Everyone Bares The Blame

Everyone Bares The Blame

Covid Coverup: Trump Lied…People Died
Must Listen TNAudio - Alt/Aud - (TNSndCld - 1hr38min03sec - Sept 9th, 2020) -- Source:  TruNews - TN Podcasts - TN Videos -- A quote...."Today on TruNews we discuss why white lies matter, as notorious hatchet man Bob Woodward reveals that President Trump intentionally lied to America about the coronavirus. We also detail the other fibs and philandering in the spiritually dead religious right, as the modern day Sanhedrin prepares to assemble in Washington D.C. on the Jewish day of blood sacrifice. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward "
Let's make this abundantly clear
  • SARS-CoV2 & Symptoms Covid19... ARE - NOT - THE - FLU!
  • It is a Bio-Weapon
  • Designed in the US, and released in China, by the Jewish Crime Syndicate
  • It doesn't act like the Flu.  It's symptoms are nowhere the same as the Flu. It does VERY odd, non-Flu like things, to the vast majority of those who contract it.
  • It also has caused absolutely bizarre and sometimes deadly, or long-lasting symptoms, to some of those that get infected. Admittedly only a small proportion. So far as we currently know.
  • SARS-CoV2 & Symptoms Covid19... IS - ALSO - NOT - A Terrible Pandemic. (At least not yet.  Hopefully it won't mutate to become one, which is a known risk with the "Mitigation" strategy)
  • After all the numbers are crunched, and the excess deaths added up, those deaths occurring above the five year average for heart-attack, stroke, and other causes of morbidity.  SARS-COv2 will wind up probably being the proximate cause of death to roughly 250,000 to 300,000 Americans in its first year
  • That's bad, but it's only about seven to eight times the number of Americans who'll die from the regular Flu every year, A seven year average of roughly 37,000  (Excluding what occurred during the lowest year, 12,000 and highest year 61,000)
What should also be made clear is the following
  • SARS-CoV2 & Symptoms Covid19 has been the most politicized disease in world history... EVER!
  • The "Hammer Strategy" (a complete and total thirty day lock-down to wipe it out) was not, and will never be, an option in the United States given that nation's political and cultural temperament.
  • Just look at the absolute idiocy, constantly spewing from the alt-right regarding this issue, if you have any doubts about that statement.  With their absolutely insane "Herd Strategy".  A brand new, odious, never before discussed policy where you just let a disease rip through the targeted population, a'la Dwarnisim & Neo-Libertarianism, and those who survive are supposed to develope an "immunity".  A perfectly, sick, demented, strategy to allow our Judeo-Overlords to cull their "herds" of goyum-sheeple and goyum-cattle, at will, without complaint or protest.
  • So Trump's administration was ALWAYS going to carry out the "Mitigation Strategy" (rolling lock-downs to mitigate the immediate impact of SARS-CoV2 & Symptoms Covid19, and allow the disease to spread slowly)
  • In other words, the amount of deaths that would have occurred were inevitable, no matter what Trump said or didn't say.
  • But Trump Lied - Trump should have told the truth.  But he's an egotistical show-man, and total pawn of the Jewish coterie that completely surrounds and manages him.  And to them, the "truth is ALWAYS relative"
Everyone involved bares the blame
  • Jewish Chabad Lubavitch member Jerald Kushner repeatedly recommended that Trump Talk to Jew Bob Woodward..... Which he did.  Eighteen times
  • Those interviews occurred in February
  • Bob Woodward, who's Jewish, kept it secret - He bares the blame too
  • Bob Woodward's publishers (no doubt also Jewish) kept it secret - They bare the blame too
  • Bob Woodward has not only released it NOW to help with his book-deal and make money, he obviously also did it to torpedo Trump's reelection chances
  • Jewish Chabd Lubuvitich member Jerald Kushner, and many members of Trump's administration, many of them also Jewish, also knew about these dire prognostications since Febuary - They bare the blame too
  • They, and their fellow Jewish bethern on Wall Street, and in the Banksters' board rooms, could have taken positions in the Markets to reflect that knowledge before SARS-CoV2 and its effects became apparent.
  • That's something everyone should think about
  • No doubt the fact that almost everyone involved in this ENTIRE situation is Jewish, and made possibly tens of billions of dollars from it, is all simply just another one of those coincidences
  • That's also something everyone should think about - mpg - Topix  ||  Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak  ||