October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity

October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity
  1. The Means.... LIHOP, & MIHOP.... [Click Here]
  2. The Jewish Mercenary Motive -- The IMEC Project, East Fork of the Red Sea Canal, and the Palestinian Gas Field Gambit.... [Click Here]
  3. The JewSA & JewK - Aiding & Abetting..... [Click Here]
  4. The Jewish Bloodlust Motive -- Ethnically Cleansing Palestinians for the "Greater Judeo-Enclave" - A Long Planned MIHOP - [Click Here]
  5. The Jews' Murderous, Slanderous, Vicious, Campaign Against UNRWA.... [Click Here]
  6. The al-Shifa Hospital Hasbara Operation....[Click Here]
  7. The Rape-Room, Viagra, Gang-Banging, Beheaded Babies, Babies in Ovens, Summary Executions, Judeo-Propaganda Operation Redux....[Click Here]
  8. Murdering The Messenger (M.T.M.)....[Click Here]
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FYI:  To the other 206 countries in the world, and ALL of their peoples, if any of this makes you angry, please BOYCOTT the JewSA, the JewK, and the jewish occupation enclaves! That's BOTH of them!  The one in Palestine, and the one recently established in the Ukrainian Territories. Please BOYCOTT all jewish institutions and businesses world-wide!!
BOTH these exterminationist projects were conceived, planned, managed, and carried out by the JEWS, with the full backing of their JewSA and JewK colonies.  All four entities, the Judeo-Quad Squad, (The JewSA, JewK, Judeo-Enclave, and Judeo-Lviv Regime) must be boycotted.
1)  Do not buy anything from, invest in, or do business with anyone, from the JewSA, JewK, or the judeo-occupied Ukrainian or Palestinian territories.

2)  If you must sell to anyone from these four judeo-golemized occupied territories, add 10%, 20%, 30%, or whatever the market will bare, and call it the Palestinian / DPR-LPR Tax.  Donate the proceeds to the Palestinians and those Russian / Ukrainians resisting jewish tyranny, to let them know you care.

3) Also, if you can, please give as much you can to the Peoples of Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria.  To whomever, or whatever groups you believe would be the most effective, at alleviating the misery caused by the JewSA, JewK, and the jews occupying Palestine.

4)  Finally purchase as much as you can, from countries that are actually fighting for the "Multi-Polar" world order.  That would be Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and the Peoples of the front-line states. Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria.  Also keep in mind new resistance states, such as Hungary and Slovakia -- Secondary suppliers should be those who support the Multi-Polar order. The C.I.S states, the BRICS, and other non-aligned countries.  This would also include occupied Germany and Japan on a limited contingent, compassionate basis. (We must pity them, and never forget, what the JewSA & JewK did to them.) - At least till they get their collective heads straight and install new governments - mpg


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Friday, July 5th 2024

IAF Attack Helicopter Pilots Recount Operations on October 7 in detail - Ynetnews
LIHOP'ed.... (That's when the jews knew it was going to happen and let it) -- and MIHOP'ed.... (that's where the jews killed most of their OWN "civilian jews" on Oct 7th, 2023 by exercising their Hanibal Directive) - Must Read - (For the historical accuracy) - One of them had a trailer attached to a tractor carrying nine hostages from the kibbutz toward Gaza. I don’t know what the pilot could see from the air, but he opened fire at the tractor and hit the terrorists, but one of the hostages, Efrat Katz, was hit and killed by the fire ... This order continues. “Enemy forces must not be allowed to retreat into Gazan territory and any such attempt must be stopped at any cost.” Another part of the order reads: “There must be no passage into [teh judeo-enclave's] territory and citizens must not be allowed to enter the area in the Gaza Strip.” Did this constitute a hint at the Hannibal Directive, i.e. the possibility of also hitting hostages?" - Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity -- LIHOP / MIHOP  ||
FYI:  The reason you're able to view all these articles, is not because they're coming from the shabbos-goy presstitutes in the jews' Nord-Am coloniy.  Not at all.  The reason you're seeing most of these articles, well researched investigative articles that prove the 1,200 figure constantly cited for Oct 7, 2023, is nothing more than another lie, in an endless series of noisome, revolting lies. Is that they're -- surprisingly -- coming from the jews in their judeo-enclave!

It's not that they, or their readers care about the Palestinians.  It's that they have a sneaking suspicion good ol'Bibi set them up.  He implemented the Hannibal Directive in actual practice, even if it was supposedly disavowed policy.  And the suspicion many jews have, considering just how much political trouble Bibi has been in lately, is that he did it all for Bibi alone.

It was a "sacrifice he was perfectly willing to make".

That's something jews don't usually tolerate.  Jews murdering their own for advantage.  It may be their ONLY decent characteristic.  To bad goyum don't even seem to understand that particular concept.  Racial and genetic solidarity.  Maybe one day they will - mpg

BTWThis was a brilliant operation on the part of the Palestinians. (Despite the fact BiBi obviously knew they were coming) They trained well, selected their targets, defeated the best of the jew's occupation forces, seized hundreds of hostages to exchange for the 8,000 Palestinians the jews currently hold in appallingly miserable conditions, headed back towards Gaza.... and got slaughtered.  Along with their jewish hostages.

They were hit with unrelenting Tank Fire, Attack Helicopters with their Hell-Fire missiles, and other massed heavy ordnance.  It's possible that not one single jewish civilian was deliberately killed that day by Hamas.  But were casualties of the jews own occupation forces.

All the rape stories (many of them really sick and demented. A demonstration of the depraved, degenerate jewish mind) and other ridiculous WWII styled anti-German atrocity porn (forty beheaded babies, etc.) were completely false. 

Most decent people knew that within two to three weeks of the attack.

Everyone who repeated any of these atrocity porn stories, or who even vaguely hinted that Hamas committed "horrors" that day, should
NEVER be considered reliable again.  Ever! 

They helped to falsely (many knowingly) justify the jews' ten month indiscriminate slaughter in Gaza. A slaughter that continues to this day. The deaths and injuries of over a hundred thousand Palestinians, mostly women and children, are on on their heads - mpg

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Saturday June 29th, 2024

The [Jewish] Media Company Haaretz Reports that Official Documents Reveal that [The Jews] Had Prior Knowledge of the October 7 Hamas Attack -- LIHOP'ed.... (That's when the jews knew it was going to happen and let it) -- and MIHOP'ed.... (that's where the jews killed most of their OWN "civilian jews" on Oct 7th, 2023 by exercising their Hanibal Directive) - Must Read - (For The Confirmation) -- A quote...."[article link] -- This confirms what I reported at the time, but there is more to the story. Not only did [the jews] know in advance, [the jews] participated in the attack upon [themselves]. Several [jewish] intelligence officials and commanders of sections of the barrier separating [the judeo-enclave] from Gaza have made it clear that it is impossible to even approach, much less penetrate, the barrier without detection. For the October 7 Hamas attack to succeed, the barrier’s alarms had to be turned off and barrier patrols stood down -- At the time I speculated that there was also involvement of the [jewish] US neoconservatives in the Biden regime. It was a conspiracy with three aims: (1) to solve Netanyahu’s legal and political problems with a crisis; (2) to bring about a final solution to the Palestinian problem, and (3) to expand the war into Lebanon, thus leading to the much desired attack on Iran. Why else were US carrier task forces, fighter aircraft, and troops immediately deployed in the area? Certainly not to help [the jews] in Gaza."

Sunday, June 23rd, 2024

Leaked Document Shows [The Jews Occupying Palestine] Knew About the Attack Way Before it Happened -- VJREVideo - VJRE/Alt-Bitchute - (VJREVar - 16min04sec - Jun 21st, 2024) - Source:  Vincent James / Red Elephant - VJ/RE @ Rumble - VJ/RE @ BitChute - VJ/RE @ DLive - VJ/RE @ Patreon - VJ/RE @ SubScribeStar - VJ/RE @ Telegram - VJ/RE @ InstaGram - Daily Veracity - Daily Veracity Support - Daily Veracity Merch -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity -- LIHOP / MIHOP  ||

Monday, June 17th, 2024

[Jewish Forces] Knew Hamas Was Planning Attack – media
Of Course They Did!! - LIHOP - A quote...."[Jewish Extermination Occupation] Forces (JOEF) warned in mid-September that Hamas was planning to invade the country and capture more than 200 hostages, [the judeo-enclave's] Kan broadcaster reported on Monday - Three weeks before Hamas fighters attacked [the judeo-occupation enclave] on October 7, the JEOF’s intelligence directorate compiled a report stating that the Palestinian militants were training for a large-scale invasion of the Jewish state, Kan has claimed, citing anonymous security sources. The document allegedly warned that dozens of Hamas commandos would take part in the raid, which would be aimed at bringing between 200 and 250 hostages back to Gaza."

Friday March 29th, 2024

Consistent Behavior & "Pattern Recognition"

‘Categorically Unacceptable’: Moscow Blasts [The Jews] Over Deadly Strikes on Syria
A quote...."Moscow has strongly denounced the [jewish] regime over a raft of earlier airstrikes by Tel Aviv against northern Syria that left dozens of Syrian civilians and military personnel dead and injured - The regime conducted the attacks against targets near the Syrian city of Aleppo on Friday, using multiple warplanes."
FYI:  It's sort of amusing in an absolutely horrible way.  The jewish crime syndicate's geopolitical pustule squatting in Palestine has struck Syria with rockets about an average of two times every single month for the last ten yearsSyria has not responded with even a single air-strike against the jewish regime in that entire decade!!

Hamas in Gaza sends its forces across the border into the occupied part of Palestine for 48 to 72 hours to engage jewish forces, which they did quite successfully.  Seize hostages to trade for the thousands of Palestinian hostages the jews have, which they also did quite successfully.

And as they were driving back in their commandeered vehicles to take them into Gaza, many from the "Rave", with some of the Hamas forces still unable to return back into Gaza having been trapped and holed up in houses in various illegal jewish compounds.

The jews, obviously carrying out the Hannibal Doctrine in practice, if not under law or military order, proceeded to kill almost all the famous "1,200 people killed" that day, with attack helicopters, drones, hellfire missiles, tank fire, and large caliber machine gun fire.

These were the 1,200 people whom the jews falsely described as "civilians". When in actuality close to half were armed in one way or the other.  Many actually being Hamas operatives, along with disarmed jewish occupation force members, jewish police, jewish militia, and others taken hostage. 

All massacred in the jews' indiscriminate slaughter.

Then the jews, USING THEIR OWN SLAUGHTER AS A PRETEXT, proceeded to murder 32,000 Palestinians in Gaza, wound 75,000 more and level the entire open air prison to the ground. 

A massacre which is ongoing to this day....

That's the jews for you - Are we learning yet?? - mpg.
Thursday March 21st, 2024

AIPAC Spending $100 Million to Oust Progressive Critics of [the Jewish Occupation Enclave in Palestine]
Just Keep Saying To Yourself.....  "Jews don't have any power" -- A quote...."So much for Russian meddling and interference in U.S. elections. That entirely baseless, discredited conspiracy theory, which continues to be hysterically promoted by delusional political pundits and dishonest politicians even to this very day, has largely lost traction with anyone paying attention to American politics - A must more sinister, well-financed, and highly motivated foreign adversary is, however, increasingly using its financial war chest, media clout, and political connections to interfere in and influence U.S. elections, including the upcoming 2024 election - The infamous American [Judeo-Enclave] Public Affairs Committee, the stridently pro-[judeo-enclave] political lobby more commonly known by its acronym AIPAC, is spending millions of dollars in this upcoming election, funneling money to handpicked candidates deemed sufficiently subservient to advancing the interests of [the judeo-enclave] in targeted campaigns to oust critics of [the judeo-enclave], particularly in the wake of its [exterminationist] military campaign against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip."
FYI:  AIPAC is one of hundreds of major jewish 'lobby groups' in the jews' NordAm colony.  One of the more effective and powerful of the roughly five thousand jewish 'lobby groups' in total.  Just in the JewSA ALONE!  As previously stated and Posted 01-31-24....
Jews have hundreds of organizations like these in EVERY SINGLE White Ethnic European Nation!!  They have over 5,000 organizations in the United States alone, dedicated to supporting jewish causes, and coordinating attacks against anyone who gets in their way -- To put THAT number into perspective one must keep in mind jews make up about 2% of the US's population.  White Ethnic Europeans a couple of years ago made up about 60% of the US's population.  That's a 30 to 1 ratio.  Or, to be proportionate, White Ethnic Europeans in the United States, JUST TO BE EVEN, would have to have (30 * 5,000), 150,000 organizations in the United States ALONE, dedicated to "White Well-Being",  just to be EVEN with the Jews!!  Currently they have NONE!! - This MIGHT explain Jewish power -- Are We Learning Yet?? - mpg
Sunday March 3rd, 2024

[Jewish Occupation Forces] Kill Hostages And Palestinians Alike In Gaza (18+ Photos)
The Hannibal Directive - A quote...."Seven [jewish] hostages held in the Gaza Strip had been killed by [jewish] bombardment, the military wing of the Hamas Movement announced on March 1 - Abu Obeida, the spokesperson for Hamas’ Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, said that the group confirmed the news following investigations conducted over the past few weeks after it had lost contact with the fighters who had been holding the hostages - According to the spokesman, a number of Hamas fighters “martyred” along with the slain [jewish] hostages as a result of the bombardment."

Thursday February 22nd, 2024

National Bugle Radio with Patrick Slattery 2.22.24
NBR@RBNAudio - Alt/Mp3 - (NBR @ RBNFlwPlyr - 1hr - Feb 22nd, 2024) - Source:  Patrick Slattery:  RBN - RBN Shows - RBN Donate - Pat Slattery @ NBR -- Special Guest's Websites - Paul Edward Stevenson:  PES @ Odysee - PES @ RBN - PES@RBN/RSS - Republic Broadcasting Network - RBN Shows - RBN Donate- PES @ YuTb -- A quote...."Paul Edward Stevenson joins the show for a discussion of the Tucker Putin interview, Navalny, the Gaza genocide, [the jewish crime syndicate geopolitical pustule's] alleged right to exist, and a parable from Jesus." -- Quotable Quote of the Day.....
[Start: 12m00s -- End: 13m05s] -- "As a matter of international law, there is no right to exist for a state..  The Ottoman Empire didn't have a right to exist. The Soviet Union didn't have a right to exist. Yugoslavia didn't have a right to exist. The United States didn't have a right to exist. It COMPLETELY flies in the face of the liberal foundations of the United States, the Declaration of Independence.  The Declaration of Independence says from time to time in the course of human history.... something like that.  The People decide they need a new government.  And they can create a new state.  So the "right of a state to exist" is completely contradictory with "the right of self-determination of a  people".  If people decide that they don't want to live under one state and want to live under a new state, or a different state, that's the whole principle of self-determination.  There's nowhere in international law that says a state has a right to exist"-- *Dr Patrick Slattery*
FYI:  That said, there's PLENTY in international law regarding illegal, unjust, wars of aggression against fellow neighboring states. They are considered.... "the supreme international crime" - Which needless to say the JewSA, JewK, and the illegal judeo-occupation enclave have engaged in hundreds of times during the last century - mpg - see quote and essay posted below.....
"It should be emphasized that the weight of proof is ALWAYS against the aggressor regarding any sort of military action. Cavalier policies and self-serving statements such as "preemption", or completely and totally ridiculous statements such as "we're bringing them freedom and democracy" or "mission to protect" do not reduce this burden of proof, in fact they only increase it.  To wit....
"To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." -- *Robert H. Jackson*, chief prosecutor at the  Nuremberg trials
Nuremberg Principle VI(a), states the following....
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i). [Such as a false flag]
Generally the following rules should be applied....  *The Rules of Force - 09-28-12 - mpg*
Palestinians' Use of Force Well Founded in International Law
Concept Note - An Important Point!! - A quote...."In pursuit of the right to self-determination, Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression and complete the establishment of an independent state is (an) inalienable right well founded in international law,” the Chinese representative told the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Anadolu reported - Citing resolutions by the UN General Assembly, Beijing’s envoy to the World Court said people struggling for self-determination could use “all available means, including armed struggle.” - "The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts," he added, citing international conventions - However, he stressed that genuine acts of terrorism are another matter" - bold by website editor - Topix  ||  The Rules of Force - 09-28-12  ||

Thursday February 8th, 2024

A “False Flag” Operation To Justify The [Judeo-Enclave]-U.S. [Extermination] Against The People of Palestine -- A quote...."From the outset on October 7, 2023, “A Tissue of Lies” has served to justify the killings in the Gaza Strip of more than 30,000 civilians, of which 70% are women and children. The atrocities committed against the People of Palestine are beyond description. At least 10,000 children have been killed.... “That is one Palestinian child killed every 15 minutes… Thousands more are missing under the rubble, most of them are presumed dead.” -- Military operations are invariably planned well in advance - Had  Hamas’ “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” been a “surprise attack” as parroted by the media, Netanyahu’s “State of Readiness For War” could not have been spontaneously carried out (at short notice) on that same day, namely October 7, 2023. The “State of Readiness” etiquette (revealed on October 7) points to a carefully prepared plan - It is now well established that [the jews'] Operation “State of Readiness for War” which consisted in “Wiping Gaza Off the Map” was carefully coordinated with U.S. military and intelligence. It is part of a broader joint [Judeo-Enclave]-U.S. military agenda - Washington not only supports the Genocide, it oversees the International Court of Justice (ICJ) - Although South Africa’s legal initiative was directed against the [judeo-enclave], the conduct of the genocide is a joint [Judeo-Enclave]-U.S. project, with U.S. military and intelligence operatives collaborating directly with their [jewish] counterparts - This collaboration is also supported by an extensive flow of military aid." - bold by website editor

Wednesday January 31st, 2024

Western Media’s Blackout of [the Judeo-Enclaves Jewish] “Hannibal Directive”
The “Hannibal Directive” -- A quote...."In the time since the October 7 invasion of [jewish occupied Palestine] there have been suggestions both from within [the judeo-enclave] and from alternative media elsewhere that [the current jewish occupation regime] used a version of a military protocol known as “The Hannibal Directive” that day, and perhaps has continued to operate upon that protocol since - The “Hannibal Directive” is a military order which was created in 1986 in response to the kidnapping of an [Jewish Occupation] Forces soldier in Lebanon. The premise of the original order is that in this circumstance, the JOF can prioritize stopping the kidnappers even if it endangers the hostage. The example that those within the [jewish regime] like to give is sniping the tires of the escape car knowing it may cause an accident which endangers the hostage, while ruling out an airstrike on the car. This highly controversial protocol was repealed in 2016 and replaced with an order whose text has remained secret. However, there is a growing body of evidence that on October 7 [the current jewish occupation regime] issued a sort of “mass Hannibal Directive on steroids,” where an unknown number of [jewish] civilians were killed by the JOF to prevent their becoming hostages. While there has been much discussion of this topic within [the jewish owned judeo-enclave's] media, there is a near-total blackout on the topic in corporate media in the United States and United Kingdom."  - Source:  The Libertarian Institute

Monday January 29th, 2024

[The Jewish Occupation Regime] Unleashing Hannibal Directive on Entire Gaza Strip, Intentionally Killing [Jewish] Hostages -- Hannibal Directive:  It's Still In Play -- A quote...."What [the judeo-enclave] is saying publicly about how it plans to deal with its captives in Gaza once apprehended is much different than what [the judeo-enclave] is actually doing in real life, say prominent [judeo-enclave] experts - According to Uncaptured Media's Dan Cohen, officials of the [Jewish Occupation] Forces (JOF) have implemented the Hannibal Directive, a classified [jewish occupation] protocol that involves intentionally killing [the judeo-enclave's] own hostages in order to prevent [jewish forces] from being taken captive."

“[Jews] Want All Of Palestine, and Deny The Existence of the Palestinian People,” Interview with Kari Jaquesson -- As They Have Consistently Done Since 1948 - A quote...."“There was no such thing as Palestinians,” said [the judeo-occupation enclave's first crime boss] Golda Meir, in an interview with The Sunday Times on June 15, 1969 - In March 2023, [the judeo-enclave's] Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, denied the existence of a Palestinian people or nationhood just weeks after calling for a Palestinian town to be “erased.” - 137 countries worldwide (70%) have recognized Palestine. In 2014 the EU voted to ‘Recognize Palestine in principle’. Within Europe as a whole, only the Czech Republic, Iceland, Malta, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, and Ukraine have recognized Palestine - We know that the US supports the genocide in Gaza, but what do the Europeans think? In an effort to answer that question, Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed the Norwegian expert on the Middle East, Kari Jaquesson."
FYI:  Ya'know, the controversy over this concept is so boring, and so stupid, that it's stultifying.  Jewish owned media in the "Western" nations talked about the "two state solution" as if it was a real option for decades. Incessantly. Endlessly. Relentlessly.... It was all just a deliberate distracting lie. The jewish power class, NEVER, EVER talked about it seriously, nor ever intended a "two-state-solution".  In other words this whole discussion was done knowingly, maliciously, and completely in bad faith by the entire jewish commentariat.  They were ALL just pretending. ALL just buying more time so the jews could establish their ever so beloved "facts-on-the-ground" -- The Goyum were stupid enough to believe them, as they have for so many other societal and socially destructive idiocies, but it was a distraction.  Just as were the Minsk-I and Minsk-II fake-outs, (although they covered a much shorter time-frame of just eight years), which took place in that other recently established judeo-geopolitical pustule called the Ukraine - mpg
Sunday January 21st, 2024

Local News Outlet Confirms [The Jewish Regime] Ordered the “Hannibal Directive” on Oct. 7, as JOF Forces Proceeded to Kill [Jewish] Civilians [and Anybody Else] En Masse -- Well..... It's Confirmed, "The Hannibal Directive" Was in Effect -- A quote...."The "Hannibal" protocol is a procedure where [jewish] forces unleash a lethal force that kills their own people. This was what happened when [jewish occupation forces] responded to Hamas' October 7 attack, as confirmed by [the judeo-enclave's] leading newspaper - According to an investigation by Yedioth Ahronoth, the [Jewish Occupation] Forces (JOF) implemented the said directive, which killed [jewish] civilians and [jewish forces], [including Hamas operatives] alike, just so they could prevent the militant group from taking them as captives back to Gaza. The Hebrew edition of the news outlet reported on Jan. 11 that "the JOF ordered all of its combat units in practice to use the 'Hannibal Procedure' although without clearly mentioning this explicitly by name." The said protocol ordered to stop, at all costs, any attempt by Hamas terrorists to return to Gaza. This is despite the fear that some of them have abductees," the paper wrote."

[The Jewish Occupation Forces'] HQ Ordered [Forces] To Shoot [Jewish] Captives on 7 October
See Photo - (click to view) - (These are all the cars the jewish regime quickly scraped off the "road of death", after they were attacked by jewish forces' hell-fire missiles. Think of how many of the 600 total jewish civilians killed that day, were killed on the 'road of death') -- A quote...."At midday on 7 October [the jews'] supreme [armed forces] command ordered all units to prevent the capture of [jewish] citizens “at any cost” – even by firing on them - The [the jews armed forces HQ] “instructed all its fighting units to perform the Hannibal Directive in practice, although it did so without stating that name explicitly,” [judeo-enclave based] journalists revealed last weekend - The revelations came in a new investigative article by Ronen Bergman and Yoav Zitun, two journalists with extensive sources inside [the jews' armed forces] and intelligence establishments - They also revealed that “some 70 vehicles” driven by Palestinian fighters returning to Gaza were blown up by [the regime's] helicopter gunships, drones or tanks - Many of these vehicles contained [jewish] captives - The journalists wrote that, “it is not clear at this stage how many of the captives were killed due to the operation of this order” to the air force that they should prevent return to Gaza at all costs - “At least in some of the cases, everyone in the vehicle was killed,” the journalists explain."
FYI:  So it's true.  What everyone could see with their own eyes on dozens of videos from that day.  Such as the 'road of death', where hundreds of passenger vehicles streaming out of the Rave, filled with Hamas operatives returning back to Gaza with their captive jewish hostages, along with many others just trying to evacuate, lay shattered and burnt in a long line of smoking, ruination.  Or in over a dozen illegal Jewish compounds near Gaza, where homes were leveled, and jews lay strewn across the ground like rag dolls, intermixed with Hamas operatives. All of it was the result of the Hannibal Directive in practice, if not officially ordered.  The jews gunned down their own
Saturday January 13th, 2024

How Jewish Forces Trapped and Killed Ravers at the Nova Festival
A Ritual Jewish Sacrifice.... of Their Own - Excellent Journalistic Investigation!! -- A quote...."[Jewish] officials allege that Hamas carried out a pre-mediated and carefully executed massacre of 364 [jewish] civilians at the Nova music festival near Gaza on 7 October as part of the Palestinian resistance's Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. They claim [falsely, which they knew at the time they made the claim] that Hamas and other Palestinians had hours to murder [jewish] partygoers before the army reached the scene - However, new details have emerged showing that [the Jewish Regimes] Border [Enforcers were] deployed at the Nova site before Hamas stumbled on the festival, causing the eruption of a major battle - While some ravers were indeed killed by the Palestinian resistance - whether by intent or in the chaos of battle - the evidence now suggests that the majority of civilian deaths were likely inflicted by [jewish] forces themselves - This was due to the overwhelming firepower employed by occupation forces - including from Apache attack helicopters - and because Tel Aviv issued the controversial Hannibal Directive to prevent Hamas from taking [jewish] party-goers as captives. [now THAT last sentence has to be confirmed.  The jews say they "rescinded" the Hannibal Directive  But we've ALL seen the movie "A Few Good Men" and its plot, where a purported "Code Red" was carried out in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba, Yah.... like that - mpg] " -- FYI:  Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||

[The Jewish Occupation's] Well-Oiled PR Machine Collapses
A quote...."Following the Hamas-led Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October aimed at targeting the occupation army’s Gaza Division and taking captives to advance a prisoner swap deal, [the jewish regime] intensified its media and digital diplomacy efforts, alongside its military and security actions. Recognizing the importance of framing those events to shape public perception, [the jewish regime] made every effort to construct unimpeachable narratives that cast the Palestinian resistance actions as ‘terrorism,’ both domestically and internationally. "
But faced with unprecedented levels of pro-Palestinian activism on social media and on the ground in the form of global protests, [the jewish regime] and its western allies collaborated heavily on quashing those counter-narratives in order to create support for Tel Aviv’s military assault on Gaza -- Greg Shupack’s book.... "The Wrong Story: Palestine, [the jewish regime] and the Media", highlights three central frameworks that form the foundations of [the jewish regime]’s narrative to the west...."
  • Creating equal blame between both parties to the conflict.
  • Framing ‘extremists’ as the main obstacle to peace efforts and undermining moderate voices.
  • Emphasizing [the jewish regime]’s right to ‘self-defense’ even in the face of unarmed protests, with little regard for Palestinian rights.
"These frameworks essentially guide western mainstream media coverage....["Western mainstream media coverage"?!?! - Are you kidding!?!?
  1. Almost all of the so-called "western media" is owned by the jews.
  2. It's not "mainstream".  It's the already thoroughly self-discredited, moribund, decayed, and revoltingly corrupted legacy "media".  Only still functioning because it's being propped up by tens of billions of judeo-Fed fabricated fiat-debt-tokens created out of nothing every year.  If it was subject to true "market forces", the legacy "media" would have died its deserved death years ago.
  3. It's certainly not "media" by any criteria whatsoever.  It's jew-spew.  A torrent of emotive memes, lies, narratives, and frames, spun out of jewish hasbara to confuse the stupefied goyum cattle-sheeple.  Just one gigantic echo-chamber blaring the jewish spewage.  The jews' masticated, digested, and excreted word-goo / jew-goo all over the world.
  4. It's not "coverage".  It doesn't cover anything.  It NEVER did!!  Only one opinion counts.  Only one single voice is EVER heard.  That of collective, trans-national, world jewry - mpg]
"....of the Palestinian-[jewish] conflict. Though, additionally, [the jews] leverage historical claims to Palestinian land and anti-[judeo-supremacism] accusations to shape its narrative and appeal to western sympathy."
FYI:  Graphics - (click to view) - See additional graphics on this issue.... [Who Controls The MSM? (2013) - png] - [Who Controls Your Mind (2013) - jpg] -- A Note regarding these Graphics.  Regrettably this website editor doesn't have graphics for Europe.  No doubt they would show roughly the same amount of jewish control of both Europe's political and media systems in the fifty European countries -- It would be really nice if the hundreds of thousands of "political scientists", "sociologists", "international relations experts", and other scholastic riffraff from the humanities departments in European Universities, all being paid six figured salaries, would get off their fat, lazy, cowardly, craven, complicit, collective asses and do some studies and statistical research on jewish control of the various institutions in Europe -- It might prevent a lot of additional suffering for everybody!! - mpg
Wednesday December 13th, 2023

Report: Some [Jewish Occupation Forces] Killed in Friendly Fire on October 7
Additional Confirmation that the JOF Was Shooting At Everything That Moved - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- [Judeo-enclave] media on Wednesday said investigations revealed that some [jewish forces] were killed in friendly fire in the areas around the Gaza Strip on October 7 during the Palestinian Hamas group's surprise attack - According to the Haaretz daily, the [jewish occupation forces] fought against hundreds of Hamas members on October 7 during which a "limited number" of [jewish] forces were identified mistakenly as hostile members - Haaretz, however, didn't give a specific number of those killed by [jewish]  friendly fire but said these incidents were limited in comparison to the number of [jewish forces] killed by Hamas on October 7."
FYI:  Keep in mind folks, the jewish regime used attack drones, attack helicopters, tanks, and APCs against ENTIRE jewish neighborhoods, and a caravan of cars evacuating from the "Rave" (think highway of death!  Just LOOK at the photos). Unloading large caliber weapons, tank shells and hell-fire missiles at practically everything that moved.

Also keep in mind close to HALF of the famous "1,200" killed, now appear to be combatants.  Hamas operatives, JOF forces, local jewish police, and armed illegal jewish migrants (the last were probably NOT at the Rave).

It's seriously unlikely at this point, given the amounts of ordnance unleashed by the jews against their own civilians, that Hamas is responsible for the deaths of more than a handful of civilian jews, All of whom were probably just caught in the cross-fire.  To be honest, it's simply a miracle given what the JOF did, that thousands more jews weren't killed in "friendly fire".

Or given the jews "Hannibal Doctrine", maybe not so friendly fire - mpg
Monday December 11th, 2023

Another [Jewish] Witness Confirms [Jewish] Tanks Killed Own Citizens on October 7
Another Brutality Hoax Exposed - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Speaking about the October 7 Hamas attack on [the jewish occupation in Palestine], a new [jewish] witness revealed once again that on the day of the assault, [jewish] tanks targeted both their own citizens and Hamas members, leading to the death of 14 [jews], including children - [Jewish] media reported earlier that a 12-year-old girl, Liel Hetzroni, was killed in the October 7 attack by Hamas on Kibbutz Be'eri in [the] southern [part of the judeo-enclave], Anadolu news agency reported - According to the reports, following Liel's killing, her grandfather Avia, twin brother Yanai and aunt Ayala were taken to another location, where they were killed along with more than 10 other hostages and then Hamas allegedly set fire to the building - The incident gained coverage in the [jewish] media under the title of "Hamas brutality -- However, after Yasmin Porat, who was in the house where the twins were held hostage, had said that the deaths were caused by [jewish] tank fires, Hadas Dagan, the owner of the house where the hostages were held, also broke her silence."

Saturday December 9th, 2023

Relative of [Jewish] Hostage Publicly Accuses JOF of Killing its Own People
Almost ALL Of Them Were Killed By The JOF - A quote...."In a recent testimony to [the judeo-enclave's] finance committee, a female relative of a newly released [jewish] captive of the militant group Hamas, claimed that the [jews' occupation forces are] killing its own people and that Tel Aviv is blocking the victims' families from speaking out - Noam Dan, whose cousin's husband remains in Hamas custody and who suffered the loss of two other family members in the hostilities, said on Dec. 3 that they used to think the [Jewish Occupation] Forces (JOF) knew what they were doing. But they were shocked to realize that the forces did not care who they were attacking. "We know for sure that three people were killed by our fire, three hostages," she declared while demanding to be informed of whether the families of captives "were given up on" by [the judeo-enclave's head crime boss] Benjamin Netanyahu's administration." - Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||

The Genocidal [Judeo-Enclave]. Let It Happen or Make It Happen? - Part III
Outstanding Analysis!! - A quote...."There are many facets of the obfuscation and uncertainty surrounding the events of October 7 that are quite similar to those permeating the events of 9/11. As with 9/11, the uncertainties involving the real story of October 7 provided no hindrance to immediately setting in motion a ruthless campaign of lethal military attacks on an entrapped and mostly defenceless civilian population - After September 11, 2001, US troops were invading Afghanistan with boots on the ground within a matter of a few days. In the cases generated by the way the events of October 7 and 9/11 were reported with contrived propaganda on steroids, both the US and [jewish occupation regime] immediately engaged in drastic actions without any formal investigation whatsoever."
"Thus the course of history was altered in ways that advanced the pre-existing agendas of the very powerful individuals, groups and interests claiming victimhood status. The propensity in such cases show very clear signs of deception from within. The gutter press— aka the legacy media— goes to work on fraud-infested trials by media, pre-empting any objective assessment by third-party adjudicators - As with 9/11, the investigations into the events of October 7 that may eventually take place will most likely prove to be nothing more than a power-serving ritual. Most likely the process will end, if it takes place at all, with a conclusion that all the internal contractions between the official narrative and the evidence can be explained away with the turn of a simple phrase—“intelligence failure.” - See this...."

"Many reason that, at the very least, the actual evidence rather than the language of media spin points to the conclusion that key branches of the [jewish regime], adopted a “let it happen” approach. Some go further. They see indications that a “make it happen” scenario is underway. Based on a survey of the existing evidence, Prof. Chossudovsky arrived at the following conclusion on Oct. 13...." - Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||
Thursday December 7th, 2023

Damning Analysis: Short-Selling Deluge Points to Foreknowledge of October 7 Attacks
(Massive short selling prior to Oct 7th, 2023 on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange - (TASE) - exceeding anything ever seen before in previous crises on other Stock Exchanges) -- A quote..."“Recent scholarship shows that informed traders increasingly disguise trades in economically linked securities such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Linking that work to longstanding literature on financial markets’ reactions to military conflict, we document a significant spike in short selling in the principal [judeo-enclave]-company ETF days before the October 7 Hamas attack. The short selling that day far exceeded the short selling that occurred during numerous other periods of crisis, including the recession following the financial crisis, the 2014 [judeo-enclave]-Gaza war, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Similarly, we identify increases in short selling before the attack in dozens of [judeo-enclave] companies traded in Tel Aviv. For one [judeo-enclave] company alone, 4.43 million new shares sold short over the September 14 to October 5 period yielded profits (or approximates avoided losses) of millions on that additional short selling for one out of hundreds of securities traded on the TASE..." - Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||

Tuesday December 5th, 2023

September 11 in the Middle East: [The Judeo-Enclave's] Intelligence and Military “Caught by Surprise” by Hamas Attack? Was It a “False Flag”? -- "How Is It Possible??" - A quote...."According to the official version, the Hamas attack “caught [the jews] by surprise”. However, a series of inexplicable facts do not make the official version credible - How is it possible that the Gaza barrier was breached with bulldozers without anyone noticing? - The 64-kilometre barrier surrounding Gaza is made of an underground wall equipped with sensors to prevent tunnelling, and a 6-metre high fence with sensors, radars, cameras and automatic weapons systems connected to a command, and is manned by soldiers - How is it possible that on that very day, a music festival was taking place involving thousands of young people, and located in the desert a few kilometres from Gaza, in an area already considered dangerous because it was within range of Hamas rockets, and moreover left without any security force? - How is it possible when Hamas militants attacked over 20 [jewish] population centres, killing (according to official figures) 1300 people, the [judeo-enclave's] special forces, considered among the best in the world, did not immediately intervene with helicopters and only intervened [initially] with [a] police force? - How is it possible that Mossad, considered one of the most efficient Secret Services in the world, did not realize that Hamas was preparing its attack?"

