Saturday October 19th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Friday October 18th 2013

'Our' Weaponized Wahhabi Bastards - Article also posted at ICH
Special Note - A quote...."Life is good if you're a member of the Gulf Counter-revolution Club, officially known as Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). You can crush the Arab Spring at will. You can hire goons all across dar-al-Islam to advance a sectarian Sunni-Shi'ite divide. You can be deeply implicated in the destruction of Syria. You can treat a significant part of your own population as third-class citizens. -- Not only you get away with it; you get rewarded with expensive toys. And in one particular case - Saudi Arabia - even with a two-year seat at the UN Security Council."

Did the Saudi Intelligence Chief and Other High-Ranking Officials Trade on Inside Information Regarding 9/11?
Special Note - A quote...."Mass surveillance by the NSA and other government agencies is not really making us safer, but is being used for other reasons.-- For example...." "Saudi Prince Bandar – head of Saudi intelligence – helped to arm the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, and is now arming Al Qaeda in Syria. (Background). -- Respected financial writer Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says that Prince Bandar admitted that Saudi Arabia carries out false flag terror.  Indeed,  U.S. government officials say that the Saudi government had a hand in 9/11." - SourceWashBlog

The Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: How US Pressure Bends UN Agencies into Compliance - (Into lying)
A quote...."Lost in the celebration over the Nobel Peace Prize to the UN agency eliminating the Syrian government’s chemical weapons is the question of who was really behind the Aug. 21 poison-gas attack near Damascus. Relevant to that mystery is the recent U.S. pressure to control key UN agencies including the prize recipient, reports Robert Parry." - Source:  GlobalRsrch

Bombs planted in confessional box of Syrian church
Hagee's Hordes are probably highly disappointed the bombs were found.  It will set back the Trinity of Evil's attempts to inflame sectarian tensions in Syria, as they did so successfully in Iraq and Libya, and thus it will further delay the implementation of Israel's blessed PNAC Protocols. - mpg

Syria conflict: Christians 'fleeing homes'
Ahhhh, this is more like it!  This will make Hagee's Hordes  quite happy. - mpg -- A quote...."A senior Church leader in Syria has said almost a third of the country's Christians have fled their homes. -- Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III Laham told the BBC that more than 450,000 Christians out of a total population of 1.75 million had been displaced or left the country."

SYRIA: Obama-backed jihadist rebels doing what they do best – beheading (Graphic Images)
A quote...."This jihadist group is al-Qaeda linked and we know this because their beheading method is trademark al-Qaeda – slow with a dull knife, after which they hold up the head and parade it around, only with this one they also parade around the headless body."

Saudis struggling to supply Syrian rebels: ‘We are not in the arms dealing business’
With hundreds of billions of Bernanke's script at their command, this website editor finds that difficult to believe. - mpg -- A quote...."LONDON — Saudi Arabia has been struggling in supplying weapons to the Sunni revolt in Syria, a report said. -- The International Crisis Group reported that Saudi Arabia, deemed the leading ally of the Sunni rebels, was finding it difficult to maintain the flow of effective weapons in the war against Syrian President Bashar Assad."

Training of Syrian insurgents steps up in Saudi Arabia
A quote...."Free Syrian Army (FSA) units are receiving intensive training from US Marine Corps personnel in Saudi Arabia, a senior FSA source has told IHS Jane's. - The source said the United States and Saudi Arabia have agreed to train around 1,500 insurgents. The programme began a few months ago and most of the personnel will be trained by the end of 2013."

Experts Warn of Al Qaeda Biological Weapons Threat
Red False Flag Warning - (First it was gas attacks, now the Trinity of Evil is getting set to use bio-warfare attacks - mpg) -- A quote...."As international attention in Syria focuses on efforts to dismantle the Assad regime's chemical weapons stockpile, British experts are warning of another, potentially more lethal threat."

Pentagon to sell bunker busters, cruise missiles to Gulf monarchies in $11bn deal
A quote...."The Pentagon plans to sell $10.8 billion worth of advanced weaponry to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The hardware includes bunker buster bombs and cruise missiles." - Source:  RT

Saudi Arabia and U.A.E. Preparing for War with Iran? Major Purchases of “Bunker Buster” Bombs and Missiles from Pentagon -- Related Article - A quote...."The Pentagon plans to sell $10.8 Billion worth of military weapons to its closest allies in the Middle East besides Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).  Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported that the Pentagon will sell Saudi Arabia and the UAE, two of the worst dictatorships in the world missiles, munitions and “Bunker-Busting” bombs worth up to $10.8 Billion."

Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons could be destroyed by June 2014
Once they are, Israel will have a free hand to attack Syria at will, using the foreign Wahhabist terrorists and/or their own conventional force capabilities.  This whole "compromise" is most probably just the pause that refreshes, the lull before the storm.  Israel and the Eruo-Kazarian community in this country will just bribe more members of congress, threaten and blackmail the others, stage more false-flags and begin a relentless campaign of propaganda in anticipation of their next attack.  It is their way.  They haven't changed their methods of operation since Zionism began as a movement more than 150 years ago.  They are quite predictable. - mpg
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Cook : The Serpent and the Red Line
Quote of the Day....."A year ago this Arrogance stood before the nations of the world gathered in their citadel of deliberation in New York City and, with the care of an innocent child presenting a school project before his classmates, lifted a kindergarten poster of a bomb, a bomb drawn in the shape of a bowling ball topped with a circular hole out of which protruded a fuse, and proceeded to instruct the world on how to determine evil and how to eradicate it—and he drew a Red Line across the neck of that bowling ball and dared the world to deny him the right to destroy one of their member states should that line be crossed. That I put to you is arrogance, treachery, hubris and power, a power inherent in a tiny nation that uses its most trusted friend to serve as its power of ultimate destruction. And he knew his friends in the United States Congress and their lackey President would obey because he knew “a demand placed before a deceitful nature offers promise of conquest and reward.”

Tide of peace leaving Israel behind: Michael Jones - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."In a blow against the Zionists’ plan to choke portions of the Iranian economy completely unrelated to Iran’s nuclear energy program through their control of the U.S. Congress and a shot against Zionists’ hegemonic desire for U.S. war on Iran, the Court of Justice of the European Union has overturned some of the European sanctions against Iran." - bold by website editor

BFP Exposé: CIA-Obama-George Soros Coordinated Misinformation Campaign Targets Russia
Hasbara Alert - (Say it ain't so Amy Goodman....mpg) -- A quote...."Serious questions have arisen about how Democracy Now!, begun and developed with the resources of Pacifica Radio and grants from the Carnegie Corporation, the Ford Foundation, the J.M. Kaplan Fund and others, suddenly became independent and the effective property of Amy Goodman without recompense to Pacifica. This transfer apparently included valuable assets such as trademarks, ownership of years of archived programs, affiliate station access, and more. In a contract that remains secret, Amy Goodman is also receiving $1 million per year for a five-year period that began in 2002, according to Pacifica Treasurer Jabari Zakiya, to continue doing what has become Pacifica’s flagship morning news program. This is more than double Goodman’s officially stated stipend of $440,000 per year from Pacifica Radio. Democracy Now! receives indirect funding from George Soros, and direct funding from the Ford Foundation, the Glaser Foundation, Soros’ Open Society Institute…"

Treason Defined

"Is that Oliver Stone or Oliver Stein?"
A quote...."Just watched Chapter 10 of the Oliver Stone series, "Untold History of the United States." -- Stone Stein gets his lies on in this portion, "Bush & Obama: Age of Terror." -- I stopped watching it at the part where Stein told repeated lies about how Bin Laden was behind 9/11, when anyone who still has two brain cells left knows that 9/11 was a FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB pulled off by the WH and elements of the FBI, the CIA and NSA, the Pentagon and Israel, orchestrated and funded by those 'Too Big to Fail' Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve, to help satisfy the demented dreams of an 'Eretz Israel' and to protect the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. -- If you know who owns and runs those banks and the Feds, that would be worth mentioning in any serious investigation of 9/11, but Stein doesn't dare mention Israel or Jews. And the cable network that debuted the series, "'Showtime,' is a subsidiary of CBS, which is run by Murray Rothstein, who uses the name Summer Redstone."
There is something disturbingly, one might even say criminally self-referential, self-reinforcing and self-censoring about the Euro-Kazarian community's consistent behavior in refusing to ever examine how money and power are actually distributed in this country.

They walk and talk utterly in lock-step, constantly looking over their shoulders at each other, constantly checking with each other, strenuously avoiding any and ALL questions, or discussions, regarding the Fed's control of this nation's economy, their control over the Fed (that at least is understandable), or the fact the Fed is a private, for profit, fiat producing, foreign owned, banking cartel (for over a hundred years) 

Nor will they discuss their control over the six corporate media conglomerates that produce ninety percent of this nation's commercial infotainment garbage, their ownership of Hollywood's movie industry which produces the same (sixty years), Israel's control of Congress, the endless blackmail of its members, its constant spying and its theft of this nation's resources. (for almost seventy years).

Nor will they willingly talk about their community's obvious concordant with the Saudi Parasitic Family, which they established in 1973, their participation in the Trinity of Evil's machinations, their authorship and implementation of the PNAC Protocols, their plans for 'eretz' (greater) Israel (thirty to forty years), their endless constant false-flags (forever), and finally their members direct involvement, here and in Israel, in planning and facilitating 9/11, along with its spectacularly unsuccessful attempted cover-up (from inception till today, twenty to thirty years).

It should be noted that the term "treason" has been bandied about recently, especially on a lot of 'conservative' websites.  But perhaps it should be made clear to members of the Euro-Kazarian community, and some of these so-called 'conservatives', that "levying War against them, (the United States) or in adhering to their (the United States) Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." is the only definition that actually qualifies. - (Article three, section three of the United States Constitution)

When every single member of any tiny community residing in any nation, remains TOTALLY silent about life or death issues such as these that affect every citizen of that nation, and they do so on behalf of a foreign power, one for whom they are automatically considered to be citizens of, whose plans they willingly implement, who they constantly campaign for, who they give vast financial resource to directly or indirectly to support its plans, while ruthlessly punishing, if possible, all those who are not members of that community when they attempt to discuss or investigate these must be made clear it is NOT a matter of their community's 'sensibilities', 'feelings' or their desire for positive propaganda that causes this unwarranted retaliation and silence. 

Nor is it a matter of shaping, framing, spinning or simply not wishing to discuss 'unpleasant subjects' or issues which might reflect negatively on their community's activities.

It is in fact a matter of self-interested aggrandizement for power and control on behalf of another foreign power, in other words....treason.  For them and all who are paid to support their cause.  - mpg
Israel’s war campaign against Iran failed - Until the next false-flag that is. - mpg
A quote...."The latest talks between Iran and the six world major powers have stopped Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's campaign for war against Iran, a political analyst says. - The developments in the Geneva conference are extremely promising and appear to pull the rug out from under Netanyahu's campaign to bring about a war against Iran,” Editor of Veterans Today James Fetzer told Press TV on Thursday." - Source:  PressTV

Israel takes apartheid a step further

A people and a criminal consortium that makes the former apartheid government of South Africa look KIND by comparison.  That's quite an achievement. - mpg -- A quote...."Young Israeli women volunteering at hospitals in Israel as part of their national service… will no longer be allowed to do night shifts in order to avoid any contact with Arabs,” it said...."

Zionist Seizure of Palestinian Land Increases by 70% in 2013
A quote...."The first half of 2013 marked a 70 percent increase in construction projects started in Israeli settlements compared to the same period last year, according to a report by “let wing” Zionists “Peace Now.”"

Leo Frank and the Birth of the ADL Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
A quote...."Leo Frank (JEW) was a bisexual pedophile, president of B’nai B’rith Atlanta (think of the name ADL of B’nai B’rith when you think of Leo Frank) and a drug addict, who managed a pencil factory in Atlanta in 1913. One day he demanded sex from a 13-year-old employee named Mary Phagan, and then brutally raped and murdered her. -- Frank, and an illiterate black handyman, dragged the body to the basement where they were going to burn it in the factory furnace the next day. That night a watchman finds the body – calls the police – Frank is arrested – and found guilty and sentenced to hang. The governor commutes the sentence and Marietta’s finest families broke into jail and lynched him."

Terry Gross aired Blumenthal when he went after Republicans, but Israel — no thank you
A quote...."We put together some shocking footage of pogroms against African communities in Tel Aviv, and interviews with human rights activists. I thought it was a well-done documentary about a situation very few Americans were familiar with. We included analysis. We tailored it to their style, and of course it was rejected without an explanation after being solicited. I sent it to some other major websites and they have not even responded t me, when they had often solicited articles from me in the past."

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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

eBay Founder Commits $250m to New Media Venture w/ Glenn Greenwald - Hip Hip Hooray!! - Pstd @ ICH
A quote...."October 17, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Guardian"- Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, has revealed more details of the media organization he is creating with journalist Glenn Greenwald. -- Greenwald announced on Tuesday that he was leaving the Guardian, where he has broken a series of stories on the National Security Agency, based on documents from whistleblower Edward Snowden. -- In an interview with Jay Rosen, media critic and NYU professor of journalism, Omidyar said he was committing an initial $250m to the as-yet-unnamed venture. Omidyar told Rosen the decision was fuelled by his “rising concern about press freedoms in the United States and around the world”."

NSA Head To Quit After Lying, Failing to Explain Spy Overreach - Hip Hip Hooray!!
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 2min26sec - Oct 18, 2013) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."The head of America's National Security Agency - credited with a major expansion of the organization's covert surveillance operations - is due to quit, early next year. Army general Keith Alexander, who is the NSA's longest-serving chief, has come under intense pressure since whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed the vast scale of government snooping."

NSA's Unpunished Perjury
Related BtSVideo - Alt - (BtSYuTb - 8min27sec - Oct 18, 2013) - Source:  BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related:  BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday - The "NSA's unpunished perjury"??  --  For the last twenty years EVERY Washington "official" who ever testified under oath defending their current administration's policies committed perjury!! - mpg -- A quote...."Abby Martin calls attention to the CIA's reliance on NSA data mining for its drone strikes, and speaks to David Seaman, host of the David Seaman hour about NSA accountability, Keith Alexander's departure from the agency and Glenn Greenwald's latest journalistic venture."

How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance
Video - (YuTb - 5min24sec - Oct 16, 2013) - Source:  fightforthefutu -- A quote...."The U.S. Government has turned the Internet into something it was never intended to be: a system for spying on us in our most private moments. Out of control government surveillance is a dangerous form of censorship. Don't be intimidated. Share this video."

UK Prime Minister Urges Investigation Of The Guardian Over Snowden Leaks; There Shall Be No Free Press
A quote...."While freedom of the press is fairly deeply engrained in the US, that's not so true elsewhere -- and that became abundantly clear with the absurd theatrics of UK officials forcing the Guardian to destroy a computer in the basement for no reason at all. And now UK Prime Minister David Cameron is ratcheting things up, urging Parliament to investigate The Guardian to see if it broke any laws...."

NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales in China
A quote...."The first shot was fired on Monday. Teradata, which sells analytics tools for Big Data, warned that quarterly revenues plunged 21% in Asia and 19% in the Middle East and Africa. Wednesday evening, it was IBM’s turn to confess that its hardware sales in China had simply collapsed. Every word was colored by Edward Snowden’s revelations about the NSA’s hand-in-glove collaboration with American tech companies, from startups to mastodons like IBM." - Source:  InvestmentWatch

New EU rules to curb transfer of data to US after Edward Snowden revelations
- Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."New European rules aimed at curbing questionable transfers of data from EU countries to the US are being finalised in Brussels in the first concrete reaction to the Edward Snowden disclosures on US and British mass surveillance of digital communications."
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...

Hitman: Kill the Death Economy! | Interview with John Perkins
Must View BtSVideo - (BtSYuTb - 10min32sec - Oct 18, 2013) - Source:  BreakingTheSet - Related: BTSFcBk - Related:  BTSTwttr - Related:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Abby Martin speaks with John Perkins, best-selling author of 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' & 'Hoodwinked', about the corporate takeover of world governments and the need to eradicate the death economy." - Topix ||  Economic Hit Men - Def. ||  Jackals - Def.  ||  Hyenas - Def.  ||  Golems - Def.  ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||  Some Definitions  ||

Bankrupt at Home and Abroad, Syria Shows Washington is a Spent Geopolitical Player
A quote...."Like the proverbial best-laid plans that come unstuck, the US and its Western and regional allies, flooded Syria with terrorism while lining up a government-in-waiting in the form of careerist exiles and political opportunists. The political puppets were to have moved in when the government in Damascus had been cleaved from the general population through the terrorism of the death squads. But it didn’t work out like that."

