MPG'S DAILY RAPSHEET AND BLOTTER  ON THE "GREAT GAME"  --  09-02-10  to 09-08-10 -- links page

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Editor's note : From now on each weekly blog page will have several items culled from the past called  "9/11 - From The History File" : It's for those who didn't know, and also for those who forgot....or are trying to forget.

Editor's note - War Update, War Alert, War Warning, Red War Warning and War Imminent - refer to articles regarding the upcoming war with Iran.  In the order they appear as shown above, they  represent less serious to more serious possible threats of war. - mpg

As of 08-08-08 a new category of war warning will be included, the above warnings will have the prefix (WWIII) added to them to indicate the possible outbreak of greater hostilities. - mpg
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Wednesday September 8th 2010 - links page

Precognitive dissonance: How did so many know Building 7 would fall?
Special Note - A quote...."It’s clear from primary sources of evidence that quite a few people believed Building 7 was going to collapse. Such perceptive anticipation might be easy to understand if it was common for modern steel-frame skyscrapers to collapse from fires.  But since this had never happened prior to September 11, 2001, we have to ask ourselves why the collapse was so easy to predict. The Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth suspect foul play.  Ubiquitous evidence of foreknowledge adds support to the hypothesis that explosives were used to demolish Building 7."
also posted at DProgram  ---
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Corbett Report – 9/11 is Still THE Issue  ---
CRVideo - 9/11STI(yt1/7)  ---
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(CRYuTb - 10min - 7parts- September 05, 2010) - Source:  corbettreport  ---
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(CRVodPod - 10min - 9parts- September 05, 2010) - Source:  dandelionsalad  ---
A quote...."On this 144th episode of The Corbett Report podcast we take a moment on the brink of the 9th anniversary of 9/11 to ponder the state of 9/11 Truth. What have we learned, what have we gained, and what have we left to achieve? Join us for this special edition of the podcast where we talk to Richard Gage, Kevin Ryan, Bob Bowman, Luke Rudkowski, Anthony Flammia and others about one of the key issues of our time."
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Keiser Report: 9/11 'Insiders' Escaping Extradition!  ---
MKVideo - Alt -  ---  (MKRTYuTb - 1min 5sec - September 08, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday  ---  ---  A quote...."Watch the full 76th episode of Keiser Report on Thursday! This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the scandals of no fiscal or monetary bullets left in the bankrupt warfare states of America. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Huffington Post blogger, Mike Jensen in Chicago, about his call for Americans to unite against the emergency in their nation."
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Pat Buchanan Is Wrong About Islam  ---
Must Read - (Outstanding!!) - Quote of the Day...."Much hoorah, there is, over the mosque that may or may not be built in New York. I don’t give a tinker’s damn (whatever precisely that may be; I presume that tinkers’ oaths were thought more efficacious than others) whether they build it or not. The matter does however put to rest for me any hope of rationality in human affairs. This, I grant, could be accomplished with a very small bed. -- At this writing, the government’s war for oil and AIPAC has more or less solidly metamorphosed, among the rubes at least, into a war against Islam. Men of thunder and portent peddle the notion like starving encyclopedia salesmen...."
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50 Mind Blowing Facts About America That Our Founding Fathers Never Would Have Believed
Must Read - A quote...."If our Founding Fathers were alive today, what would they think of America?  Surely they would be very proud that the United States stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific and has built some of the most amazing cities that the world has ever seen.  They would probably be surprised that the country they founded went on to become the greatest economic machine in the history of the world, and they would be absolutely astounded by things like our interstate highway system and the Internet.  However, there are quite a number of things that they would be horrified about as well.  The fact that over 40 million Americans are dependent on the federal government for their daily food would be deeply disturbing to our founders.  Also, the fact that the U.S. government has accumulated the greatest mountain of debt in human history would be incredibly distressing to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the founders.  But perhaps most of all, our founders would be absolutely disgusted that the land where Americans could once be free to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has become so tightly regulated and controlled that Americans dare not even squeak without the permission of the federal government." -- also posted at PrisonPlanet  ---  ---  Number thirty five caught this website editor's attention....

"#35 According to a recent poll of Americans between the ages of 44 and 75, 61% said that running out money was their biggest fear. The remaining 39% thought death was scarier."
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The American Occupation of Afghanistan and the Birth of a National Liberation Movement  ---
A quote...."Let me, in the words of Richard Nixon, “be perfectly clear” about some matters which I do not wish to speak about. I am not defending the Taliban and/or the Afghan resistance, but keep in mind that as far as retrograde social practices, the Taliban hold no monopoly on that in Afghanistan. [1] Secondly, much of Western denigration of the Taliban is inspired, sadly, by that old practice going back to the British Empire’s thieves of feminist language, i.e. “feminism as imperialism.”[2] Lastly, pre-modern forms of social failure are much more naked or visible than complex subtle modern forms. It is easy to critique the burka, but less so the bikini.[3] Or, civilians get killed in suicide bombings as they do in even deadlier U.S/NATO “precision” air strikes.[4]"
also posted at ICH  ---
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Aljazeera: Our man meets the Taliban in Baghlan  ---
Contains Video - Alt  ---  ---  A quote...."It's a huge risk meeting Taliban fighters. There's not just the threat that they might turn on you after promising you an interview. Our producer, Qais Azimy, was returning from one of his previous visits when he was arrested by Afghan intelligence. They held him for questioning for three days. The phrase "don't shoot the messenger" comes to mind."
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US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies'  ---
A quote...."Twelve American soldiers face charges over a secret "kill team" that allegedly blew up and shot Afghan civilians at random and collected their fingers as trophies. -- Five of the soldiers are charged with murdering three Afghan men who were allegedly killed for sport in separate attacks this year. Seven others are accused of covering up the killings and assaulting a recruit who exposed the murders when he reported other abuses...."
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What America Left Behind in Iraq  ---
A quote...."Hundreds of cars waiting in the heat to slowly pass through one of the dozens of checkpoints and searches they must endure every day. The constant roar of generators. The smell of fuel, of sewage, of kabobs. Automatic weapons pointed at your head out of military vehicles, out of SUVs with tinted windows. Mountains of garbage. Rumors of the latest assassination or explosion. Welcome to the new Iraq, same as the old Iraq -- even if Barack Obama has declared George W. Bush's Operation Iraqi Freedom over and announced the beginning of his own Operation New Dawn, and Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has declared Iraq sovereign and independent." - also posted at CommonDreams  ---
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Gunmen Kill Second Iraqi TV Journalist  ---
A quote...."Iraqi police say gunmen have killed an Iraqi television journalist, the second journalist slain in that country over the past two days."
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WAFA: Israel's Attacks Left 101 Palestinian Journalists Injured Since The Start Of 2010
A quote...."Ramallah – PNN – The Palestine News And Information Agency WAFA relased a report on Wednesday documenting the Israeli violations against Palestinian Journalists since the start of 2010 until August 31st."
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Appeals Court Decision Denies Extraordinary Rendition Victims Their Day In Court
A quote...."SAN FRANCISCO – A federal appeals court today dismissed a case against Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen DataPlan, Inc. for its role in the Bush administration's extraordinary rendition program. The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Northern California filed the lawsuit in May 2007 on behalf of five men who were kidnapped by the CIA, forcibly disappeared to U.S.-run prisons overseas and tortured. The Bush administration intervened in the case, improperly asserting the "state secrets" privilege in an attempt to have the lawsuit thrown out." - For more on this issue see....9/11-Iraq-Torture Fables
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Iran, Italy Urge Closer Parliamentary Ties  ---
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Chairman of the Iranian parliament's Judiciary Commission Ali Shahrokhi and Deputy Head of the Italian Senate's Judiciary Committee called for closer parliamentary relations between Tehran and Rome, saying that the measure could help remove misunderstandings between the two sides."
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Russia seeks to maintain balanced relations with Armenia, Azerbaijan  ---
A quote...."In less than a fortnight after Russia signed a deal with Armenia Russian president Dmitry Medvedev heads to Baku to discuss the urgent issues with the Azerbaijani government. Some experts believe that this highest level visit is aimed at soothing the effect of Russian-Armenian military agreement. Political analyst Viktor Nadein-Rayevsky, a senior fellow of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of World Economy and International Relations, shared his views on the situation in the South Caucasus."
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9-3-10 Bradley Manning Update  ---
(The WikiLeaks leaker....) -- A quote...."We are relieved that accused Wikileaks whistle-blower Army PFC Bradley Manning is finally represented by an experienced and qualified civilian defense attorney. After receiving a wide range of opinions, Bradley selected attorney David Coombs of Providence, Rhode Island, to lead his legal defense. Mr. Coombs has over a decade of experience as a military trial lawyer and is a former law professor at the Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School in Charlottesville, Virginia. -- A personal friend of Bradley’s verified the selection of legal counsel during a recent visit with him at the Marine Corps brig at Quantico, Virginia. Bradley was said to have appeared to be in good health and good spirits, considering the situation."
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‘Rainbow Pie: A Redneck Memoir’ by Joe Bageant – So different yet so familiar By William Bowles
Book Review - "Rainbow Pie",  ---  ---  [AmzonCom]  ---  ---  [BkDpstry]*  ---  ---  A quote...."To understand the source of Bageant’s anger, he takes us into the world of his parents, grand-parents, great grandparents, all the way back to 1755. Small farmers, manual labourers, trades people of all kinds, the people, the class that built America, along with the slaves of course. But as Joe points out, after Reconstruction, poor whites in the South didn’t get the vote either, excluded by lack of property or money, or both. Blacks got the franchise, briefly, then had it taken away. -- But this seems to be a feature of US political life when every generation that comes along seems to be doomed to have to relearn the lessons of the past. Nothing gets handed down, passed on except the illusions. There is no continuity between the generations, something that also now afflicts the UK. The past that we ‘consume’ is an artifice, a sleight-of -hand, a concoction dreamed up in universities and media conglomerates’ ‘creative’ departments." -- *links added
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Clinton to CFR: ‘New American Moment’ Has Arrived  ---
Second Quote of the Day...."Speaking today before the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a dramatic proclamation that a “new American moment” has arrived...." - One of the few phrases that decayed, corpse of what was once a woman (maybe) has ever uttered that contained even the slightest bit of truth.  First it was the "New American Century" and now just eight, short, years later, after completely squandering whatever virtue, honor, and integrity this nation EVER had, along with its ENTIRE treasury, it has now become the "New American Moment"....take a quick look folks, swiiiiiissssshhhhh..... it's already receding at high speed in this nation's rear view mirror....hope you enjoyed it. - mpg
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

U.S. Aim in "Peace Process": Liquidation of Palestinian struggle  ---
A quote...."The front page of the Sept. 2, New York Times carried a photo of five men walking on a red carpet in the White House on their way to start the latest round of the Middle East peace talks. In the center was President Barack Obama, flanked on his right by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, and on his left by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and King Abdullah of Jordan. -- The latter four have something in common: Each receives hundreds of millions or billions of dollars annually from the former. All four of their governments are heavily dependent on U.S. support for their very existence, an important starting point in any assessment of the new negotiations."
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Hamas' Mesh'al lays out new policy direction
Special Note - Policy Directive - A quote...."Since 1996, Khaled Mesh'al has been the Chairman of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) Political Bureau. After the assassination of Hamas leader Abdul 'Aziz Rantisi in 2004 by Israeli forces, Mesh'al became the movement's overall leader. He lives in exile in Damascus, from where he oversees the movement's activities both within Palestine and outside." - also posted at MEMO  ---
 Analysis posted at MyCatBird'sSeat  ---
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The $9.1 trillion bailout price tag – American households have lost $6.8 trillion in residential real estate values while mortgage debt has increased. The banking Stockholm Syndrome.  ---  ---  A quote...."For those following the housing boom and bust carefully, the solution to let prices correct is not a novel concept.  That is why it is surprising to see headlines, four years  after home values peaked and have been falling, arguing for home values to fall.  The equation is simple because people that make less money can only afford a certain amount of home.  The only reason to keep home prices inflated artificially was to appease those with tremendous amounts of housing debt.  It took four years for some to see the light (many have not) yet trillions of dollars are now out the door under false pretenses for something that was going to happen anyway.  In the end we have created the biggest moral hazard with housing as the centerpiece in this modern game of Monopoly.  Yet after all the pain and economic suffering that Americans have suffered and with obvious culprits, nothing has occurred to fundamentally change our banking system.  To that issue we focus our attention today."
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Obama unveils pro-business “jobs” plan  ---
A quote...."President Barack Obama’s Wednesday speech on the economy in Cleveland, Ohio was an exercise in deceit and demagogy. Presenting himself as a defender of the middle class against the wealthy, Obama outlined a “jobs plan” based on a series of corporate tax give-aways that have long been championed by the Republican Party. The president made no proposals for direct job creation."
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Millions strike in France to defend pensions  ---
You'll NEVER, EVER, find the weak, money-worshiping, Bankster butt-kissing, Neo-Romans in THIS country protesting their pending enforced poverty!!  HECK NO!!  When the Banksters and their co-dependent Military Industrial Complex along with their political lackeys in Congress come to rip-off every single Social Security dollar that's ever been deducted from the people's pay-checks, along with everyone's 401k plans and pension accounts, all to pay for that fine Empire fling these guys had, the people in this country will just bend over and take it right up their wallets!!  GAWD DANG!!!  What makes the people in this country so miserably WEAK!! - mpg
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China's auto sales jump 39.02% in January-August  --- 
They're buying their own cars now....mpg  -- A quote...."BEIJING, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese auto sales rose 39.02 percent year on year to 11.58 million units in the first eight months this year, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) said Thursday. -- Auto products in the January-August period reached 11.49 million units, up 39.27 percent from a year ago."
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Tuesday September 7th 2010 - links page

Incredible inconsistencies and bizarre coincidences of the 9/11 fairy tale
Must Read - A quote...."9/11 was the day steel-framed buildings fell like sandcastles, the law of physics worked in reverse and the United States Air Force went missing in action. So what is the real story?" - Source:  RT  ---  ---  For more on this issue see....Reficultnias's 9/11 Central  ---
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America Was Attacked From Within  ---
Must Read - A quote...."America was attacked from within on September 11, 2001, at the hands of the evil and cunning men who secretly wield power in the Shadow State/National Security State/Military-Industrial-Congressional-Media Complex/whatever name you want to give this great beast, along with their equally evil allies in Israel's Mossad. They were perfectly capable, and willing to commit such a horrible crime, and then falsely accuse 19 individuals for it. Thus, besides killing nearly 3,000 innocent people, and a million others in two wars that were inspired by the attacks, these evil men commited another deadly sin; bearing false witness. Since that day those individuals have represented a false face of Islam in the Western world. It is a face that symbolizes savagery, inhumanity, and barbarism, and it was deliberately implanted on Islam by the criminal conspirators so as to alienate the Muslim world from Western civilization, and the rising nations in Asia, and justify criminal U.S./Britain/Israel/NATO aggression in the Middle East." - also posted at OpEdNews  ---
For more on this issue see....One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg
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Neither Gravity nor Thermite: Video Evidence Points to High Explosives Used in the Controlled Demolition of Twin Towers
Special Note - A quote...."A video posted at Kenny’s Sideshow (quietly emerging as one of the best Truth sites out there) examines the formerly unheralded events that took place at Fresh Kills landfill right after 9/11.  It is intended to show the complex process that was set up to “recover” human remains and personal items from the debris from Ground Zero (Twin Towers, and Building 7) but I think it proves a great deal more."
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All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company  ---
Special Note - A quote...."It's one of those times when an innocuous comment in an unrelated news report triggers a revelation. -- In the article at there is the following paragraph..."

