The Tea Party - Another False Front

Tea Party Stooges Join Wisconsin Protests
A quote...."It was reminiscent of November 22, 2000 Florida, outside the Miami-Dade County Canvassing Board offices when dozens of imported Bush-Cheney ruffians rampaged through Miami's County Hall, disrupting the recount of about 10,000 undervotes, ballots with no presidential choice registered. -- They assaulted Democrat party representatives, near rioted, and succeeded in halting the process. As a result, hundreds of Gore-Lieberman votes weren't counted in largely Democrat Dade County." - posted 02-20-11

Tea Party to Hold “I Stand With Scott Walker” Rally in Opposition of Protesters In Wisconsin
In The Believe It Or Not Category - Anybody who still pretends to believe in the "Tea Party" is just another Bankster / AIPAC/Israeli, butt-kissing, craven, money-grubbing, little, shill (for shill you can substitute another word that begins with "s") - mpg - A quote...."The fake populist Tea Party, a controlled opposition movement for a while now, is making plans to hold a rally in Madison in support of the unconstitutional bill which seeks to undermine unions in Wisconsin." - posted - 02-18-11

The Tea Party Crashes - The Most Unpatriotic Act
A quote...."I confess that since November I’ve been holding my breath, watching the clock for how long Tea Party newcomers could hold out against the entrenched Republican elite on Capitol Hill. Collapse was inevitable, however I admit to feeling bitterly surprised at how rapidly they have thrown in the towel." - posted 02-15-11

The Tea party's Emerging Zionist Face
Special Note - A quote...."When the Tea Party appeared as a national phenomenon early in 2009, the chief preoccupation was with domestic matters, its disparate groups and members rallying around such traditionally conservative concerns as big government, “socialized medicine,” and the like. There was a strong populist streak (or at least that’s how the media portrayed it), and outrage was expressed over Obama’s multi-billion dollar stimulus package, along with genuinely-felt sentiments, put forth here and there, that Washington was “bailing out Wall Street at the expense of Main Street.” Concerns over foreign policy, the nation’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, seemed to take a backseat, and certainly there were few, if any, calls for a new war in Iran or solidifying relations with the state of Israel." - also posted at RevoltOfThePlebs - posted 01-10-11

Where Is the Tea Party Revolution on Foreign Policy?
Special Note - A quote...."America’s latest populist movement, which reaches back to revolutionary history by calling itself the “Tea Party,” helped shape the remarkable results of last November’s midterm election. Some dare to hope that candidates elected in that political uprising might help arrest America’s alarming decline. Others see the uprising as no more than a cover for the corporate power that lay behind many so-called insurgent campaigns of that extraordinary political season." - also posted at LewRockwell - posted 01-08-11

The Coming War over the Constitution
A qutoe...."Despite a few victories in the lame-duck session of Congress, Democrats and progressives should be under no illusion about the new flood of know-nothingism that is about to inundate the United States in the guise of a return to “first principles” and a deep respect for the U.S. Constitution." - posted 01-01-11

Scott McConnell: “How the Neocons Are Co-opting the Tea Party”
A quote...."Founding editor of The American Conservative, Scott McConnell, has just published an in-depth analysis of the origins of the Tea Party’s foreign policy and how the Tea Party may influence foreign policy in the new Congress. -- McConnell, in an article for Right Web, traces the Tea Party’s foreign policy pronouncements back to Sarah Palin and her close relationship with neoconservative heavyweight Bill Kristol. Kristol, as described by Jane Mayer in The New Yorker, “discovered” [Oh Gawd!  Another Manchurian Candidate for empire! Is this EVER going to end? - mpg] Palin the summer before John McCain put her on the Republican national ticket." - also posted at AlethoNews - posted 11-11-10

Whose Tea Party?
A quote...."With the 2010 general elections over, attention shifts – as it always does following each election – to consideration of the next presidential steeplechase. "Who’s it gonna be?, who’s it gonna be?, who’s it gonna be?," is the refrain already begun on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and other directors of the Boobeoisie Chorus. For a politically-centralized society to maintain its pyramidal structure, it is essential that men and women be constantly reminded of their subject status. An ongoing curiosity as to the identity of their future masters keeps their minds from wandering to more important matters." - Like where their next meal is going to come from, why they were kicked out of their homes, where all the money went, who took it....stuff like that.  Hey did you hear about that second dead blonde they found in Aruba? --- Just kidding. - mpg  - posted 11-10-10