Empire Under Obama: Barack Obama's Global Terror Campaign
A quote...."When Obama became President in 2009, he faced a monumental challenge for the extension of American and Western imperial interests. The effects of eight years under the overt ruthless and reckless behaviour of the Bush administration had taken a toll on the world. With two massive ground wars and occupations under way in Iraq and Afghanistan, Western military forces were stretched thin, while the world's populations had grown increasingly wary and critical of the use of military force, both at home and abroad. Just as Brzezinski had articulated: "while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low." - also posted at RINF

The Crying of Flight 655:  The Washington Post and the Whitewashing of a War Crime
A quote...."By August 1987, the U.S. Navy was conducting direct military attacks on Iranian aircraft and sea vessels. In early August, the Financial Times reported that "a carrier-borne F-14 Tomcat fighter unleashed two missiles at an Iranian jet spotted on its radar which had flown too close for comfort to an unarmed US surveillance aircraft." On September 23 of that year, the Washington Post reported, "U.S. Navy commandos yesterday boarded and captured the Iranian navy ship that was attacked by American helicopters Monday in the Persian Gulf," killing three Iranian sailors. An additional 26 Iranian crew members were detained. The same day, "the U.S. frigate involved in the attack fired warning shots at an Iranian hovercraft as it sped toward U.S. warships gathered near the disabled Iranian vessel, officials said." -- A few weeks later, in early October, three Iranian ships were sunk by the U.S. Navy; later that month the Americans attacked two Iranian oil platforms. In April 1988, not only did a U.S. warship fire missiles at Iranian jets over the Persian Gulf, but two more oil platforms were destroyed and at least six Iranian ships were either crippled or sunk by American naval forces." - also posted at AlethoNews

US Starts Transfer of its Airbase in Kyrgyzstan
A quote...."MOSCOW, October 19 (RIA Novosti) – The United States has started the withdrawal from an airbase in Kyrgyzstan that serves as the main transit hub for NATO forces in Afghanistan, the Pentagon said in a statement on Friday. -- In 2011, Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev announced plans to shut the base down by 2014, when the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is to be pulled out of Afghanistan."

The Cristero War - Part II - (Part I )
From the History File - A quote...."This is part 2 of our essay on the Cristero War, which began in Mexico in the 1920s. My interest in the 'Cristero War' began after hearing about the film 'For Greater Glory' which was released in July 2012. I intended to write about the Cristero war in the summer of 2012, as I told Dr. Kevin Barrett during our discussion of freemason George H.W. Bush, but never got around to writing the article because I wanted time to do the topic justice. I finally got around to publishing my first installment last month, which outlines the admittedly freemasonic attack and attempted extermination of the Catholic Church and its people: When the U.S. government supplied ammo & military planes to kill thousands of Catholics (9/18/13). An outstanding homily by a Catholic priest at (which incidentally is my favorite website) on the Cristero War includes many references and is in large part the inspiration for part two of this installment. [See The Cristeros: Will We See Another Catholic Persecution? for the free 30 minute MP3 download.]"
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Be Afraid: New Homeland Security Chief OK’d Drone Strikes on Americans
A quote...."If the ubiquitous voice of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in the metro (or Walmart, etc) demanding that you say something if you see something wasn’t frightening enough, if TSA’s cancer rays and gropings were not outrageous enough, if Homeland Security military vehicles on US soil were not disgusting enough, Obama has a real treat in store for you."

New York is Drowning in Bribes and Corruption
A quote...."The insidious greed and public looting that Wall Street has nurtured to an art form in New York City is metastasizing like a virulent tumor strain throughout the state, fraying the social fabric and crushing people caught in its grip like bugs."

Sandy Hook school to be melted down, erasing any trace of killing spree scene
A quote..."(NY POST)   When the old Sandy Hook Elementary School is demolished, building materials will be pulverized on site and metal will be taken away and melted down in an effort to eliminate nearly every trace of the building where a gunman killed 26 people last December. -- Contractors also will be required to sign confidentiality agreements and workers will guard the property’s perimeter to prevent onlookers from taking photographs or videos."

ATF threatens French-style firing squad for agents who leak secrets
A quote...."After months of anguished debate over mass shootings, gun control and Second Amendment rights, the Justice Department finds itself on the defensive after a training manual surfaced that suggests federal agents could face a firing squad for leaking government secrets."

Deadly drug cartel shootout with Mexico police linked to "grenade-walking" scandal
Related Article - A quote...."(CBS News) CBS News has learned of a shocking link between a deadly drug cartel shootout with Mexican police last week and a controversial case in the U.S. The link is one of the grenades used in the violent fight, which killed three policemen and four cartel members and was captured on video by residents in the area. -- According to a Justice Department "Significant Incident Report" filed Tuesday and obtained by CBS News, evidence connects one of the grenades to Jean Baptiste Kingery, an alleged firearms trafficker U.S. officials allowed to operate for years without arresting despite significant evidence that he was moving massive amounts of grenade parts and ammunition to Mexico's ruthless drug cartels."

Ohio woman charged in theft of $2.87 from fountain
A quote...."A western Ohio woman charged with petty theft for allegedly stealing $2.87 from a courthouse fountain says she is jobless and took the change to buy food." - bold by website editor

Air India Dreamliner left with gaping hole mid-flight after eight-foot panel falls off fuselage
A quote...."A large panel fell off a plane mid-flight leaving a gaping hole in the aircraft while 148 passengers were on board. -- An investigation has been launched after the panel came away from the fuselage on the Air India 787 Dreamliner on Saturday. -- It is the latest in a series of mishaps since the high-tech jet was introduced two years ago."

Hang The Bankers to launch news channel and podcast
Event Announcement - (The links will be posted on the right hand side of the "Front Page" as soon as they're implemented) -- A quote..."This fast growing viewer funded media platform is looking to expand into a video and audio format, whilst still maintaining it’s powerful presence through the current news article form. - Do donate to our $2000 goal for this project on Indiegogo please click here."

A Compendium of Wikipedia Criticism
A quote...."We exist to shine the light of scrutiny into the dark crevices of Wikipedia and its related projects; to examine the corruption there, along with its structural flaws; and to inoculate the unsuspecting public against the torrent of misinformation, defamation, and general nonsense that issues forth from one of the world’s most frequently visited websites, the “encyclopedia that anyone can edit." - Website:  Wikipediocracy - one commentator stated.....
"I went through this with Wikipedia myself. There used to be articles about "Michael Rivero" and "" but they were edited to claim I was an anti-Semite, etc. There were outright false claims made about me, such as that I thought NASA was hiding evidence of an advanced civilization on Mars, so I corrected the most egregious errors, but they were back 24 hours later. I again tried to remove the errors only to find the article was locked from being edited on the claim that Michael Rivero was not a recognized authority on the subject of "Michael Rivero." When I went public with this absurdity, all article about me or mentioning me were deleted. There are some good articles in Wikipedia to be sure, but always keep in mind that the controllers of the site follow certain political agendas regarding Israel, global warming, etc." -- *Michael Rivero*
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More on Obama(no)Care - And The Collapse of the US's Health Care System.....

Bureaucrats create nearly 12 million words of regulations to enforce Obamacare
A quote...."(NaturalNews) If you thought the size of the original Obamacare legislation was excessive at nearly 2,700 pages, you ain't seen nothing yet. When all of the law's new regulations and rules are written and finalized, it will take a national forest's worth of trees to make all the paper on which to print them."

10 Ways the Obamacare Train Wreck is Screwing the American People
A quote...."(PaulWatson) – Obamacare is a big government boondoggle that will empower the nanny state to extort, intimidate, harass and surveil Americans like never before. Here are ten ways in which the Obamacare train wreck is screwing the American people. " - Source:  Infowars

Grand Theft Health Insurance
Special Note - A quote...."Here I sit, in West Virginia, staring down at January 1, 2014. -- That’s when my health insurance policy expires and I have a decision to make — renew or not renew? -- Right now, I’m paying about $7,000 a year in premiums for a monster deductible and yearly out of pocket of about $15,000 for myself and my family. -- My health insurance company informed me yesterday that my premium will doubled to $14,000 on January 1. -- I’ve been trying to get onto the Obamacare web site now for ten days to search for an alternative.  No luck. I made it through four pages yesterday — then got a message saying I’d have to wait because there was too much traffic. When I clicked the continue button, it wiped out the information I had typed into the first three pages. -- But even if I do get onto the exchanges, it’s probably not going to matter." - also posted at AlethoNews

Live by Obamacare, Die by Obamacare
A quote...."You’ve made your bed, now lie in it.  The Daily Kos a Mecca for far-left rhetoric has been trumpeting the greatness of Obamacare since Day One. One of Daily Kos’ pablum pukers by the name of “Tirge Cap” basically had a nervous breakdown over him and his’s wife’s skyrocketing insurance rates under Obamacare.  Below is Tirge Cap’s temper tantrum of a rant:"

Evolutionary Moonwalkers on the Wheel of Obscenity
A quote...."America cannot survive Obamacare but... that is only one of the ravenous beasts tearing at its hindquarters. The great carcass of what might have been lies rotting in the sun, surrounded by hyenas, vultures and other carrion feeders. This is what I see. What most other people see are lawyers and various official personages shuttling around a large desk stacked with reams of paper; grinning, cackling among themselves, rubbing their cold little hands together and thinking about what percentage of the profit from every page they sign will come to them. Unfortunately for them, as they were blowing their way up the ranks, it never occurred to them to keep in mind the particular emphysema that attends that route."
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Gerald Celente Warns of  Financial Collapse Coming Next Year
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 48min17sec - Oct 18, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Related:  GrldCelYuTb - Related:  TrendsJournal -- A quote...."Alex welcomes via Skype financial analyst Gerald Celente to the program to discuss the recent hike of the debt ceiling and the economic dangers of Obamacare."
Gerald Celente is a brave man.  This website editor does not predict "collapses" because when the parasites get into trouble they do three things very successfully, which can delay the "inevitable" a lot longer than most people think possible, or a lot longer than most people can remain solvent, if they're betting against the parasites and their activities......
Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  Oct 17th, 2013 - RBN Donation Drive - To Donate - Click Here
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  Oct 17th, 2013) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  Oct 18th, 2013 - RBN Donation Drive - To Donate - Click Here
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  Oct 18th, 2013) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

DoomCast 12
DCVideo - AltAudSprk - (not posted yet) - (DCYuTb - 56min44sec -  Oct 17, 2013) - Source: CMcGrath@YuTb - Alt/Source:  DougOwen@Sprkr  - Related:  WideAwakeNews - Related:  DoomCast@Twtr - Related:  Blacklisted News - Related:  BLNPodCasts - A quote...."n this 12th episode of the DoomCast, Charlie and I discuss the debt crisis in the U.S. and the faux solutions that political leaders are claiming are victories for the people. We look at Switzerland's proposal to pay all of it's citizens, and we debate what giving money directly to the people would actually accomplish compared to what the U.S. did by giving it to the Banksters that created the crisis."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Revolt of the Rich - posted at ICH
Special Note - Some Quotes...."October 18, 2013 "Information Clearing House - It is no coincidence that as the Supreme Court has been removing the last constraints on the legalized corruption of politicians, the American standard of living has been falling at the fastest rate in decades. According to the Federal Reserve Board’s report of June 2012, the median net worth of families plummeted almost 40 percent between 2007 and 2010. This is not only a decline when measured against our own past economic performance; it also represents a decline relative to other countries, a far cry from the post-World War II era, when the United States had by any measure the highest living standard in the world." -- "The objective of the predatory super-rich and their political handmaidens is to discredit and destroy the traditional nation state and auction its resources to themselves. Those super-rich, in turn, aim to create a “tollbooth” economy, whereby more and more of our highways, bridges, libraries, parks, and beaches are possessed by private oligarchs who will extract a toll from the rest of us. Was this the vision of the Founders? Was this why they believed governments were instituted among men—that the very sinews of the state should be possessed by the wealthy in the same manner that kingdoms of the Old World were the personal property of the monarch?"

Obama, Democrats offer deeper social cuts in new budget talks
Related Article - That was the whole point of the "budget impasse", to provide the Replicrats/Demorepubs with political cover to slash Social Security and Medicare.  You don't ACTUALLY THINK  it was about Obama(no)Care do you??  This is the biggest Insurance/HMO/Pharmaceutical pork barrel project in world history!!  Interest groups that give lavishly to both factions of the Replicrat/Demorepub party!  There are only two other groups more powerful than the "profit from sickness & death industry". That would be the First Place Bankster / AIPAC/Israeli Consortium combo, and the Second Place Espionage/Insecurity/Terrorism Complex!!  Congress was NEVER, EVER, going to cut Obama(no)Care!!  Between now and the next "debt ceiling" debate in February, expect to hear non-stop continuous attacks against "entitlements" and the lazy, shiftless, dregs, that subsist on the lowest rungs of this society's socioeconomic lader.... "employees"  - mpg

Keiser Report: Walmart & Wall Street's Sugar Daddy (E511)
MaxRTVideo - Alt - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min46sec - Oct 17, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - Related:  StacyOnTwitter -- A quote.... "In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss the EBT 'free lunch' card chaos at Walmart when an 'unlimited' benefits glitch causes card holders to pile shopping carts high with 'free' goods, while on Wall-Street, the 'free lunch' card of Quantitative Easing has caused a similar misallocation of capital into property and toxic debt instruments. Finally, they discuss the world about to shut off America's 'free lunch' card, otherwise known as the Exorbitant Privilege' of having the world's reserve currency. In the second half, Max interviews Alasdair Macleod of about the $640 million sell order of gold. They also discuss Alasdair's new theory on money supply (FMQ) and his differences with Professor Fekete, a recent guest on the Keiser Report, regarding whether or not there is deflation."

US Debt Deal Sees Gold, Silver Surge, Still Leaves Foreign Creditors “Reviewing Dollar Holdings”
The privately owned, for profit, central bank, whose script this is, has almost two trillion dollars worth of of bonds from the world's biggest declining debtor empire, PLUS, over two trillion dollars worth of MBS and other toxic financial sludge on its books. The currency, i.e. the script of this private bank, is supposed to be backed by the labor of a war weary population who appears to FINALLY be getting tired of being Bankster slaves of Israel's North American Colonial Central Bank and may not only repudiate this script which is NOT theirs, but even the odious debt (US Bonds) which were taken out in their name!!  Hence affecting the value of this....script. - mpg
9 Signs That China Is Making A Move [To Protect Itself] Against The U.S. Dollar [FED's Overprinted Script]
A quote...."On the global financial stage, China is playing chess while the U.S. is playing checkers, and the Chinese are now accelerating their long-term plan to dethrone the U.S. dollar. You see, the truth is that China does not plan to allow the U.S. financial system to dominate the world indefinitely. Right now, China is the number one exporter on the globe and China will have the largest economy on the planet at some point in the coming years. The Chinese would like to see global currency usage reflect this shift in global economic power."

As U.S. averts default, Japan and China brace for next dollar drama
A quote...."HONG KONG/TOKYO (Reuters) - Deal or no deal, the U.S. Congress' dance with default impressed policymakers and investors in China and Japan with just how vulnerable their own economic revival plans are to the next political tantrum on Capitol Hill."

Kicking the can: Budget deal will not solve Washington’s problems
A quote...."Nothing has been averted. Instead, there’s going to be some sort of meeting between the Democrats and the Republicans, who are two sides of the same coin. And there are three subjects, which they’ll refuse to discuss. The first is the out of control military budget, which ought to be cut to one tenth of what it is at the moment to bring it in line with comparable nations. The second thing is that the system works by exporting jobs. They’ve exported the jobs to about 56,000 enterprises over the last 11 years. That’s five million jobs – and each job creates another three. That’s roughly 15 million jobs which aren’t coming back. And the third thing, which they aren’t going to discuss at this ‘wonderful’ meeting between the Democrats and the Republicans – they will not discuss the core of the issue, which is a corrupt banking system, whose center is the Federal Reserve. Instead, what they’ll do is they’ll blame everything on the poor. So, you see, nothing has been put off. Nothing has been solved. Nothing has been addressed. The situation goes on and ultimately it’s going to result in the final collapse of the dollar. But that may be a year or two off at the moment." - Source:  RT

Total US Debt Soars Over $17 Trillion
A quote...."Two days ago, when we described the immediate next steps now that the House had passed the latest debt target ceiling extension, we explained what would happen immediately after as follows: "next up, as the emergency Treasury measures are netted out against the new debt limit, it means that once the new Daily Treasury Statement hits, the total US Federal debt will be just at, or over $17 trillion. Rejoice." Moments ago the first post-reopening DTS just hit, and it turns out our estimate was low. Because as of yesterday, the official US debt is now 17,075,590,107,963.57 an increase of $327 billion "overnight."" - bold by website editor

U.S. National Debt Hits $17 Trillion: How Did We Get Here?

