START = 01-07-15  /  FINISH  =  ???

Classic signs of a False Flag regarding this far
  • The perpetrators have had long term affiliations, training, or support from state actors
  • The perpetrators had been "monitored" and/or "surveilled" by state security forces for a long period of time
  • The perpetrators are "immediately identified" by state security forces
  • Convenient or unusual lapses in security allowed the attack to be carried out
  • Convenient "evidence" discovered.  Documents left at the scene, I.D.s found, etc.
  • Massive coordinated ongoing endless relentless 24/7 corporate media coverage fitting a meme or "frame" within minutes or hours of the event
  • Constant adjustments, the omission of facts, reports, associations, connections to fit the "frame"
  • Non-strategic or non-parasitical targets attacked - Target selected for propaganda only
  • Only "low-level" employees or members of the public injured or killed
  • Standard investigatory techniques are not followed

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Table of Contents -- (Newest to Oldest) - From those articles posted at Reficultnias

 --  The Real Issues Regarding "Terrorism"
 --  The Overall View
 --  Hypocrisy In Action
 --  Charlie Hebdo - It's History, It's Owners, What they Do
 --  Cui bono, Frame, Meme, Etc.
 --  Cashing-In -- Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste, More Repression, More Suppression, More Surveillance, Etc.
 --  Cashing-In -- Ringing the Alarm Bells - Fanning The Flames - Setting The Stage
 --  Key False Flag Articles
 --  Evidentiary Analysis, Contradictory Evidence, False Flag Confirmation
 --  General Articles

The Real Issues Regarding "Terrorism"

Neocon: Epitome of Evil, Destruction, Greed
The Syrian Ambassador’s Complaint
CrossTalk: Extremists Incorporated - vid - (CTRTYuTb 23m56s 01/14/15) - Src:   CT@YuTb - CrossTalk - RT
US, allies must be held accountable for ISIL terrorism: Analyst - Src
How to Stop Terrorism: 7 Ways to Drain the Swamp
US Ally Saudi Arabia Lashes Blogger 1000 Times For "Islam Insult" - related article
Iran's Cleric Condemns Paris Attack, Asks West to End Support for Terrorists
Charlie Hebdo - Three Things That Must Be Discussed - 01-09-15 - mpg - a website editor's caution

The Overall View

The Collapse of French Intellectual Diversity - Src
EU Exploits Paris Attacks to Build US-Style Police State in Europe
Neocon: Epitome of Evil, Destruction, Greed
Charlie Hebdo, A Free Press, And Social Security
Charlie Hebdo: The Hidden Agenda Exposed
“Civilization” of the Neocons - Alt
Paris Terror Rampage: A Failed Narrative
Charlie Hebdo, Zionism & Media Deception – Interview with Hafsa Kara-Mustapha - vid - Alt - (NAMYuTb 1h1m19s 01/18/15) - Source: BrandonMartinez
“Je Suis CIA”
Charlie Hebdo - The Hidden Agenda Exposed - vid- Alt - (SCGYuTb 5min 01/17/15) - Source:  StormCloudsGathering
Europe’s 9-11, ISIS and Russia -- Where did the famous French freedom and liberty vanish to?
"Examining Key Premises in the “Je suis Charlie” Discourse"
Charlie Hebdo: Conservative & ‘Liberal’ Islamophobia Find Common Ground in US Media - Src
Dieudonne arrested as French Zio-puppets kill free speech for good
The Spectacular Media Failure on Charlie Hebdo
A quote..." obviously false culprit was created, leading to a moronic national discussion in the U.S. media about whether Islam was “inherently” violent."
And what tiny little group, (less than twenty million world wide) in the US-NRE (less than two percent of the population) implanted this "meme", this "frame" in the consciences of the Americka public more than forty years ago?  That of "A Clash of Civilizations" of the "Long War"?

Does it come as a surprise that this very same tiny little group also controls the six media conglomerates in the US-NRE who've been constantly pushing this "meme" and "frame" for the last forty years?  Media conglomerates that control ninety percent of Amerika's mass-media spew outlets.