The Tea Party - Again - On MSNBC And Elsewhere
Must Read - Charts - A quote...."On one side we have people blaming Obama and Congress for the economic malaise yet ignoring the Elephant in the room - what happened before Obama was President - while on the other side we have the people blaming ex-President Bush. -- Notice that "Wall Street/Bankers" manages to draw 25% - among Democrats.  40% if you include "Big Corporations. - among Democrats.  But among Republicans?  Under 10% for both groups combined. -- This is beyond ridiculous.  It's stupid. -- If we don't cut this crap out we're going to go down the hole as a nation." - posted 10-28-10

To the Tea Party: Go [Expletive] Yourself
Must Read - Contains Video -- A quote...."Yes, I mean it. -- Here's a "reprint" of my interview with Dylan Ratigan last night:  DRVideo -- I, and FedUpUSA, ought to sue anyone using this moniker for their so-called "political affiliation" for defamation. -- Yeah, that's a joke. -- But so are you. -- All of you. -- Especially Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Bob Barr, and [expletive]bag groups such as the "Tea Party Patriots. MyCntryMy[A**] MusicVid" - Contains Quote of the Day...."America, they say love it or leave it.  Well I loved it, and it left me." - Source:  MarketTicker - posted 10-23-10

Ten Questions for Tea Partiers
A quote...."Here are ten questions for Tea Partiers that they want or do not want to answer. I say it this way because people who call themselves Tea Partiers do not have the same view of politics, government, Big Business or the Constitution. Their opinions range from pure Libertarian to actively furthering the privileges of plutocracy. Their income and occupational background vary as well, though most seem to be middle-income and up." - also posted at AlethoNews - posted 10-23-10

Tea Party Thuggery as Election Nears
A quote...." One of the most memorable moments in television coverage of American politics came during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968. -- Out on the streets, anti-Vietnam war demonstrations were attacked viciously by law enforcement officials in what later was described in an official report as “a police riot.” -- Inside the convention hall, tightly controlled by the political machine of the city’s notorious Mayor Richard J. Daley, CBS correspondent Dan Rather was attempting to interview a delegate from Georgia who was being removed from the floor by men in suits without ID badges. -- One of them slugged Rather in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. As the reporter struggled to get his breath back, from the anchor booth, Walter Cronkite exclaimed, “I think we’ve got a bunch of thugs here, Dan!” - posted 10-21-10

Ratigan Slams Tea Party Borg Hive
A quote...."Less than two weeks out from the dog and pony show called mid-term elections and Dylan Ratigan wants to know what happened to the Tea Party. He correctly observes that the hitherto grassroots movement was sold down the river and absorbed by the Republican Party. Karl Denninger of FedUpUSA tells Ratigan the movement has devolved into territory safe for the establishment — Guns, gays, God. The threat to the bankster system has been effectively neutralized." - posted 10-21-10

Matt Taibbi on the Tea Party
A quote...."....after lengthy study of the [Tea Party] phenomenon, I've concluded that the whole miserable narrative boils down to one stark fact: They're full of sh-t. All of them. At the voter level, the Tea Party is a movement that purports to be furious about government spending — only the reality is that the vast majority of its members are former Bush supporters who yawned through two terms of record deficits and spent the past two electoral cycles frothing not about spending but about John Kerry's medals and Barack Obama's Sixties associations. The average Tea Partier is sincerely against government spending — with the exception of the money spent on them. In fact, their lack of embarrassment when it comes to collecting government largesse is key to understanding what this movement is all about — and nowhere do we see that dynamic as clearly as here in Kentucky, where Rand Paul is barreling toward the Senate with the aid of conservative icons like Palin." - posted 10-06-10