Special Note - (It doesn't matter if a RepubliCrat or DemoRepub is in office, the deficit) - A quote...."Two days ago, when we described the immediate next steps now that the House had passed the latest debt target ceiling extension, we explained what would happen immediately after as follows: "next up, as the emergency Treasury measures are netted out against the new debt limit, it means that once the new Daily Treasury Statement hits, the total US Federal debt will be just at, or over $17 trillion. Rejoice." Moments ago the first post-reopening DTS just hit, and it turns out our estimate was low. Because as of yesterday, the official US debt is now 17,075,590,107,963.57 an increase of $327 billion "overnight.""

China Calls for De-Americanizing
Special Note - A quote...."It’s an idea whose time has come. On October 13, China’s official press agency Xinhua headlined “Commentary: US fiscal failure warrants a de-Americanized world.” More on this below. -- Thomas Jefferson once warned...."
“If the American people allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied.” -- "The issuing power of money should be taken from the banks and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs.”
"Money power in private hands doesn’t work. It bears full responsibility for today’s crisis. - Wall Street and other monied interests wreak havoc worldwide. They profit at the expense of ordinary people. They do it ruthlessly. They do it destructively. It’s high time that changed."

All Wars Are Bankers Wars!
Contains Video - Alt - (Posted as a reminder) - (YuTb - 43min34sec - Feb 4, 2013) - Source:  e33State -- A quote...."I know many people have a great deal of difficulty comprehending just how many wars are started for no other purpose than to force private central banks onto nations, so let me share a few examples, so that you understand why the US Government is mired in so many wars against so many foreign nations. There is ample precedent for this."

3 Academic Studies Show that Quantitative Easing Doesn’t Help the Economy
It was never designed to. QE was designed to only help the 1%.  Do not listen to what the Banksters say, watch what they do.  Specifically, just follow the money, who prints it, where it goes and most importantly, who gets to keep it. - mpg

Goldman Revenue Misses Expectations, Stock Falls, Avg Compensation Slides From $432K To “Only” $380K
The Squid misses!  Impossible!  Quick, somebody call Bernanke! - mpg -- A quote...."For the third quarter, adjusted earnings per share came in at $2.88 beating Wall Street analyst estimates. -- Revenue came in at $6.72 billion, missing consensus estimates."

[US] 2014 GDP Forecast Cuts Begin As Bank of America Trims Q1 Growth From 3.3% To 2.8%
A quote...."While the downward Q4 GDP revisions were inevitable courtesy of the government shutdown scapegoat (making a joke out of the sellside exuberance in late 2012 which had seen 3% growth some time around now,) starting first at Goldman, and shortly after at JPM both of which cut their Q4 GDP forecasts by 0.5% to 2.0%, we had yet to see the persistent bullish bias spill over into 2014. That just changed following an overnight cut by Bank of America of Q1 2014 growth estimates from 3.3% to 2.8%. Certainly, this is the first of many as once again optimism proves unjustified. But who can blame it: after all there will have been "only" 5 years of QE, and the Fed's balance sheet will be only $4 trillion at December 31, 2013, implying a S&P of 1800."

British Gas raises energy prices by 9.2%
UK Inflation Alert - A quote...."British Gas will raise energy prices by an average of 9.2% next month, piling further financial pressure on 7.8 million households and reigniting the political row over soaring gas and electricity prices. -- Parent company Centrica became the second of the big six energy firms to announce a price rise after SSE raised prices last week. The average annual dual-fuel bill with British Gas will increase by £107 to £1,297."
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More On The International Situation....

Sources: Syrian Army Close to Secure Last Region of Eastern Ghouta
A quote...."Speaking to FNA in Damascus, an informed military source said that the army has besieged Ghouta region from two sides, one in South after attacking and destroying armed rebels’ concentration centers in Sheba’a Farms and from North after controlling Adra region in Northern Reef Damascus."

Turkey says it fires on Islamist militant positions in Syria
This would have been WITHOUT Erdogan's approval.  Perhaps the Turkish military is finally getting tired of this Saudi Parasitic Family sponsored crap? - mpg -- A quote...."(Reuters) - Turkey's army said on Wednesday it had fired on al Qaeda-linked militants in northern Syria after a stray mortar bomb hit Turkish territory, highlighting the growing threat from radical groups over its southern border."

Iraq carnage continues, 66 more die
al-CIA'da & Saudi Parasites Strike Again -- A quote...."A series of car bombings and other attacks in Iraq, mostly targeting Shia Muslims, have killed at least 66 people and injured scores more, according to security and hospital sources. - A total of 11 car bombs went off in eight Shia majority-areas in and around Baghdad on Thursday, killing at least 44 people and injuring over 120 others. - No group has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but police officials say the prime suspects are al-Qaeda-linked militants, who have carried out similar attacks in the past."

Afghan boy, six, and father shot during night raid by Australian special forces
A quote...."Australian special forces have been implicated in the deaths of a young boy and his father who were found shot dead after a night raid on a neighbouring house in southern Afghanistan last month."

Turkey revealed Israeli spy ring to Iran-report
A quote...."JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Turkey deliberately blew the cover of an Israeli spy ring working inside Iran in early 2012 and dealt a significant blow to Israeli intelligence gathering, according to a report in the Washington Post on Thursday." - Source:  Reuters
Website Editor's Caution - Erdogan is cooperating with Israel's long planned destruction of Syria.  Erdogan is also cooperating with the Saudi Parasitic Family's long planned destruction of Syria's government. In other words Erdogan is fully cooperating with the Trinity of Evil and their planned implementation of the PNAC Protocols. WaPo is also a Zionist controlled Corporation (ZOC). -- Why WaPo would post this story is anyone's guess. - mpg
Turkey dismisses report it exposed Mossad spy ring in Iran
Related Article - A quote...."Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Thursday dismissed allegations that Turkey last year deliberately exposed to the Iranian authorities a group of up to 10 Iranians working as Mossad “assets.” He claimed the allegation — made in a Washington Post article early Thursday and not denied by Israel — was part of an orchestrated campaign to discredit Turkey."

Appalling Human Rights Abuses in Bahrain
A quote...."Since February 2011, Bahrainis challenged state terror policies heroically. Brutal crackdowns followed. They continue. - They include mass arrests, imprisonments, torture, kangaroo court trials, and overall ruthlessness. - Bahrain’s ruling Al Khalifa monarchy is a close US ally. Washington provides material support. It’s one of the world’s most despotic regimes. Ruthlessness defines its policies."

Thousands march for Mursi across Egypt; policeman killed in Sinai
A quote...."CAIRO (Reuters) - Thousands of supporters of deposed Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi protested across Egypt on Friday, shouting slogans against army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who ousted him on July 3."

Iraq set to ink new deal on importing Iranian gas
A quote...."Iraq's deputy prime minister for energy says his country plans to finalize a new contract with Iran on the import of natural gas."

Russia begins weapon shipments to Iraq
A quote...."MOSCOW, October 17. (Itar-Tass) – Russia has begun shipping military hardware to Iraq, Ali al-Musawi, advisor of the Iraqi Prime Minister Russia Today on Thursday. -- The official noted that the contract “entails primarily weapon shipments to combat terrorism.” The advisor clarified that Russia will provide “helicopters which were proven to be effective during anti-terrorist operations. Special hardware to combat terrorists will also be supplied.”" - also posted at AlethoNews

Russia to Deploy Combat Helicopters at Armenian Base
A quote...."Let's take a look at a map here, in terms of both the location in which this chopper squadron is being established, and look at the timing here. - [click here for map] - It appears that Russia is forward basing this combat chopper unit in Armenia against the very real possibility that the US/and or Israel will attack Iran, if the next round of P5+1 negotiations go south. - The timing is interesting, because there will either be a tremendous breakthrough when the P5+1 meets with Iranian negotiators early next month...or not. IF the outcome is negative, look for the war-drums to start beating loudly for an attack against Iran, probably shortly after the talks end in early November. - That's the time when this chopper unit will be established by Russia in Armenia."

Kremlin Ready to Consider Citizenship for Syrian Christians
A quote...." The Kremlin is ready to consider a Russian citizenship request from about 50,000 Syrian Christians when it receives it, a presidential spokesman said Friday. -- “We have not received any requests so far. These documents will be considered in line with the established procedures once we receive it,” Dmitry Peskov said."

Emotional letter from Greenpeace protester tells of rotting in Russian cell
A quote...."It's very cold now. It snowed last night. The blizzard blew my very poorly insulated window open and I had to sleep wearing my hat. I'm nervous about spending winter here. I have a radiator in my cell but it's the Arctic breeze that makes the place very cold. I heard that from December Murmansk is dark for six weeks. God, I hope I'm out by then."

Brazil builds Russian defence ties with missile plan
A quote...."Brazil is pushing ahead with a planned $1 billion purchase of anti-aircraft missile batteries from Russia in a deal that will cement a strategic defence partnership between the two BRICS nations, the Brazilian Defence Ministry said on Wednesday. -- Brazilian officials said they expect to sign a contract by the middle of 2014 for short- to medium-range surface-to-air Pantsir S1 missile batteries and Igla-S shoulder-held missiles." - Source:  SwissInfo - One commentator stated....
This is probably linked to both recent revelations of NSA's spying on Brazilian leadership, which has rankled Brazilian President Rousseff no end, and the cold, hard reality that Russian weapons systems are no where near as fragile as those used by the US's DOD. Russian weapons are engineered to be simple, and elegant, in their function. -- I would seriously not bet real money that the Brazilian government will buy any US weaponry any time in the near future." -- *Michael Rivero*
China grows at 7.8%: Fastest of 2013, but further success questioned
A quote...."China's economic growth rebounded in Q3 to 7.8 percent from a two-decade low of 7.5 percent in Q2, helped by government stimulus measures. Analysts warn growth in the world’s second largest economy may not last, as global demand remains weak."

Canada Sends Paramilitaries to Clear Fracking Protest - posted at ICH
A quote...."October 18, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Progressive"-  Canadian authorities on Thursday sent armed paramilitaries wearing camouflage and carrying high-powered rifles to clear out a group of anti-fracking protesters who’ve blockaded a gas exploration site since Sept. 30, area media reported."

Rexton Oct 17/13 Melee, rubber bullets and pepper spray as Chief and Council are arrested
Contains Related Videos - A quote...."Five police cruisers torched, 40 protesters arrested at anti-fracking rally in Rexton, New Brunswick. -- The RCMP said at least one shot was fired by someone other than police. that Molotov cocktails have been thrown at police and at least five RCMP vehicles have been destroyed by fire. Police are also investigating suspected explosive devices at the scene...."

Harper Government Regime Of Canada Deploys Sniper Units On Peaceful Civilian Protesters
Contains Related Photos -- A quote...."Basically all hell is breaking loose; the main stream media is leaving out a LOT of information, and only mentioning that the natives threw Molotovs at police vehicles."
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Forced to live in a tent, Palestinian family celebrates Eid al-Adha
Photos - A quote...."In the Jordan Valley, it is virtually impossible for Palestinian families to get the permits to build a home: their buildings are demolished and they are forced to live in tents and tin structures with no electricity or water. Illegal Jewish settlements, however, are rarely demolished and are connected to the electricity and water grids. Activestills joins one family that has been living in a tent without basic services for 10 years as they celebrate the first night of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha."

IOF kidnap son of MP Abu Juhaisha, three brothers in Al-Khalil
A quote...."AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnapped on Wednesday afternoon the son of Palestinian lawmaker Mohamed Abu Juhaisha from Idna town, west of Al-Khalil city. -- MP Abu Juhaisha told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that his son Muaad was on his way to visit some of his relatives in Dura town along with his wife and children when Israeli troops stopped him at a checkpoint at entrance of the town, searched his car and rounded him up."

Israelis open fire at Bilin protest, dozens of Palestinians injured
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Dozens of Palestinians suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation and one was wounded after being shot by a tear gas canister as Israeli forces opened fire on demonstrators in the West Bank town of Bilin on Friday afternoon."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Roundup is endocrine-disrupting, cancer-causing toxin at parts per trillion levels; GM soybeans also linked to causing cancer - Health Warning - A quote...."(NaturalNews) The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) has accepted for publication a new study that links exposure to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, the active ingredient of which is glyphosate, to severe endocrine disruption and breast cancer. And the worst part is that the chemical was found to elicit these and other harmful effects at virtually imperceptible levels in the parts per trillion range, which is far below the levels that commonly occur in the environment and the food supply as a result of misguided corporate agriculture practices."

Pro-GMO Food Trade Group Sued for Campaign 'Dirty Work' - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."In the latest development in the ongoing fight to label GMOs in the state of Washington, State Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the Grocery Manufacturers Association for illegally collecting millions of dollars in their campaign against GMO labeling." - also posted at RINF

Grocery Manufacturers Association caught running money laundering slush fund for GMO food companies to conceal their identities in opposing I-522 -- Action Alert - A quote...."(NaturalNews) The Grocery Manufacturers Association has been caught running a $7.2 million "slush fund" to allow companies to dump huge dollars into fighting GMO labeling in Washington while deceptively concealing their identities. This activity is being conducted in blatant violation of the state's Public Disclosure Act, and it typifies the kind of slimy, mafia-style operations of the biotech industry, GMO-pushing food companies and food industry groups that poison Americans with toxic chemicals and disease-promoting ingredients." - Source:  NaturalNews -- "Help support the campaign to require GMO labeling"
The Mainstream Corporate Media and the US Government Shill for Toxic Monsanto
A quote..."BELÉN FERNÁNDEZ: Since 1995, nearly 300,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide after being driven into insurmountable debt courtesy of neoliberal economic policy in India, one component of which was the unleashing of Monsanto's Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton on the country's farmland. Although marketed as a sort of miracle crop certain to boost harvests and profits, Bt cotton has contributed to what respected physicist and author Vandana Shiva has termed a "suicide economy" - founded on an exponential increase in the price of cotton seeds and other unhelpful arrangements outlined by Shiva in 2009...." - also posted at RINF

Kaua'i city council slaps down Monsanto with unprecedented new restrictions on GMOs and toxic pesticides
Hip Hip Hooray!! -- A quote...."(NaturalNews) A milestone has just been achieved on the island in Kaua'i, where the city council passed measure 2491 which places unprecedented new restrictions on toxic agricultural chemicals frequently used in conjunction with GMOs." - Source: NaturalNews

Anthocyanin-rich foods you should be eating
Action Alert - A quote...."Anthocyanin is a plant compound that acts as an effective antioxidant within the human body. It is also a color pigment that gives many fruits and berries a blue, red or dark purple hue and is found in a wide assortment of healthy foods. Several foods that contain anthocyanins are listed below."

Chemotherapy actually increases cancer growth, cancer cells becoming resistant to treatment: Study
A quote...."(NaturalNews) The cancer treatment scam that is chemotherapy has once again been shown in the scientific literature to be a major cause of, rather than a cure for, cancer. According to a new study recently published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature, chemotherapy not only promotes the growth and spread of cancer cells by damaging the healthy tissue that surrounds tumors, but it also causes cancer cells to develop full-on resistance to the popular treatment, morphing them into "super" cancer cells."

Biologist finds pink salmon that are canary yellow on Canada’s Pacific coast
A quote...."Insides also yellow: Heart parts, gill arches, spines, cartilage in head — Spleens swollen, livers spotted, some with bugged-out eyes (PHOTOS)"
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Some Cultural & Technological Tid-Bits....

The thorium-powered car: Eight grams, one million miles
A quote...."According to Laser Power Systems CEO, Charles Stevens, just one gram of thorium produces more energy than 28,000 litres of petrol. Mr Stevens says just eight grams of thorium would be enough to power a vehicle for its entire life."

Thursday October 17th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday October 16th 2013

Freedom and STD's at The Wham, Bam, Thank you Mam, Emporium

Must Read - A quote..."....Sexual revolutionaries want to be free. They believe that they will somehow be transfigured in a kind of magical epiphany, if they just bang one more body. Politicians want to be free, to screw over the population for personal gain. Bankers want to be free to collect interest on money that they printed out of thin air. They don't make enough money that way though. They need wars, lots of wars, in order to generate the necessary profits but... those are not enough either. All the profit on this planet and every other planet that ever was, is not enough for a banker. -- You got to keep your eyes open these days. Things never have been what they seem and these days, they most definitely are not what they seem. Never before in history have so many twisted psychopaths, surrogates and sycophants held sway over such a large number of people. Never before have so many people been so collectively stupid and cooperative, with those whose intentions are to kill and enslave them. This is what they call Freedom, the right to torment, enslave and kill you with impunity. -- Being an American means having the freedom to be dumber than a turtle on a fence-post. It's being able to follow a religion, ever so slowly subverted by the very people who murdered the founder of it and who are the living antithesis of everything taught by it...."