[The Jewish Regime] Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago, Outlined in 40 Page Document Code-Named “Jericho Wall”: New York Times -- (They had the plans in their hands) - A quote...."The approximately 40-page document, which [the regime's jewish apparatchiks] code-named “Jericho Wall,” outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people - [a number currently being revised down to 900 civilians. Almost ALL of whom died under a hail of fire from jewish forces.  Attack helicopters, attack drones, tanks, and APC's!!] - The translated document, which was reviewed by The New York Times, did not set a date for the attack, but described a methodical assault designed to overwhelm the fortifications around the Gaza Strip, take over [jewish] cities and storm key [occupation force] bases, including a division headquarters - Hamas followed the blueprint with shocking precision. The document called for a barrage of rockets at the outset of the attack, drones to knock out the security cameras and automated machine guns along the border, and gunmen to pour into [the judeo-enclave] en masse in paragliders, on motorcycles and on foot — all of which happened on Oct. 7." - bold by website editor

We Blew Up [Jewish] Houses on 7 October, Says [Judeo-Enclave] Colonel
A quote...."An air force colonel has said that [jewish] airstrikes may have intentionally killed [jewish] captives rather than let them be taken to Gaza - Speaking in Hebrew about the airstrikes, Colonel Nof Erez told a Haaretz podcast in November, that “the Hannibal Directive was apparently applied” and that 7 October “was a mass Hannibal.” - After weeks of claiming that 1,400 “civilians” were killed that day, [the jews] last month revised [their] death toll down to about 900 civilians plus around 300 soldiers and police. An official [judeo-enclave] account posting to X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday appeared to lower the death toll even further to “over 1,000.” - Erez’s interview was first reported in English by The Cradle." - bold by website editor - FYI:  More and more like the jews' Holohoax every day! - mpg

The Hidden Reasons Behind the War on Gaza. Netanyahu’s Plan for “A New Middle East”
(Previous plans for the jews version of a Judeo-Belt & Road initiative... The IMEC Project) - A quote...."When the United States instigated the Maidan Coup in Ukraine in 2014, it wasn’t just about NATO expansion and encirclement of Russia. It was also about surrounding, controlling, and cutting off Russian gas to Europe. Russia is the country with the largest proven reserves of natural gas. Control Ukraine and you control the pipelines that supply Russian gas to Europe. - There was, however, another major route for Russian gas into Europe, but from the north: the Nordstream pipelines - For decades, US politicians from every administration have said repeatedly how much they dislike the Nord Stream pipelines. In 2022, before the war in Ukraine exploded, Biden delivered an ominous threat that he would “bring an end” to Nordstream – despite the pipeline being a Russian-German project, and the German Chancellor Scholz standing next to him, silently. "

Right Before Hamas Attacked Someone Shorted [The Judeo-Enclave's] Stocks And Funds
(Just like 9/11.... More stock market shenanigans.  And WHO runs the stock markets?  Especially in the Judeo-Enclave?? Does ANYONE actually think Palestinians engineered these shorts?? - mpg) - A quote...."The [judeo-enclave based] Haaretz headlines....
"Did Hamas Make Billions Betting Against [Judeo-Enclave] Shares Before October 7 Massacre?" -- Giant gambles against [the judeo-enclave] on the markets in Tel Aviv and Wall Street days before Hamas’ attack made billions. Somebody seems to have known about the plan in advance"
"The story is unfortunately pay-walled and I have yet to find an archive version of it. An archived version is now available - We know that Batteridge's law of headlines says..... Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word.... no -- It was thereby not Hamas which profited from unusual short positions but likely someone else -- The Haaretz story is based on a very recent study by two law professors with experience in market regulations from New York University and Columbia University -- A PDF file of the study, Trading on Terror?, is available at the Haaretz site."
FYI:  When the jews said 10/07 was ANOTHER 9/11, they really knew what they were talking about!! - mpg
Sunday December 3rd, 2023

Where Did Hamas Get all its Weapons: Arms-Trafficking and “Not So Friendly Skies” – BUT is ANYBODY Listening? -- A quote...."Not long ago, I read that about 30% of weapons supplied to Ukraine in 2022 did not reach the trenches, they simply disappeared in an unknown direction. I only question if 30 percent is a low estimation, as many of the ones that were too old or broken were in fact were fully operational – and perfect for diversion - One only needs to look closely at the region to observe several ratlines involving the participants in the recent seminar, and the sordid history of Silkway Airline - It is quite likely that many government agencies around the world are keeping tabs on such movements. However, they are not talking about what they know, for obvious reasons, as so much mayhem could have been prevented - It is all open sourced, and it is so not hard, even pacifists can piece together what is going on. This has allowed some major [judeo-enclave based] newspapers to reveal the extent of the weapons trade between [the judeo-enclave] and Azerbaijan, but more needs to be done to find the nexus with Egypt and Gaza - Naturally, it is easier to find data now on airplanes and ships moving around.  One can follow the Nagorno-Karabakh Observer on Twitter/X. They often post flight data. For instance, the site documented that 27 flights from Turkey and [the judeo-enclave] have headed to Azerbaijan since 30 September." - bold by website editor

Border Surveillance Footage From 7 October 'Disappears': [Jewish Occupation] Officers
Sometimes It's Just Too Funny....  A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces'] surveillance video from the Gaza border from 7 October, the day of Hamas’ surprise attack, has disappeared, [the judeo-enclave based] news site Walla reported on 3 December - During a visit by a senior female officer from the [jewish occupation forces'] army general staff to the various division headquarters, senior officers in the reserves commented that "an invisible hand" had deleted videos from the various military surveillance cameras showing the events of that day, the Hebrew language outlet stated - The videos were deleted from the military network known as “ZeeTube,” potentially to prevent their use in an in-depth investigation of how thousands of Hamas fighters managed to breach the border fence and infiltrate [the judeo-enclave] to carry out the attack." - bold by website editor
FYI: This is EXACTLY what happened after 9/11!  Thousands of videos from surveillance cameras, FAA recordings, DoD recordings, TV news segments, official reports, and news articles disappeared within months of 9/11.  The usual excuse given was "embarrassment" regarding various "failures".  The actual reason of course was to hide the clues that both 9/11 and 10/07 were meticulously planned jewish false flags.  That's something that is normally called treason.  At least for the goyum involved.  For the jews, it's just business as usual for their trans-nationalist crime syndicate - mpg
Friday December 1st, 2023

[Jewish] Drone Pilots Targeted Own Settlements, Bases, Civilians on 7 October: Report
Jewish Drones, Tanks, APC's, Attack Helicopters?!?! - It's A Miracle That More Jews Weren't Slaughtered on Oct 7!! -- A quote...."[The jewish occupation regime's] fleet of Hermes 450 “Zik” armed drones carried out attacks on [jewish] military bases, settlements, and civilians during the Hamas attack on 7 October, according to a 14 November report from Mishpacha Magazine - Previous reports have emerged showing that [jewish regime] forces used tanks to kill [jewish] civilians barricaded inside homes with their Hamas captors, and Apache helicopters to fire on Hamas fighters and their [jewish] captives while returning back to Gaza - During the fighting, some 1,200 [jews] were [supposedly] killed, with some [possibly] killed by Hamas, and [most of the] others [probably killed] by [jewish occupation] forces. Hamas took some 240 [jewish] soldiers, civilians, and foreign workers captive.:
FYI:  FINAL RULING -- At This Point, this website editor is FORCED to conclude that almost all the jews slaughtered that day were slaughtered by their own forces.... possibly deliberately, and that ANY casualties that can actually be attributed to Hamas, were simply killed in the crossfire.  This entire episode is being ruled as a jewish LIHOP'ed & MIHOP'ed False Flag to enable Mass Murder and Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza's Palestinians

Another act of Jewish Mass Terrorism
similar to those they carried out in Russia during the jews takover in 1917, their Holodomor starvation campaign in Ukraine in the 1930's, Their Nakba of the Palestinians in Palestine in 1948, (from 1947-1949), their phenomenally successful 9/11 False Flag, and now their failed, and exposed, Oct 7th, 2023 False Flag

All American officials who supplied intelligence and weapons for this campaign are Terrorist Enablers
of Mass Murder / Ethnic Cleansing.  Anyone else who encouraged this act, such as the juden-pressen, politicians, and public commentators, are considered Publicly Acknowledged Supporters of Terrorism. 

All of them should be dealt with by
every legal means necessary including the application of existing "Hate Laws" or international laws such as the Nuremberg Principal** - Any web commentators who talk about October 7th 2023 and DO NOT ADDRESS these issues should be considered discredited, and also as unreliable in regards to any future analysis - mpg
**Nuremberg Principal -- To wit...."To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." -- *Robert H. Jackson*, chief prosecutor at the  Nuremberg trials -- Nuremberg Principle VI(a), states the following....
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i). [Such as a false flag]
Generally the following rules should be applied....*The Rules of Force - 09-28-12 - mpg*
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========= ===

[The Jews] Knew of Hamas Attack Plan One Year in Advance – NYT
A quote...."[Jewish] officials were warned about detailed plans for a major attack by Hamas more than one year before the militant group’s October 7 raid, which claimed around 1,200 lives, the New York Times reported on Thursday. Despite the warning, officials are said to have dismissed the threat as implausible - The report by the US newspaper is based on analysis of an attack blueprint code-named ‘Jericho Wall’ by [jewish] intelligence officials, numbering around 40 pages, as well as emails and interviews." -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||

[The Jewish Regime] Reportedly Knew of Hamas Attack Plan Year Ahead & Did Nothing About it
Related RTVideo - (RTRumble - 4min52sec - Dec 1st, 2023) - Source:  RT @ Rumble - RT @ Odysee - RTV @ YuTb - RTShows - RT@YuTb - RT - RTAmerica - A quote...."According to the New York Times, [jewish apparatchiks in the judeo-enclave] were warned about detailed plans for a major attack by Hamas more than one year before the October 7th raid. The question of why they didn’t do anything to prevent the bloodshed remains open." -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||

Wednesday November 29th, 2023

The Evidence [Jews] Killed [Their] Own [Brethren] on 7 October
A quote...."A retired [jewish occupation] army major has admitted [the jewsih regime] probably killed some of the 1,200 [jews the jewish regime falsely] claims Hamas murdered on 7 October - The confession, discovered by The Electronic Intifada, is one of the highest level confirmations to date that [the jews] killed many, if not most, of the [jewish] civilians that died during the Palestinian offensive - On Saturday, it was revealed that an official [jewish regime] source had concluded for the first time that [the jewish occupation's] fire hit at least some [of their own brethren] - This growing body of evidence undermines the official [jewish regime's] narrative of savage Palestinian terrorists invading [portions of jewish occupied Palestine] bent on slaughtering civilians. Hamas maintains that its targets were military and that it did not intentionally kill civilians." - bold by website editor

[Jewish] Tank Gunners Were Ordered To Open Indiscriminate Fire In Kibbutz
A quote...."More and more disclosures indicate that many [of the jews] who died on October 7 were killed by the [jewish regime's occupation forces]. Interview with [regime] tank operators revealed orders to open indiscriminate fire [on a judeo-enclave] kibbutz which came under attack by Palestinian militants on October 7 - The 20-year-old captain, identified only as ‘Karni’, member of the all-female [jewish]  tank company, told that she was ordered by a “panicked” [superiors] to open fire on homes in the Holit kibbutz whether they contained civilians or not."

Saturday November 25th, 2023

Haaretz Confirms Grayzone Reporting it Dismissed as ‘Conspiracy’ Showing [The Jewish Regime] Killed Own Festivalgoers -- A quote...."Haaretz has yet to admit it jumped the gun when it dismissed The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ for documenting crucial evidence that [jewish] forces killed [jews] on October 7. But new reports by the same outlet show we were right all along - [The judeo-enclave] outlet Haaretz has acknowledged a police report confirmed partygoers at a festival three miles from the Gaza border were killed by the [jewish regime's forces] on October 7, just two weeks after the publication accused Grayzone editor-in-chief Max Blumenthal of spreading “conspiracy theories” for reporting on the story."

The Evidence [The Judeo-Enclave Regime] Killed Its Own Citizens on 7 October
A quote...."A retired [judeo-enclave occupation force] major has admitted [that the judeo-enclave regime] probably killed some of the 1,200 [jews] the government claims Hamas [supposedly]  murdered on 7 October - The confession, discovered by The Electronic Intifada, is one of the highest level confirmations to date that [the jewish regime] killed many, if not most, of the civilians that died during the Palestinian offensive - On Saturday, it was revealed that an official [judeo-enclave] source had concluded for the first time that [the regime forces'] fire hit at least some [of the jews killed that day]." - Source:  ElectronicIntifada

[Jewish] Child “Burned Completely” by [Jewish Occupation Force] Tank Fire at Kibbutz
A quote...."A [jewish] child completely incinerated at Kibbutz Be’eri was killed by two tank shells shot by [jewish occupation] forces at the end of an hours-long gun battle, a survivor of the same carnage told the [jewish enclave] broadcaster Kan earlier this month - Yasmin Porat, taken captive with at least a dozen other [jewish] civilians on 7 October, told Kan radio that a fellow captive, 12-year-old Liel Hatsroni, survived to the end of the battle and only died when [jewish] forces fired two tank shells at the house where they were held hostage by Hamas fighters - Hatsroni’s obliteration by [jewish] tank fire emerged this month after her family decided to mourn her with a public funeral, even though the government had not officially pronounced her dead."

[The Judeo-Enclave's] Intelligence Was Warned About Hamas Attack – FT
Of Course They Were!! - A quote...."[The jewish regime's] intelligence received a detailed report on an impending assault by Hamas shortly before the Palestinian militant group’s actual attack on October 7, the Financial Times reported on Friday, citing persons familiar with the matter - The warning, compiled by border sentries, – “many of them female soldiers,” the FT was told– arrived through secure communication lines to the highest-ranking intelligence officer in the southern command a few weeks before the attack, sources said, without identifying the senior security official - The report contained “specific warnings” on the looming assault, namely Hamas’ plans to breach the border at multiple points, enter [jewish occupied] territory and seize local settlements, a person with direct knowledge of its contents told FT." -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||
FYI:  You see, the report was too detailed, which is why it was dismissed.  Of course, had it been less detailed, it would have been dismissed for being to vague.... and so on and so forth.  Everybody getting the point yet?? -- You don't have to be reflexively cynical about these sorts of things.  That's just childish.  You just have to be aware of the context, capabilities of the "players", who they are, their objectives, and THEIR PRIOR BEHAVIOR, (it's called "pattern recognition", a basic survival skill of most normal hominids) and be PREDICTIVE!! for your analysis.... and your cynicism, to be correct and complete - mpg
Tuesday November 21st, 2023

[Jewish] Media Deletes Damning 7 Oct Evidence
And The Cover-Up Begins -- A quote...."Military censors are deleting details from [jewish] media reports showing that [jewish occupation] forces killed many of their own [armed forces] and civilians during the Hamas attack on 7 October in which 1,200 [jews] [not really, that figure has been lowered by around two hundred - mpg] were killed - [The jewish regime] claims that Hamas massacred all 1,200 [jews] soldiers and civilians during its surprise attack on settlements surrounding Gaza. Hamas also took some 240 [jews] captive back to Gaza - But recent reports have shown that many of the [jews] killed during the attack were killed by [the jewish regime's] forces themselves - Rather than negotiate with Hamas fighters who had barricaded themselves inside homes with [jewish] captives in numerous [illegal jewish migrant compounds] surrounding Gaza, [jewish] forces used tank fire to destroy the homes, killing everyone inside." - bold by website editor

How [Jews] Falsifies The News
It Ain't News If It's From Jews - A quote...."Like all wars, the one pitting the [jewish occupation enclave] against the Palestinian population is the subject of a media battle. The Palestinian Resistance doesn’t need to tell the story of the injustice it is fighting against: you only need to look to see. Rather, it aims to magnify one or other of its components. [The judeo-enclave], on the other hand, has to convince people of its good faith, which after three quarters of a century of violating international law is no mean feat."

[The Jewish Regime] Implemented 'Mass Hannibal' Directive on 7 October: [Judeo-Enclave] pilot
"Mass-Hannibal Directive" - A quote...."[Judeo-Enclave] Air Force (reserve) Col. Nof Erez has described [the jewish regime's] actions on 7 October as a “mass Hannibal” event, in reference to the controversial directive ordering [jewish] commanders to kill their own [armed force members] to prevent them being taken captive - In an interview with Haaretz on 15 November, Col. Erez discussed the response of [teh jewish regime's] fleet of Apache attack helicopters as Hamas fighters infiltrated military bases and settlements in an effort to take soldiers and civilians captive back to Gaza - He describes how the pilots opened fire on multiple places along the border fence to prevent Hamas from taking the captives back, killing both Hamas fighters and [jews] - As a result, “The Hannibal directive was probably deployed because once you detect a hostage situation, this is Hannibal.” - bold by website editor

[The Jewish Occupation] Admits Burning Hundreds of People on 7 October
A quote...."On Thursday, MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan challenged [the jewish regime] spokesperson Mark Regev about the many lies and false claims that [many jews have] made to justify its genocidal bombing and invasion of Gaza - While attempting to parry Hasan’s challenges, Regev told many more lies, trying to change the subject and shift the blame for the horrifying toll away from [the jewish regime] and onto [the jews'] Palestinian victims."

[Jewish Occupation Forces] 'Warned About Hamas Attacks:
Got something to hide?? -- A quote...."Worried [members of the regime's jewish occupation forces] who raised concerns about suspicious activity in the days leading to Hamas terror raids on [the judeo-enclave] were threatened with court martial, it has emerged - [The judeo-enclave's head crime boss] Benjamin Netanyahu and his [cabal] have faced stiff criticism from [jews in the judeo-enclave] who have accused them of being caught out by the raids which left more than 1,200 dead - A further 239 people were taken hostage and although a handful have been released there are dozens of worried families still waiting for news on loved ones - Now [the judeo-enclave's] Channel 12 news programme has broadcast claims from female [members of the occupation force] they were threatened with court martial for raising concerns before the October 7 attack - One said: 'We were told that if we continue to harass on this issue, you will stand trial.'"

Friday November 17th, 2023

U.S. Military and [the JOF] Drilled WAR GAMES Together Earlier this Year in Operation “Juniper Oak”
(Preparation) -- A quote...."Back in January, less than 10 months before the October 7 Hamas attack on [the jewish occupation enclave], the United States and [the judeo-enclave] teamed up for a war games military exercise called Juniper Oak 23.2, which the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) described as "a bilateral, live-fire exercise that takes place in both [the jewish enclave] and the Mediterranean Sea - "It's the largest and most significant exercise we have engaged in together and is intended to demonstrate that the U.S. commitment to [jews'] security [and their ever expanding 'greater judeo-enclave'] is ironclad and enduring," announced Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder - Conveniently, the purpose of the exercise, Ryder added, was to enhance the ability of the U.S. military to respond to contingencies in the Middle East – contingencies that would just so happen to manifest in real life less than a year after the war games exercise was held." - bold by website editor

Wednesday November 15th, 2023

The October 7 Hamas Assault on [the Judeo-Occupation Enclave]. Scott Ritter
Special Note - A quote...."[The jewish occupation regime] has characterized the attack carried out by Hamas on the various [jewish occupation force] bases and militarized [illegal jewish migrant encampments], or Kibbutz, which in their totality comprised an important part of the Gaza barrier system, as a massive act of terrorism, likening it to the September 11, 2001 terror attacks against the United States. [The jewish occupation regime] supports this characterization by citing the number of persons killed (some 1,200, a downward revision issued by [the jewish regime] after realizing that 200 of the dead were Palestinian fighters) and detailing a wide variety of atrocities it claims were perpetrated by Hamas, including mass rape, the beheading of children, and the wonton murder of unarmed [jewish] civilians."
"The problem with the [jewish] claims is that they are demonstrably false or misleading. Nearly a third of the [jewish] casualties consisted of military, security, and police officers. Moreover, it turns out that the number one killer of [jews] on October 7 wasn’t Hamas or other Palestinian factions, but the [jewish occupation forces themselves]."

"Recently released video shows [jewish regime's] Apache helicopters indiscriminately firing on [jewish] civilians trying to flee the Supernova Sukkot Gathering held in the open desert near Kibbutz Re’im, the pilots unable, [or unwilling, or under orders?? - mpg] to distinguish between the civilians and the Hamas fighters. Many of the [shattered and burned] vehicles that the [judeo-regime] has shown as an example of Hamas perfidy were destroyed by the [jewish regime's] Apache helicopters.

"Likewise, the [jewish regime] has widely publicized what it is calling the “Re’im massacre,” citing a death toll of some 112 civilians it claims were murdered by Hamas. However, eyewitness accounts from both surviving [jewish] civilians and military personnel involved in the fighting show that the vast majority of those killed died from fire from [jewish forces] and tanks directed at buildings where the civilians were either hiding or being held hostage by Hamas fighters."   - Source:  ScottRitterExtra
FYI:  What is one to do?  Tens of millions of Americans "believed" the lies spewed out by the judeo-owned mass spewage outlets in the JewSA for the last month.  Despite the fact they are perfectly aware that thousands of previous claims by the jewish propaganda complex have already been PROVEN to be nothing but lies. 

This website editor could engage in another vitriolic rant against their complicit, knowing, contrived stupidity.  But they don't seem to care. Or remind them that NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE in the entire rest of the world believes this garbage from the jews.  But they still wouldn't care. Or remind them by pretending to believe these lies so willingly, they enabled the jews to carry out their plans for mass murder so easily. But again, they still wouldn't seem to care. 

Perhaps the goyum sheeple-cattle should be reminded that most, if not ALL of this society's manifest corruptions, abhorrent debaucheries, constant criminalities, multiple dysfunctions, and relentless genocidal Anti-White hatreds that are making their lives.... absolutely utterly miserable, are enabled by their own craven cowardly faux-credulity???  A complete abdication of their collective moral responsibility to promote and defend the TRUTH!! - Perhaps, selfishly, they might then, FINALLY care..... for themselves??? - What is one to do??? - What is one TO DO?!?! -  mpg
Hamas 'Mass Rape' Hoax Falls Apart:  [Judeo-Enclave] Paper Admits 'Evidence' of Alleged Rapes Has 'Slipped Away' -- More Fabricated Judeo-Hasbara-Spewage Debunked - A quote...."Though such claims spread like wildfire in the media and on social media, the only "evidence" ever produced was the claim that Shani Louk was dragged off "naked" by Hamas (she was not naked and had clothes on) and the claim that female IDF soldier Naama Levy was dragged off with dirty pants by Hamas into a truck (she could have soiled her pants or more likely simply being made to sit down in muddy water as the similar stains were at the bottom of her pants)."
FYI:  What the jews did to the German people so successfully with their lies, they're now failing to do to Hamas.  Because of the still FREE and OPEN WEB.  Which is why they want to close the Web down - mpg
Monday November 13th, 2023

October 7 Testimonies Reveal that JOF Shot up [Jewish] Homes, “Burned Alive” [Jewish] Civilians
A quote...."Evidence continues to emerge that points the finger at [the jewish occupation regime] being the responsible party that killed innocent [jewish] civilians on October 7, not Hamas - According to many accounts, Hamas militants exclusively targeted [Jewish Occupation] Forces (JOF) in its raid, leaving alone innocent civilians. It was the JOF itself that killed its own citizens while fighting to neutralize Palestinian gunmen - According to Tuval Escapa, a member of the security team for Kibbutz Be'eri – Escapa was responsible for setting up a hotline to coordinate between kibbutz residents and the [regime's occupation forces] – as desperation began to set in for the JOF on October 7, "the commanders in the field made difficult decisions, including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages." - bold by website editor -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||
FYI:  It's almost certain that the vast majority of jewish civilian casualties were caused by the jewish armed forces' standard....massive, overwhelming, disproportionate response, and a "kill them all and no one will sort them out", psycho mentality, while swiftly deploying a.... "Hamas will be blamed for everything", propaganda praxis.  There are dozens of videos showing massive damage to homes and cars from large caliber weapons and rockets.  Damage much larger, and inconsistent with the military automatic rifles and RPGs Hamas had with them. Their operation simply appears to have been a hostage taking publicity stunt. Go in, grab some hostages and retreat back to Gaza.  For such an operation you'd travel light, and at speed.  You'd neither have the need, nor the weapons, nor the time, to level homes and blow up hundreds of vehicles.  The jews' entire stated reason to take "vengeance" on the Palestinians in Gaza is nothing but another one of their lies. - mpg
Arab-Islamic Summit Highlights Complicity With [The Jewish Occupation Enclave]
Special Geopolitical Note - A quote...."The joint Arab League-OIC summit was called after the Arab League failed to pass a resolution concerning the Gaza war the previous day, Friday 10 November - Arab League countries were divided over "important clauses" that could not be adopted in its joint response to [the jews'] onslaught on Gaza, according to a report by Al-Araby Al-Jadeed - The report said that four "influential countries" in the Arab League had prevented the adoption of proposals that carry concrete measures against [the jewish occupation] - These included prohibiting the use of US and other military bases in Arab countries to supply [the jewish regime] with weapons and ammunition; freezing Arab diplomatic, economic, security, and military relations with [the jewish regime]; and threats to leverage oil and Arab economic capabilities to apply pressure and halt the ongoing aggression - The measures were proposed and endorsed by 11 of the 22 Arab League members, while four voted against and the remaining countries abstained - Those voting for the measures included Palestine, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Libya and Yemen - The four countries who voted against and those who abstained were not disclosed." -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||
FYI:  Well, who's gonna out the Fab Four??  Considering who's on board with the IMEC plan, and who's secretly been working with the jews occupying Palestine for decades, and the jews occupying Amerika, to further the jews' PNAC Protocols, (a.k.a. the trinity of Evil), and who helped the jews and their psycho-golemized monster to destroy over a dozen nation states in the Middle East, we can pretty well guess one of the four is Saudi Arabia, with the other three coming from the GCC States.  This is further PROOF that the entire October 7 Affair was LIHOP'ed and MIHOP'ed from the VERY beginning.  Probably planed for months, if not years.  Is everyone paying attention?? Are we learning yet?? - mpg
Saturday November 11th, 2023

Netanhayu Hires Disinformation Tzars For [The Judeo-Enclave's] PR
Rita Katz Is Back?!?! - (Rita Katz:  Propagandist MIHOP'er) -- A quote...."An article appeared today in the Saudi government media site ‘Al Arabiya English’ wherein Jennifer Bell of Dubai writes about the [Judeo-Enclave] Hamas war thru the eyes of Rita Katz.   Jennifer Bell is a far left liberal well entrenched in the  antics of the Rothschild Economist, BBC (government owned), CNN and WHO among others.   The fixation?   Deep Fake coming out of Palestine.  The company tasked with mitigating the posts on ALL Social Media on behalf of [the judeo-enclave occupation], Dubai, and Washington – SITE Intelligence Group - SITE isn’t a group, and it isn’t much of a site.  What it is, is a propaganda tool hired by [the judeo-enclave] and Dubai to manipulate and quash the massive pro-Palestine, anti-War sentiment.   Founded by Rita Katz, her goal is to root out extremist terrorists by investigating white supremacists and Jihadists.  Born in Iraq, her Jewish parents fled thru Iran to [the judeo-enclave] after her wealthy father was hung for treason - According to the article, Katz is a self-described expert on Islam and terrorism.   However, she would also be the designated Truth Tzar for this [jewish]/Palestine war.   Because, only she can see what is fake and what is real.   Of course, given that she is working for [judeo-occupation enclave], her ability to be unbiased is – well – zero."

Thursday November 1st, 2023

The Myth of The Moral Army™: October 7 Testimonies Reveal [The Jewish Occupation] Killed Many of Its Own Citizens With Tanks, Missiles -- A quote...."[The jewish occupation] received orders to shell [jewish] homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many [illegal jewish migrant occupiers] said to have been "burned alive" were actually killed by friendly fire? - Several new testimonies by [jewish] witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern [occupied Palestine] adds to growing evidence that the [jewish regime's own occupation forces] killed its own [illegal jewish migrants] as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen - Tuval Escapa, a member of the security team for Kibbutz Be'eri, set up a hotline to coordinate between kibbutz residents and [jewish forces]. He told the [jewish] newspaper Haaretz that as desperation began to set in, "the commanders in the field made difficult decisions - including shelling houses and their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages." - bold by website editor - Source:  TheGrayZone

Monday October 30th, 2023

Evidence Shows Hamas Attack Killed Far Fewer [Jewish] Civilians Than First Believed: Most Deaths Were Among [Jewish] Military Personnel, NOT Civilians -- A quote...."The Cradle published an in-depth analysis this week looking at the variances between the claims of [the jewish occupation regime] about the October 7 Hamas attack and the evidence that largely contradicts it - Not only did [the jewish occupation regime] lie about who died during the attack – it was mostly members of the [jewish occupation forces] rather than civilians – but its own military forces (IDF) were also found by independent investigators to have been responsible for many of the [jewish] civilian deaths - This corroborates with the testimony of Yasmin Porat, a [jewish] woman who told [the Judeo-Enclave's Administration Run] Radio last week that she was one of the hostages in Kibbutz Be'eri who witnessed what actually took place." - We need more independent confirmation of course - mpg

Saturday October 28th, 2023

October 7 Testimonies Reveal [The Jewish Regime's] Military ‘Shelling’ [of Illegal Jewish Migrant Occupiers] With Tanks, Missiles -- MIHOP -- The Jews Killed Their Own.... But "Hamas Did It" - A quote...."[The jewish regime's occupation forces] received orders to shell [jewish] homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many [jews were] said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire? - Several new testimonies by [jewish] witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern [occupied Palestine] adds to growing evidence that the [jewish regime's occupation forces] killed its own [jewish people] as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen - Tuval Escapa, a member of the security team for Kibbutz Be’eri, set up a hotline to coordinate between kibbutz residents and the [jewish occupation forces]. He told the [jewish] newspaper Haaretz that as desperation began to set in, “the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages.” - also posted at SOTTNet
FYI:  This is a SERIOUS problem.   For everyone throughout the world.  People out there are going to say the jews "lied" and they "deceived" and so on and so forth.  Absolutely WRONG.  Jews have a very serious mental difficulty in understanding what is reality.  What is right and wrong. What is truth and fiction.  They actually believe in a situation like this, that if Hamas took hostages, not killing or injuring a single one, and the jews proceeded to kill everyone, it would be Hamas who were the ones that actually "massacred" everyone.  Because "they forced the jews to bomb them"  This website editor is NOT kidding.  Jews are basically INSANE, they actually think this way. All of them completely believe that EVERYTHING is "factually and morally relative" That it's ALL just a matter of "perspective" and "competing narratives" -- None of the other thousands of groups or tribes that have formed humanity down through history think this way.  They believe there is a "TRUTH" that can be discovered. They argue ferociously and fight relentlessly over what is the truth.  Jews do not, and could care less, because they know there's none.  This self-serving mental aberration is one of the major reasons that jews have been thrown out of hundreds of communities during the last two thousand years.  They are IMPOSSIBLE to deal with.  They are IMPOSSIBLE to live with. They exist in a different reality.  An utterly inverted amoral mental framework.  It is a fundamental problem that is not resolvable - mpg - See related links posted below....\
What Really Happened on 7th October?
(Previously posted, posted again for your edification) -- A quote...."Evidence is now emerging that up to half the [jews] killed were combatants; that [jewish] forces were responsible for some of their own civilian deaths; and that Tel Aviv disseminated false 'Hamas atrocities' stories to justify its devastating air assault on Palestinian civilians in Gaza - Two weeks after the Hamas breakout assault on [illegal jewish migrant and military compounds in occupied Palestine] on 7 October, a clearer picture of what happened - who died, and who killed - is now beginning to emerge - Instead of the wholesale massacre of civilians claimed by [jewish forces], incomplete figures published by the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz show that almost half the [jews] killed that day were in fact combatants - soldiers or police - In the interim, two weeks of blanket western media reporting that Hamas allegedly killed around 1,400 [jewish] civilians during its 7 October military attack has served to inflame emotions and create the climate for [the jewish regime's] unconstrained destruction of the Gaza Strip and its civilian population - Accounts of the [jewish] death toll have been filtered and shaped to suggest that a wholesale civilian massacre occurred that day, with babies, children, and women the main targets of a terror attack." - bold by website editor

“Justified Vengeance” and The History of [Jewish] “False Flags”(2001-2023): Palestine Portrayed as “The Aggressor”
A quote...."There is a complex history behind [the jews'] October 2023  Plan to “Wipe Gaza off the Map” - It’s Genocide, An Absolute Slaughter....  “We are going to attack Gaza City very broadly soon,” [the jews'] chief military spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said in a nationally broadcast address, without giving a timetable for the attack.” - It’s a criminal undertaking based on [the jews'] doctrine of “Justified Vengeance” which was first formulated in 2001 - (See below: my January 2009 article published at the very outset of [the jews'] 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza under “Operation Cast Led”) - The “Justified Vengeance” doctrine propounds in no uncertain terms that (despite its limited military capabilities) Palestine rather than [the jews'] is “the Aggressor” and that [the jews' have] the right to defend [themselves] - It is now established that the Hamas October 7, 2023 attack was a False Flag operation carried out by a “faction” within Hamas, in liaison with Mossad and U.S. intelligence”...."
FYI:  Please note this website editor is strongly leaning towards LIHOP with MIHOP factors, such as weapons being supplied to Hamas by the judeo-regime occupying Ukraine.  Still, the article above goes much further, and speculates that a faction of Hamas actively participated in the Oct 7th attack in coordination with the Mossad and the CIA.  This website editor is unwilling to go as far as that, at this particular point in time - mpg
Thursday October 26th, 2023

Is the Gaza-[Judeo-Enclave] Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”? -- A quote...."Early Saturday October 7, 2023, Hamas launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” led by Hamas’ Military Chief Mohammed Deif. On that same day, Netanyahu confirmed a so-called “State of Readiness For War” - Military operations are invariably planned well in advance (See Netanyahu’s January 2023 statement below). Was “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” a “surprise attack”? - U.S. intelligence say they weren’t aware of an impending Hamas attack." -- “One would have to be almost hopelessly naïve to buy the corporate state media line that the Hamas invasion  was a [judeo-regime] “intelligence failure”. Mossad is one of, if not the, most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet.” -- Did Netanyahu and his vast military and intelligence apparatus (Mossad et al) have foreknowledge of the Hamas attack which has resulted in countless deaths of [jews] and Palestinians - Was a carefully formulated [jewish] plan to wage an all out war against Palestinians envisaged prior to the launching by Hamas of  “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”? This was not a failure of [the jewish regime's] Intelligence, as conveyed by the media. Quite the opposite - Evidence and testimonies suggest that the Netanyahu government had foreknowledge of the actions of Hamas which have resulted in hundreds of [jewish] and Palestinian deaths. And “They Let it Happen”

[The Jewish Regime] Ignored Border Guards' Warnings Months Before Resistance Attack
Just Like The Jewish Created 9/11 - A quote...."The surprise attack on [illegal jewish migrant compounds and jewish military facilities in occupied Palestine] by the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance on 7 October was preceded by months of warning signs noted by [the jewish occupation forces'] surveillance [members] but ignored as unimportant by higher level intelligence officials, the Times of [the Judeo-Enclave] reported on 26 October - According to eyewitness accounts from [members] in [teh judeo-enclave's] Combat Intelligence Corps, which is responsible for surveilling the Gaza border, warnings of Hamas training for such an attack were issued at least three months prior."
FYI:  The jews knew, probably even earlier then three months ago - mpg
What Really Happened on 7th October?
The Jewish Regime's Forces Killed Their Own - A quote...."Two weeks after the Hamas breakout assault on [the judeo-enclave] on 7 October, a clearer picture of what happened – who died, and who killed – is now beginning to emerge - Instead of the wholescale massacre of civilians claimed by [by the jews], incomplete figures published by the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz show that almost half the [jews] killed that day were in fact combatants – soldiers or police - In the interim, two weeks of blanket western media reporting that Hamas allegedly killed around 1,400 [jewish] civilians during its 7 October military attack has served to inflame emotions and create the climate for [the jews'] unconstrained destruction of the Gaza Strip and its civilian population - Accounts of the [jewish] death toll have been filtered and shaped to suggest that a wholesale civilian massacre occurred that day, with babies, children, and women the main targets of a terror attack." - bold by website editor - Source:  TheCradle
FYI:  This website editor would like to comment on the article shown above.  However it would be nothing but an entire page of absolute rage filled rants, packed with obscenities, sexual and scatological vulgarities, and caustic, scathing, spot-on, observations regarding White Ethnic European Amerikans' relentless craven horrific ability to.... abase and degrade themselves. 

White Ethnic Europeans are disappearing in jewish occupied Amerika, as are the Palestinians in jewish occupied Palestine. However the Palestinians, against overwhelming odds, and genocidal abuse, are still bravely resisting. Whereas Whites in Amerika....  sickeningly, and shamefully, embrace their own ethnic degradation, humiliation, and death, while being instrumental in helping the jews impose the same on the Palestinians.

Not only with massive military and financial aid since 1948, but by  pretending to believe the jews' childish, false narratives of jewish victim-hood, and Palestinian aggression - mpg
Tuesday October 22nd, 2023

[The Jewish Regime's Occupation Forces] Behind Many [Jewish] Deaths During Initial Hamas Attack: Report -- The Jewish Regime's Forces Killed Their Own - A quote...."[Jewish] forces killed many of [their jewish co-inhabitants] who died during the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance surprise attack from Gaza on 7 October and after, according to a report from the Palestine-focused news site, Mondoweiss - [The jewish regime] maintains that during the attack, [supposedly] Hamas killed 1,400 [jewish occupiers], the majority unarmed civilians, when 1,000 or more Hamas militants infiltrated [illegal jewish migrant compounds] in what is known as the Gaza envelope. Hamas claims it targeted [jewish occupation forces], not civilians - Both Hamas and [the jewish occupation] have acknowledged that the Palestinian resistance group took some 200 [jewish occupiers] and foreign captives during the assault. Hamas stated their intention to exchange them for some of the roughly 500 Palestinian prisoners then held in [the judeo-enclave]." - bold by website editor
FYI:  It's beginning  to look like much, if not MOST of the jewish deaths were caused by cross-fire, between the jewish regime's armed forces, and Hamas' armed forces.  Most likely because of the jews OBVIOUS, and WELL DOCUMENTED, in fact their proudly proclaimed SELF-CELEBRATED history of using massive, unnecessary, overwhelming, disproportionate amounts of force during their military operations against their "enemies".

All those who oppose their tyranny, especially if they're substantially weaker then the jews and unable to defend themselves against the jews' depredations.

Great if you happen to be jewish and love murdering thousands of unarmed Palestinian civilians to get a few Hamas operatives in packed enclosures like Gaza. 
NOT SO GREAT if armed Hamas operatives are inter-mixed, and inter-mingled with your own jewish civilians and they're shooting back at YOU - mpg
Final Ruling:  Based on the lack of evidence that Hamas conducted a policy of deliberately attacking jewish civilians -- (The videos simply aren't there.  Again showing jews running around, getting shot by someone off-frame, juxtaposed with Hamas fighters shooting at something, or someone off-frame, in highly edited videos and CLAIMING that these fighters were "executing" civilians  is NOT EVIDENCE!!!) -- and Hamas' official statements that they were attacking military forces and gathering hostages to exchange for those held by the jews, and the rapidly gathering evidence that the jews were killed in "friendly fire" incidents by their own trigger-happy forces, this website editor is making a final ruling that the Hamas attack was NOT an act of terrorism

This could be changed by substantial amounts of  further evidence, but it's unlikely based on the jews' EXTENSIVE and RELENTLESS history of producing fabricated narratives supported by their mass media.  As to whether the attack was LIHOPed, evidence is still sparse, but mounting, and the ruling that it was LIHOP'ed is still awaiting further research - mpg
NATO Weapons For Ukraine In Service With Hamas: Evidences, Supply Routes, Beneficiaries
A quote...."Arab military sources are widely sharing new video which is reportedly showing military equipment in service with Hams fighters. American M136 and M141 grenade launchers, as well as Swedish-British NLAW ATGMs, are seen  on the footage. There are less and less doubts that the foreign weapons fell into the arms of Palestinian militants through Ukraine."

Friday October 20th, 2023

[Illegal Jewish Migrant, Jewish] Forces Killed Hostages, Not Hamas’
War Crime - Slaughter of Jewish Civilians at Rave By Jewish Occupation Forces During Shoot-Out With Hamas - Blamed on Hamas? -- A quote...."[Illegal jewish migrant] Yasmin Porat has claimed that [jewish] civilians were killed by [jewish] forces and not by Hamas - This came in an interview by Porat with a [jdueo-enclave based] radio station on 15 October, where she said: “They eliminated everyone, including the hostages. There was very, very heavy crossfire and even tank shelling.” - The 44-year-old mother of three stated that she and other civilians were held by the Palestinians for several hours and were treated “humanely”." -- Posted 10-20-2023
FYI:  This needs more confirmations.  Attempts to verify by this website editor just show videos of people running around and screaming, shooting, and casualties.  Most are heavily edited, or just still photos. There needs to be uncut overhead video, preferably from drones if available, or uncut video with a wide perspective, or a wide panorama of what happened at the Rave, with long run times.  Showing who was shooting who, how, and when - mpg
Wednesday October 18th, 2023

Palestine Open Thread 2023-244
War Crime - Slaughter of Jewish Civilians at Rave By Jewish Occupation Forces During Shoot-Out With Hamas - Blamed on Hamas? -- A quote...."The incessantly repeated lie of the biggest killing of [jewish]  civilians since the Holocaust on October 7 has become a New [Judeo-Supremacist] Legend - From all the material that I have seen, most of the [jewish] civilians killed on October 7 were killed in the cross-fire, often by the panicked [jewish] security and [jewish occupation forces], who were utterly unprepared for such an unexpected incursion and totally disorganised at the beginning (is this difficult to understand?). Also, later their instructions were to stop the “terrorists” at any cost, to preserve the image of IDF as an effective force. All the [jewish] civilians that [jewish] “security” killed on October 7 are, according to this New [Judeo-Supremacist]  Legend, the victims of the “terrorists” that is all Palestinians in Gaza - Thinking about the similarity of the treatment of US Indians and the Palestinians, both on their own land. As commercial value was being discovered in and around the Reservation Lands the Indians were forced to move and move. Once gas was discovered near Gazan Coast all manner of collective guilt is used by the [jewish occupation] to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian from Gaza -- *Posted by: Kiza | Oct 19 2023 14:43 utc | 2* -- Posted 10-18-2023

Pearl Harbour: Gulf Edition – Coming Soon?
Analysis & False Flag Warning - A quote...."Last Saturday, the world looked on as the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, launched Operation Al-Asqa Flood, the largest military incursion into [jewish occupied Palestine] since the 1973 October War, the 50th anniversary of which had occurred just one day beforehand - Though lauded by many as a legitimate military response to the [jewish] occupation, many could also not help but wonder at how [the jewish occupation regime], an entity possessing state of the art surveillance equipment and which receives annual funding from the United States to the tune of billions of dollars, could seemingly be ‘taken by surprise’ by militant Palestinian groups to such a devastating extent." -- "Suspicions were further aroused when it emerged that Universal Paralello, the electronic music event held on the border of Gaza and which has been the focus of global media attention following the Palestinian incursion, had only changed its location two days beforehand following the falling through of a site in southern [part of the judeo-enclave] near the Egyptian border - The idea that there were no serious insurance or security concerns over the holding of a music festival on the border of a location where violent clashes between the Al-Quds Brigades and [jewish occupation] forces had taken place only last Summer, is simply unfathomable." - bold by website editor -- Posted 10-18-2023

[The Jewish Occupation Regime] Killed Its Own Citizens In Gun Battle with Qassam Brigades
Special Note - More Data Like This Needs Ts Be Unearthed!! - Action Alert - A quote...."Yasmin Porat, a [jewish] survivor from the recent attack on Kibbutz Be’eri near the Gaza boundary, says [jewish occupation] forces killed their own civilians while combating Palestinian fighters." - See related article...."Survivor of Hamas assault says [jewish occupation forces] ‘undoubtedly’ killed their own civilians"  -- Posted 10-18-2023
FYI:  This is not to say it was deliberate, jews tend to be spastic and overly excitable when the shooting starts. It will be extremely interesting to see how many of the occupation's jews were killed by their own armed civilians (and don't forget, many of them WERE armed) and their own occupation forces -- Also how many of the videos don't actually show anything at all, how many were grossly exaggerated by voice overs, mood music, and strategic editing, (for example NOT showing how many of the dead "civilians" were holding guns at the time) and how many are simply fake, or fabricated, or simply acted out, a'la Rita Katz styled techniques of mass manipulation.  Also, how exaggerated are the jews' "official figures"?  Are they real at all??  Jews have an EXTENSIVE, WELL DOCUMENTED, history of this sort of thing.  People will have to keep digging and analyzing to find out the real truth - It could take a few more weeks - mpg
FYIAt this point this website editor is making two TENTATIVE rulings.... One:  that this was a non-terrorist attack. this is not to say that there weren't unfortunate incidents..... yet.  It appears to have been a military operation to seize as many jewish military personal, and possibly other hostages as possible, and generate as much publicity as possible. and.... Two:  the operation was most likely allowed to happen on purpose by the jewish regime occupying Palestine. (LIHOPed) - This is tentative for now as of October 18th, 2023.  Analysis is still ongoing - mpg

========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========= ===
Geopolitical Note:  It's Now the IMEC Project, East Fork of the Red Sea Canal, and the Palestinian Gas Field Gambit....Plus Ethnically Cleansing Palestinians for the "Greater Judeo-Enclave"
Saturday February 24th, 2024

IMF Vows To Support Egypt As Nation Braces For Mass Displacement of Gazans
The Same IMF Who Funded The Judeo-Lviv Regime's Killing Spree in Ukraine, Is Also Going To Fund The Judeo-Enclave Regime's Ethnic Cleansing Spree in Gaza -- A quote...."The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says there is “excellent progress” in talks with Egypt over a loan program that seeks to “support” the country in weathering its financial woes and handling a potential deluge of Palestinian refugees that [the jews] seek to ethnically cleanse from Gaza - “The IMF team and the Egyptian authorities have agreed on the main elements of a program, and the authorities have expressed a strong commitment to it. These discussions are ongoing, so I will not get into the details of the discussions, but we certainly will update you once the discussions are finalized,” IMF spokesperson Julie Kozack told reporters on 22 February."
FYI:  Yep.... it was a complete set-up.  Probably arranged several years ago.  That's the jews for you.  Murder, splatter, burn or bury alive 30,000 Palestinians, injure 60,000 more, starve as many as they can while YOU read this post.   Seventy percent of whom are women and children.  For a long planned real-estate transaction financed by the jew-managed (owned?) IMF bank, and no doubt other CB's and jewish "investors"!!

