MPG'S DAILY RAPSHEET AND BLOTTER  ON THE "GREAT GAME"  --  04-28-11 to 05-04-11 -- links page

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Editor's note : From now on each weekly blog page will have several items culled from the past called  "9/11 - From The History File" : It's for those who didn't know, and also for those who forgot....or are trying to forget.

Editor's note - War Update, War Alert, War Warning, Red War Warning and War Imminent - refer to articles regarding the upcoming war with Iran.  In the order they appear as shown above, they  represent less serious to more serious possible threats of war. - mpg

As of 08-08-08 a new category of war warning will be included, the above warnings will have the prefix (WWIII) added to them to indicate the possible outbreak of greater hostilities. - mpg
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Wednesday May 4th 2011 - links page

No posts. - mpg

Tuesday May 3rd 2011 - links page 

More on Osama Bin Back From the Dead™.... 

Latest fake Osama picture making the rounds.  --- 
Must View Photo-Analysis - (Yeah, the second OBL photo was a fake) -- A quote...."Ignoring the bullet hole this guy looks very healthy for ten years of dialysis. The nose is also too narrow. But the main reason to disregard this as another likely fake is simple. This image is tainted green to make it look like a night vision image, yet the soldier at right is looking off left, apparently able to see just fine without night vision goggles. And finally, there is something missing from this image that should be there (besides night vision goggles)." - Obviously the "source photos" are the clinchers, however people won't always be lucky enough to find, obtain, or receive, the source photos. On the other hand the photo-analysis carried out to expose this fake, shown in the article above,  demonstrates a few common techniques to help in identifying re-constructed,, altered or changed photos. - mpg 
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White House Struggles To Get Its Lies Straight In Telling Bin Laden Fairytale
A quote...."The White House backed away Monday evening from key details in its narrative about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, including claims by senior U.S. officials that the Al Qaeda leader had a weapon and may have fired it during a gun battle with U.S. forces." 
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I don’t believe a word this government utters…especially in regards to Bin Laden and 9/11
A quote...."I don’t buy their official story.  Let me get this straight.  The most wanted enemy of the United States was killed in a firefight and the body was unceremoniously dumped into the sea before any independent source could verify its authenticity.  All of the sudden, the US which wages war and routinely tortures brown people to justify their criminal operations against humanity overseas is vested in following proper burial protocol for the most wanted man in the world.  They were content with a photo id. -- Right." 
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9/11 Bin Laden At Rawalpindi Hospital September 10th 1 28 2002 CBS  --- 
Video - From the History File - August 22, 2009 - (YuTb - 3min31sec - 08/22/09)  - Source:  CoreOfCorruption -- A quote...."This is apart of the 9/11 archive from the Core of Corruption creators." 
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9/11 ANALYSIS: From Ronald Reagan and the Soviet-Afghan War to George W Bush and September 11, 2001
From the History File - September 9, 2010 -- A quote...." 
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Osama bin Laden and the 911 Illusion - Patsies & Beneficiaries  --- 
Book Exerpt - A quote...."In the wake of the 911 terror attacks, Americans everywhere recited the collective mantra, “Things will never be the same”.  Actually things had changed very little.  --  Fifteen of the nineteen alleged hijackers were born in Saudi Arabia, where the House of Saud dictatorship has financed Muslim Brotherhood modern-day Assassins and CIA covert operations since its inception for the benefit of the Eight Families banking cartel and their Four Horsemen – whose ARAMCO oilfields are protected via US military occupation of the Kingdom." - From the book...."Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network."  ---,+Eight+Families+%26+Their+Global+Intelligence,+Narcotics+%26+Terror+Network.&hl=en&ei=JfTATYiNJerdiALTnuiDAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA  ---  [Amzn]  --- 
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EPIC FAIL: The US Government’s History Of Fake Bin Laden Tapes
A quote...."By the time you read this the White House will most likely have produced  a grainy pixelated image of a man in a turban with half his face blown as conclusive proof that the former CIA asset Bin Laden was gunned down by special forces on the orders of the great leader Obama. -- However, ask yourself this one question – when has the US government and its corporate mouthpiece  media ever produced anything authentic and credible as far as Bin Laden goes?" 
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'Bin Laden busiest corpse in show business for last 10 years'  --- 
Alt  ---  video - (RTYuTb 4m32s 05/03/11) Src: RT  ---
A quote...."With elation over Bin Laden's death subsiding, there are questions over what his fate might mean for the world. For more on that, RT talks to Patrick Heninngsen, journalist and editor at 21st Century Wire." 
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Administration Backs Off Tale Of Osama Bin Laden Using Wife As Human Shield
White House Spokesman Says bin Laden “shot through the left eye”
OH, C’MON!! U.S. official: Osama bin Laden has been buried at sea
Bin Laden “Buried at Sea” – Talk About Going Overboard, This Sets a New Standard
White House: We Lied the First Time
Story Changes: Osama Was ‘Unarmed,’ Officials Now Admit
White House Struggles to Get Story Right  ---
Time Magazine asked: Where is the Evidence Against bin Laden?
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Topix ||  US Fake Intel / Propaganda - Osama bin Long Gone  ||
||  Judeo-Christian C/C & US - Rita Katz  ||
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More On The Domestic Situation.... 

The Slow Death of the New York Times  --- 
The Old Gray Whore is dying of consumption.....good riddance. - mpg -- A quote...."What's black and white and red all over?  ---  Answer: the balance sheet of the New York Times." 
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Massachusetts Dems vote to strip public unions of bargaining rights
A quote...."Weren't Democrats supposed to be in favor of collective bargaining rights? Well, maybe not. -- Welcome to bizarro world. -- The Democratic-controlled Statehouse in Massachusetts voted earlier this week to strip public employee unions of their collective bargaining rights, as part of the state's budget measure. It passed by a vote of 157 to 1. -- That's precisely the same action taken by Republicans in Wisconsin, where it sparked a massive democratic outcry and weeks of rowdy protests." - also posted at AlethoNews  ---  ---  When will people learn, when will they get it?  THERE - IS - NO - DIFFERENCE - BETWEEN - A - DEMO - OR - A - REPUB!!! - mpg 
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2012 Should Be the Year to Vote No Confidence in the Two Party System - Amen!!!  - mpg 
Related Article - A quote...."Lets just face it. No matter what party we put into power hoping to reform the nation or the state. Nothing changes and stays the some. We have a dictator in chief and a congress that will not keep the executive branch in check from starting all these undeclared wars. We have tried the republican revolution in 1994 and the Tea Party in 2010 elections. No matter who we try to put into power.There is a global hack there to keep the agenda moving forward. Nothing changes,just the terminology they use to sell it." 
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Good Will Hunting Got It Right  ---  ---  Yes he did. - mpg 
Video - Alt  ---  ---  From the History File - Jul 31, 2010 - (YuTb - 2min41sec - 07/31/10) - Source:  compelled2283  ---  A quote...."Why shouldn't I work for the N.S.A.... that's a tough one. But I'll take a shot.  --  Say I'm working at N.S.A. and somebody puts a code on my desk, something no one else can break. Maybe I take a shot at it and maybe I break it. And I'm real happy with myself, 'cause I did my job well. But maybe that code was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or the Middle East, and once they have that location, they bomb the village where the rebels were hidin'- fifteen hundred people that I never met, never had no problem with get killed....." 
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U.S.A. Stands for United Stupid A--holes  --- 
A quote...."....that's what most of this nation has devolved into; a collection of imbecilic morons who are like a tank of pet fish, we believe anything the Zionist MSM drops in our mouths. -- A week ago, many of us were foaming at the mouth, not believing what OBOMBA was saying about being born in Hawaii and starting to worship that New Jersey clown, Donald Trump. -- Now, most of us are celebrating the murder of someone in Pakistan, believing everything the Zionist MSM and OBOMBA says about the alleged killing of OBL. -- OBOMBA lied about closing GITMO. Lied about withdrawing the troops from Iraq and lied about the health care bill that was crafted by industry insiders." 
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May Day 1971 and 2011  --- 
A quote...."Forty years ago, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Washington, D.C. to shut the city down. Their goal was to end the war in Vietnam. The National Guard was called out, and a huge melee ensued between the citizens who opposed the government's policies and the government itself, which viewed the citizens as impediments to its plans and ambitions. -- Six weeks later, the 7,000-page secret history of the government's deceptions of its own citizenry, The Pentagon Papers, was published. The documents detailed how the Federal government and the nation's elected leaders had purposefully misled the public for decades about their goals, intentions and policies. -- It made no difference. The war dragged on as the U.S. combat role was replaced by "Vietnamization" and wholesale bombing of Indochina. President Nixon won re-election by a landslide in 1972." 
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Obama now go find the $2,300,000,000,000 missing at the Pentagon  --- 
Video - (YuTb - 2min35sec - May 3, 2011) - Source:  91177info  ---  ---  A quote...."Many Americans ~ have forgotten that $2.3 TRILLION went missing in corrupt military spending. That's alot of money conveniently buried in the news of the following day which was September 11th 2001." 
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Osama bin Laden Causes Yet Another War? After He’s Dead?  --- 
False Flag Alert - A quote...."There has never been such an opportunity for the U.S. government to stage a false flag event in order to start yet another war as there is today. The set up is obvious to libertarians and some sane others, but it eludes most all Americans who are busy dancing in the street after the so-called killing of Osama bin Laden. " 
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BBC: al Qaeda Does Not Exist  --- 
Video - (YuTb - Aug 21, 2008) - Source911NLP  ---  ---  A quote...."There is no such thing as "al Qaeda", there is no one on earth who calls himself a member of "al Qaeda". "al Qaeda" is a term made up by the U.S. government to be applied to anyone killed during in the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. There is no formal organization. There is no secret terrorist network. What there is a is a phantom enemy, a boogyman that was easily sold to the American people for the benefit of the Bush Administration and their friends at PNAC." 
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Keiser Report: Meets Schiff Report 3.0 (E143)  --- 
MKVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (MKRTYuTb - 25min56sec - May 3rd, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday  ---  ---  Producer:  Max Keiser TV  ---  ---  A quote...."(RussiaToday) -- This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on the $5 trillion in financial weapons for bankers and the lobbying bubble that keep those weapons flowing. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Peter Schiff about the 'symbiotic' master-slave relationship between the U.S. and China." 
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Broadcasting LIVE on - May 3 2011  --- 
Part 2  --- 
MRVideo - (JustInTV - 2hrs - May 3rd, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids  ---  ---  Michael Rivero extensively covers the "Osama bin Photo-Shopped" extravaganza, the on-going lies from the White House about the whole issue, the on-going Gulf oil disaster, the US-NRE's long history of using false-flags and propaganda to fulfill the avarice of this nation's parasites, the on-going nuclear disaster in Japan, Obama's illegal war on Libya, the "Money Junkies" spree of destruction across the planet, and many other issues. - mpg 
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The Alex Jones Show – May 2nd, 2011  --- 
Must View AJVideo - Intro  --- 
OBLHoax(1/2)  --- 
OBLHoax(2/2)  --- 
Ex-ISI-Chief/Gul  --- 
AlexTakesCalls  --- 
WMreOBLHoax(1/2)  --- 
WMreOBLHoax(2/2)  --- 
AJTakesMoreCalls  --- 
PWreOBLHoax(1/2)  --- 
PWreOBLHoax(2/2)  --- 
AJTakesCalls-f/Mil  --- 
PolStGoneWild  --- 
OBLHoaxExpsd  ---  ---  (AJYuTb - 10/15min - May 2, 2011) - Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel  ---  ---  A quote...."Topics: Following the reported assassination of Osama bin Laden by the United States military inside Pakistan, Alex breaks down what the event means and what it portends in the days ahead as widespread war threatens to expand in the Middle East and the U.S. dollar heads for the exists. This will be one of the most important broadcasts of the Alex Jones Show. Alex talks with retired Pakistani Army three star general, Hamid Gul, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, and Prison Planet editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson about the Osama spectacle. In addition to covering this quickly evolving news story and other breaking news items, Alex takes your calls." 
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More On The International Situation.... 

Washington in a frenzy over Pakistan leaving US Empire – investigative journalist  --- 
Must View RTVideo - Alt - (RTYuTb - 5min12sec - 03 May, 2011, 20:18) - Source:  RTdotCom  ---  ---  Producer:  TarpleyNet  ---  ---  A quote...."The assassination of Al-Qaeda’s leader, Osama Bin Laden, in Pakistan’s Abbottabad is a story that has been manufactured by US Intelligence to target the Asian country, says investigative journalist Webster Tarpley. -- ­There was a careful build-up, observes Tarpley, with harsh statements condemning Pakistan in terror reports by the US government. Admiral Mike Mullen visited Pakistan in late April, accusing them of being accomplices of the terrorist network Haqqani. Wikileaks reported a CIA operation targeting Pakistan as well, while, according to the US, most of Al-Qaeda’s plans have been formulated in that country." 
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3 NATO tankers destroyed in Pakistan  --- 
A quote...."Pro-Taliban militants in northwest Pakistan have destroyed three oil tankers transporting fuel to US-led foreign forces in neighboring Afghanistan. " 
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Honduran ex-leader['s bogus] charges dropped  --- 
A quote...."A court in Honduras has dropped charges against former president Manuel Zelaya, which means he can return to the country and even be hopeful to win the next presidential election." 
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More on the World Wide Revolution.... 