Obamacare is the new Federal Reserve, doing the opposite of what it claims
Must Read - A quote...."We can't see what happened to us one hundred years ago, and we can't see what is happening to us now. A century ago, a string of calculated bank failures convinced us to give away the power to control our money, which immediately led to World War I,  and the sequence of perpetual wars and economic crashes that have followed ever since. -- Today, the passage of Obamacare has created a situation much worse, in which it has become absolutely illegal to think for yourself. Like one of those toxic psychiatric drugs, it is about to disfigure the American psyche permanently. -- You no longer can do the things you know are good for your health, but instead you must obey what they say is good for your health, even though you know it is not. To disregard or ignore these disastrous orders is now a criminal offense. -- Today, the world is scrambled in a jumble of deliberately false policies and bad outcomes with no avenue of appeal or correction."

All the Government’s Men: Agents of Terror on Payroll - BP's Donation Drive - Click Here
Must Read - A quote...."Since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, through quasi investigative reports, leaks, whistleblowers and numerous court documents, several key 9/11 operatives have been identified and confirmed as assets and or informants of the United States government. Further, all details of these operatives’ positions, functions and employment records have been sealed and protected as beyond top secret classified." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Toxic Lie On Syria Exposed
Must Read - A quote...."There is a growing host of evidence that soundly negates the Western claims [that 1,400 Syrians were killed], and indeed supports an altogether more credible and disturbing narrative. Namely, that a large-scale killing took place near Damascus on 21 August involving Saudi and Western military intelligence in collusion with the foreign-backed anti-government mercenaries. Civilians, including children, were murdered in cold blood, perhaps by lethal injection, in order to stage a provocation that was aimed as a pretext for a US-led military assault on Syria." - Topix ||  Murdered Women & Children as Props For the UN's Benefit - 10-03-13 - mpg  ||

Predicated fall of Assad on hold now US false flag gas attack exposed
A quote...."War and offensive actions have all become one big PR campaign for military planners, and Syria is no exception. The Department of Defense has turned its huge public affairs program into an offensive propaganda campaign, being run by the same contractors who spy on the world through the intelligence agencies, according to a DC Bureau-National Security News Service (NSNS) investigation. -- A growing portion of the Pentagon budget now goes to contractors who are merging their intelligence and eaves-dropping activities into propaganda and media work."  - bold by website editor -- So the moribund, totally discredited, corporate media has fallen by the wayside and we can now expect our own tax dollars to be used to spread this Pentagon crap all over the internet? - Awww, enough already! - mpg - Topix ||  Murdered Women & Children as Props For the UN's Benefit - 10-03-13 - mpg  ||

Precious Little Girl Dismembered While She Is Still Alive By Obama’s Psychotic Syrian Rebels
A quote...."Syrian RebelsShould the United States be allied with radical Islamic jihadists that dismember little girls while they are still alive?  That question sounds ridiculously absurd, but that is precisely what Barack Obama is proposing.  Obama wants the United States to go to war so that it will be easier for al-Qaeda Christian killers to take over Syria.  What you are about to read should absolutely shock you.  Please send it out to your friends and share it everywhere that you can.  If America willingly sides with psychotic, murderous savages that behead little children, it will bring a curse upon our nation.  It is imperative that the American people be told the truth about this." - also posted at WarInIraq

Podcast 1 Thomas Mountain - Ryan Dawson's Donation Drive - To Donate Click Here
RyS2SAudio - (click the > button on the little blue box which is toward the lower left corner of the screen) - (RyS2SFlshPlyr - 30mins)  -- Source:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons - Related: (New Website) Rys2sense - Related:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:   Ry2S@Vimeo -- A quote...."Thomas C Mountain, the most widely distributed independent journalist in Africa, give a recent history for the horn of Africa and discusses the compounding problems of drought, foreign backed paramilitary factions, and predatory lending which have destroyed the economies for the people in Ethiopia and Somalia especially. How do millions die with almost complete silence from the mass media? What is the strategic significance of Somalia for the West? Where does Al-Shabaab get its finances? Did "Dirty Wars" even scratch the surface of the corruption in the area? How badly have humanitarian organizations like UNICEF failed or even contributed to the oppression and starvation of the people they are supposed to be helping? Tune in." - Topix  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Ready to detonate: Saudi-backed rebels strap bombs to Geneva-2 talks
A quote...."As Syria’s rebels refuse to take part in Geneva-2, Saudi Arabia has emerged as the primary state-backer of rebel groups now trying to escalate the Syrian conflict and topple Assad by force." - Source:  RT

DOCUMENTARY: Manufacturing Dissent the truth about Syria (English, Spanish and French)
Video - From the History File - Aug 31, 2012 -- Alt1TruTub - Alt2Vimeo -- Alt3YuTb (SpnSubsAvail) -- Alt4YuTb (FrnchSubs) - (YuTb/Vimeo - 44min08sec - 08/31/12) - LibZone -- A quote.... "Manufacturing Dissent is a documentary posthumously dedicated to Syrian Palestinian actor Mohamad Rafea, who was kidnapped, tortured and finally brutally murdered on Sunday November 4th 2012 by terrorist groups that have been set loose on the country since the US, UK and their western and Gulf State allies launched a covert war in Syria in early 2011, dressed up by the media as a "revolution". The words spoken in this video by Rafea, and the courage he shows here, is why he was murdered." - Topix ||  US SoT - Al CIA'da In Syria  ||

The Role of Turkey in the US-NATO-Israeli War on Syria
Special Note - A quote...."When the U.S. and its allies launched the covert war on Syria in 2011, they were expecting that either Syria’s political establishment would collapse within a short duration or they would find a way to ignite an open war. As Syria’s leaders and people proved to be exceptionally resilient, increasingly more brutal means have been deployed to tear the country apart. Being at the forefront of this covert war in every respect, Turkey has been thoroughly complicit in monumental war crimes committed against the neighbouring people of Syria." - Topix ||  US SoT - Al CIA'da In Syria  ||

Russia's Middle Eastern Frontier
Special Geo-Political Note - A quote...."The U.S., overloaded with colossal internal problems, is once again planning to get out of trouble by beating Russia in the global competition on the oil and gas fronts. On the oil front with the help of Saudi Arabia, and on the gas front (and to some extent on the potassium front) with the help of Qatar. In this economic war, Syria is one of Russia’s most significant frontiers. -- Saudi Arabia is America's tool for controlling oil supplies and putting pressure on Iran and Russia by threatening to displace their oil in all the biggest importers on the planet. This is done using a scheme worked out back in the 1980s, when by agreement with Washington the Saudis dropped the price of oil to 10 dollars a barrel, reducing the main revenue item of the USSR's budget to nothing and hastening the end of the Soviet superpower. While Washington lacks such a mechanism with regard to natural gas, it realizes quite well that Russia, which possesses approximately one third of world gas reserves, can become a world leader in this sphere"

Lebanon’s Troubled “Future”: Why Is Riyadh Undermining Us?
A quote...."Members of Lebanon’s Future Movement are worried about Saudi’s shifting politics toward Lebanon. Are the Saudis – or at least some of them – punishing Saad Hariri? Or is Riyadh concerned about the stability of Lebanon, even at the expense of its spoiled prodigy?" - Topix  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Desmond Tutu is Wrong: The AU Should Quit the International Criminal Court
A quote...."The African Union is moving towards a break with the International Criminal Court, a tribunal that only indicts Africans who get on the wrong side of the United States. Desmond Tutu and others claim the ICC needs to be there, to defend “the victims.” But its brand of justice is highly selective. “The ICC is a tool of U.S. foreign policy, an instrument of neocolonialism.”" - also posted at AlethoNews
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israeli spying on U.S. extends to every man, woman, and child
A quote...."There are new reports that the NSA is harvesting hundreds of millions of contact lists from personal email and instant messaging accounts. Because this would be illegal if carried out on U.S. soil, the collection supposedly takes place abroad with the cooperation of foreign companies and intelligence agencies. Data from Americans frequently leaves the country because companies like Google and Facebook operate data centers abroad." - Topix ||  Israel's Net Control  ||

Perpetual Wars and the Dreadful Few–”The Jews” (Part I)
A quote...."It ~ behooves us to ask an important question right here at the outset: who are those people who are pushing America into perpetual wars? Who are those dreadful predators who never seem to get tired of manipulating U.S. foreign policy and politics? -- They are the neo-Bolsheviks/Zionists/neoconservatives in Israel and in America. Those predators are largely Jewish political and intellectual cells which have progressively become the number one enemy of America and much of the Western world. They became almost politically invincible when “The Modern Age” has inexorably become “the Jewish Age” and the “Jewish Century.”[6] Now the West is paying a huge price." - Topix ||  Who Won? -- Or, How To Keep Score - 09-16-2013 - mpg  ||  Behind Schedule - But Still With Much to Celebrate - 05-06-13 - mpg  ||  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle  ||  Economic Hit Men - Def. ||  Jackals - Def.  ||  Hyenas - Def.  ||  Golems - Def. ||

Turning Blood into Money -- Profiting from Killing
A quote...."Warning! The Lab contains war-porn and hard-core evil; watch and weep. -- Yotam Feldman’s  documentary, released in August, is one of the most important exposés of the obscene rationale and execution of Israel’s hugely lucrative arms and security  industries through the voices of some of its ex-military key operators: Amos Golan, Shimon Naveh, Leo Gleser, and Yoav Galant. -- Israel’s armament juggernaut currently turns over $7 billion p.a. and its phenomenal success is, as Feldman reveals, due to experience, that is, the testing of weaponry on the Palestinian population in the Israeli military ‘labs’ of Gaza and the West Bank" - also posted at AlethoNews
 & InvestigatingImperialism

Israeli Factor in Syrian Conflict Unveiled
A quote...."More than two and a half years on, Israel’s purported neutrality in the Syrian conflict and the United State’s fanfare rhetoric urging a “regime change” in Damascus were abruptly cut short to unveil that the Israeli factor has been all throughout the conflict the main concern of both countries." - also posted at UprtdPalstn & 12160

Yasser Arafat's belongings have traces of polonium-210, say Swiss scientists
And Israel spread the false rumor he died of AIDS when they were the ones that poisoned him.  They're a really nice bunch of people, and they're basically in charge of this...colony.  Which is something to think about. - mpg

Jura Lina – The Jewish Hand in Bolshevism/Communism Not Mentioned at School
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr59min26sec - Feb 16, 2012) - Source:  HighlightsRemixed -- Some quotes...."This documentary film titled, “In The Shadow of Hermes”  was produced by Juri Lina, and is based on his excellent book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion, which is one of the best overview’s of the Khazarian (not real Jew’s)  takeover of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution .  This film  shows how the Freemasons, the international bankers, and the communists joined forces in an unholy alliance and through the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 established in Russia the most brutal and dehumanizing slave society the world has ever seen. The film is in Swedish but has English subtitles."  --  "Based on the book 'Under the Sign of the Scorpion', by Jura Lina. - For the ones who might not yet know: just 'google' the names mentioned in this video, to find out almost all of the people behind them were Jewish. Google 'Cheka' and 'Jewish' to find out about the immensely disproportionate number of Jews in its ranks -- in all layers of control. - (Bolshevism, communism) Freemasonry, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the FED, are all parts of the pyramid representing the 'New' World Order, which houses only Jewish bankers and their accomplices at the very top. Christian Zionist royalties, statesmen and other elitists, of course all being Freemasons, are allowed to join high up in the ranks, but it is still the power of international Jewish banking that rules all of them. It's a force known to have made, swayed, and dismayed presidents and prime ministers, and to have crippled whole empires and nations by finance and deceit." - see related articles and videos shown below....
Former Israeli Navy officer detained at Heathrow - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Former Israeli naval commander, Major General Eli Marom, was detained this morning on his arrival at London's Heathrow airport. General Marom was the commander of the Israeli navy during Operation Cast Lead and during the Israeli raid on the Mavi Marmara in 2010. Now retired, he is being tried in absentia in Turkey for his role in the Mavi Marmara incident, which saw the death of 9 Turkish activists."

“I am Israeli”
A quote...."This month the highest court in the land, Israel’s Supreme Court, explicitly affirmed that it could not uphold an Israeli nationality. Instead, the judges ruled, citizenship and nationality in Israel should be considered entirely separate categories, as they have been since Israel’s founding in 1948. All Israelis have Israeli citizenship, but none enjoys Israeli nationality." - also posted at AlethoNews - Topix ||  How Could Something That Doesn't Even Exist, Be Under Existential Threat? - 05-10-13 - mpg  ||

Pro-Palestinian poster sparks heated response from pro-Israeli group
Euro-Kazarians Caught Lying....Again -- A quote...."Israel's knee-jerk response is rather weak, having to reach back to biblical times of myth and legend to make the claim they are (as usual) the victims.
For one thing, although the kingdoms of the Israelites did cover a large portion of the Eastern Mediterranean, the above map shows it being somewhat larger than the map over at the World History Timeline. Israel was wiped off of the map by the Assyrians in 740 BCE. Babylon conquered Israel in 597 BCE. By 538 BC, Israel was conquered by the Persians, then by the Seleucids, then by the Romans, then by the Muslim Caliphate, then by the Ayyubid Sultanate, then by the Mamluk Sultanate, The by the Ottoman Empire. Following the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after WW1, a separate and distinct Palestine appeared on the maps, but no Israel! 

In fact Israel did not exist as a distinct nation from before 500 BCE until 1948 CE. So the map showing a huge Israel at 1000 BCE is totally irrelevant. There is no contiguous connection between the ancient Israel and the modern Israel.

Moreover, the map showing Israel existing in 1920 is a total fabrication. The "Jewish Homeland" was at that time an ambition of the Zionists, but not a fact on the ground. Israel does not appear on maps of the 1930s -- For more maps and information, see ISRAEL & PALESTINE: THE MAPS TELL THE TRUE STORY.
A family in Qaryut was stopped by Israeli soldiers [goons] from harvesting their olive trees
A quote...."Yesterday, Sunday 13th October, Palestinian farmers and international activists were picking olives in Qaryut when it was observed that two members of settler security [squatter camp gang members] from the illegal settlements [squatter camps] of Eli and Shilo were nearby. The settler security [squatter camp gang members] then attempted to intimidate the olive farmers, before soldiers [Israeli goons] arrived and forced both the Palestinians and internationals from the land with a supposed military order."

Iranian Sabotage Compromises Entire Israeli Drone Fleet, Saudi Arabia Stations Israeli Drones for Iran Attack on Its Territory - (great photo) -- A quote...."A few days ago, I published two different reports: one on Israeli war games simulating an attack on Iran; the second on Iranian sabotaging of four Israeli drones over the past two years. Tonight’s post will draw those two reports together in some quite amazing and disturbing ways."

Egyptian coup leaders hire US lobbyist with ties to Israel
A quote...."The group’s managing director, Arik Ben-Zvi, is an Israeli citizen who served in the Israeli army and consulted on Israel’s elections - In response to the Obama Administration’s announcement last week that it will be restructuring US military aid to Egypt in light of the ongoing military crackdown, officials in Cairo have hired a well-known lobby group to improve the image of Egypt’s coup, according to a US newspaper."
You see!  Even Egypt's officer staff knows who to contact, and who to pay, when they want something from Israel's North American Colony! - mpg
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

In A Single Day....
A quote...."....the N.S.A. collects an estimated 500,000 "buddy lists" from chat services as well as...."
"Millions of Americans are impacted, yet no law authorizes it." - Source:  WaPo

[Obama's] Gov’t moves to keep NSA surveillance lawsuit away from Supreme Court
A quote...."The high court was the only place to turn, wrote EPIC, because it can't go to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), which actually authorized the orders. EPIC's argument was straightforward: the FISC could only authorize NSA spying on foreigners, not Americans. -- Now Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, who represents the Obama Administration at the Supreme Court, has advised the justices not to take the case...."

Obama Administration Forbids NSA-Critical Novelist Entry to USA -- The Banning of Ilija Trojanow
A quote...."On September 30th, as he was about to fly from Brazil to Denver, Colorado, where he had been invited to attend and address a German Studies conference, the German novelist Ilija Trojanow (pronounced “llya Troyanov”) was informed that he would not be allowed to board the flight on which he was booked." - also posted at AlethoNews

NSA Director Alexander Admits He Lied about Phone Surveillance Stopping 54 Terror Plots
A quote...."The head of the National Security Agency (NSA) admitted before a congressional committee this week that he lied back in June when he claimed the agency’s phone surveillance program had thwarted 54 terrorist “plots or events.”"

