Wednesday November 30th 2016

The All Out War On "The Real", & The Entire "Reality Based Community", Is ON!!!....

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you....then you win."

Bullhorns: ‘Fake News’ (CrossTalk)
Must Listen CTRTVideo - CT/'FakeNews'@RT - CT/'FakeNews'/Mp4 - (CTRTYuTb - 24min01sec - Nov 28, 2016) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."The Washington Post comes out swinging – are you a useful idiot of Russia’s alleged media conspiracy against the West? Remembering Fidel Castro and how he changed the world. And now it’s the French who go to vote. CrossTalking with Mark Sleboda, Xavier Moreau, and Alex Christoforou."

More Fake News: Who's On The Washington Post Blacklist?
Must Listen RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 17min53sec -  Nov 28, 2016) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst -- A quote...."The Washington Post recently featured a front page article accusing over 200 websites of being part of a vast Russian propaganda campaign to steal the election from Hillary and give the presidency to Trump. Major sites like Drudge and Zero Hedge are allegedly part of this vast conspiracy, as is the Ron Paul Institute. The Post article links to a "study" by an anonymous group as its source for the wild allegation. And that source calls for a federal criminal investigation of these alternative news sources. Is this neo-McCarthyism about to turn dangerous for free speech?"

The Corporate Media’s Gulag of the Mind
A quote...."One of the most remarkable ironies of The Washington Post’s recent evidence-free fabrication of purported “Russian propaganda” websites (including this site) is how closely it mimics the worst excesses of the USSR’s Stalinist era."
"Those unfamiliar with the Stalinist era’s excesses will benefit from reading Solzhenitsyn’s three-volume masterpiece The Gulag Archipelago: 1918-1956, The Gulag Archipelago 2 and Gulag Archipelago 3."
"One episode is especially relevant to the totalitarian tactics of The Washington Post’s evidence-free accusation. Solzhenitsyn tells the story of one poor fellow who made the mistake of recounting a dream he’d had the previous night to his co-workers. - In his dream, Stalin had come to some harm. In Solzhenitsyn’s account, the fellow was remorseful about the dream." - Source:  OfTwoMinds

The Witch-Hunters
A quote...."Did you cheer on Brexit? You’re Putin’s pawn! - Are you worried about “World War III, nuclear devastation, etc.” instead of being content in the knowledge that their preferred policy – unmitigated hostility toward Russia — would “just result in a Cold War 2 and Russia’s eventual peaceful defeat, like the last time”? Well, then, clearly you’re either on Putin’s payroll, or else you’d like to be. - Other proscribed opinions include: “gold standard nuttery and attacks on the US dollar,” believing “the mainstream media can’t be trusted,” and “anti-‘globalism.’” And to underscore their complete lack of self-awareness, we’re told that additional warning signs of Putinism are “hyperbolic alarmism” and “generally ridiculous over-the-top assertions.”" - also posted at  RussiaInsider

Activist Post Admits To Being Russian Propaganda
Satire - A quote...."Activist Post has been accused of being fake news and Russian propaganda by the Washington Post and others. - It’s about time we admit it. Whoever’s behind PropOrNot figured us out. Putin is our homeboy. - A few years ago, after editing our free blog, we were riding horses with Vlad, shirtless, when he pleaded, “Will you help me stop Clinton from becoming president?” - “No problem.” we replied. “We’ll direct all of our friends in the fake news to help too.” - Images flashed through our mind of conspiring with Alex Jones and Ron Paul to determine the dank memes and clickbait headlines we’re going to weaponize."

BREAKING: Top US Columnist Applies For Russian Passport (Paul Craig Roberts)
Satire - A quote...."Dear President Putin, Now that CIA agent Craig Timberg posing as a Washington Post reporter has blown my cover and exposed me as a Russian agent, I was wondering if I might ask you for a Russian passport and a bit of diplomatic cover, perhaps assistant press officer at the Russian embassy in Washington, until I can get out of the country. I saw that you gave a passport to Steven Seagal, so I am hopeful that being a Russian agent is as important as teaching martial arts to Russians....." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media:  Its Lies & Propaganda....

The Real Fake News: Did The BBC Get Caught Fabricating News To Start A War?
For The Record - Must Read - A quote...."The press has been routinely creating fake news reports to start a war," exclaims Armstrong Economics' Martin Armstrong, pointing to a recent report exposing The BBC allegedly faking news over chemical attacks in Syria... -- What follows is shocking evidence that crisis actors, green screens, CGI, and paid propagandists are being used to fake worldwide events in order to scare people into giving up liberties and sending us into war. To say this was shocking would be to put it lightly. -- From video proof showing “dead soldiers” killed by “chemical weapons” walking around after they thought the videos stopped recording, to digitally altering sounds to add in “explosions” that never happened, this segment demonstrates some of the most damming evidence against the media ever shown on television."

How a Syrian White Helmets Leader Played Western Media
Must Read - A quote...."The White Helmets, founded to rescue victims trapped under the rubble of buildings destroyed by Syrian and Russian bombing, have become a favorite source for Western news media covering a story on Russian-Syrian bombing. Portrayed as humanitarian heroes for over the past year and even nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize last summer, the White Helmets have been accorded unquestioned credibility by journalists covering the Syrian crisis."

The CIA and the Press: When the Washington Post Ran the CIA’s Propaganda Network
A quote...."Last week, the Washington Post published a scurrilous piece by a heretofore obscure technology reporter named Craig Timberg, alleging without the faintest evidence that Russian intelligence was using more than 200 independent news sites to pump out pro-Putin and anti-Clinton propaganda during the election campaign."

This Is What A Professional Disinformation Campaign Looks Like
A quote...."Today Wikileaks published in searchable format more than 60 thousand emails from private intelligence firm HBGary. As Wikileaks reported on its website, "the publication today marks the early release of US political prisoner Barrett Brown, who was detained in 2012 and sentenced to 63 months in prison in connection with his journalism on Stratfor and HBGary. Coinciding with Mr Brown's release from prison WikiLeaks is publishing a searchable index of the HBGary emails. WikiLeaks published the Stratfor emails in 2012.""

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Ohio State Attack
Another Rita Katz Production™ - (This Euro-Kharzarian, Mossad propaganda troll, just doesn't stop!!) -- A quote...."In a not entirely shocking statement, ISIS has claimed responsibility for yesterday's OSU attacks by Abdul Razak Ali Artan...." -  Some selected ZeroHedge commentary posted below.....
  1. We get to know what sort of crazy narrative the establishment (Or in this case, Mossad/neocon) is selling
  2. We get to look marginally like an msm outlet (to avoid AIPAC lawsuits, DOS attacks, abundant trolls, etc and fly under their radar, which admittedly hasn't worked since we're on "that list")
  3. We get to make fun of it.
For the sheer joy of mocking Rita's tweets, I vote we keep posting Rita's batshit crazy terror bullshit at ZH. It might make them complacent about their messages getting across to the public." -- *YHC-FTSE*
NYT Columnist: FBI Director, Putin Installed Trump President of the US
NYSlime:  Land of the Delusional - A quote...."One of Hillary Clinton’s biggest supporters throughout the election cycle, New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman, is now claiming that FBI Director James Comey and Russian President Vladimir Putin “installed” Donald Trump."

BBC on Suicide Watch After Aleppo Civilians Seek Safety of Syrian Army
Poor BBC (Brits Buggering Children) - (They need a 'safe space', and a teddy bear, or better yet, a small child to...."hug"... desperately) -- A quote...."As the Syrian army continues to drive into the "moderate rebel" stronghold of East Aleppo, responsible western news outlets have been faced with the daunting, seemingly impossible task of turning the liberation of tens of thousands of civilians into a dark day for humanity."

Trump Fans Worldwide Are Furious Over The Edict Just Issued To Every Associated Press Reporter
AP = All Propaganda?? - A quote...."Jim Hoft for the Gateway Pundit reports ,This is crazy. The Associated Press released new guidelines for using the term “alt right” in association with Trump supporters. The new rules urge journalists to connect the group to Nazis and KKK members in their reports. Don’t be fooled – The left is doing this so they can label all Trump supporters as racists. This enables hateful liberal reporters to label all Trump reporters as evil racists."

Now Putin Has Weaponized Giant Killer Squids
OMG!!  Putin Is Arming Goldman Sachs?!?! - A quote..."Like the sinister James Bond villain that he is and always will be, Russian President Vladimir Putin is always on the lookout for random objects and abstract concepts to "weaponize". -- For readers who have lost track: Putin has already weaponized Syrian refugees, his own popularity, cockroaches, Judo, midlife crises, defense cuts, and Photoshop, among many, many others. -- And now he has weaponized sea creatures. Putin's latest endeavor involves breeding giant, poisonous squids that live in Antarctica. We know this because of the thorough work of a world-famous British tabloid"
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More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

From Bush to Trump: Culture, Economy and War. The Pillars of the New World Order
"Mechanical Game Theory" - Must Read - (It's become pretty obvious how the parasites actually "play the game" And just how predictable and mechanical their "play-action" and "play-book" have become - mpg) -- A quote...."While World War II was still raging, US strategists were already planning their next steps in the international arena. The new target was immediately identified in the assault and the dismemberment of the Soviet empire. With the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet economic model as an alternative to the capitalist system, the West found itself faced with what was defined as ‘the end of’ history, and proceeded to act accordingly. - The delicate transition from bipolarity, the world-order system based on the United States and the Soviet Union occupying opposing poles, to a unipolar world order with Washington as the only superpower, was entrusted to George H. W. Bush. The main purpose was to reassure with special care the former Soviet empire, even as the Soviet Union plunged into chaos and poverty while the West preyed on her resources. - Not surprisingly, the 90′s represented a phase of major economic growth for the United States." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

New U.S. Troops Arrive in Yemen while Saudis Kill 13 more Civilians
More US Ground Troops In Yemen?!?! -- (The "Peace Prize Prez" now has US mercenaries engaged in ground combat in how many countries?? - mpg) -- A quote...."A report says more American military forces have arrived in Yemen’s port city of Aden to join the contingent of U.S. troops allegedly fighting al-Qaeda militants in the country’s south."

CIA Created ISIS — Assange Drops Bombshell on WikiLeaks Release of 500K US Cables
A quote...."The founder of the transparency organization WikiLeaks released a statement Monday upon the release of over 500,000 diplomatic cables dating back to 1979, which succinctly reveals how the CIA was essentially responsible for creating the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group."

CIA Continues to Supply TOW Missiles to Al Qaeda Affiliated ‘Syrian Rebels’ Involved in Child Beheading
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 1min13sec - Nov 30, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."Initially, some mainstream media attempted to defend the ‘moderate opposition group’, explaining that it was a “mistake” and an isolated case. - However, under the pressure of public opinion, the US State Department was pushed to announce that the US may consider withdrawing its support from “rebels” if reports of beheading of 14-year old boy are confirmed. - Nour al-Din al-Zenki was a “CIA-vetted” group and was receiving TOW missiles through the CIA program. - The subsequent developments showed that child beheadings are not enough reason for the CIA to withdraw its support from Nour al-Din al-Zenki. - The group continues to use US-supplied TOW missiles." - Source:  SouthFront

Iraq's VP Nouri al-Maliki: Saudi Wahhabism Has to be Put in the International Terrorist List  - Hip Hip Hooray!!
FINALLY!!  A Govt Official Identifies Wahhabism As Terrorism!! - (Not anybody in the Euro-Kharzarian controlled "West" of course!! - mpg) -- A quote...."After Thursday’s terrorist attack on the city of Hillah in Iraq, the Iraqi VP announced that the purpose of these attacks, operated by the ISIS and Saudi Wahhabism, are breaking the unity between Muslims. -- Al-Maliki posted a note on his official Twitter page and stressed that the brutal crime which targeted some Shia pilgrims in Babel province, was an act against Islam and is part of a project for building discord among Muslims which is led by the ISIS and Wahhabism."

Bipartisan Hawks [Euro-Kharzarian Owned Colonial Administrators] Push for US Attacks Against Syrian Govt
A quote...."While President-elect Donald Trump has indicated he intends to shift US military involvement in Syria toward a focus on fighting ISIS, and away from propping up rebel factions to attack the Assad government. This has been a subject of debate among US officials for awhile, with the Pentagon and CIA arguing intensely over who the US should be at war with in Syria."

How the US Conceals American Military Combat Casualties in Syria and Iraq
A quote...."The US Central Command (USCENTCOM) announced the death of an American soldier in Syria last week. According to the Pentagon this is the first time a US service member lost his life in combat in this country, however such claims are questionable given that the US troops have been illegally present in Syria since a long time."

NATO’s Rear-Guard Actions
A quote...."In the military a rearguard action is defined as ‘a defensive action carried out by a retreating army’ and it is an appropriate description of the desperate scrabbling by NATO to convince the rest of the world — and especially Donald Trump — that its existence is justified." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

Iran Nearly Provokes WW3 After US Military Helicopter Flies off the Coast of Iran
A quote..."So, to recap...."
  1. A U.S. military helicopter was cruising off the coast of Iran.
  2. Some sort of weapon, from some sort of Iranian vessel, was pointed at said U.S. military helicopter, which, again, was flying off the coast of Iran.
  3. "At no point did the crew of the helicopter feel threatened".
"Bomb Iran. Early and often."

Iran: US Forces ‘Unprofessional’ in Gulf Operations
Related Article - A quote...."Responding to yesterday’s Pentagon condemnation of the Iranian navy as “unprofessional and unsafe” over claims that they’d pointed a gun at a US helicopter looming off the Iranian coast, but didn’t shoot at it, Iranian officials today insisted that the US forces are the “unprofessional” ones."

Saudis Brace for Bankruptcy, Bring Dramatic Measures to Public Sector - Hip Hip Hooray!! 
The Fed's Fiat-Petro-Debt-Note / Ponzi-Scheme....In Its Final Death Throes?? -- A quote...."A two-year drop in oil prices has inflicted a dramatic blow to the economy of one of the world’s richest countries. If no changes are made, Saudi Arabia, according to some Saudi experts, will go bankrupt in three to four years."

Sunni Tribal Fighters Demand Federalization in Iraq
Sunni Wahhabists Support The Trinity of Evil's PNAC Protocols - A quote....."For much of Iraq, the ISIS war is seen as just a continuation of the sectarian warfare between Sunni Arabs and Shi’ite Arabs which has raged in the country since the US occupation [and their successful plan to deliberately provoke the strife]. Iraq’s Shi’ite-dominated government has long sought to dispel this notion by recruiting Sunni allies.

Kosovo Spent IMF Funds on Pensions for Veterans Now Fighting For Daesh
A quote..."Over the past two decades, the Kosovar government has spent over $2 billion on payments to former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) paramilitary organization. Kosovo received the money from the United States and the European Union and since 2009 mostly from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)." - Source:  Sputnik

EU Plans Big Military Spending Increase
A quote...."The European Union today unveiled their “European Defense Action Plan,” which aims at a major military spending increase alliance-wide, with some $5.8 billion a year being set aside to acquire more weaponry, including attack helicopters and drones."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

Sanctions Against Russia: The Servile Blindness of the EU
A quote...."The European Union and its unelected oligarchs welcomed Poroshenko the war criminal to Brussels yesterday (Thursday 24 November). -- This puppet of the US and EU, "president" of the Kiev junta was in the Belgian capital to sign the agreement enslaving the Ukrainian people on behalf of the Western multinationals.* If the Ukrainians do not do not wake up, they will end up like these Romanian children working as slaves** -- the European "dream" which has inevitably ended in nightmares for the peoples taken in the net of this oligarchic dictatorship."

Azarov's New Anti-Junta Project in Moscow: Will There be a Ukrainian Government in Exile?
Government In Exile? - Hip Hip Hooray!! - A quote...."On November 27th, the first congress of the Union of Political Emigrants and Political Prisoners of Ukraine was held in Moscow. The event was attended by around 100 delegates from various Ukrainian regions, including Odessa, Kharkov, Slavyansk, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Lvov, as well as representatives from the militia of the Donbass republics. The purpose, as outlined at the congress, was to discuss the present and future of their long-suffering homeland."

Ukrainian Court Sentences Man to 8-years' Term for Anti-Maidan and Novorossiya Subscribtions in Cell-Phone
8 Years For Being Politically Incorrect - A quote...."The Security Service of Ukraine actually began executing functions of political police, or Gestapo. - At the end of this April SBU staff detained a married couple in the Lisichansk hospital. The husband brought his wife for health care as she injured a leg."

Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Set Their Sights on Lukashenko and Belarus
A quote...." In addition to the secession of Crimea and Donbass and failed economic policies, another consequence of the coup d’etat in Ukraine has been the deterioration of relations with the country’s neighbors, and not only with Russia. Ukraine’s image has been seriously tarnished in other countries as well. -- I’ve already written on Polish-Ukrainian relations many times for Fort Russ, and I hope to continue this subject, which is regularly enriched with new material. It appears that following Brexit, Ukraine is losing (albeit gradually) another important lobbyist of its interests in the European Union, Warsaw. -- Belarus has now been added to the list of neighbors beginning to treat Ukraine with suspicion, bordering on hostility."

Saving [Porky The Pig] Poroshenko? US State Dept offers $800k to Ukraine NGOs
The Smell of Fried Bacon.....Smells Like Victory! - A quote...."Washington is offering a grant of up to $800,000 to Ukrainian public organizations that will monitor regional authorities and secure ties with local media. Experts say it’s a way to keep President Petro Poroshenko in power amid declining popularity. - “[The] goal is to enhance the accountability and responsiveness of the Ukrainian government at the local level through civil society advocacy, monitoring, and civic activism,” reads a US State Department funding announcement, published this week on the website."

Voronezh Russian People`s Choir will give a concert in Donetsk capital
A quote...."On 30 November a concert is to take place in Donetsk State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after Solovyanenko of State Academic Voronezh Russian Folk Choir named after Konstantin Massalitinov,  the artistic director – National artist of Russia, professor Viacheslav Pomelnikov." - Source:  RT
US Congress to Allocate $350 mln on Military Aid For Ukraine
Moar War - A quote...."WASHINGTON, November 30. /TASS/. The US Congress is set to allocate $350 million for military assistance to Ukraine, a source in the US Senate Armed Services Committee told TASS. - The source said next year’s draft defense budget includes "$350 mln for Ukraine.""
Every member of the US-NRE's congress should be charged for aiding and abetting the illegal coup, and subsequent raiding, looting, and ethnic cleansing campaign launched by a bunch of PNAC'ing, Euro-Kharzarian, trans-nationalist, billionaire, oligarchs against the people of  Ukraine!! - mpg
Russians Almost Certainly Never Blew up That Red Crescent Convoy in Aleppo and Here Is Why
For The Record - A quote...."The White Helmets, founded to rescue victims trapped under the rubble of buildings destroyed by Syrian and Russian bombing, have become a favorite source for Western news media covering a story on Russian-Syrian bombing. Portrayed as humanitarian heroes for over the past year and even nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize last summer, the White Helmets have been accorded unquestioned credibility by journalists covering the Syrian crisis." - Source:  AlterNet
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Breakthrough in Aleppo saves 80,000 civilians, say Russian military
A quote...."This week has brought a breakthrough for the Russian-backed Syrian operation to retake eastern Aleppo, allowing humanitarian relief to be brought to tens of thousands of civilians living in the captured districts, the Russian Defense Ministry said."

West Threatens Russia Over Syrian Army Advance in Aleppo: Russian DM
A quote..."Western countries are urging to impose sanctions against Russia after 80,000 civilians were liberated in Syria’s Aleppo, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, said on Tuesday. - He recalled that, over the past 24 hours, the Syrian army had been able to liberate from militants almost half of eastern Aleppo where 80,000 civilians reside."

Jihadis Are Falling Apart as Syrian Army Makes Huge Progress in Aleppo
A quote...."The whole north of the Jihadist held part is liberated, some 40+% of the territory. A new map is here. Up to 10,000 civilians fled to the government areas. (This makes a joke out of the UN 250k claim.) The water pump works for all Aleppo are back in the hand of the government. Supply is to resume." - Source:  MoonOfAlabama

Syrian govt forces liberate ten districts of east Aleppo from rebels
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 2min52sec - Nov 28, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."More than 3,000 civilians have left the eastern part of the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo in the last 24 hours, the Russian Center for Reconciliation said. It later reported that about 40 percent of the militant-held part of the city has been liberated."

Syrian Rebels Shoot at Civilians as They Flee to Govt-Held Areas
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 4min07sec - Nov 29, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."In the Syrian city of Aleppo, over a third of rebel-held areas have been recaptured by the country's military. Thousands of civilians are crossing into government-controlled districts."

Aleppo Updates: Tears, Hugs and Smiles, the Relief of Escaping Imprisonment in East Aleppo
A quote...."The momentum has shifted in Aleppo this week as the Syrian Army begin to advance, steadily driving out Western and Gulf-backed terrorist fighters under the command of Al Nusra Front – from their occupied enclaves in Eastern Aleppo. 21WIRE will post continuous ALEPPO UPDATES as we receive information...."

SWR – Nov 30, 2016: Govt Forces Are Close to Full Liberation of Aleppo City - SF $ Rq - [Click Here]
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 3min29sec - Nov 30, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."A large buildup of pro-government forces took place in southern Aleppo. Hezbollah and Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba deployed a significant number of manpower to the area. This move has once against fueled massive speculations in pro-government media outlets that the Syrian army and its allies are going to advance in the direction of Khan Tuman. However, this move can be hardly expected in the near future."
Turkey invades Syria to remove Bashar al-Assad
Gollum Erdogan FINALLY Comes Out Of The Closet!! - A quote...."Turkey has been illegally running soldiers, artillery and infantry in and out of Syria for much of the duration of the present conflict. Now, however, the proxy and shadow war, which Turkey has been waging against the Syrian Arab Republic, has just become official. - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has just announced that Turkish troops have entered Syria with the intention of removing President Assad from power. It is a formal declaration of war."

Declaration Of War? Erdogan Says Turkish Forces Are In Syria To End Assad's Rule
Gollum Erdogan Goes Gaga - A quote...."Having stated in the past that the only reason Turkish forces are on Syrian soil is to combat Islamic State terrorists, today Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a dramatic diplomatic reversal and said that the Turkish Army has entered Syria to end the rule of President Bashar Assad, whom he accused of terrorism and causing the deaths of thousands." - Some selected ZeroHedge commentary posted below....
Turkish President [Intends] Reestablishing Ottoman Empire: Analyst
Gee Whiz.....You Don't Say - (PressTV, as good as it is, is sometimes a little late to the party. - mpg) -- A quote...."A recent remark by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the reason behind Turkey’s military presence in Syria has surprised the Russian authorities who have supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the fight against foreign-backed militancy in the Arab country. Speaking at the first Inter-Parliamentary Jerusalem Platform Symposium in Istanbul, President Erdogan said that Turkish troops have entered Syria to end the rule of President Assad. The Turkish president claimed Ankara is seeking to restore justice to the neighboring Arab nation."

Erdogan’s Statements Contradict with Earlier Russia-Turkey Agreements: Diplomat
Gollum Erdogan's Forked Tongue - A quote...."Turkish President’s intention to depose Syrian leader contradict with previously reached agreements between Russia and Turkey, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said Wednesday." - Source:  Sputnik

Kremlin asks Turkey to Explain Erdogan's Remark About Toppling Assad

Kremlin Curious About Gollum Erdogan's Forked Tongue - A quote...."The Kremlin said on Wednesday that Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's statement that his forces in Syria were there to topple President Bashar al-Assad had come as a surprise to Moscow and that it expected an explanation from Ankara."

Humanitarian Aid in Aleppo Used as Political Ploy: Russia
Shameful Behavior - (Supporting ISIS et. al. with aid, & the 'West's' so-called 'liberals' could care less - mpg) -- A quote...."Russia says the issue of aid delivery in Syria is becoming highly politicized as most UN humanitarian aid goes to the areas occupied by foreign-backed militants. -- On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria said only one percent of the UN aid supplies was being directed to the western city of Dayr al-Zawr, where at least 200,000 people trapped by the Daesh Takfiri terror group remain in desperate need of help."
UN, US Fail to Offer Humanitarian Aid to 90,000 Freed Aleppo Citizens
Of Course!! - (They had the temerity to 'leave' the Trinity of Evil's Wahhabist allies known as ISIS.  Of course they should be allowed to starve for such 'betrayal'!! - mpg) - Related Article -- A quote...."The United States, the United Kingdom, France and the United Nations have not yet offered humanitarian relief to 90,000 Aleppo citizens, liberated from militants two days ago, the Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman said Wednesday."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

3,976 Killed in Iraq During November
A quote...."The war with the Islamic State militants left at least 3,976 people dead in Iraq during November, and another 1,571 wounded. The fighting has slowed in Mosul, as has the number of casualties. In October, 5,930 people were killed and 2,463 were wounded. The Iraqi government will not release their casualty figures, so these numbers are rough estimates."
Taliban Pledges to Protect Infrastructural Projects in Afghanistan
Public Relations Campaign.....Taliban Style - A quote...."The Taliban militant group has pledged to protect Afghanistan's infrastructural projects worth billions of dollars that have been stalled for years due to the ongoing militancy across the war-ravaged country. - The group said in a surprise statement on Tuesday that it "backs all national projects which are in the interest of the people and result in the development and prosperity of the nation." - The Taliban are "also committed to safeguarding" the projects, the statement added."

Over Half a Million Afghans Displaced in 2016, UN Says
A quote...."The United Nations has reported a dramatic increase in the number of displaced people as a result of the years-long conflict in Afghanistan. -- The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Wednesday that more than half a million people had been displaced in 2016, the highest number since 2008. -- The figure also surpasses a previous record of 471,000 set last year."

Yemen's Houthi Rebels 'Form New Government'
A quote...."The Houthis and their allies from former president Ali Abdullah Saleh’s General People's Congress party announced the line-up of the 42-member body, which will be headed by former governor of Aden Abdel Aziz bin Habtoor."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

Sweden Burning:  Stockholm in Flames As Car Fire Epidemic Rages In 'No-Go' Zone
A quote...."SHOCKING footage of cars burning out in Stockholm has emerged as the fire epidemic continues to spread uncontrolled throughout crisis-hit Sweden."

Slovakia Toughens Church Registration Rules To Bar Islam
A quote...."Slovakia passed legislation on Wednesday to effectively block Islam from gaining official status as a religion in the near future in the latest sign of growing anti-Muslim sentiment across the European Union. "
Why discriminate against Islam??  Why not go after the Saudi Parasitical Family's & the other GCC Families' relentless  world-wide support for the anti-Islamic, Wahhabist, terrorist death cult??  Oh....that's right!  It's because the Saudi & GCC parasites are willing participants in the Euro-Kharzarians' Fed-petro-fiat-debt-note ponzi scheme, and the Trinity of Evil's PNAC Protocols!!  Never mind, how utterly silly this website editor is!  Just keep on participating in the mostly Euro-Kharzarian owned, Bankster Syndicate's long planned  "Clash of Civilizations" to the complete destruction of the E.U. (deserved of course) and the European people.  Who seem to NEVER learn!! - mpg
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere...

Chile-Based Court Files War Crimes Lawsuit Against Israeli Supreme Court Justices [Euro-Kharzarian Syndicate Tribunal Members] - Hip Hip Hooray!! -- A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- A Santiago-based court in Chile on Monday filed a war crimes lawsuit against three Israeli Supreme Court justices for approving the construction of the Israeli separation wall, declared illegal by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in 2004."

Blaming Palestinians for fires part of Netanyahu’s “strategy of incitement”
A quote...."Palestinians and Palestinian citizens of Israel are being blamed for recent wildfires as part of the Israeli government’s deliberate strategy of incitement, a leading rights group has said."

Israeli [Immigrant Euro-Kharzarian] Jerusalem municipality demolishes structures in Palestinian neighborhoods
A quote...."JERUSALEM (Ma’an) -- Israeli [Immigrant Euro-Kharzarian jihadist militia] forces demolished two Palestinian structures in different neighborhoods of the occupied West Bank’s Jerusalem district on Tuesday, according to a spokesperson from Israel’s Jerusalem Municipality.

Israeli [Immigrant Euro-Kharzarian Jihadist Militia] forces detain 21 Palestinians in West Bank raids
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli [Immigrant Euro-Kharzarian jihadist militia] forces detained at least 21 Palestinians during predawn raids across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem between Monday and Tuesday, according to local Palestinian and Israeli army [Euro-Kharzarian militia] sources."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

Say Goodbye to the Old Guard! EU is 'Paying the Price For Domination of Old War Horses'
A quote...."Giles Merritt, secretary general of Friends of Europe, said “rightly or wrongly”, the actions of the old guard at Brussels are being seen as corrupt. -- Mr Merritt said the European public were disgusted at how “the EU’s old war horses” dominated positions across the 28-country bloc. -- This, he said, explained the rise in populists like Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen - and it was time for the Brussels establishment to change their ways before it is too late."
Nexit: Now Netherlands Looks Set to Leave Crumbling EU Bloc as Far-Right Party TOPS POLLS
Nexit?  Related Article - A quote...."DUTCH far-right Party for Freedom (PVV) has topped the latest polls and would beat the prime minister’s ruling conservative liberals if elections were held today, sparking the possibility of a Dutch exit from the EU."

Gerexit? Merkel in Meltdown as Nearly Half of Germans Want EU Referendum, Poll Finds
Gerexit?  Related Article - A quote...."NEARLY half of all Germans want to hold a referendum on their nations EU membership – with a survey suggesting almost two-thirds of Germans are unhappy and want change in the crumbling Brussels bloc."
Debt & Deficit Outlooks for France, Italy, Spain, & Portugal
"Exits"....Weighing On The Euro-Comission, ECB, & Troika? - (Gee whiz, it looks like the Banksters are afraid of an E.U. disintegration, and are actually backing off their usual blood-sucking tactics!! -- How very....  practical of them - mpg) - - A quote..."After dragging Greece kicking and screaming through a never-ending vicious cycle of fiscal adjustment and output decline, the European Commission seems to be softening in its attitude towards other struggling Eurozone economies. - France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, among others, have all repeatedly been given extensions to reduce their debt and deficit levels after recurrent breaches of EU targets have gone unpunished, and the trend looks set to continue as our for."

