Friday November 10th 2017

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its Wahhabist  "Friends" -- The Saudi / Euro-Kharzarian Syndicate's Coordinated Plans For WWIII....?

Simply, Sickeningly, Shockingly, Disgusting

Interview 1320 – Marwa Osman Reports on the Saudi Purge
Must Listen CRVideo - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb -- (CRMedPlyr - 26min29sec - Nov 11, 2017) - Source Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Corbett@Patreon -- Guest Website:  Marwa Osman @ Twtr -- A quote...."The Lebanese Prime Minister has “resigned” on Saudi tv. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has rounded up a dozen other princes in the House of Saud in a startling move that threatens to upset the kingdom. Reports that King Salman will step aside for the crown prince abound. What on earth is happening? Joining us to help sort through the rubble of this incredible week is Marwa Osman, a political analyst and commentator in Beirut." - Show Notes.....
Ducks Lining Up: Saudi, Israeli, US Moves On Iran, Lebanon
Must Listen RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 16min50sec -  Nov 7, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."Is this the beginning of the big Middle East war? A huge purge among Saudi royals, accusations of Lebanon aggression, Hezbollah threats. Trump's son-in-law/advisor's several semi-secret trips to visit with the Saudi crown prince. Israeli policy lining up with Saudi regional policy against Iran and Hezbollah. Yemen war at a standstill. Tension is rising. Is this the start of something big?"

Saudi Escalation: Lebanon And Yemen In The Crosshairs
Must Listen RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 18min17sec -  Nov 9, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."Today the Saudi government ordered all Saudis out of Lebanon, as "resigned" Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri is said to be under house arrest in Saudi Arabia. Simultaneously, the Saudi Crown Prince is increasing pressure against Iran, blaming the country for supplying a missile to Yemen that targeted the airport in Riyadh. War coming?"
Think about it.  We have Saudi Arabia, a collection of medieval tribal, murderous, thieving, nomadic, cut-throats, puffed-up for decades by receiving oodles and oodles of Euro-Kharzarian fabricated fiat-debt-notes, into actually thinking they're a bunch of potentates.

A group of decadent, degenerate, miscreants who have spawned, and than spread like a lethal virus, their bastardized Wahhabist terrorist death cult across the entire world.

A group who has now OPENLY kidnapped the acting head of state of another country, and forced him to publicly resign his office, to the absolute dead silence of the world's "Jewish" owned mass-media-spew-outlets.

Utterly, completely, unacceptably, outrageous behavior!!

Can anyone even IMAGINE the outcry if Iran, or Russia, or China had done something like this!!

It's a joke folks, it's all just one big joke on the world community.  The Treaty of Westphalia is dead and buried.  The international system of nation-state structures laboriously constructed over hundreds of years is terminally damaged beyond repair. 
Ruthlessly and malevolently murdered, on behalf of the Trinity of Evil's three criminal members....
Simply, sickeningly, shockingly, disgusting - mpg
Which Path to Persia?: Redux -- Part II: Syria, Libya, & Beyond, Globalists Prepare For Second Phase
Must Read - A quote..."Bangkok, Thailand May 18, 2011 - While the "easier" nations of Tunisia and Egypt were picked apart by foreign-funded color revolutions, the global corporate-financier oligarchs knew well in advance nations like Libya, Syria, and Iran would be fundamentally different. Nations including Belarus, Pakistan, Myanmar, and Thailand, come next, posing similar hurdles, and of course Russia and China remain at the end of the road and will require the most vigorous of all campaigns to effect regime change and assimilate them into the Wall Street/London corporate-financier dominated "international community." -- For all intents and purposes this is the final battle between nation-states and this abhorrent, illegitimate "international community." The battle is building up to what many geopolitical analysts call World War III, but with an insidious twist. It is a battle where festering imperial networks operating under the guise of "civil society" and "NGOs" are turning populations against their governments and serving as impetus to usher in stooge replacements. National institutions will be supplanted by this global "civil society" network, which in turn will interface with contrived international institutions like the parasitic IMF, the World Bank, and the increasingly farcical United Nations." - For Part I please see "Brookings' "Which Path to Persia?""

The Truth About Radical Islam
Must Read - A quote...."November 5, 2017 (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Part of "radical ignorance" includes a deep and profound ignorance of history. Understanding the actual inception of "radical Islam," more accurately known as Wahhabism, dispels many of the most virulent lies spread about Islam - that is has always been a barbaric, warlike ideology. Militant Islam is a relatively new phenomenon, invented by the House of Saud, then cultivated and exploited to its full potential by the British Empire and its American heirs." - Source:  NEO

How Israel and Saudi Arabia Conspire to Seize Control of the Middle East
Must Read - A quote...."The recent leak of a classified Israeli Foreign Ministry cable sent to all Israeli diplomatic facilities worldwide points to the subterfuge being engaged in by Israel and Saudi Arabia to effectuate political discord in Lebanon and a Saudi military confrontation with Iran. -- The recent leak of a classified Israeli Foreign Ministry cable sent to all Israeli diplomatic facilities worldwide points to the subterfuge being engaged in by Israel and Saudi Arabia to effectuate political discord in Lebanon and a Saudi military confrontation with Iran. The cable instructs Israeli diplomats to ratchet up diplomatic pressure against Lebanese Hezbollah and Iran. The Israeli plan saw an opportunity in the fact that the new regime in Saudi Arabia headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) was able to force Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, a longtime puppet of the Saudis, to resign his post from Saudi soil."

Saudi Arabia - This "Liberal Reformer" Is An Impulsive Tyrant
Must Read - A quote...."It is becoming more difficult to hide the mess the Saudi clown prince Mohammad bin Salman creates. The propaganda about the "liberal reformer" is too inconsistent with his obviously tyrannical behavior. -- The clown prince of Saudi Barbaria practically abducted the Prime Minister of Lebanon, blackmailed him to resign and holds him since under house arrest. This is an unprecedented attack on the sovereignty of Lebanon and all other countries. Yet the U.S. and some European leaders cowardly pretend that Saad Hariri is free to go where he wants:"

What Is Really Going On In Saudi Arabia?
A quote...."Trump Says Saudi Elites Caught In Anti-Corruption Probe Were ‘Milking’ Kingdom For Years - This is just nonsense from Trump. - Corruption is and has been everywhere in Saudi Arabia. How else could it be with all the countless billions changing hands in a fairly closed society? - So, it is easy for a guy like the new Crown Prince to glance around and conveniently find some corruption among people he wants to discredit anyway. - It may go beyond merely discrediting them to having hundreds of billions seized by the Crown Prince. Not a bad day’s work. - What is going on is a kind of coup against the old order by the new usurper Crown Prince. His recent appointment was by a King well known for his senility, and it suddenly and surprisingly upset the established order of succession and all kinds of extended family compacts."

Why Saudi Purge Signals War Footing
A quote..."Mass arrests of senior royals, amid fear of assassinations, indicate that what is going on in Saudi Arabia is a far-reaching purge. The facade of a “corruption probe” – promoted in part by Western news media and US President Donald Trump – is a barely credible cover. - The cover is not just for a ruthless power grab within the desert kingdom by Saudi rulers, but a realignment that also puts the entire Middle East region on notice for more conflict and possibly even an all-out war with Iran. A war that the Israeli state and the Trump administration are enthusiastically egging on."  - Source:  StratCultFndtn

Are Saudi Shenanigans a Prelude to a New Battle Front in the Middle East?
A quote...."The Saudi generated cycle of insanity continues. Reports that are hard to confirm or deny are circulating on social media, spreading a degree of panic and reactionary responses from all concerned."

How Saudi Arabia Sows Instability
A quote...."The anachronistic family enterprise known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has long been politically fragile. In some respects it is remarkable that this entity has endured into the Twenty-first Century. A clan of royals lives on rake-offs from the country’s petroleum wealth, while using more of that wealth to buy off a fast-growing population."

How Broke Is The House Of Saud?
Charts - (click each to enlarge) -- A quote...."Trying to figure out what on earth is happening in the Middle East appears to have gotten a lot harder. Perhaps (because) it’s become more dangerous too. There are so many players, and connections between players, involved now that even making one of those schematic representations would never get it right. Too many unknown unknowns. - A short and incomplete list of the actors: Sunni, Shiite, Saudi Arabia, US, Russia, Turkey, ISIS, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Kurds, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, Qatar, Israel, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Houthis, perhaps even Chechnya, Afghanistan, Pakistan. I know I know, add your favorites." - Source:  AutomaticEarthBlog

Rats Abandon Ship - Saudi Billionaires Withdraw Money, Fearing New King
A quote...." Anti-corruption raids in Saudi Arabia continue, the number of arrested persons exceed 200 people. They are accused of laundering and withdrawing more than $ 100 billion from the country. - However, according to many experts, the ultimate goal of apprehending the elite of Saudi Arabia is not stopping anti-corruption activities, but fighting those who can prevent Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from taking the throne of the King of Saudi Arabia."

“Hadi Placed Under House Arrest in Saudi Arabia”
PrsTVideo - (PrsTVYuTb - 3min56sec - Nov 8, 2017) - Source:  PressTV - PrsTV@YuTb - Alternate Press TV Sites -- A quote...."There are conflicting reports about the whereabouts of Yemen’s fugitive former president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. Some reports suggest he is placed under a form of house arrest in Saudi Arabia."

Saudi "Deep State" Prince Bandar Among Those Arrested In Purge: Report
There's Always A Silver Lining In the Darkest Cloud - A quote...."According to a new report by Middle East Eye, Prince Bandar bin Sultan - Saudi Arabia's most famous arms dealer, longtime former ambassador to the US, and recent head of Saudi intelligence - was among those detained as part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's (MBS) so-called "corruption purge" that started with the initial arrests of up to a dozen princes and other top officials last weekend."

Hezbollah MPs Urge Riyadh to Stop Meddling in Lebanon
A quote...."The parliamentary bloc of Hezbollah has called on Saudi Arabia to stop interfering in Lebanon’s domestic affairs after Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced his resignation while on a trip to Riyadh. - In a televised statement on Thursday, Hezbollah lawmaker, Hassan Fadlallah, said the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc supported President Michel Aoun’s refusal to accept the resignation as long as it was not “voluntary.” - Fadlallah further underlined the need to preserve security and stability in Lebanon." - Source:  PressTV

Is Israel Getting Ready for a Major War? And No One Is Talking About It
A quote...."Last week, Israel began holding its largest military drill in 20 years, and it was specifically designed to simulate a war with Hezbollah. -- From the Independent...."
“The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has deployed thousands of air, sea and land personnel to the Lebanese border for its biggest military drill in almost two decades, a show of strength designed to [intimidate] Hezbollah and Iran even as their power grows in neighbouring Syria.”
"Beginning last Monday, soldiers and reservists alike practiced simulating a 10-day-long war with Hezbollah, an Iranian-sponsored Shi’a militant group located mainly in Lebanon. Israel even prepared two field hospitals, as well as trucks and helicopters for evacuating simulated casualties."

Lebanon Next in US War on Middle East

A quote..."October 31, 2017 (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - US politicians, policymakers and commentators insist that the United States military's involvement in Syria and Iraq is solely aimed at defeating militants from the self-titled Islamic State (IS). However, it is abundantly clear that before the Russian intervention in Syria in 2015, the United States was engaged in a proxy war against Damascus, not IS and that as the Russian intervention began rolling IS back and the organization clung to existence, Washington found itself revising its narrative around a new pretext to remain in the region, the "Iranian threat."" - Source:  NEO

Yemen Headed Towards ‘Mass Famine’ Amid Saudi Blockade
Saudis Learned From Their Best Buddies The Euro-Kharzarians - A quote...."Yemen is facing a mass famine that will affect millions of lives unless the Saudi-led coalition ends its blockade and allows aid deliveries into the country, the UN aid chief warned Wednesday. - Mark Lowcock, the UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, warned “it will be the largest famine the world has seen for many decades, with millions of victims.”"
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More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends" -- Promoting Zio-Wahhabist Terrorism World Wide....

A Letter From Iraq - Grief, Forgiveness, and 20 Million Pilgrims
Must Read - A quote...."TIKRIT and NAJAF, Iraq - Nothing, absolutely nothing prepares you to revive, on the spot, the memory of what will go down in history as ISIS / Daesh’s most horrid killing field in Iraq or Syria since the death cult stormed across the border in the summer of 2014; the Speicher massacre of June 12, 2014 – when almost 2,000 Iraqi army recruits were assassinated in and nearby a former Saddam Hussein palace on the banks of the Tigris near Tikrit. - As Dylan would sing it, “ain’t it just like the night to play tricks when you’re trying to be so quiet”. In 2003, a few days after Shock and Awe and the fall of Baghdad, I took the road to Tikrit for Asia Times to survey Uday Hussein’s bombed palace as well as his father’s birthplace, only to return 14 years later to one of those palaces turned into a house of horror. "

America’s ‘Allies’ Are Setting Up Another Trap for US in the Middle East
Must Read - A quote...."Whatever their plans, the stakeholders in the Middle East must remember that clever plans to remake the Middle East have hitherto been remarkable for their inability to anticipate countermoves by opposing forces. -- Tension is increasing all across the Middle East and the United States is again falling into a trap set up by its so-called allies to act against its own interests by getting deeply involved in what might turn out to be an escalating conflict. The recent victories by the Syrian Army and its Russian allies, which suggest that the active phase of the Syrian civil war will soon be drawing to a close, means that the perennial unrest in the region will be shifting gears and possibly leading to new conflict in areas that have until now been quiet. The lack of any real American policy for the region will enable the Saudis and Israelis, who have hegemonistic dreams of their own, to manipulate a casus belli, quite likely starting in Lebanon, where Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri recently resigned his office and fled to Saudi Arabia, claiming that he was fearing for his life due to his resistance to Iran’s influence over his country." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

Documents Reveal KSA Behind Damascus Shelling, U.S. Prior Knowledge In 2013; Nothing Has Changed In 2017 - Same Old Same Old....  Since 2013 - A quote...."Fast forward three years to today and Damascus is still under assault from indiscriminate shelling by terrorists funded, organized, and directed by the United States and Saudi Arabia. As travel blogger, photographer, and writer, Ilir Morina (who is currently in Syria) wrote on November 9 ...."

The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade
From The History File - Posted 14 June 2005 - Just a reminder -- A quote...."Afghanistan’s opium economy is a multibillion dollar operation which feeds the surge of the US heroin market which is currently the object of debate and public concern. - In the course of the last decade, there has been a surge in Afghan opium production. In turn the number of heroin addicts in the US has increased dramatically. Is there a relationship? " - Topix  ||  US Support - Drug Trade  ||

US Airstrike Kills At Least 10 Civilians in Kunduz – UN
A quote...." At least 10 civilians died in a US air raid on the northern city of Kunduz on Saturday, the United Nations mission in Afghanistan said, citing witnesses including medics. The assumption is at odds with a US military probe that found no civilian deaths. -- The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan posted a series of messages on Twitter about Saturday’s attack. It said that interviews with a number of survivors, medics, elders and other witnesses gave it enough reason to believe that civilians were among the victims."

Media Silent as Syrian Forces Finally Defeat ISIS, Finding Cache of Made In USA Weapons
A quote..."When the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria began to dominate headlines in 2014, it was made out to be the most horrifying, ruthless terrorist group in existence—now any coverage the group receives tells a story of defeat, and the discovery of American weapons and equipment has gone virtually unnoticed."

‘Cold Day in Hell Before ICC Goes After US For Committing Afghanistan War Crimes’
A quote...."The ICC prosecutor’s decision to pursue a probe into alleged war crimes in Afghanistan is “completely political” and won’t amount to anything, law professor Francis Boyle believes. He said it will be a “cold day in hell” before any Americans are prosecuted. - The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, announced last week that her request to launch an investigation had been handed over to a pre-trial court. She said that if her request is granted, the probe will focus “upon those most responsible for the most serious crimes committed in connection with the situation in Afghanistan.” - Source:  RT

[US] House Leadership Pulls a Fast One for al Qaeda
A quote...."House Concurrent Resolution 81 (H.Con.Res.81) is sponsored by Representatives, Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), Walter Jones (R-NC), Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.), Thomas Massie (R-KY), and 39 other lawmakers. The resolution commands an end to U.S. participation in the Saudi-led war in Yemen. - The sponsors of this resolution contend that such participation, which began in March 2015, was never authorized under the War Powers Act of 1973. Per the War Powers Act, any congressman can pose a legal challenge and is guaranteed a floor vote on the issue. This is known as a privileged resolution. - On November 1st, the night before the vote was scheduled to take place, House leadership swiftly pushed through a Rules Committee vote, denying the resolution’s privileged status. Thus, preventing the guaranteed floor vote." - Source:  LibertarianInstitute

US Imposes Sanctions Against 10 Venezuelan Officials Over Election
Sanctions R'4'Eva - A quote...."The US Department of Treasury has imposed sanctions against ten Venezuelan officials, including a member of the recently elected Constituent Assembly, several electoral officials, and a diplomat. - Thursday’s designations include nine new officials and an updated entry on Freddy Bernal, previously placed on the sanctions list as the former mayor of Caracas. Bernal is currently Venezuela’s minister of urban agriculture."

Macron Touts Warship Deal With UAE Before Surprise Saudi Visit
Homosexual Macron:   Servicing The GCC Parasites - A quote...."France is set to sell a number of warships to the United Arab Emirates, French President Emmanuel Macron announced in Abu Dhabi, during a high-profile Middle East tour that also involved a surprise stop in Saudi Arabia."
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media...

US Defense Bill Targets Moscow-Linked TV Content Amid Crackdown On Russian Media
The Six "Jewish" Owned & Controlled US-NRE Corp Spew Outlets, Can't Compete - (It means Russia's much more accurate, and much more reliable mass media, is winning - mpg) -- A quote..."Moscow has vowed to impose tit-for-tat restrictions on US media if a defense bill currently being considered by Washington is adopted. As part of the bill, US lawmakers have been pushing to impede the work of TV networks allegedly linked to Kremlin."
US Justice Department Forces RT America To Register As “Foreign Agent”
Ditto - A quote...."RT, the Russia-based TV and Internet broadcaster, announced Thursday that the US Department of Justice has forced it to register as a “foreign agent” under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Washington has given the outlet until Monday to register as a foreign agent or its director could be arrested and its assets frozen. - The move is a product of the ongoing anti-Russia witch hunt being led by the Democratic Party, together with the US intelligence agencies, aimed at delegitimizing and outlawing domestic political opposition."

US Slow-Motion Shutdown of RT and Sputnik?
Double Ditto - A quote...."Hostile US demands on popular English-language Russian media, combined with social media censorship of alternative views called “fake news,” threatens press freedom in America. - It’s tyranny by any standard, the way all police states operate, controlling news, information and analysis, suppressing alternative truth-telling, notably on vital issues."

‘McCarthyism on Steroids’: US War on Russian Media Won’t Stop With Branding RT Foreign Agent
Triple Ditto - A quote...."Washington’s ultimatum for RT America to register as a foreign agent is a “significant escalation of the war launched against Russian media” which only demonstrates how desperate the US establishment has become, British media expert Neil Clark believes."
People for Bernie Sanders Boots Sputnik Radio Host From EU Panel
Related Article - A quote...."John Kiriakou, renowned Central Intelligence Agency whistleblower and co-host of Sputnik Radio’s Loud & Clear, was invited to address the European Parliament on national security whistleblowing before his appearance was scrapped at the last minute. Loud & Clear spoke with Kiriakou after the snub to find out what happened."

BBC Journalist Deletes Tweet About UK’s ‘Corrupt’ Relationship With Israel
BBC Buggering Babies Central - A quote...."A prominent BBC journalist has deleted a tweet in which a senior Conservative MP can be seen complaining about the British media turning a blind eye to the corrupt relationship that has allowed Israel to “buy access” in Westminster. - The tweet was posted by the BBC’s Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg on Wednesday while the Scottish journalist was covering the build up to the resignation of Priti Patel. The Secretary of State for International Development had taken part in undisclosed meetings in Israel organised by the powerful Conservative Friends of Israel lobby (CFI) last summer. - Kuenssberg’s Twitter posts on the day was full of posts on the Patel story including comments about Number 10 denying the allegation made by the Jewish Chronicle that Prime Minster Theresa May had been made aware of the 12 meetings Patel had had during her “family holiday” in Israel." - Source:  MEMO
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States

Stop Saying, “Putin Invaded Ukraine and Annexed Crimea”
Must Read - A quote...."Globalists Coveting Ukraine/Crimea: Going back 170 years, the British and the French attacked and stole Crimea from Russia. Thus the West attacking Russia has been a constant theme for two centuries (add in Napoleon, Bolshevik revolution funded by Wall Street, Germany during WWI, Japan funded by Wall Street, and then Hitler).-- The US has also been planning on “stealing” Ukraine from Russia for a long time. Right after WW II, the CIA allied with Nazi and guerrilla groups within Ukraine to stir up trouble for the USSR. After the fall of the USSR, geopolitical strategist Brzezinski laid out the plan in his book, "The Grand Chessboard", where he suggests that Ukraine should become a part of EU and NATO by 2010.-- If Ukraine becomes a part of NATO, the US will place missile systems there, just 400 miles from Moscow. Moreover, Ukraine can start a war with Russia, and then US/EU will be obligated to join the fight. Hello, World War III."

NATO Defense Chiefs and US Lawmakers Take New Steps to Fuel Arms Race
Must Read - A quote...."For the first time since the end of the Cold War, NATO is expanding its command structure. A plan to establish two new military headquarters designed to improve the movement of troops across the Atlantic and within Europe to counter Russia was endorsed at the November 8-9 meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels. One of the planned new NATO command centers will be tasked with ensuring the security of “sea lines of communication” between North America and Europe. The other command will “improve the movement of military forces across Europe” and strengthen logistical functions across NATO. Military commanders would “flesh out the details” and present them to defense ministers in February 2018." - Source:  StratCultFndtn
NATO Readying Europe’s Infrastructure For War a ‘Bad Signal’ For Russia – general to RT
A quote...."NATO’s urging its members to make its civilian infrastructure suitable for military maneuvers is a “bad sign,” a three-star Russian general told RT. He argued that it shows Washington would like to see Europe and Russia battling each other."

US Defense Budget Earmarks $350Mln for Military Aid to Ukraine
A quote...."WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — According to a newly released draft budget, the measure is included in a $700 billion defense policy bill approved by both Senate and House Armed Services Committees on Wednesday."

Stopping ‘Russian Aggression’: More US Apache Choppers Arrive in Europe
A quote...."Twenty-four upgraded Apache helicopters arrived in Germany as a part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, a rotational mission to deter “Russian aggression” against Europe."
Courageous Canada [Not Really] Targets Russia: Washington Says Jump, Ottawa Asks How High
Sanctions R'4'Eva - A quote...."Canada’s decision to extend its anti-Russia sanctions under the false pretext of hypocritically championing human rights is absolutely pointless and reprehensible,” read a November 3 statement from the Russian embassy in Ottawa.
EU Declares War on Gazprom and Germany, Part One
Sanctions R'4'Eva - A quote...."Brussels. The European Commission seems to have made a final verdict on the project for the creation of the "Nord Stream-2" gas pipeline by Gazprom, which was to pass from Russia to Germany along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. -- It was supposed to be put into operation by the end of 2019. The throughput of each of its two lines was to be 27.5 billion cubic meters per year. The cost of their erection is estimated at 9.5 billion euros. The new gas pipeline was designed to double the capacity of the Northern Stream-1 built earlier along the same route, which would ensure the uninterrupted supply of cheap Russian gas to Germany and the EU for years to come."

New US "Russia" Sanctions Take Aim at Oil Projects Outside Russia
Sanctions R'4'Eva - A quote...."Washington’s newest round of sanctions against Moscow’s oil and gas industry targets Russia’s upcoming projects worldwide, according to drafts of the measures introduced at the United Nations by the U.S. - The punitive measures – designed to be a political reaction to Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 – will have a limited effect on Moscow’s current operations abroad, experts said"

Exposing the Deception Behind Bill Browder's Magnitsky Act
Sanctions R'4'Eva - A quote...."This article, and the inconsistencies in Browder's testimony and behavior has been discussed at length in the alternative media, most convincingly by Robert Parry and Gilbert Doctorow at Consortium News. See Parry's articles about this here and here, and Doctorow's here."
Disaster in Red: The Hundredth Anniversary of the Russian Socialist Revolution
Must Read - A quote...."November 7,, 2017, marks the one hundredth anniversary of the Russian (or Bolshevik) Revolution in Russia that happened on that date in November 1917, which lead to the communist “dictatorship of the proletariat” and ushered in an epoch of totalitarian tyranny and mass murder both in Russia and in every other country where socialism was put into practice. -- Historians estimate that as many as 150 million people, if not more – innocent men, women and children – were killed in the name of building the collectivist utopia. They were shot, tortured, worked or starved to death in prison cells, in interrogation rooms, in labor camps, or just in the places where they lived. “Socialism-in-practice” created a chamber of horrors in which the individual was reduced to a mere expendable “cog in the wheel” to serve the collective good, or made into “enemies of the people” to be eliminated as the prelude to building the “bright, beautiful communist future.”

The October Revolution and You
Must Read - Some quotes...."Eventually the USSR evaporated, as artificial, synthetic political entities often do. The reasons for this disappearing act are too numerous to mention, but one of the main ones was that the Soviet political elite turned itself into a much-hated, privileged caste, and then failed to reproduce, turning into a moribund gerontocracy. When the old cadres finally started dying out, the new generation that came in included plenty of traitors who did their best to destroy the system and grab a piece for themselves. This effect was plain to see, but was it the root cause? When a complex system collapses, every part of it is touched to one extent or another, and it becomes impossible to say which one played the key role in precipitating the collapse. -- With the USSR gone, the owners of the USA had no one to compete against and were no longer under any sort of pressure to maintain the illusion of an equitable and egalitarian society. Instead, they concentrated on two projects, one ideological, the other economic. The ideological project involved wrecking what was left of the USSR to the greatest extent possible in order to paint a convincing picture of the horrible consequences of communism or socialism and to herd everyone toward wholeheartedly embracing unfettered capitalism [Bolshevik Banksterism]. The economic project involved eviscerating the American middle class—a process that by now has largely run its course."

Why Didn't the British King Save His Russian Cousin, Nicholas II After the Revolution?
Because he wanted him dead?? - A quote...."Pictured arm in arm wearing yachting uniforms, the two future kings could be mistaken for twins. But while cousins Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and Britain's King George V were described as close friends, their relationship ended in ruthless circumstances. - As head of an empire that was waning, where many citizens experienced extreme poverty and autocratic rule, Nicholas II found himself caught between a world war and the discontent of his own people. The explosive mix would hasten his fall from monarch to executed prisoner in just over a year. - The killing of Nicholas II, tsar from 1894 until his forced abdication in 1917, saw the collapse of Russia's royal family. His grisly death in 1918 and the murder of the Romanov family by a Bolshevik firing squad at a house in Ekaterinburg also placed George V's reputation under scrutiny."

Ukrainian [Kiev Regime] Secret Services Planning To Kill LPR Law-Enforcement Officials
A quote...."Donetsk, Nov 9 – DAN. Ukrainian secret services are planning to assassinate heads of law-enforcement bodies of the Lugansk People’s Republic,” the DPR State Security Ministry press service said on Thursday."

["Jewish" Oligarch Porky the Pig] Poroshenko Vows to Eliminate the Russian language in Ukraine
No Surprise Whatsoever - Imagine this website editor's TOTAL lack of surprise that... a "Jew".... promises to destroy the culture of another country. While using pseudo-nazis to carry out their cultural and ethnic cleansing operations.  It no doubt amuses members of the Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Consortium to no end.  They probably laugh about it on a daily basis - mpg -- A quote...."KIEV, Ukraine - Ukraine’s President Pyotr Poroshenko has announced that he will eliminate minority languages by forcing every child to learn Ukrainian with the new "On Education" law that was opposed by some European countries."
Zakharchenko: "I Am Proud Of Our Servicemen"
A quote...."The Head of the Republic visited the military training ground, where servicemen of the Vityaz Special Purpose Unit of the DPR Ministry of Transport passed a fit test for the right to wear a blue beret on November 9. The event was timed to the second anniversary of the unit. Vityazi (‘The Knights’) became the first to undergo such a test in the DPR."

DPR Deputy PM Hands Keys to Domestically Assembled Buses to Gorlovka Drivers
A quote...."Donetsk, Nov 10 – DAN. The first ten DPR assembled buses have been handed to the frontline town of Gorlovka, the ceremony was attended by deputy PM Dmitriy Trapeznikov and acting minister of industry and trade Alexey Granovskiy."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

Analysts on ISIS Stronghold Al Bukamal Liberation - Hip Hip Hooray!!
"Huge Knockdown" -- RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min49sec - Nov 9, 2017) - Source: RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."A significant day for Syria, as the last ISIS stronghold in the country the city of Al Bukamal is liberated according to government forces. Footage shows pictures from the city, where Syrian and Iraq-backed militias joined forces to surround Al Bukamal, which is very close to the border between the two countries. RT's Daniel Hawkins has more on this. RT also got a reaction from experts on what the latest development means for Syria."

Iraqi Military Allowed Syrian Army, Allies To Attack Albukamal From Iraq
Related Article - A quote...."The Iraqi military allowed the Syrian military and their allies, including Iraq’s Hashd Al-Sha’abi (Popular Mobilization Units), to attack the Isis positions inside the border-city of Albukamal on Wednesday, a source told Al-Masdar News last night."