NSA Spying Did Not Result In a SINGLE Foiled Terrorist Plot
NSA - BUSTED! - But, BY GOLLY, it made a lot of people really rich!! - mpg -- A quote...."Preface: The Bush and Obama administrations have claimed for more than a decade that spying on Americans was justified by 9/11. -- Senator Diane Feinstein – head of the Senate Intelligence Committee – is now trotting out the same old tired justification. -- However – as demonstrated below – that claim is totally false." - Source:  WashBlog

Greenwald: Upcoming Snowden leaks will shock Netherlands
A quote...."You have no idea yet”, The Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald tells Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant in an interview held in the Royal Tulip hotel in Rio de Janeiro, saying he believes the scope of US spying on the Netherlands is “above and beyond everyone’s expectations”."

“The more the US and UK threaten, the more I will publish,”
A quote...."Glenn Greenwald has told French radio. The Guardian journalist revealed the scope of US spying on France was “enormous,” but the French government is also complicit in US espionage. In an interview with Radio France Internationale (RFI), Greenwald spoke candidly about the threats he had received from the US and UK and his intention to publish all the documents handed to him by former CIA worker Edward Snowden." - Source: RT

Edward Snowden's Brave Integrity
A quote...."I've had a couple of days to reflect after arriving back from Moscow where my whistleblower colleagues Coleen Rowley, Jesselyn Radack, Tom Drake and I formally presented former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden with the annual Sam Adams Associates award for integrity in intelligence. -- The thought that companioned me the entire time was the constant admonition of my Irish grandmother: "Show me your company, and I'll tell you who you are!" I cannot remember ever feeling so honored as I did by the company I kept over the past week." - Source:  ConsortiumNews - also posted at RINF
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...

Stand Up Americans — Paul Craig Roberts
A quote...."In less than 2 days, if the Treasury secretary can be believed, the Treasury will not have enough money to pay all its bills and will have to prioritize. This doesn’t mean default, as interest on Treasury bonds, notes, and bills will be right up there with the military and NSA. If Washington defaults on its bonds, Washington’s power will be gone with the wind regardless of whether the Treasury pays the military. - Whatever the outcome, Washington has already cooked its goose. Washington’s prestige and credibility have been hammered." - Source: PaulCraigRoberts

Another US Whistleblower Behind Bars? Investor Jailed After Exposing Corrupt Azerbaijani Oil Deal
Contains Video - A quote...."In a Democracy Now! exclusive, we look at the case of multimillionaire American businessman and philanthropist Rick Bourke, who blew the whistle on a fraudulent scheme by international criminals to gain control of the oil riches of the former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan — only to end up as the only person sent to jail by federal prosecutors in the massive conspiracy." - Source:  DemocracyNOW! - also posted at RINF

China bypasses American ‘New Silk Road’ with two of its own
Special Note - A quote...."BEIJING — Armed with tens of billions of dollars in investment deals and romantic tales of ancient explorers, Chinese President Xi Jinping has spent much of the past month promoting his vision of two new “Silk Roads” to connect his country to the West and secure its energy supplies — one by land and another by sea. -- In the process, he has eclipsed an American vision of a New Silk Road that was advanced with much fanfare by then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton two years ago and was supposed to revitalize Afghanistan as the link between Central and South Asia."

Afghans reject impunity for US troops: Politician - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote..."A prominent Afghan politician has insisted on not giving immunity to American troops leaving the fate of a bilateral security pact unknown, Press TV reports."
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Americans Have Lost VIRTUALLY ALL of Our Constitutional Rights
Not really!  We still have them, the constitution is still there, it's just that a bunch of criminals in the crime syndicate regime currently lording over us are choosing not to obey it and are passing decrees directly repugnant to it. -- Which are automatically "null and void" -- There are solutions for this sort of situation, most involve guillotines or rope nooses. - mpg  -- A quote...."This post explains the liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution – and provides a scorecard on the extent of the loss of each right.  (This is an updated version of an essay we wrote in February.  Unfortunately, a lot of information has come out since then.)"

Non-Participation As An Effective Weapon Against Tyranny
Action Alert - Related Article? -- A quote...."Legitimate revolution takes time, patience and fortitude. Unfortunately, this is a strategic concept that is lost on many Americans today who suffer from a now common ailment of attention deficit disorder and an obsession with immediate gratification. Even some who have their hearts in the right place and who work to defend and resurrect our nation’s founding ideals seem to believe that any action to defeat corrupt oligarchy must be effective immediately, otherwise, it’s not worth the attempt. History, of course, teaches us the opposite." - also posted at FromTheTrenches & AltMarket

Ft. Hood Gears Up For Financial Collapse
Related Article? -- A quote...."Soldiers whose training has always revolved around enemies in foreign combat zones, [are] now focused on American civilians. Troops underwent “crowd and riot control” training at Fort Hood’s Elijah urban training site last week."

Obamacare Is Either The Product Of Mentally Retarded Criminals Or A Conspiracy To Destroy The American Healthcare System - (How about BOTH?? - mpg) -- A quote...."The on-going disaster of the Affordable Care Act otherwise known as Obamacare is undoubtedly the most poorly planned implementation of any government program in American history. This law which forces people to buy health insurance or face a fine is one of the dumbest ideas ever conceived but it is the implementation of it that has been even dumber. The implementation has been so horrible that one has to question if this was done intentionally to plunge the entire healthcare system into chaos."

9 Reasons Why Many Liberals Absolutely Hate Obamacare
A quote...."when it comes to Obamacare, he has failed miserably.  The launch of Obamacare has been such a colossal fiasco that words like “disaster” and “catastrophe” simply do not do it justice.  According to recent polls, Americans [who] are against Obamacare [increased] by an average margin of about 10 percent [across six major polls taken], and even many liberals that fought so hard to get Obamacare passed are now abandoning ship.  All over America, health insurance policies are being canceled, health insurance premiums are absolutely skyrocketing, and millions of people that actually wanted to get health insurance through find that they are unable to do so.  Yes, the U.S. health care system was already a complete and total mess before Obamacare, but now Obamacare has made things much, much worse and there is little hope that things will improve any time soon.  The following are 9 reasons why most Americans (including a growing number of liberals) absolutely hate Obamacare…"

Ten Things to Expect from Obamacare in 2014
A quote...."Obamacare's health exchanges opened on October 1. Hopefully you weren't one of the unlucky guinea pigs who attempted to sign up with a system so crummy that even the Washington Post is calling it a disaster."
Obamacare and the assault on workers’ health benefits
A quote...."Developments in two major US cities underscore the anti-working class agenda underlying the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as Obamacare."

Personal Preparation for Grid Ex II
A quote...."The economy is coming down. It is not a matter of if, but when. We have a 17 trillion dollar deficit, 222 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities for critical social welfare programs and a crushing 1 quadrillion derivatives debt. There is no reversing course economically. The only solution is debt repudiation, but the globalists are not going to let this happen without a fight. And before they allow the people to galvanize and even possibly join forces with a disenchanted military, they will perpetrate a false flag event(s) designed to put the country under control as the forces of martial law are rolled out."

The End of the World as We Know It as Entertainment
A quote...."There is no need to wait for the end of the world as we know it because it is already here, As a matter of fact, you rarely see the acronym TEOTWAWKI in print anymore. - Here are just a few indicators that “the good old days” are gone...."
"None of this is doomsday. It is reality."

Nothing Suspicious Here: Sandy Hook Contractors Being Forced to Sign Confidentiality Agreements
A quote...."NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) -- Contractors demolishing Sandy Hook Elementary School are being required to sign confidentiality agreements forbidding public discussion of the site, photographs or disclosure of any information about the building where 26 people were fatally shot last December."

Videos appear to contradict Medal of Honor winner’s account of Afghan battle
A quote...."Videos shot during a 2009 battle in Afghanistan appear to contradict with the narrative of events described by the Marine Corps, White House and a Marine sergeant who was awarded a Medal of Honor for his actions there."

Boeing caught selling used parts as new to Pentagon
A quote...."The Pentagon’s inspector general has found that Boeing repeatedly charged the United States military for “new” helicopter parts even as it installed used parts instead."

California gun control: 'they went too far' - expert
A quote...."Gun control laws in the US are met with heavy resistance by those who ardently support the 2nd Amendment. Perhaps no where else is this more evident than in the state of Colorado, the site of two of the deadliest gun rampages in the history of the US (Columbine and Aurora). Still, the voters in Colorado are adamant about their gun rights. This year, they ousted two of their state senators over their gun control legislation, which many deemed infringed on responsible gun owners' rights. To discuss this complex issue the Voice of Russia contacted David Kopel, a law professor at Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver."

Planned Parenthood – Pushing Child Pornography in the Name of Sex Education.
A quote...." (INTELLIHUB) — If you watch the following video[1] without feeling your blood starting to boil and your head turning into a steaming kettle, or worse – feeling an excitement or defending the content while watching, you can be sure that your brain is dead and you have no chance of ever regaining your consciousness."

US shutdown a contrived “Punch and Judy” show - Absolutely! - mpg
Contains Audio - (VORFlshPlyr - 13min26sec - 16 October 2013, 19:11) - Related:  RickRozoff -- A quote...."Rather than being ashamed for causing the US Federal Government to shutdown, political forces in the US are using it to advance their own agendas and point fingers at each other turning it into a veritable “Punch and Judy” show. Voice of Russia regular Rick Rozoff spoke about this and more as a discussion on NATO and US military operations went into the funding aspect with a US Government continuing its global military adventures regardless of how hard the people back home have been hit."

Rys2sense - PodCasts -- Ryan Dawson's Donation Drive - To Donate Click Here
Must Listen Ry2SPodcasts -- Pick the ones you're interested in. - (Note: Some minor audio difficulties)  --  New interview with Pepe Escobar regarding the Bo Xilai scandal, the murder of Neil Heywood, and the complicated play and counter-play of China's politics that lead up to the murder, and its aftermath. Utterly fascinating. China is a labyrinth of interwoven ferociously competing factions that makes Middle Eastern politics look simple and bucolic by comparison.  Who knew?? -- As Ryan and Pepe stated, they should make a movie of this whole incident. -- They also discuss East Asian pipeline politics, the BRICS, and the current hilarious shenanigans of Washington's declining empire. - mpg -- Source: (New Website) Rys2sense - Related:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:   Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons

UFC for Trendies

AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 9min16sec - Oct 16, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex calls out Maddow for selectively editing clips to demonize peaceful veterans."

The Engineered Welfare State Collapse
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 18min21sec - Oct 16, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex expresses his true concern for America as he breaks down the information surrounding the announcement that Chase Bank has begun limiting wire transfers and international transfers...the beginnings of full economic control in America by the New World Order and the removal of private liberties."

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  Oct 16th, 2013 - RBN Donation Drive - To Donate - Click Here
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  Oct 16th, 2013) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

Obama is The NWO's Closer to Finish Off America
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 38min29sec - Oct 16, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex expresses his true concern for America as he breaks down the information surrounding the announcement that Chase Bank has begun limiting wire transfers and international transfers...the beginnings of full economic control in America by the New World Order and the removal of private liberties."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: De-Americanizing (E510)
Must View MaxRTVideo - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min46sec - Oct 15, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - Related:  StacyOnTwitter -- A quote.... "In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, discuss stop logic and victory vomit in a de-Americanized world. In the second half, Max interviews Rowan Bosworth-Davies, a former fraud squad detective, about crime being what you call it - so let's call it a racket or organized crime as practiced in the City of London."

Jim Rogers: US is's largest debt nation in the world!
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min58sec - Oct 15, 2013) - Source:  RussiaToday -A quote...."There may be progress in US over the government shutdown and debt ceiling, but it's not all good. The deal being talked about now wouldn't resolve the crisis - but rather kick the can down the road setting the scene for another budget showdown early next year. For more on this RT talks to investor Jim Rogers, author of 'Street Smarts - Adventures on the Road and in the Markets'."

Which Obligations Has the U.S. ALREADY Defaulted On?
A quote...."We noted earlier this week that the U.S. has partially or fully defaulted on its debt on numerous occasions. - We also noted that our largest creditor – China – accused the U.S. of defaulting on its debts in 2011 by weakening the dollar. - Felix Salmon argues at Reuters that the U.S. has already defaulted again … even if a debt ceiling deal is worked out before October 17th...."

UPDATE: House just passed the bill to extend the "debt ceiling" - As foretold by everyone. - mpg
Photo - Courtesy WRH

China's Dagong Downgrades US To A- From A
US Downgraded - (As opposed to the three stooges, Moodys Fitch and S&P, and their massively over-optimistic polyanish ratings for the US, Dagong has issued an accurate rating. - mpg) - A quote..."Since all US rating agencies (Fitch is majority French-owned) have been terrified into submission and will never again touch the rating of the US following the DOJ's witch hunt of S&P, any US rating changes on the margin will come from abroad. Like China's Dagong rating agency, which several hours ago just downgraded the US from A to A-, maintaining its negative outlook. The agency said that while a default has been averted by a last minute agreement in Congress, the fundamental situation of debt growth outpacing fiscal income and GDP remains unchanged."

IMF Boss: Fate of World At Stake Unless Americans Agree to Take On More Debt
A quote...."Well, Christine, I guess the world is screwed, because We The People refuse to go into debt any more to private central banks that issue the public currency as a loan at interest. There are two reasons...."
Install Glass-Steagall and a CREDIT System IMMEDIATELY, the Alternative is COLLAPSE - Too late!! - mpg
LLPVideo - Alt - (LLPYuTb - 15min25sec - Oct 14, 2013) - Source:  LyndonLaRouchePAC -- A quote...."With all of the perceived confusion in the U.S. Congress over the recent weeks, Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche PAC have intervened with the needed dose of reality. It's either impeachment of President Obama, and the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, or collapse."
It's WAY too late for Glass-Steagall to do anything at this point.  It will of course be absolutely necessary to reimpose it once the system collapses to prevent future collapses, but it won't do much to prevent the coming one. - mpg
Currency Manipulation and Derivatives
A quote...."Whenever we see another case of manipulation in the currency, energy, gold, commodities, interest rate, credit derivatives, securitization, or equity markets, management of the culprit financial institution inevitably blames it on “unauthorized” trading by one or more “rogue” traders. -- Traders’ salaries are low relative to the potential for seven figure bonuses. When you offer a trader a pink slip for failure and a princely bonus for success, traders tend to minimize losses and inflate successes. -- Traders can’t make huge gains without having a huge source of funds to finance high-risk speculation. Thanks to the largesse of U.S. taxpayers and lax regulation at U.S. banks, we’ll continue to see speculation and manipulation in all markets. Banks are “rogue trader” factories."

Bernanke Doesn't Have to Testify in AIG Bailout Lawsuit Now
Banksters Win Again - A quote...."A U.S. court has ruled that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke needn't answer questions in a lawsuit filed by the former head of American International Group Inc. until he leaves office in January."

Chase Bank Initiates Capital Controls, Limits Cash Withdrawals & Bans International Bank Wires!
Cyporization Preparation? -- A quote...."It appears that any small American business not already shut down by Obamacare regulations will be helped along by the banksters. -- In an apparent effort to front-run official government capital controls, JP Morgan Chase has issued letters to ALL Business account holders notifying them that as of Nov 17th, the bank will limit all cash transactions (including deposits, withdrawals, and ATM usage) to $50,000/month, and will ban all outgoing international bank wires!"

[US] Retail Sales Slow As Shopping Season Heats Up
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."While the specter of the debt ceiling debate continues to haunt the halls of Washington D.C. it is the state of retail sales that investors should be potentially focusing on.  While the latest retail sales figures from the Bureau of Economic Analysis are unavailable due to the government shutdown; we can look at other data sources to derive the trend and direction of consuming spending as we head into the beginning of the biggest shopping periods of the year - Halloween, Thanks Giving (Black Friday) and Christmas." - also posted at ZeroHedge

ECB’s Draghi:  Knowing Too Much About Our Big Banks Could Set Off A Panic
Title of the Day - (So true, yet so sad. - mpg) -- A quote...."European banks, like all banks, have long been hermetically sealed black boxes. If someone managed to pry open just one tiny corner, the reek of asset putrefaction that billowed out was so strong that the corner would immediately be resealed. In cases where the corner didn’t get resealed fast enough and too much of the reek spread, the whole bank collapsed, only to be bailed out by taxpayers, often in other countries; it’s easier that way." - Source:  TestosteronePit

People of Ireland begin criminal proceedings against leading Irish bank - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."'People of Éire’ lodge summons against BoI - An organisation which says it represents 1,000 members of the public lodged a summons with the High Court yesterday morning making a number of allegations against Bank of Ireland, including gross negligence and breach of contract."

