The Florida Parkland School MIHOP False Flag Shooting...

START = 02-25-18  /  FINISH  =  ???
To Be Updated Continuously

Table of Contents

Key Articles & Videos
On the Attempted Mass Censorship / And Cover-Up
General Articles & Videos

 -- Key Articles & Videos

Ecccoautist - Questioning the Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting - RIRVideo -- (RIRYuTb 1h40m52s - Feb 28, 2018) - Src:  RIR@YuTb - RI/TV - RICreations - RI/RSSFeeds - RI/Members
Broward County deputies were *ORDERED* to stand down… then all radio communications were cut off while the shooting continued
The Paranormies Present: The Ahnenerbe Hour, S3 EP22: The Valentine’s Day Massacre 2018: Parkland FL -- TPPAudio - Alt/Mp3 -- (TPPVar 2h17m55s - 02/23/18) - Src:  TheDailyNationalist - RadioAryan
Florida Shooting Survivor Doubles Down: CNN's Entire Townhall Was Scripted - Src
Florida Mass Shooting Was ALLOWED To Happen:
FBI Tipster Transcript Leaked: Cruz Will "Get Into A School And Shoot The Place Up": Full Text

 -- On the Attempted Mass Censorship / And Cover-Up

Pathetic: YouTube is Shutting Down Conservative Criticism of CNN over Parkland Shooting
#GoogleGestapo YouTube Censorship & Another Bogus Community Strike For Bullying
YouTube has declared war on alternative media
YouTube Banning Gun Channels
Why is Google/YouTube Taking Down These Videos and Threatening The Sites That Post Them?
The Deranged Left-Wing Mob Continues Its Assault on the First Amendment - Src
YouTube Has Gone Full Blown 1984 Over P@rkland Psyop, Free Speech Under Attack Like Never Before
SILENCE!  Twitter, YouTube scrubbing all content and banning all users who question the official (false) narrative on the Florida school shooting - Contains Video - Alt/Vimeo -
Youtube Removing Video of Parkland Student Who Claimed There Was Second Shooter