Could May do THIS to BRITAIN? Public REJECTED EU in vote – but ministers decided to STAY
Brexit:  Voters Denied?? - A quote...."ALMOST 12 years ago 10 countries in the European Union decided they would allow the public to go to the ballot box to decide whether they would support the EU constitution. - But after France and the Netherlands voted overwhelmingly to remove themselves from the bloc's constitution, six other countries cancelled their referendums. - Now as pressure is on Theresa May to exercise a smooth exit for Britain to leave the EU, legal battles within the country are making a swift Brexit look increasingly unlikely. - It can be revealed that politicians in both France and the Netherlands simply ignored the will of their people after they overwhelmingly rejected Brussels."

The War On Cash Is Happening Faster Than We Could Have Imagined
War On Cash: Picking Up Speed - A quote...."It’s happening faster than we could have ever imagined. - Every time we turn around, it seems, there’s another major assault in the War on Cash. - India is the most notable recent example– the embarrassing debacle a few weeks ago in which the government, overnight, “demonetized” its two largest denominations of cash, leaving an entire nation in chaos." - Source:  SovereignManCom
Angry Mobs Lock Up Indian Bankers As Cash Chaos Soars: "We Are Fearing The Worst"
War On Cash:  From Bad To Worse -- A quote...."India's demonetization campaign is not going as expected. -- Overnight, banks played down expectations of a dramatic improvement in currency availability, raising the prospect of queues lengthening as salaries get paid and people look to withdraw money from their accounts the Economic Times reported. -- While much of India has become habituated to the sight of people lining up at banks and cash dispensers since the November 8 demonetisation announcement, bank officials said the message from the Reserve Bank of India is that supplies may not get any easier in the near future and that they should push digital transactions.  “We had sought a hearing with RBI as we were not allocated enough cash, but we were told that rationing of cash may continue for some time,” said a banker who was present at one of several meetings with central bank officials."

Modi's Bank Transaction Tax May Lead To Larger Conflicts
War On Cash:  Leads To Taxes - A quote...."The current Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has a history of racism and can be described as a neo-fascist. A more pleasant label is Hindu nationalist but that essentially means the same. -- It now turns out that Modis extremism in not confined to the nationalist bend but includes some crazy economic ideas. -- Modi decided to demonetize the country from one day to another. Every bank note valued at over US$7 was taken out of circulation. The rather crazy idea behind this is to move all monetary transactions to some electronic money systems and to then tax each and every transaction. All other kind of taxes would be abolished."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Bolivia Asserts Newfound Economic Independence, Rejects Rothschild Banks - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Must Read - A quote...."The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and US-dominated World Bank have been major players in the global economic landscape ever since their creation in 1944. These international banking organizations, which are privately controlled by the notorious Rothschild banking family, first pressure nations to deregulate their financial sector, allowing private banks to loot their economies. Once the governments are forced to bail-out their deregulated financial sector, the IMF or World Bank sets up a loan package written in secret by central bankers and finance ministers that undermine their national sovereignty and force them to adopt policies of austerity that harm workers, families, and the environment."

Nationalist Tide Poised to Sweep Europe May Bring in Grand Alliance with Trump, Putin
A quote...."Now that the British have voted to secede from the European Union and America has chosen a president who has never before held public office, the French appear to be following suit. - In Sunday’s runoff to choose a candidate to face Marine Le Pen of the National Front in next spring’s presidential election, the center-right Republicans chose Francois Fillon in a landslide." - Source:  AmericanConservative
Why France Will Definitely Have A Pro-Russian Government By April
Related Article - A quote...."If Fillon wins the party leadership contest, he will face France's far right candidate Marine Le Pen in the spring 2017 election. The prospect is a win-win situation for Vladimir Putin, with both Fillon and Le Pen previously proving themselves to be friendly toward the Kremlin."
The Most Inspiring Speech From French Leader Marine Le Pen
Contains Related Video - Alt - (YuTb - 1min39sec - Nov 28, 2016) - Source:  1791L -- A quote...."1791L - An independence collective."

Francois Fillon wins Republican party's presidential primaries in France
Related RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 5min07sec - Nov 28, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."In a year of political upsets, the French primaries are now also sending out shockwaves. The Republican party has chosen its candidate for next year's presidential election - with victory claimed by yet another outsider: Francois Fillon."

Victory For Hardline Fillon is Not All Bad News For Le Pen
A quote...." After winning Sunday's rightwing primary runoff vote François Fillon's next challenge will be to take on Marine Le Pen. His hardline views on identity and Islam may help him, but his economic plan "to tear the house down" may not. -- Most opinion polls say the far-right Marine Le Pen will almost certainly make the crucial second round runoff vote in next year’s French presidential election."
Italian Businessmen Check Out Donbass
A quote...."Italian business leaders are looking to the future and believe that after the military conflict in eastern Ukraine, the self-proclaimed republics of Lugansk (LNR) and Donetsk (DNR) will be good long-term partners."

Russian and Japanese scientists open nano-tech centre in Delhi
A quote...."Vladimir Shur, Director of Modern Nanotechnologies at the Ural Federal University, along with a Japanese Professor Sumio Iijima have opened a Centre of Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies at the Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi."

'Link You' Is Innovative Russian Replacement for Banned LinkedIn - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."A Russian businessman has created a LinkedIn analogue and launched it immediately after the well-known site was blocked in Russia. Called ‘Link You’, the site allows you to search for people of a particular occupation, and communicate with them. The new social network still does not have a mobile app, only a desktop version. Experts, however, believe the Russian equivalent will not succeed in replicating the success LinkedIn enjoys." - Source:  R&IR

The Romanovs: A Family Portrait
Great Photo Gallery - (click on a photo to enlarge) -- A quote...."Before the revolution in Russia, a popular genre was the family portrait. Parents usually sat in the center surrounded by their children, and the photographer took a number of photos. Many families had such photographs, and so now we can observe those families—peasant families, nobility, and priests' families. How greatly these photos differ from our momentary snapshots taken at holidays or outings, not always including every family member. These old photographs reflect a traditional relationship to the home and hearth, and to our close ones as a world of intrinsic value. Some of these photos taken of the Royal Romanov family have been preserved to our day. In them we can trace the history of love—Nicholas and Alexandra as betrothed, then as husband and wife, and then with their firstborn child. Finally we see them all—as we see them depicted on icons."

The Rule of Law: Putin Dismisses Senior Officials Over RAN Controversy
A quote...." Vladimir Putin has dismissed employees of the office for presidential affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Kremlin’s press service has reported. - Last week, Putin publicly recalled that at the end of 2015, he asked government representatives to refrain from participating in elections to the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN). The president also promised that officials elected to the Russian Academy of Sciences would have the opportunity to deal only with scholarly activities."

Six New Submarines Built for the Russian Navy
A quote...."JSC Admiralty Shipyards has finished building a series of six submarines for the Russian Navy's Black Sea fleet, marked with a flag lifting ceremony on the large diesel-electric submarine Kolpino, which was transferred to the Russian Navy."

Italian Army Wanted to Help the Nazis Conquer USSR -- Instead It Froze to Death on the Russian Steppes
A Historical Reminder - A quote...."Mamma mia! Why in God's name were Italian peasants freezing to death outside Stalingrad? - They should have been home eating pasta in Palermo, or veal in Venice, during that bitter winter of 1942–43. Instead, they were being trampled into the snow by waves of Soviet tanks that had materialized like demons from the freezing fogs of the vast Russian steppe. - Some Italian soldiers fought, and others fled. Many were killed, and those that weren't disappeared into the Soviet gulag prison camps. Nearly half of the Italians who fought in Russia never made it home." - Source:  NationalInterest

South Korean President resigns. After nights of Millions protesting in street
A quote...."SEOUL, South Korea — President Park Geun-hye of South Korea said Tuesday that she was willing to resign before her term ends, in an effort to head off a pending impeachment vote over a devastating corruption scandal. -- “I am giving up everything now,” she said in a dramatic televised address, offering her third public apology for the scandal that has paralyzed her government for weeks. -- But opposition lawmakers immediately rejected the offer, calling it a ploy meant to divide her political opponents and allow Ms. Park to survive in office, and they vowed to proceed with a call for an impeachment vote on Friday."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

The Blackmail Octopus
Must Read - A quote...."Intelligence agencies long ago became the “go to” resource for the rich and famous. You see, the rich and famous, politicians, sports figures, actors, famous journalists, newspaper publishers, owners of news networks and such, these people have different needs than the rest of us but, on occasion, make that “big mistake.”
"When they do, they need real help, and most of them don’t know gangsters that can murder or intimidate on demand and those who do, also know that turning your life over to amateur gangsters is risky, especially when professionals are only a phone call away."

"This is where intelligence agencies step in, groups like the Mossad but the real leader in this business is and always has been the CIA. You got a problem, the CIA can fix it so long as it is in their best interests. How do we define what the CIA believe is an “interest?” This depends on whether you see the CIA or Mossad as simply intelligence agencies or as private corporations whose business it is to manage world affairs and those little activities, such as narcotics and human trafficking, election rigging, murder for hire and false flag terrorism."
Did the DEA Nab an International Weapons Dealer, or a CIA Asset Hung Out to Dry?
A quote...."In the late evening of December 15, 2014, agents of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration descended on a hotel in Podgorica, Montenegro, to take into custody a man arrested by local authorities for arms trafficking. -- Flaviu Georgescu, an American citizen from Romania, had been in the DEA’s sights for years. A tall, heavyset man in his mid-40s with close-cropped hair, Flaviu worked as a private security contractor in Bucharest."

What Has Neoliberal Capitalism Ever Done for India?
A quote...."When India ushered in neoliberal economic reforms during the early 1990s, the promise was job creation, inclusive growth and prosperity for all. But, some 25 years later, what we have seen is almost 400,000 farmers committing suicide, one of the greatest levels of inequality out of all ‘emerging’ economies, a trend towards jobless ‘growth’, an accelerating and massive illegal outflow of wealth by the rich, and, as if that were not enough, now we have the sequestration of ordinary people’s money under the euphemism ‘demonetization’."

US, S. Korea Carry Out Joint Exercises Amid New Round of N. Korea Sanctions
A quote...."US and South Korean forces have begun large-scale air defense drills, Seoul officials confirmed on Wednesday, as concern over North Korea’s nuclear and missile ambitions grows."

Royal Navy TRAPPED in 'vicious cycle' of keeping ships 'beyond their sell by date'
A quote...."It said the fleet is being "depleted" at great cost to the taxpayer because too few new ships are being ordered too late. - The report by Anglo-American chairman Sir John Parker also called for naval shipbuilding to be shared across the UK rather than focussed on the Clyde. - It was released a week after the Commons Defence committee warned that UK defences have been put at risk by the "woefully low" number of frigates and destroyers."

What Will Canada’s Military Involvement in Iraq Lead To
Nothing But Trouble - A quote...."According to Reuters, about 200 Canadian commandos are actively involved in the ground operation to recapture Mosul from ISIS rule. According to Michael Rouleau, Canadian Special Forces Commander, troops are engaged in a ‘substantial’ number of clashes with terrorists which continues to rise. - Why is Canada sending troops to Iraq? What are the results desired by the Canadian government? And what is it willing to sacrifice?" - Source: SyriaMediaCenter

The New York Times’s Biased Obituary of Fidel Castro
A quote...."After Fidel Castro passed away Friday night at 90 years old, the obituaries written about him in the American press typified the U.S. government propaganda used for decades to demonize Castro and obscure the tremendous social and humanitarian advances that the Cuban Revolution was able to achieve in the face of unrelenting interference, subversion and destabilization. None were more over-the-top in their bias than the obituary in the New York Times." - SourceJustTheFacts

Massive Castro tribute rally held in Cuba’s Havana
A quote...."Hundreds of thousands of people have taken part in a mass rally held in tribute to recently deceased Cuban leader Fidel Castro. - The crowds took to the streets of the country’s capital Havana to pay tribute to Castro who passed away at the age of 90 late on Friday night."

Thousands Protest Brazilian President Ahead of Vote on Public-Spending Cap
A quote...."BRASÍLIA—Thousands of demonstrators on Tuesday evening staged one of the strongest protests against Brazilian President Michel Temer and his fiscal-austerity agenda, turning over cars and trying to break into the country’s Senate as police fired tear gas and what appeared to be rubber bullets."

Thousands of Nigerian Fisherman Sue Shell for Destroying Their Communities
A quote...." Britain’s High Court is set to rule on a case brought by thousands of Nigerian fishermen who say their livelihoods were “devastated” by oil spills for which the international giant Shell is responsible. -- Those bringing the case include the Ogale community of Ogoniland, which the UN’s environment programme has described as in need of “the most wide-ranging and long term oil clean-up exercise ever undertaken”."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

China To Launch "Social Credit System" To Monitor Everything From Jaywalking To Internet Shopping Activity
China's New Womb to Tomb Panopticon - (Or how they quickly regressed back to 'Communism Made Modern' -- Why the Chinese would stupidly repeat their 'Great March Backward'....again, is a total mystery - mpg) -- A quote...."In the United States "big data" is a major trend that has been adopted by almost every major retailer in an effort to figure out the precise best way to convince American's to buy more stuff they don't need.  In China, "big data" is all about population control."

‘Beacon For Despots Everywhere’: Britain’s ‘Extreme’ Surveillance Bill Becomes Law
A Dark Beacon For Despots - A quote...."Britain’s intelligence services have officially been given the most wide-ranging and privacy-invading mass surveillance powers in the world, according to critics, after the Investigatory Powers Act became law on Tuesday."

Surveillance Bill Could Push Britain Down World Press Freedom Index, Warns Watchdog
Britain Gone Orwellian - A quote...."Britain’s Investigatory Powers Act, dubbed the ‘snooper’s charter,’ is likely to drive Britain even further down the World Press Freedom Index, according to the UK head of Reporters Without Borders. - The Act, which has massively expanded invasive state surveillance powers, has attracted criticism across the political spectrum." - Source:  RT

How Much Does The FBI Really Know About You?
F.B.I. Gone Totalitarian - A quote...."The Federal Bureau of Investigations is facing a new lawsuit from EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) regarding the agency’s latest biometric identification system. The FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) system is made up of fingerprints, iris scans, faceprints, and other facial recognition data. EPIC is suing regarding the FBI’s plan to include tattoos and scars in the database." - Source:  TheAntiMedia

How Google Tried To Tip The Scales For Clinton
Google's Gaming: - A quote...."The Obama administration’s revolving door with Google has been anything but subtle over the last eight years, and a new report from a government watchdog out this week shows the Silicon Valley giant hoped to extend that relationship to what many expected would be a Hillary Clinton presidency." - Source:  InsideSources

Reddit Threatens To Shut Down Compliant Right-Wing Subreddit For “Hate Speech”, Gives No Examples Of It
Reddit's Redlining: - A quote...."Reddit administrators are threatening to “quarantine” a right-wing subreddit, which is compliant with Reddit’s content policy and user agreement, for “hate speech”, while declining to define or specify examples of “hate speech” on the subreddit."

The Conservative Purge Begins:  Apple Removes Breitbart From Their App Store
Apple's Purging: - A quote...."Democrats are furious that Americans rejected their criminal, unethical, boring and fainting far left candidate. - And they are OUTRAGED that they do not control the flow of information anymore thanks to the internet, Facebook, Twitter, and talk radio. - So rather than win on ideas they have decided to purge the conservative websites from the marketplace of ideas."

Hacker Who Helped Expose Ohio Rape Case Pleads Guilty, Faces More Prison Time Than Rapists
Hackers Pillorying: - A quote...."A Kentucky man who, in 2012, hacked into an online account for followers of a Ohio high school's football team to expose a gang rape of a teenage girl has pleaded guilty to charges associated with the hack. He is facing a longer term than the rapists."

Diaspora - Peer To Peer Social Networking!
Action Alert - A Solution?? - A quote...."Diaspora* is completely decentralized, and any person from any pod can communicate with one another! You can register at any of these other pods as well. You can also choose to set up your own pod if you'd like."

Switch from Windows 7/10 and Mac OSX to Linux Mint 18
Action Alert - Another Solution?? - A quote...."This OS is simply amazing. - I’ve installed it on several machines, from tower servers to 1GB RAm Atom netbooks, and it runs FLAWLESSLY. - Fast, stable, secure, free. - You can even run Windows in a Virtualbox VM or similar VM if you must. - But really, with Microsoft and Apple (and Goolge) being exposed as literally government departments, take back your desktop, netbook sovereignty, and personal privacy. - Get the 64 bit version if your PC is 10 years old or less, or has more than 3GB of RAM. - Get the 32 bit version if you have an older machine or an Atom netbook."

UN to Free Assange, Final Ruling Says ‘Arbitrary Detention’ Must End - Hip Hip Hooray!!
BREAKING:   A quote...."In a stunning win for Wikileaks, London and Stockholm must end the ‘arbitrary detention’ of the organization’s founder Julian Assange after the United Nations rejected an appeal by the U.K. of a previous ruling as “not admissible.”"
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

Aftermath & Analysis....

The End Of Empires: Rome Vs. America
A quote...."The year was 451, and the battle of Chalons (also known as Catalaunian Fields and Campus Martius) was fought between a coalition of Roman legionnaires, Germanic Visigoths, and Gauls against the Huns.  Flavius Aetius was the Roman commanding general, and he led his forces to defeat Attila, king of the Huns and commander of the Hun armies.  The loss caused Attila to withdraw and skirmish into Italy, but again (this time through diplomacy and concessions) he withdrew in 452, returning into what is now modern Hungary.  Attila died in 453, and the Hun menace to Europe had ended. -- Aetius had been the declining (and fragmented) Western Roman Empire’s best chance to restructure itself.  He had fought in Gaul and throughout Italy and Europe for decades, sometimes even with support from the Huns before Attila began his quest for empire.  A master strategist, tactician, diplomat, and warrior, he effectively stemmed the collapse of the Western Roman Empire for another 25 years.  In all probability, he may have been able to turn things around for a longer period of time. -- This was not to be, as he was assassinated by none other than the Emperor Valentinian III and his henchman Heraclius on 22 September 454. -- The emperor killed the very man who had protected and assured his throne, and worse: now there was no true strategist to take the reins of military command." - SourceSHTFPlan

To Really ‘Make America Great Again,’ End the Fed!
A quote...."Former Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Richard Fisher recently gave a speech identifying the Federal Reserve’s easy money/low interest rate policies as a source of the public anger that propelled Donald Trump into the White House. Mr. Fisher is certainly correct that the Fed’s policies have “skewered” the middle class. However, the problem is not specific Fed policies, but the very system of fiat currency managed by a secretive central bank."
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The Dirty, Dangerous,  Political Game...Continues....

Clinton Foundation Received Millions From Merkel Government
One Butt Ugly N.W.O. Harpy Was Helping The Other - (Anyone surprised?) -- A quote...."Back in September when the travelling press corps asked Hillary Clinton who her favourite world leader was, she was quick to name German Chancellor Angela Merkel as her top choice — for good reasons. As Clinton was praising Mekrel, the German government was busy syphoning millions to the Clintons." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

These Numbers Should SHUT UP Liberals About the Electoral College Once and for All
By The Numbers - A quote...."The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet and it should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense....."
There are 3,141 counties in the United States:   Trump won 3,084 of them.  /  Clinton won 57.
There are 62 counties in New York State:   Trump won 46 of them.  /  Clinton won 16.

Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

"In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond) -- Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country. -- These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles. -- The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles."

"When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election."

"Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country."
Jill Stein’s Vote-Recounts Aim for a Hillary Clinton Victory
A quote...."Prior to the U.S. election, Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and the Obama White House, were saying that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin was aiming to make Americans distrust the results of the November election. Of course, at that time, Clinton was considered almost certain to win. Here was a typical piece of their campaign-propaganda at that time — the time when the expectation was that if there would be any challenge to the election-results, it would be coming from Trump, not from Clinton...."

Green Party Rebels Against Jill Stein: "We Do Not Support The Recount"
Jill Stein...R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D-!! -- A quote...."In a letter penned by Green Party Senate Candidate Margaret Flowers, and signed by dozens of prominent GPUS members, the Greens have rebelled against the farcical "recount effort" conducted by Jill Stein, saying "while we support electoral reforms, including how the vote is counted, we do not support the current recount being undertaken by Jill Stein."
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The Political Game - Looking To The Future....The Good, the Bad, & The Hopeful....

The Good....

Trump Is Meeting with an Ex-bank Ceo Who Wants to Abolish the Fed & Return to the Gold Standard
End The Fed....?? - Hip Hip Hooray!! -  A quote...."As President-elect's Donald Trump's transition rolls on, more and more attention is being paid to possible selections for a variety of high-ranking positions and meetings that might help decide these appointments. -- On Monday, Trump will meet with John Allison, the former CEO of the bank BB&T and of the libertarian think tank the Cato Institute. -- There have been reports that Allison is being considered for Treasury secretary."

Trump To Pressure Foreign Governments To Probe Clinton Foundation - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Working From The Outside In, & Bottom to Top - (Classic investigatory technique - mpg) - A quote..."Donald Trump is reportedly planning to pressure foreign governments to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s financial dealings.- During one of his campaign debates, Trump said that once he was in office he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server and her involvement in the Clinton Foundation."

Obamacare Is Going DOWN… Donald Trump Chooses Tom Price as Health Secretary - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Obama(no)Care: To Be Gone....? - A quote...."WASHINGTON—President-elect Donald Trump has chosen House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R., Ga.) as his nominee for secretary of the Health and Human Services Department, according to a transition team adviser, putting the six-term congressman in charge of the sprawling agency that will likely dismantle Democrats’ 2010 health-care overhaul."

Here is where you can go for Trump's information instead of dealing with corp media spin - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Resource Alert - Donald Trump's Website - A quote...."This is the website for the Office of the President Elect and of the Vice President Elect.  This site provides public information about the Presidential transition and offers opportunities to participate in this important public endeavor.  Please check back often for updates on news, events, and programs related to the incoming Trump Administration."
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The Bad....

Steven Mnuchin Roils Bond Markets With Suggestion Of 100 Year Treasury Bond
OH YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!! - Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Barely having confirmed he will be Donald Trump's nominee for Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin proceeded to roil the bond market when the former Goldman banker told CNBC he would look at extending the maturity of future Treasury issuance, hinting at 50 and 100 Year bonds, which promptly sent long-term US bond yields surging by the most since the turmoil following Trump’s election victory."
A Euro-Kharzarian, trans-nationalist, former Squid (Goldman Sachs) member shows where all of this Trumpiness is heading!! Trump is RAPIDLY proceeding down the wrong road.  What this website editor does not understand is why only two percent of this nation's population, most of them possessing loyalties only to themselves, their crime syndicate, and their vicious, murderous, illegal enclave overseas, are STILL being allowed to ruin everyone eles's lives!!  When is this gonna stop?!?! - mpg
Trump's Treasury Pick: Another Goldman Sachs Blowhard (Who Worked for Soros)
And He Worked For Darth Sidius Soros Too?!?! - Related Article -- A quote...."Steven Mnuchin. Familiarize yourself with this name. You will hear it often, because as Trump's pick for Treasury Secretary, Mnuchin will most likely play a key role in "making America great again". -- A brief bio of our brave, new head of the Treasury...."
Trump Threatens Flag-Burning Americans With Loss Of Citizenship Or Jail
1st Amendment Violation - Trump Shoud READ & UNDERSTAND the US Constitution -- (Perhaps Trump should be given a copy, locked in a room, and not fed or let out until he can quote it verbatim!! - mpg) -- A quote...."With snowflakes everywhere across America seemingly content to burn the Stars & Stripes to protest democracy's decision to elect what they have been told is a racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, sexist, tax-fraud as president." - Update:  A "Trump Trap", or a really nice recovery from a Trump Trip?? - "Trumps Traps – The MSM falls for it again. Hillary proposed the Flag Protection Act of 2005."

Trump Allies with Israel’s Justice Minister Who Advocated Exterminating Palestinians
Trump's Criminal Euro-Kharzarian Connection - A quote...."Many news-reports indicate that President-Elect Donald Trump’s Israel policy is in accord with that of his Orthodox Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner, who allegedly allies himself with Israel’s Jewish Home Party, which favors Israel's absorbing both the West Bank and the Gaza strip and imposing upon Palestinians the full rule by Israel’s government, regardless whether they accept it or not."

Trump Reportedly Considering Sarah Palin To Run Veterans' Affairs
Caribou Barbie?? - How Low Can Trump Go?? - (One particular avid Trump supporter, a person who deeply respects "the troops" [this website editor does not -- at -- all], and a person who has been "red carded" on this website site, is going to go absolutely ape-sh*t over this.  It'll be interesting to watch. - mpg) -- A quote...."Following chatter that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin was in line for Interior Secretary, ABC News reports that President-Elect Trump is considering her to lead Veterans Affairs...."
Trump considering @SarahPalinUSA for VA Secretary-per our @shushwalshe (who wrote the book on the Palin!) -- *Tom Llamas* (@TomLlamasABC) November 30, 2016
"Palin was previously a strong supporter of the president-elect throughout his campaign. She endorsed the billionaire in January during his primary campaign, ahead of the Iowa state caucuses."

Iranophobes on Parade
Neocon / Neolib Infestation? - A quote...."One of the most discouraging aspects of the filling out of the Donald Trump cabinet is the array of Iran haters that seem to be lining up in the foreign policy and national security areas. Trump has been personally advocating sensible policies relating to Russia and Syria but he appears to have gone off the rails regarding Iran, which just might be attributed to those who are giving him advice. A reversion to the relationship that prevailed prior to last year’s signing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) between Iran and the so-called P5+1 consisting of the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain, and the European Union would be undesirable, to say the least, but that appears to be what is likely to develop. Or it could be even worse, finding bilateral support for “action” as a number of policy advisors in the presidential campaign from both parties were endorsing something like war against the Persians." - Source:  UNZReview

Trump forms a Wall Street Government to Attack Health Care and Workers’ Rights
That Sounds Very Familiar..... A quote...."Major US newspapers reported Tuesday night that President-elect Donald Trump has selected Steven T. Mnuchin, a former Wall Street banker who served as Trump’s campaign finance chairman, to be the next secretary of the treasury, the most influential cabinet position in terms of economic policy and the jobs and living standards of working people. The appointment is to be formally unveiled on Wednesday." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Trump Refuses to Sever Ties With His Business Empire
Can Anyone Say...."Conflict of Interest"? - A quote...."US President-elect Donald Trump has made clear that he will not sever ties with his vast business empire upon assuming office. The decision underscores the authoritarian and corrupt character of the incoming government and its open contempt for democratic norms."
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And The Possibly, Maybe, Sort Of, Hopeful...??

It’s Official: Trump Chooses Tom Price For HHS; Seema Verma For CMS
A quote...."President-elect Donald Trump is tapping Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) to be Secretary of Health and Human Services and Seema Verma as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, according to a release from the transition team."

Obamacare Reform? Ron's Top Three Fixes
RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 20min07sec -  Nov 30, 2016) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst -- A quote...."Healthcare reform is in the news with president-elect Donald Trump naming Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) to be his Secretary of Health and Human Services. Price has been a critic of Obamacare, and in today's program we offer Dr. Paul's top three fixes as suggestions for where to start the reform."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Former NIST Employee Speaks Out, Says Building 7 Investigation Bogus, Govt ‘Denied Evidence’
WTC7 - A quote...."A former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has stepped forward and criticized the government agency for ignoring the scientific errors found in its report on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) during the September 11, 2001, attacks. Peter Ketcham, who spent almost fifteen years working at NIST, described how the flawed investigation methods were significantly different from the normal standards used by NIST, in a letter to the editor of the respected Europhysics News magazine. Ketcham’s letter was published in the November 2016 issue and comes just months after the magazine’s August 2016 report examining the Building 7 collapse in detail, which has been downloaded over 350,000 times according to the website." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

DETROIT - 40 People Were Arrested [Protesting] Outside a McDonald’s ~ To Demand Wage Increases.
Freedom Of Protest & Assembly?? -- A quote...." Hundreds of workers seeking a minimum wage increase to $15 an hour gathered on Grand River Avenue with picket signs and loudspeakers. -- “They are a multi-billion dollar company and they can afford to help us support our families,” Dmoinique Mobley said. “I cannot support my family on $8.50.”

Civil Asset Forfeiture Racket: Cops Seize Family’s Business and Life Savings Without Criminal Charges
A quote...."A California family is the latest victim of the government racket known as civil asset forfeiture, and theirs is a particularly disturbing case. - Civil asset forfeiture is a nasty legal loophole that allows government thugs to steal your property without charging you with a crime. They can seize your cash, car, bank accounts, jewelry – and even your home or business without arresting you for doing anything wrong."

Congress Drops Plans to Make Women Register For Draft
A quote...."Congress has abandoned plans to require women to register for the draft in an annual defense policy bill. - Instead, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would require a review of the draft registration system."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Trump to Prosecute Hillary, Recount, at War with MSM, and Fake News. Michael Rivero - Nov. 28, 2016
TDN-GRVideo - (TDN-GRYuTb - 28min19sec - Nov 28, 2016) - Source:  Talk Digital Network -- A quote...."[Topics covered] Clinton and Trudeau Foundations, Castro, Farage, Bleak Friday and Banning Cash"

No, Paul Joseph Watson & Cernovich, The Alt-Right Is Not Dead
RIRVideo - (RIRYuTb - 1hr17min16sec - Nov 29, 2016) - Source:  RedIceRadio@YuTb - RedIceTV - RedIceCreations - A quote...."Henrik & Lana comment on Paul Joseph Watson's hysterical video, Is The Alt-Right Dead? Paul invited Mike Cernovich to tell people who Richard Spencer is. - This is an extended excerpt from Weekend Warrior Episode 19 available for Red Ice members."

Keiser Report: Attractive Debts (E999)
MaxRTVideo -- E999@RT - E999/AltMp4 - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min45sec - Nov 29, 2016) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb - RTShows - RT - MaxKeiser@RT - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy go on the road, in a golf cart, to talk models - macroeconomic models and how changing the model can magically make debt appear more attractive. They look at failed models like health care and the economics of 'draining the swamp.' "

Financial Writer Brandon Smith "Trump Chosen By Elite To Be Scapegoat For Massive 2017 Crash!"
RASVideo - (RASYuTb - 32min44sec - Nov 29, 2016) - Source:  TheRichieAllenShow - Richie Allen talks to Brandon Smith on the financial parasites plans for the Trump administration, deliberately "crashing" the world's economy, and economic / political systems generally. - mpg

Patrick Henningsen LIVE with guest Ray McGovern
21stCWAudio - Note:  The ads were extremely annoying.  But you can scroll forward - mpg - (21stCW & 1100KNFXFlwPlyr - 1hr - Dec 1, 2016) - Source:  21st Century Wire - SunWire@Sprkr - AltCrntRadio -- A quote...."THIS WEEK: Episode 3 – ‘Did the Russians Do It?’ The 4th Estate become a fifth column, as The Washington Post loses the plot – scapegoating Russia over Wikileaks rather than face up to the Democratic Party’s own electoral debacle. Also, will Trump drain the swamp, or simply fill it up again?Host Patrick Henningsen talks to Ray McGovern, former CIA Analyst and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) about these and many more topics."

