Wednesday December 1st 2010

Must Read - (An outstanding analysis) -- A quote...."Over a quarter of a million diplomatic cables, marked – “secret” , “confidential”, or “unclassified” – to and from the US State Department have been “leaked” to the public, presumably by a whistleblower. On the surface, it seems like the sort of thing that restores power to the people. It arms us all with knowledge and reminds those in power that they must answer to the public. -- Then you pause to think. And that’s when the holes in this narrative become obvious." - also posted at AlethoNews & PalestineChron & WarInIraq

Ho Hum More Wikileaks "Chickenfeed"
Must Read - (Ditto) - Related Article - A quote...."What does it prove, any of it?  For sure, we see one thing.  Everything leaked is carefully screened to have nothing of real value.  With Mossad running around Mosul, operating out of Erbil, supplying and advising the terrorist PKK, not a word is mentioned.  Instead, poor Iranians are swimming the Euphrates with explosives strapped to their chests. -- Get real. -- Thousands of tons of explosives were “mislaid” in Iraq.  The US failed to secure Saddam’s weapons depots which were looted.  These stockpiles were vast.  The idea that anyone would need to bring weapons into Iraq is insane, simply another Israeli ploy to pre-stage an attack on Iran.  Any fool can see this in seconds." - also posted at GlobalRsrch & ThePeople'sVoice & WarIsACrime & ConspiracyPlanet

Wikileaks leaks toxic acid in every direction, except to Israel
Must Read - (Ditto) - Related Article - A quote...."Much ado about old news -- What are Wikileaks telling us? That Saudi Arabia poured oil on the flames against Iran? We already knew that. That Abbas' administration as well as the Egyptian government were very well informed about Israel's genocidal military assault on Gaza in the winter of 2009? There is nothing new about that either. The list goes on and on, and the main victims of embarrassment are leaders of Arab governments. But what is so new about that? Doesn't almost every Arab in the world who reads newspapers, watches Al Jazeera and has a certain degree of understanding of Middle East politics, already know about the extent and scope of secret relations in the region? Even many people living outside of the Arab world are largely aware of this." - also posted at AlethoNews & WarInIraq & 9/11NewsCentral

No Subtlety Whatsoever

If there were ever ANY doubts that the five mass-media corporate conglomerates, who control ninety percent of the dis-infotainment output in the US-NRE are unduly, some would say totally, controlled by members of the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium and the US-NRE's "Jewish community", the Wikileaks "leak" has permanently laid them to rest.

For ten long years the mass-disinfotainment-media remained utterly and totally silent regarding that blatant false-flag event called 9/11.  For ten long years the mass-disinfotainment-media remained utterly and totally silent about most of the so-called "revelations" contained in the newest batch of "Wikileaks". Revelations which were already well known and which had already been extensively covered during the last ten years in millions of articles and videos posted to tens of thousands of websites on the world wide web or distributed through other alternative conventional media outlets.

But now we have this "treasure trove" of carefully selected dis-info which strenuously, and obviously, avoids any mention in its over 250,000 "cables" of a single activity or operation carried out by the AIPAC/Israeli Consortium during this last decade while also coincidentally containing many patently false claims whose sole purpose for inclusion would appear be an attempt to further many of Israel's already stated geo-political objectives.

A "treasure trove" that has been literally blasted far and wide and is practically being carried non-stop, 24/7, on every single mass-media dis-infotainment outlet in the nation.

Frankly, one would have thought they would have tried to be a bit more subtle. - mpg
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Re-Post: Wikileaks: Legitimate Whistleblowers or CointelPro?
Special Note - From the History File - Nov 29th 2010 -- A quote...."9/11 News Central Editors Note: With the new release of documents by Wikileaks, it has once again brought their credibly into question. That being said, it is well documented that the so called leaked documents have done absolutely nothing but further the goals of the establishment. -- Here is the article i posted when the Afghan War Diaries were first released. As you can see many credible journalists and whistleblowers believe that Wikileaks is run by certain intelligence agencies." - also posted at the IntellHub

Flashback - Webster Tarpley: Media's Wikileaks"CIA Style Spin"Gives Obama Excuse to Invade Iran & Pakistan!
AJVideo - From the History File - July 28, 2010 -- WT&AJonWiki(1/5) - WT&AJonWiki(2/5) - WT&AJonWiki(3/5) - WT&AJonWiki(4/5) - WT&AJonWiki(5/5) - (AJYuTb - 10min - July 28, 2010) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex talks with author, journalist, speaker and radio talk show host Webster Tarpley about the Wikileaks Afghanistan documents and the latest developments on the coming conflict with Iran. Tarpley is the author of Obama: The Postmodern Coup and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, both available at Alex's Infowars store."

WikiLeaks and Espionage – Israeli Style
Special Note - A quote...."The online publication of a quarter-million documents chronicling diplomatic exchanges is notable both for what’s omitted and what’s included. To determine whether this latest release was a form of espionage, analysts need only examine how this treasure trove of trivia was peppered with documents certain to damage U.S. relations. -- To identify its origins, analysts must answer a key question: Cui Bono? To whose benefit?" - also posted at MyCatBird'sSeat & PalestineChron

CIA, Mossad and Soros Behind Wikileaks
Special Note - A quote...."(WMR) -- (November 29, 2010) WMR has learned from Asian intelligence sources that there is a strong belief in some Asian countries, particularly China and Thailand, that the website Wikileaks, which purports to publish classified and sensitive documents while guaranteeing anonymity to the providers, is linked to U.S. cyber-warfare and computer espionage operations, as well as to Mossad's own cyber-warfare activities."

Former Pakistani General: CIA, Mossad behind WikiLeaks Reports
Related Article - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- A former Pakistani army commander said that the disclosure of classified documents by the whistleblower site of Wikileaks is a US plot to create rift among friendly and neighboring states. "

Lebanon rejects Wikileaks claims on Iran
Related Article - A quote...."The WikiLeaks website on Sunday released 250,000 classified US documents, some of which touch on issues ranging from US involvement in spying against the UN to the involvement of US embassies across the world in espionage activities. -- The New York Times reported on Monday that Hariri told US officials in 2006 to “go all the way if need be” to stop Iran's nuclear program. -- "Iraq was unnecessary… Iran is necessary," The New York Times quoted Hariri as saying in the secret cables, supposedly comparing military actions against the two countries. -- “First, any suggestion that I said this is false,” the Lebanese Daily Star quoted Hariri as saying on Tuesday during an official trip to Paris following his visit to Tehran. -- “Second, Iran is a friendly country and we have always met with its ambassadors and all officials who came to Lebanon. And we reject any challenge to Iran.”
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Thirty-Nine Congressmen Can’t Be Wrong
A quote...."A former US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer has written a well reasoned op-ed explaining that throwing concessions and gifts to Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu in an attempt to obtain relatively minor concessions on his part is precisely the wrong policy to pursue.  Kurtzer notes that the deal will be a major shift in policy "…the first direct benefit that the United States has provided Israel for settlement activities that we have opposed for more than 40 years" and he asks "Does anyone really believe that there is a substantive connection between a three month settlement freeze and Israel’s professed need for more airplanes?"

Revelations on Rafik Hariri’s assassination
A quote....'While western media have announced that indictments against Hezbollah will be issued shortly by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Russian magazine Odnako challenges the entire UN investigation. Thierry Meyssan posits that the weapon used to assassinate former Prime Minister Rafik Hairiri was supplied by Germany. Former German prosecutor and first commissioner in charge of the UN probe, Detlev Mehlis, seemingly doctored evidence to cover up his country’s involvement. These revelations embarrass the Tribunal and reverse the tide in Lebanon." - also posted at AlethoNews

'Israeli troops open fire on Lebanon'
War Provocation - (By hook or by crook, The Jews of Israel are going to start another war. - mpg) -- A quote...."Israeli troops have opened fire on Lebanon from two border posts across the Lebanese southern border, a Lebanese security source says. -- The machinegun fire came from Israeli positions near Shebaa Farms on the border between Lebanon, Syria and the occupied Palestinian land on Wednesday, dpa reported. -- According to the source, the Wednesday shooting came from Israeli troops stationed in al-Sammaqa and Rwaisat al-Alam positions. No casualties have been reported."

'Jordan supports Iraqi terrorist group'
Special Note - A quote...."Iraqi security officials have revealed that several people in Jordan were allegedly supporting one terrorist group in the war-torn country financially. -- The unnamed terrorist group was behind an attack against a church in the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad in October, Iraqi al-Qanoon website reported on Thursday. -- The hostage-taking incident in the Sayidat al-Nejat Cathedral left more than 50 Iraqis dead and nearly 60 others injured. -- The Islamic State of Iraq, a Sunni militant umbrella group with ties to al-Qaeda in Iraq, claimed responsibility for the Baghdad church siege."
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It’s the Bankers or Us
AJVideo - Alt - (AJYuTb - 14min 04sec - December 01, 2010) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel -- A quote...."Alex Jones explains how the austerity hammer is falling now on Europe, and will soon fall on the U.S. Fresh bailouts and buyouts by foreign banks are being forced on Ireland and other European nations, while officials in the United States are dropping news on Americans that pensions, insurance for veteran military personnel and more are being taken away."

'Without the control of the Bankers, there would be no wars'
A quote...."Why should the Government pay interest to a private banking system for the use of its own money, that it could issue itself without interest? This is exactly what the Social Crediters of the "Michael" Journal demand, when they urge the Federal Government to take back its power to issue the money for our country. Two famous Americans, industrialist Henry Ford (pioneer of the U.S. car industry) and inventor Thomas A. Edison (who, despite having attended school for only three months, managed to patent more than 1,000 inventions), also agreed with that proposal. What helped Ford and Edison, two great friends, to reach this conclusion is that they reasoned like engineers, who consider only facts and the physical laws of nature, contrary to most economists, who deal with arbitrary notions that many times do not fit with facts."

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero
MRVideo - Alt - (JustInTV - 2hrs - December 1st, 2010) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV  - On the economy, the Banksters, including opt-out of the banks day (Dec 7th), the end of Social Security as we know it, foreclosuregate, the TSA's Goon squads, extensive coverage on the Wikileaks cointelpro fiasco and much, much, more....

Social Security cuts are part of deficit plan
A quote...."WASHINGTON – A painful package of spending cuts and tax increases drew sharp challenges from both the left and right on President Barack Obama's deficit commission Wednesday, putting approval in doubt. However, both parties' Senate budget point men embraced the plan, and even opponents called it a starting point for efforts next year to control the nation's ballooning debt."

Fiat Currencies Versus Gold: Will China and Russia Quit using the US Dollar? – Bob Chapman
A quote...."The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet grew a 4th straight week to $2,328 trillion, up $31 billion in a week. In May the balance sheet was $2,333 trillion. -- Holdings of government securities totaled $901.24 billion, and rose $27.62 billion. Mortgage holdings were unchanged and Agency holdings fell slightly. -- It might interest you to know that over the past seven years federal debt has doubled to almost $14 trillion. That is more than $100,000 for every American household." - also posted at DProgram
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"Why Aren't You Dead Yet?" The Enlightened War Policies of the Peace Laureate
Special Note - A quote...."One of the most important stories of the day continues to be almost universally ignored, both by the corporate media and most 'progressive' bloggers, eternally absorbed with the shallow and pointless factional foolery amongst the cliques at the imperial court. But Jason Ditz at has continued to shine a high, harsh light on this sinister development, which is adding a vast storehouse of anguish, hatred and violence that will be the Peace Laureate's chief legacy to future generations."

Afghanistan: Destroying their property and insulting their intelligence
A quote...."The trip taken by the U.S. delegation to the NATO Summit in Lisbon was an expensive one indeed. The decision made there to extend our military occupation of Afghanistan into 2014 (and possibly beyond) will exact untold, unsustainable, unacceptable costs."

Mottaki Terms Iran Role Model for Developing Countries
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki stressed on Wednesday that Iran can serve as a role model of progress for the developing states while the colonialist powers have hatched plots to deprive other nations of progress."

Iran Wraps Up Loading Fuel into Bushehr Reactor's Heart
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran completed loading fuel into the core of the Bushehr nuclear power plant reactor in a last step before the facility can start operation, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi announced on Wednesday."

Egyptian opposition parties pull out of election
A quote...."Egypt's top two opposition movements pulled out of parliamentary elections yesterday, citing widespread fraud, after they were all but shut out in Sunday's first round of voting. -- The move by the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the strongest opposition force in the country, and the secular liberal Wafd party, is a blow to the country's efforts to portray itself as a democracy."

Egypt Muslim Brotherhood 'quits election'
Related Article - A quote...."Cairo - Egypt's main opposition movement the Muslim Brotherhood says it is withdrawing its candidates from the election run-off, reports say. --  The Islamist movement, which is banned but runs candidates as independents, failed to win a single seat in Sunday's first round. --  It claims the election was rigged in favour of President Hosni Mubarak's governing NDP party."

Egypt opposition party to abandon seats won in vote
Related Article - A quote...."CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's liberal Wafd party, which controls the second biggest opposition bloc in the outgoing parliament, said on Thursday it had withdrawn backing for two seats won in the first round of elections which it said was rigged."

Putin prods two Koreas to negotiating table
A quote...."Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin hopes that "common sense will eventually prevail" in relations between the two Koreas, and they will engage in a mutually-beneficial dialogue."

Russia Moves Tactical Nukes Closer to NATO. Gulp. [Updated]
A quote...."As recently as this spring, the Russians have moved their tactical nukes to sites close to their Western frontiers, alarming the Baltic and Eastern European members of NATO, the Wall Street Journal reports. Russia’s longstanding position is that it won’t pull its tactical nuclear weapons behind the Ural Mountains until the U.S. gets its own small nukes out of Europe. True totals of Russian tactical nuclear weapons is a tightly-held secret, but the Federation of American Scientists estimated last year that Moscow has nearly 5,400 of them, with about 2,000 deployed."

Kyrgyz parliament forms ruling coalition
A quote...."A ruling coalition formed in the parliament of Kyrgyzstan comprises three factions representing the Social-Democrats as well as Respublika and Ata-Meken parties."

India conducts BrahMos cruise missile test
A quote...."India successfully test-fired a BrahMos supersonic cruise missile from a military base in the northeastern coastal state of Orissa on Thursday, the Press Trust of India (PTI) said. -- The supersonic cruise missile with precision strike capability was test-fired from a mobile launcher at 11:00 local time (05:30 GMT) from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur."

Okinawans try to vote US base out
A quote...."NAHA, Japan - Perhaps the most remarkable thing about Sunday’s gubernatorial election on the subtropical Japanese islands of Okinawa was the absence of a candidate supported by Minshuto, the ruling party."