"To make the situation worse, a private security company called ICTS, owned by an Israeli, Ezra Harel, and registered in the Netherlands, was employed at Charles de Gaulle airport to screen passengers boarding US planes. Most of its personnel are ex-Shin Bet officers. The company covers security at Boston's Logan airport, where the American Airlines plane came down after flight attendants and passengers overpowered Reid."

"The point of the article was that ICTS knew shoe bomber Richard Reid was dangerous, but allowed him on board a flight from Tel Aviv to Paris." - For more on this issue see....9/11 & 7/11  Israeli Connection  ---
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America’s Economy Is Not Here to Pay for Wars  ---
Must Read - A quote...."....without downplaying the various serious economic consequences of America’s national debt, Admiral Mullen’s comments betray a very disturbing (and increasingly common) view of the American economy as little more than fuel for its ever-growing war machine. -- In fact the $600 billion interest payment is coming in no small part because Admiral Mullen and the rest of the military’s leadership has been pressing for unprecedented increases in military spending. Now, having spent America’s economy to the brink of ruin, Admiral Mullen has the nerve to complain that the harm he has already done is hampering the harm he intends to do."
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Will Our Generals Ever Shut Up?
Must Read - A quote...."Part of a Kaplan summary of Gates’s views, they read: “He favors substantial increases in the military budget... He opposes any slacking off in America's global military presence.” -- Now, if Kaplan had done a similar interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, such lines might have been throwaways, since a secretary of state is today little more than a fancy facilitator, ever less central to what that magazine, with its outmoded name, might still call “foreign policy.” Remind me: When was the last time you heard anyone use that phrase -- part of a superannuated world in which “diplomats” and “diplomacy” were considered important -- in a meaningful way?  These days “foreign policy” and “global policy” are increasingly a single fused, militarized entity, at least across what used to be called “the Greater Middle East,” where what’s at stake is neither war nor peace, but that "military presence." -- As a result, Gates’s message couldn’t be clearer: despite two disastrous wars and a global war on terror now considered “multigenerational” by those in the know, trillions of lost dollars, and staggering numbers of deaths (if you happen to include Iraqi and Afghan ones), the U.S. military mustn’t in any way slack off." - also posted at AsiaTimes
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The Last Believer: From Omar’s Mistake to Obama’s Atrocities
Must Read - A quote...."Mullah Omar of Afghanistan must have been one of the last people in the world with a deep, abiding faith in the lawfulness of the American government. Certainly, the American people had long been accustomed to – and largely approving of – their government bending, twisting and breaking the rule of law, especially in matters of foreign policy and “national security.” And of course, the millions of people around the world on the receiving end of invasions, subversions and coercions from the Potomac potentates were well aware of America’s infinitely elastic notions of law."
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AfPak and the new great game  ---
Must Read - A quote...."Another year. Another 9/11 anniversary. The same Afghanistan war. It may not be the "war on terror" anymore - rebranded "overseas contingency operations" by the Barack Obama administration. It may have become Obama's "good war" - rebranded as AfPak and costing US taxpayers US$100 billion a year (and counting). But Obama still wallows in the mire of being a hostage to George W Bush's wars. -- As much as Washington may entertain the illusion that it's in command, it's actually Hamid Karzai, the wily Afghan president, who is playing an attacking game in this latest installment of the New Great Game in Eurasia. And, as usual, there's never a mention anywhere of the key Pipelineistan game."
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Pentagon Enlists Half-Billion-Dollar P.R. Apparatus to Sell Afghanistan War  ---
Video - Propaganda Alert - (RTAYuTb - 3 min - September 02, 2010) - Source:  rethinkafghanistan  ---  ---  A quote...."General Petraeus' media blitz is only the tip of the iceberg in the Pentagon's effort to sell war to the American people. The Defense Department has a budget of more than $500 million for public relations efforts directed at U.S. citizens, a slice of a much larger information operations effort to influence public opinion. But no matter how much they spend on P.R. and information operations, the facts on the ground show that the Afghanistan War isn't making us safer, and it's not worth the costs. -- Join us as we fight back against the spin." -- For more on this sort of issue see....US Fake Intel / Propaganda
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Afghan Taliban reject formation of peace council  ---
A quote...."Taliban spokesman Qari Muhammad Yousaf told the Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) about 150,000 foreign soldiers had occupied Afghanistan and the foreigners were carrying out the activities of the state from ordinary issues to the parliamentary election affairs. “In such conditions what does formation of high council for peace mean,” he questioned. -- Formation of a new shura in the name of peace is a repeat of the former failed experiences. The shura makers and its members are slaves of others and they have no power,” he remarked. -- The spokesman repeatedly said that neither the Afghan authorities had the power nor the peace council would have the supremacy, adding Afghanistan had been occupied and the foreigners were running everything. -- Asked by the AIP that if the aforesaid shura was given power and authority, then would the Taliban be ready for negotiations with the shura, he said the real reason behind the conflict was presence of foreign forces. “All problems are because of the presence of occupying forces. All the problems will be resolved after the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan.” - also posted at AlethoNews -
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Report: NATO’s July 2011 ‘Drawdown’ May Not Involve Removing Any Troops
A quote...."According to a report in tonight’s Christian Science Monitor, the July 2011 “drawdown” from Afghanistan, already disavowed and with many talking about removing a couple thousand troops just for appearance’s sake, may not even amount to that much."
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The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq  ---
A quote...."It has been 20 years since the murderous sanctions of the supranational police force known as the UN were implemented in Iraq. These sanctions claimed over 1.5 million innocent lives including more than 500,000 children by starving them to death. It has now been over 7 years, since the Zionist-instigated, Zionist-designed, Zionist media-enforced occupation of Iraq began, and as of this moment, 1.5 million more innocent Iraqis have been slaughtered. That’s 3 million human beings. Dead. In twenty years time. And these are only the casualties reported. All news files use the phrase “at least” preceding every description of how many are dead after a bombing, a shooting or a missile strike. There are martyrs whose names will never be known, whose faces will never be seen, whose stories will never be told."
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Iraq: The forgotten 'nakba'  ---
A quote...."The US invasion of Iraq marked a dramatic turning point for the Arab world, but the recent partial American withdrawal generated notably little interest across the region. This is partly because it signaled neither an unequivocal end to the occupation nor an explicit continuation of US military control. But the silence also reflects the bitter reality that many have simply tuned out of Iraq." - also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Iraqi Govt Talks Seen Faltering  ---
A quote...."It seems that recent talks of progress in a possible government forming between the Iraqiya and Iraqi National Alliance blocs has been greatly exaggerated, and once again it seems the blocs may all be back to square one."
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The Iraq War: The Heaviest Death Toll for the Media Since World War II, March 2003 – August 2010
A quote...."Riyad Assariyeh, a 35-year-old journalist working for state-run Al Iraqiya TV, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen as he was leaving his home in Baghdad this morning. This clearly targeted murder brings to 15 the number of Al Iraqiya journalists who have been killed since Saddam Hussein’s removal. -- Reporters Without Borders calls for a proper investigation capable of identifying and arresting both the perpetrators and instigators of this murder and bringing them to justice. It would be deplorable it this killing were to go unpunished, which unfortunately has been the case in 99 per cent of the 230 murders of journalists and media workers since the US-led invasion in 2003."
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Iran Now Self-Sufficient in Gasoline Production  ---
A quote...."In view of the recent conditions in the wake of the sanctions and the mischievousness of some sellers in increasing gasoline price, the increased production of this product began at the (refining) units 20 days ago." - also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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IAEA Report Confirms Iran's Nuclear Transparency  ---
A quote...."After seven years of constant inspections, the report once again confirms the non-diversion of Iran's nuclear activities towards military and banned objectives: Soltanieh."
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U.S. Mercenaries were behind Croatian offensive in Balkan War  ---
A quote...."....there is an unexpected, albeit difficult to prove, twist to the Mijics' story: The class-action lawsuit recently filed in Chicago, to which Zivka is a party, alleges that American mercenaries were behind their suffering. -- As her lawyers see it, during the Balkan War of the 1990s, America began to "outsource" some of the dirty work of war and diplomacy to private contractors. They allege that behind the early morning attack that the Croats dubbed "Operation Storm" was a northern Virginia-based consulting company called MPRI Inc., made up of former high-ranking U.S. military officers that included a chief architect of Operation Desert Storm a few years earlier in Iraq."
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Russian Rokot carrier rocket orbits three satellites (Update 1)  ---
A quote...."A Russian Rokot carrier rocket orbited a Gonets-M satellite and two Kosmos satellites on Wednesday, a Defense Ministry spokesman said. -- Rokot lifted off from the Plesetsk space center in northern Russia at 07:30 am Moscow time (03:30 GMT), Lt. Col. Alexei Zolotukhin said. -- The Kosmos satellites will be used for military communications, while the Gonets-M will be part of Russia's large-scale Glonass satellite navigation system." - (Russia's equivalent of GPS - mpg)
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Russia to reorganize military command structure  ---
A quote...."The central commands of Russia's Air Force, Navy and Ground Forces will be retained but some of their functions will be transferred to integrated strategic commands, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Wednesday. -- This will help streamline the military command and control system, he said."
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Moldova faces new crisis after referendum debacle  ---
A quote...."CHISINAU — Moldova, Europe's poorest country, faced a new bout of political turmoil Monday after a miserable turnout scuppered a referendum on the pro-Western government's plan for constitutional change. -- The liberal coalition -- which ended the Communists' eight year rule last year -- called the referendum to change the constitution so the president is elected via direct suffrage rather than by parliament."
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Venezuelan Socialists Seek Resounding Victory  ---
A quote...."Caracas, Sep 8 (Prensa Latina) The vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Aristobulo Isturiz, urged the revolutionary forces to boost the process headed by Hugo Chavez with a resounding victory in the legislative elections of September 26."
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Yoo's Got Mail?  ---
A quote...."The Justice Department has finally uncovered emails written by John Yoo, the author of the so-called torture memos. But something's missing."
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Blair Cancels Book Event in London Due to Protests - Hip Hip Hooray!!
A quote...."From National Petroleum Radio  -- After meetings and interviews in Washington, former Prime Minister Tony Blair flew back to Europe, to hawk his memoir, A Journey: My Political Life. -- Suffice it to say, the book tour didn't get off to a great start. -- "Skirmishes broke out between protesters and police at the first public signing for Tony Blair's memoirs, with shoes and eggs hurled at the former prime minister," The Guardian reports. -- Now, Blair has cancelled a London book signing, "amid warnings that he would face a hostile reception from anti-war protesters." -- According to the New York Daily News, "Blair said he was doing the public a favor by scrapping tomorrow's scheduled event at a shop in central London." - bold by websit editor
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MI6 spy Gareth Williams murder: police probe poisoning theory
A quote...."A mystery "Mediterranean” couple are being hunted by police over the suspected murder of Gareth Williams, the British spy, while inquiries focus on whether he was poisoned at his London home."
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When will we see the next mass murder?  ---
Must Read - A quote...."Here’s a news flash for Tel Aviv: it’s not a sign of respect when the bulk of humanity views you as psychopathic. -- The concerns of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are misplaced. The legitimacy of Israel is no longer threatened. It’s already lost. Long gone. Kaput. -- Nation states are shared states of mind. The mindset in Iceland differs from India. Israel is the most unlike of all. Founded by extremists and terrorists, it’s been downhill ever since. -- Psychopaths want to be loved. That’s why they’re so charming, albeit only superficially. They’re also pathological liars, egocentric, callous and remorseless. -- Those qualities have long been familiar to Israel’s neighbors, particularly the Palestinians. After WWII, Harry Truman was charmed into treating this extremist enclave as an ally. -- That decision may well go down in history as America’s greatest mistake."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