Exposing The Hoax That If The Stock Market Rises The Economy Is Doing Well – Episode 1140
X22Audio - Ep1140/Mp3 - Ep1140/YuTb-a - Ep1140/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 39min50sec - Nov 30, 2016) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote...."Australian housing market completely implodes on itself. ADP reports more individuals getting jobs after a revision. The jobs are not manufacturing but service sector jobs. House hold debt hits 12.4 trillion as delinquencies rise. Pending homes sales fall as rates rise. Mortgage apps and refinances decline.Negative interest rates does not benefit the people. Young Senator shows the government wastes money on ridiculous projects. Exposing the hoax of a strong stock market does not translate into a strong vibrant economy. OPEC makes deal to cut oil production, which means oil prices will be rising. - All source links to the report can be found on the site"

The Coming Fall Of Aleppo: Victory For Whom?
Must Listen RPLRVideo - (RPLRYuTb - 17min42sec -  Nov 29, 2016) - Source:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst -- A quote...."The Syrian government is said to have captured up to 40 percent of rebel-held east Aleppo over the past week, raising the likelihood that this major population center will fall from rebel hands. What does this mean for the US policy of "regime change" for Syria and what does it mean for US military involvement in the country?"

Fake News List Death Knell for MSM-Paul Craig Roberts
Must Read - GHVideo - PaulCraigRoberts@USAWD - (GHYuTb - 41min34sec - Nov 29, 2016) -- Source:  GH@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog  -- Guest Websites:  Paul Craig Roberts - PCR@YuTb -- A quote...."On holding physical gold and silver, economic expert and journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who holds a PhD in economics, says, “Anyone who has surplus funds should be holding gold and silver because the dollar should be reduced already to the level of toilet paper. The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has exploded. It’s grown so much. So, you have this massive increase in supply of money, but not in goods and services. The reason we are not experiencing hyperinflation is not much of that money got into the economy. It went into financial assets and bid up stock prices, bond prices and real estate prices. . . . If the world turns on the dollar, the Fed is not going to be able to sustain it. Gold and silver have always been money. . . . If people don’t want the currency because it’s worthless, it’s nice to have something to engage in trade with until some new monetary system can be formed. I think it is very reckless to abuse the dollar the way it has been abused.” - Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, founder of"
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

What These ‘Mysterious Deaths’ Tell Us About Our Global Banking System
A quote...."David Rossi picked a painful way to commit suicide. - On March 6, 2013, the successful 51-year-old bank executive apparently jumped backwards out of his third-story office window. He landed on his back 30 feet below in the cobblestone alley behind his office. - If this sounds suspicious to you, you’re not alone. Rossi’s wife, Antonella, believes he was murdered. She says he was killed because he “knew too much.” The facts seem to back up her claim."

[US] Subprime Auto-Loan Delinquencies Surge to NY Fed’s Attention
You Have To Pay It Back?? - (Who would've thunk such a thing?!?) -- Six million Americans are 90-plus days delinquent. -- The increasingly turbulent sector of subprime auto loans bubbled to the attention of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. In its Liberty Street Economics, it worries about the “notable deterioration in the performance of subprime auto loans” – Fed speak for the momentum with which these loans are going to heck."

[US] Pending Home Sales Stall Even Before Mortgage Rates Spiked
Charts - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."This is made more troublesome since these sales occurred before the election, before the mortgage rate exploded higher and before mortgage applications collapsed..."

[US] Mortgage Refinancings Collapse To 2016 Lows As Rates Top 4.00%
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Mortgage applications tumbled 9.4% from the prior week as mortgage rates soared above 4.00% to the highest level since July 2015. The biggest driver of the decline in mortgage demand was a 16% crash in refinances - tumbling to their lowest level since the first week of January (a seasonally dismal time)."

China Liquidity Crisis Deepens, Spreads Across Asia
Chart - (click on each to enlarge) -- A quote...."Having exposed the deepening liquidity crisis in China previously, tonight's action across AsiaPac money-markets suggests - despite US equity record highs - all is very much not well below the surface of the global financial system. Short-term China repo rates have exploded to 20-month highs, Hong Kong Dollar money-market rates have jumped to the highest since May 2009, and Yen basis swaps are showing the most extreme demand for dollars since Lehman..."

Aussie Housing Market Collapses: Building Approvals Crash 25%
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- Related Article? - A quote...."Following September's 9.3% MoM plunge in Aussie home approvals, hopes were high that October would see a bounce (expectations were for a 2% gain) as central bankers jawboned confidence higher. However, it didn't... Building approvals collapsed 12.6% MoM and a shocking 24.9% year-over-year decline is equal to the worst drop since Lehman. Ironically, just this month Aussie Treasurer eased restrictions on foreign buyers (otherwise known as bag holders it would seem)."

Things Are Getting Serious in Mexico’s Corporate Debt Crisis, Fearing “A Large-scale Crisis” In F.X.

A quote...."Since central banks embarked on their madcap ZIRP and QE during the Financial Crisis, emerging-market companies have not been able to resist the fatal allure of cheap dollar debt. As the good times rolled, the risks were ignored." - Source:  WolfStreet

Judging By Their Stock Markets, The Economies Of These Two Nations Must Be Doing Great
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."As the public is told day after day by mainstream media, if stock prices are up in America, it is an indication that all is well in the economy... consumers can consume, investors can invest, and producers can produce as confident citizens gorge on ever more credit (because everything is awesome). So we wonder what the 'CNBC' of these two countries would be saying about their stock markets' massive outperformance..."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

"The Results From the First Ever Study Comparing Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Children Are In…”
A quote...."One is left to draw their own conclusions as to the why this study was taken down. According to the abstract — published online in Frontiers in Public Health after being accepted November 21 — reported findings from anonymous online questionnaires completed by 415 mothers of home-schooled children 6-12 years old. Nearly 40 percent of children had not been vaccinated, and those that had were three times more likely to be diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, the study found."
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More On The Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax Scam....

Scott and Shackleton logbooks prove Antarctic sea ice is not shrinking 100 years after expeditions
A quote...."Antarctic sea ice had barely changed from where it was 100 years ago, scientists have discovered, after poring over the logbooks of great polar explorers such as Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton."

Today’s Arctic Compares with 150 Years Ago
A quote...."Researchers found that ice conditions in the 19th century were remarkably similar to today’s, observations falling within normal variability. The study is Accounts from 19th-century Canadian Arctic Explorers’ Logs Reflect Present Climate Conditions (here) by James E. Overland, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory/NOAA, Seattle,Wash., and Kevin Wood, Arctic Research Office/NOAA, Silver Spring, Md.   H/t GWPF" - ScienceMatters
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Technological Tid-Bits....

The Universe Has 10 Times More Galaxies Than Scientists Thought
A quote...."More than a trillion galaxies are lurking in the depths of space, a new census of galaxies in the observable universe has found — 10 times more galaxies than were previously thought to exist."

Tuesday November 29th 2016

No posts - mpg

Monday November 28th 2016

The All Out War On "The Real", & The Entire "Reality Based Community", Is ON!!!....

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you....then you win."

The Western War On Truth — Paul Craig Roberts
Must Read - A quote...."The “war on terror” has simultaneously been a war on truth. For fifteen years—from 9/11 to Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction” and “al Qaeda connections,” “Iranian nukes,” “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” endless lies about Gadaffi, “Russian invasion of Ukraine”—the governments of the so-called Western democracies have found it essential to align themselves firmly with lies in order to pursue their agendas. Now these Western governments are attempting to discredit the truthtellers who challenge their lies." - also posted at ZeroHedge

The Lying Washington Post Gets Exposed, And All Major U.S. ‘News’ Media Refuse to Report It
WaPo - (What A Pile Of [Expletive Deleted]) -- A quote...."WHO EXACTLY IS behind PropOrNot, where it gets its funding, and whether or not it is tied to any governments is a complete mystery. The Intercept also sent inquiries to the Post’s Craig Timberg asking these questions, and asking whether he thinks it is fair to label left-wing news sites like Truthout “Russian propaganda outlets.” Timberg replied: “I’m sorry, I can’t comment about stories I’ve written for the Post.” - As is so often the case, journalists — who constantly demand transparency from everyone else — refuse to provide even the most basic levels for themselves. When subjected to scrutiny, they reflexively adopt the language of the most secrecy-happy national security agencies: We do not comment on what we do."
Ron Paul Lashes Out At WaPo's Witch Hunt: "Expect Such Attacks To Continue"
Ditto - A quote...."The Washington Post has a history of misrepresenting Ron Paul’s views. Last year the supposed newspaper of record ran a feature article by David A. Fahrenthold in which Fahrenthold grossly mischaracterized Paul as an advocate for calamity, oppression, and poverty — the opposite of the goals Paul routinely expresses and, indeed, expressed clearly in a speech at the event upon which Fahrenthold’s article purported to report. Such fraudulent attacks on the prominent advocate for liberty and a noninterventionist foreign policy fall in line with the newspaper’s agenda. As Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob G. Hornberger put it in a February editorial, the Post’s agenda is guided by “the interventionist mindset that undergirds the mainstream media.”
WaPo Blasted Online For Article Accusing Russia of ‘Sophisticated’ US Election Propaganda
Double Ditto - A quote...."The Washington Post was blasted on social media for its latest hit-piece claiming a “sophisticated [Russian] propaganda campaign” influenced the US presidential election. Citing a Cold War think tank and an anonymous ‘anti-propaganda’ group, the piece used the word ‘propaganda’ 20 times."
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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media:  Its Lies & Propaganda....

Fake News Alert: CNN Finally Admits White Helmets Staged Fake Video
CNN Busted!! -- CNN Finally Confesses - A quote...."CNN, among many other establishment media platforms, has long promoted the US-European funded “Syrian Civil Defence” also known as the “White Helmets.”" - Source:  LandDstryRpt - For more on CNN's less criminally liable terrorist supporting foibles, see links posted below.....
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More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

20 Million Muslims March Against ISIS in Iraq, Mainstream Media Completely Ignores It
Must Read - A quote...."In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world, tens of millions of Shia Muslims made an incredibly heartening statement, by risking their lives to travel through war-stricken areas to openly defy ISIS. This massive event that would have undoubtedly helped to ease tensions in the West was almost entirely ignored by corporate media. - Women, men, elderly, and children made their way to the city of Karbala on Sunday and Monday last week for the holy day of Arbaeen. Arbaeen is the event which marks the end of the 40-day mourning period following Ashura, the religious ritual that commemorates the death of the Prophet Mohammad's grandson Imam Hussein in 680 AD."

Obama Expands Global War on Terror to Somalia
The Banksters' Bathhouse Butt Boy is Targeting Somalia - A quote...."With just over a month left in office, President Obama has once again expanded America’s global war on terror, announcing that he has formally added Somali militant faction al-Shabaab into the “perpetrators of 9/11” war authorization from back in 2001."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

Russia Opens Criminal Cases Against 6 More Ukrainian Army [Ukraine Regime Mecenary] Commanders
A quote...."Russian opens criminal case over crimes committed by Ukraine’s law enforcement agencies [Kiev regime's criminal pseudo-gangs] writes TASS News on Monday. The Russian Investigative Committee has initiated criminal proceedings over crimes committed by the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies in the Donbass region, the committee’s spokesperson, Svetlana Petrenko, told TASS on Monday."
Donetsk Authorities to Organize Free Trips to DPR Main Christmas Tree for Children From Front-Line Zones
A quote...."The children from the front-line districts of the capital of the Donetsk People’s Republic will be able to visit the Christmas tree of the Republic for free. Busses for an excursion will be organized by the City Hall, Aleksei Kulemzin, the acting head of the administration of Donetsk City states."

Artists for the Donetsk People's Republic - Press-conference with A. Zakharchenko
A quote...."On Sunday, November 27, a press-conference took place with the Head of Donetsk People`s Republic Aleksander Zakharchenko and the guests of the DPR – rock musicians Aleksander Sklyar and Dzhango (Aleksei Poddubny) and the writer, Zakhar Prilepin."

Straddling the Dniester: Will Moldova's Dodon besiege or befriend Transnistria?
A quote...."Following the victory of Igor Dodon in presidential elections in Moldova, a fundamentally new situation has formed in relations with the country's two main neighbors - Romania and the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldovan Republic."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Media Silent As House Passes Resolution For Syrian No-Fly Zone
Unenforceable Provocation - (Any attempts to enforce a no-fly zone against Russian or Syrian air-craft will not be tolerated.  Aircraft attempting to do so will be shot down - mpg) -- A quote...."Hillary Clinton’s loss was a shock to the purveyors of U.S. military hegemony, who saw in her an easier path to keep the Syria conflict going. Secretary of State Clinton was instrumental in the early days of Syria intervention, in 2010 making a series of demands for Syria to get in line behind the U.S. vision for the Middle East."

Kerry [John Kohn] Makes ‘Unbelievable Effort’ To Save Syrian Rebels From Trump, Russia Confirms
John Kohn Makes An Ass Of Himself - A quote...."US Secretary of State John Kerry has significantly intensified contacts with Russia on Syria, the Kremlin confirmed, substantiating a report that Kerry wants to seal a deal with Moscow before Donald Trump assumes the US presidency in January." - Source: RT - also posted at RussiaInsider
John Kerry [Kohn] Wants Aleppo’s Liberation Halted
Related Article - A quote...." According to the neocon Washington Post, Kerry is “furious(ly)” aiming “to strike a deal with Russia to end the siege of Aleppo." - It has nothing to do with alleged concern about humanitarian crisis conditions in the city or elsewhere in Syria. Washington bears full responsibility for genocidal naked aggression against a nonbelligerent nation, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians alone, unaccountable high crimes. - It has everything to do with Trump’s pledge to normalize ties with Russia, cooperating with Putin in combating terrorism in Syria - if he fulfills his promise."
Israeli Intelligence Head: ISIL’s Weakening Means Iran-Hezbollah Gaining Ground
From Another Ass's Mouth - A quote...."The head of the IOF’s Military Intelligence Directorate warned on Sunday that ISIL’s weakening means an Iranian and Hezbollah supremacy, which is bad to ‘Israel’. -- “While the Islamic State terror group was weakening and its so-called caliphate was shrinking, this also meant Iran and its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, were making gains and this would not be good for Israel,” according to a report by Haaretz."

De Facto NATO “Invasion” of Syria? US, Turkey Military Operations in Syria Are Intervention
A quote...."Turkish forces, backed by US-led coalition aircraft, began a military operation dubbed Euphrates Shield to clear the Syrian border town of Jarabulus and the surrounding area of the Daesh, outlawed in Russia and many other countries. As Jarabulus was retaken, the joint forces of Ankara, the coalition and Syrian rebels continued the offensive southwest."

S.A. & Kurdish YPG Launch Joint Advance East of Aleppo, Confronting Turkish-Led Forces SF $ Rq - [CckHr]
SFVideo - Alt - (SFYuTb - 2min29sec - Nov 25, 2016) - SF@YuTb - SouthFrontOrg -- A quote...."The joint advance of Syrian government and YPG forces took place following the recent escalations between them and Turkish-led forces across Syria. On November 23, in northern Latakia, Turkish artillery units delivered strikes against the Syrian army, reportedly killing up to 80 soldiers. On November 24, the Syrian Air Force allegedly hit Turkish army units deployed in the countryside of al-Bab, killing at least 3 soldiers. Ankara threatened to retaliate to the attack, according to Prime Minister Binali Yildirim. Intense fighting between Turkey-led forces and Kurdish YPG units has been ongoing west of Arimah since November 22." - Source:  SouthFront

Syrian Army Captures First Village from Turkish-backed Rebels in Outskirts of al-Bab
A quote...."AlMasdarNews reports: The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is on the verge of direct military conflict with the Turkish Armed Forces in Aleppo province after Syrian government troops seized a village from Turkish supported rebel forces on Monday evening." - Source: AlMasdarNews
N. Syria: Kurdish-led forces blow up four Turkish tanks - Good!!
A quote...."A Syrian Arab-Kurdish coalition allied to the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), said the Turkish army airstrikes and shelling had changed the course of their battle against the Islamic State (IS) since last week."

Militants in Eight More Towns Give up Battle against Syrian Gov't
A quote...."The Russian Peace Coordination Center in Syria announced on Sunday that militants in eight more towns in the two provinces of Damascus and Lattakia have laid down arms and signed peace agreement with Damascus in last 24 hours."

Syria Roundup: Jihadi Fronts Fall Apart - Egypt Enters The Fight
A quote...."The Syrian army (SAA) and its allies made huge progress in east-Aleppo. There, as seemingly everywhere else, the Jihadi' fronts are breaking down. Disunity in the opposition, in reflection of disunity among their sponsors, disrupts all of their attempts for new initiatives. The largely hidden Russian air campaign behind the "rebel" frontlines diminished their material and personal reserves."

US-backed “rebels” face rout in Aleppo
A quote...."In what is being described as the worst defeat for US-backed forces since the outset of the war for regime-change in Syria nearly six years ago, government troops, backed by forces from the Lebanese Hezbollah movement and Iraqi Shia militias, have retaken over 40 percent of eastern Aleppo, the last urban stronghold of the so-called “rebels.”"
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Iraqi Troops Increasingly Bogged Down in Mosul Invasion

A quote...."Iraqi officials presented the invasion of Mosul as a matter of inevitability. Bragging about being well ahead of schedule early on in the invasion of the major city, their 50,000+ fighters were seen as simply overwhelming for ISIS’ defenses, even given months to set up obstacles and tunnels around the area."

ISIS mortars kill 16 Iraqi civilians in Mosul
A quote...."Iraqi military and hospital officials say mortar rounds fired by Islamic State militants have killed 16 civilians in neighborhoods already retaken by troops."
Turkey's emergency rule to continue as long as necessary, Deputy PM says
A quote...."Turkey's emergency rule, instituted in the days immediately following the July 15 failed coup, will continue as long as necessary, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus told a news conference on Monday."

Saudi border military base under fire of Yemen's Ansarullah ballistic missile
A quote...."Yemen's Ansarullah fighters said late on Saturday that they fired a ballistic missile deep into Saudi border city of Khamis Mushait, targeting Allamuza military base."

Uganda says 55 police, tribal insurgents killed in clashes
A quote...."The police, who announced the death toll on Twitter, said the clashes took place in the Rwenzori region, where there has been unrest since a disputed presidential election in February that was won by veteran leader Yoweri Museveni"

Militia attack kills 34 civilians in DR Congo
A quote...."“The provisional toll is 34 civilians killed,” said local official Joy Bokele, referring to an attack by a Nande ethnicity militia on the Hutu village of Luhanga, AFP reported."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

Italy's Minister Of Interior: Surrender Your Homes To Migrants Or Face Jail
A quote...."Italy's Minister of the Interior Angelino Alfano is planning to throw citizens in prison if they don't hand over their homes to migrants, according to a report from Italian paper Ilgiornale. - Just two weeks ago, a shocking video went viral which showed an 80-year-old Italian businessman named Luigi Fogli being forced by the state to house African migrants in his hotel. - Today, we learn the plan is slated to go into hyperdrive come December, though the government is keeping it secret so as not to sway an upcoming referendum which could lead to the ousting of their current pro-migrant invasion prime minister."

PANIC STATIONS: Secret plan to WALL OFF Europe if Turkey unleashes '3m migrant tsunami'
A quote...."EUROPEAN countries have hatched a secret plan to frantically wall off the north of the continent if Turkey goes through with a threat to open the floodgates for millions of migrants, it emerged tonight. - States in central Europe and the Balkans have been put on red alert for another massive wave of asylum seekers after Recep Tayyip Erdogan handed the extraordinary blackmail note to EU leaders. - And now Serbia has revealed it has drawn up emergency plans to follow in the footsteps of neighbours Bulgaria, Macedonia and Croatia in constructing a huge barrier which would seal off most of the continent."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere...

Noam Chomsky Favored a U.S. War to Conquer Russia
Must Read - Trans-Nationalist Euro-Kharzarians Of A Single Mind - (All PNAC Protocol, all the time!! - mpg) -- A quote...."Noam Chomsky, who in a 2005 global poll was voted as the “world’s top public intellectual”, told Qatar’s Al Jazeera television, in a November 24th interview, that Hillary Clinton’s “positions are much better than Trump’s on every issue that I can think of”, so that Americans who didn’t vote for her to become the next President were “making a bad mistake.”

Turkish Police Arrest An Israeli Man For Trafficking Organs of Syrian Refugees
We're ALL Goy-Cattle & Goy-Sheeple Now! -- A quote...."Turkish media are reporting that the country’s police have arrested an Israeli man for allegedly trafficking organs of refugees from Syria to be transplanted in sick people in Europe. - The media named the suspect as Boris Walker but Israeli news outlet, YNet reported that the name of the man is more likely to be Boris Wolfman, a known convicted organ trafficker in Israel. The Organ trade is a trade of human organs for the purpose of transplanting it in sick people who are in need of it." - Topix ||  Israeli Organ Thefts  ||

Can’t Make This Up! NYT CEO Has Connections to Jimmy Saville
Pedophilia:  A Method Of Control -- A quote...."Don’t ever forget that the New York Times brought us into a war of pointless killings over a lie."

Breaking The Silence On Israeli Racism
A quote...."When a government removes its Bedouin citizens from their home in order to settle its own Jewish citizens in their stead, this is racist dealing. Dispossessing people of their land in order to plant a forest on that same land is inhuman. Had these Bedouins been Jewish settlers, the government certainly would not evict them before finding an alternative dwelling for them that would suit their demands."

Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian Jihadist Militia] Occupation Forces Brutally Attack Palestinian Child
A quote...."The Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian Jihadist Militia] Occupation Forces (IOF) brutally attacked Sunday evening a Palestinian child near the Ibrahimi Mosque in al-Khalil."

Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian Jihadist Militia Forces] Detain Hamas-Affiliated Palestinian Lawmaker in Hebron
A quote...."HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian militia] forces detained Hamas-affiliated Palestinian lawmaker Azzam Nuaman Salhab during a raid in the southern occupied West Bank city of Hebron on Monday morning, his family told Ma'an."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

European president Jean-Claude Juncker pleads with EU leaders not to hold 'in-out' referendums.....
Can't Let Voters Choose....To Leave - (That's right folks, the president of a completely undemocratic structure says don't let the voters vote.  Typical. - mpg) -- A quote...."Jean-Claude Juncker has urged EU leaders not to hold referendums on their membership of the bloc because he fears their voters will also choose to leave. - The European Commission president said giving people a vote would be 'unwise' as they could seek to replicate Brexit."
Fury as EU officials handed £15M PAY RISE as Brussels continues tirade on national debts
Related Article - A quote...."Despite cutbacks across the continent, 55,000 EU bureaucrats will receive a 3.3 per cent pay rise backdated to July, giving them a pay packet boost to the tune of £15.4million (€18m), just in time for Christmas."

The European Commission is OVER - GERMANY now rules Europe, declares former president
Related Article - A quote...."Romano Prodi led the Commission between 1999 and 2004 and oversaw the EU nearly double in size. - But he claims Brussels’ glory days are over as Germany and France and other member states snatch power from the European Commission. - The 77-year-old told Politico the organisation has morphed from a “union of minorities” to a “coalition of states” which has changed how the EU works and plans for its future."

EU votes for citizens to fund their own brainwashing
Related Article - A quote...."A fledgling group set up by the European Commission to allegedly counteract “Russian propaganda” is to be expanded with more public cash and resources. European citizens will be funding mechanisms inducing their own ignorance and misinformation."
India Takes Drastic Move Toward Cashless Society
War on Cash - A quote...."In 2012, India launched a nationwide program involving the allocation of a Unique Identification Number (UID) to every single one of its 1.2 billion residents. Each of the numbers will be tied to the biometric data of the recipient using three different forms of information – fingerprints, iris scans, and pictures of the face. All ten digits of the hand will be recorded, and both eyes will be scanned."

Greece Is Not India? Hellenic Banks Plan "Tax On Cash Withdrawals" To Combat Black Economy
War on Cash - A quote...."Greek banks have proposed a series of measures to combat tax evasion, strengthen the electronic transactions and limit the use of cash in the economy, and as reports, one of the measures proposed is a special tax on cash withdrawals. -  Bankers reportedly stress that cash money can easily and largely be channeled in the black economy. Therefore, a tax on cash withdrawals will drastically reduce cash transactions and by extension the black economy."

Cash is for Criminals – Taxing Cash Withdrawals from ATMs
War on Cash - A quote...."We are entering a very dark phase in this battle to retain our liberty. A proposal now being whispered behind the curtain in Europe is to impose a tax on withdrawing your own money from an ATM. The banks support this measure as a whole because they see this as preventing bank runs."

Poverty on the rise in Europe
A quote...."The results of the Social Justice Index 2016 were published by the Bertelsmann Foundation last week. The index is an annual study of social conditions in Europe that has been conducted for the past several years. The results provide a devastating indictment of the austerity policies imposed by the European Union (EU), led by Germany, in the face of widespread resistance since the global financial crisis of 2008."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

German Economist & Politician: “Stop Copying America’s Decline! Leave NATO!” - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Sahra Wagenknecht, Vice President of the German parliament’s Leftist Party, said in Parliament on Wednesday November 23rd, that Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel, could very possibly become replaced by a politician similar to U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump or even farther to the right (something dreaded by many in Germany and especially abroad), unless Germany quickly stops copying America and ultimately leaves NATO, which she says is far more of a danger to Germans than it’s any real protection of the German people." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

Greece to permit transit of Russian tankers
A quote...."Dimitrios Velanis, the special advisor on Russian relations to the Greek prime minister, told Russian news agency RIA Novosti that Greece will not take any action against Russia should Russian tankers carrying fuel for the country’s air forces in Syria travel through Greek territorial waters."

Putin Winning TIME Person Of The Year In A Landslide
A quote...."Vladimir Putin has rocketed to the top of the TIME Person of the Year poll and is on course for a landslide victory, proving that his determination to destroy the New World Order has started to resonate with Americans of all stripes."  - Source:  YourNewsWire

Russia’s 10 Most Beautiful Monasteries: Winter View
Relax Time - Photo Gallery - A quote...."If you’re not afraid of the Russian winter, here are 10 reasons to visit the country in December and admire the view." - Source:  RBTH

This Tiny Sliver of Russian Territory (and Its Weapons) Is What NATO Fears Most
A quote...."In 1945, Soviet armies occupied East Prussia, a portion of Germany territorially detached from the rest of the Reich since 1918 (briefly reunified in 1939). Ethnically German and featuring the historic Prussian city of Königsberg, the territory represented a problem for the Soviets. They had no interest in returning it to Germany, especially as such a move would increase tension with the Poles, and they did not want to create an independent German socialist state, the birth of the German Democratic Republic remained in the future. Stalin decided to simply annex the territory, expelling the German inhabitants and replacing them with Russians." - Source:  NationalInterest - also posted at SOTTNet

Russia’s Naval Aviation Receives New Batch of Sukhoi-30SM Fighter Jets
A quote...."MOSCOW, November 28. /TASS/. The special air assault regiment of Russia’s Navy has received a batch of multirole fighters Sukhoi-30SM, the Defense Ministry has told the media. - "Our air pilots were one of the first to have mastered the Sukhoi-30SM fighter jet and appreciated its capabilities. It is only fair that one of the planes of this type will bear the name of the city of Irkutsk, where the plane comes from," the Defense Ministry’s press-service quotes the regiment’s commander Andrey Kiselyov as saying."

Russia to have new generation anti-aircraft systems
A quote...."The Russian army will be armed with a new generation of anti-aircraft missile systems. Almaz-Antey has already started developing new medium-range air defense systems that are said to replace Buk and S350 Vityaz missile complexes, director general of the company Yan Novikov said."

How Really Corrupt is Russian Corruption?
A quote...."The other day I received an email from a potential client in the USA who is considering setting up a smaller version of their manufacturing business in Russia. They have never dealt in Russia but saw the advantages, from lower labor costs, shipping, energy, taxes and proximity to a growing Eurasian demand for their product. The obstacle according to the email was “Corruption” and their understanding that Russia is a swampy miasma of everything that is opaque and corrupt… so, how does anyone do business there successfully and not bribe, or tangle with federal corrupt practices laws in the US or their other global equivalents, Russia’s included?"

Putin drains liberal swamp [Video]
A quote...."Wrapping up a meeting about state funding for science, Putin questioned the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yevgeny Fortov, about the Academy's election of senior, unrelated-to-science officials as its members. Putin insinuated that they may fired if they are found to be moonlighting as academics."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

Lawsuit Advances Against CIA Torture Contractors - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The International Criminal Court’s investigation into myriad US torture programs the world over has rested on the fact that the US government is not doing anything to punish any of those involved in the crimes. One civil lawsuit is continuing to slowly advance, however."

The Great Suez Invasion Fiasco
A quote...."Sixty years ago, I was home after school, sitting in our living room on New York’s Central Park West, reading a history of Rome and listening to Dvorak’s splendid cello concerto when the announcer on WQXR broke into announced, “Israeli armored forces are thrusting deep into Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.” - So began the 1956 Arab-Israeli Suez war, a conflict that is now all but forgotten though it was a major historic turning point for all concerned."

From Poisoned Cigars to Exploding Seashells:
Other World Leaders Could Learn A Lot From Fidel -- ("How I really pissed off the US-NRE and survived to die in bed at the ripe old age of ninety" -- *Fidel Castro's ghost*) -- A quote...."After surviving more than 600 reported assassination attempts, former Cuban president Fidel Castro passed away peacefully aged 90."
A Short History Lesson On Cuba By The New Thinker
A quote...."The death of Fidel Castro brought public comments of some of the most rightwing nutters living in the U.S. and of some of its best people. Whoever wants to discuss Cuba, its past, present and future, should know some history. Here is a copy of a valuable lesson @The New Thinker aka Ejike gave on Twitter:...."