Rand Paul kisses neocons' ring, but some neocons remain wary
A quote...."One faction of the GOP that has remained particularly wary of  Rand Paul's  Senate candidacy are neoconservatives who are still angry about his father Ron Paul's criticism of Israel and his disdain for Bush-era military adventurism. - In the past, Rand has echoed his father's views, opposing the Iraq War, and from the neocon point of view, the Paul family's isolationism is as whacked out as anything hatched by the anti-war left. - Now, it turns out, Rand is looking to mend fences. He made a quiet pilgrimage and met privately with some of Washington's most influential neocons, as well as the pro-Israel lobby, delivering them a not-too-subtle message: Never mind my father's views, you guys can trust me now." - Source:  WaPo - posted 09-27-10
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The Zionist Billionaires Who Control Political Discourse
A quote...."The Sept 20 issue of The New Yorker contains a profile of David and Charles Koch, "The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama." -- According to the article by Jane Mayer,  the Koch's bankroll a plethora of Libertarian and "right-wing" lobbies, think tanks and foundations, which in turn fund and direct the "grass roots" Tea Party movement. -- "The anti-government fervor infusing the 2010 elections represents a political triumph for the Kochs," she writes. "By giving money to "educate," fund, and organize Tea Party protesters, they have helped turn their private agenda into a mass movement." -- Mayer neglects to mention that the Koch's are Jews or crypto Jews; instead she tries to give them a "goy gloss."

Editor's Note:  this website editor is not "anti-Jewish", but it must also be said that this particular item came as a highly disappointing surprise.

The Jewish community in the United States consists of roughly 2% to 3% of its total population, and to be quite frank, it is becoming extremely tiresome and utterly tedious to repeatedly find Jewish money power, (Bernanke, Larry Summers, Goldman Sachs, the Fed, many of the Banksters, much of K-Street, et al), Jewish political power (AIPAC, Israel et al), Jewish media power (FOX "news", New York Times, S.I.T.E. Intell, et al), Jewish intellectual power (PNAC, a Clean Break, et al), behind almost every single major economic, political, and military decision made in this country during the last thirty years.

Most of them not only disastrous or even catastrophic for the people of this nation, but also highly profitable or geo-politically advantageous for many members (not all!!) of the "Jewish Community", either here or in Israel. In fact this endless parade of Jewish involvement in these decisions and policies is becoming increasingly annoying.

It would be an actual relief, a distinct pleasure in fact, if the next evil plan like PNAC, or evil media campaign for war, or another nefarious take over of the political establishment is attempted by a group composed of those other than members of the "Jewish Community".  - mpg
- posted 09-24-10
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Tea Party is Just a Media Spectacle
Video - Alt - (RTYuTb - 6 min 16 sec - September 22, 2010) - Source:  TheAlyonaShow - Producer:  RussiaToday -- A quote...."(RussiaToday) – “The Tea Party is a media spectacle to make working people believe they have power,” Joe Bageant (author of "Rainbow Pie: A Redneck Memoir", [Borders, A&R, QBD,, Rdngs]) said during an interview on RT, a global television network based in Moscow, Russia."  - posted 09-24-10

Prepare To Be Betrayed
A quote...."You might as well know right now, however, that the Tea Party, no matter how successful it is at the polls in November, will certainly betray the party of liberty. There are several reasons for this, but the fundamental one is intellectual. The Tea Party does not have a coherent view of liberty. Its activists tend to be good on specific economic issues like taxes, spending, stimulus, and health care. They worry about government intervention in these areas and can talk a good game." - posted 09-21-10

Tea With Frankenstein: Please, No Masturbation - posted at ICH
Special Note - Satire - A quote...."The new batch of Republican monsters includes a candidate – now the official Republican nominee for the United States Senate from Delaware, mind you – who has staked out a tough position against – no, I’m not kidding here – masturbation. -- Christine O’Donnell once averred that “The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can't masturbate without lust.” -- And why the hell not? Surely the reason that our country has so rapidly fallen into decline is that god is punishing America because so many of us are jerking off all the time. -- You know who you are. -- Oh, and did you hear that she was once a witch? That she believes that scientists have bred mice-men with human brains? That she has no job? And that – despite running on a platform of cleaning up Washington’s fiscal disaster – she has a train wreck for a record of her personal finances? -- I’m not kidding. Remember way back when – like, you know, yesterday – when you would have accused me of bad comedy writing for making such things up? Guess what? None of these are. -- America, this is you, 2010. Kinda makes you pine for the good ol’ days of the thirteenth century, doesn’t it?" - posted 09-20-10 - For more on the "Tea Party" see....How About a "Justice Party"? - 04-23-10 - mpg