Colombia's Secret Police Activities Exposed
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."The Colombian secret police, also known as DAS, has come under fire after leaked internal documents showed the organisation's use of death threats, intimidation and illegal phone tapping. -- The documents showed what appears to be a political war against journalists, opposition groups and even members of the supreme court. -- The evidence has led to the arrest of five former secret police officials."

The Deterioration of the OAS
Quote of the Day...."Winds of change continue to blow over Latin America: Many governments of the continent are proposing … I would even say most of us are joined in this proposal: the creation of a Latin American and Caribbean State organization, without the United States and Canada. We are certain that many other governments agree with us in this old proposal to permanently rid ourselves of the colonialism imposed by the U.S. on this continent,”  -- *Hugo Chávez*, President of Venezuela

"VE have Kidneys, Livers and Matzoh Balls for Sale!"
A quote..."Whatever happened to the New Jersey RABBI, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, who was arrested along with Saul Kassin, 87, chief rabbi of Sharee Zion Synagogue in Brooklyn; Eliahu Ben Haim, 58, the principal rabbi of Congregation Ohel Yaacob in Deal, New Jersey; Edmond Nahum, 56, of Deal Synagogue; Mordchai Fish, 56, of Congregation Sheves Achim in Brooklyn back in July of 2009 for among other things, trafficking in human organs, money-laundering and bank fraud back in July, 2009?" - Topix ||  Israeli Organ Thefts  ||
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Troops Kidnap Elected Legislator In Hebron
A quote...."Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Wednesday at dawn, legislator Sheikh Khalil Nayef Rajoub, after breaking into his home and searching it. His family stated that soldiers surrounded their home located west of Hebron, approximately at 1 a.m., and kidnapped the legislator taking him to an unknown destination." - also posted at AlethoNews

IOF shelling targets Palestinian fishing boats, border areas
A quote...."RAFAH, (PIC)-- Israeli navy and ground forces shelled Palestinian fishing boats and border areas in the Gaza Strip at dawn Thursday causing material damage but no casualties, local sources reported."
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US Congress slams door on the unemployed
A quote...."On Wednesday, 800,000 unemployed US workers woke up in the morning having lost for most what is their only source of income—jobless benefit checks that average about $300 per week. By Christmas, another 1.2 million workers will follow them into the cashless economy, where they will join the far larger number of jobless workers who receive no benefits at all. Millions more will follow next year."

Meet The 35 Foreign Banks That Got Bailed Out By The Fed (And This Is Just The CPFF Banks)
Chart - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."One may be forgiven to believe that via its FX liquidity swap lines the Fed only bailed out foreign Central Banks, which in turn took the money and funded their own banks. It turns out that is only half the story: we now know the Fed also acted in a secondary bail out capacity, providing over $350 billion in short term funding exclusively to 35 foreign banks, of which the biggest beneficiaries were UBS, Dexia and BNP. Since the funding provided was in the form of ultra-short maturity commercial paper it was essentially equivalent to cash funding. In other words, between October 27, 2008 and August 6, 2009, the Fed spent $350 billion in taxpayer funds to save 35 foreign banks. And here people are wondering if the Fed will ever allow stocks to drop: it is now more than obvious that with all banks leveraging the equity exposure to the point where a market decline would likely start a Lehman-type domino, there is no way that the Brian Sack-led team of traders will allow stocks to drop ever... Until such time nature reasserts itself, the market collapses without GETCO or the PPT being able to catch it, and the Fed is finally wiped out in one way or another."

Federal Reserve's 'astounding' report: We loaned banks trillions
A quote...."For example, at the height of the crisis, just four large securities firms were the main recipients of loans from the Fed's Primary Dealer Credit Facility, an overnight loan program for securities firms. Of $3.6 trillion doled out in the six weeks after Sept. 15, 2008 (when Lehman Brothers failed), nearly $3.1 trillion went to Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, or Merrill Lynch." - also posted at RogueGov

It's an Anglo-American World
A quote...."It's an Anglo-American world. The recent spate of revelations about the Federal Reserve disbursement to Europe during the height of the financial crisis, and this current article (excerpted above) provide further proof (as if anymore were needed) that the locus of money power is the Anglosphere, not Israel, not the EU, not Germany. We are not surprised that when Europe needs money it turns to America, and that America's Federal Reserve proved to be the lender of last resort. The Fed, obeying orders from Congress just named recipients of $3.3 trillion in emergency Federal Reserve aid; funds it disbursed in 2008 during the height of the financial crisis. Among them were U.S. branches of overseas banks. Bloomberg explains:"

House May Block Food Safety Bill Over Senate Error
Thank God for the constitution. - mpg -- A quote...."A food safety bill that has burned up precious days of the Senate’s lame-duck session appears headed back to the chamber because Democrats violated a constitutional provision requiring that tax provisions originate in the House. -- By pre-empting the House’s tax-writing authority, Senate Democrats appear to have touched off a power struggle with members of their own party in the House. The Senate passed the bill Tuesday, sending it to the House, but House Democrats are expected to use a procedure known as “blue slipping” to block the bill, according to House and Senate GOP aides."

Tuesday November 30th 2010

Wikileaks - More Israeli Game Theory Warfare?
Special Note - A quote..."The impact of the WikiLeaks release of diplomatic cables fits the behavior profile of those well versed in game theory warfare. -- When Israeli mathematician Robert J. Aumann received the 2005 Nobel Prize in economic science for his work on game theory, he conceded, “the entire school of thought that we have developed here in Israel” has turned “Israel into the leading authority in this field.” -- The candor of this Israeli-American offered a rare insight into an enclave long known for waging war from the shadows. Israel’s most notable success to date was “fixing” the intelligence that induced the U.S. to invade Iraq in pursuit of a geopolitical agenda long sought by Tel Aviv."

Wikileks - The Tel Aviv Connection
Special Note - A quote...."What is Tel Aviv to do now that it’s known Israelis and pro-Israelis ‘fixed’ the intelligence that induced the U.S. to war in Iraq? -- Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Con me consistently for six decades and the relationship is over, as is Israel’s credibility as a legitimate nation state. -- Tel Aviv knows this. But what can the Zionist state do about it? -- Answer: Wikileaks. -- Why now? Misdirection."

At Least One Wikileak is just a Bold Faced Lie – And Its a Significant One
Special Note - A quote...."What we are talking about is nothing short of an attempt to rewrite the history of the Dec. 2008 attack on Gaza for the benefit of Israel. -- In a recent discussion with Amy Goodman in which she once again reported as fact that the leader of Saudi Arabia wants to “cut the head off the snake”, Noam Chomsky was careful as usual to point out to Amy that one can’t necessarily accept these “leaks” as given fact. He points out that they are some email from some state department flunkie (my words) and that they are in no way proof of anything, much less the wishes of the vast majority of the Arab people."

David Frum Explains Wikileaks’ Value
Special Note - A quote...."(yes, here it is folks… the real purpose behind the Wikileaks psyop. You know, just as bad, Amy Goodman on Democracy NOW! was saying pretty much the same thing. There you go “progressives”. You can now get behind the Axis of Evil and Israel’s attacking of Red Crescent ambulances… because Wikileaks says its “ok”)

Wiki-Leaks Serves Israeli Agenda Of Demonizing Iran
Special Note - A quote...."I obviously missed the momentous occasion when the mainstream media turned anti-war. But who can now deny that it is so when we see Wiki-leaks and the mainstream media joining forces to expose the ugly truth of the US invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, and more recently, what the US state department thinks of world leaders? I mean, that is what is happening, right? -- Wrong." - also posted at AlethoNews

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Who is Really Leaking to Wikileaks?
Special Note - A quote...."Zbigniew Brzezinski doesn't think all the leaked information coming out of Wikileaks is a result of Army PFC Bradley Manning, as a matter of fact he suspects a foreign intelligence service may be providing the more embarrassing leaks. In a PBS interview with Judy Woodruff, ZB lays out his thinking:" - also posted at AlethoNews & PoorRichardsBlog

‘WikiLeaks paves way for strike on Iran’
A quote...."The new documents released by WikiLeaks pave the way for the US to attack Iran over its nuclear program, a political commentator has told Press TV. -- “I believe that this is an inside operation that is aimed not only at improving Israel’s image in the world at a time when she really looks quite bad but also as a means of blackmailing the United States government into going to war against Iran,” Mark Glenn said in an interview with Press TV." - Source:  PressTV

'IAEA approves Iran's nuclear projects'
Related Article - A quote...."Iranian envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Ali Asghar Soltanieh says the agency has approved all the projects proposed by Iran. -- Soltanieh made the remarks at the end of the annual meeting of the IAEA's Technical Assistance and Cooperation Committee (TACC) in Vienna on Tuesday evening, IRNA reported. -- Iran's envoy to the UN body said that after two days of deliberation on the projects for the application of nuclear energy, the committee approved all the projects proposed by the Islamic Republic to the Vienna-based international agency."

Yossi Melman: Mossad, MI6, the CIA and the case of the assassinated scientist
Related Article - A quote...."Three events – not seemingly related – took place yesterday. The leaking of State Department documents, many of which deal with the world's concerns about Iran's nuclear programme; the mysterious assassination in Tehran of a top Iranian nuclear scientist and the wounding of another, and the appointment of Tamir Pardo as the new head of Mossad, Israel's foreign espionage agency."

IRGC Official: Enemies Seeking to Undermine Iran's Scientific Progress
Related Article - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior official of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said that the recent terrorist attacks on two Iranian university professors and scientists in Tehran were aimed at undermining the country's scientific progress." - For more regarding the three articles shown above see....How About An Honest NPT? - 11-11-10 - mpg
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>>>  Constant Gardening  <<<

Why does the FBI Orchestrate Fake Terror Plots?
A quote...."After vacillating between whether they are reporting a real plot or a orchestrated one, the reporters finally come down on the side of orchestration. Documents released by US Attorney Dwight Holton "show the sting operation began in June." Obviously, the targeted Portland teenager was not hot to trot. The FBI had to work on him for six months. The reporters compare "the Portland sting" to the recent arrest in Virginia of Faroque Ahmed who was ensnared in a "bombing plot that was a ruse conducted over the past six months by federal officials." - also posted at ICH & OnlineJournal & PrisonPlanet & DProgram -- Think about this. The FBI did a year's work in order to convince two people to participate in fake plots." - bold by website editor - For more on this issue see the articles and comments shown below....

FBI stopped Portland bomb suspect from taking job before sting
Special Note - A quote...."In the case of Mohamed Osman Mohamud, the 19-year-old arrested Friday for allegedly trying to blow up an Oregon Christmas tree lighting ceremony, the FBI itself may have created that link. -- According to the New York Times, the FBI placed Mohamud on a terror watch list, making it impossible for the young man to fly to Alaska to take a summer job. It was only after Mohamud was blocked from taking the job in June of this year that the FBI -- which had been monitoring him since 2009 -- made contact with the suspect." - bold by website editor - also posted at AmericanEveryman

It's OUTRAGEOUS!!  It's DIABOLICAL!!  They "farmed" him, they "cultivated" him, they planted him like a seed, grew him in fertile soil, waited for him to sprout, and then they harvested him!!  This is one SICK AND TWISTED COUNTRY!!  From now on the FBI should be called Farm Bureau International or by it's new nome de guarre...."The Constant Gardener" for all the many other patsies and dupes they've enticed, entrapped, and "cultivated" during the last few years.  And here this website editor thought it was only the CIA, Saudi Royals and Israel which engaged in this sort of crap. - mpg - posted 11-29-10

FBI apparently set up US teen blamed for fake car bomb
A quote...."Boy told undercover agents he could get a gun because he's a "rapper"; authored article containing "jihad" workout tips." - It just gets completely silly.  As said many times before by this website editor....if a "real terrorist" should EVER be able to carry out an attack that injures or kills any American while the FBI is busily spending its scarce resources enticing mentally deficient eighteen to twenty year old teenagers into a life of crime, the FBI will be fully to blame for the tragedy. - mpg - posted 11-27-10
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TSA, News You Can Use....

The Chertoff Group
From the History File - January 5, 2010 - A quote...."
Virtual Strip Searches at an Airport Near You
A quote...."The Naked Body Scanner, otherwise known as the Backscatter X-ray or the Secure 1000 body scanner was developed by Dr. Steven W Smith for airport security. Dr. Smith designed the Secure 1000 body scanner in 1992 and later sold the device to Rapiscan Systems, a subsidiary of OSI Systems Inc., who now manufactures and distributes the device." - Topix ||  9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection - Michael Chertoff  ||

The National Security State Cops a Feel
A quote...."It’s finally coming into focus, and it’s not even a difficult equation to grasp.  It goes like this: take a country in the grips of an expanding national security state and sooner or later your “safety” will mean your humiliation, your degradation.  And by the way, it will mean the degradation of your country, too." - also posted at WarInContext

TSA News 11-30-10
DProgram's daily round-up on the TSA's Goon Squads and their latest, unconstitutional, antics. - mpg
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America, meet your next President
Special Note - Contains Video - SNLskit - SP"NKisOurAlly" - SP/witchcraft --  A quote...."Former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin wore an American/Israeli flag pin to Time magazine's May 4 dinner honoring the "100 Most Influential People in the World." -- Palin wore the same pin when she addressed the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville this past February."

Canada Surrenders Sovereignty and Privacy to U.S. Secure Flight Program
Welcome all Canadians to the US-NRE-AIPAC/Israeli Consortium.  You can check in, but you can't check out. - mpg -- A quote...."Canada is under pressure from U.S. officials to further comply with American security rules which in some cases, threatens its sovereignty and the privacy of its citizens. As a result of the war on terrorism, the U.S. government now has more power to restrict air travel and is not only dictating North American, but also international security measures." - also posted at GlobalRsrch & DProgram

Google Blacklists Prison
Web Censorship Alert - Contains Video - Alt -- A quote...."(PaulWatson) – In a damning new lurch towards web censorship, Google’s news aggregator has blacklisted Prison Planet and Infowars despite the fact that both websites are internationally known and now attract more traffic than many mainstream media websites, while Google-owned You Tube has frozen the Alex Jones Channel [Vids] based on a spurious complaint about showing Wikileaks footage that has been carried on hundreds of other You Tube channels for months." - For alternatives to YouTube / Google see list shown below.....
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Obama's isolation grows on the Afghanistan war
Charts - Graphs - A quote...."WASHINGTON — Afghanistan has become a lonely place for President Obama. -- One year ago today, the president delivered a seminal speech at West Point, N.Y., announcing the deployment of 30,000 additional U.S. servicemembers to Afghanistan and setting a timetable to begin withdrawing them in July 2011 — a combination calibrated to reassure those who saw the conflict as critical to U.S. security and those uneasy with an open-ended military conflict. -- Now, the administration is playing down the date combat troops will begin to come home and focusing instead on 2014 as the target for the pullout to be completed, conditions permitting." - also posted at WarInIraq

Iraqi Concentration Camp Exposed
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 9min - July 11, 2010) - Source:  91177info -- A quote...."People are being detained in concentration camps in Iraq under deplorable conditions without being charged with any crime. Many have been there for a year or more and some are now both physically and mentally sick. -- In this shocking video, an Iraqi doctor speaks to groups of prisoners, including children as young as nine years, living in these horrific camps. Besides being denied due legal process, no type of standardized education is provided to the children who are locked up here. In defense, the US Military personnel said, “but they have movie night.” It is claimed that sometimes relatives are grabbed and thrown in the camps when they come to visit."