And we still have the other shoe to drop.  The IMEC project paid in Palestinian blood?? -- With the Juvangelized Hagee's Hideous Heretical Hordes, and the abysmally stupid, amoral, normie judeo-shabbos-sheeple in the JewSA, cheering lustily, and braying for more war-porn of children rent apart into bloody bits.

No curse is sufficient for these people.  But rest assured, they are cursed for the rest of their lives.  For their eager participation in support of these two bloody judeo-enterpirses.  The one in Gaza, and the one on the Ukrainian territories - mpg - See links posted below.....

Sunday February 18th, 2024

India Sends 'Killer' Drones to [the Jews] Ahead of Rafah Assault
War Crime Complicity - Judeo-Modi Was Here - (By their actions you shall know them - This is expected from Modi, but SHAME on India and her peoples!! - (See exception posted below) - This is possible confirmation that the IMEC plan is actually being implemented - mpg) -- A quote...."New Delhi has sent Hermes 900 “killer” drones to Tel Aviv to assist in the [jewish occupation's] ongoing military assault on Gaza, Indian news channel TV9 Hindi reported last week - The Indian government delivered a number of Hermes 900 drones to [the jews in occupied Palestine] on an unspecified date to meet “[the jews' ethnic cleansing and mass murdering extermanationist] needs in the [Judeo-Enclave]-Hamas war.” - Hermes 900 drones are manufactured in the southern-central Indian city of Hyderabad. They can remain airborne for over 30 hours, putting them in the class of medium-range long-endurance (MALE) drones." - Topix  ||  Modi:  Judeo-Neoliberalcon  ||
FYI:  It's becoming in-your-face increasingly obvious that Modi is the jews' shabbos-goy in India.  That he's been so for at least a decade.  That he's formed a long-term arrangement with the jews on various projects, many of them massive failures already (see "Topix" above).  Their joint current endeavour appears to be the IMEC project, with it's prerequisite being the complete subjugation of the Palestinian peoples in Gaza, and their subsequent removal or extermination.  We shall ALL pray that it is another abysmal failure - mpg - Posted 02-16-24

Friday February 16th, 2024

'Pillaging': Firms Warned of Legal Action Over [Jewish] Gas Exploration Off Gaza
The Jews' Economic Motive For Their Slaughter - A quote...."Palestinian rights groups have warned that the energy companies awarded licenses by the [jewish] occupation regime to explore for gas off the besieged Gaza Strip's coast could face legal action for the violation of Palestinian maritime sovereignty - The three Palestinian NGOs of Al-Haq, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights and Al Mezan Center for Human Rights raised the alarm after the [jewish] regime’s energy ministry granted exploration rights in the eastern Mediterranean to three companies - Italian energy giant Eni, UK-based Dana Energy and [the judeo-enclave's] Ratio Petroleum - three weeks after the brutal war on Gaza in early October."

Thursday December 7th, 2023

The ‘Greater [Judeo-Enclave]’ Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon
(The jews' long term plans for world domination, as they further expand their world headquarters for the jewish trans-nationalist crime syndicate) -- A quote...."In 1996, a nest of American-born imperialists revolving around Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Richard Perle created a new think tank called “The Project for a New American Century.”** - While the principled aim of the think tank ultimately hinged on a new “Pearl Harbor moment” that would justify a new era of regime-change wars in the Middle East, a secondary but equally important part of the formula involved the dominance of “Greater [Judeo-Enclave]” Likud fanatics then taking power over the murdered body of Yitzhak Rabin - It was toward the start of the new regime of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Richard Perle wrote the report “Clean Break: A Strategy for Securing the Realm,” which outlined a series of goals that would govern the strategic vision of Washington and Tel Aviv for the next two decades. It called for...." -- **link added by website editor -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - The Ethnic Cleansing Motive  ||

Peter Koenig: [The Jews] Want CONTROL of Water, Hydrocarbons in the Middle East
(Long term mercenary objectives - Control of the Palestinians' Water and Hydrocarbons) -- A quote...."Geopolitical analyst Peter Koenig believes [the jews] wants control of water and hydrocarbons in the Middle East - Koenig, who was formerly with the World Bank, put forward this claim during a recent appearance on the "Health Ranger Report." He told the Health Ranger Mike Adams that he and some of his World Bank colleagues had made a study of water availability in the Palestine-[jewish occupied] area - The said study found that 80 percent of all the water in the area was either on or below the Palestinian territories. This was one of the reasons why [the jews] never wanted to honor the Oslo Accords, according to Koenig. The two accords laid out the foundation for the two-state solution." -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - The Mercenary Motive  ||

Monday November 27th, 2023

Unspoken Objective: [The Jews] Want to Confiscate Gaza’s Offshore Gas Reserves Which Belong to Palestine
(Motive / Gas Reserves) - Why Fifteen Thousand Palestinians Were Murdered - A quote...."“[The jewish occupation] gave preliminary approval for the development of a gas field off Gaza’s coast in June, stressing it would require security coordination with both the PA and Egypt. The Gaza Marine field, nearly 20 miles off Gaza’s coast, has remained undeveloped despite holding an estimated 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This total is hypothetically much more than needed to power the Palestinian territories, and some of it could be potentially exported.”  Haaretz) - There is More than Meets the Eye." -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||

Thursday November 9th, 2023

Follow The Gas To Understand The War Between [The Judeo-Enclave] And Hamas
A quote...."Follow the gas to understand one of the geostrategic reasons for the war between Hamas and [the judeo-enclave]. It’s the same old story, wars are fought for reasons of national security and for money. Gas is a fundamental resource for the economies of the future. Opposite the Gaza Strip there is an immense treasure that could bring electricity and wealth to the Strip and the rest of Palestine, emancipating the country from international humanitarian aid. The field is called Gaza Marine and is located approximately 36 kilometers from the Palestinian coast, at 610 meters deep. According to estimates, it would contain 1,000 billion cubic meters of gas and provide revenues of 4.5 billion dollars, a stable source of energy supply for homes, water desalination plants and for the development of agriculture. This treasure, discovered almost a quarter of a century ago, has never been exploited by the opposition in Tel Aviv. The new conflict that broke out in the Strip came just when [the jewish occupation enclave] and the Palestinian Authority, with the intermediation of Egypt, seemed to have found an agreement to start work on the field."

Wednesday November 1st, 2023

[The Jews'] Goal To Open Ben Gurion Canal
A Geopolitical Alert -  A quote..."It has been revealed that the Ben Gurion Canal, which opens to the Red Sea from the Gaza-Ashkelon line, is behind [the jews'] genocide and dehumanization plan in Gaza. Within the scope of the plan, [the jewish occupation] aims to push Egypt further into a corner by eliminating Suez in the global trade and energy corridor and becoming a global trade and energy logistics center. Experts are of the opinion that this situation will shake the strategic-energy balance of China's Belt and Road Project and the Mediterranean, along with the Strait of Hormuz, which is the transfer point of 30 percent of the world's energy, and may trigger a global war." - bold by website editor - See articles and previous commentary posted below.  Posted again for your edification......

“Wiping Gaza Off The Map”: Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine’s Maritime Natural Gas Reserves -- War Crimes - Ethnic Cleansing For Energy Resources & The IMEC Project - A quote...."[The jews occupying Palestine have] launched an invasion (October 7, 2023) of the Gaza Strip - As outlined by Felicity Arbuthnot with foresight 10 years ago in a December, 30 2013 article.... “[The jewish occupation enclave] is set to become a major exporter of gas and some oil, “If All Goes Plan” - In the current context, [The jewish regime's] “All Goes to Plan” option consists in bypassing Palestine and “Wiping Gaza off the Map”,  as well confiscating ALL Gaza’s maritime offshore gas reserves, worth billions of dollars - Felicity Arbuthnot’s 2013 analysis focusses on the.... “The Giant Leviathan natural gas field, in the eastern Mediterranean, discovered in December 2010, widely described [by governments and media] as “off the coast of [the judeo-enclave].” - See links posted below.  Previously posted and posted again for your edification.....

War and Natural Gas: The [Jewish] Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields
A quote...."Flash Back: Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009) - Gaza belongs to Palestine. In December 2008, [jewish] forces invaded the Gaza Strip under Operation Cast Lead. The justification for this invasion was “persistent terrorist activities and a constant missile threat from the Gaza Strip directed at [illegal jewish migrant] civilians.” - What was the hidden agenda? - The purpose of Operation Cast Led was to confiscate Palestine’s maritime natural gas reserves - In the wake of the invasion, Palestinian gas fields were de facto confiscated by [the jewish occupation] in derogation of international law." - bold by website editor - See related links posted below.....

War of Economic Corridors: The India-Mideast-Europe Ploy
The Great PNAC Pipe Protocol Fail??? - A quote...."Posted September 25, 2023 - The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) is a massive public diplomacy op launched at the recent G20 summit in New Delhi, complete with a memorandum of understanding signed on 9 September - Players include the US, India, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and the EU, with a special role for the latter’s top three powers Germany, France, and Italy. It’s a multimodal railway project, coupled with trans-shipments and with ancillary digital and electricity roads extending to Jordan and [the jewish crime syndicate's geopolitical pustule occupying Palestine].

India-Middle East – Europe Economic Corridor Is A Geopolitical Pipe Dream
End Of A Judeo-Pipe-Dream???  - (Thankfully, and most likely, the end of an absolute nightmare for everyone else - mpg) -- A quote...."Posted 19/09/2023 - The gusto with which the United States co-opted the idea of an India – Middle East – Europe Economic Corridor [IMEC] [Wow! The "I" in IMEC could also stand for the judeo-enclave squatting in Palestine!  Must be a coincidence - mpg] during the recent G20 Summit should not come as a surprise. It brings to mind an astounding natural phenomenon in the northern desert of Saudi Arabia — a little purple flower that blooms very rarely, nicknamed in Arabic as ‘wild lavender,’ lasting only for a fortnight an entire year - india-middle-east-europeThe IMEC is an old idea that the US is claiming as its brainwave. How enduring Washington’s attention span will be time only can tell. The US motivations are not hard to seek...."

At G20, US, India, Saudi, EU Unveil Alternative to Belt-and-Road
Map - (click to view) - (click alternative to view) -- A quote...."Global leaders announced a multinational rail and ports deal linking the Middle East and South Asia on Saturday (9 September) on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi - The pact comes at a critical time as US President Joe Biden seeks to counter China’s Belt and Road push on global infrastructure by pitching Washington as an alternative partner and investor for developing countries at the G20 grouping - Biden said it was a “real big deal” that would bridge ports across two continents and lead to a “more stable, more prosperous and integrated Middle East.”"

========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========= ===
Now look at this Key Map posted in 2008 - [The Judeo-Enclave] Exxon and the AEI - Alt / Map
So.... to make it utterly clear, it's NOT Putin, The Russians, N.A.T.O. the "West", Europe, the E.U., or the "NAZI's" to blame for this mass-slaughter in Ukraine!!  Or the mass-slaughter in Gaza!!

IT - IS - THE - JEWS!! 

Everybody got it now??? - The whole PNAC Protocols Enterprise was arranged by them, all this slaughter in the Middle East for the last twenty years was planned by them. To shatter, or at least cripple all the actual functioning nation-state competitors situated around them in the Middle East. 

So they could could continue to expand their enclave, eventually to have it stretch from the Nile River in Egypt, to the Euphrates river in Syria, and Iraq. What they call the Eretz Judeo-Enclave.  A geographic concept represented by the two blue lines on their enclave's flag.

Also so they could become the central corridor for all European, Afro-Asian trade between these two lines, see key map.... (click to view) - (click alternative to view) - including eventually most, if not all of, the oil and gas pipeline routes from the Middle East.

They're STILL trying to destroy Syria and Lebanon.  They completely destroyed Libya as a transit route for oil and gas, while making Libya the go-to route for mass African immigration

They planned and carried out the Ukraine enterprise, the destruction of Nord-Stream, and their failed attempted coups in Belarus, and Kazakhstan, both extremely short lived due to Putin's timely and restrained interventions, to also eventually shatter Russia, or at least cut Europe and especially Germany off (jews HATE Germany) from any integration with Russia. 

All to economically and culturally destroy Europe and allow the creation of their IMEC judeo-belt-&-road version (The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor).

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UPDATE: Oct 11th, 2023 - Now it appears the jews have come up with a plan, in conjunction with Zellensky's jewish regime in Kiev to get the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) reinstated!  Murder all the Palestinians in the Gaza strip and take it over!!
UPDATEOct 21st 2023 - The alternative to the Wahhabist terrorist supporting, Palestinian ethnic cleansing monstrosity known as the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), would be the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline project!!  Which is WHY the JewSA, Modi of India, and the Jewish Occupation Regime got rid of Imran Khan of Pakistan!
UPDATE:  Nov 1st, 2023 - Not only do the jews have the IMEC project motivating them to exterminate the Palestinians, not only will the jews acquire all the gas in Gaza once they've finally conquered the territorial and ethnically cleansed the Palestinians, but they'll have the synergistic East Fork of the Red Sea canal project.  Which will dovetail quite nicely with IMEC and the stolen Palestinian gas fields.  Fields which probably have a lot more gas then most people, (except the jews), know about - mpg

3:  THE JewSA & JewK - AIDING & ABETTING....
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Permanently pinned at the top of this section.....
Posted December 1st, 2023 -- This is another act of Jewish Mass Terrorism similar to those they carried out in Russia during the jews takover in 1917, their Holodomor starvation campaign in Ukraine in the 1930's, Their Nakba of the Palestinians in Palestine in 1948, (from 1947-1949), their phenomenally successful 9/11 False Flag, and now their failed, and exposed, Oct 7th, 2023 False Flag

All American officials who supplied intelligence and weapons for this campaign are Terrorist Enablers of Mass Murder / Ethnic Cleansing.  Anyone else who encouraged this act, such as the juden-pressen, politicians, and public commentators, are considered Publicly Acknowledged Supporters of Terrorism. 

All of them should be dealt with by every legal means necessary including the application of existing "Hate Laws" or international laws such as the Nuremberg Principal** - Any web commentators who talk about October 7th 2023 and DO NOT ADDRESS these issues should be considered discredited, and also as unreliable in regards to any future analysis - mpg
**Nuremberg Principal -- To wit...."To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." -- *Robert H. Jackson*, chief prosecutor at the  Nuremberg trials -- Nuremberg Principle VI(a), states the following....
(i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i). [Such as a false flag]
Generally the following rules should be applied....*The Rules of Force - 09-28-12 - mpg*
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Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

US Fueling War On Gaza
War Crime Complicity - Massive Shipments of Armaments - A quote...."Monday marked the 325th day of the [jews' ethnic cleansing extermination campaign] against Palestinians in Gaza, and the day the [jewish] regime received its 500th aerial shipment of weapons from the United States since October 7 - Over 50,000 tons of military equipment has been sent to the [jewish extermination enclave] from Washington by way of 500 flights and 107 sea shipments. Asa'ad Abu Sharkh, Palestinian academic and activist from Dublin, and Yves Engler, author and activist from Montreal, are tonight's guests." - bold by website editor

[JewSA] Completes 500th Air Delivery of Weapons to [the Judeo-Enclave] since 7 Oct
War Crime Complicity - Ditto - A quote...."The [JewSA's judeo-golems have] completed [their] 500th flight airlifting over 50,000 tons of weapons and equipment to [jewish ethnic cleansing occupation forces] for [their] over ten-month onslaught against Palestinians in Gaza, the [jewish occupation forces command] announced on 26 August - In addition to the weapons and equipment airlifted to [the jewish extermination occupation enclave] since 7 October, Washington has sent Tel Aviv 107 shipments of military supplies by sea - A Defense Ministry statement said the shipments include “armored vehicles, munitions, ammunition, personal protection gear, and medical equipment, which are crucial for sustaining the JEOF’s operational capabilities during the ongoing war.” - bold by website editor

Biden Taps 'Literal Arms Dealer' Mira Resnick for Top [Jewish] Policy Post
War Crime Complicity - Double Ditto - A quote...."Peace advocates on Friday voiced alarm over the Biden administration's selection of a senior official who has worked to speed the shipment of U.S. arms to [the judeo-enclave] as the State Department's point person on [Judeo-Enclave]-Palestine policy - HuffPost reported that Mira Resnick, the deputy assistant secretary of state for regional security in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, has been tapped to oversee Washington's handling of issues related to [Judeo-Enclave] and Palestine. In her current role, Resnick's office supervises around $40 billion in annual U.S. arms transfers." - Mira Ariel Kogan (her maiden name) married Joshua Resnick - NYT Marriage announcement printed below....in full....
Mira Ariel Kogen, a daughter of Gail G. Kogen and of Ben Zion Kogen of Reseda, Calif., was married on Monday to Joshua Resnick, a son of Steve Resnick of Silver Spring, Md., and the late Valerie B. Resnick. Rabbi Herbert Rosenblum, the great-uncle of the bride, performed the ceremony at Adat Ari El, a synagogue in Valley Village, Calif.

Ms. Kogen Resnick, 24, is an aide to Representative Ron Klein, a Florida Democrat and the vice chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia; she provides advice on national security, defense and foreign affairs issues. She graduated cum laude from Columbia with a bachelor’s degree in political science and received another bachelor’s degree, in [Judeo-Enclave] studies, from the Jewish Theological Seminary.

Her father is the executive director of the Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys in Covina, Calif. Her mother is a resource specialist for children with special needs at Tulsa Elementary School in Los Angeles.

Mr. Resnick, 25, is an aide to the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in the House of Representatives; he provides assistance to the committee members and staff. From 2004 to 2007 he was an Arabic translator in Washington for the Department of Defense. He graduated from Cornell and received a certificate in Arabic language from Georgetown.

His mother managed his father’s glass sculpturing studio in Silver Spring. Steve Resnick’s works are represented by the Jewish Museum in New York, by the Skirball Cultural Center and museum in Los Angeles and by Kolbo, a gallery in Brookline, Mass.
Additional Resources:

Mira Resnick - Mira Kogen Resnick -  Alternate Name: Mira Ariel Kogen - Northridge, Calif -  Married: Joshua Resnick -- Regrettably this website editor did not take a screen shot - but the links as they appeared above were on legistorm.com - Within less than five hours - (this website editor checks this stuff) - they were all removed and legistorm.com states no results found -- It should also be noted that for some peculiar reason there is no Mira Resnick listed at Wikipedia at all.  Nor a Joshua Resnick that matches the profile shown above -- Additional Information at legistorm.com appears on  the "Congressional Staffers (1) Tab as follows....

Mira Kogen Resnick - Alternate Name: Mira Ariel Kogen -- Most recent congressional employment: House Foreign Affairs Committee, Former Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), Rep. Bill Keating (D-MA)
Pro SummarySalaries • Pro TripsFinancial Disclosures • Pro Lobbying • Pro Gifts • Pro StormFeed

Mari K Resnik - PDF
Meet the offices clearing billions of dollars’ worth of weapons for [the] Ukraine [Regime]
Meet the woman behind US equipment transfers to [the] Ukraine [territories] and [Judeo-Enclave]
Biden Appoints Hawkish Official To Lead [Judeo-Enclave] Policy At State Department
Biden Taps Jewish warmonger Mira Resnick for Top ‘[Ethnic Cleansing] Support’ Post
Biden gives arms shipment proponent top [judeo-enclave] policy role
Biden's new [judeo-enclave] policy appointee seen as major proponent of arms shipments to Tel Aviv
Mira Resnick: The Woman Behind $40 Billion in Global Arms Transfers
Little-Used U.S. Powers Employed to Aid [The] Ukraine [Regime]
US Deputy Assistant Secretary Mira Resnick in Dhaka
FYI:  A note to everyone - When analyzing any event or writing any article regarding the jewish crime syndicate, please name the Jews involved.

It doesn't take a person any time!! The list above took about twenty minutes to assemble.  Please, everyone should do their homework!!!

Please identify their affiliations, prior associations, and relevant past and current connections. Place the Jews involved, and all their machinations into CONTEXT --
"YOU must always identify the Jew, YOU must always name the Jew.  In all their quantifiable, contextual aspects. 

Their goals, methods, policies, ideologies, ownership structures, institutions, connections, advocacy groups, non-government organizations, trans-national networks, and their sources of power - Such as the Central Banks, and their ownership of their Mass-Media Spew Outlets."

*Identitarian, Transnational, Bolshevik, Politiks - A Practical Guide - (What YOU Must Do - It's The Only Way) - 09-26-20 - mpg*
Saturday June 29th, 2024

No Slow Down in US Shipments of 2,000lb Bombs to [the Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Extermination Campaign in Gaza] -- War Crime Complicity - JewSA Still Supplying The Bombs - A quote...."The US has sent [the jews occupying Palestine] over 27,000 bombs since the start of its horrific aerial assault on Gaza in October, Reuters reported on 29 June, including 14,000 highly destructive 2,000-lb bombs that US officials have acknowledged as “inappropriate” for [the jews] to use - Reuters stated that the US military had transferred at least 14,000 of the MK-84 2,000-lb bombs, 6,500 500-lb bombs, 3,000 Hellfire precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, 1,000 bunker-buster bombs, 2,600 air-dropped small-diameter bombs, and other munitions, according to US officials who were not authorized to speak publicly." - Source:  TheCradle

[Judeo-Enclave] Documents Show Expansive Government Effort To Shape US Discourse Around Gaza War
War Crime Complicity & Facilitation - A quote...."As the Gaza war rages, [jewish] funds target US college campuses and push to redefine antisemitism in US law – part of a sometimes covert operation by the [jewish regime] to strike back at student protests, human rights organizations and other voices of dissent.... None of the groups identified below have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (Fara). This law requires groups receiving funds or direction from foreign countries to provide public disclosures to the US Department of Justice."

[JewSA] to Deliver [to the Judeo-Occupation Regime] 1,700 500-Pound Bombs Amid [Their Ethnic Cleansing Extermination] Gaza War -- War Crime Complicity - A quote...."The United States is to send [the jews] 500-pound bombs that were part of a weapons shipment "suspended" over [their] invasion of Gaza’s Rafah, a report says - The news Axios website on Thursday cited one [JewSA] and one [judeo-apparatchik] official as saying that the release of about 1,700 500-pound bombs was one of the issues discussed during this week’s meeting between [the judeo-occupation regime's] minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant and senior White House officials."

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

US Cargo Plane Lands in [the Judeo-Extermination Occupation Encalve] Following Netanyahu's Criticism of Delayed American Arms Shipments -- War Crime Complicity - A quote...."A US C-17 cargo plane, reportedly carrying weapons and ammunition, landed in [the judeo-enclave] on Monday amid the ongoing [jewish] conflict with Gaza and daily exchanges of fire with the Lebanese Hezbollah group, Anadolu Agency reports - This development follows [the judeo-enclave's head crime boss] Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s public criticism of the US for delayed weapons deliveries, which has strained the allies’ relationship."

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

France [Bankster Butt-Boy Macron] Provided [Occupation Jews] With Weapons Used To Bomb Civilians in Gaza’ -- Title Corrected - War Crime LYING Complicity - A quote...."France [Macron and other judeo-shabbos goy minions have] approved the sale of weapons equipment used by [the jews] to bomb civilian targets in the Gaza Strip, including a hospital, an investigation by the French non-profit media outlet Disclose revealed on Monday - Dozens of classified documents obtained by the outlet revealed that French IT company the Thales Group has recently delivered electronic components used to construct [the jews'] Hermes 900 armed drones. France owns a 26 per cent stake in the company - The investigation showed that “the French company delivered to [the jews' occupation extermination regime in Palestine] the communication equipment during 2024,” despite repeated confirmations by the French defence ministry that “French arms exports to [the jews] were limited to defensive military equipment used in the Iron Dome to confront Palestinian resistance rockets.” - bold by website editor - Source:  MEMO

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

[JewSA], [JewK] Assisted [The Judeo-Occupation Enclave] in Lead up to Nuseirat Massacre: Report
War Crime Complicity - The JewSA & JewK - Must Read - A quote...."New details have come to light about the US role in intelligence gathering for [jews'] massacre and captive rescue operation in the Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza Saturday - Reports by Ynet and the New York Times (NYT) journalist Ronen Bergman published on 10 June detail [the jews'] intelligence cooperation with the US and UK in the wake of the operation, which killed 274 Palestinians and rescued four [jewish] captives - The success of the operation relied on wide-scale bombing from the sky of areas where Palestinian civilians sheltered, as well as the cold-blooded execution of Palestinian civilians in their homes, most of them homes where no captives were held - According to the Ynet and NYT reports, [jews'] and [their colonial judeo-golem apparatchiks in their Nord-Am colony] – military and intelligence – established a fusion cell to work cooperatively and share drone and satellite photographs, along with communications monitoring and any additional information that might help identify the locations of the captives"

Friday, June 7th, 2024

Trump Says [The Judeo-Enclave] Needs to 'Finish The Job' in Gaza, Pledges to Restore [The Judeo-Enclave] Lobby's Power Over Congress -- War Crime Complicity & Treason - From The Judeo-Shabbos-Goy-Golem's Mouth.... To Your Ears -- A quote...."Former President Donald Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday that [the jews]  need to "finish the job" in Gaza and pledged to restore the [judeo-enclave] Lobby's power over Congress if elected - He also said that unnamed people are telling him the October 7th attack "never happened" and compared them to "Holocaust deniers." - See comment and weblist links posted below - Previously posted, posted again for your edification.....
FYI: No one says Oct 7th, "never happened" Only an idiot like Trump would ever say that -- Oct 7th 2023 was a LIHOP'ed.... (That's when the jews knew it was going to happen and let it) -- and MIHOP'ed.... (that's where the jews killed most of their OWN "civilian jews" on Oct 7th, 2023 by exercising their Hanibal Directive) jewish plan of ethnic cleansing and extermination of the Palestinian people living in Gaza

A people who've been penned up by the jews in an open air prison, and brutally, viciously bombed, embargoed, starved, killed, and denied ANY rights whatsoever for over a decade! 

Because they.... "Voted Wrong"!  They voted for Hamas.

A people who are lightly armed with mostly home made mortars, sniper rifles, high-tech RPG's and AK-47s, and who are being invaded by the most modern military force Hundreds of BILLIONS of JewSA fiat-debt-tokens could buy.

The ONLY reason the jews are having so much trouble is because.... 1) They're inherent cowards, in that they need overwhelming advantage (Leverage) before they feel comfortable attacking ANYONE, or being any good at it -- Also, most of them can't fight very well....  And 2) Due to the unbelievable, self-sacrificing bravery of the Palestinian people, the military skills of their soldiers, and the fact they're fighting for their homes, lands, lives, and their very futures and that of their children against this homicidal tyranny - mpg
Miriam Adelson 'Wants West Bank Annexation' in Return for $100M Donation to Trump
War Crime Complicity & Treason - Trump For Sale - Photo - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Miriam Adelson, the wife of the late [judeo-enclave firster] GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson, is reportedly donating at least $100 million to Donald Trump and wants his support for [the jews' stealing] the West Bank, [and turning a blind eye to their mass murder of Palestinians] in return - That's according to a new column from the [judeo-enclave based] paper Haaretz titled, "Trump is Desperate for Miriam Adelson's Cash. Her Condition: West Bank Annexation" (Archive)" - bold by website editor - slightly edited to reflect actual reality - mpg

WashPo: Trump Told Jewish Donors He'll Crush Pro-Palestine Protests, Deport Demonstrators
War Crime Complicity - Trump's Judeo-Inculcated Blood Lust Revealed - A quote....""Former president Donald Trump promised to crush pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, telling a roomful of donors -- a group that he joked included '98 percent of my Jewish friends' -- that he would expel student demonstrators from the United States," the Washington Post reported on Monday." - bold by website editor

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

[The JewSA's] State Dept Falsified Report to Claim [The Jewish Extermination Occupation] ‘Not Blocking Gaza Aid’ -- War Crime Complicity - A quote...."The US State Department falsified a report to absolve [the jews invading Gaza] of blocking humanitarian aid from entering Gaza, disregarding the judgment of its own internal experts, the Guardian reported on 31 May - According to Stacy Gilbert, a former senior US official who resigned this week, the report initially made clear that [the jewish extermination occupation] was blocking US-provided humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza, based on the consensus of State Department experts consulted to draft the report - Gilbert was one of the department’s subject matter experts who drafted the report mandated under National Security Memorandum 20 (NSM-20) and published on 10 May."

[JewK] To Continue Arms Sales To [The Jewish Extermination Occupation] After Review
War Crime Complicity - A quote...."The [JewK] has decided to continue its arms exports to [the jewish extermination occupation], after reviewing the latest three months of the [jews' occupation forces]  presence in the besieged Gaza Strip - In a report published on Saturday, The Guardian said the latest reviews examined [the jews'] bombardment of Gaza until 24 April, including the killing of three British aid workers belonged to the World Central Kitchen (WCK), which is responsible for distributing food aid among the Palestinian people in the besieged enclave."

Thursday May 30th, 2024

Nikki Haley Under Fire For Signing 'Finish Them' on [Jewish Artillery (paid for by the JewSA)] Shells
War Crime Complicity - Open Advocacy Of Ethnic Cleansing Extermination - (And Trump wants to bring this.... judeo-golem-whore into his administration) - A quote...."Former presidential candidate and ex-ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, has left most of the world in disgust after she signed the phrase: “Finish Them!” on artillery shells on Tuesday during her visit to the border with Lebanon - Haley’s visit was made public in a social media post by [jewish occupation] Knesset member Danny Danon, who was also a former ambassador to the UN, who accompanied her and was also photographed signing an artillery shell."

US-Supplied GBU-39 Bombs Used in [Jewish] Attack on Rafah Camps: CNN
War Crime Complicity - Supplying The Bombs - A quote...."The origin of the weapon used in the Rafah airstrike three days ago was the United States, a report published by CNN revealed. The revelation makes the US government a prime suspect in facilitating the war crime, especially as the US officials refuse to condemn the action - According to CNN, an analysis of the video from the scene and a review by explosive weapons experts has determined that the origin of the weapon put to use by [jewish] occupation forces is in fact the United States." - Source:  Al Mayadeen

Saturday May 18th, 2024

Washington is Essentially Defying the Majority of Humanity as it Persists in Arming [The Jews Mass Murder Ethnic Cleansing Campaign in Gaza] -- War Crime Complicity -- A quote...."For seven months, [the jews occupying Palestine have] continued [their] targeted slaughter of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip – the total number of dead and wounded, including those still under the rubble of homes, is approaching 130,000. Prime Minister Netanyahu continues this slaughter with Washington’s blessing, although outwardly the Americans say that they are trying to put pressure on the [the jewish regime's apparatchiks] to somehow help the Palestinian civilians - In fact, the Americans have effectively blocked the work of the Security Council by using their veto power to reject all resolutions for an immediate ceasefire, thereby giving [the jews'] a “free hand” in continuing to massacre the Palestinians." - Source:  NEO

Monday May 6th, 2024

Enforcing Silence on Genocide
War Crime Complicity -- Enforcing Censorship - A quote...."Developments on university campuses and in Congress this week showed that the U.S. government’s top priority is not protecting students or civilian lives in Gaza, but to protect [the jews'] ability to continue [their] unimpeded slaughter - Anti-genocide student protestors at Columbia University, demanding Columbia divest from [the judeo-enclave], occupied the campus’s Hamilton Hall on Tuesday and renamed it Hind’s Hall after Hind Rajab, a 6-year-old Palestinian girl killed by [jewish forces] in Gaza earlier this year. The Columbia protest has inspired more than 40 other anti-genocide university encampments across the country and in other nations."
"On the morning the students occupied Hamilton Hall, MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski compared the student protests to Jan. 6, calling for authorities to “just start arresting people.” Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the Anti Defamation League, echoed the comparison in the same MSNBC segment. Other supporters of [the jewish occupation] also made the same Jan. 6 anaolgy on social media early Tuesday morning." - also posted at Internationalist360

Tuesday April 2nd, 2024

Biden Regime [The JewSA] Providing Nearly All The Weapons Used By [The Jews] To Commit Genocide
War Crime Complicity - (It CANNOT be avoided by blaming a brain-dead moron) - A quote...."Although President Joe Biden claims to be against the mass killing of Gazans, his administration has provided [the jews occupying Palestine] with most of the weapons that are being used in the war there - According to the Washington Post, the Biden administration has “quietly approved and delivered more than 100 separate foreign military sales to [the jews occupying Palestine]” since the beginning of the conflict that was spurred by the October 7 attacks on [jewish occupation forces] by Hamas [and Hamas's seizure of hostages to trade for those taken my the jews] . Among the shipments were thousands of small arms, small-diameter bombs, precision-guided munitions, bunker busters, [2,000 pound bombs which the jews have already used across the length and breadth of Gaza] and other lethal weapons. " - slightly edited to reflect actual realities - mpg
FYI:  Blaming a brain dead moron, while not addressing the fact close to forty percent of the JewSA's White House Staff, and many of the important appointees to the JewSA's cabinet, are jewish, and while the goyum-cattle-sheeple in this country have spinelessly and cravenly done nothing about it, is disingenuous and disgraceful. 

As it stands now, the sheeple in the jews' Nord-Am colony are completely responsible for the ethnic cleansing extermination going on in Gaza. They have given tens of trillions to the jews' various projects of mayhem and murder for decades. 

When the people in this country finally oppose the jewish tyranny that rules this Nord-Am colony they're currently living in, HALT the jews endless PNAC Protocols, and Eretz Judeo-Enclave wars, and cut off ALL aid to that festering, oozing, reeking, wretchedly infectious, geopolitical pustule squatting in Palestine, then and only then will they be held not liable for what the jews do in the future.

As for the mass-murders the jews have done in the past, those jews and the Americans who so avidly supported them, should be held to account for their crimes.  With restitution to the Palestinians, and incarceration at hard labor for long periods of time for those who carried out these heinous activities - mpg
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Thursday May 16th, 2024

Trump Doubles Down on Support for [Jewish] Genocide and Mass Bombing of Palestinians
Trump's War Crime Complicity - Doubling Down on Mass Murder -  A quote...."Donald Trump is upset at Joe Biden for commenting earlier this week that he might withhold weapons and artillery from [jews] unless the [jewish] regime behaves itself in Rafah - Accusing the current president of setting "the world on fire," former President Trump at a rally in Wildwood, N.J., told his followers that [the illegal, mass-murdering, ever expanding, jewish occupation] has a "right to win its war on [of] terror" however it sees fit - "Crooked Joe has not just set our economy on fire, he has truly set the world on fire," Trump said to cheers - "If you want to know how weak and pathetic a president really is, I mean the things they do, just think about this: this week he announced that he will withhold shipping weapons to [jews] as they fight to eradicate [the Palestinians and] Hamas terrorists [defenders] in Gaza. It was shocking to hear it, even while there are still American hostages being held by Hamas."" - slightly edited to reflect actual reality - mpg
FYI:  Just as the jews spread their murderous lies about the German people after WWII, so too again they, and their judeo-syphilitic-shabbos-goy-lickspittle known as Trump, are spreading their lies about the Palestinians. Many of them exactly the same.  About Hamas and the Oct 7th, 2023 attack

It was peoples' cowardice in not confronting the jews about their Holohoax Extortion Complex that enabled the jews to establish their judeo-enclave in Palestine in the first place!  While ruthlessly murdering the Palestinians for seventy years!  Now it will be the jews' similar lies, and again the peoples' cowardice about Oct 7th, 2023, that will enable the jews  to finally, as Trump so delicately put it.... "finish the job".
Tuesday May 14th, 2024

GOP Senators Demand IRS Investigate Pro-Palestine Groups for 'Supporting Terrorists'
War Crime Complicity & Utter GOP Hypocrisy - A quote...."The GOP have seamlessly transitioned from decrying the IRS being weaponized against conservatives to demanding the IRS be weaponized against pro-Palestine activist groups."
FYI:  Thousands of commentators have pointed out.... "How the masks have really been ripped off"! -- How right they are.  Jews first and always!!  Above and beyond even these so-called "senators" sworn oath to the United States Constitution. Proving, once again, this really is the "JewSA" -- BTW:  These elected government officials, are advocating using police state tactics, against American citizens, to support the ethnic cleansing extermination campaign of a foreign power.  Not only is that a war-crime, it could reasonably be considered treason against the American people, on behalf of a foreign, hostile, power  - mpg
[Judeo-Enclave] Sympathizers Are Unleashing Violence at U.S. College Campuses, Not The Other Way Around
War Crime Complicity - The Judeo-Sayanim Amongst Us - (They are everywhere, amongst everyone, ready to act for trans-national world-jewry) -- A quote...."The mainstream media is exerting a lot of effort right now trying to convince Americans that the people protesting at college campuses against [the jews'] actions in Gaza are violent "terrorists," but the facts show otherwise - It turns out that pro-[judeo-enclave] counter-protesters are the ones attacking those who stand in solidarity with Gaza, at least at the University of California, Los Angeles where Gaza solidarity protesters were hit with sticks and blasted with chemical sprays by pro-[judeo-enclave] militants - An investigation by The New York Times found that pro-[judeo-enclave] rioters have been using fireworks as weapons as well, launching them directly at the Gaza solidarity protesters to try to harm them."