Brazil's Corrupt Political Institutions: Major New Corruption Scandals Engulf the Faction That Impeached Dilma
A quote...."A primary argument made by opponents of impeaching Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff was that removing her would immediately empower the truly corrupt politicians in Brasília - the ones who were the driving force behind her impeachment - and they would then use that power to kill ongoing corruption investigations and shield themselves from consequences for their own law-breaking. In that regard, Dilma's impeachment was not designed to punish corruption but to protect it. The last two weeks have produced new corruption scandals that have vindicated that view beyond what even its proponents imagined was possible."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Internet Privacy In UK Now ‘Worse Than China’
A quote...."UK citizens have been stripped of their right to any online privacy, with a new law making the British public subject to 24/7 draconian surveillance that surpasses the restrictions placed on Chinese citizens. - China can now boast that their citizens enjoy more privacy rights than users in the UK following the Snoopers’ Charter bill which was passed in Parliament last week. - The new law introduces unprecedented surveillance and hacking powers, awarded to a large list of government agencies."

‘Year Zero of Modern Era’: WikiLeaks Releases More Than 500k US Diplomatic Cables From 1979
Major Wikileaks Release? - A quote..."WikiLeaks has released more than half a million US diplomatic cables from 1979, covering numerous incidents such as the Iranian revolution, the siege of Mecca, and Saddam Hussein becoming president of Iraq." - Source:  RT
Orwellian Nightmare: Google To Rig Search Results, Eliminating News Outlets They Consider ‘Fake’
Google To Rig Search Results - A quote...."Mary Wilder for News Target reports, Following Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, the liberal mainstream media rushed to find any reason at all to explain why they were all so wrong about who was going to be victorious."

Secret Trade Proposal Would Give Facebook Free Reign to Censor by Algorithm
F.B.'s Secret Censor By Algorithm -- A quote...."Facebook has long drawn ire over its tendency to censor users’ posts based on its opaque standards. But under leaked proposals from a controversial European trade deal, the social network and other online services could be granted legal immunity when censoring any content, as long as it’s deemed “harmful or objectionable.”"

Facebook Employees Are Quitting Because Users Are Being Censored
Moral Employees?? - A quote...."The war on “fake news” embarked upon by Facebook, Google, and Twitter may be earning the media goliaths brownie points with establishment politicos, but users — and even employees — aren’t feeling as enthusiastic." - Source:  AntiMediaOrg
Please Boycott Facebook!! --- And Quit It Too!!!

For alternative social network & payment platforms see....
Patreon & Tsu - For other web alternatives, such as search engines and video here
Facebook is owned by Mark Zuckerberg, a "Jewish" fellow traveling, trans-national, Euro-Kazarian, stealth member of the AIPAC/Israeli Criminal Consortium.  Like George Soros, Rupert Murdoch,  Victoria Newland, Robert Kagan, Penny Pritzker, and all the other Euro-Kazarian PNAC'ers, he fully supports the destruction of Ukraine, the Middle East's secular nation-states, and no doubt the rest of Europe. His company has publicly stated that every single thing you put on Facebook belongs to the companyEvery photo, every essay, every article, every video. 

Why anyone would even use Facebook is a complete mystery to this website editor.  Anyone who uses Facebook is supporting PNAC'ers just like him, and thereby supporting the terrible carnage they've wrought throughout the world for the last fifteen years.

For more on the "Jewish" control of the web see.....
Israel's Net Control - for additional articles about this issue --  posted on this website in just the last two month, see links here.....
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

Aftermath & Analysis....

The Triumph of the Empty Gesture
The Empty Gesture:  A Form Of Lying / Levering -
Must Read - A quote...." Politics is the art of the symbolic gesture. The successful symbolic gesture gains gravitas by crystallizing a narrative that attracts a consensus that then powers policies of substance. - The politics-as-usual gesture is empty of substance, serving only to mask collusion and failure. Soaring Rhetoric(tm) is carefully engineered to mimic successful symbolic gestures of the past, but the purpose isn't to power positive policies: the goal is to distract the audience by making them feel that participating in empty gestures is a substitute for real-world actions of substance. - The net result is we now inhabit a culture that relies on empty gestures and feel-good appeals to past glories. This reliance on empty gestures and appeals to past glories typifies regimes in decline. "
Accreting Corruption / Lying / Leverage - (aka  Incremental Corruption / Lying / Leverage) - Def.  The process whereby economic, social, political, cultural, informational, enforcement or monetary systems becomes steadily more corrupted and/or where deliberately  inaccurate information (Lies) and/or (Leverage) steadily increase.  It can be expressed as a series of laws.
The First Law of Corruption - (Leverage & Lying are the Twin Sisters of Corruption) - Def.  Leverage and Lying are practically the same.  As Leverage corrupts the financial system, so Lying corrupts the social/political system. Both acts are a distortion or even a negation of reality.  Both acts are promises that yield unearned advantages to the Liar or Leverer for goods, assets, or services that are less than claimed or that do not exist. Both acts hide the TRUE costs, or TRUE value, for any political, economic or social decision and create distortions for a society that have to eventually be unwound at great cost to the society.  Both acts are commonly used to misdirect or hide who gains from the unearned advantages and are highly destructive of "Free Market" forces.   Both acts are commonly used to delay the day of reckoning increasing hidden costs until their unwinding becomes highly problematical. -- Also known as a Revolution, "The Great Reset" or a Minsky Moment.
The Hidden Communist History of the Neo-Conservatives (“Neo Cons”)
A quote...."Now that organized Communism has been revealed, mainly since the fall of the USSR in the late 1980s/early 1990s, to be simply a very well-hidden mechanism of total social control by a small group of paranoid, megalomaniacal “control freaks,” the People are waking up to realize that they really do not want to have every single aspect of their lives, their families, or their friends’ dominated, manipulated, harassed, intimidated, threatened, or micro-managed by a small cabal group of psychotic plutocratic warmongering freaks, who consistently maintain one set of rules and morals for themselves, and another set for others."

Identity Politics Destroyed the Ottoman Empire, Will It Destroy The West?
A quote...."Much has been discussed about the ineffective nature of so-called ‘identity politics’ in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory. Many on the socialist left, ranging from Bernie Sanders to George Galloway, have reflected on the fact that by segregating individuals into micro-identities, putative left politicians have totally lost touch with the classical leftist materialist dialectic, whereby society ought to be seen in terms of the ‘haves and have-nots’ instead of socially and personally defined identities."

More Tales from the Election That Wouldn’t End
A quote...."Once upon a time, there was a Land full of mountains, deserts, lakes, and plains. The person who got to run the country was selected by the same tradition for hundreds of years. In this particular year, the choice was between an Evil Queen and a Loud Ogre."

'Lock Her Up': Untold Story of Hillary Clinton's Disgrace in Haiti
A quote...."Donald Trump was the only presidential candidate who highlighted that the Clinton-backed earthquake recovery project in Haiti was an absolute disgrace, Dr. Dady Chery, a Haitian-born journalist, told Sputnik, adding that she believes that Haitian-Americans are not the only ones who voted for Trump to see the Clintons brought to justice."
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The Dirty, Dangerous,  Political Game...Continues....

“Election Recount to Happen” - Soros Responsible for Funding Recount Effort (Video)
Don't Panic....Yet - A quote...."Some very alarming news has broken over the last 24 hours that third party presidential candidate Jill Stein was able to raise the millions needed (and then some), to be able to pay for the recount democrats are looking to use to stop Trump before he is ever sworn in on Inauguration Day. -- Many media outlets are reporting that Stein already has the money, and considering how easy that would be to verify, there is no reason to think she doesn’t. What could be debated, is how she raised the money so quickly, but does it really matter?-- According to Anonymous, who do you think provided the funds so quickly? None other than George Soros. This is one of the many political land mines I warned about when I said that voting may be over, but this election is far from finished yet."

MSM Admits Soros Donated $10 Million This Week… Guess Where It Went
Start Panicking?? - Related Article - A quote...."As Jill Stein moves toward raising $7 Million dollars for a recount the MSM admits Soros donated $10 Million this week to fight Trump."

Revealed: Hillary Clinton Schemed Since Day After Election to Steal Presidency From Donald Trump
A quote...."Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton may have publicly conceded the presidency to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump the morning after the November 8 election but behind the scenes she was scheming with an army of operatives to find ways to steal the presidency from Trump."

Recount in PA where Trump wins by 68,000 votes but not in N.H. where Clinton wins by 3,000
A quote...."Hillary Clinton calls for a recount via her proxy Jill Stein (who is being paid off) - what a complete hypocrite. She sounds so arrogant. I wont say I want to hurl when I hear her voice."

Jill Stein Wouldn’t Know Real Democracy If It Bit Her on the Rump
Now That's A Thought Crime Right There - (Got appetite....still??) - A quote...." Demanding meaningless recounts disruptively wastes time, money, achieving nothing - other than besmirching her already tarnished name and reputation. - Her scheme shows she knows nothing about America’s political system - notably its history, its framers, and who they were."
Obama Preps For Post-Presidency Feud With Trump
The Banksters' Bathhouse Butt Boy to Become A Nuisance - (Sort of like a really nasty STD that....just - won't - go - away - mpg) -- A quote...."When George W. Bush left the White House in early 2009, he boarded a helicopter and went home to Texas, where he mostly remained silent about President Obama's actions. - This presidential transition is shaping up a little differently. - Rather than returning home to Illinois, President Obama is moving just down the street from the White House to a mansion in the tony Kalorama neighborhood. - And rather than remaining quiet, Obama, 55, who will become one of the youngest ex-presidents in history, has promised to dive in with grassroots liberals seeking to oppose Donald Trump, a man he has been feuding with for years."

Imperial President Obama Preparing To Unleash Nearly 100 ‘midnight Hour’ Executive Actions
The Banksters' Bathhouse Butt Boy to Become A Bigger Nuisance - A quote...."Regulations on commodities speculation, air pollution from the oil industry, doctors’ Medicare drug payments and high-skilled immigrant workers are among the rules moving through the pipeline as Obama’s administration grasps at one last chance to cement his legacy. So are regulations tightening states’ oversight of online colleges and protecting funding for Planned Parenthood."
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The Political Game - Looking To The Future....The Good, the Bad, & The Hopeful....

The Good....
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The Bad....

"Privatization" Can't Be Trusted!

Capitalism Amok: The Story of Prisons For Profit -- And How Trump Saved Them
Trump = Moar For Profit Private Prisons?? - (a.k.a Slave Labor Camps) -- A quote...."The first shock therapy session "Donald Trump - US President" is over. And while millions of ordinary Americans are wondering how to they are going to live, the companies that own private prisons in the United States are counting their gains: after the election results were announced the value of their shares jumped 20-40%. LIFE reports on  how the "prisoners business" was established and how much money it brings in. -- The private prisons system is relatively new, and now operates in the UK, Australia, Canada and the United States." - (a.k.a. as the trans-nationalist, Euro-Kharzarian colonized, Anglo-Sphere - mpg) - also posted at FortRuss
THIS is why "Privatization" can't be trusted, and Libertarianism and Llibertarians should be regarded with deep suspicion!  Admittedly "pure" Libertarians eschew the use of force.  But how will violations of their world of "freely entered contracts" be sanctioned

Privatization is Libertarianism made practical, and what we'll get instead of prisons, run by that horrible, awful, "Guberment" at cost to society, is private, for profit,
incarceration facilities that make money for their owners from blatant slavery.

Before you know it, as this growing trend develops, we'll soon have privatized police forces who'll scoop you and your wife off the streets because of a hundred dollar parking ticket issued by the corporation who recently acquired your town, or because of a ten dollar balance due on that same corporation's water bill you forgot to pay, and it'll put both of you in one of their for profit prisons for twenty years because when they came to get you, you and your wife "resisted" and "attempted to murder" them.

All for a cut of the very lucrative commissions they'll receive from you & your wife's twenty year slave labor sentence / contract.  That's assuming you're both able to work, if not,'s organ donations for the two of YOU!

Not to even mention what they'll do to your kids for violating the corporation's non-contributing vagrancy statutes, since you'll both no longer be there to take care of them.

Perhaps your wife won't be swept up or charged. Hopefully she'll be employed and can pay the massive ransom they'll demand she fork over to partially reduce your sentence.  Assuming they haven't already taken everything under the corporation's all encompassing civil forfeiture procedures.

But if she's unemployed and can't get employed, guess she'll just have to contract herself out for sexual services, sell some of her organs, or perhaps a few of the kids....

Again, to repeat, just as unfettered "Capitalism" led to Banksterism and massive uncollateralized Financialization of the entire economy impoverishing hundreds of millions of people, unfettered "Practical Libertarianism" (i.e. Privatization) will soon lead to Commodificationism, the enslavement and reduction into bio-asset units of hundreds of millions of people. 

The  complete objectification and dehumanization of what were once sacred human beings into harvestable, profitable, bio-products.  Turning them into sex toys, slaves, organ donation units, bio-weapon accessories, and even actual consumable meat products. 

What is also known as Goy-cattle or Goy-sheeple.

You'll think you've been transported to some super-horrible, dystopian, science fiction future.  Way worse than George Orwell's 1984, Anthony Burgess's "A Clockwork Orange", or Aldous Huxley's "A Brave New World".  

But it will be here, and it will be now.

You've all been warned. - mpg

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The US Government Is Already Quietly Backing Out of its Promise to Phase Out Private Prisons
Ditto - Because Prison Slaves Are So Much More Lucrative -- A quote...."Critics have long denounced private prisons in the US as unsafe, inefficient and at times, inhumane. Those critics, who include inmates and activists, seemed to find a powerful ally earlier this year when the Department of Justice announced it would phase out its use of private prisons for federal prisoners. This wouldn’t mean the end of privately-run incarceration facilities (they’re also used by immigration authorities and states), but it was seen as a step forward. Except, that when the first contracts came up for re-negotiation this fall, the federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) quietly decided to renew them anyway. That decision, along with the election of Donald Trump, mean that the US is unlikely to see the use of private prison operators diminish any time soon."
Trump Considers Asset Stripper Wilbur Ross for Commerce Secretary
Trump = Another Michel Milken Asset Stripper / Corp Raider / Pension Looter? - A quote...."Billionaire asset stripper Wilbur Ross is a leading candidate to be President-elect Donald Trump’s commerce secretary, according to an anonymous “senior transition official.” The two met a week ago at the real estate mogul’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey. Asked by the press whether he was interested in the post of commerce secretary, Ross responded, “Time will tell.”

US Military Unable to Win Major Wars, Trump-Affiliated Think Tank Warns
Trump = Moar Money For The M.I.C.? - A quote...."The report is very much in line with previous remarks made by top US military brass, who repeatedly claim that the country’s readiness for a “great power war” has been depleted. In the European theater, NATO officials argue the bloc is no match for an “assertive” Russia. - Russian, as well as Western, experts and military officials believe that those statements have more to do with trying to increase the size of the US’ military budget than countering threats. According to the National Priorities project, the US military budget makes up 37 percent of the world’s military spending." - Source:  RT

Cruz, Rubio want Trump to Re-Evaluate US-Cuba Relations
Trump = Moar Cuba Sanctions? - A quote...."Two US Republican senators of Cuban descent have called on President-elect Donald Trump to re-evaluate President Barack Obama's recently improved ties with Cuba."
Trump Threatens To ‘Terminate the Deal’ With Cuba After Castro’s Passing
Ditto - A quote...."Not long after the passing of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, US President-elect Donald Trump has threatened to “terminate the deal," with the Caribbean island nation."
Trump Allies w. Israel’s Justice Minister Who Advocated Exterminating Palestinians
Trump = Moar Extermination / Ethnic Cleansing / Apartheid? - A quote...."Many news-reports indicate that President-Elect Donald Trump’s Israel policy is in accord with that of his Orthodox Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner, who allegedly allies himself with Israel’s Jewish Home Party, which favors Israel’s absorbing both the West Bank and the Gaza strip and imposing upon Palestinians the full rule by Israel’s government, regardless whether they accept it or not." - Source:  StratCultFndtn

RMONEY: @NikkiHaley Got More Than $60,000 From #1 #NeverTrump Ringleader @MittRomney
Trump = Moar Really Rotten Apples? - A quote...."South Carolina Governor and current pick for next U.N. ambassador Nimrata “Nikki” Haley got more than $60,000 from #NeverTrump ringleader and failed 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney and Romney-afiliated PACs before 2012. -- Nikki Haley, a darling of the lying liberal media who was viciously anti-Trump until recently, in particular got $42,000 from Mitt Romney for her winning gubernatorial campaign in 2010 that put her in the national spotlight as Governor of South Carolina. -- The Center for Public Integrity reported in 2012 that Haley had gotten a combined $62,500 up to that point from Mitt Romney and affiliated PACs." - Source:  RussiaInsider

Rand Paul, Top Aide Slams Trump For Considering Petraeus
Trump = Moar Betrayeus?! - (This one's not a rotten apple, he's a rotten piece of meat! - mpg) -- A quote...."Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said the similarities between retired Gen. David Petraeus's mishandling of classified information and Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server could be a "potential problem" as Petraeus is considered for a Cabinet post."
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And The Hopeful....

Trump Jr Wastes No Time Setting US Syria Policy
A quote...."The president-elect’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr. has reportedly met with a leading secular figure in the Syrian opposition to discuss ending Syria’s civil war. - Russia expects to defeat the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria with the help of the new US administration."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Dakota Access Contractor With Blackwater Ties Heads Protester Surveillance, Violence Escalates
A quote...."Millions around the world are again gawking over police brutality against water protectors. Following DAPL’s (Dakota Access Pipeline’s) corporation dishonoring Obama’s requests the to halt construction, a new wave of violence hit the protest camps. However, whereas these acts are obvious, those of contracted intelligence firms remain more insidious. “Do not believe that your cell phones or your computers are clean and uncompromised”, said journalist Jeremy Scahill. “I guarantee you that they’re using the entire suite of surveillance devices.” Scahill was giving water protectors and fellow journalists in Standing Rock advice on Democracy Now."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Weather is NOT Climate! - [& Climate is NOT the "Global Warming Theory"!!]
Must View CRAudio - Hysterical! - (CRMedPlyr - 17min35sec - Nov 28, 2016) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - A quote...."No, weather is NOT climate...even when it's warm outside. But in case there's a climate cultist in your life that insists otherwise, here are some facts about global warming and vaguely-defined "extreme" weather that you can use to talk some sense into them." - For more on the Carbon Currency / Carbon Tax Scam, see links at the bottom of today's postings.....
Yeah, it appears it might not be S.D.R.'s after all, it'll be the new "Carbon Currency"!  Another wonderful extortion scheme brought to you by the same people who brought you the "Federal Reserve" -- They ACTUALLY think they're clever!! - mpg
Fake News About Fake News: WaPo Blacklists as Kremlin Disinfo
SOTTAudio - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/OGG** - Note:  The Alt/OGG file is usually much better -  (SOTTMp3 & OGG - 1hr37min32sec - Sun, 27 Nov 2016 17:00:00 GMT) - Source:  SOTT Radio Ntwrk - SOTT Net -- A quote...."In the wake of the Trumpocalypse, "fake news" has been in the news. First it was Facebook being blamed for Trump's win because of the pro-Trump fake news floating around social media in the lead-up to the election. - Then, an obscure left-wing activist college professor hastily compiled a list of "fake news" sites and posted it on her social media. The list was picked up by such fake news sites as CNN, WaPo, Boston Globe, NY Magazine, USA Today, Business Insider, and more, with recommendations for serious readers to avoid such tainted goods. - Now, the Washington Post has cited an obscure list of "Russian propaganda" websites to justify its claim that a "Russian propaganda effort" helped spread fake news during the election. Included on the list?, among numerous other great alternative news websites. - Today on Behind the Headlines we'll share our thoughts on "fake news", who the real fakers are, and what we think about being labelled as Kremlin trolls or useful idiots."

The Economic Indicators Are Pointing Towards A Depression:Michael Snyder
X22SpLghtVideo - (X22SpLghtYuTb - 45min21sec - Nov 26, 2016) - Source:   X22ReportSpotlight - Related Websites: X22Report - X22Rpt@YuTb - Guest Websites:  Economic Collapse Blog - End Of The American Dream - A quote..."Today's Guest: Michael Snyder"

Jill Stein’s Vote Recount Is Not A Vote Recount, It’s Something Much Worse – Episode 1138
X22Audio - Ep1138/Mp3 - Ep1138/YuTb-a - Ep1138/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 34min57sec - Nov 25, 2016) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote...."Black Friday sales are a disaster, some sales shifted towards online but overall sales are down. Retailers are finding out that Cyber Monday does not increase sales so they are now spreading the sales over a week to push sales numbers up.Mortgage rates are moving up and those who refinance and purchase homes are holding back. Central bankers are now pushing the idea of taxing cash withdrawals. War on cash is now spreading to Spain. Italy's referendum might trigger banks to collapse. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Short-Term Negative Long-Term Positive-Catherine Austin Fitts

Must Listen GHVideo - CatherineAustinFitts@USAWD - (GHYuTb - 29min12sec - Nov 26, 2016) -- Source:  GH@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Website:  SolariDotCom -- A quote...."Investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says, “We are so overdue for a 25% correction. . . . I think 2017 is going to be a composting. In the destruction of the old, let there be the creation of the new. We’re going to be creating the new, and we’re going to be destroying the old. It’s going to be quirky. There are going to be all kinds of black swans that could hit us. So, do I think we are going to have a major correction and lots of digestive problems? Yes, I do. Now, if the new administration gets what it wants by getting tax rates down and bringing capital back into the country, then there is going to be a very exciting future and a very exciting pathway for North America.” -- On gold and silver, Fitts contends, “I think we are in a long-term bull market for gold, but I don’t think the consolidation is over. I was hoping the consolidation was over given how it was trading in the first three quarters, but given how it is trading now, it looks like the consolidation may not be over. The reality is gold is a number of things. In Asia, it’s real money. I think as long as Asia is converging with per capita income, gold is going to have a floor under it, and silver too. -- Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Catherine Austin Fitts, Publisher of the Solari Report found on"

Sunday Wire EP #162 - ‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised' with guest Vanessa Beeley
Must Listen 21stCWAudio - Outstanding Interview - (With Vanessa Beeley) - Note: Five minutes of audio difficulty starting around the ten min mark -- Alt/Spkr - (21stCWSprkr - 3hrs15min03sec - Nov 27, 2016) - Source:  21st Century Wire - SunWire@Sprkr - AltCrntRadio -- A quote...."This week's edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is on the road broadcasting LIVE from the Valley of the Sun. This week host Patrick Henningsen covers this week's top stories in the US and internationally. In the first hour we'll cover the death of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, and also take on the mainstream establishment's engineered "fake news" faux crisis which is being used by corporate media outlets to attack and smear independent and alternative media orgs. Then we'll be joined by 21WIRE special contributor, Vanessa Beeley, to discuss what Syrians and Russians are really saying about President-Elect Donald Trump, and also her latest piece critiquing the deceptive Syria coverage run by foundation-funded Democracy Now! Later in the third hour, we'll talk more about the fake news, and in particular, the report produced by The Washington Post which 21WIRE exposed this week as a work of shoddy journalism and NeoMcCarthyist Russiaphobic fear mongering."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

To Really ‘Make America Great Again,’ End the Fed!
Amen!!! - A quote...."Former Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Richard Fisher recently gave a speech identifying the Federal Reserve’s easy money/low interest rate policies as a source of the public anger that propelled Donald Trump into the White House. Mr. Fisher is certainly correct that the Fed’s policies have “skewered” the middle class. However, the problem is not specific Fed policies, but the very system of fiat currency managed by a secretive central bank." - Source:  RonPaulInst

60% Of New Yorkers Are One Paycheck Away From Homelessness
Work Hard, Accept Slave Wages, Save Nothing, Die Early - (Do it for your Bankster masters, because they could really care less what happens to YOU - mpg) -- A quote...."More than half of all New Yorkers don't have enough money saved to cover them in the event of a lost job, medical emergency, or other disaster, according to a new report by the Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development."

Black Fri Sales Slump As Retail Tracker Admits Holiday Season "Off To A Slow Start", Blames Warm Weather
That 's Right...."It's Climate Change"! - (Roll your eyes in disgust, shake your head in disbelief, and laugh out loud!!  The people who run this system all belong in the insane asylum - mpg) -- A quote...."Sales and traffic at U.S. brick-and-mortar stores on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday declined from last year, as Reuters reports that stores offered discounts well beyond the weekend and more customers shopped online. - The National Retail Federation reports that spending per person over Thanksgiving Weekend this year was $289.19, down 3.4% from $299.60 in the same period last year."

Why Is the US Dollar Rising?
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...." Policies such as interest rates and bond-buying, yes--intervention, not likely. The currency markets trade the entire Federal Reserve balance sheet--roughly $4 trillion--every two days. -- So we have to look beyond manipulation for explanations of the USD's uptrend. The conventional view--which I have shared--is that the trend toward higher yields in the U.S. acts as a magnet for capital in a zero or negative-yield global economy. -- The other dynamic that have been widely covered is the demand for USD to pay loans denominated in dollars. -- While these explanations make sense, they don't tell the whole story."

The Credit Bubble Peak was Marked by “Totally Crazy Lending.”
A quote...."Debt is good. More debt is better. Funding consumer spending with debt is even better – that’s what economists have been preaching – because the consumed goods and services are gone after having been added to GDP, while the debt, which GDP ignores, remains until it is paid off with future earnings, or until it blows up."

US Housing Market In Peril As "Increase In Mortgage Rates Has Shocked Consumers"
A quote...."While rising treasury yields may be music to the ears of savers who have been crushed by low interest rates over the past 7 years, they're a bit of downer for the overwhelming majority of Americans that have been funding their lavish lifestyles with cheap debt.  Yes, sadly the days of upgrading to the $65,000 luxury car despite a $40,000 annual salary, because you can "afford it" so long as you can cover the low monthly payments courtesy of 7-year terms and low interest rates, may finally be coming to an end."

Portugal Bond Yields Hover Near Brexit Highs As Bank Bosses Quit Ahead Of Bailout
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Portuguese bank bonds (Novo Banco and Caixa Geral de Depositos) are sliding today with sovereign yields hovering near Brexit highs as AP reports that the new president of the country's biggest bank (and six board members) have quit less than three months after starting work.- Back in the summer we warned that with all eyes on Italy (and rightly so), Portugal could be the next show to drop, and yields have risen notably since then."

Shipbuilding in Japan, Korea, China Collapses in Death Spiral of Orders
A quote...."New orders received by Chinese shipyards – now infamous for undercutting competitors and sinking into bankruptcy – have plunged 58.5% so far this year through October, compared to last year, according to shipping industry data provider BIMCO, cited by the Nikkei. At South Korean shipyards, which include the three largest in the world, orders have plunged 84.2%; at Japanese shipyards, 90%."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Bombshell Secret Documents Show Monsanto Knew About Glyphosate Cancer Link Over 35 Years Ago
Glyphosate:  Let The Lawsuits Commence!! - A quote...."Monsanto have come under more pressure recently after the WHO defined the main ingredient in their popular weedkiller ‘Roundup’ as a ‘probably human carcinogen’. -- They are still trying to pick up the pieces from the PR disaster, but it turns out Monsanto may have been aware of the link between glyphosate and cancer for up 35 years. -- Research Scientist Dr. Anthony Samsel has studies the effects on glyphosate on the human body for years, and has revealed the harmfulness of its nature. He has worked with a Dr. Stephanie Seneff, who released the warning that as many as half of all US children could be autistic by 2025 (in large part due to glyphosate exposure)."

Monsanto’s Dirty Links With Government Over Deadly White Phosphorus Manufacturing
A quote...."The stockholders of the ongoing immoral, destructive and criminal enterprise that is the Monsanto corporation have yet another reason to be ashamed: war crimes. -- The company is of course well-known for its ugly lawsuits against indigent farmers over genetically-modified seeds, the billions of pounds of cancer-causing glyphosate it has spread around the world, and the prolific manufacture of deadly polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs until they were finally banned in 1979 and which still generate lawsuits to this day over contamination of waterways and wetlands."

Breaking: Another Holistic Florida MD Found Dead
A quote...."Dr Laura Skellchock, a holistic MD based right here on the East Coast of Florida, has died. -- We know very little details at this time. Her site was called Integrative Dermatology and she has done a number of videos and articles about integrative practices, natural health, and nutrition. Like most of the self-described integrative or holistic MDs who died, Dr. Skellchock also did procedures that were not 100% holistic, as some were of a cosmetic nature."

Dove’s ‘Real’ Beauty Products Are Filled With Cancer Chemicals, Fake Dyes And Toxic Fragrances
A quote...."Dove is on of the most well-known beauty brands in the world, marketing itself as different from the others as it focuses on a more ‘natural’ image. - The adverts showcase make-up free women and boasts of ‘real beauty’ but in reality, much of what goes into Dove is far from natural."

Chemical, Radioactive and Heavy Metal Contamination and What to Do About It
A quote...."The Romans were aware that lead could cause serious health problems, even madness and death. However, they were so fond of its diverse uses that they minimized the hazards it posed. What they did not realize was that their everyday low-level exposure to the metal rendered them vulnerable to chronic lead poisoning, even while it spared them the full horrors of acute lead poisoning. Roman engineers in the end brought down the Roman Empire when they replaced their stone aqueducts with lead pipes for the transport and supply of drinking water, thus turning much of the Roman population into neurological cripples.[1]"

Fukushima Nuclear Decommission, Compensation Costs to Almost Double: Media
A quote...."Japan's trade ministry has almost doubled the estimated cost of compensation for the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and decommissioning of the damaged Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant to more than 20 trillion yen ($177.51 billion), the Nikkei business daily reported on Sunday."
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More On The Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax Scam....

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Equates Climate ‘Deniers’ With Proponents of ‘Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide’
Carbon Currency / Carbon Tax Scam:  Whore Alert - A quote...."CNN’s Christiane Amanpour has equated climate change skeptics with the purveyors of “ethnic cleansing and genocide in Bosnia” and “unspeakable crimes.” She also declared that the media should not give voice to those who reject the alleged “consensus” of man-made climate fears. Amanpour warned of a “Tsunami of fake news.” - Source:  ClimateDepot

Sunday November 27th 2016

No posts - mpg

Saturday November 26th 2016

The All Out War On "The Real", & The Entire "Reality Based Community", Is ON!!!....

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you....then you win."

