first state visit to the United States by denying claims that the Asian power engages in commercial cybercrime and by calling on the two countries to work together to fight hackers. Xi delivered his remarks at a Tuesday dinner in Seattle, speaking to an audience of 800 U.S. and Chinese business and government leaders."

Data sharing deal with US must end due to ‘mass surveillance’ – EU court advisor - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The European Court of Justice’s top legal aid has said that a 15-year-old agreement that eases the transfer of data between the EU and the US should be ended, accusing American intelligence services of conducting “mass, indiscriminate surveillance.” - The ECJ’s advocate-general, Yves Bot, said on Wednesday that the Safe Harbour agreement does not do enough to protect the private information of EU citizens once it arrives in the US, adding that it should have been suspended. - Safe Harbour allows US firms to collect data on their European customers. The system is used by Google, Facebook, and more than 4,000 other companies."

Google Starving Out Independent Antiwar Journalists
Google Gone Bad - Censorship Alert - A quote...."While mainstream media routinely uses shock imagery to induce fear over all manner of threats to America and its allies, some independent Internet journalists are being restricted by advertising policies which penalize them for countering the establishment view."

Youtube Escalates Censorship
Youtube Gone Bad - Censorship Alert - A quote...."America’s best and most reliable video ducumentarian of war-crimes and of lies by the U.S. Government is now being hit by a new Youtube policy of blocking income to, or even obliterating, videos that Youtube determines to be about “Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if grahic imagery [unsuitable for children] is not shown.” (That’s from the statement by Youtube.)"  - For more on these sorts of issues, see links posted below......
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

The Crisis of the Now: Distracted and Diverted from the Ever-Encroaching Police State
A quote...."Surely Americans would be concerned about the Obama administration’s plans to use behavioral science tactics to “nudge” citizens to comply with the government’s public policy and program initiatives? There would be no end to the uproar if Americans understood the ramifications of the government’s plan to train non-medical personnel—teachers, counselors and other lay people—in “mental first aid” in order to train them to screen, identify and report individuals suspected of suffering from mental illness. The problem, of course, arises when these very same mental health screeners misdiagnose opinions or behavior involving lawful First Amendment activities as a mental illness, resulting in involuntary detentions in psychiatric wards for the unfortunate victims."

10 Disturbing Facts Most Americans Are Too Fearful to Face
A quote...."Sometimes you have to put out information in hopes that those who haven’t heard this will at least absorb a fraction of it. -  If you haven’t heard this and you absorb just one of these random points, I believe that may be enough to cause a major paradigm shift your life or in the life of someone you know. -  Here are 10 random, mostly recent but some archival information that is factual and verifiable for anyone willing to look it up."

Millions of job seekers’ fingerprints will now be searched for criminal investigations, says FBI
A quote...."For years the FBI has performed federal criminal background checks for employers and state governments, amassing tens of millions of biometric records on people accused of no crime. If you want to be a lawyer, teacher, or even bike messenger in many parts of the United States, you’ll need to submit your fingerprints to the FBI. Every single federal employee must submit their prints before employment. Until recently, the FBI claimed it would not search these civil prints when conducting criminal print matching; a wall between the civil and criminal fingerprint databases kept these distinct sets of information separate, the Bureau claimed. But in February 2015, that all changed—very quietly." - Source:  PrivacySOS

A Long Time for Killing
A quote...."September 23, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Dissident Voice"-  Today, across the nation, we witness homicidal violence delivered against unarmed people by law enforcement officers. These beatings and killings are carried out with something close to impunity. The cops almost always get away with murder. Moreover, these crimes are nothing new; they are longstanding in practice." - Source:  DissidentVoice

NYPD Cop Infamous for Protester Intimidation Was Prison Guard at Abu Ghraib
A quote...."In a shocking twist, it turns out NYPD Deputy Inspector Andrew J. Lombardo, notorious among activists for his harsh treatment and psychological games against demonstrators, was a prison guard at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison during the US’ prisoner torture scandal."