EU warns Bahrain against executions  --- 
A quote...."EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, has expressed deep concern over the imminent executions of four anti-government protesters in Bahrain." 
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Bahrain Charges Shi’ite Doctors for Treating Protesters
A quote...."The Bahraini regime has announced today that it intends to charge as many as 50 medical workers, including dozens of doctors, with “promoting efforts to bring down the government” and general charges of being involved in an “anti-state conspiracy.” 
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UAE urged to stop civil crackdown
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants.... 

Cancer, Deformities and Chronic Diseases - The Future Children of Fukushima  --- Alert - A quote...."Children in Belarus, Ukraine and certain provinces of Russia tell us what to expect from a massive radiation contamination such as Japan is currently experiencing. Radiation attacks the young to a harsher degree than it does adults, and yet we do know that it kills adults. Radioactivity causes numerous illnesses including terminal cancers, and not just from a large initial dose but over time from absorbed emitting particles inside the body." - bold by website editor - also posted at AlethoNews  --- 
Topix ||  Radiation vs Contamination - The Difference is Deadly - 03-19-11 - mpg  ||
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Pacific radiation levels keep rising  --- Alert - A quote...."The levels of highly radioactive water keep rising on the Pacific seabed in close proximity to Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. -- The plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), said on Tuesday that the seabed samples collected three kilometers from Minamisoma and another three kilometers from Naraha, both in Fukushima Prefecture, contained 98 to 190 becquerels of radioactive iodine per kilogram and 1,200 to 1,400 becquerels of radioactive cesium, Kyodo news agency reported. -- The high levels of radioactive materials were detected from samples collected last Friday from the seabed at points 20-30 meters deep [in depth]" - bold by website editor 
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Fukushima - What They Aren't Saying  --- 
A quoted...."Cold shutdown" means the reactor cores - and the used fuel pools - decrease in temperature through 100 degrees C and continue to go down after a couple of days without additional cooling. If that doesn't happen within 48 hours, it isn't going to. E-V-E-R. The reactors are still 'in service' - which means the fuel is still reacting. It hasn't happened at Fukushima and it never will." 
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Where Is All That Fukushima Radiation Going, and Why Does it Matter?
Video - Alt  ---  ---  (YuTb - 17min42sec - May 3, 2011) - Source:  NotForSale2NWO  ---  ---  Producer:  Fairwinds  ---  ---  A quote...."Fairewinds' founder Maggie Gundersen interviews environmental scientist and professional engineer Marco Kaltofen about his ongoing analysis of radioactive fallout from Fukushima." 
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Radiation News 05-3-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (4 articles & video)
Radiation leaks from fuel rods suspected at Japan's Tsuruga plant
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More On The Palestinian Situation.... 

Al-Aqsa spokesman denies bin Laden statement  --- 
A quote...."GAZA CITY — The spokesman of Fatah’s military wing on Tuesday denied issuing a statement marking Osama bin Laden’s death. -- Abu Uday of the Al-Aqsa Brigades said the group did not and had no plans to comment because bin Laden’s death was unrelated to Palestine. -- He said a statement received by Ma’an’s Gaza City office must have been forced as the armed group “doesn’t know anything about it.”
Source:  Ma'an  --- 
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Witnesses: Hebron settlers [crazed homeless Jewish vagrants] attack construction workers  --- 
A quote...."HEBRON (Ma'an) -- Dozens of Israeli settlers [crazed homeless vagrants] assaulted a group of Palestinian construction workers in Hebron's city center on Tuesday, residents said." also posted at AlethoNews  --- 
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IOF kidnap MP Romanin from his home
A quote...."JERICHO, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnapped at dawn Tuesday Hamas lawmaker Ali Romanin from Jericho city. -- His wife told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that dozens of Israeli troops stormed Awja village, north of Jericho, at about one o'clock in the morning and violently raided their home." 
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Settlers [Homeless Jewish vagrants] prevent Qaryuot farmers from plowing their lands
A quote...."West Bank, (Pal Telegraph)- Jewish settlers from the illegal settlement [squatter encampment] of Eli constructed on the territories of the Palestinian village of Qaryuot prevented farmers from plowing their lands." - Topix ||  Israel's Scorched Earth  ||
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60-year-old American woman injured in protest  --- 
A quote...."QALQILIYA (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces injured an American activist and detained three other foreign nationals Sunday, as they attempted to stop Israeli bulldozers from razing Palestinian agricultural land east of Qalqiliya, witnesses said." - also posted at AlethoNews
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Palestinian Source: “Hamas And Fateh Agree Fayyad Won’t Be Heading New Interim Government”  --- 
A quote...."A senior Palestinian source reported that the Hamas and Fateh movements agreed that the current Prime Minister in the West Bank, Dr. Salaam Fayyad, will not be heading the new interim unity government that would be formed after the unity deal is officially signed." 
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More On The Economic Situation.... 

It’s 2008 All Over Again… Only Worse  --- 
Special Note - A quote...."Bernanke and pals wanted to recreate the same booming leverage and fiscal insanity of the bubble years. And they’ve done that in a big way. Among their various successes...." 
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Another Decline In Registered Silver Brings Total Comex Physical To Multi-Year Lows
A quote...."One would think that following the total "annihilation" (as it has already been pegged by some) in silver over the past few days, that Comex would promptly reverse its "temporary" reclassification of Registered into Eligible silver, or so the believers in Comex holdings claim. Which is why to our surprise we noticed that today, the Comex announced that the ongoing inverse reclassification from Registered into Eligible continues, with Scotia Mocatta seeing another 186 thousand ounces of physical silver moving into that dark pool known as "eligible" holdings." 
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Pew Finds $1.26 Trillion State Retirement Shortfall, Says States Only Have $31 Billion In Assets To Pay For $635 Billion In Liabilities
A quote...."For those wondering why the Fed's third mandate is so critical, and is arguably about more than padding the brokerage accounts of those top 400 US "taxpayers" who account for 10% of capital gains, the Pew center brings what could be the main reason. Which is that even while factoring an 8% discount rate (for most states, some are probably higher), in other words expecting 8% gains in their assets, "the gap between the promises states made for employees’ retirement benefits and the money they set aside to pay for them grew to at least $1.26 trillion in fiscal year 2009, resulting in a 26 percent increase in one year." 
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10 States Where Pensions Are Running Out of Money  --- 
Related Article - A quote...."Corporate pensions, municipal pensions, state pensions — each category has funds that have run out of money and certainly many are running low. The fate of the UAW pensions was a critical part of the US bailout of the auto industry. Eventually, the unions received equity in Chrysler and GM, among other things. They are not the only large American companies with underfunded pensions; they are just the most recent and visible examples." 
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Bubble, Bubble, Real Estate Toil and Trouble: Macro Climate for Real Estate Still Sucks, Despite New Bubbles
A quote...."A reader wrote me complaining about the nonsensical bubble blowing in multi-family properties before the last bubble was even finished bursting. I feel his pain. Let’s run through a quick pictorial of how I see the macro climate for real estate as of right now…Everybody is getting squeezed, businesses, consumers, homeowners… Everybody!" 
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Monday May 2nd 2011 - links page 

More on Osama Bin Back From the Dead™.... 

Osama bin Laden’s Second Death  --- 
Special Note - A quote...."If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss as an April fool’s joke this morning’s headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan and quickly buried at sea. As it is, we must take it as more evidence that the US government has unlimited belief in the gullibility of Americans." - also posted at AlethoNews  ---
& GlobalRsrch  --- 
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Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?  --- 
Special Note - A quote...."Is Osama bin Laden still alive? I have dealt with this question in a recent little book entitled Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive?  The present essay summarizes the main points of this book." 
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Prove It!  --- 
Special Note - A quote...."Sunday Night Obama went on nationwide Television to announce that "Osama bin Laden is Dead." His speech is below, with my comments and other articles interspersed which challenge everything that Obama said. Obama has lied about everything he's done since he took office. He's broken every campaign promise he made prior to getting elected: But since he repeats this series of lies every time he speaks about 911 - it just seemed like a requirement to answer this fool with some of the facts concerning this topic." 
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Osama Bin Laden:  Dead - Yet Again!  --- 
Special Note - A quote...."With the US in the doldrums everywhere including at home, Obama and his advisors clearly thought now would be a really good time to bring great and humungous tidings to a hurting American people. A royal marriage seems to have worked for the recession hit British, why not the death of a make believe arch enemy for millions of ordinary American suffering the financial hardships derived – ironically – from the expense of the wars meant, so we were told, to have put an end to the actions of people like bin Laden." - also posted at AlethoNews
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Inside Sources: Bin Laden’s Corpse Has Been On Ice For Nearly a Decade  --- 
Special Note - A quote...."A multitude of different inside sources both publicly and privately, including one individual who personally worked with Bin Laden at one time, told us directly that Osama’s dead corpse has been on ice for nearly a decade and that his “death” would only be announced at the most politically expedient time." - Source:  PrisonPlanet  --- 
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What were They Thinking? Suspicions will Inevitably Grow about the Extermination of Osama bin Laden
Special Note - A quote...."This is supposed to be “closure”? -- Think about it a moment. The US had the living Osama bin Ladin in their hands, or at least trapped in a room last night! After almost 10 years, they had successfully cornered the guy who allegedly managed to mastermind the biggest, most disasterous attack on the US in the modern history of the country--perhaps of all time--a coordinated aerial assault on the financial and military hearts of the world’s most powerful country, carried out with nothing but box cutters--an attack which managed to neutralize the mightiest air defense system in the world! And instead of bundling him into an orange jump suit, putting a bag over his head and bringing him in for interrogation, like they’ve done to hundreds of other lesser captives in the so-called decade-long “War on Terror,” they “double-tapped” him on the spot? No stun grenade? No disabling gas? No shot to the legs or groin. It's reported that they had already "secured" the rest of the grounds, so it's not like the guy was going anywhere." -- also posted at AlethoNews
& Uruknet  --- 
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OBL IS DEAD and the Terror ConMen Rejoice in Chorus of Kumbaya  --- 
Special Note - A quote...."This morning when I heard that the US Military dumped the body out at sea I fell off my chair laughing. Yeah, even more than when Colon Powell showed us those cartoons of Saddam’s Trucks with WMDs. Really! That was the funniest thing I’ve heard in years. - I said to myself “did they really just say that?”. I had to make sure they were not pulling a joke. But there it was, right there on the TV, the CNN anchor saying it with a straight face. Wow!" 
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Osama Bin Laden has Been Dead For a While!.Show Me the Body like Saddam Husseins Two Sons Were Put on Display
A quote...."This smells to high heaven and seems like an act of political desperation. It has been confirmed by many sources Bin Laden could not survive in a cave because he needed kidney dialysis. The CIA asset died of natural causes many years ago. Every video and audio recording was a fake and a fraud concocted by our intelligence agencies to raise terrorist warnings for political purposes." - also posted at AlethoNews  --- 
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The Ten Years Hate  --- 
A quote...."Winston’s diaphragm was constricted. He could never see the face of Goldstein without a painful mixture of emotions. It was a lean Jewish face, with a great fuzzy aureole of white hair and a small goatee beard—a clever face, and yet somehow inherently despicable, with a kind of senile silliness in the long thin nose, near the end of which a pair of spectacles was perched. It resembled the face of a sheep, and the voice, too, had a sheep-like quality. Goldstein was delivering his usual venomous attack upon the doctrines of the Party...." 
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Afghanistan: Where Even the Taliban Don't Care About Bin Laden  ---,8599,2069101,00.html 
Special Geo-Political Note - A quote...."Considering how closely tied their histories have been, the Taliban in Afghanistan have yet to release a statement on the death of Osama bin Laden. The group isn't being uncommunicative; it just doesn't quite know what to say for now. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told TIME: "We have not received any word from our leadership on Osama's death. I can't confirm that he is dead or alive. Because of some security problems, the Taliban has not had much contact with Osama bin Laden for the past 10 years." [That's because he's been dead for the last ten years! - mpg] In a striking show of the divisions that had crept up between the Taliban and bin Laden's organization, Mujahid added that, "The activity of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan was unimportant. All activities were and continue to be conducted by the Taliban." - bold by website editor 
also posted at Uruknet  --- 
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Osama bin Laden corpse photo is fake  --- 
Special Note - Photos - A quote...."An image apparently showing a dead Osama bin Laden broadcast on Pakistani television and picked up by British newspaper websites is a fake. -- The bloodied image of a man with matted hair and a blank, half-opened eye has been circulating on the internet for the past two years. It was used on the front pages of the Mail, Times, Telegraph, Sun and Mirror websites, though swiftly removed after the fake was exposed on Twitter." 
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Image of dead bin Laden fake: Pakistani TV
Special Note - Photos - A quote...."ISLAMABAD: Pakistani television stations Monday withdrew an image broadcast of the purported body of Osama bin Laden after his killing not far from Islamabad overnight, saying the picture was a fake. -- Several private channels showed what they called an “unverified” picture of bin Laden’s bloodied face after the United States said he had been killed. -- “It was a fake picture, it was on the Internet in 2009,” Rana Jawad, Islamabad bureau chief of Geo television, told AFP. -- “When we checked we found it was fake and we pulled it out,” he said."
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Obama [Supposedly] Gets Osama!! – Special Report by Adrian Salbuchi
Video - Alt  ---  ---  (YuTb - 9min07sec - May 2, 2011) - Source:  arsalbuchi  ---  ---  A quote...."Barack Hussein Obama caught and killed Osama Bin Laden… Then he dumped his body into the sea… Is one hand washing the other? Are Obama and Osama two sides of the same coin? Is the Global Power Elite setting the stage for a horrible False Flag attack that will dwarf 9/11??? " 
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Gagged By Huffington Post For Questioning Official Bin Laden Assassination Story
Media Runs Fake Photo To Illustrate Bin Laden Death Propaganda
Fake Picture Used As Osama Bin Laden Was On A Forum In 2010! (Pics)
Guardian: 'Dead bin Laden image is fake'
PhotoSYOPshop®: Faking Osama bin Dead for a While's Corpse Photos
Mainstream Media Blames Fake OBL Photo Used By Mainstream Media On “Conspiracy Theorists”
White House Spokesman Says bin Laden “shot through the left eye” - (Just like in the fake photo, it's laughable)
Obama's "Big Lie": White House Propaganda and the “Death” of Osama bin Laden
Bin Laden Fictional Film Comes To An End
Red Alert: Government Had Osama bin Laden Frozen for Years
Bin Laden Body Disappears As Media Questions Whereabouts And Other Discrepencies In Feds’ Story
Announcement of Osama Bin Laden's Death Is A Staged Psychological Warfare Operation  ---
Alt  --- 
Unanswered questions on US raid that killed bin Laden
'Bin Laden was killed years ago' - video
FLASHBACK: Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video
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Topix ||  US Fake Intel / Propaganda - Osama bin Long Gone  ||
||  Judeo-Christian C/C & US - Rita Katz  ||
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US official: New tape may be last from bin Laden
Actual transcript of the tape obtained by Michael Rivero from WhatReallyHappened  ---  ---  A quote...." 

