ARCHIVE 05-22-06 TO 06-15-06

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Posted 06-15-06
by MPG

If you want to understand the "Great Game" our malignant, murderous little Neocon's are playing, here's two good articles for you edification.  Tomgram: Michael Klare on Playing Chess with Iran and the more florid but eminently readable Dollar Imperialism at Hermes Press.  Put the two togeter and you've got the U.S.'s policy in a nutshell.

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Posted 06-08-06
by MPG
They Got That Horrible Monster.

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posted 06-05-06
revised 06-06-06
re-revised 06-07-06
Vote for Us or there WILL be another Attack
PNAC is Still on Schedule.
by MPG

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posted 06-01-06
What' going on over there at the F.C.C.?

Well what's wrong with the Bush administration?  I can't believe what I'm reading these days, the F.C.C. is actually investigating  dozens of American T.V. stations for airing Bush produced "shows" and "news" items.  You have got to be kidding me!  Do you know where this could lead...!?!?!? Everything shown on T.V. printed in the newspapers, and spewed out on the radio for the past five years by our illustrious "mass media" is a Bush produced "news" item.  These people at the F.C.C. are going to have to hire at least another hundred thousand employees just to complete their investigations.  I know the Bush people want to make the economy look good but don't you think this is taking things to far?

I mean come on, if you guys in the  White Wash  House can hire the Rendon Group to lie us into a war and the Lincoln Group to make us feel good when we get there, surely you can control a bunch of dweeby do-goodies.  After all weren't your people the one's who got our own G.I's to write articles putting the positive spin on the war, and than paying a bunch of Iraqies to pass them off as the "news". I'm deeply concerned that you guys are losing your powers of persuasion, that your bag of dirty tricks is running dry, I gotta tell you Bush I'm begining to lose faith in you.

Gee whiz George, what we're talking about here is the lowest of the low, the bottom of the barrow, they're federal employees for god's sake, they don't have any money, they can't pay $10,000 a plate to have dinner with you, just intimidate them like you like you did to Kofi Anan when he said the Iraq invasion was an illegal war.  Go after their families; bring them in for psyche testing.  Come on man, do to the F.C.C. what you've done to the C.I.A,  just purge the whole lot of them, get nasty as you're alway willing to do.  Not personally of course, you don't want to get your hands dirty, just hire someone like Porter Goss to do your deeds for you.  He's out of a job now and looking for work anyway, so put him in charge of the F.C.C. It's what you've done in the past and it's always worked out for you, right?


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 posted 05-31-06

Well here's an excellent article at VHeadline Com that lists's four reason's why many people believe the U.S. invaded Iraq, and guess what, it's not WMD, the al Quaeda connection, 9/11 or bringing 'freedom and demorcracy' to the Iraqi people.  But let me tell you, out of the four reasons given, the main reason has, and always will be, oil. He who controls the oil, controls the world..  Also check out another good article they have about the U.S's incredibly shrinking dollar, along with the related massively increasing U.S. debt (courtesy of Gorge Bush). The article suggests its one reason the markets have been a little choopy of late.

By the way my suggestion to all you countries out there regarding the incredibly shrinking dollar is for you to vaccinate yourselves as soon as possible.  This would be for the good of your people and that of your economies.


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posted 05-29-06
revised 05-30-06
The Last Bastion of Freedom is Falling

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Posted 05-27-2006

I wasn't going to post anything today, but I saw this gem at Liberty Post.

For years I, and about ten million other bloogers out there have been screaming our heads off about the Bush families and Texas Cabal's thirty year connection with the Saudi Royal and bin Lauden families.  How fifteen out of the nineteen hijackers who participated in the attack of 9/11 were Saudi citizens.  Etc. etc., etc., ad infinitum.  During which time almost every single one of our "mainstream"  info-tainment faux-news outlets (i.e. the five conglomerates who control 90% of the magazines, newspapers, radios and TVs in this country) did absolutely nothing about investigating these connections.  Today I read this article in Insight On the News,  "Saudis driving UAE efforts to buy U.S. ports, military factories" . What can I say, I guess it's just another one of those "fortuitous" circumstances........ they seem to come up an awful lot don't they?
Posted 05-26-06  MPG

It appears the Judy Miller saga and regrettably, although not surprisingly, that of the New York Times is a story that just won’t die, (see -- ‘The NYT & Judy Miller Most Stunning Failure Yet 05-20-06 below), and rightfully so, since the story involves the untimely death of almost three thousand Americans.  It appears “the story that got away" perhaps shouldn’t have, and as soon as Bushy and his friends are gotten out of the White House, one way or another, there will have to be a complete and through investigation of what led up to 9/11 instead of that laughable gaggle of Bush cronies called the 9/11 commission.


