I want listeners to listen to me very carefully, and let this really sink in, really sink in.  When I get up here and say the "establishment" plans a really post-industrial, absolutely bankrupt third world situation, with an extremely predatory police state class....that's the only good jobs you're going to be getting in America, is being a government predator.    They plan on cutting off the resources, they've stated it, and than having most of the major scholarships and job opportunities be in domestic arrest, torture, you name it. This is a planned conversion of our economy. This isn't just some third world dictator robbing the country, selling out to foreign banks and looting resources....that's bad enough.  This is a ruling elite, a ruling class of social engineers who have written countless white papers that we've covered and linked to at InforWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, who have stated their plan to absolutely bankrupt you.