"Dear schmucks. I mean infidels, It is I, Ozama Binladen. No, really, it is me, and you're a filthy anti-Semite if you doubt it for a second."   

"Anyway, where was I. Oh yeah; the putz, I mean my good buddy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad just gave me a wonderful Passover, I mean Ramadan present. It's a nuclear weapon. Kinda like the ones we... I mean the Israelis have at Dimona, only they don't have them, so this is nothing like those, and you're a filthy anti-Semite if you doubt it for a second."    

"So anyway, my good buddy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who loves to give me nice hugs and shoulder rubs, he gave me this bomb and he said, 'use it on the great Satan of America', and so that is what I am gonna do as revenge for you killing me yesterday."   

"So remember, when you see that bright flash of light and hear the big baddaboom, you should all think 'Arabs, Arabs, Arabs.' So, Shalom... I mean, Salami L'Chaim, or whatever. I'm Ozama, and you're a filthy anti-Semite if you doubt it for a second. "   
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More On The Domestic Situation.... 

New Documents Reveal Massive FBI Secret Spyware Operation Ran Through Social Networking Sites
Web Under Threat - A quote...."(Higgins) – The Electronic Frontier Foundation has published a series of documents detailing a secret FBI spyware operation that targets security vulnerabilities in users computers and installs spyware from social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook." 
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Police State Kicks Into Overdrive On Dubious News of Osama Takedown
A quote...."As expected, the unverified assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan has led to increased police state activity in the United States." 
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The Second Republic Solution – Adrian Salbuchi on The Corbett Report
Video - Alt  ---  ---  (YuTb - 15min30sec - May 2, 2011) - Source:  corbettreport  ---  ---  A quote...."(CorbettReport) – Writer, researcher and financial analyst Adrian Salbuchi joins The Corbett Report from Argentina to discuss the Second Republic Project, a decentralized, multi-national movement to restore national sovereignty, reclaim (or establish) republican institutions and remove the debt-based monetary system that is enslaving so many throughout the world." 
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War by Deception 2011 The shadow government and shadow economy  --- 
Video - Alt  ---  ---  (YuTb - 2hrs28min 42sec - Feb 1, 2011) - Source:  chalkboardwarrior
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What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – May 2nd, 2011  --- 
Part 2  --- 
MRVideo - Alt/Vid1  ---  ---  Alt/Vid2  ---  ---  (JustInTV - 2hrs - May 2nd, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids  ---  ---  Michael Rivero extensively covers the "Osama bin Photo-Shopped" extravaganza, the US-NRE's long history of using false-flags and propaganda to fulfill the avarice of this nation's parasites, the on-going nuclear disaster in Japan, Obama's illegal war on Libya, the "Money Junkies" spree of destruction across the planet, and many other issues. - mpg 
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More On The International Situation.... 

The Libyan War, American Power and the Decline of the Petrodollar System  --- 
Special Note - Quote of the Day...."My own take on this war, ~  is that it is both ill-conceived and dangerous  -- a threat to the interests of Libyans, Americans, the Middle East and conceivably the entire world. Beneath the professed concern about the safety of Libyan civilians lies a deeper concern that is barely acknowledged: the West’s defense of the present global petrodollar economy, now in decline.. -- The confusion in Washington, matched by the absence of discussion of an overriding strategic motive for American involvement, is symptomatic of the fact that the American century is ending, and ending in a way that is both predictable in the long run, and simultaneously erratic and out of control in its details." 
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Iraq: Let us not forget what "humanitarian intervention" looks like  --- 
Special Note - A quote...."Unfortunately, they've lost just about everything else as well. Twenty years of American bombing, invasion, occupation and torture have led to the people of that unhappy land losing their homes, their schools, their electricity, their clean water, their environment, their neighborhoods, their archaeology, their jobs, their careers, their professionals, their state-run enterprises, their physical health, their mental health, their health care, their welfare state, their women's rights, their religious tolerance, their safety, their security, their children, their parents, their past, their present, their future, their lives ... more than half the population either dead, disabled, in prison, or in foreign exile ... the air, soil, water, blood and genes drenched with depleted uranium ... the most awful birth defects ... unexploded cluster bombs lie in wait for children ... a river of blood runs alongside the Euphrates and Tigris ... through a country that may never be put back together again." - also posted at Uruknet  --- 
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Arab mass uprising slowly affecting US allies Afghanistan and Pakistan
Special Note - A quote...."US, (Pal Telegraph) - Monday’s jail break in Afghan city of Kandahar, freeing more than 500 Taliban fighters, is the latest of the events signaling the growing Afghan resistance against the US-led NATO forces which seem to be losing grip over the country in the face of regrouping Taliban fighters. The US military invasion and occupation of Afghanistan will soon reach the 10-year mark." 
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US Kills 3 Afghan Children  --- 
A quote...."May 01, 2011 "Press TV" -- US-led forces have shelled civilian houses during a military operation in a district in Logar province, a Press TV correspondent reported on Sunday. -- One woman and his seven-year-old boy were also injured in the attack. -- The US-led military alliance has confirmed the incident and casualties. -- Meanwhile, scores of tribal leaders staged a protest rally to condemn the attack and to call for an end to deadly attacks on civilians." - Source:  PressTV  --- 
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Iranian state TV carries report of Israeli build-up  --- 
A quote...."TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iranian state television ran a report Monday saying Israeli military aircraft were massing at a U.S. air base in Iraq for a strike on Iran. -- Israel said it had no knowledge of such a strike plan, as reported on the website of Iran's English-language Press TV, and Iraq's air force commander denied the report. The Pentagon dismissed it as "ridiculous." 
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'Iran air defense reaches high altitude'  ---  ---  Iran's getting ready. - mpg 
A quote...."A senior Iranian commander says Iran's integrated air defense system is capable of protecting the country's airspace at altitudes as high as 80,000 feet. " -- We.....shall....see....mpg 
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Russia to deliver 3 combat helicopters to Peru next week  --- 
A quote...."The Peruvian Air Force will receive next week three Russian combat helicopters intended for military operations against drugs trafficking and terrorism, Peru's defense minister said." 
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The Assault On Libya....

'No blitzkrieg for NATO in Libya - now things get nasty'  --- 
RTVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (RTYuTb - 1min47sec - May 2, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday  ---  ---  A quote...."In Lybia, the bodies of Gaddafi's son and three grand children, reportedly killed in a NATO air strike, have been shown on state TV. NATO says they intercepted military communications from the targeted site, before launching the attack. The incident caused outrage among pro-Gaddafi supporters, with angry mobs storming foreign embassies in the capital Tripoli. The British and Italian offices suffered the most damage, with the UN deciding to withdraw staff from Libya after it's buildings were also attacked." 
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Leave Libya or we will bring you down, allies tell Berlusconi
A quote...."Italy's belated decision to join the military campaign against Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has brought fresh political woes for Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, with opposition to the bombing threatening to sink his fragile coalition." 
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Britain loses support for Libya war  --- 
A quote...."Britain's already lukewarm popular support for the Libyan war is now suffering growing unease amid a stepped up Western military offensive against the country." 
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Libya: Terrorists Are Us?
Libya: The Bizarro War -- We’re killing civilians in order to save them
Alt  --- 
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More on the World Wide Revolution.... 

Al Jazeera's War on Syria  --- 
Presstitution Exposed - (Yeah, this website editor has noticed Al Jazeera has been bent for months on certain issues, it looks like the Saudi Royals own them. Uruknet has similar problems, although not as bad or obvious. - mpg) - A quote...."A previous article discussed Al Jazeera's war on Gaddafi, accessed through the following link:  ---  ---  Discussing its recent programming, it explained how compromised it's become. For example on Libya, it's been largely Western/Qatari propaganda, not legitimate news, information, and analysis. -- It's Syria coverage has been similar, providing its host country regime friendly reporting. Qatar is part of the Washington-led NATO anti-Gaddafi coalition. Shamelessly, Al Jazeera News channel (JNC) is on board supporting it." 
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SYRIA: Who is Behind The Protest Movement? Fabricating a Pretext for a US-NATO "Humanitarian Intervention"
A quote...."There is evidence of gross media manipulation and falsification from the outset of the protest movement in southern Syria on March 17th." 
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Bahrain Arrests Opposition Leaders After Public Criticism  --- 
A quote...."Following an interview on al-Jazeera TV in which he blasted the regime, opposition MP Mattar Ibrahim Mattar was arrested by the Bahraini government today, along with MP Jawad Ferooz, the Vice President of the Wefaq Party." - also posted at AlethoNews
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Regime attacks Yemeni protesters  --- 
A quote...."Yemeni regime forces attack hundreds of thousands of protesters, who poured into the streets in Sana'a to demand President Ali Abdullah Saleh's prosecution."  
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Protester killed in Yemen  --- 
A quote...."Aden: One Yemeni protester was killed yesterday when the army opened fire on a demonstration in the south demanding the speedy trial of security men suspected of killing a man in custody, witnesses said." 
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Saudi activists call for massive rallies  --- 
A quote...."Saudi activists have called for massive demonstrations east of the country to protest against arbitrary detention of anti-government protesters." 
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Yemen's president refuses to sign deal
Leading activist seized in Syrian roundup
Syria offers amnesty, arrests up
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants.... 