Iran Discovers Two New Oil and Gas Fields
A quote...."November 30, 2010 (Hamsayeh.Net) - Iranian Oil Company officials have announced the discovery of two major oil and gas fields in southern Hormozgan Province, Mehr News Agency reported on Tuesday. The discovered field includes about 34 billion barrels of in-place oil in the Ferdowsi gas field near the Persian Gulf."
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More on Mubarak's & Egypt's Fraudulent Elections....

Egypt's rulers tighten grip amid claims of election fraud and intimidation
A quote...."Governing party wins 96% of the vote in early results - Egypt's repressive regime sent a dramatic message to the international community over its determination to face down any challenge to its authority, after stage-managing parliamentary elections that virtually wiped out the formal opposition. -- During the day, election-related violence claimed at least eight lives. Early results from the poll – described by domestic and international observers as "breathtaking" in its levels of fraud – suggest that the ruling National Democratic party (NDP) has captured 96% of the seats, while the 88 opposition members from the Muslim Brotherhood, could be erased to zero." - bold by website editor

Siddiqui: Egypt’s election fraud far worse than Haiti’s – and more dangerous
Related Article - A quote...."We have had acres of newsprint and hours of broadcasts on the flawed elections in Haiti, a nation of 10 million, which has an understandable emotional hold on us but is of little geopolitical significance. -- Yet we are not being informed of a far bigger electoral fraud in Egypt, the most populous Arab nation at 83 million, whose fate is inextricably linked to our strategic interests. -- Egypt has a peace treaty with Israel and is a friend of the United States and Canada. Its biggest political opposition and grassroots movement, the Muslim Brotherhood — a sworn enemy of Israel and the U.S., and the political mentor of Hamas in Gaza — has just been wiped out in a national election."

U.S is responsible for Egypt 's election joke
Related Article - A quote...."There is no doubt that the United States is at least morally responsible for the scandalous election joke which took place in Egypt on 28 November.  The brazen falsification of the Egyptian people's will would not have occurred had it been for America's unethical embrace of Mubarak's regime."

Egyptians riot, claiming vote fraud
Related Article - A quote...."Protestors set fire to cars, tyres and two polling stations as they clashed with police in riots that erupted after Egypt's elections. -- The protestors believe the ruling party carried out widespread fraud in order to keep power in the parliamentary elections."
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Russia insists on peaceful settlement for Korean Peninsula
A quote...."Russia insists on a peaceful settlement of the situation on the Korean Peninsula. -- This came in a statement by Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Alexei Borodavkin. -- According to him, Moscow has notified Washington of the need to ease tension in the region, including through ending the ongoing joint US-South Korean military exercise near North Korea’s border." - also posted at SCF

Russia to build up nuclear forces if New START not ratified - Putin
A quote...."Russia will be forced to build up its nuclear forces if the United States does not ratify the New Strategic Arms Ratification Treaty, Putin told CNN in an interview to air on Wednesday. -- "That's not our choice. We don't want that to happen. But this is not a threat on our part," Putin told CNN's Larry King. "We've been simply saying that this is what all of us expects to happen if we don't agree on a joint effort there." - also posted at WarInIraq
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Zionist 'Hasbara' Agent Whines When Confronted with his numerous LIES
Contains Video - (From the History File - 01/08/2009 - Democracy Now Show) - NFvsMI(1/4) - NFvsMI(2/4) - NFvsMI(3/4) - NFvsMI(4/4) -- A quote...."Martin Indyk, Ambassador to Israel and Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs during the Clinton administration. He is currently the Director & Senior Fellow of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, another 'hasbara' outlet; AIPAC member; helped create another Zionist professional liar's outfit, WINEP (Washington Institute for Near East Policy); Indyk was also the first United States Ambassador to be stripped of a security clearance. Indyk was under investigation for improperly handling sensitive material--In other words, he was spying on America for Apartheid Israel."

Humanitarian Groups Appeal for End of Gaza Siege
A quote...."A coalition of 21 international human rights organizations called for end to 'cruel and illegal' Gaza blockade, arguing that the partial lifting agreed by Israel has made a limited impact in improving life of Gaza civilians, sources reported on Tuesday."
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Economic Crisis in Europe -- General....

Bailout Contagion Hits Europe As Pensions Seized In France, Hungary & Ireland To Pay Banks - Who's Next?
A quote...."The EU-IMF rescue for Ireland has failed to restore to confidence in the eurozone debt markets, leading instead to a dramatic surge in bond yields across half the currency bloc." - also posted at BLN

Contagion strikes Italy as Ireland bail-out fails to calm markets
A quote...."The EU-IMF rescue for Ireland has failed to restore to confidence in the eurozone debt markets, leading instead to a dramatic surge in bond yields across half the currency bloc."

EURO CRISIS ACCELERATES: Markets shun Portugal, Spain, Belgium and Italy
A quote...."BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The euro zone debt  crisis is moving at a such a pace, with pressure now mounting on several countries simultaneously, that European Union institutions may find it impossible to get ahead of the markets."

Instead of Actually Stabilizing the Economy By Reining In the Giant Banks, Governments Just Launching More Faux Stress Tests as a P.R. Stunt  -- The big banks caused the financial crisis, and are continuing to drag the world economy down the into a black hole. -- So what are the governments of the world doing to address this core problem? Breaking up the giant banks? Nationalizing them? Holding them accountable for their criminal acts? Making them write down their bad debts? Reining them in? Making them act more responsibly?"

Ireland's Debt Servitude
A quote...."Stripped to its essentials, the €85bn package imposed on Ireland by the Eurogroup and the European Central Bank is a bail-out for improvident British, German, Dutch, and Belgian bankers and creditors. -- The Irish taxpayers carry the full burden, and deplete what remains of their reserve pension fund to cover a quarter of the cost."

After the Irish bailout: The financial wolf pack targets new victims
A quote...."It is doubtful where there is any greater degree of mystification, in any sphere of economics or politics, than in the way financial market operations are described."

Eurozone unemployment hits record high in October
A quote...."BRUSSELS, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- The unemployment rate in the euro zone hit a record high of 10.1 percent in October, the European Union's (EU) statistical bureau Eurostat said on Tuesday. -- It was further up from 10 percent in the previous month and higher than 9.9 percent registered one year ago."
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Keiser Report №99: Markets! Finance! Scandal!
MKVideo - Alt - (MKRTYuTb - 26min 31sec - November 30, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the scandals of silver shortages and quitting the dollar. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Paul Mladjenovic, author of Precious Metals for Dummies, about silver market manipulation."

Without Much Fanfare, The HSKAX Is Back To August 2007 "Quant Implosion" Levels
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."While everyone knows that it was two and a half decades of imbecilic monetary policy courtesy of the Monstro [sic] that caused the credit bubble, few things were as much of a direct proximal cause of the market crash as the August 2007 quant collapse. And few indices tracked the obliteration of the M/N quant landscape that followed as well as the HSKAX (below). Well, after two years of painful grinding (for the market neutrals), the HSKAX is back to the same level to which it plunged in that week in early August 2007. What does it mean? Who knows, suffice to say that the market not only stopped working when the quants were all briefly destroyed back in 2007, but it marked the all time high in the S&P. We are now back to those same levels.Only this time instead ot the Market Neutrals providing the traditional market liquidity it is the HFTs, the NYSE DMMs, and the New York Fed. What happens next is anyone's guess."

Dow Jones Industrials 9,240, Here We Come
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."Nobody knows what will happen in the future, but it's fun to predict anyway. With that caveat: Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) 9,240, Here We Come. That's about a 16% decline from its current level around the psychologically important 11,000 level. -- What is the basis of my foolhardy prediction of a 16% decline in the stock market? Let's start with a 10-day chart of the DJIA, which clearly shows the Plunge Protection Team's rapid backfilling of any decline. But alas, the downtrend is painfully obvious:..." - Website Editor's Caution:  Fundamentals, technicals and their associated charts may no longer work considering good ol'Ben could just pop out of his lair and say another QE of two trillion dollars will be starting tomorrow.  Just keep that in mind folks. - mpg

US Mint Sells Record 4.2 Million American Eagle Silver Coins In November
Gold/Silver Bug Alert - A quote...."In what is becoming a very sad development, the more money (pardon, monetary base) Bernanke prints, the more silver coins Americans buy. According to the US Mint, November sales of silver just hit 4.16 million ounces or coins, an all time record, since the introduction of the coin in 1986, and that does not even include the last day of the month. The number is roughly a 30% increase to the 3.15 million one-ounce Eagles sold in October, and well above the previous 2010 record of 3.6 million sold in May. So far in 2010, the mint has sold 32.8 million ounces of silver, higher than the previous full year record of 29 million coins set in 2009."

Sept. home prices down 0.7%: S&P/Case-Shiller
Full quote...."WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The prices of single-family homes in 20 major cities fell a non-seasonally adjusted 0.7% in September, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller home price index released Tuesday by Standard & Poor's. Prices have moved up 0.6% in the past year, down from 1.7% in August. This is the fourth consecutive month where annual growth rates moderated from the prior month's pace, confirming a "clear deceleration in home price returns," S&P said. Home prices decreased in 18 of the 20 metropolitan areas tracked by Case-Shiller in September compared with August."

More Than 8 Million Drop Out of Credit Card Use
A quote...."More than 8 million consumers stopped using credit cards over the past year. The decline stems from a combination of consumer choices and bank actions. -- An analysis by credit reporting agency TransUnion found that use of general purpose credit cards bearing MasterCard or Visa logos, or issued by Discover or American Express, fell more than 11 percent in the third quarter, compared with the July to September period last year." - Source:  AP

US Congress allows extended jobless benefits to expire
Heads Up - A quote...."Just hours after Obama pledged to work more closely with Republicans in slashing social spending, the US Congress Tuesday allowed extended unemployment benefits to expire for workers laid off for more than 26 weeks. More than 800,000 workers currently receiving extended benefits will be cut off by the end of next week, with the number increasing to two million by the end of December and five million by April."

Despite massive protests, US Senate passes S 510 Food Safety Bill
A quote...."(NaturalNews) The new Food Tyranny Act -- called the "Food Safety Modernization Act" in the U.S. Senate -- has been passed by the senate today. It would give the FDA vast new powers to criminalize and imprison farmers and food producers while doing absolutely nothing to address to real root of the food contamination problem: Factory animal farm operations (which are regulated under the USDA, not the FDA)." - also posted at BLN

Monday November 29th 2010

World At A Boil With War And Economic Crisis
Special Note - A quote...."There is no question that the world is at a boil. Germany is drawing anger; N. Korea has attacked S. Korea; flaying about the FED’s Mr. Bernanke blames China for America’s sad economic and financial dilemma; five suits, class action and RICO, have been filed against JPMorgan Chase and HSBC for having manipulated silver prices and class actions are rumored to be in process for naked shorting, which has been rampant in the market for years, a felony hedge fund investigation of insider trading, which the SEC has absolutely refused to pursue. The US is still occupying Iraq and has a war raging in Afghanistan to protect the opium and marijuana crops, the largest in the world, which generate $300 billion in profits a year. Socialists, having recently relinquished power in the US House of Representatives are calling Republicans an axis of depression. The socialist, what they cannot control, they attempt to destroy. It reminds us of Italy’s communists. -- The New Fed policy of QE2 is considered by US detractors to be a step too far. The Fed has entered the inner sanctum of realm of no return. If QE 2 and a hidden QE3 don’t work, then the monetary game is over. The Fed is in a desperate position and instead of letting depression take its course, the groundwork of which was caused by the Fed, Wall Street and banking, it is again rolling the dice intent on extending and buying time." - also posted at DProgram

The U.S. Economy: Stand By For More Worse News
A quote...."(WMR) - A top economic adviser to the Democratic Party, speaking on deep background, told WMR that the domino-like collapse of the economies of Iceland, Greece, Ireland, and, now, possibly Spain, is coming also to the United States. -- One of the triggering mechanisms will be at the end of this month when two million idled workers, now collecting unemployment, will be dropped from the rolls. At the end of December, another two million workers will join the ranks of those who have exhausted their unemployment benefits and a total of 4 million Americans will be without unemployment checks and face destitution."

Cutting the Deficit: Sacrificing Workers to Save the Rich
A quote...."November 29, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- The most important and popular social and tax programs in the United States are threatened by a self-styled “Bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform”. Appointed by President Obama on February 18, 2010, co-chaired by two longstanding champions of Wall Street: ex Senator Simpson (R, WY) and former Clintonite White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles. The Commission Report issued November 10 proposes to slash social security payments, reducing recipients to poverty, raise the retirement age to 69 ensuring that millions of workers will die before they can retire, or enter retirement in ill health; reduce or freeze cost of living increases through inflation indexes which understate by half the rises in food, gas, hospital and education. The Commission proposes deep cuts in Medicare, increased Medicaid co-pays and slashing $54 billion from graduate medical education. The Commission proposes to eliminate tax breaks including deductions for home mortgage interest payments while taxing employer provided medical insurance." - To all those stupid morons out there who just can't stop voting for Demos or Repubs and who just love the empire in all its criminal glory....this budget's for YOU!! - mpg
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A Nation's Priorities

Obama to freeze wages of Fed workers
A quote...."US president Barack Obama has proposed a two-year freeze on wages of nearly two million federal workers, as part of an attempt to curb the country's mounting deficit. - White House officials say the plan would apply to all civilian federal employees and is expected to save over $5 billion over the next two years." - bold by website editor

That's right folks, and all you Libertarians out there should pay close attention.  Obama is going to freeze the wages of federal workers for TWO YEARS and save....hold on to your hats it comes....get ready....five whole billion dollars.  Ain't that amazing? Five billion dollars....WOW!  Floors you don't it? Bet you folks out there didn't know it would be so large? (roll the eyes, shake the head in utter disgust....)