Washington State Cops Who Killed Unarmed Mexican Man Return to Work
A quote...."In February, the Pasco police made global headlines after three officers were caught on camera firing 17 bullets at an unarmed man in the back as he ran away from them with his hands in the air."

The New Shackle of Serfdom: Clinging to Healthcare Insurance
A quote...."One of the more remarkable characteristics of American life is our passive acceptance of systems that are so obviously completely insane. Yes, I refer to our healthcare system, a.k.a. sickcare because in America sickness is profitable and health is not, and healthcare profiteering that would be the envy of pirates and warlords everywhere is the norm."

Children Starve Eating ‘Moldy’ Michelle O Food As School Bans Home-Packed Lunches
"All Your Kids R'Belong To Us" - A quote...."A parent of a child at Wayne County Head Start says her 4-year-old comes home hungry after the food being served is often stomach-turning and inedible. - “He comes home and he’s constantly hungry,” the boy’s mother, Mattie Genaux, tells WTOC. “Granted, boys are typically always hungry, but he is starving. And his weight, he’s not gaining anything. He is actually not gaining anything at all, and I’m worried.”"

Why Jimmy Carter Says He Could 'Absolutely Not' Be Elected Today
A quote....""We've become, now, an oligarchy instead of a democracy."

Fugitive Fathers - A disturbing new chapter in the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal.
A quote...."The Catholic Church has long been under fire for covering up priests' sexual abuse of children, and for transferring perpetrators among parishes rather than turning them over to law enforcement. - Now, GlobalPost investigates a new, international side to the scandal: The church has allowed priests facing credible sex abuse allegations in the United States and Europe to get a new start by relocating to poor parishes in South America."

US Sex Abuse Victims Blast Popes Remarks On Abuse Crisis

A quote...."Pope Francis has acknowledged the widespread sexual abuse committed by Christian priests in the US Catholic Church and warned that such crimes should never be repeated."

The Pope is Dishonest About Zero Tolerance for Child Sex Abuse
A quote...."Pam Spees of the Center for Constitutional Rights and Barbara Blaine of SNAP say the Catholic Church and Pope Francis are not serious about addressing the church's on-going struggles with child sexual abuse."

Salon Publishes HORRIFYING Article on Pedophilia; We Respond
A quote...." In probably what is one of the most disturbing things you’ll ever read at Salon, and there are plenty, their latest is written by a self-proclaimed pedophile who wants your sympathy. - Yes you heard that correctly. A pedophile writing for Salon wants your understanding and support in his demented psychological illness. - The man tries to claim pedophilia is a sexual orientation. SERIOUSLY. - No, pedophilia is not a sexual orientation, it is a psychological illness of the degenerate kind. He thinks because he hasn’t acted on his urges to have sex with children that he’s somehow to be praised for this."
It was REPEATEDLY stated for DECADES by tens of thousands that once homo-sexuality was embraced by this society, much less perverting the entire institution of marriage to sanctify it, that it would eventually lead to recognizing pedophilia as a "sexual orientation" or worse, that it's "in the genes", just as homo-sexuality was recognized.

So let's repeat it shall we, as the ancient history of Sparta demonstrates, homo-sexuality and pedophilia are LEARNED behaviors.  If a society chooses to adopt them, and teach them, or even enforce their practice, that just demonstrates how decadent that society is, and how degenerate its people have become. 

Nothing more. - mpg
Green Beret Who Beat Afghan Man Over Child's Rape Faces Army Discharge
Welcome To The New Roman Empire - A quote...."A Green Beret and his allies say the fact that he "stood up to a child rapist" while serving in Afghanistan with an elite Joint Base Lewis-McChord unit shouldn't be grounds for kicking him out of the Army."