‘The Peace Industry’ -
Must Read Satire - A quote...."The Nobel Prize award winning show, “The Peace Industry” comes back for its 19th season on September 2nd, after an almost 2 year hiatus.  It is one of the longest running and most popular shows in TV history."
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The Misnomer of the Peace Talks  ---
Must Read - Quote of the Day...."I don't know how anyone given the task could draw a map of Israel: it is likely the only country in the world with no defined borders, and it actually has worked very hard over many decades to achieve this peculiar state. -- It once had borders, but the 1967 war took care of those. It has no intention of ever returning to them because it could have done so at any time in the last forty-three years (an act which would have been the clearest possible declaration of a desire for genuine peace with justice and which would have saved the immense human misery of occupation), but doing so would negate the entire costly effort of the Six Day War whose true purpose was to achieve what we see now in the Palestinian territories."
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Israel/Palestine: More on the Sham Peace Talks  ---
A quote...."On and off for the past 35 years, so-called "peace" talks repeatedly have been stillborn from inception, a grand illusion masking an Israeli/Washington partnership intolerant of peace, demanding unconditional surrender, nothing less, the de facto Oslo result, one-sided for Israel, Palestinians given nothing to this day, enduring worse conditions now than then." - also posted at OpEdNews
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Why Negotiate, Again?  ---
A quote...."Another round of the Palestinian/Israeli bargaining negotiations started September 2nd despite all the predictions and expectations of miserable failure. The two parties had met for the nth time, within the last 17 years, where they had discussed the same old issues again and again, and then departed without any positive results despite the American mediation (falsely called the honest broker)." -- For more on the three articles shown above see.... Talking Implies Nothing!! - 08-25-10 - mpg  ---  ---  See also the article and comments shown below....
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Obama has signalled his coming complete surrender to Zionism and its lobby
Quote of the Day...."He did it with seven words. “Ultimately the U.S. cannot impose a solution.” -- What in God's name is Obama talking about!!!  The US-NRE "imposes a solution" every single day on the Palestinians!!  It gives three billion dollars or more every year to Israel, it ships to Israel thousands of tons of Flechette, DIME, White Phosphorous, DU and HE bombs to be dropped on the Palestinians every single day, and it has never failed to veto a single UN resolution even slightly critical of Israel's abhorrent, illegal, immoral, criminal behavior.  It has in fact done everything it possibly can to "impose a solution" by making every Palestinian's life a living hell on earth.  The only thing it hasn't done....YET, is "impose a [final] solution" on the Palestinians!!  Why the people of this nation ever voted for that two-faced, jive-talking, step-n'fetching, Israeli/AIPAC butt-kissing, sycophantic little Zionist wannabe worm like Obama will forever remain a total mystery to this website editor. - mpg - posted 09-04-10 - also posted at CounterCurrents  ---
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Zionist Settlers: A Long History of Terrorism  ---
A quote...."Zionist settlers, illegal colonists coming from all over the world to steal and occupy Palestinian land, armed with a green light to shoot and kill Palestinians whenever they want, won’t hesitate to use force against civilian Palestinians. Their violence includes shooting, stabbing beating, running over Palestinians, stealing their land, property and water, razing agricultural land, uprooting trees and burning crops, stealing harvest, raiding houses and blocking roads. Settler attacks are often initiated by them without any provocation or threat to their safety from Palestinians. In their attacks, the Zionist colonists are often accompanied by Israeli soldiers who either watch and don’t intervene to stop the settler terror or participate in the attacks and provide protection to the settlers." - also posted at AlethoNews  ---  ---  For more on this issue see....It's Inherent in Who They Are - 09-05-10 - mpg  ---
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Israeli police accused of targeting Jerusalem's Arab residents
A quote...."A leading civil-rights group has accused Israeli police of systematic discrimination against the Arab residents of East Jerusalem as growing numbers of hardline religious Jews take up residence in Palestinian areas."
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Palestinian woman prevented from visiting imprisoned son for 14 years
A quote...."A Palestinian human rights worker has reported that Israeli forces continue to prevent, Umm Ibrahim, an elderly woman in her 70s, from visiting her son after 14 years on the pretext that she poses as security threat to Israel. Umm Ibrahim had no choice but to find a Palestinian family from neighbouring area to adopt her son and visit him on her behalf, as she has previously done with other Arab prisoners." - also posted at AlethoNews
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World Water Week podcast: 90% of water in Gaza not safe to drink
A quote...."Last year, during the Israeli military offensive Operation Cast Lead, the Gaza Strip sustained $6m (US dollars) worth of damage to its water and sanitation network. Since then, repairs have been nearly impossible because of the ongoing Israeli blockade of Gaza. Construction materials, such as cement and piping, which are necessary for laying water and waste water lines, are not allowed into Gaza. Spare parts needed to repair water pumps are also routinely denied entry. As a result, Gaza’s water and sewage network is at the state of collapse. The World Health Organization  recently reported that 90% of the water being supplied to Gaza’s residents is not safe for drinking, and every day somewhere between 50m and 80m litres of partially treated sewage in Gaza is being dumped out into the sea." - also posted at Uruknet  ---  ---  For more on this issue see....Israel's Scorched Earth  ---
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For a morally consistent boycott of Israel  ---
Special Note - Boycott, Divest and Sanction the ENTIRE state of Israel, because it's the one action that ANYONE as an individual can commit to for the rest of their life and more importantly because it's EFFECTIVE for that very reason.  Never buy anything from Israel EVER again!! - (or at least until they fulfill their UN obligations....which means essentially the same thing) -- mpg --  A quote...."While we welcome acts of protest against any manifestation of Israel's regime of colonialism and apartheid, we believe that these acts must be both morally consistent and anchored in international law and universal human rights. -- First, we believe that the exclusive focus on settlement institutions ignores and obscures the complicity of all Israeli academic and cultural institutions in upholding the system of colonial control and apartheid under which Palestinians suffer. PACBI believes there is firm evidence of the collusion of the Israeli academic and cultural establishment with the major oppressive organs of the Israeli state. Focusing solely on obviously complicit institutions, such as cultural centers in a West Bank colony, serves to shield mainstream Israeli institutions from opprobrium or, ultimately, from the growing global boycott movement that consistently targets all complicit institutions." - also posted at Uruknet  ---  ---  For more on how to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the state of Israel see the upper-left-corner of the "Front Page"  ---  ---  of this website.
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Global BDS Against Israel Is Working  ---
Boycott, Divest and Sanction the ENTIRE state of Israel, because it feels so goooooood! - mpg -- A quote...."In July 2005, a coalition of 171 Palestinian Civil Society organizations created the Global BDS movement for “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights” for Occupied Palestinians, Israeli Arabs, and Palestinian diaspora refugees." - Source:  Steve Lendman  ---  ---  also posted at Uruknet  ---  ---  & OpEdNews  ---    For more on how to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the state of Israel see the upper-left-corner of the "Front Page"  ---  ---  of this website.
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Scottish activists campaign nationwide boycott against Israel
Boycott, Divest and Sanction the ENTIRE state of Israel, because it's better than the alternative. - mpg -- A quote...."EDINBURGH, (PIC)-- Activists launched a national campaign last weekend to boycott Israeli products throughout Scotland. The group said it will target Muslim-owned shops in Scotland as a first step." -- Hey, how about promoting buying Palestinian goods?? - mpg
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Hamas must prevent further attacks on Israeli civilians  ---
AGREED!! - mpg -- A quote...."Amnesty International today strongly condemned this week’s two attacks, one of them fatal, against Israeli civilians in the occupied West Bank. -- Amnesty International today strongly condemned this week’s two attacks, one of them fatal, against Israeli civilians in the occupied West Bank. The organisation urged the 13 Palestinian armed groups who issued a statement today threatening similar attacks to stop targeting civilians. -- In a letter sent today to Isma’il Haniyeh, Prime Minister of the Hamas de facto administration in the Gaza Strip, Amnesty International expressed its serious concern about the attacks claimed by Hamas’ military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades. The letter urges the Hamas authorities to take immediate measures to prevent future attacks on civilians." - For more on this issue see....It's Inherent in Who They Are - 09-05-10 - mpg
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Factions: PA arrests 'desperate attempt to quell resistance'  ---
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Palestinian opposition factions criticized Tuesday the Palestinian Authority for what it described as "a desperate attempt to quell resistance" in the West Bank, following a wave of detentions after the fatal shooting of four Israeli settlers in Hebron."
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The Federal Reserve's Reserve  ---
Must Read - A quote...." The Keynesians prefer mild price inflation, which means substantial monetary inflation. Chicago School monetarists say they are in favor of stable prices. Therefore, they are in favor of a steady increase in the base money supply: 3% to 5% per annum. Anyway, that was Milton Friedman's official estimate 40 years ago. These days, they do not offer a figure, but there were no howls of opposition to the FED's doubling of the monetary base almost two years ago. -- If the FED buys T-bonds, this will lower the interest rate on these bonds. The money will be instantly spent by the Treasury. The recipients of this Treasury money will deposit it into their banks. If the banks add to their excess reserves, then prices will not rise by much. The recovery will not appear. Price inflation will not occur. We will turn into Japan, with this difference: the Treasury will borrow from Asian central banks to keep interest rates down. The public will consume more than it produces. The Federal debt will grow. Japan exported; we will import. -- And then, one fine day, the Treasury will find that it cannot roll over its debts at low rates."
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Keiser Report №75: Markets! Finance! Scandal!  ---
MKVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (MKRTYuTb - 26min 21sec - September 07, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday
  ---  ---   Producer:  MaxKeiserTV  ---  ---  A quote...."This week Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert look at the scandals of "the weather in healthcare", virtual girlfriends and illegal immigrants giving up on the US economy. In the second half of the show, Max talks to independent journalist Mark "Bicyclemark" Fonseca Rendeiro, who is in Kabul to assist with the elections."
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Schumer Is Shocked, Shocked, There Is Quote Stuffing Going On In Here... Asks SEC To Look Into it
A quote...."And another one wakes up. Better late than never. We wish to remind the Senator that perhaps he should first follow up on why after the SEC "banning" Flash trading, DirectEdge and other exchanges still frontrun orders on a daily basis, and why flash trading continues to lead to....ahem....flash crashes."
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Alan Greenspan Admits America Is A Crony Capitalist System  ---
A quote...."We are not sure what is more amusing: the Masetro's unwitting (and quite correct) observation that America is now nothing but a crony capitalist country, or his attempt to back out of what he said that so perfectly captures the essence of the failed corporatocracy currently raging in America. In the following exchange from a DemocracyNow interview, Greenspan is forced to respond to his quote from Age Of Turbulence on the definition of crony capitalism: "When a government's leaders or businesses routinely seek out private sector individuals or business, and in exchange for political support bestow favors on them, the society is said to be in the grip of crony capitalism. The favors generally take the form of monopoly access to certain markets, preferred access to sales of government assets, and special access to those in power." "
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Robert Scheer on The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street
A quote...."We speak with veteran journalist and Truthdig editor, Robert Scheer, about his latest book, The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street. [includes rush transcript]"
||  Real Video Stream  ||  ---
||  Real Audio Stream  ||  ---
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||  More…  ||  ---
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US ruling class prepares attack on Social Security  ---
A quote...."Prominent figures in the US ruling elite have recently made a series of statements that forewarn of massive cuts in social spending, up to and including Social Security, the bedrock federal insurance entitlement for elderly and disabled workers."
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Dangerous Defeatism is taking hold among America's economic elites
A quote...."Goldilocks has played a trick on America. Growth is not warm enough to prevent hard-core unemployment climbing to post-war highs and sticking at levels that corrode the body politic, but not yet cold enough to overcome the fierce resistance of the Fed's regional hawks for a fresh blast of stimulus."
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Hedge Funds See $2.9 Billion In Outflows In July, Broadly Underperform S&P YTD; Redemption Requests Imminent
Mrkt Tech Note - A quote...."First mutual funds, then ETFs, now Hedge Funds. Bloomberg reports that the smartest of the smart money have posted an outflow of $2.9 billion in July, or 0.2% of total assets: the most since January, based on TrimTabs research. "July's number follows an outflow of $2.7 billion in June. The industry has dropped 4 percent since April 2010, according to Trimtabs, which attributed the decline mostly to negative returns in May and June. Flows have now been negative five of the last eight months (see chart, this page), the worst eight-month stretch since the September 2008 to April 2009 period."
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Strikes in France, London Foreshadow More Protests  ---
A quote...."PARIS - French strikers disrupted trains and planes, hospitals and mail delivery Tuesday amid massive street protests over plans to raise the retirement age. Across the English Channel, London subway workers unhappy with staff cuts walked off the job."
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Monday September 6th 2010 - links page

No posts. - mpg

Sunday September 5th 2010 - links page

Dick Cheney's Oily Dream  ---
Must Read - A quote...."Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is currently saying that Dick Cheney's vision of policy towards the Middle East after 9/11 was to re-draw the map:

"Vice-President Dick Cheney's vision of completely redrawing the map of the Middle East following the 9/11 attacks is "not stupid," and is "possible over time," former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says. -- In his new book, A Journey, the former Labour Party leader wrote that Cheney wanted a wholesale reorganization of the political map of the Middle East after 9/11. The vice president "would have worked through the whole lot, Iraq, Syria, Iran, dealing with all their surrogates in the course of it -- Hezbollah, Hamas, etc," Blair wrote."

"What does this mean? -- Well, as I have repeatedly pointed out, the "war on terror" in the Middle East has nothing to do with combating terror, and everything to do with remaking that region's geopolitical situation to America's advantage." -- For more on this issue see also the article shown below....
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Blair reveals Syria’s fears were well-founded  ---
War Planning Revealed - (General Wesley Clark's statements confirmed) -- A quote...."DAMASCUS // Syria always feared that the White House of George W Bush and Dick Cheney would invade Damascus once it had dispatched with Baghdad in 2003 and, in his newly released memoirs, the former British prime minister Tony Blair confirmed those fears were well founded. -- Describing the former US vice president as an advocate of “hard, hard power”, Mr Blair said Damascus was next on Mr Cheney’s hit list. -- “He would have worked through the whole lot, Iraq, Syria, Iran, dealing with all their surrogates in the course of it – Hizbollah, Hamas, etc,” Mr Blair wrote in his autobiography, A Journey. “In other words, he thought the whole world had to be made anew, and that after September 11, it had to be done by force and with urgency.” - posted 09-02-10
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For more on this issue see....The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.)  ---  ---  (YouTube - 1min 39 sec - March 17, 2007) -- For more on this entire issue see also....One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10
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Why The Fourth Branch Of The US Government Needs To Be Abolished, And Why "Authority" Should Never Be Trusted
Must Read - A quote...."On the evening of November 23, 1942, Adolf Hitler was deep in “consultation” with the chief of staff of the Luftwaffe (the German air force) on the possibility of supplying the surrounded German 6th army in Stalingrad by air. On hearing of this consultation, Reichsmarschall Goering, the head of the Luftwaffe, promptly contacted Hitler and assured him that the air force could maintain the 6th army for as long as necessary. -- All of Goering’s officers on the spot near Stalingrad knew that this was absolutely impossible. So did Goering’s chief of staff. So did Goering. And so did Hitler. Goering had already been proven wrong a little over a year earlier when he insisted that his Luftwaffe could clear the way for an -- invasion of Britain. That was not even considered. What WAS considered was that no matter how fanciful or how contradictory to the FACTS on the ground, a method had been found to prolong the illusion that the war could still be won. And besides, how would any of them know that it could not and would not work if they didn’t try it? -- They did try it. It didn’t work. The fate of the 6th army in Stalingrad is history. So is the fate of the Nazi regime."
For more on this issue see....the Ten Year Cycle  ---
& Some Tentative Laws - 07-20-08 - mpg  ---
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Our Long National Nightmare Isn't Over, It's Just Beginning  ---
Must Read - A quote...."September 05, 2010 "Information Clearing House" --  In the 1930s, the only thing we had to fear was fear, itself. - Today, the main thing we have to fear is us, ourselves. - Looking out over the horizon, I'm starting to wonder just how many shades of dark there are on the pallette.  Lately, I get the feeling that we're about to find out. - I wish I could say that this society did our best to fight our demons, but that the odds were simply insurmountable.  You know.  Like we were just sitting there by ourselves on our remote little Pacific island, a thousand years before telephones and radar when - bang - the tsunami hit, no fault of our own.  And we bravely struggled heroically, doing our mightiest to save as many lives as we could. - I mean, if you've got to crash and burn, better to go down with a little dignity and honor, eh? - But, no, not for me, apparently.  I'm an American.  I live in a country - nay, an empire! - that insists on destroying itself.  I'm part of the generation of decline.  My people are the fools who perfected the fine art of committing suicide by stupidity. - It's an astonishing act, and one of wide participation."
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The American Nightmare  ---
Special Note - A quote...." Now that the US has become one giant prison, its streets patrolled by swaggering, overweight and brutal policemen, it is attempting to impose its dreary way of life (if that is what it can still be called) on the rest of the world."
also posted at Hamsayeh  ---
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If You Don't Fight for the Middle Class, Kiss It Good-Bye
Special Note - A quote...."They're knocking down wages, offshoring everything from manufacturing jobs to high tech, reducing full-time work to part-time, downsizing our workplaces, busting unions, cutting health care coverage and canceling pensions -- while also lobbying in Washington to privatize Social Security, eliminate job safety protections, restrict unemployment benefits, kill job-creating programs and increase corporate control of our elections."
also posted at Hamsayeh  ---
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The spoiled-brat American electorate - This is beyond stupid, it's....indescribable. - mpg
Special Note - A quote...."According to polls, Americans are in a mood to hold their breath until they turn blue. Voters appear to be so fed up with the Democrats that they're ready to toss them out in favor of the Republicans -- for whom, according to those same polls, the nation has even greater contempt. This isn't an "electoral wave," it's a temper tantrum. -- It's bad enough that the Democratic Party's "favorable" rating has fallen to an abysmal 33 percent, according to a recent NBC-Wall Street Journal poll. It's worse that the Republican Party's favorability has plunged to just 24 percent. But incredibly, according to Gallup, registered voters say they intend to vote for Republicans over Democrats by an astounding 10-point margin. Respected analysts reckon that the GOP has a chance of gaining 45 to 60 seats in the House, which would bring Minority Leader John Boehner into the speaker's office." - bold by website editor - Earth to the Neo-Roman voters out there, please WAKE-UP!!  You can still actually vote (for now) for some other party besides the Demos or Repubs. Please do so, because voting for a Demo or Repub is simply a complete and total WASTE OF YOUR VOTE!!  If you haven't learned that by now, God help you, because no one else will. - mpg
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For more on this issue see....The Story of A Place Called Mouseland  ---
Alt  ---  ---  (YouTube - 6 min 38 sec - May 05, 2006)  -- Video - A quote...."Tommy Douglas and a vision for Saskatchewan" - posted 07-25-09
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The military 'junk' left in Iraq after US withdrawal  ---
Contains Video - Alt  ---  ---  A quote...."When the American military withdrew its last combat brigade from Iraq, it was part of an ongoing logistical operation of massive proportions. -- Thousands of tonnes of equipment have been moved out of Iraq but plenty has been left behind and not just for the troops that remain in Iraq. -- The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse reports from a junkyard on the outskirts of Fallujah."
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Karzai sets up ‘peace council’ for talks with Taliban  ---
A quote...."Negotiations with high-ranking members of the Taliban-led insurgency are seen as critical to any hopes of ending the nine-year-long rebellion. London welcomed the announcement, but foreign diplomats have privately warned meaningful talks could be years away."
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NATO Casualties in Afghanistan Close to 500  ---
A quote...."Kabul, Sep 5 (Prensa Latina) The current year is threatening to become the most deadly for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces deployed in Afghanistan, with nearly 497 casualties. --   According to the independent website, 521 soldiers of the occupation troops (ISAF) led by the international coalition died in 2009."
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As many as 2,000 more troops may be going to Afghanistan  ---
A quote...."Washington (CNN) -- As many as 2,000 additional troops -- including a number of U.S. forces -- may be headed to Afghanistan in the coming weeks under a plan being proposed by Gen. David Petraeus, CNN has learned." - also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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US, British Commanders Trade Accusations in Afghanistan  ---
A quote...."In a clash that immediately brought comparisons to the September 2007 Basra drawdown, top US and British commanders are once again openly attacking one another in the press, this time over the Afghan Province of Helmand."
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Three NATO trucks burn in Pakistan  ---
A quote...."Three NATO trucks burn in Pakistan --Over the past few weeks, militants have destroyed more than twenty NATO oil tankers. 05 Sep 2010 Militants in Pakistan have torched three oil tankers carrying fuel supplies to NATO and US forces stationed in neighboring Afghanistan. The oil tankers were intercepted by unknown gunmen riding motorcycles in southwestern Balochistan Province, Pakistani police officials told Press TV. Police confirmed that the militants took the people on board hostage at gunpoint and set the trucks on fire in the Mongechar area of Kalat district late Saturday. - bold by website editor
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Lebanon PM says he erred in blaming father's murder on Syria  ---
A quote...."BEIRUT - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri said in comments published on Monday that he erred in accusing Syria of the murder of his father, ex-premier Rafiq Hariri, in a 2005 bombing in Beirut." - also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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'Iran to stand by its nuclear rights'  ---
A quote...."Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast says Iran will not bow to pressure meant to discourage the country from pursuing its nuclear rights."
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Iran's S Pars output doubles by 2012  ---
A quote...."Iran's natural gas extraction at the giant South Pars field shared between Qatar and Iran will double in two years' time. -- “With all the wells in phases 9 and 10 coming on stream, phases 15 and 18 will begin production next year and phase 12 of the joint South Pars field is scheduled to come on line in 2012, Iran's extraction will rise by 100% to 225 million cubic meters,” a top official at the Iranian Pars Oil and Gas Company, Hossein Nosrat-Zadeh, was quoted by IRNA as saying."
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Iran gas export to Turkey resumes  ---  ---  The Mossad will have to ring-up their Kurdish allies again. - mpg
A quote...."Iran's natural gas exports to Turkey has resumed after it was halted due to an explosion in Turkey on August 25 that damaged a pipeline."
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Nuclear Hypocrisy -- UN Atomic Agency Curtails Probe of Israel’s Nuclear Capability  ---
A quote...."The International Atomic Energy Agency released documents today showing a split between member countries who want more light shed on Israel’s nuclear work and others that say the Vienna-based organization doesn’t have the right to pry. The IAEA’s 151 members voted in September 2009 to have the agency review Israel’s program as part of an effort to create a nuclear-weapons-free Middle East."  ---  "Countries including Canada, the U.K. and U.S. opposed the probe...." - Source:  Bloomberg  ---
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Israeli says not guilty of 'largest human trafficking case in U.S. history' -
A quote...."Israeli says not guilty of 'largest human trafficking case in U.S. history'  05 Sep 2010 The Israeli head of a labor recruiting company accused of exploiting 400 workers from Thailand and forcing them to work on U.S. farms pleaded not guilty Friday, in part of what the Federal Bureau of Investigation calls the largest human-trafficking case U.S. history. Los Angeles-based Global Horizons Manpower CEO Mordechai Orian, 45, surrendered to federal authorities in Honolulu earlier Friday, a day after the FBI had tried to arrest him at his Southern California home but found he wasn't there."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