Would it again be another surprise that the so-called "solution" for this "meme" and "frame" was to be supplied by implementing plans written by this very same tiny group of people more than thirty years ago? Plans called the PNAC Protocols? 

Anyone who thinks this is all just a "coincidence" is either dangerously, life threateningly, stupid, or a fellow traveling foreign agent of this group. - mpg
The biggest threat to French free speech isn’t terrorism. It’s the government
Paris attack designed to shore up France’s vassal status: Roberts
Destructive Western Middle East Policy Provides Fertile Ground for Islamic Radicals
Ex-prime minister calls ISIS 'deformed child of arrogant Western policy'
Mourning Charlie Hebdo Journalists, While Ignoring that US-NATO State-Sponsored Terrorism....
Charlie Hebdo Massacre: Another Staged Event to Incite War and Destroy Freedom? - Src
If Paris Killers Had Western Media on Their Side
Waging War on Islam by Stephen Lendman
10 things the media won’t be talking about after the Paris terror attack
Global NSA Surveillance Did Nothing to Prevent Paris Shooting
10 Insane Right-Wing Reactions to the Charlie Hebdo Massacre

Hypocrisy In Action

French comedian convicted of ‘supporting terror’
Charlie Hebdo attack: French values challenged in schools
Glorification of terrorism: a teenager prosecuted in France because of a cartoon on Facebook
Charlie's Double Standards - #JeAiDoublesStandards - Pix#1 - Pix#2 - Pix#3 - Great Pixs!  
Not Charlie Hebdo: Why Anti Muslim “Jokes” Are Often War Propaganda
As a Muslim, I'm Fed Up With the Hypocrisy of the Free Speech Fundamentalists - Src
Je suis Charlie or Je suis Hypocrite?
The Truth "Behind" The Charlie Hebdo Solidarity Photo-Op - fake photo-op
France begins jailing people for ironic comments
Rome convicts 6 for anti-Semitic slogans
My Brush with French (and World) “Press Freedom”
Dieudonné charged with material support for comedy - satire 
Dieudonne arrested as French Zio-puppets kill free speech for good
FLASHBACK - Israeli occupation carried out 72 attacks on journalists in Gaza
What Freedom of Speech?
Charlie Hebdo: “Je Suis White People” - Src
Those who aren't Charlie - Src 
I’m not Charlie . . . I’m Maurice Sinet, fired by Charlie for anti-semitism
France Arrests a Comedian For His Facebook Comments, Showing the Sham of West’s “Free Speech”
“Je suis Ali Abbas”: The Forgotten Victims of State Terrorism
French comedian arrested after Charlie Hebdo gag
France Arrests Comedian, Showing Sham of 'Free Speech' Celebration
Charlie Hebdo vs Breivik: Some European Bloodbaths Are More Interesting Than Others - Src
What the Jew MSM Has Declared VERBOTEN
Dozens Arrested in France for Verbally Supporting Terrorism
France Follows Freedom of Speech Rally With Crackdown On Free Speech
No Outrage For Palestinian Cartoonist Who Was Arrested And Jailed In Israel
Flashback 2009 - "French cartoonist Sine on trial on charges of anti-Semitism over Sarkozy jibe "
These are the biggest hypocrites celebrating free speech today in Paris
Zionist Attack Against The Sunday Times
Journalist, His Family, Killed By Israeli Missile In Rafah
Freedom of speech is a French myth
Chechen leader blasts Europe over double standards on terrorism
War crimes suspects lead Paris anti-terror march
[Corp] Media obsesses over ‘free speech’ in Charlie Hebdo case ignoring Israeli targeting of journalists
Charlie Hebdo and the hypocrisy of pencils
world leaders didn't "lead" #CharlieHebdo marchers in Paris conducted photo op - fake photo op 
The Charlie Hebdo Rally: Media Distortions and Hypocrisy in Paris
Hypocrisy in Paris
Truly Massive Display of Hypocrisy by Western Leaders - Src
Brainwashed zombies and hypocrites
The Farce of Western Free Speech - Alt - Src