Fukushima radiation levels rise to highest levels yet  --- Alert - A quote...."As the twenty-fifth anniversary of Chernobyl passes, Fukushima looks set to overtake it as the world’s worst nuclear disaster. Two weeks ago Fukushima was raised from a level 5 disaster to a level 7 like Chernobyl. But nearly two months after the crisis began, Fukushima is still emitting radioactivity, while Chernobyl’s emissions had been contained at this stage." - also posted at Uruknet
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Japan To Release Fukushima Nuclear In Radiation Forecasts That Were Censored To Avoid Panic Ordinary People
A quote...."As previously reported Japan’s top nuclear official resigned over Japan subjecting children to inhumane levels of radiation and Japan’s censoring of Fukushima nuclear radiation forecasts.  ---  ---  Following that news came widespread stark criticism against Japan’s weather chief for recommending the nuclear radiation forecasts be censored in the first case. The weather chief recommended that the forecasts be censored “to avoid causing panic in ordinary people”.  ---  ---  Now that news that Japan covered up the radiation forecasts has made international news headlines Japan is being forced to release over 5,000 radiation forecasts." 
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Radiation News 05-2-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (7 articles)
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More On The Palestinian Situation.... 

Oppressing West Bank Palestinian Children  --- 
A quote...."The Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations is a Beirut, Lebanon-based organization engaged in "strategic and futuristic studies on the Arab and Muslim worlds, (highlighting) the Palestinian issue." -- In spring 2010, it published a Britain-Palestine All Party Parliamentary Group (BPAPPG) study, including the widespread detention of Palestinian children titled, "Under Occupation: A Report on the West Bank,"  ---  ---  discussed below." - Source:  SteveLendman  --- 
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Palestinians to ink reconciliation deal  --- 
A quote...."Major Palestinian factions of Hamas and Fatah prepare to ink a reconciliation deal in Egypt following a recent agreement to form a unity government."
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Mashal Meets Egypt’s Security Chief  --- 
A quote...."Head of the Political Bureau of the Hamas movement, Khaled Mashal, met on Monday with Egypt’s Security Chief, Murad Muwafi, and a number of Egyptian security leaders." 
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Settlers [Homeless Jewish Vagrants] set fire to Huwwara prayer hall  --- 
A quote...."Ultra-orthodox [mentally unstable] Jewish Israeli settlers [homeless vagrants] raided the northern west Bank town of Huwwara in the early morning hours of Tuesday and according to residents set fire [to] a prayer hall in the local school." 
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More On The Economic Situation.... 

S&P downgrades US debt outlook – On the Edge with Max Keiser
PRSTVVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (PRSTVYuTb - 10min32sec - Apr 30, 2011) - Source:  PressTVGlobalNews  ---  ---  A quote...."(PressTV) – Standard & Poor’s (S&P) is a United States-based financial services company that publishes financial research and analysis on stocks and bonds. In its latest rating, the Agency looked at the US Government Treasury bond and said that there is a1 in 3 chance that US will lose its triple A (AAA: the highest rating available) rating. -- Max is joined by Karl Denninger of to ask him about his thoughts about the issue." 
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Bankers, Treasury Bubbles, and the Painful Consequenes
A quote...."We keep searching Congress for leadership and all we see and hear is compromises and moneyed footsteps leading back to their controllers on Wall Street and in banking. We find few willing to stand up to the military industrial complex or the moneyed powers that control our country. Spending restraint is very difficult to find." 
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As Food Stamp Recipients Hit New Record, 400 Americans Account For 10% Of Capital Gains
A quote...."Today SNAP released the most recent food stamp numbers. Not surprisingly, we just saw another all time high 44.2 million poverty-level Americans relying on government funding for day to day sustenance. Granted the number appears to be plateauing, so all those who bought the change if not the ho[y]pe, can rejoice as it may start declining next month: a development that is sure to be herald for Obama a 4th Putin-esque term. That said, another number that has to be kept in perspective and for which we have to thank none other than Pauly-K is that offsetting these 44.2 million of impoverished Americans who can get a tax refund for writing off the American dream, are 400 Americans who accounted for 10%, or $91 billion of total, in capital gains taxes, or said otherwise, 400 US taxpayers account for 10% of all capital gains in 2007! We are currently going through old issues of Pravda to see if the Communist empire ever achieved this kind of social disparity between the nomenklatura and the proletariat (it didn't)." 
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And Scene: CME Hikes Silver Margin For Third Time In 7 Days, Raises Initial, Maintenance Margins By 12%
Silver Bug Alert - Must be more "ol'dat free market" in action....yep. - mpg -- A quote...."Last week two silver margin hikes of 9% and 10% did nothing, which is why this week's first hike (of many more) by 12% to the maintenance and initial margins was to be completely expected. We believe that nothing short of 100% margin (coupled with not one single ES margin hike by the Globex) will eventually placate the ardent Comex risk managers who are terrified their models may end up being wrong about "stuff." One thing is certain: the panic is palpable." - bold by website editor - It sure is. - mpg 
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April ISM Falls, Prices Paid At Highest Since July 2008, "No Commodities Down In Price"
A quote...."....the most important metric as always remains the Price Paid, which after rising once again from 85.0 to 85.5, above expectations, is at the highest since July 2008. Then again, by now our thesis of (more than) transitory inflation can be appreciate by everyone." 
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China to dump two-thirds of U.S. debt reserves?  --- 
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Amid near-daily reports that the U.S. dollar continues to slide in value comes a report that China, the largest holder of U.S. debt, is considering dumping two-thirds of its dollar reserves, which currently stand at about $3.04 trillion." 
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Conventional farmers won’t eat their own food  --- 
Video - Alt  ---  ---  (YuTb - 2min33sec - Apr 29, 2011) - Source:  TheHealthRanger  ---  ---  A quote...."In this interview with organic vegetable farmed "Brad," 
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14 signs that the collapse of our modern world has already begun  --- 
A quote...."(NaturalNews) -A lot of people believe the world as we know it is going to end on December 23, 2012. Nonsense, I say. The far more honest answer is that the end of the world as we know it has already begun. And it doesn’t mean the end of the world; it means the closing of one era and the birth of a new one. It is a transition between the ages. This particular transition, however, promises to be the most tumultuous and costly transition humankind has ever seen." 
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Sunday May 1st 2011

More Tales From The Zio-Sphere.....

Arab winter: Israel has urged US to intervene to prop up Saudi monarchy
A quote...."FYI: Americans ought to know they are now also to be politically obligated to defend the House of Saud. From the Wall Street Journal, Ted Koppel carries the water from Jerusalem...."

"The Israeli government is so concerned that America's adversaries may miscalculate U.S. intentions that it is privately urging Washington to make it clear that the U.S. would intervene in Saudi Arabia should the survival of that government be threatened." - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||

Panic from the Houses of Congress and Aipac?
Quote of the Day...."Congressman Eric Cantor lamented that “Israel is badly losing the US College campuses”, despite heavy financial investments the past few years to curb American students growing support for Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, all dreaded symbols of the growing opposition to the 19th Century Zionist colonial enterprise. Support for Palestine is skyrocketing he claimed. “Until Palestine is freed from Zionist occupation no Arab or Muslim is truly free of Western hegemony,” according to one assistant editor of Harvard University’s student newspaper, the Crimson."

Gilad Atzmon: What Are They Afraid of?
A quote...."UK Zionist network, together with half a dozen Sayanim* within the Jewish Palestinian solidarity network, seem to be strongly united this week. -- Acting as a joint effort, they are trying to stifle freedom of speech: they seem to be horrified by the idea that a panel of intellectuals, journalists and an artist plan to explore the intriguing bond between Israel, Zionism and ‘Jewishness’, and thus far they have harassed panelists, threatened an academic institute and have spread lies, smears and defamation."

Paris court convicts Israeli doctor of slander
Israeli Propaganda Exposed - A quote...."A Paris court on Friday convicted the doctor, a reporter and the editor of Jewish News Weekly, of defaming Jamal Ad-Durra. The three were fined 1,000 euros each and ordered to pay 5,000 euros in damages. -- MK Ahmad Tibi [Israeli Arab Knesset member] urged the Israeli Medical Association and the Ministry of Health to prosecute the doctor, noting that misusing and distorting confidential medical files is a criminal offense." - also posted at AlethoNews

Israel Won’t Transfer $89 Million in Funds Owed to Palestinians
A bunch of snot-nosed, punk-ass, little thieves! - mpg -- A quote...."Israeli Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz announced today that his government will stop all transfers of cash owed to the Palestinian Authority, starting with $89 million in funds they were due to send in the next week."
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More On The Domestic Situation....

The Joker is Wild: Imperial Party Masks Murder Abroad
Must Read - A quote....."It was one of those horrific juxtapositions that an imperial state breeds in abundance: the emperor joking at a luxurious banquet with fawning courtiers, while his agents are killing innocent children on a distant frontier. -- Such was the scene this weekend, as President Barack Obama enjoyed his star turn at the White House Correspondents Dinner, that sick-making orgy of cuddly collusion between the media and political elites. In recent years, the sycophantic shindig has turned into a veritable Oscars Night for the political set. (And increasingly the Hollywood set as well; one of the major stories of the big night was that Dinner guests Sean Penn and Scarlett Johansson were seen holding hands as they left one of the many glittering "after-parties" attached with the event! I mean, OMG! No wonder it got screaming headlines at HuffPo -- that bastion of hard-hitting progressive journalism.)"

Renouncing Empire
Special Note - A quote...."The peoples of the world once looked up to America and Americans. They held them in high respect and esteem. They respected their ideals. They respected their know-how and products." - also posted at ICH & DProgram

Gerald Celente on Jeff Rense – April 27th, 2011
GCVideo - Alt - (GCYuTb - 42min 03sec - Apr 29, 2011) - Source:  GeraldCelenteChannel

Demystifying The Collapse Of American Society
A quote...."Charles Darrow created the Board-game, "MONOPOLY," Which was once about the pitfalls between Power & Impotence."

Normalizing Evil: The NY Times' Curious Take on the Gitmo Files
Special Note - Presstitution Exposed - (The NYT....again!) -- A quote....."More confirmation of imperial perfidy is on tap today from the trove of classified files originally obtained by WikiLeaks on the U.S. concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay. Most of the information released so far was already known -- to the very, very few who cared to find out -- having emerged in dribs and drabs and fragments in various places over the years. But to see it gathered together, in raw form, in the words of the perpetrators and accomplices of this vast, still-ongoing crime, is a powerful, and sickening, experience." - Topix  ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  - Updated!!  ||

Why I Hung Up on a New York Times Reporter
A quote...."Yesterday morning, a New York Times Op-Ed writer called me. He wanted to write a piece where I am quoted. I chose not to talk to him. - I asked him straight out: "How did you get my phone number?" He said a staffer had retrieved it. The number is unlisted. - I told him I was busy. I was in the middle of my monthly Remnant Review piece. I had a deadline to meet. - I told him to compliment his researcher."

Susan Rice’s Viagra Hoax: The New Incubator Babies
(Ridiculous) Propaganda Exposed - A quote...."On Thursday, US ambassador Susan Rice announced that Libyan government troops were being issued Viagra and told to rape as a terror weapon. She made the comment as part of a debate with another envoy to highlight that “the coalition is confronting an adversary doing reprehensible things.” Several diplomats said Rice provided no evidence for the Viagra allegation, which they said was made in an attempt to persuade doubters the conflict in Libya was not just a standard civil war but a much nastier fight in which Gadhafi is not afraid to order his troops to commit heinous acts."
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More on Osame Bin Back From the Dead™....

Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government
(More Ridiculous) Propaganda Exposed - A quote...."On May 1, just moments before president Barack Obama announced that the US had killed Osama Bin Laden, the WhatReallyHappened website came under a massive denial of service attack.  this page, which documents that Osama Bin Laden actually died in December of 2001, appears to be what the White House didn't want available while the new propaganda was "catapulted forward"."

BREAKING NEWS: Osama bin Dead awhile
A quote...."I thought it might have been April 1st, not May 1st when I heard the announcement from Geraldo Rivera but, yes, Osama bin Laden is finally -- officially -- dead.   The article below reveals what a newsflash this really is."

Bin Laden Is Dead ... But Why Didn't We Kill Him 10 Year Ago?
He probably was, if it's his body (a big assumption) and they examine it, they'll find his tissues had been damaged from being frozen.  He's been stored in a Saudi Freezer for just this purpose.  The other theory is that they've kept him alive and knew where he was all along and were just using him, however if that were true, they would NOT have had Rita Katz and others of her ilk running around for the last ten years sub-contracting all those fake audio and video tapes of him. They would have used the real thing. - mpg -- A quote...."President Obama announced tonight that U.S. special forces killed Osama Bin Laden. -- That's great ... but we could have killed him years ago."

Topix ||  US Fake Intel / Propaganda - Osama bin Long Gone  ||  Judeo-Christian C/C & US - Rita Katz  ||
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More On The International Situation....

Lies Can Cost Lives

April deadliest month for US in Iraq since 2009
Now headlines like this make this website editor really angry.  As we all know it's an obvious lie because our great and fearless leader, along with all of Congress, and most importantly, our glorious mass-media, have all repeatedly stated, sometimes breathlessly, sometimes worshipfully, always loudly, FOR MONTHS, since August of 2010, that we've achieved a wonderful "victory" in Iraq and how combat operations were over and done with and how there were absolutely, positively, no longer any combat troops in Iraq.