"Next Time it Won't Be Just a Cruise" - Russia Warns US Against Flying Over Its Bases in Syria
A qutoe...."DAMASCUS, Syria. The Russian Coordination Center in Hmeimim confirmed that a US P-8A Poseidon reconnaissance aircraft, which is capable of detecting military submarines at various depths, took off from a Naval Air Station Sigonella in the Italian island of Sicily and flew close to the Russian bases on the Syrian coast, was detected by Russian radars."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Erdogan Slams Saudi “Reformer” Muhammad bin Salman – “There is No Moderate Islam”
Say What!?!? - The Sultan of Terror becomes Ataturk Erdogan?? -- Say it ain't possible... This website editor has suddenly become very confused - mpg -- A quote...."Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman (MBS) has become a feared figure among the Saudi elites who have been violently purged from their comfortable positions of power, while becoming a figure of hatred across the Shi’a Axis of Resistance in places like Iran, Syria, Yemen and increasingly among all parties in Lebanon. - But there is one world leader who is clearly not afraid of nor impressed with MBS, that man is Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. - Erdogan has given a speech in which he both mocked and criticised Muhammad bin Salman’s recent comments that he seeks to “return” Saudi Arabia to “moderate Islam”."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

France's Le Pen Stripped of Immunity Over Gruesome ISIS Pictures
PC-France Gone Insane!! - A quote...."France's National Assembly on Wednesday lifted the immunity from prosecution of far-right leader Marine Le Pen for tweeting pictures of Islamic State group atrocities, parliamentary sources said. - The decision was taken by a cross-party committee in charge of the internal functioning of the assembly, after a request from the authorities to lift Le Pen's parliamentary immunity over a crime that carries up to three years in prison. - The leader of the National Front, who ran a failed campaign for president this year, in 2015 tweeted three pictures of IS atrocities, including one of James Foley, an American journalist beheaded by the extremists. - "Daesh is THIS!" she wrote in a post accompanying the photos, using an Arabic acronym for ISIS. - Faced with outrage on social media and from Foley's family, Le Pen later deleted the picture of the American, saying she had been unaware he was the man in the picture." - One commentator stated.....
"Just please give me a moment to get my head around this. -- The images were not photoshopped, and told the story of Foley's assassination in a true and honest way; yet it is Le Pen who is about to be prosecuted for doing so?!? -- I am sorry; this is political correctness, absoflippinglutely run amok. -- When telling the truth becomes a crime, that society in which this has happened is not long for this world, at least not in its current condition. -- And the most painfully ironic thing about these coming charges is that it was the Occupied, Unhinged Surveilled States of Amerika which created both Al Qaeda and ISIS. -- America created Al Qaeda and the ISIS terror group." -- *Michael Rivero* - bold by website editor
Social Systems in Canada Collapsing Under Weight of Hundreds of Thousands of Immigrants
A quote...."Health care systems are collapsing. People who have lived in Canada all their lives paying their insane tax rates throughout their working lives are now being pushed aside in favor of third world immigrants who never paid a dime into the system. Wait times to see a doctor or a specialist are increasing exponentially while the somali born Immigration minister opens the flood gates wide to fully destroy the nation. The social systems in Canada are beginning to fall apart under the weight of this liberal government. The health care system is just the ‘canary in the coal mine’. Everything will fall apart. But that’s what happens when you have a Soros wang sucker as Prime Minister."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

On 9/11, Israelis were Dancing with Joy at all the Americans Getting Murdered
Must Read - A quote...."The FBI came to the conclusion... that the five Israelis arrested in New Jersey last September were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, N.J., served as a front. -Forward (A Jewish Magazine) March 15, 2002 -     "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."--US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report (that was later erased from the Fox News website) on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11. -     According to ABCNEWS sources, Israeli and U.S. government officials worked out a deal — and after 71 days, the five Israelis were taken out of jail, put on a plane, and deported back home. While the former detainees refused to answer ABCNEWS' questions about their detention and what they were doing on Sept. 11, several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home. - Said one of the men, "Our purpose was to document the event." - See links on this issue posted below.....
Priti Patel Resigns Amid Revelations Of Conspiring With Israel To Give U.K. Tax Money To Terrorists, Israeli Military -- Zio-Whore Putrid Patel Bites The Dust - A quote...."As Israel secretly coordinates with Saudi Arabia to launch a war against Iran and Hezbollah and threatens to invade Syria militarily, the Israeli tentacles are becoming more and more visible on the European and North American continents as well. While it has long been known that Israel has maintained a policy of constant surveillance and manipulation in the halls of U.S. and U.K. governments and that Israel itself acts as a cancerous tumor in the Middle East directed by corporate-financier-Deep State interests, the level to which it is involved in the lives of everyday citizens in Europe and America is becoming more and more apparent. From anti-BDM laws and proven espionage to an Israeli Prime Minister scolding the American Congress under the nose of the U.S. President, Israel has repeatedly demonstrated that it does not have the best interest of its “allies” at heart."

Priti Patel Resigns - Israel Lobby Mourns The Loss Of A Valuable British Asset
Ditto - A quote...."A British Minister of Hindu heritage was fired after it emerged that she secretly met Israeli officials in Israel and elsewhere without informing the Foreign Office. Back in Britain she then tried to arrange additional finances for Israel's arming of al-Qaeda in the Golan heights. The affair shines light on the nefarious influence of the Israel lobby on British politics. -- Priti Patel was International Development Secretary, responsible for British aid to various countries and organizations. She is a Thatcherite Conservative, a vocal supporter of Britain's exit from the European Union and of Hindu fascism in India...."

"Zionism [& "Jewish" Bolshevism & "Jewish" Control] is a Weapon of Mass Destruction" - Syria's UN Rep
Title Corrected - A quote...."Syria's permanent representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar Al Jaafari, said that Israel supports the terrorist group Al Nusra Front, pointing out that Zionism is a weapon of mass destruction which spreads violence throughout the region."

Here is a List of the 17 [U.S.] States That Have Adopted Anti-BDS Legislation
17 ZOG Controlled US States - A list of US State legislatures that now work for Israel. - mpg

Israel Lobby Lawsuit Against San Francisco State University Collapses - Yippee!!
A "Jewish" Lawfare.... Fail! - (Savor it folks. It could be a start of a flood of failures for the Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Consortium. - mpg) -- A quote...."A federal judge in San Francisco said on Wednesday that he will dismiss a frivolous lawsuit against professor Rabab Abdulhadi and her employer, San Francisco State University. - They were both accused of fostering a hostile environment for Jewish students based on Palestine advocacy and criticism of Israel’s policies."

Israeli Settlers [Euro-Kharzarian Migrant Squatters] Assault Palestinian Farmers, Injure 3 in Nablus Area
"Agricultural Policy" -- (Euro-Kharzarian style.  Applies to non-"Jews" only - mpg) - A quote..."NABLUS (Ma'an) -- Three Palestinians were injured on Wednesday morning after Israeli settlers [Euro-Kharzarian, migrant, squatters] assaulted a group of farmers picking olives in the Urif village in the Nablus district of the northern occupied West Bank. -- Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian official who monitors settlement activity in the northern West Bank, told Ma’an that Israeli settlers [Euro-Kharzarian migrant squatters] from the nearby Yitzhar settlement [squatter camp] attacked and assaulted several Palestinian farmers."

Israel [Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Cabal] Plans To Double The Number Of Colonists [Illegal Migrant Squatters] In The Jordan Valley - "Land Development" -- (Euro-Kharzarian style.  Applies to non-"Jews" only - mpg) - A quote..."The Israeli government is preparing a plan to double the number of Israeli colonists in the Jordan Valley of the occupied West bank. - The new plan was presented by Israeli “Housing Minister” Yoav Galant, who previously served as the Commander of the Southern Command in the Israel army, and aims at doubling the number of colonists in the Jordan Valley, to reach approximately 12000." - Source:  IMEMC

Netanyahu is Redefining Ethnic Cleansing Not Pursuing Genuine Peace
"Redefining Language" -- (Euro-Kharzarian style.  Applies to non-"Jews" only - mpg) - A quote...."Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not known for missing an opportunity to push peace further into the distant future. The dust had not even settled on the Balfour Centenary, which the Palestinians marked with anger and Israel and its supporters celebrated, before Netanyahu took to the air to absolve Israel of any fault for the lack of progress towards peace. Israel is in a difficult neighbourhood and therefore its security needs are such that meeting these is almost incompatible with a Palestinian state." - Source:  MEMO

Hamas Lambastes Mahmoud Abbas For Resuming Security Coordination With Israel
Helping To Ethnically Cleanse His OWN People - (There's betraying one's country, normally called treason.  Than there's helping another group exterminate your own people.  Don't even know WHAT to call that. A LOT of US-NRE politicians, and the thugs in and out of uniform who work for them, are doing that right now to their very own people on behalf of the Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Cabal - mpg) -- A quote...."The Palestinian Islamic resistance movement, Hamas, has criticized the leader of Fatah movement and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, for his decision to resume security coordination with Israel, nearly a month after the two movements reached a landmark national reconciliation deal."
Pictorial Tour of Stolenland AKA IsraHELL
Warning:  Abbas Facilitated Extremely Graphic & Grim Photos - Related Article - A quote...."Here we see the real anti-Semites, the Khazars, who are NOT Jews, but descended from a European tribe that worshiped penises, teaching their spawn to be hateful homicidal maniacs just like Mommy and Daddy!"

Abbas in Riyadh: Saudis Court Palestinian Support For Grand Alliance With Israel
Warning:  Abbas Sucking Up To Head-Chopping Terrorists - (Abbas way overstayed his election, by about eight years and counting! (His term of office legally ended on 9 January 2009) - Must be moar ol'dat dar Amerikan / Euro-Kharzarian styled Da'mockery in action - When will he stop doing his level best to utterly  betray and sell-out the Palestinian people?? - mpg) -- A quote..."Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman invited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to Riyadh this week as part of plans to form a grand regional alliance including both Israel and Palestine to confront Iran, Palestinian officials and western diplomats told Middle East Eye on Wednesday."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O....

Dijsselbloem Admits "We Used Taxpayers' Money To Bailout The Banks"
Really Old News - A quote...."We had a banking crisis, a fiscal crisis and we spent lot of the tax-payers’ money – in the wrong way, in my opinion – to save the banks” outgoing Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem said adding “so that the people criticizing us and saying that everything was being done for the benefit of the banks were to some extent right.”
And they're still bailing out the banks to this very day!  The ECB has recently been buying over a hundred billion Euros worth of bad bonds per month! Let's also not forget their endless  policies of ZIRP, NIRP, unlimited printing -- as with Switzerland's C.B. -- to purchase stocks, allowing blatantly fraudulent methods of determining the actual solvency of the TBTF banks and so on and so forth.  Almost ten years and counting! - mpg
Venezuela Officially Declared In Default
Bankster Road-Kill - (Run over years ago by the Banksters, finally pronounced dead.  Maduro should have immediately defaulted when he took office in 2013, instead he ran Venezuela's economy into the ground on behalf of the "Jewish" Banksters of New York who owned most of these bonds - mpg) -- A quote...."Today at 11am, the ISDA Determinations Committee sits down to decide whether an event of default has occurred due to the delayed principal payment on the Petroleos de Venezuela SA, or PDVSA, bond that matured Nov. 2, in the process triggering PDVSA (and perhaps Venezuela) CDS, and officially declaring Venezuela in default. - We won't have to wait that long: moments ago, Wilmington Trust, the Trustee of the 8.5% bonds due 2018, issued by Corpoelec, Venezuela's electricity company, declared that the missed interest payment originally due October 10, and whose 30 day grace period expired on November 9, and for which no pament was sent or received, officially constitutes an event of default."

Greece: PAME Marches Against Austerity Measures, NATO 'Imperialist Barbarity'
A quote...."Hundreds of activists from the All Workers Military Front (PAME) marched through Athens, Thursday (9 Nov. 2017), to protest against the austerity measures imposed on the country and its membership in NATO."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition...

US Mideast Axis Reels as Russia Allies Power Ahead
A quote...."It’s been a more-than-usual eventful week in the Middle East. Russian-backed forces made yet more significant military gains in defeating US-sponsored proxies in Syria, with a fearsome display of long-range Russian air and naval firepower against militant hold-outs near Deir ez-Zor. - That was while Russian President Vladimir Putin was greeted in the Iranian capital Tehran by Ayatollah Khamenei – a meeting that spoke volumes of the new reality of geopolitical authority in the region."

Russia and China Open HUGE Copper Mining Complex in Siberia
A quote...."While Americans squabble about confederate statues, and obsess over Harvey Weinstein, Russia and China are actually getting things done. - Russian evening news reports that the Eurasian giants have joined forces to open a new mining venture in deepest Siberia that will extract copper, gold, and iron-ore."

China Reveals Images of New Hypersonic Strike Aircraft
A quote...."China has disclosed the first images of secret hypersonic strike aircraft that are being developed to deliver nuclear warheads through U.S. missile defenses. - State-run CCTV on Oct. 8 broadcast images of four different vehicles or missiles that U.S. intelligence agencies believe are mockups of hypersonic strike vehicles, including one known as DF-ZF. - It is the first time images of the hypersonic aircraft were made public."

Putin Warns About US Interference in Russia’s 2018 Presidential Election
A quote...."It’s a legitimate concern. America interferes in numerous elections abroad and its own, assuring dirty business as usual always wins. - Names and faces change. Policies on key issues remain the same, especially on imperial wars, corporate empowerment, and privileged interests exclusively served. - On March 18, 2018, Russia’s presidential election will be held. If no candidate wins a majority, a runoff will follow on April 8."

RAW: Russian Frigate ‘Admiral Makarov’ Conducts Missile Drills in Baltic Sea
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 1min25sec - Nov 9, 2017) - Source: RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."A new Russian frigate the ‘Admiral Makarov’ took to the Baltic Sea on Thursday, launching missiles as part of an air defence exercise. The ‘Admiral Makarov’ is scheduled to enter service with the Russian Navy by the end of 2017."

Russian FM Spokesperson Zakharova Holds Weekly Briefing
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 1hr36min12sec - Nov 9, 2017) - Source: RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."The Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, is giving her weekly news briefing in Moscow."

Serbia Faces East - Belgrade Names Park After Red Army Choir
A quote...."BELGRADE, Serbia - In another sign of growing political and military ties between the Republic of Serbia and the Russian Federation, Belgrade has named one of its centrally located parks after the Alexandrov Academic Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Russian Army, commonly known as the Red Army Choir."

Exporting "Information" Arms
A quote...."November 10, 2017 (Joseph Thomas - NEO) - Nations like Russia and China make billions of dollars a year in the arms industry. Their arming of other nations with the latest in defence technology is not only a means of supporting their respective economies, it also fits into a diplomatic and national defence strategy of their own. As information technology increasingly shapes the future of economics, society, politics and even warfare, the export of "information arms" appears to be an emerging opportunity not only for a nation's economy, but also in enhancing a global balance of power that may help guard against rogue global super powers." - Source:  NEO

Trust Is Crucial to India-Russia Defence Ties
A quote...."The influential Russian daily Kommersant reported today on an intriguing development with ominous overtones for long-term India-Russia defence cooperation. It seems that Indian authorities gave access to a US Navy delegation of “well-trained technical specialists” to enter the top secret Russian nuclear submarine under the rubric “Project 9711″, which is on lease to Indian Navy within the framework of the so-called “special and privileged strategic partnership” between the two countries." - Source:  IndianPunchline

South Korea Should “Brexit” the United States
A quote...."Throughout the controversy, most U.S. commentators have assumed the U.S. military presence in Korea as a permanent given. They are unable to think outside the old Cold War box. Their proposed solution to the crisis has been for U.S. officials to sit down with North Korea and try to work out a deal. - That might work, but then again it might not, especially since North Korea knows that the U.S. government cannot be trusted to keep its word in any deal that is reached." - Topix  ||  Welcome To Fight Club - 04-10-17 - mpg  ||
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire...

Pivot to, or Brawl in Asia? West Already Targeting Thailand's New King
A quote...."November 3, 2017 (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Not even a day had passed after the funeral rites for Thailand's revered and respected former head of state, King Bhumibol Adulyadej before the Western media began launching attacks on his heir and current Thai head of state, King Maha Vajiralongkorn. It is a development widely predicted - with the United States and its European partners long-eager to pursue regime change in Thailand as part of a wider strategy to either control or destabilize Southeast Asia as a means of hindering China's regional and global rise." - Source:  NEO

The Endless US War On Cuba
Contains TSMVideo - Alt/Mp3 - (TSMYuTb -12min32sec - Oct 27, 2017) - Source:  TRUTH stream media - TSM@Patreon -- A quote...."It’s little known, but at the time of the 1959 Cuban revolution, 60% of all Cuban property – land, sugar mills, port facilities, factories and more – was owned by foreigners. - Not a good thing especially since many of the foreign owners were abusive. - The US Mafia, for instance, operated a large network of casinos, bars, and nightclubs that doubled as centers of crime. The thugs that provided “security” for these places were also used by the corrupt government to assault and murder political opponents."

U.S. Military Joins Brazil Army Exercises in Amazon
A quote...."TABATINGA, Brazil (Reuters) - U.S. military personnel are taking part this week in the largest international army operation ever held deep in the Amazon jungle of northern Brazil, in a sign of closer U.S.-Brazil defense ties."

[US] Air Force Pilots ‘Burning Out’ As Shortage Grows
So Many People To Bomb.... So Little Time.... A quote...."The US Air Force is facing a shortage of around 2,000 pilots, the service’s secretary confirmed, stressing that the deficit is leading to burnouts among airmen. She has called for a “higher and stable budget” to help tackle the problem."

"The Savages Were in the Way": California's History of Genocide
A quote...."History professor Benjamin Madley has written the first comprehensive investigation of the catastrophe that befell California's Indigenous population from 1846 to 1873: a catastrophe that was entirely man-made. An American Genocide catalogs the killing of tens of thousands of Native people during those years, and proves just how complicit the Californian and United States government were in the slaughter. Order this important book by donating to Truthout today!"
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

‘Kaspersky Lab in Crosshairs Since Exposing US & Israeli Spy Agencies Behind Stuxnet Attack on Iran’
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished -- A quote...."The campaign to discredit Kaspersky Lab dates back to 2010 when the Russian based cybersecurity firm uncovered the origin of the Stuxnet malicious computer worm which ruined Iran’s civilian nuclear centrifuges, experts in the field told RT. - Kaspersky Lab, founded in Moscow in 1997, has been a world leader in cybersecurity for decades. The private company takes pride in working outside of any government’s sphere of influence when it comes to cyber espionage. Americans believe that US intelligence agencies consider the Russian firm a competitive challenge, the experts pointed out." - Source:  RT
WikiLeaks Vault 8 Part 1: CIA Wrote Code To Impersonate Russian Anti-Virus Company Kaspersky
And They Also Tried To Frame Them.... - (The slimy things that work in Washington's swamp have no scruples, morals, or shame whatsoever.  It's All Bolshevik, All The Time.... for them - mpg) - Related Article -- A quote.... "WikiLeaks has released part 1 of its new Vault 8 series following its popular and widely distributed Vault 7 series which exposed CIA spyware and malware capabilities. - The new release “will enable investigative journalists, forensic experts, and the general public to better identify and understand covert CIA infrastructure components,” the international whistleblower coalition wrote. - The CIA’s master virus control system known as “Hive” was exposed previously last April by WikiLeaks."

Video: ‘Kaspersky May Not Have Known About CIA Plant’ – Frmr CIA Analyst Ray McGovern
....Since 2010 - RTVideo - Alt/YuTb - (RTYuTb - 2min43sec - Nov 10, 2017) - Source: RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica --A quote...."The campaign to discredit Kaspersky Lab dates back to 2010, when the Russian-based cybersecurity firm uncovered the origin of the Stuxnet malicious computer worm which ruined Iran's nuclear centrifuges, experts in the field told RT."
The Internet Crackdown Begins: U.S. Senator Al Franken Wants Google, Facebook And Twitter To Censor Political Speech -- A quote...."Are the days of the free and open Internet numbered?  The Internet is certainly used for all sorts of horrible things, but it has also allowed ordinary people to communicate on a mass scale that would have been unimaginable decades ago.  In the old days, if you wanted to reach large audiences of people with your information you always had to go through corporate gatekeepers.  But today, anyone with an Internet connection can literally broadcast whatever they want to say to the whole world.  Personally, my wife and I have always been amazed at how many people we are able to touch all over the planet from our little home in the mountains.  Over the past seven years our websites have been viewed more than 100 million times, and we receive emails about our work from people all over the globe." - also posted at PrisonPlanet

UK Prosecutors Destroyed Crucial Emails In Assange Case
A quote...."The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) admitted to deleting potentially crucial emails relating to attempts to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who remains cooped up in the Ecuadorian embassy. - An email exchange between the CPS and their Swedish counterparts, who were pursuing rape charges against Assange, was deleted in 2014 after a lawyer from the UK side retired."
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The US-NRE's Euro-Kharzarian Controlled Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style...

Deconstructing 'Russia-Gate' With Joe Lauria
HuffPo Censors - Must Listen RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 21min40sec -  Nov 8, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote..."Why won't the "Russia hacked the election" narrative go away? Who's behind it and why? And how? Did you know that the only two sources for the claim that Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta's emails were BOTH being paid by the DNC? Is that not a conflict? Beyond the politics, the new Cold War is a dangerous development. We are joined by investigative journalist Joe Lauria to understand the basic facts behind the claims..."

CrossTalk: Rigged Politics
CTRTVideo - CT/RiggedPolitics@RT - (CTRTYuTb - 23min46sec - Nov 10, 2017) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Rigged politics – that’s what many are saying after the DNC’s acting chair Donna Brazile claimed Bernie Sanders was cheated in the primary. But the rigging goes further. The GOP establishment didn’t embrace Trump then nor now. Are both parties at war with themselves? CrossTalking with Tim Black, Steve Malzberg, and Joe Lauria."

What’s Wrong With Jeff Sessions?
A quote...."To start with the conclusion, President Trump is long overdue in firing his Attorney General Jeff Sessions and there are quite a few reasons for that. The thing is, Sessions has become a liability to Trump’s administration rather than an asset and, more than that, he’s become a liability to the United States. That’s why he needs to go, the sooner, the better. --  It is true that both Republicans and Democrats threatened the President they will not confirm a new AG provided Jeff Sessions is given the boot. However, Trump can name an interim AG for an undetermined period of time, and that would solve the issue with an uncooperative Senate, at least until the midterm elections in 2018 when the RINOs will be ousted (hopefully)."

Edward Klein: The Hillary Dossier Connection
A quote...."Hillary Clinton personally authorized her campaign chairman, John Podesta, to launch the controversial Donald Trump-Russian dossier project, according to a senior Clinton campaign strategist who worked for Hillary in both her 2008 and 2016 presidential bids."

Did FBI Use Fake Dossier Information To Conduct Intercepts? -- ILLEGAL!
A quote...."The FBI has gone rogue, and at this point according to my research, the only person who can stop them is Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  This is the most serious issue facing the United States today, as if the FBI is not cooperating with the Senate Intelligence Committee, our entire Judicial System is no longer valid.  This means all laws are moot, lawmakers are moot, and any US citizen can be arrested by unlawful parties."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation....

Your Rights Under Threat: Senate Democrats Introduce Major Gun Ban Bill
2nd Amendment Violation - A quote...."Senate Democrats Wednesday introduced a major gun control bill that would ban so-called assault-style weapons and ammunition. - The bill — sponsored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and other Senate Democrats — would make it illegal to sell more than 200 types of semi-automatic weapons as well as magazines holding more than ten rounds of ammunition. The proposal would also ban devices that ramp up firing speed, such as the bump stock used in the Las Vegas shooting last month. - The bill is similar to a 2013 measure Feinstein introduced following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School and comes after a string of deadly shootings in October and November. - It would expand background checks to all gun sales and require “a safe storage requirement for grandfathered firearms.”

Never Forget: The US Gov’t Carried Out the Largest Church Massacre—24 Years Ago, In Texas
Related Article - A quote...."On Sunday, a horrifying tragedy unfolded as a mass shooting terrorist walked into a Texas church and began slaughtering innocent women, men, and children. The massacre left 26 people dead, according to police, including an unborn child who died inside his pregnant mother. - On Wednesday, the names of the deceased were released along with the heartbreaking photos of the children, two of which were only 5 and 7-years-old. The tragedy is being dubbed the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history." - Source:  TheFreeThghtProj

Martin Luther King and Lee Harvey Oswald
A quote...."The mainstream media and the acolytes of the U.S. national-security establishment continue to emphasize that there are no “smoking guns” in the tiny (2 percent) of the 50-year-old JFK records that President Trump, the National Archives, and the CIA have recently permitted the American people to see." - bold/underline by website editor - Source:  FutureFreedomFndtn

As Confederate Statues Come Down, DC Set to Erect 8ft Statue to Crack-Smoking Mayor
Well.... It IS Utterly Àpropos For Our Times! - (They should also erect a statue to Dennis Hastert and make the Washington Monument into a giant pink dildo while they're at it.  Or maybe it should be a giant rainbow dildo? - mpg) -- A quote...."Confederate statues and others honoring our Founders are being taken down all over America, but that doesn't mean other statues will not be taking their place. - Earlier this year, a statue of Robert E. Lee was taken down in Baltimore."

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos And Warren Buffett Are Wealthier Than Poorest Half Of US
A quote...."The three richest people in the US – Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett – own as much wealth as the bottom half of the US population, or 160 million people.  -Analysis of the wealth of America’s richest people found that Gates, Bezos and Buffett were sitting on a combined $248.5bn (£190bn) fortune. The Institute for Policy Studies said the growing gap between rich and poor had created a “moral crisis”."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts...

The Government Burden Goes Way Beyond The Income Tax
RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 17min47sec -  Nov 10, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."Washington DC is not buzzing with activity so that taxpayers can be permitted to keep more of their earnings. Washington and the surrounding areas are some of the richest places in the entire country. While it may appear that government cuts taxes in one area, they always make sure to raise them in another. A new philosophy on the role of government is desperately needed. Ron Paul discusses on today’s Liberty Report."

WRH w/Michael Rivero, Nov 10, 2017 Hr 1  - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3] -  RBN's Donation Rq [Click Here]
MR@RBNAudio - (r. c. rescinded) -- Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 // Alt/YuTb- FullAudioCast-11/10/17 - (MR@RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr/each - Nov 10 2017) - Source:  WRHSchl@RBN - Republic Brdcst Audio - RBNProgSchdlRepublic Broadcasting - YuTb Source:  RonGibson - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]"

Dr. Duke & Mark Collett – Thank God for Jewish Chutzpah Redpilling the World & Why It is OK to be White! -- Must Listen DDAudio - (r.c. rescinded) - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb/11-10-17 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 51min04sec - November 10, 2017) - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD@Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] - YouTube Source:  Gustaf Johanson Vids -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb  - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio - Don Black Show - Mark Collett @ YuTb - Eric Striker @ Fascism Now - TheRightStuffShows  -- Related Websites:  Rense Radio Live - Rense@YuTb - Rense  -- A quote...."Today Dr. Duke had British author and activist Mark Collett as his guest for the hour. They talked about the Jewish chutzpah in bragging about their own power and promoting the most over-the-top anti-white propaganda, which is finally waking up people to the uncomfortable reality that they are being ruled over by a hostile alien elite. - They went on to talk about the brilliance of the “It’s okay to be white” campaign. Even this most innocuous and minimal pro-white statement cannot be tolerated in this era where tolerance for everything non-white and non-traditional is a religion. Such chutzpah! -  This is another powerful show filled with information. Please share this show widely. - Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to:   P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470   Thank you. - This is an entertaining and informative show that you will want to spread widely." -- Below is a Duke Video that exposes the impact of Jews such as Weinstein on the mores and values of the West...."

WRH w/Michael Rivero, Nov 09, 2017 Hr 1  - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3] -  RBN's Donation Rq [Click Here]
Must Listen MR@RBNAudio - (r. c. rescinded) -- Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 // Alt/YuTb- FullAudioCast-11/09/17 - (MR@RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr/each - Nov 09 2017) - Source:  WRHSchl@RBN - Republic Brdcst Audio - RBNProgSchdlRepublic Broadcasting - YuTb Source:  RonGibson - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened - Related Guest Speaker's Featured Book:   "9/11 & The World Today" - Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]"

Dr. Duke & Eric Striker: Jewish Supported ISIS defeated by Syria and Lebanon & J-Left Fake Hate Crimes Exposed! -- Must Listen DDAudio - (r.c. rescinded) - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb/11-09-17 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 51min04sec - November 9, 2017) - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD@Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] - YouTube Source:  Gustaf Johanson Vids -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb  - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio - Don Black Show - Mark Collett @ YuTb - Eric Striker @ Fascism Now - TheRightStuffShows  -- Related Websites:  Rense Radio Live - Rense@YuTb - Rense  -- A quote...."In today’s show Dr. Duke talks to Daily Stormer jounalist Eric Striker. They look at the defeat of ISIS by Team Civilization, namely the alliance of President Assad’s government, Putin’s Russia, Iran, and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. This defeat for Team ISIS comes despite the support of Israel, Zio America, and the Zio-allied (((moderate))) Arab states like Saudi Arabia (LOL) and Qatar. - They also discuss the phenomenon of self-inflicted “hate crimes.” Since the election of Donald Trump, practically all of the anti-semitic hate crimes have been hoaxes. Surprised? - This is another powerful show filled with information. Please share this show widely. - Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to:   P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470   Thank you. - This is an entertaining and informative show that you will want to spread widely." -- Below is a Duke Video that exposes the impact of Jews such as Weinstein on the mores and values of the West...."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

The Housing Crisis Isn’t Over – The Intentional Destruction of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Must Read - A quote...."There’s a housing crisis in the United States. Even though it’s been almost 10 years since the housing meltdown that happened in 2008,, there is still massive distortion in the market as a consequence of that crisis. Economics at its core is about causes and effects. Millions of people lost their homes and now rent because their credit was destroyed and can no longer qualify for a mortgage loan. Hedge funds bought up 100’s of thousands of houses and now rent out those houses at a nice profit to the very same people that lost their homes. The misery is concentrated most in the people that are the least protected. -- There are people who will read that last paragraph and want to discount the message it sends. To eliminate the influence it might have so that they can alleviate their guilt and responsibility over that outcome. No one wants to take the blame for the benefits they receive by the system. Everyone thinks they have earned their wealth and position and that there is no guilt allowed in a capitalist system. Sure, in a real capitalist situation I would agree with them. But the mortgage market hasn’t been operating under true principles of capitalism for a very long time." - bold by website editor

Trump Makes Swamp Critter New Fed Chief
"A Swamp-Rat" Shabbos-Goy Fall-Guy Becomes Fed Chair - (The surest sign that the Euro-Kharzarian criminal consortium is going to implode the US-NRE's economy - mpg) -- A quote...."RANCHO SANTANA, NICARAGUA – If you run over a pedestrian in Washington, D.C., it might be wise to keep going. Because the person under your bumper could be a swamp rat.In fact, it could be Jerome Powell, whom President Trump just chose to replace Janet Yellen at the Fed. If any further proof was needed that the president has been White House-broken by the Deep State, here we have it. Mr. Powell was born in the swamp. No kidding… he hatched in Washington, D.C. He’s never really left. He even got his law degree from Georgetown Law Center, about five blocks from the Capitol Building." - Source:  Bonner&Partners

Nomi Prins – Here’s How Central Banks Will Destroy the World
GTVideo  - Alt/Mp3 - (GTYuTb - 39min56sec - Sep 27, 2017) - Source:  GmanInterviews - Guest Website:  Nomi Prins -- A quote...."Former managing director at Goldman Sachs and author, Nomi Prins tell’s how the Fed has rigged the game and how its all gonna Crash. Nomi goes in-depth on whats going on with central banks that are in collusion after the 2007-2008 banking crises."