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Clueless Carly --- Crony Capitalist Warmonger With Flash Cards - ICH Donation Request [Click Here]
Clueless Killer Klown Carly - A quote...."September 23, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Carly Fiorina proved at least one thing last week. Namely, you don’t have to be a career GOP politician to come across as a war-mongering neocon and abortion-bashing statist demagogue. She took the stage fully formed as a frightul modern-day Torquemada, threatening to bring fire and brimstone down on anyone running afoul of her righteous indignation and crystal clear grasp of the Truth."

Don't Get Berned Again. Bernie's Bribes.
Bag-Man Bernie & His Bribes - A quote...."By now we have heard chapter and verse, repeatedly so, on the failure of Bernie Sanders to take an antiwar position, much less a stance against U.S. Empire.    (Yes, Bernie, there is an Empire.) Paul Street is a leader in the genre with well-documented dissections of Sanders’s flaws on every front and David Swanson provides the latest addition."

Grassley blasts FBI over Clinton emails - "The FBI is behaving like it’s above the law."
Hideous Hillary & Her FBI Supported Cover-Up -- A quote...."Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is blasting the FBI for rebuffing a judge's request for information on the law enforcement agency's investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email system. - Grassley, whose panel oversees the FBI, reacted sharply to a letter the FBI sent Monday turning aside U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan's request for information on whether investigators have been able to retrieve records from a backup thumb drive of Clinton emails or from a server turned over by a tech company Clinton hired."

Hillary Clinton Email Company Was Hacked By Foreign Attackers
Hideous Hillary:  More Proof Of "Spygate" - A quote...."The company that Hillary Clinton paid to manage her private email network was the victim of a massive international hack during the period in which Clinton was employing it, Breitbart News has learned. - Hillary Clinton used the company Internap as the internet service provider for her private email account during her tenure as Secretary of State. Internap, based in Atlanta, has a facility in Manhattan, near the the physical location of the IP address for clintonemail.com."

Email News Wipes Hillary’s Second Reset
Hideous Hillary - Caught Lying Again - A quote...."Hillary Clinton’s furious effort to refocus her struggling campaign on something other than the scandals that have dogged it from the start just ran smack into a brick wall. - First, the WaPo reported that Clinton had misrepresented why she turned over emails from her private server. It wasn’t routine records keeping as Clinton claimed, but the discovery of her secret email server more than a year ago that triggered the request for her documents and her eventual compliance. That dropped just as Clinton hit the Des Moines Register for a meeting with editors and she was caught flat-footed."

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NATO Assisting Ukraine To Prepare For A Dirty Bomb Attack – Episode 773
X22Audio - Ep773/Mp3 - Ep773/YuTb-a - Ep773/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 37min44sec - Sept 23, 2015) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - A quote...."Euro zone economy is slowing according to a new survey. Retail sales in the US are getting worse and are now equal to 2009.US manufacturing weakest in 2 years. Commercial real estate bubble bigger than 2008 bubble, Fitch warns. Real estate has stalled and now declining rapidly. Brazil's currency is crashing.Turkey wants to boost trade with Russia to 100 billion dollars. - All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site."

Psychopaths Rule Us
LRAudio - Alt - (LRPodCast - 27min - September 11, 2015) - Source:  LewRockwell - LRPodCasts - GC@LRCArchives - Guest Websites:   TrendsRsrchInst - GrldCelYuTb - TJ@YuTb - Lew Rockwell and Gerald Celente discuss the refugee crisis, the US and world economy, the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues. - mpg

The Economy Is Not Improving, Regional FED Survey Flashes Collapse – Episode 774
X22Audio - Ep774/Mp3 - Ep774/YuTb-a - Ep774/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 49min14sec - Sept 24, 2015) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - A quote...."Spain is quietly removing the gold from the banks in Catalonia. France sells its warships to Egypt. US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur posts warning for all US citizens.Ukraine vet exposes the lies in Ukraine, most of the people did not know who they were fighting. Kiev says removing heavy weapons does not men removing troops from the contact line. US is now backed into a corner with Syria. The Pentagon is preparing war plans for Russia and every scenario shows the US loses. - All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site."