So to the families of all those so-called dead soldiers and to all those in our vaunted military....stop pretending....stop lying about casualties and deaths that are simply figments of your over-active imaginations.  Stop gold-bricking and asking for hand-outs that you don't deserve for non-existent dead and wounded soldiers that don't really, actually, exist.

If you can't - or won't -  perhaps you should all seek psychological consoling immediately for your "personality disorders" or "psychological problems" or even be incarcerated for your fraudulent claims.

In fact, if you people in the military "can't handle the truth" that there's no combat operations in Iraq anymore, that we've already "won", that it was a "cake walk", that we're "liberators" who brought "freedom and democracy" to the poor widdle Iraqis, Iraqis who lined up in joyous celebration of our occupation, Iraqis who "welcomed us with open arms", that you're now there in Iraq simply as "advisers",  you should seriously consider leaving the service.

So remember folks, any reports of casualties from now on are simply caused by dis-loyal elements within the government, the military or the mass media, --  peaceniks, terrorists and other assorted malcontents  -- and they should ALL be punished severely. - mpg

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Pakistan’s Boldness Reveals America's [The New Roman Empire's] Weakness
A quote...."On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Pakistan has urged Afghanistan to reject a long-term strategic partnership with the United States. This revelation, following a string of other troubling developments in the decade-long war, makes it abundantly clear that Pakistan’s growing assertiveness is linked directly to the widespread perception in Pakistan of American weakness in Afghanistan." - also posted at AlethoNews - And widespread anger at what the US-NRE has already done to Pakistan. - mpg

US to use Afghanistan as base for drone attacks in Pakistan - And everybody else in the area. - Posted @ UT
A quote...."US is shifting its terror-killer drones from Pakistan to Afghanistan after Islamabad asked it to shut down UAV bases on its territory, but America has vowed to continue hitting militants based in Pakistan’s tribal areas. -- Pakistan has asked CIA to remove its personnel from the Shamsi airbase, about 350 kms southwest of Baluchistan’s capital Quetta, where some of the drones are based, ‘New York Times’ reported quoting senior American officials."

America's New Middle East Agenda
Must Read - A quote...."A previous article on Syria quoted Middle East analyst Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, explaining Washington's longstanding plan to "creat(e) an arc of instability, chaos, and violence extending from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria to Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Iran, and the borders of NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan." -- He explained it also includes redrawing the Eurasian map, balkanizing or reconfiguring countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, perhaps Baltic states, the entire Persian Gulf, Syria, Lebanon, and, of course, Libya to assure Western control of its valued resources, besides already having created three Iraqs. The strategy involves "divid(ing) and conquer(ing to serve) Anglo-American and Israeli interests in the broader region."

US Intervention In Syria
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."Despite genuine popular Middle East/North Africa uprisings, Washington's dirty hands orchestrated regime change plans in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Jordan, and Syria as part of its "New Middle East" project." - also posted at RevoltOfThePlebs - Source: SteveLendman

Syria to become Lybia 2.0?
Related RTVideo - (RTYuTb - 6min03sec - Apr 29, 2011) - Source:  RTAmerica -- A quote...."A statement issued by three US senators called for President Obama to take action against Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. America was founded on the ethos of non-interventionism, says journalist James Corbett, and while Obama just recently said that the US can't be there to help everyone, how does America pick and chose when to come to the rescue? Will American intervention in Syria become Libya 2.0? Corbett discusses with RT's Kristine Frazao the potential expansion of democracy as America considers "helping out" once again."

The Assault On Libya....

The Invasion of Libya: Behind the US-NATO Attack are Strategies of Economic Warfare
Special Note - A quote...."What interests are at stake emerged from an article in the Wall Street Journal, the influential business and finance daily newspaper (“For West's Oil Firms, No Love Lost in Libya”). After the lifting of sanctions in 2003, Western oil companies flocked to Libya with high expectations; they have been disappointed by the results. The Libyan government, under a system known as EPSA-4, granted operating licenses to foreign companies that left the Libyan state company (National Oil Corporation of Libya, NOC) with the highest percentage of the extracted oil: given the strong competition, it came to about 90 percent. "The EPSA-4 contracts contained the toughest terms in the world," says Bob Fryklund, former president of the U.S.-based ConocoPhillips in Libya. (WSJ) - also posted at PrisonPlanet

Annals of a Golden Age: Peace Laureate Surpasses Reagan in Killing Gadafy Kin
A quote...."O how wonderful it is to live in such an enlightened age! Just think: not long ago, the U.S. government was seen as little more than a vast war machine -- brutal, murderous, inhumane, bent on global domination. Yet now, by some marvelous, miraculous twist of fate, that same government is being led by a Nobel Peace Prize laureate! It's as if Lyndon Johnson had been turfed out of office back in the day and replaced by Martin Luther King Jr.!"

The Door to Peace is Closed: NATO Kills Gadhafi’s Grandchildren
Related Article - A quote...."This evening NATO forces attacked the home of one of Gadhafi’s sons in a residential district killing the son, Saif al-Arab, who was a civilian and student. Also killed were 3 of Gadhafi’s civilian grand children. NATO had  rejected Gadhafi’s request for a cease-fire earlier the same day as the attack because they claim erroneously that he has been targeting civilians."

Reagan 1, Obama 4: Killing Gaddafi's Children
Related Article - A quote...."“Obama just killed Gaddafi’s 29 year old son and three of his grandchildren in a series of “surgical” NATO air strikes." - also posted at AlethoNews & Uruknet

Libya disabled children school hit in NATO strike
A quote...."TRIPOLI, April 30 (Reuters) - Shattered glass litters the carpet at the Libyan Down's Syndrome Society, and dust covers pictures of grinning children that adorn the hallway, thrown into darkness by a NATO strike early on Saturday."

Regional armies on alert as Libya crisis deepens
Special Geo-Political Note - A quote...."BAMAKO (AFP) – Army chiefs from Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Algeria are on alert as the crisis in nearby Libya deteriorates, placing the entire region at risk, a military source said on Saturday. -- Speaking after a meeting Friday between the four army heads, a Malian officer who attended said: "The situation in Libya is of great concern. There is a risk of destabilising the entire region." -- The meeting was to reinforce the fight against insecurity in a region threatened by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)."

Backlash in Tripoli: Protesters Burn Embassies Over Gadhafi Son’s Killing
Libya crisis: UN leaves Tripoli amid mob attacks
Libya regime offers Misrata rebels amnesty
Russia aware of allies' ground campaign plans in Libya - Lavrov - Alt
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More on the World Wide Revolution....

Bahrain Slams Foreign Media for Description of Protesters Sentenced to Death
A quote...."The Bahraini government’s Information Affairs Authority (IAA) issued a statement this weekend angrily condemning the global media for its coverage of the trial of several Shi’ite protesters sentenced to death."

Shia in Bahrain: Repression and regression
A quote...."A new age of repression against Shia in Bahrain is being fuelled by the government, and Iran wants to see that changed."

GCC Aims to Start Over as Yemen Peace Process Collapses
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants....

Cesium Radiation In San Francisco California Milk Spike To Highest Yet — 13.24 pCi/l Alert - A quote...."In my last report on the levels of radiation in San Fransisco, California milk UCB detected iodine radiation in raw milk at levels 2600% above the EPA drinking water limit."

Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation
A quote...."TWENTY-FIVE years after Chernobyl, many billions of dollars are at stake if the Fukushima reactor meltdowns cause the so-called "atomic renaissance'' to halt or even slow down. This is evident from the nuclear industry's vociferous attacks on its critics."

Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Japan Nuclear Technology Institute Senior Advisor Says "Reactors 1, 2, 3 All Had Complete Meltdown"  - Contains Video - Alt -- A quote...."(UPDATED with the video in question at the end. He says not only the fuels have melted down completely but some of them may already be outside the Pressure Vessels."

Japan Weather Chief Censored Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Forecasts To “Prevent Panic in Ordinary People”
A quote...."The Mainichi daily news is reporting the chief of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Hiroshi Niino aprofessor at the University of Tokyo, is drawing strong criticism from the academic community in Japan for issuing a gag order to censor Fukushima nuclear radiation forecasts from the public."

Radiation News 04-30-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (7 articles & videos)
Extremely High Levels Of Nuclear Cesium Radiation Found In Japan Sewer Systems
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Palestinian Reconciliation ..... between Reality & Wishful thinking
A quote...."Gaza, May 1, Israel spewed continuous reactions on the Palestinian awaited reconciliation before dragging Egypt into a media-war. Netanyahy, Lieberman, many other Israeli ministers and many other Israeli officials and Army chiefs rushed to express their rage about a possible Palestinian unity asking USA, UN, EU and the world to step against this Palestinian unity because now –as they see- Palestinian unity will impose a danger on Israel."

Report: Mash'al arrives in Cairo for Abbas meet
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) -- Hamas leader in exile Khalid Mash'al arrived in Cairo Sunday night as head of a delegation from his Islamist party, Al-Jazeera reported, a day ahead a meeting with president Mahmoud Abbas, who arrived in the Egyptian capital earlier in the week."
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More On The Economic Situation....

When Does "Managed Perception" Become Reality?
A quote...."The Federal Reserve is quite open about the ultimate purpose of all its machinations: to "manage perceptions" so the citizenry believe the "recovery" is real. The Fed reckons that belief will cause people to start a new debt-consumption orgy that will fuel a self-reinforcing cycle of expansion. - Put another way: the Fed is trying to induce a reanimation of "animal spirits," i.e. a restored faith in future prosperity that inspires households to load up on more debt and buy, buy, buy." - So.....the new "faith based" economy.  You don't need manufacturing, or goods, or raw resources or even money "based" on anything at all, all you need is belief and endless amounts of paper. - mpg - Topix ||  The Virtual Economy - 05-01-09 - mpg  ||

No Buyers for Treasuries or Toxic Waste - Japan, China & the GCC are out of the market. - mpg
A quote...."We believe there will be something similar to a QE3 by another name and the Fed will probably have to create some $2.5 trillion to buy Treasuries, Agencies, and toxic waste and perhaps inject funds into the economy. Japan certainly won’t be a buyer and probably will be a seller. China has indicated that they won’t be purchasers in the future either. The question also arises concerning the continued purchase of these securities by countries in the oil producing Gulf States, which are in turmoil. The three countries make up 45% of Treasury purchases."

China May Buy $1 TRILLION of Gold: Bloomberg
Related Article - A quote...."In an otherwise quiet article about central banks today, Bloomberg quoted an analyst who says China may use up to a third of their $3 trillion in foreign reserves to purchase gold. -- China has been moving away from the dollar, and into alternative stores of wealth for years now. -- But $1 trillion into gold? If it happens, such a large move would further threaten the dollar's status as reserve currency. It would also provide further buying pressure in gold for years to come (as the dollar crumples into a pitiful heap on the floor)."

US Economic Confidence Sinks to 2011 Low; 55% Say Economy Still in Recession or Depression
A quote...."A pair of recent Gallup Polls shows distinct loss of confidence in the US economy. The first poll shows Americans' Economic Confidence at the 2011 Low. A second poll shows 55% still think the economy is in a recession, or worse."

BOJ Shirakawa warns Japan economic outlook "very severe"
A quote...."(Reuters) - Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa said on Saturday that the country's economic outlook was very severe and that the central bank would take appropriate action to support the economy."

Japan Resumes Hyprintspeed Part 1: A Look At The BOJ's Current, And Future, Quantitative Easing
Related Article - A quote...."While it will not surprise anyone that Japan, which for the past 3 decades has been a monetary policy basket case caught in what bankers like calling a deflationary spiral (yet which others like Sean Corrigan merely define as prices re-indexing to a fair value absent endless cheap credit crutches), has constantly had to resort to a record loose monetary policy coupled with endless episodes of quantitative easing, some may not know that over the past month Japan has seen its current account balance swell by $250 billion, or nearly half the entire Fed QE2 monetization mandate."

Saturday April 30th 2011 - links page

No posts. - mpg

Friday April 29th 2011 - links page 

More Tales From The Zio-Sphere..... 