It Begins: Pension Bailout Bill To Be Introduced This Week
A quote...."Over the past year we have provided extensive coverage of what will likely be the biggest, most politically charged, and most significant financial crisis facing the aging U.S. population: a multi-trillion pension storm, which was recently dubbed "one of the most heated battles of a lifetime" by John Mauldin. The reason, in a nutshell, why the US public pension problem has stumped so many professionals is simple: for lack of a better word, it is an unsustainable Ponzi scheme, in which satisfying accrued pension and retirement obligations requires not only a constant inflow of new money, but also fixed income returns, typically in the 6%+ range, which are virtually unfeasible in a world where global debt/GDP is in the 300%+ range.  Which is why we, and many others, have long speculated that it is only a matter of time before the matter receives political attention, and ultimately, a taxpayer bailout. "
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster...

GM Food Crops Illegally Growing in India: The Criminal Plan to Change the Genetic Core of the Nation’s Food System - Modi Was Here - A quote...."The GM Contamination Register database is run by Genewatch and Greenpeace and contains cases of genetically modified (GM) contamination dating from 1997. The authors of a 2014 paper, published in the International Journal of Food Contamination, analysed 400 or so cases in the database by crop and country. -- GM rice accounted for about a third of contamination cases, despite the fact there is officially no GM rice grown anywhere in the world. They also focused on cases of contamination arising from unauthorised GM crops: those without any authorisation for commercial growing anywhere in the world. Nine cases were discovered of GM contamination of these unauthorised (non-commercialised) GM crops that haven’t undergone any environmental or food safety analysis. The authors argue that once GM contamination has happened, it can be difficult to contain." - Topix ||  Modi's Zio-Neoliberalcon Conversion - 08-14-17 - mpg  ||

Science Paper Documents The Depopulation Chemical Covertly Spiked Into Vaccines
A quote..."(Natural News) Just days after the release of a jaw-dropping video lecture called the Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks, a bombshell science paper has emerged that confirms the use of covert sterilization chemicals in World Health Organization vaccines deployed in Africa. Entitled, “HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World,” the paper documents the covert deployment of an infertility chemical in vaccines that are administered to young black women in Kenya...."

Children are Being Educated in School to Obey the Government’s Vaccination Agenda
A quote...."Children around the world are being taught in school from an early age to believe that vaccines are safe and effective as part of their education. Not only is there evidence to support this fact, but there is also evidence that many children are being regularly brainwashed to believe that if they do not receive their vaccinations, they could get ill and die from vaccine-preventable diseases."

Former US Senator:
A quote...."All these Navy sailors have died after Fukushima radiation exposure — TV program reveals many are now dead — Veterans break down in tears… suffering cancers, paralysis, amputations, bleeding from anus, severe pain (VIDEO)

Thursday November 9th 2017

No posts - mpg

Wednesday November 8th 2016

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its Wahhabist  "Friends" -- The Saudi Rats Turn On Each Other....?

Oil Spiders
Their True Nature - Must Read - A quote...."It looks like it’s finally clear who is gonna be the priority target in the Middle East for the US. -- Let’s start on somewhat of a tangent. -- The Saudis tend to have two characteristics: a devil-may-care attitude and a complete disregard for morality both in private life and in business. -- In the last few years three Saudi princes living in Europe have disappeared. All three were vocal critics of their own government, meaning their own family. They have been (supposedly) transported back to their homeland, and no one has heard of them since. - This is how it went down...."

Pepe Escobar: The Inside Story Of The Saudi Night Of The Long Knives
A quote...."Princes, ministers and a billionaire are 'imprisoned' in the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton while the Saudi Arabian Army is said to be in an uproar...The House of Saud’s King Salman devises a high-powered “anti-corruption” commission and appoints his son, Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, a.k.a. MBS, as chairman. - Right on cue, the commission detains 11 House of Saud princes, four current ministers and dozens of former princes/cabinet secretaries – all charged with corruption. Hefty bank accounts are frozen, private jets are grounded. The high-profile accused lot is “jailed” at the Riyadh Ritz-Carlton." - Source:  AsiaTimes - Two choice comments from ZeroHedge posted below.....
"Without understanding that Saudi's totally march to the tune of Washington, which in turn is key part of ZOG (Zion World Government), then any analysis is off the mark. -- Saudi's were induced by ZOG to fund Takfiri Salafist, especially starting with Ronald Reagan.  It worked in Afghanistan and became the template.  Saudis' were also important players in the destruction of Soviet Union, especially their willingness to pump oil at cheap prices to deny Soviet Union hard currency.  Even recently, Saudi's saluted and went along with uncle sam, and pumped oil cheaply to force Russia to lose dollar FX.  This was done in concert with the sanctions on Russia. -- The 73 agreement was AFTER Nixon closed the gold window, and CFR agent Kissinger went to Saud and gave them a deal they could not pass up.  MI5 Saud induced coup was legally sanctioned with 73 agreement."

"This close relationship with Zion is why Saudi and Israel are friendlies, despite Salafi Islam being hostile to Jews.  So, there are two rails that Sauds will not allowed to be touched.  ONE:  Their security arrangement by way of 73 agreement.  TWO: Their status as a holy land, and further a religion that conflates Saudi king with also being religious leader. -- Making a more mild form of Wahabbism is now necessary given the failures of Salafi Takfiris in Chechnya and now Syria.  The former Reagan "Mujahadeen" template is not working.  Meantime Hezbollah and Iran are strengthened, so the external situation for Saudi is not as secure as it once was.   Saudi needs to replenish their TBill savings, which they have lost in recent years."

"Trump is supporting MBS, so this coup is sanctioned at a high level.  The Saudi military are also  boyeez of U.S. MIC.  Funneling money through the CIA, to then buy MIC weapons, to then have war ... these are the people that are being rounded up.  This also means that the CIA is coming under scrutiny in the U.S.  Trump warned the CIA, no "Columns,"  meaning fifth columns against him. -- There were a couple of times the CIA went against the air force in Syria.  The internal coup that is going on in the U.S. is elements of the U.S. military who are loyal to America and who lined up with Trump before the elections.  What is happening in Saudi cannot be divorced from the U.S." -- *MEFOBILLS*
Syria Endgame Forces Saudi Arabia’s Hand
A quote...."The Syrian conflict is rapidly coming to a conclusion, as demonstrated by the government’s retaking of the strategic Deir Ez-Zor province. The Syrian government has pressed home its advantage by wresting control of the border town of Abu Kamal away from Daesh. -- The retaking of Abu Kamal is critically important at many levels, not least because it points to passive acquiescence by the United States to the eastward march of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies. Previously the US had appeared to be committed to denying Syria the opportunity to retake the eastern part of the country. "

Hariri ["]Resigned["] after Failing to Carry Out Saudi Plots: Lebanese Analyst
A quote...." TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior political analyst said the Riyadh regime has forced Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri to resign after he failed to carry out the kingdom’s seditious plots in Lebanon. - Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Abdo al-Laqqis said Hariri, in fact, did not resign but the Saudi government ousted him. - His resignation was a decision taken by Riyadh because the Saudi regime saw him inefficient to implement its seditious plots, the analyst said."

[Involuntary??] Ex-Lebanese Minister:   Saad Al-Hariri Under Detention in S. Arabia
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- A former Lebanese minister revealed that Saad al-Hariri, the country's prime minister who resigned from his post during his Riyadh trip on Saturday, is under detention in Saudi Arabia. - "I call on the Lebanese government to guarantee Saad Hariri's safe return to the country and I emphasize that he has been detained and he was interrogated after his friend (Khalid) al-Tuwaijri (Chief of the Royal Court of Saudi Arabia under King Abdullah) was arrested," Wiam Wahhab was quoted as saying by Bahrain's Arabic-language al-Wasat newspaper on Sunday."

Iran Slams Saudi, US Claims It Ordered Ballistic Missile Attack From Yemen
A quote...."On Tuesday Iran slammed Saudi and US claims that it was supplying Yemen's Houthi rebels with advanced ballistic missiles that Saudi Arabia says targeted Riyadh international airport on Saturday - which would be a violation of a UN resolution which ensures conformity to the Iran nuclear deal. - Iran's state-run IRNA news cited a letter sent to the UN Security Council signed by Iranian ambassador Gholamali Khoshroo, saying that Iran “categorically” rejects Saudi Arabia’s “baseless and unfounded accusations and considers it as destructive, provocative and a ‘threat to use of force”’ against a UN member state in defiance of the UN charter. Iran's foreign minister further called the Saudi claims "contrary to reality and dangerous"." - Check out the ZeroHedge comments.....

Inside Story of Saudi Night of Long Knives - Pepe Escobar on Detained Royals
It's Kurshner's Fault! - RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 3min48sec - Nov 8, 2017) - Source: RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."11 princes, 4 ministers and many ex-ministers were detained by the Saudi anti-corruption body. The US president's expressed his approval for the controversial move - despite the fact one of his former business partners was reportedly among those detained. Independent geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar joins RT to discuss this issue."

Real Motive Behind Saudi Purge Emerges: $800 Billion In Confiscated Assets
Charts - (click to enlarge each) -- A quote...."From the very beginning, there was something off about Sunday's unprecedented countercoup purge unleashed by Mohammad bin Salman on alleged political enemies, including some of Saudi Arabia's richest and most powerful royals and government officials: it was just too brazen to be a simple "power consolidation" move; in fact most commentators were shocked by the sheer audacity, with one question outstanding: why take such a huge gamble? After all, there was little chatter of an imminent coup threat against either the senile Saudi King or the crown prince, MbS, and a crackdown of such proportions would only boost animosity against the current ruling royals further."

The Saudi Purge: The Middle East Is On The Verge Of New War - SF $$ Rq [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/YuTb - (SFYuTb - 4min28sec - Nov 8, 2017) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."Saudi Arabia is going through a major internal political crisis the likes of which has rarely been seen. - A missile gets fired on the Saudi capital. A missile, which was allegedly built in Iran and smuggled to Yemen, just to be fired at Saudi Arabia. - According to initial reports, two Saudi princes died back to back in 24 hours: one in an “accidental” helicopter crash, the other during a firefight that broke out while security forces were trying to arrest him. On November 7, Saudi Arabia’s information ministry spokesman said that “Prince Abdulaziz is alive and well”. However, the prince could not be independently reached for comment by the media."

Hamas Delegation Meets With The Lebanese President
Circling The Wagons? - A quote...."BEIRUT – Member of the Hamas Political Bureau, Ezzat al-Resheq, on Wednesday led a Hamas delegation on a visit to Lebanon to meet with the Lebanese president, Michel Aoun, and a number of Lebanese officials. - Hamas’s representative in Lebanon, Ali Baraka, said in an interview with Quds Press that the delegation will discuss with the Lebanese officials the latest developments in the Palestinian arena and the reconciliation file." - Source: PIC

The Coming Break Up Of The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
A quote...."Five months after the diplomatic spat between the so-called Anti-Terror Quartet and Qatar kicked-off, the ante is being upped. Bahrain, one of the quartet alongside Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Egypt, has called for Qatar to be frozen out of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). As the council starts to unravel, what will this mean for Qatar and the wider Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region?"
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More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends" -- Promoting Zio-Wahhabist Terrorism World Wide....

Study finds US Spent At Least $5.6 Trillion On War Since 9/11
$5.6 Trillion Since 9/11 - A quote...."Washington has expended a whopping $5.6 trillion on wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Pakistan since 2001, according to a new study. That figure is more than three times what the Pentagon has claimed in official estimates. -- Research from the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University found that as of late September, the US wars combined with "additional spending on Homeland Security and the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs" had totaled more than $4.3 trillion since the 9/11 attacks in 2001. That number surged to $5.6 trillion once likely costs were added for fiscal year 2018, along with estimated future spending on veterans." - also posted at TruthNews - Topix  ||  A History Of Mayhem & Murder  ||

The Network of Illicit Arms Shipments to Syrian Terrorists:
A quote...."According to the documents released by Snowden the Saudis were arming their terrorist proxies in Syria is early as March 2013. The documents also disclose that the National Security Agency of United States was fully aware of the actions of the Saudis and the terrorist proxies, and raised no objections because the United States and Saudi Arabia had a common goal of regime change in Syria. Saudi Arabia and other supporters of the terrorist proxies have continued to provide vast financial and military aid to the terrorist groups. This information needs to be put alongside other recent revelations about the supply of armaments to the terrorist groups." - Source:  NEO

ISIS Chemical Weapons Found in Deir Ezzor
OMG! - (We MUST attack!  The "line" has been crossed....  Say what....? It was ISIS....? Again....? For the hundredth time....?  Oh.... never mind.....) -- A quote...."Does it surprise? It shouldn’t. - No evidence links Syria’s military or allied forces to CW use any time during years of conflict. - Plenty of evidence proves US-supported terrorists used them many times, incidents falsely blamed on Damascus. - According to Syrian media, government forces found large caches of arms, munitions and CWs in liberated Deir Ezzor."

US Army Continues Heliborne Operation to Take ISIL Commanders Away from Deir Ezzur
Related Article - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Military helicopters of the US-led coalition carried out another heliborne operation in Southeastern Deir Ezzur to evacuate senior commanders of the ISIL terrorist group from the region, local sources said on Tuesday. - The sources confirmed that US helicopters transferred several ISIL commanders from the town of al-Mayadeen before the launch of the Syrian army operation."

Anti-American Sentiment on the Rise as US-Backed Saudi Blockade Crushes Yemen & Aids al Qaeda
A quote...."Two years of the U.S.-backed Saudi war in Yemen has caused a disastrous humanitarian situation in the poorest Arab country. The conflict is increasingly stoking anti-American sentiment among Yemenis, many of whom see the U.S. government as a killer using Saudi hands. -- The conflict began in 2015, when President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi resigned and went into exile, and Saudi Arabia led an armed coalition allegedly to restore Hadi's legitimacy. Hadi now leads a government-in-exile while the rebel Houthi movement surges in Yemen."

UK Bomb Sales to Saudi Rise by Almost 500% Amid Yemen War: Campaigning Group
Connecting The Dots - A quote...."Britain’s export of bombs and missiles to Saudi Arabia has increased by nearly 500 percent since the start of the kingdom’s deadly aggression on Yemen, says a UK-based organization working to end the international arms trade."
British Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia Jump 500% as Coalition Seals Off Yemen Borders
Dot #1 -- A quote...."The sale of UK-made bombs and missiles to Saudi Arabia has leapt by almost 500 percent, according to new data from Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT). British munitions have been used in the Saudi-led coalition war in Yemen, contributing to the humanitarian catastrophe there. - Data collated by CAAT shows the UK government had made £4.7 billion from exporting arms and other controlled goods to Saudi since the start of the Yemen war in March 2015, compared to £6 billion worth in the period from January 2008 to April 2015 – a 457 percent increase." - Source:  RT

30 Killed in Saudi Offensive Against Yemen’s Houthis
Dot #2 -- A quote...."Saudi Arabia targeted the Houthi territory in north Yemen today, killing civilians including women and children, reported Al Jazeera. - The air strikes targeted a village in Hiran, located in the Hajjah region in the north of the country. Thirty people died in the strikes, Hussain Al-Bukhaithi, a Yemeni-based journalist told Al Jazeera. - Air strikes began at midnight and continued for five hours, according to locals on the ground."

Yemen's Houthis Threaten To Hit Ports, Airports in Saudi Arabia, UAE
Dot #3 -- A quote...."Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah movement, which aids the country's army in its fight against Saudi Arabia’s deadly military campaign, has threatened to launch more missile attacks on ports and airports in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in retaliation for the massacre of thousands of Yemenis."
US Strikes Soaring in Afghanistan, Along With Civilian Deaths
A quote...."With the US once again escalating the war in Afghanistan, the number of US warplanes dropping munitions on the central Asian country are on the rise, and with it, the number of civilians being killed in those strikes. -- Seemingly every month the US announces that coalition munitions dropped are up dramatically from the month prior, and while a lot of the civilian casualties are officially still just “under investigation,” the UN is openly expressing concern about the rising toll."

More Than 400,000 Somali’s, Two Thirds of Whom Were Children, Have Died of Starvation in Six Months
Another US-NRE "Success" Story - A quote...."In February 2017, Deutsche Welle notified its readers that "aid organizations have warned that alarm bells are ringing in Somalia due to drought" under the title of "Hunger Alarm in Somalia. - South Sudan, Nigeria, and war-torn Yemen are suffering from hunger, too."More than 20 million people in southern Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria are facing the threat of hunger," wrote Euronews, and continued "the hunger in four African countries is the biggest humanitarian crisis UN faced."

Haley, Israel and the Fine Art of Reality Inversion
Harridan Haley:  Screeching Harpy of the West -- A quote...."Last month, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley stated that, should Rex Tillerson find himself cashiered, she would not replace him as secretary of state. “I want to be where I’m most effective,” she said. Whatever that means, we can all breath a sigh of relief. With the intellectual capacity of Sarah Palin, Haley is as clueless, and thus as dangerous, as they come. Her commitment to alternative facts (of the sort the US government has been churning out for decades) is absolute; lest we forget, she reminds us every time she opens her mouth. Depending on the mood I’m in, a Haley speech is either infuriating or darkly comedic. Indeed, many of them could double as trenchant satire, and it is sometimes easy (and comforting) to forget that she is actually speaking on behalf of a global empire." - Source:  AmericanHeraldTrib

President Bashar al-Assad: U.S. and Its Western Allies Are to Blame for Failure of Latest Ceasefire
A quote...."President Bashar al-Assad asserted that the United States and its Western allies are to blame for the failure of latest ceasefire, because terrorism and terrorists are for them a card they want to play on the Syrian arena. - In an interview given to the Serbian newspaper Politika, President al-Assad said that Russia is very serious and very determined to continue fighting the terrorists, while the Americans base their politics on a different value as they use the terrorists as a card to play the political game to serve their own interests at the expense of the interests of other countries in the world."

UN Nuclear Agency Counters Trump Objections to Iran Deal
A quote...."The head of the UN nuclear agency charged with verifying Iran’s commitments under a precarious nuclear deal has countered objections hurled at the agreement by US President Donald Trump."

The Myth of a North Korean Threat
A quote...."America’s only enemies are invented ones – justifying unjustifiable global militarism, belligerence, and out-of-control defense spending, intended for offense against sovereign independent countries threatening no one. - On Trump’s Asia-Pacific trip to five countries, North Korea is his prime focus, earlier during his Saudi Arabia visit, it was Iran. - Neither country threatens anyone. Throughout its post-WW II history, North Korea never attacked another country. Iran hasn’t done it for centuries."

I Never Knew There Were So Many Countries, Trump Says in Japan Visit
Is He Trolling?  Or Is He Serious? - (Pleeeeze let it be the former - mpg) -- A quote...."US President Donald Trump has candidly revealed his ignorance of geography and international politics, saying he never knew there were “so many countries” until he was elected president."
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media...

Criminal War Propaganda
A quote...."The Pentagon budget alone for illegal war propaganda is about $626,000,0001 per year. Generous taxpayers relinquish these funds so that the Pentagon can contaminate the public mindset to the detriment of humanity, foreign and domestic. - The contamination of the public mindset is a necessary precondition to aggressive, criminal warfare in furtherance of a self-devouring political economy.  Once the public is convinced that there is a War On Terror (which is a Big Lie), further astronomical transfers of money from the people to the oligarchs and narrow vested interests – all to the detriment of the vast majority of the population – are easy to justify."

Media Collusion & Fusion GPS:   Were US Journalists Paid to Peddle ‘Russiagate’?
Presstitutes Paid to Peddle Poop - (It's what they do every day - mpg) -- A quote...." From lurid reports of Trumpian ‘golden showers’ in Moscow to unverified claims of Russia ‘hacking’ Hillary Clinton’s email, a high-ranking US lawmaker is on a mission to determine if journalists were paid to push an anti-Russian document. - Even before Donald Trump ascended to the White House, the US media had been relentlessly driving the narrative that Trump, WikiLeaks and the Russians colluded to hack the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers before dumping the damaged goodies into the public realm. This elaborate bit of sabotage, as the story goes, deprived the Democrats of the White House."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States

NATO Ministerial Meeting: Preparing for War on Russia?
A quote...."America controls NATO policymaking. The alliance serves as its global imperial arm – warmaking its mission, not fostering world peace and stability. - Nor does it have anything to do with defense at a time the only threats alliance members face are invented ones. Real ones don’t exist. - World peace and stability notions are contrary to US objectives, wanting unchallenged dominance over world nations, their resources and populations. - America’s diabolical agenda involves endless wars of aggression, wanting all sovereign independent nations replaced by US vassal states, creating ruler/serf societies globally, an open-air prison for ordinary people disposed of if resist – a world unsafe and unfit to live in." - Source:  SteveLendman

NATO Agrees on New Command Structure to Move Forces Across Europe - Stoltenberg
A quote...."WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — NATO members have agreed on instituting a new adaptive command structure to improve the alliance’s ability "to improve the movement of military forces across Europe," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in press conference after the North Atlantic Council Defense Ministers Meeting on Wednesday."

Who’s Been Interfering in Whose Politics? America Openly Admits to Interfering in Russia's, Cheered on Anti-Russian Terrorists  -- A quote...."We are hearing much about Russian efforts to interfere in American politics. This is justifiable if overstated. - Less justified is the deadly silence in the Western media regarding persistent post-cold war American meddling in Russian domestic politics, including the same interference by Americans and the American government in Russian elections that Russians and the Russian government are accused of regarding the recent U.S. elections."

[Euro-Kharzarian, Bankster Backed] Lenin Hated Russia, and Tortured Her People
A quote...."This is an article from the very first days of RI's existence - October of 2014, when Lenin statues were being torn down across the Ukraine. We republish it now because of the fierce debate now swirling around the question whether Lenin was an ogre or a saint, a debate provoked by the 100th anniversary of the revolution Lenin led."

Who is Destabilising Tatarstan?
A quote...." In Tatarstan, discontent among local residents is growing because of the new rules for studying languages ​​in schools. - As is known, Vladimir Putin stated that shortening the teaching hours of the Russian language is not permitted in any region of the country, while ​​children can choose the study of any other languages for themselves."

The Real Lenin:  Traitor, Parasite, Failure
For The Record - Euro-Kharzarian Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov:  (a.k.a. Lenin) -- A quote..."There is a general consensus that Stalin was a sadistic tyrant. But the ghost of his predecessor remains “handshakeworthy” on the left hand side of the political spectrum. The SWPLy bobos of Seattle, who would not have been long for the Communist world, erected a statue to him in the city center. The New York Times “celebrated” the centenary of the Russian Revolution with odes to the Bolsheviks’ progressivism on the environment, sex, and race (not that Terell J. Starr with his strange ideas of how the USSR “centered the Russian slav” would appreciate it)." - also posted at SOTTNet

CIA Reveals Bandera Was a German Spy - and a CIA Accomplice
For The Record - The "Bandera Movement":   (Since 1945, A Foreign Operation From Start to Finish) -- A quote...." The electronic library of the Central Intelligence Agency published a four-page document dated 1951, stating that the icon of Ukrainian nationalism, Stepan Bandera, was a German spy. - The documents appeared in their online form 10 years ago, but they have become available to the general public only recently. Realizing that randomnesses in this department is extremely rare, it can be assumed that a new stage of the special operation in Ukraine is being prepared. Ukrainian radical nationalists should think twice about their future destiny, and whether or not they are being preparing for disposal."

Cracking the Moscow Maidan: Part 3 - An (anti-)Russian "Revolution" - [Part 2] - [Part 1]
A quote...."The people protesting under the banners of the liberal opposition are mostly residents of Russia’s richest cities, first and foremost Moscow. As a rule, there are few actually poor and disadvantaged people among the protesters, and there are many paid activists. On the contrary, the poorer Russian population and the regions are generally favorable towards and loyal to President Putin and critical of the Medvedev government. This phenomenon of “dissatisfied rich” and “loyal poor” is nothing new or unknown since at least the French Revolution. In my opinion, this issue is best explained by Gramsci rather than classical Marxism."

Saakashvili Calls to Impeach Ukraine’s President [a.k.a. Porky the Pig Poroshenko] By Next Month
Carpet-Baggers Turn On Each Other? - (Sack'Ol'Sh*t Saakashvili, having fled his own nation of Georgia as a wanted criminal, and unable to go back, isn't even a Ukrainian citizen! - But than again, neither are any of the "Jewish" oligarchs squatting in Ukraine) -- A quote...."The former governor of the Odessa region, suggested holding another march on November 12 calling for passing the laws on the anti-corruption court and impeachment."

Ukraine [Kiev Regime] Nazis, Catholic Priest Pummel Russian Grandmothers, Seize Church (Russian TV News)
A quote...."This is a remarkable segment from the Russian evening news reporting on yet another illegal seizure of a church by nationalists from Ukrainians who belong to the Russian Church (a majority of Ukrainians). Full transcript follows below the video. - It shows a violent stand-off in front of the church, with grandmothers in shawls facing down snarling fascists, who then start shoving and punching the old ladies." - Source:  RussianFaith

Ukrainian [Kiev Regime] Special Services Plan to Murder chief LPR Law-Enforcers
A quote...."The Ukrainian special services are preparing an assassination attempt on the heads of the law enforcement agencies of the Lugansk People's Republic, reported the Ministry of State Security of the Donetsk People's Republic."

More War Crimes And Atrocities
A quote...."The criminal war waged by the Poroshenko Regime against our sister Republic Lugansk, anti-aircraft guns (ZU-23-2) were used on civilians to kill every man, woman and child !
Britain Has Not Recognised Holodomor As "Genocide"
Of Course Not! -- (Who cares about eight to twelve million murdered Christians, dirty Goyum all -- (yech), made-up of Russian/Ukrainians, disgusting Slavs all -- (yech), who consist of farmers, artisans, and shop keepers, pathetic manual laborers all -- (yech) - mpg) -- A quote...."The British government has refused to recognize the "Holodomor" in Ukraine as genocide, since it believes that the term "genocide" for a specific event must first be approved in court." - See related links posted below.....
Russia's Investigative Committee to File Another Case on Bombardment of Donetsk
A quote...."The chief of the Investigation Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed to initiate a case in connection with the shelling by the Ukrainian security forces of civilians in Donetsk from the Grad missile system, Svetlana Petrenko, the official representative of the department, reported."

Donetsk Strikes Back at Last; Destroys Several Pieces of Ukraine Artillery - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."In a statement made yesterday, while the head of the People's Republic of Donetsk (DPR), Alexander Zakharchenko, had gone to the scene bombed the by the Ukrainian army the night before, the head of state maintained that last night's attack did not go unpunished."

DPR Launches DNREXPORT Online Export Catalog of Enterprises

A quote...."Donetsk, Nov 8 – DAN. The DPR ministry of industry and trade has showcased its export catalog DNREXPORT. -- The minister of taxes Alexander Timofeyev, acting minister of trade Alexey Granovskiy, and directors of major enterprises attended the event. - Granovskiy said the DNREXPORT.RU web catalog is an efficient tool where any manufacturer can register and provide contacts and basic information on its production to attract clients and sign direct contracts."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

Syrian Army Reportedly Enters Abu Kemal, Daesh's Last Largest Hotbed in Syria
A quote...."The Syrian government forces have been conducting a massive operation in the Deir ez-Zor province aiming to completely wipe Daesh terrorists out as over 90 percent of the war-torn state's territory has already been liberated. - According to al-Manar television, the Syrian army has entered Abu Kemal, the last largest Daesh stronghold in Syria, after surrounding the town."

Syrian Forces Along With Lebanon's Hezbollah Capture Daesh's Last Stronghold
A quote...."The Syrian forces along with allied fighters from Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement have liberated Bukamal, the last major Daesh-held town in Syria. "
SDF [The "Moderate" Christian Murderers] Blackmailing Refugees for Leaving Camp in Northeastern Syria
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) is asking refugees in Hasaka province to pay $300 for each person if they intend to leave the camp for necessary purposes, Militant-affiliated websites reported on Wednesday. - The websites reported that the SDF has imposed an exit ban on refugees in the al-Saad camp in Southern Hasaka and is exercising jail drills and rules in there. - The websites quoted Kurdish sources as saying that the SDF receives $300 per person to allow the refugees to leave the camp."

People Demonstrate Against SDF's [The "Moderate" Head-Choppers] Forced Recruitment in Northern Syria
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Hundreds of young people in Northeastern Aleppo that had been arrested by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) under a recruitment plan were freed after a popular uprising in the region, an Arab media outlet reported on Wednesday. - The Arabic-language al-Manar news network reported that the SDF that had arrested hundreds of young people in the town of Manbij and its surroundings in Northeastern Aleppo in under a recruitment plan has been forced to free them in the last three days."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Mosul Family Perishes in Booby-Trapped Home; 11 Killed in Iraq
A quote...."The Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights believes about 10,000 people are still trapped In Islamic State territory in Anbar province. -- Former Nineveh Governor Atheel al-Nujaif announced that Sunni Arabs will no longer be seeking their own autonomous region -- At least 11 people were killed, and two more were wounded in recent violence...."

Egypt Upholds 5-Year Jail Sentence For Leading Activist
A quote...."Egypt's Court of Cassation has upheld a five-year jail term for Alaa Abdel Fattah, a prominent activist in the 2011 uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak."