Warren Pollock-BRICS Hit Brick Wall & WWIII Breaks Out
Must View GHVideo - (GHYuTb - 36min03sec - Sept 22nd, 2015) -- Source:  GregHunter@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog -- A quote...."On gold and silver, Pollock says, “Initially, gold and silver will lose its liquidity; however, it will retain its value over time. You will be able to find liquidity over time. . . . Right now, you have your money in a bank, and that is giving you negative returns. Gold is not providing you with a negative return. It’s retaining its purchasing power relative to everything else. I would think gold right now is mispriced. Gold is an amazing value right now given the uncertainty. . . . This is not about the price of gold. This is about the price of liberty and who can dictate the terms and your value as a human being in a world where the value of human beings are declining.”
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Deutsche Bank Hires [Former Goldman Sachs Partner] Celeste Guth
The Kraken Grows Another Tentacle -- A quote...."NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Deutsche Bank today announced that Celeste Guth will join as a Managing Director and Co-Head of the Global Financial Institutions Group (FIG) with Tadhg Flood. Guth will be based in New York and report to Paul Stefanick, Global Head of Investment Banking Coverage and Advisory and Co-Head of Corporate Finance Americas. -- Guth will join from Goldman Sachs where she was most recently Vice Chairman of FIG and Global Co-Head of Insurance Investment Banking and was previously Head of Americas FIG from 2003 to 2012. She joined Goldman Sachs in 1986 and has been a partner since 2002."

Time for the Nuclear Option: Raining Money on Main Street
Too Little, Too Late - A quote...."September 23, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Predictions are that we will soon be seeing the “nuclear option” — central bank-created money injected directly into the real economy. All other options having failed, governments will be reduced to issuing money outright to cover budget deficits. So warns a September 18 article on ZeroHedge titled “It Begins: Australia’s Largest Investment Bank Just Said ‘Helicopter Money’ Is 12-18 Months Away.”" - Source:  CounterPunch - There are signs of incipient, large scale, massive, inflation.  There will be NO Fed fiat-script-debt-notes for "Main Street"....EVER!  - mpg

Report: 1 In 4 US Homes Worth Less Than A Year Ago
It's Starting - A quote...."Homes across the U.S. are losing value, with one in four worth less than they did a year ago, according to a new report. -  The latest findings from Zillow suggest housing market values have declined over the past year. Northeast markets like Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Philadelphia have seen price declines of more than 40 percent, as reported by CBS News. Metro areas in the Midwest like Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cincinnati and Cleveland, experienced declines of more than 30 percent."

Soaring [US] Rents; No Stop to the Climb

A quote...."The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that rents are climbing far more rapidly than overall price inflation. We are now plus 3.5% in annual rent increases nationwide, according to the BLS. But the latest Zumper National Rent Report (August 2015) shows that many major cities are experiencing very strong double-digit price increases."

US Manufacturing Economy Weakest In 2 Years As New Orders, Prices, Jobs Slow
Charts- (click to enlarge) - A quote...."On the heels of dismal China manufacturing data (worst PMI since March 2009) and mixed-to-weaker European data, US Manufacturing PMI printed a September preliminary 53.0 (flat from 53.0 in August and modestly better than expectations of 52.8). This is the equal lowest print since Oct 2013. Underlying components are mixed (factory prices dropped for first time in 3 years and new orders and employment slowed), but, confirming what Yellen told us last week (that the US economys is to fragile to handle a 25bps rate hike), Markit notes, “the sluggish growth, weaker forward-looking indicators and downturn in price pressures all point to the Fed holding off with rate hikes until next year.”" - Source:  ZeroHedge