It appears there’s further evidence that the Bush Cabal is bugging out of Afghanistan, as I noted in my comments regarding their mind boggingly stupid plan to leave half billion dollars worth of R.P.G.s, small arms & ammo in that country, (see -- US Sets up £215m Deal for Afghan Arms - from Russia 05-22-06)


Here’s a letter I sent out quite a while ago dated 07-16-05, it’s a little subtle so just…….think about it.

BEGIN LETER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I was listening to some tapes I got of the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy while I was cleaning my apartment, in anticipation of (redacted)’s arrival when I heard something similar to what I've been saying [for the last few years.]

The narrator was reading from the historical section of the Guide.
The History of Warfare per the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
The history of warfare consists of three basic phases in a race’s evolution.

Retribution, anticipation and diplomacy

Retribution – I’m going to kill you because you killed my brother.
Anticipation - I’m going to kill you because I killed your brother.
Diplomacy – I’m going to kill my brother and than kill you on the pretext your brother did it.

Sound familiar?

My isn’t it nice how far we’ve evolved?

The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was of course written way before our current events. I guess I should have listened to those tapes a few years ago instead of doing all this intellectual struggling.
END LETTER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yes isn’t it nice how far we've evolved….. and let me assure each and every one of you reading this post, it’s going to get much, much worse.


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Viral-Neocons :
A clinical medical diagnosis.
posted 05-25-06
revised 05-26-06

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posted 05-23-2006

A recent poll regarding 9/11 by Zobgy International shows that 42% of Americans believe the "US government and 9/11 Commission are covering up" what really happened on 9/11, while 48% believe they're not.  Not surprisingly most of the 48% who think they're not covering up voted for George Bush..... ESPECIALLY the wealthy of this country.

So that's what they mean by the phrase 'voting for your pocketbook' or 'it's the economy stupid'

It's funny really, that's what I've been saying all along..... just follow the money.


Be sure to check out Wayne Madsen's Report. In it he says "WMR has obtained a confidential "France Only" report of the French intelligence service, Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure (DGSE), that states that the CIA and Britain's MI-6 maintained effective control of an important Al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan as late as 1995, fully two years after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.."

Well that's a suprise.


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posted 05-22-2006

US Sets up £215m Deal for Afghan Arms - from Russia

OH…. this is hilarious, if it’s true, it’s divine comedy.

 The Bush administration diverted its troops and Special Forces from the ‘hunt’ (read public relations spin) in Afghanistan for their ‘enemy’ (read former friend and comrade) Osama bin Laden to invade Iraq.  A country that never attacked the U.S. (but one that has lots of oil).  As a result of course Osama has never been caught (read ‘how fortuitous’) and the Taliban have been gaining in strength ever since.

They now plan to bug-out and abandon Afghanistan leaving the mess they created for NATO to clean up.

But in order to ‘help’ Afghanistan Bushy and Pals (read the American taxpayer) are now going to pay the Russians (sincere congratulations to Putin & by the way what did you do for Bushy for this largess?) to leave a stockpile of half a billion dollars in small arms there in that chaotic and divided land.

After finding out they’ve been fooled and left as cannon fodder by the Americans, NATO (read the enraged European public) will quit Afghanistan leaving the country to the tender mercies of the increasingly powerful Taliban and other Jihadist groups.

No doubt these groups will sincerely thank Bush and his Pals for the Guns, Ammo and RPG’s graciously purchased by the American taxpayer’s by demonstrating what they can do with these weapons…..against the American taxpayers.

Hummmmm…… this sounds so familiar. Let’s see if I can remember this.  I know we've ‘helped’ Afghanistan once before, then we abandoned that devastated and destroyed country leaving huge piles of armaments behind which were later turned against us….. what was it called?  Nine something or other wasn’t it? Gosh gee-wiz I’m an American so you know what that means, I’m totally incapable of ‘connecting the dots’ and I just can’t remember anything that happened more then six months ago.

But I do know as Mrs. Middle America says “we had to get ‘them’, all of them” after that thing called nine something or other.

I guess will just have to do it again….and again….and again….and again….and again…..and again…...and again...... and again......