Islamic State's Footprint Spreading in Northern Somalia: U.N.
Still Spreading....  (Just think of ISIS et. al. -- and ALL those who support them -- as a really vicious, highly infectious, and deadly case of a Geopolitical S.T.D. - mpg) -- A quote...."NAIROBI (Reuters) - A militant faction loyal to Islamic State (IS) has increased its following in northern Somalia from a few dozen last year to up to 200 this year, a U.N. report said, days after the group came under U.S. air attack for the first time."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

The Myth of European Democracy: A Shocking Revelation
The Soros Spider in the EU's Undemocratic Web - A quote...."It’s an open secret that the “Soros network” has an extensive sphere of influence in the European Parliament and in other European Union institutions. The list of Soros has been made public recently. The document lists 226 MEPs from all sides of political spectrum, including former President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, former Belgian PM Guy Verhofstadt, seven vice-presidents, and a number of committee heads, coordinators, and quaestors. These people promote the ideas of Soros, such as bringing in more migrants, same-sex marriages, integration of Ukraine into the EU, and countering Russia. There are 751 members of the European Parliament. It means that the Soros friends have more than one third of seats." - also posted at ZeroHedge

'Weak, Weaselly, Cowardly ...!' - EU Cuck Leaders Blasted by #1 Russian Anchor (Kiselyov)
A quote...."Kiselyov is back this week, this time he mercilessly tears into the cowardly behavior of European leadership, taking no prisoners - showing again why he is Russia's favorite newsman. - He demonstrates once again that Russia's view on global affairs is absolutely crucial, because he says what you will never hear on mainstream TV news in the West, or even on the liberal-leaning RT - and much of what he says is absolutely correct. - He reflects the thinking in the Kremlin. And he does it with great wit and ascerbity."

‘A Snap Election Would be a Catastrophe', Merkel Ally Warns
A quote...."Daniel Günther, Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, said in an interview with Bild on Monday that a snap election would be a "catastrophe" for the country. -- After a national election on September 24th gave Angela Merkel's Christian Union (CDU/CSU) a victory with a weakened vote share, the Chancellor has been exploring a three-way coalition with the Green party and the Free Democrats (FDP). This coalition formation, nicknamed the Jamaica Coalition, has never before been tried at the national level." -- One commentator stated....

"Merkel pretended to soften her stance in the migrant issue during the campaign to win votes but once the election was over went right back to her hard line open borders agenda. A new election will be worse for Merkel as a result." -- *Michael Rivero*
Merkel's Nightmare: Germany on BRINK of 2nd Election Amid Coalition Deadlock on Migrants
A quote...."ANGELA Merkel’s efforts to form a new government could be dashed as potential coalition partners clash over the country's migrant issue. - Mrs Merkel must bring together the Greens, the liberal Free Democrats (FDP) and her own conservative bloc to secure a majority after a poor performance in the recent election. - If negotiations collapse then a new national vote would be called. - The question of migrants threatens to deepen the deadlock as the parties cannot agree on the issue."

Germany May Have to Call Another Election as Merkel Fails to Form a Coalition
A quote...."Although Angela Merkel was returned for her fourth term as German Chancellor, the gains made by the Alternative for Germany Party (AfD) seem to have created an issue with her ability to form a majority coalition. Groups within the Bundestag who traditionally make up the “Jamaica Coalition” (based on party colors) are refusing to sign up…Is this an opportunity for more gains for the right and centre right? Or is something more sinister at play?"
Berlin Politicians Call Special Meeting Over Fears Organized Arab Criminals Have Infiltrated Police Force -- A quote...."The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) have called for a special meeting of the Berlin government over allegations that organised Arab criminal gangs have infiltrated the police force. - Members of the conservative CDU, which is headed by Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the libertarian FDP have expressed serious concerns after hearing leaked audio from the Berlin police academy earlier this week."

France in CHAOS: Trucks and Vans Block Paris Roads in Protest at Cancelled Christmas Fair
A quote...."PARIS motorways were brought to a standstill by an army of furious workers after the city’s main Christmas market was banned for being too tacky. "
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

The Balfour Declaration - One Hundred Years of (Goyim) Solitude [Suicide]
Establishing A "Jewish" Base Of Operations To Cleanse Goyum -- A quote...."In Heidegger and the Jews, the French philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard points out that history claims to narrate the past but, in practice, what it does is conceal our collective shame. The Americans conceal slavery and imperial genocidal aggression, the Brits conceal their colonial blunders, the Jews turn their eyes away from anything that may have contributed to turning  Jewish history into an extended shoah. The real historian, claims Lyotard, is there to unveil the shame. This week marks 100 years since the Balfour declaration and today I will try to touch upon your shame, my shame, our shame. We will try to figure out what the history of the so-called  Balfour ‘Declaration’ is there to conceal."

Report: Jewish Federations Loaded with Cash
Money Talks....  LOUDLY - A quote...."Most Americans probably don’t give it much thought, but Jewish federations are tax exempt, nonprofit organizations. That means that it’s legal to donate money to them and then write it off on your taxes. In a lot of cases, money donated through these organizations end up supporting illegal Israeli settlements. Under US law, however, this is “legal.” - also posted at AlethoNews

Friends of Harvey Weinstein Hold Hollywood Gala Celebrating Apartheid & Terror
Ditto! - Related Article -- A quote...."There's an old saying in Hollywood, "If you want to get to the top, you have to start on your knees." - What, no Harvey Weinstein lurking around, stalking young, pretty Gentile actresses? - Tax deductible contributions to the world's most sadistic Army, the IDF ZOF. Which means YOU have to help make up the difference in the taxes you pay."

Los Angeles Gala Raises $53.8 Million For Israeli Soldiers
Double Ditto! - Related Article -- A quote...."One would think that one of the world’s most powerful armies wouldn’t need a fundraiser to support its troops, especially since Israel already gets over $10 million per day from the US. Nevertheless, Hollywood mogul and longtime pro-Israel advocate Haim Saban and his wife Cheryl hosted a gala event in Los Angeles on Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017 to do just that. This is just one of such events held across the U.S. -- The celebrity-filled event was for Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIFD) a U.S. “charity” that even before the fundraiser had assets of over $190 million. Donations to it are tax-deductible in the United States, although it is unclear why donations to benefit a foreign military (and one that regularly raises concerns about war crimes) should reduce one’s financial obligation to the United States. The gala was held despite the IDF’s record of killing civilians, including children." - also posted at AlethoNews
By the way, David Duke has stated there are approximately 3,600 organizations in the United States alone that assiduously and solely promote the "Jewish" agenda.  To put that in perspective, "Jews" number about two percent of this nation's population.  Whites number approximately sixty five percent.

That means you'd have to have 117,000 organizations in the United States dedicated to promoting only the White Christian Community's agenda, to be proportionate with the "Jews"

Does anyone think the United States currently has even close to 117,000, heavily funded, White Christian organizations, dedicated to promoting White Power?? 

Does everybody get the point yet?? - mpg 

Tory Who Held ‘Undisclosed’ Meetings With Israelis summoned back to London
Zio-Whore Recruitment.... Fail!! - (Priti Patel) -- A quote...."Tory minister Priti Patel is en route to Britain on Downing Street’s orders following a disclosure that while on “holiday” in Israel she held unauthorized meetings with politicians. It is widely expected she’ll be clearing her desk before day’s end. -- The International Development Secretary’s fate appears to be sealed after details of two further secret meetings with Israeli officials emerged on top of the 12 previously revealed. As well as meeting with officials including PM Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel in August, it is now claimed she met with public security minister Gilad Erdan at Westminster and foreign ministry official Yuval Rotem in New York in September." - bold by website editor - Source:  RT - UPDATE: Nov 8th 8:57 pm PST -- And she's gone! -- "UK minister Priti Patel quits cabinet over secret Israel meetings"

10 Ways Donald Trump Acts Like Bibi Netanyahu's Prison B*tch -- This Pathetic Groveling Has Got To Stop
Zio-Whore Recruitment.... Success!! - (Donald Trump) -- A quote...."From Middle East policy to Russia policy, and just about everything else, like a trained monkey, when Israel says 'jump!', the Donald rushes to oblige. - Taken from a longer article entitled: Netanyahu & Israel lobby lead Trump to war with Iran on behalf of Israel at the excellent blog: If Americans Knew....."

Billionaire Pro-Israelis Offered to Fund Legal Case Against Al Jazeera
Lawfare "Jewish" Style - A quote...."Billionaire founders of a “charity” that provides funds to Israeli soldiers and bankrolls Canada’s pro-Israel lobby groups privately offered financial support to a former Al Jazeera journalist suing the media network for over $100 million, MEMO can reveal."

Harvey Weinstein Used Israeli Spies in Effort To Silence Victims
All In The "Family" -- A quote...."Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein used former Mossad agents as part of his effort to silence actress Rose McGowan and other women who have accused him of sexual assault. Chirag Wakaskar Pacific Press/SIPA USA -- Disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein employed former Israeli agents as part of an elaborate and aggressive effort to spy on and suppress the allegations by women who have accused him of sexual assault and rape."

Activist, Journalist Bushra al-Tawil Sixth Palestinian Woman Currently Imprisoned in Administrative Detention
"Women's Rights" -- (Euro-Kharzarian style.  Applies to non-"Jews" only - mpg) - A quote...."Bushra al-Tawil, journalist, former Palestinian prisoner and prisoners’ rights activist seized at her family home on 1 November, was ordered on 7 November to six months in administrative detention without charge or trial. She joins five other Palestinian women and over 450 men imprisoned without charge or trial under so-called administrative detention orders, which are indefinitely renewable and based on “secret evidence” to which both the prisoner nor their lawyers are denied access. Palestinians have spent years at a time jailed under administrative detention."

Palestinian Kids ‘Terrified’ in Israeli Kindergarten Raid
"Kinder Care" -- (Euro-Kharzarian style.  Applies to non-"Jews" only - mpg) - A quote...."Israeli forces raided a kindergarten and primary school in occupied East Jerusalem Monday, terrifying children who witnessed the assault and prompting outrage among Palestinians. - Police officers barged into Zahwa al-Quds kindergarten and primary school in the neighborhood of Beit Hanina, arresting the school’s deputy principal and three teachers for refusing to teach the Israeli curriculum." - Source:  TeleSUR
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O....

A Totalitarian Europe Now on Our Doorstep
Must Read - A quote...."Quietly, without most people noticing, the European Commission is moving ahead with a strategy that will arguably make the EU into the first fully operational model of a centralised ‘one state’ supranational authority: ‘A New World Order’; the long standing neoconservative ambition which lies at the heart of global secret society agendas and US geopolitical hegemony. -- The key ingredient of this strategy is the establishment of an ‘EU Treasury’ which, according to Donald Tusk, President of the EU Council, will come into effect in June 2018, under the official title: European Monetary Fund. This will result in the single point control of all EU member state finances. -- The plan will involve a further leveraging of the power of the major banks, to consolidate their controlling influence over EU affairs." - bold by website editor

Thousands in Barcelona Call For Release of Catalan Leaders
A quote...."Thousands of protesters gathered at Placa de la Catedral, Barcelona, on Wednesday as part of a region-wide strike calling for the release of jailed Catalan leaders. - Demonstrators met at the Placa de la Catedral, where they shouted "freedom for political prisoners" and "independence for Catalonia," while holding banners and waving Estalada flags."
Europe Threw Catalonia Under the Bus
A quote...."Millions of pro-independence Catalans are on their own. Europe turned its back on them, violating fundamental international law, affirming the right of self-determination for all people. - Separatist officials blasted EU policy, ignoring the rights of Catalans, silent in the face of vicious Madrid repression, lawlessly deposing and jailing its officials. - Outspoken Girona Mayor Marta Madrenas said “(w)hat surprises me is that Europe doesn’t give a damn. The Spanish state is violating fundamental rights and liberties. Are those not founding principles of the EU?”
Thousands of Romanian Workers Protest Against Government's Planned Fiscal Measures
A quote...."Around 8,000 workers from the automotive industry gathered at Trade Union Square in Mioveni to protest against the government's plans to transfer social contributions from employer to employee as well as to demand starting construction of Pitesti-Sibiu motorway, Tuesday."

Prince William Argues For Urgent Depopulation Efforts in Africa
Plague Anyone?? - A quote...."Needless to say, the idea of population control and limitations being placed on how many children women are allowed to give birth to runs contrary to the values of liberty and individualism that America was founded upon. For that reason, it is an idea that should be (and for the most part, is) rejected in the United States as well as dozens of other countries throughout the world. (Related: America’s vaccine narrative now mirrors nazi eugenics propaganda.)"
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition...

Bypassing the Suez Canal: Russian - Iranian Transportation Project Gets Approved
Geo-Political Red Alert - (Might explain some of the recent excitement in the Saudi Terror State, and the Euro-Kharzarians' Criminal Enclave squatting next to Lebanon - mpg) -- A quote...." The Russian transit project "North-South" has received international support. Earlier it was reported that Moscow, together with Tehran, began to actively explore the feasibility of implementing a corridor for the flow of goods from Asia to the EU. -- Unlike the Chinese "New Silk Road", the emphasis in this project is on the use of maritime transport. It is expected that the time savings for the delivery of goods from Asia to the EU can be up to two weeks. Thus, the corridor "North-South" will become a serious competitor to the route passing through the Suez Canal."

Brussels SNUBBED:   Iceland's Europhiles Abandon Hopes of Joining EU Amid Public Backlash
A quote...."ICELAND’S two surviving pro-EU parties have today abandoned their hopes of forcing a referendum on joining the bloc amid huge public opposition to membership. - The leaders of both the remaining europhile movements in the Icelandic parliament, who took a battering in last month’s election, announced they are shelving plans for a vote. - Iceland is part of the Single Market through its participation in the European Free Trade Association (Efta), but has control over trade, agriculture and fishing."

Iran’s Rouhani Vows Full, Unwavering Support For Lebanon’s Stability
A quote...."Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the Islamic Republic will always stand by Lebanon and spare no effort to help improve the country’s stability. -- In a phone conversation with Lebanese President Michel Aoun on Tuesday, Rouhani said Tehran and Beirut had a “very friendly and growing” relationship."

Pakistan, Iran Step Up Military Ties
A quote...."The two-day visit by Pakistani army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa to Tehran (November 6-7) must be noted as a significant event. Bajwa was received by President Hassan Rouhani, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Defence Minister General Amir Hatami, apart from top military commanders." - also posted at AlethoNews

Philippines' Duterte to Trump: 'Lay Off' Human Rights When We Meet
A quote...."MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said on Wednesday he would tell U.S. President Donald Trump to “lay off” if he raises the issue of human rights when they meet."

North Korea: We Will Build Nuclear Power [i.e. A Nuclear Deterrent]  Until the US Leaves Us Alone
A quote...."To herald the arrival of US President Donald Trump in South Korea, North Korea has reaffirmed their resolve to bolster their nuclear arsenal and oppose the US and its allies. The sky-high tensions in the Korean Peninsula have entered their seventh month, with no signs of breaking." - Topix  ||  Welcome To Fight Club - 04-10-17 - mpg  ||

Moscow Supports Idea of Free Trade Area in Asia and Pacific, Says Putin
A quote...."MOSCOW, November 8. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday Moscow supports the idea of setting up a free trade area in Asia and the Pacific." -- "We support the idea of forming an Asia-Pacific free trade area," he wrote in an article published by a number of Russian media. "We believe this is in our practical interest and represents an opportunity to strengthen our positions in the rapidly growing APR markets. I want to note that over the past five years, the share of APEC economies in Russia's foreign trade has increased from 23 to 31%, and from 17 to 24% in exports. And we have no intention of stopping there."

Greater Eurasian Partnership Project Open to New Participants — Putin
A quote...."MOSCOW, November 8. /TASS/. The project of Greater Eurasian Partnership is open to new participants, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an article for the media of APEC nations ahead of the APEC Economic Leaders' summit in Vietnam on November 10-11."

Russia to Start Sea Trials of 2nd Admiral Gorshkov-class Multirole Frigate Next Summer
A quote...."MOSCOW, November 8. /TASS/. The sea trials of the second Project 22350 frigate Admiral Kasatonov will begin in the summer of 2018, the press office of the Northern Wharf Shipyard reported on Wednesday."

Head Of Crimea Offers Republic’s Largest Shipyard To Build New Russian Aircraft Carriers
A quote...."Sergey Aksyonov, the head of Russia’s Republic of Crimea, said that Zaliv shipyard in Kerch is capable of building ships of any class, including aircraft carriers....."
“Zaliv shipyard has the largest dry dock in Russian Federation, with the length of 375 metres (approx. 410 yards). This allows building any kind of ship, including aircraft carriers. Perhaps such decisions will take place here,” Aksyonov said."
"Zaliv is a core industry for the city of Kerch. It is one of the largest shipyards in Eastern Europe, situated on the shore of the Kerch strait, which connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov."

All What You Need To Know About Russia’s MiG-41 Stealth Interceptor Aircraft Project
A quote...."The purpose of the MiG-31 is the detection and destruction of ballistic and cruise missiles, various aircraft, ranging from the low-flying UAVs to low-orbit satellites. Although this interceptor was developed over 40 years ago and is a 4th generation combat aircraft, its weapons are allegedly capable of striking the American 5th generation fighter, the F-35. The fighter jet can shoot down aerial targets at speeds of up to 5M, which can be detected at a distance of 280 kilometres, thanks to its phased array, which no other plane had at the beginning of this century. The interceptor carries between 5 and 9 tons of payload and its arsenal includes various types of munitions of which, long-range missiles, capable of striking on their own, without external target designation. The MiG-31 may be a flying command post, the update “I” may spot satellites with a maximum weight of up to 160kg at a height of up to 600Km."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire...

White House Moves To Formally Reverse Obama-Era Detente With Cuba
A quote...."After months of blustery rhetoric and half measures, the White House is finally taking steps to undo another one of former President Barack Obama’s legacy-defining foreign-policy accomplishments. -- The Washington Post reports that, in a landmark ruling, the Trump administration is reversing some of Obama detente with Cuba by cracking down on travel and business with the island. -- Under the new rules, most individual visits to Cuba will no longer be allowed, and U.S. citizens will again have to travel as part of a licensed group, accompanied by a group representative. Americans will also be barred from staying at a long list of hotels and from patronizing restaurants, stores and other enterprises that the State Department has determined are owned by or benefit members of the Cuban government, specifically its security services."

[South] Korean F-16s Upgraded To Carry Israeli Weapon
A quote...."The Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) has performed numerous live drops of the Rafael Spice 2,000-pound guided glide bomb this year, suggesting that the weapon is fully certified on its F-16 fleet. The Israeli company does not discuss customers, but reports indicate that Seoul signed a deal with Rafael in late 2015, with deliveries due in the second half of 2016."

The Eritrea “Massacre” That Never Happened
A quote...."Mass protest. Mass rally. Indiscriminate gunshots. Mass casualties and death. These are some of the sensationalist words and phrases used to create buzz and portray events as simply black and white. They are often also used without nuance or context. Recently, Eritrea made the headlines after a group of teenagers walked down the streets of Asmara to voice their discontent at their school being closed. Shouting “Allahu Akbar”, the boys, mostly aged around 14-15, were walking from their neighborhood, Akria, towards the Ministry of Education." - Source:  BAR

The Times Hails Belgian Royal’s Conservation of the Congo – a Place Ravaged by Belgian Royals
A quote...."Why would a Belgian royal risk his life to save a Congolese wilderness?” reads a somehow unironic headline in the Times Magazine this weekend. The question is posed alongside an introduction to Belgium’s Prince Emmanuel de Merode." - Source:  RT
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

How The [Euro-Kharzarian's] Deep State Controls Social Media and Digitally Assassinates Critics
A quote...."The recent arbitrary deletion with no appeal by Twitter of two accounts – one belonging to my friend Alt-Right white male Roger Stone [1] and the other to an Alt-Left black female activist who goes by the name of “Charlie Peach” [2] and reminds me of my friend Cynthia McKinney, [3] should be the death rattle of #GoogleGestapo. If Roger Stone and “Charlie Peach” were to sue Twitter together, in combination with my own lawsuit against three apparatchiks and their many co-conspirators, [4] and the new potentially formidable case by Prager University against Google, YouTube, and DOES 1-25, [5] I believe these three cases and perhaps others might converge in a most constructive manner assuredly in the public interest. The above juxtaposition is important – the Deep State is seeking to censor and in some cases digitally assassinate both those on the right and those on the left who challenge official narratives. This is discrimination based on political affiliation or belief." - Source:  AmericanHeraldTrib - Topix  ||  Social Media - "We Create YOUR Reality" - 10-20-16 - mpg  ||

Lawmakers Demand Tech Companies Censor Journalists and Conduct Mass Surveillance
A quote...."Google has implemented sweeping changes to its search algorithm that has led search traffic to 13 leading left-wing, progressive and anti-war sites to plunge 55 percent." -- "Search traffic from Google to the World Socialist Web Site has fallen by 74 percent, and the site has been blocked from Google News."

Twitter Rules Changed
A quote...."Google, Facebook and Twitter are halting what they call “fake news,” a pretext for online censorship. - Powerful interests in America and other Western societies threaten alternative sources of news, information and opinion. - Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Google and You Tube are building an Internet censorship database on the phony pretext of eliminating “extremist content.”"

MINIX: ​Intel's Hidden In-Chip Operating System
A quote...."Buried deep inside your computer's Intel chip is the MINIX operating system and a software stack, which includes networking and a web server. It's slow, hard to get at, and insecure as insecure can be.
How Silicon Valley Exploits Consumers In Order To “Serve Mankind”
A quote...."Silicon Valley surely is unrivaled in the American economy in its claims to “serve mankind.” So much so, in fact, that the satirical TV show Silicon Valley has a running joke that whenever a start-up founder is introduced, no matter how absurdly technical his project may be, he assures the audience that he is committed to “making the world a better place.” Paxos algorithms for consensus protocols … making the world a better place."
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The US-NRE's Euro-Kharzarian Controlled Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style...

NSA Whistleblower Told CIA Director DNC Leak Was Inside Job, Not Russian Hack
A quote...."CIA Director Mike Pompeo reportedly met with NSA whistleblower William Binney for an hour at CIA headquarters on October 24 at the request of US President Donald Trump. Binney disputes US intelligence claims over Russian hacking of DNC emails in 2016. - Binney is of the belief that someone “with physical access” inside the Democratic National Committee (DNC) leaked sensitive information during the 2016 presidential campaign, as opposed to a sophisticated hack perpetrated by Russian Intelligence." - Source:  RT

DEEP Corruption Inside Robert Mueller’s Office:  Top Lawyers Secretly Signed Off on the Uranium One Deal
A quote...."A quote...." (Natural News) If you haven’t realized yet just how big and powerful “the swamp” is in Washington, D.C., that President Donald J. Trump is trying to ‘drain,’ this should help you understand how big of a job it’s going to be. - Special counsel Robert Mueller, who was initially appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — whom President Obama named to his post — was originally tasked with finding out whether the Trump’s campaign “colluded” with Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton."

Mueller Mugs America: The Case of Baby George Papadopoulos
A quote...."This is how the Deep State crushes disobedience by the unwashed American public. It indicts not only ham sandwiches but, apparently, political infants in diapers too, if that’s what it takes. Hence the sudden notoriety of Baby George Papadopoulos, who pled guilty to "lying" about an essentially immaterial date to the FBI. - Oh, and by all signs and signals that plea came after this 30 year-old novice had been wearing a wire for several months."

Records Show Conservatives Overtly Excluded as Leftists Got $1 Billion from Companies Sued by DOJ
Lawfare:  Bolshevik Style - A quote...."An Obama-era scheme that forced companies sued by the government to fund leftist groups overtly excluded conservative organizations, according to internal Department of Justice (DOJ) records obtained by Judicial Watch. As part of settlements, the DOJ would often give the corporations—mainly big banks—double credit if they gave money to leftwing interest groups handpicked by the administration instead of paying the government. The new records demonstrate a collaborative effort among high-level officials in the Office of the Assistant Attorney General (OAAG) and the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) to ensure conservative groups did not receive any settlement cash."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation....

Whatever Happened to America?
Quote of the Day -- A quote...."Over the course of my lifetime America has become an infantile country. - When I was born, America was a nation. Today it is a diversity country in which various segments divided by race, gender, and sexual preference, preach hate toward other segments. Currently white heterosexual males are losing in the hate game, but once hate is unleashed it can turn on any and every one. Working class white males understand that they are the new underclass in a diversity country in which everyone has privileges except them. Many of the university educated group of heterosexual white males are too brainwashed to understand what is happening to them. Indeed, some of them are so successfully brainwashed that they think it is their just punishment as a white male to be downtrodden." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

America’s Debauched Political System
A quote...."Former acting DNC chair Donna Brazile offered an insider’s view into the dark side of America’s political system. - It’s too corrupted to fix, rigged to serve powerful interests exclusively, elections farcical when held. - America is a plutocracy, not a democracy, a cesspool of criminality, inequity and injustice, run by sinister dark forces, powerful monied interests, headquartered on Wall Street, choosing who holds top government positions."

America Cracks Up: The Anatomy Of A National Nervous Breakdown
A quote...."Another shooting, another day in America. -- Or so it seems. -- With alarming regularity, the nation is being subjected to a spate of violence that terrorizes the public, destabilizes the country’s fragile ecosystem, and gives the government greater justifications to crack down, lock down, and institute even more authoritarian policies for the so-called sake of national security without many objections from the citizenry. -- Take this latest mass shooting that took place at a small church in a small Texas town." - Source:  RutherfordInstitute - also posted at FFF & TruthNews

Gore Lawyer David Boies Implicated in Insane, Ornate Plot to Discredit Weinstein Accusers
A Hollywood Cesspool Defender - A quote...."There are very few ways to adequately summarize the mindblowing allegations in a brand-new New Yorker article that reports Harvey Weinstein engaged in an ornate plot to discredit, intimidate and stop accusers from stepping forward. Hiring an intelligence firm named Black Cube (comprised of former Mossad and other Israeli intel agents) to use false identities to meet with journalists and alleged victims? Check. Attempting to squash the New York Times’ bombshell sexual harassment report? Check. Relying on massive corporate firms to dig up discrediting information on accusers? Check. Relying on high-profile attorneys…check."
Top Dem, NYTimes lawyer helped suppress NYTimes story on Weinstein, drafted Mossad spy firm contract -- Ditto - Related Article - A quote...."David Boies, a prominent Democratic lawyer who represented former Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, worked to suppress The New York Times' reporting on Weinstein while representing the paper in other matters, The New Yorker reported on Monday."

New York Times Fires David Boies, Lawyer Who Worked for the Paper and Harvey Weinstein
UPDATE: Nov 8th, 2017 9:25pm PST - And he's gone! - A quote...."The New York Times dismissed the firm of famed Democratic lawyer David Boies after Ronan Farrow’s explosive report for the New Yorker put Boies at the center of Harvey Weinstein’s efforts to stamp out the Times’ reporting on his sexual misconduct. “We never contemplated that the law firm would contract with an intelligence firm to conduct a secret spying operation aimed at our reporting and our reporters,” the Times wrote in a Tuesday statement announcing they would no longer work with Boies’s firm, Boies, Schiller & Flexner. “Such an operation is reprehensible.” The firing came even as Boies himself pleaded."
Healthcare Spending Now Accounts For Almost One-Fifth Of The Entire US Economy
An Obama(no)care Success!! - A quote...."Everybody agrees that healthcare costs are way too high.  Back in 1960, healthcare spending accounted for approximately 5 percent of GDP, and by 2020 it is being projected that healthcare spending will account for 20 percent of GDP.  And when you break those numbers down into actual dollars, they become even more staggering.  Back in 1960, an average of $146 was spent on healthcare per person for the entire year, but today that number has skyrocketed to $9,990.  On a per capita basis, we spend far more than anyone else in the world on healthcare." - Source:  AmericanDreamBlog
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Today's Videos & Podcasts...

‘War to Save the Children’ — Talk By Vanessa Beeley
FSWVideo - Alt/YuTb - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 29min58sec - November 1, 2017) - Source:  Frome Stop War - Vanessa Beeley @ YuTb - VB's The Wall Will Fall -- A quote...."Recently Vanessa Beeley discussed the cynical manipulation of children to promote war in Syria.  Entitled “War to Save the Children,” her presentation was given as part of a London event entitled “Media On Trial.” It is a very important talk, and Beeley does a superb job of underscoring the hypocrisy behind the so-called “humanitarian interventions” so incessantly pursued by those who decidedly are not humane. The irony here of course: that the “war to save the children,” as it were, is in reality a war that kills children. -- Held last month at a church in London, the Media On Trial event was organized by Frome Stop War, an independent anti-war group formed in 2011 in response to the bombing of Libya."