This nation a little more than a year ago handed over thirty TRILLION DOLLARS in various back-stops, guarantees, ZIRP4'eva loans, toxic asset purchases and other programs of federal largess to a bunch of filthy rich Banksters who than handed themselves hundreds of billions of dollars in bonuses. We're now in a second round of support for these financial parasites called QE2, and we'll soon to be headed into a third round called QE3 and it won't end there.

Or to put it another way, five whole billion dollars would pay for less than two weeks worth of military expenditures for the ongoing illegal, immoral, vicious, and criminal occupations in the Middle East.

But Obama is going to save five whole billion dollars by freezing the wages of two million federal workers for two years. Well, guess it sure tells you about this nation's priorities don't it? - mpg

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Dump Trucks Ready to go on 9/11/01 – Brian Romanoff - Article also posted at DProgram
Contains Videos - Special Note - 9/11DemoCaravans - ABCDub6 - Where'sTheRubble - Cranes@Night -- A quote...."The removal of debris from the crime scene of 9/11 has been looked at as a piece to the other crime of 9/11; the cover-up and censorship of the event and the evidence. Professionals would like to know: if the official story were correct, why would fire collapse WTC #7? This would be the first time in history that office fires could account for a total failure and global collapse of a steel-framed high-rise building. Surely there would be something to learn – imagine if you dropped a ball and it fell up!"

Federal Magistrate Orders CIA to Produce MKULTRA Records
Oh my goodness, this is going to be rather difficult to handle for all those people out there who constantly complain  about the "9/11 truth movement", after all, they endlessly prattle on and on about how "conspiracies" are impossible even though there's been several thousand, well documented "conspiracies" that have occurred in just the last fifty years alone.  From Iran-Contra to the Bankster Bail-Outs and who really benefited, to the recently exposed US-NRE sponsored Guatemalan STD medical experiments.  Some of which were kept "secret" for decades.

But what the heck, for all those morons out there who choose to remain living in ignorance and suffer the consequences for doing so, such as dying....they should just go ahead and revel in their collective stupidity.  One would hope however they would at least have the common decency and simple courtesy to NEVER, EVER ask anyone else who tried to discover the truth -- and live by that truth -- to pay for THEIR self-inflicted state of complete and total denial.

One would probably hope in vain however, in fact you can just picture it in your mind's eye, all the whining, complaining, crying little morons wondering the streets of this nation for the next ten years plaintively wailing at the top of their lungs "where did all our money go" and "why did Johnny came back from Iraq with DU induced cancer" and "Jack come back in a body bag" and "why don't I have my home or job anymore" and blaming absolutely everybody else in the whole entire world -- but themselves.

It's sometimes truly disgusting to have to live in this country with people like these. - mpg

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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wikileaks Latest Document Dump
Special Note - A quote....""Wikileaks, following much media fanfare (reason for suspicion right there) has just released a huge number of documents supposedly leaked to WikiLeaks and no other websites'. The media is denouncing this as a threat to the United States while US politicians wring their hands and wonder when they will be free of the curse of the First Amendment and all that troublesome nonsense about Freedom of Speech. Many observers think this is a propaganda set up and that neither Julian Assange or WikiLaeks should be taken at face value. After all, Julian Assange keeps insisting there was no 9-11 conspiracy and the 9-11 truth movement a "distraction." Apparently Julian Assange has patented conspiracy and nobody else may expose one except himself! -- Of course, there is really not that much that is new in this latest dump. Like prior WikiLeaks dumps, most of it is old news mixed with some rather dubious claims. In his last such dump, Julian Assange included a claim that Osama bin Laden is still alive and controlling Al Qaeda. Of course, it is well documented outside the United States that Osama bin Laden has been dead for many years and that Al Qaeda itself is a fake front group created to hoax Americans into endless wars of conquest, much as the fictional Emmanuel Goldstein was used in George Orwell's "1984." - also posted at WarInIraq

Wikileaks "Cablegate" Psychological Operation Justifies Zionist War Propaganda
Related Article - A quote...."This recent round of so-called leaked documents from Wikileaks now dubbed "Cablegate" shows further confirmation that it is simply a tool being used in a massive psychological warfare operation against the people of the world. It is laughable that most of the stories coming out pertaining to these so-called classified documents support much of the Zionist propaganda we've seen put out over the past decade."

FBI stopped Portland bomb suspect from taking job before sting
Special Note - A quote...."In the case of Mohamed Osman Mohamud, the 19-year-old arrested Friday for allegedly trying to blow up an Oregon Christmas tree lighting ceremony, the FBI itself may have created that link. -- According to the New York Times, the FBI placed Mohamud on a terror watch list, making it impossible for the young man to fly to Alaska to take a summer job. It was only after Mohamud was blocked from taking the job in June of this year that the FBI -- which had been monitoring him since 2009 -- made contact with the suspect." - bold by website editor - also posted at AmericanEveryman

It's OUTRAGEOUS!!  It's DIABOLICAL!!  They "farmed" him, they "cultivated" him, they planted him like a seed, grew him in fertile soil, waited for him to sprout, and then they harvested him!!  This is one SICK AND TWISTED COUNTRY!!  From now on the FBI should be called Farm Bureau International or by it's new nome de guarre...."The Constant Gardener" for all the many other patsies and dupes they've enticed, entrapped, and "cultivated" during the last few years.  And here this website editor thought it was only the CIA, Saudi Royals and Israel which engaged in this sort of crap. - mpg

The New York Times: What passes for journalism in newspaper of record
Analyzing a Known Presstitute - (The NYT) -- A quote...."In his April 1998 article titled, "All the News Fit to Print (Part I): Structure and Background of the New York Times," Edward Herman called The Times "an establishment newspaper," serving wealth and power interests, a record dating from 1896 when the Ochs-Sulzberger family took control. Its agenda "persist(s) to this day" as two earlier articles explained, accessed through the following links here and here. -- For many decades The Times has had the lead role distorting, censoring, and suppressing truth, a shameful record:..."

Just doing their jobs? Psychology of TSA employees mirrors that of Nazi war criminals - Article also @ DProgram
A quote....""I'm just doing my job" is the excuse of the weak-minded. It is a desperate attempt to shift responsibility for one's actions to someone else and therefore take on the actions of a mindless, immoral automaton who is incapable of independent thought. Throughout history, countless atrocities and war crimes have been conducted under the excuse of "I'm just doing my job." To hear it now cited in the United States of America is a worrisome red flag that we are headed into an era where rational thought is being overrun by fear mongering idiots."

Whole Body Backscatter X-Ray Airport Security Scanners: Serious Health Risks for Air Travel Passengers
A quote...."We, a number of University of California, San Francisco faculty, are writing -- see attached memo -- to call to your attention our concerns about the potential serious health risks of the recently adopted whole body backscatter X-ray airport security scanners. This is an urgent situation as these X-ray scanners are rapidly being implemented as a primary screening step for all air travel passengers."

What price security: Group of UCSF scientists challenge airport scanners  - posted at OnlineJournal
Related Article - A quote...."According to a recent CNN poll, 80 percent of Americans approve the use of airport full body X-ray scanners. Yet, back in April, a group of prominent scientists, physicians, and professors at the University of California San Francisco challenged their safety in a letter to Dr. John P. Holdren, the president’s assistant for science and technology." - also posted at AlethoNews
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The Stench of US Economic Decay Grows Stronger
Must Read - A quote...."November 29, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- On Thanksgiving eve the English language China Daily and People’s Daily Online reported that Russia and China have concluded an agreement to abandon the use of the US dollar in their bilateral trade and to use their own currencies in its place.  The Russians and Chinese said that they had taken this step in order to insulate their economies from the risks that have undermined their confidence in the US dollar as world reserve currency. -- This is big news, especially for the news dead Thanksgiving holiday period, but I did not see it reported on Bloomberg, CNN, New York Times or anywhere in the US print or TV media. The ostrich’s head remains in the sand. -- Previously, China concluded the same agreement with Brazil. " - also posted at ICH & Hamsayeh & OnlineJournal

The Big Lie: Governments Have to Save the Big Banks
Many of the world's top economists and financial experts have said that the too big to fail banks are destroying the world economy, that they must be broken up in order to restore stability, and that small banks can easily pick up the slack and make all of the loans which are needed needs. See this, this and this. -- And yet many people still believe the myth that the giant banks have to be saved at all costs. -- How could that be?

The Day the Dollar Died
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 7min 7sec - November 24, 2010) - Source:  InflationUS -- A quote...."The first 12 hours of a U.S. dollar collapse!"
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Economic Crisis in Europe -- General....

Ireland, Please Do the World a Favor and Default
Special Note - Charts - A quote...."Ireland would save the world from much misery by defaulting now and driving the vampire banks into liquidation. -- The alternative title for today's entry is: Ireland, please drive a stake through the heart of the vampire banks which have the world by the throat. The entire controlled demolition of the Eurozone's finances can be summed up in one phrase: privatize leverage and profits, socialize losses and risk. -- The basic deal is this: protect the bank's managers, shareholders and bondholders from any losses, while heaping the socialized losses and risks on the taxpayers and citizens. -- While there are murmurings of "forcing bondholders to share the pain," any future haircut will undoubtedly be just for show, while the Irish pension funds are gutted to bail out the banks." - also posted at ZeroHedge  

IMF and EU Hammer Ireland:  "We're all Fu**ed"
Special Note - Quote of the Day...."....why would the government even consider paying an interest rate of 5.8% per annum?  Interest rates should be the same as they are for the banks; 1 percent. Should a sovereign nation get a worse interest rate than a crooked banker who ripped off millions of investors?"

Citizens of Europe Rage Against the Machine
A quote...."The international bankster machine seeking to colonize Western nations through debt is now meeting resistance from Greece, to France, to Ireland, to Italy, to Spain, to Portugal, and to the U.K."

Currency Crisis! So What Happens If The Dollar And The Euro Both Collapse?
A quote...."Some analysts are warning that the U.S. dollar is in danger of collapse because of the exploding U.S. government debt, the horrific U.S. trade deficit and the new round of quantitative easing recently announced by the Federal Reserve.  Other analysts are warning the the euro is in danger of collapse because of the very serious sovereign debt crisis that is affecting nations such as Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Belgium and Spain.  So what happens if the dollar and the euro both collapse?  Well, it would certainly throw the current world financial order into a state of chaos, but what would emerge from the ashes?  Would the nations of the world go back to using dozens of different national currencies or would we see a truly global currency emerge for the very first time?"

Following Hungary And Ireland, France Is Next To Seize Pension Funds
A quote...."If the recent Hungarian "appropriation" of pension funds, and today's laughable Irish bailout courtesy of domestic pension funds sourcing 20% of the "new" money was not enough to convince the world just how bankrupt the entire European experiment has become, enter France. Financial News explains how France has "seized" €36 billion worth of pension assets: "Asset managers will have the chance to get billions of euros in mandates in the next few months for the €36bn Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites (FRR), the French reserve pension fund, after the French parliament last week passed a law to use its assets to pay off the debts of France’s welfare system. "
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Hariri says Lebanon won't join int'l pressure on Iran
WHAT international pressure?!?!  This so-called "pressure" consists of the Anglo-Sphere, including the AIPAC/Israeli colony once known as the United States and a few dumb, greedy, European powers who should know better.  That doesn't sound like "international" anything to this website editor. - mpg -- A quote...."At of end of Lebanese PM's visit to Teheran, Ahmadinejad says Islamic unity helps to foil efforts of dominant powers."

Hariri Reiterates Lebanon's Strong Support for Iran's N. Rights
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Lebanon's visiting Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri underlined his country's strong support for Iran's nuclear rights, and condemned western pressures against Tehran. "

Iran accuses US and Israel of killing nuclear scientist
War Provocation - A quote...."TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran on Monday accused the US and Israeli intelligence services, the CIA and Mossad, of killing a prominent scientist in the Islamic republic's controversial nuclear program."

Two more Iran nuclear scientists attacked with bombs
War Provocation - Related Article - A quote...."Back in January, I wrote about an Iranian nuclear scientist who was killed when "when a bomb strapped to a motorcycle was triggered by remote control outside his home in the northern Tehran neighbourhood of Qeytariyeh."  Today, two more were targeted in a similar manner, and one was killed...."

Israel's Mossad behind killing of Iranian nuclear scientist, says news agency
War Provocation - Contains Video - Related Article - Alt - A quote...."November 29, 2010 "Al Bawaba" -- An Iranian nuclear scientist was killed on Monday and another university professor and his wife were hurt in two separate car blasts in Tehran. News agencies reported "unknown terrorists" detonated the cars of Dr. Majid Shahriari and Prof. Fereydoun Abbasiin in separate locations in the capital on Monday morning, IRNA reported. -- Shahriari was killed immediately, but Abbasi and his wife suffered injuries and were transferred to hospital. -- The two were professors at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran. Fars news agency said Israel and the US stand behind the explosions."

Russia 'gives Iran top new radar'
A quote...."Iran recently boasted it was greatly extending its radar capabilities, a vital component in its drive to use its own resources to strengthen its air defenses against U.S. or Israeli attack. -- But a report by the U.S. global security consultancy Stratfor claimed Saturday that Tehran recently apparently got a big and very discreet helping hand from Russia. No time frame for the assist was given." - also posted at WarInIraq

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood 'faces heavy poll losses'
A quote...."The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's biggest opposition bloc in the outgoing parliament, says it has not won any seats outright in the first round of a poll it claims has been hit by fraud."

Gaddafi issues warning to EU over African trade
A quote...."TRIPOLI (Reuters) – Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi warned the European Union on Monday that Africa would turn to other trade partners if the EU continued to impose terms for cooperation. - Gaddafi’s warning, at an EU-Africa summit attended by senior European officials, echoed complaints from some other African leaders who say Europe is trying to make them open their borders to trade but not giving enough in return."

Russia sells Su-35s to China
A quote...."(UPI) Nov 23, 2010 -- Defying its tradition of keeping China at a distance of its advanced weapons, Russia has signaled its intent to sell its latest model of Su-35 jet fighter to China. -- "We are ready to work with the Chinese partners in this direction," said Alexander Mikheyev, the deputy director of the Russian government export agency Rosoboronexport. Mikheyev made the statement to Moscow's RIA-Novosti news agency." - also posted at WarInIraq

Medvedev to pay official visit to India December 21-22
A quote...."Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will pay an official visit to India on December 21-22, Indian Foreign Minister Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna said during a joint press-conference with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov."