UK Government moves to make it easier to shut hospitals without consultation By Caroline Molloy
A quote...."The government is trying to push through a last minute change to the law to make it far easier to shut down A&E departments and hospitals aross the country without full consultation. - The government is trying to push through a last minute change to the law to make it far easier to shut down A&E departments and hospitals without full consultation." - Source:  OurNHS

Ruled by Hardcore Capitalism [Banksterism] UK Looks Longingly at China
A quote...."It’s interesting to see which country UK ruling right-wing, anti-communist and anti-socialist elite are desperate to get to ‘invest’ in Britain: The People’s Republic of China. That’s right - the country ruled by the Communist Party since 1949."

Who Will Pay Kyiv’s Bills?
A quote..."Germany, an economic growth engine of the European Union and main Euro enthusiast, will soon have to deal with new overdue bills from the East (as if Greece debt was not enough). EU Ukraine Association Agreement will burden the European Union with another financial aid receiver and may herald end of the European welfare state…"

Yuan gains the most in 20 years vs US dollar
Dollar Alert - A quote...."The yuan traded stronger than 6.10 per dollar for the first time in 20 years after the central bank raised its daily fixing rate to a near record high and the nation stepped up efforts to increase the Chinese currency's global use."
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More On The International Situation....

50 000 Syria Christians ask for Russian citizenship
A quote...."A group of Syrian Christians have applied for Russian citizenship, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry. -- "Since Syrian law allows dual citizenship, we have decided to seek citizenship of the Russian Federation if this is possible. Russian citizenship would be an honor for any Syrian Christian who wished to acquire it," the group said in a letter to the Russian Foreign Ministry."

SAA Killed a Large Number of Obama Thugs Restores Security to Buwaidah in Damascus Countryside
A quote...."Syrian army took full control of al-Buwaidah town, south west of as-Sayyeda Zeinab area in Damascus countryside. - Al-Manar correspondent reported the event, saying that the area of regions regained by the Syrian army reaches 18 km2 so far this week."

At Least 41 Killed in Major Battles Between al-Qaeda, Syrian Kurds
A quote..."Another round of major battles has been reported in Syria’s northeastern Hassakeh Province, the Kurdish dominated part of the country, with Jabhat al-Nusra and al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) pushing into the territory belonging to Kurdish militias."

Lebanese army defuses 50-kilogram car bomb in Beirut suburb
A quote...."The Lebanese army successfully defused a 50-kilogram bomb discovered Monday in a southern Beirut suburb, a military official said on Tuesday. -- A Jeep Grand Cherokee packed with explosives was discovered in the Maamoura neighborhood of Dahiyeh, which has been swarming with security forces since two car bombs exploded in July and August." - Source:  al-Akhbar

Blast kills Afghan provincial governor
A quote...."Afghan officials say a bomb placed inside a mosque has killed the governor of the eastern Logar province. - They said the explosion occurred as Arsalah Jamal was delivering a speech on Tuesday morning to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. - The governor's spokesman, Din Mohammad Darwesh, says the bombing took place at the main mosque in the provincial capital of Puli Alam."

British soldier killed while on patrol in Afghanistan
A quote...."THE MoD said the soldier, from 14 Signals Regiment (Electronic Warfare), was killed as a result of enemy fire while on a patrol in the area of Kakaran, north east of Lashkar Gah."

Rendition of Libyan Terror Suspect: What If Abu Anas al-Liby Had Nothing to Do With the Embassy Bombings?
A quote...."If they got the wrong guy (and it was reported that Abu Anas al-Liby was arrested in 2002) , then refusing to allow him a trial or lawyer would make sense from the government's point of view. -- UPDATE: FOX News is reporting that the man claimed to be Anas al-Liby has been arraigned in Federal Court on terror charges. I wonder how many waterboardings it took to get a confession?" -- *Michael Rivero*

German foreign minister praises Iran nuclear talks
A quote...."German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle says the latest negotiations held between Iran and six world powers are the start of “serious” and “substantive” talks over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear energy program."

Iran Hopes to Join Brics Group to Beat US-led Sanctions
A quote...."Iran is looking to join the Brics nations in order to subvert US-imposed sanctions which have been crippling the country’s oil-based economy. - Iran, which continues to enjoy a relatively cosy relationship with the Brics countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – despite a severe economic clampdown, has been scouting for opportunities across the world in order to boost its oil resources, the nerve-centre of the country’s economy." - Source:  IBT

Putin Builds North Korea Rail to Circumvent Suez Canal
Geo-Political Note - A quote...."Vladimir Putin is inching closer to his goal of turning Russia into a major transit route for trade between eastern Asia and Europe by prying open North Korea, a nuclear-capable dictatorship isolated for half a century. -- Russia last month completed the first land link that North Korea’s Stalinist regime has allowed to the outside world since 2003. Running between Khasan in Russia’s southeastern corner and North Korea’s rebuilt port of Rajin, the 54-kilometer rail link is part of a project President Putin is pushing that would reunite the railway systems of the two Koreas and tie them to the Trans-Siberian Railway." - Source: Bloomberg

Russia Close to Complete Attack Helicopter Deliveries to Brazil
A quote...."BRAZILIA, October 17 (RIA Novosti) – Russia is planning to deliver the remaining Mi-35M Hind-E attack helicopters to Brazil under the 2008 contract in the next few months, a senior government official said Thursday. - Russia has so far supplied nine out of 12 Mi-35s to the Latin American country under the deal worth $150 million."

[Russian] Fed Council speaker seeks return of ‘none of the above’ voting option
A quote...."According to sponsors of a bill advocating the return of the ‘none of the above’ option to ballot papers, the move would add more democracy to the political process and allow full expression of citizens’ political will."

AFRICOM builds up military bases in Italy for small-scale “secret wars” in Africa
A quote...."The U.S. deployment of 200 Marines to a naval base in Sicily for possible operations in Libya, a short hop across the Mediterranean, underlines how the Americans have been building a network of bases in Italy as launch pads for military interventions in Africa and the Mideast." - Source:  UPI
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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Gaza supporters rally for Alaa Hammad, keep weekly vigil for Palestinian detainees
Photos -- A quote...."Palestinians rallied outside Gaza’s International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) office Monday morning to support Alaa Hammad, a Palestinian-Jordanian on hunger struck since May 2 against the conditions of his detention by Israel, and other Palestinian detainees."

Refusing to forget Palestinian political prisoners in Gaza
A quote...."Every Monday here in central Gaza City a demonstration is held, and has been since 1994 or 1995. It was the first time I attended, though I’d probably call it a meeting more than a demonstration. Around 200 people had gathered in a small courtyard belonging to the Red Cross, with stretched canvas as protection from the sun. The simple wooden pews filled quickly. Those that did not fit on them stood along the walls. Several TV crews were in place. There was a short speech and subsequent interviews."

The olive harvest in the Gaza Strip, 2013
ISMVideo - Alt - (ISMVimeo - 2min35sec - 10/15/13) - Source:  Gal-la -- A quote...."Palestinians in the Gaza Strip harvest olives during the month of October. Several years ago, a large amount of land was planted with olive trees. They were completely destroyed by Israeli bulldozers, and Palestinians were prevented from replanting them by the so-called “green line.” Today the olive oil industry is a small part of the local economy. The export of this olive oil is also prevented as a consequence of more than seven years of the Zionist blockade."

Israeli Settlers [Jewish gang-bangers] Storm al-Aqsa Mosque, Again
A quote...."Dozens of extremist Israeli settlers have stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) under army protection and raised Israel flag inside the mosque, which is the third holiest site in Islam, reports say. -- Local media reported that a group of settlers raised an Israeli flag while touring the mosque’s compound on Monday."

Palestinians Boycott Jerusalem Elections
A quote...."Municipal elections in most countries are not a big deal. But the Jerusalem municipal elections are a big deal for Palestinians, who have boycotted every election held in the city since 1967."

Sources: “Egyptian Army Opens Fire At Palestinians in Rafah”
A quote...."[Wednesday October 16, 2013] The Palestine Now News Agency has reported that Egyptian soldiers opened fires at the Palestinian side near the border area in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip."

Gaza blockade leads to decrease in Eid livestock sales
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Livestock sales in Gaza for the Eid al-Adha holiday decreased significantly this year due to high prices caused by Israel's blockade and a crack down on smuggling tunnels by Egyptian authorities, residents say. -- Abu Faris al-Nijar, who sells livestock to be sacrificed every year for Eid al-Adha, told Ma'an that his sales had decreased by at least 40 percent."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Why can’t churches consign Monsanto to Hell from the pulpit?
A quote...."Let me see if I understand their position: God made Nature and Nature is sacred. So if Monsanto comes along and shoots genes into food crops and the genes drift and merge with anything that grows, and the insidious effects on health spread, and it turns out that more toxic Roundup, not less, is required, and superweeds resistant to Roundup are taking over huge swathes of farm land…the churches will rise up and declare Monsanto evil…right?"

GMO safety debate makes Washington state voters’ pamphlet
Action Alert - YES on 522 -- A quote...."In the voter’s guide, the “Yes on 522” committee representatives mainly make the argument that consumers have a right to know what’s in their food. -- “We should have a right to choose whether we want to buy and eat genetically engineered food,” they wrote. “Labels matter. They ensure transparency and preserve the freedom to make our own decisions about the food we eat. I-522 is a step in the right direction.” -- They point out that US food companies already provide GMO labels on products they sell in 64 countries that currently require such labeling." - bold/underline by website editor

4 ways to detox from GMOs - Number zero being don't eat any GMO's - EVER!!
Action Alert -- A quote...."Many GMO foods, but specifically corn, have been studied with frightening outcomes. From simple effects like weight gain to more serious ones like organ disruption and massive tumors, we have only really scratched the surface on all of the potential effects of these lab-created foods. This is why it is vitally important to regularly cleanse and detoxify your body of foreign health-wreaking materials. Keeping them out of your diet is the first step in ensuring you don’t experience their effects, but since GMOs can’t truly be avoided, detoxing is another route you’ll want to take."

How Big Pharma hides vaccine dangers from parents
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Vaccine advocates are notorious for making lofty and outrageous claims about the "proven" safety of vaccines, which they say is reinforced by an extensive track record of rigorous safety testing. But the truth of the matter is that the vaccine industry has taken great pains to make sure that only favorable, pre-determined studies conducted using compromised research criteria make it for public consumption, a massive industry sleight of hand that continues to shroud the truth about vaccines behind a thick veil of misinformation."

How Big Pharma Peddles Influence in FDA Panel Meetings
A quote...."When the federal government wants to set medical policy and testing standards, it assembles a panel of experts to analyze the state of that particular medical art and make recommendations to the FDA. You would hope—and expect—that the process would be strictly analytical and scientific, uncontaminated by outside commercial interests." - Source:  PatrickMalone&Assoc

Bloomberg pushes for mandatory flu shots for children ages 3-5
A quote...."Why is Mayor Bloomberg trying to push for compulsory flu shots for all NYC preschoolers and daycare attendees?" - Source: 

Gundersen: Concern an even larger calamity is coming at Fukushima
A quote...."Guardian: Workers passing out within minutes of arriving at plant; Alcohol abuse a problem, men working with ‘the shakes’; Insiders say they’re suffering health problems."

Fukushima radiation worse than feared - experts
A quote...."IAEA experts are trying on the ground to sort out work to do away with the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. But the situation grows increasingly tense despite all efforts by the government."

Documentary: Plutonium detected “all around” mountain in town 20 kilometers from Fukushima plant
A quote..."Plutonium has been detected all around the mountain, everyone knows that. - But the ground absorbs the rain and we use the water that comes from those mountains. - So we must have further discussions to find out what the after effects could be. - But even the government has no idea."
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Some Cultural & Technological Tid-Bits....

A hidden gem: Moscow Tretyakov gallery hosts exhibition of Natalia Goncharova works
A quote...."From the moment that you walk into the Tretyakov gallery exhibition hall you are overcome with awe for the talent that was Natalia Goncharova. The exhibit contains over 400 items, many on display in Russia for the first time. The title of the exhibit Natalia goncharova between east and west speaks of her inspiration, the east, of her Russian roots and west, the influence of Matisse, Van Gogh. and Picasso. For art historians, the exhibit is a gem - it presents all possible material. - Each section shows off the influence, as though it was done by different artists altogether. Except that its all one person - the abstracism, cubism, futurism, Goncharova tried all the avant garde styles, never settling on just one. - Exhibit curator Evgeniya Illukhina said that is what speaks highly of Goncharova's talent." - for some samples click here

Biggest chunk of Chebarkul meteorite finally recovered from the bottom of a lake
A quote...."The largest-discovered fragment of a Russian meteorite, weighing around 570 kilograms, has been lifted from the bed of Lake Chebarkul in the Urals."

Tuesday October 15th 2013

No posts. - mpg

Monday October 14th 2013

Why Western Political and Financial Elites Absolutely Hate Vladimir Putin
Must Read - A quote...."October 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House - While tensions have reached some sort of climax over the Syrian issue, problems between Russia and the USA are really nothing new.  A quick look at the recent past will show that the western corporate media has been engaged in a sustained strategic campaign to identify and exploit any possible weaknesses in the Russian "political armor" and to paint Russia like a very nasty, undemocratic and authoritarian country, in other words a threat to the West...." - Source:  VineyardOfTheSaker

Whatever Became Of Western Civilization?
A quote...."Not that long ago government and free market proponents were at sword’s point, but no more. With little left in the private sector to rip off, the financial gangsters have turned to the public sector and put to work for them the free market economists’ advocacy of privatization. Governments themselves became part of the conspiracy once the politicians realized that looting public assets was an efficient way to reward their private benefactors. - We can see the entire picture in the David Cameron government’s privatization of the British Royal Mail. The prime minister has described the looting as “popular capitalism” even though the British public overwhelmingly opposes turning over the mail service to a profit-making enterprise."

The Folly of Empire - Article also posted at ICH
A quote...."The final days of empire give ample employment and power to the feckless, the insane and the idiotic. These politicians and court propagandists, hired to be the public faces on the sinking ship, mask the real work of the crew, which is systematically robbing the passengers as the vessel goes down. The mandarins of power stand in the wheelhouse barking ridiculous orders and seeing how fast they can gun the engines. They fight like children over the ship’s wheel as the vessel heads full speed into a giant ice field. They wander the decks giving pompous speeches. They shout that the SS America is the greatest ship ever built. They insist that it has the most advanced technology and embodies the highest virtues. And then, with abrupt and unexpected fury, down we will go into the frigid waters.

The Perfect Epitaph For Establishment Journalism - Article also posted at ICH
A quote...."Like many people, I've spent years writing and speaking about the lethal power-subservient pathologies plaguing establishment journalism in the west. But this morning, I feel a bit like all of that was wasted time and energy, because this new column by career British journalist Chris Blackhurst - an executive with and, until a few months ago, the editor of the UK daily calling itself "The Independent" - contains a headline that says everything that needs to be said about the sickly state of establishment journalism...."