Take a Second Look at Christine O’Donnell
Special Note - Related Article - A quote...."WARNING:  I’m going to be cruel. -- Christine O’Donnell’s victory in the Delaware Republican primary may not be cause for celebration.  A Christine O’Donnell in Washington may just mean one more vote for endless war in the Middle East." - posted 09-20-10

Who’s picking up the tab for the tea party?
A quote...."The tea party movement may have genuine grassroots. But just beneath the surface are professional fund-raisers, foundations, and political action committees – some of which have been around for years – pushing a conservative-libertarian agenda." - posted 09-20-10

The Tea Party primary election victories
A quote...."The upset victory of far-right Tea Party candidates in Tuesday's Republican primary elections must be seen within the context of an immense social crisis and growing economic distress in the United States. -- The victory, in particular, of two candidates opposed by the Republican Party establishment—Christine O'Donnell in the Delaware senatorial primary and Carl Paladino in the New York gubernatorial primary—is a distorted reflection of the general growth of popular anger and disillusionment with the political system. -- This is not to say that the results of these contests and previous Republican primaries in which Tea Party candidates ousted more established incumbents—such as last month’s victory of Joe Miller over incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski in Alaska—represent the emergence of a mass popular right-wing movement. Voter turnout in these primary contests has remained dismally low, at about 20 percent, reflecting broad disgust with both big business parties." -- posted 09-15-10

Two Multibillionaire Brothers Are Remaking America for Their Own Benefit
A quote...."There's a difference between being paranoid and being suspicious. Paranoia is mental disturbance; suspicion is a rational deduction. -- For example, if you suspect that America's economy, politics, government, media, judiciary and practically every other system has been wired to favor corporate interests over every other interest in our country, you're deducing, not hallucinating. From the infamous Wall Street bailout to the Supreme Court's shameful decree that corporations have more political rights than humans, we see again and again that corporate might overwhelms what's right." - also posted at CommonDreams & BLN - Source:  Jim Hightower -- posted 09-09-10

Some Modest Questions for the Tea Party, and for Democrats Too
A quote...."Having followed the news about the "Restoring Honor" Tea Party rally organized by Glenn Beck on Saturday, August 28, I have some questions for its leaders and participants. Some of the rhetoric I heard about a new movement to bring back America's traditional values left me a little confused." -- posted 08-31-10

The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party
A quote...."ANOTHER weekend, another grass-roots demonstration starring Real Americans who are mad as hell and want to take back their country from you-know-who. Last Sunday the site was Lower Manhattan, where they jeered the “ground zero mosque.” This weekend, the scene shifted to Washington, where the avatars of oppressed white Tea Party America, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, were slated to “reclaim the civil rights movement” (Beck’s words) on the same spot where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had his dream exactly 47 years earlier. ---  Vive la révolution!  ---  There’s just one element missing from these snapshots of America’s ostensibly spontaneous and leaderless populist uprising: the sugar daddies who are bankrolling it, and have been doing so since well before the “death panel” warm-up acts of last summer. Three heavy hitters rule. You’ve heard of one of them, Rupert Murdoch. The other two, the brothers David and Charles Koch, are even richer, with a combined wealth exceeded only by that of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett among Americans. But even those carrying the Kochs’ banner may not know who these brothers are." - also posted at BLN -- Rupert Murdoch tried to take over the NYT's a few years back and they don't like him, that said, this appears to be another good artilce from the NYT's.  Are they starting a trend of actual, REAL, reporting (gasp!)? - mpg -- posted 08-31-10

The Billionaire's Party
Special Note - A quote...."David Koch is New York’s second-richest man, a celebrated patron of the arts, and the tea party’s wallet." - posted 08-23-10

The Truth Behind the Tea Parties
A quote...."Current attempts to revive that Boston Tea Party of 1773 are marketing gimmicks to masquerade conservative forces bent on defeating Obama and destroying any attempt to reform the present gridlock political system. -- Examining the history of this faux-movement reveals the actors behind the curtain." - posted 07-29-10