Russia to hold ruble Eurobond road-show on Tue, Wed in New York, London - paper
A quote...."The Russian Finance Ministry and lead managers of Russia's ruble-denominated Eurobond issue, JPMorgan, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Renaissance Capital and VTB Capital, will hold the bonds' road-show in New York and London on Tuesday and Wednesday, Vedomosti business daily quoted a banking source close to lead managers as saying on Tuesday."

Communists lead in Moldovan parliamentary polls
A quote...."Moldova's Communist Party leads in Sunday's early parliamentary elections after all ballots have been counted, the Ekho Moskvy radio station reported on Tuesday, citing the country's central election commission."

US Ambassador McFarland's Grip on Guatemala
A quote...."The media writes a lot about the US aggressiveness in international politics, Washington's efforts to push alternative centers of power off the world scene, and its belief that the populations of China, India, Russia, Brazil and many other countries impose an excessive burden on the environment. Individual players in the framework of the global project – US diplomats, spies, Peace Corps activists, USAID employees - [however] receive relatively little coverage. US ambassador to Guatemala Stephen McFarland is one of them."

‘Firm sold Israel torture instruments’
A quote...."(PressTV) – A Danish-British security company has sold torture instruments to the Israeli prisons, holding Palestinians inmates, a Danish newspaper has written. -- The firm, named G4s, sells the devices to the detention facilities in the occupied West Bank, which provide the necessary means for torture of the Palestinian prisoners, Berlingske Tidende reported on Nov. 23." - Source: PressTV
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Prolonged occupation, a new type of crime against humanity
A quote...."The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights on Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 wishes to express sympathy for the Palestinian people who continue after more than 43 years to live under Israeli occupation that daily violates many of their fundamental and inalienable human rights. -- Above all, the failure to resolve the underlying conflict between Palestine and Israel in such a manner as to realize after decades of delay the Palestinians’ right to self-determination is of urgent concern."

Israeli forces assault 7 year old Palestinian in Silwan
Ahhhhh, the oh-so-brave little Mini-Nazis, assaulting a seven year old....again.  Guess some cliches are still true.....mpg -- A quote...."Israeli forces assaulted 7 year old Adam Mansour Rishq during tense scenes in Silwan today. The child was beaten by Israeli troops who accused him of throwing stones at a military vehicle, who then attempted to arrest the youth but were stopped by residents who flocked to the scene. One resident told soldiers that “if you want to arrest him you can send an order to his father, summoning him to the police station.”

Buffer zone attacks continue: three more workers shot
A quote...."The northern border area of the Strip is for the second day under attack of IOF snipers. Yesterday three people were shot, including a 12 year old boy, leaving one man in a critical condition. Today three more people were injured by Israeli gunfire while working in the buffer zone, amongst them was yet again a child. Mokles Jawad Al Masri (15), Mamdoe Ajesh Alsoes (20) and Mohamed Khalil Zanin (21) were shot in Beit Hanoun, north Gaza."

Arrested while helping farmers in Saffa Valley
A quote...."It was a bright, warm morning in the occupied West Bank’s Saffa Valley Thursday, 18 November when, without warning, the Israeli occupation forces were upon us. Within moments, five Israeli soldiers were shouting in Hebrew. “You have one minute to leave the area!” they said, before shooting stun grenades at our feet. Moments later, we were told to sit quietly and hand over our passports. A six-hour detention was to follow."

Palestinians mark 63rd anniversary of UN partition plan
A quote...."RAMALLAH, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) -- The Palestinians Monday marked the 63rd anniversary of the UN partition plan, calling for the implementation of international resolutions that lead to the establishment of their independent state."
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Urgent call for action, last chance to defeat S 510 Food Safety Modernization Act - posted at DProgram
A quote...."(NaturalNews) – “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious — makes you so sick at heart — that you can’t take part. You can’t even passively take part. And you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop! And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!” – Mario Savio, December 2, 1964"

Sunday November 28th 2010

No posts. - mpg

Saturday November 27th 2010

Wikileaks, A Touch of Assange and the Stench of AIPAC
Must Read - A quote...."Wikileaks is like a TV show that never gets off the ground.  We started with a “shoot ‘em up” in Iraq, the helicopter slaughter soon forgotten and move on to, well, what?  We got a deluge of material from Afghanistan, carefully gleaned to point fingers at Pakistan.  When it came down to backing any of it up, it went nowhere. -- Considering the massive corruption and drug scandals, even the revelations that President Karzai has been in negotiations with pranksters pretending to be the Talbian, all the really juicy stuff from Afghanistan must have been in another drawer. Then we got Iraq.  Ah, Iraq.  There, we could check.  We know the people who wrote the leaked material.  They told us Wikileaks edited it, altered it, redacted it more than the Pentagon." - also posted at MyCatBird'sSeat & InfoWarsIreland - For more on this issue see also....

Piss Off Israel and Wikileaks Will Call You a Terrorist - posted 11-26-10
AE Exclusive: High Level Leak from NSA “Wikileaks Prep” Meeting - satire - posted 11-26-10
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$elling Out the Investigation
From the History File - Jan 1, 2002 - A quote...."Did they throw away the locked doors from the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire? Did they throw away the gas can used at the Happyland Social Club Fire? Did they cast aside the pressure-regulating valves at the Meridian Plaza Fire? Of course not. But essentially, that's what they're doing at the World Trade Center. -- For more than three months, structural steel from the World Trade Center has been and continues to be cut up and sold for scrap. Crucial evidence that could answer many questions about high-rise building design practices and performance under fire conditions is on the slow boat to China, perhaps never to be seen again in America until you buy your next car." - Topix ||  Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ||

The Post-9/11 World Is A Detriment To Humanity
A quote...."We are fighting illegal preemptive wars against three countries. Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. The resulting wars have caused well over 1,000,000 casualties. Preemptive war is illegal according to the Nuremberg Charter, and the United Nations charter. These wars are destabilizing the entire Middle East, and causing anti-American sentiment throughout the world."

FBI Creates Another “Terrorist” Teen: Meet Mohamed Osman Mohamud
A quote...."So let me get this straight; they came across emails, supposedly in “code”, that stated “a Somali-born teenager“, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, wanted to go to Pakistan to help fight. -- So of course, the FBI anti-terrorism task force, sends over an undercover agent who pumps the CHILD up with jihad talks, gives him a “test bomb” to set off in the woods, then has more agents make this CHILD a van bomb (starting to sound like the first WTC attack?), and a van, and DRIVES THE THING TO THE LOCATION WITH THE CHILD, then gets the kid to dial a number on a cell phone. -- Had they left the kid alone, he would be in Pakistan at this point and probably killed by a CIA death squad."

FBI apparently set up US teen blamed for fake car bomb
A quote...."Boy told undercover agents he could get a gun because he's a "rapper"; authored article containing "jihad" workout tips." - It just gets completely silly.  As said many times before by this website editor....if a "real terrorist" should EVER be able to carry out an attack that injures or kills any American while the FBI is busily spending its scarce resources enticing mentally deficient eighteen to twenty year old teenagers into a life of crime, the FBI will be fully to blame for the tragedy. - mpg
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More on the Korean Situation....

Iran-Korea Nuclear Lies, Orders From Tel Aviv
Special Note - A quote...."Former President George W. Bush planned to invade Iran in 2007, even though America’s military was exhausted and overstretched by two unsuccessful wars.  His own popularity, at a real 8%, was the reason, that and the economic collapse that he was trying to push back until he left office.  He believed a war would have saved his presidency, buried the $3 trillion dollars stolen by his friends and given him a legacy to be proud of, even if every family in America suffered."

North Korea Conducts Own Military Drill Near the Disputed Sea
That's a MUCH better approach than starting a shooting match, however the North Koreans better bring their video cameras along with them....lots of them!  And tape every single exercise they conduct and each  encounter they have for the foreseeable future - mpg -- A quote...."November 27, 2010 (Hamsayeh.Net) - North Korean Armed Forces conducted their own military drills near the disputed area and the Yeonpyeong Island the scene of last Thursday’s shelling.  Pyongyang Warned the US and S, Korea the Korean Peninsula is on the brink of war due to reckless actions of the south."

N Korea deploys missiles near borders
A quote...."The Korean Peninsula seems to be on the brink of war as reports indicate North Korea has deployed surface-to-air missiles near its disputed Yellow Sea border with the South."

North Korea expresses regret at civilian deaths (2nd Roundup)
A quote...."Seoul - North Korea on Saturday expressed its regret at the civilian deaths from its shelling of a South Korean island earlier in the week, but then blamed the south for provoking the incident and accused it of using human shields."

Chairman of North Korean parliament to visit China amid Korean tension
A quote...."The chairman of North Korea's Supreme People's Assembly will visit China from Tuesday until Saturday amid increased tensions between the two Koreas, the Chinese official news agency Xinhua reported on Sunday."

S Korean president meets with Chinese State Councilor
A quote...."In the prolonged meeting, the two sides exchanged views on current situation on the Korean Peninsula and relationship between Beijing and Seoul in an in-depth and frank manner. -- Stressing that the current situation on the peninsula is worrisome, the two sides agreed that the parties concerned should make joint efforts to engage in serious contacts and dialogue to ease the tensions and safeguard overall interest of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the whole Northeast Asia."

Rising Tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The Sinking of the Cheonan, Reviewing the Evidence
From the History File - July 30, 2010 -- A quote...."Much has been written about the sinking of the South Korean corvette Cheonan, and the evidence is widely regarded as clearly pointing to North Korean culpability. In the Western press, the case has generally been presented as solid and irrefutable. The tragedy is seen as one more example of North Korean perfidy.  Yet, doubts persist." - Topix ||  US-False Flag Ops - Cheonan  ||
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Happy Holidays? 28 Hard Questions It Would Be Great If We Could Get Some Real Answers To
A quote...."Over the coming weeks, Americans will be wishing each other “happy holidays” millions upon millions of times.  But are these really happy times?  Record numbers of Americans are going to be going hungry and cold this winter.  Millions upon millions of our fellow citizens would gladly give up all holiday celebrations in exchange for a decent job.  The vast majority of us have plenty of examples of horrible personal tragedy all around us this holiday season, and much of that tragedy has been brought on by the deteriorating economic conditions.  Meanwhile, we have a “control freak” government that wants to establish an even tighter grip over our lives and that now insists on either viewing our exposed bodies or groping our private areas before we can get on an airplane."

Freedom Rider: Obama Style Fascism
A quote...."The germs of fascism infest both parties, thriving among Republican and Democratic hosts, alike. Barack Obama’s 2008 victory was also a new lease on life for George Bush’s foreign wars and strangulation of domestic civil liberties, most recently in the assault on travelers bodies at airports. The first Black president rules very much like the last white president, and “the absence of outrage directed in the right direction makes us more endangered now than in the days when Bush occupied the White House.” - also posted at Uruknet

Torture Tort Terror
A quote...."During his presidential campaign, Barack Obama criticized the Bush administration for its excessive secrecy, noting that it had “invoked a legal tool known as the ‘state secrets’ privilege more than any other previous administration to get cases thrown out of civil court.” Obama also promised to end “extraordinary rendition,” a practice through which “we outsource our torture to other countries.” -- In September, however, the Obama administration used the state secrets privilege to block a lawsuit by five former captives who say they were tortured as a result of extraordinary rendition. Although candidate Obama surely would have been outraged, President Obama is for some reason less concerned about abuses of executive power." - also posted at Uruknet

A Distorted Revolution
A quote...."Unfortunately the reality that was the basis of the original Boston Tea Party has been forgotten in the latter-day protests." - also posted at RedressInfo&Analysis

America's Misconception of Freedom - Article also posted at DProgram
Special Note - A quote...."America was founded in an attempt to escape the oppression of not only religious expression, but also the misrepresentation from a monarchist system that cared only for the proliferation and interests of the elite class.  After 250 years, we have found ourselves in the same position as those who left Europe for these shores so long ago: oppressed by a system that only wants to serve itself before the citizens that support it.  They say history repeats itself, and nowhere is this more evident than in the case of modern America’s politicians, putting their corporate puppet masters and damaging agenda of faux patriotism before the needs of the people."

TSA News 11-27-10 - posted at DProgram
Another daily DProgram round-up on the TSA's drooling, knuckle dragging, goon squads. - mpg
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The tip of the iceberg
A quote...."The long delay in forming a new Iraqi government is a sign of much deeper trouble in the country's political system...."

Iraqi Christians fleeing to Turkey
A quote...."ISTANBUL // When extremists in Baghdad told Hadeer Khawaja, a Christian in Iraq, to leave the country, a friend suggested he should get a visa from Turkey. So together with several members of his family, Mr Khawaja went to Istanbul, the metropolis of a Muslim country that has become a haven for a small, but growing number of Iraqi Christians." - also posted at Uruknet

Iraqi PM says no need for US troops after 2011, Iraqi forces can handle security
A quote...."BAGHDAD - Iraq's prime minister says there is no need to change an agreement requiring that American forces leave by the end of 2011 because Iraqi forces are capable of taking care of the country's security."

Eight Iranian Ships dock at port in Iraq’s Basra in one week
A quote...."Eight Iranian ships loaded with construction materials have docked in one of Basra’s eight ports in just one week, a source at Iraqi Ports Autority said. -  The source, refusing to be named, said the ships were unloaded at Basra’s small port of al-Maqal, which handles ships with small cargo of up to 5000 tons. -  The ships, the source said, carried mainly cement which is in high demand in the country. -  The anchoring of eight Iranian ships in one week at only one Iraqi port signals the growing trade ties between Tehran and Baghdad."
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Afghanistan is About Perpetual War
Special Note - A quote...."The war in Afghanistan is about perpetual war, not Afghanistan. It’s about preventing democracy in the United States, not bringing it to Southwest Asia. And it is the tombstone of the Obama Presidency.
To justify the fight, they’ve rounded up the usual suspects: Terror. Oil. Minerals. Poppies. Democracy. But George Orwell’s 1984 -- now updated with important new books -- illuminates the bigger picture: "continuous warfare" is the key to social control. It keeps the public frightened and dependent. And it keeps "the wheels of industry turning without increasing the real wealth of the world. Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed." Better to destroy them in a ritual slaughter like Afghanistan, and wherever is next. For a truly prosperous society, educated and secure, cannot be ruled by the few. Poverty, ignorance and fear are the three pillars of authoritarian control. Without war, they all disappear. Thus Afghanistan. Before it: the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, central America. After: whoever else is handy." - also posted at Uruknet

Talking to the Taliban about life after occupation
A quote...."Special report: In the last of his series from Afghanistan, Ghaith Abdul-Ahad asks Taliban leaders past and present what kind of regime they would run – and whether there is a chance of negotiated peace."
"In the south-eastern city of Khost, the everyday business of the Taliban administration carries on across the street from the fortified, government-run city court and police station. - The head of the Haqqani network's civilian administration and his assistant hold their council in the grand mosque, which is also known as the Haqqani mosque because it was built with Taliban and Arab money. - When I met them, the two men – a frail-looking 60-year-old and his younger sidekick – gave the impression of being haggard peasants seeking work in the city rather than members of one of the organisations most feared by Britain and America." - also posted at ICH

NATO incursions of Pakistani airspace continues despite U.S. denials
A quote...."ISLAMABAD, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- Despite Pakistan's clear-cut political stance adopted amid stern warnings and the subsequent U. S.written apology and denials, the NATO aircrafts continued breaching Pakistani airspace, raising wonders if these incursions are being used as a barometer for testing Pakistani tolerance to possibly advance further into the territory, a general fear creeping into the Pakistani policy."
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Iran Not to Give Up Nuclear Rights
A quote...."During the past year and a half, they have become avaricious to meddle in Iran’s internal affairs, however, on several occasions, the Supreme Leader gave them a hard slap and they went into coma: top official."

