Pope Francis: Judeo Anti-White Neoliberalcon

Pope Francis: Judeo Anti-White Neoliberalcon

A list of articles posted to Reficultnias
regarding Pope Francis's management of the Catholic Church

From most "Recent - to - Oldest" in descending order
FYI:  Note the way he phrased it.  That use -- or misuse -- of language, is a definitive example of jew "inversion". It's how jews actually think, and how they manipulate all those around them.  Also another sign, as if anyone needed one, that this "Pope" is an agent for the jews' weaponized, Cultural Marxist, Anti-White, Mass-Invasion/Migration, CRT, and LGBTQOPedo Global-Homo SodomPlex & TransPlex, Frankfurt School ideologies, along with the jews' endless extortion racket, false blood-libel, and foundational Anti-White myth known as (the Holohoax) used against Western peoples.

In 2018, the Pope has come out for open immigration, conducting a crackdown on his critics, and indirectly voiced his support for "gun control".
Let's see. Just in the year of 2017, we've had this "Pope" down-play and justify the massive homosexual and pedophilia problem in the Catholic church. Shield some of its hideous practitioners. Denounce the web's growing popularity and investigatory powers, using a scatological analogy one might add. Imply that the global warming hoax is valid. Suggest the Earth is overpopulated necessitating a drastic intervention. Echoed the N.W.O.'s meme regarding water shortages. Supported the trans-nationalist, undemocratic EU. Condemned the EU's member nation states as they attempted to control their own borders. And suggested that populism is evil! -- This guy is a Trans-Nationalist, New World Order spokesman!! - mpg

A List From "Fellowship Of The Minds"....