Charlie Hebdo - It's History, It's Owners, What they Do

BIG SURPRISE! Rothschilds Bought Charlie Hebdo in December 2014! - The Rothschilds connection
The link between Charlie Hebdo, the pesky Rothfilth and the Israeli Mossad - The Rothschilds connection - contains video - Alt
Were Charlie Hebdo cartoons only about free speech? Maybe not
Charlie Hebdo and its Anti-Gentile Allies
FLASHBACK 2009 - Charlie Hedbo fired a writer for a joke they said as anti-semitic - then he was charged with a hate crime
Charlie Hebdo endorses the neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine and its bombings of Ukrainian citizens

Cui bono, Frame, Meme, Etc

Paris: Fallout After Staged Suicide of “Charlie” Investigator
Waving the “False Flag”
Charlie Hebdo bombshell! Suicided officer’s family denied access to autopsy
Jean-Marie Le Pen injured in house fire (ie: Beaten Up and Terrorized)
Charlie Hebdo, A Free Press, And Social Security
Charlie Hebdo: The Hidden Agenda Exposed
Who Stands to Benefit From Terrorist Attacks in France?
The Extremely Dark and Unexamined Underside of the Charlie Hebdo Affair
Charlie Hebdo Reinvigorates Itself With “A Bang”
Ankara Mayor Gökçek: Mossad is behind Paris attacks
Paris Killings: Media Lies, Unanswered Questions. Was it a False Flag? - Src
Paris Killings Postmortems
6 Points To Consider When Analyzing The Charlie Hebdo Attacks
Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono?
Who profits from killing Charlie?
The Attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the “Kosher Grocery Store”: Israel’s Mossad “to the Rescue”?
Killing Charlie: Cui Bono? – Blowback in the Heart of Europe
Warning to Nations: Don't Cross Israel
France to Palestinians: ‘Don’t resubmit U.N. statehood resolution’
Just As The Islamic State (ISIL) Gets Exposed As A Fake US Enemy, A “Wag the Dog” Terrorist Attack in Paris?
FLASHBACK 4 DAYS AGO - Liberman, Mossad Men Reportedly Met Top Arab Official in Paris
Flashback Nov - Palestinian state recognition will be a ‘grave mistake’, Netanyahu warns France
US regime punish France for words Holanda on lifting sanctions against Russia.

Cashing-In -- "Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste", More Repression, More Suppression, More Surveillance, Etc.

France Enacts Strict Crackdown on Cash Payments Because Charlie Hebdo Attackers Used Cash
French President attacks me, wants to ban my “conspiracy theories”
The Militarization Of France Is Not Temporary: "10,000 Troops To Remain On The Streets"
‘Patriotic’ Folly
EU Exploits Paris Attacks to Build US-Style Police State in Europe
UK to launch enhanced “anti-terror measures” and domestic use of troops
France to hire thousands of extra police, spies & investigators
Europe Considers Surveillance Expansion After Deadly Attacks
City of London police get power to tap into CCTV
Spanish government uses Paris terror attack to clamp down on democratic rights
Hollande approval rate doubles in wake of Paris terror attacks - mission accomplished  
David Cameron seeks cooperation of US president over encryption crackdown
Canada’s Harper promotes new police powers and war
David Cameron’s internet surveillance plans rival Syria, Russia and Iran
France is now arresting folks for social media posts. Just like in USSR....
UK Moves One Step Closer to Orwell’s 1984 Nightmare - Src
EU ministers push ISPs to censor web after Paris attacks
Calls for an EU Superstate Intelligence Agency Follow Hebdo Attack… As Planned
Europe's answer to France terror 'attack on free speech' is greater Internet censorship
France moves to crack down on ["]terror["] speech
France Arrests 54 in 'Hate Speech' Crackdown
French Prime Minister Declares 'War on Terrorism'
European Powers Implement Police State Measures in Wake of Charlie Hebdo Attack - Src
Charlie Hebdo Fallout in America. Repressive Legislation to “Protect our Values” - Src
UK, France, Spain and the US increase efforts to violate the peoples rights by spying on them.
Erosion of free speech? Cameron pledges to ban Snapchat and WhatsApp
Theresa May Wants Database To Track All EU-Passengers
MI5 and David Cameron Push For New Surveillance Powers
Paris Attack Means We Need More Snooping Powers, Says Cameron, Amid Warnings Of 'Big Brother'
Israel moves quickly to exploit Paris attacks
MI5 chief seeks new powers after Paris magazine attack
Police State France by Stephen Lendman
Australian Government Exploits Paris Attacks - Src - Alt
Paris Has US Agencies Clamoring for More Cash
In Britain, Spy Chief Calls for More Power for Agency
Netanyahu to French, European Jews after Paris attacks: Israel is your home
White House to hold global security summit Feb 18: U.S. official - what propitious timing!!  
After Paris, ISPs Face Pressure to Share More Data With Govts