More Signals From Iran:  Mojtaba Samareh Hashemi Presents the US With a Kissingerian Challenge
A quote...."Yesterday, the Washington Post’s Thomas Erdbrink published an interview with President Ahmadinejad’s senior adviser, Mojtaba Samareh Hashemi.  The interview is wide-ranging and well worth reading in its entirety, one can link to it here.  However, we want to highlight the portion dealing with the nuclear issue and upcoming nuclear talks between the Islamic Republic and the P-5+1."

All Systems Go! Iran pushes 'on' switch for Bushehr nuclear plant
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 2min 35sec - November 27, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."After decades of waiting, Iran has switched on its first nuclear power plant. It will take a while though before the Russian-built Bushehr reactor begins pumping electricity to the national grid."

Iran opens new Turkmenistan pipeline
A quote...."The Iranian president and his Turkmen counterpart have inaugurated the second phase of a 1.2-billion-dollar pipeline transferring Turkmenistan's gas into Iran."

'EU using MKO to win Iran concessions'
A quote...."The European Union is seeking to gain leverage in the upcoming comprehensive talks with Iran by removing the MKO from its terror list, an Iranian lawmaker says." - Topix ||  US Support of Terror - MEK - PKK - Others  ||

Lebanon PM: Cooperation with Iran indispensable
A quote...."Beirut, November 27, 2010: Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri intends to firm up military ties with Iran during his state visit. -- Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri said Friday that cooperation with Iran was indispensable for Lebanon, the Iranian agency IRNA reported."
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Turkish PM:  We Will Continue to back jerusalem and Gaza
A quote...."BEIRUT, (PIC)– Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said during a visit to the Lebanese city of Akkar that if war broke out in the region the loser will not only be the region’s people, but Israeli citizens will share losses as well."

Indian president backs Syria's claim on the Golan Heights
A quote...."Indian President Pratibha Patil said that India fully supported the return of the Golan Heights to Syria during a joint press conference with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, Israel Radio reported Saturday."

Syria says lack of peace in Mideast hurts development
A quote...."DAMASCUS (AFP) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Saturday the absence of peace in the Middle East harms the region's economic development, following talks with the visiting Indian president."

Egypt's discredited elections blighted by shadow of police violence
Special Note - A quote...."As Egypt goes to the polls today, allegations are multiplying of political torture and killings by a security service beyond the control of the courts" - A US-NRE AIPAC/Israeli Consortium ally torturing and murdering people right before an election. Well heck and tarnation it's just gotta be some more ol'dat dare "free-dumb and da'mockery"!  Yee-haaaa! - mpg

'If we win elections, we will work to end ties with Israel
Related Article - A quote...."A day before parliamentary elections in Egypt, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammed Badie, said if his movement wins the election, it will work to sever relations with Israel. "We are certainly not happy with the illegitimate marriage between Cairo and Tel Aviv," he told the London daily Al-Quds al-Arabi on Saturday. -- "The regime's leaders are well aware that once we rise to power we will change many things in Egypt's policy, starting with the country's relations with Israel which have caused us great harm."

Polls open across Egypt amid violence
Related Article - A quote...."Egypt has opened polling stations for the country's parliamentary elections following a campaign marred by violence and a widespread crackdown on major opposition groups."

Egypt court jails Islamists for election campaigning
Related Article - A quote...."CAIRO (AFP) – An Egyptian court sentenced 11 Islamists to two years in prison for election campaigning for the banned Muslim Brotherhood, a judicial official said on Saturday, a day before a parliamentary poll. -- The official said the Alexandria criminal court reached its verdict in a single hearing on Friday, unusual in a country where judicial proceedings are often drawn out."

Egyptian blogger defiant after jail release
Related Article - A quote...."An Egyptian blogger, recently released after serving four years for his writings, has said jail was a "cruel experience" but that his views are unchanged."

Russian, Uzbek leaders back stability in Kyrgyzstan
Full quote...."Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev and his Uzbek counterpart Islam Karimov back the necessity of stability in volatile Kyrgyzstan as an important factor for peace in Central Asia. - Medvedev and Karimov say they don’t want the recent ethnic clashes to repeat in the country. - The leaders also talked Afghanistan and shared consensus on the issue." - also posted at SCF

Russia to restore naval presence in all oceans
A quote...."Russia may open new naval bases in other countries, President Dmitry Medvedev stated November 25 at a meeting with Russia's top brass. -- "Unfortunately, the reality is that a number of our previous opportunities have disappeared," Medvedev said. Medvedev said that he now had "certain ideas" about how these could be replaced. "But for obvious reasons, I will not say them out loud," he added."

Dubai is now on a sound financial footing: Shaikh Ahmed
A quote...."Dubai is now on sound financial footing,” Shaikh Ahmed bin Saeed al-Maktoum, chairman of Dubai Supreme Fiscal Committee, told a news conference. -- In the past year, Dubai World managed to reach a restructuring deal with creditors, allowing the government to tap into improved investor confidence to issue a $1.25 billion bond in September."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Gaza: The Enduring Siege
Must Read - A quote...."Israeli-Apartheid in Gaza? -- The Palestinian national movement has overlooked this question: Does the Gaza Strip resemble the racist Bantustans of apartheid South Africa? During the apartheid-era, South Africa’s black population was kept in isolation and without political and civil rights. Is Gaza similar? The answer is yes and no."

Palestinians Look to Evict Hebron Squatters
A quote...."Hebron – PNN – Palestinians petitioned the Israeli High Court to evict Jewish squatters in Hebron on Thursday. A military panel ordered the settlers removed from the area two and a half years ago, but the army has yet to take any action to remove the setters.

Israeli troops violently attack Bil'in and Ni'lin anti-wall marches
A quote...."RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Dozens of Palestinian citizens and multinational activists suffered suffocation and some of them fainted when the Israeli occupation forces attacked the weekly anti-wall protests organized yesterday in the villages of Bil'in and Ni'lin in the West Bank." - also posted at Uruknet

Israeli forces fire on Gaza fisherman
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- A Palestinian fisherman on the shore of the northern Gaza Strip was shot in the foot on Saturday, medics said, the second casualty of the day by Israeli fire." - also posted at Uruknet - Topix ||  Israel's Scorched Earth  ||

Israeli forces shoot child on Gaza border
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) – A Palestinian boy was shot and injured by Israeli forces in Beit Lahiya Saturday morning, after soldiers opened fire on the boy, who was with a group of men collecting stone aggregates along the Gaza-Israel border." - also posted at IPMsngHdlns

PA: Female prisoner of Israel beaten in custody
A quote...."RAMALLAH (Ma’an) -- The PA Ministry of Prisoners Affairs released a report Saturday alleging that a Palestinian woman in Israeli custody was brutally beaten in the Ramle prison after she refused to submit to a strip search." - also posted at IPMsngHdlns

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (11. – 24 November 2010)
Every single week of the year....mpg
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Economic Crisis in Europe -- General....

Financial Writers Slam Irish Bailout
Special Note- Full quote....
Iceland Better Off Than Ireland Because They Let Big Private Banks Fail, says President
A quote...."Iceland’s President Olafur R. Grimsson said his country is better off than Ireland thanks to the government’s decision to allow the banks to fail two years ago and because the krona could be devalued. -- “The difference is that in Iceland we allowed the banks to fail,” Grimsson said in an interview with Bloomberg Television’s Mark Barton today. “These were private banks and we didn’t pump money into them in order to keep them going; the state did not shoulder the responsibility of the failed private banks.” - Source:  Bloomberg

It's Not Just the "Peripheral" European Countries ... Financial Contagion Could Spread to "Core" Eurozone Countries and the U.S. - Special Note - Chart - A quote...."It's not just the "peripheral" European countries which are in trouble. As Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reported yesterday:   The escalating debt crisis on the eurozone periphery is starting to contaminate the creditworthiness of Germany and the core states of monetary union."

Greece → Ireland → Portugal → Spain → Italy → UK → ?
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."It is now common knowledge that there is a potential domino effect of European sovereign debt contagion in roughly the following order:

Greece Ireland Portugal Spain Italy UK

"While some people have been writing about this for well over a year, many others have joined the party late (there are now over 600,000 hits from a Google search discussing this topic.) -- It is also now common knowledge that while Greece and Ireland have relatively small economies, there will be real trouble if the Spanish domino falls. -- Iceland has the world's 112th biggest economy, Ireland the 38th, and Portugal the 36th. In contrast, Spain has the world's 9th biggest economy, Italy the 7th and the UK the 6th. A failure by one of the latter 3 would be devastating for the world economy." - bold by website editor
- also posted at GlobalRsrch & BLN & ZeroHedge

European Debt Crisis Cheat Sheet
Multiple Charts / Tables - (click 'till enlarged) - A quote...."Even as an ironic major snowstorm blankets most of Europe, the upcoming week will likely be one of the most heated in European history, as the untenable debtload of the periphery becomes increasingly irrelevant and more vigilantes start looking first on Belgium, then Italy, then all of the core (at which poin the EFSF will have run out), then finally America. Which is why to assist our readers with a one stop shop for all the relevant sovereign debt metrics out of Europe, we present the following exhaustive cheet sheat that covers all you need to know and then some on how the European collapse is likely to play out."

Pension reserve funds to be spent on banks
A quote...."UP to €15 billion from the National Pensions Reserve Fund, set aside when the Celtic Tiger was still roaring, is likely to be used to recapitalise three of the country’s banks." - also posted at BLN - The Irish people should take every politician who votes for these measures out to the bogs....buck naked....chain them to a post....and leave them there indefinitely. - mpg

"More than 100,000 people gather in Dublin to demonstrate against four-year austerity plan to reduce debts"
A quote...."Despite overnight snow storms and freezing temperatures, huge crowds have gathered in O'Connell Street to demonstrate against the cuts aimed at driving down Ireland's colossal national debt. -- So far the march has passed off peacefully although there is a huge Garda presence with up to 700 officers on duty working alongside 250 security guards for the Irish Congress of Trade Unions."

Protesters hit Italian streets a 2nd day
A quote...."ROME, Nov. 25 (UPI) -- Students and teachers opposed to government reforms took to the streets for a second day Thursday, staging protests in cities across Italy, authorities said."

Friday November 26th 2010

Putin Ditches Dollar, Backs Euro - Putin - Euro should be World's Reserve Currency
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 4min 55sec - November 26, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Russia and Germany should dramatically increase their economic co-operation. That's the message from Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to some of Germany's top industrialists at a business forum in Berlin."

Max Keiser: Teutonic Genie out of bottle, America punches itself in face - posted at DProgram
RTVideo - Alt - (portions of which are shown in the video above) - (RTYuTb - 5min - November 26, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – Max Keiser, financial analyst and host of RT’s Keiser Report says Germany is ready to emerge as the world’s new superpower."
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Economic Crisis in Europe -- General....

Portugal passes austerity budget as speculative attack on Spain intensifies
A quote...."The European debt crisis intensified Friday, as speculators continued their latest attacks on Spain and Portugal. Meanwhile tensions rose between Germany and European officials over the amount of money to be set aside for further bailouts."

Will today's by-election bring the Irish government down?
A quote...."Victory for Sinn Fein could make it impossible for the [Irish] government to pass its austerity budget. -- The bailout may have granted Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen a stay of execution but today’s by-election could seal his fate. If, as expected, Sinn Féin’s Pearse Doherty wins in Donegal South West, Cowen’s majority will be cut to just two, making it near-impossible for the government to pass its austerity budget on 7 December. A recent Red C/Paddy Power poll put Sinn Fein on 40 per cent, Fianna Fáil on 19 per cent, Fine Gael on 15 per cent and Labour on 14 per cent." - bold by website editor

Not All PIIGS Are Created Equal: Irish Bail Out Package To Come With 6.7% Interest Tag, 1.5% Higher Than Greece - Related Article - A quote...."RTE reports that the IMF/EU Irish rescue package will come with a whopping 6.7% rate for nine year money. Per the RTE article, it is unclear if that will be an APR or some multi-year blended effective annual yield: "The Government's four year plan assumes that by 2014, interest payments will have increased from €2.5 billion to €8.4 billion a year - around one fifth of all tax revenue." Regardles of how it is calculated, newspaper tomorrow will be blasting the 6.7% number, which is 150 bps wide of what Greece is paying on backstopped paper, and will only create further resentment at the fact that not only is Europe split into a core and PIIGS, but that it is now apparent that not all PIIGS are treated as equals. How Irish citizens will react once they find out that the EU believes they are less creditworthy than even the Greeks, only the IRA can predict."

Europe Begins Push To Ban HFT: Calls "Quote Stuffing" Market Abuse, Dark Pools "Tragic Error", And "Explicitly Rules Out" Flash Orders - The Europeans appear to still retain some semblance of sanity, but they'll have to print, extend and pretend, or monetize sooner or later because engaging in a massive program of austerity measures while at the same time allowing their credit market interest rates to go sky high is almost as insane as going full-in like helicopter Ben. - mpg -- A quote...."The push back against the HFT market-propping travesty is finally starting to gain steam...but for now only in Europe. After all, the Fed realizes all too well that it needs all the resources it can get in its bid (no pun intended) to keep stocks as artificially high as possible, of which the HFT upward biased feedback loop is a critical one (the PD POMO monetization circuit being a second one... and when both fail, there is always the Citadel dark pool direct purchasing channel). Reuters reports thet "Britain and France flagged on Thursday a looming crackdown on ultra-fast share trading that featured in May's brief "flash crash" freefall on Wall Street, alarming regulators and investors globally."

