Sunday Oct 28th 2012

Project For The New American Century-PNAC exposed (full movie)
Must View Video - From the History File - Dec 25, 2010 - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr34min23sec - 12/25/10) - MYAR15 -- The government documents title project for new american century, explains everything we have seen in the last decade or so Including 911" - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

Death knells for US colonial adventurism in Mideast
Must Read - A quote...."This week’s presidential debate on the issue of foreign policy was, at best, a humiliation for America. I am not talking about the minor issues, such as Romney not knowing where Iran and Syria are on a map or that Iran has nearly 2,000 miles of coastline. -- It is easy to confuse Iran with Kazakhstan or even Iceland. Americans are not typically good at geography or math or engineering or languages. -- I cringed to see who would be the first candidate to misquote President Ahmadinejad’s quotation...."
“History will erase Zionism from the sands of time.”
"According to Romney, making this statement is considered “genocide” and he indicated he was going to go to the International Criminal Court at The Hague and have charges filed. -- Nobody told Romney that America withdrew from the court years ago in fear that American leaders themselves were likely to face indictment."

Imperialism In The X-Factor Age
A quote...."In Vietnam, Agent Orange was dropped by the US to poison a foreign population. In Iraq and the former Yugoslavia, depleted uranium was used. In Western countries, things are a bit more complicated because various states have tended to avoid using direct forms of physical violence to quell their own populations (unless you belong to some marginalized group or hit a raw nerve, as did the Occupy Movement last year). The pretence of democracy and individual rights has to be maintained."

On Us vs. Them
A quote...."The movie, The Matrix, explains a great deal. -- Most people are brought up from birth within the system – “the matrix” – and psychologically and socially and culturally conditioned to accept it as their world. And more, the world as it is supposed to be. What separates people like those here from everyone else? Somehow, for whatever reason, we questioned. And we saw a flaw in the pattern (the green screen with zeros and ones, if you like, as in the movie). Something clicked – and we knew. The curtain fell away. We began to realize how thoroughly we’d been lied to about almost everything. Saw the fundamental violence of the system. The lie behind the facade of “democracy” and “consent of the governed.” Once you see, you cannot unsee. The pattern becomes obvious, transparant. And all of sudden, things make sense. A bleak sort of sense, to be sure. But for the first time, you truly understand."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Israel’s Catalog of Savagery
A quote...."Lawrence Davidson views Israel’s litany of savage behaviour, from the ethnic cleansing that started in earnest in 1948 and is ongoing to the starvation war waged on Gaza and numerous acts of wanton, petty cruelty."

US pressures Europe to label Hezbollah a “terrorist group”
Israel's North American Colony (INAC) is giving more orders to its vassal states. - mpg -- A quote...."The chief counterterrorism adviser to the US President Barack Obama is putting pressure on the European Union to label the Lebanon resistance movement Hezbollah as a “terror group”." - also posted at PressTV - Meanwhile INAC is supporting every single violent, murderous, Wahhabist, terrorist group throughout the Middle East and has been doing so for the last thirty years.  The term hypocrisy just doesn't quite do it justice. - mpg

Al-Qaeda operates on behalf of Israel, West (Press TV)
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."The al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria operate on behalf of the Israeli regime and the West, aiming to break up the Middle East and spread sectarianism, an analyst tells Press TV."

Israel: The End of the Dream -- From “Exodus” to the apartheid state
A quote...." For a somewhat alienated teen-ager, such as myself, who didn’t feel at home anywhere, the Israelis represented the outsider triumphant, a long-persecuted people who, in spite of everything, had carved out a place for themselves in the world. -- This is the image that burned itself into my brain, and, like many Americans, Jews and non-Jews alike, I felt a bond with the Israeli people that could almost be called spiritual. Today, however – almost fifty years later – I have quite a different view of the Jewish state. Not even the musical score written by Ferrante and Teicher can erase the reality of a nation that systematically oppresses its Palestinian helots, a ruthless Sparta armed to the teeth (courtesy of my tax dollars) that is now engaged in a propaganda campaign designed to drag the United States into yet another unnecessary and horrifically destructive war in the Middle East."

Who will stand up to the Israeli pirates?
A quote...."....there is another type of piracy, one that is applauded and encouraged by the same countries that never fail to let an opportunity pass to congratulate themselves on the efforts they are making to eliminate Somali piracy. -- I am talking about the Israeli state-sponsored pirates plying international waters as part of an experiment to see whether it is possible to force a whole people, the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip, to submit to foreign occupation by starving it."

Turkey to return drones purchased from Israel
A quote...."Ankara says there are technical problems with the drones and it will sue for damages after Israel failed to repair them -- Israeli manufacturer says it does not know of any problems with the drones." - a comment shown below....
"Maybe the Turks found the back door Israel built into the control system." -- *Michael Rivero*
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

The Terrible Tragedy of Kevin Krim....

CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit
Murder Inc - (Even the Mafia doesn't do this....) -- A quote...."This week financial news organization CNBC gave some mainstream attention to the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History, in which “Banksters” and their U.S. racketeering partners are being accused of laundering of 43 trillion dollars worth of ill gotten gains. -- The lawsuit is said to involve officials located in the highest offices of government and the financial sector. -- Since this information was surprisingly revealed by the mainstream news organization there has been a very suspicious and deadly fallout at the CNBC headquarters. -- Within hours the original page for the article [shown below] was taken down, and CNBC senior vice president Kevin Krim received news that his children were killed under very suspicious circumstances. -- It seems that the murder happened first and then the page was removed later. -- According to mainstream accounts the children’s nanny is responsible for the murders, allegedly stabbing both children."

CNBC exec two children stabbed to death in NYC apartment, nanny arrested
Related Article - A quote...."She saw that the apartment was dark and returned to the lobby to ask the doorman if the nanny and kids had gone out, he said. The doorman said no, and she returned to the apartment to make the grisly discovery, he said." - a comment shown below....
"So the Nanny supposedly killed the children, stabbed herself, THEN turned out the lights in the apartment? That is as believable as Saddam's nuclear weapons. First off, attempted suicide by slashing ones own throat is extremely rare and almost unheard of for women. Second, the children's father is an executive at CNBC which shortly after the murders erased a story regarding a $43 trillion racketeering class action lawsuit brought against all the Wall Street firms involved in the mortgage-backed securities fraud. From where I sit, this is someone sending a message to the corporate media that they better toe the corporate line from now on!" -- *Michael Rivero*
Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury -- Related Article - A quote...."NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Spire Law Group, LLP's national home owners' lawsuit, pending in the venue where the "Banksters" control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) - known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the "Banksters" and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers - now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the "Banksters" located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests." - article previously posted 10-26-12 - also posted at Reficultnias
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Alex Jones' tribute to Russell Means....

"Re-upload of earlier interviews with American legend Russell Means who passed away Monday morning, Oct 22, 2012 at the age of 72."

Russell Means: 10/11/10 - War is Not Peace
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 44min09sec - Oct 26, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel

Russell Means: 2/12/09 - Liberty & Freedom
Must View AJVideo - (AJYuTb - 55min13sec - Oct 26, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel
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COINTELPRO Techniques for Dilution, Misdirection and Control of an Internet Forum
A quote...."We have repeatedly addressed the topic of disruption of logical debate on the Internet. -- An anonymous writer posted an important new report on disruption at Pastebin.  It is in the style of a leaked law enforcement memo, although we cannot vouch for its authenticity as a document produced by a whistleblower.  However, we have seen these techniques repeatedly used to disrupt Internet debate, and so – even if only copying the style of a real memo – it contains valuable information which all web user should know." - also posted at ZeroHedge

Mujahedin-e Khalq: America’s protected terrorists gearing up against Iran (Op-Ed)
A quote...."Unsatisfied in "crippling" Iran with sanctions, the US looks to be set for active operations there - and already has an in: a group called the Mujahedin-e Khalq, which in the near future could become the Persian equivalent of the Free Syrian Army. -- ­On September 21, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton passed Public Notice 8050, de-listing the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) from the State Department’s Specially Designated Global Terrorist list, effective September 28." - also posted at WarInIraq - Topix ||  US Support of Terror - MEK, Jundullah & Others  ||  Recent Cong Support 4 MEK  ||

US seeks to bar testimony on torture in military trial of alleged 9/11 plotters - And the 9/11 cover-up continues....
A quote...."Pretrial arguments began last week and continued Wednesday in the military commission trial in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba of the alleged 9/11 plotters over the US government’s attempt to suppress any testimony by the defendants on their torture at the hands of the CIA." - Topix ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||

Scots lawyer says the sights he witnessed in Guantanamo Bay have left him a broken man
Related Article - A quote...."AFTER Dennis Edney visited Guantanamo Bay to represent its youngest inmate, he described how he “went in a lawyer and came out a broken father”. -- The Scots solicitor said: “I never thought I would go to such an evil place and see such evil being done. Guantanamo changed me.” -- The experience cemented in the mind of this lorry driver’s son from Dundee the need to keep picking at the sore that is Guantanamo. -- Proud of his reputation as a thorn in the side of government, Dennis is one of Canada’s most respected human rights lawyers and his casebook is both high-profile and controversial."

CIA agents were told to ‘stand down’ in Benghazi
The Benghazi Assassination? -- A quote..."Revelations shed new light on the effectiveness of the CIA at Benghazi and the level of support they were given. -- When the CIA annex come under attack the field agents were denied a request for military help despite a counter terrorism team being two hours away in Italy. -- There was full communication between operatives on the ground and headquarters – with the ability to laser guide drones, planes or special forces to enemy targets." - Source: DailyMail -- For more on this issue see article and comment shown below.....
US ‘too slow’ to act as drone’s cam captured Libya horror
A quote...."The United States had an unmanned Predator drone over its consulate in Benghazi during the attack that slaughtered four Americans — which should have led to a quicker military response, it was revealed yesterday. -- “They stood, and they watched, and our people died,” former CIA commander Gary Berntsen told CBS News." - posted 10-22-12 - some comments shown below.....
"Which means they knew in advance the attack would happen. and WANTED people to die!" -- *Michael Rivero*
Wait!  Ambassador Stevens was having second thoughts regarding his prior support for al-CIA'da in Libya, decided to "investigate" what was going on, and Hillary (throwing herself on Obama's sword, no, not that way, we know where her "tastes" "lay" these days), publicly stated she reduced his security? -- So what happened, he spoke (too much), she heard, and he died? (to paraphrase one of her famously mangled quotes)  -- Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. -- This is what some people call "an embarrassing chain of events" and what other people call a reason for impeachment and a grand jury investigation. Well, we should at least be happy she restrained herself this time around and didn't give another girlish little giggle when she described his death. -- mpg - posted 10-22-12 - Topix  ||  An African Base of Operations for More Terror - (By Their Actions We Shall Know Them) - 10-26-11 - mpg  ||
Iraq, Afghanistan War Wounded Pass 50,000
A quote..."WASHINGTON -- More than 50,000 Americans have been combat-wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan since 2001, a grim measure of the cost of more than a decade of war. -- According to Defense Department accounting, the number of wounded reached 50,010 on Thursday."

Gerald Celente – Jan Mickelson, WHO Radio – October 26, 2012
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 24min50sec - Oct 27, 2012) - Source:  trendsjournal
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More on the The 2012 Election Cycle....

Chap II. The Ratchet Effect
Must Read - (Expresses an idea many of us have been thinking about for a very long time....mpg) -- Quote of the Day....."The American political system, since at least 1968, has been operating like a ratchet, and both parties — Republicans and Democrats — play crucial, mutually reinforcing roles in its operation. -- The electoral ratchet permits movement only in the rightward direction. The Republican role is fairly clear; the Republicans apply the torque that rotates the thing rightward. -- The Democrats’ role is a little less obvious. The Democrats are the pawl. They don’t resist the rightward movement — they let it happen — but whenever the rightward force slackens momentarily, for whatever reason, the Democrats click into place and keep the machine from rotating back to the left." - Source:  StopMeB4IVoteAgain - Related:  TableOfContents

Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (Full Version)
Video - A Relevant Historical Note - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr20min13sec - Dec 22, 2010) - Source:  JustinWallis -- A quote...."UNCOUNTED is an explosive documentary that shows how the election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006 – and now looms as an unbridled threat to the outcome of the 2008 election. This controversial feature length film by Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt examines in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change election outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S. Noted computer programmers, statisticians, journalists, and experienced election officials provide the irrefutable proof."

Obama and Romney – Gangsters for Fascism
(Mitt & Barak, a.k.a. Barmitt Obamney, are two peas in a pod) -- A quote...."I honestly don’t think it matters who wins the election. Like all elections in the modern era, real choices are never provided. The politicians and the media concentrate on “faux issues” designed to create the appearance of an intense debate, meanwhile the pressing issues of our times are decided by connected elites behind closed doors. On these issues, the politicians are in complete agreement. The system is rigged to ensure that only corporate tools can rise to the level of “Actor in Chief.”

Don't Vote For Evil
Ry2SVideo - (vote your conscience) - (Ry2SYuTb - 47sec - Oct 28, 2012) - Source:  RyDawson - Cute girl, perhaps she'll cause least guys, to remember the phrase..."A vote for Evil is a wasted vote". - mpg

Drone-murders of Americans ‘Totally right, totally Constitutional’: Homeland Security Chairperson
Must View WrCVideo - (WrCYuTb - 1min53sec - Oct 23, 2012) - Source:  wearechange -- A quote...."… and if you question it, you are “a horrible moron,” concludes Peter T. King, Chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security. -- This 2-minute video from We Are Change Luke Rudkowski powerfully captures what US “leadership” has become. The good news is their arrogance and evasion is only tragic-comic sideshows to the “emperor has no clothes” obvious facts of their massive crimes centering in war and money." - also posted at DProgram

Mitt Romney – a danger to USA and world peace
(Mitt Romney IS Gregg Stillson....Hallelujah) -- A quote...."Jamal Kanj argues that US Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s frequent gaffes, his lack of ingenuity and transparency, and his over-reliance on his advisers are not the traits of a national leader “but of a man who poses a dangerous threat to America and world peace”." - Topix ||  Psycho for President? - 10-13-12 - mpg  ||

'Americans extremely reluctant to enter war with Iran on any pretext'
Related RTVideo - (Watch and you'll see why) - (RTYuTb - 4min38sec - Oct 26, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."RT discusses how the candidates are handling their campaigns with former CIA officer Philip Giraldi." -- Basically Philip Giraldi believes Mitt Romney is "all in" for war against Iran and will support whatever Israel does.  Obama's....not so eager apparently. - mpg

Mitt Romney’s 5 Point Plan is the Same Plan as McCain in ’08 and Bush in ’04
(Mitt -- If I only had a brain or an original thought -- a plagiarizer) -- A quote...."Mitt Romney’s 5 point plan to jumpstart the economy is actually John McCain’s 2008 5 point plan to get the economy moving, which was George W. Bush’s 2004 five point plan to grow the economy. The plan for the Republicans is always the same, cut taxes, reduce spending, a talking point about school choice, more domestic oil drilling, and free trade. - The last time this plan was tried by a president the economy collapsed."

Romney Knows Election Fraud Begins With Investing in eVoting Machines
(Vote Fraud Alert) -- A quote...."Another way to ensure the election is swayed to produce a pre-determined outcome is to have a private-equity fund which financially supports a voting machine manufacturer. This is the direction Mitt Romney has taken with regard to his involvement with Solamere. -- Although the firm has denied direct or indirect investment in Solamere, Tagg Romney (Mitt Romeny’s son), Spencer Zwick, campaign finance director for Mitt Romney, Ann Romney, and G. Scott Romney (Mitt’s brother) are involved monetarily with Solamere. -- Mitt himself has invested $10 million of “seed capital” in Solamere. This initial investment yielded an estimated $1 million in returns for voting stock in Solamere."