Friday May 10th, 2024

AIPAC-Funded Congressmen Push for 'October 7th Remembrance Curriculum' to be Taught in Schools
War Crime Complicity - Supplying The Propaganda - (More jewish hasbara about Oct 7th, 2024)
 - A quote...."A bipartisan pair of AIPAC-funded congressmen are pushing a new bill to create an "October 7th remembrance curriculum" to be taught in high schools across America - "I am proud to introduce new bipartisan legislation with @RepSteel to create an October 7th remembrance curriculum," Rep Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), who is funded by the American [Judeo-Enclave] Public Affairs Committee, said." - bold by website editor
FYI:  Just as the jews spread their murderous lies about the German people after WWII, so too again they're spreading their lies, many of them exactly the same, about Hamas and the Oct 7th, 2023 attack - It was peoples' cowardice in not confronting the jews about their Holohoax Extortion Complex that enabled the jews to establish their judeo-enclave in Palestine in the first place!  While ruthlessly murdering the Palestinians for seventy years!  Now it will be the jews' similar lies, and again the peoples' cowardice about Oct 7th, 2023, that will enable the jews  to finally, as Trump so delicately put it.... "finish the job".
High Payload [JewSA] Munitions Used to Mass Murder Muslim Arabs in Middle East
War Crime Complicity - Supplying The Bombs - Full quote...."So now the world knows.... The democratic government of the United States of America has been covertly supplying thousands upon thousands of high explosive, 2,000-pound (900kg) and 500-pound (225kg) bombs to the IDF to enable it to carry out the mass killing of civilians in Gaza. This fact makes the United States an accessory to mass murder in Gaza, amounting to genocide - In the first month of its war in Gaza, [the jews'] dropped hundreds of such massive bombs, many of them capable of killing or wounding people more than 1,000 feet away. To date, more than 100,000 have either been killed, mutilated or wounded. Primarily women and children - These 2,000-pound bombs are four times heavier than the largest bombs the United States dropped on ISIS in Mosul, Iraq, during the war against the extremist group there - Weapons and warfare experts blame the extensive use of heavy munitions such as the 2,000-pound bomb for the soaring death toll. The population of Gaza is more highly concentrated than almost anywhere else on earth, so the deliberate use of such heavy munitions has a profound effect that directly violates the Geneva Conventions and Article 51 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court - The use of 2,000-pound bombs in an area as densely populated as Gaza means it will take decades for communities to recover, if ever, from such crimes against humanity."

House GOP Drafting Impeachment Articles Against Biden for Threatening to Halt Aid to [the Jews' Extermination Campaign] -- War Crime Complicity - Pressuring Biden??? - (OH COM'ON!! - They're just playing games - But a vote for the Trump-Biden-Kennedy axis-of-evil, is a vote for more war and mass murder - mpg) - A quote...."The House GOP is drafting articles of impeachment against President Biden for threatening to temporarily halt some aid to [the jews' and their extermination campaign] if they accelerate the humanitarian disaster in Gaza by invading Rafah - According to our AIPAC-owned GOP leaders, America has an obligation under the Constitution or something to fund [the jews'] wars and supply them with arms indefinitely."

GOP Bill Aims to Designate Student Protesters As 'Terrorists' And Put Them On The No Fly List
War Crime Complicity - Threatening Those Protesting Extermination - A quote...."AIPAC-funded senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Roger Marshall (R-KS) [avowed war-criminals and traitors to all of mankind] have put forward a bill seeking to designate student protesters as "terrorists" and put them on the No Fly List for protesting [the jewish extermination campaign]."

'We Also Slaughtered Innocent People in Massive Numbers': Gen. Milley Gives Bizarre Defense of [The Jews' Extermination Enclave] -- War Crime Complicity - Milley's Tourettes Syndrome - (It's what happens eventually to judeo-syphilitic-shabbos-goy-minions.  Their brains are so badly rotted that they occasionally blurt out the truth - mpg) -- A quote...."Retired US General Mark Milley on Tuesday bizarrely defended [the jews'] slaughter of civilians in Gaza by saying that "we" in America also "slaughtered people in massive numbers -- innocent people who had nothing to do with their government.""

Monday May 6th, 2024

"Anti-Semitism" vs. Free Speech
Spot-On Analysis - Please Post Everywhere!! - A quote...."“Our” House of Representatives recently passed perhaps the most odious piece of legislation in our history. This is quite a feat, considering that, in this millennium alone, they were responsible for the Patriot Act and Banker Bailout monstrosities. This act stamps the imprimatur of Zionist power on Congress, like a scarlet letter."
"If you want to know why so many “haters” believe “the Jews” control everything, look at the Antisemitism Awareness Act. Look at how overwhelmingly it passed. It was not a close vote. If someone can explain how a foreign nation holds such power over our elected officials, I’m waiting to hear it. Sure, you had the Alien and Sedition Acts, and the Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR administrations acted as if it was illegal to criticize the government. But as bad as all that was, at least it concerned our nation. It has never been illegal to criticize another country, in any other nation on earth, to my knowledge. Until now. Sure, the Soviets supposedly outlawed “anti-Semitism,” but this is hard to source credibly. This odious congressional legislation is very real."
[Judeo-Enclave]/Gaza: The Masks Come Off in American Society - PDF
Great Graphic - (click to view) - A quote...."I think the striking events we have witnessed in American society over the last few months—and especially the last few days—are best understood if we consider a shrewd observation widely misattributed to Voltaire...."
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who are not allowed to criticize."
"From the years of my childhood I’d always been aware that political activism and protests were a regular feature of college life, with the 1960s movement against our Vietnam War representing one of its peaks, an effort widely lauded in our later textbooks and media accounts for its heroic idealism. During the 1980s I remember seeing a long line of crudely constructed shanties protesting South African Apartheid that spent weeks occupying the edges of the Harvard Yard or perhaps it was the Stanford Quad, and I think around the same time other shanties and protesters at UCLA maintained a long vigil in support of the Jewish Refusedniks of the USSR. Political protests seemed as much a normal aspect of college years as final exams and had largely replaced the hazing rituals and wild pranks of traditional fraternities, which were increasingly vilified as politically incorrect by hostile social censors among the students and faculty." - also posted at AlethoNews

[The Judeo-Enclave's] Defenders Talk So Much About Feelings Because They Can’t Talk About Facts
In A World of ABSOLUTE "Moral & Factual Relativism" - A Jewish Hangnail Really Is Worth More Than Ten Thousand Goyum Lives - Must Read - A quote...."If you’re just tuning in, it might seem odd to you that a major news outlet would publish a story about the emotions that some [jews] are feeling about foreign protests against an active genocide being committed by their country. After all, this is not a news story. A story about how some people’s feelings are feeling is not news, and is not journalism."

Thursday April 18th, 2024

Report: [Jewish Crime Mbr] Blinken Sitting On Staff Recommendations to Sanction [His Brethren's Jewish Occupation] Units Linked to Killings or Rapes -- War Crime - Concealing / Repressing War Crimes on Behalf of Your..... Tribe - (See how the corrected title, makes sense now?) - A quote...."Secretary of State [jewish member of the world-wide, trans-national, jewish crime syndicate] Antony Blinken is refusing to punish [the judeo-enclave, or its jewish perpetrators] for credible human rights abuses — including the sexual torture and “rape by an object” of a 15-year-old boy in [Judeo-Enclave] Border Police custody — despite recommendations from staff at the State Department."
[Jewish Crime Member] Blinken Shelves Special Request To Probe [Jewish] War Crimes: Report
War Crime - Ditto!! - (See how the corrected title, makes sense now? - By the way, another PERFECT example of jewish projection - Falsely accusing Hamas of what THEY were eargely doing.  They did the exact same thing to the German people - mpg) - Related Article - A quote...."US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has failed to act on a State Department proposal to bar certain [local jewish enforcers] and [judeo-occupation force] units from receiving US funds over human rights abuses of Palestinians - Blinken has disregarded this despite the growing concern over [the jewish forces'] conduct in Gaza, according to current and former State Department officials - A special panel at the State Department made the proposal months ago. Recommendations for action against [jewish] units were sent to Blinken in December but have “been sitting in his briefcase since then,” one official told ProPublica on 17 April." - Source:  TheCradle
FYI:  A note to everyone - When analyzing any event or writing any article regarding the jewish crime syndicate, please name the Jews involved. Please identify their affiliations, prior associations, and relevant past and current connections. Place the Jews involved, and all their machinations into CONTEXT -- "YOU must always identify the Jew, YOU must always name the Jew.  In all their quantifiable, contextual aspects.  Their goals, methods, policies, ideologies, ownership structures, institutions, connections, advocacy groups, non-government organizations, trans-national networks, and their sources of power - Such as the Central Banks, and their ownership of their Mass-Media Spew Outlets." -- *Identitarian, Transnational, Bolshevik, Politiks - A Practical Guide - (What YOU Must Do - It's The Only Way) - 09-26-20 - mpg*
Tuesday March 5th, 2024

The United Kingdom:  [The Jews'] Covert Nerve Center
A quote...."UK’s century-long commitment to [judeo-supremacism] and collaboration with [the judeo-enclave] today plays an often overlooked role in perpetuating oppression and genocide -- On 9 February, British Defense Minister James Heappey informed parliament that [jewish forces'] operatives are “currently … posted in the UK,” both within Tel Aviv’s diplomatic mission “and as participants in UK defense-led training courses.” This hitherto unacknowledged arrangement amply demonstrates how, despite recent calls from officials in London for Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to exercise restraint in its genocide of Gaza – if not institute a ceasefire – the UK, remains international [jewish syndicate's] covert nerve center."

Sunday March 3rd, 2024

New York Times in Panic Mode As 'Hamas Mass Rape' Hoax Implodes
A quote...."The New York Times is in panic mode because their fake story about "Hamas committing mass rape" on October 7th was debunked in real time and triggered an internal revolt in their own newsroom - The atrocity propaganda tale was supposed to provide a pretext for [the jews'] genocidal ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza the same way Judith Miller's lies about Saddam Hussein having WMDs in the NY Times were used to con America into the war in Iraq - The Times is reportedly now launching an internal "witch hunt" to find the leaker(s) in their own organization who are refusing to help launder their latest atrocity propaganda hoax."

The New York Times Ignores Intense Scrutiny Of Its Oct. 7 Report
A quote...."On Dec. 28, 2023, the New York Times published "'Screams Without Words': How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7," an investigation based on interviews with over 150 people in an effort to document "a broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7" by Hamas. Since its publication, the article and its authors have come under heavy criticism for inconsistencies that would place it below the reporting standards of the New York Times, or any media outlet. But the newspaper's management has no interest in any transparency that would clear up those concerns."

Saturday February 24th, 2024

State Dept Downplays Reports of [Jewish Forces] Sexually Abusing, Slaughtering Palestinian Women
JewSA State Dept:  Rape & Murder Enablers -- (What the jews falsely accused Hamas of doing, it was the jews that actually did it..... again.  Another in the THOUSANDS of examples of jewish projection, displacement, and transference - mpg) -- A quote...."While falsely claiming to have received “independent confirmation” of since-debunked assertions of mass rape by Hamas, the State Department’s spokesman said he “cannot independently verify” allegations by UN human rights experts that [jewish forces] have sexually abused and systematically slaughtered Palestinian women and girls in the besieged Gaza Strip."

Headlines in Western Media Distort Facts About [The Jews' Ethnic Cleansing Esterminationist Mass Murders] in Gaza (This is NOT "war-time propaganda" -- This is deliberate support for a campaign of ethnic cleansing and attempted extermination by hiding and distorting the facts of the ongoing campaign - The presstitutes whose names appear on these articles could conceivably be charged as accessories - mpg) - A quote...."Since October 7, when the [jewish] regime launched its no-holds-barred onslaught against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, Western states have gone out of their way to whitewash the ongoing genocide - The mainstream Western media, which is an extension of Western states, has toed the same line - Headlines in the leading newspapers and news channels in the West, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom, have deliberately sought to distort facts about the [jewish] war on Gaza." - Source:  PressTV

Tuesday February 20th, 2024

Behind the Curtain: How British Spy Agencies Are Aiding [The Jews'] Genocide in Gaza
War Crime Complicity - (The JewK:  Attempted Extermination Complicity - Providing aid and cover for the jews mass murder campaign in Gaza) - A quote...."Since the launch of [the jews' extermanationist] war on Gaza in early October, the United Kingdom has dramatically increased its military and intelligence support for the [jewish] regime - It has done so either by recruiting spies in the occupied Palestinian territories, engaging private military companies, deploying surveillance aircraft and vessels, or conducting spy missions over Gaza - Notable components of the British [a.k.a. the JewK] deployment include Royal Air Force P-8 maritime patrol aircraft, unspecified surveillance assets, two Royal Fleet Auxiliary support ships, three Merlin helicopters, and a contingent of Royal Marines, which were meant to aid the [jewish] aggression against Palestinians - According to the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), a UK-based civil society organization, the United Kingdom and Germany are among the biggest arms suppliers to Tel Aviv." - Source:  PressTV

The United States Vetoes Yet Another UN Humanitarian Ceasefire Over Gaza
War Crime Complicity - (The JewSA  Attempted Extermination Complicity - Providing aid and cover for the jews mass murder campaign in Gaza) - A quote...."There have been several interesting developments relating to [the jews'] ongoing destruction of Gaza and its people, but one might well question the motives of at least one of the principal players in the drama, namely Joe Biden’s United States government. Last Tuesday the United States, acting to protect [the jews as they murder and ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from Gaza], vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution, arguing that it would “jeopardize” the ongoing negotiations between the two parties to release the [few jewish] hostages [the jews haven't already killed] and it wouldn’t be “conducive to a sustainable peace [and successful ethnic cleansing, and mass murder operation] and would instead empower Hamas [in their attempts to resist the jews' extermanationist plans].” Thirteen of the fifteen members of the Security Council supported the resolution, [however, the exterminationist supporting gruesome twosome] Britain abstained, and US alone voted against it. It was the third humanitarian resolution incorporating a ceasefire vetoed by Washington over Gaza, each of which was intended by the White House to give [the homicidal, goyum hating jews] a completely free hand to [finally] deal with the Palestinians [by murdering, and expelling as many of them as they could from Gaza]." - bold by website editor - slightly edited to reflect actual realities - mpg

Sunday February 18th, 2024

Washington Readies [Even More] Thousands of Bombs for [the Jew's Ethnic Cleansing Op] Despite ‘Push for Truce’ -- War Crime Complicity - (The JewSA & Jewk, Accessories before the fact - Knowing complicity in ethnic cleansing, torture, and mass murder) - A quote..."US President Joe Biden and other White House officials are preparing to send additional bombs and other weapons to [the jews murdering the Palestinians] even as the US claims to be pushing for a ceasefire in Gaza, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on 16 February. - Citing current and former US officials, the WSJ says the proposed arms delivery includes 500-pound MK-82 bombs, KMU-572 Joint Direct Attack Munitions that add precision guidance to bombs, and FMU-139 bomb fuses - The value of the weapons deliveries is estimated to be “tens of millions of dollars.” - The proposed delivery is still being internally reviewed and must be approved by a congressional committee - As of December 2023, US Secretary of State [and jewish crime member] Antony Blinken has twice used emergency measures to bypass congressional review to send weapons to [his fellow jewish brethern who've already murdered over 28,000 penned up Palestinians]." - bold/underline by website editor - Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity -- AIDING & ABETTING  ||

Friday February 16th, 2024

Biden Greenlights Netanyahu To Exterminate The Gazans
War Crime - (Green lighting -- after supplying billions in bombs and military supplies -- to carry out an extermination campaign) - Must Read -- A quote...."On February 13th, Politico headlined that “US won’t punish [the jews invading Gaza] for Rafah op that doesn’t protect civilians” and said that the Biden Administration has informed the Netanyahu Administration that if it decides that it has no practicable way to expel the Gazans to foreign lands (which [the jewish regime] — assisted by America’s Government — has been trying to do ever since October 16th) then the U.S. Governemt will not punish [the jews] if [they] simply slaughter all of them. “No reprimand plans are in the works, meaning [jewish] forces could enter the city and harm [Politico’s euphemism for slaughter] civilians without facing American consequences [meaning punishment]. More than half of the enclave’s 2.3 million population has fled to Rafah.” So: that would entail slaughtering 1.15 million Gazans there. The Politico article makes no mention of what would be done with the 1.15 million survivors, the Gazans who haven’t yet gotten to Raffah, but if Netanyahu would halt the extermination program at that point, a rationale for discontinuing the operation there would be hard if not impossible to imagine — at least inasmuch as half of Gazans would then already have been slaughtered by [the jews]."

Wednesday February 14th, 2024

Biden Will Not ‘Punish [The Jews]’ For Civilian Massacre in Rafah: Report
Pre-War Crime Green-Lighting - (JewSA pre-complicity -- accesory before the fact -- and aiding and abetting) - A quote...."The White House has no “reprimand plans” in the works to punish [the jews in the judeo-occupation enclave] if its army launches a ground invasion into the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, where 1.4 million Palestinians are taking shelter after forcible displacement - “[Jewish] forces could enter the city and harm civilians without facing American consequences,” POLITICO reports, citing three US officials speaking on condition of anonymity - Measuring about 64 square kilometers in size, Rafah is severely overcrowded, with hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled there after the [jews' occupation forces]  designated the city a “safe zone” in its ongoing genocide campaign." - Source:  TheCradle

Thursday February 8th, 2024

The Dangers Of Complicity: The US Courts, Gaza And Genocide
War Crime Complicity - (JewSA's & JewK's active participation in ethnic extermination of the Palestinians living in Gaza) -- A quote...."Holding the foreign policy of a country accountable in court, notably when it comes to matters criminal, can be insuperably challenging.  Judges traditionally shun making decisions on policy, even though they unofficially do so all the time.  The Center for Constitutional Rights, a New York-based civil liberties group, was not to be discouraged, most notably regarding the Biden administration’s unflagging support for [the jews] and [their] war in Gaza - In a filing in the US District Court for the Northern District of California last November, the CCR, representing a number of Palestinian human rights organisations including Palestinians in Gaza and the United States, sought an order “requiring that the President of the United States, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense adhere to their duty to prevent, and not further, the unfolding genocide of Palestinian people in Gaza.”  Such a duty, arising in the UN Genocide Convention of 1948, “is judicially enforceable as a peremptory norm of customary international law.”"

Friday February 2nd, 2024

States Gutting UNRWA Are Complicit in Genocide
War Crime - A quote...."The US government had a prompt response on Friday to the International Court of Justice’s ruling that [the judeo-enclave] is plausibly committing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza - The response was to defy the court’s rulings - It took only a few hours for President Joe Biden’s administration to temporarily pause funding to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestine refugees - The ICJ, a body of the United Nations also known as the World Court, had ordered that[The judeo-enclave] must take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance” to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip - Apart from [the judeo-enclave's head crime boss] Benjamin Netanyahu condemning the court as “anti-[judeo-supremacist],[The judeo-enclave's] main response has been to change the subject. Based on allegations feared to be rooted in torture, [the jews] claimed that 12 UNRWA employees took part in the Palestinian military assault that began on 7 October - In contrast to the Biden administration’s months-long refusal to stop the killing of Palestinians in Gaza, the administration’s quick response to [jews'] bid to change the subject was striking"
FYI:  Jews make crap up again, for the ten thousandth time, in this case about UNRWA.  It appears from brutally torturing people to gain false confessions.  This is what the jews have done down through history.  Just look at what they did in Russia in 1917 when they took it over.
All of this was done so they could close down a major lifeline to the Palestinian people in order to make it easier to ethnically cleans them.

So the title is correct.  Countries participating in this criminal activity -- and they know the jews are peddling nothing but lies about UNRWA --  are DIRECTLY participating in Ethnic Cleansing and possible Genocide.  They are helping to starve the refugees that the jews JUST created in Gaza by their relentless bombing campaign.  With bombs supplied by these very same countries. 

It's just sick!! - mpg
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Saturday January 27th, 2024

[The Jewish Occupation] Clinches New US Arms Deal as Gaza Atrocities Mount
BREAKING:  Posted Jan 26th, 2024 | 11:55pm PST - War Crime - ("Selling" -- Let's understand this, the jews did NOT pay for these -- weapons to continue ethnic cleansing) --  A quote...."The US is finalizing three major military aircraft sales to [the judeo-enclave], as it continues to bomb Gaza, across a series of meetings led by the director general of the [Jewish Occupation] Ministry, Eyal Zamir, Haaretz reported on 25 January - Progress was made toward purchasing 25 F-35 fighter jets, 25 F-15 fighter jets, and a new squadron of Apache attack helicopters, possibly involving 12 units. These jets and helicopters will reportedly be paid for using the US aid provided to [the jews occupying Palestine] - Zamir, alongside other officials, held a series of meetings in Washington with senior Pentagon and State Department officials. The [judeo-enclave's] officials met with arms dealers, namely Lockheed Martin, manufacturer of the F-35, and Boeing, manufacturer of the F-16 and Apache." - Source:  TheCradle

Friday January 19th, 2024

Western Journalists Are Accessories to Murder
A quote...."How are Western TV news anchors able to sit at their desks, with a straight face and with no remorse, and broadcast news that enables rampant human rights violations and glorifies mass murder? - Are they evil, selfish or just plain stupid? - When they report news of a country carpet-bombing civilians, with almost half of the slaughtered being children, the next words that come out of the journalist’s mouth cannot be that the country committing genocide “has the right to defend itself” - Nobody is that stupid - Western journalists follow their bosses’ marching orders and have agreed to be wilfully blind in order to push through a biased, [ethnic cleansing]** agenda for the sake of their own careers."
FYI:  **The term replaced in the brackets by "ethnic cleansing" was.... "racist".  Such a term is hardly applicable since most of the TV anchors nowadays are POC's, the entire media spew complex is owned by jews, and these jews direct everything that is produced from these spew outlets in accordance to the collective policy of world jewry.  Which currently comprises full support for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homelands by mass slaughter.

It should also be pointed out that the term "racist" was weaponized by the jew Magnus Hirschfeld, who wrote a book in 1943, which was translated into English with the title... "Racism.".  The term is a weaponized mind and meme pathogen designed by the jews to be solely used against White Ethnic Europeans.

So again it is hardly applicable in this case. From time to time that term will be removed on selected articles.  As in the example posted above.  And an explanation will be provided, as it is here - mpg
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A Hasbara Spewing Shabbos-House-Goyum

California Senator Says Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza Is ‘Dehumanizing Language’
This Is An Example Of Hasbara Spewing - And It's Becoming Widespread, & Extremely Tiresome -- A quote...."The Senator was asked, “Why haven’t you called for a ceasefire in Gaza? Do you think it’s meaningful for a senator to call for a ceasefire or not?” “I don’t want my voice to ever be utilized in dehumanizing any Californian or American,” she responded. “We can both acknowledge that the atrocities of Oct. 7 were horrible and that [the jewish occupation] has a right to defend itself while we honor the humanity of the innocent Palestinian lives that are being used as a political pawn by a terrorist organization [Hamas].”"
Let's Say This Again....
  • There was no Ali Baba and the forty beheaded babies
  • There were no babies in ovens
  • There were no sex slaves taken by Hamas
  • There was no gassing of civilians by Hamas
  • There were no mobile crematoria vans
  • There was no use of White Phosphorous by Hamas - (Although there are documented cases of jews doing so during their attack against Gaza)
  • There were no organs taken by Hamas - (Although the jews took many)
  • There were no summary executions of civilians by Hamas
  • There was no deliberate targeting of civilians by Hamas - (The jews of course have targeted 2.2 million in a mass bombing campaign)
  • There were no 'human shields' used by Hamas - (Although there are numerous documented cases of jews doing so)
  • There was no famous 1,200 'civilians' killed that day
  • There were no rapes, mass or otherwise
  • There were no rape rooms
  • There were no tortures, sexual or otherwise
This entire affair on Oct 7th 2023 was simply a well-planned prison break.  Where the penned up, persecuted, tortured, and murdered peoples of Gaza, denied any right to self-determination,  rose up, killed some of their sadistic guards, and seized some hostages to negotiate for the release of their own held in even worse conditions elsewhere, and obtain better terms for their imprisonment.

The target was to kill jewish forces and grab as many high valued hostages as possible.  Hamas was lightly armed with RPG's and military styled rifles.  They crossed into the judeo-enclave on moter-bikes, motorized hang-gliders, and on foot.  They commandeered as many civilian vehicles as they could. It was an in-an-out operation at speed.  They had three objectives, One: get as many hostages as they could to exchange for the thousands of Palestinian hostages the jews had been kidnapping for decades, roughly 6,000 at the time of their attack (the jews call it administrative detention). Two: to deal a military blow to unprepared jewish forces, and Three: create as much publicity as they could for their cause.

It was the response of the jews that caused almost all of the jewish civilian casualties - The jewish regime used attack drones, attack helicopters, tanks, and APCs against ENTIRE jewish neighborhoods, and a caravan of cars evacuating from the "Rave" (think highway of death!  Just LOOK at the photos). Unloading large caliber weapons, tank shells and hell-fire missiles at practically everything that moved.

Also keep in mind close to HALF of the famous "1,200" killed, now appear to be combatants.  Hamas operatives, JOF forces, local jewish police, and armed illegal jewish migrants (the last were probably NOT at the Rave).

It's seriously unlikely at this point, given the amounts of ordnance unleashed by the jews against their own civilians, that Hamas is responsible for the deaths of more than a handful of civilian jews, All of whom were probably just caught in the cross-fire.

To be honest, it's simply a miracle given what the JOF did, that thousands more jews weren't killed in "friendly fire".

Or given the jews "Hannibal Directive", maybe not so friendly fire - mpg
This senator is a liar.  She knows she's a liar.  She's a propagandist who is pathetically spreading already thoroughly debunked jewish hasbara all over the place. Some of it pretty sick, degenerate, and mentally twisted. A more accurate reflection of the minds of those who spew these vile, utterly unsupported accusations, rather than those they falsely accuse. 

She's also an accessory-after-the-fact war criminal, deliberately spewing these revolting lies to justify an on-going campaign of ethnic cleansing, and attempted genocide, all in an effort to please her jewish masters. Those who so generously finance her political "career".  She should be prosecuted, like all the judeo-lickspittles in Congress who voted to fund this atrocity - mpg.
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Wednesday December 13th, 2023

The [Jewish Run] U.S. Is Complicit With [The Jews] in the Genocide in Gaza
War Crime - A quote..."A UN Security Council vote on December 8, demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in the [Judeo-Enclave]-Gaza war, failed because the U.S. used their veto power in the sole dissenting vote. The U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, did not cast the damning vote, she sent her assistant instead, shielding herself from the disgust of the international community. Thomas-Greenfield is the direct descendant of African slaves held in America without citizenship or human rights, similar to the Palestinian people today."

[The Jews] Dropped Over 22,000 US-Made Bombs on Gaza Within Six Weeks
War Crime Complicity - JewSA:  Aiding & Abetting - A quote...."[Jewish forces] dropped more than 22,000 guided and unguided bombs supplied by the US on the besieged Gaza Strip within the first six weeks of the war, according to previously undisclosed intelligence figures provided to Congress and reviewed by the Washington Post - During the same period, the Pentagon transferred at least 15,000 bombs, including 2,000-pound bunker busters, and more than 50,000 155mm artillery shells used to kill about 20,000 Palestinians – over half of whom are women and children - The weapons transfers have gone on unimpeded despite Washington's claims of asking the [jewish regime] to comply with international humanitarian law and take every feasible step to avoid harm to civilians." - bold by website editor

Biden Regime Has No Plans To Restrict Military Aid To [Jewish Regime] , officials say
War Crime Complicity - JewSA:  Aiding & Abetting - A quote...."US officials have revealed that the administration of President Joe Biden has no plans to withhold military aid from [the jewish occupation regime] despite the aggravating humanitarian situation caused by the regime’s relentless military campaign in Palestine’s Gaza - The CNN quoted officials as saying on Wednesday that there will be no changes to US positions on the transfer of weapons and munitions to [the jewish regime] despite growing calls by Democratic lawmakers and human rights organizations for Washington to stop its open support for [the jewish regime] until the regime commits to a ceasefire or at least to measures that can protect civilians amid the Gaza war." - Source:  PressTV

Report: UK Secretly Sent 500 Troops to Cyprus Base Supplying Weapons to [the Jewish Genocidal Regime]
War Crime Complicity - JewK:  Aiding & Abetting - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- The UK has sent at least 500 additional troops to a base in Cyprus, about 200 miles from Tel Aviv, after [the jews] began [their]  bombing campaign of Gaza, according to UK media - Previously, the UK admitted to sending 1,000 troops to the East Mediterranean to support [the jewish occupation and ethnic cleansing regime] but did not provide details on where the troops were deployed. But James Heappey, who serves as the minister for the UK's armed forces, confirmed in a letter to a British MP that some 500 troops had been dispatched to Cyprus, Sputnik reported."

Pentagon Says Not Conducting Formal Review of [the Jewish Regime's] Use of White Phosphorous Shells
War Crime Complicity - See No Evil - A quote...."WASHINGTON – The US Department of Defense (DoD) is not conducting a formal review of the Amnesty International report about [the jews] use of white phosphorous munitions in the conflict in Gaza, Pentagon spokesperson Pat Ryder said on Wednesday - “While DoD is not conducting a formal review, the Civilian Harm Mitigation Response team will consider the report along with other publicly available information related to civilian harm as they carry out their responsibility to advise senior DoD leaders. We have no further specifics to offer about the report at this time,” Ryder said in a statement."

Monday December 11th, 2023

US Imposes Media Restrictions on Palestine FM as Visa Condition, Saudi FM Confirms
The JewSA:  Fearful of Being Accused - A quote...."The United States imposed restrictions on Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Maliki’s communication with the media as a precondition for his visa to the country, according to reports seemingly confirmed by his Saudi counterpart - In a press conference in the American capital Washington yesterday, in which the foreign ministers from a number of Middle Eastern nations addressed reporters, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan revealed that US authorities restricted his Palestinian counterpart al-Maliki from speaking to reporters and media representatives." - bold by website editor - Source:  MEMO

Saturday December 9th, 2023

Why Is the Liberal Media Inciting Genocide?
Article & KevBarVideo - Outstanding, Wonderful, Spot-On, & Horrific Analysis!! - Alt/KevBar-Rumble - Alt/KevBar-Bitchute - (KevBarVar - 1hr26min33sec - Dec 9th, 2023) - Source Article - FFWN-VTFP:  FFWN: [Judeo-Enclave] Doomed, So What’s Next? (with Cat McGuire) - Source Websites - Kevin Barrett:  KevBar / FFWN-VTFP @ Rumble - KevBar @ BitChute - KevBar @ Substack - KevBar @ HereseyCentral -  KevBar @ VTForeignPolicy -- Special Guest's Websites - Cat McGuire:  UppityUpstart @ SubStack - CatMac @ MuckRack -- See Referenced Subject - Reficultnias:  Jewish Organ Thefts -- A quote...."In case you hadn’t noticed, the liberal media, and the liberal Establishment behind it, hates “right-wing extremists.” Since 2016, when Trump was elected on a control-the-borders platform, “right-wing extremism” has replaced “Islamic terrorism” as the new bogeyman. Don’t like mandatory vaccines and COVID lockdowns? You’re a “right-wing extremist” and deserve to be censored. Don’t like censorship? You’re defending “right-wing extremists” so you must be one yourself. Don’t like the war on Russia? You must be a “right-wing extremist” like Putin, who is the new Hitler because he doesn’t like LGBTQ indoctrination and mandatory sex change surgery for toddlers - In the past, being antiwar, pro-free-speech, pro-civil-liberties, and pro-alternative-medicine put you on the left side of the spectrum. Now those are all signs of “right-wing extremism.” - What’s so terrible about all this “right-wing extremism”? Ultimately, it’s all about the Nazis. If you are pro-free-speech, you’re giving a platform to Nazis. If you support the COVID dissidents, you must like that one guy with the swastika tattoo at the rally where RFK Jr. spoke. And if you don’t support the war on Russia, and refuse to click your heels and sig heil for Zelensky, it must be because you are a follower of the new Hitler, Vladimir Putin." - Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||
FYI:  This is pretty good as far as it goes.  Kevin Berrett forgets to mention, probably because it would have made it a ten hour video/audio podcast, the jews' murderous takeover of Russia in 1917, their Holodomor starvation campaign in Ukraine in the 1930's, their machinations of both WWI & WWII, and subsequent murder of millions of Germans AFTER WWII through their Golem-Proxy the JewSA, their support for mass immigration ONLY to "Western" nations, to destroy their ethnic cohesiveness, which they have PUBLICLY stated numerous times was their exact objective, and their PNAC Protocols and subsequent destruction of over a dozen Middle Eastern nation states.

This website editor vehemently disagrees with his description of the so-called "Nazis" in the Ukraine and the "Nazis" in the Judeo-Enclave which, as he himself points out, are both jewish projects where the jews are attempting to exterminate the indigenous inhabitants.  The Russians in the Ukraine/Russian territories, and the Palestinians in Palestine. 

Regarding the Greater Judeo-Enclave and the jews' ongoing Second Nakba.... has everybody forgotten that the FIRST Nakba was carried out by jews who shared the same identical ideological pedigree of their communist, judeo-bolshevik mass murdering brethren from Russia and Eastern Europe??

Two supposedly opposite ideologies resulting in the exact same outcomes!?!

It's NOT the jews' faux- ideologies.  It's that they're jews!!  And NO, not every jew has to be "involved" for this analysis to be correct!! 

The question that one must ALWAYS ask in this sort of analysis, is.... "Would what happened, have happened WITHOUT jewish power, money, planning, and influence??"

If the answer is "no", then it was the jews that caused it.  It's THAT simple -- mpg

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Thursday October 17th, 2024

[The Jews Nord-Am Colony] ‘Would Not Consider’ [Jewish] Arms Embargo Over Forced Starvation of Gaza: Official -- War Crime Complicity - "It Was Worth It" Deux - (One can only MARVEL at the repugnant, repulsive, revolting, retched, EVIL of the JewSA!! - mpg) - A quote...."The US government’s special envoy for West Asian humanitarian issues, Lise Grande, told the heads of over a dozen aid organizations that Washington “would not consider withholding weapons from [the jews] for blocking food and medicine from entering [Gaza],” according to informed sources who spoke with POLITICO -- “She was sort of saying, with certain allies, we can’t play bad cop,” an aid official who attended the 29 August meeting said, adding that Grande made it clear [the jews are] part of a “tight circle of very few allies” that Washington “will not oppose, nor will it hold anything back that they want.” -- POLITICO notes that the sources spoke on condition of anonymity in part “because they feared their organizations’ work might be further interrupted in Gaza.” -- “She was saying that the rules don’t apply to [the jews and their occupation],” one person who attended the meeting said."

Tuesday October 15th, 2024

[The Jews'] Own Footage Shows “Devastating” Civilian Harm Caused by Gaza Air Strikes
War Crime Air Strikes - By The Numbers & Being Tracked - A quote...."An investigation by Airwars has revealed that [the jews'] own aerial footage proves a "devastating" number of civilian injuries and deaths caused by the Jewish [enclave's] air strikes in Gaza - Contrary to the claims of the Netanyahu regime, [Jewish Extermination Occupation] Forces (JEOF) are killing an exceptional amount of innocent people in the Gaza Strip with its "precision" attacks, validating concerns that [the jews are] committing genocide against the Palestinian people." - bold by website editor
FYI:  It's good to have dedicated people out their tracking, geolocating, and identifying the carnage of each of the jews' strikes in Palestine.  Didn't know people were that single-minded.  To tirelessly detail every aspect of these strikes.

Bravo, and a sincere Thank You to the people of Airwars! 

This work will be invaluable in disproving all of the jews' thousands of lies.  It will also be useful for future war crimes prosecutions.  Not only against those jews happily murdering Palestinians during their ethnic-cleansing extermination campaign, but also their JewSA and JewK shabbos-goy accomplices.  May they all, once tried and convicted, be hung by their necks till they're dead.  Again a grateful Thank You! - mpg

Sunday October 13th, 2024

River Island, The Billionaire Lewis Family and the [Ethnic Cleansing] in Gaza: How They Are Related
War Criminals Exposed - One of Tens of Thousands Wealthy of Jewish Families -- A quote...."… Firstly, they are engaged in directly funding ethnic cleansing in illegal settlements. They fund the Jewish National Fund (£135,000) the pre-eminent land theft agency of ethnic cleansing in Palestine, and theJerusalem Foundation (£632,131) engaged directly in ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem. They also funded Friends of Yad Sarah UK (£13,911), a UK based charity raising funds forYad Sarah based in occupied Palestine, but also operatingin almost twenty separate illegal settlements, including ArielBetar Illit, Efrat, Givat Ze’ev, Har Homa, Kiryat Arba, Kiryat Sefer, Ma’ale Adumim, Ma’ale Ephraim, Mevo Horon, Modi’in, Neve Yaakov, Pisgat Ze’ev, Psagot, Halamish, Ramot and Ramat Shlomo."
FYI:  A note to everyone - When analyzing any event or writing any article regarding the jewish crime syndicate, please name the Jews involved. Please identify their affiliations, prior associations, and relevant past and current connections. Place the Jews involved, and all their machinations into CONTEXT

As the article posted above tries to do.

"YOU must always identify the Jew, YOU must always name the Jew.  In all their quantifiable, contextual aspects.  Their goals, methods, policies, ideologies, ownership structures, institutions, connections, advocacy groups, non-government organizations, trans-national networks, and their sources of power - Such as the Central Banks, and their ownership of their Mass-Media Spew Outlets." -- *Identitarian, Transnational, Bolshevik, Politiks - A Practical Guide - (What YOU Must Do - It's The Only Way) - 09-26-20 - mpg*
It should be noted jews have a massive trans-national network that supports this ethnic cleansing campaign in Palestine.  If they voluntarily choose to relinquish it, and disband it, they will not be held generally liable for their abhorrent collective actions, but only specifically liable for those specific individuals who continue to support the jewish regime occupying Palestine

Their liability extends only as far as it would for any other ethnic group with a similar trans-national network, (None so far in the entire world, but this website editor has proposed one for White Ethnic Europeans) and they'll be judged according to the same standards
for any other ethnic group using formulations that are the equivalent of the RICO statutes..... whatever that would be - mpg

Friday October 11th, 2024

[Jewish] Snipers Routinely, Deliberately Shoot Palestinian Kids in the Head
War Crime - Must Read - A quote...."“I worked as a trauma surgeon in Gaza from March 25 to April 8. I’ve volunteered in [the] Ukraine [territories] and Haiti, and I grew up in Flint, Mich. I’ve seen violence and worked in conflict zones. But of the many things that stood out about working in a hospital in Gaza, one got to me: Nearly every day I was there, I saw a new young child who had been shot in the head or the chest, virtually all of whom went on to die. Thirteen in total - “At the time, I assumed this had to be the work of a particularly sadistic soldier located nearby. But after returning home, I met an emergency medicine physician who had worked in a different hospital in Gaza two months before me. ‘I couldn’t believe the number of kids I saw shot in the head,’ I told him. To my surprise, he responded: ‘Yeah, me, too. Every single day.’” - Source:  Caitlin’s Newsletter
FYI:  Jews have been deliberately shooting kids in the head, or blowing off their legs and arms, while gleefully high-fiving each other as they do so, for years - See:  "The Great March of Return" -- There's lots of videos on the subject - mpg
Wednesday October 9th, 2024

The General's Plan: Ethnically Cleanse the Northern Gaza Strip
War Crime - Openly Stated, Publicly Acknowledged, By Numerous Jewish Apparatchiks -- Their Plans For Ethnic Cleansing Extermination - A quote...."[The jewish extermination occupation enclave's head crime boss] Benjamin Netanyahu, his cabinet, and generals are seriously considering a plan to completely de-Palestinize the northern Gaza Strip, which includes ethnic cleansing and deprivation of the right of return, thereby opening the door to the creation of [illegal jewish migrant squatter camps] in the area"

Monday, October 7th, 2024

What Has Covering This [Jewish Extermination Campaign] Been Like, as a [JewSA] Journalist?
War Crimes - "Seared Into My Memory" -- A quote...."The images of the past year are seared into my memory. The worst one I remember was the image of what was left of a body that got completely smashed between two cement pieces as the building had fallen around him, in one of the many many many many thousands of bombs that were dropped on Gaza this year. The body was so mangled and smashed it looked like minced meat. And I will never get that image out of my head - But there are so many others. So many, many videos of children screaming in pain, blood streaming down their faces, burned from head to toe, looking out from a sea of bandages and ointment, or children with no bandages, covered in cement dust and blood, carried into chaotic, undersupplied hospitals, frantic scenes – so many of these scenes, night after night, over and over again."