It's Inherent in Who They Are

Hamas, don’t blow this chance  ---
Must Read - A quote...."For example, Hamas could have said:  --  "Israel doesn’t have a monopoly on security and we Palestinians are equally entitled to feel safe… Armed Jewish squatters terrorize Palestinian families, menace our children, damage crops, poison our water and often cause fatal harm… Therefore any armed squatter on Palestinian soil risks the same fate as an armed Palestinian found in Israel.”
also posted at Uruknet  ---

Perhaps Hamas should watch the movie "Tombstone", just killing Israeli "settlers", even if they're armed, should not, is not, and can not be permitted, but taking the "settlers" guns away so they can't shoot Palestinians when they're on Palestinian land IS permitted.

On the other hand many of the Zionists in Israel are cowardly bullies (it's why they need the constant, un-stinting support of their "Big Mommy", the US-NRE and all the weapons and money it provides) and this whole thing could rapidly get out of control.

Just as they did during their invasion of Gaza, they'll again
deliberately bomb  ---  ---  schools, hospitals, police academies, power plants, sewage plants, mosques, farms, factories, libraries, homes and kill thousands of civilians while doing so in retaliation for any resistance whatsoever, especially if it's successful and most especially if it's perceived to be lawful.

It's their nature to be abject, craven, cowards, it's part of who they are, it's why they'll NEVER play "fair", it's why they never resisted the Nazi regime and meekly submitted to the concentration camps and why they'll always take out their self-loathing and self-hatred for doing so on the Palestinians and for that matter -- the rest of the entire world.

They will do so over and over again....their innate cowardice, and therefore their corresponding eagerness to murder those militarily weaker than they are, such as unarmed civilians, runs very deep.

The Palestinians must understand, unlike the Zionists of Israel, they've always resisted, they've always stood their ground, even against Israel's lackey, it's monstrous, drooling, psychotic, mommy, the New Roman Empire, and this is something they cannot and will not ever be forgiven for.  The Israelis will ALWAYS hate them for it.

It's extremely unlikely this inherent nature of the Israelis will ever change. - mpg

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Israeli cabinet OKs new army chief linked to Gaza war crimes  ---
A quote...."As head of Israel's Southern Command, Galant led forces in the December 2008-January 2009 attack on Gaza that cost the lives of 1,400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis." - also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Group: Officer who killed Palestinian received public money  ---
A quote...."BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- An Israeli police officer convicted of manslaughter for killing an unarmed Palestinian received over $90,000 of Israeli public money, a rights group said Sunday."  - also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Israeli raids claim lives in Gaza  ---
A quote...."Two Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air raids in the Gaza Strip, medics and security sources say. Another person has been critically injured. -- The Israeli army launched three raids in the south of Gaza on Saturday after Palestinian fighters fired a rocket over the border. -- The flare-up of violence on the Israel-Gaza border came just two days after the relaunch of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in the US."
also posted at Uruknet  ---
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IDF document: "Separating Gaza from West Bank”  ---
Special Note - A quote...."source An IDF Powerpoint slideshow, presented before the Turkel committee for the investigation of the Israeli raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla, reveals the official goals of the Israeli policy regarding the Gaza strip. -- The slideshow, prepared by The Administration for the Coordination of Government Policy in the Territories – the IDF body in charge of carrying out Israeli government policies regarding the civilian population in the West Bank and Gaza – deals with the humanitarian conditions in the strip; with food, water, fuel and electricity supply and with the condition of medical facilities in Gaza." - For more on this sort of issue see the video shown below....
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Diana Buttu lecture on the peace ‘process’  ---
AFVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (AFYuTb - 36min 47sec - August 28, 2010) - Source:  AlternateFocus  ---  ---   posted 08-31-10 - For more on this issue see also....Talking Implies Nothing!! - 08-25-10 - mpg  ---
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Report from beyond the green line: children and soldiers  ---
Contains Photos & Video - Alt  ---  ---  Related Article - A quote...."As we traveled from Tel Aviv to Ni’ilin, the invisiblity of borders between Israel and the West Bank struck me. We drove up route 443  and turned left towards Modayin Elite. Even though the roads are in the West Bank it feels as though we are in the middle of the Tel Aviv suburbs. There is no sign marking the green line. There is nothing, just one whitewashed Israeli town after another. After we pass Modayin Elite, we arrive at a checkpoint. This feels kind of like a border but it is temporary and shifting. Just after the checkpoint, we take a sharp left and are in the middle of the city of Ni’ilin. It feels like a pocket. A pocket of natives in a sea of settlers. I can’t help but think of the beginning of Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth, “the zone where the natives live is not complementary to the zone inhabited by the settler. The two zones are opposed, but not in the service of a higher unity.”
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West Bank protests against Israel’s many crimes violently dispersed by military: ten arrested  ---
A quote...."At around midday on Friday, thirty demonstrators including around ten international and Israeli activists, met to protest against land-theft by the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Efrat and against the illegal military occupation."
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$12.8 Trillion : The True Cost Of The Bank Bailout  ---
Contains Video - Alt  ---  ---  It's more like thirty trillion.  ---  ---  mpg  ---  A quote...."We all know about TARP, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which spent $700 billion in taxpayers’ money to bail out banks after the financial crisis. That money was scrutinized by Congress and the media. -- But it turns out that that $700 billion is just a small part of a much larger pool of money that has gone into propping up our nation’s financial system. And most of that taxpayer money hasn’t had much public scrutiny at all."
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More than 400 US Banks Will Fail: Roubini  ---
A quote...."Even if the US and European economies manage to avoid a double dip, it will still feel like a recession, while more than half of the 800-plus US banks on the "critical list" are likely to go bust, according to renowned economist Nouriel Roubini of Roubini Global Economics."
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Sellers Cut Prices on 50% of Homes  ---
A quote...."Homeowners are slashing prices more drastically and more frequently, according to recently released data from ZipRealty. The average price reduction is now 7.1 percent of list price."
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Richest Lawmakers Grew Wealthier as Economy Faltered  ---
A quote...."September 04, 2010 -- Yahoo News -- The  rest of the country is still struggling with high unemployment amid a sluggish-at-best economic recovery -- but the wealthiest members of Congress are in high cotton. Indeed, the top 50 wealthiest lawmakers saw their combined net worths increase last year, according to the Hill's annual analysis of financial disclosure documents." - Source:  YahooNews
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US becoming a Third World country?  ---
A quote...."The United States is on the brink of sliding down to a Third World country, as it struggles with massive debts, rising unemployment and a deteriorating economy."
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Waking Up in the 1930s  ---
A quote...."In the year 2010, America once again embraced the bread line. That distant, faded, iconic black-and-white image of the Great Depression has re-emerged across the nation, waiting to be updated fully into HD color. Just as we seldom see pictures of American war dead returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, we seldom see newscasts of the struggling, jobless masses lining up for handouts. But they are lining up, and the scene is not one we are inured to, [This website editor is TOTALLY "inured".  For more on that issue see....The Last Straw - A Personal Note - 05-12-10 - mpg]  ---  ---  that of the disheveled homeless, the permanent underclass being ladled turkey dinners by apron-clad celebrities at Skid Row kitchens at holiday time. Rather, neatly dressed, solidly middle class, once working folk fill these bread lines as they become reconciled to a stark new reality. At the same time, this generation of jobless and the underemployed has yet to embrace what is shaping up to be nothing but the 1930s redux, and their voices murmur inconsistent notes of doubt, disillusionment and hope."
also posted at AmericanEveryman  ---
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China fears depreciation of $2.45 trillion of reserves still heavy in dollars
A quote...."The Chinese Government holds the largest stockpile of currency reserves at $2.45 trillion (£1.59 trillion), with 65pc held in dollars, 26pc in euros, 5pc in pounds, and 3pc in yen."
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China's domestic trade to top $2 trillion this year: senior official  ---
A quote...."BEIJING, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- China's broad market and potential for development will see the nation's domestic market grow to 2 trillion U.S. dollars this year, a senior trade official said here Monday. -- Chong Quan, Deputy International Trade Representative of China, was speaking at a forum on China's imports and exports, which opened in Beijing Monday."
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Saturday September 4th 2010

The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda. The CIA’s Drug-Running Terrorists and the “Arc of Crisis”
Must Read - A quote...."Part 1 examines the origins of the intelligence network known as the Safari Club, which financed and organized an international conglomerate of terrorists, the CIA’s role in the global drug trade, the emergence of the Taliban and the origins of al-Qaeda."

The History of Wirt Dexter Walker: Russell & Company, the CIA and 9/11
Must Read - A quote...."World Trade Center (WTC) security company Stratesec has been a topic of considerable discussion among independent 9/11 investigators.  One point of discussion has been the possible familial relationship between Stratesec’s CEO, Wirt Dexter Walker III, and its director Marvin Bush, whose brother was President of the United States on 9/11.  Although Wirt and Marvin are distant relatives, these ties are inconsequential relative to each man’s family connections to old drug money, deep state operatives, and the wealthy, powerful people who have controlled such money and operatives over the last two centuries." - also posted at PrisonPlanet  ---

Building 7 Collapse Compilation (no sound)  ---
Video - Alt - (YuTb - 4min 18sec - September 01, 2010) - Source:  BuildingWhat  ---  ---  A quote...."Visit BuildingWhat dot Org  ---  ---  Video compilation of the collapse of World Trade Center 7 by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth."

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11  ---
Contains Videos - WTC7Cmpltn  ---  ---  WTC7Freefall  ---  ---  A quote...."Although it received little media attention at the time, the third-worst structural building failure in modern history occurred on September 11, 2001. World Trade Center (WTC) Building 7 was a 47-story, steel-framed, fire-protected, high-rise office building located about a football field’s length from the WTC North Tower. Unlike its two taller cousins, WTC 7 was never hit by an aircraft, yet it fell to the ground suddenly, displaying the classic signatures of explosive controlled demolition." -- For more on WTC7, see....9/11-WTC7  ---  ---  See also.... Reficultnias's 9/11 Central

Israeli spies wooing U.S. Muslims, sources say  ---
Special Note - A quote...."The CIA took an internal poll not long ago about friendly foreign intelligence agencies. -- The question, mostly directed to employees of the clandestine service branch, was: Which are the best allies among friendly spy services, in terms of liaison with the CIA, and which are the worst? In other words, who acts like, well, friends? -- “Israel came in dead last,” a recently retired CIA official told me the other day. -- Not only that, he added, throwing up his hands and rising from his chair, “the Israelis are number three, with China number one and Russia number two,” [Think of it this way folks, China has 1.5 billion people, Russia has 141 million, and Israel has just 5 million.  All this trouble for just five million, is this country STUPID or what?!?!] in terms of how aggressive they are in their operations on U.S. soil." - also posted at WarInIraq  ---  ---  Oh so they say.  Com'on now, the CIA does exactly what the Mossad tells it to do, everybody knows that. - mpg
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Petraeus – Neocons favorite general – Wayne Madsen  ---
Video - Alt  ---  ---  (RTYuTb - 4min 44sec - September 02, 2010) - Source:  RTAmerica  ---  ---  A quote...."(RussiaToday) – Ten Afghan civilians were killed Thursday in a NATO air strike on three vehicles carrying civilians, President Hamid Karzai said in a statement. Karzai strongly condemned the incident in his statement, confirming earlier reports of an air strike that killed election workers in Takhar province. Have the rules of engagement in Afghanistan changed because of General David Petraeus?"