Romney Deception (Documentary, 2012 in HD)
Video - Alt - (The ultimate politician - MR. Flip-Flopper to you) - (YuTb - 21min01sec - Oct 26, 2012) - Source:  VictoryIndependence -- A quote...."We put a massive amount of research and effort into our first political documentary." Related article - Loyalty’s for Chumps on The Street - Obama Dumped by the Money Men - and to be's Alex Jones' the Obama Deception shown below.....

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version
AJVideo - (The ultimate "pope of hope", "chanter of change" and supreme betrayer of all promises he ever made) -- (AJYuTb -  1hr53min40sec - Mar 12, 2009) - Source:  ChangeDaChannel - Producer: TheAJChannel -- A quote...."The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. - The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery."

Journalism in the Obama age shows the real media bias
(regarding the sycophantic power groupies with pens, they don't call them Presstitutes for nothing.) - A quote...."A new Rolling Stone interview with the president shows subservience to power, not partisan favor, is what drives the press corps" - Who would've thought Rolling Stone magazine, of all publications, could stoop so low as to kiss Obama's butt?  But that's the way it is folks. - mpg
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Where Oh Where in the World....Did All That Gold Go????
(Only the NY Fed, London's "City" and Tel Aviv's Banksters know for sure.....)

CNBC MOPE: Actual Existence of Gold Reserves is Irrelevant, It’s the Bookkeeping That Matters!
False Flag Warning - Gold Warning - Must Read - (Aaaannnnnnddddd......IT'S GONE!!) -- A quote...."In an amazingly weak and futile attempt to stem the inevitable onslaught of delivery and repatriation requests, CNBC’s senior editor John Carney has released an editorial claiming that it matters not whether the gold held at the NY Fed and the BOE is filled with tungsten, has been leased or swapped, or that it even exists- all that matters is the Fed’s bookkeeping ledger that states the gold is there."
"This editorial from CNBC tells us two things. First, that the gold bullion is indeed vanished (or replaced with Tungsten cored fakes) from the NYFED, BOE, and probably a lot of other places. Second, the Wall Street money-junkies know they cannot refuse a request for an audit and purity testing now. So, they have come up with this idea that it doesn't matter if the gold is really there or not as long as we all agree to believe the gold is there based on a bookkeeping entry...." -- *Michael Rivero*
This "mark to fantasy", "we create our own reality", endless creation of bogus faux-financial instruments, like the almost one hundred trillion worth of derivatives they've created every year, has got to stop! - mpg
Netherlands’ Citizens Group Demands Central Bank Reveal Location of Country’s Gold Reserves
False Flag Warning - Gold Warning - A quote...."First Venezuela, then Germany, and now the Netherlands want their gold back. -- In the wake of this week’s ruling by the German Federal Accountability Office that Germany must repatriate and audit 150 tons of its gold reserves from the NY Fed over the next 3 years, a Netherlands citizens committee has filed a petition demanding the Central Bank release information ”on the quantity and storage location of the Netherlands’ physical gold, and on the extent and nature of the gold claims.”

Bundesbank's Official Statment On Where It's Gold Is (And Isn't)
Related Article - One feels after reading their statement that the Bundesbank "doth protest too much" in its insistence that everything is just peachy-keen. - mpg -- A quote...."Three days ago, as a result of recent discoveries relating to Germany's official sovereign gold inventory, we asked a rhetorical question: "Why Did The Bundesbank Secretly Withdraw Two-Thirds Of Its London Gold?" There we presented the chonology of official disclosure regarding the whereabouts of German gold over the past decade, with an emphasis on its reclamation from London-based official vaults to the safety of the motherland, and left off with another open-ended statement that: "what is left unsaid in all of the above is that Germany has done nothing wrong! It simply demanded a reclamation of what is rightfully Germany's to demand." Nonetheless, the fact that Germany did this has opened a Pandora's box of unanswered questions, and even demands that Germany promptly demand delivery all of its gold - the second largest such hoard in the world only after the US - held abroad. Below is the official response by the Bundesbank."

Some Follow-Up Questions For The Bundesbank, And Its Gold

Related Article - A quote...."Yesterday we posted the official statement of Bundesbank executive board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele, which in turn was a response to a recent surge in concerns about the safety and sanctity of German sovereign gold, held mostly abroad (if a major part of it held in London had been secretly repatriated), and demands by the general public - i.e., those who actually own the gold - for either an audit, or full repatriation, or both. There are, however, some problems with the official Bundesbank statement: the statistics cited in it, as well as the various explanations, are wrong, incorrect or misleading. Below we present some of the "facts" stated by Herr Thiele, and what the truth is."

Cyberattacks on U.S. Banks an Excuse for War?
Included in this section because this is the other half of the "One-Two-Punch" designed to stampede the Amerikan sheeple into war with Iran. - mpg -- A quote...."Who’s really responsible for a recent series of cyberattacks on American banks? If United States officials and politicians are to be believed, the  government of Iran and its so-called “terrorist” proxies are to blame. However, some information security experts have cast doubt on this allegation, while others insist that the attacks are an obvious false-flag operation whose perpetrators have multiple, far-reaching objectives." - For more regarding the articles shown above see....
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Keiser Report: Financial Earthquakes (E359)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Oct 26, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss High Frequency Trading being declared 'beneficial' by a scientist working for the UK government while on the other side of the pond, a US regulator blames it for wild volatility and compares it to "Texas Hold 'Em-Time to Fold 'Em." They also In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to tax expert, Lee Sheppard, about High Frequency Trading, a Financial Transaction Tax and siphoning gasoline from a neighbor's gas tank and claiming to be a market maker. "

America Will Have to Basically Start Over – Re-Think its Economic Future
Special Note - A quote...."We have been hearing all kinds of tripe from Romney and Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama about how we are making progress and are turning the corner. Anybody with a third grade education can see that the only corner we are turning is on the Merry Go Round from hell. With a 16.3 trillion dollar debt and growing by 4 billion dollars a day interest, that wasn’t a typo, 4 billion a day interest, it will be impossible to turn any kind of a corner. The best this economy will ever do is a 3 percent growth per year. That’s it. It will be one hell of a long wait before we return to a 10 percent growth as needed just to stop the hemorrhaging. China currently is at a 10 percent growth by the way."

GDP: The Warning From Exports
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."The importance of this shift in the U.S. from away from being the epicenter of global production and manufacturing to a service and finance based economy should not be overlooked.  This transition is responsible for the issues that are impeding economic growth in the U.S. today from structural unemployment, declining wage growth and lower economic prosperity.  The four-panel chart below gives you a visualization of this transition showing the year-over-year change in the data, with the exception of the personal savings rate which is linear, prior and post-1980. " - also posted at ZeroHedge

Panama wants the euro as legal tender
Dollar Alert - Considering all the trouble the Euro has been in lately, it's truly startling, and should give one pause, that Panama still wants the Euro as legal tender instead of the US Dollar. - mpg -- A quote..... "Panama, one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America, wants to adopt the euro as legal tender to run alongside the country’s US dollar economy. - President Ricardo Martinelli made the request to German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a visit to Europe." - Source:  EuroNews

Meanwhile In Japan...
Multiple Charts  -- Posted here because Japan has recently decided to pick up where China left off and is purchasing US bonds.  This whole thing is stupid and self-defeating, Japan is following the US-NRE's lead, deliberately provoking China, antagonizing their biggest trading partner and as a result shooting itself in the foot as their exports continue to drop.  Not to mention printing more yen to purchase more valueless US bonds on behalf of their soon to be impoverished retirees.  Generally most people would consider these sorts of policies to be completely idiotic, but in this "up is down" world who knows?  - mpg

The Relentless Evil of Goldman Sachs
A quote...."Today, the GMO poison food producer, Monsanto, and the great profiteer from all tragedies, Goldman Sachs, are engaged in their own special version of who is the most evil corporation on the face of the earth. Who among them, have committed the most atrocious crimes against humanity? In a close contest, Goldman Sachs is the Japanese war criminal version of General Heisuke and this criminal enterprise corporation has earned the title as the most evil corporation on the planet." - also posted at DProgram

Six Canadian banks on review for Moody’s downgrade
A quote...."TORONTO — Debt rating heavyweight Moody’s Investors Service served notice on six of Canada’s biggest banks that it may cut their rating by as much as two notches because of concern over high consumer debt levels and soaring housing prices."

'Germany enforces same austerity that paved way to Third Reich'
Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min34sec - Oct 26, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."One in four people are now officially out of work in Spain as unemployment in the debt-ridden country reaches another record. The grim news comes as Madrid's transport workers go on strike, adding to a sixth day of protests in the capital against austerity cuts."

Anti-austerity protesters urge Spain government to resign in Madrid rally
A quote...."Thousands of anti-austerity demonstrators marched in the Spanish capital Saturday calling for the conservative government to resign because of its severe budget cuts."

Drop all charges against Greek journalist Kostas Vaxevanis
The Lagarde List Conspiracy -- A quote...."The Greek journalist, Kostas Vaxevanis, was arrested in his home last night for publishing the ‘Lagarde list’. The list consists of the names of about 2000 Greeks who made $1.9 billion in deposits in the Swiss based HSBC bank and are being probed for tax evasion. The full list contains the names of 22,000 wealthy European tax evaders." - a comment shown below....
"See This is the "list Lagarde" under «HotDoc» and A Second Greek Man Has Been Found Dead Since The Emergence Of 'The Lagarde List'" -- *Michael Rivero*
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More On The International Situation....

Bani Walid Dr Who stated Gas Attack Symptoms reported Killed
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 4min29sec - Oct 27, 2012) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."It has been reported this Dr Meleshe Shandoly has been killed today in Bani Walid by Alqaeda with a knife because he is from Warfalla tribe and sits on a council. -- Nothing is verifiable from Bani Walid."

Detailed Picture Of ["]Liberated["] Libya From A Libyan Expat
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 7min17sec - Oct 28, 2012) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."Final Part of Interview with Libyan Expat. Majority of Parliament were actually against the invasion of Bani Walid but outside the parliamentarian's windows are militias. All ex military officers are now targets. No reliable statistics are available for anything on Libya, the amount who have emigrated, the amount of people in a city. As Sirte is mentioned, for the people who do not know, it was previously destroyed by NATO's proxies."
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War on Syria: Cease or Fire?
PRSTVideo - (PRSTVYuTb - 24min55sec - Oct 28, 2012) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews -- A quote.... "Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri recently called for support for the foreign-backed insurgents in Syria in their fight against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Meanwhile, despite a temporary truce that took effect in Syria on Friday, the insurgents launched attacks in several areas, killing dozens of people and injuring tens of others." - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||  US Support of Terror - Al CIA'da In Syria  ||

Qatar's Petro Dollars Spent to Recruit, Train Terrorists in Lebanon to Join War on Syria
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Reports from Lebanon said that the Qatari government has provided huge financial backup for Salafi leaders and Syrian dissidents to help them recruit and train terrorists in Lebanon for the war on President Bashar al-Assad's government."

Aleppo Now Flooded with Turkish Products - Mr Aleppo
M108Video - (M108YuTb - 16min38sec - Oct 28, 2012) - Source:  108morris108 -- A quote...."No militias supporting the government but neighborhoods are allowed small arms and to make checkpoints Airforce now bombing supply routes. FSA controlling villages outside Aleppo. Morris Afterthought: This reminds me of Libya - Turkey provided weapons to the rebels and it just recently held a trade fair in Tripoli for Turkish goods."

Syrian rebels seize Lebanese journalist over ‘incompatible’ reporting
A quote...."In their fervent struggle, a Syrian rebel group has “arrested” a Lebanese journalist in Aleppo saying his “presence as a journalist no longer receives approval in areas controlled by the rebels.” -- ­Fidaa Itani, who works for the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBCI) and several other news outlets, was travelling though Aleppo under protection of a rebel group when he was arrested and handed over to another rebel group which controls a small town some 30km away from the besieged port-city. -- The rebels said on their Facebook page they found Itani’s work “incompatible with the path of the Syrian revolution and rebels.”" - Source:  RT

Report: Little Syrian Girls Sold to Saudi, Qatari Sheikhs
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- News reports from Syria warned of increasing danger against Syrian women and girls, saying that little girls who lived in refugee camps near the borders with Jordan are taken to Jordan by human traffickers and then sold to Saudi and Qatari sheikhs."
Another FIRST for Hagee's Armageddon Cultists!!  Way to go guys!! You have obeyed, and even worshiped, the Zionist AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and supported their thirty year old PNAC Protocols - A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s, and therefore -- YOU - ARE - RESPONSIBLE - FOR - THIS! - mpg
Blast kills Lebanese weapons manufacturer for Syrian insurgents
A quote...."A blast in northern Lebanon has killed a homemade weapons manufacturer as he was working on a machine gun for the foreign-backed insurgents fighting against the Syrian government."
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Iran has advanced drone technology: defense minister
A quote...."Iran possesses drones that are far more advanced than the unmanned aircraft Iranian-backed Hezbollah launched into Israeli airspace this month, Iran's defense minister was quoted as saying on Sunday. -- Iran's military regularly announces defense and engineering developments though some analysts are skeptical of the reliability of such reports." - Source:  PressTV

Report: Riyadh Financing Mossad's Operation against Iranian N. Scientists
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- A report by a well-known journalist revealed that Saudi Arabia has provided financial backup for the Israeli Mossad agency's terror operations on Iran's nuclear scientists. "

India Is About to Start Building Its Thorium-Fueled Nuclear Power Plant
A quote...."The thorium dream is an alluring one, as any member of its devoted band of disciples will tell you. The jury is still out as to whether this beloved alternative brand of nuclear power is feasible, though thorium is more abundant and less radioactive than uranium, and its advocates argue that thorium plants are much safer than conventional nuke plants."

On The Money: Why to invest in Russia (ft. Jim Rogers)
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 23min23sec - Oct 27, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."After 46 years of successful investing, Jim Rogers is turning his attention to Russia. What has changed in Russia's economic environment? Have investment risks been reduced? What's making emerging markets more and more attractive? Peter Lavelle is joined by Jim Rogers, Ben Aris and Yaroslav Lissovolik to discuss what's driving foreign investors to Russian markets."

Ruling party leads Ukraine’s parliamentary elections: Exit polls
A quote...."Exit polls show Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich's ruling party has won the most votes in the country’s parliamentary elections."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Israel detains leading MP near Nablus
A quote...."NABLUS – Israeli forces detained the secretary-general of the Palestinian parliament Mahmoud al-Ramahi on Saturday afternoon as he passed through a northern West Bank checkpoint." - Source:  Ma'an

Israel Encourages Settler [Home Invasion & Squatter] Violence
A quote...."Israeli setter [home invasion and squatter] violence is out-of-control. It’s risen sharply in recent years because nothing is done to stop it. Israeli extremists, [squatters, and home invaders] literally have license to attack Palestinian civilians, destroy their property and crops, inflict bodily harm, and at times kill." - That's what gun ownership is for!  To protect your life, your family, and your property!! - mpg

Gross violations: Israel’s water theft
A quote...."According to many international organisations, water is being used by Israel as a war weapon, threatening the life of the Palestinian people. Since the creation of the Zionist entity in Palestine, Israel has been working relentlessly on annexing Palestinian land and water sources lying beneath. Such a strategic design was confirmed in a document prepared, in 1941, by David Ben-Gurion (Israel’s first prime minister). In this document (which was released by the British Public Record Office) Ben-Gurion stated: “We have to remember that for the Jewish state’s ability to survive, it must have within its borders, the waters of [rivers] Jordan and Litani.”"
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Are biotech GMO corporations plotting to steal the election on Proposition 37?
A quote...."I’m hearing grumblings through the grapevine that an effort may be underway to steal the election against Proposition 37. So far, these are just rumors, but knowing how these evil corporations trying to defeat the ballot measure really operate, there is NOTHING they won’t do to protect their dirty little (agricultural) secrets. Including stealing the election." - Source:  NaturalNews

Stop Monsanto From Poisoning Hawai'i: Genetic Engineering Chemical Warfare
Video - Action Alert - Alt - (YuTb - 43min04sec -  Jun 10, 2012) - Source:  HawaiiGMOJustice -- A quote...."CALL TO ACTION: Tell Kamehameha Schools to end genetic and chemical contamination of Ali'i Trust Lands!"