Monday, September 9th, 2024

“Two Nice Jewish Boys” Podcast Hosts Caught FANTASIZING About Killing Every Person in Gaza
War Crime - Extermination Celebrated - It's What Jews Do - A quote....""If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow – I would press it in a second," the one says to the other before continuing, "I think most [jews] ..." -- "If that's the choice, yeah," the other interjected before the first could finish speaking his thought -- "Yeah. No, even if it's not, like, right now, I would press it right now," the first continued -- "Yeah, same with the territories [West Bank]," the second then responded -- The conversation then continued as follows -- "Give me that button. I'd press it right now." -- "There you go." -- "And I think most [jews] would." -- "Yeah, most Jewish [people]." -- "They wouldn't post ... they wouldn't talk about it like I am. They wouldn't post ... they wouldn't say, 'I pressed it,' but they would press it, right? Like, if they were in a closet alone, they wouldn't even hesitate. If someone came to them and said, 'no one will know. You press this, all the Palestinians are gone,' you'd be, like, '******* a, is there another one?'"

Saturday, September 7th, 2024

[Jewish Forces] Kill American Peace Activist 'With a Bullet to the Head' in Occupied West Bank [UPDATE]
War Crime - Shooting Protestors in the Head - A quote...."[Jewish forces] killed American citizen Aysenur Eygi, 26, on Friday while she was protesting against Jewish settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank - Warning: Graphic:   The [JEOF] just shot dead an American activist in the head in the West Bank. pic.twitter.com/WlCipgoEQd — Censored Men (@CensoredMen) September 6, 2024" - See related article....."Family of US woman killed by [jewish forces] in West Bank demands independent probe"

Witness: [Jewish Forces] in West Bank Intentionally Killed US Activist
War Crime - They Deliberately Shot Her - A quote...."Ayşenur Eygi, the American activist killed by a [jewish] sniper in the West Bank village of Beita, during graduation from the University of Washington in spring 2024. (Image courtesty of the family, via ISM) - [Jewish] occupation forces killed both an American woman during a protest in Beita, a village near Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank, and a 13-year-old Palestinian girl in a separate but nearby incident on Friday - In the latter incident, Bana Amjad Baker (some outlets gave her family name as Laboom) was struck by a bullet in her chest while in her home during confrontations that erupted in Qaryut village, also near Nablus, after settlers raided and attacked the community."

UN report: Hunger Crisis in Gaza is Most Severe in History
War Crime - Holodomor Deux & Nakba Deux - (So nice, the jews did BOTH twice! - mpg) - A quote...."GAZA, Sept. 07 (YPA) – A United Nations report has warned of the worsening global hunger crisis as millions of people around the world suffer from acute food insecurity, stressing that the food crisis in Gaza is the most severe in history - The semi-annual report on food crises for the year 2024, which covers the period until the end of August 2024, stated that conflicts and climate changes have led to a sharp increase in the number of hungry people, especially in areas such as Sudan and the Gaza Strip."

UN Warns of Catastrophic Situation: 50,000 Children in Gaza Suffer From Acute Malnutrition
War Crime - Deliberate Starvation.... Of Children - A quote...."The UN children’s organization, UNICEF, reported that more than 50,000 children in Gaza are suffering from acute malnutrition, warning that the humanitarian situation in the region has become “beyond catastrophic.” - Victor Aguayo, UNICEF’s nutrition director, said that this number of children in Gaza is enduring acute malnutrition and requires immediate treatment. This follows earlier warnings from the organization about an imminent explosion in the humanitarian crisis and an increase in child mortality related to malnutrition." - bold by website editor

Friday, September 27th, 2024

You Can’t Arm A Genocidal State Into Moderation. So Why Does the West Keep Trying?
Great Graphic - (click to view) - A quote...."There are many reasons Gaza has been mostly off the radar of the Western establishment media for months now, even as the enclave turns into an ever-bigger killing zone - One is that, nearly a year into what the World Court has termed a “plausible genocide,” where [the jewish occupation] has kept out Western journalists and killed off most Palestinian journalists, as well as driving out international aid organizations and the United Nations, there is almost no one left to tell us what is happening." - Source:  MidEastEye

Netanyahu at the UN Spells Further Disaster for the International Order
A Mass-Murdering War Criminal, Gleefully Prances & Preens in Front of the World Community - A quote...."The mooted appearance by Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the 79th annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly is a serious test of the world body’s fidelity to its original mission of pursuing global security and peace - How can the UN convince the world and its peoples of its sincerity when it receives a war criminal who has enacted a genocide against unarmed civilians, women and children for nearly a year?"

The UN Won’t Protect Gaza, But Can Adopt a ‘Pact for the Future?’
A quote...."The United Nations and its Security Council’s inability – and unwillingness – to stop a live-streamed genocide has discredited it beyond any possible redemption. Any serious resolution inflicting serious consequences to [the jews'] deadly psychopathology was, is, and will be blocked at the UN Security Council - Cue to a surrealist spectacle this past Sunday and Monday in New York right before the 79th annual General Assembly, where heads of state convened to deliver their lofty speeches at the GA podium." - bold by website editor
FYIJust keep in mind, three entities destroyed the unifying concept, and soon the actual institution called the United Nations.  The jews' trans-national crime syndicate's Nord-Am Colony, the jews' Nord-Atlantic Colony, and finally, the jews' geopolitical extermination-occupation pustule squatting in Palestine.  When the debris and dust have settled from the jews' destruction of the U.N., just like their destruction of the World Trade Center, and when a new, much more functional world organization is built, these three horrific, destructive, judeo-infected entities should be excluded - mpg
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

‘Want a Beeper?’ [The Judeo-Nord-Am's Anti-Judeo-Supremacism] Czar Deborah Lipstadt ‘Jokes About [Jewish] Terror Attacks on Lebanon’ -- War Crime Jewish "Humor" - (Deborah Lipstadt) - "Want A Beeper"?? -- A quote...."[The Judeo-Nord-Am's Anti-Judeo-Supremacism] Czar Deborah Lipstadt “praised [the jews'] terrorist attacks on Lebanese civilians” as a show of strength during an event at the [Judeo-Enclave]-American Council - Lipstadt made the vile comment on Thursday while speaking at the [Judeo-Enclave]-American Council, which Max Blumenthal noted is “a pro-Netanyahu lobbying front funded by Trump mega-donor Miriam Adelson.” - bold by website editor - Are We Learning Yet??  
Saturday, September 21st, 2024

[The Jews Occupying Palestine] Booby-Trapped Children's Toys With Explosives to Kill Lebanese Children
A quote...."Just because we are suddenly now hearing about exploding pagers does not mean that this is the first time [the jews have] done [this] kind of thing in Lebanon. It turns out that since the start of the most recent conflict between [Judeo-Enclave] and Hezbollah back in 2006, [the jews occupying Palestine have] laced all kinds of consumer products with explosives, including children's toys - [The jews in their judeo-enclave have] deployed all sorts of internationally banned weaponry against its neighbor to the north, so much so that the Lebanese people and their children are threatened by actual landmines as they go about their daily business - "They seem innocuous, especially to the curious mind of a child," said Chris Clark of the United Nations Mine Action Coordination Centre (UNMACC) in Lebanon back in 2006 when the current [Judeo-Enclave]-Lebanon conflict began."

Friday, September 13th, 2024

The Depravity of the [Judeo-Supremacist] Mind
War Crime - It's From Their Mind - A quote...."The United States government, in its dozens of unjust wars on almost every continent, has probably committed even more war crimes than [the occupation jews have]. But Americans, for the most part, don’t vaunt their worst crimes. US officials were embarrassed by incidents like the My Lai massacre and the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, and some have worked hard to make such horrors the exception rather than the rule -- But in [the jews' occupation enclave in Palestine], the worst forms of abuse are the rule, not the exception, and much if not most of the population, as well as its leaders, enthusiastically embrace systematic rape, torture, and the murder of defenseless women and children. As Robert Inkalesh writes: “The mere fact that [jewish] elected [apparatchiks] supported the gang-rapists, who so badly sodomised their victim that he died of his wounds, tells you everything you need to know about [the jewish occupation regime in Palestine].” -- Is [the regime's] right-to-rape frenzy an aberration? Unfortunately it is not. The [jewish] occupation has spent 76 years systematically committing a long-term slow-motion [ethnic-cleansing extermination] against the people of Palestine, and its morals have degraded to the point that comparing [the jews occupying Palestine] to the people of Sodom (ahl lut) might be an insult to Sodom." - bold by website editor

Where Was Amnesty International During the [the Ethnic Cleansing Extermination] in Gaza?
Great Question - A quote...."First things first. To assess the credibility of any organisation, one should know their relationship with [the judeo-occupation enclave] and the United States — both participants in the unfolding [ethnic cleansing extermination]. On this account, Amnesty International has never come clean about its relationship with the [judeo-occupation enclave]. Uri Blau, a Haaretz investigative journalist, recently revealed that Amnesty_Intl.-[judeo-enclave] was taken over and run by [judeo-occupation enclave] operatives paid for by the Foreign Ministry.[2] --  They ran interference in reporting on the situation in the occupied territories, participated in conferences, and even set up a “human rights” institute at Tel Aviv university. This was a nice way to co-opt the human rights industry. The principal who ran AI-[Judeo-Enclave] even gave an interview boasting of his exploits." - Source:  UNZReview

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

Long Read: 333 Days of Gaza Genocide and 333 Reasons Why Mastermind is [the JewSA]
War Crime - 333 Days of Jewish Ritual Mass-Murder - For The Historical Record - Web Resource - A quote...."The [jews' ethnic cleansing extermination] war, which has so far killed more than 40,700 Palestinians in Gaza, including a significant number of children and women, reached its 333rd day on Tuesday - The brutal war was launched by the Tel Aviv regime on October 7 of last year, with substantial military and diplomatic support from the [JewSA] and other Western allies [especially the JewK]"

Thursday, August 22nd, 2024

Inside [The Jews'] Torture, Rape, and Dehumanization Centers
Jews:  What They Did In Russia in 1917, During The Holdomor in the 1930's, by Proxy Forces to the Germans after WWII, and The First Nakba in 1948.... They're Now Doing Again (Nakba II) in Palestine - Must Read -- A quote...."Shocking even by [jewish occupation] standards, the horrifying truth of the occupation's systematic torture, rape, and degradation of Palestinian detainees reveals a brutality buried - While the world witnesses the atrocities and massacres committed by [the jewish occupation forces'] assault on Gaza every day, the thousands of Palestinians detained by occupation forces - before and after the events of 7 October 2023 - face torture and death behind closed doors, alone - Worse yet, these detention horrors have been brazenly publicized and even bragged about by occupation [members], with violent, vocalized support from wide swathes of [jewish] society - In the shadows of [jews'] prisons, tens of thousands of Palestinian detainees are enduring a relentless campaign of cruelty. Reports detail harrowing accounts of beatings, gang rape, and psychological torture, compounded by the denial of essential needs such as food, water, and medical care."

“Piles of Flesh Were Everywhere”
War Crime - Turning People Into Meat - (A very jewish specialty) -A quote..."During this war, I’ve witnessed horrific massacres, especially in the Shujaiya neighborhood in Gaza City, where I lived before being forcibly displaced. In July, I saw what we in Gaza call a firebelt, a barrage of consecutive missiles targeting one area - That was one of the most difficult moments I’ve lived through - But this past Saturday, 10 August, was equally horrendous. I was yet again a witness to another massacre perpetrated by [the jews]."

Sunday, August 18th, 2024

Daniel Kovalik:  [The Jews Are] WIPING OUT The Memory of Palestine’s Existence
War Crime - Destroying A Peoples' Culture & History - Must Read - A quote...."[The jews are] wiping out the memory of the Palestinian existence in its ongoing war, according to author Daniel Kovalik - "The idea is not only to destroy the Palestinians as a people. It's to destroy the memory that they ever existed," Kovalik said during a recent appearance on the "Health Ranger Report." He told the Health Ranger Mike Adams that to achieve this goal, the [the jews] have purposely destroyed every university, mosque, church and the hall of records in Gaza - "They looted and destroyed all legal documents. So imagine that the people who survived – they won't be able to prove ownership of their homes [and] their land. They won't have birth certificates, death certificates or marriage certificates. And again, all of this is intentional so that these folks literally will have no documented record that they ever were – that is absolutely the game plan." - bold by website editor
FYI:  Again, another example of jewish projection.  What the jews falsely accused others of, (for instance the Germans) is what they actually do wherever they go -- What they're doing to the Palestinians rapidly, they've already done slowly in the Anglo countries during the last hundred years.  It's their way.  It always has been.  It always will be - mpg
Democrats Are Pigs
War Crime - Making Fun Of 40,000 Murdered Palestinians -- A quote...."Author Stephen King has a new viral tweet featuring a picture of himself wearing a Kamala Harris t-shirt modeled after an Obama campaign sticker captioned with the words “I’M SPEAKING” — a phrase with which she drew headlines and severe public outcry last week by using it to shut down anti-genocide protesters at a campaign rally in Detroit - That’s right: they’re using her condescending shutdown of pro-Palestine demonstrators as a fun girlboss campaign slogan now - God damn it I hate Democrats so f*cking much...."
FYI:  Just keep in mind, Republicans would be immensely worse in their craven, hypocritical, war-criminal, obeisance to the jews' extermination project in Palestine.  Considering what's already happened under the "Democrats" you'd think that would be hard to do.  But they'll find a way - mpg

Monday, July 1st, 2024

Save the Children Says 21,000 Children Missing in Gaza (These are Separate from the 20,000 Dead Kids)
A quote...."So, the Jews are doing a war, and children are disappearing - Some of them are under the rubble, dead - What did the Jews do with the rest of them, I wonder? - Irish Times...."
"An estimated 21,000 children are missing in the Gaza war, many torn from their families, crushed by collapsed buildings, detained, disappeared or buried in unmarked graves, according to a report by the UK-based charity Save the Children - In the report published on Monday, the charity said “at least 17,000 children are believed to be unaccompanied and separated and approximately 4,000 are under the rubble, with an unknown number also in mass graves”. Some had been “forcibly disappeared”, including children detained and taken to unknown locations in [the judeo-enclave] where there had been “reports of ill-treatment and torture”, it said....."
"Kidnapping and torturing children -- Jews -- This sounds familiar...."
FYI:  This is intolerable....  Something must be done..... For more on this type of issue, see.....  Judeo-Enclave / Jewish - Organ Thefts
Ben Gvir Calls For Execution of Palestinian Prisoners With ‘Shot in the Head’
Exactly What The "Leftist" Bolshevik Communist Jews Did When They Took Over Russia In 1917 - (Eventually 30 million Russians were murdered.  That's the median estimate - mpg) - A quote...."[The jewish apparatchik in charge of the judeo-enclave's securitate, crime member], Itamar Ben-Gvir, has called for the execution of Palestinian prisoners in [jewish] jails, WAFA reported on 30 June - In a video statement, Ben-Gvir said that [the jews] should kill Palestinian prisoners with a “shot to the head.” - He urged the passing of the bill in the [jewish occupation's] Knesset for executing prisoners, saying they should be given just enough food to keep them alive until the law is enacted - The [Jewish Occupation's] Knesset’s General Assembly approved the preliminary reading of the bill in early March 2023 - The proposed law, which requires two more readings in the Knesset to go into effect, mandates courts to impose the death penalty on Palestinians who have carried out resistance operations against [jewish] occupiers. The law describes these Palestinians as those “committing a murder offense motivated by racism and intending to harm the [the jewish occupation enclave in Palestine].”
FYI:  Just to let you know.  It is the legal, lawful, imperative RIGHT of an occupied people to resist a long-term occupation -- That right times ten if the occupiers are totally dissimilar, and regard those they occupy as vermin -- That right goes to infinity for an occupation intending to ethnically-cleanse, steal the land of, and exterminate those they occupy." - mpg
[The Jews' Relentless] Attacks Leave 10,000 Disabled in Gaza, NGO Reports:
Wherever & Whenever They Gain Control -- They Destroy.... Always -- (If they gain physical control over their goyum-shabbos sheeple, they slaughter them..... always.  Eventually people will learn - mpg -- A quote...."WAFA reports: The Palestinian NGO’s Network Rehabilitation Sector has said an estimated 10,000 individuals have acquired various disabilities due to [jews'] attacks since October 7th - In addition, hundreds of persons with disabilities have been killed, and thousands more injured as a result of the [jewish] onslaught. The crisis has forced tens of thousands of disabled individuals to flee, exposing them to harsh displacement conditions and severe psychological trauma, the group revealed - [The jews'] destruction of infrastructure, roads, and rehabilitation centers, have severely restricted the movement and access to services for persons with disabilities."

ICC Backtracks On [Judeo-Enclave] Arrest Warrants
And There They Go!  It Was ALL A Scam! - (As MANY people warned, and as this website editor predicted) - Must Read - A quote...."Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) have postponed a decision on whether arrest warrants should be issued against [the judeo-enclave's head crime boss] Benjamin Netanyahu and [the jews occupation forces' boss] Yoav Gallant over alleged war crimes in Gaza - The delay came after the ICC allowed the UK to submit legal arguments against the jurisdiction over the issue."
FYI:.  The ICC is a joke!!  A deadly, delaying, contemptuous, conniving, complicit joke on all humanity.   It is a shill for the Judeo-Anglo Sphere.  Any polity that has agreed to abide by the ICC's rulings, if they have ANY self-respect for their own nation, their peoples, the inter-national community as a whole, and the rule of REAL inter-national law, should withdraw themselves immediately from the ICC's jurisdiction - mpg
Defending Gaza (II): [The Jewish Occupation] Indicted, Palestinians Validated In Fact, Law & Hoppean Argumentation -- A quote...."Shortly after October 7, 2023, conceptions of vice and virtue were crystalized like never before. It was then that certain self-evident truths became crystal clear. For you are what you do. [The jews] actions within Gaza and without it have shown the world—myself, a former supporter of [the judeo-enclave in Palestine] included—in cruel relief the barbarity of [jewish enclave] and civil society -- By closely observing [the jews] in action over nine months, in Gaza and beyond, and then, as closely, listening to and chronicling [jews occupying Palestine] and [their] jewish leaders, stateside and in [the judeo-enclave], as they walked the walk—immutable truths about the Jewish State were easily deduced commensurate with [the jews] invasion of Gaza -- Thumping majorities across [the judeo-enclave's] public sector, private sector and “third sector,” you name them—have been justifying, finessing and fibbing about their army’s “high-tech murder spree” in Gaza, a campaign that [jews] and [their]  American underwriters have taken to the West Bank, and are poised to continue in Lebanon, if allowed - Thus, the labels “antisemite” and “terrorist sympathizer” amount to a blood libel leveled at millions, perhaps billions, in the Global South, in particular—although the wholesale slaughter carried out by [the jews] in Gaza has stirred hearts across the world."

How Many Dead Kids Before Breakfast
A quote...."I'm watching my son drink water nervously. It's my water and there seems to be more backwashing than forward drinking. Then I feel nauseous, not because of that, because of all the children that aren't drinking clean water at all. Gaza is the epicenter of a global epic. The rise and fall of White Empire. It was genocide all the way up, and all the way down. Genocide is the worst because it's the killing of everything, so everything human empathetic feeling is poisoned. We also have families and homes and don't like seeing our children's heads blown off. These are not hard feelings to have. But, by Allah, these feelings are hard - I was watching a baby girl running across the play area, crying about something. The boy next to me said he was going to hit whoever made her cry, which roused his father from his phone call. “No hitting! No hitting!” “Good fellow,” I thought to myself. Then I thought about the children that have something to really cry about. The kids whose mothers won't sweep them up and make it all right. The mothers who can't do that for their children. That's the thing about a genocide. If you have a heart, it gets you right in the heart."

Essential Facts And Stats About the Hamas-Gaza-[Judeo-Enclave] War
Chart - (click to enlarge) - A quote...."Judeo-Start-O-History - (October 7, 2023) -- did not begin on October 7, 2023. If it had, Hamas militants would have no pertinent reason for the rage they displayed. Their only excuse would be hatred for Jews - We must acknowledge that each of the young Gazan fighters has experienced a lifetime under a brutal [jewish] blockade and multiple major [jewish] operations – it’s a stretch to call them “wars,” as the weaponry and the casualty figures were so lopsided - In the 2008-2009 hostilities, 9 [jews] were killed, vs 1,400 Gazans; in 2012, 6 [jews] vs 174 Gazans; in 2014, 72 [jews] vs 2,200 Gazans). These experiences shaped every Gazan ([judeo-enclave based] journalists Amira Hass and Gideon Levy recognize the significance of this fact)."
FYI:  Isn't it absolutely incredible to see these FACT thingy-dingys?  Instead of the usual fact-less, fabricated, judeo-emotional, mind-meme-pathogens that have nothing to do with reality??  What the plebeian shabbos-goyum sheeple commonly used to call LIES? A very long time ago when they actually possessed some honor amongst themselves. What the jews ALWAYS call their "narratives" - mpg
Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

[Jews Are] Escalating Abduction of Palestinian Children: Rights group
War Crime - This Is Not Tolerable - A quote...."The Palestinian Prisoners Society says [jewish] forces have been expanding the abduction of Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank - In a statement released on Monday, the Society said at least seven children, including two brothers, had been kidnapped in the previous 24 hours - It also noted that [a jewish occupation forces tribunal] extended the detention of three children from the town of Beit Ummar near the city of al-Khalil - Reports of missing children are coming from the occupied West Bank, where 250 children have gone missing since early June - Also on Monday, Save the Children said, overall, virtually 21,000 Palestinian children have been either missing, kidnapped, or buried under the rubble or in mass graves as a result of [the jews'] campaign. Families of these children say they are unable to confirm their whereabouts and well-being due to intensified restrictions imposed by [the jews occupying Palestine]."
FYI:  Collectively every jew is responsible for this if they don't acknowledge it. Along with all their shabbos goy lickspittle minions, including Donald Trump, John F Kennedy Jr.,  and Joseph Biden. Along with the peoples of the JewSA and JewK who support these atrocities.  This must be acknowledged.  Something must be done - mpg
Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

[Jewish] Actions in Gaza ‘Intentional Attack On Civilians’: UN inquiry
War Crime - Deliberate Use of Heavy Weapons on Civilians -- A quote...."A new report by a United Nations-backed independent commission has discovered that the [jews'] deliberate use of heavy weapons during its relentless offensives in the Gaza Strip has been an “intentional and direct attack on the civilian population.” - Navi Pillay, chairperson of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, said on Wednesday that “[jewish occupation regime apparatchiks] are responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.” - Source:  PressTV

Saturday, June 15th, 2024

Intense Jewish Raids Destroy Homes, Bury Civilians Alive Across Gaza
War Crime - Mass Punitive Bombing Across Gaza.... Again - A quote...."[Jewish] forces killed and injured scores of Palestinians in air strikes in central Gaza on 14 June while continuing their assault on the southern border city of Rafah - WAFA news agency reported that [jewish] warplanes bombed two residential homes housing displaced people in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, killing five people and injuring others who were pulled from the rubble by ambulance teams - Civil defense and ambulance crews also recovered the bodies of five others following an [jewish] airstrike targeting a house in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood east of Gaza City - At the same time, [jewish] tanks and military vehicles bombed areas east of the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, and the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City. [Jewish] forces also blew up residential buildings in the Al-Mughraqa area, north of the Nuseirat camp."

A Nightmare in Nuseirat
War Crime of Nuseirat - A quote...."Looking out my window, I saw vast numbers of people fleeing. [Jewish forces'] tanks were approaching Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza - The scene felt wearily familiar. I have witnessed previous horrors - [The jews'] extreme violence had caused me to leave Gaza City for Nuseirat during the early stages of the current genocide - I was desperate to make contact with my husband when the 8 June invasion began - He was working in a clinic run by the UN agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA). The clinic is located in the heart of Nuseirat camp - Frantically, I dialed his number. No reply."

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Capt.  Matt Hoh:  [The Jews] and War Crimes - [Mp3 File]
JdgNAPVideo - Rumble Not Available - (JdgNAPYuTb - 28min47sec - Jun 12th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X)- Guest's Websites - Matt Hoh:  MattHoh @ Substack

Max Blumenthal : US Celebrates Jewish Occupation's] Bloodbath [Mp3 Link]
War Crime Exposed - The False Rape Stories - JdgNAPVideo - Rumble Not Available - (JdgNAPYuTb - 28min02sec - Jun 13th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X) - Special Guest's Websites - Max Blumenthal:   The Gray Zone - TGZ @ Odysee - TGZ @ Twitter - TGZ @ Patreon - TGZ @ Instagram - TGZ @ Minds

[The Jews Are] Guilty of ‘Extermination, Torture, Sexual Violence’ in Gaza: UN Probe
War Crime - What Jews ALWAYS Do - (When they gain physical control over a goyum population) -- A quote...."The UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) on 12 June concluded that [jewish apparatchiks] are guilty of “war crimes and crimes against humanity” committed during the eight-month-long campaign of genocide in Gaza - During its investigation, the COI found that [jewish apparatchiks] are responsible for “the war crimes of starvation as a method of warfare, murder or willful killing, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects, forcible transfersexual violencetorture and inhuman or cruel treatment, arbitrary detention, and outrages upon personal dignity.” - “The crimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys, murder, [and] forcible transfer” were also committed, the commission found." - Source:  TheCradle

FYI:  And as stated before - Another REVOLTING example of jewish Projection, Transference and Displacement - What they FALSELY accused Hamas and the Palestinians of doing, they were doing all the time.  Very similar to the jews FALSELY lying about the German people during WWII, when they had already committed mass-abominations in Russia when they took it over in 1917, and in the Ukraine territories during their starvation campaign they imposed in the 1930's called the Holodomor - mpg - See related links posted below.....
Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

On Record: The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal’s 2013 Indictment of the [Judeo-Enclave] on Charges of War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, Genocide -- A quote...."Of relevance to the crimes currently committed by the Netanyahu government against the People of Palestine, we bring to the attention of our readers the 2013 Judgement of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, an initiative of former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, who headed the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC) - On a personal note, I was a signatory of the Kuala Lumpur Declaration to Criminalize War (2005). I was subsequently invited to become a member of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC) which was created in 2007."

UNICEF: ‘Absolute Devastation of Gaza Already Happened’
War Crime - Dusted & Done - A quote...."UNICEF spokesperson James Elder has said that “so much suffering is being inflicted on Gaza,” adding that [jews] immediately need to stop bombing the hapless people - “The intentions must now be clear. The absolute devastation of Gaza, indeed, it’s already happened,” Elder, who is currently in the besieged Gaza Strip, said in a video post on X on Tuesday - “Homes, hospitals, schools, universities, agriculture, the economy… devastated. And still the bombs fall,” he added."

Gaza: Child Survivors of Nuseirat Massacre Say [Jewish Forces] Targeted Them Deliberately
War Crime - Despicable Jewish Behavior - A quote...."Mohammad Matar has told Anadolu news agency of the horrors of the massacre committed by the [jewish] occupation army against the Palestinians in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Miraculously, the 15-year-old child survived the brutal attack - Matar is being treated for his wounds in the Nasser Medical Hospital in Khan Yunis. A [jewish force member] shot him twice at point blank range, hitting him in the shoulder and stomach. The bullets exited his body through his back." - Source:  MEMO

NYT: [Jews] Tortured, Sexually Abused Palestinian Detainees at [Jewish Occupation] Base
War Crime - More Despicable Jewish Behavior - (This is what jews ALWAYS do whenever and wherever they gain physical control over their goyum cattle / sheeple - mpg) -- A quote...."[Jewish Occupation] Forces have been systematically torturing and sodomizing Palestinian detainees at a military base in [the] southern [part of the judeo-enclave], according to testimonies from released captives shared in a new report from the New York Times - Dozens of Palestinians died in the camp and many described being stripped naked, tortured, sodomized with a metal pole or cattle prod and forced to wear a diaper - Whereas The Times did everything they could to hype up and sensationalize their now-debunked atrocity propaganda tale about "Hamas committing mass rape" on Oct 7th, they did their best to downplay [the jews'] alleged torture and sexual abuse of Palestinian detainees and buried the most sensational details at the bottom of their 3800 word article."

Sunday, June 9th, 2024

The Shameful Journey from “Prelude to Genocide” to “Slow-motion Genocide” to “Rampant Genocide”
War Crime - Longed Planned - For Over 70 Years - A quote...."[The jews'] illegal control over the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza has for decades prevented the Palestinian people from exercising their right of self-determination and full and effective self-governance. [Not to mention economic opportunity. - mpg] UN Resolution 3246 calls for all States to recognise that that right applies to all peoples subjected to colonial and foreign domination, including the Palestinians - The warning signs of genocide in Gaza had been there for all to see. But the lack of will on the part of UN members to implement 3246 not only let it happen but then failed to stop it even when its ferocity passed all comprehension." - Source:  DissidentVoice

[The Jews] Use of Rape Against Palestinian Detainees From Gaza Exposed
War Crimes - Another Perfect Example of Jewish Projection, Transference, and Displacement - (And this horrific expose is from the jewish controlled New York Times itself!! -- Which means this was REALLY bad - mpg) -- A quote...."A shocking three-month investigation by the New York Times has revealed gruesome details of abuse, torture and mistreatment of Palestinians held at [the judeo-enclave's] Sde Teiman detention facility. The exposé, based on interviews with former detainees, [jewish occupation force commanders], doctors and [jewish force members] who served at the site, paints a harrowing picture of the conditions endured by the roughly 4,000 Palestinian detainees who have passed through the facility since 7 October." - Source:  MEMO

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

120 Bodies Recovered in Jabalia Refugee Camp After [Jeiwsh] Forces Withdrew
War Crime Massacre - It's What Jews Do  Whenever, and Wherever They or Their Minions, Gain Physical Control Over A Population  - A quote...."Palestinian rescue teams have recovered 50 more bodies from the rubble in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza, bringing the total number of bodies recovered following the withdrawal of [jewish] forces from the area to more than 120 - Palestine’s official Wafa news agency reported that rescue and civil defense teams have recovered the bodies of 50 Palestinians on Sunday, as search operations continue for dozens of people who are missing among the rubble of buildings destroyed in [the jews'] relentless bombardment - This comes as rescue teams have already recovered over 70 bodies, including 20 children, in the area."

JOF Destroys 50,000 Housing Units in Northern Gaza
War Crime - Deliberate Destruction of a Peoples' Housing Stock - (The better to ethnically cleanse them) - A quote..."The head of the Municipal Emergency Committee in North Gaza announced that the [jewish] occupation forces (JOF) destroyed 50,000 housing units and bulldozed drainage networks and roads in most municipalities in northern Gaza - In a press conference on Sunday, the Chairman of the Committee declared Jabalia camp a disaster area, referring to the destruction of 35 water wells, schools, UNRWA facilities, and warning of an imminent famine that threatens northern Gaza."

Sunday May 26th, 2024

The Slaughter of Palestinian Scholars in Gaza is a Deliberate [Jewish] Tactic
War Crime - Ditto!!! - A quote...."Throughout the 229 days of the ongoing [jewish ethnic cleansing slaughter] in Gaza, the [jewish] occupation has deliberately targeted and assassinated dozens of Palestinian scholars, scientists, academics and researchers along with their families. All were targeted while at home with their families or seeking refuge with relatives. This week, the Gaza media office released a list containing the names of 100 Palestinian researchers who the [jewish] occupation has [murdered], including scientists, university professors and doctors."
FYI:  Murdering the brightest and best amongst the Goyum is what jews do wherever and whenever they gain control.  Just take a look at the historical record!! - Admittedly it's a deep, atavistic, pleasure for them.  But that's not the reason they do it.  They do it to compete, and as a form of effective Goyum control.  It's not just a pleasure for them, it's also really good business.

They do love their synergy though....  

Everything they've ever said about National Socialist Germany and the German people was simply their projection, transference, and displacement of what they had already done for centuries, and what they will continue to do now, and in the future.  NOT the Germans - mpg
Saturday May 18th, 2024

[The Jew's] Salami-Slicing Occupational Strategy for Gaza
"Incrementalism" -- A Very Jewish Specialty, Served Up With Relish To Goyum For Centuries - Good Graphic - (click to view) -- A quote...."In the occupied West Bank, [jewish] salami-slicing has seen the subtle and incremental displacement of the Palestinian population from their land and the slow advance of settlers, which occurs at a pace so gradual that the world largely ignores it. If a Palestinian is deemed to have committed a crime, his home is demolished and the land is subsequently given to [illegal jewish migrants]. Hence, bit by bit in the occupied West Bank, the status quo is shifting under [the jewish occupation forces'] control. We should expect Netanyahu to adopt the same model for the Gaza Strip. The population of the land will be slowly displaced and [incoming, invading, illegal jewish migrants] will be reintroduced. This is not hypothetical or speculative, as people are already lining up to do so. As the BBC notes in an article, “Just ask Daniella Weiss, 78, the grandmother of [the illegal jew's occupation] movement, who says she already has a list of 500 families ready to move to Gaza immediately.”

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To Marvel At The Horror
Previously posted - Posted again for your edification


[The Jews' Nord-Am Knesset] Passes 'Anti[-Judeo-Supremacism] Awareness Act' to Silence Criticism of [Jewish Imposed Extermination] as Hate Speech -- War Crime Complicity - The Sickening Hypocrisy of the JewSA's Judeo-Shabbos-Sheeple - A quote...."The [Jews' Nord-Am Knesset] on Wednesday passed the "Anti[-Judeo-Supremacism] Awareness act" to silence criticism of Jews and [the jewish crime syndicate's geopolitical occupation and extermination pustule squatting in Palestine] as hate speech, and empower the federal government to crack down on anti-[judeo-occupation] protests on college campuses."
FYI"Hate Speech"?? -- Let us point out, people generally "Hate" it, when someone is exterminating them.  And to make this point "proportionate", and perfectly clear, let's conduct some simple math. 

Using the current Palestinian figures, which by the way vastly understate the actual casualties,  since thousands are still buried in the rubble.  Let us compare some numbers shall we? -- 2.2mil(pop of Gaza) / 35k(killed) = 1.59% -- (1.59%) * 320mil (USA pop) = 5mil killed -- 2.2mil(pop of Gaza) / 80k(injured) = 3.60% -- (3.60%) * 320mil (USA pop) = 11.6mil injured

So..... proportionately.  If the jews had bombed their Judeo-Nord-AM colony with the same identical murderous, psychotic, ferocity -- to date -- as they have the penned up Palestinians in Gaza....

5 Million people living here would have been Killed, and 11.6 Million would have been Mutilated and Injured.

But because all of this murderous, sickening, carnage, totally supported with their own money and their own bombs is happening "over there", the people living here in the JewSA could care less.  In fact many are annoyed that they might be delayed in traffic, or inconvenienced on a college campus, because Palestinians, and those who support them, don't want the Palestinians living in Gaza to be massacred or ethnically cleansed.  They venomously accuse any who do protest such massacres, as a "Hater", or engaged in "Hate Speech".

That's how truly sociopathic and soulless many in the good ol'JewSA have become.  They've become shabbos-syphilitic-whores.  Stripped of, or even willingly giving up, their God given morality, to become nothing more then mindless golems of the jews.   They now resemble their masters in both diseased body, and warped, deformed, twisted spirit.

Sickening hypocrisy of this magnitude NEVER gets forgotten.... or forgiven.
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Saturday May 4th, 2024

The West is Being Murdered by [the Judeo-Occupation Enclave]: A Reply to Giulio Meotti
A quote...."Back in February 2018 Arutz Sheva – or [the judeo-enclave's] Channel 7 – published an opinion piece entitled ‘The West sleeps peacefully because of [the judeo-enclave]’ by Italian journalist and full-time Colonel Blimp impersonator Giulio Meotti – who is pleased to posture as some sort of authority on both Middle Eastern affairs and Islam in general – about how [the judeo-enclave] is saving Europe and North American from the hordes of Islam. (1) So in keeping with the spirit of Socratic dialogue between anti-[judeo-supremacist] and philo-[judeo-supremacist] I thought I’d reply in kind."

Latest Transfer of 2,000-Pound Bombs From US to [the Jews' Mass Murder Campaign] Not Newsworthy to the [Jewish Run] New York Times -- War Crime Complicity Times Two - (The JewSA, and the NYSlime.  Note how the title makes sense when it is corrected - mpg) - Must Read - A quote...."When the Washington Post revealed Friday afternoon that “the Biden administration in recent days quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to [the judeo-enclave],” a lot of people cared. Readers of the story posted more than 10,000 comments on its webpage. A leading progressive site for breaking news, Common Dreams, quickly followed up with coverage under a headline that began with the word “obscene.” Responses on social media were swift and strong; a tweet about the Post scoop from our team at RootsAction received more than 600,000 views -- But at the New York Times—the nation’s purported newspaper of record—one day after another went by as the editors determined that the story about the massive new transfer of weaponry to [the jews' extermination campaign n Gaza] wasn’t worth reporting on at all. Yet it was solid. A Reuters dispatch said that two sources “confirmed” the Post’s report."

How [The JewK] Shields [the Jews Occupying Palestine] from War Crimes Charges
War Crime Complicity and Accessory - The "Special Relationship" - A quote...."Exclusive: The Conservatives have repeatedly protected [jewish] politicians, spies and [occupation forces] from being arrested for war crimes when they visit [the JewK], a new list reveals."
  • Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz among ten [jewish occupiers] granted special immunity from prosecution
  • [Judeo-enclave] general authorising assault on Rafah received “special mission” status to enter UK
  • Coalition government changed the law to help [occupation jews] visit Britain without fear of arrest
  • Special immunity also handed to members of repressive regimes from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Rwanda
"The [JewK regime] has provided special diplomatic immunity to scores of foreign officials accused of committing serious violations of international law, Declassified has found - Since 2013, the Foreign Office has granted over 50 “special mission” certificates to military and political figures from [the judeo-enclave], Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Rwanda and Iran."

Tuesday March 5th, 2024

“Pay No Attention To That [Ethnic Cleansing Extermination] Right In Front Of Your Face”
OBVIOUS War Crimes - A quote...."“Pay no attention to that [ethnic cleansing extermination campaign] right in front of your face.” -- That’s the constant message we’re getting from the dominant institutions in this present-day dystopia. From our news media. From our political parties. From our government. From our mainstream culture of diversion and superficiality -- “Pay no attention to that genocide right in front of your face.” -- We can see it happening. It’s right there. And they know we can see it happening. But they’re telling us to ignore it anyway. Pay attention to this other far less urgent news story instead. Pay attention to what a big meany Donald Trump is. Pay attention to Hamas and October 7 2023. Pay attention to this trend, this TV show, this funny video, this celebrity, this product, this event. Pay attention to anything other than the horror you can see unfolding with your own two eyes right this very moment -- “Pay no attention to that genocide right in front of your face....”

