The Cold War Never Stopped
posted 07-06-06
revised 07-07-06

Here are two good articles that spell out the U.S.'s true intentions regarding Russia, and for that matter, the rest of the world. "The Destabilization Game" by Tom Engelhardt posted at TomDispatch and the "The New American Cold War" by Stephen F. Cohen posted at the Nation . Both are posted at Info Clearing House.

Destabilization has always been the U.S.'s modus operandi, it's preferred and cost effective method of  "regime change", it's "El Salvador Option", it's "democracy promotion" option, it's "Monsters in Iraq" option, it's "disappearances" option, it's "P2OG" option it's "Freedom Fighters" option; and it's "Death Squads" option which it has practiced practically everywhere.

In my Viral-Neocons or How Not to Follow the Money  essays you get a sense of how this administration likes to play the U.S.'s tried and true tactic of destabilization to further the Neocon's PNAC agenda.

The Neocons who are fomenting this policy of destabilization could care less about the damage they're causing  to international laws, treaties and institutions, established and agreed to by prior U.S. administrations over the last sixty years to create a law abiding world community. Laws such as the A.B.M treaty, the World Court, the Gevena conventions, the limitations on weapons in space, etc.. Instead they're gleefully destroying this carefully constructed framework of the international community in their unremitting effort to establish their "New World Order", their perverted, twisted and depraved version of their New Roman Empire

Those of you in other countries who have stood idly by and done nothing, or more shamefully, those of you who have actually participated with this administration while it ransacked Iraq; and who are now acting the same way again while this administration sets their sight's on Iran, cannot ask yourselves for whom the bell  tolls, you must all realize by now...... it tolls for thee.