Countering the Real Fake News
Must View BFP-NBVideo - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (BFP-NBYuTb - 16min10sec - Nov 20, 2016) - Source:  Newsbud Videos - NewsbudCom - NewsBudDonations - BFP Spot Light - BoilingFrogsPost - Guest Website:  SE@JustACitizen - Classified Woman -- A quote...."Sibel Edmonds tackles the latest development on the censoring of so-called fake news by the major social media channels. Edmonds points out the actual news outlets responsible for the publication of fake news and propaganda, and offers you a solution." - Topix   ||  Social Media - "We Create YOUR Reality" - 10-20-16 - mpg  ||  Israel's Net Control  ||

The "Fake News" Psyop: Our Freedom Depends on the Freedom of the Press
Must Listen TSMVideo - (TSMYuTb -19min06sec - Nov 26, 2016) - Source:  TRUTHstreammedia -- A quote...."Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost."  -- *Thomas Jefferson*

What I Learned From the "PropOrNot" Propaganda List
CRAudio - Sort'of hysterical in a way. - mpg - Alt/YuTb - (CRMedPlyr - 15min22sec - Nov 26, 2016) - Source:  CR@YuTb CorbettRpt - A quote...."Yes, has made this new, mysterious, anonymously-authored "propaganda list" of websites to watch out for in the era of #FakeNews and Russians under every rock. And yes, the list is as ridiculous as that sounds. Join me today as I look into the latest pathetic attempt by a flailing establishment to bolster their discredited mouthpiece media organs and counter the ascendant alternative media. (Spoiler: they're going to lose this battle as well.)"

Reddit CEO Admits To Editing Posts Made By Trump Supporters
Reddit's "Social Media" FAIL!! - Related Article - A quote...."Just one day after shutting down the "Pizzagate" subreddit thread, a move which infuriated a lot of users who claimed they were being censored over political views, the CEO of Reddit, Steve Huffman, has now admitted to editing individual posts made by Trump supporters that were critical of him.  According to reporting from BBC, Huffman simply edits posts to redirect criticism away from him and onto the moderators of the "r/the_donald" thread." - Topix   ||  Social Media - "We Create YOUR Reality" - 10-20-16 - mpg  ||  Israel's Net Control  ||

'Welcome to the P*ssy Generation, Where Few People Make Sacrifices For Truth'
The "Post-Truth" Myth - A quote...." Regarding ‘post-truth’ as it relates to politics, the implication is there was a time when discourse was truthful. I don’t see that, Michael Raddie, co-Editor of BSNews, told RT. Danish journalist Iben Thranholm also provided her comments. -- In the aftermath of media coverage of the US presidential election campaign and Britain's vote to quit the EU, the Oxford Dictionaries group made 'post-truth' its international word of the year."

Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group
WaPo - (What A Pile Of [Expletive Deleted]) -- A quote...."The Washington Post on Thursday night promoted the claims of a new, shadowy organization that smears dozens of U.S. news sites that are critical of U.S. foreign policy as being “routine peddlers of Russian propaganda.” The article by reporter Craig Timberg – headlined “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say” – cites a report by a new, anonymous website calling itself “PropOrNot,” which claims that millions of Americans have been deceived this year in a massive Russian “misinformation campaign.”

WaPo Names Drudge, Zero Hedge, & Ron Paul As Anti-Clinton "Sophisticated Russian Propaganda Tools"
All - Out - Media - War! -- A quote...."The desperate flailing of a mainstream-media struggling through the five stages of grief continues as no lesser unbiased foundation of the fourth estate than The Washington Post pushes ahead with its "fake news, blame the Russians" narrative for why their candidate failed so miserably."
Washington Post Peddles Tarring of Ron Paul Institute as Russian Propaganda
Ditto - A quote...."The Washington Post has a history of misrepresenting Ron Paul’s views. Last year the supposed newspaper of record ran a feature article by David A. Fahrenthold in which Fahrenthold grossly mischaracterized Paul as an advocate for calamity, oppression, and poverty — the opposite of the goals Paul routinely expresses and, indeed, expressed clearly in a speech at the event upon which Fahrenthold’s article purported to report."
Lone Blogger Rages Against The Washington Post's Russian "Hit List"
Double Ditto - A quote...."I have to admit I’m quite honored to see that Liberty Blitzkrieg was recently included on a list of some of the most illustrious, impactful and successful alternative news websites on the planet. -- The list was created by an anonymous group of status quo crybabies who simply can’t handle the fact their beloved chosen oligarch was defeated in a democratically held election by Donald Trump (who I didn’t even support). As such, they are lashing out at alternative news outlets deemed most effective in countering the smothering and nonsensical pro-Hillary narrative tirelessly propagated by the fake mainstream news media." - SourceLiberty Blitzkrieg Blog

WaPo Useful-Idiot Shills For A Failed, Frantic Status Quo That Has Lost Control Of The Narrative
Triple Ditto - A quote...."I was amused to find my site listed on the now-infamous list of purportedly Russian-controlled propaganda sites cited by The Washington Post. I find it amusing because I invite anyone to search my 3,600-page archive of published material over the past decade (which includes some guest posts and poems) and identify a single pro-Russia or pro-Russian foreign policy entry." - Source:  OfTwoMinds

The Saker Blog Finally Blacklisted By The Corporate Media :-)
Quadruple Ditto - A quote...."Over the past couple of days emails have been pouring in warning me that the Saker blog made it to the “An Initial Set of Sites That Reliably Echo Russian Propaganda“: (this is just a partial list, go to the website for the full thing)"

RPI's Daniel McAdams on the Washington Post 'Fake News' Attack Piece
Quintuple Ditto - A quote...."With its status as the Beltway newspaper of record, with its budget of some half a billion dollars, with its 750 or so employees, what a surprise that the Washington Post feels threatened by a tiny truth-telling think tank like the Ron Paul Institute. But obviously they do feel threatened. So threatened, in fact, that they recently published an article claiming that the Ron Paul Institute -- along with such notable company as the Drudge Report, Counterpunch, ZeroHedge, and others."
Meet The Real "Fake News"
Quote of the Day...."In its attempt to redirect the public's attention from its historic failure to deliver unbiased, objective, factual reporting in the context of the presidential election in which virtually every single mainstream media outlet was revealed (courtesy of the hacked Podesta emails) and acted as a Public Relations arm for the Clinton campaign, said media has opened a new can of worms by ushering in the topic of "fake news" - a purposefully vague, undefined term meant to deflect and scapegoat by "exposing" propaganda websites, which in the latest incarnation of the narrative, are now allegedly serving to further Russian propaganda in the US."

Smear-Mongering: a Mea Culpa for the Age of McCarthyism 2.0
A "Paid Agent Of The Kremlin" - (sarcasm) - A quote...."OK, I guess I’d better come clean. It seems that I must be a paid agent of the Kremlin. After all, I write for CounterPunch Magazine — for money! I used to write regularly for — for money! I’ve contributed articles to the Baltimore Gazette. I’ve often quoted and linked to stories from the Black Agenda Report. I’ve regularly quoted and linked to articles by prize-winning AP/Newsweek reporter Robert Parry for years. According to the Washington Post, all of this makes me either a paid Kremlin propagandist or a Kremlin dupe. There is no other alternative. - And who says this? A collection of completely anonymous “experts” from a group no one has ever heard of until it materialized for the Post article....." - Source:  ChrisFloyd

CrossTalk: Fake News
CTRTVideo - CT/FakeNews@RT - CT/FakeNews/Mp4 - (CTRTYuTb - 24min33sec - Nov 25, 2016) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote..."It is called fake news and we are told it is dangerous. Maybe we can agree on this. But let there be no mistake, it is governments and mainstream media that have peddled fake news for decades. And this is being challenged. - CrossTalking with Patrick Henningsen, Vladimir Golstein, and Marcus Papadopoulos."

Using Fake News Against Opposing Views
A quote...."What worries me the most about fake news, isn’t that it’s fake, it’s that it’s being used by the left to try to silence opposing views. -  Take for example a story reported by the Los Angeles Times that included a professor who put together a Google document of “false, misleading, clickbait-y and satirical ‘news sources’” to help people “cleanse their newsfeeds of misinformation.”

‘Fake News’? Time To Choose
A quote...."Corporate media fakes us into wars that aren’t even close to lawful, are Orwellian illegal Wars of Aggression (1 of 14)"

Fake News Ruse: Establishment Declares War on Alternative Media
A quote...."The effort to shut down the alternative media following the election victory of Donald Trump is kicking into high gear. On November 16 PolitiFact declared it would “fight back against fake news” and produced a hit list of alternative media sites. Blacklisted News is included on a list compiled by a site created specifically to target alternative media the establishment wants eliminated."

Malicious Media Onslaught On Cultural Veracity
A quote...."It has long been known that the concentration of media ownership and the staffing for their “political correctness” message on broadcast, cable, printed press and on the vast majority of establishment internet outlets is filled by committed destroyers of the American Constitution and traditional Western Civilization moral values. With the resounding defeat of the globalist cabal with the Presidential election of Donald Trump, the rats that propagate the propaganda echo chamber for cultural distortion are working overtime to hold onto their fading indoctrination influence. Now the latest catch phrase is to stamp out fake-news."

Is Barack Hussein Obama the Campaign Manager for the Re-Election of German Chancellor Angela Merkel?
One Hopes So! - (It'll guarantee that she'll lose!! - mpg) -- A quote...."She is certainly sounding like him, saying public opinion is being “manipulated” on the internet, claiming “fake news” websites and “trolls” could influence the approaching German elections."

The EU Just Handed Russia a Moral Victory in the Information War...
A quote...."Today I want to, following President Putin, congratulate the journalists of RT and Sputnik for their great moral victory. The European Parliament has adopted a resolution on counteracting Russian propaganda which de facto equated such to ISIS. This is a success."
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More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

Syria: Theater of the Absurd Gets Crazier
The "We Create Our Own [Un]-Reality" Crowd....Jumps The Shark - Must Read -- A quote...."Just when you think the loons have emptied their bag of tricks we get a week like the past one to prove you are wrong. The alleged massacre of students and teachers in the village of Hass, at the hands of the Syrian or Russian Air Forces, has had several revisions already, the truth exposed in stages. - When news of the attack first broke, we saw the crazies at the UN pouring gas on a totally unproven story, delivered to us by the flagrantly CIA "Syrian Observatory [For Human Rights]" news front. The initial claims were backed up by the “White Helmets”, another Western-NATO front supplying aid and comfort to the terrorists tormenting Syria under the guise of emergency workers and a multimillion NGO budget. - These two “sources” have fed Western media a non-stop flow of alleged Damascus atrocity stories to make the casual observer think that Assad was competing with Attila the Hun for the world’s most bloodthirsty killer award. Professional journalist and mainstream media almost never validate the claims independently as it is too dangerous for them to do so in the land of the head choppers." - also posted at RussiaInsider
Osman: "White Helmets Have Shot Themselves in the Foot"
They Should've Aimed Higher - Related Article - A quote...."The White Helmets has been, once again - and this time perhaps definitively - exposed as not only 'fraudulent' in some abstract way, but are literally staging their actions for western and gulf state media outlets."
Brit who joined Kurdish Peshmerga to Fight ISIS Returns to Police ‘Harassment’
Making It Clearer-Er-Er-Er - A quote...."A Scottish volunteer who fought Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) with Kurdish Peshmerga forces for more than two years says he has been the subject of an intrusive police investigation “bordering on harassment” since returning home last week." - Source:  RT

Israeli Military Court Jails Two Syrians For Blocking Ambulance Carrying Nusra Militants
Making It Plainer-Er-Er-Er - A quote...."An Israeli court has handed down prison sentences to two Syrians living in the occupied Golan Heights for blocking an Israeli ambulance transporting militants operating in Syria for treatment. - The military court on Thursday sentenced Amal Abu Saleh to seven years and eight months in jail and a fine of more than 3,000 dollars, Syria’s official news agency SANA reported. - Bashira Mahmoud, the other Syrian, was sentenced to 22 months in prison. She was also fined 1,000 dollars. - According to the report, Israeli forces arrested the two along with 24 others in June 2015, when residents of the village of Majdal Shams blocked the ambulance and prevented it from transporting two injured terrorists with the Takfiri Jabhat Fateh al-Sham militant group, formerly known as al-Nusra Front." - Source:  PressTV
At this point, after thousands and thousands of articles like this have been posted for well over a decade -- just on this website alone -- not to mention the tens of thousands of other websites out there, anybody who does not acknowledge that the US-NRE, Israel, and the Saudi Parasites (The Trinity of Evil) have been supporting ISIS, and all its numerous antecedents and subsequent variants for DECADES when talking about "terrorism", and its solution.... is instantly discredited!! - mpg
Qatar Will Continue Supporting Syria Militants [Wahhabist Terrorists] Even if Trump Pulls US Out
Ditto - A quote...."Qatar says it will continue to supply militant groups in Syria with arms even if US President-elect Donald Trump halts US support. -- Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani (seen below) made the remarks on Saturday in relation to Trump's recent remarks signaling that he is opposed to the US’s support for anti-Syrian government militant groups."

Juncker Defends Relations With ‘Odious Regimes’ Like [Wahhabist] Saudi Arabia
Double Ditto - A quote...."The European Commission’s President Jean-Claude Juncker has stressed the importance of having relations with “odious regimes” such as Saudi Arabia."

Asylum in Kiev for Islamic State Terrorists?
Triple Ditto - A quote...."“ISIS is our ally in the struggle against russia”. Ukrainian nationalist leader [Kiev regime terrorist] - A quote...."A Ukrainian nationalist [Kiev regime terrorist supporter], leader of the “Brotherhood,” Dmitry Korchinsky proposed to offer asylum to ISIS terrorists in Kiev, the former head of UNA-UNSO [Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People’s Self-defense] wrote on his social network page. According to Korchinsky, SSU (Security Service of Ukraine) must see ISIS as “allies in the struggle with Russia.”
West Aims to Revise Nuclear Deal With Iran Ahead of Trump Inauguration
Welshing!  "US-NRE Style" -- A quote...."While the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran has been in place for almost a year now, and the only real compliance questions center around the US not following through on all the pledged lifting of sanctions they were supposed to do, officials now say the Obama Administration and the rest of the West are pushing to add even more restrictions on Iran." - bold by website editor - Topix ||  How About An Honest NPT? - 11-11-10 - mpg  ||
Proving, once again for the few out there who still might have some doubts....that any treaty, truce, codicil, agreement, contract, commitment, covenant, resolution, understanding, proposal, promise, protocol, oath, affidavit or affirmation by the United Sates of America, Britain, or the criminal enclave called Israel, or any person, or agency representing these governments, or any corporations controlled by these governments, or any trans-national Euro-Kharzarian, is not worth the piece of paper it's written on, or the breath it's spoken on.

In other words....don't even bother - IT - IS - A - COMPLETE - WASTE - OF - ANYONE'S - TIME -  to do "business" with these entities and those who represent them.

Any attempt to do so will usually result in the involuntary impoverishment, injury, and death, sooner or later,  for almost all those who try. - mpg
Obama Empowers Special Forces for Clandestine Killings Worldwide
Another First For The "Peace Prize" Bathhouse Butt Boy!! - (Will his supporters EVER apologize for inflicting this feckless, prancing, mincing, murderous, moron, on the world?  Never. - mpg) -- A quote...."Pleased with the 2011 assassination raid against Osama bin Laden, US officials say President Obama has been consistently expanding the authority of elite special forces units under the JSOC command to plan and launch similar attacks worldwide."
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

Kiev Is Desperate to Provoke Russia Before Trump Is Sworn In
War Provocation - Must Read - A quote...."First, it appeared to be a fluke: this summer the Ukronazi regime sent a small terrorist unit into Crimea tasked with blowing up several targets in the Crimea (see here for details). They were arrested by the Russian security services. In November, another two saboteurs were caught by the FSB (see here). -- And now something really remarkable happened. The Ukronazi security service kidnapped two Russian citizens in broad daylight and accused them of being “deserters”. Turns out that the two kidnapped men are Maksim Odintsov and Alexander Baranov and that both of them are junior servicemen in the Russian military (ensign and junior sergeant)."
Kiev’s Decision To Hold Missile Firing Drills near Crimea Provocation — Russian lawmaker
War Provocation - Related Article - A quote...."MOSCOW, November 25. /TASS/. Kiev’s decision to hold missile firing drills in the Russian airspace in the Crimea area where civilian aircraft are flying represent a provocation, First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Committee’s International Affairs Committee Vladimir Dzhabarov told TASS on Friday."
Steinmeier's Role in Ukraine Coup Should Prevent Him From Being German President
A quote...."Ukrainian ex-lawmaker Vladimir Oleynik says that the February 2014 coup d'état in Ukraine must be formally adjudicated as such. Commenting on Oleynik's remarks, German lawmaker Andrej Hunko told Sputnik that German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier's role in the coup should disqualify him from the German presidency."

Russian Federation Sitrep 24 November 2016
A quote...."Strange as it may seem, Trump and Putin have the same job: they both want to get their countries working again; or, if you prefer, to make America/Russia great again. There are more similarities than an American jingoist would like to think of...." - Source:  RussiaObserver

Video: Knock-Knock! Russian Special Forces Raid House, Find ISIS Flag, Weapons and Ammo
RTVideo - Alt/YuTb - (RTYuTb - 53sec - Nov 24, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Russian Special Forces conduct an anti-terrorist operation in the city of Nazran. Two officers and two militants were killed during the raid. RT LIVE...."

Young Musicians From France at Motorola Funeral Share Their Emotions at the Saur Mogila Memorial
A quote...."Donetsk 25 Nov 2016 The program of the third day of visit of the French group was totally turned around by the always moving news of the Donbass. That was the day of the funeral commemoration of Commander Motorola, murdered three days earlier during a bomb attack in the elevator of his building."
Ukraine Ex-President 'Regrets' Not Calling In Army
A quote...."Moscow (AFP) - Ukraine's ousted former president Viktor Yanukovych said Friday he regretted "not having called in the army and declared martial law" in his bid to crush a pro-EU revolt in February 2014. - "My biggest mistake was, I could not, I did not find the strength in me to sign the decree to call in the army and introduce martial law," Kremlin-backed Yanukovych told reporters in Rostov-on-Don, in southern Russia."
Hah!  All that would've happened is that the US-NRE would have sent in thousands of additional foreign mercenaries and terrorists, and the carnage would have escalated ten fold, or a hundred fold.  And the "Western" (Euro-Kharzarian) controlled European and US-NRE mass corporate media would've blamed Yanukovych for every single bit of the slaughter.  Just EXACTLY as they did Qaddafi, and Saddam, and are currently blaming Assad of Syria. This is WHO these whorespondents and presstitutes are.  It is WHAT they are.  They have SOLD themselves. - mpg
Spain Issues Arrest Warrant For Ukraine Oligarch
Euro-Kharzarian Crime Syndicate Targets An Impediment To Their N.W.O. -  A quote..."Madrid (AFP) - Spanish police have announced an international arrest warrant against a powerful Ukrainian oligarch, identified by media Friday as controversial gas magnate Dmytro Firtash. - Judicial authorities in Barcelona ordered "three European arrest warrants issued against Ukrainian citizens considered the leaders" of a criminal organisation involved in money laundering, police said in a statement late Thursday."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds..

Syrian Air Force Strikes Turkish Forces
BREAKING: - Imagine, Bombing An Invading, Terrorist Supporting Army, On YOUR OWN Territory - The Utter Temerity Of  Syria!! -- A quote...." Three servicemen of the Turkish army were killed yesterday as a result of a Syrian airstrike in the Aleppo province,  the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet has reported, citing the Turkish General Staff. The bombardment also injured 10 of Ankara’s soldiers. It has been reported that the bodies of the killed soldiers have been taken to the border town of Gaziantep for an expert autopsy. -- On Thursday, November 24th, an airstrike by Syrian military aviation with Turkish troops as its target was recorded for the first time since the beginning of Turkey’s illegal Euphrates Shield operation on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic."

Head of Turkish Delegation to Russia: "The Crimean People's Choice Must be Recognized"
A Cynical Attempt To Lay The Ground Work To Annex Part of Syria -- A quote...."The head of the Turkish Association of Eurasian Governments and confidant of the deputy head of Turkey’s General Security Directorate, Hasan Cengiz, has called for the choice of the Crimean people expressed in the referendum in 2014 to be recognized."
They are NOT comparable!! Obviously Erdogan is being advised by some Euro-Kharzarian smart-asses!! This little maneuver smells exactly like something they would cook up.

Ukraine's legitimately elected government was overthrown in a violent, illegal, murderous coup, whereupon its Euro-Kharzarian, trans-nationalist, carpet-bagging, foreign sponsored, billionaire oligarchs began a vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing, which the people of Crimea naturally did not want to be subject too.

In Syria the VERY SAME PEOPLE sponsored a violent, attempted, overthrow of Syria's government, brought in tens of thousands of foreign Wahhabist terrorists to carry it out, thoroughly destroyed the country, while members of Erdogan's own family stole Syria's oil, and  Erdogan himself used the refugees created to extort billions of Euros from the EU, and now, using the Crimean peoples narrow escape from the death and destruction plaguing the rest of Ukraine as an excuse, this P.O.S. camel humping bastard with delusions of a mini-Ottaman empire wants to carve off a piece of Syria with his own invading army!!

[Expletive deleted]-Erdogan, and his whole, stinking, psychotic, [expletive deleted]-ing troglodyte family!! - mpg

Russia Hermes-K ATGM Arrived in Syria: Weapon Terrorists Should Fear
A quote...."Russia’s military operation in Syria has been in the focus of world media ever since it was launched in late September, 2015. It was the first time the Russian Federation’s military saw real combat while operating far from home. The anti-terrorist campaign is unparalleled in terms of complexity. It also provides a unique opportunity to test the brand new cutting-edge weapons systems on the battlefield."

BREAKING: Syrian army recaptures biggest Al-Qaeda held district of eastern Aleppo
A quote...."Confirmation of loss of Al-Qaeda controlled biggest district in the Jihadi pocket of eastern Aleppo confirms that the Syrian army is on course to liberate the whole of Aleppo before Donald Trump's inauguration in January."
Dara'a Governor Terms Jordan Accomplice to Terrorists' Crimes in Syria
Truth Be Told - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Governor of Dara'a Province Mohammad Khaled al-Hanous blasted the Jordanian government for providing safe passage to the terrorists to Syria, saying that the move has made his country more insecure and unstable. -- "Since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis, the terrorists have used regions along the Syria-Jordan border as safe passages to enter or exit Syria under emergency conditions, and Jordan has always facilitated the terrorists' illegal entry into Syria," al-Khaled al-Hanous said."

Several Terrorist Commanders Killed by Unknown Attackers in Syria's Idlib
US-NRE "Cleaning House"?? - What eventually happens to "allies" of the US-NRE.  And it will happen every single time....always - mpg -- A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Over 18 militants, including commanders, from three main terrorist groups have been killed in a fresh wave of attacks by unknown assailants in the Northwestern city of Idlib in the last four days. - More than 18 militants, some of them senior commanders, of the Free Syrian Army, Faylaq al-Sham and Fatah al-Sham Front (previously known as the al-Nusra Front) have been killed and many more have been wounded in a new round of assaults by rival groups."

ISIS Tel Afar Wali Steals Millions of Dollars and Flees With 4 of His Aides
Fugitive Terrorist Alert - A quote...."Nineveh – ( ISIS Wali of Tel Afar, along with four of his aides, fled toward the Syrian territories after looting millions of US dollars, Alsumaria News reported on Saturday. - Alsumaria News stated, “The so-called ISIS Wali of Tel Afar Abu Islam al-Uzbaki, along with four of his aides including Diwan Bayt al-Mal official (Treasury’s official), fled to al-Ba’j district and then to the Iraqi-Syrian borders,” pointing out that, “The Wali and his aides also stole large quantities of money, which they collect through smuggling crude oil and bullying for two years.”"
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

US Missile Strikes Iraqi Forces’ Command Tent in Tal Afar: Hashd al-Shaabi
Breaking:  US-NRE Bombs Its Ally....Again....For The Umpteenth Time - A quote...."The Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), also known as Hashd al-Shaabi forces, in Iraq say the US-led coalition fired a missile at their command tent at the recently liberated Tal Afar Airport after Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi met with commanders there."

In Retaken Areas of Mosul, Islamic State Still Inflicts Pain
A quote...."A medic peeled blood-soaked bandages from the arm of a boy in the emergency room of a hospital in northern Iraq, revealing the full extent of the damage inflicted by an Islamic State mortar attack. - "Is something wrong with my hand?" the boy asked his father, who stood over the stretcher covering his son's eyes to prevent him seeing the wound."

Militants Targeting Civilians in Mosul; 61 Killed in Iraq
A quote...."According to civilians remaining in liberated areas of Mosul, the Islamic State militants are targeting them for death as apostates. About 100 of the most severely injured are arriving on a daily basis to a hospital in Erbil, meaning that many more are being treated and released at field hospitals. At the Wadi al-Salam cemetery in Najaf, a similar glimpse into casualties is available. There, attendees say they receive about 20 bodies a day, except during large offensives, when that amount doubles. The Iraqi government does not release casualty figures."

Iran Envoy Calls On UN to Condemn Deadly Daesh Pilgrim Attack
A quote...."Iran's UN envoy says that recent Daesh terrorist attack in Iraq that claimed the lives of a large number of Iranian pilgrims is a reminder of the heavy responsibility on international community towards battling terrorism."
Wikileaks Yemen Files
Database / Resource - A quote...."Today, Friday 25 November, WikiLeaks releases the Yemen Files. - The Yemen Files are a collection of more than 500 documents from the United States embassy in Sana'a, Yemen. Comprising more than 200 emails and 300 PDFs, the collection details official documents and correspondence pertaining to the Office for Military Cooperation (OMC) located at the US embassy. The collection spans the period from 2009 until just before the war in Yemen broke out in earnest during March 2015. This time period covers both Hillary Clinton's term as Secretary of State (20092013) and the first two years of Secretary John Kerry’s tenure."
WikiLeaks’ ‘Yemen Files’ Reveal Scope of US Involvement in Yemen War
Related Article - A quote...."WikiLeaks has released a new collection of 500 internal documents today from the US Embassy in Sanaa, the latest in a long series of leaks the group has obtained over the years. The documents detail US involvement in Yemen in the lead up to and during the Saudi invasion."

Saudi Airstrike Kills a Dozen Civilians in Yemen's Hudaydah
A quote...."At least a dozen people, including women and children, have been killed when Saudi fighter jets carried out an airstrike against a residential neighborhood in Yemen's western coastal province of Hudaydah."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

Europe: Let's Self-Destruct!
A quote...."Roughly 30,000 foreign and European Islamic State fighters from around 100 different countries, who have gone to Syria, Iraq and Libya, could spread across the continent once the terror group is crushed in its Iraqi stronghold, warned Karin von Hippel, director-general of the UK military think tank, Royal United Services Institute, speaking to the Express on October 26:" - Source:  GatestoneInst
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere....

Man Jailed For Hurting Someone’s Feelings
Must Listen Ry2SVideo - Alt/Mp3 - Note:  Mp3 dies after 45 mins - Alt/YuTb - (Ry2SMp3-YuTb - 45min/2hrs - Nov 21, 2016) - Source:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - Patreon -- One commentator stated....."What a great episode, Ryan. Thanks for featuring Brendon, he's a great reminder that Freedom of Speech doesn't extend to very many countries at all and that Australia is really a police state that has been taken over by an alien group that is hostile to its native population. I'm reminded of what I read in the D.C. Holocaust Museum -- When Germany was looking for countries to offload their Jews onto they asked Australia, and Australia's response was "We don't have a racial problem here, and we don't want to import one". Haha, how times have changed! Clearly the same people aren't in power anymore." -- *Frank Drebin*

Why Israel is Burning?
God, & The Three Fates Have A Sense Of Humor!! - (And Karma is a b*tch) -- A quote...."Israel’s rural landscape is saturated with pine trees. These trees are new to the region.  The pine trees were introduced to the Palestinians landscape in the early 1930s by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) in an attempt to ‘reclaim the land’ . By 1935, JNF had planted 1.7 million trees over a total area of 1,750 acres. Over fifty years, the JNF planted over 260 million trees largely on confiscated Palestinian land. It did it all in a desperate attempt to hide the ruins of the ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages and their history. -- Along the years the JNF performed a crude attempt to eliminate Palestinian civilisation and past  but it also tried to make Palestine look like Europe. The Palestinian natural forest was eradicated. Similarly the olive trees were uprooted. The pine trees took their place. On the southern part of mount Carmel the Israelis named an area as ‘Little Switzerland’. By now, there is not much left of “Little Switzerland.” " - bold by website editor

The Old is Dying, the New is Struggling to be Born
"Thugs Will Not Silence Me" -- *George Galloway* -- A quote...."Many of you will have read about an unpleasant and, at the time, distressing experience I had at the University of Aberdeen earlier this week, which was widely reported in the national news. Someone, who claimed responsibility on Twitter, calling themselves "trans" and an "anarchist", led a five person attack on me as I began my speech, with no intervention from university security, and threw a then unknown substance into my face from point blank range. We had warned the university of a planned protest, which we suspected would be violent, and provided them with the names and faces of the expected aggressors - who did in fact turn out to be the aggressors - yet nothing was done to prevent it."

Israeli Soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian Jihadist Militia Members] Attack The Weekly Protest In Ni’lin
A quote...."Israeli soldiers [Euro-Kharzarian jihadist militia members] attacked, Friday, the weekly nonviolent protest in Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah in the west Bank, causing several Palestinians to suffer the effects of teargas inhalation."

Crimes Against Humanity: Ninety Percent of Gaza Has No Clean Drinking Water
A quote...."Ninety percent of Gaza has no safe drinking water and by 2020, none of the water in the blockaded enclave will be usable if nothing is done, the World Bank said this week. -- This was not always the case. As recently as the late 1990s, tap water in Gaza was safe to drink, World Bank Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist Adnan Ghosheh said in his statement on the World Bank website this week. But since then, so much water has been pumped from the natural aquifer underneath Gaza that seawater has seeped in, spoiling the water and making it too salty for drinking."

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (17 – 24 Nov 2016)
Weekly Report -- A one week total of what the illegal Jihadist Euro-Kharzarian migrants do to the Palestinians.  Just a week's total.  This has been going on for over sixty years.  What would you do if they were doing this to your community, your family, or you?  Would you chicken out and leave, would you give up and submit, or would you fight?  Try thinking about it.  What would YOU actually do in such circumstances?? - mpg
PCHR Concludes Training Course in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in Gaza City
A quote...."On 23 November 2016, the Training Unit at the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) concluded a training course in the field of human rights and international humanitarian law in Gaza City for Somow Youth Tam. The 20-hour course was held at PCHR’s Head office in Gaza from 20 to 23 November 2016 and attended by thirty members of the Youth Team, including 8 young women."