Sunday March 3rd, 2024

Conscious and Unconscionable: The Starving of Gaza
War Crime - (A people without a conscience, or the ability to even UNDERSTAND what a conscience is) - Must Read - A quote...."The starvation regime continues unabated as [the jews] continue [their] campaign in the Gaza Strip. One of the six provisional measures ordered by the International Court Justice entailed taking “immediate and effective measures” to protect the Palestinian populace in the Gaza Strip from risk of genocide by ensuring the supply of humanitarian assistance and basic services - In its case against [the jews occupying Palestine, and their jewish supporters worldwide], South Africa argued, citing various grounds, that [the jews] purposeful denial of humanitarian aid to Palestinians could fall within the UN's [ethnic cleansing and extermination] Convention as “deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

Thursday May 16th, 2024

EU Official Condemns Surge in [Jewish] Extremist** Attacks on Humanitarian Aid Convoys Bound for Gaza
War Crime - As The Did During Their Holodomor Campaign, The Jews Are Starving The Palestinians - A quote...."European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell has condemned the surge in attacks on humanitarian aid convoys heading into Gaza by [jewish] "extremists." - These incidents have escalated following [jews'] recent offensive on the southern Gazan city of Rafah, where over a million Palestinians have been displaced and where lies the Gaza Strip's only border crossing with Egypt - Borrell expressed his indignation via X (formerly Twitter) on Tuesday, May 14, emphasizing the urgent need for action to address the plight of hundreds of thousands of starving civilians in Gaza. (Related: [The judeo-enclave] has attacked hundreds of humanitarian sites and aid convoys in Gaza since the war erupted.)"
FYI:  ** To be honest, this website editor isn't sure that this EU official knows what the term "extremist" means. 

Here's the definition of "Extreme".  From the Oxford English Language dictionary....    Extreme:  Def.  ex·treme - [ikˈstrēm] - adjective:  reaching a high or the highest degree; very great:  "extreme cold" - furthest from the center or a given point; outermost:  "the extreme northwest of Scotland"

Here's an article about the jews' views regarding this entire situation.  Previously posted, and posted again for your edification....
Do 90% of [Judeo-Occupation Enclave] Jews Support [Ethnic Cleansing Extermination]? -- War Crime - What Jews Do When They Get Physical Control.... Always! - A quote...."Do more than 90% of [judeo-enclave occupation] Jews support the genocide of Gaza, i.e. the current “military operation”? Richie Allen doesn’t think so. During my appearance on his show yesterday he challenged me to cite polling data - Unfortunately, no pollster in [the judeo-enclave] will ever ask flat-out: “Do you support the genocide of Gaza?” Nor have any asked a more polite version of the same question: “Do you support or oppose [the jews'] current military campaign in Gaza?” (I argue that well over 90% would say they support it, while less than 10% would say they oppose it.) - So we are going to have to extrapolate. Fortunately (though unfortunately for the Palestinians) this is an easy extrapolation. Time’s “What Do [The Jews Occupying Palestine] Think of the War with Hamas?” includes the following paragraph...."
"Poll results were also hawkish when it came to the use of force in Gaza: 57.5% of [judeo-enclave occupation] Jews said that they believed the [Jewish Occupation] Forces (JOF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6% said the JOF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8% said they believed the JOF was using too much fire power, while 4.2% said they weren’t sure"
"Let me repeat that. Fewer than 2% of [the] Jews [in occupied Palestine] think the JOF is “using too much fire power” in Gaza." - bold/underline by website editor
These jews represented the almost UNANIMOUS consent of almost every single jew currently occupying Palestine, and the majority view of the rest of trans-national world-wide jewry, to basically exterminate the Palestinians - It's what the jews have ALWAYS done wherever, and whenever they've gained physical control over a non-jewish population!! - Are We Learning Yet???  - mpg
========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========= ===

Sunday May 12th, 2024

[The Jews] War Has Always Been Against Civilians
War Crime From The Beginning - It Was ALWAYS The Plan.... Since 1948 -- A quote...."[The jews are] entering Rafah. After Hamas announced its willingness to negotiate a ceasefire agreement brokered by Qatar and Egypt, [Jewish] forces invaded Rafah, where more than 1.5 million Palestinian civilians seek shelter after having their homes destroyed during the brutal bombings by Tel Aviv. [jewish] tanks advance in the region, in parallel with strong air attacks, generating terror and panic among local residents."

Saturday February 24th, 2024

Schools in German Capital Ordered To Distribute Leaflets Describing 1948 Nakba Day as ‘Myth’
The Extermanationist Campaign That DID Happen, The Nakba, They Call A.... "Myth" -- While Teaching The One That DIDN'T Happen, The Holohoax.... As Gospel Truth - A quote...."Schools in the German capital Berlin have been ordered to distribute leaflets describing the Nakba Day as a “myth”, 76 years after Zionist paramilitaries forcibly removed two-thirds of the Palestinian population from their ancestral homes - Germany’s leading Social Democratic Party (SPD) – German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s party – and the opposition Christian Democratic Party (CDU) have asked high schools in Berlin’s borough of Neukolln to distribute brochures titled “The Myth of [Judeo-Enclave] #1948”, the London-based Middle East Eye website said in a report on Friday " - Source:  PressTV - See related article.... "Local Berlin schools distribute leaflets denying 1948 Nakba as 'myth'" -- See links posted below.....
As regards to the Nakba of 1948, see links posted below.....
Denying the Nakba, 75 Years Later: A Democracy in Exile Roundtable
Posted  May 15, 2023 - (May 15th is the date the 1948 Nakba is mourned - mpg) - A quote...."For the first time ever, the United Nations this year is officially commemorating the Nakba, what Palestinians call the "catastrophe" of 1948 when roughly 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled from their homes, and hundreds of Palestinian towns and villages destroyed, during the establishment of the [jews' judeo-occupation enclave in Palestine]. Yet the Nakba event at the U.N. General Assembly, and the developments leading up to it, are a mirror of how this history continues to be denied. Thirty countries, including the United States, voted against the U.N. resolution in 2022 to adopt this year's commemoration. [The judeo-enclave's Proconsuls] have been pressuring governments to boycott Monday's event at the U.N.; the United States and the United Kingdom are among the many countries that will not attend."
Tuesday February 20th, 2024

Genocide Court Calls on [the Jews Occupying Palestine] to Prevent ‘Exponential Increase of Humanitarian Nightmare’ - War Crime - (Stop Now!!) -- A quote...."The International Court of Justice demanded that [the jews] abide by a ruling the court issued last month as Palestinians suffer in a “perilous situation.” - The court issued the statement in response to a request by South Africa for the court to intervene and prevent a [jewish] attack on Rafah - Near the end of last year, South Africa filed a suit with the ICJ alleging [the jews were] committing [ethnic cleansing and attempted extermination] in Gaza. In January, the court issued a [preliminary] ruling that [jews were] committing an [exterminationist campaign of slaughter] fueled by statements from [jewish apparatchiks governing the judeo-enclave in Palestine] - The ICJ ruling demanded that [the jews] halt operations that endanger civilians, end [extermanationist] rhetoric, and punish those who commit or encourage war crimes. [The jews] and the[ir colony the JewSA] dismissed the ICJ ruling." - bold by website editor - Source:  The Libertarian Institute
FYI:  Jewish Contempt of Court:  The jews simply don't care.  Since this court isn't run by them, they'll just ignore the order.  Now, for ANY court that is run by them, where a gentile doesn't immediately obey the court's orders, the jews would go absolutely berserk. Their media spew-outlets would scream endlessly about the break-down in law-and-order.  Tears would flow.  Hair would be pulled.  Pearls would be clutched.  Breast-beating would commence.  Cluck-clucking and Tsk-tsking would echo across the land -- If the case also involved a jew as the plaintiff..... OMG!!  Antisemitism, NAZI, Hitler, and Holocaust would become an endless, screeching, whining, dirge-like litany, 24/7 across the world's jewish mass-media-maga-spewage outlets  -- It's just the way it is - mpg
Monday January 29th, 2024

“[Jews] Want All Of Palestine, and Deny The Existence of the Palestinian People,” Interview with Kari Jaquesson -- As They Have Consistently Done Since 1948 - A quote...."“There was no such thing as Palestinians,” said [the judeo-occupation enclave's first crime boss] Golda Meir, in an interview with The Sunday Times on June 15, 1969 - In March 2023, [the judeo-enclave's] Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, denied the existence of a Palestinian people or nationhood just weeks after calling for a Palestinian town to be “erased.” - 137 countries worldwide (70%) have recognized Palestine. In 2014 the EU voted to ‘Recognize Palestine in principle’. Within Europe as a whole, only the Czech Republic, Iceland, Malta, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, and Ukraine have recognized Palestine - We know that the US supports the genocide in Gaza, but what do the Europeans think? In an effort to answer that question, Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed the Norwegian expert on the Middle East, Kari Jaquesson."
FYI:  Ya'know, the controversy over this concept is so boring, and so stupid, that it's stultifying.  Jewish owned media in the "Western" nations talked about the "two state solution" as if it was a real option for decades. Incessantly. Endlessly. Relentlessly....

It was all just a deliberate distracting lie. The jewish power class, NEVER, EVER talked about it seriously, nor ever intended a "two-state-solution".  In other words this whole discussion was done knowingly, maliciously, and completely in bad faith by the entire jewish commentariat.  They were ALL just pretending. ALL just buying more time so the jews could establish their ever so beloved "facts-on-the-ground".

The Goyum were stupid enough to believe them, as they have for so many other societal and socially destructive idiocies, but it was a distraction.  Just as were the Minsk-I and Minsk-II fake-outs, (although they covered a much shorter time-frame of just eight years), which took place in that other recently established judeo-geopolitical pustule called the Ukraine - mpg
Saturday January 27th, 2024

Max Blumenthal: Will the Killing Stop?
JdgNAPVideo - (JdgNAPYuTb - 31min28sec - Jan 26th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ YuTb - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X)- Guest's Websites - Max Blumenthal:   The Gray Zone - TGZ @ Odysee - TGZ @ YuTb - TGZ @ Twitter - TGZ @ Patreon - TGZ @ Instagram - TGZ @ Minds

[The Jews'] Goal Of ‘Destroying Hamas’ Is A Hoax To Hide The Genocide
War Crime - (Malicious, deliberate, ethnic cleansing mass murder) - Must Read -- A quote...."If [the jews'] main goal there, is instead [of] only ethnic cleansing — to kill and-or force out of Gaza all of its residents — then why would [the jews] be bombing so indiscriminately there and prohibiting almost all Gazans to escape from Gaza, and refusing to allow into Gaza all tents, medical supplies, clothing, and food, so as to help the residents survive the winter weather and the destruction of their homes and the continued bombing by [the jews] with virtually 100% U.S.-made weapons and with U.S. guidance? - Whatever Netayahu actually intends for the Gazans, Joe Biden secretly also intends for them, as I documented on 15 December 2023, and that situation (their fundamental agreement in this matter) has continued unchanged since at least that time. So, if the New York Times is covering-up for Netanyahu, then it is also covering-up for Biden."

Saturday January 27th, 2024

[Jewish Forces] Abducted 6255 Palestinians Between October 7 And December 31
BREAKING - Posted Jan 27th, 2024 | 7:29pm PST - Hostage Taking - These Are Palestinian Hostages Held by the Jews - (The International Court of Justice did not address these hostages the jews grabbed right off the street) -- A quote...."Various Palestinian committees that defend the rights of Palestinian political prisoners in [jewish] prisons issued a joint report revealing that [jewish forces] have abducted more than 6255 Palestinians from various parts of the occupied West Bank between October 7, 2023 -- The committees stated that among the 6255 abducted Palestinians in the reported timeframe were 210 women and 355 children and added that most of the abductees were taken prisoner after the soldiers stormed and ransacked their homes, in addition to many who were taken at military roadblocks and others who turned themselves to the army after the soldiers took members of their families hostage -- They added that the army abducted 50 journalists, including 35 who remain imprisoned; among them are 20 who are held under arbitrary Administrative Detention orders without charges or trial -- They also said that [jewish occupational tribunals] issued 2990 new and renewed Administrative Detention orders against the Palestinian detainees, including those who have been held before October 7, 2023, holding them captive without charges or trial, and added that [the jewish occupation] is also holding dozens of detainees without providing any information about their fate or location of imprisonment -- The committees stated that the detainees are subject to daily serious violations, including torture and threats to abduct and harm their families, in addition to the massive destruction caused to their homes when the [jewish occupation forces] broke into them."
FYI: "Administrative Detention" is endless extensions of prison time, for months, or even years! Without any rights, or due process, or habeas corpus.... whatsoever. At the sadistic whim of a "Jewish" bureaucrat. Under instructions of his criminal, cretinous, tribal, judeo-jihadist, Goyim hating cohorts.... The I.C.J. did not include this tactic of the jews in its ruling.  It SHOULD HAVE to give equal standing, and equal treatment, for the equivalent actions of both parties.  To level the playing field.  The jews are an occupying military power.  They kidnap Palestinians every single day from the territories they occupy. They hold them on a whim, for the purposes of punishment, without charge or trial.  The Palestinians kidnapped jews from the territory they controlled, for about 48 hours, to exchange for these hostages.  If the I.C.J. ruling states all the "hostages" should be subject to "immediate and unconditional release"  It should also apply to the hostages the jews are also holding - mpg
Wednesday January 17th, 2024

Database Documenting “[Jewish] Atrocities Against Palestinians” Launched Online
Web Resource - A quote...."The website statement ([JEWISH]-MASSACRES.COM) says the following:    “[The jews'] ongoing apocalyptic military campaign against Gaza comes on top of its 75+ years of persecution, displacement, and terrorism of Palestinians - It has resulted in mass destruction, displacement of over 90% of the Gazan population, and the deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of civilians, mostly women and children - Below we document what many authorities are calling war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide. Our aim is to give a voice to the voiceless, and raise awareness of the need for international action to ensure Palestinian people are finally free of brutal occupation and colonialization - WARNING: This website contains extremely graphic content and viewer discretion is advised.” - The website already provides a base of videos showing examples of “civilian massacres” as well as “Palestinian steadfastness”."
FYI:  Remember what they said about J6??  What the ENTIRELY jewish controlled media said about J6??  It was worse than 9/11.  It was worse than Pearl Harbor.  It was "the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War" -- Remember the gross, in your face exaggeration, utter hypocrisy, and total disproportionallity?? -  And yet, when it comes to bombing a penned up population for over three months with 2,000 lb bombs, shredding and murdering over 23,000 people, injuring 60,000 more, all because in a desperate effort to free thousands of hostages of their own, held on and off for decades by the jews, the Palestinians grabbed several hundred jewish hostages, and defeated jewish forces in fair battle.... people say that it's OK to launch a war of extermination?!?!  How do you POSSIBLY deal with a people who advocate such a position, and those who cravenly support them, some who call themselves "Christian".... who actually think like this?? Who actually think it's OK to do this?? Where one jewish hang-nail really is worth 10,000 Goyum lives.  How do you LIVE with such a people??  How do you cope with such horrendous, relentless, remorseless, murderous, mindless, psychotic, hypocrisy? - mpg
Complicit in the Genocide of the Palestinians
A quote...."A new year, 2024, in the Middle East has begun with even more massive bombing by the [Jewish Occupation] Forces (JOF) of the Gaza Strip. The International Confederation of Independent NGO groups Oxfam (secretariat based in Nairobi, Kenya) estimates that 250 Palestinians are being killed per day, far exceeding the daily death toll in other conflicts in recent years - According to the UN, as of 11 January, 23,469 people have been killed by the JOF in Gaza, 59064 wounded, 7,000 missing or buried under the rubble of buildings. Among the dead, 70 per cent are women and children. During this time, 332 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank - From 1 to 11 January, only 21% of the planned supplies of food, medicine and water were delivered to Gaza. From 7 to 10 January, the [jews] refused to deliver emergency medicines to the central pharmacy in Gaza City, fuel to water and sanitation facilities in that city and in the north of the enclave. The remaining hospitals are unable to care for the wounded and sick. The number of patients with infectious diseases alone has passed 400,000." - bold by website editor

Hundreds of Thousands Are Starving in Gaza as Famine Arrives at ‘Incredible Speed,’ UN Aid Chief Warns Holodomor Deux - A quote...."The “great majority” of 400,000 Gazans characterized by UN agencies as at risk of starving “are actually in famine, not just at risk of famine,” Martin Griffiths, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour - “It’s been an extraordinary and wholly unwelcome aspect of the Gazan war,” he said. “It has brought famine with such incredible speed to the front of the lines.”
FYI:  What the jews did in the Ukrainian territories in the 1930's, they're doing AGAIN in the Palestinian territory of Gaza in 2024!! 
‘100 Days in 100 Seconds’: UNRWA Video Describes Gaza Assault as ‘Largest Displacement since 1948’
Nakba Deux- (A NEW Nakba CONFIRMED! -- All fully, and enthusiastically supported by the JewK and JewSA) - A quote...."“An entire generation of children is traumatized, thousands have been killed, maimed, and orphaned,” UNRWA stated in the post - The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has decried [the jews'] onslaught on the Gaza Strip, saying “This has been the largest displacement of the Palestinian people since 1948.” - In a post on X on Monday, the organization shared a video montage of images from more than 100 days of the assault on the Palestinian people in the besieged enclave - It states: “100 days in 100 seconds.” - “An entire generation of children is traumatized, thousands have been killed, maimed, and orphaned,” UNRWA stated in the post - “People live through the unliveable,” it added."

Thursday January 11th, 2024

Video: The World Should be Ashamed. South Africa’s Closing Argument at the World Court Against [The Jews Occupying Palestine] for Genocide -- CdPnkVideo - Alt/YuTb - (CdPnkYuTb - 30min14sec - Jan 11, 2024) - Source:  CodePink -- A quote...."Blinne Ní Ghrâlaigh KC presents South Africa's closing argument vs [the jewish occupation] at the International Court of Justice on January 11, 2024."

[Judeo-Enclave] MK Doubles Down on Call to ‘Burn’ Gaza, Says There Are ‘No Innocents’
A quote...."A member of the [jewish occupation's cabal] has doubled down on comments he made in November when he called to “burn Gaza now” and is now claiming there are “no innocents” in areas where [jewish forces] ordered evacuations.
FYIIn a sense he's absolutely right.  All Palestinians living in Gaza refuse to be exterminated, and/or ethnically cleansed, and refuse to have their lands stolen from them for the second, or third, or forth time.  They will continue to resist. Therefore they should all be exterminated and/or ethnically cleansed and their lands stolen from them.  This is exactly how the jewish mind actually works, and for any so-called American whose mind works the same way, one sincerely hopes they receive their own thinking, their own sick, twisted, "point of view" back onto them.... for the rest of their entire lives - mpg
Palestine SitRep: Court Hearing - Netanyahu's Concession
A quote...."Today South Africa argued in front of the International Court of Justice to accept its Application Instituting Procedings against [the jewish occupation] - It is seeking a preliminary injunction that would largely consist of a formal cease-and-desist letter from the court to [the jewish occupation] - [The jewish occupation] would thereby be formally prohibited from continuing its murderous campaign in Gaza. However, the court commands no divisions, navy or air force that could compel [the jewish occupation] do so - The team from South Africa was joined by a lawyer for Ireland - Tomorrow [the jewish occupation] will argue its case. It has, to my knowledge, not published a written argument - I do not know how long it will take the court to decide. But there are several precedences in which the court issued preliminary injunctions even in weaker cases. The evidence South Africa presented in its application is clear for anyone to see. There are also the dozens of statements from [jewish occupation apparatchiks] documented in it which demonstrate genocidal intent - Next to the application South Africa also argued that [the jewish occupation], as the recognized occupying power of Gaza and the West Bank, can not claim a right of self defense. An occupying power has the duty to take care of the population under its power. It can not wage a war against it." [As the jews in Palestine have done, for every single day, for seventy six years - mpg] - bold by website editor

[Jewish] Genocide in Gaza: A Cry from the Heart — “When Will This End? How Much More Can We Expect Them to Take?” -- A quote...."I am not in the habit of publishing or forwarding work by other writers, but in this case I am making an exception. This is not written by a journalist, but from a young, compassionate woman; a wife, a mother and a thorough human being who calls herself ‘ordinary’. I totally disagree. She is anything but ordinary. Every syllable, every word, every paragraph of her despairing cry for help should be read far and wide, in the hope that western politicians will heed her call and find their moral compass. Here it is, totally unedited...." - Source:  Pearls&Irritations

Wednesday December 13th, 2023

Gaza Is Deliberately Being Made Uninhabitable
Contains Audio - Alt/SndCld -- A quote...."Infectious diseases are tearing through Gaza, whose healthcare system has been rendered almost nonexistent, and people are beginning to starve in massive numbers. All of this is due to concrete policy decisions made by [the jews occupying Palestine] in [their] horrific assault on the Gaza Strip - In an article titled “Gaza’s health system is ‘on its knees’ as [jewish forces] pushes into Khan Younis,” The Washington Post reports that the mass displacement of nearly two million Palestinians in Gaza has led to overcrowding and unsanitary living conditions that are rapidly giving rise to disease - “Meanwhile, the Gaza Health Ministry and other medical workers said they were recording new cases of acute hepatitis, scabies, measles and upper respiratory infections, mostly among children,” the Post reports. “Infectious diseases are spreading fast, said Imad al-Hams, a physician at the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah, as people crowd into tiny slivers of land to escape advancing [jewish] forces.” - bold by website editor - also posted at SOTTNet
FYI:  The jews might very well be deliberately releasing these infectious agents.  An investigation should be mounted immediately - mpg
Euro-Med Monitor: “In Gaza, [Jewish Forces] Replicates the Crimes Committed by [Jewish] Gangs in 1948”
A quote...."An urgent international investigation must be opened into horrific crimes committed by the [jews] during [their] land incursions into the Gaza Strip, including field executions, torture, and rape threats, said Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, citing testimonies collected from newly-released civilians - Euro-Med Monitor said that [jewish] forces are reenacting the same crimes committed by [jewish] gangs during the 1948 Nakba, which resulted in the collective displacement of Palestinians - These crimes include premeditated murder, setting fire to Palestinian homes and properties, torture, and insulting and humiliating detained civilians - The human rights organisation highlighted the [jewish] forces’ brutal storming of civilian homes in crowded residential neighbourhoods during the ongoing genocide." - bold by website editor - Source:  IMEMC

Genocide and a Holocaust – Palestine, Gaza AD 2023. Open Letter to Lord Cameron, U.K. Foreign Secretary
A quote...."I write as a retired Orthopaedic and trauma surgeon who has healed thousands with good teams by my side in OUR NHS – this being dismantled steadily since the Centre for Policy Studies/PM Thatcher’s ‘Internal Market’ – 1988 - I will be ‘personal’ but the current and most terrible holocaust in Gaza requires this...."

The West Agonises Over an 'Atrocity Upsurge' While Backing [The Jews'] Genocide in Gaza
Crying Crocodile Tears - A quote...."The problem isn’t ‘global inaction’ to prevent mass atrocities, as the Guardian claims. It’s intense US and UK support for atrocities so long as they bolster their global power - How do politicians, diplomats, the media and even the human rights community keep us politically ignorant, docile and passive – a collective mindset that prevents us from challenging their power as well as the status quo they benefit from? - The answer: By constantly misrepresenting reality to us and their own role in shaping it. And they do it so successfully because, at the same time, they gaslight us by flaunting the pretence that they crave to make the world a better place – a better place where, in truth, the unspoken danger is that, were those advances to be realised, their own power would be severely diminished."

Tuesday January 9th, 2024

[Jewish Apparatchik in the Knesset Cabal Says] It Out Loud:   Mass Migration From Gaza and Jewish [Migration To Gaza] Instead -- Open, Arrogant, Blatant, Calls For Ethnic Cleansing - (Folks, it DOESN'T get ANY clearer than this.  Had enough yet?? - mpg) - A quote...."Far-right lawmaker Tzvi Succot had only 30 seconds to speak at the Caucus to Strengthen the Awareness of [Jewish] Victory at the Knesset last week. If you’re a hard-liner, he didn’t disappoint...."
“This event must end in a way that resounds everywhere in the Arab world,” he said, adding that in the West Bank, “among the Arabs of [the judeo-enclave], in Syria, in Lebanon, everyone must see what has happened to Gaza and understand that this is the last thing he wants to happen in his life.” -- Succot added.... “At least in the northern Gaza Strip we first have to conquer, annex, destroy all the houses, build neighborhoods – large and expansive neighborhoods, large settlements in that place that will be named after our heroes, after the nation’s heroes who fought there. We will distribute free plots there to the soldiers who fought, to the wounded who fought - “This image, and this is the most important thing, of the destroyed Gaza, of Palestine Square that will become [Judeo-]Heroism Square, this image will echo in every home around the world so that everyone will see what happens to those who mess with the people of [our jewish ever-expanding ethnic cleansing occupation].”
FYI:  This is what happens when jews gain control. It will happen every single time!!  It WOULD HAVE HAPPENED in the DPR & LPR oblasts in the former Ukrainian territories, and also in Crimea, to ALL the peoples who live there, had it not been for Putin.  Are we learning yet?? - mpg

Monday December 11th, 2023

UN Official: [The Jews] Aim Is to Push Palestinians From Gaza into Egypt
War Crime - (Deliberate ethnic cleansing) - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- [The jews] may be preparing to force Palestinians in Gaza en masse into Egypt, according to the Head of the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees Agency (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini - Lazzarini issued the warning in an op-ed for the LA Times on Saturday, as 1.9 million Palestinians remain trapped on the Southern edge of the Gaza Strip amid dire humanitarian conditions - “The developments we are witnessing point to attempts to move Palestinians into Egypt, regardless of whether they stay there or are resettled elsewhere,” wrote Lazzarini, adding the [jewish occupation forces'] destruction of Northern Gaza was “the first stage of such a scenario”."

Thursday December 7th, 2023

Towards a Palestine Without Palestinians - [The Jews] Ethnic Cleansing Continues With No End in Sight
A quote...."On Friday December 1st active [jewish] combat operations resumed directed against Gaza after a one week “pause” to exchange hostages and prisoners. It should surprise no one to learn that [the jews] ultimate objective in its sustained war crime directed against Gaza is to kill and/or drive out its 2.3 million Palestinian inhabitants. The adopted policy, which has been revealed through a top level [jewish] intelligence document relating to options for operations in Gaza that was leaked to the media, “…recommends a full population transfer as its preferred course of action. …” to include “the evacuation of the civilian population from Gaza to Sinai.” And [that the jews] should “Make It Clear [to the refugees that] there Is No Hope of Returning [home]” with the final objective being “wiping Gaza off the map.”
"Less widely observed or even reported in the western media, however, is the associated campaign to drive out the Palestinians living in the other major Arab enclave the West Bank, where armed [illegal jewish migrants] and [their judeo-occupation forces] have been shooting to kill and imprisoning local residents, to include children, to set the stage for forcing the local population across the Jordan River into Jordan itself.

Part of the program has been to destroy the livelihoods of the 3 million plus Palestinians who have resisted previous efforts to pressure them into leaving what remains of Palestine. It is the harvest season in Palestine and the major cash crop is olive oil, so settlers and soldiers have been destroying olive trees and closing off roads so that the olives cannot be harvested and brought to market. It is just one measure of the hardships being inflicted on the Palestinians by a [jewish regime] that clearly believes that the way to treat Arabs is to regularly force them to endure maximum pain and suffering. Many would also argue that it is precisely those policies that produced the armed incursion into [the judeo-enclave] by Hamas."
Civilization Has Disintegrated
Black-Pilling Quote of the Day....."This fact is obvious from the entire world sitting watching, perhaps as entertainment as Romans watched death in the Colosseum, the Genocide of Gaza.  The “moral democratic” US government rushes more bombs and money to enable [the jews] genocide of Palestine.  European governments call the genocide “[the judeo-enclaves] right of self-defense.” Christian Zionists justify genocide in Christ’s name. In Europe those whose moral conscience drives them to protest are arrested. In “free and democratic” UK waving a Palestinian flag is cause for arrest. The Muslim world does nothing, displaying its total impotence and lack of self-respect. And the Russians and Chinese sit there and allow the [jewish controleld colony called the] US and [jews occupying Palestine] to remake the Middle East in their interest, a development that will increase the power of evil."
"For those of us mindful of the achievements of Western Civilization, as well as its blemishes and crimes, to experience the complete evaporation of moral consciousness in the Western world is devastating. The West is not merely permitting this to happen, the West is openly participating in the evil. For evil is what it is - The [judeo-enclave] jews portray themselves as victims as they destroy the lives of others. The [judeo-enclave] Jews who complain of suffering a Holo[hoax] are now conducting [a REAL] one. Things have been turned upside down. Evil is Good, and Good is Evil. Moral conscience has departed the world."
FYI:  A note to EVERYONE out there who EVER pushed the fake, fraudulent, mind poisoning meme pathogens of.... "The Nazis", and the "The Holohoax", and "Hitler".  Those who did so ENABLED the jews to occupy Palestine with utter impunity, and relentless ethnic cleansing, for eighty years. They ENABLED the jews to shut down any opposition to their crimes against humanity, and White Ethnic Europeans specifically for the last eighty years. They ENABLED -- many of them knowingly --  the jews ability to attack and prevent White Ethnic Europeans from collectivizing to protect their OWN interests. Anyone who even attempted to do so was called a White Supremacist, Nazi, and Hitler admirer, all of which of course would supposedly lead to another faux-Holohoax They ENABLED the jews to practice their highly successful tactic of Projection, Transference, and Displacement of their massive, continuous, crimes against humanity, onto all those around them. They ENABLED the REAL holocaust that is happening right now in front of everyone in Gaza -- Because these people pushed these Anti-White Ethnic European memes, they helped to enable this slaughter of innocents since 1945.  They have MUCH to answer for. For more on the jewish mentality that was able to carry out this mass-mind f*ckery of Western Goyum civilization, and pretty much destroy it, see essays posted below.....
Jew Students in Universities Cry Out in Pain as They Kill Children
Note:  Article contains harsh language, and Un-PC sentiments - mpg -- Related Article -- A quote...."Along with this new media blitz about rape hoaxes, we have just a general sentiment from the Jews that they are the victims of the whole world for no reason because they slaughter children - I just can’t. I can’t. It’s too much. This is too silly. The whole world is watching these Jews CONTINUE TO MURDER CHILDREN FOR NO REASON, and the Jews, everywhere in the world, are out in public talking about how they are victims because someone was allegedly mean to them - And the media is pumping this. The media is pumping the idea that being mean to a Jew is infinitely worse than Jews killing babies."
FYI:  Now people are finally realizing how utterly INSANE jews really are.  They, themselves, will NEVER tell you, but they are all instinctually, possibly even wired genetically, to believe that.... "everything, absolutely everything, is factually and morally relative".  To them, one jewish hang-nail, really IS the equivalent of ten thousand dead goyum babies. 
Tuesday December 5th, 2023

Leaked [Jewish] Govt Plan: Expel All Palestinians From Gaza And Send Them to Europe and Canada
(Previous plans for ethnic cleansing) - A quote...."Right-wing pro-[judeo-enclave] “influencers” all over social media have been working to sell [the jews' slaughter in Gaza] to their followers by inflaming anti-Muslim sentiments and suggesting supporting [the jews' plans of extermination, ethnic cleansing, and expanding their judeo-enclave] will allow our [i.e. White Ethnic European] governments to repatriate our large Muslim populations — meanwhile, [the jewish occupation regime] has drawn up plans in secret to foist the refugees they’re creating onto our [White Ethnic European] countries! - This is diabolical but not entirely surprising. Breitbart editor-at-large Joel Pollak called for this exactly seemingly out of pure instinct the same day this plan was quietly released -  This is not the first time [the jews have] drawn up such plans but this time they’re planning to relocate 2.2 million Palestinians rather than some 16,250 Africans!" -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - The Ethnic Cleansing Motive  ||

Monday November 27th, 2023

Hamas Isn't The Target, It's The Excuse
(The Jews Knew) - Contains Audio - Alt/SndCld -- A quote...."If you’re just tuning in, [the jewish occupation regime's] intelligence ignored mountains of information that the October 7 attack was coming and left [the jews occuying Palestine] completely undefended, then the JOF killed significant numbers of [jews] with indiscriminate fire and pinned the blame for 100% of [jewish] deaths on Hamas, and all those deaths are now being used as justification to push Gazans off their land to the south and shoot them if they try to return while [jewish] officials keep talking about how great it would be to get all Palestinians out of all of Gaza -- Such a crazy coincidence how every single step of [the jewish occupation's] military operations against Hamas in Gaza has looked exactly the same as what you’d expect to see if [the jews were] trying to permanently drive Palestinians off a large stretch of Palestinian land -- This isn’t a war against Hamas. It’s not a war at all. It’s a military operation to facilitate an ethnic cleansing." - bold by website editor

Tuesday November 21st, 2023

Nearly Half of [The Jews Occupying Palestine] Support Jewish [Imposed Ethnic Cleansing] in Gaza: Poll
Whenever They Get Power.... Russia in 1917, Holodomor in 1930's, Germany after WWII, Now in Ukraine, Palestine & Gaza - It's What They Do - A quote...."A significant percentage of [jews occupying Palestine] are in favor of Jewish resettlement in the Gaza Strip following the end of the current war with Hamas, a 15 November poll carried out by [judeo-enclave based] Channel 12 indicates - “44 percent of the public favors the renewal of the settlement in Gaza. In contrast, 39 percent of the public opposes the renewal of the settlement,” the survey says - When asked specifically what should happen with Gaza when the war is over, 32 percent said, “[The jews] should remain permanently and renew Jewish settlement.”

[The Jews'] Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians

Ditto!! - A quote...."[The jews are] conducting a policy of ethnically cleansing both in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West bank - This is while it has doubled down on the number of arrests in the West Bank. At the same time, [the jews have] has introduced the death penalty for Palestinians who [kill the illegal jewish occupiers], which is another form of ethnic cleansing."

Sunday November 19th, 2023

Official “Secret” [Judeo-Enclave] Document Revealed: Expel All Palestinians from Gaza, [Jewish] Intelligence [Dept] -- It's Been Planned Since 1948 - People Just Keep Pretending It Wasn't - A quote...."The [Jewish Dept.] of Intelligence is recommending the forcible and permanent transfer of the Gaza Strip’s 2.2 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, according to an official document revealed in full for the first time by +972’s partner site Local Call yesterday - The 10-page document, dated Oct. 13, 2023, bears the logo of the Intelligence Ministry — a small governmental body that produces policy research and shares its proposals with intelligence agencies, the army, and other ministries. It assesses three options regarding the future of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in the framework of the current war, and recommends a full population transfer as its preferred course of action. It also calls on [the jewish occupation] to enlist the international community in support of this endeavor. The document, whose authenticity was confirmed by the ministry, has been translated into English in full here on +972." -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - The Ethnic Cleansing Motive  ||

[The Jews'] ‘Nakba Doctrine’
This is What Jews Do!!! - Every-time.... Every Single Time - A quote...."We are now actually rolling out the Gaza Nakba”, says Avi Dichter, [the jewish enclave's apparatchik] for Agriculture and former head of Shin Bet. The [jewish] cabinet has been briefed that up to 1,700,000 Gazans (out of a total population of 2.2 million) are no longer able to live in their own homes, either because they’ve been ‘displaced’, or because their homes have been destroyed/damaged - To project the image of the [jewish enclave's occupation forces] as ‘bounding ahead’ with its operation to eradicate Hamas however, we see many videos of tanks and armoured personnel carriers around Gaza City — but by contrast, observe notably few images of IOF soldiers patrolling on foot – either to protect the tanks, which are subject to sniper or RPG fire, or (as many commentators suspect) out of fear of [jewish] casualties." - Source:  Al Mayadeen

Is the Gaza-[Judeo-Enclave]  Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”? -- Ditto!! -- A quote...."An official “secret” memorandum authored by [teh Jewish Dept.] of Intelligence “is recommending the forcible and permanent transfer of the Gaza Strip’s 2.2 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula”, namely to a refugee camp in Egyptian territory. There are indications of [Judeo-Enclave]-Egypt negotiations  as well as consultations with the U.S. -- The 10-page document, dated Oct. 13, 2023, bears the logo of the Intelligence Ministry … assesses three options regarding the future of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip … It recommends a full population transfer as its preferred course of action. … The document, the authenticity of which was confirmed by the ministry, has been translated into English in full here on +972." -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - The Ethnic Cleansing Motive  ||

[Jewish] Deputy Knesset Speaker Calls for Burning Gaza
Double Ditto! - A quote...."Deputy speaker of the Knesset and member of the legislature’s foreign affairs and security committee, Nissim Vaturi, has called for the complete destruction of Gaza. Vaturi emphasized that [the jewish occupied enclave] should not allow any aid into Gaza Strip until all captives are released."

Despite Claims to Contrary, US Intensifying [The Judeo-Enclave's] War on Gaza: Iran's foreign minister
Triple Ditto! - A quote...."Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says the United States is intensifying the [jewish] regime's war on Gaza - In a phone conversation on Sunday, Amir-Abdollahian and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov discussed the latest developments in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank....."
"The US claims it seeks to stop [the jews' ethnic cleansing] war but it is adding to the intensity and scope of the American-Zionist war in practice," the top Iranian diplomat said.
"The Iranian minister said the massacre of thousands of civilians, including women and children, and the killing of dozens of prisoners in Gaza were the result of [the jews'] "blind" bombings and the continuation of the regime's attacks."

Knesset Set To Discuss Death Penalty Law For Palestinian Prisoners: Ben Gvir
Quadruple Ditto! - A quote...."The Knesset ([the jewish enclave's cabal]) is set to discuss a controversial draft law on “executing Palestinian prisoners” for initial approval this week, the so-called [jewish] security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has said - Ben Gvir in a post on X (formerly Twitter) said that he will bring the death penalty law for Palestinian prisoners, already prepared by his Otzma Yehudit party, to the Knesset National Security Committee on Monday - “The Knesset will discuss on Monday preparations for the first reading of the death penalty law for Palestinian prisoners,” he wrote - He added that the draft “is expected to receive support by all members of the Knesset.”

[Jews] ‘Assassinates’ sixth Palestinian Prisoner Since Operation Al-Aqsa Storm began
Quintuple Ditto! - A quote...."[The jews have] “assassinated” another Palestinian prisoner, bringing to six the number of the inmates who died in a [jewish run] detention center since October 7 after Gaza-based resistance groups launched Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, a rights organization said - The Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs announced in a statement that Thaer Samih Abu Assab, a resident of Qarawat Bani Hassan town northwest of Salfit in the northern West Bank, died late on Saturday in the Negev desert prison - The 38-year-old Abu Assab was detained on May 27, 2005, and sentenced to 25 years in jail."

Monday October 30th, 2023

[The Jews'] ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Plan Leaked
MIHOP - (What the jews maliciously and falsely stated about the the German people, was just the projection of their own fetid, feral, desires - mpg) -- A quote...."A leaked policy document compiled by [Judeo-Enclave's] Ministry of Intelligence calls for the depopulation of Gaza and the forced displacement of its residents to Egyptian territory, according to a copy published by the Sicha Mekomit news site on Saturday - The ten-page document, dated October 13, recommends that [the jewish occupation] establish tent cities in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula to accommodate the Gazan population. These tent cities should then be developed into permanent settlements, with a“sterile zone of several kilometers” separating them from the [rest of occupied Palestine's] border." - Source:  RT - also posted at InformationLiberation

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[The Jews] Demands UNRWA End Operations in Palestine by Jan. 30
War Crime - Banning The Most Effective Aid Agency - (Based on lies extracted by torture, and what appears to be in preparation for another upcoming slaughter-fest by the jews - mpg) - A quote...."[The jews'] permanent representative to the UN Danny Danon has called on the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to halt its operations in Occupied Jerusalem and evacuate its premises in the city “no later than January 30,” the day a [jewish] ban on the organization is due to take effect - As the date for the enforcement of the [jewish] ban approaches, Danon told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday that UNRWA’s premises in Jerusalem must be vacated as stipulated by law." - Source:  PIC -- See links and comment posted below.
BTW:  If you're wondering why there's so many links it's because this website editor discovered a curious discrepancy when browsing and searching for these articles regarding UNRWA.  They weren't there!! 

