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START = 08-18-16  /  FINISH  =  ???

Table of Contents

-- The "Jewish" Holohoax and Their Fake Hasbara "Six Million Figure", Torah Myth, False Narrative, or "Frame".....
-- The "Transfer Agreement" of 1933.  How the Jews Were Dealing With Hitler From Day One, and Their Attempts to Suppress Its History....
-- Buchenwald:  A One-Time US Psychological Warfare Propaganda Operation - Billy Wilder's Movie - Resulting In Seventy Years Of Lies
-- The "Jewish", Bolshevik Styled, Show Trials At Nuremberg & Malmedy-Dachau - The Use of Fabricated Evidence, Suborned Perjury, & Torture To Coerce False Confessions
-- General Articles
-- The "Diary of Anne Frank" Forgery

Legitimate Research Websites Regarding
The Euro-Kharzarian's Holocaust Conspiracy Theory
Other Websites Regarding Israeli/AIPAC Subversion
 & Euro-Kharzarian Supremacism
Fredick Toben Germar Rudolf Zundelsite
Adelaid Institute CODOH CODOH - Vids
Inst For Hist Review David Irving VHO-Historical Analysis
Historical Analysts  Holocaust Deprgmn Revisionist History
Revisionists List Revisionist Net Revisionism International
Revisionism Français Justice for Germans Holocaust Handbooks
APMA Nazi Gassings Focal Point Pubs
Uncensored History Inconvenient History Question The Holocaust
Scriptorium Holodomor Info Com Expelled Germans
Elie Wiesel's Tattoo ProThink Holohoax101
List of Forbidden Books: Holocaust of WWII Holocaust Historiography
Holohoax  Ext Rev -Vids Holocaust History - Vids
Exposing The Holohoax The Holohoax - weblist
Carlos Whitlock Porter
Holocaust Revision
Rudolf Hess
W.R.H. Info WW II Truth
VHO Org - New!
VHO - Links - New! Holohoax 101 - New!!
Jew Watch Tomato Bubble Anti-Zionist League
If Americans Knew Carolyn Yeager
Jewish Wars
Real Jew News Judaism Semitic Controversies
Balder / Judea Goon Squad Lies Your Teacher Taught
Zion Crime Factory Snippits & Snappats IncogMan
IcgMn.'s Blg Roll NTFS's Blg Roll
The End of Zion
Holodomor Info Com List of Forbidden Books: Counter Currents Publ
Enlightened Gentiles Dark Moon West’s Darkest Hour
Danzig Free State Expelled Germans Zionist Report
Patrick Grimm Archive Zionist Watch Vids
The Chosenites Truth Tellers N.P.N. The Birdman
National Vanguard Council Natl Interest German Victims
Big Lies Deanna Spingola Spingola Speaks Radio
Truthaholoics Smoloko Wide Awake Gentile
Your Ward News Fitzpatrick Informer Niqnaq
Thomas Goodrich  Hell Storm
The Realist Rpt
Spin Free History Hate Crm Hoax Nathanael @YuT
Judeo Fascism Rense
Subverted Nation Israel & 9/11
Free Speech Monika
NoReactMpsBR Father's Manifesto
Counter-Currents Pub
Money Tree Publ Chuck Maultsby

 -- The "Jewish" Holohoax and Their Fake Hasbara "Six Million Figure", Torah Myth, False Narrative, or "Frame"..... Updated 01-11-2024

-- The "Transfer Agreement" of 1933.  How the Jews Were Dealing With Hitler From Day One, and Their Attempts to Suppress Its History....

-- Buchenwald:  A One-Time US Psychological Warfare Propaganda Operation - Billy Wilder's Movie - Resulting In Seventy Years Of Lies
"I've often said that the lies associated with WWII, Adolf Hitler's National Socialist Germany, and the fake Jewish "Holocaust" form the historical paradigm in which the vast majority of Americans, and indeed much of the world's population, collectively view the history of the 20th century. Alternatively, the lies associated with the events of September 11th, 2001 form the modern political paradigm in which the vast majority of Americans, and indeed much of the global population, collectively view the beginning of this young century. The official narratives of both WWII and September 11th, 2001 are demonstrably false on virtually all key aspects. In fact, the official narratives of these events are essentially the exact opposite of reality."
"Henry Makow says, “Israel’s most potent psychological weapon is the holocaust.”  “The Zionist battle cry is “Never again!”2 -- Indeed, they have created an entire “holocaust Industry” around the entire story which with proper exaggeration, embellishment, and psychological application has long ago approached the quality of major mythical proportions on the order of the David and Goliath tale. -- They have erected defences around their Holocaust Weapons Industry to protect this “weapon.”  In many parts of Europe and North America it is an imprisonable offense to criticize or deny the “facts” of the holocaust as stated by Zionist “holocaust” Industrial “scholars.” -- This is apparent in their renewed propaganda efforts, via their overwhelming influence in the “News and Infotainment industry” particularly in the North American TV and Film industries."
The Producers, Promoters, and Enablers of The Holohoax - Web Name Search List
-- The "Jewish", Bolshevik Styled, Show Trials At Nuremberg & Malmedy-Dachau - The Use of Fabricated Evidence, Suborned Perjury, & Torture To Coerce False Confessions

-- General Articles

-- The "Diary of Anne Frank" Forgery