 -- General Articles & Videos

Florida High School Active Shooter Drill: Video Tells All

The Shooting At Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School In Parkland Florida
How to Disarm a Nation: Trick The Public Into Begging For It
Parkland, FL Sheriff Wants Power to Detain Over Social Media Post
Armed police guarding home of armed police who failed to guard school
Several states have began the process of having “Assault Weapons” banned outright from being sold
Parkland teacher: ‘I assumed that it was a code red drill because they had told us earlier in the day....
Extensive Post Reveals Drills, Anomalies and Child Actors Involved With Parkland School Shooting
Warning! Graphic Content: Florida HS Survivors Speak Out, More Than One Shooter!
Parkland Shooting Falls Apart! Evil Google Censors! - video
MSM Florida Shooting Narrative CRUMBLES: Teacher Saw Shooter In ‘Full Metal Garb’
Parkland First Responder:  I Was Told To Stand Down - 'I Could Have Saved Lives'
Teacher Says Shooter Wore SWAT Team Equipment
Ben Shapiro doing a pretty good job at laying out many of the sketchy details about the Florida shooting
Bizarre Video David Hogg Says Sister Lost 4 Friends, Than 2.... Than 3?
Here We Go Again: Democrats Push Bill to Ban “Assault Rifles”
Parkland School - Student Admits to Drills on day of Shooting
Florida Shooter Survivor’s Father: CNN Sought Out Political Statements for Interview
Student confirms CNN tried to force him to read a script
FBI Tipster Transcript Leaked: Cruz Will "Get Into A School And Shoot The Place Up": Full Text
Full Transcript of Tipster’s Chilling Warning to FBI Before the Florida School Shooter’s Deadly Rampage
FBI Never Contacted Google After "Professional Shooter" YouTube Threat Reported
"There Was A Mistake Made" - FBI's No. 2 Refuses To Provide Details On How Cruz Tips Were Fumbled
"Saw Something... Said Something..." - graphic - (click to enlarge)
Mystery deepens: Armed deputy stood by and ALLOWED the Florida shooting to happen
Armed officer at Parkland high school resigns after he did nothing during deadly shooting
Florida school shooting: Sheriff got 18 calls about Nikolas Cruz's violence, threats, guns
Broward County Deputy Sheriff Was at Shooting Scene But Stayed Outside
"Shocked And Outraged": Four Broward Deputies Waited Outside School As Children Were Massacred
Student says Nikolas Cruz threatened to 'kill' him, sent photo of guns months before school shooting
The “Solution” to Mass Shootings:  Turn Schools Into Prisons - Getting the Goyum acclimated?
After deadly Parkland shooting, deputies will now carry AR-15 rifles on school grounds - Ditto?
Gun Maker Remington files for bankruptcy - Corporate sabotage to restrict supply? 
NRA Chief Blames FBI, ‘Failure of School Security’, and mental illness for Florida High School Massacre
Companies Bow To Media Pressure, Sever Ties With NRA - Mission accomplished #1?    
Florida Gov bans bump stocks, wants to raise age limit for buying guns - Mission accomplished #2?    
White House Considering Confiscating Guns From "Dangerous People" - Mission accomplished #3?  
2nd Amndment Hypocrites: Sen Schumer & Sen Feinstein possess concealed carry permits - Hypocrisy, "Jewish" style.  One set of prescriptions for (((them)), another, much more punitive, and/or restrictive set for everyone else.  Why is this website editor NOT surprised? We are ALL Palestinians now - mpg
CNN Pushes False Story About AR-15 Purchase
Ben Swann Reality Check: Trump Did Not Make It Easier for Severely Mentally Ill People To Buy Guns - Contains Video - Alt/YuTb
Florida School Killer Nikolas Cruz Diagnosed with Depression, Autism and ADHD
YouTube Removes Video Claiming Shooting Survivor is a 'Crisis Actor' After It Trends At #1
Julian Assange: 94% of Mass Shootings Perpetrated By Democrats
Disgraceful: Democrats Use Florida Shooting As Fundraising Tool
MSM Launches All Out Attack On Infowars For Questioning Parkland, FL Shooting Narrative
Shooting Survivor: CNN Gave Me "Scripted Question" After Denying Question About Armed Guards
CNN Scrambles: Denies ‘Scripted Question,’ Invites Pro-Gun Student to Appear
Florida Shooting Survivor: CNN Gave "Scripted Question" After Refusing Question About Armed Guards
Florida School Shooting Survivor: CNN Wanted Us to Ask Scripted Questions
Brian Hogg Appeard on CBS 6 Months Ago, Appears to be Groomed by Media
Episode #222 – ‘The Golden Age of Stupid' - 21stCWAudio - EP#222Spkr - EP#222Pod - (21stCWSprkr - 2h56m30s - 02/18/18) - Src:  21stCentWire - 21CW@Sprkr - 21CW@Podomatic
FOX News Cuts Off Reporter When She Links Psychotropic Drugs to Florida Shooter - Src
The Health Ranger warned America almost ten years ago about psychiatric drugs and school shootings
History of violence
Nikolas Cruz's younger brother, 17, is 'involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility'
Daily News Runs FAKE NEWS Headline Claiming Florida Shooter Was “Trained” By The NRA
Student: ‘Secret Service was present, changed school security policy, several weeks before shooting’
Training Exercises Dovetail with Mass Shootings. What are the Odds? - Src - These days? Extremely high.
Mainstream Media Falls For Hoax – Runs Dubious Claim Of Florida Shooter’s “White Supremacy”
Expert says 'active shooter' drills are good for even young students
Students Report Multiple Shooters & Mass Shooting Drill at Florida High School - Alt 
Florida H.S. student: We really thought this was a drill throughout much of it
5 Reasons To Question The Florida Marjory Stoneman Douglas Shooting
At Least 20 Students Told Police Nikolas Cruz Threatened To KILL Them—Police Did Nothing
FBI was warned about Florida school shooting suspect 5 months ago
FBI Received A Tip Last Month About Florida Shooting Suspect — But Nothing Was Done
No one heeded warning signs about Nikolas Cruz before school shooting
Local Police Let Florida Shooter Off The Hook When He Said He Was "Going To Get His Gun"