Women’s Rights Unit Organizes Two Training Courses on Security and Wellbeing for Women in Women’s Prison and Al-Aman Shelter -- A quote...."The Women’s Rights Unit at the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) organized two training courses on security and wellbeing last week.  The first course targeted 65 women, including the administrative staff and prisoners, in the Interior Ministry’s women’s prison in Gaza while the second targeted 35 women, including the administrative staff and inmates, in the Social Affairs Ministry’s Al-Aman Shelter for Women."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

When Money Dies - India's Demonetization Is A "Massive Man-Made Disaster"
India Commits Financial Suicide - (Everyone said Modi was a "conservative".  Something obviously got lost in translation - mpg) -- A quote...."In part-I of the dispatch we talked about what happened during the first two days after Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi banned Rs 500 and Rs 1000 banknotes, comprising of 88% of the monetary value of cash in circulation. In part-II, we talked about the scenes, chaos, desperation, and massive loss of productive capacity that this ban had led to over the next few days." - Source:  ActingMan

Cash Crackdown Escalates: India May Impose 60% Tax On "Unaccounted" Dep, Curbs On Gold
India's War On Savers - A quote...."As reported yesterday, India's unexpected crackdown on "black money" which saw the elimination of the old high denomination bills, is not going well, not only because former PM Manmohan Singh slammed the idea warning it would cut as much as 2% from the GDP of the world's fastest growing economy, but because so far the voluntary participation in the "exchange" of old for new notes ahead of today's exchange suspension (deposits of old cash may still take place until December 31) has been far below expectations." - Related article...."Indian Government Seeks To Quell Panic: "No Plan To Restrict Gold Holdings"

The War on Cash Escalates.... With Disastrous Results For Non-Bankers....
A quote...."We began writing on the War on Cash some time ago when it was still just a theoretical ploy that we believed banks and governments were likely to employ as their economic adventurism continued to unravel. -  But, in the last year, several countries have, as a part of the War on Cash, begun removing larger banknotes from circulation in order to force people to perform all economic transactions through the banking system, ensuring that the banks would gain total control over the movement of money."

Breaking News on the War on Cash: Now Spain
A quote...."India, Uruguay, Australia and now Spain. The Minister of Finance and Public Service, Cristóbal Montoro has reportedly just announced “anticipated measures in order to ‘reduce the use of cash.’ -- In other words, Spain is going to make cash transactions even more difficult. As of presstime, from what we can tell, this has yet to be reported anywhere in English media except here now at TDV."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Putin Purges Kremlin Liberals While NATO Candidates Suffer Political Defeats in Eastern Europe
BFP-NBVideo - (BFP-NBYuTb - 27min47sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  Newsbud Videos - NewsbudCom - NewsBudDonations - BFP Spot Light - BoilingFrogsPost -- A quote...."In the seventh edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the front page articles from five Russian newspapers: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Izvestia, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Pravda, and Argumenty i Facty. He discusses the implications of the recent phone conversation between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and chronicles the current stage of the Russian military intervention in Syria, NATO military exercise in Lithuania, and the victories of the pro-Russian presidential candidates in Moldova and Bulgaria. Kovacevic also reports that the Russian semi-tabloid press remains skeptical about Trump's ability to improve relations between the U.S. and Russia."

15 European Leaders Call For New Arms Deal With Russia
Anybody Listening? - A quote...."Fifteen European countries, headed by Germany, have issued a statement pushing for the reopening of “a new structured dialogue” with Russia aimed at preventing a possible arms race in Europe, according to the German foreign minister. - The countries, all belonging to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), have expressed their deep concern over the current situation in Europe and support the relaunch of a conventional arms treaty with Russia, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told Die Welt newspaper in an interview published on Friday." - Source:  RT

Italian Representatives Visited DPR
A quote...."November 23-24 a delegation of 9 Italian public and political activists visited the Donetsk People`s Republic. - During a visit the guests saw Donetsk attractions and held a number of business meetings. As a follow-up to a visit to the DPR a number of issues was discussed on further social-cultural and economic cooperation."

After Warning US With "Retaliation" Iran Plans Russian Fighter Jet Purchase, Naval Bases In Syria, Yemen
A quote...."As tensions once again grow between Iran and the US, with both countries unsure if Donald Trump will extend Barack Obama's landmark "nuclear deal" which in January 2016 lifted Iran's sanctions (imposed previously by the same Obama regime) and allowed Iran to export three times as much crude oil as the country did one year ago, Iran has fallen back to the same diplomacy that marked the darker periods of diplomacy between Tehran and Washington."

Iran Ready to Re-Grant Its Hamadan Airbase to Russia
A quote...."Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan said that Tehran can again provide Russian aircraft an opportunity to use the Noje airbase in Hamadan, the Tasnim news agency reported."

DM: Iran to Purchase Sukhoi Su-30 Fighter Jets from Russia
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan stated Tehran's plan to buy Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jets from Russia, adding that Moscow's anti-terrorism flights in Syria from Iran's Western airbase of Nojeh might resume in future."

Germany OKs €1.2bn Loan For Iran Rail Plan
A quote...."Germany has reportedly agreed to provide Iran with a €1.2 billion ($1.27 billion) credit line to help finance a key rail project in what is seen as the biggest foreign financing the country has been able to secure after the removal of sanctions."

Railway Bypassing Ukraine to Come Operational in August 2017 - official - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."The railway route bypassing Ukraine will come operational on Aug. 15, 2017 already - more than a year ahead of the plan, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister General Dmitry Bulgakov told reporters on Nov. 26 during a trip to the Voronezh region, where he inspected the construction."

Northern Fleet Tests Five New Ships, Submarines in 2016
A quote...."Russia’s Northern Fleet in 2016 has tested new ships and submarines for the Navy, the Fleet’s Commander Vice-Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov told a briefing on Nov. 26."

Russia Starts Developing National Space Threat Warning System
A quote...."MOSCOW, November 23. /TASS/. Russia’s space corporation Roscosmos and the Russian Academy of Sciences have started drafting the concept of a future national structure expected to issue warnings of potentially dangerous space objects, the director of the Russian Academy’s Institute of Astronomy, Boris Shustov, has told TASS."

Russia to Place Outer Space Control Complexes in Altai, Far East, Buryatia and Crimea
A quote...."This will be a chain of next-generation specialized radio-electronic surveillance complexes," Andrei Ivashina, a deputy chief of the space segment of the Russian Aerospace Force said"

Russia, India to Enhance Cooperation in Oil and Gas Sector
A quote...."Russia has confirmed its participation in Petrotech 2016, the 12th International Oil and Natural Gas Conference being held in India, and plans to enhance cooperation in this crucial sector with India."

'Golden Era': China's Global Triumphant March Prompts Panic in West
A quote...."China's investment in the US has surpassed America's investment into China, the Beijing-based Center for China and Globalization's latest report highlights. However, China's global expansion has prompted growing concerns in the West which is yet to reconcile itself with the reality of its fading economic influence in the world."

China: Xinjiang Residents Told to Turn in Passports
China:  Anti Pseudo-Gang Restrictions Put Into Effect - A quote...."All residents in China's largely Muslim region of Xinjiang must hand in their passports to local police stations for "examination and management", according to Global Times, a state-funded newspaper . - "Anyone who needs the passport must apply to the police station," an anonymous police officer in Aksu prefecture told the paper on Thursday, adding that the policy had been implemented throughout Xinjiang. - The Global Times article followed numerous reports of tightened passport controls in cities across the region."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

All Aboard the Post-TPP World
A quote...." A half-hearted near handshake between US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin before and after they spoke 'for about four minutes', standing up, on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Lima, Peru, captured to perfection the melancholic dwindling of the Obama era. -- A whirlwind flashback of the fractious relationship between Obama and «existential threats» Russia and China would include everything from the Washington-sponsored Maidan in Kiev to Obama’s "Assad must go"  in Syria, with special mentions to the oil price war, sanctions, the raid on the ruble, extreme demonization of Putin and all things Russian, provocations in the South China Sea – all down to a finishing flourish; the death of the much vaunted Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty, which was reconfirmed at APEC right after the election of Donald Trump.

US Still Seeks Regime Change Across Asia
Must Read - A quote...."While the US could accurately be described as a global power in decline, the ambitions of prominent special interests at the center of its economic and political power still pose a potent threat to global stability and national sovereignty worldwide. In Asia particularly, despite a clear shift in a regional balance of power that has persisted for nearly a century, the US is still actively involved in attempting to dictate which governments come to power in respective nation-states and how they rule and all in an attempt to create a balance of power in Asia that serves US interests." - Source:  NEO

Africa, Russia, United States Imperialism and the Bankruptcy of the International Criminal Court
Must Read - A quote...."Surprisingly enough the ICC has almost exclusively focused its attention on alleged war crimes and acts of genocide taking place in Africa. Many of the cases have in effect served the interests of U.S. imperialism where governments which are targets for destabilization and regime-change are indicted by the prosecutorial institution in order to isolate their leaders by threating illegal arrests and seizures."

Top Scientist Who Discovered Litvinenko Poison 'Stabbed Himself To Death With Two Knives' After Trip to Russia -- What's Up With That?! - (Anybody want to speculate??) -- Some quotes...." The radiation expert who discovered the poison that killed Alexander Litvinenko "committed suicide" by stabbing himself repeatedly with two knives months after a trip to Russia, a coroner ruled. - Matthew Puncher, 46, bled to death at his home after receiving multiple stab wounds across his body from two kitchen knives, an inquest heard." -- " His wife Kathryn and work colleagues told an inquest into his death that he had "become obsessed" with a mistake he had made in his research. - She also said his mood "completely changed" after a visit to Russia before Christmas.
He was found dead at his home in Drayton, Oxfordshire, in May, with stab wounds to his arms, neck and upper abdomen. - His body was examined by Home Office pathologist Dr Nicholas Hunt who also conducted the post mortem on weapons expert Dr David Kelly in 2003.- Dr Kelly was found dead in woodland near his South Oxfordshire home, less than 10 miles from where Dr Puncher lived."

Canada Turns Against the Flying (Barely) Boondoggle That Is F-35
A Boondoggle Too Far?? - (Even the Zio-controlled, constantly kiss-ass, Canadian government is afraid of the voter's wrath, should they attempt to purchase this hideously expensive flying lemon. - mpg) -- A quote...."A Canadian purchase of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters is out the window until at least the early 2020s. Ottawa will instead acquire 18 Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornets to augment its aging fleet of 77 CF-18 Hornets, the Canadian Defense Ministry announced Nov. 22." - Source:  WarIsBoring

Welcome to CETA and the Liberals’ Faith-Based Reality
CETA - (Another Neo-"Liberal" Project) -- A quote...."While you were going about your daily routines this week, the Trudeau Sunny Ways government was rushing Bill C-30 (the act to implement the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement — CETA) through the House. Thirty of its 140 pages are devoted to amending The Patent Act, amendments which will increase annual drug costs for Canadians by up to 13 per cent. We already pay more for drugs than any other country except the U.S. Unless the rewards of CETA are very impressive, this “free trade” zealotry qualifies as a special kind of madness."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

Germany Planning to 'Massively' Limit Privacy Rights
A quote...."Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere is planning a major limitation of privacy rights in Germany, say data protection groups. Germans will no longer have the right to know what data about them is being collected."

These Are The 48 Organizations That Now Have Access To Every Brit's Browsing History
A quote...."Last week, in a troubling development for privacy advocates everywhere, we reported that the UK has passed the "snooper charter" effectively ending all online privacy. Now, the mainstream media has caught on and appears to be displeased. As AP writes today, "after months of wrangling, Parliament has passed a contentious new snooping law that gives authorities — from police and spies to food regulators, fire officials and tax inspectors — powers to look at the internet browsing records of everyone in the country.""

Of Course Zuckerberg Wants to Bow to Chinese Censorship
More On Zuckerberg's Empire of Control - A quote...."The easiest way to be disappointed is to expect others to act contrary to their self-interest. So really, we shouldn’t be disappointed to hear that Zuckerberg is enthusiastic about finding a way to appease Chinese censorship."
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

Aftermath & Analysis....

Uniquely Talented: Only the Democrats Could Have Lost to Trump
Absolute Spot-On Must Read - A quote...."A great uproar goes forth from the enemies of the Trump Beast, with much gnashing of hair and pulling of teeth. He will be a terrible President, they say, and they may well be right. There are ominous signs, particularly as regards foreign policy, and he seems radically incoherent and contradictory. Interestingly, his critics have no slight idea why he won.  The reason is obvious: He won because everybody was campaigning for him, in particular the media, Hillary, Black Lives Matter, Obama, Democrats, and far leftists. Everybody worked for Trump. He couldn’t lose. -- The election was a referendum on Marie Antoinette’s court. It was the revolt of the unnoticed downtrodden, the financially sinking, the working classes rising against  privileged snots–but it was engineered by the elites. The glittering elect of course did not say “working class,” this being a  loaded phrase redolent of Marxism and of the Democratic Party of five decades back before it became a royal court. They spoke instead of disgruntled white men, racists, homophobes, sexists, and the Islamonauseated–phobic, I meant."

F*** You, White Liberal: a Middle-Eastern American Glad Trump Won
Must Read - A quote...."I wanted to commiserate over the moral bankruptcy of liberalism in its politically-correct identity-politics form.  With liberals, we agreed, it is more acceptable to take bread from, and drop bombs on, brown children than it is to utter bigoted rhetoric.  The liberal will tell you it’s more racist to make stupid proclamations about Muslims in America than it is to be a chief architect of their demise overseas (Clinton uses ‘inclusive’ language at home, which apparently is all that matters to the liberal).  Trump says a racist thing at a rally during the campaign — “There’s my African American” – and the media is aghast, while Clinton supports African regimes that conscript children soldiers “no older than 16 years old” and years ago took to the stump for her husband to declare African-American children the mythic “superpredators” in support of a bill that put them into cages by the millions.   Why is it that in the identity politics of the Left it’s despicable to step out of line with language but perfectly acceptable to inflict tangible, material harm to minorities on a national and international scale?"

Here's What Happened When Ancient Romans Tried To 'Drain The Swamp'
Must Read - A quote...."In late January of the year 98 AD, after decades of turmoil, instability, inflation, and war, Romans welcomed a prominent solider named Trajan as their new Emperor. - Prior to Trajan, Romans had suffered immeasurably, from the madness of Nero to the ruthless autocracy of Domitian, to the chaos of 68-69 AD when, in the span of twelve months, Rome saw four separate emperors. - Trajan was welcome relief and was generally considered by his contemporaries to be among the finest emperors in Roman history. - Trajan’s successors included Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius, both of whom were also were also reputed as highly effective rulers. - But that was pretty much the end of Rome’s good luck." - Source:  SovereignManCom

The Power Struggle Unfolding Before Our Eyes
A quote...."A remarkably diverse array of “explanations” of Donald Trump’s presidential election victory have been aired, representing both the conventional political spectrum and well beyond. - Let’s start with the conventional mainstream media “explanations”" - also posted at ZeroHedge
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The Political Game...Continues....

More Lies From The 'Experts': "Get Trump At All Costs"
Must Read - A quote...."As flyover America has been suffering economically for many years, these Americans were immune to the oligarchy’s anti-Trump propaganda. However, everyone else in the country was taken in by the propaganda - liberals, progressives, the remnant of the leftwing, and even Patrick Martin of the World Socialist Web Site who normally writes intelligent commentary." - Source:  PaulCraigRoberts

"Trump Should Have Won NV and NH. CO Maybe, Maybe Not."
Hey Jill, Are We Also Gonna Re-Count The Close States Hillary Supposedly "Won"?!?! - A quote.... "Dems want a recount only in the swing states Trump won like WI, MI, and PA. But they don’t wanna touch swing states Hillary won like NV, CO, MN, or NH. Jill Stein now can’t ‘guarantee’ money will go to recount!"
"Soros Bot Funding Jill Stein's Recount Campaign"
The Puppeteers Behind Jill Stein -- A quote...."Jill Stein has just raised more money in 24 hours for her WI, MI, and PA recount initiative than she did for her entire 2016 presidential campaign."

‘Money For Recount Not Coming From Green Party Supporters’
Jill's Doing This On Her OWN! - (Think about that folks.  Think about what "group" in this country has all that printed Fed-fiat-debt-notes.  Just think about it. She's probably destroyed her political career. - mpg) -- Som quotes...."Press TV asked Hoenig, a Green Party candidate for Congress, on Saturday whether Stein's vote recount effort could change the outcome of the election." -- "She is using the Clinton/White House argument that there was Russian tampering going on, something that has not been verified or made public. It's a red herring. That being said, there are some things that need to be clarified,” the activist explained. - “First, this is not sanctioned by the Green Party. Their steering committee did not approve the Green Party being the recipient of the money, needing to open up an account. Jill Stein might be the perceived face of the party but as a candidate and nominee, she no more officially represents the party than neither Clinton nor Trump represent theirs,” he said. - “There is a schism within the party over this issue for many reasons and at this point it would be wise for the party to be an observer of this runaway train, rather than its conductor,” the analyst revealed." - bold by website editor

Jill Stein Advocate Slams Recount Decision: "Shameful Support For War Goddess Hillary"
Advocates Are Abandoning The Sinking Rat - A quote...."Jill Stein for Hillary? -- Shameful! What’s going on? Why did her campaign announce its “intent to file for a recount of votes in the battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, leading a multi-partisan effort to check the accuracy of the machine-counted vote tallies in these states in order to ensure the integrity of our election?”"

The Mysterious Case of Jill Stein's Surging Recount Fundraiser Costs
Jill Stein:  Just Another Zio-Whore - A quote...."Just yesterday we noted that Jill Stein was acting on behalf of Hillary Clinton to raise money for recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. As we noted then, we continue to be astonished by the amount of money flowing into the fundraising campaign and would love to see which of Hillary's mega donors have spent the most on the effort...somehow we suspect this isn't just a "grassroots organizing" effort as Stein described it."

Judas Goat Jill Stein, Following in Sanders’ Footsteps
Second Quote of the Day...." Her campaign to recount votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin exposed her phony progressive credentials - showing she’s for Hillary, not peace, equity and justice. - Who ever heard of a progressive supporting a war goddess, Wall Street tool, racketeer, perjurer - dirty business as usual, not beneficial social change? - She’s Sanders with a gender difference, otherwise just the same - a con artist, Hillary supporter, indifferent about using her medical skills to help heal a sick nation, how I mistakenly described her political mission."

Sir Thomas Moore:  "It profits a woman nothing to give her soul for the whole world ... but for Hideous Hillary, Jill??"
This website editor had hope -- faint, timorous, and almost undetectable as it was -- that Jill Stein, despite being "Jewish", was a decent human being.  Not connected in any way to the Deep State / Euro-Kharzarian Trans-Nationalist Criminal Consortium / PNAC Protocol  / Neolib - Neocon / New World Order Confederation - Wrong again - How utterly, and sadly  disappointing - mpg
2016 Election Scenario Analysis
By The Numbers - A quote...."7 Billion to One: 2016 Election Fraud - Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts - Proving Election Fraud: Phantom Voters, Uncounted Votes and the National Exit Poll"
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The Political Game - Looking To The Future....The Good, the Bad, & The Hopeful....

The Good....

Trump Bypasses Media With Direct YouTube/Twitter Distribution As Feud With Mainstream Outlets Rages
Hip Hip Hooray!! - A quote...."For the past year and a half the Trump team has played the mainstream media like a fiddle.  During the republican primary, he was granted millions of dollars of free air time as the unwitting mainstream outlets thought they were boosting one of Hillary's chosen "pied piper" candidates that could be easily defeated in the general election.  Then, after helping to catapult him to the republican nomination the media predictably turned on him in a blatant effort to elect their chosen candidate.  Unfortunately for the mainstream media, none of their plans to destroy Trump came close to working and, in fact, he used their corrupt, biased coverage to rally his supporters which is likely a big reason for his ultimate victory."

Trump Lines Up 'Black Sheep of EU' to Fight Against Establishment as Hungary PM to Visit - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."DONALD Trump has invited Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban to Washington as the President-elect seeks to forge strong relations with the eurosceptic eastern European nation."

Trump Bans ‘Nonesense’ NASA Climate Change Research - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote..."Donald Trump plans to ban all climate change research conducted by Nasa as part of a no-nonsense approach to “politicized science”, his senior adviser has said. -- Former Rep. Bob Walker is planning to to end NASA’s research into climate change and shift their focus to “deep space” investigation."
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The Bad....

Trump’s Economic Plan: This Isn’t Going to Work
Therein Lies The Problem - A quote...."....the election was a referendum on Obama’s handling of the economy, in which 60 percent of those surveyed, think was a failure. These results also suggest that, had Obama made any attempt to address wage stagnation, shrinking incomes, student debt, or widespread economic insecurity, Hillary Clinton would probably be president today. As it happens, the victory went to the anti-establishment outsider who promised a fundamental change in direction, Donald Trump. -- This is particularly worth thinking about now that protests have broken out in cities across the country and liberals are accusing Trump supporters of voting for a racist. No, the majority of Trump supporters did not vote for a racist (surveys also show that a majority of these people support a way for undocumented immigrants to attain US citizenship) nor do the approve of the white nationalist movement. They voted for someone who they thought would change the economic policies that have been destructive to their interests. Trump won the election because he addressed the issues that matter to ordinary working people and refrained from such foolishness as running around with his hair on fire blaming the Russians for everything under the sky. Hillary Clinton got exactly what she deserved. -- Now the question is: Can Trump deliver?"

Republican Congress, Trump Plan Assault on Medicare
Trump To Kill Medicare?? - A quote...."During his election campaign, Donald Trump declared that he had no plans to make “substantial” changes to Medicare, the government-run health insurance plan for the elderly and disabled that covers 55 million Americans. The president-elect’s web site now says his administration will work to “modernize Medicare” and allow more “flexibility” for Medicaid, the health care program for the poor jointly administered by the federal government and the states."

Trump Appoints Fox News Analyst as Deputy NatSec Adviser
Trump Picks Some Rotten Apples - A quote...."President-elect Donald Trump has tapped Fox News analyst KT McFarland to serve as deputy national security advisor to General Michael Flynn. Campaign finance lawyer Donald McGhan was reportedly chosen as White House counsel. - She was on Henry Kissinger’s national security staff during the Nixon administration, and worked for Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger from 1982 to 1985, during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. - She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and sits on the board of the Jamestown Foundation, a think-tank focused on China, Russia, Eurasia, and global terrorism. - Not too friendly towards Russia." - bold by website editor
This isn't as bad as bringing in a whole bunch of Neocon Bush re-treads, as Obama did. But it's not much better.  These picks have to be classified as a loss for the "people" of this country, the international community, and even as an homage to the N.W.O.  - mpg
Trump’s New Security Aide [K.T. McFarland] Wants to Use Internet to Sow Unrest in Iran
Another Ugly, Evil, PNAC'ing, Zio-Hag-Harpy!! - (Is this country cursed, or what?!?!  Do they go out to the grave yard to dig up these crooked carcasses of necrophiliac, diseased, imperial, zombies?!?!) -- A quote...."her focus has been on Iran, loudly condemning the P5+1 nuclear deal and urging the US to forcibly remove Iran’s Internet censorship as an attempt to fuel dissent in the country, on the grounds that a large percentage of Iran’s population is young and subsequently hungers for more information. -- McFarland has also urged Trump to move away from seeking consensus with the international community when making policy decisions, saying he should decide what’s better for America, and instead of worrying about getting along with foreign leaders, make the foreign leaders “figure out how to get along with him.”
In a nutshell...."The f*ck you foreign policy".   Much less disingenuous, and much more honest, than the "We're here to help you foreign policy".  But still just as deadly - mpg
Up In Arms:  Trump Nation Absolutely REJECTS Mitt [Loony] For Sectary of State
Political Consumers Don't Want This Rotten Apple.... - A quote...."Donald Trump made promises that a majority of the American people clearly identified with, one of which was his promise to #DrainTheSwamp. But draining the swamp involves removing the inhabitants of that swamp. Globalist Mitt Romney, keeper of the Bush Crime Family legacy, is one of the big frogs in that elitist swamp. So it stands to reason that Donald Trump could – under NO circumstances – choose Romney for any position in his cabinet. What do you think? Please comment below."

A Closer Look at 9/11 Legend Rudy Giuliani
.....Nor This Really Wormy One - (As far as this website editor knows, Rudy "The Cross Dresser" is no longer being considered for anything. - mpg) -- A quote...."In the years since, Giuliani’s public persona has unraveled as he has attempted to profit from 9/11. It has been revealed that he did more damage than good during his tenure as mayor and there are many reasons to suspect that he might have been involved in the 9/11 crimes. Some of the reasons include the following....."
"Considering these things it is worthwhile to look at Giuliani’s past before looking at what kind of Secretary of State he would make."
Giuliani Will Follow Clinton’s War Policy With Russia in Syria: Scholar
Related Article - A quote...."If former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani is appointed the US secretary of state he will probably follow on Hillary Clinton’s war policies with Russia in Syria, and will try to undermine the Iran nuclear agreement, an American scholar and political analyst says."
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And The Hopeful....

Washington’s $35 trillion “Debt Bomb” Is Going to Blow
A quote...."“Make America Great Again” is a campaign slogan. - It leaves plenty of room for interpretation. And the people mugging with Trump at his golf resort in New Jersey are the ones who will do it. - Mr. Trump may be a great negotiator. He may be an excellent businessman and showman. He is certainly a gifted persuader and standout brand promoter. - But with so many activities to tend to, and such a famously short attention span, it would be surprising if Trump had time to wonder about America’s money system. - With so many posts to fill and so many key aides and adjutants needed – not to mention strategy and tactical decisions to be made – Mr. Trump will not have the time to think too much about the nation’s money system or the people in whose hands he entrusts it. - He will need someone to advise him. Most likely, these candidates will not be chosen by Mr. Trump, but by other advisers who have his ear."

Hungary's Orban Sees Diplomatic Reset With U.S. Under Trump
A quote...."Hungary's diplomatic ties with the United States could improve markedly under Republican Donald Trump, Prime Minister Viktor Orban was quoted as saying on Friday after a telephone conversation with the U.S. president-elect."
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

Standing Rock Sioux Resistance: Wounded Knee Redux
A quote...."Redoubtable Sioux resistance continues heroically against construction of Energy Transfer Partners’ Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), endangering their sacred ancestral land, water and wildlife habitat, along with communities, farmland and other sensitive areas."

Sharp Increase in 2016 Police Deaths: Report
Reaping What Is Sowed - A quote...."A research study shows that at least 61 law enforcement officers in the United States have been shot and killed on duty so far this year, underscoring growing anti-police sentiment across the country over police violence against civilians."
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Thanksgiving Message 2016 From Greg Hunter
GHVideo - GregHunter@USAWD - (GHYuTb - 19min39sec - Nov 23, 2016) -- Source:  GH@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - A quote..."Greg Hunter gives a short wrap-up and his thoughts on why he is grateful on this Thanksgiving holiday.  Enjoy:"

Richie Asks Michael Rivero Does He Now Regret Endorsing Donald Trump After His Policy Reversals.
RASVideo - (RASYuTb - 22min35sec - Nov 25, 2016) - Source:  TheRichieAllenShow - Related Website:  David Ike Headlines

Ron Paul: Shadow Government Will Stage False Flags To Bring Trump Into War
WAMVideo - (WAMYuTb - 7min59sec - Nov 24, 2016) - Source:  WAM Videos - Guest Websites:  Ron Paul Liberty Report @ YuTb - Ron Paul Inst - A quote...."Dr. Ron Paul recently noted on Russia Today that even if Donald Trump is anti-establishment and non-interventionist in his demagoguery, he will not have any say against those within the secret shadow government. Dr. Paul worries that the shadow government will create false flag attacks and use an artificial crisis to bring Trump into war. He notes that a new Pearl Harbor can be in the making. Whether it's the government causing an attack or allowing an attack as we've seen so many times before."

Current Economic Collapse News Brief – Episode 1136
X22Audio - Ep1136/Mp3  - Ep1136/YuTb - (X22Mp3 - 16min27sec - Nov 25, 2016) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote...."In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people.- All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Everybody's against the Status Quo-Jeff J. Brown on The Daily Coin with Rory Hall 161126
44DRSAudio - (44DRSSndCld - 45min47sec - Recorded Before Nov 8, 2016) - Source:  44 Dys Radio Sinolnd - A quote.... "Rory Hall, host of the popular Daily Coin Show invited China Rising Radio Sinoland author and analyst Jeff J. Brown on his program, to discuss Donald Trump, the US elections, China, Europe, the United States, and how it all fits together in the world economy and geopolitics."

Interview 1230 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Corp Media Is Afraid, VERY Afraid - Must Listen NWNWVideo - Alt/Mp3 - Alt/YuTb - (NWNWYuTb - 18min25sec - Nov 24, 2016) - Websites:  CR@YuTb - NwWrldNxtWk - CorbettReport - MediaMonarchy -- A quote...."Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode"

The Comment - Why is the Western Public Ditching the Mainstream?
Must View PRSTVideo -- (PRSTVYuTb - 48min38sec - Nov 25, 2016) - Source:  GeorgeGalloway - PrsTV'sCmntW/GG - PressTV - PrsTV@YuTb - AltPrsTVSites - A quote...."People in France, the US and Britain are turning their backs on the mainstream, fed up with the domination of elites over politics, finance and the media.- The past few weeks and months have seen yet more confirmation that people in the West are turning their backs on the mainstream. - In France, former President Nicolas Sarkozy failed to get his own party's backing for the next year's presidential election. Now the right-wing National Front leader Marine Le Pen is favorite to become president. - In the US, the anti-establishment candidate carried the day despite the financial, media and political establishment backing Hillary Clinton. - So why is this anti-establishment sentiment sweeping Western societies? Why does the public not trust the mainstream media and political class anymore? And what forces will this anti-establishment sentiment unleash? According to our callers and George Galloway, the public have lost faith in mainstream politicians and media because they have been lied to, time and time again."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

The 2014 Economy Lingers On Under The Hope For Something Different
Must Read - Charts - (click each one to enlarge) -- A quote...."For the month of July 2014, total durable goods orders exploded higher in a fit of Boeing. The growth in aircraft orders in percentage terms was so large as to be meaningless. On a seasonally-adjusted basis, total durable goods (using the latest benchmarks) went from $236.3 billion that June to $290.8 billion for July. Coming as it did in the middle of 2014 when it had seemed as if everything was on the up, it was just more embarrassment of riches for the US as the “cleanest dirty shirt” just about to be put into the washer." - Source: Alhambra Investment Partners

Wells Fargo Says That Its Customers Gave Up Right To Sue by Having Their Signatures Forged
Why Would Anyone Bank At Wells Fargo? - A quote..."Even though disgraced Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf has left the building, his most outrageous legal theories live on: on Wednesday, the company filed a motion in a federal court in Utah seeking dismissal of a class action suit by the customers it defrauded -- the bank argues that since customers sign a binding arbitration "agreement" when they open new accounts, that the customers whose signatures were forged on fraudulent new accounts should be subject to this agreement and denied a day in court." - Source:  BoingBoing

Forget The Fed, Short-Term Funding Costs For American Business Are The Highest In 8 Years
Charts - (click each to enlarge) -- A quote...."Since its lows in May of 2014, short-term USD borrowing costs (1M Libor) have quadrupled. As the 100%-priced-in December rate-hike looms, the cost of funding for American businesses is once again on the rise, now at its highest since December 2008."