Interview 1318 – Jacob Hornberger on the Ongoing JFK Cover Up
CRVideo - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb -- (CRMedPlyr - 38min25sec -  Nov 8, 2017) - Source Websites:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Corbett@Patreon - A quote...."Jacob Hornberger, President and Founder of the Future of Freedom Foundation and author of The Kennedy Autopsy, joins us today about the JFK files (un)dump that (didn’t) happen last week. We talk about the ongoing cover up of the JFK files, what cookie crumbs researchers have found so far, and what they tell us about the criminal nature of the deep state." -- Show notes....
Hillary Files, JFK Files, Paradise Papers, Trump, and Trudeau. Michael Rivero - November 6, 2017
TDNVideo - (TDNYuTb - 1hr36min17sec - Nov 5, 2017) - Source:  TalkDigitalNetwork - Guest Websites: (r.c. rescinded) - WhatReallyHappened - WRHSchl@RBN -- A quote...."Texas, Las Vegas, New York, Hollywood and the Patriot Act"

Lawsuits Against Activists in the Wake of Charlottesville
RIRVideo - (y.c. rescinded) - (RIRYuTb - 18min15sec - Jul 29, 2017)  - Source:  RedIceRadio@YuTb - RedIceTV - RedIceCreations  -- A quote...."Tune in for this special impromptu live stream as we are joined by Nathan Damigo, Richard Spencer, Eli Mosley & James Edwards to discuss the lawsuits against those that participated in the "Unite the Right" Charlottesville rally. We also discuss the future of free speech and freedom of assembly in America. We start by focusing on the South Texas Church Shooting. Hosted by Henrik Palmgren & Reinhard Wolff"

WRH w/Michael Rivero, Nov 08, 2017 Hr 1  - [Hr #2] - [Hr #3] -  RBN's Donation Rq [Click Here]
MR@RBNAudio - (r. c. rescinded) -- Alt/Mp3/Hour#1 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#2 - Alt/Mp3/Hour#3 // Alt/YuTb- FullAudioCast-11/08/17 - (MR@RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr/each - Nov 08 2017) - Source:  WRHSchl@RBN - Republic Brdcst Audio - RBNProgSchdlRepublic Broadcasting - YuTb Source:  RonGibson - Related Website: - WhatReallyHappened -- Michael Rivero discusses the ongoing crimes of empire, and many other issues - WRH Donation Request - [Click Here]"

Exposed: Weinstein’s Jewish Mossad Bros Stalk His Shiksa Rape Victims!
DDAudio - (r.c. rescinded) - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb/11-07-17 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 51min04sec - November 7, 2017) - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD@Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] - YouTube Source:  Gustaf Johanson Vids -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb  - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio - Don Black Show - Mark Collett @ YuTb - Eric Striker @ Fascism Now - TheRightStuffShows  -- Related Websites:  Rense Radio Live - Rense@YuTb - Rense  -- A quote...."In today’s show Dr. Duke exposes the facts emerging that Israeli Mossad agents were involved in the stalking and efforts to silence the Shiksa rape victims of Harvey Weinstein. - Dr. Duke Today Exposes this latest Jewish Chutzpah and Racist Tribalism and goes into the history of Jewish racist supremacism and how it explains their power in the Western World, a power that is pervasive, but that is not total and is absolutely vulnerable to an awakened world ! - Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to:   P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470   Thank you. - This is an entertaining and informative show that you will want to spread widely." -- Below is a Duke Video that exposes the impact of Jews such as Weinstein on the mores and values of the West...."
Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution
Related DDYuTb - (r.c. rescinded) - (DDYuTb - 15min11sec - Nov 14, 2010) - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD@Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] -- A quote...."YouTube restrictions have led to removal of all comments on this video! My videos are overwhelmingly approved by millions of viewers, and they average higher than 90 percent positive comments and comprise some of the highest rated political videos on the entire Internet. Viewers love these videos! But, the Zionists don't ! - The Zionist efforts to block my videos are relentless. They want to keep the world from learning the truth."
TDS217: Fat Clouds 11-06-17
TDSVideo - Trigger Warning:  (Contains extreme non-PC terms, epithets, & concepts - Also copious quantities of harsh language, along with very sexually explicit adult themes:   You -- Have -- Been -- Warned!! - mpg) - Alt/FlwPlyr & Alt/Mp3@RSS - (TDSYuTb - 2hr8min36sec - Nov 7th, 2017) - Source:  Gustaf Johanson - PewTube - TheRightStuffShows - A quote...."We get it, Death Panel, you vApe. -- Behind The VapeWall Texas Church Shooting Killing Yourself With A Chainsaw? 1:16:30 Le Autiste Classique: 2D Waifus The Hologram Waifu Question 1:55:30 The Merchant Minute RSS."

Dr. Duke Quotes Jewish Extremist Who Exposes Himself by Warning Jews Not to Tell Truths that Dr. Duke can Quote! -- Must Listen DDAudio - (r.c. rescinded) - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb/11-08-17 - (DDFlPlyr / Mp3 - 51min04sec - November 8, 2017) - David Duke Sites:  DD@YuTb - DD@Rense - DavidDuke - DD's Radio Show - DD's Books - DD's Donate Request [Click Here] - YouTube Source:  Gustaf Johanson Vids -- Related Regular Guest Websites:  Patrick Slattery @ YuTb  - Patrick Slattery @ National Bugle Radio - Don Black Show - Mark Collett @ YuTb - Eric Striker @ Fascism Now - TheRightStuffShows  -- Related Websites:  Rense Radio Live - Rense@YuTb - Rense  -- A quote...."In today’s show Dr. Duke quotes an article by a Jewish writer by the name of Elad Nehorai who warns Jews like comedian Larry David against saying anything about Jewish power or Jewish misbehavior for fear that David Duke will quote it. Nehorai wrote of his own experience of writing about Jewish control of the media in a Jewish publication aimed at a Jewish audience, only to have Dr. Duke bring it to the attention of the goyim. The article was pulled from the internet, but in this latest article Nehorai acknowledges its existence and the motive for pulling it. - Dr. Slattery joins the show and makes the point that Jewish advocacy groups with their billions of dollars in annual budgets still shake in the Yarmulkes at the thought of David Duke exposing them. Of course, Jews like Harvey Weinstein are doing a pretty good job of exposing themselves as it is. - This is another powerful show filled with information. Please share this show widely. - Please visit our contribution page or send your contribution to:   P.O. Box 188, Mandeville, LA 70470   Thank you. - This is an entertaining and informative show that you will want to spread widely."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

The Economy Is Okay? U.S. Retail Store Closings Hit A New Record High As West Coast Homelessness Soars
A quote...."If the U.S. economy is doing just fine, why have we already shattered the all-time record for retail store closings in a single year?  Whenever I write about our “retail apocalypse”, many try to counter my arguments by pointing out the growing dominance of Amazon.  And I certainly can’t deny that online shopping is on the rise, but it still accounts for less than 10 percent of total U.S. retail sales.  No, something bigger is happening in our economy, and it isn’t receiving nearly enough attention from the mainstream media. - Back in 2008, a plummeting economy absolutely devastated retailers and it resulted in an all-time record of 6,163 retail stores being closed that year. - So far in 2017, over 6,700 stores have been shut down and we still have nearly two months to go!  The following comes from CNN...."

US Credit Card Debt Rises Above $1 Trillion As Student, Auto Loans Hit All Time High
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Earlier in 2017, using the latest Fed data newspapers and financial media reported that US consumer credit card debt had risen above $1 trillion for the first time since the financial crisis. Ironically, just a few months later the Fed revised its data series sending the revolving credit total back under this "psychological number." At least until today, when the latest consumer credit update from the Fed disclosed that in September, consumer credit rose by $20.8 billion, more than the $17.5 billion expected, of which $14.4 billion was non-revolving, auto and student loans, and $6.4 billion was credit card debt. Total consumer credit rose by 6.6% Y/Y, rising to $3.788 trillion as of Sept. 30. This was the single biggest monthly increase since November 2016."

Lending Club Crashes Near Record Lows After Slashing Guidance
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Despite record high stocks, record high consumer confidence, and 'full' employment, LendingClub is struggling to originate high-enough quality loans - crashing almost 20% after slashing its Q4 outlook."

Stockman Exposes "The Black Swan In Plain Sight" - Debt Out The Wazoo
Charts - (click each to enlarge) -- A quote...."The black swan in plain sight does emit the Donald's orangish glow, but at the end of the day its true color is actually red. -- That is, monumental towers of rapidly rising debt loom everywhere on the planet. For the moment, the artificial cash flow from this unsustainable borrowing spree is keeping a simulacrum of growth and prosperity alive. Yet this whole outbreak of debt madness----represented by $225 trillion outstanding on a global basis----is careening toward a financial and economic dead end that will soon crush today's fiscally profligate politicians and heedless financial punters, alike, in a devastating reset of bond yields." - Source:  ContraCorner

Fake Gold Bars..... Again.... This Time With Certification

A quote...."Yesterday, you'll recall, I blogged about the recent Deutsche Bank study that said two things were at the heart of the current financial system's instability: fiat money (monetized debt), and the absence of a gold standard. The solution being pushed in that study was, of course, a cashless "blockchain" system. -- Now, the fact that a major bank like Deutsche Bank - a bank that allegedly carries massive amounts of bad paper and derivatives on its books - would be advocating the serious consideration of blockchain technologies as a serious alternative, should at least raise some concern and suspicions among those who are uncertain about such cryptocurrencies, and should serve to dent some of the enthusiasm certain circles have been showing for them."

The World's Biggest Bubbles
InfoGraphic - (click to view) -- A quote...."We recently discussed (see here) Alberto Gallo’s (portfolio manager of Algebris Macro Credit Fund) shot at the $64,000 (more like trillion) question in his report “The Central Bank Bubble: How Will It Burst?”. -- As we said at the time, one of our favourite parts of the report was “The Money Tree” infographic which explains how QE has benefited a plethora of investment strategies and created the bubble to end all bubbles."

The 'Hyper-Crash*[Inflection]' Is Coming - It's Not The Everything Bubble, It's The Global Short Volatility Bubble
Charts - (click to enlarge) - -A quote...."Two weeks ago, we discussed the recent report from Artemis Capital Management, “Volatility and the Alchemy of Risk – Reflexivity in the Shadows of Black Monday 1987”, authored by Christopher Cole. See “In the Shadows Of Black Monday – “Volatility Isn’t Broken…The Market Is”. The full report can be accessed here. -- Perhaps because we posted it on a weekend, we feel that this must read report – one of the best reports we’ve read in years - has not received the profile it deserves. We think that it’s important to highlight it again, as it explains the mechanics which are likely to drive the next financial crisis. We begin with a ten bullet point summary." - *The Fed has outlawed the term "Crash" - mpg

Investors Now Value A $20 Billion Company Based On Its "Energy & Spirituality"
A quote...."Snapchat is a great example.  - The sexting social media app that’s so popular with pedophiles young people released rather disappointing quarterly results yesterday. - User growth is falling. Revenue growth is falling. And the company is hemorrhaging cash. - Snapchat has negative free cash flow. It has negative operating cash flow. - It has lost a total of $4.3 billion of its shareholders’ money since the company was founded in 2011– and more than $3 billion (nearly 70%) of that total loss is from this year alone. - In other words, the rate at which Snapchat is losing money… is INCREASING. Quickly.  - Meanwhile the company continues to shower its employees with generous stock options despite its prodigious losses, ultimately forcing investors to suffer the consequences."

Will Americans Die Young Enough To Save Pension Plans?
Sure.... If The Parasities Have Anything To Say About It....  A quote...."New Jersey, Kentucky and Illinois continue to lose ground and now have only about one third of the money they need to pay retirement benefits. And three states had double-digit declines in their pension funding ratios in the past year: Colorado, Oregon and Minnesota - though some of this can be attributed to actuarial changes in the way pension liabilities are calculated." - Source:  The Mises Institute - A couple of comments from ZeroHedge posted below.....
Italy Target2 Imbalance Hits Record €432.5 Billion As Dwindling Trust In Banks Plunges
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Contrary to ECB propaganda, Target2 imbalances are a direct result an unsustainable balance of payment system. The imbalances represent both capital flight and debts that can never be paid back. If you think Italy can pay German and other creditors a record €432.5 Billion, you are in Fantasyland."

Europe Is Booming, Except It's Not
Multiple Charts - A quote...."European GDP rose 0.6% quarter-over-quarter in Q3 2017, the eighteenth consecutive increase for the Continental (EA 19) economy. That latter result is being heralded as some sort of achievement, though the 0.6% is also to a lesser degree. The truth is that neither is meaningful, and that Europe’s economy continues toward instead the abyss. - At 0.6%, that doesn’t even equal the average growth rate exhibited from either the late 1990’s or middle 2000’s. Straight away one of the so-called better quarters is already below average by historical comparison. That would suggest Europe’s economy is still struggling." - Source:  Alhambra Investment Partners
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster...

UK Doctor Mixed 8 Vaccines Into ONE Syringe, and The Outcome Wasn’t Good
A quote...."A family from Sussex, UK, is suing their GP for giving their daughter, Jodie, eight vaccines at once in 1993. - The parents had requested only the MMR be given to Jodie, who was 14 months old at the time. Her mother, Pat, had no idea her daughter was being given the polio, Hib, DT (Diphtheria/Tetanus), and pertussis vaccines in addition to MMR until seeing her vaccination record."

Toxic For Generations: Kids Born to Chemo Survivors Are Increasingly Infertile, Having 72% Fewer Children

A quote...."(Natural News) What are the generational health effects caused by chemotherapy? Precisely, which genes are turned on and off when a cancer patient is inundated with these toxic chemical agents? Do the chemotherapy-inflicted epigenetic changes pass on to the offspring of the patient and how do these changes impact fertility for future generations?"

Video: Flint Water Crisis Caused A ‘Horrifyingly Large’ Increase In Miscarriages
Flint - RNNVideo - Alt/YuTb - (RNNYuTb - 9min05sec - Sep 28, 2017) - Source:  TheRealNewsNetwork - A quote...."A new study on the Flint water crisis, co-authored by Dr. David Slusky, finds that fertility rates decreased by 12% and fetal death rates increased by 58%."

Fukushima Radiation Found in Hawaii Fish — Almost Half Contain Fallout From Japan Nuclear Disaster
A quote...."Thirteen commonly consumed types of fish caught in the North Pacific and locally available in Hawaii were analyzed using gamma spectroscopy to measure Fukushima-derived and historic 134 Cs and 137 Cs isotopes. All fish samples had detectable 137 Cs above 95% Confidence Intervals. Three out of the thirteen samples had 134 Cs, an isotope indicative of Fukushima releases, detected above 95% Confidence Intervals. The highest 134 Cs and 137 Cs concentration in the examined species was in ahi tuna carrying 0.10±0.04 Bq/kg and 0.62±0.05 Bq/kg, respectively. Other samples with 134 Cs activities found above their 2-sigma uncertainty were albacore tuna and swordfish...."

Tuesday November 7th 2016

No posts - mpg

Monday November 6th 2017

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its Wahhabist  "Friends" -- World War III Anyone....?

Saudi Succession Struggle Enters Home Stretch
Geo-Political Red Alert - Saudi Scum Turns On Itself? - (Or another coup organized by the other two members of the Trinity of Evil,.... Israel and the US-NRE? - mpg) -- A quote...."Within hours of a decree by the Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz on Sunday announcing the constitution of a new committee to combat corruption under the chairmanship of the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman [MBS], an unprecedented purge of top establishment figures unfolded, signaling a pre-planned political campaign. The purge involves the sacking and/or detention of dozens of princes, ministers and former ministers. Several senior ministers, including those in charge of the kingdom’s National Guard, economy, and planning have also been dismissed. Notably, billionaire Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal is among those detained. The security forces grounded private jets in Jeddah to stop any high-profile figures from leaving the country." - Source:  IndianPunchline
Saudi Arabia - This 'Night Of The Long Knives' Is A Panic-Fueled Move
Analysis - A quote...."Yesterday the ruling Salman clan in Saudi Arabia executed a Night of the Long Knives cleansing the state of all potential competition. The Saudi King Salman and his son Clown Prince Mohammad bin Salman initiated a large arrest wave and purge of high ranking princes and officials. Part of this internal coup was the confiscation of huge financial estates to the advantage of the Salman clan. -- The earlier forced resignation of the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri is probably related to the last night's events. The Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahoo endorsed the resignation. This guarantees that Hariri will never again be accepted in a leading role in Lebanon. -- In Saudi Arabia eleven princes, including sons of the deceased King Abdullah, more than thirty former and acting ministers as well as the heads of three major TV stations were taken into custody or put under house arrest. The National Guard Commander Prince Mitieb Bin Abdullah was relieved from his post and replaced with Prince Khalid Bin Abdulaziz al Muqrin. The National Guard was the last intelligence and security power center held by the Abdullah branch of the al-Saud family." - Source:  MoonOfAlabama

Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 princes and Dozens of Former Ministers, Senior Saudi Royal Ousted
A quote...."RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Saturday removed a prominent prince who headed the National Guard, replaced the economy minister and announced the creation of a new anti-corruption committee."

Saudi Gamble Risks Plunging Lebanon Into War
A quote...."Saad Hariri’s sudden resignation from Lebanon’s premiership, announced from Saudi Arabia, has raised fears that regional tensions were about to escalate and that the small country would once again pay a heavy price. - Hariri quit his post on Saturday in a televised speech broadcast by Saudi Arabia’s Al-Arabiya television, during which he appeared tense as he carefully read out from a written statement. - He claimed that he feared the same fate as his assassinated father and accused Iran and the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah of meddling in Arab countries’ affairs." - Source:  PressTV

Lebanese Army, Security Services Deny Hariri Claims on Assassination Bid
A quote...."Lebanese Army and other security services in the country denied Prime Minister Saad Hariri claims that there have been plans to assassinate him. - In a statement released by its Directorate of Orientation on Sunday, the Lebanese Army said: “Based on investigations, arrests and information there have been no plans to carry out assassination attacks in the country.” - Earlier on Saturday PM Hariri announced his resignation from Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh, citing fears on his life. Just two hours after his announcement, Saudi-owned TV network Al-Arabiyah, reported that the Lebanese security services had foiled an assassination attempt on Hariri."

Saudi Arabia Accuses Lebanon of Being ‘Kidnapped’ by Hezbollah & ‘Declaring War’ on Riyadh
Say What?! - A quote..."Riyadh has accused Lebanon of “declaring war” on Saudi Arabia by allowing Hezbollah “aggression” against the Gulf Kingdom. Earlier, the Lebanese militant group accused the Saudis of forcing Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri out of office." - Source:  RT

Saudi Regime Orders Arrest Of So-Called “Syrian Opposition Leaders”
Say What?! - A quote...."As part of the wide-scale political purges conducted by Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman,  Riyadh has ordered the arrest of Ahmed al-Jarba and Riad Hijab, two formerly Saudi backed proxies, vying to take control of Syria and establish a Takfiri state."

Saudi Helicopter Carrying 8 High-Ranking Officials & Prince Bin-Muqrin Crashed Near Yemen Border - All Dead - Breaking Wet-Work News:  The chances of this being an "accident", or even a target of opportunity shoot-down, is absolutely zero.  This was arranged -- mpg -- A quote...."The shocking latest twist in what has been a chaotic weekend in Saudi Arabia is news that a helicopter transporting 8 high-ranking Saudi officials (including prince Mansour bin-Muqrin) has crashed in the south of the Kingdom, near the border with Yemen."

Second Saudi Prince Confirmed Killed During Crackdown
More Breaking Wet-Work News:  A quote...."Following the death of Prince Mansour bin-Muqrin in a helicopter crash near the Yemen border yesterday, the Saudi Royal Court has confirmed the death of Prince Abdul Aziz bin Fahd - killed during a firefight as authorities attempted to arrest him - The death has been confirmed by the Saudi royal court. -- The Duran and Al-Masdar News both report that the prince died when his security contingent got into a firefight with regime gunmen attempting to make an arrest. -- Prince Aziz (44) who was the youngest son of King Fahad."

On The Verge Of Catastrophe: Saudi Arabia Says Lebanon Declared War
WTF Is Going ON Over There?!? - A quote...."As expected, Saudi Arabia has cast itself as the victim of external Shia plotting after its internal weekend of chaos which included a missile attack from Yemen, the deaths of two princes and other high officials within a mere 24 hours, and an aggressive crackdown against dissent in the royal family which saw close to a dozen princes placed under house arrest. And as Al Jazeera noted, in this Saudi version of 'Game of Thrones', the 32-year-old Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) shows that he is willing to throw the entire region into jeopardy to wear the royal gown."

Defeated Elsewhere, Saudi Ruler Declares War On Lebanon
Naturally....  A quote...."The Saudi clown prince Mohammed bin Salman is purging all potential internal resistance and solidifies his dictatorial position. (The move includes a huge money grab. All assets of those accused of corruption are confiscated by the state which, in Saudi Arabia, is the ruler himself.) It is possible that this internal consolidation of power is only the prelude for a larger external adventure."
The Head of Poroshenko's Political Party in Donbass Has Been Murdered
Geo-Political Red Alert - (Payback??) -- A quote...." SEVERODONETSK, Ukraine. On the night of November 3, in the Kiev-occupied region of Donbass, Severodonetsk, the head of the "Petro Poroshenko Bloc - Solidarity party" for the region, Sergei Samarsky, was killed. -- The Head of the occupying "Lugansk Regional State Administration" (based in Severodonetsk, and is a parallel structure to the pro-Russian Lugansk Administration ) Yuri Garbuz, confirmed the information about the murder of Poroshenko's associate."  - See article and commentary posted 10-25-17, and posted again below....
Bodyguard Killed, MP and Two Others Wounded in Kiev Blast
What Happens When You Threaten Jewish Oligarchs - A quote...."An explosion in Kiev on Wednesday killed a bodyguard and wounded three people including Ukrainian lawmaker Ihor Mosiychuk, Ukrainian officials said, describing the incident as a deliberate attack. - Mosiychuk, a member of the opposition Radical Party, [i.e. a pseudo-nazi] has been hospitalised but did not suffer life-threatening injuries, while his bodyguard was killed, according to party leader Oleh Lyashko." - posted 10-25-17
For The First Time In 13 Years, U.S. Deploys 7 Aircraft Carriers Simultaneously
Geo-Political Red Alert - (WW-III Anyone??) -- A quote...."The US has simultaneously deployed 7 of the 11 U.S. nuclear aircraft carriers for the first time in over a decade according to the US Naval Institute. The three aircraft carriers with full air wings and strike groups positioned in the Western Pacific are the following: USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76); USS Nimitz (CVN-68); USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71). Another four are conducting “short training missions as part of training operations or workups ahead of deployment”.  Two out of four are operating in Eastern Pacific -  USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) and USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) - and the remaining two are operating in the Atlantic, the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) and USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78)."
Israel Begins "Largest-Ever Aerial Military Drill", As Saudis Consider Missile Strike "Act Of War"
Ditto! - A quote...."Today, Israel kicked off its largest international aerial training exercise ever - coined: Blue Flag 2017. -- Air-forces from nine countries with about 50 planes are now starting to drill in the most southern region of the country utilizing Uvda Air Base in Israel.  Teams from India, the United States, Greece, Poland, France, Italy and Germany with be flying over 300 sorties simulating ‘real war’."
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More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends" -- Promoting Zio-Wahhabist Terrorism World Wide....

New Revelations in the Syrian War
A quote...."The recent revelations by Edward Snowden the former national security agency whistle-blower about the role of Saudi Arabia in the ongoing war in Syria has raised fresh questions about role of Saudi Arabia and others in arming the various terrorist factions in Syria. -- According to the documents released by Snowden the Saudis were arming their terrorist proxies in Syria is early as March 2013. The documents also disclose that the National Security Agency of United States was fully aware of the actions of the Saudis and the terrorist proxies, and raised no objections because the United States and Saudi Arabia had a common goal of regime change in Syria."

US Sends 120 Trucks With Arms to SDF for Deir ez-Zor Operation
A quote...."A high-ranking Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) official has told Sputnik Turkiye that the US continues to supply them with arms and has recently delivered 120 trucks loaded with heavy armament and armored vehicles for the Deir ez-Zor operation."

VIDEO: Italian Police Seize Millions of Drugs That Were to Finance ISIS
A quote...." Rome, Italy - Footage was released on Friday showing Italian police seizing around 24 million opiate tablets. - The vast quantity of opiate tablets were discovered at the container port Gioia Tauro in the southern Calabria region. - The tablets reportedly belonged to ISIS and were going to be sold to help finance the terrorist organization."

US airstrikes kill dozens of Afghan civilians
A quote...."Reports from local officials and Afghan legislators have exposed mass civilian casualties in an offensive carried out last weekend by US and Afghan puppet forces in northern Kunduz province. - Some reports have put the death toll from the bombing raids in the Char Dara district at over 60, with women and children among the victims."

Mattis, Tillerson Want Blank Check to Wage Illegal War
A quote...."Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on October 30 that the Trump administration has all the legal authority it needs to kill people anywhere in the world. But just in case Congress wishes to update its old Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), Mattis and Tillerson told them how to do it: Write a blank check to the president." - Source:  TruthOut

Selling War and Pentagon Expansion in Asia-Pacific
A quote...."Moon is turning out to be a disappointment to peaceniks across Korea as he carries water for the US imperial project.  It’s a clear sign that those supposedly in charge in South Korea are not.  They are at the mercy of Washington and the military industrial complex. - China during the last couple of days sent nuclear bombers bumping up with the coast of Guam in a certain statement before Trump visits Beijing.  Just weeks ago, while speaking at the UN, Trump blasted socialism as a failed system – many taking it as a shot across China’s bow before his trip there.  China has fired back showing the Donald that two can play the nuclear ‘fire and fury’ ball game." - Source:  Space4Peace

Canada Sanctions Venezuela’s Maduro
Sanctions R'4'Eva - (Canadian Style vs Venezuela) - A quote...."Canada announced Friday it had imposed new sanctions on President Nicolas Maduro and other senior government officials. - A total of 19 officials and ex-officials were targeted, including Vice-President Tareck El Aissami, intelligence czar Gustavo Gonzalez, and Oil Minister Eulogio del Pino. - Canada’s Foreign Ministry accused Maduro and other targeted officials of being “responsible for, or complicit in, gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, have committed acts of significant corruption, or both”." - Source:   Venezuelanalysis
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media...

Iran and 9/11: Down the Rabbit Hole of Blame
Must Read - A quote...."Largely unreported and unknown to almost everyone is the recent push to re-establish an Iranian role in the 9/11 attacks. To be more specific, some in Washington are currently trying to allege that Iran played a larger role in the 9/11 attacks than the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Why this assertion about Iran— that has been lying fallow for years—is so recently being resurrected raises questions, bears scrutiny, and begs an examination. -- Prior to delving into the Iranian revelations, some background is needed to best understand the rather inorganic evolution of this Iranian evidence. As many know, the 9/11 Families have spent the past 16 years trying to hold the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks accountable for the mass murder of our loved ones. First, we fought for the 9/11 Commission so that we might have an independent investigation into the attacks, learn lessons, fix problems, and hold those in government accountable for their failures that contributed to the vast devastation of that horrific day. Next, as an expressly granted right given to us by Congress in the creation of the 2001 Airline Stabilization Act (more commonly known as the 9/11 Victims’ Compensation Fund), we attempted to hold all the co-conspirators of the 9/11 attacks accountable in a federal court of law. Notably, to the 9/11 Families the definition of “co-conspirators” was always a “both-and” situation, not the more exclusionary “either-or” scenario. In other words, we wanted any and all of those who played a hand (however large or small) in the murder of our loved ones held accountable." - Topix  ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

EU slams Paradise Papers Revelations, Talks About Tax Haven Blacklist
The "Paradise Papers" - The "Panama Papers" Deux?? -- A quote...."The EU slams what it calls "shocking" leaks about offshore investments and tax evasion by top companies and dignitaries, including Britain's Queen Elizabeth. - The leak, dubbed the Paradise Papers and obtained by the International Consortium of Journalists (ICIJ), contains 13.4 million documents, mostly from one leading firm in offshore finance. Nearly 100 media groups are investigating the leaked papers. - The core of the leak, totaling more than 13.4 million documents, focuses on the Bermudan law firm Appleby, a 119-year-old company, whose clients are corporations and very wealthy people." - bold by website editor
The Panama papers turned out to be a dud as far as exposing real malfeasance.  They were almost exclusively used as an excuse to increase the taxing power of various governments.  These sorts of financial leaks appear to be caused by one faction, or group, trying to discipline, or punish another by obtaining the taxing power to do so - Just FYI - mpg
CNN Plots to Make Itself Irrelevant by Paywalling Its Drivel
Complete Nonsense Network - (It'll last one week at best - Anyone care to take bets? - mpg) - Great Photo - (click to view) -- A quote...."Ever since November 8, 2016 when CNN reporters received the shock of their lives, their reporting has consisted pretty much of 24x7 coverage of the "Russian collusion" narrative...a narrative that looks increasingly like, as even their own Van Jones described it, "just a big nothingburger."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States

What? Russian Anthem May Be Banned at Olympics 2018
Yes It's True.... They'll Have To Play Y.M.C.A. From The Village People - A quote...." The anthem of the Russian Federation may be banned at the Winter Olympics 2018. According to the leadership of the International Olympic Committee, there is also a possibility of prohibiting the Russian team from participating in the opening ceremony of the Games."

Cracking the Moscow Maidan: Part 2 - Putin's Unfinished Battle - Part II - [Part I]
A quote...."The Russian Federation is not a social state. There are very acute problems of social justice and the existence of a small class of oligarchs wielding a substantial share of Russia’s wealth, including natural resources, and usually boasting second citizenship - whether Israeli or another foreign passport - is in itself a symptom of ill-being. We can also add the extremely ineffective and unfair nationality policies which have been inherited from the Soviet Union's mistakes."

Why is Ukraine Switching to NATO-Caliber Artillery Shells? They've Used Up Their Soviet-era stock on Donbas
Shelling Innocent Civilians For Years....  And Running Out of Shells - (How utterly awkward!! -- Ever have one of those really rotten days where.... you - just - can't - murder - more - innocent - women - and - children?  A day where you're completely unable to quench your blood-lust??  All because you've run out of ammo??  Never fear, NATO is here! - mpg) -- A quote..."Donetsk. Just lately in Ukraine, the commander of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the APU, General Gorbylev, made a statement that the country will now purchase Krab artillery shells from Poland. -- The fact that Kiev is concerned about the transition to a new caliber two years after the conclusion of the Minsk agreements once again shows the nature of Ukraine's desire to observe a fragile truce in the Donbass. NATO countries do not advertise the fact of deliveries of lethal weapons to Kiev, as this precedent could be used as a direct push on Russia."

Ukrainian [Kiev Regime] Police and Army Raid Nightclubs For Cannon-Fodder
Last Call - (One minute you're feeling good and trying to pick up a broad, the next, you're in front-line, combat murdering your own fellow Christian Ukrainian/Russian brethren.  All on behalf of a bunch of psychotic, murderous, "Jewish" billionaire, oligarchs, who delight in ALL of your deaths!  -- Now that's a bad night.  Talk about the "Hunger Games" - mpg) -- A quote...."Lvov. The chairman of the Lviv Regional State Administration Sinyutka approved raids on nightclubs in order to identify young slackers from serving in the ranks of the army. He stated this after the military and police raids in the center of Lviv." 

Kiev Continues Illegally Arresting Civilian Citizens
A quote...."This week the DPR Human Rights Ombudsman received two reports on unlawful arrest. - According to the DPR Ombudsman’s press-service, a woman of 1988 year of birth was missing after she tried to cross the Elenovka checkpoint in the Mariupol direction. Apart from it, the information on arrest of a man of 1976 year of birth has been received earlier. Presently he was convicted under article 258, 1st part, and article 263, 1st part; reportedly, now he is detained in the Dnepropetrovsk penal establishment №4."
Russian Volga-Dneper Airline and Ukrainian Antonov Bureau Need Each Other
Not If Kiev's "Jewish" Oligarchs Have Anything to Say -- A quote...."The cooperation of Russia and Ukraine in the sphere of civil aviation could resume in part. - The Ukrainian enterprise Antonov is in talks with the Russian airline Volga-Dnepr about the possible extension of the airworthiness of the An-124-100 Ruslan aircraft. - Volga-Dnepr owns a fleet of 12 Ruslans, while Antonov owns the type certificate for these aircraft developed in Soviet times. According to the documents, the procedure for extending the service life should be made every 4,000 flight hours. When relations between Moscow and Kiev deteriorated, Antonov refused to extend the airworthiness of the aircraft."