Victories against fluoride becoming more frequent as citizens get informed, empowered - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."(NaturalNews) – Roughly 85,000 fewer people living in North America will be forced to drink and bathe in fluoridated water, thanks to four recent community victories preventing or overturning water fluoridation mandates. The towns of O’Fallon, Missouri; Rosetown, Saskatchewan; Lake View, Iowa; and Cassadaga, New York are all now officially fluoride-free, proving that individuals really do have the power to step up and protect themselves against one of the most ridiculous folklores of the past century to be thrust on the people in the name of public health. " - Source:  NaturalNews - also posted at FoodConsumer

Saturday Oct 27th 2012

No posts. - mpg

Friday Oct 26th 2012

How Democracies Die
Must Read - A quote...."October 27, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -  Picture a country at the height of its international power and prestige. It has military forces stationed around the globe. It is an intellectual leader. Its citizens are pleased to insist that the national idea, their country's way of life, is a beacon of enlightenment and human rights for the rest of the world. Indeed, they are wont to harp on the notion that the country embodies the very concept of Western Civilization. -- But beneath the façade of greatness there is creeping rot. The rich (who are accustomed to getting their way in all things) corrupt the system and buy the people's representatives in this venerable democracy. The country lurches towards political polarization and, predictably, the machinery of orderly governance becomes gridlocked....."

A Failed Formula for Worldwide War - How the Empire Changed Its Face, But Not Its Nature
Special Note - A quote...."Several times this year, Dempsey, the other joint chiefs, and regional war-fighting commanders have assembled at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico to conduct a futuristic war-game-meets-academic-seminar about the needs of the military in 2017. There, a giant map of the world, larger than a basketball court, was laid out so the Pentagon’s top brass could shuffle around the planet -- provided they wore those scuff-preventing shoe covers -- as they thought about “potential U.S. national military vulnerabilities in future conflicts” (so one participant told the New York Times). The sight of those generals with the world underfoot was a fitting image for Washington’s military ambitions, its penchant for foreign interventions, and its contempt for (non-U.S.) borders and national sovereignty." - also posted at ICH

U.S., NATO In South Asia: Eleven Years Of Carnage
A quote...."A reported by Reuters, Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday condemned a NATO operation that he said killed four children in the country’s east. - “Despite repeated pledges by NATO to avoid civilian casualties, innocent lives, including those of children, are still being lost,” Karzai said in the statement. - The report does not sound like anything outstanding – reports like this one have been appearing lately with an accelerated frequency...."

EU hypocrisy? Anti-Tehran channel launches in London amid ban on Iranian state TV
Propaganda Alert - A quote...."A new Iranian TV station has started broadcasting from London, aiming to be a platform for opposition to Iran's current leadership. The launch comes just over a week after 19 state-run Iranian TV and radio stations were banned in the EU. -- ­Raha TV is a brainchild of Amir Hossein Jahanchahi, a businessman who fled to Europe in 2003 and whose father was a finance minister during the pre-revolutionary government." - For more accurate and reliable news about Iran, see the links shown below.....
DoD Employs Blackwater For Population Stabilization Operations in Foreign Nations
WTF!! - Is this stuff EVER gonna stop?!?! - mpg --  A quote...."The Department of Defense (DoD) has announced that conducting stability operations is the crux and meaning of all military missions as defined by the Defense Strategic Guidance (DSG) which lays out the parameters of war, the use of fake revolutions in foreign nations, and the specification of those involved – including private security firms installed to ensure US interests." - Source:  OccpyCorporatism

US sought use of British bases for war against Iran
War Alert - A quote...."The British-based Guardian newspaper reported Thursday that American diplomats have been lobbying Britain for the use of its military bases on Cyprus as well as US bases on the British territories of Ascension Island in the Atlantic and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean in preparation for war on Iran."
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The US-NRE's Growing Gulag State....

In the US today, the power of money rules. Nothing else is in the equation
A quote...."God help them if Obama and Romney ever had to participate in a real debate about a real issue at the Oxford Union. They would be massacred. -- The “debates” revealed that not only the candidates but also the entire country is completely tuned out to every real problem and dangerous development. For example, you would never know that US citizens can now be imprisoned and executed without due process. All that is required to terminate the liberty and life of an American citizen by his own government is an unaccountable decision somewhere in the executive branch."

What Americans Need to Know about Death Squads
A quote...."Ideology – that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and other’s eyes, so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors. That was how the agents of the Inquisition fortified their wills: by invoking Christianity; the conquerors of foreign lands, by extolling the grandeur of their Motherland; the colonizers, by civilization; the Nazis by race; and the Jacobins (early and late), by equality, brotherhood, and the happiness of future generations."

Age of The Drone God: The Religious Worship of The President And The CIA
A quote...."Political systems that have as their foundation an absolute conception of reality are cruel, merciless, and uncompromising with dissidents and heretics."

Obama Plans to Expand Assassination List
A quote...."Thousands of people have been killed by the U.S. war on terrorism, but that hasn’t stopped the Obama administration from planning to add even more names to the so-called assassination list of those considered a threat to the country. The administration does not use the word “assassination,” preferring the term “targeted killing.” - Source: AllGov

Institutionalized State Assassinations and the November 6 Election
A quote...."October 27, 2012 "WSWS" -- With barely a week and a half to go until the November 6 presidential elections, the entire spectrum of the American pseudo-left is exerting maximum efforts to turn out votes for Obama with the claim that the reelection of the incumbent Democrat would represent the “lesser of two evils.” -- If there was any need for a further refutation of this shabby political argument it has been provided in the form of the exposé run by the Washington Post this week on the Obama administration’s institutionalization of assassinations orchestrated from the White House." - Source:  WSWS

The SAME Unaccountable Government Agency Which Spies on ALL Americans Also Decides Who Gets ASSASSINATED by Drones -- A quote...."The [Government Agency] — Now Vested With The Power To Determine The Proper ‘Disposition’ Of Terrorist Suspects — Is The SAME AGENCY That Is At The Center Of The Ubiquitous, Unaccountable Surveillance State Aimed At American Citizens.” -- The Washington Post reports that the same agency which spies on all Americans also decides who is assassinated by drone or otherwise." - Source:  GrgWashBlog - also posted at ZeroHedge

Obama Brainwashing Through Rebranding Propaganda Exposed
BTSVideo - Alt - (BTSYuTb - Oct 26, 2012) - Source: Alexander Higgins - Website:  BreakingTheSet - Related: Abby@Twitter - A quote...."Obama’s propaganda machine is rebranding of Bush crimes such as kidnapping, torture, assassination and as legitimate counter-terrorism policies to be used in America for generations."

That was Then, This is Now: Cointelpro Today with Larry Pinkney
AJVideo - (AJYuTb -  32min24sec - Oct 26, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel - Website: BlackActivist - Website: BlackCommentator - Website: IntrepidReport -- A quote....""Larry Pinkney is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, a former political prisoner, and the only American to have successfully self-authored his civil/political rights case to the United Nations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political."

DPS helicopter opens fire during chase; 2 dead
A quote...."A Texas Department of Public Safety sharpshooter opened fire on an evading vehicle loaded with suspected illegal immigrants, leaving at least two people dead, sources familiar with the investigation said."
It's starting, they obviously shot these people so they could later make the argument that there's no difference when also conducting lethal actions from a drone.  This is a roll-out of thousands of murder machines to patrol the sky and keep the slaves incarcerated and under control in the US-NRE's new open air gulag.  We ARE ALL Gazians now!! - mpg
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

War on the Gaza Strip:  Netanyahu Lies [i.e. Opens His Mouth] About Who Started It
A quote...." Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said in a statement that the recent round of tit-for-tat violence between Palestinian fighters in the Gaza Strip and Israel was ‘not started by the Israelis’. - This is a blatant lie. - This latest round of violence has escalated as a direct result of Israeli provocation on Sunday, 21 October 2012, when the Israelis attempted a targeted assassination of two Palestinians, Talat Jarbi and Mohammad Maqawi, who were riding a motorbike near Rafah in the Gaza Strip. - Such actions by the Israelis are designed to deliberately provoke Palestinian retaliation."

PBS and Iran's 'Nuclear Weapons' - NewsHour botches basic fact about Iran dispute
Hasbara Spin Exposed - (PBS, no real surprise.....) -- A quote...."In an October 22 discussion of the foreign policy presidential debate, the PBS NewsHour's Jeffrey Brown stated that "Iran's nuclear weapons program has been a particular flash point."  --  A few weeks earlier (10/5/12) on the NewsHour, Ray Suarez said that Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez had continued to thwart American efforts on a range of international issues, such as Washington's attempt to convince Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to halt his country's pursuit of nuclear weapons.  --  As most people following this story should know, there is no intelligence that shows Iran has a nuclear weapons program. The country has long denied the accusation, and regular inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency have failed to turn up evidence that Iran's enriched uranium is being diverted for use in a weapon." - also posted at AlethoNews

Catholic Church expels Bishop Williamson. Questioning 'The Holocaust' Will Not Be Tolerated
It's NOT the holocaust he's denying, it's the SPIN about the holocaust he's QUESTIONING! - mpg -- A quote...."Our horror at the stories about extreme Jewish suffering amount to a weaponisation of our human empathy. -- Our fear of being thought 'evil' by expressing anything that has been pre-labelled as 'anti-semitic', forbids us from stating obvious truths that might save us from these predatory parasites. -- Unfortunately, the leaders of 'the Jewish people' are our leaders too and have been so for a very long time." -- *Bishop Williams*
You have to understand folks, sodomizing (or worse) hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of children, and knowingly allowing priests to do so for DECADES while these priests are transferred from parish to parish without sanction so they can continue their vile activities is perfectly fine with the Pope and his minions.  But to even dare question Zionist inspired hasbara regarding the holocaust is worthy of being expelled from the church?!?! -- This website editor has shown remarkable restraint over the last six years by NOT posting the tens of thousands of articles produced EVERY SINGLE YEAR regarding what an absolutely disgusting, morally degenerate, diseased, cankerous, steaming, damned to HELL, festering shit hole the Catholic church and its despicably unapologetic, child-rape-enabling, legally liable, thoroughly evil, hierarchy from hell has become.  -- Primarily because this website is solely focused on the "Great Game".  But perhaps a section should be constructed to redress this lack of coverage on this issue.....mpg
US extends $4bn Israel loan program
This is peanuts and this program is just a way for the lackeys who manage Israel's North American Colony (INAC) to demonstrate their craven obsequious fealty to Israel.  The REAL money is what Israel's North American Colony, and its citizens, are forced to spend to further Israel's PNAC Protocols, and ladies and gentlemen, it's in the tens of trillions of dollars....and growing - mpg - Source: al-Akbar

AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know
Related Video - Alt1 - Alt2 - Alt3 - (YuTb - 9min39sec - 0513/0713/0302, 2011) - Source:  AL / A / W2G -- A quote...."Take America back before it's too late!"

Israel [Firsters] thriving in Governor Romney’s camp — and still trying to get me fired, silenced
A quote...."October 27, 2012 "Information Clearing House" -Readers of this blog will recall several previous battles I have been engaged in with Israel-Firsters intent on getting me fired from various jobs and banned from the media. In these efforts, the Israel-Firsters have had some success."

Israeli soldiers [goons] storm Al-Aqsa Mosque in their military [Gestapo] uniforms
A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- A group of 75 Israeli officers, in their military uniforms, stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque on Wednesday morning from the Mughrabi Gate, Al-Aqsa Foundation for Waqf and Heritage confirmed in a statement."

Israeli TV admits: No rockets were ever fired from UNRWA schools in Gaza during “Cast Lead”
Shocking!  Israeli TV  tells the truth....about Israel's lies. - mpg -- A quote...."Another staple of Israeli propaganda has been busted, as Israeli television has – years late – admitted that claims rockets were fired from UNRWA schools in Gaza were false. -- UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestine refugees, issued a statement yesterday, in eastern occupied Jerusalem, that says in part...." - bold by website editor

US Presidential Debate Summary: Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel
2012 Election Cycle - (The joke is, tens of millions of so-called Amerikans (a.k.a. colonial goy-cattle) are actually going to cast their vote for two bought and paid for Israeli whores.  Who performed, onstage, and displayed themselves like cheap pole dancers for Israel's approval.  Now that's funny!) -- A quote...."The Israel-pandering was obsessive. Both candidates know the American people are sick unto death of war and endless intervention around the world, and both were smart to keep their warlike tendencies under wraps on this occasion. Yet there were moments when the mask came off, and both stood revealed for who and what they are — and it wasn’t pretty." - bold by website editor

Foreign Policy Debate, an Insult.
2012 Election Cycle - ("your" government belongs to the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium....) -- A quote.... "Both candidates tripped [all] over [each] other with demeaning statements [while] outbidding each other as if it was an auction, declaring their loyalty and commitment to Israel, over and over as the only US ally in the Middle East perhaps in the entire world. -- Israel and Israel’s agenda was by far the only agenda on the table for both candidates, and both made sure they directed their statements to the “Jewish Vote” which represent 2% of the population, albeit 60% of the donations, ignoring the 98% of the people who have broader concerns than Israel and its constant threat to Iran. Both made Israel the center of the universe."

Billionaire Adelson, wife give new $10 million to Romney ‘Super PAC’
2012 Election Cycle - ("your" government....bought and paid for....) - Related Article -- A quote...."(Reuters) - Top Republican donors Sheldon Adelson and his wife gave another $10 million to the "Super PAC" backing Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in October, saying they hoped to "level the playing field" with Democrats ahead of the November 6 election."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

More on the 2012 Election Cycle.....

Who Bought Your Politician? Check With Our Embeddable Widget
Election Tool - (nifty....) -- A quote...."Ask politicians whether campaign contributions influence their decisions, and they’ll tell you certainly not. - Ask any citizen, and they’ll likely give the opposite answer. - With that in mind, we’re re-introducing a web-based embeddable widget — for anybody to use — that lists the top 10 donors and their contributions to any member of the House and Senate, their opponents, and the presidential candidates. Wired updated the widget in conjunction with Maplight, the Berkeley, California-based nonprofit dedicated to following money and politics."

Who Will Win the Elections? “The Republicrats”
(it's called a win / win....for them.  We know what it is for us.) -- A quote...."There is no democracy in the United States. - American political life is dominated by one party with two heads, often called the “Republicrats”. - Republicans and Democrats agree on core issues and only argue on technicalities. Obama, who was portrayed as a peaceful saviour in the last presidential elections, has demonstrated during his four years in office that he is not much different from his predecessor." - Actually from this website editor's point of view....he's worse. - mpg

About that Voting Machine Company Tied to Mitt Romney and Bain Capital…
(The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. -- *Joseph Stalin*) -- A quote...."“Several tanker trucks full of political ink have been spilled on Mitt Romney’s tenure as a vulture capitalist at Bain Capital,” Bello and Fitrakis wrote. “A more important story, however, is the fact that Bain alumni, now raising big money as Romney bundlers are also in the electronic voting machine business. This appears to be a repeat of the infamous former CEO of Diebold Wally O’Dell, who raised money for Bush while his company supplied voting machines and election management software in the 2004 election.”"