Treason Fest - The best annual AIPACIsraeli butt-kissing conference is back in town!! - mpg
A quote...."Hey goys and girls, it’s that time of year again. Yup, it’s time for your so-called representatives in whore House and Senate to engage in the annual bacchanalian/sodomite freak show known as the AIPAC Policy Conference that runs from May 22-24 in downtown  WashingTelAvivton. Oh and this year there is a counter fest being held at the same time, and guess what, it’s being run by Palestinians. Well, actually it isn’t being run by Palestinians. It’s being run by the Vatican. Well, er, no it isn’t.  It’s actually being run by people who are afraid to let Helen Thomas speak. Pretty gutsy.  More on that later. But first let’s get to the ass-kissing and its repercussions for you and your loved ones." 
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Defender of the Israeli Rightwing - Eric Cantor and AIPAC  --- 
A quote...."In May 2009, Congressmen Eric Cantor (R., Va.) and Steny Hoyer (D., Md.) wrote to President Barack Obama about U.S. policy toward Israel. Their staff sent the letter as a PDF but forgot to change the name of the file to something other than "AIPAC Letter Hoyer Cantor May 2009.pdf."
also posted at AlethoNews  --- 
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Former U.S. Senator Slams the Israeli Lobby  --- 
A quote...."The United States can do without AIPAC, even though Israel most likely cannot."   
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More On The Domestic Situation.... 

The Federal Government Sold AK-47s To Mexican Gang  --- 
Video - Alt  ---  ---  This guy is great! - (YuTb - 3min45sec - Mar 1, 2011) - Source:  PropagandaBuster  ---  A quote...."The B.A.T.F.E (Bureau of Alcohol Tabaco Firearms and Explosives, formally A.T.F [Alcohol Tabaco Firearms]), has or had a program titled "Project Gunrunner" nicknamed "Project Gunwalker.) -- This program set up to trace gun sales in the USA to the drug cartels in Mexican, the drug gangs. A gun shop received an order from one person to purchase 575 AK47's, stating it was for personal use. The gun shop notified the BATFE, who urged the gun shop own to go through with the sales. The AK47's wound up in the hands of the drug cartels, along with about 2,500 other weapons flowing south under the watchful eye of the USA government -- BATFE (ATF)." 
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The Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA's Operation MOCKINGBIRD  --- 
A quote...."Soulless corporations do, of course. Corporations with grinning, double-breasted executives, interlocking directorates, labor squabbles and flying capital. Dow. General Electric. Coca-Cola. Disney. Newspapers should have mastheads that mirror the world: The Westinghouse Evening Scimitar, The Atlantic-Richfield Intelligentser . It is beginning to dawn on a growing number of armchair ombudsmen that the public print reports news from a parallel universe - one that has never heard of politically-motivated assassinations, CIA-Mafia banking thefts, mind control, death squads or even federal agencies with secret budgets fattened by cocaine sales - a place overrun by lone gunmen, where the CIA and Mafia are usually on their best behavior. In this idyllic land, the most serious infraction an official can commit is the employment of a domestic servant with (shudder) no residency status. -- This unlikely land of enchantment is the creation of MOCKINGBIRD." 
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UK activist nabbed for ‘thinking to protest’  --- 
Just don't tell'em what you're thinking, that way they'll have to torture it out of you....on second thought....oh NO, this website editor had a thought!  And you know what it is? Welcome to the Brave New World -- 1984 -- New Roman Empire folks.....Kafka would be so proud. - mpg
Source:  PressTV  --- 
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White House Threatens to Blacklist Paper for Covering Protest  --- 
Press Censorship - Contains Video - Alt  ---  ---  A quote...."The San Francisco Chronicle is apparently in trouble with the White House for posting video of a protest against the White House's treatment of suspected WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning. The Chronicle's Carolyn Lochhead reports...." 
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How Obama and Trump Imprison Voters — and How To Break Out
Special Note - A quote...."A group of demonstrators recently got into an Obama fundraiser to protest the imprisonment of Bradley Manning, the alleged source of the WikiLeaks cables. -- They sang a song to Obama. Part of it went: “We’ll vote for you in 2012, yes that’s true / Look at the Republicans — what else can we do?” -- Manning is not the only one who is in prison." -- Amen! Folks, you vote for Demos or Repubs, you're voting for "more of the same", and that truly is a waste of your votes. - mpg 
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Obama’s Birth Certificate: Not the Issue  --- 
Related Article - A quote...."Like it or not, your real government consists of unelected bankers and corporate special interests. The argument that Obama’ birth certificate makes-or-breaks his legitimacy pales in comparison to the realization that the entire office of the president has been usurped for at least 2 decades." 
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Activist Mark Dice: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True
AJVideo - MD&AJ(1/3)  ---  ---  MD&AJ(2/3)  ---  ---  MD&AJ(3/3)  ---  ---  Source:  TheAlexJonesChannel  ---  ---  A quote...."Alex welcomes back to the show activist and author Mark Dice. Alex and Mark will talk about the iPhone tracking controversy and other important news items. Mark’s latest book is "Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True", now available at the Infowars store...." 
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Keiser Report: Blind Cult of America (E142)  --- 
MKVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (skip the obnoxious advert as soon as you can) - (MKRTYuTb - 26min34sec - Apr 29, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday  ---  ---  Producer:  Max Keiser TV  ---  ---  A quote...."(RussiaToday) -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – This time Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, report on downgrades, gold bars and third worlds. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Chris Martenson about the breakdown drawing near!" 
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Broadcasting LIVE on - April 27 2011  --- 
Part2  --- 
MRVideo - (JustInTV - 2hrs - April 29th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids  ---  ---  Michael Rivero extensively covers the on-going disaster in Japan, Obama's illegal war on Libya, the "Money Junkies" spree of destruction across the planet, the faux Trump/Birther controversy, the Stuxnet Worm, how Fatah and Hamas have united (and how Israel is whining about it, along with many of their bought and paid for prostitutes in Washington DC), Egypt's opening of the border to Gaza (the blockade is broken, Hip Hip Hooray!!, and how Israel is whining about that too), how God is smiting the US-NRE (Mike's kidding, this website editor ISN'T), and many other issues. - mpg 
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More On The International Situation.... 

US meddled in 50 nations over 130 times in 121 years 
By The Numbers - A quote...."LAHORE: While the Pakistani rulers haplessly watch the Washington-triggered drones causing massive casualties on their soil regularly, they can perhaps seek solace in the fact that in a persistent bid to establish its hegemony over the world and to display its superior military might for its corporate gains, America has intruded in the affairs of at least 50 countries of the world over 130 times during the last 121 years." 
Source:  NewsInternational  --- 
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Maxed-out Wars: US military 'recycle' Bush style  --- 
RTVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (RTYuTb - 7min19sec - Apr 28, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday  ---  ---  A quote...."Barack Obama is expected to announce big changes to his national security team. He's said to be preparing to bring in a new Defense Secretary, head of the CIA, commander in Afghanistan, and a new ambassador to Kabul. To talk about this RT is joined from the US capital by retired army colonel and ex-diplomat Ann Wright." - Topix ||  9/11-Planning Guidance Docs - The PNAC Protocols  ||  --- 
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Kabul attack killed senior [US] Air Force officers: US  --- 
A quote...."WASHINGTON (AFP) – The US military on Friday said the casualties of an attack this week at a Kabul training center were mostly Air Force officers with long careers in uniform. -- The Pentagon released the names and ranks of the eight service members killed Wednesday when an Afghan ex-pilot opened fire after a disagreement. -- A civilian contractor, himself reportedly a retired military officer, was also killed in the incident. -- The dead included four Air Force majors, a lieutenant colonel, two captains and a master sergeant." 
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Concerns in Pakistan that USAID Officials Are CIA Spies - In the Wake of Raymond Davis, Suspicion Abounds
A quote...."Raymond Davis was presented to the Pakistani government as a technical support worker for the US Consulate in Lahore, so it came as quite a surprise when, in the wake of his arrest on double-murder charges, he turned out to be the de facto CIA head for Pakistan." 
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Pakistan tests nuclear capable cruise missile  --- 
A quote...."ISLAMABAD, April 29 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan on Friday successfully conducted flight test of indigenously developed air launched cruise missile, which "can deliver nuclear and conventional warheads with great pin point accuracy," the army said." 
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India snubs US over mega-deal for warplanes  --- 
A quote...."US Ambassador to India Timothy Roemer announced yesterday he was quitting, hours after it became apparent that Boeing and Lockheed Martin had been dropped from a US$10billion order for warplanes for which President Barack Obama had personally lobbied New Delhi. -- Defence ministry sources said the Indian Air Force (IAF) had narrowed the field to Dassault Aviation and Eurofighter, confirming speculation among military attaches posted here that the Europeans were ahead in the race to supply 126 multi-role combat aircraft." 
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'Iran forex reserve over $100bn'  --- 
A quote...."An official with the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) has stated that the country has at least 100 billion dollars in foreign exchange reserves." 
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The Assault On Libya.... 

Banking and the Economics of the Invasion of Libya
Special Note - A quote...."By Cynthia Mckinney -- I must commend the authors who are prolifically researching and writing facts and truths that have been purposely hidden from us, even while in plain view.  Another often-overlooked important aspect of logistics that facilitates the neocon (and neolib) agenda is finance.  And so, I wanted to write a piece on finance and the crisis in Libya.  To remind readers of the multi-faceted strands of U.S. policy formulation that in many instances can be traced to powerful individuals and this notion of O.I.L., instead of just oil." 
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The Balkanization of Libya: US-NATO Plans to Carve up Libyan Territory  --- 
Special Note - Geo-Political Analysis - A quote...."XU JINGJING: It seems the Western Coalition has slowed down their moves in the past three weeks. In your analysis, what are the reasons for the impasse?" 

"NAZEMROAYA: The impasse in Libya is calculated. The US and NATO want to maintain a strategic stalemate between the Libyan government in Tripoli and the Transitional Council in Benghazi. They are using this strategic stalemate to manipulate both Tripoli and Benghazi. The more desperate and tired both Tripoli and Benghazi become, the more they will turn to the US and its NATO partners to end the conflict. The Transitional Council will also make more deals with the US and the EU. The Libyan regime in Tripoli will plead with the US and the EU to end the war and also make concessions. The US and the EU want the two sides in Benghazi and Tripoli to be dependent on Washington and Brussels as the arbiters of Libya." - NO!!  they can't be playing off both sides against the middle, that would be unethical, like the civil war the US-NRE deliberately touched off in Iraq  ---  ---  that helped contribute to Iraq's toll of over a million dead. Right....uh-huh....sure....see article shown below....mpg 
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NATO bomb attack on Libya kills Misrata “rebel” fighters  --- 
Related Article - One "towel-head, camel-jockey" is the same as another, one would guess.  - mpg -- A quote...."A NATO airstrike reportedly killed 12 anti-Gaddafi fighters and badly injured three others in the contested port city of Misrata on Wednesday evening. The “friendly fire” incident—the second of its kind since the bombing campaign began on March 19—again underscores the bogus character of the various statements issued from Washington and Brussels claiming their “precision” bombing raids are aimed at protecting the Libyan people." 
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Trying 'Shock and Awe' in Libya  --- 
A quote...."Having laughed off Libyan government peace feelers, Official Washington is now beating the drum for a new round of “shock and awe” bombings and close-combat air strikes to “finish the job” of ousting Col. Muammar Gaddafi." - also posted at AlethoNews
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Libya takes legal action against NATO for attempt on Kadhafi's life
A quote...."Tripoli, Libya - Libya has undertaken legal proceedings before the 'competent courts' against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its allies for attempting to assassinate the country's leader, Mouammar Kadhafi, an official source said here Wednesday." 
also posted at Uruknet  --- 
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Fighting on Libyan border crossing
Gadafy forces 'seize' town of Kufra
Libya declares sea blockade of rebel port
NATO: Gadhafi Forces Mining Misrata Port
NATO widens air war in Libya, targeting key sites in Tripoli
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More on the World Wide Revolution.... 

Trifecta of Mass Murder Sets Stage for Attack on Syria  --- 
Contains Video - Alt  ---  ---  A quote...."John McCain, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham – described as Senate hawks by a timid corporate media – are demanding Obama call for the resignation of Syria’s leader, Bashar al-Assad. According to this Senate Trifecta of mass murder, the engineered color revolution in Syria “has reached a decisive point” and now is the time to push al-Assad out of power and further destabilize the Arab Middle East." 
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Obama orders sanctions on Syria, targeting Assad relatives and intelligence agency  --- 
A quote...."President Barack Obama of the United States on Friday ordered sanctions against two relatives of President Bashar al-Assad, and Syria’s powerful intelligence agency. Mr. Obama has criticized Mr. Assad’s assaults against pro-democracy protesters, of whom nearly 500 have been reported killed, according to rights activists." - Topix ||  One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ||
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Syria: Nowhere Near Regime Change  --- 
A quote....“Unrest in Syria has discomforted rather than shaken the regime of Bashir Al-Assad,” I wrote in the May issue of Chronicles (Cultural Revolutions, p. 6). “On current form it is an even bet that he will survive, which is preferable to any likely alternative.” The violence has become far worse since the editorial was written in mid-March and the regime looks somewhat shaken by now, but the overall conclusion still stands." 
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Bahrain Issues Death Sentences for Four Protesters, February 14 Coalition Warns
A quote...."Bahrain’s military court has sentenced four anti-government protesters to death for the killing of two policemen during demonstrations last month, in a move to further crush the ongoing revolutionary movement in the tiny Persian Gulf country." - also posted at AlethoNews
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822 flee in Tunisia jailbreaks
Demos condemn Saudi intervention
US, UK taking Bahrain into 'fascism' - contains video
15 killed in Yemen violence
British troops could be deployed to Tunisia
Hueys Over Yemen. Is U.S. Aid Suppressing Another Mideast Freedom Struggle?
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants.... 