Timoshenko Insists On Opening An Investigation Into Poroshenko's Dealings
Got Popcorn?? -- ("Jewish" oligarchs turning on each other? - This could be fun! - mpg) -- A quote...."Kiev, "When our military got into the cauldron and they were getting killed in direct fire, that's when Poroshenko and his entourage, as can be seen from this journalistic investigation, were opening offshore companies for money laundering." - "This was done so that the state budget of Ukraine would not get a penny from Roshen Corporation and other assets of the president," the press service of the Fatherland said. - According to her, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), the Prosecutor General's Office, and the special anti-corruption prosecutor must deal with the investigation."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

Syrian Army Loses Two Villages as Terrorist Forces Use Chemical Weapons
ISIS Crossed The Line! -- (Wait.... oh.... never mind - mpg) -- A quote...."The Syrian Army has claimed that Al-Qaeda linked Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham  (formerly the Al-Nusra Front) has used chemical weapons today in the northern countryside of Hama."
ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq - SF $$ Rq [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/YuTb - (SFYuTb - 5min02sec - Nov 6, 2017) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."The self-proclaimed caliphate of ISIS has suffered a double blow in Syria and Iraq. While US-backed forces were democratically negotiating with ISIS-linked Arab tribes in the Omar oil fields and nearby areas, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces and the Republican Guard supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces undemocratically crushed the ISIS defense inside Deir Ezzor city. On November 3, Syrian forces liberated Deir Ezzor after they had retaken all neighborhoods which were controlled by ISIS terrorists in the northern part of the city. On November 4, the SAA secured Kati’ Island north of Deir Ezzor and secured the recent gains."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Libyan Rivals Split Over Army Leadership: Tripoli Parliament Head
A quote...."TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libyan factions involved in U.N.-brokered peace talks are still far apart on the issue of the leadership of a future national army, the head of one of two rival parliaments said on Monday. "

Philippines hunts for possible new Islamic State 'emir' in South East Asia
A quote...."MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine authorities were on the lookout on Monday for a Malaysian who could be the new leader of pro-Islamic State groups in Southeast Asia, security chiefs said, following the deaths of several high-profile regional extremists."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

“List of Soros” Names 226 MEPs in Europe Who Are Under The Complete Control of George Soros
Darth Sidious Soros:  A List Of His Bought & Paid For Traitors - A quote...."The “list of Soros” exposes the EU as nothing more than a mechanism for the elitist billionaire to promote his neo-liberal policies consisting of border-less mass migration, same-sex marriage, integration of Ukraine into the EU, and war with Russia. - There are 751 members of the European Parliament and George Soros controls more than one third of those European Parliament seats."

Channel 4 News Presenter Tells Hungarian Minister: ‘Christianity is Not Really a Fundamental of Europe’
A quote...."Krishnan Guru-Murthy, a presenter for publicly-owned broadcaster Channel 4, left the Hungarian prime minister’s spokesman “stunned” after asserting that Christianity is “not really a fundamental of Europe”."

Russian Church Leader Warns EU On Immigration, Preserving Cultural Identity
A quote...."The Archbishop [sic] presented a sobering look at how migration is impacting Europe...."
“According to figures by the European Union agency Frontex, more than 1.8 million migrants entered the EU in 2015 alone … the number of migrants in Europe has increased from 49.3 million people in 2000 to 76.1 million people in 2015.” --  “The other reason for the transformation of the religious map of Europe,” said Hilarion, “is the secularization of European society. Figures in a British opinion poll indicate that more than half of the country’s inhabitants – for the first time in history – do not affiliate themselves to any particular religion.”
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Remembering [Euro-Kharzarian Bolshevik] Communism's Bloody Century
Title Corrected - A quote...."A century ago this week, communism took over the Russian empire, the world’s largest state at the time. Leftist movements of various sorts had been common in European politics long before the revolution of Oct. 25, 1917 (which became Nov. 7 in the reformed Russian calendar), but Vladimir Lenin and his Bolsheviks were different. They were not merely fanatical in their convictions but flexible in their tactics—and fortunate in their opponents." - One ZeroHedge comment stood out.....
"Communism was an offshoot of Judaism. Karl Marx was the son of a Rabbi. Lenin was half Jewish. Trotsky full Jewish. A good proportion of those running the Soviet Union were Jews. One of the first acts of the communists was to make anti-semitism a capital crime. Collectivization of agriculture was nothing but the Kibbutz on a national scale. Stalin was an employee of the Rothschild at one time and was the perfect man to carry out mass genocide against Orthodox Russians. Churches were looted and burned and their valuables sold in the West. But communism also suited the elites of the West who saw it as a way of bringing back the old order. The Vatican benefited by having their competitor - the Orthodox Church - eliminated." -- *snodgrass*
The Balfour Declaration – A Century of Jewish Power
The Nakba Declaration - A Century Of Jewish Terror - A quote...."This year, Palestinians and their supporters mark the 100th anniversary of The Balfour Declaration, a written statement from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour, to Walter Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, in favour of the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine."

93 International Jewish Organizations Condemn BDS
Thereby Proving.... "The International Jewish Conspiracy" - A quote...."The following press release was distributed on Nov. 6, 2017 by the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE). AICE is based in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and is the sponsor of the Jewish Virtual Library. The executive director is Mitchell Bard. Bard is often interviewed by news media as an alleged expert on Israel-Palestine (see video here.)" - Source:  IfAmericansKnew

A Lesson in Jewish PR
(a.k.a. The Matrix Of Control) -- A quote...."Towards the end of my most recent book,  Being in Time - a Post Political Manifesto, I elaborate on Jewish controlled opposition strategies.  I contend that when Jews detect that that something associated with them has become problematic they quickly form satellite dissent movements: they are first to oppose themselves. When Capitalism was identified as a Jewish problem, Marx was first to offer a coherent alternative. Once Palestine emerged as an acknowledged Jewish problem, a Jewish solidarity industry (JVP, IJAN,  Mondoweiss, IJV) formed to dominate the opposition discourse on Israel. The intellectual debate on Zio-con immoral interventionist wars has been reduced into an internal Jewish debate between Sam Harris and Noam Chomsky. I expect soon we’ll see Jews leading the fight against sexual predatory behaviour in Hollywood and beyond. None of this is necessarily conspiratorial. It is normal for people to be embarrassed by members of their tribe who are associated with bad and criminal behaviour."

From the Battle of Beersheba to the War on Syria: Australia Is Complicit in Israel’s Crimes
ZOG Alert - (Australia) -- A quote...."On a sunny Saturday morning in late December 2008, new police recruits were gathered outside the town hall in Gaza city for their graduation ceremony. Tensions were high in the strip because of persistent threats from the IDF that they would strike hard against Hamas militants if any more rockets were fired into Israeli territory, but it was a Jewish holiday and the recruits were relaxed." - Source:  American Herald Tribune

Israeli [Euor-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist] Forces Open Fire On Fishermen, Raze Lands in Gaza
"Fisheries Policy" -- (Euro-Kharzarian style.  Applies to non-"Jews" only - mpg) - A quote...."GAZA (Ma’an) -- Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian, zio-jihadist] naval forces on Sunday opened fire on Palestinian fishing boats off the coast of the Gaza strip, while military [militia]  bulldozers razed lands along Gaza’s border with Israel, according to official Palestinian Authority (PA)-owned Wafa news agency. - Wafa reported that Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian, zio-jihadist] forces fired at fishermen off the northern coast of northern Gaza, forcing the fishermen to dock their boats in fear of getting shot. No injuries were reported."

Israeli Soldiers Assault, Take 'Selfie' With Injured Palestinian Detainees
"Selfies" -- (Euro-Kharzarian style.  Applies to non-"Jews" only - mpg) - A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Two Palestinian prisoners, including one teenager, gave testimonies to the Palestinian Committee of Prisoners’ Affairs, detailing the abuse and harassment they faced at the hands of Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian, militia] forces during their arrests. "

Settlers [Euro-Kharzarian Zio-Jihadist Squatters] Destroy Water Pipe Used by Palestinians in Jordan Valley
"Neighbor Helping Neighbor" -- (Euro-Kharzarian style.  Applies to non-"Jews" only - mpg) - A quote...."Israeli settlers [Euro-Kharzarian squatters] ruined on Monday morning a water pipe used by Palestinian farmers in the village of Sakout, in the northern Jordan Valley, according to a local official."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters' Trans-nationalist, N.W.O....

Ousted Catalan Leader Turns Himself In To Belgian Police
So Endeth The "Revolution"?....  With A Whimper? -- A quote...."Ousted Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and four ex-ministers on Sunday turned themselves in to Belgian authorities to start the process of their possible extradition to Spain. Puigdemont was accompanied by four other former Catalan officials who are also wanted by Spanish authorities after they fled to Belgium last week after their removed from power by Spanish authorities as part of an extraordinary crackdown to impede the region’s illegal declaration of independence."
Basques Protest in Support of Catalan Independence As Crisis in Spain Grows:
A quote...."Thousands take to streets of Bilbao to condemn arrests and takeover amid fears of resurgence of terror there and rising support for separatism in other regions."

The Struggle for Independence: From Ireland to Catalonia
A quote...."Falling into line with other EU governments, the Irish government declared it’s support for Spain against Catalonia. In the wake of the Catalan government declaring independence on October 27th 2017, the government of the Republic of Ireland issued a statement in which it said that it “does not accept or recognise the Catalan unilateral declaration of independence.”"
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition...

Photo-Report: The North Korea Neither Trump Nor Western Media Wants The World To See
Must Read - Must View - Photo Gallery -- A quote...."Pongyang, North Korea North Korea (the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or DPRK) is one of the least understood and most lied about countries on Earth. In Western corporate media renditions, most news about the country is alarmist (of “the North Koreans want to kill you” type), fake (“all men have to have the same haircut,” a story originating from Washington itself), or about the North’s military.--Accounts of the nation’s military prowess and threat generally ignore (as noted here) the presence of the 28,500 U.S. troops occupying South Korea, their 38 military installations, and more recently their Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery in South Korea — “a U.S. radar system opposed by the Korean people, in the North and South, as well as China. -- On September 19, 2017, in the forum of the United Nations General Assembly, U.S. President Donald Trump vowed to “totally destroy” North Korea."

Win For Hezbollah as Saudi-Backed Lebanese Premier Resigns
A quote...."The writing has been on the wall in Lebanon since early summer. Many expected the marriage of convenience between Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri and President Michel Aoun to snap — but not as abruptly as it did on Saturday. -- Hariri announced his resignation in a televised address delivered from Riyadh. Aoun was neither consulted nor informed beforehand, which sent shockwaves throughout Lebanon. It may well be that Hariri was asked to resign by Saudi Arabia, a country that has long backed him and indeed bankrolled both his own career and that of his father and predecessor, Rafik al-Hariri." - Source:  AsiaTImes

Khmeimim & Tartus: Russian Bases in Syria To Stay After The War is Won
A quote...." The scale of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria after the victory over the terrorist organization "Islamic State" will depend on the situation, but the airbase at Khmeimim and the logistics center of the Navy in Tartus are likely to remain, said Deputy Foreign Minister, Oleg Syromolotov."

Russia's Grand Strategy For Eurasia Is Working
A quote...."Over the last three years, Moscow has successfully parried Washington's political and economic attacks, while rapidly expanding bilateral relations with nearly all of its major regional neighbors. Its strategic geographical position has greatly benefited Russia as the center of global power increasingly shifts eastward."

Poland Admits To Buying Donbass Coal
A quote...." WARSAW, Poland. Polish Energy Minister, Krzysztof Tchórzewski, acknowledged the supply of coal from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic to the country. According to him, a relatively small supply has been purchased so far, about 11 thousand tons of coal in total. "

Russia’s Iranian Energy Deal Killed Four Birds With One Stone
A quote...."Russia’s gargantuan $30 billion energy deal with Iran simultaneously accomplished four objectives that are central to the grand strategic goals behind Moscow’s “Ummah Pivot”." - also posted at ZeroHedge & SOTTNet

The Baku Tblisi Kars (KTK) Railway Is Turkey’s Silk Road Corridor To Central Asia
A quote...."President Erdogan declared that the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway is “an important chain in the New Silk Road, which aims to connect Asia, Africa, and Europe” while speaking in the Azerbaijani capital during at the opening ceremony for this transnational connectivity corridor. - The event was also attended by the Prime Ministers of Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, as well as ministers from Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, demonstrating its broad geographic appeal." - Source:  OrientalReview
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire...

The Deep Rot Inside the Over-Extended US Armed Forces
Must Read - A quote...."Since the inauguration of US President D. J. Trump in January 2017, along with his contingent of generals, Washington has rattled its nuclear and other military sabers in most every direction, threatening to totally destroy North Korea, ramping up weapons deliveries to Syrian opposition groups, scaling up AFRICOM military actions, sending its naval fleets in every imaginable direction from the South China Sea to the Baltic, building up troops along the borders to Russia, threatening Iran.... Behind all the bluster is a US military with morale at an all-time low, with preparedness in many cases abysmally inadequate, and using technologies that are costly to taxpayers and far behind the state of the art of other potential adversaries..... All are symptoms of a failing former sole superpower whose military is being gravely abused and misused, far from the intent for defense of the nation."

Nigerien Soldier Contradicts Pentagon’s Claims About Ambush
A quote...."A Nigerien soldier who survived the Daesh ambush that claimed eight lives in early October has told the Washington Post that the US special forces were assisting Niamey in a search and destroy operation - which runs counter to the Pentagon’s claim that the troops were on a simple and low-risk reconnaissance mission when they were killed."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Facebook, Google Could Help US ‘Retaliate’ Against Russia, Other Nations – Senator McConnell
Fakebook & Word-Goo Are Just Instruments of Neoliberalcon Imperial Policy -- A quote...."Days after tech giants Facebook, Twitter, and Google were grilled on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US election, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has suggested using the companies to attack other nations. - On Tuesday, senior executives from the trio of major tech firms went before the US Congress to discuss an alleged ‘disinformation’ campaign supposedly designed to influence the election." - Source:  RT

Russia: Twitter, Facebook are CIA Puppets [Video]
Ditto! - A quote...."Facebook Inc has recently testified that Russia-based operatives published about 80,000 posts on the social network over a two year period in an effort to sway U.S. politics, and that about 126 million Americans may have seen the posts during that time. The social network suggests that this amount of people may have been the significant sway against Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election."

Twitter Revises Terms Of Service, No Longer Believes In "Speaking Truth To Power"
Double Ditto! - A quote...."Having been caught in a crossfire over internet free speech and Russian conspiracy theories, Twitter has quietly made a significant change in its stated "Twitter Rules" terms of service. - Following several Congressional hearings meant to root out "Russian interference" by Twitter accounts, as well as an incident in which a disgruntled, now former employee, disabled Donald Trump's twitter account for 11 minutes, it appears that Twitter no longer believes in "speaking truth to power."
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The US-NRE's Euro-Kharzarian Controlled Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style...

Washington's Wonderful World of Corruption -- Top Officials Sell Out To Anyone For Anything
A quote...."One of the interesting side benefits, if one might call it that, of the everlasting investigation into Russiagate is the window provided on the extreme corruption of U.S. politicians and government officials. It has become evident that anyone can seemingly buy political and media support for nearly anything as long as enough money is put on the table. And worse, the sell-out has clearly been going on for some time, with the disease disproportionately afflicting former senior officials that have been engaged in national security."

Absolute Proof That Our Elections Are Bought
TSMVideo - (TSMYuTb -14min51sec - Nov 5, 2017) - Source:  TRUTHstreammedia - TSM@Patreon

Google Buries 'Clinton Body Count': Search Engine Accused of Hiding Negative Stories
Google Buries Clinton's Dead - A quote...."Google has been accused of burying internet searches about an infamous list of mysterious deaths and murders of people allegedly connected to the Clintons. - The search engine altered an algorithm to prevent searches for 'Clinton body count' from auto-completing, InfoWars reports. - Yet when internet users begin to enter the phrase on the likes of Bing or Yahoo search engines, the phrase auto-completes as the top result. - On Google, stories about the Clinton body count are buried under the top results about car repair shops in Clinton." - For more on "Clinton's Body Count", and many other of Clinton's buried skeletons, see links posted below.....
WRH Flashback
Just a few reminders of Hideous Hillary's, and her family's, historic crime spree. From Michael Rivero.....
FOIA Documents: FBI Scrambles To Preserve Records In Clinton ‘Uranium One’ Scandal
A quote...."New FOIA documents are showing proof that the FBI was investigating the “Uranium One” scandal back in 2015. Now, internet sleuths are doing the job of the mainstream media, and have discovered Hillary Clinton’s IT guy trying to strip the former presidential candidate’s name from emails – and that isn’t all."

Donna Brazile Confirms Hillary Has Severe Health Problems, Delusional Clinton Camp Insists She Is Peddling "Russian Propaganda" -- A quote...."Former interim Chairwomen of the DNC Donna Brazile rocked the political world after she dropped a bombshell revealing the underbelly of the DNC, exposing Hillary's dirty tricks to secure the nomination. - It turns out that Hillary's health problems were serious enough for Donna Brazile to consider replacing her with Biden as the 2016 Dem nominee!"

Rand Paul Recovering From 5 Broken Ribs After Attack at Kentucky Home
A quote...."Rand Paul was recovering Sunday from five broken ribs, including three displaced fractures, after he was assaulted by a neighbor who tackled him from behind at the senator’s Kentucky home, officials said. - Senior Adviser Doug Stafford said it is unclear when the Republican senator will return to work since he is in “considerable pain” and has difficulty getting around, including flying. Stafford said this type of injury is marked by severe pain that can last for weeks to months."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation....

Bin Laden’s Declassified Files Vanish From CIA Website
It's A Magic Trick - (Looks like they included something they didn't want people to see.  Hopefully people downloaded them all.... and have them safely stored somewhere... before they were all... "disappeared". - mpg) -- A quote...."A trove of declassified files and documents that were obtained during bin Laden’s assassination appear to have vanished from the CIA’s official website, where they were originally published. -- The collection of some 470,000 declassified documents that used to belong to the infamous leader of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, became unavailable for browsing on Thursday, November 2, after it was published on the CIA’s official website a day earlier."

30 FBI Agents Checked into Mandalay Bay Hotel 1-2 days before Vegas shooting?
Las Vegas / Mandalay Bay - A quote...."SOTT Editor’s Note:   There are specific reasons why the FBI has led the cover-up of the Las Vegas mass shooting. - Not only was the Bureau well aware of Stephen Paddock’s activities as an arms dealer well before the massacre, they knew that his hotel room had been transformed into a virtual armory. - That doesn’t mean that Paddock had anything to do with the mass murder; he didn’t.  Paddock was set up as the patsy who knew absolutely nothing about the false flag psyop carried out at the HARVEST on October 1, 2017."

Hollywood’s Accused Harassers, Molesters, Rapists – The Rap Sheet, 67 So Far
Cesspool Hollywood - (Various) -- A quote...."As the Harvey Weinstein scandal spreads like an STD throughout the entertainment industry worldwide, as the courage of those coming forward to name names inspires similar courage in others, we cannot allow ourselves to become so accustomed to the allegations that they lose their power to outrage." - Source:  Breitbart

Harvey Weinstein Hired Private Investigators, Including ex-Mossad Agents, To Track Actresses & Journalists
Cesspool Hollywood - (Weinstein) -- A quote...."In the fall of 2016, Harvey Weinstein set out to suppress allegations that he had sexually harassed or assaulted numerous women. He began to hire private security agencies to collect information on the women and the journalists trying to expose the allegations. According to dozens of pages of documents, and seven people directly involved in the effort, the firms that Weinstein hired included Kroll, which is one of the world’s largest corporate-intelligence companies, and Black Cube, an enterprise run largely by former officers of Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies. Black Cube, which has branches in Tel Aviv, London, and Paris, offers its clients the skills of operatives “highly experienced and trained in Israel’s elite military and governmental intelligence units,” according to its literature."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts...

Interview 1315 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
CRAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (CRMp3 - 17min23sec - Nov 6, 2017) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Corbett@Patreon - Related Website:  Media Monarchy - A quote...."Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week....You can help support our independent and non-commercial work by visiting [Support/Corbett] & [Support/MediaMonarchyCom]. Thank You."

Trump In Asia: Diplomacy Or Sabre-Rattling?
RPLRVideo -- (RPLRYuTb - 16min17sec -  Nov 2, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."President Trump has begun a major tour of Asia, where he is expected to meet with the leaders of China, South Korea, and Russia. At a time when the US military has announced that the only way to rid North Korea of its nuclear program is a full ground invasion, what will Trump tell his counterparts?"

CrossTalk Bullhorns: Rigged System (Extended Version)

Must Listen CTRTVideo - CT/RiggedSystem@RT - (CTRTYuTb - 36min40sec - Nov 6, 2017) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."While the media and the Democrats still can’t get enough of Russia, Russia, Russia, the Democrats’ own dirty laundry is coming to light. Also, can Twitter be trusted? And, has the US and its allies accepted defeat in Syria? CrossTalking with Mark Sleboda, Victor Olevich, and Dmitry Babich."

Interview 1316 – Eva Bartlett Exposes the Lies on Syria
Must Listen CRAudio -- Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (CRMp3 - 31min50sec - Nov 6, 2017) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - Corbett@Patreon - Support/Corbett - Guest Website:  InGazaWordPressCom - Eva K Bartlett @ Patreon -- A quote...."Today we’re joined by Eva Bartlett of to discuss her reporting from Syria. We talk about the lies, propaganda and outright fabrications that have attempted to paint the terrorist insurgency as a “civil war” led by “moderate rebels,” including the use of children like Omran Daqneesh and Bana Alabed as unwitting icons for the fake narrative. We also discuss recommended sources for real information about what’s happening in Syria."

Episode #209 – ‘By the Rivers of Babylon’ guests Mike Robinson, Vanessa Beeley
Must Listen 21stCWAudio - EP#209Spkr - Note: May contain adult language - (21stCWSprkr - 2hrs24min22sec - Nov 5th, 2017) - Source:  21st Century Wire - SunWire@Sprkr - ASprkr@AltCrntRadio - AltCrntRadio - Guest Websites:  UK Colmn News - UKColmn's/SndCld - UKColmn's/Mp4 - UKColmn@YuTb - AltCrntRadio  & Vanessa Beeley @ YuTb - VB's The Wall Will Fall -- A quote...."Episode #209 of Sunday Wire Show resumes on Nov 5th 2017 as host Patrick Henningsen brings you this week’s LIVE broadcast on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) – covering all the top news stories both at home and internationally -- This week the Sunday Wire is broadcasting LIVE as host Patrick Henningsen is joined by in-studio guest host Mike Robinson from UK Column as we attempt to tackle this week’s breaking news including the Great Saudi Purge, the Lebanese PM Hariri’s shock resignation, Westminster’s pathetic ‘Sex Scandal’ side shows and the infamous “Pound Shop Weinstein“, along with the UK “celebration” of the 100 year anniversary of the modern disaster known as the Balfour Declaration. We’ll also talk about 21WIRE’s recent fact-finding mission to Iraq last week and Patrick thoughts on the country and their incredible victory over ISIS. Afterwards, we’ll be joined by 21WIRE associate editor Vanessa Beeley to share her thoughts on the Iraq story, as well as breaking news on Yemen and a new NGO scandal in Syria. Enjoy the show -- Subscribe & Become a Member @21WIRE.TV"
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

What Could Go Wrong?
A quote...."Everybody and his uncle, and his uncle’s mother’s uncle, believes that the stock markets will be zooming to new record highs this week, and probably so, because it is the time of year to fatten up, just as the Thanksgiving turkeys are happily fattening up — prior to their mass slaughter. -- President Trump’s new Federal Reserve chair, Jerome “Jay” Powell, “a low interest-rate kind of guy,” was obviously picked because he is Janet Yellen minus testicles, the grayest of gray go-along Fed go-fers, going about his life-long errand-boy duties in the thickets of financial lawyerdom like a bustling little rodent girdling the trunks of every living shrub on behalf of the asset-stripping business that is private equity (eight years with the Deep State-ish Carlyle Group) while subsisting on the rich insect life in the leaf litter below his busy little paws." - also posted at ZeroHedge

The Big Reversal: Inflation and Higher Interest Rates Are Coming Our Way
A quote...." According to the conventional economic forecast, interest rates will stay near-zero essentially forever due to slow growth. And since growth is slow, inflation will also remain neutral. -- This forecast is little more than an extension of the trends of the past 30+ years: a secular decline in interest rates and official inflation, which remains around 2% or less. (As many of us have pointed out for years, the real rate of inflation is much higher--in the neighborhood of 7% annually for those exposed to real-world costs.)" - Source:  ZeroHedge

Big Banks Score Win With Scrapping of Consumer Class-Action Lawsuit Rule
Banksters Win Again - A quote...."Call it a win for "the swamp." -- President Trump and Republicans in Congress handed Wall Street banks a big victory by effectively killing off a politically popular rule that would have allowed consumers to band together to sue their banks. -- The 51-50 vote in the Senate, with Vice President Mike Pence casting the deciding vote, means bank customers will still be subject to what are known as mandatory arbitration clauses. These clauses are buried in the fine print of nearly every checking account, credit card, payday loan, auto loan or other financial services contract and require customers to use arbitration to resolve any dispute with his or her bank. They effectively waive the customer's right to sue."

We Are Currently Standing Before One Of The Most Unique & Frightening* [Exponential] Periods In History.
Charts Galore - A quote...."We are currently standing before one of the most unique and frightening periods in history. Never have there been so many extremes in so many different areas. In the last 100 years everything seems to have developed so much faster, including population, technology, inflation, debt, money printing, budget deficits, stock, bond and property prices, crypto currencies etc. - All of these areas are now in an exponential growth phase. The final stage of exponential growth is explosive and looks like a spike that goes straight up. A spike for a major sample like global population or the Dow never finishes with just a sideways move. Once a spike move has finished, it always results in a spike move down." - Source:  GoldSwitzerland - *The Fed has outlawed the term "Frightening* - mpg

Elon Musk’s Financial Woes Begin to Mount
A quote...."The business empire of Elon Musk, built with the help of government subsidies, is suffering considerable financial losses as certain ventures of his appear to be unable to meet the previously declared expectations. - Elon Musk has long been hailed by as a genius entrepreneur and a pioneer of technological advancement."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster...

New Vaccines Will Permanently Alter Your DNA
A quote...."A news story tend to move in waves. It appears, retreats, and then appears in an altered form—replete with lies, cover stories, and embedded confusion. That’s why I’m keeping this story alive in its stark essence -- The reference is the New York Times, 3/15/15, “Protection Without a Vaccine.” It describes the frontier of research. Here are key quotes that illustrate the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while changing the genetic makeup of humans. This is not science fiction.... “By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.”" - Source:  JonRapport'sBlog
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More On The Banksters Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax / Carbon Currency / Scam...

Scientists And Media Continue To Spread Misinformation About Polar Bears & Walrus
A quote...."“Lies” might be a better word to characterize the misinformation that scientists and the media have been busy spreading to the public over the last few weeks. The information is either known to be false (by scientists whose job it is to relay facts honestly) or is easily shown to be false (by journalists whose job it is to fact-check their stories)." - Source:  PolarBearScience

Sunday November 5th 2017

No posts -- mpg

Saturday November 4th 2017

More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends" -- Promoting Zio-Wahhabist Terrorism World Wide....

Western Cognitive Dissonance and the Syrian Moderate Opposition: Beyond the Doublethink
Must Read - A quote...."Moderate political opposition does not involve or support taking up arms against the government, let alone against unarmed fellow citizens. This proposition would be treated as self-evident in our own country, so why are people seemingly ready to discard it when talking about Syria? Some who do so aim thereby to claim legitimacy for wishing 'regime change' upon that country, even if with little regard to the costs or actual benefits to citizens in Syria. Others who do so perhaps just don't reflect carefully enough. -- The fact is, the mainstream media narrative for more than six years now has involved what George Orwell called Doublethink.[1] The oxymoronic notion of moderate armed opposition actually came to be settled upon as the media's euphemism of choice after earlier designations had failed to carry conviction. Initial suggestions of a 'democratic uprising' became hard to sustain as an armed minority of fighters, many foreign, were manifestly terrorising swathes of the population." -- bold by website editor

Libya, Syria, Ukraine – Same Playbook, Same Puppet Masters
Must Read - A quote...."Geopolitics becomes a lot easier if we can discern repeating patterns. For example, the common thread through the crises in Ukraine, Libya and Syria is a clever but ruthless playbook of regime-change. This stratagem of toppling governments while appearing noble should perhaps be called the “geopolitics of crocodile tears.” - There were times in history when a powerful country would simply invade the weaker ones. Now the elites resort to elaborate Hollywood-style scripts brimming with inspiring heroes, sob stories and altruistic efforts. - Here are the simple facts: Libya and Syria were a tad bit too independent and successful, and thus have been targeted by globalists for a long time. Ukraine, which borders Russia, is a treasured piece on the geopolitical chessboard – get Ukraine and Crimea, you weaken Russia immensely." - also posted at BLN

Bombshell Revelation of US and Saudi Culpability in Creating ISIS Ignored by Mainstream Media....
(a.k.a More MSM Coverup) -- A quote...."Here it is, right from the horse’s mouth! Qatar’s former prime minister spills his guts about how his country worked with Saudi Arabia and Turkey under the direction of the United States – meaning then the Obama Administration – to funnel arms and money to jihad terrorists in Syria...." - also posted at StratCultFndtn

ISIS Was State-Sponsored by US Allies [Under Orders of the Trinity of Evil], Says Former Govt Intel Analyst
Title Fixed - A quote...."Contrary to conventional wisdom, the peer-reviewed paper published in the Routledge journal Studies in Conflict and Terrorism in July, confirms not only that several regional states deliberately empowered al-Qaeda and ISIS foreign fighters for their geopolitical ends, but that many of these states are ostensibly US allies in the ‘war on terror’: including Turkey, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia."