Protofascism Comes to America: The Rise of the Tea Party - posted at ICH
A quote...."Typical Tea Party rants fit the classic fascist mold in several respects. America, Tea Partiers complain, is falling behind. Like Hitler, they blame leftists and liberals for a "stab in the back," treason on the homefront. The trappings of hypernationalism--flags, bunting, etc.--are notably pervasive at Tea Party rallies, even by American standards. We see "collaboration with traditional elites"--Rush Limbaugh, Congressmen, Republican Party bigwigs (including the most recent vice presidential nominee)--to an extent that is unprecedented in recent history. -- Tea Partiers haven't called for extralegal solutions to the problems they cite--but neither did the National Socialists prior to 1933. Then again, they're not in power yet. Wait. -- One major component is missing: aggressive militarism. Certainly most Tea Partiers support America's wars and the troops who fight them. But Tea Partiers focus on domestic issues. Similarly, the Nazis didn't make much of their aggressive intent until after they seized power."  --   Unless the Tea Party comes out IMMEDIATELY and denounces the Empire, the US-NRE's eight hundred military bases, the Federal Reserve, the Banksters, Israel, calls for a roll back of ALL the constitutional infringments that have taken place in the last ten years and also calls for a full, impartial, independent, investigation of 9/11....THEY CAN NOT BE TRUSTED. - mpg-- For more on this issue see....How About a "Justice Party"? - 04-23-10 - mpg  - posted 07-22-10  

Party Scooper
A quote...."Responding to Tea Party audiences who say "We love Libertarian principles but we have to vote for Republicans because we can’t let the Democrats win," Ken Matesz, Ohio’s first Libertarian gubernatorial candidate since pterodactyls flew, wrote recently:  --  "This makes me wonder about the value of the tea party groups. If their only goal is to prevent Democrats from being elected, then why all the education? Why bother with learning the Constitution? Why bother circulating petitions for health-care amendments? Why bother calling and writing to congressmen and senators? Why bother learning more about free-market economics? Why study the founders and our founding principles? If the solution lies in electing Republicans, then there is no more you need to know. Just show up and vote Republican and all will be well."  --  I read Ken’s comments on the air. The phone lines should be repaired by next Tuesday." - posted 07-19-10

A Tea Party to Nowhere
A quote...."The Tea Party phenomenon has attracted a good deal of both good and bad attention in the media. Though it would perhaps be a stretch to describe it as a movement in that it has only limited organization and focus, it does tap into a genuine disconnect between the American people and the federal government in Washington. Most Tea Partiers claim to want smaller and cheaper government, less interference from Washington in their daily lives, and fewer programs that are intended to socially re-engineer the nation. So far, so good, but then comes the huge failure to comprehend that is as wide as the Grand Canyon. Most also want a strong, assertive national defense and are supporters of an aggressive foreign and security policy." - posted 06-06-10

Horowitz the Flim Flam Man -- Among the Teabaggers
A quote...."I had less fun than Voltaire and am not a philosopher but a certain curiosity found me at a dinner a few evenings ago held by the Albuquerque Tea Party featuring as guest speaker the right’s own aging billy goat, David Horowitz. Flim flam man, wannabe Borscht Belt entertainer and pint-sized demagogue, Horowitz held forth for two hours in a room at the Albuquerque Convention Center, thoroughly teabagging the credulous crowd of middle-aged and older white folks, ordinary Americans justifiably outraged at the mendacity, hypocrisy and sheer elitist arrogance of their own government, whether Republican or Democrat, and who, to their credit, are actively seeking avenues for a redress of grievances.  --  The gathering was overwhelmingly white—no African Americans and very few even moderately brown faces. Unusual was a tall young man who looked Central Asian, a Pakistani, or Indian, maybe, certainly not a Muslim. Horowitz expelled half his verbal gas hatefully excoriating the Muslim religion, which the crowd seemed to accept routinely and in some cases with vociferous approval. The vibe in the room when Horowitz talked about immigration and the “corrupt culture” of Mexico (“culture,” not “system,” or even “culture of corruption”) was palpably ugly. Our waiters and waitress were mostly brown skinned people who served us impassively. When Horowitz praised the “great governor of Arizona” the crowd cheered heartily." - posted 05-26-10

Terminally Dumb People
A quote...."May 13, 2010 "Information Clearing House"  Terminally-dumb people have always been with us of, course.  It can’t be that we’ve suddenly gone stupid. -- If you shake your head and roll your eyes at the nonsense coming out of the Teaparty followers of Sarah “Africa is a country” Palin and other intellectual giants like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh … If you have thoughts of moving abroad after the latest silly lies and fantasies like “Obama the Marxist” and “Obama the antichrist” …  If you share Noam Chomsky’s feeling: “I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime” … keep in mind that the right wing has long been at least as stupid and as mean-spirited.  Consider some of the behavior of the same types for half a century during the Cold War with its beloved — albeit imaginary — “International Communist Conspiracy”. " - posted 05-13-10