NYT's OPCW "He Said, She Said" Reporting Misses Major Judgement
ZOC Alert - (Speaking of the perfect epitaph, it's The NYT....again. You just can't stop these guys from distorting or concealing the truth every single day.  It's their job after all. - mpg) -- A quote...."In 2002 José Bustani, the then head of the now Nobel prized Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, was fired because his insistence on bringing Iraq into the Chemical Weapon Treaty conflicted with the war plans of the Bush administration. "

U.S. allies let funds flow to al Qaeda in Syria

Stupid Title of the Day - "U.S. allies 'let funds flow' to al Qaeda in Syria???" - "Let -- funds -- flow??" The Sunni, Saudi connected, US backed, Wahhabist supporting Al Thani family's Emir of Qatar has given three billion to five billion dollars to the organ eating, head chopping, child murdering, sarin gassing,  foreign Jihadist & fellow Wahhabist mercenaries in Syria in just the last two years alone!  --  So let us picture this scene in our mind's eye shall we. -- One day, while lounging in some palatial palace with several of his favorite concubines, the Emir of Qatar suddenly bolts upright from the plush cushions he's reclining on and says to himself...."My goodness gracious, where did my three to five billion dollars wander off to?" and as he begins to search among the cushions, looking mildly perplexed, he stops suddenly and says, "Oh I know, I let it 'flow'....somehow, to our fellow brethren in Syria." He pauses and than, with a dazzling, what-me-worry grin says, "I wonder how that could have possibly happened?" -- We can only speculate of course....maybe it was just another one of those weird inexplicable accidents.  Sort'a like 9/11? - mpg

West Failing to Deliver on Syria Deals with Russia – FM Lavrov - Russia who?? "Deals"? What deals?- mpg
A quote...."Russia’s foreign minister on Monday said a key Syrian opposition group’s refusal to take part in the Moscow-backed Geneva-2 peace conference on Syria indicates that the West has failed to deliver on its promises." - "Promises???"   He's kidding right? - mpg
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Behind the Holocaust, by JB Campbell
Must Read -- A quote...."The six million Jews exterminated by the Nazis depended in large part (66%) on Auschwitz, where four million of them were infamously done to death. Thanks to Ernst Zundel and the International Red Cross, Mikhail Gorbachev in 1989 released to the Red Cross the captured death records from Auschwitz. The forty-six volumes cover the period of 1941 to ’43 and record about 69,000 deaths, mainly from disease or natural causes. The IRC had investigated all the German and Polish camps during and after the war and estimated about 200,000 deaths, some of them Jewish. When the US Army liberated Dachau, for example, of the 32,000 inmates, about 1,200 were Jews. Jewish representation was so tiny during WWII as to be insignificant, except in their minds. In their minds, the 60 million actual deaths of real people were insignificant, not worthy of consideration.  Read:  Long-Hidden Death Certificates Discredit Extermination Claims." - Topix  ||  More Evidence Would Have Been Better - 11-05-12 - mpg  ||

Alison Weir: History of the US-Israel Relationship, Part I
Must Read - A quote...."While many people are led to believe that US support for Israel is driven by the American establishment and U.S. national interests, the facts don’t support this theory. The reality is that for decades U.S. experts opposed Israel and its founding movement. They were simply outmaneuvered and eventually replaced.­" - bold by website editor - That's right folks, they're that disciplined, dedicated, cohesive, conspiratorial, ruthless and smart, while almost all of the people in this country are that sloppy, feckless, disorganized, gullible, naive, and stupid. - mpg

Two Kinds of Countries: Israel’s Dangerous Path
A quote...."There are two kinds of countries or societies or places to live. In the first kind, decent, fair, kind, and respectful treatment of every person takes precedent over anyone’s preferences for how a culture changes or how much effort is expended trying to slow the change of a culture, or which cultures mix with each other, or which groups intermarry. In this first type of society — admittedly a nonexistent ideal — people identify with humanity and welcome any member of humanity into their group of associates, their neighborhood, and their family. Desire to keep some corner of the globe inhabited by people with a particular skin color or language isn’t just slightly outweighed by diligent observance of individuals’ rights. Instead, such sectarian or tribal desire doesn’t exist. And its absence leaves room for concern over war, environmental destruction, hunger, poor healthcare, illiteracy, and all sorts of problems not involving the exclusion of some people from a group."

Israel Knocks Together an Anti-Iranian Front, or The Wolves and the Sheep
A quote...."For a significant part of Israel’s modern history, a strategic concept has been in operation there of a so-called peripheral Islam which maintained that the main threat to the country came from neighbouring Arab states predominantly practising Sunnism which had to be resisted by offshoots of Islam – Shiites, Druzes and supporters of secularisation."

Jews Are Not a Race But Jewish Identity is Racist
More on the most recent genetic study of Euro-Kazars and the implications of that study for all those idiotic racist claims and policies of Israel. - mpg -- A quote...."The government of Israel rests its entire policy of seizing Palestine and the surrounding lands of Eratz Israel on the Jews all being the direct pure descendants of the biblical Hebrews, and that their imaginary playmate in the sky has given the lands form the Nile to the Euphrates to them. But the vast majority of present-day Jews are the Ashkenazi and there there is considerable evidence that the Ashkenazi are the descendants of Central Asian Khazars who were converted to Judaism in about 800AD." -- *Michael Rivero*

Arafat poisoned to death: Lancet medical journal
A quote...."Arafat's autopsy was completed on June of this year. It is now October and the results still have not been released (although the usual anonymous sources claimed the results would show Arafat died of AIDS). So one might presume some serious political pressure has been applied to prevent the cause of death from being announced ... which tells us all we need to know about the cause of death. -- The above Lancet article confirms what was already known from samples of the clothing Arafat wore when he died; he was poisoned with polonium 210. This is a favored Assassination weapon of Israel because not only does it kill the target, but does so in a particularly cruel fashion. Alexander Litvinenko, a suspected Russian/Israel double agent, is another well known victim of this method of assassination." -- *Michael Rivero*

Tunisian player refuses to play against an Israeli
A quote...."Tunisia’s Malek Jaziri has given a walkover against Israel’s Amir Weinstraub, as he was asked to do by the Tunisian Tennis Federation. The news was confirmed by Tunisia’s state agency."

The Occupation Welcomed in Romania - Vampires, Ghouls and other night crawlers also welcomed. - mpg
A quote...."Despite worldwide protests against Lev Leviev’s involvement and support of the Israeli occupation, a new mall was opened by him in Romania this week. Obviously the evils of Nicolae Ceauşescu live on."

The Bra Is A Security Threat’: Harassment and Interrogation at Ben Gurion Airport
Have you ever noticed how closely Israel's, and their North American Colony's "security" services resemble each other in sheer, petty, nasty, arrogance?  US airport intimidation really began after it was imposed on this nation by Michael Chertoff, a Euro-Kazarian, dual-Israeli citizen intimately involved with the events surrounding 9/11 and whose profitable company, RapiScan was responsible for many of those "death gates" passengers are forced to endure.  So it figures. - mpg -- A quote...."Anonymous is 21 years old and lives in Berkeley, California. Her father is a Jordanian Palestinian and her mother is a British Jew. The following trip took place in September, 2013."

Israel trains US law-enforcement in counter-terrorism
Related Article - A quote...."A delegation of law-enforcement executives from California and Washington state has come to Israel to receive training in [under color of law] counter terrorism methods from Israeli experts." - strike-threw by this website editor

Israel bars building materials shipments from entering Gaza Strip
Gotta keep dem dare darkies....'scuse this website editor, dem dare kafirs....'scuse this website editor...again, dem dare sand niggers, barefoot, hungry and homeless. - mpg

Generation Palestine: Voices from the Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) Movement against the State [Criminal Regime] of Israel -- A quote...."It appears to be a downward trend toward the successful ethnic cleansing of Palestine, while the world stands by, fooled by the rhetoric of the ‘peace process’ and ‘the war on terror.’   The slow ongoing creation and strengthening of the apartheid system seems inexorable. -- In a clearly written and concise work edited by Rich Wiles, Generation Palestine presents a significantly more hopeful outlook.  The book is divided into four sections, each with a collection of different authors from different backgrounds presenting their perspective on Palestine and the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement (BDS)." - also posted at RINF

History is Written by the Victors: Adolf Hitler – The Greatest Story Never Told (Full Version)
Must View Videos - A quote...."UD admin note: This is a fascinating look at one of the most lied about periods in the history of mankind.  It has a some controversial content.  A friend advised me not to post it, saying it was too objectionable.  The film maker takes a neutral  to pro-Hitler stance.  In keeping with our motto, “Free movies, free minds, free speech,” I’ve decided to post it and ask that “You watch, you decide.” - This documentary chronicles the rise of Germany from defeat in WWI, communist attempts to take over Germany, hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, and Hitler’s rise to power. - It also reveals a personal side of Adolf Hitler – who he was, his family background, his artwork and struggles in Vienna and what motivated him to come to power. - There’s too much hidden history to recount here – FDR Pearl Harbor conspiracy, Soviet brutality, the root causes of WWII, etc.  You will have to watch, do your own research, and decide what to believe." -- bold by website editor
As told from the point of view of the other side. It should be noted that Hitler would not have been considered the aggressor by history even after he had acquired the Germanic areas of Czechoslovakia - if he had stopped there.  He didn't, and it must be remembered that the aggressor is always wrong, and Hitler was the aggressor. Thoroughly demonstrated by his subsequent invasions of Poland, France and most importantly....Russia. That is not to say WWII could have been avoided. Since Hitler had refused to kowtow to the Banksters, that war was inevitable. Written in stone and set in iron. All he had to do was wait, it was coming to him.
NSA 'routinely' shares Americans' data with Israel - Snowden leak
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min14sec - Sep 11, 2013) - Source:  RT -- A quote...."US has been sharing unfiltered intelligence with Israel, including the private data of American citizens - according to a confidential document that was part of whistleblower Edward Snowden's leaks. It shows that Washington set no limits as to how its ally could use the information. RT's Paula Slier joins us LIVE from Tel Aviv"  - Topix ||  Israel's Net Control  ||
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More on the All Seeing - (Know Nothing) - Police State & Their Surveillance & Suppression of the Web.

NSA’s Global Economic Intelligence Net
A quote...."The NSA documents released by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has finally put to rest NSA’s long-held public policy that it does not engage in massive economic intelligence gathering. In fact, NSA, along with its global SIGINT partners, known as «Five Eyes» or FVEY, are targeting communications in order to amass economic intelligence that benefits large multinational corporations that are based in, but owe no real loyalty to, the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand."

NSA Claims It Doesn’t Do Online Attacks; That’s A Different Organization… Run By The NSA
A quote...."There are times you just shake your head and wonder who the NSA top officials think they’re kidding with their statements. Take, for example, some recent comments from the NSA’s number two guy in charge, Chris Inglis...." - Source:  TechDirt

NSA collects millions of e-mail address books globally
A quote...."The National Security Agency is harvesting hundreds of millions of contact lists from personal e-mail and instant messaging accounts around the world, many of them belonging to Americans, according to senior intelligence officials and top secret documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden." - Source:  WaPo

Internet giants plan to track users even more
A quote...."While public unease with the National Security Agency’s surveillance efforts continues to grow, there are new signs indicating that technology companies are also upgrading their efforts to track what you’re doing on the Internet."

Brazil says will launch secure email system - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Brazil has said that it will launch a secure email system to protect government communications against spying by countries including the United States and Canada."

Not one byte! German telecom giant plans to rout foreign spooks - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Germany’s largest telecom provider, Deutsche Telekom, is looking to introduce a “national routing” service which would keep German internet traffic out of the hands of foreign spies."
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More International Tales From the Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...

How the World Health Organisation Covered Up Iraq's Nuclear Nightmare
posted at ICH
A quote...."The publication of this 'summary document' on the World Health Organisation's website has raised questions from independent experts and former United Nations and WHO officials, who question the validity of its findings and its anonymous authorship. They highlight the existence of abundant research demonstrating not only significant rates of congenital birth defects in many areas of Iraq, but also a plausible link to the impact of depleted uranium."

Lebanon: Thousands of Syrian Refugees in Bekaa Face Merciless Winter
A quote...."The crisis of Syrian refugees in Lebanon worsens by the day. Two and a half years after war broke out in Syria, a large number of displaced Syrians remain without shelter. Most live in overcrowded group housing, while others have set up small tents as temporary shelter."

Over 6000 People Killed in Iraq Violence This year
A quote...."SAMARRA, IRAQ (INTELLIHUB) — Many people think that the war in Iraq is over and that the war in Afghanistan is coming to an end, but unfortunately neither is true. -- These are lies that have been told by the politicians and repeated by the mainstream media to distract the American people from the military occupation of the Middle East and Africa."

Post-Intervention Libya: A Militia State
A quote...."October 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House -  Two apparently related and revealing incidents have turned public attention briefly back to Libya just after the second anniversary of the NATO intervention that helped anti-Qaddafi rebel forces overthrow his regime. The first incident involved the infringement of Libyan sovereignty by an American special forces operation that seized the alleged al Qaeda operative, Abu Anas al-Libi (also known as Nizah Abdul Hamed al-Ruqai), on October 5, supposedly with the knowledge and consent of the Libyan government."
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More on the Domestic Situation....

Avoidance or Awareness – The Emergence of Truth in the Media
Must Read - A quote...."Opposing sides have emerged in the media. There is the old guard, the established corporate crew, known as the ‘mainstream media’ [Michael Rivero suggests "corporate media" as a better moniker, since they're demonstrably no longer 'main stream' and also because ninety percent of the commercial media in the US, excluding the web, is controlled by just six corporate conglomerates - mpg] to many. This is the for profit, big business industry occupied by the pundits, execs, billionaires, think-tankers, celebrity hosts, spokespersons, and anchor-robots who are supported by unlimited monetary resources and vast reach. It is an industry scientific in nature and overseen by the watchful eye government and the unseen hand of the powers above government. -- Rising in opposition to this monopoly is a new kind of media structure. Lack of corporate and government resources is being overcome by a self-motivated and self-multiplying movement of independent journalistsartists and thinkers who are presenting the information and ideas that the mainstream is working overtime to confuse, obfuscate, bury or simply won’t touch."

The Day the New America Began
A quote...."All serious Americans who know much about top level politics in D.C. know that we are living in a time of political rage and madness at the top, but the mad men and women do not know they are in the grip of madness. -- This is a situation very similar to the one that led to the great catastrophe of WWI when none of the people who produced it thought a catastrophe possible. -- Most intelligent people, whether or not they know anything about top level politics, feel uneasy about the long run political gridlock that has led to this political crisis we face and the rage of the mad ones “managing” the crisis at the top. -- I still think they will “muddle through” this latest time of gridlock, crisis and rage and go on to the next, worse one not far down our horrendously crooked road full of pot holes and swamps and fires. -- But I  have been studying the final years of the U.S. Global Empire intensely and have been growing more and more uneasy with what I see being imposed on us citizens at a ferocious pace."

On the Brink of Irresistible Change
A quote...."Part of the problem for The Toxic Elite, is in the ever increasing rise of awareness, courtesy of Mr. Apocalypse. This is impacting on all 'theaters' of operation but is most especially undesired by the toxic offenders in a few choice areas. One of them is the ever increasing outcry, concerning who did 9/11. This is best exemplified on the billboards and other public areas of New York City and across the internet. Another is the ever increasing pressure on Satanic Israel via BDS and a growing public awareness concerning what vicious psychopaths they are. This backlashes upon all the government whores and stooges who are on their payroll, which payroll they have a massive control over, via their ownership of The Central Banks."

US Army defines Christian ministry as 'domestic hate group'
A quote...."Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values."

How Does The Pentagon Get Rid Of Millions Of Damaged Soldiers? OVER-Medicate Them Till They Die!
CBSVideo - Alt - (CBSYuTb - 2min49sec - Oct 13, 2013) - Source:  MOXNews - Topix ||  M.I.C. Product™ - 11-10-10 - mpg  ||
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Truckers, Veterans & Others, Ride, March & Protest For The Constitution....
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More on Obama's Shutdown & How He Delights At Making It As Bad As Possible....
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POLL: Obama Worst President in History of America?
AMTVideo - Alt - (AMTVYuTb - 3min53sec - Oct 12, 2013) - Source:  AMTV -- A quote...."In today's video, Fabian Calvo of AMTV reports on Obama and Congress approval rating being at an all-time low."

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians”
A quote...."(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released its 2012 list of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.” The list, in alphabetical order, includes...."

Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians
Dishonorable Mentions for 2012 include:
Outraged Vets Clash with Riot Police and Win
AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 1hr31min38sec - Oct 13, 2013) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex covers the latest momentous developments in the Million Vet March in Washington as outraged veterans tear down "barrycades" and move on the White House, a development that has the government up in arms and deploying snipers and riot police in response. Alex also takes a look at the EBT welfare snafu as government IT fails stupendously and millions of "beneficiaries" of the state are left high and dry, unable to buy food, a situation blamed on the same sort of computer glitch that has hobbled the Obamacare registration fiasco. Alex covers other news items of import and takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast."

Rys2sense - PodCasts
Ry2SPodcasts - Pick the ones you're interested in. This website editor really liked the interview with Nicolas J. S. Davies. - mpg - Source: (New Website) Rys2sense - Related:  Ry2S@YuTb - Related:  Ry2S@TruTube - Related:   Ry2S@Vimeo - Related:  Rys2senseAntiNeocons

Michael Rivero on BambuserTV -  Oct 14th, 2013 - RBN Donation Drive - To Donate - Click Here
MRVideo - Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (BambuserTV - 3hrs -  Oct 14th, 2013) - Source:  RiveroBBTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues.