EU hopes to double bailout fund
A quote...."European Commission is pushing to double the size of Europe’s €440 billion ($586.52 billion) bailout fund for indebted euro-zone countries, according to people familiar with the situation. -- But the proposal by the Commission, the European Union’s executive arm, has run up against opposition from Germany, the EU’s biggest economy, which is unwilling to expand the size of the fund ."

Student fury fills London, Empire strikes back across EU
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min 49sec - November 25, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."A quote.... "Calm is being restored in central London after a day of violent protests. Thousands of students took to the streets to demonstrate against government plans to increase university tuition fees and slash teaching budgets. Elsewhere in Europe, public discontent is mounting as the single currency plunges deeper into crisis. It's feared Portugal could be next in the line for EU aid."
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The National Security State and the Assassination of JFK - Article also posted at DProgram
Must Read - A quote...."Just 47 years ago, on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. This marked the turning of the American National Security State apparatus against its own leadership. After having overthrown, assassinated leaders, and orchestrated coups around the world, the moment its growing power was threatened by the civilian leadership in America, the apparatus of empire came home to roost." - also posted at DandelionSalad

Let's Invade Mexico!
Must Read Satire - (A rollicking good read) -- A quote...."Almost forever, the record for stupidity was held by Lumbo, a Cambrian trilobyte born to an early family of retarded trilobites. Lumbo also had Down’s Syndrome. It was an unbeatable combination. Nobody and nothing was as slow as Lumbo. It was thought that he would hold the record for all time, but then came the governor of Texas, Rick Perry. He thinks it might be a good idea to invade Mexico. -- Lumbo doesn’t come close. -- The governor thinks, barely, that such a martial lunge might help rid Mexico of drugs, or do something about immigration. He thinks it should perhaps be done with the permission of the Mexican government. It is my hope that Washington will not adopt the governor’s idea, but, given America’s penchant for lurching into catastriphic wars, perhaps we should examine the notion for advisability. -- The governor’s wise plan begins by embodying the mistake the Pentagon always makes when it sets out to lose a war, which seems to be every time it holds a war. He, and it, begin by having no faint grasp of the people to be invaded, or of people at all."

Robert Fisk: Oceans of blood and profits for the mongers of war
Must Read - A quote...."Since there are now three conflicts in the greater Middle East; Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel/"Palestine" and maybe another Lebanese war in the offing, it might be a good idea to take a look at the cost of war. -- Not the human cost – 80 lives a day in Iraq, unknown numbers in Afghanistan, one a day in Israel/"Palestine" (for now) – but the financial one. I'm still obsessed by the Saudi claim for its money back after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990. Hadn't Saudi Arabia, King Fahd reminded Saddam, financed his eight-year war against Iran to the tune of $25,734,469,885.80? For the custodian of the two holy places, Mecca and Medina, to have shelled out $25bn for Saddam to slaughter his fellow Muslims was pretty generous – although asking for that extra 80 cents was surely a bit greedy. -- But then again, talking of rapacity, the Arabs spent $84bn underwriting the Anglo-American operation against Saddam in 1990-91 – three times what Fahd gave to Saddam for the Iran war – and the Saudi share alone came to $27.5bn. In all, the Arabs sustained a loss of $620bn because of the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait – almost all of which was paid over to the United States and its allies." - also posted at WarInIraq - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Thanksgiving of the Drones
Must Read - A quote...."Just before I arrived in Vietnam in 1970, as a young, gung-ho, kill-a-commie-for-freedom, Australian army captain, President Richard Nixon of the United States ordered the invasion of a neighboring nation.  Not a neighbor of America, of course,  but a place that was neighbor to the country that had been taken over by America. -- During the ten years’ war in Vietnam US Presidents and their foolish and supposedly ‘patriotic’  patsies in the House and Senate sent 58,267 of their fellow citizens to their deaths. The Vietnam Memorial in Washington is a wonderful tribute, but it’s also a dire monument to the everlasting condemnation of wicked morons who imagined they were supporting ‘Freedom’ by sending so many of their country’s soldiers to be killed. -- Just like in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan." - also posted at Uruknet

Chutzpah, Thy Name is Zionism
Must Read - A quote...."Chutzpah, a Yiddish word meaning “shameless audacity,” has been famously defined as “that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan.” Considering Israel’s increasingly outrageous behaviour, perhaps it’s time for a new definition. The one that springs to mind is “that quality enshrined in a state, which having induced its ‘allies’ into a disastrous invasion of Iraq, then urges them to attack Iran.”

The "‘War on Terror" is a Fraud
Must Read - A quote...."To murder a few million, to destroy countries and cultures, to plunder like no one has ever plundered before, to burn and to ravage the environment beyond imagination, is something that the US forces do in service of its corporate masters. As General “Howling” Jacob Smith told his troops during the Philippine war: “I wish you to kill and burn. The more you kill and burn, the better you please me.” Or as the contemporary American writer Michael Ledeen wrote: “Every 10 years or so the US needs to pick up some crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show we mean business.” This “business” is corporate business. -- Corporations have gained ascendancy in the White House, the US legislative bodies and judiciary, as well as the US agencies, some of which, such as the CIA, were created on the persuasion of, and for Wall Street. This corporate ascendancy in US power structure is now a constant and deeply embedded feature of the American domestic and international politics. The people of the US are now out of the loop completely, and perhaps permanently. Therein lies the real danger to the future of mankind."

The truth about Israel, Iran and 1980s U.S. arms deals
Must Read - A quote...."Recently declassified Pentagon documents reveal a strange, not to say illicit, 1980s operation called 'Tipped Kettle,' in which weapons stolen by Israel from the PLO in Lebanon were transferred to the Contras and to anti-American elements in Iran " - also posted at Uruknet

Report: WikiLeaks Docs to Show US Military Supporting PKK in Turkey’s Civil War
Even if true, Wikileaks could still be a one hundred percent "dis-info honey-trap". (editor's note: even though ninety-nine percent of what Wikileaks released last time could have been one hundred percent accurate "field reports", the careful selection and culling of these reports along with the addition of one percent, or even one tenth of a percent, of psyops to the material, would still make Wikileaks a one hundred percent dis-info honey-trap.) - mpg -- A quote...."Speculation is flying fast and furious over the details of the upcoming WikiLeaks release, fueled in no small part by US official warnings to a number of its allies about how hugely damaging the release could be. -- The documents are said to be potentially damning to a large number of foreign governments, but perhaps the most damaging content could be related to the US military, which according to media reports will be shown to have secretly backed the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in its ongoing civil war against Turkey." - also posted at WarInIraq - Topix ||  US Support of Terror - PKK  ||  US Sponsored Civil Wars - Iraq  ||  The US-NRE's New Map of the Middle East  ||  The US-NRE's New Map of Iraq  ||

Piss Off Israel and Wikileaks Will Call You a Terrorist
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."Turkey has been pissed off at Israel because the IDF illegally boarded some of their vessels in international waters that were attempting to bring humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza and they killed some 9 Turkish citizens in the process. -- So of course, Wikileaks calls the Turks “terrorists”. This of course after Wikileaks released some “secrets” that claimed the US has only indirectly caused the deaths of a mere 15,000 Iraqi civilians over and above the “official” number and that Iran is also “supporting the terrorists” in Iraq. -- If anybody, anywhere still thinks that Wikileaks is not a psyop program… wake up."

AE Exclusive: High Level Leak from NSA “Wikileaks Prep” Meeting
Satire - Related Satire - A quote...."The following is a partial transcript of a high level NSA and presidential adviser meeting taken from a few pages sent to me by an unnamed source. The meeting took place a month ago at the Council on Foreign Relations building in New York city. The first few pages got eaten up by my fax machine so the transcript begins with the meeting already in progress."

Special Note - A quote...."[Once upon a time....]

Once upon a time, Iraq had the finest education system in the Arab world.
Once upon a time, Iraq exported its expertise in education to many countries.
Once upon a time, Iraq was considered by the UN "illiteracy free."
Once upon a time, Iraq led the Arab world in scientific development.....
Topix ||  The Method - 05-07-07 - mpg  ||

The US of A breaks the Soviet record
A quote...."On Friday, the U.S.-led coalition will have been fighting in this South Asian country for as long as the Soviets did in their humbling attempt to build up a socialist state. -- It seems clear that a similar -- or even grander -- prize awaits us as the one with which the Soviets were rewarded.  I hope nobody thinks that just because we can't identify who the Taliban leaders are after almost a decade over there that this somehow calls into doubt our ability to magically re-make that nation.  Even if it did, it's vital that we stop the threat of Terrorism, and nothing helps to do that like spending a full decade -- and counting -- invading, occupying, and bombing Muslim countries." - also posted at ICH

Afghanistan: Villagers accused U.S. Marines of regularly killing civilians
A quote...."SANGIN, Afghanistan - Locals in this southern Afghan valley have accused U.S. Marines of regularly killing civilians since they launched an aggressive campaign against the Taliban here over a month ago — claims the Marines say are untrue and fueled by insurgent propaganda." - Source:  AP

US Marines Shrug Off Afghan Complaints of Civilian Killings - Most Complaints in Sangin District Not Even Investigated - A quote...."As Taliban leadership admonish their fighters to avoid civilian deaths, locals in the Sangin District of Afghanistan’s Helmand Province are complaining that the US Marines who recently took over the district have been regularly killing the civilians and refusing to investigate." - Source:  AntiWar

Russia allows NATO vehicles transit
A quote...."Russia will let NATO take armored vehicles to Afghanistan through its territory under an expanded transit deal, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has said." -- "The simplified procedure has been expanded to include vehicles with fortified anti-mine protection for first and foremost moving civilian personnel” Lavrov told a Thursday news briefing with his Afghan counterpart Zalmay Rasul. - The transit agreement stops short of opening the Russian route for weapons for the NATO mission in Afghanistan. - Russia's representative to NATO Dmitry Rogozin stressed that Russia had no intention of ever letting the alliance use its territory to transfer weapons."

China Warns U.S. On Naval Exercises as North Korea Promises Retaliation
Special Note - A quote...."China has warned the United States against engaging in military activity on its coastline.
North Korea warns of a “shower of dreadful fire” in response to the joint U.S.-South Korean exercises. -- “We oppose any military act by any party conducted in China’s exclusive economic zone without approval,” China’s Foreign Ministry replied in response to a question about the inclusion of a U.S. Aircraft carrier strike group participating in the joint exercise. -- The exclusive economic zone is a maritime zone up to 200 nautical miles from a country’s coast. -- It was reported today that Obama would be speaking with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao in coming days. China has refused to condemn North Korea’s attack."

China urges Korean calm, warns over naval drills
A quote...."(Reuters) - China said on Friday it was determined to prevent an escalation of this week's violence on the Korean peninsula but warned against military acts near its coast as U.S. and South Korean forces prepared for exercises in the Yellow Sea."

Japan election sure to show opposition to US base
A quote...."TOKYO – An election Sunday for the governor of a southern Japanese island where a controversial U.S. Marine base is located is likely to cause more problems for Japan's relations with key ally the United States, as both leading candidates want the facility off the island." - Source:  AP - Time to attack North Korea, or at least arrange another provocation or false flag event. - mpg

NAM [The Non-Aligned Movement] Reiterates Support for Iran's Peaceful N. Program
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in a statement underlined its support for Iran's inalienable right to use peaceful nuclear technology."

Lebanese PM Due in Tehran Tomorrow
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri is scheduled to start a two-day official visit to Iran on Saturday to meet with senior Iranian officials."

Speaker: Iran to Insist on N. Rights in Upcoming Talks with World Powers
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani announced that Tehran's representatives will reiterate the country's inalienable nuclear rights during the upcoming talks with the six world powers."

India key to Syria's tilt to the East
A quote...."DAMASCUS - Syria will host the president of India this week, even as President Bashar al-Assad just wrapped up groundbreaking visits to Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus. Earlier in the year, he received the presidents of Pakistan, Venezuela and Russia in Damascus and carried out equally successful trips to Latin America, visiting Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, and Venezuela. -- This foreign-policy drive is not new to the Syrians, having started in 2005 when relations reached rock bottom with the United States, France, and many heavyweight countries in Europe. Then, Syria realized that the outside world does not stop at the gates of Washington, London and Paris and that there was an entire world out there - emerging nations with tremendous potential - willing to engage with Syria, with no preconditions."

Turkish generals suspended in power struggle between ruling party and the military
A quote...."Several generals have been suspended by Turkey's government in the latest episode of a power struggle between the ruling party and the military."

Top Russian official casts doubt on START ratification
A quote...."A top Russian MP on Wednesday expressed doubt that the US Senate would ratify the START nuclear arms reduction treaty, the first time a top Moscow official has sounded alarm on the accord failing." - also posted at WarInIraq

Back with a Bang: ISS crew spaced out after months in orbit
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 1min 56sec - November 26, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."After five months in orbit, the latest crew to return to Earth from the International Space Station have landed safe and sound. The Soyuz capsule, the only current means of transport to and from the ISS, delivered a Russian cosmonaut and two American astronauts to Kazakhstan. RT's Natalya Novikova has more from the city of Korolev, the heart of Russia's space program."

Truth Is Out: Katyn massacre carried out on Stalin's direct orders
RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 3min 20sec - November 26, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."Joseph Stalin was responsible for the mass killing of Polish prisoners in Western Russia in 1940 - Russia's parliament accepted the Soviet leader ordered the Katyn massacre that has soured relations between Moscow and Warsaw for years."

Ukraine may join Customs Union – Yanukovich
A quote...."Ukraine may join the Customs Union between Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, the country’s president Viktor Yanukovich told reporters at a  joint press-conference with President Medvedev in Moscow on Friday."

Chinese FM talks with DPRK, ROK, U.S. diplomats on Korean Peninsular situation
A quote...."BEIJING, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with Chi Jae Ryong, Ambassador of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to China, and held phone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and ROK Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan on Friday."

China opposes any military acts in exclusive economic zone without permission
A quote...."BEIJING, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- China opposes any military acts in its exclusive economic zone without permission, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Friday, days before a joint military exercise between United States and Republic of Korea (ROK) on the Yellow Sea."

China again calls for joint efforts to safeguard stability of Korean Peninsula

A quote..."BEIJING, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) -- China on Thursday again called on the relevant parties to make joint efforts to safeguard peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula."