MSM: Report – Blackwater created shell companies  ---
A quote...."(AP) – The security company Blackwater Worldwide formed a network of 30 shell companies and subsidiaries to try to get millions of dollars in government business after the company faced strong criticism for reckless conduct in Iraq, The New York Times reported." - Source:  AP  ---  ---  also posted at the OrngCntyRgstr

Police Release Scientist in Miami Airport Scare Who Had Previously Been Involved with Smuggling Plague Samples  ---
A quote...."A world-renowned Texas scientist specializing in infectious diseases who was once charged with smuggling dangerous samples of plague bacteria into the U.S. was questioned by authorities after a suspicious item found in his luggage caused a massive evacuation at Miami International Airport Thursday night."

Mad Men: The Psychopaths of Power Play the Insanity Card
Special Note - A quote...."For your consideration: two stories, from opposite sides of the world, concerning the attitude of Power toward those who would question its wisdom...." - also posted at OpEdNews  ---

The ongoing attack on WikiLeaks  ---
A quote...."Good comment  ---  ---  from Emmy.  I should add the context that WiliLeaks is in the middle of permanently establishing  ---  ---  itself in Sweden, largely due to the fact that Sweden is one of the few countries to provide legal protection  ---  ---  to whistleblowers.  "Mr.  ---  ---  Assange also said that he had applied for a permit to live and work in Sweden just days before the accusations against him were made, and leaked to Expressen, and he was concerned that the case might damage his chances of moving to the country to take advantage of its laws protecting members of the press." -- The Americans are using the Swedish government to make it appear that Assange is some kind of serial rapist, thus making his move to Sweden, and the establishment of WikiLeaks in Sweden, impossible.  The Swedes aren't hiding their corruption very well, and one would hope that this American intelligence manipulation of the Swedish legal system would become a political issue in Sweden."
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Mullen: U.S. will bypass Turkey in Iraq weapons withdrawal  ---
A quote...."Istanbul, Turkey (CNN) — The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff on Saturday said the United States does not plan to use Turkish territory in withdrawing its weapons from Iraq." - Source:  CNN

Afghan progress slower than first hoped, general says  ---
A quote...."KABUL, Sept 4 (Reuters) - International forces in Afghanistan have at times overstated the progress being made this year, the deputy commander of the NATO-led force said on Saturday, with advances coming slower than originally expected."

British guns used against Nato forces in Afghanistan
A quote...."Serious questions are being asked about a cover-up by commanders in Helmand after the 59 Minimi machine guns were not reported missing for almost a year. The theft was revealed only when American forces recovered two of the guns following a battle with the Taliban."

Iran lauds ties with Armenia  ---
A quote...."Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki has hailed Iran's relations with Armenia and calls for further expansion of ties with the northwestern neighbor."

Japan’s new political crisis  ---
A quote...."If Ichiro Ozawa wins the top job in the Democratic Party of Japan, he will become the country’s third prime minister in just over a year, reflecting deep-seated political instability fuelled by economic stagnation, a worsening social crisis and growing global antagonisms."

China successfully launches satellite Sinosat-6 for TV, radio live broadcast  ---
A quote...."XICHANG, Sichuan, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- China successfully launched the "SinoSat-6" satellite for radio and television live broadcast at 12:14 a.m.Sunday from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Obama has signalled his coming complete surrender to Zionism and its lobby
Quote of the Day...."He did it with seven words. “Ultimately the U.S. cannot impose a solution.” -- What in God's name is Obama talking about!!!  The US-NRE "imposes a solution" every single day on the Palestinians!!  It gives three billion dollars or more every year to Israel, it ships to Israel thousands of tons of Flechette, DIME, White Phosphorous, DU and HE bombs to be dropped on the Palestinians every single day, and it has never failed to veto a single UN resolution even slightly critical of Israel's abhorrent, illegal, immoral, criminal behavior.  It has in fact done everything it possibly can to "impose a solution" by making every Palestinian's life a living hell on earth.  The only thing it hasn't done....YET, is "impose a [final] solution" on the Palestinians!!  Why the people of this nation ever voted for that two-faced, jive-talking, step-n'fetching, Israeli/AIPAC butt-kissing, sycophantic little Zionist wannabe worm like Obama will forever remain a total mystery to this website editor. - mpg
also posted at CounterCurrents  ---

2 killed as Israel bombs southern Gaza  ---
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Gaza medics said Sunday morning they retrieved the body of a second Palestinian killed when Israel's air force struck the southern Strop overnight Saturday, officials said."

Bulldozing of land in the town of Beit Jala  ---
A quote...."Israeli settlement construction has continued while Palestinian and Israeli leaders re-entered peace talks, secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative Mustafa Barghouthi said Saturday."

Palestinians protest the PA cabinet’s announcement of an "indefinite" delay in municipal elections  ---
As many Neocons and Armageddon Cultists would say...."More ol'dat dare free-dumb and da'mockery, yuk, yuk, yuk, drool, drool, drool." - mpg -- A quote...."What happened in Hebron proved our point; we need a unified Palestinian position," Palestinian National Initiative leader Mustafa Barghouthi said following a mass rally in Ramallah on Wednesday. -- The protest, planned immediately after PA forces quashed a news conference on 25 August, was coordinated by leftist Palestinian factions, independent parties and several prominent philanthropists and business people involved with recent attempts to restore unity."

'Palestinian Gandhi' Convicted for Protesting; U.S. Silent  ---
A quote...."Last week, an Israeli military court convicted Abdallah Abu Rahmah, whom progressive Zionists have called a "Palestinian Gandhi," of "incitement" and "organizing and participating in illegal demonstrations" for organizing protests against the confiscation of Palestinian land by the "Apartheid Wall" in the village of Bilin in the West Bank, following an eight month trial, during which he was kept in prison. -- The European Union issued a protest. But as far as I am aware, no U.S. official has said anything and no U.S. newspaper columnist has denounced this act of repression;"

Two Arrested, At least A Dozen Injured During West Bank Anti Wall Protests  ---
A quote...."This week, anti wall protests were organized in the villages of Bil’in and Nil’in, in the central West Bank, and the village of Al Ma’sara, in the southern West Bank."
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Obama Must Create 230,000 Jobs A Month Until The End Of His Second Term For Return To Breakeven - Charting The New "7 Year Itch" Normal  ---  ---  Must Read - Charts - (click to enlarge) -- A quote...."Recently there has been a surge in cherry picked employment charts highlighting that the Obama administration has done a great job in rescuing the economy."

Obama’s Neoliberal War on Labor  ---
RTVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (RTYuTb - 6min 30sec - September 03, 2010) - Source:  RTAmerica  ---  ---  A quote...."In the United States Labor Day has become synonymous with beaches and barbecues. Webster Tarpley says Labor Unions are in retreat ever since the days of former President Richard Nixon and the US is down to 9% of the workforce that is unionized. Labor Unions were instrumental in creating Labor Day but what role do they play in America's future?"

Quantitative Easing (QE2): The Crisis in Banking Has Worsened  ---
A quote...."In a futile attempt to keep the economic and financial system afloat, QE2 is underway. It began in early June as banks changed the rules for awarding loans. Their efforts over the past few months have only met with moderate success. Banks had cut back lending by some 25% over the past 16 months mainly to small and medium-sized companies. In the process the economy slowed down markedly and unemployment shot up to levels not seen since the 1930s. These first attempts to restart a sliding economy have so far not met with success. It was not long after that the real decision makers at the Fed that QE2 was going to be needed. We saw the marshalling of financial and economic forces and the tell tale sign of a stock market moving upward for unexplained reasons. That tipped us to QE2."

Video Satire - (YuTb - 2min 13sec - July 06, 2009) - It's funny....mpg

US companies shift bigger share of health care costs onto workers  ---  ---  No surprise here....mpg
A quote...."Amid a weakening economy and growing joblessness, employers shifted more health care costs onto workers in 2010, according to a study released Thursday. The findings follow a previous report that showed big companies plan to shift even more of the burden of health care costs onto their workforces in 2011."

Roubini: India May Overtake China within a Year  ---
Charts - A quote...."Nouriel Roubini made an interesting point about India and China this week: -- Roubini warned that world growth leader China was too dependent on exports to the struggling West and predicted that within a year its economic growth will be overtaken by India, a huge nation much more reliant on its domestic market for development. -- India and China are the two most populous nations on Earth."

Brazil's GDP growth to top 7% this year: officials  ---
A quote...."RIO DE JANEIRO, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega said Friday the country's gross domestic product (GDP) would grow at least seven percent this year, the highest in 24 years if achieved."

Friday September 3rd 2010 - links page

Ken O’Keefe – Marine Vet Talks About 9/11 and America’s Role In The World
Must View Video - Alt  ---  ---  (YuTb - 6min 05sec - August 23, 2010) - Source:  Otraverdad  ---  ---  A quote...."Please Visit and Support: RoadToHope:  ---  ---  Ken O'Keefe grew up in California and was in the U.S. Marines in the 1991 Gulf War. He initiated P10K dot Net  ---  ---  in 2004 to recruit international observers to live side by side with Palestinians. Humanitarian Peace Activist, Anti-War, Gulf War veteran and survivor of the Mavi Marmara massacre. WorldCitizen"  ---

"It is one hundred percent certain that 9-11 was a Mossad operation -- period." -- *Dr. Alan Sabrosky*, former director of Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College

See also...."PressTV: 21 Aug. 2010 - Program: The Agenda - America: Is it a Civilized Nation?"  ---  ---  PTVVideo - (PTVvid - 51min 24sec - 21 Aug. 2010)
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Is Obama Sounding Bushlike? Video  ---
Must View RTVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (RTYuTb - 7 min - September 02, 2010) - Source:  RTAmerica  ---  ---  A quote...."On Tuesday night US President Barack Obama delivered his second speech from the Oval office, where he officially said that combat missions in Iraq are finished. So what was left unsaid in President Obama's national address about Iraq war? David Swanson said President Obama sounded like he embraced all the lies about this war, including the falsehood about the surge which created "mythical success"."
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The True Cost of the War  ---
Must Read - A quote...."As it is impossible for the U.S. government to any longer pretend that the invasion of Iraq was necessary to save America from weapons of mass destruction and al Qaeda terrorists, the U.S. government’s justification for its massive war crime has come down to removing Saddam Hussein, who, like the Americans, tortured his opponents. -- Does anyone on earth, even among the most moronic of the flag-waving American super-patriots, believe that the bankrupt United States government spent three trillion borrowed dollars to remove one man, Saddam Hussein, in order to free Iraq from tyranny? Anyone who believes this is insane. -- Saddam Hussein would have resigned for far less money had it been offered to him." -- also posted at DProgram
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More War Lies  ---
Must Read - A quote...."U.S. participants in this crime are heroes, always and everywhere. That's sacred. The troops' mission has involved protecting the Iraqi people, and by golly they've done a superb job, as long as we don't mention the complete devastation of Iraq, the million dead, the millions of refugees, and the intense resentment of those remaining toward our country for what we've done to theirs. -- The Iraqi people now (dead, in exile, in a ruined nation) have a chance that they supposedly didn't have before we destroyed their country, a country that was actually a better place to live in in every way in 2003 than it is now, and in 1989 than in 2003. To hear President Obama, this war has been for the benefit of the Iraqi people, and these wars have been about al Qaeda and 9-11." - also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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With Each Cowardly Massacre America is a More Abhorrent Egotistical Place to Live
Must Read - A quote...."US Drone Strike Destroys House Full of Children in Pakistan":  ---  ---  by Jason Ditz, 8/23/10 (confirmed by Reuters  ---  ---  and News,  ---  ---  Pakistan. -- "NATO kills 6 Afghan children" :  ---  ---  "Six children were killed by NATO warplanes in Kunur province Thursday while they were collecting scrap metal in a mountainous area when aircraft dropped bombs," provincial police chief Khalilullah Ziayee said. -- These massacres, like many others, were not even carried on the Associated Press wire services. And mainstream media usually doesn't report them even if AP does. Very rarely do they appear on Network newscasts, and almost never in the tabloids and conglomerate owned hometown newspapers. Only massacres approaching a hundred are considered newsworthy."
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Guantanamo Guards Tortured 90-Year-Old Blind Man, Book Alleges  ---
Almost all of the people working in the US-NRE's vast and bloated "war, terrorism and insecurity complex" are bona fide psychos, don't let anybody tell you different folks. - mpg -- Some quotes...."Although U.S. officials have attributed the torture of Muslim prisoners in American custody to a handful of maverick guards or limited to a few "high-value detainees," such criminal acts were widely perpetrated, likely involving large numbers of military personnel, a book by a survivor suggests." -- "In his book, "Five Years of My Life: An Innocent Man in Guantanamo",  ---  ---  [GoglBkSrch]*  ---  ---  he [Murat Kurnaz] writes that his beatings began in 2001 on the flight from Pakistan (where he was pulled off a public bus and sold by Pakistani police for $3,000) to his first imprisonment in Afghanistan." - *links added
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CIA's 'Red Cell' Hypocrisy on Terror  ---
Special Note - WikiLeaks Dis-Info Exposed - (Intentional or not is irrelevant.  Wikileaks was perfectly aware of the US-NRE's long history of supporting terrorism, and they should have attached a caveat to their release of the CIA's "red cell" analysis stating it was almost pure spin and probably deliberate dis-info.  The fact they didn't is not a good sign for their reliability as an independent source of news. - mpg) -- A quote...."....what’s most striking about the secret three-page memo, dated Feb. 4 and disclosed by WikiLeaks last month, is how it reflects CIA self-censorship regarding the agency’s own long history of supporting acts of terror and protecting terrorists. -- Cases of terrorism that implicate the CIA or its operatives, such as the blowing up of a Cubana airliner in 1976 or the arming of Nicaraguan contra rebels in the 1980s, are ignored by the “red cell” analysts even though many of the alleged perpetrators and their funders are still harbored in the United States – and include current and past U.S. government officials." - For more on this issue see....US Support of Terror  ---  ---  Keep in mind folks while perusing this weblist that it only scratches the surface of the US-NRE's long history of supporting "terror", it covers only the Middle East, and only starts around the eighties. - mpg
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Why Americans Elect Awful Presidents  ---
Special Note - A quote...."For years I muttered mentally to myself about the insanity of Americans electing George W. Bush president.  Now I go through the same agony about the craziness of the nation electing Barack Obama president.  As much as I thought Bush was a manipulated second-rate politician that carried out the terribly destructive policies pushed by Cheney and other conservative corporate shills, now I feel equally angry that so many voters fell for the slick rhetoric and lies of Obama.  Disgust produces public thirst for change and Obama was wickedly brilliant at selling change.  When voters are so easily victimized what does democracy amount to?"
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Poll Suggests Americans Buying ‘End of War’ in Iraq - People in this country are S.T.U.P.I.D. - mpg
A quote...."The poll shows that 58% of Americans now think the US “did the right thing” in the war, suggesting that there is already [a] whimsical “alls well that ends well” viewpoint swelling in the opinion of American voters, despite the massive death tolls, unfathomable cost, and [the] fairly major handicap of the war still going on."
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As Iraq War Continues, a Surge in Contractors  ---
A quote...."With the Obama Administration having successfully transitioned public perception of the Iraq War into something in the past, the 50,000 US troops still on the ground are still engaging in combat missions, even if no one is calling them that officially anymore. -- But less often mentioned are the massive army of private security contractors, tens of thousands of whom remain in Iraq and continue to go on largely as they have, fighting the same war they have been fighting for seven and a half years."
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UK firm ordered to quit Afghanistan  ---
A quote...."He added that senior officers had been trying to make Afghan officials appreciate "this undertaking requires a deliberate process". -- "Understanding the scale and the scope of the issues that are clearly present will take time," he said. Blue Hackle's guards had last night withdrawn inside the perimeter walls of the compounds they were guarding." - also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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Pakistan bombing death toll hits 65  ---
A quote...."Earlier reports had put the death toll at 53 with nearly 200 were injured. -- The Friday attack came as thousands of people were attending a rally in Quetta in support of the Palestinian cause, marking the international Quds day. -- According to the medics, over a dozen people succumbed to their injuries overnight at hospitals across the city on Saturday. The death toll is expected to rise further as some of the injured are reported in critical condition. -- The attack was the second assault against Pakistani Shia Muslims in three days." - bold by website editor - More US-NRE-CIA-Saudi-Royal-al-Qaeda sponsored attacks. - mpg -- For more on this issue see.....It Will Happen Every Single Time  ---  ---  See also....One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ---
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Norway backs Iran's nuclear program  ---
A quote...."Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store has voiced his country's support for Iran's nuclear program, emphasizing Iran's right to peaceful nuclear energy."
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Senior Diplomat Underlines Turkey's Role in Solving Regional Issues  ---
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Tehran's envoy to Beirut on Friday stressed the important role of Turkey in resolving regional issues."
also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Turkey May Let U.S. Equipment Pass  ---
A quote...."ISTANBUL — Turkey, which in 2003 damaged relations with the United States by refusing to allow Americans troops to invade Iraq via its southeast border, has agreed in principle to allow the United States to move technical and logistical military equipment through the country as part of the withdrawal from Iraq." - bold by website editor
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Iran could strike Israeli nuclear site if attacked  ---
A quote...."TEHRAN, Iran — Iran's military chief of staff says Tehran could strike Israel's nuclear facility if the Jewish state were to attack Iran's nuclear sites. -- The semiofficial Mehr news agency quoted Gen. Hasan Firouzabadi as saying Iran hopes there won't "be a need to target the nuclear facility of the Zionist regime," but if there is Israel would receive "dreadful retribution."
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Repression in Honduras continues unabated  ---
A quote...."Last Thursday and Friday (Aug. 26-27), police and military violently repressed  public school teachers who have taken to the streets for almost 3 weeks to demand, among other things, that the Pepe Lobo regime return 4 billion lempiras – some 200 million dollars – that were taken from INPREMA, an institution that manages teachers’ pension funds, after the military-oligarchic coup against President Mel Zelaya on Jun. 28, 2009."
also posted at AlethoNews  ---
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EC halts proposed data deal with Israel  ---  ---  FINALLY!! A litttle bit of common sense!! - mpg
A quote...."The European Commission has halted a proposal to allow Israel access to potentially sensitive data on European Union citizens following concerns expressed by the Irish Government. -- The concerns arose following the use of forged Irish passports in the murder of a Hamas operative, allegedly by Israeli agents." - For more on this issue see....