Cashing-In -- Ringing the Alarm Bells - Fanning The Flames - Setting The Stage

‘Anti-Islamization’ demos spread in Europe as PEGIDA voices agenda
Western Politics Of High-octane Emotion - key article
Anti-Islam group buys ads on San Francisco buses
German jihadist says ISIS 'will conquer Europe'
UK puts military on standby after Charlie Hebdo attack
‘Act of war’: New Charlie Hebdo edition triggers Muslims’ anger, threats
Police: Up to 6 Paris terror suspects may still be at large
Jacob Weisberg, Jewish Zionist CFR Member says to ESCALATE BLASPEMY for "Best Response"
15 Anti-Muslim Attacks Reported in France Since Charlie Hebdo
SAS rushed in to guard our streets as Al Qaeda warns 'you're next'
Dianne Feinstein: Terrorist sleeper cells are in the U.S.
Al-Qaeda plotting massacre in Britain, say MI5
France Warns 'Terror Cells' Have Been Activated, US Issues Worldwide Travel Alert
Holder: US 'At War' With Lone Wolf Terrorists

Key False Flag Articles

Charlie Hebdo bombshell! Suicided officer’s family denied access to autopsy
Jean-Marie Le Pen injured in house fire (ie: Beaten Up and Terrorized) - vid - (FRRYuTb 8m31s 01/26/15) - Source:  freeradiorevolution
It Looks Like An Execution Charlie Hebdo: Report from Europe
Paris Terror Attacks were a Government Orchestrated Hoax, Says Local Paris Correspondent
The Rothschilds Own Charlie Hebdo? Editors Girlfriend Works For The Rothschilds. - vid - (4m46s) - Src
15 Signs The Charlie Hebdo Attack Was A False Flag
Vindicated: Paris events meet the false flag checklist
Opps - Paris Attackers Funded by Pentagon Dinner Guest
Paris Shooters Just Returned from NATO’s Proxy War in Syria