[US] GDP Hopes Slashed As Trade Deficit, Inventories Tumble In October
Charts - (click each to enlarge) -- A quote...."The resurrected hopes of lift-off velocity GDP growth in America suffered a double whammy this morning."

Marc Hanson: "Houses Have Never Been More Expensive To Buyers Who Need A Mortgage"
A quote...."Houses have NEVER BEEN MORE EXPENSIVE to end-user, mortgage-needing shelter buyers. The recent rate surge crushed what little affordability remained in US housing. It now it requires 45% more income to buy the average-priced house than just four years ago, as incomes have not kept pace it goes without saying. - The spike in rates has taken "UNAFFORDABILITY" to such extremes that prices, rates, and/or credit are now radically out of scope." - Source:  M Hanson Advisors

Germany's NordLB Bank: "40% Of Our Shipping Loan Book Is Non-Performing"
A quote...."The challenges facing Germany's second-largest shipping lender, German Landersbank NordLB first emerged this summer, when we reported that the bank was considering taking full control of its smaller, distressed peer, Bremer Landesbank (BLB), which was struggling under the weight of a portfolio of bad shipping loans in what effectively constituted a state-backed bailout."

The Problems of the Italian Banks Continue
A quote..."The subject of today is a long-running saga with many twists and turns and has become a theme of this website. If we step back we see that a fundamental cause of this has been the performance of the Italian economy where the numbers below are considered to be relatively good. From Italian Statistics." - Source:  NotAYesMan
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Bill Gates Philanthropy:  30,000 Indian Girls Used As 'Guinea Pigs' to Test HPV Vaccine
PSVideo - Alt/YuTb - (PSYuTb - 7min06sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  Pinksapphiret2

Lancet Study on Statins Was 'Fundamentally Flawed', Critics Say
A quote...."Amajor Lancet study which backed the safety of statins was “fundamentally flawed” and underestimated the side-effects of the heart drugs, a group of medics has said. - The research published in September concluded the drugs help prevent around 80,000 major cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks or strokes, every year."

Almost No Children in France Are Medicated for ADHD: This is How They Define & Treat It
A quote...."The French do not recognize ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) rejecting the idea that medicines that are usually prescribed for the condition are at all helpful. - Another difference is that the French tend not to raise their children on the additive-laced food that parents in the U.S so, coincidence?"
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More On The Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax Scam....

The ‘Cult’ of Climate Change (née Global Warming)
Must Read - A quote...."This is the opinion of Nobel Prize Winning Physicist Dr. Ivar Giaever , Prof. Richard Lindzen, and many others. Climate change alarmism has a surprising number of attributes of a medieval or even ancient religion. Nevertheless, real religions have some pre-requisites, like a tradition spanning at least few generations. So the proper name for climate alarmism is a cult. And these are the telltale attributes...." - bold by website editor

Friday November 25th 2016

No posts - mpg

Thursday November 24th 2016

The All Out War On "The Real", & The Entire "Reality Based Community", Is ON!!!....

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you....then you win."

West Already Weaponizing Fake News
Another Weaponization Program - Must Read -- A quote...."You really know that masses of people are living within a mind-control matrix when the greatest, most pervasive purveyors of fake news denounce others for the practice." - Source:  Sputnik
In the Euro-Kharzarian Tran-Nationalist Bolshevik world, every human interaction can be "weaponized".  Every personal human relationship can be perverted, twisted, made a mockery of itself, and used to inflict harm. Every impulse to do good, to do the right thing, can be inverted, corrupted and used to commit evil. Everyone and everything is fair game to be manipulated in their endless "war by deception" They intend to use this agenda / tactic / meme / frame to close down all opposition on the internet - mpg
Who’s the Biggest Peddler [Pimp] of Fake News?
US-Gov & Crap Media:  Pimping Presstitutes & Whorespondents All Day Long -- A quote...."The government’s been deploying propaganda on U.S. soil for many years:  The United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities found in 1975 that the CIA submitted stories to the American press...."

The Fake Epidemic of Fake News
Chicago's Bathhouse Butt Boy, Doth Protest Too Much -- A quote...."Fake news on social media has gotten so bad that it threatens democracy itself, according to President Obama and a host of other deep thinkers. Why, a recent study by Buzzfeed concludes that fake news beat out real news during the past three months of the election. And we all know how that turned out. -- There are at least two problems with this....."
A By No Means Complete List Of Fake News Stories From The Self-Described "Real" Media
A Small List - Database / Resource - (red card excepted) -- A quote...."Now, you all remember to believe the "Real" Media and ignore the "Fake" media when they point out these itty bitty trivial goofs, because Ignorance Is Strength!"
"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have." -- *Richard Salent*, Former President CBS News.

"News is what someone wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising". -- *Rubin Frank*, former NBC news President

"This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box. There is a great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance, intolerance and indifference." -- *Edward R. Murrow*
British Neocons Take New McCarthyism Across the Atlantic
Like Hand In Glove - A quote...."A neoconservative British lobby group literally wants to blacklist people for talking to what they consider to be undesirable media. McCarthyism has gone trans-Atlantic." - Source:  RT

Witch Hunt? Report Urges UK To ‘Map,’ ‘Challenge,’ & Expose Public Figures With Russia Links
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 1min30sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."An influential right-wing think-tank has proposed a radical clampdown on politicians sympathetic to Russia by “challenging their credibility” revealing their “insidious means of funding” and forcing them to reveal if they receive money for appearing on RT."
Agree TOTALLY! -- Setting aside what need's to be done regarding Corporate, P.A.C. and other types of contributions and payments, we should do what this right-wing-think-tank suggests to  every single politician or government employee that takes money from any Corporate Media Outlet, Intel service, (foreign or not), non-national NGO's, foreign governments, and most EXTRA especially, any "Jewish" organizations for any reason whatsoever!!

They should be exposed, and lists should be drawn up of who they are, their family members, their associates, where they live, where they work, where they socialize, their political affiliations, their e-mail and telephone information, etc.

Or....perhaps -- MUCH MORE REASONABLY --  that required public reporting of any politician's or public employee's financial interactions should just be limited to full disclosure of everything they receive as money, gifts, gratuities, or other favors, from anyone for any reason, and, assuming these activities don't actually violate any consistent and non-discriminatory laws on the books, (in which case, if they do, unlike Hillary and many, many, others, they should be prosecuted) we'll let the political consumer decide if such behavior is unreasonable, or politically unacceptable.

It's just a thought - mpg
‘We Are at War With Russia’: EU Parliament Approves Resolution to Counter Russian Media ‘Propaganda’
This Is Exactly Why Europeans Should Discard The E.U.! -- RTVideo -  (RTYuTb - 5min50sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."MEPs in Strasbourg have voted on a non-legislative resolution which calls for the EU to “respond to information warfare by Russia.” RT and Sputnik news agency have been named among the most dangerous "tools of Russian propaganda."

EU Resolution on ‘Russian Propaganda’ is Attack on Media Freedom & Stinks of Hypocrisy
A quote...."There’s news. There’s fake news. And then there’s “pseudo” news, which according to the European Parliament, encompasses any Russian media which doesn’t adhere to a Western narrative and neglects to present an entirely pro-EU perspective on world events." - Source:  RT

‘Ridiculous & Insane Hysteria’: Russia Placed Alongside ISIS in new EU Resolution Debated by MEPs
Contains Mp4 Video - Alt/Mp4 - Related Article -- A quote..."The EU Parliament is debating a resolution that aims to establish measures “to tackle Russian and ISIS propaganda.” In the latest wake of anti-Russia sentiment, the British parliament will also hear a report denouncing public figures with alleged Russia links."

Sputnik Urges [The International Community] to Prevent EU Restrictions Against Russian Media
Sputnik:  A Plea To Reasonable People Everywhere - A quote...."Sputnik news agency has addressed international organizations, including the UN, UNESCO, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and Reporters Without Borders to seek support against restrictions to media freedom in the European Union, seeking to halt the operations of Russian media outlets such as Sputnik and RT in Europe."

‘EU Gives Away Its Own Principles’: RT’s Editor-In-Chief Slams ‘Free Speech Doublethink’
Great RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 37sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."The EU resolution was adopted in Strasbourg with 304 MEPs supporting it, 179 voting against and 208 abstaining. It was drawn up by a Polish member of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, Anna Fotyga, and is based on a report dubbed ‘EU strategic communication to counteract propaganda against it by third parties’."

‘Degradation of democracy’: Putin responds to EU Parliament resolution on Russian media ‘propaganda'
RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 1min30sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."The EU Parliament's resolution to counter Russian media ‘propaganda’ demonstrates "political degradation" in regard to the "idea of democracy" in the West, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, commenting on the vote."

Merkel Declares War On "Fake News" As Europe Brands Russia's RT, Sputnik "Dangerous Propaganda"
Attacking The Messenger - A quote...."Picking up the torch on the most hotly debated topic by the humiliated US mainstream media, namely the spread of so-called "fake news" (not to be confused with Brian Williams lying for years on prime time TV, and which until recently was branded far simply as "conspiracy theory"), German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Wednesday against the power of fake news on social media to roil the establishment and to spur the rise of populists, after launching her campaign for a fourth term. - Speaking in parliament for the first time since her announcement Sunday that she would seek re-election next year, Merkel cautioned that public opinion was being "manipulated" on the internet." - Some selected ZeroHedge commentary posted below.....

1) Ignore
2) Ridicule
3) Discredit
4) Ban

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A Daily Analysis Of The Anglo-Zio-Controlled Media:  Its Lies & Propaganda....

The Entire Mainstream Warmongering Media is Fake
Must Read - A quote..."If the Trump phenomena showed anything, it showed the consensus reality the mainstream media attempted to create concerning Hillary’s certain victory, as well as the consensus reality erected for decades, is not omnipotent. -- In fact, the earliest days of mass print media were erected on a famous fraud known as the “Great Moon Hoax” of 1835 – something researcher Chris Kendall has long called attention to – wherein the “educated,” “elite” widely accepted the mainstream publications’ claim bat people inhabited the lunar surface. In our day, a similar hoax still reigns, as mainstream media is literally as credible as Weekly World News’ Bat Boy story."

Syria and Iraq Caught Between The “New Analysts’ and the Politicised Media
The "Neo-Analysts" & Their Neo-Media - Must Read - A quote...."The wars in Syria and Iraq celebrated the unfortunate end of the “free and independent press” and the rise of the “neo-analysts”. They sit in far-off lands, with no ground knowledge of the war, collecting information and analysing the colourful bin of social networking sites.- They have even the temerity to believe they can dictate to the US administration what measures should be taken, who to support and, as if they had mastered the “art of war”, they even push for a nuclear war with Russia. - It is most surprising to see respectful media rushing to embrace the opinion of these “neo-Analysts”, in fact only because what these amateurs say happens to match what mainstream media desire to hear."

LIARS: Curveball for Iraq, Caesar for Syria
Must Read - Contains Video - A quote...."Curveball,' Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi was an Iraqi defector who told a mountain of lies about Iraq to give the war mongering Bush-Cheney Junta the excuse it was seeking to invade Iraq. - US intelligence didn't get it "all wrong," the US, Britain and other Jew colonial states were told to invade and destroy Iraq, and they did."

NYT Editors Bash Russia on Thanksgiving Day
NYSlime:  Bashing Russia All The Time - A quote...."The Times operates as a press agent for wealth, power and privilege, a lying machine using journalism as advocacy for deplorable policies, disgracefully betraying readers deserving better."

Failing MSM Rag New York Times Desperately Screaming for Internet Censorship
NYSlime:  Decaying All The Time -- A quote...."On issues mattering most, The Times shamelessly publishes state and corporate propaganda, pretending it’s all the news fit to print. - Along with other media scoundrels, it long ago lost credibility, why alternative sources of news, information and analysis are growing at their expense. Following reliable ones exclusively is the only way to stay informed - essential in today’s dangerous world." - Source: SteveLendman
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More Tales From The Anglo-Zio Empire & Its "Friends"....

Solving Abusive International Relationships
Must Read - A quote...."There’s a chapter in a new book by Dorothie and Martin Hellman called A New Map for Relationships that outlines seven international relationships between the United States and others in which many people in the United States have not understood their government’s abusive behavior. This chapter alone is worth the price of the book."
"What would people in the United States make of the information, if they had it, that Russians are infuriated when the West doesn’t recognize their suffering in the course of their defeat of Nazi Germany? The single city where Vladimir Putin’s parents lived lost more civilian lives to Germany in WWII than all U.S. military losses in the war. Yet the U.S. boycotts Russia’s 70th anniversary victory celebration in order to protest the choice of the people of Crimea to rejoin Russia following a violent right-wing coup in Ukraine facilitated by the United States."

"And Russians remember Harry Truman saying that the United States should help Germany if Russia was winning and Russia if Germany was winning, so that more people would die. They remember the U.S. delay for years in launching D-Day until Russia had been bled dry. The[y] remember Winston Churchill’s proposal to launch a war on Russia using Nazi troops within hours of the Nazi defeat. They remember the U.S.-British-French invasion of 1917. They remember the U.S. promise not to expand NATO eastward when Germany reunited. They watch every military expansion on their border. They listen to every lie and provocation. And people in the United States remain oblivious, aloof, arrogant, and abusive. If this were a marriage, one partner would be told to do a little bit better listening."
EU Politicians are Convinced that Tanks are the Best Remedy for Social Disparity
Must Read - A quote...."Following in the wake of the White House policy, European political elites have been stepping up their groundless propagandistic rhetoric about the growing military threat of Russia, Iran, China, which is aimed at achieving further militarization of Europe at the expense of the social benefits of its citizens." - Source NEO
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PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Attempted Destruction of Ukraine/Russia & C.I.S. States.

Three Years After Euromaidan: Life in Ukraine 'Has Become Considerably Worse' (Podcast)
SPTKAudio - Alt/SndCld - (SPTNKYuTb - 3min52sec - Nov 22, 2016) - Source:  SndCld Sputnik - Sputnik - Sputnik@YuTb -- A quote...."The Ukrainian leadership has failed to salvage the economy, tackle corruption and improve the lives of the people two and a half years after the protests in central Kiev, which became known as Euromaidan, led to a coup, activist and blogger Dennis Schedrivy told Radio Sputnik, painting a grim picture of what life is like in Ukraine these days." - Source:  Sputnik

Humanitarian Aid and War in Donbass: Sober Reality and Hope for the Future
A quote...."On the morning of November 24th, the 58th humanitarian convoy from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived in Donetsk and Lugansk. The convoy included over 40 white KAMAZ trucks which have become symbols of Russia’s aid to the republics of Donbass. The cargo delivered to the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics included medicines, baby food, and cereals."
Obama Administration Pressures European Leaders to Accuse Moscow of “Russian Aggression” against the EU
Chicago's Bathhouse Bankster Butt Boy, Still Working For His Masters -- A quote...."Sanctions were imposed and renewed. EU leaders and European parliamentarians said they’ll remain in place as long as (nonexistent) “Russian aggression” continues, and the overwhelming will of Crimeans to rejoin the Russian Federation is reversed."
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The ISIS Gambit - The US-NRE's Faux War With ISIS, And A Real War With Syria....& The Kurds....

Syria and the Statistics of War
Truth May Not Set Your Free - But It Sure Ticks Off The Liars - Must Read - A qutoe...."Now, the real number of casualties in the Syrian war. We hear half a million people died in Syria. We are also told that many are “murdered” by Putin, Assad, and Catherine the Great (who came down to bully the Ottomans in the Levant after her invasion of the Crimea). It is easy to verify that much of the information we get about “butcher” of Damascus are suspicious: some Saudi-Qatari funded P.R. firms in Washington and London have shown evidence of hyperactivity. Just as the number of hospitals in East Aleppo where Al-Qaeda is based (and from where it shells civilians in other parts of the city), just as the number of hospitals per capita there appears to me several times that in the rest of the world (every day we hear that the Russians have destroyed another hospital, yet the State department spokesman John Kirby could not place or name any of the five hospitals he was recently discussing)."

Iran Rejects UN Plan to Disintegrate Syria
Must Listen PRSTVideo - Alt/Mp3 - (PRSTVYutb - 4min45sec - Nov 21, 2016) - Source:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - Patreon - Producer Website:  PrsTV'sCmntW/GG - PressTV - PrsTV@YuTb - AltPrsTVSites

ISIS Used Chemical Weapons At Least 71 Times In Iraq, Syria
Amerika's Tax Dollars At Work - A quote...."ISIS used chemical weapons 52 times in Syria and 19 times in the Mosul area since 2014, IHS Markit also said. - In Budapest, visiting Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari told reporters that progress in liberating Mosul has been slowed by IS’ use of human shields and that 1,700 militants have been killed and 120 captured since the battle for Mosul began. A third of Ninevah province, where Mosul is the capital, has been liberated so far, he added."

Moscow Ready to Deliver Evidence of Chemical Weapons Use by Rebel Forces in Aleppo
War Crime - RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 6min42sec - Nov 22, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."“Russian specialists found that militants in east Aleppo used ammunition with poisonous substances, with the ammo targeting west Aleppo. The collected samples leave no doubt that it’s a toxic agent,” Sergey Lavrov said."  - also posted at ZeroHedge

The West Ignores Terrorist Crimes in Aleppo
The West's Allies & Their Crimes.....Ignored - A quote...."Speaking at a UN Security Council session held to discuss the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, Syria’s permanent representative to the UN Bashar Al-Jaafari said that no one in the world is more committed than the Syrian government to protect the Syrians’ lives which suffer from the terrorism of armed organizations. He added, that terrorist attacks on civilians in Aleppo thrice coincided with the announcement of humanitarian pauses which were aimed at civilian’s lives saving." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

Russia Blasts US Failure to Combat Terrorism in Syria
A quote...."Washington created and actively supports virtually all Middle East terrorists groups, others elsewhere - its so-called global war on terrorism perhaps the greatest hoax in modern times."
Special Report: Hezbollah’s Mechanized Battalion in Syria
Hezbollah's Growing Strength - A quote...."On November 11th Hezbollah held a military parade in al-Qusayr — a Syrian town that is just across the border from the largely Shia northern Bekaa Valley and that was the scene of Hezbollah’s first major battle in the Syria, and its first major success. - Hezbollah holding a parade as part of its annual Marty’s Day celebrations, just outside its primary military base in Syria isn’t terribly shocking. - And yet plenty were shocked when days later photos from the parade showing dozens of armored vehicles started hitting Twitter."

Turkey Claims Syria Attacked Its Soldiers; Claims Disputed By SOHR And Even ISIS
Gollum Erdogan Making Trouble - (Russia may have to reconsider it's Faustian bargain with Erdogan.  He simply cannot be trusted.  Ever. - mpg) -- A quote...."Three Turkish soldiers were killed and 10 were wounded as a result of combat operations in Northern Syria on November 24. The Turkish military is blaming Syria but virtually every other observer has disputed those claims including the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a notorious anti-Assad propaganda outfit and even ISIS itself."
Invasion of Syria by NATO Member State: Turkey Establishes Second Military Base in Syria.
Related Article - A quote...."Turkey has set up a military base in Akhtarin in the province of Aleppo, according to local media activists. The Turkish army, Special Forces and intelligence agencies are expanding their presence in northern Syria amid ongoing clashes between pro-Turkey militant groups and the SDF over the possibility to seize from ISIS the key town of al-Bab."
US Soldier killed In Northern Syria on Thanksgiving Day
Still Dying - A quote...."The United States military says one of its service members has been killed in northern Syria as Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving Day."
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More PNAC Protocol Victims - On the Destruction of Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, North & Central Africa & Others.

Car Bomb Kills Around 100 People South of Iraqi Capital
A quote...."A car bomb has reportedly exploded south of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, killing around 100 people, mostly Shia pilgrims."
Turkey Slams EU For ‘Insignificant’ Vote on Accession Talks
Rude Behavior = No Membership - A quote...."Turkish officials have strongly condemned a recent decision by the European Parliament to shelve accession negotiations with the Ankara government over the large-scale crackdown in the aftermath of the failed mid-July coup."
Perhaps Erdogan's regime should stop supporting ISIS / Deash / al-Nusra / al-Qaeda / Jaish al-Fatah / et. al, looting Syria's resources, supporting Syria's destruction as a nation-state, supporting the PNAC Protocols, suppressing and murdering the Kurds, attempting to establish an Ottoman-Wahhabist infected mini-empire, imposing a dictatorship on the Turkish people, all the while black-mailing the European countries for billions of Euros, with the threat of inundating them with millions of radical, alienated, disgruntled, violent, Muslim, immigrants. --  Just a suggestion. - mpg
Turkey PM warns Europe: Cutting Off Ties Would Bring 'Flood' of Migrants
Related Article - A quote...."Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Thursday warned Europe that without Ankara's help it could be "flooded" by waves of migrants and said cutting off talks with the bloc would be far more damaging to Europe than Turkey."

Turkey has dismissed 10,500 state employees over suspected PKK links: minister
Related Article - A quote...."More than 10,500 state employees have been dismissed over suspected links with the Kurdish PKK militant group, Turkish Labour Minister Mehmet Muezzinoglu said on Thursday in an interview with broadcaster CNN Turk."

U.N. Torture Investigator to Visit Turkey, Jails Next Week
Related Article - A quote...."The U.N. torture investigator is going to Turkey from Nov. 27 to Dec 2 at government invitation and plans to visit police stations, prisons and pre-trial facilities where detainees are held to discuss "challenges" related to torture, a U.N. statement said."
Bahrain’s Rajab Hospitalized Due to Heart Condition
A quote...."Prominent Bahraini human rights campaigner Nabeel Rajab has been taken to hospital from prison due to heart problems after being held in solitary confinement for three months. - In a post on his Twitter account, his son, Adam, said that his father was transferred for the third time to a police hospital after suffering from chest pain. - The 52-year-old president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights has been repeatedly detained for organizing pro-democracy demonstrations and publishing Twitter posts deemed “insulting” to the Bahraini authorities." - bold by website editor

8 Egyptian Soldiers Dead as Car Bomb Hits Restive Sinai Peninsula
A quote...."At least eight Egyptian soldiers have lost their lives when a group of unidentified armed men launched an attack against a military checkpoint in the country’s restive Sinai Peninsula."

Intelligence Agencies Are Running al-Qaeda Camps in North Africa — UN Consultant (EXCLUSIVE)
Special Geo-Political Note:  Another "Conspiracy Theory" Becomes Conspiracy FACT!! -- A quote...."An unpublished report by a government advisor and UN consultant, obtained exclusively by INSURGE intelligence, accuses Western and Algerian security services of complicity in al-Qaeda terrorist activity across North Africa.- The academic report focuses on damning evidence that a devastating al-Qaeda terrorist attack on the Tigantourine gas plant near In Amenas, Algeria, was orchestrated by Algeria’s secret services, with the knowledge of US, French and British intelligence. - A draft copy of the report, due to be published later this month, has been seen exclusively by INSURGE intelligence."

Saudi Airstrike Kills 12 Civilians in North Yemen
A quote...."Adding to the growing list of civilians slain in Saudi airstrikes across Yemen since last year’s invasion, 12 more civilians were killed when a Saudi warplane destroyed the truck they were traveling in in the northern Hajjah Province."
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More On The Weaponization, Ethno-Engineering & Forced Migration / Refugee Invasion....

A Third of Germans Report Feeling ‘Like A Stranger In My Own Country’
A quote...."A new study reveals some shocking statistics about German attitudes towards Muslim migration to the country. - Around 34 percent of Germans reportedly “completely or slightly agree” with the statement “because of the many Muslims, I sometimes feel like a stranger in my own country.”

Refugees Clash With Police, Set Fire to Bulgaria’s Largest Camp
A quote...."Some 2,000 asylum seekers have set Bulgaria’s largest refugee camp on fire and clashed with police after the facility was sealed off over reports of a disease outbreak."
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More Tales From the Zio-Sphere...

Israel [Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Consortium] Murdered President Kennedy
JFK - Must Read - Contains Videos -- A quote...."Nathan Mayer Rothschild stating his displeasure with the USA not renewing his private American bank charter in 1811. Less than a year later, the War of 1812 starts. The 1812 war had the desired effect, by 1816 America was so deeply in debt, it renewed Rothschild's private bank charter."
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency ... the banks ... will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered[.] I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies[.]" -- *Thomas Jefferson* - Topix  ||  Israeli False Flags  ||
Michael Collins Piper on JFK
JFK - A Blast From The Past - Alt/YuTb - Posted:  Jan 24, 2014 - Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYutb - 3hr02min23sec - 01/24/14) - Source:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - Patreon - Guest Website:  Michael Collins Piper - Ryan Dawson and Michael Piper discuss the Euro-Kharzarian Criminal Consortium's involvement with the JFK assassination. - mpg - Topix  ||  Israeli False Flags  ||

JFK Interview With Author James DiEugenio and Ry Dawson
JFK - A Blast From The Past - Alt/YuTb - Posted:  Nov 6, 2014Ry2SVideo - (Ry2SYutb - 46min54sec - 11/06/14) - Source:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  - Ry2S@TruTube - Ry2S@Vimeo - Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project - Patreon - Ryan Dawson and  James DeEugenio discuss the JFK cover-up.

West Bank Printing Shops Ransacked by Israeli Forces [Euro-Kharzarian Militias] Computers Seized
A quote...."Israeli forces [Foreign Euro-Kharzarian jihadist militias], on Wednesday, ransacked two printing shops and seized computers during raids into the northern occupied West Bank districts of Salfit and Qalqilia, said municipal and security sources." - also posted at Alethonews

Academic Among 7 Palestinians From West Bank Kidnapped by Israeli Forces
A quote...."WEST BANK – The Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian jihadist] occupation army (IOF) kidnapped seven Palestinians, including an academic, from West Bank provinces at dawn Thursday. - A PIC news correspondent said the IOF rolled into the An-Najah Campus dormitory in al-Maajin neighborhood, in western Nablus, and wreaked havoc on the apartment of lecturer Issam Rashed al-Ashqar, 57, before they kidnapped him and seized his car." - Source:  PIC

Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian Militia] forces demolish 3 Palestinian-owned buildings in al-Ludd, deliver orders in Haifa
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- Israeli [Euro-Kharzarian Militia] forces demolished three buildings belonging to a Palestinian family in the city of al-Ludd in northern Israel [Palestine] early on Wednesday, while demolition orders were delivered to Palestinian homes in the Haifa district."

Committee [Foreign Euro-Kharzarian Jihadists] Announces 500 New Settlement Units in East Jerusalem
A quote...."The first such announcement since the US presidential election, the planning committee [foreign Euro-Kharzarian jihadists] in Jerusalem has announced plans to construct another 500 new settlement [squatter] units in occupied East Jerusalem. The units are to be built in the northern settlement [foreign squatter camp] of Ramat Shlomo."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Greek Tragedy & Others -- The Criminal Acts / Destruction / of the Banksters....

Trump and the “Collapse of [Banksterized] Capitalism” (COC)
Foibles, Fables and Failures, The Financial Press and its Keepers - Must Read -- A quote...."Long-gone was the rotting vassal-state of Russia under Boris Yeltsin 1991 – 2000, source of so much Western pillage.  Their bile turned to venom, directed at the new Nemesis:  Putin.   The election of Vladimir Putin led to a remarkable economic and social recovery for Russia.  From a Western controlled gangster-capitalist ‘thug-ocracy’, Russia has become a modern global power asserting its own sovereignty and national interests. -- Gone are the days when Harvard economists could sack Russia of millions through their various ‘democracy’ foundations and Wall Street bankers could launder billions from the criminal oligarchs.  Pentagon planners had dismantled Russian bases throughout its previous Warsaw Pact neighbors and set up NATO bases on Russia’s borders." - SourceJamesPetras - also posted at AlethoNews

Half Of The Population Of The World Is Dirt Poor – And The Global Elite Want To Keep It That Way
The 1%'s Triumph Over The Rest Of Us -- A quote...."Could you survive on just $2.50 a day?  According to Compassion International, approximately half of the population of the entire planet currently lives on $2.50 a day or less.  Meanwhile, those hoarding wealth at the very top of the global pyramid are rapidly becoming a lot wealthier.  Don’t get me wrong – I am a very big believer in working hard and contributing something of value to society, and those that work the hardest and contribute the most should be able to reap the rewards.  In this article I am in no way, shape or form criticizing true capitalism, because if true capitalism were actually being practiced all over the planet we would have far, far less poverty today.  Instead, our planet is dominated by a heavily socialized debt-based central banking system that systematically transfers wealth from hard working ordinary citizens to the global elite.  Those at the very top of the pyramid know that they are impoverishing everyone else, and they very much intend to keep it that way." - also posted at ZeroHedge

‘Brexit Means Brexit!’ Rally Outside British Parliament Demands Swift Exit From EU
Brexit - Contains Video - Alt - A quote...." A crowd of ‘Brexiteers’ gathered outside the British parliament to urge a speedy exit from the European Union. Demonstrators accused the government of using loopholes to prevent the departure from taking place. - The Wednesday protest reportedly drew around 200 people, with demonstrators shouting “What do we want? Brexit! When do we want it? Now!” during the event." - Source:  RT
Furious Leave Voters to Boycott Virgin as Branson 'funds Brexit Blocking Group'
Related Article - A quote...."SIR Richard Branson faces a boycott of Virgin products and services as furious Leave voters react to the businessman’s plans to bankroll a plan to block Brexit. - Angry Leave voters said they would never buy Virgin again after it emerged Sir Richard’s Virgin Group is offering to finance a secret Blairite campaign to keep Britain in the EU."