Irish ministers fight EU bid to give Israel data  ---
MY GAWD!!  That's like giving Charles Manson and Ted Bundy your personal address at home, your place of work and all your phone numbers....are the Europeans crazy!!  Are they stupid!! Why not just let the Israelis copy their passports....oh...ummmmm....never mind. - mpg -- A quote...."The Republic of Ireland is to vote today against an EU plan to allow sensitive personal data on European citizens to be handed over to Israel." - posted 09-03-10
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Isreal Rejects Opening Up Nuclear Programme, IAEA Reports
A quote...."Israel's government has rebuffed the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) suggestion that it open its nuclear programme to international inspectors and join a global pact to stop the spread of nuclear arms, the IAEA said Friday in a report."
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Charles Freeman: Stifling debate on Israel has deadly consequences
A quote...."New York – When it comes to the normally stultified American debate on Middle East issues, Charles Freeman, the former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, is one of the most outspoken US officials. -- His pronouncements, by his own admission, break established taboos against criticism of Israel, against skepticism about the two-state solution, against supporting engagement with Hamas. And the central taboo, he argues, which underpins the others, prohibits discussion of the role of right wing organizations lobbying for Israel, such as AIPAC. -- Freeman’s own career took a bizarre detour as a result of the the Israel lobby, when in 2009 his appointment to chair the National Intelligence Council was cancelled after a series of right-wing officials furiously attacked him for allegedly not supporting Israel strongly enough."
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The “12 Commandments” of the Israel Lobby
A quote...."Rep. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania is the latest to take heat from the Israel Lobby, mainly because he once attended a meeting with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and also refused to sign a letter written by AIPAC. So they created a TV ad that tries to tie him to terrorism. Never mind the fact that Sestak acted on his conscience in both instances—anybody who flaunts the dictates of the Israel Lobby has to be punished. -- The people who are promoting this latest experiment in intimidation are pretty open about what they’re doing, and why." -- For more on this issue see....Judeo-Christian C/C & US
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Smear campaign targets pro-Palestinian Brooklyn College professor; alum suspends ’significant bequest’
A quote...."A campaign reminiscent of past academic battles  ---  ---  over Israel is afoot, this time targeting Brooklyn College professor Moustafa Bayoumi,  ---  ---  who edited the newly released book titled Midnight on the Mavi Marmara: The Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and How it Changed the Course of the Israel/Palestine Conflict.  ---  ---  Critics of Bayoumi say it is inappropriate for the college to assign his book, How Does It Feel to be a Problem? Being Young and Arab in America,  ---  ---  to the approximately 1,500 incoming freshmen, a longstanding tradition meant to engage students in collective dialogue through writing. Critics are accusing Bayoumi’s book of seeking to “inculcate students with a political viewpoint,” claiming the decision lacks “balance.” But upon closer examination of the concocted controversy, it becomes clear that the targeting of Bayoumi is principally for his advocacy for Palestinian human rights. His adversaries are using the college’s decision to have his book read by freshmen as a tool to raise questions about his stance on Israel/Palestine."-- For more on this issue see....Judeo-Christian C/C & US  ---
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin’s admission: Israel “expelled Arabs” across Palestine in 1948
A quote...."In a little noticed article on page 19 of the September 1 edition of Maariv, the Speaker of the Israeli Knesset, Reuven Rivlin, assailed the actors and artists who have refused to perform  at the theater in the Jewish settlement of Ariel. As a proud advocate of Greater Israel and professed friend of even the most fanatical members of the settlement enterprise (see his remarks at the recent funeral of murdered settlers in Kiryat Arba), Rivlin’s attack would not have been significant if he hadn’t revealed some uncomfortable facts in the process."
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Gaza: Armed groups to form joint force  ---
Special Note - Website Editor's Extreme Caution:  Hopefully these guys are aware that One:  They've already been penetrated by the Mossad.  Two:  The Mossad and the Saudi Royals will attempt to use agent provocateurs within these groups to engage in counter-productive activities such as attacking Israeli civilians.  Three:  The Mossad and the Saudi Royal's will attempt to use elements within these groups to promote internecine  ---  ---   political conflicts within and amongst the various Palestinian factions to "divide and conquer" the entire Palestinian movement.  Four:  The Saudi Royals will attempt to "radicalize" (using CIA and Saudi Royal sponsored al-Qaeda  ---  ---  and other Wahabbist  ---  ---  inspired adherents) to corrupt and destroy these Palestinian militias from the inside out. -- That said, the Palestinian people have the legal right to bear arms, form their own militias and defend themselves against crimes of oppression by the occupying power." - mpg -- For more on this issue see....One Vile, Venom Tipped, Taloned Hand Washes the Other - (a.k.a. The Standard Model) - 07-28-10 - mpg  ---
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250,000 Palestinians pray at al-Aqsa  ---
A quote...."At least 250,000 Palestinians have prayed at the al-Aqsa Mosque and the surrounding areas, despite a massive presence of Israeli soldiers and police who sought to block Muslims from entering. -- Worshippers came from all over Palestine, except for the blockaded Gaza Strip, to pray at Islam's third holiest site on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan."
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No West Bank Study for Gaza Students  ---
A quote...."GAZA CITY — Gaza university students remain unable to access classrooms in the West Bank, a report fro the Al-Mezan Center for Human rights said on Tuesday. -- “After a decade or more of de-development in Gaza,” the rights group said, residents of the Strip need all possible skills to ameliorate the humanitarian situation and advance development."
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Report: Israel Continues to Violate Right to Education in Palestine  ---
Related Article - A quote...."    A report by the al-Mezan Center for Human Rights shows that Palestinian students are routinely denied the right to education due to the Israeli occupation. -- According to the report, a blanket ban has been imposed on Palestinian students from the Gaza Strip, preventing them enrolling at Palestinian universities in the West Bank to continue their education. -- The Center says that this ban is not based on security needs, but is based on discrimination against a specific category of persons in this case, students." - also posted at Uruknet
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Abuse of Palestinian children in detention: Palestinian and Israeli organisations write to Netanyahu  ---
A quote...."Today, DCI-Palestine, Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel and the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) have written a letter  to Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, expressing deep concern over continued reports of ill-treatment and torture of Palestinian children who are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system."
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In Gaza - Patience you need - is Written on the Wall !  ---
A quote...."GAZA - I see her again today, around the commodity of Mzjap. She sits down at the edge of the side walk, silently she thanks Allah and say she is blessed by his mercy, the zestful pleasure of sitting in the shadow under threes, protecting her from the sun. -- She wave away some flies from her face, while her left hand resting on her knee holding a small Almtkom under it's wing,not knowing how to best deal with his hard breathing."
also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (26 Aug. – 01 Sep. 2010)
Every single week of the year....
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How Hyperinflation Will Happen  ---
Must Read - A quote...."....If we think that hyperinflation is simply inflation on steroids – inflation-plus – inflation with balls – then it would seem to be the case that, in our current deflationary economic environment, hyperinflation is not simply a long way off, but flat-out ridiculous. -- But hyperinflation is not an extension or amplification of inflation. Inflation and hyperinflation are two very distinct animals. They look the same – because in both cases, the currency loses its purchasing power – but they are not the same...."

Inflation is when the economy overheats: It’s when an economy’s consumables (labor and commodities) are so in-demand because of economic growth, coupled with an expansionist credit environment, that the consumables rise in price. This forces all goods and services to rise in price as well, so that producers can keep up with costs. It is essentially a demand-driven phenomena.

Hyperinflation is the loss of faith in the currency. Prices rise in a hyperinflationary environment just like in an inflationary environment, but they rise not because people want more money for their labor or for commodities, but because people are trying to get out of the currency. It’s not that they want more money – they want less of the currency: So they will pay anything for a good which is not the currency. - bold by website editor
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Reality Economics  ---
A quote...."The FDIC has admitted that some 829 banks remain at risk of failure. That's one in ten. Only 118 have failed this year but many more should have and would have absent Fed intervention. Meanwhile, there are no new banks started in the U.S. in the last quarter – the first time in 38 years that this has been true. As for the actual soundness of the banks, it's anyone's guess. How much bad debt they are carrying, with both lenders and borrowers agreeing to look the other way, is something that no one wants to know. "
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Government Policy Caused America's Unemployment Crisis  ---
Must Read - Chart - A quote...."The unemployment rate has risen  ---  ---  again for the the first time in 4 months. I predicted  ---  ---  a growing, long-term unemployment problem last year. -- Indeed, even after the government plays with the numbers to make them look better (using inaccurate birth-death models and other tricks-of-the-trade), this is how the current  ---  ---  jobs downturn compares with other post-WWII recessions:"
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Why the Big Lie About the Job Crisis?  ---
Related Article - A quote...."The August unemployment numbers are ugly, yet again. Nearly 30 million Americans are still jobless or forced into part-time jobs. The Bureau of Labor Statistics official unemployment rate is 9.6%. It's borader and more telling jobless rate (U6) of 16.7% confirms that we're stuck in our own version of the Great Depression. We'll need more than 22 million new jobs to bring us back to full-employment. Happy Labor Day."
also posted at ICH  ---
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US unemployment rose in August  ---
Related Article - A quote...."US payrolls fell by 54,000 and the official unemployment rate rose to 9.6 percent in August from 9.5 percent the previous month, according to the monthly employment report released Friday by the Labor Department."
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On The Ever Increasing Inconsistencies In Reported Economic Data
Must Read - A quote...."Ever get the feeling that the Bureau of Truth is not being completely truthful? Feel like the ADP  ---  ---  is to the NFP  ---  ---  like the ISM to the regional Fed Surveys, and as the surging Mfg ISM employment  ---  ---  diffusion index is to the plunging Service ISM employmen  ---  ---  diffusion index (i.e., both can not possibly be correct)? You are not alone. David Rosenberg summarizes which recent data releases are so blatantly incomprehensible, one wonder when the government will announce an AXA Rosenberg-like computer glitch and say all its data for the past 12 months has been compromised. Either that, or we await the introduction of the Birth/Death adjustment to every single data series released in America imminently." -- Get used to it folks; for at least the next sixty days 'till this November's elections are over and done with, you're gonna see A LOT of data massaging. - mpg
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This year, US public debt could reach end game  ---,-US-public-debt-could-reach-end-game-17781.html
A quote...."Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke issues the warning. Asian nations, China and India first, are no longer willing to purchase securities issued by the US Treasury, which this year has about US$ two trillion short-term debt to refinance. Beijing is buying gold instead."
also posted at BLN  ---
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The Economy Is the Number on Your Paycheck, Not the Stockmarket's Ups and Downs
A quote...."September 2, 2010   What passes for business reporting in the United States is too often a series of breathless reports about the stock market. When the Dow rises precipitously, as it did today (Wednesday), the business press predicts an end to the Great Recession. When the stock market plummets, as it did last week, the Great Recession is said to be worsening." - also posted at BLN  ---
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Guest Post: Inflationary Policy Is WMD on Babyboomers  ---
A quote...."Moderate inflation is good. This has been held as self-evident truth in modern monetary policy. But this will quickly become antisocial as the entire west goes through a structural change in demographics caused by babyboomer retirement. BoJ seems to have realized this early and well; they have managed their social transition with remarkably success, despite much sneering from western economists (I argued here  that the Japanese lost decades is in fact a great achievement that US will only wish to match in 10 years). ECB seems to have realized this judging from their proclaimed resolve for austerity as opposed to unlimited simulus. The big question is: when will Fed and US government realize this?"
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Thursday September 2nd 2010 - links page

Speech Defect: Emissions of Evil From the Oval Office
Must Read - A quote...."On Tuesday night, Barack Obama gave a speech from the Oval Office on Iraq that was almost as full of hideous, murderous lies as the speech on Iraq his predecessor gave in the same location more than seven years ago. - After mendaciously declaring an "end to the combat mission in Iraq" -- where almost 50,000 regular troops and a similar number of mercenaries still remain, carrying out the same missions they have been doing for years -- Obama delivered what was perhaps the most egregious, bitterly painful lie of the night...."

"Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility."

"We have met our responsibility!" No, Mister President, we have not. Not until many Americans of high degree stand in the dock for war crimes. Not until the United States pays hundreds of billions of dollars in unrestricted reparations to the people of Iraq for the rape of their country and the mass murder of their people."
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Obama’s Iraq speech: An exercise in cowardice and deceit  ---
Must Read - A quote...."President Barack Obama’s nationally televised speech from the White House Oval Office Tuesday night was an exercise in cowardice and deceit. It was deceitful to the people of the United States and the entire world in its characterization of the criminal war against Iraq. And it was cowardly in its groveling before the American military.  --  The address could inspire only disgust and contempt among those who viewed it. Obama, who owed his presidency in large measure to the mass antiwar sentiment of the American people, used the speech to glorify the war that he had mistakenly been seen to oppose.  --  The most chilling passage came at the end of the 19-minute speech, when Obama declared, “Our troops are the steel in our ship of state,” adding, “And though our nation may be traveling through rough waters, they give us confidence that our course is true.”  --  It is for this statement, rather than all the double-talk about troop withdrawals, that Obama’s miserable speech deserves to be remembered. It was rhetoric befitting a military-ruled banana republic or a fascist state. The military—not the Constitution, not the will of the people or the country’s ostensibly democratic institutions—constitutes the “steel” in the “ship of state.” Presumably, the democratic rights of the people are so much ballast to be cast overboard as needed."
also posted at Hamsayeh  ---
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JOHN PILGER — Flying the flag, faking the news  ---
Must Read - A quote...."Loud noises from Washington about a US pull-out from Iraq are a poor disguise for America’s determination to keep waging war.  And the same sort of spin is at work here in Britain -- Edward Bernays, the American nephew of Sigmund Freud, is said to have invented modern propaganda.  During the First World War, he was one of a group of influential liberals who mounted a secret government campaign to persuade reluctant Americans to send an army to the bloodbath in Europe.  In his book Propaganda, published in 1928, Bernays wrote that the “intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society”, and that the manipulators “constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country”.  Instead of propaganda, he coined the euphemism “public relations”."
also posted at Uruknet  ---
& NewStatesman  ---
& DProgram  ---

  ---  For more on Edward Bernays see....US Fake Intel / Propaganda - Edward Bernays  ---
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Vomiting Perfidy  ---
Must Read - Layla Anwar doesn't like what was done to her country, and she writes with a ferociously angry passion that this website editor has rarely, if ever, seen. - mpg -- A quote...."For 20 years, I witnessed my country, the land of my father, my mother, my ancestors, disintegrate before my very eyes...20 f-cking years. 20 f-cking years. -- Twenty years of people -- first withering, wilting away, like flowers never allowed to see the light, never allowed to turn their faces to the sun, then from fading into shadows, faltering into a colorless background... bombed, massacred, slaughtered into a nothingness...the same nothingness that inhabits you daily...the same nothingness that makes you rush to your shrink, the same nothingness that you feed with your junk, the same nothingness that you fill with your consumer products...the same nothingness of your void, of the pit, the deep pit that you all live in, and I throw up some more, from the pits of my belly....  So you "sacrificed" for us, so you liberated us from "tyranny", so you "lived up to your responsibilities" --- like you did in Falluja, Haditha, Mahmoudiya, Baghdad, Basra, Mosul, Ramadi...¨"kill the motherf-ckers" you shouted...and your wives masturbated to your love letters, or shed a few tears while waving that infamous flag...the flag of a degenerate, decaying country that has offered nothing but murder, carnage and mayhem...."
also posted at ICH  ---
Source:  ArabWomanBlues  ---
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The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in America  ---
Must Read - A quote...."September 01, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- Any serious effort to understand the extraordinary influence of the Zionist power configuration over US foreign policy must examine the presence of key operatives in strategic positions in the government and the activities of local Zionist organizations affiliated with mainstream Jewish organizations and religious orders. -- There are at least 52 major American Jewish organizations actively engaged in promoting Israel’s foreign policy, economic and technological agenda in the US (see the appendix). The grassroots membership ranges from several hundred thousand militants in the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) to one hundred thousand wealthy contributors, activists and power brokers in the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). In addition scores of propaganda mills, dubbed think tanks, have been established by million dollar grants from billionaire Zionists including the Brookings Institute (Haim Saban) and the Hudson Institute among others."
also posted at Hamsayeh  ---
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US embassy shadow govt. in Iraq?  ---
A quote...."US plans to fortify its embassy in Iraq have raised new suspicion about the diplomatic outpost's purpose in the politically-gridlocked country. -- The White House has reduced the number of its troops in Iraq to around 50,000 and said it would take all its forces out of the country by the next year. But Washington has also announced plans to increase the number of American security contractors, tasked with securing American diplomats and diplomatic facilities. -- In an interview with Press TV, Entifadh Qanbar from the Shia parliamentary front Iraqi National Alliance (INA) referred to the nationwide misgivings fueled by the planned security buildup." - also posted at BLN  ---
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"Iraq Is a Shattered Country"–Nir Rosen on Obama Declaring an End to US Combat Mission in Iraq
A quote...."President Obama declared an end to the combat mission in Iraq Tuesday night in the second Oval Office address of his presidency. Although tens of thousands of US troops, special operations forces and private contractors remain in Iraq, Obama announced that Operation Iraqi Freedom is now officially over. We go to Baghdad to speak with independent journalist Nir Rosen. [includes rush transcript]"
||  Real Video Stream  ||  ---
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Invisible War: How Thirteen Years of US-Imposed Economic Sanctions Devastated Iraq Before the 2003 Invasion
A quote...."While the US invasion and occupation of Iraq over the past seven years has inflicted multiple disasters on the country, many argue that the US assault on Iraq really began twenty years ago with the US-imposed economic sanctions. Joy Gordon, author of Invisible War: The United States and the Iraq Sanctions, writes, "U.S. policymakers effectively turned a program of international governance into a legitimized act of mass slaughter." [includes rush transcript]" - ||  Real Video Stream  || -
||  Real Audio Stream  ||  ---
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||  More…  ||  ---
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US-led attacks kill 16 Afghan civilians  ---
A quote...."Ten civilians have been killed in a NATO airstrike in the northern Takhar province. The victims were reportedly election campaign workers. -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai strongly condemned the attack on three vehicles carrying election campaign workers."
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LIFE IN TALIBANISTAN - [Part 3:] Married to the mob  ---
A quote...."This is the conclusion of a three-part report. -- PART 1: 'Throw these infidels in jail'  ---
PART 2: The degree zero of culture  ---
Ten years ago, Taliban Afghanistan - Talibanistan - was under a social, cultural, political and economic nightmare. Ten years ago, New York-based photographer Jason Florio and myself slowly crossed Talibanistan. Those were the days. Bill Clinton was in the White House. Osama bin Laden was a discreet guest of Mullah Omar, and there was no hint of 9/11, the invasion of Iraq, or the "war on terror", or the rebranding of the AfPak war."
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[Pakistani] Military officers cancel trip after humiliation at US airport  ---
A quote...."WASHINGTON: A Pakistani military delegation became the latest victim of the paranoia permeating US airports on Monday night, when US security officials detained a brigadier at Washington’s Dulles airport on a complaint by a passenger who said he did not feel safe sharing the flight with the delegation. -- The brigadier was removed from the United Airlines flight, and others in this eight-member delegation were also detained after they disembarked. They were later released." - posted at WarInIraq  ---  When are the people of the Middle East gonna learn, they're nothing but a bunch of "camel jockeys", "rag heads" and "prairie niggers" to the parasites in this country and they ALWAYS WILL BE. - mpg
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Blair reveals Syria’s fears were well-founded  ---
War Planning Revealed - (General Wesley Clark's statements confirmed) -- A quote...."DAMASCUS // Syria always feared that the White House of George W Bush and Dick Cheney would invade Damascus once it had dispatched with Baghdad in 2003 and, in his newly released memoirs, the former British prime minister Tony Blair confirmed those fears were well founded. -- Describing the former US vice president as an advocate of “hard, hard power”, Mr Blair said Damascus was next on Mr Cheney’s hit list. -- “He would have worked through the whole lot, Iraq, Syria, Iran, dealing with all their surrogates in the course of it – Hizbollah, Hamas, etc,” Mr Blair wrote in his autobiography, A Journey. “In other words, he thought the whole world had to be made anew, and that after September 11, it had to be done by force and with urgency.” - For more on this issue see....The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.)  ---  ---  (YouTube - 1min 39 sec - March 17, 2007)
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Bahrain Stresses Implementation of Energy Agreements with Iran  ---
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Bahraini Minister of Oil and Gas Affairs Abdul-Hussain bin Ali Mirza in a meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad underlined his country's resolve to implement all bilateral agreements in the field of energy."
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Iran Waiting for Vienna Group's Response  ---
A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian Foreign Ministry announced that it is still waiting for the Vienna Group (the US, Russia, France and the International Atomic Energy Agency) to offer a date and venue for the talks on nuclear fuel swap between the two sides."
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Report: US Warns Turkey against Banning Israel  ---
Obama is by far one of the most obsequious Israeli/AIPAC butt-kissers this nation has ever had. It's truly and profoundly disgusting to witness such craven behavior.  Just to remind everyone again.  There are approximately five million members of the Jewish community living in Israel.  Almost everything that has happened in the Middle East for the last thirty years has been "designed" solely for their benefit, (including 9/11)  which makes most "Americans" who are footing the butchers bill in the Middle East for Israel/AIPAC's "long war" really, really stupid. - mpg -- A quote...."01/09/2010  The United States has said it will shun a joint military drill with Turkey in October if Israel is barred from participating, Turkish daily Hürriyet reported on Wednesday."
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Inspectors miss the flight to Kyrgyzstan  ---
Special Note - A quote...."The US's standing in Central Asia has taken a big hit after Kyrgyzstan's interim President Roza Otunbayeva, under pressure from nationalists, shut the door on its idea for a European-led security mission to keep peace between Uzbek and Kyrgyz communities. Talks this week underscore that US policy can be salvaged only with sincere Russian help. But Moscow is brooding."
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Chávez accuses the US of funding coup attempt in Venezuela - Which one??  There's been so many. - mpg
A quote...."He questioned pullout of US troops of Iraq. “A very peculiar withdrawal because they still have about 50,000 troops in Iraq. Now, then, who is to answer for all those children who underwent that war. Very nice to say ‘we are leaving,’ but only after genocide,” he said "
also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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No Surprise at Obama’s Guantánamo Trial Chaos  ---
A quote...."Surprise is the last thing that anyone ought to feel on hearing the news that the Obama administration "has shelved the planned prosecution," in a trial by Military Commission, "of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged coordinator of the Oct. 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole in Yemen," as the Washington Post reported on Thursday, or that senior officials are "alarmed" by negative responses to the trial by Military Commission of Omar Khadr, as the New York Times reported on Friday. -- The problem in both cases is that trials by Military Commission are inappropriate for any of the prisoners held at Guantánamo, who are either accused of terrorist activities, and should be tried as criminals in the federal court system, or are soldiers seized in connection with their support of the Taliban, wrongly imprisoned in an experimental prison established to permit coercive interrogations, instead of being held in a prisoner of war camp in accordance with the Geneva Conventions."
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What is Hamas thinking?  ---  ---  They're NOT....obviously. - mpg
Must Read - A quote...."As the “peace talks” are about to get under way in Washington, Hamas has decided to remind us all of its vitality by executing four settlers. According to the New York Times article, Hamas claimed that the attack was “a natural response to the crimes of the Israeli occupation and its settlers” and demonstrates that the “armed Palestinian resistance is present in the West Bank despite the war to uproot it.”
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Four possible scenarios for the future of Israel  ---
A quote...."Western strategy for the creation of Israel in this region was not done primarily with the aim to really help the Jews, but with the aim to control the Arab world. A fundamental maxim of the British Empire was “divide and rule”."
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Wiesenthal Centre: Hezbollah plans more attacks in Argentina  ---
Israeli False Flag Alert - Propaganda Alert - A quote...."The Simon Wiesenthal Centre said Thursday in Buenos Aires that the armed Islamic organization Hezbollah has dormant cells in South America that are ready to carry out attacks in Argentina, dpa reported."
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Famous Nazi-hunter was a Mossad agent, new book reveals
Related Article?? - A quote...."New documents from his estate show Simon Wiesenthal, the Holocaust survivor who dedicated his life to tracking down Nazi war criminals, was a Mossad agent."
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Irish ministers fight EU bid to give Israel data  ---
MY GAWD!!  That's like giving Charles Manson and Ted Bundy your personal address at home, your place of work and all your phone numbers....are the Europeans crazy!!  Are they stupid!! Why not just let the Israelis copy their passports....oh...ummmmm....never mind. - mpg -- A quote...."The Republic of Ireland is to vote today against an EU plan to allow sensitive personal data on European citizens to be handed over to Israel."
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Bedouin future at stake in the Negev  ---
A quote...."HURA, ISRAEL // Nuri al Uqbi’s small cinderblock home in a ramshackle neighbourhood of Hura, a Bedouin town in Israel’s Negev desert, hardly looks like the epicentre of a legal struggle that some observers say threatens Israel’s Jewish character. -- Inside, the 68-year-old Bedouin activist has stacks of bulging folders of tattered and browning documents, many older than the state of Israel itself, that he hopes will overturn decades of harsh government policy towards the Negev’s 180,000 Bedouin."
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Bedouin Land fight: Claim for Native Title threatens Jewish State  ---
A quote...."Nuri al Uqbi’s small cinderblock home in a ramshackle neighbourhood of Hura, a Bedouin town in Israel’s Negev desert, hardly looks like the epicentre of a legal struggle that some observers say threatens Israel’s Jewish character."
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ZERO.Investigation.Into.911  ---
Video - From the History File - September 02, 2009 - Alt  ---  ---  (GoglVid - 1:44:54 - 1 year ago ~ 09/02/02) - A quote...."Documentary about 9-11 with some fresh insights"
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9/11: State of Emergency - Win The War on Terror By Ending The "Strategy of Tension"
Special Note - A quote....""To learn about the "strategy of tension" read Norway's Le Monde Diplo's 2006 interview  ---  ---  with Daniele Ganser, author of NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe,  ---  ---  read the article " N.A.T.O. Gladio, and the strategy of tension"  ---  ---  by Three Monkeys Online, check out the Wikipedia entry ,  ---  and visit the linked articles in this post."  ---  ---  "We are told by our Western political and military leaders that transnational terrorism poses the greatest security threat to our world in this century. But what if this is not true? What if we have been lied to for nine years about the origins of the War on Terror? What if our governments are the chief architects, and enablers of international terrorism? And if this is true, if the evidence points in that direction, then how do we address these truths, and bring them to public attention? What kind of leadership will emerge to tackle these truths - will they be extremist and violent, or peaceful and understanding? We must ask these questions because the answers will define whether this century will be a century of world peace, or a century of senseless terror, and long wars"
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Did NIST Edit WTC 7 Footage To Hide Evidence Of Implosion?
A quote...."After filing a lawsuit that prompted NIST to release more than 3 terabytes of photographs and videos from their investigation into the collapse of the twin towers and WTC 7 on 9/11, the International Center for 9/11 Studies  ---  ---  has obtained evidence that suggests NIST edited several videos of the collapse of Building 7 in order to hide evidence of a controlled implosion." -- Just to let everyone know....that's called being an "accessory after the fact" in murder.  If they did it for Israel, it's also called treason. - mpg
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The Real Story – Pre 9/11 History  ---
Video - Pre911(1/3)  ---  ---  Pre911(2/3)  ---  ---  Pre911(3/3)  ---  ---  (YuTb - 10m - August 31, 2010) - Source:  therealstorysharon  ---  ---  A quote...."Because it's 11 days before the 9 year anniversary of the "False Flag" attack known as 9/11 here is some Pre-9/11 History for those who still believe the official lie. Time to wake up and investigate it as a crime folks before they take everything based on this huge LIE!"
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Richard Gage – Explosive Evidence?  ---
RRVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (RRYuTb - 9min 14sec -  August 31, 2010) - Source:  LoneLantern  ---  ---  Producer:  RealityReport  ---  ---  A quote...."In this special interview, Gary Franchi sits down with Richard Gage, the Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Richard shows us how he got involved in the truth movement, and discusses the building seven collapse. He also talks about the film, “9/11: Blueprint for Truth.” For more information. please visit"
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David Long, Eyewitness to the 09/11/2001 attacks  ---
Must View Video - Alt  ---  ---  (Viemo - 47min 24sec - August 28th 2010) - Source:  TruthActionOttawa  ---  ---  A quote...."On May 8, 2009, members of Truth Action Ottawa interviewed Mr. David Long, who was in downtown Manhattan the morning of September 11, 2001. Mr. Long recounts everything he saw and heard that morning, including multiple streams of molten metal pouring from the buildings before they fell, and the sounds of multiple explosions as the buildings came down.
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International Center for 9/11 Studies Secures Release of Thousands of Photos and Videos from NIST
A quote...."The International Center for 9/11 Studies has secured the release of hundreds of hours of video footage and tens of thousands of photographs used by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for its investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7. This material is being released to the Center under the Freedom of Information Act, in response to a lawsuit the Center filed against NIST."
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Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
A quote...."(RedactedNews) – The paper “Conspiracy Theories” by Harvard law professors Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule is a warning for all 9/11 Truth groups. Although the paper is allegedly about conspiracy theory in a general sense, it is clearly centered on 9/11. I submit that this indicates a rising concern within certain powerful but ill-defined circles. Below is a self-explanatory segment from Sunstein’s Wikipedia page as well as Dr. David Ray Griffin’s new book, Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory."
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British Attorney General moves toward re-opening investigation into mysterious death of Iraq weapons inspector
A quote...."The United Kingdom’s top law enforcement official has taken possession of secret files surrounding the death of a prominent WMD researcher who was found dead in the months after the invasion of Iraq."
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More On The Palestinian Situation....