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Published on Monday, May 22, 2006
by the Telegraph / UK
posted at
US Sets up £215m Deal for Afghan Arms - from Russia
by Thomas Harding

Web address for article  --  Telegraph / UK

American defence officials have secretly requested a "prodigious quantity" of ammunition from Russia to supply the Afghan army in case a Democrat president takes over in Washington and pulls out US troops.

The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Pentagon chiefs have asked arms suppliers for a quote on a vast amount of ordnance, including more than 78 million rounds of AK47 ammunition, 100,000 rocket-propelled grenades and 12,000 tank shells - equivalent to about 15 times the British Army's annual requirements.

The Bush administration is said to want the deal because of worries that the next president could be a Democrat, possibly Hillary Clinton, who may abandon Afghanistan.

White House insiders fear that Afghanistan could "drift" and consequently, they want heavily to arm President Hamid Kharzai's government before the 2008 US presidential election.

Diplomatic sources also believe that the US may be offering the estimated $400 million (£215 million) deal, including transport costs, to the Russians as an inducement to embargo its arms and nuclear technology exports to Iran.

Defence specialists said Russian arms chiefs at first "fell about laughing" because they thought the order was a joke when it arrived this month.

But with the Americans said to be pressing for a price and earliest delivery date, the request is being rapidly processed and exports could begin before the end of this year.

The "decade's worth" of ammunition will give the Afghan National Army a vast arsenal to deal with Taliban or drug warlords if Washington withdraws its troops.

It would allow Kabul to defend its borders against outside interference but could also be used for offensive operations against neighbours such as the old enemy, Pakistan.

"This is a request for a price indication from the Pentagon to the Russians," said an arms source connected to Russia. "After that comes back they will look at their budget and turn it into an order - and it will be an order of huge magnitude.

"The operations and planning staff at the Pentagon came up with numbers for their wish list.

"The final order may be more or may be less but the broad aim is to spend the budget while they can. They want to stack the country up with ammunition.

"It's the equivalent of buying yourself a plane to fly to Le Touquet for lunch and you get yourself a 747 jumbo instead of a light aircraft."

All of the material will come from Rosoboron Exports, the sole state intermediary agency for Russia's military exports.

Most Afghan weaponry is either Soviet era or compatible with Russian munitions, making shipments from Western countries unnecessary. Rosoboron is one of a few companies that could handle such a big order and should give favourable prices.

The Afghan army is 35,000 strong but is expected to grow to 70,000 trained soldiers by 2009.

Its troops are already beginning to receive advanced infantry training - the American order includes 50 million blank rounds - with soldiers specialising in artillery and special forces work.

The order also suggests the Afghan army will be equipped with T62 tanks, Mi24 Hind attack helicopters and Spandrel anti-tank missiles.

If fully trained it will provide a formidable force against insurgents and potential foreign aggressors, including Pakistan where tensions are high on the southern border.

"This is completely refitting the Afghan army for the long term and it should stop a resurgence of the Taliban in its tracks," a British arms expert said. "The order will take a year to make and deliver but the Russians are used to large quantities."

A senior British officer said: "The point of getting Afghanistan up and running is so they can take on their own operations.

"This deal makes sense if we are going to hand over military control to them."

Some observers pointed to the irony of the deal, because when the Soviet Union occupied Afghanistan the Americans sold Stinger surface-to- air missiles to the Mujahideen to enable them to shoot down Moscow's aircraft.

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2006


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sent 05-20-2006

The NYT & Judy Miller, most stunning failure yet?

Hey does this sound familiar.  After reading this article re-read the first two pages of my Mr. Reficul article (mailing number 13) dated 08-29-2005 attached below.
Just think if this is what the NYT is willing to ADMIT to, what are all the other conservative ‘news’ outlets covering up?  MPG

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   start judy miller artilce