Texas threatens to arrest international monitors sent to watch US election
(so much for a free & fair election) -- A quote...."A handful of international election monitors have touched down in the US to swing by polling places next month when voters cast ballots for the president, but officials in the state of Texas have issued them a warning: you’re not welcome." - also posted at RussiaToday

Romney Campaign Exaggerates Size Of Nevada Event With Altered Image
Photo - (Romney's camp just got busted!) -- A quote...."I flunked visual effects students who did better work than this!" -- *Michael Rivero*

Greg Palast: Get Ready for Massive Voter Fraud
AJVideo - (Great Greg Palast, and a chilling expose on how they're going to EASILY steal the 2012 vote) - (YuTb - 30min28sec - Oct 24, 2012) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel

US Third Party Presidential Debate (Moderated by Larry King)
RTVideo - (some alternatives to the RepubliCrats) -- (RTYuTb - 2hrs29min55sec - Oct 23, 2012) - (Note:  the debate starts 1 hour into the video, there's a control icon that will appear at the top of the screen if you're not interested in the other political stories presented in the video, such as the US's electoral college, etc.- mpg) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."In response to widespread blackout from both the mainstream media and political establishment alike, RT is honored to be presenting a platform for the major third-party candidates also vying for the White House this election year to debate. We are offering the event live in cooperation with the debate's organizers, the Free and Equal Elections Foundation. -- The event is moderated by multi-award winning broadcast journalist Larry King." - The debaters are shown below.....
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A Gallery Of Fake Dead Bin Ladens
For The Record - A quote...."Apparently, just two days before the election, a movie will be broadcast on TV reminding all of America how Barack Obama got Osama Bin Laden. -- Of course, he didn't. Obama was in Washington DC while Pakistani forces attacked the house. Then a neighbor said they thought it might be Bin Laden living in there and Obama sent in the SEALs to grab "Osama" for the publicity. Except, of course, it wasn't Bin Laden (who actually died in late 2001 of natural causes). But by the time the SEALs got the message up the chain of command that they did not have the real Osama, word had leaked out, and rather than admit an embarrassing mistake, the body of the man they captured was dumped into the ocean and a whole flurry of faked photos posted to the net to convince everyone that yes it had been the real Osama Bon Laden." - Topix ||  Osama Back From the Dead™  ||

Oakland County, Michigan Defends U.S. Constitution Against NDAA - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."It has been said that the key to politics is persistence. In the fight against one of the most draconian laws in history, that persistence has definitely paid off."

Army readies offensive cyber attacks
False Flag Update - A quote...."Senior Army officials said Tuesday that it is working to develop the service’s offensive cyber warfare capabilities to go along with its cyber security capabilities to allow soldier to launch as well as detect and defeat threats."

Ray McGovern ‘Speaking Freely’ on the Corruption of U.S Intelligence
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 52min33sec - Jan 8, 2011) - Source:  5iF3R -- A quote...."2007 – Having served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, Ray McGovern speaks candidly about the creation of the Agency, the deceit that lead to the invasion of Iraq, the questionable character of George Tenet, and more. In stark frankness, McGovern examines the politicization of the Central Intelligence Agency and how it came to be an entity that serves the White House agenda, instead of one that serves up the unbiased truth. Disgusted by the lack of integrity exhibited by members of the intelligence community and U.S. government, McGovern retired and eventually co-created VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity)-an organization dedicated to exposing the mishandling of important intelligence, particularly with regard to the War on Iraq. Full of inside information you have never heard before about the way in which our nation’s most secretive agency operates."

Obama Scandals Around Libya Attack Keep Growing
A quote...."With explosive new revelations emerging almost weekly, Obama administration scandals surrounding the deadly September 11 attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya and the killing of Ambassador Christopher Stevens continue to mount. Most recently, official e-mails showed the White House was informed that it was a potential terrorist strike hours after the assault began, exposing alarming contradictions in the false and evolving narrative peddled by President Obama and multiple top officials for days." - Source: NewAmerican

Will War Criminals Ever Be Prosecuted?
Photos - A quote...."It is virtually beyond dispute that Bush and Cheney are war criminals. -- Will they ever be prosecuted? -- Or does might make right … since the victor writes history?"

CBS Sunday Morning Removes Own Video of Ed Asner and Bldg 7
9/11 Censorship - Contains Video - Alt - (video censored/removed) -- A quote....""But in addition to acting, Asner has another passion: Politics. He feel his activism ended up getting 'Lou Grant' canceled. - He became President of the Screen Actors Guild, but created controversy with his liberal stances."

Countering the Corporate-Insurgency
A quote...."The terms insurgency and counterinsurgency can quickly become confusing in a politically motivated context. However, generally speaking, an insurgency seeks to overthrow an established institution or political order, while a counterinsurgency seeks to maintain that order." - also posted at ActivistPost

Michael Rivero Broadcasting on Justin TV - Oct 26 2012 - Part II - Funding & Donation Drive for RBN
Must Listen MRVideo
- Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs - Oct 26th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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Where Oh Where in the World....Did All That Gold Go????
(Only the NY Fed, London's "City" and Tel Aviv's Banksters know for sure.....)

Keiser Report: Goodbye, German Gold? (E358)
Gold Warning - False Flag Warning - Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 25min46sec - Oct 26, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday - Producer:  MaxKeiserTV - Related:  MaxKeiserCom - Related:  MaxOnTwitter - (RussiaToday) -- A quote...."In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss how it is that Gordon Brown's Bottom turned into an audit the gold movement in Germany. They also discuss the mother of all bond bubbles getting set to burst and all that will be left in the Bank of England 'gold' vaults are a big pile of gilts. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Dominic Frisby, author of Life After the State, about Germany's gold quest, the future of relations between the US and Germany if the gold is not there and about 'life after the state.'"

James Turk - The Entire German Gold Hoard Is Gone
A quote...."Today James Turk shocked King World News when he stated, “The entire German gold hoard was gone because it had been leased into the marketplace.  Meaning, the vaults holding German gold were emptied by 2001 because of the Bundesbank leasing activities.” "

Celente – It’s Not Just Germany’s Gold That’s Missing
A quote...."Today top trends forecaster Gerald Celente told King World News it’s not just Germany’s gold that’s missing. Celente discussed other countries missing gold as well as the collapsing global economy. Celente also gave KWN readers and listeners an exclusive second sneak peak at his Autumn Trends Journal. Celente is the founder of Trends Research, and the man many consider to be the top trends forecaster in the world."

More Tungsten Core Gold Bars Are Turning Up
Contains Videos - GoldBarsW/Tungsten - TungstenFilledGoldBars -- A quote...."Of course, no one is allowed to audit the U.S. gold at Fort Knox for fakes.  The U.S. government refuses to allow any audit of its gold holdings.  Given the mounting evidence that bank owned gold bullion may contain fake bars, one has to wonder just what the U.S. government is trying to hide with its continued refusals to allow audits." - For more regarding the articles shown above see....
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Peter Schiff: An Obama Speech, Debt and China

Must View Video - From the History File - Mar 22, 2009 - Alt - (Posted for the in-your-face straight talk. Quite enjoyable.  Vintage Schiff. - mpg) - (YuTb - 3min07sec - Mar 22, 2009) -- A quote...."An excerpt of the Peter Schiff speech at the 2009 Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture. Recorded at the annual Austrian Scholars Conference, Ludwig von Mises Institute."

Before The Election Was Over, Wall Street Won
2012 Election Cycle - A quote...."Before the campaign contributors lavished billions of dollars on their favorite candidate; and long after they toast their winner or drink to forget their loser, Wall Street was already primed to continue its reign over the economy." - Source: ZeroHedge

Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP’s Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury -- A quote...."NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Spire Law Group, LLP’s national home owners’ lawsuit, pending in the venue where the “Banksters” control their $43 trillion racketeering scheme (New York) – known as the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History and identifying $43 trillion ($43,000,000,000,000.00) of laundered money by the “Banksters” and their U.S. racketeering partners and joint venturers – now pinpoints the identities of the key racketeering partners of the “Banksters” located in the highest offices of government and acting for their own self-interests." - Source:  MarketWatch

Fed and ECB Smokescreen to Print Money
A quote...."Fresh on the heels of ECB president Mario Draghi's Lies In Defense Bond Purchases, Including a Warning of Deflation comes news of an unexpected rise in Eurozone price inflation. - Economists had expected price inflation to drop, instead Eurostat reports Euro area inflation estimated at 2.7% up from 2.6% in August." - What is normally known as "stagflation"

Will The Bottom Fall Out? 15 Signs That Layoffs And Job Losses Are Skyrocketing
A quote...."If you still have a good job, you might want to hold on to it very tightly because there are a whole bunch of signs that unemployment in the United States is about to start getting worse again.  Over the past several weeks, a substantial number of large corporations have announced disappointing earnings for the third quarter.  Many of those large corporations are also loaded up with huge amounts of debt.  So what is the solution?  Well, the favorite solution on Wall Street these days seems to be to lay off workers. " - Source:  TheEconomicCollapse

80 top CEOs tell Obama, Romney to slash social spending
As Michael Rivero is fond of pointing out....the Banksters caused the economy to collapse through their various massive, and quite lucrative (for them), programs of financial fraud and the huge deficits through their various schemes of federal largesse and bail-outs all the while collecting buco bonuses....and they're going to make you pay for it, all of it. - mpg -- A quote...."The chief executives of 80 large US corporations have issued a “Deficit Manifesto,” calling on the next president to “fix America’s debt” by making substantial “changes in the federal budget.” The statement was published by the Wall Street Journal on Thursday."

An Hour Of Your Time Has Never Been Worth Less
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Whether it's deleveraging, spare capacity, dollar debasement, productivity gains, or just plain old obesity, in real purchasing power terms, an hour of your time has never been worth less. In the 40 years since Nixon's 1971 fiat-fiasco, the value of the average hourly earnings for US citizens has dropped 90% in terms of Gold. The last time that our labor's efforts garnered such a low value saw a twenty year credit-blown releveraging (from 1980 to 2001) to save-us-all; we suspect that debt saturation will limit the ability of any central bank to create such a 'recovery' in labor-value once again. [THAT's an understatement!! - mpg] Since the peak in 2001, 60 minutes of your valuable time has lost 81% of its purchasing power! Is this what globalization looks like?" - bold by website editor - Yep. - mpg

David Einhorn Explains How Ben Bernanke Is Destroying America
A quote...."If Chairman Bernanke is setting distant and hard-to-achieve benchmarks for when he would reverse course, it is possibly because he understands that it may never come to that. Sooner or later, we will enter another recession. It could come from normal cyclicality, or it could come from an exogenous shock. Either way, when it comes, it is very likely we will enter it prior to the Fed having ‘normalized’ monetary policy, and we’ll have a large fiscal deficit to boot. What tools will the Fed and the Congress have at that point?"
So sad but so true.  The Ten Year Economic / Warfare Cycle has been brutally compressed and is now a pitiful Four to Six Year Economic / Warfare Cycle.  Which may explain the parasites recent attempt to launch their "Gold Finger - Operation Grand Slam" scenario.  A mark of sheer desperation and utter stupidity. - mpg
Why The Real Earnings Picture Is Bad And Getting Worse
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."if one examines results relative to analyst expectations prior to the reporting season, it's clear just how disappointing Q3 has been." - - Topix ||  Faux Earnings  ||  The Games Banksters Play - 07-11-12 - mpg || The Earnings Lie Explained - 07-15-12 - mpg  ||

Spain jobless rate exceeds 25 percent in 3rd quarter
A quote...."Official data show that Spanish unemployment rate has exceeded 25 percent in the third quarter of 2012 as the country continues to grapple with economic woes. "

Further cuts leading to collapse of Greek health system
A quote...."Every newly released detail of the fifth Greek austerity package demonstrates that the European Union is prepared to resort to the most brutal measures to secure the profits of speculators. One of the hardest hit victims of the austerity program dictated by the EU and the IMF is the Greek health sector. In the heart of Europe a large proportion of the population is being deprived of any sort of health care."

China Surpasses US as Top Foreign Investment Venue
A quote...."China overtook the U.S. as the world's top destination for foreign direct investment in the first half of 2012, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)."
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More On The International Situation....

Islamic militant group in Syria rejects truce
A quote...."BEIRUT (AP) - The current international peace plan seeking to stop Syria's civil war suffered a major setback Wednesday when an al-Qaida-inspired militant group rejected a cease-fire proposed by the international envoy."

Syria insurgents attack army checkpoint in Aleppo, violate ceasefire
A quote...."The insurgent groups fighting against the Syrian government have opened fire on an army checkpoint in the northern city of Aleppo, violating a temporary ceasefire."

ASIA/SYRIA - The Orthodox priest kidnapped in Damascus found dead
A quote...."Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - The body of the greek orthodox priest Fr. Fadi Jamil Haddad, pastor of the church of St. Elias in Qatana, was found today in the Jaramana neighborhood (north of Damascus) not far from the place where he was kidnapped, on October 19, by unidentified armed group (see Fides 24/10/2012). This was confirmed to Fides by Fr. Haddad’s greek-orthodox confrere, who asked for anonymity. "His body was horribly tortured and his eyes gouged out," he told Fides. "It is a purely terrorist act. Fr. Haddad is a martyr of our church. "
To all you Hagee Armageddon Cultists out there who have obeyed the Zionist AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and supported their thirty year old PNAC Protocols - A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s, you did this.  -- YOU - ARE - RESPONSIBLE - FOR - THIS! - mpg
Three Syrian soldiers killed, 8 injured in Dara’a car bombing
A quote...."At least three soldiers have been killed in a car bomb explosion in the southern Syrian city of Dara’a as insurgent attacks continue across the country despite a temporary truce being in place. "

Syrian truce collapses, almost 150 killed
A quote...."Almost 150 people died on the first day of a barely-observed truce between the warring parties in Syria, a watchdog said, adding that a fresh clashes on Saturday claimed more lives."
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Mummar Gaddafi loyalists hold out in last stand at Bani Walid
A quote...."Bani Walid was supposed to be safe. The last of Muammar Gaddafi's loyalists were supposed to have been purged from this Libyan desert town, after an eight-day offensive by the army. Instead, there was mayhem here on Thursday, as it became clear the Gaddafi loyalists are far from beaten."

‘Death and destruction in Bani Walid’ as media silent
A quote...."The Libyan city of Bani Walid is reported to be under heavy attack from pro-government forces and militias. Witnesses say that more civilians are being killed by shelling, while houses are engulfed in flames. -- ­Earlier reports suggested that the city had fallen, but continuing reports of wide-scale killing and armed gangs and militias patrolling the streets and looting people’s homes indicate that those reports are not true." - Source:  RT

[Libyan Government] Troops fire on refugees returning to siege town
A quote...."Libya surged further into chaos yesterday as fighting resumed in a former stronghold of Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi, and troops fired over the heads of refugees trying to return home."

'US, UK silent on Bani Walid massacres and chaos'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 8min27sec - Oct 25, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Libya's government forces claim they have taken control of the opposition stronghold Bani Walid - but say pockets of resistance still remain. That's after a weeks-long deadly assault - with reports of dozens of residents in the besieged city being killed by pro-government shelling. RT's Paula Slier has the details. Also, RT's managed to make contact with an eyewitness in the city. He says militias are carrying out mass killings, as civilians continue to call on the international community to help."

