Two Methods Which Lead to the Same End

Two Methods Which Lead to the Same End

Chavez, Latin cultural unity & the amassing proletariat - posted by PG
A quote...." 08/20/07 "ICH" -- -- To this day, rhetorical deployments of the Marxist agenda send shivers down the backs of the Western citizen. Somehow, extending the duration of the Cold War ending in 1991, the Red Scare continues to loom over the head of Western ideals. Of course, environmental dissipation, nuclear war, and terrorist activities have diminished the priority status of the Marxist threat. Yet Marxism is still regarded as the ultimate “anti-freedom,” positing it in direct opposition to the capitalist agenda. For many, the end of the Cold War proved that Marxism was both unreliable and illegitimate in the context of the times. However, the “era of globalization” that defines post Cold War society forces us to look at Marxism in a whole new light: one unified global civil society."

Editor’s note - Yes, yes, yes....everything Marx said about "Capitalism" is true; however, almost everything he said about its "solution" was false. -- Capitalism in it's naked form is utterly amoral, predatory, vicious and in the end if "allowed" to go through it's naturally inevitable and increasingly ferocious boom and bust cycle, will leave one tiny all powerful fascist elite owning everything....and everyone.

The truest form of Capitalism, "laissez-faire" Capitalism, always destroys "free markets" wherever and whenever it gets a firm hold on a society.  It destroys unions and smaller competitors and all who stand in its way with whatever legal or illegal means it can bring to bare. It rigs the system, it controls the game, it bribes the referee and cheats to gain as much unfair advantage as it possibly can.

As a self-reinforcing, self-rewarding mechanism it will eventually write its own rules and laws overriding all others for the benefit of the few elites and corporations concentrated at the top of society’s social-economic heap, and the elites so blessed will NEVER give up the power or the wealth they bribed, bought or stole their way into.  For most of the people trapped in the system's web it always becomes the slot machine that never pays off, the company store where you always go deeper into debt.

It strips everyone and everything of any morality, decency, or conscience and brings a society down to its lowest common denominator..."how much is it, or how much are you, worth to me" becomes the sole mantra of existence.  It starts wars...ALWAYS, every single time, without any exception, absolutely guaranteed, and in the case of the United States, it has done so with remarkable regularity almost every ten years.  It reduces people to flesh and bones and nothing else, when all is said and done, everyone, absolutely everyone, becomes a commodity; a worker unit, a killer unit, a sex unit, an organ donation unit. Capitalism recognizes only money as its God and man as being fundamentally evil...and as a system it celebrates both of these beliefs.

Capitalism promotes and glorifies sociopaths and psychopaths.  As Marx observed, a relentless economically unavoidable process caused by the boom and bust cycle of the economy, a cycle always exacerbated by the unchecked greed and corruption practiced by its own elites, will inevitably merge with, and become one with, the Leviathan state in a remarkable synthesis known as fascism.  It will do this while rapidly becoming totally unrestrained by any moral prohibitions, covenants, or the very laws upon which the society had originally been founded upon.  It will become the Beast.

In its last throes, at the very bitterest of bitter will eat itself and all those it traps within its system ...ALIVE.

"Communism" however is not a viable alternative solution, free markets really do work better than "command economies".(and please.... let no one delude themselves that a) the United States has a "free" market, or b) that Capitalism has anything to do with how a "free" market really operates)

Although national power, transportation (roads, dams, canals and railroads only),  risk systems (health and pension insurance only), and national resources (water, oil, gas....and possibly mining) lend themselves naturally to national control because they benefit all and need to be distributed amongst all, are in some cases not market driven (who wants to get sick?), whose costs and demand projections are long term and can be easily calculated, and in the end are the natural resources and heritage that belong to the people of the country. (it really is the Iraqis oil after all, not ours), it is still essential to realize that free markets in all other cases are a better determinate of supply and demand through price action.

Communism as expressed by some of its adherents is a system whose premise (which is wrong) argues that man is a "blank slate", that man can be socialized and molded to "fit" society’s “norms”, that naturally occurring drives, ambitions, the seven deadly sins, what have you, are not "inherent" in man's nature and are simply caused by the actions of an "unjust" society.  As such it will eventually recognize no higher authority than that of the Leviathan state and in the end, exactly as occurs with Capitalism, unrestrained by any moral prohibitions, covenants or laws, but unlike Capitalism, worshiping the state as its God, and racked by a sclerotic, bureaucratic economic command and control system, Communism inevitably disintegrates into a political and economic ruin.

Unchecked, unrestrained, Capitalism-Fascism eventually burns itself out, taking tens of millions of people with it.

Unchecked, unrestrained, Communism-Totalitarianism eventually wears itself out, taking tens of millions of people with it.

Both systems are fundamentally, unalterably, evil. - mpg