Daily News Attytood:
Posted on May 18, 2006 11:26 AM
 by Will Bunch at -
The NY Times, Judy Miller and 9/11: The most stunning failure yet?
Web addrss  --
Also see Chris Floyd’s take on this at --
Just in the last three years, we've lived through a non-stop string of controversy and scandal at the New York Times -- the Jayson Blair scandal, the various Judy Miller WMD-misinfo-and-Plame scandals, not to mention questions about the timing of its (deservedly) Pulitzer Prize-winning scoop on warrantless wiretapping, which could have been published before the 2004 presidential election.
At this point, we thought that nothing new coming out of West 43rd Street could surprise us -- until today.
Because just now, some 56 months after the fact, we are learning that both Judy Miller and her editors at the New York Times had information that foretold the 9/11 terror attacks and elected not to publish it. Reading the new story carefully, it does seem that a decision to publish the article in the summer of 2001 was not a "slam dunk,' that there were legitimate questions whether Miller's tip was enough to hang a story on. But the episode does raise a couple of other serious questions -- surely about the pre-attack ineptitude of the Bush White House, but also over the Times' handling of this explosive info both before and after 9/11.
The news comes (by way of Raw Story) from journalists Rory O'Connor and William Scott Malone, and it was published today on the Alternet web site:
Now, in an exclusive interview, [Judy] Miller reveals how the attack on the Cole spurred her reporting on Al Qaida and led her, in July 2001, to a still-anonymous top-level White House source, who shared top-secret NSA signals intelligence (SIGINT) concerning an even bigger impending Al Qaida attack, perhaps to be visited on the continental United States.
Ultimately, Miller never wrote that story either. But two months later -- on Sept. 11 -- Miller and her editor at the Times, Stephen Engelberg, both remembered and regretted the story they "didn't do."
She said that the key information about a possible al-Qaeda attack came to her on July 4 weekend:
"But I did manage to have a conversation with a source that weekend. The person told me that there was some concern about an intercept that had been picked up. The incident that had gotten everyone's attention was a conversation between two members of Al Qaida. And they had been talking to one another, supposedly expressing disappointment that the United States had not chosen to retaliate more seriously against what had happened to the Cole. And one Al Qaida operative was overheard saying to the other, 'Don't worry; we're planning something so big now that the U.S. will have to respond.'
"And I was obviously floored by that information. I thought it was a very good story: (1) the source was impeccable; (2) the information was specific, tying Al Qaida operatives to, at least, knowledge of the attack on the Cole; and (3) they were warning that something big was coming, to which the United States would have to respond. This struck me as a major page one-potential story.
Miller's editor at the time was Engelberg, one of the most respected names in the newspaper business, now a top editor at the Oregonian in Portland. He said he was tantalized by the tip but that he felt with so little specifics -- about who the alleged al-Qaeda operatives were, or the nature of any planned attack -- that there just wasn't enough there for a full-blown article. Like any good editor, he still broods over that decision years later.
"On Sept. 11th, I was standing on the platform at the 125th Street station," he remembered ruefully more than four years later. "I was with a friend, and we both saw the World Trade Center burning and saw the second one hit. 'It's Al-Qaida!' I yelled. 'We had a heads-up!' So yes, I do still have regrets."
Three points here, one about Bush and two about journalism:
1) This has been said so many time before, so we won't belabor the point, but how much more evidence do people need that the Bush White House had plenty of information about the pending 9/11 attacks, and failed to take the threat seriously? The relatively high marks that Bush gets on terrorism issues, even today, just aren't supported by the facts.
2) As for the New York Times, the decision not to publish pre-9/11 is a toss-up. But why, in God's name, was this information not published in any clear and meaningful way immediately after 9/11, on the pages of the Times itself. Doesn't anyone think that information of advance warnings of the attack in the highest levels of Washington is something that the public needed to know in those early days after the attacks?
Instead, from what we can gather, the information has dribbled out... some of it in a 2005 article in Columbia Journalism Review, and some of it today in a story on an alternative, progressive Web site. Who exactly was the Times protecting in not writing this article in September 2001, immediately after the attack, and why?
3) Another stunner from the new article: One reason that Miller wasn't able to do the additional reporting that might have added enough meat to get the al-Qaeda story in the paper pre-9/11 was because she, Engelberg, and another reporter were all busy trying to finish a book:
"At the time I also had had a book coming out. Steve, Bill Broad and I were co-authors of a book about biological terrorism. So we were working flat out on that book trying to meet our deadline. I was desperately trying to get my arms around this series that we were trying to do on Al Qaida. I was having a lot of trouble because the information was very hard to come by. There was a lot going on. I was also doing biological weapons stories and homeland security stories. And in Washington, if you don't have a sense of immediacy about something, and if you sense that there is bureaucratic resistance to a story, you tend to focus on areas of less resistance.
So this is now the third time that the timing and flow of a news article with major impact on the electorate and the American political debate was affected by journalists working on a book, and the conflict that posed with their responsibility to newspaper readers. The others are Bob Woodward's withholding of information about the CIA-Valerie Plame case he uncovered during his book research, and James Risen's warrantless wiretapping scoop, which was finally published in the Times after he finished writing a book on the same subject.
There's got to be a better system here. In theory, we think that newspaper reporters writing books is a good thing, certainly for the career of the reporter and usually for the reading public. But must the public's right-to-know be a casualty, time and time again?