Genocide in Bani Walid
A quote...."Washington bears full responsibility for waging multiple wars on humanity. It planned, initiated and controls direct and proxy conflicts across North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia."
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Britain Rejects US Request to Use UK Bases in Nuclear Standoff with Iran
A quote...."October 26, 2012 "The Guardian" - -  Britain has rebuffed US pleas to use military bases in the UK to support the build-up of forces in the Gulf, citing secret legal advice which states that any pre-emptive strike on Iran could be in breach of international law. -- The Guardian has been told that US diplomats have also lobbied for the use of British bases in Cyprus, and for permission to fly from US bases on Ascension Island in the Atlantic and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, both of which are British territories." - Source:  TheGuardian

China rejects sanctions, use of force against Iran
A quote...."China has rejected sanctions and the use of force against Iran over its nuclear energy program, warning that such coercive measures could have a negative impact on regional and global peace and stability."

Iran Agrees to Finance Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline
A quote...."Pakistan and Iran have agreed to sign a $250 million loan agreement next month for laying Pakistan's portion of the pipeline, The Express Tribune reported Thursday. -- Iran has also offered an additional loan of $250 million from its commercial banks for the pipeline. Tehran will also provide material support."

Iranian Automaker Seeking to Strengthen Presence in Global Market
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's largest car manufacturer, Iran-Khodro Company (IKCO), aims to boost up annual production by 10 percent and domestic market share to 54 percent, the company's vice-president said."
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2 US Soliders Killed in Insider Attack (Update)
A quote...."An Afghan police officer on Thursday turned his weapon against Isaf forces in southern Uruzgan province, killing two US soldiers, officials said."

Green-on-blue attacks not infiltrator job: Afghan Interior Ministry
Related Article - A quote...."The Afghan Interior Ministry has rejected Western claims that killings of US-led foreign forces were carried out by militants who have infiltrated the Afghan police force, Press TV reports."

Court told UK spies ‘assisting’ CIA to murder Pakistanis
A quote...."LONDON: The High Court has been told that the UK intelligence officials could be “encouraging or assisting murder” and the commission of war crimes by providing assistance for then CIA drone strikes in Pakistani tribal areas. -- The two day hearing opened on Tuesday at the Royal Courts of Justice here on the application by Pakistani national from Miranshah, North Waziristan Agency (NWA), Noor Khan, who has challenged UK government’s support for the secret drone strikes. Legal action charity Reprieve is helping Noor Khan." - Source:  TheNews

Suicide bombing kills 41 at Afghan mosque: official
al-CIA'da & the Saudi Royals Strike Again -- A quote...."KABUL: A suicide bomber killed at least 41 people and wounded dozens more when he struck at a mosque in Maymana city in northern Afghanistan during Eid al-Adha prayers on Friday, officials said."

Killer drones and the fog of war: Report documents low-balling of civilian deaths in Pakistan
A quote...."No matter who wins the election next month, one thing's for sure: the next president will inherit a program of escalated drone strikes that have killed scores of civilians in Yemen and Pakistan. The drone strikes that have terrorized civilian populations while going after jihadist organizations will be the Obama administration’s most enduring legacy."

Guest Post: Putin Is the New Global Shah of Oil
A quote...."With TNK-BP in its hands, Rosneft will be in charge of more than 4 million barrels of oil production a day. And who is in charge of Rosneft? None other than Vladimir Putin, Russia's resource-full president."

Blasting off: 'No borders seen from space'
RTVideo - (YuTb - 3min13sec -  Oct 23, 2012) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."A new three-man crew is speeding its way to the International Space Station right now. For the two Russian cosmonauts it's their first-ever space flight, and their American counterpart is making his debut onboard a Soyuz rocket. RT's Lucy Kafanov witnessed the launch at the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan."

Russia adopts measures to counter U.S.-NATO “anti-missile” threat
A quote...."The anti-missile system would be technically capable of threathening the Russian capital by 2020, Komoyedov said.MOSCOW: Russia needs to undertake additional measures to counter a threat from the U.S. anti-missile system, a high-ranking parliament member of Russia said here Thursday.”Absolutely different things are necessary,” head of the State Duma Defense Committee Vladimir Komoyedov told reporters when asked if the Russian Iskander missiles could surpass [neutralize] the U.S. missile shield in Europe." - Source:  Xinhua

British ExxonMobil oil chief 'assassinated' in Brussels street
It probably involves the usual, a deal gone bad, a trust betrayed, or money. It's usually about money. - mpg -- A quote...."Belgian police have imposed a news blackout after Nicholas Mockford, 60, was shot as he left an Italian restaurant in Neder-over-Heembeek, a suburb of the capital. - The executive was shot three times, once as he lay on the ground, after leaving the Da Marcello restaurant in Rue de Beyseghem at around 10pm on Oct 14." - Source:  TheTelegraph
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestinian Refugees: Time To Return NOW!
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 27min38sec - Oct 20, 2012) - Source:  chrisdenhond -- A quote...."10 million Palestinians. Almost 5 million of them are refugees. And half of those are still living in camps. It is in Lebanon that the Palestinian refugees live under the worst conditions. We visited the camps of Chatila, Borj Al Barajneh, Marelias, Nahr Al Bared, Badawi, Ain El Hilweh et Rachidiya. -- Everywhere we find great poverty, a dense population, narrow lanes, a maze of electric wires all connected to each other, workshops for small manual jobs... but everywhere also the same steadfast will to return to their country, Palestine."

Michigan Peace Team (MPT) Assaulted By Israeli Authority, Arrested, Facing Deportation
A quote...."Just before noon local time on October 24th, 2012 Michigan Peace Team (MPT) member "Katrina" Katarzyna Dybzynska was choked by the neck and then bodily dragged behind a line of military vehicles by Israeli border police in the Binyamin region of Palestinian Authority, outside the Rami Levy Market near an illegal Israeli settlement."

Prison guards 'abused hunger striker' in Nafha jail
A quote...."JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli prison guards physically and verbally abused a long-term hunger striker at Nafha jail on Monday, witnesses said."

Photos: Three arrested as settlers, soldiers disrupt Hebron olive harvest
Photo Gallery - A quote...."It was the first time Hashem Al Azzeh could harvest his olives in five years. Living directly next door to the Tel Rumeida settlement, which like all West Bank settlements is illegal under international law, he has faced years of harassment and violence from some of Israel’s most ideological settlers. But this year, having coordinated with the proper authorities, he planned to quickly and quietly harvest the few trees standing between his house and the caravans stacked on top of each other to form the Jewish enclave just up the hill."

Occupied Lives: There was no reason for my son’s death
A quote...."On 28 September 2012, Israel’s forces shot and killed Fahmi Abu Riash (22), a Palestinian fisherman, and wounded his brother Youssef (19), while they and a group of other fishermen were pulling out their fishing nets a few meters from the shore in the northern Gaza Strip.  According to investigations conducted by the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), an Israeli infantry unit crossed the northwestern border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, and moved nearly 20 meters into Palestinian territory, along the beach area of the northwestern town of Beit Lahia.  Israeli soldiers took position behind a hill at the beach, facing a number of Palestinian fishermen who were fishing a few meters offshore, and opened fire at the fishermen." - It's called "sports fishermen" ain't that right? - mpg

Miles Of smiles 17 Arrives In Gaza
A quote...."The “Miles Of Smiles 17” solidarity convoy managed to enter the Gaza Strip, on Thursday evening, through the Rafah Border Terminal between the Gaza Strip and Egypt."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Monsanto-funded 'No on 37' Campaign Fabricates FDA Quote, Engages in Criminal Misconduct
A quote...."The No on 37 campaign trying to prevent Californians from knowing whether or not the foods they eat contain genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) has sunk to a new moral and ethical low, having recently forged a quote from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in supposed opposition to the labeling law."

Autism: Made in America (Full Version)
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr41min11sec - Jan 31, 2011) - Source:  popupyou -- A quote...."2009 – In this award-winning documentary film Gary Null explores the causes and solutions to the recent epidemic of autism in our children. In this film you will see children who have made an extraordinary recovery from autism speak in their own words."

GMO Companies Just Want to Save You Money!
Action Alert - A quote...."In one corner, we have the lucrative Big Agra complex; in the other, the organic community (which includes all the people who just want the right to know what’s in their food). The epic struggle between good and evil, er, mega corporations is heating up as we enter the final days before Californians are able to cast their historic votes on Proposition 37: The Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act." - Source:  InfoWars

Fukushima Fish Still Glowing As Brightly In The Dark One Year Later
A quote...."In the immortal words of Bruce-the-shark from Finding Nemo: "Fish are friends, not food"; but in Fukushima, they are neither! As Bloomberg reports, radiation levels of fish caught off the coast of Northern Japan are as high as they were a year ago with contamination levels particularly high among bottom-dwellers."
We have Corexit (a highly toxic solvent) and oil (full of highly toxic contaminants) all over the Gulf, radioactive contaminants all over the Pacific, while the rest of our entire food supply is being deliberately contaminated by GMO's.  --  To be honest, this website editor is getting EXTREMELY tired of our corporate parasites destroying our food resources and suggest that we round-up all of the parasites who caused all of these problems and require that they eat NOTHING BUT these contaminated foods for the rest of their lives (no matter how short that  might be) as an object lesson for the rest of the corporate parasites out there! - mpg
Thursday Oct 25th 2012

No posts. - mpg

Wednesday Oct 24th 2012

Welcome to the Age of Hell: Entrenching Murder as the American Way
Must Read - A quote...."The Washington Post* has just laid out, in horrifying, soul-slaughtering detail, the Obama Administration's ongoing effort to expand, entrench and "codify" the practice of murder and terrorism by the United States government. The avowed, deliberate intent of these sinister machinations is to embed the use of death squads and drone terror attacks into the policy apparatus of future administrations, so that the killing of human beings outside all pretense of legal process will go on, year after year after year, even when the Nobel Peace Laureate has left office. - They have even come up with a new euphemism for state murder: "disposition." The new "counterterrorism matrix" is "designed to go beyond existing kill lists, mapping plans for the 'disposition' of suspects beyond the reach of American drones," the Post reports." *link added - bold by website editor - "Disposition"? As in disposed of? Welcome to the New Hell on Earth called Amerika! - mpg

Blood is Their Argument: The Real Campaign Trail
Must Read - A quote...."October 24, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - Even as the presidential candidates meet in ersatz agon to spew their self-serving lies and scripted zingers in a "debate" on foreign policy, the real campaign -- the campaign of blood and bone, of death and terror, being waged in Pakistan by the American government -- goes on it all its horror. -- This week, the Mail on Sunday -- one of Britain's most conservative newspapers -- published a story outlining, in horrific detail, the true nature of the drone killing campaign begun by George W. Bush and vastly expanded by Barack Obama." - Source:  ChrisFloyd

Those Despicable Foreigners
Must Read - Quote of the Day...."The striking thing about tonight’s US Presidential “foreign policy” debate, is when it did occasionally discuss foreign policy, the world out there was discussed not as a place of vast potential, but as a deeply disturbing place full of foreigners who are, apparently, all evil except the Israelis, who are perfect.  ---  The vast benefits from cooperation and trade with “abroad” were not mentioned once that I noticed (though I confess the thing was so awful my attention wandered occasionally). Europe apparently doesn’t exist, other than Greece which is nothing more than a terrible warning of the dangers of not being right wing enough.  ---  The correct attitude to all these foreigners that God so unfortunately and inexplicably placed on this planet, is apparently to maintain incredibly large armed forces, murder people with drones (they were both very enthusiastic on this one), place sanctions on them and declare them “currency manipulators”. The only surprising note was that both agreed that they could not kill everyone in Iran." - Source:  CraigMurray

U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes for Using 9/11 As a False Justification for the Iraq War
Must Read - A quote...."5 hours after the 9/11 attacks, Donald Rumsfeld said “my interest is to hit Saddam”.  ---  He also said “Go massive . . . Sweep it all up. Things related and not.”  ---  And at 2:40 p.m. on September 11th, in a memorandum of discussions between top administration officials, several lines below the statement “judge whether good enough [to] hit S.H. [that is, Saddam Hussein] at same time”, is the statement “Hard to get a good case.” In other words, top officials knew that there wasn’t a good case that Hussein was behind 9/11, but they wanted to use the 9/11 attacks as an excuse to justify war with Iraq anyway.  ---  Moreover, “Ten days after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President Bush was told in a highly classified briefing that the U.S. intelligence community had no evidence linking the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein to the [9/11] attacks and that there was scant credible evidence that Iraq had any significant collaborative ties with Al Qaeda”." - Source:  GrgWashBlog - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

"Obama the Muslim:" Ploy to Cover-up Years of US-Al Qaeda Support
Must Read - (Which is sort of hard to do since almost everyone, including many officials in the US-NRE's  government itself, have already PUBLICLY acknowledged helping to create the Mojahedin, the Taliban, and al-CIA'da more than thirty years ago, and the Saudi Royals endless support for Wahhabist extremists everywhere.) -- A quote...."Neo-Conservative Frank Gaffney thinks you are stupid. After plotting for the better part of a decade, arming Al Qaeda across the Arab World in a documented conspiracy to use the notorious terror group as a proxy against Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, Gaffney and his colleagues are attempting to jettison responsibility and all the blunders that have come with the plot, on US President Barack Obama. President Obama for his part, faithfully and knowingly carried out this strategy, "heeding" signed letters sent to him from Gaffney's warmongering circle, imploring him to not only support terrorists in Libya and Syria, but to do so more overtly." - Topix ||  US Support of Terror  ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Wake Up Again - This article is for Ryan Dawson - mpg
Must Read - A quote...."The “alternative news” is becoming more and more like the mainstream news every day, and their slowly expanding, sanitized version of the truth is arriving just as the lies are becoming well known, much as the mainstream media only reports many news items because they can no longer cover them up. -- So how do you know if you’ve arrived safely in the truth movement, or are still being deceived by the lie movement that exists within the truth movement? -- Well as it happens, there are several “litmus tests” that you can help you determine whether or not a “truth site” exists to inform you, or deceive you, and you should be constantly looking for deception, because deception is our enemies’ most powerful, and most used weapon. Deception is what spies and propagandists do for a living. They’re good at what they do, and they have the “truth movement” surrounded on all sides."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Jewish [The Faux-Jewish Kazarian] Oligarchy: Running and Ruining America
Must Read - Second Quote of the Day...."Never in the course of human history has one small nation constituting 0.002% of the world population has so dominated the world’s agenda and policies as has Israel, an illegally, immorally created artificial nation built on the blood, sweat, tears, and theft and dispossession of a land and its people-Palestine." - Topix ||  Judeo-Christian C/C & US  ||

Israel Wages War on Human Rights
Must Read - A quote...."Daily incidents reveal Israeli state terrorism writ large. Praying to the wrong God is called terrorism. So is wanting out from under Israel’s repressive boot. -- Occupation harshness knows no limits. Torture is official policy. So are virtually all other crimes against humanity. Palestinian civilians suffer most. Children are treated like adults. Going to and from school is hazardous." - also posted at Veteran'sToday

Israel neck deep in perpetrating cyberterrorism
A quote...."The newspaper The Washington Post revealed in a recent report that the Israeli regime and the U.S. created the "flame" computer virus to spy on Iran. -- The virus is among the most sophisticated and subversive pieces of malware to be exposed to date. Experts said the program was designed to replicate across even highly secure networks, then control everyday computer functions to send secrets back to its creators. The code could activate computer microphones and cameras, log keyboard strokes, take screen shots, extract geo­location data from images, and send and receive commands and data through Bluetooth wireless technology. -- Also in June the newspaper The New York Times brought to light that President Barack Obama had secretly ordered a computer attack against Iran through the Stuxnet virus in order to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program...."