Evo´s Speech
A quote...."There are moments in history that require a speech, even if it is as brief as the “Alea jacta est” (“The die is cast”) pronounced by Julius Caesar when he crossed the Rubicon. It had to be crossed that day, precisely when the ministers of defence of the sovereign states of the western hemisphere were meeting in the city of Santa Cruz, where the Yankees had been encouraging secessionism and the disintegratrion of Bolivia." - also posted at MyCatbird'sSeat

Foreign Bases in UNASUR "Unnecessary," Says Correa
A quote...."Georgetown, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa termed unnecessary the existence of foreign military bases in Latin America. -- In a report on his performance as he handed over the presidency of the Union of South American Nations to Guyana, Correa said that the organization is sovereign and "we do not need anyone to take care of us by beating us with a club, and thus we have demonstrated it."

Argentine President Urges LatAm to Unite
A quote...."Georgetown, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Argentine President Cristina Fernandez called on members of the Union of South American Nations to build a unitary project of all Latin America oriented to economic development and the battle against injustice and social inequality. --   During her speech at the 4th Special Summit of Heads of State and Government of UNASUR, Fernandez made a call to overcome disagreements and continue joining hands."

Brazilian President Advocates for Regional Unity
A quote...."Georgetown, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva advocated for the elimination of the asymmetries stopping the integration of South America, in his speech in the Summit of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) Friday."
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The PPJ Gazette
Special Note - A quote...."If ever there was an indicator of just how apathetic and well trained the American public truly is, it must be this situation with TSA.  Like a herd of bedraggled sheep, thousands of you forfeited your 4th and 5th amendment rights and allowed the government to irradiate you and view your virtually naked body, or allowed yourself to be subjected to an enhanced pat-down…nothing short of a sexual encounter.  And for what?  This is a training and conditioning exercise you fools! This has nothing to do with making us safer, national security or protecting America.  It has nothing to do with making your flight safer.  It has everything to do with conditioning you to accept a full body assault as long as the persons doing it are wearing a government badge.  You are being trained to submit and comply. - also posted at ICH

Obama Administration Weighs Indefinite Detention
A quote...."November 26, 2010 "NPR" - -It is starting to look like the president who campaigned on closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay may end up doing something wholly different: signing a law that would pave the way for terrorism suspects to be held indefinitely. -- Administration officials are looking at the possibility at codifying detention without trial and are awaiting legislation that is supposed to come out of Congress early next year." - Source:  NPR

Man charged for covering head during police beating
In the "Believe It Or Not" category. - A quote...."A Miami man whose beating at the hands of police was captured on cell phone video has been charged with resisting arrest without violence, a charge his lawyer says came from nothing more than the man's attempts to cover his head from the blows."

Court asked to order probe of Guantanamo psychologist
A quote...."[Article] - 24 Nov 2010 A court was asked Wednesday to force an investigation into whether an Army psychologist [John Leso] developed abusive interrogation torture techniques for detainees prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and should be stripped of his license. The court petition, filed by the San Francisco-based Center for Justice and Accountability and the New York Civil Liberties Union, furthers human rights advocates' efforts to spur probes of some psychologists involved in detainee interrogations. Critics argue that the psychologists' activities amount to professional misconduct and that state regulators should look into the matter."
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More On The TSA's Terror....

The stench of the police state at US airports
A quote...."As tens of millions of Americans travel during the busy Thanksgiving holiday weekend, they will come face to face with the new regime instituted by the federal Transportation Security Administration. More than 70 major airports have installed full-body scanners, where randomly selected passengers are compelled to undergo the electronic equivalent of a strip search. Travelers who decline that scan will be subjected instead to an extremely invasive body search that includes an open-palm patdown of the genital area." - also posted at GlobalRsrch

TSA Tyranny: ACLU Receives Over 900 Complaints In One Month
A quote...."The American Civil Liberties Union has received a huge wave of complaints within the last month following the TSA security crack down at airports, contradicting the establishment media spin that naked body scanners and invasive pat-downs are being meekly accepted by a compliant public."

TSA News 11-26-10 - posted at DProgram
DProgram's daily rap-up of the TSA's Goon squad's latest horrors and guess what, they're getting worse. - mpg

Done With The TSA
A quote...."Get 'em here.....[link]....Window cling-ons for your car....Hear that wallet snap shut Mr. Airline Executive!"

TSA: Thou Shalt Acquiesce
A quote...."As a 40-year student of bureaucracy, beginning with Ludwig von Mises's great little book, Bureaucracy (1944), I have come to recognize a series of near laws governing bureaucracy. This one is, as far as I can see, unbreakable, comparable to the law of gravity."

"Some bureaucrat will enforce a written rule in such a way as to make the rule and the bureaucracy seem either ridiculous, tyrannical, or both."

"There is no way to write the rules so that some bonehead in the system will not find a way to become a thorn in someone's side – a thorn that cries out for removal. -- There are corollaries to this iron law of bureaucracy."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

War Criminals Better Hope for Palestinian Amnesty
Must Read - A quote...."A few days ago, British Chief of Defence Staff General Sir David Richards admitted that victory in Afghanistan is unachievable. "In conventional war,” said Richards, “defeat and victory is very clear cut and is symbolised by troops marching into another nation's capital." -- It took a few years for British military elites to admit that the war in Afghanistan cannot lead anywhere: a valuable lesson to learn from mid to late 20th century warfare, is that conventional military might cannot easily defeat mass civilian resistance. -- It is interesting to reflect too, that the Jewish state has exercised a ‘strategy’ of occupation for sixty two years -- and for some reason the penny has still failed to drop. The Israelis are still convinced that they can manage to knock down the resilient Palestinians using siege, indiscriminate killing, carpet bombardment and chemical warfare."

Memories and maps keep alive Palestinian hopes of return
Special Note - (For the historical record....and the TRUTH - mpg) -- A quote...."Memories and maps feature prominently in the experience of Palestinians – a people scarred by dispossession, dispersion, occupation and profound uncertainty about their future. So amid the latest wrangling over the stalled peace talks with Israel come two sharp reminders of the depth of the conflict and how difficult it will be to resolve. -- Salman Abu Sitta, a refugee from 1948, has spent years cataloguing the course and consequences of the nakbah (disaster) that Israel's "war of independence" represented for his people. Now he has published an updated version of his massive Atlas of Palestine, stuffed with tables, graphs and nearly 500 pages of maps that trace the transformation of the country starting with its conquest by the British in 1917 and the Balfour declaration's promise to create a "national home" for the Jews." - also posted at Uruknet

More Than a Bribe: Obama Surrenders Palestinian Rights
A quote...."November 26, 2010 "Information Clearing House" ---The Middle East policies of US President Barack Obama may well prove the most detrimental in history so far, surpassing even the rightwing policies of President George W. Bush. Even those who warned against the overt optimism which accompanied Obama’s arrival to the White House must now be stunned to see how low the US president will go to appease Israel – all under the dangerous logic of needing to keep the peace process moving forward."

Gaza Photo Exhibition Attacked by the Jewish Defense League in Paris
A quote...."Members of "The Jewish Defense League" attacked earlier this week a photo exhibition of the German photojournalist Kai Wiedenhöfer "depicting the massacres in the Gaza strip during the Israeli Operation Cast Lead" offensive. The exhibit is being held at the the Modern Art Museum of Paris." - also posted at Uruknet

Israel has put 200,000 Palestinians before military tribunals since 1990
A quote...."A report from the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees' Affairs has claimed that 200,000 Palestinians have been tried by Israeli military tribunals since 1990. What the report describes as "unfair and arbitrary" trials in Israel have led to thousands of Palestinians languishing in the Zionist state's prisons." - also posted at Uruknet

Israeli forces brutally batter 7-year-old Palestinian child
Special Note - (For the outrage!) -- A quote...."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli policemen severely battered a Jerusalemite child in Silwan, occupied Jerusalem, on Wednesday night breaking both his arm and leg, his father said. -- Mansour Al-Resheq told the Quds media center in the Shaari Tzedek hospital that policemen chased his 7-year-old child Adam and savagely beat him then dragged him on the ground before leaving him in the street bleeding." - also posted at Uruknet

Palestinian child injured in IOF shooting
A quote...."GAZA, (PIC)-- A Palestinian child was hit and wounded when the Israeli occupation forces fired at him north of Beit Lahia town, north of the Gaza Strip, on Saturday morning."

Israel police 'abusing minors'
A quote...."In a letter to the Israeli premier, a group of Israeli experts has criticized the police for detaining and physically abusing Palestinian minors."

Israel demolishes mosque
AJZVideo - (AJZYuTb - November 25, 2010) - Source:  AlJazeeraEnglish -- A quote...."Israeli forces have demolished a mosque and several other buildings in the northern Jordan valley. -- They say the structure was built without a permit but residents say the mosque was built before 1967 and was recently renovated. -- The Palestinian government has condemned the action as state destruction, while Israel continues to fight for Israeli settlers. -- Al Jazeera's Nour Odeh reports from the Jordan Valley."

Wave of demolitions in Jerusalem, Jordan Valley and South Hebron
A quote...."Following the demolitions and evictions in East Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley yesterday, this morning the Civil Administration accompanied by large Army and Border Police forces demolished a mosque in the Jordan Valley and several structures in the South Hebron Hills."

In photos: The remnants of a home demolition
A quote...."Palestinians clear the rubble of their home in At-Tur neighborhood in East Jerusalem on 26 November 2010. - Two days earlier, Israeli police razed the home shortly before the owner Abed Zablah, a father of five, arrived with an order issued early that morning by the Jerusalem District Court ordering a halt to the demolition. - But by the time he got home with the letter, the house was already flattened, he said."

Everyday heroes: filmmaker Dahna Abourahme interviewed
Interview - A quote...."Born in Amman, Dahna Abourahme is a Palestinian filmmaker based in Beirut. A graduate of the New School for Social Research, she has worked on a number of films. Her first feature film, Until When, is set in Bethlehem during the second intifada and follows four Palestinian families living in Dheisheh refugee camp. Abourahme's latest documentary, set in contemporary Lebanon is titled The Kingdom of Women: Ein El Hilweh. It focuses on the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein al-Hilwe in south Lebanon, and on the women in particular as they reminisce about their roles during the Israeli attack on the camp in 1982-1984. The Electronic Intifada contributor Amany Al-Sayyed interviews Abourahme about her work."

The Ugly Truth Podcast Nov 26, 2010
Audio - Ken O'Keefe, former US Marine and hero of Israel's murderous attack onboard the Mavi Marmara in May joins the program from Gaza to discuss the latest aid convoy's bringing supplies to the beisieged Palestinians." - || Download Mp3  ||

Ken'O'Keefe:  Humantiarian Convoy Breaks Gaza Seige
Contains Video - Alt - A quote...."Being unable to negotiate the return of the kidnapped convoy members to the convoy they were compelled to jump into the vans when they proceeded from El Arish Port to Rafah.  When the Egyptian authorities realized that these convoy members were among the entire convoy group at Rafah, they announced that these three would not be able to reach Gaza.  Among these members was Ken O’Keefe, convoy leader and survivor of the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara.  With the entire convoy standing firm, the Egyptian authorities reversed their decision after several hours and the entire convoy passed through to Gaza."
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Is the Game Rigged? Matt Taibbi Talks About Insider Trading on Wall Street
YVideo - Alt - (YahooVid - 5min 38sec - 11-23-10) - A quote...."Interview with Matt Taibbi."

The FIRE Next Time: End-Game for the Elite’s One-Way Class War
A quote...."Michael Hudson has consistently been one of the best guides through the labyrinth of lies that surround the monumental act of elite thievery known as the “economic crisis.” Patiently and perceptively, he applies his economic expertise to the realities behind the blather, laying out – in grim, heart-sinking detail – how our great and good are using the crisis they created to move in remorselessly for the final kill on any dreams of a decent life for the rabble – that is, the 99 percent of us who fall outside the golden circle of the rentier class. -- So when Hudson speaks, we should pay serious heed. And his latest piece in CounterPunch is heedful – and heart-sinking – indeed. We are, he says, entering the end-game of a decades-long process of wealth transference in which the entire burden of sustaining society – a degraded, hollowed-out, inhumane society – and a bloated, belligerent militarist oligarchy falls entirely on working people and the poor, while the elite reap all the profit." - also posted at Uruknet

Loss Given Default: From Madrid to Los Angeles Foreclosures Set to Crest in 2011-2012
A quote...."Next year, IMHO, we are going to see a further sharp decline in residential home prices as the tide of foreclosures begun in the past year starts to clear the courts and move to market via involuntary sales."

America's Standard of Living is About to Fall Off a Cliff
A quote...."The social net has become a bit more frayed. Soon extended unemployment benefits will cease and 2 million Americans will have to dip into their savings, if they have any. This is an outgrowth of the effects of free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing. We have lost 8.5 million jobs over the last ten years to this destructive process. We have seen more than 42,000 manufacturing plants leave the country as well. There are now more than 17 million Americans unemployed and the U6 official government unemployment figures 17%. If you remove the bogus birth/death ration, the real figure is 22-5/8%. Over that ten-year period we have lost about 5.5 million manufacturing jobs or about 1/3rd of that labor force. As recent as 1985, 25% of output was in manufacturing, now it is close to 11%. America’s physical infrastructure is in a shambles, so that transnational conglomerates can bring us cheap goods to suppress inflation and bring these companies mega-profits, which they keep stored offshore to bypass taxation. They presently have $1.7 trillion in such profits."

Dollar rally, sovereign debt, black Friday, Schiff - link posted at DProgram
PSVideo - (PSYuTb - 9min 55sec - November 26, 2010) - Source:  SchiffReport -- A quote...."Schiff Report Video Blog Nov. 26th 2010 Listen to "The Peter Schiff Show" for free live at 6PM Eastern or for 24 hours on demand at" - It's actually funny in a way, Peter Schiff is almost desperately trying to talk "reality" to a population almost completely inured to "reality".  To them, "reality" is for that "other guy", "reality" is for losers, "reality" in fact, is completely boring and is absolutely no fun whatsoever.... party on dudes!! - mpg

Global Poverty Doubled since 1970s: UN
A quote...."November 26, 2010 "AFP" - -GENEVA — The number of very poor countries has doubled in the last 30 to 40 years, while the number of people living in extreme poverty has also grown two-fold, a UN think-tank warned Thursday. -- In its annual report on the 49 least developed countries (LDCs) in the world, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) said that the model of development that has prevailed to date for these countries has failed and should be re-assessed." - Source:  AFP

Thursday November 25th 2010

No posts. - mpg

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