[US] Retail Sales Worst Since 2009 For This Time Of Year
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote..."The last time September Retail Sales growth was this weak was 2009, limping aimlessly out of the ‘Great Recession’. With a mere 0.9% year-over-year growth, Johnson-Redbook data seems to confirm what Reuters reports is looming – the weakest U.S. holiday sales season for retailers since the recession. Consultancy firm AlixPartners expects sales to grow 2.8-3.4% during the November-December shopping period compared with 4.4% in 2014, based on analyzing consumer spending trends so far this year, noting (myth-busting for permabulls) dollars saved at the pump are being directed to personal savings or on non-retail activities. - This year is already seeing the worst retail sales growth since the great recession…" - Source:  ZeroHedge

[US] Commercial Real Estate Shoots Off Chart, Fitch Frets about CMBS, Points to Financial Crisis
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."There is nothing inherently dangerous about a real estate cycle,” ratings agency Fitch explained in its latest report. “It only becomes dangerous when market participants forget there is one.”"

Caterpillar Inc. (CAT) Shocker: Industrial Bellweather To Fire Up to 10,000; Slashes Revenue Outlook
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Tyler Durden: Just three days ago after looking at the latest Caterpillar Inc.(NYSE:CAT) retail sales, we asked in stunned amazement “What On Earth Is Going On With Caterpillar Sales?” and showed the following two charts....We now know the answer. The company was merely preparing to shock its investors with a $1.5 billion cost-cutting announcement, which includes the firing of as much as 10,000 people through 2018. Far worse, however, is the company finally admitting that it can no longer pretend reality does not exist, and cut its revenue outlook by 5% with the admission that “2016 would mark the first time in Caterpillar’s 90-year history that sales and revenues have decreased four years in a row.” - Source:  ZeroHedge

Recession Countdown: Durable Goods Orders Drop Most Since March, Shipments Tumble
Charts - (click till they're enlarged) -- A quote..."Durable Goods New Orders dropped 2.0% MoM in August, the biggest drop since March (but modestly beat expectations of a 2.3% drop). This extends the ex-transports YoY losing streak to 7 months of declines flashing recessionary warnings left and right. Perhaps most notable is the 0.2% drop in Capital goods Shipments (dramatically missing expectations of a 0.5% rise) and the weakest print since May."

Recession Imminent – Kansas Becomes 6th Regional Fed Survey Flashing Red
Multiple Charts - A quote...."And the regional Fed survey collapse goes on… Dallas, Richmond, New York,Philly, Chicago, and now Kansas City...."

Why millions of Americans Are Raiding Their Retirement Savings
A quote...."With the effects of the financial crisis still lingering, 30 million Americans in the last 12 months tapped retirement savings to pay for an unexpected expense, new research shows. This undercuts financial security and underscores the need for every household to maintain an emergency fund."

Prepare For Nationwide Riots!
A quote...."USDA sends states notice to hold off 'until further notice'  process that distributes food aid to 46 million people in the US."

Markets Break Support: High Potential For Major Losses In Stocks. By Gregory Mannarino
GMVideo - (GMYuTb - 8min26sec - Sep 22, 2015) - Source:  GM&YuTb - Related Websites:  GM'sInstaBlg - SeekingAlpha-- A quote...."Trading involves risk and you could lose your entire investment. You and you alone are responsible for your own investment decisions and any consequences thereof. Please invest wisely." - Just a reminder, normal technical analysis is good only so long as the Fed does not intervene....again, such as announcing QE4. - mpg

It's Groundhog Day at the Fed

A quote...."Every dictator knows that a continuous state of emergency is the best means to justify tyrannical policies. The trick is to keep the fictitious emergency from breeding so much paranoia that routine activities come to a halt. Many have discovered that its best to make the threat external, intangible and ultimately, unverifiable. In Orwell's 1984 the preferred mantra was "We've always been at war with Eurasia," even though everyone knew it wasn't true. In its rate decision this week the Federal Reserve, adopted a similar approach and conjured up an external threat to maintain a policy that is becoming increasingly absurd. -- In blaming its continued inaction on "uncertainties abroad" (an excuse never before invoked by the Fed in the current period of zero interest rates), the Fed was able to maintain the pretense of a strong domestic economy, and its desire to lift rates at the earliest appropriate moment while continuing the economic life support of zero percent rates. Unbelievably, the media swallowed the propaganda hook, line, and sinker."