Survey: Most Israeli Jews Would Support Apartheid Regime in Israel
A quote...."October 23, 2012 "Harretz" -- Most of the Jewish public in Israel supports the establishment of an apartheid regime in Israel if it formally annexes the West Bank. -- A majority also explicitly favors discrimination against the state's Arab citizens, a survey shows. -- The survey, conducted by Dialog on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, exposes anti-Arab, ultra-nationalist views espoused by a majority of Israeli Jews. The survey was commissioned by the Yisraela Goldblum Fund and is based on a sample of 503 interviewees." - Source:  Haaretz

Muslim Brotherhood official resigns in protest over Morsi letter to Peres
The Muslim Brotherhood (What a farce of a name) is a US-NRE creation, the guy who resigned finally got the message. - mpg -- A quote...."In Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood official resigned in protest against a cordial letter sent by Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi to his Israeli counterpart, and urged Morsi to resign for his “treason” in sending it."

Jimmy Carter: Netanyahu has Abandoned Two-state Solution in Favor of Greater Israel

A quote...."October 23, 2012 "The Times of Israel" -- Former US president Jimmy Carter said Monday that Israel’s current government has abandoned the two-state solution, making a “catastrophic” one-state solution increasingly inevitable. Speaking to reporters in Jerusalem, Carter endorsed the Palestinians’ plan to ask the United Nations to accept Palestine as a nonmember state, and said he hoped Israel and the US, who oppose the move, would nonetheless accept the outcome of the UN’s vote." - Source:  TimesOfIsrael

Ex-MP kept in Israeli prison refuses to sign ‘false confession’ to be released
A quote...."An elderly former Canadian MP who is in an Israeli prison for trying to breach a naval blockage of the Gaza Strip is refusing to sign a document that might speed his release." - How utterly typical for Israel. - mpg

Ship to Gaza Activists Brutalized
A quote...."On October 22, headlined "Release: Estelle crew beaten during (Israel's) attack. (Participants) were beaten during the attack and by interrogators." Former Canadian legislator "Jim Manly still in detention.""
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Whistleblower who revealed CIA torture sentenced to prison
Special Note - A quote...." Let's be clear, there is one reason, and one reason only, that John Kiriakou is taking this plea: for the certainty that he'll be out of jail in 2 1/2 years to see his five children grow up. -- The government is prepared to drop 80% of its case, including all Espionage Act charges (sound familiar, ahem, Tom Drake?). Kiriakou is expected to plead guilty to violating the Intelligence Identities Protection Act (IIPA)--there are no reported cases interpreting it because it's nearly impossible to prove--for "outing" a torturer. "Outing" is in quotes because the charge is not that Kiriakou's actions resulted in a public disclosure of the name, but that through a Kevin Bacon-style chain of causation, GITMO torture victims learned the name of one of their possible torturers."

[British] PM to investigate allegations of Downing St pedophile ring
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Tom Watson, the Birmingham MP who led the campaign for an inquiry into phone hacking, told Cameron at Prime Minister's Questions today: "The evidence file used to convict paedophile David Righton, if it still exists, contains clear intelligence of a widespread paedophile ring."

'Just trust us' - NSA to privacy advocates in court
A quote...."The US National Security Agency isn’t outright rejecting claims that they’ve been conducting surveillance on everyone in the country, but they want Americans to at least give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their intensions."

Informant: NYPD Paid Me To 'Bait' Muslims
A quote...."October 23, 2012 -- NEW YORK (AP) - A paid informant for the New York Police Department's intelligence unit was under orders to "bait" Muslims into saying inflammatory things as he lived a double life, snapping pictures inside mosques and collecting the names of innocent people attending study groups on Islam, he told The Associated Press."

Mom Convicted for not Allowing TSA Creeps to Grope Daughter
Gestapo Amerika -- A quote...."A woman who stood up to TSA screeners and refused to allow them to grope her or her 14 year old daughter has been found guilty of “disorderly conduct” and sentenced to one year of probation by a court in Tennessee."

Army to Assign Reserve Units to NORTHCOM, Other Regional Commands
US-NRE's Army Getting Ready?? -- A quote...."US Northern Command (NORTHCOM), for example, has never really been able to field the kind of force it would like to provide military civil support for all of its missions, said Lt. Gen. John Campbell, Army deputy chief of staff. Assigning dedicated reserve units to NORTHCOM under regional assignments would provide it with resources to deploy forces it may need." bold/underline by website editor - Ahem!!  Needed for WHAT? - mpg

The Young Turks Covers WeAreChange Video with Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Must View TYTVideo - Alt - (TYTYuTb - 5min12sec - Oct 22, 2012) - Source:  TheYoungTurks -- A quote...."“Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), was unaware that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and President Barack Obama’s “kill list” existed. This is why she would only take “serious questions.”" - See related article, also posted above....Blood is Their Argument: The Real Campaign Trail

Joe Klein's Sociopathic Defense of Drone Killings of Children
Related Article - A quote...."On MSNBC's Morning Joe program this morning, which focused on Monday's night presidential debate, the former right-wing Congressman and current host Joe Scarborough voiced an eloquent and impassioned critique of President Obama's ongoing killing of innocent people in the Muslim world using drones. In response, Time Magazine's Joe Klein, a stalwart Obama supporter, offered one of the most nakedly sociopathic defenses yet heard of these killings. This exchange, which begins at roughly the 7:00 minute mark on the video embedded below, is quite revealing in several respects."

Ron Paul Embarrasses Mitt Romney As He Demonstrates TRUE Leadership
2012 Election Cycle - Video - (more on Mitt the Twit) -- Alt - (YuTb - 1min54sec - Jun 14, 2011) - Source:  ThinkProgress2 - A quote...."Ron Paul Reminds His Party That The Commander In Chief Makes The Final Decision In War"

In Amerika there will never be a real debate
A quote...."God help them if Obama and Romney ever had to participate in a real debate about a real issue at the Oxford Union. They would be massacred. -- The “debates” revealed that not only the candidates but also the entire country is completely tuned out to every real problem and dangerous development. For example, you would never know that US citizens can now be imprisoned and executed without due process. All that is required to terminate the liberty and life of an American citizen by his own government is an unaccountable decision somewhere in the executive branch."

Vote your conscience not the lessor of two evils
2012 Election Cycle - Must View Video - (couldn't agree more) -- Alt - (YuTb - Oct 24, 2012) - Source:  Ry Dawson - A quote...."Call them the NWO if you want if you have the mentality of a five year old. But the jist of it is, elections cost millions of dollars and only the warmongering psychopaths who grab their ankles for Israel get TV time, attention, and televised debates."

"It's a lose/lose for the American people no matter who wins the election." - Gerald Celente - Tommy Schnurmacher Show - October 22, 2012  - Video - Alt - (YuTb - 17min54sec - Oct 22, 2012) - Source:   trendsjournal

Michael Rivero Broadcasting on Justin TV - Oct 23 2012 - Part II - Funding & Donation Drive for RBN
- Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs - Oct 23rd, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

FLASH: German gold report reveals secret sales that likely were part of swaps
Gold Warning - False Flag Warning -- A quote...."The lack of announcement of the sale of the German gold in London suggests that the sale was actually part of a gold swap with another central bank -- like the New York Fed. That is, the powerful implication here is that German gold in London was sold at the behest of the United States and in exchange Germany took title to United States gold vaulted in the United States -- or title to gold supposedly vaulted in the United States. This way the Bundesbank could continue to claim ownership of the same amount of gold without lying, at least not technically." - bold by website editor
It appears the FBI's child like attempt to lay the ground work for what was probably going to be a "Gold-Finger -- Operation Grand Slamfalse flag nuclear-attack on the New York Federal Reserve's gold deposits, and Leon Panetta's ridiculous attempts to lay the ground work for a false flag cyber-attack against the US-NRE's banking system, BOTH to be blamed on Iran, are now beginning to make sense. 

The FED (a PRIVATE banking cartel, 70% of which is owned by foreign banking families MOST of whom are faux-Jewish Kazarians) has spent, sold, re-hypothicated or simply stolen most of the gold stored at the NY Fed or the US Treasury.  A COMPLETE independent,
simultaneous (you can figure out why) audit of BOTH the NY Fed and the US Treasury, MUST be conducted immediately before this gets COMPLETELY out of hand!! - mpg
Why Did The Bundesbank Secretly Withdraw Two-Thirds Of Its London Gold?
Gold Warning - False Flag Warning - Related Article - A quote...."Speculation aside, the fact that central banks, and even banks of central banks (i.e., the BIS), have long lent out gold, is no secret to anyone, traditionally to satisfy short-term physical gold confirmation claims upon a spike in demand, usually associated with a liquidity shortage (when the value of gold as monetary collateral truly shines). The problem with this rehypothecation scheme is what happens when the counterparty suddenly finds themselves insolvent, the gold has since been re-re-rehypothecated, and nobody really knows whose gold it is any more. This becomes a drastic problem when a counterparty in a collateral chain suddenly goes broke..."

What If We Adopted A System Where The Banks Did Not Create Our Money?
A quote...."What if there was a financial system that would eliminate the need for the federal government to go into debt, that would eliminate the need for the Federal Reserve, that would end the practice of fractional reserve banking and that would dethrone the big banks?  Would you be in favor of such a system?  A surprising new IMF research paper entitled "The Chicago Plan Revisited" by Jaromir Benes and Michael Kumhof is making waves in economic circles all over the globe." - a comment shown below.....
"Of course! It is the system this nation was founded on, and made this nation great, until the money-junkies bribed the US Government to sell us all back into slavery to the very sort of banking system we fought a revolution to be free of. -- "I'd be dead before morning." -- Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, on being asked what would happen if the Canadian government started issuing its own currency rather than borrow paper notes from the private central bank." -- *Michael Rivero*
Asian Countries abandon U.S. dollar for Chinese Yuan
Dollar Alert - A quote...."A "renminbi bloc" has been formed in East Asia, as nations in the region abandon the US dollar and peg their currency to the Chinese yuan — a major signal of China's successful bid to internationalize its currency, a research report has said. - And now seven out of 10 economies in the region — including South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand — track the renminbi more closely than they do the US dollar. Only three economies in the group — Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Mongolia — still have currencies following the dollar more closely than the renminbi, said the report, posted on the institute's website." - Source: ChinaDaily

Go back in History, Find Out What Money Systems Worked and Discover why millions of Americans Have Not Only Moved Their Cash Out But Themselves, Too… -- A quote..."The ‘fiat money’ system in place now simply does not work for anyone but the already rich and you’ll notice that it is never even mentioned in the Presidential race at all."

Middle Class Being Ground to Dust Under Jackboots of Inflation
A quote...."Governments are good at two things:  Waging war and debasing the currency.  These two actions are aided and abetted by a central bank.  And thrust into the middle of this morass of printing and war is the common man.    The middle class; the lower class; the common people are ground to dust under the jackboots of the psychopaths, deviants and escapees from insane asylum." - Source: SilverDoctors

Guest Post: Plutonocrits
Scribd - Alt -- A quote...."Charles de Trenck has written a very interesting article on so-called 'Plutonomies' and how they affect the global economy. We offer this article to our readers as a free download in pdf format below. -- The term 'Plutonomy' was originally coined by Citigroup analyst Ajay Kapur, who argued that in many countries, an ever larger part of economic activity was due to the the richest segments of society, as wealth disparities have increased a great deal in recent decades." - Source:  ActingManBlog

37 Facts About How Cruel This Economy Has Been To Millions Of Desperate American Families
A quote...."There aren't nearly enough jobs, and millions of Americans that actually do have jobs aren't making enough to even provide the basics for their families.  When you have tried everything that you can think of and nothing works, it can be absolutely soul crushing.  Today, one of my regular readers explained that he was not going to be online for a while because his power had been turned off.  He has been out of work for quite a while, and eventually the money runs out.  Have you ever been there?  If you have ever experienced that moment, you know that it stays with you for the rest of your life." - also posted at BLN

Downturn to continue for a generation, Bank of England governor warns
A quote...."The governor of the Bank of England, Sir Mervyn King, has given his clearest warning yet that the impact of the global financial crisis is going to continue for decades. More than four years on from the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the financial and economic outlook is steadily worsening around the world."

More cuts for German pensioners
A quote...."Germany’s 20 million pensioners can expect further cuts in their income and purchasing power in 2013. This is the conclusion of a report in the German business newspaper Handelsblatt on October 15. The paper based its report on information provided by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW). In the report, Alfred Boss from the Kiel Institute explains: “The reason is that, from today’s perspective, outdated figures were used in the calculation of the last pension increase.”

Poverty, hunger and inequality grow in Spain
A quote...."There has been a dramatic rise in poverty, hunger and inequality across Spain since the outbreak of the economic crisis in 2008. Spain has now become the country with the greatest inequality of the 27 countries of the European Union."

Greek Society Unravels Under Austerity Measures
RNVideo - (RNYuTb - 14min57sec - Oct 18, 2012) - Source:  TheRealNews -- A quote...."Costas Lapavitsas: Merkel's visit to Greece shows Eurozone leadership don't want to push Greece out, but situation is explosive as people are furious at austerity measures."

[EU's] Business confidence falls for sixth month
A quote...."The eurozone crisis is increasingly hitting Germany, Europe's top economy, data suggested on Wednesday with business confidence falling for the sixth month in a row to the lowest level since February 2010."

Guest Post: Secession Fever Sweeping Europe Meaningless Without Debt Repudiation
A quote...."While regional independence is superior to both the failing European Union and the façade of special interest controlled democracy, one further action should taken by any jurisdictions that choose secession: Newly restored sovereign nations should repudiate their share of the illegitimate sovereign debt when they exit existing unions and nation-states. Created by distant banking elites buying national politicians and parliaments to load up on sovereign debts that can never be paid off, this massive national debt load is illegitimate and destructive to existing and new national economies." - also posted at ZeroHedge

The Irish Sue the Banks - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Video - (YuTb - 5min04sec - Oct 23, 2012) - Source:  JimFlynn -- A quote...."GOT DEBT ? GOT OPTIONS -- During the last 2 years we, real ordinary people, have watched our country come to its knees due to a gamble of the banks, the sell out of OUR resources by our politicians and lies and ommitions about our place in the world crises. The sense of hopelessness has brought hundreds to a very dark place and with no hope they believe in sight many have taken their lives! -- ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!"
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More On The International Situation....

The Pakistan-Russia Relationship: Geopolitical Shift in South and Central Asia?
Special Note - A quote...."The two countries have quietly been building a mutual relationship for the last few years through bilateral as well as multilateral contacts at the highest levels. Pakistan’s status as an observer state in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) has provided it with an important opportunity to have interaction with the top Russian leadership."
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Four Afghan children killed in US raid
A quote...."The killing of four children in a US raid and the disappearance and murder of civilians at the hands of occupation troops have provoked growing anger and protests among the people of Afghanistan. - With the US-led war now in its twelfth year, violence against the country’s population continues to mount. The latest incidents were confirmed by the office of Afghanistan’s puppet president, Hamid Karzai, on Tuesday. The worst of them took place on Sunday in the eastern province of Logar, just south of Kabul." - bold by website editor

US Troops Killed Four Afghan Children Who Were Tending Livestock
Related Article - A quote...."Afghan President Hamid Karzai has confirmed today that a weekend raid by US troops against the Logar Province ended with troops killing four innocent children who were tending livestock in a field." - bold by website editor

US soldier killed in Taliban attack in eastern Afghanistan
A quote...."A US soldier was killed following militants attack in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday. -- NATO-led International Security Assistance Force following a statement announced, “A U.S. Forces-Afghanistan service member died following an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan today.”"