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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

How Much Longer Will the Dollar Be The Reserve Currency?
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- As long as the US-NRE  has the guns, people in the rest of the world are going to take the privately produced, mostly foreign Bankster owned, for profit, "federal reserve", debt-notes, and LIKE IT...or else! - mpg -- A quote...."We use the term “reserve currency” when referring to the common use of the dollar by other countries when settling their international trade accounts. For example, if Canada buys goods from China, it may pay China in US dollars rather than Canadian dollars, and vice versa. However, the foundation from which the term originated no longer exists, and today the dollar is called a “reserve currency” simply because foreign countries hold it in great quantity to facilitate trade." - Source: LudwigVonMises

7 Mind-Blowing Facts About Money
A quote..."[#2] Everyone was taught that money was invented to replace the messy business of barter.  It’s hard work walking my cow all the way to your village to trade for firewood … and then carrying all of that firewood back home.  And what if no one wants my cow? - But economist Charles Goodhart -  a former member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee – anthropologist David Graeber, and other experts on the history of money say that this is a myth. - Instead, they say that money was invented to finance war, and to keep score while armies went about pillaging looting."

Social Security Raise To Be Among Lowest In Years
The reason there's only been a minimal 'cost of living' (COLA) increase, per the government, is because there's no inflation.  (snicker.....giggle....loud, uproarious laughter fading off into the distance.....) - mpg -- A quote..."For the second straight year, millions of Social Security recipients, disabled veterans and federal retirees can expect historically small increases in their benefits come January."

Multi-Trillion Dollar Question: How Much of Our Debt Is “Odious”?
A quote...."Put simply, it is economic madness on a scale never before seen. Not only is it morally perverse, with the poorest and most vulnerable in society subsidising the reckless greed of the richest and most powerful, but it is also totally socially destructive. After all, the only way for a country to honor such elevated levels of debt — at least in the short to medium term — is to dismantle its public health-care, education and transport systems, confiscate pensions (as just happened in Poland) and unleash a system of internal devaluation that is as painful as it is ultimately futile. - More perverse still is the fact that most of this debt, with its ever-growing compound interest, will never get paid...." - also posted at ZeroHedge - That's the idea!! - mpg

Denial in the Face of “Debt Default”: There is No “Debt Ceiling”
A quote...."For all the talk about the United States approaching a catastrophic Debt Ceiling and subsequent unprecedented but exceptional default that would have unpredictable but probably dire impact on pretty much everybody, one thing you don’t hear much is that There is No Debt Ceiling. -- Seriously, the relevant law literally does nothing to control the national debt. A serious Debt Ceiling law would prevent Congress from appropriating expenditures beyond the debt limit.  Congress has never done that, Congress probably never would do that, even if it could. Congress doesn’t want to do that, and it would probably be irresponsible for Congress to do that. -- Presumably a president could veto any appropriation that exceeded the Debt Ceiling of the moment, but why would a president do that?"

"The Technocrats want you terrified." - " Design"
CMcGVideo - (CMcGYuTb - 5min38sec -  Oct 13, 2013) - Source: CMcGrath@YuTb - Related:  WideAwakeNews

46 per cent global wealth owned by richest 1 per cent: Credit Suisse
THEY WON!! - Special Note -- Got it folks, they won big time. 9/11 and everything that's happened since was perfectly planned and perfectly timed.  They got the didn't, that means THEY WON!   Apologies to Lew Rockwell and all those at the Ludwig Von Mises institute, but printing fiat script really does work.  It makes the wealthy even wealthier, beyond their wildest dreams of avarice! - mpg  -- Some quotes....
"Global wealth has risen by 68 per cent over the past 10 years to reach a new all-time high of $241 trillion and the United States accounts for nearly three quarters of the increase [as measured in "dollars" i.e. Fed fiat created script]" -- "Average global wealth has hit a peak of $51,600 per adult but this is spread very unevenly, with the richest 10 per cent owning 86 per cent of the wealth, analysts at the Credit Suisse Research Institute said. -The top 1 per cent alone owns 46 per cent of all global assets." - bold by website editor - Topix ||  Who Won? -- Or, How To Keep Score - 09-16-2013 - mpg  ||
Current Economic Collapse News: Companies [Actually] Beating [Drastically Lowered] Earnings [Estimates] Tumbles To Lowest Since Q1 2009, Record Unemployment, Food Stamps, Debt, Poverty  - Graphs - Article Links -- SO? - To turn Leona Helmsley's famous phrase...."only the little people have to be concerned about such trivial details".  As for earnings, actual manufacturing contributes less than twelve percent to US-NRE's already highly distorted GDP, and it's dropping every year.  The ONLY thing that matters is how much of those "debt-notes" are created and transferred to the 1%.  That's ALL that matters!  That's how you keep score.  - mpg

22 Reasons To Be Concerned About The U.S. Economy....
More trivial details for the "little people." - Looks like we're going into another leg down in this recession/depression, so what? - mpg - A quote...."Are we on the verge of another major economic downturn?  In recent weeks, most of the focus has been on our politicians in Washington, but there are lots of other reasons to be deeply alarmed about the economy as well.  Economic confidence is down, retail sales figures are disappointing, job cuts are up, and American consumers are deeply struggling.  Even if our politicians do everything right, there would still be a significant chance that we could be heading into tough economic times in the coming months." - also posted at ZeroHedge

It's back with a vengeance: [US] Private debt
A quote...." As Washington is struggling with debt and all its political ramifications, American companies and consumers are embracing it, running up record amounts in 2013. - Whether it's corporate loans, all quality levels of bonds or simple consumer credit, the debt party is back on in the U.S., whether it's in the boardroom or the living room."

The U.S. Has REPEATEDLY Defaulted
A quote...."Some people argue that countries can’t default.  But that’s false. -- It is widely stated that the U.S. government has never defaulted.  However, that is also a myth." - Source:  GrgWashBlog

South Dakota ranchers reel after 'catastrophic' storm leaves up to 100,000 cattle dead
US Inflation Alert - A quote...."Ranchers in South Dakota fear they may lose everything after a freak storm dumped up four feet of snow in parts of the state last week, killing as many as 100,000 cattle."

Europe prepares to come clean on hidden bank losses
A quote...."LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Euro zone countries will consider on Monday how to pay for the repair of their broken banks after health checks next year that are expected to uncover problems that have festered since the financial crisis."

Cash-for-Castles: Italy sells off historic sites to plug budget holes
Medieval Alert - So the Banksters want the castles??  How utterly medieval of them!!  Soon we'll all have to call them lords and ladies, and we'll be their serfs and peasants. That's just great. Way to go fiat currency regime, good-bye bright future, welcome to the Brand New Medieval period!  - mpg -- A quote...."A Grand Inquisitor’s villa, a Pope’s fort and a Venetian island will be sold off to fill Italy’s depleted state coffers, local media reports. It’s hoped the 50 historic sites will raise 500 million euros needed to obey strict EU austerity rules. -- The plan to offer some of Italy’s state-owned real estate to private investors is part of an emergency decree aimed at keeping the country’s 2013 budget deficit within 3 percent threshold set by Brussels, the Corriere della Serra newspaper reports." - also posted at BLN

Floored by Debt [In Ireland]
A quote...."THEY are architects, engineers, shop owners, taxi drivers, public sector workers, sales assistants, office workers, self-employed tradesmen and small business owners. They cover the gamut of society and they’re all struggling with arrears on mortgages, rent, ESB bills, gas bills, personal and credit union loans."

Bedroom Tax minister Lord Freud admits 'not enough one-bedroom homes' bungle
A quote..."Bedroom Tax minister Lord Freud has finally admitted there are not enough one-bed homes for victims of the hated levy. - But he brazenly tried to shift responsibility for the logjam to local authorities as he tried to defend the tax in the House of Lords."

Chart Of The Day: China Imports Over 2,000 Tons Of Gold In Last Two Years
Gold Alert - Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."China has just one thing to say to all those who engage in the now daily slamdowns of gold just around the time of the London fixing, after 8 am Eastern, which lately have gotten so vicious they have resulted in "stop logic" market halts not on one but at least two occasions, keeping the price of gold delightfully low for all those who instead of selling, are looking to buy: "thanks." - Also, China sends her love....X O X O! - mpg
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More On The International Situation....

Terrorists abduct ICRC employees in Idleb
A quote...."Idleb, (SANA) - An official source told SANA that an armed terrorist group abducted on Sunday a number of employees in the mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Syria on Sermin- Saraqib road in Idleb countryside. - The source told SANA reporter that an armed terrorist group opened fire on the delegation members' cars and kidnapped the employees."

Iran rejects calls to ship out uranium stockpile - Which is their RIGHT under the NPT!! - mpg
A quote...."Iran will not agree to ship out its stockpile of enriched uranium, one of its main negotiators said Sunday ahead of crunch talks with world powers on its nuclear program. -- “We will negotiate about the volume, levels and the methods of enrichment but shipping out the (enriched) material is a red line for Iran,” deputy foreign minister Abbas Araqchi told the state broadcaster. -- The remarks came on the eve of two-day talks in Geneva, the first meeting between Iranian negotiators and world powers since President Hassan Rohani, a reputed moderate, took office in August." - Source:  al-Akhbar

US arrest of Taliban leader ‘enrages’ Afghan president Karzai
A quote...."US forces detained Taliban commander Latif Mehsud, the US State Department said Friday, an announcement that has reportedly infuriated Afghan president Hamid Karzai, who hoped to use Mehsud as interlocutor for peace talks."

Kerry fails to secure deal on US ‘troop immunity’ in Afghanistan
A quote...."Talks between the US and Afghanistan to allow 10,000 American troops to remain in the country after NATO forces’ planned withdrawal in 2014 stalled Saturday on the issue of immunity for US personnel."

US soldier shot dead in 'insider attack' in south-eastern Afghanistan
A quote...."An Afghan man wearing an Afghan army uniform shot at US soldiers in south-eastern Afghanistan, killing at least one serviceman on Sunday, local officials and the Nato-led coalition said. - The so-called "insider attack" in Paktika province is the fourth in less than a month and is likely to strain already tense ties between coalition troops and their allies...."

Malala, survivor of Taliban, resented in Pakistan hometown
A quote...."MINGORA, Pakistan (Reuters) - For many of her compatriots, Malala Yousafzai is a stooge of the United States and a CIA agent, a symbol of the West's evils and a global conspiracy to bring down her native Pakistan."
Nope!  She's just a brave, resolute, innocent young woman, and if she suffers a tragedy, nobody will be happier sadder than the NGO's and those Neo-Liberals in the so-called "West".  They'll cry buckets of tears for her, they'll shower accolades of praise on her for her brave, forlorn, and inevitably doomed struggle against the evils of misogynist Islam. -- They'll be on the infotainment networks beating their chests 24/7 decrying whatever may happen to her, new awards will be proposed in her honor, charities will be set-up in her name, vast contributions will be requested, and donated on her behalf. --  In fact, as you read this gentle reader, the mere prospect of participating in such a display of public anguish and profitable charitable donation giving probably has them calling their CIA contacts right now to arrange, yeah, that's it, - mpg
Diana: Time for police to make arrests and seize documents, says lawyer
A quote...."SCOTLAND Yard was under increasing pressure last night to launch a full-scale inquiry into sensational allegations that the SAS assassinated Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed. The lawyer acting for Dodi’s father Mohamed Al Fayed urged detectives to finally get to the truth and use their powers to “seize documents and make arrests”. - Simon McKay was speaking after it emerged a third witness has corroborated claims  from a former SAS sniper who apparently boasted how the elite regiment was involved in the deaths of the couple in a Paris underpass. - A small team of Yard detectives has been assessing the allegations as part of a “scoping exercise” since the claims were made public in August."

Quarter of Russia's Budget to Become Classified by 2016
Is Russia becoming America?  That would be a shame, they were doing so well. - mpg -- A quote...."MOSCOW, October 14 (RIA Novosti) – Almost one-quarter of government spending in Russia is to become classified within the next three years, according to findings by a Moscow research institute that will raise concerns of decreasing economic transparency in a country already plagued by corruption." - bold by website editor - Annnnddddd.....IT'S GONE! - mpg

Refitted Aircraft Carrier to Leave for India November 30 – Deputy Premier
A quote...."GORKI (Moscow region), October 14 (RIA Novosti) – A Russian-built aircraft carrier refitted for the Indian Navy will finally leave for India on November 30, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said Monday, following an overhaul that is years late, and cost over twice the original budgeted price."

China-Vietnam relations witness 'substantial progress'
A quote...."The relationship between China and Vietnam has made substantial progress, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang told a joint press conference with his Vietnamese counterpart, Nguyen Tan Dung, on Sunday."

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More On The Palestinian Situation...

Palestinian faction condemns Abbas' demand to tighten siege on Gaza
Quisling Alert -- Israel's pro-consul puppet to the Palestinian people opens his mouth and decrees the impoverished, deprived, prisoners of the Gaza concentration camp should be sadistically punished even more than they already have been. Why is this website editor not surprised? What a good little boy he is.  He serves his masters well.  - mpg -- A quote...."The Palestinian Al-Ahrar Movement has condemned Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's demand that the Egyptian authorities completely close the food tunnels between Egypt and the Gaza Strip."

Continued settler [Jewish gang-banger] harassment and international arrested in Hebron
A quote...."Hebron, Occupied Palestine – One international was arrested after settlers fenced off the Asseh family home for a second day in a row in Hebron’s Tel Rumeida area. -- Yesterday, early Saturday morning, settlers tied a fence across the exit of the Asseh family home with a wire gate to prevent them from leaving for a second day. After the family and internationals removed the gate, settler children threw rocks, water and water mixed with faeces at them. Two Israeli soldiers stood close and did nothing. The police arrived but also took no action despite being informed of what had happened." - Source:  ISM

Israeli Court Set to Rule on Destruction of Palestinian Village
A quote...."The Israeli High Court is set to rule on the forced expulsion of all of the residents of the village of Khirbat Zanuta, southwest of Hebron in the southern West Bank on Monday. - The decision comes five years after the initial order was made by the court to demolish the village. That decision was put on hold when an appeal was filed on behalf of the villagers by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel." - Source:  IMEC

Israeli Perpetual Terrorism
A quote...."The world’s attention is focused on the Syrian war against terrorism, on the Egyptian demonstrations and conflict, on the Tunisian demonstrations and on the daily Iraqi terrorist car bombings. The Israeli terrorism against Palestinians on the other hand has been dropped off the radar. The Israelis are taking advantage of this to intensify their terrorism, persecution, ethnic cleansing, and large scale land theft of Palestinian land."

Palestinians' Right to Resist
A quote...." The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states "(e)veryone has the right to life, liberty and security of person." No one has the right to deny them. -- Resisting lawless occupation is universally recognized. Palestinians may use "all necessary means at their disposal" to do so. More on that below."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Protesters in 50 countries march against MONSANTO - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Action Update - A quote...."Thousands took to streets across the world’s cities on Saturday to protest the use of GMO products, with Giant Monsanto being the main target. Over 50 countries have been taking part in the march for world food day, and across 47 different US states."

Revolt Against Mongressanto GMO Crops Torched in America
A quote...."Though a controlled media is suppressing the story, 40 tons of GMO crops were torched, prompting an FBI investigation. We The People do NOT WANT GMO, and if the Monsanto Congress does not watch their step, arson will become outright violence, and from there, even lead to revolution."

Study Links Roundup 'Weedkiller' To Overgrowth of Deadly Fungal Toxins
GMO Health Update - A quote...."A new study reveals that Roundup herbicide enhances the growth of aflatoxin-producing fungi, lending an explanation for the alarming increase in fungal toxins recently discovered in U.S corn, and revealing another way in which GM farming is seriously undermining food quality." - Topix ||  Sugar is Bad. HFCS is Deadly! - 10-12-13 - mpg  ||

Coexist with Monsanto or destroy it? Follow the organic money.
Action Alert - A quote...."If companies like Whole Foods, Stonyfield, Dr. Bronner’s, Lundberg, and the big-time nutritional-supplement outfits want to bankroll a popular and very visible uprising against Monsanto, they have the dollars to do it. And they have the PR people to ignite it. - If they decide they don’t really want to co-exist with Monsanto and GMOs, they could start funding something a lot hotter and more effective than GMO-labeling ballot measures. - But that’s not in their playbook. They don’t have the stomach and courage for it. They don’t want to get their hands dirty."

Why Did the Russians Ban an Appliance Found in 90% of American Homes?
Web / Database Resource - A quote...."When it comes to microwave ovens, the price for convenience is to compromise your health. In this article, I will review what we know about the effects of microwaves on your food and on your body." - Source:  Mercola

Fukushima Report: Interview With Dr. Richard Wilcox

A quote...."(The5thEstate) – As the real truth about Fukushima escapes Japan in spite of the black hole of media censorship there, increasing international pressure on Japan to confront the reality of this disaster mounts exponentially." - Source:  The5thEstate - (Hey, that's a good name.  Considering how BANKRUPT the "4th Estate" has become. - mpg)

Sunday October 13th 2013

No posts. - mpg