Canada’s Retail Prices Jump the Most in “Over a Decade”
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."today’s retail sales report captures price changes of retail items but not healthcare, rent, and other items that are included in the CPI. Krishen Rangasamy, a senior economist at Economics and Strategy, National Bank Financial, did the math and put it in a chart: retail prices had soared at an annualized rate of 6% over the past six months, the sharpest increase in over a decade. I added the red oval to his chart:"

War on Cash, Bank of England Planning Hyper QE, Scrapping Cash for Digital Currency
A quote...."The Bank of England announces its latest cunning plan in its ongoing 'War on Cash' under the cover of Europe's refugee crisis that is witnessing Eastern European hypocrisy, such as that of Hungary forgetting its own past of sending hundreds of thousands of refugees westwards for over 60 years, and the most recent wave of 1 million or so of economic migrants many of whom receive in work benefits such as tax credits, nevertheless balk at the thought of giving refuge to a single refugee and instead have mobilised their crack troops against defenseless men, women and children."

The City of London is Burning through its Golden Stockpiles, The Rats are Scurrying
WWVideo - Alt - (WWYuTb - 13min14sec -  Sep 24, 2015) - Source:  TheWealthWatchman -- A quote...."This week we go into the lair of the Banking Dragon itself: the City of London!  Where all the wyverns and drakes of finance are busy incinerating the hopes and dreams of innocent people all over the world, through criminal cunning, and evil genius....However, their time is running out.  Here’s why....We discuss, specifically...."
French Unemployment Surges To New All-Time Record High
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Is it any wonder Marin Le Pen’s Front National Party is a) leading in the polls, and b) pushing for an EU in/out referendum? Whatever it is that France (and/or Europe) is doing, is not working. Despite all the promises, French unemployment has risen practically non-stop for 4 years and just hit a new all-time record....Hollande #Fail"

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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster...

Kenyan Farmers Suing Government to Uphold GM Crop Ban - Hip Hip Hooray!!
- A quote...."First Kenyans demonstrated to try to get through to their government for ‘encroaching on constitutional rights’ and reversing a GM crop ban, and now a small group of farmers has taken their plea to the courts. - This past week, a petition was filed against the Kenyan government representing a group of small-scale farmers, which claims the lifting of the ban will harm indigenous farmers and their ability to grow non-GM food."

GM Mustard in India: A Case of Monumental Fraud and Unremitting Regulatory Delinquency
GMO - A quote...."The approval and planting of large-scale field trials of genetically modified (GM) mustard in India is currently taking place. According to environmentalist Aruna Rodrigues, this is completely unconscionable. It is occurring even as the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee (TEC) Report awaits adjudication in India’s Supreme Court, which expressly recommends a bar on herbicide-tolerant (HT) crops. As a result, Rodrigues is mounting a legal challenge as the lead petitioner in a Public Interest Litigation."

Australian Government Prepares to Punish Parents who Don’t Vaccinate Children
A quote...."The Australian government is set to pass a law that would withhold child care and other benefits from parents who opt out of vaccinating their children. - Under the “No Jab, No Pay Bill” introduced to Parliament, the “conscientious objector” category would be removed, making parents ineligible for full government benefits for not immunizing their children. Youngsters would only be exempt due to medical reasons." - SourceNaturalSociety

The Atlantic buried this amazing interview with the Health Ranger after realizing his answers made too much sense
Censorship Alert - A quote...."(NaturalNews) The Atlantic has long been known as a traditional journalism organization that checks its facts and protects the accuracy of its stories. But the publisher has recently found itself embroiled in a scandal involving Kevin Folta, the discredited University of Florida scientist exposed for having secret financial ties to Monsanto." - Source:  NaturalNews

Wednesday September 23rd 2015

No posts - mpg