Two US-led soldiers killed in militants attack in S. Afghanistan
A quote...."At least two US-led soldiers have been killed in an attack by Taliban militants in southern Afghanistan. -
The Western military alliance NATO has not yet released further details on the exact location of the incident or the nationality of the fallen soldiers. - On Tuesday, an American soldier was also killed in eastern Afghanistan. [article shown above]."
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NATO Using Al Qaeda Rat Lines to Flood Syria With Foreign Terrorists
Must Read - Charts - Maps - Graphs -- A quote...."October 25, 2012 - The discredited and now obscure, defected Syrian ambassador Nawaf Fares, had claimed mid-summer of 2012 that the Syrian government had been behind the influx of foreign terrorists that entered Iraq during the later phases of the US-British occupation of Iraq. These terrorists took part in campaigns of sectarian-driven violence that divided and destroyed an already devastated Iraq. Fares spectacularly claimed that he himself was involved in organizing terrorist death squads in a hamhanded attempt to implicate the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. -- What Fares actually revealed however, was an invisible state within Syria, one composed of Saudi-aligned, sectarian extremism, operating not only independently of the government of President Assad, but in violent opposition to it. This "state-within-a-state" also so happens to be directly affiliated with Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood, the leading forces now fighting in Syria with significant Western-backing against the Syrian government."

Syrian opposition dismisses al-Assad's general amnesty
A quote...."Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday issued a general amnesty, state-run television reported, and the opposition dismissed the decision as a sham, dpa reported. -- The amnesty applies to all offences committed before October 23 except for "terrorist crimes", added the broadcaster. The announcement comes days before the start of the Muslim festival of al-Adha on Friday."

Russia: Syria rebels have US-made weapons
A quote...."A senior Russian general has said Syrian rebels now have anti-aircraft weapons, including US-made Stingers."
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Documentary on IRAN Iran Is Not the Problem; Stop War on IRAN
Must View Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr19min11sec - Mar 3, 2012) - Source:  doostava -- A quote...."IRAN (Is Not The Problem) is a feature length documentary film responding to the failure of the American mass media to provide the public with relevant and accurate information about the standoff between the US and Iran, as happened before with the lead up to the invasion of Iraq."

Russia to block any UN bid for military action against Iran – Lavrov
A quote...."PanARMENIAN.Net - Russia will scuttle any UN Security Council resolution that could be interpreted as allowing military action against Iran, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday, October 23, according to RIA Novosti."

Iran has the highest number of natural gas powered vehicles on the road in the world
A quote...." HOW’S this for a paradox? Iran, an oil power seeking to become a nuclear power, has instead become a natural gas power. -- According to the latest figures from the Natural Gas Vehicle Knowledge Base, Iran, with the world’s second-largest natural gas reserves after Russia, in 2011 became the world leader in natural gas vehicles with some 2.9 million on the road, narrowly edging Pakistan, which is trailed by Argentina, Brazil and India, respectively. (The United States, which does not subsidize and promote the fuel like other countries do, ranks 16th.)"
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[After Doing it's Level Best to Destabilize Lebanon] US State Dept. Demands Lebanon Form New Govt.
A quote...."With Lebanon’s current government in turmoil after weekend violence, the US is taking the opportunity to once again insinuate itself directly in the political situation, with the State Department is demanding that President Suleiman form a new government with the Sunni-dominated opposition parties at the lead."

[Lebanon's] Army deploys in streets after seven killed in Tripoli fighting
Related Article - A quote...."TRIPOLI, Lebanon: Fighting raged Monday in the northern city of Tripoli between the rival neighborhoods of Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tabbaneh, raising the number of fatalities from clashes that erupted over the weekend to seven, security sources said."

US blocks Russia's draft statement in UN on peaceful resolution of Bani Walid violence
A quote...."The United States has blocked a draft statement, proposed by Russia, on the resolution of violence in the Libyan town of Bani Walid, which has been under siege for weeks. The statement called for a peaceful solution to the conflict. -- Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said the move “can't be serious,” reminding the American delegation of the deadly attack in Benghazi that claimed the lives of four US diplomats in September."

Iraq: At least 9 killed in separate attacks in Baghdad
al-CIA'da & Saudi Royals Strike Again -- A quote...."BAGHDAD (AP) — A series of attacks struck Shiite neighborhoods in Baghdad early on Tuesday, killing nine people and wounding 26, according to Iraqi officials."

Saudi Arabia’s secret Arab Spring
A quote...."To police, Mr Labad was a violent “menace” wanted for shooting two police officers, killing another man and attacking a police station. To human rights advocates, he was a peaceful protester silenced by the government for demanding equal rights for the country’s oppressed Shia Muslim minority."

Russia successfully tests new intercontinental ballistic missile
A quote...."A test launch of a new intercontinental ballistic missile has been successfully performed from Russia’s Kapustin Yar missile testing site, spokesman for the Russian strategic missile forces Colonel Vadim Koval said."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Four fishermen arrested in the Gaza Sea, fishing boat confiscated
A quote...."The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns continued Israeli violations against Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip, and expresses concern about the escalation of these violations, which have resulted in the arrest of four fishermen and the confiscation of a fishing boat belonging to a fisherman from the Gaza Strip." - Source:  PCHR

Settlers [Jewish gang-banging thugs] torch car, spray racist slogans in Hebron village
A quote...."HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Settlers [Jewish gang-banging thugs] torched a car and sprayed racists slogans in the Hebron village of Abu al-Asja on Monday, a Ma'an correspondent said."

3 Arrested as Palestinians attacked by settlers and soldiers in Tel Rumeida
A quote..."Today, a group of settlers from the illegal settlement in Tel Rumeida arrived at Hashem Azzeh’s olive grove next to his houseat around 12.30pm, whilst he and his family were harvesting their olives, yelling for everyone to get off of “their” land." - also posted at AlethoNews

Three Killed in Israeli Attack on Gaza - Media
A quote...."At least three Palestinians were killed and six wounded as Israeli aircraft and tanks carried out attacks on the Gaza Strip, Iranian state-owned news network Press TV reported."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (18- 23 Oct. 2012)
Your weekly total of Israel's mayhem....
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

Top 10 Healthy Yet Cheap Organic Foods
Action Alert - A quote...."Cheap organic foods? In the face of global economic struggle, the issue of personal finance is at the heart of the average consumer. But do you really have to shed an exorbitant amount of your money to purchase organic foods over conventional? -- The answer is no, and there is a surprisingly large amount of high quality organic foods that are quite cheap — even when considering low income families...."

Scientist that discovered GMO health hazards immediately fired, team dismantled
A quote...."Though it barely received any media attention at the time, a renowned British biochemist who back in 1998 exposed the shocking truth about how genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) cause organ damage, reproductive failure, digestive dysfunction, impaired immunity, and cancer, among many other conditions, was immediately fired from his job, and the team of researchers who assisted him dismissed from their post within 24 hours from the time when the findings went public." - Source:  NaturalNews

What’s really in vaccines? Proof of MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury
A quote..."Have you ever wondered what’s really in vaccines? According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s vaccine additives page, all the following ingredients are routinely used as vaccine additives...." - Source:  NaturalNews - also posted at PrisonPlanet

Tuesday Oct 23rd 2012

No posts. - mpg

Monday Oct 22nd 2012
CIA chiefs face arrest over horrific evidence of bloody 'video-game' sorties by drone pilots - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Murder Inc -- A quote...."The Mail on Sunday today reveals shocking new evidence of the full horrific impact of US drone attacks in Pakistan. - A damning dossier assembled from exhaustive research into  the strikes’ targets sets out in heartbreaking detail the deaths of teachers, students and Pakistani policemen. It also describes how bereaved relatives are forced to gather their loved ones’ dismembered body parts in the aftermath of strikes."

“Living as a Christian in the Hell of Aleppo”: Besieged by Syrian “Opposition” Rebels. Testimony of a Priest
A quote...."Christians in Aleppo are victims of death and destruction due to the fighting which for months, has been affecting the city. The Christian neighborhoods, in recent times, have been hit by rebel forces fighting against the regular army and this has caused an exodus of civilians."

US ‘too slow’ to act as drone’s cam captured Libya horror

A quote...."The United States had an unmanned Predator drone over its consulate in Benghazi during the attack that slaughtered four Americans — which should have led to a quicker military response, it was revealed yesterday. -- “They stood, and they watched, and our people died,” former CIA commander Gary Berntsen told CBS News." - some comments shown below.....
"Which means they knew in advance the attack would happen. and WANTED people to die!" -- *Michael Rivero*
Wait!  Ambassador Stevens was having second thoughts regarding his prior support for al-CIA'da in Libya, decided to "investigate" what was going on, and Hillary (throwing herself on Obama's sword, no, not that way, we know where her "tastes" "lay" these days), publicly stated she reduced his security? -- So what happened, he spoke (too much), she heard, and he died? (to paraphrase one of her famously mangled quotes)  -- Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. -- This is what some people call "an embarrassing chain of events" and what other people call a reason for impeachment and a grand jury investigation. Well, we should at least be happy she restrained herself this time around and didn't give another girlish little giggle when she described his death. -- mpg - Topix  ||  An African Base of Operations for More Terror - (By Their Actions We Shall Know Them) - 10-26-11 - mpg  || - See related video which is also posted below State of Disarray: Libya in turmoil 1 year after Gaddafi's murder - vid - (RTYuTb 6m1s 10/20/12) Src RT - posted 10-20-12
War crime : Gaddafi, his son and over 60 loyalists executed by rebel fighters
Related Article - A quote...."Libyan rebels abused and mass murdered Colonel Gaddafi, his son Mutassim, and 66 loyalists, after their capture a year ago, Human Rights Watch says. It calls for an investigation and prosecution of those responsible for what they slam as a war crime. -- The 50-page report "Death of a Dictator: Bloody Vengeance in Sirte" details the last hours of Muammar Gaddafi’s life on October 20, 2011, when he was caught trying to leave the city with his remaining supporters." - Source:  RussiaToday

Jordan Says Thwarted Al-Qaeda-Inspired Terrorist Attacks - Hip Hip Hooray!!
That sound you're hearing is cursing by the Trinity of Evil. - mpg -- A quote...."07:02 22/10/2012 MOSCOW, October 22 (RIA Novosti) – Jordan’s security services have preempted a series of terrorist attacks against western diplomats, foreign nationals and shopping malls, The Guardian reported citing the country’s state news agency Petra." - Source:  RIANovosti

Origins of The Muslim Brotherhood - Dr. Ali Moh
SGPVideo - (SGPYuTb - 26min47sec - Oct 22, 2012) - Source:  SyrianGirlPartisan - Website: Syrian Tribune - A quote...."I interviewed Dr. Ali Moh on the Alex jones show, on the history and origins of the Muslim Brotherhood. He says it was built by Britain, and that it is the mother of all jihadi groups including Al CIAda. More videos coming soon!"

Intelsat takes Iranian channels off air on US order
More Censorship of PressTV - A quote...."The International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Intelsat) has taken a number of Iranian channels off the air in Europe based on an order by the United States." - Source:  PressTV - For more on this issue see....The EU's Censorship of PressTV

“October Surprise”: The Nobel Peace Committee’s “Collective Insanity”
A quote...."“When Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize satire died”, satirist Tom Lehrer, memorably commented. -- The Former US Secretary of State was awarded his Nobel for “negotiating the Vietnam Peace Accords.” In fact he had been involved in oversight of the secret bombing of Laos and Cambodia (both neutral countries.) In nine years more than two hundred and sixty million bombs were dropped. He had also supported the murderous regimes in Chile and Argentina, where the “disappeared” are seared in to the national psyche."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Did Jewish Extremists [the Kazarian Crime Syndicate] Commit 9/11?
Must Read - Contains Video -- A quote...."Israel and its loyalists abroad have been engaged in a concerted propaganda effort to demonize the Muslim/Arab world and nations which get in the way of Israeli hegemony in the middle-east. Israel rarely fights its own battles unless their opponent is so completely hopeless who are armed with nothing more than sticks and stones, like the Palestinians. -- Because Israel is determined not to risk its own blood and resources to achieve its strategic objectives, it endeavors to influence Western powers with strong military might to do it for her. Historically, Jews have always prided themselves on manipulating the Goyeem into doing the dirty work...." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

The Constant Countdown: Never-Ending Hype, Hysteria, [Hasbara] and Hyperbole about Iran’s Nuclear Program
A quote...."On Monday evening, the final presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will focus primarily on foreign policy.  Needless to say, the issue of the Iranian nuclear program will feature prominently.  While both the Democratic and Republicantickets are quick to employ bellicose rhetoric and myriad falsehoods regarding the issue, a quick review of the candidates’ stated positions shows a slight difference between the two parties." - also posted at AlethoNews

When The Right to Vote is Just Plain Wrong
A quote...."The talk in the street in Israel these days (among  former American residents) is; Did you vote yet? And who do they vote for? Obviously whichever candidate has a stronger pro Israel position. There is little or no concern about which candidate will make a better President for the American people. - This is what I call the right to vote wrong!" - END Israeli / US dual-citizenship!! - mpg

New York Times Flacks for Jewish Groups Against 15 Major Christian Leaders
The NYT should just move to Israel! - mpg -- A quote...."You have to know American Jewish leaders are really riled up when they call on the New York Times to flack for them against 15 leaders of Christian churches who had the audacity to send a letter to the US Congress, which said, with proper Christian indignation...."
"As Christian leaders in the United States, it is our moral responsibility to question the continuation of unconditional U.S. financial assistance to the government of Israel. Realizing a just and lasting peace will require this accountability, as continued U.S. military assistance to Israel — offered without conditions or accountability — will only serve to sustain the status quo and Israel’s military occupation of the Palestinian territories." - also posted at AlethoNews
"Keep in mind folks the NYT is owned by the Jewish, Ochs-Sulzberger family, who've been card-carrying, war-mongering, fellow travelers of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and their thirst for endless wars and genocides, and endless American blood and treasure to spend on them, along with Israel's dreams for a mini-empire in the Middle East, since that criminal enterprise was established by the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.  If you pay good money for this paper, you support propaganda that will impoverish you and your children and get a lot of Americans, and a whole bunch of other people....killed" -- mpg
Rupert Murdoch 'wants to add Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune' to vast American media empire
A quote...."News Corp Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch is looking to buy the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune, two of the country's largest newspapers, from struggling media conglomerate Tribune Co, a source familiar with his plans told Reuters on Friday."
Rupert Murdoch is also a card-carrying, war-mongering, fellow traveler of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium.  His "phone hacking" scandal in Britain was a Mossad trolling operation to gather black-mail material on the Royals, Influentials, and British government officials.  Considering what's coming out about the tens of thousands of children abused and even snuffed in places like the Jersey islands (go ahead and Google or Bing it....if you dare!) he probably got a lot of material for the Mossad. It appears he wants to do the same here. - mpg
Israel Again Commits Barbarism and Piracy
A quote...."On October 6, the humanitarian Estelle Ship to Gaza departed Naples, Italy for Gaza. It surprised no one that Israel again violated international law." - Source:  SteveLendman

Israeli Commandos Electro-Torture Ship to Gaza Activists
A quote...."On October 20, masked Israeli commandos lawlessly interdicted Ship to Gaza Estelle in international waters. It was over 30 nautical miles from Gaza's coast when intercepted."
Israeli blockade protest posters
Graphics - Violin - Camp - Tambourine - Horns

Romney family buys voting machines through Bain Capital investment
2012 Election Cycle - (Vote Fraud Warning) -- A quote...." Tagg Romney, the son of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, has purchased electronic voting machines that will be used in the 2012 elections in Ohio, Texas, Oklahoma, Washington and Colorado. -- "Late last month, Gerry Bello and Bob Fitrakis at broke the story of the Mitt Romney/Bain Capital investment team involved in H.I.G. Capital which, in July of 2011, completed a "strategic investment" to take over a fair share of the Austin-based e-voting machine company Hart Intercivic," according to independent journalist Brad Friedman. - But Friedman is not the only one to discover the connection between the Romney family, Bain Capital, and ownership of voting machines."
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More on the Domestic Situation.....