The Tea Party's Blind Eye on Torture
You want to know what Ann Coulter said about torture...."it's good and Christian-y" that's what she said.  Why don't those AIPAC butt-kissing Tea Partiers just get together with Karl Rove, Jeff Gannon, some of the boys from SERE (Sodomize Every Rectum Everywhere), James Dobson, a few of the Congressional pages, the Pope, half the Priests in the Catholic Church, half of San Francisco, that moronic cheer leader George Bush, (yeah, he was a male cheer leader, what, you didn't know?) put on some dueling banjo CD's and watch the hundreds of homo-sadistic torture/snuff videos from the CIA's and DoD's numerous black sites and dungeons across the world.  We'll televise the whole thing on Faux-news and call it Washington's coming out Tea Party.  Welcome folks, to the New Roman Empire.  It's your tax dollars at work AND "play". - mpg - posted 05-04-10

Sniffing Out Tea Party Corporatism
A quote...."Consortium News Editor’s Note: The Tea Party movement has generated a lot of media talk about “populism,” which gets defined as the battle between Big Government and the Common Folk, but what gets ignored is that the only feasible check on unlimited corporate power would be a democratized and energized federal government. -- So, by targeting government, not corporatism, the Tea Partiers serve essentially as “faux populist” front-men for corporate interests, a reality noted by longtime populist Jim Hightower and cited in this guest essay by Michael Winship:" - posted 05-01-10

Do They Hate Liberals More Than They Love Liberty? -- The Politics of the Tea Partyers
A quote...."Many “tea party” activists staunchly oppose big government, except when it is warring, wiretapping, or waterboarding. A movement that started out denouncing government power apparently has no beef with some of the worst abuses of modern times. -- Unfortunately, there is scant evidence that most tea partyers have studied the copies of the Constitution they generously hand out to bystanders." - posted 04-26-10

CBS Poll: Fox News Succeeds In Hijacking Tea Parties From Ron Paul
Told You!!  Tea Partiers are mindless, drooling, Stealth-Repub-Sarah-Palin worshiping, AIPAC butt-kissing, Rupert-Murdoch-Faux-News-Zombies.  Their brains have been scooped out and their skulls filled to the brim with infantile, childish, reality-free-zone, AIPAC/Murdoch pig-slop, which they than mindlessly spew out to the whole world.  They're dangerous, TV-addicted, mental-crap imbibing, know-nothing, "what-me-worry" programmed automatons of the AIPAC lobby, the Banksters and the Military Industrial Complex.  They're going to get a lot more innocent people killed and help make everyone in this country even poorer than they already are. - mpg -- posted 04-20-10

Right-wing radio host calls tea parties ‘the Sarah Palin movement’
Video - Special Note - AltIt's now OVER for the tea/repub/sarah-palin/bagger-party.  This website editor was patient, and the tea-baggers have now spoken, and as the speaker whom they tried to shout down so elequantly stated, they're now "part of the problem".  They have revealed themselves for what they truly are, just some more RepubDemo shills, part of the political machine that has brought this society to the low point it finds itself today.  It's a real shame they desire more wars, more taxes, more empire, more money for the Bankster class, and an oppressive all encompassing police state to enforce the Bankster's will....but they do. Let's make this abundantly clear to everyone out there, as the economy begins to go into its next, possibly fatal down-leg, no-one, absolutely NO-ONE, should feel sorry for these people or try to help them in anyway. They have made their choice, and they have chosen empire over America. - mpg - posted 04-19-10

Tea Partiers Protect Wall Street - posted at ConsortiumNews
A quote...."Consortium News Editor’s Note: The Tea Party movement purports to fight alongside average Americans against the depredations of the evil federal government, but the reality is quite different: the Tea Partiers, in league with the likes of lobbyist Dick Armey, are actually protecting Big Corporations – the greedy banks, soulless health insurance firms and reckless mine owners – from effective regulation." - posted 04-19-10