Not on Google, nor Bing, nor DuckDuckGo, nor Dogpile, nor on Webcrawler!   Just endless, repetitive, almost identical articles, most quoting each other regarding completely unsubstantiated charges, possibly falsely coerced under torture -- and later retracted -- on how 12 or so employees out of UNRWA's large staff of thirteen thousand in Gaza were.... gasp!!  Employees of Hamas!  Since Hamas is also the civil administration in Gaza you could see why that might have even been possible, even if it turned out it actually wasn't, without getting overly excited about it. 

Now normally this website editor would just list ten or twelve articles to prove a point. In this case just how dangerous it is for UNRWA, and it's dedicated employees to provide relief aid to the desperate people in Gaza, and just how much the jews hate and despise UNRWA for doing so

But in this case.... this website editor had to devote a whole twenty minutes extracting these articles from those already posted on this website.  And since this website editor was annoyed at being forced to do so, more than the usual ten or twelve were posted
.  Just to let the world know what really happened.

So.... to the little craven sh*ts at the aforementioned misdirecting, omitting, dis-search engines named above.  Those who designed the algorithms to help smear UNRWA with judeo-spewage.  While preventing people from discovering the truth -- All you've done is smear yourselves, and demonstrated to the whole world just how utterly useless, and undependable you, and those hasbara spewing propaganda portals named above, really are. 

A sincere hat-tip to you all.... mpg

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Friday December 1st, 2023

Peddling Propaganda About al-Shifa
The Jew's al-Shifa Hospital Deception - A quote...."The argument over the [jews'] accusation that Hamas used Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital as a shield for its military effort against the [Jewish Occupation] Forces has continued, even as the headlines have shifted to the [Judeo-Enclave]-Hamas prisoner swap - On Nov. 23, well-known author and online journalist Fred Kaplan weighed in forcefully in favor of the [jewish] charge - In a post on “X,” Kaplan, who writes a weekly column on defense and foreign affairs for Slate magazine, posted a comment supporting the conclusion of an article in the [judeo-enclave based] daily Haaretz unequivocally supporting the JOF’s position." -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - The al-Shifa Hospital Operation  ||

Saturday November 25th, 2023

JOF Knew Real Hamas HQ While Lying About al-Shifa
A quote...."While telling the world that Hamas HQ was under al-Shifa Hospital, the JOF had already found the actual command center 8.5km away, reports Gareth Porter -- Although corporate news media have made it clear they don’t buy the [Jewish Occupation] Forces (JOF) claim that al-Shifa Hospital has been a cover for a Hamas command and control center and weapons armory, Western media have failed to report a much bigger story - The JOF and the [jewish enclave's governing cabal] already knew when they launched their propaganda campaign about al-Shifa that Hamas had no military command and control facility hidden there because it had already found the complex kilometers away."

Sunday November 19th, 2023

Weapons Allegedly Found in Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital ‘Rearranged’ by [Jewish Forces], CNN Suggests
"Rearranged" = Placed There - A quote..."US media have raised the possibility that the [jewish] occupation army “rearranged” weapons it claimed to have discovered at the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City before the international news agencies were allowed to visit the medical facility controlled by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas."

Friday November 17th, 2023

BBC on Al-Shifa Raid: [The Jewish] Tampered With Evidence, Edited 'Unedited' Video And Failed to Prove Claims -- BUSTED!! - The Jews' al-Shifa Hospital Fakery - (And by the BBC no less! - Which means it was REALLY bad - mpg) -- A quote...."The BBC, one of only two news organizations allowed into Al-Shifa Hospital by [the jewish occupation regime's forces], is reporting that the IDF tampered with evidence, edited the "unedited" video of the raid they released on social media and have failed so far to prove that the site is being used as a "Hamas Command Center" as they claimed."

Jewish] Deceit & the Ongoing Battle of Shifa Hospital
A quote...."The [jews' occupation forces' have] attacked and is occupying parts of al-Shifa hospital in an ongoing operation in northern Gaza. It is the biggest and most modern hospital in Gaza, which has  ceased to function normally because of a lack of power, while tens of thousands of displaced Gazans take shelter in it - An attack on a hospital is normally considered a clear violation of the rules of war. The [regime's Jewish Occupation] Forces is justifying it by claiming that Shifa has long served as civilian medical  cover for the command center of the entire Hamas war operations and weapons storage - That JOF claim has been cited constantly in [jewish]  propaganda as an argument that Shifa — and other hospitals in Gaza — should not be accorded the normal legal hospital immunity from attack." - Source:  RonPaulInst

Those Hidden Tunnels Underneath al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza Where [The Jewish Regime] Says Hamas Militants Are hiding?  [The Judeo-Enclave] BUILT them in 1983 -- A quote...."On the one hand, we are told that Hamas terrorists are using these underground tunnels and the hospital(s) above to concoct their plans for attacking [the jewish occupation enclave]. On the other, we are told that the hospital is simply filled with sick patients and doctors who are being indiscriminately bombed by [jewish] forces - In many ways, both stories are true. There are, in fact, underground tunnels below al-Shifa, and even special wings of the hospital that are off-limits to reporters and the rest of the world. And [jews are], in fact, surrounding and shelling the hospital to hit its targets, killing some civilians along the way - But what if you were to learn that al-Shifa is much more like a Hollywood set than actual hospital? Hamas allows reporters to see parts of the facility and even conducts interviews there – but what about all those other areas that are hidden from view?"
FYI:  It's true, Hamas probably has, (or had) facilities in this particular hospital.  But keep in mind, it's been thirty days, and the jews have bombed dozens of hospitals,  Hospitals where NONE of their accusations have been proven yet.  Their endless whining constant refrains of.... "Hamas uses hospitals".  Now wouldn't it be pretty hypocritical if anything is found at just this ONE hospital?  Because it would have been the JEWS WHO BUILT whatever it was that was found??  -- Whatever happens, this website editor can guarantee everyone, IF anything is found, the jews, as they ALWAYS DO, will use this one single, solitary case, they themselves created, to justify all their war crimes against all the other hospitalsIt's what they do! - mpg
[Jews Continue To] Attack Hospitals in Gaza
A quote...."[Jewish occupation forces have] attacked al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City while bombing it repeatedly over the past several days. The hospital has already run out of fuel and electricity, which has resulted in the death of several premature babies and critically wounded patients - The World Health Organization has described the situation of the hospital as dire and perilous. [The jews claim] Hamas resistance groups has tunnels and bunkers underneath the hospital. But the resistance group has vehemently denied that allegation."

Watch: Jews Raise [The Judeo-Enclave's] Flag Over Hospital After Raid, Fail to Prove “Hamas Base” Claims -- Color This Website Editor.... Actually Surprised!! -- A quote...."What the hell is going on here? How is this still happening? - I guess I know how – Bibi runs the US government. He’s calling the shots. Everyone is terrified of the [jewish] lobby, and this is his big chance - I think he probably also uses the Mossad to collect blackmail on everyone in the American government, including other Jews - But it is truly just incredible that Joe Biden is supposed to be the president and he is just getting totally railroaded right out in public view - Well. Whatever. All my love to the Palestinians, but in the long run, this is best for everyone. Everyone is seeing how evil the Jews truly are, and this is going to transform the entire world - The suffering of the Palestinians is going to prevent global suffering that was going to keep going on indefinitely, as the barbaric Jews controlled the whole world. After this event, there is just no way they are going to be able to maintain this same level of dominance. This is a last hurrah for the parasites." - bold by website editor

JOF Raid of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza Turns Up Scant Evidence of Hamas Presence
Ooooops!! - A quote...."[The jews are] so far struggling to produce [a.k.a. manufacture and fabricate] evidence of the much-hyped "Hamas Command Center" they claimed was located inside and below Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza - After dramatically raiding the building on Wednesday, all the IDF claims they found were a few rifles behind an MRI machine (which could have easily been planted) and some laptops and CDs..
FYI:  Just give the jews more time to fabricate, or fake something.... you'll see.  Of course whatever they fabricate, or fake, will be endlessly trumpeted by the judeo-owned spew outlets throughout the "West" - mpg
[Jewish Forces] Continues Terrorizing Al-Shifa Hospital, Dozens of Refugees Taken to 'Unknown Areas' -- A quote...."[Jewish] tanks and jets continued to bombard Al-Shifa Hospital on 16 November, with bulldozers destroying large sections of the medical complex as the invading forces continued their search for an alleged “Hamas command center.” - Sources inside the complex revealed on Thursday that about 200 Palestinians were taken from the complex to “unknown areas” by [jewish] forces after being blindfolded and interrogated - Heavy clashes are also reported in the vicinity of the hospital. Furthermore, civilians living near the complex say they have been unable to evacuate as [jewish] snipers are targeting them."

[The Jews Have] Never Provided Convincing Proof that Hamas Militants Are Hiding in Gaza Hospitals – is [The Judeo-Enclave] LYING as an Excuse to Indiscriminately Bomb the Innocent? -- A quote...."[The jews'] longtime claim about why it continues to indiscriminately bomb civilian targets in Gaza is that Hamas militants are hiding among civilians and using them as human shields – but is this actually true? - A growing number of experts is questioning [the jews'] claim about this, arguing that the government of the Jewish [enclave occupying Palestine] is committing serious war crimes with its actions - Palestinian officials just confirmed that at least 22 hospitals and 49 medical centers in the besieged Gaza Strip are either no longer operational because [the jews] shut off their utilities, or the facilities have been bombed or shelled and no longer exist."

Gaza Genocide: [Jewish Forces] Raid al-Shifa Hospital Again
A quote...."[Jewish] forces have raided al-Shifa Hospital, the largest medical complex in the Gaza Strip, amid a new communications blackout - [Jewish forces] on Friday carried out building-by-building searches at al-Shifa, where thousands of patients, premature babies, staff, and displaced people are trapped - Al-Shifa Hospital has become a focal point for [jewish] strikes since the regime’s troops raided the complex on Wednesday, alleging that the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas was using it as a command center. Hamas and hospital managers categorically deny the claim - The latest raid on al-Shifa came as communications in Gaza were once again cut off."

Desperate Scenes From Gaza's Remaining Hospitals
Photo Gallery - A quote...."TEHRAN (FNA)- Gaza's largest and second largest hospitals, Al Shifa and Al-Quds, said they were closed to new patients on Sunday. With half of the territory's hospitals now out of action, there are ever fewer places for the injured."

Biden Admin Justifies [The Jews'] Assault on Gaza Hospitals With Recycled [Jewish] ‘Intelligence’ -- A quote...."As [the jews] assault Gaza’s Shifa Hospital, the Biden administration claims that “Hamas does use hospitals” as military bases. Once again, Washington appears to be relying on dubious [jewish] propaganda rather than independent analysis - With [jewish] troops storming Gaza’s Al-Shifa and Al-Rantisi hospitals, the United States and [the jewish occupation regime] are doubling down on discredited claims that Hamas has been maintaining “command centers” out of the basements of hospitals in Gaza, even after so-called evidence produced by Tel Aviv was thoroughly debunked - “I can confirm for you that we have information that Hamas, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, used some hospitals in the Gaza Strip, including Al-Shifa, and tunnels underneath them, to conceal and to support their military operations and to hold hostages,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters Tuesday."
FYI:  It's becoming VERY clear, the al-Shifa Hospital Operation, was long-planned. 

Based on the jews knowledge that they themselves had built a network of tunnels under the Hospital in 1983.  To be used to justify the jews mass slaughter at all the other hospitals.  Mass slaughters designed to terrorize Gaza's captive Palestinian population and teach them nowhere is safe, so they'd all better leave.... permanently

Such cold homicidal planning, far in advance of finding anything at the al-Shifa Hospital -- all in expectations of finding something at the al-Shifa Hospital -- demonstrates the jewish mind in all its careful, malevolent, machinations. 

This is HOW they think!  This is HOW they plan!  This is HOW they do murder and terrorism. Always laying down a concealing screen of "plausible deniability" and "justifications"

By way of deception, thou shalt do war.

You've all been warned - mpg

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Sunday October 13th, 2024

How [The Jews] Killed Hundreds Of [Their] Own People On 7 October
Basically ALL of Them! - So Could We Pleeeeze STOP Pretending Now!?!
- Must Read - Photo - (the mini-highway of death wreckage - what hell-fire missiles can do) - A quote...."One year ago today Palestinian fighters led by Hamas launched an unprecedented military offensive out of the Gaza Strip - The immediate goal was to inflict a shattering blow against [the jewish forces'] bases and militarized [illegal jewish migrant compounds] which have besieged Gaza’s inhabitants for decades – all of which are built on land that Palestinian families were expelled from in 1948 - The bigger goal was to shatter a status quo in which [the trans-national jewish crime syndicate's geopolitical exterminanist, occupation pustule in Palestine], [their judeo-Nord-Am colony] and their accomplices believed they had effectively sidelined the Palestinian cause, and to bring that struggle for liberation back to the forefront of world attention - “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” as Hamas called it, was, by any objective military measure, a stunning success." - bold by website editor
FYI:  Let's make this clear, ANYONE who talks about the "terrible events" on Oct 7th, 2023, while blaming Hamas for ANY of them.... is Automatically, and Completely DISCREDITED! 

Everybody got it??

BTW If you think this website editor has forgotten when the jews, about two to three MONTHS after Oct 7th, 2023, held a private little screening for hundreds of their JewSA movers and shakers in New York city regarding these so-called "events".... you'd be very wrong.

A little get-together only commented on by the jews, when a few brave, obviously untrained and undisciplined reporters, asked questions they shouldn't have regarding what the whole thing was about. 

The jews who organized the affair said it was about all that awful.... (Weep Copiously), rapes.... (Gasp!), and brutally.... (Oh Nooooo), that occurred on October 7th, 2023  That they were screening movies, displaying revealing photos, along with huge quantities of evidence, all accompanied by heart-rending, tearful testimonies, about all the rapes and mutilations "Hamas's committed" that awful day. 

Then it was all dropped within 72 hours.. 

ONLY Jews do stuff like that.  Stuff that NO nation, or group, or tribe, in World History has EVER done. 

If ANY of it was true, they would have just given what they had to the media.  They would have blasted it out 24/7 for YEARS!!!

Instead they held a f*cking Focus Group among the rich and powerful!!  

Regarding their supposed allegations against Hamas.

Who does that? - They tested their "narrative" like it was a Gawd-damned commercial!! - Then found it desperately wanting for lack of something jews DO NOT understand.

The Truth.

Within a few days, they dropped it like a hot-potato.  It all disappeared from their judeo-spew outlets' news cycle within one week.  Like it NEVER existed.

Then they rolled out some more memes, frames, and cruddy "rape" narratives a few months after that.  With no proof, no credible eyewitnesses, and everything they stated was usually disproved with days, if not hours.  That disappeared too.

Then they tried again a few months after that.  The UN asked to investigate, was refused.  They asked to speak to the "eyewitnesses, they were refused.  Honest reporters (what few are left) asked for proof, evidence, something, anything.... and were refused.

Eventually it all just evaporated like a fart in the wind.  Except for all the judeo-sh*t still embedded in the Nord-Am and Nord-Atlantic shabbos-goyums' minds.

And so, forty thousand Palestinians have been murdered, hundreds of thousands injured, tens of thousands of children deliberately shredded, or shot-in-the-head. 

And the shabbos-goym sheeple walk around with their sh*t-eating, what-me-worry grins, plastered on their blank, bovine, faces.  Repeating the jew-spew like some Gawd-awful mantra.  It's simply unbelievable that people could be this STUPID.

So you begin to suspect they're not.  That in fact they're actually.... really.... evil.

To be honest, this website editor's running out of any other explanation - mpg - See related links posted below.....
Tuesday, July 9th 2024

Report: [The Jews'] 'Hannibal Directive' Turned 'Gaza Border' Into 'Extermination Zone' [Of Jews]
So.... The Final Shoe Drops - LIHOP'ed.... (That's when the jews knew it was going to happen and let it) -- and MIHOP'ed.... (that's where the jews killed most of their OWN "civilian jews" on Oct 7th, 2023 by exercising their Hannibal Directive) -- Must Read - A quote...."A new report says [jews'] so-called "Hannibal Directive," which was reactivated following the Palestinian resistance movements’ anti-[judeo-enclave] operation last October, has turned the southern part of the occupied territories into an "extermination zone." - The report, which was released by [the judeo-enclave based] newspaper, Haaretz, on Sunday, noted that the regime's forces were directed to kill their own soldiers and civilians if needed to avoid their capture by Palestinian resistance fighters, who launched Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7, 2023 in retaliation for the [judeo-supremacist] forces’ atrocities - "Documents obtained by Haaretz, along with testimonies from senior and middle-ranking [jewish force members] and [commanders] in the [jewish forces], reveal a series of orders and procedures received by the Gaza Division, the Southern Command, and the General Staff until the afternoon of October 7; details that reveal how extensive the use of the Hannibal procedure was during the first hours of the Hamas attack and at various points in the surrounding area," the paper wrote." - bold by website editor - Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity -- LIHOP / MIHOP  || FYI:  So.... The famous Oct 7th, 2023 1,200 figure was all a lie.  Very Old News. 
To those who spread it, they will never be taken seriously again.  Their websites will never be posted on this website again. They know who they are, and they know what they've done.  They were instrumental in facilitating the gruesome murder and maiming of over 100,000 Palestinians. 

Almost all of whom were innocent civilians.  Over seventy percent of whom were Women and Children. That's a war crime.  They're war criminals, and will remain so till the day they die.

It has been noticed that jews were the ones who mostly exposed all of this. They did so for their own reasons. Reasons already discussed by this website editor.  But the shabbos-goyum sheeple who inhabit the JewSA and JewK did absolutely nothing regarding this issue. Nothing - mpg -  (With the exception and a grateful hat-tip to Max Blumenthal, and those like him)
Sunday, September 29th, 2024

Hamas, [The Jewish Occupation], and the Fog of October 7: What We Know Now
War Crime Revealed - By The Numbers - Outstanding Report!! - A quote...."It has now been one year since the October 7 attack, led by Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades. There are two diametrically opposed versions of that day: the [jewish] narrative and what the evidence suggests -- On October 7, at 6:30 a.m., the Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, launched a military assault targeting [jewish occupation forces'] positions, Kibbutzim, and surrounding areas. According to a 16-page report issued by the group, titled “Our Narrative,” their stated mission was to attack [the jewish forces'] positions and seize captives to exchange for thousands of Palestinians held in [jewish run] prisons. The report also acknowledged certain “faults” in their actions -- [The jews'] narrative claims that an unprovoked terrorist attack was launched against them, deliberately targeting civilians, including allegations of beheadings, burning, and dismemberment of babies, as well as a premeditated mass rape campaign. [The jews' Nord-Am colony's] Vice President Kamala Harris described the events as “the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.”
FYI:  A Beautiful case study and analysis on how jews lie.  Of course they would describe it as "what they believed", or "eyewitness accounts" (no matter their inconsistency, or implausibility, or whether they were even actually there or not), or "tearful emotive narratives", or "how it made them feel at the time", or "how it's annuder shoah", or the infamous... "it was real in my mind at the time". 

Again what any normal decent person would call lying.  It's a sort of collective flocking behavior.  Built up over time.  As each successive lie is repeatedly echoed by the jews' MASS media-spewing, echo chambers throughout the Anglo Sphere countries, and in Western Europe.  Particularly the completely jewish dominated Nord-Am and Nord-Atlantic colonies.  They become excepted and further amplified. 

Many of course are disproved in hours or days. Usually too late to do any good. But even so, because jews NEVER, EVER experience ANY sanction for lying, they feel secure in telling ever more lurid, and frankly, ever more ridiculous tales of rape, torture, sexual abuse, and baby killing.  A very revealing obsession of the jews. 

The pattern is STRIKINGLY similar to all the lies the jews told about the German National Socialist government of Adolf Hitler and their holohoax tales,  (Tales which by the way started in the late sixties.  Decades after the end of WWII)  The same slow at first, then ever accelerating collective build-up of impossible, fact-less, inconsistent, incoherent, bizarre tales of terror -- It's their collective way, and will be until they're stopped

These tales are then endlessly repeated by overly, some might say criminally, credulous goyum who should know better.  Many of whom are paid not to.

Obviously everyone who spread these lies to enable the jews to mass-murder the Palestinians is a war criminal.  But of course, they'll never receive any justice for their crimes - mpg
Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Max Blumenthal : US Celebrates Jewish Occupation's] Bloodbath
War Crime Exposed - The False Rape Stories - JdgNAPVideo - Rumble Not Available - (JdgNAPYuTb - 28min02sec - Jun 13th, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ Rumble - JdgNAP @ PodCast - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X) - Special Guest's Websites - Max Blumenthal:   The Gray Zone - TGZ @ Odysee - TGZ @ Twitter - TGZ @ Patreon - TGZ @ Instagram - TGZ @ Minds

UN Says Jews Commit Crimes Against Humanity, Rejects Goofy October 7 Rape Stories
War Crime Exposed - The Goofy Rape Fables - A quote...."When your rape stories are so goofy you can’t even get the UN to throw you a bone, you need to go back to the rape hoax drawing board and invent better rape hoaxes - “Angel Face got decapitated with a shovel and then her head rolled past me” should have been left on the rape hoax cutting room floor, I can tell you that much."

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

NYT: [Jews] Tortured, Sexually Abused Palestinian Detainees at [Jewish Occupation] Base
War Crime - More Despicable Jewish Behavior - (This is what jews ALWAYS do whenever and wherever they gain physical control over their goyum cattle / sheeple - mpg) -- A quote...."[Jewish Occupation] Forces have been systematically torturing and sodomizing Palestinian detainees at a military base in [the] southern [part of the judeo-enclave], according to testimonies from released captives shared in a new report from the New York Times - Dozens of Palestinians died in the camp and many described being stripped naked, tortured, sodomized with a metal pole or cattle prod and forced to wear a diaper - Whereas The Times did everything they could to hype up and sensationalize their now-debunked atrocity propaganda tale about "Hamas committing mass rape" on Oct 7th, they did their best to downplay [the jews'] alleged torture and sexual abuse of Palestinian detainees and buried the most sensational details at the bottom of their 3800 word article." - bold by website editor

Sunday, June 9th, 2024

[The Jews] Use of Rape Against Palestinian Detainees From Gaza Exposed
War Crimes - Another Perfect Example of Jewish Projection, Transference, and Displacement - (And this horrific expose is from the jewish controlled New York Times itself!! -- Which means this was REALLY bad - mpg) -- A quote...."A shocking three-month investigation by the New York Times has revealed gruesome details of abuse, torture and mistreatment of Palestinians held at [the judeo-enclave's] Sde Teiman detention facility. The exposé, based on interviews with former detainees, [jewish occupation force commanders], doctors and [jewish force members] who served at the site, paints a harrowing picture of the conditions endured by the roughly 4,000 Palestinian detainees who have passed through the facility since 7 October."

Friday May 24th, 2024

Hamas: AP News Report Necessitates US Apology to the Resistance
Caught Again!! - A quote...."GAZA – The Hamas Movement said on Wednesday the press reports refuting the [jewish] allegations that Palestinian resistance fighters committed sexual violence on October 7 is a new slap in the face of those promoting these baseless allegations - This came after the Associated Press published a press report on Wednesday in which it confirmed that [the jews'] allegations were not true and deliberately fabricated - Hamas confirmed in a press statement that these allegations were used for the purpose of demonizing the resistance, and to hide the resistance’s humanitarian behavior and good treatment of [jewish] prisoners who were detained in Gaza."

Monday May 6th, 2024

WATCH: Sheryl Sandberg's Vile 'Hamas Mass Rape' Documentary Debunked by Electronic Intifada
In A World of ABSOLUTE "Moral & Factual Relativism" - You Can Say Anything You Want, Without Consequence, To Support Lies Enabling Extermination - Must Read - A quote...."The Electronic Intifada on Wednesday thoroughly debunked hasbara agent Sheryl Sandberg's vile propaganda film "Screams Before Silence" which pushes the discredited "Hamas mass rape" hoax to justify [the jews'] war crimes in Gaza- Sandberg, the former Facebook COO, announced in January that she was stepping down from the board of Facebook's parent company Meta, seemingly to work full time as a pro"

Tuesday April 30th, 2024

Profs Urge NYT to Probe False Oct. 7 Rape Story
War Crime - NYT's Malicious Slander to Enable Mass Ethnic Slaughter - (And asking the repeatedly perjured NYSlime to probe itself is a silly exercise in utter futility - mpg) -- A quote...."Nothing can “reverse the damage done to Palestine and to Palestinians,” said the professors, “but the Times could still reverse some of the damage it has done to itself with its silence.” -- [In otherwords allow the NYSlime to set the stage to continue their facilitation of more mass murder!?!? -- WHAT are these "professors" thinking??  The NYSlime should be closed down, and its editors tried for war crimes!!! - mpg] -- A front-page New York Times story that [the jews occupying Palestine] used to galvanize public support for its U.S.-backed assault on Gaza must be subject to an independent review, more than 50 journalism professors said in a letter to the newspaper on Monday, as growing protests signified widespread outrage over the destruction that followed the bombshell article."

Monday April 22nd, 2024

[The Jews] Fail to Provide Evidence For Allegations Against UNRWA Staff: Report
The Jews Caught Lying Again! - A quote...."[The jews occupying Palestine have] failed to provide evidence of claims that some workers with the UN relief agency UNRWA were affiliated with Palestinian resistance movements, an independent review for the UN says - The review, by an independent panel led by ex-French minister Catherine Colonna and published on Monday, underscored the lack of substantiation for broader allegations made by [the jews] that accused numerous UNRWA employees of affiliation with Hamas or Islamic Jihad resistance groups." - See related article.... "UN report reveals falsity of [the jewish occupation] entity’s claims regarding UNRWA"

Saturday April 20th, 2024

More Claims of ‘Hamas Mass Rape’ Proven False
War Crime - Atrocity Hoax Propaganda to Further Ethnic Extermination - A quote...."A report by Haaretz published on 18 April acknowledges that key allegations claiming Hamas committed mass rape on 7 October are false, including the shocking claim made by the New York Times that nails were driven into a woman’s groin - On 28 December, the Times published an article claiming it had “viewed photographs of one woman’s corpse that emergency responders discovered in the rubble of a besieged kibbutz with dozens of nails driven into her thighs and groin.” - The authors of the article, Jeffrey Gettleman, Anat Schwartz, and Adam Sella, cited the photograph as evidence that “attacks against women were not isolated events but part of a broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7.” - However, Haaretz stated in its 18 April report that its journalists had seen the photo in question but that it does not appear to show what the Times claimed - The photo was shown to Haaretz by Chaim Otmazgin, who is both a commander in the ZAKA rescue service and a reservist in the [judeo-enclave's occupation forces.]" - bold by website editor
FYI  Every single person who repeated these lies is an ENABLER of the jewish exterminationist atrocity in Gaza. The deliberate, coldblooded mass-murder of 35,000 Palestinians (so far), and injury and mutilation of over 80,000 Palestinians (so far). Your brother, your father, your sister, your friend, your wife, your co-worker, your son, your daughter, your confident, your pastor, your priest.  They're personally responsible. 

That's harsh, but what is the count now?  Is it the thirtieth time, the fortieth time, the fiftieth time lies like these, very similar -- in fact many identical -- to the same tales of atrocity war-porn hoaxes spread about the Germans during WWI & WWII?? 

The first or second time, sure, shame on those who created them, and perhaps forgiveness for those who later repeated them.  But the thirtieth time?  The fortieth time?  The fiftieth time?!

What's even worse, it's actually the jews who are carrying out MANY of the heinous crimes they are falsely accusing Hamas and the Palestinians of!!

So who's kidding who here. Many will deny they knew.... but they knew. They Knew! 

They're just making pathetic, pitiful attempts at willful ignorance, or contrived ignorance.  But they knew..... that deep down inside what they were doing was wrong.  They KNEW they were spreading lies, helping to murder innocents.... and they simply didn't care - mpg - See weblist links posted below.....
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Thursday April 18th, 2024

The Jews' Collective Crime Against Humanity
(It's NOT Their Slaughters - It's Their Imposed Mental Abomination)

Leaked NYTimes Memo Shows Pro-Genocide Bias Is Even Worse Than We Thought
War Crime - Promotion of Ethnic Cleansing by the Use of Judeo-Hasbara Meme Propaganda - A quote...."The [jewish controlled] New York Times’ management encouraged its staff to use the word “terrorists” (as opposed to “fighters” or “militants”) when referring to Palestinian military actions such as the October 7 al-Aqsa Storm raid, but never in reference to [the jewish] massacres of civilians. Like all other US mainstream outlets, the Times has “reserved terms like ‘slaughter,’ ‘massacre,’ and ‘horrific’ almost exclusively for (the handful of) [jewish] civilians killed by Palestinians, rather than for (the vastly larger number of) Palestinian civilians killed in [jewish] attacks.” This kind of bias has been reported for many years by IfAmericansKnew.org, which has cited studies showing that each [jewish] death gets dozens or hundreds of times as much NYT coverage as each Palestinian death."
FYI:  This is what jews do.  There are approximately twenty million in the world. Twenty million potential "Gríma Wormtongues" filled with joy at what they've accomplished.  Every single word out of their collective mouths, or laid down by their collective hands, is carefully crafted, shaped, framed, spun, twisted, inverted, perverted, to control their goyum cattle-sheeple.  To further the jews' FALSE "narratives" to promote their exploitative, sometimes very lethal agenda.  Whatever that agenda may be at the time.

Even if that agenda is the most barbaric, cold-blooded, merciless, inhuman, cruel, sadistic, mass-murdering, ethnic cleansing, exterminationist campaign ever seen. 

Before you object and state that many lies are told by many peoples down through history to further their wars, and conquests. Understand clearly, NO ONE in world HISTORY has EVER done it like the jews.  Or been so phenomenally successful at doing so.  Or so absolutely, insidiously destructive for the societies, and communities they inhabit!!

They are the ONLY tribe of people to have their leading members categorically state, "everything is morally and factually relative". That 2+2=Whaaaatever.  That saying two plus two equals four makes you a racist, or a supremacist, or a Nazi. That a fifty year old black male could "self-identify" as a five year old Chinese girl, and use the women's rest-room.  That you could marry a ficus tree and have little ficus children. That removing the genitals of your own children, or killing them in your womb, is perfectly OK.

To quote four items from another one of this website editor's own essays..... "
Jewish Quantum Moral Relativity"
  • A Mad-Hatter World, grown perverse, reversed, mirrored, and warped into another dimension.  Where whatever a "Jew" says, is usually the exact opposite of what actually exists.  Where whatever a "Jew" predicts, is usually the exact opposite of what actually occurs -- A world where the "natural" is  unnatural, and the perverse is revered, lauded, and desired. A world where what is... isn't, and what isn't... is.

  • A world without Right or Wrong.  A world without Justice.  A World belonging to the Red-Queen. Or the Red-Shield.  One where whatever a "Jew" is accusing someone of doing, it is the "Jew" that is most likely doing that which is being falsely blamed on the accused

  • A world without Truth.  A world without Morality.  A world without Beauty. A world of... Negation.  A world where all things are equal, are "morally equivalent", and where judgment, discernment, and discrimination cannot exist

  • A world that undergoes the existential heat-death of all value systems into.... nothingness.  Into... the dark, frigid, void of complete moral and ethical entropy.
A world where making someone "feel" bad is a hate crime for which you could be arrested and imprisoned.  The jews have imposed legislation in several European countries to that effect. 

A world where you cannot investigate, or tell the truth about forbidden historical events, and should you attempt to do so, the so-called COURTS have already ruled "the truth is no defense!!". Actually stating  the MORE you tell, the greater is your crime.... and consequent sentence!! 

A world where the Truth will not only not "set you free", the greater the Truth, the more Truth you tell, the longer, and harsher will be your sentence.  The jews have also imposed legislation to that effect in many European countries. 

This has never happened before in human history, except where jews have exerted their malign influence.  The French Revolution, and the jews' takeover of Russia in 1917.

Sure, almost everywhere else, singing a seditious song, or writing a stinging polemic, in the past might've gotten you arrested by many a regime.  Even executed. But ALL of those regimes would say two things.  What was sung or written was untrue, (thereby acknowledging there IS A TRUTH!!), and therefore what was sung or written was also disloyal, and subject to sanction.  The first could be questioned and proven wrong, the second could be challenged and shown to be wrong.  But to the JEW all of that is completely irrelevant.  NONE of what they assert about those they  persecute can EVER be challenged!!

Because to the JEW, there is NO history, there is NO truth, there are NO facts, and any assertion of FACTUAL TRUTH, along with any loyalty by a non-jew to other related non-jewish collectives, is simply an existential threat to ALL JEWS everywhere!!

You are always "guilty" for such thought crimes. 

Only jews think this way.  Only jews have created and imposed legislation that codifies such an aberrant, nihilistic, destructive, mental framework

Now.... this mind-rot, this meme pathogenic mental gangrene, has become a suffocating, corrupting, rotting, miasma of non-reality everywhere jews reside..... and where they have achieved actual physical control over the indigenous population??  Unrelenting sadistic cruelty, violence, and mass murder.  For which their victims are ALWAYS to blame.

Only jews have imposed....  this "abomination of the mind", this "desecration of truth".... on their sheeple / cattle, in an effort to actually drive them insane.... To gleefully, and joyfully, rape and mutilate their minds, along with their bodies, and their societies.

They've done so to confuse their shabbos cattle / sheeple.  It's how a parasite would daze and later consume its pray.  If a person can't tell the difference between the truth, facts, and reality itself, versus non-reality.  They become very disorientated, and vulnerable to exploitation.  They can be easily manipulated by the jews, as they constantly roll-out harmful, or lethal, fabricated narratives, memes, and frames.  Their carefully targeted, shaped, and spun cages of toxic mental poison, designed to paralyze, anesthetize.... and finally leave their victims helplessly supine, or blindly crawling around on the ground on all fours. 

To be harvested, or destroyed at will.

THAT is their collective crime against humanity!! - mpg

Some additional essay on this subject posted below.....
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Tuesday April 16th, 2024

[Jewsih Occupation] Obstructs UN Investigation Into Alleged Rape on 7 October, Prevents Interviews of Victims
War Crime - Concealing Atrocity Propaganda Used to Enable Ethnic Cleansing Extermination - Another Holohoax Deux - A quote...."United Nations’ investigators have criticised [the jewish enclave] for actively preventing them from speaking to victims and witnesses of the 7 October attacks into [jewish]-held territory by Hamas, amid growing scepticism of [the jews'] account of the events - According to Chris Sidoti, former human rights commissioner of Australia and one of the three members of the UN’s Commission of Inquiry into abuses [allegedly] committed in   the Occupied Palestinian Territories, “we have not only seen a lack of cooperation [from the [jews']], but active obstruction of our efforts to receive evidence from [jewish] witnesses and victims to the events that occurred in southern [occupied Palestine]”." - Source:  MEMO

Friday March 1st, 2024

The Empire’s Weakness Is That It Still Needs Normal People To Turn Its Gears
The NYSlime - "The Paper of Lies" - A quote...."Imperial propaganda outlet The New York Times is currently embroiled in a massive scandal over its reporting which alleges mass rapes on October 7 — and the scandal is being fueled in part by leaks from its own staff - In case you haven’t been following the story, back in December the Times published an article titled “‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7” which was riddled with glaring plot holes that were exposed by research from outlets like The Grayzone, Electronic Intifada, and Mondoweiss. Later it came out with the help of an anonymous Twitter account named zei_squirrel that one of the three authors of the New York Times piece — Anat Schwartz — is a [extermanationist]-supporting [jewish] intelligence veteran who had never worked in journalism before, and that another author of the piece — a food writer named Adam Sella — is her partner’s nephew."

‘[The Judeo-Enclave] is Destroying Itself’ as Western Media Helps in the Slaughter of Palestinians
A quote...."On December 28, 2023, the “paper of record” in the United States, The New York Times, published a piece that described acts of alleged sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas during the October 7 attack. Since publication, independent media outlets have revealed significant issues with the piece - The New York Times and other Western media outlets paved the way for [the jews'] slaughter [of the Palestinians], Seyed Mohammad Marandi, an Iranian-American academic and political analyst, told Sputnik’s The Critical Hour on Thursday - “When The New York Times published that dishonest piece about rape on October the 7th, some [judeo-enclave based] [media] were rejecting those claims, [but] the Western media would not accept any of this. They closed their eyes and simply repeated the accusations in order to help the [jews] justify [ethnic cleansing and extermination] and they continue to do so today,” he said." - bold/underline by website editor - Source:  Sputnik

Monday February 26th, 2024

New [Judeo-Enclave] Report Alleging ‘Systematic and Intentional Rape’ by Hamas Relies on Debunked Western Media Reports -- Some quote...."The contents of the [Judeo-Enclave] Association of Rape Crisis Center’s paper alleging “systematic” Hamas rape derive largely from discredited second-hand testimonies and debunked media reports. Among its most heavily cited sources is a dubious NY Times article that triggered a staff revolt at the paper." -- "Despite the AP’s acknowledgment that the report “did not specify the number of cases it had documented or identify any victims, even anonymously” and that its authors “declined to say whether they had spoken to victims,” dozens of mainstream outlets have presented its findings as incontrovertible fact" - "Yet a close examination of the ARCC report reveals that the paper is short on new research, absent of hard evidence, and reliant instead on clips from factually-challenged articles by the same Western outlets promoting its publication. Among the paper’s most frequently cited sources is an infamously shoddy New York Times report by Jeffrey Gettleman purporting to detail “How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on October 7.”  - also posted at NaturalNews

Thursday February 22nd, 2024

‘The Black Dress’ – Groundbreaking Palestinian Documentary Challenges NYT Report on Oct. 7 Mass Rape
The Judeo-NYT Exposed As The Sick, Salacious, & Slanderous Lie Factory It's Always Been - A quote...."Yet, on December 28, the US’ so-called newspaper of record, The New York Times, claimed, in a supposedly comprehensive report entitled ‘Screams without Words: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7’, that [jewish] women were raped on October 7. The report was first published digitally on December 28, then in print on December 31 - Two leading Palestinian media organizations, The Palestine Chronicle and Friends of Palestine Network, conducted a joint investigation, based on media reports, in addition to historical and political analyses - The outcome of their investigation resulted in the launch of ‘The Black Dress’, an 18-minute documentary looking into The New York Times allegations and the possible falsification of evidence regarding what has truly transpired on Oct 7."

Friday February 16th, 2024

Elderly Palestinian Woman Refutes [The Jews] Claim They Provided Her Aid
Another Despicable Judeo-Hasbara Meme Debunked - A quote..."An elderly Palestinian woman, Umm Muhammad Musmah, has categorically refuted the [jewish forces] propaganda that [occupation force members] had found her last month while shackled inside a building and provided her with medical aid, Anadolu news agency reported - Umm Muhammad. who is currently receiving treatment in the Gaza European Hospital in the city of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, told the agency that it was the [jewish occupation forces] who had detained her, handcuffed and beaten her then filmed her for propaganda purposes - She said she was chained and kept outdoors in the cold weather and deprived of food throughout her detention which lasted for nearly two weeks." - bold by website editor - Source:  MEMO

Saturday February 10th, 2024

Hamas Rape Hoax: NYT's Jeffrey Gettleman Says It's Not His 'Role' to Provide 'Evidence' of Hamas Rapes
Liar, Liar, Gaza on Fire.... With 30, 000 Murdered - (You wonder how these people look at themselves in the mirror.  You sometimes wonder if they're actually people - mpg) - Must Read - A quote...."Jeffrey Gettleman, the main author of the New York Times' debunked propaganda piece claiming Hamas committed mass rape on October 7, now says he doesn't want to describe the "evidence" he gathered as "evidence" because it's not his "role" to actually prove any such rapes took place - Instead, Gettleman claims his "role" is simply to "present information" and "give people a voice" (even if those people are proven liars with an agenda)." - See related links posted below.....