Russia slams US for secret prisons on foreign lands

Must Read - A quote...."The report, which the ministry has submitted to the lower house of Russian State Duma for deliberations, denounced the US for its dismal human rights record, citing molestation of children, invasion of privacy, brutality of police and restrictions on the freedom of expression. -- The report noted that “hundreds of thousands of children” are maltreated in the US every year, leading to 1,600 deaths in 2010 alone. -- “About one police officer in 100 has been involved in criminal abuses, including sexual harassment, indecent behavior or rape,” it said. -- “The US remains the country with the largest prison population in the world - 2.2 million,” the report underlined."

Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura – Police State – Banned Episode
Censored by the USofA - JVVideo - Alt - (JVYuTb - 43min43sec - Mar 6, 2012) - Source:  imlaspace -- A quote...."This episode, Police State, is the only episode of Governor Jesse Ventura’s show that TruTV would not air.  Did Jesse Ventura get too close to the truth?"

A quote...."I am still kinda reeling from what a US Marine admitted to me in a long conversation…a crack US Marine drill sergeant with 12 years of professional training and being a trainer in the Marines. He specialized in hardening them to win (i.e.,-fire on women and children wherever appropriate, “show no mercy” etc.)"

New hearings give voice to 100 inmates allegedly tortured by Chicago police
A quote...."One hundred alleged victims of abuse at the hands of Chicago police officers, have been granted hearings to describe the torture they faced. For decades, minority inmates were beaten, shocked and suffocated into confessing their crimes. -- ­The Chicago police officers were said to be racially motivated in their actions, abusing African American men arrested on the south and west sides of Chicago for four decades...." - bold by website editor

FBI creating terrorism plots to thwart, instilling fear in Americans
A quote...."Last Wednesday, a 21-year-old Bangladeshi national, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, was arrested and accused of traveling to the U.S. to establish an al Qaeda cell and bomb the Federal Reserve Bank in Lower Manhattan. -- Buried beneath the headlines and opening paragraphs of the major news outlet reports, however, is the fact that Nafis would have been unable to execute his plot without substantial assistance from the F.B.I.. Authorities assured several news agencies that “the public was never in danger.” - Topix ||  The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening  ||

The FBI Wants You To Believe There Is A Global Jihad Against The [Private] Federal Reserve
A quote...."Totalitarian governments operate very predictably and foolishly. Their propaganda is so over-the-top absurd that even the most gullible and uneducated members of their permanently indoctrinated populations start becoming more and more skeptical of official government accounts of reality." - also posted at DProgram - Topix ||  Is The "Gold Finger - Operation Grand Slam" Scenario In Play? - 10-18-12 - mpg  ||

Gen. McChrystal And The Pat Tillman Coverup
A quote...."McChrystal played a leading role in the orchestrated cover-up of the circumstances surrounding the 2004 death in Afghanistan of former NFL Pro Bowler Pat Tillman." - Topix ||  US Fake Intel / Propaganda - Pat Tillman  ||

FILM TRAILER - How They Lied When Pat Tillman Died
Related Video & Must Read Article - Alt - (YuTb - 1min21sec - Apr 24, 2007) - Source:  ard9murc
 -- A quote...."It's been 8 years since Pat Tillman’s assassination in Afghanistan.  On April 22, 2004 Tillman and several other Army Rangers were given an odd order to split their motorized squad and proceed toward a village called Magarah. The original mission was to recover a broken-down Humvee from a rocky and almost impassable trail through a steep gorge. The Humvee was being towed by a local “jinga” truck, rather than by one of the working Humvees. Tillman and the others got to the village before the guys with the towed Humvee and were waiting for them when three Afghan kids fired an RPG...." - Source:  Veteran'sToday

War and politics from a left-Christian perspective: RIP: George McGovern, Russell Means
R.I.P. -- A quote...."In the past two days two great American icons, both from the State of South Dakota, have passed on: former Senator George McGovern and former Native American activist Russell Means. McGovern died Sunday at the age of 90; Means departed for the spirit world early this morning at the age of 72."

Russell Means: Welcome To The Reservation
R.I.P. - Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1hr39min59sec - Jan 19, 2011) - Source:  TheInfoWarrior -- A quote...."The United States is one big reservation, and we are all in it. So says Russell Means, legendary actor, political activist and leader for the American Indian Movement. Means led the 1972 seizure of the Bureau of Indian Affairs headquarters in Washington, D.C., and in 1973 led a standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, a response to the massacre of at least 150 Lakotah men, women, and children by the U.S. Seventh Cavalry at a camp near Wounded Knee Creek."

3 Loose Shingles to Blow the Roof off Global Corporate Oligarchy
A quote...."Organic food, file sharing, and alternative media dealing fatal blows to global corporate oligarchy."

FACT CHECK: Romney’s Tenure At Bain Was Defined By Layoffs, Bankruptcies, Outsourcing
2012 Election Cycle - A quote...."Mitt Romney told the story about his tenure as a corporate buyout specialist as if he was just a typical small business owner. But Romney balked at the offer to run Bain Capital until he was guaranteed that there “was no professional or financial risk,” and that he would get his old job back with full pay if the company failed. The truth is that his career in the private sector was defined by layoffs, bankruptcies, and outsourcing. That’s anything but typical, and it’s certainly not a credential for the presidency."

Obama and Romney concur on war, assassination and reaction
2012 Election Cycle - A quote...."In their debate on foreign policy Monday night, President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney voiced nearly identical positions in support of war, illegal killings and imperialist intervention across the globe."

Write in Ron Paul this is why
2012 Election Cycle - (an alternative to voting for Obamney, or not voting at all) - Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYuTb - 9min47sec - Oct 21, 2012) - Personally this website editor wasn't particular supportive of Ron Paul, but let's face facts folks, Ron Paul won the election.  He actually is the President of the United States.  If there hadn't been massive electoral fraud on the part of the RNC, he would have won the Republican nomination, had he been allowed (i.e. no electronic selection machines) he would have crushed Obama in the general definition....he won.  The fact this country no longer has a functioning or reliable democratic system of voting and is no longer a democratic republic is not his fault, it just makes the next administration, be it Obama's or Romney's - a totally, illegal, unconstitutional, dictatorial regime with no democratic legitimacy or legal constitutional authority. - mpg

Michael Rivero Broadcasting on Justin TV - Oct 17 2012 - Part II - Funding & Donation Drive for RBN
- Related:  Republic Broadcasting Network dot Org - (JustinTV - 3hrs - Oct 22th, 2012) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire and many other issues.
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The Fed PBC (Private Bankster Cartel) Just Guaranteed $6 Gas & $4000 Gold
A quote...."Now that QE3 has arrived, it's more obvious than ever that a few powerful men have hijacked our economic, financial and political structure.  And here's a news flash:  They aren’t socialists or capitalists.  They’re criminals.  The latest round of stimulus policy by the head printer-in-chief, Ben Bernanke, and the Fed is stunning in its size (in that it has no limit), stunning in its time-frame (as there is none), and even more stunning in the lie behind what it’s designed to accomplish.  The bottom line?  The Fed has just guaranteed $6 gas and $4000 gold."

[US] Q3 Earnings Season To Date Summary: Ugly... And Getting Worse
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Roughly one third of the S&P has reported earnings so far, with another third reporting in the next five days and almighty AAPL on deck Thursday evening, and if there is one word to describe what has happened so far, that word would be "ugly.""

Stock Market Fragility Fast Approaching "Flash Crash" Levels
Mrkt Tech Note - Quote of the Day...."....Bill Gross warned that in the current centrally-planned market "central bank puts" are the modern day equivalent of "portfolio insurance", and he is right. By sending complacency to record levels, and essentially forcing investors to no longer worry, hedge and generally ignore tail risk, the central planners, in their futile attempts to reflate stocks at all costs, are guaranteeing that the market will experience just the type of fat tail event they promise will never occur."
However let it be said, no one has still given a cogent explanation of why the Bernanke couldn't just waltz over to his computer terminal and type in 20 trillion or 50 trillion and hit the transmit button and buy the whole market?  Of course the fact there's over a quadrillion in derivatives out there might cause some problems, but than again he could add a few more zeros.....couldn't he? - mpg
Bernanke Set To Unveil Number Larger Than "Eternity"
This website editor wrote the paragraph shown above last night, this is what the Bernanke did today.  The one thing you can say about the Bernanke is he's certainly predictable. - mpg -- A quote...."Ben Shalom is preparing to unveil a number bigger than eternity: " After historic changes last month, Federal Reserve officials this week will discuss a possible expansion of the size of its third round of bond buying and better ways to guide markets about future policy actions." Just because $40 billion per month in new flow is apparently not enough, and because the market is now well below the level it was when "QE 3" was announced."

Greece public debt and deficit worse than estimated: Report
A quote...."Provisional figures released by Greece’s national statistics authority have shown the country’s deficit and public debt for 2011 are worse than estimated."

German Court Demands Bundesbank Audit Sovereign Gold Holdings
Gold Alert - A quote...."The German court of auditors (Bundesrechnungshof) has demanded that the Bundesbank undertake an audit of its gold reserves.  In an 'audit-the-fed' style effort, the court wants to ensure that the nearly 3400 tons of gold is in fact in existence - 'because stocks have never been checked for authenticity and weight'. Furthermore, the Bundesbank's gold is stored in three other vaults around the world: The Bank of England, The Bank of France, and the US Federal Reserve. The court questions the practice of relying on a written confirmation from the custodians (foreign central banks)." - Well....the FBI better get their "Gold Finger - Operation Grand Slam" in motion ASAP. - mpg - Related article - VIRTUAL 9-11: Will Israel Hack The US Banking System Computers and Falsely Blame It On Iran?

Chinese Gold Imports Through August Surpass Total ECB Holdings, Imports From Australia Surge 900%
Gold Alert -- A quote...."First it was more than the UK. Then more than Portugal. Then a month ago we said that as of September, "it is now safe to say that in 2012 alone China has imported more gold than the ECB's entire official 502.1 tons of holdings.""

The EU Rescue [Is] Not Going To Work - Jim Rogers
RVideo - Alt - (RYuTb - 3min32sec - Oct 20, 2012) - Source:  PlanetGlobalNews -- A quote...."Jim Rogers -- Will the EU survive?"
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More On The International Situation....

Anxious Turks Suspect US Plot is Behind Syria's Implosion - posted at ICH
A quote...."October 22, 2012 "CSM" -- In an empty coffee house in Antakya, local tradesman Ahmet Sari's face crumples in anger as he speaks about Syria. - “What's happening in Syria is all part of America's great project to reshape the borders of the Middle East.  America and its allies don't care about bringing democracy to the Syrian people.  Look at what happened to Iraq!” he fumes. “The imperialist countries are only after oil and mineral resources.”" - Emiko Jozuka, the author of this article, is a complete moron.  The US-NRE, Israel and the Saudi Royals, known as the "Trinity of Evil", have followed the PNAC Protocols to the letter. One can only wonder how a person gets this stupid, is it congenital or did he have to work at it?  Or is he just a paid, craven, shill, willing to sell himself cheaply for a few shekels to write such disingenuous propaganda?  See related articles and maps shown below....
Syrian Conflict Part of Mideast ‘Geopolitical Game’ – Lavrov
A quote...."19:50 22/10/2012 MOSCOW, October 22 (RIA Novosti) – Some countries are apparently interested in fueling violence in Syria as part of a “geopolitical remapping” of the Middle East, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said." - RIANovosti

Syria insurgents receive salaries in US dollars
A quote...."Foreign-backed insurgents in Syria have admitted that they receive salaries from their regional and trans-regional supporters in US dollars for fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad. -- The insurgents make thumbprints in ink next to their names and receive USD 150 a month for fighting against Syrian military forces." - Source:  PressTV

The Engineered Fall of Syria: Extensive Intelligence and Paramilitary Network Exposed
A quote...."At this stage, the “battle for Syria” is a specific role for foreign intelligence agencies, which in the summer of this year, significantly expanded its operations in the country. American, British, Turkish, French and Qatari and Saudi secret services are particularly active on the weakening of the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Their subversive work is multifaceted."

Turkey seeking face-saving exit out of Syria quagmire: Iranian MP
A quote...."Senior Iranian lawmaker Alaeddin Boroujerdi says Turkey is struggling to find a decent way out of the Syria ‘quagmire’ after Ankara’ plans for the region failed."

Turkish unions, parties against Erdogan anti-Syria policies
A quote...."Several unions and syndicates in Turkey have held protests against the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s anti-Syria policies."

Russian forces kill 49 militants in North Caucasus - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The anti-terrorism agency said nine local leaders were among those killed and 30 militants had been detained. It said 90 militant bases had been destroyed along with 26 weapons caches."

China's CNPC begins oil production in Afghanistan
A quote...."(Reuters) - A Chinese firm has started extracting oil from the Amu Darya basin in northern Afghanistan, mining officials said, a key moment in the country's quest to pay its own way."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up & The Monsanto Monster....

A Rat's Tale
Action Alert - (show this to everyone you know) - Video - (YuTb - 1min15sec - Oct 14, 2012) - Source:  GeneticRoulette -- A quote...."Animator Jeff Bigman has done it again. Enjoy his funny and revealing 1 minute piece, "A Rat's Tale", from our Non-GMO Theater series. Jeff Bigman was also the chief animator for the movie, Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of Our Lives, which is available online this week for free."

Six largest pesticide corporations funding effort to try to defeat GMO labeling Proposition 37
A quote...."(NaturalNews) In what should probably surprise no one who has been following the Proposition 37 issue, a California proposal that would require the ingredients in all GM foods to be labeled, the so-called "Big 6" pesticide corporations have become the movement's main opponents." - also posted at PrisonPlanet

India May Ban GMO Crop Field Trials for 10 Years - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."It has been a devastating month for Monsanto as nations around the globe continue to enact bans and restraints on the company’s genetically modified crop varieties. India, the same country that hit Monsanto with ‘biopiracy’ charges for patenting life on the planet, is the latest nation to take a stand. The nation’s new expert committee appointed by the Supreme Court of India is now callingupon the Indian government to enact a 10 year ban on all GMO crop field trials for the next 10 years."

Truth Be Told
A quote...."There’s an old adage or admonition that contends, “Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.” What does that mean either metaphorically speaking or as perceived words of wisdom? As we consider how to relate with those words of warning either as a measuring stick or a code of ethics, we ought to look no further than the medical sciences, pharmacology, and vaccinology, in particular."

Fluoride – The Hard to Swallow Truth (Full Version)
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 21min15sec - Oct 19, 2012) - Source:  TheLightWorkersMedia -- A quote...."This short documentary looks at the initial theories behind the effectiveness of fluoride and where it originated. It goes on to show the lack of science behind the use of Fluoride and reveals Fluoride as a toxic waste substance that is being pumped into our drinking water. The documentary will conclude by delivering the “hard to swallow truth” of fluoride which pertains to why it is actually used."

Sunday Oct 21st 2012

No posts. - mpg