State Department's New Victoria Just Like the Old Victoria Nuland!
Another Neoliberalcon Clone?! - A quote...."Yesterday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson swore into office a new Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Dr. A. Wess Mitchell became the Trump Administration’s top diplomat for Europe, “responsible for diplomatic relations with 50 countries in Europe and Eurasia, and with NATO, the EU and the OSCE.” -- Readers will recall that the position was most recently held during the Obama Administration by Kagan family neocon, Victoria Nuland, who was key catalyst and cookie provider for the US-backed coup overthrowing the elected government in Ukraine. Victoria Nuland’s virulently anti-Russia position was a trademark of the neocon persuasion and she put ideology into action by “midwifing,” in her own words, an illegal change of government in Ukraine." - Source:  RonPaulInstitute

US Gambit: How Daesh Could Be Replaced for Continuation of Syrian War
The "New Daesh" - (What bogus name will they come up with next?? They've already gone through at least a hundred. They'll run out of the good ones soon - mpg) -- A quote...."With Syria making big strides toward victory and terrorists controlling ever-diminishing areas in the country, Muhammed Kheir al-Akkam, professor of international relations at the University of Damascus, told Sputnik how the US may meddle in the Kurdish issue. -- “The US does not want the end of the Syrian war until their goals are achieved. Their main tool for the war in Syria, called Daesh, is living out their last days. So now they are switching to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) which have to do what Daesh failed to fulfil,” Syrian political analyst Muhammed Kheir al-Akkam said. -- According to him, “the US wants to extend the war in Syria as long as possible to implement its plans in the region."" - Source:  Sputnik

My World, My Rules? US Creates Another Base in Syria, SDF Reveals
Sovereignty:  US-NRE Style - A quote...."The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) welcome the US’s ever-increasing presence in Syria, although all this technically constitutes an invasion and has never been condoned by the country’s government in Damascus. - speaking on condition of anonymity, the SDF’s senior official said that the US had created a military base in the Syrian city of Raqqa, which was recently liberated from Daesh terrorists. - The United States is building military bases in the areas freed by our forces from terrorists. We consider it to be the right strategy. Recently, America created a military base at the entrance to the territory of Raqqa, in the Jezra neighborhood,” the official said."

Is Trump Planning Escalated US Aggression in Syria?
No.... But His AIPAC/Israeli Generals Certainly Are - A quote...."According to Major General James Jarrard, head of US special operations in Syria and Iraq, 4,000 Pentagon troops are in Syria. Trump claimed 500. -- It’s an open secret that far more US military personnel are deployed in combat and other theaters, Pentagon commanders suppressing what’s vital to know. -- Trump claimed around 5,300 US troops in Iraq. The actual force may be double or triple this number. Their regional presence has nothing to do with combating ISIS, a scourge Washington supports, along with al-Qaeda, its al-Nusra offshoot and other terrorist groups, used to advance America’s imperium." - Source:  SteveLendman

Israel Considering Syria Operation in [Syria's] Golan Heights
A quote...."Tel Aviv (MEE) – The Israeli military said on Friday it was ready to protect the Druze village of Hader on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights after a car bomb killed nine people in a Druze town. - The statement was an unusually explicit Israeli pledge to intervene in the war in Syria, where Israeli officials are voicing deeper alarm at the role of Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah, which are fighting alongside the Syrian government. - Syrian state media said Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly the Nusra Front, was responsible for the bomb which killed nine people and injured 23 in southwestern Quneitra."

Israel Threatens to Launch Incursion Into Syria
"Israel" Already Has.... It's Called ISIS et. al. -- A quote...."The Israeli military has threatened to launch an incursion into Syria “to protect” the people of a village populated by the Arab country’s Druze minority, who are themselves supportive of the Syrian government. - “In recent hours, we witness the intensifying of the fighting at the area of the Druze village of Hader in the Syrian part of the Golan Heights,” Ronen Manelis, an Israeli military spokesperson, said in a statement on Friday, which was carried by The Jerusalem Post. - The military “is prepared and ready to assist the residents of the village and prevent damage to or the capture of the village Hader out of commitment to the Druze population,” he further claimed." - Source:  PressTV

Former Qatari Prime Minister Admits Funding Nusra/Qaeda In Syria With U.S. Knowledge And Approval
More On The "Confession" - A quote...."In the same week an NSA secret document was released which revealed that the terrorists in Syria were directly under the command of foreign governments like Saudi Arabia and the United States and that the attack on Damascus International Airport was ordered by KSA and supported by the U.S., a Qatari official has admitted that the tiny Gulf nation colluded with other nations to wage war on Syria, support terrorists in the country, and even support al-Qaeda/al-Nusra."
SYRIA: Turkish Charity IHH Works with Turkish Intelligence MIT to Arm Terrorist Groups
Erdogan Helped Too - A quote...."A new cache of confidential documents from a classified investigation in Turkey shows that controversial charity group the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief (İnsan Hak ve Hürriyetleri ve İnsani Yardım Vakfı, or IHH, in Turkish) has been working with the Turkish spy agency, the National Intelligence Organization (MIT), to enable jihadist terror groups."

Video From Recent Syria Attack Shows Israel Assisting, Opening Border Gate For Terrorists
"Israel" Helped Also - A quote...."It has long been known that Israel is acting in direct support of terrorists in Syria by virtue of routine aerial assaults, intelligence, and medical care. However, if there was any doubt regarding this support, recent video evidence should easily do away with that doubt entirely. - On November 3, Israel acted in direct military support of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and the Free Syrian Army by providing artillery cover as the two terror groups assaulted the Syrian government-held and predominately Druze town of Hader. The move was an attempt to break the siege of Beit Jinn, an area controlled by terrorists."
US Launches First Airstrike Against ISIS Fighters [Somebody] In Somalia
Wherever The US-NRE Goes, ISIS Goes With Them - A quote...."The Pentagon’s gradually escalating combat mission in Somalia reached another important milestone Friday - one of many that have occurred since the inauguration of President Donald Trump - when the military revealed that it had carried out the first airstrikes against Islamic State-linked fighters in Somalia." - Some selected ZeroHedge commentary posted below.....
Another Record Breaking Year for Opium Production in U.S. Occupied Afghanistan
Amerika's Drug Business Is GOOD!! - A quote...."Now officially a national federal emergency, the opioid crisis is gutting America. The roots of this complex issue lie in supply, not demand, and while we are beginning to see major pharmaceutical executives being indicted for conspiracy and bribery of doctors, we have a long way to go to turn this thing around. -- Pharmaceutical and synthetic opioids are a major part of the catastrophe, but the other side of the supply chain is actual opium, and the world’s biggest opium market just happens to be occupied Afghanistan, the epicenter of the global heroin trade. The United States military has been operating in Afghanistan as part of the war on terror for over 16 years now, and opium production in the war-torn nation continues to increase, year-over-year, coinciding with the rise of the opioid crisis." - Topix  ||  US Support - Drug Trade  || 

Saudi Jets Kill More Civilians in Sa’ada After Hotel Carnage
One Day Later.... A quote...."At least seven Yemeni civilians have lost their lives after Saudi military aircraft bombed the northwestern province of Sa’ada, which was the scene of a similar massacre days earlier."

North Korea Says US Bombers Staged Strike Drill Over Korean Peninsula
Restraint:  US-NRE Style - Imagine the corp spew outlets hyper-reaction if the North Koreans did this off the coast of California - mpg -- A quote...."North Korea says the US has flown heavy strategic bombers over the Korean Peninsula and carried out bombing drills simulating attacks on major targets in the country." - Source:  Sputnik
US to Re-designate North Korea a State Terrorism Sponsor?
Ditto - A quote...."The only significant state sponsors of terrorism are America, NATO, Israel and their rogue allies – not North Korea, Iran, Syria, Russia, Lebanon’s Hezbollah or Hamas, Palestine’s legitimate government. - Ahead of Trump’s departure on an 11-day Asian trip to five countries, including South Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam and the Philippines, National Security Advisor HR McMaster held a White House briefing. - North Korea could again be designated a state sponsor of terrorism, despite no evidence justifying it."

'The Ego' about 'Rocket-man's' nation: 'N Koreans are great people but they don't want to obey us'
They Won't "Bend The Knee" - A quote...."Trump touched down in Japan on Sunday, the first stop on his 13-day Asian tour, during which he is set to drum up support for his hardline policy towards Pyongyang. While still on board Air Force One, Trump hinted that North Korea could be put on the list of state sponsors of terrorism in the near future."
Lebanon - Hariri's Resignation - The Opening Shot Of The Saudi War On Hizbullah
Geopolitical Alert - The PNAC Protocols.... Continues....  (Lebanon is the next target) -- A quote...."Update (Nov 5, 3 am): After publishing the piece below the Saudi rulers initiated a "house cleaning" in Saudi Arabia. Many princes and businessmen were arrested. The new development wlll be covered in another piece later today. -- Four days ago we asked: Is The "Moderate Al-Qaeda" Set To Target Hizbullah?. The implied answer in that piece was "Yes, the war is coming to Lebanon." - Today the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri resigned with a statement issues from Saudi Arabia on the Saudi Arabian TV station Al Arabia (video). This is the opening shot of the war. - The Saudi-Israeli-U.S. axis will lose this war while Iran and Russia will win from it."
Expert: Hariri's Resignation is a Sign That Saudis and U.S-Israel Are Pursuing a Disastrous 'Plan B'
Related Article - Hariri's resignation is a sign that Saudis and U.S-Israel are pursuing a disastrous 'Plan B' it may also show the Saudis losing their grip on Lebanese and regional affairs. It has regional and indeed global implications. -- To contextualize the resignation of Hariri in Lebanon, we must understand the ongoing development of the liberation of Syrian land as a result of the work of the Syrian Arab Army and their allies especially that of Hezbollah, where their elected leadership has already said that soon enough there would be the total liberation of Syria from ISIS, and we have already seen it this week in Iraq now in Iraq, and we are supposed to see it again between today and tomorrow when the SAA and allies reach Al Bukamal, which is a border area between Iraq and Syria."
Hariri Resignation, US-Saudi-Zionist Plot to Heighten Mideast Tensions: Iran
Related Article - A quote...."Iran has vehemently rejected remarks by Saad Hariri, who has stepped down as Lebanon’s Prime Minister, saying his resignation and rehashing of the “unfounded and baseless” allegations regularly leveled by the Zionists, Saudis and the US are another scenario to create new tensions in Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East."
Saudi Arabia’s Armed Forces – Military Analysis
Analysis - A quote...."Saudi Arabia’s GDP reached almost 800 billion dollars in 2014 with а military budget of more than 70 billion dollars. The country that has a population of less than 30 million people and an army of 233,500 units is ranked third in the world in military spending. The technology and weaponry which is used by the Saudi military is one of the most modern one, and most of the other countries in the region can hardly compete in modernization with the Saudi’s, with the exception of Israel. Although being rich and having a highly modernized army, Saudi Arabia heavily relies on overseas partners for its security and assistance in military training and development. The main allies of this Gulf monarchy are France, the U.S. and the UK; this summer alone, the Saudis spent around 4-5 billion dollars on London’s arms expo also known as DSEI. Therefore why is YouTube full of videos posted by sparsely equipped Houthi rebels showing state-of-the-art US-manufactured weapons belonging to the Saudi military being easily blown up by Russian-made anti-tank missiles?"

Saudi Behind US Claim of Iran’s Support For al-Qaeda: Analyst
Of Course! - (Either them, or Israel and their Neoliberalcons in the US-NRE) -- A quote...."An analyst says US allegations about Iran’s support for the al-Qaeda terror group are totally “fabricated and false,” adding that Saudi Arabia has been providing funds for such "fake" stories in order to “demonize” the Islamic Republic."
Fake CIA Documents Linking Iran to Al-Qaeda
Ditto - A quote...."Iran fundamentally opposes ISIS, al-Qaeda and other US-created terrorist groups. It’s aiding Syria, Hezbollah and Russia combat them. - The notion of an Iranian/al-Qaeda link is absurd on its face, a CIA scheme to give Trump (fake) ammunition to abandon the JCPOA nuclear deal, along with perhaps a pretext to wage war on the country – implementing longstanding US regime change plans."
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media...

RussiaDidIt: Cheap Meddling, Closet Marxists and Racial Tensions
RussiaDidIt™  -- Quote of the Day -- A quote..."Are you a western journalist or analyst with an issue you cannot explain? Do your symptoms include an unwillingness to learn anything from history and an unconditional embrace of western exceptionalism? Then we have just the thing for you: RussiaDidIt! Taken in the appropriate dosage, RussiaDidIt can be used for just any issue, small and large, old and new, near and far. Call your local US embassy or EU office and order your RussiaDidIt talking points. Side effects may include total paranoia, loss of credibility and a desire to wear the EU flag as a cape." - Source:  Investig’Action

Prepare For A New Age of American Propaganda
A quote...."Government hysteria over “Russian disinformation” on the internet throughout the 2016 presidential election will serve as the justification for the U.S. to establish a new information warfare machine. -  This week, Congress listened to representatives from Facebook, Google and Twitter discuss how “Russian disinformation” agents used their platforms to attack American democracy."
Shameless, Ridiculous CIA 9/11 Falsification Aimed at Saving US Allies in Mideast: Iran
A quote...."Iran’s Foreign Ministry has dismissed new “shameless” falsification of 9/11 records by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to incriminate the Islamic Republic, saying such a futile propaganda campaign is meant to protect some of Washington’s allies in the Middle East. - “The fresh US allegations and claims against Iran are a clear example of shameless falsification to corroborate remarks by the country’s president and are for domestic consumption inside the US,” Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Saturday." - Source:  PressTV

The Trumped-Up Syria-Sarin Case
A quote...."In early 2003, it was claimed that Iraq was a threat to other countries. Despite ten years of crushing economic sanctions plus intrusive inspections, supposedly Iraq had acquired enough “weapons of mass destruction” to threaten the West. It was ridiculous on its face but few people in power said so. Establishment politicians and media across the U.S. promoted the idea. In the Senate, Joe Biden chaired the committee looking into the allegations but excluded knowledgeable critics such as Scott Ritter. This led to the invasion of Iraq." - Source:  ConsortiumeNews
Syrian Filmmaker Stages His Own 'Assassination' to Promote Anti-Assad Movie
A quote...."A Syrian opposition filmmaker has apparently been exposed as the architect of a fake attempt on his life – staged in order to promote his anti-Assad movie."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States

Zakharova: Russia Bracing for Devastating Sanctions Imposed by Mighty Maple Syrup Empire of Canada
OMG!!  What Are They Going To Do!! - (They'll have to get their critical, economy powering, strategically important, Maple syrup from Vermont and New Hampshire now! - Or perhaps develop their own?  Heck!!  Their climate is cold enough!!  Just grow some Maple Trees!! - mpg) -- A quote...."Inspired by Bill Browder's best-selling fiction-turned-legislation, "The Magnitsky Act", Canada has adopted its own list of lame anti-Russia measures. Because if there's one country that can "put Russia in its place", it's Canada. Of course."

US Boosts Special Operations Forces Presence at Russia’s Border
A quote...."The deployment of US Special Operations Forces in Europe is never in spotlight but it is rapidly increasing. There can be no other purpose than acquisition of capability to deliver strikes deep into Russia’s territory."

Famous Syphilitic Psychopath ["Jewish"] Vladimir Lenin Celebrated at St. Petersburg Conference
A quote...."The Vladimir Lenin cult is alive and well in Russia, and has been particularly in evidence this year as the country plunges into the old and fierce debates about its historical past on this 100th anniversary of Russia's Bolshevik revolution. - This Russian TV news segment reports on his admirers who gathered from all over the world to celebrate him. - The country seems to consist of three groups, those who think he was one of the most evil men to ever live, those who think he was a hero who made Russia great, and those who don't really know and are confused by the polar opposite versions they encounter (most of the population)."

Ukraine's National Bank Admits Inability To Abandon IMF's Money
Sucking From The Banksters' Teats...  Continues - A quote...."Ukraine is interested in continuing cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other international creditors, taking into account the forthcoming payments to it in 2019-2020 on debt obligations, said Deputy Head of the National Bank (NB) of Ukraine Dmitry Sologub on Friday at the Ukrainian Investment Forum." - Topix  ||  What Ukraine Can Expect If They Join The EU - A Bitter Harvest - 022114 - mpg  ||

Western aid to Ukraine Immediately Transferred to Foreign Banks – Russian MFA
The Looting.... Continues - Related Article - A quote...."The so-called Western aid to Ukraine, the money that comes as such, turns up in Western banks within a week, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova stated on air of the Russia-1 TV channel." - Topix  ||  What Ukraine Can Expect If They Join The EU - A Bitter Harvest - 022114 - mpg  ||

Nazi Poroshenko And His Military War Machine Orders Rocket/Artillery Units Back To The Front Lines

Porky the Pig, Still Killing - A quote..."With backing from NATO and the EU, the coup leader wants to bomb our cities of donbass ! - (Video)"
Zakharchenko: National Unity Day becomes holiday in DPR
A quote...."The DPR Head Alexander Zakharchenko congratulated Russian people with the National Unity Day and called the Republic a forward stronghold of the Russian World that protects culture and traditions."

DPR Signs Town Twinning Agreements With Russian Cities
A quote...."The Donetsk People's Republic and the Russian Federation signed new agreements on cooperation between the cities of the two countries within the framework of the work of the "Russia-Donbass" Integration Committee in Russia's Vladimir city. This was reported today in the press service of the DPR People's Council."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....

ISIS Deir Ezzor Stronghold Fully Liberated
A quote..."According to a Syrian military source, “(u)nits of the Syrian Arab Army, in cooperation with the allied and supporting forces, have accomplished the mission of fully liberating Deir Ezzor city from the (US-supported) ISIS terrorist organization.”"

Six Tupolev-22M3 planes, Kolpino Submarine Attack Islamic State Militants in Syria
A quote...."MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. Six Russian Tupolev-22M3 bombers and The Kolpino submarine have carried out a massive strike against militants of the Islamic State (terrorist group outlawed in Russia) in Syria, Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Friday."

Syria Summary - ISIS Loses Control Of Its Last Urban Refuge
Maps - A quote...."Today the Syrian Arab Army liberated the city of Deir Ezzor from ISIS. The last resistance ended over night. The remaining ISIS fighters tried to flee north across the Euphrates towards the area held by U.S. proxy forces. Most of them were not successful in their attempts. It will take another few days to remove the remaining improvised mines in the city and to secure the ammunition and weapons ISIS abandoned."
100 Killed After ISIS Terrorists Target Displaced People in Syria's Deir Ez Zour
A quote...." At least 100 people were killed and many more were left wounded, after ISIS terrorists detonated a car bomb on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River in the eastern Syrian province of Deir Ez Zour, on Saturday evening, Al Alam and Al Mayadeen report. - The attack comes a day after Syrian Forces declared Deir Ez Zour city (the provincial capital), to be finally free of ISIS. - The terrorists reportedly targeted a camp for internally displaced people. - Among the dead, there are lots of women and children."

SWR – Nov 3, 2017: Syrian Army Liberated Deir Ezzor City - SF $$ Rq [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt/YuTb - (SFYuTb - 2min35sec - Nov 3, 2017) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."ISIS gave up the ghost in Deir Ezzor city after the Tiger Forces and the Republican Guard had liberated the key neighborhoods of al-Hamidiyah and Sheikh Yassin and advanced on the remaining ISIS positions in Ardhi and Rashdiyah. - On November 3, the SAA retook Uthaniyah and al-Hawiqah from ISIS and liberated the entire city."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

25 Killed in Fighting Between Turkish Troops and Kurds Near Iraq Border
A quote...."Fighting was reported in Turkey’s southeast Hakkari Province on Thursday, along the Iraqi border, with at least eight Turkish soldiers killed and 17 Kurdish fighters, who the Turkish government identified as members of the PKK. - Fighting began early in the day, when PKK members were crossing through the mountains near the border and got in a clash. Five Kurdish fighters were killed, along with the Turkish forces. Helicopters were deployed to the border to look for more."

An era of turmoil coming to Saudi Arabia? Several princes and dozens of former officials arrested on "corruption charges" - A quote...." At least 10 Saudi princes and dozens of former ministers have been arrested, following orders by the newly-formed anti-corruption committee headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Saturday evening. - The committee said it’s reopening the case of the 2009 Jeddah floods, as well as investigating the Corona virus, otherwise known as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus."

Houthi-led rebels scare the hell out of Saudis after targeting Riyadh International Airport with a SCUD-type missile [Video] - A quote...." The Houthi-led Yemeni Resistance has launched a missile attack, targeting Saudi positions at Riyadh International Airport. - According to the Saudi claims, no people were injured as the misisle got intercepted. - However,  several passengers reported about a huge explosion at the Middle Eastern terminal, meaning the missile may not have been intercepted and has hit the airport. - The Houthi rebels have since claimed responsibility for the explosion since, saying they fired a long-range ballistic missile that traveled more than 800 km over the border with Saudi Arabia."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

Warzone Sweden: 11 Bombings in 21 Days
Contains PSVideo - (PSYuTb - 7min11sec - Nov 1, 2017) - Alt/FlwPlyr -- A quote...."UPDATE: NOW 13 BOMBS in 25 DAYS, See my new video: YouTube has been demonetizing most of my videos recently. If you like my work, please consider supporting real independent media: or
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

"I’m Going To Rape You Like I Rape My Daughter"....Why are Tribe Members Such Crazed Sexual Predators?
A Euro-Kharzarian Frankfort School Adherent.... And His Views - A quote...."Here's the latest Chosen One that's been outed, or rather caught perpetuating sexual violence upon women. White Gentile women are their favorite victim for some reason."

Jews Can’t Handle The Truth
That's Because...."Everything Is Relative" - (There is no "truth", just as there are no "principals".  These concepts simply do not exist in their world) -- A quote...."The jews have a stranglehold on many of the institutions that control American culture, but their grip is not unbreakable. Just like their financial (((Ponzi))) schemes, a stiff breeze of fresh air can topple the fetid jewish domination of the media and education. The genetically instilled arrogance of the jews prevents them from maintaining subtlety and restraint once they have, in their minds, solidified their parasitic control of certain sectors of a host society. They perpetuate and promote the most perverse acts of degeneracy, and encourage others to do likewise, while they feel secure in their positions as professors and producers. Any truths that penetrate the kosher academic echo chambers are met with hysterical jewish wailing and garment rending, followed quickly by mention of the holohoax, the 6 gazillion, electric belts, and bedroom furniture. Unfailingly, some shabboz goy is trotted out by his Hebraic handlers to publicly self-flagellate, tell “fellow Whites” how bad they are, and perhaps mention the evil “not-sees.”

Selected Articles: It Was Lord Balfour Who Ignited Zionism
Article List - Some articles on the Euro-Kharzarains' criminal triumph, and the tragedy  it was for the Palestinian people, and the rest of the world. - mpg

Dual Citizens Driving US Laws Against Palestinians, BDS, etc
ZOG / Traitor Alert - (US-NRE / "Dual-Citizens") -- A quote...."The Israeli American Council is a ten-year-old organization of dual US-Israeli citizens. A year ago it launched a lobbying arm, the Israeli American Coalition for Action, which has been the driving force and partial architect of anti-BDS laws passed in Nevada, California and Texas and is currently advancing similar legislation in Massachusetts.  It also helped promote the “Taylor Force Act” and other bills for Israel."

Israeli Occupation Issues 24 More Orders to Imprison Palestinians Without Charge

"Due Process" -- (Euro-Kharzarian style.  Applies to non-"Jews" only - mpg) -- A quote...."Israeli occupation authorities issued 24 more administrative detention orders against Palestinian prisoners from 25 to 31 October, reported Palestinian lawyer Mahmoud al-Halabi on 2 November. Administrative detention orders imprison Palestinian prisoners without charge or trial on the basis of “secret evidence.”

Army Attacks The Weekly Protest In Nil’in
"Right To Protest" -- (Euro-Kharzarian style.  Applies to non-"Jews" only - mpg) -- A quote...."Israeli soldiers attacked, Friday, many Palestinian, Israeli and international peace activists, holding the weekly nonviolent procession against the Annexation Wall and Colonies, in Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah, in central West Bank."

Air Canada Terminates their Main Contract with Israel Aerospace Industries - Hip Hip Hooray!!
BDS Update - A quote...."On November 1, 2017, we were informed in writing by Air Canada management that the 5-year contract with Israel Aerospace Industries Bedek Group for heavy maintenance on its B767 jets had been terminated early. That contract, reported to be worth tens of millions of dollars, was set to run until March 2019."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (26 Oct - 01Nov 2017)
Weekly Report -- A one week total of what the "Jews" do to the Palestinians.  Just a week's total.  This has been going on for over sixty years.  What would you do if they were doing this to your community, your family, or you?  Would you chicken out and leave, would you give up and submit, or would you fight?  Try thinking about it.  What would YOU actually do in such circumstances?? - mpg
Note:  The well-known descriptor "Jewish" substituted for the disingenuous and deliberately inaccurate term "Israeli" to reflect actual realities - mpg
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition...

A Currency War Will Escalate as China’s ‘Petro-Yuan’ Is Set to Challenge the U.S. Military-Backed ‘Petro-Dollar[-Fed-fiat-debt-script]’ - A quote...."One quote that always crosses my mind regarding the decline of the U.S. dollar and the state of geopolitics associated with it, is by Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Research Institute who said that “When all else fails, they take you to war.” -- As the U.S. dollar continues to lose its status as the world’s premiere reserve currency, the reality of a world war seems inevitable, especially when major countries such as China, Russia and Iran are making strategic moves to bypass the U.S. dollar in favor of other currencies such as China’s ‘Petro-Yuan’. China has made the decision to price oil in their own currency the “Yuan” by a new gold-backed futures contract which will change the dynamics of the world’s economy. China is preparing to launch the petro-Yuan later this year that will eventually threaten the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency."

China Tests Radical Magnetic Propulsion System That Could Make Nuclear Submarines Almost Silent
"The Hunt For Red October".... Chinese version -- A quote...."China has developed a new magnetic propulsion motor that could make nuclear submarines far stealthier, state media have claimed. - According to a new report, the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) has tested the country’s first permanent system of this kind, paving the way for quieter and more elusive high-speed vessels. - The new magnetic drive, if successful, could bring the Chinese navy more on par with the US and other Western naval forces."

‘Respect China’s Political System’: China Warns Trump On Eve Of His Asia Visit
A quote...."On the eve of Donald Trump’s first trip to Asia as US President the government owned Chinese English language newspaper Global Times – which is often used by the Chinese government to express views the Chinese government does not wish to state officially – has published an editorial warning Trump to respect China and its political system and to discard ‘Cold War thinking’."

Moscow Calls for New Financial System That Bypasses US Dollar
Contains Video - Alt/YuTb - A quote...."Moscow and Beijing are leading the charge against US dollar dominance, so naturally Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev saw his recent visit to China as an opportunity to remind Washington that the petrodollar's days are numbered...."

Moscow Foreign Investment Conference Confirms the Obvious: Western Sanctions Have Backfired
Contains Video - Alt/YuTb - A quote...."VTB Bank, Russia's largest investment bank, held their annual foreign investment conference last week in Moscow. - It is the biggest such conference of the year, with 2000 guests attending, mostly from overseas. Putin and many other top government officials also made appearances at the conference. - This Russian TV report relays some eye-opening facts about the Russian economy...."
The Ground Floor – Russia’s Long Term Growth Opportunity Today
A quote...."Russia's gross domestic product has advanced 2.5% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2017, unrevised from the preliminary estimate and following a 0.5% percent growth in the previous period. - It has been the strongest rate of expansion since the third quarter of 2012, as output grew firmly for manufacturing, mining, construction, wholesale and retail trade."

The BTK Rail Line Is A Key Component Of The OBOR Landbridge
A quote...."Freight trains can now travel from China through Kazakhstan, arriving at the New Baku Port after crossing the Caspian Sea on a rail ferry to be loaded onto the BTK and journey onward to Europe through Georgia and Turkey. The BTK line, which is expected to halve journey times from China to Turkey to 15 days, is undoubtedly the lynchpin between the European and Asian transport corridors, as well as being the shortest and most reliable route connecting Europe to Asia. The railway line will have the capacity to transport one million passengers annually and 6.5 million tons of freight initially, with significant increases to those figures expected in the future."

Russia to Build an Iran-India Gas Pipeline, Empire Loses Again
A quote...."For those who follow geopolitics closely you will know something about the IPI pipeline.  IPI stands for Iran-Pakistan-India.  I could write a book detailing the twists and turns of U.S. and Russian foreign policy on the history of the delays to this pipeline."

Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project
Geopolitical Analysis - A quote...."For the moment it looks as if Russian three-dimensional geopolitical chess moves in the turbulent Middle East have thrown a giant monkey wrench into Washington plans to create an independent Kurdistan. In September the Kurdish population in Iraq voted apparently overwhelmingly for creation of an independent Kurdistan that would control some of the richest oil fields of Iraq in and around Kirkuk as well. Today, a month later, Massoud Barzani, the US and Israel-backed Kurd leader, is facing a major loss of powers from the Iraq Kurd Parliament. In the middle of the fast-changing developments—whose outcome is decisive to far more than the Middle East—is Russia and the Russian state-owned oil giant, Rosneft."

Russia’s Sukhoi For All Seasons
A quote...."One of the stars of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ air campaign in support of Syrian government forces has been the Su-30SM twin-seat multi-role heavy fighter which, although designed primarily for the air combat role, proved equally effective in the fighter-bomber role."

Putin Unveils "Wall of Grief" Memorial to Stalin's Victims
A quote...."Yesterday (30 October), Vladimir Putin attended the unveiling of the ‘Wall of Grief’, a monument erected in Moscow to the victims of communist repression. This is the third major such monument constructed in Moscow this year, the other two being the Sretenskii Monastery (about which I wrote earlier) and a memorial at the former Butovo firing range."

President Putin in Tehran – Emissary of Peace and Promoter of Resistance Economy
A quote...."President Putin arrived in Tehran on 1 November for talks with the Ayatollah Khamenei. First, to cement the Nuclear Agreement of 2015 (Vienna), as far as Russia is concerned, thereby sidelining Trump’s attempt at reneging on the agreement."