'We need peace talks, not photo ops'  ---
Must View RTVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (RTYuTb - 6min 01sec - September 02, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday  ---  ---  A quote...."Israeli and Palestinian leaders are locked in their first direct peace talks for almost two years in Washington. Phyllis Bennis from the DC based Institute for Policy Studies - thinks the talks are useless unless Israel is held to account over its controversial settlements policy."
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Direct talks denounced in Lebanon  ---
A quote...."Thousands of Palestinians have rallied in Lebanon to denounce the new round of direct talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority."
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50 settlers attack Palestinian family following Hebron shooting; Israeli soldiers stand and watch  ---
A quote...."Just after midday a large group of settlers from an illegal outpost near to where four Israeli settlers where shot and killed last night, carried out an attack on an innocent Palestinian family. - At about 12.30 between 50 and 70 Israeli settlers emerged from the Givat Gal outpost near the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba and came down the hill towards a Palestinian home."
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'Settlement expansion to continue'  ---
A quote...."Even with the renewal of reconciliation talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Jewish settlers say they will continue their activities in the occupied land."
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Palestinian shot as Israeli forces enter north Gaza  ---
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces shot a Palestinian in northern Gaza Thursday, following earlier reports that Israeli patrols and bulldozers entered the area. -- Taha Shedeh Taha, 18, was admitted to Kamal Edwan Hospital with gun shot wounds to his leg, medics said. An Israeli military spokeswoman confirmed that soldiers shot a Palestinian close to the border fence." - also posted at Uruknet  ---
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Egypt seizes load of bricks bound for Gaza  ---
A quote...."GAZA CITY (Ma'an) – Egyptian security forces in Rafah took control of two tunnels near Rafah they said were used for smuggling goods into Gaza, security sources told Ma'an on Wednesday. -- Forces went looking for the tunnels following a tip they received around plans for smugglers to bring a load of bricks into the Gaza Strip." - bold by website editor - also posted at AlethoNews  ---  ---  Just to remind everyone reading this blog, collective punishment is a war crime. - mpg
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Palestinian forces arrest dozens of Hamas activists  ---
A quote...."RAMALLAH: Palestinian security forces in the West Bank detained dozens of Hamas activists on Wednesday in response to a lethal attack on Jewish settlers in the occupied territory, a senior security source said. -- The Hamas armed wing claimed responsibility for the killing of four Jewish settlers near Hebron on Tuesday on the eve of a new round of US-backed peace talks."  - also posted at WarInIraq  ---
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Why Israel imprisoned my best friend  ---
A quote...."When I was a boy I was still allowed to travel in Israel. I went to the beach and swam in the sea, something that most Palestinian children living in the West Bank today can only dream of. Israel has been restricting movement more and more over the years. We Palestinians were banned from traveling to Israel, the land where many of our parents were born. And now I find I cannot leave the West Bank. I was stopped from leaving the country on 4 August when I tried to cross the Allenby Bridge and reach Jordan in order to fly to Europe." - also posted at ISM  ---
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The great Israeli Book Robbery  ---
Contains Video - Alt  ---  ---  A quote...."When Khalil al-Sakakini, a renowned educator and Christian Arab author, fled his home in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Katamon, on 30th April 1948, one day after the occupation of the neighborhood by the Hagana forces, he left behind not only his house and furniture, his huge piano, electric refrigerator, liquor cupboard and narghila, but also his books. Like others, he believed he would soon return home. Nineteen years later, in the summer of 1967, Sakakini´s daughter visited The Jewish National and University Library with her sister, and discovered there her father´s books with the notes he used to inscribe on them. What became of Sakakini´s books, which he says were of use to doctors and government officials alike? How did they make their way from his house, west of the Old City, not far from its walls, to the shelves of the Zionist National Library? What happened to the books of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees who fled their homes during the 1948 war? What has become of Palestinian culture?"
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Preparing for the 28th Anniversary of the 1982 Massacre at Sabra-Shatila  ---
A quote...."Perhaps the commemoration will be a bit more somber than usual this year given the realization that the same mentality, indeed some of the same people, who committed, condoned and granted themselves amnesty for the massacre three decades ago were the most adamant last month in insisting on denying Palestinian refugees the most elementary civil rights. The Phalange,( Kataib--Lebanese Forces) Saad Haddad militia, and their Israeli allies for example—who were of course guilty in 1982 but all in Parliament, as with all of us inside and outside of Lebanon, are responsible for what happened between Sept. 16-18th in 1982 and what didn’t happen on August 17, 2010 with respect to civil rights for the massacre survivors."
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Carlos Latuff: Buying Israeli Goods Is Funding Apartheid  ---
Poster -- Boycott, Divest and Sanction, because YOU can participate, because YOU can make a difference, because it's the moral thing to do!! - mpg -- For more on how to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the state of Israel see the upper-left-corner of the "Front Page"  ---  ---  of this website.
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Keiser Report №74: Attacking Bilderberg  ---
Must View MKVideo - Alt  ---  ---  (MK&RTYuTb - September 02, 2010) - Source:  RussiaToday  ---  ---  Producer:  MaxKeiserTV  ---  ---  A quote...."This time Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert look at the scandals of foot massages and Ben Bernanke's big clown feet. In the second half of the show, Max talks to journalist Micha Kat about the Bilderberg Group's lawsuit against him."
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Government Economic Leaders Surprised that Real World Isn't Responding to their Magic Pixie Dust
Must Read - Fed chief Ben Bernanke told  ---  ---  the financial crisis inquiry commission today...."

"If the crisis has a single lesson, it is that the too-big-to-fail problem must be solved"  ---  "Too-big-to-fail financial institutions were both a source ... of the crisis and among the primary impediments to policymakers' efforts to contain it ...."

"That's funny, given that Bernanke has been one of the biggest defenders of the too big to fail banks, arguing strenuously against breaking them up, throwing trillions of dollars their way,  ---  ---  and begging the banks to play nice with one hand, while  ---  ---  patting them on the back with the other hand and giving them a big wink."
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Why Lessons From The First Great Depression Mean The Next Four Months Will Be Very Painful For Stockholders
Must Read - A quote...."Scott Minerd, CIO of Guggenheim Partners, parses through the years of the Great Depression, and focuses on the pivotal 1936, which contained in it the seeds for the destruction of the period of relative economic growth and stability from 1932 to 1936, and resulted in a plunge in the economy in the second great recession of the Depressionary period: that of 1937 and 1938. While the first period saw "GNP grow at an annualized rate of 10 percent, the Dow rose approximately 20 percent per annum, and unemployment declined from as high as 25 percent in 1933 to as low as 11 percent in 1937" the second and much more dire phase of 1937-1938 . saw a unprecedented plunge in economic data:"
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What Is A Depression Anyway, And Why We Continue To Be In It? -
A quote...."A depression, put simply, is a very long period of economic malaise. A series of rolling recessions and modest recoveries over a multi-year period of general economic stagnation as the excesses from the prior asset and credit bubble are completely wrung out of the system. In baseball parlance, we are in the third inning of this current debt deleveraging ball game. -- You know you’re in a depression when interest rates go to zero and there is no revival in credit-sensitive spending."
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Was the Great Recession Just a Precursor to an Even Worse Downturn?
Charts - (click to enlarge) - Quote of the Day...."There probably hasn't been two separate recessions in three years, simply one that has evolved in significant ways. But if this really is a "double dip" recession, then our data indicates that the "Great Recession" of 2008 was merely the precursor, and not the main event. It is this current dip that we should be really concerned about; the current contraction in consumer demand is about structural changes in consumer behavior, whereas the "first dip" was about short term loss of consumer confidence."
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Japan-Style Stagnation? You Should Be So Lucky  ---
A quote...."Last week some old comrades-in-arms from the financial industry turned up in New York from their present haunts in Europe and Asia; at the end of the week we all found ourselves on the deck of a beach house in the Hamptons, watching a nearly-full moon and a luminescent Venus migrate together slowly from left to right across the Atlantic. The question we discussed was not whether America would suffer a “Japan-style stagnation,” but whether America would be lucky enough to sustain a Japanese style stagnation."
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THE BEAR'S LAIR - Combining the worst  ---
A quote...."Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke loses sleep over the possibility that the United States may suffer a repeat of the 1930s' Great Depression. Inflation hawks and opponents of President Barack Obama's Keynesian "stimulus" warn continually of a possible repeat of the 1970s' stagflation. Yet recent data is beginning to suggest a more unpleasant possibility still: that the United States could suffer both traumas simultaneously - a prolonged period of pathologically high unemployment combined with vicious and unrelenting inflation."
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America Adds $210 Billion In Gross Debt In August, Rolls $620 Billion In Bills And Notes
A quote...."As per the August 31 DTS statement, the US ended the month with a new all time record of $13.45 trillion in debt, and increase of $210 billion from the beginning of the month (or $225 billion in public debt, net of intragovernmental holdings). With just 30 days left in fiscal year 2010, the US has added $1.54 trillion in the eleven months ended August 31, a monthly average increase of $140 billion."
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M2 Money Supply  ---[1][id]=M2&s[1][range]=5yrs
Chart - No comment. - mpg
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Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Update: Week Of September 1 ---
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Six months after our last update on the Federal Reserve's balance sheet in visual form, it is time to resume updating readers on what the biggest balance sheet in America looks like, especially since now that Fed is back in the monetization business. So without further ado, here is how Bernanke Capital, LLC looked as of September 1."
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The Fed's Liquidity Trap: The American and world economies are in a deliberate state of slow collapse
A quote...."Almost two years ago the US Treasury was selling large amounts of short-term Treasury bills to fund bailouts and stimulus. That caused a major increase in debt. Most of that paper was 2-year bills and it is coming due for rollover shortly. While that transpires, October will report the annual fiscal deficit of 9/30/10 of about $1.5 trillion, a figure thought impossible just 1-1/2 to 2 years ago. -- This time around the Treasury will have to depend on the Fed and US banks and institutions to fund this mountain of paper. China has reduced its holdings of Treasury debt by about 6%, or by about $6 billion over ten months, or by about 10% or almost $100 billion over the past year or so. We know these figures are estimates because the Chinese government has the same trouble the US government has, it cannot discern truth from fiction." - also posted at BLN  ---
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Problem bank list climbs to 829  ---
A quote...."NEW YORK ( -- The government's list of troubled banks hit its highest level since 1993 during the second quarter, although the pace of growth continued to slow, according to a government report released Tuesday."
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Toyota, GM, Ford Sales Slump as Buyers Shun New Cars
A quote...."Toyota Motor Corp., General Motors Co. and Ford Motor Co., the three largest sellers of autos in the U.S., reported bigger sales declines than analysts projected as the industry posted its worst August in 28 years." - bold/underline by website editor
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Rosenberg Explains Why Yesterday's ISM Was Likely Wrong, To Be Revised
A quote...."Yesterday, the market surged on an ISM number that was so stretched, and so out of out leftfield, it was higher than the top expectation by the economist panel. The government once again outdid itself in boosting numbers with the hope of surging stocks. It succeeded. Now the question is whether the imminent ISM downward revision have a comparable adverse market effect. And revised it will be: David Rosenberg explains why."
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Construction Spending in U.S. Fell Twice as Much as Forecast
A quote...."Sept. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Construction spending in July fell twice as much as forecast, led by a slump in homebuilding that will depress U.S. economic growth. -- The 1 percent drop brought spending to $805.2 billion, the lowest level in a decade, after a revised 0.8 percent drop in June that wiped out a previously estimated gain, Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington. Spending on federal government projects fell by the most in a year."
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Organic produce superior to conventional on every level, study finds  ---
A quote...."(NaturalNews) Mainstream nutritionists often claim that conventional produce is no different than organic produce. But a new study recently published in the online, peer-reviewed journal Public Library of Science (PLoS) One  proves otherwise, revealing that organic fruits and vegetables pack a greater nutritional punch and produce better, healthier soil than their conventional counterparts."
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