How to Help Protect Yourself From Low-Level Radiation  --- Alert - A quote...."As everyone knows, exposure to high levels of radiation can quickly sicken or kill us. Here's an illustration from Columbia University...." 
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Radiation Readings in Fukushima Reactor Rise to Highest Since Crisis Began
A quote...."Radiation readings at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi station rose to the highest since an earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems, impeding efforts to contain the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl." - Source:  Bloomberg
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Top Nuclear Official Resigns Over Japan’s Decision To Disobey Law And Subject Children To High Radiation
A quote..."A top nuclear adviser resigns over Japan’s failure to follow the law and instead allow children to be subjected to inhumanely high levels of radiation.The official accuses Japan of taking ad-hoc measures not in accordance to the law and resigned in a tearful protest stating there was no point in maintaining his post if his recommendations and the laws are not being followed." 
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Radiation News 04-29-11 - A DProgram Round-Up - (10 articles & videos)
Radiation Update- April 2011 - A Vescia Round-Up - (monthly summary)
Japanese drop their traditional politeness over nuclear crisis
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More On The Palestinian Situation.... 

Palestinian Unity Deal Announced  --- 
A quote...."On April 27, the International Middle East Media Center headlined, "Rival Palestinian Factions Reach Reconciliation Agreement," saying: -- Meeting in Cairo, Palestinian media sources announced a Hamas - Fatah reconciliation draft agreement, signaling hope for rapprochement between the two sides." 
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Masha'al, Abbas to sign unity deal  --- 
Related Article - A quote...."RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- Hamas chief Khaled Masha'al will meet President and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas in Cairo on Thursday to sign a unity deal, said representative of independent politicians Yaser Wadeiyah." - also posted at Uruknet
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Egypt to Lift the Blockade on Gaza Within Days - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."Hamsayeh.Net - The post-Mubarak Egyptian government is ready to open the Rafah border crossing with Gaza within next two weeks, Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil al-Arabi said on Thursday. -- ‘Preparations were underway to open the Rafah border crossing with besieged Gaza Strip on a permanent basis in order to alleviate blockade and suffering of the Palestinian nation.’ Arabi told Aljazeera." 
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Worldwide Demonstrations in front of Israeli embassies: May 15
Action Alert - A quote...."To friends of freedom and justice ,to Peace Lovers , to all our friends. We hope you will participate in demonstrations all over the world in front of Israeli embassies to affirm the right of the Palestinian people to live freely like other people in the world. We confirm that the Palestinian people want peace and look for a just peace, but at the same time refuse to give up or to die silently. -- Please share and participate." 
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Egyptian youth call for million-man marches to support Palestinians
Action Alert - A quote...."A call for “million-man” marches in support of the Palestinians has been made by Egypt’s Coalition of the Youth of the Revolution. The first march, to be held in Alexandria on 13 May, will also demand the opening of the Egypt-Gaza border for food, medical and humanitarian aid; marchers will head for the Israeli Consulate in the city." - Source:  MEM
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Cairo holds massive anti-Israel rally  --- 
Action Update - A quote...."Thousands of Egyptian Protesters have gathered in front of the Israeli embassy in the capital Cairo demanding an end to ties with the Tel Aviv regime." - also posted at AlethoNews  --- 
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Israel targetting ambulances, women and children in Gaza  --- 
Video - From the History File - re: the April 7th 2011 attacks - (YuTb - 2min54sec) - PressTV  ---  ---  That's not new, they did so in a big way during operation Cast Lead - mpg 
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Videos of israel war crimes  --- 
Vidoe - Alt  ---  ---  (YuTb - 2min24sec - Apr 22, 2011) - Source:  whatamuslim  ---  ---  A quote...."This video was uploaded from an Android phone." 
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To be a teenager in Bil’in  --- 
A quote...."Two children were taken to hospital after the latest army invasion in Bil’in, a village in the occupied Palestinian territories." 
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Israeli artillery fire injures 4 in central Gaza  --- 
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma’an) -- Israeli forces fired on an area east of Al-Bureij camp in central Gaza Thursday evening, injuring four, including a woman and two children, local sources said." 
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Three Injured, Three Arrested as Troops Attack West Bank Anti-Wall Protests  --- 
A quote...."Ramallah – PNN - Two children and a youth were injured, three Israeli activists arrested on Friday as  Israeli troops attacked the weekly anti-wall protests taking place in Bil’in, Nil’in, al-Nabi Salleh, central West Bank, as well as al-Ma’ssara village in the south. This week protesters welcomed the National Unity deal signed by Palestinian factions in Cairo on Wednesday." 
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Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (21 - 27 April 2011)
Fifty two times a year, without let-up. - mpg -- also posted at Uruknet  --- 
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Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad must go, Hamas insists  --- 
A quote...."Islamist faction makes demand as part of Palestine unity pact with Fatah, set to be signed in Cairo next week." 
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More On The Economic Situation.... 

Excessive Leverage Helped Cause the Great Depression and the Current Crisis ... And Government Responds by Encouraging MORE Leverage
A quote...."It is well known that excessive leverage was one of the primary causes of the Great Depression. Specifically, many people bought stocks on margin, and when stock prices dropped, they were wiped out and their lenders got hit hard. -- Banks also used leverage in the Roaring Twenties, but things have only gotten worse since then." 
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Brussels open anti-trust probes into 16 of world's biggest investment banks  --- 
A quote...."EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Commission on Friday (30 April) opened two antitrust probes into the world's major investment banks, 16 institutions that dominate the credit default swap market." 
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Federal Reserve For Dummies  --- 
Video - Alt  ---  ---  (YuTb - 4min06sec - Apr 28, 2011) - Source:  malekanoms  ---  ---  A quote...."From the bears who explained Quantitative Easing, we now get a crash test dummy simplifying the Federal Reserve's current outlook on life. - The Anti-Bernank gives visual commentary on the Fed Chairman's recent press conference." 
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Spend It Like You Stole It  --- 
Special Note - A quote...."Something is dreadfully wrong. Either a billion prices are in error. Or, people who buy US treasury bonds are. They accept a real yield (based on the BPP numbers) of barely 1.2% on a 30-year dollar-denominated, inflation-sensitive Treasury bond, while the dollar sinks and its custodians actively try to drown it. And, over the last six months, according to BPP, prices have been rising nearly twice as fast – at a 6.1% annualized rate. If these figures hold, bond investors already have a built-in negative yield. The inflation figure for the last 3 months is even higher, 7.4%, about 300 basis points more than the yield on the long bond." - Source:  DailyReckoning  --- 
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Plummeting US Dollar: The Age of America is Over  --- 
Charts - Website editor's caution:  A lot of this is due to massive shorting of the USD for the carry-trade in order to invest in things like....commodities (see below), it could reverse abruptly and spectacularly if something really bad happens to the world economy (which is increasingly likely) as did the yen's carry-trade after Japan's disaster. - mpg -- A quote...."Today the Swiss franc made yet another new high against the super dollar, as it has been doing for 120 days. What you are reading in the graphs is less and less of the foreign currency that one dollar can buy. Of course, gold and silver also consistently hit new highs." 
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Precious Metals vs. the USD  --- 
A quote...."One sure upshot of the quantitative easing money flooding the stock market will be further distortions, chaos and unpredictability that make the value-investing proposition difficult, if not impossible, according to Casey Research Chairman Doug Casey." - bold by website editor
also posted at ZeroHedge  --- 
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US jobless claims jump to January high  --- 
A quote...."WASHINGTON: Initial claims for state unemployment benefits jumped 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 429,000, up from a slightly upwardly revised 404,000 the preceding week, the Labor Department said. Economists polled by Reuters were expecting claims to slip to 392,000 from the previously reported 403,000." 
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One Million Exhausted Jobless Benefits in Past Year
A quote...."Roughly 1 million people in the U.S. were unable to find work after exhausting their unemployment benefits over the past year, Labor Department data released Thursday suggest." 
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Do These Charts Look Like "Recovery" [In Housing]?  --- 
A quote...."Without speculating on where housing valuations "should" be, what's your takeaway from these charts of individual home prices? Does this look like a "recovery" to you? Since everyone knows "real estate is local," I selected three homes in very desirable but not overly exclusive neighborhoods with excellent school districts and a history of strong price appreciation: two in Northern California and one in the Greater Boston region." 
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Sin City Exodus: Las Vegas Mansions Deserted as Foreclosure Pain Spreads To The Rich
Video - A quote...."April 26 (Bloomberg) -- A growing number of high-end homes are selling at a loss or facing repossession by lenders in Las Vegas, which already has the highest rate of foreclosure filings among large U.S. cities. The wave of defaults that began with subprime borrowers and the unemployed has spread to upscale homeowners who see no point of staying even if they can afford to." 
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It's Getting Plain Silly: MF Global Hikes Silver Margin To 175% Of CME, Or Over 10% Of Contract
Silver Bug Alert - A quote...."Now it's just getting plain silly. Following two margin hikes by the CME, one for 9% and one for 10% this week, now MF Global, run by former Goldman CEO Jon Corzine has joined the fray, and has hiked its silver margin to $25,397. As a reminder, the latest CME margin is $14,513, or about 6% of the contract value of $241,750 assuming a silver price of $48.35. So MF Global's is 175% of the CME!" 
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Second Friday Night Economic Bomb Sends Gold Surging To $1,566 As Ireland Slashes Outlook
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Europe Closes Week With A Friday Night M.A.D. Cluster Bomb, Warns Of Pervasive Bank Restructuring
A quote...."Even as America has an insolvent government and a debt ceiling to deal with in the only way it knows - Mutual Assured Destruction, Europe still has a insolvent banking system 10 times greater than America's to worry about.  Which explains the following Friday night bomb (because it is past 6pm in Europe). From DJ:" 
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'Spaniards risk losing their homes'  --- 
Contains Video - A quote...."Amnesty International has warned in a document that hundreds of thousands of families in Spain are at risk of losing their homes." 
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Japan Plunges into Recession  --- 
A quote...."In its first forecasts since the crisis, the Bank of Japan judged that gross domestic product (GDP) grew 2.8pc in the year to March, down from a 3.3pc prediction in January. That implied two quarters of falling economic activity, which represents a recession." 
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Thursday April 28th 2011 - links page 

More Tales From The Zio-Sphere..... 

Israel: The rich parasite state  --- 
Remember folks, ALL this trouble for just five million little leeches living in what essentially amounts to a criminal enterprise on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.  A so-called 'state' that OPENLY engages in ethnic cleansing, murder on the high seas, assassination, torture, the flouting of every international law ever made, endless war crimes, endless wars of aggression, covets its neighbors natural resources, refuses to establish a constitution, refuses to set its boundaries, has attacked every single state that borders it, continues to spy on every country in the world, has parasitized that so-called nation once known as the US, but which is now known as "Israel's colony in North America", and has directly, or indirectly, with their friends the Saudi Royals,  ---  ---  materially participated in almost every single act of terrorism foisted upon the international community during the last thirty years, most specifically 9/11 ---  ---  Just five million of the little suckers.  Is it really worth it?  Is all this pain, death, destruction and poverty really worth it folks??  Are the American people that spineless, are they truly that masochistically sick? Do the people in this country enjoy being made fools of?  Are they all really that stupid? - mpg 
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A Letter to a Sleepy Acquaintance  --- 
A quote...."A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that government and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality, a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the police state dictatorship it's going to get…” -- *Ian Williams Goddard* - bold by website editor 
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Time Is Ripe For A Paradigm Shift  --- 
A quote...."Yehoshua is a proud Zionist, He believes in the right of his people to dwell on Palestinian land.  He is also convinced that the Jewish state is the true meaning of contemporary Jewish life. I guess that Yehoshua loves himself almost as much as I despise everything he stands for and yet, I have to confess, he seems to grasp the depth of the Israeli Palestinian conflict’s parameters  slightly better than most  solidarity activists I can think of." 
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More On The Domestic Situation.... 