Will Trump Ever Learn to Not Play Chess Against Persians
A quote...."In all of my discussions of geopolitics, whenever someone begins to bring up Iran as a bunch of savages, parroting the neocon talking point, I remind them that they are Persians. -- And the Persians invented chess. -- Lumping Iran in with the dregs of the Arab world – ISIS, al-Qaeda, etc. – is not only ignorant but also dangerous.  Because by doing that you underestimate your enemy.  And that, my friends, is always the first step on the path to defeat."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Saudi Deletes Thousands of Tweets From Detained Scholar’s Account
A quote...."Saudi activists have revealed that the security services in their country have deleted thousands of tweets from the account of detained scholar Mohamed Al-Hadeef, reported on Friday." - Source:  MEMO

The DHS is Buying a New Database To Store Biometrics For 500 Million People
A quote...."The DHS's old "IDENT" database is full, with 240,000,000 records in a system designed to hold 200,000,000; so they're paying arms-dealers and erstwhile comic-book superheroes Northrop Grumman $93,000,000 to develop a new system called Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology (HART), which will grow to encompass biometrics for 500,000,000 people, including hundreds of millions of Americans."

CIA is Pushing to Control Cyberspace, All of Us Must be Really Worried
A quote...."For a quite a while now, Western media sources have been engaged in a sort of a competition, striving to publish as many articles about so-called Russian hackers as they possibly could, while complaining about the alleged damage those unseen hackers inflicted upon the US-style democracy."

Will RussiaGate Result In [Increased] Social Media Regulation?
Of Course! - (Any excuse will do!!  They will increase regulation as they already have for many years prior to Russiagate!! - The spew outlets simply can't take the competition, and they want to shut the entire web down permanently - mpg) -- A quote...."Whether preplanned or inadvertent, one of the most likely and far-reaching consequences of the fake news RussiaGate scandal is that Facebook and other social media giants might soon come under strict regulation by the state." - Source:  OrientalReview
Twitter Reveals Genial Plan to Identify Kremlin Agents
See....! - You B'Russian, U'B'Bad - (At least according to the Twitter Twats - mpg) - A quote...."[Twitter Twats to] flag all accounts with Russian text, phone number, email, IP address, and more - During testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, a representative of Twitter admitted that his company discovered alleged Russian election interference on their platform by flagging every account with Russian text, email, phone, IP address and so on as a potential agent of the Kremlin."

Google Confirms Russia's Federal News Agency Outlet Blocked From Google News
See....! -- A quote...."A Google spokesperson confirmed to Sputnik that materials from the Federal News Agency, a Russian online outlet, are currently unavailable in the Google News aggregator, however, did not specify the reason behind the outlet’s exclusion from the service."

Google is Locking People Out of Documents, and You Should Be Worried
See....!  -- It Ain't Yours If Its Google's! - A quote...."It turns out that even your private documents can be censored online. This morning, a ton of users reported being locked out of completely innocuous Google Docs for “inappropriate content.” - Google’s abuse policy prohibits the posting of serious threats, needlessly graphic or violent content, hate speech, harassment, confidential information, pornography, and anything illegal including child exploitation and copyrighted content."
Facebook Admits To Nearly As Many Fake Or Clone Accounts as the U.S. Population
Fakebook:  All Fake, All The Time - A quote...."Amid the distraction of Facebook's blockbuster earnings this week, the company quietly admitted to hosting more phony accounts than previously revealed. - The social network upped its estimate of the portion of fake accounts from 2 to 3 percent and the number of duplicates from 6 to 10 percent, Business Insider first reported. - That means that as many as 270 million of the platform's 2.1-billion-strong user base could be fraudulent — a population verging on the size of the United States." - Topix  ||  Social Media - "We Create YOUR Reality" - 10-20-16 - mpg  ||
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The US-NRE's Euro-Kharzarian Controlled Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style...

Must Read - A quote...."What America might want to know right now is: how come Hillary Clinton doesn’t have any legal problems? Why aren’t DOJ investigators examining the financial records of the Clinton Foundation? You would think somebody would want to find out how over $120 million of Russian “charitable donations” ended up on its ledgers around the time that Secretary of State HRC approved the Uranium One deal — compared to which, Bill Clinton’s $500,000 payment from a Russian bank for giving a speech around the same time just looks like walking-around money. -- This is not to mention (well, I will) the flow of donations from Saudi Arabia pending approval of a major arms deal by HRC. Or of myriad other donations from foreign nationals tendered simply for face-time with the Secretary. Has any other cabinet officer in US history run a money-gathering org while serving? I don’t think so. Maybe the arrant selling of influence right out-front strains the credulity of government auditors. And while we’re at this, I would like to know how then-FBI director Robert Mueller and President Obama might have been informed about these activities. Or not?" - also posed at RI

RussiaGate: Soft Power Suicide of a Superpower
Must Read - A quote...."The US’ obsession with “proving” alleged “Russian meddling” in the 2016 election and America’s subsequent institutional destruction as a result will go down in history as representing the suicide of this former superpower’s soft power. - The US spent decades building up its soft power reputation as “the land of the free” and portraying itself as the most “democratic” society in the world, only to have generations’ worth of soft power investments dramatically done away with over the past twelve months as the media-manufactured “RussiaGate” scandal transforms into an institutional inquisition." - Source:  Sputnik

13 Shocking Facts About Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller
Robert Mueller:  Corrupt To His Core - Must Read - A quote...."Talking heads act like Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is fair, impartial and unbiased. - But the facts are a wee bit different...."
  1. Failure to Aggressively Prosecute the BCCI Scandal
  2. Squashing Warning Signs that May Have Stopped 9/11
  3. Allowing Escape of Saudi Persons Connected to Bin Laden - [The FBI helped fly them out]
  4. Entrapping Innocent People for P.R. Purposes - [The F.B.I.'s Constant Gardening]
  5. 9/11 Cover Up - [Reficultnias's 9/11 Central]
  6. Iraq War
  7. Torture - [US - Torture & Sex Perv.] & [9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables]
  8. Anthrax Frame-Up - [Anthrax Attacks]
  9. Unsure If Govt Can Assassinate U.S. Citizens On U.S. Soil - [But sure they can be whacked elsewhere]
  10. Crippled Investigations of Financial Fraud … Helping to Allow the Great Recession
  11. Spying on Americans
  12. Covering Up for Turkish Terrorists
  13. Gagging Whistleblowers
WOW! AG Sessions Goes Full Deep State
A quote...."[Sessions] calls for permanent spying on Americans -- Refuses to prosecute Hillary, Comey & Mueller! -- Following the Manhattan terror attack carried out by 29-year-old Uzbek national Sayfullo Saipov, where 8 died and several more were injured, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is calling for a full review to reinstate a Bush-era permanent domestic spying program."

Report: Attorney General Jeff Sessions Recuses Himself From Uranium One Investigation….
A quote...."If this stunning report is true it confirms many opinions in how AG Jeff Sessions is entirely incapable of carrying out the duty of a U.S. Attorney General.   The report comes from Breitbart Media conveying information received from congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL)."

Desperate Mueller Unveils British/FBI Sting to "Get Trump", Crowdstrike's 'Russian Hacking' Findings Unaudited
A quote...."The role of now acting (Deputy) Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who appointed Mueller after AG Jeff Sessions recusal from all campaign and Russia related matters, is also under coming under scrutiny from conservative and new media outlets. So too, are the links emerging between the various players in this soft coup tying together the Hillary funded 'dirty dossier' with the (globalist) Atlantic Council linked cyber security firm at the center of the 'Russian hacking' case: Crowdstrike."

AP Breaking News
Contains Videos - A quote...."No evidence Russia hacked DNC emails.  Guccifer 2.0 fabricated by crowdstrike."

McCain Aide Who Handled Trump Dossier Is Accused Of Dodging Subpoena In BuzzFeed Lawsuit
A quote...."Lawyers for a Russian tech executive suing BuzzFeed for publishing the Steele dossier say that a longtime associate of Arizona Sen. John McCain and two major news outlets are resisting subpoenas seeking their depositions for the case. - In a brief filed in federal court late Wednesday, lawyers for the executive, Aleksej Gubarev, claim that David Kramer, a former State Department official and McCain associate, “has been seemingly avoiding service” of a deposition subpoena for weeks."
Manafort Indictment Underwhelms, Poses No Immediate Threat to Trump
A quote...."On Monday, special counsel Robert Mueller indicted former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and business partner Richard Gates on twelve counts, including conspiracy against the United States and conspiracy to launder money, and various charges of failure to file Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), and failure to register as a foreign agent, concerning activities in the Ukraine that ended in 2014. (Read the indictment here.)" - Source:  NakedCapitalism

How Obama and Hillary Clinton Weaponized the ‘Dossier’
A quote...."The disclosure that the Clinton campaign, using white-shoe law firm Perkins Coie as a cutout, financed the so-called Steele dossier confirms what we have known all along. - The Trump-Russia collusion story was a joint invention of the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign. It enabled the Obama administration to make use of the nation’s security and intelligence services to spy on Trump and his associates and to use whatever information they thereby gleaned to try to get Hillary into the White House. The failure of the scheme didn’t stop either Obama or the Clintons." - Source:  TheDuran

Obama Admin Lied; New Memos Reveal Uranium One Exports To "Europe And Asia" Via Canada
A quote...."As the mainstream media continues to obsess over $100,000 worth Facebook ads allegedly purchased by Russian spies in 2016 seeking to throw the presidential election, behind the scenes, far removed from the sight of CNN and MSNBC, the Uranium One scandal, in which the Obama administration approved a deal that handed a Russian-controlled corporation 20% of America's uranium reserves despite the existence of an FBI investigation into ongoing illegal bribery, extortion and money laundering schemes, is slowly spiraling out of control...despite CNN's continued ignorance of the topic."

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Doesn't Deny Taking Part in Hillary's Coup to Rig Primaries Against Bernie
Heck.... She's Proud Of What She Did - A quote...."Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has responded to a searing critique running the Democrat National Committee, saying she is 'proud' of her controversial tenure but failing to address claims she essentially handed over the party to Hillary Clinton."

'It Sure Looked Unethical': Brazile Discloses Deal That Gave Hillary Clinton Control Over DNC Before Primary
If The DNC (Just) "Looks Unethical", Massive Crimes Were Involved - A quote...."The DNC and Clinton emails released by Wikileaks ultimately exposed a pattern of false statements by Democratic leaders particularly Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Schultz insisted that they were completely neutral in the primary despite every indication to the contrary. It was later revealed that Donna Brazile, who replaced Schultz, had first leaked questions for the debate with Sanders to Clinton and then lied about the incriminating emails later to the media (she suggested that they were fake)."
After Seth Rich was murdered, Donna Brazile “feared for her life”
Donna Brazile Feared Getting Arkancided - A quote...."....Brazile says she feared possible retribution from shadowy elements within the campaign and the Democratic Party who might blame her for the [DNC] leak. Her fears only intensified, she says, after the mysterious shooting of former campaign staffer Seth Rich, who the authorities said was killed during a robbery, though many so-called conspiracy theorists have speculated about a possible Democratic plot to kill Rich for his role in leaking the stash of DNC emails to Wikileaks. Brazile’s anxiety eventually spiraled out of control, to the point where she feared for her own life while serving as interim chairwoman of the DNC.

Secret Document Reveals Hillary Clinton Had Contract To Take Over DNC in 2015
Signed, Sealed, & Delivered - A quote...."The Democrat Party not only cheated to help Hillary Clinton during the 2016 debates, the liberal party also signed a contract with her campaign manager giving the Hillary Clinton campaign complete control over the party in August 2015."

Collsion: Big Three Networks Skip Donna Brazile Bombshell That DNC Was Rigged For Clinton
Corp Media Is  Silent:  (a.k.a. They're Covering-Up.... Again) -- A quote...."Disgraced former CNN contributor Donna Brazile made explosive allegations that the Democratic National Committee basically rigged the 2016 primary in Hillary Clinton’s favor, but ABC, NBC and CBS’ evening newscasts failed to cover it. -- Brazile admitted that Hillary Clinton’s campaign gained significant control over the Democratic National Committee’s finances and strategy in exchange for helping the party wipe out 2012 presidential campaign debt. In laymen’s terms, Brazile explains how the party rigged the primary for Clinton to defeat Bernie Sanders through shady financial deals – which would typically be major news." - bold by website editor
Network Newscasts Don't Mention Brazile Clinton-DNC Revelations
Ditto:  The broadcast evening newscasts on three major networks on Thursday didn't mention bombshell revelations by former Democratic National Committee interim Chairwoman Donna Brazile. -- Brazile has written in a new book that she discovered evidence that she said showed Hillary Clinton’s campaign "rigged" the Democratic presidential primary."
Let’s Not Forget That it Wasn’t Just the DNC and Clinton Campaign that Colluded Against Bernie Sanders
A quote...."....the media also conspired against him too - Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 Hours - I am glad people are now waking up, but I still can’t believe it took this long for some people to realize Clinton completely owned the DNC along with DWS and rigged the primaries against Sanders. This was 100% obvious from the beginning."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation....

Washington Stomps on Civil Liberty
A quote...."The insouciant American electorate is so inattentive that it routinely elects enemies of civil liberty to represent the public in Congress. Last Wednesday Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA), Rep. Trey Gowdy ( R, SC), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D, CA), Sen. Mark Warner (D, VA), Rep. Jackie Speier (D, CA), Sen. Tom Cotton (R , AR ), and Rep. Joaquin Castro (D, TX) tried to intimidate executives from Facebook, Twitter, and Google into blocking all digital dissent to the anti-Trump/Russian line taken by the DNC and military/secrurity complex and to serve as spy agencies for the CIA. " - also posted at ZeroHedge

Gitmo War Court Orders US General Jailed For Supporting Detainee’s Legal Rights
A quote...."On Wednesday, a judge in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, sentenced a US Marine in charge of a military court’s legal representation to three weeks of confinement and ordered him to pay $1,000 for failure to follow orders concerning a case that involved the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000." - Source:  Sputnik - For more on this issue, see articles and comment previously posted, posted again below... Topix  ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  ||
A brand new chapter in jurisprudence!! - Presenting the "Kangaroo-Kabuki-Show-Trial" - Ten times as ridiculously foreordained and unfair as a Kangaroo Court, more staged and elaborate than any Kabuki Play, while containing all the hilarious, wooden, pomposity of a Bolshevik Show Trial.  The people at Gitmo probably can't get much lower than this, but they'll try.... oh they'll try.  No wonder the lawyers didn't want to participate. - mpg
Unjustly Seized 10-Year-Old Girl Released
A quote...."Rosa Maria Hernandez is back with her parents after surgery, freed from repressive US Border Patrol custody. - She was seized from her hospital bed after major surgery, taken from her parents and doctors, prevented from getting vital post-operative care, detained ahead of deporting her – an unconscionable crime against humanity, countless others like it domestically. - Her parents brought her to America from Mexico for better medical treatment. She suffers from debilitating cerebral palsy."

Las Vegas-Based Aviation Company ‘Maverick’ May Have C.I.A. Ties
A quote...."(INTELLIHUB) — On Dec. 4, 2001, Russian officials detained four members of a Las Vegas-based charter crew who had traveled from the United States to a remote region in Russia to acquire several helicopters for the C.I.A. to use in clandestine operations."

Massive Vegas Twist: Report Puts Cops Outside Shooter’s Door BEFORE Attack Started
Las Vegas / Mandalay Bay -- A quote...."One month after the Las Vegas shooting, there are a number of remaining questions about what led up to the massacre and how it unfolded, but there are also a several questions about why the timeline continues to change drastically—and the latest change puts law enforcement outside the shooter’s door minutes before the massacre began."

7 Las Vegas Shooting Witnesses Now Dead Within 1 Month of Attack
Las Vegas / Mandalay Bay -- A quote...."One month on from the Las Vegas shooting massacre on October 1st, and we still have no satisfactory answers for horrific events that took place at the Route 91 Harvest music festival.
The mainstream media has all but given up on reporting on the attacks, now that it seems as though the public has swallowed the “lone wolf” shooter narrative, that claims Stephen Paddock acted alone in killing 59 people and injuring hundreds more."

The JFK Assassination: District Attorney Jim Garrison’s Case For A Conspiracy
JFK Assassination - A quote...."(POPEYE) In this broadcast from July 15th 1967 New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison responds to an attack by NBC News on June 19th 1967 prior to his trial of local New Orleans businessman, and possible CIA agent or asset, Clay Shaw on charges of conspiring to murder President John F. Kennedy. NBC News tried to discredit Garrison and his office in the minds of the citizens. In a desperate attempt at tainting the jury pool and making Garrison and his case irrelevant. Shaw was eventually acquitted by the jury. Be that as it may, Garrison was able to use his air time wisely and laid out his entire case for there being a conspiracy to murder President John Kennedy for the public to hear. He remains the only law enforcement official to bring anyone to trial in regards to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. To quote Jim Garrison, “let justice be done, though the heavens fall.”"

Why Was CIA Coup d’état Expert Ed Lansdale In Dealey Plaza When JFK Was Shot?
JFK Assassination - A quote...."(POPEYE) Col. L. Fletcher Prouty discusses photos of General Ed Lansdale in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd 1963. Ed Lansdale was a CIA agent whose cover title was that of an Air Force Colonel and later General, who worked directly for CIA Director Allen Dulles. Lansdale specialized in political-psychological warfare operations, and manipulation of governments. The photo of him in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd 1963 reveals a deep level of involvement with certain factions within the CIA in the planning, operational phase, cover story, and cover up of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22nd 1963. Such operations (Coup d’état) were Gen. Lansdale’s specialty."

This Week In Sex Abuse Of Children By Pedophile Catholic Priests [November 4th, 2017]
Cesspool Catholic Church -- Another week's worth of the abominable doing the unspeakable to the utterly innocent. - mpg

"He's A Pedophile": More Shocking Testimony Of Kevin Spacey's Criminal Sexual Behavior Emerges
Cesspool Hollywood - (Kevin Spacey) -- A quote...."Though Netflix pulled the plug this week on House of Cards after actor Kevin Spacey admitted to sexual assault on a 14-year old, it appears that Spacey's character Frank Underwood - a Machiavellian figure who wielded power by any means possible - may be a truer reflection of Spacey's actual personality and behavior than many in the film industry would care to admit. Yesterday multiple cast and crew members of the now defunct Netflix series came forward to tell CNN that Spacey created a "toxic" atmosphere on set in which his aggressive sexual behavior was something, as one camera assistant said, "everybody saw" - but which few formally complained about for fear that their careers would end."
Kevin Spacey Foundation For Young Artists Pulls Website, Twitter Handle
Cesspool Hollywood - (Kevin Spacey's Foundation) -- A quote...."Kevin Spacey's foundation for young artists shut down both its website and Twitter account Thursday as allegations of sexual misconduct continued to swirl around the acclaimed actor."

NYPD: Rape Allegation Against Harvey Weinstein Is "Credible", Arrest Possible
Cesspool Hollywood - (Harvey Weinstein) -- A quote...."Little more than a month since the New York Times and New Yorker published exposes about Hollywood studio head Harvey Weinstein's decades-long history of preying on women, the New York Police Department said one of its two investigations into Weinstein is nearing its end - and that it's preparing to arrest Weinstein on charges of rape."

Comprehensive List Of 78 Harvey Weinstein Victims
Cesspool Hollywood - (Harvey Weinstein) -- A quote...."Since the New York Times and New Yorker published bombshell reports detailing decades of alleged sexual harassment and assault by producer Harvey Weinstein early this month, dozens of women have come forward with similar claims against the movie mogul. - 78 women have accused Weinstein of inappropriate to potentially criminal behavior ranging from requests for massages to intimidating sexual advances to rape. Weinstein has denied the allegations."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts...

Jay Dyer - How the Elite Uses Sexual Abuse for Control in Hollywood, Politics and Media
Related RIRVideo - (y. c. rescinded) - (RIRYuTb - 37min51sec - Nov 3, 2017)  - Source:  RedIceRadio@YuTb - RedIceTV - RedIceCreations  -- A quote...."Jay Dyer is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, as well as the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast/Esoteric Hollywood. He is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive. Jay's work covers a wide variety of subjects, including metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature, and history. Jay returns to Red Ice to discuss sexual abuse in Hollywood, left-wing hypocrisy, smart cities, and much more. First, we talk about the recent developments in the Weinstein scandal. Jay tells us that we can’t be too surprised, for this type of deviancy has been a defining part of Hollywood for quite some time. We then discuss how the elite use sex to gain control over actors, politicians, and other people of influence. Later, we consider the way the Left has responded to the accusations that have been leveled against Kevin Spacey. The show also explores smart cities, artificial intelligence, and the future of human civilization."

3 Unbelievable Theories PROVED In October
Related WACVideo - (WACYuTb - 10min11sec - Oct 31, 2017) - Source:  WeRChange -- A quote...."In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Paul Manafort, Trump Russia Collusion, the latest revelations with Corey Feldman as people like Kevin Spacey and other Hollywood elites are exposed. We go over three stories that were originally theories but were proved in the month of October."

TDS215: Standard Retrospective 11-01-17
TDSVideo - Trigger Warning:  (Contains extreme non-PC terms, epithets, & concepts - Also copious quantities of harsh language, along with very sexually explicit adult themes:   You -- Have -- Been -- Warned!! - mpg) - Alt/FlwPlyr & Alt/Mp3@RSS - (TDSYuTb - 2hr8min36sec - Nov 1st, 2017) - Source:  Gustaf Johanson - PewTube - TheRightStuffShows - A quote...."INTRO "I Need To Know" Genetic Testing & Leftists Chinese Jew Studies Gays, Striker not Naming the Jew, Etc 00:55:30 Standard F*ck Party genesis Between Two Lampshades June 2015 More Chinaposting F*cking White Mail: Wallabees! Home Depot Rental Truck Of Peace 01:54:40 Minutes From The Death Camp"

Donna Brazile Backstabs [Exposes] Hillary, DNC['s Corruption] in Civil War & Diversity Visa Terrorism
RIRVideo - (y. c. rescinded) - (RIRYuTb - 37min51sec - Nov 3, 2017)  - Source:  RedIceRadio@YuTb - RedIceTV - RedIceCreations -- A quote...."Patrick Le Brun joins Henrik to discuss the civil war that now is raging inside the Democratic party, after Donna Brazile backstabs crooked Hillary. We ask why this is happening now and how this will affect the future of the party. We also discuss how the Diversity Visa Lottery enabled Islamic Terrorism in NYC."

Decloaking the DEEP DEEP State

SGTVideo - (SgtRptYuTb - 43min47sec - Oct 29, 2017) - Source:  SGTRpt@Patreon - SergentReport - SGTRpt@Steemit - SGTReport@YuTb

The Cabal And The Dollar Will Be Coming Down* [Inflecting] All At A Once:V & CJ
X22SpLghtVideo - (X22SpLghtYuTb - 44min12sec - Nov 2, 2017) - Source:   X22RptSpotlight - Related Websites: X22Report - X22Rpt@YuTb - Guest Websites:  RogueMoneyRpt - RogueMoney@YuTb -- A quote...."Today's Guest: V & CJ" - *The phrase "Coming Down" has been outlawed by the Fed - mpg

End The Fed? ... Libertarian Republicans? ... #AskRonPaul
RPLRVideo -- (RPLRYuTb - 15min45sec -  Nov 2, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."You ask...Ron Paul answers. Thanks for participating in another great edition of #AskRonPaul"

The Fed Is Safe Under Trump
RPLRVideo -- (RPLRYuTb - 15min535sec -  Nov 3, 2017) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."President Trump is great at stirring up controversies and throwing red meat to the media. He's great at keeping the left in a permanent state of hyperventilation. He's great at rallying his supporters. But when it comes to actual policies, the status quo has been maintained across the board. The warfare is safe. The welfare is safe. Even the Federal Reserve is safe under Trump."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens...

The Economic End Game Continues

Must Read - A quote...."In November of 2014 I published an article titled ‘The Economic End Game Explained’. In it I outlined what I believed would be the process by which globalists would achieve what they call the “new world order” or what they sometimes call the “global economic reset.” As I have shown in great detail in the past, the globalist agenda includes a fiscal end game; a prize or trophy that they hope to obtain. This prize is a completely centralized global economic structure, rooted in a single central bank for the world, the removal of the U.S. dollar as world reserve currency, the institution of the SDR basket system which will act as a bridge for single a global currency supplanting all others and, ultimately, global governance of this system by a mere handful of “elites.” -- The timeline for this process is unclear, but there is some indication of when the “beginning of the end” would commence. As noted in the globalist owned magazine The Economist, in an article titled “Get Ready For The Phoenix,” the year of 2018 seems to be the launching point for the great reset. This timeline is supported by the numerous measures already taken to undermine dollar dominance in international trade as well as elevate the International Monetary Fund’s SDR basket. It is clear that the globalists have deadlines they intend to meet."

The Biggest Ponzi in Human History
Must Read - Charts Galore! - A quote...."Here’s the story in a nutshell: Ultra low interest rates mark a shift away from people’s wealth residing in their savings and pension plans, and into to so-called wealth residing in their homes, which are bought with ever growing levels of debt. When interest rates rise, they will lose that so-called wealth. - It is grand theft auto on an unparalleled scale, and it’s a piece of genius, because while people are getting robbed in plain daylight, they actually think they’re winning. But as I wrote back in March of this year, home sales, and bubbles, are the only thing that keeps our economies humming. - We haven’t learned a thing since March, and we haven’t learned a thing for many years. People need a place to live, and they fall for the scheme hook line and sinker. Which in a way is a good thing because the economy would have been dead without that ignorance, but at the same time it’s not because it’s a temporary relief only and the end result will be all the more painful for it."

The Fed Said They Would Stop Printing Money But They Printed BILLIONS in October!
$GPSVideo - Alt/YuTb - ($GPSYuTb - 11min45sec - Nov 2, 2017) -- Source:  The Money GPS -- A quote...."Do you believe that the Fed is going to pull back on their balance sheet? Or will they just do a bit and then reverse course?"

US Gross National Debt Spikes by $640 billion in 8 Weeks
A quote...."The debt ceiling charade being played out every few years in Congress makes the entire world shake its collective head and pray that Congress will for the umpteenth time raise the dang thing or at least “suspend” it. The other option is a US default, the global consequences of which are too ugly to imagine, even for Congress."

The Swiss National Bank Now Owns A Record $88 Billion In US Stocks
The Best Stock "Market" Fabricated-Bankster-Debt-Script Can Levitate! - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."In the third quarter of 2017, one in which the global economy was supposedly undergoing an unprecedented "coordinated growth spurt", and in which central banks were preparing to unveil their QE tapering intentions, in the case of the ECB, or raising rates outright, at the Fed, what was really taking place was another central bank buying spree meant to boost confidence that things are now back to normal, using "money" freshly printed out of thin air, and spent to prop up risk assets around the world by recklessly buying stocks with no regard for price or cost."

Credit Check and NYSE Margin Debt – Still Getting Worse
Multiple Charts - (click this one to enlarge) -- A quote...."The NYSE has released new data for margin debt, now available through September. The latest debt level is up 1.6% month-over-month. The September data gives us an additional sense of recent investor behavior. At the suggestion of Mark Schofield, Managing Director at Strategic Value Capital Management, LLC, we’ve created the same chart with margin debt inverted so that we see the relationship between the two as a divergence."

CME’s Plan For Bitcoin Futures Mirrors Moment Just Before the 1637 tulip bubble crash, UBS says
A quote...."CME’s plan for bitcoin futures mirrors moment just before the 1637 tulip bubble crash, UBS says
UBS economist Paul Donovan said plans for bitcoin futures contract mirror the situation just before the tulip bubble burst in the 1600s - CME Group announced plans to introduce bitcoin futures contracts, pending regulatory approval - The price of bitcoin soared above $7,000 to hit a new record high."

The Us Is In Actual Fact In An Economic Depression. Only A Flawed Perspective Shields
GTLVideo - Alt/YuTb - Article & Charts Galore - (GTLYuTb - 29min07sec - Oct 31, 2017) - Source:  GordonTLong @ YuTb - GordanTLong @ MR&A -- A quote...."I argued in 110 pages that US Economic growth is not as reported because the GDP formula is both archaic and misleading. I recently posted at on September 29, 2017 an article entitled “An Archaic GDP Formula Hides the Fact the USA is Already in a Depression!“,  that gave an additional perspective on my views. - The central issue is, do you consider debt as income? I do not! - As a consequence, if you acknowledge for the sake of argument that government debt is not actual national income, the following graph is how the U.S. economy looks like excluding stimulus. This is Actual GDP excluding artificial stimulus."

Record 95.4 Million Americans Are No Longer In The Labor Force As 968,000 Exit In One Month
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."... driven by one disturbing metric: the number of people who exited the labor force soared by a near record 968,000 in October - the third highest on record - pushing the total number of people not in the labor force to a record 95.385 million, as the civlian labor force shrunk by whopping 765,000 in one month."

Malls and their Hapless Investors Keep Getting Crushed
A quote...."Investors in retail malls didn’t need another wake-up call. They’ve been wide awake all year, hearing from Wall Street that there’s no brick-and-mortar meltdown even as the shares of their real estate investment trusts (REITs) have gotten crushed by the travails of brick-and-mortar retail and the over-malling of America. But late Thursday, mall investors got another unneeded wake-up call."

Sears to Close 63 More U.S. Stores After Holiday Season
A quote...."Sears Holdings Corp (SHLD.O) said it will close 63 additional stores in the United States after the holiday season as part of its continued effort to return to profitability in a difficult retail environment. - The announcement, made to employees on Thursday and available on the company’s website, follows news last month that Whirlpool Corp (WHR.N) would stop supplying some big name-brand appliances to Sears, and a fresh cash infusion from Chief Executive Edward Lampert."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster...

How Pharma Sabotaged the Drug Enforcement Agency and Caused Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths
A quote..."Opioid-related statistics reveal the U.S. has an enormous problem on its hands. Americans use 80 percent of all the opioids sold worldwide.1 In Alabama, which has the highest opioid prescription rate in the U.S., 143 prescriptions are written for every 100 people.2 A result of this over-prescription trend is skyrocketing deaths from overdoses.3,4"