Tuesday February 6th, 2024

[Jewish Apparatchiks] Move to Punish 'Denying' or 'Downplaying' October 7th With 5 Years in Prison
It's A'nudder Shoah / Holohoax!!! - A quote...."[Jewish apparatchiks] are moving forward with a bill to punish those accused of "denying" or "downplaying" [the jews' already totally discredited] narrative of October 7th with five years in prison.
FYI:  EVERYONE who promoted the false, fraudulent, fabricated LIE of the Holohoax and the slander against the German People and the National Socialist Government of Germany is responsible for this.  Jewish behavior and jewish lies have not changed one single iota in 150 years.  At this point it's getting ridiculous.  They've even recycled the same lies they used for WWI and WWII for "October 7th"! - mpg - See related links posted below.....
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Thoughtless, Cruel, Complicit Lies

[The Judeo-Enclave] Withholding Intelligence Dossier on UNRWA Participation in Hamas Attack
A quote...."[The jews occupying Palestine are] refusing to release the full intelligence dossier it compiled about the 12 members of the UN Palestinian aid agency it alleges participated in the Hamas October 7 attack. The US and several other countries cut funding in response to the [jews'] assertion, potentially igniting a famine in the besieged enclave - UNRWA employs 30,000 people, including 12,000 in Gaza, and is the key to providing life-saving aid to the 2.3 million Palestinians in the Strip. The four-month [jewish] onslaught in Gaza has caused a humanitarian crisis as nearly the entire population of the Strip has been displaced and now relies on assistance to survive - On January 18, [the jews] claimed that 12 members of UNRWA participated in the October 7 Hamas attack. UNRWA quickly terminated living employees identified by Tel Aviv. Still, the US and several other top donors to UNRWA suspended funding to the group."
FYI:  Needless to say this website editor wanted to go on a long, scatological rant.... again.  About the utter, shameless, complicit, criminal, culpability of everyone who spread these lies all over the place. But it's so tedious and tiresome. 

For three months, lie after lie has been spread by the Amerikan judeo-shabbos-sheeple on behalf of their jewish masters. All disproved, usually in days, sometimes within hours. 

This website editor doesn't get that angry about it anymore. 

Realizing that many of these people have been absolutely devastated by jewish lies regarding their own lives.  Transgenderism, the Homo-plex, Trans-plex, and Pedo-plex agendas, abortion, the Massive CRT Complex destroying the future of White Ethnic European children, the BLM complex with its Anti-White riots and crime, the "evil" of White Men, the "evil" of White Society and Culture, deliberate White Replacement, White Erasure, and Anti-White hatred, De-racination, and Destruction of White History & Culture, (
the jewish Frankfurt School), Cancel Culture (the jewish media complex), complete cultural debauchery (Ditto), the synthetic opioid epidemic, (the jewish Sackler family), PornHub (run by a jewish rabbi), Charlottesville (set up and prosecuted by jews), and so on and so forth. 

Perhaps they should comprehend that by lying so facilely, so thoughtlessly, about the Palestinians, and Hamas, they're only spreading the same degradation of the truth, that's enabled the jews to do so much harm to them, as well as so many other innocent people around the world?? 

A judeo-rot of reality that's been hurting them and their families so terribly for decades.

One day they may realize that.- mpg

BTW:  That's 12 people out of 12,000 in Gaza accused of helping Hamas.  A people who have been massively abused by the jews for decades.  The jews seemed to have cooked up this bogus "dossier" as they have so many times before. 

But still, you have to assume some Palestinians working at UNRWA, would have helped their own government, the one they actually freely and fairly elected, at some point or another. 

And so this entire organizations loses it's funding because they do?  

So what happens to the thousands of NGO's and other organizations in the other 190 countries sponsored or affiliated with the JewSA??  If you can cut off the funding to a UN organization, because the very civilians working in that country support their own government, WHAT can you do to FOREIGN organizations staffed by FOREIGNERS if ONE single employee is found to have done anything wrong??

Obviously you can do whatever you want!!! 

Using this decision as a precedent.  So to the other 190 countries in the world, you can now close down any NGO sponsored by, or funded by the JewSA or any other country that defunded UNRWA, for practically ANY reason you want to, using this precedent THEY established for you!! - mpg - See related links posted below.....
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Friday February 2nd, 2024

States Gutting UNRWA Are Complicit in Genocide
War Crime - A quote...."The US government had a prompt response on Friday to the International Court of Justice’s ruling that [the judeo-enclave] is plausibly committing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza - The response was to defy the court’s rulings - It took only a few hours for President Joe Biden’s administration to temporarily pause funding to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestine refugees - The ICJ, a body of the United Nations also known as the World Court, had ordered that[The judeo-enclave] must take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance” to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip - Apart from [the judeo-enclave's head crime boss] Benjamin Netanyahu condemning the court as “anti-[judeo-supremacist],[The judeo-enclave's] main response has been to change the subject. Based on allegations feared to be rooted in torture, [the jews] claimed that 12 UNRWA employees took part in the Palestinian military assault that began on 7 October - In contrast to the Biden administration’s months-long refusal to stop the killing of Palestinians in Gaza, the administration’s quick response to [jews'] bid to change the subject was striking"
FYI:  Jews make crap up again, for the ten thousandth time, in this case about UNRWA.  It appears from brutally torturing people to gain false confessions.  This is what the jews have done down through history.  Just look at what they did in Russia in 1917 when they took it oveR - All of this was done so they could close down a major lifeline to the Palestinian people in order to make it easier to ethnically cleanse them - So the title is correct.  Countries participating in this criminal activity -- and they know the jews are peddling nothing but lies about UNRWA --  are DIRECTLY participating in Ethnic Cleansing and possible Genocide.  They are helping to starve the refugees that the jews JUST created in Gaza by their relentless bombing campaign.  With bombs supplied by these very same countries - It's just sick!! - mpg
Sunday February 4th, 2024

October 7th Myths Are Still Out There, Killing Palestinians
A quote...."In the immediate aftermath of the October 7 attacks by Hamas, narratives of atrocity dominated the news cycle. It is only now, four months later, that the events of that day are being clarified. The New York Times has reportedly pulled a high-profile podcast on the “weaponization” of rape in response to concerns of “major discrepancies.” -- Journalists are challenging state spokespeople, and researchers cross-referencing claims against the list of terror victims maintained by Israel’s own Social Security Administration have shown that several horrifying stories first responders and IDF members initially told reporters do not reflect actual people or deaths. The IDF itself has said it cannot confirm some of its own reporting -- Nevertheless, these stories spread widely. The founder of Oct7FactCheck.com saw how they impacted his friends and family. People who had previously protested Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government were now insisting that “these people,” Palestinians in Gaza, were irredeemable. They cited the atrocities in the news as evidence -- And yet, it has become apparent that many of the stories used to justify ongoing violence in Gaza are just that: stories." - Source:  Mondoweiss

Wednesday January 31st, 2024

October 7 Fact Check: Which Atrocity Claims Are Factual, Which Are False
A quote...."Numerous reports have been disseminated about atrocities that have been proven to be untrue, yet they continue to circulate. This website Investigates the facts on each and provides thorough sourcing for its findings -- Oct7FactCheck.com -- Tne October 7 Fact Check website announces: “Our mission is to facilitate an accurate understanding of the events of October 7 and its aftermath through the collection and organization of information. We value accuracy and organization… Due to the nature of this work, there are at times disturbing imagery, video, or descriptions. Viewer discretion is advised…”  Read more and see the reports." -- Related links.....
FYI:  By the way, all these lies were exposed within days, if not hours.  It's called the Web.  USE IT!  It's something the Germans didn't have during and after WWII. Their children have it now.  USE IT!
Tuesday January 23rd, 2024

[Jewish Occupation Forces', and Local Jewish Enforcers'] Repeat False Claims of Hamas Atrocities
More False Claims Debunked - A quote...."Recent claims made by a senior [jewish forces'] officer and [local jewish enforcers] spokesperson regarding alleged atrocities committed by Hamas during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood are false, Haaretz newspaper reported on 21 January - On 20 January, Lt. Col. Guy Basson, deputy commander of the [jewish occupation's] Kfir Brigade, claimed in an interview with Channel 14 that fighters from Hamas’ military wing, the Qassam Brigades, murdered eight infants and a survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp on 7 October."  - Source:  TheCradle -- Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity -- Rape Room Hoax ||
FYI:  What can one say.  The ONLY people, except for a few honest gentiles, actually debunking all of the jews recycled WWII fraudulent propaganda claims against Hamas, are..... wait for it.... jews!!! - This website editor is at a loss for words - Admittedly many jews are extremely upset at having their relatives slaughtered by their own forces as a prop for Benjamin Netanyahu's political career, and to justify his current extermination campaign in Gaza.

But honestly, there is something truly, seriously, wrong with the Goyum cattle / sheeple out there.  They're obviously despicable cowards.  But there's something even worse, something more craven, more spineless, something..... darker.  Especially in the JewSA & JewK -- What it is, this website editor does not yet know, and cannot yet describe.  But it's there, and it's getting worse - mpg

Hamas Says ‘Faults Happened’ in 7 October Attacks in First Account Since Start of War on Gaza. “Hamas Claims [The Jewish Regime] Killed Its Own Civilians” -- A quote...."Hamas has published a 16-page report regarding its 7 October attack on southern [jewish occupation] communities, in which it stated that “faults” occurred, but denied deliberately targeting civilians - “Our narrative: Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”, published on Sunday, is the Palestinian group’s first public account of the operation since the attack three months ago - The surprise attack killed 1,140 people, almost 700 of whom were civilians, and saw around 240 people taken captive to Gaza, around half of whom have since been released in a prisoner exchange deal - Since then, relentless [jewish]  bombardment on the besieged Gaza Strip has killed more than 25,000 Palestinians, the majority of whom are women and children. At least 25 hostages have been killed during [the jews'] offensive, according to reports."
FYIThe numbers Hamas has produced in this report closely match the initial numbers given out by this website editor, within four weeks of Oct 7th.  Why's that??  Oh.... well.... because it's simple addition. You know, 2+2=4, stuff like that.  Maybe people should try it once and awhile instead of engaging in faith based reasoning, mindless polemics, biased analysis, judeo-mass spew inculcated route opinion, and what appears to be most often some sort of crazed deluded, borderline psychotic, belief system.  An infantile goyum version of the jews' "everything is morally and factually relative".  Where if a warped viewpoint makes "me the good guy, and the [current target of the day], the bad guy", then it's a good day to be me! - It's pretty sick whatever it is - mpg
Thursday January 11th, 2024

Screams Without Proof: Questions for NYT About Shoddy ‘Hamas Mass Rape’ report
The Great Attempted Judeo Rape-O-Hoax Is Dead, Long Live The Next Judeo-Hoax - A quote...."The Grayzone has identified  serious issues with the credibility of key sources quoted in the New York Times’ December 28 story, “Screams Without Words: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on October 7.” Authored by Jeffrey Gettleman, Anat Schwartz, and Adam Sella, the article purports to prove “a broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7” than even [jewish apparatchiks] have been willing to allege . However, the Times report is marred by sensationalism, wild leaps of logic, and an absence of concrete evidence to support its sweeping conclusion."

Sunday January 7th, 2024

[Local Jewish Enforcers] Unable to Verify 'Hamas Rape' Stories
Warning!! - Fake Evidence, False Narrative Being Constructed - Action Alert -- A quote...."We're looking for more than a single witness [i.e. one that's better then a known congenital liar]. For each scene, [oh that's rich, just like the movies] we're looking for support [i.e. fishing for fabricators] for what [didn't] happened there. [Local jewish enforcers] claim to have collected a small number of eyewitness testimonies. These testimonies include those of [occupation] personnel and of the [judeo-enclave's] search and rescue team, Zaka – which was behind some of the debunked stories of atrocities committed by Hamas, among them the claim of 40 beheaded babies - “Despite having no expertise in forensic investigations or documenting crime scenes, these volunteers were given access to the various kibbutzim and Nova party sites to collect the bodies,” says The Cradle’s William Van Wagenen, a US investigative journalist who has conducted extensive research into the events of 7 October - Van Wagenen raises further questions about Zaka’s credibility, detailing how it “was suspected of using shadow organizations to funnel millions of dollars of donations for private use, even as the organization faced bankruptcy,” citing a 2019 report by Hebrew media - Additionally, Zaka’s founder Yehuda Meshi-Zahav has been implicated in the sexual assault and molestation of women and children, according to a 2021 Haaretz investigation." - bold by website editor
FYIThis has to be nipped in the bud!  The jews are fabricating and falsifying a fake narrative again, just as they did with the German people, twenty years after WWII was OVER, with their Holohoax Lies - This fake narrative Rape-O-Hoax, will be used to justify the jews' LIHOP'ed false flag, and also their MIHOP'ed mass judeo-civilian deaths on October 7th, ALL of which now appear to have been caused by jewish forces, along with the subsequent long-planned destruction of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

One of the most hideous Jewish War Crimes since their first terrorist Nakba slaughter of the Palestinian people back in 1948!!  They cannot be allowed to get away with this again!! 

Every jew conducting this fabrication has to be identified and exposed for who they are. Every entity participating must be exposed and identified.  They must ALL be sanctioned for what they're trying to do.  Falsely blame another people the jews deliberately set-up and tried to destroy, with fabricated crimes spawned, and then birthed, from the jews' own demented, diseased, degenerate, fetid, filthy, sexually depraved, twisted, sick minds - mpg
Friday January 5th, 2024

Max Blumenthal: Max Takes On The [Jewish] Press
JdgNAPVideo - Outstanding!! - (JdgNAPYuTb - 25min28sec - Jan 3rd, 2024) - Source - Judge Napolitano:   JdgNAP's Website - JdgNAP @ YuTb - JdgNAP @ Twitter(X)- Guest's Websites - Max Blumenthal:   The Gray Zone - TGZ @ Odysee - TGZ @ YuTb - TGZ @ Twitter - TGZ @ Patreon - TGZ @ Instagram - TGZ @ Minds - A quote...."Max Blumenthal:  Max takes on the [jewish] Press."

Washington Post Erases [Jewish Apparatchik's] Farfetched October 7 Rape Claim At His Request
Another Example Of Jews' Projecting Their Own Homosexual Fantasies Onto Others - A quote...."A note explaining the retraction of the claim that Hamas militants had specific orders as to “which commander should rape which soldiers” indicates the publication censored itself at the behest of the [jewish occupation regime] - The Washington Post has quietly removed an outlandish claim by [the Jewish Occupation] Minister Yoav Gallant that Hamas battle plans included specific instructions on which [jewish forces] should be raped during their October 7 incursion - In the original article, which was published on November 12 and promoted as a Washington Post “exclusive,” Gallant is quoted as telling the outlet: “We know from interrogations that Hamas came in with detailed plans of their attack, including which commander should rape which [jewish force members] in different places.” - bold by website editor - WOW!  "outlandish" indeed!! - mpg

Wednesday January 3rd, 2024

NYT's 'Hamas Mass Rapes' Story Implodes as 'Sister of Victim Says There is No Proof That She Was Raped' -- Another Judeo-Holohoax-Deux Story Implodes - A quote...."The New York Times' exhaustive investigation seeking to prove Hamas committed mass rape on October 7 imploded on Tuesday after the one piece of physical "evidence" they produced was trashed by the victim's own sister - [The jews] had over two and half months to produce evidence that Hamas fighters (who filmed their invasion with GoPros) committed "mass rapes" on October 7 and yet all they had to show for it was one "grainy video" of a possibly half-disrobed woman who was burnt to a crisp after most likely being killed by a [jewish regime] Apache helicopter."

Saturday December 30th, 2023

NYT, Citing 'Grainy Video,' Pushes [The Jewish Occupation Regime's] Claim of 'Hamas Mass Rapes' on Oct 7
Hasbara FAIL! - After Two & A Half Months, One Single Grainy Video That Shows Nothing - (And that's a "mass" rape???) - A quote...."[The jews have] had over two and half months to produce evidence that Hamas fighters (who filmed their invasion with GoPros) committed "mass rapes" on October 7 yet all they have to show for it is one "grainy video" of a possibly half-disrobed woman who was burnt to a crisp after most likely being killed by a [jewish regime] Apache helicopter - The [jewish occupation] previously did not claim the woman was raped on their website "Hamas-Massacre.net" but only that she was killed on the side of the street by "terrorists." -- FYI:  Topix  ||  October 7th 2023 - Means, Motive, & Opportunity - LIHOP & MIHOP  ||
FYI:  This should seem very familiar to those aware of all the lies jews told about Germany after WWII.  The biggest set of lies, the Holohoax, really began to gain steam only in the late sixties. More than two decades AFTER WWII was over.  It's the same identical crap all over again, right down to the same lies. - mpg
Sunday December 17th, 2023

Most of [the Jewish Regime's] October 7 Claims About Hamas [Brutalities] Are Fabrications, Evidence Shows
IT - WAS - ALL - LIES -- Just Like The Holohoax - (Using the same EXACT lies no less!!!) -- A quote...."The [judeo-enclave based] media outlet Haaretz published an exposé recently that highlights the many lies of [the jews] concerning the nature of the October 7 Hamas false flag attack - Early on, [the jews] spreading myths about "40 beheaded babies" and "babies burned in ovens," hearkening back to World War II propaganda in an attempt to make it seem like another Holocaust had taken place. [Well.... one DID!  Another completely FAKE ONE!!  Just like the first - mpg] - It turns out that most of these extremely gruesome tales are just that: tales - Take, for instance, a story that circulated claiming that a young [jewish] woman who was pregnant had her stomach cut open and her babies removed by Hamas militants. That story was completely fake - Another piece of fake news out of [the judeo-enclave] following the attack claimed that Hamas bound children together and burned them alive, as well as forced a pregnant hostage to give birth. Both of those gruesome claims were also false - As far as Haaretz was able to determine, there was only one baby in [the judeo-enclave] that died on October 7. Compare that to the 6,000-plus babies that [the jews have]  murdered in its retaliation operation in Gaza." - Topix ||  The Holohoax  ||
FYI:  Straight from the judeo-hasbara WWII & WWI storehouse of fake, false, fraudulent anti-German propaganda!!  It's ALL jewish Projection, Transference and Displacement of their own atrocities they committed in 1917 in Russia, 1930's in Ukraine, 1948 in Palestine, and now AGAIN in Ukraine (through proxy), and AGAIN in Gaza!! -- (Somebody STOP these people!!!) -- The fact the jews have constantly been using the same old childish propaganda since at LEAST World War One doesn't surprise this website editor.  They lack imagination. What surprises this website editor is that there's ANYONE out there still stupid enough to believe it.  Perhaps that's why the jews are still using it.  Folks, THIS IS INSULTING.  The fact any of this crap is sprayed out of the facial orifice of any JewSA bought-&-paid-for politician, talking head propagandist, or sprayed all over the place by their juden-pressen's spewage outlets should get any normal person angry - mpg
Friday December 15th, 2023

All The Propaganda Is Splattering Against A Solid Wall Of Reality
Alt/SndCld - A quote...."Humans inhabit two very different worlds simultaneously: the real world and the narrative world. The world of concrete material reality, and the world of mental stories about reality - There’s the material reality of presents piled under the Christmas tree, and then there’s the story parents tell small children about how those presents got there. There’s the material reality of military explosives ripping human bodies to shreds, and then there’s the story the powerful tell the world about how and why that’s happening - What we are seeing with Gaza is manufactured narrative splatting against reality over and over again. The western empire churns out propaganda narratives about what [the jews are] doing, and those narratives are crashing headlong into raw video footage and concrete facts in ways you don’t often see."

The Four Most Repeated Pieces of [Jewish] Propaganda for Over 50 Years
For The ACTUAL Historical Record - Full quote...."
  1. [The jewish occupation enclave] came into existence in the most legitimate way possible — through a vote of the UN.’  --  In fact, UNGA Resolution 181 of 1947, was passed by just 33 votes, out of a current membership of 193 UN member states (17%). Hardly a unanimous decision by the global community of nations, then or now!
  2. ‘The newly established [jewish] entity was immediately opposed by Arab states that set out to destroy the nascent Jewish state.’  --  In fact, the overwhelming population of Muslim Arabs that dominated the land of Palestine for over a thousand years, had warned the UN that it would never accept the forced insertion of a Jewish state in its midst.  Consequently, the resistance and attack, to preserve their lands and heritage, were of no surprise to anyone.
  3. ‘In 2000, Ehud Barak, then [the jewish regime's] prime minister, offered Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat a Palestinian state. Arafat rejected the offer and 23 years of tragedy have ensued.’  --  In fact, Barak’s offer of a state was a ridiculous, non-contiguous entity with [jewish]-controlled roads, military, airspace and sea access. An independent state? Never!
  4. More than 500,000 Jews were forcibly expelled from Morocco and other North African and Middle East states, to [judeo-enclave] after 1948, which served to balance the 3/4 million dispossessed Palestinians in 1948.  --  In fact, the large Jewish population of Morocco was never expelled. They had excellent relations with the national Arab community,  although they eventually decided to leave voluntarily. Other Jewish communities in Africa/ Middle East, decided likewise.  However, some communities were offered money by the new [jewish enclave], to emigrate there. Only a very few were forced to leave their country of birth and that was only because there was then a Jewish [enclave] that claimed their loyalty, albeit a state rejected by the Muslim world.
"The above 4 pieces of [judeo-supremacist] propaganda are repeatedly offered as an explanation as to why 700,000 Palestinians were violently removed from their homes and lands, and illegally dispossessed by the Irgun Jewish terrorist militia and the European immigrants to the new [enclave occupied by the jews], in 1948 – all without any compensation, then or subsequently - Being propaganda, not truth, these spurious claims are rejected in favour of fact-checked, historical evidence. Propaganda being only for the gullible who are credulous enough to believe such political fabrications."

Wednesday December 13th, 2023

Ultra Orthodox Zionist "Epstein" Group is Providing "Evidence" of "Hamas Atrocities"
Judeo-Hasbara Busted Repeatedly!! - Outstanding Truthful Expose!! - VBVideo - Alt/VB-YuTb   - (VBVar - 7min58sec - Dec 8th, 2023) - Source:  Vanessa Beeley:  VB's The Wall Will Fall - VB @ Odysee - VB @ SndCld - VB @ YuTb - VB @ Minds - VB @ Patreon - VB @ LinkTree

Scandal-Stained [Jewish] 'Rescue' Group Fuels October 7 Fabrications
A quote...."Founded by a serial rapist known as the "Haredi Jeffrey Epstein," [Jewish] ultra-Orthodox rescue group ZAKA is responsible for some of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications, from beheaded babies to "mass rape" to a fetus cut from its mother - Secretary of State Tony Blinken and President Joseph Biden have each echoed demonstrably false ZAKA testimonies about Hamas atrocities - Marred by allegations of financial fraud, ZAKA is leveraging October 7 publicity to raise unprecedented sums of cash - Its rival, United Hatzalah, has spun out bogus tales of babies baked in ovens as it closes in on a $50 million fundraising goal - During an October 31 Senate hearing on [the jews'] war in Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken offered his rationale for rejecting a ceasefire. Summoning as much emotion as a dour Democratic Party operative could muster, Blinken conjured up a gruesome scene intended to illustrate the savagery of Hamas, and the impossibility of negotiations with such an organization:" - bold by website editor - Source:  GrayZone

‘Atrocity Propaganda’ Debunked Following [The Jews'] War on Gaza
(Previously posted, posted again for your edification - mpg) - A quote...."Dubbed “atrocity propaganda” by some, the [the jews] flooded Western media with sensational stories of “40 beheaded babies” and violent rape-fueled “massacres” alleged to have taken place at the onset of a Palestinian strike on October 7th. As a result, multiple nations have reaffirmed their unwavering support of [the jews' continued occupation and ethnic cleansing operation], with some even donating funds and lethal munitions to a regime that has since obliterated large swaths of Northern Gaza with indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets -- [The jews'] claims, however, have drawn a wide array of skepticism and controversy from across the political spectrum. Many of the supposed “atrocities” linked to Palestinian resistance fighters not only lack substantial evidence but have been swiftly discredited. This has led to widespread doubts about the legitimacy of [the jews' homicidal war crimes] against Hamas and has raised concerns about the role of Western media in what some have termed the “genocide” of the Palestinian people."

Atrocity Propaganda
A quote...."[The jewish occupation enclave] and its supporters in the West are helping to provide psychological cover for an ongoing massacre of Palestinian civilians, writes Elizabeth Vos - As merciless bombing in Gaza continues, [the judeo-enclave] and its supporters have weaponized dead [jewish] children and false narratives about them to justify massacring Palestinian children on an unimaginable scale in Gaza - First it was the “40 beheaded babies” story, then it was a series of images of apparently burned infants, which whether fake or real, were published by [the enclave's head crime boss] Benjamin Netanyahu in an effort to further justify [the jews'] slaughtering thousands of Palestinian children - And slaughter we have seen. [The jews] so far [have] killed over 2,800 Palestinians, over 1000 of them children. [The jews were] reported to have bombed a pediatric hospital in Gaza with illegal white phosphorus, and shelled at least one school where dozens of children and their families sought shelter, killing at least 27 children. Entire extended families wiped out in their homes."

Calling Out Atrocity Propaganda To End Palestinian Genocide
A quote...."Events are unfolding rapidly in the Gaza Strip of Palestine. And each phase has its hallmarks and distinctive features that require addressing and doing. Where we are now, however, is back to that old familiar stage of propaganda ramp-up before a major offensive."

========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========= ===

All Made Up: [Jewish] Ultra-Orthodox Rescue Group ZAKA Spreading Obscene Post-October 7 Atrocity Fabrications -- A quote...."A far-right [jewish] rescue group founded by serial rapist Jeffrey "Haredi" Epstein is spreading lies about what took place on October 7 during the Hamas attack on [the judeo-enclave] - The [jewish] rescue group ZAKA, described as ultra-Orthodox, has spread many of the most obscene post-October 7 atrocity fabrications currently in circulation. These range from the "beheaded babies" myth to the "mass rape" and "fetus cut from mother" tales. "
FYI:  Another major example out of dozens  during the last hundred years, of jews projecting, displacing, and transferring their own sick, demented, degenerate, twisted, homicidal fantasies onto others.  Just as they did during and after WWI and WWII onto the German people - mpg
Debunking [The Jews'] “Mass Rapes” Atrocity Propaganda
A quote...."[The jewish occupation regime] and its proxies have launched a new media blitz, reviving unverified claims that Hamas fighters perpetrated mass rapes of [jewish] women during its 7 October military operation."

US and [Jewish] Mass Rape Propaganda, Without Credible Evidence, is Being Used to Justify Gaza Genocide
A quote...."The US-[Jewish] propaganda machine has launched a new argument in defense of [the jews'] mass slaughter in Gaza: the claim that Hamas, which carried out the October 7 cross-border strike into [the judeo-enclave] that preceded the current war, was guilty of mass rape of [jewish] women during that uprising - That there is no direct evidence to support these allegations is irrelevant to the perpetrators and defenders of genocide in Gaza. The claim, suddenly blared out in the [jewish controlled mass-spewage] media, serves to distract public attention from the catastrophic escalation of [jewish ethnic cleansing] operations against the population of Gaza since the end of the limited “pause” that accompanied the exchange of hostages held by Hamas for Palestinians held in [jewish-run] jails."

[The Judeo-Enclave], Gaza ,Atrocity Propaganda
A quote...."Atrocity propaganda is the spreading of information about the crimes committed by an enemy, which can be factual, but often includes or features deliberate fabrications or exaggerations. This can involve photographs, videos, illustrations, interviews, and other forms of information presentation or reporting - The inherently violent nature of war means that exaggeration and invention of atrocities often becomes the main staple of propaganda. Patriotism is often not enough to make people hate the enemy, and propaganda is also necessary.”So great are the psychological resistances to war in modern nations”, wrote Harold Lasswell, “that every war must appear to be a war of defense against a menacing, murderous aggressor. There must be no ambiguity about who the public is to hate."

US and [Jewish] Mass Rape Propaganda, Without Credible Evidence, is Being Used to Justify Gaza Genocide
A quote...."The US-[Jewish] propaganda machine has launched a new argument in defense of [judeo-occupation enclave's] mass slaughter in Gaza: the claim that Hamas, which carried out the October 7 cross-border strike into [the rest of occupied Palestine] that preceded the current war, was guilty of mass rape of [jewish] women during that uprising - That there is no direct evidence to support these allegations is irrelevant to the perpetrators and defenders of genocide in Gaza. The claim, suddenly blared out in the media, serves to distract public attention from the catastrophic escalation of [jewish] operations against the population of Gaza since the end of the limited “pause” that accompanied the exchange of hostages held by Hamas for Palestinians held in [jewish-run] jails."

Saturday December 9th, 2023

[The Jews] and [Their] Satrapies Accuse Hamas of Mass Rape
The Judeo-Hasbara, Viagra, Rape-Room Redux - A quote..."In the confusion that followed those attacks, Joe Biden and other serial NATO propagandists spread mis-information that Hamas, which we use as a shorthand for all of the various Palestinian factions involved in those attacks, beheaded scores of new-born [jewish] babies - Now, as beheading babies is not exactly kosher, Western sceptics asked why Hamas would waste time on such activities when they could be otherwise engaged taking more hostages or engaging in firefights with their [jewish] enemies. It is important to note that, outside of the idiots of the Beltway, that trope died a death, thanks in very large part to the tens of millions of concerned citizens who marched in support of Palestine and of Palestinians.
"That initial trope having failed, the story of the mass rape of [jewish] men, women and children, whether true or false, followed. Those stories, of beheading babies and of the mass rape of non-combatants, are used as justification for what are very clearly war crimes by the [jewish] Defence Forces - Those war crimes include the [jewish regime's]Air Force strafing [the judeo-enclave's members] on the day of the initial attack and being responsible, along with badly trained [jewish] tank crews, for most of the fatalities on that day - I can make that statement, as most of the collateral damage sustained that day was clearly the work of [jewish regime] tanks and of planes and helicopters, and not the work of Hamas, who were lightly armed. Hamas, in a nutshell, could not have perpetrated those crimes."

"It is again important to note, with respect to the subsequent mass arrests of Hamas suspects in Gaza, that the attackers were lightly armed, worked in small semi-autonomous groups and wore scratch military uniforms, with sneakers, for example, taking the place of army-issue boots - That latter sartorial point is important when we look at the hundreds of male Gazans [the jews] rounded up and stripped to their underpants in Gaza. Why are the prisoners wearing sandals and not sneakers or some other footwear that is more “firefight-friendly”? Why, given that Hamas work in small groups, did they surrender en masse? And how come well-known Palestinian journalists have also been rounded up? And why, while we are on the subject, have so many Palestinian journalists been murdered?"
FYI:  THIS is what happens when people let the jews get away with their Holohoax troupe!!   Forty babies beheaded, babies put in ovens, Hamas executing all of the 1,200 jews claimed  killed on October 7th.  All repetitive juvenile troupes that have already been debunked and disproved!!  Now they're trotting out the Viagra, rape room, gang-banging hoax AGAIN!!  For all those who for eighty years, spread the WWII lies about Germany, which by the way, were just recycled lies spread about Germany in WWI, THIS is their fault!! - mpg
In ‘Covert Op,’ [Judeo-Regime] Consulate Backed Poll Inflating Support For Gaza War
More Jewish Hasbara - A quote...."The [jewish regime's] consulate in Toronto was secretly behind an opinion poll that experts say manipulated Canadian public opinion about [the jew's] war on Gaza, an investigation by The Breach reveals - A group of Liberal party insiders, part of a WhatsApp chat called “Lib Friends of [the Judeo-Enclave],” then discussed sending the poll to top officials within the prime minister’s office before its public release to “inform their thinking,” according to messages seen by The Breach."

If The Pro-[Judeo-Enclave] Position Was Based On Truth And Morality, It Wouldn’t Depend On Lies And Slander -- Ditto!! - A quote...."
  • If your position is based on truth and morality, you don’t need to make up lies to defend it, and you don’t need to hurl false accusations at those who disagree with it.
  • If your position was based on truth and morality, you wouldn’t need to circulate bogus atrocity propaganda about decapitated babies, babies cooked in ovens, and murdered pregnant women.
  • If your position was based on truth and morality, you wouldn’t have to circulate lies claiming actual dead Palestinian babies in Gaza are plastic dolls.
  • If your position was based on truth and morality, you wouldn’t have to falsely present phony audio clips as intercepted Hamas communications and claim they exonerate you of war crime allegations.
  • If your position was based on truth and morality, you wouldn’t have to circulate lies and propaganda about the hospitals you plan to attack being secret Hamas headquarters. - Source:  Caitlin Johnstone
'We Do Not Support Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire': US at Security Council
Double Ditto! - A quote...."The US, on 8 December, used its veto power to turn down a UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution put forward by the UAE calling for an “immediate, humanitarian ceasefire” in Gaza - “We do not support calls for an immediate ceasefire,” US Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Robert A. Wood said before the vote. “This would only plant the seeds for the next war,” he alleged." - bold by website editor
FYI:  Oh look.... another one of those tired, non-factual, a-historical, dis-info, judeo-crafted, and constantly spewed memes about those bad, awful, Germans and WWII.  Guess the JewSA will just have to help the jews exterminate those bad, awful, Palestinians  - mpg
Tuesday December 5th, 2023
CNN Report Claiming Sexual Violence on October 7 Relied on Non-Credible Witnesses, Some with Undisclosed Ties to [Jewish Occupation Regime] -- Another Rape-Room, Viagra, Story - Brought To You By The Jews -- (Don't they EVER get tired of using the same old playbook?? - mpg) - Absolute Must Read -- A quote...."On November 18, 2023, CNN aired a report by journalist Jake Tapper. The report claims to provide testimonies on “rape crimes” against [jewish] women that allegedly took place on October 7, 2023. Within a few hours of the publication of the CNN report, an international media campaign by [the judeo-enclave] and pro-[judeo-enclave] groups was launched. Other media outlets, including The Washington Post, based their reporting on CNN’s report. Feminist activists and groups who have been calling for a ceasefire in Gaza were also targeted as part of this campaign. Samantha Pearson, the director of the Sexual Assault Centre at the University of Alberta in Canada, was fired from her job a few hours after the airing of the report. She had signed a letter on October 25 that stated that the accusation that Palestinians were guilty of sexual violence remains “unverified.” The letter did not say that sexual violence did not occur but that there was no sufficient evidence yet to support these accusations."
"The CNN report represents a serious breach of professional conduct, which we detail in this piece. The most concerning aspect of the report is the fact that every single witness and “expert” in the CNN report proves to either be lacking in credibility or have ties to [judeo-enclave] officials and institutions. A deeper examination of the CNN report shows a series of manipulations and professional failures, including the fact that all witnesses that CNN claims to have “found” were featured in previous reports pitched and coordinated by the [jewish occupation regime], calling into question how much original reporting or fact-finding went into the CNN report. CNN’s failure to adhere to professional and ethical standards of responsible journalism also raises questions regarding CNN’s possible complicity with a political campaign orchestrated by the [judeo-enclave head crime boss's] office to perpetuate unverified claims of mass rape, and a larger effort to dehumanize Palestinians in order to justify the ongoing genocidal campaign in Gaza." - bold by website editor
FYI:  This whole "rape" narrative, coming almost TWO MONTHS after the 10/07 event, has the noisome, revolting, STENCH of another Rita Katz Styled Production™."

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Saturday October 19th, 2024

PCHR Report on the Targeting of Journalists, Media Institutions During the 2023-2024 Gaza Genocide
War Crime - The Jews:  Still Murdering The Messengers - Still Eliminating Witnesses -- Report -- A quote...."The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) Has released a report titled “Eliminating Witnesses on Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing Crimes in the Gaza Strip”, which addresses the targeting of journalists and media institutions in Gaza by the occupying forces during the genocide on Gaza from October 7, 2023, to August 2024 -- The report is divided into two main sections. The first section covers violations by the JEOF against journalists and media outlets in Gaza, including crimes against the right to life, physical assaults on journalists, the destruction of media offices and institutions, the arrest and torture of journalists, and cases of journalists who remain missing -- The second section discusses the legal protection of journalists under international humanitarian law, including the protection of media institutions and equipment. The report concludes with a series of recommendations aimed at halting violations against journalists and media outlets."

Wednesday October 9th, 2024

Journalist Killed, Others Injured in [Jewish [Artillery Shelling in Jabalia
War Crime - Murdering The Messenger - (By indirect, indiscriminate, bombardment, or direct sniping) -- A quote...."A journalist was killed, and two others were injured due to [jewish occupation] shelling and direct gunfire targeting journalists in the Abu Sharakh roundabout area in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza on Wednesday. This raises the toll of journalist fatalities to 176 since the start of the genocidal war on Gaza - Media sources reported that colleague journalist Mohammed Al-Tanani, who worked as a cameraman for Al-Aqsa TV, was killed, and the channel’s correspondent Tamer Labid was injured by shrapnel from a shell that struck his back." - See related article....."[The Jews] Kill One More Journalist Covering its Savagery in Gaza"
FYI:  Warning!! - There's a chilling pattern here.  It appears if you're influential, or effective, or have a large audience.... the jews, who appear to be watching everyone closely, monitoring cell-phones, broadcasts, and the mass-media, will deliberately target any reporters, their families, and their homes.  Just letting everyone out there know.  If the world lets the jews get away with these war crimes, (one hundred and sisty-eight journalists murdered so far, many deliberately targeted), the jews will soon be conducting assassinations world wide of "influencers" they don't like - You've ALL been warned - mpg - See link posted below.....
Names Of 133 Journalists [The Jews Have] Killed In Gaza Since October 7
War Crime - Murdering The Messenger - (Deliberately targeting journalists) - A quote...."The [jewish occupation] has killed 133 Palestinian journalists in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, [they've killed other journalists in the rest of Palestine since Oct 7th - mpg] the latest two slain journalists were killed, Friday, February 23, 2024 - On Friday, [jewish occupation forces] fired missiles at the home of Mohammad Tishreen Yaghi, killing him and his family in a home in Zawaida, and Mos’ab Abu Zayed, who was killed along with his family in Nusseirat refugee camp, in central Gaza - Various Palestinian and international media outlets have repeatedly called for protecting the journalist and for exposing the [jews'] violations against them and their families, due to the constant [jewish] crimes, and also called for holding [the jews] accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people - The slain journalists are...." - bold by website editor

[Jewish] Strike Kills Two More Palestinian Journalists in Gaza, officials say
War Crime - Murdering The Messenger - (Deliberately targeting journalists) - A quote...."Two more Palestinian journalists have been killed in [jewish] airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, pushing the death toll of press members targeted by [the jews'] since October 7 to 132 - [jewish] warplanes targeted the home of journalist Muhammad Tishreen Yaghi in the town of al-Zawayda in central Gaza Strip on Friday, according to Gaza media office. The attack also killed Yaghi’s wife and his children - Journalist Musaab Abu Zayed, a presenter for the Holy Quran Radio in the Gaza Strip, was also killed in an airstrike on his home in the enclave. Further details were not immediately available." - bold by website editor

At Least 135 Cases of [Jewish] Crimes Against Journalists in Palestine Were Recorded in January – Journalists Syndicate -- War Crime - (Deliberate attacks on journalists) - A quote...."RAMALLAH – At least 135 crimes, assaults and violations committed by the [jewish] occupation against journalism in Palestine were recorded in January, the foremost of which was the killing of 14 journalists, including eight who were killed by direct missile and bullet attacks against their homes and four others who were killed while on the job, according to the monthly report issued by the Freedom Committee at the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate." - SourceWAFA