Forget Article 50! Britain Can IGNORE Lisbon Treaty and Quit the EU NOW, Top Lawyer Claims
Related Article - A quote...."Ingrid Detter de Frankopan said Theresa May and her Brexit ministers were wasting time getting bogged down on Article 50 details - and claimed the UK could leave the 28-country bloc today if it wanted to. - The veteran Swedish lawyer told MoneyWeek she was becoming increasingly frustrated at the unnecessary delays in formalising Britain’s European divorce. - She said: “Despite my best attempts, everyone has been deaf to the painstakingly simple course for the United Kingdom to take: don’t trigger Article 50 at all."
Hammond’s first post-Brexit Autumn Statement points to bleak times ahead
A quote...."Philip Hammond’s first Autumn Statement as Tory chancellor, and the first since the Brexit referendum, is unlikely to mark a great departure from his predecessor George Osborne, as the cost of living rises and growth slows dramatically. - Promises under David Cameron’s government to “balance the books” by 2020 are apparently out the window, with borrowing set to balloon over the next 12 months." - Source: RT

1000s OF Belgians Rally Against Looming Austerity Measures
A quote...."Thousands of people have staged a massive demonstration in Belgium to express their vehement opposition to planned austerity measures, and demand improved payment and working conditions."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire....The Enabling / Building / Strengthening....of the Opposition....

Italy NEXT to reject establishment as protest vote set to WIN referendum, shock poll finds
A quote...."ITALY is set to deal a hammer blow to its government as the latest polls revealed voters will punish Matteo Renzi's administration in the upcoming referendum. - The prime minister's failure to reach out to working class suggest large regions will snub Mr Renzi's plan for constitutional reform. - A Demos poll has revealed Mr Renzi's reforms will be rejected by an 11 percentage point margin in the south of the country - where most of the poorest regions are located - compared with a seven-point margin across the country."

The Iran-Russia-China Strategic Triangle
A quote...."The developing economic, political and military links binding Iran, China and Russia in what I see as an emerging Golden Triangle in Eurasia, are continuing to deepen in significant areas. This, while it seems to be US geopolitical strategy in a prospective Trump Administration to distance Washington from both Iran and from China, while dangling the carrot of lessened confrontation between Washington and Moscow–classic Halford Mackinder or Kissinger geopolitics of avoiding a two-front war that was colossally backfiring on Washington by trying to shift the power balance. At present, the dynamic of the past several years of closer cooperation by the three pivotal states of the Eurasian Heartland is gaining strategic momentum. The latest is the visit of China’s Minister of Defense and of Russian senior officials to Teheran." - Source:  NEO

Russia-China Military Ties ‘At All-Time High’ – MoD
RTVideo - Alt/YuTb - (RTYuTb - 2min21sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Military cooperation between Russia and China poses no threat to other states, but is aimed instead at countering global threats and challenges, including international terrorism, according to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu."

China Successfully Fires Radical Hypersonic 'Very Long Range Air to Air Missile'
A quote...."A Chinese J-16 strike fighter test-fired the giant missile earlier this month, successfully destroying the target drone at a very long range, according to Popular Science. - Its experts analysed pictured of the launch, and concluded the missile was  19 feet long, and roughly 13 inches in diameter, meaning it could hit targets up to 300 miles away."
Frozen Money: Khodorkovsky Named as Potential Suspect in Money-Laundering Invesigation in Ireland
RTVideo -  (RTYuTb - 3min35sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."Former Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky is a potential suspect in an ongoing money-laundering investigation over €100 million, frozen in Irish-domiciled funds for over five years, the Irish Times reports citing the Dublin District Court."

Russia to Fingerprint All Foreign Nationals Starting 2017 - Hip Hip Hooray!!
Good For Russia - A quote...."MOSCOW, November 24. /TASS/. All foreign nationals arriving in Russia will be fingerprinted since 2017, Deputy Interior Minister Alexander Gorovoi said on Thursday.

Putin "Buys The Dip" - Russia's Gold Buying In October Largest This Millenium
A quote...."Russia gold buying accelerated in October with the Russian central bank buying a very large 48 metric tonnes or 1.3 million ounces of gold bullion. - This is the largest addition of gold to the Russian monetary reserves since 1998 and could be seen as a parting 'gift' by Putin to his rival ex-President Obama. - The Russian central bank gold purchase is the biggest monthly gold purchase of this millennium. - Concerns about systemic risk, currency wars and the devaluation of the dollar, euro and other major currencies has led to ongoing diversification into gold bullion purchases by large creditor nation central banks such as Russia and China." - Source:  GoldCore

Russia Is Reviving Soviet Era ICBM-Carrying "Nuclear Trains"
A quote...."Russia has conducted successful intercontinental ballistic missile tests intended for its Barguzin "nuclear-train" program. - The tests for Russia's "railway-based combat rocket system" took place on Plesetsk cosmodrone two weeks ago, Interfax reports and were "fully successful" according to a military source, which would "pave the way for further flight tests." The tests were held to test the missiles' launch readiness, Russian press added."

Russia Deploys Newest Anti-Ship Missiles to Kuril Islands
A quote...."The Russian Pacific Fleet has installed batteries of anti-ship missiles at its bases on the Kuril Islands, ensuring effective protection from landing operations and carrier-based aircraft strikes. -- The Boyevaya Vakhta (Combat Watch) newspaper of the Russian Navy’s Pacific Fleet reports that the Kurils Navy Base has received the Bal and Bastion missile complexes (NATO code names Sennight and Stooge) and is preparing to conduct training launches in the nearest future." - Source: RT

Armenian President: We Had to Buy Iskander-M Missiles from Russia
A quote...."Yerevan has been obligated to buy Iskander-M short-range ballistic missiles system to balance the volatile military situation in the Caucasus region, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan has said in an interview with the MIA Rossiya Segodnya news agency. " - Source:  RBTH

What was so ‘Great’ about Catherine?
A quote...."Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg was born on May 2, 1729 in Stettin, Prussia, which is today Szczecin, Poland. Her father was a minor German prince, but he had married well, and his wife’s bloodlines opened numerous prospects for his daughter. She charmed Russia’s Empress Elizabeth, who was in search of a bride for her nephew and heir, the future Peter III. The young princess took the name Ekaterina (Catherine) when she was baptized into the Orthodox faith in order to marry Peter." - Source:  RussiaInsider

Rally in support to Russian Military Operation in Syria Held Outside Embassy in London
A quote..."The rally participants, who unfolded a huge banner in the colors of Russian flag, say that the British public should know that the Russian military do not pose any threat to anyone."

The Battle to Save the Small Farms of Poland
A quote...."I am writing this in the Polish Parliament in Warsaw (The Seime).  Jadwiga Lopata, founder of The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside, myself (ICPPC President) and farmer colleagues from different regions of Poland, are in the parliament as part of a campaign we have been fighting for the past three years, to get the food laws changed. We are supported in this by a number of active consumers and, perhaps surprisingly, by the chairman of the Agricultural Committee, who belongs to the Kukiz 15 social movement which achieved 12% of the vote in the last election."

THIS is what a REAL PROTEST looks like! 1,000,000 man march to demand Pres step down in South Korea
Wow! - A quote...."Respect! - This is impossible in the US and Europe. Because protesters would just riot and break stuff. - This is an example of a protest. -  Down to 5% approval rate….lowest in history of country. Protests every Saturday night."

'Russia, China Would Like to See Turkey in SCO if It Freezes Links With NATO'
A quote...."President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has suggested that Turkey could become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a Eurasian security and economic bloc led by Russia and China, but Dr. Emre Ersen told Radio Sputnik that Ankara will firstly have to minimize its relations with NATO to be considered."

Top Turkish Delegation Visits Crimea: A Sign of Turkey's Eurasian Future?
A quote...."This week, a very important delegation from Turkey visited Moscow. The group consists of members of the Turkish parliament and representatives of the ruling party, big business, and non-governmental organizations. At the head of the delegation is the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s cousin, Mehmet Mutlu, one of the most influential figures in modern Turkey. From the standpoint of diplomatic symbolism, the most important part of this trip is the delegation’s visit to Crimea, which starts today, November 23rd."

‘NATO Out!’ Anti-War Activists Clash With Police During Italian Base Protest
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Video footage shows dozens of protesters trying to enter the base by cutting the fence, with the aim of halting the military drills being carried out there. Demonstrators threw stones at police, who attempted to block them by firing tear gas and using batons, Ruptly reported."
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More International Tales From a Declining Neo-Roman ZOG Controlled Empire...The Criminal Acts / Destruction / and Decay....of the Empire....

From Standing Rock to Morocco: Indigenous Protesters Act in Solidarity Against Corporate Polluters
A quote...."In our language, we say 'water is life' or 'water is soul,'" said Indigenous activist Moha Tawja. These words could be coming from the mouth of a #NoDAPL Water Protector at Standing Rock, but they're not -- Tawja is Amazigh from Imider, Morocco, a town 300 kilometers south of Marrakech."

‘Lock Her Up’: Untold Story of Hillary Clinton’s Disgrace in Haiti
A quote..."Donald Trump was the only presidential candidate who highlighted that the Clinton-backed earthquake recovery project in Haiti was an absolute disgrace, Dr. Dady Chery, a Haitian-born journalist, told Sputnik, adding that she believes that Haitian-Americans are not the only ones who voted for Trump to see the Clintons brought to justice. - Donald Trump won’t appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton, as he promised back in October, the US President-elect’s aide signaled Tuesday." - Source:  Sputnik

$4 Billion US Stealth Destroyer Can't Even Make It to Panama, Breaks Down in Canal (Video)
A quote...."Built at a cost of more than $4 billion, the high-tech USS Zumwalt only made it to the Panama Canal while on its first journey to its homeport in San Diego. A malfunction left the warship in need of tugboats so that it could reach the closest port, where it remains under maintenance." - Source:  RT

After ridiculing Russian ship engine problems, Western media silent as NATO warship breaks down in pursuit
A quote...."After weeks of stories of the Admiral Kuznetsov's engine problems, it is the engines of one of Britain's top of the line Type 45 destroyers which have broken down, causing the ship to be towed back to port. - As Russia's fleet has deployed to the eastern Mediterranean the well-known engine problems of its aircraft carrier the Admiral Kuznetsov have received an inordinate amount of attention."
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More on the All Seeing (Know Nothing) Police State Surveillance & Suppression of the Web

UK Passes Bill Providing Most Extreme Spying Powers in the Developed World
A quote...."The House of Lords, the upper house of the U.K.’s parliament, just passed the Investigatory Powers Bill, legislation that provides immense spying powers to the British government. The government’s new surveillance privileges are virtually unrivaled across the globe."
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Domestic Politics, New Roman Empire Style....

Aftermath & Analysis....

People Wake Up!
Must Read - A quote...."Neoliberal-fascist atrocities become rapidly ever bolder and are carried out with impunity. They should wake up the 99.99% from our brainwashed dreams and make us SCREAM! – Scream for change, not at the margin, but fundamental. This apparatus has to stop, not just be ‘reformed’ as the caviar ‘left intellectuals’ suggest. Absurdities have to be eviscerated. Our socio-economic system needs rebuilding from scratch. Washington has shown us again on 8 November that they offer only the choice between risking nuclear annihilation of humanity and total corporate privatization of our lives and our live services that we, the people, have created. The latter means impoverishment and enslavement to corporations for the majority of the population. It is a choice between the Satan and Lucifer. -- Here are just a few examples of what the establishment gets away with and nobody protests."

It Is Up To Us — Paul Craig Roberts
A quote...."Did Donald Trump win the election because he is a racist and misogynist and so are the American people? - No. That’s BS from the Oligarchs’ well-paid whores in the media, “liberal progressive” activist groups, think tanks and universities. - Did Trump win because he stole the election? - More BS. The Oligarchs controlled the voting machines. They failed to steal the election, because the people outsmarted them and told the pollsters that they were voting for Hillary. This led to the presstitutes’ propaganda that Hillary was the certain winner, and the Oligarchs believed their own propaganda and didn’t believe it necessary to make certain of their victory."

The Liberation of the Slaves
A quote...."Donald Trump’s electoral victory unleashed pent-up tectonic energies on an unprecedented scale. - The world has been changed, much more than could be expected from any election of a US president. Just a short time has passed since election day, but it appears that the New World Order has received a shattering blow. There is a great feeling of freedom in the air, as if the vote broke the chains of a generation, and we suddenly found ourselves free. -- As the first sign of this new freedom, there are reports that the dreaded TTIP and TTP, the twin agreements almost imposed by Obama administration on the world, are as good as dead. -- Trump killed the agreements, said the Germans, and it is a very good news. Just for that, it was worth electing Trump. -- Silly activists say they stopped the TTIP and TTP by their own efforts. Bunkum! Without Trump, the agreements would have been duly signed and ratified despite all the protests. Let us give him his due.""
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The Dirty, Dangerous,  Political Game...Continues....

Trump vs. MSM: Donald’s Twitter To Become No1 Source For White House News?
Must View RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 6min54sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- Trump shouldn't use "Twitter".  He should establish his own website. - mpg -- A quote... "Donald Trump seems to be going to war with the US mainstream media. The president-elect has accused outlets of being dishonest and biased against him. RT's Ilya Petrenko has been looking at the uneasy relationship America's incoming leader has with the media."

Fact Check: Trump Never Said He Will Not Investigate Hillary Clinton – NY Times Lied & MSM Echoed
NYSlime:  BUSTED!! - Lying All The Time -- A quote...."Audio Transcripts reveal the New York Times lied, Donald Trump said he is not taking Hillary Clinton email and foundation investigations off the table....."
Editor’s note (more below): After this fact check went viral the NY Times was forced to admit Trump really told them the investigations into Hillary Clinton are still on the table.
Media Falsely Spins Trump’s NYT Climate Comments – Trump Cited Climategate, Restated Skepticism of ‘Global Warming’ -- NYSlime, Still Spinning All The Time - A quote...."The ‘fake news’ that Trump had somehow moderated or changed his “global warming” views was not supported by the full transcript of the meeting. […] -- Trump also told resident NYT warmist Tom Friedman: ‘A lot of smart people disagree with you’ on climate change." - Source:  ClimateChange

Clinton Recount Effort Debunked Before it Even Began
Whoops!! - A quote...."Academics claim electronic voting machines "hacked," but Michigan is all paper ballots"

Possible Breakthrough In Mysterious Murder of DNC Staffer Believed to Have Leaked Emails
(a.k.a. An Embarrassing Chain Of Circumstances) - NNNVideo - (NNYuTb - 6min13sec - Nov 24, 2016) - Source:  The Next News Network -- A quote...."Randy DeSoto for Western Journalism reports, A spokesman for the family of Seth Rich, the Democratic National Committee staffer mysteriously murdered this summer, said there may be a breakthrough in the case."
Six Rebel Electors Have Signed An Agreement to Try to Block Donald Trump
An EXTREMELY Dangerous Tactic - Think About It - (Everyone's been warned.....) -- A quote...."At least six Democratic electors have signed an agreement to try to block Donald Trump from securing the presidency with 270 Electoral College votes. -- While it would be unlikely to convince 37 Republican electors to change their votes - the number needed to erase Trump's lead among the 538 total electors - an unusually large number of 'faithless electors' who refuse to vote for Trump could undermine the institution itself."
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The Political Game - Looking To The Future....The Good, the Bad, & The Hopeful....

The Good....

CrossTalk on Russia-US relations: Russian Reset?
CTRTVideo - CT/RussianReset?@RT - CT/RussianReset?/Mp4 - (CTRTYuTb - 24min29sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  CT@YuTb - CT@SndCld - CrossTalk@RT - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT@SndCld - RT - RTAmerica -- A quote...."As president one of Donald Trump’s most important challenges will be to improve relations with Russia. He faces enormous resistance from the media, the foreign policy establishment, and even his own party. What are the chances Trump will succeed? - CrossTalking with Anatol Lieven, Peter Kuznick, and Michael Maloof."

Trump Names Former Political Opponent As UN Ambassador, Replacing Anti-Putin Samantha Power
A Very Interesting Choice -- A quote...."In what has been dubbed a "remarkable" shift in the president-elect's mindset, Trump's selection of Haley caps a dramatic year for their political relationship. They started 2016 with a fight and are ending it as allies in a nascent Trump administration, suggesting that far from bearing grudges Trump is willing to reconcile in the name of national interests."

Trump Loses Half His Transition Team – Plunging From 250 to 125 Staffers – In Purge of Lobbyists
"Purging Lobbyists"? - (THAT has a really nice ring to it! - Anybody out there ever think they'd hear that particular phrase? - Didn't think so - mpg) -- A quote...."The Trump transition team has lost nearly half its staff and volunteers in a matter of days since instituting a ban on registered lobbyists at the end of last week, the Daily Mail has learned. - ‘All the lobbyists are gone,’ said one source familiar with the transition. ‘Lobbyists were the vast majority. Now, today you go in and you could count [them] maybe on one hand.’
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The Bad....

Nothing for this particular posting....yet - mpg
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And The Hopeful....

End The War In Yemen, Mr. Trump
A quote...."What will Donald Trump do with American foreign policy? It's impossible to know, especially in regards to the Middle East. He has articulated views that are war-weary and views that are hawkish. Many observers treat the Middle East as a zero-sum conflict between Shia and Sunni powers, in which the U.S. should mostly stick with its Sunni allies. But Trump has criticized America's Sunni ally Saudi Arabia as a costly dependent of the United States. At the same time he has also talked about ripping up President Obama's deal with Shia-dominated Iran."

Trump Taps Voucher Proponent Betsy DeVos to be Secretary of Education
A quote...."President-elect Donald Trump will nominate Michigan philanthropist and chair of the education organization American Federation of Children Elisabeth ‘Betsy’ DeVos to be his secretary of education. - Trump called his pick “a brilliant and passionate education advocate.”" - Source:  RT
"Ed-Exit" - Ron Paul Urges Americans To Secede From The Centrally-Planned School System
Related Article - A quote...."Maryland Governor Larry Hogan recently signed an executive order forbidding Maryland public schools from beginning classes before Labor Day. Governor Hogan’s executive order benefits businesses in Maryland’s coastal areas that lose school-aged summer employees and business from Maryland families when schools start in August. However, as Governor Hogan’s critics have pointed out, some Maryland school districts, as well as Maryland schoolchildren, benefit from an earlier start to the school year." - Source:   Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity
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More on the US-NRE's Domestic Situation...

New Light On the CIA's Cover Up of the JFK Assassination
JFK - A quote...."Even if you have to wait over 50 years, eventually the truth will out...Suspicions that the CIA covered up JFK's murder have finally been confirmed, according to an explosive Politico report out this week. Fifty-two years after the President's death, declassified documents show that the CIA were in communication with alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald before JFK's murder in 1963, and they were monitoring his mail since 1959."

New Rutgers Report Reveals University's Ties To Slavery And Displacement Of Native Americans
The "Ivy League" - Built On The Bones Of The Dispossessed?? - A quote...."A sweeping new report reveals ties to slavery and the displacement of the Native Americans at one of the country’s top colleges. The findings about 250-year-old Rutgers University were published in a new book, Scarlet and Black, Volume 1: Slavery and Dispossession in Rutgers History."

New York City Immigrants Vow to Fight Deportations
A quote...."Amid a packed crowd of protesters at a #HereToStay rally on Sunday, Nov. 13 in Columbus Circle, 22-year-old Juan stood outside the entrance to Central Park holding a sign that read, "I'm a dishwasher, not a rapist.""

Washington Lawmaker Proposes Bill To Charge Protesters With “Economic Terrorism”
1st Amendment Violation - A quote...."Rather than working to abolish some of the thousands of illogical, irrational laws in the United States criminalizing ordinary, mundane behavior, one legislator dreamed up yet another means to give us a criminal record — “economic terrorism.”

'Welfare check' on innocent 58yo man raided by tactical police, assaulted, flashbanged and kidnapped for 3 days
A quote...."Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute have identified eight members of a tactical police squad in an amended complaint to a lawsuit against Virginia police over a "welfare check" on a 58-year-old man that resulted in a two-hour, SWAT team-style raid on the man's truck and a 72-hour mental health hold."

The Gender Identity Concept Came From a Pedophile and Human Experimenter
What Neoliberals Have In Store For YOUR Children - Must Read - A quote...."The modern progressive will promote the idea that we have to tolerate everyone. This is increasingly harmful to people with mental illness. One group in specific, in many cases, are the transgendered. Anyone that promotes a different solution to their issues is labeled a bigot, a transphobe without listening to their arguments or objective medical information. - To understand more about the root of this problem, we should go back to the origin of the idea of gender identity. - The idea started with a sexologist in 1955 named John Money. The concept of gender identity is: what you think you are socially is more important than what you are from a standpoint which balances social and personal views. One problem that stems from this idea is the belief that there are no meaningful differences between the terms "sex" and "gender". John Money had different ideas. He proposed that if a boy were raised as a girl they would fundamentally be female, and there are no intrinsic differences between the sexes — contrary to biology."--  For more on this issue, see links posted below.....
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Today's Videos & Podcasts....

Record Run into Gold and Silver Coming-David Morgan
GHVideo - DavidMorgan@USAWD - (GHYuTb - 32min48sec - Nov 22, 2016) -- Source:  GH@YuTb - Related Sites:  USAWatchDog - Guest Website:  MorganReportCom -- A quote...."Will the Trump Administration have an economic calamity in the bond market because of the heavy global debt load? Precious metals expert David Morgan says, “Yes, something will take place before the four years is over. I can almost guarantee that. The math is just too simple to see, and you are already seeing it in the bond market. I am very confident because how the bond market is reacting and the amount of paper that has been pushed upon the system that cannot tolerate any more. Things will unravel in some way, shape or form. . . . I think before that four year time frame (Trump’s first term) is over, we are going to see that big thrust into the precious metals.” - Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with David Morgan, author of the new book “Second Chance: How to make and keep big money from the coming of the gold and silver shock-wave.”"

Keiser Report: How Clinton Lost the 'Rustbelt' (E997)
MaxRTVideo -- E997@RT - E997/AltMp4 - (MaxRTYuTb - 25min46sec - Nov 24, 2016) - Related Websites:  RT@YuTb - RTShows - RT - MaxKeiser@RT - MaxKeiserTV - MaxKeiserCom -- A quote...."In this episode of the Keiser Report from Chapel Hill area of North Carolina, Max and Stacy discuss getting ‘voluntarily equitized’ on Thanksgiving Day . . . just as the First Americans were. They also discuss bail-ins in Italy and Brexit fallout in the UK. In the second half, Max interviews former head of the Democratic Party in North Carolina to find out how and why Hillary Clinton lost the Rust Belt."

The Shadow Government/Central Bankers Are Now Resorting To Fear This Holiday Season – Episode 1134
X22Audio - Ep1134/Mp3 - Ep1134/YuTb-a - Ep1134/YuTb-b - (X22Mp3 - 14min39sec - Nov 22, 2016) - Source:  X22Rpt@YuTb - Related Websites: X22Report - X22ReportSpotlight - NewzSentinel - A quote...."Existing home sales surge prior to the election. The top .7% of adults controls most of the wealth in the world. The elite have completed the wealth transfer. The entire economy is one big illusion created to make it look like the economy has recovered. This is a complete setup because the central bankers are planning to crash it one way or another. - All source links to the report can be found on the site."

Say No To The System - Larry Pinkney
Must Listen M108Video - (M108YuTb - 32min29sec - Nov 23, 2016) - Source:  108morris108 - Guest Website:  BlackActivistOrg - Morris donation request - New Patreon Pay Service - [Click Here] - Reg PayPal or Skrill Service [] - - Also [Click Here]  for Morris's appeal - A quote...."Larry Pinkney is a veteran of the Black Panther Party, the former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, a former political prisoner and the only American to have successfully self-authored his civil/political rights case to the United Nations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In connection with his political organizing activities, Pinkney was interviewed in 1988 on the nationally televised PBS News Hour, formerly known as The MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, and more recently on the nationally syndicated Alex Jones Show and global news channel RT (Russia Today). Pinkney is a former university instructor of political science and international relations, and his writings have been published in various places...."
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The Anglo-Euro-Banks Credibility Crisis Deepens....

Another Election Year, Another Bunch Of Fake Growth Numbers
Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Some pretty good economic reports have energized various parts of the financial markets lately. Consumer spending is up, GDP is exceeding expectations and even factory orders, that perennial downer, popped this morning. - In response the dollar is soaring and interest rates are at breaking out of their multi-decade down-channel. The economy is clearly recovering, implying a return to normality. Right? - Nah, it’s just the usual election year illusion. - When the presidency is at stake the party in power always pumps up spending in an attempt to put people back to work and create the impression of a well-run country whose leaders deserve more time in the spotlight. After the election, spending returns to trend and the resulting bad news gets buried in “political honeymoon” media coverage." - Source:  DollarCollapse

[US] New Home Sales Slide To Four Month Low After Sharp Downward Revisions
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."With mortgage rates soaring, it is only a matter of time before US housing is adversely impacted. And while the just released October new home sales data focused on sales of houses based on contracts signed in the month before the election, some concerns were already evident, when the number of new homes sold tumbled to 563K from a pre-revised 593K, badly missing expectations of a 593K print. - This was the weakest new home sales print going back to the 558K new homes sold in the month of June."

[US] Durable Goods Surge On Aircraft Orders Spike, Ex-Air Shipments Tumble For 15th Straight Month
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Durable Goods Orders jumped 4.8% MoM in October, the highest since the October 2015 (start of government fiscal year) bounce last year, thanks to a yuuge in transportation orders (up 12.0%) which included a surge in orders for civilian aircraft (up 138.5%) and military aircraft new orders (up 33.1%). However, Core Capital Goods Shipments, i.e. true CapEx, has now declined 15 straight months year-over-year (the longest non-recesionary streak in history). - Lots of excitement that Durable Goods (ex transport) turned green year-over-year for the first time since Dec 2014."

Risky Parity Panic Strikes As Correlations Crash To Record Low
Charts - (click each to enlarge) -- A quote...."Having exploded higher in the run-up to the election, market expectations of the correlation between stocks within the S&P 500 have completely collapsed since to new record lows. - Simply put, massive systemic overlays were placed ahead of the election event, and were forced to be unwound increasingly aggressively as the post-Trump rally caught everyone offside (the unwind would mean relatively heavy selling of Index protection relative to single-name protection)."

Illinois Stiffing Vendors To Fund Budget Deficits - It's A "Financial Time Bomb"
A quote...."Anyone who has ever invested in distressed securities is intimately familiar with the many games that companies play to avoid a bankruptcy filing.  The easiest game, and the most obvious red flag for investors to spot, involves stretching out payables and managing down receivable days to build cash so you can live to fight another day.  While this may provide a temporary cash boost, it's typically the beginning of the end as vendors simply move payment terms to COD and the game quickly comes to an end. - Well, this is exactly the game that the state of Illinois seems to be playing right now to cover its budget shortfalls."
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Amerika's FrankenFood Disaster, Vaccine Cover-Up, Fukushima & Monsanto Monster....

Gardasil, Considered the Most Dangerous Vaccine on the Market, May Soon be Pushed For Infants
A quote...."Gardasil has been the subject of controversy for many years now. In fact, it has even been regarded as one of the most dangerous vaccines on the market today. Perhaps what is most alarming about this treacherous vaccine, however, is the fact that its manufacturer, Merck & Co, now wants to begin marketing their product to infants – and trials on babies have already begun. Merck recently launched a Gardasil vaccine trial on children at least one year old, and it's set to conclude in early 2017."
Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed by Gardasil Vaccine
A quote...."The VAXXED film crew continues interviewing people who are vaccine damaged around the country. They were recently in Iowa, and interviewed the family of Sydney Weggen. - Sydney states that before Gardasil she used to dance up to 5 hours every day, but now she does not dance at all. - Her school recommended to her parents that she get the Tdap vaccine, because a student in her class with pertussis “coughed on” her. Sydney was almost 11 years old at that time."
Is This the Real Story of What Happened Regarding Nagalase?
A quote...."So many strange things have been happening regarding matters that seem to be the vested interests of establishment controllers, especially when whistleblowers and journalists become involved or researchers apparently find dirty little secrets thought hidden and obviously considered proprietary, which they don’t want known nor mainstreamed."

Speak Up NOW For Kratom
Action Alert - A quote...."Thanksgiving is only a few days away. We wanted to let you know what the AKA is thankful for. We are thankful for the chance, hard fought, to keep our beloved plant legal. We are thankful for the friendships and camaraderie we have gained. We are thankful for the donations, the emails, the phone calls and letters. We are quite simply, thankful for YOU."

FDA Caught Manipulating The Media To Protect Big Pharma’s Profits

A quote...."[11/23/16]  DANIEL BARKER–  Evidence has recently been uncovered revealing that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) routinely manipulates the media to protect the agency’s own interests – or more specifically, those of Big Pharma. - Scientific American has obtained documents through the Freedom of Information Act that cast light on the agency’s use of numerous techniques it uses to control the flow of information to the public by imposing restrictions on the scientific press and mass media outlets."

Australia's Victoria Introduces Permanent Ban on Fracking
A quote...."The southeastern Australian state of Victoria on Tuesday introduced a bill to permanently ban the hydraulic fracturing on its territory, Victoria's government said in a statement."
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More On The Global Warming Hoax / Carbon Tax Scam....

Idiotic: New Oxford Study Suggests Taxing Meat by 40% to Save the Planet From Climate Change
A quote...."There's a brand new way to save the planet, and a group of professors from Oxford University wants to force the issue by assessing enormous taxes on foods said to have higher "climate impact." -- To make a long story short, they want to force everyone who doesn't have a high income to become vegan by taxing the living daylights out of animal products. If you think your grocery bill is out of control now, just you wait if these scientists get their way. -- By taxing items like beef by 40%, dairy products and poultry by 20%, and certain vegetable oils, the planet will be saved."

Antarctic Sea Ice Has Not Shrunk In 100 Years
A quote...."Antarctic sea ice had barely changed from where it was 100 years ago, scientists have discovered, after pouring over the logbooks of great polar explorers such as Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton. Experts were concerned that ice at the South Pole had declined significantly since the 1950s, which they feared was driven by man-made climate change. But new analysis suggests that conditions are now virtually identical to when the Terra Nova and Endurance sailed to the continent in the early 1900s, indicating that declines are part of a natural cycle and not the result of global warming."