Tea Party Infiltrated with Neo Cons and RINOS To Break the Will of the People?
A quote...."Alan Stang and many other were right all along.Both parties are controlled by the same interest. When the Tea Parties started. They were founded by Ron Paul supporters.Ever since Obama was sworn into office.The ranks were swollen with new comers standing against the socialist leftist agenda over taxes,the loss of freedoms and national sovereignty. These groups nationwide were eclipsing beyond the control of the Republican establishment. Any long term incumbent person in either party was booed in every public appearance they made." - Topix  ||  The Tea Party - Another False Front  ||
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Obama gives up on plan for 9/11 civilian trials - And the 9/11 cover-up continues. - mpg 
Special Note - A quote...."WASHINGTON — In an about-face on the day President Barack Obama announced his re-election bid, Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday ordered that confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other alleged co-plotters stand trial before a military commission at Guantanamo rather than in a civilian court." 
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Gitmo Doctors Hid Evidence of Torture  --- 
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."They explained away the bone fractures, didn’t ask what caused the lacerations, and called the hallucinations routine. Rather than blowing the whistle, medical professionals entrusted with the care of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay turned a blind eye when there were clear indications of abuse. - That’s according to a newly published report from two physicians with unprecedented access to the medical records of nine Gitmo detainees." - also posted at ICH  ---  ---  These are DOCTORS folks!!  They should be prevented from EVER practicing "medicine" again! - mpg 
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White House, US media stonewall on Guantanamo  --- 
US Presstitutes Help the 9/11 Cover-Up - A quote...."The vast majority of the 800 Guantanamo prisoners were innocent men swept up randomly on the battlefield in Afghanistan or seized by allied intelligence agencies, particularly in Pakistan, where anyone of Arab or Afghan descent was a potential cash bonanza for corrupt police officials seeking to collect American bounties. More than 100 suffered from mental illness when they were seized. Others were driven into that state by years of isolation and abuse, without any hope of release or legal recourse." - also posted at Uruknet
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For more regarding the three articles shown above see - Topix  ||  9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables  - Updated!!  ||
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Michigan’s “Emergency” Financial Regime: What Fascism Looks Like
A quote...."Michigan’s Republicans are creating a legal model for American fascism for the benefit of Wall Street. The state’s new emergency financial management legislation “is the prototype for a host of laws designed to make government – the state – a compliant tool for a dictatorship of the most predatory sections of the ruling class.” Naturally – this being the United States – the first localities targeted for de-democratization are Black." 
also posted at ICH  --- 
& CommonDreams  --- 
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US OKs oil deals with Libya opposition  --- 
Just remember folks, it's only those "conspiracy nuts" that talk about war for oil.  What a joke many of the people in this country are. - mpg -- A quote...."The order, issued by the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, will remove legal difficulties pertaining to the ownership of Libya's oil for potential buyers, Reuters reported on Wednesday." 
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Broadcasting LIVE on - April 27 2011  --- 
Part2  --- 
MRVideo - (JustInTV - 2hrs - April 27th, 2011) - Source:  MichaelRiveroTV-Vids  ---  ---  Michael Rivero extensively covers the on-going disaster in Japan, Obama's illegal war on Libya, the "Money Junkies" spree of destruction across the planet, the faux Trump/Birther controversy the Stuxnet Worm, and what out of control TSA goons, pregnant teachers, Miss America 2003, and Casio watches have in common, along with many other issues. - mpg 
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More On The International Situation.... 

Putin: Measure your success by non-fired missiles!  --- 
Video - (YuTb - 1min32sec - Apr 27, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday  ---  ---  Quote of the Day...."The Russian Prime Minister says he's alarmed by NATO's approach towards bombing Libya. At a news conference following Russian-Swedish talks, Putin said the coalition is quick to act no matter the cost..... 
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"It's well-known that I used to serve in the KGB. At that time, the Soviet Union was waging a war in Afghanistan. Many of my friends served in Afghanistan. One of them was the head of the advisors group on the security bodies in Herat. One day, he went on leave, and I asked him, 'Listen Sasha, how's the situation there?'"   

"And at that time, our country had a very patriotic spirit. We believed that we were doing a very good thing having this war in Afghanistan. His reply came back unexpectedly: 'You know, without my signature no single missile or bomb attack can be fired.' 'So what?' said I. 'I assess my success and my achievements by the number of orders that I don't sign.'"   

"For me, it sounded just shocking. Can you imagine hearing that from a KGB officer at that time? I asked, why? He said, 'Do you know how many peaceful civilians perish because of these missile attacks, no matter what reasons are behind them?' Sometimes I contemplate how easily decisions on using force are made today in international affairs, and it leaves me gobsmacked."   

"And that happens against the background of all the fuss around human rights and humanism which the modern civilized world seemingly practices. Don't you see a significant contradiction here between theory, the words and deeds, the practice of international affairs? And we should do our utmost to eliminate this imbalance." -- *Vladimir Putin*, Prime Minister of Russia   
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[Eight] Foreign troops [actually all were from the US-NRE] killed in Afghan shootout
A quote...."Eight foreign soldiers and a contractor have been killed in Afghanistan after an Afghan army officer opened fire at the air force headquarters at Kabul airport. -- The Pentagon later confirmed that all those killed in Wednesday's incident were Americans." - bold by websit editor 
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Pakistan Pushes Karzai to Drop U.S. as Ally, Turn to China  ---
A quote...."The Wall Street Journal is reporting this morning that Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani had a message for Afghan President Hamid Karzai when he met with him in Kabul earlier this month: Want to make peace with the Taliban and revive your economy? Partner with us and our ally, China, not the U.S." - also posted at BLN  ---
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Report: UK Firm Offered Custom Malware to Egyptian Security Services
A quote..."Documents spilled into public by the political unrest in Egypt in recent months has shone a spotlight on the shadowy world of for-profit, custom malware creation for governments around the world." 
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Cairo holds massive anti-Israel rally  --- 
A quote...."Thousands of Egyptian Protesters have gathered in front of the Israeli embassy in the capital Cairo demanding an end to ties with the Tel Aviv regime." - also posted at AlethoNews  --- 
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The Assault On Libya.... 

Libya: "The Price of Freedom" - Highest Standard of Living in Africa  --- 
Special Note - A quote...."In 1980, Iraq also had a relatively high living standard, even higher than that of Libya. This collapsed massively under the murderous UN embargo [1990-2003]. Their "liberation" from Saddam Hussein then toppled Iraqi society completely into the abyss. The collapse is still going on." - also posted at Uruknet  --- 
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NATO Strike Kills 12 Libyan Rebels in Misurata  --- 
A quote...."MISURATA, Libya — At least one NATO warplane attacked a rebel position on the front lines of this besieged city on Wednesday, a rebel commander said, killing 12 fighters and wounding five others in what he called an accident that could have been avoided."
Source:  NYT  --- 
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Putin says Libyan oil main goal of NATO campaign  --- 
A quote...."Libya has the biggest oil resources in Africa and the fourth largest gas resources," Putin said during a news conference in Copenhagen. "It raises the question: isn't this the main object of interest to those operating there." 
Topix ||  US OKs oil deals with Libya opposition  ||  --- 
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Libya: Is NATO guilty of conspiracy to commit murder?
Libya has asked Russia to convene an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council
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More on the World Wide Revolution.... 

Robert Fisk: Shadow of Syrian conflict stretching into Lebanon
Special Note - A quote...."Hitherto, the demonstrators -- pro-democracy or anti-Bashar or both -- have been giving us the story line; their YouTube footage, internet descriptions, the stunning pictures of Syrian T-72 tanks powering through the streets of Deraa have dominated our perception of the all-powerful dictatorship crushing its people in blood. And truth lies behind what they say. After the 1982 slaughter in Hama, no one is in any doubt that Syrian Baathists play by Hama rules. But their explanation for the daily series of macabre pictures on state TV lacks conviction." 
also posted at ICH  --- 
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Bahraini forces attack medical centers  --- 
A quote...."Saudi-backed Bahraini forces have attacked a medical center in the eastern town of Sitra, arresting several people, witnesses say." 
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12 more Yemeni protesters shot dead  --- 
A quote...."Yemeni security forces have opened fire on anti-government protesters in the capital, Sana'a, killing at least 12 demonstrators." 
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233 members of Syria Ba'ath party quit
At least 15 dead as Yemen's Saleh clings to power
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More on Japan's Nuclear Power Plants.... 

'Fukushima - gross miscarriage of radiation science'  --- 
Video - (YuTb - 4min52sec - Apr 27, 2011) - Source:  RussiaToday  ---  ---  A quote...."With Chernobyl's 25th anniversary reminding the world of the terrifying consequences of nuclear safety negligence, many eyes have turned to the continuing crisis in Japan. RT talks to Arnold Gundersen, Energy Adviser at Fairewinds Associates, from Vermont in the US." 
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More On The Economic Situation.... 

1,900 Year Old Wisdom: "An Imbalance Between Rich and Poor Is the Oldest and Most Fatal Ailment of all Republics"
Special Note - A quote...."I noted  ---  ---  in February that John Kenneth Galbraith and Marriner Eccles explained 50 years ago that inequality causes crashes, and that many modern economists agree. -- I just found a slighter older statement saying the same thing. -- Specifically, the well-known  ---  ---  Greek historian Plutarch - who died in 120 A.D. - said...."  --- 

"An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics." 

"Given that the level of inequality in America today is one of the greatest in history, it is not surprising that the republic is ailing so badly.
See this,  --- 
this,  --- 
this,  ---  ---  this and this." 
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Should You Buy A Home In 2011? Check Out These 29 Absolutely Crazy Statistics About The Housing Crisis  --- 
A quote...." 
#1   During the first three months of this year, less new homes were sold in the U.S. than in any three month period ever recorded  ---  
#2   Home prices just keep falling month after month.  The Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller 20-city index has fallen for seven months in a row.  ---   
#3   U.S. home prices have now declined 32%  ---  ---  from the peak of the housing bubble.  
#4   In Phoenix, Arizona home prices are now down 56%  ---  ---  from the peak of the housing bubble.  
#5   Home prices in Las Vegas, Nevada are now down 58%  ---  --- from the peak of the housing bubble.  
#6   Nearly 70 percent  ---  ---  of all Las Vegas mortgages are now underwater - and much more....  
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Gerald Celente on Russia Today – April 27th, 2011  --- 
RTVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (RTYuTb - 6miin21sec - Apr 27, 2011) - Source:  GeraldCelenteChannel  ---  ---  Gerald Celente castigates the Fed and Bernanke as only he can. - mpg 
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The biggest loser from Fed’s easing  --- 
A quote...."Nowadays, the financial markets’ latest obsession deals with the possibility that Fed may soon change its policy from ultra easy to just plain easy. Naturally, they are trying to scope out who will be helped or hurt as a result. -- In my view, regardless of whether the current phase of the central bank’s policy (known as quantitative easing) ends in June as scheduled, you may anticipate that Fed policy will still be a long way from returning to normal — much less tightening." 
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Gold Futures Surge to Record on Outlook for Sagging Dollar, Low U.S. Rates
A quote...."Gold futures rose to a record $1,530.30 an ounce on speculation that the Federal Reserve will be slow to raise U.S. borrowing costs, weakening the dollar and boosting the appeal of the metal as an alternative asset." 
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Has the Fed Decided to Fight Inflation Instead of Unemployment?  --- 
Neither, the Fed has been fighting, and always will be fighting, deflation for the TBTF's and the "one percent".  The rest of the country and its people can go to hell as far as Bernie and his boys are concerned. - mpg -- A quote...."It's true - as I pointed out  ---  ---  in 2009 - that the Fed has purposefully been encouraging banks to deposit their excess reserves at the Fed (for a profit), rather than loan them out to Main Street...." 
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Visualizing The Collapse: Charting The Drop From Q4 2010 To Q1 2011 GDP (Which Came In At 0.8% Ex-Inventories)
Table - A quote...."The bottom line: Q1 GDP ex-inventories came at 0.8%, the lowest since Q3 2009. The economy has hit stall speed, and absent another fiscal (nope) or monetary (QE3) stimulus, we will go negative in Q2, now that the full impact of the Japanese economic collapse has forced even the ostriches to pull their heads out of the sand. Alternatively, Bernanke will be stuck with the worst case of stagflation since the 1970s." - It should be made into a hit song, titled - "I'm pushing on a string.....and getting nowhere" with the singer mornfully wailing away to the music of some blue grass band. - mpg 
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States face $1.26 trillion shortfall in funds to pay retiree benefits
A quote..."The state funds that pay pension and health-care benefits to retired teachers, corrections officers and millions of other public workers faced a cumulative shortfall of at least $1.26 trillion at the end of fiscal 2009, according to a new report." - Source:  WaPo
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Orders for durable goods rise 2.5% in March  --- 
A quote...."Shipments of core capital equipment goods, which the government uses to help calculate quarterly reports on U.S. growth, rose 2.2% in March after just a 0.4% gain in February and a 2.5% decline in January. " 
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