Evidentiary Analysis, Contradictory Evidence, False Flag Confirmation

Kurt Haskell on possible Mossad op in France - vid - (Ry2SFlshPlyr 54m12s 01/20/15) - Related Sites:  - Ry2S@YuTbRy2S@ANCRpt - Ry2SAntiNeocons  -  Anti-Neocons / Indiegogo Project
Was Terrorist Attack False Flag on France?
Paris Attacks Work of US or Israeli Agents: France’s Le Pen
Did French Police Have Prior Knowledge of Paris Shooting? - vid - (AJYuTb 5min36sec 01/17/15) - Src
The Charlie Hebdo Attacks Exposed #CharlieHebdo - vid - (SGPYuTb 7m21s 01/13/15) - Src:  SGP@YuTb - SGP@YuTb#2 - BlgSpt - SGPBlogspotAU
The Charlie Hebdo Story Doesn’t Wash
Analyzing The Cop Shooting” Video REMOVED For Violating You Tube’s “policy"
Mossad, CIA, French Deep State Linked To Charlie Hebdo Events, Official Story Crumbles [Into] Dust
What Hebdo Execution Video Really Shows - cautionary article
Was The CIA Behind Paris Attack?
FLASHBACK - 'Underwear bomber' was working for the CIA
New info confirms CIA was behind Paris attack
Suspected Paris Shooter Lived with Underwear Bomber in Yemen - say what!!  
False Flag or Not, Liberty Is at Stake: Military-Like Precision Terror Attack Has Many Asking Questions
Turkish President's Stunning Outburst: The French Are Behind The Charlie Hebdo Massacre; Mossad Blamed
Ankara Mayor Gökçek: Mossad is behind Paris attacks
Paris attacks false flag op to keep Bibi in power: California Senate candidate
Charlie Hebdo Shootings: False Flag? - Src
Police Commissioner Involved in Charlie Hebdo Investigation “Commits Suicide”. Total News Blackout
Charlie Hebdo Police Investigator Commits Suicide. “Killed Himself While Preparing the Police Rpt” - Src
French dropped surveillance of terrorist brothers six months before Charlie Hebdo attack
New Twist: Charlie Hebdo Police Investigator Turns Up Dead, ‘Suicided
Planted ID card exposes Paris false flag - Src
No Blood? Reporter at Paris Shooting Aftermath Says “....
Paris attacker seen in ISIL allegiance video
Both brothers behind Paris attack had weapons training in Yemen
French Admit To ‘Following’ Kouachi Brothers Before Magazine Shooting
WOW! Witness Says Paris Shooters Acting Like Police, Security Forces (FALSE FLAG!)
Another video from the Charlie Hebdo staged false-flag proving man on the ground was not actually shot.
Paris Shooting Official Story Keeps Changing By The Second
Paris Hostage Taker Met WIth President Sarkozy in 2009
France Terror Suspect Was Featured in 2005 Documentary On Jihadism!
Charlie Hebdo shooters: The 'has-been' jihadis considered too old for security surveillance
PARIS SHOOTING: Charlie ‘Magazine Murders’ Reveals Evidence of Deliberate Staging
Paris Charlie Hebdo attack has at least 3 NATO Operation Gladio signatures
A Timeline: Where'd Paris Shooters Get Their Weapons? - Src
Paris Shooting Suspects Under French Radar for YEARS
Militant flags, petrol bombs found [or planted] in Paris attack getaway car
VIDEO: Paris attackers had 'advanced military training' and were 'trained in combat'

General Articles

One millon Muslims and Orthodox Christians in the streets of Grozny
Jimmy Carter blames Israel for Paris attacks - Not directly, but as part of "blowback". He's wrong. 
Al-Qaeda in Yemen claims responsibility for ‘vengeance’ attack on Paris newspaper
French police identify FIFTH suspect in Paris attacks
Police Chief Helric Fredou Investigating Chalie Hebdo DIES MYSTERIOUSLY!
46 examples of Muslim outrage about Paris shooting that Fox News can’t seem to find
Tens of thousands protest against anti-Islamic propaganda in Munich, Leipzig, Hanover and Berlin
More than 3.7 million people took part in unity marches across France against terrorism
One-and-a-half million people take part in Paris unity march, say organizers
Hezbollah chief says terrorists damage Islam more than cartoons
Hamas condemns Charlie Hebdo attack
Charlie Hebdo: Classmates protest innocence of suspect Hamyd Mourad, 18, with school alibi
Amidst A Religious War in Europe Or Is It Just another False Flag Operation?
The French Connection – False Flags and the Charlie Hebdo Incident
Charlie Hebdo: Classmates protest innocence of suspect Hamyd Mourad, 18, with school alibi
10 things the media won’t be talking about after the Paris terror attack 
Terror attack in France?
Mossad Attacks Paris?
Three Paris Terrorists [patsies] Identified
Charlie Hebdo attack: Paris gunman used gesture adopted by radical Islamists
FALSE FLAG ALERT - At least 12 dead in Paris after attack on satirical newspaper
Paris "Charlie Hebdo" attack": another Zionist false flag?
French terrorist bloodbath: First-responder police arrived unarmed, fled
Heavily armed “Al-Qaeda” terrorists attack Paris magazine offices, killing 12
Evidence in Paris Attack Suggests Gunmen Had Combat Experience
Suspects in Paris Attack Were on Police Radar for Years
Two Suspects in Paris Attack Known to Intelligence Services: Reports