first two pages of  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- start losing one's faith
Losing One's Faith - 9/11 & Iraq 13th addendem
13th mailing 08-29-05
San Francisco, CA.
No responses received except for one, a one liner. The rest were auto-replies and one echo-back.  None sent besides this mailing number 13.  If you’ve received anything else it wasn’t from me.
Since I wrote my last letter I was sure the ‘mainstream media’ of this country, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, NPR, PBS etc. would bow to the inevitable and recognize the futility of ignoring the barrage of facts out there on the web detailing this government’s murderous crimes.  Motivated and encouraged by the enormous amount of excellent information available they would begin to investigate our nation’s leaders and what they have done to this country.
I was wrong.
I no longer find it remarkable that the U.S.’s ‘mainstream media’ still adamantly refuse to investigate the real motives behind 911. Perhaps they consider 911 a fait a’compli and therefore not worth their attention.  Perhaps they feel the deaths of those 3,500 Americans should only serve our elite’s pious exhortations of obedience to lay down our lives for an endless series of causes that have already proven to be untrue. Perhaps the U.S.  Perhaps it’s just a matter of a paycheck to them.
Perhaps the media really don't care about their reputatuions.
What I do find remarkable however, and to be quite honest, unbelievably absurd is their lack of coverage regarding our governments continued and on-going malfeasance in the “war on terror”.
Given the overwhelming evidence, the thousands of letters, e-mails, blogs and foreign newspaper articles generated every day uncovering this administration’s lies one would think sheer embarrassment or perhaps a residual sense of morality would have impelled these “institutions of the forth estate” to do their duty.  As has been the case for far to long however they have shown obedience only to their corporate obligations rather then the people, their readers and the citizens of this country, whom they are supposed to serve.
It’s almost as if they still don’t realize there’s something out there called the world wide web, that people can actually get on it, and use it to discover the truth.
Using a few of the articles I’ve collected and an old 33k dial-up modem I obtained the following web sites in less then 90 minutes.  Think of what you could do with a high-speed line and a few hours.
NOTE : I have no connection with any of the sites listed below, nor do they with me. Simply consider them as annotations supporting what I’ve written and an encouragement for you to do your own research.
Address redacted in this copy
If you are a regular viewer or reader of the ‘mainstream media’ and discover it’s the first time you’ve read about these issues, ask yourself why?
The U.S. media’s lack of coverage regarding our government’s past and current crimes is of course an important issue. It is a moral imperative to bring all the people to justice in the U.S. who helped facilitate 911, those wonderful, brilliant individuals who ‘somehow’ so ‘fortuitously’ pre-positioned themselves to make money off of it, the ones who exploited it as a reason de’ettra to launch a war on the rest of the world.
 However I am well aware that tens of millions of my fellow citizens along with the ‘mainstream’ US media would consider this belief to be a personal failing. That at best it’s simply an eccentricity for someone to feel this way, at worst it’s a sign of insanity.
But ALL of you, EVERYONE OF YOU should ask yourself this question.  Would the US’s media warn us of upcoming terrorist ‘events’?
Obviously our media would report information of an impending attack to the ‘proper’ authorities, whoever they would be.  But would our media tell us if these authorities took any action
Like our authorities, our ‘mainstream’ media has so far shown a complete and utter inability to ‘follow the money’ especially when it might lead to any of the powerful or wealthy in our society or even to foreign countries like Saudi Arabia. Would our media expose issues, evidence, preparations, unauthorized FBI, CIA or NSA leaks, or warnings, of another attack to help prevent one; if by so doing they endangered the profits of, or would cause embarrassment to, the powerful few. Or would they remain silent as they have for the last four years and let another ‘event’ take place?
And if such an ‘event’ were to happen again would our ‘mainstream” media try to salvage what little remains of their credibility as the New York Times tried to do when it printed it’s mea culpa.  An insipid apology of how they were “fooled” by our leader’s lies and falsehoods in the run-up to the Iraq war?
Or would any of them even bother?
By their silence, most of our ‘mainstream’ media have become the enablers, abettors, and facilitators of the absolute evil that has corrupted this nation.  They are as much to blame for this evil as the current administration they so obviously support.
So ask yourself this question. Given what’s gone on for the last four years, what’s more important to our wealthy elites and the media empires they operate; their money; or your lives?

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